
rickspencer3default alt-tab behavior on Kubuntu is very nice00:38
yuriywhat is the default? with or without effects?00:41
smarteryuriy: with effects if it detects that it works nicely00:44
smarterdetection that has been disabled by default on 4.3 because it causes the screen to flicker if I'm not mistaken00:45
JontheEchidnaI thought the SuSE randr module caused flicker. Maybe they both did ;P00:46
smarterJontheEchidna: that randr thingy got ditched in 4.2 no?00:46
yuriyi meant the default alt-tab behavior00:46
JontheEchidnayeah, it did00:46
smartercause I still see flicker00:46
JontheEchidnaevery 10 seconds?00:46
rickspencer3yeah, I'm 99% certain it's a compiz effect with a reflective table00:46
smarterJontheEchidna: no, when KDE start00:47
JontheEchidnaoh, yeah I see that too00:47
smarterI'd be blind else :p00:47
yuriyoh so it's the cover flow thing? I don't like that much00:47
rickspencer3I likes00:47
smarteryuriy: it's like 4 clicks to change it :p00:47
* smarter liek it too00:47
* JontheEchidna wonders if we still have coverwitch and boxswitch activated at the same time...00:47
JontheEchidnaby default00:48
JontheEchidnaoh, that was fixed00:48
smarterunfortunately coverswitch doesn't work with XRender :/00:48
smarteror at least, not here00:48
JontheEchidnaI tried it, nor here00:49
JontheEchidnaXRendr is 2D accel only iirc00:49
smarteroh, might explain it then :p00:49
* JontheEchidna finally got around to removing all the stuff deborphan said he had laying around00:51
JontheEchidna/me -- the original twitter client00:51
seelerickspencer3: if you like quassel, you should have seen it before the last release00:51
smarterJontheEchidna: never thought of it that way :p00:52
smarterJontheEchidna: deborphan is supposed to be dead since a few release no?00:53
smarterapt-get autoremove/aptitude whatever should do the same00:53
JontheEchidnaapt-get autoremove is insane00:53
JontheEchidnaI removes stuff I actually need00:53
JontheEchidnadeborphan's still in universe by the looks of it00:54
DreadKnightomg, blender can't be installed anymore...01:10
DreadKnightThe following packages have unmet dependencies:01:12
DreadKnight  blender: Depends: python (< 2.6) but 2.6.1-0ubuntu1 is to be installed01:12
ScottKDreadKnight: Relax.  We're in the middle of a Python transition right now.01:25
DreadKnightinstalled blender on wine already >_<01:25
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macoany reports of kmail plowing through cpu cycles? kio_imap4 is using 100% cpu, and kmail's not even checking for mail right now!03:12
JontheEchidnaI haven't seen any yet03:13
macook then03:13
maco>< killing kmail didn't make it stop03:14
ScottKergo it's not kmail.03:17
JontheEchidnathe kio slaves run independent of programs, usually03:17
=== smarter is now known as smarter_
=== smarter_ is now known as smarter
mkulke_anyone using pyqt/kde? i have a problem that when i want to connect a signal of my qobject derived python object, to a slot in a kmainwindow, python bails out w/: QObject.connect(self.session, SIGNAL("whop(int)"), self.transfer), RuntimeError: underlying C/C++ object has been deleted11:34
mkulke_what am i doing wrong here?11:34
smarterSime is probably the guy to ask ;)11:39
Riddellmkulke_: able to give us the code to run?11:44
mkulke_uhm, yes11:45
mkulke_1 sec11:45
smarterwhat type of objects are self.session and self.transfer?11:47
smarterthis thread may be relevant: http://markmail.org/message/si3imcn7k4anefqw#query:pyqt "RuntimeError+page:1+mid:xmx6b2hqmnk7gsvb+state:results11:47
mkulke_Riddell: http://svn.berlios.de/svnroot/repos/kasablanca/kasablanca-python/trunk/11:47
mkulke_it's kasablanca.py11:47
mkulke_smarter: self.session is a Session object, derived from QObject11:47
smartermkulke_: does a print self.session works?11:48
smarter(instead of the connect)11:48
mkulke_<session.Session object at 0xb4a1de6c>11:49
Riddellwhat about QObject.connect -> self.connect11:49
mkulke_self.transfer is a KasablancaMainWindow method11:49
mkulke_tried that11:50
mkulke_logically it should be self.session.connect i guess11:50
mkulke_but it does not matter really11:50
mkulke_non custom signal/slot stuff works11:50
smarterwhat if you remove the second arg to self.transfer in kasablanca.py?11:51
smarterdef transfer(self): ...11:51
mkulke_no effect11:52
mkulke_i wonder whether there's more to it, than just deriving an object from QObject to make it issue signals?11:52
smarterin C++ you have to add the macro Q_OBJECT, no idea if there's something like that in PyQt :p11:53
mkulke_yeah i know, i am used to c++ qt11:53
Riddellmkulke_: how do I get settingswidget.py ?11:54
mkulke_pyuic4 settingswidget.ui > ui_settingswidget.py11:55
mkulke_i guess you meant that11:55
mkulke_smarter: so far converting to "rapid development" thingie w/ python hasn't worked out for me. i spent hours to figure out stuff like this :)11:56
Simemkulke_: what is self.session?11:57
smarterSime: http://svn.berlios.de/svnroot/repos/kasablanca/kasablanca-python/trunk/ kasablanca.py11:58
mkulke_Sime: a Session object (class derived from QObject)11:58
mkulke_maybe i need some kind of "super" call in the Session constructor to make Session signal/slot-able11:59
Riddellmkulke_: I get http://paste.ubuntu.com/124227/11:59
Simemkulke_:  that old chess-nut. Your Session object doesn't have a QObject because you didn't call QObject.__init__()11:59
Simemkulke_: more or less what you just said. ;-)12:00
Riddellwhat a really confusing error message12:00
Simenot really, when you keep in mind that the python objects 'wrap' matching c++ objects.12:01
mkulke_that's it. thanks alot Riddell, smarter, Sime12:06
smarteryou're welcome :)12:06
* smarter will keep that in mind next time he does pyqt :p12:06
mkulke_Riddell: why you do not get settingswidget.py remains a mystery to me tho12:07
mkulke_i just checked out svn co http://svn.berlios.de/svnroot/repos/kasablanca/kasablanca-python/trunk12:08
Riddellmkulke_: well you told me to name it ui_settingswidget.py12:08
mkulke_the settingswidget.ui file is compiled (or whatever) into a ui_*.py file using pyuic412:08
Riddellso where does settingswidget.py come from?12:10
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Riddellit's in svn12:10
Riddellbut I overwrote it when I first compiles the .ui file12:10
mkulke_how do i package this python stuff btw?12:12
Riddellinto a .deb?12:12
mkulke_yeah, but also generally12:12
mkulke_should the the .py files  be put into a module or sth?12:13
Riddellyou can use cmake, take a look at printer-applet in kdeadmin for example12:13
Riddellkdeutils rather12:13
Riddellor system-config-printer-kde in kdeadmin12:14
mkulke_and as the backend of the app is a c++ kio-slave, can i deliver it w/ the python app or should they be seperate packages12:14
Riddellit'll just install the files to /usr/share/kde4/apps/<appname>/<filename> and install a symlink from /usr/bin12:14
Riddellthey should be fine together12:14
smarteranyone could give me an account on a server somewhere to run QuasselCore? People are getting annoyed with my disconnections :p12:18
* Hobbsee wonders what quasselcore requires to run12:19
smarterHobbsee: Depends: libc6 (>= 2.2.5), libgcc1 (>= 1:4.1.1), libqt4-network (>= 4.4.3), libqt4-script (>= 4.4.3), libqt4-sql (>= 4.4.3), libqtcore4 (>= 4.4.3), libstdc++6 (>= 4.1.1), adduser, openssl, libqt4-sql-sqlite12:27
smarterso, no X1112:27
* Hobbsee wonders why it depends on adduser?12:28
smarterbecause it creates a quassel/quassel user/group12:28
smarterto runs the daemon12:28
smarterlike apache and others do12:29
mkulke_a.emit(QtCore.SIGNAL("pySig"), "Hello", "World") <- this is wrong, i guess12:33
mkulke_i got the line from the riverbankcomputing reference12:33
mkulke_self.emit(SIGNAL("transfer(PyQt_PyObject, QString)"), self, fileName) works for me12:33
Simethat looks better12:34
mkulke_but self.emit(SIGNAL("transfer"), self, fileName) doesn't12:34
Simeare you going from a python object to another python object?12:36
Simeconnecting to a c++ might require mroe specific args in the signal12:36
mkulke_both are python objects12:36
Hobbseesmarter: yeah....but....there's no need to depend on something in minimal ;)12:37
* Hobbsee hopes it's not a hardcoded dependancy12:37
smarterHobbsee: oh, probably :p12:37
* Hobbsee twitches12:38
* Hobbsee wonders if it has any other interesting packaging bits in it, then12:38
JontheEchidnaholy crap12:50
JontheEchidnamy inbox just got flooded with translation imports12:50
Hobbseewelcome to launchpad!  ;)12:50
* Hobbsee advocates blackholing anything from launchpad, and then pulling out specifically based on headers things you're interested in12:51
JontheEchidnawell, at least I know that ktorrent should be good for translations except Bulgarian12:53
a|wen-JontheEchidna: you're a MOTU right?12:56
JontheEchidnaa|wen-: yes13:01
a|wen-JontheEchidna: i have a new svn snapshot of kile ready; is that something you could upload?13:15
JontheEchidnaYeah, I could sponsor that13:15
a|wen-JontheEchidna: cool ... http://awen.dk/packages/kile/13:15
* JontheEchidna looks13:17
JontheEchidnaLooks good, I can upload after it pbuilds13:20
ScottKJontheEchidna: Please pile onto Bug 33583113:22
ubottuLaunchpad bug 335831 in launchpad "New translation import notification system is wrong on many levels" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33583113:22
ScottKGood $TIMEOFDAY all.13:22
ScottKRiddell: Did you get a chance to look at my proposal for pkg-kde-tools (see my PPA - https://launchpad.net/~kitterman/+archive/ppa/)?13:23
a|wen-good weekend (that should be agreeable at least) ScottK13:25
JontheEchidnaa|wen-: I have to go in a bit, I may not have enough time to finish the testbuild so I might have to upload when I get home. (Unless you can find someone else to sponsor it)13:33
* JontheEchidna will try to to it before he goes, though13:34
a|wen-JontheEchidna: no problem; it can wait till you get home if it is13:34
JontheEchidnaI'm going up to Portland, Maine to visit relatives, so I may not get back until late. (FYI)13:38
JontheEchidnadoesn't look like it will be built in time :(13:38
Tonio_hi there13:40
a|wen-JontheEchidna: oh, okay... the large part is downloading, the build in itself only takes a few minutes13:41
a|wen-hi Tonio_13:41
Tonio_isn't anyone reviewing NEW now ? knemo is stuck there for a couple of weeks now...13:42
smarterTonio_: ask Riddell :)13:43
Tonio_smarter: yeah, but he already has so much to do...13:43
Tonio_Riddell: well, when you have a moment, knemo used to be a very popular kde3 app, getting the kde4 version in the repos could be interesting !13:44
smarterthat's why Canonical is hiring KDE devs13:44
ScottKsmarter: No.  It's not.  These people are specificially not being hired to work on the Kubuntu work we already do.  They are being hired to "improve the desktop experience".14:55
smarterScottK: which means...? :)14:56
ScottKHopefully something better for us than what it's currently meaning for Ubuntu.14:56
* ScottK heads out ....14:57
smartersee you14:57
Hobbseegood thing a lot of the people who have tried it like it, then.15:02
freeflyingwhen enable desktop effect(intel's graphic card), toolbar from a lot kde4 applicatons won't be re-drawn15:14
freeflyingany of you encountered?15:14
Tonio_freeflying: I have lots of redraw issues since we went to use qt4.515:32
Tonio_freeflying: I suspect qt is the guilty there15:33
ScottKHobbsee: I also pretty fundamentally object to changing long standing system functions with little notification (pun intended) and then declaring all applications which don't conform t the new assumptions broken.15:34
ScottKFortunately, at least for the one who's announced himself, the KDE people actually have FOSS experience so I expect it will go better for us.15:35
=== smarter_ is now known as smarter
=== a|wen- is now known as a|wen
freeflyingTonio_: this sound make sense :)15:41
Quintasanerm.. Hi17:34
ScottKa|wen: Please have a look at https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xmp/2.5.1-1ubuntu1/+build/864804/+files/buildlog_ubuntu-jaunty-ia64.xmp_2.5.1-1ubuntu1_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz - if I read it right audacious-plugins still has some attachment to arts.17:45
* a|wen looks17:48
a|wenScottK: have we been through some libjack-transition as well in jaunty?17:53
ScottKNot AFAIK.  It is broken on some of the ports archs.  I don't know enough to fix it.17:54
a|wenthe problem is that the new audacious-plugins with arts removed didn't get build due to libjack problems17:54
a|wenScottK: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/audacious-plugins/1.5.1-2ubuntu3/+build/864972/+files/buildlog_ubuntu-jaunty-ia64.audacious-plugins_1.5.1-2ubuntu3_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz17:55
* ScottK idly whistles and wonders who might have a look at that.17:55
ScottKa|wen: I dont know how to fix it.17:56
Nightrosegot my Kubuntu stickers!17:58
Nightrosethanks Riddell :)17:58
* Tm_T has big issues with dbus18:01
Tm_Twho knows where does dbus session get its path and other variables?18:01
Tm_Tin KDE session that is18:02
a|wenScottK: seems it might be due to libffado not building on a lot of arches18:02
ScottKOK.  Can that be fixed?18:03
a|wenit spits out some int/long/uint32/64 mismatch ... not exactly something i know anything about; so bring in the ports experts18:07
ScottK-palmBattery just went on my laptop.18:11
ScottK-palmNCommander is the one you want.18:11
ScottK-palmI expect getting that one fixed would enable a lot of stuff to get built on these archs.18:11
a|weni'll put my faith in NCommander :)18:20
Lure_Riddell: thanks for stickers18:25
* Lure_ did not know that even his daughters would love to have some ;-)18:26
=== Lure_ is now known as Lure
QuintasanHmm can anyone (jaunty) install skim and tell me if kmenu icon appears for him?18:27
Quintasanhmm still not fixed18:28
DaSkreechAnyone here uses lancelot ?18:35
DaSkreechThough Kickoff has a slightly similar bug18:36
Quintasanhmm, in which file I can check for filesystem error? dmesg logs dont contain any18:40
Quintasangrr something freezes my system it usually occurs when copying or deleting files, I can't tell whats the cause18:45
smarterTonio_: kpackagekit binary package still needs to have a dep on packagekit added :)18:53
Tonio_smarter: I know :)18:54
Tonio_smarter: that'll happen when I upload version 0.418:54
* smarter just upgraded to Jaunty and that confused him18:54
rgreeningTonio_: yay18:55
Tonio_rgreening: e just have to wait for glatzor ;)18:55
rgreeningty. Tonio_can you also ping the guys who manage packagekit lp and get them to auth my request to join the team.18:55
smarterI installed packagekit, killall-ed kpackagekit, but when I try to do anything I get "Authentication failed"18:56
rgreeningsmarter, even teh smart icon one?18:56
smarterhmm, I didn't check if it was really killed18:56
rgreeningtry a reboot to be sure18:56
rgreeningand they run as root18:57
rgreeningso you have to kill via sudo18:57
rgreeningif you missed that18:57
ScottKrgreening: Get your app done?19:02
rgreeningfell asleep. then got a call 4 hrs later. network probs at work.19:04
rgreeningand Im still at work now.. grrr...19:04
rgreeningstupid failing fiber bulkheads.19:04
rgreeninghairline fracture in the ceramic core. was a pain to troubleshoot and find19:04
rgreeningat least it seems resolved and I can get back to this.19:05
claydohw00t! stickers!  air mail from London, wow19:39
claydohthanks Riddell!!19:40
ghostcubeanyone needs an wlan get hacked :D19:41
ghostcubeaircrack has an new iso on the road19:41
DaSkreechsmarter: ping19:41
nixternalclaydoh: send me some stickers19:42
claydohnixternal: got plenty, more than happy to19:44
DaSkreechQuintasan: File system ?19:44
QuintasanDaSkreech: yeah, I've found a bug on launchpad for it19:45
DaSkreechQuintasan: ok19:45
DaSkreechnixternal: When you get some stickers. Send me some stickers :)19:45
QuintasanMy system freezes while deleting or moving big portions of data, using 2.6.28-8 and ext4, no errors in dmesg log or any other. Last time my .kde was eaten by it19:46
QuintasanI didn't want stickers, but now I do -_-'19:47
seelei think theyre on the ubuntu store now19:47
seeleor will be soon19:47
nixternalseele: they don't have any Kubuntu stuff on the US store :(19:47
nixternalyet that is19:47
jjessenixternal: did you go hang out at the chicago tea party today?19:47
nixternaljjesse: that was yesterday and I totaly missed19:48
jjessebummer :)19:48
Quintasanseele: http://shop.canonical.com/product_info.php?products_id=418&osCsid=b2d2b1bdeec1298a90588edbeddf43e719:48
nixternaljjesse: from what I saw on the news, they had a good crowd too19:49
jjessethat's what i heard as well, but don't want to go too far off topic anymore:)19:49
seeleQuintasan: ive got stickers :P19:52
Quintasanseele: :319:52
smarterDaSkreech: pong19:53
DaSkreechnixternal: Whoot19:53
DaSkreechsmarter: kvkbd19:53
smarteryes? :)19:54
DaSkreechhow many languages does it do19:54
DaSkreechOr rather how many keyboard layouts?19:54
smarterit gets the mapping from X19:54
DaSkreechAh so as many as X does19:55
smarterI'll probably change that19:55
smartersince the KDE thing to change keyboard layout doesn't use whatever kvkbd use to retrieve the layout19:55
DaSkreechYeah that was my next question19:56
DaSkreechdamn it19:56
DaSkreechNow I have to think of a new one19:56
DaSkreechHow about them SVGs? :-)19:56
ghostcubeanyone here writing for wiki.ubuntuusers.de ??19:58
ghostcubebest wiki ever19:58
smarterDaSkreech: First, i'll make the background color configurable, svgs will come after :p19:59
smarterbut first first first thing is to document it/fix it a bit19:59
DaSkreechok I just really wanted to know about keyboard layout20:00
DaSkreechin case I'm going to some strange country I can figure out the keybaords before I go :)20:00
smarterI haven't touched it since october, and I've become quiet a lot better in coding since then :)20:02
smartersetxkbmap fr20:03
smarteryou get french keyboard: p20:03
smarteractually, the default for France is setxkbmap fr oss20:03
smarteroh, the custom about:konqueror is feeling a bit... empty :]20:03
=== _neversfelde is now known as neversfelde
=== smarter_ is now known as smarter
DaSkreechjjesse: how goes?20:37
quassel208guys a boot up time from 20 sec with alpha software from intel21:02
smarterwhat alpha software?21:04
a|wenDreadKnight: your missing buddy icons with yahoo in kopete is fixed in kde 4.2.121:07
quassel208smarter moblin aplha 20, i booted up in 20 sec with a normall sata 3 hd22:13
smarterquassel208: pretty cool22:14
quassel208trying with fedora sources to get kde4.2 on it, because xfce isnt my thing22:15
DreadKnighta|wen: i know that bug has been fixed quite a few days now22:21
DreadKnightbut teoretically it will take about 10 months to have it fixed in official kubuntu i think (unless ported to a .1 version)22:22
a|wenDreadKnight: it will be in 4.2.1 due out in less than a week22:23
DreadKnightor will get into 9.04?22:23
DreadKnightlast time i checked file transfer was phail in kopete over yahoo as well22:23
DreadKnighteven crashed it22:24
DreadKnighthaven't checked the status in bugzilla about that one22:24
a|wenso will be in 9.04 ... and you should be able to get it from the kubuntu-experimental ppa for intrepid in ~week22:24
DreadKnightand as far as i noticed, i don't even receive offline messeges over MSN protocol.. that's scary22:25
* DaSkreech doesn't recieve any messages over MSN protocol22:26
rgreeningseele: hey seele22:26
DreadKnightanyway, i think kopete is rather ugly when it comes to usability and even default settings22:26
DreadKnighti can't even copy or click links from my contact's status messeges.. not cool22:27
DaSkreechDreadKnight: I can22:32
DreadKnightDaSkreech: how? :P22:33
DaSkreechDreadKnight: Normally I either click on the link or I drag it to where I want it22:33
DreadKnightDaSkreech: from the contact list? :P22:34
DreadKnighti said from status messege, not conversation22:36
DaSkreechOh I don't know22:37
DaSkreechI don't have anyone who has a URL in the status message22:37
DaSkreechcan't think of when last I saw on22:37
DreadKnightkopete is damn awefull atm no matter what you guys say22:38
DreadKnighttypical case scenario is that people place links in statuses "i love this song" and some youtube link; or "new post on my blog" and yet again link22:39
DreadKnightand by default people want to see the avatars in contact list, like in every other IM application out there22:40
DreadKnightwhich wasn't default for me22:40
DreadKnightfinding the account manager is sort of like hidden... somewhere in the menus.. in settings or something22:40
DreadKnighti can go on with a lot of things; might as well make a blog post and put feed into k/ubuntu planet22:41
DaSkreechIt's the first thing that pops up when ou open Kopete22:41
DreadKnightthat's first time wizard :P22:42
DaSkreechAfter that it's at the bottom of your contact window22:43
DreadKnightcan you add a new account from there etc?22:44
DaSkreechi would guess so it takes you to account management22:45
DreadKnighti closed it a while ago... made me phail exams even more than pidgin xD22:46
DaSkreechI'm not aruging that kopete doesn't need help. My arguement is who will help them22:46
DreadKnighti agree22:47
DreadKnightbut i'm trying to pinpoint things that are fugly with them and how to make them better22:47
DaSkreechThey have a set of Juniour Jobs on Techbase22:47
DaSkreechJust add them to it with a starter for how to make it better22:47
DreadKnightperhaps swap the crappy 'account manager' thingy at the botton and have an icon in the main toolbar that takes you to the real account manager thingy22:48
DreadKnightjuniour jobs?22:48
DaSkreechSmall things that need changing22:48
DaSkreechthere are only  a few Kopete developers22:48
DaSkreechand they focus mostly on protocol stuff which isn't easy22:49
DaSkreechGUI stuff can be done my someone who isn't that specialized22:49
DreadKnightin most of the kubuntu planet blog posts containing images of kde desktops... most of them had pidgin in them22:49
DaSkreechYeah well they have 3 paid developers working on it22:49
DaSkreechThat's three more paid developers than work on Kopete22:50
DaSkreechand more devs than continuiously work on kopete22:50
DreadKnightok found the junior jobs22:50
DreadKnightwell, GUI really sucks overall atm22:50
DaSkreechMake it as detailed as possible and outline what the participant will need22:51
DaSkreechto know to start22:51
DreadKnightand saying it's how things are supposed to be because kopete supports so many protocols is a lame argument (someone here said that argument)22:52
DreadKnightthere was a closed source IM app supporting multiple protocols and it was looking quite good... miranda i think... there are also some new ones out there.. even crossplatform22:52
DaSkreechMiranda is closed source?22:54
DaSkreech!info miranda22:54
ubottuPackage miranda does not exist in intrepid22:54
DreadKnightDaSkreech: yeah... for windowz.. or was it mirana... let me google for some stuff22:56
DaSkreechNo it's miranda22:56
DaSkreechIt's open source I just didn't know it's Windows only22:56
DreadKnightopen source indeed22:57
seelergreening: pong22:57
DaSkreechI like the Identity paradigm in kopete better than that22:57
DreadKnighthmm http://www.trillian.im/22:59
DreadKnightthere are others i don't remember the name22:59
DaSkreechI know trillian23:00
DreadKnight2 versions23:01
DaSkreechI know one you have to purchase23:01
DreadKnightor 323:01
DaSkreecha different interface for one that you don't23:01
DaSkreechAIR they have a third interface that's the new rewrite23:02
DreadKnightso basic... pro.... and astra (beta)23:02
DreadKnighta bit confusing with all those versions; but they could serve a little bit as inspiration (how trillian and others handle GUI related stuff)23:03
DaSkreechYou could submit stuff to kopete :)23:05
DreadKnightgetting now a techbase account23:06
DreadKnighti sort of hate it that all IM apps use plain lists and categories.. i find it so crappy...23:07
DreadKnightwould be cool to manage  contacts with tags (like files with akonady) and um... see them like icons in dolphin23:08
DaSkreechDreadKnight: planned as I understand it23:09
DaSkreechagain there are very few devs on Kopete and stuff like Nepomuk integration is heavy lifting23:10
DreadKnighti'll see what's up with the kopete irc channel23:10
DaSkreechreally what they need is a group of smaller devs dealing with less "important" stuff23:10
DaSkreechIf you would like to do mockups of ideas that would help as it would give new contributors a clear idea as to what to do23:11
DaSkreechas long as it's not a drive by mockup :)23:11
quassel208guys can you do that with kubuntu boot up within 20 sec?23:26
DreadKnightnot me at least T_T23:29
sebasMy BIOS alone takes 30-ish seconds23:51
sebasThat makes my cry (and use suspend)23:51

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