
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about pingme00:09
=== musical is now known as music_off
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about robots00:17
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about zombies00:17
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about raptors00:17
drostie:-( ubottu, you're not helping me with the zombie robot raptor invasion :-(00:17
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about computers00:17
HappySmileManSO YOU ADMIT IT00:17
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about advice00:18
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ubottuFor discussion on Microsoft Windows, or help with same, please visit ##windows. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and /msg ubottu equivalents00:26
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quassel208Can i get apt-get on system like moblin ?00:28
quassel208its based on suse and fedora00:28
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asobiwhere is kpdf located?00:31
asobifile path00:31
goofeyquassel208: fedora is RPM based - #fedora would knoe if there's a way to get apt-get to work on it00:32
goofeyasobi try "which kpdf"00:33
goofeyasobi: mine says /usr/bin/kpdf00:33
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about pingme00:40
mbanawhat's the default driver for the 8800 gts 512mb on ubuntu intrepid ibex ubuntu 8.1000:41
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about pingme00:43
mbanahow do i uninstall kde?00:54
goofeyif you do that in kubuntu, you'll be without a window manager01:00
goofeymbana: did you install gnome?01:00
mbanagoofey: yes i do01:00
mbanai only wanted kde for the file browser01:01
goofeymbana: so you want to uninstall kde but keep konqueror01:02
goofeymbana: or is it nautulas you're after?01:03
mbanano i want the KDE file browser and to remove KDE01:03
goofeymbana: i guess what I'm trying to get to is that the KDE file browser is going to have most of kde as a dependency01:04
mbanahow stupid01:04
goofeymbana: really?  it's the *kde* file browser01:05
mbanaif i run sudo aptitude remove kubuntu-desktop01:06
goofeymbana: if you want to know what the dependanies are, type apt-cahce showpkg "kde file browser name"01:06
goofeyer, apt-cache showpkg01:06
mbanathis is strange; it's wanting to remove my texlive install and other needed dependencies01:07
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mbanagoofey: how do i unistall this01:20
goofeymbana: you'll need to find out what the dependencies are of the kde file browser first. then you can remove what's left of kde after that - my guess is it won't be much01:23
goofeybut the command is sudo apt-get remove (or purge) application(s)01:23
mbanaok i'm confused01:25
mbanai don't want the file browser anymore01:25
mbanai just to get rid of KDe01:25
meh_ivanhi, how can i run krunner from the konsole directly into "view system activity"? (same as ctrl+esc)01:29
goofeymbana: who did you install it?01:29
goofeymbana: casue there are a couple different ways01:29
mbanagoofey: CLI.  one line if i remember01:30
goofeymbana: right, but did you install kde or kubuntu-desktop?01:30
mbanakubuntu-desktop i think01:30
mbananot sure01:30
goofeymbana: ok, what happens when you type sudo apt-get -s purge kubuntu-dekstop01:31
mbanabtw, how do i change the boot screen01:31
goofeymbana: boot screen?  You mean grub?01:32
mbanano after installing kde, i got the KDE boot screen01:32
goofeymbana: I *think* this will do that: http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/ubuntu/how-to-switch-between-gdm-and-kdm-on-ubuntu/01:34
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CompuHackerGentlemen. Ladies.02:13
=== Luffy-Kun is now known as LuniX
=== LuniX is now known as Luffy-Kun
=== eric is now known as Guest82188
* SokeSpor Herkese iyi geceler Dileklerim ile Kendinize iyi bakın Birbirinize iyi davranın !!!.02:34
=== eric is now known as Guest7172
Gartral2god evening all02:38
Gartral2my GUI is all smegged up (KDE 4.1) i have a black bar across my desktop and my bar wont completly remder02:39
Gartral2should i upload a screenshot somewhere?02:41
Luffy-KunI don't speak english, I can't you help, sorry :)02:42
Gartral2you seem rather fluent now >.<02:42
Gartral2im getting sick of gnome....02:44
Luffy-Kunbecause, I use a simply langage02:44
* Luffy-Kun regarde : Within Temptation - The Silent Force Tour - Part 1.avi [Kaffeine]02:45
Luffy-KunSysinfo for 'L': Linux 2.6.24-19-generic running KDE 3.5.9, CPU: Intel(R) Core 2 Quad CPU    Q6600  @ 2.40GHz at 1596 MHz (4808 bogomips), HD: 1067/1119GB, RAM: 7948/7995MB, 153 proc's, 13.5h up02:48
PodeCoetAnyone know where all the kontact-specific settings are stored? I found a few (mail, identities, accounts), but I cant find the files for filters etc02:54
Luffy-KunI don't use Kontact, sorry :)02:55
PodeCoetfound it :P looks like I had the right file, but Kontact was still resident after deleting, so it wrote itself back after I deleted :\02:57
PodeCoetKontact rocks! Why dont you use it?02:57
varghesehas anyone tried the jaunty alpha 502:58
Luffy-Kunmaybe here : /usr/share/apps/kontact/02:58
varghesehas anyone tried the jaunty alpha 5 ??02:59
Luffy-KunI don't use, because I don't need xD03:00
Luffy-Kunno, I wait official rlz03:02
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Luffy-KunUptime: 13 hours and 21 minutes03:05
Luffy-KunFrench time : [04:05]03:06
* Luffy-Kun is watching Simon Simons Epica.h264 [Kaffeine]03:07
PodeCoethaha, that site is genius03:08
Luffy-Kungenius ? I'm here :D03:09
PodeCoetgod damn one-piece :P03:10
PodeCoetBleach / Inuyasha, now they're awesome lol03:12
* Luffy-Kun is listening to soundscape to ardor by Sagisu Shirou on BLEACH Original Soundtrack 3 [Amarok]03:14
Luffy-KunOST 3 roxx03:14
wildbat_hi any good P2P program for KDE?03:17
Luffy-KunaMule ? xD03:18
Luffy-KunP2P is bad :p03:18
Luffy-Kunvive la résistance03:19
JontheEchidnaktorrent is good03:19
PodeCoetwildbat_: frostwire is good for quick music (MP3 ONLY)03:22
PodeCoetbut all the video is a mixture of incest and gay midget pornography03:22
PodeCoet..most of which are DRM'd to death and install backdoors on your machine03:23
dr_Willismidget   backdoor porn ?03:23
rick_Hello.  New to Kubuntu, and new to the IRC...03:23
Luffy-Kunwelcome bienvenue03:25
Dillizarany one here03:26
Dillizardo ya know the command so i can go in as root03:26
ubottusudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome, XFCE), or !kdesudo (KDE)03:26
Dillizarnot sudo03:27
Slartibartfastsudo -i03:27
rick_sorry.  I am brand new here.  Just installed Hubuntu over my windows this afternoon...03:27
Dillizari want to go visually as root03:28
dr_WillisYour question is not clear Dillizar   you use 'sudo' for most 'root'  tasks.03:28
dr_Willisyou do NOT log directly into X as root.03:28
dr_Willisthats a very bad idea03:28
Slartibartfastrick_: so you wiped windows from your HD and formated the partition with ext3 or something like that ?03:28
Luffy-Kuncongratulation, you win a desktop clean :D03:28
dr_Willisand its disabled in the kdm config and gdm configs i belive.. and by the fact that root has no direct password to login with.03:28
Dillizardr_Willis, i cant unmount a virtual cd03:28
Dillizarwhat is the command to make a folder03:29
dr_WillisIm thinking you may want to read a few linux basics/bash basics tutoriakls,,.03:29
rick_Just installed Kubuntu over my windows this afternoon... w/ KD on to CD - then did the full install from CD03:29
dr_Willismkdir - makes a directory03:29
dr_Willisumount UNMOUNTS a filesystem.03:29
dr_Willisnote theres no 'n' in umount. :)03:30
rick_So yes, it created a new partition for Kubuntu03:30
rick_but it looks as if it preserved the folders on my disk03:30
Slartibartfastrick_: i mean: there are different ways of installing Kubuntu. One is that you bootup the computer from the Kubuntu CD and install from there ...... and the other is when you have windows running and install it in a big image file which stays inside the Windows partition03:31
rick_the first.  I booted from the CD, and installed03:32
SlartibartfastOK ... and then you did a guided disk partitioning ?03:33
leandro_Alguem BR ?03:33
Slartibartfastand now you don't have windows anymore? ... would be a brave step :-)03:33
rick_yes (guided disk part)03:34
Luffy-KunI use Kubunru 64 and windows 32 on virtual machine (Vbox sun), this process is very util for the Adobe software (after effect, premiere, illustrator and photoshop)03:34
rick_yeah - ballsy...lol03:34
Slartibartfastrick_: Thats great ... so there must be something you like to ask / talk about :-)03:35
Luffy-Kunfor now, i wait presently Jahshaka version 3 and Lumiera :)03:36
rick_Lots.  First: How do I put the PC in sleep mode (hibernate)?03:36
dr_WillisHibernate/suspend can cause  issues. :) deopendiong on the exact hardware03:37
Slartibartfastrick_: ... mmm i myself have not good experiences with sleep modes and hybernation in linux .... it is still a work in progress03:37
dr_Willisive not had good experioence with it under windows either03:37
Slartibartfastdr_Willis: yeah .. me too .. some sound problems where the last issues03:38
rick_I had the options (grayed out) when running from CD, but after the actuall install - I lost the Hibernate buttons03:38
Slartibartfastrick_ i have them on the developers version  jaunty in the 'leave section' of the Kmenu03:39
dr_Willisif you are using Kde, use KDM, if using GNOME use GDM.. otherwise ive noticed some of the poweroff/susopend options may not be shown03:39
Slartibartfastbut never use them because the issues03:40
rick_I only have: "Logout", "Lock", "Switch Users", "Shutdown", and "Restart"03:41
Slartibartfast rick_, sorry i don't know why the suspend and hybernate options are now gone from your menu03:42
Slartibartfastdid you use those a lot in windows ?03:43
PodeCoetrick_: click shutdown, and then hold the shift key, tandby should change to hibernate03:45
rick_OK, thanks.  Another question:  I have two hard disks in this machine now.  Both windows XP drives.  When i did the install, i told it to partition the first drive. But when i look in Dolphin - I only show one Hard Disk Device (Volumn)03:45
sille_stupiid quetion...yes... how to set default nickname in Konversation??03:46
PodeCoetfile -> server list -> edit -> edit identity03:47
rick_but I see folders from my 2nd drive.  Even if I told it to partition the 1st drive - does it consolidate the space on both disks to look like one large drive??03:48
PodeCoetnope, unless the drives are raided03:48
PodeCoetlooks like you might've targetted the wrong drive03:48
sille_PodeCoet: thx...03:49
PodeCoetgod dammit, I lost my belt!03:50
PodeCoetoh wait there it is, next to my porn :P03:50
Rokeit82I just built a comp and need to install kubuntu 7.10 on it, but have a newer graphics card03:54
Rokeit82I get an error "no screens available"03:54
Rokeit82I think it's cuz it doesn't have the nvidia drivers available because it is an old version03:55
Rokeit82any ideas for a work around?03:55
sillemewhois sille03:56
PodeCoetsilleme: damn dude, someone stole your nick! you guys should totally fight it out :P03:57
rick_how can i see the properties of a drive (like in windows; total drive size, used space, and avail space)?03:57
=== redphoenix is now known as Search4Lancer
sillemewhat's the world coming to...03:57
sillemehow to hide partitions in dolphin file manager???03:58
PodeCoetrick_: rightclick :p03:58
PodeCoetproperties -> device03:59
Luffy-KunI use Nvidia driver (adept) for my 9800GT03:59
PodeCoetRokeit82: sorry not my area ;\ try posting your xorg.conf to a site like pastebin, and give us the link, that way people can suggest solutions here03:59
Dillizarumount: /media/cdrom is not in the fstab (and you are not root)04:00
Dillizarhow can i ??04:00
sillemespecifically, how to hide non-mounted partitions/drives in dolphin when clicking on teh storage media bookmark...04:00
* PodeCoet runs04:01
yao_ziyuani should apologize that i posted qtcurve here04:01
yao_ziyuansome people warned me against that before, at least twice04:01
sillemewant to hide my windoze non-mounted partitions  in my dual boot system... It would make my saving and organiing files in dolphin a little cleaner and less Konfusing...thx04:03
Luffy-Kungood night all - amis du soir, bonsoir04:07
wesley_alguem diz algo04:16
pteaguei've changed my video card from an nvidia 8600gts to an nvidia 9600gt ...  i had to remove nvidia-glx-new & nvidia-settings in order to get X to come up at all...  now i'm finally logged into kde & i was hoping to get it to automatically detect the nvidia card & give me the proprietary drivers popup, but it hasn't yet04:35
lucas_hi. do i have to change my sources.list every time a kubuntu version is stable or there is a symlink that now links to intrepid and later changes to others?04:47
dtchen_lucas_: if you don't use an updater program, you'll have to manage the sources.list manually04:50
lucas_dtchen_: i use adept04:50
lucas_dtchen_: will it update my sources.list?04:51
quassel132I need some css/html help04:51
=== quassel132 is now known as chad
chadif anyone wants to help me make some changes to get this to look good there's a little clipping issue when you resize the window04:52
dtchen_lucas_: i don't believe so; just use do-release-upgrade04:52
lucas_dtchen_: is that a script? sorry i'm new to kubuntu04:53
jeremiecan anyone help me i have ubuntu 8.10 and wene i try to play a vdvd04:54
jeremiea dvd thotem crashes04:54
dtchen_lucas_: it's a tool installed as part of update-manager-core04:54
lucas_dtchen_: yes i just searched for it.. it seems to be a command.04:54
lucas_dtchen_: thanks04:55
jeremieplease help me :'-(04:57
dtchen_jeremie: does "thotem" -> "totem"04:58
lucas_jeremie: wrong channel. try #ubuntu04:58
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dtchen_jeremie: if so, i recommend you install totem-xine, and make sure libdvdcss2 and other packages are used. you may want to use medibuntu.04:58
jeremieok how tu i connect to #ubuntu04:59
dtchen_/join #ubuntu04:59
jeremieok bye05:00
Paco_PacoCan someone help me please i am getting a critical error: "Klauncher could not be reached via D-Bus when calling start_service_by desktop_path:empty" ?05:02
Paco_Pacowhenever i click ok it logs me off05:02
Paco_Pacoi am new to Kubuntu so i have no idea how to fix it05:02
steve__sup all05:15
jorge_soy novatoooo05:22
jorge_y ando perdido total05:22
jorge_no se ni lo q hagooo!!!05:22
ubottuPlease watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.05:23
Paco_Pacoi am new to Kubuntu so i have no idea how to fix it05:23
Paco_PacoCan someone help me please i am getting a critical error: "Klauncher could not be reached via D-Bus when calling start_service_by desktop_path:empty" ?05:23
Paco_PacoSlartibartfast, can you help me please05:24
SlartibartfastPaco_Paco, sorry not really know what this error caused ... do you have any other problems because this error?05:25
Paco_Pacoi just installed kubuntu05:25
SlartibartfastPaco_Paco, instaleld 8.10?05:26
Slartibartfastdid some googling, and see there is already a bug report about this ..... https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/meta-kde4/+bug/20472805:28
Paco_PacoSlartibartfast no fix?05:28
Slartibartfastmaybe the solution of Oliver Jensen in that bug report will help your case05:29
Paco_Pacoi found a fix via googling but i am unable to implement it05:29
Slartibartfastsame "fix" ?05:29
Paco_Pacook ty i will have a peek05:29
Paco_Pacosame fix as the one i found via google it will keep saying system updating in an endless loop05:30
SlartibartfastMmmm ... so you did not get the errro by opening a text file05:31
Paco_Pacoyes i did05:31
Paco_Pacofor some reason kate starts with a command whenever i log in05:31
Paco_Pacoand i have no idea how to remove this from starting up05:32
Paco_Pacohmz the error seems to be gone now05:33
SlartibartfastOK :-)05:33
Slartibartfastbut you are sure there is nothing in ~/.kde/Autostart/05:34
Slartibartfastcan see in a terminal05:34
Paco_Pacooh ok05:34
Paco_Pacoi am new to all this linux will look at it later05:34
Paco_Pacothanks for the help05:36
seawing hello, I have been using kubuntu for many years, but one thing that I have never figured out is why some packages that I download do not show um in the k menu.  can someone please explain?05:36
Slartibartfastls ~/.kde/Autostart/ .... lists all files (if any) in the dir Autostart in the hiddine dir .kde) in the home dir (~/)05:36
seawingFor example I just downloaded Jabber, but don't know how to open it.05:36
Paco_Pacoi am running it in  vmware until i get comfortable enough to run it from boot05:36
SlartibartfastPaco_Paco: OK ...05:36
=== spitz is now known as psilocybin
Paco_Pacoso can i still ask questions here even though i am running it in vmware?05:37
psilocybini have a question about gOS can some one help me?05:37
SlartibartfastPaco_Paco: i think so .... but i think not many can help with hardware specific things .. :-)05:37
Paco_Pacook i understand05:38
psilocybincan some one help me with gOS?05:38
Slartibartfastand although it works ....... it can sometimes cause problems which are not present in a native installation05:38
Paco_Pacoyeah but i have a snapshot system05:39
Paco_Pacowhich a native installation doesnt have05:39
SlartibartfastPaco_Paco: btw you also can try Virtualbox .....05:39
Paco_Pacoso i get to do stupid things :)05:39
Paco_Pacoyeah i know05:40
Paco_Pacoi like vmare a little more though05:40
SlartibartfastOK ;-)05:40
Paco_PacoDoes virtual box have a snapshot system also btw?05:41
sillemepls assist... I would like to hide non-mounted drives (windoze and other  partitions) on my dual boot system...  Woudl like the non-mounted hidden in dolphin file manager. Can anyone assit with this issue?05:42
Paco_Pacooh ok05:42
Slartibartfastand it is free05:42
Slartibartfastand also works on linux ....05:42
Paco_Pacooh ok nice05:42
inanimateSo, is anybody else having trouble installing kdeplasma-addons? (In order to get extra plasma widgets.)05:42
Slartibartfastso i can virtualize winxp too05:42
inanimateI originally had it, then somehow it got uninstalled, and now I'm getting this when attempting to re-install it.05:43
Paco_PacoSlartibartfast yeah i did that once on a native linux05:43
Paco_Pacoonly resources are a little too high for my liking05:43
SlartibartfastPaco_Paco: i have here a C2D E6600 + 2GB ... so not really a problem here ... winxp still runs nicely inside, although i rarely use it :-)05:44
Paco_Pacoi run on a single core05:45
Paco_Pacoif i had a double core i wouldnt mind either :)05:45
SlartibartfastBut to my knowledge: virtualbox is quiet nice in virtualizing things05:46
Slartibartfastand on linux i not have the same problems in compiling the kernel module like i have with vmware05:47
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about cls05:47
yao_ziyuanwhat is cls in linux?05:47
Paco_Pacoyeah Slartibartfast i have to compile that again after each kernel update05:50
SlartibartfastPaco_Paco with virtualbox i can just add a repostory in linux .... when there is then a new version i will get the update when i upgrade my system05:51
SlartibartfastSee http://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Linux_Downloads05:53
Slartibartfastwith the upgrade of virtualbox there compiling of a new kernel module gets done automatically05:54
stick_jockeyHello, i have installed kde 4.2 from the backports and i love it, the only problem is that the widgets do not stay in one place when i move them in the desktop, they slither back to the  left hand corner when i finish moving them,  is there a option to prevent it from auto moving them like this05:58
j2anyone awake now?06:00
j2Is there a way to do alt+ctrl+bkspc from the command line?06:01
inanimatekillall X?06:02
j2I tried that06:02
inanimatekillall -s 9 X?06:02
j2X died but I still cannot login06:02
inanimatestartx afterward to respawn it.06:03
Slartibartfastkillall Xorg06:03
j2The screen is frozen with the last image that X had06:03
j2Slartibartfast: it would be X06:03
SlartibartfastX: no process killed06:04
Paco_PacoSlartibartfast, can i install xfce on kubuntu?06:04
inanimateIf you run top, what state is X in?06:04
SlartibartfastPaco_Paco Yes06:04
Paco_Pacoapt-get install xfce <-- like that?06:04
j2it is taking up 99% of the CPU06:04
inanimateIs it in D?06:04
j2Paco_Paco: apt-get install xubuntu-desktop06:05
Slartibartfasteeeeh ... maybe betetr the whole xubuntu desktop06:05
j2inanimate: In D ?06:05
inanimatej2: Under "S", what does it say?06:06
SlartibartfastPaco_Paco: sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop06:06
j2If I try to do anything like /etc/init.d/kdm stop X is taking up so much CPU it can:t respond06:06
Paco_Pacoj2 ty06:07
Slartibartfastj2 and you can't kill it with top?06:07
j2Screw it06:07
j2I:ll just power off the machine06:07
inanimateGet the PID, and run sudo kill -s 9 PID just to make sure.06:07
j2inanimate: I did06:08
inanimateIf it's in state R, it *should* die.06:08
Paco_Pacoand ty Slartibartfast06:08
Slartibartfastno problem Paco_Paco06:08
inanimateI wonder why some processes are so ill-behaved. It's like their mother never taught them any manners...06:09
Paco_Pacowhat should i pick gdm or kdm?06:09
SlartibartfastPaco_Paco: anything you like ..... they both work well i think06:09
Paco_Pacowhich is recommend?06:09
inanimateHere in the Kubuntu channel, KDM is the popular one...06:09
Paco_Pacokdm uses less resources?06:10
Slartibartfastgdm is the gnome desktop manager ...06:10
Paco_Pacook i used kdm :)06:10
* inanimate adds a tally to the wall...06:10
jessieyes. and, in my opinion, kdm is a little more customizable06:12
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats06:14
DaSkreechOk I'm back06:16
DaSkreechI hate X06:16
DaSkreechLike irrationally06:16
DaSkreechhi gnomefreak06:16
Paco_PacoDaSkreech so were you ever saved by the bell?06:17
DaSkreechWhat can I say06:17
DaSkreech For whom the bell tolls...06:17
gnomefreakhi DaSkreech06:21
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about cd06:24
john_DaSkreech: I'm still having the same issues on the desktop with the internet connection and the freezing. Oh well, all in due time.06:24
john_How do I get an audio CD to play?06:25
jessiejohn_: use kcd or amarok06:25
john_jessie: It doesn't recognize the CD in the drive06:25
jessiejohn_: does it recognize other cd's?06:26
john_It will play in a CD player, but not on the desktop. The drive will also pick up on the DVDs, but not a single CD which has been trialed.06:26
Paco_PacoDoes kubuntu have samba shares?06:26
jessiejohn_: hm..... so if you put a cd such as microsoft office, etc. in the drive, does it find that?06:27
john_good question, let me see.06:27
john_Yes. It sees my MS Office 2k3 cd06:28
SlartibartfastPaco_Paco: if you install samba , yes06:28
john_jessie: What would cause data cd to read but not audio CD?06:30
Paco_Pacosudo apt-get install samba ?06:30
jschalldoes the current version of konqueror support using mouse button4/button5 for forward/back? (not looking for an xvkbd solution)06:30
jessiejohn_: umm... i don't know. no proper programs installed?06:30
=== Drachenblut is now known as Lord_Drachenblut
john_jessie: It's all installed. I don't know what else to add.06:30
thunderstrucknick gnomefreak06:31
john_Amarok, minirok, kcd.. what else?06:31
=== thunderstruck is now known as gnomefreak
jessiejohn_: umm.... i don't know. that's a hard thing to say06:31
john_OK. Thanks for the help, jessie06:31
jessieYup, sure thing john_. Use google now. ;)06:32
john_I have been using google to no avail :(06:32
DaSkreechjohn_: does audiocd:/ in konqueror show anything ?06:32
SlartibartfastPaco_Paco yes06:32
DaSkreechinanimate: Yeah  sucks06:32
inanimateYeah... You know it...06:33
Paco_PacoSlartibartfast so how do i samba share a folder after i have installed samba?06:33
john_DaSkreech: Nope. Nothing.06:33
inanimateAlthough multi-monitor actually almost works well now.06:33
inanimateWith xrandr + KDE's nice config.06:34
SlartibartfastPaco_Paco: by editing /etc/samba/smb.conf ..... it is a well documented conf file06:34
Paco_Pacoso i cant right click a folder and choose for sharing options like in gnome?06:34
inanimatePaco_Paco: Actually, you used to be able to...06:34
Slartibartfastafter editing .... sudo /etc/init.d/samba restart06:34
Slartibartfastnot that i know of Paco_Paco06:35
inanimatePaco_Paco: Right click folder > Share06:36
DaSkreechjohn_: That's kinda strange06:36
inanimateAlthough I'm not sure if you can actually "Configure file sharing..."06:37
inanimateI clicked on it but nothing has happened yet...06:37
SlartibartfastPaco_Paco: right click folder > properties > share ?06:38
john_DaSkreech: I cannot mount it either. 'block device /dev/scd0 is write-protected, mounting read-only. You must specify the filesystem type'06:38
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inanimateIt's possible that file sharing needs to be re-implemented in KDE 4. (It was definitely there in KDE 3). Can I get a confirmation on that?06:38
DaSkreechWell I can't think of how you would mount an audiocd06:38
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john_Good point06:39
BentFranklinIs there a log file for apt or adept where I can see what has all been done lately?06:39
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pteague_laptopBentFranklin: not sure about adept, but aptitude has a log file under /var/log/06:40
inanimateBentFranklin: /var/log/apt/term.log06:40
inanimateThat is the apt log.06:40
inanimateWhich every frontend uses.06:40
DaSkreechjohn_: ok just put in an audio cd and audiocd:/ works fine in Konqueror for me06:41
ubottuCommon Sense: Just because you can, does not mean you should (and especially recommend to others). Think before you do. "Works for me" does not mean it is ok. The latest version of everything is not always useful if you aim for stability. Please see http://geekosophical.net/random/worksforme/06:42
john_DaSkreech: :p06:43
DaSkreechjohn_: It did make Konqueror bug out though06:43
john_failed here :(06:44
inanimatePaco_Paco: If you install kdenetwork-filesharing, you're good to go.06:44
john_DaSkreech: I'm cutting out. Too many kubuntu issues for the past 3 weeks. I'll be back on Thursday for more resolutions06:45
john_G'night all06:46
pteague_laptopwhich of the ssh-askpass packages is suggested for kde?06:51
Paco_Pacois there a gui for samba?06:52
Paco_Pacoi have no idea what to do with smb.conf06:52
BentFranklinThis afternoon I installed a couple of games using Adept.  Of course I forgot their exact names, and they don't show up in the K start menu, and the apt logs don't log adept actions apparently.06:52
BentFranklinPaco - read the samba manual...  One sec I'll find it.06:54
Paco_Pacok ty BentFranklin06:54
DaSkreechBentFranklin: They do06:55
BentFranklinDaSkreech:  My term.log 's last entry is Feb 2 and I installed 142 updates and 2 new packages today06:57
SlartibartfastPaco_Paco: ..... smb.conf is ordered in several sections ....06:57
DaSkreechBentFranklin: dpkg.log06:57
BentFranklinthat's the ticket, thanks06:58
BentFranklinPaco:  still looking06:58
SlartibartfastPaco_Paco: for the shares you need to make some addictions in the #==== Share Definitions ============06:58
SlartibartfastPaco_Paco if you want to see the server in windows .. you need to be in the same workgroup ... thats defined in the global section at the top06:59
BentFranklinThat doc tells you how to see Linux shares using Windows.  To see Windows shares with Linux use mount.cifs07:00
BentFranklinOnce you get mount.cifs working manually, put an entry in /etc/fstab07:00
Paco_Pacok ty BentFranklin and Slartibartfast07:09
Paco_Pacohow do i open smb.conf with write permission?07:09
Slartibartfastuse sudo07:10
BentFranklinyou could sudo chmod it or sudo your editor07:10
Slartibartfastdon't know which editor you use07:10
BentFranklinIn a couple of months, check out emacs07:11
Paco_Pacoso how do i do both open kate with write permission and open smb.conf via the commandline?07:11
SlartibartfastPaco_Paco use kdesudo kate07:13
Slartibartfastopen file ...07:13
Paco_Pacook ty07:15
SlartibartfastPaco_Paco: if in console you can also try nano ..... "sudo nano /etc/samba/smb.conf"07:17
Paco_Pacook thanks :)07:21
Paco_Pacohow do i launch the widgets from the commandline?07:40
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SlartibartfastPaco_Paco: widgets for on the desktop? . like the plasmoids ?07:45
pteague_laptopi'm thinking i need to clean out my grub menu.lst ... lots of kernel entries ;)07:47
Slartibartfastpteague_laptop: ddi you also already delete the old kernels ?07:48
Slartibartfastbecause this will probably already get rid of the old kernel entries in the menu.lst07:49
anil__hi...is there a way to restore the app switcher(taskber) settings to defaults in kde 407:49
macoanil__: the whole panel or just the task manager part?07:50
anil__the entire panel07:50
macoum well i can tell you how to force all your plasma stuff to go back to default at once07:51
anil__ok...guess that works07:52
DaSkreechanil__: the defaults when KDE4 came?07:52
macoif you login in a terminal (ctrl+alt+f1) and delete ~/.kde/share/config/plasma-appletsrc then log back into kde, itll regenerate it as the defaults07:52
anil__should i terminate the x server to do this??07:53
pteague_laptopSlartibartfast: not sure, i need to go through the list of them to see... some may already be removed & then there's the 32-bit kernel that i'm not using anymore on a diff partition07:54
Slartibartfastpteague_laptop: you can check with "dpkg -l linux*" . or just "ls -l /boot/"07:56
pteague_laptopSlartibartfast: nope, haven't removed them yet...  do i need to remove the associated linux-headers package or the linux-image ?08:03
Slartibartfastthe image is the kernel ... which you see in /boot/08:04
Slartibartfastso if you do sudo apt-get --purge linux-image-xxx linux-header-xxx ...... etc ... i think your new generated menu.lst will have much lesser entries08:05
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Ac1d-8uRnwhat up peeps08:17
sillemenot familiar with linux compression utilities... what util for unrar an archived file???08:20
Slartibartfastunrar x archive.rar08:20
Slartibartfastor use ark08:20
Slartibartfastsilleme maybe you need to install unrar first08:22
LinkCanabicohi the kmenu in my user acount has no Home (personal files) icon. in the root acount everything is ok any idea how to enable it ? i know it sounds silly but im realy used to it and i would like to enable it (not add it manualy since then it tends to move to the alfabeticaly right place when i update)08:22
sillemeSlartibartfast: have ARK installed but gives error mssg utility unrar is not in your path.... maybe should instal unrar?08:23
Slartibartfastbut don't know if you have the right repostory enabled08:24
Slartibartfastit is in the Section: multiverse/utils08:25
pteague_laptopi really don't like the fact that the default ctrl+pgup ctrl+pgdn in konsole is counter-intuitive08:25
Slartibartfastinstead   use shift :-) if you want to do pgup08:26
Slartibartfasthere ctrl pgup goes from tab1 to tab2 to tab3 .... etc ... sounds ok to me08:28
pteague_laptopi just have to remember to set the alternative for 1 to none before changing them08:28
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Slartibartfastpteague_laptop: what alternative ?08:29
pteague_laptopyeah & that's counter what every other program *i've used* that uses ctrl+pgup/pgdn for switching tabs uses08:29
pteague_laptopthe keyboard shortcut alternative...  the default is shift+left/right, the alternative is the ctrl+pgup/pgdown08:30
Slartibartfasti see .... firefox does do it just the otherway arround08:30
wartalkersomeone know how to support chinese input in firefox08:30
pteague_laptopSlartibartfast: hehe, that's my point :)08:31
Slartibartfastpteague_laptop: in konversation i need to use alt right or left between the tabs08:31
pteague_laptopit's just a default & can be changed...  but to somebody who barely knows they use windows switches to linux...08:31
pteague_laptopi use xchat & again it's ctrl+pgup/pgdown08:32
pteague_laptopthen again... if a person barely knows they're using windows switches to linux... i'm guessing they really don't have a clue what the keyboard shortcut is anyways <.<08:33
Slartibartfasthmmm .... but it's not really a big deal for me08:33
Slartibartfastmany keyboard shortcuts people only learn after having use a program for several time08:33
Slartibartfastwartalker: need to install scim08:34
Slartibartfastand a bunch of other packages .... not really know which will do the trick .... but at least also im-switch08:35
wartalkeri install scim, it doen not work in firefox08:35
pteague_laptopthat's why i tend to try to make keyboard shortcuts as consistent as possible across apps... everybody *should* at least know ctrl+x/c/v & shift+del/ins08:35
Slartibartfastwartalker: but work in other programs ?08:35
pteague_laptopdoesn't firefox have locale packages?08:37
Slartibartfastthey have but not needed to input chinese ...... only to display chinese in the menu's08:37
pteague_laptopwow, i think i'm going to have to use my new game box dual-boot to get used to the new kde08:38
Slartibartfastkde 4.1 or kde 4.2 ?08:38
pteague_laptopi still have hardy on my desktop08:39
pteague_laptopso guess i'm using kde3 still08:39
Slartibartfastaha ... ok ... me testing with alpha software :-) from jaunty08:40
Slartibartfastkde 4.208:40
Slartibartfastdid see a new kde 4.2.1 will soon come out08:40
pteague_laptopgeeze... is it really so hard to alphabetize menu entries? oh, i know kde likes alphabetizing based off the description & not the name, but geeze... when i'm looking for something starting with z i look at the bottom08:43
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pteague_laptopis there anyway to get the bottom panel to go to the top?08:49
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pteague_laptopor do i have to create a new top panel & then recreate everything on it?08:49
Slartibartfastpteague_laptop in kde 4 ?08:51
Slartibartfastin kde 3 you can configure desktop and choose there where the kicker panel should be placed08:53
pteague_laptopkde3 i'm pretty used to...  i'm messing around with intrepid on my lan party box & have yet to touch kde4 until today08:56
pteague_laptopi figured out i have to go into panel properties before being able to drag the panel somewhere08:56
pteague_laptopis there something similar to quick launch in kde4 or do i have to use the bloody kmenu for it?08:56
Slartibartfastin kde 4 you can press the "thing" at the most right pf the panel and you can configure the panel like draging it to the top ....08:57
BentFranklinWhat does shift+del/ins do?08:58
Slartibartfastpteague_laptop: there is also a quicklaunch applet/plasmoid08:58
SlartibartfastBentFranklin: guess that is app specific ....08:59
pteague_laptopon windows at least, shift+del is cut & shift+ins is paste...  & they typically work even when ctrl+x/c/v is specifically disabled09:04
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pteague_laptop& it seems to work in some standard text boxes in linux guis09:05
pteague_laptopwhat's the quicklaunch plasmoid in kde4? or do i need to install an extra package to get it?09:05
Slartibartfastjust testing with kate ..... and there shft del indeed cuts and shft ins pastes09:07
Slartibartfastjust tested this quick lanch applet ..... but here in Jaunty it did not rellly work great :-)09:08
Slartibartfasti would say pretty bad, th icons just don't scale very well09:08
Slartibartfastbut you always can add programs from your applications tab in your new kmenu to the favorites tab09:09
pteague_laptopi really don't care how they look... i just want a launcher for simple 1 click launching of apps i use all the time09:09
Slartibartfastalso: on the desktop you can add the folder view applet and add application.desktop files from /usr/share/applications ...... or add the lancelot plasmoid .. but yes .. then need to click 2 times again .... it keeps problematic09:11
pteague_laptopis there a way to disable things from the konsole right click menu?  i want to turn off or assign close tab a different hot key09:12
pteague_laptopso lancelot is kinda iffy? or is it just an issue with looks?09:14
Slartibartfastno lancelot works ok here ..... but it is jus an different kind of kmenu ...... whichs will open when you click on it09:15
Slartibartfastit's an icon of the holy grail on your desktop :-)09:15
Slartibartfastquicklaunch looks bad here09:15
besitzer_hallo,enybody out there?09:26
pteague_laptopi love having to enter a password just to see what packages need to be updated...09:27
besitzer_hi ibuffy, hows the morning?09:28
ibuffyhi besitzer, heh. it is indeed morning, 3:28am09:28
ibuffya little frustrating09:29
besitzer_by us is now 10,3009:29
ibuffyworking on getting my netgear WGR614L open source wireless router working09:29
ibuffycalled netgear and they aren't willing to help me get it working, it's the first time i've ever received a printed copy of the gpl license and the company doesn't support linux!09:30
besitzer_i also got problems with loading my e mails from yahoo09:30
ibuffyon the box "open-source router for Linux developers and open-source experts."09:30
ibuffyso misleading09:30
ibuffygots to go work on it some more09:31
besitzer_do you know the german word for it?09:32
heinkel_111Hi, after the latest upgrade of a lot of kde stuff including libplasma2 I have the following serious problem: on login, plasma fails, produces no useable backtrace, and leaves me without a desktop that works. KDE is effectively broken, except for the screensaver!09:32
Dillizari dont have sound when i play for ex amarok say that my sound card i busy09:33
heinkel_111anyone else heard about simialr stuff09:33
heinkel_111Dillzar> what sound system are you using? alsa or oss?09:35
heinkel_111alsa is standard with kubuntu 8.10 afaik09:35
besitzer_i have to go we hear us later09:36
jschalli'm trying to get flash working in konqueror, on 64bit kubuntu. so far i installed kubuntu-restricted-extras and scanned for plugins in konqueror's plugin config, it found flash, but flash objects aren't really showing up. so, for example, youtube videos are solid black.09:36
Dillizarheinkel_111, alsa09:36
heinkel_111Dillizar: ok, if you had been using oss that is not particularily good when multiple programs are trying to use your sound device simultaneously. This does not appear to be your problem (unfortunately, it does not soleve it, either :-(09:38
Dillizarhow can i check what i am using ??09:39
heinkel_111Dillzar: does aplay -l (in konsole) list your soundcard?09:40
Dillizarwanna see the output09:41
jschallkonqueror seems to load the flash player, but the flash player doesn't seem to work in konqueror...09:41
jschallany fix?09:41
jschallother than firefox?09:42
Dillizaropera :)09:42
heinkel_111Dillizar: are you able to play sounds with another program? I often test using alsaplayer09:42
heinkel_111if alsaplayer works I think it is a xine related problem09:43
heinkel_111I am not good with xine09:43
Dillizarno i cant heinkel_111 and the sturt up music its jammed in the middle :D09:44
Paco_Pacolinux is just like windows only harder to use09:44
jschallPaco_Paco: no.09:44
heinkel_111Dillizar: can you plastebin output from aplay-l ?09:44
Dillizarcan i PM you09:44
Dillizarwith it09:44
heinkel_111ok if it is not more than a line or 3, if it is longer please paste it here: http://paste.ubuntu.com  and give me a link09:46
jschalldon't want to have to load gtk libraries =/ mozilla needs to release a qt version of ff09:46
jschallwhat's kde's gnome-system-monitor?09:47
Dillizarheinkel_111, http://paste.ubuntu.com/124637/09:47
Dillizarjschall, its system monitor but form ubuntu :)09:47
jschallDillizar: what's the kde equivalent of gnome-system-monitor?09:48
jschallDillizar: i know precisely what gnome-system-monitor is, i just want to know it's equivalent in kde09:48
jschallw/e, i'll use top09:48
heinkel_111Dillizar: it looks ok, I will be back in 8 minutes - maybe with some more intelligent stuff09:48
Dillizarpls do09:48
pteague_laptopjschall: htop is a nice gui top for cli09:50
inanimatejschall: ksysguard09:56
inanimate^ESC is generally the keycombo to open it.09:56
Tm_Tpteague_laptop: htop is not GUI (:09:57
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kikonciohallo there!10:00
Guest40633some help with ATI privative drivers.10:00
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto10:00
heinkel_111Dillizar: did you try the following in konsole yet: "sudo /etc/init.d/alsa-utils restart" ?10:01
Dillizarlemme check10:01
Dillizari have this for ya10:01
Dillizarwhile i do that :P10:01
t_rasI can't connect to network:10:02
t_rasI have router without natting (all my comps and router have real IPs). I gave exactly the same settings it had 30 minutes before reinstalling, which were working, I gave them through "new connection" and I get in syslog:10:02
t_raswait_for_conection_expired...connection failed to activate (timeout): (0) Connection was not provided by any settings service10:02
t_rasadpater through dashboard says "Disconnected"10:02
t_rasAny ideas?10:02
heinkel_111Dillizar: after the alsa-utils restart, you will also have to restart amarok10:02
Guest40633cant let me select it.10:03
Dillizarstill nada10:03
Dillizardid the pastbim helped :)10:05
Guest40633join #ubuntu10:06
heinkel_111Dillizar: the second one? I don't understand how you produced it - what is it the output from?10:07
Dillizarfrom auto test form alsa10:08
heinkel_111Dillizar: can you post output of "more /proc/asound/cards"10:08
t_rasplease help10:08
Dillizarheinkel_111, how it was10:10
Dillizarsudo smt10:10
serenitya user asked me, why he can't update via the experimental repo. What happened?10:11
heinkel_111Dillizar: sudo /etc/init.d/alsa-utils restart10:11
Guest40633some help with ATI privative drivers.10:11
heinkel_111if that was the question10:11
Dillizarso i can get the /proc/asound/cards10:12
Dillizarsmt like getit10:12
t_rasWill it make a difference if I try ubuntu instead of kubuntu? ( http://paste.ubuntu.com/124643/ )10:15
serenityahh, there is no more exper. repo, just enable backports10:15
LaeborgHi. I have a USB Microphone, named USB Microphone in KMix. I want to use this microphone in IDJC, and I can see my currently microphone (one in my monitor) is named alsa_pcm:capture_1 in IDCJ, how can I see what to type for use my USB microphone?10:15
Dillizarheinkel_111, sorry for the delay10:16
Dillizar 0 [ICH5           ]: ICH4 - Intel ICH510:16
Dillizar                      Intel ICH5 with CMI9761A+ at irq 2110:16
heinkel_111Dillizar I am sorry my bad I meant cat /proc/asound/modules10:16
Dillizar 0 snd_intel8x010:17
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=== alberto_ is now known as alberto__
t_rasWill it make a difference if I try ubuntu instead of kubuntu? ( http://paste.ubuntu.com/124643/ )10:17
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heinkel_111I can't see much except that can't connect to stream message you pasted earlier, Dillizar - what command did you issue to get that?10:18
alberto__Una mano Paaaaaaaaaayos!!!10:19
Dillizarsecond pastbin10:19
heinkel_111yes, I want to try this on my computer too10:20
heinkel_111Dillizar> to compare the output10:20
heinkel_111  audiotestsrc wave=sine freq=512 ! audioconvert ! audioresample ! gconfaudiosink: Failed to connect stream: Invalid argument10:20
t_rasSi alberto, no se mucho pero puedo tratar,10:20
t_rasporay nesesitas un canal en espaniol10:20
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.10:20
heinkel_111Dillizar: I don't know this test10:21
Cueballt_ras: right click the network manager. Select new connection. Then the device you use.10:21
Dillizarfrom sound preferences sound playback test10:21
alberto__hi t_ras.10:21
alberto__no prob.10:21
dwarderwhat software should i yse to check hdd after it was dropped10:22
alberto__so, cant activate the privative controls for my ATI card10:22
t_rasCuebal - I did -all configured properly (I think) and it still says the same.10:22
alberto__didn't let me choose it10:23
t_rasAlberto: sorry, I don't know much about drivers10:23
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alberto__Thanks any ¡way t:ras.10:24
alberto__oh, t-ras.10:24
alberto__any kubuntu channel in spanish anyway?channel10:24
heinkel_111Dillizar: are you using GNOME desktop environment in any way?10:25
alberto__ok doc.10:25
Dillizaryes heinkel_11110:25
heinkel_111Dillizar: I don't think I have that functionality in the system settings panel10:25
t_rasAlberto: #ubuntu-es10:25
alberto__see you.10:25
wartalkerfirefox how to support scim10:26
heinkel_111Dillizar: that explains a lot, but leaves me a little clueless - I use KDE10:26
Dillizari will reinstall the gstreamers and restart10:26
heinkel_111Dillizar: in amarok, what engine are you using?10:27
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heinkel_111is kde 4.2 in ubuntu 8.10 by the latest update?10:35
heinkel_111I am having issues on my workstation with plasma crashing on login --> absolutely useless kde desktop10:35
Mamarokheinkel_111: if you have the repos activated, yes10:36
Mamaroksince several weeks10:36
heinkel_111I think this happened after the latest update of libplasma2 yesterday or so10:36
heinkel_111Mamarok: I don't have backports enabled10:36
Mamarokwell, then you really should update to 4.210:36
Mamarokhm, you have to if you want 4.2 though10:37
heinkel_111Mamarok: my first priority is a stable system, like one with a desktop environment that works. Right now because plasma crashes on every login, I don't have that10:38
heinkel_111Mamarok: I need to find a fix for plasma :-(10:38
heinkel_111there is a segfault involved10:38
* Dillizar will start to cry :'(10:38
Mamarokheinkel_111: 4.2 is by far more stable than 4.1.4, but your choice10:40
heinkel_111Dillizar: still no sound? or no sound from amarok only?10:41
Dillizarfrom nothing10:41
heinkel_111Dillizar: I recommend you ask for help in #ubuntu, as it appears some of your problems may be related to GNOME10:44
Dillizari am but rine10:44
Dillizari am asking #alsa now :P10:44
heinkel_111Dillizar: please also check these links https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting10:45
pteague_laptopwhat's a good app for making videos?10:46
mefisto__making videos from what?10:47
Dillizarlemme see need restart10:47
pteague_laptopconverting the input from a camcorder into something viewable on the computer... i think my mom normally uses nero on windows, but she recently mentioned something about switching to linux10:48
mefisto__pteague_laptop: kino, kdenlive, maybe avidemux for simple things10:49
pteague_laptopnow i think i just need to figure out what she's using for video capture & see if that will work under linux10:51
jschallok, smooth scrolling in konqueror is driving me nuts. how do i turn it off?11:02
jschalli don't understand why anyone likes "smooth" scrolling, things feel so much snappier without it, even on really fast systems.11:08
jschalli can understand an option for it, i can't really understand having it on by default, but not being able to get rid of it at all is just dumb.11:09
RurouniJonesDoes anyone know why ssh -D isn't setting up a basic socks proxy but is logging in as normal?11:23
shadeslayerquiet here11:42
shadeslayeryayy nobody needs support11:42
heinkel_111I need some help, problem described here: http://kubuntuforums.net/forums/index.php?topic=3102027.011:46
pteague_laptopare there any kde4 versions of kpdf or kregexpeditor ?11:47
mefisto__pteague_laptop: I think okular is meant to replace kpdf in kde411:48
mefisto__heinkel_111: why don't you upgrade to kde 4.2 ? That would probably fix it11:49
ubuntu_can anybody help me with Ubuntu 2.0 Ultimate installation using Wubi ?11:50
pteague_laptopah, ok... was going through a list of things to install & was checking via aptitude... hadn't needed to open a pdf yet ;)11:50
mefisto__ubuntu_: have you tried asking in #ubuntu ?11:51
heinkel_111mefisto__:  as a matter of principle I don't enable backports as I have seen in past years that I tend to get an increasingly unstable system before the next release11:51
heinkel_111mefisto__: however in this case it may be justified, to solve a specific problem11:52
mefisto__heinkel_111: try keeping an eye on the ugrades, if you see anything not kde-related, don't install them11:53
heinkel_111mefisto__: is there anyway I can just get the kde 4.2 upgrade out of backports, not all the other stuff, and do this without breaking compatibility of all the other programs I have installed?11:53
heinkel_111mefisto__: if I enable backports and then sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade I will get a loooong list of stuff to be upgraded11:54
pteague_laptopkdiff3 is no longer available? :(11:56
mefisto__heinkel_111: there used to be a ppa of the kde 4.2 upgraded packages, but I don't think it's being maintained any more. the packages (I think) are older versions than what's in backports and may not work properly11:57
mefisto__heinkel_111: you could try adding this to your sources.list    deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/kubuntu-experimental/ubuntu intrepid main12:01
heinkel_111mefisto__: you say that kde 4.2 *probably* will fix the problem, are there any improvements to dual-head displays for plasma in 4.2?12:01
heinkel_111if there are no particular improvements, it is not likely that the problem is fixed, is it?12:02
mefisto__I'm not really sure heinkel_111. but I doubt you will find a solution that did not involve upgrading to 4.2 anyway12:03
pteague_laptopdoes kompare have 3-way diff?12:04
heinkel_111mefisto__: I think I'll rather do backports than the experimental ppa, more likely to get the best quality and 9.04 is only 2 months away....if my system stability is affected12:04
* heinkel_111 upgrades, so help him o powers that kde!12:06
heinkel_111anyone knows why gwenview is held back when updating to kde 4.2 using intrepid-backports repository?12:17
Mamarokheinkel_111: I think it tries to overwrite an already existing folder12:18
Mamarokheinkel_111: I usually just override it12:18
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shadeslayerhow do i bring up a system monitor??12:19
shadeslayerdisplaying CPU usage,RAM usage,etc12:19
pteague_laptopyou want cli or gui?12:20
shadeslayerill be showing it off to show that Linux is lighter12:20
shadeslayerpteague_laptop: any idea??12:21
pteague_laptopi saw something a bit ago...  what are the applets in kde4 called again?12:21
pteague_laptopthere we go, plasmoids12:21
pteague_laptopthere's a plasmoid-cpuload & a plasmoid-system-status12:22
shadeslayercant i club them12:23
pteague_laptopthere's also an xfce4-systemload-plugin, but not sure if that'll work in kde... hmm...12:23
shadeslayeri have xfce though12:24
shadeslayerbut need it for KDE12:24
shadeslayerthats the heaviest DE12:24
pteague_laptopthere's also a kcpuload that will at least show cpu load in kde...12:24
shadeslayeri think this http://kde-look.org/content/show.php/Oxygen+System+Monitor?content=8666412:24
pteague_laptopthere's also a loadmeter, but i'm not sure what that looks like12:25
shadeslayerperfect for me12:25
shadeslayergod KDE is running slow12:25
pteague_laptopi tend to go with htop , but that's a cli gui12:25
mefisto__heinkel_111: I uninstalled gwenview, then reinstalled it. that solved the "held back" problem for me12:26
pteague_laptopbut htop is nice because it updates & shows multiple cpus12:26
garnahola necesitaria algo de ayuda soy nuevo en esto y el primer problema que tengo me puede tengo una targeta wifi pci ASUS WiFi-AP P5E3 y soy incapaz de instalar los draivers ni si quiera se si existen hay alguna manera de poder instalar la targeta?12:28
shadeslayer!es | garna12:28
ubottugarna: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.12:28
pteague_laptopshadeslayer: i forgot about probably the best & ultimate system load gui...  gkrellm ;)12:28
shadeslayeri have that lol12:29
shadeslayerbut not GUI enough12:29
shadeslayerhow do i installplasmoid?? that12:30
shadeslayerhow do i install that plasmoid12:30
pteague_laptopnot sure what plugins (if any) are needed, but you can show the top processes running, cpu, memory, hard drive, network, etc, etc12:30
mefisto__!pt | garna12:30
ubottugarna: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado.12:30
pteague_laptopaptitude install plasmoid-cpuload ...  & then right click on the panel & add it12:30
shadeslayerwas that portugese??12:30
pteague_laptoplooks like it12:31
shadeslayerfor the link above??12:31
shadeslayersame plasmoid??12:31
pteague_laptopif you use aptitude or apt-get just install which ever plasmoid packages you want that way... if you're using synaptic you should be able to search on plasmoid & install that way12:32
pteague_laptopthat makes it available for use... it's not really a program that you can run from the kmenu, but it displays in 1 of the panels12:33
pteague_laptopthat is if you're running kde4... kde3 has something different than plasmoids i think12:33
shadeslayerkde 4.212:34
shadeslayercpu load is not the thing12:35
pteague_laptopplasmoid-system-status then?12:35
heinkel_111mefisto__: kde 4.2 fixed the plasma problem for me12:36
shadeslayerno plasmoid12:36
pteague_laptopwhat exactly are you trying to show?12:36
heinkel_111mefisto__: although it is not an improvement over 4.1, it brought back the old status12:36
heinkel_111one desktop applet for each screen12:37
mefisto__heinkel_111: old status?12:37
heinkel_111no stretch desktop across both screens12:37
heinkel_111mefisto__: ^12:37
heinkel_111mefisto__: in kde 3.5 the wallpaper could be 3200x1200 extended across both of the screens12:38
heinkel_111mefisto__: i wish this could be possible in kde 4.x too :(12:40
heinkel_111but it is a lot better to have a desktop than not to have a desktop12:40
shadeslayerpteague_laptop: i cannot install http://kde-look.org/content/show.php/Oxygen+System+Monitor?content=8666412:40
shadeslayerhow do i install??12:41
shadeslayerthe instructrions do not suffice12:41
pteague_laptopshadeslayer: ok, you'll need to use a package manager to install hddtemp & lm_sensors ...  download the plasmoid binary (maybe to your desktop?) from that website & then follow the install instructions12:46
pteague_laptopgeeze... took me a while to figure out how to download that12:46
shadeslayerive installed both12:46
shadeslayerbut when i add it i cannot see the binary12:46
shadeslayeri followed the instructions exactly12:47
pteague_laptopah, ok... at that point i believe it just adds it to what you can add to the panel maybe?  & then right click on panel & add widget?12:47
shadeslayerno no12:48
shadeslayeri download the .skg file12:48
shadeslayerand try to add it12:48
shadeslayerbut i dont see it12:48
shadeslayerdo i have to compile it or something??12:48
shadeslayerinstalling package failed12:49
pteague_laptopinstall from file -> a window pops up & has 2 choices - plasmoid or dashboard... believe you need to select plasmoid, then that should give you a browse window12:49
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shadeslayerthen i select the .skz file12:51
shadeslayeron my desktop12:51
shadeslayerand then it says installing package failed12:51
thehookhi :) can anyone please give me a short intro to akonadi? im brand new to the kde12:53
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about akonadi12:53
pteague_laptopfrom a terminal type sensors & see if that gives you anything12:54
shadeslayerit gave me temps12:54
shadeslayeri have lm-sensors installed12:55
pteague_laptopdo you have the hddtemp daemon running?12:56
shadeslayerpteague_laptop: did you get it working12:56
shadeslayerhow do i run it12:56
pteague_laptopnope, i've got a huge install i'm currently doing & don't have hddtemp or lm-sensors in it12:56
pteague_laptopwhen you installed hddtemp it should have asked if you wanted to run the daemon on startup12:57
shadeslayeryeah it started them12:58
pteague_laptoptry running `nc localhost 7634`12:59
pteague_laptop& see if it shows anything12:59
shadeslayer|/dev/sg0|WDC WD3200BEVT-75ZCT2|42|C||/dev/sda|WDC WD3200BEVT-75ZCT2|42|C|13:00
pteague_laptopok, that's working... hmm...13:00
pteague_laptopok, clicking that 'plasmoid binary' link sent me to another page instead of allowing me to download it... so i still don't know where to download it13:05
shadeslayerdownload link at the bottom of description13:07
shadeslayereverybody @ #kde wants it now :P13:08
Redleerfinally sounds works on my acer aspire 8930g :D13:09
shadeslayerRedleer: restart??13:10
Redleershadeslayer: why would i need restart after getting sounds working? hehe13:11
heinkel_111mefisto__: fyi, from changelog kde 4.2 :         Multi-screen support has been improved through the Kephal library, fixing many bugs when running KDE on more than one monitor13:11
heinkel_111^ I was hoping for more positive results from the than what I have seen so far13:12
shadeslayerRedleer: no i mean,did you restart kubuntu to get it workind13:12
pteague_laptopshadeslayer: cat that skz file or open it in a text editor...  i'm looking at what it downloaded for me & it says "Not found"13:12
Redleershadeslayer: upgraded alsa and got hda-verb after that restart and sounds worked13:13
shadeslayer#kde thinks its superkaramba13:13
shadeslayeroh ok13:13
shadeslayerit opens in ark13:14
* heinkel_111 brb reboot needed13:14
klaushi everybody, anybody got experience with SIS M672 graphic?13:14
shadeslayerpteague_laptop: opened in ark13:14
pteague_laptopif your in a term, use cat on it, or open kate & open the file...13:14
pteague_laptopsee what it says13:14
pteague_laptopif it says something about binary then it should be ok13:14
shadeslayerweird symbols13:15
pteague_laptopin which case i'm not sure why i got a plain text file simply stating "Not found"....  & i can't help anymore...  i'm fairly new to the whole kde4 thing13:15
pteague_laptopk, weird symbols should be binary then13:15
shadeslayer���Q~�#%EvQ�'¥����>TUU���U���C����������8���'O����Q��Ex�7z��pw+�ݻw���~SRR2N�H�>~Ŋ3³į]M��&rkl�$,�CDϳw��XT��h��s�t˗//���+ҝ;w(��� �p�&�����������O��#V�UU13:15
shadeslayeroh crap13:15
shadeslayersorry for that13:15
shadeslayeri was pasting it13:16
shadeslayerpteague_laptop: next step ??13:16
pteague_laptopyep, that's binary so at least you got it13:16
pteague_laptopno idea why i can't get it13:16
shadeslayerwait ill send you the download link13:17
pteague_laptopi found it on that page after you said it was at the bottom of the description13:17
shadeslayertry downloading that13:18
pteague_laptopit immediately finished downloading for me so i got suspicious & opened it with cat at which point i got the very useful message13:18
pteague_laptopoh wait, i think that tan is different13:18
pteague_laptopthe link i had ended with &tan=7205347413:19
shadeslayerthey got it to work13:19
Redleerim not getting it to work either13:20
shadeslayerits superkaramba13:20
pteague_laptopok, i got something other than "Not found", but it's just an html page >.<13:21
shadeslayerhow to reload plasma??13:22
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about plasma13:22
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about plasmoid13:22
pteague_laptopnot sure, maybe log out & log back in?13:22
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about widget13:22
shadeslayerbrb then13:23
mefisto__shadeslayer: alt-F2, then type plasma13:28
SandGorgondoes kubuntu have KDE 4.2 - any kubuntu install cds with KDE 4.2 for that matter ?13:29
pteague_laptopaha, finally figured out why that game was crashing X...  dsound error... >.<13:29
shadeslayerpteague_laptop: got it to work13:30
ActionParsnipyo yo yo13:30
pteague_laptopafaik hardy only has kde3 on CD, but allows you to download -kde4 packages, not sure whether that's 4.1, 4.2 or whatnot13:31
shadeslayeroy oy oy13:31
giarcaanyone know is there a plasmoid for kde4.2 to have the output of a program show like folder view?13:31
giarcaI would have xconsole bond to the desktop13:31
giarcanot a window itself13:31
SandGorgonpteague_laptop: any installer cd with 4.2 - I want to give it my non-computer savvy cousin to install13:31
dr_WillisYou mean you wish to have text logging to onto a window on the desktop?13:31
ActionParsnipgiarca: you could run yakuake13:32
pteague_laptopintrepid has 4, but i don't know what version of 413:32
heinkel_111hmm where did the appearance settings disappear to in kde 4.2 ?? huh?13:32
giarcadr_Willis: not exactly13:32
giarcatry to explain better13:32
giarcathe command xconsole give me a window I can resize or dock13:32
giarcaI would tranfsorm that window in something like the kde's widget "folder view"13:33
pteague_laptopheinkel_111: i *think* it's the same as kmenu -> system -> system settings -> desktop ?13:33
giarcaa sort of window rock solid on the desktop13:33
pteague_laptopor ...system settings -> appearance13:33
ActionParsnipgiarca: why not use yakuake and then you can have it going in and out of view with a hotkey13:34
heinkel_111pteague_laptop: thank you, I found it now. my K-menu suddenly had several "settings" elements added at the top level beneath favorites and those folders did not contain anything13:35
giarcaActionParsnip: xconsole is not konsolo or xterm o gnome-terminal13:35
giarcayakuake I know and don't fit my need :)13:35
ActionParsnip!info xconsole13:35
ubottuPackage xconsole does not exist in intrepid13:35
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about xconsole13:35
giarcatry run in your kubuntu the command xconsole13:36
giarcais something like a tail of dmesg in console13:36
pteague_laptopi want my quick launcher :(13:36
ActionParsnippteague_laptop: sudo apt-get install --reinstall krunner13:36
pteague_laptopcouldn't find package krunner13:37
ActionParsnipgiarca: xconsole just gives me a white box with a cursor and it just beeps when i press any key (I use fluxbox)13:38
giarcatry to open xterm or whatever and sudo su13:38
giarcalogging some system operation13:38
ActionParsnipyouu shouldnt sudo su13:38
dr_Willisdo not use 'sudo su'   use sudo -s or sudo -i13:38
giarcait's for use13:39
ActionParsnipgiarca: sudo su doesnt setup the environment correctly, just like sudo kate doesnt set up the environment correctly13:39
olskolircI'm on Intrepid with Kde 4.2 stable and my pvr is only playing static for some reason in vlc with my Hauppague PVR card...any help?13:39
giarcait's to see what xconsole log13:39
ActionParsnipsudo -i (interactive is much better)13:39
giarcaActionParsnip: yeah13:39
pteague_laptopi think the only reason giarca made the comment to `sudo su` was because it will specifically dump something to xconsole... not that you should sudo su & then do something else as root13:40
ActionParsnipi see so its like a console logging thingy13:40
giarcapteague_laptop: yeah, it's the first command sure log something13:40
giarcaActionParsnip: yeah, but it log shclient also13:41
giarcaand wnat to put them iptables too13:41
giarcabut if I can't put xconsole in plasmoid like on desktop13:41
giarcait's not usable a windows open constantly...13:42
pteague_laptopisn't there even a launcher plasmoid where i'd have to specify each app i wanted to add to the panel? or some way to drag & drop apps from kmenu to panel? this is nuts :(13:42
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giarcapteague_laptop: launcher palsmoid can't do what I'm asking for...13:44
ActionParsnippteague_laptop: you can use the quick view panel like that13:44
giarcaI don't know if exist something for what I'm asking...13:44
giarcaah... it wasn't for me.. :P13:45
ActionParsnippteague_laptop: create a folder full of .desktop files and then use the folder view plasmoid to show that folder13:45
pteague_laptopgiarca: sorry, o13:45
pteague_laptoper, i'm wanting a quicklaunch applet :)13:45
ActionParsnippteague_laptop: you will then have a plasmoid full of launchers13:45
tom__Can people ask questions here?13:45
pteague_laptopno, nobody can ask questions here... it's why we're being quiet :)13:46
ActionParsniptom__: ask away13:46
tom__Well, I'm new to Linux13:46
tom__And I'd like to get KDevelop to work13:46
giarcaI have found13:47
tom__I'd like to write simple C++ and have it compiled and executed13:47
giarcaFILE WATCHER plasmoid and then configure the log file I want to have on desktop13:47
giarcammm I think...13:48
chris-rc1 i wanna use the mouse mark feature for drawing onto my desktop, but somehow it is kinda choppy. sometimes it starts drawing when i press down meta+shift, sometimes not. moreover, is there a way to use this in an OOO presentation?13:48
heinkel_111how do I adjust the colour on the taskbar at the bottom of the screen (kde 4.2)13:48
ActionParsniptom__: sudo apt-get install build-essential13:49
drostieheinkel_111: K > System Settings > Appearance13:49
tom__ActionParsnip: ?13:49
tom__(I've already installed KDevelop)13:50
ActionParsniptom__: if you want to compile you need build-essential13:50
tom__Ok...and what did you mean with that?13:50
heinkel_111drostie: no....13:50
ActionParsnip!info build-essential13:50
ubottubuild-essential (source: build-essential): Informational list of build-essential packages. In component main, is optional. Version 11.4 (intrepid), package size 7 kB, installed size 48 kB13:50
ubottuCompiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)13:50
pteague_laptop*sigh*...  falling prey to the way it should be done in kde4 apparently... i wanted to click my firefox launcher, only wait... no quick launcher ;)  so... kmenu -> internet ... no firefox towards the top... oh, not alphabetical... let's see... bittorrent, ktorrent, krfb, evolution...  *sigh* all the way at the bottom because why? oh, that's right "web browser" *description* which isn't shown starts with w ... >.<13:50
ActionParsniptom__: have you installed kdevelop?13:51
tom__With Add/remove13:51
ActionParsnipok then launch it from konsole by tying kdevelop13:52
drostieheinkel_111: sorry. K > System Settings > Advanced > Desktop Theme. ^_^13:53
ActionParsniptom__: is that what you need or am i missing something?13:54
legodudewhat's the best way to restore my home directory after reinstalling?13:54
ActionParsniplegodude: copy the data from your backup13:55
ActionParsniplegodude: if /home was on another partition, edit fstab to mount it as such13:55
pteague_laptopaha! i found a quicklauncher applet on that kde-look.org site13:55
legodudealright, I just wanted to make sure there weren't some config files that had to be touched in a certain way13:56
tom__ActionParsnip: Well, the program works/I can use it but I just don't know how to get it working properly13:56
ActionParsniptom__: thats where you got me13:56
drostielegodude: [sudo cp -a ~/* /media/usbkey/folder] to get it onto a usb key, then [sudo cp -a /media/usbkey/folder/* ~] to get it back.13:56
tom__ActionParsnip: I need to make a target or something, and I have no idea what to do13:56
drostieAlthough, that might be bad if the user ids change, I don't know. (maybe don't sudo or -a the second part?)13:57
drostieblah, chat lag --_--;;13:57
ActionParsniptom__: ive always just made a simple .cpp file then compiled it with: gcc source.cpp  (exemple) which will produce the binary a.out13:57
* legodude will image his hard drive just to ensure this upgrade goes smoothly13:57
shadeslayerhi kubuntu is running uber slow,anything i can do13:58
shadeslayergnome and XFCE run fine13:58
drostieshadeslayer: give it swap, make sure your video card drivers are installed, and make sure you have copious quantities of RAM.13:58
tom__ActionParsnip: So what do you recommend? Not using KDevelop and using something else?13:58
shadeslayerdrostie: 3GB ram,3.5GB swap,177 drivers13:59
drostieOther than that, check the process lists to figure out whether anything's eating CPU time.13:59
ActionParsniptom__: ive not used it so i couldnt comment13:59
tom__ActionParsnip: So what do you use?13:59
ActionParsniptom__: try finding some kdevelop guides for new kdevelop users13:59
tom__I see14:00
ActionParsniptom__: like a kdevelop hello world program14:00
shadeslayerdrostie: right now i see xorg is at the top14:00
shadeslayerthats from a widget14:00
=== Gaaaston is now known as Gaaston
drostieshadeslayer: type "top" into a console, or Alt-F2, "ksysguard".14:01
ActionParsnipshadeslayer: if you rename ~/.kde and reboot does it speed up? yu will need to configure all kde apps again but its a good test14:01
shadeslayerlets see14:02
shadeslayerxorg is eating most14:02
shadeslayerthen plasma14:02
shadeslayerthen amarok14:02
tom__Can I use Konversation to join something else besides Ubuntu IRC?14:02
shadeslayerof course14:03
drostieamarok? Are you playing music right now?14:03
shadeslayer /join14:03
mefisto__shadeslayer: try switching off desktop effects14:03
ActionParsnipshadeslayer: if you have amarok2 then it is a huge memory hog14:03
shadeslayerplease not desktop effects14:03
shadeslayeroh not 214:03
shadeslayeri hald oneve the o14:03
drostieWe find out that shadeslayer has 3GB of RAM... and a 333MHz processor ^_^14:03
tom__shadeslayer: How can I join something from a different server (quakenet) ?14:03
ActionParsnipshadeslayer: try renaming your ~/.kde folder, just to test14:04
shadeslayer2.1 Ghz14:04
ActionParsnipshadeslayer: you can build up a test profile to see when the slowdown occurs14:04
shadeslayerwill try14:04
ActionParsnipshadeslayer: once you know you can bring in the original14:04
ActionParsnipand step it down14:04
shadeslayeri had it powersave14:05
tom__How can I join a channel from a different server?14:05
shadeslayer800 Mhz14:05
shadeslayertom__: /join <channelname>14:05
tom__shadeslaer: It doesn't work, it's not the right one14:06
shadeslayerwell that command should work with every IRC14:06
tom__But how does it know to look on Quakenet?14:06
ActionParsniptom__: you gotta join the other server first14:07
ActionParsniptom__: then /j <channel>14:07
tom__ActionParsnip: And how do I do that?14:07
shadeslayerthats with /connect14:07
ActionParsniptom__: what client are you using?14:07
shadeslayeri think14:07
ActionParsniptom__: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Internet_Relay_Chat_commands#CONNECT14:09
legodudewhat's the easiest way to get a list of installed packages?14:09
ActionParsniplegodude: dpkg -l14:10
ActionParsniplegodude: you may want to use: dpkg -l | less14:10
ActionParsniplegodude: makes it readable14:10
legodudedpkg -l > installed_pkgs actually :)14:10
tom__ActionParsnip: Thanks, but how do I know what the port is?14:10
legodudeoutside of my xorg.conf, are there any system files that I should probably be saving?14:11
ActionParsniptom__: default is 6667 try that14:11
ActionParsniplegodude: do you use samba? do you have a specialised fstab?14:11
legodudeyes (fstab)14:11
ActionParsniplegodude: have you added aliases to ~/.bashrc14:11
legodudesamba never worked right on this system14:11
legodudelots of aliases, which is why I'm saving my whole ~14:12
ActionParsniplegodude: you could backup ~/.mozilla and ~/.mozilla-thunderbird if you use them14:12
tom__connect QuakeNet 666714:12
tom__Things shouldn't be so hard14:12
legodudeyes, I need all of the settings from my home folder14:12
ActionParsniplegodude: ~/.fluxbox/menu /startup /init /keys if you have modified them14:12
ActionParsniplegodude: the list is endless what you may or may not havve and/or editted14:13
pteague_laptopwhat's the keyboard shortcut for the kmenu ?14:13
legodudewhich is why I originally asked about anything special to restore the home folder to account for the config files14:13
ActionParsnippteague_laptop: you need to set one14:13
tom__It says "This command is for network staff only"14:13
drostielegodude: if you've modified anything in /etc yourself, or /boot/grub/menu.lst, those can be backed up too. If you've written your own shell/python scripts in /bin, /usr/bin, or /usr/local/bin, you should back them up, too.14:14
ActionParsniptom__: try it from a non freenode channel14:15
tom__ActionParsnip: I have no idea what any of that means :(14:15
lovrei was wondering, i have been using kubuntu for a while now, and i dont know, does it use some kind of firewall by default?14:16
tom__ActionParsnip: could you maybe just show what I have to write?14:16
ActionParsniptom__: currently you are in the channel #kubuntu on freenode server14:16
drostielovre: the firewall is in the Linux kernel.14:16
ubottuUbuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE).14:16
ActionParsniptom__: if konversation has a kin of null channel that is on your system, use that14:16
ActionParsniptom__: in ppidgin I have to create a new account for each server you connect to, im not sure how konversation handles this14:16
tom__ActionParsnip: I'm terribly sorry but I just don't know what you're talking about14:16
lovredrostie: wow, thats cool. What about virus protection? I dont think there is need for that?14:17
=== sinclair_ is now known as sinclair
ActionParsniptom__: yep, looks like you have to add the server to your client14:17
tom__ActionParsnip: I'm not at all used to using IRC, so ...14:17
ActionParsnipi think i'm mixing rooms14:17
tom__ActionParsnip: And how do I "add" it ?14:17
ActionParsnipmy bad14:17
drostielovre: virus protection in Linux is, sadly, chiefly done through three methods: obscurity, keeping your packages up to date with security patches, and the built-in file permissions system.14:18
sinclairhi everyone14:18
ActionParsnipyes you are on irc which is fine, but konversation only knows freenode right now, i think you have to add it so you can use it14:18
lucas_i cannot raise my resolution to 1280x102414:18
lucas_it is stuck in 1152,86414:19
lovredrostie: as i understand, there is a little to none possibility of caching a virus, if not doing anything suspicious...14:19
drostielovre: there aren't enough Linux-targeted viruses to justify the sort of checksum-based on-access testing that you see e.g. on Windows.14:19
ActionParsniplucas_: have you tried adding the res to xorg.conf?14:19
lucas_ActionParsnip: my xorg.conf doesnt have any information.. only the identificators of the sections14:20
lovredrostie: i see. Another thing, does the built-in firewall allow everything by default?14:20
drostielovre: that's also more or less true on Windows, too. :-P. The problem is that people often do suspicious things without realizing it.14:20
lucas_ActionParsnip: so i didn't try yet14:20
ActionParsniplucas_: can you pastebin it please14:20
ActionParsniplucas_: sudo apt-get install pastebinit; pastebinit /etc/X11/xorg.conf14:21
lovredrostie: im trying to install guarddog to see what it does. I thought its just a GUI for iptables. I got an error Unable to start guarddog firewall - /etc/rc.firewall does not exist14:22
sinclairbest irc client for Kubuntu? Quassel?14:22
drostielovre: I'd have to look up documentation on guarddog to help you there.14:23
ActionParsnip!best | sinclair14:23
ubottusinclair: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.14:23
drostiesinclair: Quassel and KVirc are both decent.14:23
lovredrostie: ok, dont bother then14:23
tom__ActionParsnip: where can I find what network quakenet is on14:23
ActionParsnipsinclair: best doesnt exist en mass, best is only best to you14:23
tuxiI like Konversation better than Quassel (YMMV)14:24
lucas_ActionParsnip: http://rafb.net/p/2BvvV240.html14:24
drostietom__: irc.quakenet.org:666714:24
lovredrostie: so does the firewall allow everything by default?14:24
drostielovre: as far as I know, yes. You might [sudo iptables -L] in a konsole to find out directly, though.14:25
ActionParsniptom__: irc.quakenet.com is my gues14:25
lovredrostie: ok, thank you for your time14:25
tom__ActionParsnip: So I have to fill that in in the "Network" box, right?14:25
drostiesure, no problem. Gotta do something while the laundry is going. ^_^;;14:26
ActionParsniplucas_: wow thats bare, you will need to add some more info like driver and resolution and refresh rates to get a decent display14:26
ActionParsniptom__: thats the server name14:26
ActionParsniptom__: port will be 666714:26
drostieActionParsnip, tom__: it's .org, not .com.14:26
tom__ActionParsnip: And what will be the network name?14:26
tom__(Like "Freenode" or something, I need to fill in something there)14:27
ActionParsniplucas_: here's mine: http://pastebin.com/f611d8aac14:27
ActionParsniptom__: i think thats just a name for your convenience14:27
drostietom: the network name is whatever you want it to be.14:27
lucas_ActionParsnip: yes i know.. but that's the default intrepid xorg.conf.. i though the config was done somewhere else. ty14:27
pteaguehmm... wow is causing dsound errors after changing my video card from an 8600 to a 9600 on my desktop :(  http://pastebin.com/mbada3fa14:27
shadeslayerhuh bluetooth isnt working14:29
lucas_ActionParsnip: yours doesnt work for me.. the kubuntu splash screen doesn't display and i get a console login14:29
lucas_i think i need to add the resolutions manually..14:29
ActionParsniplucas_: mine is an nvidia xorg.conf, you need to copy bits out to make yours work14:30
ActionParsniplucas_: what is the output of: lspci | grep -i vga14:30
lucas_ActionParsnip: 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation NV34 [GeForce FX 5500] (rev a1)14:31
tom__ActionParsnip: It worked! Thanks!!!14:31
lucas_ActionParsnip: i've just run nvidia-xconfig14:31
ActionParsniplucas_: have you ran: sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx-17714:31
lucas_ActionParsnip: yes14:32
ActionParsnipok then if yu ran sudo nvidia-xconfig you should be able to startx14:32
ActionParsniplucas_: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-273637.html14:33
lucas_ActionParsnip: i get an error.. usplash cannot run in this resolution14:33
ActionParsniplucas_: add another resolution to the list that is 640x48014:34
ActionParsnipi think usplash uses that14:34
ActionParsnipyou could always run: sudo dpg-reconfigure xserver-xorg14:34
ActionParsnipto get a default one, then run sudo nvidia-xconfig, restart x14:34
ActionParsniplucas_: dd the nvdiakerenl build k when you installed 17714:35
ubuntu_hello everyone14:35
lucas_ActionParsnip: yes.. it is actually running fine right now.. but with 1152x864 res14:35
lucas_ActionParsnip: i will try to add the resolutions manually to my xorg.conf14:36
ubuntu_I am running kubuntu 7.10 livecd as I am in an emergency situation... I extracted all the files from the latest Ubuntu ISO to the root of my USB drive, now how do I make the drive bootable so I can install Ubuntu from it?14:36
panther_Hello! I have a problem making ./configure with wxGTK-2.8.90=>config.status: error: cannot find input file: Makefile.in, although "make" is installed?14:37
ActionParsnip!usb | ubuntu_14:37
ubottuubuntu_: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent14:37
ActionParsnipubuntu_: its a little more complicated than that14:37
=== panther_ is now known as panther_jo
chris-rc1does anybody use impress for presentations?14:38
ActionParsnipchris-rc1: try in #Openoffice.org14:39
ubuntu_yes I read that14:39
ubuntu_should I use syslinux or install a tool14:39
ali__I want to install virtual machines in my Kubuntu Machine14:41
ali__In XP i did it using VMWARE14:41
ali__but how to do in Kubuntu14:41
ali__[19:41] <ali__> I want to install virtual machines in my Kubuntu Machine14:42
ali__[19:41] <ali__> In XP i did it using VMWARE14:42
ali__[19:41] <ali__> but how to do in Kubuntu14:42
ubuntu_looks like I have to it manually,  as there is no usb-creator package for pre-8.10 versions14:44
ubottuVMWare is not available in the Ubuntu repositories. Consider using !QEmu or !VirtualBox as alternatives. Instructions for installing VMWare manually are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VMware14:44
=== ubuntu_ is now known as thedark
ActionParsnipali__: and please dont paste like that14:44
ali__no one was answering thats why I again pasteed my answer14:45
ActionParsnipwell you waited all of 60 seconds14:45
ActionParsnipso you dint really give anyone chance14:45
=== allaoua is now known as _gpg_
Redleerali__: https://www.vmware.com/tryvmware/?p=workstation-l14:47
heinkel_111is there a good irc client for kde4?14:48
giarcaheinkel_111: konversation14:48
DragnslcrKonversation works fine for me14:48
DragnslcrI don't think there are any written specifically for KDE414:49
heinkel_111i use konversation but it is kde3 and not updated14:49
DragnslcrThey're still working on the new version14:49
giarcayeah! great software, very clean with all the stuff lot of poeple need14:49
giarcaheinkel_111: kvirc?14:49
heinkel_111starts firefox instead of konqueror when I click on links abd I can't get it to integrate with kde4 things to well14:49
heinkel_111giarca: I tried kvirc a couple of days ago, not impressed14:50
heinkel_111it was more like a windows application, lacking a lot of the kde integration features14:50
DragnslcrI believe Konversation uses whatever your default browser is for links14:51
giarcaDragnslcr: it does14:51
DragnslcrCheck System Settings -> Default Applications14:51
heinkel_111Dragnslcr: mine for some reason I don't know insists on launching firefox14:52
thedarkubuntu@ubuntu:~$ sudo ./isotostick.sh ubuntu-8.10-desktop-i386.iso /media/disk/14:52
thedark./isotostick.sh [--reset-mbr] [--noverify] <isopath> <usbstick device>14:52
thedarksomeone please help me14:52
thedarkwhat do I need to type14:52
thedarkthe iso is in the same directory as the script and the path is /media/disk/14:53
drostieheinkel_111: kvirc, quassel exist for kde4.14:53
thedarkof the usb drive I want to make bootable14:53
drostiequassel. IRC client. you were asking about them?14:53
Redleerim using quassel and looks nice14:54
ActionParsnip!usb | thedark14:54
thedarkis my question dumb?14:54
ubottuthedark: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent14:54
thedarkokay I got the directions from ther14:54
Dragnslcrthedark- try using the path to the device instead of the mount point?14:55
thedarkI copy and pasted it straight from there, but changed the directories14:55
ActionParsnipheinkel_111: change ythe browser used in konversation as the default browser14:55
ali__does anyone knows how to run Dsniff tool on Kubuntu14:56
thedarkso that that would be /mnt/sdb2/14:56
ActionParsnipheinkel_111: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=108305914:56
ali__I have downloaded a tar.gz file14:56
ActionParsnip!info dsniff14:56
ubottudsniff (source: dsniff): Various tools to sniff network traffic for cleartext insecurities. In component universe, is extra. Version 2.4b1+debian-17ubuntu1 (intrepid), package size 114 kB, installed size 388 kB14:56
thedarkthat gives me the same prompt with the syntax for the command, which leaves me to believe it didn't work14:56
ali__i have extracted it ..... but dont know how to run14:56
drostiethedark: type "mount" into a console, put the results in a pastebin for us to see.14:56
ActionParsnipali__: its in the repo14:57
ali__so it will install from            sudo apt-get install dsniff ??14:57
ActionParsnipali__: yes14:57
ActionParsnipali__: always ALWAYS check the repo first to see if its there14:57
ActionParsnipali__: most likely it will be14:57
ali__where to check the repo14:57
ali__I mean how can i check a repo14:58
ali__that here are these softwares14:58
ActionParsnipali__: synaptic14:58
ali__ohhhhhhh Thanks14:58
thedarkhere it is http://paste.ubuntu.com/124789/14:58
ActionParsnipali__: or apt-cache search <program>14:58
thedarkthank you for helping me14:58
ActionParsnipali__: in ubuntu is hugely rare to need to physically download stuff, its done with repositorys14:59
ali__its Adept in Kubuntu right ?14:59
thedarkI also try typing this: sudo ./isotostick.sh ubuntu-8.10-desktop-i386.iso /dev/sdb2/15:00
drostiethedark: what's the first partition on /dev/sdb holding?15:00
thedarkbut again it just gives me the syntax prompt15:00
thedarkyou mean dev sdb2?15:01
drostiethedark: I have no idea what your custom shell script contains or does. It's not a mainline package, as far as I can tell.15:01
olskolircI'm on Intrepid...how do I get my external usb hard drives to automatically mount on boot up please?15:01
drostiethedark: no, I mean /dev/sdb1, the first partition on your USB drive.15:01
* thedark sighs I got it from the page that bot keeps sending me too and have looked at many times already!15:01
john_how to install acceleration 3D on 8.10? and how to install official nvidia driver ('X server is running' error)?15:02
thedarkI didn't realize there was more than 1... this drive is actually my old comp hd from a previous kubuntu install on a comp that got fried15:02
ActionParsnipthedark: http://www.pendrivelinux.com/usb-kubuntu-810-install-via-usb-creator/15:02
thedarkI don't have 8.1015:02
thedark8.10 crashed15:02
ActionParsnipjohn_: what is the output of: lspci | grep -i vga15:03
thedarkI am using a 7.10 livecd to get support so I can start anew with Ubuntu 8.1015:03
thedarkbecause I am suck of KDE 4s issues15:03
thedarkit is an emergency situation15:03
ActionParsnipthedark: its the same procedure for 7.10 as 8.1015:04
thedarkthat is why I am using the script from the page you have sent me to twice15:04
thedarkI tried installing usb creator in the konsole15:04
thedarksays no such package15:04
thedarkanyeung gaseyo15:05
thedarkif you could tell me how to install USB live creator on Kubuntu 7.10, I would LOVE to hear it15:06
thedarkI would love to use a simple gui and be through this nightmare15:06
drostieblech, this is a rather complicated shell script.15:06
thedarkhow about using syslinux15:07
thedarkI could do it manually15:07
thedarkhas nobody done this before?15:07
drostiethedark: open up a konsole and type [sudo apt-get install usb-creator] (without the brackets) to install the usb-creator package.15:07
norenhi there15:07
norenneed an urgent help can i get back the just deleted file which i rremoved form the bin also..15:08
thedarkI have done that already15:08
ActionParsnipthedark: that guide walks you through the steps needed, you dont need a usb creator15:08
thedarkwell I just ran syslinux15:09
thedarklooks like the end of the line, the filesystem has to be fat32 huh15:10
thedarkthe drive is ext215:10
drostiethedark: you have two partitions on your drive. I'm guessing /dev/sdb1 is fat32, and /dev/sdb2 is ext2/3?15:11
drostienoren: [sudo apt-get install foremost] ...?15:12
shadeslayerhey whats the package name of amarok 2.1 in kubuntu??15:13
thedarkI don't know15:14
shadeslayerwell somebody might15:14
thedarkI was answering drostie, sorry15:14
drostieshadeslayer: just "amarok", though the version depends on your distribution version (i.e. hardy, intrepid, or jaunty).15:14
thedarkhow do I find out, and how do I set syslinux to make that partition bootable if it is fat3215:15
shadeslayerso will i get 2.1??15:15
thedarkhow about this15:16
drostie!info amarok | shadeslayer15:16
ubottuamarok (source: amarok): versatile and easy to use audio player for KDE. In component main, is optional. Version 2:1.4.10-0ubuntu3 (intrepid), package size 2396 kB, installed size 7040 kB15:16
shadeslayeramarok is not it15:16
thedarkis there a way to just make my hd bootable like a livecd15:16
thedarkI already backed everything up15:16
shadeslayerubottu rocks15:16
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about rocks15:16
thedarkdear god just how do I get ubuntu 8.10 installed on this without a livecd15:16
shadeslayerthats not possible15:17
shadeslayerwhat do you have??15:17
drostieshadeslayer: amarok in intrepid is version 1.4.10, to get a later version, download from the Jaunty repository.15:17
shadeslayeroh you could  wubi15:17
shadeslayerdrostie: which is??15:17
shadeslayerbut that would mean jaunty upgrades15:18
drostieNo, you don't need to dist-upgrade to jaunty to dl their packages from packages.ubuntu.com.15:18
drostieok now, thedark. Do you already have a functioning Ubuntu distribution?15:19
thedarkno. just this livecd15:19
thedarkunless by functional15:19
thedarkyou mean the recovery console15:19
drostieCan you run the livecd on some computer in your home?15:20
thedarkthis livecd is 7.1015:20
thedarkI want Ubuntu 8.1015:21
thedarkNOT Kubuntu15:21
thedarkI have installed that thing twice in less than two weeks15:21
tuxiand you can't burn a CD?15:21
thedarkmy computing life has been a nightmare15:21
thedarkno cds, yes I know I am an idiot15:21
ActionParsnipi'd go buy a cake (if possible)15:22
ActionParsnipmedia == CHEEEEEP15:22
thedarkyeah I know I just moved to a foreign country15:22
thedarkthere were other things on my mind15:22
thedarkit was an oversight15:22
tuxidon't need computing issues on top of all the other bits15:22
thedarkso I guess there is no way huh15:22
* tuxi has been an expatriate15:22
thedarkI mean, I need this asap man, I need my comp15:23
drostiethere's certainly a way, you just have no patience. :-P15:23
thedarkI understand how I come off but15:23
thedarkI have been in this room many,many times over the past two weeks15:23
thedarkI have been given a solution like once15:23
thedarkand I have spent many hours here15:24
thedarklike I said, Kubuntu 8.10 has been a nightmare15:24
thedarkit is late where I am and if people just don't have an answer or I am just screwed, at this point I would like to know, because I don't have hours and hours15:24
drostieDude. The more time I have to type in response to complaints, the slower I actually can help you with your problem. :-P15:24
thedarkokay, sorry15:24
drostieOkay, so you have an ubuntu 8.10 livecd image, and you're now chatting from... what? kubuntu 7.10? windows? something else?15:25
cuznti have spent many hours here myself15:25
pteagueusing kubuntu you could install ubuntu-desktop15:26
thedarkkubuntu 7.10 livecd15:26
cuzntand not gotten answers. sometimes you got to take the bits you DO have and piece them together. because its beta thedark we all  learn together.15:26
thedarkyeah well I never meant to jump on this beta train... I am a casual user that didn't know what he was getting into when he upgraded15:27
cuzntyou need 8.04.2 the dark15:27
thedarkmy fault15:27
pteaguethedark: what's on the computer you're currently using? or is the livecd all you have?15:27
thedarkbut I am still frustrated15:27
drostieOK. And you've got a hard drive which is connected via USB, with two partitions -- sdb1 (vfat) and sdb2 (ext2), correct?15:27
thedarkKubuntu 8.10 is on the comp15:27
ActionParsnippteague: i think he is booted to a live cd with a view to putting an 8.10 iso on a usb stick to make it bootable15:27
thedarkbut the xserver won't start15:28
thedarkYES! action basically has it right15:28
thedarkthere is only one partition on the usb drive15:28
thedarkI don't know where you get that15:28
thedarkqtparted only recognizes one filesystem... ext215:29
drostieYour pastebin suggested that /dev/sdb2 is mounted, and by Linux file conventions, that means there should be a /dev/sdb1.15:29
pteagueah, i've not put anything on a usb stick yet...  however, can you mount an ext3 drive via the 7.10 livecds?  if so, you could easily download the 8.10 iso & store to somewhere... but i'm not sure if the livecd would let you eject itself in order to put another in...15:29
ActionParsnipthedark: have you booted to the hdd recovery root console and ran: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg15:29
* thedark whimpers15:30
thedarkI guess I could try it15:30
thedarkof course15:30
thedarkif it doesn't work15:30
pteagueyeah, dpkg-reconfigure ftw15:30
cuzntwhat action says works thedark15:30
cuzntive been down that road myself15:30
thedarkI will just reboot the livecd and lose my mind going through this all again15:30
=== thunderstruck is now known as gnomefreak
XiXaQhello everyone. I'm testing kubuntu jaunty and I'm really impressed. I haven't used KDE in many years, but now I'm actually considering a switch. As a new kde 4 user, I have a bunch of questions. Is there any gnome-kde migration guide somewhere?15:31
thedarkI will try it15:31
cuzntno thedark if it does not work, that just means that that was not the problems15:31
thedarkDON'T DO IT15:31
cuzntbut you got to do things in order15:31
thedarkokay I will try it15:32
samirnassarXiXaQ: Are you asking about analogous software? Banshee vs. Amarok for example?15:32
drostiethedark: you haven't been using jaunty, so stop typing in all caps.15:32
thedarkwhat is jaunty, 8.10.XXwhatever15:33
pteaguewhat file extension do plasmoids have?15:33
thedarkall I know is KDE 4.1 was killing me15:33
drostieNo. 8.10 is intrepid.15:33
Mamarokthedark: no, it's 9.0415:33
thedarkwow so it is super experimental15:33
thedarkhow can it be better15:33
drostieBecause 8.10 is on KDE 4.1, which was a rough draft of the beautiful interface that is KDE 4.2, which is now available on 9.04.15:34
Mamarokthedark: well, some people just like it, and it's not experimental but more like testing, to be released in a month time15:34
samirnassarthedark: it isn't. the last person who ran jaunty died a horrible death after his hard drive exploded.15:34
thedarkI believe it15:34
samirnassarthedark: seriously, never use jaunty.15:34
thedarkI feel dead inside15:34
drostieBut jaunty is still in alpha builds, and packages are constantly being upgraded.15:34
XiXaQsamirnassar: not really. What are wallets? Can I configure the K-menu to not switch between the categories on mouse hovering? Are plasmoids and widgets the same thing? Can I have different widgets on different workspaces?15:34
samirnassardamn, I just ran out of troll food15:34
thedarkI am getting off the KDE bandwagon once I get through this15:34
thedarkanyway I am wasting too much time, I will this dpkg thing15:35
samirnassarXiXaQ: there are alternatives to K-Menu. Lancelot for example, and even a "traditional" menu15:36
bartskde2trying to make the switch back to kde from gnome. how do I set dragon or vlc to start when I insert a dvd?15:36
samirnassarXiXaQ: KWallet is a password storage app. It can handle things like entering your password for you in a variety of apps.15:37
drostie!kwallet | XiXaQ15:37
ubottuXiXaQ: kwallet is a subsystem that provides a convenient and secure way to manage all your passwords. More information is available at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/kwallet15:37
XiXaQsamirnassar: I noticed that, but I like the menu except for that one thing. I use a touchpad without complete control, and it's annoying that the menu skips between categories that easily. I'd like to order that with a click.15:37
samirnassarXiXaQ: if you right click on the K-Menu15:38
samirnassarXiXaQ: you'll get Application launcher setting option.15:38
samirnassarXiXaQ: you can turn off hovering there.15:38
thomas____anyone else experiencing lockups using kde 4 and the "opengl" screensavers? when I try to open the screen lock the screen either flickers wildly between the screensaver and the "lock up" image or just locks15:38
XiXaQah! Nice. Thanks :)15:39
drostieAnd yes, plasmoids and widgets are the same thing. But I think all workspaces share the same panels, in which case, I don't think you can have different plasmoids on different workspaces.15:39
chairman_does anybody have MySpace IM on Kopete15:39
XiXaQdrostie: in the upper right, there is a button that you can click. You can zoom out. There you can "add activity", which seems to be different workspaces with different widgets.15:41
thedarkok it worked15:42
thedarksorry for being a jerk, I am just really happy it worked15:42
thedarkbut I am still switching to Ubuntu in a few days15:42
thedarkso thank you, this simple advice was really helpful15:43
thedarkand I will just buy cds later this week15:43
drostieYet another problem solved by ActionParsnip ^_^15:43
thomas____quassel irc was not so bad, in fact it reminds me very much of konversation15:43
drostiethomas____: it feels kinda... rough to me, though.15:44
bartskde2any idea how to get vlc to start automatically when I insert a dvd in kde 4.2?15:45
pteague_laptopdoes konqueror or dolphin let you use tree view anymore?15:47
kishoreis the right channel for talking about jaunty?15:48
kishoreor is there one specifically setup for jaunty?15:49
XiXaQkishore: hehe, good question. I'm new here myself because I'm testing jaunty. Nobody's complained about my questions, but there is a channel called #ubuntu+1, which are the primary channel for the next version of ubuntu. I reckon that goes for kubuntu too..15:50
kishoreXiXaQ: since you are with jaunty? let me just ask.. if you experience stability issues. and several zombie processes?15:51
m477on fresh 8.10 i have this error 'konqueror crashed and caused the signal 11 (SIGSEGV).'15:51
m477all the time15:51
kishoreXiXaQ: which i think are mostly due the qt 4.5 switch15:52
kishorem477: my intrepid install (with 4.2) is pretty stable15:52
XiXaQkishore: I haven't used KDE in about ten years, and I've been testing kubuntu jaunty for two hours approximately. I do get some errors, but I haven't really checked the system thoroughly.15:53
kishoreXiXaQ: ah ok :)15:53
heinkel_111ActionParsnip: thank you for the link, the technique worked fine and now I can again open konqueror from konversation15:53
khirrhello, i have kubuntu 9.04 but it is in english, how could i traslate this?15:54
ubottuTo set up and configure your locales, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LocaleConf15:54
heinkel_111I still prefer konversation to quassel, I think15:54
SandGorgonXiXaQ, how is the stability of jaunty with kde 4.2 ?15:54
m477kishore: on 4.2 i wont get this error ?15:54
pteagueif anybody else is looking for a quick launcher for kde4 i found a functional 1 at http://kde-look.org/content/show.php?content=78061&forumpage=2 ...  there's a binary for 32bit ubuntu, i had to compile for 64bit15:54
XiXaQSandGorgon: as I said, I've been testing it for only two hours. That's not sufficient to start making claims on stability. It hasn't crashed yet, but then if it did, it would be scandalous.15:55
kishorem477: i cant say for sure but IMHO stability "improved" with kubuntu releasing 4.2 which is now also available in backports15:55
pteaguethe weather plasmoid is kind of a fail... it's saying it's 2F outside & it's 14F15:56
kishoreXiXaQ: its not exactly crashing but behaves weird at times... can you check if you have zombie processes? (ctrl+esc)15:56
XiXaQsounds like a data source issue, pteague.15:56
kishorepteague: have you configured it right for your place?15:57
pteaguei put in my zip code15:57
m477kishore: so the best way to instal 4.2 is by website or adept ?15:57
XiXaQkishore: none that I can see.15:58
kishorei have zombie processes from ksmserver and amarok too leaves lots of amarokcollection processes15:58
pteague& i can barely read the background stating it's kansas city15:58
kishorem477: adept should do15:58
pteagueaccuweather says for my zip it's 12F & 11F "realfeel' ... weather.com says it's 14F & feels like 1F15:59
kishorem477: but you should have backports enabled15:59
SandGorgonXiXaQ, kishore any of you using nVidia cards? I have XPS with nvidia laptop and i'm concerned about the new Xorg15:59
m477kishore:  how can i do that ?15:59
XiXaQSandGorgon: I'm running in vbox.16:00
kishoreSandGorgon: I have nvidia16:00
SandGorgonkishore, which card ?16:00
kishoreSandGorgon: internal go615016:02
kishorem477: let me check in the UI.. im mostly used to the command line.. :P16:02
m477kishore: ok np i will w816:04
kishorem477: i think it is called "unsupported updates" in the UI16:04
kishorem477: open adept and click on edit software sources16:05
kishoreunder sources16:05
m477kishore: just that ?16:06
rizvani messed my nvidia drivers, now x won't load with "nvidia"16:07
rizvanis there a fix?16:07
kishorem477: i guess.. help me here... once you update software sources16:08
mmakerпривет всем16:08
kishorein a command line execute "using inertial sensors16:08
kishorein a command line execute "cat /etc/apt/sources.list | grep backports"16:09
kishoreand tell me the output16:09
m477kishore: yes i got 25 software updates availble should i install all ?16:10
kishoredoes that list kde applications?16:11
kishorem477: 25 is rather small16:11
m477kishore: i have fresh system and i did one upgrade just, befor that16:13
kishorem477: and was unsupported updates already enabled?16:13
m477kishore: no, these were 'normal' updates16:14
kishoreopen any kde application and look into help->about it should mention your current version16:14
m477kishore: now when i enable unsuported i got 25 packages avalible to update the most like KDE upgrades16:14
kishorem477: an upgrade to 4.2 should list many more applications that just 25 i would think16:15
kishorem477: to be use, check on the command line with the command "sudo apt-get -V dist-upgrade"16:15
kishoreit will mention the current version number and the version to which it is being upgraded16:16
kishoreall kde applications should show something like 4.1.x to 4.2.x16:16
draik_How can I find out why my computer keeps on freezing?16:17
kishoredraik_: do you have any binray restricted drivers installed?16:17
m477kishore: why 'about kde' shows me that i have 3.5.10 version when i got 8.10 and on starting up show 4.1 ?16:19
draik_To the best of my knowledge, no. But this issue has been happening ever since I started installing Kubuntu Intrepid on my 1TB. It's odd since I just installed Kubuntu on my friend's 1TB last night without any of these issues.16:19
m477kishore: now shows 93 upgraded, 18 newly installed, 2 to remove and 1 not upgraded. ( 147 mb )16:20
kishorem477: which app did you check16:20
kishorem477: now that sounds more realistic16:20
m477kishore: amarok , konversation16:21
m477kishore: in terminal 4.1.4 <lol>16:22
kishorem477: too bad those two apps in 8.10 are indeed kde 3 apps :)16:22
m477kishore: ah16:22
kishorebut kde 4 version of amarok is available as amarok-kde416:23
m477kishore: ok thx but it will change just look ?16:23
kishoredraik_: im really not sure. you should check with the kernel guys16:24
drostieMy screen blanks on the "desktop" icon in the KDE4.2 login splash screen, before half-returning in for the K-icon. it then all reappears to do the fade-to-desktop effect. Any ideas on what happens during that icon?16:24
draik_kishore: #kernel ?16:24
kishorem477: amarok for kde4 is very different16:24
kishoreyou should check if you really want to upgrade16:24
m477kishore: i installed this update im gonna reboot16:24
drostieBecause if I have to, I will replace those icons with a splash screen that says, "Shiny. Pants. Fruit filling. K." instead.16:24
kishoredraik_: i think it is #ubuntu-kernel16:25
pteagueanybody know what dev packages i need in order to build the plasmoids from kde-look.org ?16:25
khirrwhat are the repositories for kubuntu 9.04?16:25
kishorepteague: try libplasma-dev16:26
drostiekhirr: the same as kubuntu 8.10, with the "jaunty" keyword instead of the "intrepid" keyword.16:26
pteaguewhat dromer said16:26
khirryes, but, i dont know where i can get the list16:26
kishorekhirr: /etc/apt/sources.list16:27
khirri have spain list, i need central list16:27
drostieTry just "archive.ubuntu.com" rather than es.archive.ubuntu.com ?16:28
khirr<drostie> i will try16:28
pteaguekishore: already auto installed...  think i may need to install kde-devel &/or kde-devel-extras ?16:28
m477kishore: when i was rebooting kde had crashed all screan was in strange signs i made picture by camera i can show you if it helps16:30
kishorem477: but is it ok now?16:30
drostieA picture would tell us much more than "all screan was in strange signs."16:30
kishoreusing inertial sensors16:30
m477kishore:  yes i think16:31
kishoredamn the mouse pad16:31
drostieinertial sensors...?16:31
khirr<dostrie> it works16:31
m477drostie: tell me your e mail i send picture16:31
kishoredrostie: sorry.. accidentally pasted from another document that im working on16:32
dromerpteague: I didn't say anything ..16:32
pteaguedromer: sorry, tab completion gave me wrong nic & i wasn't paying attention... shame on me16:33
kishorepteague: that should be enough as a minimum.. which applet are you trying to build and what error do you get?16:33
dromerdoes anybode know when the 180 nvidia driver will be available in ubuntu?16:33
kishoredromer: it already is16:34
draik_I have now lost internet connection to my desktop16:34
m477drostie: i sent16:34
draik_It either kills off the internet connection or it freezes. I don't have the slightest clue about what is happening with my desktop.16:34
draik_OK, now it is frozen16:35
pteaguekishore: i'm trying to compile a couple of them...  adjustable clock & customizable weather plasmoid seem to be giving me the same/similar errors at the top16:35
drostieisn't it horrible having two people in the chat with the same first three letters of their handle? *g*16:35
pteague1 of the issues is that it seems like at some point it can't find an included file & i'm not sure whether it's supposed to be in the sources from the tarball or from 1 of the default plasmoids16:37
drostiedraik_: what's happening with your desktop?16:37
drostieI mean, more specifically than "It either kills off the internet or it freezes" -- what is "it"?16:37
dromerkishore: hmm ok, I can only get the 96, 173 and 177 driver for my card though16:38
draik_drostie: Same thing; loss of internet (if I get that far) with the ever-constant freezing16:38
kishorepteague: whats the include file that is missing?16:38
drostiem477: that's a pretty spectacular death screen. Much better than any BSOD on Windows. :-D16:38
m477drostie: yes i got it second time in one day16:39
draik_I just opened the case and disconnected the 3 hard drives I'm not using right now. See if that fixes anything.16:39
m477drostie: could it be cuz i dont have instaled drivers for grphic card ?16:39
pteagueplasmaclock/clockapplet.h & then there's lots of interrupts after it followed by errors16:40
drostiem477: that would depend on the graphics card, I suppose, but I can't imagine that anything from Linux has that sort of screen hard-coded in it.16:40
m477kishore: it havent helped The application Konqueror (konqueror) crashed and caused the signal 6 (SIGABRT). next crash16:40
m477drostie: nvidia 8600m gs16:41
kishorem477: does this only happen with konq?16:41
pteague& for the weather plasmoid it's missing/can't find Plasma/PopupApplet16:41
m477kishore: i dont know i just opened that till16:42
m477kishore: i supoust it will do with more aplications16:42
kishoreinteresting.. since i do not face the same...16:42
m477i have this problem on few versions kubuntu16:43
draik_No internet on the desktop16:43
kishoredid you migrate your home folder from older versions of kubuntu?16:43
m477i did always format16:44
draik_Now system is frozen.16:44
draik_Hard drive is vaguely warm,16:44
m477kishore: i think it is becouse i havent 3d acceleration instaled16:44
=== CoJaBo__ is now known as CoJaBo
drostiedraik_: what system are you running? just saying "I have no internet, now my system is frozen" doesn't really tell us much.16:45
kishorem477: still should not crash... It's a bug never the less! :)16:45
m477kishore: so what i have to do with that16:46
draik_drostie: Kubuntu Intrepid on 1TB HDD. And now, it's not reading that HDD.16:46
kishorem477: you should file a bug in launchpad16:47
m477by the way how i install opera by adept when it coudnt find it ?16:47
kishorem477: i think you need to add a repository16:48
m477kishore: can you tell me how ?16:49
draik_My BIOS reset itself to begin from the HDD rather than add-on card; odd. I'm back into Kubuntu.16:50
kishorem477: sorry i do not have the details with me here but they should be available from the opera download pages16:50
Slartibartfastm477, opera is not offered through a repostory as far as i know ....... just download from there website16:50
drostieFor the record, I've resized m477's crash screen and uploaded it here: http://drostie.org/ksod.jpg16:51
drostieit's very very spectacular.16:51
kishoredromer: Wow!16:51
draik_It's pretty, but not what is needed.16:51
Slartibartfastwow ... like a caleidoscope :-)16:52
khirrhow could i install nvidia drivers in kubuntu 9.04?16:52
draik_What would cause my computer to suddenly freeze?16:52
drostiekhirr: K > Applications > System > Hardware Drivers should do it.16:52
draik_And to lose an internet connection while getting packages.16:53
drostiedraik_: KDE 4.1? 4.2?16:53
mino_hi :)16:54
khirr<drostie> driver not appear16:54
skeeboI'm running kubuntu 8.10, and I have an external drive with a FAT32 fs (it's a very busy drive) and thus needs defragging.... :( So I was wondering how safe it is to mount my external drive to my XP SP3 VM to defrag it for me. Should I run into any problems doing this?16:54
mino_where is the audio device settings in amarok2 ? ( i run kde 4.2 )16:55
m477kishore: did you see it ? http://drostie.org/ksod.jpg16:55
kishorem477: yup!16:55
drostiedraik_: how is your internet connection set up on your computer, and does it work for at least some parts?16:55
kishorespectacular! how did you do it! :P16:55
drostieIt's truly the pinnacle of modern art. ^_^16:56
m477kishore:  i told you i did upadte kde and when reboting it crashed16:57
draik_drostie: laptop (this connection) and desktop are on the same router that connects directly to the modem and onto my ISP; nothing special about it. The internet works for about 5 minutes. I'm running the updates and then I get nothing. The connection drops and Yakuake is there looking at me with zero movement in package downloads.16:57
dromerkishore: wow what?16:57
khirr<drostie> if the driver does not appear in the hardware   list, what should i do?16:58
kishoredromer: the image... m477 crash16:58
choupeauxslt tt lmonde16:58
drostiekhirr: erm, google something like [nvidia such-and-so ubuntu] in order to find someone who has made it work before?16:59
choupeauxvous ete tous sur linux kubuntu16:59
draik_!fr | choupeaux16:59
ubottuchoupeaux: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr16:59
khirr<drostie> in ubuntu it works, detects new driver but in kubuntu with kde 4.2 i didnt see that16:59
pteagueanybody have any ideas on this?  trying to compile a plasmoid - http://pastebin.com/m75f086fd17:00
drostiedraik_: okay, it starts and then stops. Good. go to K > Applications > System > KSystemLogs .17:00
draik_drostie: I'll let you know if I can get that far17:00
drostieWatch the logs while the connection drops, see what's happening.17:00
drostiekhirr: is this jaunty with 4.2 or intrepid with 4.2?17:01
khirr<drostie> i'm using jaunty17:01
draik_OK, I got that far. Let me see17:01
drostiekhirr: hm. And the hardware that you're trying to install is...?17:02
draik_System froze, drostie. But I see this...17:02
khirr<drostie> nvidia serie FX17:02
draik_NetworkManager <WARN> connection_get_settings_cb(): Connection_get_...17:02
dromerkhirr: and eh, what does it have to do with me? :)17:02
sharkksomeone know a nice(and hopefully working :)) graphical software to manage boot services(sysvinit) for kubuntu/kde? thanks17:02
draik_kernel [ 132.733043] NVRM: Xid (0001:00): 16, Head 00000000...17:03
dromerso, hmm, I'm having trouble withe the tv-out of my geforce 6200: I can only get b/w17:03
draik_drostie: system froze as I was attempting to resize so I can view the error message.17:03
drostiedraik_: okay, so instead of logging on the normal way, maybe it's best if you log into a TTY.17:04
draik_drostie: OK. I will do that. Desktop almost at login prompt17:05
draik_drostie: BTW, it happens there too17:05
drostieThe sudden crashes also happen in a TTY?17:05
draik_I lose the internet connection, then I'm stuck with nothing to do at that point but reboot.17:06
drostieYes. But the system logs can be read from a TTY with nano and the /var/log directory.17:06
m477how open tar.gz ? what was the command17:06
draik_Yup. I'm going to do that once it happens17:06
pteaguedromer: might be able to find somebody to help in #ubuntu-mythtv17:07
drostie(I'm actually surprised that you've got working wireless in the first place on the TTYs, to be perfectly honest. Mine doesn't work until I run KNetworkManager. --_--;;)17:07
dromerpteague: I'm not doing anything with mythtv17:07
pteaguejust thinking they may have the experience with dealing with the hardware/drivers17:07
m477how to install official nvidia driver ('x server is running' error)? something with runlevels? how to do that?17:13
pteaguem477: do you know if you need the nvidia-glx or the nvidia-glx-new driver?17:14
m477pteague what's the diffrence ?17:15
draik_drostie: I'm looking at the log. I have NetowrkManager starting up, then I have eth0 being unmanaged. That's the end of the log for the NetworkManager17:15
drostieThat's the last thing that happens before your internet and/or computer crashes?17:17
draik_Seems that computer crashes within KDE.17:17
draik_I have OpenBox. I'll give that a shot, but I have to reboot to regain my internet connection.17:18
draik_I'm still within TTY1 and no crash.17:18
pteaguem477: this is part of the description for the nvidia-glx-new package - "...If you have a TNT, TNT2, or older GeForce, you may need the nvidia-glx-legacy package instead of this one. If you have a GeForce4, you may need the nvidia-glx package."17:18
pteaguem477: so i guess anything older than a geforce4 uses the nvidia-glx-legacy, geforce4 uses nvidia-glx, & anything newer uses nvidia-glx-new17:19
m477pteague so i need nvidia-glx-new17:20
draik_drostie: Take that back, no OpenBox yet.17:20
drostiedraik_: hm. Does the old Xorg log say anything about a crash?17:20
draik_I'll check17:21
drostieBecause if the crash only happens when KDE is running...17:21
pteaguem477: k & you'll also want to install nvidia-settings as well to set things up17:21
drostie(This is why I don't like Intrepid/4.2 systems, though. --_--;;)17:21
m477pteague ok17:21
pteaguem477: after installing both, run `sudo nvidia-xconfig` to prep the xorg.conf file... & then `sudo nvidia-settings` should give you a gui to make changes17:23
drostieWhile there are people around, how do I add stretchable blank space to a panel, to prevent, e.g., the clock from scaling to half the screen width? Or do I just need to break these things off into separate panels?17:23
pteaguedrostie: good question... i want to know as well :)17:24
draik_drostie: /var/log/Xorg.0.log doesn't have any errors. A bunch of (II) and (**).17:24
m477pteague which i need ? nvidia-glx-96 nvidia-glx-180 nvidia-glx-177 nvidia-glx-173 nvidia-glx-7117:24
m477pteague they are availible17:25
cuzntis it ok to remove the experimental i used to upgrade to 4.2 the 1st time?17:25
draik_drostie: I have a segfault with nepomukservices. That's possibly the cause since it also handles networking (IIRC).17:25
draik_I'm currently using KDE/Openbox. So far so good.17:26
drostiedraik_: I dunno; nepomuk is always generating crash reports on my KDE 4.2 install, but it has never taken down my computer. :-\17:26
pteaguem477: do any of them say recommended ?17:28
thomasHello, I have a Creative Live Cam (VF0420) and I want to use it in Kopete. The ov51x-jpeg is installed, but I can not see a picture in Kopete. Can anyone help me?17:30
cfenixi need some help, i can't see the text on the menues of my windows17:32
m477pteague Package nvidia-glx-new has no installation candidate17:33
draik_drostie: I think KDE/Openbox is the solution17:33
draik_No crash and the install is still going on17:33
ngirardHa all. Have you noticed a recent trouble happening when setting the zoom to "fit page" in Adobe reader ? It used to work, and now the resulting zoom is a little bit too high for the page to fit entirely in the window17:34
ngirardI'm using kde 4.2 in Intrepid and haven't changed the version of Adobe reader, so it definitely has to be related to a changed in kwin, plasma or another kde component17:36
pteaguem477: which nvidia chipset is it & who is the manufacturer of the card?17:36
m477pteague it is nvidia 8600 m gs , sorry i dont know what chipset is there17:38
pteaguethat is the chipset :)17:38
pteaguewho's the manufacturer of the board? evga, msi, etc ?17:38
cfenixi can't see the text on menu of Wine and aMSN, anyone know what can i do?17:39
pteaguethe brand on the box17:39
m477pteague i supoust it is asus17:41
draik_drostie: Spoke too soon. It froze17:42
=== steffen_ is now known as LoKi[MK]
LoKi[MK]jemand da ?17:44
overlordI just switched from Gnome to KDE. Can anyone tell me how do I edit start-up apps ?17:44
pteaguem477: sorry, pizza showed up & geeze is it cold outside17:47
GWildoverlord: I place files in .kde/Autostart17:47
GWildoverlord: to start yakuake, conky, etc17:47
drostieI could use some pizza right now. ^_^17:47
LoKi[MK]hallo ?17:47
drostie!hi | LoKi[MK]17:48
ubottuLoKi[MK]: Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu!17:48
m477pteague so what now mate ?17:48
GWilddrostie: I'll have a slice of pepperonni please17:48
pteaguedrostie: got a p'zone, not gonna last very long :(17:48
LoKi[MK]give it a german IRC Kubuntu chanel ?17:48
XiXaQdoes anyone know of plasmoids which can display the next few tasks, meetings, etc from kontact?17:48
GWildoverlord: you can also edit the session settings for restoration on restart17:49
pteaguem477: when did it tell you it had no installation candidate? or was that it had no recommended driver?17:49
drostieyeah, well, I'm in a country where there are only two pizza options: something called "New York Pizza" (it's not), and Domino's.17:49
overlordGWild: Exactly how do I add an application to load at start up17:50
drostieThe Domino's motto in this country is particularly delightful: "Man hungry. Ding-dong pizza.")17:50
overlordGWild: for ex. let's say Compiz or Emerald17:50
GWildoverlord: add a symlink to those apps17:50
GWildoverlord: that what I have done and it seems to work fine17:51
jussi01!offtopic | drostie17:51
ubottudrostie: #kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!17:51
overlordGWild: and just how do i do that ?17:51
pteagueanybody know if there's a way to tell which nvidia driver is actually loaded?17:51
m477pteague http://paste.ubuntu.com/124852/17:51
GWildoverlord: create a symlink in .kde/Autostart which points to /usr/bin/your_app17:52
pteagueoh wow... which version of kubuntu are you using?17:52
jussi01pteague: dmesg | grep nvidia (that will likely say....)17:52
drostieThe most frustrating thing about Quassel compared to KVirc, is that clicking on links in Quassel doesn't open them. >_<17:52
GWildoverlord: for example my 'yakuake' symlink points to /usr/bin/yakuake17:52
overlordGWild: okay.17:52
jussi01drostie: unless you are in an ancient version, it does17:53
overlordoh..and I have another problem.17:53
overlordMy Kopete chat window. It has gone into fullscreen mode. Somewhat like Firefox. How do I fix that ?17:53
GWildoverlord: I would say to right click on the title bar and go into the window behaviour settings17:54
drostiejussi01: 0.4.0 is in the repos; that's what I have.17:54
pteaguejussi01: nope, just complains that nvidia module license tains the kernel & "NVRM loading NVIDIA UNIX x86_64 Kernel Module   169.12" :(17:54
pteaguei'm thinking the 8600 uses the 17717:54
jussi01drostie: hrm, well link clicking works here17:54
GWildoverlord: "Configure Window Behaviour"17:54
overlordGWild: Thanks. I'll try that.17:54
GWildoverlord: then "Window specific"17:55
pteaguewindows is going to reboot my game box here in a second & i'll have grub load linux & see if i can figure out which package it installed17:55
pteaguem477: are you using hardy, intrepid, or jausty?17:55
m477pteague interpid17:55
m477ok im gonna instal 17717:56
drostiejussi01: weird. When I mouseover the link, I get this pretty-but-useless thumbnail version. I then double-click it to visit the link, and it selects the link text instead. How did you configure it to follow the link?17:56
pteaguem477: k, this box has hardy... i'll wait for game box to reboot, but i could have sworn i installed nvidia-glx-new ... hmm...  do you have the partner &/or restricted sources added?17:57
m477pteague restricted18:00
drostieoh. I see. Quassel is just backwards. Single clicks open, double clicks select, rather than vice versa. >_<;;18:00
m477pteague http://paste.ubuntu.com/124860/18:03
overlordGWild: Okay. I Fixed the Kopete problem. I edited the startup sessions using the sessions tools from Gnome to remove Compiz. I guess there was some conflict.18:04
overlordGWild: But I couldn't find "Configure Window Behaviour"18:05
pteagueyep, i have the 177 drivers installed...  m477 try kmenu -> system -> hardware drivers18:07
m477pteague i have 177 activated18:09
GWildoverlord: no "Configure Window Behaviour" by right clicking on the title bar?18:09
GWildoverlord: no "Configure Window Behavior..." by right clicking on the title bar?*18:09
overlordGWild: Title bar was missing at that point. And I still can't find it18:10
m477pteague how can i check if i have 3c acceleration ? in console18:10
m477pteague 3d* im sorry18:10
pteaguem477: k, run nvidia-xconfig & it should prepare the xorg.conf18:10
pteaguem477: 3d i'm not sure about18:11
m477pteague and what now ?18:11
overlordAlso, I would like to know: I want to open a folder by double clicking it. And I'm unable to find this in the "Configure Dolphin"  page. How do I do this ?18:12
pteaguem477: did it give you the same error message as before?18:12
Wazmynoverlord:  look in system settings18:13
m477pteague no , now i have to do http://paste.ubuntu.com/124872/18:13
Wazmynoverlord: keyboard&mouse ->> mouse18:13
overlordWazmyn: Thanks.18:14
Wazmynoverlord: sure. But if you leave it on one click for 2 weeks, you'll wonder why anybody would ever use the double click :)18:14
overlordGWild: Oh. I can see "Window Behaviour" & "Window Specific Behaviour" in system settings.18:15
overlordWazmyn: Thanks for the tip. I'l leave it to single click now. Let's see ! =]18:15
m477pteague im in etc/x11/xorg.conf i have to write up there something yes ?18:16
pteaguem477: ah, ok...  let me paste my xorg file... hmm...  what was the cli for pasting config files...18:16
draik_This is not a technical question, but I'll ask anyway... If I cough, should I be seeing something that resembles small shooting stars or spider web lines of light?18:16
m477pteague cli ? what does it mean ?18:17
pteaguecommand line interface... i.e. terminal18:17
draik_drostie: So I no longer have the Internet issue. I still have the freezing issue.18:17
Wazmyndraik when you caough you temporarly disrupt blood flow to your brain. You're seeing the effects of that18:17
pteaguem477: check http://pastebin.com/fb3214d218:18
pteagueagainst your xorg.conf18:18
draik_Wazmyn: Lovely. Well, as long as I'm not halucinating anything, I suppose that's fine with me.18:18
Wazmyn<-- sinus infection. I was having the same thing. Wife's a Vet, she explained it all to me18:18
pteaguesinuses are fun... speaking of which *gobbles a claritin-d*18:19
Loctricewell, I made it18:20
dr_Willis:0 get one of those little 'tea pots' to wash out your nose. :)18:20
Loctriceanyone give me some info with kubuntu? I got this channel from the help page18:20
WazmynEveryone keeps telling me that, dr_Willis18:20
WazmynLoctrice: just ask your questions18:20
m477pteague i did what now ?18:20
draik_!ask | Loctrice18:21
ubottuLoctrice: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)18:21
dr_WillisWazmyn,  ive not tried one.. but guys at work sware by them.. Im going to try one whenever i can track one doen thats not outragous priced.18:21
LoctriceI have tried debian, and now kubuntu. I cant seem to get the desktop to load. it has some messy graphics on F7 but no environment that I can use18:21
pteagueor spicy food...  i like mexican & oriental... the extra hot... when i'm having bad problems with sinuses18:21
* Wazmyn agrees with dr_Willis18:21
m477pteague now i have to restart x server ?18:21
pteaguem477: actually, if you copied my xorg.conf to yours i think all you need to do is restart X unless there's something specific you want to try... that's off my box with the 8600 in it18:22
_Maikon_hello .i got a nice conection, but when i'm downloading a package from  repositories(via apt-get or any gui) i  can't a good conection, my downloads are at 50kb/s18:22
draik_pteague: spicy food with clear your ins and outs18:22
draik_Spicy Food, your body's I/O port cleaner!18:23
_Maikon_any idea where is my problem?18:24
Loctriceso why cant I get a desktop if its supposed to have one with my install?18:24
dr_Willispteague,  a little habanaro pepper under the tounge does wonders eh? :)18:24
draik_dr_Willis: What teapots did you mean?18:25
dr_Willisdraik_,  the 'neti pots'  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j8sDIbRAXlg   - they look like little teapots the kids would play with18:25
pteaguedr_Willis: either that or maybe it's the extra burning makes you cry it all out? ;)18:26
pteaguelol draik_18:26
pteaguewoot, i'm installing pastebinit on all my boxes18:27
draik_LOL. That's funny. I can see this being used otherwise.18:27
dr_Willisdraik_,  :) like the kids having 'tea' :)18:28
pteagueoh yuck18:28
WazmynLoctrice: did the desktop work with the live cd?18:29
draik_dr_Willis: I can imaging kids being very experimental and use special salt with this thing18:30
fkmIs there a way to get the 'old' Adept back on a Kubuntu Interpid?18:30
Wazmynfkm:  sudo apt-get install synaptic18:30
fkmI don't like synaptic either :-(18:31
Wazmynfkm: it's better than the new adept18:31
fkmThat's right :-)18:31
dr_WillisI always use synaptic18:31
draik_I use CLI18:31
dr_Willis'pacman -S synaptic' :P18:31
fkmI switched to the console for now18:31
pteaguelol off that youtube link i followed "white trash neti pot"...18:32
fkmSo there's no way to get to back to the good old Adept vom Feisty? :-|18:33
dr_Willisproberly not18:34
pteaguemy preference is the update-notifier from gnome... i can have it show me what needs to be updated without me having to put in a password... so if i figure it's not worth it i'll just leave it for later18:34
m477pteague hey when i overwrite my xorg by your kde wont open to me i had to load backup file18:35
dr_Willis /join #netipot18:36
dr_Willisoops :)18:36
pteagueok, that's not good18:36
pteague /join #knottypot18:36
afonso_I am navigate konqueror no navigate18:37
Wazmynanybody else using quassel?18:37
pteaguem477: k, if you're still at a point asking for a driver, just add the `Driver "nvidia"` line to your xorg.conf & see if that works18:37
fkmHmmm... If I wanted to start a (or at least sort of a) petition to get them to return to the old version: where should I do that?  :-)18:38
Wazmynfkm: i'm sure they're working on bringing the new one up to the full functionality of the old one18:38
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m477pteague but nvidia setting works18:39
m477pteague i have all the time "Driver "nvidia""18:39
pteagueah, ok18:39
m477pteague so what i have to change in that file18:40
m477pteague if i have to do anything ? now18:40
pteaguem477: if it's working with the line about the nvidia driver i think that's all you need...  if you want to mess around & set some extra settings you can run `sudo nvidia-settings`18:41
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fkmWazmyn, Ok :-) Thank you for the info!18:42
pteaguem477: just be sure to make a backup of xorg.conf before you do... always easier to go back to something known to work than to try to start over18:42
afonso_entrei nesta sala ou canal ou seja lá como o pessoal Linux se comunica, estou prestando atenção18:42
m477pteague ok thx cya homie18:43
pteaguenp, sorry it took so long :)18:43
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m477how can i check in terminal if i have 3d acceleration ?18:47
dr_Willisrun Quake3 ? :)18:48
dr_Willisheh. there is some command i recall - but i forget what it is..18:48
dr_Willisglxinfo or similer.18:48
m477i think is easier way :P18:48
BluesKajm477, glxinfo | grep direct18:48
m477BluesKaj: direct rendering is acceleration ?18:49
dr_WillisI think so.. :) but theres no guarentees it actually does work.. untill ya try the 3d stuff in a program.18:51
darrellanyone got any good advice on buying a wifi copier?18:51
m477ok thx18:51
* dr_Willis wonders what a wifi copier is...18:51
dr_Willisyou mean a  wireless printer/scanner?18:52
BluesKajm477, http://blogs.koolwal.net/2008/04/28/how-to-enabling-3d-acceleration-under-debian-linux/18:53
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Valkyriaplease need help with kubuntu 8.10 im new in linux!!!!18:59
dr_WillisWell..  #1 - state the actual problem  to the channel.19:00
Valkyriai dont know how to configure this to have my laptop with an additional monitor19:01
m477is vmware free under linux?19:01
dr_WillisConfigure 'what' exactly?19:02
dr_WillisThere is a free vmware version, and free virtualbox also. I recall.19:02
ubottuVMWare is not available in the Ubuntu repositories. Consider using !QEmu or !VirtualBox as alternatives. Instructions for installing VMWare manually are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VMware19:02
kopertonValkyria: is your driver video that you have to configure19:02
Valkyrialook, first, sorry about my english... im from chile19:02
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about graphiccard19:02
Valkyriai can see both monitors19:02
kopertonValkyria: mm there is espagnol channel19:02
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.19:03
kopertonValkyria: you language is spagnol?19:03
darrellyeah dr_Willis a wireless printer/scanner19:05
m477ubottu: they has 3d acceleration ?19:05
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)19:05
ubottuPor favor, use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado.19:06
m477dr_Willis: is there 3d acceleration working in virtualbox or QEmu? or only in vmware19:06
quassel208can i get deb on my linux distro ?19:07
kopertonquassel208: ?what's your problem ?19:08
pteaguem477: i think vmware is best bet currently for 3d support... although i'm not sure any have very good directx support... i'm surprised i can actually watch netflix movies in vmware now19:08
quassel208if i can get apt on other linux systeem19:08
m477but vmware is not GPL19:09
dr_Willism477,  from that i gather - it onluy works in vmware in special cases.19:10
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dr_WillisI wouldent expect to be able to play games at 100% speed :)19:11
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m477btw can you recomend so program like compiz19:12
m477the most effectiv19:12
dr_Willis'like compiz' ?19:12
dr_Willislike compiz in what way?19:12
m477or is it the only option for 3dcubes etc..19:13
m477the best effects etc19:13
pteaguedr_Willis: i can't believe some of the  youtube vids for that teapot... cayenne pepper & another with coca-cola19:13
m477and pritty stabile19:13
dr_Willispteague,  fizzy! and acid! :(19:14
dr_Willism477,  i dont bend over too far backwards for useless eye candy. KDE4 has its own 'effects' that work very well19:15
pteagueoh geeze... & the link off coca-cola has mt dew... >_<  what are these people smoking before they're doing this?19:16
dr_Williswhat next? battery acid and Vinager?19:16
dr_WillisA Nasel Enema!19:17
pteaguetabasco sauce...19:17
dr_WillisA Nassal Inferno19:17
dr_WillisA Nassel Inferno19:17
pteaguethe same guy that did the mt dew... crazy radio djs19:18
dr_WillisNETI@home Version 2.0 is now available! Packed with plenty of enhancements and optimizations NETI@home Version 2.0 is the result of much development. We think you'll enjoy!19:21
dr_WillisHeh.. oh wait thats not a neti pot!19:21
wadI'm new to ubuntu... quick question on networking. It's connecting just fine to my wired and wireless networks, but I'm not sure how to connect to work via the vpn. I click the network icon on the panel, and it has a tab for VPN types of network connections, but the ADD button is disabled. What's up with that?19:22
pteaguewad: is it the at&t vpn or does it use a standard vpn?19:23
wadpteague, hmm... Not sure.19:23
wadI think it's a standard one.19:23
pteaguewad: with windows do you set it up via network connections or you have a whole program you install ?19:24
wadpteague, I never use windows.19:24
wadSo I have no clue.19:24
wadI've been connecting to it via linux for the past 3 years.19:24
pteagueah, ok19:24
wadHere's how I've been doing it:19:25
pteagueprobably using openvpn19:25
wadwith the program vpnc19:25
wadI have the old laptop here, so I can connect with it any time.19:25
wad(I'm moving to a new laptop, with Ubuntu this time)19:25
wadWith Kubuntu (which I came from) I didn't use any of the provided networking tools, I wrote scripts to manually do everything.19:26
wadThat's because the network manager under Kubuntu didn't work for whatever reason.19:27
wadBut I'm giving Ubuntu a chance to do everything automatically.... so far, it's pretty simple.19:27
pteaguewad: i'm guessing you used openvpn previously...  you can search for vpn with your package manager... if you're specifically wanting the network manager to handle it i think you'll need network-manager-openvpn19:27
wadI just don't understand why the ADD button on the VPN tab is disabled.19:27
wadpteague, hmm. Okay, I'll poke at it.19:28
pteaguepossibly because the plugin for vpns hasn't been installed which may be that package... i hope19:28
wadah, okay.19:28
wadI'll check the packages...19:28
pteagueif it's cisco you may need network-manager-vpnc instead19:28
wadOh, I think it might be cisco... there were several ways we could connect to it.19:29
wadAh, yes! It's cisco.19:29
wadAh, perfect! Now I have an ADD button! Thanks pteage!19:31
* wad drops off IRC to fiddle with network settings.19:31
jschall_i'm on kubuntu 64bit, and i got flash in konqueror. only problem is, flash objects are usually just solid black or solid white19:33
jschall_works fine in firefox19:33
jschall_is there any way to fix it?19:34
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Guest95988to get gaim - sudo apt-get instal gaim?19:34
jschall_it's pidgin now19:34
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bishopzso i can connect to pidgin via my shell?19:35
AndyCrawfordthere is a lib purple shell extension so you can get at purple (pidgin backend) features from shell, afaik19:35
bishopzahhh tyvm19:36
AndyCrawfordbishopz:  And there is a command line version of Pidgin based on it.19:36
pteaguegaim is now pidgin19:36
bishopzthanks guys brb19:36
bishopzoh one more thing!!!19:36
bishopzanyone know a decent ftp19:37
jschall_probably does it fine19:37
jschall_just use ftp:// sftp:// etc19:37
bishopzis it user friendly, ive seen it, never used it19:37
pteaguewhat's that 1 opensource 1 that's good on windows? fireftp or something?19:38
jschall_there's some mozilla one, idk what it is19:38
jschall_windows explorer supports it!19:38
jschall_i think19:38
jschall_probably not very well...19:38
jussi01fireftp isnt bad19:38
patriziahi guys19:39
jschall_there's also this really great one called ftp, you run it from the command line19:39
AndyCrawfordbishopz:  I use gftp19:39
pteaguelol, windows is iffy, but doesn't support sftp afaik...  except a particular job i held for 2 months i've not used ftp in several years... plain text password ftl19:39
patriziajust want to know, how can I make a shortcut of the games folder (or card games in specific) on the desktop or add a folder view for just that?19:39
pteaguelol jschall_19:39
AndyCrawfordnice 2 panel (midnight commander style) ftp client that I use for all my hosting needs, it works well.19:39
bishopzandy: thanks im going to read into that as well19:39
pteaguestill not sure what midnight commander style is19:39
patriziausing kde4.2 btw19:40
jschall_so anyway, flash, konqueror, doesn't work, does in firefox, any solution?19:40
AndyCrawfordKonqueror will do ftp as well as other protocols, and is fine for a little use, but if you use ftp as much as I do, I need something more capable.19:40
jschall_oh, forgot 64bit19:40
AndyCrawfordMidnight Commander was an old shell program that gave you 2 file system views, left and right.19:41
pteaguepatrizia: i think you can just copy the *.desktop file from /usr/share to your ~/Desktop , but don't quote me on that19:41
AndyCrawfordMany programs are modeled in that image19:41
AndyCrawfordI don't generally like that.  I like single windows, ala Windows Explorer style.  But for ftp twin view is nice.19:41
AndyCrawfordyou can, if you have a .desktop file, E can use that.19:41
jschall_on the subject of konqueror, it's really not ready for real use except on laptops until it supports mouse4/mouse5 back/forward19:41
AndyCrawfordI don't have .desktop files for locations I wanted, nor many applications I wanted, so I just symlinked.19:42
pteaguejschall_: i'm in the same boat... it seems flash works sometimes in konqueror, but not often... the fault lies with adobe i think as they've yet to produce a 64bit flash player... what we're really using is a 32bit wrapped flash player19:42
AndyCrawfordjschall_:  I agree.  Konqueror or Dolphin, whatever modern KDE file manager, is not intended for major FTP work and the like.19:42
tuxipteague: the 64-bit beta of flash 10 seems to work well for me19:43
pteaguei'm still on kde3...  i like the tree view that seems to have been around for forever in konqueror... anyways, with multiple tabs & 2 konqueror windows if i need a gui they work... i tend to use rsync over ssh though19:44
patriziapteague I dont see a .desktop in there19:44
patriziapteague yea I have no idea what you're talking about19:45
patriziapteague ok I see the files but they arent organized in any way, no way to copy a shortcut of the menu option 'Games' ?19:46
patriziaI dont want to copy each shortcut one by one19:46
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tuxipatrizia: which version of KDE?19:47
tuxiyou could add a folder widget and put all the .desktop files in there19:47
pteaguepatrizia: sorry, i'm new to kde4 & i've not seen any .desktop files inside ~ unless i made them & kde4 doesn't seem to like drag & drop copy off of the kmenu19:47
tuxilook in /usr/share/app-install19:48
patriziaI dont want to copy stuff, I alredy saw the shortcuts19:48
tuxisorry, the only options I see are copying or using symlinks19:49
patriziak thx19:49
patriziahopefully they add that19:49
athlon1How can I install help for some programs? ex: Program adept_manager, press help button, a message sanind that adept_manager/index.html does not exists.19:53
athlon1How can I install help for some programs? ex: Program adept_manager, press help button, a message saing that adept_manager/index.html does not exists.19:53
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dr_Willissome programs may not have the help docs  made yet..19:59
dr_Willisor they are looking in the wrong place19:59
dr_Willis try 'locate adept_manager'   in a terminal to see if the docs are installed in some other location20:00
athlon1I tried it and there is a directory called /usr/share/doc/adept-manager, but only licence file is there.20:08
eliripsHello. Since using Kubuntu 8.10 I am having problems with name-resolving: From applications like konqueror, firefox, konversation, etc. name-resolving does not work, but if I do a nslookup on the console it works. anyone an idea?20:09
christian_moin moin20:12
XiXaQI'd like to display my gmail inbox as a plasmoid on my desktop. How do I do this? I read somewhere that it could be done, but not how- :)20:13
XiXaQactually, I'd like to view other inboxes via imap too, and my calendar and todos too, if it's possible.20:13
christian_jemand aus germany20:16
goofeyXiXaQ: i think you can add google desktop widgets to kde 4.2 - i bet they have a "view gmail" widget20:22
XiXaQoh.. Google widgets aren't the same as the stuff you have on iGoogle?20:24
dr_WillisNo they are not.20:24
dr_Willissome are similer. :)20:25
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XiXaQI love the useful plasmoids, but there seems to be an overwhelming number of eyecandy plasmoids.20:29
XiXaQpercentage, I meant.20:29
marko_hi r u willing to help d bigginer20:29
dr_WillisTheres a usefull one?20:29
XiXaQthe folder view stuff is really nice.20:30
marko_i am experiencing problems with my kubuntu OS20:30
dr_WillisStep #1 - ask an answerable question. :)20:31
marko_i am having troubles with the drivers for the ATI Radeon xpress 115020:31
XiXaQno, step #1 is to not write sms-speak. #2 is to ask real questions.20:31
Brick_Farmerwhat sort of troubles20:32
marko_well there is no 3d ?20:32
Brick_Farmerare you using the restricted drivers, or just the default20:32
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marko_restricted drivers20:33
marko_offered by kubuntu20:33
XiXaQwell. Got to head for home. Thanks for helping out and have a nice day. :)20:33
marko_in d hardware drivers20:33
dr_Willisati and nvidia can be such a pain at times. sadly20:33
marko_i look on some serbian forums and they explained me what can be done20:33
marko_but to me it looks so complex20:34
marko_they say that i have to disable the composite extention20:34
dr_WillisIf this is a new install.. You may want to try the next release - its being tested right now.. so it may be flakey, or it may work fine...20:34
dr_Willisdisabling the composit extension - should be a exit to xorg.conf i think20:35
marko_here they explained it20:35
marko_what i have to do20:35
marko_eventho it is in serbian  have a look please20:35
marko_i think it might give u d idea about my problem20:35
marko_u might understand it20:35
marko_or u think it is too complex20:36
Brick_Farmertranslated: http://translate.google.com/translate?prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.ubuntu-rs.org%2Fwiki%2FATI_(fglrx)_na_Feisty-ju&sl=sr&tl=en&history_state0=20:36
marko_what should i o in ur opinion20:36
dr_WillisLooks rather straight forward to me.20:36
Brick_Farmerfollow the comands20:37
dr_Willis#1 steo says to edit /etc/X11/xorg.conf and paste in those lines at the end.20:37
marko_before i do that20:38
marko_do u have any other suggestions?20:38
marko_perhaps some better ideas?20:38
Brick_FarmerI have an NVidia, so no clue.20:38
dr_Willisyou could try the next relase of Ubuntu/Kubuntu if you want.20:38
dr_Willisor not use the fglrx drivers.. just use the 'ati' ones.. it will be slower.. but  should work20:39
marko_look i installed soem drivers20:39
marko_but whne i type glxinfo this is what pops out20:39
marko_name of display: :0.020:40
marko_X Error of failed request:  BadRequest (invalid request code or no such operation)20:40
marko_  Major opcode of failed request:  143 (GLX)20:40
marko_  Minor opcode of failed request:  19 (X_GLXQueryServerString)20:40
marko_  Serial number of failed request:  1220:40
marko_  Current serial number in output stream:  1220:40
Brick_Farmertry posting on Ubuntuforums20:40
dr_WillisLooks like a FAIL to me.20:40
marko_i know20:40
kevin_i run ny!20:40
kevin_anyone on here have torrenttech.org??! i cant add to irc>!??!!20:41
dr_WillisTry being a little more clear kevin_ ?20:41
marko_in step 8 of the link i posted20:41
marko_cd / usr / src20:42
marko_but what if i installed my driver from a usb what do i type in that case20:42
kevin_the irc is supposed to be, irc.torrenttech.org and ssl or w.e but i try and no dice xD20:42
kevin_i r just noobs xD20:43
dr_Willismarko_,   /usr/src is a system directory.. SPACES are improntant..20:43
kevin_k i figured it out, its actually not torrenttech.org for the irc its just torrentech.org lol, thxxx XD20:44
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marko_10x a lot any1s guys20:45
marko_my friends will help me about this thing tomorrow at d uni20:46
marko_it was kind of u... i appriciate ur effort :P20:46
marko_cya some other day when i will be bothering u about something else:P20:46
kevin_k people join this irc, irc.torrentech.org, and listen to dj badegg666 so pro he live!!!!20:47
kevin_no ssl xD20:47
=== nem is now known as nem75
Loctricegot a different version, still no desktop environment. anyone have any ideas why it wont load? it tries,but all i get is a blue screen20:51
Dr_willismake a new user.. see if it works fior the new user.20:52
Dr_willisim not clear on the whole problem.. You may want to rephrase the issue to the channel.20:52
Loctriceok, I'm a new linux user. I dont know all the details for the setup. I tried to get debian, as a 32 bit system, and I got a wierd pixel screen instead of a desktop. I switched to kubuntu because it said its easier for windows users to use. I used wubi to download it and install it (it being kubuntu). the load splash screen came up, but the desktop failed to load. I went back to the F1 terminal screen and it eventually rebooted the 20:54
Loctriceon the F7 screen I get a flat blue screen. its not "pixelly" or anything, but it is just a blue screen20:55
Dr_willissounds like yoru video drivers are not isntalled propelry.20:56
Dr_willisI wouldent use wubi either. :) but thats justme20:56
SuspectZerohey there. if i want to format what files wouldi have to save to keep my settings?20:57
Dr_willis#1 - determine your video card and chipset.  would be the thing to do.20:57
LoctriceI'm not sure how to install them. I dont have an onboard video card, just a pci card20:57
Dr_willisSuspectZero:  depends on what settings you want to save.. stuiff in /etc/ or stuff in /home/USERNAME/20:57
Dr_willisLoctrice:  onboard or pci.. dosent matter..  they are installed the same way.. once you determine what you got.20:57
SuspectZeroyou know what. that was a stupid question. i can redo everything i need. never mind20:58
SuspectZerothanks for the help though20:58
Loctricenvidia gforce 680020:58
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto20:58
Dr_willisive heard of some issues with the 6800.  You may want to check the forums also.20:58
Dr_willisMy 8800 works great20:59
Loctrice*hitting the link now* thanks , thats a good start at least20:59
Zarel_When I start up Kubuntu (VM in VMWare Fusion), it always starts in a weird resolution, then fixes itself automatically when I click "Display" in System Settings.21:00
Zarel_Anyone know what the issue is?21:00
Dr_willisI always use virtualbox. so nope. :) no idea21:00
raibenssHi, is there any experiments about kubuntu 8.10 on aspire one 8gb ssd version?21:02
Dr_willistheres several AAO + ubuntu foruims./guides and stuff.21:05
Dr_willisMy AAO runs ubuntu great.21:05
Dr_williscompiz even works21:05
anouarhi every body21:09
anouarcan i ask a question ??21:09
jussi01!ask | anouar21:10
ubottuanouar: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)21:10
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anouari have a problem with 3D desktop21:10
Brick_Farmerso tell us the problem21:11
anouarall other fonctionnality in compiz work fine, but i can't make working the 3D desktop21:11
anouari have an ATI graphic card21:11
anouar5250 FireGL21:11
jussi01compiz or kwin?21:12
anouarno im in ubuntu and i have installed compiz for the desktop effect21:12
Brick_Farmerdo you have the restricted driver ennabled?21:12
jussi01anouar: please join #ubuntu and ask then.21:12
anouarok thank's21:13
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rizvanlittle help with nvidia drivers21:33
Brick_Farmerwhat about?21:35
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khirris there something like zenity or gdialog for kubuntu?21:54
Brick_Farmerwhat sort of programs are those?21:55
_gunni_Brick_Farmer: Zenity is a tool that allows you to display Gtk+ dialog boxes from the command line and through shell scripts. It is similar to gdialog ...21:56
_gunni_khirr: Seems like there  is "kdialog"21:57
wilbertelo guyz21:57
khirroh, i will  try21:57
khirr_gunni_ thanks, i wil try21:57
wilbertwho can assesme somewhere to setup a wifi without the windows oriented setup cd????21:58
michelineHere are someone that speack portuguese?21:58
wilbertatleast a link21:59
Brick_Farmerwifi can usually be set up with networkmanager or Wicd. Look in Ubuntuforums.21:59
wilbert  ty ty ty21:59
oobemicheline, i speak portuguese fluently22:00
Brick_Farmeryo hablo espanol un poco22:00
_gunni_!po micheline22:01
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about po micheline22:01
oobeportuguese is link spanglush no22:01
_gunni_!es micheline22:01
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about es micheline22:01
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michelineBus I need help!!!!22:01
ubottuPor favor, use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado.22:01
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michelineI don't speak english very well22:02
_gunni_!pt | micheline22:02
ubottumicheline: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado.22:02
michelineThank you.22:03
LoctriceI could use some more help with the desktop environment. I had some trouble getting my nvidia gforce 6800 driver to load. by following the manual I got from a help command on this sight, I eventually added a options section to my screen settings in the xorg.config. Now my monitor displays an error : dell S2209W please set input timing to 1920x1080@60Hz or some other supported setting. any ideas?22:07
Loctriceso the input timing is not supported by my monitor22:07
michelinePeople, That is a first time that I make linux kurumin. My system doesn't open MSN...Dou you can help me?22:07
wojo_yeee dziala22:08
wojo_zmiana rozdzielczosci nie pomogla22:08
wojo_ale dalem F6 i wykasowalem SPLASH i odpalil ladnie wszystko22:08
Brick_Farmer@lotrice: change the options in your xorg.conf to 1920x1080 for resolution and 60Hz for refresh rate22:09
wojo_nie wiecie tylko czemu nie moge kubuntu 7.10 updatnac ?22:09
jussi01!pl | wojo_22:09
ubottuwojo_: Mozesz uzyskac pomoc w jezyku polskim na #ubuntu-pl22:09
michelineThere is a brazilian here?22:10
Loctricealright, thanks. I'll reboot and try that22:10
inanimate!br | micheline22:11
ubottumicheline: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado.22:11
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wilbert_i got a thread boy the wireless22:29
wilbert_a thread for the wireless but is for wireless cards.. not for the router22:30
alarmhello there. on previews kubuntu releases with kde3.5.x there was an option for external hdd devices to be mounted with read only. now (on kubuntu 8.10 kde 4.2) , when i plug in my external hdd , and open it , it is automounted with read/write access. how can i change that to mount it with read only option ?22:38
Dr_willisthis is a ntfs filesuystem on teh drive?22:40
alarmthe problem is that has nothing to do with fstab22:42
alarmi mount it through the tray icon that appears on the taskbar with the devices found22:42
alarmas i say on previous releases you could go to the partition manager and set how you want your partitions to be mounted, read or write22:43
sparkyI am having trouble and have no sound on Kubuntu 8.1022:43
rimvisi used ubuntu and problem no have :)22:44
alarmsuch option doesnt exist anymore. and i am wondering how i can change that. i got some data that do want them untouched , so read access is needed22:44
sparkyrimvis: well thanks for your non-help22:44
rimvistry search driver linuxs his computer sound card22:44
alarmsparky, oss , alsa installed ?22:45
alarmdoes dmesg | grep audio , show something ?22:45
wilbert_what is the Security Encryption (WPA-PSK)22:45
sparkyalarm:  how to check?22:45
alarmsparky,  wifi protection22:45
sparkyalarm: dmesg... shows nada22:46
wilbert_i set any key AND i pre give it??22:46
alarmsparky, give me a second22:46
alarmwilbert_,  i do not know where you saw that so that i  can answer22:47
wilbert_  Security Encryption (WPA-PSK)22:47
wilbert_  Passphrase:   (8-63 characters)22:47
wilbert_  Key Lifetime:   (minutes)22:47
alarmare you trying to connect to a wireless network ?22:48
wilbert_im trying to set it up22:48
wilbert_cause the cd of the setup is windows oriented and im having a harsh time22:48
alarmthe point is the password is being set on a router , not on the os22:49
wilbert_i wanna set the router22:50
alarmthere we go then, what has this to do with kubuntu ? :P22:50
wilbert_so when  ppl home wanna get in they use it22:50
wilbert_ cause the router is a portable modem also22:50
alarmallright, wpa is your key that nodes will connect with on the router22:50
wilbert_have no idea man22:50
wilbert_ but u seem to kno bout it and ur actually helping me22:51
wilbert_ i really apretiate that :D:D:D:D22:51
alarmwilbert_,  i guess you should read your routers/modem manual . i am not familiar with each router interface22:51
alarmsparky,  still here ?22:52
wilbert_know any wireless forum22:52
alarmwilbert_,  the phrase asked there is the password you want to set22:52
wilbert_talk straight to the cd setup with low info on manual config22:52
wilbert_and the minutes?22:52
alarmwhat is the routers/modem model ?22:52
alarmsparky,  ?22:52
alarmkey lifetime , is how long you want this password to last. there must be info about it . for example '0' or 'empty' should keep it for ever22:53
wilbert_axesstel mv400 3G22:53
alarmsparky,  open your system settings22:54
alarmmake a search there for "WPA-PSK" you will find what you need22:56
sparkyalarm: ok im there22:56
alarmsparky,  computer administration -> multimedia22:56
SJrKnetworkmanager cannot see any wireless networks, but networkmanager in GNOME can see a crap load, so does iwlist, any ideas?22:56
alarmsparky,  seeing any devices available there ?22:57
sparkyalarm: im on kde 422:57
alarmis there a change on kde4  to kde4.2 ? sorry :?22:58
SJrI found kde 4.2 more mature22:58
sparkyalarm: hda intel stac92xx22:59
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sparkyunder music22:59
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alarmjust that ? no other entry ? if you go to Audio Output it should list them all22:59
sparkyalarm: then ?Pulseaudio (does that EVER work) and then stac92xx again23:00
alarmso your problem is you never got audio ? for example kde starts you dont hear anything ? play mp3 and you dont hear anything ? or what23:01
sparkyno sound23:01
sparkylast entry under music says front speakers23:01
sparkybackend shows xine23:02
alarma really stupid question . does Kmix appear on your taskbar ? maybe some mute is on ?23:02
jagatне понимаю ничерта23:02
wilbert_alarm thanks a lot lot lot lot :D :D :D23:03
sparkynot muted23:03
alarmno what ?23:03
wilbert_take care man23:03
alarmbut what23:03
sparkyits not muted23:04
alarmbut turned down ?23:04
alarmDr_willis,  any suggestions ? :)23:06
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sparkyok i will be back later23:09
m477what is a commend apt-get for searching files ?23:14
m477apt-file 'name file' ?23:14
SJrapt-cache search23:15
SJrKnetworkmanager cannot see any wireless networks, but networkmanager in GNOME can see a crap load, so does iwlist, any ideas?23:15
m4vyou want to search packages or files in packages?23:15
Dr_willis!apt | m47723:15
ubottum477: APT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome) or !Adept (KDE)23:15
Dr_willisIt may be looking at the wrong interface sjr perhaps?23:15
ActionParsnipyo yo yo23:18
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kevind159Whats up?23:24
m477how to install compiz on kde by apt-get install he wants to instal gnome version i think23:24
ubottuCompiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion23:25
m477jussi01link doesnt help me23:26
ameliei need help; after installing restricted drivers for dvd playing23:26
ameliethe flashplugin is messed up23:26
alarmamelie,  flashplugin is fucked up anyway23:27
ameliei'm unable to watch youtube23:27
ameliewhat can i do?23:27
alarmamelie,  dont worry you are not the only one . what happens ? a gray picture appears ?23:27
ameliealmost white23:27
alarmjust refresh the page a couple of times23:27
alarmsometimes it works23:27
alarmas i said , flash plugin for firefox is fucked up23:28
alarmworks better with konqueror somehow23:28
ameliei don't like koqueror browser23:28
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alarmme neither. thats the only solution i found (refresh) for firefox23:29
alarmif someone knows how to solve it, let us know23:29
Guest50920firefox rulez!! xD23:29
ameliei tried it23:29
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ameliei close the application23:29
alarmtrue, but its getting on my nerves when flash doesnt play23:29
ameliereopened it23:29
amelieme too23:29
alarmamelie,  i didnt say to close the application but to refresh the page23:29
amelieyes i did refresh it as you said23:30
ameliethree times23:30
alarmtry it more23:30
alarmsometimes i need like 5-6 times till it works23:30
alarmdont know why , but it works sometimes23:30
alarmdont ask me what is wrong with it. but i know the issue23:30
m477i just installed compiz and doenst start to me simple compizconfig setings manager23:32
ameliethat's it23:35
amelieit was after i installed compiz!23:36
ubottuTo enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu: install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' or 'simple-ccsm'. If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz-fusion23:37
Dr_willisIt may not be a good idea to mixx kde4 and compiz. You can have.. interesting.. quirks. :)23:38
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ghostcubehmmm compiz and kde4 should work fine ;)23:45
tuxidon't need compiz ghostcube23:46
ghostcube:| depends on what u want23:46
tuxiI get some pretty nice effects with the kwin desktop effects (looks much like compiz)23:47
amelieok guys23:50
ameliei just removed the flashplugin23:51
amelieand reinstalled it again23:51
amelieof course, after removing compiz23:51
amelieand the youtube graybox is out23:51
tuxiare you 32-bit?23:51
raohello all..23:51
ghostcubetuxi, sure bit its not the same :)23:52
tuxiamelie: have you tried the 64-bit flash 10 beta?23:52
raoi forgot my password for my nick.. what is the best way to reterive that.. any ideas?23:52
ameliewell, i've already solved the problem23:52
jussi01rao: ask in #freenode23:52
ActionParsnipamelie: wget http://download.macromedia.com/pub/labs/flashplayer10/libflashplayer-10.0.d20.7.linux-x86_64.so.tar.gz &&  ( [ -d ~/.mozilla/plugins ] || mkdir ~/.mozilla/plugins ) && tar zxvf libflashplayer*.tar.gz -C ~/.mozilla/plugins23:53
ActionParsnipamelie: sorts me right out23:53
* ghostcube gives ActionParsnip a cookie 23:54
ameliewell dear, i appreciate it23:54
ActionParsniphehe, web searching dude :D23:54
ameliethe problem is solved23:54
ActionParsnipamelie: that command downloads the 64bit tra.gz file, and extracts  the .so to ~/.mozilla/plugins23:55
amelieso... since i'm kind of a newbie on this; i'm not going to complicate it more...23:55
ActionParsnipamelie: best way, if its not broken, dont fix it23:55
ameliehehe you couldn't say it better!23:56
ameliebut, i assure you, if i got problems with it, i'll get your help23:56
ActionParsnipI work in computers so its my mantra23:56
ameliethank you very much, anyway23:56
ameliei wish i could be a guru like you23:56
ameliei'm newbie on linux23:57
ameliethe best thing i can do in windows is using some applications on the office suite23:57
tuxiActionParsnip: thanks for the link -- it looks like I'm a bit out of date23:57
ActionParsniptuxi: just run the whole thing23:59
ActionParsniptuxi: it does the work for you23:59

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