
* Keybuk wonders whether moblin have fixed their boot yet00:36
slangasekKeybuk: I think we should start calling you The Cobbler for all the time you spend working on boots00:42
Keybuka co-worker once called me a Blind Cobbler's Thumb00:43
=== zaafou472 is now known as zaafouri
* ogra orders a pair of new laces from Keybuk 00:55
=== slangasek changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Archive: feature-frozen | jaunty alpha-5 released | Development of Ubuntu (not support, not app development on Ubuntu) | #ubuntu for support and general discussion for dapper-intrepid | #ubuntu-motu for getting involved in development | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://wiki.ubuntu.com/HelpingWithBugs | LP believed fixed - please report any further timeouts to #launchpad
StevenKslangasek: Woot!01:21
directhexslangasek, how's cd space looking right now?01:28
slangasekdirecthex: reasonable; we've got a bunch of langpacks fitting now that weren't before (or last cycle)01:29
slangasekif you have more we can trim, though, I'd be happy to get the clippers back out. :)01:29
directhexslangasek, i am officially calling ":)" on that, then01:29
slangasekamusingly, Ubuntu amd64 DVD is oversized01:29
directhexthere is some possible trimming to be done, but i don't know if there'll be enough time for jaunty01:29
slangasekmaybe because we now have too many translations; I haven't looked in detail yet01:30
directhexbut having klingon on there is vital!01:31
KeybukHIja!  tlhIngan maH!01:32
slangasekTheMuso, dtchen: why does pulseaudio build-depend on libcap-dev (instead of libcap2-dev)?01:32
directhexKeybuk, you win, i've been thoroughly out-nerded01:36
directhexeven throwing babylon 5 references at slangasek won't hide my shame01:36
KeybukAh, hell01:36
slangasekKeybuk: you were hoping for a rebuttal in Klingon? :)01:37
Keybukslangasek: no, but I was hoping someone would get _that_ language-related Babylon 5 reference <g>01:37
slangasekKeybuk: what, "ah, hell"?  Kind of a thin reference. :)01:38
Keybukit's Minbari01:38
Keybukfor "open fire" :p01:38
Keybuk(or, at least, something phonetically very similar)01:39
directhexKeybuk, NOW i remember, but slangasek has a point, a bit thin given the 80.67 hours of series to try & spot it from01:40
Keybukdirecthex: it's hardly geek trumps if I pick the easy ones, is it? :p01:40
LaserJockgood grief, the next time somebody tells me chemists are nerdy I'm pointing them to this log :-)01:41
* directhex flings LaserJock through a jump point01:42
* LaserJock focuses his laser down to create some plasma then uses some lenses laying around the lab to launch it at directhex 01:44
slangasekKeybuk: yes, you win, deh fers't01:44
directhexand so to bed01:44
Keybukdidn't I read somewhere that Minbari was basically polish?01:45
directhexzoot zoot01:45
slangasekyou may have read that somewhere, but I dispute this :)01:45
Keybukthe only phrases of any Eastern European languages I know come from pornography01:46
directhexwell, what's "continuous fire" in polish porn? ;)01:47
StevenK"Much of the Minbari spoken on screen is derived from Polish, with phrases such as "не можно" (ne mozhno) spoken with a subtitle saying Don't be, such as in the episode War Without End Part I."01:47
StevenKFrom http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Minbari01:47
KeybukStevenK: if Wikipedia says it, it must be true01:47
directhexStevenK, ehm, isn't polish written with latin alphabet?01:47
StevenKKeybuk: I wasn't saying that, I was pointing out that is where you might have read it.01:48
slangasekthe wikipedia is mother, the wikipedia is father. trust the wikipedia01:48
directhexthe wikipedia hurts us?01:48
Keybukwhat's it got in its wikis, hmm?01:48
directhexnobody listen to poor directhex :(01:49
KeybukI wrote my entire A-Level Computing mock paper as Zathras01:50
* Keybuk was a little disenchanted with school at that point01:50
directhexthat's awesome01:50
directhexi think i used lines from jimi hendrix's "hey joe" as variable names for mine01:51
directhexint heyjoewhereyougoingwiththatguninyourhand = 3;01:51
directhexor whatever the pascal equivalent to that is. my mind has faded with age01:52
Keybuk"Zathras not know why 6502 has both direct and indirect jump statements.  Zathras not understand, but Zathras do".  etc.01:52
KeybukI still have it somewhere01:52
directhexokay, now bedtime fo'realz.01:52
Keybukbecause the school sent it to my parents with a "We are seriously concerned about your child not taking this seriously" type letter01:52
directhexit's nearly the hour of the wolf, and i lack the required vodka01:52
Keybukyou missed a fine moment for an "hour of scampering" reference, there01:53
* slangasek traces the wikipedia article's history, and finds that the Polish claim is manufactured out of whole cloth, awesome01:54
Keybukpulseaudio has finished building ...01:57
Keybuk... 25 separate debs!01:57
TheMusoslangasek: Not sure, something from Debian, and didn't notice. Would you like it changed in the next upload, and are there any advatnages etc? Or is this a transition?02:02
slangasekTheMuso: we currently have both libcap1 and libcap2 in main, it'd be nice to transition one of them out02:02
TheMusoslangasek: right02:02
slangasekTheMuso: there's not much formal transitioning needed02:02
TheMusofair enough02:02
slangasekKeybuk, StevenK: hope you're happy, Vorlon has now edited the Minbari article02:04
TheMusoKeybuk: Unless there is something for pulseaudio/alsa/etc that cannot wait, would it be possible to push a diff to dtchen or myself, and we can get it lined up for our next upload, since we often have stuff queued for a few days before we upload it, just in case something pops up upstream that we want to pull in?02:05
KeybukTheMuso: I've already uploaded it02:06
TheMusoKeybuk: I know, hense my request.02:06
KeybukTheMuso: where would you like the diff?02:07
TheMusoKeybuk: We have a bzr repo for the pulseaudio packaging metadata at lp:~ubuntu-core-dev/pulseaudio/ubuntu. I'm already merging your changes now, so its fine for now,.02:08
KeybukTheMuso: you should add the Vcs-Bzr header to debian/control02:08
Keybukbecause then I would have already given you the change via bzr ;)02:08
TheMusofair enough02:08
dtcheni totally added Vcs-Bzr at some point02:08
KeybukI always make sure to check for that header02:08
TheMusodtchen: looks like it got lost somewhere. I'll re-add it.02:09
TheMusodtchen: and merge your branch.02:09
dtchenTheMuso: ok, thanks. i've a bunch of alsa-lib and alsa-kernel workarounds i'll be pushing to /timing before they end up in /ubuntu02:10
calcumm evolution preferences is too big to fit on a 1280x800 screen with proper DPI set03:59
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calcanyone know if samba is generally broken or just for me? i segfaults on startup04:41
ajmitchcalc: I recall a fix being talked about a couple of days ago for a samba crasher04:45
calcajmitch: hmm must not be uploaded yet, it crashes every time on start for me04:54
ajmitchI guess it's file-a-bug time :)05:04
calcajmitch: i just upgraded and didn't get 4ubuntu105:12
hyperairmeh pbuilder doesn't seem to want to create a sid chroot05:12
giunzinhi. anybody here?05:13
giunzini am using Hardy, and have no Direct Rendering.05:13
giunzinfrom glxinfo:05:13
giunzindirect rendering: No (If you want to find out why, try setting LIBGL_DEBUG=verbose)05:13
giunzinmy video card is: 00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Mobile 945GM/GMS, 943/940GML Express Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 03)05:14
giunzini reported in ubuntu-bugs, but it seems everybody is sleeping? so i come here for some helps05:14
calcajmitch: 4ubuntu1 is dep wait still so it missed alpha 505:22
calcits dep wait because someone added a dep ctdb which is universe without getting it into main first05:23
calczul: getting ctdb into main anytime soon? being able to run samba would be nice :)05:27
dholbachgood morning05:51
dholbachcan somebody take a look at bug 23435?05:51
ubottuLaunchpad bug 23435 in langpack-locales "Can't select Esperanto language in gnome" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/2343505:51
dholbachand bug 201495?05:52
ubottuLaunchpad bug 201495 in policykit-gnome "Policy Kit auth dialogue lists me as "${My Name},,,,"" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20149505:52
dholbachdoko: is bug 324708 a jaunty target?05:52
ubottuLaunchpad bug 324708 in python2.5 "Please backport fix for http://bugs.python.org/issue4150 (r67000)" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/32470805:52
dholbachArneGoetje: what about bug 329435 and bug 329425?05:53
ubottuLaunchpad bug 329435 in scim-anthy "New upstream release 1.2.7" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/32943505:53
ubottuLaunchpad bug 329425 in anthy "new upstream release 9100h" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/32942505:53
hyperairdholbach: regarding bug 201495, it looks like /etc/passwd has trailing commas.05:59
ubottuLaunchpad bug 201495 in policykit-gnome "Policy Kit auth dialogue lists me as "${My Name},,,,"" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20149505:59
hyperairis there supposed to be any information between the commas?06:00
anderskYes, that is the GECOS information (full name, room, phone numbers).06:00
hyperairah i see06:01
slangasekcalc: uploaded and dep-wait.06:09
slangasekcalc: right, I shall learn to read my scrollback in reverse.06:09
calcslangasek: heh yea :)06:15
calcslangasek: its waiting on a MIR i guess06:15
calci was attempting to test a bug in OOo that needed working samba and noticed that issue :)06:16
* calc off to bed06:18
ScottKslangasek: Would you please accept plasmoid-am4rok in intrepid-backports and throw 335296 kepas at syncbugbot?06:23
ScottKDetails are in Bug 335296.06:23
ubottuLaunchpad bug 335296 in intrepid-backports "Please backport kepas and update plasmoid-am4rok for intrepid-backports" [Wishlist,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33529606:23
ScottKThat hopefully will be the last backport needed to get in sync with kde
slangasekScottK: plasmoid-am4rok is a backport, but isn't in jaunty?06:34
slangasekah, I guess that's why it's sourceful :)06:35
loolbryce_: I see there's a new upload of xorg-server being prepared, I guess it's meant for now (post-a5) it's a new upstream; I prefer not pushing that but will commit a lpia fix right now; please git pull before uploading  :-)07:15
loolbryce_: Ah nevermind, my change is in xorg; not xorg-server07:19
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=== asylum_personnel is now known as hyperair
cjwatsonslangasek: re grub2-by-default, it's unusual to approve a spec that has an "Unresolved issues" section. Is there anything we can do about that - perhaps some of it can be marked as future work?07:39
cjwatsonslangasek: UUID support is mentioned there but seems to be also mentioned in the main body of the spec07:39
slangasekcjwatson: hrm, the spec template implies that the "unresolved issues" section is meant to be used precisely for identifying unresolved issues that are out of scope for the current spec07:40
cjwatsonhmm, last I looked at the spec template it said that a spec couldn't be approved with unresolved issues07:41
cjwatsonah, I see07:41
cjwatsonI guess I read that too strictly, or else it's been revised07:41
slangasekUUID support ought only be mentioned in the body, since we're doing that by default everywhere and rather need it to work - I just don't know if it does work or if it would imply an FFe07:42
pittiGood morning07:42
slangasekdropped UUID from the unresolved issues section07:43
cjwatsonI can't really see how an FFe would be necessary for that, since it's dealing with software that (by presumption) hardly anyone installs right now, and the feature is present in the implementation people are actually using ...07:43
cjwatsonapproved the spec now07:44
macopitti: the xserver-xorg-video-intel change you made 2 days ago. was it extensive enough to have broken VT switching, or should i be looking at xorg-core?07:45
maco(or elsewhere)07:47
pittimaco: I doubt it, it just adjusted some numbers; but please downgrade to the previous version and check if it fixes it?07:48
macowill that require downgrading other xorg packages? if not, that won't narrow things down.07:50
dholbachhiya juanje07:52
juanjedholbach: good morning :-)07:53
pittiKeybuk: in your init script moving efforts, did you consider moving dkms_autoinstaller, hotkey-setup, kvm, postfix, too?08:00
pittiKeybuk: uh, you just call update-rc.d -f cups remove? that doesn't respect user configuration if the symlinks were removed in some runlevels08:03
scizzo-slangasek: I am sorry to ask but is that grub information about UUID in the menu.lst and error 11 from trying to boot from latest grub and grub2?08:28
apwbah, all these apps just popping up all over the place is awful08:28
tjaaltonhow to make a debian/pkg.install -file arch dependent? appending .arch doesn't work, and I can't find it in the debhelper documentation :/08:30
cjwatsondebhelper(1) claims that debian/pkg.install.arch should work ...08:32
cjwatsonbut you could take ubiquity's approach and just build debian/pkg.install dynamically in debian/rules08:32
tjaaltonI'm trying to modify adobe-flashplugin which is currently i386-only, and the goal is to minimize the changes :)08:33
tjaaltonbuilding them dynamically is what I've done before08:33
tjaaltonmaybe just having debian/install.arch doesn't work, so I'll try renaming it..08:36
tjaaltonyeah, pkg.foo.arch works, foo.arch doesn't08:38
cafetierethe new notifiers, what package are those for reporting bugs?08:56
cafetiere(the new jaunty see through ones)08:56
pitticafetiere: notify-osd08:57
=== cafetiere is now known as apw_
pittithekorn: thanks for merging the subscriber fix08:59
pittithekorn: any chance you could commit doko's p-lp-bugs change? http://launchpadlibrarian.net/23161188/python-launchpad-bugs_0.3.2_0.3.3.diff.gz08:59
apw_pitti, yeah just testing the alpha CD and they are all appearing overlapping the menus08:59
apw_and pretty sure thats not what they are meant to do09:00
pittipreviously they were a little further down indeed09:00
apw_and they are too narrow to even fit connection established in09:01
apw_which given they are so small they are almost unreadable is daft09:02
thekornpitti, sure, will merge the change in a bit09:03
* pitti hugs thekorn09:04
* thekorn hugs pitti 09:04
cjwatsonpitti: dunno if you saw, but ronne's firewall has been fixed09:06
pitticjwatson: no, just replied; it's still broken :(09:08
pittiat least for the things I care about, launchpadlib and smtp; ssh also doesn't work09:08
cjwatsonah :(09:09
pittithekorn: after you merged it, I'll do a new jaunty upload then, so that the retracers can be started again09:09
pittithekorn: could you use 0.3.4 as next version number?09:10
thekornpitti, yes, /me was thinking about the correct version number, 0.3.4 sounds sensible09:12
thekornpitti, pushed09:14
apwapw_ ping09:17
apwapw_ ping09:17
pittithekorn: uploaded09:18
thekornpitti, danke09:18
pittiapw: testing yourself? :-)09:18
apw_testing the popups for highlighted messages, or as they are now know Highlig...09:19
apw_bah they don't concatenate either09:21
dokothekorn: thanks09:24
pittidoko: jockey with python2.6-ification uploaded09:32
dokodholbach: yes, I set it to "progress"09:32
dholbachdoko: ok super - thanks09:33
dokopitti: \o/09:34
arthur-doko: /query please09:37
pitticjwatson: do you want intrepid-proposed d-i against 2.6.27-12 accepted? (linux is at -13 now)09:41
cjwatsonpitti: I can reupload for -13 now09:46
liwupgrading a machine from hardy to intrepid to jaunty removes the openssl-blacklist package -- is that intentional?09:46
cjwatsonremoves due to conflict or due to lack-of-dep?09:47
liwI didn't look yet, just saw it in update-manager's list of packages it wanted to remove09:47
IntuitiveNippleWhich package should this bug be against? When operating more than one X screen and working on the additional screens for some time, the displays will try to go to screensaver unless there's activity on screen 009:47
mdzcalc: I haven't worked out exactly which package it is the trigger, but oo.o often seems to crash while I'm installing updates.  is this a known issue?09:51
liwbah, the upgraded machine blanks its screen about when usplash should be shown09:51
mdzcalc: maybe fonts?09:53
pitticjwatson: thanks10:03
seb128mdz: could be bug #286175 as a random guess10:04
ubottuLaunchpad bug 286175 in fontconfig "evince crashed with SIGSEGV in FcConfigSubstituteWithPat()" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/28617510:04
seb128ctrl-w on the wrong dialog10:05
ograhmm, trying our pitti's "xdpyinfo |grep dimensions" from teh ML my screen size is totally wrong ...10:09
mdzseb128: maybe, thanks10:09
seb128mdz: you're welcome10:10
ograi wonder how to tell Xorg about the right values10:10
mdzogra: DisplaySize in xorg.conf10:11
mdzunfortunately it is not in HAL (yet?)10:11
ogramdz, thanks !10:12
ograintel(0): Display dimensions: (262, 165) mm ... from Xog.0.log10:23
ograogra@osiris:~$ xdpyinfo |grep dimensions10:23
ogra  dimensions:    1280x800 pixels (339x212 millimeters)10:23
ogra(**) intel(0): DPI set to (124, 197) ... log again ...10:24
ograogra@osiris:~$ xdpyinfo |grep resolution10:24
ogra  resolution:    96x96 dots per inch10:24
* ogra looks puzzled10:24
ion_Perhaps Gnome or something forces the DPI to 96, and then xdpyinfo computes the dimensions based on it?10:24
ogragnome forces X ?10:25
* ogra cant imagine that10:25
apwthis new login screen, is it really almost all black, with black background and black bacgrounds in the menus and dialogs?10:37
pittiapw: yes10:38
apwis that going to be fixed?10:39
pittiapw: complaints -> kwwii, I think for now that's intentional10:39
apwis kwwii a person?10:39
ograthe buttons of the popup windows look a bit lost10:40
ion_Unlike some UI change’s we’ve seen during Ubuntu alphas, this one is quite nice. :-)10:40
ograwithout a window frame for the popups10:40
wgrantPeople at work today were quite pleased, apart from it possibly being slightly too black.10:40
apwthe overall effect is fine, its the lack of border to the menus and popups thats plain odd10:41
cjwatsonpitti: (debian-installer/intrepid-proposed reuploaded now)10:54
cjwatsonsiretart: I'd appreciate your comments on my last entry in bug 44194, when you have a moment10:54
cjwatsonand indeed those of others10:54
ubottuLaunchpad bug 44194 in netbase "wpasupplicant doesn't start when the network start" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/4419410:54
* ogra wonders why he doesnt have human icons anymore even though they are selected 10:58
loolKeybuk: Just a heads up that I provided the details for the autoconf / dash? issue I've been seeing; it's definitely not a local config as I reproduced in a clean jaunty vm11:15
Adri2000Keybuk: hmm the comments disappeared and adding a comment produces an internal server error. know what happened?11:29
Adri2000Keybuk: I'm afraid the comments file got corrupted by something... if that's the case, it may mean we missed a security hole :/11:36
pittievand: oh, usb-creator isn't in bzr? I wanted to commit a fix for bug 331327 (which completely breaks cration with persistent storage)11:40
ubottuLaunchpad bug 331327 in usb-creator "install.py crashed with TypeError in main()" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33132711:40
evandpitti: it is, lp:~ubuntu-installer/usb-creator/trunk11:41
pittievand: ah; can you please add Vcs-Bzr:?11:41
evandperhaps I should move that to core-dev, or make a ~ubuntu-installer team composing both core-dev and ubuntu-installer11:41
evandpitti: will do11:41
pittievand: and I just saw that I can't commit anyway11:41
pittievand: just testing the proposed fix there11:41
evandcommitted vcs-bzr change as r8111:43
pittievand: cool, thanks11:43
evandI'll work on getting usb-creator open to core-dev as well.  If you'd prefer for the meantime, feel free to point me at a patch and I'd be happy to commit it.11:44
pittievand: not a diff -u patch, but explanation and new code line is in https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/usb-creator/+bug/331327/comments/311:46
ubottuUbuntu bug 331327 in usb-creator "install.py crashed with TypeError in main()" [High,Confirmed]11:46
evandwhoa, whoops11:48
pittievand: okay, that works11:48
cjwatsonis there anyone in ubuntu-installer but not in ubuntu-core-dev who needs to commit to usb-creator?11:48
evandthanks for catching that pitti11:48
cjwatsonit could just be moved to core-dev and then we wouldn't have to think about the messy bugmail consequences :-)11:48
cjwatsonof course ubiquity has the same problem ...11:48
pittievand: the "successful" dialog (as well as the error dialog) is horribly broken, but that's another issue11:48
evandcjwatson: good point, just trying to be forward thinking in case usb-creator gets some contributors who are not in core-dev11:48
cjwatsonmaybe we should just disable ubuntu-installer's bug subscriptions and subscribe to things individually11:48
pittievand: usually you have a trunk (with an upstream team) and an ubuntu branch (with the packaging added, and being owned by core-dev)11:49
evandpitti: indeed, that's my wraplabel code being rubbish.  Working on a fix ever so slowly.11:49
cjwatsonpitti: excess complexity for native packages11:49
evandpitti: this is a very ubuntu specific project though11:49
pittievand: ubuntu specific> oh, is it? okay, then it's sensible to just keep one branch11:49
pittiI didn't know that it just works for ubuntu CDs11:50
evandyeah, I hope to finish up my code to call gnome-app-install soon, among other deb specific bits (it is dependent on our syslinux and casper setup).11:50
* pitti goes to test-boot it on wife's machine11:50
evandpitti: what's wrong with saying bs=1M?11:51
pittievand: you can say bs=1M, but then you need to use int(persistent)/104857611:51
pittifor count=11:51
pittievand: and you really don't want bs=111:51
pittiso I thought bs=%size and count=1 is both efficient and correct11:52
evandsize is in MB though11:52
evandI think11:52
pittinot for me11:52
* evand checks11:52
pittiPythonArgs: ['/usr/share/usb-creator/install.py', '-s', '/tmp/tmpi9gLFd/.', '-t', '/media/LinBoot', '-p', '1103998510']11:52
evandah, so you're right11:52
pittion my system (250 MB free) I had ~ 25000000011:53
pittinice, it boots11:57
evandRight, so any objections to me making a new usb-creator-hackers team and adding core-dev as a member?  As previously stated, this is so the few people providing occasional patches who are not in core-dev can contribute without having to jump through hoops.11:57
pittisounds fine to me11:58
evandgreat, will do.  I'm about to commit your suggested fix for the dd issue as well.11:59
KeybukAdri2000: you should probably fix that, then ;)12:02
Adri2000Keybuk: yeah, but I'd need to see the comments file first12:04
Keybukit's zero bytes12:05
Keybukand mysteriously owned by the merge user12:06
Keybukrace condition or bug between user updates via addcomment.py and system-updates via manual-status/merge-status run maybe?12:06
Keybukyou could do with some locking too12:07
Keybuka read lock around get_comments12:07
Keybuklikewise a lock around remove_old_comments12:08
Keybukwhich should be in a common file12:08
Keybukjust looks plain wront12:08
Keybuk    file_comments = open(comments, "w")12:08
Keybuk    for line in open(comments, "r").readlines():12:08
Keybukopening it for writing like that will truncate the file12:09
pittievand: this was actually the first time I tried an USB stick with persistance; this is so cool12:09
Keybukso when you open it for reading, *boom*12:09
pittia workstation to be carried on your keyring12:09
Keybuk(no idea why it jumped user though)12:09
evandpitti: wonderful, let me know if you run headfirst into any bugs :)12:09
apwcjwatson, who is the right person to whine at if i am doing an upgrade to jaunty using upgrade manager, and the thing gets stuck sitting there with 2 mins remaining.  Nothing is obviously going on until one open the Termina where it is asking a question12:09
cjwatsonapw: mvo12:10
apwcheckbox is asking to replace its configuration files (which are unmodified)12:10
apwcjwatson, thanks12:10
evandpitti: I'm hopefully adding a button for gnome-app-install in a chroot for -updates, so it very much will be your custom workstation on your keyring12:10
cjwatsonsuch prompts should cause the terminal to open automatically12:10
directheximporting the debian keyring takes a while12:10
apwcjwatson, that they don't12:10
pittievand: only difficulty I had was wrestling with the bios; interestingly, it didn't work with any of USB-{CDROM,FDD,ZIP,HDD}, but was detected as a proper hard disk, and there was a separate menu for the hard disk priority; *grumpf* :)12:10
evand(chroot of the unpacked squashfs, that is)12:10
cjwatsonapw: I mean "ought to, and used to"12:10
apwi assume that is a bug in update-manager12:10
apwyeah i took you to mean that :)12:10
apwwill file a bug on it12:11
cjwatsonused to be that a read on the tty caused the window to open12:11
apwseems to ahve stopped workgin12:11
apwwill also file a bug on checkbox as something is wrong there too12:11
Adri2000Keybuk: argh... strange because I had no problem when testing that12:11
KeybukAdri2000: the code is clearly wrong12:12
Keybukcommon practice would be to12:13
Keybukopen a temporary file for writing12:13
Keybukopen the original file for reading12:13
Keybuklock the original file12:13
Keybukread lines from the original, write to the temporary12:13
Keybukclose the temporary file12:13
Keybukrename the temporary file to the original filename12:13
Keybukclose the original file12:13
Adri2000yep, that indeed doesn't look correct when reading the code now. dunno why I didn't catch it when testing12:15
dokolool: hmm, the last xorg update forced a logout12:17
Adri2000Keybuk: and the internal server error is caused by the wrong ownership?12:18
siretartcjwatson: is it already shown that moving the required libs to /lib will indeed solve the race conditions of that bug?12:18
cjwatsonsiretart: which race conditions are those?12:19
cjwatsonsiretart: the existence of race conditions here seems to be complete speculation?12:19
siretartsorry, I cannot fully focus on that bug right now (I'm at work), but AFAIR the race that the networking must not be initialized too early else it will fail12:20
KeybukAdri2000: yes12:20
siretartthat bug does AFAIUI not only occur on systems with seperate /usr12:20
Keybukthat doesn't sound like a race condition12:21
Keybukthat sounds like a "hey, where did my dependencies go" condition12:21
Keybukor a "ra ra ra before the left foot went in" condition12:22
cjwatsonif it relied on being able to write to the root filesystem at some point, that would also explain why the udev rule didn't work12:22
siretartI have to admit that I didn't understand yet why wpasupplicant actually fails here12:22
Keybukoh, wpa supplicant12:22
Keybukit fails because most of the things wpa supplicant wants are under /usr12:22
Keybukand wpa supplicant tries to write to the filesystem12:22
Keybukboth of these are false assumptions12:23
cjwatsonKeybuk: yes, that was what I was asking siretart about way up ^- there12:23
cjwatsonsee my last comment in bug 4419412:23
ubottuLaunchpad bug 44194 in netbase "wpasupplicant doesn't start when the network start" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/4419412:23
cjwatsonI think most of the write-to-the-filesystem bits have been fixed since the original bug was filed12:23
siretartKeybuk: err, why would that fail on systems with /usr on /?12:23
cjwatsonthe only thing I see remaining is the logging12:23
Adri2000Keybuk: k, well I'm going to fix the code. in the meantime, we should restore the comments file from DaD. also when is merge-status.py run? if I can't give you a patch before the next run, we should disable remove_old_comments() call until then12:24
cjwatsonsiretart: writing to the root filesystem would fail even so - and you would certainly make that "go away" by forcing the device to come up after S40networking12:24
KeybukAdri2000: please just fix it12:24
Keybukno point working around it until then12:24
Keybuksince it'll just break again in 40 minutes time12:24
Keybukand an hour after that12:24
siretartcjwatson: okay, so your suggestion only covers the "/usr is seperate" problem, right?12:25
cjwatsonsiretart: no, I think it covers both provided that the original problem was in fact due to trying to write to the root filesystem12:26
cjwatsonI agree that there is some speculation here12:26
cjwatsonbut I think it would be a whole lot easier to work out what's going on if wpa devices were working like the rest of the boot sequence12:26
cjwatsonyou suggested wpasupplicant failing to start yourself as a possible cause12:27
cjwatsonbut I do concede I have not proven anything yet12:28
cjwatsonthis just seems like the best path to satisfying everyone12:28
cjwatsonI think we can move the libraries to / regardless, and then proceed with wpasupplicant testing out of a PPA12:28
cjwatsonanything that hardcodes those library paths is truly broken :-)12:29
siretartthat would affect 3 packages: openssl, pcsc-lite and libz12:29
siretartwith libcrypto being the largest12:29
siretartfor local testing, wouldn't it be sufficient to hardlink these 4 libs to /usr?12:30
siretartfor local testing, wouldn't it be sufficient to hardlink these 4 libs to /lib?12:30
cjwatsonI guess, but it seems obviously correct to move them regardless of anything else12:35
cjwatsonand ITYM copy, if /lib and /usr/lib are on different filesystems12:35
siretartof course12:35
Adri2000Keybuk: what about http://adrishost.net/~adri2000/ubuntu/MoM-comments.patch ? (not tested, and the same is needed for manual-status.py)12:36
cjwatsonbut I could start with PPA packages of  openssl pcsc-lite zlib wpasupplicant  and see what happens, I support12:36
ion_Let’s just make /usr/lib a symlink to /lib ;-)12:36
cjwatsonI'm not going there12:37
Mithrandirion_: let's make /usr a symlink to / :-)12:37
Adri2000Keybuk: if you don't have any more recent backup of the comments, use those we imported yesterday: http://adrishost.net/~adri2000/ubuntu/DaD.comments12:39
KeybukAdri2000: looks better12:40
Keybukyou need locking in get_comments12:40
Adri2000why? it doesn't write anything, it just reads the file12:41
evandIs setting a contact address the only thing I need to do to prevent core-dev from getting spammed by being a member of another team?12:45
LordMetroidWhere can I see what the repositories contains for the upcomming Jaunty12:46
directhexLordMetroid, http://mirror.ox.ac.uk/sites/archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/jaunty/main/binary-amd64/Packages.bz212:47
looldoko: Really?  I don't think it was my change as I only changed:12:49
lool-    alpha|hurd-i386|i386|amd64)12:49
lool+    alpha|hurd-i386|i386|amd64|lpia)12:49
loolin the postinst12:49
loolBut it might be a bug in this package still12:49
StskeepsKeybuk: ping12:54
Laneycould it be made more obvious that there is a text field on mom?12:55
sistpoty|workLaney: that's security by obscurity :P12:59
StskeepsKeybuk: (and if you're pondering why i'm pinging you: is it possible to seperate bootchart into gathering and chart generation, much like bootchart and bootchart-view in debian.)13:00
RainCTLaney: it's more obvious in my new design13:06
RainCTLaney: (and Ajax will also come)13:06
ogradoko, did you have qemu running by chance when that happened ? i noticed if i hit page down in qemu my X seems to crash13:12
dokoogra: no13:12
ograi had that twice yestrday but didnt have time to research ir more yet13:12
apwis the main login screen part of the gdm package?13:15
apwfor reporting bugs in it?13:15
cjwatsonbroonie: I don't suppose you still have the diff from zlib 1:1.1.4-12 -> 1:1.1.4-13? It would save me resurrecting it ...13:16
cjwatsonor rather redoing13:16
cjwatson(see above discussion about wpasupplicant library dependencies in /usr)13:16
brooniecjwatson: I very much doubt it.13:17
amitkapw: apt-cache search gdm-themes?13:18
cjwatsonlooked there13:18
cjwatsonI wasn't sure, I take the packrat approach to my uploads but I know not everyone does :-)13:18
dokoasac: please upload xulrunner-1.913:18
broonieI do but the machine that's got the archives that old on is kaput right now.13:19
cjwatsonoh well, sure it can't be that hard13:19
* broonie wonders WTF I was doing up early enough to do uploads at 8am13:19
broonieNo, from memory it's very straightforward.13:19
broonieand bitrotted by an intervening upstream build change IIRC13:20
apwamitk, there are only three bugs ever in there13:20
amitkapw: I thought I saw ubuntu-gdm-themes being updated today13:20
amitkbut I could be wrong13:20
apwamitk, i have no clue how to find the package for half the things i see these days ... its probabally that one... will try and figure it out13:21
lamontpitti: gar.13:26
ograamitk, uploaded tue.13:27
ograapw, the gdm theme is ubuntu-gdm-themes ...13:27
apwogra, thanks ...13:27
asacdoko: for the transition?13:28
asacdoko: you can just upload by appending .doko to current revision13:28
asacif its just a respin i mean13:29
dokoasac: ok, will do, but without the doko ...13:29
asacdoko: whatever just use ubuntu1.something13:30
asacand not ubuntu2 ;)13:30
asacotherwise i have to bump in bzr ;)13:30
pittilamont: sorry..13:40
cjwatsonbroonie: lp:~ubuntu-core-dev/zlib/ubuntu, FYI (figured I might as well!)13:40
dholbachMatthias "doko", "Upload king" Klose13:42
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brooniecjwatson: Thanks, patches from Ubuntu is hte main reason I tried bzr :(13:46
KeybukStskeeps: I've never seen the point of that13:54
StskeepsKeybuk: of seperating them? well, example - mobile device, limited space, you don't want to install a jre to get a simple bootchart13:55
cjwatsonbroonie: well, the two outstanding patches are lpia (fairly Ubuntu-specific) and the amd64 library path stuff which would break on Debian. I've sent you a bug for the lpia addition just in case you want it though13:55
cjwatson(since it's harmless)13:55
KeybukStskeeps: but then you have all the faff of trying to copy off tarballs, etc.13:55
StskeepsKeybuk: which is immensely less troublesome than making space for a JRE :P if i wanted to generate bootcharts on-device, i could always apt-get install bootchart-view, but in 95% of cases, i wouldn't13:56
Stskeepsand i would delegate the work to a more powerful machine13:56
Stskeepsalso, there are tools generating bootchart format files as well, and would like to not have to include the data gathering part, but would want the chart generator.13:57
KeybukStskeeps: fair enough13:58
seb128Keybuk: have you seen that some guys rewrote bootchart in python now?14:01
Keybukseb128: no, I hadn't seen14:01
Keybuk*sigh* @ language elitism14:01
seb128Keybuk: http://mail.gnome.org/archives/performance-list/2009-February/msg00000.html14:02
seb128Keybuk: I've to admit I would prefer using python, some update recently installed me a lot of jre things only for bootchart and it breaks since when bootcharting desktop login14:02
Keybukbreaks how?14:02
seb128I've to look into details, it just didn't write an image in the log directory when running the stop-bootchart script after login14:03
seb128I will have a look at next book and file a bug if that's still an issue14:04
brooniecjwatson: Yeah, I know - it was more of a general comment, really.14:04
Keybukif you could have a look, that would be appreciated14:04
Keybukin the bug, note:14:04
Keybukis bootchart-collector running before you run stop-bootchart14:04
Keybukif not, can you see a core file in /dev/.bootchart or similar?14:04
seb128ok, I don't want to reboot now but I will try a bit later and let you know14:04
Keybuktry adding debugging stuff (like ulimit -c unlimited and >logfile 2>&1) to the initramfs init-stop script, regenerate and reboot14:05
Riddelljames_w: bzr-buildpackage -S -sa  why is -sa not an option?  how do I get it to include the .orig?14:30
james_w"bzr-buildpackage -- -S -sa" if you are on an up-to-date jaunty14:31
Riddellbut of course14:31
james_wannoying, I realise, but a huge improvement on Intrepid14:32
loolKeybuk: Did you fail reproducing the Gtk+ issue locally?  would be faster if you could reproduce14:35
dokopitti: is #334834 a real problem?14:36
Keybuklool: it needs a newer version of glib than I have14:36
Keybukso it failed to even configure14:36
BUGabundobryce ping14:43
BUGabundobug 33546514:43
ubottuLaunchpad bug 335465 in xorg "resume from hibernation crashed X" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33546514:43
loolKeybuk: You're running?  intrepid?14:44
ScottKslangasek: Thanks for taking care of the backports.  plasmoid-am4rok was for amarok 1, so it's dropped in Jaunty, but since we backported KDE4.2, it needed to be updated in backports for libplasma3.  Sorry I didn't explain it.14:45
liwtoday does not seem to be the day when I get jaunty installed... upgrading broke the machine completely (every boot crashed hard), and today's installer tells me the kernel doesn't see partitions it has just created14:45
Keybuklool: yes14:45
BUGabundoliw: humm is it the udev bug? wasn't that fixed?14:46
Keybukthe kernel doesn't see the partitions?14:47
KeybukBUGabundo: we didn't include the fix in alpha 514:47
liwBUGabundo, I have no idea what bug it is14:47
liwKeybuk, is it in the daily iso image on cdimage right now?14:48
pittidoko: how do you mean?14:48
Keybukliw: the live image is yesterday's14:48
Keybukso no14:48
BUGabundoguys the LP retracer is closing all bug as invalid14:49
BUGabundowith this text14:49
BUGabundoHowever, processing it in order to get sufficient information for the developers failed (it does not generate an useful symbolic stack trace). This might be caused by some outdated packages which were installed on your systemat the time of the report:14:49
BUGabundobug 334834 , bug 333530 and few other dups14:49
ubottuLaunchpad bug 334834 in screenlets "ClearCalendarScreenlet.py crashed with SIGSEGV in PyType_IsSubtype()" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33483414:49
ubottuLaunchpad bug 333530 in screenlets "screenlets not working at all" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33353014:49
liwKeybuk, hmm, damn, then there's no point in getting the alpha5 image, either (should be the same iamge)14:49
pittidoko: looks like python sigsegved, but that particular report is fairly useless14:49
BUGabundoliw did you upgrade with CD or UM -d ?14:49
liwBUGabundo, upgarde with update-manager, install from scratch with cd (really: usb)14:50
liwthe installer thinks helsinki is in murmansk, but I could live with that14:50
BUGabundos/cd/live image/14:50
Keybukliw: all of the city locations seem a little bit out14:50
KeybukI guess that the projection of the map changed from the original graphic to the timezone one14:51
Keybukand the city location overlay hasn't been adjusted to the new projection14:51
liwKeybuk, something like that14:53
dokoseb128: I need another pygobject upload (hardcoded python2.5 interpreter version causing build failures)14:58
seb128doko: just upload if you need to, there is no bzr nor pending work for thise14:58
seb128I'm about to run for a bit now but I can have a look later if you don't14:58
RainCTsavvas: weird, I got it15:09
RainCTsavvas: now?15:14
savvasRainCT: yes15:14
savvaswhat was wrong? :P15:15
RainCT(don't ask :))15:15
savvasah come on15:15
RainCTsavvas: was giving it 'email1, emails2, email3' but it wanted them in a list.. if I tried with more than one mail only the first person in the list got it :p15:16
savvashehe, glad it was solved, revu back in action!15:17
RainCTThe sad thing is that nobody beside you noticed this :P15:18
RainCT 15:18
RainCTerr.. /me wonders why he moved to -devel :P15:19
cafetierefor better weather?15:19
calcmdz: on jaunty?15:28
cjwatsonliw: the partitioner problem is a race condition, so repeated tries should eventually succeed15:36
cjwatsonogra: given the slug workaround we discussed yesterday and documented in the release notes, can I safely assume that you no longer need a custom build?15:39
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mdzcalc: yes15:50
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calcmdz: i'll test it out and see if i can reproduce the problem16:01
mdzcalc: seb128 pointed out it may be bug #28617516:08
ubottuLaunchpad bug 286175 in fontconfig "evince crashed with SIGSEGV in FcConfigSubstituteWithPat()" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/28617516:08
calcmdz: ah so its a fontconfig bug?16:09
mdzcalc: I don't know16:09
calcah i see i responded to the bug a while back16:10
calclooks like it is probably fontconfig if it affects both OOo and evince the same way16:10
calci haven't triggered the OOo crash in a while which was why I had forgotten about it16:10
* calc sees a patch and checks to see if it is in ooo-build yet16:12
* BUGabundo and uswsusp hibernate support discussion starts again16:25
calcmdz: i should have the issue fixed in the next upload, which should be next week16:32
mdzcalc: cool, thanks!16:36
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savvasbzr suggests an upgrade for lp:~ubuntu-core-dev/software-properties/main - http://paste.ubuntu.com/123882/16:50
Keybuklool: kooky16:52
Keybuklibtool: link:  cat .libs/libgdk_pixbuf-2.0.exp | sed -e "s/\(.*\)/;/" >> .libs/libgdk_pixbuf-2.0.ver16:52
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loolKeybuk: Ah great, I searched for similar constructs but didn't find them16:53
loolKeybuk: Actually that's from libtool isn't it?16:54
loolKeybuk: But *libtool* is corrupted way before that16:54
loolKeybuk: Which is why you see a \00116:54
Keybukyou're supposed to see a \001 there though, right?16:55
Keybuksomething is turning \1 into the ^A :p16:55
Keybukwhere \1 is the sed "first thing I matched" thing16:55
Keybukinteresting that immediately after configure, the libtool script is valid16:57
Keybuklool: it's the po-properties subdir doing it17:00
Keybukthis Makefile is just wrong17:00
Keybuk  && CONFIG_FILES=po-properties/Makefile.in CONFIG_HEADERS= \17:01
Keybuk       /bin/sh ./config.status17:01
Keybuklool: anyway, not a libtool bug17:05
Keybukreplace SHELL=/bin/sh with SHELL=@SHELL@ in po-properties/Makefile.in.in17:06
loolKeybuk: /usr/share/gettext/po/Makefile.in.in17:09
loolSHELL = /bin/sh17:09
loolKeybuk: And there are more examples17:09
loolKeybuk: I raised this in my report17:09
calczul: ping17:09
loolKeybuk: These makefiles are all awful, but I don't think there are the origin of the issue since we have these Makefile.in.ins since years17:09
loolKeybuk: I described the same symptoms you listed here in my bug report BTW17:11
looldoko: I upgraded to new xorg just fine; didn't cause any issue here; not sure what you had17:17
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tedgKeybuk: So can root get all the DBus session busses?17:28
pittiasac: can you followup on bug 314778, since you already handled that before?17:36
ubottuLaunchpad bug 314778 in google-gadgets "Main inclusion for Google Gadgets" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/31477817:36
asacpitti: i am still fighting to get a go from upstream17:37
asacits kind of a wierd situation. everybody say "usually we dont break ABI/API in security updates"17:38
asacbut when you ask for a promiss/policy, it becomes hard17:39
asacso far the only promise they have is to track XPCOM components17:39
asacbut i will poke around, hopefully getting a definite go or no by monday17:39
pittiasac: I see; thanks17:40
kirklandasac: hey, question about /etc/network/interfaces, i thought you might know ....17:46
kirklandasac: is it possible to configure an interface to set it's wake-on-lan bit there?17:46
kirklandasac: i'm currently hacking it with "ethtool -s eth0 wol g" in /etc/rc.local17:47
kirklandasac: i'd like a more configurable way of setting this, and /etc/network/interfaces seems to be an ideal place for it17:47
kirklandasac: thoughts?17:48
hyperairkirkland: ethtool17:49
hyperairoh whoops mentioned already17:50
hyperairi should really read the entire scrollback before replying17:50
hyperairkirkland: actually the wake-on-lan bit should be persistent once you set it once.17:50
kirklandhyperair: no worries. i'd like to make that configuration stick17:50
hyperairkirkland: why are you sticking it in ethtool?17:50
IntuitiveNipplekirkland: I usually add such commands to a pre-up or up statement in interfaces17:50
hyperairit should be tracked by.... erm... the card i think17:50
hyperairand the BIOS17:50
hyperairtraditionally, you'd configure this only in the BIOS, but ethtool brought a way of configuring it within the OS17:51
kirklandhyperair: hmm, i'll test again17:52
kirklandhyperair: i had to do it in both bios and the os17:52
asackirkland: not that i know. if you use ifupdown you can use pre-post-up things maybe to hook your manually tweakage17:52
kirklandasac: how hard/bad would it be to add a parser for "wakeonlan 1" / "wakeonlan 2" in /etc/network/interfaces?17:54
kirklandasac: how hard/bad would it be to add a parser for "wakeonlan 1" / "wakeonlan 0" in /etc/network/interfaces?17:54
hyperairasac: generally that gets called on boot too, so you don't have to use ifupdown17:54
kirklandie, toggle on/off there17:54
hyperairkirkland: there probably wouldn't be a point in that, because it is _supposed_ to be persistent17:54
hyperairit is on my hardware.17:54
asackirkland: are there other options from ethtool that one would want?17:55
asackirkland:  and yes, i am not really sure that this belongs to ifupdown; not sure where the best place to put such configuration would be though17:56
zulcalc: pong17:56
kirklandasac: okay, fair enough17:57
kirklandhyperair: let me check17:57
asackirkland: maybe even udev?17:57
asackirkland: technically it should be easy to add options like ethtool-OPTION <value>17:57
asacbut i dont think that we want it17:57
kirklandasac: right.  let me make sure my request is even valid.  if that ethtool command is something you only have to run once, it shouldn't be something that we should have to worry about17:58
asackirkland: yeah. i think the question is if that config is really assocaiatede with a certain interface/connection configuration17:59
asacif its not , then it has to be done somewhere else17:59
Keybuklool: yeah they are18:00
Keybukremember that Autoconf and libtool are designed to be portable18:00
Keybukthat means they can't just use POSIX shell, since that's a relatively modern invention which most old-style UNIXes haven't adopted18:00
Keybukit turns out it's pretty near impossible to write shell that operates exactly the same18:00
Keybukat least, not useful shell18:00
Keybukso m4sh works by picking a shell, and coding to it18:00
Keybukit generally prefers bash, since bash behaves predictably18:01
Keybukso it then outputs, on your machine, all shell written for bash18:01
Keybuknot for posix sh, not for sun sh, etc.18:01
Keybukthat means that the value of $SHELL is kinda important18:01
kirklandasac: wakeonlan is absolutely something that's associated with a given interface18:05
kirklandasac: you send wakeonlan packets to a MAC address18:05
loolKeybuk: So where does the regression come from?18:06
Keybuklool: the regression is caused by that Makefile doing something it shouldn't18:06
loolKeybuk: Plenty of makefile.in.in do it18:07
Keybuk(calling an Autoconf-generated script with something that's not the Autoconf-chosen SHELL)18:07
loolKeybuk: gettext and intltool's are frequent examples18:07
Keybukyes, that doesn't mean it's write18:07
Keybukerr, right18:07
KeybukI'd guess gettext did it wrong first18:07
Keybukand everybody copied that Makefile.in.in18:07
loolKeybuk: I understand, but we can't simply drop support for all the Makefile.in.in in the tarballs currently available from download sites18:07
KeybukIt's specifically wrong according to the Autoconf documentation18:07
asackirkland: yes. its assocaited to a given interface, but not to a given connection18:07
Keybukautoconf.info 11.918:07
KeybukIf you18:08
Keybukuse Autoconf, do18:08
Keybuk     SHELL = @SHELL@18:08
Keybuk   Do not force `SHELL = /bin/sh' because that is not correct18:08
asackirkland: think about the "mapping" feature of ifupdown ... you can have HOME and WORK connection for eth0 interface18:08
loolKeybuk: I know, I even pointed it out in my report, but I can't fix all the released tarballs and tell all upstream to change the Makefile.in.in, therefore I think we should revert the change which expose this bug18:08
Keybuklool: I disagree18:08
loolIt's ok to raise the Makefile.in.in in parallel with the relevant upstreams, but will take long18:08
Keybukwe should fix this bug18:08
loolKeybuk: I don't intend to not fix it18:08
loolI'm just saying it's the wrong thing to fix first18:08
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Keybukwhen did you first notice the bug?18:09
asackirkland: also, does the interface need to be up to set wol?18:10
asackirkland: e.g does it work even if you ifconfig eth0 down first?18:10
loolKeybuk: When I used the new autoconf with gtk+2.018:11
Keybuk"the new autoconf" ?18:11
Keybukwhat version of autoconf were you using before?18:11
loolI don't know when it was that I built gtk+ from source in the past, and I expect it's not specific to gtk+18:11
kirklandasac: i'm not sure;  i just assumed that ethtool would send an ioctl() of some kind to the device itself, and flag a bit on or off in the device18:11
loolDid you try with intrepid's autoconf?  Does it expose the same bug?18:11
Keybukwithout knowing the time scale of when you first see the bug, it's impossible to identify any particular change18:12
KeybukI did this on intrepid, yes18:12
Keybukwithout knowing any more detail, I would say that all versions of autoconf since 2.50 would exhibit this18:12
Keybukas would all libtool 2.x versions18:12
loolKeybuk: So you reproduced with pure intrepid?18:12
loolKeybuk: I can't believe gtk+ would have been un-bootstrapable for that long, that doesn't seem possible; we routinely have to relibtoolize it for ubuntu upadtes18:13
Keybuklool: afaik, this is pure intrepid18:13
Keybuk *** 2.61-7ubuntu1 018:14
Keybuk        500 http://gb.archive.ubuntu.com intrepid/main Packages18:14
Keybuk        100 /var/lib/dpkg/status18:14
pittiScottK: with your motu-release hat on, would you mind if I sync gtkperf from Debian to jaunty universe? I've been asked to get it into Ubuntu18:14
Keybuk *** 1:1.10.1-3 018:14
Keybuk        500 http://gb.archive.ubuntu.com intrepid/main Packages18:14
Keybuk        100 /var/lib/dpkg/status18:14
Keybuk *** 2.2.4-0ubuntu4 018:14
Keybuk        500 http://gb.archive.ubuntu.com intrepid/main Packages18:14
Keybuk        100 /var/lib/dpkg/status18:14
loolKeybuk: How come it doesn't break all autoreconfing of all tarballs using gettext or intltool?18:14
pittiScottK: do you want bug red tape for it?18:14
Keybuklool: well, that config.status rule would be very rarely invoked18:14
asackirkland: yeah. i really think the hook belong further down18:14
Keybuklool: or at least, it _should_ be very rarely invoked18:15
Keybukbut it doesn't seem to be18:15
Keybukit's quite odd18:15
Keybukit seems to be expecting POTFILES to be a source to its own Makefile18:15
loolKeybuk: This rules seems to be run on all builds since Makefile isn't generated by config.status18:15
Keybukyeah but that again should be the same as gettext18:16
loolKeybuk: argh18:16
loolKeybuk: AC_OUTPUT_COMMANDS is specific to gtk+2.018:16
Keybukhow do you mean?18:17
primes2hpitti: Hi, this bug 259505 has been fixed upstream. Can I set it as "fix released" in upstream package in Launchpad?18:17
ubottuLaunchpad bug 259505 in gvfs "impossible to copy files with p (pipe) flag" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/25950518:17
loolKeybuk: I was searching for something specific to gtk+2.0 which would explain why all gettext wouldn't break18:18
loolKeybuk: One thing which is clearly specific is this AC_OUTPUT_COMMANDS() in configure.in18:18
=== thekorn_ is now known as thekorn
Keybuklool: well, on normal gettext you see this in config.status18:18
Keybukconfig.status: executing po-directories commands18:18
Keybukconfig.status: creating po/POTFILES18:18
Keybukconfig.status: creating po/Makefile18:18
pittiprimes2h: that'll happen automatically after a while, Launchpad updates the states according ot upstream changes18:18
Keybukie. it makes po/Makefile18:18
KeybukGTK+ doesn't seem to do that18:18
primes2hpitti: I know, but it has been fixed on 19 and still set as "New". Is it normal?18:19
pittiprimes2h: hm, that's not normal then18:19
pittiprimes2h: can you ask on launchpad-users@, or ping some launchpad guys on IRC?18:20
loolKeybuk: It does, but doesn't output "creating"18:20
primes2hpitti: what is the name of launchpad IRC channel?18:20
Laneyare you kidding?18:21
pittiprimes2h: I'm not actually sure; usually the mailing list is okay18:21
Keybuklool: if it makes po-properties/Makefile - why does the Makefile rule to generate it get called at all?18:21
pittiprimes2h: or just file a bug against malone18:21
primes2hpitti: ok, thanks.18:21
loolKeybuk: I wonder; the only thing I can think of is POTFILES being generated later18:22
loolBut we'd see this with po/ as well18:23
kirklandwhy do i have to hit ctrl-alt-f1 twice in Jaunty to get to my tty1?18:23
kirklandwhen starting from gnome/X18:24
Keybuklool: weird18:24
kirklandbryce: any idea?18:24
Keybukkirkland: probably consolekit18:24
Keybuklool: I've mailed the gettext people, btw18:24
kirklandKeybuk: is this desired behavior?18:24
Keybukkirkland: no18:24
bryceyes that's a consolekit bug18:24
Keybuklool: there's not really much we can do though, unless it's a specific patch that broke things18:24
Adri2000Keybuk: did you try to apply my patch?18:24
kirklandbryce: is it already reported, or should i do the duty?18:24
KeybukAdri2000: what patch?18:25
Adri2000for MoM18:25
KeybukAdri2000: lp url?18:25
Adri2000it's still borken18:25
brycekirkland: dunno, it's pretty well known though.  Probably could use additional investigation in any case18:25
Keybuklool: from what I can tell, this affects all current autoconf/libtool/etc.18:25
loolKeybuk: Either other projects have been particularly lucky because of po/ being built last or it's gtk+2.0 specific in which case we're safe18:25
Keybukand is a direct side-effect of the way they write shell scripts18:25
Keybuklool: I think that it's gtk+ specific18:25
Adri2000Keybuk: I gave it to you earlier and you answered "looks better"18:25
KeybukAdri2000: that was an incomplete patch to only one file, and I told you other changes that were needed18:25
loolKeybuk: I want to believe it is, but can't understand where it goes wrong18:25
Adri200013:40:43 <Keybuk> you need locking in get_comments18:26
Adri200013:41:36 <Adri2000> why? it doesn't write anything, it just reads the file18:26
KeybukAdri2000: otherwise while reading, what happens if someone writes18:26
Keybuklool: to me, it's a bug that that Makefile rule gets called at all18:26
Keybuklool: it shouldn't - those kinds of rules are *only* for rebuild after editing auto* source scenarious18:26
Adri2000Keybuk: everywhere something is written, the file is locked before. the get_comments() function only reads18:27
KeybukAdri2000: but get_comments() doesn't lock the file18:27
Keybukso while it's reading, something can write to the file18:27
Keybukand since you don't use atomic overwrite everywhere ...18:28
loolKeybuk: Ah18:28
loolKeybuk: after configure, po-properties doesn't have a POTFILES while po has!18:28
Keybuklool: ah!18:28
Keybuklool: that's probably a bug ;)18:28
KeybukI've just tested here btw, general gettext fails here too18:28
Keybukbut it's quite hard to replicate18:28
KeybukI've just realised why general gettext doesn't replicate this ;)18:29
Keybukgettext upstream only calls config.status with its own directory name18:30
Keybukso it only regenerates po/Makefile18:30
loolWhich is cleaner18:30
Keybukso it doesn't smash libtool18:30
loolKeybuk: Ok, the po/POTFILES generation is in glib-gettext.m4, so it's specific to this implementation as well18:30
Keybukit's still a bug that SHELL is overwritten, but it minimises it18:30
Adri2000Keybuk: so, if get_comments reads, and in the meantime something else writes. what happens? reading will fail?18:30
loolKeybuk: I think we have a bunch of bugs to fix here; thanks for debugging!18:30
kirklandKeybuk: bryce: thanks guys, i found the existing bug, Bug #27196218:31
ubottuLaunchpad bug 271962 in consolekit "VT-switching from X returns you to X the first time" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/27196218:31
Keybuklool: I'll follow up with the gettext guys upstream18:31
KeybukAdri2000: the fact you don't know what happens means you shouldn't tell me you don't need locking there <g>18:31
Adri2000Keybuk: I *think* reading will work and that's all. you tell me it needs locking, so you need to tell me why :)18:32
Keybukno, I just need to tell you and not apply your patch until you add it <g>18:33
Adri2000a priori, no locking is needed IMO. except if you can tell me it's needed because ...*18:33
Keybukwhat happens will be a bit random18:34
KeybukUNIX doesn't have per-session file images18:34
Keybukif two people open a file, one for reading, and one for writing18:34
Keybukthe read() will return bits of the old file and bits of the new file18:34
Keybukthe reader doesn't get an "old copy"18:35
ScottKpitti: I don't mind gtkperf.  Since the main reason we stop allowing new packages is to stop burdening the archive-admins with New'ing them, if you're up for the New, there's no reason not to.18:35
pittiScottK: ok, thanks; I found an existing request for it and did it18:35
Keybukso you need to avoid concurrent writes and reads18:35
Keybukeasiest way18:35
ScottKpitti: OK.18:35
Keybuk(whilst still allowing concurrent reads)18:35
Adri2000Keybuk: I clearly understand that two people opening a file for writing will result in unexpected behaviors. I don't understand the same for one person reading and another writing. but... ok, with what you just said, I'll add a lock :)18:35
Keybuktake out the reading lock with LOCK_SH18:36
Keybuktake out the writing lock with LOCK_EX18:36
ScottKLaserJock: I just skimmed the Edubuntu meeting.  I can tell you that my 5 year old absolutely loves Ktuberling.18:36
Keybukthat way, someone writing will queue up behind someone reading18:36
Keybukwhile multiple people can read simultaneously18:36
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LaserJockScottK: awesome, thanks18:38
Adri2000Keybuk: okay18:38
KeybukAdri2000: well, take this for an example18:38
Keybukone process is using get_comments() as it exists currently18:38
Keybukand is reading lines from the file18:38
Keybukthe merge-status.py runs18:39
Keybukand that opens the file for writing (truncating it to zero bytes)18:39
Keybukwhat happens to the process reading lines from that file?18:39
Adri2000it will see nothing in the file18:39
Keybukbut it's already read some of the file18:39
Keybukit may even be halfway through a line18:39
Keybukmay not have reached the ":" yet18:39
Adri2000I see18:39
Keybuksuddenly it's off the end, and will return EOF18:40
Keybukthat person may see an exception, because you don't handle the ":" being missing18:40
Keybukor that person will at best see incomplete comments18:40
Keybukmaybe even the last comment cut in half18:40
Keybukclearly this is undesirable behaviour18:40
Adri2000Keybuk: patch updated, available at the same place18:44
Adri2000wait, I should add another LOCK_SH18:47
Adri2000everything is locked now18:49
Adri2000Keybuk: files open with r are LOCK_SH and files open with w or a are LOCK_EX. sounds good?18:49
Keybuknow we just need to figure out how to deal with .comments changing permissions18:51
loolKeybuk: You have an upstream bug for gettext?18:52
Keybukgettext doesn't have a bug tracker18:52
Keybukit's a GNU project18:52
Keybukthey use bug-* mailing lists18:53
Adri2000Keybuk: my latest change has one more lock in manual/merge-status.py than what you committed18:53
loolKeybuk: I wonder whether it should use something else than $(SHELL) in Makefile.in.in; SHELL is used for all subcommands, so it might wiser to simply call ./config.status, or use another var e.g. CONFIG_SHELL = @SHELL@18:53
Adri2000     fcntl.lockf(file_comments, fcntl.LOCK_EX)18:54
Adri2000     fcntl.lockf(file_comments, fcntl.LOCK_SH)18:54
Adri2000     fcntl.lockf(file_comments_new, fcntl.LOCK_EX)18:54
Adri2000Keybuk: ^18:54
KeybukSHELL is guaranteed by Autoconf to be a POSIX-compatible shell18:54
Keybukthat's kinda the point :p18:54
KeybukAdri2000: I've already applied the patch, if you want me to make any other changes, you need to supply a new patch18:54
KeybukAdri2000: no need to lock the "new" file18:54
Keybukyou only use it when you have a lock on the old file18:54
Adri2000I put lock everywhere now :P18:55
Keybuk(arguably you should not open the new file until you have the lock on the old)18:55
Adri2000and the lock on file_comments (open for reading) should be LOCK_SH rather than LOCK_EX no?18:56
Adri2000ok, let me a minute and I give you a new patch18:56
Keybukyou should probably make comments_new be 66618:56
Keybukotherwise the web server can't write to it18:56
Adri2000why would the web server write to it?18:57
Adri2000adding a comment write directly to the comment file, it doesn't use a temporary "new" file18:58
Keybukand how is it going to have permission to do that?18:59
Adri2000hmm when mv foo bar. bar gets foo's permissions?18:59
Keybukthat's my point19:00
Keybukwhen merge-status replaces the .comments file19:00
Keybukthe new .comments will only be writable by the user merge-status runs as19:00
Keybukthe web server runs as a different user19:01
Keybukso now addcomments.py can't write to the file19:01
hellocuckooHi :)19:01
Adri2000Keybuk: right19:01
hellocuckoohello, Im interested in Ubuntu development bu dunno where to start with my skill set... any1 there to help19:02
loolKeybuk: What I'm saying is that SHELL in make is always set by make (at least in GNU make); if some commands rely on bash or /bin/sh and aren't compatible with the POSIX shell which configure selects (which might be e.g. zsh AFAIK), it might break random makefiles19:03
Keybuklool: god no!19:04
KeybukPOSIX specifically forbids make from doing that19:04
KeybukGNU make leaves SHELL at whatever is set in the Makefile19:06
Keybukand if it's not set, uses /bin/sh19:06
Keybukand *does not* pick it up from the environment19:06
Keybuk(so SHELL can never be zsh unless configure sets it that way)19:06
Adri2000Keybuk: os.chmod is strange19:06
KeybukAdri2000: yeah, the API needs to be far more complicated than just a path and a mode19:07
Keybukyou want fchmod() and fchown() anyway19:07
onnadi3Hello all: is this the right channel to discuss ideas that were marked [IDEA] in the forums? I would like to contribute to one of them.19:07
KeybukAdri2000: but I don't think the python on casey has those19:08
Adri2000Keybuk: I don't seem to have them either...19:10
hellocuckoohello, Im interested in Ubuntu development but dunno where to start with my skill set... any1 there to help ??19:11
directhexhellocuckoo, depends on the skill set19:11
slangasekso, which component of GNOME is responsible for parsing of .desktop files?19:12
hellocuckooi know java, html/css, PHP, Javascript and AJAX(learning)...... alittle C also.....19:14
hellocuckoogood at using linux environment...bash and stuff.........im very eager to learn all tht stuff19:14
Adri2000Keybuk: ah, actually os.chmod wants 0666 and not 666...19:14
Keybukyes, it's called Octal19:15
onnadi3directhex: Hi. Do you know in which channel I can discuss possible additions to the ubuntu mouse preferences?19:15
mneptokonnadi3: any reason you don't want to bring this GNOME?19:16
directhexmneptok, thou shalt not make the mouse prefs useful19:16
directhexmneptok, linus learnt that lesson when he sent patches19:16
mneptokdirecthex: exactly, that's why i'm pointing him upstream ;)19:17
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Adri2000Keybuk: http://adrishost.net/~adri2000/ubuntu/MoM-comments-more-fixing.patch19:17
onnadi3mneptok. Ah, I see. Well, I saw this thread in the ubuntuforums (http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=410342) and thought some people here might be working on it19:18
onnadi3directhex: what kinds of patches did linus send anyway? :)19:18
directhexonnadi3, dunno, some mouse prefs stuff19:19
loolKeybuk: That's exactly what I'm saying: SHELL is currently set to /bin/sh by make, and that might be bash; if we start adding SHELL = @SHELL@ in the Makefile it wont be the case anymore19:19
mneptokonnadi3: ideas passed around on forums and never added as actual blueprints on LP have no chance of implementation.19:20
hellocuckoodirecthex: am intersted in packagin too, but dunno how.... and the biggest prob is my collg LAN has irc blocked so i can't connect to irc usually....19:20
mneptokhellocuckoo: use an alternate port19:20
hellocuckooonly http and ftp work bro....19:21
onnadi3mneptok: I see. Thanks. I'll swim upstream and see what they say there19:21
mneptokhellocuckoo: no e-mail?19:21
mneptokhellocuckoo: no https?19:21
hellocuckoomneptok: hav all tht, but not used to mailing lists and stuff..19:21
mneptokhellocuckoo: connect to irc.freenode.net:800019:22
hellocuckoomneptok: wat do u work on?19:22
mneptokhellocuckoo: usually a chair and a flat surface, like a desk.19:22
bdmurraytkamppeter: can bug 299011 be Fix Released?19:22
ubottuLaunchpad bug 299011 in hplip "hp-systray in HPLIP 2.8.10 completely broken: No Qt4 support, hpdio module missing" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/29901119:22
hellocuckoomnetok: hahha.....wat team do u work with?? which software?19:22
mneptokhellocuckoo: i'm an (almost) former Canonical support monkey19:24
hellocuckoomneptok: now?19:25
mneptokhellocuckoo: as of Monday a MariaDB boilerman19:25
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hellocuckoomneptok: so any advise where i shud start with?19:26
mneptokhellocuckoo: if you aren't doing active development, it's probably best to keep this channel clear for such work. i recommend idling in #ubuntu-motu and getting a sense of how Universe works.19:27
Keybuklool: but that's ok19:28
Keybuklool: because whatever SHELL is set to by Autoconf will be the right thing19:28
Keybuk/bin/sh might be the Solaris shell from hell19:28
directhexKeybuk, /bin/sh is awesome. tab complete is for girls19:28
tkamppeterbdmurray: Yes, bug 299011 is completely fixed with HPLIP 3.9.2. I have closed the bug now. I have posted an FFE for 3.9.2: bug 33511619:29
ubottuLaunchpad bug 299011 in hplip "hp-systray in HPLIP 2.8.10 completely broken: No Qt4 support, hpdio module missing" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/29901119:29
ubottuLaunchpad bug 335116 in hplip "FFE Request: HPLIP 3.9.2 released one day after FF" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33511619:29
bdmurraytkamppeter: also the next upload of cups will have the apport-hook that gathers printing info in it.  What other packages could use it?19:32
tkamppeterbdmurray, I do not exactly know what the new apport hook does. pitti has added it. pitti, can you help bdmurray.19:33
bdmurraytkamppeter: I wrote it pitti sponsored it.  It gathers the same info as the printingbuginfo script.  I'm curious what other packages would benefit from that information.19:34
Adri2000Keybuk: now even the status pages themselves return internal server errors :/19:39
tkamppeterbdmurray, Ghostscript, all foomatic-... packages and printer drivers.19:41
tkamppeterbdmurray: They all get invoked by CUPS when executing a print job. So the error_log of CUPS helps also to debug all these packages.19:42
bdmurraytkamppeter: okay, great thanks19:43
kirklandhyperair: okay, i've tested it out ... that ethtool setting is not persistent across boots19:44
kirklandhyperair: sudo ethtool eth0 | grep Wake-on:19:45
kirklandhyperair: on a fresh boot, it's always "d"  (disabled)19:45
hyperairhow very strange19:45
kirklandhyperair: i need to give it "g" to enable it19:45
kirklandhyperair: it might be particular to this hardware19:45
kirklandhyperair: but i've read elsewhere with people saying the same thing19:45
hyperairi see19:45
hyperairgenerally it's the bios which handles this =\19:46
jdong_I don't think that is true19:47
jdong_generally it is your OS's ACPI implementation that should handle it.19:47
jdong_BIOS handling it should be "legacy"19:48
jdong_for some silly misuse of the quoted term19:48
porter1Hey, anyone know why on x86_64, lib32 doesn't directly name the libraries (e.g. libGLU.so.1 instead of libGLU.so)19:51
porter1Is it to give x64 libs precdence?19:51
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EtienneGhey guys20:10
EtienneGwho do we poke when there is a -dbgsym missing on ddebs.u.c?20:10
Mr-Woof#join ubuntu-bugs20:12
Mr-Woofoops :)20:12
EtienneGpitti, my man, are you the one we should go to about missing -dbgsym on ddebs?20:13
EtienneGha, /away20:14
EtienneGI will catch on Monday then20:14
jdong_EtienneG: missing or outdated?20:18
EtienneGjdong_, missing20:19
jdong_it kidna sucks that we dont get -updates and -security dbgsyms :(20:19
EtienneGstunnel4 for i386 in hardy20:19
EtienneGit is not from -update or -security20:19
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slangasekEtienneG: after the fact, there's not really a way to reconstitute the missing package short of doing another upload20:28
slangasekand you can't upload to the release pocket anyway, so...20:28
EtienneGslangasek, too bad then!  thanks for the info20:28
bdmurrayslangasek: should bug 332962 be about grub?21:10
ubottuLaunchpad bug 332962 in grub "Please provide talking accessible bootloader" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33296221:10
slangasekbdmurray: that's where it's already assigned - are you suggesting it's mis-assigned?21:11
bdmurrayslangasek: I'm not suggesting, just wondering.21:12
slangasekbdmurray: I have no idea if grub is what OpenSUSE is using as their talking bootloader.  I think it's unlikely that we would want to support two different bootloaders, so grub (or eventually grub2) is probably the right place for it21:12
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tedgDoes Ubuntu Server have DBus?21:43
Nafallotedg: apt-get install...21:45
ogracjwatson, right and i guess before the first user would complain we'd have a new d-i build anyway21:45
AquinaIs there a check routing in the kernel or somewhere else within the installer to perform a small CPU and RAM check? I often whished that was included due to the fact I already had several issues with corrupt AMD CPUs caused by ESD/EMI issues.21:49
jdong_Aquina: IMO the memtest and CD checksum items on the boot menu are for that purpose.21:59
jdong_the memtest for short period of time even will catch most of the RAM-related problems that might cause you grief21:59
jdong_and the CD checksum calculation should exercise the CPU a bit too21:59
Aquinathx, jdong_22:16
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* calc larts doko for uploading during freeze week :-\23:22
slangasekcalc: ?23:27
calcslangasek: he uploaded OOo during the freeze i think because i wasn't going to upload it during the freeze just for a simple one line change23:35
calcslangasek: i have a bunch of things queued up to change for the next upload which i will be doing early next week anyway23:35
calcso it was just a waste of buildd time really :\23:35
ograwell, they are idle most of the time during a freeze23:36
slangasekI'm pretty sure the upload didn't happen during the milestone freeze23:36
RainCT(and download time for users :))23:36
bdmurraykirkland: is there a reason bug 313812 is private?23:36
ubottuBug 313812 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/313812 is private23:36
slangasekcalc: I see that the package was uploaded today, which isn't during the milestone freeze...23:37
slangasek(setting aside the question of whether OOo should be uploaded for a one-liner change :)23:37
calcslangasek: ah ok the changelog was from tue 2423:37
calci didn't know if it had just been queued during the freeze..23:38
kirklandbdmurray: sort of ...23:38
kirklandbdmurray: it came from the RH security team, and it was private on their end23:38
* calc is back to working on new OOo upload23:39
kirklandbdmurray: we went a few rounds with them as to whether or not it should be considered a security vulnerability (I don't believe so --  it's just a function of the way keyrings work)23:39
bdmurraykirkland: okay, thanks I was just curious23:40
slangasekcalc: queued yes, but on his side. :)23:40
kirklandbdmurray: i'm okay with un-marking it private, but that should probably be cleared by jdstrand/kees/mdeslaur23:40
slangasekkirkland: want to test out a pam change before I upload it, to see whether it regresses anything for ecryptfs23:53
kirklandslangasek: yes23:53
* kirkland is afraid already23:54
slangasekkirkland: lp:~ubuntu-core-dev/pam/ubuntu23:55
kirklandslangasek: I just replaced a few rungs on a stepladder... wanna climb to the top and make sure it still works?23:55
* Nafallo replaces kirkland's stepladder23:56
slangasekkirkland: as long as you're standing below to break my fall ;)23:58
kirklandslangasek: fair enough, sounds like a deal23:59
* kirkland building23:59

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