
CIA-3wubi: Agostino Russo * r74 trunk/ (13 files in 6 dirs): (log message trimmed)11:02
CIA-3wubi: * Added installation directory as one of the isolist.ini settings11:02
CIA-3wubi: * Fixed unhandled exception message, which wasn't showing properly11:02
CIA-3wubi: * Extract ISO from CD instead of copying the files (the latter11:02
CIA-3wubi:  approach is blocked by #243105)11:02
CIA-3wubi: * Fixed target drive selection in CD-boot helper mode, which wasn't11:02
CIA-3wubi:  checking available free space11:02
CIA-3wubi: Agostino Russo * r75 trunk/ (11 files in 5 dirs):12:34
CIA-3wubi: * Updated Wubi Icon12:34
CIA-3wubi: * Added UI support for Windows themes (LP: #325207)12:34
CIA-3ubiquity: superm1 * r3069 ubiquity/ (8 files in 5 dirs):17:39
CIA-3ubiquity: merge w/ mythbuntu-ubiquity:17:39
CIA-3ubiquity:  * Create a SQL, Mythweb & VNC password based on your initial user password.17:39
CIA-3ubiquity:  * Make the extra passwords page only show up if selecting when not17:39
CIA-3ubiquity:  selecting an install that includes a master backend role17:39
CIA-3wubi: Agostino Russo * r76 trunk/ (3 files in 3 dirs):22:23
CIA-3wubi: * Fixed uninstaller, that was not being shown when launched by another22:23
CIA-3wubi:  Wubi instance22:23
CIA-3wubi: * Fixed show-info, it was using an incorrect distro instance for the22:23
CIA-3wubi:  URL22:23
CIA-3wubi: superm1 * r77 wubi/data/preseed.mythbuntu: drop more options from mythbuntu preseed that have been removed in ubiquity trunk23:42

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