fta | jcastro, Title: gwibber crashed with SIGSEGV in pango_layout_check_lines() <= while typing | 00:27 |
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asac | @time New_York | 10:37 |
gnomefreak | asac: i held a post from debian to mailing list. it still shows up in the admin screen of mailing list. How did you get them out of the admin screen? | 11:09 |
* gnomefreak needs to find a way to use 3.1 as defualt browser. for some reason its using 3.0 as defualt | 11:10 | |
gnomefreak | ah 3.1 was my fault :( | 11:12 |
gnomefreak | I need a timer that counts upwards instead of downwards. downwards == time set for 1 hour and it counts to 0 upwards set timer for 1 hour and it counts down to 0 | 11:14 |
asac | gnomefreak: go to preferences -> preferred appli ations | 11:20 |
asac | select browser and use Custom: firefox-3.1 | 11:20 |
asac | (i have firefox-3.2 there) | 11:20 |
gnomefreak | asac: i did i screwed that up and i fixed it | 11:20 |
asac | k | 11:20 |
asac | gnomefreak: for the admin stuff on ML ... i didnt moderate anything yesterday | 11:21 |
asac | my flu is too hard | 11:21 |
asac | i hope this weekend will bring relief | 11:21 |
* gnomefreak sick too | 11:22 | |
gnomefreak | !upgrade | 11:24 |
ubottu | For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading | 11:24 |
gnomefreak | ill be back in a bit im grabbing source and hoping that i can fix the latest source build failure but binaries build fine | 11:39 |
=== bdrung_ is now known as bdrung | ||
_sick | i'm using thunderbird 2 and looking for a way to backup my POP3 mail account before i switch to IMAP. Is there a way to backup my account in a way that i can easily browse my old mails whenever i need them ? | 12:51 |
_sick | is there a special channel for thunderbird where i could ask ? | 12:53 |
asac | _sick: try #thunderbird on irc.mozilla.org | 12:59 |
_sick | thanks | 12:59 |
asac | _sick: i would say that backing up the pop mail folder should be enough ... but | 12:59 |
asac | it might not be that easily to browse afterwards | 12:59 |
asac | _sick: at best keep you popup account, setup imap; copy everything over | 12:59 |
asac | then wipe popup | 12:59 |
_sick | this would take lightyears to copy all my pop mails over to imap | 13:01 |
_sick | i think it would be a nice feature to be able to browse archived mailaccounts by File->Open->MyBackup.bak->Search old Contact->BeHappy... or is there an other common way ? | 13:03 |
_sick | mozbackup is nice, but not i you just need a short look into your old mails... | 13:05 |
asac | _sick: ah lightyear isnt much different than a year ;) | 13:07 |
asac | except that its measuring distance | 13:08 |
asac | j.k. | 13:08 |
asac | anyway. i dont know a good solution ;) | 13:08 |
asac | if you know let us know (especially if its a good extension) | 13:08 |
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=== asac_drinking_co is now known as asac | ||
asac | bug 329061 | 15:04 |
ubottu | Bug 329061 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/329061 is private | 15:04 |
BUGabundo | hi asac, guud afternoon | 15:06 |
asac | guud afternoon | 15:07 |
* asac goes for lunch/break ;) | 15:07 | |
BUGabundo | at this hour asac? | 15:12 |
BUGabundo | you lunch *late* | 15:13 |
BUGabundo | Fri Feb 27 15:13:10 UTC 2009 | 15:13 |
asac | i was blocked and waited for infos on a call | 15:14 |
asac | so now i have to run | 15:14 |
asac | because the call is in 45 min | 15:15 |
BUGabundo | go, run.... | 15:16 |
jagadeesh | How do I hide read messages? | 16:15 |
BUGabundo | jagadeesh: using what? | 16:15 |
jagadeesh | BUGabundo: I am using thunderbird | 16:16 |
BUGabundo | I don't use it, so I can't help much | 16:17 |
jagadeesh | BUGabundo: Any idea about how to get it in mutt | 16:18 |
BUGabundo | hidding read messages? | 16:19 |
BUGabundo | there is a script for it | 16:20 |
BUGabundo | I've seen it on a mutt fan page | 16:20 |
fta2 | no need for scripts to do that with mutt | 16:32 |
fta2 | l ~R | 16:32 |
fta2 | l=limit ~r=read messages | 16:33 |
fta2 | i meant "l !~R" of course | 16:34 |
fta2 | jagadeesh, ^^ | 16:34 |
jagadeesh | fta2: its working.thanks a lot | 16:37 |
BUGabundo | I guess its now embed by default then | 16:41 |
asac | !info firefox | 16:59 |
ubottu | firefox (source: firefox-3.0): meta package for the popular mozilla web browser. In component main, is optional. Version 3.0.6+nobinonly-0ubuntu0.8.10.1 (intrepid), package size 67 kB, installed size 124 kB | 16:59 |
* BUGabundo founds the user group: Jaunty with 3.1 by default!!! | 17:05 | |
asac | heh ;) | 17:06 |
asac | those guys should have listened what happened when we released hardy with 3.0b5 | 17:06 |
asac | thats far too much ground for fud stories | 17:06 |
asac | s/ground/soil/ | 17:07 |
asac | !info firefox | 17:07 |
ubottu | firefox (source: firefox-3.0): meta package for the popular mozilla web browser. In component main, is optional. Version 3.0.6+nobinonly-0ubuntu0.8.10.1 (intrepid), package size 67 kB, installed size 124 kB | 17:07 |
asac | too bad | 17:07 |
asac | @time | 17:07 |
asac | if that would work it would be less annoying to test a ping ;) | 17:07 |
asac | @now | 17:07 |
asac | !now | 17:07 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about now | 17:07 |
asac | !time | 17:07 |
ubottu | Information about using and setting your computer's clock on Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuTime - See https://help.ubuntu.com/7.10/server/C/NTP.html for information on usage of the Network Time Protocol (NTP) | 17:08 |
asac | nah | 17:08 |
asac | !gimmetimeyoubastard | 17:08 |
ubottu | Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 17:08 |
asac | i guess that was a different bot | 17:08 |
asac | only gnomefreak would know i guess | 17:08 |
BUGabundo | Fri Feb 27 17:12:04 WET 2009 | 17:12 |
BUGabundo | asac: I was here when hardy got a "beta" version | 17:12 |
BUGabundo | I was FOR it... not against | 17:12 |
BUGabundo | it got fixed on the next milestone upgrade | 17:12 |
BUGabundo | gotta to go | 17:14 |
BUGabundo | job interview in 1h | 17:15 |
asac | bug 191889 | 17:32 |
asac | what a mess ;) | 17:32 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 191889 in pidgin "[MASTER] [WORKAROUND] "Offline Mode" feature fails to detect proper online state for networks that are managed outside of network manager." [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/191889 | 17:32 |
asac | "BRAVO! Firefox is my new nominee for a Darwin award. | 17:32 |
asac | I have this thing called a kiosk with a web-app in the background of the box. It has no network connectivity - it doesn't need to, there is this strange thing on Linux since like 1970 called loopback (for the Firefox developers, this can be found at | 17:32 |
asac | " | 17:32 |
asac | "I filed bug for FF lacking way to defeat off line mode, several months ago. | 17:33 |
asac | People refused to see that most users might never use or need off line mode. | 17:33 |
asac | People refused to change FF behavior to avoid users switching to browser with | 17:33 |
asac | less vexing behavior. Finally they combined my bug with bug blaming other | 17:33 |
asac | programs for FF being off line." | 17:33 |
asac | lol | 17:33 |
asac | its really hard to imagine how it is if you are an ordinary user ending up in such a bug ;) | 17:34 |
asac | maybe the first bug you filed ;) | 17:34 |
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marquinos | Hi! | 21:11 |
marquinos | Hi asac / asac_ Are you here? :) | 21:11 |
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fta | asac, xulrunner-1.9 now depends on libpython2.6?? | 22:37 |
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