
kenny__How do I install bugzilla under ubuntu(8.10)? I have installed bugzilla3 with all dependencies (including mysql and apache2), hope I set the right db_user and db_pass in localconfig, but there is no http://localhost/bugzilla site.00:27
kenny__How do I tell the apache server to display the bugzilla pages under http://localhost/bugzilla?00:27
roy_hobbsHow much does installing openafs-fileserver do for me in terms of getting AFS up and running?01:53
Cyntekim trying to upload photos,music,documents, and movies files onto a 300gb ext3 filesystem hard drive. Now i have created directories ie: /photos, /documents,....so forth. why is that when i transfer files to there parent directories they end up being in the other directories that were created?02:08
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baz_hey, I am trying to re-install ubuntu on a machine that had a software RAID (ubuntu too). When do I re-assemble the RAID? Before install, during install or after install?03:39
twbbaz_: IIRC it will recognize the existing md array during installation.03:50
baz_twb, thanks i'll try it out... you're the only one who gave a suggestion in 6 channels :)04:13
twb"try it and see" is usually a good first attempt.04:14
baz_twb, to be honest i am re-installing the desktop and i tried with livecd and even re-assembled using mdadm, but i wasn't sure if it was recognizing it or not... now u gave me confidence the alternate cd wwill work...04:16
Cyntekokay, i reformatted the second hard drive, i want to make it a file sharing for Windows machine, now I also would like to create directorys for individual file purposes, such as music to /music ...documents to /documents. get this working without each directory being a copy of one another.04:16
twbOops, he should know that the live CD doesn't support software RAID.04:24
twbCyntek: what I do is just make a filesystem and mount it on /srv, so that there is e.g. /srv/music and /srv/video04:25
twbCyntek: if you want top-level directories (which I don't recommend, because it's messy), is either to create symlinks (sudo ln -s srv/video /) or to use -o bind to remount /srv/video also on /video.04:26
twbYou probably don't want bind mounts.04:26
Cyntektwb, do you understand my problem?04:33
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llragsllneed to configure ubuntu gateway with one physical interface for two logical subnets07:52
llragsllI knkow tht this can be done using virtual if07:52
llragsllbut how to route packets from one interface to other?07:52
cemcllragsll: you have to enable ip forwarding on the box08:03
cemctry this:08:04
cemcsysctl net.ipv4.ip_forward08:04
cemcif it's 0 (zero), forwarding is not enabled08:05
llragslllet me explain08:07
llragsllthis box has an ipsec tunnel to some other  n/w's so i knoe tht fowarding is enabled08:07
cemci see08:07
llragsllthere are two n/w's .2 and .408:08
llragsllthe .4 n/w is the LAn08:08
llragsllwhile I have the .2 n/w for the modem and the gateway only08:08
llragslli hope you follow me..08:08
cemccould you just copy-paste the ifconfig output?08:09
llragsllok..jus a sec08:09
=== mib_guvg4wqr is now known as llrags
=== llrags is now known as llragsll
cemcnot found08:11
cemcok, I got it08:12
cemcgo on08:13
llragsllthe routes have been set too08:13
cemc(maybe copy-paste?)08:13
llragslleth0:1 is the virtual interfac08:13
llragsllhttp://www.mibbit.com/pb/GVVqGe ..yes this is route08:14
llragsllthe machines on .32 n/w can't access .24 resources08:15
cemcthe machines on .32 need to know where .24 is08:16
llragsll.24 only consists of the my modem, consequently I can't access internet08:16
cemcthey need to have 32.207 as gateway,08:16
cemcor you need to route network .24 on every machine to .2408:16
llragsllbut sine ubuntu is the gateway08:16
cemcto .24.207 i mean08:16
llragsll.207 is the gatewway08:16
cemcand for .24 machines .24.207 is ?08:17
llragsll.24 only consis of my modem to the internaet08:17
cemcbecause they need to know too where .32 is08:17
llragsll.24 is only from the modem to the gateway08:17
cemchm indeed :)08:18
cemcwhat resources are we talking about then ? :)08:18
cemcon .2408:18
llragsllinternet through the modem08:18
llragsll.24.1 is the default gatway/modem/WAA08:18
llragsllits like <.32>------<ubuntu gateway>-----<.24.1 modem>------<internet>08:19
llragsllthe gateway has one physical interface..eth0...so i put a virtual interface eth0:1 on .24 n/w08:20
llragsllshouldn't the gatway route .24 packets to eth:0:1 interface?08:21
cemcthe route output is from the ubuntu gateway ?08:22
cemcshouldn't the default gateway (last line) be ?08:23
cemcinstead of 32.108:23
llragsllwell it is...or rather it was..I have reset the n/w now...08:23
llragslleverything is flat now08:23
cemcthe ubuntu box's gateway should be 24.108:24
llragsllyes...got it..08:24
cemcand all the machines gw in .32 should be 32.207 (the ubuntu box)08:24
llragsllare the routes correct?08:24
cemcwell, there are no routes really, those are just the directly ocnnected stuff, because you have the IP addreses on eth008:25
cemcyou do need one other thing tho08:25
cemcthe 24.1 router should know about .32 too08:26
llragsllhmm...but how08:26
llragslland Y?08:26
llragsllit will be getting the packets only from ubuntu08:26
cemcsuppose you ping www.yahoo.com from .32.508:26
cemcthe packet goes to 32.207 (ubuntu),08:27
cemcthen it goes to .24.1,08:27
cemcthen it goes out to yahoo, comes back (that if NAT is set up on the router :) ),08:27
cemcthen 24.1 should send it back to the ubuntu box,08:27
cemcbut it doesn't know that08:27
cemcif you don't tell it08:27
llragsllyes...NAT is setup..08:28
cemcthere's one other thing08:28
llragsllnow..how to accomplish tht?08:28
cemcyou have to configure the router, if it's smart enough :)08:29
llragsllI hope it is...08:29
llragsllwht should I configure?08:29
cemcdo you have ping from say .32.x to 24.1 ?08:29
llragsllI din try tht....I just open some sites to check08:30
llragsllbut I can ping from the gateway08:30
cemcfirst try a ping from .32.x to 24.108:31
llragsllwht setticgs do I need to do on the router?08:31
cemcno idea, depends on the router... you have to add a static route, -> 32.20708:32
cemc192.168.32.0/24 -> 24.20708:32
cemcbut how do you do that, it's up to you to find out :)08:33
llragsllok...yes..I remeber seeing something like ttht08:33
llragsllyes tht's kool08:33
llragsllthx pal08:33
cemc.32 and .24 are on the same physical network, nright?08:33
llragsllyes...same n/w08:34
cemcwhy you need the ubuntu box ?08:34
llragsllwe need it for squid and ipsec tunnel.08:34
llragsllI am segregating the iptraffic from LAN traffic08:35
llragsllall traffic on the .24 n/w will be WAN while .32 will be LAN08:35
llragsllThe gateway is setup properly right. Is there anything on the gateway to be done??08:37
cemcthen you definitely want 2 NICs in that ubuntu boxc08:37
cemcone connected to .32 and one to .2408:37
llragsllyes...tht's wht I told my manager.08:37
cemcwhat's one more NIC, like $1 ? :)08:37
llragsll:(...but we have to make do with wht we have08:38
cemcI would buy it myself ;)08:38
cemcthat's not really separation if they're on the same n/w08:38
cemcI mean if I were you08:38
cemcI would get one08:38
llragsllok..I'll run tht through my manager..08:38
llragsllbut this virtual interfaces...where are they useful then?08:39
cemcbecause nothing would stop one from setting a .24 ip on one of the .32 machines08:39
cemcand going directly through the router08:39
llragsllthx a grand dude...08:41
cemcso what you want is to really force the .32 machines to go through the ubuntu gateway08:41
cemcif you want to set up proxy, firewall and stuff08:41
llragsllyes...tht is the intent08:42
cemcyou can do it with 1 NIC too, with VLANs, if your switch supports it08:42
cemcbut that's a bit more complicated08:42
_rubendamn .. was just about to mention that :)08:43
_rubenthe vlan thing ;)08:43
_rubenthen again, if an extra nic is a problem, i doubt there's a switch in place that'd support vlans08:43
cemcyep :) that's what i was gonna say08:43
llragsllVLAN's..i'll have to look into tht08:43
_rubenstranger things have happened in the world though :)08:43
cemcllragsll: you want to look at your switch if it's with management (I mean ip address on it, interface to configure it, etc), and if it has VLAN support08:44
cemcbut that's really not an ubuntu-server kinda topic ;)08:44
llragslllemme chek if it has VLAN...08:45
llragsllbut does this move evrything on the router?08:45
cemcand first you want to read up on all that so you know what you're doing ;)08:45
cemcmove = ?08:45
llragslli'll learn as I go...:P08:45
cemc[10:45:29] <llragsll> but does this move evrything on the router? <- don't understand this question08:47
llragsllI meant doe this mean I won't be able to use the ubuntu server as a gateway08:48
llragsllsince with a VLAN the n/w's will be configured at the router.08:48
cemcnope, it means you will be able to use the ubuntu as gateway as intended, with one NIC08:48
cemcbut it really would be easier to get another NIC :)08:49
cemctrust me08:49
llragsllbad news is my router doesn't seem to have vlan support..but I can put in routes. :)08:49
llragsllyes...sure..I will get another NIC..for now this is just an intellectual pursuit...:)08:49
cemcthe router doesn't need VLAN support08:50
cemconly your switch in which you have the ubuntu and machines connected08:50
cemcand of course ubuntu08:51
llragsllok...haha..I know you are going to flip now...the modem is th switch/router everything08:52
llragsllall m/c's are physically connected to .32.108:53
cemcnice ;)08:54
cemcand what kind of router is it ?08:54
cemcname, model, something ?08:54
llragsllUTStar com08:56
llragsllits modem/router/switch08:56
llragsllgot stuff to read then...thx for the help08:58
* llragsll leaves08:58
cemchave fun :)08:58
cemcfunny that it had like 1% to do with ubuntu ;)08:59
dayohow do i upgrade a single package on the server, i.e. squid?09:37
_rubendayo: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install quid09:41
_ruben(install performs an upgrade when already installed)09:41
dayo_ruben: ok, trying that now.09:42
PecisDarbshi people, where I can get information about when OpenLDAP record was created?09:49
dayo_ruben: well, it says i already have the latest squid installed. thanks anyway :-)09:51
dayokraut: moin moin09:51
denndarkhunter reports several files like useradd have been changed recently. I did an update yesterday. Does rkhunter not take into account changes due to updates?10:37
ivoksyou have to update its database10:38
denndai tried rkhunter --update but that didn't show any updates10:39
ivoksthat will update its database10:40
denndawell, it didn't :-)10:40
ivokshow do you know?10:40
denndait said "no updates" and in the check i'm currently running it's still complaining about those files10:40
ivoksyou did run it as root?10:41
dennda--check-version reports there is an update available though... 1.3.0 -> 1.3.410:44
ivoksthat's irrelevant10:44
denndaivoks: ok, understood; but I still didn't get how to update its database, since --update gives me "no updates found"10:45
denndai do have wget, of course10:46
ivoksright... --update is something else10:48
ivoks--propupd is the right swtich10:49
denndaoverlooked that10:49
denndasilly switchname though10:49
denndaso lemme do a check again10:50
denndaivoks: great that solved it. thanks10:54
denndaivoks: you don't happen to know by heart how to tell rkhunter that it's normal that some functionality just doesn't exist? (like QM_MODULES for the kernel or such. it's always complaining)10:54
ivoksi never used it10:55
incorrectis it possible to use dpkg-reconfigure package and supply it will the answers to the questions?11:00
nomoahi, why is this in error : echo $((08%4)) ??11:23
nomoahmm, leading 0 indicates base 811:27
salsahello. I cannot reboot the VM (ubuntu-server 8.04) on Xen (3.0.3) either shut it down using standard methods from console. Could you please comment.11:32
salsaopercod@rocserv:~$ sudo reboot -n11:33
salsaThe system is going down for reboot NOW!11:33
salsathat's all what I get11:34
_rubenincorrect: use debconf-set-selections12:12
Cyntekis it possible to install an NTFS drive with data on it, and mount it on ubuntu-server ?14:24
cemcCyntek: should be easy enough14:26
_rubenreadonly is trivial .. read/write is still a bit tricky14:26
Cyntekntfs-3g is default installed with ubuntu-server, right.14:27
yann2sure? ntfs-3g has been considered production ready for a while14:27
Cyntekso it should detect the ntfs drive with data already installed.14:28
Cyntekwhen i do sudo fdisk -l  i do see the drive, sdc114:29
Cyntekbut it says its using the OnTrackDM6 under the System section ?14:29
Cyntek   Device Boot      Start         End      Blocks   Id  System14:30
Cyntek/dev/sdc1               1        1023     8217243   54  OnTrackDM614:30
dsmith-workCyntek: It should be safe enough to try and mount it read-only.14:41
Cyntekdsmith-work, k. but i just installed ntfs-config and it needs gtk+ gui, how do i remove it?14:42
dsmith-workHow do you remove a package? "aptitude remove|purge" or whatever you like.14:45
Cynteki did sudo apt-get uninstall ntfs-config14:46
Cyntekdid not work14:47
dsmith-workI think aptitude is a little smarter then apt-get about also removing dependencies.14:47
dsmith-workCyntek: apt-get --help14:48
Cynteki did it, sudo aptitude remove ntfs-config14:48
Cyntekand it gave me the following packages will be removed:14:49
Cyntekits removing it, now back to my issue.14:50
Cyntekdsmith-work, here is what fdisk shows: http://rafb.net/p/TSFBAs96.html14:52
dsmith-workSo try something like     mount -r -t ntfs /dev/sdc1 {somemoutpoint}14:54
dsmith-workand see if it complains14:54
dsmith-workCyntek: The -r is read-only14:55
Cyntekk, i will try.15:00
Cyntekdsmith-work, it complained: http://rafb.net/p/t9GZHP84.html15:02
dsmith-workOk.  Then you can't mount it.15:03
lorenzosuHi all. Anyone have experience about doing replicated installs of ubuntu desktop?15:03
Cyntekdsmith-work, can i change the Filesystem to some other than ntfs to ext3 without loosing any data?15:06
oCean_Cyntek: you might find something useful here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=72193715:08
dsmith-workCyntek: googling for    turned up this:  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=385218&page=315:08
Cynteki will take a look at it.15:08
Cyntekokay so how do i get into the bootloader and the option:  sdc1=remap6315:28
Cyntekdsmith-work, oCean_ how do i get into the bootloader to add the option?15:33
oCean_Cyntek: I'm not sure if you see grub menu during startup, since you're on server, but I thinkg hitting 'esc' will get you in bootloader. I think it's option "e" to edit commandline arguments.15:37
Cyntekim able to get into the grub.menulist15:38
Cyntekwhere do i this option:  sdc1=remap6315:38
oCean_Cyntek: search in menu.lst for line starting #kopt15:40
oCean_hm.. line is not there? Seems to be a bit diff from my (current) install, which is not server version.15:41
oCean_anyway, during boot you'll have to option to add cmdline arg.15:42
Cyntekit boots straigt into login.15:43
oCean_yeah, I think you have to press ESC immediately after startup, before it starts loading the kernel15:44
Cynteki held it down right before i did the reboot, nothing.15:45
Gargoylehello, everyone!15:53
CyntekoCean_, i got it.15:54
Cyntekwhat part do i edit to add: sdc1=remap6315:54
oCean_Cyntek: aha. Hope it also solves the actual mount problem?15:54
oCean_err.. I'm not sure... you are in the bootloader atm?15:55
oCean_there should be some options like 'e' to edit and 'a' to append I thinkg15:55
axisyshow do net install an x2100 (sun hardware) ?16:03
JanCaxisys: there is a page about net installs on the wiki, or is something special about the x2100 ?16:11
axisysJanC: i want to use PXE16:16
JanCaxisys: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation#Server%20and%20network%20installations ?16:17
axisysJanC: tnx16:18
nealmcbis there a convenient way to convert the x11 clipboard from unicode text to a reasonable ascii version?  E.g. to copy/paste from a web page with smart quotes to an ascii-only terminal session or editor?16:20
* nealmcb figures server-folks will know more about this than #ubuntu folks....16:20
* nealmcb should have put "smart quotes" in quotes....16:21
sbeattienealmcb: xclip?16:24
nealmcbsbeattie: thanks - I'll look at it16:32
JanChm, did anybody else have problems with filesystems on a linux software raid not being mounted during boot after an upgrade from intrepid to jaunty?17:00
nicetryI'm trying to figure out which groups have which privlages, so I know which ones to join to new users I create. How do I go about finding out information about groups?17:25
JanCnicetry: did you try searching the docs/wiki?17:44
nicetryJanC: I did, I was having trouble finding the documentation for the default groups in ubuntu-server and what they were for, thats why I came here.17:48
JanCI'm not sure they are documented in one place, but you're right they should be  ツ17:48
nicetryJanC: Right on, I wonder who should be informed about that.17:51
JanCmaybe the documentation team?17:52
JanCin the users & groups GUI some of them have a nice description, that might be a good starting point17:54
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axisyshow do I define a different interface eth0:1 instead of default eth0 for dhcp daemon ?18:21
uvirtbotNew bug: #324212 in tomcat6 (main) "Tomcat 6 does not respect CATALINA_BASE/lib" [Low,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/32421218:46
Vog-workHas anyone found a work around for Bug 24553218:47
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 245532 in lm-sensors "libsensors postinst fails on add/remove device entries" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/24553218:47
giovanialthough not ubuntu-specific, I was wondering if there's an accepted technique for finding the "path of dependency" for a package -- to find out why it's installed18:48
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axisysi am getting " tftp: client does not accept options" while trying to net install a linux box19:29
axisysi followed this https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/LocalNet#Basic: Hands-On Interactive Network Server Edition Install19:29
uvirtbotNew bug: #335581 in ubuntu "Ubuntu Server Install Fails with Dep Errors" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33558119:52
dsmith-workgiovani: Hmm. I don't know.  I guess you can look at the intersection of installed packages and packages that depend on a certain package.  That won't tell you what package pulled it in though.  I think aptitude keeps track of that information somewhere though.19:56
Ethosanyone played with that before?19:57
Ethoswill the first post work...19:57
poshvinDid any one install Dlink DWA 520 (wifi) card on UBUNTU 8.04( Hurdy ...)20:00
giovanidsmith-work: yeah, I was worried it might be that manual of a process -- I've got an ubuntu jaunty alpha 5 server install, and was wondering why x11-common was installed20:04
dsmith-workgiovani: Well, aptitude seems to know, so there may be a way of convincing it to tell.20:06
giovanidsmith-work: indeed there is "aptitude why PACKAGENAME"20:07
giovanialthough it doesn't do the entire chain20:08
giovanijust one level up20:08
giovanix11-common is depended on by xauth ... but, xauth is not depended on by anything I have, just recommended by openssh-server, and I don't think I'd need xauth when there's no X :)20:09
giovaniodd indeed20:09
JanCgiovani: recommends are treated as dependencies by default?20:13
giovaniJanC: I was not aware of that ... thanks for the info -- mystery solved :020:14
ScottKReccommends are installed by default, not treated as recommends.20:14
ScottKopenssh-server recommending xauth seems overkill to me.20:15
giovaniis there a switch somewhere for apt-get to disable that behavior20:15
JanCScottK: yeah, that's what I mean20:15
ScottKThere is.  I don't recall the exact syntax.20:16
giovaniit's --no-install-recommends it appears -- too bad there isn't a shorter version20:16
Ethoscan install php5-dev mess up a current php install?20:17
JanCgiovani: there is a way to put it in an apt config file too20:17
drbobbhello, i'm still having trouble with one of my servers, grub is refusing to boot from the hdd20:18
giovaniJanC: indeed APT::Install-Recommends "0" ;20:18
giovani does it20:18
drbobbthe machine has a single hdd that is identified as /dev/sda20:19
drbobbbut under an old red hat it was seen as /dev/hde20:20
drbobbuntil now i have managed to boot via a grub floppy20:22
drbobbbut when i try booting from hdd grub seems unable to locate stage1.520:23
giovaniyeah, you'll need to edit /boot/grub/device.map I think20:23
giovaniand set hd0 to the correct device20:23
JanCand then install grub again20:23
drbobbhd0 is /dev/sda20:24
drbobbthere is no other hard drive on the system20:24
giovanithen grub probably needs to be reinstalled, yea20:24
drbobbi already did that20:24
drbobbbut nothing changed20:24
giovanihow did you reinstall grub?20:25
drbobbgrub-install hdo20:25
giovaniit needs to be grub-install /dev/sda20:25
dsmith-workgiovani: Cool. good to know about aptitude20:25
drbobbbut device.map says20:26
drbobb(hdo) /dev/sda20:26
giovanifirst of all, it's not supposed to be hdo20:26
giovaniit's supposed to be hd020:26
giovani(zero verus oh)20:26
giovanisecond of all ... grub-install is reinstalling grub ... it's not reading device.map20:27
giovanionly grub reads device.map20:27
drbobbdid i write h-d-oh?20:27
giovaniyes, twice20:27
drbobbmy bad20:27
giovanibut, you need to install grub with grub-install /dev/sda20:27
drbobbat the command line i didn't20:27
giovaniI assure you, you do not use hdX for grub-install20:27
drbobbman grub-install thinks otherwise20:27
giovaniyou're not booted inside of the OS20:28
giovaniyou're booted off recovery media20:28
giovaniwhich doesn't have the device.map20:28
giovaniplease run grub-install /dev/sda20:28
drbobbwrong assumption20:28
drbobbi was inside the os20:29
drbobbbut i'll try it anyway, although as per the docs it should make no difference20:29
drbobbactually what i did was, i made a grub boot floppy20:30
drbobbloaded the grub from there, and booted linux from the grub command line20:31
giovaniif it really doesn't work after that, maybe #grub can help20:33
drbobbbtw grub was originally installed on the hdd by the ubuntu-server installer20:35
drbobband i really wonder why didn't it work20:35
drbobbwith a single hard drive on  the system, it's hard to see what could go wrong20:36
giovanisounds like either something was done incorrectly manually, or possibly the drive is corrupt20:36
giovaniyou did say it had old redhat on it at one point, right? how old is the drive?20:37
drbobbhmmm it's 200GB and SATA, so it can't be all that old20:37
simonpthere's no ubuntu kernel with vserver support, right?20:39
drbobbmodel # is ST3200822AS in case that tells you anything20:40
MatBoydoes anyone know a good postfix/dovecot + mysql howto ? I can't get this working 100% under ubuntu20:41
giovanisimonp: an official one? not that I know of -- but there's a debian/ubuntu repository with a vserver kernel20:41
drbobbthe controller is identified as SiI 3112 [SATALink/SATARaid] Serial ATA Controller (by lshw)20:42
giovanidrbobb: ask in #grub ... it's unlikely it's a corrupted drive if it's that new20:42
cemcdrbobb: did you try reinstalling grub from the grub cli ?20:42
giovaniMatBoy: might be best asked in #postfix or #dovecot, no?20:43
cemcgrub> root (hd0,x)20:43
giovanidepending on how you're doing auth20:43
cemcgrub> setup (hd0)20:43
cemcwhere hd0,x is the root partition-120:43
drbobbuh i believe you mean /boot partition rather than root partition20:44
giovaniMatBoy: but google's first hit was http://johnny.chadda.se/2007/04/15/mail-server-howto-postfix-and-dovecot-with-mysql-and-tlsssl-postgrey-and-dspam/ -- that might be helpful20:44
cemcdrbobb: umm... if you have /boot separat, then yeah20:44
MatBoygiovani: I used that one... doesn't work quite well20:44
drbobbyes i do, the rest of the drive is under LVM20:44
cemcbut who needs that nowadays? :)20:44
cemcI see20:44
giovaniMatBoy: well, following something line-for-line is rarely going to work20:44
giovaniMatBoy: if you have specific problems, I'd ask where it's most relevant -- in #postfix or #dovecot20:45
drbobbok will try that20:45
giovanicemc: umm, everyone?20:45
cemcdrbobb: try running 'grub', and installing it from there20:45
MatBoygiovani: no, I mean... there are some issues with that setup that I have seen also with other docs and tut using the same kind of way20:45
giovaniMatBoy: ok ... but once again ... don't you think #postfix and #dovecot are most relevant to this?20:46
drbobbbtw seems not a bad machine altogether, though i was surprised that a 2.8GHz Xeon can lack 64bit mode20:47
MatBoygiovani: yep... but not very helpfuill at the moment.. most of the time ubuntu users make good docs and tuts to ripp stuff out :)20:47
cemcMatBoy: what's error message? :)20:47
cemcwhat's the* error message rather20:47
giovaniMatBoy: well ... I think you're not going to get what you want here, so, good luck20:47
MatBoygiovani: it's always good to try :)20:48
giovanibetter to try in the right place20:48
MatBoythe ubuntu community is very creative !20:48
MatBoyyes, I'm there, worked last night on it with the guys20:48
giovanijust looking at the official documentation20:48
giovaniit's pretty straightforward20:49
giovaniI recommend you look at it20:49
cemcMatBoy: still don't see the problem described ;)20:50
MatBoyyep.. but last night taht was kinda difficult :P20:50
cemcwhich part doesn't work ?20:50
giovanicemc: because he doesn't appear to have a specific problem ... he wants something to hold his hand20:50
MatBoycemc: nah, it does not do what it supposed to when I install it normally... but I'm busy on it.. making some prgress :D20:50
MatBoygiovani: what kind of weird thing is that ?20:50
MatBoygiovani: did you had a bad day where you needed that hand yourself ?20:51
MatBoyman... relax !20:51
giovaniI can't even follow what you're saying now20:51
MatBoygiovani: indeed... that is your issue :)20:51
MatBoycemc: following a lot of docs, some stuff needs to be configured in several ways... but none work... and paths are most of teh time different too.. so I was looking for some reference !20:52
* giovani goes back to the wonderful world of grammatically correct sentences20:52
cemcMatBoy: ok. which part doesn't work exactly? and what's your setup ?20:52
cemcdo you have some errors in the log ?20:52
cemcanything useful?20:52
* MatBoy goes back to the real ubuntu world... don't nitpcik.. just help ;)20:52
cemchard to help without a real exact problem description20:53
MatBoycemc: I didn't mean you :)20:53
MatBoycemc: I'm busy with some mods.. will let you know where I end up20:53
drbobbhey while i'm here lemme ask a silly one20:53
cemcMatBoy: ok20:53
drbobbyears ago i was using debian and spent some time dicking around with compiling the kernel with many different options20:54
drbobband one thing i discovered was that if i compiled in the framebuffer console, i could choose a console font that looked just like the one on sun sparc machines20:55
drbobbis it still possible to do that?20:56
drbobbcan i have that on ubuntu without a kernel recompile?20:57
giovanidrbobb: I don't think that framebuffer support is built into the ubuntu server kernel; it is into the desktop kernel20:59
drbobband btw what is the kosher way to configure text console resolution & fonts on ubuntu?21:00
giovanijust passing kernel fb commands afaik21:00
giovanialthough on the desktop install, you'd need to modify the usplash settings probably21:00
drbobbfound by grepping the config-2.6.24-23-server21:01
drbobbbut it seems the more fancy fonts were left out..21:03
drbobb(# CONFIG_FONTS is not set)21:03
MatBoycemc: for sure is that my pipe between postfix and dovecot does not work ok for delivering21:04
simonpwhat happened to u32.net?21:04
giovanisimonp: what was/is it?21:05
simonpvserver repositories ; )21:06
giovaniah, mystr be out of date21:06
ScottKmathiaz: Some of the django stuff you promised in the blog FTBFS, so unless it's fixed, it won't actually be included.21:06
axisysdo I setup the server to install security updates automatically or should I setup apticron to get email alerts?22:17
axisyswhats the popular path people take?22:17
axisysi guess i can revisit this question even after the server installation completes? if yes, how ?22:18
axisysi just inserted a second disk .. do I need to reboot to see the seocnd disk?22:41
axisysI am getting this http://pastebin.com/f42c0d11422:42
giovaniaxisys: what do you mean "second disk"?23:02
giovaniand nobody in the right mind (imo) uses automatic updates on a server23:03
MrSillypantsAgreed about automatic updates23:04
JanCgiovani: unless you have your own repository with tested packages and a whole bunch of identical servers maybe23:10
giovaniJanC: I think that explanation is out of the scope of what axisys was asking :)23:11
giovanibut yes, that'd be an entirely different situation23:11
uvirtbotNew bug: #335556 in liferea (universe) "liferea-bin crashed with SIGSEGV in _nss_wins_gethostbyname_r() (dup-of: 286119)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33555623:25
drbobbok so i figured out how to load the fbcon on top of the framebuffer driver for my card, how to set a resolution and how to load a font with consolechars23:51
drbobbunfortunately there seems to be nothing similar to the sparc console font that can be used in this fashion23:53
drbobbit needs to be compiled in, probably by setting config FONT_SUN12x22 in the kernel23:53
Bruceyhow can i view the date of a backup file?23:58
Bruceyor when was the file created23:58
milligan_I have a perl process dominating my cpu usage, but it's being executed by www-data. How can I figure out what file is being run?. Checking ps auxw, I find the process like this: www-data 17373 99.5  0.4   4696  2444 ?        R    Feb19 11872:44 /usr/sbin/apache/log <- That file doesn't exist though. Is this some kind of bug, or do I have a user trying to mess with the system ?23:58

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