
shadowh511hey, any new art stuff?05:31
mtholdensshey just thought i'd let you know that on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/Incoming/Jaunty/Backgrounds when you select full size link for seude backgrounds it doesn't load the full resolution version.07:47
mtholdenssbe great if someone could fix the broken link08:08
swalko_mtholdenss: link?08:23
mtholdensshttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/Incoming/Jaunty/Backgrounds   when you select full size link for seude backgrounds it doesn't load the full resolution version08:24
swalko_which link?08:27
mtholdenssyeah the first one08:27
mtholdenssunder the heading ready for use > suede08:28
swalko_mtholdenss: fixed08:29
mtholdenssi'm loving the creativity coming from these designs08:30
mtholdenssjust to let you know that suede_flat_1.png is 7mb and may not be so friendly for users that don't have fast internet08:33
swalko_mtholdenss: i am not uploader, i only fixed that problem with link ... it may do everyone, because wiki is based on open concept08:38
swalko_mtholdenss: you may simply rescale that image, upload it on wiki and add link with smaller size08:39
swalko_thorwil: hi09:32
swalko_thorwil: i updated my icon ... look on wiki09:32
swalko_thorwil: submission is down09:33
thorwilswalko_: thanks for fixing my typo on the backgrounds page!09:35
swalko_thorwil: nfw09:35
swalko_thorwil: i have one idea how to improve icon creation coordination09:36
swalko_thorwil: add to wiki "work in progress" table with icon and artist name on that is worked upon09:36
thorwilswalko_: that could be nice, yes09:37
thorwil_MMA_: ^09:37
swalko_thorwil: and next idea ... add on wiki page where will be in steps described work with one canvas workflow09:38
swalko_thorwil: if you want we may cooperate on that09:39
swalko_thorwil: i am experienced user, but it taked me little time to completely understand one canvas workflow09:39
thorwilswalko_: i thought we already had a brief explanation09:40
swalko_thorwil: brie isnt enought09:41
swalko_thorwil: and09:41
swalko_thorwil: i looked at videos09:41
swalko_thorwil: after reading bried and seened videos09:41
swalko_thorwil: i haved problems09:41
swalko_thorwil: may be i missed something ..  but i must find scripts (from tango vcs), find in which layer i must add context, icon name and etc09:42
thorwilswalko_: i'm currently dedicated to backgrounds, but if you write an outline and/or collect open questions, _MMA_ or I can reowrk that later on09:42
swalko_thorwil: i may try to write step by step guide to use one canvas workflow09:43
swalko_thorwil: i mean in week it will be done ... maybe soon09:44
swalko_thorwil: i put then existing template + add python an ruby scripts09:44
thorwilswalko_: you shouldn't have to deal with any scripts09:45
swalko_thorwil: scripts downloade from tange vcs09:45
swalko_thorwil: not my :)09:45
swalko_thorwil: is there a better way?09:46
thorwilswalko_: yes, i guess. check out the bzr branch09:47
thorwilotherwise just pick one of the files on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/BreatheIconSet/Icons09:48
swalko_thorwil: peoples dont need scripts ... but artists may want ... at example i want to use my icons ... i created my personal icon set (mix of breathe + human + my icons)09:48
swalko_thorwil: and that scripts saved my time09:49
savvaswhat kind of a script do you need? converting svg to png?09:50
swalko_savvas: i have that scripts09:51
swalko_savvas: export all icon sizes with one script09:51
thorwilswalko_: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/BreatheIconSet/Submissions is back. i think you should add 2 outlines to the large version of the calculator. make the outer a bit darker than the body, maybe a little touch of blue. use the inner outline for a very subtle highlight on the top and maybe sides, but not bottom09:52
swalko_savvas: i know what you mean ... but my idea was to create that calculator flat09:54
swalko_thorwil: i know what you mean ... but my idea was to create that calculator flat09:54
swalko_thorwil: something like "unibody" calculator :)09:55
thorwilswalko_: i never ever saw a calculator with sharp edges. that would be a painful experience ;)09:55
swalko_thorwil: new times, new designs :)09:56
swalko_thorwil: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/BreatheIconSet/Icons i may then put icons on what i am working09:58
swalko_thorwil: it will be good to add artist names to icons in WIP10:00
thorwilswalko_: you really have to talk with _MMA_ ;)10:00
swalko_thorwil: ok ok10:01
swalko_thorwil: have you here "meeting days or meeting time" ?10:01
thorwilswalko_: no. it's usually no problem to get him. i don't even know in which (american) timezone he is10:03
swalko_thorwil: i try him sometime in week10:03
kwwiithorwil: in the east (6 hours from us)10:49
thorwilhrmpf. letting gimp render the svg is also no solution, as it doesn't support masking, it seems10:52
swalko_thorwil: inkscape: export10:55
swalko_thorwil: multiple wanted size by power of two10:56
swalko_thorwil: because inkscape has buggy (blurred) export to bitmap10:56
thorwilswalko_: no, i'm struggling with a background. the inkscape export shows color-banding10:56
swalko_thorwil: i seened that too, but i meant for it was responsible my monitor10:58
swalko_thorwil: i dont know what tool is using script used by me, but you may try it10:59
thorwilswalko_: the banding is a monitor issue, sometimes. but often not :(10:59
swalko_thorwil: i have very good monitor, and i meant that was issue11:00
swalko_thorwil: try that script and you see11:01
swalko_thorwil: http://picasaweb.google.com/milan.krivda/Amarok#528895366459800192211:02
swalko_thorwil: very ugly banding11:02
thorwilswalko_: and you found a way to render that one with better quality?11:03
swalko_thorwil: no ... i forgot that, because i meaned that isnt inkscape issue11:04
swalko_thorwil: have you screen with your background?11:05
thorwilwell, the JPG made it worse, of course11:06
swalko_thorwil: my was much worster11:07
swalko_thorwil: you may try te export only bblurred part with inkscape11:07
swalko_thorwil: non blurred with gimp11:07
thorwilswalko_: that's what i'm doing right now11:07
swalko_thorwil: and combine11:07
kwwiihave you tried rendering it with batik? I used to do that a long long time ago11:08
swalko_thorwil: and try to contact inkscape devs11:08
swalko_thorwil: i newer used that11:08
swalko_thorwil: illustrator work bad with svgs11:09
swalko_thorwil: you may try karbon11:09
kwwiikarbon sucks11:10
thorwili just tried exporting double size to scale down in gimp. that used as overlay with the x1 export shows there's absilutely no difference11:10
swalko_thorwil: are you sure if it is inkscape responsive for that?11:11
thorwilswalko_: yes11:11
swalko_thorwil: i meaned by multiple by power of two11:11
thorwilan i know that the issue has been raised on the inkscape list already11:11
swalko_thorwil: that step must be performed always by exporting11:12
swalko_thorwil: that will not solve your problem, only make picture sharper after resizing in gimp11:12
thorwilswalko_: i'm working with 2560 x 1600. i will not go beyond doubling that ;)11:12
thorwilswalko_: my little experiment suggests it doesn't even lead to a sharper image. zero difference11:13
swalko_thorwil: you maked difference mask on doth pictures?11:14
swalko_thorwil: and absolutelly none difference?11:14
swalko_thorwil: o must try11:14
thorwilfood, bbl11:15
swalko_thorwil: in oxygen that was one from first points that pinheiro pointed me11:15
thorwilkwwii: searching for batik in synaptic only delivers a libxmlgraphics-commons-java11:52
kwwiithorwil: yeah, batik is the svg engine made by the mozilla people12:02
kwwiiit is in java12:02
Cimiandreasn_, if you add Inherits=hicolor,Human in the gnome iconset you can have the new notifications with the gnome iconset12:54
=== andreasn_ is now known as andreasn
Cimiit's an ugly workaround until they move them into hicolor, but it works12:55
andreasnyeah, but then you kind of end up with a circular dependency12:55
andreasnI currently don't run Jaunty, so I expect it to be fixed until the stable version is released12:55
Cimiandreasn, it's just until they move those icons into hicolor12:55
Cimioh ok12:56
andreasnbut thanks for the tip anyway12:56
kwwiithe icons should be in a hicolor dir sometime very soon...it was put in the package on friday, I know that12:56
kwwiibecause I told them where to put them, etc :)12:57
andreasnkwwii, great, thanks!12:57
kwwiiandreasn: sorry it wasn't right the first time around13:00
kwwiithe truth is, if they had at least included the icons I gave them weeks ago this all wouldn't have been such a big deal13:00
kwwiibut anyway, time to take my kid to a friends...bbl13:00
andreasnoh, well, it didn't even get into the alpha release, right?13:01
andreasnI can imagine worse things have happened between those :)13:02
SealVgood morning14:44
SealVflesh tones.. would like feedback16:00
thorwilSealV: looks rather agressive16:03
SealVthe white strokes, probably.16:05
SealVagressive in color? or style?16:09
swalko_for me ... colors16:10
swalko_left side are colored good16:10
swalko_but right side uses agressive colors16:11
SealVagressive colors, I must admit I do not understand, swalko what is it about the right colors that you do not like? er.. hue? value?16:13
swalko_color balance16:13
SealVah. I see..hmm16:14
swalko_concrete colors arent agressive16:14
swalko_but personally16:14
swalko_i like balanced backgrounds16:14
swalko_if i look on that background my eyes go to right side16:15
swalko_of that bg16:15
swalko_but overall16:15
swalko_that background look nice and clean16:15
SealVAh now I see it  thanks16:15
SealVPerhaps a different brown might work better16:16
SealVinstead of the redpink16:16
swalko_if you balance right that colors, i mean it will be very very good background for me16:18
swalko_i like their clean style16:18
swalko_and next positive thing16:20
swalko_you bgt may be nice colored in every color what you want16:20
SealVdid not think about that, definitely worth trying out16:21
SealVbetter or worse?16:33
savvasit's extreme, but too extreme to keep for more than 5 minutes :P16:50
swalko_SealV: better, but i am still missing color balance16:50
swalko_SealV: try to use colors very close to colors on left side (i like colors on the left half)16:51
SealVsavas: the first or the second? or both?16:55
SealVtoned it way down. used brown17:26
swalko_SealV: beutiful17:47
swalko_SealV: thats way i liked it :)17:48
swalko_SealV: i must go, bye17:49
marv1hi there, its my first time in this channnel and i had some time to make a jaunty wallpaper, pls visit and tell me your opinion, thanks! http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php/jaunty+sunset?content=100270&PHPSESSID=5f099a49c7ac361651121dfcee18115c20:26
swalko_Selv: i looked now for you20:55
swalko_SealV: i looked now for you20:56
SealVhey!, had to go study for chem lol20:56
SealVwhats up?20:56
swalko_SealV: you done your bg in inkscape?20:57
SealVyup, avoid gimp like the plague20:57
swalko_SealV: may you upload svg on wiki?20:57
swalko_SealV: i want your bg in my collection :)20:57
SealVoh yeah. Just need to scale it up for bigger resoltuions20:58
SealVgimme two minutes20:58
swalko_SealV: may you upload svg?20:58
swalko_SealV: thank you21:01
SealVnp :)21:01
swalko_SealV: when you upload your icon ping me please21:26
=== andreasn_ is now known as andreasn
SealV<swalko_>: I uploaded it22:27
SealVswalko_: I uploaded it22:27
swalko_SealV: thank you, i noticed that, right now i am exporting from your svg:)22:28
swalko_SealV: now i am using your bg on my desktop22:35
swalko_SealV: brown version is looking very nice22:35
SealVthanks :)22:35

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