
=== asac_ is now known as asac
=== thunderstruck is now known as gnomefreak
gnomefreak!info firefox-3.0 intrepid07:33
ubottufirefox-3.0 (source: firefox-3.0): safe and easy web browser from Mozilla. In component main, is optional. Version 3.0.6+nobinonly-0ubuntu0.8.10.1 (intrepid), package size 864 kB, installed size 3452 kB07:33
gnomefreakbug 11511208:14
ubottuLaunchpad bug 115112 in firefox "Missing man page" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/11511208:14
BUGabundoguud afternoon everyone! who is your Sunday going?13:57
gnomefreakanyone know if m-d is borked? it seems like its corup the source? i cant type today14:44
gnomefreakif i build source with -S -sa it fails with " ignoring bleh bleh" the binaries build fine before or after building the source. since i do it right after grabbing tarball it cant be anything on this end14:46
gnomefreakmost are warnings but there is alot if errors pretty much same error14:47
* gnomefreak trying dbuild15:24
gnomefreakstill fucks up why the fuck is it ignoring deletion of file ....15:26
gnomefreakwhy only during source  build :(15:26
gnomefreakit didnt fail this time15:26
gnomefreakyea i have upload :) ok im gone im gonna build binaries15:27
=== thunderstruck is now known as gnomefreak
gnomefreakit has to be the source tarball15:45
gnomefreakthey are all mozilla/mozilla/........15:46
gnomefreakso either m-d is doing it or the upstream source is messed up15:47
gnomefreakls ../15:52
gnomefreakok im logging this build i will post it tomorrow if it fails15:54
gnomefreakoh and there is no way in hell im going to try to patch these fucking files/dirs.15:59
fta2asac, n-m is a real pain. i have to plug / unplug my usb key several times to have it in the list, then, 9 out of 10 times, it refuses to connect (forcing me to reboot) or it "locks" the SIM (forcing me to use windows to unlock it)17:02
BUGabundothat was fixed for me17:02
BUGabundobut I have a blocker17:02
BUGabundoconfirmed by another user17:02
BUGabundounpluging the dongle, and pluging back will not Connect17:02
BUGabundounless /etc/init.d/Networkmanager restart17:03
BUGabundotried using the disable on NM applet17:03
BUGabundodidn't work17:03
BUGabundowe can't expect users to use the cli to restart NM17:03
BUGabundobug 33270617:04
ubottuLaunchpad bug 332706 in network-manager "NM requires /etc/init.d/networking restart to make 3G work, after un/plug" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33270617:04
fta2yes, once i disconnect a successful session, no way to reconnect. only reboot helps17:05
BUGabundoand recently the Disconnect doesn't work17:06
BUGabundohaven't filed that17:06
BUGabundois asac around?17:06
fta2no idea17:06
BUGabundofta no need to reboot17:06
BUGabundojust restart NM17:06
fta2maybe he's still sick17:06
fta2BUGabundo, nope, doesn't work17:06
BUGabundohope he get better17:06
BUGabundosure it does17:07
BUGabundo3 uses on +1 use it17:07
fta2trust me, i tried17:07
BUGabundonext try please try this if you can17:07
BUGabundobefore plugin the dongle17:07
fta2it worked 3 weeks ago when I last use my 3G dongle17:07
BUGabundogot to the applet and disable networking17:07
BUGabundothen plug the dongle17:07
BUGabundowait a few sec17:07
BUGabundoand then enable networking on the applet17:08
fta2tried that too, nada17:08
BUGabundoworks for me17:08
BUGabundobut it aint all that great17:08
BUGabundomaybe your device is stranger17:08
fta2i'm not fully up-to-date, i'm probably 3 to 4 days late17:08
BUGabundoI need to turn of the network to disconnect the dongle17:08
BUGabundosince "Disconect" doesn't work17:09
BUGabundofor a week now17:09
BUGabundoupdated up to 1h ago17:09
fta2here, disconnect works fine17:09
BUGabundoolder NM?17:09
fta2i won't upgrade now, i'm in the train17:09
BUGabundo  Installed: 0.7.1~rc1+20090220-0ubuntu117:09
BUGabundolosing would be bad!17:10
BUGabundocan you check your version?17:10
fta2same as yours17:11
BUGabundonetwork-manager-pptp:  Installed: 0.7.1~20090213+bzr15-0ubuntu117:12
BUGabundoppp:  Installed: 2.4.5~git20081126t100229-0ubuntu217:12
fta2i don't have the pptp thing, whatever it is17:13
fta2same ppp17:13
BUGabundoguess we will have to wait for asac to recover17:13
BUGabundoto help us debug17:14
BUGabundothen I'll file the Disconect one!17:14
fta2i really need to sort this SIM lock issue. i can't easily have access to a windows box, and i don't want to17:14
BUGabundoit aint as bad as the non working17:14
BUGabundoremoving the PIN?17:14
BUGabundojust use it on a phone17:14
fta2the sim is not really locked, it's fine in XP and in my phone.17:15
BUGabundoso NM as a wrong PIN saved?17:15
fta2but it's unusable in ubuntu, until i connect it at least once in xp17:15
fta2nope, the pin is correct17:15
BUGabundo1st time I eared that17:16
BUGabundobut on Friday you tested with one older CDMA modem and NM failed to connect17:17
fta2but it's 100% reproducible here17:17
BUGabundowhile most recent ones works fine here17:17
BUGabundowifi on the other hand.....17:17
BUGabundoyou ?17:17
fta2i did no such thing last friday..17:17
BUGabundome ... I did17:18
BUGabundoat hacklab17:18
BUGabundoa guy was having trouble with his modem,17:18
BUGabundoonly worked on OSX, but not on the dualboot Ubuntu17:18
BUGabundoso I tried it, and it also failed17:18
fta2ok ok.. asac is not here, i will disconnect, it costs me an arm with this SIM, and the other one is kind of locked as described above. See you in ~2h from home.17:20
=== fta_ is now known as fta
BUGabundo[reed]: fta ping21:44
BUGabundoneed to track a change to ff 3.1 on the daily21:46
BUGabundothis week21:47
BUGabundofriday or thurday21:47
BUGabundosomething from 3.2 tree was ported to 3.121:47
BUGabundoand changed something in the core21:47
BUGabundoone of my addons stopped working properly on 3.1 and started to be like it is on 3.221:47
BUGabundo3.2 always behave like that21:48
BUGabundoi emailed the dev, and he is scrathing his head... no idea what the change was, but also noticed it this week21:48
BUGabundofta: do u think u can help?21:49
ftaask [reed], or dig into http://hg.mozilla.org/mozilla-central/summary21:49
ftaor in http://hg.mozilla.org/releases/mozilla-1.9.1/ if it's 1.9.1 too21:50
BUGabundoany idea when [reed] will be online?21:50
BUGabundois there a quick way to see what was backported from the 3.2 tree?21:51
ftanot real "quick" way21:52
ftaif you have rev-ids, that would help21:53
ftayou can use the dailies to shorten the interval21:53
ftayou can also use hourlies: http://hourly-archive.localgho.st/linux.html21:54
BUGabundoi have apt changes21:54
BUGabundodoes it help?21:54
ftaif you are certain that one version is fine, and the next is not, 100% reproducible, the two versions would sure help21:55
BUGabundowend it was OK21:56
BUGabundoso at least tuesday daily21:56
BUGabundothen yesterday i did not get any daily (python bindings?)21:57
BUGabundoand today i got an update... i tried to install the new beta addon and it got worse21:57
ftaBUGabundo, i see a lot of dents saying that gwibber is broken in jaunty, it's not for me. is it for you?21:57
BUGabundotested 3.2... no good, emailed dev21:57
BUGabundoyes it is21:57
BUGabundosome how UM removed it21:57
BUGabundo'cause of python bindings21:58
BUGabundo  gwibber: Depends: python-webkitgtk but it is not going to be installed21:58
ftaoh, ok. I kept my python on hold as it wants to remove too much stuff21:58
BUGabundoi dont rememer removing anyting21:59
BUGabundoi always make sure UM doesnt do anything so stupid21:59
BUGabundono idea how i messed this one21:59
ftaThe following packages will be REMOVED:21:59
fta  calibre calibre-bin deluge deluge-common deluge-core deluge-torrent displayconfig-gtk gdesklets guidance-backends gwibber miro python-4suite-xml21:59
fta  python-at-spi python-libtorrent python-webkitgtk python-xml serpentine21:59
BUGabundoor maybe it was, because i installed the python from pythoneers PPA21:59
BUGabundodisplayconfig-gtk  is DEAD22:00
BUGabundofeel free to remove it22:00
BUGabundopython-webkitgtk is on hold! it wont be built any time soon22:00
BUGabundoaccording to some dev i talked today on #u-devel22:00
ftayep, but i need the other ones so i prefer waiting.22:02
BUGabundorestarting 3G modem22:03
BUGabundoit stuck on 2G22:03
BUGabundo1fta: I track down what changed !!!!22:09
BUGabundo1it was the ZOOM22:09
BUGabundo1new profile in firefox, and ctrl+scroll no longer works!22:10
BUGabundo1the addon I mentioned is NoSquint22:10
BUGabundo1a zoom addon!22:10
BUGabundo1now to find the change in the logs22:10
BUGabundofta: hum22:27
BUGabundoso anything I can do to help narrow the search?22:28

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