nightrid3r | jspiros: easyspeedy | 00:01 |
gnr` | why is /media/disk/user a program file and how do i access it? | 00:01 |
rww | jspiros: ask in #ubuntu-offtopic; there's a bunch of VPS-using people there. | 00:02 |
jspiros | rww: oh good idea. I didn't think to look for offtopic. | 00:02 |
jspiros | sorry for the spams :) | 00:02 |
donavan01 | worked great everyone booting to easypeasy right now ... thanks again everyone | 00:02 |
Yud_Zroc | #ubuntu-offtopic | 00:03 |
Yud_Zroc | anyone familiar with the ubuntu server | 00:03 |
ActionParsnip | !anyone | Yud_Zroc | 00:04 |
ubottu | Yud_Zroc: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? | 00:04 |
PowerMooipes | How do I add another program's icon where main, and the circled ? are at by System ? | 00:04 |
PowerMooipes | where mail* | 00:04 |
ActionParsnip | PowerMooipes: can youu rephrase please | 00:05 |
ed0n0n | #php | 00:05 |
PowerMooipes | OK, by Applications, Places, System | 00:05 |
PowerMooipes | How do I make another short cut icon , or whatever | 00:05 |
PowerMooipes | for the program I want | 00:05 |
Yud_Zroc | PowerMooipes: what program | 00:06 |
PowerMooipes | FireFox | 00:06 |
PowerMooipes | and XMMS | 00:06 |
Yud_Zroc | if it is in the menu...u can drag it from the menu onto the desktop and vala | 00:06 |
PowerMooipes | :-| | 00:06 |
PowerMooipes | what the? | 00:06 |
PowerMooipes | oh | 00:06 |
PowerMooipes | I see | 00:07 |
Yud_Zroc | PowerMooipes: drag the icon from the menu or the top bar (if ur using gnome) onto the desktop | 00:07 |
PowerMooipes | I got it now. | 00:07 |
semanticpc | how do i check jvm version installed from command prompt ??? | 00:07 |
PowerMooipes | Where's that little thing on how to get back to full Gnome ? (removing the Kubuntu desktop) | 00:07 |
fearful | hey I'm getting distorted sound on 8.10 I think its way to high the volume and speakers distort the sound any suggestions? | 00:08 |
Yud_Zroc | PowerMooipes: that depends on what packages are in stalled u need to have gnome installed (i have 3 types on desktop and i can go between them at any time | 00:08 |
Yud_Zroc | PowerMooipes: just log out and change the envirnment on the login menu before u log in | 00:08 |
PowerMooipes | Yud_Zroc, I want to remove Kubuntu's stuff, as I am not going to use it anymore. | 00:09 |
PowerMooipes | and it gets in the way | 00:09 |
ozzloy | is anyone else having trouble updating to the latest flashplugin-nonfree? i've been stuck downloading the .tar.gz for hours | 00:09 |
Mox` | Why can't I install my new kernel? I get this error - what to do? | 00:09 |
Yud_Zroc | PowerMooipes: are u in ur gnome evnirnment | 00:09 |
PowerMooipes | Yud_Zroc, I am now | 00:09 |
PowerMooipes | Yud_Zroc, I find it runs better | 00:09 |
ozzloy | unfortunately, aptitude already uninstalled the previous version. so flash is broken on my system T_T | 00:09 |
pitou | Hi, can someone help me for some sound problem | 00:10 |
rww | !puregnome | PowerMooipes | 00:10 |
ubottu | PowerMooipes: If you want to remove all !KDE packages, type « sudo apt-get remove kdelibs4c2 ; sudo apt-get remove kdelibs5 ; sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop » | 00:10 |
skilledone | When BIND is running in Fedora’s chroot jail, which directory does it see as the root directory? | 00:10 |
Yud_Zroc | PowerMooipes: go to the packagage menager and look for kubuntu desktop and select completly remove | 00:10 |
user01 | what can i do to troubleshoot vga video out on my laptop? i see the terminal on the screen but once it goes to x-windows it doesnt work, when i do fn + f7 my lcd goes black, nothing on the screen | 00:10 |
pitou | Hi, can someone help me for some sound problem | 00:10 |
pitou | I have 5.1 sound on amarok but not on others apps like firefox and co | 00:10 |
PowerMooipes | !puregnome | 00:11 |
ubottu | If you want to remove all !KDE packages, type « sudo apt-get remove kdelibs4c2 ; sudo apt-get remove kdelibs5 ; sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop » | 00:11 |
PowerMooipes | eh, that doesn't remove everything | 00:11 |
PowerMooipes | or anything really | 00:11 |
PowerMooipes | Package kdelibs4c2 is not installed, so not removed | 00:11 |
PowerMooipes | !puregnomehardy | 00:11 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about puregnomehardy | 00:11 |
PowerMooipes | :-\ | 00:11 |
stapel | Anyone know if it is possible to get a webcam to work in an ubuntu guest in Virtualbox? | 00:12 |
ActionParsnip | PowerMooipes: then remove the appname from the list | 00:13 |
rww | PowerMooipes: give me a sec, there's instructions for hardy somewhere | 00:14 |
ActionParsnip | stapel: i'd ask in #virtualbox | 00:14 |
rww | PowerMooipes: | 00:14 |
PowerMooipes | rww, yes, somewhere. I'm trying to find it | 00:14 |
PowerMooipes | there she goes | 00:14 |
PowerMooipes | ty rww | 00:14 |
kansan | how do i play a .wav file from command line in ubuntu ibex? | 00:14 |
[ifr0g] | !find omnibook-source | 00:14 |
ubottu | Package/file omnibook-source does not exist in intrepid | 00:14 |
Tylerdurden | I was wondering if anyone could help me get zsnes working, it wont start up | 00:15 |
ActionParsnip | kansan: aplay <wav file> | 00:15 |
[ifr0g] | !find omnibook | 00:15 |
ubottu | File omnibook found in computertemp, sensors-applet | 00:15 |
ActionParsnip | kansan: or mplayer <wav file> | 00:15 |
zimbres | Is there any specific package I should have installed in order to build a debian package from source code? | 00:15 |
dillinjah | my dell desktop refuses to boot to the correct drive.i have a regular ide hard disk and a sata. I want to boot off the ide but it looks to the sata automatically. THere is NO way to do it in teh bios, i have checked for hours. I have to manually tell it to boot to the primary hard disk after it gives me a prompt. If I let it boot it comes up with NTLDR missing. Is there any way to fix this with grub? can i put it on the second hard | 00:15 |
dillinjah | disk and point it to the ide? | 00:15 |
rww | [ifr0g]: You can also do /msg ubottu find, which has the useful advantage of not being sent to everyone else in the channel :) | 00:15 |
lorenzosu | help please! All of a sudden my audio seems to have gone crazy!! | 00:15 |
kansan | ActionParsnip, aplay: test_wavefile:731: can't play not PCM-coded WAVE-files | 00:16 |
lorenzosu | I seem to hear a kind of interference noise when I play audio | 00:16 |
dillinjah | there is also no way to jumper it either | 00:16 |
dillinjah | basically the way the bios is it will look to the sata no matter what, can i redirect it to the IDE? | 00:16 |
vith_ | how do i remove the 5 second delay between username and password on interactive ssh login? | 00:16 |
WJMD-220ACABC1E | hi, I just reinstalled 8.10, and I'm unable to join a certain wireless network. | 00:17 |
ActionParsnip | dillinjah: all drives have IDEs ;) | 00:17 |
pitou | Hi, can someone help me for some sound problem | 00:17 |
pitou | I have 5.1 sound on amarok but not on others apps like firefox and co | 00:17 |
=== WJMD-220ACABC1E is now known as wjmd | ||
lorenzosu | My audio is not working any more: I can only hear some kind of scratchy interference sound! Help lease! | 00:17 |
ActionParsnip | dillinjah: if you run sudo fdisk -l and mount you will see your partitions as well as where they are mounted | 00:18 |
=== Album|Awy is now known as Album | ||
SuperMoopies | Whoops, how do I set it to use gdm instead of kdm before I do that ? | 00:18 |
dillinjah | ok | 00:18 |
Neggy | hello im running ubuntu intrepid and i can mount usb thumb drives | 00:18 |
wjmd | I can join my home wireless network w/ no problem, but i am unable to conect to another wireless network [not password protected] | 00:18 |
Neggy | i installed pmount but that didnt help[ | 00:19 |
dillinjah | so how would I go about redirecting the boot | 00:19 |
stapel | Anyone know if it is possible to get a webcam to work in an ubuntu guest in Virtualbox? | 00:19 |
nightrid3r | wjmd: did you connect before | 00:19 |
=== Neggy is now known as ewomer | ||
=== chaky_ is now known as chaky | ||
ozzloy | stapel: try /join #vbox | 00:19 |
wjmd | nightrid3r, i did before i re-installed, after i reinstalled, i can connect to the home one, just not the school one. | 00:19 |
lorenzosu | My audio is not working any more: I can only hear some kind of scratchy interference sound! Help lease! | 00:19 |
wjmd | (one = wifi network) | 00:20 |
wjmd | !audio | 00:20 |
ubottu | If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see - - - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP3 | 00:20 |
khirr_ | hello, trying use comand sudo echo micommandline >> /etc/fstab but show my no autorization, what can i do? | 00:20 |
stapel | ozzloy, thanks I response so far | 00:20 |
ozzloy | stapel: i have seen documentation on getting USB working in virtualbox, so probably | 00:20 |
wjmd | khirr_, add sudo in front of it. | 00:20 |
khirr_ | <wjmd> using sudo | 00:20 |
ActionParsnip | khirr_ gksudo gedit /etc/fstab | 00:20 |
Yud_Zroc | !server | 00:20 |
ubottu | Ubuntu Server Edition is a release of Ubuntu designed especially for server environments, including a server-specific !kernel and no !GUI. The install CD contains many server applications. Current !LTS version is 8.04. For more info see and - Use the #ubuntu-server channel for support | 00:20 |
lorenzosu | My audio is not working any more: I can only hear some kind of scratchy interference sound! Help please! | 00:21 |
eugo | !kubuntu | 00:21 |
ubottu | Kubuntu is Ubuntu with KDE, the K Desktop Environment, instead of Gnome. See for more information - For support: #kubuntu - See also !KDE | 00:21 |
nightrid3r | wjmd: the home is also wifi? | 00:21 |
Tylerdurden | can someone help me with zsnes on ubuntu 8.10 | 00:21 |
khirr_ | <ActionParsnip> i'm making a script and i need add that line | 00:21 |
wjmd | nightrid3r, yes it is. | 00:21 |
=== erth64net is now known as x-erth64net-Auto | ||
ActionParsnip | khirr_: then yeah sudo will make the >> work | 00:22 |
nightrid3r | wjmd: check with the school netadmin, maybe they changed something, | 00:22 |
ActionParsnip | khirr_: if yu run the script with sudo it will authorise the script commands with sudo | 00:22 |
ForzaPalermo | hey guys in trying to format my logial volume on an LVM i get the following error | 00:22 |
ForzaPalermo | | 00:22 |
ForzaPalermo | can someone help me? | 00:22 |
wjmd | nightrid3r, aha ! i just activated the broadcom driver and it worked. | 00:23 |
khirr_ | <ActionParsnip> no, it not works, i'm trying in shell sudo echo commandline >> /etc/fstab and show me access deny | 00:23 |
nightrid3r | wjmd: lol | 00:23 |
wjmd | (funny my wifi would @ home, but not @ school w/o it. | 00:23 |
khirr_ | khirr@khirr-desktop:~$ sudo echo hola >> /etc/fstab | 00:23 |
khirr_ | bash: /etc/fstab: Permiso denegado | 00:23 |
wjmd | nightrid3r, thanks for your help. ^_^ | 00:23 |
mib_k2sajztl | anyone here familiar with the lowlatency kernels? | 00:24 |
kenny__ | How do I install bugzilla under ubuntu(8.10)? I have installed bugzilla3 with all dependencies (including mysql and apache2), hope I set the right db_user and db_pass in localconfig, but there is no http://localhost/bugzilla site. | 00:24 |
SuperMoopies | rww, I get The K Desktop manager (kdm) daemon is typically stopped on package upgrade and removal, but │ | 00:24 |
SuperMoopies | │ it appears to be managing at least one running X session. | 00:24 |
whisperkiller | I need to recover information from a failed windows drive using ubuntu 7.10 livecd onto a thumbdrive for backup so i can install linux on that drive. I cannot access the drive because it will not mount....any suggestions? | 00:24 |
SuperMoopies | rww, How do I set gdm to take back over? | 00:25 |
chupy | i have a question with gimp you can do wep pages like with photoshop? i save in html and i only see squares | 00:25 |
kenny__ | How do I tell the apache server to display the bugzilla pages under http://localhost/bugzilla? | 00:25 |
chupy | *web | 00:25 |
mib_k2sajztl | If someone has time to answer a quick questions please /q me | 00:26 |
lord_hypnos | HI, I have another problem: I have a new Radeon HD4870 and I installed the proprietary driver for it through the "hardware-drivers" thing. and it works very well but I get kinda jerky video playback/ problems with video overlay. | 00:26 |
whisperkiller | chupy: /join #gimp | 00:26 |
wjmd | chupy, might have what you're looking for. | 00:26 |
chupy | ok thanks... | 00:26 |
=== Co_27_Ehem is now known as cHeLyN_mOeDzT | ||
capttwinky | hi there folks - I am having some issues with synaptic greying out for minutes after I put a checkmark in next to a package | 00:27 |
capttwinky | after updates/etc | 00:27 |
capttwinky | and before applying | 00:27 |
=== Co_27_Ehem is now known as cHeLyN | ||
Tylerdurden | can someone help with zsnes ? it crashes once i try and change the video settings | 00:28 |
=== cHeLyN is now known as cHuCky | ||
capttwinky | does anybody know anything about how I can make synaptic behave? | 00:28 |
kenny__ | capttwinky: yes, I know anything | 00:29 |
capttwinky | @kenny__ anything re. synaptic? | 00:29 |
kenny__ | yes. But if you don't ask what you want to know, you will never get an answer. | 00:30 |
mib_k2sajztl | can anyone here compare linux-image-2.6.20-16-lowlatency to 2.6.27-11-server? | 00:30 |
Veinor | mib_k2sajztl: well, for starters, the names are different. *nods sagely* | 00:30 |
user01 | vga out help on laptop? | 00:30 |
mib_k2sajztl | brilliant | 00:31 |
Veinor | i know right :D | 00:31 |
thorsten11 | hello all | 00:31 |
keres | how do you change the defualt text editor? | 00:31 |
user01 | ati radeon x300 | 00:31 |
thorsten11 | I'm considering getting a dell netbook that has ubuntu pre installed and was wondering if anyone one of you has one and what you think of it. | 00:31 |
Veinor | keres: default text editor? | 00:32 |
kenny__ | capttwinky: do you only want to know if anybody knows anything, or do you want to get answers? Or do you expect me to tell you everything I know about synaptic? | 00:32 |
=== ewomer is now known as ANeggy | ||
=== ANeggy is now known as Neggy | ||
keres | Veinor: i'm running xfce and i want to change my default text editor to gedit | 00:32 |
keres | Veinor: i have both gnome and xfce installed | 00:33 |
Veinor | can't help you if you're running xfce; try #xubuntu | 00:33 |
Veinor | i don't know anything about it | 00:33 |
chupy | there isnt anyone on gimp channel :( | 00:34 |
thorsten11 | thats sad | 00:34 |
mun | does anyone know how to change the colour of the menu (with File, Edit, etc.)? i've tried changing themes from Appearence Preference, but it's still the same. | 00:34 |
Tylerdurden | Major opcode of failed request: 142 (GLX) help | 00:34 |
thorsten11 | i love gimp, i run if of my server in os x x11 environment. Works great and the server does all the work | 00:34 |
[ifr0g] | !omnibook | 00:35 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about omnibook | 00:35 |
capttwinky | (04:27:25 PM) capttwinky: hi there folks - I am having some issues with synaptic greying out for minutes after I put a checkmark in next to a package | 00:35 |
wad | I've used "ssh-add" to put my key into memory, now I'd like to do "sudo ssh", but it asks for the password. I want it to just work without the password, using my private key in memory. I set up my old machine to let me do this, but I don't remember what I did. Ideas? | 00:35 |
thorsten11 | wad: its in the options, can't remember the file name though | 00:35 |
wad | thorsten11, in the ssh_config file? | 00:36 |
* wad looks there | 00:36 | |
khirr_ | sudo echo "datatext" >> /etc/fstab i see access deny, why? | 00:36 |
thorsten11 | wad: i'm trying to remember lol, i just set the ssh on my server up for rsa keys a few months back and set the password. Thing was i was using webmin to do it | 00:37 |
Melik | << can anyone tell me what window manager is that? | 00:37 |
jin_122 | how do i fix this error so i can install the new kernal ? | 00:38 |
jin_122 | e-jat: /var/cache/apt/archives/linux-image-2.6.27-7-generic_2.6.27-7.16_i386.deb: unable to make backup link of `./boot/vmlinuz-2.6.27-7-generic' before installing new version | 00:38 |
=== izibi_ is now known as izibi | ||
unop | khirr_, echo "data" | sudo tee -a /etc/fstab # your command doesn't work, because the redirection (i.e. >>) is set up as the user not the superuser | 00:38 |
lord_hypnos | HI, I have another problem:I have a new Radeon HD4870 and I installed the proprietary driver for it through the "hardware-drivers" thing. and it works very well but I get kinda jerky video playback/ problems with video overlay. | 00:38 |
Nytrix | how do i get my logitech camera to work with ubuntu? | 00:38 |
glenrock | Melik: might be fluxbox | 00:38 |
wad | thorsten11, heh, thanks... I'll pick away at it. Gotta be here somewhere... | 00:38 |
Melik | glenrock, it has tabs :/ | 00:38 |
=== Shadowashe is now known as Balgan | ||
Nytrix | !logitech | 00:39 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about logitech | 00:39 |
khirr_ | <unop> so, how could i do for this work? | 00:39 |
unop | khirr_, echo "data" | sudo tee -a /etc/fstab # like i said | 00:40 |
thorsten11 | wad: i think its in /etc/ssh/sshd_config. " Where it says PasswordAuthentication" change it to "no" | 00:40 |
thorsten11 | wad: i'm pretty sure thats it | 00:40 |
wad | thorsten11, thanks! | 00:40 |
khirr_ | unop sorry, my english is not very good | 00:40 |
thorsten11 | wad: let me know if it worked, i'm going off what i can remember lol | 00:41 |
wad | thorsten11, yes, I think this is it. But now I'm puzzled... my new box lacks this file entirely. | 00:41 |
unop | khirr_, or run the entire command in a shell running under sudo. sudo bash -c 'echo "data" >> /etc/fstab' | 00:41 |
Nytrix | how do i get my logitech camera to work with ubuntu? | 00:41 |
wad | Maybe I'll just bring the one from the old box into the new one. (I'm moving to my shiny new laptop). | 00:41 |
hermit | hi everyone, I think with the update I recieved today it messed up my screen resolution with my nvidia driver, any reports on this? thanks | 00:42 |
unop | khirr_, but be careful with the second one .. it's easy to get it wrong | 00:42 |
khirr_ | unop if for my script | 00:42 |
Nytrix | !camera | 00:42 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about camera | 00:42 |
thorsten11 | wad: you've installed ssh server? | 00:42 |
unop | khirr_, run the script under sudo ?? | 00:42 |
khirr_ | yes, that you gave me | 00:43 |
unop | khirr_, what i mean is .. call the script with sudo like. sudo /path/to/your/script | 00:44 |
wad | Bwahaha! I forgot to install sshd! DUH! | 00:44 |
jonathan__ | can intall wow in linux? | 00:44 |
Nytrix | jonathaN, yes | 00:45 |
hermit | yes with wine jonathan, works great too | 00:45 |
jin_122 | how do i fix this error ? i was doing updates - E: /var/cache/apt/archives/linux-image-2.6.27-7-generic_2.6.27-7.16_i386.deb: unable to make backup link of `./boot/vmlinuz-2.6.27-7-generic' before installing new version | 00:45 |
jonathan__ | one guide? | 00:45 |
thorsten11 | wad: LOL | 00:45 |
wad | *blush* | 00:45 |
Nytrix | jna, Apps>Add/Remove... Wine | 00:45 |
cwickert | sorry, me again: how to restrict the search in LP to a single component? anybody? | 00:46 |
jonathan__ | yes... | 00:46 |
jonathan__ | because... | 00:46 |
jonathan__ | i don't intall cd | 00:46 |
Nytrix | how do i get my logitech camera to work with ubuntu? | 00:46 |
dadda | I have set up a secondary ethernet card on the ip with the subnet mask and trying to connect to a windows machine with the ip The windows machine can ping my ubuntu computer but my ubuntu machine can't ping the windows machine | 00:47 |
n8tuserf | Nytrix -> download camorama | 00:47 |
wad | Okay, I checked, and that wasn't it. | 00:48 |
* wad keeps looking | 00:48 | |
n8tuserf | dadda -> compare your ubuntu and windows route tables | 00:48 |
zimbres | how do I install a .deb file? | 00:49 |
dadda | I havent set any route tables why should they be out of alinement | 00:49 |
khirr_ | unop echo "//$ip/$carpeta /media/$particion smbfs auto,username=$usuario,passsword:=$password,rw, 0 0" | sudo tee -a /etc/fstab no add a line in fstab, it delete all | 00:50 |
yun-haow | hallo can i join here | 00:50 |
n8tuserf | dadda -> compare them anyways and you should see if there any differences | 00:50 |
yun-haow | who can help me? | 00:51 |
yun-haow | iam banned from dalnet server,, | 00:51 |
mroc | hi. i'm using the broadcom STA driver and it seems to have stopped working. i don't think i changed worked one night and not the next morning. help? | 00:51 |
felixsulla | If firefox says its already running when you try to start it, how do you kill its process? (Equivalent of CTRL ALT DELETE for windows?0 | 00:52 |
n8tuserf | mroc -> | 00:53 |
unop | khirr_, i don't know why that happened - it shouldn't -- are you sure you used -a with tee ?? | 00:53 |
`Sh-sh-shifty | does this work or what | 00:53 |
`Sh-sh-shifty | ive been trying to set up IRC for the last 2 days | 00:53 |
unop | zimbres, sudo dpkg -i /path/to/file.deb | 00:53 |
khirr_ | unop yes | 00:53 |
`Sh-sh-shifty | can anyone hear me? | 00:53 |
Nytrix | n8wood, from where? | 00:53 |
yowshi | why is the repo so far behind with the 180.xx series nvidia drivers? | 00:53 |
kushal02242009 | loud and clear (6:55:21 PM) `Sh-sh-shifty: can anyone hear me? | 00:54 |
`Sh-sh-shifty | !! | 00:54 |
wad | Hey, where is the correct place to edit a user's path? | 00:54 |
`Sh-sh-shifty | finally | 00:54 |
`Sh-sh-shifty | thanks kushai | 00:54 |
yowshi | and is there a place where i can get something more recent then 180.11? | 00:54 |
kushal02242009 | you're welcome | 00:54 |
unop | wad, ~/.profile and/or ~/.bashrc | 00:54 |
zimbres | unop, thanks | 00:54 |
Nytrix | synaptic? | 00:54 |
glenrock | wad: i edit my path in ~/.bashrc . At the bottom I put a line that says: PATH=$PATH:/home/username/bin (for example) | 00:54 |
wad | Ah, that's right. But .profile is preferred, because it won't keep appending. | 00:54 |
lord_hypnos | HI, I have another problem:I have a new Radeon HD4870 and I installed the proprietary driver for it through the "hardware-drivers" thing. and it works very well but I get kinda jerky video playback/ problems with video overlay. can somebody help me please? | 00:54 |
blah | ikonia, around? | 00:54 |
=== blah is now known as Techsalvager | ||
wad | glenrock, that will keep appending, every time you open a console, though, won't it? | 00:55 |
glenrock | wad: doesn't for me | 00:55 |
unop | wad, keep appending? no, why should it? | 00:55 |
Techsalvager | you can't switch keyboard layouts on the go in ubuntu? | 00:55 |
tigreskap | hola | 00:55 |
tigreskap | hi | 00:55 |
wad | Maybe I don't fully understand when these various files are executed. | 00:55 |
mroc | n8tuserf: thanks for the link. i've seen that page and followed the directions for the STA driver (listed as working in intrepid for my card). i had it working well for a week or so, but then it just stopped working (didn't seem to be tied to an update). any additional help? | 00:56 |
unop | dadda, what's the subnet mask for ? | 00:56 |
anonusing1 | hi, does anyone know if it is possible to make "up, down, over" button with gimp or any other available software, and if so, how? | 00:56 |
tigreskap | hola, qué tal? | 00:56 |
jin_122 | echinos: /var/cache/apt/archives/linux-image-2.6.27-7-generic_2.6.27-7.16_i386.deb: unable to make backup link of `./boot/vmlinuz-2.6.27-7-generic' before installing new version .. how do i fix this error. can anybody help me plz ? | 00:56 |
n8tuserf | mroc -> what troubleshooting have you done so far? | 00:56 |
wad | Under ubuntu, is there a keyboard way to shut down the system? CTRL-ALT-DEL lets me log out, but not power down... | 00:57 |
unop | wad, ~/.profile is sourced by the login script after you log in at the GDM .. ~/.bashrc is sourced each time you launch an interactive bash shell. | 00:57 |
n8tuserf | wad use of sys req | 00:57 |
wad | unop: Ah, yes, that was what I was remembering. | 00:57 |
wad | So the best place to put it is in .profile | 00:58 |
capttwinky | @wad - generally keyboard shutdown "ctl-alt-del" is re-mapped by gnome | 00:58 |
mroc | n8tuserf: well, i've checked to make sure STA is enabled, B43 is disabled. i tried restarting the networking through /etc/init.d/networking restart, and tried modprobe wl follwed by the same networking restart command. i may be going about this entirely wrong though, i don't claim to know much about anything. | 00:58 |
wad | If you run bash, then run bash again from it, you get double the entries. | 00:58 |
denis | h | 00:58 |
prince_jammys | wad: what you were saying happens only when you run another child interactive shell from your current shell | 00:58 |
denis | exit | 00:58 |
* wad nods | 00:58 | |
prince_jammys | wad: what you just said ;) | 00:58 |
Mox` | isn't it possible to compile a kernel and make a initrd without module support? | 00:59 |
unop | wad, it depends on how you set the path up in ~/.bashrc | 00:59 |
n8tuserf | mroc id follow the link suggestions first if i were you after the compile to load it and activate it | 00:59 |
wad | unop: You could wrap it in some logic to check... | 00:59 |
wad | I'd rather just put it in the right spot, in .profile. | 00:59 |
TheGambler | Hi, everyone. I just got my first Linux server (Ubuntu Hardy) set up and running and on IRC! | 00:59 |
n8tuserf | Mox` -> possible i believe but what would that accomplish? | 00:59 |
* wad pats TheGambler on the head. | 01:00 | |
* TheGambler feels happy (zero Linux experience) | 01:00 | |
God_Like | TheGambler, you run a irc client on a server? | 01:00 |
=== newmember_ is now known as newmember | ||
dadda | no IP4 routes set up on eth1 | 01:00 |
dadda | Route Table Kernel IP routing table | 01:00 |
dadda | Destination Gateway Genmask Flags Metric Ref Use Iface | 01:00 |
dadda | * U 1 0 0 eth1 | 01:00 |
dadda | * U 1 0 0 eth0 | 01:00 |
FloodBot1 | dadda: Please don't flood, use to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 01:00 |
dadda | link-local * U 1000 0 0 et | 01:00 |
mroc | n8tuserf: i think i have....i did modprobe -l and /lib/modules/[kernel | 01:00 |
mroc | sorry | 01:00 |
dadda | windows have a couple more | 01:00 |
n8tuserf | mroc id follow the link suggestions first if i were you after the compile to load it and activate it..see how those goes | 01:00 |
mroc | n8tuserf: i think i have....i did modprobe -l and /lib/modules/[kernel]/volatile/wl.ko shows up, and i used the same networking restart command | 01:00 |
TheGambler | God_Like: yes, in order to get at it via ssh from behind firewall; it is a virtual machine | 01:00 |
DarkKnight | i just wanted to make sure that drupal takes my files from my Documents.. how can i put this path....can anyone help me | 01:01 |
dadda | why can't I have two active ethernet connections? | 01:01 |
Nytrix | n8wood, camorama did not work | 01:01 |
unop | dadda, i'm guessing your windows machine is blocking pings .. possible firewall (mis)configuration? | 01:01 |
=== erth64net is now known as x-erth64net-Auto | ||
TheGambler | Basically, I want to learn Linux and I don't have spare hardware. This achieves it | 01:01 |
ST47 | My firefox is getting SIGBUS on start now, ever since this afternoon, when I updated the ubuntu package. I tried an uninstall, and reinstall, and I ran a full memory test, but the error persists. | 01:01 |
unop | dadda, sure you can | 01:01 |
ST47 | My firefox is getting SIGBUS on start now, ever since this afternoon, when I updated the ubuntu package. I tried an uninstall, and reinstall, and I ran a full memory test, but the error persists. | 01:01 |
ST47 | Oops, sorry | 01:01 |
n8tuserf | dadda you can on same subnet but its not recommended for newbies | 01:01 |
ST47 | I'm assuming there's something to do with a botched update, since my laptop crashed while running aptitude | 01:02 |
capttwinky | @wad - you could put an init 0 command into a script that ran from a key press, but you would need su to run it | 01:02 |
TheGambler | Can anyone point me to a resource that would help a noob understand how to get to a graphical desktop on Ubuntu over ssh? I would prefer not to use vnc if possible | 01:02 |
God_Like | TheGambler, forward x11 | 01:03 |
capttwinky | @ TheGambler - server or client? | 01:03 |
=== wad is now known as wad__ | ||
n8tuserf | TheGambler -> you ever done a tutorial on ssh? something like ssh -C -Y name@remotehost | 01:03 |
dadda | I have not configured any firewalls since eth1 is just going to be for connection directly to my ftp server running on a windows machine on ip and subnet and my ubuntu machine I whant the ip but I can't get them to talk to each other pinging is not working | 01:03 |
TheGambler | God_Like: thanks, I will look into that | 01:03 |
TheGambler | n8tuserf: no, I am brand new; just got through this yesterday and today | 01:04 |
glenrock | TheGambler: you can also tunnel vnc over ssh, so that the only port you're using is the SSH port | 01:04 |
Flannel | TheGambler: If its in a VM, why don't you just use the GUI in the VM? | 01:04 |
wad | Woo hoo, now I'm logged into IRC on my new laptop! | 01:04 |
TheGambler | Flannel: I am connected to the shell over VNC from a Windows box | 01:04 |
n8tuserf | TheGambler -> now is a good time to learn those then, | 01:04 |
TheGambler | When I connect via SSH, will I need another client to see the X windows? | 01:04 |
unop | dadda, firewalls on the windows machine i mean | 01:05 |
Jupp | how do check if a user account is locked? | 01:05 |
gino | TheGambler, I did that ages ago with cygwin and putty | 01:05 |
dadda | no firewalls at all on the windows machine and i removed the built in crap | 01:05 |
n8tuserf | Jupp -> can the user logged on? | 01:05 |
capttwinky | @TheGambler - | 01:05 |
Scunizi | TheGambler: you won't need another x unless you want.. | 01:05 |
gino | | 01:05 |
TheGambler | gino: cool; I did see some references to cygwin. However, I do not understand "X"; like, how does X related to Gnome or KDE? | 01:06 |
jeeves | can anyone reccomend a good database wherehouse soulition for an I.T. company that is OSS, and allows the storage of system info, etc? | 01:06 |
TheGambler | capttwinky: thanks | 01:06 |
n8tuserf | dadda -> have you done any networking tutorial? route table is essential for two host to be able to ping each other.. | 01:06 |
TheGambler | gino: thanks | 01:06 |
ST47 | My firefox is getting SIGBUS on start now, since I updated it earlier. I can't figure out how to try to downgrade it. How do I do that using synaptic or aptitude? | 01:06 |
porthose | can rythmbox be removed from Intrepid without screwing up your system to much? | 01:06 |
capttwinky | @TheGambler - x is the system that both Gnome and KDE run on top of | 01:06 |
sega | hello | 01:06 |
Jupp | n8tuserf, if I lock an account with "passwd -l" how can you check which ones are locked? | 01:06 |
dadda | I also has a weird effect that my internet connection on eth0 gets disconnected if I try connecting eth1 | 01:06 |
TheGambler | capttwinky: does that mean I could get Gnome over SSH? | 01:07 |
n8tuserf | Jupp -> i dont know off hand, but i would man passwd to get some clue or hints | 01:07 |
prince_jammys | TheGambler: you can run X apps over ssh, yes | 01:07 |
capttwinky | @TheGambler - yes, or kde or any other window manager you want | 01:07 |
TheGambler | @TheGambler - | 01:07 |
TheGambler | sweet | 01:07 |
ST47 | Guys. Honestly this isn't too difficult. I know there's got to be some way to downgrade a package. | 01:08 |
dadda | What is METRIC in a routeing table? | 01:08 |
Bsims | I am wanting a simple and easy to use dj package for Ubuntu to do web streaming | 01:08 |
capttwinky | @ST47 right click in synaptic | 01:08 |
God_Like | dadda, its like hops | 01:08 |
Titan8990 | Bsims, dj? | 01:08 |
ST47 | Ok. If I need to use synaptic, I have a harder problem. | 01:09 |
ST47 | It won't accept my sudo password >.> | 01:09 |
dadda | what is hops? | 01:09 |
TheGambler | THanks for the tips. I really appreciate it | 01:09 |
=== prince_j1mmys is now known as prince_jammys | ||
n8tuserf | Jupp -> i have not used that feature before, but perhaps if you look into utmp or wtmp? to see any indications? | 01:09 |
capttwinky | ST47 - can you sudo from the terminal? | 01:09 |
=== jay is now known as jayb | ||
Titan8990 | ST47, your sudo password is the same password us use to log in, you must be in the admin group | 01:09 |
gino | ST47, then your kinda screwed | 01:09 |
ST47 | Sudo works | 01:09 |
porthose | Bsims: checkout Ampache | 01:09 |
ST47 | gksu doesn't work | 01:09 |
Titan8990 | dadda, a hop is going from one network device to another, for example, going from your computer to your router is one hop | 01:10 |
gino | what irc client does everyone recomend? | 01:10 |
Bsims | porthose: I want it to work with windows mplayer ip whatever | 01:10 |
capttwinky | @ST47 - you should probably do a "sudo deb-conf reconfigure gksu" then | 01:10 |
Titan8990 | gino, i like xchat but its a matter of preference | 01:10 |
dadda | ubuntu computer to gigabit switch to windows computer is 3 hops then? | 01:10 |
rww | Jupp: sudo cat /etc/shadow. Any user accounts that have a * or ! in the second column instead of a long list of characters are locked. | 01:11 |
porthose | Bsims: the tar.gz from will work on windows | 01:11 |
capttwinky | @ST47 you can also do a "sudo synaptic &" from a commandline | 01:11 |
Mox` | Do I still need to make initrd for my new kernel if the kernel have been compiled without module support? | 01:11 |
capttwinky | @gino pidgen | 01:11 |
gino | Titan8990, question about xchat: where do I remove the "blah has left/joned" channel | 01:11 |
Flannel | capttwinky, ST47: use gksu not sudo for graphical programs | 01:11 |
Titan8990 | dadda, yes, you can test that with traceroute | 01:11 |
ST47 | Flannel: I'd love to if gksu worked. | 01:11 |
n8tuserf | dadda -> have you done any networking tutorial? route table is essential for two host to be able to ping each other.. kindly do a networking tutorial please | 01:11 |
prince_jammys | ST47: how about gksudo? | 01:12 |
Jupp | rww, thanks!!! that's exactly what I was looking for | 01:12 |
dadda | Any good networking tutorials out there? | 01:12 |
Titan8990 | gino, settings -> preferences -> chatting -> general | 01:12 |
Flannel | ST47: If gksu won't work, sudo won't work. Are you sure you're putting the correct password in? (your user's) without caps lock, etc, etc? Are you still in the admin group? | 01:12 |
capttwinky | @flannel - gksu is preferred but if the command line user already has sudo privilages, it will work from the command line just fine | 01:12 |
gino | Titan8990, when other people leave the channel | 01:12 |
Bsims | porthose: but can tehy listen to it without any real work | 01:12 |
Titan8990 | gino, oh, I have never tried | 01:12 |
capttwinky | try "sudo ls;sudo synaptic &" | 01:13 |
ST47 | gksudo works. sudo works. gksu doesn't. I wonder if I screwed something up. | 01:13 |
n8tuserf | dadda -> i have nothing on hand, you may have to google for one | 01:13 |
dadda | ok | 01:13 |
gino | dang | 01:13 |
prince_jammys | ST47: seems like there's a gconf setting that puts gksu in 'sudo' mode (not 'su' mode), which is what you want | 01:13 |
unop | capttwinky, don't start GUI apps with sudo like that | 01:13 |
jin_122 | is it possible that i didn't install ubuntu correctly but still be able to use it? | 01:13 |
Flannel | capttwinky: No. gksu sets up the environment differently than sudo. More appropriately for graphical programs. The recommendation has nothing to do with the graphical prompt. | 01:13 |
rww | gino: right-click the channel name in the channel switcher. it's in one of the sub-menus off there. | 01:13 |
unop | !gksudo > capttwinky | 01:13 |
ubottu | capttwinky, please see my private message | 01:13 |
hentai | join ##windows | 01:13 |
hentai | woops | 01:13 |
gino | rww, cheers! Thanks! | 01:14 |
ST47 | prince_jammys: thanks, looking... | 01:14 |
porthose | Bsims: yes it has a XPSF player | 01:14 |
prince_jammys | ST47: use the gconf editor tool and look at .. /apps/gksu/sudo-mode | 01:14 |
Flynsarmy | On intrepid someitmes the Save File... dialogue is missing a few links on the left like desktop. theyre just appear as blank white. also the save file dialogue often appears really small and i have to resize in gedit. Is this a common problem? neither happened in gutsy or hardy | 01:14 |
Bsims | I'll look into it then | 01:14 |
Flynsarmy | Its msising the links in pidgin sorry | 01:14 |
musikgoat|main | Flynsarmy: the size issue is a known bug | 01:14 |
mroc | n8tuserf: after following those directions and reading a bit more, i got it working. it seems i was having the following problem: "However, it does have the same problem as NDISwrapper that if you have the Broadcom wired card that uses the b44 module, you will need to load the wl module before the ssb module is loaded." How can correct this? | 01:15 |
xtmnx | how do I configure dual display extended desktop with different resolution (fglrx) | 01:15 |
prince_jammys | ST47: alternatively, use gksudo. It's not a big problem. Just seems like your gksu is acting like 'su', which expects the root password. That's what I suspect is happening | 01:15 |
capttwinky | @ST47 you can also use aptitude from a command line | 01:16 |
musikgoat|main | Flynsarmy: i think this is the one: | 01:17 |
capttwinky | @flannel - after reviewing the doccument that the robot sent, it looks like the problem would be with the differences between the users' profile and root's profile, which would not be an issue with using synaptic | 01:18 |
porthose | can rythmbox be removed without screwing up your system to much? | 01:19 |
God_Like | porthose, yes | 01:20 |
porthose | God_ | 01:20 |
capttwinky | @porthose how do you define "screwing up" | 01:20 |
mroc | opening my question up to a wider audience: how can i force the wl module to load before the ssb module is loaded? | 01:20 |
gino | capttwinky, thats what I'm thinking.... | 01:21 |
porthose | capttwinky: by breaking other stuff | 01:21 |
porthose | God_Like: thxs:) | 01:21 |
capttwinky | @porthose if you just remove the rhythmbx package, you should be ok | 01:21 |
porthose | capttwinky: cool :) | 01:22 |
xtmnx | after googling I'm about to believe that it's impossible to have dual display with different res with proprietary ATI driver | 01:23 |
Flannel | capttwinky: The issue isn't in running the program, but logging in after using it. Some things can save stuff to /home/username/ with root permissions, which can sometimes make things go poorly in the future. | 01:23 |
capttwinky | @porthose - if you want a different player though, I would probably install that first | 01:23 |
xtmnx | somebody woudl do well to prove otherwise :( | 01:23 |
justin_ | I have a keyboard layout problem | 01:23 |
porthose | capttwinky: already have it installed :) | 01:23 |
capttwinky | @flannel which is not something that synaptic does | 01:23 |
justin_ | when I switch from qwerty to dvorak it switches fine using right and left alt press, when I try to switch back it won | 01:23 |
justin_ | won't | 01:23 |
musikgoat|main | mroc: i'm not too familiar with it, but you can set udev rules to load the modules in a certain order | 01:24 |
Flannel | capttwinky: Just suggest the use of gksu with graphical programs always in this channel. It's a good best practice, and some people don't know as much as you and its good to steer them the appropriate way so things don't bite them in the future. | 01:24 |
dadda | Does Ubuntu have a built-in firewall that is active? | 01:24 |
mroc | musikgoat|main: that goes well beyond my current knowledge. thanks for the suggestion though. | 01:24 |
D3RGPS31 | how do i add an option to run a cd from grub | 01:25 |
jexmex | I have installed unbuntu-restricted-extras but still cannot play wmv movie files, any ideas? | 01:25 |
gino | jexmex, I recomend vlc | 01:25 |
mroc | jexmex: second for vlc | 01:25 |
gino | good ol roadcone | 01:25 |
musikgoat|main | !iptables | dadda | 01:25 |
ubottu | dadda: Ubuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see, or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE). | 01:25 |
jexmex | in the respos? | 01:26 |
mroc | jexmex: should be, yes. | 01:26 |
capttwinky | thanks for the help all - I gtg now | 01:26 |
gino | jexmex, sudo apt-get install vlc | 01:26 |
=== justin_ is now known as HentaiUbuntu | ||
mroc | anyone know how i can force the wl module to load before the ssb module? | 01:26 |
dadda | how do I disable iptables on a specific ethernet device? eth1 = my local network | 01:27 |
jexmex | thanks | 01:27 |
Nasra | any1 know if Magicjack work with Ubuntu ? | 01:27 |
Nasra | or else.. | 01:27 |
jrib | dadda: iptables has no rules set by default so don't set any for eth1 | 01:27 |
God_Like | Nasra, lol | 01:27 |
musikgoat|main | dadda: iptables, by default, has no restrictions, meaning it shouldn't be blocking anything | 01:27 |
D3RGPS31 | how do i add an option to run a cd from grub >.> | 01:27 |
Nasra | Go_like: it does not recognize it.... | 01:27 |
Nasra | lol...God | 01:28 |
God_Like | Nasra, all magicjack is is a sip device | 01:28 |
God_Like | dont bother | 01:28 |
dadda | So it most be ghosts in my windows machine then since I can ping my ubuntu machine from my windwos computer | 01:28 |
jrib | dadda: check for yourself: sudo iptables -L | 01:29 |
musikgoat|main | what cant you do dadda? | 01:29 |
Nasra | God_Like : what Do I need in Wind*ws work fine.. | 01:29 |
Nasra | it's just plug and play | 01:29 |
dadda | ping my windows machine from my ubuntu computer | 01:29 |
God_Like | Nasra, most likly your not gonna get it to work, try google but its doubt full | 01:30 |
jrib | dadda: check for a firewall on your windows computer then... | 01:30 |
Nasra | okay | 01:30 |
musikgoat|main | dadda: in the same subnet? | 01:30 |
dadda | different subnets | 01:30 |
Cpudan80 | dadda: windows firewall filters ICMP (ping) traffic incoming | 01:30 |
Nasra | let me google it | 01:30 |
Cpudan80 | by default anyway | 01:30 |
dadda | yeah but i removed the software that runs the windows firewall including all drivers for it | 01:31 |
dadda | so it should not be active | 01:31 |
musikgoat|main | dadda: are you sure? windows firewall is built into the OS | 01:31 |
HentaiUbuntu | so whats the problem you can't ping windows from ubuntu? | 01:31 |
God_Like | dadda, you remove windows? | 01:32 |
gino | HentaiUbuntu, any firewall running? Same subnet? | 01:32 |
HentaiUbuntu | gino, what | 01:32 |
dadda | no just the service and software that is incharge of running the windows firewall | 01:32 |
dadda | so there should not be a windows firewall on that computer | 01:32 |
musikgoat|main | dadda: what are the IP's and gateway settings of each? | 01:32 |
HentaiUbuntu | dadda, may want to check again | 01:32 |
xtmnx | spamming again in case anyone knows: is there a way to get different res dual display with ATI driver? :( | 01:33 |
gino | trying to ping windows from ubuntu, is their a firewall on your windows pc? | 01:33 |
dadda | no firewall at all disabled and removed the windows firewall | 01:33 |
Nytrix | xtmnx, search "dual display ubuntu" | 01:33 |
God_Like | xtmnx, the diffrent res is tricky but yes | 01:34 |
jin_122 | hi, how do i fix this? | 01:34 |
jin_122 | thesleepingox@ubuntu:~$ sudo apt-get clean && sudo apt-get install linux-image-generic | 01:34 |
jin_122 | e-jat: Could not get lock /var/cache/apt/archives/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable) | 01:34 |
jin_122 | e-jat: Unable to lock the download directory | 01:34 |
FloodBot1 | jin_122: Please don't flood, use to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 01:34 |
=== jeff_ is now known as Psy | ||
Nytrix | xtmnx, | 01:34 |
xtmnx | Nytrix: tried but seems like it's (almost) impossible with ati driver? (which is unfortunate/hard to believe) | 01:34 |
God_Like | jin_122, you must be tring to use apt twice | 01:34 |
xtmnx | oh | 01:34 |
musikgoat|main | jin_122: close any synaptic or update windows | 01:34 |
prince_jammys | jin_122: are you running synaptic, software sources, or any other package manager or apt-get instance? if so, close it | 01:34 |
jin_122 | ok | 01:35 |
xtmnx | Nytrix: will try | 01:35 |
xtmnx | God_Like: is there a good guide or sort anywhere? | 01:35 |
Nasra | God_Like went to the Ubuntu forum...they need a driver they don['t if ever gonna come out....thanks again.... | 01:35 |
baz_ | !raid | 01:35 |
ubottu | raid is Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on wto and - For software RAID, see | 01:35 |
Nytrix | dadda, why r u trying to do? | 01:35 |
Nytrix | dadda, WHAT r u trying to do? | 01:35 |
maxagaz | for a switch, what does the Gi of 'Gi3/4' mean ? | 01:36 |
Zak28 | guys | 01:36 |
dadda | ping my god damn windows machine from my ubuntu machine | 01:36 |
jin_122 | I only have the updatemanager running. I can't seem to close that one completely | 01:36 |
musikgoat|main | !language | dadda | 01:36 |
ubottu | dadda: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly. | 01:36 |
Nasra | don't say that buddy.... | 01:36 |
Nasra | lo.... | 01:36 |
Zak28 | how do i change so i dont se windows from all programs on the taskbar? | 01:36 |
dadda | they sit on a seperate subnet ( and with different ip address | 01:36 |
kinja-sheep | rww: Could you please tell me about display:0 again? ? | 01:37 |
Zak28 | i want to se only thoose programs im running on that specific virtual desktorp | 01:37 |
baz_ | i logged into irc only to get into this channel and type !raid to find the good link i was looking for... awesome channel | 01:37 |
Nytrix | dadda, cant u just get the ip from the machine and ping through terminal? | 01:37 |
prince_jammys | jin_122: so you've closed every apt front-end and you still get an error message? | 01:37 |
jin_122 | yes | 01:37 |
prince_jammys | !aptfix > jin_122 | 01:37 |
ubottu | jin_122, please see my private message | 01:37 |
gino | if its on a different subnet then you cant ping it unless there is a router | 01:37 |
Zak28 | i want to se only thoose programs im running on that specific virtual desktorp how to do it??? | 01:37 |
mroc | can anyone tell me how to change the loading order of modules (force wl to load before ssb)? | 01:38 |
baz_ | Zak28, on the panel? | 01:38 |
Zak28 | i want to se only thoose programs im running on that specific virtual desktorp how todo t? | 01:38 |
rww | kinja-sheep: you mean DISPLAY=":0" commandname ? | 01:38 |
baz_ | Zak28, please wait a little longer before repeating | 01:38 |
dadda | but how do i ping and connect to a ftp server running on a network connected to eth1 with the subnet while still useing my dhcp internet connection on eth0? | 01:38 |
Zak28 | im switcing desktorp and my progtams from desktorp one shows in desktorp 2 aswell :S | 01:38 |
jin_122 | I did this command, nothing happened | 01:39 |
jin_122 | sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a | 01:39 |
kattollikisd | Hi... can't see the webcam on the emesene, I already have the SVN version, can someone help me out? | 01:39 |
xtmnx | God_Like: can you help me with with the dual display thing (ATI) if you have an idea. | 01:39 |
baz_ | Zak28, where do they show up? on that bar at the bottom of the screen | 01:39 |
kinja-sheep | rww: Yes. That must be it but I don't recall using quotes. What is it called so I can look it up in the future. | 01:39 |
baz_ | !repeat | 01:39 |
ubottu | Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search or while you wait. Also see !patience | 01:39 |
prince_jammys | jin_122: still can't use apt-get ? | 01:39 |
Zak28 | baz_ : yeah | 01:39 |
Nytrix | um whats the ip of the ftp? | 01:39 |
prince_jammys | jin_122: that command kills any prog that was accessing the lockfile | 01:39 |
rww | kinja-sheep: I don't think it has a specific name. The DISPLAY=":0" part is just setting an environment variable that applies to the commandname command. | 01:39 |
baz_ | right-click on an empty part of that bar, called "panel", and click properties. the option you are looking for is in there | 01:40 |
=== Album is now known as Album|Awy | ||
Zak28 | i know i changed it someweher "show content for all desktorps" but where i forgot :S | 01:40 |
God_Like | xtmnx, priv msg please | 01:40 |
baz_ | Zak28, i just told you where | 01:40 |
kinja-sheep | rww: Thank you very much. I tried Display:0 and it didn't work. Good thing you're on IRC. Thanks again! I'm constantly trying to remember this one. I appreciate it. :) | 01:40 |
jin_122 | prince_jammys: it worked now, thank you !! you rocks ! | 01:40 |
prince_jammys | jin_122: cool | 01:41 |
baz_ | Zak28, oh man sorry, i know where it is | 01:41 |
Zak28 | where?? | 01:41 |
yothere1209 | hello all | 01:41 |
yothere1209 | This is my first time in an IRC channel, it's pretty neat | 01:42 |
kattollikisd | Hi... can't see the webcam on the emesene, I already have the trunk version, can someone help me out? | 01:42 |
baz_ | Zak28, do u see where the list of those windows in the bar begins... well right there there is a small thing with 3 horintal lines ontop of each other - right-click on that and go to porperties | 01:42 |
=== defcon is now known as Guest82416 | ||
yothere1209 | I've resorted to this because the forum doesn't seen to be getting me anywhere | 01:42 |
baz_ | yothere1209, welcome to this world | 01:42 |
rww | yothere1209: if you have a question, you can just go ahead and ask it in channel :) | 01:42 |
Zak28 | baz_: ahhhh neat thx :D | 01:42 |
exodus_ms | yothere1209, cool, just ask your question, someone will help | 01:43 |
yothere1209 | I assume all I do is state my issue and if I interrupt anyones conversation that's okay so here goes: my keyboard does nothing on login and my mouse doesn't either | 01:43 |
prince_jammys | yothere1209: write out the details of your problem, all on one line | 01:43 |
baz_ | Zak28, no problem | 01:43 |
DIFH-iceroot | maybe it is a good idea to put an irc-java-client on top of the ubuntu-webpages so people can easy get support and the use of ubuntu is easier then installing an irc client and find the correct channel | 01:43 |
usernameis | Can someone help me with logout/switch user in ubuntu 8.10? | 01:43 |
DIFH-iceroot | usernameis: shell or gui? | 01:44 |
rww | DIFH-iceroot: access to #ubuntu from most web-based clients is blocked because people abused them to spam and troll here. Mibbit still works because the ops can ban individual mibbit users. | 01:44 |
usernameis | gui | 01:44 |
Nytrix | !ask | usernameis | 01:44 |
ubottu | usernameis: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) | 01:44 |
exodus_ms | yothere1209, what version of Ubuntu? Are you using a usb keyboard mouse | 01:44 |
baz_ | DIFH-iceroot, that would be cool. no site does it though, i am sure there is some difficulty to overcome, maybe stability | 01:44 |
yothere1209 | my keyboard does nothing on login and my mouse doesn't either. I can't hit alt+f1 and I'll get a full screen terminal and I can login that way but all i'm at is a big terminal, not my fun GUI | 01:44 |
=== Guest82416 is now known as _defcon | ||
musikgoat|main | DIFH-iceroot: i don't like that idea, alot of common questions are answered in the forums | 01:44 |
usernameis | well everytime i loggout or switch user the screen goes to black | 01:44 |
usernameis | and i have to restart computer | 01:44 |
DIFH-iceroot | musikgoat|main: i think all of the quetions here are answered in the forums or google | 01:44 |
prince_jammys | yothere1209: sounds like X is misconfigured | 01:44 |
Nytrix | !recover | 01:45 |
ubottu | Some tools to recover lost data are listed and explained at - Recovering deleted files on !ext3 filesystems can be virtually impossible, although methods that might work is some cases are described at at and | 01:45 |
exodus_ms | yothere1209, you can try startx | 01:45 |
usernameis | price-jammys, meaning? | 01:45 |
DIFH-iceroot | rww: hm ok spam is a problem, but i still like the idea | 01:45 |
musikgoat|main | DIFH-iceroot: yes, true, why should there be more repeats of the same question then? | 01:45 |
musikgoat|main | sorry, this is offtopic really | 01:45 |
baz_ | is LVM tough to install/use on my home pc? | 01:45 |
Nytrix | !spam | 01:45 |
ubottu | Unsure how you should behave on this channel? See (in a private message with the bot, /msg ubottu <keyword>): !AskTheBot, !CoC, !Guidelines, !Offtopic, !Language, !Attitude, !Repeat, !Enter, !Paste, !Caps, !NickSpam, !PM, !English - And most importantly, use common sense... | 01:45 |
DIFH-iceroot | musikgoat|main: because ubuntu is a very easy distribution and maybe the support should be easy too | 01:45 |
yothere1209 | exodus: 8.10. it's a usb mouse, ps/2 all didnt' work one day after a bad shut down. | 01:45 |
DIFH-iceroot | musikgoat|main: its not off-topic, its support related | 01:46 |
yothere1209 | all: I've tried start x. it told me to delete a file. I did. still no dice. | 01:46 |
prince_jammys | usernameis: well, if your keyboard works fine from the console but it doesn't work when running X (the GUI), i'd suspect that X is misconfigured. PS: you can use tab completion to complete another person's nick, so they get highlighted. eg princ<tab key> | 01:46 |
=== binarydigit_ is now known as binarydigit | ||
rww | DIFH-iceroot: If you'd like to discuss with the channel ops about getting web-based clients unbanned, ask in #ubuntu-ops. Without that, your idea isn't going to work. Either way, meta-discussion like this /is/ offtopic for this channel. | 01:47 |
usernameis | i have no clue what you mean, i am just a newbie | 01:47 |
Yud_Zroc | !puregnome | 01:47 |
ubottu | If you want to remove all !KDE packages, type « sudo apt-get remove kdelibs4c2 ; sudo apt-get remove kdelibs5 ; sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop » | 01:47 |
mroc | can anyone tell me how to force module wl to load before ssb? i know nothing about setting udev rules, and blacklisting ssb doesn't seem to work from what i've read. please? | 01:47 |
DIFH-iceroot | rww: ok didnt know that channel | 01:47 |
prince_jammys | usernameis: are you on IRC from another computer? | 01:47 |
yothere1209 | ok. Thanks for the tip prince_jammys. It's nice to be able to talk to people about this. | 01:47 |
prince_jammys | usernameis: crap, wrong nickname. sorru | 01:47 |
prince_jammys | usernameis: the other message also wasn't for you | 01:48 |
usernameis | no same computer, my problem is that when loggout is pressed, it does not go to login screen, the screens turns black and stays black | 01:48 |
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prince_jammys | usernameis: sorry, i got you mixed up with yothere1209 | 01:48 |
yothere1209 | prince_jammys: still handy to know | 01:48 |
musikgoat|main | mroc: if you blacklist them both, then they will load in order from /etc/modules have you tried that? | 01:48 |
usernameis | prince_jammys: ok. | 01:48 |
musikgoat|main | mroc: make sure you add them in the order you want them to load. | 01:49 |
mroc | musikgoat|main: from what i've read, it seems blacklisting ssb is not effective because it gets called by other things anyway | 01:49 |
Yud_Zroc | !symbolic link | 01:49 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about symbolic link | 01:49 |
Yud_Zroc | grr | 01:49 |
prince_jammys | yothere1209: have you EVER gotten X to work? | 01:49 |
yothere1209 | so if my x is misconfigured, how do I reconfigure it? and by misconfigured do you mean that the configuration file doesn't know what input to read from? | 01:49 |
SuspectZero | if i want to open firefox from run, what command would i use? | 01:50 |
rww | SuspectZero: umm. "firefox" should work | 01:50 |
God_Like | SuspectZero, firefox | 01:50 |
glenrock | SuspectZero: firefox | 01:50 |
exodus_ms | SuspectZero, If you want to start Firefox from the terminal type firefox | 01:50 |
God_Like | lol owned | 01:50 |
SuspectZero | oh im sorry. i messed up that question | 01:50 |
SuspectZero | mozilla -remote openurl( | 01:50 |
usernameis | prince_jammys: do you know, how i can fix this? pm when you are free. | 01:51 |
SuspectZero | thats what i want to open. i tried replacing mozilla with firefox but no dice. | 01:51 |
prince_jammys | yothere1209: you can try to a)first backup the file /etc/X11/xorg.conf and then b) sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg | 01:51 |
glenrock | SuspectZero: firefox | 01:51 |
prince_jammys | usernameis: sorry, i don't do pm | 01:51 |
usernameis | ok. | 01:51 |
usernameis | then can you address me? | 01:51 |
yothere1209 | prince_jammys: oh yes, everything ran fine until the computer wouldn't work one day while on so I turned it off using the power button. When it came back up it did a scan of the disks, told me to forsibly do a scan of the disks which I did, it fixed a bunch of files and when it gave me the login screen no dice. | 01:51 |
SuspectZero | ah perfect | 01:51 |
SuspectZero | thanks | 01:51 |
prince_jammys | usernameis: the problem is that i don't know the solution to your problem! if i did, i would have said something | 01:51 |
musikgoat|main | mroc: have you tried it? | 01:51 |
musikgoat|main | mroc: it wont hurt | 01:51 |
usernameis | ok thank you. | 01:52 |
Derick_D | how to install aix simulator on ubuntu? | 01:52 |
prince_jammys | usernameis: in the meantime, google returns many hits for: 'ubuntu switch user black screen' | 01:53 |
yothere1209 | prince_jammys: so I'm in the terminal and i figure to backup the file I'll just copy it to another location | 01:53 |
usernameis | ok | 01:53 |
prince_jammys | usernameis: see if there's something there | 01:53 |
DIFH-iceroot | Derick_D: what file is it? *.deb, *.rpm, *.tar.gz? | 01:54 |
prince_jammys | yothere1209: yes, make a copy | 01:54 |
prince_jammys | yothere1209: sudo cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf.bak | 01:54 |
mroc | musikgoat|main: fair point. i think i'll get around to trying it tomorrow. for now i just wrote a quick script to run the commands for removing and reloading in the correct order. thanks for the responses. | 01:54 |
mun | does anyone know how to change the colour of the menu (with File, Edit, etc.)? i've tried changing themes from Appearence Preference, but it's still the same. | 01:54 |
musikgoat|main | mroc: thats another way to do it, by far a hack, but it does what you need | 01:55 |
Derick_D | on Ubuntu(i386), how to build aix PPC environment? | 01:56 |
mroc | musikgoat|main: it does what i need for now - it's not my laptop, and i'm going away for the weekend, so it's at least an easy way to have it work for someone who knows far less than i do. | 01:56 |
musikgoat|main | mroc: the way i understand it udev controls driver loading, if its blacklisted, then /etc/modules would be the only other place that they could be loaded from | 01:56 |
redvamp128 | mun: right click on the panel -- choose properties- then background tab | 01:56 |
bernz | mun, probably check 'System | Prefs | Appearances | 01:56 |
musikgoat|main | mroc: sounds good | 01:56 |
gino | wish me luck guys, i'm restarting a server for the first time and it's 2 hours away | 01:56 |
redvamp128 | mun: otherwise if not specified it uses system theme colors | 01:56 |
musikgoat|main | gl gino | 01:57 |
mroc | musikgoat|main: you understand better than i do, i'm sure. my info was based on posts by others trying to solve this same problem (thank you broadcom). | 01:57 |
dadda | Guys, thank you either way for your attention, help and suggestions! | 01:57 |
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wildbat_ | how do i change the LANGUAGE in locale? | 01:57 |
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gino | also its a termian server, so if it doesn't restart im screwed | 01:57 |
prince_jammys | !locale > wildbat_ | 01:58 |
ubottu | wildbat_, please see my private message | 01:58 |
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gino | phew! it worked | 01:59 |
redvamp128 | mun: and if that does not work then you can-- open appearence theme- then customize then color box. | 01:59 |
bernz | mun, and then choose 'Customize...' and keep drilling down through to the "selected menu item" or similar description's color, and change away | 01:59 |
=== wildbat_ is now known as wildbat | ||
bernz | mun: full click path: System | Preferences | Appearance | Customize... | Colors | Selected items (background) color button | 02:01 |
kingnothing | i'm adding a 1TB drive to my desktop system and need to pick a file system. what should I go with? | 02:02 |
musikgoat|main | kingnothing: for media? XFS | 02:03 |
kingnothing | yeah, for media | 02:04 |
kingnothing | why XFS over ext3 or reiser? | 02:04 |
unop | kingfishr, for stability - EXT3 | 02:04 |
musikgoat|main | kingnothing: xfs is one of the quicker file systems for large media journaling, there are lots of comparisons out there | 02:04 |
baz_ | hey, I am re-installing my OS (downgrading to 32bit), and will therefore need to rebuild my software RAID drives. After booting with the livecd and installing mdadm, what *mdadm --create* command would I run to re-create this RAID config (output of /proc/mdstat): | 02:05 |
kingnothing | is reiser something i should consider or does it boil down to ext3 vs xfs? | 02:05 |
dreamy | hello all | 02:05 |
wildbat | but there is no localeconf package.... | 02:05 |
musikgoat|main | kingnothing: reiserfs is supposed to be the quickest for alot of small files | 02:05 |
yothere1209 | test | 02:05 |
DIFH-iceroot | kingnothing: sorry for this but raiserfs is a KILLER-Filesystem | 02:06 |
musikgoat|main | ba dum bum clang | 02:06 |
DIFH-iceroot | kingnothing: but it is very fast for a lot of small files | 02:06 |
dreamy | anyone can help me with this, how do u make shure my tftpd is ready to work ? with the port open and listening? | 02:07 |
madmike | anyone know what this error is? It makes pidgin hang as soon as it logs my accounts on: | 02:07 |
dreamy | using netstat? | 02:07 |
madmike | and yes, I already tried the pidgin channel, no one answered | 02:07 |
DIFH-iceroot | dreamy: connecting to the ftp? | 02:07 |
dreamy | DIFH-iceroot: Tftp i mean | 02:08 |
_VIM_ | didnt the creator of Reiser filesystem go to prison for murdering his ex wife? | 02:08 |
musikgoat|main | tftp != ftp | 02:08 |
kingnothing | musikgoat|main: ok, thanks. i'm actually surprised more people didn't jump in on that discussion. i was half expecting to be called a troll for even bringing it up | 02:08 |
rww | _VIM_: that's heavily offtopic for this channel. Try #ubuntu-offtopic | 02:08 |
DIFH-iceroot | ah ok dont know tftp, though it is a noral ftp-server | 02:08 |
dreamy | musikgoat|main: let me try that.. | 02:08 |
Anacranom | dreamy, internal only right? | 02:08 |
deco | Debian 5.0 FTW!!!!!!!!! ubuntu is for noobs!!! | 02:08 |
_VIM_ | well you guys were talking bout Reiser :P | 02:08 |
dreamy | Anacranom: to make PXE on a lan | 02:08 |
jrib | deco: do you have a support question? | 02:08 |
dreamy | i get error tftpd time out | 02:09 |
deco | jrib; yes | 02:09 |
musikgoat|main | kingnothing: i was biting my tongue :-P | 02:09 |
musikgoat|main | j/k | 02:09 |
dreamy | tftp time out i mean | 02:09 |
dreamy | when tryng to boot from lan on my lap | 02:09 |
deco | jrib; why is Debian better than ubuntu | 02:09 |
jrib | deco: then please ask it and stay on-topic (ubuntu support) | 02:09 |
bartek | hi quick question. Whenevever I get an update through ubuntu's update manager, is there somewhere (or even a site) I can go to take a look at the changes? I know I can add my own repos, but atleast to see the info for ubuntu's official ones | 02:10 |
bartek | Like my most recent one updated the flash player package, so Im curious what this did | 02:11 |
musikgoat|main | bartek: usually there are links in the update manager | 02:11 |
jrib | bartek: in update manager, there's an option to see the changelogs | 02:11 |
dreamy | Anacranom: i dont have ubuntu i got debian, what should net stat say .. to know if everything with the tftpdeamon is ready to go ? | 02:11 |
dreamy | or anyother tag | 02:11 |
rww | bartek: I think update manager shows that usually. There's also the package apt-listchanges, which might help. | 02:11 |
bartek | thanks. | 02:12 |
unop | bartek, there's also | 02:12 |
rww | bartek: oh, yeah. If you locate the package on, there's a link to the changelog on the right side of the package details page | 02:13 |
mun | i've tried customising the colour box, but it's still the same. | 02:13 |
kingnothing | on the topic of adding this new hard drive... i don't know why it happened, but my disk labels changed when I added the new, 3rd drive. I use sata for everything, and previously channels sata 1 and 2 corresponded to sda and sdb. after adding that 3rd drive, sata 3 and 4 are sda and sdb, and sata 1 and 2 are sdc and sdd. seemed easier to me to just move the cables around to go with how it used to be, but it seems weird that eve | 02:13 |
mun | redvamp128, i've tried customising the colour box, but it's still the same. | 02:13 |
bartek | very cool, thanks guys :) | 02:13 |
Pici | bartek: apt-listchanges should also give you the changelogs after you download the packages. | 02:13 |
dreamy | DIFH-iceroot: hi u there ? | 02:14 |
bartek | Pici: that command does not work? | 02:14 |
musikgoat|main | kingnothing: sounds like something wierd with acpi, i can see how that would be annoying | 02:14 |
Pici | bartek: Its not a command, its a package. | 02:14 |
wwalker | how do I get Ubuntu to show me what is occurring during boot rather than just a pretty splash screen? | 02:14 |
exodus_ms | bartek, sudo apt-get install apt-listchanges | 02:14 |
yothere1209 | keyboard and mouse won't work after restart. Network also not working. Can get to a terminal and type in there but no GUI keyboard or mouse. | 02:14 |
bartek | ah :) | 02:15 |
redvamp128 | mun I will take you a screenshot of what I changed to change mine though -- I will have to change it back. | 02:15 |
gino | simple question, how do I tell what partitions are being mounted and where? | 02:15 |
yothere1209 | anyone have any ideas? | 02:15 |
musikgoat|main | kingnothing: could there be a bios setting to prioritize your sata bus'es? | 02:15 |
musikgoat|main | gino: mount | 02:15 |
unop | gino, cat /etc/{fstab,mtab} | 02:15 |
kingnothing | musikgoat|main: i took a look through the bios but didn't see anything that stood out to me as a way to prioritize the channels | 02:15 |
rww | gino: "mount" will show all mounted partitions and where they're mounted. sudo fdisk -l will show all partitions on all disks, whether mounted or not. /etc/fstab and /etc/mtab contain settings for automatic mounting and other mount settings. | 02:15 |
kingnothing | musikgoat|main: i can prioritize boot order, but that was it | 02:16 |
gino | i love asking simple questions | 02:16 |
gino | also a note for sys admins: fuji printers SUCK | 02:16 |
redvamp128 | mun: the window is what I clicked on to change the color-- just don't forget to click ok. | 02:16 |
musikgoat|main | kingnothing: if you prioritize your 3rd channel to boot first... i wonder if that would affect the connections it makes to the OS, beyond my knowledge tho | 02:16 |
mun | redvamp128, thanks a lot | 02:17 |
jexmex | holy crap I am getting my ass reamed by a customer, this sucks....anyways | 02:17 |
jexmex | vlc still does not play wmv | 02:17 |
elementz | how can i find out which process has opened a specific file? eg, file foo is not readable, since it has been opened already. lsof | grep myfile seems to not work, at least i don't get an output | 02:17 |
redvamp128 | jexmex: did you enable multiverse and also restricted and install win32codecs? | 02:18 |
kingnothing | musikgoat|main: if i hadn't already dealt with my cable maze i'd consider playing with it to find out lol | 02:18 |
leo | jexmex you need thw win32 codec package | 02:18 |
[Tequila] | Hello guys, is there a way to log stuff on the clip board in a .txt ? | 02:18 |
sezoom | \help | 02:19 |
unop | [Tequila], xclip -o > clipboard.txt | 02:19 |
frewsxcv_ | mozilla labs live is right now :-) | 02:19 |
Cyntek | when adding a second hard on ubuntu-server, and afterwards creating a filesystem, and then making multiple dir /photos, /documents, then mounting them. Why does all the files i upload happen to be all the dir i created? | 02:19 |
aitd | Tequila: kNote .. right click and create .txt from clipboard | 02:19 |
ansichart | I have Ubuntu Server LTS 8.04, and I need to run this program that requires a graphical user interface, and it uses the JavaRunTime library. I am thinking I should set up a VNC server on there, and but I am not sure how this would work, since I don't think I have a GDE on Ubuntu Server LTS. | 02:20 |
jin_122 | how do i fix this? E: Could not open lock file /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (13 Permission denied) | 02:20 |
jin_122 | e-jat: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), are you root? | 02:20 |
=== Shooter__ is now known as Gibreel | ||
musikgoat|main | jin_122: use sudo | 02:20 |
gorlak | i have a question pertaining to how nfs and file copying works vs windows file copying. specifically if I copy a file under windows to/from a remote directory, the file copies almost instantly. however with NFS, it downloads to my computer then copies itself back to the server. is there a setting, somewhere for this? or whats actually going on there. | 02:20 |
[Tequila] | unop: aitd: thx | 02:20 |
rww | ansichart: you can install gnome on Ubuntu Server. Is that what you're asking? | 02:21 |
jin_122 | Musick: Swhat do you mean use use sudo ? | 02:21 |
musikgoat|main | jin_122: sudo apt-get... | 02:21 |
musikgoat|main | !sudo | jin_122 | 02:21 |
ubottu | jin_122: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome, XFCE), or !kdesudo (KDE) | 02:21 |
blueeyez | I use firefox as browser, i want to install java plugin. Is The icedTea web browser plugin or GCj web Browser Plugin or The Java (TM) Plug-in, java SE 6 best? | 02:21 |
ansichart | yea, but I only need to do this temporary... just the installation is in Java, and the rest can run from a terminal. I don't want to install Gnome or even Xfce... is this possible/ | 02:21 |
jrib | blueeyez: depends on what you value | 02:22 |
ansichart | I mean, just the instalation requires a graphical user interface. | 02:22 |
rww | ansichart: you could just install the "xorg" package. That'd install just the X server, and not gnome. | 02:22 |
blueeyez | play games and be on chats | 02:22 |
usser | ansichart, that is messed up... whoever wrote the installer | 02:22 |
ansichart | usser, it's a platform independant bot for, BNU-Bot | 02:22 |
ansichart | Most people use it on Windows or Mac | 02:23 |
ansichart | rww, thank you | 02:23 |
ansichart | rww, and I could VNC into that right? | 02:23 |
rww | ansichart: if you installed a vnc server, yeah. Do you need instructions for that? | 02:23 |
orm | hello! | 02:23 |
usser | ansichart, use x11vnc its easy to get going | 02:23 |
orm | is this the main channel on this server? | 02:24 |
saborlas1 | Hello, all. I don't suppose anyone could help me with a baffling problem? | 02:24 |
unop | !freenode | orm | 02:24 |
ubottu | orm: freenode is the IRC network that you're on! See | 02:24 |
musikgoat|main | orm: no, #freenode could be... since its freenodes servers | 02:24 |
rww | orm: this is the Ubuntu technical support channel. For general chat, see #defocus. For server help, see #freenode. For non-support Ubuntu discussion, see #ubuntu-offtopic. | 02:24 |
ansichart | usser, thanks | 02:25 |
musikgoat|main | saborlas1: just ask away | 02:25 |
orm | sorry im a newbe | 02:25 |
rww | ansichart: I'd also recommend x11vnc. Instructions are at | 02:25 |
ansichart | rww, thank you | 02:25 |
kernys[ | !tray | 02:25 |
kernys[ | ¢Æ Zero IRC ¢Æ < succeeded. > | 02:25 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about tray | 02:25 |
CapaH | Can anyone here tell me what I would use if I want to video conference with a firend on Windows? | 02:25 |
usser | CapaH, skype | 02:26 |
saborlas1 | Long story short: after fiddling around trying to install an X11 cursor set, my computer went through a pseudo-shutdown where everything but my wallpaper went away. Upon rebooting, I get the "display has reset itself 6 times in the last 90 seconds, most likely something bad is happening" message | 02:26 |
rww | !skype | CapaH | 02:26 |
ubottu | CapaH: To install Skype on Ubuntu, see - To record on Skype, check: | 02:26 |
CapaH | usser: Tried it - not working anything else? | 02:26 |
=== kernys[ is now known as kernys | ||
rww | CapaH: You could use Ekiga and your windows friend could use Netmeeting. | 02:26 |
usser | CapaH, theres a gnome-meeting app thats is basically msn copy | 02:26 |
usser | CapaH, ah yea it was ekiga sorry | 02:27 |
orm | is irc stil alive this days, its been some years s for me? | 02:27 |
usser | orm, alive and kicking | 02:27 |
orm | usser:okej | 02:27 |
mun | redvamp128, hi there. thanks, i've fixed it now. one question though: if i use a dark theme, is it normal for submit buttons on webpages shown on firefox to turn black as well? | 02:27 |
mun | in that case, the button texts are blended into the black background | 02:28 |
jexmex | oops sorry guys, was busy getting a ear ful, I will check that now | 02:28 |
saborlas1 | I ran "sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh -xserver-xorg" to supposedly rewrite my xorg.conf file, but I still can only boot by using a live CD | 02:28 |
yothere1209 | I can only use the terminal. I'm at my xorg config file and I'd like to edit it. I can't use any GUI, how do I open the file? | 02:28 |
rww | yothere1209: sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf | 02:29 |
_VIM_ | thats where vi comes in yothere1209 | 02:29 |
_VIM_ | or that | 02:29 |
yothere1209 | test | 02:29 |
gorlak | i have a question on how nfs reads writes/transfers files. i have a remote server, if i move/copy a file from one folder to the next it copies the file to my laptop first then sends it back to the server. is this normal? or is there a setting that keeps the file on the server instead. like smb/windows file copying does. | 02:29 |
exodus_ms | _VIM_, are you willing to walk him through how to use vi :P | 02:29 |
gorlak | reason being is, i have 4-8 gig files i would like to move around on my remote server, and it would take a very long time to move them. unless i do it from vnc on the server itself | 02:29 |
CapaH | Skype not working, Ekiga+Netmeeting not working -- any other alternatives? I am trying to video conference with a friend on Windows XP - any suggestions? | 02:29 |
saborlas1 | nothing I find on the forums is of any help | 02:30 |
redvamp128 | mun: depends on the theme of firefox | 02:30 |
musikgoat|main | gorlak: ssh to the remote server and cp/mv | 02:30 |
usser | gorlak, i think samba does the same thing, the transfer from one remote dir to another still goes through your computer | 02:30 |
musikgoat|main | usser is right | 02:30 |
yothere1209 | thanks | 02:30 |
yothere1209 | rww: thanks | 02:31 |
mun | redvamp128, i'm using the default theme. when i use a dark theme for ubuntu, the submit buttons will turn black too. | 02:31 |
jexmex | hmm, cannot find win32 codec package, how do I ensure multiverse is enabled | 02:31 |
gorlak | hm i maybe wrong then, i was always under the impression that the smb just did it serverside. is there any reason why it has to go through your computer? | 02:31 |
rww | !multiverse | jexmex | 02:31 |
ubottu | jexmex: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at and - See for the recommended way to set up your repositories | 02:31 |
redvamp128 | mun: I think if you use the default one it will dim/change with desktop settings , but if you use a custom theme(for firefox) it depends on how that theme is set up | 02:31 |
gorlak | cp/mv is a idea tho, i may do that. | 02:31 |
rww | !info w32codecs | 02:31 |
ubottu | Package w32codecs does not exist in intrepid | 02:31 |
musikgoat|main | gorlak: client/server relationship, just the way it is | 02:31 |
_VIM_ | not tonight i got my own probs :( getting I/O errors bout ready to toss this computer out, I think it's due to i formated it LVN but I dont know. | 02:31 |
usser | gorlak, theres no other way to do it, you dont access remote computer directly sort of speak, you only can upload/download stuff | 02:32 |
redvamp128 | mun: if you don't want it to do that you may wish to change the firefox theme. | 02:32 |
gorlak | makes sense. | 02:32 |
gorlak | well thanks :) | 02:32 |
jexmex | multiverse is checked in synaptic | 02:32 |
musikgoat|main | jexmex: what are you looking for? | 02:33 |
mun | redvamp128, do you know of any that defines its button colours? | 02:33 |
rww | jexmex: oh, duh, I forgot. It's a medibuntu package. You'll need to add that repository first. | 02:33 |
yothere1209 | where do I tell my GUI, gnome on Ubuntu 8.10 where to read input from? I figured I'd modify the xorg file in etc but there doesn't seem to be anything in there about where input is being read from | 02:33 |
rww | !medibuntu | jexmex | 02:33 |
ubottu | jexmex: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See | 02:33 |
yothere1209 | my terminal works but my mouse and keyboard don't work in login screen of GUI | 02:34 |
redvamp128 | jexmex: you may have to add medibuntu in order to install w32codecs | 02:34 |
yothere1209 | anyone have any ideas? | 02:34 |
jexmex | I downloaded those and put them in /usr/local/lib/codecs | 02:34 |
redvamp128 | !codecs | jexmex | 02:34 |
ubottu | jexmex: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: - See also - But please use free formats if you can: | 02:34 |
ansichart | I installed the xorg package and the x11vnc package, and then I tried starting up the vnc server, and I get an `error x11vnc was unable to open the X DISPLAY: ":0"' | 02:36 |
redvamp128 | mun: you could maybe try Gnome Classic... I think that changes the boxes.. Search Add-ons :: Firefox Add-ons <> | 02:36 |
maxagaz | how to send html formatted text with jabber ? | 02:36 |
saborlas1 | ...have I stumped the entire channel? | 02:37 |
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yothere1209 | is it possible to start up a task that I typically would start up in gnome from the terminal? I'd like to start my bittorrenting client from the terminal without touching gnome (because I can't) | 02:37 |
redvamp128 | jexmex: I think this is why you don't have the w32codecs ... Medibuntu - Community Ubuntu Documentation <> | 02:37 |
rww | ansichart: What command did you use to start the x11vnc server? | 02:37 |
ansichart | # x11vnc -safer -usepw -forever -display :0 | 02:38 |
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rww | ansichart: try it without the -display :0 switch. | 02:38 |
Daft_Punk | is there a way to have the icon text (for the icons on desktop) to be readable on light AND dark backgrounds? (like in windows) | 02:38 |
MattJ | maxagaz: It is possible in Pidgin | 02:38 |
musikgoat|main | yothere1209: yes, as long as the client doesn't need the gui | 02:39 |
ansichart | If you don't supply the -display :0, it will do that by default, and I get the same error. | 02:39 |
musikgoat|main | yothere1209: just type the name of the app in your terminal | 02:39 |
yothere1209 | thanks | 02:39 |
rww | ansichart: hmm. You could start an X session with "startx" first, then do x11vnc. | 02:39 |
=== kevin_ is now known as uvacav | ||
musikgoat|main | yothere1209: if you want it to be dropped to the background put an & after the name | 02:40 |
yothere1209 | damnit, it's needs the damn display | 02:40 |
ansichart | rww, :P That might help | 02:40 |
yothere1209 | musikgoat|main: it it possible to open the sucker up in the background? | 02:40 |
stickboy | I'm trying to install MySQL Workbench in ubuntu but I have 64bit and so I have to install from source, but doesn't seem to be working, any ideas? | 02:40 |
rww | ansichart: passing the -create switch to x11vnc might work instead. | 02:40 |
tripps | anyone ever rip a video off hulu using linux? | 02:40 |
huwenfeng | hi all, i just installed a pure english ubuntu 8.04 system. and in the system -> Administration -> language Support, there's no chinese supported! how can i add chinese support in it ??? how ? | 02:41 |
[Tequila] | Hello guys, is there a way to log stuff on the clip board in a .txt ........ in bulk? ex if 15 links are on the clip board i can transfer it all in a txt | 02:41 |
rww | stickboy: elaborate on "doesn't seem to be working"? | 02:41 |
jrib | [Tequila]: you can use xclip | 02:41 |
redvamp128 | tripps: that would be hard to do because of the segmented with adds | 02:41 |
stickboy | rww: ./configure gives a no such file or directory. | 02:41 |
[Tequila] | Jrib: i tried but it seems to only copy the 1st item on the clipboard list | 02:42 |
rww | huwenfeng: try installing language-support-zh | 02:42 |
jrib | [Tequila]: what clipboard list? There's only one thing stored in the clipboard afaik | 02:42 |
redvamp128 | tripps: that and the segments are tripped at the end of the adds. (but I would not advise doing that) | 02:42 |
bamhm182 | does anyone here know much about autorun.inf files? | 02:42 |
ansichart | The startx works | 02:42 |
huwenfeng | rww: just install this will be OK? | 02:42 |
SuspectZero | hey there. another quick question | 02:42 |
ansichart | rww, Thank you | 02:42 |
SuspectZero | hmm this is weird. when i type the command "firefox -remote 'openUrl(,new-tab)'" into console it works but when i type it into the run command field it doesnt do anything. any ideas why? | 02:43 |
[Tequila] | jrib: the clip board keeps a history | 02:43 |
rww | huwenfeng: I don't know, since I don't use chinese input, but it looks like it should. If you speak Chinese, you could ask in the Chinese-language Ubuntu channel; seems like they'd know :) | 02:43 |
jrib | [Tequila]: documentation? How do you know this? | 02:43 |
unop | SuspectZero, make a script that runs that command and call the script instead? | 02:43 |
rww | ansichart: no problem :) | 02:44 |
jin_122 | when i did a sudo aptget install xserver-xgl . this line show up .. how do i fix it ? | 02:44 |
jin_122 | e-jat: Couldn't find package xerver-xgl | 02:44 |
SuspectZero | unop, i might but thts getting way more complicated than it needs to be. what ever. i'll just ignore the whole -remote 'openurl' thing and just do "firefox url" | 02:44 |
jin_122 | e-jat: Couldn't find package xserver-xgl | 02:44 |
[Tequila] | Jrib: right click and you can choose how much history is save ex: you can have like 8 links on the clipboard | 02:44 |
Iron_Chef | hi | 02:45 |
Iron_Chef | what's the package for opera? | 02:45 |
labeau | ubuntu has sexy wallpapers :) | 02:45 |
Grimmjow-Laptop | im having trouble with my graphics driver on my laptop | 02:45 |
usser | Iron_Chef, just get a .deb file from | 02:45 |
labeau | byebye | 02:45 |
Iron_Chef | usser, oh ta | 02:45 |
rww | Iron_Chef: Opera also has a repository: | 02:45 |
jrib | [Tequila]: no, you must be using some helper program for that | 02:46 |
Iron_Chef | rww, cheers | 02:46 |
rww | jin_122: Looks like the xserver-xgl package was removed from Intrepid. | 02:47 |
[Tequila] | I need a way to log stuff on the clip board in a .txt ........ in bulk? ex if 15 links are on the clip board i can transfer it all in a txt .. or in real time? | 02:47 |
rww | stickboy: Try the instructions at | 02:48 |
Grimmjow-Laptop | when i had ubuntu 8.04 installed it found the restricted driver for my graphics but 8.10 does not | 02:48 |
dolo | hey i have an odd problem | 02:48 |
whisperkiller | can someone help me recover some data on a failed windows install using livecd so I can install linux on this drive? | 02:48 |
Daft_Punk | is there a way to have the icon text (for the icons on desktop) to be readable on light AND dark backgrounds? (like in windows) | 02:48 |
whisperkiller | i cannot seem to mount this drive | 02:48 |
dolo | i have onboard sound that isnt very good and then i have my sound blaster sound card which does work very good but each time i reboot the sound seems to switch from one to the other | 02:50 |
dolo | so yesterday i was listening using my sound blaster but now i rebooted and i only getting sound from the onboard | 02:50 |
Grimmjow-Laptop | i tried to run the latest linux display driver | 02:50 |
donavan01 | Ive got what probably sounds like a stupid question ... Is there any reason why my PC would show 2 CPUs in the system monitor if there werent 2 cores ? my Eee has an atom processor that is showing up with 2 cpus and im wondering if I got the wrong CPU (bonus) | 02:50 |
rww | dolo: Have you considered just disabling your onboard sound? Most BIOS's have an option for that. | 02:51 |
redvamp128 | dolo: just go into your bios and disable the onboard sound. (if that is not possible) you can go into system -- preference sound then change the device to the other one not the onboard sound. | 02:51 |
Grimmjow-Laptop | but it said i dont have a supported device installed | 02:51 |
rww | donavan01: which eeePC model do you have? | 02:51 |
donavan01 | rww: its a 900a | 02:51 |
dolo | well i thought that if i set it to sound blaster in prefrences it would just go | 02:51 |
J-a-k-e | hey all, do we have any audio nutters here who run a decent amp/speakers combo or headphones through their sound card? what card do you use and does sound quality compare with that of windows? | 02:51 |
dolo | but today i rebooted 3 times and still going to the onboard | 02:51 |
dolo | id like to get sound blaster working before i disable the onboard | 02:52 |
Grimmjow-Laptop | GeForce Go 7400 is listed on the supported products page | 02:52 |
saborlas1 | Anyone? "Display server has reset 6 times in the last 90 seconds. Most likely something bad is happening." error... | 02:52 |
donavan01 | rww: its supposed to have a n270 which I thought was only a single core but the system monitor shows 2 CPUs | 02:52 |
dolo | does it have hyperthreading? | 02:53 |
rww | donavan01: I think the n270 supports hyperthreading, which is probably why. | 02:53 |
musikgoat|main | yothere1209: you could use screen | 02:53 |
musikgoat|main | !screen | yothere1209 | 02:53 |
musikgoat|main | ubottu, where are you | 02:53 |
ubottu | yothere1209: screen is a terminal multiplexer. See and | 02:53 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about where are you | 02:53 |
musikgoat|main | yothere1209: screen is like a virtual terminal, so you could run screen bittorrentclient and it would open and look like normal, but you would then type ctrl+d then a and it would go to the background... then you would type screen -raAd to go back to it | 02:53 |
FloodBot1 | musikgoat|main: Please don't flood, use to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 02:53 |
alex6164 | hello | 02:53 |
donavan01 | rww: ahhh that makes sense | 02:53 |
alex6164 | can someone help me? | 02:53 |
J-a-k-e | I've got a creative x-fi xtreme gamer card and I find when running it through ubuntu it's missing that clarity and punch I get in winxp | 02:53 |
rww | !ask | alex6164 | 02:54 |
ubottu | alex6164: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) | 02:54 |
donavan01 | alex6164: maybe whats your problem | 02:54 |
alex6164 | cant get java to work on ubuntu, ive tried everything | 02:54 |
alex6164 | ive downloaded like a bunch of packages and did the add / remove thing | 02:54 |
alex6164 | and that didnt work either | 02:54 |
Iron_Chef | anyone use safari on ubuntu? | 02:54 |
Grimmjow-Laptop | but the GeForce Go 7400 is listed on my laptop spec sheet javascript:moreinfowindow('®ion_id=1&DL=',600,560,10,10,'Manuals') | 02:54 |
nomiculus | is there any place for c programming issues --- getting c programs to compile on ubuntu etc | 02:54 |
maxagaz | how to get the ip of the switch my computer is connected to ? | 02:55 |
jin_122 | hi, i downloaded the xorg-server (xgl) folder. how do i install it? | 02:55 |
rww | nomiculus: channel ##c | 02:55 |
nomiculus | ##c? | 02:55 |
nomiculus | or #c | 02:55 |
nomiculus | ok | 02:55 |
lstarnes | nomiculus: ##c | 02:55 |
nomiculus | ok thankyou very muchly lstarnes | 02:55 |
lstarnes | nomiculus: also, make sure you have build-essential installed | 02:55 |
nomiculus | i have that ty | 02:55 |
rrplay | maxagaz, :: ifconfig | 02:55 |
lstarnes | nomiculus: plus certain programs may require the -dev packages for the libraries that they use | 02:56 |
Grimmjow-Laptop | can somebody help me out here? DCC chat would be appreciated | 02:56 |
rww | If you're having Ubuntu specific problems, you could ask in here also. | 02:56 |
alex6164 | im still wondering about my java problem. | 02:56 |
maxagaz | rrplay: where does it give the switch address ? | 02:56 |
jin_122 | I got the xorg-server 1.1.99 folders extracted. how do i install this? what command do i use? | 02:56 |
lstarnes | Grimmjow-Laptop: it's preferred that you keep things in the channel. also, most users use regular private messages not dcc | 02:56 |
tritium | jin_122: why are you doing that? ubuntu users by default | 02:57 |
tritium | uses* | 02:57 |
rww | alex6164: Are you looking for the Java web browser plugin, or a Java programming environment, or... | 02:57 |
jin_122 | because i had trouble installing my xgl .. it says that it's not found | 02:57 |
alex6164 | hmm | 02:57 |
alex6164 | well lets try the web browser plugin | 02:57 |
ecret2 | using make now, it throws errors when theres a comma at the end of an enumerator list . I think gcc is more strict or something. : "error: comma at end of enumerator list". Can I turn this check off? | 02:57 |
donavan01 | alex6164: I assume you have tried using synatic to uninstall and reinstall java | 02:57 |
=== Album|Awy is now known as Album | ||
alex6164 | yea | 02:57 |
Grimmjow-Laptop | lstarnes: that cant make it easy to follow a single issue | 02:58 |
jin_122 | tritium: this comes up when i did the sudo get install E: Couldn't find package xorg-server | 02:58 |
rww | alex6164: are you using 32-bit or 64-bit Ubuntu? | 02:58 |
alex6164 | hold | 02:58 |
Surlent777 | is anyone able to help me with a system that is suddenly not booting and giving a kernel panic message? I have a pastebin ready | 02:58 |
alex6164 | 32 | 02:58 |
jin_122 | can someone help me? | 02:59 |
SuperMoopies | Hello, for some reason VLC (videolan) doesn't have audio. Any ideas what to do / | 02:59 |
SuperMoopies | ? | 02:59 |
redvamp128 | Surlent777: Have you tried using an earlier kernel ? You can at boot hit the escape key -- then you should be able to select an earlier one. | 02:59 |
rww | alex6164: Have you tried installing sun-java6-plugin ? | 02:59 |
lstarnes | Grimmjow-Laptop: if you use nickname highlighting it can make things somewhat easier to follow. Also, with private messages, if the person you're talking to has no solution, someone else in the channel who might have one wouldn't be able to see the conversation | 02:59 |
alex6164 | i did | 02:59 |
rww | alex6164: Okay. Which web browser are you trying to use it with? | 02:59 |
Surlent777 | redvamp128: This has details | 02:59 |
Maahes | !lamp | 02:59 |
alex6164 | firefox, konquoerer | 02:59 |
ubottu | LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+) | 02:59 |
baz_ | i am re-installing ubuntu. I bootd into the liveCD. Then installed mdadm and re-assembled my RAID array. What do I do next? The installer doesn't seem to recognize the RAID. | 03:00 |
lstarnes | Grimmjow-Laptop: I'm not sure if that particular card is supported in 8.10, but I'll check | 03:00 |
alex6164 | mainly firefox | 03:00 |
Grimmjow-Laptop | lstarnes: thank you | 03:00 |
rww | alex6164: with sun-java6-plugin installed, type "about:plugins" in your address bar, and see if it lists any java-related stuff | 03:00 |
rrplay | maxagaz, i have eth0 so ifconfig eth0 | 03:00 |
alex6164 | okay, hold on | 03:00 |
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neil_d | I am trying to copy an audio CD, but when I do I get a 'File iamge create failed' dialog saying "selected location does not have enough space" :( what location? all my drive have GB free. | 03:01 |
alex6164 | it has a bunch of ones that say iced tea | 03:01 |
baz_ | !raid | 03:01 |
ubottu | raid is Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on wto and - For software RAID, see | 03:01 |
maxagaz | rrplay, ok, but it doesn't return the ip of the switch | 03:01 |
excalibas | hello, I am trying to make a vnc connection, I can connect but I cant see the desktop. any help please? | 03:01 |
rww | alex6164: okay. Do you see a pink square on with java information in it? | 03:02 |
rrplay | maxagaz, check you own ip and get the switch info from them | 03:02 |
maxagaz | rrplay, how? | 03:02 |
Maahes | wha? what is this...taskel and why doesn't lamp-server appear in my synaptic? | 03:03 |
Daft_Punk | is there a way to have the icon text (for the icons on desktop) to be readable on light AND dark backgrounds? (like in windows) | 03:03 |
rrplay | maxagaz, : by using you ip in a url | 03:03 |
alex6164 | its a gray box. | 03:03 |
alex6164 | damnit | 03:03 |
maxagaz | rrplay, i'm using the console | 03:03 |
lstarnes | Maahes: tasks in tasksel aren't packages | 03:03 |
whisperkiller | guys i need to make linux recognize ntfs so i can recover data from a windows drive using 7.10 livecd....its family pics that are irreplacable....can someone please help? | 03:04 |
Maahes | lstarnes, wha? | 03:04 |
Maahes | !info tasksel | 03:04 |
ubottu | tasksel (source: tasksel): Tool for selecting tasks for installation on Debian systems. In component main, is important. Version 2.73ubuntu11 (intrepid), package size 63 kB, installed size 884 kB | 03:04 |
rww | Maahes: tasksel installs tasks, which are groups of packages. Synaptic just installs packages. | 03:04 |
rrplay | maxagaz, : your ip addy there from the ifconfig eth0 then copy that ip addy into a blank url | 03:04 |
jin_122 | this is what happened when i tried compiz. any ideas guys ? thesleepingox@ubuntu:~/Desktop/xorg-server-$ compiz | 03:05 |
jin_122 | Checking for Xgl: not present. | 03:05 |
Maahes | rww, I get that...but tasks aren't searchable via synaptic, why use tasks rather than a metapackage? | 03:05 |
maxagaz | rrplay, i got my answer... using netstat... | 03:05 |
lasivian | how do I take down a wireless card? | 03:05 |
lstarnes | Grimmjow-Laptop: which version of the drivers are you using? | 03:05 |
rrplay | maxagaz, ;) great even better gotta go | 03:05 |
alex6164 | @rrw, it came up gray. So whats that mean? I dont have it or.. | 03:05 |
rww | Maahes: I'm not sure. I think it's because debian-installer uses tasks, and Ubuntu's installer is based off d-i. | 03:05 |
lasivian | I tried ifconfig down but it's child still shows up under iwconfig | 03:05 |
rww | alex6164: I'm not sure. Try running firefox in a terminal and see if you get any error output when you go to the test page. | 03:06 |
=== jwy is now known as jeawy | ||
alex6164 | and... how do i go about doing that | 03:06 |
Grimmjow-Laptop | lstarnes: now im using whatever Ubuntu 8.10 installed | 03:06 |
=== thos_ is now known as thos37 | ||
rww | alex6164: open a Terminal, type "firefox" into it, open the tester page in firefox, look in the Terminal and see if messages appeared in it. | 03:07 |
redvamp128 | lasivian: sudo ifdown eth# (number of the card) ? That should turn it off | 03:07 |
alex6164 | kk | 03:07 |
SIM_EU | how to use update-rc.d ? | 03:07 |
Surlent777 | oh, and redvamp, I got rid of the older kernels (except the second most recent) but then I forgot to reflect that in menu.lst. So I can't get anywhere aside from the newest =/ | 03:07 |
lstarnes | Grimmjow-Laptop: are you currently having any issues with that driver? | 03:07 |
thos37 | recently i upgraded my system to 8.10, and now it won't boot, anyone heard of this? | 03:07 |
Daft_Punk | is there a way to have the icon text (for the icons on desktop) to be readable on light AND dark backgrounds? (like in windows) | 03:07 |
alex6164 | no errors | 03:07 |
lstarnes | SIM_EU: did you check its man page? | 03:07 |
SIM_EU | not really | 03:08 |
rww | alex6164: are you sure the java applet loaded? grey boxes sometimes mean it's still loading. | 03:08 |
=== Album is now known as Album|Awy | ||
rww | SIM_EU: that would be a good start. | 03:08 |
redvamp128 | Surlent777: then you may have by doing that-- done the proverbial "shot yourself in the foot" | 03:08 |
SIM_EU | but i remenber i use to use some other command and check all the levels | 03:08 |
alex6164 | okay a box popped up | 03:08 |
alex6164 | i clicked okay | 03:08 |
SIM_EU | i dont remenber if it was update-rc.d | 03:08 |
alex6164 | now it says java | 03:08 |
rww | !who | General note | 03:09 |
ubottu | General note: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :) | 03:09 |
rww | alex6164: okay, looks like you have the Java plugin working, then. | 03:09 |
Surlent777 | redvamp128: What I don't understand is that it was working fine, and even though I hadn't messed with anything, it suddenly stopped working. My experience tells me that usuallly when crap breaks, it's because you messed with it =/ | 03:09 |
SIM_EU | lstarnesi dont remenber if it was update-rc.d | 03:09 |
redvamp128 | Surlent777: I usually keep the latest 3 myself -- but you could if you can get to the menu.lst remove the unhide by using #unhide (that way it will show all boot options in grub) | 03:09 |
alex6164 | then why is java not loading on anything? | 03:09 |
kabukan1 | anyone help me install ubuntu on SATA HD | 03:09 |
rww | alex6164: it just did load that test page | 03:09 |
Grimmjow-Laptop | lstarnes: what happens is when Ubuntu goes to the screensaver or the screen goes blank for a little bit (i dont know how long it has to be in screensaver for this to happen) and i move the mouse to bring it back, i get the wallpaper and the mouse but nothing else comes up | 03:09 |
OscarGot | Hi, I was wondering if anyone could help me, my headphones don't seem to be working on 8.10, but the front speakers work just fine. | 03:09 |
whisperkiller | how do i get su from livecd? | 03:09 |
alex6164 | omg | 03:09 |
alex6164 | it works now | 03:09 |
lasivian | redvamp128: nope, says it's not configured | 03:09 |
alex6164 | thatnks man | 03:09 |
lstarnes | SIM_EU: I'm not sure what else it could be | 03:10 |
alex6164 | shit | 03:10 |
rww | alex6164: no problem | 03:10 |
alex6164 | you rock man! | 03:10 |
alex6164 | thanks alot! | 03:10 |
FloodBot1 | alex6164: Please don't flood, use to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 03:10 |
redvamp128 | Surlent777: I have found with some kernel breakages -- they can break only if something tries to access the broken part and work fine -until that happens. | 03:10 |
lasivian | redvamp128: I show wifi0 and under iwconfig it shows ath0 | 03:10 |
whisperkiller | how do i get su from livecd? | 03:10 |
rww | whisperkiller: you don't. Use sudo instead. | 03:10 |
redvamp128 | lasivian: you can try sudo ifdown ath0 | 03:10 |
lasivian | redvamp128: same error | 03:10 |
cmrn | If I am planning to install an ubuntu flavour on my eeePC 1000H, should I use ubuntu, or xubuntu (or kubuntu if you really want that option...) | 03:10 |
Grimmjow-Laptop | lstarnes: if i push the power button it should bring up shutdown options but that doesnt even happen | 03:10 |
cmrn | via wubi | 03:10 |
jin_122 | how do i fix this? Errors were encountered while processing: | 03:10 |
* lasivian has never been able to adjust to sudo | 03:10 | |
jin_122 | /var/cache/apt/archives/linux-image-2.6.27-7-generic_2.6.27-7.16_i386.deb | 03:10 |
jin_122 | e-jat: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1) | 03:10 |
lstarnes | Grimmjow-Laptop: are you using compiz? | 03:10 |
OscarGot | Hi, I was wondering if anyone could help me, my headphones don't seem to be working on 8.10, but the front speakers work just fine. | 03:11 |
jrib | lasivian: not really much to adjust to... | 03:11 |
Surlent777 | redvamp128: But what could possibly access the kernel that wasn't before? I had rebooted prior to this after messing with a bunch of stuff in Fluxbox, and it was fine. It was only after I left Windows that night that it decided to brek... | 03:11 |
Grimmjow-Laptop | lstarnes: no im not | 03:11 |
Surlent777 | redvamp128: break* | 03:11 |
redvamp128 | Surlent777: I had one that worked fine until my web browser decided to kick pulse in instead of using alsa. (then came the barrage of panics) but a boot to the prior kernel and everything worked fine (IBEX) | 03:12 |
Grimmjow-Laptop | lstarnes: also | 03:13 |
OscarGot | Hi, I was wondering if anyone could help me, my headphones don't seem to be working on 8.10, but the front speakers work just fine. | 03:13 |
Surlent777 | redvamp128: This makes no sense. I think I can try and enable an older kernel, but I'm not sure...I'll be back later, I guess. | 03:13 |
=== sezoom__ is now known as sezoom | ||
OscarGot | Hi, I was wondering if anyone could help me, my headphones don't seem to be working on 8.10, but the front speakers work just fine. | 03:14 |
rww | !repeat | OscarGot | 03:15 |
ubottu | OscarGot: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search or while you wait. Also see !patience | 03:15 |
Grimmjow-Laptop | when im in the screensaver preferences the preview window is black at first and when i switch back to the same screensaver its like a strobe light with black instead of white | 03:15 |
donavan01 | Whats the command I issue to get a list of all the hardware install on my system (trying to find out what kind of wifi card I have) | 03:15 |
lstarnes | Grimmjow-Laptop: I'm not sure what would be causing that to happen other than perhaps a bug of some sort. you could try disabling your screensaver | 03:15 |
redvamp128 | donavan01: dmesg or lspci | 03:15 |
lstarnes | donavan01: there's also lshw | 03:16 |
donavan01 | thanks | 03:16 |
rww | donavan01: lspci and lsusb will tell you most hardware. lshw will tell you more than you'd ever want to know. | 03:16 |
donavan01 | good to know | 03:16 |
rww | (that shouldn't be construed as a sleight against lshw. I love lshw. It's just insane in terms of detail.) | 03:17 |
donavan01 | gotcha | 03:17 |
Grimmjow-Laptop | lstarnes: i didnt have this trouble with 8.04 because it found my grphics cards restricted driver | 03:17 |
=== Flare183 is now known as Flare-laptop | ||
Grimmjow-Laptop | lstarnes: if 8.10 cant install it automatically then can the driver be installed manually? | 03:18 |
redvamp128 | donavan01: or lshw -short | 03:18 |
lstarnes | Grimmjow-Laptop: I'm not sure. I'm still using 8.04 | 03:18 |
rww | redvamp128: heh, I didn't know about that. Thanks. | 03:19 |
Grimmjow-Laptop | lstarnes: lol | 03:19 |
JPSman | when I twin view my monitor, it gives me the option of setting it up as a "separate x screen" what is this? | 03:19 |
redvamp128 | rww: that gives a short list of hardware and more readable | 03:19 |
Surlent777 | redvamp128: You're saying it's a kernel issue. Did you look at my pastebin at all? | 03:20 |
Grimmjow-Laptop | lstarnes: this isnt related to the graphics issue but id like to have QuickBooks installed in Ubuntu | 03:20 |
Grimmjow-Laptop | lstarnes: last time i tried with WINE it didnt work | 03:20 |
redvamp128 | Surlent777: Yes I did but if a kernel panic -I would try using a different one in order to rule things out... and it is open right now actually in my browser | 03:21 |
Grimmjow-Laptop | lstarnes: not that i knew what i was doing | 03:21 |
lstarnes | Grimmjow-Laptop: I've never used quickbooks so I have no clues there | 03:21 |
Grimmjow-Laptop | lstarnes: ok | 03:21 |
Huufarted | Got a question, folks. I just finished installing telnetd, but I don't have inetd or xinetd installed. I thought one of them was a pre-requisite for them? | 03:21 |
Surlent777 | redvamp128: That part about not being able to find /root/dev/console...what does that mean? | 03:21 |
redvamp128 | Surlent777: when you say experimented with NVIDIA -- That part were you in linux or windows? | 03:22 |
Surlent777 | redvamp128: Windows | 03:22 |
usser | Huufarted, i think this whole inetd business was abandoned in favor of stand alone servers | 03:22 |
rww | Huufarted: You should have one of openbsd-inetd, inetutils-inetd, openbsd-inetd, rlinetd, xinetd | 03:22 |
rww | Huufarted: according to the package information, anyway | 03:22 |
redvamp128 | Surlent777: if the prior kernels don't work I would try the reinstall of grub. (to see if it can find your linux) | 03:22 |
Huufarted | rww, none of the above. I'll just go ahead and install xinetd, then | 03:23 |
redvamp128 | !grub | Surlent777 | 03:23 |
ubottu | Surlent777: GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See - GRUB how-tos: | 03:23 |
Grimmjow-Laptop | lstarnes: so do you have any thoughts on how i can get help with this driver issue? | 03:23 |
Surlent777 | redvamp128: I think, that with 8.04 loaded on my laptop, that I was able to go into /dev and see a file labled console. Would this show up if I were to view my HD from Windows or a Live CD? | 03:23 |
rww | Huufarted: what version of Ubuntu are you using? | 03:23 |
Huufarted | intrepid | 03:23 |
Grimmjow-Laptop | lstarnes: oh by the way, i think its related to OpenGL | 03:23 |
Huufarted | It's actually kinda surprising that none of them were installed at the get-go | 03:23 |
rww | Huufarted: that's odd. The Intrepid telnetd package *depends* on them. I'm not sure how you managed to not install one. | 03:23 |
redvamp128 | Surlent777: Trying to view a linux with windows is about like all the warnings programs give about using linux to write to NTFS (possible data loss can occur) | 03:24 |
Huufarted | rww, not sure. Just checked it in synaptic and let it rip | 03:24 |
helo | anyone know if most usb bluetooth adapters work in intrepid? | 03:24 |
Huufarted | ah... openbsd-inet *IS* installed | 03:24 |
Scunizi | Grimmjow-Laptop: there are sever decent replacements for quickbooks.. not all with the same features but close.. not as pretty but functional. kmymoney and gnucash are in the repos. gnucash is a double entry system.. probably overkill for home. kmymoney looks nice and is fairly feature rugh. | 03:24 |
Scunizi | *rich | 03:24 |
Huufarted | rww, nevermind. I'm just dense | 03:24 |
Surlent777 | redvamp128: Using the program mentioned in my pastebin, I've never had problesm | 03:24 |
rww | Huufarted: I just tried and it asked to install openbsd-inetd. Might want to install that one if you don't have it ;) | 03:25 |
OscarGot | Is there anyway to downgrade back to Hardy? | 03:25 |
rww | OscarGot: no. | 03:25 |
Grimmjow-Laptop | lstarnes: i have a small business with a inventory | 03:25 |
Huufarted | yeah rww, it's on there. I chose to use xinetd in place of it, though. I'm used to xinetd. | 03:25 |
rww | !downgrade | OscarGot | 03:25 |
ubottu | OscarGot: Attempting to downgrade to an older Ubuntu version is explicitly not supported, and may break your system. | 03:25 |
rww | Huufarted: okays :) | 03:25 |
Surlent777 | redvamp128: I realize that's not much of a comment, but would I, nevertheless, be able to see any files in /dev? | 03:25 |
Huufarted | rww, I knew how to install it all along, I just wanted to find out WHY I didn't see what I expected, that's all | 03:25 |
mobodo_ | I would like to install a different version of netatalk (the one from the CVS) on my ubuntu server. Is there a way to get the source of the dpkg, patch it with that's new in the CVS and install it as a dpkg? | 03:26 |
helo | anyone know if a random usb bluetooth adapter i might find on newegg should work in ubuntu? | 03:26 |
usser | mobodo_, just create a package out of cvs sources, checkinstall would probably be the easiest way to accomplish this | 03:26 |
luddite | after about 5 minutes on ubuntu 8.10 internet activity stops when LAN connected | 03:27 |
mobodo_ | usser: problem is that this way, I don't get any configuration file :-/ | 03:27 |
rww | mobodo_: it's possible, yes. There's information on doing it at | 03:27 |
luddite | how can i stop this? | 03:27 |
usser | helo, so far my ratio here is 50% :) 1 adapter out of 2 worked | 03:27 |
redvamp128 | Surlent777: if you moved the /etc that could pose a problem-- though what you may try doing is copy what is in the home back into the / | 03:27 |
usser | mobodo_, what do you mean? no configuration file? | 03:27 |
[Tequila] | How can I obtain the full history of Klipper, for ex if I have 8 links in klipper history how can I select and copy all of them | 03:28 |
redvamp128 | Surlent777: would cause an extra folder but one that you may be able to deal with when you are in linux | 03:28 |
mobodo_ | usser: I'd like to keep the same paths/config files as the ones provided with the current package | 03:28 |
rww | mobodo_: Specifically might be useful. | 03:28 |
shausam27 | where dose kml donkey store files it is downloading a the finished ones to | 03:28 |
mobodo_ | rww: I'm on it, thanks :) | 03:28 |
Grimmjow-Laptop | lstarnes: i think OpenGL is related to the problem im having because in a game i have installed when i have OpenGL off the screen looks normal (at least without the pretty effects normal) but if OpenGL is turned on then the game becomes more unstable and i see flickering all over | 03:28 |
maze12 | salut à tous :) | 03:28 |
usser | mobodo_, oh, i see. | 03:28 |
rww | !fr | maze12 | 03:29 |
ubottu | maze12: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr | 03:29 |
MindVirus | Any good graphing frontends for GTK? Preferrably 3D as well. | 03:29 |
thomastaco | Will someone tell me how to go to the window that lists the specs of my computer? | 03:29 |
Surlent777 | redvamp128: I'm pretty sure that *nothing was moved* because otherwise I'd see something odd in the home folder, and I don't. | 03:29 |
lasivian | how can I determine what chipset my wireless card uses for purposes of running kismet? | 03:29 |
rww | lasivian: one of lsusb or lspci will probably show it. If not, try lshw. | 03:30 |
usser | helo, this one worked for me | 03:30 |
Surlent777 | redvamp128: But I also fear that I may be wrong | 03:30 |
luddite | i wish to send mail via thunderbird with my own mailserver so when im connected to free wifi it will still send pop3 email - is this possible? | 03:30 |
jinnstar77 | lasivian: lspci | 03:30 |
redvamp128 | lasivian: lshw -short | 03:30 |
rww | thomastaco: which specs, specifically? | 03:30 |
bjacques | hi, which repository contains debugging symbols for ubuntu-provided packages? | 03:30 |
thomastaco | what specific graphics card i have in thi | 03:30 |
thomastaco | this | 03:30 |
lstarnes | Grimmjow-Laptop: I'm not sure how to fix this particular issue | 03:31 |
Surlent777 | redvamp128: I can see though that E:\home has nothing in it but my home folder | 03:31 |
rww | thomastaco: "lspci" should show that | 03:31 |
redvamp128 | Surlent777: even with show hidden enabled? | 03:31 |
Surlent777 | redvamp128: My XP shows everything. | 03:31 |
rww | bjacques: | 03:31 |
Surlent777 | redvamp128: I can show this by the fact that I see my "dot folders" in my home directory | 03:32 |
Grimmjow-Laptop | lstarnes: do you know somebody who may be more familiar with my problem? | 03:32 |
[Tequila] | How can I obtain the full history of Klipper, for ex if I have 8 links in klipper history how can I select and copy all of them | 03:32 |
rww | thomastaco: type it in the Terminal ( Accessories > Terminal ) | 03:33 |
lstarnes | Grimmjow-Laptop: someone else here might know, but I'm not sure who exactly | 03:33 |
redvamp128 | Surlent777: I have ran out of things for you to try-- other than possibly if you can get it to log onto the prompt-- then you can do more | 03:33 |
shausam27 | where dose kml donkey store files it is downloading a the finished ones to i can not fine a file of any kind like lime wire uses | 03:33 |
lasivian | hrrm, lspci just showed me the other 2 network devices, not the usb one | 03:33 |
rww | !pm > thomastaco | 03:33 |
ubottu | thomastaco, please see my private message | 03:33 |
Surlent777 | redvamp128: What prompt? | 03:33 |
Grimmjow-Laptop | lstarnes: lots of typing ahead of me i think | 03:33 |
Surlent777 | redvamp128: Linux refuses to boot at all. It just gives that "cannot find /root/dev/console" or whatever | 03:33 |
lasivian | lshw shows the device but does not show chipset | 03:33 |
thethirdmoose | How can I check which processes are using a module and preventing me from unloading it? | 03:34 |
redvamp128 | Surlent777: I would try reinstall of grub -- or possibly wingrub -- WinGrub and Ubuntu <> | 03:34 |
Grimmjow-Laptop | im having trouble with my graphics driver on my laptop | 03:34 |
Grimmjow-Laptop | when i had ubuntu 8.04 installed it found the restricted driver for my graphics but 8.10 does not | 03:34 |
jljohnstone | anybody know why the compiz "place windows" plugin doesn't work with adobe air applications? i set a rule for tweetdeck to always appear in a certain viewport but it always opens in my current viewport. any ideas? | 03:34 |
Grimmjow-Laptop | i tried to run the latest linux display driver | 03:34 |
redvamp128 | Surlent777: since you can boot to windows -- that may be a way to add back your ubuntu -- to figure out just what is wrong with it. ( | 03:34 |
Grimmjow-Laptop | but it said i dont have a supported device installed | 03:35 |
Grimmjow-Laptop | GeForce Go 7400 is listed on the supported products page | 03:35 |
rww | :( | 03:35 |
Grimmjow-Laptop | but the GeForce Go 7400 is listed on my laptop spec sheet javascript:moreinfowindow('®ion_id=1&DL=',600,560,10,10,'Manuals') | 03:35 |
Surlent777 | redvamp128: I'll check out whether I can view /dev on a live CD on my laptop. Thanks for the advice | 03:35 |
lasivian | I know it's an edimax usb card, but I kinda want to learn how to do this stuff myself :) | 03:35 |
Grimmjow-Laptop | can somebody help me out here? | 03:35 |
rww | lasivian: did you try lsusb? | 03:35 |
luddite | after about 5 mins of use my internet stops- please help - rebooting is a pain | 03:35 |
lasivian | ahh haaa | 03:35 |
luddite | ping stops also | 03:35 |
Grimmjow-Laptop | what happens is when Ubuntu goes to the screensaver or the screen goes blank for a little bit (i dont know how long it has to be in screensaver for this to happen) and i move the mouse to bring it back, i get the wallpaper and the mouse but nothing else comes up | 03:36 |
thethirdmoose | How can I check which processes are using a module and preventing me from unloading it? The module is bttv. | 03:36 |
Grimmjow-Laptop | now im using whatever driver Ubuntu 8.10 installed | 03:36 |
lasivian | rww: ralink technologies, rt2501usb - however in kismet now I have "ath5k" | 03:36 |
Grimmjow-Laptop | i am not running compiz | 03:37 |
shausam27 | where dose kml donkey store files it is downloading a the finished ones to i can not fine a file of any kind like lime wire uses | 03:39 |
whab0 | GUYS CHECK this OUT | 03:39 |
whab0 | M$ will be charging PER HOUR | 03:39 |
rww | !ot | whab0 | 03:39 |
ubottu | whab0: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks! | 03:39 |
thomastaco | where do i type in the commands like lspci | 03:39 |
baz_ | hey, I am trying to re-install ubuntu on a machine that had a software RAID (ubuntu too). When do I re-assemble the RAID? Before install, during install or after install? | 03:40 |
mun | how come when i set the terminal's bg to transparent, all i see is the wallpaper rather than the windows behind the terminal? | 03:40 |
redvamp128 | thomastaco: applications - accessories -terminal | 03:40 |
thethirdmoose | mun, you need to use a compositing engine like compiz if you want to see the windows behind | 03:40 |
thomastaco | thank you very much | 03:40 |
usser | mun, its fake transparency, for real transparency use compiz or xcompmgr | 03:40 |
mun | thethirdmoose, i see, but i already am. | 03:40 |
thethirdmoose | mun: Then you need to enable transparency in compiz settings | 03:41 |
usser | mun, hold alt button and use the scroll wheel on the mouse to increase decrease transparency level | 03:41 |
mun | thethirdmoose, i see. how do i do that? | 03:41 |
bjacques | why is there no firefox-3.0-dbg in intrepid? | 03:42 |
mun | usser, thanks | 03:42 |
jrib | !debug | bjacques | 03:42 |
ubottu | bjacques: For help debugging your program, please see | 03:42 |
thethirdmoose | mun, in compizconfig, check out Opacity, Brightness, and Saturation | 03:42 |
Grimmjow-Laptop | what happens is when Ubuntu goes to the screensaver or the screen goes blank for a little bit (i dont know how long it has to be in screensaver for this to happen) and i move the mouse to bring it back, i get the wallpaper and the mouse but nothing else comes up | 03:42 |
thethirdmoose | How can I check which processes are using a module and preventing me from unloading it? The module is bttv. | 03:42 |
Grimmjow-Laptop | please vote for my suggestion | 03:43 |
usser | thethirdmoose, it is likely that it other modules depend on it, processes have nothing to do with modules | 03:43 |
mun | thethirdmoose, thanks | 03:43 |
usser | thethirdmoose, try sudo modinfo bttv | 03:44 |
baz_ | hey, I am trying to re-install ubuntu on a machine that had a software RAID (ubuntu too). When do I re-assemble the RAID? Before install, during install or after install? | 03:44 |
bobJR | im having a problem in deleting a file off my ntfs partition ive got ntfs-3g installed what else should i do can anyone help | 03:44 |
bobJR | external | 03:44 |
bobJR | usb not partition | 03:44 |
bobJR | hah | 03:44 |
bobJR | im running xubuntu 8.10 | 03:45 |
thethirdmoose | usser, it doesn't tell me what's using it | 03:45 |
bjacques | ubottu: I have the repositories listed in but still no firefox-3.0-dbg. | 03:46 |
ubottu | Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 03:46 |
usser | thethirdmoose, modinfo bttv | grep depends | 03:46 |
redvamp128 | bobJR: Ntfs Config tool -- installed thru synaptic package manager- (and please don't use the enter as punctuation) If you repeat / message at a rapid pace like that you may be silenced. | 03:46 |
ubuntu__ | disconnect | 03:46 |
sophia | Anyone knows how to check performance of a mediaplayer? any testing tool? | 03:46 |
thethirdmoose | usser, I should stop those first? | 03:46 |
bobJR | thanks redvamp128 | 03:46 |
lstarnes | bjacques: what about firefox-dbg? | 03:46 |
hoober | i have an acer 5100 bl51 and i cant get my webcam to work it is built in to the laptop can anyone help?? | 03:46 |
bjacques | lstarnes: afraid not | 03:46 |
mun | usser, if i hold down alt and scroll to increase transparency, will it this setting be persistent so that next time when the same app opens, the same transprency level loads? | 03:47 |
usser | thethirdmoose, when you do sudo rrmod bttv doesnt it tell you something along the following lines: ERROR: Module mac80211 is in use by iwl3945 | 03:47 |
usser | mun, i dont think so | 03:47 |
thethirdmoose | usser, just says "FATAL: Module bttv is in use" | 03:47 |
hoober | ? | 03:47 |
sebsebseb | ] | 03:48 |
sebsebseb | 03:48 | |
Grimmjow-Laptop | what happens is when Ubuntu goes to the screensaver or the screen goes blank for a little bit (i dont know how long it has to be in screensaver for this to happen) and i move the mouse to bring it back, i get the wallpaper and the mouse but nothing else comes up. can somebody else try to help me with this graphics driver problem? | 03:48 |
shausam27 | hi | 03:48 |
sebsebseb | hi | 03:48 |
thethirdmoose | usser, lsmod indicates that it is in use by one module | 03:48 |
hoober | what is the ubuntu off topic room | 03:49 |
rww | hoober: #ubuntu-offtopic | 03:49 |
RoastedTiresX | is there anybody REALLY good with IRC that could help me in private message? It seems ubuntu is the only channel I can get to. | 03:49 |
usser | thethirdmoose, nah lsmod lists modules that bttv depends on, my bad, its not relevant | 03:51 |
rww | RoastedTiresX: does /join #freenode work? That'd be the place to ask, if it does. | 03:51 |
shausam27 | dose kml donkey create a folder where it puts my downloads if so where would i fine it | 03:51 |
usser | thethirdmoose, try running sudo depmod | 03:51 |
RoastedTiresX | let me give it a shot rww - thanks! | 03:51 |
RoastedTiresX | yep, works - thanks! | 03:51 |
usser | thethirdmoose, and then look at /lib/modules/yourkernel/modules.dep file | 03:51 |
usser | thethirdmoose, run this command cat /lib/modules/yourkernel/modules.dep | grep bttv | 03:52 |
=== co-founder is now known as nomasteryoda | ||
_VIM_ | I'm getting error "Desktop effects could not be enabled" on 8.10, but Nvidia is loaded and working | 03:53 |
thethirdmoose | usser, there's a lot of stuff | 03:53 |
redvamp128 | _VIM_: you could try running this check to see what is broken - Forlong's Blog - Compiz-Check <> | 03:54 |
usser | thethirdmoose, use grep to display relevant stuff, you're looking for a line with bttv.ko | 03:54 |
thethirdmoose | usser, there are several lines | 03:54 |
usser | thethirdmoose, sudo cat /lib/modules/kernel/modules.dep | grep bttv | 03:54 |
thethirdmoose | that's what I did | 03:54 |
thethirdmoose | usser, | 03:55 |
usser | thethirdmoose, the format is this: module modules that depend on it, so you're looking for a line where bttv is first | 03:55 |
freesign | hi , I would like to know command route is in what package? | 03:55 |
thethirdmoose | usser, ok, thanks | 03:55 |
freesign | $route is in what package | 03:55 |
rww | freesign: net-tools | 03:55 |
freesign | thanks!! | 03:56 |
_VIM_ | compiz works fine in 8.04 though :/ I was just hoping after 4+ months 8.10 would have it fixed by now | 03:56 |
usser | thethirdmoose, well actually im wrong again, modules.dep list modules that depend on the module | 03:57 |
thethirdmoose | usser, yea, seems like it | 03:58 |
thethirdmoose | so I should be able to look at the other lines | 03:58 |
usser | thethirdmoose, in your case lines 2 5 | 03:58 |
shausam27 | dose kml donkey create a folder where it puts my downloads if so where would i fine it | 03:58 |
usser | thethirdmoose, dst_ca bt878 depend on bttv.ko | 03:58 |
usser | thethirdmoose, etc | 03:58 |
thethirdmoose | usser, ok | 03:58 |
Grimmjow-Laptop | lstarnes: would the installer log created by the nvidia driver installer help any? | 03:59 |
sophia | Anyone knows how to check performance of a mediaplayer? | 03:59 |
sophia | performance analysis test? | 03:59 |
thethirdmoose | usser, it appears that those modules are not loaded | 03:59 |
usser | thethirdmoose, none of the four? | 04:00 |
thethirdmoose | usser, nope | 04:00 |
usser | thethirdmoose, hm | 04:00 |
Grimmjow-Laptop | if anybody here would like to see more linux software in stores please vote for my suggestion | 04:02 |
meoblast001 | hi | 04:02 |
meoblast001 | how do i kill flash player? | 04:02 |
Grimmjow-Laptop | if anybody here would like to see more linux software in stores please vote for my suggestion | 04:02 |
petllama | why would we wanna see it in stores? they would charge $$ for it | 04:02 |
Grimmjow-Laptop | there are people that wana use it in linux | 04:03 |
danhm | what would be causing my capture devices to always be muted? | 04:03 |
Grimmjow-Laptop | if its available for linux perhaps other software makers might make programs for linux | 04:03 |
Grimmjow-Laptop | then linux might become more well known | 04:04 |
danhm | i unmute them in gnome's volume control, but they are muted again if i close the window and look again | 04:04 |
Grimmjow-Laptop | then Microsoft might lose more users to linux | 04:04 |
Grimmjow-Laptop | only good things can come from it | 04:05 |
=== help is now known as Guest51201 | ||
_VIM_ | redvamp128: you are a God! Compiz works now , something was being blacklisted :D thanks! | 04:05 |
matthew | Hey whats up? | 04:05 |
oyoyo | a | 04:05 |
Grimmjow-Laptop | previous messages | 04:06 |
oyoyo | alo | 04:06 |
thanh_ | he he | 04:06 |
Guest51201 | dose kml donkey create a folder where it puts my downloads and if it dose where will i fine it | 04:07 |
thanh_ | ai day ai day | 04:07 |
usser | Grimmjow-Laptop, its going to cause linux's meltdown due to its opensource nature, it'll be torn apart with everyone pulling into different direction, creating forks, introducing incompatibilities, failing to agree on standards, it'll be hell | 04:07 |
ugliefrog | how do i do------>boot with pci=noacpi | 04:08 |
oyoyo | hiu chet lien | 04:08 |
redvamp128 | for the person who asked about noacpi == you need to add it to your menu.lst how to add "noapic" option to the kernel? - Ubuntu Forums <> | 04:10 |
Guest51201 | dose anyone know any about kml donkey p2p | 04:11 |
Grimmjow-Laptop | usser: to a degree, what you describe is already going on | 04:12 |
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mkquist | hey all, is there an issue w/intrepid 64bit flash in firefox not playing?.. I seem to be having that issue | 04:12 |
jacobc | Hi. I'm having issues with a PPTP VPN connection to my work. Whenever I connect I lose my internet connection. I've read I should be able to solve this with the IPv4 Settings when configuring the VPN but am not quite sure what I should do. | 04:12 |
sophia | Anyone knows how to check performance of a mediaplayer? | 04:14 |
Surlent777 | redvamp128: I fixed it. Somehow I moved /dev into /etc. Replacing it fixed everything....only problem now is that I can' figure out how to set up a wired connection xD | 04:14 |
sophia | performance analysis test? | 04:14 |
rww | mkquist: It didn't work for me the other day when I tried to install flashplugin-nonfree. I did to get it working. | 04:14 |
Surlent777 | redvamp128: can't* | 04:14 |
redvamp128 | Surlent777: have you tried the sudo ifup eth# ? | 04:15 |
redvamp128 | Surlent777: the # is whatever your wired connection is. | 04:15 |
Surlent777 | redvamp128: I've been trying to go through that little guy that sits in the system tray, seems to have replaced the old "get me online" tool | 04:16 |
wizzer | son of a, my sound stopped working randomly | 04:17 |
tobbo | hi there | 04:17 |
redvamp128 | wizzer: that happens to me from time to time-- for me running this command usually gets it back- sudo /etc/init.d/alsa-utils restart | 04:17 |
tobbo | anybody have 3d display driver for sis? | 04:18 |
tobbo | | 04:18 |
redvamp128 | Surlent777: I am not sure but I think you have to disable your wireless to enable the wired | 04:18 |
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Surlent777 | redvamp128: I told it to connect automatically via the checkbox, I fed it the modem's mac address, and I told it use use DHCP...also that might be a good idea too | 04:19 |
wizzer | nope, didn't seem to work redvamp, thank you for trying though | 04:19 |
redvamp128 | Surlent777: that is why I suggested the - sudo ifup eth# | 04:19 |
Surlent777 | redvamp128: It's always stupid oversight x_x OK time to try this again | 04:19 |
Surlent777 | thanks redvamp128 | 04:19 |
tobbo | hello evbdy | 04:20 |
redvamp128 | wizzer: I do know that for example when I have a flash page open in firefox-- it stops some apps from having sound. | 04:20 |
wizzer | well i was trying to play something on youtube | 04:20 |
redvamp128 | wizzer: do you have the adobe flash player installed? (I have also heard of gnash) not having sound on some of youtube. | 04:21 |
wizzer | yeah i | 04:21 |
wizzer | 'm pretty sure i do | 04:21 |
tobbo | anybody use ubuntu me? | 04:22 |
Stepan1 | Hey there. I have a Ubuntu desktop and a Windows laptop. I have a printer connected to the Ubuntu desktop. Any way to share this printer. I do not have a network but is it in any way possible to have the Windows laptop connect to my ip to use the printer wireless? | 04:22 |
redvamp128 | wizzer: about: plugins (no space betweeen) should be able to tell if you have it installed (put that in the address bar in firefox) | 04:22 |
Thellra | is there a way to start a gui for the server version? | 04:22 |
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wizzer | i see shockwave, redvamp128 | 04:23 |
redvamp128 | Thellra: you could ask that in room #ubuntu-server (other than installing either ubuntu-desktop or xubuntu-desktop) I would not know | 04:24 |
dayo_ | Thellra: there *is* a gui for the server installation. somewaht | 04:24 |
redvamp128 | wizzer: 32bit or 64bit? | 04:24 |
dayo_ | Thellra: it's not a mouse-click gui, though | 04:25 |
wizzer | 32 | 04:25 |
redvamp128 | wizzer: do you have sound for other things? | 04:25 |
wizzer | nope | 04:26 |
Stepan1 | I have a Ubuntu desktop and a Windows laptop. I have a printer connected to the Ubuntu desktop. Any way to share this printer. I do not have a network but is it in any way possible to have the Windows laptop connect to my ip to use the printer wireless? | 04:26 |
Thellra | Thellra, I'm trying the desktop version instead, I'm guessing anything on the server is a bit beyond me | 04:26 |
wizzer | i'm going to restart and see if that does anything | 04:26 |
fujisan | which server is this? | 04:26 |
xlevel1 | hi, I have kde compositing working nicely on my login, xlevel1, but on the other login, neil, it complains about X configuration problems. I even tried coping the entire ~/.kde from xlevel1 to neil. Why? | 04:27 |
redvamp128 | wizzer: do you have a link to the you-tube file ? so that I can verify that it does have sound? | 04:27 |
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pretender | Can someone point me to a how to guide for sharing folders etc between Ubuntu 8.10 and Vista Home Basic | 04:28 |
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perillux | Could someone quickly tell me the name of ubuntu's default torrent application, and possibly the command I would need to run to start it from the command line? thanks. | 04:29 |
unop | perillux, transmission | 04:29 |
Stepan1 | I have a Ubuntu desktop and a Windows laptop. I have a printer connected to the Ubuntu desktop. Any way to share this printer. I do not have a network but is it in any way possible to have the Windows laptop connect to my ip to use the printer wireless? | 04:30 |
unop | Stepan1, you don't have a network but you want to connect by IP? that's self-contradiction | 04:30 |
redvamp128 | this is so wierd | 04:31 |
IndyGunFreak | perillux: if you installed ubuntu, transmission is installed by default.. its in application/internet/transmission | 04:31 |
redvamp128 | pidgin just disapeared all text for no reason after viewing a web page | 04:31 |
perillux | IndyGunFreak: unop: thanks :) | 04:31 |
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rufneck | /server | 04:32 |
IndyGunFreak | redvamp128: pidgin went a little nanners on me about an hour ago for some reason..didn't really figure it out, just restarted x and it was fine | 04:32 |
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* Grimmjow-Laptop| is away: Gone away for now | 04:32 | |
=== Grimmjow-Laptop| is now known as Grimmjow-Laptop | ||
* Grimmjow-Laptop is back. | 04:32 | |
* Grimmjow-Laptop is away: Gone away for now | 04:32 | |
Stepan1 | unop: my laptop connects to a wireless network in another location | 04:32 |
d_rugs420 | anyone know why my xchat sounds dont work but i have audio other places? | 04:32 |
* Grimmjow-Laptop is back. | 04:32 | |
Stepan1 | unop: it does not connect to the same router, i dont know if that make a difference | 04:33 |
d_rugs420 | even when i click play on a sound file in the xchat sound preferences i have no sound | 04:33 |
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* Grimmjow-Laptop| is away: Gone away for now | 04:33 | |
=== Grimmjow-Laptop| is now known as Grimmjow-Laptop | ||
* Grimmjow-Laptop is back. | 04:33 | |
redvamp128 | IndyGunFreak: It seemed as if all those people logging in all at once | 04:33 |
unop | Stepan1, well, what matters is that if you want to share the printer - the client has to be able to connect to the print server -- | 04:34 |
glenrock | d_rugs420: if you start xchat from a terminal window, then do the play sound thing, do any errors appear in the terminal | 04:34 |
IndyGunFreak | d_rugs420: this might sound incredibly stupid, but did you assign sounds to events? | 04:34 |
=== Grimmjow-Laptop is now known as Grimmjow-Laptop| | ||
redvamp128 | IndyGunFreak: There were about 30 people logging in within 1 minute | 04:34 |
Guest93744 | i there i just installed kmldonkey a it seems to have no where for the files to go or am i messing some thing | 04:34 |
* Grimmjow-Laptop| is away: Gone away for now | 04:34 | |
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* Grimmjow-Laptop is back. | 04:35 | |
Guest93744 | ,c,x | 04:35 |
d_rugs420 | glenrock, IndyGunFreak, i dont know how to do either one | 04:35 |
IndyGunFreak | redvamp128: well, i dont use pidgin for IRC... its a horrid irc client in my opinion.... i was referring to instant messaging | 04:35 |
sophia | Is there any performance testing tool for a mediaplayer which uses opengl for video output? | 04:35 |
histo | Is there a way to test a hard drive from the live cd? | 04:35 |
jacobc | Anyone know how I can stop a PTPP VPN from breaking my internet connection? | 04:35 |
IndyGunFreak | d_rugs420: then i would say thats the problem... you see where the events are listed, in preferences, right? | 04:35 |
histo | I should specify the drive is partitioned with ntfs on it. | 04:36 |
IndyGunFreak | d_rugs420: there's no sound by default, you have to assign sounds. | 04:36 |
glenrock | d_rugs420: for 'Beep', put this where it says sound file, then click play: /usr/share/sounds/purple/alert.wav | 04:36 |
nigtv | hello | 04:36 |
d_rugs420 | IndyGunFreak, i have a long list of events | 04:36 |
Cubex | Where is the location of the trash bin? (Ubuntu 8.10 Intrepid Ibex) | 04:36 |
rww | !trash | Cubex | 04:37 |
ubottu | Cubex: The location of Trash has changed since 8.04, it is now located in ~/.local/share/Trash | Looking for the trash in previous versions: ~/.Trash | 04:37 |
mikejoconnor | I'm currently installing Tomcat and ApacheSolr, I'm looking for some advise on where to put them in the file structure. I think Tomcat goes in /usr/local/tomcat | 04:37 |
Stepan1 | unop: thanks for the link, this helps | 04:37 |
d_rugs420 | glenrock, got "cannot read sound file" | 04:37 |
IndyGunFreak | d_rugs420: everyone does.. highlight an event, then use the "browse" feature at the bottom, navigate to a sound, and choose it. | 04:37 |
mikejoconnor | any suggestions, or is there a good doc on how the file system is setup? | 04:37 |
d_rugs420 | IndyGunFreak, i see what you mean now by assigning events and they are all empty | 04:37 |
IndyGunFreak | d_rugs420: i know, thats why you have no sounds | 04:37 |
d_rugs420 | i thought xchat would come with its own sound files | 04:37 |
d_rugs420 | guess i need to find my own | 04:38 |
Guest93744 | i there i just installed kmldonkey a it seems to have no where for the files to go or am i messing some thing where are my downloads | 04:38 |
IndyGunFreak | d_rugs420: welll, frankly if you had a sound for everyone of those events, your computer would sound like a non-stop orchestra | 04:38 |
histo | Is there any hard drive test utilities for linux? | 04:38 |
d_rugs420 | IndyGunFreak, right and i dont need sound for all of them just a few of them | 04:38 |
nigtv | Im booting into console right now, and i am wondering, i know i can use alt+F2 or F3 etc to open new 'tabs' but i have no idea how to close them, and cannot find out how through google or any of the man info pages | 04:38 |
nigtv | I feel stupid for asking but ive been looking for about an hour now and dont want to waste any more time | 04:39 |
redvamp128 | histo: I use Gsmart I think it is in the repository... but also you can find it at | 04:39 |
nigtv | i can type exit to log out of su | 04:39 |
IndyGunFreak | d_rugs420: right.. i don't know if it helps, but i set mine to channel msg highlight, notice, open dialog, and priv. message to dialog, and its fine | 04:39 |
nigtv | but it still doesnt close the 'tab' | 04:40 |
IndyGunFreak | d_rugs420: i use tone.wav for thsoe thigs... sounds a bit like hitting a high pitched key on a xylephone | 04:40 |
histo | redvamp128: I don't see it int he repos and i'm on live cd | 04:40 |
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nigtv | im starting to think that i have no way to get rid of them, before i had to reboot because i accidentally pressed alt+right arrow and opened like 20 something tabs | 04:41 |
redvamp128 | histo: You would not be able to use it on a live cd though you may try downloading and burning -- it has harddrive test tools on it . | 04:41 |
nigtv | nothing in the man or in any of the guides ive found talk about it | 04:41 |
=== jerry_ is now known as Guest42975 | ||
histo | redvamp128: there is no linux solution? | 04:41 |
tonyyarusso | nigtv: Um, you'd have to kill the getty process. Why would you want to? | 04:41 |
IndyGunFreak | nigtv: why are you using su anyways?.. just use sudo. | 04:42 |
redvamp128 | histo: There is but won't work on a live cd | 04:42 |
nigtv | well im booting into console | 04:42 |
nigtv | thats what i mean indy | 04:42 |
histo | redvamp128: why's that? | 04:42 |
nigtv | because i like it | 04:42 |
IndyGunFreak | nigtv: well, theres quite a difference | 04:42 |
nigtv | yea well lol | 04:42 |
nigtv | sorry i mean sudo su | 04:42 |
nigtv | anyways | 04:42 |
tonyyarusso | nigtv: sudo -s or sudo -i, not sudo su. | 04:42 |
IndyGunFreak | nigtv: again, sudo su is silly | 04:42 |
redvamp128 | histo: for one thing the gsmart is about 30mb just for that tool. plus the 10mb of dependencies. | 04:42 |
IndyGunFreak | just use sudo | 04:42 |
nigtv | how do i close these things | 04:42 |
nigtv | blah | 04:43 |
tonyyarusso | nigtv: again, why would you want to? | 04:43 |
nigtv | because they are taking up space | 04:43 |
histo | redvamp128: I see gsmart is just a gui for smartctl | 04:43 |
nigtv | its clutter | 04:43 |
tonyyarusso | ... | 04:43 |
nigtv | ill have irssi on tab one | 04:43 |
nigtv | moc on tab 4 | 04:43 |
nigtv | then i have to use the f keys | 04:43 |
nigtv | instead of the arrow keys | 04:43 |
nigtv | and ive accidntally opened like 20 windows a few times now | 04:43 |
redvamp128 | nigtv: watch using the enter for punctiation (too many posts in a row and bot will silence you) | 04:44 |
nigtv | its really annoying | 04:44 |
donavan01 | im trying to free up so drive space on my eee ... only have 4gbs for the primary drive ... anyone know of a list of stuff I can get rid of | 04:44 |
redvamp128 | histo: that is what I use -- but I don't think it is on the live cd though -- | 04:45 |
nigtv | yea sorry, i know its a bad habit. Its opening up more and more and more tty, each one with +1 numeral after it, and it creates files in /etc/ that are blank | 04:45 |
histo | donavan01: the apt cache | 04:45 |
tonyyarusso | donavan01: locales. Look for the localepurge tool. | 04:45 |
histo | donavan01: sudo aptitude clean | 04:45 |
tonyyarusso | donavan01: apt-cache is good too. | 04:45 |
nigtv | i dont get how it is so easy to open new ones but impossible to close any of them that are open, but ive searched around a TON and cannot find out if there is a way or not | 04:45 |
tonyyarusso | donavan01: also, think about what you really need to have. For instance, Java is a bit large on disk. | 04:46 |
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=== Album is now known as Album|Awy | ||
tonyyarusso | donavan01: Applications > Accessories > Disk Usage Analyzer can help you track down some things, but start with an apt-get clean and localepurge. | 04:46 |
donavan01 | yeah I have been going through getting rid of apps I dont need but there is only so much I can do with out really digging into the individual packages | 04:46 |
nigtv | this is going to drive me crazy. Lets say that if i DID start up the window manager and opened up a terminal, is there anything i can type in the terminal to make it close, or would i HAVE to press the little X in the upper right? | 04:48 |
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donavan01 | what about stuff in the tmp directory ? can I purge that stuff or will it die next time I boot | 04:48 |
tonyyarusso | nigtv: In a window manager you'd be working with a terminal emulator, not a tty, so exit would close it. | 04:49 |
nigtv | so there is nothing i can do when not in a window manager? | 04:49 |
tonyyarusso | nigtv: not easily. You'd probably benefit from learning how to use screen. | 04:50 |
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nigtv | how to use screen? you might have to rephrase that | 04:50 |
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tonyyarusso | nigtv: 'screen' - it's a command. | 04:51 |
nigtv | i think ill try to be a little bit more focused on not impulsively opening new ones | 04:51 |
nigtv | oh okay | 04:51 |
tonyyarusso | "Terminal multiplexer" to quote that manpage. | 04:51 |
nigtv | well i gotta go type a little more on an essay | 04:51 |
histo | redvamp128: i'm using smartctl to test the drive | 04:51 |
nigtv | :/ | 04:51 |
nigtv | lol | 04:52 |
sophia | Is there any performance testing tool for a mediaplayer which uses opengl for video output? | 04:52 |
donavan01 | here is another question ... can I make an SD appear as just a folder or something like that ... make it more like part of the computer and less like an add on | 04:52 |
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jigp | im downloading updates and now im stock here : XML Parsing Error: undefined entity Location: chrome://dta/content/dta/manager.xul Line Number 111, Column 3:<toolbox chromedir="&locale.dir;"> ----------------^ .... how to get rid of this? | 04:54 |
ziroday | jigp: where do you see that? | 04:55 |
jigp | ziroday: in just showed up | 04:55 |
jigp | wanna see the screenshot? | 04:55 |
ma5t3rw1tt | Hello everyone, I was wondering if someone here can help me out. I just bought a 8gig USB flash drive. I have the Ubuntu 8.10 USB Creator to create a bootable ubuntu that allows me to have a portable computer with me. Well upon doing so, I only get 1024x786 and I was wondering if someone can help me get 1280x800 resolution? | 04:55 |
ziroday | jigp: err are you running/do you have google chrome installed? | 04:55 |
jigp | ziroday : I don't have chrome google | 04:56 |
jigp | ziroday : do I have to install google chrome? | 04:56 |
ZeRo_FeniX | I'm interested in setting up a ubuntu-server based LAMP server, does anyone have suggestions on where to start for a novice? | 04:56 |
ziroday | jigp: did you have google chrome installed? | 04:56 |
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ziroday | ZeRo_FeniX: well there is some really good documentation out there. Just go ahead | 04:56 |
jigp | ziroday: nope I don't have google chrome. I did not install google chrome | 04:57 |
ziroday | jigp: yeah, a screenshot would be good | 04:57 |
donavan01 | mat3rw1tt... its probably not installing the drivers for the video card | 04:57 |
redvamp128 | jigp: you have a download manager extenstion or quick user switcher for firefox? | 04:59 |
redvamp128 | jigp: or the extension "down them all "? | 05:00 |
ZeRo_FeniX | Where would someone suggest I find a good setup guide or good intro to getting actuated with ubuntu for a LAMP server? | 05:00 |
Maahes | how do I give phpmyadmin privileges to msql? | 05:00 |
Maahes | mysql? | 05:00 |
ziroday | !server > ZeRo_FeniX | 05:00 |
ubottu | ZeRo_FeniX, please see my private message | 05:00 |
ziroday | !lamp > ZeRo_FeniX | 05:01 |
Maahes | !server > Maahes | 05:01 |
ubottu | Maahes, please see my private message | 05:01 |
OscarGot | Hi, I was wondering if anyone could help me out, I'm using Intrepid Ibex and the headphone jack does not seem to be working | 05:01 |
usser | ZeRo_FeniX, | 05:01 |
ziroday | OscarGot: is there a tickbox in the volume mixer with Headphones? Its usually under switches | 05:02 |
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jigp | ziroday: redvamp128: now I can't surf hehehe assertion error | 05:02 |
OscarGot | ziroday : I don't think so... | 05:02 |
ziroday | OscarGot: right click on the Volume Control applet, make sure at the top there are isn't a tab which says "switches" | 05:04 |
ZeRo_FeniX | Thank you. | 05:06 |
arron_ | Hey, Im having a problem with xmms and my sountcard. Would someone mind helping me? | 05:06 |
arron_ | soundcard* | 05:07 |
=== Grimmjow-Laptop is now known as Grimmjow-Laptop| | ||
OscarGot | ziroday: There does not seem to be tab that says switches | 05:07 |
* Grimmjow-Laptop| is away: Gone away for now | 05:07 | |
ziroday | OscarGot: can you try switch input | 05:07 |
ziroday | OscarGot: err Device sorry | 05:07 |
Maahes | I'm having a problem where phpmyadmin has no access to mysql, does anyone know how to rectify? | 05:08 |
ziroday | OscarGot: and make sure everything is the max | 05:08 |
OscarGot | ziroday: Okay so I swtiched to the Realtek option, and everyone is maxed out now | 05:09 |
ziroday | Maahes: what happens exactly? | 05:09 |
ziroday | OscarGot: but still no headphone sound? | 05:09 |
mankash | how to configure wifi card ? | 05:09 |
Maahes | ziro opening up phypmyadmin: Create new database: X No Privileges | 05:09 |
OscarGot | ziroday: Not at all, the front speakers are muted, but no sound is coming from the headphones | 05:09 |
TheGambler | Hi, I just installed freenx, and I reconfigured it to generate custom keys. Now, when I try to sudo cp the client.id_dsa.key, it says it cannot cat that file, because it does not exist | 05:10 |
ziroday | Maahes: well what/who are you logged in as? | 05:10 |
TheGambler | any ideas? | 05:10 |
Maahes | in phpmyadmin? admin | 05:10 |
ziroday | OscarGot: I have no idea then sorry | 05:10 |
mankash | network manager applet is not working for me how to fix it | 05:10 |
ziroday | Maahes: so you logged in as admin? Did you give admin the suffecient privileges? | 05:10 |
OscarGot | ziroday: it's okay, thanks anyway, I think I';ll just install 8.04 then.. =/ | 05:10 |
ziroday | mankash: deos it start? | 05:10 |
Maahes | ziroday, I've never set up a lamp stack. | 05:10 |
Maahes | I'm logged into phpmyadmin as "admin" | 05:10 |
Maahes | through my web-browser | 05:11 |
ziroday | Maahes: so how did you create the admin user? | 05:11 |
mankash | yes but it do not able to get network details | 05:11 |
mankash | network is workign fine | 05:11 |
Maahes | ziroday, I didn't. I just assumed it was there and typed in admin with no password | 05:11 |
shausam27 | i think there is something wrong with kmldonkey p2p can not get it to show me where the downloads are i have been working on this for hours dose any one help me with these | 05:11 |
Maahes | installing phpmyadmin had this setup thing where it says "automatically configure what webserver" and I clicked on apache2, and then after it was done went to localhost/phpmyadmin and typed in admin with no password | 05:12 |
ziroday | Maahes: right, well you need to setup admin or whoever with root access | 05:12 |
mankash | yziroday: es but it do not able to get network details, network is workign fine, | 05:13 |
ziroday | mankash: what do you mean by not able to get network details? | 05:13 |
Maahes | okay, I just tried to type in mysql-admin -u root -p <pass> and got an error | 05:14 |
mankash | Network applet starts but it doesn't show ethernet cards, although ethernet is workign fine | 05:14 |
Maahes | is it trying to use my actual unix user root? | 05:14 |
ziroday | mankash: does it say wired network? | 05:15 |
saadi5595951 | i just upgrade to 8.04 from i restarted it gives me lots of crash mesages...what was it? | 05:15 |
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mankash | ziroday: blank | 05:15 |
ziroday | Maahes: can you login with mysql -u root -p | 05:16 |
ziroday | mankash: can you pastebin your /etc/network/interfaces | 05:16 |
mankash | ok | 05:16 |
saadi5595951 | i just upgrade to 8.04 from i restarted it gives me lots of crash mesages...what was it? | 05:16 |
Maahes | ERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: YES) | 05:16 |
Maahes | do I have to remove and then reinstall mysql? | 05:17 |
ziroday | Maahes: so you've forgotten your password. See to reset it | 05:17 |
Formode | Hi all, I'm doing some pretty precise work iwth GIMP, is there a way for me to remove the Mouse Pointer and have it just show the eraser brush? | 05:17 |
user121 | how much free space do I need in my drive? | 05:17 |
ziroday | user121: well it all depends on how much you're going to install. How much are you thinking of giving? | 05:18 |
mankash | ziroday: | 05:19 |
shausam27 | i think there is something wrong with kmldonkey p2p can not get it to show me where the downloads are i have been working on this for hours dose any one help me with this | 05:19 |
ziroday | mankash: can you comment out everything but the lines with lo in them and then restart | 05:19 |
user121 | ziroday: no I mean how much free space should be there, like in windows 15%, | 05:19 |
dark_abyss0 | anyone here use songbird? | 05:19 |
Formode | Hi all, I'm doing some pretty precise work iwth GIMP, is there a way for me to remove the Mouse Pointer and have it just show the eraser brush? | 05:20 |
ziroday | !anyone | dark_abyss0 | 05:20 |
ubottu | dark_abyss0: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? | 05:20 |
Cristi | hello! why does the windows xp installer not see any hard drive partition to install windows in even though i have a non extended first bit unpartitioned space? | 05:20 |
ziroday | user121: sorry, I don't follow. Free space for what? | 05:20 |
Formode | dark_abyss0, Yes I have. :) What's your problem? | 05:20 |
ziroday | Cristi: ask in ##windows, this is ubuntu help. | 05:20 |
dark_abyss0 | it freezes on me | 05:20 |
Cristi | ziroday: ok, even thougn i thought it's ubuntu related | 05:20 |
user121 | Formode: i cant play mp3 | 05:20 |
opera | join #ubuntu-tw | 05:20 |
Formode | dark_abyss0 Yes, it's sound system tends to crash alot. | 05:20 |
dark_abyss0 | any thing I can do? | 05:21 |
opera | how to join another room? | 05:21 |
rww | opera: /join #channelname | 05:21 |
ziroday | opera: /join #ubuntu-tw | 05:21 |
Formode | user121, You need to install the codec. | 05:21 |
dark_abyss0 | would an older version be more stable? | 05:21 |
dark_abyss0 | I mean I REALLY love it | 05:21 |
dark_abyss0 | when it works | 05:21 |
user121 | Formode: which one, other players can play mp3 | 05:21 |
Formode | Dark_abyss0, xkill it and if you need to do a sudo /sbin/alsa force-reload | 05:21 |
Formode | user121, You can't play them system wide, or just in one application? | 05:22 |
dark_abyss0 | well I know how to restart it | 05:22 |
dark_abyss0 | I just dont want to have too | 05:22 |
=== jexmex is now known as jexmex_NA | ||
Formode | dark_abyss0, Take it up with the songbird Developers. :-/ | 05:22 |
dark_abyss0 | ahhh | 05:22 |
shausam27 | you tell me whit all the people on line know one know's about any thing about kmldonkey | 05:22 |
Formode | Hi all, I'm doing some pretty precise work iwth GIMP, is there a way for me to remove the Mouse Pointer and have it just show the eraser brush? | 05:22 |
ziroday | dark_abyss0: songbird is a XUL app, therefore it will never be quite as fast/responsive as other apps | 05:23 |
ziroday | Formode: you might have better luck in #gimp | 05:23 |
Formode | ziroday, Thanks. | 05:23 |
user121 | what is the recommended free space that I should maintain on my ddriver | 05:23 |
dark_abyss0 | well is there another media player that is stable and looks decent? | 05:23 |
Formode | dark_abyss0 Try Rhythmbox. | 05:23 |
dark_abyss0 | ok one question on that before I do | 05:24 |
dark_abyss0 | will it work with the scrobbler? | 05:24 |
=== Album|Awy is now known as Album | ||
ziroday | dark_abyss0: banshee has great support | 05:24 |
mankash | ziroday: I did what you said but still the applet not showing anything | 05:24 |
Formode | dark_abyss0 It has a scrobbler plugin. | 05:24 |
dark_abyss0 | ok thank you :) | 05:24 |
ziroday | mankash: can you repaste your /etc/network/interfaces please | 05:24 |
mobodo_ | talking about banshee, I'm looking for an application that I could easily control remotely, can banshee do that? | 05:25 |
dark_abyss0 | is ubuntu any better than xbuntu? | 05:25 |
simplexio | mobodo_: i think you can control banshee ans rhytmbox from commandline | 05:26 |
FloodBot1 | !netsplit | 05:26 |
ubottu | netsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like Freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See | 05:26 |
dark_abyss0 | I just got more ram and think I can run it | 05:26 |
mankash | ziroday: | 05:26 |
Formode | dark_abyss0, Why not try it youself? sudo apt-get install gnome-desktop | 05:26 |
ziroday | mankash: did you restart | 05:26 |
simplexio | mobodo_: or use vnc for "remote" control | 05:26 |
ehloreverse | Hi, who is official staff of ? | 05:26 |
mankash | zioday: /etc/init.d/networking restart | 05:26 |
mobodo_ | simplexio: I'm more looking for something that would let me see my playlists and library, but when I press play, it plays on the server not on the local machine | 05:26 |
ziroday | ehloreverse: ask in #ubuntu-irc | 05:27 |
mobodo_ | simplexio: yeah, vnc would work :) | 05:27 |
ziroday | mankash: no. Please restart. | 05:27 |
ehloreverse | I want talking about the legal subject. | 05:27 |
Formode | dark_abyss0, Xubuntu is just Ubuntu with that other window system in it. | 05:27 |
mankash | you mean PC | 05:27 |
ehloreverse | thank you ziroday | 05:27 |
dark_abyss0 | yea...sorry what I meant was is gnome any better | 05:27 |
ziroday | !best | dark_abyss0 | 05:27 |
ubottu | dark_abyss0: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots. | 05:27 |
Formode | dark_abyss0, Gnome is larger, more resource consuming, prettier (IMO) and very well supported. | 05:28 |
mankash | ziroday: you mean PC | 05:28 |
shubbar | Does anyone know how to install YoFrankie game? | 05:28 |
ziroday | mankash: yes, restart your computer | 05:28 |
mankash | ok thx | 05:28 |
opera | who can tell me what means the word"Hang around Linux users for any length of time and it will | 05:28 |
opera | not be long before you hear them speak in hushed tones | 05:28 |
opera | about the command line or the terminal." | 05:28 |
ziroday | opera: ask in #ubuntu-offtopic | 05:28 |
opera | thank you ziroday | 05:29 |
Maahes | okay, I created the mysql-init file with Password=PASSWORD('thepasswordientered') for root, and I did /etc/init.d/mysql stop and then mysqld_safe --init-file=/home/me/mysql-init & but it still tells me I can't connect to root@localhost? | 05:29 |
Formode | So I'm looking for something to use instead of Final Cut Pro for Video edited. Suggestions? | 05:29 |
fangyuan | my tasklist is missing ,please tell me how to show it ? | 05:29 |
simplexio | mobodo_: mpd could be one nice option, or just remote X (ssh server -X; rhytmbox ) and you get window to your desktop | 05:29 |
ziroday | Maahes: did you change your password? | 05:29 |
spike_ | hi all | 05:29 |
ailing | hi | 05:29 |
Maahes | ziroday, see above, shouldn't that had changed my password? | 05:29 |
ailing | hmm | 05:30 |
adm1n | hi | 05:30 |
ziroday | Formode: err you can try kdenlive and pitivi, but never tried Final Cut Pro long | 05:30 |
ailing | english only? =( | 05:30 |
bazhang | !ru | 05:30 |
ubottu | Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke | 05:30 |
simplexio | mobodo_: and mpd = music player daemon | 05:30 |
Formode | ziroday, Basically I'm looking for a studio quality (Or at least be able to pass off as) Editor,. | 05:30 |
ailing | =) | 05:30 |
ziroday | Maahes: no. Did you read all of the link I gave you. That just puts mysql in a mode where you don't have to login so you can fix it | 05:30 |
spike_ | when i try to install a gtk2 theme, it tell me that gtk+ theme engine is not installed = / | 05:30 |
mobodo_ | simplexio: thanks, I'm having a look | 05:30 |
dark_abyss0 | how do I know whether im using intrepid gusty or hardee? | 05:30 |
Jed_84 | hello everybody | 05:31 |
dayo_ | what do you use for webcam on yahooIM? | 05:31 |
ziroday | Formode: well more complicated there is cinerella and LiVES, but they are hard to setup and use. Blender can also be used as a video editor if you know how. | 05:31 |
ziroday | spike_: what engine does it need? | 05:31 |
Formode | ziroday, me and Blender have a rough relationship. :) | 05:31 |
ziroday | Formode: heh, the more professional you want the more complicated the program will get :) | 05:32 |
Maahes | 5.Start the MySQL server with the special --init-file option: / shell> mysqld_safe --init-file=/home/me/mysql-init & / The server executes the contents of the file named by the --init-file option at startup, changing each root account password. / 6. After the server has started successfully, delete /home/me/mysql-init. / You should now be able to connect to MySQL as root using the new password. | 05:32 |
Formode | ziroday, Yup. ^^ I'll check those two out. | 05:32 |
Jed_84 | This is totally offtopic, but I need some help from a native english speaker. I'm writing an important email and I want to make sure I'm not making any stupid spelling/grammar error. We will discuss it in private, of course. Any volunteers? | 05:32 |
ziroday | Maahes: right, and did you put your new password in the mysql-init file? | 05:32 |
ziroday | spike_: stay in this channel | 05:32 |
Formode | ziroday, Just looking for something so I won't have to install osx86 just to pass my Communications course. | 05:32 |
ziroday | please :) | 05:33 |
spike_ | okay | 05:33 |
=== jerry_ is now known as Guest64731 | ||
ziroday | spike_: also do you have a link to the theme? | 05:33 |
Maahes | ziroday, where Password=PASSWORD('thisiswhereienteredanewpasswordinthefile') | 05:33 |
jigp | hello guys how to locate awn? I already installed awn dock but I cannot find in gnome ubuntu 8.04 desktop | 05:33 |
spike_ | yes i have | 05:33 |
spike_ | wait a minute | 05:33 |
dark_abyss0 | how do I know whether im using intrepid gusty or hardy? | 05:33 |
ziroday | Formode: the folks in #ubuntu-offtopic might know more. | 05:33 |
ziroday | !version | dark_abyss0 | 05:33 |
ubottu | dark_abyss0: To find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type « lsb_release -a » in a !shell - To know the available version of a package, « apt-cache policy <package> » | 05:33 |
dayo_ | dark_abyss0: cat /etc/issue | 05:33 |
usser | jigp, avant-window-navigator, last time i checked it was in accesories | 05:33 |
ziroday | Maahes: well then that is your new password | 05:33 |
Maahes | ziroday, except it doesn't work | 05:34 |
Maahes | I still have that init file sitting around | 05:34 |
Maahes | I've reran it 3 times | 05:34 |
Maahes | I still can't login as root | 05:34 |
jigp | usser: simdock I see here but no avant-window-navigator | 05:34 |
dayo_ | dark_abyss0: but as ziroday's lsb_release -a gives more details | 05:34 |
jigp | usser : ill re install it | 05:34 |
ziroday | Maahes: okay. kill mysql(d) | 05:34 |
spike_ | ziroday > It's this theme | 05:34 |
spike_ | | 05:35 |
usser | jigp, try running it from the terminal | 05:35 |
ziroday | Maahes: done that? | 05:35 |
jigp | usser : how? | 05:35 |
LogicFan | how do i restore the default ubuntu loading/splash screen? i recently installed kubuntu-desktop and it replaced it | 05:35 |
Formode | Hi all, I'm doing some pretty precise work iwth GIMP, is there a way for me to remove the Mouse Pointer and have it just show the eraser brush? | 05:35 |
=== peterson is now known as panda | ||
usser | jigp, open terminal and type avant-window-navigator<ENTER> | 05:35 |
bullgard4 | [Ubuntu 8.04.2] Evolution > Edit > Plugins > Plugin Manager > left pane's list is missing the entries Attachment Reminder, Audio inline plugin, Automatic Contacts, Backup and restore plugin, Bogofilter junk plugin, Copy tool, Default Mail Client. What DEB program packages do I have to install in order to make these items appear? | 05:36 |
usser | LogicFan, use startupmanager | 05:36 |
=== Album is now known as Album|Awy | ||
Maahes | okay, its dead | 05:36 |
usser | LogicFan, its in the repos sudo apt-get install startupmanager | 05:36 |
LogicFan | usser, thanks! | 05:36 |
dayo_ | anybody here use webcam on IM? pidgin doesn't support webcam, so i'm looking for something that does | 05:36 |
Formode | dayo_ Skype, Ekiga. | 05:36 |
jigp | usser : is there a shortcut key for terminal? | 05:36 |
ziroday | spike_: that theme shouldn't need any special engine. However it looks quite old and could be defective. If you want a vista'ish theme then check out the LNW themes | 05:36 |
usser | jigp, ALT+F2 type gnome-terminal<ENTER> | 05:37 |
ziroday | dayo_: empathy does for some protocols | 05:37 |
dayo_ | Formode: i don't really have the bandwidth for skype :-( but i'll check Ekiga. never heard of it | 05:37 |
jigp | usser : thanks :) | 05:37 |
spike_ | ziroday: okay i will try with another theme thanks :) | 05:37 |
LogicFan | usser, is there no default app for configuring startup images? | 05:37 |
bullgard4 | jigp: There is. Ctrl+Alt+T | 05:37 |
ziroday | Maahes: right, now do mysqld --skip-grant-tables | 05:37 |
Formode | Dayo_ Skype uses the same bandwidth as AIM or MSN Video Chat. | 05:37 |
usser | LogicFan, nope | 05:38 |
dayo_ | Formode: really? hmm | 05:38 |
Formode | Dayo_ Maybe 17 kb/s up/down.. Max. | 05:38 |
dayo_ | ziroday: i'll check that too | 05:38 |
=== Luke1 is now known as Luke | ||
jigp | bullgard4: not working | 05:38 |
Maahes | ziroday, | 05:39 |
Formode | Dayo_ Empathy works for some... No MSN yet. And I don't think it does AIM. | 05:39 |
bullgard4 | jigp: In that case please set it up. It works on all my Ubuntu computers. | 05:39 |
ziroday | Maahes: then do sudo mysqld --skip-grant-tables. It says you need to run it as root. | 05:39 |
jigp | usser : not working.avant thiing.its in accessories now.i click it but no reply | 05:39 |
jigp | bullgard4 how? | 05:39 |
Barridus | jigp you have to enable it | 05:40 |
usser | jigp, are u running compiz, avant only works with compiz | 05:40 |
jigp | usser: im not sure with compiz.. all I know is im using ubuntu 8.04 desktop gnome... | 05:40 |
dayo_ | Formode: on their site it says: Multi-protocol: Jabber, Gtalk, MSN, IRC, Salut, and all supported by pidgin i hope that includes yahoo | 05:40 |
Maahes | ziroday, okay, did that, now it won't drop me out of prompt, or let me ctrl+z | 05:40 |
Barridus | jigp system->prefs->keyboard shortcuts | 05:40 |
ziroday | Maahes: thats fine, open up a new terminal | 05:40 |
jigp | usser : compiz is kde? | 05:40 |
ziroday | Maahes: and type in mysql | 05:40 |
usser | jigp, system->preferences->appearance special effects try enabling it | 05:41 |
Formode | dayo_ Empathy? Really? MSN? | 05:41 |
Maahes | done | 05:41 |
bullgard4 | jigp: System > Preferences > Keyboard Combinations > Desktop | 05:42 |
mankash | ziroday: now the network is fine but wireless card is not getting configured | 05:42 |
ziroday | Maahes: now do UPDATE mysql.user SET Password=PASSWORD('MyNewPass') where MyNewPass is your new password | 05:42 |
plazia | in gnome nautilus allows me to mount my ntfs drive by clicking on it's icon (957 Gb) media or what not. I want to know the script/command nautilus executes so I can do it in XFCE? Can anyone help me with that? | 05:42 |
jigp | usser: which one here Normal or Extra? | 05:42 |
usser | jigp, try normal | 05:42 |
ziroday | plazia: ask in #xubuntu | 05:42 |
Maahes | yey! fixed, thanks ziroday | 05:43 |
dayo_ | Formode: yeah, i'm on their site now | 05:43 |
ailing | hi all | 05:43 |
ziroday | Maahes: err you're not done yet | 05:43 |
Formode | dayo_ Crazy. MSN Video Chat didn't work like a month ago. | 05:43 |
Maahes | ziroday, I skipped ahead | 05:43 |
Maahes | ^_^ | 05:43 |
usser | plazia, mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/sd[your partition name] /media/windows | 05:43 |
plazia | surely it's a mount command which is more to do with the kernel/filesytems than the particular distribution. | 05:43 |
plazia | usser, thanks | 05:43 |
ailing | sorry for my english, but ubuntu-ru can`t help me | 05:43 |
ziroday | Maahes: right, why didn't you read that documentation in the first place? | 05:43 |
dayo_ | Formode: i rarely use MSN myself, i'm looking for something that supports cam on yahoo | 05:43 |
ailing | problem with login | 05:43 |
Maahes | ziroday, I did, I wasn't getting how to do it the right way | 05:43 |
dayo_ | Formode: and it seems Empathy supports yahoo | 05:44 |
Maahes | primarily, because I wasn't trying it with sudo | 05:44 |
ailing | enter login-password - message "error" | 05:44 |
mankash | ziroday: now the network is fine but wireless card is not getting configured. Network key is in hexadecimal format or other format | 05:44 |
Maahes | but it was still returning as if it had cleared the rows or something | 05:44 |
Formode | dayo_ Woot? :) | 05:44 |
jigp | usser : ok its normal.. but I don't see any docks in desktop.likee when you scroll the mouse, the icons will large/small if you pass them by | 05:44 |
jigp | bullgard4 thanks for the keyboard :) | 05:44 |
co | dian | 05:44 |
ziroday | Maahes: err right | 05:44 |
usser | jigp, what? | 05:45 |
Maahes | ziroday, sorry :) | 05:45 |
usser | jigp, you dont see avant? | 05:45 |
dayo_ | Formode: :-D | 05:45 |
usser | jigp, try running it from terminal avant-window-navigator | 05:45 |
dayo_ | do LoCo groups send out free CDs? | 05:46 |
Formode | dayo_ Some should. | 05:46 |
Formode | dayo_ Apparently Best Buy often sells cds. | 05:46 |
maco | dayo_: canonical does | 05:46 |
dayo_ | Formode: sells?? | 05:46 |
Formode | dayo_ Mhm. | 05:46 |
maco | dayo_: and sometimes locos give out free cds at events | 05:46 |
jigp | usser : I mean I want to see some docks in my bottom when you move your mouse to the icons, the icons will go large if you pass them by | 05:46 |
Formode | dayo_ You can sell Ubuntu CD's too. :) | 05:46 |
maco | dayo_: when Best Buy sells the cds, they also come with 60 days of telephone tech support | 05:46 |
maco | dayo_: im pretty sure it's 60 days.. | 05:47 |
maximumHAX | ssh -p 2200 root@ | 05:47 |
maximumHAX | (chin00k)! | 05:47 |
maximumHAX | oops wrong terminal | 05:47 |
usser | jigp, well yea that command should have ran the dock, whats the problem? | 05:47 |
Formode | IRC > Phone | 05:47 |
jigp | ~$ avant-window-navigator .. avant-window-navigator: symbol lookup error: avant-window-navigator: undefined symbol: awn_gconf_new | 05:47 |
jigp | usser | 05:47 |
dayo_ | Formode, maco: i'm trying to see if the Maryland LoCo can send my girlfriend a free CD. a trojan knocked out her XP, and i guess she finally sees the light. albeit the dual-boot light lol | 05:47 |
usser | jigp, something is wrong with it | 05:48 |
spike_ | ziroday: I tried to install a theme but I have the same problem with the message = / I don't know what to do : | 05:48 |
dayo_ | maco: phone tech support. that sounds good | 05:48 |
usser | jigp, i dunno try cairo-dock its pretty good too | 05:48 |
bullgard4 | [Ubuntu 8.04.2] Evolution > Edit > Plugins > Plugin Manager > left pane's list is missing the entries Attachment Reminder, Audio inline plugin, Automatic Contacts, Backup and restore plugin, Bogofilter junk plugin, Copy tool, Default Mail Client. What DEB program packages do I have to install in order to make these items appear? | 05:48 |
maco | dayo_: what part of maryland? | 05:49 |
dayo_ | maco: baltimore | 05:49 |
jigp | usser: how to get cairo-dock? | 05:49 |
maco | dayo_: near dc? ive got a pile of hardy cd's in my closet | 05:49 |
ziroday | spike_: one sec | 05:49 |
ziroday | spike_: do you have the package gtk2-engines-pixbuf installed? | 05:49 |
jigp | usser : E: Couldn't find package cairo-dock | 05:49 |
jigp | sudo apt-get install cairo-dock usser | 05:49 |
usser | jigp, its in the repos here. what version of ubuntu are you using? | 05:50 |
spike_ | ziroday: one sec | 05:50 |
jigp | usser: 8.04 | 05:50 |
usser | jigp, enable all the repositories in synaptic. and try again | 05:51 |
spike_ | ziroday: yes I have the packaqe installed | 05:51 |
jigp | usser : how to enable?I try to search cairo-dock but there is no package | 05:52 |
ziroday | spike_: hmph | 05:52 |
usser | jigp, in synaptic settings->repositories | 05:52 |
ziroday | spike_: try reinstall that package, then restart | 05:52 |
spike_ | ziroday: okay I try | 05:53 |
jigp | usser : ubuntu softwares? Its enabled before | 05:54 |
jigp | usser : only source code not check | 05:54 |
=== chaky_ is now known as chaky | ||
usser | jigp, hm. maybe cairo-dock is not in hardy | 05:54 |
jigp | usser : okies | 05:54 |
jigp | usser : thanks | 05:54 |
jigp | usser :) | 05:55 |
usser | jigp, no problem... | 05:55 |
vbabiy | Hey does any one kno whow to share music between to banshee players on different computers? | 05:55 |
ziroday | vbabiy: using daap with mt-daap (firefly) | 05:55 |
jigp | usser : aha it works now "dock" | 05:56 |
perse | nazdar někdo z čr | 05:56 |
vbabiy | ziroday: is that build in to banshee | 05:57 |
Flannel | !cz | perse | 05:57 |
ubottu | perse: České uživatele žádáme, aby mluvili v kanále #ubuntu anglicky. Česky je možno se domluvit v #ubuntu-cz. Děkujeme. | 05:57 |
=== liveuser is now known as Guest28135 | ||
=== Guest28135 is now known as liveuser_ | ||
jigp | usser : I use simdock | 05:57 |
usser | jigp, never heard of it, im glad it works | 05:57 |
spike_ | ziroday: it doesn't work =( | 05:57 |
jigp | usser : I saw simdock in accessories | 05:57 |
Pontif_La_Rouge | could someone assist me? | 05:58 |
usser | jigp, if you need dock just as a cool macosx launcher without task switching plugins etc you can try wbar | 05:58 |
liveuser_ | hello! | 05:58 |
Maahes | following the instructions for Drupal on the community docs: sudo mv drupal-6.9/* drupal-6.9/.htaccess /var/www/drupal <---returns drupal-6.9/* no matches found | 05:59 |
jigp | usser : yeah its not good.i have dock but I have also task bar | 05:59 |
Pontif_La_Rouge | I need help | 05:59 |
jigp | ussher : sudo apt-get install wbar not working | 05:59 |
bullgard4 | [Ubuntu 8.04.2] Evolution > Edit > Plugins > Plugin Manager > left pane's list is missing the entries Attachment Reminder, Audio inline plugin, Automatic Contacts, Backup and restore plugin, Bogofilter junk plugin, Copy tool, Default Mail Client. What DEB program packages do I have to install in order to make these items appear? | 05:59 |
thomc | !ask | Pontif_La_Rouge | 05:59 |
ubottu | Pontif_La_Rouge: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) | 05:59 |
usser | jigp, you have to download it separately | 05:59 |
liveuser_ | sorry...! i'm actually on fedora !! o no!! but just wondering what you guys feel/think about ubuntu vs fedora...i've used ubuntu for over a year, but i kinda thinking about switching.... | 06:00 |
storbeck | Maahes: that's not really an ubuntu issue | 06:00 |
usser | jigp, | 06:00 |
Maahes | storbeck, the ubuntu community docs for drupal give me bad installation instructions? | 06:00 |
usser | liveuser_, one word rpm | 06:00 |
Maahes | and its not an ubuntu issue? | 06:00 |
storbeck | Maahes: that just means that you're not in the same directory as the drupal folder | 06:00 |
rww | liveuser_: Since you're in #ubuntu, the general consensus will be that Ubuntu is better. In #fedora, the consensus would be opposite. | 06:00 |
Maahes | oh ^_^ | 06:00 |
rubydiamond | Hi guys | 06:00 |
liveuser_ | yea..ok | 06:01 |
jigp | usser : open with ark default? | 06:01 |
rubydiamond | what is the best music player available in ubuntu ? | 06:01 |
rww | !best | rubydiamond | 06:01 |
ubottu | rubydiamond: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots. | 06:01 |
storbeck | rubydiamond: mocp | 06:01 |
liveuser_ | is rpm bad?? | 06:01 |
Maahes | uh wait storbeck no its in my home dir and I was in ~ | 06:01 |
rubydiamond | what is the good music player available in ubuntu ? | 06:01 |
usser | jigp, no open the terminal cd ~/Desktop | 06:01 |
usser | jigp, sudo dpkg -i wbar*.deb | 06:01 |
jigp | ussher : sudo dpkg -i wbar_1.3.3_i386.deb not working | 06:01 |
mca1 | mca | 06:01 |
mca1 | dian na | 06:02 |
=== peter_ is now known as Guest18503 | ||
Pontif_La_Rouge | will do, I'm trying to install java, sudo apt-get install sun-java5-jdk and I have E: Unmet dependencies. Try apt-get -f install, actually sudo apt-get install....anything doesn't work and I get the same message | 06:02 |
EtFb | Has anyone noticed any weird behaviour with the standard Ubuntu version of Firefox? Randomly opening pages of the form where WORD is some word that appeared on the page you were already viewing? | 06:02 |
Maahes | removing the * seemed to work though | 06:02 |
jigp | usser : done installing | 06:02 |
storbeck | Maahes: copy/paste the output of the command: find / -type d -name drupal-6.9 | 06:02 |
usser | liveuser_, well, its not necessarily bad, the delta patches, where you dont have to download entire openoffice package just to upgrade from 2.4 to 3.0 are awesome, but its just i don't know, their package manager feels sluggish, and boy i dare you to interrupt it in the process of installing a package you're in for some serious giggles | 06:03 |
billybigrigger | whats the best looking dock for ubuntu? cairo or awn? | 06:03 |
usser | jigp, cool try wbar | 06:03 |
storbeck | Maahes: using the command with the * and without it are entirely two different things | 06:03 |
bullgard4 | EtFb: I did not notice such. | 06:03 |
jigp | usser : where is it? not in accessories ans system too | 06:03 |
storbeck | using the * moves the files inside the folder, without it, it moves the folder itself | 06:03 |
usser | jigp, it doesnt have an application entry. run it from terminal | 06:03 |
usser | jigp, just type wbar | 06:04 |
spike_ | There is someone to help me please = ) | 06:04 |
EtFb | bullgard4: I just wish I could think of a way to ask that question of google, but it's maddenly generic. | 06:04 |
Maahes | storbeck, perhaps but mv drupal-6.9/ /var/www/drupal moved the contents of drupal-6.9 to /var/www/drupal | 06:04 |
storbeck | Maahes: if it did that, then you have a very weird version of linux | 06:04 |
usser | jigp, you can use wbarconf for easy setup | 06:04 |
storbeck | because it shouldn't have | 06:04 |
jigp | usser : ok im stock in terminal "using a super bar" | 06:05 |
spike_ | I need help | 06:05 |
usser | jigp, you should see it, unless its hidden under simdock | 06:05 |
bullgard4 | EtFb: I do not understand you very well. My native language is not English. So say it in other Standard English words, please. | 06:06 |
Maahes | storbeck, | 06:06 |
jigp | usser : same terminal cd ~/Desktop and udo dpkg -i wbar*.deb for wbarconf ? | 06:06 |
jigp | usser : its not there in simdock | 06:07 |
usser | jigp, sudo dpkg -i wbarconf*.deb | 06:07 |
storbeck | ... | 06:08 |
storbeck | you said it moved the "contents", it moved the folder | 06:08 |
jigp | usser : ok done. but I don't see the wbarconf | 06:09 |
usser | jigp, type wbarconf on the terminal | 06:09 |
Maahes | storbeck, well and everything in it. there was no drupal prior | 06:10 |
doc`` | how do i mount a img file in ubuntu? | 06:10 |
EtFb | bullgard4: It's OK. It's not important. | 06:10 |
storbeck | you never said there was no drupal folder | 06:10 |
storbeck | but either way, the issue is fixed | 06:10 |
Maahes | oh wait, it did, it just didn't find the .htaccess file | 06:11 |
Maahes | that was the original issue | 06:11 |
Maahes | eh, nevermind | 06:11 |
Huufarted | Hey, folks. Got a question for you. In Gnome, with the network manager. How do you force Ubuntu to select a specific network connection each time you log in? As it stands, on this new install, it defaults to DHCP instead of my static IP | 06:11 |
Surlent777 | Can anyone assist me in getting Ubuntu to work with my wired connection that, for whatever reason, is not autodetecting anything? | 06:12 |
storbeck | Surlent777: what interface do you have? | 06:12 |
bullgard4 | Huufarted: The answer to your question depends on your network-manager version. So please repeat your question including your nm version. | 06:13 |
Surlent777 | storbeck, eth1? | 06:13 |
storbeck | Surlent777: type in a terminal and pastebin the outputs for me: sudo dhclient eth1 | 06:13 |
jigp | usser : cool :) ... now what kind of configuration to set there? I just want your type | 06:13 |
usser | jigp, i dont use it :) just adjust to your liking, fiddle with options see how it behaves, see if you like it or not | 06:14 |
Surlent777 | storbeck: This could be a bit of an issue, as this is my only computer that is able to get online; I dual boot with Windows, which IS working... | 06:14 |
storbeck | eh | 06:14 |
storbeck | then just try running dhclient | 06:14 |
storbeck | it will help you | 06:14 |
Surlent777 | storbeck: what is that? I've never heard of it | 06:15 |
storbeck | it's the equivelant to the network manager, only in a shell | 06:15 |
Pontif_La_Rouge | I'm using this guide ( to help get all my stuff working properly, and I'm on the stop to get my rotation screen working but when I input the command gksudo gedit /etcXll/xorg.conf a new window comes up but nothing is in it, and I'm also not sure how to add "option RandRRotation" etc etc | 06:15 |
jigp | usser : this is cool! thanks! but I have still task bars in the upper | 06:15 |
jigp | usser : how to remove them? | 06:16 |
jigp | usser : I don't have clear desktop auto too... | 06:16 |
Surlent777 | the network manager seems to exist only to cause me pain...the one in 8.04 was actually easier, I think...but anyway, why use the shell version instead of the GUI version? | 06:16 |
usser | jigp, wbar doesnt do taskbar. its only a launcher | 06:16 |
usser | jigp, so i'd keep it if i was to stick with wbar | 06:16 |
storbeck | Pontif_La_Rouge: you typed it wrong, it should be /etc/X11/xorg.conf | 06:16 |
jigp | usser : how to clear desktop windows?like in windows there is ctrl+win | 06:16 |
storbeck | Surlent777: because terminal based apps are always better ;) | 06:17 |
Surlent777 | storbeck: heh. also, I got some weird output when I tried the traditional ifup command | 06:17 |
usser | jigp, im not sure what you mean | 06:17 |
=== Grimmjow-Laptop| is now known as Grimmjow-Laptop | ||
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* Grimmjow-Laptop is back. | 06:17 | |
storbeck | don't use ifup | 06:17 |
storbeck | use ifconfig | 06:17 |
Pontif_La_Rouge | I should really just cut and paste commands from now on >.< thanks | 06:17 |
y0shu | !seen | 06:17 |
ubottu | I have no seen command | 06:17 |
storbeck | (using sudo of course) | 06:17 |
Huufarted | bullgard4, Network Manager Applet 0.7.0, is that what you're asking? | 06:17 |
jigp | usser : like you will minimize all window in just one click | 06:17 |
Surlent777 | storbeck: * if-up.d/mountnfs[eth1]: waiting for interface ath0 before doing NFS mounts | 06:18 |
Surlent777 | * if-up.d/mountnfs[eth1]: waiting for interface wlan0 before doing NFS mounts | 06:18 |
Surlent777 | * | 06:18 |
Surlent777 | sorry | 06:18 |
storbeck | jigp: there's a button on your app bar... | 06:18 |
FloodBot2 | Surlent777: Please don't flood, use to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 06:18 |
Surlent777 | went a little longer than I thought | 06:18 |
usser | jigp, hm i dont know. | 06:18 |
Surlent777 | but that sems weird to me | 06:18 |
Surlent777 | storbeck, is any of that significant? | 06:19 |
bullgard4 | Huufarted: Yes. But I cannot help you because I have an earlier version. Network Manager's functionality has greatly changed in this respect. | 06:19 |
Huufarted | bullgard4, do you know where I could go to look for that information? | 06:19 |
storbeck | Surlent777: it just didn't connect so it timed out | 06:19 |
jigp | storbeck ussher : ahhh I saw it. the tv icon in the left :) | 06:20 |
Surlent777 | storbeck: OK. I think it's also worth noting that the big fancy network suite thing seems to say that I have an IP address. | 06:20 |
bullgard4 | Huufarted: Here in this channel. Just repeat your original question but add your nm version. | 06:20 |
Huufarted | bullgard4, I'm checking the community documentation for it, now | 06:20 |
storbeck | i don't think your interface is eth1 though, it looks like it's ath0 | 06:20 |
storbeck | well, nevermind. ath0 is for wireless | 06:21 |
=== kevin_ is now known as uvacav | ||
Huufarted | Hmmm, just going to delete all of the network profiles except my static one. :) The worst that could happen is I fry it, amirite? | 06:21 |
jigp | usser : I tried dragging the folders in my desktop so that the folders will go to the dock wbar but no luck. how to put the folders in dock? | 06:21 |
Surlent777 | storbeck. I know that it uses wlan0 for wireless, I have made that work elsewhere | 06:21 |
bullgard4 | Huufarted: When I checked the community's documentation the last time, it was incomplete. | 06:21 |
storbeck | i believe wlan is just a tunnel for ath0 | 06:21 |
usser | jigp, you'll have to create a launcher using wbarconf | 06:22 |
Surlent777 | storbeck: OK. So you're saying I should try this dhclient thing and hope for the best then? | 06:22 |
storbeck | yep, it's never failed me. dhcpcd is good too, but i don't think it comes with ubuntu | 06:22 |
usser | jigp, you'll need to launch the file-manager with a path, so in the command field you'd type nautilus /data for example | 06:22 |
Surlent777 | storbeck: I'm not sure if this will give me any different results, but I'll try it. I'll pop back in here either way and let you know how it turned out | 06:23 |
Pontif_La_Rouge | storbeck what about the next step getting the screen to rotate using those commands | 06:23 |
storbeck | ok | 06:23 |
storbeck | Pontif_La_Rouge: i dont know what you're talking about | 06:24 |
Pontif_La_Rouge | oh | 06:24 |
Pontif_La_Rouge | well, in that guide it tells me to enter the following commands to rotate the screen xrandr -o left etc etc | 06:25 |
storbeck | and what's the issue? | 06:25 |
Pontif_La_Rouge | I assume I'm to enter them in the terminal, and I get this message X Error of failed request: BadMatch (invalid parameter attributes) | 06:26 |
Pontif_La_Rouge | Major opcode of failed request: 157 (RANDR) | 06:26 |
Pontif_La_Rouge | Minor opcode of failed request: 2 (RRSetScreenConfig) | 06:26 |
Pontif_La_Rouge | Serial number of failed request: 12 | 06:26 |
Pontif_La_Rouge | Current serial number in output stream: 12 | 06:26 |
FloodBot2 | Pontif_La_Rouge: Please don't flood, use to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 06:26 |
Huufarted | Question about Ubuntu's default IP. How do I force ubuntu to have a static IP on bootup into Gnome? I can't seem to get Ubuntu to boot with anything but DHCP loaded. | 06:27 |
jigp | usser : ok ill configure it and explore first.thanks *hgs* | 06:27 |
jigp | usser : ok ill configure it and explore first.thanks *hugs* | 06:27 |
PUfelix85 | got a question about bluetooh: does anyone else have a problem connecting to a device in 8.10? | 06:27 |
usser | jigp, no problem :) | 06:28 |
smokeytheman | yo | 06:30 |
nickrud | Huufarted, the easiest way is to set up the interface in /etc/network/interfaces | 06:30 |
smokeytheman | im having trouble extracting .rar archive with many parts | 06:30 |
nickrud | Huufarted, , the 'primary network interface' is exactly what I put in that file | 06:31 |
Huufarted | nickrud, I see. I just found an article indicating it's a bug in 8.10 | 06:32 |
nickrud | Huufarted, ah, you mean with network manager? I've never used that for static, only for wireless | 06:32 |
Huufarted | yeah, nickrud | 06:32 |
shadeslayer | hehe i used my wifi finder switch which was not configured to launch a terminal | 06:32 |
spike__ | is there someone to help me ? | 06:33 |
nickrud | Huufarted, I was assuming an ethernet connection for static addressing | 06:33 |
nickrud | PUfelix85, me. I've seen a bug listed in the launchpad, saying that bluetooth was essentially broken in 8.10 | 06:33 |
tehboriz | i don't know how to use "nvclock" can someone please assist me? | 06:34 |
nickrud | !ask | spike__ | 06:34 |
ubottu | spike__: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) | 06:34 |
gldtn | hello.. | 06:34 |
=== les_ is now known as les | ||
spike__ | okay! | 06:34 |
nickrud | hello gldtn welcome to #ubuntu (guessing it's your first visit) | 06:34 |
spike__ | so I have a problem with all the themes, for example when I try to install a theme (gtk2) it doesn't work and I have a message " gtk+-engine-theme is not installed ".. | 06:35 |
gladio70 | #ubuntu-it | 06:36 |
PUfelix85 | nickrud, that is disappointing to hear. do you know of any solutions? | 06:36 |
nickrud | spike__, some themes use some software to do the drawing (the engine) usually the theme will tell you which engine you need. Most likely the engine is in the repositories | 06:36 |
kop | I'm sure this question is getting old but <Xlib: extension "RANDR" missing on display ":0.0" > will RANDER & Nvidia /xinerama play nice w/each other or do I need a bigger hammer ? | 06:37 |
gldtn | I installed MPD and Sonata... both working well.. but I'm having a bit of a problem where I put MPD to start under gnome session and it starts as root, so it doesn't read my MPD Database from my user(me) which is located at ~/.mpd/mpd.db.. what is the best way for me to fix this? | 06:37 |
nickrud | PUfelix85, nope. Don't use bluetooth much so I didn't spend much time on it | 06:37 |
PUfelix85 | darn... I like my bluetooth mouse too... :( | 06:37 |
spike__ | nickrud: will all the themes I have the same message = / | 06:37 |
nickrud | spike__, a lot, until you get the engine installed. What engine is it saying it needs? | 06:38 |
=== WaB is now known as WaB89 | ||
rdw200169 | PUfelix85, you're trying to get a mouse working, bluetooth type, right? | 06:38 |
gldtn | spike__, missing engine? | 06:38 |
PUfelix85 | yeah | 06:38 |
spike__ | it ask me the GTK+-theme-engine | 06:39 |
rdw200169 | PUfelix85, i got the mac one working on 7.10 (i don't have it anymore :( ) | 06:39 |
spike__ | but I search in synaptic and I don't found it | 06:39 |
nickrud | spike__, that sounds like an engine for the old gtk, gtk1.2 | 06:39 |
PUfelix85 | I keep looking on line and all I see is that an update killed BT | 06:39 |
gldtn | spike__, I'm having the same problem with my GTK2.0 themes.. I checked the theme config files and most are pixmap which I heard its now called pixbuf under intrepid..? | 06:39 |
PUfelix85 | sounds like epic fail | 06:39 |
rdw200169 | PUfelix85, | 06:40 |
rdw200169 | PUfelix85, have you tried something like that? | 06:40 |
* kop eyes the bigger hammer | 06:40 | |
=== william is now known as Guest78320 | ||
rdw200169 | PUfelix85, OHHH, i didn't know about that! | 06:40 |
Walt | # | 06:40 |
Walt | hello | 06:40 |
gldtn | nickrud, is there any packages or website where we can get a list of the most popular gtk2.0 engines? | 06:41 |
PUfelix85 | hmmm I will have to check that out thanks | 06:41 |
Guest78320 | how can I watch video on sutes such as where ther media players areonly for Mac and Windows? | 06:41 |
linny1 | anyone know of a tool that can recursively scan a dir tree and extract any spilt rars it comes across ? | 06:41 |
Surlent777 | I forget exactly who it was that was helping me, but you're a bloody genius! dhclient somehow seems to work! | 06:41 |
rdw200169 | PUfelix85, i always did it the hard way, i.e. that way | 06:41 |
spike__ | gldtn: I have the package gtk2-engines-pixbuf installed but it doesn't work = / | 06:41 |
nickrud | gldtn, apt-cache search engines | grep gtk in a terminal | 06:41 |
kop | Surlent777, dhclient usually does work unless you're me :-) | 06:42 |
gldtn | spike__, same here.. I read somewhere while searching that it was suppose to work.. but it doesn't | 06:42 |
PUfelix85 | kk I will defiantly give it a try | 06:42 |
Surlent777 | kop: I just wish that nm would be as incredibly awesome as this dhclient thing | 06:42 |
Surlent777 | kop: I suppose I need to run it each time I boot up, yeah? | 06:43 |
kop | I'm sure this question is getting old but <Xlib: extension "RANDR" missing on display ":0.0" > will RANDER & Nvidia /xinerama play nice w/each other on 8.10 or do I need a bigger hammer ? | 06:43 |
somethingclever | nickrud, HEY, remember this issue? i found the DEB file! how do i fix my system now? | 06:43 |
spike__ | nickrud: I wrote it in a terminal, it give me a lot of packages =O | 06:43 |
kop | Surlent777, not usually but I've had that problem lately , I need to find a different place to start pfctl but that's my problem | 06:44 |
gldtn | yeah there quite a few.. going to install one by one and try it out till I hit the right one :P | 06:44 |
Surlent777 | anyway, I'm off to update stuff and screw up my system in a comical manner, doubtless from trying to get KDE to work without compiz screwing it up! Thanks again, whoever you were. | 06:44 |
spike__ | gldtn: I try to install some new packages and I'll tell you if something work | 06:44 |
TurTle_ | how can I enable streaming video players for players that are for windows and MAC? Is it possible? | 06:44 |
Surlent777 | kop: noted. | 06:44 |
nickrud | somethingclever, ok, lets try the easy way. cd into the dir that has the deb, and run sudo dpkg -r --force-reinstreq | 06:44 |
gldtn | spike__, thanks.. same here | 06:44 |
nickrud | somethingclever, that should remove it | 06:44 |
fangor | i have a problem with some functionality with my xbox gamepad under ubuntu 8.10. It detects it, and it is even using the left joystick as a mirrored mouse device and the start and select keys as click | 06:45 |
kop | TurTle_, that is what vlc is "supposed to do " | 06:45 |
somethingclever | nickrud, dpkg: unknown force/refuse option `reinstreq' | 06:45 |
nickrud | gldtn, spike__ stick with the gtk2 themes | 06:45 |
linny1 | anyone know of a tool that can recursively scan a dir tree and extract any spilt rars it comes across ? | 06:45 |
fangor | but this is not what I want it to do. I have read many howtos and all of them talk about jscalibrate, which I installed, but does not seem to reflect any of the inputs I give it | 06:46 |
nickrud | somethingclever, gah. --force-remove-reinstreq , sorry | 06:46 |
gldtn | nickrud, will do ;).. do I need to restart or logout of my session for the engines to take affect? | 06:46 |
nickrud | gldtn, no, they should show up in the theme dialog immediately | 06:46 |
PUfelix85 | another random question for anyone: Do you know how to make a partition into a VM? (perferably for virtualbox) | 06:47 |
nickrud | gldtn, assuming they register properly. Very likely, since they are in the repos but some external themes may require a relogin | 06:47 |
=== Album|Awy is now known as Album | ||
pteague | any idea if i'll have any issues switching from an nvidia 8600gts to a 9600gt ? | 06:47 |
BoxxyBot | Yeah! | 06:47 |
somethingclever | dpkg: --remove needs at least one package name argument | 06:47 |
somethingclever | , nickrud | 06:47 |
BoxxyBot | I LOVE YOU!! | 06:47 |
BoxxyBot | I wear too much eyeliner | 06:47 |
kop | linny1, sounds more like a scripting prob ie; find /| grep <fragged .rar part* wtf> | 06:48 |
BoxxyBot | I LOVE uuu <3 | 06:48 |
TurTle_ | i mean straight from the website, kop | 06:48 |
BoxxyBot | My name is boxxy | 06:48 |
spike__ | gldtn: does it work ? | 06:48 |
somethingclever | nickrud, i got it! | 06:48 |
nickrud | somethingclever, ah, I was assuming you'd use the name of the package. so, full command: sudo dpkg -r --force-remove-reinstreq fax4100lpr | 06:48 |
somethingclever | thanks buddy | 06:48 |
nickrud | worked? sudo apt-get -f install runs successfully? | 06:48 |
kop | TurTle_, I'll hide in the corner now | 06:48 |
somethingclever | got it workin nickrud thank you! | 06:48 |
gldtn | nickrud, ok.. it's funny where it gives me a warning it doesn't say which engine is missing "This theme will not look as intended because the required GTK+ engine " is not installed" | 06:48 |
spike__ | gldtn: same = / | 06:49 |
nickrud | gldtn, maybe the web page will tell you what engine is required | 06:49 |
=== Grimmjow-Laptop is now known as Grimmjow-Laptop| | ||
o0splitpaw0o | Any want to confirm some iptables settings for me? I can cut n paste it online.. forgotten the url though | 06:49 |
* Grimmjow-Laptop| is away: Gone away for now | 06:49 | |
hateball | !paste | o0splitpaw0o | 06:49 |
ubottu | o0splitpaw0o: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic) | 06:49 |
somethingclever | seriously, thanks, you saved me a lot of trouble of reinstalling etc | 06:49 |
TurTle_ | kop, what? | 06:49 |
nickrud | somethingclever, yw, I hate reinstalling also. | 06:50 |
gldtn | nickrud, no.. I checked.. but no luck.. see if you pay attetion to the warning msg it has " where the name of the engine should be | 06:50 |
kop | TurTle_, nm I'm hiding in the corner I thought you meant from source file not from web | 06:50 |
bobJR | I Need help im trying to get read & write permissions on my usb external its a 200gb and in ntfs format ive got ntfs-3g driver and ntfs config but when i open config it doesnt give me a drive to select just pops up read and write permission does anyone know what the problem is your help would be appreciated | 06:50 |
nickrud | but, here's a useful tidbit you should write down: sudo dpkg --get-selections > mypackages, move mypackages to new install , sudo dpkg --set-selections < mypackages && sudo apt-get dselect-upgrade , replicates a package list | 06:51 |
nickrud | gldtn, haha. Back theme construction | 06:51 |
nickrud | *bad | 06:51 |
TurTle_ | oh | 06:51 |
bobJR | im running xubuntu 8.10 new installation last night | 06:52 |
kop | right | 06:52 |
TurTle_ | well i guess you doont have an answer | 06:52 |
gldtn | nickrud, that's what I thought.. or maybe just for a little older version of file when written? | 06:52 |
kop | tru | 06:52 |
TurTle_ | dont hide in the closet though | 06:52 |
kop | won't be the first time | 06:52 |
TurTle_ | youll scarwe someone | 06:52 |
gldtn | nickrud.. the theme I'm try to install is called mookid by amadme | 06:52 |
o0splitpaw0o | TY! tell me if this looks right. appreciate the help | 06:52 |
gldtn | nickrud, but I'm also trying other themes by different people and I get the same error | 06:53 |
shadeslayer | can i use my scroll lock led as a ethernet monitoring device?? | 06:53 |
credo | bobJR: you familiar with chmod command? | 06:53 |
bobJR | nope | 06:53 |
TurTle_ | what is you enabled only one core in the bios but had a quad core.Would it make a difference? | 06:53 |
bobJR | never used it credo | 06:53 |
felixsulla | What is your favorite IRC client for gnome? | 06:53 |
nickrud | gldtn, not sure at all why that's happening. But then I'm using really simplistic themes | 06:53 |
ZeRo_FeniX_ | What is a good light weight web browser for a ubuntu server? | 06:54 |
credo | you need your drive location... it would look like sudo chmod a+rw /mnt/sdX (number) | 06:54 |
gldtn | nickrud, ;) I like minimalist themes which is usually pretty simple | 06:54 |
nickrud | TurTle_, you mean play streaming wmv and quicktime? | 06:54 |
bobJR | oh i know my drive location its /dev/sdf1 | 06:55 |
shadeslayer | something like the wifi led,except i want it for my Ethernet | 06:55 |
usser | ZeRo_FeniX_, java script? | 06:55 |
credo | is it mounted? | 06:55 |
bobJR | yes | 06:55 |
bobJR | i cant delete files or write to it | 06:55 |
bobJR | only read | 06:55 |
ZeRo_FeniX_ | not sure | 06:56 |
usser | ZeRo_FeniX_, try dillo | 06:56 |
ZeRo_FeniX_ | kk | 06:56 |
credo | apply chmod to where its mounted | 06:56 |
bobJR | ok what should i type | 06:56 |
bobJR | ill open terminal | 06:56 |
credo | you know where its mounted? | 06:56 |
kop | sudo chmod 755 /path/to/<filename> | 06:57 |
gldtn | nickrud, hmm from checking out some of the themes that come with ubuntu and some that are being installed with the engines they all have a similar titlebar(original looking title bar) the theme I'm trying to install changes the title bar of the applications quite a bit.. are there any especial engines for that? | 06:57 |
shadeslayer | !led | 06:58 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about led | 06:58 |
bobJR | this is what is in title bar when i open it or tab bar /media/Seagate | 06:58 |
nickrud | gldtn, got a link to the theme? | 06:58 |
shadeslayer | so anybody anyy idea?? | 06:58 |
kop | sudo chown <user> /path/to/<filename> | 06:58 |
credo | user+rwx =) | 06:58 |
kop | I'm sure this question is getting old but <Xlib: extension "RANDR" missing on display ":0.0" > will RANDER & Nvidia /xinerama play nice w/each other on 8.10 or do I need a bigger hammer ? | 06:59 |
gldtn | nickrud, | 06:59 |
bobJR | im confused its on /dev/sdf1 files are here /media/Seagate and my linux user name is rmzeppelin | 07:00 |
bobJR | what exactly do i type | 07:00 |
o0splitpaw0o | What I'm doing is setting routing but not sire I have the right "point to point" for the iptables the internel network is already setup with dhcp, just jeed t get forwarded to gw which is the router | 07:00 |
jeeves | how do I set up a VPN into a windows network? | 07:00 |
ross_ | where do i get the monopoly game atlantik to work in ubuntu | 07:01 |
ross_ | what is the command to install atlantic | 07:01 |
doctor | hi ppl - ubuntu 8.04 stacks after exit from games - like UtR... no sound, no new app to launch... wtc? | 07:01 |
=== Album is now known as Album|Awy | ||
shadeslayer | btw how do i detect what leds are there on my keyboard | 07:01 |
shadeslayer | i need the device name | 07:01 |
nickrud | gldtn, according to the gtkrc file it's expecting the pixmap engine | 07:02 |
nickrud | why it's not working .... | 07:02 |
snow_ru | hi | 07:03 |
o0splitpaw0o | eth0 (internel network) through eth1 (DHCP enabled) to router (GW) | 07:03 |
ZeRo_FeniX_ | Is there any way to run a GUI web browser inside a command prompt ubuntu? | 07:03 |
kingnothing | anyone care to discuss xfs vs ext3? I'm about to format a 1TB hdd for media and need to figure out what fs to go with | 07:03 |
snow_ru | Why my "tab" for the autocompletion doesn't work ? | 07:03 |
ZeRo_FeniX_ | or would I need to install a GUI? | 07:03 |
gldtn | nickrud, yeah that's what I thought.. I checked for that engine to see if it was installed but it was not I installed one but not sure if it was the right one | 07:04 |
nickrud | gldtn, it's also showing an entry for the mist engine, but no definitions for the engine | 07:04 |
snow_ru | anyone can give advice ? | 07:04 |
gldtn | nickrud, yeah I noticed that too | 07:04 |
shadeslayer | kingnothing: wait for ext3 | 07:04 |
shadeslayer | *ext4 | 07:04 |
o0splitpaw0o | !iptables | 07:05 |
ubottu | Ubuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see, or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE). | 07:05 |
shadeslayer | how do i detect all my devices in ubuntu | 07:05 |
shadeslayer | as in all leds,etc | 07:05 |
nickrud | gldtn, iirc the pixmap is built in to gnome, /usr/lib/gtk-2.0/2.10.0/engines/ | 07:06 |
kingnothing | shadeslayer: unless it's coming out in the next, oh, 15 minutes, that's not going to work for me | 07:06 |
turtle_ | ubuntu is soo stable | 07:06 |
shadeslayer | kingnothing: hehe ok | 07:06 |
shadeslayer | how do i detect my led's on the keyboard?? | 07:07 |
snow_ru | ? | 07:07 |
shadeslayer | device name | 07:07 |
shadeslayer | i want to run sudo iwconfig eth0 rate autoSubstitute your interface | 07:07 |
snow_ru | Thinking | 07:07 |
gldtn | nickrud; actually I don see that file at that location | 07:07 |
snow_ru | why autocomplete just work in my root, not in the normal user !!!! | 07:07 |
gldtn | nickrud, nevermind found it | 07:08 |
shadeslayer | i need the device name for the scroll lock led | 07:08 |
spike__ | nickrud: I have the file | 07:08 |
nickrud | gldtn, spike__ it's part of the -pixbuf engin | 07:08 |
spike__ | nickrud: do you know why it doesn't work ? | 07:09 |
nickrud | spike__, nope | 07:09 |
snow_ru | spidey_, why ? | 07:10 |
snow_ru | spike__, why ? | 07:10 |
spike__ | = / before I was under Gutsy and I never had a problem like this | 07:10 |
nickrud | spike__, I've picked up a bit about themes over the years, but never spent much time really understanding how they work | 07:10 |
snow_ru | why the autocompletion does not work for normal user ? | 07:11 |
snow_ru | bad | 07:11 |
gldtn | I left the creator of the theme a comment to see if he will respond, but I doubt it.. back in the days I use to create some theme for windowmaker and post it but but never responded to comment really | 07:12 |
spike__ | gldtn: are you under intrepid ? | 07:14 |
gldtn | spike__, yes | 07:14 |
Riekal | Hello all | 07:15 |
Riekal | Anyone here from the UK with a mobile phone? | 07:15 |
palomer | how do you burn CDs with ubuntu? | 07:16 |
jigp | Riekal: if you are looking for text mate #textmate | 07:16 |
Riekal | no | 07:16 |
akventure | I can't install psybnc on my Ubuntu 8.04 partition | 07:16 |
Riekal | I'm looking for someone to help me out with a proble. | 07:16 |
Riekal | problem. | 07:16 |
Steff | palomer, with applications? ;) like brasero.. | 07:16 |
chronographer | hello. anyone use deluge? know why the web ui doesn't work any more? | 07:16 |
kop | palomer, sudo apt-get k3b | 07:16 |
palomer | err | 07:16 |
palomer | I meant rip | 07:16 |
Seveas | akventure, psybnc sucks anyway, try znc :) | 07:16 |
akventure | I followed these instructions first | 07:16 |
akventure | | 07:16 |
palomer | ahh , grip | 07:16 |
Seveas | palomer, sound-juicer | 07:17 |
=== sue is now known as calamari | ||
jigp | palomer : can you install english ubuntu in a japanese laptop? | 07:17 |
akventure | how do i get rid of the two tarball packages i downloaded of psybnc? | 07:17 |
chronographer | jigp: of course | 07:17 |
chronographer | they keys will be labelled funny is all | 07:17 |
Riekal | jigp - I'm trying to get a dedicated server from and they do not sell to ppl from the US..the way they validate your account is through a text message but they only text UK numbers that start with 447 | 07:17 |
* kop sticks a wet thumb in jigp 's ear | 07:17 | |
simplexio | jigp: idont see anyreason why ypu coulnd't | 07:17 |
palomer | jigp, how should I know?! 知らない! | 07:17 |
kingnothing | why can't i create an xfs partition with gparted? | 07:17 |
suigeneris | does linux have a command like nbtstat -a in windows? | 07:18 |
chronographer | palomer: wow fancy! <insert japanese here> | 07:18 |
Riekal | so, that's my problem... | 07:18 |
jigp | chronographer: how to install ubuntu in a japanese laptop? | 07:18 |
Seveas | suigeneris, what does that command do? | 07:18 |
Riekal | I assume nobody here is from the UK??? | 07:18 |
simplexio | suigeneris: what it does ? | 07:18 |
chronographer | jigp: insert ubuntu cd into laptop... reboot... install as per usual | 07:18 |
Seveas | !ot | Riekal | 07:18 |
ubottu | Riekal: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks! | 07:18 |
Surlent777 | OK, one more question. Why is it that I am able to get online, and yet cannot properly run update-manager? | 07:18 |
jigp | chronographer: ahh ok. I thought there is another cd to install first hehe thanks | 07:19 |
suigeneris | Seveas, simplexio, it queries the hostname etc. by ip | 07:19 |
kop | Surlent777, software sources , I prefer | 07:19 |
chronographer | jigp: afaik computers are computers... the world over. (apart from maybe computers in cruise missiles and submarines...they are a little different... but Ubuntu prolly install still) ;-) | 07:20 |
Seveas | suigeneris, smbclient should be able to help you. Read its manpage for more details, my knowledge of it is slightly rusty | 07:20 |
simplexio | suigeneris: yes and no, do you mean portscan/sambastatus/wins status or what | 07:20 |
Surlent777 | kop: even wine's server isn't coming up | 07:20 |
jigp | chronographer: ok thanks :) | 07:20 |
kop | ps ax | grep named | 07:20 |
sh2 | when i open some application. i cannot see the status bar that is located at the bottom of the screen. | 07:20 |
Surlent777 | kop: it then tells me "Could not connect to localhost:4001 ( - connect (111 Connection refused)" | 07:21 |
suigeneris | Seveas, windows help says: Displays protocol statistics and current TCP/IP connections using NBT | 07:21 |
suigeneris | simplexio, ^^^ | 07:21 |
Seveas | suigeneris, smbstatus -p does that for localhost. Don't know if it can do that for remote hosts. But somewhere between smbclient and smbstatus you should get some info | 07:22 |
wangfei | quit | 07:22 |
wangfei | exit | 07:22 |
simplexio | suigeneris: smbstatus can do it remote server, if we are talking about samba shares and filelocks per server | 07:23 |
sh2 | how do i make the status bar which is displayed at the bottom of the screen always visible. What is mean by status bar is it is the bar, which contains the start button and displays all the windows in the minimised form at the bottom of the sceen | 07:24 |
sh2 | if you select the window you want you just need to click it | 07:24 |
sh2 | im unable to see it if i open my browser | 07:24 |
crdlb | sh2: when exactly is the bottom panel not visible? | 07:24 |
Melik | anybody recommend a CLI program like file-roller? | 07:24 |
Seveas | simplexio, ah, good to know :) | 07:24 |
akventure | i'm a complete ubuntu newbie and don't know how to get this ZNC tar.gz package properly installed and configured on Ubuntu 8.04 | 07:24 |
crdlb | Melik: tar? :) or do you want some sort of ncurses browser? | 07:25 |
sh2 | crdlb: yes | 07:25 |
Melik | would tar be able to extract .rar files? | 07:25 |
Melik | or .7z | 07:25 |
sh2 | crdlb: do you understand what im seeing | 07:25 |
akventure | is a page with explicit terminal instructions? | 07:25 |
akventure | i can upack the files... | 07:25 |
crdlb | sh2: I guess you're using compiz? | 07:25 |
Melik | crdlb, read above | 07:25 |
sh2 | im using ubuntu 8.10 | 07:26 |
akventure | but then i just have a bunch of files i don't know what to do with | 07:26 |
suigeneris | simplexio, I don't have smbstatus. what package do i fetch? | 07:26 |
scizzo- | Melik: no you need unrar | 07:26 |
scizzo- | Melik: 7z needs 7zip support | 07:26 |
gldtn | nickrud, do you know if Aurora-Engine is a gtk2? | 07:26 |
suigeneris | sorry i have it | 07:26 |
simplexio | suigeneris: not 100% which one has it, i think its on samba-client | 07:26 |
Melik | damn i was hoping just 1 program to be able to do all that via CLI | 07:26 |
ZeRo_FeniX_ | Can someone tell me how to start xfce from a command line? | 07:27 |
spike__ | gldtn: I think it is but I'm not sure | 07:27 |
Melik | ZeRo_FeniX_, startxfce4 | 07:27 |
ZeRo_FeniX_ | ty | 07:28 |
Melik | or u can edit ur .xinitrc file in ur home directory and put "exec startxfce4" and then u can just use startx | 07:28 |
Melik | to launch xfce4 | 07:28 |
simplexio | which btings o my mind qwuestion: which command gives owner package for file ? | 07:28 |
gldtn | hmm why did my xchat just closed unexpectedly? strange | 07:28 |
ross_ | i would like to learn c++ in ubuntu, what program should i use and where can i get it | 07:28 |
suigeneris | simplexio, mtozses@mtozses-laptop:/var/www/deriaksesuarlar$ smbstatus -p / ERROR: Failed to initialise messages database: Permission denied / messaging_tdb_init failed: NT_STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED | 07:28 |
Seveas | simplexio, dpkg -S /path/to/file | 07:28 |
den_kiev1 | хало всем | 07:29 |
simplexio | ross_: minimal setup, build-essential (gcc) and editor you choose | 07:29 |
Seveas | !ru | den_kiev1 | 07:29 |
ubottu | den_kiev1: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke | 07:29 |
ross_ | simplexio: I have installed build-essential | 07:29 |
scizzo- | ross_: you do know that C++ is a programing language right? | 07:29 |
ross_ | scizzo: what do you mean? | 07:30 |
ravn1 | hey ppl, I have large problems with my ubuntu install. It's swapping like crazy, and I just can't figure out why. If I sum up memory consumption in the System monitor memory column I get something like 400 MB and I have 1 GB in my laptop. Why is it swapping? The computer us more or less useless, having to wait 30 seconds for every little click, what is wrong, I'm geting crazy here.... | 07:30 |
ross_ | scizzo: it's an object oriented language | 07:30 |
scizzo- | ross_: yes but still a programing language | 07:30 |
ross_ | scizzo: so i already installed build essential | 07:30 |
ross_ | scizzo: how do i open up gcc | 07:31 |
scizzo- | ross_: you use g++ for C++ files | 07:31 |
simplexio | ross_: gcc file.c++ i think | 07:31 |
riz_man | hey all. is there any command equilvant of sys-unconfig in ubuntu ? | 07:31 |
ross_ | scizzo: how do i open g++? | 07:31 |
Seveas | ross_, gcc is a compiler, not something you 'open'. Please google for a c++ course. | 07:31 |
ross_ | scizzo: sorry i am confused | 07:31 |
ross_ | scizzo: I usually use visual studio for g++ | 07:31 |
scizzo- | ross_: $ g++ | 07:31 |
riz_man | "sys-unconfig" reconfigure all the interfaces setting etc.. | 07:31 |
Seveas | riz_man, what does sys-unconfig do? | 07:31 |
Seveas | ah | 07:32 |
simplexio | Seveas: just read man page, im not 100% sure that you can use it to remote server, though it takes ip address argument without complaining | 07:32 |
Seveas | riz_man, dpkg-reconfigure comes closest | 07:32 |
riz_man | avialable in solaris & rpm distros | 07:32 |
scizzo- | ross_: if you want to use a IDE I would suggest you look at anjuta, geany or such applications | 07:32 |
ross_ | scizzo: so in other words, i can just open wordpad and then save it as .cc file ? | 07:32 |
simplexio | hmm wrong guy.. suigeneris ^^ | 07:32 |
ross_ | scizzo: what is IDE | 07:32 |
scizzo- | ross_: yes...since g++ is the compiler | 07:32 |
ross_ | scizzo: sorry i am terribly new at ubuntu | 07:32 |
simplexio | ross_: integrated development enviroment | 07:33 |
ross_ | simplexio: how do i get that | 07:33 |
scizzo- | ross_: IDE = Integrated Development Environment like simplexio said | 07:33 |
scizzo- | o lord | 07:33 |
ubuntistas | is anybody here using boxeee? | 07:33 |
ross_ | simplexio: how do i get anjuta | 07:33 |
mtholdenss | !artwork | 07:33 |
ubottu | Find your themes at: - - - - - - - Also see !changethemes and | 07:33 |
riz_man | Seveas, what parameter should I pass to reconfigure my network settings ? | 07:33 |
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Seveas | riz_man, that I don't know. I'm using networkmanager to handle that | 07:34 |
suigeneris | thanks simplexio | 07:34 |
mtholdenss | is there a new background for jaunty alpha? | 07:34 |
ross_ | simplexio: nevermind i got it from the package manager :x | 07:34 |
ross_ | simplexio: thank you | 07:34 |
ross_ | scizzo: thank you | 07:34 |
scizzo- | ross_: there is some documentation and guidelines on the ubuntu website for contribution information | 07:35 |
scizzo- | ross_: you can find most information there of how to contribute | 07:35 |
ubuntistas | does anybody here use boxee? | 07:35 |
DigitalKiwi | geany is the awesome | 07:35 |
ross_ | scizzo: how did you start off with ubuntu | 07:35 |
=== _Kwitschibo is now known as Kwitschibo | ||
spike_ | What packages are required to use gtk2 themes please | 07:35 |
Seveas | ross_, if I may make a suggestion -- please learn to use ubuntu before trying to program with it. Makes your life so uch easier :) | 07:35 |
ross_ | seveas: can you please give me some guides | 07:35 |
scizzo- | ross_: long time use from Debian and then went over to ubuntu | 07:35 |
simplexio | ross_: "all" software you probably need can be installed using : sudo apt-get install program_name , also you can find software which you need by using command : apt-cache search something , | 07:35 |
ross_ | seveas: i would like some links | 07:36 |
ross_ | simplexio: thank you | 07:36 |
Seveas | ross_, search on and, those sites give tons of info | 07:36 |
simplexio | knowing howto use computer isnt requirement for programming, but it helps | 07:36 |
ross_ | seveas: graci | 07:36 |
mtholdenss | is there a mac ubuntu channel? | 07:36 |
Seveas | mtholdenss, there used to be #ubuntu-ppc when mac still used that processor. Nowadays there's just #ubuntu :) | 07:37 |
spike_ | what packages are required to use gtk2 theme please : ) | 07:37 |
Seveas | spike_, gtk2 :) | 07:37 |
ubuntistas | does anybody know how can i log out from boxee? | 07:38 |
=== Album|Awy is now known as Album | ||
spike_ | Seveas: I have this package but when I try to use some gtk2 theme it doesn't work | 07:38 |
Seveas | !doesn't work | spike_ | 07:39 |
ubottu | spike_: Doesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too. | 07:39 |
prince_jammys | spike_: try gtk2-engines | 07:39 |
spike_ | I have a message like this : gtk2-engines is required | 07:39 |
spike_ | when I can found this package ? | 07:40 |
spike_ | it is not in synaptic | 07:40 |
prince_jammys | spike_: it's in the main repository | 07:40 |
Seveas | gtk2-engines - theme engines for GTK+ 2.x | 07:40 |
prince_jammys | at least for hardy it is | 07:40 |
Seveas | for intrepid too :) | 07:40 |
maxagaz | in "sudo myuser -", what is the meaning of the hyphen ? | 07:40 |
Seveas | apt-cache search gtk2-engines shows a few | 07:41 |
mtholdenss | i heard there is new default artwork for jaunty alpha 3, that true? | 07:41 |
Seveas | maxagaz, a typo. The one who wrote that eitherprobably meant su instead of sudo | 07:41 |
neil_d | Hi, I have a printer, I would like to share it so I can connect to it via socket 9100. how do I do this ? | 07:41 |
Seveas | mtholdenss, anyway, what you want is sudo -u myuser -i ---- that gives you a shell as the myuser user | 07:42 |
Seveas | neil_d, you can't. You can share it on port 631 via cups though. | 07:42 |
ubuntistas | is anybody here using boxee | 07:42 |
ubuntistas | ? | 07:42 |
maxagaz | Seveas, then, in "su myuser -", what is the meaning of the hyphen ? | 07:42 |
Seveas | maxagaz, anyway, what you want is sudo -u myuser -i ---- that gives you a shell as the myuser user | 07:42 |
prince_jammys | maxagaz: causes a login shell | 07:43 |
neil_d | Seveas: ok, something is listening on that port. | 07:43 |
xC | morning all! what filesys should i format my new 1tb portable hdd, ext3, ntfs, reiserfs or xfs? | 07:43 |
Seveas | maxagaz, it means 'give me a login shell' instead of 'give me a shubshell'. The difference is the resetting of some environment variables, making the - variant safer | 07:43 |
Seveas | xC, depends on what you | 07:43 |
Seveas | re going to do with it | 07:43 |
spike_ | Seaves: I have the package gtk2-engines installed but all of my themes don't work = / | 07:44 |
mib_guvg4wqr | Hey guy I need to add my gateway and modem on a diff n/w using virtual interfaces... | 07:44 |
xC | Seveas: recently gone from xp to xubuntu, and the goal is to keep runing linux and i don't want a portable hdd that is fragmentet all the time | 07:44 |
ganesh | no titlebar for di i fix it? | 07:44 |
=== mib_guvg4wqr is now known as llragsll | ||
Seveas | xC, if you're never going to connect it to windows, use ext3 | 07:45 |
gldtn | how do I check my gtk version? | 07:45 |
crdlb | gldtn: apt-cache policy libgtk2.0-0 | 07:45 |
Seveas | xC, reiserfs by now is as dead as nina and ext3 is the standard filesystem for Ubuntu | 07:45 |
shifty5 | does anyone know if i can export event notifications from gnome to a terminal? | 07:45 |
spike_ | gldtn: Have you found a solution? =/ | 07:45 |
xSlack | whats the chmod to make a file rw | 07:46 |
simplexio | xC: and you can actualy attleast read ext2/3 partition from windows nowdays, you just need get that fs driver from somewhere | 07:46 |
Seveas | xSlack, chmod +rw file | 07:46 |
suigeneris | Seveas, simplexio, FYI, I found a perl script that does exactly what nbtstat does | 07:46 |
simplexio | xSlack: chmod u+rw file, for user | 07:46 |
Seveas | suigeneris, would you mind sharing it with me? :) | 07:46 |
suigeneris | Seveas, sure | 07:47 |
simplexio | suigeneris: can you paste link, im intrested to know how its done remote | 07:47 |
=== dopplerdeffect is now known as doppler|zzzZZZzz | ||
xC | simplexio: both read and write with fs-driver in win xp? | 07:47 |
suigeneris | Seveas, simplexio, | 07:47 |
simplexio | xC: dunno, i have newer used it, but it reads attlest | 07:47 |
gldtn | crdlb; that's funny I just tried compile aurora gtk engine and it said that I need GTK+-2.10 and on there page it says I need version 2.12 or higher and I have 2.14.4 | 07:48 |
shifty5 | i have a playstation portable ssh'd into my box, i wanna export gnome event messages to it, anyone know if its possible? | 07:48 |
shifty5 | point me in the right direction maybe | 07:48 |
gldtn | spike_, I might be on to something | 07:48 |
spike_ | gldtn: I have the same version | 07:48 |
Seveas | shifty5, yes but not quite trivial. Those notifications are dbus messages. You could create something that listens to them. Maybe that's as simple as a correct invocation of dbus-monitor but I don't know | 07:49 |
crdlb | gldtn: you need libgtk2.0-dev | 07:49 |
shifty5 | seveas, could i write a script to constantly reffresh the messages in my terminal? | 07:50 |
Seveas | shifty5, probably | 07:50 |
shifty5 | ok thanks i'll look into this | 07:50 |
xC | can i convert ntfs to ext3? | 07:50 |
neil_d | Seveas: got it working, via openvpn and a local LAN | 07:50 |
gldtn | crdlb; is that just needed in order to compile? | 07:50 |
Seveas | xC, no. That means reformatting | 07:50 |
crdlb | shifty5: the dificultly is that those messages are usually on the session bus, not the system bus, so it's difficult to access them from outside | 07:50 |
Seveas | crdlb, ah, you have a point there... | 07:51 |
Seveas | crdlb, though it's not too hard to "steal" the session bus | 07:51 |
crdlb | gldtn: yes, it contains the development headers, which allow code to be compiled against it | 07:51 |
=== desti_T2 is now known as desti | ||
shifty5 | crdlib, from what i'm reading dbus-monitor will output that with the -session flag | 07:51 |
gldtn | crdlb; thanks a lot | 07:51 |
xSlack | simplexio: So if the user were (user) would the syntax be (chmod user+rw file) | 07:52 |
crdlb | shifty5: yeah, but you need to have DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS set correctly for it to find that bus | 07:52 |
spike_ | gldtn: It works ? | 07:52 |
simplexio | xSlack: nope | 07:52 |
shifty5 | ohhh | 07:52 |
Seveas | shifty5, but by default you'll be in a different session than your desktop, if in any at all. You need to find the correct socket to use and set some environment variables | 07:52 |
* Seveas out now | 07:52 | |
gldtn | spike; I'm trying a theme that I know every engine that it uses.. I'll let you know in a min. | 07:53 |
simplexio | xSlack: file has few stats like thi: drwxr-x--x 23 sim sim 4096 2008-08-12 22:19 src | 07:53 |
prince_jammys | xSlack: no. it would be u+rw . the user name is not included. 'u' means whoever owns the file | 07:53 |
ganesh | no titlebar for di i fix it? | 07:53 |
spike_ | gldtn: k | 07:53 |
=== lipsin_ is now known as lipsin | ||
crdlb | gldtn: firefox is completely fullscreen? (ie you don't see the panels either) | 07:53 |
xSlack | prince_jammys: its an access.log file which isnt allowing my general user to write to it | 07:54 |
shifty5 | ganesh, is that your only application missing a title bar? | 07:54 |
simplexio | xSlack: ls -la shows them in terminal, it means that file is owned by user sim, group that own file is sim, and user has rwx rights and group has read and execute right and other have execute rights (rwxr-x--x) | 07:54 |
gldtn | crdlb, no why? | 07:54 |
gldtn | crdlb, oops wrong person you wrote | 07:55 |
Stevethe1irate | !mp3 | 07:55 |
ubottu | For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: - See also - But please use free formats if you can: | 07:55 |
crdlb | gldtn: oops, sorry :) | 07:55 |
crdlb | ganesh: firefox is completely fullscreen? (ie you don't see the panels either) | 07:55 |
simplexio | shifty5: so you can allow user to write in it various ways, probably easiest way is change permission o+rw file, so all can wirite into it | 07:55 |
xC | Seveas: what's the biggest advantage when running ext3 instead of ntfs on a portable hdd in xubuntu? | 07:55 |
gldtn | crdlb, nick completion can be a pain sometimes | 07:55 |
ganesh | shifty5: yes..only firefox | 07:56 |
simplexio | xSlack: read what i said to shifty5, | 07:56 |
shifty5 | ganesh, then go into the view menu | 07:56 |
ganesh | crdlb:yes its full screen | 07:56 |
crdlb | gldtn: especially when I'm looking at a /lastlog :) | 07:57 |
shifty5 | ganesh, i don't see a titlebar option in there, so i dunno | 07:57 |
ubuntistas | does anybody know how can i delete user data from boxee? | 07:57 |
=== Anonymous is now known as Guest48861 | ||
ubuntistas | ~/.boxee/UserData | 07:57 |
crdlb | ganesh: ok, run this in a terminal: gconftool-2 -s /apps/compiz/plugins/workarounds/allscreens/options/legacy_fullscreen -s false -t bool | 07:57 |
crdlb | the problem you're seeing is an overzealous workaround feature in compiz | 07:57 |
ZeRo_FeniX_ | Say I setup a VBoxed Ubuntu server, how would I talk to it fro my master windows machine? | 07:58 |
atm0sph | ZeRo_FeniX_: you could ssh to the internal ip? | 07:59 |
prince_jammys | ubuntistas: either browse to it in your file manager (set it to "show hidden files"), or with the rm command | 07:59 |
atm0sph | ZeRo_FeniX_: or vncx | 07:59 |
=== Album is now known as Album|Awy | ||
atm0sph | -x | 07:59 |
ubuntistas | with rm? explain | 07:59 |
Flannel | !away > Album|Awy | 07:59 |
ubottu | Album|Awy, please see my private message | 07:59 |
prince_jammys | ubuntistas: rm removes files | 07:59 |
ganesh | crdlb:ya it worked.. | 07:59 |
ubuntistas | how can i remove it? | 07:59 |
Diehardy | is this the PS3 room? | 08:00 |
dash84 | ... | 08:00 |
prince_jammys | ubuntistas: i just told you | 08:00 |
Diehardy | Well, is it? | 08:00 |
prince_jammys | "show hidden files | 08:00 |
JesseW | I must be missing something: -- this bug looks very troubling... | 08:00 |
ubuntistas | where is that? | 08:00 |
Flannel | Diehardy: Try #ubuntu-ps3 | 08:00 |
Diehardy | thanx | 08:00 |
xSlack | simplexio: -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1 2009-02-27 01:50 access.log | 08:00 |
ZeRo_FeniX_ | I guess what I was asking is how can I view it from my windows machine, say I setup and index.html or index.php file. How would I direct my windows machine to that file on the VBoxed distro? | 08:01 |
=== Album|Awy is now known as Album | ||
Album | i ehave an away message?? | 08:01 |
prince_jammys | ubuntistas: your file manager should have a setting to "show hidden files". that will show files and directories that start with a dot | 08:01 |
xSlack | simplexio: nvm got it | 08:01 |
Album | thot it was just a nick change... | 08:01 |
ubuntistas | where is the file manager iam a newbie | 08:01 |
d4n1el | malang | 08:01 |
zeltak | quit | 08:02 |
prince_jammys | ubuntistas: the app that you use to look at your files and home dir. "nautilus" | 08:02 |
crdlb | Album: yes, he was referring to the nick change; this is a very busy channel | 08:02 |
Album | so busy you cant change your nick? thats retarded | 08:02 |
d4n1el | rtedgt | 08:03 |
simplexio | xSlack: chmod a+rw acces.log, note, anyone can remove file after that, or modify it. but hey it solves problem | 08:03 |
ZeRo_FeniX_ | Any ideas? | 08:03 |
ubuntistas | i have a boxee log file how can i delete it? | 08:04 |
JesseW | Does anyone know what happened to support for dial-up users in 8.10? | 08:04 |
ubuntistas | with rm | 08:04 |
gldtn | spike_, I got to get rid of the message which also uses pixmap, but my title bar still doesn't look the same as his screenshot.. must need something else installed | 08:04 |
prince_jammys | ubuntistas: man rm | 08:04 |
suigeneris | alsa crashed some time between yesterday and today. can i find out what the problem is? | 08:04 |
ActionParsnip | ZeRo_FeniX_: you would need to bridge the connection so the vbox appears as an extra system on your lan | 08:04 |
gldtn | spike_, but the others still give me the error | 08:04 |
* prince_jammys is fed up of people who want to use the command line but can't read docs | 08:04 | |
ActionParsnip | ZeRo_FeniX_: you can then simply access it as if you had an extra physical pc | 08:05 |
prince_jammys | you want to do it with rm? man rm | 08:05 |
ZeRo_FeniX_ | Alright | 08:05 |
* JesseW is too, but would like to have some meta-docs to point them to... | 08:05 | |
ZeRo_FeniX_ | I'll try that. | 08:05 |
spike_ | gldtn: = / so nobody knows how to fix this problem | 08:05 |
ZeRo_FeniX_ | Do you have any idea | 08:06 |
ZeRo_FeniX_ | Do you have any idea what settings I want to change? | 08:06 |
atm0sph | why would you need to change any settings? | 08:06 |
atm0sph | just make sure sshd is installed | 08:06 |
ZeRo_FeniX_ | Attach to: Not Attached, NAT, Host Interface, or Internal Network. | 08:06 |
spike_ | gldtn: The theme is nice = ) do you use emerald ? | 08:06 |
atm0sph | try NAT | 08:07 |
ubuntistas | how can i delete my boxee account oes anybody know? | 08:07 |
ZeRo_FeniX_ | NAT was what I had it on so that it was merged with my computer | 08:07 |
ActionParsnip | ZeRo_FeniX_: ive only done it in vmware aaages ago for a chuckle, i dont know how in vbox | 08:07 |
gimmepatience | What are you using to run your VBOX? | 08:07 |
simplexio | ZeRo_FeniX_: NAT if you want acces to internat with that virtual one | 08:07 |
ZeRo_FeniX_ | Windows Vista | 08:07 |
gimmepatience | use bridge mode... not NAT. | 08:07 |
ZeRo_FeniX_ | I want it to get a DHCP connection from my router if at all possible | 08:07 |
gimmepatience | Bridge mode. | 08:08 |
ActionParsnip | simplexio: he wants to be able to access the vbox like a true VM (emulating an extra pc) via lan | 08:08 |
gimmepatience | I am using VMware | 08:08 |
atm0sph | *shrug* | 08:08 |
ZeRo_FeniX_ | I'll just try them all I guess. | 08:08 |
atm0sph | doesn't vmware give you an internal IP address for the virtual machine? | 08:08 |
ubuntistas | prince_jammys do u have any idea how can i delete my boxee account'? | 08:08 |
ubuntistas | is anybody here using boxee? | 08:08 |
JesseW | ubuntistas: Isn't there a boxee channel for such questions? | 08:08 |
ZeRo_FeniX_ | Not sure, I'm using VBox because I liked it better than VMWare | 08:09 |
gldtn | spike_, unfortunately not.. like I said I msged the creater of the theme, lets see if I get lucky and get an answer.. do you have msn? | 08:09 |
gimmepatience | yes it does... depending on configuration | 08:09 |
crdlb | gldtn: what's the problem? | 08:09 |
suigeneris | alsa crashed some time between yesterday and today. (how) can i find out what the problem is? | 08:09 |
onetwo | momentul | 08:09 |
prince_jammys | ubuntistas: mv ~/.boxee/UserData ~/boxeebackup | 08:09 |
=== [pErry] is now known as [perry] | ||
onetwo | momentul : linux | 08:09 |
gimmepatience | I use bridge configuration... and my DHCP router gives me an ip adress | 08:09 |
JesseW | suigeneris: What do the logs say? | 08:09 |
ubuntistas | i mean from the site | 08:09 |
ubuntistas | jammys_prince | 08:09 |
prince_jammys | ubuntistas: and if that doesn't work, move it back | 08:10 |
onetwo | momentul | 08:10 |
ZeRo_FeniX_ | I'm not sure what bridge mod is called on VBox, Not attached doesn't seem to be working. | 08:10 |
gldtn | crdlb; I keep on getting an error where it says under appearance; "This theme will not show as intended because the GTK theme " is not installed" | 08:10 |
onetwo | momentul | 08:10 |
spike_ | gldtn: Yes I have | 08:10 |
prince_jammys | ubuntistas: you mentioned that file, i don't know if that is the correct way. | 08:10 |
ActionParsnip | suigeneris: read system logs, if you rebooted then dmesg wont say anything but if yo usimply restarted x you can read through | 08:10 |
gimmepatience | What is your ip adress of your Vista machine? | 08:10 |
ZeRo_FeniX_ | It's stuck booting up at "Configuring network interfaces..." | 08:10 |
onetwo | datelor | 08:10 |
ZeRo_FeniX_ | | 08:10 |
onetwo | datelor | 08:10 |
gimmepatience | ok, and what IP does your VBOX get? | 08:10 |
Hekta | Hi guys | 08:11 |
onetwo | momentul | 08:11 |
ZeRo_FeniX_ | It's not getting one as far as I can tell. | 08:11 |
onetwo | momentul | 08:11 |
gimmepatience | ok, then I would suggest you take a look at you manual for VBOX. | 08:11 |
crdlb | gldtn: looks like you need clearlooks, murrine, and aurora | 08:11 |
gldtn | crdlb; the last one I installed I was able to get rid of the message but the title bar is not the same as show by the creator of the theme.. the title bar changes color but not the layout/looks of it.. it still appear as the title bar from human/clearlooks theme | 08:11 |
onetwo | momentul | 08:11 |
crdlb | gldtn: ah, there's no included metacity theme; you need to use emerald instead with that .emerald theme | 08:12 |
ZeRo_FeniX_ | I'm just going through the network settings until I get something that has my DHCP give the VBox an ip. | 08:12 |
suigeneris | ActionParsnip, what could be the keyword to grep? | 08:12 |
gldtn | crdlb, seems like I have all.. what the command so I can see the ones installed | 08:12 |
gimmepatience | you could try using satatci in the meant time. | 08:12 |
ActionParsnip | gimmepatience: vbox systems use a 10.0.x.x IP address | 08:12 |
ActionParsnip | !grep | 08:12 |
ubottu | The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE). Guide: | 08:12 |
gimmepatience | set your VBOX ip to, and use the same gatweay your vista machine uses | 08:12 |
ActionParsnip | suigeneris: how do you mean? | 08:12 |
gldtn | crdlb; so I need to install the gtk2 and use emerald? | 08:12 |
Hekta | I'm having trouble setting up a PXE server | 08:13 |
gldtn | crdlb, or just emerald on it's own? | 08:13 |
ActionParsnip | !pxe | 08:13 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about pxe | 08:13 |
=== Album is now known as Album|Awy | ||
ActionParsnip | !find pxe | 08:13 |
ubottu | Found: kvm-pxe, pxe | 08:13 |
ZeRo_FeniX_ | What's the command to set my ip, I'm not entirely familiar with unix command lines yet. | 08:13 |
DigitalKiwi | I thought ubuntu wants to get rid of terminal 0.0 | 08:13 |
ubuntistas | how can i delete boxee account from the site? | 08:13 |
crdlb | gldtn: sounds like you've already handled the gtk part, so you need to install emerald and use that as your decorator (which means you also need to be using compiz) | 08:13 |
gldtn | crdlb, also does emerald rely on compiz fusion or can it be run alone? | 08:13 |
ZeRo_FeniX_ | Ah, I found the setting that has DHCP give it an ip | 08:13 |
gldtn | uhum.. | 08:13 |
ZeRo_FeniX_ | so I'll mess with this. | 08:13 |
suigeneris | ActionParsnip, how am I going to find it? | 08:13 |
crdlb | gldtn: the theme creator really ought to include a metacity theme since he's not doing anything too fancy with the emerald theme anyway | 08:13 |
ZeRo_FeniX_ | Working sweet | 08:13 |
ActionParsnip | ZeRo_FeniX_: are you using a 100% command line based system? | 08:13 |
gldtn | spike_, that might be our issue | 08:13 |
ZeRo_FeniX_ | I'm using the ubuntu-server-i386 | 08:14 |
spike_ | gldtn: maybe | 08:14 |
ActionParsnip | suigeneris: find what? You dont have to find grep, you just use it, its in your path | 08:14 |
Ravenor | I deleted my swap partition, and replaced it with another one in a different location. I changed my fstab, and swapon -s lists the partition. However, hibernation doesn't work anymore. The computer begins to hibernate, but when I start the computer up again, its a full boot process instead of a resume. Any clues? | 08:14 |
ActionParsnip | ZeRo_FeniX_: | 08:14 |
ZeRo_FeniX_ | Like I said, I'm not very familiar with unix yet I'm just playing around with it on vbox for fun and trying to setup a web server to test my php scrips on without actually buing a server for now. | 08:15 |
ActionParsnip | ZeRo_FeniX_: edit that file and you can configure ip addressing | 08:15 |
spike_ | gldtn: I have emerald but it doesn't work too for me ... | 08:16 |
bullgard4 | [Ubuntu 8.04.2] Evolution > Edit > Plugins > Plugin Manager > left pane's list is missing the entries Attachment Reminder, Audio inline plugin, Automatic Contacts, Backup and restore plugin, Bogofilter junk plugin, Copy tool, Default Mail Client. What DEB program packages do I have to install in order to make these items appear? | 08:16 |
programan | how would i enable these 'options snd-hda-intel enable_msi=1' its a bug fix fer my sound | 08:16 |
joost | hello | 08:16 |
suigeneris | ActionParsnip, what's EISA? | 08:16 |
gimmepatience | lol Zero_fenix | 08:16 |
joost | a program | 08:16 |
ActionParsnip | ZeRo_FeniX_: in vbox you need to set your ip to, netmask, default gateway as your routers ip address, add to /etc/resolv.conf nameserver | 08:16 |
=== joost is now known as Guest34881 | ||
D_likescookies | Gmorning. anyone knows of any software to do voice recognition for linux? | 08:16 |
gldtn | spike_.. I believe, from what I remember you need to tell compiz to use emerald as a decorator under compiz icon | 08:17 |
gldtn | spike_.. I'm installing it now | 08:17 |
ActionParsnip | suigeneris: maybe | 08:17 |
suigeneris | programan, put that in /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base | 08:17 |
ZeRo_FeniX_ | So I can view my VBox server now on my host machine because I changed the network to host interface. | 08:17 |
spike_ | gldtn: k tell me if it works | 08:17 |
crdlb | gldtn: the easiest way is to use ccsm and put it in Window Decoration > Command | 08:17 |
gimmepatience | Or you can VBOX a windows XP system, install Apache, PHP and MYSQL on it to test PHP scripts | 08:17 |
ActionParsnip | D_likescookies: do you mean for dictation or system voice control? | 08:17 |
programan | Thanks Sui! | 08:18 |
D_likescookies | both if possible ActionParsnip, but system control mainly. | 08:18 |
suigeneris | programan, oh, don't forget to restart | 08:18 |
ActionParsnip | D_likescookies: apt-cache search gnome voice control | 08:18 |
suigeneris | and no problem | 08:18 |
programan | Yeah... :) | 08:19 |
ActionParsnip | !info gnome-voice-control | 08:19 |
ubottu | gnome-voice-control (source: gnome-voice-control): Speech recognizer to control the GNOME Desktop. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.2-0ubuntu6 (intrepid), package size 33 kB, installed size 220 kB | 08:19 |
D_likescookies | awsome! =) thank you. | 08:19 |
ActionParsnip | D_likescookies: apt-cache is awesome | 08:19 |
ActionParsnip | D_likescookies: lets you search for stuff, you can even grep the output | 08:19 |
gldtn | crdlb, you lost me.. | 08:20 |
latrell | hello | 08:20 |
latrell | anyone in to answer a quick question? | 08:20 |
D_likescookies | I'm kinda new, I'm still learning commands at this point. | 08:20 |
ZeRo_FeniX_ | Plenty of people | 08:20 |
latrell | ok | 08:20 |
Surlent777 | latrell, maybe | 08:20 |
latrell | just installed, it (1st time newbie = me) | 08:20 |
D_likescookies | but I made a note for that one. | 08:20 |
D_likescookies | =) | 08:20 |
latrell | a question with the program | 08:20 |
latrell | gparted (to partition stuff) | 08:21 |
latrell | can u resize a partition ? | 08:21 |
Surlent777 | theoretically, I think | 08:21 |
ActionParsnip | D_likescookies: its cool, i just find it quicker than synaptic which takes forever | 08:21 |
latrell | like....which is .....being used | 08:21 |
latrell | so say, ive installed ubunto on a partition (only 1 phsyical disk) | 08:21 |
ActionParsnip | !resize | latrell | 08:21 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about resize | 08:21 |
ZeRo_FeniX_ | How can I get acquainted with the nix file structure for a webserver? | 08:21 |
crdlb | gldtn: oops, I guess that was more for spike_ | 08:21 |
D_likescookies | make sense if you're in a hurry. | 08:21 |
latrell | wondering if u can resize it... | 08:21 |
D_likescookies | makes* | 08:21 |
ActionParsnip | latrell: you can resize, make sure you run a backup if the data is important incase something goes wrong | 08:21 |
latrell | nah thats cool, nothing important | 08:22 |
latrell | just only thing...i cant highlight and resize... | 08:22 |
suigeneris | ActionParsnip, can't find anything related to alsa in dmesg | 08:22 |
latrell | does it have to be done command line based? | 08:22 |
simplexio | latrell: probably yes, but i dont recommend to even try resize live partition, attleast without backups | 08:22 |
spike_ | gldtn, crdlb: I change the command line in compiz, I need to restart, I be back | 08:22 |
ActionParsnip | suigeneris: you wont, except alsa modules being loaded in | 08:22 |
latrell | can it be done through some sort of program and not command line? | 08:23 |
latrell | just the gparted program ..the option is not highlighted | 08:23 |
ActionParsnip | suigeneris: i thought you said you had a system crash | 08:23 |
ActionParsnip | latrell: gksudo gparted | 08:23 |
suigeneris | ActionParsnip, no, just an alsa crash | 08:23 |
latrell | ok | 08:23 |
latrell | ill search for that now one sec mate | 08:23 |
ActionParsnip | latrell: you'll need to do it from livecd so the partitions arent mounted | 08:23 |
matamou | hi, anyone know where to get Acer 7720Z laptop wireless drivers, im bored of this network cable ^^ | 08:24 |
matamou | oh, forgot to add the ? | 08:24 |
latrell | yeap i have that installed | 08:24 |
latrell | oh ok | 08:24 |
ActionParsnip | matamou: run lspci | 08:24 |
latrell | thats a good idea | 08:24 |
latrell | ill try that now | 08:24 |
matamou | how? | 08:24 |
ActionParsnip | matamou: that will tell you the wireless chip | 08:24 |
latrell | (its a totally dif computer) ill let u know how it goes | 08:24 |
ZeRo_FeniX_ | How can I browse the file system of my server through command lines? | 08:24 |
ActionParsnip | matamou: its a terminal command | 08:24 |
matamou | ok, thanks :) | 08:24 |
ziroday | ZeRo_FeniX_: err ls ? | 08:25 |
ActionParsnip | ZeRo_FeniX_: use 'cd' to enter folders. 'cd ..' to go up a folder. and 'ls' to list contents | 08:25 |
spike_ | gldtn: Emerald works ! | 08:26 |
ActionParsnip | matamou: once you know the wireless chip (i'llbet money its a broadcom with it being an acer) you can look into how to get it installed | 08:26 |
ZeRo_FeniX_ | Ah, getting the hang of it | 08:26 |
ianm_ | any ideas why usb-creator exits with "Install failed: Unable to determine the partition number." --- it detected the CD and usb stick correctly | 08:26 |
ZeRo_FeniX_ | What's the point of 'cd'? | 08:26 |
bullgard4 | [Ubuntu 8.04.2] Evolution > Edit > Plugins > Plugin Manager > left pane's list is missing the entries Attachment Reminder, Audio inline plugin, Automatic Contacts, Backup and restore plugin, Bogofilter junk plugin, Copy tool, Default Mail Client. What DEB program packages do I have to install in order to make these items appear? | 08:26 |
matamou | ok, google it is... thanks again, I used a lot of time finding the solution to this, and got it in 30sec in irc. heh | 08:27 |
=== Guest72205 is now known as Dave2 | ||
ActionParsnip | ZeRo_FeniX_: same commands as MSDOS in those situations excpept its cd .. and ot cd.. (note the space) | 08:27 |
ActionParsnip | matamou: its what you know that counts | 08:27 |
akventure | checking for BIO_new in -lcrypto... no | 08:28 |
akventure | configure: error: Could not find libcrypto. Try --disable-openssl | 08:28 |
akventure | ? | 08:28 |
ZeRo_FeniX_ | Alright, now I've figured out where my online files are (/var/www/...) Now how do I set it up so that I can connect to it via FTP? | 08:28 |
simplexio | akventure: hoe about sudo apt-get install libcrypto++-dev ?? | 08:29 |
ActionParsnip | ZeRo_FeniX_: | 08:29 |
armedking | Is there any way to Add a new Ubuntu user and at the same time make a Ftp user from it with the same Username and Password? | 08:29 |
akventure | will try | 08:30 |
ActionParsnip | armedking: if you run an ftp server, all users by default can log into ftp on the server they are on (if it runs one) | 08:30 |
chiguy | try what ? | 08:30 |
ZeRo_FeniX_ | TY, you're just repository of information :) | 08:30 |
ActionParsnip | armedking: and the default is to chroot them to their home dir on logon | 08:31 |
ActionParsnip | ZeRo_FeniX_: learning every day | 08:31 |
armedking | ActionParsnip: Yes that was my next point i have to make sure they are chrooted to ~ | 08:31 |
ZeRo_FeniX_ | What's the nix equivalent to the dos 'ipconfig' ? | 08:31 |
lstarnes | ZeRo_FeniX_: ifconfig | 08:31 |
armedking | ActionParsnip: but that i can figure out. Thanks for the heads up m8 | 08:31 |
akventure | chiguy... see simplexio comment | 08:32 |
ZeRo_FeniX_ | "-bash: ipconfig: command not found" | 08:32 |
ActionParsnip | armedking: np man, see the link I gave to ZeRo_FeniX_ above, creating the new user isnt needed for you in your case | 08:32 |
ActionParsnip | ZeRo_FeniX_: ifconfig | 08:32 |
jigp | hello guys where to locate the pidgin icon? what folder? | 08:32 |
gldtn | spike_, it does work.. but it still gives a problem.. but from some reading I did it can be ignored | 08:32 |
armedking | ActionParsnip: Cheers m8 | 08:32 |
gldtn | thanks crdlb | 08:32 |
ZeRo_FeniX_ | ActionParsnip: "-bash: ipconfig: command not found" | 08:33 |
jigp | where to locate the icons of the softwares like mozilla firefox , pidgin , gimp , notepad++ | 08:33 |
n2diy | ZeRo_FeniX_, good, try ifconfig | 08:33 |
ZeRo_FeniX_ | oh lol | 08:34 |
ActionParsnip | jigp: /usr/share/pixmaps/pidgin-menu.xpm maybe | 08:34 |
ZeRo_FeniX_ | helps to read | 08:34 |
n2diy | :) | 08:34 |
n2diy | I've munged my testbox with Sbackup. Synaptic thinks my apps are installed, but they aren't in the menus, and when I try to run them from the cli, apt-get reports they aren't installed!? Ideas? | 08:35 |
jigp | ActionParsnip : but I don't see the notepad++ that I installed using wine... | 08:35 |
ActionParsnip | jigp: try: wine ~/.wine/drive_c/Program\ Files\ <then tab complete stuff from there> | 08:36 |
ActionParsnip | jigp: unless you didnt install to program files | 08:36 |
kalvin_ | hi, can someone help, im tryin to make a shortcut to a folder on my external hard drive, but it wont allow me, how cna i do this? | 08:36 |
ActionParsnip | jigp: you get the idea | 08:36 |
jigp | ActionParsnip: yes. but I installed it in program files.. | 08:37 |
akventure | okay... i installed libcrypto... | 08:37 |
akventure | Setting up libcrypto++-dev (5.5.2-1) ... | 08:37 |
akventure | Processing triggers for libc6 ... | 08:37 |
akventure | ldconfig deferred processing now taking place | 08:37 |
FloodBot2 | akventure: Please don't flood, use to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 08:37 |
ActionParsnip | jigp: then if you tab complete stuff it will turn up | 08:38 |
akventure | but still get this: | 08:38 |
akventure | Setting up libcrypto++-dev (5.5.2-1) ... | 08:38 |
akventure | Processing triggers for libc6 ... | 08:38 |
akventure | ldconfig deferred processing now taking place | 08:38 |
jigp | ActionParsnip: also how to locate the executable files? like mozilla firefox , pidgin and other executable desktop softwares | 08:38 |
FloodBot2 | akventure: Please don't flood, use to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 08:38 |
ActionParsnip | akventure: use pastebin in futue please | 08:38 |
xSlack | Anyone know the free port range off hand | 08:38 |
ActionParsnip | jigp: which firefox; which pidgin which <whatever> | 08:38 |
ActionParsnip | xSlack: anything higher than 2000 should be fine | 08:39 |
akventure | ctrl "c" & ctrl "v" are outlawed? | 08:39 |
ActionParsnip | akventure: if its multiple lines like that then yes | 08:39 |
gldtn | how can I run MPD as myself at boot? I put mpd to run under gnome session and it runs as root, thus not reading the config files I have in my ~/ dir.. or do I need to link something together? | 08:39 |
jigp | ActionParsnip: the icons of pidgin , firefox etc? because I want to put them in my dock.where to locate the executable firefox ? | 08:39 |
ActionParsnip | akventure: imagine if we all started pasting huge blocks of text, the channel would be useless | 08:39 |
_DEL | i am having troube with my wireless card, hw do i activate it in terminal? its name is ath0 | 08:40 |
ActionParsnip | jigp: try rummaing round in the place i pasted earlied | 08:40 |
ActionParsnip | jigp: you could always run: sudo find / -name *.png | 08:41 |
n2diy | _DEL, sudo ifup ath0 | 08:41 |
jigp | ActionParsnip : what about the executable mozilla firefox.desktop? | 08:41 |
kop | I'm sure this question is getting old but <Xlib: extension "RANDR" missing on display ":0.0" > will RANDER & Nvidia /xinerama play nice w/each other on 8.10 or do I need a bigger hammer ? | 08:41 |
_DEL | n2diy, thank you | 08:41 |
crdlb | kop: you probably shouldn't be using Xinerama | 08:42 |
kalvin_ | im tryin to make a shortcut to a folder on my external hard drive, but it wont allow me, how cna i do this? | 08:42 |
n2diy | _DEL GL | 08:42 |
gldtn | did my question make since anyone? | 08:42 |
kop | crdlb, kinda fingered that but it is dual head | 08:42 |
ActionParsnip | jigp: thats just a glossy file that points to the executable and sets a tonne of other stuff, if you open the .desktop in a text editor it will tell you where its icon comes from | 08:43 |
carpii | gltdn, how are you starting it? | 08:43 |
dayo_ | what would you say is the recommended minimum free space for an 8.04 installation? | 08:43 |
SandGorgon | hi guys... i was trying out a program to send a UDP message to localhost at port 5005 - wireshark reports ICMP as Destination Port unreachable (also a message on UDP_CHECKSUM_INCORRECT) - any ideas on this ? | 08:43 |
dayo_ | or rather, what is the *ideal* free space for an 8.04 installation? | 08:43 |
crdlb | kop: the proper way is to just use twinview (ideally, you'd use XRandR 1.2, but nvidia only supports 1.1, which has no multimonitor capabilities) | 08:44 |
defrysk | dayo_, 10 gigs should do fine | 08:44 |
n2diy | dayo_, 5 gig | 08:44 |
_DEL | it will work on a 8 Gb hd, dayo_ | 08:44 |
ActionParsnip | dayo_: I'd say about 5% | 08:44 |
Jari-- | hi, anyone tried out the GNOME Pictures Folder screensaver? where does it pick up the images from ?? it's showing blank here | 08:44 |
Jari-- | I have tried ~/Pictures ~/Desktop/Pictures ... no luck | 08:45 |
crdlb | kop: it's a bit confusing because XRandR 1.2 and twinview both provide the Xinerama extension to let applications know where the physical monitors are in the full X screen (which contains both), but this is not the same as the Xinerama you enable in xorg.conf | 08:45 |
kop | crdlb, which brings us back to the original problem no gui or cmd line control of screen res atm | 08:45 |
ActionParsnip | Jari--: check te config for the screensaver. you may be able to make it a custom folder | 08:45 |
dayo_ | defrysk, n2diy, _DEL, ActionParsnip: thanks! :o) | 08:45 |
Jari-- | ActionParsnip: I have the config file, and it has no option for this | 08:46 |
=== bangky_ is now known as bangky | ||
ActionParsnip | Jari--: i dont use gnome so i can only mak intelligent guesses | 08:46 |
Jari-- | ActionParsnip: does KDE have screensaver for this? slideshow? | 08:47 |
_DEL | i prefer fluxbox environment | 08:47 |
n2diy | I've munged my testbox with Sbackup. Synaptic thinks my apps are installed, but they aren't in the menus, and when I try to run them from the cli, apt-get reports they aren't installed!? Ideas? | 08:48 |
ActionParsnip | Jari--: i think so, i dont use screensavers. i turn off my monitor. but yes i think it does | 08:48 |
crdlb | kop: pastebin your /etc/X11/xorg.conf | 08:48 |
ActionParsnip | _DEL +1 fluxbox | 08:48 |
ActionParsnip | Jari--: i think its one of the default screensavers in the xscreensavers package | 08:49 |
_DEL | my only prob, have a hard time remembering my terminal commands for all that i do, so many and brain has so little free space left | 08:50 |
ActionParsnip | Jari--: try: apt-cache search screen | grep -i saver | 08:50 |
horchata | is the amd64 image appropriate for a core i7 system? | 08:50 |
ActionParsnip | _DEL: just make scripts, no need to remember then :) | 08:50 |
_DEL | true that ActionParsnip | 08:51 |
ActionParsnip | horchata: if its a 64it chip then yes its fine | 08:51 |
crdlb | horchata: if you want 64bit, then yes | 08:51 |
lk_ | 谢谢 | 08:52 |
kop | crdlb, | 08:52 |
crdlb | kop: ok, you're using Xinerama, and you don't want to be | 08:52 |
kop | got that much | 08:53 |
Jari-- | ActionParsnip: I have like 300 screensavers installed and none of those can make a simple slideshow work ;D | 08:53 |
kop | option twinview and try again ? | 08:53 |
crdlb | kop: in ServerLayout, remove the Screen 1 line and the Xinerama line | 08:53 |
DigitalKiwi | each time jari speaks he lowers in level? | 08:53 |
ActionParsnip | Jari--: maybe someone else can help, or try later. different users on the channel an stuff | 08:53 |
DigitalKiwi | just imagine if he was jari++ | 08:54 |
DigitalKiwi | eventually he would be OVER 9000! | 08:54 |
crdlb | kop: you could additionally remove all the duplicate Screen/Device/Monitor sections, but that's not necessary since they'll no longer be referenced by ServerLayout | 08:54 |
ActionParsnip | DigitalKiwi: must be losing exp ;) | 08:54 |
kop | crdlb, you did get that this is a dual monitor setup ... | 08:54 |
crdlb | kop: yes | 08:54 |
lunixo | test | 08:54 |
ActionParsnip | test ok lunixo | 08:55 |
prince_jammys | Jari--: are the images huge files? | 08:55 |
crdlb | kop: twinview (and XRandR 1.2) use a single X screen, just like hacky Xinerama used to accomplish | 08:55 |
_DEL | !test | 08:57 |
ubottu | sigh... again? I'm busy here, I already told you it failed. | 08:57 |
Jari-- | prince_jammys: regular jpegs | 08:58 |
Jari-- | also, the plasma screensaver shows up a blank screen, but all of the opengl ones work OK | 08:58 |
prince_jammys | Jari--: i'm surprised you can't get a simple slide show | 08:58 |
ActionParsnip | haha !test is classic | 08:59 |
africaman | hi | 08:59 |
_DEL | yeah it is i like it | 08:59 |
africaman | how can i install GStreamer plugins for my pc | 09:00 |
ActionParsnip | _DEL you seen this one? | 09:00 |
ActionParsnip | I love you ubottu | 09:00 |
africaman | my sound will not work | 09:00 |
_DEL | i looked u the commands while back | 09:00 |
africaman | can any 1 help me | 09:00 |
_DEL | its posted on a site somewhere | 09:00 |
ActionParsnip | !ubottu | 09:01 |
ubottu | Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at - Usage info: | 09:01 |
bazhang | ubuntu-restricted-extras africaman | 09:01 |
defrysk | ! africaman > codecs | 09:01 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about africaman | 09:01 |
stickboy | gr, can't seem to install sigc++-2.0 perhaps is the package name changed? that's what an error message told me i required in order to build an app from source, but it's no where to be found. any ideas/ | 09:01 |
defrysk | ! codecs > africaman | 09:01 |
ubottu | africaman, please see my private message | 09:01 |
lunixo | question: why topics are typically technical? | 09:02 |
JesseW | lunixo: er, it's a technical forum, maybe? | 09:02 |
lunixo | isn't there anything else to discuss, just wondering! | 09:02 |
defrysk | lunixo, question, why why ? | 09:02 |
bazhang | lunixo, this is ubuntu support channel ; offtopic chat in #ubuntu-offtopic | 09:02 |
lunixo | i c | 09:02 |
lunixo | i must look like a fool. thanks for letting me know though! | 09:03 |
bazhang | np | 09:03 |
matamou | would it be smart to remove Vista from gparted? or what would be the best choice for this? | 09:04 |
Dykam | Need some help to get my wifi-dongle right. Atm, it does work using ndiswrapper, but only when outplugged during initial boot and plugged in when the ubuntu loading screen appears. Too late or too early and a reboot is needed to get wifi to work. Any idea to get it fixed? Ndiswrapper does report error's when pluggin the adaptor to late. | 09:04 |
Jari-- | prince_jammys: oops, it seems that I have two versions of xscreensaver installed | 09:05 |
kop | crdlb, now that the second monitor isn't there now ... | 09:05 |
ActionParsnip2 | Dykam: can you boot to recover root console with it in? | 09:05 |
Dykam | What do you mean? btw, I'm currently in ubuntu with wifi | 09:05 |
africaman | where can i locate this codes | 09:06 |
jigp | hello guys what is the best dock for ubuntu 8.04 gnome desktop?awn won't work to me | 09:06 |
bazhang | africaman, using the package manager | 09:06 |
crdlb | kop: now run nvidia-settings | 09:06 |
ActionParsnip2 | Dykam: reboot and press esc when grub shows up, select recovery mode and drop to root console (all with dongle in) you can then read dmesg. You may want to see if there is a bug report relating to the wifi chip you are using | 09:07 |
milda[UG] | hi, i trying to start IRC bouncer on my PC, i started it, but i can not connect BNC with my IRC client. It's working only with ip, but no with my local network IP 192.168.*.* or public IP .. can i fix it on my pc ? how ? | 09:07 |
ActionParsnip2 | Dykam: you could also try adding some bootoptions to disable acpi which may make it friendlier | 09:07 |
africaman | i have just installed gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly and it kind but it still do not work | 09:07 |
Dykam | why/what | 09:07 |
defrysk | gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad also installed africaman ? | 09:08 |
lk_ | some advices for learning linux | 09:08 |
ActionParsnip2 | Dykam: reboot, press esc to show grub menu, select recover mode for your current kernel, then select root console. type dmesg | less and use cursors to read up and down the log to see what is going on | 09:08 |
sleepy_cat | lk_: what linux platform u wanna learn | 09:08 |
bazhang | !rute | lk_ | 09:08 |
ubottu | lk_: documentation is to be found at and - General linux documentation: - | 09:08 |
ActionParsnip2 | Dykam: have the usb thing in all the time | 09:09 |
Dykam | ok | 09:09 |
Dykam | ActionParsnip2, is dmesg not logged/ | 09:09 |
ActionParsnip2 | Dykam: dmesg IS the log | 09:09 |
Dykam | because I can't reboot now, I've some downloads running | 09:09 |
africaman | yes | 09:09 |
bazhang | lk_ | 09:09 |
defrysk | log the log | 09:09 |
africaman | it has | 09:09 |
Dykam | ActionParsnip2, I know, but why reboot... it must be somewhere in the log already | 09:09 |
ActionParsnip2 | Dykam: you dont haveto do it immediately, jeez | 09:09 |
defrysk | africaman, what are you trying to play / | 09:09 |
defrysk | ? | 09:09 |
Dykam | sorry, ActionParsnip2, you sounded like it... | 09:09 |
ActionParsnip2 | Dykam: well you could also check that too, just for useful info | 09:10 |
africaman | defrysk>yes | 09:10 |
ActionParsnip2 | Dykam: its a computer, yu could tunr it off, go on holiday for 20 years and come back. It doesnt matter | 09:10 |
kop | crdlb, ok that's a first , it didn't segfault , now where to save EDID data ? | 09:10 |
africaman | my sound will not just come or sound | 09:10 |
Dykam | I know ActionParsnip2 :P I'm not stupid, I just yhought you where planning to help me at this moment :P | 09:10 |
ActionParsnip2 | Dykam: if you can have it in during a full boot to root console then you can read dmes there too | 09:10 |
defrysk | africaman, doubleclick your soundicon in the panel and see if all slides are open and unmuted | 09:11 |
ActionParsnip2 | Dykam: if the dmesg looks ok then start looking into extra kernel options | 09:11 |
fizzmahon | does anyone have their own website and can spare to help a fellah for 10 mins? | 09:11 |
white95 | How do you open a .conf file in tex mode in the console to use sudo | 09:11 |
_DEL | know f any good tutorials for fast track? the ones on the sight aint helping too much | 09:11 |
ActionParsnip2 | !ot | fizzmahon | 09:11 |
ubottu | fizzmahon: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks! | 09:11 |
seriouslycgi | weird - this is the first time ive had to change my xorg.conf on OZOS (to set up dual monitors) and the xorg.conf contains very little yet the screen is configured, its an e17 distro(dont know if that makes a difference) i just dont want to edit xorg if there is another file to edit instead ) | 09:11 |
kop | fizzmahon, what up ? | 09:11 |
Dykam | ActionParsnip2, dmesg does show errors when repluggin the wifi dongle. nevermind, I'll ask againif I've the appropiate logs | 09:12 |
c_nick | who wanted to learn linux here | 09:12 |
africaman | when i doubleclick it this is erro that show No volume control GStreamer plugins and/or devices found. | 09:12 |
crdlb | kop: erm, not sure, but it should let you configure multihead | 09:12 |
crdlb | nvidia isn't really my cup of tea | 09:12 |
neil_d | white95: do you mean "gksudo gedit <file> &" | 09:12 |
defrysk | africaman, that is weird | 09:12 |
=== ubuntu_ is now known as bobsd | ||
africaman | yes | 09:12 |
bobsd | hello there | 09:12 |
ActionParsnip2 | Dykam: you need to try and get to read it if it crashes, the sshd may start before the dongle is addressed so yu may be able to ssh in to check dmesg | 09:12 |
defrysk | africaman, did you have sound before ? | 09:12 |
c_nick | can u tell me which linux distribution u wanna learn..maybe i could guide u better.. | 09:12 |
africaman | yes | 09:13 |
white95 | neil_d: thanks i have to sticky that one always use it | 09:13 |
africaman | all the time | 09:13 |
Dykam | ssh in? | 09:13 |
defrysk | africaman, did you use packages from other distros , or mix repositories ? | 09:13 |
ActionParsnip2 | Dykam: yes, use ssh to get a remote console so you can access the system, as long as the server is running you can access it | 09:13 |
africaman | i install some addons for vmbox yesterday and today my sound will not come | 09:14 |
Dykam | ActionParsnip2, I don't have a second pc available... and absolute no experience with ssh | 09:14 |
_DEL | africaman probably needs drivers | 09:14 |
ActionParsnip2 | Dykam: hmm, not so good | 09:14 |
defrysk | africaman, i dont know much about vmbox, but maybe it has something to do with it, but its beyond my capabilities, sorry | 09:14 |
africaman | thanks any way | 09:15 |
sh1 | im unable to see my panel when i open a mozilla browser | 09:15 |
ziroday | sh1: try press F11 twice | 09:15 |
ActionParsnip2 | africaman: make sure you have installed the guest additions and that sound is enabled in the vbox's settings | 09:15 |
defrysk | africaman, maybe _DEL can help you out | 09:15 |
sh1 | ziroday: i have not enabled mozilla in full screen mode | 09:15 |
africaman | del> can u help me | 09:16 |
africaman | DEL>can u pls help | 09:16 |
defrysk | africaman, did you read ActionParsnip' s response ? | 09:16 |
africaman | yes | 09:16 |
defrysk | good | 09:16 |
africaman | i am on it | 09:16 |
dayo_ | how do i upgrade one package? | 09:16 |
ziroday | sh1: okay, try hold alt and left click to move the window down | 09:16 |
bohemian | anyone has a script that can be simply ran to shutdown the system with root access? | 09:16 |
ziroday | dayo_: open update manager deselect every pacakge besides that one and update | 09:16 |
doc`` | ok my speakers (usb-ones) are fucked up | 09:16 |
_DEL | im not good with it, but i seem to always have probs like that, ussually turns out to be drivers africaman | 09:16 |
Pontif_La_Rouge | I could really use some one on one help | 09:16 |
sh1 | ziroday: surprisingly it worked | 09:16 |
seriouslycgi | my onboard graphics isnt showing in lspci what else can i do to find it? | 09:17 |
doc`` | they find them sometimes but sometims not | 09:17 |
dayo_ | ziroday: on the server. not the desktop | 09:17 |
ziroday | sh1: great to hear it | 09:17 |
sh1 | the full screen checkbox us unchecked | 09:17 |
defrysk | dayo_, sudo apt-get upgrade <package> | 09:17 |
sh1 | i dont know how it worked | 09:17 |
ziroday | dayo_: sudo aptitude upgrade <packagename> should work | 09:17 |
ActionParsnip2 | africaman: if you dont have vbox guest additions you dont get much in the way of virtual hardware | 09:17 |
Pontif_La_Rouge | has anyone had experience with HP Pavilion TX2000 to run ubuntu? | 09:17 |
sh1 | ziroday: can you elaborate on the command? | 09:17 |
ziroday | sh1: sorry, not quite following you :). What can I do for you? | 09:18 |
ActionParsnip2 | Pontif_La_Rouge: what piece of hardware is rtroubling you? | 09:18 |
dayo_ | defrysk, ziroday: ok, i'll try that on my desktop first to see if it works | 09:18 |
Pontif_La_Rouge | Ahhh ActionParsnip, I left kubuntu and went for ubuntu, got my wifi working straight off | 09:18 |
africaman | i installed the gust additions last 9t | 09:18 |
ActionParsnip2 | Pontif_La_Rouge: cool | 09:18 |
Pontif_La_Rouge | ha | 09:18 |
Pontif_La_Rouge | but everything else is giving me trouble | 09:18 |
ActionParsnip2 | Pontif_La_Rouge: like what? | 09:19 |
bohemian | ActionParsnip2: >anyone has a script that can be simply ran to shutdown the system with root access? | 09:19 |
sh1 | ziroday: can you tell me why F11 need to be pressed twice. and everytime i open mozilla. i need to press F11 twice to see the panel | 09:19 |
Pontif_La_Rouge | the touchscreen, getting the screen to rotate | 09:19 |
defrysk | dayo_, if its a downloaded package sudo dpkg -i /path/to/package | 09:19 |
Daft_Punk | is there a way to have the icon text (for the icons on desktop) to be readable on light AND dark backgrounds? (like in windows) | 09:19 |
ActionParsnip2 | bohemian: sudo shutdown -h now | 09:19 |
ziroday | sh1: ah right with you, because for some reason firefox has decided to open up in full screen mode by default. You can try delete/move your profile and see if that fixes it | 09:19 |
ActionParsnip2 | Pontif_La_Rouge: i'd websearch the model name with ubuntu on the end, ive never setup touchscreen | 09:19 |
Pontif_La_Rouge | and also if there's a way to shut off the annoying beep sound everytime I hit backspace too much or what have you would be fantastic | 09:20 |
Roxy | I had a quick question, I am trying to upgrade from Feisty to Gutsy but the upgrade keeps failing and apparently the prerequists-sources.list file has the original archive location listed and I don't know what to change it to. | 09:20 |
ActionParsnip2 | Pontif_La_Rouge: blacklist the pcspkr module and sudo rmmod it | 09:20 |
sh1 | ziroday: if full screen profile is enabled View->FullScreen check box must be checked. however in my case it is unchecked | 09:20 |
africaman | actionparsnip2> i have not install any os yet and i ust added the guest addition and some addons vmbox | 09:20 |
Cycom | Pontif_La_Rouge: blacklist is in /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist | 09:20 |
bohemian | ActionParsnip2: thanks, but how do i create a script that other user can simply run and i can embed the sudo password.. by the way i use sudo poweroff, how do they differ with shutdown -h | 09:21 |
ziroday | sh1: as I said, I have no idea why it does it. If you want a permanent fix then you can try deleting/moving your firefox profile. | 09:21 |
sh1 | ah | 09:21 |
sh1 | aye, thank you | 09:21 |
shruggar | every now and then, the window list on my panel just stops showing any new windows. removing the window list from the panel and re-adding it doesn't help, though restarting X seems to. Any ideas? | 09:21 |
shruggar | the "window selector" menu does seem to show all the windows | 09:22 |
ActionParsnip | bohemian: you'd have to make the shutdown command not need sudo which is a risky game | 09:22 |
ActionParsnip | africaman: how can you install guest additions if you dont have an OS installed on the vbox? | 09:23 |
defrysk | shruggar, you mean of the same desktop, of from all desktops ? | 09:23 |
ActionParsnip | bohemian: | 09:24 |
shruggar | defrysk, I'm not using multiple desktops | 09:24 |
shruggar | defrysk, and I have tried turning on multiple desktops and switching between, last time this happened. no difference | 09:24 |
bohemian | ActionParsnip thanks for the reminder but i'm using Userful Multiplier program that creadtes mulseats in ubuntu but it can't shutdown with normal unless you excute command in terminal | 09:24 |
defrysk | shruggar, you can check the prefs of your window list | 09:25 |
_DEL | join #fasttrack | 09:25 |
defrysk | shruggar, its possible window grouping has been turned on | 09:25 |
ActionParsnip | bohemian: if you check that link, it links to a gentoo page which will allow you to put users in a shutdown group, then give the shutdown group admin access over the shutdown command | 09:26 |
ActionParsnip | bohemian: this will allow you huge control | 09:26 |
bohemian | ActionParsnip yes reading now thanks | 09:26 |
ActionParsnip | bohemian: np | 09:26 |
Roxy | I had a quick question, I am trying to upgrade from Feisty to Gutsy but the upgrade keeps failing and apparently the prerequists-sources.list file has the original archive location listed and I don't know what to change it to. <--- Oh and I can't locate a suitable fix so the system will use old-release instead of archive. | 09:27 |
constantine | best book for learning ubuntu, any suggestions? | 09:27 |
Pontif_La_Rouge | so what if I put in /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist and it says permission denied | 09:27 |
shruggar | defrysk, actually.. I don't remember this happening before, but selecting "show windows from all workspaces" shows everything | 09:27 |
bazhang | constantine or ubuntu kung fu | 09:27 |
defrysk | shruggar, maybe you have more desktops running without knowing it ? | 09:27 |
corinth | Anyone know the terminal command to have Elisa do a complete rescan of my collection? | 09:28 |
kop | crdlb, this too has it's down side ... | 09:28 |
constantine | bazhang thanks I'll check it otu | 09:28 |
constantine | out | 09:28 |
shruggar | defrysk, is "desktop" the same as "workspace"? Everything is currently visible in front of me, it's only on the window list that it's not showing them | 09:28 |
kop | crdlb, maximizing a window REALLY maximizes it | 09:29 |
defrysk | desktop is not same as workspace | 09:29 |
n2diy | I've munged my testbox with Sbackup. Synaptic thinks my apps are installed, but they aren't in the menus, and when I try to run them from the cli, apt-get reports they aren't installed!? Ideas? | 09:29 |
akventure | I'm having a real problem getting ZNC to properly install on Ubuntu 8.04 | 09:29 |
akventure | | 09:29 |
Pontif_La_Rouge | I'm really enjoying ubuntu, but I hate the feeling that everytime I enter something in terminal and it doesn't work that I'm screwing stuff up badly | 09:29 |
defrysk | shruggar, workspace is the deskop you actually see | 09:29 |
shruggar | defrysk, where do I configure multiple desktops, then? | 09:30 |
crdlb | shruggar: are you sure your window manager isn't dying? | 09:30 |
n2diy | Pontif_La_Rouge, as long as you aren't using sudo, you aren't screwing anything up. | 09:30 |
crdlb | kop: mhh, that shouldn't happen as long as both monitors are enabled when X starts | 09:30 |
defrysk | shruggar, add a workspace switcher to your panel | 09:30 |
matamou | hi, so how do I remove that crappy Vista from my hard drive using Ubuntu? If i try something myself ill screw up this whole computer! | 09:30 |
crdlb | kop: XRandR 1.2 doesn't have that limitation, but of course nvidia hasn't added support yet, still | 09:30 |
Pontif_La_Rouge | crdlb, you workingo n getting screen rotation working? | 09:31 |
defrysk | shruggar, and set it to the amount of workspaces you wish | 09:31 |
crdlb | kop: also, you can statically enable twinview in your xorg.conf, but I have _absolutely_ no idea how that's done | 09:31 |
Pontif_La_Rouge | or are you just discussing | 09:31 |
shruggar | crdlb, new windows still get decorated, can be moved, clicked on, raised, etc, those are all functions of a window manager, right? | 09:31 |
crdlb | shruggar: yeah | 09:31 |
defrysk | shruggar, and it is the same , sorry | 09:31 |
kop | crdlb, I'll find it , some day | 09:31 |
crdlb | shruggar: which window manager are you using? it looks like that taskbar stops working without a WM, so maybe the WM is breaking in some respect | 09:31 |
akventure | mkdir: cannot create directory `/usr/local/include/znc': Permission denied | 09:32 |
akventure | make: *** [install] Error 1 | 09:32 |
kop | crdlb, it's this or deal with ATI or MAtrox or ... | 09:32 |
akventure | | 09:32 |
chilli0 | Hey all, Does anyone know how to bridge ubuntu wireless with xbox360? so the xbox360 doesn't need an adapter (P.S i dont have a xbox 360 yet i might get one if i can do this) | 09:32 |
crdlb | Pontif_La_Rouge: just trying to help kop setup twinview | 09:32 |
Pontif_La_Rouge | have any advice on setting up window rotation? | 09:32 |
kop | crdlb, Thank You | 09:32 |
shruggar | defrysk, I've had a workspace switcher on the whole time, though I've set "number of workspaces" to 1 (I've got two monitors and one workspace here at work, while at home I have one monitor and two workspaces, so having the switcher turned on lines things visually the way I'm used to seeing it) | 09:32 |
shruggar | crdlb, I'm using whatever the default is. I tried using compiz for a while, but my video card at work can't handle it at a decent resolution, so I think I'm back to the default now | 09:33 |
n2diy | Does Ubuntu/Linux have a decent Flight Simulator now? | 09:33 |
dishwasherjoe | I have a disk I want mounting at start-up, how would I go about doing this? | 09:33 |
ActionParsnip | !ics | chilli0 | 09:33 |
ubottu | chilli0: If you want to share the internet connection of your ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see - You may also use !firestarter: | 09:33 |
shruggar | crdlb, (ubuntu 8.04) | 09:33 |
crdlb | shruggar: hmm, it's _extremely_ unlikely that metacity would break like that (which is what you'd have with visual effects on None) | 09:34 |
ActionParsnip | !info flightgear | n2diy | 09:34 |
chilli0 | Thanks actionParsnip | 09:34 |
ubottu | flightgear (source: flightgear): Flight Gear Flight Simulator. In component universe, is extra. Version 1.0.0-3ubuntu1 (intrepid), package size 2223 kB, installed size 5924 kB | 09:34 |
panesar_sandeep | <chilli0>: why don't u try using some emulator for linux | 09:34 |
n2diy | ActionParsnip, thanks. | 09:34 |
ActionParsnip | np chilli0 | 09:34 |
ActionParsnip | np n2diy | 09:34 |
doc`` | ok, is it just me or in unraring in ubuntu way slower then windows? | 09:34 |
panesar_sandeep | chilli0 : get a free xbox emulator and joystics | 09:34 |
chilli0 | mm | 09:34 |
chilli0 | does it work very well? | 09:35 |
defrysk | doc``, its you ;) | 09:35 |
dishwasherjoe | Yeah I've noticed that aswell doc | 09:35 |
ActionParsnip | doc``: never timed it i must say | 09:35 |
shruggar | crdlb, yeah, visual effects are set to "none" and ps -fe|grep metacity lists a process | 09:35 |
doc`` | i mean it feels really slow | 09:35 |
dishwasherjoe | Especially for split rar's | 09:36 |
_DEL | know a room for metasploit? | 09:36 |
doc`` | yes split rars is what im doing | 09:36 |
ActionParsnip | doc``: could always run winrar in wine to see if its faster | 09:36 |
shruggar | is there any way to ask a window what workspace it thinks it's on? | 09:36 |
panesar_sandeep | chilli0 : m not sure cause i hv jst heard about it but if u would b able 2 run the emulator on your system u can buy joystics later. | 09:36 |
chilli0 | mmk il have a look | 09:36 |
doc`` | feels like a bad workaround though | 09:36 |
DigitalKiwi | !u | 09:37 |
ubottu | U is the 21st letter of the modern latin alphabet. Neither 'U' or 'Ur' are words in the English language. Nor are 'R', 'Y', 'l8', 'Ne1' or 'Bcuz'. Mangled English is hard for non-native English speakers. Please see for more information. | 09:37 |
akventure | why would permission be denied when i try to make a directory? | 09:37 |
crdlb | shruggar: if you can see it, it's on the current workspace :) | 09:37 |
ActionParsnip | doc``: its proprietary | 09:37 |
lolipop | where can we get a free crossover linux :P | 09:37 |
ActionParsnip | lolipop: you dont | 09:37 |
ActionParsnip | lolipop: i think yuo can get a trial period | 09:37 |
defrysk | DigitalKiwi, :) | 09:37 |
akventure | mkdir: cannot create directory `/usr/local/include/znc': Permission denied | 09:37 |
AlexALX | salutare | 09:38 |
dishwasherjoe | I have a disk I want mounting at start-up, how would I go about doing this? | 09:38 |
panesar_sandeep | chilli0 : | 09:38 |
shruggar | crdlb, is there a way to restart the window manager without restarting X / closing all open things? | 09:38 |
ActionParsnip | akventure: sudo mkdir /usr/local/include/znc | 09:38 |
AlexALX | e cineva din ro? | 09:38 |
lolipop | ActionParnsip: too bad | 09:38 |
crdlb | shruggar: you can run 'metacity --replace' in Alt+f2 | 09:38 |
ActionParsnip | lolipop: well its paid for software, try wine instead | 09:38 |
panesar_sandeep | chilli0 : sorry no emulators for linux | 09:39 |
omfgeiwhtqer | why arent there many good polished closed source non free apps for linux? (like pixelmator, coda, etc, etc on mac) | 09:39 |
panesar_sandeep | chilli0 : but u can get one for windows and den run it via wine | 09:39 |
AlexALX | how do i make a openvpn tunnel???? | 09:39 |
lolipop | ActionParsnip: i need to run Adobe software :( | 09:39 |
panesar_sandeep | just give it a try | 09:39 |
AlexALX | how do i make an openvpn tunnel???? | 09:39 |
ActionParsnip | omfgeiwhtqer: what do those do? | 09:39 |
bohemian | ActionParsnip regarding gentoo wiki for creating groups with shutdown permission, the article is removed. you have other links? | 09:39 |
n2diy | ActionParsnip, wow, Flightgear is a large program. | 09:39 |
ActionParsnip | lolipop: then you could try qemu or shell out for crossover / cedega | 09:40 |
omfgeiwhtqer | just examples of non free apps | 09:40 |
shruggar | crdlb, well now /xchat/ is showing up on the list.. so.. it's different to what it was :) | 09:40 |
ActionParsnip | n2diy: its a full 3d game, of course it is | 09:40 |
Pontif_La_Rouge | is there any easy way to change the look of ubuntu? | 09:40 |
omfgeiwhtqer | why arent there many non free DESKTOP linux apps | 09:40 |
omfgeiwhtqer | Pontif_La_Rouge: is there any easy way to change the look of ubuntu?; it is easy | 09:40 |
ActionParsnip | bohemian: try websearch: ubuntu shutdown as user | 09:40 |
bazhang | omfgeiwhtqer, closed source? | 09:40 |
omfgeiwhtqer | closed source and non free | 09:40 |
AlexALX | is there enyone how can answere me please? | 09:40 |
ActionParsnip | omfgeiwhtqer: open office is a desktop app and is free | 09:40 |
defrysk | omfgeiwhtqer, you seen to think non-free is usually better ? | 09:40 |
defrysk | seem* | 09:41 |
n2diy | ActionParsnip, five years ago I couldn't get it to install on FC1, so why am I complaining? | 09:41 |
AlexALX | buzz | 09:41 |
omfgeiwhtqer | yes | 09:41 |
bazhang | omfgeiwhtqer, please take this chat to #ubuntu-offtopic | 09:41 |
defrysk | omfgeiwhtqer, you must be a troll | 09:41 |
omfgeiwhtqer | no | 09:41 |
ActionParsnip | omfgeiwhtqer: i could name a billion apps but im not going to | 09:41 |
omfgeiwhtqer | name just 3 | 09:41 |
bazhang | omfgeiwhtqer, its offtopic here. | 09:41 |
omfgeiwhtqer | pm | 09:41 |
shruggar | crdlb, but still not all the windows :/ | 09:41 |
* defrysk smells a troll | 09:41 | |
AlexALX | buzz | 09:41 |
AlexALX | buzz | 09:41 |
AlexALX | buzz | 09:41 |
FloodBot2 | AlexALX: Please don't flood, use to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 09:41 |
ActionParsnip | omfgeiwhtqer: firefox, pidgin, thunderbird, wine, devede | 09:41 |
omfgeiwhtqer | firefox is free | 09:42 |
omfgeiwhtqer | and open source | 09:42 |
ActionParsnip | omfgeiwhtqer: tuxracer, urban terror | 09:42 |
ActionParsnip | omfgeiwhtqer: they are all available for linux and open source | 09:42 |
shruggar | crdlb, (I ran: nohup metacity --replace >/dev/null 2>&1 & from within X ) | 09:42 |
n2diy | ActionParsnip, is Flightgear going to run ok on plain jane hardware? | 09:42 |
omfgeiwhtqer | plus mozzila has a way of earning money from it | 09:42 |
ActionParsnip | n2diy: runs ok on my 1.6Ghz AM2 with 1Gb RAM and onboard nvidia 6250 | 09:42 |
ActionParsnip | omfgeiwhtqer: thats because it makes it so it can charge | 09:43 |
dash84 | a 14 y/r wrote the first code for firefox | 09:43 |
DigitalKiwi | someone just told me in another channel urban terror was not open source | 09:43 |
DigitalKiwi | so which is it | 09:43 |
dash84 | using netscape as a base | 09:43 |
fakebird | yeahhhhhhhhh | 09:43 |
omfgeiwhtqer | how the hell is, for eg, somebody going to make a website editor and earn money from it by giving it away for free | 09:43 |
stickboy | Anyone know how to get dia to export an ER diagram as a MySQL script? | 09:43 |
panesar_sandeep | dash84: thats quiet amazing | 09:43 |
fakebird | fapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfap | 09:43 |
bazhang | omfgeiwhtqer, please stop | 09:43 |
panesar_sandeep | hail opensource | 09:43 |
* akventure thinks ActionParsnip may be the only one doling out help on the channel | 09:43 | |
panesar_sandeep | :) | 09:43 |
joejc | how do i get my comuter to boot without having a keyboard connected? | 09:43 |
dash84 | sarcasm? | 09:44 |
n2diy | ActionParsnip, ok, the cpu I can match, my ram is 256m, and the v-card is plain jane onboard whatever. Time will tell. | 09:44 |
ActionParsnip | joejc: tell your bios to no halt on any errors (like no keyboard no mouse etc) | 09:44 |
akventure | observation | 09:44 |
Seedso | joejc, installed ssh? | 09:44 |
joejc | yes | 09:44 |
ActionParsnip | n2diy: just tweak settings | 09:44 |
joejc | would that be under file, storage, security, power or advanced? | 09:45 |
n2diy | ActionParsnip, I've been playing with linux for ten years, that comes as a given. :) | 09:45 |
Roxy | Anyone available to help, currently? | 09:46 |
ActionParsnip | n2diy: i assume nothing in here, millions have only used it a week. I treat everyone equal | 09:46 |
ActionParsnip | !ask | roxy | 09:46 |
ubottu | roxy: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) | 09:46 |
chilli0 | panesar_sandeep: looks like none are avalible | 09:47 |
matamou | Please help me! How do I remove Vista from a partition in my hard drive, not messing up Ubuntu? | 09:47 |
n2diy | ActionParsnip, We're all newbies. :) | 09:47 |
ActionParsnip | n2diy: indeed | 09:47 |
shadeslayer | can someone point me to a repo where i can find Xtleds?? | 09:47 |
joejc | whats network service boot? | 09:47 |
Roxy | Oh I see, sorry "I had a quick question, I am trying to upgrade from Feisty to Gutsy but the upgrade keeps failing and apparently the prerequists-sources.list file has the original archive location listed and I don't know what to change it to." | 09:47 |
Phreakish | matamou all i hav found is to reformat C: | 09:47 |
ActionParsnip | matamou: format the partition would be my guess, it will remove ALL data on the partition so copy out anything you want beforehand | 09:47 |
ZeRo_FeniX_ | What's the command to go to a directory there's ls and c something | 09:48 |
* shadeslayer shakes n2diy hands and welcomes him to the ' open ' worls | 09:48 | |
ActionParsnip | !upgrade | Roxy | 09:48 |
ubottu | Roxy: For upgrading, see the instructions at - see also | 09:48 |
shadeslayer | **************d | 09:48 |
shadeslayer | *d | 09:48 |
Phreakish | cd | 09:48 |
ActionParsnip | ZeRo_FeniX_: cd | 09:48 |
ZeRo_FeniX_ | ty | 09:48 |
panesar_sandeep | chilli0: u can try cxbx by using it via wine, just giv it a try | 09:48 |
matamou | ActionParsnip : will it harm the grub? | 09:48 |
n2diy | shadeslayer, thanks | 09:49 |
shadeslayer | :) | 09:49 |
Phreakish | would anybody know why an avi file which plays normally on windows skips in totem | 09:49 |
shadeslayer | n2diy: what are you using?? | 09:49 |
Pontif_La_Rouge | how would I add a command to the rc file in /etc/init.d? | 09:49 |
Phreakish | while all the rest play fine | 09:49 |
shadeslayer | Phreakish: use VLC | 09:50 |
n2diy | shadeslayer, 1.6g amd, 256m ram, 8g HD, running Hardy | 09:50 |
oskar- | Phreakish, i suggest an error in the file, which some codecs can handle and some not | 09:50 |
shadeslayer | hardy?? why not lbex?? | 09:50 |
kraut | moin | 09:50 |
n2diy | shadeslayer, LTS | 09:51 |
shadeslayer | ah | 09:51 |
shadeslayer | hm still cant that repo | 09:51 |
Daft_Punk | is there a way to have the icon text (for the icons on desktop) to be readable on light AND dark backgrounds? (like in windows) | 09:51 |
Roxy | Oh ActionParsnip, I already modified the sources.list file with the altered old-release lines. My problem is that when I attempt to do the version upgrade the manager defaults to " feisty-backports main/debian-installer" which doesn't exist and the prerequists-sources.list will not accept the old-release address | 09:51 |
shadeslayer | ActionParsnip: is xtleds added in the Kubuntu repos?? | 09:51 |
Phreakish | thats another problem when i click vlc media player nothing happens | 09:51 |
ZeRo_FeniX_ | How do I create a new file? | 09:51 |
ActionParsnip | !info xtleds | 09:51 |
ubottu | Package xtleds does not exist in intrepid | 09:51 |
shadeslayer | Daft_Punk: use a GTK theme | 09:52 |
Phreakish | same if i right click avi and hit play with vlc | 09:52 |
shadeslayer | checked that already | 09:52 |
n2diy | shadeslayer, I don't need LTS, but I like setting comfortable for three years, if I wanted to upgrade every six months, I could use Windows! :) | 09:52 |
oskar- | ZeRo_FeniX_, touch <filename> | 09:52 |
panesar_sandeep | chilli0: so , is it working ??? | 09:52 |
cooldduuudde | phreakish try running vlc in terminal and see what error you get | 09:52 |
ActionParsnip | Roxy: you could edit all the codenames of your release to the next one up in /etc/apt/sources.list | 09:52 |
shadeslayer | n2diy: well i like to be on top of things | 09:52 |
Roxy | Okay | 09:52 |
ActionParsnip | Roxy: if its that old, i'd recommend a clen in stall of intrepid / hardy (or wait a few weeks for Jaunty) | 09:52 |
cooldduuudde | cooldduuudde | 09:53 |
Daft_Punk | shadeslayer, i am using a gtk theme but using a file in my home dir, i can only make the text for icons white or black, not white with black outline or something so they can be seen on both dark and light bg's | 09:53 |
|HSO|SadiQ | I get disconnected from the internet .... NetworkManager: <WARN> pppd_timed_out(): Looks like pppd didn't initialize our dbus module | 09:53 |
ActionParsnip | Roxy: there may be a more graceful way to do it but im not sure | 09:53 |
Phreakish | cooldduuudde vlc is not supposed to be run as root | 09:53 |
Roxy | Alright, I just assumed Feisty wasn't all that old | 09:53 |
n2diy | shadeslayer, so did I, and then I got burned with the DOS 6.0/6.2 BS, where running chkdsk killed your HD. | 09:53 |
Roxy | I'll try modifying the lines though | 09:53 |
|HSO|SadiQ | !network | 09:53 |
ubottu | Wireless documentation can be found at | 09:53 |
cooldduuudde | phreakish i just said run in terminal, not as root | 09:53 |
shadeslayer | Daft_Punk: Daft_Punk: hmm,maybe you can customize the theme | 09:53 |
Phreakish | i am logged in as root | 09:53 |
shadeslayer | oops | 09:53 |
shadeslayer | :O | 09:53 |
cooldduuudde | lol...then log in as normal user | 09:54 |
Daft_Punk | shadeslayer, that is not an option for a GTK theme | 09:54 |
* shadeslayer nevers logs in as root | 09:54 | |
ZeRo_FeniX_ | I found this guide on how to setup some stuff for phpmyadmin and it say to: 3. Go to /etc/httpd/conf.d directory and create a file with the name phpMyAdmin.conf (anything with the .conf extension will be parsed by Apache) and write a simple command: Alias /phpMyAdmin /usr/share/phpMyAdmin but something doesn't exist anyone have any ideas what to do here? | 09:54 |
panesar_sandeep | chilli0: | 09:54 |
shadeslayer | Daft_Punk: uh yes it is | 09:54 |
=== nikolas_ is now known as Assurbanipal | ||
Phreakish | is there any way to run it in root just out of curiosity | 09:54 |
ZeRo_FeniX_ | the httpd dir doesn't exist is it | 09:54 |
Daft_Punk | shadeslayer, ok where is the option in any GTK theme (default) to change just the text color of the desktop icons? | 09:54 |
ZeRo_FeniX_ | so I'm assuming that there's a different place where I should be making this file. | 09:54 |
shadeslayer | Daft_Punk: use rt click>appearences>theme>customizw | 09:54 |
shadeslayer | *e | 09:54 |
Daft_Punk | shadeslayer, there is no option in there... | 09:55 |
shadeslayer | in colors | 09:55 |
shadeslayer | tab | 09:55 |
cooldduuudde | phreakish wait a min | 09:56 |
shadeslayer | Daft_Punk: colors tab>selected items | 09:56 |
shadeslayer | >text | 09:57 |
cooldduuudde | nope gksudo vlc isn't workin....u can't run it as root | 09:57 |
SuperMoopies | Lets say I wanted to check then set updates to download automatically only at 2-6 AM. How would I go about doing that ? A crontab with some kind of apt-get update && (something here) ? | 09:57 |
b3rz3rk3r | Daft_Punk, hey dude ;) | 09:57 |
ZeRo_FeniX_ | Any ideas where I should make this file? as stated above? | 09:57 |
Daft_Punk | shadeslayer, perhaps you are unsure as to what i am trying to accomplish, you know the icons on your gnome desktop? they have text underneath them to identify what the icon is. the text is default white, but can be changed to black or another SOLID color by creating a file in your home directory with a simple script that overrides the default. I want to make the text black with a WHITE outline or vise versa so it can be seen on both | 09:57 |
Daft_Punk | light and dark backgrounds, the way you have mentioned is to change all the text in gnome, not just the desktop ones, also, it does not affect desktop text at all | 09:57 |
b3rz3rk3r | Daft_Punk, i thought you solved that last week? | 09:57 |
|HSO|SadiQ | is there an alternative for network-manager?? | 09:58 |
oskar- | SuperMoopies, you may want to use unattended upgrades | 09:58 |
ActionParsnip | SuperMoopies: apt-cron ;) | 09:58 |
shadeslayer | ooohhhhh | 09:58 |
ActionParsnip | !info apt-cron | 09:58 |
ubottu | Package apt-cron does not exist in intrepid | 09:58 |
Daft_Punk | b3rz3rk3r, why is your not b3r now? also, no, that was to solve it for LIGHT backgronds (changing it to black) but some backgrounds are light AND dark (like a gradient) and renders that useless | 09:58 |
ActionParsnip | !info cron-apt | 09:58 |
ubottu | cron-apt (source: cron-apt): automatic update of packages using apt-get. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.6.6 (intrepid), package size 24 kB, installed size 220 kB | 09:58 |
phreakish | cooldduuudde thanx | 09:58 |
SuperMoopies | ActionParsnip, I'm in Hardy | 09:58 |
ZeRo_FeniX_ | does it matter where I put a .conf file for apache to read it> | 09:58 |
Tarinaky | I have a friend who needs '3c509.ko'. I don't use Ubuntu so I've no idea how to find out what package he needs to install. | 09:59 |
shadeslayer | ActionParsnip: find that repo?? | 09:59 |
ActionParsnip | ZeRo_FeniX_: yes it has to be where its expected | 09:59 |
SuperMoopies | oskar-, how would I check in to that | 09:59 |
ActionParsnip | shadeslayer: which repo? | 09:59 |
shadeslayer | xtleds | 09:59 |
b3rz3rk3r | Daft_Punk, hehe, ,that sux.. so you want inverse color scheme now? | 09:59 |
matamou | is it possible to backup the Whole ubuntu to a usb-hard drive so that I could bring everything back up after I format my hard drive? | 09:59 |
Tarinaky | I did a google search but this would be easier if I knew what sites or tools you're meant to look this up with. | 09:59 |
ZeRo_FeniX_ | ActionParsnip: Well I'm trying to make a .conf file with this in it "Alias /phpMyAdmin /usr/share/phpMyAdmin" where should I put it to work correctly? any ideas? | 10:00 |
Daft_Punk | b3rz3rk3r, no, i have a background that has a gradient from light to dark and i need the text on icons to be viewable so i need them to be dual colored, or shadowed, or bordered or something like in windows so you can always see it | 10:00 |
doc`` | ok has anybody used some usb speakers, mine are driving me crazy, have them working but not properly | 10:00 |
Daft_Punk | b3rz3rk3r, why is your name b3r now instead of b3z | 10:00 |
ActionParsnip | shadeslayer: | 10:00 |
panesar_sandeep_ | chilli0: heres something for bridging i suppose, | 10:00 |
phreakish | hey cooldduuudde if you can run stuff as root using sudo why do hackers always try to gain root | 10:00 |
b3rz3rk3r | Daft_Punk, ah.. just felt like a change | 10:00 |
phreakish | sorry if im dumb | 10:01 |
panesar_sandeep_ | :how do u imploy reverse programming/engineering on windows applications | 10:01 |
Mal3ko | is there something way to tweak to achieve smooth connection | 10:01 |
oskar- | SuperMoopies, it is in unattended-upgrades. but maybe it is not so comfortable in deciding when the download should take place | 10:01 |
Mal3ko | something to* | 10:01 |
SuperMoopies | oskar-, ehh | 10:01 |
Daft_Punk | b3rz3rk3r, damn text is driving me insane | 10:02 |
panesar_sandeep_ | :how do u imploy reverse programming/engineering on windows applications | 10:02 |
NateBenton | Hi there, everybody :) | 10:02 |
panesar_sandeep_ | hi | 10:02 |
Daft_Punk | NateBenton, floods? | 10:03 |
NateBenton | I bought myself a dedicated server the other day and plan to rack her in Chicago on the 8th, choosing Ubuntu as my distro of choice for the OS. | 10:03 |
kop | panesar_sandeep, at the risk of getting the boot , "with a bigger fsck'n hammer" | 10:03 |
b3rz3rk3r | Daft_Punk, i realize that this isnt really a good fix for your problem, but in the mean time a plain background would do the trick no? At least until you can figure out this text color junk | 10:03 |
NateBenton | However, my only problem is it doesn't have a CD drive. No problem there's the netboot, right? But does the server edition have a netboot version? :/ | 10:03 |
panesar_sandeep_ | kop: wat does dat mean | 10:04 |
ZeRo_FeniX_ | anyone know any opensource alternatives to cPanel? | 10:04 |
NateBenton | ZeRo_FeniX_: zPanel | 10:04 |
NateBenton | not open source, but free. | 10:04 |
NateBenton | It also has Zantastico. | 10:04 |
n2diy | panesar_sandeep, That is probably beyond the scope of this channel, maybe the folks in #linux-kernel would have a clue? | 10:04 |
ActionParsnip | ZeRo_FeniX_: what is cpanel, we have no idea | 10:04 |
NateBenton | The free alternative to Fantastico :PO | 10:04 |
kop | panesar_sandeep, honestly w/o being a M$ partner the only way is emulation | 10:04 |
NateBenton | I'm going to be using zpanel myself ZeRo_FeniX_ | 10:04 |
|HSO|SadiQ | I get disconnected from the internet .... NetworkManager: <WARN> pppd_timed_out(): Looks like pppd didn't initialize our dbus can I fix it??? | 10:05 |
ZeRo_FeniX_ | cPanel is a web control panel for accessing various web functions | 10:05 |
NateBenton | ZeRo_FeniX_: | 10:05 |
Daft_Punk | b3rz3rk3r, your simpleton answer, has increased my level of frustration and rage towards the situation, and i now feel it appropriate to destroy something | 10:05 |
ZeRo_FeniX_ | Says for windows, I'm looking for a unix based one. | 10:05 |
NateBenton | But yeah, does anybody know if the server version has a netboot like the desktop. | 10:06 |
* Daft_Punk slowly turns green and giant with veins buldging out, all of his clothes rip off except for his purple shorts... he screams in agony and anger AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH | 10:06 | |
NateBenton | ZeRo_FeniX_: it is? o_O | 10:06 |
b3rz3rk3r | Daft_Punk, lol.. we wont like you when u are angry? :p | 10:06 |
ZeRo_FeniX_ | That's what it said on the website banner | 10:06 |
Daft_Punk | b3rz3rk3r, it depends if you like death mwa ha ha | 10:06 |
bazhang | !ot | 10:06 |
ubottu | #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks! | 10:06 |
NateBenton | ZeRo_FeniX_: it works on both | 10:07 |
Stevethe1irate | !sound | 10:07 |
ubottu | If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see - - - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP3 | 10:07 |
Daft_Punk | b3rz3rk3r, there you go, angering the ops... perhaps you should be the green one | 10:07 |
bazhang | please take chat to #ubuntu-offtopic | 10:07 |
NateBenton | "zpanel - Hosting control panel for Linux and Windows" | 10:07 |
Daft_Punk | bazhang, i can't for i am banned from offtopic | 10:07 |
kop | bazhang, kill joy , it's not that busy atm | 10:07 |
ZeRo_FeniX_ | Guess I didn't look close enough. I've heard of webmin, might try that. | 10:07 |
aperson | hello, I have a script that I am trying to run via cron, but it isn't working, it mostly runs gnome-screensaver-command -l | 10:07 |
NateBenton | But anyways, I'm assuming there isn't a netboot for the server version :P | 10:07 |
ActionParsnip | aperson: did you chmod +x it? | 10:07 |
bazhang | Daft_Punk, then stay on topic here | 10:08 |
* Daft_Punk cries | 10:08 | |
aperson | ActionParsnip: yes, I tailed /var/syslog and the script runs | 10:08 |
aperson | ActionParsnip: and I keep seeing sh processes spawned, but they aren't locking the screen | 10:08 |
ActionParsnip | aperson: and do you have #!/bin/bash as the top line in the script? | 10:08 |
aperson | ActionParsnip: I can manually run the script fine | 10:09 |
ZeRo_FeniX_ | What's the command to download a .deb package then install it? | 10:09 |
ActionParsnip | aperson: then its the cron syntax thats bad | 10:09 |
ActionParsnip | ZeRo_FeniX_: sudo apt-get install <whatever> | 10:09 |
aperson | ActionParsnip: it runs via cron | 10:09 |
aperson | ActionParsnip: it just doesn't work via cron | 10:09 |
Administrator_ | dawda | 10:10 |
ActionParsnip | ZeRo_FeniX_: if its not on repo, download it as a file then run: sudo dpkg -i <deb file> | 10:10 |
ActionParsnip | ZeRo_FeniX_: you will have to satisfy deps manually | 10:10 |
OntzA | hi there | 10:11 |
n2diy | ActionParsnip, Flightgear takes a lloonngg time to load, initially, hopefully this is all setup? | 10:11 |
Stevethe1irate | !mp3 | 10:11 |
ubottu | For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: - See also - But please use free formats if you can: | 10:11 |
amt2 | is there any place where I can ask about IPC? | 10:11 |
petski | aperson, please check where PATH is set to | 10:11 |
ActionParsnip | n2diy: should be, its configuring your profile with default fg stuffs | 10:11 |
Administrator_ | hi there | 10:11 |
NateBenton | So would using Ubuntu, even if it isn't the server version, on a dedicated server to rack, there's nothing wrong or unstable about it, right? | 10:11 |
aperson | petski: /usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games | 10:11 |
NateBenton | seeing how I can't install the server version due to lack of a netboot | 10:11 |
NateBenton | installing the desktop and then racking it in a datacenter can't hurt, right? | 10:12 |
OntzA | has anyone know if it's possible to mirror existing installation? (I mean, create software RAID-1 adding a new hard drive) | 10:12 |
aperson | petski: should I set that in the script? | 10:12 |
petski | what does `which gnome-screensaver-command` say? | 10:12 |
ActionParsnip | NateBenton: thats fine, you'll be using resouces for X but otherwise its fine | 10:12 |
petski | the PATH cron uses could be different then the path in YOUR shell | 10:12 |
ActionParsnip | OntzA: you can dd the data over and it will be identical | 10:13 |
n2diy | ActionParsnip, Yes, while I'm waiting, I could be studying IFR, as I'm running out of daylight. :) | 10:13 |
aperson | /usr/bin/gnome-screensaver-command | 10:13 |
OntzA | I know | 10:13 |
ZeRo_FeniX_ | ActionParsnip: how do I download it as a file? what's the command for that? | 10:13 |
ActionParsnip | OntzA: dd if=/dev/<source disk name> of=/dev/<destination disk name> | 10:13 |
petski | okay, replace "gnome-screensaver-command -l" with "/usr/bin/gnome-screensaver-command -l" to see if that helps | 10:13 |
ActionParsnip | ZeRo_FeniX_: do you have a gui? | 10:13 |
ZeRo_FeniX_ | negative | 10:13 |
NateBenton | ActionParsnip: Any tips to kill down the resources after it's all installed and done? I'm assuming things like removing the GUI would help :P, but anything else you can suggest? | 10:14 |
ActionParsnip | ZeRo_FeniX_: wget | 10:14 |
Administrator_ | can i do unattended instillation with ubuntu? | 10:14 |
ZeRo_FeniX_ | ActionParsnip: ty | 10:14 |
ActionParsnip | NateBenton: you could always uninstall the x server and the desktop environt and the window manager | 10:14 |
OntzA | the question is how can you set up the raid-1 afterwards or Linux doesn't have any problems when you use mdadm to create the raid with that existing data and partitions | 10:15 |
amt2 | is there any place where I can ask about IPC? | 10:15 |
NateBenton | Thanks :) I'm sure that'll help. I mean, it's a shame there isn't a netboot for the server version and all, but, I'll take what I can get, haha :) | 10:16 |
petski | amt2, try here, maybe someone knows the answer | 10:16 |
OntzA | I suppose it adds some sort of sectors to identify raid drives | 10:16 |
ActionParsnip | OntzA: you can just copy the data over then access your raid controller to configure the array | 10:16 |
ActionParsnip | OntzA: if its fakeraid (yuk) then im not sure | 10:17 |
petski | aperson, any luck yet? | 10:17 |
OntzA | I do not have a raid controller, I want to set up Linux software raid | 10:17 |
naoshige | hi | 10:17 |
amt2 | well, probably my question is extremely vague, since I don't knwo anything about the specifics of IPC. But basically, I'm listening for a message inside a loop. The first time I send the messages, it is successfully detected by a mailbox. But after that, I keep sending more messages, and it seems like they're never detected. What could be wrong? | 10:17 |
naoshige | how many recipients can i put in gmail's to field? | 10:17 |
ActionParsnip | !raid | OntzA | 10:17 |
ubottu | OntzA: raid is Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on wto and - For software RAID, see | 10:17 |
aperson | petski: gnome-screensaver is running apparently, but my screen didn't lock | 10:17 |
NateBenton | Anybody have any tips on how to harden the server when it's all installed? | 10:17 |
administrator_ | hvhgcvhgcv | 10:18 |
ActionParsnip | NateBenton: get fully updated and configure iptables | 10:18 |
bazhang | administrator_, english please | 10:18 |
=== Crow_24 is now known as Tryfon | ||
ActionParsnip | NateBenton: you could also install bum before removing the gui to remove unnecessary services from voot | 10:18 |
Tryfon | hi guys just a small question.. how can i get an input that is like "<number>+ <number>" and store each number and operator into a variable int number 1 ,2 and char sign? | 10:19 |
Tryfon | sorry wrong chanell | 10:19 |
NateBenton | ActionParsnip: thank you for all your help. I'm jotting this all down, haha :) | 10:19 |
ActionParsnip | NateBenton: you have a lot to learn | 10:19 |
NateBenton | Yes, I know. >.< | 10:20 |
ActionParsnip | !bum | NateBenton | 10:20 |
ubottu | NateBenton: Boot options: - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: - Also see | 10:20 |
petski | amt2, could you paste example code in ? | 10:20 |
Daft_Punk | Tryfon, i can see how ubuntu be confused with math... | 10:20 |
Tryfon | lol c++ | 10:20 |
Daft_Punk | Tryfon, i can see how ubuntu be confused with c++ | 10:20 |
ActionParsnip | Daft_Punk: the terminal command are very C++ like | 10:20 |
Tryfon | hehe | 10:20 |
Tryfon | its c actually X | 10:21 |
Daft_Punk | ActionParsnip, I apologize, I only speak elvish, yittish, klingon and english | 10:21 |
Tryfon | iXD | 10:21 |
NateBenton | I'm sorry if I've been annoying you, ActionParsnip :P But usually, the only servers I ran were test servers in a non-live environment, and I want to make sure i get this right before I rack it. | 10:21 |
petski | aperson, gnome-screensaver might be using some other environment variables as well. Try "man gnome-screensaver" for clues | 10:21 |
Pontif_La_Rouge | I just downloaded a file to my desktop called linuxwacom-0.8.1-6.tar.bz2, and I'm using the next command in the guide which is tar xjvf linuxwacom-0.8.1-6.tar.bz2 and it's giving me a funky error | 10:21 |
amt2 | petski, | 10:21 |
victoria | hi | 10:21 |
NateBenton | Hi victoria | 10:21 |
ActionParsnip | Daft_Punk: i speak english, french, some italian, american and australian | 10:22 |
Daft_Punk | hi victoria | 10:22 |
victoria | hi | 10:22 |
Daft_Punk | ActionParsnip, english, american, austrailian are all the same | 10:22 |
bazhang | Pontif_La_Rouge, did you not try wacom-tools ? its in the repos | 10:22 |
amt2 | petski, lines 337-362 are the most relevant i suppose | 10:22 |
ActionParsnip | Pontif_La_Rouge: is the file in your home directory? | 10:22 |
Pontif_La_Rouge | It says cannot open, no such directory, error is not recoverable | 10:22 |
ActionParsnip | Daft_Punk: i know, thats the point ) | 10:22 |
ActionParsnip | ;) | 10:22 |
Pontif_La_Rouge | it's saved to my desktop | 10:22 |
victoria | i was reading that the splash screes should be on preferences but i cant see it there | 10:22 |
kop | <Pontif_La_Rouge> that's tar -xjvf | 10:22 |
victoria | any idea where it is | 10:22 |
phreakish | is there any way to downgrade kernal 2.6.27 to 2.6.25 to work with the hirte rt2870 driver | 10:22 |
Daft_Punk | ActionParsnip, your point seems as dull as a butterknife | 10:22 |
Pontif_La_Rouge | oh they must've left out the dash | 10:22 |
ActionParsnip | Daft_Punk: its a joke..... | 10:22 |
Daft_Punk | ActionParsnip, i must have missed the punchline | 10:23 |
bazhang | !info wacom-tools | 10:23 |
ubottu | wacom-tools (source: wacom-tools): utilities for Wacom tablet devices. In component main, is optional. Version 1: (intrepid), package size 178 kB, installed size 680 kB | 10:23 |
OntzA | ActionParsnip: that document is too simple, I already know how to set up software raid with new drives. But reading some of the links it has given me an idea | 10:23 |
phreakish | is there any way to downgrade kernal 2.6.27 to 2.6.25 to work with the hirte rt2870 driver | 10:23 |
Pontif_La_Rouge | I got the same error kop | 10:23 |
ActionParsnip | OntzA: as long as you reach the goal then thats cool | 10:23 |
victoria | NateBenton: i wonder where is the splash screens option? | 10:23 |
phreakish | is there any way to downgrade kernal 2.6.27 to 2.6.25 to work with the hirte rt2870 driver | 10:24 |
kop | <Pontif_La_Rouge> that's tar -xzvf ? | 10:24 |
ActionParsnip | phreakish: you may need to compile the driver for the older kernel. If you got the module in a package then it will follow you in the kernel once installed | 10:24 |
NateBenton | victoria: What do you mean? When booting a live CD, for example? | 10:24 |
aperson | petski: looked at the man pages for both gnome-screensaver and gnome-screensaver-command to no avail | 10:24 |
matamou | Hello, could anyone please help me removing/formatting my ntfs partition to make it a part of Ubuntu partition? | 10:24 |
Stevethe1irate | Hi, having problems getting my sound working... When opening amarok, getting a "xine could not detect any sound drivers" error... | 10:24 |
Pontif_La_Rouge | yes kop I used tar -xzvfyes | 10:25 |
ActionParsnip | matamou: run: gksudo gparted | 10:25 |
Pontif_La_Rouge | sorry | 10:25 |
Stevethe1irate | !gparted | matamou | 10:25 |
ubottu | matamou: gparted is a !GTK/!Gnome !GUI partitioning program. Type « sudo apt-get install gparted » in a console to install it - A GParted "live" CD is available at | 10:25 |
Pontif_La_Rouge | that's what I used and no luck | 10:25 |
phreakish | action parsnip it says i need kernal.lzm to compile but it also says it not work with 2.6.27 | 10:25 |
phreakish | on the forum i mean | 10:25 |
ActionParsnip | matamou: you can format it there and then use it as data storage or whatever you wish | 10:25 |
victoria | not a live cd.. i already have ubuntu installed, and i want to change the spalsh screen.. i download one and im reading the instructions that the splash screen option should be on.. sytems > preferences.. but i cant see anything there.. so any idea? | 10:25 |
ActionParsnip | phreakish: then i guess you are stuck | 10:25 |
matamou | thanks, only thing is that I cant see the Ubuntu partition in Gparted? | 10:25 |
tengulre | I want to print process like , Loading 1-100%, I using echo -ne "$COUNT%" COUNT=$(($COUNT+1)), how to do? | 10:26 |
Stevethe1irate | Hi, having problems getting my sound working... When opening amarok, getting a "xine could not detect any sound drivers" error...Anyone keen to help me fix it? | 10:26 |
ActionParsnip | matamou: does it all show in: sudo fdisk -l | 10:26 |
phreakish | what sound card do you have | 10:26 |
Pontif_La_Rouge | ok kop I think I figured out my mistake but now I got a different problem | 10:27 |
Stevethe1irate | phreakish: lspci would indicate 00:0f.0 Audio device: Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS] Azalia Audio Controller | 10:27 |
matamou | ActionParsnip: it still shows only sda1 and sda2 there :o ? | 10:27 |
phreakish | is there any drivers installed | 10:28 |
kop | Pontif_La_Rouge, as long as it's not contagious | 10:28 |
phreakish | aka does it work at all | 10:28 |
Stevethe1irate | alsamixer says : │ Card: HDA SIS966 │ | 10:28 |
Stevethe1irate | │ Chip: Realtek ALC662 rev1 | 10:28 |
Stevethe1irate | oops, formatting. | 10:28 |
victoria | Daft_Punk: hi | 10:28 |
ActionParsnip | matamou: then im guessing your other partitions arenet seen. Im guessing those are your / and /swp | 10:28 |
Pontif_La_Rouge | haha well there's this oozing puss, lol jk the error I got now is "gzip: stdin: not in gzip format" | 10:28 |
victoria | Daft_Punk: im trying to install a new splash screen.. but i cant found the option to change it.. i already download the one i want.. but i just need to know where to change it:) | 10:29 |
cumulus007 | how to change Ubuntu's welcome message in teh tty? | 10:29 |
Myrtti | cumulus007: /etc/motd.tail | 10:29 |
ZeRo_FeniX_ | Anyone know how to turn off SSL in apache 2? | 10:29 |
Stevethe1irate | phreakish: Otherwise, not sure what drivers are on. | 10:30 |
cumulus007 | thanks you | 10:30 |
aperson | would anyone know why this script: won't run via cron? | 10:30 |
cumulus007 | is it made executable? | 10:30 |
Myrtti | aperson: escape the spaces | 10:30 |
cumulus007 | why | 10:30 |
cumulus007 | there are quotes around it | 10:30 |
Myrtti | oh, no, wait | 10:30 |
amt2 | petski, did you get a chacne to look at it? | 10:31 |
phreakish | try googling drivers for it and installing those otherwise I'm afraid i'm too new to the scene to be of much help | 10:31 |
victoria | hello can someone help me. i need to know where can i change the splash screen | 10:31 |
Myrtti | I'd put ${file} | 10:31 |
aperson | Myrtti: it runs fine by itself, just not via cron | 10:31 |
Stevethe1irate | Hi, having problems getting my sound working... When opening amarok, getting a "xine could not detect any sound drivers" error...Anyone keen to help me fix it? | 10:31 |
Myrtti | victoria: which splash screen, the one when you login in gnome? | 10:31 |
cumulus007 | of course | 10:31 |
petski | amt2, i did, unfortunatly, i don't know the answer (I'm at work currently, so i can't dig deeper) | 10:31 |
phreakish | try asking actionparsnip he seems knowledgable | 10:31 |
cumulus007 | aperson: cron runs at root | 10:32 |
victoria | Myrtti: yes, i already download the one i want.. now i just need to change it.. where? | 10:32 |
cumulus007 | aperson: and cron doesn't know on which tty X runs | 10:32 |
amt2 | petski, ok, thanks anyway | 10:32 |
CraigGB | hi, just wondering if i force intrepid to upgrade to jaunty using the 'update-manager -d' method, when the karmic koala early builds are released will it automatically upgrade to them too?, many thanks if anyone answers:) | 10:32 |
cumulus007 | aperson: you have to add the screen number of X to the screenshot commands | 10:32 |
Stevethe1irate | phreakish: I'll wait for someone to offer help :D | 10:32 |
phreakish | stevethelirate you might have to ask 5-6 times | 10:33 |
phreakish | i did :) | 10:33 |
Stevethe1irate | phreakish: I am not new to IRC oke. | 10:33 |
phreakish | sorry just trying to help :( | 10:34 |
Stevethe1irate | np | 10:34 |
Peddy | How can I list all symbolic links in a directory? | 10:34 |
ActionParsnip | stevethepirate: | 10:34 |
phreakish | like i said i am really new to the scene | 10:34 |
Stevethe1irate | Peddy: ls -n | grep -> should show most. | 10:34 |
ActionParsnip | Stevethepirate: seems like a solution there | 10:34 |
Stevethe1irate | I mean, ls -n | 10:34 |
Stevethe1irate | ta action | 10:34 |
aperson | cumulus007: it is supposed to lock the screensaver, and it is running on my user | 10:35 |
adante | hi, is it safe to install rpms in ubuntu? | 10:35 |
ziroday | adante: no | 10:35 |
ActionParsnip | Stevethepirate: i'd rename instead of deleting though :) | 10:35 |
ziroday | adante: what are you trying to install? | 10:35 |
DIFH-iceroot | !alien | adante | 10:35 |
ubottu | adante: RPM is the RedHat Package Management system. Ubuntu uses !APT, not RPM. RPM packages are not supported (the package "alien" can allow installing them, but it's quite dangerous and unsupported) | 10:35 |
Dolunay | hi | 10:35 |
adante | ziroday: install vmware server | 10:35 |
cumulus007 | aperson: is Cron running on your user, not root? | 10:35 |
ziroday | DIFH-iceroot: thanks :) | 10:35 |
Peddy | Stevethe1irate, thanks, but it says "syntax error near unexpected token `newline'" | 10:35 |
aperson | cumulus007: I set it up via crontab -e, not sudo crontab -e | 10:35 |
ZeRo_FeniX_ | Is anyone familiar with apache? if so how can I turn off ssl? | 10:36 |
ziroday | adante: read | 10:36 |
ActionParsnip | ZeRo_FeniX_: i'd ask in #apache | 10:36 |
aperson | cumulus007: and when I tail /var/syslog it says it runs via my user | 10:36 |
cumulus007 | aperson: I think you need to specify the screen number | 10:36 |
aperson | cumulus007: how would I go about that? | 10:36 |
adante | ziroday: cheers! | 10:37 |
cumulus007 | aperson: I don't know | 10:37 |
Peddy | Stevethe1irate, is there a way of listing just the link names, so I can pipe them into another program? | 10:37 |
dennda | rkhunter reports several files like useradd have been changed recently. I did an update yesterday. Does rkhunter not take into account changes due to updates? | 10:37 |
Marsjanin | Hello. About a year ago I added some command to SOME running/booting script, and now I can't find it. Please, help me. It could be some init.d or initd.something, I'm looking for it almost a hour and nothing. I added some hdparm -S command there, now I want to edit that value. | 10:37 |
Peddy | Stevethe1irate, what I ultimately want to achieve is converting them all to hard-links, problem is there are a lot of them. | 10:37 |
Dolunay | Türkçe bilen var mı :) | 10:38 |
mdoneal | Question: does Linux have good HFS+ support? I wanted to pull some files from my friend's OSX HD... | 10:38 |
ziroday | Peddy: try ls -H | 10:38 |
ActionParsnip | Marsjanin: try executing: history | grep init | 10:38 |
Peddy | thanks ziroday | 10:38 |
Marsjanin | ActionParsnip: I'm afraid I edit that in gedit :( | 10:38 |
ActionParsnip | Marsjanin: if you want to execute the EXACT command again, use: !<number in list> | 10:39 |
ActionParsnip | Marsjanin: then it should be in recently opened in gedit (maybe) | 10:39 |
quibbler | !tr | 10:39 |
ubottu | Turk ubuntu kullanıcıları, Türkçe yardım ya da geyik için #ubuntu-tr hizmetinizde. | 10:39 |
Marsjanin | No; I want to find a file :) Recently, nope... after a year? :] | 10:39 |
cumulus007 | apgot it | 10:39 |
cumulus007 | aperson: got it | 10:39 |
ActionParsnip | Marsjanin: sure why not, it may keep the last say 20 in hich case it may still be there | 10:40 |
n2diy | ActionParsnip, Flightgear is not going well, my hard drive has been thrashing for 30 minutes, my screensaver kicked in, and I can't get back to my screen, and I can't Ctrl+Alt+Fx to a terminal, I think I may have to ssh into the box to see what is happening? | 10:40 |
Marsjanin | What _text_ files Ubuntu is processing when booting? | 10:40 |
Testrum | Hello | 10:40 |
cumulus007 | run this: DISPLAY=:0.0 xhost + | 10:40 |
Peddy | ziroday, that doesn't list only symbolic links... basically I'm trying to pipe the symbolic links into this program: because I can't understand its syntax. | 10:40 |
ActionParsnip | n2diy: yikes, crazy stuff | 10:40 |
Peddy | Marsjanin, have a look in /etc/init.d/ | 10:40 |
aperson | cumulus007: access control disabled, clients can connect from any host | 10:41 |
CraigGB | hi, just wondering if i force intrepid to upgrade to jaunty using the 'update-manager -d' method, when the karmic koala early builds are released will it automatically upgrade to them too? as i wish to use jaunty but no pre releases after that, many thanks if anyone answers:) | 10:41 |
cumulus007 | aperson: does it work now | 10:41 |
Marsjanin | Peddy: yup... I did already | 10:41 |
n2diy | ActionParsnip, yes, and ssh isn't responding! | 10:41 |
Stevethe1irate | ActionParsnip: Doesn't seem to help :( | 10:41 |
ActionParsnip | n2diy: does ctrl+alt+backspace work? | 10:42 |
ActionParsnip | Stevethe1irate: bah | 10:42 |
Peddy | Marsjanin, when you first did the text-file thing, were you making a new one or editing a previously-created one? | 10:42 |
ActionParsnip | Stevethe1irate: make sure amarok is set to use the right sound settings | 10:42 |
n2diy | ActionParsnip, I just tried it, no, wait, I have a terminal now on F2. | 10:43 |
ActionParsnip | Stevethe1irate: does it work okay after a reboot | 10:43 |
ActionParsnip | n2diy: good enough | 10:43 |
Stevethe1irate | Its set to xine as engine, alsa as output container | 10:43 |
Stevethe1irate | ActionParsnip: Um, I just restarted? | 10:44 |
ActionParsnip | Stevethe1irate: do sounds work in other apps? | 10:44 |
Marsjanin | Peddy: I'm afraid I don't understand You. I think I'll edit an existing file... Just I cannot find it. I forget what file that was. :/ | 10:45 |
Stevethe1irate | ActionParsnip: I haven't tried.. only really amarok | 10:45 |
Stevethe1irate | Ok, VLCs sound doens't work | 10:45 |
Peddy | Marsjanin, so you edited a system file, not created a new one? | 10:45 |
Stevethe1irate | But no error messages | 10:45 |
n2diy | ActionParsnip, I just tried it, and it didn't work. My terminal on tty2 is going to time out at log in. | 10:45 |
aperson | cumulus007: nope | 10:45 |
Marsjanin | I remember SOME "init.d", "init.rd", "initd.something", "rc or rd.local"... | 10:45 |
cumulus007 | aperson: I'm sorry, I don't know then | 10:46 |
ActionParsnip | Stevethe1irate: well thers your next step | 10:46 |
aperson | cumulus007: thanks for your help | 10:46 |
Peddy | Marsjanin, gedit /etc/rc.local | 10:46 |
ActionParsnip | n2diy: reboot if you can | 10:46 |
Marsjanin | Yup, I edited an existing file, that has previously "IIRC" only a comment line. | 10:46 |
cumulus007 | np | 10:46 |
Stevethe1irate | ActionParsnip: But um, nonetheless.. I still need to fix my sound. | 10:46 |
Marsjanin | Do You think the file could be removed by the system somehow? | 10:47 |
Peddy | Marsjanin, isn't it /etc/rc.local? | 10:47 |
ActionParsnip | Stevethe1irate: well yeah but if sound works in other apps and just not amarok then you have isolated the issue. If yu have zero sound then you have a system wide issue | 10:47 |
Stevethe1irate | Yeah, got that. | 10:48 |
Stevethe1irate | Looking at | 10:48 |
Stevethe1irate | atm | 10:48 |
=== RoozbehOnline is now known as Roozbeh|Away | ||
dennda | What is QM_MODULES? | 10:48 |
shadeslayer | !qmmodules | 10:48 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about qmmodules | 10:48 |
Marsjanin | Peddy: BINGO. Very big Thanks... | 10:49 |
dennda | ubottu: no worries, me neither :-) | 10:49 |
ubottu | Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 10:49 |
dennda | ubottu: i know i know... | 10:49 |
ubottu | Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 10:49 |
Huffameg | hi! i have a problem with my flash player. when i'm on myspace, i get a message to activate javascript and to download the latest version of my flash player.. i've installed the flash player from adobe but it doesn't seem to help. what am I missing? can anyone help see if i've installed it right and if i've missed something? | 10:49 |
Peddy | Marsjanin, you're welcome, enjoy. | 10:49 |
Huffameg | do i, for instance, have to restart X? | 10:49 |
Marsjanin | :) | 10:49 |
shadeslayer | !flash | Huffameg | 10:50 |
ubottu | Huffameg: To install Flash see (a recent version for !Dapper is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash | 10:50 |
ActionParsnip | !irc | 10:50 |
ubottu | A list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at - For a general list of !freenode channels, see - See also !Guidelines | 10:50 |
shadeslayer | whats the package for dual display?? | 10:50 |
shadeslayer | xandar?? | 10:51 |
shadeslayer | !xandar | 10:51 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about xandar | 10:51 |
shadeslayer | :) | 10:51 |
shadeslayer | !apt | 10:51 |
ubottu | APT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome) or !Adept (KDE) | 10:51 |
kop | !xrandr | 10:52 |
ubottu | XRandR 1.2 is the new method of running dual screens in !X. Information/HowTo here: | 10:52 |
bazhang | shadeslayer, /msg ubottu please | 10:52 |
shadeslayer | xrandr right | 10:52 |
shadeslayer | i am | 10:52 |
n2diy | ActionParsnip, was it you I was setting up Flightgear with? | 10:52 |
bazhang | shadeslayer, no you are not | 10:52 |
shadeslayer | uh yes i am | 10:52 |
shadeslayer | i have a query open with him | 10:52 |
bazhang | shadeslayer, type this: /msg ubottu msgthebot | 10:53 |
shadeslayer | */her | 10:53 |
bazhang | shadeslayer, that avoids flooding the channel | 10:53 |
ActionParsnip | n2diy: well, i told you of it | 10:53 |
BigMike | . | 10:53 |
shadeslayer | bazhang: i know,but i couldnt remember the package namw | 10:53 |
shadeslayer | *e | 10:53 |
ziroday | BigMike: is there something we can help you with? | 10:53 |
shadeslayer | :) | 10:53 |
bazhang | shadeslayer, then check the factoids list | 10:54 |
BigMike | no just checking to see if I am still online | 10:54 |
=== Grimmjow-Laptop| is now known as Grimmjow-Laptop | ||
* Grimmjow-Laptop is back. | 10:54 | |
quibbler | BigMike: you are! | 10:54 |
zilleplus | annyone from belgium | 10:54 |
ziroday | BigMike: #test is probably a better place to check | 10:54 |
vigo | Can I shrink an install of Ubuntu, I would like to resize the partition for backup purposes? | 10:54 |
n2diy | ActionParsnip, ok, the box became unresponsive, couldn't bring up o tty, or ssh into it, so I did a hard shutdown, and I'm trying over again, I suspect 256m of ram isn't cutting it? | 10:54 |
zilleplus | hey all got big problem with ubuntu server 8 | 10:55 |
Stevethe1irate | ActionParsnip: /dev/dsp cannot be opened.. is that bad? xD | 10:55 |
Stevethe1irate | [00000454] oss audio output error: cannot open audio device (/dev/dsp) | 10:55 |
BigMike | ok ty no harm done I suppose | 10:55 |
ziroday | zilleplus: well we need to know your problems to help, as well as whether its 8.04 or 8.10 | 10:55 |
shadeslayer | xrandr is too complex for me | 10:55 |
ActionParsnip | n2diy: check what FG needs | 10:55 |
zilleplus | okey | 10:55 |
Stevethe1irate | [Just checking out the VLC errors as I download the new the new alsa drivers] | 10:55 |
shadeslayer | something simpler for dual displays?? | 10:55 |
ActionParsnip | Stevethe1irate: not sure man, go find out | 10:55 |
zilleplus | i installed ubuntuserver 8 no problem | 10:56 |
hamid11771 | hi | 10:56 |
Stevethe1irate | Heh, am doing so. | 10:56 |
=== pepie34_ is now known as pepie34 | ||
zilleplus | but when i started it and logged in | 10:56 |
shadeslayer | !hi | 10:56 |
ubottu | Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! | 10:56 |
zilleplus | i can't open anny files | 10:56 |
zilleplus | nothing works | 10:56 |
zilleplus | | 10:56 |
zilleplus | this site is the one i use for information | 10:56 |
quibbler | !enter | zilleplus | 10:57 |
Huffameg | shadeslayer: even after having read the troubleshooting part i still don't know what's wrong.. | 10:57 |
ubottu | zilleplus: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! | 10:57 |
zilleplus | okeyyy | 10:57 |
Dykam | can't find a way to create a symbolic link / shortcut using nautilus | 10:57 |
shadeslayer | Huffameg: sorry i have to go somewhere,that was just a generic link | 10:58 |
ziroday | zilleplus: what exactly are you trying to open? | 10:58 |
ActionParsnip | Dykam: use terminal | 10:58 |
ActionParsnip | Dykam: its way easier | 10:58 |
zilleplus | /etc/network/interfaces is for the configuration of the network when is use it it say's no such file ore directory | 10:58 |
Dykam | ok | 10:58 |
defrysk | shadeslayer, try zarfy | 10:58 |
* Dykam opens terminal | 10:58 | |
n2diy | ActionParsnip, Umm, ok, but I don't think FG knows either, for giggles, I clicked on the mouse, and now I have my control consule, but the HD is still busy. But maybe now I can play/fly? | 10:58 |
glitsj16 | shadeslayer: grandr is a gui for randr you might have a look at | 10:58 |
ziroday | zilleplus: what command are you executing to open it? | 10:58 |
shadeslayer | ok byee | 10:58 |
shadeslayer | thanks for the tips | 10:58 |
aperson | cumulus007: apparently cron and gnome-screensaver-command don't work together | 10:58 |
zilleplus | i just logged in and filled this in /etc/network/interfaces | 10:59 |
ActionParsnip | n2diy: not sure my man, ive not used that in aaaaages. I just know of it | 10:59 |
ziroday | zilleplus: you need to slow down and answer my questions. What exactly is not working? | 10:59 |
zilleplus | /etc/network/interfaces i need to open this file for network configuration | 10:59 |
n2diy | ActionParsnip, Ladies and gentelman, please fasten your seatbelts, this _will_ be a rough ride. :) | 11:00 |
ziroday | zilleplus: right, how are you trying to open the file currently? | 11:00 |
zilleplus | but it say's no such fil ore directory | 11:00 |
zilleplus | yes | 11:00 |
zilleplus | just logged in on account | 11:00 |
ziroday | zilleplus: *how* what command you you running | 11:00 |
vigo | zilleplus: su? | 11:00 |
ziroday | zilleplus: using text editor, nano, *how* | 11:00 |
ActionParsnip | o please not su | 11:00 |
zilleplus | well is type in /etc/network/interfaces nothing more nothing less | 11:00 |
CraigGB | hi, just wondering if i force intrepid to upgrade to jaunty using the 'update-manager -d' method, when the karmic koala early builds are released will it automatically upgrade to them too? as i wish to use jaunty but no pre releases after that, many thanks if anyone answers | 11:00 |
vigo | hehe | 11:00 |
cheku | hi | 11:01 |
cheku | #malaysia | 11:01 |
ziroday | zilleplus: well you need to put a text editor there, try sudo nano /etc/network/interfaces | 11:01 |
cheku | #asia | 11:01 |
ziroday | CraigGB: it won't | 11:01 |
vigo | cheku: /join #whatever | 11:01 |
ziroday | cheku: do you have something we can help you with? | 11:01 |
CraigGB | ah okay, thanks | 11:01 |
zilleplus | hey thanks | 11:01 |
ziroday | !terminal | zilleplus also read this to understand how to use the terminal | 11:02 |
ubottu | zilleplus also read this to understand how to use the terminal: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE). Guide: | 11:02 |
ActionParsnip | CraigGB: you can lock versions of certain packages in apt | 11:02 |
glitsj16 | aperson: if you want cron to run GUI applications, you will need to export the display # .. look at the tips section on | 11:03 |
Huffameg | i have installed the latest version of adobe flash player and the test page says it's fine, i have also, as far as i can tell, activated javascript, but i still get the error message at myspace telling me to install and activate. i've checked the troubleshooting part on help.ubuntu but i don't understand what's wrong. someone who can help me? | 11:03 |
aperson | glitsj16: I am exporting the display | 11:04 |
ActionParsnip | !info karmic | 11:04 |
ubottu | Package karmic does not exist in intrepid | 11:04 |
glitsj16 | aperson: getting any errors (i take it things don't work right know) ? | 11:04 |
ActionParsnip | Huffameg: is your linux 32bit or 64bit? | 11:05 |
Huffameg | ActionParsnip: i have no idea.. :S | 11:05 |
ActionParsnip | Huffameg: can you paste the output of uname -a in here please | 11:05 |
lollan | H | 11:06 |
ActionParsnip | Huffameg: you can copy / paste to and from terminal | 11:06 |
vc6 | hi. i've screwed my /tmp folder and now it has the wrong chmod rights. can someone tell me which ones i need to set? | 11:07 |
Huffameg | ActionParsnip: uhm. sorry.. you'd have to go step by step for me here.. i'm not fluent in ubuntish. :S | 11:07 |
=== Roozbeh|Away is now known as RoozbehOnline | ||
ActionParsnip | Huffameg: open a terminal, type 'uname -a' without 's and press enter, copy the text and paste it in here | 11:08 |
lollan | I installed unbuntu on my USB disk but it wrote grun into the mbr of my internal hdd, so I wrote back the mbr and then I thought that If from the bios I ask to start from the usb key it will work, but it didn't. What I want basically is to install ubuntu on my usb disk, all of it. | 11:08 |
* Ace2017_- fails at booking a plumber | 11:08 | |
lollan | s/grun/bgrub/ | 11:08 |
ActionParsnip | vc6: mine is owned by my user and it 700 all the way down | 11:08 |
Huffameg | ActionParsnip: Linux Brainbug 2.6.24-23-generic #1 SMP Mon Jan 26 00:13:11 UTC 2009 i686 GNU/Linux | 11:08 |
Stevethe1irate | Anyone here willing to help me with some netorking problems? Trying to set up NAT/ICS using firestarter, but local side [eth1] is not working... Can't even ping. | 11:08 |
ActionParsnip | Huffameg: nice job | 11:08 |
aperson | glitsj16: holy crap, it locked it, I don't know what I did :) | 11:08 |
Huffameg | ActionParsnip: :D | 11:08 |
snek | i'm having a problem with Vino, eventhough I set 256 colors in the client it seems to always transfer fullcolor.. anybody have any ideas about this? | 11:09 |
ActionParsnip | Huffameg: ok, it says i686 which means its 32bit | 11:09 |
aperson | glitsj16: though now I can't get it to unlock my screen | 11:09 |
ActionParsnip | Huffameg: mine says: Linux fileserver 2.6.27-11-generic #1 SMP Thu Jan 29 19:28:32 UTC 2009 x86_64 GNU/Linux | 11:09 |
vigo | lollan: Maybe put the USB stick in and run fix grub | 11:09 |
ActionParsnip | Huffameg: it says x86_64 == 64bit | 11:09 |
glitsj16 | aperson: unlock via cron ? or what do you mean exactly ? | 11:09 |
ActionParsnip | Huffameg: so this is super easy | 11:09 |
Huffameg | ActionParsnip: i see.. ok. | 11:09 |
vc6 | ActrionParsnip: and this is the default? | 11:09 |
MaxiPsycho | ... i have a question, with wubi and lubi (making the system run inside a loopfilesystem) since lubi doesn't like 8.10 (or 9.04 for that matter) is there a way to do a similar system (or use wubi installer and run it on grub bootloader, not windows)? | 11:10 |
aperson | glitsj16: I am using blueproximity to lock/unlock my display when I am away from my computer | 11:10 |
ActionParsnip | Huffameg: sudo apt-get clean; sudo apt-get --purge remove flashplugin-nonfree; sudo apt-get --purge autoremove; sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree | 11:11 |
glitsj16 | aperson: ow i see, didn't follow your thread from the start sorry | 11:11 |
lollan | vigo: I am going to reinstall it, since I rewrite the mbr with windows booter, but I don't want to have the same problem twice, my idea was to install ubuntu all on my usb drive and then plug it if I want to run linux. | 11:11 |
sezoom | hello | 11:11 |
sezoom | how to change the order of authentication in ssh to GSSAPI,......, publickey | 11:11 |
ActionParsnip | Huffameg: will remove flash as well as all straggling packages doing nothing then will download a fresh copy from the repository and install it | 11:11 |
sezoom | how to change the order of authentication in openssh to GSSAPI,......, publickey | 11:11 |
Huffameg | ActionParsnip: okay, i'll try | 11:11 |
aperson | glitsj16: no worries, I'm trying to get my nas to run blueproximity rather than my desktop | 11:12 |
SeJo | all i have set fs.file-max=1048576 in /etc/sysctl.conf | 11:12 |
SeJo | but when starting ulimits -n still shows 1024 | 11:12 |
SeJo | why is that? | 11:12 |
ActionParsnip | Huffameg: if thats no good theres one other way (youo will need to close all browsers before testing) | 11:12 |
Stevethe1irate | Anyone here willing to help me with some netorking problems? Trying to set up NAT/ICS using firestarter, but local side [eth1] is not working... Can't even ping. Any help? | 11:12 |
aperson | so I can have my desktop shut itself off and have my nas turn it back on when I'm in range | 11:12 |
snek | I'm using xvnc4viewer but even if I select 256 colors the server seems to always end up sending full color.. anybody know any fixes? | 11:13 |
Huffameg | ActionParsnip: i doesn't seem to help.. | 11:13 |
MaxiPsycho | ...i guess no one knows, typical, just when i like an idea... | 11:13 |
ActionParsnip | Huffameg: ok let me get something | 11:13 |
ActionParsnip | Huffameg: download and extract this: | 11:13 |
vigo | lollan: Yes, ok, just download the USB or to USB, then maybe want to set BIOS to look for USB as first boot, or just boot into windows, then it might autodetect, that would be like running from a liveCD. sorta | 11:14 |
glitsj16 | SeJo: there might be entrees in /etc/security/limits.conf that overrule sysctl | 11:14 |
ActionParsnip | Huffameg: then in terminal run: mkdir ~/.mozilla/plugins | 11:14 |
n2diy | ActionParsnip, Flightgear is not ready for prime time, it has locked up my test box again. | 11:14 |
ActionParsnip | n2diy: then id log a bug of some sort, try get it up to scratch | 11:15 |
vigo | lollan: If the system is not installed, it is not installed, see what I mean? | 11:15 |
ActionParsnip | n2diy: all i can suggest is: apt-cache search flight | 11:15 |
cfenix | hola? | 11:15 |
n2diy | ActionParsnip, Rger that, ok on the search, I wanna fly not debug! :) | 11:15 |
lollan | vigo, sorry I didn't get that. what do you mean by download the usb ? The system is installed but can't boot because I deleted grub, I already set the bios to start the usb drive but ubuntu didn't start. | 11:16 |
snek | i actually use flashplugin-nonfree from the jaunty repositories | 11:16 |
SeJo | glitsj16: nope | 11:16 |
SeJo | glitsj16: nothing in there | 11:16 |
quibbler | !es | cfenix | 11:16 |
ubottu | cfenix: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es. | 11:16 |
vigo | lollan: Right, you need to fix grub, it is a command, hold on | 11:16 |
Huffameg | ActionParsnip: mkdir: cannot create directory `/home/jofu/.mozilla/plugins': File exists | 11:16 |
cfenix | ok | 11:17 |
cfenix | i'm getting started | 11:17 |
ActionParsnip | Huffameg: thats fine, ok in that archve there is a .so file isnt there | 11:17 |
ActionParsnip | Huffameg: copy it to the ~/.mozilla/plugins folder | 11:17 |
vigo | lollan: Here: | 11:17 |
ActionParsnip | Huffameg: i'll make this easier for you, did you by any chance extrct the files on your desktop? | 11:18 |
vigo | lollan: That is fix grub and update grub, which is the most likely error | 11:18 |
latrell | hey guys | 11:18 |
lollan | thanks vigo I got check it out | 11:18 |
glitsj16 | SeJo: i take it you did a "sudo sysctl -p" after making changes to /etc/sysctl.conf ? | 11:18 |
SeJo | glitsj16: yes | 11:18 |
Huffameg | ActionParsnip: they're called teh same thing.. so i overwrite? | 11:18 |
SeJo | glitsj16: even rebooted | 11:18 |
ActionParsnip | Huffameg: yes | 11:18 |
Huffameg | ActionParsnip: yes, i did | 11:18 |
latrell | i got a question | 11:18 |
* hamid11771 is seeking for an IRC expert, for setting up an IRC server. anyone ? | 11:19 | |
ActionParsnip | Huffameg: thats fine as long as you can get the extracted .so file in that folder i dont care :D | 11:19 |
latrell | ok | 11:19 |
glitsj16 | SeJo: odd indeed, can't say i can think of anything usefull right now to assist :) | 11:19 |
SeJo | glitsj16: ok thanks | 11:19 |
latrell | so i installed ubuntu np , i then used the live cd to partition my hdd some more (cause loaded some other os on there) | 11:19 |
Stevethe1irate | Anyone here willing to help me with some netorking problems? Trying to set up NAT/ICS using firestarter, but local side [eth1] is not working... Can't even ping. Any help? | 11:20 |
Jeanne-Kamikaze | hello | 11:20 |
ActionParsnip | hamid11771: | 11:20 |
lollan | vigo: thanks but I have no access to ubuntu anymore, since I could'nt started I'm on windows. What I would like is some info on how avoid to do the same mistake (installing grub into internal hdd instead of the usb hdd) twice. | 11:20 |
ActionParsnip | Huffameg: ok now that file is in there, kil all browsers and rerun | 11:20 |
latrell | now when i turn on i have the option for windos server, xp and ubuntu ..but the ubuntu option doesnt go to the actually installed version of ubuntu ist trying to load it from the cd | 11:20 |
ActionParsnip | Huffameg: that will give you flash | 11:20 |
latrell | even though ...its installed and i was usuing it like normal a few hours ago.... | 11:20 |
latrell | any ideas anyone? | 11:21 |
Jeanne-Kamikaze | The nvidia drivers installer complains it kind find my kernel headers. Getting the headers from the repositories is not an option since this is a custom build. Any idea how to resolve this issue ? | 11:21 |
ActionParsnip | latrell: take youor cd out of the tray? | 11:21 |
latrell | yeah i do that | 11:21 |
latrell | still had ubuntu option and if i load the default one | 11:21 |
latrell | i does this | 11:21 |
erUSUL | Jeanne-Kamikaze: yu have to keep the build directory around if you use a custom kernel | 11:21 |
Huffameg | ActionParsnip: ok. done.. but it doesn't fix my problem.. the thing is that i only have a problem with myspace.. normally other sites are working fine.. | 11:21 |
latrell | loads gui for ubunto then goes to busybox v1.10.2 | 11:21 |
Jeanne-Kamikaze | erUSUL: yeah the directory is /usr/src/linux- | 11:22 |
king | latrell did you use wubi? | 11:22 |
latrell | and has (initramfs) and i can write somethings | 11:22 |
Jeanne-Kamikaze | and the build and source links in /lib/modules/ point there | 11:22 |
Huffameg | ActionParsnip: it still tells me to activate javascript and download flash 9 or later | 11:22 |
latrell | nope, i dont know what wubi is so i guess now | 11:22 |
latrell | not* | 11:22 |
ActionParsnip | Jeanne-Kamikaze: can you paste the output of uname -a in here please | 11:22 |
ActionParsnip | Jeanne-Kamikaze: i'll give you the command | 11:22 |
DIFH-iceroot | !wubi | latrell | 11:22 |
king | ok . sorry than i have no idea..this is a typical wubi error.. | 11:22 |
ubottu | latrell: Wubi is an Ubuntu installer for Windows users that allows you to install and uninstall Ubuntu like a Windows application, in a simple and safe way. for troubleshooting. Please file bugs at | 11:22 |
quibbler | Huffameg: paste the myspace url | 11:22 |
Jeanne-Kamikaze | Linux sha #10 SMP Thu Feb 26 20:45:52 CET 2009 i686 GNU/Linux | 11:22 |
latrell | hmm | 11:23 |
erUSUL | Jeanne-Kamikaze: then the nvidia installer should fin the headers there | 11:23 |
latrell | thing was all working before .... | 11:23 |
Jeanne-Kamikaze | apparently it can't find em :/ | 11:23 |
vigo | lollan: Update Grub will update and repair the current Grub, I think the Grub on the USB is faulty, or sounds like it, maybe try a fresh download, check the MD5! then install the new clean Ubuntu onto USB, that is probably or is the best solution that I can muster up. | 11:23 |
latrell | ubottu u think i should install it again? | 11:23 |
ubottu | Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 11:23 |
snek | what is the most recommended VNC Client for Ubuntu? am currently using xvnc4viewer but having a few problems with it... | 11:23 |
Huffameg | quibbler: it goes for any myspace-page with music on it, but you can try this one: | 11:23 |
ActionParsnip | Jeanne-Kamikaze: isnt that jaunty? | 11:24 |
cygnusX | Hey, i have a simple question about Escrow. I'm going to work on a project as freelancer and the buyer wants to pay me through escrow, the problem is that i have paypal account and that quote isfrom "PayPal payments are currently only available when both the Buyer and the Seller are located in the United States." Well, none of us is located in US, so he can't send money to my PayPayl account through Escrow, huh? | 11:24 |
ActionParsnip | Jeanne-Kamikaze: whats the output of lsb_release -c ? | 11:24 |
bazhang | cygnusX, that is related to ubuntu in what way | 11:24 |
Jeanne-Kamikaze | jeanne@sha:/usr/src$ lsb_release -c | 11:24 |
Jeanne-Kamikaze | Codename:intrepid | 11:24 |
snek | hehe | 11:24 |
ActionParsnip | hmm | 11:24 |
lollan | vigo, my problem is that there was no grub on the usb otherwise it would boot when from the bios I boot on the usb drive. can't use update grub because no access to ubuntu. | 11:24 |
quibbler | Huffameg: not my music ..but it plays for me | 11:24 |
erUSUL | Jeanne-Kamikaze: works for me... but anyway we can not support custom kernels or the nvidia installer here... | 11:24 |
snek | lollan you can boot a livecd and install grub from there i think | 11:25 |
Stevethe1irate | Anyone here willing to help me with some netorking problems? Trying to set up NAT/ICS using firestarter, but local side [eth1] is not working... Can't even ping. Any help? | 11:25 |
ActionParsnip | Jeanne-Kamikaze: did you just upgrade to jaunty? i'm on the latest everything for intrepid and i'm on | 11:25 |
ActionParsnip | Jeanne-Kamikaze: we'll glob it to make it easier | 11:25 |
Jeanne-Kamikaze | ActionParsnip: I've compiled a custom kernel | 11:25 |
Jeanne-Kamikaze | I had hardy heron | 11:26 |
Huffameg | quibbler: well.. i don't know what it is yet, that's what i want to find out. :P | 11:26 |
fevel | hey guys | 11:26 |
ActionParsnip | Jeanne-Kamikaze: i see, then you'll need: sudo apt-get install linux-headers-2.6.28* | 11:26 |
fevel | I know there is a server version | 11:26 |
vigo | lollan: Right, in windows download a fresh version to that USB, it will or should replace the Grub to a working one. | 11:26 |
ActionParsnip | Jeanne-Kamikaze: should cover you | 11:26 |
fevel | but can i use plain ubuntu as server? | 11:26 |
n2diy | Stevethe1irate, what does ifconfig tell you about eth1? | 11:26 |
fevel | I like gui | 11:26 |
=== djak__ is now known as djak | ||
Jeanne-Kamikaze | ActionParsnip: the 2.6.28 headers are missing and those are for the generic kernel in the repositories | 11:26 |
lollan | ok vigo thanks | 11:26 |
Jeanne-Kamikaze | it will probably not do the job for a custom one | 11:26 |
snek | fevel, yes.. you could install Desktop version and then install the server kernel | 11:26 |
Huffameg | ActionParsnip: is it possible that it is being blocked by adblock or something? | 11:26 |
ActionParsnip | Jeanne-Kamikaze: thats all i can suggest | 11:27 |
Stevethe1irate | n2diy: Nothing out the ordinary. | 11:27 |
snek | although, you can install server version with a gui too i think | 11:27 |
ActionParsnip | Huffameg: try disabling it | 11:27 |
fevel | snek: can I do the opposite/ | 11:27 |
fevel | ? | 11:27 |
latrell | hmmm | 11:27 |
latrell | any other words of advice? | 11:27 |
Stevethe1irate | Except that the base address is dead. | 11:27 |
snek | fevel: yes.. i have one running at home.. installed server without gui, then installed ubuntu-desktop | 11:27 |
n2diy | Stevethe1irate, what does ifconfig tell you about eth1? | 11:27 |
quibbler | Huffameg: type about:plugins in firefox and see where the flash plugin is from..(what path) | 11:27 |
Stevethe1irate | n2diy: Want pastebin? | 11:27 |
fevel | snek: Ok, thanks man | 11:27 |
ActionParsnip | Huffameg: you could always rename ~/.mozilla to something else, rerun firefox to crate a new profile, then copy to .so between the 2 folders | 11:27 |
n2diy | Stevethe1irate, does it give you an ip address? | 11:27 |
Stevethe1irate | Um.. eth1 is the internal networks NIC | 11:28 |
latrell | i guess ill just reinstall it | 11:28 |
=== dtcrshr_out is now known as dtcrshr | ||
Stevethe1irate | Its got\24 addy. | 11:28 |
snek | fevel: no problem, server has some nice extra features i thought, like supporting the service command the way redhat/centos/fedora uses it :) | 11:28 |
snek | that's 8.10 server though | 11:28 |
fevel | yes | 11:28 |
Stevethe1irate | n2diy: Since i assigned it, | 11:29 |
ViciousPotato | Hi! I'm contemplating dual-booting ubuntu; just wondering what the dual monitor support is like out-of-the-(metaphorical-)box? | 11:29 |
Huffameg | ActionParsnip: well.. it seems that the adblock thing worked.. (oh, the shame! :S ) now I just have to find out how to make adblock make an exception.. | 11:29 |
ActionParsnip | n2diy: make sure thats not the LAN ip of your router | 11:29 |
n2diy | Stevethe1irate, \24? can you ping | 11:29 |
ActionParsnip | Huffameg: indeed, you have a project now :D | 11:29 |
n2diy | ActionParsnip, ifconfig wouldn't show the router. | 11:29 |
zilleplus | is there a way to open files if you are in nano | 11:30 |
latrell | what does the (initramfs) mean like command line? | 11:30 |
Stevethe1irate | I can ping from the gateway.. but not from any of the clients. | 11:30 |
latrell | its come to that ...wont boot as such | 11:30 |
zilleplus | is there a way to open files if you are in nano | 11:30 |
lollan | vigo there is no grub into my usb | 11:30 |
snek | ViciousPotato, that could take you some time to setup properly.. kind of depends on the support of the nvidia/ati configuration tool | 11:30 |
Myrtti | zilleplus: ctrl - o | 11:30 |
Huffameg | quibbler: okay, no.. not really my kind of thing either.. ;) | 11:30 |
ActionParsnip | n2diy: just make sure you dont conflict any ip addresses | 11:30 |
ViciousPotato | snek: Hmm. So, would you say I should install ubuntu with one monitor connected at first? | 11:30 |
Myrtti | zilleplus: no... | 11:30 |
n2diy | ActionParsnip, roger that. | 11:31 |
latrell | ActionParsnip is there a way to load ubuntu..from the (initramfs) command line ? | 11:31 |
snek | ViciousPotato: no leave them both connected if you want, it will just only use one | 11:31 |
zilleplus | not ctr O is for saving | 11:31 |
Stevethe1irate | n2diy: I can ping from the gateway.. but not from any of the clients. | 11:31 |
ViciousPotato | Ah, okay. | 11:31 |
ActionParsnip | latrell: the minimal cd allows it | 11:31 |
Myrtti | zilleplus: ctrl - r? | 11:31 |
ViciousPotato | Thanks. | 11:31 |
ActionParsnip | latrell: wait scratch that | 11:31 |
snek | ViciousPotato: after having installed the correct video driver through the Restricted Hardware option you should also get a config tool which will let you configure multiple monitors | 11:31 |
latrell | k i guess my installation is currupted | 11:31 |
vigo | lollan: Aha! that is why it will not boot, I think, so do a fresh download, check the MD5 , then put it on the USB fresh. | 11:32 |
ActionParsnip | latrell: sure if you know how to instruct grub to boot | 11:32 |
ViciousPotato | Ah, I see. | 11:32 |
ActionParsnip | latrell: i'd look at reinstalling grub | 11:32 |
cyzie | is partner compoennt in apt repository still suported? | 11:32 |
latrell | well i think i can get to that | 11:32 |
n2diy | Stevethe1irate, ok, I'm probably in over my head already, never worked from a gateway before, but, can the clients ping each other? | 11:32 |
ActionParsnip | !grub | latrell | 11:32 |
latrell | ok | 11:32 |
ubottu | latrell: GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See - GRUB how-tos: | 11:32 |
latrell | ok | 11:32 |
lollan | ok vigo thanks, I'm gonna try that ^^ | 11:32 |
FloodBot2 | latrell: Please don't flood, use to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 11:32 |
snek | lollan: you could use unetbootin to put ubuntu on a usb stick from an ISO | 11:32 |
latrell | thanks mate | 11:32 |
latrell | ill check it | 11:32 |
vigo | okee dokee | 11:32 |
ActionParsnip | wow floodbot is techy | 11:32 |
snek | | 11:33 |
ActionParsnip | 2 lines and hes on you like a rash | 11:33 |
quibbler | Huffameg: you can also try a new profile by typing firefox -p in the terminal and creating a new one to see if that works | 11:33 |
vigo | Botittude | 11:33 |
cyzie | is partner compoennt in apt repository still suported? | 11:33 |
ActionParsnip | quibbler: he found its adblock or something blocking it,he needs to add an exception so myspace doesnt moan | 11:34 |
Stevethe1irate | n2diy: They obviously can communicate.. they are basically acting as peers on a \24 network... Its just they cant talk to the GW | 11:34 |
lollan | snek, can I use it with the last stable ubuntu ? | 11:34 |
Stevethe1irate | n2diy: and as a result, cant get onto the interwebs. | 11:34 |
quibbler | ActionParsnip: ah OK | 11:34 |
snek | yes, it supports auto downloading of most ubuntu versions and also many other distributions | 11:34 |
n2diy | Stevethe1irate, ok, obviously I'm in over my head, GL. | 11:34 |
Stevethe1irate | Heh, ta | 11:34 |
Stevethe1irate | Going to lunch, if anyone is willing to help, plox pm me. | 11:35 |
quibbler | ActionParsnip: that is one of the first things i would have tried... | 11:35 |
mola0 | hello people , this is my first time here | 11:35 |
cyzie | is partner compoennt in apt repository still suported? | 11:35 |
snek | lollan: you have the option to download a new iso straight from the makers, or you can tell it to load an ISO from your hdd and put that onto USB | 11:36 |
quibbler | mola0: welcome | 11:36 |
ciapsadm | Hi | 11:36 |
snek | cyzie: what do you mean "supported"? | 11:36 |
mola0 | thank you quibller | 11:36 |
mola0 | where are you from ? | 11:36 |
quibbler | mola0: NL | 11:36 |
cyzie | snek, when i enabled that in synaptic and do apt-get update, it just return error. | 11:36 |
lollan | cool snek and it automatically install everything ? | 11:36 |
lollan | into my usb ? | 11:37 |
mola0 | nice , I aM FROM Egypt | 11:37 |
snek | lollan: yes | 11:37 |
snek | cyzie: this line works for me: deb intrepid partner | 11:37 |
snek | cyzie: just make sure you have the right version of course ;) | 11:38 |
cyzie | well, i cant use the official cause the last tiem it gave me 1 hell pain in the ass. im using it just return me error. | 11:38 |
quibbler | mola0: salem alkum (don't know if the spelling is good) | 11:38 |
lollan | thanks snek | 11:38 |
snek | cyzie: it might be a problem with that mirror then | 11:38 |
snek | cyzie: i will try with nl.archive for a sec to test | 11:38 |
bazhang | 11:38 | |
bazhang | #ubuntu-eg | 11:38 |
cyzie | ok, good snek. | 11:39 |
reenignEesreveR | i wanna forward a specific port only for certain IP addresses, how do i do that? | 11:39 |
ActionParsnip | reenignEesreveR: iptables | 11:39 |
bazhang | for help in egypt, mola0 /join #ubuntu-eg | 11:39 |
martin101 | does anyone here own a G1? | 11:40 |
reenignEesreveR | ActionParsnip, thanks | 11:40 |
latrell | hey ActionParsnip that worked mate | 11:40 |
aperson | is there a way to have ubuntu shutdown after a period of inactivity? | 11:40 |
latrell | but now it dont show windows server 2003 when i choose to select operating system LOL | 11:40 |
snek | cyzie: it did not work with but it did work with | 11:41 |
cyzie | mmmmm | 11:41 |
maksfray | ыыыыыыы | 11:41 |
noobish | hey all, running into an issue with my wifi | 11:41 |
maksfray | hi | 11:41 |
latrell | in gparted i can see the ntfs partition with windows server 2003 on there | 11:41 |
latrell | its like /devsda1 (ntfs thats XP and it works fine) | 11:41 |
noobish | im not connected to an ap right now and I dont want to be, but when i switch to console mode, im getting noise floor calibration timeouts and gain calibration timeouts | 11:42 |
cyzie | i change the canonical to ubuntu | 11:42 |
ActionParsnip | latrell: cool | 11:42 |
noobish | how can I make it stop printing errors to the console about this? | 11:42 |
cyzie | snek, ^^ | 11:42 |
snek | cyzie: ok, let me know if it works | 11:42 |
cyzie | snake, whta do u do for living ? | 11:42 |
snek | cyzie: i am a php/mysql programmer and now also system/server admin for my company | 11:42 |
ActionParsnip | latrell: format it to ext3 then you can mount it anywhere on your system (except /proc) anduse it as a storage hold | 11:42 |
Huffameg | ActionParsnip: ehm.. i'm trying to disable adblock for different pages on myspace, even for the whole site, but all i get is ugly ads but no player.. | 11:42 |
latrell | then its /dev/sda2 (and it has 5 [ubuntu],6 [ntfs windows server 2003],7[2mb of unusded stuff) | 11:43 |
cyzie | snek, cool. | 11:43 |
zilleplus | does annyone know why my ubuntu sever 8 does noet shut down on the command "sudo shutdown now" but he go's to a recovery menu | 11:43 |
ActionParsnip | Huffameg: its not something i use,maybe someone else can contribute | 11:43 |
Huffameg | ActionParsnip: okay, thanks | 11:43 |
latrell | i think maybe because the dev/sda6 is under the dev/sda2 partition ...its not working? | 11:43 |
kinja-sheep | Huffameg: How about adding as an exception? Or just don't use myspace at all. :( | 11:43 |
noobish | the /etc/init.d/networking stop didn't work | 11:43 |
zilleplus | woh do i fix it | 11:43 |
latrell | like my NTFS parition is in side the main parition or something... | 11:44 |
Huffameg | kinja-sheep: that's what i'm trying to do.. i've put adblock on disable for all myspace pages but the player still doesn't work.. | 11:44 |
latrell | that not exactly comprehensible though | 11:44 |
latrell | sorry, hopefully u know what i mean | 11:44 |
ActionParsnip | latrell: its a logical partition on an extended partition | 11:44 |
latrell | yeah extended | 11:44 |
snek | Huffamge: you're not using NoScript by any chance? | 11:44 |
kinja-sheep | Huffameg: Disable the plugin and restart the firefox. Try again. If that doesn't work, then it sounds like a Flash issue. | 11:44 |
latrell | and in that extended, NTFS partion and the ext3 for ububtu | 11:44 |
ActionParsnip | as long as sudo fdisk -l sees it it doesnt matter | 11:44 |
archman | Hello! | 11:45 |
latrell | just its not listed as a option on bootup now | 11:45 |
latrell | windows server 2003 atleast | 11:45 |
ActionParsnip | latrell: no, you have an extended partition with logical partitions making it up | 11:45 |
latrell | ok yeah | 11:45 |
paul68 | what is the keyboard combination to get the rotating cube with compiz? | 11:45 |
latrell | can i pm u mate? | 11:45 |
bazhang | !cube | 11:45 |
ubottu | Compiz-Fusion (and the older Compiz and Beryl) are window managers that employ the "composite" extension of X to draw windows using graphics cards' 3D hardware. They can additionally provide "desktop special effects" (such as the "cube") by means of plug-ins. Join #compiz-fusion for help and support with advanced features. See also « /msg ubotu compiz » and « /msg ubotu effects » | 11:46 |
cyzie | snek, W: Failed to fetch Unable to find expected entry partner/binary-i386/Packages in Meta-index file (malformed Release file?) | 11:46 |
ActionParsnip | latrell: the extended partition doesnt have a file system of its own, you have a primary partition on an extended partition, you then divide the extended into logical prtitions and you get what you want | 11:46 |
archman | Every time I try to install something with apt-get it also lists me the packages that are no longer required. Are those safe to remove (in which also is a linux-headers-, I use .12)? | 11:46 |
ActionParsnip | latrell: sure i cant think of anything else really | 11:46 |
snek | cyzie: your url now looks like this? deb intrepid partner | 11:46 |
Huffameg | kinja-sheep: yes, i just did that i found out that it was an adblock problem.. when i'm disabling the whole plugin everything works, but when i try an exception for one page or one site it doesn't work.. that is, it works for the ads but not for the myspace-player.. | 11:46 |
latrell | ok | 11:47 |
freeqstyler | hello, i have problem with my archaic intel 845g graphic chipset. In theory, hardware acceleration is enabled (glxinfo returns "direct rendering: yes"), but for example viewport in Blender (or other 3d applications) is much slower than in Windows. | 11:47 |
kinja-sheep | Huffameg: Myspace is an ad. There you go. :) | 11:47 |
cyzie | snek, so yes : deb intrepid partner | 11:47 |
=== aprilhare_ is now known as aprilhare | ||
snek | Huffameg: i have both adblockplus and noscript, and after allowing myspace in noscript the player works fine....... | 11:47 |
Huffameg | kinja-sheep: haha.. yep.. | 11:47 |
ActionParsnip | latrell: check pm | 11:47 |
snek | cyzie: i'm afraid that mirror doesn't mirror the partner repo i guess... maybe try another one? | 11:48 |
Huffameg | snek: that's strange.. how come it doesn't work here.. | 11:48 |
snek | Huffameg: are you using adblock or adblockplus? | 11:48 |
cfenix | who can help me? please! | 11:48 |
cyzie | well, im using tw as it is very fast to me, the official give me like 5B/s | 11:48 |
cyzie | shiting slow! | 11:48 |
=== Album|Awy is now known as Album | ||
Huffameg | snek: adblockplus | 11:48 |
archman | ActionParsnip: got a sec? | 11:48 |
snek | cyzie: well there's more mirrors around.. try one from a country close to you | 11:48 |
igor321 | anyone know if jaunty is shipping with qt 4.5, google ain't helpin | 11:49 |
cyzie | where is nl snek? | 11:49 |
snek | cyzie: netherlands | 11:49 |
ActionParsnip | archman: sure, sup/ | 11:49 |
archman | ActionParsnip: maybe read my above post @ 12:47 ? | 11:49 |
ziroday | igor321: ask in #ubuntu+1 | 11:49 |
erUSUL | igor321: ask in #ubuntu+1 | 11:49 |
snek | igor321: | 11:49 |
ziroday | erUSUL: jinx :) | 11:49 |
ziroday | snek: I think he means, will it be shipped with jaunty | 11:50 |
* erUSUL XD | 11:50 | |
archman | ActionParsnip: Can I safely remove those old kernel headers? | 11:50 |
ActionParsnip | archman: sudo apt-get --purge autoremove | 11:50 |
igor321 | thanks guys | 11:50 |
snek | ziroday: if it's in the repo's already then it should be shipped with it eventually too, no? :) | 11:50 |
ActionParsnip | archman: sure if the kernelis no longer around, the headers are pointless | 11:50 |
archman | ActionParsnip: | 11:50 |
cyzie | snek, my other repo will go to tw, then the partner, i willt ry some other mirror | 11:50 |
cyzie | snek, what does partner offer? | 11:50 |
archman | ActionParsnip: It can be chosen in my GRUB, if that counts... | 11:51 |
snek | cyzie: yes, that's fine.. i sometimes mix different countries as well, like for some things i have used germany and others belgium | 11:51 |
ziroday | snek: well if its in the repo then yes, but it unlikely to be. | 11:51 |
snek | cyzie: i will have to have a look what is actually in it.. one sec | 11:51 |
cyzie | snek okie dokie | 11:51 |
ActionParsnip | archman: then grub hasnt been updated. You can check for kernels with: dpkg -l | grep ^linux | 11:52 |
archman | ActionParsnip: says nothing... | 11:52 |
snek | cyzie: | 11:52 |
cyzie | snek, nl give error as well. | 11:52 |
snek | cyzie: hmmm that's weird | 11:53 |
ActionParsnip | archman: try: dpkg -l | grep image | 11:53 |
cyzie | snek, what's the url again? | 11:53 |
snek | cyzie: deb intrepid partner | 11:53 |
archman | ActionParsnip: | 11:54 |
cyzie | k just wont work. | 11:54 |
pmitros | How is free software support for ATI cards in Intrepid and Jaunty? I know ATI released a lot of documentation about a year back, and the latest snapshots claim to have okay support. I'm not sure how it is in shipping/pre-shipping Ubuntu yet. Is there stable 2d? Is there stable 3d? Does it work with hibernate/suspend? | 11:54 |
ActionParsnip | archman: ok then look at what its saying can be removed and look at the linux-image packages in that list and compare, the version numbers must match exactly | 11:55 |
snek | cyzie: ok, i am not sure what the problem could be then.. strange that it only happens for that repo but not the other ones.. i'm stumped! | 11:55 |
=== sale_ is now known as sale | ||
ActionParsnip | archman: you can uninstall old kernels if you dont use them to gain ~30Mb a kernel | 11:55 |
archman | ActionParsnip: uname -r says 2.6.27-12-generic, just to make sure... | 11:56 |
YAA1 | !info amba | 11:56 |
ubottu | Package amba does not exist in intrepid | 11:56 |
YAA1 | !info samba | 11:56 |
ubottu | samba (source: samba): a LanManager-like file and printer server for Unix. In component main, is optional. Version 2:3.2.3-1ubuntu3.4 (intrepid), package size 4266 kB, installed size 11904 kB | 11:56 |
cyzie | snek, where does the file that stored all the ubuntu server url ? | 11:56 |
snek | cyzie: not quite sure what you mean | 11:56 |
dfwef | could someone help me with WPA? I have been through the wireless docs, and I can get it to connect with WEP but I can't get it to connect WPA | 11:56 |
ActionParsnip | archman: good call | 11:56 |
snek | cyzie: you mean /etc/apt/sources.list ? | 11:57 |
cyzie | snek, when u run synaptic, u can choose the best servers around, now where does the synaptic refer the list from | 11:57 |
cyzie | ? | 11:57 |
snek | cyzie: oh i don't know.. i do everything by hand and never use synaptic :P | 11:58 |
snek | cyzie: the whole graphical interface just confuses me and i prefer aptitude from commandline | 11:58 |
cyzie | snek, i ussing my hand to type too. | 11:59 |
=== Album is now known as Album|Awy | ||
ActionParsnip | !wpa | dfwef | 11:59 |
ubottu | dfwef: Wireless documentation can be found at | 11:59 |
fevel | can someone give me a hand? I am trying to build a script to check all txt files on a directory. If it finds any, it will interpret the first two lines as user and pass and create it with htpasswd. After that it removes all .txt on the dir | 11:59 |
fevel | I have this... | 11:59 |
dfwef | I have been through the docs | 11:59 |
dfwef | I did the wpa_password thing, and it didn't work | 11:59 |
naymyowin | hi | 11:59 |
archman | ActionParsnip: ok, in those two lists just ...-generic is what matches, linux-headers-2.6.27-11 is not in this dpkg list, and also, why does apt-get not list these 2.6.22 and ...24 headers for removal also? :-/ | 11:59 |
dfwef | and its not a matter of installing/enabling supplicant | 11:59 |
cyzie | snek, seeing is beliving | 11:59 |
naymyowin | talk to me | 11:59 |
paul68 | !pastebin | fevel | 12:00 |
ubottu | fevel: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic) | 12:00 |
naymyowin | i have goot uubuntu problem | 12:00 |
xiq | hello, how can i download the xgl package for xubuntu | 12:00 |
quibbler | !ask | naymyowin | 12:00 |
ubottu | naymyowin: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) | 12:00 |
fevel | cat *.txt| awk -F '{print "htpasswd -bp passwordsfile "$1" "$2"}'| rm *.txt | 12:00 |
naymyowin | where can i get free shipment of UBUNT DVD version of Intrepid? | 12:00 |
fevel | paul its a one liner | 12:00 |
naymyowin | whenever i requested, i got free CD only | 12:00 |
ActionParsnip | archman: if those kernels are installed, the headers are still useful | 12:00 |
naymyowin | CD has no all feature includeds | 12:01 |
snek | xiq: you mean glx? | 12:01 |
naymyowin | i have no internet connection on my server | 12:01 |
archman | ActionParsnip: no no no sorry, nothing matches... | 12:01 |
paul68 | fevel: sorry didn't know that was just informative no harm done | 12:01 |
fevel | its not working. it simply removes all txt files but doesnt add to htpasswd | 12:01 |
ActionParsnip | archman: then you can uninstall the headers as they are pointless | 12:01 |
xiq | @snek: no, xgl for compiz super fusion | 12:01 |
xiq | or w/e | 12:01 |
fevel | paul68: no problem buddy | 12:01 |
snek | xiq: super fusion even? hehe | 12:02 |
xiq | oO so can you help me? | 12:02 |
fevel | does anyone know what I got wrong on the one liner? Or have any sugestions | 12:02 |
snek | xiq: i'm pretty sure you mean glx (and fglrx if you have an nvidia) | 12:03 |
archman | ActionParsnip: so in dpkg list remains that what is used momentally? | 12:03 |
paul68 | fevel: question is it a type of archive that you are creating ? | 12:03 |
xiq | i have ati hd | 12:03 |
snek | xiq: if you install the restricted drivers it should auto install it for you | 12:03 |
ActionParsnip | archman: if you are happy with your current kernel then you dont really need the older ones | 12:03 |
xiq | well thats my problem... where can i do that | 12:03 |
archman | ActionParsnip: yes, i'm good with new... | 12:03 |
snek | xiq: System/Admin/Restricted Hardware | 12:03 |
ActionParsnip | archman: i like to keep the previous kernelas a fallback, unless i up my release then I start clean | 12:03 |
xiq | thank you | 12:03 |
Stevethe1irate | Anyone here willing to help me with some netorking problems? Trying to set up NAT/ICS using firestarter, but local side [eth1] is not working... Can't even ping. Any help? | 12:04 |
fevel | paul68: I create txt files with user and passwd and I just throw it in the directory. The script will interpret the first two lines as user and pass and add it to htpaswd | 12:04 |
archman | ActionParsnip: oh, sort of a backup? ok, the best ;) thanks! | 12:04 |
xiq | you mean hardware driver | 12:04 |
snek | xiq: or emmm System/Administration/Hardware Drivers | 12:04 |
snek | :) | 12:04 |
xiq | yes xD | 12:04 |
paul68 | fevel: ok but the htpaswd whats that? is that an archive or is it a file | 12:04 |
snek | xiq: it differs per version of ubuntu i think | 12:04 |
xiq | yay! thank you :D | 12:04 |
snek | xiq: you will want to install another tool to configure compiz.. one sec | 12:04 |
xiq | i have | 12:05 |
Stevethe1irate | !compiz | 12:05 |
ubottu | Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at - help in #compiz-fusion | 12:05 |
xiq | oh! | 12:05 |
archman | ActionParsnip: sorry for taking your time, but just one question more. How can I see how much space the unused kernels are taking? | 12:05 |
fevel | its an apache tool that creates passwords and can be used for different stuff | 12:05 |
zilleplus | how can you test you internet connection on ubuntu 8 server edt | 12:05 |
archman | ActionParsnip: I mean, where are the files? | 12:05 |
snek | xiq: sudo aptitude install compizconfig-backend-gconf | 12:05 |
fevel | zilleplus: have you tried pinging? | 12:05 |
zilleplus | no | 12:06 |
fevel | then... | 12:06 |
zilleplus | just beginner on linux | 12:06 |
fevel | its not really linux related | 12:06 |
fevel | ist basic networking | 12:06 |
mostafa | how can i open yahoo massenger at ubuntu | 12:06 |
fevel | basic of the basic | 12:06 |
ActionParsnip | archman: use ubottu ;) | 12:06 |
paul68 | fevel: if it was a type of archive I could help you with an solution but now Its just out of my scope sorry | 12:06 |
archman | ok | 12:07 |
mostafa | how can i open yahoo massenger at ubuntu | 12:07 |
no_bother | hey | 12:07 |
SpareBit | mostafa: use pidgin for yahoo | 12:07 |
no_bother | hey | 12:07 |
ActionParsnip | !info linux-image-2.6.27-11-generic | 12:07 |
ubottu | linux-image-2.6.27-11-generic (source: linux): Linux kernel image for version 2.6.27 on x86/x86_64. In component main, is optional. Version 2.6.27-11.27 (intrepid), package size 22897 kB, installed size 92184 kB | 12:07 |
zilleplus | but how do i test my internet connection | 12:07 |
ActionParsnip | ;) | 12:07 |
_DEL | mostafa, probably use pidgin | 12:07 |
fevel | paul68: ok, I appreciate your help | 12:07 |
archman | thanks! | 12:07 |
quibbler | !pidgin | mostafa | 12:07 |
ubottu | mostafa: The Instant Messenger Client Pidgin (formerly Gaim) ( supports MSN, XMPP (Jabber, GTalk and variants), AIM, Gadu-Gadu, Novell Groupwise, ICQ, YIM, IRC and others. See also !Kopete | 12:07 |
fevel | paul68: thanks | 12:07 |
mostafa | ok | 12:07 |
ActionParsnip | archman: i'd /msg him too, so you dont flood the room with crap | 12:07 |
mostafa | how an i find this | 12:08 |
stickboyy | I'm on Ubuntu 8.10 64bit. Just built and installed MySQL Workbench from source, but I'm not seeing anything in Applications. Do I run from terminal? Can't seem to find the command. Any ideas? Thanks. | 12:08 |
ActionParsnip | archman: /msg ubottu !info linux-image-2.6.27-11-generic | 12:08 |
ActionParsnip | archman: you can have a 1 to 1 | 12:08 |
archman | ok, tnx ;) | 12:08 |
jrib | mostafa: in your Internet menu | 12:08 |
paul68 | fevel: if you like I can give you still that archive thing that works with rar | 12:08 |
snek | stickboyy: have you tried going to terminal and typing mysql and then pressing tab a few times to show possibilities? | 12:08 |
SpareBit | mostafa: pidgin is in the Applications|Internet menu on ubuntu | 12:08 |
mostafa | ok i signed in thanks | 12:09 |
snek | stickboyy: i might just install it myself, i could use it for work.. if you can't figure it out | 12:09 |
* ActionParsnip loves pidgin | 12:09 | |
quibbler | mostafa: apps-internet-pidgin internet messenger | 12:09 |
SpareBit | lol @ ActionParsnip | 12:09 |
ActionParsnip | mostafa: of alt+f2 type pidgin press enter | 12:09 |
SpareBit | <== is using Pidgin to see this room | 12:09 |
_DEL | i prefer XChat | 12:10 |
DigitalKiwi | pidgin is fail for irc | 12:10 |
DigitalKiwi | irssi is win | 12:10 |
stickboyy | snek: nothing that i would guess is for workbench, nothing too obvious anyway. I have an assignment due in 2 hrs that I need it for, heh. Spent yesterday and was up all night trying to get this to work. | 12:11 |
tparcina | what package I need to install if I would like to install 3 on Ubuntu 8.04? | 12:11 |
DigitalKiwi | xchat is nice if you insist on yucky gui | 12:11 |
snek | stickboyy: compiling now, one sec | 12:11 |
_DEL | i ussually just go with cmnd line for evverything | 12:11 |
snek | stickboyy: you used the command? | 12:11 |
_DEL | hardly ever use gui | 12:11 |
Stevethe1irate | Anyone here willing to help me with some netorking problems? Trying to set up NAT/ICS using firestarter, but local side [eth1] is not working... Can't even ping. Any help? | 12:12 |
no_bother | can someone give me a hand installing nVidia drivers onto ubuntu? Im brand new to this | 12:12 |
stickboyy | snek, since there's no 64bit version i used the source package at the scripts there didn't work and the readme file doesn't have any linux help. | 12:12 |
archman | ActionParsnip: I see that synaptic lists all of the kernels i don't use (I upgraded from gutsy to intrepid) in the Local or Obsolete section. | 12:13 |
snek | stickboyy: check my pm | 12:13 |
_DEL | when useing it, cn you pin Stevetheliterate | 12:13 |
ActionParsnip | DigitalKiwi: i use nearly all of pidgins protocols so to install an extra app for irc is a stupid idea | 12:13 |
SpareBit | add deb hardy main into /etc/apt/source.list and update | 12:13 |
ActionParsnip | archman: then you can get rid of those too | 12:13 |
SpareBit | <== for open office 3 | 12:13 |
_DEL | try to ping that number first, then a local ip, then a website | 12:13 |
archman | ActionParsnip: ok, I hope that I'll boot the next time i turn on my laptop ;) | 12:14 |
DigitalKiwi | irssi/weechat + uh that one thing | 12:14 |
_DEL | *locl ip of another comp on network | 12:14 |
SpareBit | tparcina: see what I have typed | 12:14 |
ActionParsnip | archman: then evaluate what you have installed before rebooting | 12:14 |
DigitalKiwi | bitlbee | 12:14 |
xiq | @snek: this backend thing deleted 510mb oO | 12:14 |
erUSUL | !nvidia | no_bother | 12:14 |
ubottu | no_bother: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see | 12:14 |
=== marioc is now known as Guest40792 | ||
erUSUL | no_bother: System<Admin>Hardware Drivers | 12:15 |
_DEL | Stevetheliterate the result of when the pings fail will tell you where the prob is | 12:15 |
no_bother | thanks | 12:15 |
no_bother | Im sorry, Im just still trying to get my head around the whole ubuntu thing | 12:15 |
archman | ActionParsnip: mhm, I'm stuck again, how? | 12:16 |
* xiq thinks linux is the best! | 12:16 | |
ActionParsnip | archman: dpkg -l | grep linux-image | 12:16 |
no_bother | I like it already | 12:16 |
erUSUL | no_bother: no problem. we all have been begginers at some point | 12:16 |
no_bother | its just a bit of a change from vista | 12:16 |
ActionParsnip | archman: then read /boot/grub/menu.list | 12:16 |
ActionParsnip | no_bother: what, its a tonne faster? :) | 12:17 |
archman | ActionParsnip: ok | 12:17 |
no_bother | It took me over 2 days to install chatzilla..... I tried it from source, and thenf ound that nifty add/remove programs yolk | 12:17 |
Stevethe1irate | Anyone here willing to help me with some netorking problems? Trying to set up NAT/ICS using firestarter, but local side [eth1] is not working... Can't even ping. Any help? | 12:17 |
_DEL | no_bother, i think you will come to like ubuntu very much after you learn it more | 12:17 |
no_bother | no, I have 4GB of ram and a 9800GX2 graphics card, so it wont run any faster | 12:17 |
no_bother | yeah I like it already, Im just struggling atm | 12:17 |
tparcina | SpareBit: OO.o isn't on official Ubuntu repository? | 12:17 |
ActionParsnip | no_bother: you will have teething problems ut hang in there | 12:18 |
SpareBit | no you have to add to your source list | 12:18 |
ActionParsnip | tparcina: it is but ver 3 isnt | 12:18 |
_DEL | i was in your shoes about 1 year ago, now im big into linux networking, i really like the server edition | 12:18 |
quibbler | no_bother: don't worry you have brothers here | 12:18 |
SpareBit | I am running OOo 3 on hardy | 12:18 |
tparcina | SpareBit: ActionParsnip: thank you both! | 12:19 |
SpareBit | hardy only had 2.4 when I installed it | 12:19 |
lanoxx- | hi, i have a question, is it possible to buy less intensive support than the 9-5 desktop support for 150pounds? something that only includes email support or response times of a week maybe? | 12:19 |
=== marioc is now known as Guest97164 | ||
jrib | lanoxx-: ask canonical | 12:19 |
no_bother | AAARGH | 12:19 |
no_bother | drivers | 12:19 |
lanoxx- | jrib, where should i ask? | 12:19 |
no_bother | I like this two workstation thing though | 12:19 |
no_bother | command not found :( | 12:20 |
archman | ActionParsnip: | 12:20 |
SpareBit | tparcina: <-- installing on intreid | 12:20 |
jrib | lanoxx-: | 12:20 |
SpareBit | I used that to install onto hardy | 12:20 |
ActionParsnip | archman: seems to marry up nicely | 12:20 |
=== Stevethe1irate is now known as Stevethepirate | ||
tparcina | SpareBit: ActionParsnip: Do you know why OO.o 3 isn't on official Ubuntu repo? | 12:21 |
quibbler | lanoxx-: | 12:21 |
jrib | tparcina: because it wasn't ready when 8.10 was released | 12:21 |
SpareBit | ubuntu only has well managed packages on its lists ... right ActionParsnip | 12:22 |
ActionParsnip | tparcina: not sure, maybe the repo managers havent put it up | 12:22 |
tparcina | jrib: and they stop adding new packages once afther the new version comes out? | 12:22 |
jrib | !sru | tparcina | 12:22 |
ubottu | tparcina: Stable Release Update information is at | 12:22 |
ActionParsnip | SpareBit: you'd have to ask te maintainers | 12:22 |
snek | xiq: what did it delete? | 12:22 |
=== Sniper is now known as Guest40126 | ||
SpareBit | LOL ActionParsnip | 12:22 |
archman | ActionParsnip: How can I evaluate that everything will boot after the reboot? | 12:23 |
=== marioc is now known as Guest52801 | ||
ActionParsnip | archman: your entries in menu.list match the kernels that you have installed so whichever kernel you pick (even the 2.6.22-14) it will boot | 12:24 |
SpareBit | ActionParsnip: like the "real name" on info .... "purple", is that a purple people eater ? <teasing> | 12:24 |
ubuntistas | hello i have problem with my lexmark printer anyone for help | 12:24 |
ubuntistas | ? | 12:24 |
jrib | !print > ubuntistas | 12:24 |
ubottu | ubuntistas, please see my private message | 12:24 |
Saviq | guys, I'm trying to use debmirror on a nightly basis but GNUPG can't locate the keys when issued from cron... I've set GNUPGHOME but still it only works when issued from a shell, any idea what else do I need to do to get it to work? | 12:25 |
ubuntistas | ? | 12:25 |
ActionParsnip | ubuntistas: can you expand please | 12:25 |
=== sleepy_cat is now known as c_nick | ||
SpareBit | is there drivers for lexmark printers on ubuntu ?? | 12:26 |
ubuntistas | i wanna send a letter to my bro but i want to print it first and i cannnot | 12:26 |
archman | ActionParsnip: ok, I'll try with autoremove, but how can I see that list of packs that can be removed again? (:D) | 12:26 |
oskar- | Saviq: i don't know, but you could "env > file" from cron and compare it with your set of environment variables | 12:26 |
Stevethepirate | _DEL: So, you have an idea? | 12:26 |
ubuntistas | actionparsnip | 12:26 |
Saviq | oskar-: I'll try, thanks | 12:26 |
jrib | ubottu: did you check the pages ubottu sent you for information about your printer? | 12:26 |
ubottu | Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 12:26 |
jrib | ubuntistas: did you check the pages ubottu sent you for information about your printer? | 12:27 |
_DEL | Stevethepirate; idea abt what | 12:27 |
ActionParsnip | ubuntistas: ok has it ever printed? | 12:27 |
ubuntistas | yes | 12:27 |
no_bother | hey again, I think I got the drivers installed, but it still wont let me change my resolution | 12:27 |
jrib | !who | ubuntistas | 12:27 |
ubottu | ubuntistas: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :) | 12:27 |
Stevethepirate | I'm trying to set up NAT.. I have 2 network cards, a DHCP IP assigned eth0 for the main external network, and eth1, a statically assigned local network addy of\24 | 12:27 |
ActionParsnip | ubuntistas: have you recently done a large upgrade | 12:27 |
Stevethepirate | But I can't ping the GW from the clients | 12:28 |
_DEL | my fave, !test | 12:28 |
_DEL | !test | 12:28 |
ubottu | sigh... again? I'm busy here, I already told you it failed. | 12:28 |
SpareBit | ubuntistas: have your tried installing the printer with the System|Administrator|Printing menu ? | 12:28 |
ubuntistas | no sparebit how? | 12:28 |
ActionParsnip | !coffee | _DEL | 12:28 |
ubottu | _DEL: coffee is a caffeinated beverage made by filtering hot water through ground up roasted beans of the coffee plant. Flavouring to taste such as milk or cream, sugar or sweetener are often added afterwards. Not to be confused with !java | 12:28 |
SpareBit | click on System menu, then select Administrator, then select Printing menu item | 12:28 |
Stevethepirate | !broken | Stevethepirate | 12:29 |
ubottu | Stevethepirate, please see my private message | 12:29 |
ubuntistas | actionparsnip i have printed only in windows and now i have ubuntu | 12:29 |
SpareBit | it is quite straight forward ... | 12:29 |
Stevethepirate | _DEL: Any ideas? | 12:29 |
xiq_ | hey, what is the super button? | 12:29 |
Stevethepirate | [Windows key] | 12:29 |
ActionParsnip | ubuntistas: ahh so I'll rephrase. Have yuo ever printed to the printer from Ubuntu? | 12:29 |
xiq_ | oh | 12:29 |
Stevethepirate | [or the mac "super button] | 12:29 |
xiq_ | thanks | 12:29 |
Stevethepirate | np | 12:29 |
SpareBit | ACtionParsnip: no I do not think he has | 12:29 |
ubuntistas | yeah sparebit i didn't find a suitable drive for lexmark x1190 | 12:29 |
ubuntistas | no actionparsnip | 12:30 |
xiq_ | and how can i change the Window decorator in compiz? the only option is GTK, but i have xfce | 12:30 |
ActionParsnip | ubuntistas: | 12:30 |
hughszg | /msg NickServ VERIFY REGISTER hughszg zurziegqwbrb | 12:30 |
_DEL | Stevethepirate; i have many ideas, what do you ant to know about in specific? | 12:30 |
SpareBit | ubuntistas: Okay, sorry I can not help any more on that matter | 12:30 |
ActionParsnip | ubuntistas: Lexmark X1150 (using devfs, using udev: black & white only) | 12:30 |
oskar- | *ahem* | 12:31 |
_DEL | nvrmnd, i am reading it now | 12:31 |
SpareBit | Time to go .... bbl | 12:31 |
ubuntistas | actionparsnip i have lexmark x1190 what can i do | 12:31 |
_DEL | Stevethepirate; nvrmnd, i am reading it now | 12:31 |
Stevethepirate | _DEL :D | 12:31 |
ActionParsnip | ubuntistas: Lexmark X1190 (using udev, only Printing; somewhat slow...) | 12:32 |
ActionParsnip | ubuntistas: try clicking the links I send | 12:32 |
karolis | hello, how can I change my theme via command line? is there a file such a information is stored in? | 12:33 |
linny1 | anyone know of a tool that can recursively scan a dir tree and extract split rars ? | 12:34 |
jrib | karolis: it's in gconf. Use gconftool | 12:34 |
jrib | linny1: find and unrar I guess.... | 12:34 |
DigitalKiwi | bash foo! | 12:34 |
karolis | jrib - you mean like gcongtool in console? | 12:34 |
karolis | gconf* | 12:35 |
jrib | karolis: yes | 12:35 |
karolis | ok will try | 12:35 |
jrib | karolis: you just need to find the right key | 12:35 |
Extreme_b | hi. can anyone please help me with this: i have installed ubuntu 8.04 server. how do i set my respository file to install NFS? | 12:35 |
ActionParsnip | linny1: remond me, do they start r00 or r01 | 12:35 |
Saviq | oskar-: seems that GNUPGHOME doesn't do anyhting, I had to set HOME properly to get it to work | 12:35 |
Saviq | thanks for the tip | 12:35 |
ubuntistas | actionparsnip i cannot find a solution | 12:35 |
_DEL | Stevethepirate; on the comp you cant ping to, can you ping | 12:35 |
oskar- | Saviq: ok ;) no problem | 12:35 |
ActionParsnip | ubuntistas: follow that guide | 12:35 |
linny1 | ActionParsnip: yes some of them do the usally have .rar then r00 r01 etc | 12:36 |
Stevethepirate | _DEL: Yeah.. all the clients on the eth1 segment can ping each other fine.. Just not the GW | 12:36 |
ubuntistas | what guide for lexmark z600 driver? | 12:36 |
ubuntistas | actionparsnip | 12:36 |
linny1 | ActionParsnip: each set usally has one .rar i think | 12:36 |
coz_ | hey guys.. I have noticed in intrepid when in an application Open and the dialog opens to choose a file it takes forever for it to be populated.. its extremely slow any solugions/ | 12:36 |
ActionParsnip | linny1: find -name "*.rar" -exec rar x {} \; will extract all the rar files as long as they are named .rar | 12:37 |
sipior | Extreme_b: you can install the nfs-kernel-server package, which should install all dependencies en passant. | 12:37 |
ActionParsnip | linny1: it could be 's instead of "s | 12:37 |
jrib | coz_: using a non-default theme maybe? | 12:37 |
coz_ | jrgp, ah yes I am | 12:37 |
coz_ | jrgp, that's the issue? | 12:37 |
Dykam | ActionParsnip, remember you told me to reboot with my wifi dongle plugged in, here is the log: - btw, I discovered I saved it to a file at 13:37 | 12:37 |
linny1 | ActionParsnip: cheers | 12:38 |
Extreme_b | sipior: do i have to set the respository | 12:38 |
Extreme_b | ? | 12:38 |
jrib | coz_: I have no idea if it's the issue. You can revert to defaults and find out though :) | 12:38 |
coz_ | jrgp, true I will test it now another question.. I have read that wallpapers on jaunty have a fade effect is that possible to backport to intrepid? | 12:38 |
sipior | Extreme_b: shouldn't do, no | 12:38 |
jrib | coz_: no idea | 12:39 |
sipior | Extreme_b: the basic repositories should have all that you require for this | 12:39 |
ubuntistas | actionparsnip what guide reply | 12:40 |
zilleplus | i haven't got ethernet on my ubuntu server how do i connect manualy???????????????????????????????????????? | 12:40 |
zilleplus | i haven't got ethernet on my ubuntu server how do i connect manualy???????????????????????????????????????? | 12:40 |
Dykam | ActionParsnip? | 12:40 |
sipior | zilleplus: question marks are known to disrupt ethernet packets: use them sparingly! | 12:40 |
Extreme_b | sipior: i am very new to ubuntu.. can u guide me through the processes. i will really appreciate it | 12:41 |
zilleplus | i haven't got ethernet on my ubuntu server how do i connect manualy? | 12:41 |
coz_ | jrgp, well themes have nothing to do with the long delay in open dialogs | 12:41 |
ActionParsnip | Dykam: sup? | 12:41 |
sipior | Extreme_b: well, are you looking to act as an nfs server, or just as a client? | 12:41 |
Dykam | ActionParsnip, remember you told me to reboot with my wifi dongle plugged in, here is the log: - btw, I discovered I saved it to a file at 13:37 | 12:42 |
jrib | coz_: "jrib". Check if it happens with a freshly created user | 12:42 |
Extreme_b | sipior: i want to act as a nfs server | 12:42 |
coz_ | jrgp, well this is a fresh install of intrepid | 12:42 |
coz_ | jrgp, with all updates and it occurs only after completeing the updates | 12:42 |
oskar- | zilleplus: with a serial line | 12:42 |
jrib | coz_: ok. Check if it happens with a freshly created user | 12:42 |
coz_ | jrgp, consitent now with three installs | 12:42 |
oskar- | zilleplus: or with keyboard/monitor | 12:43 |
sipior | Extreme_b: have a look here: | 12:43 |
zilleplus | keybord monitor | 12:43 |
ubuntistas | actionparsnip what guide? | 12:43 |
cherva | can someone help me resolve random lockups on my ubuntu 8.10, they started yesterday and I don't have a clue from where to start to debug. I tried an older kernel and didn't help | 12:43 |
zilleplus | oskor you know how?? | 12:44 |
quibbler | ubuntistas: look here: | 12:44 |
C4N | !pr | 12:44 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about pr | 12:44 |
C4N | !pr C4N | 12:44 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about pr C4N | 12:44 |
C4N | !br C4N | 12:44 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about br C4N | 12:44 |
ActionParsnip | Dykam: [ 29.983472] ndiswrapper (pnp_start_device:435): Windows driver couldn't initialize the device (C0000001) | 12:44 |
ActionParsnip | ubuntistas: | 12:44 |
Extreme_b | sipior: yup . becos whenever i run the sudo apt-get install nfs-kernel-server ..... it will say package not found | 12:45 |
sipior | cherva: "dmesg" to start with, then start looking through /var/log/messages and the like to see if you can figure out what was going on at the time | 12:45 |
Dykam | ActionParsnip, I know it trhows such errors, but why does the driver work when pluggin it in later on | 12:45 |
cherva | sipior: tried that and nothing showed up | 12:45 |
ActionParsnip | Dykam: did you try without acpi enabled? | 12:45 |
Extreme_b | sipior: so i suppect that it is because of my package | 12:45 |
Dykam | ActionParsnip, how? | 12:45 |
Phreakish | How would i make the command "Modprobe Ndiswrapper" run at startup | 12:46 |
Dykam | I don't know how the bootfile works | 12:46 |
oskar- | Phreakish: echo ndiswrapper >> /etc/modules | 12:46 |
oskar- | ;-) | 12:46 |
sipior | Extreme_b: probably means your /etc/apt/sources.list is broken. can you try an apt-get update? | 12:46 |
ActionParsnip | !bootoptions | Dykam | 12:46 |
ubottu | Dykam: For a list and explanation on some of the boot options, see | 12:46 |
bullgard4 | There is an Evolution plugin 'Calendar Publishing'. What are its disadvantages against concurring programs? | 12:46 |
sipior | Extreme_b: also, can you pastebin your /etc/apt/sources.list? | 12:46 |
ubuntistas | actionparsnip do i have to follow the instruction for that printer? because i have another version i just said you | 12:46 |
Phreakish | oskar im an extreme newb what do i put that in/do with that | 12:47 |
ActionParsnip | ubuntistas: thats what that guide says. Thats all i can advise | 12:47 |
zilleplus | hey can nnyone help me my ubuntu server 8 won't connect with my internet wath do i do now????? | 12:47 |
ActionParsnip | zilleplus: does ifconfig give you an ip that falls in your subnet? | 12:47 |
vigge_sWe | hello | 12:48 |
zilleplus | no he doesn't | 12:48 |
karolis | how to change login screen via command line? I've installed new theme and now I can't login | 12:48 |
oskar- | Phreakish: you have to add a line with only the word of the modules name to /etc/modules | 12:48 |
vigge_sWe | why does my computer run really slow when I nstall the nvidia quadro FX 570M drivers? | 12:48 |
vigge_sWe | I tried 98, 100 and 108 | 12:48 |
zilleplus | w8 i check it | 12:48 |
archman | ActionParsnip: autoremove worked just fine, freed 175MB, I booted as usuall, thank you for understanding a dumbass like me :) But still, I don't get why autoremove won't list older kernels? Is he still using it somehow? Although they are listed in Synaptic as Local OR Obsolete... | 12:49 |
ActionParsnip | zilleplus: if you set a static ip with /etc/network/interfaces does it work ok: | 12:49 |
Dykam | ActionParsnip, what side effects could this switch give me? | 12:49 |
Dykam | noacpi | 12:49 |
zilleplus | it gives a inet adrr and a mask | 12:49 |
vigge_sWe | every driver makes to computer unuseable as it runs so slow | 12:49 |
ActionParsnip | archman: np duder | 12:49 |
vigge_sWe | every driver makes to computer unuseable as it runs so slow | 12:49 |
cherva | sipior: any other ideas ? | 12:49 |
vigge_sWe | why would this happen? | 12:49 |
FloodBot2 | vigge_sWe: Please don't flood, use to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 12:49 |
vigge_sWe | I didn't flood?! | 12:49 |
sipior | cherva: without knowing what you were doing at the time the system crashed, i would say no, i don't. | 12:50 |
ActionParsnip | Dykam: no notification of battery expiration not sure of others really | 12:50 |
Extreme_b | sucitor: will like to enquire that do i need to do a sudo apt-get update in order to get the package of nfs ? | 12:50 |
Phreakish | so i enter the command in terminal and it will work | 12:50 |
Dykam | ActionParsnip, hehe, it is a desktop, no battery stuff | 12:50 |
archman | ActionParsnip: I see they use up to an additional 200MB... | 12:50 |
ActionParsnip | Dykam: then very very littel | 12:50 |
sipior | cherva: had you upgraded anything around the time of the crash? | 12:50 |
cherva | sipior: yesterday they started when I was playing Counter Strike with wine 1.1.5 and today it locked up in firefox | 12:50 |
ActionParsnip | archman: well theres the hardware modules they use too | 12:50 |
Phreakish | so i enter echo ndiswrapper >> /etc/modules in terminal and next time i boot it will modprobe ndiswrapper? | 12:51 |
cherva | sipior: no | 12:51 |
uriol | hi | 12:51 |
uriol | good morning | 12:51 |
ActionParsnip | Dykam: it can make system fans go insanely fast | 12:51 |
Dykam | hmm | 12:51 |
ActionParsnip | Dykam: you can always remove them if its no good | 12:51 |
Dykam | :p | 12:51 |
cherva | sipior: another crash in a native linux game | 12:51 |
Dykam | ActionParsnip, would this fix the problem, or give other error messages | 12:51 |
ubuntistas | actionparsnip iam in the seventh advice and the terminla is saying me use the scripts parameter to include the scripts | 12:51 |
uriol | i'm sorry i have a very lame question | 12:51 |
Extreme_b | sucitor: is there also any place where i can just download the package and put it into my server ? | 12:51 |
lluc | hey.. anybody here knows where seahorse saves private keys by default? | 12:51 |
uriol | but i don't know where it is located... my user folder ? | 12:51 |
vigge_sWe | anyone? | 12:51 |
sipior | cherva: if the software hasn't changed recently, might be indicative of a hardware problem. | 12:51 |
uriol | in usr ? | 12:51 |
uriol | share ? | 12:52 |
ActionParsnip | Dykam: theres no way to know other than try | 12:52 |
oskar- | uriol: in /home | 12:52 |
uriol | ok | 12:52 |
Dykam | ActionParsnip, I mean... why do you think this could solve/be the problem, is it commonly know? | 12:52 |
=== ein_ is now known as Guest43004 | ||
ubuntistas | actionparsnip? | 12:53 |
cherva | sipior: yes that ran throught my mind too | 12:53 |
uriol | i don't see any folder named /home | 12:54 |
uriol | is it in /usr ? | 12:54 |
sipior | cherva: might be worth running memtest, and lots of looking through logs, of course. | 12:54 |
jrib | !who | uriol | 12:54 |
ubottu | uriol: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :) | 12:54 |
lluc | anybody here familiar with gpg/gnomekeyring/seahorse? | 12:54 |
cherva | sipior: I'm looking trought the logs right now | 12:54 |
jrib | uriol: what exactly is your question? | 12:54 |
jesus_ | how does on deactivate the 'smart' (stupid) bash completion? That is, the one that must look at file endings. | 12:55 |
uriol | i can't find my username folder | 12:55 |
uriol | on the root tree | 12:55 |
jrib | uriol: why are you looking for it? | 12:55 |
sipior | cherva: unfortunately, random crashes can be very frustrating to debug, and your best weapon is the careful collection of information over many events. so, i encourage you to keep a short written log of every crash, the time, what you were doing, &cet., until a pattern (ideally) emerges. | 12:55 |
oskar- | uriol: if you have a linux, then there should be a /home with a home-folder for each user inside. but the layout may be different, for example home folders in /usr/home | 12:55 |
uriol | i am trying to use the program gnomad to uload some mp3 to my mp3 player | 12:56 |
ActionParsnip | Dykam: some system use weird power management which the kernel may not like so disabling th acpi functionality can make things work | 12:56 |
zilleplus | i don't get it if i type in auto eth0 then its say's the cammand not found | 12:56 |
co_sweet-kesepia | rara | 12:56 |
jrib | uriol: and you are using the open file dialog in gnomad then? | 12:56 |
cherva | sipior: good idea | 12:56 |
trae | I came in this morning and I can't log into my Ubuntu box. | 12:56 |
ActionParsnip | ubuntistas: thats all i can recommend, its off the official guides so i'd go with it | 12:56 |
vigge_sWe | How do I install the nvidia drivers so the computer is running fast and not crashes? | 12:56 |
uriol | gnomad2 | 12:56 |
uriol | yes | 12:56 |
trae | I put in my username and it says login failed. (I haven't even put in my pass yet!) | 12:56 |
ubuntistas | oc dude thx anyway | 12:57 |
jrib | uriol: do you see HOME or Filesystem anywhere? | 12:57 |
ActionParsnip | vigge_sWe: in terminal run: lspci | grep -i vga | 12:57 |
Dykam | ActionParsnip, coud,l the fact that standby sometimes fails in XP proof my system fails? | 12:57 |
bullgard4 | There is an Evolution plugin 'Calendar Publishing'. What are its disadvantages against concurring programs? | 12:57 |
vigge_sWe | "01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation Quadro FX 570M (rev a1)" | 12:57 |
ActionParsnip | Dykam: possibly, you are going to have to poke your system to see whats gong on and see what makes it work | 12:57 |
=== tabidachi is now known as tabidachi-away | ||
ActionParsnip | vigge_sWe: ok and whats the output of:lsb_release -c | 12:58 |
uriol | i found | 12:58 |
uriol | typing the address | 12:58 |
uriol | manually | 12:58 |
vigge_sWe | Codename:intrepid | 12:58 |
ActionParsnip | cool | 12:58 |
trae | has anyone seen that before? You put in your user name hit enter, and then you get: Authentication failed | 12:58 |
no_bother | hey again | 12:58 |
uriol | jrib, thank you | 12:58 |
zilleplus | how do i open an tirminal in ubuntu server 8 | 12:59 |
ActionParsnip | vigge_sWe: sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx-177 | 12:59 |
ActionParsnip | !terminal | zilleplus | 12:59 |
ubottu | zilleplus: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE). Guide: | 12:59 |
akventure | | 12:59 |
akventure | ZNC issue on ubuntu 8.04 | 12:59 |
zilleplus | its ubuntu server edition | 13:00 |
akventure | issue=n00b error | 13:00 |
no_bother | hey, how can I tell which nvidia drivers I should use | 13:00 |
ActionParsnip | zilleplus: then there is no X server by default so you are in terminal | 13:00 |
zilleplus | okey | 13:00 |
ActionParsnip | no_bother: I use my tried and tested method: run lspci | grep -i vga | 13:01 |
zilleplus | just wathing the link you gave me but the commands does not work | 13:01 |
akventure | if i want to kill ZNC and reconfigure its settings... what do i type in the terminal? | 13:01 |
vigge_sWe | ActionParsnip: should I restart now? | 13:01 |
ActionParsnip | vigge_sWe: no, run: sudo nvidia-xconfig | 13:01 |
zilleplus | . | 13:02 |
no_bother | ActionParsnip: that just tells me which card I have, but what drivers? theres 4 choices isnt there? | 13:02 |
ActionParsnip | no_bother: example is: Quadro FX 570M | 13:02 |
ActionParsnip | no_bother: so i search for: Ubuntu Quadro FX 570M nvidia-glx | 13:02 |
no_bother | ah okay | 13:02 |
no_bother | get ya | 13:02 |
ActionParsnip | no_bother: a prize every time | 13:02 |
vigge_sWe | is the warnings normal? | 13:02 |
ActionParsnip | no_bother: just pick the one that appears most, 177 covers a lOT of cards | 13:03 |
ActionParsnip | vigge_sWe: yep, now hit ctrl+alt+backspace if it convenient to do so (will log you out and kill all apps) | 13:03 |
no_bother | ah Ill just go for 177 | 13:03 |
ActionParsnip | vigge_sWe: when you log back in: gksudo nvidia-settings | 13:04 |
=== SeJo is now known as masterhumper | ||
=== masterhumper is now known as SeJo | ||
ActionParsnip | its what makes nvidia great :) | 13:05 |
no_bother | okay, i have them installed already, but is there any way to change my resolution? | 13:05 |
zilleplus | can someone explane to a beginner how to connect a ubuntu server to the inthernet | 13:05 |
Samma3l | is computer janitor a real package? | 13:05 |
zilleplus | can someone explane to a beginner how to connect a ubuntu server to the internet | 13:05 |
ActionParsnip | zilleplus: if you are failing dhcp and you expect it i would look into that | 13:05 |
simplexio | zilleplus: yes. but one cable to server and one to wall ;D | 13:06 |
ActionParsnip | zilleplus: run: lshw -C network to make sure your network card has a driver | 13:06 |
no_bother | YAY | 13:06 |
no_bother | done | 13:06 |
cooldduuudde | wich is the best browser avlbl for ubuntu other than firefox? | 13:06 |
Samma3l | zilleplus: what is the interface you are trying to use? | 13:06 |
no_bother | thanks so much guys | 13:06 |
ActionParsnip | no_bother: you need to run: sudo nvidia-xconfig | 13:06 |
Samma3l | cooldduuudde: opera | 13:06 |
co_cari | uyy.. | 13:06 |
ActionParsnip | no_bother: then hit ctrl+alt+backspace | 13:06 |
trae | hey guys how do I purge winbind and samba from my machine? | 13:07 |
no_bother | okay | 13:07 |
no_bother | I got it | 13:07 |
no_bother | I ahd the drivers installed already, I just couldnt find that xconfig | 13:07 |
no_bother | thanks so much guys | 13:07 |
erUSUL | !best | cooldduuudde | 13:07 |
ubottu | cooldduuudde: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots. | 13:07 |
ActionParsnip | easy peasy with nvidia | 13:07 |
ActionParsnip | trae: do you mean uninstall completely? | 13:08 |
bullgard4 | There is an Evolution plugin 'Calendar Publishing'. What are its disadvantages against concurring programs? | 13:08 |
trae | ActionParsnip, yes | 13:08 |
jesus_ | how does on deactivate the 'smart' (stupid) bash completion? That is, the one that must look at file endings. | 13:08 |
quibbler | !browsers | cooldduuudde | 13:08 |
ubottu | cooldduuudde: Browsers available for Ubuntu: Firefox (GTK, Gecko engine), Konqueror (KDE/Qt, KHTML engine), Epiphany (GTK, Gecko engine), Dillo (GTK), w3m (terminal-based), Links2 (terminal-based or graphical, see !man page), edbrowse (command-line), Opera (Qt, proprietary) | 13:08 |
cooldduuudde | cool...thnx | 13:08 |
Samma3l | w3m>forefox | 13:08 |
mostafa | how can install jboss | 13:08 |
ActionParsnip | trae: sudo apt-get --purge remove samba; sudo apt-get --purge autoremove | 13:09 |
co_cari | uyy.. | 13:09 |
trae | ActionParsnip, I'm at a point where, i either have to nuke and re-install... because I can't log in to my box except from recovery mode | 13:09 |
ActionParsnip | trae: i'd imagine its the same with winbins, if its not a dep of samba | 13:09 |
zilleplus | i runed it as sudo and it say's tath i have internet but if i want to shut down my server it say's that there are broken files when i want to reapire them it say's that it hase to update when i update it error | 13:09 |
fader | jesus_: Are you talking about tab-completion? | 13:09 |
mostafa | how can install jboss | 13:09 |
obi | Im trying to build a compressed file, can anyone walk me through it, im newish to linux. | 13:09 |
ActionParsnip | !info jboss | 13:10 |
trae | ActionParsnip, thanks bud, hope this works ;) | 13:10 |
ubottu | Package jboss does not exist in intrepid | 13:10 |
ActionParsnip | !find boss | 13:10 |
ubottu | Found: libosso-dev, libosso1, libosso1-dbg, libosso1-doc, libossp-uuid-dev (and 44 others) | 13:10 |
jrib | obi: right click, create archive | 13:10 |
ActionParsnip | mostafa: try: apt-cache search boss | less | 13:10 |
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel | ||
jesus_ | fader, yeah. | 13:10 |
obi | jrib: thats all. its a wireless driver, will doing that in stall it? | 13:10 |
zilleplus | :ActionParsnipe i runed it as sudo and it say's tath i have internet but if i want to shut down my server it say's that there are broken files when i want to reapire them it say's that it hase to update when i update it error | 13:11 |
jrib | obi: no, what exactly are you doing? | 13:11 |
trae | ActionParsnip, :( when I go to log in to my machine. I put in my username, hit enter, and it comes back {without putting in a password at all!} "Authentication Failed" | 13:11 |
jesus_ | fader, bu tnot the usual one, which gentoo and other systems usually use. But the "smart" (or what I would call stupid) that ubuntu uses. | 13:12 |
ActionParsnip | trae: boot to recovery mode (esc when grub shows) and drop to root console | 13:12 |
obi | jrib: Im trying to install a mad wifi driver, i have a tar.gz file and i need to figure out wow to install the driver | 13:12 |
ActionParsnip | trae: make sure your username is a member of the admin group | 13:12 |
trae | ActionParsnip, yeah I can get in as root there, (that's how I removed the stuff you showed me) | 13:12 |
ActionParsnip | trae: you can also pull out samba from there | 13:12 |
fader | jesus_: I have no idea what Ubuntu does differently with bash than any other distro. (It certainly doesn't have anything to do with file extensions...) | 13:12 |
ActionParsnip | !adduser | trae | 13:12 |
ubottu | trae: To add new users to your Ubuntu system, follow the instructions at - For administrative privileges, users need to be made members of the group "admin" - See !sudo | 13:12 |
fader | jesus_: Can you tell me what the behavior is that you're seeing that is bothering you and how it's different? | 13:12 |
jrib | !madwifi | obi | 13:12 |
trae | ActionParsnip, heh... the account already existed | 13:12 |
ubottu | obi: Wireless documentation can be found at | 13:12 |
jrib | obi: have you read the madwifi page on there? | 13:12 |
ActionParsnip | trae: you can also change your users password from root so you KNOW its correct | 13:13 |
trae | I think my system is trying to do active directory crap | 13:13 |
heath|work | ? | 13:13 |
trae | ActionParsnip, it's not even asking me for a password | 13:13 |
jrib | obi: "The built-in drivers/modules (ath5k) are in linux-backports-modules-intrepid package" | 13:13 |
ActionParsnip | trae: then use the root console to set one: passwd <your user name> | 13:13 |
dhalsimm | hi, I can't install iceweasel (can't find package) , I'm using 8.10 | 13:14 |
trae | ActionParsnip, heh I'm not sure you follow.l... there are users present... as root I can do: su - $myuser | 13:14 |
jesus_ | fader, yes it does. When I write "$ evince " press tab I do not get any completion options unless there is a file named .pdf or .dvi or any other filename that it recognize. But I use arxiv,org in my work and their naming of pdfs are not .pdf but just YYMM.XXXX and I cant tabcomplete them! | 13:14 |
trae | ActionParsnip, but... I when I go to log in... I can't it asks for username but not a password | 13:14 |
obi | jrib, basically from what i can gather i need to navigate to the file and the run build essential. and i dont knwo how to navigat there or run build essential. this is the driver i need, its complicated but this driver is definatly the way i want to go | 13:14 |
quibbler | !iceweasel | 13:14 |
ubottu | Iceweasel's homepage is with more detailed information at | 13:14 |
jrib | obi: have you read what I've just told you? | 13:14 |
ActionParsnip | trae: while you are root, type the command: passwd <your user name here> | 13:15 |
fader | jesus_: Huh, you're right. :/ I stand corrected. | 13:15 |
ActionParsnip | trae: you will then SET the password so you know its set and you are sure what it is | 13:15 |
jesus_ | fader, and you dont know how to fix this windows-like feature? (win-like as in, it is a bad feature) | 13:15 |
ActionParsnip | trae: you can also make sure you are in the admin group so you can use sudo and stuff | 13:15 |
trae | ActionParsnip, thanks for trying mate. Not sure you are hearing me. It's never getting to the password stage. It should at least prompt me for a password. it doesn't | 13:15 |
fader | jesus_: Calm down, it takes me a few minutes to google things just like anyone else | 13:16 |
xXChippoXx | hello how do i check my ubuntu version ? | 13:16 |
ActionParsnip | trae: the root login doesnt have a password | 13:16 |
fader | jesus_: You can fine-tune it in /etc/bash_completion | 13:16 |
ActionParsnip | trae: as you are interfacing directly with the systems local keyboard | 13:16 |
trae | ActionParsnip, thanks bud for trying to help. | 13:16 |
ActionParsnip | xXChippoXx: lsb_release -a | 13:16 |
xXChippoXx | thanks | 13:17 |
obi | jrib: i need to know how to navigate to a file | 13:17 |
jesus_ | fader, oh, I thought you just knew. Most people on IRC either knows or says "you google it". I'll take a look at that file. thnx. | 13:17 |
fader | jesus_: or turn it off entirely by commenting out the lines with "bash_completion" in /etc/bash.bashrc | 13:17 |
Incarus | trae, whats the problem? | 13:17 |
ActionParsnip | trae: if you drop to recovery mode root console (instead of booting to ubuntu properly) you can be root and have guarunteed full access | 13:17 |
Incarus | <obi>, cd | 13:17 |
xXChippoXx | i have probs with wine , it it whows gui but no content | 13:17 |
ActionParsnip | trae: you can then set passwords and user group access | 13:17 |
jesus_ | fader, but doen't that disable bash_completion entirely? | 13:17 |
xXChippoXx | only sometiems in some tabs if i switch tabs multiple times | 13:17 |
ActionParsnip | !appdb | xXChippoXx | 13:17 |
ubottu | xXChippoXx: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: - Join #winehq for application help | 13:17 |
Chikkis | hi everyone | 13:17 |
Incarus | <xXChippoXx>, try to reinstall wine | 13:17 |
xXChippoXx | i did | 13:18 |
jesus_ | fader, I still want the usual completion, just not the ubuntu-one. | 13:18 |
xXChippoXx | also rm -rf .wine | 13:18 |
xXChippoXx | on the config | 13:18 |
jrib | obi: ok, you seem to just be ignoring what I say for some reason. The documentation I linked you to says that you can use the ath5k driver in linux-backports-modules-intrepid package. | 13:18 |
Incarus | <xXChippoXx>, purge first | 13:18 |
xXChippoXx | didnt make any difference | 13:18 |
heath|work | xXChippoXx, look at winetricks | 13:18 |
xXChippoXx | hmm ok let me test purge then | 13:18 |
bullgard4 | There is an Evolution plugin 'Calendar Publishing'. What are its disadvantages against concurring programs? | 13:18 |
Incarus | <xXChippoXx>, every prog, or just 'special'? | 13:18 |
ActionParsnip | xXChippoXx: have you got the wine version from the official wine repo? | 13:18 |
fader | jesus_: If you disable the bash_completion stuff entirely, it should still tab-complete, but based only on what you've started typing. e.g. "cd D[tab]" should complete anything that starts with "D" whether it's a directory or not | 13:18 |
fader | jesus_: so my leaning would be to edit /etc/bash_completion to get rid of the PDF settings rather than turning it off entirely, but it's obviously up to you | 13:19 |
xXChippoXx | winecfg , and when i try to install my photoshot cs3 it shows same stragnge lack of tesxts and images | 13:19 |
snek | xXChippoXx: have you installed wine-doors? | 13:19 |
ActionParsnip | xXChippoXx: do you have the wine off the wine repos or the one from the repos you get when you first install ubuntu | 13:20 |
jesus_ | fader, ok. thanks for clearing things up for me. | 13:20 |
xXChippoXx | no wine-door what i know of | 13:20 |
fader | jesus_: no problem :) | 13:20 |
Incarus | <xXChippoXx>, install latest unstable wine | 13:20 |
xXChippoXx | the repos fgrom the first install i guess | 13:20 |
ActionParsnip | xXChippoXx: i'll get you a link | 13:20 |
heath|work | xXChippoXx, what are you needing wine for? | 13:20 |
ActionParsnip | xXChippoXx: | 13:20 |
xXChippoXx | can i add some special repos for wine ? | 13:21 |
ActionParsnip | xXChippoXx: yes, winehq have their own repo | 13:21 |
xXChippoXx | heath|work, running photoshop | 13:21 |
ActionParsnip | xXChippoXx: its a later version than the ubuntu official ones | 13:21 |
xXChippoXx | ok thanks | 13:21 |
xXChippoXx | ill try | 13:21 |
Wazle | some1 here who really knows about ubuntu and has some minutes time for me? | 13:22 |
ActionParsnip | !ask | Wazle | 13:22 |
ubottu | Wazle: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) | 13:22 |
heath|work | xXChippoXx, have you tried GIMP? | 13:22 |
Wazle | ok :D | 13:22 |
xXChippoXx | i have tried inkscape and gimp | 13:23 |
Incarus | Wazle, ask your question | 13:23 |
xXChippoXx | but i dont ahve the time to relearn stuff | 13:23 |
heath|work | I know what you mean | 13:23 |
xXChippoXx | i jsut want photoshop which i already know how to work with right off | 13:23 |
ActionParsnip | xXChippoXx: which version do you use? | 13:24 |
snek | i wish there was a GimpShop for Linux | 13:24 |
Kivary | wikipedia-zh | 13:24 |
obi | jrib: you seem not to be listening to me, i need another driver, the one i described. i know all that already, and i dont want to go into all the reasons i need the other driver. if i need to know what driver i needed i would have asked that question. | 13:24 |
Seveas | xXChippoXx, then you should install windows and photoshop. It doesn't run on linux. | 13:24 |
Seveas | snek, there is :) | 13:24 |
xXChippoXx | photoshop runs on wine | 13:24 |
Seveas | the name is even gimpshop, tries to mimic the photoshop ui but misses functionality | 13:24 |
ActionParsnip | xXChippoXx: whch version of PS?? | 13:24 |
Wazle | i do have a netbook with a screen of 1024*576 pixels, i want to play some games with wine, but there are problems with this solutions in some games, i want to have script, which changes solution if i execute it, and another script, which changes back to native settings. | 13:24 |
xXChippoXx | thats what i made sure before installing ubuntu | 13:24 |
Incarus | obi, whats the prob? | 13:24 |
Kivary | how I can join #en-wikipedia? | 13:24 |
DaDa|Urka | Does someone know if xfce 1.6 will make it in xubuntu 9.04? | 13:24 |
snek | seveas: hmm i could never find it.. that makes me feel like a nub now haha | 13:24 |
jrib | obi: well good luck with your issue. The link I gave you covers compiling the driver as well | 13:24 |
ActionParsnip | DaDa|Urka: you can install any DE you like dude so I'd say yes | 13:25 |
Incarus | <Wazle>, try winecfg in terminal | 13:25 |
snek | seveas: jeez, you're right.. it's right there on the download page! /me hides in shame | 13:25 |
Incarus | <Kivary>, "/join #en-wikipedia" | 13:25 |
Wazle | is it possible to change the game solution directly in wine? | 13:25 |
DaDa|Urka | ActionParsnip : i know, but i hope it will be a feature out-of-the-box | 13:25 |
=== marko-_-- is now known as marko-_- | ||
Incarus | Wazle, yes | 13:26 |
ActionParsnip | Wazle: i've screwed my wine down so it uses a window of restricted dimensions, Its the only way I could get postal2 to run | 13:26 |
Incarus | Wazle, i think so | 13:26 |
Wazle | ok thx, that solves my problem | 13:26 |
Wazle | bb | 13:26 |
zilleplus | Is it possible to ping without an static IP adress | 13:26 |
ActionParsnip | Wazle: by using it it doesnt bork your display when it exits out too | 13:26 |
ActionParsnip | zilleplus: yes | 13:26 |
Samma3l | zilleplus: what are you using to ping? | 13:26 |
zilleplus | just testing of my internet still not working :-( | 13:27 |
ActionParsnip | zilleplus: ping needs a source ip for the pinged host to use as the reply destination | 13:27 |
xXChippoXx | hmm i had some probs with adding the repos | 13:27 |
Incarus | <zilleplus>, try "sudo dhclient3" and paste the output | 13:27 |
Samma3l | zilleplus: CLI - ping <address> -c 4 | 13:27 |
ActionParsnip | xXChippoXx: we'll do it the easy way, the guide is pretty bloated | 13:28 |
ActionParsnip | xXChippoXx: gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list | 13:28 |
jose__ | CE_mhachoe | 13:28 |
ActionParsnip | xXChippoXx: scroll to the bottom and paste: deb intrepid main | 13:28 |
jose__ | hyyy | 13:28 |
xXChippoXx | i suspect i want to add some repos in the future so i might want to figure this | 13:28 |
ActionParsnip | xXChippoXx: on a seperate line and press enter on the end of it | 13:28 |
no_bother | Next question: can anyone help me install beryl? | 13:28 |
zilleplus | incarus i get can't create /var/lib/dhcp3/dhclient.leases: premission denied | 13:28 |
Incarus | !en | jose__ | 13:28 |
ubottu | jose__: The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit | 13:29 |
ActionParsnip | no_bother: its compiz fusion now | 13:29 |
xXChippoXx | hm seemed to be a non serious prob | 13:29 |
Incarus | <zilleplus>, yes, with sudo!!! | 13:29 |
ActionParsnip | xXChippoXx: ok then save and exit gedit | 13:29 |
no_bother | okay | 13:29 |
bullgard4 | There is an Evolution plugin 'Calendar Publishing'. What are its disadvantages against concurring programs? | 13:29 |
ActionParsnip | no_bother: sudo apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager | 13:29 |
no_bother | yeah I got it | 13:30 |
zilleplus | incarus i get network is down | 13:30 |
no_bother | I couldnt find the one for beryl, that would explain it | 13:30 |
ActionParsnip | xXChippoXx: is it working ok ? | 13:30 |
akventure | when using ZNC can you type in anything you want when it asks you for "vhost (optional" ? | 13:30 |
no_bother | thanks | 13:30 |
Incarus | <zilleplus>, ? | 13:30 |
ActionParsnip | !beryl | no_bother | 13:30 |
ubottu | no_bother: Beryl has been merged with Compiz to form Compiz-Fusion. New Beryl installs are discouraged. See also !compiz | 13:30 |
Incarus | <zilleplus>, down? | 13:30 |
xXChippoXx | och nope | 13:30 |
zilleplus | don't know why my server dopes't want to connect with internet | 13:30 |
xXChippoXx | same prob | 13:30 |
xXChippoXx | even after the updaet | 13:30 |
ActionParsnip | xXChippoXx: is it saying about a key? | 13:30 |
zilleplus | send_packet: network is down | 13:30 |
joseph | hello all you running linux here? | 13:30 |
xXChippoXx | what kind of key ? | 13:30 |
zilleplus | send_packet: network is down | 13:31 |
joseph | huh? | 13:31 |
akventure | when using ZNC can you type in anything you want when it asks you for "vhost (optional)" ? | 13:31 |
Incarus | <joseph>, 1417 users wont answer | 13:31 |
akventure | what happens if you leave it blank? will you not be masked? | 13:31 |
ActionParsnip | xXChippoXx: cd ~/; wget; sudo apt-key add Scott\ Ritchie.gpg; sudo apt-get update | 13:31 |
ActionParsnip | xXChippoXx: you have keys so you know what is coming from the repos you add is legit and expected | 13:31 |
arshad | HI | 13:32 |
ActionParsnip | xXChippoXx: copy all that into terminal and it wil lgrab the wine key for you | 13:32 |
arshad | HAve a problem in Ubuntu 8.10 | 13:32 |
joseph | uhm, why is it so hard to install things... | 13:32 |
xXChippoXx | well i ignored that it was unsigned if that is what you mean | 13:32 |
arshad | I Have a problem in Ubuntu 8.10 | 13:32 |
quibbler | !ask | arshad | 13:32 |
ubottu | arshad: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) | 13:32 |
ActionParsnip | xXChippoXx: ok thats fine, the command I gave makes them signed but once installed its fine | 13:32 |
zilleplus | is there not a command for ubuntu server 8 to automatic connect with internet | 13:32 |
* Ace2017_- is showing call center staff the tos details :( | 13:32 | |
joseph | mmm | 13:33 |
ActionParsnip | joseph: its not hard, depends what you are installing | 13:33 |
Incarus | <zilleplus>, yes, wait a sec | 13:33 |
joseph | firefox 3 | 13:33 |
Ace2017_- | sry offtopic :( | 13:33 |
xXChippoXx | what difference will that do to the GUI prob ? | 13:33 |
ActionParsnip | joseph: sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get install firefox-3.0 | 13:33 |
ActionParsnip | joseph: 2 commands, not that hard | 13:33 |
joseph | that all i have 2 type in? | 13:33 |
xXChippoXx | wine works fine with photoshop on my gentoo | 13:33 |
zilleplus | sudo apt-get install firefox | 13:33 |
ActionParsnip | joseph: yep, thats it, in terminal | 13:33 |
zilleplus | lolol | 13:33 |
arshad | <ubottu> when i lock the screen and leave it for an hour or so the system gets restarted........ the last time it happened it was left on updating Synaptic | 13:34 |
zilleplus | wrong keybord | 13:34 |
joseph | root terminal? | 13:34 |
xXChippoXx | but this is beyond me why wine doesn work in ubunto on this computer | 13:34 |
ActionParsnip | xXChippoXx: thats cool then we know its compatible | 13:34 |
ActionParsnip | joseph: no, never root terminal, use sudo | 13:34 |
Incarus | <arshad>, ubottu is a bot, he wont answer | 13:34 |
jrib | xXChippoXx: be more specific | 13:34 |
Incarus | <zilleplus>, try "sudo ifup -a" | 13:34 |
xXChippoXx | i wonder if nvidia drivers can put this into some probs | 13:34 |
zilleplus | just tested if i coud download firefox and it worked | 13:35 |
joseph | is it called sudo? | 13:35 |
joseph | can't find it | 13:35 |
ActionParsnip | joseph: so, i'll answer your question with another question. Is it hard to install stuff? | 13:35 |
ActionParsnip | joseph: do you have a www connection to your ubuntu system? | 13:35 |
Incarus | <arshad>, change settings in power manager | 13:35 |
joseph | yes | 13:35 |
ActionParsnip | joseph: then copy / paste the command to terminal and it will install | 13:35 |
ActionParsnip | sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get install firefox | 13:36 |
joseph | ok il try | 13:36 |
ActionParsnip | joseph: no connection == no install | 13:36 |
arshad | . . . . . . . . . . wher do i find power manager. . . . | 13:36 |
Incarus | <arshad>, in the systray or in the system settings | 13:37 |
joseph | its working! yay | 13:37 |
quibbler | arshad: system-preferences-power management | 13:37 |
YAA1 | judd | 13:37 |
Stevethepirate | Note to the channel. | 13:37 |
Stevethepirate | If you use teamspeak client on linux | 13:37 |
ActionParsnip | joseph: ok now... i have a question for you | 13:37 |
Stevethepirate | it hogs /dev/dsp, so it seems like your sound is broken | 13:37 |
YAA1 | !versions samba | 13:37 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about versions samba | 13:37 |
ActionParsnip | joseph: is it hard to install stuff? | 13:37 |
ActionParsnip | !info samba | 13:37 |
ubottu | samba (source: samba): a LanManager-like file and printer server for Unix. In component main, is optional. Version 2:3.2.3-1ubuntu3.4 (intrepid), package size 4266 kB, installed size 11904 kB | 13:37 |
Stevethepirate | Just a friendly point that took me 2 hours to find. | 13:38 |
Stevethepirate | !teamspeak | 13:38 |
ubottu | Teamspeak is the proprietry VoIP software see: For a open source alternative consider using Mumble | 13:38 |
joseph | wait it says this! E: Couldn't find package firefox-3.0 | 13:38 |
YAA1 | !versions samba | 13:38 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about versions samba | 13:38 |
ActionParsnip | joseph: try using just firefox instead of firefox-3.0 | 13:38 |
Incarus | joseph, firefox=firefox 3.0 | 13:38 |
joseph | ok | 13:38 |
vigge_sWe | hai | 13:38 |
vigge_sWe | I installed the nVidia drivers once again | 13:39 |
vigge_sWe | but now it takes 2 - 3 min to start a program | 13:39 |
Incarus | !ask | vigge_sWe | 13:39 |
ubottu | vigge_sWe: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) | 13:39 |
vigge_sWe | because everything freezes | 13:39 |
ActionParsnip | vigge_sWe: are you fully updated from the repos? | 13:39 |
mostafa | how can install jdk | 13:39 |
joseph | same message... | 13:39 |
ActionParsnip | !java | mostafa | 13:39 |
ubottu | mostafa: To install a Java runtime/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java6-jre from the !Multiverse repository | 13:39 |
ActionParsnip | joseph: apt-cache search firefox | 13:39 |
vigge_sWe | ActionParsnip: I followed what you said before | 13:39 |
Incarus | vigge_sWe, paste your /var/log/Xorg.0.log file | 13:40 |
ActionParsnip | vigge_sWe: but have you fully updated your system as well? | 13:40 |
joseph | and then? | 13:40 |
DJones | joseph: Which version of ubuntu are you using? | 13:40 |
Incarus | vigge_sWe, and enter "fglrxinfo | grep direct" | 13:40 |
ActionParsnip | joseph: do you see any packages relating to firefox? | 13:40 |
vigge_sWe | idk, I ran the update manager and it updated | 13:40 |
panesar_sandeep | mostafa:download linux ver of jdk from | 13:40 |
joseph | 3 packages | 13:40 |
ActionParsnip | vigge_sWe: sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get upgrade; sudo apt-get dist-upgrade | 13:40 |
YAA1 | I WANT TO KNOW what version of samba is included in all ubuntu versions.. is there some command available here in chat ? | 13:40 |
joseph | i don't know, where do i check | 13:41 |
ActionParsnip | joseph: the left hand word is a package name, use sudo apt-get install <package name> to install on of those packages | 13:41 |
Incarus | YAA1, look at | 13:41 |
joseph | ok thanks | 13:41 |
mostafa | which command to install java | 13:41 |
ActionParsnip | !java | mostafa | 13:41 |
mostafa | yes java | 13:42 |
zilleplus | incarus and actionpar thanks for help got internet on server :-) | 13:42 |
ActionParsnip | mostafa: apt-cache search java | 13:42 |
Incarus | vigge_sWe, and enter "fglrxinfo | grep direct" | 13:42 |
Incarus | <zilleplus>, np | 13:42 |
ActionParsnip | mostafa: that will list all java packages, ou can then install one from there, or you can search with synaptic to installwhat you need | 13:42 |
vigge_sWe | I am installing the missing package now | 13:43 |
Incarus | vigge_sWe, and enter "fglrxinfo | grep direct" | 13:43 |
ActionParsnip | vigge_sWe: do you have a few to install? | 13:43 |
ActionParsnip | vigge_sWe: like about 150Mb worth? | 13:43 |
vigge_sWe | I am installing fglrxinfo | 13:43 |
panesar_sandeep | actionparsnip:thats a gud cmd 2 remember. thanx :) | 13:43 |
joseph | mozilla-firefox is already the newest version. | 13:43 |
joseph | 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded. | 13:43 |
vigge_sWe | wasn't installed | 13:43 |
erUSUL | !inetsharing | 13:43 |
ubottu | If you want to share the internet connection of your ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see - You may also use !firestarter: | 13:43 |
ActionParsnip | panesar_sandeep: its what i use instead of slowassed synaptic | 13:43 |
mostafa | which command like yum in fedora and how can i use it | 13:43 |
jrib | !apt | mostafa | 13:43 |
ActionParsnip | panesar_sandeep: you can grep the output too | 13:43 |
ubottu | mostafa: APT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome) or !Adept (KDE) | 13:43 |
ActionParsnip | mostafa: sudo apt-get install|remove <package name> | 13:44 |
panesar_sandeep | actionparsnip:thank u | 13:44 |
joseph | damn | 13:44 |
ActionParsnip | joseph: ? | 13:44 |
lightraz | hello ppl | 13:44 |
=== co_sweet-kesepia is now known as cowo | ||
lightraz | hey guys, I've got a prob with my nvidia card in ubuntu 8.10 | 13:45 |
zilleplus | mustafar | 13:45 |
lightraz | I just installed driver 180 | 13:45 |
lightraz | 180.35 | 13:45 |
Incarus | !ask | lightraz | 13:45 |
Werder`Brema | hi | 13:45 |
ubottu | lightraz: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) | 13:45 |
joseph | mozilla-firefox is already the newest version. | 13:45 |
joseph | 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded. | 13:45 |
wolter | hello | 13:45 |
lightraz | ok | 13:45 |
Werder`Brema | hey guys, does ubuntu 8.10 has full supported for ppc ? | 13:45 |
jrib | !ppc | Werder`Brema | 13:45 |
ubottu | Werder`Brema: PowerPC. Formerly used by Apple for the Macintosh line of computers. Variants are now used in popular gaming consoles. PPC was a fully supported Ubuntu architecture up to and including edgy. It is now a community port, see | 13:45 |
wolter | jesttu ktoœ z polski ? | 13:45 |
Seveas | !pl | wolter \ | 13:46 |
ubottu | wolter \: Mozesz uzyskac pomoc w jezyku polskim na #ubuntu-pl | 13:46 |
Werder`Brema | !kernel | 13:46 |
ubottu | The core of the Ubuntu Operating System is the Linux kernel: see - You shouldn't have to compile your own, but if you're convinced you do, see - See also: /msg ubottu stages | 13:46 |
lightraz | I've installed nvidia 180.35, when my system loads up it just doesn't work correctly but if I press ctrl+alt+backspace it works fine, what should I do? | 13:46 |
Werder`Brema | what does it means: "Future versions will be community supported" | 13:46 |
joseph | u get it? | 13:46 |
panesar_sandeep | mostafa: | 13:46 |
Incarus | lightraz, what means not correctly? | 13:47 |
agabus | when manually preparing partitions for an install, generally where should i set the mount point for my storage partition? | 13:47 |
Werder`Brema | !ubuntu 8.10 | 13:47 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about ubuntu 8.10 | 13:47 |
joseph | can anyone help here | 13:47 |
Incarus | <agabus>, "/" | 13:47 |
Incarus | joseph, yes | 13:47 |
Incarus | joseph, whats the problem? | 13:48 |
lightraz | if a point to a software, it flickers the screen and if I open a software with sometabs I can't put to anyother than the first one, and the scrollbar doesn't work | 13:48 |
sipior | Werder`Brema: just that: not supported directly by canonical, but by volunteers only. | 13:48 |
agabus | <Incarus> thankyou | 13:48 |
Werder`Brema | sipior: thank you, I can't find the iso dvd image for ubuntu 8.10 ppc | 13:48 |
Incarus | lightraz, paste your /var/log/Xorg.0.log file | 13:48 |
Incarus | agabus, np | 13:48 |
lightraz | paste here? | 13:48 |
joseph | mozilla-firefox is already the newest version. | 13:48 |
joseph | 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded. | 13:48 |
Werder`Brema | sipior: there isn't direct link in | 13:48 |
arshad | i have checked the power options theres no option to close the system | 13:48 |
ftab | is there any software to read IMAT K JAM Phone on Ubuntu? | 13:48 |
lightraz | it's big | 13:48 |
DJones | !paste | lightraz | 13:49 |
Myrtti | !paste | lightraz | 13:49 |
ubottu | lightraz: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic) | 13:49 |
sipior | Werder`Brema: no, there won't be. you'll need to find the community 8.10 ppc site. | 13:49 |
quibbler | joseph: what version of firefox do you have installed? | 13:49 |
ftab | is there any software to read IMAT K JAM Phone on Ubuntu? | 13:49 |
lightraz | oh ok | 13:49 |
arshad | <quibbler> i have checked the power options theres no option to close the system | 13:49 |
arshad | <quibbler> i have checked the power options theres no option to close the system | 13:49 |
ftab | is there any software to read IMAT K JAM Phone on Ubuntu? | 13:49 |
GaRRu | Hello | 13:50 |
lightraz | here | 13:50 |
joseph | like 1.0 | 13:50 |
Werder`Brema | this link work from you? | 13:50 |
Werder`Brema | | 13:50 |
ftab | is there any software to read IMAT K JAM Phone on Ubuntu? | 13:50 |
GaRRu | I have a question If someone may answer me ill be glad | 13:50 |
ftab | is there any software to read IMAT K JAM Phone on Ubuntu? | 13:50 |
dtcrshr | GaRRu, dont ask to ask | 13:50 |
panesar_sandeep | garru: pl ask | 13:50 |
GaRRu | oh xD | 13:50 |
GaRRu | well | 13:51 |
joseph | quibbler: like 1.0 | 13:51 |
dtcrshr | its already a question | 13:51 |
vigge_sWe | fglrxinfo | grep direct didn't output anything | 13:51 |
panesar_sandeep | garru:pls b straight | 13:51 |
lightraz | j[[ | 13:51 |
GaRRu | I saw in the ubuntu forums a Alarm Clock Date and Time Telling and more | 13:51 |
lightraz | vigge_swe shouldn't the command be glxinfo | grep direct? | 13:51 |
arshad | <GaRRu> dont aska question to ask.................. just ask the question | 13:51 |
GaRRu | I downloaded (yeah thanks for the b stright) the files I saw | 13:51 |
vigge_sWe | I copied the comand someone here pasted | 13:52 |
GaRRu | and | 13:52 |
SuPeRhAm | question, flash plays like an old silent film, somewhere around 15 frames. any good way to fix? using macromedia flash plugin and 8.10-64bit | 13:52 |
GaRRu | I don't know how to use them in ubuntu | 13:52 |
GaRRu | any help? | 13:52 |
quibbler | joseph: what version of firefox do you have installed? not like what version exactly and what version of ubuntu | 13:52 |
GaRRu | how to activate it | 13:52 |
lightraz | vigge try the command glxinfo | grep direct | 13:52 |
GaRRu | exc | 13:52 |
GaRRu | ext | 13:52 |
GaRRu | etc** | 13:52 |
Incarus | lol | 13:52 |
sipior | is this a tla competition? | 13:53 |
vigge_sWe | as fast the terminal pops up (takes around 3 min) | 13:53 |
ftab | is there any software to read IMAT K JAM Phone on Ubuntu? | 13:53 |
lightraz | I've posted my xlog file in | 13:53 |
S_A | Hi! Is there anyone who has rdesktop working with eToken Smart card support ? | 13:53 |
cr3 | hi i've installed old Ubuntu v 6.0.6, and in repo newest kernel version is 2.6.15-53.... how can i upgrade my kernel? (except compiling) | 13:53 |
Incarus | joseph, "ps -u USERNAME | grep xorg" | 13:53 |
quibbler | arshad: check again under the general tab | 13:54 |
sipior | cr3: upgrading to a newer version of ubuntu would be the only reliable way, short of recompilation of course. | 13:54 |
Incarus | oh, not joseph, wrong name | 13:54 |
Incarus | lightraz, "ps -u USERNAME | grep xorg" | 13:54 |
cr3 | sipior, can't i just change repo url's or something? | 13:54 |
vigge_sWe | direct rendering: No (If you want to find out why, try setting LIBGL_DEBUG=verbose) | 13:55 |
cr3 | kernel is kernel.... 20mb.... | 13:55 |
sipior | cr3: in a sense, that's what an upgrade of ubuntu basically entails | 13:55 |
GaRRu | That's my help I need :P How to use those files in Ubuntu so it will start up the programme... if you need the files, I have them saved in the PC Ill be glad to send it | 13:55 |
cr3 | not 600mb distro | 13:55 |
lightraz | incarus it doesn't show anythings | 13:55 |
Incarus | <lightraz>, good | 13:55 |
cr3 | sipior, so i'll add hardy herons repository and upgrade the kernel (?) ! | 13:55 |
vigge_sWe | lightraz: direct rendering: No (If you want to find out why, try setting LIBGL_DEBUG=verbose) | 13:56 |
sipior | cr3: well, kernel plus appropriate c libraries, and then you must ensure that all packages are linked against the correct libraries... | 13:56 |
lightraz | no, direct rendering says yes | 13:56 |
Incarus | <vigge_sWe>, ... | 13:56 |
ActionParsnip | cr3: you also have the kernel modules | 13:56 |
sipior | cr3: really just best to grab a recent install disk | 13:56 |
lightraz | ohhh sorry vigge | 13:56 |
vigge_sWe | that's the output... | 13:56 |
Incarus | <vigge_sWe>, yes, for ME | 13:56 |
lightraz | I guess your video drivers are not installed or configured | 13:56 |
lightraz | what's your linux distro? | 13:57 |
cr3 | well i don't have whole internet on cd's on my shelves, or something | 13:57 |
lightraz | and video card | 13:57 |
vigge_sWe | 8.10 | 13:57 |
GaRRu | Privet Messenge maybe? | 13:57 |
vigge_sWe | nvidia quadro FX 570M | 13:57 |
sipior | cr3: then rebuild your kernel. it's not terribly hard. | 13:57 |
vigge_sWe | notebook GPU | 13:57 |
Incarus | <vigge_sWe>, paste your /var/log/Xorg.0.log file | 13:58 |
lightraz | open synaptic and installed nvidia-glx-180 | 13:58 |
vigge_sWe | ok | 13:58 |
lightraz | ops sorry | 13:58 |
lightraz | if it doesn't work, try nvidia-legacy | 13:59 |
lightraz | incarrus, my drivers work fine if I reboot the graphics mode with ctrl+alt+backspace but it doesn't work correctly when the system loads up | 13:59 |
Delaya | which compiller is better for Fortran programming, f77 or f95? | 14:00 |
lightraz | do u have anyidea y? | 14:00 |
sipior | Delaya: obviously depends in what version of Fortran you plan on programming in :-) | 14:00 |
elhoyos | hi all | 14:00 |
ActionParsnip | lightraz: boot to the desktop (without restarting x) and read dmesg | 14:00 |
sipior | Delaya: gfortran is the standard now, i believe | 14:01 |
lightraz | dmesg??? what is the command? | 14:01 |
lightraz | hi elhoyos | 14:01 |
vigge_sWe | <- the log | 14:01 |
Incarus | <lightraz>, yes, could be an AUDIT MIT cookie error | 14:01 |
Incarus | <lightraz>, dont know | 14:01 |
lightraz | what command should I use to read the dmesg? | 14:02 |
panesar_sandeep | lightraz:try <man dmesg> from terminal | 14:02 |
xXChippoXx | hello there backa gain | 14:02 |
lightraz | oh ok | 14:02 |
elhoyos | There's a jaunty package for gnome-format: | 14:02 |
SlimeyPete | lightraz: just type "dmesg" | 14:02 |
erUSUL | lightraz: dmesg | 14:02 |
xXChippoXx | power to the computer were cut off by accident hehe | 14:02 |
lightraz | I'll be right back then | 14:02 |
lightraz | tnx | 14:02 |
Incarus | k | 14:02 |
vigge_sWe | it has a lot of "EQ overflowing. The server is probably stuck in an infinite loop." | 14:02 |
elhoyos | Is there any way to convert that package (gnome-format) to hardy? | 14:02 |
xXChippoXx | anyways ive put up some screenshots on the prob i have with wine so you can see what i mean | 14:02 |
panesar_sandeep | lightraz: to get the output to a file use --> "command"|cat>filename | 14:02 |
uwe | is here germani | 14:03 |
xXChippoXx | | 14:03 |
Incarus | !de | uwe | 14:03 |
ubottu | uwe: In den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis. | 14:03 |
Incarus | uwe, privat chat | 14:03 |
vigge_sWe | should I try another driver? | 14:04 |
uwe | mercy danke kann leider kein englisch tschaui | 14:04 |
Incarus | uwe, -> privat chat | 14:04 |
xXChippoXx | so there you can see what i mean that the tabs shows but there is no text in it | 14:04 |
Incarus | <vigge_sWe>, yes | 14:04 |
xXChippoXx | is it a font prob ? | 14:04 |
Incarus | <vigge_sWe>, you dont have direct rendering | 14:05 |
wlidha | hiredgoon, E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1) | 14:05 |
bacchist | are there licensing issues which prevent ubuntu livecds from including the b43 firmware?" | 14:05 |
vigge_sWe | so I should try 180? | 14:05 |
xXChippoXx | vigge_sWe, how to fix that ? | 14:05 |
erUSUL | bacchist: yes | 14:05 |
wlidha | can some one help me with that ? | 14:05 |
wlidha | echinos: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1) | 14:05 |
erUSUL | bacchist: only broadcom can distribute the firmware | 14:05 |
Incarus | <wlidha>, "ps -u root" and paste | 14:06 |
bacchist | i hate broadcom | 14:06 |
wlidha | Incarus i paste that where ? | 14:06 |
Incarus | <vigge_sWe>, which GraCa? | 14:06 |
lightraz | I'm back, I've posted my dmsg here on | 14:06 |
Incarus | !paste | wlidha | 14:07 |
ubottu | wlidha: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic) | 14:07 |
xXChippoXx | an nvidia | 14:07 |
wlidha | ok ty | 14:07 |
erUSUL | bacchist: you can install the firmware doing "sudo apt-get install b43-fwcutter" it requieres internet connection | 14:07 |
lightraz | !paste | lightraz | 14:07 |
ubottu | lightraz, please see my private message | 14:07 |
Incarus | lightraz, try the latest xserver (1.6) should work then | 14:07 |
wlidha | Incarus | 14:07 |
tommy``` | hi | 14:07 |
vigge_sWe | dev or non-dev? | 14:07 |
vigge_sWe | nvidia quadro FX 570M is my gpu | 14:08 |
bacchist | yeah i know... the "requires internet connection" bit is kind of an issue when trying to get networking components to work | 14:08 |
lightraz | ok incarrus, is it in ubuntu repo? | 14:08 |
lightraz | cause my system is up to date | 14:08 |
tommy``` | hello | 14:08 |
Incarus | <lightraz>, no, use the jaunty package or compile from source | 14:09 |
Incarus | <lightraz>, Incarus, not incarrus | 14:09 |
erUSUL | bacchist: use ethernet there are a way to do it by hand search google "b43-fwcutter offline install" or something like that | 14:09 |
lightraz | oh ok | 14:09 |
lightraz | I'll try | 14:09 |
lightraz | tnx | 14:09 |
bacchist | well my solution has been to keep a copy of the cafuego b43 deb on hand | 14:09 |
xXChippoXx | i think it is an anvidia geforce mx400 | 14:09 |
xXChippoXx | or 400 | 14:09 |
xXChippoXx | i eman 4000 | 14:10 |
tommy``` | anyone knows what kernel needs VPN cisco ? | 14:10 |
xXChippoXx | old stuff =) still workin | 14:10 |
DIFH-iceroot | tommy```: there are patches for almost all kernels | 14:10 |
abhinavm | tommu : try vpnc | 14:10 |
tommy``` | sudo apt-get install vpnc ? | 14:11 |
abhinavm | and kvpn / network-manager-cpn | 14:11 |
DIFH-iceroot | abhinavm: vpnc is not running well with some vpns | 14:11 |
abhinavm | eyah | 14:11 |
abhinavm | I use vpnc / kvpn with Cisco | 14:11 |
abhinavm | works fine | 14:11 |
xXChippoXx | still mi wondering if it is the nvidia driver that makes the wine prob or not | 14:11 |
abhinavm | have been using it from a long time on ubunu .. right from around hoary | 14:11 |
DIFH-iceroot | abhinavm: at work and school only vpnclient (cisco) is working and not vpnc | 14:12 |
wlidha | Incarus, still there ? | 14:12 |
Incarus | <wlidha>, ... | 14:12 |
wlidha | Incarus, | 14:12 |
Incarus | yes | 14:13 |
abhinavm | DIHH-iceroot : OK ..what is the error you get ? | 14:13 |
DIFH-iceroot | abhinavm: the server say "wrong client version" :) | 14:13 |
bacchist | are there any plans to switch over to pulseaudio for future versions of ubuntu? | 14:13 |
Incarus | wlidha, k, i dont know | 14:13 |
bosco | does anyone know of a good website help me install e17 in ubuntu 8.10 that works | 14:13 |
bosco | ?? | 14:14 |
Seveas | ubuntu has used pulseaudio since 8.04 already bacchist | 14:14 |
abhinavm | hmm :) I use vpnc / kvpn to connect all the time .. never faced that error | 14:14 |
tommy``` | DIFH-iceroot: yes in my university, use VPN cisco | 14:14 |
bacchist | Seveas: is it the default? | 14:14 |
abhinavm | I just imported the .pcf file into kvpn and it worked out of the box | 14:14 |
Seveas | bacchist, yes | 14:14 |
DIFH-iceroot | bacchist: ?? its using pulseaudio already | 14:14 |
wlidha | Incarus, ok np | 14:14 |
DIFH-iceroot | abhinavm: as i said, not alle vpns working with vpnc | 14:14 |
bacchist | ah ok... i don't see any of the gui tools installed | 14:15 |
David2 | hi | 14:15 |
spike_ | how can I install kiba-dock on intrepid please | 14:15 |
tommy``` | DIFH-iceroot: where is the patch for my kernel to work with vpn cisco? | 14:15 |
S_A | Hi! Is there anyone who has rdesktop working with eToken Smart card support ? | 14:15 |
abhinavm | DIFH-iceroot : Sure .. Maybe there is some special config/setting your network admin has done | 14:15 |
_DEL | gui hinders performance, terminal is an operators best friend | 14:15 |
DIFH-iceroot | tommy```: google :( | 14:15 |
woodong50 | here is linux channel? | 14:16 |
DIFH-iceroot | woodong50: ubuntu-channel | 14:16 |
tommy``` | woodong50: no xp | 14:16 |
Bram_P | my second ubuntu is nearly installed 96% | 14:16 |
abhinavm | tommy``` : there is a cisco client for linux available for download on .. you could use that | 14:16 |
woodong50 | really | 14:16 |
_DEL | wodong50, yes this is specific to ubuntu linu though | 14:17 |
tommy``` | abhinavm: my uni has a direct link with cisco vpn client, i don't know if you could work | 14:17 |
_DEL | woodong50, yes this is specific to ubuntu linu though | 14:17 |
spike_ | can I install kiba-dock on Intrepid ? please | 14:17 |
woodong50 | ubuntu is difficult? | 14:17 |
_DEL | ubuntu is very easy once you get the hang of things | 14:18 |
linny1 | Actionp | 14:18 |
DIFH-iceroot | woodong50: its the easiest linux distro, imo | 14:19 |
arshad | Help PLzzz THe USB startup disk in Ubuntu 8.10 is not accepting mu USB Pendrive | 14:19 |
linny1 | ActionParsnip you here ? | 14:19 |
panesar_sandeep | woodong50:ubuntu i very easy and user-friendly | 14:19 |
woodong50 | ok i will learn it | 14:19 |
arshad | Imean the option in System > Administration | 14:19 |
DIFH-iceroot | woodong50: you have already a running ubuntu? | 14:20 |
panesar_sandeep | woodong50:if u experience any problems u can ask 4 help here anytime | 14:20 |
arshad | Help PLzzz THe USB startup disk in Ubuntu 8.10 is not accepting mu USB Pendrive, I mean the option in System > Administration | 14:20 |
woodong50 | ok | 14:20 |
ActionParsnip | !hoary | 14:21 |
ubottu | Ubuntu 5.04 (Hoary Hedgehog) was the second release of Ubuntu. End Of Life: October 31, 2006. See !eol for more details. | 14:21 |
panesar_sandeep | arshad:check if the filesystem on pndrv is intact | 14:21 |
_DEL | !eol | 14:21 |
ubottu | End-Of-Life is the time when security updates for an Ubuntu release stop. See | 14:21 |
freegoo | ok guys here the problem. i delete my mac osx boot partition. i can not boot my ubuntu harddrive partition with out using the ubuntu cd "BOOT FROM HARD DISK". nstall | 14:21 |
freegoo | i tryed grub "install (hd0)" but it did work | 14:22 |
panesar_sandeep | ubottu: will updates stop for older versions or for all versions | 14:22 |
ubottu | Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 14:22 |
_DEL | freego, did you install before or after you installed ubuntu? | 14:22 |
panesar_sandeep | bot?? | 14:22 |
_DEL | freego, did you delte OSX before or after you installed ubuntu? | 14:23 |
Bram_P | my new ubuntu is installed | 14:23 |
freegoo | _DEL: when i installed ubuntu on the hard disk. i only installed grub on the partition sda3. not the whole drive | 14:23 |
ztx | how can i convert a ubuntu server installation to ubuntu desktop (want it to start using a desktop kernel and so on) | 14:23 |
oCean_ | panesar_sandeep: the answers ubottu gives are scripted. | 14:23 |
SlimeyPete | ztx: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop | 14:24 |
freegoo | i used rEFIt to boot osx and ubuntu | 14:24 |
Alterios_in_Win | panesar, the end of life for standard releases is 18 months and 5 years for LTS releases | 14:24 |
defrysk | or kubuntu-desktop | 14:24 |
Cyntek | is it possible to install an NTFS drive with data on it, and mount it on ubuntu-server ? | 14:24 |
oCean_ | !bot > panesar_sandeep | 14:24 |
ubottu | panesar_sandeep, please see my private message | 14:24 |
SlimeyPete | ztx: hrm, not sure if that will replace the kernel though | 14:24 |
freegoo | del: i used rEFIt to boot osx and ubuntu | 14:24 |
DIFH-iceroot | !ntfs | Cyntek | 14:24 |
ubottu | Cyntek: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see - For write access, see !NTFS-3g or !FUSE | 14:24 |
SlimeyPete | it'll install all the desktop apps | 14:24 |
Alterios_in_Win | so each regular release will be supported for 18 months after it's release | 14:24 |
ztx | SlimeyPete: nope, it wont :/ | 14:24 |
SlimeyPete | ztx: you can always just install another kernel via apt-get... | 14:25 |
panesar_sandeep | ocean:thanks | 14:25 |
_DEL | if you deleted OSX after, you may have to reinstall ubuntu, i had that problem once freegoo | 14:25 |
ztx | SlimeyPete: well, thats true.. but i dont want to do that manually, i want it to fetch -desktop from now on | 14:25 |
freegoo | _DEL: thanks. there must be a way of install grub back on the harddrive | 14:25 |
DIFH-iceroot | _DEL: just fix grub | 14:25 |
SlimeyPete | ztx: it will do, if you install the desktop kernel from apt-get. | 14:26 |
Bram_P | How can I install a wifi card on my laptop with new ubuntu? | 14:26 |
SlimeyPete | it'll continue to use & update it | 14:26 |
GaRRu | will someone help me in privet message please I don't know nothing about linux and I need some help around | 14:26 |
ztx | SlimeyPete: oh, nice :) | 14:26 |
erUSUL | ztx: install the ubuntu-desktop package and the kernel | 14:26 |
_DEL | yeah, that can be done | 14:26 |
GaRRu | Thanks _DEL | 14:26 |
Bram_P | how can I get a wifi card to work in my laptop with new ubuntu? | 14:26 |
freegoo | DIFH-iceroot: when i installed ubuntu on the hard disk. i only installed grub on the partition sda3. not the whole drive | 14:27 |
arshad | <panesar_sandeep> How do i check it . .. . .. ?? | 14:27 |
arshad | <panesar_sandeep> How do i check it . .. . .. ?? | 14:27 |
SlimeyPete | you're going to have to give more detail Bram_P | 14:27 |
spencer | Where is the network manager? It wants a password and I did not put one in. | 14:27 |
SlimeyPete | like what wifi card it is, for a start | 14:27 |
SlimeyPete | spencer: try your standard user password | 14:27 |
freegoo | DIFH-iceroot: i am using a macbook pro, and since i delete my osx partition i can not boot ubuntu | 14:27 |
spencer | I did and it refuses it | 14:27 |
SlimeyPete | network-manager can be found via the two-computers icon in the system-tray | 14:27 |
Bram_P | SlimeyPete: well I did install ubuntu on my old laptop, but how can I get my wifi card to work there? since the cd only contains .exe | 14:27 |
DIFH-iceroot | freegoo: use a live-cd and install a new grub | 14:28 |
freegoo | DIFH-iceroot: i tryed using grub "install (hd0)" but that didnt seem to fix it | 14:28 |
SlimeyPete | Bram_P: what card is it? | 14:28 |
SlimeyPete | there may be a linux driver available. | 14:28 |
spencer | Then I deny and it goes on | 14:28 |
freegoo | DIFH-iceroot: yes i did use the live cd | 14:28 |
SlimeyPete | also you could try ndiswrapper: | 14:28 |
SlimeyPete | !ndiswrapper | 14:28 |
ubottu | Wireless documentation can be found at | 14:28 |
Bram_P | SlimeyPete: it's a BELKIN wireless G Notebook card (54mb) | 14:29 |
SlimeyPete | Bram_P: pcmcia? | 14:29 |
SlimeyPete | / cardbus | 14:29 |
arshad | How do i make a startup USB Pendrive . . . . . . . . ?? | 14:29 |
SlimeyPete | i.e. the sort you plug into the slot on your laptop, as opposed to it being built-in | 14:29 |
arshad | How do i make a startup USB Pendrive in Ubuntu 8.10 . . . . . . . . ?? | 14:29 |
arshad | Help PLzzzz | 14:29 |
arshad | Help PLzzzz | 14:29 |
arshad | How do i make a startup USB Pendrive in Ubuntu 8.10 . . . . . . . . ?? | 14:29 |
FloodBot2 | arshad: Please don't flood, use to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 14:29 |
oCean_ | !repeat | arshad | 14:29 |
ubottu | arshad: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search or while you wait. Also see !patience | 14:30 |
Myrtti | !usb | arshad | 14:30 |
ubottu | arshad: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see - For a persistent live USB install, see: | 14:30 |
Charliehorse | i need help | 14:30 |
freegoo | arshad: if u have ubuntu 8.10 u can look user the vmenu System > Administration >Create, A USB Start up disk | 14:30 |
Myrtti | !ask | Charliehorse | 14:30 |
ubottu | Charliehorse: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) | 14:30 |
Bram_P | SlimeyPete: well I don't know if Belkin is owned by pcmia | 14:30 |
arshad | <Myrtti> A pendrive | 14:30 |
freegoo | DIFH-iceroot: any ideas?? | 14:30 |
SlimeyPete | Bram_P: no, PCMCIA / cardbus are socket types | 14:30 |
Charliehorse | i have ubuntu 8.10 installed on a dual boot macbook | 14:30 |
SlimeyPete | they're the technical names for the slots you find on laptops | 14:30 |
Charliehorse | how do i mount mac drive | 14:30 |
SlimeyPete | so what I meant is: is this a card you plug into the slot on your laptop, or is it USB, or is it built in? | 14:31 |
DIFH-iceroot | freegoo: sorry, dont know, never had to fix grub | 14:31 |
freegoo | DIFH-iceroot: ok thanks | 14:31 |
Charliehorse | i can see the hard drive, but i can't look into my user folder, it says permission is denied | 14:31 |
erUSUL | Charliehorse: mount -t hpfs /dev/sdxx /mount/point | 14:31 |
Charliehorse | do i need to sudo that? | 14:32 |
Bram_P | SlimeyPete: one moment, I'll look it up, it isn't shown on the card | 14:32 |
mostafa | how to install flash player | 14:32 |
erUSUL | mostafa: sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree | 14:32 |
Ben_Cs | hello | 14:32 |
Ben_Cs | where can i find the package: libisofs-1 (0.6.2) ? | 14:32 |
=== adam is now known as Guest28713 | ||
erUSUL | !find libisofs | 14:33 |
ubottu | Found: libisofs-dev, libisofs-doc, libisofs6 | 14:33 |
erUSUL | !info libisofs6 > Ben_Cs | 14:33 |
mostafa | is there any flash player for free | 14:33 |
ubottu | libisofs6 (source: libisofs): library to create ISO9960 images. In component universe, is optional. Version (intrepid), package size 71 kB, installed size 208 kB | 14:33 |
erUSUL | mostafa: there is gnash and swfplayer iirc | 14:33 |
DIFH-iceroot | !gnash | mostafa | 14:33 |
ubottu | mostafa: An open source flash replacement. It is still beta software. For current status or for more info | 14:33 |
Ben_Cs | erUSUL: how can i install that version on hardy? | 14:34 |
Bram_P | SlimeyPete: It's cardbus | 14:34 |
erUSUL | Ben_Cs: from source? dunno libs are usually not backported | 14:34 |
SlimeyPete | Bram_P: ah, right. Okay. You need to find out what chipset it has, and for Cardbus + PCMCIA you can do that by: 1) open terminal from 'Applications' -> 'Accessories' menu; 2) type "lspcmcia". You need to insert your card before you do this. | 14:35 |
SlimeyPete | the output of "lspcmcia" should tell you what chipset the card uses. This will make it easier to find out how to make it work with Ubuntu. | 14:35 |
Charliehorse | how do i find out what volume my MAcOS install is on? like what dev/sdxx? | 14:35 |
erUSUL | Charliehorse: sudo fdisk -l | 14:36 |
Charliehorse | erUSUL ty! | 14:36 |
Charliehorse | When i try to mount my HFS+ partionon, i get this: | 14:37 |
Bram_P | SlimeyPete: That gives some socket information, what part do we need? since it's quite hard to type it all over... | 14:38 |
Droopsta915 | I made a rar archive file with a password, and now I can't remember the password. Is there anyway Ican extract it? | 14:38 |
SlimeyPete | !paste | Bram_P | 14:38 |
ubottu | Bram_P: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic) | 14:38 |
Known_problems | dica de uma otica placa de captura para fazer circuito interno, com linux ? | 14:38 |
SlimeyPete | Bram_P: please put all of it into a pastebin and then give me the URL so I can see it | 14:38 |
SlimeyPete | oh wait | 14:38 |
mgolisch | Droopsta915: other than bruteforce cracking i geuess no | 14:38 |
SlimeyPete | you can't copy-paste? | 14:38 |
SlimeyPete | separate machine then... figures :) | 14:39 |
Bram_P | SlimeyPete: I can't, it's on my other laptop without internet access(that's why I need that wifi card...) | 14:39 |
SlimeyPete | Bram_P: just look for anything which mentions networking, 802.11, Belkin, etc. | 14:39 |
=== ZeRo_FeniX_ is now known as ZeRo_FeniX | ||
quibbler | !br | 14:39 |
ubottu | Por favor, use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado. | 14:39 |
Charliehorse | i tried this: sudo mount -t hpfs /dev/sda2 '/home/evantandersen', and got this : | 14:40 |
SlimeyPete | Bram_P: hmm, hang on | 14:40 |
SlimeyPete | there's a simpler way, I think | 14:40 |
SlimeyPete | Bram_P: try just "lspci" | 14:40 |
_DEL | battery went dead yall | 14:40 |
Droopsta915 | mgolisch: oh well, all my girls naked pictures are going in the trash bin. I got the originals anyway:) | 14:40 |
SlimeyPete | I think it picks up cardbus cards too, and is simpler to read | 14:40 |
khirr | !es | 14:40 |
ubottu | En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es. | 14:40 |
ActionParsnip | SlimeyPete: i think thats lsusb | 14:40 |
ActionParsnip | SlimeyPete: depends what bus its attatched to inside | 14:40 |
tommy``` | DIFH-iceroot: I found patch for vpn cisco, but I think that works only on 686 not ppc | 14:41 |
SlimeyPete | ActionParsnip: bah, computers are never simple >.< | 14:41 |
Bram_P | SlimeyPete: PCI 1225is that what we need? | 14:41 |
SlimeyPete | that doesn't sound right | 14:41 |
ActionParsnip | !cisco | 14:41 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about cisco | 14:41 |
ActionParsnip | !vpn | 14:41 |
ubottu | From more information on vpn please refer to | 14:41 |
DIFH-iceroot | tommy```: dont know, i am only using x86 | 14:41 |
mostafa | how an i install gz file | 14:41 |
ActionParsnip | mostafa: tar zxvf <file> | 14:42 |
altrortla | ActionParsnip: i have just installed unifiedlinuxdriver for my printer ... it seems to work but configuration form have line text so little that i can't read nothing of what is written... | 14:42 |
ActionParsnip | mostafa: its rare to need them, whats it for? | 14:42 |
SlimeyPete | Bram_P: did you try lspci? | 14:42 |
tommy``` | DIFH-iceroot: don't worry dude, it's only that apple is crap | 14:42 |
altrortla | ActionParsnip: i think that it haven't the right font | 14:42 |
Bram_P | SlimeyPete: yes, and that's all I can find in it, the rest is processor etc. | 14:42 |
Oli`` | How can I see what is running on port 80? | 14:43 |
Oli`` | (on my local machine) | 14:43 |
SlimeyPete | Bram_P: Hrm. lsusb? | 14:43 |
UDP-00 | ps -aux | 14:43 |
oCean_ | Oli``: "sudo netstat -anp | grep 80" | 14:43 |
ActionParsnip | Oli``: netstat -a | 14:43 |
* UDP-00 slaps oCean_ around a bit with a large trout | 14:43 | |
UDP-00 | :) | 14:43 |
SlimeyPete | I'd expect the chipset to be called something like "Realtek ... " or "Broadcom ..." or "Atheros" or something | 14:43 |
Bram_P | SlimeyPete: no, nothing... | 14:43 |
SlimeyPete | Bram_P: okay, time to bring out the big guns | 14:44 |
SlimeyPete | try: sudo lshw -C network | 14:44 |
SlimeyPete | (it'll ask for your password) | 14:44 |
Oli`` | oCean_ & ActionParsnip: thanks | 14:44 |
Bram_P | SlimeyPete: I did also found something called ndiswrapper, will that work? | 14:45 |
SlimeyPete | Bram_P: ndiswrapper might work, yes. It works for some cards, as a last resort. | 14:45 |
ActionParsnip | why does lshw say to run as sudo but still outputs fine??? | 14:45 |
mostafa | i unrared it how can i install it | 14:45 |
quibbler | mostafa: look here: | 14:45 |
SlimeyPete | ActionParsnip: I dunno, tbh. I just use sudo out of habit. Maybe it prints slightly more info in some circumstances? | 14:45 |
mostafa | gnash-0.8.4.tar.gz | 14:45 |
Bram_P | SlimeyPete: well, what's easier? then I'll try that first | 14:46 |
ActionParsnip | !info gnash | 14:46 |
ubottu | gnash (source: gnash): free SWF movie player. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.8.4-0ubuntu1 (intrepid), package size 242 kB, installed size 868 kB | 14:46 |
mostafa | i unrared it how can i install it gnash-0.8.4.tar.gz | 14:46 |
ActionParsnip | mostafa: its on the repo, same version | 14:46 |
sera|work | i think i screwed up my installation, but perhaps someone here can rescue me. i wanted to add the initial user to another group, but i forgot -a while using -G ... now the user isn't in the admin-group anymore. do i have to use recovery-mode now to put him in again? | 14:46 |
Chousuke | mostafa: sudo aptitude install gnash | 14:46 |
ActionParsnip | mostafa: sudo apt-get install gnash | 14:46 |
Chousuke | (either works) | 14:46 |
oCean_ | sera|work: yep, recovery mode it is | 14:47 |
SlimeyPete | Bram_P: I suppose you may as well try ndiswrapper, yes. If that fails, do the lshw command I gave you and look for the Product Name - that'll usually give a clue as to exactly what chipset your card uses, and then you can type that into google or the ubuntu forums (or IRC) to find out how to make it work. | 14:47 |
Seveas | sera|work, yes, unless you have set a rootpassword or have another admin user | 14:47 |
erUSUL | sera|work: adduser $USER admin | 14:47 |
erUSUL | sera|work: allways use adduser useradd is dangerous (as you found out) | 14:47 |
Bram_P | SlimeyPete: ok, I'll try it many thanks for all your help | 14:47 |
juro | hi, I am using VLC v 0.9.4 Grishenko on Ubuntu 8.10 (upgraded from 8.04). When I play any media, the video hangs randomly a few seconds and then continues ... audio does not have this problem. Any ideas who I can debug this? | 14:47 |
SlimeyPete | no problem. Good luck :) | 14:47 |
ActionParsnip | mostafa: most stuf you need is on the repos, you will rarely download tar.gz files | 14:48 |
erUSUL | sera|work: from the man page useradd is a low level utility for adding users. On Debian, administrators should usually use adduser(8) instead. | 14:48 |
ActionParsnip | mostafa: try searching the repo first before grabbing an archive like that | 14:48 |
oCean_ | erUSUL: think she usermod'ed an existing one | 14:48 |
Seveas | oCean_, usermod is equally dangerous for this :) | 14:48 |
Seveas | gpasswd or adduser are your frinds for group manglement | 14:49 |
erUSUL | oCean_: s/useradd/usermod/ in my comments ;P | 14:49 |
blutrille | I am trying to get Citrix ICA client to work and this is the message i recieve any help? "could not be validated. (SSL provider code: 20, SSL error 86)" | 14:49 |
ActionParsnip | !citrix | 14:50 |
ubottu | For help configuring the Citrix ICA Client, see: | 14:50 |
burkmat | Curious: Why isn't truecrypt in the repos? Is it a security issue? | 14:50 |
linny1 | ActionParsnip: that line for unraring works great the thing is it unrars to the cwd how could one alter the line to make each set of rars extract to the dir the respective rars are in ? | 14:50 |
linny1 | find -name "*.rar" -exec rar x {} \; | 14:50 |
TuxMan | any suggestion for a good code editor (not an IDE) for C++?? | 14:50 |
r3dux | TuxMan, >> gedit | 14:50 |
SlimeyPete | I believe the canonical answer is vi/vim | 14:50 |
ActionParsnip | !ide | TuxMan | 14:51 |
ubottu | TuxMan: Programming editors/suites: Terminal-based: vi/vim, emacs - KDE: Kate, KDevelop, Quanta+, Umbrello - GNOME: gvim, gedit, anjuta, eclipse, netbeans, pida, monodevelop | 14:51 |
DIFH-iceroot | sure | 14:51 |
TuxMan | I dont like vi / vim | 14:51 |
SlimeyPete | Kate is rather good for code | 14:51 |
r3dux | I hate vi/vim - don't be gay and use that archaic stuff | 14:51 |
TuxMan | in gedit , I cant mass comment | 14:51 |
GaRRu | I have Ctl + Alt + Left or Right to switch pages how do I do to change it like a square mode? that I see all the pages in a square? | 14:51 |
SlimeyPete | does syntax hilighting etc. | 14:51 |
SlimeyPete | r3dux: I am gay, and I rather like ViM thanks ;) | 14:51 |
ActionParsnip | linny1: i'm unsure, stdin would be able to help here. he's got sweeter skills than I. maybe check man rar | 14:51 |
GaRRu | I have Ctl + Alt + Left or Right to switch pages how do I do to change it like a square mode? that I see all the pages in a square? | 14:51 |
SlimeyPete | though vi is a pain | 14:52 |
r3dux | Slimey > awww..... | 14:52 |
sera|work | erUSUL: i used usermod | 14:52 |
linny1 | ActionParsnip: thanks youve been a great help :) | 14:52 |
GaRRu | I have Ctl + Alt + Left or Right to switch pages how do I do to change it like a square mode? that I see all the pages in a square? | 14:52 |
altrortla | Isn't my question pertinet.... what is wrong? | 14:52 |
ActionParsnip | GaRRu: make sure have 3d accelleration and install compizfusion | 14:52 |
ActionParsnip | linny1: try in #bash | 14:52 |
erUSUL | sera|work: s/useradd/usermod/ in my comments ;P | 14:52 |
r3dux | I don't find vi usable. Or care about vim. Emacs I could give a shot... but honestly, life's too short | 14:53 |
linny1 | ActionParsnip: thanks again | 14:53 |
Seveas | !repeat | garru | 14:53 |
ubottu | garru: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search or while you wait. Also see !patience | 14:53 |
ActionParsnip | linny1: np man | 14:53 |
SlimeyPete | ViM's basically usable vi, really. But it's an acquired taste. | 14:53 |
ActionParsnip | linny1: find and exec are hugely powerful | 14:53 |
SlimeyPete | Modal editing can be frustrating | 14:53 |
sera|work | erUSUL: ah. adduser can work with existing users. didn't know that, thanks! | 14:53 |
* ActionParsnip uses nano | 14:54 | |
dreamweaver | hello | 14:54 |
erUSUL | altrortla: probably nobody know anything about your problem... myself never heard of the driver you mentioned | 14:54 |
=== eric is now known as Guest29667 | ||
Incarus | altrortla, whats the problem? | 14:54 |
r3dux | I've got my standard make file, I've got gedit - I'm happy. | 14:54 |
r3dux | I should prolly use eclipse, but... there's no rush. | 14:54 |
SlimeyPete | Eclipse is... big | 14:55 |
erUSUL | GaRRu: use simple-ccsm | 14:55 |
SlimeyPete | and on my Intrepid system it fails to work | 14:55 |
erUSUL | !ccsm | GaRRu | 14:55 |
ubottu | GaRRu: To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu: install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' or 'simple-ccsm'. If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz-fusion | 14:55 |
r3dux | Too big for a small prog, hence gedit and make | 14:55 |
SlimeyPete | I think the Sun-Java6-jdk package was compiled against an X library that's missing a bit in Ubuntu, or something | 14:55 |
SlimeyPete | anyway, it's error-tastic | 14:55 |
r3dux | SlimeyPete, - I don't have errors w/ it (x64) | 14:56 |
ActionParsnip | i use the ia32-java packages or icedtea | 14:56 |
SlimeyPete | r3dux: Hmm, I'm on x64 too. Though... Eclipse *did* work the first time I ran it, then I installed SoapUI and it stopped working. Perhaps that's the cause. | 14:56 |
ActionParsnip | java sucks anyway | 14:56 |
SlimeyPete | Maybe SoapUI tries to make use of some graphics stuff that standard Eclipse doesn't. | 14:56 |
lorenzosu | Hi all.. I am trying to convince some colleagues that ubuntu is doable even in business environment... Their strongest argument is thta with Windows "you can do 1 install and replicate on 100 machines"... I'm sure there's a way of doing it for ubuntu to... any ideas? | 14:57 |
doctor_flash | hello | 14:57 |
ActionParsnip | lorenzosu: get an apt-server which will act as a local repo | 14:58 |
Scunizi | !clone | lorenzosu | 14:58 |
ubottu | lorenzosu: To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » - See also !automate | 14:58 |
r3dux | lorednzoud, many. | 14:58 |
ActionParsnip | lorenzosu: you can then put packages on there and it will install | 14:58 |
erUSUL | lorenzosu: use clonezilla | 14:58 |
SpareBit | ActionParsnip: How does that work ? (apt-server) | 14:58 |
erUSUL | lorenzosu: can replicate to 100 machines over the network or so they claim | 14:58 |
r3dux | I don't find the need to shout the joys of linux from the rooftops. Anyone who uses it will see the ups and downs. | 14:59 |
erUSUL | lorenzosu: | 14:59 |
Scunizi | SpareBit: perhaps to make it easier.. since most packages you use are preinstalled anyway.. any additional packages can be done with aptoncd.. | 14:59 |
SpareBit | <== IT Tech for school in somerset UK | 14:59 |
ActionParsnip | r3dux: me neither, its another OS with its fair share of issues | 14:59 |
Scunizi | !aptoncd | SpareBit | 14:59 |
ubottu | SpareBit: APTonCD is a tool with a graphical interface which allows you to create one or more CDs or DVDs with all of the packages you've downloaded via apt-get or aptitude, creating a removable repository that you can use on other computers | 14:59 |
SpareBit | thanks Scunizi | 15:00 |
lorenzosu | thanks all.. | 15:00 |
r3dux | ActionParsnip, I use linux because I'm now comfortable with it and it does 99% of what I used to do in windows, and another 80% of things I couldn't. | 15:00 |
lorenzosu | So what would be the procedure? | 15:00 |
lorenzosu | - install on a machine | 15:00 |
lorenzosu | - do clonezilla | 15:00 |
lorenzosu | - How to replicate automatically, say over network boot? | 15:00 |
FloodBot2 | lorenzosu: Please don't flood, use to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 15:00 |
ActionParsnip | r3dux: snap | 15:00 |
ActionParsnip | SpareBit: | 15:01 |
r3dux | I can't play things on Steam in Linux, but I just use my 360 for that kinda stuff anyway. Works for me. | 15:01 |
lorenzosu | oops sorry abiouthat | 15:01 |
erUSUL | lorenzosu: read the help for clonezilla server editon everything is on the page a gave | 15:01 |
SpareBit | thanks ActionParsnip | 15:01 |
oCean_ | lorenzosu: you also might ask in #ubuntu-server to see if ppl there have experience doing that | 15:01 |
vigge_sWe | hai | 15:01 |
ActionParsnip | SpareBit: just check any weird software they use will run on linux but standard stuf is fine | 15:01 |
jpds | lorenzosu: | 15:01 |
lorenzosu | erUSUL: thanks... I guess I'm not going to use this myself.. just a kind of "proof of concept" if you get what I mean | 15:01 |
kevinly | I'm having a really weird problem | 15:02 |
kevinly | I can't enter any text into the Username box on my login screen | 15:02 |
gpled | anyone running quad monitors? | 15:02 |
ActionParsnip | SpareBit: you may think Ubuntu is great but if it doesnt fit the requirements if the system as an OS then its not good | 15:02 |
kevinly | my keyboard is working (caps lock, alt f4 gives me shell@) | 15:02 |
Ronald | How do I open a program in the terminal and then have my terminal back? I'd like to open gedit with sudo but that takes over my terminal | 15:02 |
kevinly | Ronald: gedit & | 15:02 |
ActionParsnip | kevinly: can you use mouse to choose console login? | 15:02 |
vigge_sWe | I downloaded a deb package, but it said I should install with apt-get wiith force install, how can I point apt-get to a path? | 15:02 |
erUSUL | !gksudo | Ronald | 15:03 |
ubottu | Ronald: If you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See to know why) | 15:03 |
kevinly | ActionParsnip: no mouse either | 15:03 |
vigge_sWe | because I already got it downloaded | 15:03 |
ziroday | Ronald: gedit & disown if you want gedit to stay open if you close the terminal | 15:03 |
gpled | kevinly: sweet! | 15:03 |
TuxMan | how in gedit I make it to mark the closing curly brace when I point to the opening one? | 15:03 |
jpds | vigge_sWe: sudo dpkg -i | 15:03 |
jpds | vigge_sWe: Or open it with gdebi | 15:03 |
Ronald | thanks guys. I'll have a look at that link | 15:03 |
ActionParsnip | Ronald: put a & at the end of the command, it will give you the terminal back and the command will run. If you close the console, any apps it spawned will die too | 15:03 |
Incarus | <vigge_sWe>, sudo dpkg --force-all -i xyz.deb | 15:03 |
ziroday | TuxMan: look in the preferences | 15:03 |
erUSUL | TuxMan: Preferences first tab | 15:04 |
Bram_P | SlimeyPete: I did download all the packages and installed them, what should do now? since I can't find it... | 15:04 |
ActionParsnip | kevinly: power off and check the connections | 15:04 |
vigge_sWe | ty | 15:04 |
ActionParsnip | kevinly: you may have to rest your xorg.conf | 15:04 |
ActionParsnip | *rset | 15:04 |
kevinly | ActionParsnip: it's a laptop and i've reset a few times | 15:04 |
ActionParsnip | *reset | 15:04 |
TuxMan | ok will do | 15:04 |
kevinly | ok | 15:04 |
ActionParsnip | kevinly: ten check in bios to make sure its all enabled | 15:04 |
SlimeyPete | Bram_P: so you're trying ndiswrapper? | 15:04 |
Incarus | any problems here? | 15:04 |
ActionParsnip | kevinly: can you press esc to bring up the grub menu? | 15:04 |
SpareBit | ActionParsnip: Currently all the windows users only use Office 2003 (Access, Excel, PowerPoint, Publisher, Word) nothing out of the ordinary | 15:04 |
Bram_P | SlimeyPete: yes I am | 15:05 |
ActionParsnip | SpareBit: then linu is fine | 15:05 |
SlimeyPete | Bram_P: okay, did you get as far as installing the Windows drivers? | 15:05 |
SlimeyPete | or are you stuck before that? | 15:05 |
kevinly | ActionParsnip: no | 15:05 |
kevinly | i can alt-f4 | 15:05 |
Bram_P | SlimeyPete: no, I did download the files, put them on an usb and clicked and installed them in the other laptop | 15:05 |
altrortla | Incarus: still here buddy? | 15:05 |
Incarus | <altrortla>, ... | 15:06 |
Incarus | <altrortla>, yes, whats the prob?# | 15:06 |
altrortla | i have just installed unifiedlinuxdriver for my printer ... it seems to work but configuration form have line text so little that i can't read nothing of what is written... | 15:06 |
ActionParsnip | kevinly: do you have a usb keyboard and mouse? | 15:06 |
GooD2KnoW | i want to mount a smbfs drive in the fstab .. but it only works if i type sudo mount -a .. not while booting (fail). any tips? | 15:06 |
SlimeyPete | Bram_P: Okay... there is a howto for ndiswrapper here: it sounds like you need to go from step 3.3, though of course you have the driver on CD rather than having to download it | 15:06 |
Incarus | <altrortla>, a line text? make a screenshot | 15:06 |
ActionParsnip | kevinly: is there a button to lock the keyboard and mouse, some laptops have that | 15:06 |
GooD2KnoW | and how can i autostart some custom commands right after booting? | 15:06 |
erUSUL | GooD2KnoW: add auto on the options filed | 15:06 |
ActionParsnip | !autostart | 15:06 |
ubottu | To add programs to start up when you log into your Gnome session go to System>Preferences>Sessions and use the Startup Programs tab. For more information, see - See !boot for starting non-interactive programs at boot | 15:06 |
ActionParsnip | !bootup | 15:07 |
altrortla | where i can past it? | 15:07 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about bootup | 15:07 |
ActionParsnip | 1bum | 15:07 |
erUSUL | GooD2KnoW: add auto on the options field | 15:07 |
ActionParsnip | !bum | 15:07 |
ubottu | Boot options: - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: - Also see | 15:07 |
SlimeyPete | Bram_P: note point 3.3.2 - you'll need to use unshield, I imagine | 15:07 |
altrortla | where i can paste it? | 15:07 |
ActionParsnip | !paste | altrortla | 15:07 |
ubottu | altrortla: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic) | 15:07 |
GooD2KnoW | erUSUL, i have, it tries to mount it .. but it fails | 15:07 |
altrortla | also a screenshot? | 15:07 |
GooD2KnoW | maybe the network interfaces arent initialized or sth like that | 15:07 |
cr3 | dżizas krajst | 15:07 |
erUSUL | GooD2KnoW: maybe you do not have inet connection at that point? you use network manager ? | 15:08 |
Incarus | hm, SELinux isnt good for linux/ubuntu -> its from the nsa, the codebreaker of the usa!?!?!? | 15:08 |
GooD2KnoW | erUSUL, its a local network :/ | 15:08 |
_infidel | hello, im having trouble adding an OpenLDAP entry. output: My init.ldif file: Thnx in advance | 15:08 |
ziroday | Incarus: you can uninstall it if you don't want it | 15:08 |
GooD2KnoW | erUSUL, and its working right after the boot. | 15:08 |
erUSUL | GooD2KnoW: you use NM or /etc/network/interfaces ?? | 15:08 |
Incarus | <altrortla>, | 15:08 |
Incarus | <ziroday>, i know | 15:08 |
gpled | hmm, the ability to paste screen shots would be a cool adon to pastebins | 15:09 |
GooD2KnoW | erUSUL, /etc/network/interfaces | 15:09 |
altrortla | Incarus: OK | 15:09 |
kevinly | ActionParsnip: no button (afaik and i'm pretty sure) and usb makes no difference | 15:09 |
ziroday | !imagebin | gpled | 15:09 |
ubottu | gpled: Want to show us a screenshot of your problem? Upload an image to and link it from the channel. | 15:09 |
=== jaro is now known as just_use_ssh | ||
ActionParsnip | kevinly: is usb disabled on the laptop in bios? | 15:09 |
gpled | ziroday: cool, thanks | 15:09 |
ActionParsnip | Incarus: SELinux looks like tinfoil hat time | 15:09 |
=== dtcrshr is now known as dtcrshr_OUT | ||
ikonia | !away > dtchen | 15:10 |
ubottu | dtchen, please see my private message | 15:10 |
ikonia | !away > dtcrshr_OUT | 15:10 |
ubottu | dtcrshr_OUT, please see my private message | 15:10 |
Incarus | <ActionParsnip>, tinfoil? | 15:10 |
evride | hey dudez | 15:10 |
evride | i dont have any sound any more | 15:10 |
ActionParsnip | Incarus: the government scanning your brainwaves, tinfoild stops it | 15:10 |
evride | i used to have sound but it quit working on me | 15:10 |
ziroday | evride: all the time, or just for this session? | 15:10 |
Incarus | <ActionParsnip>, oh, yes | 15:10 |
evride | all the time | 15:10 |
Incarus | <ActionParsnip>, | 15:10 |
ActionParsnip | evride: does it work after a reboot | 15:10 |
ziroday | evride: if you restart do you have sound? | 15:11 |
dtcrshr_OUT | sorry ikonia | 15:11 |
evride | idk | 15:11 |
dtcrshr_OUT | bad habit | 15:11 |
gpled | whats a reboot :) | 15:11 |
=== dtcrshr_OUT is now known as dtcrshr | ||
evride | brb | 15:11 |
rondnelly_ | Does anyone have problems during an ATI Driver instalation? | 15:11 |
Incarus | <ActionParsnip>, selinux have to be a backdoor, linux is really secure, but most of the distros got selinux from the nsa. | 15:11 |
ziroday | rondnelly_: what is not working | 15:11 |
altrortla | Incarus: first time that i sent a photo with this system | 15:11 |
ActionParsnip | Incarus: some people get super paranoid with teir linux installs and install all sorts of nonesense to make it more secure but it ends up making it cluttered | 15:11 |
altrortla | Incarus: tell me if you see this | 15:12 |
freegoo | How can i format a partition as HFS??? | 15:12 |
TheGambler | ActionParsnip: that actually is happening to me, I think | 15:12 |
Incarus | <ActionParsnip>, yes | 15:12 |
TheGambler | I can't get FreeNX to work because my firewall settings and ssh settings are too locked down | 15:12 |
ActionParsnip | !ati | rondnelly_ | 15:12 |
ubottu | rondnelly_: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see | 15:12 |
diginux | freegoo: dont think you can | 15:12 |
TheGambler | because of an online tutorial LOL | 15:12 |
erUSUL | Incarus: stop the offtopic please. | 15:12 |
kevinly | ActionParsnip: i dont think so, but why can i alt-ctrl-del but not enter my username | 15:12 |
freegoo | diginux there must be a toool | 15:12 |
liemwei | newbie here | 15:13 |
rondnelly_ | ziroday, my friend has a problem installing it... | 15:13 |
Incarus | erUSUL, k | 15:13 |
gpled | liemwei: you call? | 15:13 |
sipior | freegoo: you can have a look at the hfsprogs package | 15:13 |
ziroday | rondnelly_: well as long as you follow the instructions you should be fine. | 15:13 |
diginux | freegoo: don't think so, its propietary | 15:13 |
sipior | freegoo: or just use a mac, i suppose :-) | 15:13 |
freegoo | thanks sipior | 15:13 |
ActionParsnip | kevinly: strange, i would check that usb is enabled in bios, the keyboard and mouse are usually attatched to the usb bus | 15:13 |
rondnelly_ | Ok, Thankyou o/ | 15:13 |
Incarus | <altrortla>, zoom it, or change font size | 15:13 |
liemwei | im newbie in ubuntu | 15:13 |
liemwei | %C3 yeap | 15:13 |
storbeck | !ask | liemwei | 15:13 |
ubottu | liemwei: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) | 15:13 |
Incarus | lienwei, whats the problem? | 15:13 |
mohan_ | Hi.. | 15:14 |
liemwei | im sorry | 15:14 |
Bram_P | SlimeyPete: I can't find the chipset, ubuntu can only see my mouse as extern plugged in | 15:14 |
altrortla | Incarus: i have try to change screen resolution or use a zoomer ... the result is the same | 15:14 |
_infidel | hello, im having trouble adding an OpenLDAP entry. output: My init.ldif file: Any suggestions? Thnx in advance | 15:14 |
=== eric is now known as Guest57156 | ||
mohan_ | Is there any software from which i can make Dubbing (Voiceover)? | 15:14 |
ziroday | mohan_: audacity? | 15:14 |
Yorix | does anybdy know a good and complete tutorial on installing apache2/tomcat6 on intrepid? | 15:14 |
altrortla | Incarus: ok another photo | 15:14 |
liemwei | thx Incarus | 15:14 |
ActionParsnip | mohan_: if its for video, kino or avidemux | 15:14 |
erUSUL | !tomcat | 15:14 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about tomcat | 15:14 |
mohan_ | it doesn't support importing of vedio right? | 15:14 |
gpled | altrortla: what irc client are you using in that screen shot? | 15:15 |
Incarus | <altrortla>, seems to be a bug | 15:15 |
just_use_ssh | leave | 15:15 |
Cube3D | hey, how can I use bluetooth in ubuntu 8.10? | 15:15 |
SlimeyPete | Bram_P: Hrm. I think your problem may be a bit beyond me then, I'm afraid, if Ubuntu can't see the hardware at all | 15:15 |
ActionParsnip | !blutooth | Cube3D | 15:15 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about blutooth | 15:15 |
ziroday | mohan_: for video try kdenline, kino or pitivi | 15:15 |
ActionParsnip | !bluetooth | Cube3D | 15:15 |
ubottu | Cube3D: For instructions on how to set up bluetooth, see | 15:15 |
Cube3D | ActionParsnip: I know, but I can't | 15:15 |
mohan_ | ziroday: I think those software may not be able to record audio.. | 15:15 |
Cube3D | :S I don't know why | 15:15 |
ActionParsnip | Cube3D: does the device show up in lspci or lsusb? | 15:15 |
Incarus | Cube3D, you need drivers first (dont ask me) | 15:16 |
mohan_ | those are all video editing package right? | 15:16 |
ziroday | mohan_: yes they can | 15:16 |
Cube3D | ctionParsnip: yes, bluetooth appear, sorry for my english | 15:16 |
ziroday | mohan_: possibly not kino | 15:16 |
sina | hi , my pidgin messenger is crashed what can i do now???/// | 15:16 |
ActionParsnip | 1info kdenline | 15:16 |
=== andyh2 is now known as andyh2|away | ||
mohan_ | pitivi also doesn't record audio.. | 15:16 |
mohan_ | i tried.. | 15:16 |
ziroday | sina: start it from the command line and pastebin the output | 15:16 |
storbeck | Cube3D: You probably need to enable it in your kernel | 15:16 |
xXChippoXx | now ive purged wine ,s till the GUI lacks text etc as in | 15:16 |
ActionParsnip | sina: killall pidgin | 15:16 |
rondnelly_ | sina, try reinstalling it | 15:16 |
rondnelly_ | zina* | 15:16 |
gpled | sina: what error message are you getting? | 15:16 |
xXChippoXx | i mean i purged and reinstalled fron wnieHQ repos | 15:17 |
ActionParsnip | sina: then rerun it as normal | 15:17 |
rondnelly_ | or use emesene :D | 15:17 |
Incarus | <xXChippoXx>, or manually download it from wine page | 15:17 |
Cube3D | storbeck: how can I enable? | 15:17 |
freegoo | sipior: hfsprocs is great, lil question what version of debain is used for ubuntu 8.10 | 15:17 |
sina | it dont show any error | 15:17 |
storbeck | Cube3D: Search Google | 15:17 |
Cube3D | :P ok, thanks | 15:17 |
xXChippoXx | Incarus, can u post the url again pls ? | 15:17 |
ActionParsnip | xXChippoXx: mv ~/.wine ~/.wine_old | 15:17 |
Incarus | Does anyone have 3d or screen problems? | 15:17 |
sina | but it doesnt open normal | 15:18 |
altrortla | Incarus: i have used Kmag you can see the result | 15:18 |
ActionParsnip | xXChippoXx: have you read the entry for the app in appdb? | 15:18 |
ActionParsnip | sina: try a reboot | 15:18 |
sipior | freegoo: ubuntu releases aren't tied to a specific debian release, to my knowledge. did you mean the package version of hfsprogs? | 15:18 |
xXChippoXx | huh ? | 15:18 |
erUSUL | !appdb | xXChippoXx | 15:18 |
mlbarnes | I setup an email server using postfix and dovecot. When I connect from my home computer I get an error saying my security certificate doesn't match the domain. The security certificate says localhost.localhost. How and where do I fix that? | 15:18 |
ubottu | xXChippoXx: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: - Join #winehq for application help | 15:18 |
xXChippoXx | its a fresh install and wine never worked, che k the appdb? not even wincfg gives any san UI | 15:19 |
xXChippoXx | san = sane | 15:19 |
S_A | Hi! Is there anyone who has rdesktop working with eToken Smart card support ? | 15:19 |
Incarus | <xXChippoXx>, | 15:19 |
storbeck | mlbarnes: Do you have a certificate? | 15:19 |
burkmat | Attempting to mount a remote FS using sshfs but I can't seem to find an option for IdentityFile... Any clues? | 15:19 |
mlbarnes | storbeck: negative | 15:19 |
altrortla | Incarus: no is no correct... I'll try again | 15:19 |
ActionParsnip | xXChippoXx: rename your .wine dir and try again | 15:19 |
storbeck | mlbarnes: Then you can't fix it. | 15:19 |
storbeck | You have to buy a certificate | 15:19 |
kernu | stupid question, but how do i avoid having to confirm overwrite when copying files | 15:19 |
r3dux | I'm teaching this guy who reckons he's "porting OS apps to other architectures" - he doesn't know what a variable is. First week teaching is good... | 15:20 |
mlbarnes | storbeck: it is not a SSL connection though. It looks more like a host problem but I don't see that | 15:20 |
kernu | like i do cp -r /home/hope/files/* /home/hope/backup and it keeps me asking for every file to confirm if i want to overwrite | 15:20 |
storbeck | kernu: cp -f | 15:20 |
ActionParsnip | xXChippoXx: or: sudo apt-get --purge remove wine; sudo apt-get --purge autoremove; sudo apt-get clean; sudo apt-get install wine | 15:20 |
n8tuserf | kernu -> umm do not have the options -i ? | 15:20 |
erUSUL | kernu: add -f (force ) to the options | 15:20 |
diginux | r3dux: what class? | 15:20 |
storbeck | kernu: You don't need to use the '*' | 15:20 |
kernu | i tried f and it was the same, let me try again | 15:20 |
storbeck | cp -rf /home/hope/files /home/hope/backup | 15:20 |
r3dux | diginux, Multimedia stream C++ @ Ballarat Uni | 15:21 |
Incarus | <altrortla> i dont know | 15:21 |
kernu | [root@radiusweb images]# cp -rf /var/www/vhosts/* /var/www/vhosts/ | 15:21 |
kernu | cp: overwrite `/var/www/vhosts/'? | 15:21 |
kernu | there | 15:21 |
FloodBot2 | kernu: Please don't flood, use to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 15:21 |
Mjateznik | Hello evryone | 15:21 |
kernu | it asks for overwrite | 15:21 |
kernu | even tho i did -rf | 15:21 |
r3dux | I am so hungry. | 15:21 |
xXChippoXx | how many times am i supposed to repeats this to verify this aint gonna work ??? | 15:21 |
Mjateznik | I got a problem with case sensitivy in Flash. | 15:21 |
Mjateznik | Flash can only read either "up" or "left" though it can get a "up-right" command | 15:21 |
ActionParsnip | kernu: have a step before to remove the previous version | 15:21 |
sipior | kernu: do you have cp aliased to something? type "alias" in a terminal to see. | 15:21 |
r3dux | I think I'm going to go eat. | 15:21 |
storbeck | Why aren't you compressing it anyway? | 15:21 |
r3dux | Gnight. | 15:21 |
tommy``` | life is better without segmentation fault | 15:22 |
ikonia | kernu: unalias rm | 15:22 |
Incarus | ok, i have to go | 15:22 |
Incarus | bye | 15:22 |
sina | and how can i play a DVD movie whit it menu | 15:22 |
kernu | yeah | 15:22 |
ActionParsnip | !dvd | sina | 15:22 |
ubottu | sina: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: - See also - But please use free formats if you can: | 15:22 |
Incarus | <sina>, install libdvdcss2 | 15:22 |
kernu | alias cp='cp -i' | 15:22 |
kernu | how can i remove that? | 15:22 |
sipior | kernu: then "unalias cp" | 15:22 |
ikonia | kernu: unalias cp | 15:22 |
mlbarnes | storbeck: if my server did come with a certificate, where would I find it to edit the settings? | 15:22 |
ActionParsnip | kernu: edit ~/.bashrc | 15:22 |
Incarus | <sina>, or use vlc | 15:22 |
kernu | thanks a lot guys | 15:22 |
Incarus | bye | 15:22 |
ActionParsnip | kernu: and comment out the alias you dont want | 15:22 |
xXChippoXx | sudo apt-get --purge remove wine; sudo apt-get --purge autoremove; sudo apt-get clean; sudo apt-get install wine <------------- already done.... didnt do anyt difference | 15:23 |
kernu | thanks so much guys, been really confused, and obviously i didn't know about aliases | 15:23 |
=== Ozreichter is now known as Kryzler | ||
kernu | hm, can i use alias for example to access directories i commonly use? | 15:23 |
sipior | kernu: yep | 15:23 |
kernu | like alias something cd to my dir | 15:23 |
ActionParsnip | xXChippoXx: let me websearch | 15:23 |
kernu | awesome | 15:23 |
storbeck | kernu: You should compress your backups | 15:24 |
kernu | it's not backup | 15:24 |
kernu | we are splitting site into 2 subdomains | 15:24 |
xXChippoXx | shows you what i see everytime wine is run from this computer | 15:24 |
kernu | i use plesk for backing up | 15:24 |
ActionParsnip | xXChippoXx: | 15:24 |
storbeck | Plesks backup feature is a joke :/ | 15:24 |
kernu | (and plesk backups sucked so far, lots of problems with remote repos) | 15:25 |
kernu | yeah it stinks | 15:25 |
Mjateznik | Why don't my computer accept "left" and "up" arrow key at the same time. But works perfectly fine for "right" and "up" | 15:25 |
ActionParsnip | xXChippoXx: | 15:25 |
n8tuserf | amanda is good for backing up | 15:25 |
kernu | but i'm using command line plesk backup options, plesk gui feats are poo | 15:25 |
zeltak | BYE | 15:25 |
ActionParsnip | Mjateznik: do they generate events in xev? | 15:25 |
Mjateznik | I don't know. how do I check? or what is Xev the short for? | 15:26 |
storbeck | kernu: Just put this in a cron job: tar -cf /var/www/vhosts/" | 15:26 |
altrortla | inca | 15:26 |
ActionParsnip | Mjateznik: X EVent | 15:26 |
Mjateznik | running it in terminal | 15:26 |
storbeck | kernu: Just put this in a cron job: tar -cf "/var/www/vhosts/$(date +%m%Y)" /var/www/vhosts/ | 15:26 |
ActionParsnip | Mjateznik: its a terminal command and will tell you wen an input is recieved form any source | 15:26 |
ActionParsnip | !fonts | xXChippoXx | 15:27 |
ubottu | xXChippoXx: Font installation basics here: - No fonts in Flash? Install "msttcorefonts" (from !Multiverse), "gsfonts", and "gsfonts-x11". No fonts in MPlayer? see !MPlayer | 15:27 |
spike_ | Is there someone have a tutorial to install kiba-dock for intrepid please | 15:27 |
kernu | storbeck: thanks, but that doesn't back up databases and mailboxes | 15:27 |
xXChippoXx | i already ahve mstcorefonts | 15:27 |
Mjateznik | no | 15:27 |
xXChippoXx | i made sure to cover that | 15:27 |
kernu | so what i do is use plesk command line backup to backup complete client, then sftp it to remote ftp | 15:27 |
xXChippoXx | still im wondering if nvidia driver can spoil wine | 15:27 |
kernu | i had major problem recently, you wouldn't beleive | 15:28 |
ActionParsnip | spike_: is your linux 32bit? | 15:28 |
Mjateznik | actionparsnip: they generate alone but not togheter | 15:28 |
storbeck | You can easily backup your databases...: mysqldump -u user -p database > database.sql; tar -cf database.backup.tar database.sql | 15:28 |
ActionParsnip | xXChippoXx: wine looks in your windows\fonts folder, id suggest you put some fonts in there | 15:28 |
kernu | we upgraded plesk and it turns out that serbia and montenegro split between 2 versions of plesk and became 2 separate countries, so i couldnt import our backups due to "unkown country code scg" :d | 15:28 |
spike_ | ActionParsnip: Yes | 15:29 |
storbeck | Don't use sftp when moving larges amounts of files | 15:29 |
storbeck | Use scp | 15:29 |
altrortla | This is what appen.... NOW I HAve a good screenshot .... | 15:29 |
kernu | storbeck: what about mailboxes? | 15:29 |
storbeck | That depends on what kind of mail structure you have | 15:29 |
storbeck | Is it | 15:29 |
glitsj16 | spike_: for kiba-dock .debs and instructions | 15:29 |
ActionParsnip | spike_: try this, someone has made a deb: | 15:29 |
kernu | i have to check, it's what came with plesk as default | 15:29 |
ActionParsnip | spike_: you will need to satisy deps | 15:30 |
Lint01 | !midi | 15:30 |
ubottu | Trouble playing MIDI files? Look at | 15:30 |
juro | !vlc | 15:30 |
ActionParsnip | spike_: | 15:30 |
ubottu | Audio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Audacious, Banshee, Beep Media Player, Listen, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, Exaile, XMMS2 (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based). Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine - See also !codecs | 15:30 |
spike_ | ActionParsnip, glitsjl16: Thanks | 15:30 |
Mjateznik | ActionParsnip: pressing RIGHT arrowkey gives output 114, UP 111 and LEFT 113. When I press UP and RIGHT arrowkey at the same time both figures turn up as output. When pressing LEFT and UP only one turn up but generally two times | 15:30 |
altrortla | Incarus is gone? | 15:30 |
altrortla | azz | 15:30 |
evride | hey dudez | 15:31 |
ActionParsnip | Mjateznik: then your keyboard isnt mapped properly | 15:31 |
evride | so i restarted to see if my sound works | 15:31 |
xXChippoXx | a proof that i actualloy ahve the fons is that when switching tabs | 15:31 |
evride | my sound does work | 15:31 |
kernu | hm, so how do i add alias | 15:31 |
xXChippoXx | i can actuaklly see glimpses of the texts | 15:31 |
storbeck | kernu: read the man page :) | 15:31 |
evride | but my microphone does not work | 15:31 |
xXChippoXx | still the problem is that it åuts the UI without text most of the time | 15:31 |
ActionParsnip | xXChippoXx: i'd try to get the file the guide talks about - Tahoma.exe or whatever and install that with wine | 15:31 |
ActionParsnip | xXChippoXx: or ask in #winehq which will give better answers | 15:32 |
storbeck | kernu: alias poop='echo poop' | 15:32 |
Mjateznik | ActionParsnip: Ok. | 15:32 |
ActionParsnip | !keyboard | Mjateznik | 15:32 |
ubottu | Mjateznik: To switch your keyboard layout on GNOME: System -> Preferences -> Keyboard (GNOME) - KDE: K -> System Settings -> Regional & Language -> Keyboard Layout (KDE) - Xfce: see - See also !Shortcuts | 15:32 |
kernu | thanks, think i just messed something up one dir is missing :S | 15:32 |
evride | anyone have an HP laptop with built in microphone? | 15:32 |
blutrille | I am able to get Citrix to work through the web interface but unable to get the client up and running. I have copied the security cert from firefox to the cacert folder for the ICA client but still get an error. any help? | 15:32 |
giaco | what the hell why loggin in inside a frameset with firefox doesn't worl | 15:33 |
giaco | work | 15:33 |
kernu | ok this was weird, i was in images folder and ls gives me nothing, i cd .. and go back and now files are there o.O | 15:33 |
storbeck | blutrille: What is the problem? | 15:33 |
kernu | phew | 15:33 |
mib_xvcepyoe | hey guys | 15:33 |
mib_xvcepyoe | is anyone here? | 15:33 |
mib_xvcepyoe | ? | 15:34 |
evride | lots of people | 15:34 |
bazhang | mib_xvcepyoe, yes | 15:34 |
xXChippoXx | i start to wonder the problem is becaue of the swedisn language settings | 15:34 |
evride | 1438 people in the room | 15:34 |
mib_xvcepyoe | is there anyone who can help me with a problem i have with my ubuntu server? | 15:34 |
ActionParsnip | blutrille: do you have read access to the file, and write access if its needed | 15:34 |
keyton | is there any altrenative plugin of izotope ozone for linux | 15:34 |
storbeck | !ask | mib_xvcepyoe | 15:34 |
ubottu | mib_xvcepyoe: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) | 15:34 |
ActionParsnip | !anyone | mib_xvcepyoe | 15:34 |
ubottu | mib_xvcepyoe: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? | 15:34 |
blutrille | storbeck: I am getting an error code 20, error 86 when trying to start up the Citrix ICA client for Linux | 15:34 |
cr3 | what does it mean "configure: error: C compiler cannot create executables"? wat to do?? | 15:34 |
evride | i've got a question, how do i get my microphone working? | 15:34 |
storbeck | blutrille: That means nothing to me, tell me what the error itself is | 15:34 |
evride | i've tried every single driver or device in the Sounds config | 15:35 |
storbeck | evride: type in alsamixer | 15:35 |
kernu | another question and i stop wasting your time guys, can i for example make alias abc="/some/folder/deep/in/the/tree/" and then use cp something abc | 15:35 |
storbeck | and see if it's enabled | 15:35 |
evride | k | 15:35 |
kernu | or any other command | 15:35 |
ActionParsnip | cr3: | 15:35 |
mib_xvcepyoe | I'm new to ubuntu and set up a server yesterday, the problem I'm having is I cannot get the laptop to show up on the network, it might be that the network adapter is not being detected by ubuntu but im not sure | 15:35 |
storbeck | no kernu | 15:36 |
nuudle | hi, folks | 15:36 |
cambazz | hello. i am trying to mount a mac disk to the ubuntu server. it mounts it but as vfat, and nothing shows inside | 15:36 |
ActionParsnip | cr3: make sure you run: sudo apt-get install build-essential | 15:36 |
evride | a little app showed up storbeck | 15:36 |
storbeck | evride: look for mic | 15:36 |
cambazz | and fdisk /dev/sdb1 shows the partition a GPT | 15:36 |
nuudle | mib_xvcepyoe, Can they ping each other? | 15:36 |
blutrille | storbeck: The security certificate "*" could not e validated. (SSL provider code 20, error 86) | 15:36 |
evride | i dont see mic, i see capture | 15:36 |
storbeck | blutrille: Did you buy the certificate? | 15:36 |
storbeck | evride: It's the same thing... | 15:37 |
evride | k | 15:37 |
evride | and just raise the level all the way up? | 15:37 |
storbeck | yes | 15:37 |
storbeck | and make sure it doesn't say 'MM' | 15:37 |
nuudle | What's the apt-get equivalent to rpm -qi ? That is, how do I show a pkg's description and/or files? | 15:37 |
blutrille | storbeck: no this is a valid cert that is working when using the web interface via firefox. i exported the cert and renamed it with .crt as told but get this error | 15:38 |
serge | привет | 15:38 |
storbeck | nuudle: apt-get -s | 15:38 |
serge | ктота знает, как можно проиграть .ape extension ? | 15:38 |
Mjateznik | ActionParsnip: Thanks for the help! Though it seems none of the DELL layouts work out perfect, though this problems solved | 15:38 |
nuudle | storbeck, Thanks, Storbeck | 15:38 |
storbeck | blutrille: Did you restart apache? | 15:38 |
xXChippoXx | i think its because of my nvidia card | 15:39 |
evride | how do i totally kill a skype instance if i there is not window? | 15:39 |
blutrille | ActionParsnip: yes i can edit the file if ness | 15:39 |
serge | sorry, missed channel | 15:39 |
Mjateznik | ActionParsnip: The problem is probably that DELL have changed their keyboardmap in the latest laptops of the Latitude Serie, where should this bug be reported? | 15:39 |
nuudle | storbeck, Er, can you give me an example please? | 15:39 |
storbeck | evride: find the PID using ps aux, then kill -9 pid# | 15:39 |
stealth- | I hook up my MP3 and nothing happens. Its pretty old, but there is nothing in fdisk about it, and its not already mounted. What can I do if I cant find it in fdisk? | 15:39 |
evride | k | 15:39 |
TimothyA | how do i check my local mail? | 15:39 |
blutrille | storbeck: would restarting the whole system have done the same thing? if so then yes | 15:39 |
storbeck | nuudle: apt-get -s firefox | 15:39 |
Mjateznik | TimothyA: please elaborate | 15:40 |
Melik | I had a question about USB installations, instead of a casper/live CD USB installations can i just install grub and a traditional ext2 filesystem | 15:40 |
cdavis | kvpnc requires pppd but there is no package called pppd? Do I install ipppd>? | 15:40 |
TimothyA | i'm in a console. and at the moment my SSH is popping up with notifications that I have mail | 15:40 |
nuudle | storbeck, "E: Invalid operation firefox" | 15:40 |
TimothyA | but i can't access the 'mail' command for some reason as it doesn't exist | 15:40 |
cr3 | wat wat in tha batt, i install libcairo ibatk ilibpnago coz i dont have gtk to run ff3 and i see kids in hoods outside walkiing all 10 tenyeraold all inn hoods | 15:40 |
lenswipe | has the 9.04 come out yet? | 15:40 |
lenswipe | or is it just in beta/ | 15:41 |
nuudle | TimothyA, pine? | 15:41 |
lenswipe | im a little out of touch | 15:41 |
lenswipe | lol | 15:41 |
mib_xvcepyoe | lenswipe still in beta | 15:41 |
Mjateznik | lenswipe: 9.04 comes out 2009-04 | 15:41 |
lenswipe | also does anyone know if its an LTS versoin | 15:41 |
evride | 9.04 means april 09 | 15:41 |
lenswipe | version* | 15:41 |
evride | year.month | 15:41 |
cdavis | does ipppd package satisfy pppd needs for kvpnc? | 15:41 |
david_ | hello, can i have a ls -lah of somebodys /dev/cdrom please | 15:41 |
mib_xvcepyoe | how do I get my ubuntu server to show up on my lan so i can ssh to it? | 15:42 |
nuudle | cdavis, apt-get install ppp doesn't work? | 15:42 |
drag0n1 | Hey guys, quick Q about kvm migration on hardy. We have a hardy vm installed successfully on a logical volume on the host (also hardy). when we were trying to migrate the vm to another host, we ran into trouble in two places. We couldn't transfer the logical volume to a new external machine and we also found out that migration isn't supported in hardys version of kvm. Any ideas how we can overcome these issues? | 15:42 |
TimothyA | nuudle; pine? | 15:42 |
oCean_ | mib_xvcepyoe: if it's in the same network, you should be able to ping the ip of the server | 15:42 |
lenswipe | mib_xvcepyoe: yeah if u mean show up and announce itself isnt that into the realms of UPnP? | 15:43 |
nuudle | TimothyA, biff off lol | 15:43 |
cdavis | nuudle: hmm, ppp is already installed, maybe kvpnc is confused | 15:43 |
storbeck | nuudle: apt-get -s install firefox | 15:43 |
oCean_ | mib_xvcepyoe: if you want to use hostnames, you'll need setup /etc/hosts or even dns | 15:43 |
kipseron_ | hi how i can check the system installation date? | 15:43 |
mib_xvcepyoe | oCean: it actually seems like its not connected even though it is because i do not see it as being online in my router homepage, it doesnt show up | 15:43 |
david_ | please guys somebodys ls -la /dev/cdrom | 15:43 |
storbeck | david_: Why is that of any importants to you? | 15:43 |
nuudle | storbeck, firefox is already the newest version. | 15:44 |
blutrille | storbeck: I have been unable to find any info that is useful for this issue so far... any ideas? | 15:44 |
storbeck | It just simulates the install | 15:44 |
nuudle | I see | 15:44 |
storbeck | What is it you're trying to do? | 15:44 |
Scunizi | david_: try ls -la /media/cdrom0 | 15:44 |
nuudle | I want it to print out the package description | 15:44 |
david_ | storbeck: i just need to see if the rights are different to suse | 15:44 |
nuudle | I'd also like to be able to print out the file list | 15:44 |
Dive7 | saludos desde españa a todo el anal | 15:44 |
nuudle | ala rpm -qi and rpm -qf | 15:44 |
nuudle | rofl @ Dive | 15:45 |
david_ | Scunizi: i need _your_ right info on cdrom :D | 15:45 |
bazhang | !es | 15:45 |
ubottu | En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es. | 15:45 |
storbeck | I don't know red hat, so I was just taking a shot in the dark :) | 15:45 |
mib_xvcepyoe | oCean ok good news im able to ping it, odd, but i cant ssh to it | 15:45 |
storbeck | I'm more of a gentoo man :P | 15:45 |
cdavis | nuudle: kvpnc complains that pppd isn't found | 15:45 |
nuudle | storbeck, Fair enough. Thanks anyway | 15:45 |
kipseron_ | hi how i can check the system installation date? | 15:45 |
storbeck | np | 15:45 |
nuudle | cdavis, What, specifically, does it say? | 15:45 |
sipior | kipseron_: check in /var/log/installer | 15:45 |
blutrille | storbeck: the cert works in firefox with no issues it is not able to be validated when trying to use the ICA client directly? | 15:46 |
oCean_ | nuudle: dpkg -L <packagename> list all files, dpkg -I <packagename-version.deb> will print the info | 15:46 |
Mjateznik | lenswipe: next LTS seems to be coming 2010, 3 years after the last LTS which was s8.04 | 15:46 |
cdavis | nuudle: debug: [pppd] sh: /usr/sbin/pptp: not found | 15:46 |
nuudle | oCean_, Awesome! Thanks, oCean_ ! | 15:46 |
storbeck | I don't know blutrille. It's hard to troubleshoot ssl issues when I'm not sitting in front of it | 15:46 |
evride | stobeck:my microphone still doesn't work | 15:46 |
nuudle | pptp is not pppd, it's pptp | 15:46 |
evride | turned up the sound all the way with alsamixer | 15:46 |
Mjateznik | so I would guess the second release in 2010 is ment to be Long Term Support (3years) | 15:46 |
evride | tried everything | 15:46 |
storbeck | Are you sure it's not muted? | 15:46 |
evride | yes | 15:47 |
storbeck | Can lscpi find it? | 15:47 |
=== hfsdo_ is now known as hfsdo | ||
cdavis | Isn't there a ubuntu program similar to provides? | 15:47 |
ibuclaw | evride: is this using the onboard soundcard? | 15:48 |
nuudle | cdavis, That was going to be my next question | 15:48 |
blutrille | storbeck: agreed, should i need to have anything other than the cert in the cacert folder with .crt added onto it? | 15:48 |
nuudle | cdavis, How to go the other way and ask apt which package some random file goes to | 15:48 |
tommy``` | ubuntu 8.10 for ppc don't reveal my cdrom device.... solution? | 15:48 |
evride | ibuclaw:yes i believe so, its an integrated microphone | 15:49 |
storbeck | blutrille: Make sure you have the right path in your ssl.conf, then restart apache (something like /etc/init.d/httpd restart) | 15:49 |
nuudle | tommy```, dmesg, look for interface | 15:49 |
oCean_ | nuudle: dpkg -S <filename> , however it does not seem to be as sophisticated as rpm -qf imo | 15:49 |
storbeck | If the server restarts ok, and the cert is in the right place, then the cert is fine | 15:49 |
blutrille | storbeck: ok will do thx | 15:49 |
tiredbones | My distro is 8.10. I'm trying to upgrade to OO 3.0. I do: system -> administration -> software sources. I get the following error W: GPG error: intrepid Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 60D11217247D1CFF. could someone help? | 15:49 |
nuudle | oCean_, Fair enough. Thanks again mate | 15:49 |
mohook | hi | 15:49 |
ibuclaw | evride: not sure if this will help, but I always use asoundconf before I use any audio devices in a new install. | 15:49 |
ibuclaw | evride: asoundconf list # will list all devices | 15:50 |
tommy``` | nuudle: how? I'm in cd installation | 15:50 |
evride | k | 15:50 |
ibuclaw | evride: asoundconf set-default-card CARD # will set that device as the default | 15:50 |
nuudle | tommy```, You mean a livecd? | 15:50 |
mib_xvcepyoe | how can i make sure that openssh is installed? | 15:50 |
storbeck | mib_xvcepyoe: ssh to something | 15:50 |
tommy``` | nuudle: yeah sorry for my english | 15:50 |
nuudle | mib_xvcepyoe, apt-get -s install sshd | 15:50 |
evride | all that shows up after typeing asoundconf # is Intel | 15:50 |
nuudle | mib_xvcepyoe, apt-get -s install openssh | 15:51 |
nahmin | how i set the root passwd? i forgot. sudo -su..passwd? ? | 15:51 |
ibuclaw | evride: then run: asoundconf set-default-card Intel | 15:51 |
david_ | su -c "passwd"? | 15:51 |
storbeck | nahmin: sudo su | 15:51 |
mohook | erm, ive some trouble with my notebook, capslock does not work correctly, if its activate everthing is in lowercase and if ist deactivate everything is in uppercase. i use 8.04 | 15:51 |
evride | k | 15:51 |
storbeck | then login | 15:51 |
mib_xvcepyoe | storbeck: I tried to the laptop but it doesnt work so I'm trying to find out whats wrong whether openssh is installed and everything | 15:51 |
nuudle | tommy```, type mount, see what cd is already mounted as | 15:51 |
storbeck | then passwd | 15:51 |
AJC_Z0 | mib_xvcepyoe: # dpkg -l openssh* | 15:51 |
mohook | can someone help me? | 15:51 |
oCean_ | !root | nahmin | 15:51 |
ubottu | nahmin: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at | 15:51 |
nahmin | hmm | 15:51 |
nahmin | i`m there | 15:51 |
nahmin | on that page | 15:52 |
AJC_Z0 | How do I stop Update Manager stealing focus? | 15:52 |
csk_ | hi all! | 15:52 |
DIFH-iceroot | !enter | nahmin | 15:52 |
nahmin | but the command is more easly i just forgot it | 15:52 |
nuudle | hi, CSX | 15:52 |
ubottu | nahmin: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! | 15:52 |
BinaryDragon | Hello everyone | 15:52 |
tommy``` | nuudle: how can I use dmesg | cdrom ? | 15:52 |
nuudle | hi, BD | 15:52 |
csk_ | ;) .... i have a little question, i hope you can give me some advice | 15:52 |
ibuclaw | evride: again, I'm sure if it will help. it's just what I do as I have a few soundcards that I switch between all the time, and it always ensures that the application I'm about to start will use that device. | 15:52 |
storbeck | tommy```: With your keyboard | 15:52 |
mib_xvcepyoe | nuudle ill try that now thanks | 15:52 |
csk_ | i'am havin problems with my wireless connection | 15:52 |
storbeck | csk_: That's vague | 15:53 |
nuudle | lol... don't we all | 15:53 |
csk_ | ok ok | 15:53 |
evride | well it hasnt worked | 15:53 |
csk_ | i mean ... with wpa | 15:53 |
storbeck | csk_: Again, that's vague | 15:53 |
csk_ | ok ok | 15:53 |
storbeck | What is the actual problem? | 15:53 |
nahmin | i resolve it | 15:53 |
csk_ | be patient, i don't speak very well english :P | 15:53 |
evride | i guess im ok to go without a microphone for awhile, i just hope it gets fixed in the next release | 15:53 |
oCean_ | nahmin: what the page says is that it is very rarely necessary to enable the root account. You have to be *really*, *REALLY* sure that there is no alternativve | 15:54 |
csk_ | ok ... the problem is, when i try to connect to my wireless connection (WPA) it doesn't connect | 15:54 |
loa_router | where i can find jaunty reps& | 15:54 |
loa_router | ? | 15:54 |
loa_router | i need few packets from it. | 15:54 |
csk_ | but i have other computers that don't have the problem , it isn't an router problem | 15:54 |
storbeck | csk_: if you keep asking generic questions, we'll keep giving generic answers | 15:54 |
nuudle | lol | 15:55 |
HoNgOuRu | hi, I'm getting this error | 15:55 |
HoNgOuRu | E: /var/cache/apt/archives/postgresql-8.3_8.3.6-0ubuntu8.10_amd64.deb: subprocess new pre-removal script returned error exit status 1 | 15:55 |
mohook | csk_, what say ifconfig | 15:55 |
skorasaurus | hi, i'm trying to format a USB drive using mkdos fs and I am receving an error that says 'unable to open /dev/sdc1 | 15:55 |
csk_ | ok ... the curious think is that with an usb wireless dev it works perfect | 15:55 |
skorasaurus | I already unmounted the drive using umount. | 15:55 |
ibuclaw | loa_router: | 15:55 |
csk_ | ifconfig ... gives no ip | 15:55 |
storbeck | mohook: You don't use ifconfig for wireless | 15:55 |
HoNgOuRu | hi, I'm getting this error | 15:55 |
loa_router | ibuclaw, thx | 15:55 |
HoNgOuRu | E: /var/cache/apt/archives/postgresql-8.3_8.3.6-0ubuntu8.10_amd64.deb: subprocess new pre-removal script returned error exit status 1 | 15:55 |
storbeck | csk_: What interface do you have? | 15:55 |
diginux | is there a reason an app would run better with wine in kubunt 8.10 vs ubunti 8.10? | 15:55 |
mohook | storbeck, if you use ifconfig you can see if he gets an ip | 15:56 |
* enissay_ test | 15:56 | |
sipior | diginux: not an obvious one | 15:56 |
csk_ | Broadcom Corporation BCM4312 802.11b/g | 15:56 |
storbeck | mohook: You do not use ifconfig for wireless. | 15:56 |
mohook | maybe only the gateway is missed or something | 15:56 |
csk_ | comes with dell mini 9 | 15:56 |
diginux | sipior: interesting: | 15:56 |
GaRRu | Hey How do I change the programme switching view to a square view?? | 15:56 |
storbeck | csk_: That doesn't tell me anything. What interface are you using? | 15:56 |
nuudle | GaRRu, compiz | 15:56 |
GaRRu | I have installed the 3d and the conztlation | 15:56 |
csk_ | now, ethernet | 15:56 |
GaRRu | ha? | 15:56 |
xXChippoXx | <---- this sounds exactly like my wine prob | 15:56 |
GaRRu | compiz? | 15:56 |
n8tuserf | !who | 15:57 |
ubottu | As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :) | 15:57 |
storbeck | csk_: what interface?! | 15:57 |
nuudle | compiz-fusion | 15:57 |
csk_ | that is what ypu mean? | 15:57 |
mohook | i can see my wireless connection if i use ifconfig @storbeck | 15:57 |
csk_ | scruce me again | 15:57 |
skorasaurus | !tab | 15:57 |
ubottu | You can use <tab> for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line. | 15:57 |
storbeck | ath0 ath1 wifi0 etc | 15:57 |
csk_ | ok | 15:57 |
csk_ | eth1 | 15:57 |
Lint01 | !tab | 15:57 |
storbeck | eth1 is not for wireless.... | 15:57 |
nuudle | with some drivers it is, actually | 15:57 |
loa_router | ibuclaw, sorry again but how i can update my system to jaunty? | 15:57 |
csk_ | ?? ... but wait | 15:57 |
csk_ | that's not the problem | 15:58 |
csk_ | with wep it works good | 15:58 |
k371n | Very nice chat. :) | 15:58 |
storbeck | csk_: You never told me what the problem is | 15:58 |
nuudle | loa_router, apt-get upgrade? | 15:58 |
tiredbones | My distro is 8.10. I'm trying to upgrade to OO 3.0. I do: system -> administration -> software sources. I get the following error W: GPG error: intrepid Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 60D11217247D1CFF. could someone help? | 15:58 |
csk_ | wpa is the problem | 15:58 |
oCean_ | !who > csk | 15:58 |
storbeck | wpa works fine | 15:58 |
csk_ | but only with the integrated wireless dev | 15:58 |
ibuclaw | loa_router: full upgrade? or just a few packages? | 15:58 |
csk_ | with an usb it works good | 15:58 |
oCean_ | !who > csk_ | 15:58 |
ubottu | csk_, please see my private message | 15:58 |
nuudle | tiredbones, download the gpg key from the website and add it | 15:58 |
loa_router | ibuclaw, full | 15:58 |
=== jexmex_NA is now known as jexmex | ||
mohook | erm, ive some trouble with my notebook, capslock does not work correctly, if its activate everthing is in lowercase and if ist deactivate everything is in uppercase. i use 8.04. can someone help me? | 15:58 |
storbeck | What exactly is the problem you are having? other than "it doesn't work" | 15:58 |
csk_ | ;) | 15:58 |
tiredbones | nuudle, how do i do that? | 15:59 |
nuudle | mohook, lol... that's hilarious | 15:59 |
mohook | thats stupid 0o | 15:59 |
loa_router | ibuclaw, i want mesa 7.3 but i think i need many another deps for it | 15:59 |
csk_ | storbeck: when i say it doesn't qwork i mean it doesn't connect | 15:59 |
storbeck | ugh | 15:59 |
csk_ | storbeck: i think it is a driver problem .. but ot sure | 15:59 |
GaRRu | nuudle I installed that too | 15:59 |
mohook | csk_, did you see your wireless network? | 16:00 |
ibuclaw | loa_router: hmmm .... sounds like you only want to partially upgrade then. There is such a thing called pinning | 16:00 |
csk_ | storbeck: any advice3? | 16:00 |
storbeck | csk_: no | 16:00 |
csk_ | mohook: yes | 16:00 |
mohook | so i think thats no driver problem | 16:00 |
loa_router | ibuclaw, pinning? | 16:00 |
storbeck | csk_: You're still not giving me what the error is when trying to connect | 16:00 |
csk_ | maybe NetworkManager problem? | 16:00 |
nuudle | tiredbones, | 16:00 |
mohook | nuudle, any solutions about the caps lock problem?:> | 16:00 |
loa_router | ibuclaw, sorry for be stupid, but what is it? | 16:00 |
ibuclaw | loa_router: one min, I'll just IM you. | 16:01 |
storbeck | csk_: | 16:01 |
nuudle | mohook, Sorry, no. I just find it hilarious | 16:01 |
tommy``` | nuudle: i've resolved with modprobe ide-scsi, why? | 16:01 |
csk_ | storbeck: ok, i will read iwconfig | 16:01 |
csk_ | storbeck: but ... iwconfig isn't for wpa ... is it? | 16:01 |
nuudle | tommy```, Could be sata or some livecd voodoo on the drive | 16:01 |
GaRRu | nuudle: its installed already what now should I do? how do I change it? | 16:02 |
nuudle | wpa_supplicant | 16:02 |
csk_ | storbeck: i think it is something with wpa_supplicant | 16:02 |
evride | ya nothing has worked for my microphone, thanks for trying to help tho stobeck and ibuclaw | 16:02 |
tommy``` | nuudle: read here please: | 16:02 |
nuudle | brb | 16:03 |
disappearedng | hey my ubuntu can't detect my widescreen display any ideas on how I could do that? \ | 16:03 |
evride | new question, how do i make the title bar opaque when it's not in focus? I don't want it to be transparent | 16:03 |
csk_ | nuddle: :P | 16:03 |
csk_ | nuddle: 8.9'' screen, sorry | 16:03 |
mohook | hmm im trying to restart gdm maybe my problem get solved | 16:03 |
mohook | brb | 16:04 |
jexmex | whats the best way to share my files between linux/windows? Right now to get my music, i have to mount c: then browse to the my music directory on my windows partition, I did not give enough space to linux to copy my music over | 16:04 |
evride | jexmex, i do that | 16:04 |
jexmex | maybe a symlink? | 16:04 |
evride | wait, is the music on another computer? | 16:04 |
jexmex | no | 16:04 |
xXChippoXx | problem solved by ; : question 6.21. | 16:04 |
evride | o | 16:04 |
evride | well nvm then | 16:05 |
mohook | jeah | 16:05 |
S_A | Hi! I am using eToken pro support package on 8.10 and rdesktop with smart card support. I am not able to login to remote server with Smart card. Can anyone help me ? | 16:05 |
evride | guess symlink | 16:05 |
mohook | restart of gdm has solved my problem \o/ | 16:05 |
mohook | thx anyway | 16:05 |
evride | how do I make the title bars of applications that aren't in focus opaque and not transparent? | 16:06 |
=== Sniper is now known as Guest29083 | ||
evride | anyone? | 16:07 |
jexmex | evride: have you checked in the appearances area? | 16:08 |
presshere | evride: there is a option in visual settings | 16:08 |
evride | ya | 16:08 |
GaRRu | I downloaded the 3d and everything to make the Square application and I still don't know how to install it | 16:09 |
rdancer | is there a TeX support in eclipse? | 16:09 |
evride | where's visual settings at? | 16:09 |
presshere | evride: gnome desktop? | 16:09 |
BinaryDragon | test | 16:09 |
evride | o, i got set visual effects to none in appearance and it fixed it | 16:09 |
evride | so thanks for the idea dudez | 16:10 |
presshere | evride: you welkome | 16:10 |
pronoy | !java | 16:10 |
ubottu | To install a Java runtime/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java6-jre from the !Multiverse repository | 16:10 |
mib_efghw1ho | when i try sudo apt-get install openssh-server I'm getting Package openssh-server is not available, but is referred to by another package. This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or is only available from another source. E: Package openssh-server has no installation candidate | 16:10 |
pronoy | how to set java environment path in ubuntu, I have installed java.bin and need to run a .jar file | 16:11 |
joaopinto | !java | pronoy | 16:11 |
ubottu | pronoy: To install a Java runtime/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java6-jre from the !Multiverse repository | 16:11 |
pronoy | !path | 16:11 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about path | 16:11 |
joaopinto | pronoy, to execute a jar file, use: java -jar file.jar | 16:12 |
oCean_ | mib_efghw1ho: what version ubuntu are you running? | 16:12 |
oCean_ | !info openssh-server | 16:12 |
ubottu | openssh-server (source: openssh): secure shell server, an rshd replacement. In component main, is optional. Version 1:5.1p1-3ubuntu1 (intrepid), package size 278 kB, installed size 764 kB | 16:12 |
=== [perry] is now known as [pErry] | ||
lasivian | "update-modules" is deprecated, what has replaced it please? thanks :) | 16:12 |
HoNgOuRu | can someone help me??? I' trying to uninstall postgres ... here is the output.... | 16:12 |
mib_efghw1ho | its the latest one i just dled and installed it yesterday | 16:12 |
pronoy | joaopinto: but if i just type java...then it shows me a list of packages that can be installed | 16:12 |
pronoy | joaopinto: i think i need to set the environment variable path | 16:13 |
HoNgOuRu | can someone help me??? I' trying to uninstall postgres ... here is the output.... | 16:13 |
HoNgOuRu | | 16:13 |
tommy``` | ubuntu works on xbox360 ? | 16:13 |
mib_efghw1ho | oCean_: it's 8.10 i beleive its the latest one | 16:13 |
skorasaurus | how do I delete a thread in the ubuntuforums ? | 16:13 |
skorasaurus | i double posted. | 16:14 |
skorasaurus | (making two threads) | 16:14 |
diginux | HoNgOuRu: forums might be more helpful for this kind of problem | 16:14 |
evride | ... set it as solved? | 16:14 |
HoNgOuRu | ok | 16:14 |
Pici | skorasaurus: Please ask in #ubuntuforums | 16:14 |
oCean_ | mib_efghw1ho: "lsb_release -a" will show, however the openssh-server should be in available in component main. Hmmm... | 16:14 |
skorasaurus | k. | 16:14 |
lasivian | it's funny that "man update-modules" does not tell you what the new command is :P | 16:15 |
RPS | Hello Guys, | 16:15 |
mohanohi | Hi | 16:15 |
mib_efghw1ho | oCean_: i believe when i was installing ubuntu yesterday i accidently forgot to set the openssh package to be installed from the menu with the others such as lamp and mail | 16:15 |
RPS | Hello Guys, I lost my audio and I can't remember the command to restart it | 16:15 |
mohanohi | How can i record dv data from firewire directly to mpeg2 (dvd compatible) format? | 16:16 |
evride | where can i find more panel widgets? | 16:16 |
pronoy | how do i set environment variable of java to access java -jar | 16:16 |
pronoy | ???? | 16:16 |
mohanohi | I mean not getting uncompressed data which takeup lot of space.. | 16:16 |
oCean_ | mib_efghw1ho: type "sudo apt-get update && apt-cache search openssh" | 16:16 |
evride | RPS try just restarting the computer | 16:16 |
mib_efghw1ho | oCean_: ill try it right now | 16:16 |
shadeslayer | hi i have a gnome-sensors applet which measures sensors using lm-sensors,it has settings for alerting me when the temps get too high | 16:16 |
evride | did it for me just a couple minutes ago | 16:16 |
lasivian | how do I load the recent changes I made to the modprobe.d/blacklist? | 16:16 |
lasivian | the tutorial i'm reading is instructing me to use a deprecated command to do so and i'm stumped :) | 16:17 |
pronoy | little help please | 16:17 |
mohanohi | is there any package that do direct dv to dvd? | 16:17 |
shadeslayer | nm | 16:17 |
badfish69 | !help | pronoy | 16:17 |
mohanohi | pls anybody.. | 16:17 |
ubottu | pronoy: Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at - Usage info: | 16:17 |
evride | RPS: or you can try some commands | 16:17 |
badfish69 | or uh | 16:18 |
n8tuserf | pronoy -> set $CLASSPATH | 16:18 |
evride | RPS: sudo killall pulseaudio | 16:18 |
RPS | evride, it gets old having to reboot every day or two ...I've tried to resolve this problem before, but had to give up after a few hours of banging my head against the wall. .LOL | 16:18 |
evride | RPS: sudo also force-reload | 16:18 |
evride | i mean alsa force-reload | 16:18 |
pronoy | n8tuserf: a bit of a noob here | 16:18 |
n8tuserf | pronoy -> a bit of noob with java? | 16:18 |
pronoy | n8tuserf: could you please elaborate | 16:19 |
pronoy | n8tuserf: new to linux | 16:19 |
pronoy | n8tuserf: done it with windows :) | 16:19 |
storbeck | pronoy: That is not an Ubuntu issue. | 16:19 |
evride | sorry I'll repeat that: sudo killall pulse audio sudo alsa force-reload | 16:19 |
n8tuserf | pronoy same for windows, you set $CLASSPATH | 16:19 |
pronoy | storbeck: setting a classpath not an issue ??!?! dude wtf ? | 16:19 |
evride | did that work for you RPS? | 16:19 |
mohanohi | ok... I think there is no package that do realtime mpeg2 capturing in ubuntu.. | 16:19 |
storbeck | pronoy: That's a question for #java - not #ubuntu | 16:19 |
RPS | evride, it gave me an error message | 16:19 |
pronoy | storbeck: its a standard os question | 16:19 |
evride | what'd it say? | 16:20 |
mib_efghw1ho | oCean_: hmm that seemed to download some packages probably also openssh | 16:20 |
pronoy | storbeck: every os requires classpath | 16:20 |
pronoy | nm | 16:20 |
storbeck | pronoy: Ubuntu is not an os | 16:20 |
mib_efghw1ho | oCean_: would i need to now restart? | 16:20 |
storbeck | It's a distro | 16:20 |
storbeck | You will want to ask in #java | 16:20 |
oCean_ | mib_efghw1ho: the apt-get update is only to re-sync indexfiles | 16:20 |
pronoy | storbeck: yeah a distro on the linux os right...?? | 16:20 |
maowos | After updating, I cann't enter into desktop. How to do? | 16:21 |
storbeck | pronoy: Is UBUNTU ITSELF the cause of your problem? | 16:21 |
mib_efghw1ho | oCean_: lol sorry im kind of new to linux | 16:21 |
lasivian | how do I reload changes in the modprobe blacklist without rebooting please? | 16:21 |
oCean_ | mib_efghw1ho: if the apt-cache search command did output (amongst others) the openssh-server package, that you might want to try to install again | 16:21 |
RPS | evride, I pasted it into a pm | 16:21 |
oCean_ | mib_efghw1ho: "sudo apt-get install openssh-server" | 16:21 |
pronoy | storbeck: nm i said | 16:21 |
n8tuserf | pronoy -> add $CLASSPATH to /etc/environment | 16:21 |
mib_efghw1ho | oCean_: ok so the command you told me downloaded the packages from ubuntus server? | 16:22 |
Huufarted | What's the name of the VNC Client 'Remote Desktop' that Ubuntu's got installed by default? | 16:22 |
oCean_ | mib_efghw1ho: no not really, it fetched indexfile of all specified repositories specified in /etc/apt/sources.list | 16:22 |
oCean_ | mib_efghw1ho: throuth the indexfiles, apt-get know where to download a certain package from. Since there are more than one repositories | 16:23 |
n8tuserf | Huufarted -> vino | 16:23 |
maowos | Is there a console-used xchat tool? | 16:23 |
GaRRu | can someone IM me please for a check on the Square moving programme | 16:23 |
oCean_ | *through | 16:23 |
Huufarted | n8tuserf, thanks | 16:23 |
mib_efghw1ho | oCean_:hmm lol idk I'm a noob when it comes to linux i got windows down but im horrible at understanding linux | 16:24 |
mib_efghw1ho | oCean_ im guessing you mean it like dled a list of where the source of the packages? | 16:24 |
storbeck | maowos: What are you talking about? | 16:24 |
oCean_ | mib_efghw1ho: once you get the hang of it, you'll never return. :-) | 16:24 |
oCean_ | mib_efghw1ho: yes, indeed | 16:24 |
mib_efghw1ho | oCean_: hmm makes sense now | 16:24 |
oCean_ | mib_efghw1ho: and now, apt-get (probably) knows where to fetch the openssh-server, so you can try the install command again "sudo apt-get install openssh-server" | 16:25 |
maowos | Yesterday, I updated my ubuntu 9.04. Now I cann't view my desktop's toolbar after logged in. How to do? | 16:25 |
Pici | maowos: Please join #ubuntu+1 for Jaunty/9.04 support/discussion. | 16:25 |
mib_efghw1ho | oCean_: so the sudo apt-get update command updated the sources but what did the apt-cache search openssh do? | 16:25 |
jeremyclarke | Hey guys, I have an eeepc with ubuntu and the wireless connection is completely missing | 16:26 |
maowos | ok | 16:26 |
storbeck | mib_efghw1ho: What is your guess as to what it did? | 16:26 |
jeremyclarke | any ideas for getting it back? | 16:26 |
jeremyclarke | it used to work | 16:26 |
storbeck | jeremyclarke: Can lspci find it? | 16:26 |
mib_efghw1ho | storbeck: guessing it searched to see if the package source was now available? | 16:26 |
jeremyclarke | storbeck: huh, thanks, i'll try that, CLI program right? | 16:26 |
storbeck | yes jeremyclarke | 16:27 |
storbeck | yes mib_efghw1ho | 16:27 |
oCean_ | mib_efghw1ho: well the 'update' did in fact an update of the apt metadata. (not 'source') the apt-cache performs operations (such as search) on/in that metadata | 16:27 |
lasivian | how do I reload changes in the modprobe blacklist without rebooting please? thanks | 16:27 |
mib_efghw1ho | oCean_: Ok cool thanks and before i stop bothering you lol let me ask one more thing | 16:27 |
erUSUL | lasivian: modprobe -r the blacklisted module and try to load it again ? | 16:28 |
jeremyclarke | storbeck: its showing the ethernet controller but nothing about wireless | 16:28 |
mohsen | سلام | 16:29 |
storbeck | jeremyclarke: Then your kernel doesn't have it enabled | 16:29 |
erUSUL | !ar | 16:29 |
ubottu | La comunidad local de Argentina se puede encontrar en #ubuntu-ar y en su canal de offtopic: #ubuntu-ar-cafe | 16:29 |
mohsen | کسی هست که بخواد فارسی چت کنه | 16:29 |
Pici | !sa | maowos | 16:29 |
ubottu | maowos: For the Saudi Arabia team : /join #ubuntu-sa : للانظمام الى قناة الفريق السعودي - For Arabic language support, please : /join #ubuntu-arabic : للحصول على الدعم باللغة العربية | 16:29 |
Pici | maowos: sorry, that was for mohsen | 16:29 |
loa_router | O_O | 16:29 |
tommy``` | O_O | 16:29 |
jeremyclarke | storbeck: how would I enable it? | 16:29 |
* erUSUL allways get that wrong | 16:29 | |
mib_efghw1ho | oCean_: recently i went over my neighbors house to format their pc which always ends up ridden with spyware, adware, and other garbage I decided to install ubuntu desktop so they could not manage to screw it up again only problem was that openoffice would show dashes in all of the menus on the top like file view those menus would show just dashes any clue? | 16:29 |
mohsen | hello | 16:30 |
storbeck | jeremyclarke: go into /usr/src/yourkernel - then sudo make menuconfig | 16:30 |
evride | darn RPS left | 16:30 |
storbeck | then reboot into the new kernel | 16:30 |
mohsen | i want to learn speak english | 16:30 |
mohsen | any body home? | 16:31 |
oCean_ | mib_efghw1ho: sorry, never saw *that*. Did you install openoffice from the ubuntu repositories? That works fine for me | 16:31 |
storbeck | mohsen: This is an Ubuntu support channel, not an English tutoring channel | 16:31 |
jeremyclarke | storbeck: thanks, thats very specific, how do I know which kernel is active? | 16:31 |
bazhang | #ubuntu-offtopic for chat mohsen | 16:31 |
storbeck | jeremyclarke: uname -a | 16:31 |
mib_efghw1ho | well actually it was automatically installed with the ubuntu desktop | 16:31 |
oCean_ | mib_efghw1ho: check out free download of ubuntupocketguide at | 16:31 |
oCean_ | mib_efghw1ho: yes that makes sense :) | 16:32 |
mib_efghw1ho | oCean_: lol cool never knew this existed thanks | 16:32 |
mib_efghw1ho | oCean_: the apt-get install worked too let me now see if i can ssh to it | 16:32 |
altrortla | it's possible to have several user on kubuntu with different language interface? | 16:33 |
mib_efghw1ho | oCean_: nice it works now, wow | 16:34 |
oCean_ | mib_efghw1ho: meanwhile, i found something on OO and dashes: | 16:34 |
rndm | i need to type bjork with the proper 'o' into a music search program. I know I can do that with charactermap, is it possible to do that from the keyboard without additional software? | 16:34 |
oCean_ | mib_efghw1ho: ok! | 16:34 |
storbeck | altrortla: yes | 16:34 |
mib_efghw1ho | oCean_: yeah thats how it was exactly the other day | 16:34 |
jeremyclarke | storbeck: hmmm, when you say "reboot into the new kernel" does that involve more than a normal reboot? | 16:34 |
storbeck | jeremyclarke: yes | 16:35 |
mib_efghw1ho | oCean_: i didnt understand why it was happening all i did was an update nothing else and it became like that | 16:35 |
storbeck | You have to add the new kernel to your boot manager | 16:35 |
Myrtti | rndm: switch to another keyboard layout ;-) | 16:35 |
rndm | Myrtti: i know nothing about the non-us layouts. I was hoping for some sort of control sequence | 16:35 |
oCean_ | mib_efghw1ho: I just skimmed the link I send. Maybe a solution is in there.. on those issues most likely Google is your friend :) | 16:35 |
mib_efghw1ho | oCean_: Nvidia driver wow thanks man thats why wow i installed teh nvidia proprietory driver | 16:35 |
oCean_ | mib_efghw1ho: there you go :) | 16:36 |
mohsen | how i can to install new font in ubuntu? | 16:36 |
storbeck | mohsen: Search Google | 16:36 |
erUSUL | !fonts | 16:36 |
ubottu | Font installation basics here: - No fonts in Flash? Install "msttcorefonts" (from !Multiverse), "gsfonts", and "gsfonts-x11". No fonts in MPlayer? see !MPlayer | 16:36 |
mib_efghw1ho | oCean_: lol i searched google but couldnt find anything wow you got the keywords right i guess, nice thanks | 16:36 |
bazhang | storbeck, please dont recommend that here | 16:36 |
storbeck | What? Don't recommend Google? | 16:36 |
bazhang | storbeck, indeed dont | 16:37 |
bazhang | !fonts | mohsen | 16:37 |
_VIM_ | if people wanted to search google all day, they'd not be here asking for help :) | 16:37 |
ubottu | mohsen: Font installation basics here: - No fonts in Flash? Install "msttcorefonts" (from !Multiverse), "gsfonts", and "gsfonts-x11". No fonts in MPlayer? see !MPlayer | 16:37 |
mib_efghw1ho | oCean_: now i know ive asked a lot of questions but let me ask one more question lol, is it possible for me to do something liek launch a movie on my home computer rom school through ssh or not? | 16:37 |
storbeck | Wow | 16:37 |
RPS | Hello Guys, I did a reboot and of course everything is running smooth again just like it always does for a day or two and then my sound will drop out or hang up and I'll reboot again ....uh, this was one of the reasons I stopped using MicroCrap's WinBlows ...I have had some very sharp minds try to help me fix this problem, but we had No luck and I'm frustrated. I have been told that there were some sound issues with pulseaudio when 8.10 | 16:37 |
RPS | was released (if I'm remembering correctly.) Will these sound problems be worked out on the next release? | 16:37 |
mneptok | storbeck: "go find the answer yourself" is not an answer. | 16:38 |
evride | how do i restart sound? | 16:38 |
evride | without restarting my computer | 16:38 |
rndm | RPS: if it does it in windows too it's probably your hardware | 16:38 |
storbeck | _VIM_: give a man a fish and he eats for a day, teach a man to fish and he eats for a lifetime ;) | 16:38 |
jeremyclarke | storbeck: how do I add it to the boot manager? | 16:38 |
_VIM_ | well that theory doesn't work here storbeck | 16:38 |
evride | lol RPS, i killed my audio trying to see what you are experiencing | 16:38 |
evride | now i cant start it again | 16:38 |
storbeck | jeremyclarke: | 16:38 |
mneptok | storbeck: so let's set the /topic to and set +m | 16:39 |
oCean_ | mib_efghw1ho: well, yes. ssh takes the -X argument to forward X. There are also some options to connect remote using VNC, XDMCP, freenx etcetera | 16:39 |
RPS | rndm, this laptop is a Dell D620 that I've never used XP on, except when I 1st got it. | 16:39 |
_VIM_ | mneptok: lmao | 16:39 |
storbeck | mneptok: That's a little extreme.... but whatever. It's apparently the rules here so I'll adbide by them... | 16:39 |
mneptok | storbeck: thank you | 16:39 |
mib_efghw1ho | oCean_:well, i know vnc but from what i know that requires a graphical enviroment unless im wrong | 16:41 |
oCean_ | mib_efghw1ho: yes it does, but running a movie requires that also :) | 16:41 |
_VIM_ | but to tunnel via ssh, don't the school have to have ssh ports open? | 16:41 |
RPS | As far as I know this is a Ubuntu problem and I have my fingers crossed that it will be worked out with the next release | 16:41 |
mib_efghw1ho | oCean_: I think i was a little bit unclear what i meant was like i have a computer at home or w.e. and im at school but i want to be able to play a movie like launch a movie player and play a movie on my computer at home not at school so basically use the computer at school as sort of a remote control | 16:43 |
oCean_ | RPS: those issues ('works fine for 2-3 days, then... ) are the hardest. | 16:43 |
RPS | oCean_, thanks for the info sad as it is to hear. .LOL | 16:44 |
mib_efghw1ho | oCean_: Also, im talking about this in terms of lets say i install openssh on my windows desktop can i control it from a school computer | 16:44 |
oCean_ | RPS: sorry. Did not mean to make you even sadder... | 16:44 |
credo | mib_efghw1ho: is that even possible? imagine how much bandwith it takes | 16:44 |
oCean_ | mib_efghw1ho: once ssh'd into a machine, you can execute everything on *that* machine to run on *that* machine, yes. | 16:45 |
=== felix-da-catz_zz is now known as felix_da_catz | ||
mib_efghw1ho | credo: why would it not be possible ure not streaming anything ur just using the laptop as remote control not streaming the movie or w.e. to the laptop at school | 16:45 |
=== storbeck is now known as storbeck`afk | ||
credo | ok if that, then- maybe | 16:46 |
credo | but not streaming | 16:46 |
mib_efghw1ho | oCean_: ohh ok cause ive looked online at some ssh commands but never found anything to launch a program or open a video file only to copy files and move them | 16:46 |
bazhang | !away > storbeck`afk | 16:46 |
ubottu | storbeck`afk, please see my private message | 16:46 |
csk_ | hi all! i'am back again ... i'am having a problem with NetworkManager and wpa | 16:47 |
RPS | oCean_, I've been away from my home this winter and I've talked with lots of people over the phone about how much I'm enjoying Ubuntu, but this one issue is the only thing I've ran into that I can;t seem to over come. I have tried to create every type of issue I can think to work on and I've conquered them all but this sound issue and iTunes. Everything else is smooth and trust me when I say I've tried a zillion experiments. .LOL | 16:47 |
csk_ | i just uploaded the log to pastebin | 16:48 |
csk_ | | 16:48 |
Audacitee | hi guys\ | 16:48 |
mib_efghw1ho | RPS: ur running itunes through wine? | 16:48 |
oCean_ | mib_efghw1ho: well, once ssh'd into a server, when you do something like "export DISPLAY=:0.0" (which would be the server's display) you can run "xclock" and it will start on the server's display. So you should also be able to -in stead of xclock- run "totem file.avi" | 16:48 |
Audacitee | RPS, itunes runs in linux? | 16:48 |
bazhang | via wine but very very slow | 16:49 |
Audacitee | iTunes runs badly in Windows | 16:49 |
* erUSUL Apple's DRM.... | 16:49 | |
mib_efghw1ho | RPS: itunes is garbage use teh rythombox player | 16:49 |
Audacitee | or Audacious | 16:50 |
bazhang | RPS, indeed rhythymbox can sync with ipods quite well | 16:50 |
zhwu | how about iphone? | 16:50 |
mib_efghw1ho | i, myself, use foobar2000 but then again i dont have ipod and i primariy run windows 7 | 16:50 |
RPS | I've had No luck getting iTunes to work and Yes it hardly works in WinBLows, but I have a ipod touch and it will not work with anything but iTunes, from what I have been told. | 16:50 |
Droopsta915 | Whats the short cut for minimizing a window? | 16:50 |
mib_efghw1ho | Yeah RPS is actually right ipod touch doesnt work in anythign else from what I've read | 16:51 |
melrockz | Which other linux distributions are that wholesome as Ubuntu?;-) | 16:51 |
zhwu | yes, l like it, foobar2000 rules, but it seems they'll never develop one for linux... | 16:51 |
mib_efghw1ho | RPS: what i would suggest is to install virtual machine of windows xp or w.e. and use itunes on there | 16:51 |
James296 | can someone here tell me how to enable hardware acceleration on a Acer Aspire X1200 desktop? | 16:52 |
RPS | If anyone know figures that trick out, I'll sell the BRAND new Asus laptop that is sitting folded closed sitting 3 feet to my left as I'll have No reason to own it. | 16:52 |
mib_efghw1ho | RPS: that shouldnt give u a problem | 16:52 |
melrockz | Why is virtualisation using qemu or wine very very slow??? | 16:52 |
Huufarted | RPS, give me a minute. I know a link for you. | 16:52 |
James296 | anyone? | 16:53 |
RPS | I'll admit that I'm a bit lost on running virtual machines | 16:53 |
Huufarted | RPS, are you averse to jailbreaking your iPod touch? | 16:53 |
Audacitee | bro, World of warcaft running off a NTFS disk in opengl is slow | 16:53 |
Audacitee | with 180.22 nvidia drivers | 16:53 |
polytan | hi | 16:53 |
lasivian | is there any good way to just list wireless networks by strength of signal? | 16:53 |
lasivian | or program that will show that | 16:53 |
melrockz | Hi folks. Know any good video editor with lots of features and supports lots of formats??? | 16:53 |
James296 | for me WoW ran faster that way than Windows | 16:53 |
around2it | lasivan iwlist scanning | 16:53 |
Audacitee | off NTFS partition? | 16:54 |
mib_efghw1ho | Ocean_ would you happen to have a link to the commands to launch programs and run things like the one u sent me? except for running programs in windows through ssh? | 16:54 |
zhwu | RPS: why? have you tried VMWare server? | 16:54 |
James296 | yea but this was using Linux Mint | 16:54 |
RPS | Huufarted, I don;pt have an ethical issue with it in the slightest, but I want them to get it all figured out before I disappear down that rabbit hole. | 16:54 |
Huufarted | RPS... are you averse to jailbreaking your iPod touch? | 16:54 |
Huufarted | RPS | 16:54 |
defrysk | melrockz, kino | 16:54 |
Huufarted | RPS, get WHAT figured out? | 16:54 |
Audacitee | James296, I have slower FPS in Wintergrasp and raids in Linux - solo is ok | 16:54 |
Audacitee | James296, but not great | 16:54 |
mib_efghw1ho | RPS: jailbreak it, shh to it, and copy songs to it, done | 16:54 |
melrockz | kino has lots of effects? | 16:55 |
defrysk | effects ? | 16:55 |
RPS | I have VirtualBox installed | 16:55 |
defrysk | not sure about that :s | 16:55 |
James296 | I REALLY would like help from someone on enabling hardware acceleration on an Acer Aspire X1200! | 16:55 |
melrockz | yes, video filters sort of thing. | 16:55 |
zhwu | well, haven't tried that before, but for me vmware server is pretty easy to install and use | 16:55 |
djbender | so i just freshly installed ubuntu and wanted to install gnome-do(v 0.8), but i'm stuck in dependency hell for some reason. anyone seen this? | 16:56 |
polytan | I've just finished to install ubuntu. I added a few repo in sources.list. the gnome program to install software (not synaptics) find them. Synaptics find nothin, it's like it only look at the main packages | 16:56 |
RPS | mib_efghw1ho, (shh to it) I'm lost on that line | 16:56 |
defrysk | 年代の音 | 16:56 |
Lint02 | !jp | 16:56 |
ubottu | 日本語の場合は #ubuntu-jp または #kubuntu-jp を参照して下さい | 16:56 |
polytan | and apt-get install synaptics find nothing :( | 16:56 |
defrysk | heh | 16:56 |
polytan | did you already had this problem ? | 16:56 |
cooldduuudde | !in | 16:56 |
ubottu | #ubuntu-in is the channel for Ubuntu in India | 16:56 |
Huufarted | it's not synaptics it's synaptic | 16:56 |
GaRRu | I realy need someone who knows how to use Linux Ubuntu very well to explain me how to install a script I got in Privet Messege PLeaseee its importanttt!! | 16:56 |
cooldduuudde | !out | 16:56 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about out | 16:56 |
SlimeyPete | polytan: have you updated your package lists? Click 'Reload' in Synaptic | 16:57 |
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quibbler | melrockz: look here: | 16:57 |
Huufarted | Ooh.... Linux Ubuntu? Not sure if this is the room for that. | 16:57 |
polytan | I reloaded a lot of times | 16:57 |
polytan | but synaptic is dumb | 16:57 |
polytan | it is really strange | 16:57 |
Audacitee | hmmm new updates i hope i dont have to reboot | 16:57 |
asternic | join #asterisk-peru | 16:58 |
polytan | for example, synaptic doesn't find "eclispe" but apt-get and the gnome program can | 16:58 |
RPS | I have a 2nd gen. touch and the jailbreak is only a couple of weeks old ...I figure I can get thru it, but I've read a ton of threads with people struggling with the process ...although I have not looked into it in the last week or so | 16:58 |
defrysk | Audacitee, dont update ad no worries about reboot | 16:58 |
GaRRu | im unvisible I see | 16:58 |
Audacitee | defrysk, haha good point | 16:58 |
Audacitee | 10 min download anyways | 16:58 |
James296 | so no one knows about Acer Aspire X1200 then | 16:59 |
erUSUL | GaRRu: simply copy it to somewhere in your path.. /usr/local/bin | 16:59 |
erUSUL | GaRRu: give it executable permissions | 16:59 |
defrysk | GaRRu, ask a question without help! and whatever blah! | 16:59 |
erUSUL | GaRRu: also make sure you trust the source of the script or that you know well what it does | 16:59 |
hatter243 | !pastebin | GaRRu | 16:59 |
ubottu | GaRRu: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic) | 16:59 |
ztx | anyone using ati 3dacc with 2 monitors and has a working conf I could look at? :\ | 17:00 |
defrysk | GaRRu, does that answer your q ? | 17:00 |
polytan | after reinstallation it work | 17:00 |
polytan | after reinstallation it work | 17:00 |
GaRRu | I think so :-* | 17:00 |
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GaRRu | :P | 17:01 |
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d_rugs420 | im trying to change permissions on some folders. i used sudo chmod 777 as well as right click the folder and giving write permissions, and doing the same with nautilus. Every time I click on "apply permissions to enclosed files" or close, the permissions disappear. any clues? | 17:02 |
hatter243 | d_rugs420, do you have write permissions to that folder yourself? | 17:03 |
oskar- | d_rugs420, does the file system, that contains the folders, support permissions? | 17:03 |
hatter243 | d_rugs420, oh! "sudo chmod 777" =/ sorry | 17:03 |
d_rugs420 | oskar-, i think so. how do i check? | 17:04 |
doctor_flash | hi | 17:04 |
Travis-42 | can dist-upgrade be used to upgrade to 64-bit Ubuntu? | 17:04 |
bazhang | Travis-42, from 32bit? | 17:04 |
defrysk | trae, hardly | 17:04 |
Travis-42 | bazhang: yes, sorry, that's what I meant | 17:04 |
bazhang | Travis-42, afraid not, no | 17:05 |
doctor_flash | fucking hi | 17:05 |
=== eric is now known as Guest15002 | ||
bazhang | doctor_flash, watch the language | 17:05 |
Guest15002 | awe09 | 17:05 |
doctor_flash | sorry | 17:05 |
quibbler | !ask | doctor_flash | 17:05 |
ubottu | doctor_flash: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) | 17:05 |
defrysk | Travis-42, there are no huge advantages over using 64 bit | 17:05 |
Guest15002 | join awe09 | 17:05 |
Travis-42 | ok thanks bazhang :-), I guess I'll wait till I next decide to do a fresh install and use 64-bit then | 17:05 |
oskar- | d_rugs420, look in the output of "mount", which type it is | 17:05 |
Tod-Laptop | I need to install an older version of perl. I can only see 5.10.0-11.1ubuntu2 and .10.0-11.1ubuntu2.2, but I need 5.8.7-10ubuntu1.2 It's ubuntu server 8.10. I get the version numbers I can see from apt-get showpkg perl | 17:05 |
doctor_flash | did i ask a question? | 17:05 |
Guest15002 | join #awe09 | 17:06 |
Tod-Laptop | How would I get info about the older versions so I can install it? | 17:06 |
Travis-42 | defrysk: There are a couple for what I do, minor but they are there | 17:06 |
d_rugs420 | oskar-, ext3 | 17:06 |
KDE4000 | Guest14305: its /join | 17:06 |
bazhang | doctor_flash, this is ubuntu support, do you have a question? | 17:06 |
doctor_flash | ive got lots of questions | 17:06 |
arghh2d2 | bazhang: is there anything better than ubuntu? | 17:07 |
d_rugs420 | oskar-, i have been able to chmod files in the past but for some reason its not working now | 17:07 |
IntuitiveNipple | Tod-Laptop: | 17:07 |
defrysk | arghh2d2, there surely is | 17:07 |
hatter243 | !ot | arghh2d2 | 17:07 |
ubottu | arghh2d2: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks! | 17:07 |
bazhang | !ot > arghh2d2 | 17:07 |
ubottu | arghh2d2, please see my private message | 17:07 |
doctor_flash | arghh2d2: what the hell man | 17:07 |
arghh2d2 | what the hell? | 17:08 |
Tod-Laptop | IntuitiveNipple: thanks. We'll give that route a try =c) | 17:08 |
defrysk | doctor_flash,, this is a family oriented channel, language please | 17:08 |
BinaryDragon | arghh2d2, yes, is call sex lol | 17:08 |
leonardo_ | oi | 17:09 |
doctor_flash | sorry im just pissed off | 17:09 |
Daft_Punk | is there a way to have the icon text (for the icons on desktop) to be readable on light AND dark backgrounds? (like in windows)\ | 17:10 |
blutrille | do i need to be running apache at the desktop to handle ssl or would the server that i am trying to authenticate to be the one running this? | 17:10 |
doctor_flash | how can i run a windows thing in linux, is it possible | 17:10 |
erUSUL | blutrille: the later | 17:10 |
erUSUL | !wine | doctor_flash | 17:10 |
ubottu | doctor_flash: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help | 17:10 |
bazhang | doctor_flash, check the appdb | 17:11 |
bazhang | !appdb | doctor_flash | 17:11 |
doctor_flash | does the program work 100% | 17:11 |
ubottu | doctor_flash: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: - Join #winehq for application help | 17:11 |
bong | I try to install eBox. after apt-get update, I got a message GPG error | 17:11 |
bazhang | doctor_flash, you need to check | 17:11 |
doctor_flash | thank you | 17:11 |
peterm | hi, i receive the ,,socket: Too many open files (24)'' while tring to benchmark an application using ab. how do i increase the max file descriptors? | 17:12 |
blutrille | erUSUL: what would cause an authentication error with ssl from with in the Citrix client that is not an issue with the web interface to the same server? | 17:12 |
doctor_flash | if i want to start programming in linux, where do i start | 17:12 |
erUSUL | blutrille: not familiar with cytrix or rdp... | 17:13 |
blutrille | erUSUL: aye thx either way | 17:13 |
AngryElf | how can I create a keyboard shortcut for launching a command, say super-T to launch terminal | 17:13 |
doctor_flash | goodness | 17:13 |
erUSUL | blutrille: no problem | 17:13 |
blutrille | any here familar with Citrix ICA Client for Linux? | 17:14 |
oCean_ | Daft_Punk: | 17:14 |
doctor_flash | please | 17:14 |
bong | Anyone help! I try to install eBox. after apt-get update, I got a message GPG error: hardy Release | 17:14 |
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oCean_ | Daft_Punk: I don't think it's "variable" though... it's all dependent on theme | 17:15 |
* doctor_flash angry | 17:15 | |
* doctor_flash is angry | 17:15 | |
Pici | !ppagpg | bong | 17:15 |
ubottu | bong: Getting an error about a PPA's GPG key? see | 17:15 |
blutrille | ok what about getting the windows ICA client to run in wine? anyone here with success there? | 17:15 |
=== shal_ is now known as shal | ||
doctor_flash | yes | 17:15 |
Myrtti | doctor_flash: install build-essential and get crackin' | 17:16 |
erUSUL | doctor_flash: go outside take walk and a few deep breaths | 17:16 |
oCean_ | blutrille: why do that. There is ica client for linux | 17:16 |
doctor_flash | thank you | 17:16 |
quibbler | AngryElf: open configuration editor /apps/metacity/global_keybindings/run_command_terminal | 17:16 |
blutrille | oCean_: i agree although i am having issues getting it to work correctly ... ie security certs not able to be validated... although this is the same cert that has no issues working through Firefox web interface | 17:17 |
doctor_flash | am i able to connect any hardware to linux and will i be graunteed of compatibility? | 17:18 |
blutrille | oCean_: any input is welcome i have found very little info on this subject or more specifically this issue | 17:18 |
oskar- | doctor_flash, linux comes without any warranty | 17:18 |
Huufarted | doctor_flash, no way not a chance of any kind of guarentee that hardware will be compatible | 17:18 |
Kartagis | hello | 17:18 |
wolverineX | hi | 17:19 |
oCean_ | blutrille: right, I had to fiddle something w/ that before it worked. That was couple of months ago.. | 17:19 |
doctor_flash | ok thank you | 17:19 |
lenswipe | talking of programing... | 17:19 |
=== elpargo_ is now known as elpargo | ||
lenswipe | is there an IDE for linux | 17:19 |
Huufarted | doctor_flash, if you have a piece of hardware, just search for it and 'ubuntu' together and you'll find out if it's compatible | 17:19 |
lenswipe | similar to VB | 17:19 |
wolverineX | is possible to boot linux without logo? | 17:19 |
doctor_flash | i will try | 17:19 |
lenswipe | where i can draw out a user interface and then write code to go with it | 17:19 |
lenswipe | anyone know of anything like that? | 17:19 |
oskar- | wolverineX, yes, remove the "splash" boot parameter | 17:19 |
wolverineX | oskar-: i can't, I've error during boot | 17:20 |
blutrille | oCean_: i have exported the cert from firefox and renamed it with .crt and looks like the last step is getting the cert validated ... it gets stumped here | 17:20 |
ajesh | put verbose | 17:20 |
erUSUL | lenswipe: which programming language? | 17:20 |
bazhang | !hcl | doctor_flash | 17:20 |
ubottu | doctor_flash: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see | 17:20 |
wolverineX | !logo | 17:20 |
ubottu | Official Ubuntu artwork including the Ubuntu logo can be found at | 17:20 |
oskar- | lenswipe, perhaps glade | 17:20 |
doctor_flash | than kyou | 17:20 |
lenswipe | erUSUL: well anything thats easy to pickup i guess, im a former VB programmer | 17:20 |
bazhang | np | 17:20 |
oskar- | wolverineX, do you have the logo hiding the error? | 17:21 |
erUSUL | lenswipe: try gambas is a visual basic for linux | 17:21 |
lenswipe | oskar: what language does glade work with? or is glade a langugage itself? | 17:21 |
oCean_ | blutrille: hmm.. don't remember what fixed it for me eventually. .crt sounds correct. Is it in the right location? | 17:21 |
erUSUL | !info gambas2 | lenswipe | 17:21 |
ubottu | gambas2 (source: gambas2): Complete visual development environment for Gambas. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.7-1 (intrepid), package size 5 kB, installed size 32 kB | 17:21 |
Huufarted | !splash | 17:21 |
Kartagis | when I add the line local7.debug /var/log/dhcpd.log to syslog.conf, sysklogd logs to both /var/log/messages and /var/log/dhcpd.log. how can I make it log ONLY to /var/log/dhcpd.log? | 17:21 |
ubottu | To change the Gnome splash screen, use !gnome-splashscreen-manager or change the GConf key /apps/gnome-session/options/splash_image using !gconf-editor. | 17:21 |
lenswipe | erSUL: so can i use VB code with Gambas? | 17:21 |
bazhang | doctor_flash you may find this of interest as well | 17:21 |
wolverineX | oskar-: during boot my laptop display has a problem | 17:21 |
acorb | hi i have a question | 17:21 |
Huufarted | VB code is an abomination that MIcrosoft created. | 17:21 |
lenswipe | erSUL: or do i need to learn a new language for gambas? | 17:21 |
bong | ubottu: thanks | 17:21 |
ubottu | You're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-) | 17:21 |
Daft_Punk | oCean_, that is what i am using now, i wanted something so that i can use a wallpaper that is both dark and light (gradient) but that method is only 1 solid color, either white or black or whatever, not shadowed or layered like in windows (if you know what i mean) | 17:21 |
erUSUL | lenswipe: is not the same visual basic as MS's is basic and it has interface designer and all the goodies | 17:21 |
lenswipe | Huufarted: kk, btw lol are you name | 17:22 |
acorb | why my motd does not save ? | 17:22 |
erUSUL | lenswipe: it is not compatible | 17:22 |
acorb | i edit it but after restart it comes in default | 17:22 |
lenswipe | erSUL: ok thanks | 17:22 |
Huufarted | lenswipe, yeah... I have no clue what you just said. | 17:22 |
lenswipe | Huufarted: i said, thanks for the help and your name is funny | 17:22 |
Huufarted | ah, gotcha. Thanks. :) | 17:22 |
wolverineX | oskar-: I've fix during boot: Linux video=ofonly nosplash <-- ok? | 17:22 |
doctor_flash | is ubuntu good compared to the lateset windows 7? | 17:22 |
oCean_ | Daft_Punk: I understand. Saw you question pass here yesterday I think. It seems that with gnome it's always 1 color :( | 17:23 |
doctor_flash | latest | 17:23 |
nicetry | I'm trying to figure out which groups have which privlages, so I know which ones to join when I make a new user. How do I go about finding out information about groups? | 17:23 |
lenswipe | doctor_fish: i think my toaster is good compared to windows seven, lol | 17:23 |
acorb | lol | 17:23 |
doctor_flash | hahaha | 17:23 |
lenswipe | doctor_fish: well its not too bad, its what windows vista should and could have been with more wok | 17:23 |
bazhang | doctor_flash, you should really take chat type questions to #ubuntu-offtopic | 17:23 |
lenswipe | doctor_fish: work | 17:23 |
Huufarted | Windows 7 ROCKS. There's no reason any user should ever need to run more than 3 programs at one time | 17:23 |
oskar- | wolverineX, you should be able to remove "splash" from the grub menu before boot. as a second option you can press ctrl+f-keys to switch to the vts while booting. nr. 8 should contain the error messages. and as a third you can remove it from the grub config, if you want | 17:24 |
lenswipe | doctor_flash: ohhhh, you name is doctor flash, i msread it for doctor fish LOL | 17:24 |
lenswipe | Huufarted: Yeah, wtf is up with microsoft??? 3 apps at once??!?!?! | 17:24 |
doctor_flash | would i be able to emulate win 7 on linux? | 17:24 |
bazhang | !ot | 17:24 |
ubottu | #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks! | 17:24 |
lenswipe | Huufarted: i read about that on slashdot i think it was | 17:24 |
Nevtus | to be fair, that's only going to be on the really cheap version of Windows 7 | 17:24 |
wolverineX | oskar-: I'm checking now but i haven't grup, I've yaboot.conf | 17:24 |
bazhang | lenswipe, please take chat to #ubuntu-offtopic | 17:25 |
lenswipe | Nevtus: but still you must admit its pretty stupid... | 17:25 |
lenswipe | bazhang: ok | 17:25 |
acorb | why my motd does not save ? | 17:25 |
Nevtus | lenswipe: nobody could argue otherwise | 17:25 |
doctor_flash | would i be able to emulate win 7 on linux? | 17:25 |
shausam27 | dose anyone know where kmldonkey put the down load files ican not seem to fine them | 17:25 |
quibbler | doctor_flash: you can run it in virtualbox | 17:25 |
Huufarted | acorb, modify the file /etc/motd.tail | 17:25 |
oskar- | wolverineX, is that for powerpc hardware? | 17:25 |
Nevtus | doctor_flash: no. if you want windows 7 go get it | 17:25 |
doctor_flash | awesome | 17:25 |
Huufarted | !virtualbox | doctor_flash | 17:26 |
ubottu | doctor_flash: virtualbox is a x86 !virtualizer. A !free edition is available from !Gutsy as 'virtualbox-ose'. A non-free edition is available at for most Ubuntu releases (help in #vbox) - Setup details at | 17:26 |
doctor_flash | hey im just asking buddy don't get upset | 17:26 |
nicetry | Does anybody know how to manage groups on the command line? | 17:26 |
oskar- | wolverineX, then i don't know the behaviour, sorry. i thought of pc... | 17:26 |
Huufarted | doctor_flash, nobody got upset. Use VIrtualBox. | 17:26 |
flice | hi | 17:26 |
lenswipe | doctor_flash: learn how to make batch files with commands like "del C:/" and your already halfway to writing a vista derivative.. | 17:26 |
Huufarted | doctor_flash, when Win7 is released, you can still use it within Ubuntu we all assume so far | 17:26 |
oCean_ | nicetry: 'manage' can mean lots of things. What is your question? | 17:27 |
flice | I've got a .wav and .cue. How can I convert it to separate tracks in ogg vorbis? | 17:27 |
doctor_flash | lol | 17:27 |
doctor_flash | are there any viruses in linux? | 17:28 |
nicetry | oCean_: I'm trying to figure out which groups have which privlages, so I know which groups to add to users when I create them. | 17:28 |
oskar- | nicetry, id | 17:28 |
MTecknology | What do I need to install to make this work? | 17:28 |
Nevtus | doctor_flash: I thought you meant is there a way to make ubuntu "like" windows 7. Yes you can run it under Virtualbox or VMWare in a linux system | 17:28 |
lenswipe | doctor_flash: yes, but nearly as many as for windows | 17:28 |
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lenswipe | doctor_flash: not nearly as many* | 17:28 |
oCean_ | nicetry: privileges are on files, not on groups. | 17:28 |
Nevtus | depends what your definition of virus is. There was/is a few but hardly ones that are in the wild | 17:29 |
doctor_flash | oh thank goodness | 17:29 |
lenswipe | doctor_flash: someone is coming up with viruses for macs now with the popularity of apple computers rising through the ranks | 17:29 |
Huufarted | flice: | 17:29 |
doctor_flash | i can imagine, time for mac antivirus | 17:29 |
melik | whats the command for auto xorg configuration? | 17:29 |
lenswipe | doctor_flash: i once read an article that stated that there were about 140,000 viruses and security threats for windows but only 100 for linux... so there you go :) | 17:30 |
Nevtus | don't mix up viruses with trojans ;) | 17:30 |
erUSUL | !info shnsplit | flice | 17:30 |
ubottu | Package shnsplit does not exist in intrepid | 17:30 |
Ramdac_ | Hello | 17:30 |
doctor_flash | thanks:D, would it be easier to create a virus in windows than in linux? | 17:30 |
flice | hehe | 17:30 |
melik | anyone know the command for auto xorg configuration? | 17:30 |
oCean_ | !virus | 17:30 |
ubottu | A/V software is available, however read this to understand why Linux does not have a virus problem: | 17:30 |
lenswipe | doctor_flash: i guess... idk | 17:30 |
rakudave | !ot | 17:30 |
ubottu | #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks! | 17:30 |
Nevtus | it used to be anyway | 17:31 |
shausam27 | dose any one know any thing about kml donkey it has no help files when i ask for them it said do no exist | 17:31 |
erUSUL | !info shntool | flice | 17:31 |
ubottu | shntool (source: shntool): multi-purpose tool for manipulating and analyzing WAV files. In component universe, is extra. Version 3.0.7-1ubuntu1 (intrepid), package size 66 kB, installed size 264 kB | 17:31 |
Jeanne-Kamikaze | any else's flash plugin for firefox completely hanging ? | 17:31 |
nicetry | oCean_: thanks, that clears things up | 17:31 |
lasivian | my wireless died and "modprobe ath_pci" is not working saying "FATAL: Error inserting ath_pci (/lib/modules/2.6.27-7-generic/volatile/ath_pci.ko): unknown symbol in module, or unknown parameter (this worked just 20 minutes ago) | 17:31 |
lenswipe | doctor_flash: im quite glad to hear about the viruses for macs actually because. while i dont have a problem with macs, the apple fan boys really get up my nose, as do any other type of fan boy... lol so it will be a good thing to share with them that their sacred OS is no longer virus free | 17:31 |
Ramdac_ | Excuse me guys could any body tell me where to find the documentation of the interface file in the /etc/network directory | 17:31 |
shausam27 | dose any one know any thing about kml donkey it has no help files when i ask for them it said dose not exist | 17:32 |
stroyan | melik: "xorg -configure" | 17:32 |
nicetry | oCean_: groups are arbitrary collections of users and the applications allow privlages to selected groups. | 17:32 |
Nevtus | lenswipe: has there been any _viruses_ yet though? So far all I've heard is malicious programs that trick the user into giving their admin password to it | 17:32 |
acorb | why my motd does not save ? | 17:32 |
doctor_flash | haha yea | 17:32 |
razor7_996 | hello...I have a really strange issue with PIDGIN and MSN account... | 17:32 |
razor7_996 | any help? | 17:32 |
Huufarted | !ask | razor7_996 | 17:32 |
ubottu | razor7_996: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) | 17:32 |
melik | stroyan: i get xorg no command found :/ | 17:33 |
oskar- | nicetry, i read too fast with my "id" answer. but maybe you want to search for files with a special group and list the permissions? find / -group <groupname> -exec ls -ld {} + | 17:33 |
Ramdac_ | ould any body tell me where to find the documentation of the interface file in the /etc/network directory | 17:33 |
nicetry | oCean_: I guess what I'm curious about is all the pre-configured groups in UBUNTU, and where I can find documentation about the fucntionality/perpose of these groups | 17:33 |
razor7_996 | ohh...really sorry | 17:33 |
lenswipe | Nevtus: i honestly couldnt tell you, i know there are some (very very few) for linux, as for mac, again i think people are making them but there arent that many | 17:33 |
razor7_996 | ok...this is the issue, I have a MSN account annd pidgin worked ok by about 2 months | 17:33 |
razor7_996 | but now, it seems to connect but the buddy list is empty | 17:33 |
erUSUL | razor7_996: man interfaces | 17:33 |
baz | i am running an ssh socks proxy to my home connection and would like to proxify some apps that do not support it. Is TSOCKS the leading simple yet effective app to do this with? Is PROXYCHAINS better? Is using TOR ovekill for this? I've noticed that these apps haven't been updated in a couple of years... | 17:33 |
stroyan | melik: "sudo /usr/X11R6/bin/X -configure" | 17:33 |
razor7_996 | i have some screenshots for you to see | 17:33 |
doctor_flash | am i able to install linux on my mac laptop(if i had one) | 17:34 |
Nevtus | yes doctor_flash | 17:34 |
oCean_ | nicetry: yes, I understand. I don't know of any command that shows you what group "audio" or group "lpadmin" or group "admin" can or cannot do | 17:34 |
erUSUL | Ramdac_: man interfaces | 17:34 |
doctor_flash | cool | 17:34 |
razor7_996 | ok...will run that command | 17:34 |
TopKatz_ | hello | 17:34 |
oskar- | oCean_, find /dev/ -group audio -exec ls -ld {} + | 17:34 |
oskar- | ;-) | 17:34 |
TopKatz_ | any trick to getting ff3 in ubutnu to play all the flash and stuff | 17:34 |
shausam27 | where can i fine 8.10 | 17:34 |
TopKatz_ | I always have a big play button | 17:35 |
lenswipe | TopKatz: you need a plugin... | 17:35 |
oCean_ | nicetry: in fact, since permissions are on files (everyting is a file in unix) one would need a listing of files owned by such group | 17:35 |
doctor_flash | whats the offtopic channel called | 17:35 |
Nevtus | shausam27: where can you find what? | 17:35 |
TopKatz_ | and some times it chokes on the flash | 17:35 |
oCean_ | oskar-: well, yes something like that indeed.. | 17:35 |
blutrille | oCean_: as far as i know it is in the correct location as is says that it cant be validated not that it cant find it all together | 17:35 |
quibbler | doctor_flash: #ubuntu-offtopic | 17:35 |
lenswipe | doctor_flash: ubuntu-offtopic i think, wana take this conversation there? | 17:35 |
nicetry | oCean_ and osker-: is there any documentation online about what the default ubuntu groups are ment to be/do? | 17:35 |
Ramdac_ | erUSUL:Thanx i couldnt know that i can man interfaces | 17:35 |
doctor_flash | yes | 17:35 |
Huufarted | shausam27, you must be an officer of the law to fine 8.10. I ASSUME you really mean find. In that case, | 17:35 |
erUSUL | Ramdac_: section 5 of man is for conf files | 17:36 |
MTecknology | hrm... what do I need to install to work with Windows filesystems? | 17:36 |
blutrille | oCean_: do you know of anything that would prevent the cert from being validated? | 17:36 |
oCean_ | blutrille: strange thing is, it worked through firefox (as you said). Sorry I can't remember what fixed it for me. One thing: maybe permissions? on the cert? | 17:37 |
Huufarted | MTecknology, Ubuntu will be able to read and write to ntfs and fat32 out of the box | 17:37 |
razor7_9961 | ok...changed the connect mode to DHCP but my bu8ddy list strill does not appears | 17:37 |
Ramdac_ | erUSUL:Did u try Slackware before? | 17:37 |
erUSUL | Ramdac_: nope | 17:37 |
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blutrille | oCean_: ill check the permissions, did you install to the usr or root? | 17:38 |
nick_h[laptop] | i'm running the Intrepid live CD on my MacBook Pro. i can't get a wifi connection from my bedroom in Ubuntu. i need to be in the same room as the router. however, Mac OS X can connect from my bedroom. any idea how i can fix this in Ubuntu? | 17:38 |
MTecknology | Huufarted: right... but what do I need to install? | 17:38 |
oCean_ | blutrille: user | 17:38 |
Huufarted | MTecknology, out of the box means it will work WITHOUT additional installs | 17:38 |
MTecknology | Huufarted: ya... I know | 17:39 |
bobbob1016 | I'm getting "ata2.00: status :{ DRDY ERR }", "error UNC" "exception Emask 0x0 SAct 0x0 Serr 0x0 action 0x0" "irq_stat 0x400000001 cmd c8/00:05:50:00:00:00/00:00:00:00:00/e0 rag 0 dma 4096 in" "res 51/40:01:51:00:00/00:06:57:00:00/e0 Emask 0x9 (media error)" even on a boot from a Flash Drive. I had a bad HD I removed, and still no luck. Any ideas? | 17:39 |
blutrille | oCean_: this lack of right may be the issue good point ill install to usr instead of root | 17:39 |
MTecknology | Huufarted: what do I need to install for it to work | 17:39 |
oCean_ | blutrille: at least worth a try.... | 17:39 |
MTecknology | Does anyone know what I need to install to work with Windows filesystems? | 17:39 |
bazhang | MTecknology, to do what | 17:40 |
oskar- | MTecknology, yes: nothing | 17:40 |
Huufarted | MTecknology, you're not listening. It will be able to mount the drive and read and write to it WITHOUT INSTALLING ANYTHING EXTRA | 17:40 |
erUSUL | MTecknology: as already told to you you do not need to install anything | 17:40 |
bazhang | Huufarted, lose the caps | 17:40 |
MTecknology | erUSUL: yes I do | 17:40 |
lx401396 | ciao | 17:40 |
erUSUL | MTecknology: what version of ubuntu? | 17:40 |
oingoboingo | hi folks. I have an external HD formatted on a mac with HFS, in ubuntu i can't write to the drive, but i can read from it. can i change this? | 17:40 |
MTecknology | erUSUL: I don't have a vanilla install | 17:40 |
pal_ | i need to transfer photos from my Nokia N-73 to my pc how can i do it can u tel me? | 17:40 |
erUSUL | !details | MTecknology | 17:40 |
ubottu | MTecknology: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..." | 17:40 |
MTecknology | can I just get an answer instead of a flame? | 17:40 |
XPS_M1330 | Does anyone know email well? Especially charset issues? Since I use evolution half the mails I send end up unreadable | 17:41 |
MTecknology | !windows | 17:41 |
ubottu | For discussion on Microsoft Windows, or help with same, please visit ##windows. See and /msg ubottu equivalents | 17:41 |
MTecknology | hrm | 17:41 |
MTecknology | !search vfat | 17:41 |
ubottu | Found: addingfs, vfat | 17:41 |
bazhang | MTecknology, most works right away; unless you had some specific details you would care to share | 17:41 |
MTecknology | !info vfat | 17:41 |
ubottu | Package vfat does not exist in intrepid | 17:41 |
erUSUL | MTecknology: we have to guess how your system is installed?? | 17:41 |
erUSUL | MTecknology: vfat is kernel module that comes with the kernel | 17:42 |
MTecknology | bazhang: it's not that complicated - I don't have the package required to do it. I need to figure out what I need to install to work with them. | 17:42 |
MTecknology | !search mkfs | 17:42 |
ubottu | Found: mount-#kubuntu | 17:42 |
nick_h[laptop] | !wifi | 17:42 |
ubottu | Wireless documentation can be found at | 17:42 |
bazhang | MTecknology, networking/sharing files? | 17:42 |
MarsD | ntfs-3g | 17:42 |
daredevilthere | How to chage a shell? | 17:42 |
MTecknology | MarsD: thanks :D | 17:42 |
[ifroog] | !find spca5xx | 17:43 |
blackest_knight1 | got a logitech ex100 keyboard but the arrow keys del pg up down home end keys are not working | 17:43 |
oskar- | MTecknology, maybe also dosfstools | 17:43 |
ubottu | Package/file spca5xx does not exist in intrepid | 17:43 |
erUSUL | MTecknology: to work with what? fat32 SMB mounts CIF ntfs? again we have to guess?? | 17:43 |
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MTecknology | erUSUL: get over it, you didn't know the answer to the question, it's not a big deal | 17:43 |
erUSUL | MTecknology: ok | 17:43 |
Huufarted | lol MTecknology you don't know what the question is obviously | 17:43 |
bazhang | MTecknology, that is not appropriate | 17:43 |
MTecknology | bazhang: sorry | 17:43 |
oskar- | i think, it is answered | 17:43 |
elliott | so, eclipse just deleted my entire c++ folder | 17:44 |
bazhang | MTecknology, you need to share details to get answers | 17:44 |
elliott | is there any way to recover it or the files in it? | 17:44 |
MTecknology | oskar-: yup | 17:44 |
XPS_M1330 | What can cause one gmail account to display an email properly and another gmail account to render it badly? | 17:44 |
Huufarted | MTecknology, tell us what you are trying to do. Are you mounting an ntfs partition? fat32? Are you trying to access the partition on a Windows machine running seperately from Ubuntu? | 17:44 |
kristian_ | can someone recommend me a good cli audio player software? | 17:44 |
oskar- | elliott, photorec | 17:44 |
XPS_M1330 | Anyone uses evolution? | 17:45 |
Huufarted | Ubuntu already has all of the software installed and ready to work with windows partitions in any way you need, but in order for us to tell you how, you NEED to tell us what you need to get done. | 17:45 |
oingoboingo | does ubuntu work with mac partitions? | 17:46 |
oskar- | we shouldn't force people to tell answers, where no problems exist ;-) | 17:46 |
MTecknology | Huufarted: just stop already - you didn't have an answer, I got an answer - it's done | 17:46 |
* erUSUL smells troll | 17:46 | |
XPS_M1330 | !troll | 17:46 |
ubottu | trolling / trollish behaviour is behaviour that is considered annoying by other channel users, this includes going offtopic, asking the same question time and again getting answered and not acknowledging the answer, and these are not the only ways behaviour can be considered trolling, please see /msg ubotu guidelines - if this applies to you, you may find yourself outside the channel | 17:46 |
stip | how do i change the default boot in grub? | 17:47 |
MTecknology | oingoboingo: I think you can work with HFS partitions. | 17:47 |
MTecknology | stip: what exactly are you trying to change? | 17:47 |
erUSUL | XPS_M1330: yep it matches all that behavior | 17:47 |
oskar- | stip, change the line with "Default" in /boot/grub/menu.lst | 17:47 |
Huufarted | stip, sudo vi /boot/grub/menu.lst change the 'default' line | 17:47 |
stip | MTecknology: i;m would like to change the default boot os | 17:47 |
Huufarted | oskar-, nice timing. :) | 17:47 |
oskar- | :) | 17:48 |
MTecknology | stip: you can edit the way stated above, I think the startupmanager application can do it too | 17:48 |
MTecknology | oingoboingo: "aptitude search hfs" Gives you a list w/ nice descriptions | 17:49 |
TopKatz_ | my ff3 with swfdec-mozilla keeps barfing on youtube | 17:49 |
stip | oskar: i'm viewing menu.lst.. which default line? | 17:49 |
Aneurysm | "sudo apt-get install kgrubeditor" can edit it as well | 17:49 |
oingoboingo | ok, i have an external HD formatted on a mac, i can read from it in ubuntu, but i can't write to the drive. | 17:49 |
TopKatz_ | should I be using a different plugin? | 17:49 |
XPS_M1330 | evolution vs thunderbird, which one is less bad? | 17:49 |
oingoboingo | and it was formatted using mac os extended (journaled) | 17:49 |
Audacitee | /me is waiting for WoW support | 17:49 |
carpii | im clicking a link to a video, and firefox instead downloads a .3gp file. Is this some form of stream, and is there any software which can use it? | 17:49 |
oskar- | stip, there should be one near the beginning, without comment characters in front | 17:49 |
Audacitee | ok that doesnt work | 17:49 |
nicklas_ | hello, when im about to install eeepc-acpi-scripts with synaptic, it wants to remove acpi-support, moonos-meta and powermanagement-interface. what are these, what do they do and is it safe to remove them? im using moonos (ubuntu based but with lxde+enlightenment instead of gnome+metacity/compiz) on an asus eee 900. | 17:50 |
nicklas_ | hello, when im about to install eeepc-acpi-scripts with synaptic, it wants to remove acpi-support, moonos-meta and powermanagement-interface. what are these, what do they do and is it safe to remove them? im using moonos (ubuntu based but with lxde+enlightenment instead of gnome+metacity/compiz) on an asus eee 900. | 17:50 |
quibbler | TopKatz_: yes the flash plugin | 17:50 |
* Audacitee how about this | 17:50 | |
MTecknology | !repeat | nicklas_ | 17:50 |
ubottu | nicklas_: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search or while you wait. Also see !patience | 17:50 |
djbender | lol what is that command anyways Audacitee? | 17:50 |
stip | oskar: is this correct: "default0"? | 17:50 |
Audacitee | djbender, it/s the short version of /action | 17:50 |
nicklas_ | sorry, the whole meassage wasnt there the first time | 17:50 |
TopKatz_ | quibbler - is that in synaptec? | 17:50 |
Huufarted | nicklas_, that question is best asked at | 17:50 |
oskar- | stip, yes. simply put into a 1 or 2 | 17:50 |
* Audacitee is waiting for WoW support | 17:50 | |
* djbender thanks audacitee | 17:50 | |
stip | oskar: is it 1 or 2? | 17:51 |
* Audacitee smiles | 17:51 | |
quibbler | TopKatz_: yes or in the terminal do sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree | 17:51 |
Audacitee | cool news! | 17:51 |
TopKatz_ | k | 17:51 |
Audacitee | i didnt have to reboot after updates on this sytem | 17:51 |
vadim | hi everyone. I need some help with my webcam - it is detected and my system sees it but there is no picture - the screen is black. How can I fix it? Please help!!! | 17:51 |
Huufarted | Audacitee, you won't have to, either. :) At least not unless there's a new kernel | 17:51 |
DJones | carpii: According to this link VLC Media player can play .3gp files | 17:52 |
razor7_9962 | hello, pidgin still does not shows me the MSN account contacts | 17:52 |
Audacitee | Huufarted, that's comforting | 17:52 |
carpii | great, thanks DJones | 17:52 |
razor7_9962 | i can login correctly using aMSN or emesene | 17:52 |
stip | oskar: i'll try 1.. i'm going to reboot now.. thanks :-) | 17:52 |
Huufarted | Audacitee, rebooting a lot of times does make starting up a daemon much easier if you're not comfortable with the command line | 17:52 |
Audacitee | I just need to solve bad FPS vs Windows on WoW then i can be rid of Windoze forever | 17:52 |
razor7_9962 | anyone is having this same issue? | 17:52 |
Audacitee | Huufarted, I <3 Terminal | 17:53 |
Huufarted | Audacitee, in my opinion, dual boot with Windows for WoW. | 17:53 |
XPS_M1330 | would someone look at that page and tell me which package I should download? | 17:53 |
God_Like | i386 | 17:53 |
Audacitee | Huufarted, atm - I have to because WoW runs better in windows and Ventrillo hasn't released their Linux client yet. | 17:53 |
Aneurysm | Ventrilo works fine in wine for me | 17:54 |
XPS_M1330 | gcc2, gcc2, qt3, qt4... ? | 17:54 |
Audacitee | Aneurysm, i can get mixers | 17:54 |
vadim | hi everyone. I need some help with my webcam - it is detected and my system sees it but there is no picture - the screen is black. How can I fix it? Please help!!! | 17:54 |
Huufarted | Audacitee, until Blizzard actually releases a Linux WoW program, you are better off keeping a dual boot for Windows | 17:54 |
Audacitee | Huufarted, I agree | 17:54 |
quibbler | razor7_9962: maybe you will have more luck in #pidgin | 17:54 |
Audacitee | Huufarted, they have made an OSX version, maybe WoW 4.0 is the go | 17:55 |
Huufarted | Audacitee, OSX version was out since release if I remember right. EIther way, let's try and stay on topic with Ubuntu please. | 17:55 |
usser | Audacitee, blizzard always commited to osx | 17:55 |
quibbler | !webcam | vadim | 17:55 |
ubottu | vadim: Instructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at - Supported cams: | 17:55 |
nicklas_ | so nobody knows? | 17:56 |
Audacitee | usser, Blizzard only got serious about OSX a year after release. | 17:56 |
Audacitee | I just tied it in with the Apple is now intel thing personally. | 17:57 |
usser | Audacitee, warcraft 3 was osx since get go, they've been supporting osx for a long time | 17:57 |
razor7_9962 | ok thanks | 17:57 |
Huufarted | !ot | usser audacitee | 17:57 |
ubottu | usser audacitee: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks! | 17:57 |
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elliott | wine supplosedly runs wow perfectly | 17:57 |
Audacitee | elliott, i hear that, but it's not the case on my machine - windows runs it better | 17:58 |
aka | I am going to buy a laptop to run Ubuntu on and I was wondering if anyone is using the Intel WiFi Link 5100 mini card and if it works out of the box. If it doesn't work out the box how much of a hassle is it to get working? | 18:01 |
siropio | how to disable and start my X windows?? | 18:02 |
siropio | i dont need sometimes the interface but just the commnd line | 18:03 |
aka | is there a list of support wireless cards in ubuntu? | 18:03 |
erUSUL | siropio: sudo update-rc.d -f gdm remove | 18:03 |
Aneurysm | one moment aka I am checking | 18:03 |
kristian_ | what can i install via "sudo apt-get install ?????" to get the codecs i need to play .mp3, .avi (xvid), and other common file formats/codecs? thanks. :-) im using vlc, which comes with codec built in, i think, cause i could play .avi (xvid) with no codec install, but rhythmbox won't play .mp3's, so what do i need? :-D | 18:03 |
erUSUL | siropio: if you want to go to gui just "startx" or "sudo /etc/init.d/gdm start" | 18:03 |
erUSUL | kristian_: install ubuntu-restricted-extras package | 18:04 |
erUSUL | kristian_: "sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras" | 18:04 |
siropio | and the command to undo remove? | 18:04 |
erUSUL | siropio: sudo update-rc.d gdm defaults | 18:04 |
siropio | thanks erusul | 18:05 |
erUSUL | siropio: no problem | 18:05 |
quibbler | aka: look here: | 18:05 |
kristian_ | erUSUL : downloading right now... hope it works. :-) | 18:05 |
aka | thanks | 18:06 |
timahvo1_ | !kernel | 18:07 |
ubottu | The core of the Ubuntu Operating System is the Linux kernel: see - You shouldn't have to compile your own, but if you're convinced you do, see - See also: /msg ubottu stages | 18:07 |
Whitor | Hi. I'm trying to mount a mac image file (machd.dmg) but it is telling me it not a recognized FS type. I beleive it is compressed ... when I do a file machd.dmg I get "VAX COFF executable not stripped" any ideas ? | 18:07 |
kristian_ | i have a problem, i ran rhythmbox from terminal, and when i exit rhythmbox it does not return me so i can write further, what can i do except close the terminal? im using screen, so i dont want to close all running terminals. | 18:08 |
quibbler | Whitor: look here: | 18:09 |
nubcake | hi there, if i do a cfdisk /dev/sdh i get partition 3 ends in the final partial cynlinder. ive tried cfdisk -z, fdisk, dd bs=512 count=2 etc, and nothing seems to let me wipe out the partition table. | 18:10 |
Kurlon | Anyone have a guide to troubleshooting fdi policies? I can't for the life of me get a policy for my synaptics touch pad to have any effect. | 18:10 |
turtle_ | any thoughts on a fully rotating Desktop Shpere? | 18:11 |
nubcake | gparted reports run chkdsk /f in windows, but xp/vista/7 all lock up if i plug drive into them. | 18:11 |
_VIM_ | nubcake: have you tried the Live Partimage cd? | 18:11 |
Whitor | quibbler, thx looking now | 18:11 |
KomarX | hi, can I found her someone how talk in polish language? | 18:11 |
nubcake | _VIM_ the live gparted one yes. | 18:11 |
_VIM_ | !pl | 18:11 |
ubottu | Mozesz uzyskac pomoc w jezyku polskim na #ubuntu-pl | 18:11 |
Huufarted | !compiz | turtle_ | 18:11 |
ubottu | turtle_: Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at - help in #compiz-fusion | 18:11 |
KomarX | thc | 18:11 |
KomarX | thx;D | 18:12 |
oskar- | kristian_, it should return, hmmm.. you can call it with a & behind to run it in the background. you can press ctrl+z to stop the process and type bg to put it into background | 18:12 |
turtle_ | ubottu, ill check it out? | 18:13 |
ubottu | Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 18:13 |
quibbler | turtle_: a better place to discuss that would be #compiz-fusion | 18:13 |
turtle_ | good point | 18:13 |
kristian_ | oskar- : thanks. ctrl+z worked. :-) | 18:13 |
mikeypizano | hey, can i sync rhythmbox between comps | 18:13 |
_VIM_ | nubcake: No Gparted Live cd is different than Partimagic cd, at least I think hehe | 18:13 |
usser | mikeypizano, what do you mean? | 18:13 |
Huufarted | quibbler, he didn't know the program that did it. He was just asking how he got the 3d manipulated desktop, that's all | 18:13 |
mikeypizano | rating/play count, new songs added | 18:13 |
isi | how can I check my root filesystem at boot time? | 18:14 |
quibbler | Huufarted: ah misunderstood | 18:14 |
Ruadh | Where do I find the firewall in ubuntu? | 18:14 |
usser | mikeypizano, i'd guess its all stored in your home folder either in ~/.rhythmbox or ~/.config/rhythmbox | 18:14 |
oskar- | kristian_, remember, ctrl+z stops processes. you normally want to continue them with "bg" or "fg" | 18:14 |
quibbler | !firewall | 18:14 |
ubottu | Ubuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see, or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE). | 18:14 |
usser | mikeypizano, so copy that folder across the machines, and all your settings will get transfered apart from the collection itself of cource | 18:15 |
mikeypizano | the thing is i have 2 comps (laptop and desktop) and would like to sync both, maybe using a usb hdd? | 18:15 |
_VIM_ | mikeypizano: you could try to use rsync for what usser is talking bout | 18:15 |
Huufarted | !firestarter | Ruadh | 18:15 |
ubottu | Ruadh: please see above | 18:15 |
nicklas_ | anyone using timevault? | 18:15 |
mikeypizano | is rsync in by defualt? | 18:15 |
Huufarted | bah.... | 18:15 |
Huufarted | !firestarter | 18:15 |
ubottu | Ubuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see, or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE). | 18:15 |
kristian_ | oskar- : i closed rhytmbox by clicking the x in gui, but somehow it didnt close down in cli. (did that make sense) :-P | 18:15 |
Huufarted | mikeypizano, rsync client yes. rsyncd (daemon) no | 18:15 |
Ruadh | Huufarted and ubottu thank you | 18:15 |
mikeypizano | ah so what would i need to do | 18:16 |
Huufarted | ruadh, the program is Firestarter. sudo apt-get install firestarter | 18:16 |
usser | Ruadh, ubuntu has a built in firewall, iptables, it also comes with command line front end to iptables ufw, which is disabled by default, there are various gui frontends as well, like firestarter | 18:16 |
_VIM_ | mikeypizano: In theory you'd have to use rsync to sync both rythembox profiles | 18:16 |
Huufarted | ruadh, I'd recommend looking up the article on using Ubuntu as a router | 18:16 |
corey | Hello all! My first day using linux | 18:16 |
Huufarted | !welcome | corey | 18:16 |
ubottu | corey: Welcome to #ubuntu - the Ubuntu support channel. | 18:16 |
kristian_ | Audaciteedo most people install ubuntu-restricted-extras? and do most people install all of it? | 18:16 |
oskar- | kristian_, if it is really inactive, you can also press ctrl+c, to kill it, instead of ctrl+z. but be sure it is not yet writing its database while doing that ;) | 18:16 |
mikeypizano | so id do what exactly, sync profile to a flash drive? | 18:16 |
_VIM_ | mikeypizano: there is a GUI for rsync called grsync :) | 18:16 |
Res2216firestar | corey: Yay! enjoy | 18:17 |
_VIM_ | no | 18:17 |
corey | I am probably going to further shrink my vista partition now | 18:17 |
mikeypizano | in repo or do i add a new repo for grsync | 18:17 |
bysse | corey: remove it ;) | 18:17 |
Audacitee | corey, thats not a bad thing | 18:17 |
_VIM_ | it doesnt have to go on a flash drive unless the other comp is not connected to your network | 18:17 |
kristian_ | oskar- : alright, thanks for the info. :-) | 18:17 |
usser | kristian_, if you're on the stock default installation, then yes thats the way to go. but if you're using a different video player audio player etc then ubuntu-restricted-extra wont help you much, it will install alot of bloat however | 18:17 |
corey | I cant do that! My mom will kill me. She thinks I am going to break my laptop | 18:17 |
Huufarted | _VIM_, good morning. First time seeing you in here today. | 18:18 |
_VIM_ | Hiaya Huufarted :) | 18:18 |
mikeypizano | corey i removed vista and mine didnt break yet lol | 18:18 |
ToKico | corey: Use WUBI. | 18:18 |
Huufarted | corey, key words. YOUR laptop. | 18:18 |
usser | corey, well its YOUR laptop :) | 18:18 |
Huufarted | hahaha usser | 18:18 |
usser | lol | 18:18 |
Res2216firestar | wubi ftw | 18:18 |
Ruadh | Huufarted and ubottu I take it firestarter can be installed in Debian? | 18:18 |
corey | Yeah I know but, It would make living with her difficult | 18:18 |
Audacitee | dont use Wubi | 18:19 |
mikeypizano | if anything vista breaks it ;) | 18:19 |
ToKico | corey: How old are you? | 18:19 |
Huufarted | ruadh, I don't know any reasons why not. | 18:19 |
corey | 18 | 18:19 |
usser | dude come on! | 18:19 |
corey | I dont like wubi | 18:19 |
Ruadh | Thanks for your help | 18:19 |
Huufarted | ruadh, ubottu is just a bot. He's just our information slave. | 18:19 |
Audacitee | Hi ubottu | 18:19 |
ToKico | corey: and I'm 13, English is not my native language, but still I installed Ubuntu on my PC with WUBI. | 18:19 |
Audacitee | !bot | 18:19 |
ubottu | Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at - Usage info: | 18:19 |
Huufarted | he's like a sponge. We squeeze him and juicy bits come out | 18:19 |
mikeypizano | lol | 18:19 |
corey | I had stability probs with wubi | 18:19 |
_VIM_ | mikeypizano: unison is also nice for syncing data between two connected (local?) computers (not sure if it can do outside of local net) if you search synaptic theres a GUI for unison too i think it's Unison-gtk :) | 18:20 |
abjurian | lol | 18:20 |
mikeypizano | well, at the moment theyre on 2 diff routers but both have firewire | 18:20 |
mikeypizano | vim, may i pm u? | 18:20 |
_VIM_ | um no i dont do pm's sorry :) | 18:20 |
ToKico | corey: Then, it's safe to resize the Vista partition with GParted. I did it once and it's safe and reliable. | 18:20 |
mikeypizano | have aim or anything? | 18:21 |
_VIM_ | !pm | mikeypizano (And this is why)... | 18:21 |
ubottu | mikeypizano (And this is why)...: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first. | 18:21 |
corey | Thats what I did | 18:21 |
mikeypizano | actually i was just looking to chat | 18:21 |
corey | It took 5 hours to shrink my 250G vista partion by 20G! | 18:21 |
_VIM_ | mikeypizano: its better to ask the room for support issues , chat is in #Ubuntu-offtopic | 18:21 |
otacon | corey: you should of format it and install ubuntu over :P | 18:22 |
mikeypizano | oh | 18:22 |
otacon | i dual boot and god i dont use window anymore | 18:22 |
ToKico | corey: Of course, that's normal. Today I resized a 4gb usb stick partition to 1gb and it took almoust 15min | 18:22 |
corey | I still need to transfer all my funny pictures... | 18:22 |
mikeypizano | can i sync unison with fw400? | 18:22 |
rakudave | otacon: +1 :-D | 18:22 |
otacon | lol | 18:22 |
corey | I had no idea it would take that long and I had to miss class | 18:22 |
=== mouse_ is now known as mouse | ||
Otacon22 | hey, he is a my clone! | 18:22 |
ToKico | corey: you could install on a separate partition, then, when you're ready, remove vista partition. | 18:23 |
MountainX | after I install Ubuntu (8.10, alternate CD 64 bit) on a computer with 5 HDD's, and reboot at the end, the computer fails to boot (black screen, blinking cursor, no message). I think it is looking in the wrong place for the /boot partition. What is the correct way to install a boot partition that isn't on (hd0,0)? | 18:23 |
usser | mikeypizano, or you can just tar your entire home directory and copy it over to the other machine, that will transfer ALL your setting for all your apps | 18:23 |
otacon | rakudave: im having a hard time with my usplash screen settings :P | 18:23 |
Serraphyn | does anyone know of a text to speech program for ubuntu? | 18:23 |
corey | thats what i did | 18:23 |
_VIM_ | mikeypizano: well I do know unison has the capability to do ssh connections, not sur ebout Firewire though. | 18:23 |
otacon | Otacon22: wait a sec :P | 18:23 |
lasivian | everything looks right but I have no wifi | 18:23 |
=== otacon is now known as xshell | ||
mikeypizano | well i could always unplug second router... | 18:23 |
corey | This is also my first time on IRC and I am loving it | 18:23 |
xshell | ndiswrapper | 18:23 |
mikeypizano | how do i use grsync? | 18:23 |
ToKico | corey: Then what's your problem? (not my intention to offend) | 18:23 |
vadim | how can I add gspca module to kernel? | 18:23 |
lasivian | wifi shows up in ifconfig and iwconfig, the right driver is loaded that has worked before, Even gnome shows a wireless connecting but shows no networks | 18:23 |
_VIM_ | just type it in a terminal mikeypizano | 18:23 |
lasivian | i'm totally stumped | 18:24 |
corey | What do you mean? | 18:24 |
Res2216firestar | Do you have a question? | 18:24 |
mikeypizano | i opened the gui app, i mean options wise and stuff | 18:24 |
corey | Why do I still have vista? | 18:24 |
mikeypizano | vim, can unison do the files too?? | 18:24 |
nick_h[laptop] | is it possible to improve/increase your wifi card's signal strength? | 18:25 |
_VIM_ | mikeypizano: one last thing if you wanted this to be automatic like every day, you can use gnome-schedule (GUI for cron) and set up rsyncs command in that | 18:25 |
ToKico | corey: No, what are you doing in this chat, what is your question, your problem (if any) :D | 18:25 |
_VIM_ | mikeypizano: of course | 18:25 |
MountainX | anyone know how to install new deb packages into the command shell of the alternate CD installer? It is /bin/sh. | 18:25 |
mikeypizano | ah | 18:25 |
Serraphyn | Has anyone done Text to Speech with linux or now how to do it, please let me know, I'm trying to make a laptop for a friend that was recently unable to speak due to a stroke and woul dlike to give him something simple where he can push buttons to do simple replies. | 18:25 |
quibbler | !festival | Serraphyn: | 18:25 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about festival | 18:25 |
guss606 | hello | 18:25 |
corey | Oh. I didnt know that this was for support only. | 18:25 |
clandestine_j | nick_h[laptop]: not usually on the card end, but if you are using something like OpenWRT on your router you can change power/sensitivity settings there | 18:26 |
guss606 | i need help guys | 18:26 |
_VIM_ | !info festival | 18:26 |
ubottu | festival (source: festival): General multi-lingual speech synthesis system. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.96~beta-7ubuntu1 (intrepid), package size 895 kB, installed size 2656 kB | 18:26 |
Res2216firestar | !ask guss606 | 18:26 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about ask guss606 | 18:26 |
corey | What is a good general chat channel? | 18:26 |
praet | !ask | guss606 | 18:26 |
ubottu | guss606: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) | 18:26 |
=== Myrtti_ is now known as Myrtti | ||
ToKico | corey: no, no! sorry! it's not only for support, it's for anything related ubuntu. sorry :D | 18:26 |
C_Kode | Hey all. Someone stripped all the config options out of the menu of Ubuntu. I was able to start restricted-manager and enable restrictied drivers, but nvidia-settings says nothing is running. Second, I cannot change the resolution of the monitor. I have Desktop Resolution, but it only offers 600x800 | 18:26 |
quibbler | _VIM_: thanks | 18:26 |
nick_h[laptop] | clandestine_j: unfortunately, i'm not running OpenWRT/Tomato/etc | 18:26 |
_VIM_ | #ubuntu-offtopic for chatting | 18:26 |
mikeypizano | see heres the thing, i have over 9k songs, and i lost all my ratings (THANKS ITUNES!) and i use ratings to weed through my collection (1 star = delete, 2-5 = keep) | 18:26 |
ToKico | corey: yes, i can't find one too... | 18:27 |
guss606 | i just installed 8.10, and i updated to kernal 11 | 18:27 |
C_Kode | Anyone know how to change these settings | 18:27 |
neeto | If I had adobe flash 9 installed, and I instlalled flash 10 with a .deb package, how do I uninstall flash 9, which I installed through a binary? | 18:27 |
Reav3r | Hey guys, I'm using Ubuntu Server and I installed several NICs. Three of the four are PCI, and the three PCI NICs aren't listed in ifconfig | 18:27 |
C_Kode | Ubuntu 8.0.4 | 18:27 |
Reav3r | How do I install then? | 18:27 |
corey | NP. No one will judge you for being mean to a noob such as myself | 18:27 |
mikeypizano | so i keep deleteing stuff, like duplicates | 18:27 |
guss606 | when i restarted, it said "system halted" | 18:27 |
nick_h[laptop] | clandestine_j: i've just booted into Intrepid on my MacBook Pro, and i'm finding that i have poor wireless reception | 18:27 |
corey | not what I meant | 18:27 |
guss606 | so now i booted on kernal 7 | 18:27 |
ToKico | neeto: you can install over it | 18:27 |
guss606 | what should i do | 18:27 |
Reav3r | I grabbed the 3c905x drivers, but I have no idea what to do with them. | 18:27 |
_VIM_ | mikeypizano: correct, your ratings are stored onto a file in .rythembox folder | 18:27 |
corey | It could sound mean | 18:27 |
Serraphyn | When i search for FESTIVAL in add/remove it shows a codec package and kttsmgr, are those the programs I should install? | 18:27 |
clandestine_j | nick_h[laptop]: Are you using your own access point or on a public wifi? | 18:28 |
mikeypizano | ok, i have an ipod, can i make it so i can sync to rythmbox on BOTH comps? | 18:28 |
ToKico | corey: you want a generel chat channel, right? and i said me too. | 18:28 |
_VIM_ | mikeypizano: so this is why you need grsyn/unison type app to have rythembox profile on both comps | 18:28 |
corey | I am having problems draging things with my touchpad | 18:28 |
mikeypizano | id prefer to sync all my meda to my usb hdd | 18:28 |
bazhang | corey, ToKico #ubuntu-offtopic is that channel | 18:28 |
andersfeder | I have a frustrating problem - the Ubuntu screensaver does not accept my password. Going into a console (Ctrl-F1), logging into a shell, and killing the screensaver works, but... I would really rather that it just accept my password. What do I do? | 18:28 |
corey | cool thanks! | 18:28 |
neeto | ToKico: ok it's good thanks | 18:28 |
ToKico | cool! | 18:28 |
_VIM_ | mikeypizano: I think Amarok does that but im not too sure... | 18:29 |
ToKico | neeto: you're welcome | 18:29 |
guss606 | anybody? | 18:29 |
nick_h[laptop] | clandestine_j: my own access point. it's a new-ish Linksys WRT54G | 18:29 |
mikeypizano | dont like amarok | 18:29 |
lasivian | is anyone running madwifi drivers on ath5k? | 18:29 |
corey | how do i change channels? | 18:29 |
_VIM_ | mikeypizano: and the same principle would work for Amarok's folder | 18:29 |
mikeypizano | corey "/join #" | 18:29 |
corey | thanks and goodbye! | 18:29 |
ToKico | thanks mikey | 18:29 |
mikeypizano | no problem | 18:29 |
MountainX | what is the best channel for help installing Ubuntu? | 18:30 |
Reav3r | Anyone? | 18:30 |
_VIM_ | this one | 18:30 |
mikeypizano | vim, the thing is for desktop, id prefer to keep files on usb hdd since if my friend pulls through, im replacing this vaio soon | 18:30 |
clandestine_j | nick_h[laptop]: So you have a few options with bad reception: 1- you can move; 2- get higher gain antennae for your router 3- install OpenWRT on your WRT54G and change the settings on it. Or possibly a combination of those. | 18:30 |
mikeypizano | would i have to do library seperate? | 18:31 |
tiredbones | I'm using distro 8.10. I just installed oo 3.0. when i enter the command man openoffice --version, openoffice start up. is the a know problem? | 18:31 |
_VIM_ | mikeypizano: well that's possible too with rsync/grsync or unison , very very powerful app , not much it cannot do. :) | 18:31 |
guss606 | I just reinstalled ubuntu 8.10, and i updated it. it updated the kernal to 11, when the system restarted it said "system Halted" and it won't boot, so now I'm booting from kernal 7... what should i do? please help!! | 18:31 |
tiredbones | I'm using distro 8.10. I just installed oo 3.0. when i enter the command openoffice --version, openoffice start up. is the a know problem? | 18:31 |
mikeypizano | ok so can u walk me threw setting up grsync real quick? | 18:31 |
* lasivian sighs | 18:31 | |
victoria | hi | 18:32 |
_VIM_ | mikeypizano: no, just set the library on computer 1.... let grysnc/unison transfer stuff to computer 2 | 18:32 |
mxiao | #ubuntu | 18:32 |
nick_h[laptop] | clandestine_j: yeah, i've thought about each of those options. however, they fix the problem at the router rather than at my box. if i move to a different location, i'll have poor reception again | 18:32 |
mikeypizano | how do i set it to transfer tho | 18:32 |
_VIM_ | mikeypizano: did you install it yet? just type grsync in a term | 18:32 |
mikeypizano | i did | 18:32 |
lasivian | no wifi, it shows up in ifconfig and iwconfig, the right driver is loaded that has worked before, Even gnome shows a wireless connecting but shows no networks, any ideas? | 18:32 |
nick_h[laptop] | clandestine_j: by "move to a different location", i mean to a different router/wifi network | 18:32 |
mikeypizano | but i need to set up first run | 18:33 |
nick_h[laptop] | lasivian: how close to the wifi AP are you? | 18:33 |
kylefox | so this might be a silly question -- but is there an easy way to install git on ubuntu? | 18:33 |
lasivian | nick_h[laptop]: 14 inches | 18:33 |
Scunizi | !git | 18:33 |
ubottu | Git is a distributed revision control/software code management project created by Linus Torvalds. For more information, see | 18:33 |
clandestine_j | nick_h[laptop]: 14 inches from it?! You are probably desensing the receiver on the card. If you are that close, plug in | 18:34 |
lasivian | nick_h[laptop]: this was working just recently, I tried to add a newer usb wifi item with a different chipset and since then it has not worked even after rebuilding the madwifi drivers | 18:34 |
Scunizi | sorry .. should have done that with /msg.. I was just curious what it was. | 18:34 |
guss606 | HELLLOOOOO | 18:34 |
Reav3r | Is there a special way to install PCI Nic drivers? Or do I need to recompile the kernal? | 18:34 |
guss606 | ppl good evening plz i need help ...!! | 18:34 |
_VIM_ | mikeypizano: ok you need to set up a source and destination... so you have to choose if you want computer #1 to put the data on a usb or whatnot... | 18:34 |
clandestine_j | nick_h[laptop]: The power density at that range is probably just wailing the card inside your comp. | 18:34 |
mxiao | hello, new to ubutnu and linux OS need help | 18:34 |
nick_h[laptop] | clandestine_j: no no, i'm about 6 feet from the router. lasivian is 14" away | 18:34 |
mikeypizano | ok, so where is source again | 18:35 |
_VIM_ | so source would be something like /home/mikey/.rythembox/ or however it's spelled | 18:35 |
erUSUL | Reav3r: most drivers come already with the kernel. just plug the pci card and boot | 18:35 |
Scunizi | Reav3r: Most all nic's are recognized and functional.. if your's isn't they are cheap and you might consider just replacing what you have. | 18:35 |
MountainX | where can I get advanced help installing Ubuntu? | 18:35 |
erUSUL | !install | MountainX | 18:35 |
ubottu | MountainX: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see for documentation. Problems during install? See - Don't want to use a CD? Try - see also !automate | 18:35 |
Reav3r | It's a 3com 906 | 18:35 |
mikeypizano | k hold on, how big is this file? | 18:35 |
Reav3r | 905* | 18:35 |
clandestine_j | nick_h[laptop]: phew... have you tried reorienting your antennae? | 18:35 |
_VIM_ | mikeypizano: its very small prolly under 2 megs at the most | 18:36 |
MountainX | is ubottu a bot? | 18:36 |
Reav3r | I checked their support site, and they have the driver modules for Redhat | 18:36 |
_VIM_ | yes it is MountainX | 18:36 |
andersfeder | where is the best place to get community support for ubuntu? | 18:36 |
MountainX | thx | 18:36 |
Reav3r | But it wouldn't let me ./install3c905 | 18:36 |
mikeypizano | ok so i can use a sm all drive, wanted to make sure before i tried to dump 40gb onto a 1gb drive | 18:36 |
Res2216firestar | andersfeder: Ubuntu forums or here | 18:36 |
_VIM_ | andersfeder: I already answered you, it's here :) | 18:36 |
=== fader is now known as fader|lunch | ||
Scunizi | Reav3r: does the live cd work? if it does and you have internet connectivity then you don't need their drivers. | 18:36 |
nick_h[laptop] | clandestine_j: yeah, i've tried a few different antenna positions. i think the ath9k driver's performance must be poor | 18:37 |
_VIM_ | mikeypizano: unless you planning on syncing /home you should be ok | 18:37 |
=== n_nick is now known as dragon_flam | ||
dragon_flam | hi | 18:37 |
Reav3r | Scunizi: I don't have a LiveCD, it's just pure Ubuntu Server. The onboard works. | 18:37 |
mikeypizano | oh i can sync whole /home? thats a good idea lol | 18:37 |
dragon_flam | how to enable the medibuntu repository in the synaptic | 18:37 |
nick_h[laptop] | clandestine_j: i'm just wondering if it's possible to bump up the sensitivity of the wifi card or driver | 18:37 |
_VIM_ | /home can get pretty large after awhile, 5 gigs+ easy, and that's zipped | 18:37 |
fosco__ | !medibuntu | dragon_flam | 18:38 |
_VIM_ | yes you can | 18:38 |
ubottu | dragon_flam: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See | 18:38 |
Reav3r | Scunizi: I'm using eBox to substitute for a router. | 18:38 |
onaogh | yo all | 18:38 |
mikeypizano | mines like 50, but for backups, great ida | 18:38 |
andersfeder | _VIM_: you answered my first question? i dont see the answer | 18:38 |
erUSUL | Reav3r: lspci | grep -i net | 18:38 |
dragon_flam | !no | fosco__ | 18:38 |
ubottu | fosco__: Hvis du vil diskutere på Norsk, vennligst gå til #ubuntu-no. Takk! | 18:38 |
MountainX | how do I join | 18:38 |
Reav3r | erUSUL: IIRC, it gave me the 509 drivers but not the 905 | 18:38 |
_VIM_ | !ask | andersfeder | 18:38 |
ubottu | andersfeder: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) | 18:38 |
quibbler | dragon_flam: | 18:38 |
dragon_flam | I meant not via .. | 18:38 |
Scunizi | Reav3r: so if you want to test the nic card put it in and have the server use it as a test | 18:38 |
clandestine_j | nick_h[laptop]: It may also be inaccurate - the power calculations are based on dB above noise threshhold. It is unlikely you can tailor those settings - they're most likely hardware based. If there was anything that could do it, I would try madwifi | 18:39 |
clandestine_j | you may want to thumb through the docs there | 18:39 |
Reav3r | Scunizi: I had them working on Windows 2003 for months, so I'm sure they work. | 18:39 |
dragon_flam | i had done this before also .. there was a cmd that i entered in the terminal and i got default medibuntu extras in the normal synaptic | 18:39 |
mikeypizano | ugh i hate touchpads sometimes | 18:39 |
andersfeder | _VIM_: ???? i think you need to take a little break from this channel now and then | 18:39 |
_VIM_ | me too | 18:39 |
Scunizi | Reav3r: plug them in and see if they work on linux without any additional drivers. | 18:39 |
mikeypizano | i cant find .rythmbox | 18:39 |
dragon_flam | !sex | fosco__ | 18:39 |
=== ZeRo_FeniX_ is now known as ZeRo_FeniX | ||
ubottu | fosco__: Some things are inappropriate for #ubuntu. Controversial topics, which often turn into flame wars: war, race, religion, politics, gender, sexuality, drugs, questionably legal activities, suicide are not for here. Microsoft software in ##windows (Please note Freenode Policy) | 18:39 |
_VIM_ | um ok | 18:40 |
mxiao | hello I an new to ubuntu and need hellp | 18:40 |
Reav3r | Scunizi: Would I test if they work by ifconfig eth1 up | 18:40 |
quibbler | dragon_flam: what version of ubuntu do you have | 18:40 |
fosco__ | dragon_flam, please, stop it | 18:40 |
dragon_flam | hehe ok ok | 18:40 |
dragon_flam | sorry | 18:40 |
theunixgeek | If I understand the points of CinePaint correctly, can I drag in a black-and-white video and color it? | 18:40 |
bobbob1016 | I have a failing / drive. When I boot from CDROM/USB it gives me errors, any ideas? | 18:40 |
dragon_flam | i got ubunt 8.10 | 18:40 |
lasivian | hrrm, it's only using the wireless usb adapter now and ignoring the on-board wifi | 18:40 |
mxiao | can anyone help me? | 18:40 |
Scunizi | Reav3r: that might work but don't forget to take eth0 down | 18:40 |
quibbler | dragon_flam: sudo wget --output-document=/etc/apt/sources.list.d/medibuntu.list | 18:40 |
Reav3r | Scunizi: When I tried it, it says eth1-3 don't exist. | 18:40 |
nick_h[laptop] | clandestine_j: i started to install madwifi, but "m-a a-i madwifi" failed to find the madwifi sources. also, wasn't madwifi abandoned/discontinued? | 18:40 |
nubcake | if i plug a usb hard drive in, i should see info under /proc/bus/usb right ? | 18:41 |
Reav3r | Scunizi: The cards also have no power, the lights are not on, at all. | 18:41 |
onaogh | there are license issues, metasploit cant be packaged. | 18:41 |
perone | oi | 18:41 |
quibbler | dragon_flam: then the key: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install medibuntu-keyring && sudo apt-get update | 18:41 |
mxiao | if someone can see this type "1" please | 18:41 |
siropio | i forgot the most important after "sudo update-rc.d -f gdm defaultes" which command i am suposed to give for restart???? | 18:41 |
onaogh | 1 | 18:41 |
Xyc0 | How do you change DNS through network manager? It keeps changing it back :\ | 18:41 |
Reav3r | 1 | 18:41 |
clandestine_j | 1 | 18:41 |
Scunizi | For months I've been moving data between my vm of win2k and ubuntu (same box) now when I try and ubuntu askes for my uname and pass I get "The credentials supplied conflict with an existing set of credentials".. nothing has changed to make this happen.. where do I start to diagnose this? | 18:41 |
mxiao | thanks new to irc | 18:42 |
Vog-work | What is the proper way to ask for help with a previously reported bug that hasn't beenfixed yet? | 18:42 |
onaogh | mxiao welcome | 18:42 |
Scunizi | Reav3r: do lspci to see where they are actually located.. I'm not the best at this networking stuff. you're getting into areas that I don't have any specific info on. | 18:42 |
siropio | i forgot the most important after "sudo update-rc.d -f gdm defaults" which command i am suposed to give for restart??? | 18:42 |
lasivian | sigh, this is really starting to annoy me, the wireless works on the new USB adapter, but the onboard adapter does not function at all, even tho all settings show it SHOULD | 18:43 |
=== Nakjeido2 is now known as TimothyA | ||
dragon_flam | o cool | 18:43 |
dragon_flam | thanks guy | 18:43 |
Reav3r | Scunizi: You mean, get the actual hardware location (PCI bus nunber, etc?) | 18:43 |
dragon_flam | thanks quibbler | 18:43 |
Scunizi | Reav3r: that and maybe just ifconfig to see where it's listed. | 18:44 |
_VIM_ | Now i have a question myself... I installed cairo-dock but it's very very slow, I looked on google and apparently there's a few bugs that were filed, but I didnt see a easy solution, does anyone know if this issue is or will be fixed soon? It's a really cool dock! :) | 18:44 |
mxiao | hello, trying to run pydev on eclipse, but can't locate the python interpreter, can someone help? | 18:44 |
lasivian | how do I remove an installed driver? | 18:44 |
Reav3r | Scunizi: Do you know of any NICs that are plug and play compatible with Ubuntu? | 18:44 |
baz | hey, i always start an ssh socks proxy on my work computer to my home. I remeber there being a nice little gui utility that resided in the tray that helps manage these connections... anyone remember what it is? | 18:45 |
dragon_flam | how to get libproxy | 18:45 |
dragon_flam | libproxy-1.0 | 18:45 |
dragon_flam | package | 18:45 |
onaogh | VIM, make icons smaller | 18:45 |
baz | dragon_flam, is that directed at me? | 18:45 |
onaogh | bigger icons make it slow | 18:45 |
dragon_flam | do u know how to install libproxy-1.0 package | 18:46 |
dragon_flam | its something to do with libsoup | 18:46 |
lasivian | my atheros does not show in the gnome listing, but it does show in iwconfig and ifconfig | 18:46 |
dragon_flam | i hope u know tht | 18:46 |
Scunizi | Reav3r: most everything that I've ever tried.. linksys, 3Com etc. | 18:46 |
=== corey is now known as ubernewb | ||
_VIM_ | hmmm ok ill give that a try,,, from what i read, the issue is more related to it not using glib or something onaogh | 18:46 |
_VIM_ | ty :) | 18:46 |
=== ToKico is now known as Geek2 | ||
dragon_flam | !baz | learn | 18:46 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about baz | 18:46 |
_VIM_ | oh i remember, it wont use opengl, so that's why it goes 100% cpu onaogh | 18:47 |
dragon_flam | !learn | baz | 18:47 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about learn | 18:47 |
=== Geek2 is now known as ToKico | ||
dragon_flam | !sex | aleX-xx | 18:47 |
ubottu | aleX-xx: Some things are inappropriate for #ubuntu. Controversial topics, which often turn into flame wars: war, race, religion, politics, gender, sexuality, drugs, questionably legal activities, suicide are not for here. Microsoft software in ##windows (Please note Freenode Policy) | 18:47 |
onaogh | i had it once, slow like that. making icons smaller made it normal | 18:47 |
Reav3r | <-- Would that work? | 18:47 |
Scunizi | After activating a share do I have to restart a service for the system to make that share accessable? | 18:48 |
dragon_flam | can some one help me with libsoup | 18:48 |
dragon_flam | libproxy-1.0 | 18:48 |
dragon_flam | !breasts | aleX-xx | 18:48 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about breasts | 18:48 |
dragon_flam | !breast | aleX-xx | 18:48 |
hatter243 | Scunizi, like after you enter it in the samba config? Yes /etc/init.d/smb restart | 18:48 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about breast | 18:48 |
onaogh | why u want install cairo anyway | 18:48 |
lasivian | why screw it, i'll just reinstall | 18:48 |
=== ubernewb is now known as obscenity | ||
onaogh | make it simple | 18:48 |
dragon_flam | !boobs | aleX-xx | 18:48 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about boobs | 18:48 |
dragon_flam | !pussy | aleX-xx | 18:48 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about pussy | 18:49 |
onaogh | mxaio check pvt | 18:49 |
lasivian | it worked before so it'll probably work again if I wipe the drive | 18:49 |
quibbler | dragon_flam: knock it off | 18:49 |
Scunizi | hatter243: I'll give that a shot.. I actually right mouse clicked it .. It's been working for months w/my vm of win2k and suddenly stopped.. just trying to rectify it. | 18:49 |
=== Geek`N`Proud` is now known as Geek`N`Proud | ||
onaogh | where is metasploit channel | 18:49 |
* lasivian throws her notebook out the window | 18:49 | |
hatter243 | Scunizi, wait... is this problem on win2K or a samba share on ubuntu? | 18:49 |
onaogh | on which server / | 18:49 |
=== ToKico is now known as filthy | ||
=== filthy is now known as filthy-shower-ca | ||
hatter243 | bazhang, how did you request the kick? I was wondering about what to do about that fellow... | 18:50 |
=== filthy-shower-ca is now known as ToKico | ||
onaogh | brb | 18:50 |
lasivian | how can I "make uninstall"? | 18:51 |
Huufarted | hatter243, in an emergency you can use !ops | 18:51 |
Scunizi | hatter243: on ubuntu.. win2k trys to connect and I'm prompted for username and password but then it fails with "The credentials supplied conflict withan existing set of credentials." | 18:51 |
hatter243 | Huufarted, cool deal, thanks! | 18:51 |
Newfie_rich | Hey all, anyone know of a good game i can download? I got a not money and a week of nothing to do lol | 18:51 |
webkit_s | !talk | dragon_flam | 18:52 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about talk | 18:52 |
Huufarted | hatter243, it gets about 50 ops in here all at once to clean stuff up. | 18:52 |
webkit_s | ok | 18:52 |
webkit_s | so how to stop a person from unnecessarily talk | 18:52 |
webkit_s | :) | 18:52 |
hatter243 | Huufarted, hah, what about just one punk? 50 seems a touch excessive | 18:52 |
masterCocaine | Hi :) | 18:52 |
Huufarted | newfie_rich, get Charred Earth 3D | 18:52 |
Huufarted | hatter243, nothing's excessive when that happens | 18:52 |
G-Bleezy | Does anyone know how i can force network manager to connect to the internet through wlan0 even if an internet connection through ethernet (eth0) is available?? | 18:52 |
Newfie_rich | Huufarted: thanks | 18:52 |
mxiao | hello I am new to ubuntu and need help | 18:52 |
Huufarted | newfie_rich: do this on google: top 10 games on ubuntu | 18:52 |
djbender | G-Bleezy, turn off your eth0? | 18:53 |
Huufarted | !ask mxiao | 18:53 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about ask mxiao | 18:53 |
masterCocaine | any Ubuntu developers here? | 18:53 |
Huufarted | !ask | mxiao | 18:53 |
ubottu | mxiao: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) | 18:53 |
G-Bleezy | lol I need both on | 18:53 |
webkit_s | how to install libproxy 1.0 | 18:53 |
=== mg is now known as pingvinas | ||
pingvinas | hello | 18:53 |
djbender | G-Bleezy, not sure :-/ | 18:53 |
Newfie_rich | HuFarthed thanks | 18:53 |
G-Bleezy | i need to send files on my network connected to via eth0...over the internet which is connected on wlan0 | 18:53 |
Huufarted | Question about vino, the default VNC server in Ubuntu. I have mine set to listen, but netstat -an does not show anything listening on 5900 and I can't connect to it. I'm connecting locally on a LAN | 18:53 |
lasivian | I have a wireless issue when anyone has some time, thanks | 18:54 |
Huufarted | !tab | newfie_rich | 18:54 |
ubottu | newfie_rich: You can use <tab> for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line. | 18:54 |
mxiao | I am trying to run pydev on eclipse, but can't locate the python interpreter | 18:54 |
Scunizi | hatter243: I know I"ve had samba installed but when I sudo /etc/init.d/smb restart nothing is happening.. | 18:54 |
giovani | Huufarted: is the process running? | 18:54 |
Scunizi | hatter243: doh! /etc/init.d/samba restart | 18:54 |
Huufarted | giovani, is it 'vino'? | 18:54 |
hatter243 | Scunizi, :P | 18:55 |
GaRRu | what is the name of the square workspace changer?? | 18:55 |
giovani | Huufarted: I don't know ... look | 18:55 |
* lasivian needs to know how to remove a compiled driver since it is probably screwing things up | 18:55 | |
bazhang | !cube | GaRRu | 18:55 |
ubottu | GaRRu: Compiz-Fusion (and the older Compiz and Beryl) are window managers that employ the "composite" extension of X to draw windows using graphics cards' 3D hardware. They can additionally provide "desktop special effects" (such as the "cube") by means of plug-ins. Join #compiz-fusion for help and support with advanced features. See also « /msg ubotu compiz » and « /msg ubotu effects » | 18:55 |
Huufarted | giovani lol if I don't know the name, I don't know what to grep for in ps -ef. nothing with vino shows up, however | 18:55 |
oskar- | webkit_s, install it using you package manager. if it is not in the ubuntu repository, then perhaps in that of debian. in this case download the deb and install it with: dpkg -i file.deb | 18:55 |
giovani | Huufarted: then who says the process has been started? | 18:55 |
masterCocaine | hi, my name is Phaneendra, Im from India. I want to participate in Ubuntu development. Iv been using ubuntu from 3yrs now and am pretty comfortable with the environment. But the prob is i dunno where to start with, with my skills and all. any1 ther to help? | 18:55 |
mib_pm48lft1 | i hav a problem in ubuntu | 18:55 |
mib_pm48lft1 | plz hep me | 18:56 |
Huufarted | giovani, I'm going off of the system-preferences-remote desktop | 18:56 |
Scunizi | hatter243: It restarted but same issue. :( | 18:56 |
giovani | Huufarted: you're asking us why it doesn't have a listening port open -- either you've misconfigured it, it's broken, or it's not running in the first place | 18:56 |
webkit_s | thanks oskar | 18:56 |
Huufarted | right, giovani. I understand that. That's what I'm trying to figure out. I don't know if it's handled through inetd or if it's a standalone | 18:56 |
hatter243 | Scunizi, try smbpasswd -a <username> | 18:56 |
giovani | Huufarted: yeah, unfortunately, neither do I -- but I'd figure out how to start it first :) | 18:56 |
mib_pm48lft1 | i am not able to login in my GUI | 18:56 |
Huufarted | giovani, if it's under inetd, you won't see vino and if it's standalone, I assume I would. But since I don't know for sure how it's set up (but I'd assume standalone), I'm not entirely sure how to proceed | 18:57 |
frankS2 | Hi, why has ubuntu "pulseaudio"? doesnt it use OSS or ALSA?? | 18:57 |
mib_pm48lft1 | but can login in CUI | 18:57 |
lasivian | I have a wireless issue when anyone has some time, thanks | 18:57 |
Huufarted | giovani, yeah frustrating. Thanks, bud. | 18:57 |
jbuncher | !ask | 18:57 |
ubottu | Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) | 18:57 |
giovani | Huufarted: in the file list for vino I see /usr/lib/vino/vino-server | 18:58 |
giovani | I don't know if that's its executable, despite being in lib | 18:58 |
lasivian | jbuncher: I have been asking, for a few hours now, and I figured it would be less annoying if I just asked every so often till someone had some time | 18:58 |
giovani | | 18:59 |
Scunizi | hatter243: nope.. same result.. gad I hate networking with windows.. | 18:59 |
giovani | I'd read that | 18:59 |
webkit_s | !sex | Aperobic | 18:59 |
ubottu | Aperobic: Some things are inappropriate for #ubuntu. Controversial topics, which often turn into flame wars: war, race, religion, politics, gender, sexuality, drugs, questionably legal activities, suicide are not for here. Microsoft software in ##windows (Please note Freenode Policy) | 18:59 |
bazhang | webkit_s, stop that now | 18:59 |
webkit_s | ok sorry | 18:59 |
webkit_s | learnt something new so tried | 19:00 |
webkit_s | :) | 19:00 |
webkit_s | was having a blast lol | 19:00 |
bazhang | webkit_s, next time is removal | 19:00 |
elad` | I know this might not be the right channel: As preparation for writing my own mail reader, I'm trying to send myself an email manually, via telnet. However, telneting to on port 25 doesn't work. Why? | 19:00 |
* lasivian has a wireless issue with an ath5k adapter not working, probably tied to adding an edimox usb wifi adapter and doesn;t know how to fix it, any ideas? | 19:00 | |
webkit_s | ok ok | 19:00 |
webkit_s | i said nah sorry | 19:00 |
lasivian | right now I have no wireless with either adapter and I don;t know how to remove the new drivers | 19:00 |
giovani | elad`: because is not the name of their SMTP server, obviously | 19:00 |
* webkit_s is quite sorry.. being a developer its hard to act kiddish but being kid inside its weird to be all grown up | 19:00 | |
bazhang | !ot | webkit_s | 19:01 |
ubottu | webkit_s: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks! | 19:01 |
scott_ino | hey i got a question.. how do i make it so i don't automaticaly login to this channel via xchat, because it's annoying | 19:01 |
elad` | How does one find out the name of the server, when given only the address of the recipient, giovani? | 19:01 |
webkit_s | hey | 19:01 |
oshua86 | hello | 19:01 |
giovani | elad`: sounds like you need to learn the basics of DNS and mail | 19:01 |
eth01 | it's | 19:01 |
Scunizi | webkit_s: you can play with the bot privately by /msg ubottu !<topic> | 19:01 |
giovani | elad`: you'd look up the mx record for | 19:01 |
mib_pm48lft1 | i am not able to login in GUI of ubuntu 8.04 but can login in CUI . when i boot ubuntu it asks for username and password after that desktop screen appears but no icons or top and panel panel are shown .only mouse pointer is shown with no effect on clicking. onlu CUI works. can anyone help me out | 19:01 |
giovani | eth01: that's actually the client-side smtp server | 19:01 |
bazhang | webkit_s, this is not a chat channel | 19:01 |
frostburn | what's the ubuntu/debian way of adding/removing a service without manually editing the rc.* | 19:01 |
webkit_s | ok | 19:01 |
lasivian | How do I uninstall a compiled third party driver? | 19:01 |
webkit_s | sorry | 19:02 |
jatt | hi I do wanna test if the internal microphone of my laptop is working how can I do that? | 19:02 |
giovani | not the incoming smtp server for the internet | 19:02 |
jatt | is there an application to record voice? | 19:02 |
elad` | giovani: The book I'm reading has said nothing about mx records. | 19:02 |
eth01 | giovani: yes, which is A named to several different ones - which google update unexpectedly. | 19:02 |
giovani | elad`: I don't know what book you're reading | 19:02 |
oshua86 | do u see my screen name? | 19:02 |
zimbres | to uninstall a software that was installed with make install, should I just type "make uninstall"? | 19:02 |
hatter243 | Scunizi, I guess I'm not that awesome. I think you're having trouble with Samba and not Ubuntu. maybe #samba will be of more help to you | 19:02 |
bazhang | oshua86, yes | 19:02 |
lasivian | zimbres: no, I tried that it doesn't work | 19:02 |
frostburn | zimbres, yes if it has an uninstall script as well | 19:02 |
giovani | eth01: they're different than external smtp servers | 19:02 |
eth01 | giovani: unfortunately not. | 19:03 |
mib_pm48lft1 | i am not able to login in GUI of ubuntu 8.04 but can login in CUI . when i boot ubuntu it asks for username and password after that desktop screen appears but no icons or top and panel panel are shown .only mouse pointer is shown with no effect on clicking. onlu CUI works. can anyone help me out | 19:03 |
giovani | eth01: yes, they are | 19:03 |
Scunizi | hatter243: I'll give them a shot.. of couse I might get "ubuntu changes things" but I'll deal with that if it comes to it. | 19:03 |
eth01 | giovani: no. please stop, also. | 19:03 |
elad` | giovani: What should I connect to, then? | 19:03 |
mib_pm48lft1 | i am not able to login in GUI of ubuntu 8.04 but can login in CUI . when i boot ubuntu it asks for username and password after that desktop screen appears but no icons or top and panel panel are shown .only mouse pointer is shown with no effect on clicking. onlu CUI works. can anyone help me out | 19:03 |
giovani | elad`: you should connect to one of the servers listed in the mx records for | 19:04 |
mib_pm48lft1 | i am not able to login in GUI of ubuntu 8.04 but can login in CUI . when i boot ubuntu it asks for username and password after that desktop screen appears but no icons or top and panel panel are shown .only mouse pointer is shown with no effect on clicking. onlu CUI works. can anyone help me out | 19:04 |
eth01 | for your reference. | 19:04 |
ZeRo_FeniX | Don't spam bro | 19:04 |
mib_5co2lhui | can anyone help me with scp i cant get it working | 19:04 |
mib_pm48lft1 | i am not able to login in GUI of ubuntu 8.04 but can login in CUI . when i boot ubuntu it asks for username and password after that desktop screen appears but no icons or top and panel panel are shown .only mouse pointer is shown with no effect on clicking. onlu CUI works. can anyone help me out | 19:04 |
elad` | How do I find out the mx records for a given site? | 19:04 |
ZeRo_FeniX | mib_pm48lft1: Don't spam you're going to get kicked. | 19:04 |
inSanity_ | hey ppl | 19:04 |
mib_5co2lhui | scp wont copy the files i need | 19:04 |
Pici | !repeat | mib_pm48lft1 | 19:04 |
ubottu | mib_pm48lft1: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search or while you wait. Also see !patience | 19:04 |
mib_pm48lft1 | i am not able to login in GUI of ubuntu 8.04 but can login in CUI . when i boot ubuntu it asks for username and password after that desktop screen appears but no icons or top and panel panel are shown .only mouse pointer is shown with no effect on clicking. onlu CUI works. can anyone help me out | 19:04 |
inSanity_ | anyone familiair with the awesome window manager? | 19:04 |
eth01 | elad`: | 19:04 |
eth01 | (for the second time) | 19:04 |
mib_5co2lhui | !patience | 19:05 |
ubottu | The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See | 19:05 |
giovani | eth01: you seem to want the last word -- if you do dig mx you WILL get a different list than doing a dig a on | 19:05 |
oskar- | mib_5co2lhui, what do you type, and what do you expect? | 19:05 |
elad` | eth01: Generally speaking, not specifically gmail, though? | 19:05 |
giovani | for internal | 19:05 |
eth01 | giovani: that is what you asked for. | 19:05 |
giovani | for external | 19:05 |
webkit_s | !seduce | 19:05 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about seduce | 19:05 |
eth01 | giovani: it's 'dnsless' - wouldn't work nonetheless | 19:05 |
mib_5co2lhui | scp -r "george@" "\" | 19:06 |
giovani | elad`: you need to look up the mx records for -- you can do this with dig, or any other tool by doing "dig mx" | 19:06 |
giovani | however, this is not something the mail client does | 19:06 |
giovani | this is something the MTA does | 19:06 |
Pici | mib_5co2lhui: Are you running an SSH client on " | 19:06 |
mib_5co2lhui | im trying to copy that directory from my linus server to my windows desktop | 19:06 |
giovani | so, your mail client shouldn't be involved in this process | 19:06 |
mib_pm48lft1 | sorry for repeated questions | 19:07 |
mib_5co2lhui | yes im using putty on the windows desktop located at | 19:07 |
Pici | mib_5co2lhui: You can't do that from within putty. You'd have to use pscp.exe from within windows to copy files from a remote ssh server to your local windows computer. | 19:07 |
oskar- | mib_5co2lhui, do you use also a ssh server on the machine | 19:08 |
elad` | giovani: I'm writing an email client. It can't have that done manually. | 19:08 |
giovani | elad`: your mail client does not talk to the receiving smtp server directly | 19:08 |
giovani | that's what an MTA is for | 19:08 |
elad` | Oh, right. Silly me. | 19:08 |
mib_5co2lhui | no, I do not have a server, but i though i could copy it through putty ohh well | 19:08 |
giovani | your mail client talks to YOUR MTA (your smtp server) | 19:08 |
giovani | and your MTA talks to gmail's MTA | 19:08 |
giovani | and it handles lookup the MX records for the domain | 19:09 |
Pici | mib_5co2lhui: pscp.exe is available on the PuTTY website | 19:09 |
mib_pm48lft1 | can anyone help me plz? | 19:09 |
giovani | your client does not get involved with that | 19:09 |
zimbres | in what directories the system looks for shared libraries by default? | 19:09 |
eth01 | giovani: you are being a bit too specific | 19:09 |
eth01 | giovani: google has different setups for mail services. | 19:09 |
mib_5co2lhui | Pici: ok sounds great just one question if i was running server i could copy it no problem right? | 19:09 |
giovani | haha | 19:09 |
Iceman_B | is there any way of determining the ssh host fingerprint of a machine before I connect to it remotely via putty ? | 19:09 |
oskar- | zimbres, cat /etc/* | 19:10 |
victoria | hello, i just download a new splash screen from i now just wonder how can i change it? where is that option? | 19:10 |
inSanity_ | Iceman_B, what do you mean? | 19:10 |
giovani | I'm being specific to this situation -- he wants to know how an MTA locates the proper smtp server to communicate with for | 19:10 |
eth01 | giovani: not everybody has the free gmail ;-) | 19:10 |
oskar- | zimbres, afaik that gives the ansver | 19:10 |
oskar- | w | 19:10 |
giovani | if you're not using "free gmail" then you're not using | 19:10 |
inSanity_ | Iceman_B, a fingerprint is received when you connect | 19:10 |
giovani | which is what he asked for | 19:10 |
inSanity_ | not earlier | 19:10 |
Pici | mib_5co2lhui: If you were running an SSH server locally you could ssh to the remote server and scp | 19:10 |
mib_pm48lft1 | i am not able to login in GUI of ubuntu 8.04 but can login in CUI . when i boot ubuntu it asks for username and password after that desktop screen appears but no icons or top and panel panel are shown .only mouse pointer is shown with no effect on clicking. onlu CUI works. can anyone help me out | 19:10 |
eth01 | giovani: too complicated. nevermind. | 19:10 |
mib_5co2lhui | Pici: ohh ok makes sense thanks fo r the help | 19:10 |
giovani | welcome to my ignore list -- someone who can't differentiate the mx records list from an a record for | 19:11 |
=== Res2216firestar is now known as res|eat | ||
inSanity_ | mib_pm48lft1, do you use special characters? | 19:11 |
eth01 | giovani: thanks | 19:11 |
mib_5co2lhui | Pici: hmm pscp.exe doesnt seem to be working | 19:11 |
Iceman_B | inSanity_: when I connect to a machine, I receive a fingerprint, right? How do I know that fingerprint is correct? The remote machine is server I recently set up | 19:11 |
Pici | mib_5co2lhui: You'd have to run it from within dos. | 19:11 |
mib_5co2lhui | Pici: would i just put it in the same folder for the functionability or something? | 19:11 |
mib_pm48lft1 | inSanity: i dont hav used | 19:11 |
hellocuckoo | hello, Im interested in Ubuntu development but dunno where to start with my skill set... any1 there to help ?? | 19:11 |
Pici | !contribute | hellocuckoo | 19:11 |
ubottu | hellocuckoo: To contribute and help out with Ubuntu, see | 19:11 |
mib_5co2lhui | ohh its dos lol ok thanks | 19:11 |
ZeRo_FeniX | mib_pm4lft1: well if you aren't worried about losing anything I'd just write 0s to the drive and start from scratch personally. What Interface are you trying to use? Gnome? | 19:12 |
raylu | Iceman_B: by connect, you mean over ssh, not ssl (https, etc), right? | 19:12 |
mib_pm48lft1 | i hav cui running. But can i get my gui back to previous state? | 19:13 |
hellocuckoo | ubottu: iv seen that, i read about MOTU and all that stuff....but i cudnt find any clear way.....iv logged into ubuntu india and ubuntu-devel channel, but got no answer | 19:13 |
ubottu | Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 19:13 |
Iceman_B | raylu: yes, I connect via putty, using ssh | 19:13 |
inSanity_ | Iceman_B, excuse me | 19:13 |
ZeRo_FeniX | lol | 19:13 |
raylu | Iceman_B: your .ssh/known_hosts keeps track of keys you've seen before. you could add the fingerprint of the server manually to that file if you really wanted to be sure | 19:13 |
raylu | Iceman_B: ssh only keeps track of keys its seen before and makes sure they match. https has the benefit of certificate authorities | 19:13 |
Iceman_B | I simply want to determine the fingerprint of my own server | 19:14 |
aka | hey guys I am looking for a laptop that ubuntu supports for under $1000, anyone ahve advice? | 19:14 |
Pici | hellocuckoo: Someone responded to you in -devel | 19:14 |
* lasivian has a wireless issue with an ath5k adapter not working, probably tied to adding an edimox usb wifi adapter and doesn;t know how to fix it, any ideas? | 19:14 | |
inSanity_ | Iceman_B, the public key is stored into | 19:14 |
inSanity_ | your authorized_hosts | 19:14 |
inSanity_ | file | 19:14 |
mib_5co2lhui | Pici: hmm im getting connection refused for some reason | 19:14 |
Iceman_B | okay | 19:14 |
giovani | Iceman_B: ssh-keygen -l -f /etc/ssh/ssh_host_rsa_key | 19:14 |
hellocuckoo | ya got it | 19:15 |
Iceman_B | ahhh, I see | 19:15 |
mib_pm48lft1 | ZeRo_FeniX: can i get my xserver back to previous state? | 19:15 |
inSanity_ | when the fingerprint changes, your ssh client will notice | 19:15 |
giovani | Iceman_B: that will print the fingerprint of your server's key | 19:15 |
raylu | inSanity_: known_hosts, you mean | 19:15 |
inSanity_ | yeah :) | 19:15 |
Iceman_B | giovani: thanks | 19:15 |
raylu | inSanity_: but he's asking about the first time | 19:15 |
Iceman_B | exactly | 19:15 |
Pici | mib_5co2lhui: pscp remoteserver:/path/to/file c:\path\to\dir\ | 19:15 |
ZeRo_FeniX | mib_pm4lft1: You could try reinstalling your Interface or trying a new one like Xfce, but I'm no expert so I'm not really sure. | 19:15 |
Iceman_B | giovani: I got the fingerprint, thanks! | 19:15 |
hellocuckoo | with java, webdesigning html/css/js and php..... any advise where to start | 19:15 |
mib_pm48lft1 | ZeRo_FeniX thanx for the reply | 19:16 |
giovani | Iceman_B: have fun -- there's also a new feature in OpenSSH 5.1 I think that has "visual" fingerprints | 19:16 |
mib_pm48lft1 | i will try reinstalling | 19:16 |
giovani | Iceman_B: to make it easier to identify, rather than a long string of numbers | 19:16 |
* lasivian needs a wifi guru | 19:16 | |
* lasivian grovels | 19:16 | |
Iceman_B | im running OpenSSH 5.1p1, apaprantly | 19:16 |
zimbres | An executable is complaining It cannot find a shared library "" but the file is in /usr/local/lib/root/ does anyone have any idea about what is happening? | 19:17 |
giovani | Iceman_B: you can run ssh-keygen -l -v -f /etc/ssh/ssh_host_rsa_key | 19:17 |
giovani | to get the "visual" fingerprint | 19:17 |
wwWolf | servus @all | 19:17 |
oskar- | lasivian, what is the question? | 19:17 |
Iceman_B | ah. cool. lemme try that | 19:17 |
inSanity_ | giovani, gee never knew that | 19:17 |
giovani | inSanity_: it's a brand-new feature | 19:17 |
lasivian | oskar-: how can I figure out why my wifi shows up in ifconfig and iwconfig yet not in gnome? | 19:17 |
wwWolf | :-) o no german baba | 19:17 |
=== sylvain is now known as Guest62811 | ||
Iceman_B | haha, what a funky picture | 19:18 |
giovani | | 19:18 |
giovani | there's some more info on using it on the client | 19:18 |
lasivian | oskar-: everything looks right and has worked before but it is not working now | 19:18 |
giovani | if it's not on by default in your client's openssh config | 19:18 |
oskar- | lasivian, is there a line entry in /etc/network/interfaces for the network device name of your wifi device? | 19:18 |
M1DLG | I have done something and cant get back to the desktop - trying to avoid a reboot. x is running, but in the background? io have text login only, how do i get back to non-text gui | 19:19 |
giovani | M1DLG: ctrl-alt-f7 | 19:19 |
lasivian | oskar-: no | 19:19 |
M1DLG | cool thank you | 19:19 |
selocol_ | I'm using urxvt and it doesn't support all the colors. I think it only has 88 colors. What's a terminal with a lot of colors? | 19:19 |
=== selocol_ is now known as selocol | ||
oskar- | lasivian, ok... if you right-click on the network connections icon next to the clock, is wireless networking enabled? | 19:20 |
M1DLG | the wine app i was running has crashed thiough and i cant shut it down, any ideas? | 19:20 |
lasivian | oskar-: yes | 19:20 |
giovani | M1DLG: identify the process, and kill -9 it | 19:20 |
M1DLG | i'll play | 19:21 |
giovani | you can find the process by looking at the output of "ps aux | 19:21 |
giovani | " | 19:21 |
Pici | M1DLG, giovani: kill -9 is overkill. Try just kill first. | 19:21 |
dayo_ | M1DLG: ps -aux | grep wine | 19:21 |
dinsdale07 | Is there a way to get "smooth scrolling" with Compiz using the wheel of my mouse? I don't want jump 10px every time but shift the screen more gradually | 19:21 |
giovani | Pici: it was just in the effort of shortening the instruction list | 19:22 |
zimbres | I am not finding the environment variable LD_LIBRARY_PATH shouldn't it be defined by default? | 19:22 |
oskar- | lasivian, and if you left-click on it, is there a caption with wireless networks? | 19:22 |
M1DLG | soi i need the text interface again then log-in followed by some way of veiwing running tAsks? | 19:22 |
giovani | M1DLG: you can do this from a gui terminal | 19:22 |
M1DLG | i dont have full gui - the wine app is taking over the whole screen | 19:23 |
lasivian | oskar-: yes, but with no interfaces listed | 19:23 |
giovani | M1DLG: then yes, you should switch into a tty | 19:23 |
giovani | ctrl-alt-f1 | 19:23 |
M1DLG | i am coping a disk so cvant shut down | 19:23 |
dayo_ | M1DLG: open you terminal and type: ps aux | grep wine the row that contains the word wine, look for the number in the second column. use that number in this command: kill -9 <number> | 19:23 |
M1DLG | thank you all | 19:23 |
dayo_ | M1DLG: did it work? | 19:24 |
M1DLG | i dont know how i got to the text interfACE so i'm still trying that bit | 19:24 |
oskar- | lasivian, the list below the caption normally contains wlan ssids, not interfaces | 19:24 |
giovani | M1DLG: I told you -- ctrl-alt-f1 | 19:24 |
M1DLG | sry | 19:24 |
giovani | will bring up the first tty | 19:24 |
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dayo_ | M1DLG: which desktop environment? gnome? | 19:25 |
giovani | then run the command(s) dayo_ just mentioned | 19:25 |
M1DLG | thinnk so | 19:25 |
jarco | whats the command to get in the compis configuration screen again in cli? | 19:25 |
areay | i want to set up centralized logins and authentication for my network. i've looked at openldap, but it's ridiculously overcomplicated and i have no real need for windows compatibility. | 19:25 |
lasivian | oskar-: it shows eth0 under wired and nothing under wireless | 19:25 |
dayo_ | M1DLG: if gnome,in your Menu bar click Applications --> Accessories ---> Terminal | 19:25 |
lasivian | there are no ssids listed for wireless access points | 19:25 |
giovani | dayo_: he's said twice that the entire screen is white, and taken over by wine | 19:26 |
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dayo_ | giovani: sorry, i must have missed that. | 19:26 |
mib_5co2lhui | Pici: pscp -r "george@" "C:\aram" thats exactly what I'm doing and its saying security violation: remote host attempted to write to a '.' or '..' path! | 19:26 |
dayo_ | M1DLG: try Alt+F2 then in the pop-up type: gnome-terminal | 19:27 |
=== doppler|zzzZZZzz is now known as dopplerdeffect | ||
jarco | whats the command to get in the compiz configuration screen again in cli? | 19:27 |
dayo_ | jarco: try typing compiz, then press TAB twice | 19:28 |
fooman | hello people | 19:28 |
dayo_ | !welcome | fooman | 19:28 |
ubottu | fooman: Welcome to #ubuntu - the Ubuntu support channel. | 19:28 |
jarco | dayo_, thx i just found it its ccsm | 19:28 |
fooman | anyone could help me with troubleshooting ar5007eg? | 19:28 |
dayo_ | jarco: cool | 19:28 |
mib_5co2lhui | why do i get security violation: remote host attempted to write to a '.' or '..' path! | 19:28 |
n_nick | on_flam | 19:29 |
porter1 | Which channel is ubuntu app devel? | 19:29 |
=== n_nick is now known as dragon_flam | ||
fooman | anyone could help me with troubleshooting ar5007eg? kismet doesn't see any network. | 19:29 |
fooman | anyone could help me with troubleshooting ar5007eg? kismet doesn't see any network. | 19:29 |
uptill3 | Anyone know how to get the dpkg equiv. of 'rpm -qa --changelog' ? | 19:30 |
areay | how can i set up centralized logins for my network? i want the linux equivalent of a domain controller and active directory... but without the windows compatibility | 19:30 |
uptill3 | areay: look into OpenLDAP | 19:30 |
uptill3 | areay: OpenLDAP + nsswitch and pam_ldap will do it | 19:31 |
uptill3 | areay: there's also Kerberos and NIS+ (I'd go with openldap or kerberos though) | 19:31 |
areay | uptill3, i've looked at openldap, but it's ridiculously overcomplicated... all the tutorials i've followed are like 12 pages long and don't work | 19:31 |
uptill3 | areay i fyou use pam_ldap, you can simply use a windows ad server if that's easier for you | 19:32 |
mib_5co2lhui | why isnt pscp -r george@ C:\ working in pscp | 19:32 |
=== Andre_gondim_ is now known as Andre_Gondim-afk | ||
uptill3 | mib_5co2lhui: what's it say | 19:32 |
lasivian | does anyone have experience with madwifi drivers and ath5k chipsets? | 19:32 |
M1DLG | Thanks guys, it didn't work - i must hjave had something worse going on - there was a random beep and then it rebooted - i didn't kill the wrong app and judging by the disk noise that MIGHT have finnished copying | 19:32 |
mirak | hi | 19:32 |
mib_5co2lhui | security violation: remote host attempted to write to a '.' or '..' path! | 19:33 |
mirak | is there package with xine vdpau somewhere ? will vdpau be integrated to jaunty ? | 19:33 |
M1DLG | ....but i have learned some thing from everyone | 19:33 |
areay | uptill3, it would be easier to use windows i know... but i really wanted to go with linux | 19:33 |
areay | uptill3, without the 47 huge config files and guesswork | 19:33 |
areay | uptill3, i know they used to go hand-in-hand, but that was like 10 years ago... does nobody care enough about centralized logins to make a gui? | 19:34 |
h141 | hi all | 19:34 |
uptill3 | areay: there is a gui for openldap now | 19:34 |
fooman | anyone could help me with ar5007eg? kismet doesn't see any network. the capture source is madwifi_g,wifi0,madwifi | 19:35 |
uptill3 | mib_5co2lhui: windows doesn't like writing those . files I guess, with pscp - it supposedly works in cygwin | 19:35 |
areay | uptill3, to setup and configure it? i found that phpldapadmin thing but it didn't help much... | 19:35 |
uptill3 | areay: heh, you can try using a different ldap server | 19:36 |
areay | uptill3, i've scoured google and the ubuntu docs, and there is no straightforward guide or program that i can find to do the job | 19:36 |
uptill3 | areay: try using Sun Java Directory Server or uh | 19:36 |
fooman | anyone could help me with ar5007eg? kismet doesn't see any network. the capture source is madwifi_g,wifi0,madwifi. googled a lot about it, nothing as far. | 19:36 |
uptill3 | areay: or redhat directory server | 19:36 |
uptill3 | areay: but no, openldap does suck from that perspective still :) | 19:37 |
areay | uptill3, i know it's free, but jeez | 19:37 |
mario__ | hello | 19:37 |
mib_5co2lhui | uptill3: lol windows doesnt like writing the avi file and folder that is in there? | 19:37 |
areay | uptill3, they'd have to pay me to use it | 19:37 |
mario__ | new to this | 19:37 |
zimbres | I'm having lots of problems because some environment variables are not defined by default, where could I find a file containing some definitions? | 19:37 |
uptill3 | mib_5co2lhui: try doing a user@host:/path/* instead of just the /path/ | 19:37 |
uptill3 | areay: Oh, and if you dont mind non-opensource, Novell's eDirectory rocks socks and runs on linux | 19:38 |
uptill3 | not sure if it runs on ubuntu yet or not | 19:38 |
uptill3 | but it kicks serious ass | 19:38 |
uptill3 | zimbres: what kind of defintions? | 19:38 |
mario__ | rigth does anyone anything about this modded version of ubuntu 8.04 for acer one minilaptops? | 19:38 |
uptill3 | zimbres: of your environment variables? | 19:38 |
mario__ | called linux4one | 19:38 |
uptill3 | 'env' will show you whats' currently defined | 19:38 |
areay | uptill3, thanks i'll check it out :) | 19:39 |
uptill3 | areay: no prob | 19:39 |
baz | i am trying to use an application that accesses ports 7001, 7002, and 443 from behind a restricted network. The app does not support a SOCKS proxy, but it does support an http proxy. The problem is (i think) that an http tunnel can only be set on one port at a time. So i can get hald the app to work by tunneling port 7001 thru ssh to my home pc, but not the others. I also tried tsocks but that didn't seem to help. Any ideas? | 19:39 |
uptill3 | areay: I've used edirectory with 150k+ users on 30k machines (windows and linux) | 19:39 |
balachmar | Hi, does anybody know an imageviewer that can create a slideshow of various directories at once? | 19:39 |
mario__ | ok ignore me then thats ok thought linux users were friendly people guess thats not the case | 19:39 |
lasivian | madwifi-hal driver no workie, should ath_pci or ath_hal be blacklisted? | 19:39 |
balachmar | mario__ They generally are though :) | 19:40 |
oskar- | lasivian, that seems to be normal behaviour. a second wifi card would get a second wireless caption with a own list of ssids | 19:40 |
mario__ | cvould have fooled me | 19:40 |
glenrock | mario__: sorry, don't know anything about it | 19:40 |
elad` | When telneting to my mail transfer agent, what should my HELO line look like? | 19:40 |
uptill3 | elad`: depends on the MTA | 19:40 |
mib_5co2lhui | uptill3: i tried going another folder deep and now im getting this: multiple-level wildcards unsupported any clues>? | 19:40 |
Lint01 | use gcc | 19:40 |
lasivian | oskar-: the second wifi card has been removed | 19:40 |
balachmar | mario__ What is your problem? | 19:40 |
elad` | uptill3: Generally? | 19:40 |
Pici | !compile | saurabh | 19:40 |
ubottu | saurabh: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first) | 19:40 |
balachmar | saurabh : Try installing build-essential | 19:40 |
uptill3 | elad`: HELO domainname/hostname | 19:41 |
lasivian | oskar-: right now I just want to go back to what previously worked, namely the madwifi-hal drivers. | 19:41 |
uptill3 | elad`: HELO | 19:41 |
elad` | uptill3: Of? My own? | 19:41 |
elad` | uptill3: Won't it be rejected as spam if I put in the wrong thing? | 19:41 |
uptill3 | elad`: typically it's of the domain/hostname you are connecting from | 19:41 |
uptill3 | elad`: depends entirely on the configuration of the MTA you're connecting to | 19:41 |
oskar- | lasivian, if you have tow, their names are shown. if you have only one, its name is hidden | 19:41 |
fooman | anyone could help me with wireless Atheros card AR5007EG? kismet doesn't see any network. the capture source is madwifi_g,wifi0,madwifi. googled a lot about it, nothing as far. | 19:41 |
elad` | uptill3: I don't know where I'm connecting from. | 19:41 |
areay | uptill3, it's like almost 8pm where i am... realistically, no matter what i use, am i gonna get this set up tonight? i mean non open-source means paying for it and waiting for software to show up, and (it seems that) open-source means spending 10 years of trial-and-error editing config files and hoping for the best... | 19:42 |
uptill3 | fooman: does the card connect/associate? | 19:42 |
vadim | Please anyone! I really need your help! Need to get working my Gembird CAM44U webcam. It is detected but the output is only the black screen. Please help me out. | 19:42 |
uptill3 | areay: heh, probably not? | 19:42 |
lasivian | oskar-: when I plug in the usb it shows 2 devices, but neither of them is the ath/madwifi that is onboard, nor do either of them work | 19:42 |
uptill3 | elad`: then make something up? | 19:42 |
fooman | as far as i tried form terinal, no | 19:42 |
areay | uptill3, lol thanks... i'll go crack open a beer then ;) | 19:42 |
fooman | *terminal | 19:42 |
zimbres | uptill3, yes, some executables are not finding shared libraries and headers, how to solve this? | 19:42 |
uptill3 | areay: enjoy! | 19:42 |
Bram_P | My wifi doesn't work in my whole house, what can I do about it that I can access it from all rooms? | 19:42 |
uptill3 | zimbres: check out ldconfig | 19:43 |
areay | uptill3, thanks :) i'm quite literally drinking away my problems... :P | 19:43 |
lasivian | oskar-: it shows a list of ssids, but the boxes that should show connection strength are all empty | 19:43 |
uptill3 | areay: works for me! | 19:43 |
areay | uptill3, lol | 19:43 |
fooman | uptill3, as far as i tried form terminal, no | 19:43 |
balachmar | Does anyone know a pricture viewer that can make a slideshow view of multiple directories? | 19:43 |
uptill3 | areay: maybe after a few beers, the openldap docs will make more sense :) | 19:43 |
TheGambler | Hi, I tried to get FreeNX running last night on Hardy. When I tried to connect with NX Client, it kept saying FreeNX was not running even though I know it was. Are there any gotchas with FreeNX configuration, as far as iptables, sshd_config, etc.? | 19:43 |
uptill3 | fooman: can you confirm that the card is seen by linux, and that there is a wifi network to see? | 19:43 |
oskar- | lasivian, maybe the driver does not report signal strengths? if the device can detect ssids, it is working at least a bit ,9 | 19:44 |
oskar- | ;) | 19:44 |
Tiffany | Hello my name is Tiffany and I'm new to Ubuntu | 19:44 |
areay | uptill3, maybe on acid they would... i think that's what the developers were taking when they wrote the docs | 19:44 |
fooman | uptill3, yes, i see wifi0 | 19:44 |
mib_5co2lhui | Multiple-level wildcards unsupported - what the hell i sthat supposed to mean? | 19:44 |
lasivian | oskar-: but the ath5k by itself does not work at all, and I have no idea how to figure out why | 19:44 |
Tiffany | Trying to figure some things out | 19:44 |
uptill3 | mib_5co2lhui: it means winscp makes that sort of crap WAY easier :) | 19:44 |
lasivian | oskar-: dmesg | grep madwifi comes up with nothing, which doesn't make any sense | 19:44 |
uptill3 | mib_5co2lhui: I always hated pscp | 19:45 |
elad` | uptill3: I keep getting it discarded as spam. | 19:45 |
mib_5co2lhui | lol | 19:45 |
Trijntje | I'm having problems with remote login form ubuntu to xubuntu. `vncviewer` from ubuntu times out. I have vino installed on the xubuntu box. Any suggestions? | 19:45 |
Tiffany | Can someone help me? I can't get the cube working. | 19:45 |
mib_5co2lhui | yeah wtf wildcards cmon | 19:45 |
uptill3 | elad`: does it reject you immeadiately after your HELO ? | 19:45 |
vadim | Please anyone! I really need your help! Need to get working my Gembird CAM44U webcam. It is detected but the output is only the black screen. Please help me out. | 19:45 |
elad` | Not immediately. After I finish the DATA. uptill3 | 19:45 |
elad` | uptill3: Maybe it's looking for my username and password? What's the syntax for providing those? | 19:45 |
mib_5co2lhui | the cube, the cube u need to turn on compiz fusion | 19:46 |
ZeRo_FeniX | is there a channel for vbox on here? | 19:46 |
lasivian | oskar-: I rebuilt the driver and rebooted and nothing changed | 19:46 |
oskar- | lasivian, look for the network device name and search for that in the output of dmesg | 19:46 |
pochi | Hi. What program must I install to be able to type Japanese in Firefox? | 19:46 |
uptill3 | elad`: there is no user/pass for SMTP necessarily | 19:46 |
Tiffany | I think its on. the wobbly effect is working, and I have the cube option on. | 19:46 |
fooman | uptill3, i see only wifi0 as a w/l interface, there is also ath0, but not shown on ifconfig | 19:46 |
dragon_flam | how to install sqlite3 i want to install tht i get it installed in synaptic buts i get error msg on terminal No package 'sqlite3' found Consider adjusting the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable if you installed software in a non-standard prefix. | 19:46 |
elad` | uptill3: How would the server know the message is really coming from whoever is claiming to be it in the MAIL FROM header, then? | 19:47 |
lasivian | oskar-: it finds the chip and uses an atheros driver it seems | 19:47 |
oskar- | lasivian, isn't it supported out of the box in ubuntu? (i don#t know; i had luck in three cases) | 19:47 |
vadim | Please anyone! I really need your help! Need to get working my Gembird CAM44U webcam. It is detected but the output is only the black screen. Please help me out. | 19:47 |
uptill3 | elad`: it doesn't, which is why you can spoof emails | 19:47 |
uptill3 | vadim: take the tape off the camera? :) | 19:47 |
mib_5co2lhui | uptil3: theres no difference between winscp and lets say filezilla right? they both have sftp | 19:47 |
elad` | uptill3: OK. Why does it think I'm sending spam, though? | 19:47 |
uptill3 | mib_5co2lhui: yeah, they should both work | 19:47 |
dragon_flam | uhh guys my problem | 19:47 |
lasivian | oskar-: which should be disabled, I followed the directions here: | 19:47 |
Daisetsu | vadim: it's unlikely that the device is supported, or you're missing some codec that it use. | 19:48 |
vadim | uptill3: very funny)) this is the last thing i did)) lol)) | 19:48 |
Trijntje | vadim: have you tried turning up the brightness? sometimes it is that simple | 19:48 |
uptill3 | elad`: depends on a bunch of things - my MTA will reject your email as spam if your HELO hostname and the reverse DNS of your IP don't match | 19:48 |
uptill3 | elad`: for example | 19:48 |
Tiffany | I can't add more than one desktop, dont you have to have more than one of have the cube work? | 19:48 |
uptill3 | Tiffany: I think so | 19:49 |
elad` | uptill3: So I should do "HELO <my own IP>"? | 19:49 |
lasivian | Tiffany: where are you trying to add another workspace? | 19:49 |
fooman | uptill3, are you there? | 19:49 |
uptill3 | elad`: do you control the MTA you're telneting to? | 19:49 |
uptill3 | fooman: yeah, sorry | 19:49 |
fooman | uptill3, i see only wifi0 as a w/l interface, there is also ath0, but not shown on ifconfig | 19:49 |
Tiffany | in the compizconfig settings | 19:49 |
vadim | Daisetsu: it works partially when i load module gspca-zc3xx with parameter force_sensor=7 but the picture is wrecked totally | 19:49 |
uptill3 | fooman: does ifconfig -a show ath0? | 19:49 |
Tiffany | manager | 19:49 |
elad` | uptill3: No. | 19:49 |
oskar- | lasivian, i have never used that driver and don't know enough about it to help you. sorry... | 19:49 |
vadim | Trijntje: how do I turn up the brightness? | 19:50 |
Trijntje | Tiffany: you can set more desktops in the 'compizconfig settings manager' under general options | 19:50 |
fooman | uptill3, nah | 19:50 |
uptill3 | elad`: what's the rejectio message say specifically? | 19:50 |
Tiffany | ok I'm going to look | 19:50 |
lasivian | Tiffany: which catagory? | 19:50 |
uptill3 | fooman: what sees ath0 then? | 19:50 |
uptill3 | kismet? | 19:50 |
=== Nakjeido2 is now known as TimothyA | ||
fooman | uptill3, only airmon-ng stop | 19:50 |
elad` | 250 2.7.0 Ok, discarded, id=21179-13 - SPAM | 19:50 |
Tiffany | under # of desktops it won't let me do more than one | 19:50 |
gaintsura | whats a really slim wm? | 19:50 |
Trijntje | vadim: sometimes the program you try to use the webcam with has some configuration options. Brightness is usualy one | 19:50 |
uptill3 | gaintsura: xfce | 19:50 |
fooman | uptill3, it was there before but disappeared | 19:50 |
Tiffany | desktop size | 19:51 |
Cool_Nick | mkinitramfs/upgrade-initramfs does not work for me...I cant seem to find mkinitrd. (does not work means 'waiting for root filesystem' during boot up) | 19:51 |
gaintsura | uptill3: tbh I didn't like xfce | 19:51 |
vadim | Daisetsu: btw when I run lsusb it detects my cam as Z-Star Microelectronics Corp. USB 1.1 WebCam | 19:51 |
uptill3 | elad`: do you knwo fi they're running spamassassin or anything? | 19:51 |
uptill3 | gaintsura: icewm? | 19:51 |
lasivian | I need help with an aspire one and the madwifi-hall driver, thanks | 19:51 |
uptill3 | gaintsura: the ultimate in light wms is lwm :) | 19:51 |
vadim | Daisetsu: and as far as I know it can be run on Linux but I don't know how to do it | 19:51 |
elad` | uptill3: No. I suppose they are. I'm trying to learn more about SMTP, etc., by programming a simple mail reader/sender. Maybe I should use some free, public server for these debugging runs? You know of any? | 19:52 |
fooman | uptill3, btw, i'm using bt4 beta based on ubuntu | 19:52 |
Trijntje | vadim: you might want to google the ID xxxx:xxxx part of the output from lsusb. That is the unique identifier for the webcam | 19:52 |
spike_ | is there someone have a tutorial for conky please : ) | 19:52 |
fooman | uptill3, hope it helps | 19:52 |
ozzloy | it prints out all files in all directories made 7 days ago | 19:52 |
uptill3 | elad`: you could always setup your own localhost setup? or create a gmail account :) | 19:52 |
ozzloy | how do i count the number of files in directories created 7 days ago? i'm stuck at find . -maxdepth 1 -type d -mtime 7 -print0 | xargs -0 ls | 19:52 |
Bram_P | I have a laptop in a room which my wifi signal doesn't reach, how can I make that it does work and it can find the wifi? | 19:52 |
Tiffany | I still can't add more than one desktop | 19:52 |
histo | spike_: the config is pretty much the tutorial. If you go on the forums theres a lot of usefull info. | 19:53 |
Tasha | all hello . âñåì ïðèâåò | 19:53 |
elad` | uptill3: I have a gmail account. Why? What's that got to do with it? | 19:53 |
spike_ | histo: ok I'll check it | 19:53 |
uptill3 | elad`: you can telnet to gmail's mta and tst against it that way? | 19:53 |
histo | spike_: theres a subsection on the forums for desktop customization and stuff. | 19:53 |
Bram_P | I have a laptop in a room which my wifi signal doesn't reach, how can I make that it does work and it can find the wifi? | 19:53 |
Audacitee | where does my screen shots go when i save after prnt screen button? | 19:54 |
uptill3 | fooman: when was ath0 there but not now? previous bt version? | 19:54 |
Rave1_ | Tiffany right click panel click add to apnel scroll to desktop switcher add that to panel | 19:54 |
ozzloy | Audacitee: check your desktop | 19:54 |
Bram_P | I have a laptop in a room which my wifi signal doesn't reach, how can I make that it does work and it can find the wifi? | 19:54 |
elad` | uptill3: Had problems with that before. Plus, I've always thought people couldn't fake mails from my gmail account. Don't they use something a little more sophisticated? | 19:54 |
Audacitee | ozzloy, not there | 19:54 |
fooman | uptill3, before i made airmonstop | 19:54 |
uptill3 | Bram_P: get a btetter atennna or stronger access point | 19:54 |
tripps | how do I restart the audio system on ibex? once again audacious crashed, leaving my audio system borked, with the last note of music playing constantly over and over again | 19:54 |
ozzloy | Audacitee: but there should also be a dialogue window that pops up and asks you where to save | 19:54 |
ozzloy | Audacitee: is there a popup dialogue? | 19:54 |
Tiffany | I don't know where you talking about | 19:54 |
uptill3 | elad`: smtp is smtp... | 19:54 |
Bram_P | uptill3: just at the local computer store? | 19:55 |
porter1 | When you move a symbolic link in nautilus, will it break the location of the link? | 19:55 |
Audacitee | ozzloy, nah it's in /home/user/ | 19:55 |
elad` | uptill3: So anyone can send mail from <myaccount> | 19:55 |
Trijntje | I'm having problems with remote login form ubuntu to xubuntu. `vncviewer` from ubuntu times out. I have vino installed on the xubuntu box. Any suggestions? | 19:55 |
ozzloy | Audacitee: oh. cool then. | 19:55 |
elad` | My god, why don't people switch to a better standard?! | 19:55 |
uptill3 | elad`: not TO your gmail account as you, but yeah, I could send an email to somebody as you | 19:55 |
Rave1_ | Tiffany windows user would callit the task bar | 19:55 |
uptill3 | elad`: because it works everywhere :) | 19:55 |
zimbres | uptill3, For example the executable is not finding "iostream" and Rtypes.h(that is in /usr/local/include/root/Rtypes.h). | 19:55 |
victoria | hello, can someone help me please.. i download a splash screen from gnome-look and now i would like to change the ubuntu one with this one.. how can i do that? | 19:55 |
uptill3 | elad`: the solution is to digitally sign your stuff :) | 19:55 |
tripps | is there a way to restart the audio system in ubuntu without rebooting? it is very unstable and at the whim of crappy audio software | 19:55 |
Tiffany | ok right click that? | 19:56 |
Rave1_ | Tiiffany yes | 19:56 |
Tiffany | add workspaces? | 19:56 |
Rave1_ | yes | 19:56 |
uptill3 | zimbres: /usr/local/include/root* isn't going to be in your path unelss you add it? | 19:56 |
Tiffany | for cube how many col and row | 19:56 |
elad` | uptill3: Does GMAIL support automatically digitally signing my stuff? | 19:56 |
Rave1_ | Tiffany I use 4 but is up to you | 19:57 |
MTecknology | elad`: you mean like GPG? | 19:57 |
Rave1_ | 19:57 | |
Tiffany | 4 each? | 19:57 |
alessia91 | I'm an hacker! :D If you want to become hacker and destroy pc add me in msn to :) | 19:57 |
elad` | MTecknology: Yeah. | 19:57 |
MTecknology | elad`: no, they don't support it | 19:57 |
fooman | uptill3, you there? | 19:57 |
uptill3 | elad`: yes | 19:58 |
uptill3 | fooman: I am | 19:58 |
Rave1_ | Tiffant we may be talking about two diff things here | 19:58 |
uptill3 | fooman: you didnt' answer my last question | 19:58 |
fooman | uptill3, it disappeared when i did airmon-ng stop | 19:58 |
bobbob1016 | I have a drive that won't boot on one computer. It boots on this computer though. It's SATA, and I also tried a PCI to SATA card, that let me boot that drive on this machine, and the other machine still won't boot, any ideas? | 19:58 |
vadim | Trijntje: please could you help me a little? I found the solution ( I think so) but don't particularly know how to do what I want | 19:59 |
uptill3 | does it show back up when you airmon-ng start? | 19:59 |
zimbres | uptill3, But what is the environment variable? I thought the include directory in /usr/local was included automaticaly. | 19:59 |
tripps | can I restart alsa or something like that? | 19:59 |
Tr3y- | Hey, when I plug in my usb headset in ubuntu it can't find it at all | 19:59 |
oskar- | bobbob1016, some machines don't want to boot from sata or pci-controllers (with sata) | 19:59 |
Tr3y- | even after a restart | 19:59 |
victoria | hello can someone help me please | 19:59 |
victoria | :) | 19:59 |
bedo2991 | How can I mount a Device As soon as I run aMule? | 19:59 |
Rave1_ | Tiffany you want to add Workplace swic=tcher to your panel | 19:59 |
fooman | uptill3, yes | 19:59 |
uptill3 | zimbres: are yout rying to compile software? | 19:59 |
Tiffany | at the bottom right of the screen | 20:00 |
uptill3 | zimbres: /usr/local/include is included in the library search path by default | 20:00 |
MTecknology | elad`: it appears I may be partially wrong. It doesn't look like they directly support it, but it looks like there's firefox tools that can add a signature to your text. | 20:00 |
Tiffany | like task bar on windows | 20:00 |
vadim | Trijntje: can I PM you please? | 20:00 |
uptill3 | zimbres: but /usr/local/include/root isn't | 20:00 |
Rave1_ | Tiffany sorry thats switcher | 20:00 |
uptill3 | zimbres: you'd have to include root/filename | 20:00 |
Firztspawn | hi, how can I remove an icoon from within my workgroup (network) | 20:00 |
uptill3 | zimbres: instead of just filename | 20:00 |
hvgotcodes | hey i just got a brand new xps studio 16. I want to install the 64 bit version of ubuntu with encrypted lvm -- which iso do i want? | 20:00 |
Trijntje | vadim: yes | 20:00 |
Firztspawn | I try to do it manually and it says "Access Denied" | 20:00 |
bobbob1016 | oskar-, It did originally. This machine has been my boot drive for a while. | 20:01 |
Rave1_ | Tiffany it installs by default with 4 | 20:01 |
Tiffany | what is the workspace for? | 20:01 |
oskar- | Firztspawn, a smb file sharing workgroup? | 20:01 |
zimbres | uptill3, How do I include this path? | 20:01 |
Firztspawn | oskar-, no | 20:01 |
Tiffany | ok I don't see 4? I'm sorry | 20:01 |
Rave1_ | Tiffany that will install the icon on the panel to cange desk tops and hence spin the cube | 20:02 |
Audacitee | good png editor for linux? | 20:02 |
hvgotcodes | there does not seem to be an x86 64 bit install image... | 20:02 |
Bram_P | hvgotcodes: go to choose get ubuntu and choose download, and choose 64 bit instead of 32 and download | 20:02 |
Tiffany | how do you change desktops? I don't think its working. | 20:02 |
Firztspawn | oskar-, a user managed to get into my workgroup wirelessly (before I secured the connection) | 20:02 |
oskar- | Firztspawn, what kind of workgroup is it? | 20:02 |
Tiffany | I have it enabled. | 20:02 |
Rave1_ | Tiffany, if you don't have 4 right click on the icon and add more if you wish | 20:03 |
Audacitee | Tiffany, ctrl + alt arrow (i like left0 | 20:03 |
Audacitee | 0 =) | 20:03 |
hvgotcodes | Bram_P will the 8.10 installer do an encrypted install? | 20:03 |
Firztspawn | oskar-, I am asking on behalf of, I think its just an ordinary workgroup | 20:03 |
hvgotcodes | or do i need the alternate? | 20:03 |
Tr3y- | anyone familiary with alsa and oxygen hd modules? | 20:03 |
oskar- | Firztspawn, how do you list the workgroup "icons"? | 20:03 |
Rave1_ | Tiffany, good luck I have to go lunch break over | 20:04 |
Tiffany | when I right click i get preferences | 20:04 |
Tiffany | ok thanks | 20:04 |
tripps | restarted alsa stops the annoying repeating audio noise but it starts up again right where it left off. anyone help please? I shouldn't have to restart linux because of a crashed audio player! | 20:04 |
sushiX | which wireless keyboard is best for ubuntu which wont give me any driver issues | 20:04 |
Audacitee | Tiffany, use the keyboard shortcut | 20:04 |
uptill3 | zimbres: depends on what you are using to compile? | 20:04 |
Audacitee | unless its not enabled | 20:04 |
Rave1_ | Tiffany, ok click on pref | 20:04 |
Firztspawn | oskar-, unsure sorry, I am asking on behalf of, and this guy is not too sure either, he just set it up | 20:05 |
M1DLG | almost any bluetooth keyboard if you have bluetooth enabled correctly, most wireless ones use there own protocol hence the need for there own dongle | 20:05 |
Firztspawn | I am not local to his setup either | 20:05 |
lasivian | Looking for help with an Atheros chipset on an aspire one, looks fine but is not working, details here: | 20:05 |
ZeRo_FeniX | so I tried using sudo tastsel install lamp-server and it started to load but it's at 0% and it just says | 20:06 |
ZeRo_FeniX | "Please wait..." any ideas what's wrong? | 20:06 |
Firztspawn | oskar-, can he just open Nautilus with root permissions and delete it that way? | 20:06 |
sushiX | any brand that works best | 20:06 |
* lasivian grovels | 20:06 | |
oskar- | Firztspawn, workgroup is afaik a M$ term for a group in the smb file and printer sharing service. he should find out the master browser of the group and restart it. but if the intruder is no more on the network, his icon in the workgroup is only a cosmetic problem | 20:07 |
C_Kode | I installed the nvidia driver for my video card, and now my nvidia sound isn't working. lspci -v shows the video card, but asound list doesn't list it. | 20:07 |
zimbres | uptill3, I thought it would look recursively in /usr/local/include and /usr/local/lib etc. I some other directories in /usr/local/lib/root/... . I am using ./configure make and make install, it compiles ok, and install ok, but when I run the executable generated in /usr/local/bin it does not find some files as I said. | 20:07 |
fooman | uptill3, BRB | 20:07 |
Daemonik | What is console-kit-daemon? What would happen if I killed it? | 20:07 |
lasivian | I don;t really know what to try and fix at this point, i've rebuilt the drivers even | 20:07 |
Firztspawn | oskar-, yeah, but its that cosmetic problem that he wants to get rid of | 20:07 |
selocol | Is there a way to display all the supportable colors in my console or a program that can test colors? Thanks. | 20:08 |
uptill3 | zimbres: I dont think it looks recursively? I think you have to give it a relative path | 20:08 |
oskar- | Firztspawn, then he should restart all computers in the network to be sure, the master browser also got restarted ;) | 20:08 |
Tiffany | I got it working :D | 20:08 |
zimbres | uptill3, how do I give the path name, in the configure script? | 20:09 |
mrwes | Any reason why my touchpad, padtouch feature would just stop working? | 20:09 |
Bram_P | how can I delete all network configurations to configure it again? | 20:09 |
sushiX | when i click on a file a new window opens up any idea why this could be happening | 20:09 |
uptill3 | LDFLAGS=-L/path/to/whatever ? | 20:09 |
lasivian | how can I delete all wireless drivers and start over? | 20:09 |
lasivian | I don;t really know what else to try except a total reinstall at this point | 20:10 |
Firztspawn | oskar-, so on reboot, the master browser will search the network for all connected computers/nodes, and ONLY show the connected computers/nodes? | 20:10 |
Firztspawn | oskar-, Im not 100% sure how Ubuntu does things, hence being here | 20:10 |
oskar- | Firztspawn, after that a master browser will be elected and then collect the advertisements, afaik | 20:12 |
Trijntje | I'm having problems with remote login form ubuntu to xubuntu. `vncviewer` from ubuntu times out. I have vino installed on the xubuntu box. Can someone help me? | 20:12 |
TheGambler | Hi. Any good FreeNX troubleshooting resources? NXClient keeps saying that FreeNX is not running; I believe I may have something wrong in iptables or sshd_config but I can't figure it out | 20:12 |
vadim | Please can anyone assist me in compiling a driver from source and installing it like a module for kernel?? | 20:13 |
sanity- | is it possible to set swappiness on a per-process basis (rather than system-wide)? | 20:13 |
lasivian | ok, why would a wifi show up in ifconfig and iwconfig but show no ssid's in gnome? | 20:14 |
=== meho_r_ is now known as teeless | ||
Firztspawn | oskar-, ok, will tell him to try a reboot | 20:15 |
RobF | Greetings all | 20:15 |
ikavec` | //mode | 20:16 |
nOStahl | hey all why is wpa not an option in networkmanager applet? | 20:16 |
=== Ozreichter is now known as Kryzler | ||
exodus_ms | !offtopic > exodus_ms | 20:17 |
ubottu | exodus_ms, please see my private message | 20:17 |
lasivian | maybe if I just pound my fist on the notebook enough it'll work | 20:17 |
* lasivian beats the holy crap out of her notebook | 20:17 | |
exodus_ms | go for it lasivian, you will be amazed at how relieving that is | 20:18 |
ZeRo_FeniX | could the ssid be turned off? | 20:18 |
lasivian | exodus_ms: unfortunately it (nor anything else it seems) fixes the issue | 20:18 |
oskar- | lasivian, have you already tried a reboot? what does Tx-Power in the iwconfig output show? | 20:18 |
ZeRo_FeniX | I turn mine off after I get connected | 20:19 |
lasivian | oskar-: many reboots, with all many of selections in /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist | 20:19 |
tripps | ugh that totally sucks. had to restart computer to solve audio problem. might as well be winblows | 20:19 |
lasivian | ZeRo_FeniX: I can normally see a dozen networks here | 20:19 |
lasivian | tripps: be glad it works | 20:19 |
ZeRo_FeniX | fair enough | 20:20 |
lasivian | tripps: i'm sitting here with soemthing that previously worked and when I tried to add new hardware I apparently broke it and can;t figure out how it's broken :) | 20:20 |
tripps | lasivian, I hear you | 20:20 |
lasivian | I added a edimax usb adapter and compiled a driver for it, after that neither adapter worked | 20:20 |
Arne | hi there, where can I find an info about the default licence of the entries in the official Ubuntu wiki? | 20:20 |
lasivian | I can;t figure out how to remove the new driver, or even if that has anything to do with the issue | 20:20 |
mrwes | lasivian, you on a laptop? | 20:21 |
lasivian | mrwes: yes, Aspire One 110L | 20:21 |
tripps | the audio problem (stuck music) stopped about midway through the shutdown process, so clearly there was a runlevel process I could have restarted to fix it. Is the full audio stack described in detail somewhere with processes, services, etc.? | 20:21 |
jcsteele | i am managing about 30 ubuntu desktops in a compute lab and I need to be able to shutdown the desktops after being inactive/idle for X minutes - any ideas how I can do this? | 20:21 |
mrwes | lasivian, don't take this wrong, but is the wireless turned on? Fn + F2 ? | 20:21 |
lasivian | mrwes: trying to just get back to the simple Madwifi-hal driver for the Atheros | 20:22 |
mrwes | ahh...ic | 20:22 |
lasivian | mrwes: the connection light is blinking, so I assume so, fn-f2 does nothing | 20:23 |
thomasdelbeke | Hello, I experienced a gdm fatal crash while having a webform open with an awful lot of text in it. I had to reboot although the gdm's (one child) did not die. Any chance of retrieving that from cache? | 20:23 |
lasivian | <-- ifconfig, iwconfig, dmesg | grep ath | 20:23 |
crdlb | lasivian: I'm pretty sure madwifi doesn't work on that chipset | 20:24 |
redzheb | hi, anybady help with installing alsa driver. When i trying to move my alsa driver to alsa foler i am receiving a messega no such file directory. Sorry for my bad english anybady help | 20:24 |
lasivian | crdlb: i've been running it for weeks | 20:24 |
lasivian | crdlb: otherwise I would be willing to entertain that possibility | 20:24 |
crdlb | lasivian: what does lspci call it? | 20:25 |
lasivian | crdlb: <-- the instructions for madwifi that I followed | 20:25 |
lasivian | crdlb: <-- lspci | 20:26 |
thomasdelbeke | redzheb: you tried sudo apt-get install alsa-<something>? | 20:27 |
Besogon | iwebcam | 20:27 |
Besogon | !webcam | 20:27 |
ubottu | Instructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at - Supported cams: | 20:27 |
crdlb | lasivian: I see, I have the same one in a new toshiba; madwifi did nothing OOTB, but ath5k works almost perfectly (occasionally it fails on resume and I have to suspend-and-resume it again) | 20:28 |
redzheb | ok i 'm trying | 20:28 |
lasivian | crdlb: ath5k worked, but it was horribly unreliable and slow | 20:28 |
redzheb | ok | 20:28 |
thomasdelbeke | redzheb: it works? | 20:29 |
yonarox | excuse me, someone can tell me what is the meanning of "at hand" | 20:29 |
thomasdelbeke | yonarox:"available" | 20:29 |
spook_ | hi | 20:30 |
mrwes | within reach -- close by | 20:30 |
spook_ | this is strange | 20:30 |
spook_ | iam newbie, lol | 20:30 |
redzheb | I have downloaded the new version of alsa | 20:30 |
redzheb | 1.0.19 | 20:30 |
redzheb | no it's not working | 20:30 |
spook_ | differend from mirc | 20:30 |
thomasdelbeke | redzheb: ok? how? problem? | 20:30 |
spook_ | everything is mirrord | 20:30 |
spook_ | and where are the nicknames | 20:31 |
oskar- | lasivian, i do not want to anger you. but if you don't get it to worl i suggest to think about buying an additional wifi card. they should be quite cheap. much less than the cost of one hour of trouble is worth | 20:31 |
spook_ | lol | 20:31 |
yonarox | thomasdelbeke: and what do you think when you read it? "... at hand..." | 20:31 |
redzheb | ok just a second | 20:31 |
mrwes | oskar-, that's what I did :) | 20:31 |
spook_ | brb, must test xchat | 20:32 |
thomasdelbeke | yonarox: you mind completing the sentence? | 20:32 |
yonarox | What do you think when read " hand..."??? | 20:32 |
=== milligan__ is now known as milligan_ | ||
spook_ | Wow what a lot users in this room! | 20:32 |
lasivian | oskar-: HAHAHAHA, that's actually exactly what I did that caused the onboard card to stop working | 20:33 |
mrwes | "Before you starting installing Ubuntu 8.10, you should have the Live CD at hand | 20:33 |
yonarox | that is the sentence | 20:33 |
uptill3 | Does anyone know how to get the dpkg equiv. of 'rpm -qa --changelog' ? | 20:33 |
lasivian | oskar-: and actually the usb card doesn't work either | 20:33 |
mrwes | lasivian, and the onboard card was a...? | 20:33 |
spook_ | but ok, Ubuntu rules, because, if u like to see movies on your pc... | 20:33 |
lasivian | so like I said I KNOW it worked before and while it seems totally idiotic when talking about Linux i'm thinking of doing a complete reinstall | 20:34 |
nety350 | salut | 20:34 |
spook_ | it works perfect on ubuntu | 20:34 |
lasivian | mrwes: ath5k running the MadWifi driver | 20:34 |
spook_ | whit windows i has problems to see subtitles of other problems | 20:34 |
mrwes | lasivian, and you've added a USB dongle? Maybe you need to blacklist the first one | 20:34 |
spook_ | whit linux ubuntu no problem, lol, it just works | 20:34 |
lasivian | mrwes: I have tried blacklisting both the first and the second and still neither works | 20:35 |
lasivian | in fact blacklisting seems useless, the module still loads | 20:35 |
spook_ | but xchat gnome, that sucks... | 20:35 |
spook_ | lol | 20:35 |
spook_ | looks strange | 20:35 |
spook_ | not much options | 20:35 |
spook_ | hoi | 20:37 |
meho_r | pretty crippled :) | 20:37 |
yonarox | what do you think when read "AT HAND" ????????????? | 20:37 |
spook_ | hi everybody | 20:37 |
yonarox | what do you think when read "AT HAND" ????????????? | 20:37 |
spook_ | what a damn lot a people overhere! | 20:37 |
spook_ | heheh | 20:37 |
yonarox | what do you think when read "AT HAND" ????????????? | 20:37 |
yonarox | what do you think when read "AT HAND" ????????????? | 20:37 |
yonarox | what do you think when read "AT HAND" ????????????? | 20:37 |
FloodBot2 | yonarox: Please don't flood, use to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 20:37 |
spook_ | why is my nick grey? | 20:37 |
yonarox | sorry | 20:38 |
mrwes | WTF d00d | 20:38 |
spook_ | i dont flood | 20:38 |
oskar- | spook_, are you marked as being away? | 20:38 |
mrwes | yonarox, we answered you like five times! | 20:38 |
meho_r | by me you're yellow spook_ :D | 20:38 |
spook_ | to lazy to read the f@ manuel eh | 20:38 |
spook_ | lol | 20:38 |
spook_ | ok eho | 20:39 |
CrocoJet | hi for all | 20:39 |
spook_ | sorry, i know mirc | 20:39 |
spook_ | this is new for me | 20:39 |
TheKing | Hi all, can somebody explain me what is the difference between Ubuntu desktop edition and Ubuntu server edition ? Thanks ! | 20:39 |
Seveas | TheKing, the server edition by default has no desktop :) | 20:39 |
CrocoJet | when I connect my digital cam, where (directory) this device is mounted? | 20:39 |
spook_ | this chat prog looks total differend than mirc or... pirc | 20:40 |
DIFH-iceroot | TheKing: server = no gui, longer support, another kernel | 20:40 |
lasivian | ok, I have a backup copy of everything on my HD, how do I restore it? | 20:40 |
Seveas | spook_, try xchat, looks more like mirc | 20:40 |
CrocoJet | ./mnt is not | 20:40 |
meho_r | pirc??? | 20:40 |
DIFH-iceroot | CrocoJet: /media/ | 20:40 |
Seveas | lasivian, depends on how you made the backup :_ | 20:40 |
spook_ | Seveas, yes i try before! | 20:40 |
CrocoJet | at file browse show: gphoto2://[usb:001,002]/DCIM/100NIKON | 20:40 |
spook_ | but this is better i think | 20:40 |
spook_ | that old program bitch-x from unix | 20:41 |
CrocoJet | but I would like go there via terminal | 20:41 |
spook_ | that works on linux to right? | 20:41 |
lasivian | Seveas: rsync | 20:41 |
Seveas | spook_, yes it does | 20:41 |
Seveas | spook_, but for command-line irc, irssi is much better | 20:41 |
TheKing | Seveas, can you give me any video clip in which i can see what is the defference ? | 20:42 |
spook_ | 12 years ago i chat on unix system whit bitch x | 20:42 |
spook_ | ok also simple chat prog | 20:42 |
spook_ | hmmm i learn fast, maybe is xchat not so bad | 20:42 |
MILIND | hi :) | 20:42 |
Seveas | hi MILIND | 20:43 |
spook_ | hi MILIND | 20:43 |
CrocoJet | where is mounted devices USB at intrepid ubuntu ? someone knows? | 20:43 |
meho_r | hi MILIND | 20:43 |
Seveas | CrocoJet, under /media usually | 20:43 |
Seveas | CrocoJet, but a gphoto:// device doesn't show up as a harddrive, so it won't be mounted there | 20:43 |
CrocoJet | not there | 20:43 |
spook_ | this room u can ask everyting about ubuntu distro right? | 20:43 |
Seveas | CrocoJet, try in /home/yourloginname/.gvfs | 20:43 |
spook_ | ok iam newby | 20:43 |
turtle_ | noob | 20:44 |
turtle_ | hahahahaha | 20:44 |
MILIND | can any one help me run Ubuntu from a USB drive | 20:44 |
spook_ | if i ask stuppid thing | 20:44 |
CrocoJet | I have USB (digital cam) mounted but I would like access via terminal command | 20:44 |
ali_ | hi | 20:44 |
CrocoJet | let me see | 20:44 |
Seveas | spook_, you can ask everything about ubuntu, new users are welcome too :) | 20:44 |
spook_ | possible people anser read the fucking manual | 20:44 |
spook_ | lol | 20:44 |
ali_ | my question is not related to ubuntu | 20:44 |
meho_r | It's an option too :D | 20:44 |
spook_ | ok ok Seveas | 20:44 |
Seveas | spook_, well, it's usually a good idea to do so :) | 20:44 |
CrocoJet | Seveas, thank you ! | 20:44 |
CrocoJet | :) | 20:44 |
Seveas | CrocoJet, no problem! | 20:44 |
ali_ | is the motherboard and the processor r saperated | 20:45 |
spook_ | look i also read my rfm, lol | 20:45 |
ali_ | is the motherboard and the processor r saperated? | 20:45 |
lasivian | if gnome shows an alert triangle on the network icon in he panel where do I find out what is wrong? | 20:45 |
saurabh | failed to execute the terminal program: in geany | 20:45 |
MILIND | can any one help me run Ubuntu from a USB drive | 20:45 |
ali_ | is the motherboard and the processor r saperated? | 20:45 |
ali_ | is the motherboard and the processor r saperated? | 20:45 |
MILIND | or any other OS for that matter | 20:45 |
spook_ | but funny, my friends came overhere, and see my pc, whit ubuntu | 20:45 |
Seveas | lasivian, the alert triangle simply means 'no connection active'. Click on it to select a connection to use | 20:45 |
saurabh | error: ‘cout’ was not declared in this scope | 20:46 |
ali_ | is the motherboard and the processor r saperated? | 20:46 |
ali_ | is the motherboard and the processor r saperated? | 20:46 |
ali_ | is the motherboard and the processor r saperated? | 20:46 |
ali_ | is the motherboard and the processor r saperated? | 20:46 |
FloodBot2 | ali_: Please don't flood, use to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 20:46 |
Seveas | !ops | ali_ | 20:46 |
ubottu | ali_: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, Madpilot, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia! | 20:46 |
spook_ | they say what the fuck is this? i wanna read email on your pc, i dont know the way? | 20:46 |
MILIND | no Ali | 20:46 |
lasivian | Seveas: the problem is there is no connection listed | 20:46 |
Tiffany | Does anyone know how to change the desktop to have a different picture on different desktops? | 20:46 |
saurabh | failed to execute the terminal program | 20:46 |
Seveas | lasivian, not even the wired? | 20:46 |
spook_ | they think i use windows | 20:46 |
saurabh | failed to execute the terminal program: in geany | 20:46 |
spook_ | but it was ubuntu, gnome desk | 20:46 |
Myrtti | Seveas: floodbots ♥ | 20:47 |
lasivian | Seveas: the wired is not an issue right now so I dismiss it | 20:47 |
saurabh | failed to execute the terminal program:in geany | 20:47 |
lasivian | Seveas: my wireless shows up in ifconfig and iwconfig but does not show up in gnome | 20:47 |
spook_ | my friends say, hmm, strange desktop.. but it works nice, fast | 20:47 |
Seveas | saurabh, that compiler error means you forgot to include the iostream header or you forgot to use the std namespace. But this is not a programming help channel. | 20:47 |
spook_ | but, it dont look nice!!! | 20:47 |
meho_r | what do you have spook_? | 20:47 |
spook_ | so iam buzzy to pimp my ubuntu gnome desk | 20:48 |
picolo | join #ubuntugr | 20:48 |
picolo | join | 20:48 |
FloodBot2 | picolo: Please don't flood, use to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 20:48 |
saurabh | srry\ | 20:48 |
Seveas | lasivian, rightclick on the network-manager icon, maybe wireless is disabled for it | 20:48 |
picolo | ok | 20:48 |
spook_ | what i have meho_r | 20:48 |
meho_r | yeah, on your desktop when it's not nice | 20:48 |
spook_ | the latest version ubuntu installed | 20:48 |
meho_r | hehe | 20:48 |
spook_ | and whit the updates | 20:49 |
meho_r | brown I guess it it :) | 20:49 |
meho_r | it is I mean :D | 20:49 |
lasivian | Seveas: no, it's enabled | 20:49 |
spook_ | and... at first the desktop is simple, not so sweet like windows vist | 20:49 |
spook_ | heheh | 20:49 |
spook_ | yes brown | 20:49 |
meho_r | bah, Vista's good look is all it has :) | 20:49 |
spook_ | that i chanched | 20:49 |
Seveas | spook_, enable all the desktop effects if you want a desktop to drool at :) | 20:49 |
meho_r | yeah, and try i.e. Slickness theme | 20:50 |
dolo | Hi my flash works great on ubuntu it took some fixing with that whole no sound on youtube glitch, well it all works fine now my update manager today is saying theres an update and i should install the flashplugin - non free but im worryed this may mess up my already working flash player | 20:50 |
Myrtti | T-REX_BUTTSECKS: mind changing your nick to something more suitable? | 20:50 |
ehloreverse | Hi, i'm search a staff of | 20:50 |
TheRedFox | try shiki colors :) | 20:50 |
Tr3y- | hey all I just got a Razer Baracuda USB headset and I can't seem to get itto work | 20:50 |
ehloreverse | Hi, i'm search a staff of | 20:50 |
spook_ | my brother was here today, he say what the fuck u do whit your pc!!! | 20:50 |
ehloreverse | or staff | 20:50 |
T-REX_BUTTSECKS | fine | 20:50 |
lasivian | I have no wifi devices listed in /etc/network/interfaces, yet I have a device "ath0:avahi" that has an IP address, that makes no sense | 20:50 |
spook_ | i dont now, how to surf, read email | 20:50 |
Seveas | ehloreverse, for which purpose? | 20:50 |
spook_ | i say, dont look down, look up... | 20:50 |
spook_ | lol | 20:50 |
meho_r | At first I thought you haven't GUI at all spook_:D | 20:50 |
Seveas | spook_, :) | 20:50 |
ehloreverse | Seveas, for a legal issue | 20:51 |
lasivian | Seveas: i've been fighting this for about 3 hours now, it's not a simple issue unfortunately | 20:51 |
=== Flare183 is now known as Flare-laptop | ||
spook_ | a friend from my, has new internet, whit wifi | 20:51 |
Seveas | ehloreverse, can I pm you? | 20:51 |
spook_ | he has problem whit his pc | 20:51 |
Huufarted | Is there a way to tell from the command line if a headless machine is logged in to Gnome or not? | 20:51 |
Mr-Woof | Regarding Ubuntu Server, it there any sort of GUI available for it just to make it a bit easier for us windows guys :) | 20:51 |
ehloreverse | Seveas, of course, please. | 20:51 |
Michi4300 | Hallo liebe Ubuntugemeinde :) | 20:51 |
spook_ | he cannot make contact to his wifi modem | 20:51 |
dolo | anyone here can an update for flash non-free | 20:52 |
spook_ | i came to him i take my linux ubuntu cd whit me | 20:52 |
Huufarted | Mr-Woof, Ubuntu is Ubuntu. It isn't Windows, however things should be VERY easy for a Windows user to start using immediately | 20:52 |
spook_ | i put it in his pc... | 20:52 |
spook_ | contakt!! | 20:52 |
dolo | did any one here get the nw update for flash non-free | 20:52 |
spook_ | hahhaa | 20:52 |
Huufarted | Mr-Woof, I apologize, you said Ubuntu Server. | 20:52 |
Seveas | lasivian, what kind of wifi chipset? | 20:52 |
Mr-Woof | Ubuntu Server edition not the desktop edition | 20:52 |
meho_r | contakt or kontact spook? :D | 20:52 |
lasivian | Seveas: Atheros Ath5k with the Madwifi-hal driver, this was functioning before | 20:53 |
spook_ | that proofs , ubuntu linux is verry simple for user | 20:53 |
spook_ | kontakt? | 20:53 |
spook_ | ;p | 20:53 |
meho_r | :D | 20:53 |
lasivian | Seveas: I added a edimax usb device and installed third party drivers for it and now both devices do not function completely | 20:53 |
Huufarted | How can you tell from the command line if there's an X session running? ANybody know? | 20:53 |
meho_r | Of course it's simple spook_ | 20:53 |
meho_r | till first problem :P | 20:53 |
nubcake | Huufarted: man ps | 20:53 |
Tr3y- | anyone familiar with alsa and the oxygen driver for it? | 20:54 |
lasivian | Seveas: now i'm just trying to do damage control and get the original setup working, and it appears fine except it gets no ssids | 20:54 |
Huufarted | nubcake, I know how to use 'ps', but what process am I looking for? WIll X only be running if they're past the login prompt? | 20:54 |
spook_ | but ok, i take back my old books about SCO UNIX | 20:54 |
spook_ | all the commands for the bash shell looks the same | 20:54 |
Seveas | lasivian, did you install nono-ubuntu versions of the atheros driver or network-manager? | 20:54 |
lasivian | Seveas: I don;t know how to get rid of the usb driver, or even if that is what caused this, but it's the only thing I changed | 20:54 |
Myrtti | T-REX_BUTTSECKS: I'm waiting | 20:54 |
* red-lichtie does happy dance ... finally my WLAN connection is stable \o/ | 20:54 | |
dolo | Did any one her get the new flash plugin update ?!?! | 20:55 |
Myrtti | dolo: no | 20:55 |
gotOS | so what is the default file manager in ubuntu? and where do i find it in the menu? | 20:55 |
gotOS | nm | 20:55 |
lasivian | Seveas: I built drivers, that's as much as i'm aware of | 20:55 |
spook_ | in past i know the kornshell or something, but i see linux also know that commands | 20:55 |
lasivian | no different network manager that I know of | 20:55 |
T-REX_BUTTSECKS | i haven't used IRC in a long time whats the command to change nickname | 20:55 |
T-REX_BUTTSECKS | sorry for my n00bish question | 20:55 |
meho_r | gotOS: nautilus | 20:55 |
Huufarted | T-REX_BUTTSECKS, /nick | 20:55 |
oskar- | gotOS, nautilus, with most entries in the places menu | 20:55 |
spook_ | gebruik /nick | 20:55 |
spook_ | use /nick | 20:55 |
T-REX_BUTTSECKS | ahhh so obvious | 20:55 |
T-REX_BUTTSECKS | cheers | 20:56 |
gotOS | yeah. found it | 20:56 |
Huufarted | T-REX_BUTTSECKS, please use it. :) | 20:56 |
spook_ | ;-) | 20:56 |
=== T-REX_BUTTSECKS is now known as angus | ||
Huufarted | lol thank you | 20:56 |
Myrtti | thank you, angus | 20:56 |
usser | spook_, the commands that sco unix used are standard sh going back at least 30 years | 20:56 |
spook_ | irc commandos looks bit on unix or linux commands | 20:56 |
spook_ | finger | 20:56 |
spook_ | etc | 20:56 |
spook_ | dns | 20:56 |
FloodBot2 | spook_: Please don't flood, use to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 20:56 |
=== angus is now known as mugg | ||
usser | anyone uses modem on their system76 laptop? | 20:57 |
red-lichtie | Any of you having connection problems with the iwlagn module ? If you are, then adding "options iwlagn 11n_disable=1" to "/etc/modprobe.d/options" fixed them for me, so YMMV :) | 20:57 |
lasivian | Seveas: Kismet sees networks when I put the card in monitor mode tho | 20:57 |
spook_ | is there also a dutch room about ubuntu linux? | 20:57 |
nubcake | Huufarted: why dont you login to console, run ps and examine, than run startx and open another console and examine, then login and re-examine. | 20:57 |
spook_ | yeahh, iam to lazy to read the rftm | 20:57 |
Seveas | lasivian, does /var/log/messages say anything about network-manager seeing the card? | 20:58 |
lasivian | Seveas: is it possible to reinstall the network manager? | 20:58 |
ZeRo_FeniX | what's the command to delete a folder? | 20:58 |
oskar- | !nl > spook_ | 20:58 |
ubottu | spook_, please see my private message | 20:58 |
Huufarted | nubcake, I'm at work and I'm attempting to get vnc running on a home PC, that's all. | 20:59 |
CaptainMorgan | !sale | 20:59 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about sale | 20:59 |
usser | ZeRo_FeniX, rmdir | 20:59 |
spook_ | ok thankssss | 20:59 |
ZeRo_FeniX | can I cd to a dir and just type that in and it will delete that dir or would I have to do rmdir /blah/blah | 20:59 |
Seveas | ZeRo_FeniX, rmdir /path/to/folder will delete an empty folder. rm -r /path/to/folder will delete a folder including all contents recursively | 20:59 |
lasivian | Seveas: not exactly sure what to look for, the device is mentioned | 21:00 |
Seveas | ZeRo_FeniX, you cannot delete a folder you're in :) | 21:00 |
ZeRo_FeniX | makes sense | 21:00 |
gotOS | what's the panel applet that shows what windows are open? | 21:00 |
Seveas | lasivian, could you pastebin the logfile? Maybe I can see something useful | 21:00 |
lasivian | Seveas: "unable to load wlan_scan_sta" is the only thing that looks, "strange" | 21:00 |
Seveas | gotOS, 'window list' | 21:00 |
gotOS | thx | 21:00 |
Huufarted | nubcake, I found the problem anyhow. ps DID show me my problem... 'Ubuntu is running in low-graphics mode</b></big>\n\nThe following error was encountered. You may need\nto update your configuration to solve this.\n\n(EE) intel(0): No valid modes.?(EE) Screen(s) found, but none oave a usable configuration.' Looks like it won't boot normally headless. | 21:00 |
Huufarted | nubcake lol that showed up as an argument to a running program | 21:01 |
ZeRo_FeniX | thank you much. | 21:01 |
Huufarted | so it looks like X is running in a failsafe mode | 21:01 |
ZeRo_FeniX | what's the command to delete a file then? rmfl or something? | 21:02 |
meho_r | rm | 21:02 |
defrysk | rm | 21:02 |
jatt | !rm | 21:02 |
ubottu | The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE). Guide: | 21:02 |
lasivian | Seveas: oooh, paydirt | 21:02 |
Huufarted | ZeRo_FeniX, on a related note, 'rm -rf' will delete a directory, even if it has files in it. a regular 'rm' will not remove directories. | 21:03 |
gralco | how do i install stepmania | 21:03 |
Seveas | !info stepmania | 21:03 |
ubottu | Package stepmania does not exist in intrepid | 21:03 |
Seveas | meh | 21:03 |
lasivian | Seveas: (From forum post) "The issue is due to a conflict between the rt73 driver and madwifi" | 21:04 |
lasivian | Seveas: the usb card I tried to add was in fact rt73 | 21:04 |
ZeRo_FeniX | Well I got a lamp server sorta working :) that makes me happy. | 21:04 |
balachmar | Where do I find the error log than a cronjob might produce? | 21:04 |
nubcake | gralco: | 21:04 |
Seveas | lasivian, ah so you want from crap to shit (atheros to rt73) :) | 21:04 |
Seveas | went* | 21:04 |
saurabh__ | | 21:05 |
saurabh__ | Connecting to ( port 8001.. | 21:05 |
saurabh__ | Connected. Now logging in.. | 21:05 |
lasivian | Seveas: yes, well... *shrug* | 21:05 |
saurabh__ | heloo | 21:05 |
lasivian | not alot of usb wireless options with external antennas | 21:05 |
lasivian | now the problem is how to remove the rt73 and repair the madwifi | 21:05 |
saurabh__ | in geany: failed to execute terminal program | 21:06 |
saurabh__ | in geany: failed to execute terminal program | 21:06 |
ZeRo_FeniX | Time to make it an FTP server too. Now I've created this server on a Windows Vista machine using VBox. How could I view it on my host machine. I tried which is the ip addres ifconfig gave me but that doesn't do anything. | 21:06 |
Seveas | ZeRo_FeniX, ftp isn't http... | 21:06 |
ZeRo_FeniX | I know | 21:06 |
ZeRo_FeniX | I'm setting up FTP so I can talk to it with dreamweaver | 21:06 |
ZeRo_FeniX | But I want to be able to view it through http on my host machine. | 21:06 |
gralco | nubcake there are no debain packages | 21:06 |
hfish | (I tried ask this question on some music channels, but they are all asleep there)hello, does anybody know the name of singer and song of the following music video clip I am trying to describe: First you see the president of america having a speech. Then he tears apart his rubber mask and a black rapper comes out of this mask. He is doing his rapping until the refrain. The refrain is song by a cute girl and the main text of the refrain is "get to superstar" acc | 21:07 |
saurabh__ | in geany:failed to execute terminal program | 21:07 |
Huufarted | ZeRo_FeniX, try | 21:07 |
Huufarted | !ot | hfish | 21:07 |
ubottu | hfish: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks! | 21:07 |
lasivian | Seveas: "The problem exists when the ralink driver is modprobed before the madwifi drivers" this would indicate I need to force modprobe he ath5k first, right? | 21:08 |
saurabh__ | in geany:failed to execute terminal program | 21:08 |
Seveas | !repeat | saurabh__ | 21:08 |
ubottu | saurabh__: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search or while you wait. Also see !patience | 21:08 |
hfish | ubottu: thank you for the info. I will do so. | 21:08 |
ubottu | Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 21:08 |
glitsj16 | hfish: offtopic, but it rang a bell --> | 21:09 |
Trijntje | how do i make a service start at boot (or before login at least)? | 21:10 |
Huufarted | !rc.d | Trijntje | 21:10 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about rc.d | 21:10 |
_VIM_ | Trijntje: system > preferences > Sessions | 21:10 |
Seveas | Trijntje, if it doesn't have a proper initscript, a quick hack is to add it to /etc/rc.local | 21:10 |
Seveas | _VIM_, *before* login :) | 21:11 |
_VIM_ | doh | 21:11 |
_VIM_ | nice catch ;) | 21:11 |
Trijntje | Seveas: thnx, ill do that | 21:11 |
ZeRo_FeniX | Well I got proftpd installed and everything and I still can't connect to it even with ftp:// or http:// though http is how I want to view it. I might just change the network settings again that way it gets a dchped ip from my router. | 21:11 |
nubcake | zero_fenix: does it work from the localhost? | 21:12 |
=== felix_da_catz is now known as felix-da-catz_zz | ||
Huufarted | you cannot use http to view ftp | 21:13 |
ZeRo_FeniX | Like I can look at http://localhost/ on the linux box. And I wasn't trying to view http through ftp I'm trying to actually load it up as a webpage on my host machine and connect to it through and ftp protocal. | 21:14 |
Huufarted | k, then here's something to understand. you need to use ftp://<ip_address> | 21:14 |
Huufarted | now I understand what you mean | 21:14 |
BlackClouds | Macon AB ? | 21:14 |
hfish | glitsj16: Thank you very much. I just have found the song on youtube. | 21:14 |
Huufarted | ZeRo_FeniX, if you type http://, it will try and connect on port 80 using http. It won't touch ftp. At all. Ever. | 21:15 |
gotOS | can ubuntu be booted into ram to free up the optical drive? | 21:15 |
glitsj16 | hfish: you're welcome, nice song ;) | 21:15 |
nubcake | zero_fenix: well if it works locally but not from another machine, than iptables -L or check your other firewall settings. | 21:15 |
gotOS | can ubuntu be booted into ram to free up the optical drive? | 21:15 |
Huufarted | ZeRo_FeniX, so if you instead use ftp://, you will get exactly what you're looking for as soon as your server is configured properly | 21:15 |
=== defcon is now known as Guest2029 | ||
Charliehorse | i have an odd problem. When ever i log into an account from the main login screen, a loud screeching noise ensures to play until i am fully logged in | 21:15 |
Huufarted | nubcake, you're looking too far into it I think. More than likely the server is only listening on | 21:15 |
Charliehorse | ubuntu 8.10 | 21:15 |
ZeRo_FeniX | I'm trying to do two different things, I think that's where the confusion lies. | 21:16 |
BULLE | Charliehorse: does sound work well after the login has ended ? | 21:16 |
gotOS | or if i boot to ram will that allow me to use my optical drive? | 21:16 |
Charliehorse | BULLE : yes | 21:16 |
lasivian | how do I rearrange the order that things are modprobed? | 21:16 |
meoblast001 | hi..... SynfigStudio won't work on my system.... i just installed straight out of the repos | 21:16 |
BULLE | Charliehorse: just tried to disable the login sound ? | 21:16 |
lasivian | (yes, this is probably dangerous to mess with, but I think it is vital to fixing my problem) | 21:16 |
Charliehorse | how do you do that | 21:17 |
BULLE | Charliehorse: no idea, i dont use the gui stuff | 21:17 |
Charliehorse | i can do it through command line if it's easier | 21:18 |
glitsj16 | Charliehorse: if you use gdm, gksu /usr/sbin/gdmsetup ... i think sound prefs are in a tab called accessibility | 21:19 |
DVA5912 | Is their a program for linux that can convert avi files to windows media format? Im wanting to upload videos to my Pocket pc.. | 21:19 |
cokernel | I mistakenly installed the git package which installed gnuit. however, gnuit failed to install and now it won't install and it can't be removed. How can I force it to be removed. | 21:19 |
Charliehorse | handbrake | 21:19 |
Charliehorse | DVA5912:handbrake | 21:19 |
DVA5912 | Charliehorse: Checkint it out | 21:20 |
unop | cokernel, find out why it fails, fix that issue and then you solve both problems | 21:20 |
BlackClouds | BlackClouds: Dom soporna bor i Valbo i gävle | 21:20 |
Huufarted | DVA5912, my advice is to dump windows media format. It's terrible. | 21:20 |
BlackClouds | BlackClouds: Macon asso | 21:20 |
ZeRo_FeniX | Alright, I set the VBox up so that it got a DCHP ipaddress from my switch and now everything is working as I wanted all I have to do is put in and I can connect to it via http, and ftp. | 21:20 |
unop | !english | BlackClouds | 21:20 |
ubottu | BlackClouds: The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit | 21:20 |
DVA5912 | Huufarted: Yeah, if i could find an avi player for my ppc i would use it | 21:21 |
Trijntje | remote view desktop takes ~100KB/sec. Is command line only cheaper in network usage? | 21:21 |
BlackClouds | BlackClouds: Har snackat lite med några schyssta polare ;) | 21:21 |
helloha | how to download file from remote server to my local machine in ubuntu? | 21:21 |
Huufarted | DVA5912, have you tried VLC? | 21:21 |
cokernel | unop: The only message I get is: install-info: No dir file specified; try --help for more information. | 21:21 |
BlackClouds | We are mostly Swedes | 21:21 |
BlackClouds | but ok | 21:21 |
unop | Trijntje, yes, off course | 21:21 |
Huufarted | DVA5912, | 21:21 |
Trijntje | unop: thnx (newb question ofcourse) | 21:22 |
unop | cokernel, paste the output of this command. sudo aptitude remove gnuit | 21:22 |
BlackClouds | BlackClouds: Im seding over some guys on sunday night... they just left the penn :=) | 21:22 |
Huufarted | DVA5912, that's actually an app in Ubuntu as well. It includes all necessary codecs for pretty much any format you can think of | 21:22 |
DVA5912 | No Pocket PC | 21:22 |
CyberGabber | My FireFox browser freezes everytime when i play an YouTube-movie. How to solve this? | 21:22 |
glitsj16 | helloha: wget <url-for-the-file-you-want> .. that will download it to the dir you are in when you run the command | 21:22 |
BlackClouds | BlackClouds: Stockholm and gothenbourg etc... very potent guys | 21:23 |
cokernel | unop: | 21:23 |
Trijntje | CyberGabber: if you start firefox from a terminal you can see the output it generates | 21:23 |
ZeRo_FeniX | Anyone know how to restrict the viewable folders through proftpd | 21:24 |
CyberGabber | Trijntje: I'm on #ubuntu-nl .... | 21:24 |
BlackClouds | BlackClouds: Those kids are so tiny you can brush your teeth with them :) | 21:24 |
mugg | whats the best ghost software in your opinion | 21:24 |
unop | cokernel, ok, do you have a file at this location? /var/lib/dpkg/info/gnuit.prerm | 21:24 |
redzheb | anybody help me with this code: redzheb@redzheb-laptop:~$ sudo mkdir -p /usr/src/alsa | 21:25 |
redzheb | redzheb@redzheb-laptop:~$ cd /usr/src/alsa | 21:25 |
redzheb | redzheb@redzheb-laptop:/usr/src/alsa$ sudo cp ~/ALSA/1.0.15/* . | 21:25 |
redzheb | cp: cannot stat `/home/redzheb/ALSA/1.0.15/*': No such file or directory | 21:25 |
redzheb | redzheb@redzheb-laptop:/usr/src/alsa$ | 21:25 |
FloodBot2 | redzheb: Please don't flood, use to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 21:25 |
Scunizi | Ok.. this is driving me nuts and for some reason it JUST started happening. Ubuntu refuses to authenticate me when I try "printing a pdf" from a win2k pro VM to a shared folder on Ubuntu. However I can open "network places" in Win2k, see all my Ubuntu shares and access them AND drag and drop to them for file transfer. Any suggestions? | 21:25 |
cokernel | unop: Yes. | 21:25 |
Trijntje | CyberGabber: kan ook, minder druk | 21:25 |
unop | cokernel, ok, open if up in your editor gksu gedit and add this at line #2 set -x save the file and run the aptitude command again | 21:26 |
meho_r | What is this "Don't flood" thing that is up from time to time? | 21:26 |
BlackClouds | BlackClouds: If this is not fixed by wednesday next week they will meet halls worst prisoners. Personally im mostly humane by nature but ok, if they wanna piss on a part of the country ;) | 21:26 |
BlackClouds | I call that Black clouds | 21:27 |
unop | !ot | BlackClouds | 21:27 |
ubottu | BlackClouds: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks! | 21:27 |
Scunizi | meho_r: don't use enter as punctuation.. some people paste large amounts of text to the channel etc.. it prevents floods. | 21:27 |
BlackClouds | Sssh | 21:27 |
redzheb | anybosy help me with this code | 21:27 |
cokernel | unop: | 21:27 |
lasivian | To all who care my network problem has been fixed | 21:27 |
lasivian | the rt73 driver added a file /etc/modprobe.d/ralink that conflicted with the madwifi driver | 21:28 |
lasivian | deleted it and all is well | 21:28 |
unop | cokernel, ok, seems harmless this error message .. edit that same file again. this time change line #2 to exit 0 and run the aptitude command .. it should remove the package | 21:28 |
unop | redzheb, doesn't look like you have anything at /home/redzheb/ALSA/1.0.15/ .. are you using the right directory? does it exist? | 21:29 |
cokernel | unop: Great, thanks for all of your help. | 21:29 |
mrwes | lasivian, what ended up fixing it? | 21:29 |
lasivian | mrwes: removing that file | 21:30 |
meho_r | Scunizi: that means that people shouldn't use enter key to much, right? Better to put all in one sentece than in 5 successive | 21:30 |
lasivian | mrwes: the combination of 2 incombatible 3rd party drivers was the issue | 21:30 |
mrwes | lasivian, ahh -- so you're back to being happy :) | 21:30 |
lasivian | yep | 21:31 |
ZeRo_FeniX | how do I open a .tar.gz file? | 21:31 |
Sethrii | Is anyone familiar with the linux distro Deli? | 21:31 |
mrwes | tar zxvf tarfile.tar.gz | 21:32 |
=== Jordan_U_ is now known as Jordan_U | ||
red-lichtie | Sethrii: Is there a #deli channel ? | 21:32 |
Sethrii | Not that I am aware of. | 21:33 |
Carstairs | deli = delica by mitsubishi? | 21:33 |
helloha | transferring file from remote server to local machine | 21:33 |
helloha | help | 21:33 |
SuperMoos | My DVDs are "faint" sounding, I'm playing them in ogle , and VLC. Yet, none of them make the walls rattle. | 21:33 |
kolin | i have a ubuntu question | 21:33 |
SuperMoos | Is there something I can do about that ? | 21:34 |
Carstairs | kolin: just ask | 21:34 |
Sethrii | I usually run Mint or Ubuntu, but they are too heavy for the comp I want a distro on. | 21:34 |
SuperMoos | When I play a common mp4, wmv, etc, it's as loud as it should be | 21:34 |
SuperMoos | Just the DVDs are faint | 21:34 |
mrwes | SuperMoos, right click on the sound speaker in the notification area and check your levels | 21:34 |
SuperMoos | mrwes, they are all up besides Master | 21:35 |
helloha | transferring file from remote server to local machine | 21:35 |
helloha | help | 21:35 |
meho_r | @Sethrii: Tried Debian Lenny with XFCE? | 21:35 |
mrwes | SuperMoos, in VLC hold the ctrl key down and hit the up arrow key | 21:36 |
mikewu | helloha: what's the problem? are you trying to transfer from a server you have access to or is it a web server? | 21:36 |
mrwes | helloha, from nautilus try File | connect to server | 21:37 |
Scunizi | meho_r: yep | 21:37 |
Scunizi | !enter | meho_r | 21:37 |
ubottu | meho_r: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! | 21:37 |
SuperMoos | mrwes, I'm at 400% and nothing happens | 21:37 |
mrwes | SuperMoos, hrmm | 21:37 |
redvamp128 | Sethrii: I would try asking questions in #pupplinux since it is a distro that is based on puppy. | 21:38 |
redvamp128 | Sethrii: correction #puppylinux | 21:38 |
mrwes | SuperMoos, PCM level is up you said right? | 21:38 |
helloha | hey mrwest | 21:38 |
SuperMoos | Roger | 21:38 |
helloha | server i have access | 21:38 |
helloha | to | 21:38 |
helloha | i already login to that server with ssh | 21:38 |
SuperMoos | It is | 21:38 |
helloha | in ubuntu | 21:38 |
redzheb | it's nothing help | 21:38 |
Carstairs | what is a decent video card for ubuntu 512mb ? | 21:39 |
zash | Where would the best place to put a custom keyboard layout? | 21:39 |
mikewu | helloha: if you're already ssh'ed in then use scp path_to_file user@your_ip_address:/path_to_where_you_want_it | 21:39 |
=== Sniper is now known as Guest46954 | ||
helloha | my_ip_address of local machine? | 21:39 |
helloha | how to find out? | 21:40 |
helloha | ifconfig? | 21:40 |
mikewu | helloha: | 21:40 |
unop | helloha, yes | 21:40 |
meho_r | OK, thanks Scunizi for explanation :) | 21:40 |
DVA5912 | Where did my desktop icons Go??!>!>! their gone... | 21:40 |
o0splitpaw0o | I loove webmin! Sorry.. | 21:40 |
[T]ank | I am experiencing a problem where VMware crashes my xsession. Sometimes it right when I start it up... sometimes I can work for hours in my vmware session then it happens. But the one thing that is constant is that vmware is the only thing that ever causes this. | 21:40 |
redvamp128 | helloha: ifconfing (is the linux equivalent to windows ipconfig) | 21:40 |
mikewu | unop: won't that give local ip address? | 21:40 |
helloha | eth1 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:50:04:d8:cd:6f | 21:40 |
helloha | inet addr: Bcast: Mask: | 21:40 |
helloha | inet6 addr: fe80::250:4ff:fed8:cd6f/64 Scope:Link | 21:40 |
helloha | which one to choose? | 21:40 |
SuperMoos | mrwes, can totem play DVDs? | 21:40 |
FloodBot2 | helloha: Please don't flood, use to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 21:41 |
unop | zash, depends on the utility that sets the keymap .. but usually in your home directory | 21:41 |
redvamp128 | SuperMoos: Yes but you have to install restricted formats. | 21:41 |
mrwes | SuperMoos, sure | 21:41 |
Zarel | Hey everyone. | 21:41 |
redvamp128 | !restricted | SuperMoos | 21:41 |
ubottu | SuperMoos: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: - See also - But please use free formats if you can: | 21:41 |
unop | helloha, you appear to be behind a NAT router - you'll need to use the address found at or something similar | 21:41 |
Zarel | How would I go about finding out whether or not my install of Ubuntu is 64-bit? | 21:41 |
redzheb | | 21:41 |
mrwes | ubuntu-restricted-packages | 21:41 |
SuperMoos | mrwes, redvamp128 , it still is faint , even opening the VOBs themself | 21:41 |
redzheb | whAT'S WRONG | 21:41 |
unop | helloha, but since you can already ssh to the remote machine .. why not open another shell and use SCP ? | 21:42 |
SuperMoos | in Toten | 21:42 |
SuperMoos | totem | 21:42 |
DVA5912 | Where did my desktop icons Go??!>!>! their gone... how do i get em back | 21:42 |
mrwes | SuperMoos, I can't of anything else -- volume control what is the volume set to control? master ....? | 21:42 |
zash | unop: /usr/share/X11/xkb/symbols/ is full of files in the same format | 21:42 |
SuperMoos | mrwes, yes | 21:42 |
unop | redzheb, what does this give you? ls -l ~/home/redzheb/ALSA/1.0.19/ | 21:42 |
zash | DVA5912: try alt+f2 and run "nautilus" | 21:42 |
redvamp128 | SuperMoos: To open a Vob you may want to consider xine or gxine (I think vlc will do it also) once you install the restricted formats and the libdvdcss2. | 21:43 |
zash | DVA5912: if the desktop krached that would restatr it | 21:43 |
Xamusk | Jack_Sparrow, about the kernel panics, they keep coming | 21:43 |
DVA5912 | zash, that fixed it. Thanks | 21:43 |
SuperMoos | redvamp128, It plays like VLC, etc, but the sound is still faint | 21:43 |
ZeRo_FeniX | what is the unix equivilant of the program files dir? | 21:44 |
SuperMoos | redvamp128, I have the ISO mounted in /media/image , and tried opening the original ISO too | 21:44 |
mrwes | SuperMoos, desktop speakers? | 21:44 |
unop | ZeRo_FeniX, ls | 21:44 |
[T]ank | anyone have any ideas on my issue with vmware? | 21:44 |
SuperMoos | mrwes, yes | 21:44 |
SuperMoos | mrwes, Perhaps DVD-Shrink messed up the sound on this one ISO ? | 21:44 |
SuperMoos | mrwes, Let me go get an original DVD | 21:44 |
theunixgeek | !dutch | 21:44 |
ubottu | Nederlandstalige ondersteuning voor Ubuntu (en vers gezette koffie) is te vinden in #ubuntu-nl | 21:44 |
helloha | scp rs933RTC_Eclipse_iranger.tar.gz yparsak@ | 21:44 |
unop | ZeRo_FeniX, ohh .. misread .. it depends .. /usr/share, /usr/loca/share | 21:44 |
mrwes | SuperMoos, ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh now you mention that! :) | 21:44 |
helloha | doesnt work | 21:44 |
redvamp128 | SuperMoos: I know with xine (gxine) you can adjust the gain on the sound . | 21:44 |
mrwes | heh | 21:45 |
helloha | scp rs933RTC_Eclipse_iranger.tar.gz yparsak@ | 21:45 |
mikewu | ZeRo_FeniX: /usr/bin | 21:45 |
unop | ZeRo_FeniX, /usr/local/share | 21:45 |
helloha | scp filename yparsak@ip /home/ | 21:45 |
unop | helloha, which host have you used SSH to access? | 21:45 |
Xamusk | even without additional drivers | 21:45 |
SuperMoos | I don't like Gxine | 21:45 |
mrwes | SuperMoos, who does | 21:46 |
redzheb | unop: it's give me that | 21:46 |
_VIM_ | ZeRo_FeniX: depends if you have gnome or kde, etc. like I think kde's "Program Files" dir is /home/whoever/.kde/share/apps ... something along those lines | 21:46 |
unop | redzheb, right, so you are trying to copy files from a directory that doesn't exist -- did you download this ALSA package? | 21:46 |
redvamp128 | SuperMoos: I was suggesting that because it allows more freely the adjusting of the sound processing . plus it has an equalizer that you can use to boost the volume is too low. | 21:47 |
Nottelling_ | what is the room for 9.04 alpha? btw I love where 9.04 is going!!! | 21:47 |
ZeRo_FeniX | Well I'm looking to install ventrilo server on an xubuntu machine. Where would I want to unzip the package to correlate to the rest of the programs? | 21:47 |
x41 | you for using freenode! | 21:47 |
x41 | [27-Feb:21:45] -NickServ!NickServ@services.- This nickname is registered. | 21:47 |
x41 | Please choose a different nickname, or identify via /msg NickServ | 21:47 |
x41 | identify <password>. | 21:47 |
x41 | [27-Feb:21:45] -NickServ!NickServ@services.- You have 30 seconds to identify | 21:47 |
FloodBot2 | x41: Please don't flood, use to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 21:47 |
glitsj16 | SuperMoos: there's totem-xine which works great, full dvd menu-support etc., just another option if you haven't seen that already | 21:47 |
redzheb | yes i downloaded | 21:47 |
danbhfive | ZeRo_FeniX: opt I think | 21:47 |
redvamp128 | SuperMoos: also Mplayer also has the eq feature. | 21:47 |
x41 | I don't remember askin' you a Goddamn thing! You were saying? | 21:47 |
=== x41 is now known as Guest41693 | ||
usser | Nottelling_, #ubuntu+1 | 21:48 |
Nottelling_ | ty | 21:48 |
Guest41693 | Look, I'm not stupid. It's the Big Man's wife. I'm gonna sit across from her, chew my food with my mouth closed, laugh at her fucking jokes, and that's it. | 21:49 |
SuperMoos | I'm trying my Star Wars DVD | 21:49 |
InsomniaCity | Hi! Recently, my ubuntu 8.04 install has started opening file mounts in gqview instead of Nautilus | 21:49 |
Guest41693 | Naw man. I'm pretty fuckin' far from okay. | 21:49 |
unop | !ot | Guest41693 | 21:50 |
ubottu | Guest41693: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks! | 21:50 |
InsomniaCity | eg, if I mount a new windows share, it opens gqview on it instead of nautilus | 21:50 |
InsomniaCity | Does anyone know how I can change this back? | 21:50 |
SuperMoos | the original DVD sounds a lot better | 21:50 |
mrwes | SuperMoos, must have been the iso file | 21:50 |
Guest41693 | ubottu: What now? Let me tell you what now. I'ma call a coupla hard, pipe-hittin' niggers, who'll go to work on the homes here with a pair of pliers and a blow torch. You hear me talkin', hillbilly boy? I ain't through with you by a damn sight. I'ma get medieval on your ass. | 21:50 |
ubottu | Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 21:50 |
helloha | yes | 21:50 |
helloha | i use ssh | 21:50 |
DJones | !ops | Guest41693 | 21:50 |
ubottu | Guest41693: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, Madpilot, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia! | 21:50 |
SuperMoos | WTF | 21:51 |
mrwes | b00m | 21:51 |
_VIM_ | pwnage | 21:51 |
mrwes | that was quick | 21:51 |
unop | he's not been mistreated | 21:51 |
Myrtti | moving on | 21:51 |
mrwes | yes of course Myrtti | 21:51 |
mrwes | twas a mere flash | 21:52 |
mrwes | heh | 21:52 |
Myrtti | the less attention you give to trolls, the better | 21:52 |
SuperMoos | So, what is a replacement for DVD-Shrink that is native ? All I heard was k9copy | 21:52 |
mrwes | right | 21:52 |
mrwes | SuperMoos, yah K9copy works well | 21:52 |
prince_jammys | guy was spewing out the whole screenplay of Pulp Fiction | 21:52 |
SuperMoos | mrwes, as well as a bum tooth | 21:52 |
Platyna | Hi. | 21:53 |
prince_jammys | hello | 21:53 |
redvamp128 | SuperMoos: you could read this page- RestrictedFormats/RippingDVDs - Community Ubuntu Documentation <> | 21:53 |
Platyna | Anyone has an account on | 21:53 |
Myrtti | Platyna: I'm sure many of us have | 21:53 |
Platyna | Can you download for me these two files: | 21:53 |
Platyna | | 21:53 |
[T]ank | how do I know if I am running compiz? | 21:53 |
Platyna | | 21:53 |
Platyna | And send me them> | 21:54 |
Platyna | ? | 21:54 |
unop | helloha, if you ssh to a host .. you can also use scp to copy files to/from that host. | 21:54 |
FloodBot2 | Platyna: Please don't flood, use to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 21:54 |
redzheb | unop: ? | 21:54 |
Platyna | I can't register. | 21:54 |
helloha | how unop | 21:54 |
Platyna | FloodBot2: You are quite a dumb bot. ;p | 21:54 |
InsomniaCity | Anyone got any idea on why Nautilus is opening new mount points in gqview instead of nautilus? | 21:54 |
Platyna | Come on people. :P | 21:55 |
unop | helloha, let's say you ssh to .. with scp you would do something like. scp /path/to/download_to | 21:55 |
unop | redzheb, if you address someone, mention their name so they get your responses | 21:55 |
unop | redzheb, now, did you extract that package anywhere? | 21:55 |
redvamp128 | [T]ank: easiest way is hold down the ctl-alt- right arrow key-- if the change desktop appears then no -- if the screen kind of flips and turns then yes. | 21:55 |
prince_jammys | Platyna: | 21:56 |
meho_r | catch Platyna | 21:56 |
redzheb | ok | 21:56 |
[T]ank | redvamp128: how do i turn it off permanently? | 21:56 |
nicklas_ | hallå | 21:56 |
=== sanjud is now known as n8tuser | ||
Platyna | prince_jammys: Which one is it? | 21:57 |
BSG | Howdy guys, I'm coming from the eeebuntu forums trying to fix a problem with my webcam in relation to stickam. | 21:57 |
redzheb | i extracted on desktop | 21:57 |
Platyna | meho_r: I can't. ;p | 21:57 |
redvamp128 | [T]ank: system - preference -appearance then visual effects and select none | 21:57 |
helloha | scp sth(remoteserver):/home/fileiwantocopy (localdrive)/home/fuckyou/ | 21:57 |
meho_r | Why not | 21:57 |
=== kevin_ is now known as uvacav | ||
helloha | but it doesn'tw ork | 21:57 |
[T]ank | thank you | 21:57 |
uvacav | anyone have ie8 running in linux? | 21:57 |
Platyna | Because dcc doesn't work here. | 21:57 |
kurrata | [T]ank: system->preferences->appearance->visual effects | 21:57 |
meho_r | Oh | 21:58 |
helloha | it says can't find "/home/fuckyou" | 21:58 |
unop | helloha, please mind the language .. | 21:58 |
Surlent777 | quick question: should trying to install kubuntu-desktop mark displayconfig-gtk and guidance-backends for removal? | 21:58 |
meho_r | Just a sec. | 21:58 |
prince_jammys | Platyna: what do you mean which one is it? | 21:58 |
Platyna | prince_jammys: There are two files. | 21:58 |
BSG | If you'd like to read more specifically what my problem is, read this thread: | 21:58 |
Platyna | Which one of them you have pasted? | 21:58 |
[T]ank | kurrata: I have it set to none... however as was suggested by redvamp128 I did a ctrl+alt+ right arrow and was able to switch desktops. meaning I thought that it was running. | 21:59 |
helloha | scp sth(remoteserver):/home/fileiwantocopy (localdrive)/home/user/ | 21:59 |
helloha | it says can't find "/home/user" | 21:59 |
prince_jammys | Platyna: | 21:59 |
helloha | /home/user is my local machine path | 21:59 |
BSG | (is there a way to set pidgin to not show the join and exit messages? | 21:59 |
unop | helloha, does /home/user/ exist? ls -ld /home/user/ | 21:59 |
kurrata | isnt that key combo moving thought your virtual desktops...they arnt part of compiz | 21:59 |
lasivian | does anyone know the source type for an ralink card in kismet? | 21:59 |
redvamp128 | [T]ank: if the desktop switch jumped up then no it was not enabled- but if your screen kind of flipped around then compiz is enabled. | 21:59 |
[T]ank | ahhh gotcha. | 22:00 |
[T]ank | ok | 22:00 |
Platyna | prince_jammys: ... | 22:00 |
[T]ank | so its good then. | 22:00 |
helloha | i login to remote server with ssh | 22:00 |
[T]ank | any other ideas maybe why vmware crashes my x session when i have it running? | 22:00 |
helloha | ofcourse it's not. how come remote server can access local machine | 22:00 |
meho_r | Platyna, try now, I zipped them both: | 22:00 |
prince_jammys | Platyna: this is the other one | 22:00 |
Platyna | I would never suppose that grabbing two files and passing them is so challenging. | 22:00 |
Surlent777 | quick question: should trying to install kubuntu-desktop mark displayconfig-gtk and guidance-backends for removal? Alternatively, should I be worried? | 22:00 |
exodus_ms | have a problem with sound. I have a sb card that works fine but I cannot use the volume control to increase/decrease sound. When playing video/music through a player sound can be adjusted, but not from the master control found on the panel | 22:00 |
kurrata | [T]you gave it to much ram, | 22:00 |
prince_jammys | Platyna: i would never think pasting an entire question on one line was challenging | 22:00 |
kurrata | [T]ank: you gave it to much ram, | 22:01 |
[T]ank | is there a limit? | 22:01 |
[T]ank | obviously not more than I have, I know | 22:01 |
kurrata | [T]ank: if you dont have enought left you main system cant work and hangs | 22:01 |
BSG | So would anyone like to help me get my webcam talking to flash properly? | 22:01 |
nicklas_ | how do you create new irc channels? | 22:01 |
BSG | just join it, nicklas | 22:02 |
frostburn | anyone know why when i snmpwalk hrSWInstalledTable it wont respond? | 22:02 |
glitsj16 | BSG: activate a plugin in pidgin called join/part hiding, that exists if you have installed pidgin-plugin-pack | 22:02 |
[T]ank | kurrata: opening vm to see what I have set | 22:02 |
BSG | type /join #newname | 22:02 |
=== Guardian is now known as Mraedis | ||
redvamp128 | [T]ank: this is what I meant about the flipping around | 22:02 |
Xamusk | I'm having random kernel panics which aren't getting registered on the logs. I have a Dell Vostro 1310 (core2duo 4GB RAM, ubuntu 8.10, nvidia video without proprietary drivers) what could it be or at least how can I debug it? | 22:02 |
Flare183 | !spam | BSG | 22:02 |
ubottu | BSG: Unsure how you should behave on this channel? See (in a private message with the bot, /msg ubottu <keyword>): !AskTheBot, !CoC, !Guidelines, !Offtopic, !Language, !Attitude, !Repeat, !Enter, !Paste, !Caps, !NickSpam, !PM, !English - And most importantly, use common sense... | 22:02 |
helloha | thanks | 22:03 |
helloha | it's working | 22:03 |
helloha | how to use sftp | 22:03 |
Surlent777 | quick question: should trying to install kubuntu-desktop mark displayconfig-gtk and guidance-backends for removal? Alternatively, should I be worried? | 22:03 |
helloha | i know how to use scp to grab file | 22:03 |
Cont|nuuM | any idea on why I am having issues using x forwarding on a headless ubuntu vps? | 22:03 |
[T]ank | So my system has 3110900 kB I set vmware to use 512 MB | 22:03 |
helloha | how to use sftp to put file on remote machine? | 22:03 |
unop | helloha, | 22:03 |
helloha | or copy file from remote machine | 22:03 |
lu6cifer | on terminal, after I deselect 'show menubar', is there a way to get the menubar back? | 22:03 |
carpii | you can just sftp login@machine | 22:03 |
carpii | then put filename | 22:03 |
joerack | please help me .. I keep getting "Audio Playback does not work" everytime I open dragonplayer | 22:03 |
kurrata | [T]ank: what about video card ram? | 22:04 |
Cont|nuuM | x forwarding is set to yes in the sshd_config | 22:04 |
Cont|nuuM | x11-apps, xauth etc are all installed | 22:04 |
Surlent777 | lu6cifer: right click and reselect it | 22:04 |
helloha | yes | 22:04 |
helloha | unop | 22:04 |
helloha | i get it to work with scp | 22:04 |
helloha | anyway thanks | 22:04 |
FloodBot2 | helloha: Please don't flood, use to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 22:04 |
[T]ank | autodetect | 22:04 |
Cont|nuuM | but if I do xclock (after logging in with ssh -Y user@host) it says: Error: Can't open display: | 22:04 |
metyl | quit | 22:04 |
Mraedis | There sure are alot of people here | 22:05 |
Surlent777 | yeh | 22:05 |
Surlent777 | trolls feel bad for this channel and don't even bother coming in to flood it | 22:05 |
[T]ank | kurrata: did not post specifically to you... so you may not have seen that I posted: I have it set to autodetect | 22:06 |
Mraedis | lol Surlent777 | 22:06 |
Surlent777 | quick question: should trying to install kubuntu-desktop mark displayconfig-gtk and guidance-backends for removal? Alternatively, should I be worried? | 22:07 |
redvamp128 | Surlent777: check the chat logs about 10 min ago they booted someone who was obscene to ubottu | 22:07 |
guntbert | Mraedis: do you have a support question? | 22:07 |
Mraedis | Well | 22:07 |
Platyna | meho_r: Thanks alot. *hug* | 22:07 |
Surlent777 | redvamp128: Really? heh, cool | 22:07 |
joerack | please help me .. I keep getting "Audio Playback does not work" everytime I open dragonplayer | 22:07 |
Mraedis | I'm new to Ubuntu | 22:07 |
kurrata | [T]ank: try setting it manual maby it detects it wrong. when my virtualbox was hanging my system i messed little bit with memory and it stoped doing it | 22:07 |
Platyna | prince_jammys: Bite me. :P | 22:07 |
Mraedis | Just cruising about | 22:07 |
prince_jammys | Platyna: get lost. | 22:07 |
Platyna | Have a nice evening boys. ;) | 22:07 |
[T]ank | kurrata: I dont see any setting for memory, only resolution. | 22:08 |
Mraedis | My computer sounds like a serverpark | 22:08 |
redvamp128 | Surlent777: /srv/ <> | 22:08 |
Mraedis | But that's because of the billion fans on it | 22:08 |
Mraedis | =P | 22:08 |
exodus_ms | have a problem with sound. I have a sb card that works fine but I cannot use the volume control to increase/decrease sound. When playing video/music through a player sound can be adjusted, but not from the master control found on the panel | 22:08 |
Cont|nuuM | anyone in here using a headless ubuntu vps with xforwarding? | 22:09 |
guntbert | Mraedis: this the ubuntu support channel, if you want just to chat please visit #ubuntu-offtopic | 22:09 |
Mraedis | Oh, sorry | 22:09 |
[T]ank | kurrata: testing now... see you later if it dumps me :-D | 22:09 |
Surlent777 | redvamp128: I don't see any kick or ban notifications there | 22:09 |
Cont|nuuM | I've done it on gentoo np but having a hard time with ubuntu | 22:09 |
redvamp128 | Surlent777: correction /srv/ <> | 22:09 |
glitsj16 | exodus_ms: tried right-clicking the panel applet and checking properties, i believe you can set some soubd card related options there | 22:10 |
exodus_ms | glitsj16, thanks, ya I just found that option, adjusted the 'master' and 'pcm' volume | 22:11 |
acfrazier | How can I get dual monitors working? | 22:11 |
redvamp128 | Surlent777: check around 21:50 | 22:11 |
glitsj16 | exodus_ms: you're welcome, enjoy the soubd :) | 22:11 |
upof88 | hi, i'm a total noob, so please forgive my noob-ness! | 22:11 |
kw0lf | Hallo | 22:11 |
exodus_ms | glitsj16, more than my neighbors :P | 22:11 |
glitsj16 | lol | 22:12 |
[T]ank | kurrata: So far so good.... I will keep at it and see. thanks for taking the time to reply. | 22:12 |
guntbert | upof88: we all were once - please ask | 22:12 |
Lenin_Cat | how do I extract something with 3 processers | 22:12 |
kw0lf | I have a laptop together with an external monitor here. Is there a way to start the login (gdm) directly on the external one? | 22:12 |
BSG | If anyone was wondering about removing part/join messages in pidgin, there's a plugin, just look for it in the plugin directory under pidgin. | 22:12 |
acfrazier | How can I get my dual monitors working? | 22:12 |
kw0lf | I want to keep my laptop closed when starting, thats why.. | 22:12 |
glitsj16 | !twinview | 22:12 |
ubottu | twinview is a feature provided by nvidia cards, which can be configured with nvidia-settings | 22:12 |
Surlent777 | quick question: should trying to install kubuntu-desktop mark displayconfig-gtk and guidance-backends for removal? Alternatively, should I be worried? | 22:13 |
acfrazier | I have an ATI card. | 22:13 |
gotcha | [T]ank stop writing "gotcha" ;[ | 22:13 |
guntbert | !ot | BSG | 22:13 |
ubottu | BSG: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks! | 22:13 |
acfrazier | glitsj16: I have an ATI card. | 22:13 |
upof88 | thanks guntbert. i'm just after switching from winxp. i want to know if there is a xubuntu equivalent to winxp's mouse settings, for an external usb mouse? | 22:13 |
TheRealAnna | I need some freakin help! | 22:14 |
kw0lf | Anyone an idea? | 22:14 |
[T]ank | gotcha: wtf are you talking about | 22:14 |
TheRealAnna | I can't get stopmotion to work | 22:14 |
shear | hmm. can anyone tell me why my xorg.conf file in 8.10 is a grand total of 16 lines? Everything's working fine mind you, I have compiz enabled and all that, but I'm installing Arch on this machine, and I was just going to cut and paste from the ubuntu xorg.conf | 22:14 |
glitsj16 | acfrazier: i don't use dual setup all the time, you might want to look at | 22:14 |
TheRealAnna | digikam won't make an mpeg slideshow either! | 22:14 |
Cont|nuuM | I guess no one uses google in here... | 22:15 |
TheRealAnna | i looked everything up | 22:15 |
kurrata | shear: ubuntu stores configs somewhere else | 22:15 |
TheRealAnna | I tried just about every tut out there | 22:15 |
unop | shear, the new Xorg is aiming to be as automagic as possible - not relying on a configuration file but generating one on the fly (though, you can stil force it to use a configuration file if you want) | 22:15 |
Cont|nuuM | note to self, never use ubuntu again | 22:15 |
TheRealAnna | i mean really if no one wants to help just say so | 22:15 |
Cont|nuuM | gentoo > ubuntu | 22:15 |
guntbert | upof88: sorry, I don't know about that, but please ask your question once again "to the channel" (= without a nickname in front), so that all will read it, not just me :) | 22:16 |
shear | kurrata, unop, can I then take a look at the settings ubuntu is using, in the xorg.conf format? | 22:16 |
shear | or is that all hidden away now | 22:16 |
racecar56 | i manually remove gnome and installed XFCE, now my login screen is messed up, how do i install a login screen that goes with XFCE? | 22:16 |
Surlent777 | quick question: should trying to install kubuntu-desktop mark displayconfig-gtk and guidance-backends for removal? Alternatively, should I be worried? | 22:16 |
kurrata | shear: never found them when i tried to find them y-y | 22:16 |
Surlent777 | racecar56: AFAIK, Xfce is meant to use GDM | 22:16 |
shear | kurrata, awesome :):P | 22:16 |
unop | shear, no unfortunately, but you can have a look at the settings its chosen in the /var/log/Xorg.0.log | 22:16 |
TheRealAnna | How to I update FFMPEG? | 22:16 |
shear | ty unop | 22:17 |
Huufarted | Anybody know a decent way to monitor bandwidth from the terminal? | 22:17 |
Huufarted | TheRealAnna, try this: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade | 22:17 |
jerem | bsr | 22:17 |
upof88 | i want to know if there is a xubuntu equivalent to winxp's mouse settings, for an external usb mouse please and thank you! | 22:17 |
Dillizar | i have broken my Totem player is there i way i can fix it ?? | 22:17 |
TheRealAnna | I have the latest version on Ubuntu | 22:17 |
guntbert | TheRealAnna: its the other way round: if someone knows an answer to your problem, they will most likely answer | 22:17 |
carpii | when i SSH to my servers in Konsole, and then use nano, hitting HOME just inserts a H character. How can I fix this so the keyboard maps correctly ? | 22:17 |
TheRealAnna | I did the get update too | 22:17 |
TheRealAnna | nothing | 22:17 |
TheRealAnna | i mean it worked obv, but the digikam and stopmotion will not convert my slidehsows to videi | 22:18 |
TheRealAnna | *video | 22:18 |
glitsj16 | racecar56: run "gksu /usr/sbin/gdmsetup" and check what session you have active in the general tab, xfce session should be an option | 22:18 |
kurrata | Dillizar: delete .totem in home or reinstal it | 22:18 |
racecar56 | brb | 22:18 |
shear | unop, one more thins if you don't mind. is this change an xorg thing, or an ubuntu thing | 22:18 |
unop | shear, Xorg in general .. though most distros still have to take 'advantage' of this autoconfiguration | 22:19 |
Dillizar | kurrata, its not in home and i have tried to reinstall it | 22:19 |
Surlent777 | quick question: should trying to install kubuntu-desktop mark displayconfig-gtk and guidance-backends for removal? Alternatively, should I be worried? | 22:19 |
TheRealAnna | I'll try the sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade again | 22:19 |
shear | unop, insteresting. Well, obviously Arch hasn't done it yet. Back to hacking xorg.conf piece by piece then i suppose | 22:20 |
shear | ta | 22:20 |
glitsj16 | Surlent777: quick answer: no worries | 22:20 |
unop | shear, arch might have something like xorgconfig (or similar) to aid you | 22:20 |
kurrata | Dillizar: find /home/acc -name *totem* try this to make sure it isnt there | 22:20 |
j0hn | # | 22:20 |
shear | unop, it does, but it doesn't work perfectly | 22:21 |
upof88 | i want to know if there is a xubuntu equivalent to winxp's mouse settings, for an external usb mouse thank you! | 22:21 |
unop | carpii, try setting TERM=xterm or TERM=rxvt -- it might fix it | 22:21 |
=== Nakjeido2 is now known as TimothyA | ||
BSG | Huufarted: vnstat | 22:21 |
Surlent777 | glitsj16: can you elaborate slightly? I want to make sure that I can run GNOME/KDE/Fluxbox without anything messing up; I don't intend to switch to KDE exculsively | 22:22 |
o0splitpaw0o | nicklas_: just type in /join #nameofchannel | 22:22 |
glitsj16 | Surlent777: that's by design, i don't think even regular ubuntu-desktop in intrepid doesn't have displayconfig-gtk anymore, the kubuntu desktop you are installing will have alternative packages to get the same functionality | 22:22 |
SuperMoos | What would be a good sensor viewer , such as SpeedFan in Windows ? | 22:22 |
Xamusk | I just looooove those kernel panics :( can anyone help me with that? | 22:22 |
Dillizar | kurrata, i am now sudo apt-get remove totem | 22:23 |
Surlent777 | glitsj16: ok, I'll take your word for we go. | 22:23 |
ubuntuphr3k | Xamusk, depending on what kind of kernel panic ... | 22:23 |
Dillizar | kurrata, and now install | 22:23 |
BSG | SuperMoos: lm-sensors | 22:23 |
=== bahram is now known as gnudownload | ||
Huufarted | BSG, thanks. :) | 22:24 |
SuperMoos | BSG, how do I use it | 22:24 |
nicklas_ | ok, now i have registered the #moonos channel, try connecting to it and see if it stays there when i shut down my irc client | 22:24 |
Xamusk | ubuntuphr3k, the problem is that I can't find what's causing it, so I have no idea what's its kind | 22:24 |
BSG | SuperMoos: | 22:25 |
redzheb | how i can to delete directory in ubuntu | 22:25 |
BSG | There's a couple applets/applications, gdesklet and gkrelm that work with it | 22:25 |
acfrazier | Is there anyway using BigDesktop to change my resolution to 2560*2048? It defaults to 2048*768 and that's just too big. | 22:27 |
oHnoez | who can help me with grub? | 22:27 |
oHnoez | please pvp with me | 22:27 |
oHnoez | (A) | 22:27 |
upof88 | please provide a link which explains the main differences between xubuntu and ubuntu? | 22:27 |
acfrazier | or rather 2560*1024 | 22:28 |
BSG | I am trying to get my EEEBuntu EEEPC 900s webcam to work with After reinstalling the x86 flash plugin, I am still unable to access the grayed out "Settings" unless I visit the adobe settings page online. Using Flock, I'm able to get a single webcam capture before it shuts down. I'm trying to figure out how to get the two to work. | 22:28 |
redzheb | how i can compile alsa driver | 22:28 |
TruthTaco | i wanna download some cool shit for ubuntu | 22:28 |
TruthTaco | anyone know some cool shit i can download | 22:28 |
Huufarted | is there a command that can show all of your apt-get commands you've ran in the past? | 22:28 |
chupy | i have a problem with my headset when i record in sound recorder its sounds good but in skype sounds awful what cant it be? | 22:28 |
zash | Huufarted: history | grep apt-get | 22:28 |
bruenig | Huufarted: history | grep apt-get | 22:28 |
bruenig | wut | 22:28 |
Huufarted | thanks! :) | 22:28 |
zash | bruenig: wat | 22:28 |
bruenig | hmm | 22:28 |
acfrazier | So how can I change my resolution for BigDesktop? | 22:28 |
acfrazier | I want it to be 2560*1024 | 22:29 |
BSG | You can read more specifics about my problem on the eeebuntu forums. | 22:29 |
TheRealAnna | well I did the get update and the get upgrade, Stopmotion still will not convert my slideshow to video | 22:30 |
Xamusk | ubuntuphr3k, there's nothing about the panics in the logs | 22:30 |
guntbert | TheRealAnna: as I see it, you have a problem with a special application - right? | 22:30 |
TheRealAnna | Yes + I posted the problem in the forum | 22:31 |
TheRealAnna | I removed a lot of un used programs | 22:31 |
guntbert | !who | TheRealAnna | 22:31 |
ubottu | TheRealAnna: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :) | 22:31 |
=== richard is now known as Guest41967 | ||
ubuntuphr3k | Xamusk, when you see the actual kernel panic, what does it say specifically? | 22:32 |
TheRealAnna | well i am talking to whoever wants to help me figure this thing out | 22:32 |
TheRealAnna | I feel like smashing my computer | 22:32 |
guntbert | TheRealAnna: you might get better results by asking the developers of you app | 22:32 |
guntbert | *your | 22:32 |
evil_tech | exit | 22:32 |
evil_tech | exit | 22:32 |
TheRealAnna | HA! When it comes to me i never seem to get a response! | 22:32 |
Huufarted | bruenig or zash (or anybody else) is there a way to list the history from a previous terminal session, say yesterday? | 22:32 |
glitsj16 | chupy: don't know about soundrecorder, but might offer an alternative route | 22:32 |
bruenig | Huufarted: history has all of the history you got | 22:32 |
bruenig | Huufarted: if you want more history, you need to set the history size to be larger | 22:33 |
TheRealAnna | Well is there a way where I can add additional codecs to FFMPEG? | 22:33 |
kurrata | Huufarted: in your home thers text file basg history or something like that | 22:33 |
chupy | thanks | 22:33 |
Huufarted | bruenig, does it carry over from previous sessions? | 22:33 |
BLACKthroat | Is the setup/config for lirc the same for intrepid as it is for hardy? | 22:33 |
TheRealAnna | I did the get update and ugrade (worthless nothing as I have ecerything updated) | 22:33 |
bruenig | Huufarted: yes | 22:33 |
bruenig | Huufarted: it is based on numbers | 22:33 |
bruenig | Huufarted: so the last 1000 commands for instance | 22:33 |
Huufarted | bruenig, thanks. :) | 22:34 |
guntbert | TheRealAnna: you are repeating the same sentences over and over again, why don't you ask the developer of your app? | 22:34 |
BSG | He left | 22:34 |
BSG | or her | 22:34 |
qcjn | is there something like hotkeyp available under Ubuntu ?? | 22:34 |
kurrata | system_preferences->keyboard shortcuts | 22:35 |
ubuntuphr3k | qcjn - yes | 22:35 |
ubuntuphr3k | nevermind kurrata already told you | 22:35 |
picca | anyone here managed to get ubuntu 8.10 working on a philips x55 | 22:35 |
qcjn | :) | 22:35 |
nomiculus | if i copy to /media/cdrom0 and then put the disk into another machine running ubuntu it says its a blank disk ... i've used cp filename /media/cdrom0 .... why is this pls anyone | 22:36 |
BLACKthroat | can someone please point me to a guide for setting up lirc in intrepid? | 22:36 |
qcjn | ok, thanks | 22:36 |
timsandtoms | ;_; I formatted one of my flash drives in Gparted, and now I can't do anything with it. It mounts, I just can't write to it, or read the folder it now randomly has(Lost+found) | 22:37 |
guntbert | nomiculus: I would not expect to find a burner under /media/cdrom | 22:37 |
ubuntuphr3k | BLACKthroat - go to your terminal | 22:37 |
ubuntuphr3k | and type sudo apt-get install -y lirc | 22:37 |
Mraedis | What's lirc? | 22:38 |
BLACKthroat | ubuntuphr3k, ok | 22:38 |
Mraedis | !lirc | 22:38 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about lirc | 22:38 |
guntbert | !info lirc | 22:38 |
ubottu | lirc (source: lirc): Linux Infra-red Remote Control support. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.8.3-0ubuntu2 (intrepid), package size 392 kB, installed size 1952 kB | 22:38 |
Mraedis | Oh | 22:38 |
davide_ | oi | 22:38 |
ubuntuphr3k | yeah its for remote controls | 22:38 |
Huufarted | wow... the 'man history' page is the most convoluted garbage I've ever seen... how do you increase the size of the history it maintains? | 22:38 |
davide_ | ca va | 22:38 |
Mraedis | Thought it was some kind of IRC thing | 22:38 |
ubuntuphr3k | yeah | 22:39 |
ubuntuphr3k | heh | 22:39 |
guntbert | !fr | davide_ | 22:39 |
ubottu | davide_: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr | 22:39 |
BLACKthroat | can't quite do that yet because i'm in the middle of a top chef episode =) | 22:39 |
nomiculus | ok fine now i'm using gnome to do it | 22:39 |
=== ZeRo_FeniX_ is now known as ZeRo_FeniX | ||
davide_ | je se pa lo fe jen sui portugues | 22:39 |
BLACKthroat | ubuntuphr3k, do you know much about pvr-350 and mythtv? | 22:39 |
guntbert | !pt | davide_ | 22:39 |
ubottu | davide_: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado. | 22:39 |
davide_ | pa cull | 22:39 |
Mraedis | !pt davide_ | 22:40 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about pt davide_ | 22:40 |
Mraedis | ? | 22:40 |
Mraedis | :p | 22:40 |
Mraedis | Oh | 22:40 |
davide_ | es rasista ha se cull | 22:40 |
guntbert | !pt > davide_ | 22:40 |
ubottu | davide_, please see my private message | 22:40 |
psyk | hi guys, may someone can help me,..i wanna install an external usb dvb-s tv card, but on its webpage are just windows drivers provided (EasyWatch USB).. is there an way to get it working? | 22:40 |
timsandtoms | I formatted one of my flash drives in Gparted, and now I can't do anything with it. It mounts, I just can't write to it, or read the folder it now randomly has(Lost+found). How do I make it work again? | 22:41 |
qcjn | ubuntuphr3k: how can i add application so i can put a keyboard shortcut ?? | 22:41 |
BLACKthroat | ubuntuphr3k, i already have it installed to the newest version. how do i run the configuration for it? | 22:42 |
=== nothingclever is now known as Guest30076 | ||
hatter243 | Hrm... firefox / thunderbird just flipped out for some reason I can't discern. I was at a black screen saver and my password prompt never came up, so I sysrq oom_kill and it killed thunderbird and firefox and I'm back alive again... | 22:42 |
InsomniaCity | Anyone got any idea on why Nautilus is opening new mount points in gqview instead of nautilus? | 22:44 |
ziggles | hi guys is there a way i can tile all of my open windows in gnome? | 22:44 |
jbuncher | ziggles, if you have compiz enabled, ctrl+shift+up | 22:45 |
ziggles | jbuncher, hmm.... i do have compiz enabled but that does nothing | 22:45 |
lorenzosu | My audio is completely "crackling", help please! | 22:46 |
Surlent777 | ok, I thought that I had deleted EVERYTHING related to KDE, but now I see that that is not the case, and compiz STILL wants to start up with KDE. Is there any way I can possibly make compiz NOT start up with KDE, but only with GNOME? | 22:46 |
ziggles | jbuncher, any idea where in CompizConfig settings manager i can look to check my key binding? | 22:47 |
hatter243 | !puregnome | Surlent777 | 22:47 |
Nefasto1 | Hi all! | 22:47 |
ubottu | Surlent777: If you want to remove all !KDE packages, type « sudo apt-get remove kdelibs4c2 ; sudo apt-get remove kdelibs5 ; sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop » | 22:47 |
jbuncher | ziggles, check under the "scale" plugin | 22:47 |
Surlent777 | hatter243: I'm not sure that'll help =( | 22:48 |
hatter243 | ...compiz starts up with kde? What do you mean? | 22:48 |
Nefasto1 | I´m having a little trouble getting WebDAV running on linux... I´ve followed the Subversion document on help.ubuntu, done it step-by-step, but the error message leaves me no where else to go! | 22:48 |
psyk | can nobody help me with my tv card? :( | 22:48 |
Nefasto1 | could someone please spare a couple minutes just to put me in the right track? Google didn´t help much.. :S | 22:49 |
Surlent777 | hatter243: I mean, when I first set up KDE, it used KWin exclusively, and GNOME did it's thing and booted up Compiz. So, being bored one day, I decided to see if Compiz would work nicely with KDE4. It did, but then I wanted to go back to a "pure" KDE (KWin), and it won't let me. Compiz keeps turining itself on every time I boot into KDE. | 22:50 |
ziggles | jbuncher, dang, dont see anything in there... ne other ideas? :) | 22:50 |
jbuncher | ziggles, sorry, none | 22:51 |
ziggles | jbuncher, oh well... thank you for the help | 22:51 |
acfrazier | is there any way to increase my resolution size in BigDesktop? 2048*768 isnt cutting it, I | 22:51 |
BLACKthroat | how do i know if im using mceusb or mceusb2? | 22:51 |
miro | ciao a tutti | 22:51 |
acfrazier | would like a larger resolution | 22:51 |
Nefasto1 | anyone? | 22:52 |
=== Nefasto1 is now known as Nefasto | ||
darrend | hi. I have a problem with a music player (UMS) that used to be recognised and mounted when I plugged it in, but no longer is. Where do I start looking to troubleshoot this? | 22:52 |
acfrazier | darrend: Did you try a different port? | 22:52 |
darrend | dmesg shows the device is recognised, so I guess it's udev somewhere, but where? | 22:52 |
darrend | acfrazier: ^^^ | 22:53 |
darrend | I can mount/umount it manually (as root) but obviously it's tedious - especially as root then owns all the files/dirs on it which is annoying for transferring files | 22:54 |
nicklas_ | | 22:54 |
n8tuser | darrend -> udev rules are in /etc/udev/rules.d/ look into each script for your device | 22:54 |
BSG | I'm having a problem with flash in eeebuntu. You can read more specifically about my problem here. Thanks, | 22:55 |
=== eric is now known as Guest242 | ||
BSG | Flash adn webcams, sorry to be unspecific. | 22:55 |
acfrazier | How can I increase my resolution using BigDesktop | 22:55 |
claudio | hola amigos de ubuntu. soy nuevo en linux y deseo recuperar todos estos años de ignorancia y malintenciones de microsoft volcandome a linux | 22:55 |
darrend | n8tuser: ok.. I see it listed in 2 of the udev scripts.. | 22:56 |
Surlent777 | claudio: nosotros hablos ingles aqui | 22:56 |
claudio | oh, donde puedo chat en spanish? | 22:56 |
darrend | !es | 22:57 |
ubottu | En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es. | 22:57 |
=== spider is now known as Guest33719 | ||
Surlent777 | si, #ubuntu-es | 22:57 |
victoria | hello | 22:57 |
victoria | i need help :) | 22:57 |
Surlent777 | so do we all :) | 22:57 |
claudio | ok amigo | 22:57 |
Huufarted | !ask | victoria | 22:57 |
ubottu | victoria: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) | 22:57 |
Athunye | victoria: Just ask :) | 22:57 |
ziggles | guys, any suggestions on where to find some cool themes for gnome? | 22:58 |
rww | !themes | ziggles | 22:58 |
ubottu | ziggles: Find your themes at: - - - - - - - Also see !changethemes and | 22:58 |
claudio | please guide | 22:58 |
Huufarted | lol ubottu is getting a workout today | 22:58 |
Surlent777 | claudio: /join #ubuntu-es | 22:58 |
Huufarted | claudio, /join #ubuntu-es | 22:58 |
Huufarted | haha | 22:58 |
Surlent777 | beat ya :D | 22:58 |
claudio | tank you | 22:59 |
acfrazier | How can I increase my resolution using BigDesktop? I'm stuck with 2048*768 but I want 2560*1024 | 22:59 |
victoria | OKK GUYS :) Well I just download a new splash screen.. andd... i want to change it now.. but i cant found any option for splash screens.. mmm? | 22:59 |
Surlent777 | claudio: de nada | 22:59 |
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IdleOne | what can I use to convert .bmp to .jpg? | 23:00 |
Surlent777 | victoria: what kind of splash screen? usplash? Compiz? GNOME? KDE? | 23:00 |
Surlent777 | IdleOne: GIMP | 23:00 |
Surlent777 | IdleOne: It can do almost anything | 23:00 |
IdleOne | Surlent777, ty | 23:00 |
miro | notte | 23:01 |
=== maxride_ is now known as MaxRide | ||
victoria | Surlent777: JUST UBUNTU GNOME I GUESS.. IM USING DEFAULT UBUNTU | 23:01 |
Surlent777 | victoria: Try getting gTweakUI. Look for it in the Synaptic Package Manager | 23:01 |
WoodsDog | maybe someone can help me. When I middle click my mouse (to paste, or to open in new tab in firefox), the cursor jumps up 5 lines and then pastes. it's really annoying | 23:02 |
WoodsDog | anyone seen that? | 23:02 |
Mraedis | Do you have your middle mouse set to anything that jumps 5 lines? =P | 23:02 |
Huufarted | !caps | victoria | 23:02 |
ubottu | victoria: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too. | 23:02 |
WoodsDog | don't think so | 23:02 |
Surlent777 | Victoria: It should let you set a splash screen for GNOME pretty easily. Get startupmanager for usplash (the ubuntu logo with the bar). Just be careful when messing with this stuff | 23:02 |
darrend | so can anyone help with this udev thing? I see the device recognised in dmesg, and I see /dev/sde created. But no auto-mount occurs.. | 23:02 |
nubcake | darrend: /etc/fstab ? | 23:03 |
rww | !fstab | darrend | 23:04 |
ubottu | darrend: The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See and and !Partitions | 23:04 |
Brad777 | Has anyone here ever had any luck getting a microphone working? I am using onboard realtek audio | 23:04 |
victoria | Surlent777: im confused now.. so i should get gtweakui or startupmanager for usplash? | 23:04 |
wolter | how can i create an archive format? | 23:04 |
darrend | nubcake: well it's not listed in there, but it's a removable USB drive - why would it? | 23:04 |
Surlent777 | Brad777: Make sure that everything in the Volume Manager is turned all the way up | 23:04 |
Huufarted | !tar | wolter | 23:04 |
ubottu | wolter: Files with extensions .tar, .gz, .tgz, .zip, .bz2, .7z, .ace and other archive file formats can be opened with file-roller (GNOME) or Ark (KDE) - Also see | 23:04 |
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victoria | Huufarted: sorry for hurting your delicate ears :) | 23:05 |
Surlent777 | Brad777: And that the mic is plugged into the right hole...silly, but sometimes it's the little things :) | 23:05 |
_DEL | is there a way to change wallpaper in terminal, in using fluxbox instead of gnome | 23:05 |
Huufarted | victoria: it's merely simple netiquette | 23:05 |
wolter | Huufarted, i want to create a file that will hold ebook contents together, and when i open it, some script will pass an html to the internet browser | 23:05 |
darrend | rww: this is a hotplug device.. my music player | 23:05 |
Huufarted | wolter: ebooks in what format? | 23:05 |
wolter | can tar let me do that? I don't want to compress | 23:05 |
wolter | Huufarted, html | 23:06 |
wolter | Huufarted, all packed in a Some | 23:06 |
wolter | file | 23:06 |
Huufarted | wolter, tar archives them into a file but does NOT compress it. Why do you not want to compress it? | 23:06 |
Surlent777 | _DEL: there is. It's the fbsetbg tool. Look at it's man page | 23:06 |
wolter | because its just to wrap the files in one single file. | 23:06 |
_DEL | aight, thank ya Surlent777 | 23:06 |
Surlent777 | _DEL: np | 23:07 |
wolter | Huufarted, anyway, thats awesome i think. | 23:07 |
Huufarted | wolter: I understood that, but the speed of computers nowadays there won't be any performance issue with compressing them at the same time. HOwever, Tar will archive them without compression. Not sure you can really do anything with it unless you pair it with a shell script to untar and execute a command | 23:07 |
hmw | wow - my ubunut wakes up, when i connect to it via ssh. How does that happen and where would I configure the behaviour? | 23:08 |
Huufarted | wolter: tar SOUNDS like it would be an option. Compression is optional. 'tar cvf /filename.tar file_to_archive.html' or to compress: 'tar xvjf /filename.tar file_to_archive.html' | 23:08 |
J-_ | Is it possible to adjust the size of my ext3 partitions that already have Ubuntu on em with a GParted disc so I can dualboot with another codename? | 23:08 |
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Huufarted | wolter: tar SOUNDS like it would be an option. Compression is optional. 'tar cvf /filename.tar file_to_archive.html' or to compress: 'tar cvjf /filename.tar.bz2 file_to_archive.html' (I typed the previous line wrong) | 23:08 |
wolter | Huufarted, yeah, actually that's the idea | 23:08 |
Huufarted | J-_, gparted will do that perfectly. | 23:08 |
wolter | Huufarted, so, if a tar file is not compressed, untaring it would last nothing? | 23:09 |
Huufarted | wolter: repeat that please? | 23:09 |
J-_ | Huufarted: Cool, thanks. :) | 23:09 |
wolter | well, techically, my computer would save the work of uncompressing the file, and it will just change its location, right? | 23:10 |
dtcrshr | anyone knows a nice system wide audio equalizer? | 23:10 |
Huufarted | wolter, sorta. tar will add a BUNCH of files to a single container | 23:10 |
Huufarted | wolter: compressing it will do the exact same thing, won't take any additional time, but will save a TON of space, especially with text files. | 23:10 |
nubcake | darrend:: well either setup UUID matching in fstab for that device for when its detected or look into pysdm | 23:10 |
Surlent777 | so, does anyone have any idea on how to make Compiz stop startting with KDE4? | 23:11 |
Surlent777 | starting* | 23:11 |
Xamusk | ubuntuphr3k, actually, everything freezes and scroll lock and caps lock starts blinking | 23:13 |
wolter | Huufarted, ok, so which tar should I use? | 23:14 |
Surlent777 | ok, nm, I got an idea...time for science | 23:14 |
BLACKthroat | I've gotten to the point of testing my usbmce2 remote with irw, but do not see anything when i push buttons | 23:14 |
rww | wolter: tar cvf filename.tar file1 file2 file3 | 23:14 |
Huufarted | wolter, if you want to compress it: tar cvjf /filename.tar.bz2 | 23:14 |
Huufarted | wolter, otherwise: tar cvf /filename.tar file1 file2 file3 | 23:14 |
Huufarted | wolter, sorry. ON that first command you need to add the names of the files you want in it. lol, that's important | 23:15 |
charchil | ola | 23:15 |
Huufarted | !hi | 23:15 |
ubottu | Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! | 23:15 |
charchil | ai alguien conectado | 23:15 |
J-_ | With dualbooting 2 Ubuntu installations, will I have to fool around with grub? | 23:15 |
rww | !es | charchil | 23:15 |
ubottu | charchil: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es. | 23:15 |
BLACKthroat | #lirc | 23:15 |
BLACKthroat | oops | 23:15 |
Brad777 | Surlent777: Everything is plugged in and I have the mic to where I can hear it but none of the applications I'm trying pick anything up | 23:16 |
fixerofthings | I have a question on Kubuntu.. | 23:16 |
Huufarted | !ask fixerofthings | 23:16 |
ubottu | Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 23:16 |
Huufarted | !ask | fixerofthings | 23:16 |
ubottu | fixerofthings: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) | 23:16 |
wolter | nice | 23:17 |
fixerofthings | why wont sudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf work in terminal | 23:17 |
Xamusk | ubuntuphr3k, and I get nothing in the logs | 23:17 |
Brad777 | fixerofthings: you need to do sudo kate /etc/X11/xorg.conf | 23:17 |
Huufarted | fixerofthings, use gksudo, not sudo | 23:18 |
Kirsch | hey all, my server got rootkit'ed... so i was forced to do a reinstall, does anyone have any typical guides that they usually follow to avoid this kind of thing? | 23:18 |
Brad777 | or huufarted's idea works :-) | 23:18 |
J-_ | fixerofthings: gksu | 23:18 |
Huufarted | Kirsch, don't install stuff unless you trust it and don't leave services open to root access | 23:18 |
nicklas_ | hello, anyone fells like going in to #moonos and see if topic works? | 23:18 |
hmw | fixerofthings gksudo gedit ... | 23:18 |
stefan__ | Where can I find the official wine channel? :x | 23:18 |
Kirsch | Huufarted: i've only installed apahce, mysql, and postfix | 23:18 |
rww | fixerofthings, Brad777, Huufarted: gksudo for GNOME, kdesudo for KDE. | 23:19 |
fixerofthings | thanks both :) | 23:19 |
Huufarted | Kirsch, SOMETHING got executed as root if you got a rootkit | 23:19 |
Kirsch | Huufarted: i installed the new system... | 23:19 |
wolter | Huufarted, hah yeah | 23:20 |
Kirsch | and i'm seeing that apache is being run by root but only by 1 instnace, the rest are www-data | 23:20 |
J-_ | With dualbooting 2 Ubuntu installations, will I have to fool around with grub? | 23:20 |
Kirsch | this is straight out of repository | 23:20 |
mahalie | oops, i installed the default netbeans ide...for java dev. searched apt-cache, anyone know if the php version is in repo? couldn't find it | 23:20 |
Huufarted | kirsch, it's hard to give you advice unless you know what caused the security oversight to begin with | 23:20 |
fixerofthings | so, kdesudo kate /etc/X11/xorg.conf then? | 23:20 |
rich | anyone know how to downgrade from janty to intrepid? | 23:20 |
rww | fixerofthings: that should work, yes | 23:20 |
rich | jaunty | 23:21 |
rww | rich: you can't | 23:21 |
rich | really?? | 23:21 |
rich | ugh . . | 23:21 |
mrwes | rich, reinstall | 23:21 |
rich | noooooooooo | 23:21 |
rww | !downgrade | rich | 23:21 |
Kirsch | Huufarted: | 23:21 |
ubottu | rich: Attempting to downgrade to an older Ubuntu version is explicitly not supported, and may break your system. | 23:21 |
rich | that whaty i hoped i didn't have to do | 23:21 |
SirTophat | that lastest release sure does look great | 23:21 |
SirTophat | I can't wait for the next beta | 23:21 |
fixerofthings | is posting a link acceptable- i have one more question.. | 23:21 |
nicklas_ | yes, the topic resets if the channel is empty :-S | 23:21 |
Kirsch | Huufarted: does line7/8 look odd? | 23:21 |
rich | yea . . .but my moniter is not found | 23:21 |
mrwes | rich: you have /home on a separate partition? | 23:21 |
wolter | Huufarted, do you know bash? I just need some help with an if snippet | 23:21 |
rww | fixerofthings: yes, it's fine as long as it's on topic | 23:21 |
Huufarted | !ask | wolter | 23:22 |
ubottu | wolter: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) | 23:22 |
_DEL | who here knows fluxbox well? | 23:22 |
rich | no | 23:22 |
rww | rich: the installation and upgrade instructions for jaunty explicitly state that you shouldn't upgrade to jaunty if you're not comfortable with random and pervasive breakage. | 23:22 |
rich | i backed up though | 23:22 |
mrwes | rich: well when you reinstall do so :) | 23:22 |
rich | i know that | 23:22 |
rww | rich: then restore your backups | 23:22 |
rich | i can't get my internal card to work | 23:22 |
Huufarted | Kirsch, it looks ok to me. It does need to run as root. Apache should be good to go. My guess is your previous installation, you installed something that wasn't Kosher. | 23:23 |
fixerofthings | with this website,, and since im using KDE, i would subsititue kdesudo for Sudo as recommended on the site? | 23:23 |
Kirsch | Huufarted: i wonder what it could have been, everything i installed was from repository. | 23:23 |
rww | fixerofthings: you use kdesudo for graphical applications and sudo for terminal-based ones | 23:23 |
Huufarted | Kirsch, perhaps you got hit by an SQL Injection Attack? | 23:23 |
Kirsch | Huufarted: are there any services that could be more vulnerable? | 23:23 |
fixerofthings | so then, but the first question i asked was a terminal based? | 23:24 |
rww | fixerofthings: looks like all of the uses of "sudo" in that page are for terminal-based commands, yes. | 23:24 |
Huufarted | kirsch, official repositories? | 23:24 |
Brad777 | rww: i use sudo on both | 23:24 |
rww | Brad777: you shouldn't | 23:24 |
Kirsch | Huufarted: yep | 23:24 |
Brad777 | rww: why not? | 23:24 |
rww | !gksudo | Brad777 | 23:24 |
ubottu | Brad777: If you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See to know why) | 23:24 |
rww | same reasoning applies to kdesudo | 23:24 |
Brad777 | rww: so if i'm using gnome i should use gksudo? | 23:24 |
ohletmeinnowjesu | heyguys | 23:24 |
fixerofthings | okay, Graphical means- non essential applications, where as terminal= esentials? | 23:25 |
rww | Brad777: you should use gksudo to run graphical apps as root, yes. | 23:25 |
ohletmeinnowjesu | anyone know a good program to convert video files to dvd images? | 23:25 |
rww | fixerofthings: terminal means things that you run in a terminal and that don't create separate windows. graphical means applications that don't run in a terminal | 23:25 |
_DEL | graphical looks pretty, terminal is just words, fixerofthings | 23:25 |
Huufarted | Brad777, not on Ubuntu, but on Windows, DVDShrink | 23:26 |
Brad777 | rww: and kde is kdesudo? | 23:26 |
rww | Brad777: yep | 23:26 |
Bsims | I am looking for a simple to use way to do web dj on linux, I want it to work with amarok if possible | 23:26 |
danbhfive | Kirsch: | 23:26 |
ohletmeinnowjesu | anyone know a good program to convert video files to dvd images? | 23:26 |
xSlack | Does anyone know why I cant access my router from | 23:26 |
Brad777 | xSlack: that's not the ip address prolly | 23:26 |
danbhfive | ohletmeinnowjesu: check out I think they have a good listing | 23:26 |
_DEL | ohletmeinnowjesu, there should be a shell script to do it | 23:26 |
Huufarted | ohletmeinnowjesu,, not on Ubuntu, but on Windows, DVDShrink. I don't know of any Ubuntu programs for it | 23:26 |
rww | xSlack: what type of router do you have? | 23:27 |
fixerofthings | Im just confused, as i would use kdesudo for kate /etc/X11/xorg.conf, but just plain sudo for the things on the site. | 23:27 |
TeslaTony | xSlack: What brand is your router? Some don't go in through that IP | 23:27 |
_DEL | ill try to find one | 23:27 |
xSlack | I was just in the router the other day with that addy | 23:27 |
xSlack | Now it wont load | 23:27 |
rww | fixerofthings: the things on the site run in your terminal. kate is a graphical application. | 23:27 |
ohletmeinnowjesu | no ubuntu software to make dvds from avi files? | 23:27 |
Bsims | fixerofthings: basicaly you use ksudo for graphical applications and sudo for shell applications | 23:27 |
fixerofthings | ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I got it :P... | 23:27 |
mrwes | ohletmeinnowjesu, DeVeDe | 23:27 |
fixerofthings | thanks :) for the help... yall are nicer than other distro sites so far :P... | 23:28 |
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Bsims | ohletmeinnowjesu: try k9copy | 23:28 |
trksh22 | would like help, if possible, my keyboard is acting up and I have yet to find a solution. Arrow keys prompt screen shot and the 6 keys above those don't work... Please and thank you :) | 23:28 |
Guest42926 | hello | 23:28 |
oshua86 | hello guys, I am trying to install the bitchx client, doing sudo apt-get install bitchx and it wont work | 23:28 |
_DEL | brasero is the only dvd burning proggy i use | 23:28 |
TeslaTony | xSlack: If everything else is working fine, then you probably changed the address to access it through. If you made the connection secure you may need to type instead | 23:28 |
oshua86 | it cant find the package | 23:28 |
Kirsch | danbhfive: interesting, i've never seen this before, but it seems more like a spec, i can't see any howto docs... am i missing something> | 23:28 |
rww | !bitchx | oshua86 | 23:29 |
ubottu | oshua86: bitchx (also known as ircii-pana) was dropped from Debian and subsequently Ubuntu (see: Consider using irssi instead. | 23:29 |
nicklas_ | everyone, to keep channel topic even if empty: /msg chanserv set #moonos keeptopic on | 23:29 |
dudu | ubuntu-br | 23:29 |
rww | !ot | nicklas_ | 23:29 |
ubottu | nicklas_: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks! | 23:29 |
ohletmeinnowjesu | Bssims im trying out devede | 23:29 |
dudu | ubuntu-br | 23:29 |
trksh22 | ohletmeinnowjesu have you tried A lot of the programs there worked for me! | 23:29 |
dudu | boa noite a todos | 23:29 |
danbhfive | Kirsch: no, I don't think you arent missing anything. But it may be one of the best resources. I'm not really sure. I thought I saw that there was an email list that you could join and post to... | 23:30 |
trksh22 | 0would like help, if possible, my keyboard is acting up and I have yet to find a solution. Arrow keys prompt screen shot and the 6 keys above those don't work... Please and thank you :) | 23:31 |
sileni | hey guys im on ubuntu intrepid, and i have a .mp4 file and i want to play it in my dvd player so i need to convert it to vcd. What is the best way to go about doing this on ubuntu? | 23:31 |
oshua86 | anyone help with the bitchx? | 23:31 |
mrwes | sileni, you can convert it to DVD with DeVeDe | 23:31 |
trksh22 | sileni go to getdeb and get DeVeDe | 23:31 |
rww | trksh22: try running the following from the command-line: gconftool-2 --recursive-unset /desktop/gnome/peripherals/keyboard | 23:32 |
mrwes | sileni, or Avidemux | 23:32 |
sileni | mrwes, thank you so much for the quick response | 23:32 |
Kirsch | danbhfive: got it, thanks! i might look into it if all else fails.. i hate waiting for responses considering that i'll probably get hacked in a few minutes. | 23:32 |
rww | oshua86: bitchx is unmaintained, has unfixed security problems, and has many bugs. It's been dropped from Debian and Ubuntu for these reasons. | 23:32 |
Bsims | I am looking for a simple to use way to do web dj on linux, I want it to work with amarok if possible | 23:32 |
sileni | mrwes, if i convert it to dvd format will i still be able to burn it to a cd-r and play it in my dvd plaeyr ? | 23:32 |
mrwes | sileni, your welcome | 23:32 |
bombshelter13 | oshua86: no, but i can recommend irssi! | 23:32 |
rww | !bitchx > oshua86 | 23:33 |
ubottu | oshua86, please see my private message | 23:33 |
mrwes | sileni, no...try Avidemux and it has presets for VCD | 23:33 |
trksh22 | rww: thanks, but it didnt work :( | 23:33 |
redvamp128 | oshua86: did you enable multiverse? amd there does not appear to be an intrepid version of that .. Ubuntu -- Package Search Results -- bitchx <> | 23:33 |
sileni | mrwes, sudo apt-get install abidemux works, is that ok ? | 23:33 |
oshua86 | rww, thanks...which is a good command liken IRC client? | 23:33 |
rww | oshua86: irssi is the most popular one | 23:34 |
oshua86 | i am currently using ircii, but it doesnt have any colors and its dificult to read because of it | 23:34 |
deniz | can someone please help me solve my mnemosyne launch problem? ( | 23:35 |
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sileni | mrwes: avidemux is awesome, it says rebuilding frames. so i clicked ok... and its rebuilding now do you know what it is doing... i don't want it to screw up the file so that audio and frames are off | 23:35 |
blip- | hi, this question is probably asked very often here. I'm running 8.04 now. I want to reinstall because too much is messed up and I'd like to start fresh. would installing 8.10 be a good idea if I value stability ? what about repo size and updated version software ? | 23:35 |
rww | trksh22: can you copy your /etc/X11/xorg.conf file to, then link to the page it creates, please? | 23:36 |
rww | blip-: Ubuntu 8.04 is supported until April, 2011. Ubuntu 8.10 is supported until April 2010. 8.10 has newer software, and is used by more people. 8.04 has older software, but is theoretically a little more stable. | 23:37 |
nicklas_ | anyone fells like changing distribution? :-D | 23:37 |
rww | nicklas_: as I already said, this channel is for Ubuntu technical support. For other topics, please use #ubuntu-offtopic. | 23:37 |
Nytrix | nick, not really | 23:37 |
exmachina | i can't wait till I can play FFX on linux =D | 23:38 |
exmachina | only another 30 minutes | 23:38 |
BSG | I'm having a problem with my eee pc 900, the webcam, and flash in eeebuntu. You can read more specifically about my problem here. Thanks, | 23:38 |
Nytrix | nicklas_, not really | 23:38 |
blip- | rww: thanks for the info. how come 8.04 which is older is supported for more years than 8.10 though ? | 23:38 |
prince_jammys | blip-: it's a Long Term Support version | 23:39 |
rww | blip-: 8.04 is a Long Term Support release. They're supported for 3 years from release instead of the normal 18 months. | 23:39 |
KenBW2 | if im looged in to a non-admin account, how do i issue a command as an adminstrator? | 23:39 |
KenBW2 | logged* | 23:39 |
Nytrix | ken sudo | 23:39 |
rww | KenBW2: sudo commandname for command-line stuff, gksudo commandname for graphical stuff. | 23:39 |
KenBW2 | rww: as stated, im not on an admin account | 23:40 |
dtcrshr | u can use sudo | 23:40 |
KenBW2 | rww: but there is another account that is admin | 23:40 |
Nytrix | kent, u can still type sudo | 23:40 |
w33d5 | does anyone know a quick way to ln -s the full path of all the folders within a directory? | 23:40 |
rww | KenBW2: oh, I see, you mean you're not in the sudoers file either. | 23:40 |
Nytrix | Kenb, u can still type sudo | 23:40 |
nicklas_ | what was the command to find out what kernel you are using? | 23:40 |
Nytrix | KenBW2, u can still type sudo | 23:40 |
dtcrshr | !visudo | 23:40 |
wolter | Huufarted, does the tar mind extracting a file that its not named parallely to its compression method? | 23:40 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about visudo | 23:40 |
KenBW2 | rww: crrect | 23:40 |
rww | nicklas_: uname -a | 23:40 |
hmw | for testing purposes, i created a subnet behind my notebook, but i didnt want to reconfigure the system. I just configured the second IF, set up dhcpd and activated f'wall and forwarding, which works. But after a while, I keep loosing the IP address of the subnet's IF and I dont know why. Log talks about martian source. Please give me advice on how to track this down | 23:40 |
dtcrshr | !sudo | 23:41 |
ubottu | sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome, XFCE), or !kdesudo (KDE) | 23:41 |
Huufarted | wolter, elaborate please? Not sure what you mean. | 23:41 |
hmw | (i mean, i started and configure all the stuff in the terminal by hand) | 23:41 |
yorky501 | hey quick one, how do I set programs to run on start up | 23:41 |
wolter | Huufarted, if I named my tar.bz2 files to foo.some, would tar extract it without problems? | 23:41 |
wolter | or does it need a tar.bz2 handle? | 23:41 |
Bsims | wolter: should just work, try it and see | 23:42 |
Nytrix | !start up | 23:42 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about start up | 23:42 |
Nytrix | !startup | 23:42 |
ubottu | To add programs to start up when you log into your Gnome session go to System>Preferences>Sessions and use the Startup Programs tab. For more information, see - See !boot for starting non-interactive programs at boot | 23:42 |
rww | KenBW2: If you know the password to the admin account, you could do "su adminusername" to get an interactive shell running under that account, then use sudo as normal. There might be a better way of doing it that I don't know about, but that should work. | 23:42 |
wolter | ok Bsims | 23:42 |
yorky501 | bzip files need a bz2 extension | 23:42 |
hmw | how can i start/restart the network manager at the shell, without permanently disabling it? | 23:42 |
KenBW2 | rww: that should be fine thanks | 23:42 |
Huufarted | wolter: it doesn't care about the extension as far as I know. It looks at the content itself. | 23:42 |
hmw | wolter Huufarted - most Linux programs don't care about the file name (extension) - they look at the header to determine, what's inside. | 23:43 |
trksh22 | rww, where can I find /etc/X11/xorg.conf??? | 23:44 |
wolter | hmw, yeah, just wanted to check | 23:44 |
rww | trksh22: if you're using gnome, running "gksudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf" in a terminal should open it. | 23:44 |
mais_ | Hello, somebody knows why i cant browse my Gps reciver ? Klick here : | 23:45 |
hmw | wolter: but with tar i remember vaguely about one certain program, that can do more, if the extension is present. It might have been some setup thing. Don't remember more. | 23:45 |
Xamusk | can anyone help me with a random kernel panic? | 23:46 |
hmw | mais_ No idea. Try looking at the system's log files in /var/log/... | 23:46 |
Nytrix | #kernel | 23:46 |
trksh22 | rww I appreciate you helping me with this! :) | 23:46 |
Nytrix | join #kernel | 23:46 |
Xamusk | thanks, I will | 23:47 |
nicklas_ | ne, dags o gå o sova nu, tack för all hjälp o gonatt | 23:47 |
yun-haow | how can iam install this : scriptkitties tclplugin | 23:47 |
Stix | hello | 23:47 |
hmw | Xamusk Try looking at the system's log files in /var/log/... | 23:47 |
Xamusk | hmw, there's nothing useful in the logs | 23:47 |
wolter | Huufarted, how do I tar.bz2 a directory? it's giving me trouble. | 23:47 |
Stix | My external hdd randomly re automounts | 23:47 |
Xamusk | not even the panic's indication | 23:47 |
alixx | hello everyone, i have a question that im hoping someone can help me. im new to ubuntu and i just installed it on my XPS1530 notebook and whenever i try to use the touchpad, it freezes, then the mouse jumps all over the screen while clicking randomly. i can however use my wireless usb mouse, (whose transmitter was in the usb port while ubuntu 8.04 was being installed.. idk if that matters or not)... any farmilliar with the issue or know | 23:47 |
hmw | Xamusk - I feared so. If you don't find a pattern behind it, it will be hard to find out. You could remove hardware, exchange RAM modules and see, if it continues to happen. | 23:48 |
Xamusk | hmw, it's a brand new laptop | 23:48 |
Nytrix | probably the touchpad is messed up | 23:49 |
hmw | Xamusk - too bad. My first guess would have been damaged or overclocked hardware. | 23:49 |
Xamusk | yeah | 23:49 |
Bsims | Xamusk: run memtest86 on it | 23:49 |
hmw | Xamusk - do you have another operating system on your machine? Does it crash, too? | 23:49 |
godoshian | hello can repartition a 120GB drive and format it fat32 with ubuntu and please tell me how | 23:49 |
alixx | nytrix, do you know of anyway to correct or reset the hardware/driver | 23:49 |
Xamusk | I thought it was the nvidia video card, but I uninstalled the proprietary drivers and still have a problem | 23:50 |
Nytrix | no sorry | 23:50 |
Bsims | godoshian: gparted | 23:50 |
w5ew | how do I mount a UDF Volume in 8.10 ???? | 23:50 |
hmw | godoshian - you sure about FAT32? These days, you would be happy with NTFS in most cases, too. | 23:50 |
Xamusk | hmw, I have Vista, but I haven't been enough in it to crash | 23:50 |
Xamusk | Bsims, nice idea | 23:50 |
godoshian | hmw, well how do i defrag NTFS with ubuntu? | 23:51 |
hmw | Xamusk - if it would crash, too, it would strongly indicate hardware problems. How often does the panic happen? | 23:51 |
Bsims | Xamusk: also install sensors and see if its overheating | 23:51 |
milligan_ | I have a perl process dominating my cpu usage, but it's being executed by www-data. How can I figure out what file is being run? | 23:51 |
elkastor | with the cd install | 23:51 |
Bsims | godoshian: man fsck | 23:51 |
elkastor | it ask you how you want to frag your disk | 23:51 |
Nytrix | alixx, try to disable it then enable it back again | 23:52 |
maxbaldwin | milligan_: "top" ? | 23:52 |
rapha | How can I share my printer over the network to another Ubuntu PC? | 23:52 |
rww | trksh22: did you log out and back in after running that unset line I told you earlier? apparently it might require that. | 23:52 |
hmw | godoshian - uhm. You wouldnt usually defrag. Maybe with windows or even some Linux tool, but I dont know of any. Most people, I know, just copy the stuff to another partition/tape and then copy it back - e voila - defragged. | 23:52 |
ziggles | where can i buy a cheap computer? | 23:52 |
mrwes | rapha,: open your browser and point it to http://localhost:631 -- the CUPS Web GUI | 23:52 |
milligan_ | maxbaldwin, top is where I see the process, and the command is "perl" .. run by www-data. Taking a look at the strace, it's just doing some kind of select, that's failing. | 23:52 |
rww | trksh22: I'm looking up some alternate solutions in case that doesn't work, though | 23:52 |
maxbaldwin | milligan_: You didn't write the perl file then. | 23:52 |
trksh22 | rww: I have not, but I will do that and return! Thanks for helping! | 23:53 |
Akuma | hello, I seem to have some problems with my network adapter and kernel 2.6.27 on intrepid: my wireless adapter doesn't work and my ethernet adapter doesn't ping anything even though it shows up with an IP address and I can ifup and ifdown | 23:53 |
milligan_ | maxbaldwin, no. I want to know what user has started the job .. and what the file contains. | 23:53 |
rapha | mrwes: I found out about that address with Google, but what do I do there? | 23:53 |
hmw | Akuma - can you ping ? | 23:53 |
maxbaldwin | milligan_: ps auxw | grep www-data | 23:53 |
maxbaldwin | milligan_: ps auxw | grep perl | 23:53 |
Akuma | I didn't try that | 23:53 |
maxbaldwin | should limit it down to just one process | 23:54 |
node357 | please help, I installed restricted nvidia driver and now my screen will not go past 640x480 | 23:54 |
Nytrix | alixx, try to disable it then enable it back again under System>Preferences>Mouse>Touchpad | 23:54 |
mrwes | rapha, you can add a printer; It might see it on the network, or you can add it using IPP - Internet Printer Protocol | 23:54 |
maxbaldwin | and then you can optionally kill it with kill 'pid' | 23:54 |
Barridus | is brasero just problematic? | 23:54 |
rww | Barridus: works fine for me :/ | 23:54 |
Xamusk | hmw, it's random | 23:54 |
Akuma | that said, when I rebooted under 2.6.24-19 | 23:54 |
mrwes | Barridus, use K3B | 23:54 |
Akuma | it would work again | 23:54 |
hmw | Akuma - maybe your firewall is blocking? To completely clear all rules, you need to issue iptables 4 times with certain params: | 23:55 |
Brucey | how can you view a file to see which backup was store or file date modification? | 23:55 |
hmw | Xamusk - once an hour/day/week/century? | 23:55 |
=== cellofel1ow is now known as cellofellow | ||
evride | hey dudez i got a bad problem | 23:55 |
Akuma | firewall on the box I just upgraded? | 23:55 |
Barridus | arwes, isn't k3b for kde? | 23:55 |
evride | lots of rights problems | 23:55 |
milligan_ | maxbaldwin, www-data 17373 99.5 0.4 4696 2444 ? R Feb19 11872:44 /usr/sbin/apache/log <- that's the perpetrator. That file doesn't exist though. | 23:55 |
evride | i cant edit the applications menu | 23:55 |
mrwes | Barridus, it'll run in GNOME too | 23:56 |
Xamusk | Bsims, I'm trying to install lm-sensors, but the sensors applets says no sensors were found | 23:56 |
evride | program to edit the menu never starts | 23:56 |
hmw | Akuma - possible. Can you ping the localhost? ( | 23:56 |
Xamusk | hmw, from 2 to 10 times a day | 23:56 |
hmw | Xamusk - i | 23:56 |
Akuma | I'm rebooting | 23:56 |
Nytrix | evride, right click Apps menu | 23:56 |
Akuma | I'm going to try that | 23:56 |
Brucey | how can you view what backup is the latest one? in ubuntu | 23:56 |
rww | !lm-sensors | Xamusk: try these instructions for lm-sensors | 23:56 |
ubottu | Xamusk: try these instructions for lm-sensors: You might find something useful at: | 23:56 |
evride | nytrix i've tried | 23:56 |
maxbaldwin | milligan_: That looks normal. is this a server you are on, or a home computer? | 23:56 |
milligan_ | maxbaldwin, server | 23:57 |
Brucey | or to view a file that was modified , to see the date of modification/ creation | 23:57 |
evride | seems my user rights is all screwed up | 23:57 |
Droopsta915 | My internet history cleares at the default setting, is there any way I can retrieve it? | 23:57 |
hmw | Xamusk - I'd let one or more terminal windows open, running tails over the log files. Maybe you can find a pattern somehow. | 23:57 |
maxbaldwin | milligan_: you might get it solved quicker that I could help in #ubuntu-server | 23:57 |
milligan_ | maxbaldwin, look at how long it has been running for though ... and how much cpu it's consuming | 23:57 |
Nytrix | evride, maybe u have the panel locked | 23:57 |
node357 | please help, I installed restricted nvidia driver and now my screen will not go past 640x480 | 23:57 |
maxbaldwin | because I'm not so sure about it... :P | 23:57 |
Bsims | Xamusk: man sensors... think you need to run sensors-detect or something like that | 23:57 |
Nytrix | unlock it | 23:57 |
evride | earlier i couldn't change the open with on a file | 23:57 |
grandrew | hi all! does anybody remember how that cute proggy to have another X user session nested in a window is called? is it in apt repo? | 23:57 |
evride | cause i didnt own the right folder | 23:57 |
rww | grandrew: xnest? | 23:58 |
evride | and before i couldnt open up synaptic cause i wasnt root or something | 23:58 |
maxbaldwin | milligan_: ouch... If it was me, I'd kill it. but that might mess something | 23:58 |
evride | even tho i was | 23:58 |
Nytrix | evride, is the panel locked? | 23:58 |
evride | no | 23:58 |
Nytrix | the i dont know | 23:58 |
evride | user rights or something is all screwed up | 23:58 |
grandrew | rww: maybe :-P will check thanks | 23:58 |
maxbaldwin | milligan_: try rebooting and see if it resolves itself | 23:58 |
evride | file ownership stuff like that | 23:58 |
Nytrix | some1 here might | 23:58 |
rww | grandrew: although I think it's recommended to use xserver-xephyr instead now | 23:59 |
Barridus | ok i will try k3b, arwes, thanks | 23:59 |
rapha | mrwes: I have it added now on the client PC, but when I try to print the test page I get "client-error-not-found" | 23:59 |
Xamusk | Bsims, thanks, just using sensors-detect gave me the hint on what module to load | 23:59 |
Barridus | i couldn't get brasero to burn a data DVD on 3 different machines XD | 23:59 |
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