
woody86does anyone know how to make the options display when I click "Quit" rather than just logging me out automatically?01:01
charlie-tcawoody86: any users logged in remotely ?01:04
charlie-tcaor any ssh sessions?01:04
woody86charlie-tca-  hopefully not :)01:04
woody86none that I know of01:05
charlie-tcawhat version of Xubuntu01:06
JimesHello Xubuntu people!  I have a problem, can anyone help?  It's regarding an I/O error using the live-CD01:10
knome!ask | Jimes01:10
ubottuJimes: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)01:10
* charlie-tca bah01:11
knomecharlie-tca, ? :]01:11
woody86charlie-tca-  it's 8.1001:11
charlie-tcatoo slow, knome01:11
knomecharlie-tca, me? ;)01:11
knomehaha, not ;)01:11
charlie-tcawoody86: If you are fully up to date, you should file a bug report on it. https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu01:12
charlie-tcayou scared Jimes?01:13
woody86charlie-tca-  thanks, I'll run update manager, and then see what happens :)01:13
knomedunno o.o01:13
charlie-tcaokay, woody8601:13
charlie-tcaWill xubuntu run with 128MB ram?01:19
ubottuHardware requirements to install, boot and comfortably use Xubuntu are listed at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingXubuntu01:19
knomethat's a completely new wiki page :P01:20
charlie-tcaI know that! I installed jaunty on 400MHz cpu with 128MB ram and can't get to the desktop01:20
charlie-tcaSays I wrote the page in june 200801:21
knomei need to edit that page01:21
charlie-tcaSomeone should01:21
knomei will.01:21
charlie-tcaI forgot about it01:21
knomeno problem :)01:21
charlie-tcaI think I updated it in june.01:22
charlie-tcaI just think I should be able to get the desktop to work with 128MB ram01:23
charlie-tcaEven if everything says no01:23
knomewith which version?01:23
knomejaunty? intrepid?01:23
knomei have no 128MB systems so i can't help01:24
charlie-tcaI thought I should find out for sure01:24
knomeisn't there any other installation guide?01:24
knomeisn't it quite similar to ubuntu installation?01:24
charlie-tcaYes, but I just want it to work. It installs, but it don't work01:24
knomei'm referring to the installxubuntu page :)01:24
charlie-tcaAnd, just because we said it needs 192MB to run, ...01:25
knomei know.01:25
charlie-tcaOh, there should be one similar for Ubuntu01:25
Aquinai have 64 systems01:41
BlueAidanI just started using xfce. and wow, just wow.01:41
BlueAidanhow do I get 4.6 on ibex?01:42
AquinaI ment 64 Mb with Intel P MMX (166Mhz)01:42
charlie-tcaBlueAidan: We don't have it backported to Intrepid01:44
BlueAidanso how do I get a hold of it on ubuntu?01:45
BlueAidansorry if this is a faq01:47
charlie-tcaIt's not a faq. The only place I know of is a PPA, and it does give you lots of bugs01:48
charlie-tcaBut please don't report all those bugs in launchpad. It really has problems01:49
BlueAidanalright, I'll stick with 4.4 then. I had enough of bugs with kde4.01:49
BlueAidanwhat's on deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/xubuntu-dev/ubuntu intrepid main   then?01:50
charlie-tcaJaunty will come with Xfce 4.601:50
BlueAidank, I can wait til april01:51
charlie-tcaAquina: what are you using on that?01:55
BlueAidanis there a gpg key available for the "http://ppa.launchpad.net/xubuntu-dev/ubuntu" repo?02:12
elguavasnyone know when there will be xfce 4.6 packages?02:13
charlie-tcaWhen jaunty is released02:13
elguavasnone for intrepid?02:14
charlie-tcaDon't know yet. Jaunty will have it, though02:14
BlueAidancharlie-tca: hehe, looks like it's going to be a faq...02:14
elguavask. *off to compile some02:14
charlie-tcaWell, tell enough people...02:14
charlie-tcaelguavas: If you are real determined, check the PPA, but the package has bugs.02:15
charlie-tcaYou will have bugs running it in Intrepid02:16
elguavasthnx, think i'll compile my own and run it from local for now02:17
charlie-tcaokay, good luck02:18
elguavas;) ciao02:18
charlie-tca_Xubuntu on a P2 400MHz with 128MB ram! what a deal...02:42
refugeAnyone know how I can install Ceni in Xubuntu 8.10? Its a sidux app, I guess. I'm loving it in antiX M8.02:56
refugeErr... anyone use Ceni? (It's a CLI network interface configuration tool.)02:57
BlueAidanthat gui installer for linux is pretty spiffy02:59
refugeCeni isn't in the Ubuntu repos and I can't seem to find the source page anywhere. :-\03:01
charlie-tcaI don't find Ceni in the repositories.03:02
refuge(That's what I said.)03:03
charlie-tcaBut here is some information: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=91844203:03
bradley__hey.  i sometimes have a hard time telling when i have moved windows between desktops.  (it is a little lame i realize)  i was wondering if there is some way to set up a visual think to show when i have switched desktops03:24
bradley__like a number (or desktop name but i don't name my desktops) or something like that03:25
charlie-tcaXubuntu on a P2 400MHz with 128MB ram! what a deal...03:34
JuanLquick Q. trying to update the transmission that came pre-installed on my xubuntu 8.10 and it wont let me ./configure the get a make file. keeps saying03:52
JuanLchecking for OpenSSL... configure: error: Cannot locate ssl03:52
JuanLbut it's installed with a older version so why won't it update?03:52
JuanLany thoughts DaGr8Gatzby ?03:54
DaGr8Gatzbyis openssl installed?03:55
DaGr8Gatzbythere should also be an option to turn it off03:55
DaGr8Gatzby./configure --help?03:55
DaGr8GatzbyJuanL: What version is required?03:56
JuanLwell if there's a older version installed so how did ubuntu get it in there? lol03:56
DaGr8Gatzbyyea that was before I read everything03:56
DaGr8GatzbyI just saty down at my desk03:56
JuanLi currently have version: 1.3403:57
JuanLi want to update to version 1.5103:57
JuanLhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/124107/ when i type the ./configure --help03:58
DaGr8Gatzbyecho $OPENSSL_LIBS04:00
JuanLi typed that in ?04:01
DaGr8GatzbyI know you did04:01
DaGr8Gatzbytype my suggestion in04:01
DaGr8Gatzbyecho $OPENSSLLBS04:01
DaGr8Gatzbyuhh my first entry04:01
DaGr8GatzbyI'm a little sleepy04:01
JuanLwith echo?04:01
JuanLi typed it in it just gave me another line?04:02
DaGr8Gatzbyit's blank04:02
DaGr8Gatzbytry this04:02
DaGr8Gatzbywhere are your openssl libs located?04:02
DaGr8GatzbyI figured that's what would have happened04:03
DaGr8Gatzbywhere is your openssl directory?04:04
JuanLgood question.04:04
JuanL<=== Noobuntu Remember?04:04
DaGr8Gatzbydo you have locate available?04:05
JuanL. . .04:05
DaGr8Gatzby# locate04:05
JuanLtype that in term?04:06
JuanLcause nothing happened btw.04:06
DaGr8Gatzbytype that in the term04:06
DaGr8Gatzbywithout the #04:06
JuanLi installed Pidgin earlier with no issues by doing the ./configure > Make > Make Install process04:07
DaGr8Gatzbyyea you should really be usting apt-get04:07
DaGr8Gatzbyor synaptic04:07
DaGr8Gatzbyor aptitude04:07
JuanLand that went smoothly and i figured if i already have the program installed it should be ok.04:07
DaGr8GatzbyJuanL: I'm pretty sure it autoconf picked up on all the dependencies04:07
DaGr8Gatzbythis time it's not04:07
DaGr8Gatzbydid you do locate?04:07
DaGr8Gatzbylocate openssl04:07
JuanLhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/124113/ done04:08
DaGr8Gatzbyls /usr/lib/ssl04:09
DaGr8Gatzbytry this04:11
DaGr8Gatzbyapt-get install libssl04:11
DaGr8Gatzbysee if that does anything04:11
JuanLhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/124116/ this one.04:15
JuanLi had to close synaptics04:16
JuanLcause i was looking around04:16
DaGr8Gatzbyapt-cache search libssl | grep SSL04:17
DaGr8Gatzbytry that04:17
cmrnI wanted to try the netbook mod for ubuntu, so I decided to try to install gnome. I install the package ubuntu-desktop, but when I try to log in to a gnome session it loads the cursor and wallpaper but nothing else04:23
cmrnI was installing ubuntu-desktop from xubuntu04:24
JuanLok thats wha came up04:25
cmrnany ideas on how to get gnome-panel and the desktop to load?04:25
DaGr8Gatzbytry locate libssl JuanL04:28
JuanLhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/124119/ done04:29
DaGr8Gatzbytry this now04:31
DaGr8Gatzbyset OPENSSL_LIBS=/usr/lib/04:31
DaGr8Gatzbyecho $OPENSSL_LIBS04:31
DaGr8Gatzbyit should spit out /usr/lib04:33
DaGr8Gatzbytry it without the set04:35
DaGr8Gatzbyso you typed04:37
JuanLyes and it just gave me a prompt like when it doesn't do nothing04:37
JuanLas you can see i tried with sudo and bash04:39
JuanLbut nothing all 3 times04:39
DaGr8Gatzbyecho $OPENSSL_LIBS04:39
JuanLjohn@Inspiron8500-Y:~/Desktop/transmission-1.51$ echo $OPENSSL_LIBS04:41
JuanLdid that04:41
DaGr8Gatzbyok koo koo04:41
DaGr8Gatzbynow try to compile it04:41
JuanLfigured it was small.04:41
JuanL./configure normally or with any extensions?04:41
DaGr8Gatzbyby itself04:41
DaGr8GatzbyI already checked for any options04:42
JuanLchecking for OPENSSL... no04:42
JuanLchecking for OpenSSL... configure: error: Cannot locate ssl04:42
JuanLdid i download the correct file? they gave me source that was ending in .bz204:43
JuanLtar format and all. i know the ones that are usually .deb install with a gui and a lot easier04:43
DaGr8Gatzbyit shouldn't matter04:43
DaGr8Gatzbyyou're compiling by source04:44
DaGr8GatzbyI don';t know how to build by source with ubuntu so well04:44
DaGr8Gatzbythis is why I like BSD :)04:44
DaGr8Gatzbybut still, it cannot find OpenSSL04:44
DaGr8Gatzbythe only other thing I can suggest is to export OPENSSL_LIBS as a shell variable04:44
DaGr8Gatzbyinvoke a login shell to reach the variable04:44
DaGr8Gatzbyand then try and compile it04:44
cmrnanyone have a clue to help me?04:45
forceshas someone seen slumdog millonaire?04:47
DaGr8Gatzbycmrn: you may have to generate an X.Org file that matches your hardware04:52
JuanLok next question. anyone know a awesome torrent program that's not transmission?04:53
DaGr8Gatzbywhat is wrong with the verison you have now?04:53
JuanLi load a torrent and it does nothing04:53
JuanLwhen there's like 232324 seeds04:53
JuanLit worked earlier today04:54
JuanLno clue why not now04:54
DaGr8Gatzbydid you forward the correct ports?04:54
DaGr8Gatzbyhow many peers04:54
DaGr8Gatzbyare you sure you are connected to the tracker?04:54
DaGr8Gatzbydid you try another torrent?>04:54
JuanLi tried 2 different ones04:55
JuanLthey both sat there04:55
JuanLi'll load it again and tell you the error04:55
JuanL"Data not fully available"04:56
JuanLYET there's like 654 Seeds04:56
DaGr8Gatzbywhat port are you using?04:57
JuanLsays stalled now04:57
JuanLit started out of no where04:57
DaGr8Gatzbyit sounded like it hadn't synced all the info04:58
JuanLnever happ before04:59
JuanLi will be weary04:59
rockocan you see me05:20
rockono I can not DaGr8Gatzby05:20
rockoyou are invisible05:20
kriscolti just got ubuntu dapper up and running on an old imac05:41
kriscolti'm having trouble with getting samba to recognize my windows shares05:41
kriscoltsamba sees the machines, but doesn't see the shared folders05:42
kriscoltwhat could i be doing wrong?05:42
=== wormsxulla_ is now known as wormsxulla
cyziehas anyone here with xubuntu ibex or jaunty connected to the LCD TV via hdmi link?06:36
=== ZeRo_FeniX_ is now known as ZeRo_FeniX
_Pete_cyzie: which number is ibex? I never remember those names06:50
_Pete_but my 810 connects that way06:50
cyzieibex = 8.1006:51
_Pete_but my 810 connects that way06:55
cyziedo i need any extra configuration?06:55
_Pete_I just used nvidia-settings06:55
cyzieim thinking to get a cheap video card with hdmi output and a lcd.06:56
_Pete_then I sugges it is nvidia based06:56
cyziewhy is that?06:56
_Pete_In my experience those works better06:56
_Pete_compared to ati06:56
_Pete_but then it's many years since I used ati, maybe they have imporved06:57
cyziehow do you mean "those works better" ?06:57
_Pete_ok not sure about better anymore06:59
_Pete_but with my nvidia I set it up like this: http://debbox.homeunix.net/~petria/tmp/twinview.jpg07:00
cyzieso is it just plug and play07:01
_Pete_just using that GUI-tool07:01
_Pete_didn't need to change any conf files07:01
_Pete_which was big surprise (positive) for me :)07:01
cyzieok, that's very good point to get nvidia07:02
cyziewhat card are you using ?07:03
cyziewhat model is that?07:03
_Pete_ nVidia Corporation GeForce 9500 GT07:03
_Pete_pci-e model07:04
_Pete_it has two dvi outputs07:04
cyziehdmi ?07:04
_Pete_it came with dvi->hdmi converter07:05
cyzieand what about vga?07:05
_Pete_only 2*dvi07:06
cyzieok, not for me then, i have my vga connection now07:07
_Pete_I switched to this one from dvi + vga one07:09
cyziethere are so mnay model07:11
=== wormsxulla is now known as worms20711xp
=== worms20711xp is now known as worms
wormshello. i have installed a program on a sdhc card which i need to click to start. say i'm running the program and try to unmount the card by accident, what will happen?09:23
ZYlstra_Hello, quick question: Is there a Xbuntu for an iMac with  a G3 processor, and 128MB of RAM?09:49
MyrttiZYlstra_: either try to find a ppc community port of Xubuntu, or try Debian with xfce.09:56
CrasherAtWebhello! on the download-website of xfce.org is listed, that binaries for xubuntu exist. but where can I get them?11:52
CrasherAtWebI mean binaries for xfce 4.611:53
Elgennhi there, im having a problem with the package manager, tried to install adobe flashplayer, but the package manager can't connect to the macromedia server. any ideas?12:35
Elgenni also can't go to i.e www.eve-online.com, but i can get around to some different webpages.12:36
degritis flash 10 available on xubuntu ?12:49
degritor, if you prefer - does youtube work ?12:49
TheSheepdegrit: yes12:54
TheSheepdegrit: you need to install flashplugin-nonfree with synaptic12:54
degritand how much "faster" does it run than, say, ubuntu ? I have a rather under-performing laptop12:55
TheSheepwell, it's mostly about using less memory and being more responsive12:56
degritthat's nice I suppose, the laptop is a 1.6ghz with 256mb ram12:56
degritwhen I tried opensuse on it it almost had a heart attack12:56
TheSheepI used xubuntu on a similar desktop computer, it rarely hit swap12:56
degritannd and12:57
degritwhat else12:57
TheSheepfirefox is still a cow, of course12:57
degrityes ? in what regard ?12:57
TheSheepmemory hog12:57
TheSheepand if you install openoffice, it will be as slow as anywhere else12:58
TheSheepthe defaul abiword can handle simple dicouments though12:58
degritit's for the wife really, mostly she watches youtube and browses facebook12:58
TheSheepat least there will be more ram for firefox...12:59
degritshe's used to ubuntu but her desktop broke down, and since from the screenshots of xubuntu it doesn't look much different from ubuntu, I thought I'd give it a try12:59
TheSheepone thing she may lack: xubuntu doesn't have built-in browsing of windows network shares13:00
degritsamba u mean ?13:00
degritI am myself a bit new to it all :)13:00
degritwe don't share folders on the lan so it should be ok13:00
degritthat it doesn't have it built-it only means you have to install it by hand tho, doesn't it ?13:01
TheSheepyou have to install separate tools for that and use them13:01
degritI see13:01
degritone more thing, the cd drive doesn't work P: can I install it with, say, uNetBootin ?13:02
degritalso it currently runs the horrible-to-be-seen damn small linux :)13:02
TheSheepyou can install xubuntu in all the ways you can install ubuntu, in the simplest case just install ubuntu serve and then add xubuntu-desktop to it13:02
ubottuUbuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation.  Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - see also !automate13:03
Elgenndegrit, did you manage to install flashplugin-nonfree? because my machine can't connect to the server where it is... :/13:03
degritElgenn, on my desktop I have ubuntu and it works a treat - haven't tried xubuntu yet but will in a few minutes if all goes well13:03
degritin fact I'm downloading the iso right now13:04
Elgennahh.. im having problems with other websites aswell.. :(13:04
degritTheSheep, thanks for the info13:07
CrasherAtWebwell, nobody seems to know where the binaries for xfce 4.6 are available. so have a nice day13:15
Elgennhow many tries does the package manager try to get a package?13:17
KojiroAKHy i'm on hardy and planing to test Xfce 4.6 can i have it aside with the normal installed xfce from hardy (like kde 3.x and 4.x)13:27
KojiroAKOr would it replace the old one?13:28
KojiroAKIf so, do i need to have an eye on something?13:28
degritany idea if 1gb is enough to make a xubuntu usb pen ?13:44
degritlooks like it was13:46
Guest11247Hi, I have little problem with xUbuntu. I want install it on one old pc but after first restart, installer show only black screen and wait for anything. I try use mini.iso but this image need network connection and when I configure IP adress,gateway,... system tell me that "no network found" but when I use same data in INSERT linux(Ultimate boot cd) or RedHat(Live CD) it works property. Any solution?  Is possible that xUbuntu need netw14:03
Guest11247installation ?14:03
Angolaressomeone could tell me whre is the place (at xubuntu) to see the computers of mi local net???14:11
Angolaresat ubuntu is easy, but in xubuntu i dont know where is14:12
TheSheepAngolares: xubuntu can't browse windows network by default, you need to install additional programs for it14:14
Angolaresi want to see otherlinux computer14:16
mrjohns1Is xfce 4.6 coming with jaunty?14:44
SiDii think so14:46
SiDiits on xfce 4.6 rc1 at the moment14:46
Elgennumm.. u guys know if its possible to disallow a program to emit sound? im installing something, and it's taking forever, and it got this crazy install music.. :P14:51
Elgennso any ideas?14:51
SiDihm if you're using pulseaudio, with padevchooser14:52
SiDiwith that you can just the sound settings for each app14:52
Elgennand i can't just turn the volume down, because im gonna watch a movie..14:52
SiDieither, just turn the volume down :D14:52
Elgenncool.. will try that..14:52
Elgennthe first thing u said.. :P14:52
Elgenni didn't manage to get that pulseaudio thingy to work.. :/15:03
SiDithen you're probably using alsa xD it's the default on xubuntu15:05
Elgennprobably.. i have no idea.. :p15:08
rubenThe resolution on my screen has just gone down hugely. I used to get 1024 by whatver, but now I only get 800 by 600 max.15:46
rubenAny ideas why?15:47
degritanywhere I can find the iso for the boot-cd-for-usb thingi for xubuntu ?17:09
degritthe instructions I found on how to make one assume I have xubuntu already installed on a computer17:10
charlie-tcaHere are some for flash drive. Will it help? http://xubuntublog.wordpress.com/2008/11/07/ubuntu-from-your-flash-drive-easier-than-ever-before/17:22
Josephhow do you install Java on Xubuntu?17:24
ubottuTo install a Java runtime/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java6-jre from the !Multiverse repository17:24
Josephis java already installed on Xubuntu?17:29
TheSheepnot by default17:30
charlie-tcano, you need to install the parts you need.17:30
Josephwere are they?17:30
charlie-tcaClick on the link I gave you17:30
ubottuTo install a Java runtime/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java6-jre from the !Multiverse repository17:31
ubottuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories17:31
Josephcould i just use remote desktop?17:34
Josephor can you only use it on a network17:34
charlie-tcaFor java?17:34
charlie-tcai don't know17:35
JosephNot exactly17:35
Josephso i could give to you and you do it :)17:35
Josephim useless installing java17:35
Josephi usaly get depressed then remove it17:35
charlie-tcaWhat are you trying to do with it?17:36
Josephplay games17:36
TheSheepthat can be depressing17:36
charlie-tcaWhat version of Xubuntu?17:36
Josephim checking17:36
JosephXubuntu 8.1017:37
charlie-tcaso, 'sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jre' in a terminal17:38
TheSheeptoo late17:38
charlie-tcayou're right17:38
TheSheepout of attention span error17:39
charlie-tcais it really that difficult?17:39
TheSheeplet me see, i requires minimal mental effort and is not immediately related to playing games... yup17:39
charlie-tcaYes, it is. "I couldn't find how to do it"...17:40
charlie-tcaokay, I give up17:40
TheSheepsome things cannot be solved17:41
JosephCould somebody help me getting java runtime17:46
charlie-tcaopen a terminal, type17:47
charlie-tcasudo apt-get install sun-java6-jre17:48
charlie-tcahit enter17:48
charlie-tcaWhat is the question?17:48
charlie-tcado you want to accept this? type question?17:49
Josephdo you want to continue17:49
Josephits mem size17:49
Josephcouldnt find package17:49
JosephIts says could find packages17:50
charlie-tcacould or could not?17:50
charlie-tcaopen Applications -> System -> Synaptic-Package-Manager17:51
charlie-tcaclick Settings17:51
charlie-tcaclick Repositories17:51
charlie-tcafirst tab, Ubuntu Software17:52
charlie-tcacheck mark should be on all except Source code17:52
Josephit on all exept the last one that says saource code as u said17:53
charlie-tcaclick close17:53
Josephshall i put on main server?17:53
charlie-tcaIf another box opens, click close17:53
charlie-tcaclick Reload17:53
charlie-tcaclick search17:54
charlie-tcaclick on search17:55
Josephgot: 6- 10-0ubuntu217:55
charlie-tcaclick in the little box on the left side of that line that says sun-java6-jre17:56
charlie-tcaIt should be an empty box, not green17:56
charlie-tcaNow it has a little arrow in it, right?17:57
charlie-tcaclick apply17:57
Josephonly got Sun-java617:57
Josephi mean17:57
charlie-tcathat should be right. click apply17:57
JosephIll take pic17:57
charlie-tcaDon't need a pic. apply17:58
charlie-tcawhat closed?17:58
Josephi closed the window17:59
charlie-tcaDid it install first?17:59
Josephmothing did17:59
charlie-tcaDo it again17:59
Josephill see if java works17:59
Josephive marked them now its installing them18:01
Josephits done all the installing thingy18:04
charlie-tcaNow java is installed, It should work, but I don't know games at all.18:04
charlie-tcaYou may need to restart to get it working now18:05
JosephHeard of RuneScape i test it on dat it dose not load18:05
charlie-tcaI don't knwo any games18:05
JosephThey have Square green boxes18:06
charlie-tcaclose the window now.18:06
JosephIll reboot...18:06
charlie-tcarestart your computer using the quit/restart button18:06
Josephcan you get shockwave on linux?18:07
charlie-tcaThen try the game again18:07
charlie-tcaNo shockwave yet, Adobe doesn't have it for linux, I don't think,.18:07
JosephThatnk m818:07
charlie-tcaYou are welcome18:07
dbdii407Okay. There is this bug that's really bugging me. The backspace button stops backspacing everything after a certain amount of time and i have to keep pressing it.18:34
dbdii407How would i fix this?18:36
dbdii407Actually. It is doing it to all the keys. O_o18:38
TheSheepset the repeat time and rate in the keyboard settings?18:39
dbdii407It works fine after a reboot18:40
dbdii407But i run a server on this thing which i cannot do.18:40
josedo you know any application to install ttf fonts?18:43
TheSheepjose: cp18:44
TheSheepjose: or thunar18:44
TheSheepjose: you just copy them to .fonts directory18:44
TheSheepin your home18:45
=== worms_ is now known as wormsxulla
knome!hi | nikolam20:49
ubottunikolam: Hi! Welcome to #xubuntu!20:49
nikolamhi knome :)20:50
* charlie-tca says hi too20:50
nikolamhi slow :)20:50
nikolamhi charlie-tca :)20:50
nikolamI have interesting DVD+RW media that refuses to be seen in drive.20:51
* ball prefers DVD-RAM20:51
nikolamand I cand wipe it since it is not recognised in drive20:51
* charlie-tca gave up DVD's for a little while20:51
nikolamball, I will, since I have mbunch of ram`s and rw`s but my UDF not working on hardy/8.0420:52
charlie-tcanikolam: sometimes xfburn will work when Brasero won't20:52
knomecharlie-tca, is there a reason for that and is it filed? :)20:53
nikolamcharlie-tca, will try it.20:53
charlie-tcaBrasero is picky20:53
charlie-tcaI don't know if it is filed. The only reason I know for it is "because ..."20:53
knomecan't you get a "quirks"mode in it? :P20:53
knomeheh ok20:54
* knome is waiting to set a last-minute bid in an ebay item20:55
* ball forces himself not to bid on Sun Ray terminals20:56
knomeball, my friend has two. you want to come and see them? ;)20:56
slow-motionhi nikolam20:56
nikolamok, xfburn deletes disk20:56
nikolamwithout checking it is even in drive. I like taht :)20:57
ballknome: where does he or she live?20:57
knomeball, finland :P20:57
ballAh, t'is a long walk from here.20:57
knomeusually it is.20:57
knomeif you're not coming from russia20:57
knome...and even then the trip varies a lot20:59
m4rkhow do I install ttf fonts21:06
ubottuFont installation basics here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FontInstallHowto - No fonts in Flash? Install "msttcorefonts" (from !Multiverse), "gsfonts", and "gsfonts-x11". No fonts in MPlayer? see !MPlayer21:07
m4rkthanks! :)21:07
rockohow can you use pcmanfm instead of thunar with places plugin ?21:53
TheSheeprocko: I suppose you can't21:55
Ben_CsTheSheepL hello22:04
Ben_CsTheSheep: i upgraded to xfce 4.6 (xubuntu hardy), and the Thunar xarchiver plugin stopped apearing on right click. please help22:05
TheSheepBen_Cs: you are aware that 4.6 is beta?22:06
Ben_CsTheSheep: it was released officialy22:06
TheSheepreally? I must have missed it22:07
TheSheepmaybe ask on #thunar22:07
charlie-tcaWe don't even have xfce4.6 packaged for jaunty yet22:08
charlie-tca(the final release)22:08
Ben_Cscharlie-tca: i installed .run file22:08
charlie-tcaand it broke, huh?22:08
TheSheepBen_Cs: maybe check your .xsession-errors22:10
Ben_CsTheSheep: how?22:11
Ben_Cscharlie-tca: no. just that thunar thingy22:11
charlie-tcaEverything is integrated, though22:12
charlie-tcaTake a look in ~/.xsession-errors and see if anything will tell you what is wrong22:13
charlie-tcaeverybody went home22:21
charlie-tcaDid you need some help?22:21
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)22:22
charlie-tcaJust ask, please.22:22
R2D21How to enable the network kard. (wire) It sas Disabled when i wrote: sudo ifup eth122:24
charlie-tcaDhcp or static IP?22:25
ubottudhcp is Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol, a protocol for automatic IP assignment from a router. Ubuntu uses dhclient as a DHCP client but other ones (and DHCP servers too) can be obtained from the !repos. More info at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DHCP22:26
R2D21Dhcp   I wrote: sudo lshw -C network  And it sas: *Status eth1  DISABLED22:26
Ben_Cscharlie-tca: the file is sooooo long! can't find anything i need there22:27
TheSheepBen_Cs: look at the end, also / is searching, try searching fo thunar22:29
Ben_CsTheSheep: i emptied the file. will reboot and check again22:29
sekelhow do i update to the new xfce?22:34
Ben_CsTheSheep: no errors with archiver when searching "thunar" in the file22:36
R2D21ifup eth1 = Ignoring unknown interface eth1=eth1     ???22:45
=== zoredache_ is now known as zoredache
temperatureI updated from 8.04TLS to 8.10 and the "sensors"  command shows 10° higher temperatures. Why is that?23:46
Chewyhi all, I am wanting to find out how to get apt-get to download the generics package from the CD right after the install, so I can get my atheros wireless card working23:51
Chewyin the past I have had to get an ethernet connection but I cant do that at the moment23:52
zoredachewhich cd do you have?23:57

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