kenny__ | How do I install bugzilla under ubuntu(8.10)? I have installed bugzilla3 with all dependencies (including mysql and apache2), hope I set the right db_user and db_pass in localconfig, but there is no http://localhost/bugzilla site. | 00:28 |
kenny__ | How do I tell the apache server to display the bugzilla pages under http://localhost/bugzilla? | 00:28 |
keres | how do you change the defualt text editor? | 00:31 |
DaGr8Gatzby | EDITOR=editor | 00:31 |
DaGr8Gatzby | echo $EDITOR | 00:31 |
DaGr8Gatzby | hmm | 00:32 |
DaGr8Gatzby | looks like the alpha 5 directory was just created | 00:33 |
charlie-tca | Yes, we are trying to release tonight, still | 00:36 |
rocko | what is the programming languages that the it calc use ? | 01:19 |
rocko | it calculators | 01:19 |
charlie-tca | Alpha 5 released, please read the release notes: | 01:48 |
cmrn | If I am planning to install an ubuntu flavour on my eeePC 1000H using Wubi, should I use ubuntu, or xubuntu (or even kubuntu) | 03:12 |
cody-somerville | Xubuntu would do well | 03:13 |
cmrn | Ive read that the DE is faster, so perhaps better for the eee | 03:13 |
cmrn | are there any real disadvangates to xubuntu? | 03:14 |
charlie-tca | perhaps harder to connect to windows shares that ubuntu | 03:18 |
charlie-tca | s/that/than | 03:18 |
cmrn | Im going to be dual booting XP as well, so that isn't too bad.... | 03:20 |
charlie-tca | It's the only one I can think of | 03:20 |
cmrn | thanks for your help | 03:24 |
charlie-tca | np; come back if you need more help | 03:24 |
cmrn | last time I use ubuntu or a variant Breezy in beta..... | 03:24 |
cmrn | :_p | 03:24 |
cmrn | :-P | 03:24 |
cmrn | s/in/was in/ | 03:25 |
charlie-tca | I started with the one before Breezy | 03:25 |
cmrn | Hoary? | 03:25 |
charlie-tca | Upgraded when Breezy came out and haven't stopped | 03:25 |
cmrn | yea, I used that, and upgraded to the first beta of breezy | 03:25 |
charlie-tca | Yeah, Hoary. Didn't know the name back then. Just know the number | 03:25 |
charlie-tca | 5.04, right | 03:26 |
charlie-tca | Still have the cd | 03:26 |
cmrn | I went from linux -> mac just as Dapper Drake was coming out | 03:26 |
charlie-tca | Nothing wrong with mac | 03:26 |
cmrn | nope | 03:27 |
cmrn | nothing wrong with linux either | 03:27 |
diginux | there is something wrong with mac | 03:27 |
diginux | no sloppy focus :) | 03:27 |
cmrn | something badly wrong with windows though | 03:27 |
charlie-tca | agreed. | 03:27 |
diginux | even windows has sloppy focus, kind of | 03:27 |
diginux | but not poor ol' mac ;) | 03:27 |
land | !weather AD, UAE | 04:03 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about weather AD, UAE | 04:03 |
land | oh i'm sorry | 04:03 |
ZeRo_FeniX | In windows you have your task manager, how can I get to something similar to that in xubuntu to terminate a program? | 04:16 |
DaGr8Gatzby | is there a jaunty xubuntu release for PS3? | 04:17 |
DaGr8Gatzby | diginux: that' | 04:17 |
DaGr8Gatzby | diginux: that's one thing I miss about X11: no sloppy focus :( | 04:17 |
diginux | DaGr8Gatzby: i wouldnt be able to work without sloppy focus | 04:18 |
s1amson | ZeRo_FeniX, try alt+F2 and type xkill | 04:18 |
s1amson | then click on the prog. you want to die\ | 04:18 |
s1amson | right click to opt out of killing something | 04:19 |
ZeRo_FeniX | wonderful worked like a charm | 04:19 |
ZeRo_FeniX | Firefox keeps spazzing out on me with flash player. | 04:19 |
ZeRo_FeniX | But now I can't re-open firefox because it says that it is still open :x | 04:20 |
DaGr8Gatzby | killall -99 mozilla-firefox | 04:20 |
s1amson | zenrox, | 04:20 |
s1amson | ever figure out what the hell keeps buggin out? | 04:21 |
s1amson | or, killall firefox | 04:21 |
* s1amson works on my box | 04:21 | |
ZeRo_FeniX | killall firefox did it. | 04:22 |
ZeRo_FeniX | thank you much | 04:22 |
zoredache | ZeRo_FeniX: run gnome-system-monitor for a task manager | 04:26 |
ZeRo_FeniX | alright | 04:26 |
G-Bleezy | Hey i got a question... | 04:58 |
G-Bleezy | I connect to the internet through my wireless wlan0 interface...but how do i mount my windows computer connect through ethernet eth0 interface? | 04:59 |
zoredache | !ics | 05:00 |
ubottu | If you want to share the internet connection of your ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see - You may also use !firestarter: | 05:00 |
ZeRo_FeniX | why do my panels keep disappearing every time I shut down? It's kinda frustrating going back and turning them on every time I boot up. | 05:02 |
G-Bleezy | i don't really wanna share my internet connection...i get internet through my neighbor's wireless and i want to share files with my computer through ehternet...if i connect to MY wireless node, everything is already setup and /mtn/xpdrv/c/ shows up and stuff...but how do i get that without connecting to it as my internet connection? | 05:02 |
ZeRo_FeniX | Any ideas on keeping my panals from disappearing? | 05:07 |
G-Bleezy | make sure you check 'save session' when you shut down next time | 05:08 |
zoredache | G-Bleezy: the ics docs describe many of the steps you will need to do. You need to do pretty much everything except the actually sharing | 05:09 |
G-Bleezy | oh ok | 05:09 |
zoredache | really though, you are probably making things too complicated... | 05:09 |
G-Bleezy | hmm | 05:18 |
G-Bleezy | see if i switch to my wireless lan then my windows box shows up as when im connected to my neighbor's wireless and hardwired in to my lan, is different... | 05:19 |
zoredache | you are not going to be able to have the same subnet ( on both interfaces... | 05:23 |
G-Bleezy | ya that is how do i know what it is for both? | 05:24 |
plazia | in gnome nautilus allows me to mount my ntfs drive by clicking on it's icon (957 Gb) media or what not. I want to know the script/command nautilus executes so I can do it in XFCE? Can anyone help me with that? | 05:43 |
diginux | plazia: will thunar do it? | 05:45 |
plazia | diginux, don't think so | 05:45 |
plazia | it shows my removable usb drives automounted | 05:45 |
plazia | but not the internal ide/sata ones. | 05:45 |
diginux | | 05:46 |
diginux | ntfs-3g may be in normal repos now | 05:47 |
plazia | diginux, thanks I'll take a look at the link | 05:48 |
zoredache | !ntfs | 05:51 |
ubottu | To view your Windows/Mac partitions see - For write access, see !NTFS-3g or !FUSE | 05:51 |
plazia | thanks also zoredache | 05:53 |
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ZeRo_FeniX_ | how do I start xfce from a command prompt? | 07:25 |
zoredache_ | ZeRo_FeniX_: try startxfce4 | 07:43 |
=== zoredache_ is now known as zoredache | ||
_Pete_ | !vnc | 09:56 |
ubottu | VNC is a protocol for remote desktop. describes how to use it securely. It works best over fast connections, otherwise look at !FreeNX | 09:56 |
cmrn | So I have installed xubuntu on my eeePC, but I have a problem. THe resolution of the eee is 1024x600. some windows are taller than the 600px, so I cant hit the buttons at the bottom of any wireless network setup windows for example | 10:37 |
cmrn | and I cant resize the window smaller | 10:37 |
cmrn | argh | 10:37 |
vinnl | cmrn, you can drag the window by holding Alt and clicking on it | 10:38 |
vinnl | Or press Alt+F10 to maximise the window | 10:38 |
cmrn | any way to make the whole UI smaller? | 10:40 |
cmrn | so I dont have to do that all the time? | 10:40 |
vinnl | Well, you can resize it, I suppose... Which app is it? | 10:41 |
victoria | hi | 10:41 |
cmrn | Network COnnections window for example | 10:41 |
vinnl | !hi | 10:41 |
ubottu | Hi! Welcome to #xubuntu! | 10:41 |
victoria | thank you | 10:42 |
cmrn | ahh its letting me resize it now | 10:42 |
vinnl | Cool :) | 10:42 |
vinnl | (I didn't think that one was too large) | 10:42 |
cmrn | from the bottom corners work | 10:42 |
cmrn | top corners not so much | 10:42 |
vinnl | Good | 10:42 |
victoria | im using ubuntu and i would like to know what would be better to try xfce.. to install xubuntu-desktop on terminal.. or to install xfce using synaptic? | 10:42 |
vinnl | Odd, but I suppose the bottom corners is enough... | 10:42 |
cmrn | that alt key sure is handy | 10:42 |
vinnl | cmrn, hell yeah it is :) | 10:42 |
vinnl | victoria, Synaptic or apt-get (on the terminal) doesn't really matter... The question is what would be better, Xfce or Xubuntu | 10:43 |
vinnl | I'd say Xubuntu | 10:43 |
victoria | why vinnl? | 10:43 |
victoria | but the problem is that i like vanilla xfce and seems that xubuntu is different i dont know | 10:44 |
victoria | how can i have vanilla xfce by default? | 10:44 |
victoria | session i mean.. | 10:44 |
victoria | i will not delete gnome.. i just want vanilla xfce as a second option | 10:44 |
vinnl | Xubuntu includes all of Xfce (otherwise you'd have to manually select packages) and integrates it nicely with the rest, providing sane settings and apps you might need | 10:44 |
cmrn | vinnl: an exapmle of a too big window would be the window when editing a wireless connection | 10:44 |
vinnl | Also, you can remove Xubuntu if you don't like it using | 10:45 |
victoria | vinnl: does xubuntu has the vanilla xfce option? | 10:45 |
vinnl | cmrn, I only get a height of 577px for that window | 10:46 |
vinnl | Oh yeah, I see, you only have 600px | 10:46 |
vinnl | victoria, well, why would you want that? | 10:46 |
vinnl | (You can, but it's quite some work to single out the correct packages) | 10:46 |
victoria | vinnl: i like the looking | 10:47 |
vinnl | victoria, ah | 10:47 |
vinnl | You can just change Xfce's preferences to quit your liking | 10:47 |
vinnl | It's really easy to remove the top panel and to set the bottom panel larger and not cover the full width, I suppose that's about all you'd want to do | 10:47 |
vinnl | There's no way to do that automatically yet though | 10:48 |
victoria | it seems the easier way is to install the | 10:51 |
victoria | meta package | 10:51 |
victoria | | 10:51 |
victoria | :( | 10:51 |
victoria | that sound hard lol | 10:51 |
vinnl | Well, it's just changing some settings.... It's really not that difficult | 10:52 |
vinnl | Wait, I wrote a blog post on reordering panels, I believe | 10:52 |
victoria | ok | 10:53 |
victoria | vinnl if i install the xubuntu-desktop | 10:53 |
vinnl | Here, you'll only need the first part of the Panels section: | 10:53 |
vinnl | victoria, yes? | 10:53 |
victoria | i will lost gnome? | 10:53 |
vinnl | Nope, Xubuntu will be installed in addition to GNOME and you can choose which one you want to use in the login window | 10:54 |
vinnl | Btw, you _could_ also download a LiveCD of Xubuntu and see what it looks like that way :) | 10:54 |
vinnl | (Or a LiveCD of another Xfce-based distribution) | 10:54 |
victoria | yeah | 10:56 |
victoria | honestly does it feel a lot of difference in speed | 10:56 |
victoria | comparing to gnome? | 10:56 |
vinnl | Well, I haven't really used GNOME intensively for a while, and I've slowed my Xfce down quite a lot... Furthermore, this would also depend on your computer. If it's really fast, then using GNOME or Xfce wono't matter that much speed-wise | 10:57 |
knome | victoria, come difference. | 10:58 |
victoria | i see | 10:59 |
victoria | why you had slowed your xfce? | 10:59 |
victoria | how? | 10:59 |
victoria | haha | 10:59 |
vinnl | Using a heavy theme, installing Compiz, and installing a lot of cruft in general ;-) | 11:00 |
victoria | haha | 11:01 |
victoria | i read that the faster and good looking at the same time is | 11:01 |
victoria | e17 but its not stable | 11:01 |
victoria | so i dont want to mess with that:) | 11:01 |
vinnl | Well, good-looking is, of course, a matter of taste... | 11:02 |
victoria | yes | 11:04 |
victoria | well i have osx leopard so i dont have problems with good looking:) | 11:05 |
victoria | actually i play with linux just to learn | 11:05 |
victoria | but of course i want it be good looking as well :) | 11:05 |
vinnl | ^.^ | 11:08 |
knome | hi vinnl. | 11:09 |
vinnl | Hey knome :) | 11:09 |
knome | i see you partly-retired from xubuntu blogging | 11:09 |
vinnl | knome, yeah, life is kicking in, but I haven't officially quit :) | 11:10 |
knome | yeah. | 11:10 |
vinnl | And I see Xfce 4.6 has been released (yeah I'm late), so I might need to force myself to do some blogging | 11:10 |
knome | you could change the logo on your blog if you want. | 11:10 |
vinnl | And I would've done if I had managed to run Jaunty from my USB drive, but I haven't... | 11:10 |
vinnl | To what? | 11:10 |
knome | to the current xubuntu logo | 11:11 |
vinnl | Has it changed? | 11:11 |
knome | yep. | 11:11 |
vinnl | To what? :) | 11:11 |
knome | | 11:11 |
knome | basically the same | 11:11 |
knome | but a better looking one | 11:11 |
knome | compare your to the one :) | 11:12 |
vinnl | Ah :) (and of course, better-looking is a matter of taste :P) | 11:12 |
knome | sure. | 11:12 |
vinnl | Ah true | 11:12 |
knome | what do you think? :) | 11:12 |
vinnl | I suppose I'll change it :) | 11:12 |
knome | \o/ | 11:12 |
vinnl | Oh, 4.6 was only released this morning :). I suppose I'll write a blog post on that then | 11:17 |
knome | :) | 11:18 |
Go|2T | hi there | 11:58 |
vinnl | !hi | 11:58 |
ubottu | Hi! Welcome to #xubuntu! | 11:58 |
Go|2T | hi vinni | 11:59 |
xiq | hello, how can i download xgl package? | 11:59 |
Go|2T | I need help setting permissions on an external hard drive | 11:59 |
vinnl | xiq, the XGL project was discontinued by Novell, IIRC | 12:00 |
vinnl | Go|2T, to what? | 12:00 |
Go|2T | setting permissions on an external hard drive | 12:01 |
vinnl | Yeah, but to what do you want to set the permissions? | 12:01 |
Go|2T | so I can read and write to the hard drive | 12:01 |
vinnl | I take it you can only read now? Even when you're browsing as root? | 12:02 |
Go|2T | no, I can`t even see the files | 12:02 |
xiq | oh no | 12:02 |
xiq | how can i use compiz fusion then | 12:02 |
Go|2T | all I see is the lost+found folder | 12:03 |
vinnl | xiq, that depends on your graphics card... There's only a few cards that really need XGL, I believe | 12:03 |
vinnl | xiq, there's an app called Compiz-Check that can check whether you can run Compiz | 12:03 |
vinnl | Go|2T, hmm, that's odd... | 12:03 |
Go|2T | if I go to the permissions tab it shows owner 500 | 12:05 |
xiq | vinnl: thank you :D | 12:15 |
vinnl | yw :) | 12:15 |
Go|2T | this is the drive ... /dev/sdc | 12:21 |
Go|2T | hmmm | 12:27 |
SiDi | hmmm to you too | 12:29 |
Go|2T | hi Sidi | 12:31 |
SiDi | hi hi :P | 12:32 |
Go|2T | I need help to set permissions on an external hard drive | 12:33 |
vidd | is there a universal setting for font size? | 12:36 |
SiDi | vidd: its 18px by default on the web, if i remember well | 12:38 |
SiDi | 11points by default on most printed documents, too | 12:39 |
Go|2T | I need help to set permissions on an external hard drive, can someone help please | 12:40 |
vidd | Go|2T, what have you done so far? | 12:41 |
Go|2T | the drive is mounted | 12:42 |
vidd | what is it mounted as? | 12:42 |
Go|2T | all I see is a folder called lost+found | 12:42 |
vidd | what command did you use to mount the drive? | 12:43 |
vidd | or did you "just plug it in"? | 12:43 |
Go|2T | I mounted it with the icon on the desktop | 12:44 |
vidd | you "just plugged it in" and clicked an icon on the desktop? | 12:44 |
Go|2T | yes | 12:44 |
vidd | ok.... | 12:45 |
vidd | open a terminal | 12:45 |
Go|2T | ok | 12:45 |
vidd | ***dangerous command...use with caution**** open thunar with root permissions with "sudo thunar" | 12:45 |
Go|2T | ok got that | 12:46 |
vidd | navigate to that drive | 12:46 |
Go|2T | ok | 12:46 |
vidd | do you see it in thunar? | 12:46 |
Go|2T | yes | 12:46 |
vidd | do you see more then just the lost&found? | 12:47 |
Go|2T | let me look | 12:47 |
Go|2T | yes I do | 12:47 |
vidd | ok.... | 12:47 |
vidd | let me look up some stuf.... | 12:48 |
Go|2T | ok, thank you | 12:48 |
vidd | close this thunar as you dont want a "god rights" app just sitting open waiting for an error =] | 12:48 |
Go|2T | ok | 12:49 |
vidd | can you pastebin your /etc/fstab for me? | 12:51 |
vidd | !paste | 12:51 |
ubottu | pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic) | 12:51 |
Go|2T | I`ll try | 12:51 |
Go|2T | what is the correct command for that | 12:53 |
vidd | first, you want to open it in a text editor, then copy/paste it to pastebin | 12:54 |
vidd | "sudo mousepad /etc/fstab" should do nicely | 12:54 |
vidd | then select all, copy, paste | 12:54 |
vinnl | I'd say just "mousepad /etc/fstab" as well | 12:54 |
vidd | vinnl, if we need to edit it we need root permissions | 12:55 |
vinnl | Oh I thought he just needed to paste it :) | 12:56 |
vidd | i havent seen it yet =] | 12:56 |
Go|2T | did it show up | 12:58 |
vidd | once you post it, you need to copy the url from the address bar and paste it here | 12:58 |
Go|2T | | 12:59 |
vidd | you can close the fstab..... | 13:01 |
Go|2T | ok, closed it | 13:01 |
vidd | when you plugged this drive in.... | 13:01 |
Go|2T | yes | 13:01 |
vidd | did the icon show up? | 13:01 |
Go|2T | I`m not sure if it did | 13:02 |
vidd | lets unplug it | 13:02 |
Go|2T | ok | 13:02 |
vidd | does the icon go away? | 13:02 |
Go|2T | hang on | 13:02 |
Go|2T | yes the icon went away | 13:04 |
vidd | ok....where did this external drive come from? | 13:04 |
vidd | was it written to from another linux machine? | 13:05 |
Go|2T | it was written to from a linux machinme | 13:05 |
vidd | what user ID wrote the data? | 13:06 |
Go|2T | me | 13:06 |
vidd | for example.... | 13:06 |
vidd | root is user id 0 | 13:06 |
vidd | the "default original" user in ubuntu-based linux is 1000 (i beleive) | 13:06 |
vidd | the second user is UID 1001 | 13:07 |
vidd | third user is UID 1002 ...etc | 13:07 |
vidd | what UID were you on that other machine? | 13:07 |
Go|2T | If I go to properties it shows owner 500\ | 13:07 |
vidd | hehehe | 13:08 |
vidd | let me show you how to create a UID alias..... | 13:08 |
Go|2T | ok | 13:08 |
vidd | ***dangerous code...use with caution*** in terminal, type "sudo mousepad /etc/passwd" (this opens the passwd file with root access) | 13:10 |
vidd | ***dangerous code...use with caution*** scan the file to see if there is a UID 500 already | 13:10 |
vidd | ***dangerous code...use with caution*** if not, copy the line for your user and paste it in a new line | 13:11 |
SiDi | errrrrrrr | 13:12 |
SiDi | isnt it said to NEVER NEVER NEVER (NEVER) modify /etc/passwd manually ? | 13:12 |
vidd | ***dangerous code...use with caution*** change the UID to 500, change the user name and save | 13:12 |
vidd | SiDi, please note the ***dangerous code...use with caution*** tag on each line? | 13:12 |
SiDi | Well, i'd been told this should always be done via useradd and usermod | 13:13 |
SiDi | because it can corrupt the /etc/passwd file | 13:13 |
vidd | SiDi, i have don this a hundred times myself | 13:13 |
SiDi | damn | 13:13 |
SiDi | my teachers lied :( | 13:13 |
vidd | if not done correctly, it CAN corrupt the /etc/passwd file | 13:13 |
SiDi | well nevermind then, sorry for interrupting :p | 13:13 |
Go|2T | what do you mean by change the user name.. do I change my name | 13:14 |
vidd | SiDi, besides...shadow is the REALLY nasty file to mess up | 13:14 |
vidd | Go|2T, for the user 500, yes...for the user 1000, no | 13:15 |
Go|2T | you lost me there | 13:15 |
vidd | we are making two identical entries | 13:16 |
Go|2T | yep one is a 500 , one a 1000 | 13:16 |
vidd | lets say your uid 1000 name is "jon" | 13:16 |
Go|2T | ok | 13:16 |
vidd | make the uid 500 name something like jon2 | 13:17 |
Go|2T | ok | 13:17 |
vidd | now save and exit | 13:17 |
Go|2T | ok | 13:17 |
Go|2T | its not saving | 13:18 |
vidd | the properties for that file should now say the owner is "jon2"(or whatever you named it | 13:18 |
vidd | what does it say? | 13:18 |
Go|2T | its not saying anything | 13:19 |
vidd | when you opened it, did you use sudo? | 13:19 |
Go|2T | its saying psswrd already exists overwrite it | 13:20 |
vidd | lets name this passwd-test | 13:20 |
Go|2T | ok | 13:20 |
vidd | (i forgot to have you make a back-up) | 13:20 |
Go|2T | I made it passwd-test.. it closed ok | 13:21 |
vidd | in your mousepad, click file>open | 13:21 |
vidd | belay that... | 13:21 |
vidd | open /etc/passwrd again | 13:22 |
Go|2T | its open | 13:22 |
vidd | make no changes and save as passwd.bak | 13:22 |
Go|2T | ok did that | 13:23 |
vidd | now open passwd-test and save as passwd | 13:23 |
vidd | overwrite | 13:23 |
Go|2T | ok | 13:23 |
vidd | now lets check the properties of that folder.... | 13:24 |
vidd | who owns it now? | 13:24 |
vidd | it should be the new user you created | 13:24 |
DaDa|Urka | Does someone know if xfce 1.6 will make it in xubuntu 9.04? | 13:24 |
vidd | DaDa|Urka, the latest and greatest is planned to be added | 13:25 |
Go|2T | ok | 13:25 |
Go|2T | me 2 | 13:25 |
Go|2T | yep, thats it | 13:25 |
vidd | ok.... | 13:25 |
DaDa|Urka | lol | 13:26 |
DaDa|Urka | vidd : u swear? :D | 13:26 |
Go|2T | but I still can`t get in the lost+found folder | 13:26 |
vidd | Go|2T, we are not done yet | 13:26 |
Go|2T | ok | 13:27 |
vidd | we need to edit the /etc/group file | 13:27 |
Go|2T | ok | 13:27 |
Go|2T | ok what command is that | 13:29 |
vidd | sudo mousepad /etc/group | 13:29 |
Go|2T | ok its open | 13:30 |
Pres-Gas | So, are we going to see 4.6 in 9.04? | 13:30 |
Go|2T | etc/group is open | 13:32 |
DaGr8Gatzby | I'm still waiting for my PS3 port | 13:33 |
DaGr8Gatzby | :) | 13:33 |
vidd | on the last line put the following "[new-user]:x:500:[old-user]" where [new-user] = the new user and [old-user] = the orginal username | 13:33 |
Go|2T | ok | 13:34 |
vidd | sorry Go|2T another user was chastising me for telling you to use sudo instead of gksudo | 13:35 |
Go|2T | so new user would be say fred2:x:500:fred | 13:36 |
vidd | yes | 13:36 |
Go|2T | is that all I need to put there | 13:37 |
vidd | and overwrite | 13:37 |
Go|2T | ok | 13:37 |
vidd | now see if you can view those files | 13:38 |
Ben_Cs | hello | 13:38 |
Ben_Cs | i have xubuntu 8.04. if i want to upgrade to xfce 4.6 i just download xfce and goodies .run files and install first xfce and then goodies? | 13:38 |
Go|2T | nope | 13:39 |
vidd | hrm.... | 13:39 |
Go|2T | still shows 500 | 13:39 |
vidd | wil this drive be "reconnecting to the other system? | 13:39 |
Go|2T | no | 13:40 |
vidd | ok...lets undo what we just did.... | 13:40 |
Go|2T | ok | 13:40 |
vidd | edit /etc/group first to remove that last line | 13:40 |
vidd | then, open passwd.bak and save as /etc/passwd | 13:41 |
vidd | remember to use root permissions (sudo or gksudo) | 13:42 |
DaGr8Gatzby | Ben_Cs: what version is reported when you enter xubuntu_desktop | 13:42 |
DaGr8Gatzby | ? | 13:42 |
DaGr8Gatzby | oh wait | 13:42 |
DaGr8Gatzby | n/m :( | 13:42 |
vidd | Go|2T, get in the habit of using gksudo with GUI apps | 13:43 |
Go|2T | ok so what do I type then | 13:43 |
vidd | gksu mousepad /etc/group | 13:44 |
Go|2T | I did group already | 13:44 |
Ben_Cs | DaGr8Gatzby: 4.4.2? | 13:44 |
vidd | then gksu /etc/passwd.bak | 13:45 |
vidd | and save that as /etc/passwd and overwrite | 13:45 |
Go|2T | nothing opened | 13:45 |
vidd | the file didnt open? | 13:46 |
Go|2T | no it didn`t | 13:46 |
vidd | is it already open? | 13:46 |
Ben_Cs | DaGr8Gatzby: is it safe to install as i said and not with .deb files? cause i can't find .deb files for xfce 4.6 | 13:46 |
Go|2T | nothing is open here | 13:47 |
vidd | lets open mousepad by itsself.... | 13:47 |
vidd | gksu mousepad | 13:47 |
vidd | anything? | 13:48 |
Go|2T | ok I got a blank one | 13:48 |
vidd | ok...good | 13:48 |
Go|2T | :) | 13:48 |
vidd | click on file>open | 13:48 |
Go|2T | ok | 13:49 |
vidd | and navigate to the /etc folder and find passwd.bak | 13:49 |
Go|2T | ok | 13:49 |
vidd | we want to "save as" and remove the .bak | 13:49 |
DaGr8Gatzby | I wouldn't know Ben_Cs :( Sorry | 13:49 |
Ben_Cs | DaGr8Gatzby: ok thanks. I'll risk it :) | 13:50 |
Go|2T | ok, did that | 13:50 |
Go|2T | do I just remove the user 500 | 13:51 |
vidd | the .bak should not have the user 500 =\ | 13:52 |
vidd | but yes | 13:52 |
Go|2T | I`ve already saved passwd | 13:52 |
vidd | one stuff...brb | 13:53 |
Go|2T | ok | 13:53 |
vidd | Go|2T, you will need to chmod that entire drive | 13:59 |
vidd | not chmod....chown' | 13:59 |
Go|2T | ok do I close paswrd now | 14:00 |
vidd | sudo chown -Rf /path/to/drive | 14:00 |
vidd | once its saved, just close it | 14:00 |
Go|2T | ok | 14:00 |
Go|2T | ok how do I find path to drive | 14:01 |
Go|2T | hmmm, he must be busy | 14:09 |
Go|2T | hello vidd | 14:12 |
vidd | can someone help Go|2T find the path to his external drive and chown it to his user? | 14:12 |
vidd | ty | 14:13 |
knome | Go|2T, it is possibly /media/something | 14:13 |
Go|2T | yep media/disk | 14:14 |
Go|2T | not sure of the whole command though | 14:14 |
knome | 'sudo chown -Rf /media/disk' | 14:15 |
Go|2T | is that all I have to do | 14:15 |
knome | Go|2T, try it. it won't break your system. | 14:16 |
Go|2T | I did I get chown: missing operand after `/media/disk' | 14:17 |
knome | 'sudo chown -Rf yourusername:yourusername /media/disk' | 14:18 |
Go|2T | ok | 14:18 |
Go|2T | chown: missing operand after `jeffrey:jeffrey/media/disk' | 14:21 |
knome | Go|2T, note the space before /media/disk | 14:22 |
Go|2T | ok | 14:23 |
Go|2T | woo hoo , got it | 14:24 |
Go|2T | ty knome | 14:25 |
vidd | Go|2T, sorry...we have a meltdown in the NOC here at work =[ | 14:25 |
Go|2T | ty to vidd for his patience.. thats ok vidd | 14:25 |
Ben_Cs | hello | 14:32 |
Ben_Cs | where can i find the package: libisofs-1 (0.6.2) ? | 14:32 |
Go|2T | its in synaptic under libsofis | 14:35 |
Go|2T | did you get that Ben_Cs | 14:37 |
Ben_Cs | Go|2T: yes. i'm downloading and installing intrepid deb files | 14:38 |
Go|2T | good, that creates ISO 9660 images don`t it | 14:39 |
=== ZeRo_FeniX_ is now known as ZeRo_FeniX | ||
Go|2T | ok, I`m off to bed.. 1:40 am here | 14:41 |
Ben_Cs | Go|2T: yes. and it's easier than compiling src | 14:41 |
Go|2T | so are you using Xubuntu 8.10 or just updating it now Ben_Cs | 14:42 |
Ben_Cs | Go|2T: i'm using hardy and installed those libs from 8.10 | 14:43 |
Go|2T | ok, that should work ok | 14:43 |
Ben_Cs | Go|2T: thanks | 14:43 |
Go|2T | I`ve done that a few times and had no problems | 14:44 |
Go|2T | ok, I`m off to bed | 14:44 |
Ben_Cs | Go|2T: bye | 14:45 |
vidd | what is the hot-key to lock the desktop | 15:13 |
Myrtti | I don't think there is one by default | 15:13 |
Myrtti | could be wrong | 15:13 |
diginux | there isnt | 15:14 |
diginux | wait | 15:14 |
diginux | try ctrl+alt+delete | 15:15 |
diginux | (seriously_ | 15:15 |
diginux | (seriously) | 15:15 |
vidd | hrm...nope | 15:16 |
diginux | ok, pretty sure it isnt default, looks like i added it myself | 15:16 |
diginux | goto xfce settings manager | 15:16 |
diginux | goto keyboard | 15:16 |
diginux | goto shortcuts | 15:16 |
diginux | add a new theme | 15:16 |
diginux | then in that theme, add a new key binding | 15:16 |
diginux | then set one for xflock4 | 15:16 |
diginux | which locks the desktop | 15:16 |
diginux | if i remember correctly ubuntu doesnt do the dependency right so you have to install xlock manually | 15:17 |
Myrtti | given you have xlockmore or xlockmore-gl installed. | 15:17 |
SiDi | its ctrl+alt+suppr afaik | 15:17 |
SiDi | here it locks the screen | 15:17 |
SiDi | +del * | 15:17 |
diginux | Myrtti: how come xflock4 doesnt depend one of those programs ? | 15:17 |
diginux | always a question ive had.. | 15:17 |
Myrtti | diginux: have no idea | 15:17 |
diginux | wonder if it is a "bug" | 15:17 |
vidd | diginux, no need to add a new theme...just install xlockmore | 15:20 |
diginux | vidd: so there is a default key binding then? | 15:21 |
vidd | yes | 15:21 |
diginux | ahh there is | 15:21 |
diginux | oh i see what I did now.. | 15:21 |
vidd | i saw it there when i was following your instructions | 15:21 |
diginux | i just copied them all over then added a few new ones for my theme | 15:21 |
diginux | sorry about that | 15:22 |
diginux | should have checked | 15:22 |
vidd | hey...not your fault that xlockmore isnt installed by default | 15:22 |
linuksamiko | hej everyone, are there any xfce 4.6 binaries for 8.10 out allready? | 15:25 |
Myrtti | nope | 15:26 |
linuksamiko | too bad. Are there any plans for 4.6 packages? | 15:26 |
linuksamiko | not officaly of course but by anybody? | 15:26 |
diginux | yes, 4.6 will be in jaunty | 15:27 |
diginux | i think its 4.5.99999 right now | 15:27 |
vidd | linuksamiko, if im not mistaken, 4.6 will be in the next release | 15:27 |
rocko | HELLO | 15:27 |
rocko | moin moin | 15:27 |
rocko | hallo | 15:27 |
rocko | saluton | 15:27 |
vidd | !hello | 15:27 |
ubottu | Hi! Welcome to #xubuntu! | 15:27 |
rocko | ohal | 15:27 |
rocko | !hallo | 15:27 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about hallo | 15:27 |
Myrtti | that I know of, I must add | 15:27 |
rocko | !moin | 15:27 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about moin | 15:27 |
Myrtti | rocko: are you done soon? | 15:28 |
rocko | for what Myrtti ? | 15:28 |
charlie-tca | diginux: it is actually 4.6 rc1 right now | 15:28 |
rocko | hallo means hello in german | 15:28 |
diginux | charlie-tca: ah, very good then, i don't like 4.6 though, no menu editor, so I had to go back to window maker :( | 15:28 |
charlie-tca | We get the menu editor in 4.8 | 15:28 |
diginux | charlie-tca: that is a long time! | 15:29 |
linuksamiko | and saluton means hello in esperanto | 15:29 |
charlie-tca | Well, maybe. | 15:29 |
Myrtti | but this is not a channel for comparing the hello's of different languages | 15:29 |
charlie-tca | and this is an English chanel | 15:29 |
charlie-tca | s/chanel/channel* | 15:29 |
linuksamiko | Well but anyway, still got a question about 4.6. Is it for sure that it will be in 9.04? | 15:30 |
charlie-tca | yes, linuksamiko | 15:30 |
linuksamiko | good to hear | 15:30 |
charlie-tca | I don't think the developers are going through all the work of putting it in now to take it away for the release | 15:31 |
DaGr8Gatzby | I still want a PS3 port :( | 15:31 |
vidd | DaGr8Gatzby, so why not make one? | 15:31 |
DaGr8Gatzby | I wish I had the skillz | 15:32 |
DaGr8Gatzby | :( | 15:32 |
diginux | it should be simple, just cross-compile for arm | 15:32 |
diginux | or ppc | 15:32 |
diginux | I ran yellow dog on a ps3 for a while, it was fun | 15:32 |
linuksamiko | DaGr8Gatzby: I think there is an (anything)ubuntu ppc version out there. That should work | 15:33 |
charlie-tca | Aren't the port/daily images jaunty? | 15:33 |
DaGr8Gatzby | yes I've made Intrepid work | 15:33 |
vidd | will ppc work on ps3? | 15:33 |
charlie-tca | and | 15:34 |
linuksamiko | | 15:34 |
diginux | it hsould.. | 15:34 |
diginux | its just a ppc processor | 15:34 |
DaGr8Gatzby | | 15:34 |
rocko | you should use debian for power pc | 15:34 |
rocko | ubuntu has crappy support for power pc | 15:34 |
diginux | rocko: why debian? | 15:34 |
diginux | vidd: | 15:34 |
diginux | oh :( | 15:35 |
rocko | because ubuntu has crappy support for powerpc | 15:35 |
charlie-tca | DaGr8Gatzby: We could use someone to test those images on the ppc and the ps3 | 15:35 |
rocko | I know I use powerpc all the time | 15:35 |
rocko | I have two powerpc computers | 15:35 |
rocko | imac g3 and a powerbook | 15:35 |
linuksamiko | but maybe this psubuntu may be worth a try | 15:36 |
DaGr8Gatzby | I would be more than happy to | 15:36 |
DaGr8Gatzby | I know psubuntu works | 15:36 |
charlie-tca | rocko: those images should work on the g3 also. | 15:36 |
DaGr8Gatzby | I set up intrepid just fine :) | 15:36 |
rocko | well with my experince in the past | 15:37 |
rocko | debian has much better support | 15:37 |
charlie-tca | Looks to me like we will have jaunty ports, since we have jaunty alphas | 15:37 |
rocko | I could not find a live cd for powerpc either | 15:37 |
rocko | I think I did though | 15:37 |
rocko | but I forgot what it was | 15:37 |
charlie-tca | rocko: that I could believe | 15:37 |
rocko | hold on | 15:38 |
rocko | this is the only live cd I could find for powerpc | 15:40 |
=== hfsdo_ is now known as hfsdo | ||
charlie-tca | Then go to ours. We have one at : | 15:48 |
charlie-tca | | 15:49 |
charlie-tca | However, It is ALPHA | 15:49 |
charlie-tca | expect it to break | 15:49 |
=== Reno`1 is now known as Reno` | ||
Mood | anyone tried using enlightenment w/ xubuntu? | 15:54 |
Brad450 | does anyone know how i can get wine to start a .EXE file by just clicking on it? | 15:56 |
diginux | Brad450: in thunar? | 15:56 |
Brad450 | in properties wine doesnt show up on the file i want to open | 15:57 |
Brad450 | ?? | 15:57 |
diginux | Brad450: in thunar? | 15:57 |
Brad450 | THUNAR?? | 15:57 |
diginux | the file manager? | 15:57 |
vidd | Brad450, basically, he's asking "where are you clicking the .EXE?" | 15:58 |
Brad450 | yes. when you right click you have properties at the bottom. can i get wine on the list to exute the file? | 15:59 |
diginux | Brad450: assuming it is thunar, in the properties dialog, goto Open with, select Other Application, then select /usr/bin/wine | 15:59 |
Mood | why is the xubuntu mascot a mouse? any sites that offer documentation on reasons why? | 16:01 |
Brad450 | it says add application: opens a window and wine isnt on it :( i can use a custom command line | 16:01 |
vidd | Mood, because all the OTHER cool mascots were already taken? | 16:02 |
vidd | or maybe because it eats so little resources | 16:03 |
Mood | vidd: heh ok. who made the choice, you know? | 16:03 |
Brad450 | the mouse was probably used to symbolize that its smaller than most other distros | 16:03 |
vidd | i would assue the developers | 16:03 |
forces | wii!!!!!!!! | 16:04 |
Brad450 | i would have picked a baby tux now that would be awesome!!! | 16:04 |
vidd | well...actually...xubuntu's mascot is a mouse because xfce's mascot is a mouse | 16:04 |
forces | xfce 4.6 final release is avaible right now! | 16:04 |
Mood | xfce's a mouse maybe of the 'small footprint'? | 16:05 |
Mood | know of any historical docs on the topic? i.e. logo versions, etc | 16:05 |
Brad450 | how can i make a file start with a certain program?? | 16:06 |
rocko | that is a livecd charlie-tca | 16:06 |
rocko | I prefer debian for powerpc | 16:07 |
Brad450 | where does wine show up after you install?? | 16:09 |
diginux | Brad450: for me, it shows up under apps | 16:10 |
Brad450 | ya what section? | 16:11 |
diginux | for me, it installed its own section called wine | 16:11 |
SiDi | apps go to "Others" menu, you can modify the .desktop files in .local/share/applications/wine and add a line such as "Categories=Game;" | 16:13 |
SiDi | and it'll go in Games | 16:14 |
charlie-tca | forces: but it is not packaged for Xubuntu yet. | 16:17 |
forces | right | 16:17 |
forces | you have to compile if you wanna use it | 16:17 |
charlie-tca | But, Jaunty alpha 5 is out! | 16:18 |
forces | the next is beta right? | 16:18 |
charlie-tca | give it a day or two to get packaged | 16:18 |
charlie-tca | No, forces. Next is alpha 6 | 16:18 |
forces | or alpha 6? | 16:18 |
forces | T_T | 16:18 |
charlie-tca | Then beta | 16:18 |
charlie-tca | !releases | 16:19 |
ubottu | Ubuntu releases a new version every 6 months. Each version is supported for 18 months to 5 years. More info at & | 16:19 |
charlie-tca | !jaunty | 16:19 |
ubottu | Jaunty Jackalope is the code for Ubuntu 9.04, due April 2009 - Lots of breakage between now and April - Please join #ubuntu+1 for discussion and support. | 16:19 |
charlie-tca | stupid bot | 16:19 |
charlie-tca | | 16:19 |
charlie-tca | That is the schedule for jaunty | 16:20 |
forces | !karmic | 16:20 |
ubottu | Karmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 2009 - For more info see | 16:20 |
rocko | why does ps3 use powerpc ? | 16:24 |
DaGr8Gatzby | that's the type of chip it is | 16:24 |
DaGr8Gatzby | The PS3 uses the Cell microprocessor, which is made up of one 3.2 GHz PowerPC-based "Power Processing Element" (PPE) and six accessible Synergistic Processing Elements (SPEs). | 16:25 |
Aquina | hy! | 16:27 |
Aquina | :-) | 16:27 |
xiq | hello i have a problem! I installed xubuntu and then win xp, after restart it said "invalid partition table" and i couldnt start them | 16:41 |
vidd | xiq, you should install windows first, then linux | 16:41 |
charlie-tca | Yes, you lost the Grub installing windows | 16:41 |
vidd | windows dont play nice with others...and its so arrogant as to think its the only one there | 16:42 |
rocko | WINBLOWS | 16:43 |
xiq | so what can i do? i dont want to reinstall xub a 3rth time | 16:47 |
vidd | xiq, does windows load? | 16:48 |
xiq | nope | 16:48 |
vidd | then your ***** | 16:48 |
xiq | fucked? | 16:48 |
charlie-tca | xiq: take a look at these: | 16:49 |
xiq | thy | 16:49 |
xiq | thx | 16:49 |
vidd | while im sure there IS a fix out will likely be faster to just re-install | 16:49 |
xiq | no wait | 16:49 |
charlie-tca | vidd: Doesn't supergrub work? | 16:49 |
vidd | charlie-tca, dunno...ive never heard of it | 16:49 |
charlie-tca | or did windows take out the MBR? | 16:49 |
charlie-tca | | 16:50 |
xiq | i mean, 1st i installed xub then win, so now i made a fat32 partition maybe can install install window there | 16:50 |
xiq | wow ok | 16:50 |
charlie-tca | | 16:50 |
rocko | WINBLOWS | 16:50 |
charlie-tca | Google is your friend | 16:51 |
rocko | you will have to get a hacked copy of winblows to do that xiq | 16:51 |
xiq | i have plenty versions of any os :D | 16:51 |
rocko | because windows will not install if it notices any changes | 16:51 |
rocko | like hard drive space | 16:51 |
rocko | or completely upgrading the computer | 16:51 |
rocko | with cpu hard drive ...etc | 16:52 |
xiq | ok i'll come again in 20 minutes... | 16:52 |
charlie-tca | supergrubdisk website is down | 16:53 |
xiq | just one thing: i have a 160HDD and 100gb xub , 59gb win and 1gb swap ; is that ok? | 16:54 |
rocko | parted magic is good charlie-tca | 16:57 |
DaGr8Gatzby | yea | 16:57 |
DaGr8Gatzby | parted is good | 16:57 |
JuanL | Hey Room. | 16:57 |
rocko | | 16:58 |
SiDi | xiq if you installed win after ubuntu, it'll erase your MBR | 16:58 |
SiDi | also, ensure you install win in a primary NTFS partition, it's much more likely to work | 16:58 |
JuanL | i had partition magic, that's how i originally setup and cleared some of my partition to put Ubuntu on. | 16:58 |
JuanL | but then i chose to just wipe windows and keep nothing but Xubuntu so now i'm pro Linux XD | 16:59 |
charlie-tca | Why didn't you guys speak up when he was here? | 16:59 |
JuanL | i just walked in... | 16:59 |
JuanL | :P | 16:59 |
SiDi | for the swap, you should have the same amount than your ram (for the hibernation feature, but if you run on a laptop i just recommand you to remove swap and use ram only, esp. if you have a lot of ram, you'll save power because you'll have less read write access on your HDD) | 16:59 |
JuanL | xiq isn't in the room. BTW | 17:00 |
SiDi | i was reading some stuff somewhere else | 17:00 |
SiDi | didnt notice he left haha | 17:00 |
* SiDi is ashamed.. | 17:00 | |
JuanL | * puts his hands in his pockets. | 17:00 |
JuanL | lol | 17:00 |
* charlie-tca thinks discussion is good | 17:00 | |
JuanL | anyway Quick Q. anyone here use Http:// | 17:01 |
JuanL | i use it for my Work and i'm Linux and there Windows i got the meetings to work but i'm trying to find something that plays the videos which are in .arf and .wrf format | 17:01 |
JuanL | i'm currently rocking Xubuntu 8.10 | 17:01 |
DaGr8Gatzby | I guess I can wait for a PS3 verson of Jaunty | 17:02 |
DaGr8Gatzby | :( | 17:02 |
SiDi | JuanL: activate medibuntu universe and multiverse | 17:02 |
JuanL | in Term? | 17:02 |
SiDi | the repositories | 17:02 |
panthar | Do you know of anyone working on making XFCE 4.6 work in the current Xubuntu? | 17:02 |
SiDi | in sources of software for univ and multiv | 17:02 |
SiDi | and you'll have to search the web for medibuntu's repository | 17:03 |
JuanL | ? | 17:03 |
SiDi | panthar: there's a PPA for that, it's said to almost fully work | 17:03 |
JuanL | where do i go to activate who in the wha now | 17:03 |
panthar | Nice - do you happen to have a link to it, or remember where you saw discussion on it? | 17:03 |
SiDi | sec JuanL :) | 17:03 |
JuanL | aye | 17:03 |
charlie-tca | DaGr8Gatzby: daily-live didn't work? | 17:04 |
charlie-tca | panthar: yes, it will be packaged for Jaunty | 17:04 |
charlie-tca | We will wait to see if it gets backported to intrepid after Jaunty | 17:05 |
SiDi | type "gksu mousepad /etc/apt/sources.list" JuanL | 17:05 |
panthar | charlie-tca: nice - just 2 days ago people were thinking it would not make it into Jaunty | 17:05 |
JuanL | command not found. | 17:06 |
DaGr8Gatzby | charlie-tca: naw | 17:06 |
SiDi | sudo mousepad /etc/apt/sources.list then :P | 17:06 |
DaGr8Gatzby | link me though | 17:06 |
DaGr8Gatzby | yesterdays build may work | 17:06 |
panthar | If anyone knows where the PPA is for 4.6 though, I'd love to kick the tires a bit in 8.10 | 17:07 |
JuanL | ok a mousepad poped up | 17:07 |
SiDi | JuanL: add this line at the end of the file : deb intrepid free non-free | 17:07 |
charlie-tca | panthar: it is not supported; gives a lot of bugs that won't get fixed | 17:07 |
SiDi | JuanL: then save your file, open a terminal, and type this : wget -q -O- | sudo apt-key add - | 17:07 |
JuanL | all it said was. "OK" | 17:08 |
JuanL | after that | 17:08 |
SiDi | JuanL: these two operations will add a repository to your system (repositories are the places from which your update manager grabs the packages) | 17:08 |
charlie-tca | panthar: still want it? | 17:08 |
SiDi | now, you're gonna activate multiverse and universe, that enable you to get the proprietary packages | 17:09 |
JuanL | ok | 17:09 |
SiDi | open the window "Sources of software" (in system menu, or by typing "sudo software-properties-gtk" in a console) | 17:09 |
panthar | charlie-tca: definitely - If it's bad enough I can put together my installation myself no problem :) | 17:09 |
charlie-tca | has one; please don't report bugs against it | 17:09 |
panthar | It's just the only one I saw was with 4.5.9x | 17:10 |
JuanL | ok it's up | 17:10 |
panthar | Cool, ty - and no, I won't be sending bugs against something like that. | 17:10 |
SiDi | check the boxes for universe/restricted/multiverse | 17:10 |
charlie-tca | is 4.6 RC1 | 17:10 |
SiDi | then you can quit this window. it'll probably ask you to refresh the list of packages, accept if it does, JuanL | 17:11 |
panthar | charlie-tca: no, it was an older one than that. | 17:11 |
SiDi | JuanL: are you running the 32 bits or 64 bits version ? | 17:11 |
JuanL | 32 | 17:11 |
JuanL | they where already checked | 17:12 |
SiDi | ok then | 17:12 |
SiDi | open a terminal again, type "sudo apt-get update" | 17:12 |
charlie-tca | Jeromeg tries hard to package these things for those who dare to go there... | 17:13 |
panthar | I'll take his dare on this one, heh | 17:13 |
SiDi | then "sudo apt-get install 32codecs gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly gstreamer0.10-ffmpeg gstreamer0.10-pitfdll libdvdcss2 totem-gstreamer gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad-multiverse gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad xubuntu-restricted-extras libdvdcss2" | 17:13 |
SiDi | and you should have anything you'll ever need with that, JuanL | 17:13 |
JuanL | this will allow me to play the files? | 17:14 |
panthar | I have a second installation I use for stuff like this, so if it blows up, I'll still thank him for it almost working :) | 17:14 |
JuanL | .arf and .wrf ? | 17:14 |
charlie-tca | Great idea | 17:14 |
Myrtti | Barf and Worf | 17:14 |
* Myrtti hides | 17:14 | |
* charlie-tca looks for Myrtti | 17:14 | |
JuanL | E: Couldn't find package 32codecs | 17:14 |
Myrtti | JuanL: w32, not 32 | 17:15 |
JuanL | i pasted what you posted | 17:15 |
* charlie-tca should be hiding, giving out that PPA | 17:15 | |
JuanL | | 17:16 |
SiDi | ah yeh sorry, i missed a w | 17:16 |
JuanL | pasted my Term | 17:16 |
SiDi | JuanL: it's w32codecs, i forgot a letter ^^ | 17:16 |
JuanL | ok added in seemed to be doing stuff | 17:16 |
SiDi | it will very likely allow you to read those files | 17:17 |
JuanL | i mean i can WINE the windows versions but i rather stay away from windows completely that's why i want a linux solution | 17:17 |
SiDi | well, almost all the codecs (the free and proprietary ones) that work on linux are included in the things i made you install | 17:18 |
SiDi | if it doesnt work you'll probably have to use wine | 17:18 |
SiDi | and also, it's very important to remember whining at the company using those formats, so that they can notice linux users do exist | 17:18 |
SiDi | it rarely works but in the long term it can have an impact | 17:19 |
JuanL | well they had a linux version of the software the webex meeting software so i got that going | 17:19 |
JuanL | alot of googling for that | 17:19 |
JuanL | ALOT :P | 17:19 |
JuanL | what player should i use to test it out? | 17:20 |
JuanL | cause Totem did nothing.. | 17:20 |
vidd | well no wonder you having issues.... your using gstreamer stuff | 17:22 |
vidd | install gxine, libline-extracodecs | 17:22 |
JuanL | ? | 17:22 |
vidd | install gxine, libline1-extracodecs | 17:22 |
JuanL | command? | 17:22 |
vidd | huh? | 17:23 |
vidd | "sudo apt-get install" will install what ever applications you ask it to | 17:23 |
vidd | just add the two apps i suggested | 17:23 |
cody-somerville | vidd, We use greamter in Xubuntu by default, not gxine. | 17:23 |
JuanL | <==== Noobuntu | 17:23 |
vidd | JuanL, sudo apt-get install gxine libxine1-all-plugins | 17:26 |
JuanL | ok it's download/install | 17:27 |
SiDi | JuanL: if it didnt work with totem and vlc, then you're lost :( | 17:27 |
* vidd does not want to get into a debate about the pro's and con's of the different meadia formats | 17:28 | |
JuanL | then i'm stuck with WINE if it doesn't work | 17:28 |
* SiDi wouldn't know what to say in the midst of such a debate. | 17:28 | |
* vidd has just had better experience with xine and horrors with gstreamer | 17:28 | |
JuanL | cause i can get them in wine no problem | 17:28 |
* SiDi doesn't even know what he's using, all he knows is that it seems to work. Seems. | 17:28 | |
vidd | JuanL, what file format? | 17:28 |
SiDi | arf and wrf | 17:29 |
vidd | SiDi, if you dont know, then your likely using gstreamer | 17:29 |
vidd | =\ | 17:29 |
* vidd has never heard of such formats | 17:29 | |
JuanL | Http:// | 17:30 |
JuanL | there for my companys Remote Desktop Online Host Meeting Software | 17:30 |
JuanL | if they record a session it comes out in those proprietary formats | 17:30 |
vidd | ah...then you will need to use wine then (in all likelyhood) | 17:31 |
JuanL | i have no problem in wine. i was just hoping for a NON-Windows Esque solution. | 17:31 |
SiDi | Well, you should mail webex | 17:31 |
SiDi | a gentle mail though :P | 17:31 |
JuanL | lol | 17:31 |
JuanL | i should make my entire company hop ship cold turkey to Xubuntu | 17:32 |
JuanL | then this room will have over 400 employees in it | 17:32 |
JuanL | hourly | 17:32 |
vidd | foul words, vile threats and claims of discrimination may make you feel better, but are less effective in getting results you find favourable | 17:32 |
SiDi | JuanL: that'd be funny to see :) | 17:32 |
JuanL | lol | 17:33 |
SiDi | vidd: thats why i said gentle mail :P | 17:33 |
vidd | =] | 17:33 |
vidd | simply explaining WHY a gentle email =] | 17:33 |
Aquina | I've got a bit "off topic" question. My brother and me are up starts and we need to effectively deploy Xubuntu to all our other clients. We're running Ubuntu server 8.04 LTS too and my primary workstation has a Xubuntu on it I already configured to our needs. How can I use that "fork?" and deploy it effectively to other clients? | 17:35 |
SiDi | hm i think there's a tool for creating OEM discs | 17:35 |
SiDi | if the hardware is identical you could just clone the content of the HDD to the other PCs | 17:36 |
SiDi | but only with the same hardware | 17:36 |
Aquina | x86? | 17:36 |
SiDi | i mean same motherboard and HDD | 17:36 |
SiDi | basically, same computers :P | 17:36 |
SiDi | because either you'll have the wrong drivers installed and it might become hard to manage | 17:37 |
Aquina | So what about my private settings lying everywhere on the system? Lots of config files and maybe stuff I'd not like to have on the other clients. | 17:37 |
SiDi | if your current install is a private one it's not appropriate | 17:38 |
vidd | Aquina, have you considerd doing a LTSP setup? | 17:38 |
Aquina | LTSP? | 17:38 |
JuanL | ok does Add/Remove get the same results instead of my typing in "Sudo apt-get [etc]" | 17:38 |
SiDi | There's a page about that in the french doc, but if you don't speak french it wont help :) | 17:39 |
JuanL | cause that shows me listings of stuff | 17:39 |
SiDi | JuanL: yes, add/remove, synaptics and sudo apt-get install do the same stuff | 17:39 |
Aquina | my french is a bit rosted. | 17:39 |
vidd | Linux Terminal Server Project | 17:39 |
SiDi | Add/Remove only shows the applications, Synaptics Package Manager and apt-get list the whole packages | 17:39 |
Aquina | ok I'll look that up on some search engine. | 17:39 |
Aquina | In case there's the same achitekture but different boards, graphics adapters, etc. will modprobe (or whatever) take care of it? | 17:39 |
JuanL | i have Synaptics Package Manager as well | 17:40 |
Aquina | JuanL check the A/R system first and Synaptic in case the app is not listed there. | 17:40 |
SiDi | Aquina | 17:41 |
Aquina | apt-get from the command line is usefull when you know how to use a shell. You can perform some tasks faster and have more advanced options depending on your shell skills. ;-) | 17:41 |
Aquina | thx, SiDi | 17:41 |
SiDi | this is a google translation, but just ask me if there's a phrase you don't understand | 17:42 |
SiDi | i'll leave soon tho | 17:42 |
Aquina | :-) | 17:42 |
SiDi | actually the translation is pretty good oO | 17:43 |
Aquina | Will it generally work with Xubuntu HH too? | 17:43 |
SiDi | Xubuntu and Ubuntu are the same, just not the same environment / apps by default | 17:43 |
SiDi | i suppose there is a xubuntu alternate cd with the OEM install mode too | 17:43 |
Aquina | ok, thank you | 17:45 |
SiDi | you're welcome | 17:46 |
Lns | Does Xubuntu use the default Ubuntu kernel, or do you roll your own? | 18:01 |
cody-somerville | We use the default kernel | 18:03 |
Lns | ah | 18:03 |
Lns | I ask because I'm fairly active with Ubuntu and LTSP - and there is some discussion about using a 'minimalist' type kernel for the client chroot environment | 18:04 |
Lns | I thought, if anything, Xubuntu would have a smaller kernel than Ubuntu that we could pull from, but I guess not. Do you know of any Ubuntu minimalist kernels out there? | 18:04 |
Lns | I'd like to stay away from rolling our own since, with LTSP5, distro integration was key | 18:05 |
_Pete_ | how much more memory you get when using such minimalistic kernel? | 18:05 |
Lns | _Pete_: Well, I'm not sure - its just in the discussion phase. By 'minimalist' I was meaning less memory, but also less 'udev', less "fully desktop oriented features" so as to not slow down a very low powered thin client so much | 18:07 |
Lns | the client chroot environment is only needed to boot the thin client and basically get an X session to the LTSP server | 18:07 |
=== Myrtti_ is now known as Myrtti | ||
DaGr8Gatzby | raeady or not | 18:27 |
DaGr8Gatzby | here I come | 18:27 |
DaGr8Gatzby | you can't hide ... | 18:27 |
Aquina | *lol* | 18:37 |
Aquina | Wanna scare a little girl? | 18:38 |
=== ZeRo_FeniX_ is now known as ZeRo_FeniX | ||
G-Bleezy | How do i configure network manager in Xubuntu to connect through a wireless internet connection as oppposed to a wired one? | 18:41 |
knome | G-Bleezy, network manager will always connect to wired network if you have one available. i think in that situation it is not possible to connect via wireless | 18:43 |
G-Bleezy | no way | 18:43 |
G-Bleezy | i need this :p | 18:44 |
G-Bleezy | my files are on my LAN and i connect to my neighbor's internet... | 18:44 |
Lns | G-Bleezy: can't you simply disable your lan connection temporarily? | 18:44 |
Lns | oh | 18:44 |
Lns | route? | 18:44 |
G-Bleezy | ya everything is routed and stuff | 18:44 |
Lns | simply route your default route to the wireless once connected | 18:44 |
knome | G-Bleezy, wicd is an alternative for network manager. you might want to try that. | 18:45 |
knome | Lns, as i said, NM is not able to connect to both networks at once. | 18:45 |
G-Bleezy | it's just when i plug in the ethernet cord it forces my internet connection to come through eth0 | 18:45 |
G-Bleezy | i dropped and changed default route...and it changed...but when i went to get my ip address it was still the same | 18:45 |
G-Bleezy | and network manager icon showed wired connection as opposed to wireles | 18:46 |
G-Bleezy | even after i changed route | 18:46 |
Lns | hrm...yeah i would ditch nm in that case | 18:47 |
Lns | just mho though | 18:47 |
G-Bleezy | whats nm? | 18:47 |
G-Bleezy | oh 'network manager'? | 18:48 |
vidd | G-Bleezy, look up wicd | 18:48 |
DaGr8Gatzby | wicd sucks | 18:48 |
DaGr8Gatzby | seriuosly | 18:48 |
vidd | to use that app, you would have to uninstall NM | 18:48 |
DaGr8Gatzby | when it works, it's awesome | 18:48 |
DaGr8Gatzby | it never works for me though | 18:48 |
knome | vidd, repositories will take care of that | 18:48 |
vidd | DaGr8Gatzby, it has the function he needs | 18:48 |
DaGr8Gatzby | it constantly wlan0 off and on | 18:49 |
vidd | knome, is wicd finally in the repos? | 18:49 |
DaGr8Gatzby | vidd: I think you still have to add the repo manually | 18:49 |
charlie-tca | it is in jaunty | 18:49 |
DaGr8Gatzby | oh nice! | 18:49 |
vidd | sweet | 18:49 |
knome | vidd, i remember it being in the repos for intrepid... | 18:49 |
knome | i might be wrong though. | 18:49 |
vidd | im looking.... | 18:50 |
vidd | knome, nope...not in II | 18:50 |
knome | vidd, ok. then i have holes in my head. | 18:51 |
vidd | perhaps you had a ppa repo? | 18:51 |
vidd | if im not mistaken, there are a few ppa's that have wicd | 18:51 |
knome | i think i didn't have ppa. maybe some other manually added repo anyway. | 18:52 |
knome | doesn't really make a difference. i can live with nm and am actually way more happy with it than with wicd :P | 18:52 |
pingvinas | hello there | 18:54 |
vidd | i bring this up because A.) G-Bleezy asked, and B.) i hate how NM mutated horribly in hardy(?) | 18:54 |
vidd | hello pingvinas | 18:54 |
pingvinas | does anyone know why sometimes audacious won't play after something's played on youtube? | 18:54 |
G-Bleezy | soo...if i turn off network manager is a it a big pain to do that stuff yourself? login to WEP and stuff | 18:55 |
Lns | G-Bleezy: are you familiar with the shell? | 18:55 |
vidd | pingvinas, most likely the poorly constructed scripts on that particular page did not close properly and is still holding the sound card | 18:55 |
G-Bleezy | little bit ya | 18:55 |
G-Bleezy | not TOO scary :p | 18:56 |
Lns | :) the iwconfig commands aren't too bad, especially if you've used ifconfig before | 18:56 |
pingvinas | vidd any way to close those scripts? | 18:56 |
Lns | but wicd is always out there too i guess | 18:56 |
vidd | G-Bleezy, if you use WICD, its very simple to set up (easier then NM IMO | 18:56 |
vidd | pingvinas, i dont really know....i havent personally experienced this | 18:57 |
knome | pingvinas, maybe make sure that every instance of firefox/you prfereed browser is really closed? | 18:58 |
pingvinas | how to do it? | 18:58 |
G-Bleezy | ok | 18:58 |
knome | pingvinas, see the 'processes' tab in system monitor | 18:59 |
pingvinas | knome firefox is closed, but audacious still won't play anything | 19:03 |
Lns | pingvinas: i've seen this before | 19:04 |
Lns | are you using pulseaudio for all apps (i.e. not esd/oss) ? | 19:04 |
pingvinas | hmm... not sure. how do i know whether i use pulseaudio? | 19:04 |
Lns | older audio subsystems sometimes lock /dev/dsp and don't let it go (AHEMflashAHEM) | 19:04 |
Lns | well, not sure in xubuntu..but sound preferences in System -> Prefs -> Sound | 19:05 |
Lns | should be the same | 19:05 |
Lns | does xubuntu use pulse by default like ubuntu? | 19:05 |
pingvinas | the 'device' thing? | 19:06 |
Lns | pingvinas: i usually just set everything to 'autodetect' and it works. the 'device' is your actual sound hardware | 19:07 |
pingvinas | device is "HDA ATI SB" | 19:07 |
Lns | pingvinas: if sound is working at all you shouldn't have to change your 'device' | 19:08 |
pingvinas | Lns, sorry, set everything 'autodetect' where? | 19:08 |
Lns | (i think) =) | 19:08 |
Lns | pingvinas: sound playback | 19:08 |
Lns | under 'devices' yes | 19:09 |
Lns | (devices tab) | 19:09 |
Lns | is that just a gnome thing? | 19:09 |
* Lns probably shouldn't be instructing people that use different DEs than him ;) | 19:09 | |
pingvinas | i set default, but it doesn't play anyway | 19:09 |
Lns | pingvinas: what version of flash/firefox? | 19:09 |
pingvinas | firefox ver 3.0.6 | 19:10 |
Lns | pingvinas: flash? | 19:12 |
pingvinas | the most recent one | 19:12 |
Lns | from adobe's site, or the repos? | 19:12 |
Lns | (10.0 r15 is available from | 19:12 |
pingvinas | don't know | 19:15 |
pingvinas | but it does let to play vlc player. maybe it's audacious which makes the problem? | 19:16 |
pingvinas | are there any other good mp3 players for (x)ubuntu? | 19:16 |
charlie-tca | Listen | 19:17 |
* Myrtti loves mpd | 19:18 | |
Lns | i love audacious | 19:19 |
Lns | pingvinas: have you checked the sound output settings in audacious? | 19:19 |
pingvinas | what shoud i check? | 19:19 |
Lns | pingvinas: Audacious preferences -> Audio -> Current output plugin = PulseAudio Output Plugin | 19:23 |
Reno` | you everybody drunk ?) | 19:23 |
Reno` | for xfce ) | 19:23 |
pingvinas | Lns: yeah, it's pulse, but it doesn't work | 19:24 |
Lns | hrm | 19:25 |
Lns | not sure..i remember having issues like this back in the gutsy days but not anytime recently | 19:25 |
Myrtti | hrm | 19:31 |
Myrtti | but xubuntu doesn't come with pulseaudio | 19:31 |
pingvinas | in audacious you can pulseaudio as output | 19:34 |
Besogon | When I had installed xubuntu over ubuntu I dont heard any sound. (when I typed string the Pulseaudio in the autorun sound appeared). But it isworking like alsa. | 19:38 |
liteweight | hi i have a system with 128mb ram and 800mhz processor a very old and used up machine | 19:43 |
liteweight | windows xp is running on it very slow so i was wondering if i should install xubuntu on it | 19:43 |
liteweight | what i need is a web browser and java runtime environment | 19:44 |
vidd | weather you SHOULD or not is a personal opion....but you can | 19:44 |
liteweight | ok the other part of the question | 19:44 |
liteweight | I think firefox is not exactly a lite web browser it takes lots of memmory | 19:44 |
vidd | this is true | 19:45 |
liteweight | can you please suggest some nice gui web browser thats not as heavy as firefox | 19:45 |
charlie-tca | liteweight: maybe try epiphany, it is mozilla based but lighter | 19:45 |
vidd | i use epipahny on my 350Mhz P III | 19:45 |
liteweight | epiphany can play you tube videos? | 19:45 |
vidd | yes | 19:45 |
liteweight | ok another question | 19:46 |
vidd | it can do anything its big bro can do | 19:46 |
liteweight | while installing lenny i read something about some liteweight desktop environment | 19:46 |
liteweight | i forgot what it was | 19:46 |
vidd | lxde | 19:46 |
liteweight | yeah | 19:46 |
vidd | its in the repos | 19:47 |
liteweight | ok | 19:47 |
liteweight | is it faster than xfce? | 19:47 |
vidd | i have that on my 290Mhz 128MB ram lappy | 19:47 |
liteweight | you mean lxde? | 19:47 |
vidd | yes | 19:48 |
liteweight | ok | 19:48 |
vidd | its in the repos | 19:48 |
Besogon | liteweight, You can use Opera too. | 19:48 |
vidd | do an alt install | 19:48 |
vidd | Besogon, he want LIGHT | 19:48 |
liteweight | besogon ohh yeah opera i read its faster than firefox | 19:48 |
liteweight | vidd alt install? | 19:48 |
vidd | liteweight, do an alt cd install, choose to do a cli-only | 19:49 |
liteweight | vidd ahh i am worried i cant do partitioning right on a cli | 19:49 |
vidd | then once the install is done, and the system starts, run "sudo apt-get install lxde" | 19:49 |
vidd | its a breeze | 19:50 |
vidd | how do you want it partitioned? | 19:50 |
liteweight | i want to protect windows partition C:\ | 19:50 |
Besogon | liteweight, can you add more ram? Or you can install Windows 98 )) | 19:50 |
liteweight | besogon how could one get windows 98? | 19:51 |
vidd | Besogon, dont recommend ppl install obsolete, no longer updated, and exploited to hell OSes! =] | 19:51 |
liteweight | i can add more ram but i dont want to | 19:51 |
liteweight | so i guess i will first install xubuntu and then uninstall xubuntu packages and installing lxde | 19:52 |
vidd | i would not recommend that | 19:52 |
vidd | you will get a whole bunch of uneeded files | 19:52 |
vidd | if you do cli-only, you will get a (sorta) pristine starting point | 19:53 |
Besogon | vidd, viruses don't support win 98 now. )) It may be good conclusion. )) And what will he do on this machine at the end? | 19:53 |
charlie-tca | Besogon: when did they stop hitting 98? | 19:53 |
vidd | Besogon, if he installs win98, he will be doing whatever all the other zombied machines in his bot-net are doing | 19:54 |
charlie-tca | You can not get updates, including security, which makes it a dangerous system to run | 19:54 |
liteweight | vidd ok so alt install then i guess i should back up my data then and delete windows | 19:54 |
vidd | no...dont delete....repartition | 19:54 |
liteweight | ok | 19:55 |
vidd | cli will (in my opinion, easier then the live cd) allow you to partition the drive to move windows over to make room | 19:55 |
vidd | ooppss...alt...not cli | 19:56 |
liteweight | yeah | 19:56 |
liteweight | so is there an ubuntu based lxde? | 19:56 |
liteweight | lxubuntu | 19:56 |
vidd | was called ubuntu-light....but they had to rename it | 19:56 |
liteweight | why? | 19:58 |
vidd | copyright infringement. | 19:58 |
liteweight | hmm | 19:59 |
liteweight | i think debian lenny is much faster than ubuntu | 19:59 |
liteweight | not as pretty as ubuntu | 19:59 |
liteweight | but fast | 19:59 |
liteweight | and i dont like gnome and firefox anymore | 20:00 |
=== forces is now known as source | ||
Besogon | liteweight, actually Gentoo fastest distr. And you may use Flux (if it right name). | 20:02 |
=== source is now known as forces | ||
knome | selecting the right distro for yourself is also a matter of what do you need and how much you are willing to work to get it working. | 20:04 |
knome | ubuntu is one of the easiest/lightweight to keep up(-to-date) and working. | 20:05 |
liteweight | yeah ubuntu is easy | 20:07 |
Besogon | knome, Is it joke? (why isin english grammar after quastion write "?". You may undestand that is be quastion without "?" Am I right?) liteweight, why dont you buy more faster computer? | 20:10 |
knome | Besogon, sorry, i didn't get that line. :) | 20:12 |
=== Vinch_ is now known as Vinch | ||
johan12 | any idea when i can update to xfce4.6 with the update manager? | 21:00 |
Myrtti | April ;-) | 21:01 |
johan12 | as a noob i'm afraid i have to wait............ :( | 21:01 |
brandonban6 | Anybody test out jackalope alpha? | 21:22 |
charlie-tca | yes | 21:22 |
knome | yes | 21:22 |
* charlie-tca beat knome! :-) | 21:22 | |
knome | hehe. :) | 21:23 |
vinnl | On it from USB right now :) | 21:23 |
DaGr8Gatzby | I think I'm going to try the nightly ubuntu release in expert mode | 21:27 |
DaGr8Gatzby | Alpha 5 | 21:27 |
charlie-tca | :-) | 21:27 |
charlie-tca | vinnl: I think it is still a 'xoopy' generated website | 21:29 |
charlie-tca | s/xoopy/xoops | 21:29 |
charlie-tca | brandonban6: just taking a poll? | 21:34 |
cmrn | OK, So I have installed drivers for my wireless card, but when I try to connect to my network (WPA2) I put in my password, but it doesn't connect. after a while it asks me for my password again, but it has a weird hash or something prefilled in the password field. Putting in the pwd again and trying again - same thing | 21:34 |
cmrn | ooops | 21:35 |
cmrn | OK, So I have installed drivers for my wireless card, but when I try to connect to my network (WPA2) I put in my password, but it doesn't connect. | 21:35 |
cmrn | after a while it asks me for my password again, but it has a weird hash or something in the password field | 21:35 |
cmrn | my PC is an eeePC 1000H if you want specifics on the card. | 21:37 |
knome | cmrn, | 21:38 |
cmrn | so what? Install the kernel from there? | 21:44 |
cmrn | booting into eeePC kernel, brb | 21:52 |
m4rk | where do I go if I want to pimp my xubuntu install? cool desktop, themes, boot screens etc | 22:12 |
m4rk | i need a howto guide also :) | 22:12 |
brandonban6 | charlie-tca, sorry got called away.......yeah, pretty much just seeing if people were trying it out. | 22:14 |
charlie-tca | np, just wondering | 22:15 |
charlie-tca | There are quite a few of us running it now | 22:15 |
brandonban6 | nice.......I've not installed it, i'll upgrade when the release comes out. | 22:15 |
brandonban6 | m4rk, is good place to start for downloads......there are various tutorials out there on the web, I'm sure a quick google search will get you going. | 22:16 |
m4rk | thanks! | 22:18 |
m4rk | hey i just found | 22:23 |
brandonban6 | m4rk, that's awesome, I didn't know that site was available. Thanks for the note. | 22:30 |
knome | !themes | 22:32 |
ubottu | Find your themes at: - - - - - - - Also see !changethemes and | 22:32 |
knome | hmm... | 22:32 |
knome | !changethemes | 22:32 |
ubottu | Themes for Xfce4 are simply GTK2+ themes which means Gnome themes are also compatible with your xfce4 desktop. To install themes, unpack it in ~/.themes/ To install icons, unpack them to ~/.icons/ - Visit for all kinds of eyecandy for your Xfce4 desktop! - See also !themes for other GNOME theme sites | 22:32 |
knome | ^ | 22:32 |
Aquina | Someone knows why I receive "ERROR: execution of prepared query InsertWatch failed due to constraint failed with return code 19" 5 times in a ro in my ~/.xsession-errors file? | 22:33 |
=== ZeRo_FeniX_ is now known as ZeRo_FeniX | ||
zoredache | Aquina: google seems to suggest it is an issue related to beagle... See | 22:46 |
JuanL | Hey Room' | 22:58 |
JuanL | so yea new version of Pidjin out and i want to update the one i have how do i compile or whatever cause they give me Source instead of a package install type thing going on here | 22:59 |
JuanL | i got as far as ./configure | 22:59 |
JuanL | lol | 22:59 |
zoredache | !compiling | 23:03 |
ubottu | Compiling software from source? Read the tips at (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first) | 23:03 |
JuanL | !packages | 23:04 |
ubottu | You can browse and search for Ubuntu packages using !Synaptic, !Adept, "apt-cache search <keywords or regex>", the "apt:/" URL in KDE, or online at - Ubuntu has about 20000 packages available, so please *search* for an official package before installing things in awkward ways! | 23:04 |
zoredache | !backport | 23:06 |
ubottu | If new updated Ubuntu packages are built for an application, then they may go into Ubuntu Backports. See - See also !packaging | 23:06 |
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