=== hggdh is now known as hggdh|away | ||
ara | morning all :) | 07:03 |
davmor2 | ara: morning Totem is mostly written up. I was going to add dvd playback but it turned out to be a pain | 09:02 |
ara | davmor2: cool, thanks :) | 09:03 |
davmor2 | I'll do rhythmbox this afternoon. If you get chance though could you add the slide show feature please I needed to lose my install and it's being a pain again :( | 09:04 |
ara | davmor2: ok, I'll do it, don't worry | 09:05 |
ara | davmor2: thanks ! | 09:05 |
davmor2 | ara: ta | 09:05 |
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* davmor2 ->away | 12:20 | |
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davmor2 | Morning fader how are things states side? | 14:48 |
fader | davmor2: Sunny and warm, for once. :) How are things on your side of the pond? | 14:50 |
davmor2 | fader: Dull and grey nothing new there then :) | 14:51 |
fader | davmor2: If it helps, "warm" is a relative term in Boston in February ;) | 14:51 |
davmor2 | Oh about 4.6 ° | 14:54 |
davmor2 | C | 14:54 |
davmor2 | fader: So are you at lexington with cgregan? | 14:56 |
* cgregan 's ears perk up | 14:57 | |
fader | davmor2: No, I'm at home... I'm about a 45 minute drive from lexington, so the weather is pretty similar. | 14:57 |
davmor2 | fader: Fair enough just wondered. Don't worry cgregan talking about you not to you ;) | 14:59 |
davmor2 | cgregan: Hello by the way :) | 14:59 |
fader | Hey, the only thing worse than being talked about is not being talked about, right? | 14:59 |
cgregan | davmor2: :-) top of the morning | 14:59 |
davmor2 | Chris Gregan: It's mid afternoon Dude really I'd of thought you'd of got this international stuff by now :) | 15:00 |
=== cr3_ is now known as cr3 | ||
kirkland | cr3: schwuk: ping, regarding checkbox | 16:32 |
robin_rowe | how do i install the latest dev version of ubuntu for testing? | 16:33 |
charlie-tca | !daily | 16:34 |
ubot4 | Daily builds of the CD images of the current development version of Ubuntu are available at http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily/current/ and http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/ | 16:34 |
robin_rowe | how do i upgrade existing? | 16:35 |
charlie-tca | update-manager -d in a terminal. But, you should read the release notes, too | 16:35 |
schwuk | kirkland: hi | 16:35 |
charlie-tca | robin_rowe: http://www.ubuntu.com/testing/jaunty/alpha5 | 16:36 |
kirkland | schwuk: hey dave, can you help answer this question: | 16:36 |
cr3_ | kirkland: pong, what's up? | 16:36 |
robin_rowe | where are release notes? | 16:36 |
kirkland | schwuk: cr3_: the background is this ... http://blog.dustinkirkland.com/2009/02/ubuntu-server-suspendhibernateresume.html | 16:37 |
kirkland | schwuk: cr3_: see the comments | 16:37 |
kirkland | schwuk: cr3_: a poster asked if we were open sourcing our testing effort | 16:37 |
kirkland | schwuk: cr3_: i said, "yes, in checkbox" | 16:37 |
cr3_ | kirkland: that's cool, thanks! | 16:38 |
kirkland | schwuk: cr3_: the question came back: | 16:38 |
kirkland | "Cool a comprehensive testing effort. | 16:38 |
kirkland | Launchpad is going to collect the test results? | 16:38 |
kirkland | Do you have the interaction defined on how would an upstream project developer will be able to pull relevant checkbox results out of lp?" | 16:38 |
kirkland | schwuk: cr3_: can one of you guys field that? | 16:38 |
cr3_ | kirkland: there's a LP API for the hardware database | 16:38 |
schwuk | kirkland: right now the only access to the LP HW data is through the API. | 16:38 |
kirkland | cr3_: schwuk: is that API documented anywhere? | 16:39 |
robin_rowe | where can i find latest release notes? | 16:39 |
cr3_ | kirkland: https://edge.launchpad.net/+apidoc/ and https://help.launchpad.net/API/ | 16:40 |
schwuk | kirkland: however it seems that LP is not exposing test results yet, just submissions and hardware. | 16:41 |
charlie-tca | robin_rowe: http://www.ubuntu.com/testing/jaunty/alpha5 | 16:41 |
kirkland | schwuk: ? | 16:41 |
schwuk | kirkland: bjorn and abel on the LP team are the ones to bug about the API. | 16:41 |
cr3_ | there are also sample scripts: lp:~adeuring/launchpadlib/hwdb-examples | 16:41 |
kirkland | cr3_: schwuk: do either of you have a google id? would you mind posting a response to that comment explaining that the API exists, etc? | 16:41 |
schwuk | kirkland: sure | 16:42 |
kirkland | schwuk: rock on, thanks dave | 16:42 |
cr3_ | I guess the "hwdb" in launchpad has taken its name quite literally for now, only exposing hardware :) | 16:43 |
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=== fader is now known as fader|lunch | ||
=== fader|lunch is now known as fader | ||
TheRedFox | Hello all | 21:00 |
Guest54113 | goodbye for now take care people | 21:17 |
panattan | good night. | 21:22 |
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