=== asac_ is now known as asac === thunderstruck is now known as gnomefreak === andreasn_ is now known as andreasn [13:32] Pls point me elsewhere if needed, but I'd need to know how to open root terminal under Intrepid's Guest Account... [13:33] It's an internet cafe and the owner would like to do system maintenance from within the guest account [13:48] Or maybe this cannot be done from the desktop and it needs some terminal-fu to open a regula user account; I'll look into that... [13:48] this is not the right chan for that, but you should type "sudo su -" in a console [13:48] and give the user password [13:49] Big thanks and sorry :^) === thunderstruck is now known as gnomefreak === fta_ is now known as fta === pmf__ is now known as ember === andreasn_ is now known as andreasn [22:42] question about networkManager/ [22:42] sglasser: is it a developer related questions or support? [22:43] networkManager > wlan0 seems to make dhcp request every 60 seconds... [22:43] possible bug...or "feature" [22:44] that's not developer related. please use #ubuntu for support. [22:44] kk, is there really anyone in that channel that's expert? [22:46] that's not an expert question... [22:46] however. this is not the place. === onestone_ is now known as onestone