
Charliehorsei got this error while trying to play a song file in totem off of an HFS+ mounted drive http://www.mibbit.com/pb/puFkV800:03
orcihi all, I have 8.04 on a desktop, if I edit the sources.list and replace hardy with intrepid, and do a apt-get dist-upgrade, would that work?00:05
zashorci: maybe00:05
unkoorci, there's a command to do distro update00:05
zashorci: do-release-upgrade !00:06
unkoi forget it tho00:06
unkoyeah that one00:06
zashunko: if you have the gui, look in Software Sources00:07
zashunder Updates00:07
douglI am running 8.04 and when I try to update system there are 4 packages that give me "Error authenticating some packages" they are all xbmc related - can anyone help me out with this?00:07
mib_u8lmqzWhat program should I use to burn the image onto the CD for ubuntu?00:07
zashdougl: you should probably disable the xbmc repos before00:08
IndyGunFreakmib_u8lmqz: if you're in ubuntu, gnomebaker, k3b, both will be fine00:08
Charliehorsemib_u8lmqz: what system are you using?00:08
mib_u8lmqzI am using Windows Vista at the moment00:08
brandon_does any body no what is a good video editing software00:08
unkozash, huh00:08
incubiimib_u8lmqz, try ImgBurn00:08
incubiimib_u8lmqz, itr free00:08
mib_u8lmqzcool and is there a recommended speed to burn it?00:09
incubiimib_u8lmqz, just let it auto-detect the speed00:09
brandon_ does any body no what is a good video editing software00:09
zashunko: http://pix.zash.se/i/hQ.png00:09
douglzash - not that I know how to disable but if I accomplish this how do I update xbmc and supporting packages?00:09
brandon_ does any body no what is a good video editing software00:09
zashdougl: software sources!00:09
=== Album|Awy is now known as Album
mib_u8lmqzthanks inclubi and charliehouse and the others00:09
unkozash, why am i doing this again? i don't need help if thats what your asking00:10
brandon_ does any body no what is a good video editing software00:10
Mox`hmm when I try to save fdisk i get this error: "WARNING: Re-reading the partition table failed with error 16: Device or resource busy." - how do I fix this? :S00:10
IndyGunFreakbrandon_: take a xannex, if nobody knows, its not gonna get you an answer asking every 10sec00:10
incubiiMox`, maybe the device you are partitioning is still mounted ?00:10
Mox`incubii how do I check? Mount?00:10
sebsebseb 00:10
sebsebseb 00:10
FloodBot2sebsebseb: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.00:11
incubiiMox`, type mount in the cli, that will list all mounted devices and where they are mounted too00:11
ubottuFor help with partitioning a new install see: https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/switching/installing-partitioning.html - For partitioning programs see !GParted or !QtParted - Other partitioning topics include !fstab !home and !swap00:11
ScottG489How do I find out what my wifi is called. Like my ethernet connection is eth0 but I don't know what my wireless is.00:12
incubiiScottG489, in commandline type iwconfig00:12
incubiiit will list the wireless if it is indeed there00:12
ScottG489incubii: Hm, ok thats what I thought. I guess its eth100:13
wadI'd like to use compiz, but when I put apps on different desktops, I can't use ALT-TAB to cycle through them anymore. Also, each desktop only shows the apps on that taskbar. Is this a configuration option, or am I just out of luck?00:13
=== user1 is now known as mxiao
ScottG489incubii: It also lists eth0 though, just no connection (im on wifi right now)00:13
incubiiScottG489, yes it will list everything, but only the wireless adapters will have more information00:14
ScottG489incubii: in ifconfig it has the line "eth1      Link encap:Ethernet"00:14
incubiiScottG489, it lists eth0 in iwconfig for me but says No Wireless Extensions00:14
ScottG489incubii: SO that confused me cuz it said ethernet next to what I thought was my wireless00:14
ScottG489incubii: eth1 doesnt seem to work in conky00:15
ScottG489hm nvm i take that back00:16
mxiaodo I need the items in /temp or can I discard them?00:17
Guest88690this is too weird00:17
=== user1 is now known as mxiao
mxiaodo I need the items in my /temp folder or can I delete them?00:19
picardo/j #cappuccino00:19
Guest88690sometimes when I install ubuntu 8.10 i get 1600 x 1200...but sometimes I only ge 800x600....what gives?  Nvidia drivers don't work.....so I have to keep reinstalling until I get one with 1600x1200 again?  Anyone know a way around this.  The stupid nvidia drivers worked in 32bit, but not 64bit....before and after kernel updates....sssshhhhh!00:20
Sergeant_Pony_can the order in which programs load be changed? I want compiz-fusion to start before my applet taskbar00:20
eubeyI am having trouble pinpointing why my computer is hanging for 10-20 seconds at the "Starting up..." phase after(or perhaps during?) GRUB. Any ideas?00:21
ubuntu_i want install ubuntu00:21
ubuntu_i was write iso to dvd00:21
ubuntu_and installation was start00:21
ubuntu_i have get this error : [Errno 5] Input/output error00:21
mib_u8lmqzI am getting a "write error" when I try burning the image on ImgBurn00:21
mib_u8lmqzI am using CD-R00:22
eubeymib_u8lmqz, did u check the md5 hash?00:22
ubuntu_i have ubuntu iso in the live session00:22
IndyGunFreak!enter | ubuntu_00:22
ubottuubuntu_: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!00:22
mib_u8lmqzis that an option I should leave uncheck eubey?00:22
BigMikehi all00:23
eubeymib_u8lmqz, no its a way to see if the file you downloaded is identical to the one on the server00:23
BigMikemy ext3 drive isnt updating its stayin at the same size what can I do?00:23
Guest88690dangit....800x600 again.....00:23
mib_u8lmqzoh ok eubey, how do I check that?00:23
Guest88690its just soooooo randome00:24
storbeckmib_u8lmqz: man md5sum00:24
exodus_msany of you all use songbird in Ubuntu 8.10? I have a small problem, I'm unable to right-click the media player and select a workspace to switch it to, this option is also unavailable in 'mini' mode00:24
mib_u8lmqzI am on Vista at the moment, trying to get ubuntu00:24
IndyGunFreak!res > Guest8869000:24
ubottuGuest88690, please see my private message00:24
zashexodus_ms: try Ctlr+Alt+Arrowkeys00:24
eubeyhttp://www.mgillespie.plus.com/MD5Check.zip use that and the find the md5 files on the server00:24
eubeyand see if the number generated is the same as trhe one in the file mib_u8lmqz00:25
eubeyI am having trouble pinpointing why my computer is hanging for 10-20 seconds at the "Starting up..." phase after(or perhaps during?) GRUB. Any ideas?00:25
mib_u8lmqzif it is eubey, what should I do?00:25
Guest88690IndyGunFreak: if that works...you totally rock00:25
exodus_mszash, ya, that just toggles through the workspaces, the player still remains on 'Desktop 1'00:25
fiantresdoes synaptic package manager use a different set of repositories than apt?00:26
ubuntu_I want install ubuntu, i was start installation but i have get this error "[Errno 5] Input/output error" but i have ubuntu iso file in the now live session, i guess dvd files is broken, can i install other iso files ? I have ubuntu iso file in the live session, i'm now live session. i dont have empty dvd, ubiquty in the my desktop now, please help me.00:26
jjleemy /dev/urandom stops growing at around 400 bytes, yet cat /proc/sys/kernel/random/poolsize yields 409600:26
zashexodus_ms: right, add shift00:26
eubeymib_u8lmqz, if its different u need to redownload, if its the same then i dunno00:26
crdlbfiantres: it's just a frontend00:26
exodus_mszash, ty00:26
jjleecat /proc/sys/kernel/random/entropy_avail gives around 3600 bits max pretty consistently00:26
ubuntu_can i install from other iso file (in the live session desktop)00:26
jjleeup until then, entropy_avail keeps growing until it hits the magic 3600-odd00:27
ubuntu_i have a windoze other partitions.00:27
mib_u8lmqzthank you eubey00:27
ubuntu_and i can't open windows..00:27
orcizash, update-manager told me that there is no nvidia driver in 8.10 for my card. is that true?00:27
fiantrescrdlb: interesting; i've run apt-get update and apt-get upgrade and show 0 packages needing updates, but synaptic just found 8 packages to download all on its own...00:27
ubuntu_and can't install ubuntu00:27
ubuntu_what's up me ?00:27
sebsebsebubuntu_: install from Live CD00:28
fiantrescrdlb: any ideas?00:28
jjleeassuming poolsize is also in bits, why does my entropy_avail stick at 3600 rather than 4096 ish?00:28
exodus_mszash, one more question, is there a keyboard shortcut for showing the app across all workspaces00:28
eubeywhere can i see the log outputted by grub?00:28
sebsebsebubuntu_: and you can install form a USB stick00:28
zashorci: yes, intrepid does not work with my geforce 3 :(00:28
Guest88690does ubuntu have whatever-Fkey to go into terminal?00:28
mib_u8lmqzit says MD4 Sums don't match so I will redownload00:28
IndyGunFreaksebsebseb: onlly if his machine will boot usb00:28
temperature How to enable cpufreq on 8.10 server. "$cpufreq-info" gives " analyzing CPU 7: no or unknown cpufreq driver is active on this CPU"00:28
ubuntu_sebsebseb:  i don't have now usb stick00:28
orcizash, ah but 8.04 does how ocme?00:29
mikeshollenHey guys, does anyone know how to inject terminal commands into a file to start up when ubuntu hardy loads?  I have a three liner that I want to auto run so I don't have to rebuild my wifi card's driver everytime I restart.00:29
ubuntu_i'm in the live session now00:29
sebsebsebubuntu_: can you boot from Live CD?00:29
crdlbfiantres: upgrade will not install any new packages, whereas dist-upgrade will00:29
zashGuest88690: (ctrl + ) alt + F# = switch to virtual terminal #00:29
ubuntu_sebsebseb: yes i do.00:29
wadWhere do I configure the behavior of my Static Application Switcher?00:29
mxiaoubuntu not recognizing my C drive can anyone help?00:29
ubuntu_i'm in the live session now.00:29
fidelitysystemwhat mean this00:29
sebsebsebubuntu_: ok you need to partition your hard disk and then install00:29
fidelitysystem.. waiting [Sat Feb 28 16:27:53 2009] [warn] NameVirtualHost has no VirtualHosts00:30
fidelitysystem(99)Cannot assign requested address: make_sock: could not bind to address
fidelitysystemno listening sockets available, shutting down00:30
fidelitysystemUnable to open logs00:30
fidelitysystem                                                                         [fail]00:30
fidelitysystemfidelitysystem@fidelitysystem:/var/www$ ls00:30
FloodBot2fidelitysystem: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.00:30
ubuntu_sebsebseb: how ?00:30
zashexodus_ms: iduno, there is in the alt+rightclick menu00:30
fiantresso dist-upgrade is how you upgrade you kernel? that would make sense because the packages synaptic is downloading are all kernel or kernel header updates00:30
sebsebsebubuntu_: you want to dual boot with Windows?00:30
ubuntu_sebsebseb: yes00:30
ubottuDual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo - MACs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot00:30
exodus_mszash, again I am humbled by your keyboard skills, thanks again00:30
fidelitysystemwhats virtualhost?00:31
ubuntu_sebsebseb: i can't install ubuntu, i wan't open windows but i can't it.00:31
ubuntu_because, i need install ubuntu00:31
zashexodus_ms: :D00:31
ubuntu_and i want install ubuntu, i want use ubuntu00:31
sebsebsebubuntu_: you want to have Windows and Ubuntu on the computer?00:31
ubuntu_but for it  before install :)00:31
storbeckubuntu_: http://wubi-installer.org/00:31
IndyGunFreakubuntu_: you say windows won't boot, are you getting grub errors?00:31
sebsebsebstorbeck: I woudn't normalely recommend wubi00:31
IndyGunFreakstorbeck: thats useless, windows won't boot00:31
storbeckEh, I can't understand what he's saying00:32
ubuntu_IndyGunFreak: I can't boot Windows00:32
ubottuGRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto00:32
zashorci: what you say??00:32
=== sebyoga is now known as sebastienYoga
Fosco__is there a way to check what programs were recently removed by apt-get autoremove?  I know it wouldn't be in my bash_history00:32
IndyGunFreakubuntu_: if you want help, you'er going to have to 1. learn to ask a question, and 2., how to answer one, i know windows won't boot, i asked are you getting a grub error00:32
ubuntu_i did write iso file to dvd00:32
sebastienYogaHello every body00:32
sebsebsebsebastienYoga: hi00:32
ubuntu_IndyGunFreak: so sorry, i dont write more english.00:33
ubuntu_i can't write more english00:33
sebsebsebubuntu_: where are you from?00:33
ubuntu_i don't know english..00:33
sebsebsebwhich language do you know?00:33
ubuntu_sebsebseb: in the Turkey00:33
fidelitysystemno listening sockets available, shutting down00:33
fidelitysystem What mean that ???00:33
fiantresanyone know about virtualization options in ubuntu 8.10?00:33
IndyGunFreakubuntu_: thats fine, you can't boot windows, i understand that, when you boot your machine, do you get a grub error, like does it say, "Grub error 17, or Grub error 21", or something like that00:33
sebastienYogaI have a question, I want to restrick a user to his home directory, but, i don't want use the path for ssh for use chroot, is it possible ?00:33
sebsebsebmust be a channel for turkey some where on here00:33
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about tk00:33
ubottuTurk ubuntu kullanıcıları, Türkçe yardım ya da geyik için #ubuntu-tr hizmetinizde.00:33
ubuntu_sebsebseb: thank you :)00:34
sebsebsebok good luck with Ubuntu00:34
ubuntu_sebsebseb: thanks.00:34
IndyGunFreaki bet that channel is empty, most of the foreign language ones are.00:34
Decepticonhow can i kill this user's processes00:34
Decepticonhow can i kill this user's processes safely, then lock his user00:34
Fosco__kill (process id)00:35
sebsebsebIndyGunFreak: yeah maybe,  but I know the Swedish and Spannish ones aren't and dutch00:35
Decepticonhow can i kill ALL of this user's processes safely, then lock his user00:35
DextlWhenever I run WoW in Wine, it just crashes.... can anyone help?00:35
IndyGunFreaksebsebseb: yeah, maybe.. lot of times there's people there but nobody talking00:35
sebsebsebnot in the Swedish channel :)00:35
IndyGunFreakDextl: thats a wine issue, not an ubuntu issue00:35
sebsebsebubuntu_: still here?  any luck in there?00:35
rdw200169Dextl, try opengl on the command line.. like 'wine WoW.exe -opengl'00:35
IndyGunFreaksebsebseb: i'm watching there, nobody is answerng him00:36
storbeckDecepticon: pkill00:36
storbeckOr skill, rather00:36
storbeckskill -u username00:36
Fosco__is there a way to check what programs were recently removed by apt-get autoremove?  I know it wouldn't be in my bash_history00:37
andyh2how do i run internet explorer in ubuntu00:37
storbeckandyh2: ies4linux00:37
andyh2wuts this firefox ting00:37
storbeckFirefox is another web browser00:37
Decepticonstorbeck that didnt do anything00:38
sebastienYogado you have a solution for my problem ?00:38
presshere! firefox00:38
ubottufirefox is the default web-browser on Ubuntu. To install the latest version, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxNewVersion Installing plugins: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FirefoxPlugins00:38
hikenboothello all how do i identify which snapshot of a volume is the active one ?00:38
storbeckDecepticon: man pkill and man skill00:39
fidelitysystemHI i want to know how i can delete apache00:39
fidelitysystemhelp me00:39
IndyGunFreakandyh2: why on Gods green earth, would you run IE on Linux?00:39
storbeckfidelitysystem: apt-get remove apache00:39
hikenbootaccording to lvdisplay it looks like my initial partition and the snapshot are both running this is puzzling anyone able to explain this?00:39
andyh2IndyGunFreak No idea :)00:39
storbeckIndyGunFreak: Maybe he's a web developer and he wants it for testing00:40
knubbli__check this out http://tinyurl.com/rolfxd lol00:40
IndyGunFreakstorbeck: well considering he just said no idea, id rule that out00:40
unopIndyGunFreak, to run ActiveX Controls? :)00:40
storbeckIndyGunFreak: I was just trying to make it sound better :)00:40
IndyGunFreakunop: lol, Actively eXposed00:40
=== mccune is now known as jmccune
orcizash, 8.04 drivers for nvidia exist. wht not for 8.10?00:42
zashorci: i wonder that too00:43
orcizash, shouldn't what work in 8.04 work in 8.10 as well?00:43
zashorci: tried to upgrade my xbmc-box to intrepid, went from acceptable framerate to like 1fps00:43
zashorci: appearently not :(00:44
MarkJonesIs 8.10 even close to the speed and responsivness of 8.04 now with all updates installed or is it still IMO a bit laggy?00:44
ActionParsnip1orci: they do00:44
ActionParsnip1orci: what is the output of: lspci | grep -i vga00:45
storbeckMarkJones: That depends entirely on how you have it setup.00:45
storbeck8.10 is just a release version. It can always be modified.00:46
orciActionParsnip1, geforce4 mx 440 agp00:46
ATC_203Hey can I get some help with an upgrade problem?00:46
MarkJonesWhat do you mean? Its just a standard default install.00:46
orcirev a200:46
storbeckYou never said `standard default install`00:46
ActionParsnip1orci: sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx-96; sudo nvidia-xconfig00:46
ActionParsnip1orci: restart x server then run: gksudo nvidia-settings00:47
fidelitysystemhey removed apache but now i can installed .. why ??00:47
orciActionParsnip1, is this all? I'll try it oncethe upgrade to intrepid finishes00:47
orcizash, can you try it too?00:48
ActionParsnip1orci: yep, thats it00:48
zashorci: try whatnow00:48
ActionParsnip1orci: linux + nvidia == best mates00:48
orcizash /lastlog ActionParsnip100:49
mikeshollenWhat's the terminal command to empty the trash when you're having permission problems00:50
ubottuThe location of Trash has changed since 8.04, it is now located in ~/.local/share/Trash | Looking for the trash in previous versions: ~/.Trash00:50
mykzanyone available to help with this problem http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=6816236&posted=1#post681623600:50
zashorci: i tried all nvidia-glx-* and none worked00:50
zashi think00:50
nomiculusstuff has to work on the command line too!   :)00:50
Fosco__is there a way to check what programs were recently removed by apt-get autoremove?00:51
ActionParsnip1nomiculus: indeed, you can do anything you can do in gui that you can do interminal, except flash in websites00:51
nomiculusi recognise that actionparsnip100:51
ActionParsnip1nomiculus: good lad00:51
storbeckFosco__: sudo cat /var/log/apt/term.log00:52
mimmo! lista00:52
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about lista00:52
_VIM_!it | mimmo00:52
ubottumimmo: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)00:52
_VIM_storbeck: the last line concerns me the most, but the permissons issue should be easily solved by just adding a sudo infront of the commands no? http://paste.ubuntu.com/124428/00:53
mykzcan anyone tell with my current problem?00:53
storbeck_VIM_: sudo apt-get install dvdrtools00:54
Droopsta915Why doesn't my default player play my dvd, but vlc does?00:54
storbeck_VIM_: I'm interested to see how well it works00:54
_VIM_storbeck: that would help hah? hehe, ok hold on, you gonna be on for abit?00:54
ActionParsnip1Droopsta915: maybe you need to give it the dvd plugin for it00:54
_VIM_k brb then00:55
Droopsta915is there a command to install everything i need for the player>00:55
storbeck_VIM_: It would be neat if you left the dvd in the drive the majority of the time, then added the script in cron. You could have a dvd of backups for each month :)00:55
Hogrenbonjour tt le monde00:55
fidelitysystemhi helppp00:55
fidelitysystem/etc/apache2/mods-available/cgid.load what mean that00:55
Hogreneuh j'ai un petit souci00:56
storbeck!it | Hogren00:56
ubottuHogren: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)00:56
Hogrend'ordre carte graphique00:56
_VIM_storbeck: yeah ill just stick the script on a cron if it works, and have it do backups like once per night, it's a rewriteable disk too so i could have it delete old backups every so often too00:57
Hogrenvoila j'ai installer manaworld00:57
Hogrenet le message suivant apparai00:57
HogrenCould not initialize SDL: No available video device00:57
Hogren(quand je le lance)00:57
homeskilldoes xinerama let you use dual monitors in the normal sense of the word, like seeing one work space on one monitor and the other on another ?00:58
Hogrensur le FAQ du site il mette quil faut toucher au variable00:58
Hogrenmais je n'ai jamais fait00:58
Hogrenoups sorry00:58
Hogreni am not in the good channel00:59
mikeshollencan anyone help me to get 3 terminal commands to run automatically during startup?00:59
storbeckmikeshollen: Add it in your .bash_login01:00
fidelitysystem_somebody fuck u help me ?01:00
fidelitysystem_this channel never helps ..01:00
Huufartedfidelitysystem_, watch your language01:00
mikeshollenrelax man01:00
mikesholleneveryone here is a volunteer01:00
eseven73please remember there are children here mikeshollen01:00
fidelitysystem_i have like 2 hours to please help me and nobody helps me01:01
Huufartedcussing will TOTALLY convince us to help you01:01
eseven73oops sorry mikeshollen wrong nick ;)01:01
mikeshollenthat's ok, i01:01
mikesholleni'm still offensive to children01:01
Huufarted!ask | fidelitysystem_01:01
ubottufidelitysystem_: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)01:01
fidelitysystem_well my problem is that apache2 dont install ..01:01
storbeckfidelitysystem_: What is the problem?01:02
Huufartedfidelitysystem_, how are you trying to install it?01:02
fidelitysystem_with sudo apt-get01:02
Huufartedfidelitysystem_, and what's the error you get?01:02
Huufartedfidelitysystem_, the exact command, please.01:02
_VIM_dvdrecord: No such file or directory. Cannot open '/dev/sg*'. Cannot open SCSI driver.01:02
_VIM_dvdrecord: For possible targets try 'cdrecord -scanbus'. Make sure you are root.01:02
mikeshollenwhere is my .bash_login01:02
FloodBot2_VIM_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.01:02
fidelitysystem_ERROR: Module cgid does not exist!01:02
Huufartedhhahahaha VIM01:02
vaderAnybody know what config file I can edit to change the terminal font? for 8.10? (Not the gui terminal, the ctrl +alt +F1 cli)01:03
storbeck_VIM_: pastebin the cdrecord -scanbus output01:03
fidelitysystem_when i press sudo apt-get install apache2 = ERROR: Module cgid does not exist!01:03
_VIM_sorry bout that flood, it was 2 lines, in terminal=5 lines in IRC  :/01:03
fidelitysystem_It looks like you've deleted /etc/apache2/mods-available/cgid.load, so mod_cgid cannot be enabled.  To fix this, please purge and reinstall apache2.2-common.01:03
_VIM_ok storbeck one sec01:03
fidelitysystem_i do that im reinstall apache2.2-common ..01:03
Huufartedlol you deleted the files manually then went back for a reinstall01:04
Huufartedthat's why you don't do that01:04
fidelitysystem_jeje yes01:04
fidelitysystem_and now ?01:04
Huufartedfidelitysystem_, try this:  sudo apt-get purge apache2.2-common01:04
Huufartedfidelitysystem_, and then re-attempt sudo apt-get install apache201:05
storbeck!troll | Guest8869001:05
ubottuGuest88690: trolling / trollish behaviour is behaviour that is considered annoying by other channel users, this includes going offtopic, asking the same question time and again getting answered and not acknowledging the answer, and these are not the only ways behaviour can be considered trolling, please see /msg ubotu guidelines - if this applies to you, you may find yourself outside the channel01:05
_VIM_storbeck:  http://paste.ubuntu.com/124505/01:05
mikeshollenstorbeck: i don't seem to have a .bash_login, do I need to create one?  if so, how?01:05
storbeckmikeshollen: vi ~/.bash_login01:05
fidelitysystem_thanks so u much Huufarted !!!!01:05
mikeshollensee, you got helped01:05
Huufartedmikeshollen, it's hidden so use 'ls -la' to find it to make sure if it exists  or not01:06
storbeckHm, _VIM_, can you pastebin the code again? I deleted it :)01:06
mikesholleni used show hidden files in nautilus01:06
mikeshollenit didn't show01:06
fidelitysystem_Huufarted do u know now another thing jeje that nobody answer me .. im trying to connect to my apache with a different computer outside of my network computer bu i cant .. im opened the port 80 ..01:06
Huufartedfidelitysystem_, stand by..  Killing Patchwerk01:06
mikeshollenI have a .bash_logout01:07
mikeshollenbut no .bash_login01:08
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mikesholleni'm using hardy btw01:08
Jendrawatch this http://tinyurl.com/pwnd44 xD01:08
_VIM_storbeck: http://paste.ubuntu.com/124506/01:08
fidelitysystem_where i can modify the files of my home page01:08
_VIM_jendra = fly by spammer01:09
Naddiseofidelitysystem_,  /var/www01:09
fidelitysystem_Naddiseo do u know how to install vnc-server ?01:09
Fosco__How can i check was versnio my graphics driver is01:09
Sativahey has anyone used steam on crossover before?01:09
wolteris there a gnome visio or something similar?01:10
presshereFosco__ System -> Preferences -> Hardware drivers01:10
mikeshollenhuufarted: can i just create a text file and call it .bash_login with my 3 terminal commands in it?01:10
wolterSativa, it works on wine01:10
storbeckAlright _VIM_, give me a few mins :)01:10
_VIM_!it | CRY01:10
ubottuCRY: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)01:10
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Fosco__presshere, I dont have the option 'hardware drivers'01:11
Naddiseofidelitysystem_, xvnc4viewer01:11
HuufartedSorry, Mikeshollen.  I was killing a mob in World of Warcraft.  :)01:11
Fosco__presshere, nvm its in admin01:11
Huufartedmikesholllen, I don't know what the original problem you were having is.01:11
presshereFosco__ sry, System -> Administration -> Hardware drivers01:11
_VIM_Huufarted: you doiong that with wine?01:12
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Fosco__presshere, but that doesn't tell me what version it is anyways01:12
storbeck_VIM_: try running dvdrecord -scanbus01:12
Alaisalook at that http://tinyurl.com/omfg11 lol01:12
Huufartedfidelitysystem_, to see Apache from outside, you need to make sure the port is forwarded to the proper internal IP01:12
storbeck--scanbus *01:12
GneaSativa: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuMagazine/HowTo/InstallingSteam01:12
Huufarted_VIM_, no.  Windows01:12
_VIM_I had respected you01:12
_VIM_hehe j/k01:12
mikeshollenhuufarted: the faster you help me, the faster I can help you kill mobs in world of warcraft :-) j/k01:12
Fosco__How can I check what version my graphics driver is?01:13
Huufarted_VIM_, hahaha, I'm at 2/3 PCs on Ubuntu.  I'm working that way01:13
_VIM_Huufarted: been there, just last year infact01:13
mikeshollenhuufarted: I have a realtek wireless card and i have to compile a driver everytime my system restarts, i want to automate it01:13
_VIM_totally converted now01:13
zashFosco__: aptitude show PACKAGE01:13
zashFosco__: | grep Version01:13
Huufartedmikeshollen, the chipset is realtek?01:13
fidelitysystem_Huufarted> i do that01:13
mikeshollenhuufarted: everytime my system loads, i have to type out a CD command, then ./makedrv, then./wlan0up01:13
mikeshollenhuufarted: correct, 818501:13
Huufartedfidelitysystem_, there are too many variables.  I have no way of knowing what the problem is without seeing your config.  Is your server set to a static IP internally?01:14
fidelitysystem_mm i dont know01:14
storbeck_VIM_: Did it finish running yet?01:14
Huufartedmikeshollen, that would be done in .bash_profile I think, but there's a deeper problem with it.  The real problem is why it doesn't load to start with01:14
mikeshollenhuufarted: i got this to work before i reinstalled ubuntu by adding it to etc/init.d/rc.local but now when i try to edit rc.local it tells me that i don't have permission even tho i went in using sudo nautilus01:14
_VIM_storbeck:  http://paste.ubuntu.com/124509/01:14
_VIM_sorry for that delay01:15
storbeck_VIM_: hehe, run it as sudo01:15
Chymera1 anyone of you guys use winefish?01:15
Chymera1I wonder if the spellcheck can also do highlighting01:15
Huufartedmikeshollen, first I'd recommend learning vi.  :)  then you can do that through the command line, but that's another ball of wax.01:15
Huufartedbeyond that, mikeshollen I can't help you.  Working with the wireless drivers is over my head.01:16
mikeshollenhuufarted; i got it working before and I was VERY happy with it, i just need a file that will run 3 commands automatically when the system starts01:16
Huufartedmikeshollen, you need to resolve that issue in my opinion, not the rebuilding of the drivers each time01:16
NaddiseoAnyone here use 64bit, and Perl. Could you try to install Tkx via cpan.. need to see if it's just me getting a segfault.01:16
Huufartedto be honest mikeshollen I don't know how to add it to system startup01:16
HuufartedI know how ot add it to individual logins01:17
Chymera1 anyone of you guys use winefish?01:17
AquinaSomeone knows where the usplash messages come from? I removed the parameter "quiet" from defoptions ind menu.lst. I searched through all the /etc/init.d/ scripts but couldnt find these messages printed.01:17
Chymera1I wonder if the spellcheck can also do highlighting01:17
storbeckmikeshollen: Make a script and add it to rc01:17
ScottG489What is gdl indexer?01:17
mikeshollenstorbeck: great idea, but I can't open rc or rclocal01:17
storbeckWhy not?01:17
mikeshollenstorbeck: it keeps telling me I don't have permission even when I am using the super user nautilus01:18
Huufartedmikeshollen, what are the permissions on the rc.local and rc.d directories?01:18
_VIM_storbeck:  http://paste.ubuntu.com/124510/01:18
Huufartedmikeshollen, the directories themselves01:18
storbeck_VIM_: Which one is your dvdrom drive?01:18
storbeck"DVD Writer 1040d"?01:18
_VIM_HP DVD writer01:18
Chymera1 anyone of you guys use winefish? I wonder if the spell check can also do highlighting01:19
Diztracthi i need some help01:19
Huufarted!ask | diztract01:19
ubottudiztract: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)01:19
mobodo_I'd like to backup a full drive, is there a tool that would let me make an iso out of a harddrive?01:19
Diztractim on the youtube site, and i cant play videos01:19
storbeckok 1 sec01:19
Huufarteddiztract:  sudo apt-get install flashplayer-nonfree01:19
mikeshollenhuufarted: i'm not quite sure what you mean, when I go into etc/init.d/rclocal or rc it won't open and it seems to be owned by root01:19
warlocThere were 2 people on a boat: /hop and /quit. /hop got off, who's still on the boat?01:20
Huufartedmike:  ls -l /etc/init.d  copy/paste the permissions for rclocal01:20
mikeshollenhuufarted: which doesn't make sense because I thought typing sudo in front of nautilus would give me the ability to edit that file01:20
Huufarted!troll | warloc01:20
ubottuwarloc: trolling / trollish behaviour is behaviour that is considered annoying by other channel users, this includes going offtopic, asking the same question time and again getting answered and not acknowledging the answer, and these are not the only ways behaviour can be considered trolling, please see /msg ubotu guidelines - if this applies to you, you may find yourself outside the channel01:20
storbeck_VIM_: http://pastebin.com/d843d801  -  give it a whirl :)01:20
_VIM_ok storbeck01:20
mikeshollen-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root   522 2009-02-27 23:10 rc.local01:21
mcphailmobodo_: what do you mean by "make an iso"?01:21
mobodo_mcphail: it's alright, sorry for asking, I just realized I can do it with dd :)01:21
Diztractsudo apt-get install flashplayer-nonfree01:21
storbeckmikeshollen: Are you not the admin?01:21
Diztractguess that didnt work01:21
Huufartedmikeshollen, try using 'gksudo' in front of nautilus instead of suudo01:21
Huufarteddiztract, in a terminal01:21
mcphailmobodo_: yes, i was going to suggest that!01:21
mikeshollenstorbeck: i thought I was, when i created the install i used michael as the login name and that's what i always use to log in01:21
fiantresdoes anybody have an opinion on the easiest virualization option for ubuntu 8.10?01:21
Diztractwhat's a terminal?01:22
Chymera1 anyone of you guys use winefish? I wonder if the spell check can also do highlighting01:22
mikeshollendiztract: terminal is a command prompt01:22
storbeckmikeshollen: What happens when you type, sudo vi01:22
storbeckOr something to that affect?01:22
johnny5Does anyone here use Mumble, the voip chat program? I have it installed and I've been trying to find a english speaking server. Seems like there isn't any. Is there any linux Mumble servers I can try out??01:22
Huufarteddiztract, Applications, Accessoriies, Terminal.  Then type in that command01:22
Diztractlike the dos prompt01:22
mikeshollendiztract: you can find it in applications accessories01:22
mikeshollenit gives me a vi screen01:22
mikeshollenwhat do you wanna know from there?01:23
storbeckmikeshollen: Then you do have access to rc :) you can get root01:23
HuufartedDiztract, referring to it as the 'DOS prompt' will get you strung and quartered.01:23
mikeshollenstorbeck: that's what i thought but I assumed sudo gave me that access01:23
storbeckmikeshollen: move your script to /etc/init.d/ then run update-rc.d yourscript defaults01:23
Diztractok my bad :P01:23
storbeckerr, sudo update-rc.d yourscript defaults01:24
Chymera1 anyone of you guys use winefish? I wonder if the spell check can also do highlighting01:25
mikeshollenstorbeck: i don't think I fully understand, i don't have a script file.  The last time I did this, i used sudo nautilus and displayed the rclocal file then just typed the 3 lines in there.  I don't know how else to do this.01:25
Diztractit said that it couldn't find package flashplayer-nonfree01:25
storbeckmikeshollen: PM me the three commands you want run01:26
AquinaSomeone knows where the usplash messages come from? I removed the parameter "quiet" from defoptions ind menu.lst. I searched through all the /etc/init.d/ scripts but couldnt find these messages printed.01:27
_VIM_storbeck:  http://paste.ubuntu.com/124511/01:27
nbentonOk, so I'm having my ubuntu server running an ftp server01:28
Diztractis it sudo apt-get install flashplayer-nonfree or01:28
Diztractsudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree01:28
nbentonand have created a user, who's home directory is /var/www/01:28
nbentonwhen I upload files via ftp, I have to manually chmod everything01:28
_VIM_!enter | nbenton01:28
ubottunbenton: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!01:28
nbentonfor exmaple, I have to chmod index.html for it to be viewed publicly.01:28
Gnea!server | nbenton01:28
ubottunbenton: Ubuntu Server Edition is a release of Ubuntu designed especially for server environments, including a server-specific !kernel and no !GUI. The install CD contains many server applications. Current !LTS version is 8.04. For more info see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ServerFaq/ and https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/serverguide/C/index.html - Use the #ubuntu-server channel for support01:28
mertherI'm running 8.04 with 2.4 single core processor, 2gigs of ram, and an nvidia 256MB video card but the system seems to be running slow even with no visual effects.  windows tend to tear when dragged and the processor jumps to 100% often for single programs.  I've tried to minimize the amount of services running but it still seems slow.  Can anyone help with or suggest ways to improve performance?01:29
nbentonHow can I set up the server so that I don't have to manually chmod every little file?01:29
Gneanbenton: you'll have to consult the documentation of the specific ftp daemon that you're running01:30
nbentonI don't think it has to do with the ftp dameon, I think it has something to do with the chmodding of the /var/www/ folder, no?01:30
Chymera1 anyone of you guys use winefish? I wonder if the spell check can also do highlighting01:30
Huufartednbenton, tell us the problem you're having, first.01:30
_VIM_he did, but he took 6 lines to explain the problem Huufarted01:31
Gneanbenton: based specifically upon what you've said so far, the ftp daemon is controlling the attributes of /var/www/01:31
Diztractplz help! i need flashplayer & tried this >> sudo apt-get install flashplayer-nonfree01:31
Diztractbut it didn't work01:31
nbentonFor example, when I ftp into /var/www/, if I upload a file, let's say "index.html", when going to my servers address, I get a denied permissions. The problem being, I have to manually chmod index.html01:31
Huufarted_VIM_, whoops01:31
mcphailChymera1: repeating every few seconds will not help. Why not wait 10 minutes until new people are around to ask?01:31
Huufartednbenton, what WERE the permissions on index.html?01:31
sparebitI have just set up AWN on Hardy and installed the ubuntustudio theme, how do I make the "Cube 3D" effect ? (what are the keyboard keys to do it)01:31
DiztractIt said that it couldn't find package flashplayer-nonfree01:31
Gneanbenton: no, that's a solution, not a problem01:32
nbentonHuufarted, xxx01:32
_VIM_!ccsm | sparebit01:32
Huufarteddiztract, try flashplugin-nonfree.  I forget the exact name01:32
ubottusparebit: To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu: install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' or 'simple-ccsm'. If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz-fusion01:32
nbentonGnea, my question is, how can I set it up so I don't have to manually chmod every single file I upload? :P01:32
Huufartednbenton, xxx?  It needs to be 644...01:32
Gneanbenton: xxx is impossible. perhaps you meant ---x--x--x?01:32
nbentonGnea, yes...01:32
sparebitthanks VIM01:32
Huufartedgnea, my thoughts exactly01:32
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats01:32
Huufartednbenton, that's your problem01:32
sparebitI have installed the compizcongif-settings-manager01:33
Huufartednbenton, it is not a script so it should not be executable.  And with no read nobody can read it.  How did it get to 111 permissions?01:33
Chymera1mcphail: yeah, I'm sure everybody sits the whole time in front of the screen and scrolls the logs :-|01:33
sparebitand enabled the items .. how do i "see" it work though ?01:33
Gneanbenton: and, as I answered already, your ftp daemon controls how the file lands on the filesystem. therefore, the documentation for that daemon will likely explain what steps you need to take in order to solve the problem. what ftp daemon are you using?01:33
storbeck_VIM_: 1 sec01:33
HuufartedGnea, I have a suspicion they were changed manually01:34
_VIM_sparebit System > Preferences > CompizConfig Settings Manager01:34
nbentonGnea, vsftpd01:34
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_VIM_storbeck: no hurry01:34
Huufartednbenton, how did they get to ---x--x--x?01:34
sparebitvsftpd is a good ftp daemon01:34
sparebitthanks _VIM01:34
mcphailChymera1: for what it's worth, I don't use that package. But vim can spellcheck and highlight tex files quite nicely...01:34
_VIM_and SSH is safer than FTP :P01:34
Huufartednbenton, did you save the files directly on the server or did you FTP them to the server?01:34
billisniceToday, i put three home computer on ubuntu 8.04 at home. I have one more i would love to change over, does ubuntu do IPOD easy?01:34
nbentonHuufarted, it just happens when I upload it via ftp through the user account I created to be assigned to /var/www/ as their home directory01:34
mib_u8lmqzok this is probably a dumb question, but if my drive is a DVD RW it is a given that it will burn CD-R correct?01:35
Gneanbenton: ah, then it has the ability to set the permissions correctly, please look in /usr/share/doc/vsftpd/ and check the manpage for vsftpd.conf01:35
nbentonHuufarted, ftped them01:35
Xamuskthere's no place like Kernel Panic01:35
Huufartedgotcha, nbenton.  You need to look for the 'umask' variable with vsftpd.  If I wasn't about to kill Gluth, I'd go into more detail.01:35
nbentonGnea, thank you. I really appreciate it, you too, Huufarted01:35
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tuxtoxHi! I am using 8.04 on an acer 5335.  Everytime I try to play a DVD, or an AVI file, or use cheese, my computer totally crashes and I have to reboot.  I am not sure if I have all the codecs or not, or why its doing it.  any ideas?:01:35
Huufartednbenton, edit /etc/vsftpd.conf and look for the umask setting.  I recommend 02201:35
Chymera1mcphail: yeah, I used both vim and gvim, they look a little bit too edgy for me, I'm fairly sure spellcheck should work properly with winefish01:35
Chymera1maybe I forgot smth01:35
nbentonThank you, Huufarted01:35
Gneanbenton: what Huufarted said01:36
XamuskI reinstalled the whole Ubuntu and it took some time, but eventually it locked again01:36
ASUSBlueIs there away to setup a hardlink between my vista partion mymusic folder and music folder in ubuntu01:36
ASUSBlueI think it's call LN01:36
ASUSBluebut not sure how to use it01:36
=== sanjud is now known as n8tuser
storbeck_VIM_: http://pastebin.com/d30ed27901:36
_VIM_gotta learn VI some time or at least Nano,  at least a few times a year you gonna have no GUI, what you gonna do then?01:37
_VIM_ok storbeck01:37
Xamuskhmw, locked again, this time with a fresh install (without updates)01:37
GneaASUSBlue: you'd have to mount the partition using samba/cifs on the ubuntu system, then make a symbolic link01:37
fidelitysystem_whats the command of terminal to know my ip adress01:37
Huufartedfidelitysystem_, ifconfig01:37
mcphailASUSBlue: you can't hardlink between different partitions01:37
voglsterfidelitysystem_, ifconfig01:37
ASUSBlueIs there away to setup a hardlink between my vista partition mymusic folder and music folder in ubuntu I want to be able to just click on music in ubuntu and it just bring up all my music01:37
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Gnea!repeat | ASUSBlue01:38
ubottuASUSBlue: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience01:38
mib_u8lmqzCan't wait till I get Ubuntu installed.  All I've ever used is Windows and everyone says Linux is so much better01:38
mib_u8lmqzit will be my first time using it ever01:38
ASUSBluewell get ready to config mib01:38
fidelitysystem_why dont show me the ip of my internet :(01:38
fidelitysystem_only the stupid ip local and i want to connect me with the vnc ..01:39
n8tusermib_u8lmqz -> use the livecd to get a feel01:39
Gneamib_u8lmqz: there's a much tighter learning curve with linux, but it's worth it01:39
voglsterfidelitysystem_, yu want your public ip address?01:39
Huufartedfidelitysystem_, you're behind a router.  http://www.whatismyip.com01:39
Chymera1mib_u8lmqz: you've got a long way ahead, take my advice and don't start here ;)01:39
mib_u8lmqzlive cd?01:39
fidelitysystem_i know my public address01:39
fidelitysystem_but dont answer me01:39
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voglsterfidelitysystem_, links checkip.dyndns.org01:39
fidelitysystem_anybody can see my apache and my vnc ..01:39
n8tuserfidelitysystem_ -> what question did you ask him?01:39
fidelitysystem_because the stupid ip dont understand01:39
ASUSBluecan i setup a symbolic link01:39
mib_u8lmqzI am going the route of using it without changing anything on my computer first01:39
Picifidelitysystem_: You need to forward the ports from your router to your computer.01:39
Huufartedfidelitysystem_, calm down, dude.  Don't get all ticked off...01:40
n8tuserfidelitysystem_ -> he understand english only01:40
Pici!porforward | fidelitysystem_01:40
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about porforward01:40
Pici!portforward | fidelitysystem_01:40
ubottufidelitysystem_: For instructions on how to set up port-forwarding (for games, torrents, webservers) see http://portforward.com - also see !firewall01:40
GneaASUSBlue: I do believe I've already answered your question.01:40
fidelitysystem_i   know that ..01:40
ASUSBluesorry didn't see if01:40
storbeckHow did it turn out _VIM_ ?01:40
GneaASUSBlue: you'd have to mount the partition using samba/cifs on the ubuntu system, then make a symbolic link01:40
fidelitysystem_i dont get why dont works..01:40
n8tuserfidelitysystem_ -> did you ask nicely or where you rude?01:40
meh_ivanASUSBlue, move your mouse to either the windows partition or the Ubuntu partition, then mount the vista partition in Ubuntu or use a driver for ext3 in vista to access your ubuntu partition01:40
mib_u8lmqzI'm using the Acer Aspire 6930 Laptop and most people have said the built in mic for some reason doesn't work with Linux, noone is sure why01:40
ASUSBlueI have set it up with auto mount already01:40
voglsterfidelitysystem_, if you want the public ipaddress just type in the terminal "links checkip.dyndns.org"01:40
_VIM_storbeck:  so far it keeps asking me for root's pass01:41
voglsterfidelitysystem_, that will bring up a text based web browser and that website lists your ip address01:41
GneaASUSBlue: and can you browse/load the music already?01:41
ASUSBluewhat you mean01:41
DVS01is there a way to disable keyboard shortcuts for a specific app? i'm trying to make it so that vnc viewer allows me to press alt-tab and alt-f4 within the guest session, instead of my local machine taking the shortcuts01:41
TakyojiAnything I do with sudo or gksudo has a segmentation fault error. Any suggestions for fixing this issue? I've been using Ubuntu just fine for so long (about a year). I'm running a 64-bit system01:41
Charliehorsewhenever i try to open an mp3 file directly from a mounted HFS+ (Mac OSX 10.5 Journaled) drive, totem will crash!01:41
GneaASUSBlue: you said you were able to automount it - what did you do to get that setup?01:42
Huufartedvoglster, what is 'links'?01:42
n8tuserTakyoji -> what is the exact command you issued?01:42
ASUSBluemodified the fstab01:42
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about links01:42
voglsterwhats the quickest way to fix a system that you effed up the sudoers file in?01:42
GneaASUSBlue: could you please pastebin it?01:42
TakyojiAnything. Such as 'sudo sleep 1', 'sudo apt-get install (whatever)', 'sudo echo'01:42
n8tuservoglster -> boot in livecd and fixed it from there01:43
Takyojiall results in a segmentation fault in the CLI01:43
Gneavoglster: boot a livecd, mount the filesystem, edit the file, save it, unmount the fs, reboot01:43
_VIM_storbeck:  http://pastebin.com/d6630cb8d01:43
voglsterbooo... i dont wanna reboot my server! lol01:43
voglsterbut thank you01:43
voglsterall i did was edit the darn file and forgot to set permissions back to 044001:43
Charliehorsewhenever i log in i get a loud beeping noise that persists from the second i hit enter to the second the desktop picture shows up.01:43
ASUSBlue/dev/sda2 /media/Vista64 ntfs-3g defaults,locale=en_US.UTF-8 0 0 Gnea01:44
n8tuserTakyoji -> umm.. how about sudo -i    what does that do?01:44
storbeck_VIM_: do a chmod 644 /home/eseven73/.gvfs and try it again01:44
n8tuser!who | Takyoji01:44
ubottuTakyoji: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)01:44
fidelitysystem_somebody know about vnc ?01:44
ASUSBlueGnea not sure if you got that01:44
_VIM_chmod: cannot access `/home/eseven73/.gvfs/': Permission denied01:45
Takyojin8tuser: Just another segmentation fault01:45
storbeckOh, it's a folder01:45
GneaASUSBlue: hrm, okay01:45
bluejcan mouse sensitivity be adjusted with Xorg?01:45
GneaASUSBlue: where do you want to make the link to?01:45
storbeckdo a, sudo chmod 755 /home/eseven73/.gvfs01:45
Charliehorse ASUSBlue: I think you are doing roughly the same thing I am. you have a previous OS installed onto another partition, and are trying to play teh music from it?01:45
n8tuserTakyoji -> after a fresh reboot, you get same results?01:45
ma3xis ubuntu bleeding edge?01:45
TakyojiI shall try. One moment01:45
storbeckma3x: Ubuntu is just a distro01:45
_VIM_same thing storbeck01:46
ASUSBlueI want to link the music folder in vista partition to the music folder in ubuntu01:46
mcphailma3x: no - stable01:46
Takyojin8tuser: I shall try. One moment*01:46
storbeckwhat the heck01:46
n8tuserma3x -> you like to bleed?  try  apache's cocoon2 webapp01:46
islandoes anybody know if WinXP can run well as a virtual machine in Ubuntu?01:46
ASUSBlueI want to click music folder in ubuntu and see all my music01:46
ASUSBluenot have to setup a link then click on it then see music01:46
_VIM_islan: it runs very well in a VM on Ubuntu01:46
CharliehorseASUSBlue: yeah I want to do that, but whenever i do that, totem crashes when it tries to play my music!!!01:46
Diztractok in case anyone have the same problem i have with flashplayers, I figured out the problem. I already have flashplayer, but it was blocked by a firefox add-on called flashblock.01:46
diuneighcan someone help me install some themes?  I see so many wonderful ones, but I have problems with emerald.01:46
storbeck_VIM_: pastebin ls -alh /home/eseven73/01:46
n8tuserislan come back again?01:46
islan_VIM_: what VM program would you recommend?01:47
GneaASUSBlue: okay, try this then: mkdir ~/Music/Vistatunes &&  ln -s /media/Vista64/Documents\ and\ Settings\user\My\ Music\ ~/Music/Vistatunes01:47
mcphailASUSBlue: you can make a simlink between folders01:47
ma3xwhat's the latest kernel in ubuntu?01:47
islann8tuser: I'm sorry?01:47
_VIM_islan: Virtualbox01:47
n8tuserisland i dont understand your question01:47
ma3xdoes ubuntu have stable testing and unstable?01:47
GneaASUSBlue: or whatever the dir is on the vista partition01:47
ASUSBlueyeah but thats no exactly what iam lookin for01:47
* islan gets to work01:47
mib_u8lmqzoh wow ubuntu is loading for the first time on my computer01:47
n8tuserma3x yes it does, kindly visity #ubuntu-motu01:47
mcphailma3x: not really01:47
mrUnagiwhat are the differences between ubuntu and ubuntu server?01:47
Charliehorsema3x: yes. Current stable = 8.10, current beta - 9.0401:48
_VIM_storbeck:  http://pastebin.com/m4bb6f96601:48
Charliehorseubuntu server is for servers01:48
zashmrUnagi: preinstalled packages01:48
_VIM_islan: np :)01:48
mcphailma3x: you can use the development version if you want "bleedin edge", although that sometimes == "brolen"01:48
mrUnagihow can i see which ones are installed on server so that i can turn ubuntu into server01:48
Charliehorseand support length01:48
mib_u8lmqzit just froze...again01:48
storbeck_VIM_: Is anything even in that folder?01:48
zashmrUnagi: the metapackage ubuntu-server01:49
_VIM_ill check01:49
mrUnagiwhats that01:49
ASUSBlueGnea you rock it works thanks01:49
GneaASUSBlue: cheers :)01:49
n8tusermrUnagi -> customize to your needs, not copy what another server has01:49
mib_u8lmqzmaybe its still loading I don't know01:49
ma3xwhat's the code name for stable/testing/unst ?01:49
zashmrUnagi: a .. package without any files, only dependencies01:49
mrUnagican ubuntu do vpn connections?01:49
_VIM_storbeck: nope01:49
storbeckpfft, rm -rf that sucker01:49
ubottuFrom more information on vpn please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Gaming_VPN_Using_PPTPD01:49
zashmrUnagi: the desktop version installs the ubuntu-desktop meta-package01:49
JPSmanOh hey guys01:49
mib_u8lmqzAll this freezing up and stuff maybe its just not worth me getting ubuntu01:50
JPSmanwhat is the name of that program that displays system resources on the desktop yet uses very little itself?01:50
n8tusermrUnagi -> come to think of it, run   ..01:50
mrUnagii basically want to turn my ps3 into a gateway server that i can use to access my network when im away.......is that possible?01:50
storbeckJPSman: I use conky01:50
n8tuser!clone | mrUnagi ->01:50
Charliehorsemax3: Stable = Intrepid Ibex, Testing - Jauntry Jackalope01:50
GneaCharliehorse: negative.01:50
Huufartedsudo apt-get install conky01:50
[2]PC_NerdHi,  I know this is #ubuntu not ##windows, however windows cannot (will not) see a network card that ubuntu is loading fine on startup.  I made no tinkering's with teh hardware simply reformatted teh disc and reinstalled XP pro - and now for some reason only linux finds the network card... any suggestions?01:50
CharliehorseGnea: what?01:50
ma3xCharitwo: can you choose which one you want to install when you install it from the cd?01:51
storbeck[2]PC_Nerd: Don't use Windows, that's my suggestion :)01:51
JPSmanstorbeck, Huufarted, thank you.  is it in synaptic?01:51
Gneama3x, Charliehorse: stable = hardy heron (8.04), testing = intrepid ibex (8.10), unstable = jaunty (9.04)01:51
_VIM_storbeck: i cant even remove it with sudo rm -rf /home/eseven73/.gvfs01:51
Takyojin8tuser: Same issue. Segmentation fault even after reboot.01:51
Huufartedyes, JPSman01:51
GneaCharliehorse: stable is always LTS01:51
ma3xCharitwo: also can you use stable/unstable/testing instead of the codenames in /etc/apt/sources.list ?01:51
storbecklol _VIM_01:51
[2]PC_NerdI completely agree - accept the course im doing says I HAVE to use vb6 and pascal :P - otherwise itd be python all the way01:51
mcphailma3x: no - this is not debian01:51
storbeckThat folder is the devil01:51
n8tuserTakyoji -> you have updated any package at all before you noticed this?01:52
_VIM_storbeck: i might have to start up a live cd and remove it, or would that fail too?01:52
storbeckThat should work01:52
storbeckI really don't know why it won't uninstall though01:52
mcphailma3x: the ubuntu release philosophy is different from debian's01:52
storbeckerr, remove*01:52
=== UAngo is now known as BunneeWabbit
CharliehorseGnea: oh. :) when I downloaded it it just said "latest version" not testing. I'm still a linux newbiw01:52
Gneama3x: no, you have to use the names01:52
Charitwoma3x: it's rude to ping random people01:52
diuneighhow can I get help on installing themes with emerald?01:53
GneaCharliehorse: it's all good :)01:53
=== BunneeWabbit is now known as BunnaeWabbit
ma3xCharitwo: what the hell are yo utalking about?01:53
ma3xi didnt ping you01:53
bazhangma3x, watch the language01:53
Charitwoyes, you did01:53
Gneama3x: tone down the attitude, please...01:53
ma3xno i didnt01:53
=== vitor is now known as lancelot
_VIM_storbeck:  OMG It shows up in Krusader as a 16 gig file!01:53
=== lancelot is now known as Lancelotax
storbeck_VIM_: try logging out and running it from ctrl+alt+f101:53
tuxtoxHi! I am using 8.04 on an acer 5335.  Everytime I try to play a DVD, or an AVI file, or use cheese, my computer totally crashes and I have to reboot.  I am not sure if I have all the codecs or not, or why its doing it.  any ideas?01:53
_VIM_its a file system of some sort01:54
CharliehorseGnea: do you know anything about accessing a mac osx journaled partition from ubuntu? I can mount it, and copy files but If I try to directly launch an mp3/mov file, it will not work. Why?01:54
ma3xwhat's the ubuntu philosophy so different than debians? ubuntu is debian based we all know that01:54
bazhangma3x, take chat to #ubuntu-offtopic01:54
storbeckOh, wow01:54
Takyojin8tuser: I don't recall installing an update for sudo, but otherwise I noticed this issue after: I added a new printer using the web-based CUPS interrface (that was shared over SAMBA) by manually writing out the URI, then as I added it, I had an issue and apparently Firefox wasn't able to reach the web-based interface anymore, all printers were gone, I restarted, and the printers were back, then later on in the day I noticed this 01:54
GneaCharliehorse: I'm not sure, never done that before... what protocol are you using?01:54
storbeckDon't remove .gvfs01:54
storbeckGVFS [1] is a replacement for GnomeVFS, [2] the GNOME Virtual File System.01:54
CharliehorseGnea: htfsplus01:54
_VIM_i formated this drive to ext3, donno where i got gvfs01:55
=== Sam_IRC_ is now known as Sam_IRC
CharliehorseGnea: here i'll pastebin the error from terminal that i get01:55
storbecklol, ok. 1 more sec01:55
* presshere rauchen01:55
Gneama3x: because 'based on' has a different meaning with ubuntu than what you're thinking.01:55
GneaCharliehorse: okay01:55
_VIM_Ive never heard of the Gnome Virtual File system before, new one on me, storbeck01:55
Huufartedit's a derivative of Debian.  Lots of differences, though.01:55
_r1_just after a pvresize, I want reduce the partition used for this physical volume. Any idea ? (parted or cfdisk provide me only a "destroy")01:56
Xamuskthose are the times when I start to consider gentoo and etc01:56
Huufarted_rl_ use a gparted live cd01:56
CharliehorseGnea: here is the error when i ran "totem musicfile from hfsplus drive" http://www.mibbit.com/pb/Dw7V0k01:56
voglsterXamusk, portage is soo nice01:56
n8tuserTakyoji -> if you can try strace or ltrace to start sudo  and see where it fails.. see if that gives any clue01:56
_r1_Huufarted: gparted livecd allows to resize lvm partition ?01:56
Gneathe only thing that Ubuntu and Debian share in common is the package management system. Everything else is different, although, once in awhile, some packages will just be re-packaged debian software, but it will often be in-line with the Ubuntu structure01:57
_r1_Huufarted: great thanks (good to know)01:57
Huufarted_rl_ allows you to resize, remove, do anything you want01:57
Takyojin8tuser: Shall I provide the output to you via pastebin, or?01:57
storbeck_VIM_: try adding the folowing to the tar line for /home --exclude /home/eseven73/.gvfs01:57
_VIM_Gparted can easily remove LVM partitions I did that very thing a few days ago01:57
n8tuserTakyoji -> that would be huge, umm try to read it yourself and see if you can make sense out of it..whre it fails01:57
storbeckI'm not sure if that will work or not, but hopefully it will01:57
GneaCharliehorse: what if you use a different player, such as mpg123?01:58
Huufartedok...  I just installed corky, but now I can't find it in any menus.  Where is the default menu location for corky?01:58
tc111i'm looking for the k10temp or amdtemp module/driver... anyone know what the status is on this and/or where i can find it?01:58
CharliehorseGnea: VLC, also brings an error01:58
Takyojin8tuser: It's actually about like 40 lines01:58
GneaCharliehorse: did you fstab it?01:58
n8tuserTakyoji -> go ahead and  post it in pastebin..01:59
CharliehorseGnea: ? Sorry i'm a linux newbie01:59
ubottuThe /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions01:59
islanif I have Ubuntu installed on one hard drive and I want to install WinXP on another hard drive, will there be any problem?01:59
Takyojin8tuser: http://pastebin.com/d29a6237401:59
_r1_Huufarted: mmmm Gparted LiveCD documentation says that it does not handle LVM01:59
GneaCharliehorse: what I meant was, did you make the remount mount permanent in the /etc/fstab file? :)01:59
Huufarted_rl_ sorry, out of my league then01:59
_r1_so somebody has any Idea ?01:59
_VIM_storbeck:  like this: sudo tar -cf "/tmp/home.tar" /home --exclude /home/eseven73/.gvfs?01:59
=== [2]PC_Nerd is now known as PC_Nerd
Xamuskvoglster, I tremble just of having to compile everything, also last time I checked it was pretty hard to install (specially coming from a debian/ubuntu world)02:00
CharliehorseGnea: i just have a line in my .bash_login file that mounts the drive to a directory.02:00
GneaCharliehorse: and what is the line?02:00
voglsterXamusk, not horribly difficult... and you should do it at least once... taught me SOOO much about linux and how everything works.. just make sure you set aside a day or two for your first time installing02:01
n8tuser_r1_ -> it cant from livecd from what I understood02:01
CharliehorseGnea: sudo mount -t hfsplus /dev/sda2 'home/evantandersen/macbook/'02:01
n8tuserTakyoji -> i cant click that, is that a valid url02:01
Xamuskvoglster, not the time I have around... and won't guarantee that won't happen the same panics I have with ubuntu02:02
voglsterXamusk, use genkernel first02:02
_VIM_storbeck:  http://pastebin.com/m24bac3cc02:02
Guest88690I am still having trouble with the resolution...the weird thing is that during the cylone ubuntu screen it is perfect and then changes to 800x600 when the desktop starts up...help??02:02
GneaCharliehorse: oooh, okay - I wasn't sure if you were mounting it locally or across the network :) one sec..02:02
n8tuserTakyoji -> i cant click that, is that a valid url?02:02
voglsterXamusk, makes your life soo much easier to get a bootable system before ou start configuring your true kernel02:02
_r1_n8tuser: what you mean ? which Livecd ?02:02
Xamuskvoglster, ???02:02
storbeckAre you still using dev=4,0,0 ?02:02
PC_NerdBump re: the networkign card in windows.... any ideas on how to debug?02:03
zomby_woof_r1_, http://evms.sourceforge.net/02:03
CharliehorseGnea: yeah sorry for not making that clear02:03
dedikuhello world02:03
n8tuser_r1_ -> you can run lvm repair from within livecd ?02:03
voglsterXamusk, genkernel makes your first boot alot safer ;-)02:03
storbeckWell that doesn't make sense02:03
Takyojin8tuser: It is a valid URL, I don't see why it's not accessible..02:03
storbeckIt started to write before02:03
_VIM_storbeck:  actually no02:03
_VIM_sudo dvdrecord speed=4 dev=2,0 "/tmp/backup-$(date +%m%Y).tar"02:03
_r1_n8tuser: nothing to do with "repair"02:03
n8tuserTakyoji -> repaste the url..i was not able to02:03
Takyojin8tuser: http://pastebin.com/d29a6237402:03
storbeckChange it to dev=4,0,0 :)02:03
Xamuskvoglster, I'd hate to lose my home partition, so I'm usually a lot cautious about that stuff02:04
_r1_zomby_woof: I watch02:04
GneaCharliehorse: no problem, everyone's a noob at some point ;)02:04
_r1_zomby_woof: it's another technology right ?02:05
voglsterXamusk, u got in on a separate partition?02:05
Xamuskvoglster, I'm not a newbie to kernel compilation, but ubuntu makes instalation quite smooth, specially about drivers02:05
GneaCharliehorse: okay, let's see if there are any FS errors when you try to play it - can you pastebin the output of the dmesg command? i would suggest installing the pastebinit package in order to make it easier, like this:  sudo apt-get install pastebinit && dmesg | pastebinit02:05
Xamuskvoglster, yes, but I've lost files with kernel problems more than once02:05
ubottuFrom more information on vpn please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Gaming_VPN_Using_PPTPD02:05
islansorry about the repeat, this'll be the last time:  if I have Ubuntu installed on one hard drive and I want to install WinXP on another hard drive, will there be any problem?02:06
voglsterislan, install windows first02:06
voglsterislan, then you dont have to fix grub02:06
storbeck_VIM_: also, add the -dao in there after the dev02:06
deco_what's  the difference between ubuntu desktop and server ?02:06
zomby_woof_r1_, it will allow you to resize lvm02:06
islanvoglster: well I have the problem that the linux OS has all my backed-up files02:06
voglsterislan, and put windows on the first drive02:06
islanvoglster: is it easy to fix grub?02:06
CharliehorseGnea: k i installed it, now what is the command?02:06
JPSmanmy conky keeps opening up into a window!  how do I merge it with the desktop?02:06
voglsterislan, ya not too hard02:07
islanvoglster: then I'll have to do that; is there anything else I should be worried about?02:07
voglsterislan, but windows will destroy the bootloader so you gotta boot to a livecd to do it02:07
GneamrUnagi: I'm sorry, I've tried to get them to change the vpn link there, but they haven't listened... check this out: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/VPN02:07
storbeckJPSman: in your ~/.conkyrc change one of the lines to: own_window no02:07
islanvoglster: ah, okay02:07
nbentonHuufarted, your suggestion worked.02:07
GneaCharliehorse: dmesg | pastebinit02:07
dhalsimhi, I downloaded icecat and unzipped to home, how can I add it to the path?02:07
n8tuserTakyoji -> whats the perms of   /usr/bin/sudo   ?02:07
_r1_zomby_woof: ok (I still don't want resize lvm but thanks)02:07
Xamusktoo bad, I really liked ubuntu02:07
* islan searches the net for how to fix grub02:07
voglsterislan, no not really.. and there are plenty of howtos on google for fixing/reinstalling grub02:07
deco_what's  the difference between ubuntu desktop and server ?02:07
voglsterislan, google is your friend there...02:08
islanvoglster: indeed02:08
Calamity 02:08
_r1_ 02:08
voglsterdeco_, just packages02:08
Guest88690is there a way to rerun the xconfiguration scripts....dkpg....something....02:08
Calamity 02:08
deco_voglster: like which ones?02:08
GneamrUnagi: this one is good too: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VPNClient02:08
CharliehorseGnea: http://pastebin.com/f4fc096a202:09
Gnea                                                                                                                                                                                               hey look, I can press spacebar, then enter too! now, please, cut it out. :p02:09
dhalsimI tried ln -s icecat /usr/bin/icecat, but didn't work...02:09
voglsterdeco_, to be honest i dont know... jsut the default pkgs on server are more server based... i dont think x11 is preinstalled on ubuntu server02:09
n8tuserdhalsim -> were you root?02:09
dhalsimn8tuser: yes02:10
aSt3raLcan someone help with a linksys usb wireless device on a 8.10 server?02:10
storbeck!ask | aSt3raL02:10
ubottuaSt3raL: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)02:10
n8tuserdhalsim -> what error were you getting?02:10
aSt3raLi tried both the native and ndiswrapper drivers and cant get either to work02:11
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ps302:11
Takyojin8tuser: Owner: read & write, group: read-only, others: read-only; executable02:11
aSt3raLhow do i get it to connect?02:11
n8tuserdhalsim -> you realized its  ln -s  source  destination    right?02:11
aSt3raLhows that heh02:11
tess_sorry lost connection. using 3 mobile prepaid broadband and have a question is any one out there using 1 of these?02:11
storbeckaSt3raL: dhclient eth002:11
CharliehorseGena: it says in that pastebin that the hfs drive is read only, but that shouldn't affect reading of the mp3, should it?02:11
DarkKnightcan anyone tell how i can access Windows in my other Hard Drive in Ubuntu using VirtualBox02:11
n8tuserTakyoji -> shoudl be liked  -rwsr-xr-x02:11
NasraCan any1 help me with compizconfig ...it does not want to work for me....maybe  i am doing  something wrong...02:11
CharliehorseGnea: it says in that pastebin that the hfs drive is read only, but that shouldn't affect reading of the mp3, should it?02:12
_VIM_storbeck:  same error :(02:12
detrixcan someone help figure out what I am doing wrong with getting the ATI Radeon fglrx driver to work right.  I have a Radeon 9000 All-in-Wonder02:12
macmanguys .. i just booted to a live cd .. i wanted to rsync the mounted windows drive to an extrernal.. what is a good rsync command ?02:12
crdlbdetrix: fglrx does not support that02:12
PeddyWhere is the xchat notification-area icon stored?02:12
CompuHackerGentlemen. Ladies.02:12
GneaCharliehorse: exactly - i don't *think* it would matter, but I'm really not sure on this one...02:12
detrixcrdlb:  thanx02:12
Nasraneed help with compizconfig....pleaasee....maye I am doing something wrong....02:13
aSt3raLi have a wusb854g v402:13
detrixcrdlb:  was beginning to think that02:13
crdlbdetrix: for several years now, they've only supported 9500 and up02:13
tess_any one using 3 prepaid braodband02:13
storbeck_VIM_: about the folder?02:13
crdlbdetrix: the radeon driver should be able to do 2d and 3d acceleration, and possibly tv-out02:13
icui2inoen norske her?02:13
storbeckpastebin the script you're using02:14
Pici!no | icui2i02:14
ubottuicui2i: Hvis du vil diskutere på Norsk, vennligst gå til #ubuntu-no. Takk!02:14
aSt3raLand i have wlan0 up with ndiswrapper02:14
_VIM_its same one but with 4,0,002:14
storbeckDid you ad the -dao ?02:14
aSt3raLbut when i do iwlist wlan0 scan i get nothing02:14
_VIM_oops guess i didnt see that command, what was it again?02:14
crdlbNasra: join #compiz-fusion02:14
storbeckJust add -dao after the dev02:15
Nasrathanks alot02:15
storbeckAnd make sure its dev=4,0,0 :)02:15
aSt3raLive looked at the forums and it seems like im missing something02:15
tess_any one using 3 prepaid braodband02:16
n8tuseraSt3raL -> your wifi driver loaded? check  sudo lshw -C network02:16
aSt3raLn8tuser: it shows up02:16
DarkKnightcan anyone tell how i can access Windows in my other Hard Drive in Ubuntu using VirtualBox02:17
n8tuseraSt3raL -> whats the drive loaded? is the interface up?02:17
Guest88690is there a way to force ubuntu to "rediscover" the modes for your monitor?  I installed nvidia and it killed those settings...had to go back because nvidia drivers mad a beautiful black screen02:17
LinuxbeakHi everyone, I just installed 8.10 and I have no sound beside PC speaker beeps. Any suggestions as to where to start?02:17
GneaCharliehorse: out of curiosity, do you have the hfsutils package installed?02:17
aSt3raLwhat do you mean is the interface up02:17
Gnea!sound | Linuxbeak02:17
ubottuLinuxbeak: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP302:17
CharliehorseGnea: considering i've never heard of it, no02:18
GneaCharliehorse: :) give it a shot and see what happens02:18
n8tuseraSt3raL -> any indication that it is not up?02:18
Gnea!info hfsutils02:18
ubottuhfsutils (source: hfsutils): Tools for reading and writing Macintosh volumes. In component main, is optional. Version 3.2.6-11build1 (intrepid), package size 73 kB, installed size 228 kB02:18
danbhfiveGuest88690: intrepid?02:19
aSt3raLn8tuser when i do a sudo ifconfig wlan0 up i dont get errors02:19
aSt3raLand it shows up with iwconfig02:19
fidelitysystem_omg please help me :(( i have like 4 hours trying to connect the stupid port 80 :(02:19
Guest88690yeah...just installed 8.10 64bit..sorry02:19
n8tuseraSt3raL -> can you post the results of those?02:19
aSt3raLwlan0     IEEE 802.11g  ESSID:off/any02:19
aSt3raL          Mode:Auto  Frequency:2.412 GHz  Access Point: Not-Associated02:19
aSt3raL          Bit Rate:11 Mb/s   Tx-Power:20 dBm   Sensitivity=-121 dBm02:19
aSt3raL          RTS thr=2347 B   Fragment thr=2346 B02:19
aSt3raL          Power Management:off02:19
aSt3raL          Link Quality:0  Signal level:0  Noise level:002:19
FloodBot2aSt3raL: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.02:19
danbhfiveGuest88690: what does xrandr say?02:19
Guest88690found out only too late that the nvidia drivers [recommended] don't  work02:19
DarkKnightcan anyone tell how i can access Windows in my other Hard Drive in Ubuntu using VirtualBox02:20
CharliehorseGnea: should I restart, i unmounted then remounted drive, still nothing02:20
danbhfiveGuest88690: I think you can just uninstall them through the same dialog02:20
Guest88690Screen 0: min 640x480, current 800x600, max 800x60002:20
fidelitysystem_somebody please :(02:20
storbeck_VIM_: if it still doesn't work, try just taking dev out altogether02:20
storbeckall together, rather02:21
n8tuseraSt3raL -> post it in pastebin02:21
Guest88690default connected 800x600+0+0 0mmx 0mm02:21
aSt3raLdunno how to use pastebin02:21
smashagnomeDarkKnight - what you want to do is actually quite difficult.  it wasn't intended to be used with actual partitions, but i do think i saw a howto the other day02:21
Guest88690800x600     61.0*02:21
storbeck!paste | aSt3raL02:21
ubottuaSt3raL: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)02:21
n8tuseraSt3raL -> if you do sudo dhclient wlan0   see if it acquires an ip address02:21
voglsteranyone use a wacom tablet and dual monitors? can i pick your brain for a sec?02:21
LinuxbeakGnea, that's not helping (re sound). I've already done the basic steps02:21
LinuxbeakPulseaudio is installed by default02:21
Linuxbeakbut this mentions nothing about pulseaudio02:21
ypcxgot problem with 100% cpu under X and repeated log messages in Xorg.log about EDID detection, any ideas?  http://pastebin.com/d13dfdfec02:22
Guest88690640x480    60.002:22
Charliehorseypcx: running Jaunty?02:22
Guest88690thats it02:22
GneaCharliehorse: not sure if that'll help or not... you might want to try adding it to /etc/fstab instead of having it mount via the .bash_login02:22
aSt3raLit wont02:22
aSt3raLi cant even get on the essid02:22
DarkKnightsmashagnome; i have some flash related problems in linux...so i planned to use the XP which is in my other hard disk. i have 2 disks... 1 eith ubuntu and the other with XP. now whenever i want to use XP..i dont want to reboot..any idea about that02:22
aSt3raLits not seeing any essids02:22
n8tuser!who | aSt3raL02:23
ubottuaSt3raL: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)02:23
GneaLinuxbeak: perhaps pulseaudio is breaking things? have you tried changing the output default devices in System->Preferences->Sound?02:23
smashagnomedarkknight - it's way outdated unfotunatly but here is the link http://blarts.wordpress.com/2007/12/06/how-to-run-virtualbox-using-a-physical-partition-using-ubuntu-feisty-fawn/02:23
ypcxCharliehorse: that one is on gentoo, but it relates to fglrx, so I thought someone here might have some experience with it02:23
LinuxbeakGnea, yeah, I've tried it02:23
Takyojin8tuser: The permissions of /usr/bin/sudo on this system is -rwsr-xr-x02:23
LinuxbeakI'm still not getting output02:23
aSt3raLn8tuser: when i do a iwlist wlan0 scan i get nothing02:24
lordbahWhat cmd am I looking for to update the kernel image with an updated driver?02:24
n8tuserTakyoji -> looks good, umm dont know if you can update sudo or reinstall ?02:24
aSt3raLn8tuser: i should be able to see all the wifi around here02:24
storbeckaSt3raL: don't use wlan0, just do iwlist scan02:24
Charliehorsegnea: so i did sudo nano /etc/fstab, now what?02:24
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n8tuserstorbeck -> hes got it correct02:24
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aSt3raLn8tuser: that worked file02:25
DarkKnightsmashagnome; thank you... i am going through it...but i use hardy...and this is for fiesty fawn02:25
=== binarybob is now known as ubooboo
Takyojin8tuser: Would I have to go into single-user mode and try to re-install it?02:25
aSt3raLn8tuser: i think the problem now is connecting to my network02:25
n8tuserTakyoji -> dont think so, if you have access to root02:25
n8tuseraSt3raL -> you're getting associate to your AP ?02:26
Takyojin8tuser: How would I get access to root without sudo though?02:26
aSt3raLn8tuser: well i dont broadcast mine02:26
aSt3raLn8tuser: i cant get it to pick up mine no02:26
_VIM_storbeck:  dvdrecord: No such file or directory. No read access for '/-dao'.02:26
storbeckTakyoji: sudo su will put you in root02:26
danbhfivesudo -i02:26
smashagnomedarkknight:ya i know it's kinda old.  virtualbox is awsome at running xp or ubuntu virtually, but not off the actual HD, it's really meant to use it's own virtual images instead :(  It would be awsome if a future version supported it...02:26
ubooboodanbhfive: i got the nvidia uninstalled, but now xrandr says : Screen 0: minimum 640 x 480, current 800 x 600, maximum 800 x 60002:26
ubooboodefault connected 800x600+0+0 0mm x 0mm02:26
ubooboo   800x600        61.0*02:26
ubooboo   640x480        60.002:27
storbeck_VIM_: try taking out -dao02:27
n8tuserTakyoji -> okay, you cant without a prior setting of root password, so you go ahead and do it from single user mode to update02:27
FloodBot2ubooboo: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.02:27
aSt3raLn8tuser: actually i have broadcast ssid on now and its not seeing it02:27
Takyojin8tuser: But sudo segfaults02:27
n8tuserTakyoji -> not in single user mode02:27
Takyojin8tuser: Okay, just read your message02:27
demachinaquestion: just installed ubuntu 8.10 x64, and I can't get gnome to activate the proprietary nvidia drivers02:27
tess_any one wiht knowledge of mobile broadband devices02:27
pressheredemachina: did you update your system?02:28
nomiculusif i tar as superuser from root like tar the whole system to a backup drive will i be able to restore it easily ... i mean is that a safe backup ... how can i recover a pc from a simple tar archive of the whole system from root (anyone)?02:28
demachinapresshere: just a moment, lemme see what's available02:28
smashagnomedoes anyone happen to know how to update the usplash themes from the old version to intrepid?  i know that some of the theme artists have put out updates for intrepid but not many at all.  i don't really want to install splashy as a work around.??02:28
danbhfiveubooboo: hmmm, Im probably the wrong person to ask.  I suck at this stuff.  maybe try deleting your xorg.conf file?  I thought xorg was supposed to autoconfigure.  BUT, the last time I had this problem, was because I had a bad cd burn, so I ended up having to reinstall02:28
storbecknomiculus: Yes02:28
pressheredemachina: sudo apt-get update02:28
n8tuseraSt3raL -> lets step back.. post in pastebin..  ifconfig; iwconfig; cat /etc/network/interfaces;  cat /etc/resolv.conf02:28
Huufartednomiculus, my recommendation is to make a g4l live cd and back it up that way02:29
iShockWhat's the difference between 64 and 32 bit OSes?02:29
Charliehorsegnea: i have to go, thanks for the great help, Like really thanks a lot. Its good to see someone that cares that much02:29
storbecknomiculus: When you uncompress it, just use -r02:29
nomiculusi prefer to use tar02:29
ussernomiculus, you'll have to be booted into livecd to tar the root filesystem02:29
presshere!x86-x64 | iShock02:29
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about x86-x6402:29
ussernomiculus, try partimage02:29
nomiculushow would i install a system from a tar archive (of root, downwards) onto a new pc02:29
Huufartednomiculus, it does use tar, but it also compresses it and allows you to save it over a network, but your choice...02:29
demachinapresshere: updating02:29
storbeckerr, not -r02:29
storbeckuse -p to preserve the permissions02:29
_VIM_storbeck:  dvdrecord: No such file or directory. No read access for 'tmp/backup-022009.tar'.02:29
storbeck(when uncompressing)02:30
ussernomiculus, format, mount it. cd / && sudo tar -xvf tarfile.tar.gz02:30
pressheredemachina: then reboot02:30
nomiculusty usser ty02:30
ussernomiculus, but you'll have to install grub manually02:30
storbeck_VIM_: do you have a slash in front of /tmp ?02:30
nomiculusgotcha usser02:30
ubooboono worries.....02:30
ussernomiculus, ie sudo grub-install --root-directory /where/you/mounted /dev/partname02:30
ussernomiculus, ie sudo grub-install --root-directory=/where/you/mounted /dev/partname sorry02:30
eseven73yep storbeck02:30
nomiculussounds good that means i can boot from one machine into another drive excellent ...02:31
eseven73oh wait02:31
eseven73it didnt LOL sorry02:31
eseven73stupid vim error02:31
iShockWhat's the difference between 64 and 32 bit OSes?02:31
storbeckeseven73: At least we're getting closer :D02:31
eseven73me of all people having vim probs02:31
storbeckiShock: one uses 32bit and one uses 64bit02:31
uboobooi tried sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg...no luck.. :)02:31
nomiculusthe difference is in the address width of the processor ishock02:31
nomiculusthe address bus02:32
danbhfiveubooboo: did you try deleting xorg.conf?02:32
nomiculus64 bit can address far much more memory than 32 bit02:32
nomiculusin fact twice as much02:32
danbhfiveubooboo: or moving it, just to be safe I suppose02:32
ubooboonot yet...do i have to restart after that I guess.02:32
danbhfivenomiculus: twice as much?02:32
nomiculusyes an02:32
nomiculus64 bit is like a myth man02:33
nomiculusits just about addressing02:33
nomiculusno software now needs anything more than 32 bit02:33
demachinapresshere: now "downloading and installing driver" is stuck at 0%02:33
danbhfivenomiculus: 33bit addressing will access twice as much memory as 32bit  :p02:33
mluser-homeAnyone know how I can disable pulseaudio system wide?02:33
iShockDoes Ubuntu with Wubi install as 64 bit if it is at all possible?02:33
presshereiShock: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/64-bit02:33
nomiculusi agree danbhfive02:33
pressheredemachina: did you reboot?02:33
hangthedjI'm having trouble with IP tables, can anybody tell me why this http://paste.ubuntu.com/124528/ won't forward port 23 to port 2323?02:34
demachinapresshere: lemme try that, bbiab02:34
aSt3raLn8tuser: http://pastebin.com/m1907dfc702:34
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pressheredemachina: search in synaptic nvidia driver02:34
iShockDoes Ubuntu with Wubi install as 64 bit if it is at all possible?02:34
macmananyway to fix this http://i42.tinypic.com/11t1or8.png ?02:34
ubooboodo i shutdown -r after moving xorg.conf...or will that break things....LOL02:35
demachinapresshere: hmm, it seems to have activated all of a sudden.. . if I'm not back it means it worked, so thanks in advance if that's the case :)02:35
jlinkWow, Irssi was quick to setup and connect with.02:35
smashagnomeUbooboo: CTRL-ALT-Backspace02:36
pressheredemachina: to test if the driver is activated try to activate maximum visual effects02:36
mib_1jrw5jhey i have a MAJOR inconvenience with ubuntu. is there a way to have more than one program use root/sudo like add/remove programs and apt-get. i get an error saying that it cant get a lock.02:36
storbeckjlink: I'm glad to hear you've switched to the good side ;)02:36
mluser-homeAnyone know how I can disable pulseaudio system wide?02:36
aSt3raLmluser-home: modprobe -r02:37
bazhangmib_1jrw5j, no just the one process at a time02:37
jlinkstorbeck: I'm having problems switching my nickname though, what's the command?02:37
Flannelmib_1jrw5j: Right, you can only use one package manager at a time.  More things can use sudo though.  That's a property of the package manager things.02:38
mluser-homeaSt3raL: but no kernel modules are involved02:38
n8tuseraSt3raL -> can you also post your  sudo lshw -C network  results?02:38
pressherejlink: /nick <your nick>02:38
PeddyHow do I change the resolution of tty terminals?02:38
=== jlink is now known as JosephLinkous
JosephLinkous:D Sweet, htanks02:38
JosephLinkous*h-tanks, the wave of the future02:38
storbeckjlink, /nick newnick02:38
aSt3raLn8tuser: http://pastebin.com/m63e0859f02:38
JosephLinkousAlright then, I'll stop wasting IRC space, I just wanted to check out irssi. Cya02:39
n8tuseraSt3raL -> something is missing here, what chip? what vendor? those should have show in lshw results02:40
fidelitysystemHi, i have question i want to use my USB internet not my ethernet02:41
fidelitysystemwhat drivers i need to recognize02:41
n8tuseraSt3raL -> there are ndiswrapper commands to check if its loaded and such can you run those?02:41
hmwsomeone here willing to help me checking out, how to use irssi/epic (help not available) - I want to learn, how to "open new windows" for misc. channels/private messages and switch between windows02:42
aSt3raLn8tuser: nidswrapper -l says its installed02:42
storbeckeseven73: How's it working02:43
wersthis is terrible. in order to make a partition in the middle of my hard drive, i resized and moved existing partitions. gparted is going to make every adjustment that i made while setting my desired partitions up. it's going to resize my 113gb partition thrice and I cant stop it because the process is already starting02:43
danbhfiveaSt3raL: did you modprob it?02:43
n8tuseraSt3raL -> umm usb wifi seems still problematic with ubuntu.. you proly have to google for correct drivers for you chip02:43
wersi think, this is going to take the whole damn day02:43
mobodo_if I dd if a whole drive (e.g. sda) instead of a partition (e.g. sda1), will I get a iso with multiple partitions?02:44
aSt3raLn8tuser: i had it working in ubuntu 702:44
HMANhello i have a problem with the sound can somebody give me a hand please02:44
hmwmobodo_ afaik, dd does copy sectorwise, so i would say, yes.02:44
n8tuseraSt3raL -> then perhaps go back to 7 ?02:44
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aSt3raLn8tuser: thanks for the help though02:45
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HMANhello i have a problem with the sound can somebody give me a hand please02:45
aSt3raLHMAN: what kinda problem02:45
n8tuseraSt3raL -> one last check.. post what is in     cat /proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf02:46
ussermobodo_, dd copies bytes not sectors and yes you'll get entire hdd with all the partition mbr, the whole works02:46
Guest88690wow that worked!!!  This is Ubooboo02:47
danbhfiveglad it worked out02:47
aSt3raLn8tuser: not sure what you are looking for there its a directory02:47
HMANaSt3raL i cannot listen any sound, i can only listen when i log in the system02:47
n8tuseraSt3raL -> why not tell me whats listed there?02:47
storbeck!sound | HMAN02:47
ubottuHMAN: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP302:47
hmwis there a channel for people, who have questions about IRC?02:47
Gneahmw: #irchelp or #freenode02:48
ubottuKarmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 2009 - For more info see https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel-announce/2009-February/000536.html02:48
Stepan1Does samba allow a Windows printer to print from a location thats not on the network?02:49
GneaStepan1: probably better to ask that in #samba02:50
ubottuKarmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 2009 - For more info see https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel-announce/2009-February/000536.html02:50
Shooter_ Is there anyone around that can help me with setting up a 16 GB flash drive with Ubuntu 8.10 for use on my windows laptop?02:51
* nbenton is away: auto-away02:51
hmwgnea: the channel just told me, that #irchelp was a long time ago. I shall joint #help.02:51
Stepan1Gnea: didn't know a room like that existed, thanks02:51
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Gneahmw: ah okay, my mistake02:52
Flannel!away > nbenton02:52
ubottunbenton, please see my private message02:52
diuneighwhere can I d/l the watermark cpu information for my desktop?02:52
Gnea!usb | Shooter_02:52
ubottuShooter_: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent02:52
aki_sup guys?02:52
Gneadiuneigh: 'watermark cpu information'?02:52
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tc111i'm looking for the k10temp or amdtemp module/driver (possibly this is just built into lm-sensors?)... anyone know what the status is on this and/or where i can find more information?02:53
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Gneatc111: lm-sensors should have it02:53
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diuneighgnea: ya...like ram and hdd usage..... on the desktop02:54
tc111Gnea: is there a specific version i need to look for to compile for intrepid?02:54
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Gneadiuneigh: oh, you mean 'system information'.  you said 'cpu', that meant you were talking about the CPU itself, not the other parts of the system.02:54
Gneadiuneigh: there is a system information applet that you can put on the top of your desktop - just right-click and add applet and look at the list02:55
usb-onfirewhoops cpu02:55
Gneatc111: it's in the repositories already:  sudo apt-get install lm-sensors02:55
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diuneighgnea: yes.. all of those things... I don't have that with the right click... do I need to install that applet?02:56
tc111it tells me that the k10temp is not yet written (the one from the repos)02:56
linux77_hello all02:56
tc111Gnea: it tells me that the k10temp is not yet written (the one from the repos)02:56
linux77_is there a way to see if Apache is running from the command line02:56
Gneadiuneigh: if you want something that's easy to access on the desktop, yes02:56
Rafdoes anyone know if I can suspend Ubuntu, and boot into Windows?02:57
Takyojin8tuser: reinstalling sudo didn't make the difference02:57
Takyojimake a difference*02:57
Gneadiuneigh: ah, you want 'system monitor'02:57
danbhfivelinux77_: ps -e | grep apache  ?02:57
linux77_thanks @ dan02:57
tc111Gnea: currently at: Version: 1:3.0.2-1ubuntu202:57
n8tuserTakyoji -> thats pretty serious then, were you able to enable root user since you cant use sudo anymore?02:58
homeskillhow can i enable the horizontal scroll on my laptop mousepad?02:58
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Takyojin8tuser: Erm, crap. I forgot about changing root's password02:58
Gneatc111: and?02:58
linux77_not really sure what to make of the outuput dan :-(02:58
Gneatc111: it's not written?02:58
n8tuserTakyoji -> that fairly easy..02:58
linux77_looks like 6 instances...but all 00:00:00s02:59
diuneighgnea: yes that is correct system monitor...02:59
linux77_probably not running02:59
danbhfivelinux77_: well, it lists every running process with the name apache in it02:59
Takyojin8tuser: I just meant I forgot to do it02:59
usb-onfirecompile the code?02:59
homeskillhow can i tell what my monitors horizontal sync value is supposed to be?02:59
homeskillfrom linux software, since i dont have the manual and i cant find it on google02:59
tc111Gnea: it detects the k10temp, but when it displays what should be in 'modules', it says the k10temp is not written yet.02:59
danbhfivelinux77_: I think apache starts several instances, to handle different connections.  So, they are probably just sleeping, waiting for someone to access your lonely webserver02:59
linux77_<----webserver is lonely :-(03:00
ubuntuphr3ki have this built so far03:00
ubuntuphr3kAMD Phenom X4 2.2Ghz Quad Core / 500GB Seagate Barracuda SATA / 4GB RAM03:00
ubuntuphr3kGeForce 9600GT 1GB Video Card / Samsung 22x SATA DVD R/W03:01
diuneighgnea:  where to d/l a system monitor?03:01
ubuntuphr3k22" LCD Monitor / Wireless Keyboard/Optical Mouse Combo03:01
hmwhomeskill - you gotta find the specs (keep trying google, this can be hard sometimes) or you start with some very low values for a model, that has lower refresh rates and test yourself all the way up, until the monitor refuses to display things.03:01
ubuntuphr3kanything im missing? :X03:01
christian_does anyone know mysql, and if so can anyone help me create a system like this: http://pastebin.com/d2e8600f503:01
homeskillhmw i found the specs, my laptop's video card runs at 1280x800 but i dont know what the horiztonal and vertical sync values are supposed to be, any ideas? i cant find it anywhere03:01
=== paulj1 is now known as pauljw
homeskilli think it also says 60hz03:02
Gneadiuneigh: as i said: right-click on the bar at the top of the desktop, click on add applet, and add the system monitor applet03:02
usserhomeskill, try 50 50 its usually safe03:02
hmwhomeskill - the resolution is just a part of the specs. Write a mail to your notebook's vendor or keep googleing or start testing systematically03:02
Gneatc111: hrm, according to ubuntuforums, that's correct.. :/03:02
=== ectospasm is now known as ectodozing
Gneatc111: perhaps there's a fix in jaunty...03:03
_VIM_storbeck:  sorry about that, had to help someone with their Facebook,,, here ya go http://pastebin.com/pastebin.php03:03
Aquinawhy does "set" when entered in a shell return only script code instead of the variables?03:03
macmanguys .. im trying to create a new partition on a external .. is it fdisk /dev/sdc1 ?03:03
GneaAquina: because that's what it's designed to do.03:03
=== BunnaeWabbit is now known as UAngo
hmwhomeskill - finding our what chip your graphics adapter is using might help on the google search03:04
GneaAquina: different shells use set in different ways.03:04
diuneighgnea:  thanks for your help... but I want the ones that are on the right side of the desktop and they are like a watermark.. is it conky?03:04
tc111Gnea: ok... :( i'll just have to keep checking the forums and lm-sensors page until something happens... thanks for the help and confirmation of my suspicions.03:04
Gneadiuneigh: i don't understand your definition of a 'watermark'03:04
Gneatc111: cheers03:04
_VIM_and yes it sounds like conky03:05
AquinaGnea it puts the sript of itself out not the default names and values of all shell variables and functions as mentioned in the faq,03:05
hmwdiuneigh - you might be looking for "desklets"03:05
Gnea_VIM_: okay - that makes sense now03:05
_VIM_grammar ftw03:05
exodus_msis there a faster/simpler way to create borderless/transparent terminal window without installing devilspie creating a congif file, setting devilspie to run at startup etc..03:06
Gneaexodus_ms: Eterm03:07
spike_someone how can I put it on my panel please : http://img100.imageshack.us/my.php?image=capture4qn8.png03:07
diuneighhmw:  yes.. I believe that is it... googling it now.. thanks too GNEA03:07
exodus_ms!info eterm03:07
ubottueterm (source: eterm): Enlightened Terminal Emulator. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.9.5-1ubuntu1 (intrepid), package size 352 kB, installed size 1064 kB03:07
* Gnea does a sudo apt-get install conky03:07
exodus_msGnea, is eterm the same as screen?03:07
hmwdiuneigh - stop google for a moment and start using synaptic *g*03:07
=== ectodozing is now known as ectospasm
Gneaexodus_ms: no, it's like xterm, rxvt or aterm, only it's much more configurable through a menu system03:08
storbeck_VIM_: did it work?03:08
=== ectospasm is now known as ectodozing
exodus_msah, ok. Thanks for the help Gnea03:08
homeskilli need to edit my xorg.conf to enable xinerama so i can use dual monitors on my laptop which has an intel integraded graphics controller but xorg.conf says 'some config settings are now auto configured by the server and settings here are ignored' how do i know what i should be editing? i need to add a "ServiceLayout" section which it doesnt have by default03:09
_VIM_storbeck: I guess you didnt get my last message...03:09
_VIM_storbeck: http://pastebin.com/pastebin.php03:09
_VIM_oops bad link hang on03:09
fidelitysystemwhere i can find a driver of my modem03:10
storbeckfidelitysystem: On the internet03:10
fidelitysystemyeah but i dont found..03:10
Gnea!modem | fidelitysystem03:10
ubottufidelitysystem: You want to connect via dial-up? Read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DialupModemHowto03:10
spike_someone know how can I put it on my panel please : http://img100.imageshack.us/my.php?image=capture4qn8.png03:10
_VIM_storbeck:  http://pastebin.com/m7ff5d21403:10
diuneighhmw: ok.. which desklet?  gdesklets-data, adesklets, or gdesklets03:11
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homeskillanyone? does ubuntu require manually editing xorg.conf at all for dual monitors with an intel integrated video card?03:11
storbeckwell, you're going to have to set a dev03:11
PeddyDoes Ubuntu have a GUI for printer sharing yet, or do I have to configure smb.conf?03:11
storbeckJust keep playing around with it until you get the drive right, dev=2,0,0 dev=3,0,0 etc03:11
storbeckI can't stay to help. I'm off, good luck!03:12
_VIM_ok cya storbeck :)03:12
hmwdiuneigh - don't know. I think there was one with nice statistics. You gotta read the descriptions. Some desklet stuff allows additional plugins, but I saw one, that was to be installed just like that. But I didn't keep it and forgot the name03:13
spike_someone know how can I put it on my panel please : http://img100.imageshack.us/my.php?image=capture4qn8.png03:13
mib_047h9g3eWhere is it possible to download linux slot machines?03:14
_VIM_mib_047h9g3e:  apt-cache search slot03:15
DVS01(10.72 MB/s) - `ubuntu-8.10-desktop-i386.iso' saved [732766208/732766208]03:15
OldFarterso how bout blueray?03:16
_VIM_mib_047h9g3e:  or try looking in http://www.getdeb.net03:16
spike_someone know how can I put it on my panel please : http://img100.imageshack.us/my.php?image=capture4qn8.png03:16
SJrIs there an updated information on the win32codecs installation, I seem to only be finding instructions for dapper03:16
_VIM_!repeat | spike_03:16
ubottuspike_: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience03:16
mib_047h9g3e_VIM_: what type of slot machines are they?03:16
_VIM_no clue03:17
_VIM_that first command should list all the slot type games03:17
homeskilli hit ctrl+alt+backspace to restart X but it's just saying '* Reloading system log daemon...' forever03:17
OldFarterWhat kind of specs should i get for media computer if i want to crank HD movies from harddisk03:17
kereshow do you add a symlink to launch a wine application?03:17
mib_047h9g3e_VIM_: is there any like in casinos where I know the computers run a linux desktop and tehyre dedicated to just the slot machine?03:17
AquinaThank You, Gnea! ;-)03:17
nomasteryodahomeskill, try Ctrl+alt=F103:17
_VIM_mib_047h9g3e: not sure what you're refering to03:18
homeskillnomasteryodai did that and it says stuff ending in a login prompt03:18
AquinaI messed up "set" with "env", goddamn...03:18
nomasteryodahomeskill, then login as your user03:18
nomasteryodahomeskill, then issue "sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart"03:19
mib_047h9g3e_VIM_: like in casinos there are slot machines with games and they run linux is there any way to donwload teh slot machine software that runs on the linux?03:19
diuneighhmw: how can I configure the desklet after install?03:19
_VIM_oh that i dont know sorry03:19
_VIM_im sure its propriotary anyways mib_047h9g3e03:19
Takyojin8tuser: I changed the root password, yet I can't switch to the root user with the su command.03:19
mib_047h9g3e_VIM_: ohh thanks anyway ill keep trying03:19
homeskillnomasteryoda ok i did that but when i hit alt+f7 to go back into x it still says the same thing '*reloading system log daemon...' forever03:20
homeskillnomasteryoda is this because it doesnt like my xorg.conf edits?03:20
nomasteryodahomeskill, then try another tty ... Alt+F803:20
nomasteryodaor Alt+F903:20
mib_047h9g3e_VIM_: i'm guessing your probably right, I just wish there was somehwere where I could download somthing like that doesnt need to be exactly that but something like it03:20
_VIM_mib_047h9g3e: more than likely it's not availble to the public, it was probably custom made03:20
Xamuskdo amd64 releases work fine in a Core2Duo?03:20
ohzieHey what is the nautlis desktop process called?03:20
* Takyoji wonders if n8tuserf is an replicate of n8tuser03:20
presshereXamusk: excelent03:20
usserXamusk, yes03:21
Xamuskpresshere, thanks03:21
homeskillnomasteryoda none of them are showing my X window03:21
_VIM_Those are trade secrets, and Las Vegas, is not about to share those secrets any time soon mib_047h9g3e :)03:21
XamuskI'll try amd64 before trying gentoo03:21
mib_047h9g3e_VIM_: Yeah, I'm guessing your right I just wish someone would make a linux distro with dedicated slots03:21
donavan01so I have a portable USB HD formatted with NTFS ... apparently at some point it go unplugged with out dismounting no it and its giving me a cannot mount volume error .... any ideas03:21
mib_047h9g3e_VIM_: well its more like Yonkers here but your right lol03:21
unkodonavan01, it has to be formated in fat3203:22
mxldrhow do i install google earth?03:22
mxldri get this error:03:22
_VIM_!medibuntu | mxldr03:22
ubottumxldr: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org03:22
dr_Willisdonavan01,  plug it into a windows box.. and let windows scan it/fix it/ then plug it back into the linux box.. after you 'properly' remove uit from windows machine03:22
diuneighhmw: how can I configure the desklet after install?03:22
_VIM_mxldr: its in the medibuntu repos03:22
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots03:22
mxldrhe following packages have unmet dependencies: googleearth: Depends: libxi6 (>= 2:1.2.0) but 2:1.1.3-2build1 is to be in03:22
J4G4Dsomebody help me please03:23
_VIM_!helpme | J4G4D03:23
ubottuJ4G4D: Avoid your questions being followed by a trail of "Please, help me", "Can nobody help me?", "I really need this!", and so on. This just contributes to making the channel unreadable. If you are not answered, ask again later; but see also !repeat and !patience03:23
donavan01dr_willis: thanks... can I just format the drive as unka suggested ... there isnt anything on the drive03:23
presshereJ4G4D: whats the prob?03:23
dr_Willisdonavan01,  its your drive.. do whatever you want. :)03:23
hmwdiuneigh: I don't know, try right clicking, read help about the desklet (or google it), find some conf files in your home folder, cast a spell onto it...03:23
dr_Willisdonavan01,  fdisk, partition, format...03:23
J4G4Di needed free shells03:24
_VIM_!ot | J4G4D03:24
ubottuJ4G4D: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!03:24
GneaJ4G4D: for what?03:24
donavan01dr_willis: yeah I just wasnt sure if it  would even see the drive enough to wipe it .... still not too good with linux file systems and whatnot03:24
_VIM_!hi | mohanohi03:24
ubottumohanohi: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!03:24
J4G4Dfor eggdrop03:25
hmwdiuneigh - did you ever try to use "add-to-panel" and add the system monitor? you can also install some panel addons for displaying temperatures.03:25
GneaJ4G4D: please ask in #freenode03:25
presshereJ4G4D: wrong addres03:25
J4G4Dthere can help me please ?03:25
GneaJ4G4D: type this:  /join #freenode03:25
mohanohii have 2 etx3 drive.. and not able to use it.. showing access denied03:25
unkoJ4G4D, do /join #freenode03:25
GneaJ4G4D: and ask there. you're asking in the wrong place.03:26
dr_Willisdonavan01,  if  'sudo fdisk -l' sees the drive.. then you can partition it to whatever you want with gparted easialy enough. :)03:26
J4G4Dok thx03:26
dr_Willismohanohi,  the directories/files on the drives need to have proper permission./ownership set - to allow the users to access them..  root should be able to access them'03:26
fidelitysystemhi somebody use vnc?03:26
donavan01dr_willis: good deal thanks03:27
mxldri get this error:03:27
mohanohiok.. how can i change the permission to use it?03:27
mxldrhe following packages have unmet dependencies: googleearth: Depends: libxi6 (>= 2:1.2.0) but 2:1.1.3-2build1 is to be in03:27
mxldrhow do i nstall google earth?03:27
dr_Willismohanohi,  chmod, and chown commands.03:27
boxy_dudehey, where are the application menu entries defined?03:27
_VIM_mxldr: have you installed the medibuntu repos yet?03:27
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homeskillafter editing my xorg.conf and rebooting i't s now saying kinit: no resume image, doing normal boot... and not showing gnome. any idea why?03:27
mxldrno, how do i install the repos? _VIM_03:28
mohanohiwill it be permanent afterwards?03:28
_VIM_!medibuntu > mxldr (here you go again incase you missed it)03:28
ubottumxldr, please see my private message03:28
=== zanzer7 is now known as pizen
ubottumedibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org03:28
=== pizen is now known as zanzer7
mohanohii mean the permission after i reboot the system also?03:28
_VIM_it's very easy mxldr, just go to that link, you'll copy 2 lines of commands,,and another for the key and reload stuff, then after thats done, just type in sudo apt-get install googleearth   in a terminal03:29
emmaso unusual for this channel to be so slow?03:30
boxy_dudehey, where are the application menu entries defined?03:30
_VIM_emma very03:30
emmamaybe we have finally solved everyone's problems.03:30
_VIM_it's been kinda slow these past few days03:30
_VIM_hehe maybe :)03:30
emma_VIM_: Wow it is quiet though. Weird. Makes me wonder if my IRC is working.03:31
homeskillafter editing my xorg.conf and rebooting i't s now saying kinit: no resume image, doing normal boot... and not showing gnome. any idea why?03:31
Diztractlol emma03:31
kreinohelp, how to resize my ntfs partition in ubuntu?03:32
sheena1hi all, anyone got time to help troubleshoot an online-video issue?03:32
emmakreino: You dual boot you mean with windows on an ntfs partition?03:33
dr_Williskreino,  if you have vista - the vista  tools can 'shrink' a ntfs partition much faster then  linux can.03:33
_VIM_sheena1: that's kind of offtopic for here03:33
dr_Williskreino,  and last i tried it it was like  vista taking 20 sec.. vs linux taking 3+ hrs..  to resize a ntfs down a few gb. Ive no idea how vista does it so fast.03:33
sheena1_vim_: is there somewhere it's more on topic? I'm confident it's a setting somewhere in my ubuntu stuff, rather than a firefox issue, but i could be wrong.03:33
emmasheena1: have you installed all the codecs and flashplugin and all that?03:34
Alex_21Hi, is 512 MB enough of a hard drive with 512 MB RAM and 266 CPU for a XFCE core with Gnome games and KDE games installed?03:34
bonobohello there, i am having issues real player, i can't listen to radio streaming,  because there is no sound!03:34
emmasheena1: ubuntu-restricted-extras03:35
fidelitysystemhey somebody recommend a program to connect to linux in my computer windows03:35
sheena1emma: yes, and it worked fine two days ago, i don't even know that i've updated since then. any chance rebooting might cure it?03:35
bonoboand mplayer does not recognize ram files03:35
_VIM_sheena1: ah ok so it's a flash issue then, I was thinking something different by "online Video" ummm don't ask.03:35
fidelitysystembut not the terminal i wants to connect to the desktop ..03:35
emmasheena1: yeah always possible.03:35
_VIM_!welcome | shune03:36
ubottushune: Welcome to #ubuntu - the Ubuntu support channel.03:36
Alex_21So is this the minimum specs?03:36
mobodo_if I want to use a static ip instead of DHCP, where do I do that? I did it in Network Connections, but it keeps being reset everytime I reboot...03:36
sheena1_vim_: I won't ask. sorry if i gave you a different idea03:36
Alex_21Or do I need to upgrade something03:36
shunedonde estoy ???03:36
emma!es > shune03:36
dr_Willisfidelitysystem,  vnc is handy, or you can  install xming on the windows box, and ssh/putty to the linux box and have X apps appear on the windiows desktop that way03:36
ubottushune, please see my private message03:36
sheena1emma: i'm going to reboot now. If it's not cured, i'll be right back! thanks!03:36
_VIM_sheena1: hehe03:36
fidelitysystemdr_Wills my computer have that03:37
fidelitysystembut i only see terminal03:37
Alex_21Hi, I need to know if, is 512 MB enough of a hard drive with 512 MB RAM and 266 CPU for a XFCE core with Gnome games and KDE games installed?03:37
fidelitysystemhow i can connect to desktop cos im connecting but i see terminal only03:37
emmaI'm not  any kind of linux expert and I don't consider 'turn it off and back on' really great advice, though that does fix my own audio problems quite often.03:37
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dr_WillisaleX-xx,  512mb hard drive.. ?  thats a bit tiny.03:37
_VIM_that's kind of stretching things a bit aleX-xx03:38
Alex_21Too tiny do you think for XFCE-Core, Gnome-Games, KDE-Games, Firefox and nothing else03:38
dr_WillisaleX-xx,  tjhat low end of a system - you might want to check out PuppyLinux, or TinyCoreLinux,    ive installed ubuntu on a Pent 1 100, with 6gb hd.. and it worked.03:38
rdw200169emma, yeah, i deal with the audio problem(s) too, i think it has something to do w/hal, i have two audio cards, and they get their identities switched once in a while upon bootup03:39
dr_WillisaleX-xx,  those games will be  way more then 512mb.03:39
_VIM_yeah go for Puppy or one of it's derivitives03:39
emmardw200169: seems to happen to me after i have been listening to youtube videos too much.03:39
rdw200169emma, i get the same thing with mice, consequentially...03:39
Alex_21I can expand it to 1GB of HD space if that is enough03:39
rdw200169emma, that's interesting.. perhaps it has something to with pulseaudio... hmm.. for flash, i remember i edited some file to give it pulseaudio support, then i set up alsa with the default pointing to pulseaudio so alsa apps worked right03:40
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about gmount03:40
dr_WillisAlex_21,  you could get a 8gb thumbdrive for like $20 and use a puppy live cd to boot. :) and have the system all on the thumbdrive also...03:40
dr_Willis1gb of hd.. would be tight. you will want a few mb of swap space at least.03:40
Alex_21My biggest thumb drive is 1 GB at the moment if that will do03:41
emmardw200169: yeah but Hardy just killed me with pulseaudio/flash, intrepid has been much more stable that way, only now and then does the audio go out and the easiest way to get it back is reboot.03:41
kereswhere can i download opengl headers for programming?03:41
rdw200169emma, i still use hardy.  i just get random firefox crashes when the sound doesn't initialize right w/flash03:41
Alex_21I'm using an Apple HD03:42
emmaYep that's it.03:42
usserkeres, sudo apt-get install libglut3-dev03:42
usserkeres, and libglut303:42
keresusser: thanks!03:42
rdw200169emma, i generally have a 80% success rate w/sound+flash+firefox... the other 20% is a crash of firefox but sound still works03:42
carltonhannais there a way to go directly to install instead of having it use the live disk?03:42
Alex_21Get the alternate installer cd for that03:42
carltonhannacan you send me a link03:43
emmardw200169: yeah i recall when using hardy my choices were (1) Either not be able to use youtube and also any other audio device, or vice versa or (2) Have a very unstable firefox when using flash.03:43
Alex_21Also, is 266 MHZ a little tight or will that do what I want with 512 MB or so of RAM03:43
keresusser: ok. when doing a #include, is it <GL/header.h> , right?03:43
usserkeres, actually, freeglut3 and freeglut3-dev03:43
rdw200169emma, is it better w/intrepid?03:43
emmardw200169: yes much.03:43
keresusser: i meant in the actual c file, #include <GL\glut.h>03:43
=== Fizban is now known as Steelflint
usserkeres, yea that works03:44
Alex_21Get the alternate CD by checking the box at download time that states "I need the Alternate CD" or something03:44
rdw200169emma, ah, but, does flash work WITH pulseaudio, by default, with no special configuration heck having to take place?03:44
keresusser: main.c:20:18: error: glut.h: No such file or directory03:44
usserkeres, sorry i made a mistake its freeglut3 and freeglut3-dev03:45
Alex_21So, because it is a SSD 1GB Apple stick, can I squeeze all the games onto that and will they run OK03:45
keresusser: got those03:45
Alex_21Also with 266 MHZ and about 512 MB of RAM03:45
usserkeres, hang on03:46
usserkeres, /usr/include/GL/glut.h is in freeglut3-dev03:46
usserkeres, you should have that03:46
keresusser: ok. I have #include <GL/glut.h> in my main.c, still not picking up03:47
Alex_21I can actually use 512 mb on a seperate HD for swap if need be03:47
usserkeres, can you do "locate glut.h"?03:47
usserkeres, does it find it?03:47
Alex_21So any ideas about the storage capacity03:48
keresusser: yeah it's in /include/03:48
Alex_21I really don't know what I'm doing right now03:48
Alex_21I'm over my head with Linux03:48
usserkeres, how do you compile?03:49
keresusser: i don't think this is right : http://pastebin.com/m6e341cfb03:49
ScottG489Is there a way for me to restart w/e is running my sound? Pidgin is making weird crackling noises when people sign on or send me messages and MPlayer opens with a totally black screen03:49
keresusser: gcc main.c03:49
keresusser: should i 'gcc main.c -lgl' or something?03:49
sheena1emma: i'm back. rebooting didnt help, and i can watch some flash but not others..03:49
usserkeres, try with that gcc -lGL -lglut -Wall file.c03:49
emmasheena1: hmm.03:49
emmasheena1: you were watching this same video stream before but not now?03:49
Flare183How can I move the AWN to the right side of my screen?03:50
Alex_21I really need some help installing03:50
keresusser: works flawless. Thank you03:50
usserkeres, no problem03:50
sheena1emma: i can see videos on youtube, but not on TED.com. I could watch the TED videos a few days ago, though03:50
emmalet me see if I can view them03:51
Alex_21I have 266 MHZ with 6 GB internal HD which has another OS on it, 1GB HD that can house Ubuntu and another 512 HD at my disposal with 512 mb of RAM03:51
sheena1emma: thanks03:51
Alex_21No problem03:51
Alex_21I really need some help aranging this setup to install XFCE-core with Gnome-Games and KDE-games03:52
_VIM_Flare183: not sure, last i heard it's not possible to move AWN, have you tried cairo-dock, + a nice cairo theme?03:52
emmasheena1: yes the video there is working on my system.03:53
pandasehello, i need to find the i/o port for my sata card i tried lshw as root and it shows the card but does not tell me the port03:53
Flare183Figured taht03:53
sheena1emma: good to know. any ideas why it's not working on mine?03:53
JosephLinkousI wonder... is this soley for technical support, or just kind of a hang-out area for ubuntu?03:53
_VIM_Flare183:  i got my cairo looking/acting just like OSX's dock03:53
emmasheena1: have you definitely installed ubuntu-restricted-extras ?03:54
usserJosephLinkous, hang out area is here #ubuntu-offtopic03:54
Alex_21This is what I propose to do. 512 MB hd for swap, 1GB hd for XFCE-core and the games, and the 6GB alone with its OS03:54
Flare183_VIM_: Awesome03:54
sheena1emma: yep, but i'll check again03:54
JosephLinkoususser: Nice, thanks03:54
raihow to upgrade to 9.04 from 7.10?03:54
usserrai, the only way to do that is to go through 7.10->8.04->8.10->9.0403:55
sheena1emma: reinstalling now03:55
Alex_21sudo do-release-upgrade until you get to 9.0403:55
Alex_21Any help with my preposed setup03:56
pandasei really need to verify the port03:56
raiusser  how to upgrade to 8.04?03:56
pandasei am pressed for time the client is gonna kill me03:56
usserrai, sudo update-manager -d03:56
lanmananyone from Ukraine here?03:57
samba_hello, how to download a dir using wget without download all the server http ?03:57
Alex_21Like I said "Sudo do-release-upgrade"03:57
DimensionsHiya ... im trying to configure my new server with openSSL ... i have an old server which already has SSL installed but i dont know which type of SSL that is ... in its settings it loads three files ssl.key ssl.cert and ssl.ca ...  can some one help please ?03:57
pandaseusser: any idea regarding display of ioport of a sata card03:57
usserpandase, i dont know what that it is sorry :(03:57
sheena1emma: i reinstalled the extras, still havin the same problem. No video plays, no play/stop buttons or volume control displays, just a plain blue box where the video should be03:57
Alex_21Can anyone help with my setup03:57
Search4Lancerso, is it pretty much impossible to upgrade from 7.04 to 7.10 now or what?03:58
Alex_21No it isn't03:58
emmasheena1: that is truly weird. I don't know.03:58
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eastrayHello, When i volume up or down in alsa mixer, somtimes  left and right chain is unlock. I want to always L and R chain lock when i control volume in mixer.03:58
nomasteryodaSearch4Lancer, its much faster and easier to just install over it... but backup /home03:58
emmasheena1: could it be you have turned off javascript or something like that in your browser?03:58
Dillizarumount: /media/cdrom is not in the fstab (and you are not root) how can i do it03:59
lanmanGreetings I am looking for information on how to scan a website's sub-domains03:59
sheena1emma: i would think youtube would be broken too, if that were the case.03:59
Search4Lancernomasteryoda: not an option for me, cd burner is busted, all I have is an old 7.04 CD03:59
Search4Lancergetting the good old "Can not find backport 'release-upgrader-apt'" problem03:59
emmasheena1: yeah03:59
Search4Lancerdespite changing the sources to old-releases.ubuntu.com04:00
sheena1emma: thanks for trying. i'll figure it out eventually04:00
nomasteryodacan you pull the hd out and put into another system then install then put back in?04:00
atari2600aare the apt servers down?04:00
Search4Lancernope, laptop04:00
atari2600aI can't seem to get a connection from them at all04:00
emmasheena1: are you able to feed the link to a standalone player like vlc or mplayer?04:00
emmanot the url to the page but the actual link to the feed.04:01
lanmantype in04:01
Alex_21I really need help installing. I need to know how best to arange my drives04:01
Anacranomi just installed sauerbraten, nope, the servers are up04:01
lanmansudo apt-get update04:01
nomasteryodaoh well... i do that on all my laptops what have bad cd-roms ... i've got a USB adapter and an internal ide to laptop ide for the desktop04:01
sheena1emma: i'll try that. ted also lets me download an mp4 file to watch, if i need to.04:01
lanmanthat's your problem with the apt servers04:01
Dillizarumount: /media/cdrom is not in the fstab (and you are not root) how can i do it04:01
atari2600alanman: wow, that's totally something I haven't already done04:01
atari2600astill nothing, of course04:01
hmwis this still going to #u'offtopic??04:01
lanmanwell they ain'tdown04:01
atari2600acan someone pull an apt-get update just to make sure they aren't down?04:02
ed1twhy does vi work weird on ubuntu? like when i press arrow keys in insert mode...it adds A ?04:02
unkoanyone in here use cedega? were's the folder wherer the games are held? like installed?04:02
lstarnesed1t: try running it as vim and adding "set nocp" to your ~/.vimrc04:02
Alex_21For Vi do "sudo apt-get install vim-full"04:03
spine55ed1t, also you can install vim-full04:03
unkonever mind i found it04:03
vajarhi leh kenal gak04:03
Alex_21I really need to get this machine running04:03
Alex_21Any ideas?04:03
ed1tlstarnes: so by getting vim-full will fix it or i also need to add set nocp04:04
_VIM_Flare here's that dock I was talking about, my desktop is kinda cluttered but at least you get an idea of the dock http://www.pixball.com/images/yzmaScreenshot.png.png04:04
kereswhat is a popular c++ compiler for linux? does gcc work for c++?04:04
atari2600astill can't connect to the apt servers04:04
lstarneskeres: g++04:04
Alex_21Just get Vim-full and you should be good04:04
lstarnesed1t: I would do both.04:04
kereslstarnes: thanks04:04
unkoi have a question...say if i have a game installed already... but it's in my wine folder... how can i transfer it to my cedega game foler?04:04
nomasteryodaatari2600a, can you ping them?04:05
lstarnesed1t: using "set nocp" should fix some issues with vim acting like vi, but vim-full has some additional things which can be very useful04:05
Alex_21How can I best find out the size of packages without installing04:05
nomasteryodabut you are online here in this channel04:05
RHorseAlex_21: apt-cache show04:05
oldhow can I prevent a drive from being seen in nautilus?04:06
lanmanchmod 66604:06
Dillizarumount: /media/cdrom is not in the fstab (and you are not root) how can i do it04:06
ed1thow do i check which version am i getting when i do apt-get ? some packages doesnt have version in the name04:06
Alex_21Well, what I want is to set up a drive with 512 mb swap and another drive with 1gb ext3 partition and the last left alone completely04:06
atari2600asudo -f umount /media/cdrom04:06
atari2600aor /media/cdrom004:07
kereslstarnes: sweet. How do you include files from the command line? I need something like  gpp -lGL -lglut -Wall main.cpp i guess04:07
atari2600asudo umount -f04:07
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MarkJonesHi guys I really hope I can solve this problem.I have this GeForce 6200 AGP card installed and when I enable the restricted driver from the admin menu driver tool, and reboot, then I have woobly windows and such which is great.But whenever I install compiz config settings manager and change any settings at all, my system freezes.Are there any other ways of changing compiz effects?04:07
nomasteryodaatari2600a, what about  a traceroute?04:07
Alex_21How do you set this up as it is across two drives04:08
nomasteryodasay to archive.ubuntu.com04:08
qcjnhi, to chmod the whole content of a directory chmod ugo+rx /music or chmod ugo+rx -r /music04:08
exodus_msanyone experiencing a problem with the forums?04:08
MarkJonesOr is there a workaround for CCSM freezing?04:08
atari2600acurrently bouncing around my ISP04:08
Dillizaratari2600a, umount: /media/cdrom: device is busy04:08
Dillizar 04:08
atari2600athat's what the -f is for04:08
oldcan anyone help me?  how can I prevent a drive from being seen in nautilus?04:08
hmwaaah epic is awful04:09
Dillizaratari2600a, doesnt work04:09
_VIM_exodus_ms: forums are working fine for me (using Opera)04:09
atari2600apull the tray out w/ the paperclip-hole, then unmount04:09
atari2600aworked for me once04:09
lstarneskeres: you could add -I<directory> to add a directory to the path that gcc/g++ uses for finding headers04:09
Akumahello, how can I remove a package without removing it's dependencies?04:09
exodus_ms_VIM_, cool, I'm looking at it right no with FF and it looks as thought the css stylesheet has been removed or not being linked to04:10
Anacranomold, rename it with a "." in front of the name, like ".hidden-file"04:10
Dillizaratari2600a, i think its because i am installing a game with wine04:10
atari2600aDillizar: yeah, I had the same problem04:10
RHorseAkuma: man dpkg04:10
atari2600aagain, force the tray out through the manual eject hole, then force a remount04:10
_VIM_exodus_ms: that's firefox for ya :P04:10
atari2600adidn't mention the -r before, but yeah, it worked for me04:10
spitzwhats the off topic room04:10
usb-onfireubuntu hip hop04:10
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Dextlwhen using Ubuntu, my max volume is much lower then it is on Windows.... is there a way to fix this?04:10
Dillizaratari2600a, its a virtual04:10
exodus_ms_VIM_, yeah, opera what ? :P04:10
usb-onfirewhoops that crap called these days04:11
storbeck_VIM_: did ya get it to work?04:11
graathWhen I login to Ubuntu I get a blank desktop and can't do anything, even if I uses the "Failsafe Gnome" session, what should I do?04:11
oldanacranom:  it doesn't allow me to rename..04:11
usb-onfireubuntu crap04:11
Anacranomold, chmod it04:11
usb-onfirei mean C-rap04:11
oldI don't know what chmod it..04:11
Noah0504What's the easiest way to share my home directory from a command line system to Mac OS X?04:12
_VIM_storbeck: na kind of taking a break :) at this time of night, my brain is like oatmeal04:12
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hmwbhelp window04:12
Anacranomold,  sudo chmod <username>:<group> /path/to/Directory04:13
oldthank you.04:13
Anacranomold, wait04:14
usb-onfiredo they make a racist version of ubuntu04:14
Anacranomold,  sudo chmod <username>:<group> 755 /path/to/Directory04:14
usb-onfirefo racist midgets04:14
oldok..will do..04:14
kereslstarnes: i did gpp -I /usr/include/ main.cpp, didn't work04:14
neil_dHi, I have installed tftpd, when I get a client to request /var/tftpboot/pxelinux.0 an "Access violation" error, the file does exist on the server, there are no errors in the syslog :( what could be wrong ?04:14
rdavilahi friends, i have a widescreen monitor of 15.4 inches and nvidia nvs 140m graphic card, I like the 1280x800 resolution but this doesn't appear in the list of resolution avalaibles in "Screen and graphics"04:15
usb-onfireso once we learn how to run ubuntu where we go man04:15
lstarneskeres: what error message did you get?04:15
shyam_khi  i am getting error from apt-get, "E: Unable to write to /var/cache/apt/" "E: The package lists or status file could not be parsed or opened." for apt-get install and for apt-update E: Archive directory /var/cache/apt/archives/partial is missing." and to my surprise, i am missing even the directory /var/cache/apt/ and all things worked perfectly before.. What could be the problem?04:15
kereslstarnes: main.cpp:21: error: Requested include file not found04:15
neil_dshyam_k: are you root ?04:16
lstarneskeres: which file is included on line 21?04:16
shyam_kneil_d: yeah04:16
_VIM_!fixapt | shyam_k04:16
ubottushyam_k: If an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »04:16
mrUnagidoes anyone here know anything about vpn servers?04:17
rdavilahere is my xorg.conf: http://pastie.org/40355604:17
kereslstarnes: i changed to to a forward slash, GL/glut.h:18: error: Requested include file not found04:17
_VIM_mrUnagi: try that in ##networking04:17
usb-onfirei know there vuertual private servers04:17
usb-onfiremr hows it04:17
RIbbonsoir tout le monde04:18
lstarneskeres: you might need to have freeglut3-dev installed04:18
shyam_k_VIM_: should i restart session or something? i issued that command and it quickly returned without any message..04:18
_VIM_usb-onfire:  do you have a question relating to ubuntu, so far you're just typing random rubbish04:18
mrUnagiim trying to use my ps3 as a vpn server so i can access my home network when i am away04:18
kereslstarnes: already installed04:18
usb-onfiremr. don,t be shy just fu04:18
kereslstarnes: it works in gcc04:18
_VIM_shyam_k: could try,04:18
neil_dshyam_k: don't know what to do sorry.04:18
usb-onfiremr. don,t be shy just say fu04:18
_VIM_!ops | usb-onfire Trolling04:18
neil_dHi, I have installed tftpd, when I get a client to request /var/tftpboot/pxelinux.0 an "Access violation" error, the file does exist on the server, there are no errors in the syslog :( what could be wrong ?04:18
ubottuusb-onfire Trolling: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu,  imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, Madpilot, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso,  PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!04:18
Alex_21How do you leave a disk untouched during an install and also how do you put swap on one, and the rest on the second04:19
qcjncan i see live if someone  is on my apache webpage ??04:19
usb-onfiremy room mate is playing so much ram my ears are melting off04:19
graathWhen I login to Ubuntu I get a blank desktop and can't do anything, even if I use the "Failsafe Gnome" session, what should I do? Is there a log file I can look at?04:19
danes_how can I install make offline? my laptop only has a pcmcia wireless card, but i need to install wireless-tools, but I then need make to install wireless-tools04:19
Anacranomold, did that work for you?04:20
ubottuUbuntu Server Edition is a release of Ubuntu designed especially for server environments, including a server-specific !kernel and no !GUI. The install CD contains many server applications. Current !LTS version is 8.04. For more info see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ServerFaq/ and https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/serverguide/C/index.html - Use the #ubuntu-server channel for support04:21
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oldanacranom:  it is not a dir but a 60 gb drive that I don't want to appear in nautilus....04:22
nellmathewhey guys do i need "Tracker" & "Tracker Applet" in startup programs?.. what are they for?04:22
_VIM_nellmathew: that is for searching files/folders quickly04:23
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nellmathew_VIM_ can i safely disable it if i rarely search for files?.. searching will still work right?04:23
locainexdoes anyone know if its possible to use windows drivers for devices used in wine?04:23
graathIs there a log file I can look at to see why gnome isn't starting correctly?04:24
locainexim tryin to use a mouse, the buttons arent recognised in nix, but i only want to use them in wine anyway04:24
shyam_k_VIM_ even after an x restart the problem persists..04:24
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Anacranomold, does it show up in /etc/ fstab ?04:24
mib_k83r0z3chow can i set up a mail serve ron my ubuntu server, I've installed postfix and mailx but I cant send an e-mail to the server04:25
_VIM_shyam_k: not sure then, you could try the forums04:25
Guest7839sir i have duel boot windows and ubuntu 8.10 ,but i want to re install windows will my data in ubuntu will loss?04:26
oldanacranom: no.. it is a NTFS drive.. but it appears in nautilus04:26
Lum|n3does anyone know if i have to do anything special to turn a liveCD package that was designed for (err..CDs..) into a "liveUSB"? or do I just put the contents of the iso onto the USB key and give it a whirl04:26
mib_k83r0z3cguest will it get lost if what?04:26
nellmathew_VIM_ can i safely disable "User folders update" too?.. I'm guessing this is for incase the Music/Documents folders get deleted?04:26
graathIs there a log file I can look at to see why gnome isn't starting correctly?04:26
shyam_k_VIM_: ok will do some more tracing myself. Btw i have more serious problems like the system shows "failed to initialize HAL!" at startup and never shuts down properly, shutting down stucks at stopping firewall ufw.. !!:)04:26
mib_k83r0z3chow can i set up a mail server on my ubuntu server, I've installed postfix and mailx but I cant send an e-mail to the server?04:26
_VIM_nellmathew: i wouldnt04:26
Guest7839no i meean duel boot04:27
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jekkyzyes u can dual boot Guest783904:27
tritiumGuest7839: no you don't04:27
tomfromwkupI'm using 8.04PPC live cd. And I would like to mount a partition and write on it... But even if I use rw I can'T write on it! What's the problem?04:27
_VIM_shyam_k: just keep asking in here like every 10 mins, if someone knows the answer, they will respond :)04:27
locainexwhats the wine channel again?04:27
mib_k83r0z3cGuest: if you split your hard drive into two partitions the only thing that will happen is your booter will get overwritten with grub04:27
shyam_k_VIM_: confused which problem i should address first:)04:28
mib_k83r0z3cyou will not lose your windows partition04:28
jekkyzwhats ur question shaym?04:28
redzhebanybody help with sound problem in my notebook. I have no sound in my notebook at all04:28
mib_k83r0z3chow can i set up a mail server on my ubuntu server, I've installed postfix and mailx but I cant send an e-mail to the server?04:28
shyam_k_VIM_: anyway thanks a lott.. have a nice march this year:)04:28
_VIM_same to you :)04:28
itsatrickHello.  In a C Makefile, what does it mean if I get this result: "make: 'myexecutable' is up to date".  myexecutable really isnt.04:28
tomfromwkupCould someone help me please?04:28
graathIs there a log file I can look at to see why gnome isn't starting correctly?04:28
mib_k83r0z3cVIM got any ideas on how can i set up a mail server on my ubuntu server, I've installed postfix and mailx but I cant send an e-mail to the server?04:28
lstarnesmib_k83r0z3c: did you do any configuration of postfix?04:29
JosephLinkousMore questions! Yay! Alright, first: How do I close connections in irssi? For instance, if I'm in three or four rooms, and I want to leave room 1 and 2.04:29
redzhebanybody help04:29
_VIM_hmmm mail servers are not my thing mib_k83r0z3c and kind of offtopic :)04:29
Anacranomold, is it an internal drive?04:29
lstarnesJosephLinkous: /part #channel04:29
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lstarnesgraath: look in /var/log/gdm04:29
graathok thanks04:29
weternalis there some way to run boxee or xbmc on an alpha build of jaunty?04:29
tritiumJosephLinkous: or /wc (window close), when in that channel04:30
mib_k83r0z3chmm havent configured anything, no. Offtopic?04:30
JosephLinkouslstarnes: Nice, worked perfectly04:30
sprinkmeier_itsatrick, probably means your dependancies are out of date04:30
itsatrickredzheb: What's the problem?  I MAY be able to help.04:30
_VIM_weternal: ask in #ubuntu+104:30
Lum|n3err actually i think i figured this out for myself, cheers anyway guys04:30
JosephLinkousAlright, question 2: I need a CD burning program that can be fun through SSH. Any suggestions?04:30
itsatricksprinkmeier_: My cc dependencies?04:30
mib_k83r0z3cok thnaks04:30
oldanacranom: yes internal04:30
tomfromwkupDamn it.04:30
weternal_VIM_ thanks04:30
JosephLinkousMainly, I need to be able to burn .iso images, like a second Ubuntu 8.10 copy04:30
sprinkmeier_itsatrick, yes, or whatever 'source' files the final result depends on (things like lexx or whatever)04:31
mib_k83r0z3clol, why would you want to run a cd burning software through ssh you would still need to get up and put cd in burner04:31
Anacranomold, then look in /etc/fstab for that mount and remove it04:31
JosephLinkousmib_k73r0z3c: Because I don't have a monitor to hook up to the server.04:31
sprinkmeier_mib_k83r0z3c, real men do _everything_ through ssh!04:31
tomfromwkupI need help, could someone help me please?04:31
redzhebitsatrich: My problem is: I'm installed ubuntu 8.10 2 weeks ago, and i have no sound at all i can't listen music and other. sorry for my bad english04:31
mib_k83r0z3cok that makes sense then04:32
oldanacranom: it is not in the fstab.04:32
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Out_Coldanyone here willing to offer a shell so i can do some traceroute problems?04:32
vincan i format windows partion04:32
mib_k83r0z3ci just want to make sure its possible to send mail to an ip address right there doesnt need to be a domain name?04:33
vinand install windows04:33
Anacranomold, can you pastebin your fstab?04:33
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cpk1JosephLinkous: cdrecord?04:33
matheewhi. i need some advice.04:33
matheewI teach at a community college and we are trying open source solutions instead of paying microsoft the money04:34
mib_k83r0z3ci just want to make sure its possible to send mail to an ip address right there doesnt need to be a domain name?04:34
redzhebitsatrick: please help  i'm liking very much ubuntu but i 'm new user and I understand nothing yet04:34
matheewWe have a lab of 28 computers.04:34
matheewwhich distro do you guys recommend?04:34
matheewplease, no bias. frank opinions only04:34
hardcampa-wrong channel for no bias04:34
weternalmatheew that depends on what you want04:34
sprinkmeier_matheew, well... since you're on the ubuntu forum....04:34
mib_k83r0z3cyour in an ubuntu irc channel and asking for nonbias opinions lol04:35
cpk1matheew: distrowatch.com04:35
lstarnesmatheew: this is a channel for ubuntu so it will almost certainly be biased towards ubuntu.  ##linux might be less biased04:35
matheewc'mon I'm sure there are reasonable and neutral people here. I think most of you are neutral from the inside. can we be serious?04:35
sprinkmeier_matheew, the answer is, unfortunately, "it depends". If you already have some RHEL servers then fedora might be a good choice.04:35
hardcampa-join #linux or somesuch04:35
oldanacranom:  sorry I an new to linux.. I don't know how to pastebin04:36
mib_k83r0z3cold its a website04:36
mib_k83r0z3csearch google for pastebin04:36
sprinkmeier_matheew, if you have someone with lots of expirience with distro-X then use that (just for the local support). Failing that, use Ubuntu04:36
itsatrickredzheb: What seems to be the problem?04:36
tritiummatheew: we're in here because we've chosen ubuntu.04:36
mib_k83r0z3ci just want to make sure its possible to send mail to an ip address right there doesnt need to be a domain name?04:36
lstarnesold: go to http://pastebin.ubuntu.com, paste what you want to paste into it, submit it, then give the link to what you pasted to whoeever is interested in it04:36
JosephLinkouscpk1: Nice, I'll look that up and see what I can come up with. Thanks!04:36
Anacranomold, sudo apt-get install pastebinit04:37
lstarnesold: there are other pastebins, but pastebin.ubuntu.com is the main one used for this channel04:37
Zak28hello guys04:37
cpk1JosephLinkous: on the desktop I think it is already installed, not sure about server edition though04:37
weternalI'm having trouble with an external display in ubuntu04:37
redzhebitsatrick: I have no sound at all04:37
matheewAre you guys going to be serious about my question?04:37
oldanacranom:  http://pastebin.com/m453949e104:37
itsatrickI've been there. :) Do you know what your sound card is?04:37
sprinkmeier_matheew, trying....04:38
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itsatrick^ redzheb04:38
JCDGhello, does someone know how is the estate of the development of the linux kernel for the i7 processors??..04:38
cpk1matheew: I told you, go to distrowatch.com and look and some of the distros there, they also have some explanations for some distros too04:38
tritiummatheew: we're in this channel because we've made a choice.  You can anticipate what our recommendation will be.04:39
oldthanks lstarnes.. bookmarked it.04:39
Anacranomold, hrmmmm, not there... please do a df -h04:39
redzhebitsatrick: http://paste.ubuntu.com/124539/04:40
oldanacranom:  where to put the df -h?04:40
Anacranomold, in terminal04:40
sprinkmeier_matheew, your's asking a toyota chatroom "what kind f car should I buy". Not only isn't there enough information, there's likely to be a bias.04:40
islanI'm trying to reinstall grub, and I used the instructions at http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=224351 to no prevail04:40
oldanacranom:  http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/124541/04:41
mib_k83r0z3cI configured my postfix but i still cant get any e-mail any clues anyone?04:41
ganymede_hello, i'd like to enable anti-aliasing for CJK fonts on all sizes, i'm not sure how to accomplish this. i created a .fonts.conf but that seems to have gotten deleted04:41
matheewi have my details at http://www.pasteplace.net/premium/matheew/distro.htm04:42
matheewif anyone wants to read what my problem is04:42
ed1tanybody know a package name for mod_rewrite?04:42
PiciDo NOT visit that url04:42
ed1tfor apache204:42
Anacranomold, where is this ntfs drive? i'm not seeing it?04:42
islancan anyone tell me how I am suppose to reinstall grub when my comp seems to use sda instead of hda names?04:42
sprinkmeier_mib_k83r0z3c, what fails? DNS-MX lookup? port25 not open? domain name mismatch? error messages?04:42
oldanacranom:  it is the /dev/sdb104:42
cpk1Pici: but now I MUST know what it is04:42
itsatrickICH9...Don't recognize that family.04:43
oldanacranom:  I am running 8.10 ubuntu04:43
itsatrickredzheb: What, if any, audio drivers have you tried?04:43
donavan01can someone explain to me what to do with a theme that I find on gnome-look  I downloaded it but I havent the foggiest what to do with it04:43
JCDGhello, does someone know how is the estate of the development of the linux kernel for the i7 processors??..04:43
sprinkmeier_islan, sda == SCSI, had == IDE. otherwise it's all the same04:43
itsatrickdonavan01: Drag 'n drop into the theme manager. :)04:44
weternalthat's a malicious link04:44
Ghost_does ubuntu-server edition not contain crontab?04:44
mib_k83r0z3csprinkmeier_: I forwarded port 25 to the server and set up postfix, when I send an e-mail to the server's ip address with the name, it doesnt go through, I send it like this george@
jekkyzFor those people having trouble installing their S3 Via Chrome9 HC3 IGP just pm me04:44
|unjustice|anyone know how to make xine recognize audio drivers?04:44
redzhebyes i installed alsa 1.0.1904:44
sprinkmeier_islan, SDA == [SCSI|SATA] oops.....04:44
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|unjustice|just update the drivers?04:44
islansprinkmeier_: so the command grub> root (hd0,0) should still be the same?04:44
lstarnesed1t: it's part of apache2.2-common, which is required by apache204:44
sprinkmeier_mib_k83r0z3c, have you tried the old telnet to port 25 to do it manually? what error messages do you get?04:44
redzhebitsatrick: please help what i must to do04:44
sofakngwhere do i start debugging why Ubuntu is saying:    "Starting remote control daemon: lirc   [fail]"04:44
jekkyzFor those people having trouble installing their S3 Via Chrome9 HC3 IGP just pm me and I will assist you04:45
cpk1old: what is it exactly you are trying to do?04:45
sofakngmy MCE remote isn't working :(04:45
sprinkmeier_islan, hd0,0 is grub's way or numbering disks, independant of SDA/HDA (details getting a bit fussy, been a while since I've done this).04:45
itsatrickredzheb: Have you tried installing any audio drivers?04:45
islansprinkmeier_: well it didn't seem to work, it still boots into Windows04:45
sprinkmeier_islan, once grub knows which disk to use it has to tell the kernel which one to mount, that's where it uses sda, hda etc...04:45
badcrcdoes anyone have the intel wifi link 5100 working with wpa?04:45
mib_k83r0z3csprinkmeier_: the only thing i get when i telnet to it is 220 server ESMTP Postfix (Ubuntu)04:46
mib_k83r0z3cit doesnt allow me to inpput anything04:46
donavan01itsatrick:   that was way easier than I thought it would be ... thanks much04:46
mib_k83r0z3cactually wait it does04:46
donavan01same deal with icon packs04:46
redzhebitsatrick: yes I tried to install alsa drivers04:46
mib_k83r0z3cone second04:46
oldcpk1: I want to prevent a drive from being noticed in nautilus04:46
itsatrickYour welcome, donavan01 .04:46
sprinkmeier_islan, in other words the BIOS is bypasing GRUB? re-install GRUB MBR?04:46
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islansprinkmeier_: that's exactly what I tried to do, I used the instructions here:04:47
itsatrickredzheb: How about Open Sound System? Enlightened Sound Daemon?  Those are the other two I know of.04:47
islansprinkmeier_: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=22435104:47
sprinkmeier_mib_k83r0z3c, Do you know how to send emails from telnet (i.e. RFC822, HELO, MAIN FROM: ....)04:47
jekkyzFor those people having trouble installing their S3 Via Chrome9 HC3 IGP just pm me and I will assist you04:47
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itsatrickredzheb: I remember for me ALSA didn't work, but OSS worked perfectly.04:47
redzhebitsatrick : from where i can download this driver04:47
marine1I reflashed my bios now i can't shut down properly04:48
itsatrickredzheb: http://www.alsa-project.org/main/opensearch_desc.php04:48
sprinkmeier_islan, OK, sorry, that's about as much as I know about grub. Without sitting in front of the box to play with it I don't think I can help. Take it to a local LUG?04:48
itsatrickredzheb: Woops.04:48
islansprinkmeier_: LUG?04:48
redzhebitsatrick : thank you04:48
itsatrickredzheb: http://www.alsa-project.org/main/opensearch_desc.php04:48
itsatrickAh, still the wrong url.04:49
itsatrickredzheb: http://www.opensound.com/04:49
FloodBot2itsatrick: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.04:49
cpk1old: I dont have gnome but I am going to assume nautilus is much like dolphin where it tries to mount unmounted devices for you.  Just dont tell nautilus to mount the partition?04:49
itsatrickI know, FloodBot2!04:49
marine1i reflashed my bios now i can't shut down properly04:49
mib_k83r0z3csprinkmeier_: in telnet everythigns good but when i type this: RCPT TO: george@, it says 501 5.1.3 Bad recipient address syntax04:49
sprinkmeier_islan, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linux_User_Group     find your local one, usually full of helpful people.04:49
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mib_k83r0z3ci can only get that far04:49
oldcpk1: then how to do that?  I unmount it but I can still see it... although I can't open the files..04:50
redvamp128sprinkmeier_:  and islan (check in your bios for virus protection)  sometimes that will make the mbr be read only - either that or some bios have been setup for os install mode on and off ( this can also block the mbr from being written to )04:50
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sprinkmeier_mib_k83r0z3c, name@IP address is 822, but by default usually disabled as it's usually only used by spammers.04:50
itsatrickredzheb: If you're still having trouble...http://www.tux.org/~ricdude/EsounD.html04:50
islanredvamp128: I had grub installed earlier just fine before I installed Windows04:50
redzhebitsatrick: ok, thank you i will install oss04:50
mib_k83r0z3csprinkmeier_: sorry im new to all this not really sure what you mean?04:50
marine1any one i reflashed my bios now i can't shut down properly04:50
sprinkmeier_islan, Windows nukes the MBR, that's why I always install it first on dual-boot machines...04:50
islansprinkmeier_: yes, but I didn't have that option04:51
cpk1old: once its umounted you cant use it unless you mount it again, it will still tell you the device is there but you wont be able to read/write until you mount it04:51
JoshuaRLmy friend has a 1080p tv that he is trying to connect to his nvidia card.  he has the proprietary drivers, but it overscales.  and nvidia-settings doesnt have a anything to fix it.  any ideas?04:51
islansprinkmeier_: I had to install Linux first in order to backup my files04:51
sprinkmeier_mib_k83r0z3c, RFC822 describes te SMTP protocol (i.e. how to send emails). It says that name@ip.address is legal, but by default it's usually not supported because smappers abuse it.04:51
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mib_k83r0z3csprinkmeier_: so are you trying to say i cant send an e-mail to an ip address?04:52
marine1i reflashed my bios now i can't shut down properly anyone??04:52
redvamp128JoshuaRL:  depending on the model there may actually be a setting on the tv for resize/scale the image --04:52
sprinkmeier_mib_k83r0z3c, not using that address syntax. You could try just "rcpt to: username", and it should deliver to the local account by that name. All depends on how postfix is configured.04:53
mib_k83r0z3csprinkmeier_: hmm idk kind of confusing ill try that now04:53
oldcpk1: it always automounts the drive04:54
redvamp128JoshuaRL:  In the case of my tv there is a zoom -- which makes it go through the modes like - widescreen - squeeze - letterbox -  normal - and crop04:54
cpk1old: how? its not in fstab and hopefully nautilus needs admin rights to mount things...04:55
sprinkmeier_cpk1, depending on which groups you belong to nautilus auto-mounts removable media04:55
Anacranomcpk1, thats where i was getting lost,,,, not auto mounting...04:55
JoshuaRLredvamp128: asking now04:56
redvamp128marine1:  you could try looking at this post - Ubuntu Shutdown issues - Ubuntu Forums <http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=414585>04:56
Anacranomsprinkmeier_, its an internal hdd04:56
redvamp128JoshuaRL:  Probably the option he wants is Crop (which will make it fit the screen) either enlarge or shrink the image04:57
sprinkmeier_Anacranom, what does /etc/fstab say about it?04:57
cpk1either way I dont see why it can just go mounting willy nilly without admin rights04:57
oldcpk1: I don't know.... I'm completely new to ubuntu...04:57
cpk1prompting I can see but just silently doing it...04:57
mib_k83r0z3csprinkmeier_: i managed to send the e-mail but when i type in mail it doesnt find any messages04:57
redzhebitsatrich: how can I install OSS driver, I am downloaded the deb file but when I am clicking on the file it's opening with synaptic manager for install and it give me the error that a have no permission for opening this file04:57
redzhebitsatrich: how can I install OSS driver, I am downloaded the deb file but when I am clicking on the file it's opening with synaptic manager for install and it give me the error that a have no permission for opening this file04:58
mobodo_how can I make it such that files created in a directory belong to a the same group as the parent directory?04:58
Anacranomsprinkmeier_, http://pastebin.com/m453949e104:58
cpk1redzheb: sudo dpkg -i nameof.deb04:58
redzhebcpk1: ok i will try this04:59
JoshuaRLredvamp128: on the tv, not in nvidia-settings, right?  and he'll have to use forced GPU scaling too, correct?04:59
sprinkmeier_mib_k83r0z3c, accepting mail is only half the battle.... now you need to get postfix to deliver it. What do the postfix logs say?04:59
marine1redvamp128 thanks04:59
Crewsr3_2I have vmware 2.0 installed on my computer, there has been a kernal update, how do I get vmware working again04:59
wershow do i create a secondary partition? i'm on the intrepid live cd now05:00
JosephLinkousSo, Ubuntu says that if I want to use cdburner, I need wodim, and after looking at the documentation for it, it seems out of reach to my current knowledge of Linux/Ubuntu. So sad, lol05:00
Out_Coldanyone familiar with traceroute or tracepath?05:00
sprinkmeier_Anacranom, AFAIKT it should only mount /, /home and swap. /media/cdrom if it pops up.... which extra partition is it mounting?05:00
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cpk1old: I suppose try checking in nautilus settings to see if you can turn off automounting? sorry but I have never tried gnome...05:00
Out_ColdDNS servers...05:00
redvamp128JoshuaRL:  the tv may actually do the work for the gpu (depends on model) I had my geforce4 mx4000 hooked up to my 24inch Rca tv and didn't have to change anything (just used the crop) but now moved computer in other room so now back on my 20 inch monitor05:00
jeremiei need help wene i try to play a dvd totem crashes05:00
mib_k83r0z3csprinkmeier_: i managed to send the e-mail but when i type in mail it doesnt find any messages05:00
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clintbradford 05:01
sprinkmeier_mib_k83r0z3c, postfix logs? postfix status? try #postfix list?05:01
Crewsr3_2I have vmware 2.0 installed on my computer, there has been a kernal update, how do I get vmware working again05:02
wershow do i create a secondary partition with the live cd?05:02
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Anacranomsprinkmeier_, this is for old .. he wants to "hide" a ntfs partition found in df -h  (http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/124541/)05:02
jeremiei need help wene i try to play a dvd totem crashes05:02
dtchen_jeremie: i've given you hints in the other channel05:02
oldcpk1 and anacranom: thanks for your help and patience..05:03
Anacranomold, np05:03
redvamp128jeremie:  have you disabled compiz? sometimes that will have an effect on DVD playback.05:03
jeremiei dont have compiz05:03
mib_k83r0z3csprinkmeier_: postfix/postfix-script: the Postfix mail system is running: PID: 884605:03
redvamp128jeremie:  that is desktop effects05:03
jeremiewaite ill try05:04
sprinkmeier_mib_k83r0z3c, nothing in the logs about accepting the email?05:04
cpk1JosephLinkous: wodim filetoburn dev=/dev/mycdburner  ?05:04
oldsprinkmeier: do you have an idea on my problem?05:04
mib_k83r0z3csprinkmeier_: it seems to be running fine05:04
jeremiedoesnt work05:04
* nbenton is back (gone 02:13:33)05:05
sprinkmeier_old, seems to be 2 parts: why is sdb1 mounting when it's not in fstab, and how do you get nautilus to hide it.05:05
mrpocketswhen i change the ubuntu login sound to a .wav nothign plays05:05
redvamp128jeremie:  system - preferences- appearance - visual effects tab then set it to none05:05
mrpocketsalso when i get email, the PC just beeps05:05
jeremiethats what i did05:05
sprinkmeier_mib_k83r0z3c, if it's running fine then it should have a log entry about the email you gave it using telnet.05:05
SuperMoooHow do I install OpenOffice 3 from a repo in hardy ?05:05
nbenton"<ubottu> <Gnea> wants you to know: You should avoid noisy away messages in a busy channel like #ubuntu, or other Ubuntu channels; it causes excessive scrolling which is unfair to new users. Use the command "/away <reason>" to set your client away silently.  See also ?/msg ubottu Guidelines?"05:05
nbentonYou know what's even more annoying? Stuff like that ;)05:05
Anacranomtrue-dat sprinkmeier_05:05
mib_k83r0z3csprinkmeier_: hyow can i get the log entry?05:05
redvamp128SuperMooo:  you could try at packages --- Ubuntu -- Ubuntu Packages Search <http://packages.ubuntu.com/>05:05
oldsprinkmeier: yes... that's right05:06
JosephLinkouscpk1: ...it's that easy? Well crap, I must have gotten hung up with all the different syntax possibilities to look for such a simple set of arguments05:06
hunt577Hi all05:06
sprinkmeier_mib_k83r0z3c, /var/log/postfix??? It's been ages since I've messed with MTAs, you're probably better off in #postfix05:06
mib_k83r0z3csprinkmeier_: hmm let me try that thanks05:06
redvamp128SuperMooo:  that will download a .deb and it has the search at the bottom of the screen05:06
jeremie wierd, with mplayer i can read ONE dvd but not the others05:07
SuperMooowho what where05:07
SuperMoooI can't find nothing on this page05:07
Crewsr3_2I have vmware 2.0 installed on my computer, there has been a kernal update, how do I get vmware working again05:07
hunt577imgburn keeps giving me an I/O Error when I try to burn the image05:07
adantehi, can someone tell me how to install perl modules in ubuntu? i am reading forum posts which say just use the provided packages but there are some modules i would like that do not have packages05:07
hunt577I am using vista05:07
hunt577trying to get ubuntu05:07
redvamp128SuperMooo:  http://packages.ubuntu.com/05:07
cpk1JosephLinkous: I've seen bigger man pages =P But to be fair thats what I am assuming it is, the speed might need to be set too...05:07
mib_k83r0z3csprinkmeier_: nah theres no postfix entry in that folder05:08
adantei can install via cpan but it puts it in a dir which is not in perl lib by default, i just want to know what the best practice is05:08
SuperMoooredvamp128, Roger.  It's badly made, I can't find nothing05:08
mib_k83r0z3csprinkmeier_: weird05:08
cpk1JosephLinkous: -v will tell you the progress05:08
redvamp128SuperMooo:  all i did was type open office -- then switch the search to the hardy and it came right up05:08
tritiumSuperMooo: that's good!05:08
SuperMoootritium, eh05:09
thechrisSynaptic is very slow, and nearly hangs when attempting to calculate dependencies.  takes around 1min to do so, even with no deps05:09
tritiumSuperMooo: to not find nothing is to find something.  That's a good thing.05:09
hunt577can anyone help me with finding a working program that will burn the image onto a CD-R05:09
redvamp128SuperMooo:  Ubuntu -- Package Search Results -- open office <http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=open+office&amp;searchon=names&amp;suite=hardy&amp;section=all>05:10
SuperMoootritium, Nazi talk?05:10
shuxHello :)05:10
tritiumSuperMooo: don't be inappropriate, please05:10
redvamp128SuperMooo:  not nazi talk but psychology  or possibly logic major05:10
SuperMoootritium, same to you05:10
jeremie%C12hunt557: brasero05:10
hunt577thanks jeremie05:11
cpk1JosephLinkous: maybe something like wodim -v speed=16 dev=/dev/mycdburner thisismyfile.iso05:11
jeremie it comes with ubuntu05:11
cpk1oh, he left a little too early05:11
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SuperMoooredvamp128, I'm seeing a list of stuff.05:11
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shuxI type in slow mo so please bear with me05:11
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tritiumSuperMooo: you've been warned05:12
SuperMoootritium, OK ?05:12
ltracy_Has anybody else had trouble with audio on intrepid?05:12
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bobJRim having a problem ive got a 200gb usb external it was in ntfs and i tryed writing to it etc and couldnt i tryed everything everyone told me to do and it wouldnt work so i formatted it to ext3 and i cant right to it now im running xubuntu can anyone help me please05:12
hunt577I am using vista at the moment05:12
Gelorahalo all05:12
hunt577trying to get ubuntu05:12
Geloracan i ask something05:12
redvamp128SuperMooo:  the second one Package openoffice.org is the suite which should install the whole package05:12
thechrisso, some apps turn grey and are temporarily unresponsive.  any fixes?05:12
ltracy_Both my desktop and my laptop seem to lose audio functionality, e.g. try to play flash video and nothing plays, from time to time now.  Reboot solves this issue05:12
jeremie hunt557 What??05:13
SuperMoooredvamp128, "Package openoffice.org" ? How do I know it's going to be 3  though ?05:13
oldsprinkmeier: it appears that smb is installed with 8.10.. would that matter?05:13
GeloraCan't locate loadable object for module XSTools in @INC05:13
shuxDoes anybody know where I can grab a reliable codec package for Ubuntu 8.10 Intrepid...gstreamer isn't playing back my music dvds properly05:13
hunt577I have Windows Vista and I am trying to get ubuntu05:13
Gelorawho know how to RUN openkore in ubuntu05:13
hunt577This brasero won't open on windows vista05:13
oldshux: I just use vlc player05:14
SuperMoooredvamp128, it appears it's going to be 2.4 ?05:14
JoshuaRLhunt577: what cd burning software do you have?05:14
s_spiffwould like to know if anyone has setup a unbranded webcam on ubuntu??05:14
s_spiffif so..what how to?05:14
shux@old...where can I find vlc player?05:14
ltracy_hunt577, try clonecd or search around for another freeware windows burning program.  That is if you really don't have anything else that can burn an ISO05:14
jeremie hunt557 download http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/download and use active iso burner to burn rhe iso05:15
hunt577I have imgburn but it keeps giving me errors05:15
Rave1_http://isorecorder.alexfeinman.com/Vista.htm   hunt 577 try this05:15
DextlMy max volume in Ubuntu is much lower then it is in Windows... can anyone help me fix this?05:15
shuxIt didn't come bundled with my Ubuntu disk05:15
Anacranomshux,  sudo apt-get install vlc05:15
JoshuaRLhunt577: what kind of errors?05:15
Geloracan help me05:15
jeremieRavel1_: iso burner is better05:15
DekkardDextl open the mixer by double clicking the volume icon in the menubar.. adjust pcm05:16
hunt577gives me an IO Error on imgburn when verifying05:16
DextlDekkard: its allready at max05:16
Dekkardadn master?05:16
shuxAnacranom...you mean with Synaptic Package ..I didn't see vlc listed?05:16
Dekkardand that is05:16
donavan01does anyone know of a place that I can get a giant icon package ... I know gnome-look has a bunch of icons sets but I want a rediculous amount and I dont want to have to download a new set every time I need a new icon05:17
redvamp128SuperMooo:  here I think I found it for you at the open office site -- download: OpenOffice.org Download <http://download.openoffice.org/other.html>05:17
Rave1_Jeremie   maybe long time since I burner anything on MS05:17
ltracy_Dextl, maybe hit preferences and look at the other available controls.  I think I had to do that on my desktop to get to `front', 'side' and whatnot05:17
jeremie HUnt557 : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eah7QXPOPrY its a tutorial05:17
SuperMoooredvamp128, Then I'd need the DEB packages ?05:17
marine1reflashed bios and now i can't shut down properly05:17
redvamp128SuperMooo:  it says -- it is a gziped deb file05:18
Anacranomshux, enable in sources05:18
DextlItracy_: I feel stupid for not having thought of that myself05:18
cpk1shux: you could always try mplayer as well05:18
redvamp128SuperMooo:  instructions -- say download gz file unzip and install deb05:18
hunt577thanks jeremie05:19
hunt577thanks everyone05:19
shuxmplayer...I'll try that05:19
marine1i reflashed bios and now i can't shut down properly05:19
ltracy_np :)05:20
s_spiffanyone here has successfully installed any non-logitech webcams on uibuntu????05:20
cpk1shux: mplayer I think has a gui but its pretty much command line driven05:20
islanokay, running out of ideas, so I guess I'll ask here again05:20
redvamp128goodnight all --05:20
islanI cannot reinstall grub from the terminal using the actual grub command, is there any other way?05:20
cpk1islan: you mean by putting in the live cd and using the repair option?05:21
usserislan, why not?05:21
shuxstoopid question here maybe...but I used to run Windows 98...I never did upgrade...so now I have Intrepid...is there an equivalent codec package for Intrepid like K-Lite for Windows?05:21
islancpk1: would that be all I need to do?05:21
marine1need help i reflashed bios and now i can't shut down properly05:22
rwwislan: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows . That should work.05:22
islanusser: it seems to work, says it is a success, but I reboot and it still boots into windows05:22
ussershux, vlc media player, ow mplayer with w32codecs05:22
redvamp128SuperMooo:  I don't know if you would get it to work but jaunty does have the 3.0 in its repository- Ubuntu -- Package Search Results -- open office <http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=open+office&amp;searchon=names&amp;suite=jaunty&amp;section=all>05:22
usserislan, how do you install it?05:22
islanrww: that's exactly what I did, to no avail05:22
usserislan, may have to install it to mbr05:22
islanusser: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows05:22
rww!details | marine105:22
ubottumarine1: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."05:22
jeremie Marine1 can u say more details05:22
mib_k83r0z3ccan anyone help me with my mail server?05:23
shuxusser..thx..can I download vlc from soundforge?05:23
islanI might need to note also, that the two OS's are on separate HDD's05:23
ussershux, vlc is in the repos, sudo apt-get install vlc05:23
jeremie whats the best linux distribution05:24
spike_I have downloaded a font but I can't use it =/ It's a .ttf font, I put it in /usr/share/fonts but It doesn't work with my conkyrc configuration, but in openoffice it works very well = /05:24
usserislan, ran grub-install --root-directory="blah" /dev/blah part?05:24
rwwSuperMooo: what are you trying to do? install OpenOffice 3?05:24
redzhebanybody fo r help. I installed oss driver and I have allready sound in my notebook but not in my headset05:24
SuperMooorww, that's correct.05:24
rwwSuperMooo: Are you using Ubuntu Intrepid/8.10?05:24
islanusser: should it still be /dev/hda?05:24
SuperMooorww, absolutely not.05:24
Alex_21I'm not sure where to ask this so I'm posting here and a few other places. I have a 1 GB IPod I want to use as an HD to install Linux. Am I better off with the USB Memory stick from Kingston with the same capacity or will I shorten the life of the IPod. It is a 1G IPod Shuffle.05:24
Alex_21Any help is appreciated05:24
marine1Jeremie when i shut down it hangs saying shutting down alsa05:25
cpk1islan: it should be whatever dev you are booting from afaik05:25
islancpk1: and how do I know what dev that is?05:25
JoshuaRLredvamp128: nothing going man.  any other ideas?  im pretty sure its a nvidia to TV issue because its widescreen HD05:25
rwwSuperMooo: Using the repository at https://launchpad.net/~openoffice-pkgs/+archive/ppa should work with Hardy too.05:25
jeremie marine1 it did that to my friends computer and we re-install ubuntu and thene it was ok05:26
usserislan, sudo fdisk -l05:26
marine1rww, i reflashed my bios after installing a new cpu now i'm having trouble shutting down05:26
usserislan, you have to know your partition table, really05:26
rwwSuperMooo: http://news.softpedia.com/news/How-To-Install-OpenOffice-org-3-0-in-Ubuntu-8-10-96449.shtml is written for Intrepid, but the PPA it tells you to use has Hardy packages as well, so maybe it'd help.05:26
mib_k83r0z3ccan anyone help me with my mail server?05:26
islanusser: the boot partition appears to be /dev/sda1, so that's what I should put instead?05:26
shadowh511what problem is it?05:26
jeremie marine1: just google it ;-)05:26
sofaknghow can I tell if Lirc is seeing my remote control button presses?05:27
marine1Jeremie i've tried that already05:27
rwwmarine1: okay, obvious questions: what type of motherboard do you have, what do you mean by "trouble", do you get error messages, etc...05:27
Alex_21I'm not sure where to ask this so I'm posting here and a few other places. I have a 1 GB IPod I want to use as an HD to install Linux. Am I better off with the USB Memory stick from Kingston with the same capacity or will I shorten the life of the IPod. It is a 1G IPod Shuffle.05:27
hunt577Isorecorder won't open for me, just keeps asking if I want to repair the program or uninstall05:27
usserislan, /dev/sda, it will install in mbr05:27
mib_k83r0z3cwhen i send an e-mail through gmail it does not reach my server and when i sent it through telnet it seemed to go through but when i check theres nothing there05:27
shadowh511marine1: are you using a toshiba computer?05:27
marine1rww, m2npv-vm asus motheroard reflashed with latest bios 140105:27
jeremie hunt557 get active iso recorder its better05:27
spike_I have downloaded a font but I can't use it =/ It's a .ttf font, I put it in /usr/share/fonts but It doesn't work with my conkyrc configuration, but in openoffice it works very well = /05:28
rhosigmavia /msg NickServ identify fartmode305:28
cpk1islan: no, sda1 is hd0 i think, grub uses a different scheme05:28
spike_there is noboby to help me ?05:28
JoshuaRLany other ideas anyone?  nvidia to TV out has overscaling problems, and nothing works to make it fit the screen right.  the panels are almost unusable.05:28
shadowh511mib_k83r0z3c: are you using evolution?05:28
jeremie i mean active iso burner05:28
thechrisalex_21, i'd probably go with the memory stick if you have it.05:28
hunt577ok jeremie05:28
islancpk1: okay, now you guys have lost me05:28
Rave1_Alex_21,  1gig flashdrive maybe 10 dollars ipod  ??? you decide05:28
SuperMooorww, I can add intrepid repos/05:28
mib_k83r0z3cshadowh511: nah im checking it through ssh with the mail command05:28
shadowh511JoshuaRL: linux + tv out = big sad face05:28
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islanand I'm not understanding the commands in this website, they are too dependent on the creator's comp05:29
cpk1islan: grub doesnt number devices by /dev/sdXY it does it by hdX,Y05:29
rwwSuperMooo: that PPA has hardy and intrepid repos. That's my point.05:29
tritiumJoshuaRL: overscan is largely a problem on the television side, not the video card05:29
JoshuaRLshadowh511: yeah, thats what im worried about05:29
shadowh511mib_k83r0z3c: cant you just use thunderbird? gmail HATES manual ssh access05:29
marine1shadowh511,  m2npv-vm with latest ios flash 140105:29
JoshuaRLtritium: so its the TV that sends wrong EDID or what?05:29
rwwmarine1: okay, and what happens when you try to shut down?05:29
shadowh511marine1: I have the same problems with my toshiba laptop05:30
cpk1islan: are you on the computer you are trying to fix right now?05:30
tritiumJoshuaRL: they certainly can, but overscan is quite typical as well.05:30
Ik_Anyone in here run eve online?05:30
sauvinToshiba problems?05:30
oldshux:  google vlc media player... then follow the install instructions05:30
islancpk1: yes05:30
thechrisJoshuaRL: I had an issue.  you might need to use the actual remote control to get to the menu to set the zoom.05:30
shadowh511marine1: does it stop with a black screen?05:30
rwparris2were are the compilers located on ubuntu?05:30
marine1rww, it hangs and doesn't do anything yes on my text screen05:30
usserrwparris2, /usr/bin05:31
SuperMooorww, I see, I can switch to hardy05:31
shadowh511rwparris2: apt:build-essential05:31
oldsprinkmeier: do you have an idea on my problem?05:31
sauvinrwparris2, if you have to ask that question, you probably need to install build-essential05:31
jschalli need to somehow set up a firewall to keep people outside of the 192.168.0. range off of port 5583, what's the simplest way?05:31
tritiumrwparris2: in the repositories, like any other package.  Install build-essential, to use them.05:31
mib_k83r0z3cshadowh511: not sure what u mean, i have an ubuntu server set up with a mail server running postfix and i try sending an e0mail thorugh gmail and it doesnt go through05:31
marine1shadowh511, yes because i have it opening and shutting down showing text05:31
rwparris2no, I don't need them directly, I need to set a symbolic link for ccache, do I still need install build-essential ?05:31
cpk1islan: ok so by going what you gave me and taking no responsibility i think you want "sudo grub-install --root-directory=/ /dev/sda"05:32
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shadowh511mib...: then I have no clue sorry05:32
cpk1islan: that is part guess =P05:32
mib_k83r0z3cok thanks anyway05:32
rwwmarine1: okay, so it does the normal shutdown text, then the screen goes blank and it hangs?05:32
shadowh511marine1: just hold down the power button, its the hardware05:32
Anacranomold, vlc is in the repos, do the sudo apt-get install vlc05:32
shadowh511marine1: /me has the same problem XD05:32
cpk1islan: actually I guess do ls /boot first too make sure / really is mounted as root, and I am assuming you already have your drive mounted and everything05:33
islancpk1: I might should also note that I'm currently in LiveCD05:33
cpk1islan: ah ok so it isnt mounted?05:33
marine1rww, thw screen doesn't go lank i can see text but it just hangs05:33
mib_k83r0z3ccan someone who knows about mail servers take a look at it?05:33
islancpk1: from what I can get from how far I've followed this website's instructions, I currently have my linux partition mounted on /mnt/root/05:34
mib_k83r0z3cits my log05:34
shadowh511woah, gmail looks pissed in there05:34
rwwmarine1: okay. What's the last line of text on the screen?05:34
donavan01I need a graphical diskmanager ... something that will let me format and all that disk related junk with out the command line05:34
cpk1islan: so ls /mnt/root/boot has systemmap and what not in there?05:34
rww!gparted | donavan0105:34
ubottudonavan01: gparted is a !GTK/!Gnome !GUI partitioning program. Type « sudo apt-get install gparted » in a console to install it - A GParted "live" CD is available at http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php05:34
mib_k83r0z3clol yeah05:34
islancpk1: ls /mnt/root/boot/ gives System.map files, yeah05:34
marine1rww, it's either stopping bluetooth or stopping alsa05:34
mib_k83r0z3cive tried gmaiul and telneting05:34
shadowh511donavan01: gparted FTW!!!05:34
shadowh511vin: hi, any questions?05:35
grendal_primehey guys anyone ever had a jpeg that is broken?  i have a ton of jpg's that all of the sudden have crazy names. the mime type is set to text.  there are a few jpgs on the same device (camera card) that show up fine.  someone said they may have lost there headders?05:35
donavan01rww: shadowh511:  thank you for the life of me I couldnt remember what it was called05:35
marine1rww, how do i increase the size of the letters here05:35
cpk1islan: ok so then i think you want "sudo grub-install --root-directory=/mnt/root /dev/sda"05:35
islancpk1: for some reason these instructions were telling me to mount another separate partition to /mnt/root/boot, that's where it lost me05:35
shadowh511grendal_prime: its usually kos its corrupted, restore it from a backup05:35
islancpk1: okay, I'll give it a try05:36
shadowh511marine1: you have to manually change the kernel boot arguments, i wouldn't05:36
islancpk1: it seems to have been a success (though it said the same when I ran grub), so I'll restart and see what happens05:36
mib_k83r0z3chttp://pastebin.com/d1ea537c2 anyone got a clue?05:36
islancpk1: thanks05:36
marine1shadowh511, it shows that it's stopping programs the it just hangs and does nothing05:36
shadowh511islan: just pray and it should work05:37
islanyay, prayers to the great penguin in the sky!05:37
shadowh511marine1: oh, its THAT kind of problem05:37
marine1shadowh511, o.k. but before the flash everything was fine05:37
cpk1islan: if it doesnt work then it most likely isnt trying to boot off of sda05:37
SuperMooorww, I'm installing the updates now to see if it works.05:37
marine1shadowh511, could it be the acpi05:38
rwwmarine1: okay. I'm not seeing any existing bug reports about it, so if you have time, it'd probably be best if you opened one. There's also some possible fixes at http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=5193 for general shutdown problems.05:38
islancpk1: well I think sda1 is my Windows05:38
shadowh511marine1: try booting in recovery mode, getting a root shell and running the command "halt"05:38
rww!bug | marine105:38
ubottumarine1: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu  -  Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots05:38
islancpk1: so it should be right05:38
* islan crosses fingers05:38
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grendal_primeshadowh511: there is no backup this came off a cameria05:38
rwwmarine1: I have to go do some other stuff now, but someone else might have some other stuff you can try.05:39
shadowh511oh crap rww, you just borked islan's windows05:39
sofakngcan anybody help me?  I'm getting    * Starting remote control daemon(s) : LIRC    [fail]05:39
shadowh511sofakng: what do you use a remote for?05:39
shadowh511try manually installing the latest SVN of lirc05:40
sofaknghow can I tell why it's failing to start?05:40
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shadowh511i forgot where the logs for lirc are :D05:40
mrUnagihow do u eject a cd from the command line05:40
cpk1mrUnagi: eject =P05:40
shadowh511mrUnagi: sudo umount /dev/cdrom then remove it05:41
mrUnagiwhat does no block device mean05:41
mrUnagiim on a ps3 so i have no idea what the dev name is05:41
mrUnagiunable to find or open device for cdrom05:41
LimeBursti seriously don't get linux filesystem...05:41
shadowh511LimeBurst: ditto, but there are some cool things05:41
LimeBurstyes, i agree, linux rocks05:41
usserLimeBurst, why its easy05:42
tritium!filesystem | LimeBurst: perhaps this will help05:42
ubottuLimeBurst: perhaps this will help: An explanation of how files and directories are organized on Ubuntu, and how they can be manipulated, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LinuxFilesystemTreeOverview05:42
shadowh511mrUnagi ! dev05:42
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about eject05:42
ubottuInterested in becoming an Ubuntu Developer? Get started here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment05:42
islancpk1: okay I'm on my Ubuntu install now; except grub doesn't see Windows XD05:42
thechrisSynaptic nearly hangs.  this is not normal.  how do I fix this?05:42
usserLimeBurst, /etc is for config files, /lib for shared libraries /bin for executables /share for misc data files05:42
mrUnagii really dont want to restart this installation05:42
Ik_ Hey guys I am trying to stick eve on a linux box using wine05:42
Ik_ and when I open it the initial user agreement wont load so that I can scroll to the bottom and agree05:42
islancpk1: I recall that there's a file somewhere that I can edit to fix that, but I need to find what one first05:42
SuperMoooOh yes.  I also have a problem with accessing my windows computers on the network . Samba sometimes asks for passwords , which there is none.  And it keeps asking and asking.  And wont let me access the files, then later on it magically lets me access them.  What's the deal ?05:43
LimeBurstis that a bot, or is it because their typing is horrifingly fast?05:43
mrUnagiwhos a bot05:43
tritiumLimeBurst: I had the bot send you that info05:43
cpk1islan: /boot/grub/menu.lst05:43
usseri aint a bot05:43
tritiumLimeBurst: just ubottu05:43
thechrismrUnagi: what are you trying to do.  a "block device" refers to things like hard drives or cd-rom drives which transfer data 1 block at a time05:43
usseru can turing test me05:43
LimeBurstoh ho05:43
islancpk1: thanks, just found it too05:43
LimeBurstyour typing is extreame05:43
cpk1mrUnagi: I think you can try eject -m I think that makes it try to eject it without trying to check if it is unmounted or not05:44
mrUnagiforget it ill just start the installation over05:44
shadowh511islan: you just killed windows, welcome to the ubuntu brotherhood05:44
shadowh511thechris: run less programs05:44
shadowh511mrUnagi: /dev is where devices are located05:44
shadowh511mrUnagi: you can use the mount and umount commands to maunt and unmount them05:44
FloodBot2shadowh511: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.05:44
LimeBurstanyone know what NAS is?05:44
islancpk1: do you know of a site that shows me exactly how it should look?05:44
usserthechris, cdrom is not a block device05:44
LimeBurstnot tetwork attached storage05:45
tritiumLimeBurst: networked attached storage05:45
mrUnagishadowh511, if only i knew what the cdrom on the ps3 is called05:45
LimeBurstsomething else05:45
islanshadowh511: I killed Windows a long time ago, but I still have to resurrect it for gaming purposes05:45
shadowh511i dont know05:45
thechrisusser: does the ata protocol allow non-block devices?05:45
LimeBursti think it is network audio server...05:45
cpk1islan: step 6 https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows05:45
mrUnagiah the lengths ill go to, to have a vpn server in my home05:45
LimeBurstwhat can you do with network audio server?05:45
LimeBursti really don't get its usage05:45
cpk1islan: although i thought grub can automagically find windows partitions05:46
cpk1mrUnagi: just plain eject didnt work?05:46
mib_k83r0z3cwow not very nice people at postfix lol05:46
islancpk1: it's suppose to, but it seemed to fail here05:46
thechrisshadowh511: synaptic was running alone.  and hangs for about a minute when calculating deps05:46
shadowh511cpk1: Linux stuff is "stupid" in that things don't exist unless you say otherwise05:46
usserthechris, actually i think i'm wrong on that one it is05:46
shadowh511thechris: open a terminal and type in "sudo apt-get update;sudo apt-get upgrade" and that should do the trick:305:47
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mrUnagicpk1 no, i got some crap about a block device05:47
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shadowh511eject /dev/cdrom05:48
mrUnagitried it05:48
thechrisshadowh511: see, ubuntu always seems buggy, I'm trying to reduce this.05:48
cpk1mrUnagi: you try eject -m? that should be more forceful05:48
islancpk1: in menu.lst should it be hd0,0 or sda1?05:48
shadowh511thechris: what release are you using05:48
shadowh511islan: hd0,005:48
cpk1islan: is sda1 the windows partition?05:48
mrUnagii had already restarted by the time that was suggested cpk1 ty tho05:48
islancpk1: yes, sba1 is Linux05:48
islancpk1: they are on separate HDDs05:49
thechrisshadowh511: 8.10, ubuntu05:49
shadowh511mrUnagi: straighten out a paper clip and eject it manually!05:49
hunt577I am on ubuntu now!05:49
mrUnagiits a ps305:49
shadowh511thechris: whats the cpu and ram?05:49
hunt577but I don't think my microphone is working05:50
hunt577on ubuntu05:50
shadowh511mrUnagi: :D i forgot05:50
cpk1mrUnagi: eject -n will do nothing but should tell you what device it is trying to work on05:50
shadowh511hunt577: i have the same problems05:50
thechrisshadowh511: 1GB, amd64, 2GHz05:50
cpk1islan: then yaeh hd0,0 i think is sda105:50
hunt577I tried the sound recorder program but can't seem to record any audio05:50
shadowh511thechris: are u running 64 bit ubuntu?05:50
islancpk1: so I should just leave it as hd0,0?05:50
thechrisshadowh511: yes05:51
islancpk1: in grub's menu.lst05:51
shadowh511islan: YES YES YES05:51
islanshadowh511: thank you, but I would prefer to get advice from only one person in order to avoid confusion05:51
shadowh511thechris: it probably is a buggy synaptic05:51
islanalrighty, time to reboot then05:51
sillemepls assist... I would like to hide non-mounted drives (windoze and other  partitions) on my dual boot system...  Woudl like the non-mounted hidden in dolphin file manager. Can anyone assit with this issue?05:51
cpk1islan: yes, grub doesnt see things as /dev/sda1 and etc it sees things in hd0,0 etc05:51
shadowh511islan: sorry, i hate watching people fail05:52
cooldduuuddehunt577: is it a desktop or laptop?05:52
islanshadowh511: heh, understandable05:52
thechrisshadowh511: yes, as i've said, things are often buggy in ubuntu05:52
Awwzy<thechris> im running the exact same sysytem with a 32" lcd05:52
shadowh511silleme: can you put the contents of the file /etc/fstab in pastebin.nl?05:52
=== Awwzy is now known as spideyman
hunt577Adobe Flash Player is supported on Linux right?05:53
hunt577Trying to test a youtube video05:53
dtchen_hunt577: yes05:53
shadowh511hunt577: not officially, my best advice is to download flashplayer manually05:53
dtchen_hunt577: via multiple plugins05:53
hunt577hmmm how do I do that?05:53
MacwinuxHow do I remove that little ^ on my main menu button?05:53
shadowh511hunt577: go to adobe.com and download it for other systems05:54
shadowh511hunt577: then extract it, open a terminal, browse to that directory, sudo run it, and then press enter several times05:55
cpk1silleme: well... if you close the "places" pane then you cant see the unmounted drives anymore =P05:55
spideyman<hunt577> are you 32 or 64 bit system?05:55
hunt57732 bit05:56
SuperMooorww, It appears to have installed 305:56
shadowh511can you open /etc/fstab in kate for me?05:56
MacwinuxI changed my "start-here" icon and the ^ thing on it looks aweful. Is there any way at all to remove it?05:56
sillemeshadowh511: the only drives(partitions) are the ones I manually placed in fstab... teh non-mounted ones are not listed there...05:56
hunt577brand new newbie to this, what is kate?05:57
spideyman<hunt577> ok cause theres an easy fix for the 64 ubuntu now just place the .so in the plugins folder and voilla05:57
sillemecpk1: ??huh??05:57
shadowh511silleme: its just dolphin then :P05:57
JoshuaRLthanks for trying to help with the nvidia tv-out problem dudes, no dice05:57
cpk1silleme: the reason why the unmounted drives are in dolphin is just to let you know that you have devices that it can mount for you05:57
cooldduuuddecpk1: you can go to unmounted drives from the places menu05:58
MacwinuxShould I try back later?05:58
sprinkmeier_hunt577, if all you want to do is watch youtube then you could always youtube-download them and watch them in VLC05:58
cpk1hunt577: or you can just use apt to install flash...05:58
cooldduuuddesprinkmeier_: it doesn't work anymore these days05:58
shadowh511hunt577: downlaod the rpm and convert it with alien (found in the repos)05:59
hunt577Does Deb install it as well05:59
hunt577Adobe.com had me download something called deb05:59
ubottuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash (a recent version for !Dapper is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash05:59
cooldduuudde shadowh511: deb is there on adobe site05:59
cpk1hunt577: you dont need to use the deb from adobe just use apt05:59
sprinkmeier_cooldduuudde, youtube keep changing it, youtube-dl keep fixing it.... it's an arms-race. Worked last time I tried (a few days ago)05:59
cooldduuuddetry now05:59
hunt577where can I get apt?06:00
hunt577Deb didn't do anything06:00
cpk1hunt577: in a terminal type "sudo aptitude install adobe-flashplugin"06:00
shadowh511hunt577:you are using ubuntu, right?06:00
Macwinuxhunt577: see my PM please06:00
sillemeyes... I would love to hide them from view when opening up the "storage media" bookmark in dolphin...  It is less messy for me to see and save files to my few mounted drives.  really would rather my unmounted windoze drives (partitions) not show.  anyone know how i would get by with hiding these from view??06:01
cpk1hunt577: after that you will have flash installed, and have used apt at the same time06:01
shadowh511hunt577: then you have apt as a free gift with ubuntu06:01
hunt577oh cool06:01
shadowh511sillieme: you have MULTIPLE  windows installs?06:01
cpk1hunt577: after doing that come back if sound on youtube doesnt work06:02
shadowh511hunt577: yeah, theres lots of cool stuff like that packaged in :D06:02
cpk1silleme: right click the drive you dont want to see and select hide06:02
sprinkmeier_cooldduuudde, tried 'youtube-dl --title TQ4iIM8Eljc', worked06:03
hunt577Yeah I like the speed06:03
hunt577its pretty speedy and yet I am running it from the CD only06:03
cooldduuuddesprinkmeier_: hmmmm. I'll have to try it then. the firefox plugin atleast doesn't work06:03
hunt577thanks for your help guys I really appreciate it!06:03
sillemeshadowh511:  no.. dual boot xp/kubuntu. however, i do have 2 drives that have multiple partitions.  4 for kubuntu use... 3 for wi xp use...06:04
cpk1silleme: in the future consider only having one ntfs drive, the one windows needs to boot and the rest ext3, windows can read write ext3 no problem06:04
sprinkmeier_cooldduuudde, I haven't tried the plug-in, I use the command-line utility (just cut-and-paste the you-tube URL (use ' to make sure &s are defused))06:05
spideyman<cpk1> since when does winblows read ext306:05
sprinkmeier_spideyman, third-party drivers....06:06
mobodo_I'm trying to delete a raid array, but no matter what, /dev/md0 remains there... anybody knows what I might be missing?06:06
cooldduuuddesprinkmeier_: I've read about it. i also tried a couple of sites where they offer such downloads. the download starts but ends in a second showin the file size 0 kb.06:06
cpk1spideyman: since about 200206:06
mobodo_shadowh511:  as in reinstall ubuntu?06:07
Imohello, one stupid quastion ;) can i install voicebuntu?06:07
cpk1spideyman: maybe there was a newer driver before that but the one at fs-driver.org seems to be one of the better ones06:07
shadowh511yeah, sorry, buts its the quickest way06:07
cpk1spideyman: technically it read writes ext2 but you only lose out on journaling really06:07
spideyman<cpk1> Im not being an ass Ive never heard of it , allthough never needed it either06:08
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about voicebuntu06:08
Huufartedgood evening, all06:08
Ubuntuu2Hello, my Ubuntu installation wont boot up anymore so I need to backup the files on that installation from the ubuntu live cd.    The problem is, when I try to go into the media/disk/home/Luke, it wont let me because it says "you do not have the permission necessary to view the contents of Luke.  So, how do I go in there and get my files back?06:08
cpk1spideyman: oh, well ok, but yeah fs-driver.org has been really effective for me, and its much nicer to use ext instead of fat32 so that way I dont have a file size limit06:08
shadowh511Ubuntuu2: open a terminal06:09
sprinkmeier_Ubuntuu2, 'sudo su -' in a terminal. then you're root and can copy, tar, scp, whatever the files06:09
shadowh511type in gksu nautilus, then backup your data06:09
HuufartedUbuntuu2, make sure ALL parent directories have EXECUTE permissions across the board.06:09
henghahi, I am on hardy , when I tried to man open C function in the shell, it gave me the open command , not the function prototype, where can I get the open function prototype ? thanks06:09
Falehello guys06:09
sillemecpk1:  no "hide" option with right click...                                   re: ext3 and windows... i didn't know this... however, I wanted to keep my OSs from seeing ea otehr... therefore xp has main(ntfs), swp, and exe partition.  kubuntu set for main (ext3), linux swp, and 2 fat 32 partitions (movie, avis, mp3s) that both xp and linux can shre.that I am able06:09
Ubuntuu2Huufarted:  how do I do that?06:09
sprinkmeier_hengha, 'man -a open'06:10
spideyman<cpk1> Well i learn somethin every day i had no idea winblows could read a linux partition06:10
shadowh511spideyman: which windows?06:10
Faleis there a recursive command to convert FLACs to OGGs and delete the FLACs after the convertion?06:10
Ubuntuu2sprinkmeier_:  sorry, how do I do that?  I'06:10
sprinkmeier_spideyman, vanilla windows can't, but as usual third-party stuff comes to the rescue :-)06:10
Ubuntuu2I'm a beginner06:10
shadowh511Fale: thats a touch one...06:10
henghasprinkmeier_: same, still load the Linux User Manual open06:10
Faleshadowh511: what do you mean?06:10
cpk1silleme: using dolphin? and using the "places" pane on the left you cant right click the drive and select hide?06:11
sprinkmeier_Ubuntuu2, open a terminal (ALT-F2, type in 'xterm' and hit ENTER).06:11
HuufartedUbuntuu2, at the command line:  sudo chmod 755 /media && sudo chmod 755 /media/disk && sudo chmod 755 /media/disk/home && sudo chmod 755 /media/disk/home/Luke06:11
sillemeas for the hidig of non-mounted in dolphin... is this possible??06:11
spideymanIm workin on a triple boot system as we speak installing OSX for the 3rd time06:11
sprinkmeier_Ubuntuu2, then type in 'sudo su -' to turn your terminal session into a superuser one.06:11
shadowh511HuuFarted: you can use ";" instead of "&&"06:11
sprinkmeier_Huufarted, BAD IDEA! Don't change things you're about to back up.06:12
Faleshadowh511: you mean that there is no way?06:12
Huufartedsprinkmeier, it's granting permissions to the parent directories.  It's not changing the contents06:12
funkycat90210i am upgrading ubuntu server and it wants to make these http://dpaste.com/3740/ changes to my grub menu.lst, if I do those changes will my machine be fubared?06:12
Ubuntuu2sprinkmeier_:  then what?06:12
shadowh511Fale: you are gonna need oggconvert :D its in the repos06:12
sprinkmeier_Huufarted, you need to mount R/W to do it...  best not to do that in the first place (i.e. mount R/O)06:12
cpk1silleme: really the only things you want to keep away from each other is linux away from ntfs and windows away from everything but /home and /media06:12
EnriqueIHey guys I am having a few problems getting my NIC to work06:12
sprinkmeier_Ubuntuu2, Where are you planning to back the files up to? external drive?06:12
Ubuntuu2sprinkmeier_:   Yeah06:13
EnriqueIIt loads the module for e1000e, but I can't seem to get a DHCP lease06:13
Ubuntuu2sprinkmeier_:  just my pictures and documents and videos06:13
cpk1silleme: yes I just did it06:13
henghasprinkmeier_: ha, got it on the sedond page, thanks06:13
shadowh511funkycat90210: maybe, grub is a weird SOB06:13
EnriqueImy nic lights are active, and the gui tool makes it look like its trying06:13
EnriqueIbut no luck06:13
Faleshadowh511: I don't have any problem about installing software... the problem is that I don't know the command to remove the FLACs after have converting them to OGG06:13
EnriqueII've tried 2.6.24, 2.6.25, and 2.6.2706:13
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sprinkmeier_Ubuntuu2, 'tar --create --gzip --file /path/to/external/drive/backup.tar --directory /home /'06:14
sprinkmeier_Ubuntuu2, 'tar --create --gzip --file /path/to/external/drive/backup.tar --directory /home .'06:14
sprinkmeier_(ignore first one....)06:14
funkycat90210where is it getting UUID=566bd3e3-f970-446d-b642-2c96e7dcbdde in the menu.lst, where does that come from?06:14
mib_k83r0z3chey can someone tell me whether a hp tx2510us will work with ubuntu?06:14
EnriqueICan anyone help me out with my little issue?06:14
mib_k83r0z3cI'm thinking about buying it06:15
thechrisfunkycat90210: from the program vol_id06:15
paul68Is there a way that I can copy through scp without having to enter a password I tried with ssh keygen but still have to enter a password06:15
Huufartedsprinkmeier_, simplify that:  tar cvzf /path/backup.tar.gz /home /06:15
Ubuntuu2sprinkmeier_:  Cowardly refusing to create an empty archive06:15
sprinkmeier_Ubuntuu2, TAR will create a compressed tarball which preserves ownership/permissions. I assume the target drive is VFAT (which would nuke permissions).06:15
EnriqueIHuufarted, are you familiar with Intel nic issues under ubuntu?06:15
Ubuntuu2sprinkmeier_:  it didnt work06:15
cpk1funkycat90210: thats the id for the hard drive06:16
sprinkmeier_Ubuntuu2, If the target media supports you can 'cp --preserve'06:16
HuufartedEnriqueI, sorry I'm not06:16
EnriqueIalright thanks :(06:16
EnriqueIFor some reason my NIC isn't working, but the module is loading06:16
EnriqueIit works in XP06:16
EnriqueIand it worked under wubi06:16
sprinkmeier_Huufarted, short command-line options are not simpler, just more dangerous :-) if you mis-type something you end up nuking instead of getting an error message.06:16
sprinkmeier_Ubuntuu2, did you try / or . as the last argument?06:16
cpk1funkycat90210: looks mostly like it is just updating grub for a new kernel06:16
Huufartedlol ok....  sure.06:16
spideyman<sprinkmeier_> so true06:16
sprinkmeier_Ubuntuu2, (oh, and maybe add a '--verbose' so you can see what it's doing)06:17
cpk1funkycat90210: and switching over to using uuid06:17
Ubuntuu2sprinkmeier_:  /06:17
mib_k83r0z3chey can someone tell me whether a hp tx2510us will work with ubuntu?06:17
Faleshadowh511: with the command "oggenc *.flac -q8" I can convert FLACs to OGG. But this command has two problems: is not recurevly and it keeps the FLACs06:17
EnriqueIis there an ubuntu kernel channel?06:17
funkycat90210cpk1: i'm not familiar with UUID so that scares me, how can I verify the UUID?06:17
sprinkmeier_Ubuntuu2, my bad... see the line I posted just after that06:17
Huufartedmib_k83r0z3c, try checking on google06:17
Ubuntuu2sprinkmeier_:  ok, add a what?06:17
sillemecpk1:  yes using dolphin... the pane on the left is the "bookmark" area... shows list of icons vertically (top to bottom) : home, storage media, network, root, new bookmark.  No right click option to "hide".06:18
ASUSBluehello room06:18
EnriqueI!help kernel06:18
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about help kernel06:18
sprinkmeier_Ubuntuu2,  tar --create --verbose --gzip --file ......06:18
ubottuThe core of the Ubuntu Operating System is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, but if you're convinced you do, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile - See also: /msg ubottu stages06:18
EnriqueIbots suck...06:18
paul68Is there a way that I can copy through scp without having to enter a password I tried with ssh keygen but still have to enter a password06:18
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about e100e06:18
cpk1funkycat90210: not too sure, never wanted to try... but by looking at your pastebin it looks like grub already had the uuid stored if you look at lines 15 and 22 it has uuid and it isnt being added06:19
sprinkmeier_paul68, did you distribute the public key?06:19
Huufartedpaul68, are both computers on a LAN?06:19
sprinkmeier_paul68, did you set a password on the generated key?06:19
EnriqueICan anyone help me troubleshoot my nic issues?06:19
paul68sprinkmeier_: yes I did do that but then when testing it  I get nothing no didn't use passwrd06:19
funkycat90210i see the uuid /etc/blkid.tab which points to /dev/sda1 so that should be fine06:20
cpk1silleme: ok so yours is set up a little different than mine, right click on the drive where ever it is and see if it lets you hide it (make sure it is unmounted first)06:20
funkycat90210cpk1: thanks, so ubuntu's changes look fine06:20
paul68Huufarted: both machines are on lan06:20
sprinkmeier_paul68, permissions on .ssh and .ssh/authorized_keys? sshd is _very_ fussy, use 400 and 600 respectively06:20
Ubuntuu2sprinkmeier_:  I dont know if its working, theres just a > that came up when I pressed enter06:20
Huufartedpaul68, you may want to consider another option, such as an nfs share06:21
paul68sprinkmeier_: I noticed lol06:21
sprinkmeier_Ubuntuu2, you probably copied a ' from my example command-line06:21
Huufartedpaul68, this would mount the other PC as a directory on the one you're accessing it from permanently if you wanted.06:21
cpk1funkycat90210: I think more interesting is your slash option?...06:21
Ubuntuu2sprinkmeier_:  and how do I pick what external thing to write it to?06:21
EnriqueIHow do I find what network card I have?06:21
funkycat90210cpk1: yeah not sure where the heck that comes from!06:21
sprinkmeier_Ubuntuu2, where is it mounted? (sorry, gotta go, family taxi service....)06:22
funkycat90210cpk1: oh it comes from /etc/blkid.tab:<device DEVNO="0x0801" TIME="1235888479" UUID="566bd3e3-f970-446d-b642-2c96e7dcbdde" TYPE="ext3" LABEL="slash">/dev/sda1</device>06:22
ASUSBlueI have compiz manager installed but how do i change the way windows open and close like clicking the close i want it to burn the current program where do i go for these settings06:22
paul68Huufarted: so you create a mountpoint and use that as transfer point  how do I achieve this06:22
cpk1funkycat90210: that was simple06:22
spideyman<EnriqueI> yes06:22
Huufartedpaul68, give me a minute.  It does provide a more permanent solution.06:22
funkycat90210i'm anal because, if this doesn't work, i'll have to drive 2 hours to make it work, thanks for the help06:22
EnriqueIthanks. Found it06:23
cooldduuuddesprinkmeier_: open compiz config06:23
EnriqueIHalf blind apparently.06:23
paul68Huufarted: no problem06:23
Huufartedpaul68, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=24988906:23
ZeRo_FeniX_how do you pronounce ubuntu? you-bun-too?06:23
HuufartedI pronounce it Ooh-Bun-too06:23
Zykotic-K9ASUSBlue, System / Preferences / Compiz Manager - then under the Effect section "Minimize Effect"06:23
cooldduuuddesorry  ASUSBlue: i meant06:24
cpk1funkycat90210: I know the feeling, although granted I just have to climb down into the basement and drag the machine up to a monitor =P06:24
paul68Huufarted: back to the reading board thanks06:24
Huufartedpaul68, by your initial questions, you seemed to be technically inclined so you should be good to go with that forum post06:25
ASUSBlueZykotic-K9 sorry did not work06:25
funkycat90210cpk1: nice.. well i rebooted and it worked, whew06:25
ASUSBluethere is no option for that in there06:25
funkycat90210i have a flash drive so it takes 30 secs to reboot which is nice06:25
Zykotic-K9ASUSBlue, did not work? was the "minimize effect" option there?06:26
ASUSBluei remember when i installed ubuntu before it had custom under visual effects06:26
ASUSBluethat is no longer there06:26
ASUSBlueYeah it allows me to check it in but there is no option for it06:26
letalisASUSBlue: its an installable package now06:26
ASUSBluelike burn or plan06:26
danes_how can I install a C compiler on a computer that does not have an internet connection?06:27
letalisthe custom option in visual effect06:27
mib_k83r0z3ccan anyone tell me if the tx2510's ethernet card is compatible with backtrack i have a list form backtrack but cannot find model of laptop card?06:27
corinthI browse fullscreen in Firefox. Is there a way to be notified of windows wanting attention while in a fullscreen browser? Such as when a contact messages me in Empathy.06:27
Zykotic-K9ASUSBlue, sudo apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager06:27
mgolischits probably only visible if ccsm is installed06:27
danes_I aready downloaded gcc, but it requires make. then make requires a C compiler :s06:27
ASUSBluei have compiz installed though06:27
mgolischdanes_: install build-essential package06:27
cpk1!build-essential | danes_06:27
ubottudanes_: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)06:27
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letalisyeah the one Zykotic-K9 reccommends is superior to the options found in cssm06:27
Huufartedcorinth, the programs notify by way of the panels.  The panels would have to be displayed.06:27
Zykotic-K9ASUSBlue, but to you have compizconfig-settings-manager installed?  they are not the same thing.06:28
Huufartedcorinth, otherwise the programs individually must bring a window to the forefront.06:28
corinthI was thinking along the lines of an alternative notification package, it was a longshot. Thanks. :-)06:28
funkycat90210the problem is you can't start with source only, you at least need a binary compiler, that is how whatshisname, put in a trojan horse allowing access to login to any unix system since the compiler he gave everyone had a trojan.06:28
EnriqueII find it it hard to believe that Ubuntu won't work out of the box with a common Intel NIC06:28
Zykotic-K9letalis, actually that is the options in ccsm06:28
ASUSBlueI have compizconfig-settings manager installed under system prefences06:29
HuufartedEnriqueI, it does for me.  /shrug06:29
EnriqueIWhat nic do you have Huufarted?06:29
HuufartedIntel Atom motherboard with on-board NIC.  I'd have to look it up.06:29
Huufartedunless you can give me the command to find it at the terminal06:29
EnriqueIlspci | grep Ethernet06:29
letalisZykotic-K9: theres nother package you can install that give the custom option in appearance and i cant remember what the packagename is06:30
ASUSBlueI installed ubuntu before I remember that there was a setting but the the compiz manger setting thing that allowed to pick different minimizing effects setting up water and fire under a profile name06:30
HuufartedEnriqueI, I stand corrected.  Apparently Intel doesn't trust their own NIC chips.  It's a Realtek06:30
Zykotic-K9ASUSBlue, when you open ccsm does it have an Effects section?06:30
MyxbASUSBlue: look for something like compizconfig-backend-gnome. threre are 2 utilitities, one "full" and is "simple". the "simple" one gives the option "custom" in the menu.06:30
EnriqueII think atom is 10/100 though, so different NIC than what I have =\ but like I said it's lspci | grep Ethernet06:30
ASUSBlueyes it does06:30
islanokay, so now whenever I select Windows XP from my grub menu, it just brings me back to the grub menu06:31
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about 82566MM06:31
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Zykotic-K9letalis, i'm not sure - i think in older versions of compiz it might have been there by default - not sure06:31
letalisislan: sounds like the MBR in windows xp may be damaged06:31
mohan43uanybody know the key combination to enter unicode in console?06:32
islanletalis: I just installed it, and I can still boot Ubuntu06:32
letalisislan: you installed xp after ubuntu?06:32
ASUSBluek if you right click on the desktop go to visual effects there should be a custom option there and there is not06:32
islanletalis: I installed xp after ubuntu, and then I reinstalled grub via livecd06:32
ASUSBluenow you can access compiz manager from system prefences but thats not what iam looking for06:33
ASUSBluethere should be a list of all the effects for minimizing for opening for closing06:33
ASUSBlueunder this one program i just cant remember where i can access it from06:33
islanletalis: one weird thing is that fdisk -l tells me that two partitions are labeled as boot (one on each HDD)06:33
MyxbASUSBlue: i think you need to install package simple-ccsm06:33
letalisislan: id look through your grub configuration in ubuntu, there may be a problem with how grub detected where the xp partition is06:33
islanletalis: the thing is, it didn't.  I had to manually insert Windows XP into the menu06:34
islanletalis: pro'lly cuz they are on separate HDDs, maybe06:34
funkycat90210how can i see if my nic is connected to the switch w/ gigabit?06:34
EnriqueIfunkycat90210: the switch should show green06:34
EnriqueIgreen = gigabit06:35
EnriqueIyellow 100mbit06:35
funkycat90210EnriqueI: unfortunately i don't have access to the setup to see the color ofthe switch06:35
EnriqueIright click on the nic plugin06:35
EnriqueIconnection information06:35
EnriqueIconnection speed06:35
pbeanbaghow can i use my verizon wireless aircard in ubuntu?06:35
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EnriqueI(using gnome... not sure how to check via kde)06:36
ASUSBlueMyxb thank you very very much that is what I was looking for06:36
funkycat90210EnriqueI: this is server so i'll try to find the cmd line vers06:36
Rave1_ASUSBlue,  go into advanced search in the CCSM window06:36
ASUSBlueOne last question how do i get emerald to work with ubuntu 8.11 64bit06:36
EnriqueIhmm not sure funkycat9021006:36
ASUSBlueI installed it and installed a package but it does not do anything06:36
ASUSBluehave any suggestions for me06:36
Zykotic-K9ASUSBlue, sorry man I lead you astray - for me it's in Animations - then there are tabs for Open/Close/Minimize - with options like "curved Fold, Fade, Magic Lamp, etc" I always liked Burn and it doesn't seem to be there anymore.06:36
corinthASUSBlue: run06:37
corinthemerald --replace06:37
MyxbASUSBlue: <grin> i was doing the same a couple of days before. they should make it a part of the default install.06:37
Jangaribash question, but there ain't no one there: is there some variables I can stick in a bash script that will return the day, month and year in 2 digits each?06:38
ASUSBluewhat does emerald --replace do06:38
EnriqueIscrew it gonna try debian06:38
EnriqueIironically I've had better hw support with debian in the past anyway06:38
Zykotic-K9Jangari, date is some variable i don't know :)06:38
redalphacould someone tell me why i keep getting "Could not access CD, please make sure other applications are not using it and try again" when trying to install 8.10 inside of windows?06:40
ASUSBluesorry didn't get that what does emerald --replace do06:40
Zykotic-K9Jangari, "date +%F" gives "2009-03-01" close?06:40
EnriqueIredalpha: are you running yahoo messenger right now?06:40
funkycat90210ethtool does it06:40
EnriqueIoh nevermind then06:41
redalphalet me close some application then and try again06:41
ASUSBlueLast question room I installed emerald and installed a theme but it does not do anything seems to be working i have ubuntu 64bit06:41
islanokay, I found something that doesn't add up with my grub problem:  fdisk -l tells me that Windows is on /dev/sdb1, and grub/device.map tells me that /dev/sdb is hd1; however, when I boot Ubuntu, it says it is booting hd1,006:41
islanwhile Ubuntu, according to fdisk -l is suppose on /dev/sda, what grub calls hd006:42
islansuppose to be* on06:42
Zykotic-K9islan, when ubuntu boot the root partition become sda regardless of what drive it's on (i think)06:43
mobodo_is there a way to tell why a device might be busy?06:43
danes_I cannot install build-essential because it asks for make and make is not installed neither a C compiler, what can I do?06:43
funkycat90210i got jipped, the host has me on a 100Mb/s switch grh06:43
JangariZykotic-K9: yes, thanks, actually just managed to get that from the man page06:43
islanZykotic-K9: okay, good to know06:43
islanusing my BIOS though, booting from either HDD gives me grub, and selecting Windows XP from either just returns me to the menu06:43
Trinithisis there a way i can allow someone to have access to my computer via tcp/ip protocols or something similar? I want to create a SVN repos on my machine06:44
Zykotic-K9islan, grub gets installed on the MBR and the Bios goes looking for that06:44
redzhebanybody help  with installing  deb file. When i 'm trying to install it with synaptic manager it says me that i have not permission06:44
djPluralhas anybody tried setting up ubuntu via wubi on windows 7 and gotten it to work?06:44
ASUSBlueinstalled a theme in emerald theme manger but nothing happens any suggestions06:45
redalphanormally i would install ubuntu with booting with the CD, but i've had terrible luck trying to setup dual boot with doing this way...almost always it somehow cause an error on the windows parition and i can not longer boot windows06:45
ASUSBluecould it be a conflict with simpe ccsm or ccsm06:45
islanZykotic-K9: well I'm still stuck being unable to access my Windows partition06:45
Jangarichampion, Zykotic-K9, that was all i needed to write a cronjob to download daily my favourite newspaper's crossword06:45
MyxbASUSBlue: sorry, never tried emerald (it is just a decorator: to get new themes i think). if you ruin the configs, just use the "simple" utility to revert to one of the defaults. or try to remove emerald.06:45
redalphaI'm still getting "Could not access CD, please make sure other applications are not using it and try again" from installing inside windows, does anyone have any other suggestions?06:46
ASUSBlueMyxb but it does not allow to install a theme06:46
ASUSBlueI download a theme i click install it shows06:46
ASUSBluein the box window but nothing happens06:46
ASUSBluenothing changes06:46
redzhebanybody help  with installing  deb file. When i 'm trying to install it with synaptic manager it says me that i have not permission06:47
Zykotic-K9Jangari, i've used date for the exact same reason :) had a cron job to download dilbert everyday into a folder using the date as a name.06:47
Jangariah, totally06:47
Jangarigood idea06:47
ASUSBlueI will try a few things here06:47
ASUSBlueand there06:48
Jangariand very useful using those backticks06:48
Zykotic-K9redalpha, "sudo dpkg -i <package>.deb"06:48
redzhebanybody help  with installing  deb file. When i 'm trying to install it with synaptic manager it says me that i have not permission06:48
Zykotic-K9redzheb, "sudo dpkg -i <package>.deb"06:48
Sativais there an HTML editing program for Linux?06:48
MyxbASUSBlue: sorry, can't help here. to be honest after a new install i set up compiz to my liking and turn it off until next system install/upgrade. i love my system as simple as possible, the compiz is only to impress others. for me06:49
lemonsarecoolcan anyone hear me?06:49
Sativalike dreamweaver? or frontpage?06:49
foo1238.10 amd64 installer barfs 'io error on sr0' and dies06:49
quibblerredalpha: something in windows is locking the cd try outlogging and inlog and try again06:49
jmpsoftwareyes kdevelop06:49
foo123that's a sata cdrom06:49
corinthredzheb: Launch it using gksu synaptic06:49
djPluralanybody have any ideas for wubi + windows 7?06:49
foo123uh, please?06:49
quibblerredzheb: what deb are you trying to install06:49
redalphahmm logging off? okay ill try that06:49
lemonsarecooli don't really know how to use this irc client.... i just got it06:49
dayoSativa: bluefish,vim,nvu06:50
lemonsarecoolit replaced nvu06:50
redzhebquibbler: i am trying to install oss-linux-4.1-1051_i386.deb06:50
jmpsoftwarebut me I prefer vim06:50
quibblerredzheb: had you downloaded it from somewhere?06:51
dayolemonsarecool: i see06:51
MyxbASUSBlue: BTW if you later turn off compiz, you have to check all the keyboard short-cuts in gnome. some of them get wipes (usually it is task switching - Alt-Tab)06:51
lemonsarecooljust call me lemon06:51
Zykotic-K9redzheb, that's probably not a good idea to install  oss-linux-4.1-1051_i386.deb, there is an OSS compatibility layer for alsa or pulse which would probably work better....?  but don't know why you want to install oss06:52
dayolemonsarecool: but then it will be harder for u to see post directed at u06:52
dayolemon: see?06:52
redzhebquibbler: yes I have downloaded it in my desktop when i am trying with sudo dpkg -i http://paste.ubuntu.com/124577/06:52
lemonsarecoolo wait06:52
lemonsarecoolis there someone called "lemon" here?06:52
jmpsoftwarelemon hi06:53
dayolemonsarecool:   /names06:53
juan-argpppppp859fpu656'34trfhup9e58t0458t6idf09hguj0r586uj48508yujh89ǵyu569384y5823tgrrrrrrrrrrrrsdjfnklawjmer23iop54y829458y34'9568320u208934u0983uj48342fnm3jy7v3kc59840tdfg7df89ghygy9df9gdf89u8gf8ugfu8u8k8gd8u9gkut34ut4tu8t4u89tu83thjgbjlkxcn vm,x ng,dh,fjgh=?¡()=%/%$yjknghklsdjffasdoiwqje423954 u284534u0635860945u7894u623094edfgi9,dhf06:53
dustinhow can i run a .package file to install somethin? :o cant seem to figure it out :<06:53
TwistedGhosti am working on getting my graphics working corectly but it wont give me more than a couple of choices06:53
quibblerlemonsarecool: please do not pm me.06:53
lemonsarecoolok jeez sorry quib06:53
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TwistedGhosti tryed to install the ati drivers and they messed up my resolution so i had to use text to uninstall but now i can only go so big06:53
lemonsarecoolmy gnome is broken06:53
Zykotic-K9redzheb, " sudo dpkg -i http://paste.ubuntu.com/124577/" wouldn't work!  you'd have to wget the file first06:54
lemonsarecoolwhen i log on it has no panel06:54
lemonsarecooland i can only right-click and change my wallpaper06:54
lemonsarecoolwhat the hell?06:54
TwistedGhostso i guess my main question is how do i reset to the main ubuntu graphics drivers?06:54
lemonsarecoolanyone still there?06:55
rwwlemonsarecool: Does Alt-F2 pop up a "Run Application" window?06:55
redzhebZykotic-K9: with alsa and pulse a have not sound at all in my notebook06:55
lemonsarecoolcan't open anything06:55
EnriqueIso how many sysadmins in here?06:55
lemonsarecooli found out that gnome-panel wasn't installed06:55
lemonsarecooli uninstalled evolution-data-server....06:55
MyxbTwistedGhost: what graphics card do you have installed?06:55
lemonsarecoolwhich was a dep of gnome-panel....06:56
lemonsarecool9800m gts06:56
redzhebZykotic-K9: but how can I wget the file?06:56
Zykotic-K9TwistedGhost, sorry I can't be of help - I only use Nvidia - for years.  Ati is a major problem with linux drivers, ubuntu is begging ATI to make better drivers - and the hilarious thing is ATI develops there cards and drivers under linux???06:56
TwistedGhosti have a ati radeon 9something series06:56
quibblerredzheb: close synaptic if you have it open... simply double click the deb on your desktop06:56
b3rz3rk3rcould someone plz help me with wireless on an Eee PC 1000?06:56
rwwlemonsarecool: that'd be a problem. Do ctrl-alt-F1 to get to a command line, log in, and do sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop. That should install everything you removed by removing e-d-s.06:56
lemonsarecoolredzheb:  cd to the download dir and then "wget <url>"06:56
TwistedGhostso whats the easyest way to get back to only the drivers that ubuntu installed with?06:56
redalphaHmm, still can't seem to install 8.10 inside of windows06:57
Zykotic-K9redzheb, you don't have the complete path to the file you need at "http://paste.ubuntu.com/124577/" there is a file inside this06:57
lemonsarecoolredzheb:  after that, type "sudo dpkg -i <file>"06:57
redzhebquibbler: it's not working06:57
redalphai have no idea what other application is using the cd, tho =/06:57
MyxbTwistedGhost: i also use nvidia so not first-hand experience here :(.06:57
TwistedGhostgrr lol06:57
dayomy firefox flash videos don't have sound anymore, after disabling pulseaudio. what to do? going back to pulse is not an option.06:58
Zykotic-K9redzheb, sound on laptops can be tricky06:58
TwistedGhostcan anyone help me revert to only the grapichs drivers that ubuntu installs with?06:58
lemonsarecoolredzheb, you have to download the file first, and make sure that for the dpkg command after you download it, you typed the full path06:58
redzheblemonsarecol: it's not working too06:58
rwwdayo: are you using flashplugin-nonfree for sound?06:58
rwwdayo: for flash **06:58
lemonsarecoolso can anyone finish helping me with gnome?06:58
* lemonsarecool whistles06:59
fidelitysystemwhy my amsn dont open06:59
lemonsarecooluse pidgin06:59
TwistedGhostalso any time i try to watch a movie i get to watch about 1 - 2 mins then i have to hard reset my computer the picture freezes but the sound keeps going06:59
rwwlemonsarecool: I just provided you with instructions. Do ctrl-alt-F1 to get to a command line, log in, and do sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop.  That should install everything you removed by removing e-d-s.06:59
dayorww: yeah  Automatically installed: yes06:59
lemonsarecooli missed that06:59
quibblerredzheb:do as lemonsarecool say open a terminal and do: sudo dpkg -i ~/Desktop/oss-linux-4.1-1051_i386.deb06:59
Zykotic-K9dayo, i had the same problem with flash and sound before upgrading to intrepid - could only go back to pulse to fix it07:00
lemonsarecoolbut AFTER YOU DOWNLOAD IT07:00
lemonsarecooland type the FULL PATH07:00
redalphaDoes anyone else know why i'm getting "Could not access CD, please make sure other applications are not using it and try again" when trying to install ubuntu install of windows07:00
redzhebzykotuc-9: but how?07:00
rww!who | lemonsarecool07:00
quibblerlemonsarecool: he hasn't downloaded it?07:00
dayoZykotic-K9: damn. i'm trying to avoid upgrading to ibex07:00
ubottulemonsarecool: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)07:00
fidelitysystemHi what is the command on terminal to create a user?07:00
lemonsarecooli don't think he has07:00
lemonsarecoolhe didn't know how to wget07:00
Flannelfidelitysystem: adduser07:00
lemonsarecooland hasn't indicated that he did after i told him how07:00
TwistedGhostmabey you have a aplication that auto opes the cd when inserted that isnt working corectly07:00
=== _clem is now known as clem
Rave1_b3rz3rk3r,  maybe look at this,  http://www.array.org/ubuntu/07:00
lemonsarecoolcya guys07:00
fidelitysystemFlannel and to give sudo ?07:01
Zykotic-K9dayo, i love ibex - it's the best ubuntu yet07:01
Flannelfidelitysystem: Yeah, you'll need to use sudo.07:01
b3rz3rk3rRave1_, thx, il take a look now :)07:01
ubottuYou can use <tab> for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.07:01
quibblerredzheb:have you downloaded the file to your desktop or not?07:01
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Zykotic-K9i upgraded my desktop, eee, and htpc within the last month and have NOT looked back07:01
nitishHi guys! can anyone tell me how can i change my ip address without having to restart pc..07:01
fidelitysystemi know but i wants to my new user can use sudo..07:01
fidelitysystemhow i can give sudo to that user07:01
Flannelfidelitysystem: ah, you need to add that user to the admin group: adduser username admin07:02
redalphatwisted, not that im aware of07:02
TwistedGhostwhy would this happen--->  any time i try to watch a movie i get to watch about 1 - 2 mins then i have to hard reset my computer the picture freezes but the sound keeps going07:02
dayoZykotic-K9: what's the best way to upgrade?07:02
=== dopplerdeffect is now known as doppler|zzzZZZzz
Zykotic-K9nitish, "sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart"07:02
rww!upgrade | dayo07:02
ubottudayo: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading07:02
redalphamy auto play seems to be working fine07:02
Flannelfidelitysystem: (thats after you've added them as a user)07:02
Flannel!away > doppler|zzzZZZzz07:02
ubottudoppler|zzzZZZzz, please see my private message07:02
danes_where can I get dpkg-dev in .tar.gz extension?07:02
redzhebqubbler: yes i am downloaded on my desktop07:02
fidelitysystemthank u :)07:02
dayorww, Zykotic-K9: and i really like hardy :-(07:02
danes_where can I get dpkg-dev in .tar.gz extension?07:03
redalphaCan anyone think of anything else?07:03
quibblerredzheb: the file is on your desktop.07:03
redalpha =/07:03
Zykotic-K9dayo, I clean installed everything - but a buddy of mine upgraded with almost no problems at all.07:03
rww!repeat | danes_07:03
ubottudanes_: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience07:03
redzhebquilbbler: Yes it is... http://paste.ubuntu.com/124578/07:03
Zykotic-K9dayo, I've been using ubuntu exculsivly for several years and love it, every version is good07:04
TwistedGhostdoes anyone know why would this happen--->  any time i try to watch a movie i get to watch about 1 - 2 mins then i have to hard reset my computer the picture freezes but the sound keeps going07:04
Zykotic-K9TwistedGhost, the next time it happens try pressing "ctrl-alt-F1" and see if you get a console07:05
dayoZykotic-K9: well, i think i'll opt for the clean install, even though i hate reinstalling my laptop. it's a pain, and i often forget to backup my bookmarks and stuff like that07:05
TwistedGhostZykotic-K9i cant do anything07:05
lemonsarecooli'm baacckkk07:05
Zykotic-K9TwistedGhost, doesn't sound like you have an actual lockup if the sound keeps going (it's also not long enough for your scrensaver to be coming on???)07:05
Jangariwhat's the syntax of the crontab in ubuntu?07:05
redalphano one =/07:06
jmpsoftwarehi redalpha07:06
lemonsarecooli love compiz :)07:06
nosychow do I unzip multipart zip files without concatenating them first? Can p7zip do it?07:06
TwistedGhostnothing does anything i could push every button that is supposted to do anything at anytime and it does nothing cant ctrl alt bkspace or anything07:06
dayoJangari: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CronHowto07:06
lemonsarecooli can't stand to use "hard" windows after that!07:06
Zykotic-K9dayo, it your running linux right now on your laptop just backup your entire /home/<USERNAME> folder with all hidden files and folders and everything will be the same after you copy it back after the reinstall07:06
quibblerredzheb: do the same command (with a capital D not d in Desktop) : sudo dpkg -i ~/Desktop/oss-linux-4.1-1051_i386.deb07:06
TwistedGhostit doesnt let me even turn down the volume07:07
lemonsarecoolassuming you downloaded it to your desktop07:07
hmwwhat will be imported from a Fedora 10 user?07:07
redalphahey =)07:07
dayoZykotic-K9: i have /home on a separate partition, actually. can i just keep that during the reinstall?07:08
quibblerlemonsarecool: we have to assume he has eyes07:08
Zykotic-K9hmw, quite a lot of the settings files sould be transferable if your talking about the home directory07:08
redzhebquilbbler: thank very much sudo dpkg -i ~/Desktop/oss-linux-4.1-1051_i386.deb it's working :)07:08
Zykotic-K9dayo, LOL if you /home won't be affected by a reinstall then your home-free!07:08
quibblerredzheb: fine07:09
usserdayo, definetely07:09
Zykotic-K9dayo, just be careful not to overwrite it!07:09
lemonsarecooli have no desktop icons....07:09
bullgard4"The Evolution plugin 'Subject Threading' indicates if threading of messages should fall back to subject." What does it mean it falls back 'to subject'?07:09
Zykotic-K9lemonsarecool, can you open a terminal?07:09
quibblerlemonsarecool: i too07:09
dayoZykotic-K9, usser: oh, that's great, then! :-)07:09
Zykotic-K9lemonsarecool, what happens if you ctrl-alt-backspace?07:09
redzhebquibbler: but now I have other problem please see that http://paste.ubuntu.com/124581/07:10
Zykotic-K9if the guy about Windows 7 WUBI is still around - looks like it can't be done http://www.ubuntu-news.net/2009/01/31/how-to-solve-windows-7-and-ubuntu-810-under-wubi-boot-problem/07:11
redzhebquibbler: but now I have other problem please see that http://paste.ubuntu.com/124581/07:12
melikHey guys is it possible that the ubuntu desktop could just display my home folder instead of /home/*/Desktop?07:13
hmwmelik: it is.07:13
redalphaNoo!! still getting :  "Could not access CD, please make sure other applications are not using it and try again" when trying to install ubuntu install of windows07:13
Zykotic-K9melik, it's possible, not sure why07:13
redalphaany help? =/07:13
nosycwhen something takes a parameter like this: -i[r[-|0]]{@listfile|!wildcard}: Include filenames, what exactly is the syntax?07:14
melikany idea how i can set nautilus to do that?07:14
disappearednghow do I mount my second harddisk?07:14
Zykotic-K9melik, Desktop is just set to HOME/Desktop folder right now07:14
Flannelmelik: http://ploum.frimouvy.org/?201-the-aristocratic-desktop-part-2-home-is-desktop  There's a gconf setting for it07:14
hmwmelik: there is a file somewhere in your home dir (probably .gnome) which lists roughly 6 directories. change your desktop entry there. (cant look, what file, because my ubuntu isnt up right now)07:14
Zykotic-K9disappearedng, do you know what the dev address is?  ie /dev/sdb107:15
rwwmelik: /apps/nautilus/preferences/desktop_is_home_dir in gconf-editor07:15
hunt577Ok, I was installing ubuntu and then it said that it couldn't finish installing and to check the CD/DVD, then when I went to restart the computer my Windows Vista won't come up, just a black screen with a cursor07:15
disappearedngZykotic-K9 no, but how do I find that out?07:15
melikthanks a ton guys07:15
Zykotic-K9disappearedng, are they IDE or SATA drives07:16
hunt577what do I need to do to get Vista back?07:16
meliki was always sick of that Desktop folder :D07:16
jschallhow can i eliminate audio lag in flash?07:16
dayohunt577: sacrifice a virgin?07:17
dayohunt577: try your vista recovery disk?07:17
hunt577my computer didn't come with any Vista disk07:17
Zykotic-K9disappearedng, both drives?07:17
dayohunt577: maybe find someone who has a recovery disk. or try to reinstall ubuntu again07:17
Zykotic-K9disappearedng, type "mount | grep sd" and let me know07:18
jschallhunt577: i'd try a different ubuntu disk07:18
hunt577it won't apparently since there is something wrong with CD....wish it wouldn't have wiped out my computer before it installed07:18
dayohunt577: get a new ubuntu CD?07:18
Zykotic-K9disappearedng, each letter after sd<letter> is a different drive, and each number after sd<letter> is a partition07:18
dayohunt577: is it scratched up, or something?07:19
marko_can someone please let me know how i can get awn to start on startup? i know i have to go in system - preferences - session but im not sure where the program is installed07:19
disappearedng/dev/sda5 on / type ext3 (rw,relatime,errors=remount-ro) and /dev/sda2 on /mount/350gb type ufs (rw,ufstype=ufs2)07:19
hunt577no dayo07:19
hunt577I didn;t think it was going to take away Vista07:19
jschallhunt577: what exactly happens when you start the computer with no disk in the drive?07:19
hunt577nothing really07:19
ussermarko-_-, just set it to custom and type avant-window-navigator in the command field07:19
hunt577just a black screen with a cursor blinking07:19
jschallhunt577: ok, can you boot from your current livecd?07:20
disappearedngZykotic-K9 /dev/sda5 on / type ext3 (rw,relatime,errors=remount-ro) and /dev/sda2 on /mount/350gb type ufs (rw,ufstype=ufs2)07:20
Zykotic-K9hunt577, you've lost your boot loader and i have no idea how to reinstall it in Windows 7 (couldn't even do it with Vista, but i think i could do it with XP)07:20
lemonsarecoolok ok sooo guys07:20
lemonsarecooli have no icons07:20
FloodBot2lemonsarecool: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.07:20
martin_henrylemonsarecool: go easy on that Enter key man07:20
deadtechOh crazy.07:20
lemonsarecoolso can someone help?07:21
dayohunt577 Zykotic-K9 jschall: is there anything like Press F8 for Rescue Mode in Vista?07:21
Zykotic-K9disappearedng, that's two partitions but only one drive07:21
jschallhunt577: you can install the grub bootloader from the ubuntu livecd and get into windows that way.07:21
Zykotic-K9dayo, don't know?07:21
giovanidayo: there's no rescue mode if you can't load the operating system07:21
martin_henrylemonsarecool: are you in ubuntu? what version? do you have gnome panels?07:21
vigolemonsarecool: Reboot and choose Restore, or \\07:21
disappearedngZykotic-K9 oh I am actually using Gparted and I got everything fixed thanks07:21
* dayo rushes to lemonsarecool's keyboard with a fire extinguisher to save the Enter key07:21
bullgard4"The Evolution plugin 'Subject Threading' indicates if threading of messages should fall back to subject." Was bedeutet das: "Es fällt zurück auf Betreff"?07:21
bullgard4"The Evolution plugin 'Subject Threading' indicates if threading of messages should fall back to subject." What does it mean it falls back 'to subject'?07:22
dayogiovani: i see07:22
marko_thanks usser07:22
Zykotic-K9disappearedng, cool07:22
hunt577ok jschall and I can get back into vista?07:22
martin_henrylemonsarecool: you still there?07:22
giovanidayo: what he needs is a vista install cd, or a recovery cd, or to install grub07:22
Flannelbullgard4: Probably that it'll look for "Re: [old subject]" if theres not a proper in reply to header07:22
dayo!paste | bullgard407:22
ubottubullgard4: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)07:22
=== louiscvh is now known as louis`
Flanneldayo: erm, pastebin doesn't apply in that case.07:23
jschallhunt577: probably. depends what exactly happened and how you were trying to install ubuntu.07:23
dayogiovani: yeah, or maybe look for a different ubuntu cd07:23
bullgard4dayo: I did not flood the channel.07:23
jschallhunt577: can you get into the livecd on the ubuntu disk?07:23
hunt577that will load07:23
dayobullgard4: Flannel: yeah, i saw that just now. sorry07:23
Dillizarwhat was the command or the name of the package for nvidea drivers07:23
Rainium_Isotope_hey does anyone know how to change ubuntus default configuration back and forth from gdm & kde4-kdm?07:23
jschallhunt577: ok, are you in it now?07:24
hunt577loadingm now07:24
deadtechHello folks, I have a question about TV-out on my laptop.07:24
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about nvidea07:24
livingdaylightif i get kernel panic can my laptop be rescued?07:24
dayo!nvidia | Dillizar07:24
ubottuDillizar: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto07:24
louis`how i can change my screen resolution in terminal07:25
bullgard4Flannel: Ah! Thank you very much for explaining.07:25
lemonsarecoollouis`, with xorg.conf07:25
Zykotic-K9hunt577, jschall if this helps??? Reinstall Grub after Windows Install / Boot off LiveCD / sudo grub / root (hd0,0) - setup (hd0) - exit07:25
Dillizarlol dayo f*** miss spell :D07:25
louis`where is that lemon07:25
FlannelRainium_Isotope_: dpkg-reconfigure gdm07:25
louis`in /etc/?07:25
FlannelDillizar: obfuscated swearing still is.  Please refrain from it.  Thanks07:25
jschallZykotic-K9: those numbers might be a bit different07:26
louis`where is xorg.conf?07:26
hunt577livecd loading now07:26
Zykotic-K9jschall, YES!!!! very true07:26
Rainium_Isotope_Flannel, and what if the default is kdm?07:26
jschallhunt577: ok if i PM you? it's a bit crowded in here07:26
Zykotic-K9jschall, but that's the steps!!!  Partitions could be differnt don't overwright something!!!07:27
livingdaylightmy laptop get kernel panic after i did dist-upgrade. Can it be rescued please?07:27
Dillizardayo the link doesnt work07:27
FlannelRainium_Isotope_: reconfiguring gdm should allow you to choose between display managers, regardless of whichever one you're on.  If not, try switching gdm to kdm (or kde4-kdm or whatever it is)07:27
Zykotic-K9louis`, /etc/X11/07:28
Rainium_Isotope_ok cool, but it wont delete any settings will it Flannel?07:28
FlannelRainium_Isotope_: Nah, you're just choosing which display manager to use07:28
Rainium_Isotope_awesome, thank you Flannel07:28
dayoDillizar: works for me :-/07:28
livingdaylightmy laptop get kernel panic after i did dist-upgrade. Can it be rescued please?07:28
vigolivingdaylight: Use the Restore at boot, you can choose the previous kernel or whatever.07:28
livingdaylightis this a diffficult question?07:28
deadtechI looked at the link, I don't think I need that one.  My built-in laptop monitor works fine, and I even got the TV-out to display on my tv, but the tv only shows the bottom right 2/3rds of the screen.  Any ideas?07:29
hunt577loaded livecd but geez, just a blank screen now07:29
livingdaylightvigo, because i did upgrade from feisty all previous kernels are of the 8.10 variety07:29
usserlivingdaylight, try booting into older kernel07:29
jschallhunt577: probably something wrong with the cd. try pressing ctrl-alt-f107:29
livingdaylightusser, as i said this doesn't resolve the problem07:30
usserlivingdaylight, the grub may report that kernels are blahblah(intrepid) but they are actually old ones unchanged07:30
livingdaylighti can't even get into a #shell07:30
vigolivingdaylight: That is why every OS suggests that regular backups are made of stable installs. Ubuntu and others have a restore feature in the boot or grub that can help that.07:30
mobodo_anyone has set his IP to a static ip? I can't seem to get it right07:30
livingdaylightplease tell me how i can restore?07:30
ussermobodo_, whats the problem?07:30
searhi I don't have root assess on my machine, I deleted the user that did07:31
Rainium_Isotope_hey Flannel, it says they can run simultaneously, but to edit each of their init scripts, and disable something, u know anything about that?07:31
vigolivingdaylight: Reboot. select the last stable kernel07:31
livingdaylightusser, well, i chose older ones to try and it takes me to login screen where mouse is frozen07:31
usserlivingdaylight, if you didnt have a backup you can boot into livecd backup your /home and do a clean install07:31
vigoor what usser said07:31
livingdaylightusser, now that is helpful... thx i'll do that07:31
mobodo_usser: when I use the Network Configuration tool it's not permanent, when I edit /etc/network/interfaces, I don't see eth0 in my ifconfig07:32
livingdaylightvigo, thx, but as i said i tried your suggestion to no avail07:32
ussermobodo_, pastebin your /etc/network/interfaces07:32
jschalli love how transmission gives ridiculously low ETAs even when it has a consistent amount of bandwidth. it said 9 minutes remaining literally 50 minutes ago and it's had a steady 160KB/s down since it started.07:32
searusser: I lost my root acsess :((07:33
livingdaylightusser, how do i access my files on a hard drive from a live cd?07:33
jschalland it's just barely finishing now07:33
usserjschall, corrupt chunks may have caused that07:33
jschallusser: failed DL: none.07:33
vigolivingdaylight: I did the same thing, had to re-install once, once I used the restore, I do not know if that is still available after a kernel/distro upgrade.07:33
mobodo_usser: http://pastebin.com/m3eae64a507:33
Zykotic-K9mobodo_, are you running ibex?07:33
usserlivingdaylight, you have to mount your ubuntu partition, look into /dev/ its usually sda1 or sda207:33
livingdaylightvigo, apparently not07:33
hunt577ok jchall I am in the livecd now07:33
jschallusser: it does this to me consistently, with everything i download. so annoying.07:33
The|SmurfanizerOk.. is there a way to get the tool bar back on this thing?07:34
bullgard4ppq: Ein Ubuntu-Offzieller vermutet: Wenn dieses Plugin installiert und eingeschaltet ist und im Kopf der empfangenen E-Mail keine passende Zeile 'In reply to' findet, nimmt Evolution dafür den Inhalt der Zeile "Re: [old subject]".07:34
Zykotic-K9mobodo_, my static seems to reset sometime after reboot for some reason.07:34
Flannel!de | bullgard407:34
ubottubullgard4: In den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.07:34
livingdaylightusser, i have to 'mount' ok-thx07:34
FlannelRainium_Isotope_: Why are you interested in having them both run?07:34
jschallhunt577: ok, click applications, accessories, terminal07:34
mobodo_Zykotic-K9: in my case, it's on every reboot07:34
ussermobodo_, add auto eth007:34
Zykotic-K9mobodo_, ibex?07:34
livingdaylightbullgard4, lol07:34
gaurav__hello every one07:35
mobodo_Zykotic-K9: not sure what that is, but "which ibex" returns nothing07:35
gaurav__i m new to use this program07:35
gaurav__can anyone tell07:35
livingdaylightbullgard4, heisst der Ubuntu-Offizieller Tom Cruise?07:35
mobodo_usser: before the iface eth0?07:35
gaurav__wht is it all abt07:35
Rainium_Isotope_because i will probably run kde4 desktop just as much as gnome07:35
livingdaylightgaurav__, which program?07:35
searyukki scientology07:35
Zykotic-K9mobodo_, what version of ubuntu are you using07:35
ussermobodo_, yea07:35
gaurav__Xchat livingday~07:35
* sear hates tom cruise07:35
hunt577ok jschall I am there07:35
gaurav__and thx for rep07:36
Flannel!offtopic | livingdaylight, sear07:36
ubottulivingdaylight, sear: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!07:36
The|SmurfanizerGrrr at Tom Cruise07:36
Rainium_Isotope_flannel- because i will probably run kde4 desktop just as much as gnome07:36
mobodo_usser: seems to have done it :)07:36
usserlivingdaylight, sudo mount /dev/sda[1-9] /mnt07:36
The|SmurfanizerHe used to be cool... and now he just sucks07:36
jschallhunt577: type "sudo grub" (without the quotes)07:36
disappearedngAny1 here knows how I can mount a ext2 extension to my system?07:36
Zykotic-K9mobodo_, "cat /etc/issue" is it 8.10?07:36
FlannelRainium_Isotope_: Ah.  You can choose them (regardless of desktop manager) by going to "sessions" on that screen and chosing one.07:36
mobodo_Zykotic-K9: yes07:36
hunt577ok jschall done07:36
The|SmurfanizerAny way to get the toolbar back?07:37
jschallhunt577: you have a grub> prompt?07:37
Zykotic-K9mobodo_, does your /etc/network/interfaces look like: auto lo07:37
Zykotic-K9iface lo inet loopback07:37
Zykotic-K9auto eth007:37
Zykotic-K9iface eth0 inet static07:37
FloodBot2Zykotic-K9: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.07:37
hunt577yes jschall07:37
gaurav__hello livingdaylight07:37
gaurav__i have just tired to add u to my frnds07:37
Rainium_Isotope_Flannel: i know but it still inhibits you from doing certain things once youve reached the desktop in that environment if your running on the opposite configuration.07:37
gaurav__did u get my request07:37
FlannelRainium_Isotope_: I've never heard anything like that.07:37
disappearedngZykotic-K9 hey I actually formatted it correctly but how do I still mount it now ? (sorry for troubling you again)07:38
livingdaylightgaurav__, no, i did not. I try too to add you to my buddy list07:38
gaurav__dnt knw how to add u07:38
Zykotic-K9disappearedng, "mount /dev/sd?? /mnt" sorta thing?07:39
livingdaylightgaurav__, don't worry about it... you are in my heart07:39
Rainium_Isotope_Flannel: Like it wont let me adjust certain gnome settings if the default config is set as kde07:39
jschalldoes anyone know grub setup better than i do?07:39
gaurav__thx for tht07:39
The|SmurfanizerUhmm... anyone?07:39
gaurav__same place u have got07:39
gaurav__so now i get07:39
gaurav__this place is for all technical07:39
Zykotic-K9jschall, what are you trying to do? with grub07:39
FloodBot2gaurav__: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.07:39
louis`what is the command to connect in terminal another account?07:39
quibbler!enter | gaurav__07:40
ubottugaurav__: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!07:40
jschallZykotic-K9: hunt577 needs to know what to type into the grub prompt to install grub and get windows vista booting07:40
Rainium_Isotope_Flannel: well anyway thanks for the help, ill figure it out from here if i want to go any further. thanks again!07:40
gaurav__hey living day light did u read tht msg for my name,wht does tht mean?07:41
disappearedngwell how do I know what is the name of the /dev/sd??07:41
hunt577I am at the grub prompt now07:41
Zykotic-K9hunt577, jschall i'm not certain... is there any boot loader right now?07:41
Zykotic-K9hunt577, jschall or just flashing cursor right?07:41
Dillizarhow can i make that checking of the hdd at booting manually07:42
FlannelDillizar: You want to fsck the next time you boot?07:42
Zykotic-K9hunt577, there is a sort of autocomplet in grub... it's kinda neat07:42
Dillizaryes Flannel07:42
realsifohelo all. i have a question. how to make repo in usb flashdics07:42
hunt577flashing cursor next to grub07:42
FlannelDillizar: `sudo touch /forcefsck` and then reboot07:42
Zykotic-K9hunt577, do you want to reinstall grub onto the MBR?07:42
hunt577I need to be able to load up Vista07:43
Flannel!ko | prob07:43
ubottuprob: For Korean help, /join #ubuntu-ko07:43
Dillizarthanks Flannel lemme try ;)07:43
jschallZykotic-K9: yes, he wants to07:43
hunt577right now I can't and just get a blank screen when I power on my computer07:43
lemonsarecoolanybody know how to enable 32-bit color?07:43
realsifoi need repo in ufd because my cd is broken07:43
hunt577I am there now where it says grub, what comes next?07:43
Zykotic-K9hunt577, try tying "root (hd<press the tab key>" but cancel the line out (DO NOT PRESS ENTER)07:43
rww!usb | realsifo07:43
ubotturealsifo: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent07:43
nxmehtai'm trying to use a usb webcam in a virtual machine... how do i make sure ubuntu isn't accessing it so it's available to the vm?07:44
quibblergaurav__: it means that when you say something here, type everything on ONE line and do not use the enter key until you are finished with what you wish to say...this is a support channel and if you only wish to chat please go to #ubuntu-offtopic.07:44
Zykotic-K9hunt577, it sould autocomplete a little and show you the possible drives07:44
lemonsarecoolcan i say penis?07:44
=== The|Smurfanizer is now known as Smurfie
lemonsarecoolbe glad i asked07:44
rwwlemonsarecool: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Color_depth#32-bit_color , and no, as far as I know you can't "enable" 32-bit color on Linux.07:45
hunt577type in root and hit tab?07:45
Flannellemonsarecool: This is a support channel, please remain on topic.07:45
Zykotic-K9hunt577, like the TAB button on your keyboard, it should automatically type in probably "(hd0,0)" sorta thing07:46
Zykotic-K9hunt577, is your prompt a ">"?07:46
bamhm182hey, I've been trying to make a file for the last hour or 2, but it's not letting me07:47
martin_henrybamhm182: what kinda file?07:47
=== squiddy is now known as Guest89782
hunt577it doesn't do anything07:47
hunt577just says root rootnoverify07:47
Zykotic-K9hunt577, is your prompt a ">"07:48
martin_henrybamhm182 do you have build-essential?07:48
rww!pm | lemonsarecool07:48
hunt577what is the exact thing I should be typing in here?07:48
ubottulemonsarecool: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.07:48
bamhm182I just installed it07:48
Zykotic-K9hunt577, I thought you said you where in grub?07:48
jschallZykotic-K9: he is typing root and pressing tab, the autocomplete is suggesting 2 commands, root and rootnoverify.07:48
jschallZykotic-K9: he definitely is07:49
rwwlemonsarecool: and no, considering that 32-bit color essentially /is/ 24-bit color, I've never noticed a difference on Windows (which is the only place I've seen it).07:49
lemonsarecoolrww, jeez sorry07:49
bamhm182Well, I installed it about 15 minutes ago07:49
Zykotic-K9hunt577, jschall I thought is was in grub?  but the grub prompt is a >07:49
jschallZykotic-K9: he wants to type "root (hd" then press tab07:49
lemonsarecoolso monitor's can't even really display 32-bit?07:49
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rwwlemonsarecool: did you read the wikipedia link I sent you?07:50
jschalllemonsarecool: they can't.07:50
martin_henrybamhm182 try running as root (type "sudo" before the command)07:50
=== cmrn|away is now known as cmrn
jschalllemonsarecool: you want 24-bit color depth07:50
lemonsarecoolrww: what link...07:50
* rww facepalms07:50
lemonsarecoolok ok i get it now07:50
lemonsarecooloh that one07:50
bamhm182martin_henry yeah, I tried that too, I've tried just about everything07:50
lemonsarecoolmissed it.  sorry07:50
=== cmrn is now known as cmrn|away
rwwlemonsarecool: whatever. 32-bit color depth is basically the same as 24-bit color depth. use 24-bit color depth. it works fine. fin.07:50
lemonsarecooli get it!07:51
martin_henrybamhm182 can you try to re-download? or can you get a different version of that program?07:51
mobodo_once I have dd a drive to a file, is it possible to mount it from the file?07:51
lemonsarecooloh what emerald theme to use....07:52
lemonsarecoolso many choices....07:52
jschalllemonsarecool: please don't troll again in the future. it probably helped you get attention this time, but next time it's more likely to get you banned, and your issue won't be solved.07:52
hunt577what should I do next?07:52
lemonsarecooljschall: ?how did i troll07:52
bamhm182martin_henry, I think the problem may be with vfdecrypt07:52
rwwmobodo_: sudo mount -o loop filename_of_file /path/to/mountpoint07:52
bamhm182martin_henry this time it looks like it actually made the file07:53
mobodo_rww: thanks :)07:53
Zykotic-K9jschall, hunt577 i can't figure out if your at a bash prompt or the grub prompt?07:53
martin_henrybamhm182 ok good07:53
jschalllemonsarecool: hint: you got kicked for it.07:53
hunt577I am at the grub prompt07:53
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jschallZykotic-K9: he's clearly at the grub prompt07:53
bamhm182martin_henry, when I type in sudo make install, it tells me this http://pastebin.com/m511b9bab07:54
Zykotic-K9hunt577, if you want to install grub to the MBR the line should look something like "root (hd0,0)" then press enter (step 1)07:54
lemonsarecooljschall: well that was a kinda late response...07:54
Flannellemonsarecool: Please stay on topic07:55
Zykotic-K9hunt577, the next line is like "setup (hd0)"07:55
lemonsarecool  /facepalm07:55
jschalllemonsarecool: just some friendly advice.07:55
martin_henrybamhm182 i'm not sure I can help, sorry07:55
Zykotic-K9hunt577, then type "exit" (step 3 - last step)07:55
Cool_Nickthough check: I have compiled a new kernel and was wondering if I could just copy the new modules into an old initrd?07:55
bamhm182alright, no problem, I'll try installing vfdecrypt and see what happens07:55
lemonsarecooli have no desktop icons07:56
hunt577Error 17: Cannot Mount Selected Partition07:56
lemonsarecoolfiles, folders, and launchers show up, but the trash, computer, network, and home icons that i enabled in gconf-editor don't07:56
lemonsarecoollouis` was gay07:56
kalvin_hi can someone help, im using a program called ushare to stream my movies, is there a way i can find out what the ip and port that its using?07:57
hateballkalvin_: netstat07:58
Dillizarit seems my sound doesnt work any more, and the startup music its one one sec and then STOP07:58
Dillizarhelp :)07:58
hunt577thanks for the help guys I will try to find some sort of restore CD I don't think I have one, hopefully my computer is not dead07:58
kalvin_how can that help me? i dont see anything07:59
Zykotic-K9kalvin_, from the man page it says ushare uses a random port above a certain number, but it can be set to run on a specified port07:59
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Zykotic-K9kalvin_, UPnP that's cool08:00
Dillizari have this all the time 'Audio output unavailable; the device is busy'08:01
Zykotic-K9Dillizar, do you know what audio subsystem your running?  OSS is old and not too good with sharing, Alsa is better with sharing and Pulse seems to be the best.  YMMV08:02
bartmon1Lol, audacity froze my box twice in a row now. couldn't even ssh in to kill it.08:02
StylesHey, I'm using Kubuntu (KDE 4.2) and I set a desktop setting ... and now my screens all black... and I don't know how to reset it back to normal ...08:02
DillizarZykotic-K9, i think i have ALSA08:02
DillizarZykotic-K9, how can i check what i am using08:02
Zykotic-K9Dillizar, do you know if it's one app in particular that is stealing the audio?08:03
Cool_Nickmkinitramfs is not making a bootable initrd for me.  Gets stuck at 'waiting for filesystem...'.  The kernel I compiled uses the same options as the ubuntu kernel (just newer version).  What should I do?08:03
DillizarZykotic-K9, nope i just turn on the PC08:03
Zykotic-K9Dillizar, so you have no audio at all?08:03
DillizarZykotic-K9, nope when i started the start up song jammed08:04
Zykotic-K9Dillizar, have you ever had sound?08:04
DillizarZykotic-K9, yeah just before i installed Nvidia08:05
Zykotic-K9Dillizar, nvidia would have installed or reconfigured your kernel, anything special about your sound card?08:05
DillizarZykotic-K9, its onboard :D08:06
natschilhi, I have a problem with NetworkManager, I am using a mobile broadband card which I want to share to other computers. when i set the ipv4 settings to "shared to other computers" for a Wired connection, this works allright, but I can't access the other computers on the network. Suggestions?08:06
DillizarZykotic-K9, standart AC9708:06
DillizarZykotic-K9, intel i think08:07
Zykotic-K9Dillizar, ya got the same sorta sound setup on two machines :)08:07
bamhm182Whenever I type anything in in terminal, it says no file or directory exists08:07
natschilDillizar: have you tried reinstalling the nvidia drivers?08:07
sezoommorning , how may i list all the users who are connected using ssh?08:07
bamhm182sudo: unable to execute ./vfdecrypt: No such file or directory08:07
bamhm182I know for a fact that it does exist08:07
natschilbamhm182: you need to make the file executable (e.g. "chmod 755 /path/to/file")08:08
rwwbamhm182: chmod +x vfdecrypt08:08
Dillizarnatschil, do ya know the name of the nvidia drivers so i can apt-get them08:08
Zykotic-K9bamhm182, are you in that directory cause the ./ means right here08:08
natschilDillizar: well, how did you install them in the first place ?08:08
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto08:08
bamhm182Yeah, I'm there08:08
redzhebanybody help. I installed oss driver and now when i cheked for my sound card it's tell me that no found sound card. Please help. How i can install my sound card08:09
Dillizarnatschil, WELL hardware drivers08:09
Zykotic-K9bamhm182, did you set it executable as natschil suggested?08:09
bamhm182also, I typed in chmod +x vfdecrypt and it didn't work08:09
redzhebanybody help. I installed oss driver and now when i cheked for my sound card it's tell me that no found sound card. Please help. How i can install my sound card08:09
Zykotic-K9redzheb, (SORRY) but didn't i suggest that it might not be a good idea to install that like an hour ago (SORRY kinda funny if it is though)08:10
Dillizarsomething is wrong with sudo lshw -C video my graphic card is not 32bit08:11
Zykotic-K9redzheb, have you tried uninstalling and reinstalling "alsa-base" from Synaptic?08:12
bamhm182I also tried chmod 755 /path/to/file as per natschil's suggestion08:12
bamhm182didn't work08:12
bamhm182This computer hates me...08:13
Zykotic-K9bamhm182, wait a sec what is the full path?08:13
Zykotic-K9bamhm182, what is vfdecrypt? vf sounds like virtual filesystem?08:14
bamhm182not exactly sure08:14
Zykotic-K9bamhm182, LOL your trying to get files off an ipod or iphone08:15
bamhm182I'm trying to get the iPhone SDK installed on Ubuntu and I was trying to install dmg2img and than it kept giving me errors about vfdecrypt08:16
Zykotic-K9bamhm182, sorry man i have zero experience with an apple stuff, especially iphone/ipod stuff - don't own any...08:17
bamhm182Too bad I don't have 100k to blow on a mac ><08:18
bamhm182I've been trying since Wednesday to get access to the iPhone SDK,,,08:18
Zykotic-K9bamhm182, ehhh i prefer linux to be honest - don't get me wrong Apples are sexy, my ex use to have on, i installed x and install a quasi-ports tree ala: freebsd very neat stuff.  but i still prefer linux :)08:19
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bamhm182I'm really don't like Macs, but I really want to mess with the iPhone SDK08:20
Zykotic-K9bamhm182, i think iphones are very cool, probably the best phone on the market, but i'm also really hopeful for the Google G108:21
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!08:21
bamhm182Yeah, I got an iPod Touch last week, almost haven't put it down since I got it08:22
natschilbamhm182: well, I wouldn't think that you can just "execute" random files from the iphone, as you'll probably need the iphone kernel to do this.08:22
rdw200169bamhm182, it has some pretty fun games :)08:22
bamhm182I know08:22
bamhm182I've looked into it08:22
bamhm182Indeed it does rdw08:22
Flannelbamhm182, rdw200169, natschil: mind taking this conversation to #ubuntu-offtopic?  thanks08:23
bamhm182You need to make the game, than pay $100 and you get a license that lets you put it on the iPod/Phone than you can use it08:23
natschilIf you really do want to execute this file, doing something like using sudo chmod 755 <path to file> might help, as I'm not sure about whether you have the permissions to do so08:23
natschilFlannel : sure08:23
bamhm182Flannel, no problem08:23
mostafahow can install tar file08:24
ziroday`!compile | mostafa08:24
ubottumostafa: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)08:24
natschilanyway, I have another question: Is there a way to share internet connetions using nm but still be able to access the computers you are sharing the internet to?08:25
Zykotic-K9mostafa, a tar file is a compress file (sorta, not really compress at all), from the terminal you can use "tar -xvf file.tar" to extract it, but be careful if there are lots of files inside08:25
mgolischits an archive..08:25
Cool_NickHow do I copy files from directory a to directory b using directory c as a reference for which files to copy (must be recurrsive and keep links as links)?08:26
huwenfenghello, i got a HP 6530s laptop, with Intel 7370, and GMA 4500 on board graphic card. and my problem is that : " when i use "Movie Player" or "MPlayer" to play movies , the screen goes black, and the system just do not response any more. I can only Press The Power key to let the system down, and then restart the computer. But when i use the RealPlayer to play rmvb movies, it's all right! and what's more. In my Windows in  VMware, when i use Kmplayer to 08:26
Zykotic-K9Cool_Nick, that's beyond my scripting abilities but good luck (it's that using directory c as a reference) that makes thinks more difficult08:27
huwenfengOH, i am using Ubuntu 8.04 LTS, and when i use the Hardware Test, when comes to the Graphics Card Test, the system crashes. How can i solve this!08:27
Cool_NickZykotic-K9, I was hoping some utilitie would do that like rsync or some advanced copy command08:28
Zykotic-K9huwenfeng, <joke>don't do the Hardware Test08:28
huwenfeng hello, i got a HP 6530s laptop, with Intel 7370, and GMA 4500 on board graphic card. and my problem is that : " when i use "Movie Player" or "MPlayer" to play movies , the screen goes black, and the system just do not response any more. I can only Press The Power key to let the system down, and then restart the computer. But when i use the RealPlayer to play rmvb movies, it's all right! and what's more. In my Windows in  VMware, when i use Kmplayer to08:28
Zykotic-K9Zykotic-K9, it's that comparing with directory c thing that messes it up???08:28
rww!repeat > huwenfeng08:29
ubottuhuwenfeng, please see my private message08:29
magnetronCool_Nick→ maybe you could first do a rsync copy from c to b, then do an rsync update on the files in b by syncing from directory a?08:30
Borgonhello, is there a way to make google show only 1 domain per slot? it keeps showing same domain just diff links.08:30
Cool_Nickmagnetron, Im trying to read how to do that now...never really used rsync before08:31
magnetronBorgon→ we don't provide support for google here. you are asking in the #ubuntu channel.08:31
Borgoni figured that, and why cant u just answer the question08:31
Borgonstop being a ahole08:32
hmwThere seems to be a problem, when your extended partition is not the last entry (hda3 instead of hda4): (Ubuntu 8.10) hda1(ntfs) hda2(ntfs) hda3(EXT.PART) hda4(ext3) hda5(swap) hda6(ext3) hda7(ext3) - can I make Ubuntu see hda4 automatically? I can mount it in the shell. (my IDE drives show as sda of course) Mounting hda4 manually to /media/somename does not work really (doesnt appear on desktop, or shows "/")08:33
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Flannel!attitude | Borgon08:33
ubottuBorgon: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines08:33
bamhm182anyone know why terminal refuses to see ANYTHING?08:34
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Borgonok up tight mofos08:34
Acydbamhm182, is your monitor turned on?08:34
FlannelBorgon: This is a help channel for Ubuntu, please respect that.08:34
AcydBy see you mean show you graphically or find things?08:34
Zykotic-K9hmw, if you mount something from the terminal it doesn't show up on the destkop, it show up where you mounted it /media/somename (that also requires the /media/somename to exist)08:34
AcydZykotic-K9, interesting, didn't notice that!08:35
bamhm182I mean find things, for EVERYTHING that I type in, it says it doesn't exist08:35
Acydtype ls08:35
AcydSee anything?08:35
rwwbamhm182: pastebin the output of "ls -la", please08:36
bamhm182yes, stuff happened08:36
bamhm182there it is rww08:37
Squyntihello I have two computers here as othe other computer is dual booting windows with ubuntu however i ve encountered problems here that there are two seperate ones are: ubuntu cannot find one specific file to get it installed and, somehow ubuntu messed up the windows partition by hiding it...08:37
rwwbamhm182: I meant in the same directory that you did the command before08:38
Squyntianyone could care enuff to help me out?08:38
bamhm182there it is rww08:39
yoyit2i have a folder called Allgrey.tar that i downloaded as a icon theme. how do i install it?08:39
crdlbyoyit2: icon themes can be dragged into the Appearance preferences window08:39
GeneralGustavIf im doing a bunch of piping do i need to specify sudo per segment?!?08:40
GeneralGustavFor instance, blah | blah | blah08:40
FlannelGeneralGustav: yes.08:40
GeneralGustavAhhhhhh that'll be my problem. hehehe.08:40
FlannelGeneralGustav: and if you need to output to a file (>) use `| sudo tee` instead (or >> becomes | sudo tee -a)08:40
yoyit2crdlb: it says its not a valid them file08:40
bamhm182did you get that link rww?08:41
crdlbyoyit2: ok, manually extract it with file-roller08:41
GeneralGustavFlannel, Cool, thanks for the tip! Im trying to turn a clonezilla backup into an img.08:41
rwwbamhm182: what's the output of "file vfdecrypt" (again, in that directory)08:41
yoyit2crdlb: im REALLY new to ubuntu (x vista user) how do i do all this? walkthtough?08:42
crdlbyoyit2: you can put it in ~/.icons so that you see the following layout: ~/.icons/THEME_NAME/XXxYY/ (there should be several size directories at this level)08:42
bamhm182rrw, http://pastebin.com/m5eb759bc08:43
crdlbyoyit2: maybe I should take a look :) Where did you find this icon theme?08:43
rwwbamhm182: give me a minute or two, i'm gonna test something.08:44
yoyit2crdlb: http://sudosys.be/?q=fully_transparent_ubuntu08:44
Squyntino one seem to understand myproblem?08:44
bullgard4How can I use an Evolution adressbook on a Ubuntu 8.04.2 computer on another Ubuntu 8.04.2 computer in the same LAN?08:44
GeneralGustavFlannel, Gah, its being a pain...  Its asking me for my pw but ntfsclone gets in the way... Is there anyway of sudoing the entire string in one go?08:44
Zykotic-K9Squynti, i kinda understand your problem but messing with boot tables can be very messy (especially across irc)08:45
FlannelGeneralGustav: You could.  Or you can `sudo -i` and open a root shell (and then 'exit' once you're done)08:45
GeneralGustavFlannel, I think i'll do that.08:45
Dillizarmy nvidia druvers are in use but still 640x480 an ideas08:45
GeneralGustavFlannel, Thanks08:45
Zykotic-K9Squynti, is it that grub can't boot windows anymore?08:46
SquyntiZykotic-K9: ok i appreciate if you helpme as I'll be careful and I can explain to you  as much depth as I can s'alrite with you?08:46
SquyntiZykotic-K9: actually i do see grub prompt08:46
Squyntilet me go in that os right now...08:47
Zykotic-K9Squynti, when the computer first starts up?  do you see any choices?08:47
GeneralGustavYESSS It works.08:47
Shay26Hello , I need help please , i would like to play wmv movie on Ubuntu , but it seems the sound have delay ?08:47
crdlbyoyit2: I see what happened08:47
GeneralGustavFlannel, Thanks! Also, I just thought, If I wanted to, I could turn it into a shell script and sudo that, right?08:47
Cool_NickHow do I force an rsync if the files aren't newer?08:47
yoyit2crdlb: so how can i get this to work?08:47
crdlbyoyit2: .tar is an archive (a collection of files in a single file), which is then compressed (.gz)08:48
SquyntiZykotic-K9: do you mean boot menu? windows -> ubuntu? yes08:48
crdlbyoyit2: you need to rename the original .gz file you got from the website to .tar.gz08:48
nbentonis on average 300mb of ram usage good? x.X08:48
Zykotic-K9Squynti, and what happens for each?08:48
crdlbotherwise, gnome gets confused08:48
yoyit2crdlb: then once ive renamed it, then it will work to drag and drop it into appearence pref?08:49
rwwbamhm182: okay, so "sudo ./vfdecrypt" gives you that "unable to execute" error?08:49
crdlbyoyit2: yeah08:49
rwwbamhm182: when you run it inside the dmg2img-1.3 directory?08:49
rwwbamhm182: because I just downloaded http://vu1tur.eu.org/tools/download.pl?dmg2img-1.3.tar.gz , untarred it, installed the libssl-dev and zlib1g-dev packages, ran make inside the dmg2lib-1.3 directory, and then did "sudo ./vfdecrypt" and it worked fine.08:51
bamhm182rww, it says sudo: unable to execute ./vfdecrypt: No such file or directory08:51
yoyit2crdlb: so i renamed the folder from ALLGREY.tar to ALLGREY.tar.gz and it still just flots away when i drag and drop into the Appearance Preferences08:51
Squyntiwell initally, after ubuntu installed, i could boot both just fine until the last boot into ubuntu as it was asking me to find (find --set-root --ignore-floppies /ubuntu/install/boot/grub/menu.lst     error 15: file not found then i somewhat fiddle a bit afterwards in the grub before rebotin into windows then...08:51
Zykotic-K9rww what's the output of ls -l vfdecrypt08:51
rwwZykotic-K9: -rwxr-xr-x 1 robert robert 21625 2009-03-01 00:47 vfdecrypt08:52
SquyntiI get into windows error such as autochk program not found skipping autocheck08:52
rwwZykotic-K9: that's fresh off the "make" command. No chmod needed.08:52
bamhm182where did you find libssl-dev and zlib1g-dev?08:52
DarkKnightcan anyone help in this discussion.. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=108333508:52
crdlbyoyit2: no, the original .gz from deviantart08:52
bamhm182I looked in the package manager and can't find them08:52
rwwbamhm182: they're in the repositories. sudo apt-get install libssl-dev and zlib1g-dev08:52
rwwbamhm182: what version of Ubuntu are you using?08:52
yoyit2crdlb:  ??08:52
Zykotic-K9rww, ?08:53
rwwZykotic-K9: what?08:53
crdlbyoyit2: http://amadme.deviantart.com/art/ALLGREY-7979852908:53
Zykotic-K9rww i have no idea, sorry.08:53
crdlbyoyit2: the file you get when you click download there08:53
rwwbamhm182: they're both in Intrepid's main repository.08:53
Zykotic-K9Squynti, could you do me a favour and start any responses directed at my with my Handle typeing "Zy" then pressing tab might autocomplete it08:54
bamhm182http://pastebin.com/d40a526e3 rww, it says that08:55
bamhm182brb, I need new batteries08:55
Squynti<Zykotic-K9>  Im on mirc (which I really hate) and iot wouldnt work but Illkeep in mind08:55
rwwbamhm182: firstly, you don't need the "and" there ;). secondly, that error means you have another package manager open. close any synaptic windows you see.08:55
Squyntiis this ok?08:55
Zykotic-K9Squynti, that grub error about error 15 usually means that it can't see even your root partion, if you boot off the live cd can you see both partitons08:56
bamhm182sorry, I'm tired ><08:56
bamhm182that works08:56
yoyit2crdlb: thx08:56
zertyuiohi there08:56
crdlbyoyit2: even though that file's extension, is .gz, it's really a .tar.gz08:56
zertyuioi cant to able to boot correctly to my ubuntu08:56
zertyuioi got a black screen08:56
bamhm182alright, got those installed, now what rww?08:56
zertyuiodoing startx08:57
zertyuionothing change08:57
zertyuiohave i reinstall ubuntu completly  ?08:57
bamhm182still says it doesn't exist08:57
SquyntiZykotic-K9: actually Im not too sure of the last part whatyou said... but im  goin to assume that I dont see it because I dont know of it08:57
SquyntiZykotic-K9: also I'd have to assume that ubuntu had hidden my windows partition somehow??08:58
Zykotic-K9Squynti, just so i'm clear - can you boot into windows right now?08:58
rwwbamhm182: then I ran the "make" command from the dmg2img directory.08:58
SquyntiZykotic-K9: no08:58
Zykotic-K9Squynti, i've never heard of hidden partition really.  can you get into ubuntu right now then?08:59
yoyit2crdlb: yea thx. u know how Xchat has a transparency option, how the border of the window is solid, but the background to the window is transparent, how can i do this with the reest of my theme????08:59
SquyntiZykotic-K9: as I mentioned i received the windows error : autochk program not found skipping autocheck08:59
harlemdavveyhey guys, i have a quick question: will my cd burner work with ubuntu 8.10 if i always had problems with it even when i was in Windows xp?08:59
Zykotic-K9Squynti, and ubuntu can you get into it?08:59
bamhm182rww, it made it like it was supposed to that time08:59
zertyuionoone helops08:59
SquyntiZykotic-K9: technically I can go into ubuntu but only at grub prompt08:59
zertyuioi got a black screen09:00
zertyuioi cant to able to boot correctly to my ubuntu09:00
zertyuiohave i reinstall ubuntu completly  ?09:00
rwwharlemdavvey: I assume that would depend on what's wrong with your CD burner. If it's broken hardware-wise, I'd assume not.09:00
crdlbyoyit2: that can only be done if the application supports it09:00
bamhm182now I ran dmg2img -i image.dmg -o newimage.img and it looks like it's thinking about it09:00
harlemdavveyrww: well, it always had some problems but it depended on windows xp09:00
Zykotic-K9Squynti, so that's really a no unfortunatly.  you have no working os to actually make any changes, except the grub prompt - so we need to make it boot into something.09:00
rwwbamhm182: huzzah09:01
yoyit2crdlb: but there arnt any transparency themes? the one on the link i sent you http://sudosys.be/?q=fully_transparent_ubuntu doesnt work for me09:01
SquyntiZykotic-K9: so what am I to do now?09:01
apersonI have this script running every minute as root, why won't my computer shutdown?: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/124614/09:01
harlemdavveyrww: i'm not expecting to have it working with ubuntu but i'm just asking if it's possible to "predict" if it will be working good in linux without trying it09:01
bamhm182Now hopefully it finishes working, thanks for your help rww :)09:01
bamhm182Archive successfully decompressed as  newimage.img :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D09:02
georgeafhey guys, can i use the new kernel with intrepid ?09:02
rwwbamhm182: you're welcome! Glad I could help :)09:02
Zykotic-K9Squynti, there is a way to edit the lines in grub so we can try poining it to different drives, hold one sec09:02
harlemdavveygeorgeaf: sure!09:02
rwwgeorgeaf: which "new kernel"? what version?09:02
rwwharlemdavvey: Again, it depends on what's wrong with it, so no.09:02
georgeafit's not there for interpid in the repositories09:02
Zykotic-K9Squynti, are you or can you get to your grub prompt?09:03
SquyntiZykotic-K9: I searched the web about autochk issue and said it had been hidden somehow for my case from ubuntu cuz I accidently messed something up... forgot what command I made it happen cuz I got into windows just fine while ubuntu installed09:03
crdlbyoyit2: that link has you use compiz to make the entire window transparent, which causes the text to be transparent, not just the background09:03
rwwgeorgeaf: You could theoretically install the Jaunty package of 2.6.28, but that's a Bad Idea and might break your Ubuntu system, so we don't support that.09:03
rwwgeorgeaf: as far as I know, Intrepid isn't going to get an official update to 2.6.28, though.09:03
crdlbyoyit2: you can do that; it's just not ideal as it reduces legibility09:03
Zykotic-K9Squynti, are you at the grub menu?09:04
georgeafrww: so i should download another ubuntu cd just for getting a new kernel ? something's wrong here09:04
yoyit2crdlb: i know, but in compiz, it doenst give me the option for transparency09:04
SquyntiZykotic-K9: uhm actually im in some kind of find lines in there so I guess I wud say yes for grub prompt09:04
harlemdavveyrww: i hasn't something wrong.. i mean.. in windows xp, it had some problems with the software because when the software knew that the amount of bytes to burn was more than a certain size, then the content of the disc was deleted during the burning session.. and the cd had to be thrown away:) so.. i don't know..it probably doesn't have some problems the cd burner itself09:05
rwwgeorgeaf: Ubuntu does not upgrade stable releases with new kernel versions, because that's kinda the whole point of stable releases.09:05
Zykotic-K9Squynti, ummm, not entirely sure what you mean....  do you see choices like "Ubuntu 8.xx ..." and Windows?09:05
SquyntiZykotic-K9: Im in grub prompt there right now...09:06
bamhm182any idea how I can install it now rww?09:06
crdlbyoyit2: ah, they moved it into Opacity, Brightness & Saturation09:06
harlemdavveyrww: can it be that a cd burner can work good with a certain OS and bad with another?09:06
yoyit2 oh ok09:06
yoyit2crdlb: oh ok09:06
bamhm182I've got the file as an .img and I've got it extracted09:06
Zykotic-K9Squynti, grub prompt? does your prompt look like a > , what do you see?09:06
rwwharlemdavvey: it's possible, yes.09:06
yoyit2crdlb:  off topic, but emerald never works for me, it always frezes and/or doenst ever change the theme09:07
SquyntiZykotic-K9: right now grub>_09:07
crdlbyoyit2: yeah, it's basically abandonware09:07
harlemdavveyrww: what would you suggest me to use to burn my discs on ubuntu 8.10? i've tried brasero yesterday but it had some problem when i wanted to add mp3s to the compilation (logically.. xD)09:07
Zykotic-K9Squynti, OK, you really are at a grub prompt!09:07
zeltakHi guys...anyone using remind on his computer by any chance?09:07
SquyntiZykotic-K9: yes apparently so09:07
yoyit2crdlb: sorry what?? its abbandond?09:08
rww!burning | harlemdavvey: brasero works fine for me. Try one of these, maybe?09:08
ubottuharlemdavvey: brasero works fine for me. Try one of these, maybe?: CD/DVD Burning software: K3b (KDE), gnomebaker, brasero, serpentine, graveman, Nautilus-CD-Burner, GToaster, xcdroast (GNOME), wodim (terminal-based). Burning .iso files: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto09:08
crdlbyoyit2: it hasn't been developed in quite a while09:08
DarkKnighthelp in this discussion  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=108333509:08
harlemdavveyrww: thanks so much i'll give this programs a try;)09:08
yoyit2crdlb: hmm09:09
famicomgoddamn that's fucking stupid09:09
rww!ohmy > famicom09:09
ubottufamicom, please see my private message09:09
yoyit2crdlb: whats another way to change the theme?09:09
famicomis tis steve tard an actual packager?09:09
Zykotic-K9Squynti, but you shouldn't really see this?  and this is why helping you in this mater is so difficult - I can't see what your seeing and I don't want to mess up your paritions...  but grub is very messed up right now for you.09:09
zeltakanyone knows if you can get remind to pop up a gui window?09:09
harlemdavveywhat is the best burning program to burn mp3s on ubuntu?09:10
rwwfamicom: Yes... yes he is.09:10
SquyntiZykotic-K9: shouldn't see this what?  at least what you have totell me and I ll consider the risk ok?09:10
rwwfamicom: now. Do you have an Ubuntu support question?09:10
nbentonHmm. I'm trying to remove the graphical interface on my server now. apt-get remove gnome should work, right?09:10
jmpsoftwaredo u have K3b09:10
famicomyeah, why is ubuntu run my complete fucking morons?09:10
jmpsoftwareif no download it09:11
SquyntiZykotic-K9: and not to worry I can't sue you for this lol09:11
jmpsoftwareit 's the best09:11
Zykotic-K9Squynti, give me a sec... reading09:11
bamhm182rww, it says run sudo apt-get install xar in terminal on this tutorial, but I'm not sure how, I typed in apt-get and it refused09:11
SquyntiZykotic-K9: care to share it?09:11
harlemdavveyjmpsoftware: are you telling that to me?09:11
rwwfamicom: watch your language. This is a family-friendly channel.09:11
famicombamhm182 does xar even exist in any of the repos09:11
bamhm182nevermind, I was being stupid, got it09:11
livingdaylightusser, hi... i'm in my laptop with live-usb but can't transfer anything over to my external hard drive. No Permission it keeps telling me.09:12
Zykotic-K9Squynti, ok, your right, i should say searching instead of reading :)09:12
famicomlivingdaylight is it mounted as readonly09:12
crdlbyoyit2: if you don't use emerald, you can change the window border theme in Appearance09:12
harlemdavveylivingdaylight: what are your privileges in the system?09:12
livingdaylightfamicom, seems so, but how do i change it?09:12
harlemdavveyjmpsoftware: ok;)09:12
Zykotic-K9Squynti, what's happens with "find /boot/grub/stage1"09:12
famicomlivingdaylight what does your fstab say09:12
famicomor mtab09:12
SquyntiZykotic-K9: k09:12
livingdaylightfamicom, how do i read that?09:12
Zykotic-K9Squynti, "Error 15: File not found." i bet LOL09:13
famicomcat /etc/mtab09:13
famicomZykotic-K9 you nuked your partition and now grub wont start09:13
SquyntiZykotic-K9: you got that right...09:14
Zykotic-K9famicom, not me, i'm not the one with the problem09:14
livingdaylightfamicom, i did gksudo nautilus in a terminal and hoped that would give me the permissions to transfer files over09:14
Zykotic-K9Squynti, do you have an ubuntu livecd?09:14
SquyntiZykotic-K9: hope he's joking about nuking...09:14
famicomno, i'm not09:14
famicomyou destroyed the grub config file and now it's cluetarded about how it should boot what09:15
Zykotic-K9Squynti, we need some way of seeing if there are actually partitions left on your drive09:15
Squyntifamicom: and now its actually "dead"?09:15
SquyntiZykotic-K9: yes I do understamd09:15
famicomSquynti not really, restoring /boot/grub/menu.list should be fine09:15
Zykotic-K9Squynti, it can be fixed if you have a live cd09:15
DarkKnightplease participate in this dicussion http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=108333509:16
SquyntiZykotic-K9: i do have live cd matter of afact09:16
famicomlivingdaylight what filesystem does your esternal drive have09:16
Squyntifamicom: regardless of that it seem can't find that particular file09:16
famicomyeah no shit09:17
Zykotic-K9Squynti, well get her spinnin'09:17
quibbler!virtualbox | DarkKnight09:17
ubottuDarkKnight: virtualbox is a x86 !virtualizer. A !free edition is available from !Gutsy as 'virtualbox-ose'. A non-free edition is available at http://virtualbox.org for most Ubuntu releases (help in #vbox) - Setup details at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualBox09:17
rwwfamicom: for the third time, swearing is not permitted in this channel.09:17
DarkKnightquibbler; is PUEL a non-free version09:17
famicomcan you provide me a list of banned words?09:17
Myrttifamicom: cursing.09:18
quibblerDarkKnight: puel>09:18
Squyntiha ha09:18
Myrttifamicom: this channel is meant to be fit for all ages09:18
Myrttifamicom: from 5 to 9009:18
livingdaylightfamicom, does it have to have a filesystem? prolly ext3 not sure09:18
famicomso, i'm not posting porn links?09:18
SquyntiZykotic-K9: it's in the drive if thats whatyou speak of?09:18
bamhm182rww, I've got 2 folders, iPhone SDK.mpkg and Packages, and About iPhone SDK.pdf, and idea how to install it on Ubuntu?09:18
famicomlivingdaylight ok what does fdisk -l say09:18
Myrttifamicom: unless you want to be kicked and probably banned too (since you now can't claim you did it by accident)09:19
Zykotic-K9Squynti, this whole time?  what if it isn't in the drive?09:19
quibblerDarkKnight: puel? means?09:19
Answer|28hey, im hoping someone here is familiar with aircrack and installing programs. I used apt-get to install it. I installed the driver for it as well "ipwraw" , removed the previous module and loaded ipwraw ..how can i tell if its loaded properly?09:19
rwwbamhm182: I know next to nothing about Apple stuff, so I'm probably not the right person to ask :/09:19
bamhm182rww, iPhoneSDK.mpkg and Packages are the names of the folders09:19
DarkKnightquibbler;personal edition09:19
famicomi have tourrette's you insensitive clod09:19
SquyntiZykotic-K9: I don't know...=-(09:19
Squyntimaybe Ive overlooked?09:19
bamhm182shoot. Got this far but have no idea how to continue >< oh well...09:20
bamhm182google knows all09:20
Zykotic-K9Squynti, LOL try rebooting without the CD in the drive09:20
livingdaylightfamicom, /dev/sdb109:20
Zykotic-K9Squynti, you also don't have any usb drives attached to your computer do you?09:20
quibblerDarkKnight:read: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualBox  you can download it from: http://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Linux_Downloads09:20
Cool_NickHow many rows and columns is linux console by default?09:21
SquyntiZykotic-K9: actually ive done that without the Cd the other day and does not give me any different result but ill again but thi stime what am I expect it to do?09:21
SquyntiZykotic-K9: no usb that is09:21
hmwCool_Nick 25(?) x 80. you can change the command in the launcher (menu) "gnome-terminal --geometry=100x35"09:22
Cool_Nickhmw, thanks09:22
Zykotic-K9Squynti, ok so is your boot order not set to automatically boot from cd then?  if it isn't then lets just start the livecd like boot off the cdrom.09:22
SquyntiZykotic-K9: ah, why didnt i think of that... let me try this09:24
Neggygood morning everyone09:24
quibbler!hi | jmpsoftware:09:25
ubottujmpsoftware:: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!09:25
Neggyok now i must work on my tf2 serer;s..always fun09:25
livingdaylightfamicom, ?09:26
Neggyanyone have epierence with souremod running in just bash with the HLDS?09:26
SquyntiZykotic-K9: invaild system disk error09:26
jmpsoftware quibbler what release do u use ?09:26
quibblerjmpsoftware: 8.0409:27
bullgard4How can I use an Evolution adressbook on a Ubuntu 8.04.2 computer on another Ubuntu 8.04.2 computer in the same LAN?09:27
SquyntiZykotic-K9: disregard that09:27
jmpsoftwareok the heron09:27
Zykotic-K9Squynti, ? "invalid system disk" tell me you have a floppy disk drive?09:27
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!09:27
jmpsoftwareI used it before migrate on 8.1009:27
SquyntiZykotic-K9: I changed the boot process to cd at top (first) but at no go as itseemed09:27
Zykotic-K9Squynti, are u sure that's a livecd?09:28
Dillizarmy sound doesnt work :(09:29
ubottuDoesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too.09:29
NeggyRemember Google is your friend09:29
BrixSatMorning ;D09:29
livingdaylightis anyone my friend?09:30
Dillizari dont have sound when i play for ex amarok say that my sound card i busy09:30
BrixSati have installed ubuntu 8.10 and i dont have wifi :(09:30
jmpsoftwareDillizar do you heard a sound when u log in ?09:30
SquyntiZykotic-K9: that what it says on the cd...09:30
livingdaylightwhy is it i cannot copy anything over to my external hard drive?09:30
Dillizarjmpsoftware, just a lil then the sound got jammed09:30
livingdaylightim in livecd via usb trying to rescue my /home partition09:30
bamhm1828.10 is intrepid, right?09:30
rwwbamhm182: yes09:30
NeggyDid u mount the external drive?09:30
Zykotic-K9Squynti, where you able to boot off this same cd to install from???  i'll brb, but i gotta take the dog for a walk.09:31
bamhm182alright, thanks rrw09:31
livingdaylightNeggy, u talking to me?09:31
livingdaylightthen please use name autocomplete so that i know09:31
SquyntiZykotic-K9: where or were?09:31
Neggysry not use to using xchat atm been a while. my ubuntu box has been down lol09:31
livingdaylightNeggy, i just plugged the external hard drive into the laptop which the livecd reads09:31
jmpsoftwareok you must launch an audio file with another soft09:32
jmpsoftwarelike vlc09:32
SquyntiZykotic-K9: Im guessing its were...and yea i have two cd drives and I know which one I used it install it09:32
livingdaylightNeggy, the computer sees external usb hd but the problem is when i transfer or copy over i don't have permission09:32
BrixSatwhere can i view installed hardware?09:32
rwwBrixSat: lsusb, lspci, and lshw09:32
Neggylemme look09:33
Neggyi had the ssame issuie with my USB thumbdrive09:33
rwwlivingdaylight: what format is the external hard drive using?09:33
livingdaylightrww, i dunno09:34
SquyntiZykotic-K9: Ok, I had to manually boot into the Cd and Im in the install window on its own...09:34
Neggylibingdaylight: look here. http://www.jarrodgoddard.com/linux-web-hosting/mounting-an-external-usb-drive-in-linux09:34
BrixSatrww:  im having problem instaling a wifi card on a laptop :(09:34
livingdaylightrww, but it already has a ton of other files on it . I've used it sccessflly in the past to tranfer things to and from on ubuntu installs09:34
rww!wireless | BrixSat09:34
ubottuBrixSat: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs09:34
Dillizaris there any way i can reinstall ubuntu ! without removing the home folder and puting it on a another partition09:35
celeritasDillizar: by copying everything to another partition/disk09:35
celeritasDillizar: well, copying all of /home09:35
livingdaylightNeggy, but laptop has no problem detecting the external usb hard drive. You suggesting i still need to 'mount' it?09:36
Dillizari know that celeritas but i am searching for a simpler way09:36
Neggyperhaps. i'm trying to remembet how I did it09:36
Neggydon't mind mt typing. I'm still half asleep09:36
celeritasDillizar: that's the simplest way, really. There are partition resize tools, but that sounds dangerous and not easier09:37
quibbler!who | Neggy09:37
ubottuNeggy: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)09:37
yoyit2how do i get my dual core to boot faster?09:37
Mike4x4anyone good at advanced web  coding09:37
shay27mHello , I need help please , i am using Pidgin MSN , pidgin crash sometimes when i send msgs ?09:37
Neggybrb coffee09:37
Mike4x4if somone is good at web coding please private me i need to ask a question09:38
Dillizarceleritas, can i make a lil partition for the new ubuntu and then merge them :P09:38
celeritasDillizar: merge?09:39
Dillizarthe two partitions in one :)09:39
celeritasDillizar: well, if you want to use LVM/RAID0, you're gonna have to do some copying data around09:40
StevethepirateHi, I can't ping _anything_ via eth1 .... although I can detect some pc's with arp -an ... cannot ping them09:40
=== Neggy is now known as Neggy_AFK
celeritasDillizar: what's your partition setup?09:40
LimeBurstwhat does floodbot do?09:40
Dillizarceleritas, i have only one09:41
Zykotic-K9Squynti, you still there?  are you at the desktop of the livecd?09:41
celeritasDillizar: okay, do you have any other disks available?09:41
MyrttiLimeBurst: live and learn :-)09:41
Dillizaryeah i think i have lil 40gb around here09:41
=== Neggy_AFK is now known as Neggy
Neggywooo 50% done09:42
SquyntiZykotic-K9: Im still here and Now I understand what am I gonna do, thanks toyou as im in the partition dialog box atthe moment....but Im considering aborting it so I can fix the next problem09:42
genesisIf my psyhical RAM is 4GB, is there even a point to having a swap?09:43
Zykotic-K9Squynti, should i ask?  what is "the next" problem?09:43
celeritasDillizar: is it internal/fast? if not, you'll want to partition the disk and copy it back again after reinstall09:43
Myrttigenesis: if you plan to hibernate your computer09:43
genesisMyrtti: it'll actually be used as a server.09:44
celeritasDillizar: if it is, you just copy once, and mount it as /home09:44
Myrttigenesis: in that case, no09:44
genesisThat's what I thought.09:44
Dillizarceleritas, k i can do that09:44
SquyntiZykotic-K9: You don't have to haha but I want my windows back and I'd guess you wudnt helpme with this one/09:44
LimeBurstMyrtti//is it a defense solution for channel terror?09:44
Zykotic-K9Squynti, also is this a live cd or an install cd?09:44
genesisThanks for the clarification, Myrtti.09:44
bullgard4How can I use an Evolution adressbook on a Ubuntu 8.04.2 computer on another Ubuntu 8.04.2 computer in the same LAN?09:45
MyrttiLimeBurst: something like that09:45
SquyntiliveCD I guess is there a difference?09:45
Zykotic-K9Squynti, livecd give you an ubuntu desktop, install cds just give you an install09:45
Zykotic-K9Squynti, cause i really wanted a live cd, not to restart the install in anyway, but there are tools we can use on the livecd09:46
SquyntiZykotic-K9: lety me verify it09:46
Zykotic-K9Squynti, do you see icons? and the "Applications / Places / System" menu at the top?09:47
SquyntiZykotic-K9: it seem says liveCD09:47
Squyntiit showing the partition dialog box right now09:47
StevethepirateI have 2 network cards, planning to NAT them... but for now, I can't ping _anyone_ on my local subnet [connected to eth1] from the gateway, nor can they ping the GW ... although with arp -an I can see them...09:48
StevethepirateAnd help/ideas?09:48
Zykotic-K9Squynti, what does the cd say on it?  is this an ubuntu cd?09:48
Zykotic-K9Squynti, what version?09:48
SquyntiZykotic-K9: 8.04 and yes its ubuntu... why else I be in this channel? =-)09:49
Dillizarhow can i check if i am using alsa or oss?09:49
celeritasDillizar: you're using ALSA unless you installed OSS. Trust me, you'd know09:49
Dillizarand where i can find the alsa config file :)09:50
Zykotic-K9Squynti, just making sure.  i don't remember the cd bringing up the partition dialogure right away though???09:50
celeritasDillizar: /etc/asound.conf (apparently this can be used with oss for bluetooth devices, though)09:50
SquyntiZykotic-K9: not right away actually its a seven part installation as im in 4th of the 709:51
celeritasDillizar: what are you trying to do? I never needed to configure asound.conf09:51
Squyntiwhewreas partition09:51
Dillizarceleritas, well i want my sound back :P it doesnt work any more :(09:51
Zykotic-K9Squynti, did you start the install after the cd started?09:51
celeritasDillizar: since when? an upgrade? a reboot? just stopped at random?09:51
inzihello everyone09:52
Gartrali can't get sound under wine, i have 2 sound cards, the one that works, and the intergarated one that doesn't...09:52
SquyntiZykotic-K9: i guess so after startin from the "liveCD"09:52
LincidSquynti: What exactly are you wanting to do/trying to do? ;)09:52
Zykotic-K9Squynti, like the cd started and you clicked an icon on the desktop like "install ubuntu"???09:52
CyclistHello, all; my pc does not play CD's when I boot into Ubuntu [it works fine on WinXP, though... {I have a recent dual-boot system with Wubi}]: I simply inserted the music CD into the tray expecting the pc to play it as usual and was surprised to find that not one of the available media players could do much with it [I noticed that the file type came up as ''wma'' instead of ''cda'']; I wonder if anyone on-line now has experienced the same problem and could09:52
Squyntilincid: to get my windows back in working order!! =-P09:53
celeritasDillizar: most people have trouble flipping the switches and sliders on oss' mixer. consider yourself lucky09:53
Squyntiwhilst I know what to do withunbuntu fortunately!!09:53
SquyntiZykotic-K9: yessir it seemed so I did09:53
LincidSquynti: Mind if I ask what the Windows problem is? As installing Ubuntu isn't going to fix it, hehe :P09:54
Squyntilicid: i'd just wanna have my windows back pasting the autochk error09:54
inziCyclist.. if u have inserted a cd containing mp3's then unless u download the codecs for ubuntu nuthing will work09:54
Squyntilicid: don't I know it? LOL09:54
StevethepirateI have 2 network cards, planning to NAT them... but for now, I can't ping _anyone_ on my local subnet [connected to eth1] from the gateway, nor can they ping the GW ... although with arp -an I can see them...09:55
celeritasDillizar: did you do an upgrade and sound stopped working?09:55
Dillizarceleritas, i reboot and after that my it stopped09:55
celeritasDillizar: that's strange, but not so much with Pulse09:55
Dillizarceleritas, and put a new graphic card09:55
Gartrali can't get sound under wine, i have 2 sound cards, the one that works, and the integrated one that doesn't...09:55
Dillizar!wine | Gartral09:56
ubottuGartral: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help09:56
celeritasDillizar: that would have nothing to do with it. unless it auto-updated.09:56
LincidSquynti: What kind of autochk error?09:56
Zykotic-K9Squynti, Lincid i certainly didn't mean for you to start the install again, all i wanted to do was start off the livecd and see if ubuntu can see any of your partitions - as your grub is pointing either to the wrong drive/partition - or your partitions have been deleted or corrupted or something..........09:56
celeritasGartral: winecfg doesn't even see the cards?09:56
Dillizarceleritas, auto-update what?09:56
Gartrallet me see09:56
Cyclistinzi: the CD was not coded in mp3 [I can play files in mp3 fine], but maybe the system has not configured my CD drive correctly...?09:56
eper3zhowcome when i go to system tool> Sun xVM the gui won't start..but virtualbox is installed..this seemed to happen after i install kde? any help?09:57
celeritasDillizar: if auto-update ran, there's a chance there was a regression (something that used to work now doesn't)09:57
redzhebanybody help. I installed oss driver and now when i cheked for my sound card it's tell me that no found sound card. Please help. How i can install my sound card09:57
LincidZykotic-K9: Oh, I understand. I just stepped in the middle and was kind of confused what exactly was going on. ;)09:57
sezoomGeeks, how may i connect ssh to a remote host to a certain directory instead of home directory09:57
celeritasredzheb: you installed oss4?09:57
Dillizarceleritas, i think i did am i Sc****09:57
redzhebceleritas: yes i installed oss409:58
Zykotic-K9Lincid, to be honest i'd love for you to take up this case, i'm getting very tired, it's 5AM where i am...  but i kinda don't want to just abandon Squynti09:58
SquyntiZykotic-K9: actually my problem are being resolved acording to you (again thank ya!) and as Im considering of aborting it so that I can focus on windows bvecause I have my works info on that partition that I need it back so i can back it up jus in case I'd [BEEP] it up!!09:58
celeritasredzheb: pastebin output of "ossmix"09:58
celeritasredzheb: err, ossinfo09:58
celeritasredzheb: then osspartysh... shoot, not on open network now09:58
Gartralceleritas: what am i looking for, as of looking through ALSA and OSS, i don't see anything labeled as my cards, no, but there are alot of entries09:58
Dillizarceleritas, http://paste.ubuntu.com/124641/09:59
celeritasGartral: if there's pulse output, choose it. not sure how wine handles pulse though09:59
inzidid it work cyclist09:59
SquyntiZykotic-K9: im tired too as well LOL been atthis since 11 30!! guess we're about to be done eh?09:59
hay_ig2000hi all, how to change the startup sound/music?09:59
Zykotic-K9Squynti, i don't think your problem is solved at all!  you can't book into windows or ubuntu, and we haven't really been able to use the livecd at all either09:59
redzhebceleritas: but i don't know how make i this09:59
celeritasDillizar: that's ... strange, ass I have NEVER seen ossinfo/ossmix output that10:00
Gartralpulse? never seen/heard of that, i have ALSA, OSS, JACK, and NAS10:00
SquyntiZykotic-K9: true but10:00
sprinkmeiersezoom, if I understand your requirements then you want to run sshd in a chroot jail or something.10:00
redzhebceleritas: i'm ubuntu users since two weeks10:00
celeritasDillizar: oops, thought you were running oss like red :(10:00
quibblerhay_ig2000: system-preferences-sound-sounds10:00
Dillizarlol celeritas :D10:00
SquyntiZykotic-K9: itsnotmuch of a problem now as I know what and how to boot it in from live cd so called so now I wont have to worry as I understand it better now....10:00
n2diyI archived my home directory, moved it to my test, box, I end up with /home/me, and home/me(2), am I doing something wrong?10:01
Dillizarceleritas, so i am good :)10:01
celeritasredzheb: you installed oss4. you must know something about how to open a terminal, enter a command, and paste output10:01
Zykotic-K9Squynti, BEST of luck with your issue -- but I believe your grub is pointing to the wrong places!  Sorry I wasn't able to help you through it.10:01
celeritasDillizar: I think it's gstreamer that's borked10:01
corinthHow can I change my default file manager10:01
Gartralceleritas: pulse? never seen/heard of that, i have ALSA, OSS, JACK, and NAS10:02
redzhebceleritas: I just downloaded deb file and installed with synaptic manager10:02
Dillizarceleritas, i was thinking the same thing cuz i have problems with playing songs too10:02
celeritasGartral: not running pulseaudio?10:02
SquyntiZykotic-K9: hm, from what I see here I doubt that Iam as imnot in grub now... as it lookslike it asit has awindow loaded fromthe cd (partition table) 4th of 710:02
Droopsta915What can I use to burn an mp3 disc on Ubuntu/10:02
celeritasGartral: that's the new thing in Ubuntu. but alsa support in wine /should/ be enough10:02
Squyntibeleive it oir not Zykotic, yahelpedme around someways!10:03
quibbler!burn | Droopsta91510:03
ubottuDroopsta915: CD/DVD Burning software: K3b (KDE), gnomebaker, brasero, serpentine, graveman, Nautilus-CD-Burner, GToaster, xcdroast (GNOME), wodim (terminal-based). Burning .iso files: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto10:03
redzhebceletitas: and with this command in terminal: sudo dpkg -i ~/desktop/oss.deb10:03
celeritasredzheb: oh, I see. open applications->accessories->terminal10:03
* Gartral has 8.10 KUbuntu, running gnome and mostly ubuntu packages10:03
Droopsta915Im ussuming k3b does it?10:03
celeritasredzheb: type "ossinfo", hit enter, copy and paste into paste.ubuntu.org10:03
sprinkmeiercorinth, changing your window manager should work (file-managers and window-managers are closely related). failing that, just create an icon for the file manager you want to use10:04
bullgard4How can I use an Evolution adressbook on a Ubuntu 8.04.2 computer on another Ubuntu 8.04.2 computer in the same LAN?10:04
n2diyI archived my home directory, moved it to my test, box, extracted it, and I I end up with /home/me, and home/me(2), am I doing something wrong?10:04
t_rasI can't connect to network:10:04
t_rasI have router without natting (all my comps and router have real IPs). I gave exactly the same settings it had 30 minutes before reinstalling, which were working, I gave them through "new connection" and I get in syslog:10:04
t_raswait_for_conection_expired...connection failed to activate (timeout): (0) Connection was not provided by any settings service10:04
t_rasadpater through dashboard says "Disconnected"10:04
FloodBot3t_ras: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.10:04
t_rasAny ideas?10:04
redzhebceleritas: http://paste.ubuntu.com/124642/10:05
corinthsprinkmeier: I want to change my file manager from nautilus to pcman in gnome10:06
Dillizarceleritas, i will remove and then reinstall every gstreamer i have10:06
* Gartral has installed pulseaudio, will see if it fixes his problems10:06
sprinkmeiern2diy, which tools did you use to archive/exrtact? looks like the extract tool saw the existing directory and tried to be 'helpful'10:06
t_rasI can't connect to network:10:06
t_rasI have router without natting (all my comps and router have real IPs). I gave exactly the same settings it had 30 minutes before reinstalling, which were working, I gave them through "new connection" and I get in syslog:10:06
t_raswait_for_conection_expired...connection failed to activate (timeout): (0) Connection was not provided by any settings service10:06
t_rasadpater through dashboard says "Disconnected"10:06
FloodBot3t_ras: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.10:06
t_rasAny ideas?10:06
celeritasredzheb: got that?10:07
quibblern2diy: when you extracted it you set it back to it's original place...extract to a directory on your other box10:07
n2diysprinkmeier, what ever Nautilus uses when you right click on a dir?10:07
redzhebceleritas: yes10:07
sprinkmeiercorinth, never heard of pcman, not sure if it plays nice with gnome windows manager. try the 'create an icon' option?10:07
celeritasredzheb: what does osstest do?10:07
Droopsta915I want to make an mp3 cd, what cd can I use?10:07
Dillizar!flood | t_ras10:07
ubottut_ras: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)10:07
n2diyquibbler, I archived and extracted from /home, on both boxes.10:07
celeritasredzheb: sound card is very much detected, so is the main codec10:08
t_rashaaaa, now I understand the paste thing.. thanks\10:08
corinthsprinkmeier: It's a very fast, lightweight file manager made for gnome.10:08
Lincid!burn | Droopsta91510:08
ubottuDroopsta915: CD/DVD Burning software: K3b (KDE), gnomebaker, brasero, serpentine, graveman, Nautilus-CD-Burner, GToaster, xcdroast (GNOME), wodim (terminal-based). Burning .iso files: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto10:08
Gartralceleritas: i should restart after installing pulse, shoudn't i?10:08
Guest40633hello there.10:08
sprinkmeiern2diy, OK... I think that's a case of the extracter being too helpful, refusing to clobber the existing directory, hence the (2) one. Can you move the files you want from ...(2) to ...?10:08
Guest40633Need a bit of help.10:08
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)10:08
t_rasplease help with my paste :)10:09
celeritasredzheb: no guarantees that the sound card actually gets initted, though, which means sending stuff to codec does nothing (as the card isn't even on)10:09
pyrohotdogI there way for me to use my wifi card and 3G modem at the same time?10:09
redzhebceleritas: http://paste.ubuntu.com/124644/10:09
quibblern2diy: what are you then trying to do?10:09
Guest40633Cant use the privative drivers fr my ATI card.10:09
Rocket101hello iam  need some help with mount ntfs-3g with out making all files executable10:09
celeritasredzheb: no, I mean does osstest emit audio?10:09
celeritasredzheb: you can't paste that little detail :P10:10
livingdaylightthhis whole permission thing sux -  i can't even access my own media! and transfer it10:10
celeritasredzheb: oh10:10
n2diysprinkmeier, I suppose I could? I was wondering if I could delete /home/me, then extract the archive, would /home/me be rebuilt? /home has it's own partition, on both boxes.10:10
Droopsta915Lincid: Guess I can't do it using Ubuntu. Cool I'll find a way. I'm an Ubuntu Head forLife!!10:10
n2diyquibbler, I'm trying to make a clone of this box, on my test box.10:11
Guest40633Cant use the privative drivers fr my ATI card.10:11
redzhebceleritas: i see, but i liked very much ubuntu. I am installed it since 2 weeks and i have no sound. Thank you for your help10:11
Guest40633didn't let me select it10:11
sprinkmeiern2diy, that should work, assuming there's nothing in the old /home you want to keep (i.e. BACK IT UP just in case). Also, are both systems runing the same distro? lots of config files get dumped in ~, and if you're moving from one distro to another (with different versions of apps) you could break things10:11
Gartralshould i restart?10:11
t_rasSotambien :D10:12
celeritasredzheb: paste ossinfo -v310:12
n2diysprinkmeier, fine business, it is a test box, so no worries about losing stuff, and yes, both are running Hardy.10:12
hmwgnome-mplayer: i thought, mplayers uses the 'a' key to change audio tracks of a dvd, but the version of gnome-mplayer does not do it. Any hints, why?10:12
sdf2my problem is that, asoundconf does not list my usb soundcard in my laptop, only the integrated soundcard, is there a way to fix this?10:12
redzhebredzheb: ok10:12
eegoreI get this error when I try to update repositories or update system. E: The method driver /usr/lib/apt/methods/hppt could not be found. E: The method driver /usr/lib/apt/methods/hppt could not be found.10:13
celeritassdf2: aside from installing another sound system, no10:13
Gartralceleritas: should i install pulseaudio, and should i restart afterwards?10:13
eegorethis is 8.10, anyone with an idea what needs fixing10:13
celeritasGartral: try to restart it10:13
redzhebceleritas: http://paste.ubuntu.com/124648/10:14
quibblern2diy: did you have a /home on the test box before you extracted?10:14
sdf2celeritas: what do u meant by installin another sound system?10:14
celeritassdf2: I mean it's not trivial10:14
Gartralthats the second question but what about the first?10:14
sdf2i've plugged in my usb soundcard, and alsa plays the sound to it, but oss plays to the integrated soundcard10:14
Dillizarwhat was the command to get some file from the root?10:14
t_rasWill it make a difference if I try ubuntu instead of kubuntu? ( http://paste.ubuntu.com/124643/ )10:15
Gartralceleritas: should i download and install pulseaudio through synaptic,, and if so, should i restart my computer afterwards10:15
rubberduckywhen, in Nautilus, i go to Network it gives Windows Network if i open it it says: Unable to retrieve share list from server10:15
n2diyquibbler, yes, of course I did!?10:15
rubberduckywhy is that?10:15
LaeborgHi. I have a USB Microphone, named USB Microphone in KMix. I want to use this microphone in IDJC, and I can see my currently microphone (one in my monitor) is named alsa_pcm:capture_1 in IDCJ, how can I see what to type for use my USB microphone?10:15
Rocket101hello iam  need some help with mount ntfs-3g with out making all files executable10:16
rubberduckywhen, in Nautilus, i go to Network it gives Windows Network if i open it it says: Unable to retrieve share list from server10:16
celeritasredzheb: looked at it, no errors visible there. maybe you have to be in 'audio' group10:16
Gartralceleritas: should i download and install pulseaudio through synaptic,, and if so, should i restart my computer afterwards10:17
Zykotic-K9Rocket101, i thinks that's just a problem with NTFS and FAT, i think all there files executable10:17
t_rasWill it make a difference if I try ubuntu instead of kubuntu? ( http://paste.ubuntu.com/124643/ )10:17
celeritasredzheb: try running sudo osstest10:17
redzhebceleritas: how i can to be in audio grup. I haven't sound yet10:17
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redzhebceleritas: ok10:17
=== alberto_ is now known as alberto__
celeritasredzheb: the errors looked permissions-related, but they could be broken channel related, as well10:17
celeritasGartral: yeah10:17
Gartraland restart?10:17
teddysanyone using the Geforce fx5200 card ?10:17
drhouse_hello. i have xp. i've install vmware. i've virtualizated ubuntu. i have created a share folder. how can i see this folder under ubuntu?10:17
celeritasGartral: if just installing and restarting the server doesn't work10:18
=== Guest40633 is now known as alberto__
quibblern2diy: how did you expect it to over write your /home directory?10:18
celeritasdrhouse_: by installing the virtualbox-ose-modules10:18
Rocket101Zykotic-K9, then i can't chmod files?10:18
Gartralceleritas: ive installed it, is there any special crud i have to do to make it work?10:18
t_rasteddys - Im usng it and it works finr, I did nothing. only ond't try kde4.2 spetial efects - youl get black screen10:18
quibbler!clone | n2diy10:18
ubottun2diy: To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude  --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » - See also !automate10:18
drhouse_i use vmware10:18
drhouse_vmware tools are installed10:19
Zykotic-K9Rocket101, no you can't apply Linux permissions to a MS filesystem...10:19
celeritasGartral: not that I know of. Ubuntu installs that by default, though lots of people have been having issues with it10:19
teddyshey i got a Geforce fx5200 card, not sure as to how recent of a kernel i can use to get nvidia working10:19
redzhebceleritas: it's give me everything errors http://paste.ubuntu.com/124656/. How i can fix it?10:19
t_rasteddys, I just install last kubuntu 8.10 and it works - only don't try spetial effects10:20
n2diyquibbler, it is an archiving extraction tool, isn't that what it is supposed to do? Thanks for the cloning info, that would have been handy when I installed my apps with Synaptic.10:20
Rocket101Zykotic-K9, ok thanks  for helping by the   way  how  can i make .conf  file's  in executable state  look with icon for text not exe icon10:20
celeritasredzheb: not sure, what does "dmesg|grep oss" say10:20
teddyst_ras: what kernel version is it ? 2.6.28 ?10:21
Zykotic-K9Rocket101, you wouldn't want to make a .conf file executable!!  but it would be "chmod +x file"10:21
celeritasredzheb: also sudo cat /dev/urandom > /dev/oss/oss_hdaudio0/pcm010:21
NFischerwie kann ich meine Uptime logen?10:21
shavin214 updates available! which ones should i choose. Do i need to choose any in the first place?10:21
NFischerhow to log my uptime?!10:21
dwarderwhat software should i yse to check hdd after it was dropped10:21
bullgard4How can I use an Evolution adressbook on a Ubuntu 8.04.2 computer on another Ubuntu 8.04.2 computer in the same LAN?10:22
Zykotic-K9shavin, just update them all10:22
Rocket101Zykotic-K9,  they  in ntfs drive  then they executable :(10:22
t_rasTeddys: no idea (neither do I know how to check it) just downloaded from internety and installed10:22
n2diyquibbler, it is an archiving extraction tool, isn't that what it is supposed to do? Thanks for the cloning info, that would have been handy when I installed my apps with Synaptic.10:22
teddyst_ras: uname -r10:22
Zykotic-K9Rocket101, using "ls -l" will tell you if there is an x10:22
shavinthat would be too much bandwidth! besides i run ubuntu on a usb pen drive(8 gb). Wont the space be a problem?10:23
BrixSatI need help instaling madwifi on ubuntu :( http://pastebin.com/m1c9379c110:23
n2diysprinkmeier, quibbler , I trashed /home/me, extracxted the archive, and /home/me was recreated!10:23
quibblern2diy: if it is set that way yes...in this case you had it set differently10:23
redzhebceleritas: http://paste.ubuntu.com/124658/10:23
bn43hi I am using apcupsd for my apc ups and would like it to email any issues to an external email address - but I can't figure out how to configure exim to do this10:24
bn43can someone help please?10:24
quibblern2diy: that was my next suggestion10:24
Rocket101Zykotic-K9,  -rwxrwxrwx 1 root root  2415 2008-08-23 18:48 suhosin.conf becuase  they  in ntfs drive  as u said its all executable10:24
t_rasteddys 2.6.67-7 generic10:24
yoyit2how do you make dual cores boot faster?? somthing about CONCURRENCY=shell???10:24
Zykotic-K9Rocket101, rwx means read/write/execute for everybody, user group and other10:24
celeritasredzheb: and the other command didn't even emit static? looks like the card is totally unsupported by oss10:25
n2diyqubbler, I did't "set" anything, I just right clicked on the file, archived it, moved to the new box, right clicked on the file and extracted it. Whatever is "set" was done so by default, where would I change the settings?10:25
user____bn43: what exactly doesnt work?10:25
Rocket101Zykotic-K9,  i know  man  but  iam asking   how i can  make thes icon   changed because  all me .conf in windows drive  then  its mounted with x stat10:26
rwwyoyit2: change the CONCURRENCY value in /etc/init.d/rc. It may break on pre-Intrepid (maybe pre-Hardy) versions of Ubuntu.10:26
BrixSat:( is there anu madwifi deb file?10:26
quibblern2 in the dialog box when you click extract10:26
celeritasyoyit2: also, disable all the things you don't need to start up automatically. if there are any10:26
bn43user____: I need to configure exim to use an smtp but don't want to stop internal mails as well - is there a way to do this?10:26
redzhebceleritas: ok, but how can i get the sounds in my notebook10:27
celeritasredzheb: it didn't work with ALSA?10:27
redzhebceleritas: no it's not working10:28
celeritasredzheb: ALSA has hardware support, OSS has quality10:28
t_rashooo my internet connection ;(10:28
BrixSatrww no succes on the wiki you gave me :( http://pastebin.com/m1c9379c110:28
t_rasIt was so good...10:28
celeritasredzheb: if it doesn't work with alsa, you need a new sound card10:28
sdf2and why asoundconf doesn't list my usb soundcard? TT10:28
=== desti_T2 is now known as desti
FiraniaAnyone that know which command I should use on the Ubuntu server in order to list all my hardware devices? (like a terminal text based "sysinfo" or similar)10:29
redzhebceleritas: ok but in windows everything is ok. I have sound, but in ubuntu haven't10:29
hateballFirania: lshw10:29
Firaniahateball: Tanks mate! :)10:30
yoyit2rww: celeritas i was using a "tutoriol10:30
hateballFirania: there's also "lspci" and "lsusb" depending on what you're looking for10:30
n2diywhat is /home/me/.gvfs, and why is it using 5.6gigs of my HD?10:31
NFischerFirania, sudo fdisk -l for Harddrives10:31
yoyit2rww celeritas http://www.red91.com/2008/11/02/get-ubuntu-to-boot-faster and it says to change a value, but when i go to do it in that file, there are many placeses and i dont know which value to change10:31
sprinkmeiern2diy, gnome virtual filesystem. It's a way of network mounting windows boxes (among other things)10:31
Firaniahateball: I wanted to find out which brand my ethernet adapter is.10:32
celeritasredzheb: windows works quite well with broken hardware10:32
user____bn43: dpkg-reconfigure exim4-config, choose "mail sent by smarthost: received..". this will not disable internal mail afaik10:32
rwwyoyit2: the one on the line that starts with "CONCURRENCY"...10:32
hateballFirania: It wont tell you the brand, you'll get the information about the chipset10:32
ftabI just increased my system RAM do I also need to increase the Swap?10:33
bn43user____: thanks I will try this!10:33
redzhebcelebrates: it means that i have not sound on ubuntu always10:33
sprinkmeiert_ras, ifconfig output?10:33
yoyit2rww: this wont mess up my system?10:33
shavinis there any free photo hosting site which does not take a user to its own website when user clicks on a photo embedded in my blog or something?10:33
rwwyoyit2: what version of Ubuntu are you using?10:33
quibblerFirania: lspci10:33
rww!ot | shavin10:33
ubottushavin: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!10:33
ftabrww: I just increased my system RAM do I also need to increase the SWAP?10:33
yoyit2rww inter10:34
shavinubottu: :-) sorry and thanks10:34
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)10:34
rwwyoyit2: Intrepid should handle it without problems.10:34
yoyit2rww the one in line 32, no other lines?10:34
sprinkmeierftab, do you wnat to be able to hibernate? if so, then swap >= RAM10:34
Firaniaquibbler: Yeah! That one did it! Thx! :)10:34
rwwyoyit2: yeah10:35
quibblerFirania: no problem10:35
yoyit2rww: so what happens if it dosnt boot cuz of this file?10:35
ftabnopes, I just increased my system RAM so do I also need to increase the SWAP space which was created by UBUNTU at install time10:35
rwwyoyit2: you boot from a LiveCD or the rescue environment and change the file back.10:35
diskinWhat should be run to detect and configure eth0? I chose "skip network configuration" during install, and now there is no eth0, only "lo".10:35
rwwyoyit2: it works fine for me on Intrepid, though.10:35
yoyit2rww ok.. um whats the rescue environment?10:36
t_rassprinkmeier: thanks, I can't paste it since I fdon't have netowkr (this is my laptop). ANy thing spetial I should be looking for/10:36
t_rasBTW i have to NICs and I tried both10:36
sprinkmeierftab, rule of thumb is swap = 1.5 * RAM. That rule of thumb is as old as the hills, no one knows where it came from, and with disk space being so cheap the installer implements it.10:36
=== FreddyGonzo is now known as minimec
quibblerftab: only if you are having trouble with hibernation10:36
rwwyoyit2: there's an option for it during startup at the GRUB menul.10:37
sprinkmeiert_ras, ip address and subnet for starters.10:37
Daft_PunkI am looking for a remote desktop program (client and server) that is easy to use and GUI (no terminal interface or commands required), i looked at VNC but it seemed to be all terminal commands according to man pages10:37
Dillizarmy sound card its busy all the time any one has an idea10:37
t_rasWhat do you mean "for starters"? I just created a new conncetion and gave it all the ip (adress+subnet+gateway+dns)10:38
BrixSateither im stupid, wich is an option or the madwifi are way complex to install!10:38
minimecHi folks. Does anyone have some experience with 'thelastripper' software. I can't get that thing working, alltough it worked the first few days...10:39
sprinkmeiert_ras, once those are confirmed to be right we move on to default gateway, DNS, firewall, proxy etc. etc. etc.10:39
user____Daft_Punk: there are gui clients for vnc (its just a protocol), about server guis i am not sure there is10:39
Dillizarmy sound card its busy all the time any one has any ideas why or how can this happen and how i can fix it10:39
user____minimec: error message?10:39
sprinkmeierDaft_Punk, a little command-line is good for the soul!10:40
ftabI guess when the RAM is increased the SWAP is automatically increased to the size of RAM10:40
Daft_Punkuser____, ok well i have a remote desktop program (gui client) i think it was default with ubuntu, but im more concerned about the gui server10:40
ftabis that true?10:40
Daft_Punksprinkmeier, yeah im sure it is but i dont want to devote that sort of time to it, i just need it for a quick 1 day thing pretty much10:40
t_raswell ip is, subnet is, gateway is
=== DragoraN_ is now known as DragoraN
diskinWhat should be run to detect and configure eth0? I chose "skip network configuration" during install, and now there is no eth0, only "lo". Can it be because of I skipped this step? Previous install of ubuntu automatically detected the card.10:40
BrixSati need some help instaling my atheros wifi card, from what i read i need madwifi but when i compile it i get http://pastebin.com/m1c9379c110:41
minimecuser____: wait... I will start it in a console... Basiclly the software starts up, but doesn't start to rip. I opened a seperate account for it too.10:41
sprinkmeierftab, no.... if you install with more RAM the installer automagically suggests a bigger swap. Adding more swap is trivial, but there's no point unless you have hibernate problems or are getting OM errors)10:41
quibblerftab: not automatically10:41
minimecuser____: http://paste.ubuntu.com/124670/10:42
=== squiddy is now known as Guest54930
ftabwhen I was installing Ubuntu my RAM was 512 RAM and i let Ubuntu adjust my swap, now I just increased my RAM to 1GB wondering if the space would have been increased or not?10:42
sprinkmeiert_ras, (too tired to do the HEX maths, I'll just assume the ranges are OK). what happens when you try to ping? try running 'tcpdump -npi eht0' in another window to see exactly which packets are sent/received10:43
diskincan eth0 be missing because of some configuration, or it was not simply detected and module was not loaded?10:43
BrixSatany expert help :(10:43
user____Daft_Punk: system - preferences -remote desktop (never used it myself yet though)10:43
drhouse_how can i use for the root application the system theme under kde?10:44
t_raspinging loopback works, pingint gets network unreachable. also at ifconfig I see no IPs10:44
sprinkmeierftab, not automatically. IF you're using a swap partition (the old way) you're probably SOL increasing it easily. If you used a swap file then you can increase its size fairly easily.10:44
quibblerftab: you were told by sprinkmeier10:44
user____minimec: is it a closed source program?10:44
guntbertftab: please don't ask the same question again after sprinkmeier told you his opinion (which I share), instead answer what he asked: is hibernate a problem?10:44
diskinBrixSat, did you google the error?10:45
minimecuser____: http://thelastripper.com/10:45
sprinkmeiert_ras, are you using DHCP?10:45
BrixSatyes and Nothing diskin10:45
diskinBrixSat, http://n2.nabble.com/compilation-stop-with-error-td1332516.html10:45
t_rasI'm not, but the dump shows a lot of DHCP requests...10:46
annoiaI have an Asus M3A motherboard, running Ubunutu Intrepid. Whenever I create a lot of IO (Ie. copying a file from one harddisk to an other) I use about 50% CPU on "wait", and the system becomes VERY sluggish. Is there something I haven't enabled?10:47
BrixSatdiskin: checking ;)10:47
t_rasI think that might be the problem. Any way to disable DHCP? The router isconfigured for fixed IPS10:47
minimecuser____: Looks like last.fm changed the protocol, but there is a new inofficial version of the software ... ;)10:47
user____minimec: try to build the latest source by yourself10:48
sprinkmeiert_ras, if you're not using DHCP then you have to manually configure the IP addresses. how you do that depends on distro and personal preferance (munging files in /etc, network manager, whatever). Until you do that, and get an IP address, you won't get networking.10:48
t_rasI'm using kubuntu ,sno I roght clicked on the "globus"icon (probably netowrk manager 7) and created a new connection for eth0  with the IPs I sent you.10:49
t_rasWhat is the file I can edit for IP configuration to override networkmanager?10:50
rwwt_ras: /etc/network/interfaces10:50
t_rasthanks all. Ill edit the file directly10:50
roccity_hey guys whats happening10:51
diskinifconfig does not show eth0 - where it can be enabled? the module is included in distro, because it worked in previous install..10:51
guntbertroccity_: whats the problem?10:51
Almindorhow would you go about converting a .avi to a DVD (mpeg I guess) with embedding subtitles?10:51
sdf2how can i check what is my default soundcard?10:52
Almindor(windows cp1250 encoded .srt subtitles no less)10:52
roccity_diskin have to tried modprobe <module>?10:52
sprinkmeierAlmindor, I've used DeeVeeDee but I'm a video noob, I'm sure there's a better way10:52
Almindorsprinkmeier, it can do subs?10:52
dan_gGood morning all - I'm having trouble getting my middle scroll button working on a Thinkpad R61. Tried following the instructions I found at http://is.gd/lidj for configuring it through HAL, but it's still not working. Anyone have any ideas?10:52
sdf2i set my default card, with asoundconf set-default-card but i think it changes back after i reboot10:53
dotI have ubuntu easypeasy on my minilaptop and my wireless network worked a day ago I installed it, now it has forgotten it10:53
sprinkmeiersdf2, cheat.... put the set-default command in /etc/rc.local :-)10:53
dotI took and disabled wireless and enabled it again and it's just like dead10:53
dotwhat can I do?10:53
diskinroccity_, I'm not near that PC now, but it run another install of Ubuntu, and the card was up automatically.10:54
diskinroccity_, But then when I installed the new system, I choose "skip network configuration" during install - can it be the reason of not activating eth0?10:54
roccity_diskin: you can try lsmod and see if the card is listed, if not you can try sudo modprobe the name of the module10:54
sprinkmeierAlmindor, NFI, my AVI's didn't have subtitles10:55
roccity_diskin: what kind of card is it10:55
diskinroccity_, yes, I will boot into the old install and compare lsmod10:55
diskinroccity_, don't know right now:( - friends's PC10:55
Almindorsprinkmeier, seems it can10:55
icu2cannot get DVD playback working in Hardy10:55
icu2please help10:55
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats10:55
roccity_diskin: ok come back and let us know how it went10:55
dotanyone knows about easypeasy and wireless network?10:56
espereguanyone knows how I can see which versions of a specific package can be installed using apt-get ?10:56
diskinroccity_, I will, thanks!10:56
Dillizarmy sound card its busy what can i do10:56
icu2please help10:56
soulchildHi all,... there was a command to get all necassary librarys of a programm... what was that ?10:56
icu2no DVD playback10:56
rwwesperegu: apt-cache policy packagename10:56
lstarnes!dvd | icu210:57
ubottuicu2: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats10:57
diskinannoia, did you receive a reply? I'm interested about the problem too.10:58
sdf2this rc.local runs every time as i start linux?10:58
AndroidDatahi. I've been running Ubuntu Server Edition on a spare computer to run as a server. It was hosting my websites fine and dandy until a couple of hours ago, when the machine overheated or something and broke down. Since then, I've moved the harddrive over to another machine which I intend to use to continue serving websites with.10:59
AndroidDataThe problem I'm having is that the network card is not being detected properly, and as such there is no network connection. lspci shows the network card in the list (Realtek RTL-8110SC/8169SC) but ifconfig does not show the card.10:59
AndroidDataWhat would be the easiest way to get my network card back up and running? I should still have the original Ubuntu CD, so the drivers should eb on there. Is there a command I can run that will automatically install it for me if I put the CD in?10:59
FloodBot3AndroidData: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.10:59
sprinkmeiersdf2, yes, /etc/rc.local is the unix 'autoexec.bat'10:59
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots10:59
user____AndroidData: you need to load the appropiate kernel module11:01
user____AndroidData: load ubuntu live cd on the new machine and do lsmod, then you know which module to load when not starting from the live-cd11:02
nils_hi you all11:02
Laeborgneed a program to burn .img movies. anyone?11:03
sprinkmeier!burn | Laeborg11:04
ubottuLaeborg: CD/DVD Burning software: K3b (KDE), gnomebaker, brasero, serpentine, graveman, Nautilus-CD-Burner, GToaster, xcdroast (GNOME), wodim (terminal-based). Burning .iso files: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto11:04
risentis there any one who know a input method named "ibus"?11:04
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ibus11:04
icu2lstarnes: hey .. I tried all that ... still no joy11:04
Almindorsprinkmeier, perfect soft, a gem, thanks mate11:05
quibblericu2: what player are you using?11:05
Dillizarmy sound card its busy all the time what should i do11:05
icu2quibbler: vlc, totem and mplayer11:05
IncarusDillizar: describe your problem... busy?11:06
icu2quibbler: I have also tried doing what was on the medibuntu site with no luck either11:06
Laeborg!burn img11:06
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about burn img11:06
Laeborg!burn .img11:06
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about burn .img11:06
quibblericu2: do you have the medibuntu repos in your source list11:06
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about img11:06
icu2quibbler: not anymore .. and I undid everything I did with that11:06
DillizarIncarus, when i try to play something i have " sound card busy" when i start my ubuntu the song stops in the middle11:07
sprinkmeierLaeborg, try !ubottu11:07
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots11:07
guntbertIncarus:  does that help? http://code.google.com/p/ibus/11:07
pro-rsoftI booted my computer today and suddenly the Up key mapped to Print Screen.11:07
quibblericu2: put the medibuntu repos back  and then install libdvdcss2 and w32codecs11:07
pro-rsoftand also other annoying keyboard mapping issues.11:07
Incarusguntbert, ?11:07
sprinkmeierDillizar, what does fuser say? (fuser /dev/dsp or whatever device you're trying to use)11:08
Incarusguntbert, ... wrong name11:08
guntbertIncarus: sorry11:08
quibblericu2: vlc should then be able to play your dvd11:08
icu2quibbler: I had that all installed and nothing11:08
guntbertrisent:   does that help? http://code.google.com/p/ibus/11:08
Dillizarsprinkmeier,  i dont understand gimme a command and i will give you the out put11:08
Incarusguntbert, np11:08
icu2quibbler: this is the second machine I have had this issue with in Hardy11:09
quibblericu2: then i can't help further....i'm on hardy and i have no problem..the only other thing i can think of is the dvd is no good11:10
icu2quibbler: tried several dvd's11:10
icu2quibbler: thanks anyhow11:10
quibblericu2: OK11:10
Incarusquibbler, vlc should be able to play dvd's without installing libdvdcss211:10
quibblericu2: i do not know i have libdvdcss211:11
Dillizarsprinkmeier, ??11:11
Incarusicu2, whats the problem?11:11
icu2Incarus: no dvd playback11:11
quibblericu2: and you need the medibuntu repos to install11:11
sprinkmeierDillizar, sound on my 8.04 box dies occasionally. 'fuser /dev/dsp' tells me which process is using it, and 'fuser -k /dev/dsp' kills that process and frees up the sound11:12
Incarusicu2, have you got vlc installed?11:12
nosyccan a user be part of more than one group?11:12
pro-rsoftnosyc, yes11:12
sprinkmeier!restrictedformats | icu211:13
ubottuicu2: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats11:13
Incarusicu2, have you got vlc installed?11:13
nosycso if I want apache and a user to be able to write to a file, should I create a new group and put them both in it?11:13
icu2Incarus: yes11:13
Incarusicu2, run vlc in terminal and paste exact output11:13
Dillizarsprinkmeier, shows nothing and i am 8.04 user too11:13
icu2Incarus: I have the packages from medibuntu installed as well11:13
Incarusicu2, k11:13
sprinkmeierDillizar, you've reached the limits of my ignorance (didn't take long :-) try a #sound group, you might have better luck there11:14
icu2Incarus:  http://pastebin.com/m4542231b11:15
xukunhi all. I got intel quad core pc. I need your advice for choosing either ubuntu 32bit or 64bit. Which one shall I install?11:15
icu2Incarus: I had to change the region of the DVD player ... should I restart after that?11:16
Incarusicu2, wouldnt help11:16
sprinkmeierxukun, 64 is the way of the future, no 4G limit. But it's a bit iffy (see flash support for one issue :-). If you're feeling brave use 64, if you're feeling conservative use 3211:16
icu2Incarus: so whats the issue? .... its worked fine on my other machines11:17
Incarusicu2, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=575729&page=3 and http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=58198111:17
Incarusicu2, totem-xine, w32codecs, libdvdcss2, libdvdnav4, libdvdread311:18
xukunsprinkmeier: thanks a lot m811:18
icu2Incarus: all installed11:18
Incarusicu2, k, moment11:18
sdf2is there a way, to fix that, so my OSS programs will play sound to my usb soundcard instead of integrated one?11:18
Incarusicu2, <<You need to REINSTALL livdvdcss2 to get VLC and MPlayer to play DVDs.>>11:19
Incarusicu2, remove libdvdcss and install: http://download.videolan.org/pub/libdvdcss/1.2.9/deb/libdvdcss2_1.2.9-1_i386.deb11:19
icu2Incarus: I have reinstalled it like 4 times11:19
sdf2i'M messing with teamspeak, for 2 days, now and it still plays sound to my integrated laptop soundcard instead of my usb soundcard11:20
FirioHi all. i got 2 questiions..11:20
FirioQuestion 1.): i can use Pidgin on Windows Vista.. But can I put in scripts and stuff on Pidgin too?11:20
Incarusicu2, wait11:20
Incarusicu2, install libxine1-ffmpeg and it should work11:20
sdf2i set asoundconf set-default-card to my usb soundcard, and everything is fine, instead oss aplications11:20
FirioForget that i had 2.. just got 111:20
magic_ninjaany overclockers in here11:20
Incarusi have to go11:20
icu2Incarus: already installed11:20
sprinkmeier!ot | Firio11:21
ubottuFirio: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!11:21
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imoi know this here is not asterisk11:23
imobut i cant go in to #asterisk11:23
imoi dont know way but it is so11:23
imois somebady here who can help me ??11:23
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)11:24
imoi have asterisk 1.611:24
imoat the first time installes11:24
imo installed11:24
imoand know i dont get incomming calls11:24
imowhen i call my number11:24
imoi get this from my CLI11:24
imo  == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 511:24
imoonly this11:25
quibblerimo: /join #asterisk11:25
imoi cant join11:25
sprinkmeier!pastebin | imo11:25
ubottuimo: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)11:25
lstarnesimo, quibbler: you need to be registered and identified with nickserv to join that channel11:25
imoplease help me when you can11:26
quibbler!nick | imo11:26
ubottuimo: Information about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname . Registration help available in #freenode11:26
imoi sit in my company and we need this telefon11:26
imoi dont have time11:26
imomy chef kill me when we dont get calls11:27
imocooldduuudde: have you an idee ?11:27
user____imo: theres not much chance you will get asterisk working when you cant register on irc11:27
DarkKnightcan anyone tell me form where i can download the VirtualBox PUSE...i searched but i didnt get11:28
imowhre i must register me ?11:29
elkyimo, stop hitting the enter key so often.11:29
quibbler!nick | imo11:29
DarkKnightquibbler;personal edition11:30
DarkKnightcan anyone tell me form where i can download the VirtualBox PUSE...i searched but i didnt get11:30
sprinkmeierimo, look at ubottu's post for links to instructions. user____ 's comment is harsh but probably true, if you're having trouble with irc registration then chances are asterisk will be _very_ difficult.11:31
user____sprinkmeier: ok, i will try to better take care :-)11:32
quibblerDarkKnight: in synaptic11:32
xukunwhich package do I need to install if I want change the default sound card. I think alsaconf but I cant find it with apt-get11:32
DarkKnightquibbler;not virtualbox-ose11:32
quibblerDarkKnight: then here: http://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Linux_Downloads11:33
magnetronhi! how do i set up default user names for specific ssh servers, for the standard ssh client?11:33
diskinmagnetron, in ~/.ssh/config11:33
sprinkmeiermagcius, .ssh/config11:33
magnetronxukun→ usually pavucontrol11:34
magnetrondiskin, sprinkmeier→ thank you11:34
ElGeehi friends, i'm having trouble finding a video editor that can edit/convert .DAT files. tried Kino, but it does not let me open a .DAT file. Any suggestions?11:34
sprinkmeier(not only did diskin beat me, he even answered the right guy :-)11:34
sprinkmeier!codec | ElGee11:35
ubottuElGee: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats11:35
picca-is there a way to set the default cpu speed on intrepid, so it remembers it after reboot11:35
ElGeethanks very much ubottu & sprinkmeier :-)11:36
n2diyOk, I munged my test box. I ran nautilus as gksudo, delete my home directory, restored it from an archive, restarted my machine, and X is giving me errors. So I started up in recovery mode, deleted me again, then did adduser, to recreate me, but still X won't start for me, ideas?11:38
=== imo is now known as imox1234
sprinkmeiern2diy, so test machine now has a fresh, clean homedirectory, and X still won't work.... error messages?11:39
kane77can anyone suggest good console audio player? I had one but I can't remember the name (not mpd) :(11:40
gillhello, i ave a problem with a graphic card (radeon HD 3650) can you help me?11:42
picca-is it possible to set a default cpu scale in intrepid - i find i can set it to performance, but after reboot in defaults to ondemand11:44
n2diysprinkmeier, yes, the first message is about my /home/.dmrc file, which is being ignored, I must own the file, and I must own my home directory. The second message states "unable to lock file /home/me/ICEauthority, and I should report it as a bug. Of course I won't do that, as I'm the bug. :)11:45
sprinkmeierpicca-, what do you do to set it? if it's a command then put it in /etc/rc.local11:45
abhi___i'm trying to install ubuntu in flash drive of 4 gigs,can i modify or download some softwares after boot up from flash drive?11:45
crdlbkane77: maybe moc?11:45
picca-sprinkmeier, i am using the cpu frequency scaling applet11:45
picca-should i hardcode an echo statement in the rc.local11:45
DarkKnighthey how can i get my XP working in ubuntu using VirtualBox..can anyone say that??11:46
realistI can't get WPA2 to work, using NetworkManager and the Broadcom restricted drivers (8.10)11:46
decembreI know kde use a system similar to gnomevolumemanager11:46
decembrewhich allows to mount devices dynamically (like usb key...)11:46
sprinkmeiern2diy, sounds like the name is the same, but the UID/GID are mismatched (i.e. just because the directory is called /home/foo does not give user 'foo' access to it, the UID/GID have to match). chown --recursive uid.gid /home/foo is a ham-fisted way to change uids, might fix your peoblem11:46
decembrewhich allows to mount devices dynamically (like usb key...)11:46
decembrewhich allows to mount devices dynamically (like usb key...)11:47
decembreanyone knows here ?11:47
n2diysprinkmeier, ok, I'll give it a try.11:47
decembresorry for the double sentence11:47
sprinkmeierpicca-, if you have the command-line equivalent of whatever the applet does then put that in rc.local11:47
user____DarkKnight: do you want to clone your xp in virtualbox? or maybe start with a fresh install?11:47
sprinkmeierdecembre, these days it's HAL (hardware abstraction layer)11:48
picca-okay will do that; just wondered if it was possible via some other mechanism, but seems they've removed the cpufreq in gnome-conf for intrepid11:48
abhi___anyone here?11:48
decembreyes, I know it's hal11:48
abhi___i'm trying to install ubuntu in flash drive of 4 gigs,can i modify or download some softwares after boot up from flash drive?11:48
DarkKnightuser_; clone...i have two disks one with ubuntu and the other with XP...so if i want to work with XP.i dont want to reboot from Ubuntu11:48
DarkKnightuser_; can you tell me how i can do this..11:48
decembrebut how do I configure it ?11:49
decembreif you know !11:49
baldarishi..i have a server setup in ububtu...i am using putty to login via ssh, but now it gives me a error connecting network error can not connect...can any one tell me why?11:49
decembrebaldaris : why don't you use ssh commande ?11:49
user____DarkKnight: its complicated, i would look into the tool 'dd'11:49
error404notfoundI applied flook theme to firefox, and now its kindda of corrupt, even the place where page's content appears is filled by icons. How can I run firefox in safe mode and change theme?11:49
decembreit's easier than putty !11:50
baldarisi tried /etc/init.d/ssh restart11:50
DarkKnightuser_; whats that tool??11:50
decembrebaldaris : no !11:50
baldarisssh commande11:50
sprinkmeierDarkKnight, do you want to access the XP files from Ubuntu?11:50
user____DarkKnight: it copies disk segments on a low level.11:50
decembrein your client machine (your actual pc)11:50
baldariswhere can i get it11:50
decembreI think you have it !11:51
=== WXYZ-2 is now known as zhanxuw
decembrerun "ssh your-server"11:51
Dillizari think my gstreamer is broken i dont have sound i cant play a song and all the time i have this msg " audio card busy" pls help11:51
decembreok ?11:51
sdf2ubuntu owned me11:51
user____DarkKnight: yeah, like sprinkmeier said. you need xp data files only or also executables?11:51
DarkKnightsprinkmeier; i can access it...but suppose i want to view some of my University notes in flash..viewing them from WIndows makes it easier for me11:52
DarkKnightsprinkmeier, user_; i can access it...but suppose i want to view some of my University notes in flash..viewing them from WIndows makes it easier for me11:52
user____theres also flash for ubuntu11:52
sdf2why is that, my ubuntu startup sound disappeared?11:53
sprinkmeierDarkKnight, 4 choices... dual-boot, mount the windows partitions (I recommend read-only) or run windows in a VM or try wine11:53
DarkKnightuser___; yes but i am pissed off with using it and its being months since i had been asking how to solve the issues with flash11:53
baldarishey any one why am i getting this error message11:53
DarkKnightsprinkmeier; i was told that VBOX is better than VM11:53
Incarusicu2, on?11:54
Dillizari think my gstreamer is broken i dont have sound i cant play a song and all the time i have this msg " audio card busy" pls help11:54
sprinkmeierDarkKnight, VM == your favourite virtual machine (vmware, virtualbox, whatever....)11:54
IncarusDarkKnight, you can also use qemu11:54
quibblerDarkKnight: look here: http://www.howtoforge.com/installing-virtualbox-2.0.0-on-ubuntu-8.10-desktop11:55
DarkKnightIncarus; another alternative to VM11:55
sprinkmeiersdf2, check that it's still set, System->Administration->Login window, Accesibility tab11:55
IncarusDillizar, open a player in terminal and try to play a song and paste output11:55
DarkKnightquibbler; i use 8.0411:55
quibblerDarkKnight: http://www.howtoforge.com/installing-virtualbox-2.0.0-on-ubuntu-8.04-desktop11:55
n2diysprinkmeier, ok, that did the trick, it wasn't the precise command syntax, but close enough for me to figure it out, thanks.11:56
user____DarkKnight: how about accessing the flash files from a fresh win install (+flash) in virtualbox client and ubuntu host, while ubuntu host has windows harddisk files mounted and host networking filesystem11:56
DarkKnightquibbler; installing is not my problem...but using windows in ubuntu11:57
IncarusDarkKnight, whats the problem?11:57
DillizarIncarus, how can i run a program in terminal for ex VLC11:57
IncarusDillizar, open terminal and enter "vlc"11:57
sprinkmeierDillizar, ALT-F211:58
DarkKnightuser___; i didnt get the 2nd part of your question... i can view the Windows files...but i want to use the internet in pure Windows mode via ubuntu and also if possible use .NET tools and other tools on this Windows11:58
DillizarIncarus, no out put nothing11:58
DarkKnightIncarus; http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1083335&page=1  refer this11:58
natschilhello, how can I tell networkmanager not to manage a device in intrepid?11:59
quibblerDarkKnight: you start virtualbox and make a new drive for xp and install it11:59
DarkKnightquibbler; can't i make use of an existing installation??11:59
Incarusnatschil, delete settings in network manager11:59
natschilwhat do you mean?11:59
ximreHi everybody! My problem: I cannot find a linux version of PPS (www.pps.tv). With this program you can watch many chinese television channels. I installed the windows version with Wine, but it does not work on Ubuntu.12:00
sdf2do not install alsa-oss package12:00
sdf2it fully messed up my sound12:00
quibblerDarkKnight: maybe you can, but i don't know how. i had a xp disk and just  intsalled from that12:00
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natschilIncarus: thanks, I got it working.12:00
DarkKnightquibbler; so this is my problem...wanted to know if this was possible12:01
user____DarkKnight: just install vbox-ose and install a fresh winxp in it, plus .net, flash and whatelse you might need. then create a networking filesystem between ubuntu and the vbox windows. for your "old" windows files you then have a bridge ala: windows old -> mounted by ubuntu vbox host -> networked filesystem to vbox client12:01
quibblerDarkKnight: i take you have no xp disk12:01
DarkKnightquibbler; i have12:01
DarkKnightuser___; someone told me that using the space in ubuntu to put up as you said decreases the performance??12:02
quibblerDarkKnight: then start virtual box and install12:02
user____DarkKnight: sure, the vbox software emulates a complete second computer12:03
DarkKnightquibbler; did i give you a clear idea of what my problem is12:03
linxehis there a command line player that can cope with flac in the repos ?12:03
IncarusDarkKnight, qemu with kqemu module got more speed the vbox12:03
DillizarIncarus, http://paste.ubuntu.com/124695/ there you go12:03
DarkKnightIncarus; and will i be able to make use of existing XP in another disk??12:04
quibblerDarkKnight: what is your exact problem...12:04
DarkKnightquibbler, user___; did you go through this post... user____; did you go through what had been dicussed here  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1083335&page=112:04
DarkKnightquibbler, user___; i have been asking here...i hope you get my problem12:05
IncarusDarkKnight, yes, really easy12:05
magic_ninjalinxeh, use mplayer12:05
magic_ninjaDarkKnight, use virtualbox its lean and fast and very nice i think anyway12:05
DarkKnightIncarus; vow is it much better than VirtualBox...but i never heard of people using it..12:05
magic_ninjaDarkKnight, i used to run 2-4 diablo II bots via it12:05
DillizarIncarus, any luck12:05
hmwto disable automatically loading the whole GUI, but being able to start X later with startx, would chmod 000 /etc/init.d/gdm be sufficient?12:05
sdf2anybody actually can tell me why linux uses this oss sound system?12:05
IncarusDillizar, mom12:06
DarkKnightmagic_ninja; and will i be able to make use of existing XP in another disk??12:06
sdf2i can't make any program which uses it, play sound through my usb soundcard12:06
Incarus<DarkKnight>, k, you can look on their homepage12:06
ubottuqemu is an emulator you can use to run another operating system - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsXPUnderQemuHowTo12:06
ximreAnybody helping me?12:06
baldrCiao a tutti12:06
sdf2and after 4 hours of setting, my sound settings messing up and then i can't hear any sound12:06
Incarus!ask | ximre12:06
ubottuximre: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)12:06
quibblerDarkKnight: yes i read it...you say you installed virtualbox fine..now start virtualbox12:06
burkmatUsing Ubuntu on an Eee PC, I've noticed that while everything looks pretty good, configuration windows (such as Pidgins preferences, or plugin configs, or xchats settings) have a tendency of being "too big". That is, I can usually see all the options, but the "Cancel"/"OK" part is hidden below the display... Any ideas?12:06
baldrCan someone please tell me the italian irc ?12:06
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)12:07
baldrThank you :D12:07
DarkKnightIncarus; okk i'll install it12:07
IncarusDillizar, turn up volume under "alsamixer"12:07
Incarus<DarkKnight>, k , try it, i used it, its really good12:07
DillizarIncarus, its MAX12:07
DarkKnightquibbler, i uninstalled it and i am presently downloading virtualbox-puse ..its not in repos12:07
zhanxuwximre : i think you should install media player first12:07
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about customer12:07
DillizarIncarus, master and PCM12:08
DarkKnightIncarus; so now i can use the existing Windows in Ubuntu....12:08
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about customization12:08
ubottuCompiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion12:08
quibblerDarkKnight: i thought you had already done that12:08
magic_ninjaDarkKnight, no because that install is for your actual pc, a virtual PC emulates pc hardware so you can run the OS, so you won't be able to dot hat12:08
DarkKnightquibbler; no i first installed the ose version...then someone told me that PUSE is better12:09
IncarusDillizar, yes12:09
IncarusDillizar, k12:09
lanoxx-is anyone familiar with gnuplot?12:09
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about gnuplot12:09
quibblerDarkKnight: ok that is what i also have12:09
Dillizarany other ideas ?? Incarus12:09
DarkKnightmagic_ninja; about which package are you talking VBox or ...12:09
IncarusDillizar, hm, change from also to oss or something like that12:10
vlanhello all, i have some touble when im trying to compile kernel ->  http://pastebin.com/m663b1c0b12:10
vlani think some libs missed but i dont know how to solve this12:10
IncarusDillizar, wait!12:10
IncarusDillizar, install vorbis-tools12:10
shyamhttp://www.swathanthran.in/try.wav have a trial recording with my mic, it is having an internal background noise, which i wish to reduce.. any idea?12:10
magic_ninjaDarkKnight, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualBox12:10
sfmciao a tutti12:11
* shyam doing recording with arecord12:11
Incarusvlan, output is too short12:11
=== Jesus is now known as Guest11599
DillizarIncarus, installed now what12:11
shyamalsamixer have capture0 at 84 and capture1 at 100 digital at 4412:11
quibblermagic_ninja: he doesn't want virtualbox-ose he wants it from Sun12:11
shyamops sorry..12:12
IncarusDillizar, try again12:12
Gartral1!dvd Gartral112:12
IncarusDillizar, the music12:12
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about dvd Gartral112:12
shyamits a laptop12:12
DarkKnightIncarus; i just saw that page..the installation is shown only for 7.10...i use 8.0412:12
Gartral1hmm, how do i play dvd movies?12:12
vlanIncarus, output is too shot ? dont understand ...12:12
IncarusGartral1, install libdvdcss212:12
magic_ninjaDarkKnight, http://download.virtualbox.org/virtualbox/2.1.4/virtualbox-2.1_2.1.4-42893_Ubuntu_intrepid_i386.deb12:12
Gartral1is in synaptic now?12:12
IncarusGartral1, http://download.videolan.org/pub/libdvdcss/1.2.9/deb/libdvdcss2_1.2.9-1_i386.deb12:13
DarkKnightmagic_ninja; yes i am downloading it..thank you12:13
Nasraany1 knowto make my desktop loolk like Mac?12:13
ubuntu_can somebody help me with the installation process of Ubuntu 2.0 Ultimate using Wubi?12:13
Incarusvlan, forget it12:13
Incarus<DarkKnight>, ?  http://bellard.org/qemu/download.html12:14
ubuntu_I've installed it inside a partition with 39 GB free space12:14
DillizarIncarus, still nothing12:14
DarkKnightIncarus; i searched my repos...its there...12:14
IncarusNasra, oxygen and avant window manager12:14
Incarus<Dillizar>, k, start vlc in terminal and give output again12:14
Incarus<DarkKnight>, k12:14
DarkKnightIncarus; should i install from there...which other packags should i install along with that...12:15
Gartral1thankyou very much12:15
Incarus<DarkKnight>, just qemu, but you can also compile kqemu from the page12:15
IncarusGartral1, is it working?12:16
Incarus<Nasra>, ...12:16
DarkKnightIncarus; kqemu is also available in repos...12:16
NasraIncarus: yeap,....but where do I go for that?12:16
vlanIncarus, why "forget it" ??12:16
Incarus<Nasra>, search in synaptics12:16
Incarusvlan, my english isnt good enough to tell it12:16
NasraIncarus: but how I do seach it ...like what do I put in there?12:17
magic_ninjaDarkKnight, don't mention it12:17
IncarusNasra, just a sec12:17
DillizarIncarus, http://paste.ubuntu.com/124703/ i thi this will help12:17
Incarusvlan, Your output does not help us further12:17
NasraIncarus: like Mac Desktop something like that....12:17
IncarusNasra, search it in google12:18
NasraIncarus: okay thanks....lemme try that...12:18
=== RoozbehOnline is now known as Roozbeh|Away
IncarusDillizar, 8.10? its a bug in alsa driver12:19
sfmciao a tutti12:19
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots12:19
DillizarIncarus, 8.0412:19
IncarusDillizar, install "libsdl1.2debian-all"12:19
n2diysprinkmeier,  are you still here?12:19
magic_ninjaDarkKnight, http://turbotting.net/virtualbox-howto-for-linux-and-windows-t53.html12:19
sfmciao a tutti12:20
DillizarIncarus,  Package libsdl1.2debian-pulseaudio is not installed.12:20
magic_ninjaDarkKnight, thats a howto i wrote a while back for diablo II botting on linux/with virtualbox but ignore the d2 stuff just go to the part about getting the OS installed (probably 256-512 memory is going to be enough for you btw and mabye 2 gb of disk space)12:20
IncarusDillizar, or upgrade your system or alsa (www.alsa-project.org)12:20
alphaephp free  radio script ?12:20
user____alphae: whats a radio script?12:21
quibbler!it | sfm12:21
ubottusfm: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)12:21
Incarus!ask | alphae12:21
ubottualphae: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)12:21
magic_ninja!abuse | Incarus12:21
ubottuIncarus: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines12:21
IncarusDillizar, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/alsa-driver/+bug/15012912:22
Incarusmagic_ninja, ?12:22
magic_ninjalove ya12:22
magic_ninjawell ima go get some sleep12:22
magic_ninjahave fun guys12:22
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)12:22
IncarusDillizar, <<ALSA 1.3.5 Ouptut plugin does not work>>12:23
n2diyOk, I was playing around on my test box, and munged it up pretty good, but for the most part it is working again. On problem is Synaptic dissapeared from my System menu, and I can't run it with gksudo. I can run it as user, but I'm told I can't apply changes, just export the markings, thoughts?12:23
DillizarIncarus, you are telling me or asking me :)12:23
IncarusDillizar, telling12:24
Dillizarso now12:24
IncarusDillizar, try "asoundconf reset-default-card"12:24
Incarusor something12:24
Gartral1bugger.. it plays, for about 2 minutes, then the video stops and wont come back12:24
selkiescan't mount external hard disk........ help anyone.. on ubuntu 8.1012:24
Gartral1sound keeps going though12:24
sfmciao a tutti12:24
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots12:25
DillizarIncarus, Please note that you are attempting to run asoundconf as a privileged superuser, which may have unintended consequences.12:25
IncarusGartral1, change video memory settings in bios12:25
Incarus<Dillizar>, with sudo12:25
quibblersfm: /join #ubuntu-it12:25
Dillizaryes with sudo12:25
Gartral1Incarus: bios doesnt have that setting on this chipset12:25
Incarus<Dillizar>, try "sudo killall -s KILL pulseaudio"12:26
Gartral1Incarus: this system has pretty shitty bios12:26
Incarus<Dillizar>, k, which player do you use?12:26
DillizarIncarus, audasmt12:26
selkiescan't mount external hard disk........ help anyone.. on ubuntu 8.10??? plz12:26
Incarus<Dillizar>, what?12:26
alphael am looking for php script for my web site12:26
DillizarIncarus, audacious12:27
Gartral1selkies: does the drive show up in a window manager?12:27
Incarusselkies, "sudo mkdir /dev/sdb1" and "sudo mount /dev/sdb1 /media/sdb1" and paste output12:27
DarkKnightmagic_ninja; ohhh but that's a new instalaltion of XP i suppose12:27
Incarus<Dillizar>, try "sudo killall -s KILL pulseaudio"12:27
DarkKnightIncarus; can you help me about the flash issue12:28
IncarusDarkKnight, which issue?12:28
user____alphae: google can answer your question way better than us: we use ubuntu, but not necessarily php scripts12:28
alphae am looking for php script for my radio12:28
alphaeno google12:28
Incarusalphae, wrong chat, join php irc12:28
selkiesGartral1: i am really new to linux.. can u plz show me the way12:28
user____alphae: please show us your google search query12:28
Incarusselkies, "sudo mkdir /dev/sdb1" and "sudo mount /dev/sdb1 /media/sdb1" and paste output12:29
thecookieHowdy, I'm using 2 monitors. I can't seem to move windows between them tho. They just get moved between virtual desktops.12:29
DarkKnightIncarus; i am able to view youtube videos....but when i move the scrollbar of the video.,..the video gets stuck...and watching a video in ubuntu is not same as in XP...12:29
scizzo-thecookie: sounds like you have edge flipping on12:29
Gartral1it seems poidgin and vlc collide, huh12:29
scizzo-thecookie: I am using 2 monitors also12:30
IncarusDarkKnight, install latest flash player (10)12:30
vigothecookie: How many Desktops do you have open?12:30
selkiesIncarus: where do i paste the output??12:30
DillizarIncarus, lemme restart12:30
IncarusDarkKnight, which browser?12:30
thecookievigo: I just have 2 horizontal12:30
thecookieI guess I'll try to turn of edge flipping12:30
IncarusDillizar, k12:30
DarkKnightIncarus; i did that...but it didnt help...i use firefo12:30
selkiesIncarus: paste bin?/12:30
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)12:30
DarkKnightIncarus; firefox12:30
Incarusselkies, yes12:30
IncarusDarkKnight, you can also try opera12:31
Incarus!opera | DarkKnight12:31
ubottuDarkKnight: opera is an advanced and free (only as in price) web browser.  Install it via Applications->Add/Remove..., making sure that "Show commercial applications" (dapper only) is checked. For more info on opera please see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OperaBrowser12:31
vigothecookie: Ok, I was just thinking it may be those getting 'confused'12:31
selkiesIncarus: what the link for paste bin .. plz12:31
Incarus!paste | selkies12:31
ubottuselkies: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)12:31
DarkKnightIncarus; also i am not able to watch certain pages which contains flashpaper embedded into it...12:31
DarkKnightIncarus; is opera as good as firefox12:31
IncarusDarkKnight, its faster on linux12:32
IncarusDarkKnight, can you give me an output of "ps -u root"12:32
DarkKnightIncarus; okk...what about this flashpaper issue12:32
IncarusDarkKnight, hm12:32
selkiesIncarus: http://paste.ubuntu.com/124711/12:33
thecookiescizzo-: Hmm. How would I turn off edge flipping? can't find it in the compiz manager12:33
Incarusselkies, "sudo mkdir /media/sdb1" and "sudo mount /dev/sdb1 /media/sdb1" and paste output12:33
Incarusmy mistake12:33
Haz1Hey guys, can anyone help me , i have a built-in microphone problem, the thing just won't work... any suggestions?12:34
IncarusDarkKnight, x86 or x64?12:34
DillizarIncarus, now my graphic card doesnt work! i think the drivers may did something wrong12:34
IncarusHaz1, turn up the volume in "alsamixer"12:34
scizzo-thecookie: hmmm maybe its not in the compiz stuff or even that its in that place from the start12:34
Dillizarand i still dont have sound Incarus12:34
DarkKnightIncarus; i just checked the opera support in ubuntu...and i saw something about shared version...what is shared version12:34
Incarus<Dillizar>, in ubuntu or qemu?12:35
DarkKnightIncarus; x6412:35
selkiesIncarus: http://paste.ubuntu.com/124712/12:35
vigoI need a cup of java before I can answer any of these..12:35
DillizarIncarus, ubuntu12:35
scizzo-thecookie: its called Edge Flipping12:35
DarkKnightIncarus; http://paste.ubuntu.com/124714/12:35
IncarusDarkKnight, http://www.opera.com/browser/download/12:35
scizzo-thecookie: now I am not sure how much effects you have and also I am not sure how you have setup the dual monitors also...would help a little know that also12:36
thecookiescizzo-: I'm doing a filter using the filter function in the manager and I can't find a plugin named that12:36
scizzo-thecookie: its not a filter12:36
Incarus<DarkKnight>, k, looks good12:36
scizzo-thecookie: right..Desktop Wall -> Edge Flipping12:36
thecookiescizzo-: I meant.. the filter search function.. to filter out plugins so it's easier to find.12:36
Incarus<Dillizar>, ? your graca isnt working?12:36
thecookiescizzo-: Ah.12:36
DarkKnightIncarus; in https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OperaBrowser   there is a mention about shared version...what does this shared version man12:37
scizzo-thecookie: if you are using edge flipping12:37
DarkKnightIncarus; in https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OperaBrowser   there is a mention about shared version...what does this shared version mean12:37
killerboywhat should i use for transforming my ftp account on server to version control system?12:37
DillizarIncarus, what is graca12:37
Incarus<DarkKnight>, not so important12:37
Haz1Hey guys, can anyone help me , i have a built-in microphone problem, the thing just won't work... any suggestions?12:37
Incarus<Dillizar>, graphic card12:37
DarkKnightIncarus; okk12:37
thecookiescizzo-: Ah. There is a "Multimonitor behaviour" too12:37
DillizarIncarus, the drivers a not working12:37
C-S-BHaz1, latest drivers?12:37
killerboyi'd like to have some package which controls which files i've changed in my local directory and send only these12:37
killerboyis it possible?12:37
Incarus<Dillizar>, not working, but you can chat with us?12:37
DillizarIncarus, i stared to have problems when i installed the nvidia drivers12:38
scizzo-thecookie: right12:38
baldarishey i am trying to create ~/.ssh/authorized_keys12:38
Haz1had a sound problem first, fixed it12:38
baldariswhat do i need to do that i am using nano ~/.ssh/authorized_keys12:38
Haz1now the microphone12:38
baldarisis that correct?12:38
thecookiescizzo-: Hmm.. Not much of a different turning edge flipping off12:38
DarkKnightIncarus; thank you it takes nearly 20 minutes to download12:38
DillizarIncarus, i cant its 640.48012:38
IncarusDarkKngiht, k12:38
selkiesIncarus: http://paste.ubuntu.com/124712/12:38
scizzo-thecookie: right...then you need to explain a few things12:39
alaai want good tutrial to learn how to install svn in ubuntu server?12:39
DarkKnightIncarus; finished installing qemu...but i dont see anywhere in the menus12:39
thecookiescizzo-: I have the dual monitors set up as seperate x windows in the nividia manager12:39
hmwhow do I get sysntax highlighting in vim?12:39
Haz1Hey guys, can anyone help me , i have a built-in microphone problem, the thing just won't work... any suggestions?12:39
sfmciao a tutti12:39
Incarus<Dillizar>, the GraCa is working, but you have the wrong solution or what? any errors?12:39
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots12:39
scizzo-thecookie: 1. How is the monitors setup? 2. How are you moving the windows? 3. Are you using Xinerama or Twinview or what are you using?12:39
Incarus<DarkKnight>, yes, start over terminal12:39
PeanutHi everyone - any suggestions on backup up an Ubuntu system? I've bought an external USB disk, and now I'm trying to decide between 'cp -r', 'rsync', 'tar', whatever..12:39
DarkKnightIncarus; do i have to do that everytime12:39
baldarishey i am trying to create a file ~/.ssh/authorized_keys12:39
baldarisplease tell me how to ?12:40
user____killerboy: you need a ftp mirror tool with timestamp functionality, apt-cache search ftp | grep mirror12:40
froghi, which ports should i allow on firewall to make mrtg working?12:40
Incarusselkies, hm12:40
baldarisnewbi here..12:40
Incarusselkies, i dont know12:40
killerboyuser____, thanks12:40
scizzo-thecookie: I never trusted that setup I have done everything in xorg.conf instead...since the dual monitor stuff is very broken IMO12:40
Peanutbaldaris: It should contain the public key that you want to authorize, just cut and paste the whole line and make sure that the permissions of the file and directory are ok.12:40
thecookiescizzo-: They're just set up as "Seperate x windows" maybe that's the wrong one?12:40
Incarus<DarkKnight>, no, just for generating the image12:40
scizzo-thecookie: might be...you should try a little different setups12:40
thecookiescizzo-: Neither twinview nor xinemera12:41
DarkKnightIncarus; okk can you tell me the command12:41
scizzo-thecookie: save the config and try a new12:41
baldarisyeah when i am doing that i am getting a error message file does not exist12:41
scizzo-thecookie: using twinview with nvidia cards is recommended AFAIK12:41
Incarus<DarkKnight>, i dont know the command, try "qemu --help"12:41
thecookiescizzo-: Yeah. Is x restarted with ctrl+alt+backspace?12:41
realistGuess I don't belong here.12:41
Peanutbaldaris: Who gives you that error message, how do you trigger that?12:41
DizzyDooQuestion: I currently cannot access the internet from my router which is plugged into my Ubuntu Server box, presumably because I have not set it up. The manual says I require a Static IP and a host name, what is a host name in this circumstance?12:41
scizzo-thecookie: why not just logout and login again?12:41
Incarus<DarkKnight>, http://bellard.org/qemu/qemu-doc.html12:41
baldarispeanut: i am wrting this in my dedicated server console.12:41
thecookiescizzo-: true. brb :)12:41
baldariswhen i try nano ~/.ssh/authorized_keys12:42
Dillizaris there a way i can return to the kernel i had when i had a fresh installation12:42
Incarus<DizzyDoo>, i think "localhost"12:42
baldarisit opens a terminal12:42
PeanutAh, ok, maybe the .ssh directory doesn't exist yet?12:42
baldarisand paste the public key12:42
baldarishow can i craete it12:42
DizzyDooIncarus, what?12:42
Incarus<Dillizar>, you can reinstall the old kernel from repo12:42
Nasramaking your Ubuntu 8:10 looking like Mac Os..12:42
Peanutbaldaris: From your home directory, type mkdir .ssh12:42
DillizarIncarus, how can i do that12:43
Incarus<DizzyDoo>, dont know12:43
Incarus<Dillizar>, do what? i forgot it12:43
Dillizaroh i<Incarus> <Dillizar>, you can reinstall the old kernel from repo12:43
alaahow to install svn in ubuntu?12:43
baldarisyeah ofcource12:44
Incarus<Dillizar>, k12:44
Incarus<Dillizar>, wait a sec12:44
baldaristhanks quite stupid of me actually12:44
baldarisbut thanks a million12:44
Incarus<Dillizar>, what was the kernel version?12:44
user____alaa: package name is subversion ;-)12:44
Incarus!svn | alaa12:44
ubottualaa: svn is Subversion: an open-source revision control system, which aims to be a compelling replacement for CVS. See http://subversion.tigris.org/12:44
DillizarIncarus, wait nee cig :)12:44
n2diyMessing around with my test box, and I managed to lose my sudoers prvledges, how can I fix that?12:44
Incarus<Dillizar>, ? "nee cig"?12:45
alaa<ubottu> i want the steps to install it12:45
Incarusalaa, ubottu is a bot, he wouldnt answer12:45
scizzo-alaa: apt-get install subversion12:46
alaa<Incarus> can you help me to install svn in ubuntu?12:46
thecookiescizzo-: Hmm. Now the other monitor is just dark :P12:46
Incarusalaa, terminal -> "sudo apt-get install subversion"12:46
alaai do but how to put my project on it and use it12:46
scizzo-thecookie: http://pastebin.com/mcaabee212:47
scizzo-thecookie: that is the setup I have12:47
Incarusn2diy, did you change your sudoers file?12:47
scizzo-alaa: hold on..you want help with _using_ subversion?12:47
scizzo-alaa: I mean creating a project and putting it in subversion?12:47
Incarusscizzo, <<alla <Incarus> can you help me to install svn in ubuntu?>>12:48
scizzo-Incarus: read again12:48
thecookiescizzo-: Thanks. I'll test around a bit to see if I can get it working12:48
n2diyIncarus, umm, no, I deleted my user, and then added him again, and I had to do a chown --recursive user /home/user, just to be able to log back in again.12:48
grobda24Hello. I've seen this mentioned as a bug ... but how can I simply get my sound to play again without rebooting ? "module-alsa-sink.c: Error opening PCM device front:0: Device or resource busy"12:48
Incarusn2diy, and what is the exact error?12:48
=== xykun is now known as xukun
scizzo-alaa: I am sorry to say this but that is something that you will have to read from the subversion website12:48
PeanutIs there a way to tell whether the USB port I'm using for an external disk is a 'fast' USB port or a slower one?12:49
scizzo-alaa: how to setup a host and then creating a project to put on a subversion host is beyond my knowledge at least....12:49
alaascizzo: thanks12:49
scizzo-alaa: http://subversion.tigris.org/12:49
IncarusPeanut, where's no fast and slow, do you mean usb 1.1/2.0?12:49
Haz1Hey guys, can anyone help me , i have a built-in microphone problem, the thing just won't work... any suggestions?12:49
selkiesIncarus: this is the error i get ... "http://picasaweb.google.com/lh/photo/GELCsYvav6mvs5WZcYOYvQ?authkey=Gv1sRgCO6f5eD18KLq9gE&feat=directlink"12:50
xukunHi all. I have a system with onboard nvdia sound card with spdif, how can I see if it's active?12:50
PeanutIncarus: yes, the USB people have completely confused me with their 'hi speed' and 'full speed', but 2.0 is probably what I meant :-)12:50
scizzo-thecookie: sure....most of the sites I have seen and followed have said to use twinview with nvidia cards12:50
mirakto develop a C programm on linux what is the best IDE ?12:50
scizzo-thecookie: just keep that in mind12:50
mirakor just to browse it12:50
scizzo-thecookie: I have tried the other tools for dual monitors but IMO they are not 100% good at the moment12:51
n2diyIncarus, with gksudo I'm prompted for my password, and then told I'm not authorized by sudo to run the app, with sudo, I'm told I am not in the sudoers file.12:51
IncarusPeanut, if you connect an usb device to an usb 2.0 interface and the device works, then it should be high speed and working)12:51
scizzo-mirak: any text editor I would say12:51
Incarus<n2diy>, can you use vim?12:51
PeanutIncarus: sure, but how do I find out if the interface I've plugged it into is USB2.0 capable?12:51
mirakscizzo-: haha12:51
selkiesguys this is the error i get on mounting a ext HDD.. "http://picasaweb.google.com/lh/photo/GELCsYvav6mvs5WZcYOYvQ?authkey=Gv1sRgCO6f5eD18KLq9gE&feat=directlink"12:52
IncarusPeanut, i dont know, ask somebody else12:52
n2diyIncarus, I've never used it before.12:52
PeanutMy dmesg does say: "usb 5-2: new high speed USB device using ehci_hcd and address 512:52
Incarus<selkies>, "sudo umount /dev/sdc1" and then: "sudo ntfsfix /dev/sdc1"12:52
Incarusn2diy, you have to add your user in "/etc/sudoers/", but i dont know the exact syntax12:53
scizzo-selkies: have you tried what it says in the error?12:53
grobda24Haz1, what system ?12:53
n2diyIncarus, ok, that's a start, thanks.12:53
Incarusn2diy, if you just add your user, he'll be super user, so be carefull12:54
forceshow can I know if I have a 32 or 64 bits system?12:54
PeanutSeems I picked the right USB port then, jay :-)12:54
n2diyIncarus, roger that.12:54
achilleshello, I use ldap to authenticate my users by pam_ldap, users login and everything is perfect, I just have one problem, uses that belongs to a certain group can't access group shared folders, even 'id' returns the correct group . any help ?12:54
Incarusselkies, does it work?12:54
Incarusn2diy, k12:55
grobda24selkies, have you tried what is suggested in that error message ?12:55
forceswich comand can I use?12:55
grobda24Anyone know how to clear an "alsa in use" message ?12:55
Incarus<selkies>, "sudo umount /dev/sdc1" and then: "sudo ntfsfix /dev/sdc1"12:55
selkiesgrobda24: how to do the second option??12:55
Incarusselkies, look at my solution12:55
user____forces: uname -m12:55
Garcon_hikenboot, I need to set a range of IPs on a ubuntu server 8.10. Is there any way to do similar to this: http://wiki.centos.org/TipsAndTricks/RangeOfIpsOnEthx ?12:56
selkiesIncarus: http://paste.ubuntu.com/124727/12:56
forcesuser____, thanks12:56
Incarusk, selkies, try "sudo mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/sdc1 /media/ANIL -o force"12:58
=== jw is now known as Guest46039
selkiesIncarus: http://paste.ubuntu.com/124731/12:59
Incarusselkies, "sudo mkdir /media/sdc1" and then: "sudo mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/sdc1 /media/sdc1 -o force"12:59
Guest46039Jak skonfigurować dźwiek w Ubuntu 8.10 na laptopie asus ?12:59
TaTohi all13:00
Incarus!pl | Guest4603913:00
ubottuGuest46039: Mozesz uzyskac pomoc w jezyku polskim na #ubuntu-pl13:00
gabrielHi everyone13:00
Incarus!cz | Guest4603913:00
ubottuGuest46039: České uživatele žádáme, aby mluvili v kanále #ubuntu anglicky. Česky je možno se domluvit v #ubuntu-cz. Děkujeme.13:00
zertyuiohi there13:00
TaToi have a big problem13:00
zertyuio i like your pastebin website13:00
gabrielI need to know if there is any good translation software for ubuntu like systran translator13:00
n2diyIncarus, I have no /etc/sudoers flie!13:00
TaTothere is somebody can help me?13:00
b1n42y!pl | Guest4603913:00
ubottuGuest46039: Mozesz uzyskac pomoc w jezyku polskim na #ubuntu-pl13:00
thecookiescizzo-: I seem to have it working now. The background image is really streched out tho.. this meta resolution thingy seems to be the issue13:01
zertyuiois it possible to intergrate the pastebin to our website13:01
selkiesIncarus: bro it worked...13:01
Haz1Hey guys, can anyone help me , i have a built-in microphone problem, the thing just won't work... any suggestions?13:01
Incarusn2diy, open as super user13:01
selkiesIncarus: can u plz tell me wat was the prob..13:01
b1n42yIncarus, FYI that was pl ;p13:01
zertyuiois there any code for user comes to my website13:01
Incarus!ask | TaTo13:01
ubottuTaTo: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)13:01
zertyuiocan be poste13:01
zertyuiopastebin things13:01
Incarus<selkies>, the device did "unclean" shutdown, you had to force your ubuntu to mount it13:02
Incarus<b1n42y>, kk13:02
scizzo-thecookie: no suprise....just keep working with it and you will get it working13:02
n2diyIncarus, I booted in recovery mode, went to a root shell, started nano, and there is no /etc/sudoers file?13:02
selkiesIncarus: u mean from windows... i also ve windows13:02
gabriel I need to know if there is any good translation software for ubuntu like systran translator, can somebody help me?13:02
user____zertyuio: try sourceforge.net and search for pastebin13:02
Incarusk, selkies, next time press right click on systray in windows and then remove13:03
Incarus<b1n42y>, did look like czech13:03
Incarusn2diy, you can create one13:03
zertyuiothx a lot user____13:03
TaToi need to use an usb smart card reader through rdesktop to a windows server 2003 how can i do this????13:03
n2diyIncarus, ok, I'll touch it.13:04
MarsDi think use visudo rather n2diy13:04
Incarusn2diy, create one with this line: "root    ALL=(ALL) ALL" and then chmod to 666 the file (the number of the beast XD)13:04
user____gabriel: i feel you need check with the vendors for linux offers, its a market with propietary algrithms so i doubt there are open source projects so far13:04
n2diyIncarus, roger13:05
gregor_Is there any GTD, like http://gtd-free.sourceforge.net/index.html in Ubuntu?13:05
selkiesIncarus: i tried wid couple of other ext hard disk too.. but had this same prob.. so next time if i get the same error wid other HDD .. m i suppose to jus type the "sudo mkdir /media/sdc1" and then: "sudo mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/sdc1 /media/sdc1 -o force"13:05
user____gregor_: apt-cache search todo13:05
thecookiescizzo-: You know if there is some way you can make the second monitor get its own bottom bar? So that apps opened and is on the right monitor isn't in the left panel13:05
Incarusselkies, no just "sudo mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/sdc1 /media/sdc1 -o force"13:06
TaTonobody??? :'(13:06
IncarusTaTo, whats the problem?13:06
TaToi need to use an usb smart card reader through rdesktop to a windows server 2003 how can i do this????13:06
gabrielthanks user__13:06
selkiesIncarus:  thanks a million bro.. i owe u ..13:06
IncarusTaTo, remote?13:06
bartbesGDM always says "Login failed" before I can even enter my name and password, does somebody know what it might be?13:07
Incarusselkies, np13:07
achillesguys, if some users are in the same group, and a directory permission 770 nobody:GrpName , can't those users access this directory ?13:07
Incarusbartbes, could be a bug, try to install kdm13:07
minimecbartbes: can you login normally after the error message?13:07
n2diyIncarus, I do have the file, I didn't scroll down far enough to see it. and the entry for root is there.13:08
IncarusTaTo, is the device not working? or is it only when you try it remote?13:08
GeneralGustavAnybody know a good GUI or terminal app to mount and unmount .isos and .imgs easily?13:08
pescanovahola a todos13:08
Incarus<n2diy>, k13:08
bartbesminimec: no, it keeps returning, if I hold escape it just keeps closing message boxes13:08
Incarus<n2diy>, do you have got 8.10?13:08
TaToincarus look at this http://nopaste.com/p/aanOEFgHj13:08
n2diyIncarus, no 8.04.13:08
TaToi think it works13:08
TaTobut i'm not soure13:09
pescanovaalguien habla español?13:09
IncarusTaTo, yes13:09
Incarus<n2diy>, its a bug, i'm sure, i also had this problem, you can upgrade to intrepid ibex, and it should work13:09
TaTook it works13:10
Incarus!es | pescanova13:10
ubottupescanova: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.13:10
TaTobut i don't know how to pass it to the server13:10
minimecbartbes: maybe you got the autologin function on... switch to a console with <ctrl><alt>F1, login and do sudo dpkg-reconfigure gdm. That will reconfigure gdm to the defaults. Then type reboot in the console13:10
n2diyIncarus, I don't think so, everything was cool until I deleted myself! :)13:10
Incarusn2diy, hm13:10
linduxedwhat was the virtual machine package that is available through synaptic called?13:10
Incarusn2diy, you can delete your user again (but over user manager) and adding a new one13:11
n2diyIncarus, I have the file open now, I'll add myself, and hope for the best, it is a test box, so this is what it exsists for.13:11
n2diyIncarus, can't do that, because I don't have sudo privvies!13:12
Incarusn2diy, could work, but i'm sure that that isnt a problem of /etc/sudoers, it is a bug in hardy13:12
Incarusn2diy, login as root at the login screen13:12
n2diyIncarus, I am root, in the recovery console.13:12
bartbesminimec: autologin is the only way I can log in at the moment13:13
Incarusn2diy, yes, thats a real problem...13:13
minimecbartbes: Why that?13:13
Incarusn2diy, its not sudoers, try "sudo apt-get -f install"13:13
n2diyIncarus, duh, why don't I just look at sudoer file on this box, that should show me what I need to know!13:13
fatbrain_tHello, can I compile (target) 32-bit systems when compiling on my ubuntu-64bit?13:13
bartbesminimec: because when it's disabled I get that "Login failed" dialog13:14
Incarusbartbes, 8.10?13:14
bartbesIncarus: yes13:14
auraxHello, I'm trying to set up few outgoing pptp connections and want to be able to bind those connections to a certain interfaces, any idea how to bind them ?13:14
minimecbartbes: I have a working gdm in 8.04 and 8.10. I would do a 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure gdm'.13:15
selkiesIncarus: will i have to it again next time i connect the HDD..13:15
bartbesminimec: ok, I'll try, but if I crash it'll probably take a minute or 10 before I'm back13:15
miteshwhere do i request for free stickers, flyers which i would require for the ubuntu install fest being organized in our college13:16
Incarusbartbes, paste "cat /var/log/gdm/:0.log"13:16
minimecbartbes: no problem.13:16
Incarusselkies, maybe, if you dont securely remove the device in windows13:16
mrgreeni have got a problem i can't install programs anymore13:16
Incarusmrgreen, paste error13:16
bartbesIncarus: seems to be an old one reporting about when I was installing my video card drivers13:17
mrgreeni haven't got the program list13:18
Incarusbartbes, have you got the latest updates?13:18
Incarusmrgreen, describe your exact error13:18
achillesguys, if some users are in the same group, and a directory permission 770 nobody:GrpName , can't those users access this directory ? please any help ?13:18
bartbesIncarus: I'll do the dpkg-reconfigure first, be back as soon as possible13:18
TaToincarus any13:18
FloodBot3TaTo: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.13:18
Incarusarchilles, no13:19
Incarusarchilles, chown the directory13:19
IncarusTaTo, i dont know13:19
Incarusbartbes, k13:19
mrgreenif i open the client to install programs i don't get any categories programs or error messages13:19
selkiesIncarus: bro now i can unmount the hdd.. it says its been mounted manually.. help again plz13:19
Incarusselkies, just a sec13:19
Incarusselkies, "sudo umount /dev/hdc1 -o force"13:20
TaToincarus ok tnx i know that isn't a normal question :)13:20
IncarusTaTo, i never used a card reader13:21
mrgreenif i open the client to install programs i don't get any categories programs or error messages13:21
Incarusin ubuntu13:21
TaToi started 2 days ago :D13:21
Incarusmrgreen, paste it, or make a screenshot13:21
TaTobye all13:21
selkiesIncarus: won't it mount automatically mount by itself..13:21
Haz1guys i have a microphone problem, it actualy works but there's a problem with playback... any suggestions?13:21
Incarusselkies, normally, but if you remove your device "unclean" in windows not13:22
DizzyDooQuestion: I currently cannot access the internet from my router which is plugged into my Ubuntu Server box, presumably because I have not set it up. The manual says I require a Static IP and a host name, what is a host name in this circumstance?13:22
Incaruswhat is circumstance?13:23
mrgreenIt tells me that the program i searched for is not avaiable but the search field is empty13:23
=== ubuntu_ is now known as chris-p
Incarusk, i searched circumstance in a dictionary13:23
Incarus<mrgreen>, in a packet manager?13:23
selkiesIncarus: i am gettin this erron on unmount .. "http://paste.ubuntu.com/124741/"13:24
Incarusselkies, sorry13:24
Incarusselkies, "sudo umount /dev/hdc1 -O force"13:24
bartbesminimec: didn't work13:25
bartbesIncarus: I'll check for updates13:25
IncarusDizzyDoo, where do you need the static ip, in the router or in ubuntu?13:26
Incarusbartbes, you can also try to use another display manager like kdm13:26
DizzyDooIncarus, the router requires a static IP.13:26
bartbesIncarus: ok, installing..13:26
selkiesIncarus: error again bro "http://paste.ubuntu.com/124742/"13:26
bartbesIncarus: though I always preferred gdm13:26
bartbesIncarus: and this costs me 116 MB13:27
=== shiny_happy_peop is now known as shiny_people
s_spiffanyone here has experience in setting up realtek audio drivers for 4.1 systems?13:27
IncarusDizzyDoo, a hostname from what? from the provider?13:27
Incarusbartbes, its a gdm bug13:27
n8tuserfDizzyDoo -> what are you trying to accomplish?13:27
Incarusbartbes, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=41232013:28
JufisI have some folders in Trash that I cannot delete. It gives an error "Directory is not empty".13:28
=== jw is now known as Guest57087
DizzyDoon8tuserf: I am attemping to set up my router, which requires a static IP and a hostname, I have no idea what a hostname is13:28
killerboyi'd like to mount ftp as filesystem, what should i install for it?13:28
Incarusbartbes, check numlock key13:28
Incaruskillerboy, check out nautilus13:29
n8tuserfDizzyDoo -> setup your ubuntu box as a router or standalone router?13:29
unclbenhello, all. i'm running Intrepid and trying to compile my own kernel to debug a... bug. i'm reading the kernel compiling howto at help.ubuntu.com and it says i need to do apt-get build-dep linux. when i try that, it says i need to enable new repos. which repos do i need to add?13:29
killerboyIncarus, i'd like to mount it, not some virtual nautilus stuff13:29
IncarusDizzyDoo, try "Localhost" as hostname13:29
IncarusDizzyDoo, "localhost"13:29
DizzyDoon8tuserf: it's a standalone router13:29
DizzyDooIncarus, that does absolutely nothing.13:29
Incarus<killerboy>, google is your friend13:29
killerboyIncarus, of course, lufs is out of date13:30
Incarus<DizzyDoo>, cant you access the internet?13:30
killerboylast update 200313:30
n8tuserfDizzyDoo -> what make you believe your router requires a static ip address?13:30
erUSUL!it | massimoloffredo13:30
ubottumassimoloffredo: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)13:30
Incarusn8tuserf, it need a static ip adress, but not a host name13:30
JufisHello. I have some folders in Trash that I cannot delete. It gives an error "Directory is not empty". How to get rid of them for good?13:30
ActionParsnipyo yo yo13:31
n8tuserfDizzyDoo -> which brand of router is this?  is it hooked up to you ISP?13:31
ActionParsnipJufis: rm -rf <folder you cant delete>13:31
n8tuserfIncarus -> no it does not require a static ip address13:31
Incarus<Jufis>, go into the directorys and delete the files13:31
DizzyDoon8tuserf: The manual says it requires a static IP when installing on Linux13:31
n8tuserfIncarus -> no it does not require host name either13:31
Incarus<n8tuserf>, yes13:31
Incarus<n8tuserf>, i think the static ip address will be the router ip13:32
n8tuserfIncarus do you realize that my router does not require a static ip address when I connect to my ISP?13:32
JufisIncarus, those folders doesn't exist anywhere but Trash13:32
n8tuserfIncarus -> you think? you are not even sure?13:32
GeneralGustavI would I copy all files with the same file extentions form a drive? Say .mp3 or .blend ?13:32
DizzyDoon8tuserf: It's a netgear DG one, plugging it in does not light up the "internet" light, and when I do an ifconfig, the Internet addr is a localhost number13:32
ubottuThe location of Trash has changed since 8.04, it is now located in ~/.local/share/Trash | Looking for the trash in previous versions: ~/.Trash13:32
Incarusn8tuserf, some router dont give you the ip of the provider, just another ip (like a proxy)13:32
dr_Willisoften if you run the file maangers as root and stuff.. you can get directoreis/files in the Trash directrory that you must use root to 'delete'13:33
asowow to irc!13:33
erUSULGeneralGustav: use shell globs... cp folder/*.mp3 destinationfolder/13:33
selkiesIncarus: error again bro "http://paste.ubuntu.com/124742/"13:33
n8tuserfDizzyDoo -> you have to understand how a router works, 1st one interfaces is  towards you ISP, the othe is towards your local lan13:33
dr_Willissudo rm /home/.local/Trash/whatever13:33
erUSUL!cli | GeneralGustav13:33
ubottuGeneralGustav: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal13:33
ActionParsnipGeneralGustav: find -name *.mp3 -exec cp {} /directory/to/copy/to \;13:33
n8tuserfIncarus -> i dont know what you are talking of, but a router does not require a static ip address!13:33
bartbesIncarus: I'm going to try using kdm, I'll report back (hopefully from enlightenment)13:34
Incarusselkies, you dont need to unmount it13:34
ActionParsnipGeneralGustav: that will find all mp3s and copy them wherever you say, replace *.mp3 to "*.mp3"13:34
Incarus<n8tuserf>, k13:34
Incarus<bartbes>, k13:34
DizzyDoon8tuserf: okay, could you please explain exactly how to set up my router in linux, as plugging it in does not appear to get me anywhere13:34
DarkKnightIncarus; so what tool id required to watch flash videos in OPera13:34
selkiesIncarus: u mean i can jus unplug the hdd..13:34
GeneralGustavActionParsnip, Even into deep directory structures?13:34
Incarus<selkies>, yes, that wont broke it13:34
n8tuserfDizzyDoo -> its not specific to linux, its the same for windows..you follow?13:34
ActionParsnipGeneralGustav: find will work recursively through all subfolders from where you launch it from13:34
Incarus<DarkKnight>, none, it use the plugins of firefox13:35
GeneralGustavActionParsnip, Excelent. Thankyou.13:35
DizzyDoon8tuserf, this is Ubuntu server though13:35
Jufis~/.local/share/Trash/files has only one folder but there's about 20 of them that I cant delete.13:35
DarkKnightIncarus; i just visited youtube and i am not able to watch the video13:35
Jufisin the Trash13:35
raii have  Intel Corporation Mobile GM965/GL960 Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 03)    how to enable desktop effects?13:35
ActionParsnipGeneralGustav: if it finds a file that matches it will execute the command, {} just means the found file (it will be the absolute bath from /)13:35
nightrid3rn8tuserf some providers require a hostname and static ip, but this is only if you order a "office class" line13:35
n8tuserfDizzyDoo -> it does not matter, it could be a client host or a server, whatever is on the lan side of the router..13:35
dr_WillisJufis,  you coukld delete the whome 'Trash' directrory as root if you wanted. it will get remade13:35
Jufisdr_Willis, how to delete it as root?13:36
IncarusDarkKnight, Tools, Preferences, Advanced, Content, and press plugins13:36
IncarusJufis, "sudo"13:36
nightrid3rmassimoloffredo type /join #ununtu-it13:36
dr_WillisJufis,  with the sudo rm ..... command as i mentioned earlier13:36
n8tuserfnightrid3r -> umm yes if its use for business class, but am sure am assuming here that the person am assisting does not have that type of service13:36
Jufisoh.. ok13:36
caktuxhi guys.. i must be waaaaaaay too tired to find what im looking for right now, ive been running solely on ubuntu for the last 4 years but can't even get it out of google right now..   How do I set the write protect flag to on a usb stick from the command line?? must be a command im simply forgetting and its creeping me out!13:36
n8tuserfDizzyDoo -> have you done any tutorials on networking yet?13:37
caktux^ to "On" on a usb stick13:37
caktuxtired i am13:37
Incaruscaktux, "sudo chmod"13:37
caktuxbut its vfat fs13:37
DarkKnightIncarus; saw two plugins...gcj and shockwave13:37
broonsparrowhi. can anyone help me with a LAMP/wordpress install on a localhost? when i try and open .../wp-admin/install.php in firefox I get a "forbidden you don't have permission to to access..." any ideas?13:37
IncarusDarkKnight, hm, should working13:38
DizzyDoon8tuserf: No. I assumed that following the manual would get my router set up.13:38
caktuxwhere it gets mounted elsewhere, no such perms for sure..13:38
GeneralGustavActionParsnip, Im getting an error: find: paths must precede expression: clothtest.blend13:38
IncarusDarkKnight, try "sudo killall -s KILL firefox" and "sudo killall -s KILL opera" and try again13:38
=== thiras_ is now known as Thiras
IncarusGeneralGustav, wrong chat, ask in blender irc13:38
n8tuserfDizzyDoo -> two pieces of equipment with different functionalities, a router which connects to your ISP via a dsl modem or a dialup modem13:39
Incaruscaktux, chmod the directory of the usb device in /media/13:39
olskolircI'm on Intrepid with Kde 4.2 stable and my pvr is only playing static for some reason in vlc with my Hauppague PVR card...any help?13:39
Jufisdr_Willis, I deleted it but the folders are still in there. They dont show up if I look at the Trash in terminal but if I open the Trash from bottom-right, there they are :(13:39
GeneralGustavIncarus, How is this related to blender? Besides the fact that they are .blends.13:39
n8tuserfDizzyDoo -> and what ever connects to that router as a device on the lan side, can be a client host, or a server host13:39
gregor_is it possible to save streams with totem?13:39
riohi, where did the samba sharing configuration dialog go? i just created a share in nautilus using the context menu, and now i cant unsahre it :(13:39
ActionParsnipGeneralGustav: after find put a .13:39
dr_WillisJufis,  i would imagine you deleted the wrong users, or the root users Trash, not the user you are currently running's trash13:39
Incarus<GeneralGustav>, thats no problem of/in ubuntu#13:39
ActionParsnipGeneralGustav: find . -name ....13:39
caktuxIncarus: youve gotta be kidding.. i knew i was forgetting something reeeeeeeeeeally stupid.. thanks mate :p13:40
Incaruscaktux, k13:40
GeneralGustavIncarus, What, how to copy a file? You know they will tell me to come straight back here.13:40
n8tuserfcaktux -> you forgotten the 4 years of know how in a jiffy?  lol13:40
DarkKnightIncarus; tried it...but its not coming13:40
Jufisdr_Willis, so where would my trash be? I'm the only user.13:40
rio.. where to remove samba shares created with nautilus?13:41
GeneralGustavActionParsnip, Its not working. I'll figure it out. Thanks for your help.13:41
ActionParsnipGeneralGustav: find . -name "*.mp3" -exec cp {} /directory/to/copy/to \;13:41
dr_Willis Jufis  /home/USERNAME/.local/share/Trash/files13:41
Incarus<GeneralGustav>, it means you have to say how the file should running, try "blender FILE"13:41
n8tuserfDizzyDoo -> this router you speak of is the same as what you are using now to get into the internet?13:41
ActionParsnipJufis: you can use $USER instead ;)13:42
JufisActionParsnip, what you mean?13:42
GeneralGustavIncarus, The only thing im doing with the file is copying it.13:42
ActionParsnipJufis: try: echo $USER13:42
DizzyDoon8tuserf, I'm afraid not, I'm using an older US Robotics wireless router. The router I speak of is a newer Netgear one.13:42
hmwis there a packet i can apt-get, to get syntax highlighting in vim? or should it be active already??13:42
Incarus<GeneralGustav>, cp13:42
gregor_is it possible to save video-streams with totem?13:42
ActionParsnipJufis: it outputs the user who is active in that terminal13:42
bartbesIncarus: thanks, it works13:42
JufisActionParsnip, thanks13:43
ActionParsnipJufis: so you can use that when giving commands13:43
DarkKnightIncarus; i had run the command in terminal and opened Opera again...but i still can't watch the video13:43
IncarusDizzyDoo, simple configuration mistake13:43
ActionParsnipJufis: if you want to referenct the home dir use ~/13:43
Incarus<DarkKnight>, x64 or x8613:43
Incarusbartbes, np13:43
ActionParsnipJufis: e.g. cd ~/Desktop13:43
DarkKnightIncarus; x6413:43
GeneralGustavActionParsnip, Silly silly me... It works. Thankyou.13:43
ActionParsnipGeneralGustav: good lad13:43
ActionParsnipGeneralGustav: find and -exec will give you huge power13:43
DizzyDooIncarus, what are you talking about? I have done no configuration at all, as of yet. My original question was simply: "How do I find out my host name"13:44
caktuxn8tuserf: lol seems so! a couple good hours of sleep should do the trick ;) .. some self promo of my good side after 1380 ppl got aware of that black hole in my head...heheh ;) My latest realisation (except the design and contents feeded by drupal), http://www.lechateau.com/en/style13:44
n8tuserfDizzyDoo -> old or new, their functionality should be the same, a router "routes" .. please tell us about your netgear router?  is it an AP also?13:44
Incarus<DarkKnight>, install x64 opera with x64 flash13:44
ActionParsnipGeneralGustav: you can use it to find ALL mp3 files and convert them to ogg13:44
GeneralGustavActionParsnip, Looks like it... Thankyou for showing me!13:44
Incarus<DizzyDoo>, i dont know13:44
ActionParsnipGeneralGustav: and other such stuff13:44
DarkKnightIncarus; so i need to download again??13:44
n8tuserfcaktux -> yeah, take a good nap, so you regain your know how and energies13:44
GeneralGustavActionParsnip, Hehe, I was just trying to copy my .blends but I used .mp3 as an example because not eveyone is familiar with .blends. Thanks again!13:45
Incarus<DizzyDoo>, hm, try it, i dont know much aout opera with x64 flash13:45
Incarus<DizzyDoo>, wait a sec13:45
WizardJamesHello, iv been having some problems with firefox on my day old install of ubuntu ,  it looks like i am missing a font ..  http://www.wowarmory.com/character-sheet.xml?r=Azjol-Nerub&n=jameses  the hoverover stuff is not showing up and the words "chartaer , talents reputaton" that whole row is not showing any text.13:45
raii have Intel Corporation Mobile GM965/GL960 Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 03)       how to enable desktop effects13:45
Incarus<DizzyDoo>, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=93142313:45
DizzyDoon8tuserf: No idea what an AP is, sorry, it's just a normal household router. Upon plugging it into my Linux server, there is no internet connection. The manual for the router talks through how to configure it on Linux, which apparently requires a static IP and a hostname.13:45
RichWrai, should work out the box?13:46
ActionParsnipGeneralGustav: you can use any globbin, you can even have some logic in the find statement13:46
ProstheticSquick question , ive installed ubuntu 8.10 on my pc using the alternate install (i have an odd raid setup) .. however im wondering where the Add/remove version of synaptic has gone, and whether i can get it back, i prefer the easy layout13:46
ActionParsnipGeneralGustav: this is why command line is much more usable than gui13:46
DizzyDooIncarus, I never asked anything about Opera. You must mean something else13:46
IncarusDizzyDoo, sorry, wrong name13:46
rio.. where to remove samba shares created with nautilus?13:46
RichWrai, rich click desktop and click change desktop background, theres a effects tab13:46
Incarus<DarkKnight>, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=93142313:46
raiRichW: its not working13:47
ProstheticSor what its called so i can install it with synaptic13:47
n8tuserfDizzyDoo -> ahem, look at your older US Robotics, you see a cable attached to a wall? another cable on the lan side connected to your host now?   it should be exactly same connectivity for your netgear13:47
JufisActionParsnip, dr_Willis, deleted that Trash but didn't help.13:47
ActionParsniprio: right click and unshare them the way you shared them, or remove their entry in n/etc/samba/smb.conf13:47
JufisI think they are from a mounted drive...13:47
Jufisso would that trash be in the same place?13:47
ubottuThe location of Trash has changed since 8.04, it is now located in ~/.local/share/Trash | Looking for the trash in previous versions: ~/.Trash13:47
GeneralGustavActionParsnip, Agreed. Once you know what you want you can excecute it in one simple command. I'll have to get my step dad to show me a few more tricks like this -exec lol.13:47
DizzyDoon8tuserf: I would of thought so too, however I'm not getting any internet connection through it. Why would that be?13:47
Incarusi have to go now13:47
rioActionParsnip: context menu dialog tells me its not shared, and no entry in smb.conf, though after restarting samba its still there13:47
ActionParsnipGeneralGustav: -exec is awesome13:47
broonsparrowhi. can anyone help me with a LAMP/wordpress install on a localhost? when i try and open .../wp-admin/install.php in firefox I get a "forbidden you don't have permission to to access..." any ideas?13:47
raiRichW:even compiz-check passed..but no effects13:48
ActionParsniprio: then share it, then unshare it13:48
oldwhich antivirus do you suggest for ubuntu?13:48
n8tuserfDizzyDoo -> well thats because it has to be configured first, just like your USRobotics that had to be configured too before your ISP can dole out an ip address to it, like log-in name to your ISP, etc13:48
ActionParsniprio: sort of put sharing on what it thinks is shared, then when you remove it it will hopefully unshare it13:48
rioActionParsnip: hm, worked, thanks13:49
cuimI am a new player, and I want to have a try.13:49
DizzyDoon8tuserf: Righto, how should I go about configuring it? If the manual is talking rubbish about static Ips and hostnames?13:49
n8tuserfDizzyDoo -> so kindly read the manual of your netgear, is it the netgear 614L  newest model?13:49
ActionParsniprio: i used to look after a uniix system like that, to deny  access you had to give a user access then take it away, weird13:49
Jufishow to show hidden files in terminal?13:49
lstarnesJufis: ls -a13:49
oldI'd like to get one that will protect other window machines.. and my own.. any ideas?13:50
gregor_how can i save video-streams with totem?13:50
DizzyDoon8tuserf: the router is a DG634 (version 4). I've read the manual, but it says I need a static IP to install and configure on Linux and I need to know my host name13:50
n8tuserfDizzyDoo -> make sure you are reading the correct section, are you referring to the ISP side or lan side?13:51
bluejam I stating the obvious that DWM doesn't support bitstream/déjà vu?13:51
* n8tuserf boils water to get a cup of joe13:51
|f|could someone post an url, I need to test a little script13:52
DizzyDoon8tuserf: I have no idea, it's just the "Install and Configurel Router on Linux" section13:52
ActionParsnip|f|: www.bmezine.com13:52
|f|ActionParsnip: danke13:52
Jufisdr_Willis, okay, I found the directories from /media/Data/.Trash-1000 but can't delete them. it says "Directory not empty".13:52
ActionParsnipjulle_: you could try sudo rm-rf <thing> but be massively careful, its very aggressive13:53
n8tuserfDizzyDoo -> well also try to get an idea, i have hinted to you to do a tutorial on networking, and I also have indicated that there are two sides to the router, towards ISP and a local lan right?13:53
ActionParsnipjulle_: and can delete stuff you need if missexecuted13:53
ActionParsnipjulle_: but if used correctly it can be useful13:53
JufisActionParsnip, I tried sudo rm -rf but still get the same error13:54
DizzyDoon8tuserf: Yes, you have. I wouldn't think I would have to take a course in networking to install an off the shelf router.13:54
WizardJamesHello, iv been having some problems with firefox on my day old install of ubuntu ,  it looks like i am missing a font ..  http://www.wowarmory.com/character-sheet.xml?r=Azjol-Nerub&n=jameses  the hoverover stuff is not showing up and the words "chartaer , talents reputaton" that whole row is not showing any text.13:55
GeneralGustavCan I look up a PID to see what it is??13:55
ActionParsnipJufis: try deleting the files one by one with: sudo rm -f <file>13:55
StevethepirateHi, I have a problem with my network card working in ubuntu, and found [with some help] this bug report.. http://bugzilla.kernel.org/show_bug.cgi?id=11073 ... however there are 2 possible bug-cases.. How can I differentiate between them13:55
n8tuserfDizzyDoo -> no you dont have to take a whole course, but you have to get an idea of the terminologies, and and idea of which side is which? get it?13:55
JufisActionParsnip, okay I'll try13:56
ActionParsnipGeneralGustav: ps -ef | grep <pid>13:56
GeneralGustavActionParsnip, Hehe. Thankyou for being so helpful!13:56
n8tuserfDizzyDoo -> and the manual for installation does not have a picture?  pictures is worth a thousand words eh13:56
PeanutGeneralGustav: ps -p <pid> -f13:56
ActionParsnipGeneralGustav: np man, youu are using terminal which is where i am good13:56
PeanutGeneralGustav: actually, if you use the <pid> as the last argument, you don't even have to use -p13:57
StevethepirateActionParsnip: Mind helping me interpret a bug report quick?13:57
GeneralGustavActionParsnip, PTS seems to be using /mnt and I want to unmount..... Would it be safe to kill??13:57
DizzyDoon8tuserf: I apologise that I do not understand the technical terms, but all I really need to know to follow the set up guide in the manual is how to get my hostname.13:57
ActionParsnipGeneralGustav: you could use: lsof | grep mnt | less13:58
JufisActionParsnip, "rm: cannot remove '****': it is a directory"13:58
ActionParsnipGeneralGustav: see whats open on it13:58
oCean_GeneralGustav: or "fuser -m /mnt"13:58
ActionParsnipJufis: is that the actual error?13:58
JufisActionParsnip, there are no files, only empty directories that have some empty sub-directories13:58
JufisActionParsnip, yes13:58
neerI am using the internet through Ubuntu13:59
ActionParsnipJufis: never seen one with asterisks in, creepy13:59
ActionParsnipJufis: try tab completing13:59
shavinGuys i run ubuntu on a pen drive. how do i check space left on my pen drive? I confess i asked this same question some days ago but forgot the command13:59
GeneralGustavActionParsnip, Bash?!?13:59
neerand I want to share that connection with another computer using XP13:59
GeneralGustavAHH! Im an IDIOT13:59
JufisActionParsnip, the folder's name supposed to be there, I just replaced it with asterisks because all folders give same error13:59
neerusing wireless connection14:00
n8tuserfDizzyDoo -> am at the Netgear web site, your product is DG634 not a DG834?  634 does not show up on the list14:00
oCean_GeneralGustav: probably your own shell :)14:00
GeneralGustavLOL Yes...14:00
GeneralGustavoh god...14:00
Stevethepirate!ics > neer14:00
ubottuneer, please see my private message14:00
neerDoes anyone have any idea about it?14:00
DizzyDoon8tuserf: Yes, sorry, you are correct14:00
Stevethepirateneer: check your private messages14:00
ActionParsnipJufis: you could launch you file browser with gksudo then delete the folders in there14:01
JufisActionParsnip, when I try to delete with rm -rf it says "directory not empty". but when I look at what's inside of it, there's nothing (no hidden files or anything)14:01
GeneralGustavActionParsnip, I didnt realize being in that dir with the command line would cause issues LOL. Now I know..14:01
GeneralGustavIm glad i didnt kill it...14:02
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about recompile14:02
sdf2i can run alsa-oss package without any problems on my debian14:02
Stevethepirate!kernel modules14:02
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about kernel modules14:02
ActionParsnipJufis: you could make a file in the folder, just to humour it14:02
sdf2but it fails to run correctly on ubuntu14:02
ActionParsnipGeneralGustav: yeah that means the shell is using it14:02
GeneralGustavActionParsnip, And I was going to kill it too .lol14:02
Stevethepiratehttps://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+question/38994  <-- anyone want to explain where I can find \drivers\nets\sis190.c that "john zhang" refers to?14:03
ActionParsnip!sound | sdf214:03
ubottusdf2: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP314:03
ActionParsnipsdf2: this may help14:03
n8tuserfDizzyDoo -> lets go over this manual okay?  ftp://downloads.netgear.com/files/DG834Gv5_SM_31Mar08.pdf14:03
DizzyDoon8tuserf: Sure, probably won't make a difference but my router is version 4, rather than version 5, but oh well :)14:04
JufisActionParsnip, lol. I made a file in one of the folders and tried to delete it. "Directory not empty". Then I checked the folder and the file had been deleted but the folder remains and can't be deleted.14:04
n8tuserfDizzyDoo -> okay go to page 14 and you see how it connects to the telephone outlet ?14:04
sdf2double click volume control?14:05
DizzyDoon8tuserf: Still loading (slow old router)14:05
oldwhich antivirus do you suggest for ubuntu?14:05
ActionParsnipjulle_: try: sudo chown -R $USER /path/to/folder; sudo chmod -R 7777 /path/to/folder14:05
JufisActionParsnip, you mean me?14:06
n8tuserfDizzyDoo -> page 15 would show a total connectivity too14:06
ActionParsnipjulle_: that will make the folder accessible to anybody ever and your username will be the owner14:06
ActionParsnipjulle_: ignore that, Jufis yeah i meant you14:06
JufisActionParsnip, k. let's try14:06
n8tuserf!virus | old14:06
ubottuold: A/V software is available, however read this to understand why Linux does not have a virus problem: http://librenix.com/?inode=2114:06
deanyold, avast14:07
gregor_how can i save video-streams with totem?14:08
mundoes anyone know how i can call tar as a separate thread from a bash script?14:08
JufisActionParsnip, didn't help... this is pretty frustrating.14:08
ubottuA/V software is available, however read this to understand why Linux does not have a virus problem: http://librenix.com/?inode=2114:08
oldubottu... thanks.. I've been doing research too.. basically I want to protect other windows machines14:09
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)14:09
JufisActionParsnip, I'll take a break and try to delete those folders later. Thanks for your time and help14:09
oCean_Jufis: is there a mountpoint below the dir?14:09
ActionParsnipJufis: np bro14:09
oldthanks deany.. do you have it installed?14:10
JufisoCean_, what? sorry, I'm new to linux14:10
=== russo_ is now known as russo
JufisoCean_, the folders are in /media/Data/.Trash-1000/files if that helps14:10
oCean_Jufis: what I meant is, is one of the subdirectories in that folder, the one you can't delete' maybe in use as a mountpoint.14:11
JufisoCean_, no14:11
oCean_Jufis: just curious. Seems weird issue.14:12
Stevethepiratehttps://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+question/38994  <-- anyone want to explain where I can find \drivers\nets\sis190.c that "john zhang" refers to?14:13
JufisoCean_, yeah. I've tried googling and nothing helps. But now the break.14:13
auraxHello, I'm trying to set up few outgoing pptp connections and want to be able to bind those connections to a certain interfaces, any idea how to bind them ?14:13
deanyold, yup.  there is a deb for it...14:14
WizardJamesHmm i somehow fixed my problem in firefox with wowarmory.com not working(showing text)   randomly grabed some font packages and changed the default font in firefox..guess that worked..14:16
olddeany: yes d/l it now... so it is free right?  just register it?14:16
rainchenCould somone tell me how to set shortcut "Super L" to the "Applications" menu14:16
votaguzHi i need to know, where is the python executable exactly anybody can Help me ?14:17
deanyold, yup.14:17
DizzyDoon8tuserf: I have the router set up exactly as on page 15. But the internet light is not green. If you go to page 11, those are the steps I am trying to follow.14:17
sdf2anybody could make this alsa-oss wrapper work?14:18
lstarnesvotaguz: /usr/bin/python is likely what you're looking for14:18
votaguzThanks :)14:18
DizzyDoon8tuserf: That is where it says you need a static IP, a DNS address, an "internet login and password" (?) and a host and domain name.14:18
lstarnesvotaguz: you could also try running "which python" to find its path14:18
quibblerrainchen: open the configuration editor and go to apps/metacity/global_keybindinds14:19
oCean_rainchen: either through metacity or xbindkeys: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=7956014:20
Stevethepiratehttps://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+question/38994  <-- anyone want to explain where I can find \drivers\nets\sis190.c that "john zhang" refers to?14:20
oldwhat is a good iTunes software for ubuntu?14:20
n8tuserfDizzyDoo -> they have a typo, they meant dynamic or static14:20
rainchenthx , I try it now14:20
dhalsimhi, I installed icecat and gnash. I need to link gnash to icevat but libgnashplugin.so is missing in /usr/lib/gnash.14:21
quibblerrainchen: look for panel main menu14:21
DizzyDoon8tuserf: How can you be sure? A static IP is also called a fixed address14:21
Mox`hi, when I try to cat /proc/cpuinfo it takes a really long time? i'm controlling the server through ssh and don't have any other access to it... how to fix this? yesterday it wasn't slow :S14:21
n8tuserfDizzyDoo -> anyhow, do you have the answer for all those? what is your type of subscription from your ISP?14:21
n8tuserfDizzyDoo -> am sure14:21
mchelenold, try rhythmbox or gtkpod14:22
DizzyDoon8tuserf: But if it were a typo that would be like saying "You need an IP address". I have a Business subscription from  Tiscali.14:22
=== dhalsim is now known as dhalsimm
oCean_dhalsim: (my) libgnashplugin.so was installed from package "mozilla-plugin-gnash"14:23
n8tuserfDizzyDoo -> okay if it was  a business subscription then you have a static ip address, do you know what that is?14:23
rainchenquibbler: where is the "configuration editor"?14:23
=== automatix is now known as ortsvorsteher
quibblerrainchen: system tools14:24
n8tuserfDizzyDoo -> does it appear on same outlet as where your USRobotics is attached to know ? or you have a separate outlet ?14:24
oldthanks mchelen...14:24
oCean_rainchen: Applications -> System Tools -> Configuration Editor14:24
rainchenquibbler: do you mean the "Keyboard Shortcuts" ?14:24
oldand does anyone know of a CDisplay for comics?14:24
DizzyDoon8tuserf: Unfortunately, Tiscali have not yet set up the static IP address, I'll have to wait for that. What do you mean outlet?14:24
oCean_rainchen: after that go to apps -> metacity -> keybinding_commands, and now choose a command14:24
quibblerrainchen: no run in a terminal  gconf-editor14:25
n8tuserfDizzyDoo -> see page 14, see how it connects to the wall ?14:25
DizzyDoon8tuserf: then in that case, very same outlet14:25
n8tuserfDizzyDoo -> are you using the current services now from your ISP or they promised you that will be installed much later?14:26
marko-_-i have a question... let's say i have a file named "test" and in that file there are words "evil evil evil evil" in every line and somewhere in between those lines there is a word "evi" (without L) how do i find that word with grep ? cat test | grep evi print's everything14:26
rainchenThere is no "Configuration Editor" in the "System Tools" menu. Checking out the cmd "gconf-editor"14:26
DizzyDoon8tuserf: I am currently connected using Tiscali "Home" service, am waiting for them to get round to upgrading to "Business".14:27
Raiders32What is the easiest way to update a14:27
n8tuserfDizzyDoo -> they recommended this netgear router to use for the new service?14:28
Guest88690if the nvidia hardware drivers don't work, there really isnt a way around that ....yes?14:28
hunt577I guess I will have to return my computer.  Tried installing ubuntu last night and it gave me a CD/DVD error and when I went to load up Vista again I get just a black screen with a cursor.  This laptop came with no recovery CD or Windows Vista CD.14:28
hunt577I am still within 15 days since I bought it at Wal-Mart so they should take it back14:28
Raiders32What is the easiest way to update an Ubuntu system that has no internet connection.  I'm looking for a way to avoid manual downloads (and dependency hell)14:29
DizzyDoon8tuserf: No, they don't recommend a router, and the one they send in the post is absolute rubbish. This netgear router is the highest rated one on ebuyer.com so I decided it was a pretty safe bet.14:29
AquahallicMornin' folks14:29
hunt577I assume during the attempt to install ubuntu it erased windows off the computer14:29
Aquahalliccan someone tell me a program in ubuntu for making webpages?... I used to use Frontpage and would like something to do some simple web pages with14:30
n8tuserfDizzyDoo -> tell you what, you dont need to hook it up to the wall yet,  follow the steps on page 16, it would not be connected yet to your ISP but we can configure your router only14:30
cyzieanyone has bugzilla3 install in ibex? why is the skin so plain.14:32
DizzyDoon8tuserf: Hmm, I have already tried the steps on page 16, typing in brings up a 404 error, despite me being connected to the Netgear router wirelessly.14:32
bardyrDizzyDoo, try
DizzyDoobardyr: I actually tried that too :P  and and just to be sure.14:34
jeremiehi i downloaded tilracerbut the window opens and close imediatly14:34
mrgreenhow can i get my ip offline?14:34
n8tuserfDizzyDoo -> how do you verify that you are really connected to the netgear wirelessly?14:34
DizzyDoon8tuserf: I use my US Robotics wireless software to scan for the router, it finds it, and then I connect and it says "Successful". I can see the signal strength after that.14:35
n8tuserfDizzyDoo -> not adequate,  what is the ip address assigned to your box now? is it in the 192.168.0.x range also?14:36
jeremie hi i downloaded tilracer, but the window opens and close imediatly14:36
hunt577does anyone know where I can download a Windows Vista Recovery Disc?14:36
hunt577my computer did not come with one14:36
glarocHi, I have a problem: Baobab tells me that there are 16,7 Gb worth of files in my file system (/), but that 40.4Bg are actually being used.14:37
shavinthere is no disk space left on my  ubuntu. How do i purge my /tmp folder? I mean just click and delete or some safer way?14:37
sdf2i'm having an asus laptop with integrated soundcard, and an usb soundcard, and my problem is that when i use an OSS program like Teamspeak, which plays sound with OSS, it plays my sound to my integrated soundcard instead of my usb soundcard, while programs use alsa play sound to my usb soundcard14:37
DizzyDoon8tuserf: When I type a ifconfig command, I get as the address (it's written twice for some reason)14:37
Raiders32hunt577:  does Vista let you make one?14:37
sdf2is there a way to fix this?14:37
hunt577not sue Raiders3214:37
hunt577I am just worried that if Wal-Mart sees it won't load windows, they won't grant my return14:38
jeremie hunt557 http://neosmart.net/blog/2008/windows-vista-recovery-disc-download/14:38
Stevethepiratehttps://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+question/38994  <-- anyone want to explain where I can find \drivers\nets\sis190.c that "john zhang" refers to?14:38
n8tuserfDizzyDoo -> you are using ubuntu to connect to Netgear?14:38
quibblerhunt577: look here: http://neosmart.net/blog/2008/windows-vista-recovery-disc-download/14:38
Raiders32hunt577:  I've never used Vista but I know older Windows versions did14:38
hunt577thanks jeremie, looks like I will need to get a torrent program and the only way I can get anything up on my computer is through the livecd on ubuntu.....know of any good torrent download programs for ubuntu?14:39
DizzyDoon8tuserf: No, the router is plugged into the ubuntu server box, but to test the wireless connection I am on Windows XP.14:39
marine1i have reflashed my bios now i an't shut down properly the system just hangs14:39
sdf2well maybe its easier for me to switch back to debian...14:39
Raiders32hunt577: do you know how to create an image of your hard drive?14:39
ActionParsnipsdf2: ubuntu isnt for everyone14:39
n8tuserfDizzyDoo -> something is amiss with your troubleshooting,  no such command ifconfig  on xp14:39
hunt577no I don't Raiders3214:39
sdf2yes i feel this14:39
sdf23 days of nonstop messing and my soundcard still not working14:40
ActionParsnipsdf2: <insert any distro name> isnt for everyone14:40
DizzyDoon8tuserf: Oh, sorry no, I typed that in on the server box, apologies, misunderstood14:40
n8tuserfDizzyDoo -> so lets get it straight, i hate to get wrong informations14:40
ActionParsnipsdf2: try a few distros see which you like14:40
hunt577for some reason I can't get the livecd on ubuntu to find my wireless connection14:40
oldcan someone suggest a good torrent program for ubuntu?14:40
hunt577need to be able to connect to the internet14:40
sdf2this one is good unless u can't setup sound14:40
jeremieHunt557>> i think client BItTorent (it cimes whit unbutu)14:40
Raiders32hunt577:  i didn't see jeremie's recommendation.  that web link should help14:41
quibblerold: deluge14:41
marine1anyone I have reflashed my bios now i can't shut down properly the system just hangs14:41
hunt577thank you14:41
sdf2alsa-oss package worked fine on my other computer with debian but i can't make it work with ubuntu14:41
n8tuserfDizzyDoo -> do you have a browser on your server?14:41
ActionParsnipsdf2: what is the line in lspci that identifies your sound card14:41
hunt577need to be able to connect in order to download14:41
ActionParsniphunt577: is it usb or internal?14:41
oldquibbler: thanks.. and do you or anyone else know of a good DC++ program?14:41
hunt577its internal14:41
glarocHi, I have a problem: Baobab tells me that there are 16,7 Gb worth of files in my file system (/), but that 40.4Bg are actually being used. I keep deleting files, but it always comes back to being full.14:41
Raiders32hunt577:  I had to use a wired connection before Ubuntu would be able to locate and download the wireless drivers14:42
DizzyDoon8tuserf: A browser? No, the OS is Ubuntu Server, which is totally on the Command Line, so I don't think it has a browser14:42
quibblerold: i don't14:42
shavinis everything , all the serious looking folders in the /tmp folder dispensable? I mean can i remove them without harm?14:42
hunt577ahh I see14:42
jonkennydoes anyone know anything about Deluge and it's block list plugin14:42
hunt577I wiped out something on my computer14:42
ActionParsnipold: apt-cache search dc++ | grep -i client14:42
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hunt577this recovery disk may not work if Windows was wiped out of the computer14:43
ActionParsniphunt577: one line in lspci will identify your wifi adapter, you can websearch how to get it up and running14:43
n8tuserfDizzyDoo -> tell you what, move the cable from your ubuntu, and plug that in to your XP -- so xp is wired in to netgear14:43
sdf2with lspci i can't see it, i can't see my usb soundcard14:43
auraxHello, I'm trying to set up few outgoing pptp connections and want to be able to bind those connections to a certain interfaces, any idea how to bind them ?14:43
jimtuckerQuestion: How do I install a .run file on Ubuntu 8.10?14:43
ActionParsnipsdf2: then run lsusb14:43
hunt577I am just going to take this computer back to wal-mart and tell them I woke up this morning and nothing would load....14:43
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hunt577I am still within 15 days14:43
ActionParsnipsdf2: one line will identify the device14:43
jeremiehunt557: did u download 8.10 or 8.0414:44
sdf2i thought, but i don't see any line related to it14:44
sdf2i check again14:44
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magnetronjimtucker→ you can't, you can just run them. however, don't try to install the nvidia drivers that way14:44
DizzyDoon8tuserf: What are the repercussions of setting up the server on XP, and then plugging it back into the Linux box? Will the configuration still work?14:44
DizzyDoo*setting up the router14:44
jimtuckernvidia is already up and running14:45
glarochunt577: what computer brand is this?14:45
rainchenhow about setting the "Super_L+r" for panel_run_dialog? I tried "<Super_L>r", not working14:45
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hunt577Acer Aspire 693014:45
sdf2no line related to my usb soundcard in lspci14:45
n8tuserfDizzyDoo -> no no, move the cable connecting that connects to your server, leave the other end of it connected to netgear,14:45
quibblerrainchen: you want the windows key to open apps on the panel14:45
ActionParsnipgood ol acer :(14:46
oldactionparsnip: are those two programs?14:46
glarochun577:you can reinstall Vista from the recovery partition14:46
ActionParsnipold: its a terminal command made up of 2 commands14:46
mirakhow can I know the output name for xrandr --addmode ?14:46
oldactionparsnip: for search or installation?14:47
sdf2ActionParsnip: no lines related to my usb soundcard14:47
DizzyDoon8tuserf: Well I assume that when I plug the router into the XP machine, I then set it up using the guide on page 16, and then once it's done, plug it back into the server box, right?14:47
rainchenquibbler: I set the "Super_L" to "panel_main_menu", and then I want to set the window key + r key for staring the "panel_run_dialog"14:47
n8tuserfDizzyDoo -> yes14:47
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ActionParsnipsdf2: then its not detected14:48
sdf2i can hear sound from it14:48
ActionParsnipold: no, apt-cache searches the repo at command line14:48
ActionParsnipsdf2: then theres some black magik afoot14:49
quibblerrainchen: you can't do that because as soon as you press Super_L the apps open and you don't get to another key14:49
ActionParsnipmirak: http://www.thinkwiki.org/wiki/Xorg_RandR_1.2   may help14:49
sdf2ActionParnsnip: if i type in aplay -l then it detects it14:49
ActionParsnipsdf2: okk thats cool14:50
ravenhi everyone14:50
ActionParsnipsdf2: theres 59 people in #alsa14:50
oldactionparsnip: thanks.14:50
ActionParsnipsdf2: what is this wrapper thing?14:50
ravencould anyone tell me if the STANDBY PROBLEM (eg with laptops) already solved is or what i can do to enter standby and hibernation without errors??14:50
sdf2emm, there is a wrapper: alsa-oss14:50
rainchenquibbler: how about the Ctrl and Alt keys ? Can make the Super L key work as a functional key ?14:50
sdf2but if i install the package it messes up my sound14:51
quibblerrainchen: you will have to make main menu something like Super_L+a  and run as Super_L+r14:51
gkahlaanyone know how to disable GNOME's "Recent Documents" tracking? 8.04 / GNOME 2.22.3 . . .14:51
gkahlaraven: what version of Ubuntu are you running?14:51
ActionParsnipgkahla: make recently-used.xbel read only14:51
rainchenquibbler: so how can I do that ?14:52
gkahlaActionParsnip: you rock n' stuff - thx!14:52
ActionParsnipgkahla: or ~/.recent*  whatever gnome makes (i use kde so im unsure if its different)14:52
ravengkahla 8.1014:53
gkahlaraven: do you have a swap partition on the laptop's hard disk?14:53
ActionParsnipgkahla: i'd test it too so you can undo if it doesnt work, makes sense to me though14:53
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gkahlanever really liked the lack of data hygiene that kind of thing caused (even in Windows)14:54
quibblerrainchen: in panel_main_menu edit it to Super_L+a     then in panel_run_dialog to Super_L+r14:55
gkahlaraven: i'm not using 8.10, but I seem to recall someone finding a way to overcome the problem on the mydellmini.com forums - just a sec14:56
quibblerrainchen: i'll be right back14:57
weatherkidraven: what is the issue14:57
rainchenquibbler: not working. the shortcut combination value use "<Control><Alt>d" format. "+" seems not working14:58
lenswipehey all14:58
lenswipecan someone help me with audacity14:58
lenswipei cant get audacity to work14:58
tesseractermorning! my sound stops working(crashed wine program?) and i can never get it back without restarting. Pulse Audio Volume Control says "connection refused" when i try to load it up. ideas to get sound working again?14:58
lenswipethe sound doesnt work with audacity14:58
weatherkidlenswipe: did you try the cmd line14:58
weatherkidoh! ALSA?14:58
lenswipeweatherkid: im not sure what im sposed to do with terminal (cmd = windows)14:59
lenswipeweatherkid: just saying to try the cmd line doesnt really mean much, its like asking someone to click the applications menu to fix a problem14:59
tesseracterlenswipe, first step, type "man audacity"14:59
lenswipeno i know how to work audacity14:59
lenswipeits just14:59
ActionParsniplenswipe: run audacity from terminal, you will see intelligent outputs15:00
lenswipeaudacity isnt working on my machine for some reason15:00
ActionParsniplenswipe: so what weatherkid said wasnt a bad thing15:00
shortihi... anyome here who knows polish??15:00
pelegI get "An application is preventing the volume 'Londie' from being unmounted." -- how can I figure out which application prevents it?15:00
ActionParsniplenswipe: when you do anything at all the terminal will output stuff15:00
raventhe error is: i activate "standby" / close the laptop and the monitor turns off (of course...) but nothing more happens. and when i open it again only a cursor flashs on a black screen and i have to reset...15:00
quibblerrainchen: i'm back15:01
ActionParsnippeleg: lsof | grep Londie15:01
lenswipeActionParsnip: yeah im doing that now, im getting a load of stuff about pcm running out at something15:01
lenswipeActionParsnip: ill pastebin it to you15:01
deepfriedsquirreTo remove a symbolic link, do I rm it? Wouldn't that delete the link's target?15:01
weatherkidraven: is it a Wubi or Full install15:01
ActionParsniplenswipe: then you can websearch those messages with what you already know15:01
tesseracterso anyway, back to my problem?15:01
tesseractermorning! my sound stops working(crashed wine program?) and i can never get it back without restarting. Pulse Audio Volume Control says "connection refused" when i try to load it up. ideas to get sound working again?15:01
ravenweatherkid full15:01
ActionParsniptesseracter: restart hal and/or pulse15:01
rainchenquibbler: not working. the shortcut combination value use "<Control><Alt>d" format. "+" seems not working15:03
StevethepirateAnyone willing to walk me though a kernel module compilation?15:03
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weatherkidraven: well... can you give me a lspci15:03
ActionParsnip!kernel | Stevethepirate15:03
ubottuStevethepirate: The core of the Ubuntu Operating System is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, but if you're convinced you do, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile - See also: /msg ubottu stages15:03
lenswipeActionParsnip: well heres the pastebin anyways15:03
lenswipeActionParsnip: see if you can make sense of it http://pastebin.com/f5d3cb92a15:03
deepfriedsquirrelooks like my problem is solved15:03
quibblerrainchen: that's what i was trying i know  i only changed my Super_L to open a terminal for me15:04
onatswhat's a good music player? other than amarok?15:04
shyammy system isn't shutting down properly it gets stuck at the system clock part that i have to press the power button everytime, to shutdown or restart the system. now i am at another debian lenny which works fine. where can i get the logs of last boot of the other partition?15:04
StevethepirateActionParsnip: I have the source file [sis190.c] from the SiS site.. I have followed 2 tutorials, but it seems like either the .c is wrong or I am missing something....15:04
quibblerrainchen: just experiment around and see what works.... you can control many thing from that editor15:05
StevethepirateI make a Makefile, as I would for a normal .c file... fill in the details, run make15:05
Stevethepirateand it gives errors.15:05
rainchenquibbler: I'm googleing this issue15:05
tesseracterActionParsnip, nope, hal restarted ok, no change in behavior. anything else to try?15:06
quibblerrainchen: ok15:06
lenswipeActionParsnip: ive googled for a solution to my problem, and it said something about making sure nothing else is using the sound card....15:06
lenswipeActionParsnipL ....nothing is.15:06
ActionParsnipStevethepirate: http://ubuntu-virginia.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=48228415:07
ActionParsniptesseracter: restart alsa or pulse (whichever you use)15:08
Guest22798I am trying to install the nvidia 180.06 drivers in ubuntu 8.10, but I am having trouble understanding what it is asking me to do. The first time I tried to run the driver install it told me to drop out of x before continuing, so I restarted into the root shell which it also didn't like...how else can I "drop out of x"?15:08
fdrI want to make a file on my homedir to be used as loopback device with a crypto fs (or something equivalent). Could you please point me to some uptodate tutorial about how to do it, or tell me which are the up-to-date tools to do it? I tried googling a bit, but there seem to be several old and possibly unmantained tools... thanks!15:08
lenswipeActionParsnip: Heres what audacity is saying to me http://i221.photobucket.com/albums/dd12/lenswipe/Screenshot-1.png15:09
panfisti have built a raid5 array using mdadm and it synced overnight. i checked it this morning and it says one of the disks has failed...does it tell me why? SMART reports nothing wrong with the drive15:09
pelegActionParsnip, thanks!15:09
ActionParsniplenswipe: make sure your audacity settings and pulse / alsa choice match15:09
ActionParsnippeleg: np man15:09
baldarishey how can i check directory listed in root folder?15:09
baldarisi am a newbi15:09
lenswipeActionParsnip: Yeah, i have everything in audacity set to ASLA same with the pule settings15:09
lenswipeActionParsnip: oops typo15:10
ActionParsniplenswipe: then make sure you are using alsa for sound15:10
Cool_Nickdistcc for kernel...whats the best way to get a windows machine included(virtual machine or cygwin)?15:10
lenswipeActionParsnip: I have my audacity settings set to asla and the same for sound, altho ill chekc it again..15:10
ActionParsnipStevethepirate: looks like its gonna be a mesy job duder15:10
ActionParsnipStevethepirate: you wil need the kernel headers for your current kernel, and yu will have to compile the module every time you get a new kernel15:11
Sonderbladewhere can i download feisty?15:11
ubottuUbuntu 7.04 (Feisty Fawn) was the sixth release of Ubuntu. End Of Life: October 19th, 2008. See !eol and !upgrade for more details.15:11
ActionParsnipSonderblade: feisty is dead15:11
SonderbladeActionParsnip, i want to download it still15:11
ActionParsnipSonderblade: so you may find an iso but there will be zero updates for it15:11
nafurhi.... is there any list or something of supported wlan devices? (i'm especially looking for usb wlan sticks...)15:11
ActionParsnipok, i'l try find an iso for you15:11
SonderbladeActionParsnip: i know15:12
baldarishey how can i get a list of direcoties15:12
zagabarWhere are ".bashrc" ?15:12
magnetronSonderblade, ActionParsnip → we don't provides support for it anymore. the isos can be found with a simple google.15:12
ActionParsnipSonderblade: http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/releases/feisty/     These images are vulnerable to USN-612-1, a very serious flaw in the cryptographic library used to generate encryption keys. It is essential that you apply all security updates after installation before making any use of your system.15:12
ActionParsnipbut there are no updates15:12
nafurzagabar: /home/<username>/ or in /etc/15:12
arevansdoes a hp tv tuner express card work on ubuntu15:13
zagabarOkay, thanks.15:13
Sonderbladeime feisty works well on older computers, all more recent ubuntu releases are slower than it15:13
ActionParsnipnafur: you can use ~/ instead of /home/<username>15:13
ActionParsnipnafur: or you can use /home/$USER15:13
nafurzagabar: i think the /etc/ one is called bash.bashrc or so...15:13
lenswipeActionParsnip: thats my sound settings, as you see they are all set to ASLA http://i221.photobucket.com/albums/dd12/lenswipe/Screenshot-1.png?t=123592037715:13
ActionParsnipmagnetron: i'm only showing where the isos are and giving a warning about why its bad to use15:14
arevansdoes the sling box work on 8.1015:14
ActionParsniplenswipe: then ive no idea15:14
lenswipearevans: whats slingbox?15:14
zagabarnafur:  what does "append the line <line with command>" mean? Should I just add that line at the bottom?15:14
lenswipeActionParsnip: k thanks anyway15:14
ActionParsniplenswipe: maybe someone else can help15:14
shadeslayerhey whats the package name for amarok??15:14
lenswipecan someone help me with audacity i cant get audacity to work?15:14
ActionParsniplenswipe: or try later15:14
ActionParsniplenswipe: maybe theres an audacity channel15:15
lenswipeActionParsnip: hmm, mebbe i will15:15
strangehey guys, im having a problem with firefox + flash, youtube videos etc work but wehn i go fullscreen it doesnt, any suggestiosn?15:15
ActionParsnipshadeslayer: amarok15:15
Guest22798does ubuntu have an inittab?15:15
lenswipeActionParsnip: maybe, but im guessing like most channels for software apart from #ubuntu there is nobody in it15:15
nafurzagabar: don't know, i don't have this line in my bashrc... is it in ~/.bashrc?15:15
glaroclenswipe:What's wrong with Audacity?15:15
ActionParsniplenswipe: its worth a try at least15:16
lenswipeglaroc: it wont play anything15:16
shadeslayerdoes not work15:16
StevethepirateActionParsnip: Where do I plonk the kernel module again?15:16
Stevethepiratethe .ko15:16
ActionParsnipshadeslayer: sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get install amarok15:16
lenswipeglaroc: it freezes for a minute then gives me an error message saying.....sec...15:16
ActionParsnipStevethepirate: once compiled?15:16
Stevethepirate /lib/modules/{uname -r}15:16
selkiesmy card reader is not workin .. help plz?? anyone15:16
StevethepirateBegins like that15:16
zagabarnafur:  The line is:15:16
zagabarexport VST_PATH=~/vst15:16
glaroclenswipe: its could be a problem with pulseaudio or your sound server15:16
StevethepirateManaged to compile this .c first time..15:16
shadeslayeri have 1.4.315:17
rainchenquibbler: I got it. Check out: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=51465415:17
glaroclenswipe: try changing the options in systems->preferences->sound15:17
F-3000Hello! I'm wondering what's the name for the GUI-based admin-tool you can manage users?15:18
nafurzagabar: no idea... VST_PATH is not defined for me... what is vst? and what do you try to do anyway?15:18
quibblerrainchen: good find man15:18
ActionParsnipStevethepirate: try in n/lib/modules/2.6.27-11-generic/kernel/drivers/net   (change the kernel version for your own)15:18
selkiesmy card reader is not workin .. help plz?? anyone15:18
lenswipeglaroc: " i have done, they are all set to ASLA as are the settings in audacity15:18
ActionParsnipselkies: run lsusb15:18
Vadi3How can I downgrade a package version without having it remove all packages dependent on it?15:18
StevethepirateActionParsnip: Yeah, just worked it out.15:18
lenswipeglaroc: right now i cant tell you what the error message says as ubuntu currently wont let me copy and paste into KSric, which is pretty dumb, but there we go -.-15:19
glaroclenswipe: try changing them all to pulseaudio then...15:19
StevethepirateActionParsnip: Hopefully the changes I made don't screw it up completely.15:19
ActionParsnipStevethepirate: nice15:19
lenswipeglaroc: kk ill give that a try15:19
ActionParsnipStevethepirate: copying a file there should be fine15:19
selkiesActionParsnip: how can i know that its been recognised my ubuntu .. i mean the card reader.. well i am new to linux15:19
nafuris there any compatibility list for usb wlan sticks?15:19
zagabarnafur:  vst stands for Virtual studio technology. It is a framework for musical software. I am following a guide that is supposed to link a vst-directory to the one in usr/lib so that I can add vst-files to it without being root.15:19
StevethepirateActionParsnip: If its a borked file, and the kernel tries to load it15:19
StevethepirateWhat will happen? Gracefully ignore it? or crash the system?15:20
zagabarBut I dont know what "append the line" means15:20
zagabarShould I change something or add something?15:20
ActionParsnipselkies: run lsusb   and it wil show up, if you put in a card and wait a few seconds then run: sudo fdisk -l you may see the partition15:20
Vadi3add something15:20
zagabarWhere? Anywhere?15:20
ActionParsnipStevethepirate: then boot to recovery root console and mv it out15:20
Moultwhere do i download the latest ubuntu (alpha) i want to see if my webcam is supported yet15:20
lenswipeglaroc: theres the error message i get http://i221.photobucket.com/albums/dd12/lenswipe/Screenshot-Error.png15:20
nafurzagabar: i'd try chmod the directory to something you might write into and then do ln -s ...15:20
StevethepirateActionParsnip: kk, brb.. Hopefully :D15:20
ActionParsnipzagabar: append means "add to the end of"15:20
zagabarOkay thanks all.15:22
rainchenquibbler: but a new problem, after setting "Super is mapped to the Win-keys", I can use win key combination. But at the same time the single win key is not working any more.15:22
Cool_Guyhas anyone used vmware with distcc? or could there be issues? (current kernel compile takes 6hrs and only have windows machines on the network)15:22
lenswipeglaroc: there isnt a pulse audio option in audacity....15:22
panfisti'm trying to set up a 5-device RAID5 array using mdadm and even though i don't specify to have any spare devices, it keeps automatically assigning one of my drives as a spare15:23
lenswipeglaroc: im tempted to just go for a reinstallation of ubunt15:23
xrandhi there, I'm using ubuntu 8.10 and I have some issues with CH341 usb-to-serial converter15:23
selkiesActionParsnip: http://paste.ubuntu.com/124794/15:23
lenswipetheres so many thing that dont work on here right now15:23
rainchenquibbler: what I means I want to set win for panel_main_menu, win+r for panel_run_dialog.15:23
lenswipeglaroc: sound is the least of it15:23
lenswipexrand: join the dammed club :(15:23
ActionParsnippanfist: its not raid if you dont have a spare15:23
selkiesActionParsnip: i can't figure out..15:24
stephansHI! I am using Banshee to manage my music, and I need to remove a ton of orphan entries in the library (directly deleted or moved music)15:24
glaroclenswipe: it works for me with OSS15:24
ActionParsnipselkies: is the card in your card reader a 64Mb card by any chance?15:24
stephansAny ideas where Banshee stores its configurateion and metadata?15:24
lenswipeglaroc: kk so u set audacity and the system sound to OSS?15:24
selkiesActionParsnip: ya the card is in.. and its 64mb..15:24
nafurstephans: it's more a banshee related issue... have you checked it's docu?15:25
xrandlenswipe: :(, When I hotplug it (i'm using udev actually), there ocuur big fancy error "ch341: probe of 1-2:1.0 failed with error -5"15:25
ActionParsnipselkies: read the link you gave and lok at the bottom15:25
glaroclenswipe: no, I have pulseaudio and OSS15:25
quibblerrainchen: what's wrong with alt+1 and alt+2 for these15:25
DarkKnighthey i am not able to see flash in opera...can anyone help15:25
RuadhCan anyone tell me if there is OOo 3.0.1 for ubuntu 8.10?15:25
lenswipeglaroc: so you have pulseaudio in the system round and OSS in audacity?15:25
ActionParsnipselkies: you just need to mount it15:25
glaroclenswipe: correct15:25
ActionParsnipselkies: i'll give you the full command to mount it15:25
quibblerrainchen: in any case i'll keep mine as is....i like opening the terminal with the windows key...i like irony15:25
lenswipeglaroc: because if i select anything other than ASLA in system sound, none of the audio works and i get loads of error messages about the sound card not being available or something15:26
lenswipeglaroc: im seriously concidering a re-installation15:26
usserDarkKnight, go to tools->preferences->advanced->content->plugins15:26
zhanxuwhello boys ,my host OS ubuntu and guest OS xp connot connect to internet at the same time,anyone can help15:26
ActionParsnipselkies: sudo mkdir /media/64mb; mount /dev/sdb1 /media/64mb -o uid=100015:26
usserDarkKnight, try adding a directory where you libflashplugin.so is15:26
glaroclenswipe: did you try OSS in Audacity and ALSA In system?15:26
nafurstephans: anyway, it should be stored in ~/.config/banshee-1/ and is a sqlite database... according to it's FAQ *hint* ;-)15:26
hunt577Guys, I may have wiped out Windows Vista on my computer but I managed to get Ubuntu successfully installed and its up on my computer, now I am trying to figure out how to get interenet to work....trying to get it it work on my wireless connection15:26
lenswipeglaroc: ill try it15:26
ActionParsnipselkies: the card is detected but is just not mounting15:26
DarkKnightusser; didnt get you..15:27
usserDarkKnight, did you open the content preferences in opera?15:27
Sylphidhunt577, what wireless card do you have?15:27
selkiesActionParsnip: wid that command ... it says only root can do that???15:27
DarkKnightusser; yes15:27
usserDarkKnight, cool click on plugin options, what do you see?15:28
lenswipeglaroc: ok OSS doesnt work in audacity either15:28
hunt577Its a built in wireless connection, 802.11a/b/g15:28
ActionParsnipselkies: sudo mount /dev/sdb1 /media/64mb -o uid=100015:28
DarkKnightusser; i see GCJ plugin from mozilla15:28
shavin_I cant install anything on my ubuntu installed on pen drive. It says no space on the device. Please help15:28
usserDarkKnight, alright click on change path button15:28
lenswipeglaroc: actually, i just selected OSS /dev/dsp1 and it plays, but i cant hear anything15:28
ActionParsnipselkies: if you then open your file browser and browse to /media/64mb  you will see the data15:29
DarkKnightusser; yes15:29
glaroclenswipe: what Ubuntu version do you have?15:29
nafurshavin_: might it be possible that the drive is full? have you checked df?15:29
lenswipeglaroc: 8.1015:29
lenswipeglaroc: no wait15:29
DarkKnightusser; i see three options15:29
Sylphid!who | hunt577 , open a terminal and run lspci and pastebin it please15:29
lenswipeglaroc: 8.0415:29
ubottuhunt577 , open a terminal and run lspci and pastebin it please: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)15:29
usserDarkKnight, click add and add the following path /usr/lib/flashplugin-nonfree15:29
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shavin_nafur: yes the df -h shows only 63% used15:29
DarkKnightusser; already that option is selected15:29
glaroclenswipe: I had a lot of sound problems in 8.0415:29
hunt577thanks ubottu, brb15:30
selkiesActionParsnip: got an error.. "http://paste.ubuntu.com/124795/"15:30
usserDarkKnight, close the change path dialog, and click on find new button15:30
glaroclenswipe: maybe upgrading instead of reisntalling?15:30
nafurshavin_: is it mounted as writable? how much space is left?15:30
lenswipeglaroc: mebbe, although like i said, there are so many problems with this, the sound being the least of it15:30
shavin_here is the output.15:30
DarkKnightusser; no new plugins detected15:30
ActionParsnipselkies: well that makes no sense at all, as fdisk clearly shows the partition as /dev/sdb115:31
Guest22798whats in the meta package for the virtualization server in ubuntu 8.10?  does it have enough to run virtualbox?15:31
lenswipeglaroc: this laptop also has a faulty HDD with a bad sector, which upgrading wont help, so, ima just send it back then when they load that microsoft crap back onto it, delete that and install ubuntu 9.04 or something over the top15:31
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stephansnafur, thank you for the tip15:31
shavin_This started happening after i downloaded all the updates available. Now even fireox is behaving strangely.15:31
ActionParsnipsudo mount /dev/sdb1 /media/64mb it vfat -o uid=100015:31
usserDarkKnight, do you have flashplugin-nonfree installed? Do you see Shockwave Flash as one of the lines in opera's content settings?15:31
nafurstephans: np :-)15:31
ActionParsnipselkies: if you open your file browser, does the device show up in the places bar on the left??15:31
DarkKnightusser; shockwave isn't there15:32
glaroclenswipe: your sound problems are very likely not hardware related...15:32
tiredbonesI just upgrade my system to 8.10 from 8.04. I backup my home directory before the update. I'm trying to restore my evolution files. I replace .evolution and .gconf/apps/evolution with my backup files. I rebooted my system. when I start evolution i'm ask to initialize evolution again. is there any other files i need?15:32
glaroclenswipe: can you play anything in Rythmbox?15:32
nafurshavin_: mounted writable? what says "mount | grep sdb1"? (sdb1 is your pen drive, isn't it?)15:32
skeeelhello i just upgraded to jaunty (stupid idea i know) but i have trouble with the ati driver , xorg.log gives me [atiddxSetup] X version mismatch - detected X.org 7.1.-1.902, required X.org 7.4.-1.906 , any idea ?15:32
rainchenquibbler: I came from Windows.I used to these combinations15:32
usserDarkKnight, can you type that on the command line sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree15:32
glarocproblem: I have 16 Gb of files in /*, but the system monitor tells me I use 40 Gb. The Linux filesystem is the only mounted....? Any ideas?15:32
usserDarkKnight, you do have flash in firefox15:32
usserDarkKnight, right15:32
Mox`have anyone tried asp.net with apache2?15:33
DarkKnightusser; i downloaded flash plugin but it says missing libpango15:33
usserDarkKnight, downloaded from where?15:33
DarkKnightusser; yes i have in firefox15:33
DarkKnightusser; from adobe flash15:33
selkiesActionParsnip: under my removable media.. i can see "usb drive"15:33
quibblerrainchen: me too ...but if i can change at my age so can you!15:33
lenswipeglaroc: when the HDD check runs at boot time i get a shitload of errors about corrupt HDD or something, so like i said the sound is the least of it on here....15:33
skeeelglaroc, what give you df , just type df in a xterm15:33
usserDarkKnight, oh ok, where did you put it?15:33
usserDarkKnight, there was an installer right, it should have told you what directory its putting the plugin15:34
DarkKnighti just downloaded it and open it from the downloads tab15:34
glarocskeel: /dev/sda5             48411204  42365464   3586592  93% /15:34
usserDarkKnight, alright do this on the command line locate libflashplayer.so15:34
Laeborgcan i configure alsa to use my usb microfon instead of the one in my monitor ?15:34
DarkKnightusser; it downloded to /home/roshan/.opera/cache4/temporary_download15:34
ActionParsnipselkies: great, right click it and mount it15:34
shavin_nafur: it says this ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ mount grep|sdb115:34
shavin_mount: can't find grep in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab15:34
shavin_bash: sdb1: command not found15:34
skeeelglaroc so it seem you have more stuff than you tought15:34
DarkKnightusser; do you know how to locate??15:35
nafurshavin_:  oops... typo -.- "mount | greo sdb1"^^ sry15:35
glarocskeel: baobab tells me I have 16 Bg in /15:35
magaioHow can I convince my laptop to output 1440x900 to my VGA out? I've got an Intel GMA 96515:35
usserDarkKnight, Right never mind. is there any particular reason why you're not using the flashplugin from the repositories?15:35
ussermagaio, xrandr15:35
DarkKnightusser; actually i dont have much idea about it15:35
shavin_nafur: it says     bash: greo: command not found   :-)15:35
usserDarkKnight, right try sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree15:36
DarkKnightusser; i am facing problems with flash in firefox when someone told me to use opera15:36
selkiesActionParsnip: nothin happens... and even when i take out the card the "USB drive" is still there15:36
nafurshavin_: ah, damnit, just take "mount"^^15:36
skeeelglaroc,  i don't know baobab15:36
rainchenquibbler: That will make the migration feel more comfortable15:36
ActionParsnipmagaio: make sure you configure your xorg.conf to use that res, it uss the intl driver15:36
DarkKnightusser; its installed already15:36
glarocskeeel: Accessories->Disk space analysis15:36
ActionParsnipselkies: try rebooting ith the card in the reader15:36
Sonderbladewhy are some of my apps in english?15:37
DarkKnightusser; but i am unable to watch youtube videos15:37
tiredbonesI just upgrade my system to 8.10 from 8.04. I backup my home directory before the update. I'm trying to restore my evolution files. I replace .evolution and .gconf/apps/evolution with my backup files. I rebooted my system. when I start evolution i'm ask to initialize evolution again. is there any other files i need?15:37
ActionParsnipDarkKnight: instal flash15:37
quibblerrainchen: that is so, i just like learning new things15:37
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XzeperHi all! Is it nessecary to do any configure on a firewall or use of any anti virus software on Ubuntu? I got a fresh install on my laptop. I have not tuched any settings (just installed firestarter of curiosity).15:37
skeeelglaroc, yes i seen it , but i use df , and i trust him :)15:37
DarkKnightActionParsnip; i downloaded then it says missing dependence15:37
shavin_nafur: was it mount|grep sdb1? if it was it says this: ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ mount|grep sdb115:37
shavin_/dev/sdb1 on /cdrom type vfat (rw,fmask=0022,dmask=0022,codepage=cp437,iocharset=iso8859-1)15:37
DarkKnightActionParsnip; i downloaded then it says missing dependency15:37
selkiesActionParsnip: ok.. i will get back after rebooting wid the card..15:37
glarocskeeel: or if I right-click on the filesystem and look at properties15:37
DarkKnightusser, ActionParsnip; i downloaded then it says missing dependency15:37
nafurshavin_: ah, that's cool... it's mounted as writeable...15:38
usserDarkKnight, alright. if it doesnt work for you remove it then. sudo apt-get remove flashplugin-nonfree15:38
nafurshavin_: what exactly did you try to do and what was the error message?15:38
usserDarkKnight, download flash from adobe's site put the archive on your desktop15:38
glarocskeeel: That is my problem, there is a difference between the amount of space occupied by files and the space presumably used15:39
tiredbonesWhat file has the information gather my the initialization when starting evolution for the first time?15:39
DarkKnightusser, done15:39
usserDarkKnight, extract it15:39
hunt577ok ubontu, I ran lspci in the terminal15:39
usserDarkKnight, open terminal15:39
DarkKnightusser, done15:40
rainchenquibbler: Thanks anyways, the global_keybindings tips is very helpful to me. Time to bed, c u.15:40
skeeelglaroc, i can't explain why15:40
DarkKnightusser, done15:40
usserDarkKnight, on the terminal cd ~/Desktop/flashdirectory15:40
quibblerrainchen: you are welcome..sleep weel15:40
Sonderbladeon ubuntu 8.10, gnome-terminal is in english, xchat is not, how come?15:40
shavin_i downloaded all the updates there were, and went off for a drive, came back and saw some were installed some were not, it said no space on device. even now if i run update manager and try to install somwthing it says no space on device. And to top it firefox has started behaving strangely. like the inbuilt search box on top right does not work any more. and i cant seem to download and save...15:40
shavin_...any file from web15:41
usserDarkKnight, you downloaded .tar.gz file right?15:41
hunt577Trying to get my wireless connection to work on ubuntu, I have run lspci in the terminal, what should I do next?15:41
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DarkKnightusser, no .deb15:41
usserDarkKnight, ah bummer get .tar.gz15:41
DarkKnightusser, okk15:41
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selkiesActionParsnip: bro.. its worked.. it was mounted automatically.. but wat was the prob by the way???15:42
nafurshavin_: your "/" is full... thats probably the problem15:42
usserDarkKnight, got it?15:43
hunt577Anyone have any recommendations on what to do next in order to get wireless network running on ubuntu?  lspci has already been run15:43
DarkKnightusser, takes 5 min's15:43
skeeelok question 2 , is there a way to downgrade a 9.04 to 8.10 ?15:43
usserDarkKnight, once its done cd ~/Desktop && tar -xvf install_flash_player_10_linux.tar.gz15:43
DarkKnightusser, takes 5 min's to finish downloading15:43
Guest22798so the difference between server and desktop are just a matter of packages?15:43
usserDarkKnight, ok15:44
usserGuest11599, kernel15:44
selkiesActionParsnip: How to format drives.. in a GUI way... ?? any softwares ??15:44
DarkKnightusser, okk15:44
Sylphid!pastebin | hunt577 post the output of lspci for us to see15:44
ubottuhunt577 post the output of lspci for us to see: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)15:44
hunt577I am on a completely different computer than the one I am trying to get working so how do I paste ubottu?15:45
oCean_!downgrade | skeeel15:45
ubottuskeeel: Attempting to downgrade to an older Ubuntu version is explicitly not supported, and may break your system.15:45
StevethepirateActionParsnip: I won the game15:46
Sylphid!what | hunt57715:46
ubottuhunt577: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)15:46
skeeelok thanks oCean_ (that suck)15:46
hunt577Oh wow15:46
hunt577Is there a real person that can help me with this?15:47
Sylphidhunt577,  i am15:47
hunt577oh ok Sylphid cool15:47
Myrttihunt577: there's plenty of us real people here15:47
ubottuI am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)15:47
hunt577ok cool Sylphid, how do I paste the output if I am on a different computer15:48
oCean_hunt577: start here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs for wireless15:48
hunt577thanks oCean_15:48
Sylphidhunt577,  you will need to manually type it if you have no net access on the computer... what were looking for is a network line that mentions your wireless15:49
durthunt577: might take you a few minuets to set up but, synergy, quicksynergy will work to cut/paste between computers on a working network15:49
DarkKnightusser, i have run the tar -xvf command15:50
hunt577thanks guys I will type it in15:50
dwardertoyota's subdivision got car model something like BC or something15:50
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hunt577this will take a bit15:51
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dwarderanyone knows ,15:53
dwardersubdiviosion name15:53
Dillizari dont have sound the start up song is just 1 sec after that nothing and i cant play any music cuz my audio card is busy can anyone help me15:53
sdf2where can i set, which soundcard will be used by alsa?15:53
storbeck!ot | dwarder15:53
ubottudwarder: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!15:53
oCean_dwarder: you're in #ubuntu channel15:53
J-_How many primary partitions can I made? 4?15:54
dwardermaybe i want to install ubuntu on it:) joke, ok15:54
J-_Cool. My setup will be, /swap, /hardy, /jaunty/, /storage. :D15:55
tekstacyI need a fairly cheap scanner/printer that works out of the box with Ubuntu. Any reccomendations?15:56
Sonderbladepulseaudio and flash still doesnt work?15:56
erisco_how can I turn a directory of png images into a single gif animation?15:56
nickoetekstacy, take you laptop wth you at the shop and try it15:56
DarkKnighti have downloaded the flash plugin. how do i install it so that i can use it for opera15:56
fdr tekstacy I've used with sucess some all-in-one from hp15:56
DillizarDarkKnight, i think you need flash player 9 for opera15:57
Dillizarthe 10th doesnt work15:57
tekstacycool, I hear hp is fairly compatable15:57
muckui have 10 and it worls15:57
Gartral1how do i set my applications that the "prefered applications" app doesn't cover?15:57
Dillizarmucku, you have 8.10?15:57
VdubHey guys...i have a question about a screenlet.15:58
muckuDillizar: last time i checked wait15:58
cooldduuuddewhat is the default download location of videos downloaded via youtube-dl?15:58
nickoeDoes anyone of you know why my clock/time is ofset by one hour sometimes? But if i use ntpdate to correct it, it will satay correct for some reboots15:58
Dillizarmucki open the opera go to a flash right click and tell me if its 1015:58
glenrockGartral1: one way is to rightclick on a file and choose Properties, then the Open With tab.  that will set it for that file extension15:58
Dillizarwell yeah mucku cuz 8.10 comes with 1015:58
Gartral1its a drive on my desktop15:58
gregor_how can i save video-streams with totem?15:58
Gartral1glenrock: its a drive on the desktop15:58
VdubI'm using the System Monitor Plus. Everytime I restart the computer, the monitor resets to default settings. What do I need to do to keep the settings I choose for it?15:58
Dillizarbut all the other versions of ubuntu the opera works with 9 Mucki15:59
glenrockGartral1: then i don't understand what you want.  you want to specify what app opens the drive?15:59
muckuYou have version 10,0,22,87 installed15:59
Gartral1glenrock: yes15:59
glenrockGartral1: what app is opening it right now15:59
Dillizari dont have sound the start up song is just 1 sec after that nothing and i cant play any music cuz my audio card is busy can anyone help me16:00
glenrockGartral1: vlc is opening a drive on your desktop16:00
mercutio22its the second time opening evince crashes my pc... I wonder whats happening?16:00
Gartral1when i plug it in, yes16:00
khamaelhow do I change the device xsane scans from? now it thinks my webcam is a scanner16:00
glenrockGartral1: is it a dvd16:00
Gartral1no, a rockboxed sansa e25016:00
shavinsomething is seriously gone wrong with my intrepid on pen drive. when i click on firefox>tools>addons firefox crashes!16:01
muckuDillizar: ah i see16:01
ScottG489What are files that have a ~ at the end of them?16:01
amartin83hi, i'm new to irc, how to register my nick?16:01
glenrockGartral1: is vlc selected on the Multimedia tab of System > Preferences > Preferred Applications?16:01
shavini think it is ssurely something in the updates i installed today16:01
sdf2actually how is this pulse audio thing manages to use alsa? And how can i configure them?16:02
Gartral1no, costom, with VLC typed in16:02
glenrockGartral1: cool, i believe that's whats controlling that.   what app do you want to use?16:02
Gartral1none, i just want it too sit there, till i decide what i'm gonna do16:02
Gartral1i want it too mount, and sit16:03
shavinI think the some ubuntu version of some addon in firefox has installed itself. i want to disable it but cant reach the addon manager window16:03
glenrockGartral1: i understand.  hang on a sec16:03
Dillizari dont have sound the start up song is just 1 sec after that nothing and i cant play any music cuz my audio card is busy can anyone help me16:03
shavinthe firefox forward and back buttons are not working either! :-(16:03
storbeckshavin: start firefox via a terminal and pastebin the error16:04
shavinnor is the inbuilt search box on top right16:04
mm1can anyone guide me on installing gtalk16:05
silv3r_m00nhi there..16:05
emmaAnyone here have any experiences making podcasts with aps that run on ubuntu?16:05
sky_how i can identify my nick on irc freenode ?16:05
JufisActionParsnip, hello again. I just wanted to say that I kinda solved the "can't empty trash" case. I booted to windows (this is dual-boot laptop) and found out that there were some files in the folders that for some reason didn't show up in ubuntu. So I deleted the whole .Trash-1000 folder and now the trash is empty and no errors whatsoever.16:05
storbecksky_: /msg nickserv identify pass16:05
sky_thank you16:06
silv3r_m00nI installed many -dev packages from synaptic and found that most of them install .h and .so files mainly .. why don't they have  .lib files too ?16:06
sdf2ActionParnsnip: what is this pulseaudio thing?16:06
storbecksilv3r_m00n: dev files don't need lib16:06
pietrohi all16:06
mm1is there g talk installlation  please16:06
silv3r_m00nstorbeck: then against what will an c program be build ?16:06
Dillizarlast time i was in my bed it was 48h a go i cant fix my sound pls i need help and a good sleep16:06
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storbecksilv3r_m00n: c programs only need header files16:07
Gartral1glenrock: it tries to open _everything_ on the root of the players drives16:07
littlewookiehey, anyone an idea how to fix this http://pastebin.com/m1bce327016:07
silv3r_m00nstorbeck: strange... you mean no need of function implementation ... only the names ?16:07
shavinfirefox does start all right, i am able to surf pages but it crashes when i click on tools>addons. the forward and back button is not working. and the downloader is not working. i cant download and save anything off the web16:07
rampageoberonhi, ubuntu doesn't recognise my sata harddrive at times when resuming from standby, why could this be and how can it be fixed? This drive is NTFS formatted which i always unmount before going into standby. it picks the ext3 drives fine16:07
glenrockGartral1: ya, i forget how to disable that, im researching now16:07
Gartral1glenrock: oh, thank you16:07
storbecksilv3r_m00n: The functions are implemented in the header files16:08
pietrodo you know ext4 is efficient ?16:08
silv3r_m00nstorbeck: sure ? I thought that header files only have the protoypes16:08
emmapietro: i would think so. Did you know it has nanosecond time stamping?16:08
storbeck!wak | rampageoberon16:08
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about wak16:08
storbeck!wake | rampageoberon16:08
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about wake16:08
silv3r_m00nstorbeck: by the way what are these .a and .la files ?16:09
shavinbesides this i cannot save any thing on my pen drive(i am running ubuntu installed on my pen drive). It says no disk space! there is surely space left16:09
pietroho i did not know that16:09
rampageoberonstorbeck: it does pick it up at times, so not sure what the problem could be16:09
ubottuPulseAudio is a sound server intended as a drop-in replacement for !ESD - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PulseAudio for information and installation instructions16:09
ubottuesd is the enlightened sound deamon. It's deprecated, use !alsa instead16:09
shavindf -h tells me that only 63% is used16:09
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP316:09
carpiican i run the alternate install cd from vmware, and have it installed onto a physical pen drive ?16:09
sdf2now i'M totally confused16:10
sdf2ubuntu istalls pulseaudio on my desktop16:10
sdf2and i'm trying to configure alsa...16:10
storbecksilv3r_m00n: .a is a unix static object code library, la is a gnu libtol library file16:10
shavinplease help! is there a way to roll back my installation to the point before today's updates?16:10
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Gromhey. Anyone know python library to get used colors from gtkrc file?16:10
silv3r_m00nstorbeck: so .a files shud have the pseudo code , .so files the real function implementation and .h files the prototype ?16:11
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TaG^can I install ubuntu-8.10-desktop-i386 while running xp?16:12
Cool_GuyWill distcc work with ubuntu under vmware?16:12
storbecksilv3r_m00n: What is the actual issue?16:12
silv3r_m00nstorbeck: just trying to understand what has what16:12
storbecksilv3r_m00n: You may want to join ##c if it's not an ubuntu related issue16:13
durtTaG^: do you mean dual-boot or running the installer(wubi.exe) off of the disc. either way, yes.16:13
silv3r_m00nstorbeck: the topic is linux related16:13
shavinGod! i started firefox -safe-mode and tried going to addons window and it still crashed!16:13
storbeckshavin: Run firefox in gdb16:14
shavinstorbeck: sorry i dont know whats gdb?16:14
TaG^durt .. have xp running then input ubuntu-8.10-desktop-i386 and run it from xp..?16:14
storbeckgdb is the gnu debugger16:14
Jack_SparrowSiliconViper But not Ubuntu related16:14
shavindo i have to install gdb?16:15
storbeckNo, it should already be installed16:15
rampageoberonany ideas why a hard drive will not be recognised when resuming from standby16:15
Jack_SparrowTaG^ I really dislike wubi installs..16:15
storbeckshavin: http://sources.redhat.com/gdb/current/onlinedocs/gdb_toc.html16:15
ftabhow do16:15
durtTaG^: I highly suggest reading the installation instructions first, anybody know the url?16:15
ftabhow I increase the swap space ?16:15
Jack_SparrowTaG^ I know all about them and I would not ever do it16:15
TaG^what is the min system requirement for ubuntu-8.10 .. ram, HD space and cup speed?16:16
will1911a1Hey everyone.16:16
glenrockGartral1: i found it, still here?16:16
CrazyLemonCan someone please tell me how can i dim the brightness on ubuntu 8.10 ? Coz the default is still too bright and i need all the battery i can get :)16:16
Jack_Sparrowftab how much are you using?16:16
durtTaG^: it's all on the web-site16:16
shavinstorbeck: i checked and gdb is installed but i dont know how to use it16:16
storbeckTaG^: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SystemRequirements16:16
Gartral1glenrock: yea16:16
durt!installation | TaG^16:16
ubottuTaG^: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues - Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate16:16
kattollikisdTaG^, I used wube before...... on the wubi you cannot do what you can do in ubuntu if you boot it and install it with the live CD...16:16
crdlbCrazyLemon: system > prefs > power management16:16
storbeckshavin: See the link that I posted to you.16:16
CyclistHello, everybody! just a couple of question for the interested in answering them:16:16
Cyclist1] my CD drive does not work under Ubuntu 8.10 [at least, not for the playing of music CD's] and I do not have a clue as to how to fix it;16:16
Cyclist2] I am trying to find a tabbed dual-paned file manager for Gnome, but the only mentions on the Web so far are not even being listed on my system whenever I perform a search for new programs [all sources...]16:16
glenrockopen file browser (nautilus16:16
FloodBot3Cyclist: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.16:16
ftabI just increased my RAM which was 512 MB and now it's 1GB16:17
glenrockGartral1: edit -> preferences > Media tab16:17
ftabI am not sure if Ubuntu has increased my SWAP space accordingly or not16:17
Cyclistanyone interested, please send me a private message, ok?16:17
CyclistThank you, very much!16:17
ja2Hi I often get messages like this "Depends: libpq5 (=8.3.1-1) but 8.3.5-0ubuntu0.8.04 is to be installed" how do I get around that in a smooth way?16:17
glenrockGartral1: for Music Player, choose "Do Nothing"16:17
Jack_Sparrowftab No, it cant do that by itself16:17
n8tuserfftab no it has not16:17
ftabso I would need to modify that explicitly ?16:17
n8tuserfftab yes16:18
Jack_Sparrowftab yes, you would.  It is a partition and you would need to resize it16:18
ftabhow ? :-)16:18
Gartral1glenrock: THANK YOU!16:18
iloweanybody have any experience running multiple internet connections at a time? I'm having trouble with my routing tables16:18
glenrockGartral1: welcome :D16:18
Jack_Sparrowftab first lets verify you actually need more swap16:18
J-_Would it be possible to encrypt a partition and still have my Hardy and Jaunty partitions be able to access it?16:18
n8tuserfJ-_ -> yes it is possible, its when you need to mount it, where you need to supply the credentials16:19
tiredboneshas anybody here backup evolution and restore the backup file so that you where able to save all your settings and mail?16:19
J-_Or at least have a password prompt when I try to access the mounted partition?16:19
rampageoberonhi, ubuntu doesn't recognise my sata harddrive (NTFS) on some occasions when resuming from standby, why could this be and how can it be fixed? the ext3 partitioned drive is accessible on wake up.16:19
storbecktiredbones: tar -cf backup.tar ~/.evolution16:19
ftabok sure, When I installed ubuntu 8.10 I had 512 MB RAM  and now I increased that to 1GB,  also I let Ubuntu create SWAP partition for me16:19
Jack_Sparrowftab What does free tell you16:20
Jack_Sparrowstaticvector sudo fdisk -l will show you the size of your swap partition16:20
antoranzhi, guys!16:20
antoranzIs there areason why I can't compile bash from GNU's source?16:20
ftabJack_Sparrow: http://paste.ubuntu.com/124809/16:21
svendbentHey... does any of you guys know if this can work on ubuntu? : http://www.tenda.cn/product/show.php?productid-337.html16:21
storbeckThere is no reason to run fdisk to find out the sizes16:21
antoranzI had this error that "C compiler can't generate executables" both in bash 4.0 and 3.2.4816:21
shavinstorbeck: gdb is not for me :-( i am just a lay user16:21
storbeckftab: cat /proc/partitions16:21
crdlbantoranz: have you installed build-essential?16:21
NativeAngelsdoes anyone here know about bind916:21
storbeck!ask | NativeAngels16:22
ubottuNativeAngels: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)16:22
ftabstorbeck: what will that do?16:22
Jack_Sparrowftab Yur are fine.. dont bother resizing your partition16:22
storbeckftab: It will show your partitions layout & sizes16:22
ftabi see16:22
Jack_Sparrowftab you have 1.5 gig swap16:22
antoranzcrdlb: yes, it's installed16:22
ftabJack_Sparrow how do  you say that, that's fine, Sorry I am new bie16:22
n8tuserfstorbeck -> using cat /proc/partitions  does not tell you what file system is on it though16:22
CrazyLemoncrdlb: yea..those are the default settings that are too bright :)16:23
Jack_Sparrowftab You have 1.5 times your ram as swap space and you are currently using no- swap16:23
crdlbantoranz: hmm, no idea, you could try apt-get build dep bash16:23
storbeckn8tuserf: On an ubuntu install, swap is last16:23
shavinis there a way to roll back my updates to a previous state?16:23
tiredbonesstorebeck, I used dar and backup my all of home directory. I then restored my home directory in a tmp file system. I restored .evoulution to my current home directory. I'm still not able to get at my old mail.16:23
=== fargiola` is now known as fargiolas
shavinlike the option in windows?16:24
n8tuserfstorbeck -> how would you know which one is ntfs from that list? you dont..so fdisk -l gives you an extra info16:24
ftabhmm that's cool :-) I am happy that guys like you are on Ubuntu channel which encourage people to use Ubuntu and also people get motivated16:24
=== Kwitschibo_ is now known as Kwitschibo
crdlbantoranz: apt-get build-dep that is16:24
shavini do not want to loose my pen drive intrepid!16:24
antoranzwhat does that do? remember I downloaded the raw sources from gnu16:25
storbeckn8tuserf: Lets just agree that there are multiple ways to find what he's looking for and both are good depending on what it's being used for.16:25
crdlbCrazyLemon: there's a brightness slider for when on AC power, but not for battery power; that's really weird16:25
Jack_Sparrowstorbeck which is why I suggested sudo fdisk -l earlier as it actually shows the swap partition as swap16:25
storbeckNo reason to argue.16:25
user_shavin: not directly16:25
n8tuserfstorbeck -> agreable16:25
crdlbantoranz: it installs the build dependencies of the bash source package16:25
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=== Jay is now known as Guest6487
CrazyLemoncrdlb: yea i agree16:26
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=== Guest6487 is now known as Karloo
Sonderbladewhy does apt-get install subversion install mysql packages?16:26
rampageoberonhow can i get a drive to spin up? One of my drives is not being picked up by ubuntu after resuming from standby.16:26
storbeckCrazyLemon: Use DimScreen16:27
shavinuser_: there must be way to save my installation. things have gone wrong. linux is so flexible. is there a way to make things back to normal?16:27
rampageoberonthe drive is formatted as NTFS, not sure if thats causing the problems16:27
Jack_Sparrowrampageoberon is it external?16:27
rampageoberonJack_Sparrow: no its an internal drive16:27
lchihey i have a question about bluetooth16:27
antoranzcan anybody translate this for me? Inconsistency detected by ld.so: ../sysdeps/i386/dl-machine.h: 550: elf_machine_rel_relative: Assertion `((reloc->r_info) & 0xff) == 8' failed!16:27
user_shavin: its only mysql client packages16:27
lchiI'm trying to bind a channel with rfcomm16:27
user_shavin: sorry16:28
n8tuserfDual Intel Xeon 2.8GHz CPU + 2G mem + 100G hd  for 120 bux... seems cheap but i dont know why i want to haggle for 10016:28
user_Sonderblade: its only mysql client packages16:28
lchiand i put into the terminal sudo rfcomm bind /dev/rfcomm016:28
lchibut no device is created16:28
lchiand i receive no error16:28
lchiwhat am I doing wrong?16:28
Sonderbladeuser_: it still makes no sense16:28
user_shavin: you can deinstall any program easily, but reversing version numbers is not easy.16:29
storbeckshavin: How did you install the packages?16:29
mobodo_if I dd a whole drive, it will include the MBR, right?16:29
Jack_Sparrowlchi Please try to keep your question all on one line.  give details.  Are you following a tutorial, what wifi card are you dealiung with etc16:29
shavinstorbeck: through update manager16:29
Jack_Sparrowmobodo_ yes16:29
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user_Sonderblade: i dont know of the details, but say subversion has a mysql bridge ande the packagers decided its worth including for ubuntu..16:29
n8tuserfmobodo_ -> your destination better have as much space16:29
simen_what is this?16:29
CrazyLemonstorbeck: as google tells me DimScreen is for Windows only..so ..DimSCreen + wine works fine? :)16:29
mobodo_like dd -if /dev/sda -of /dev/sdb, I should be able to boot from /dev/sdb after if I was booting from /dev/sda before?16:30
noname-I have Feisty Ubuntu installed right now, I notice they no longer support this distro.. what should i upgrade to and how do i Do it from commandline only?16:30
simen_i love ice cream16:30
Myrtti!ot | simen_16:30
ubottusimen_: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!16:30
Myrtti!no | simen_16:30
ubottusimen_: Hvis du vil diskutere på Norsk, vennligst gå til #ubuntu-no. Takk!16:30
n8tuserfmobodo_ -> no, you have to modify your bios too16:30
killerboytell Crixsat, that i had to go16:30
MyrttiKarloo: stop it16:30
Karloostop what16:30
killerboytell Brixsat, that i had to go16:30
shavinnow there are three main problems, ubuntu says no disk space, whereas there is. second the firefox thing, thirdly some app crash report is coming again and again.16:30
=== ivanoats|away is now known as ivanoats
Jack_Sparrownoname- You would need to rebuild your sources list to the special repos, go through the uddate and upgrade then distro-upgrade...  I suggest a fresh install as that is a lot of d/l's16:31
shavinand now when i try to run update manager again, it says failed to fetch some packages16:31
shavinerror 40416:31
storbeckCrazyLemon: DimScreen is not for Windows only16:31
thomasdelbeke=-=YOU (thomasdelbeke) have been booted from #ubuntu-security by ChanServ (Invite only channel)16:31
rampageoberonJack_Sparrow: any ideas or is reboot my only option?16:31
thomasdelbekeIs this correct?16:31
MyrttiKarloo: repeating "ubuntu" all the time16:31
Karloobut it's correct16:31
user_shavin: which version of ubuntu are you using?16:32
MyrttiKarloo: huh?16:32
noname-Jack_Sparrow: upgrade and dist-upgrade do not work, as it complains about not being able to fetch sources/packages from the URLs in my sourcelist16:32
Jack_Sparrowrampageoberon no idea but I would google up that dirve info and ubuntu and see what you get16:32
Sonderbladeuser_: it has no mysql bridge. subversion is a version control system and mysql is a database, there is no relation between them16:32
Karloomyrtti: ubuntu is correct16:32
shavinuser_: ubuntu 8.1016:32
MyrttiKarloo: correct for what?16:32
Jack_Sparrownoname- YOu ignored the first part of what I told you16:32
degritwhere can I look to figure out why my old laptop (1.6ghz, 256mb ram) hangs completely as soon as I log in ?16:32
thomasdelbekeHi people, is ubuntu-security an invite only channel?16:33
user_Sonderblade: launchpad, maybe they already have a report discussing it..16:33
Jack_Sparrownoname- If you get the sources right it can find the packages16:33
thomasdelbeke=-=YOU (thomasdelbeke) have been booted from #ubuntu-security by ChanServ (Invite only channel)16:33
Jack_Sparrowthomasdelbeke yes16:33
n8tuserfdegrit same if you logon via  console? ctrl+alt+f1  ?16:33
oCean_noname-: see here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes. As Jack pointed out upgrade is a looong way, since you have to go through gutsy and hardy16:33
gregor_how can i save video-streams with totem?16:33
minimecdegrit: Looks like a graphics error. I often had that with ATI cards...16:33
storbeckCrazyLemon: Are you trying to increase the brightness, or decrease it?16:33
noname-oCean_: ok, so downloading and reinstalling is a better option?16:33
Jack_SparrowHi oCean_16:33
degritn8tuserf, at what point do I press ctrl-alt-f1 ? and it does load the desktop, then it hangs16:33
Jack_Sparrownoname- yes, by far16:33
n8tuserfdegrit -> do it now16:33
oCean_noname-: indeed16:33
Karloomyrtti: saying ubuntu is correct16:34
oCean_Jack_Sparrow: aye! :)16:34
Gartral1whats the command to sync all waiting data to a flash drive/external drive?16:34
MyrttiKarloo: no it's not, you're saying ubuntu without a meaning, adding useless noise to the already busy channel. Stop it.16:34
degritn8tuserf, the laptop is currently on the menu for the recovery mode - I assume I should get to the logon screen ?16:34
noname-oCean_: thats ok i guess, its just too bad the computer is way out of reach and i have no monitor hookup :\ ohwell16:34
CrazyLemonstorbeck: decrease it..so i can increase battery lifetime ..i tried fn + f7 /f8 ..but no success ..tried to set it up on hotkeys setup..but the damn thing just doesnt recognize it16:34
n8tuserfdegrit -> console does not have gui, but i'd like you to test-- if you logging in -- works okay?16:34
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats16:35
Karlooyou're saying, ubuntu is not correct? on this channel? shame on you!16:35
degritn8tuserf, sure, bootin up16:35
ubottuAmarok is an audio player for Linux with an intuitive interface. The latest version is 1.4.8 (1.4.3 for Dapper LTS). Packages are available for Kubuntu at www.kubuntu.org See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Amarok16:35
tiredbonesI used these instruction for backing up my home dir before upgrading to 8.10, but i used DAR instead of TAR. After the upgrade I extracted my files from the cd to a tmp file on disk. I then removed the new .evolution and /gconf/apps/evolution. Last I copied these file to my tmp directory to my current home directory. Did I miss a step? I can not get at my old mail.16:35
n8tuserfdegrit -> you are trying to do what?  you somehow did not provide a complete info16:35
MyrttiKarloo: stop it.16:35
degritn8tuserf, if I press ctrl alt f1 from the logon screen nothing happens16:35
rampageoberonJack_Sparrow: already tried that, not much help there (probably not suing the right search terms)16:35
Karloostop what? ubuntu is correct16:35
user_Karloo: shut up16:36
rampageoberonanyway going to have to reboot by the looks of things16:36
n8tuserfdegrit -> you sure?  how about ctrl+alt+f2 ?16:36
rampageoberonthanks :)16:36
storbeckCrazyLemon: pastebin the output of cd /proc/acpi; find . -name brigtness16:36
tiredbonesI used these instruction   http://ubuntu.wordpress.com/2005/12/03/how-to-backup-evolution/   for backing up my home dir before upgrading to 8.10, but i used DAR instead of TAR. After the upgrade I extracted my files from the cd to a tmp file on disk. I then removed the new .evolution and /gconf/apps/evolution. Last I copied these file to my tmp directory to my current home directory. Did I miss a step? I can not get at my old mail.16:36
degritn8tuserf, I take that back, it shows the console logon, albeit with some odd graphics glitch on the screen16:36
thomasdelbekeHi there, I think Mallory placed an extra chip on my motherboard, where to ask?16:36
Gartral1whats the command to sync all waiting data to a flash drive/external drive?16:36
noname-oCean_: Will I have to backup all my files when upgrading?16:36
degritn8tuserf, I am logged in at the console prompt16:36
n8tuserfdegrit -> then try to log on. to test your user..16:36
n8tuserfdegrit so it works..16:36
oCean_Gartral1: it's "sync" I guess... If the device is on the laptop, you could also right-click and choose unmount volume. It will do the sync first16:37
degritn8tuserf, I am also able to start a xterm session16:37
oCean_noname-: backup is *alway* a wise thing to do.. Especially before major actions like upgrading.16:37
n8tuserfdegrit -> actually you are already in a console, no need to start an xterm16:37
degritn8tuserf, true that, just mentioning16:37
dsnydersHi all!  Weird.  Vista can wake itself from hibernate to do updates.16:37
Gartral1oCean_: i know how to unmount it, and thats what i don't want to do, i want to synk data without unmounting16:38
durtthomasdelbeke: do a google search on th P/N on the chip, that'll tell you what it does.16:38
user_Gartral1: its 'sync' indeed ;-)16:38
Gartral1gui doe not have a sync....16:38
thomasdelbekeI am not entirely sure which chip it is,16:38
oCean_Gartral1: no it's command for commandline16:39
Gartral1oCean_: i figured, how do i sync from withing gnome/nautilus?16:39
n8tuserfGartral1 -> i dont think you can, but you can create a gui from the launcher and the command behind it is sync16:40
storbeckCrazyLemon: Actually, just apt-get install xbacklight16:40
oCean_Gartral1: only way I can think of <alt><f2> and enter 'sync' as command to run16:40
storbeckThen use something like xbacklight -set 4016:40
user_Gartral1: oCean_ +116:41
Gartral1at the root of the drive i wish to sync?16:41
CrazyLemonstorbeck: tnx..will try that now :)16:41
user_Gartral1: anywhere16:41
bullgard4How can I use an Evolution adressbook on a Ubuntu 8.04.2 computer on another Ubuntu 8.04.2 computer in the same LAN?16:42
Gartral1ahh, that would sync all, how do i do it specifically16:42
hifiintrepid/jaunty hard lock with S3 86C380 ProSavageDDR K4M266 (Twister?) graphics adapter wihen direct rendering is not disabled in xorg configuration (option dri false)16:42
shavinis there a way to re-install intrepid on my pen drive without losing my files on the drive?16:43
oCean_Gartral1: I'm not sure there is an option. Sync just flushes all filesystembuffers16:43
=== MadMax is now known as Guest71221
user_Gartral1: that doesnt seem to be possible, you can remount and give sync options, maybe theres an interval switch16:43
mrwesbullgard4, might need a LAPD server?16:43
=== izibi_ is now known as izibi
user_Gartral1: that doesnt seem to be possible, you can remount and give sync options to the mount command, maybe theres an interval switch16:44
bullgard4mrwes: What DEB program package includes a LAPD server?16:44
carpiilapd ?16:44
Cicerociao a tutti16:44
carpiiLDAP you mean?16:44
=== gaintsura_ is now known as gaintsura
user_bullgard4: apt-cache search ldap | grep server16:44
* oCean_ goes aaah, ldap :)16:45
=== CoJaBo__ is now known as CoJaBo
mrwesbullgard4, try this site: http://www.go-evolution.org/EDS_Architecture16:46
D_likescookiesanyone can help me? How can I run a program that doesn't have a file association nor extension? I know it's something like an executable file.16:46
panfisthow do i send a message to a mailing list?16:47
user_D_likescookies: start it from the terminal16:47
sydneydoes anyone know what the fortran compiler in ubuntu is called?16:47
n8tuserfwho has actually amongst you deployed an LDAP server and uses it for authentication and doling out services?  works great?16:47
user_panfist: put the maillist address in the recipient field16:47
user_of your email program16:47
panfisti did that and the mail was returned16:48
ubottuAs you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)16:48
user_sydney: apt-cache search fortran | grep compiler16:48
user_panfist: are you subscribed to the maillist?16:48
panfisti sent an email here: linux-raid@vger.kernel.org16:48
panfistyes i have received two messages from it so far16:48
user_panfist: maybe its a single way maillist?16:48
panfist"Google tried to deliver your message, but it was rejected by the recipient domain"16:48
D_likescookiesuser should I do run filename?16:49
user_panfist: maybe it was classified as spam?16:49
oCean_panfist: contact the maillist administrator(s)16:49
hunt577ok guys I am back16:49
hunt577I know it took me awhile16:49
=== urkki is now known as Finnish
panfistok ocean_ i will try16:49
n8tuserfpanfist i think because vger.kernel.org does not have ptr16:49
user_D_likescookies: just open a terminal, 'cd program-path' and then just './program'16:50
hunt577I am the person needing assistance with getting my wireless connection to work on ubuntu and I had to manually type in the lspci from the lap top I am using ubuntu on16:50
ubottuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs16:50
panfistn8tuserf what does ptr mean16:50
n8tuserfpanfist -> dns  terminology, i dont recall the exact meaning16:51
rubberduckywhen i compile libnet: core/config.c: In function ‘__libnet_internal__seek_section’:16:51
hunt577are you all ready for me to paste the lspci?16:51
Gartral1!webcam gartral16:51
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about webcam gartral16:51
Gartral1!webcams gartral16:51
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about webcams gartral16:51
oCean_hunt577: not here!16:51
n8tuserfpanfist i think when an address does not have a reverse entry in the DNS16:51
oCean_!pastebin > hunt57716:51
ubottuhunt577, please see my private message16:51
bullgard4mrwes: I'm reading... Thank you.16:52
ortsvorsteher!bot | Gartral116:52
ubottuGartral1: Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots16:52
n8tuserf!pastebin | hunt57716:52
ubottuhunt577: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)16:52
hunt577thank you16:52
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)16:52
sozobOOPS...I installed ubuntu x64 and I really wanted gnome..just no games/gimp/openoffice/etc.   Is there a good way to add gnome/synaptic/the panel-goodies to the ubuntu server?16:53
panfistok i must sound like an internet retard, but i can't find the lists administrators. there's a dead link on their archives page and theres a link to what looks like domain-squatting-spam instead of an FAQ about the list16:53
rubberduckycore/config.c: In function ‘__libnet_internal__seek_section’:16:53
ortsvorsteher!who | panfist16:53
ubottupanfist: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)16:53
NativeAngelsdoes anyone know about bind9 server on ubuntu ?16:53
n8tuserfpanfist A PTR record is what lets someone do a "reverse" DNS lookup - that is, they have your IP address and want to know what your host/domain is16:53
ortsvorsteher!anyone | NativeAngels16:53
ubottuNativeAngels: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?16:53
LeonWPI wrote an init script which works fine when used with invoke-rc.d. Now I'd like to have it started up16:54
rdzhi all. any hints about how to use an ipod touch with ubuntu?16:54
LeonWPat boot time, so I did update-rc.d ftpd-topfield defaults, though it doesn't get started at boot time. It works fine when I start it manually then.16:54
mrwesNativeAngels, google it -- there are plenty of web sites that do that16:54
LeonWPhow would I debug that?16:54
user_NativeAngels: feel free to ask a more concrete question(error message) and if someone knows they are going to help you16:54
Gartral1how do i get my webcams to work?16:54
LeonWPis there anything else I have to do besides update-rc.d?16:54
bullgard4user_: I am studying the output of the command which you suggested. --  Thank you.16:55
user_Gartral1: which webcam?16:55
Gartral1both, preferably16:55
n8tuserfLeonWP -> how do you know it did not get started at init level 5 ?16:55
user_bullgard4: your welcome16:55
CrazyLemonstorbeck: xbacklight keeps saying no outputs have backlight property -.- ..i tried xbacklight -40 ..and xbacklight -dec 40 ...nothing worked16:55
ortsvorsteher!webcam | Gartral116:55
ubottuGartral1: Instructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras16:55
LeonWPn8tuserf, it should still be running then if I login, no?16:55
n8tuserfLeonWP -> thats what am asking you, how did you verify?16:56
LeonWPI login and /etc/init.d/ftpd-topfield status says it's not running16:56
LeonWPI can verify this by checking the process list16:57
n8tuserfLeonWP -> well, check all the S*  in /etc/rcS.d/   if it mentions that16:57
oCean_!runlevels | LeonWP16:57
ubottuLeonWP: In Ubuntu all runlevels except 0,1 and 6 are by default equal. Also keep in mind that Ubuntu now uses !Upstart instead of System V init so there is normally no /etc/inittab.16:57
edmondkanas ellhnas yparxei edo messa?16:57
LeonWPn8tuserf, hm no16:58
n8tuserfortsvorsteher -> can you be a bit more verbose when you assist instead of just triggering the bot ?16:58
edmondkanas ellhnas yparxei edo messa?16:58
n8tuserfLeonWP -> then it was not installed in the proper levels16:58
oCean_!fi | edmond16:58
ubottuedmond: Suomenkielinen keskustelu (K)Ubuntusta kanavilla #ubuntu-fi ja #kubuntu-fi16:58
edmondtell me16:58
LeonWPn8tuserf, I thought update-rc.d would do everything fine, do I have to link it manually?16:58
ortsvorstehern8tuserf: i try16:58
n8tuserfLeonWP -> i dont remember the full details but you can use invoke-rc.d also, man them both16:59
edmondkanas ellhnas yparxei edo messa?16:59
edmondndonje Shqipetare eshte aty?17:00
oCean_edmond: this is english channel only Join #ubuntu-fi for finland chat17:00
edmondI was sending in Greek17:01
shavinif i re-install intrepid on my pen drive. is there a way to partition the drive into two and install os on one and leave the second partition for my documents? So that in case of future re-install i can have my documents all safe in the second partition?17:01
edmondif there is any greek17:01
ortsvorsteher!gr | edmond17:01
ubottuedmond: #ubuntu-gr και #kubuntu-gr για Έλληνες χρηστές  /  #ubuntu-gr kai #kubuntu-gr gia Ellhnes xrhstes17:01
ortsvorsteheredmond: there is a greek channel ;)17:01
n8tuserfshavin it is possible17:01
satansauntmy sound has suddenly vanished...17:01
CyclistHello, again! has anyone of you ever had a problem with your CD drive not playing a music CD? the hardware is OK [I am sure of it], but the media player only returns the message ''not playing''17:01
s3aim running debian in virtualbox-ose and the resolution of debian is larger than the one of ubuntu or my screen for that matter, I cant lower the resolution from debian? anyone know what i should do?17:02
LeonWPn8tuserf, well, thanks. the invoke-rc.d man page doesn't mention anything useful, I'll just link it manually.17:02
ortsvorsteherCyclist: the cd is mounted? can you read the files on the cd? which format do they have?17:02
satansauntmy sound has suddenly vanished...17:02
shavinn8tuserf: could you guide me please? i am stuck with an error after updates. and i think i being a lay user i should just move my docs to another drive and re install intrepid17:03
satansauntfor no apparent reason i can't hear anything17:03
RhondaI would like to have someone to speak to with respect to the required security updates for the wesnoth packages in releases other than jaunty.17:03
storbeck!sound | satansaunt17:03
ubottusatansaunt: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP317:03
user_s3a: #debian can better help than us17:03
Cyclistortsvorsteher: I do not know whether it is mounted or not17:03
s3auser_, but my host OS is ubuntu 8.10 and im using virtualbox-ose17:04
Cyclisti inserted the CD and the media player started, then stoped...17:04
ortsvorsteherCyclist: insert the cd in drive, close it. open a terminal and type there "mount"17:04
phixxorhey guys I can't boot into Grub anymore. After bios, the computer says 'system boot error, please insert systems disk' and lets me boot from a live cd. This happened after I got a blue screen upon shutdown in windows17:04
n8tuserfshavin -> what are you trying to do?17:04
storbeckphixxor: Run fdisk17:04
phixxorand now gparted doesn't see my hard disks17:04
storbeckerr, not fdisk. fsck *17:04
user_s3a: ok, just booting a lenny and looking17:04
phixxorstorbeck: should i run it with any parameters, or just "fsck"17:05
storbeckphixxor: man fsck17:05
s3auser_, i also booted lenny if that helps17:05
user_s3a: host intrepid?17:05
n8tuserfphixxor -> you can add the specific partitions you like fsck'd17:05
s3auser_, ya17:05
phixxorstorbeck: the problem is gparted doesn't see any of my partitions anymore17:05
s3auser_, well guest additions i think would do what i need but i remember not knowing how to install it last time17:06
ftabHow do I disable the System beep on Ubuntu 8.10?17:06
Cyclistortsvorsteher: I assumed that the CD drive would have been ''mounted'' when the system acknwoledged its existence by opening the media player...17:06
Cyclistortsvorsteher: it is a music CD17:07
ortsvorsteherCyclist: yes, i think you are right. may you can open nautilus to look which files are on the cd17:07
ftabHow do I disable the System beep on Ubuntu 8.10?17:08
furenkumy system is hanging on shutdown; i get a "saving system clock" message, but then it just freezes... i'm on Ubuntu Intrepid17:08
ewomeris there an older version of ubuntu installl cd that boots with syslinux instead of isolinux17:08
shavinn8tuser: i hhave intrepid on a 8gb pen drive. all good until today afternoon when i choose(sadly) to install the hundred updates available through update manager. They installed partially with some failings. Now ubuntu says there is no disk space left ie on my pen drive. Although df -h tell me there is certainlt space left. I can create and save any more docs. Besides this firefox has gone bad a bit too17:08
phixxorI can't boot into Grub anymore. After bios, the computer says 'system boot error, please insert systems disk' and lets me boot from a live cd. This happened after I got a blue screen upon shutdown in windows. And now gparted doesn't see my hard disks. What do I need to do?17:08
hunt577Once I paste the text from pastebin into it, how do I get it in here?17:08
ortsvorsteherCyclist: are there files on the cd like .ogg? or mp3?17:08
ftabHow do I disable the System beep on Ubuntu 8.10?17:08
storbeckphixxor: Please do not ask the same questions over and over.17:08
phixxorstorbeck got no answer17:08
Cyclistortsvorsteher:funny thing about that; the CD files should come up as .cda [I think] but in the Nautilus they are identified as .wma17:08
shavinhunt577: just copy the address from the address bar17:09
nickoehunt577, copy the link17:09
phixxorseeing if anyone else can help17:09
benxxanybody know how to install aim17:09
ftabHow do I disable the System beep on Ubuntu 8.10?17:09
ortsvorsteherCyclist: are you familiar with commandline?17:09
user_s3a: installing guest extensions is easy, just mount the extensions iso and execute the right program17:09
hunt577thank you shavin and nickoe17:09
Cyclistortsvorsteher: no, not really...17:09
ortsvorsteherCyclist: no problem. may you open a terminal. type there "mount" please. look where youre cd is mounted17:10
nickoeftab, http://tombuntu.com/index.php/2007/07/17/disable-your-internal-speakers-beep-in-linux/17:10
storbeckphixxor: You are not going to get any help if you do not try the suggestions that were given to you.17:10
panfisti'm trying to figure out what "mdadm --detail /dev/md0" is telling me. at the bottom there is a table with the following column headers "Number Major Minor RaidDevice State" ... what do major and minor stand for?17:10
phixxorstorbeck: I can't run fsck because I don't have any partitions anymore17:10
user_s3a: dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg did not do the trick here (dont know if i installed guest extensions, probably no, its debian running since a long time.. ;-)17:10
hunt577shavin and nickoe, I am not seeing a link after I click "paste"17:10
hunt577Just says Paste from hunt577 at Sun, 1 Mar 2009 18:10:13 +000017:10
storbeckIf you absolutely do not have any partitions left, then you have to re-install.17:10
phixxorstorbeck: no17:11
phixxoryou can recover partitions17:11
phixxorI just can't remmeber how17:11
storbeckThen do it17:11
gregor_how can i save video streams with totem?17:11
nickoehunt577, the URL17:11
inntegragood morning 2 u all guys i have just installed xubuntu intrepid this morning at my offices laptop the thing is that i do need to print with this CANON imageCLASS D340 but this os cannot dopwnload drivers for it and i cant find any gui about it, can somebody help me to install it or if is not possible tell me so i can change my os pls?17:11
user_gregor_: does it have to be totem? vlc can for sure17:11
hunt577ahhh got it17:11
hunt577my bad!17:11
mortneNeed a bit of help configuring default soundcard. Tried using asoundconf-gtk to set the default card to HDMI, but when I do a speaker-test afterwards, I get 'playback device is default [...] channels count (1) not available for playbacks: Invalid argument. Setting of hwparams failed: Invalid argument' - Should I restart something to make the new setting become active?17:11
melrockzHi. I've been trying to connect to a windows share via 'connect to server' option in the places menu, in Ubuntu 8.10. It only gives an error 'no application is registered for handling this kind of file'. Ubuntu 7.10 had no such problem. File sharing is over an ethernet connection and it is connected. In Windows, there seems to be no problem. What could be the problem here?17:11
Akumahello, how do I edit the locations in the "Places" menu in gnome?17:12
tsuna27how can i get japanese characters working on firefox17:12
bullgard4mrwes: I am confused: 'Linux Magazine' in 2006-05 wrote: "GNOME says good bye to the standardization monster Corba and puts one's shirt on D-Bus." Evolution is using GNOME very much. So is a try to use Evolution Data Server in vain as e-d-s i a Corba component?17:12
Cyclistortsvorsteher: ok, but that try will have to be postponed until tomorrow, as I cannot restart my pc now [I have a dual-boot system and am using the WinXP OS at the moment...]17:12
inntegradoes any one was able to read my questions cause this guys wrote a lot and i didnt so my own question17:12
hunt577Ok this is the lspci information on ubuntu, I am trying to get my wireless internet connection working - http://paste.ubuntu.com/124833/17:12
Cyclistortsvorsteher: is that all I need to type: ''mount''?17:13
gregor_user_, is vlc free?17:13
storbeckgregor_: sudo apt-get install vlc17:13
user_gregor_: yes, its included in ubuntu's repos17:13
benxxdoes anybody know if there is a fax program for linux17:13
sozobis there an easy way to get rid of a lot of the software added to the normal desktop install?  I need gnome and all the configuration apps would be nice, but I don't need openoffice/gimp/etc.  I need it to almost be a server.  It's just going to serve VMs mainly, but I also need to use the VMs locally, so I am thinking about virtualbox.  I would also like firefox too.17:13
user_benxx: hylafax f.e.17:13
storbeckbenxx: apt-cache search fax17:14
storbeckThere are many17:14
s3auser_, in 8-9 min the .iso will be complete so ill be bak then if theres problems, k?17:14
ortsvorsteherCyclist: okay. so come back when you need. no, not at all. mount shows you where the cd is mounted. cd to location of the cd. after you listed the files, you can look which format they are with "file music.wma"17:14
user_s3a: sure17:14
storbecksudo apt-get install gfax17:14
Akumahello, how do I edit the locations in the "Places" menu in gnome?17:14
gregor_storbeck, not found17:14
storbeckgregor_: If your apt-get can't find vlc, then your sources.list is messed up17:15
melrockzHi. I've been trying to connect to a windows share via 'connect to server' option in the places menu, in Ubuntu 8.10. It only gives an error 'no application is registered for handling this kind of file'. Ubuntu 7.10 had no such problem. File sharing is over an ethernet connection and it is connected. In Windows, there seems to be no problem. What could be the problem here?17:15
phixxorgregor_: make sure you have the right repos enabled by looking in synaptic/settings/repositories17:15
tsuna27how can i get japanese characters working on firefox17:15
arbirhow does deal with a .asx streaming file's redirection ? mplayer or vlc is not able to handle it17:16
storbecktsuna27: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-432011.html17:16
user_tsuna27: which version of ubuntu are you using?17:17
storbeckarbir: vlc can play it17:17
cdavisHow does one adjust the margins when using lpr to print?17:17
Cyclistortsvorsteher: thank you; I will be here tomorrow by this time; if necessary I will call on you again [I hope you wil not mind it]; o/17:17
inntegraso guys i was asking at xubuntu channels and they say my issue belong to ubuntu, so is it possible to install a CANON imageCLASS D340 on xubuntu ???17:17
phixxorthe problem is my computer can't find the harddisk17:17
arbirstorbeck: my vlc plays the first screen, and stops.17:17
storbeckarbir: Maybe the file is messed up17:17
ortsvorsteherCyclist: if i am here, no problem. :)17:18
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hunt577Can someone help me with getting my wireless connection setup, I have already run lscpi17:18
arbirstorbeck: that works on windows!17:18
hunt577I can put the pastebin url in here17:18
ortsvorsteher!pastebin | hunt57717:18
ubottuhunt577: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)17:18
storbeckarbir: Perhaps they're streaming a wma17:18
ortsvorsteherhunt577: also you can install pastebinit if you like17:19
arbirstorbeck: vlc can play streaming wma :-)17:19
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about pastebinit17:19
NativeAngelscan anyone help with bind9 ?17:19
hunt577thank you, did you get my URL?17:19
storbeckarbir: send me the URL, I'll try17:19
user_cdavis: man lp, line 4617:19
arbirone sec storbeck17:19
tsuna27i am using 8.04 LTS17:20
inntegraany one knows???17:20
ortsvorsteherhunt577: i am not so familiar with wireless. did you read the documentation?17:20
hunt577thanks ortsvorsteher, what should I do next?17:20
ubottuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs17:21
hunt577I will read it again17:21
mortne sound problem experts, anyone?17:21
user_tsuna27: which webpage doesnt show japanese characters. i tried a few here with an english ubuntu but i remember there are two alphabetes in japan17:21
Droopsta915What program can I use to make an mp3 disk?17:21
storbeckDroopsta915: cdrecord17:21
storbeck!sound | mortne17:22
ubottumortne: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP317:22
fosco_Droopsta915: brasero, k3b...17:22
arbirstorbeck: try this URL, and the 3rd MMS link at the right side bottom is the one, that works from windows, but not here. http://tinyurl.com/cqmweo17:22
inntegraok how can install a CANON imageCLASS D340 on an office laptop ????17:22
usserDroopsta915, brasero, k3b17:23
s3auser_, ok i have it downloaded in home17:23
arbirstorbeck: i see the first, screen play, which also plays in windows, and then windows media player, magically redirects the output to another screen while vlc, just quits.. , same problem with mplayer too17:23
user_tsuna27: i see, let me check17:24
mortneIf I don't have the volume control icon anywhere, how do I open that control panel?17:24
user_tsuna27: how is the "bigger" japanese alphabet called?17:24
arbirmortne: right click on the tastbar, and add the volume control applet17:24
Akumahello, how do I edit the locations in the "Places" menu in gnome?17:25
tsuna27user_: kanji?17:25
arbirAkuma: you can get more places, by adding it to favourites in the Nautilus browser17:25
crdlbAkuma: use the add and remove buttons in any gtk+ file chooser dialog17:25
arbirstorbeck: any luck ? :-)17:26
melrockzHi. I've been trying to connect to a windows share via 'connect to server' option in the places menu, in Ubuntu 8.10. It only gives an error 'no application is registered for handling this kind of file'. Ubuntu 7.10 had no such problem. File sharing is over an ethernet connection and it is connected. In Windows, there seems to be no problem. What could be the problem here?17:26
storbeckarbir: https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/totem/+question/86517:26
kingnerdhey guys I have a question about virtualization17:26
arbirstorbeck: let me see that17:26
kingnerdI want to install virtualbox but the OSE keeps giving me these weird kernel error17:26
kingnerdI'm on Intrepid fully updated17:26
Nova1Quick question. When I come back from sleep(Suspend) mode I can't get online. Is there a way to fix this or should I report it as a problem?17:26
user_tsuna27: there are a lot of kanji packages in package-manager. i dont know which one to choose. maybe #ubuntu-jp can help you further?17:27
kingnerdAnyone here know how to get virtualbox running in 8.10?17:27
tsuna27user_: thank you 4 the help17:27
arbirstorbeck: i dont quite understand!17:28
kingnerdI can't find anything on the wiki or google17:28
arbirstorbeck: what was the result of your playing that page ?17:28
arbirkingnerd: did you install it ?17:28
hunt577I can't find System ---> Administration ----->  Networking on my computer17:28
hunt577on ubuntu17:28
kingnerdyes arbir17:29
hunt577I see Network Tools...but not Networking17:29
kingnerdthe OSE gives me a weird kernel error17:29
storbeckarbir: It didn't work.17:29
arbirkingnerd: well... i cannot help you with kernel errors, sorry friend17:29
arbirstorbeck: are you getting what i mean, by automatic redirection now ?17:29
arbirstorbeck: i tried using mplayer, with the same result.17:29
NativeAngelshow do you setup dns server on a ubuntu server17:29
n8tuserfhunt577 -> Network17:30
n8tuserfNativeAngels -> there are tutorials for that, have you tried to google for it?17:30
phixxormy hard drive isn't being detected any more. I don't know what to do. If anyone can help, more details are here http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=6819140#post681914017:30
mortneAlthough I select add on the 'volume control', the dialog disappears but the applet is not added17:30
storbeckarbir: You may want to submit a bug. I've made a pastebin that you can reference: http://pastebin.com/d542309dd17:30
n8tuserfphixxor -> are you on livecd now?17:30
phixxorn8tuserf: ues17:30
hunt577thank you n8tuserf17:31
arbirstorbeck: alright let me do that . thanks17:31
NativeAngelsi have looked n8tuserf but a bit confused by it17:31
n8tuserfphixxor -> then get into root mode, and type   fdisk -l   and tell me what gets listed, post it in pastebin17:31
zacktunova1: If you return from suspend and networking is off, you can right click on the network manager applet in the toolbar and select "Enable Networking"17:31
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kijutsuI installed ubuntu on a quicksliver g4 powermac.  works great.  however, it has an AGP ATI radeon card that I rather hate.  I also have a PC-based GeForce 3 agp card.. if i pop it in, will it work?17:32
n8tuserfNativeAngels -> well read through it, and try you hardest to understand, then we can clarify difficult to understand topic, but not hand hold you all the way through, i hope you also have networking background17:32
phixxorn8tuserf: you go it17:32
smithI cant get sound out of my on-board spdif exit. actually I think the laser doenst even light up :(17:32
Nova1No, networking is enabled it just doesn't connect/see anything17:32
hunt577my ubuntu says I don't have network admin installed17:32
storbeckarbir: Here is another one http://pastebin.com/d17c36db017:32
Nova1I can't change my nick ;-;17:32
phixxorn8tuserf: it returns nothing17:32
storbeckIt looks to me like a server issue17:32
storbeckNova1: type /nick yournewnick17:33
hunt577"gnome-network-admin" command not found17:33
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Lichig0Wouldn't let me switch to Nova....17:33
storbeckphixxor: re-install17:33
baldarishey..i have made a email server ,i am trying to install cubemail , can any one help me?17:34
storbeckbaldaris: This is not the correct channel for that.17:34
n8tuserfphixxor -> or you can let it cool off for a few, and the reboot to livecd again to see if somehow you system just overheated for a few and unresponsive17:34
phixxorstorbeck: think about what your saying. my computer can't detect the hard disk -- what can I install on?17:34
Lichig0Actually I'll just post something on the forums.17:34
shavinGuys i just wish to report that my no disk space error on usb intrepid seems to have gone away after i emptied the trash(i did not know i had to do that!) My bad.17:35
phixxorn8tuserf: alright, I'll give that a try17:35
s_spiffguys need help!17:35
s_spiffi just tried to install realtek HD audio drivers on intrepid17:35
s_spiffnow i don't see a desktop17:35
n8tuserfphixxor -> get breakfast, and come back later17:35
hunt577May I get some help with getting my wireless connection working with ubuntu, the wifidocs is not helping because I don't have network admin installed on ubuntu17:35
user_shavin: no worry, that happens to a lot of people..17:36
storbeckhunt577: What is the problem you're having?17:36
mlbarnesI have a amavis and postfix setup for a imap/smtp server. When ever I receive an email I get this error in my mail.log.  warning: do not list domain thecyberyardsale.com in BOTH mydestination and virtual_alias_domains. I have tried removing the domain from my /etc/postfix/virtual/domains and /etc/postfix/virtual/addresses. Where do I need to remove the domain from? It doesn't look like it is double listed17:36
marcelo_1hi, If I want the dynamic loader to look for libraries in /usr/local/root/... would I have to edit /etc/ld.so.conf.d/libc.conf? And what about headers how can I include /usr/local/include/root/?17:36
hunt577storebeck it won't connect to my wireless network, its not finding it.  Yesterday when I ran the livecd it did find it though but thats before I fully installed ubuntu17:37
storbeckhunt577: pastebin iwconfig17:37
hunt577thanks storbeck will do17:37
hunt577just a moment17:37
shavinthank you all for your time and trouble you took17:37
Myrttishavin: we're here to help :-)17:37
Myrttishavin: if you want, you can stay here and in turn help others :-)17:38
shavini shall, but i hardly know much :-)17:38
toddoonWhere can i find information about process running automatically?17:38
n8tuserfmarcelo_1 -> i think you are in the right path17:38
Myrttishavin: that's the way to learn, watch others solve problems :-)17:38
storbecktoddoon: man init17:38
shavinMyrtti: yes you are right17:39
Cody_Hello helpers, simple question I have. I have a 32 bit windows Os, can I download and use a 64 bit ubuntu Wubi program?17:39
dougldoes anyone know what format a usb key that was just erased on the xbox uses, my ubuntu 8.04 does not auto mount this device17:39
n8tuserfshavin also get a pot of coffee ready to keep your energy up.. lol17:39
MyrttiCody_: if your processor supports it, yes17:39
storbeckn8tuserf: no kidding17:40
Cody_Myrtti: many thanks17:40
toddoonstorbeck: there isn't much informations in man page17:40
shavinn8tuserf: he he i am a tea drinker from india. india the great tea drinking nation. :-)17:40
mlbarnesI have a amavis and postfix setup for a imap/smtp server. When ever I receive an email I get this error in my mail.log.  warning: do not list domain thecyberyardsale.com in BOTH mydestination and virtual_alias_domains. I have tried removing the domain from my /etc/postfix/virtual/domains and /etc/postfix/virtual/addresses. Where do I need to remove the domain from? It doesn't look like it is double listed17:40
n8tuserfstorbeck -> yep17:40
n8tuserfshavin -> thats proly even better, tea has stronger kick17:40
Cody_O and one more, Can I use a real time kernel for Wubi instead of the generic kernel?17:40
storbecktoddoon: man 8 initctl17:40
ville_Suomalaista serveriä etsiskelen ?17:41
ville_mistä pääsen17:41
Myrtti!fi | ville_17:41
ubottuville_: Suomenkielinen keskustelu (K)Ubuntusta kanavilla #ubuntu-fi ja #kubuntu-fi17:41
n8tuserfCody i dont think wubi was intended with that kind of kernel, but you can try and let the community know how it went okay?17:42
hunt577storbeck, http://paste.ubuntu.com/124843/17:42
furenkumy system is hanging on shutdown; i get a "saving system clock" message, but then it just freezes... i'm on Ubuntu Intrepid17:42
Cody_ok, last time i tried a dual boot it didnt end so well17:42
storbeckhunt577: what is your router called?17:42
n8tuserfCody_ -> keep on trying til you succeed17:42
storbecksudo hunt577: iwconfig wlan0 essid "linksys"; sudo dhclient wlan017:42
Answer|28hey, im pretty new to ubuntu. Im wondering how do install just one driver "iwl3965" , can't seem to find a download for it off google17:42
storbeckchange the sudo hunt577 to: sudo iwconfig etc etc :)17:43
hunt577thank you storbeck, am gonna try that now17:43
n8tuserfAnswer|28 -> how did you figure out thats the driver you needed?17:43
Cody_lol thanks, but it takes2 hours to install a NTFS partition on a 500 gb disk17:43
pressherewere can i get conio.h for c?17:43
storbeckAnswer|28: Try using: modprobe iwl396517:44
n8tuserfCody_ -> we all go through such pain, but somehow look on the bright side, you learn immensely17:44
Answer|28n8tuserf, someone else told me that's the driver i want to get a program working17:44
DustBunny8.10 has serious issues for me >.>17:44
user_presshere: which software?17:44
Cody_it is true, but i hope ubuntu studio supports wubi...17:44
DustBunnyDoes anyone else have problems with 8.10 ?17:44
presshereuser_ i need header conio.h for compiling c code17:44
Answer|28storbeck, i get "Module iwl3965 not found."17:44
crdlbpresshere: C code from where?17:45
storbeckI think that uses madwifi.... 1 sec17:45
pressherecrdlb: writted by me17:45
akahnWhat is the filesystem supposed to be on the USB key I am creating to install ubuntu on my machine with?17:45
hunt577storbeck, its asking me for a password but it won't let me type anything17:45
n8tuserfAnswer|28 -> ubuntu version?17:45
user_presshere: is it part of the standard c library?17:45
crdlbno, it'snot17:45
Answer|28n8tuserf, sorry how do i check that?17:45
Answer|28im in a terminal already if that helps17:45
crdlbaccording to wikipedia, conio.h is a MS-DOS header17:45
storbeckhunt577: It lets you type : ) it's just invisible17:45
n8tuserfakahn -> vfat16 is something linux can boot from, and ext2 off course17:45
overlordI just switched from Gnome to KDE. Can anyone tell me how do I edit start-up apps ?17:46
storbeckAnswer|28: Try doing, sudo modprobe -r iwlagn; sudo modprobe iwlagn17:46
presshereuser_: hm..but there must be for UNIX for sure17:46
j0nrhi all. How do I stop Keyring Manager asking me for a password everytime I reboot please?17:46
n8tuserfAnswer|28 -> lsb_release  i think..17:46
hunt577ok thanks storbeck, its doing something now17:46
user_presshere: http://www.daniweb.com/forums/thread17584.html17:46
hunt577some intervals17:46
Guest90428hey i've been reading a tutorial and it told me todo "sudo apt-get install phpmyadmin" to install phpmyadmin and said i would be able to access it via http://localhost/phpmyadmin after install any idea's why i can't view it via the following url?17:46
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n8tuserfAnswer|28 -> you dont recall which one you installed?17:46
leafwfirefox crashed -- is there any way to recover the contents of a text area? perhaps in the sqlite database?17:46
leafwI have not yet restarted firefox.17:46
leafw(but I had to reboot the machine -- hard froze with flash)17:46
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akahnn8tuserf: so either of those would be ok?17:47
Answer|28n8tuserf, i think its 8.0.4 ..but im not 100%17:47
n8tuserfakahn -> yes, as linux can not boot from ntfs17:47
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kristian_i was going to "cd" to a dir in terminal and i had " infront of the dir name since it contained some symbols, and then i forgot to add the " mark at the end of the dir name and hit enter this is what happened... http://paste.ubuntu.com/124846/ how do i get back to "command line"? i can't close terminal cause im using screen and i dont want to close the running processes. any thoughts?17:47
evocallaghan1What the hell, You lads know if Acrobat Reader is av. for x64 ?17:47
akahnok. i'm attempting to install on an eeepc, is one of those filesystems more or less likely to let that machine boot from the USB stick, n8tuserf ?17:47
evocallaghan1They only seem to have 32bit packages17:47
storbeckAnswer|28: try installing backports-modules-2.6.24-1917:48
evocallaghan1and if you have a 64bit install, you can not install17:48
n8tuserfAnswer|28 -> look in  /lib/firmware/`uname -r`/     to see if your iwl driver is there17:48
hunt577storbeck, it comes up says "No DHCPOFFERS received.:  :No working leases in persistent database - sleeping"17:48
storbeckThen modprobe your lw module again17:48
storbeckhunt577: Do you have encryption turned on?17:48
n8tuserfakahn -> vfat16 is a nice default to boot from17:48
ph8hi everyone, i've got read errors on ata8 - can anyone tell me how to relate that to a /dev/sd*?17:48
ph8i don't know which drive it is17:48
hunt577storbeck, where do I turn that on at?17:48
storbeckIf you don't know, then you probably don't :P17:49
Answer|28storbeck, how do install that, sorry im very new to this all? apt-get? :S17:49
akahnn8tuserf: thanks, i will keep that in mind. if the stick is not mounted yet, can i format it vfat16 and then mount it? how do i format it?17:49
storbeckYes, Answer|2817:49
hunt577oh ok storbeck, lol, does it need to be turned on?17:49
storbeckno hunt57717:49
storbeckhunt577: How close are you to the router?17:49
n8tuserfakahn -> tools like fdisk, cfdisk, sfdisk, gparted17:49
hunt577very close its right here on the same desk17:49
fish__Does anybody have nvidia 8600? I have a problem in installation :/17:49
storbeckhunt577: Does your laptop have a wireless switch? I know I've spent hours troubleshooting before my wifi switch was turned off :P17:50
exodus_mskristian_, have you tried crtl+c17:50
storbeckbefore realizing *17:50
n8tuserfakahn -> ummm you have linux already installed on your eepc?17:50
hanasakiwhat can I install on a client computer to keep its tiem in sync with a server?  ntpdate only runs when called.   ntpd is also a sever so I do not want to run that17:50
Answer|28"Couldn't find package backports-modules-2.6.24-19"17:50
akahnn8tuserf: yeah but it's not good, i'm trying to put ubuntu on it17:50
hunt577storbeck, it has a button on the top of the laptop for wireless but when I click on it nothing happens17:50
kristian_exodus_ms : thanks! :-)17:51
n8tuserfakahn -> which distro?17:51
storbeckhunt577: What driver are you using?17:51
exodus_mskristian_, np17:51
hunt577storbeck, how do I determine that?17:51
storbeckhunt577: pastebin lspci17:51
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akahnn8tuserf: it has xandros but i am also working on a gentoo machine to set up the USB key17:51
storbeckI'll be right back hunt57717:52
hunt577thank you storbeck17:52
n8tuserfakahn -> okay...go on and continue17:52
Guest46944can anyone tell me how to fix the problem with wpa wireless connections in intrepid? can connect.17:52
j0nrhi all. How do I stop Keyring Manager asking me for a password everytime I reboot please?17:52
Daft_Punkis wpa fixed on intrepid yet?17:53
* n8tuserf thinks those nick with Guest* should try to change to something else other than guest*17:53
Droopsta915I downloaded a file but it has to packages, x86.deb and x86.rpm. which one should I pick?17:53
crdlbn8tuserf: it's ok as long as we don't have more than one talking at once :)17:53
johan12evening y'all. installed winxp and grub disappeared, restored with a guide from ubuntu website but now winxp is not listed. what do i do?17:54
baldarishey can any one help me installing, cubemail on my server?17:54
|f|is world of goo out for linux now?17:54
n8tuserfcrdlb -> its difficult enuff to type, they ought to do their part..17:54
baldariswould really appreciate it, i am a newbi17:54
crdlbn8tuserf: guest<tab>17:54
n8tuserfcrdlb -> and one gets a dozen or so17:55
n8tuserfcrdlb -> they need to do their part17:55
leohartx|f|: yes it is17:55
crdlbn8tuserf: but the most recent gets completed first on a sane irc client17:55
toddoonIs there a way to output booting process time?17:55
n8tuserfcrdlb -> numerical order on mine..17:55
Guest46944is there a way to fix wpa in ubuntu17:55
J-_Is it possible to label a partition without reformatting it? I want to call the partition Jaunty, and another one storage.17:55
crdlbn8tuserf: xchat, I presume? that can be fixed in its settings17:56
leohartx|f|: install playonlinux for that game17:56
crdlbGuest46944: what wireless chipset?17:56
n8tuserfcrdlb -> possibly, i dont know which settings..17:56
Guest46944crdlb: atheros5007 its an eee pc17:56
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crdlbGuest46944: did you install linux-backports-modules-intrepid and switch to ath5k?17:57
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Guest46944crdlb: i dont know, but i have that as a driver option17:57
trooper925anyone wanna buy a 50?...check out www.halo3levelin.com for all your halo3 needs17:57
crdlbGuest46944: if you run 'lsmod | grep ath' in a terminal, do you see ath5k or ath_pci?17:58
trooper925 17:58
trooper925 17:58
trooper925 17:58
trooper925 17:58
trooper925 17:58
FloodBot3trooper925: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.17:58
Guest46944crdlb:i see ath5k17:59
sark666my buddy has screwed up his xp install  (basically sounds like some malware and properly has viruses.  aren't there linux live cd's for scanning for viruses on a windows partition?17:59
Priceysark666: probably better luck in ##windows18:00
crdlbGuest46944: hmm, I don't know why WPA wouldn't work then, I have a similar wireless card which works fine with that driver18:00
baldarisstorebeck:my server os is obuntu hardy ..18:00
J-_Is it possible to label a partition without reformatting it? I want to call the partition Jaunty, and another one storage.18:00
baldariscan any one tell me which channel?18:00
Aeroi want to get rid of a third-party repository. how can i list all currently installed packages from that (and only that) repository, so i can uninstall them first?18:02
zambai'm trying to mount a share over cifs.. problem is that the files and folders i create gets owned by nobody/nogroup and with permissions set so that i can't change or delete my own files.. what can i do about this?18:02
johan12how do i add win xp to grub?18:03
Guest46944does anyone know how to fix intrepid connecting to wpa network18:03
strangeanyone here on intrepid 64bit that cant get youtube or any other web videos to play fullscreen?18:03
aidan_I just enabled the window blur effect on ubuntu 8.10, but my graphics card is too crap and all I see is black - how to I disable it?18:04
strangeapt-get remove compiz18:04
marcelo_1What file do I have to edit to make my system look for headers in a specified directory? For example in /usr/local/include/cint.18:04
aidan_can't see terminal18:05
Flanneljohan12: There's a sample entry near the top of your menu.lst (/boot/grub/menu.lst) copy that down to the bottom (below ## END AUTOMAGIC DEBIAN KERNELS) and modify it if needed (most modification will be the harddrive)18:05
aidan_and if I remove it would I remove all the stuff I have changed?18:05
NativeAngelscan anyone tell me when you use this command sudo /etc/init.d/bind9 restart all i get is stopping server but its not starting it again any ideas ?18:06
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J-_Will I have an ext3 partition that I want to label, if I label it with e2label, will I have to reformat it again, or will it work still with the filesystem intact?18:08
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aidan_strange: I am on another login, I do not have permission to sudo- what can I do?18:08
exmachinayay i got my PS2 emulator working on linux =D18:09
exmachinaI'm playing FFX =D18:09
Guest3636hey guys how do i change my name???18:09
ZykoticJ-_, no e2lable just adds a new label, it leaves the partition as it is18:09
storbeckexmachina: I've beeln playing Tekken for quite a long time :P18:09
exmachinastorbeck, which emulator are you using18:09
J-_Zykotic: Cool, thanks. :)18:09
martin_henryguest3636: /nick namehere18:09
aidan_how can I use sudo when I am using a different login without permissions?18:09
Guest3636nthn happned18:10
exmachinastorbeck, version?18:10
strangeaidan_: su ?18:10
toddoonIs there a way to determine process booting time when computer starts?18:10
strangeand use root password18:10
aidan_howdo I know the password for su?18:10
Zykoticaidan_, your user must be an admin to sudo18:10
storbeckI don't know exmachina, I'm on a different computer18:10
exmachinastorbeck, oh18:10
exmachinai didn't know ubuntu had it in the repos18:10
Flannel!bootchart | toddoon18:10
ubottutoddoon: bootchart charts your machine at boot time, to install >> sudo apt-get install bootchart << the graphic is in /var/log/bootchart after the next reboot18:10
storbeckI don't think it does18:10
NFischerHI evrbdy i try to get my host connected with my guest through ethernet ..."Host Interface"-Network device does not work.. my host system is Ubuntu hardy guests are various?18:10
aidan_I can't access my account - I enabled an effect that my graphics card can't handle18:10
grobda24Hello, I'm getting "pulseaudio[5815]: alsa-util.c: Cannot find fallback mixer control "PCM" ... I deleted a pulse audio cookie file .. could that be related ?18:11
exmachinai hda to compile it from source18:11
toddoonFlannel: thanx a lot!18:11
Flannelaidan_: Choose failsafe gnome from the login screen18:11
aidan_ok thanks18:11
storbeckexmachina: If I remember right, I think I was actually using pcsx2 in wine18:11
hamzajoin #ubuntu-fr18:12
exmachinaI'm running it natively18:12
exmachinathere's a linux build in the svn18:12
slideI'm having trouble with my term and vi in ubuntu. whenever I try to insert anything and use an arrow key, it puts either A B C or D in the file18:12
storbeckIs there? I'll have to take a look later :P18:12
slidethis is only for a local vi, if i ssh to a remote server it works fine18:12
dr_Willisslide,  install the 'vim-full' package.18:12
slidedr_Willis, thanks let me try18:12
dr_Willisslide,  i would guess the remote has  the full vi installed.. not the  lighter versuion  - thats the default18:12
mlegerNew Ubuntu user here18:12
mlegerLove it!!!! Hopefully within 6 months I'll be rid windows18:13
Zykoticslide, do the letters appear when you are using the arrow keys?18:13
dr_Willisslide,  i always install the full. and tweak my  system wide vimrc configs :)18:13
slideZykotic, yes18:13
mlegerI was just wondering, I'm having a lot of trouble getting sound to work. I tried everything under google and still no luck18:13
mlegercould anyone help me? Please?18:13
storbeck!sound | mleger18:13
ubottumleger: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP318:14
dr_Willisslide,  you are describing exactly what happens when i forget to install the full. :) the reason for it - is that the arrowes are sending 'escape' codes. and thus kicking you out of insert mode.18:14
Flannelslide: install "vim"  vim-tiny is a sad excuse for a text editor18:14
slidearrows keys working, that doesnt sound like it should be an 'extra' feature lol18:14
storbeckvim-tiny works good if you alter the key codes18:14
slideawesome! thanks guys it works now :)18:14
storbeckI got it working on my roommates cygwin :P18:15
zambais there a way to install firefox extensions system-wide?18:15
Zykoticslide, actually i bet the arrow keys work fine when your not in "insert" mode though right?18:15
dr_Willisslide,  originally vi dident use tha arrow keys anyway :) thats a new feature in pcs :) heh well was new in 1980's18:15
FlannelZykotic: vim-tiny doesn't have modes18:15
slideZykotic, yea18:15
slide1980 ha18:15
slide'new' cant even be described now adays by things 6 months old hehe18:15
dr_WillisArrow keys send escape code..  thats what gets you out of insert mode.. thus you see the extra code it also sends.18:15
storbeckdr_Willis: That's like saying casettes are new :P18:15
ZykoticFlannel, slide I have the exact same problem with vi (and if the default ubuntu is lite - it certainly has insert mode)18:16
dr_Willisstorbeck,  i still have a casset-recorder for my C64! :)18:16
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slideok brb now to see if i got grub default saved to work18:16
wobbiebobbieanybody here live near canton georgia18:16
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hunt577storbeck, did you find anything about my wireless connection?18:18
zambai have a problem with my cifs mounted share.. i'm unable to delete or modify existing files, even if i mount stuff with the noperm option in addition to uid=nobody,gid=nogroup,file_mode=0777,dir_mode=077718:18
IndyGunFreakhunt577: whats wrong w/ your wireless connection18:19
jtajiwobbiebobbie: try #ubuntu-us-ga18:19
hunt577IndyGunFreak, its not finding my wireless connection on ubuntu18:19
IndyGunFreakhunt577: what device?18:20
hunt577IndyGunFreak, the router is a linksys18:20
IndyGunFreakhunt577: which is totally irrelevant, what wireless device18:20
mlegerHey has anyone have any problems with sound on Hardy using Realtek ID 663 chipset?18:20
ahsanhi i have installed ubuntu for the first time i am unable to get start with flv file any suggestion!18:20
mlegerand could help me with mine?18:21
hunt577IndyGunFreak, Intel Corporation Wireless WiFi Link 510018:21
pronoyhello...i was wondering is there any way to download all updates for ubuntu 8.10 on windows and transport them to ubuntu ?18:21
mlegerusing HDA intel card18:21
wobbiebobbiethanks jtaji18:21
user_pronoy: not really18:21
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)18:21
ZykoticFlannel slide - yup installing "vim" does solve the arrow problem18:21
pronoyuser_: but there is a way for offline package installation18:22
user_pronoy: yes, but you need an ubuntu to determine which packages to download18:22
hunt577IndyGunFreak, is that what you were asking for?18:22
IndyGunFreakhunt577: yes18:23
hunt577IndyGunFreak, thanks18:23
pronoyuser_: ok check this out....i somehow manage to get a list of all packages and dependencies generated by synaptic....is there a way to download them then ?18:23
furenkumy system is hanging on shutdown; i get a "saving system clock" message, but then it just freezes... i'm on Ubuntu Intrepid18:23
IndyGunFreakhunt577: honestly, i know some of the really new intel wirelss devices don't work as well as the old ones, but i thought they should work w/ ndiswrapper, but i'm not really amiliar w/ them to be truthful18:23
IndyGunFreakhunt577: did you try searching the forum?18:24
hunt577IndyGunFreak, oh I see.  I am in a bad position then as Windows Vista that came with this computer was wiped out when I installed ubuntu18:24
IndyGunFreakhunt577: well that wasn't very smart.. did you hose the restore partition to?18:24
hunt577IndyGunFreak, I have , but most of it is greek to me and I have no idea where to begin18:24
user_pronoy: yes, but you cant use a list of all packages. you need to somehow do a dry update on the linux box, parse the package names, then batch-download on the windows machine18:24
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hunt577IndyGunFreak, Yes I believe so, not sure what I did wrong18:25
=== runningwithsciss is now known as runningfalling
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runningfallingI hate coming up with silly names... ;)18:25
mlegerHI I have to ask again: I have a HDA Intel card Realtek ID663 chip and cannot get the audio to work on ubuntu Hardy18:25
mlegerThis is my first time using ubuntu18:25
mlegerAnyone could offer assistance? I tried to update all the latest ALSA drivers18:26
hunt577IndyGunFreak, this computer came with no restore CD's for Vista either18:26
runningfallingis there a way to not install all of desktop or have more control over what is installed from 8.10 64bit install?18:26
IndyGunFreakhunt577: yeah, most of the time, the "restore" is on a partition on the hard drive, sounds like you probably overwrote it when you installed ubuntu18:26
hunt577IndyGunFreak, that may be what happened.18:26
pronoyuser_: how to do that ?18:26
user_pronoy: what to do?18:27
slogger_http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1083539 : As shown in link, on an ubuntu server install, when running gui via startxfce/startx commands, my users seems to lose membership in the users group only for gui and gui spawned things18:27
Flannelmleger: It seems no audio people are awake right now.  You should repeat the question (and maybe make it more detailed, if you can) every 20 minutes or so (so new people can wake up).  While you're waiting, you can try the forums (ubuntuforums.org)18:27
dr_WillisI had to pay $15 to get actual 'restore' media for my last pc i bought. it did have directions for making your own restore media also.. :)18:27
sanketheyy.... wanted to share an idea for ubuntu... is this the right place or there a devel channel also!?18:27
marcelo_1Any idea about why a program is not finding its headers in /usr/local/include/cint?18:27
pronoyuser_: how do i do a dry update on a linux box ?18:27
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user_pronoy: good question, let me check18:28
sanketwanted to share an idea for ubuntu... is this the right place or there a devel channel also!?18:28
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ubottuPost your ideas for ubuntu at http://brainstorm.ubuntu.com and vote for the ones you like!18:28
mibbbhi, on a 64bit intel core 2 of 1.6ghz, and 2gb of ram, should I install 64bit ubuntu, or 32bit for better performance with those resources?18:29
ph8does this from a smartctl --all of my drive mean i'm in a lot of trouble? =>   7 Seek_Error_Rate         0x000f   084   060   030    Pre-fail  Always       -       911209718018:29
ph8mibbb:  For desktop use?18:29
hunt577so since I can't get my wireless working on ubuntu, really no point in me having it, so can anyone assist with uninstalling it?18:29
d_rugz420last night I updated my ubuntu on my laptop. I get on today and have no internet. Checked network connections and for some reason the connections for friends and family are there but not my home connection. So I set up my home connection manually but ubuntu still doesnt see my wireless router. any ideas?18:29
ubottuTo learn how to uninstall applications in Ubuntu - please visit http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/howto-delete-remove-software-using-apt-get-command/18:29
IndyGunFreakhunt577: well the problem is.. its the only operating system you have on the PC.18:30
mibbbph8 yeah desktop use18:30
ph8i'm tempted to say 3218:30
ph8although i'm a 64 desktop user18:30
user_pronoy: found apt-get --no-download18:30
mibbbph8: because of the amount of ram right?18:30
ph8unless you're doing number crunching i don't know that there are massive benefits, if you google it you'll find a lot of comparisons18:30
J-_How would I make my storage partition writable with my current user? would, 'sudo chown user:user /dev/sda4' work?18:30
ph8unless you've got a seroius amount of ram i don't think 64 bit's necessary like it is on windows18:30
hunt577IndyGunFreak, yes I understand.  I just bought this computer a few days ago and I can take it back, just need to have ubuntu off of it when I do....if all it gets is a blank screen with no OS when I pull it up thats fine, just can't have ubuntu on it18:31
ph8J-_: Mount the drive, then use chown -R (recursive) to do all files under a folder18:31
IndyGunFreakhunt577: well.. i guess thats .. i'd try booting a gparted CD, and format the drive.18:31
user_pronoy: apt-get -u upgraded ? does that work (i have no update-missing machine at the moment ;-)18:31
user_pronoy: apt-get -u upgrade ? does that work (i have no update-missing machine at the moment ;-)18:31
hunt577IndyGunFreak, where do I get one of those from?18:32
hunt577Geez, this is messed up18:32
IndyGunFreakhunt577: google partedmagic..18:32
Flannelhunt577: If you have a LiveCD you can use that (it has gparted on it)18:32
cornballerhi, I have an eMachines computer. please help18:32
exodus_mshunt577, can you not trade the current wifi card with a compatible one from wherever you purchased the computer18:32
IndyGunFreaki always forget that.18:32
hunt577exodus_ms the wifi card is built into the lap top18:33
IndyGunFreakexodus_ms: its pretty unlikely18:33
IndyGunFreakhunt577: well, its probably a mini-pci card18:33
exodus_mshunt577, ok, late to the convo18:33
dr_Williscornballer,  emachines makes a lot of differnt computers..18:33
hunt577exodus_ms no problem18:33
dr_Willisor at least they did. :)18:33
pronoyuser_: the problem is i am not logged into my machine at the moment18:33
user01hmmm  . . . i just had an idea, i have a large family, maybe i could setup a vpn with them?18:34
exodus_mshunt577, well, you could always disable that built in wifi and use a usb or pcmia card18:35
d_rugz420last night I updated my ubuntu on my laptop. I get on today and have no internet. Checked network connections and for some reason the connections for friends and family are there but not my home connection. So I set up my home connection manually but ubuntu still doesnt see my wireless router. any ideas?18:35
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hunt577exodus_ms but shouldn't the built in wifi work?  It worked yesterday on ubuntu when I ran the live cd18:35
hunt577yet when I installed it....it doesn't work18:35
IndyGunFreakthat is strange18:35
user_pronoy: just put it down and test it when you can. trial and error. people here will be glad to help you further then18:36
exodus_mshunt577, then it should work, unless the live cd uses the host os for the wifi connection?18:36
pronoyuser_: thanks man18:36
ubottuPulseAudio is a sound server intended as a drop-in replacement for !ESD - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PulseAudio for information and installation instructions18:36
martin_henryhunt577: google search "wireless works on livecd, not on install"18:36
IndyGunFreakexodus_ms: ?  there is no host OS on a live cd.. it runs from the cd18:36
hunt577That was when I still had Windows on my computer as well exodus_ms and when I installed ubuntu it wiped Windows out18:36
martin_henryhunt577: many people have had the same problem18:37
exodus_msIndyGunFreak, ya, I thought maybe he had windoze installed (running the live cd ontopof windoze)18:37
hunt577martin_henry is there a workaround?  I would think Linux would have a fix to get it working18:37
martin_henryhunt577: have you determined what wireless device or chipset you have?18:37
exodus_msIndyGunFreak, got it now?18:37
IndyGunFreakexodus_ms: still doens';'t make sense, but ok18:37
bin10I am very confused why when I start ubuntu sometimes I am in 1600x1200 and other times I am in 800x600...is there a way to fix that?  I seem stuck in 800x600 now...the last few boots.18:38
hunt577martin_henry I have Intel Corporation Wireless WiFi Link 510018:38
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Flannelhunt577: If it works with the liveCD, you'll almost certainly be able to get it working with a proper install.18:38
exodus_msIndyGunFreak, If he has windoze installed and he runs a live cd I was just curious if the live cd uses the 'host' in this case 'windoze' for the wifi connection18:38
IndyGunFreakexodus_ms: to use a "live cd" you reboot, so windows doesn't load18:38
mollitz i'd like to convert a vob file with two audio tracks in it to a xvid file and choose the second audio track to be converted into the xvid file. with this, i automatically get the first audio track in the xvid file: mencoder input.vob -o output.avi -ovc xvid  -xvidencopts bitrate=800 -oac mp3lame18:39
hunt577Flannel, just loaded live cd and its not working on it anymore....it only worked on the livecd when I still had windows installed18:39
IndyGunFreakhunt577: that doesn't make much sense, but if you say so.18:39
bin10can you force the driver...you know tell ubuntu that it will be okay... :)18:39
AscavasaionI have ubuntu 8.0X on my laptop.  I have the 8.1 CD and it is added as a source in the repositories.  How do I get it to upgrade the distribution?  apt-get dist-upgrade?  Or should I rather do it through Synaptic?18:39
martin_henryhunt577: what version of ubuntu? everything i read says that your device is supported by kernel 2.6.26 or later18:40
IndyGunFreak!dist-upgrade | Ascavasaion18:40
ubottuAscavasaion: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading18:40
hunt577martin_henry it is ubuntu 8.1018:40
exodus_msIndyGunFreak, well, this does not make sense, even if windoze is not running, for some reason without windoze he cannot run a live cd18:40
Ascavasaionthank you IndyGunFreak and ubottu18:40
AscavasaionOh.. ubottu = boit hehe18:40
IndyGunFreakexodus_ms: thus my point, he's not making sense18:40
martin_henryhunt577: or you may need to configure networkmanager18:40
hunt577exodus_ms I feel a driver may have gotten deleted somehow when I installed ubuntu18:41
exodus_msIndyGunFreak, cool18:41
martin_henryhunt577: if you have time, i read a suggestion that said to try to boot to livecd and reinstall while internet is connected18:41
cornballerhi, I watched paul blart and now my computer doesn't load up18:41
oberdadagreetings. anyone familiar with geany here?18:41
folkeis there a special channel for 9.04 testing?18:41
Flannelfolke: #ubuntu+118:41
pronoyhey can anyone gimme the link to the pulseaudio for hardy problem solved18:41
oberdadai'm trying to run r scripts under geany18:42
J-_ph8: Could I just gksu nautilus and change permissions to user?18:42
hunt577IndyGunFreak, I am just telling how its been on my computer.  I ran livecd before I installed ubuntu....wireless worked.  Then I went to install it.  The first installation attempt failed.  When I turned back on the computer, windows was gone....so tried livecd again and wireless was not working....went ahead and installed ubuntu successfully the 2nd time and still no wireless18:42
keflerhunt577 please query me18:43
IndyGunFreakhunt577: well, something doesn't make sense, because one is unrelated to the other.. if windows doesn't load (which it doesn't when you run a live CD), how do you expect the live CD to access the internet, through windows18:43
Flannelhunt577: Have you gone through the wireless troubleshooting wikipage yet?18:43
hunt577IndyGunFreak, it may not have been using Windows, I know Windows did not pull up that time since I was using the livecd,  I just know that first time with livecd wireless worked18:44
martin_henryhunt577: my suggestion is just boot to livecd until you get wireless again, then run lspci and dmesg to see what's going on18:44
grobda24Hello. I get "pulseaudio[5718]: alsa-util.c: Cannot find fallback mixer control "PCM" ... I now have no audio on my machine. Any ideas ? I urgently need to have audio working.18:44
ph8J-_: Perhaps, i'm a command line bunny sorry18:44
martin_henryhunt577: you might also take a look at this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=879134&page=218:45
IndyGunFreakhunt577: i'm not denying that... still doesnt make sense18:45
pronoyhey can anyone gimme the link to the pulseaudio for hardy problem solved18:45
pronoyhey can anyone gimme the link to the pulseaudio for hardy problem solved18:45
grobda24pronoy, I have a pulseaudio problem - is there a recent known prob at the mo ?18:46
exodus_mshunt577, ok, is this correct? You have a laptop (version?) running windoze (version?). You installed a live CD and rebooted. Ubuntu came up in a Live Seesion and you had a look around, wifi worked. you then decided to install Ubuntu, clicked on the Install Icon...18:46
pronoygroda24: what version are you using ?18:46
IndyGunFreakexodus_ms: no, he borked his windows install screwing w/ ubuntu18:46
hunt577exodus_ms, windows is no longer on the computer18:47
IndyGunFreakso he has nothing but ubuntu.18:47
pronoygroda24: as in is 8.10 or 8.0418:47
zambais it possible to install firefox extensions system-wide?18:47
exodus_mshunt577, you installed ubuntu by selecting all the available space on the drive (prompted during install)18:47
grobda24pronoy, 8.0418:47
IndyGunFreakexodus_ms: well, since he apparently overwrote the restore partition to, i'd say he chose tot ake over the whole drive.. but thats just a guess18:48
dustinhey does anyone know why my download speeds are choking in ubuntu?18:48
grobda24I accindetly deleted the pulse audio cookie file. It's back now ... but could be source of prob ?18:48
pronoy!pulseaudio > grobda2418:48
ubottugrobda24, please see my private message18:48
hunt577exodus_ms, yes and when I went to cancel installation because it was confusing me, I guess it was too late and overwrote windows18:48
framesethey, how can i reinstall a new kernel version18:49
hunt577Then I decided to go ahead and install ubuntu once I determined windows had been overwritten18:49
grobda24pronoy, thanks18:49
pronoygrobda24: dude here's the correct one !! so sorry http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=78957818:49
exodus_mshunt577, There are several prompts before you actuall partion/format your drive, Did you see the one that said something to the effect "this will overwrite etc..)?18:49
hunt577exodus_ms yes I believe so18:50
dustinanyone know why my download speed is chokin in ubuntu only, upload is fine, but not windows or any other comps?18:50
IndyGunFreakhunt577: whats the make/model of your laptop?18:50
hunt577IndyGunFreak, Acer Aspire 693018:51
exodus_mshunt577, and you click on through, deleting you windoze partition, then you changed you mind and canceled the install while it was partitioning/formatting your drive?18:51
william_i do I install KDE desktop for 64 bit Ubuntu?18:52
hunt577exodus_ms yes thats what I did and thats probably what messed it all up18:52
user_dustin: are you downloading via wlan?18:52
martin_henrywilliam_: i think you would just "sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop"18:52
pronoyguys how do i install grub off a ubuntu disk ? whithout reinstalling the whole system again ?18:52
Flannel!grub | pronoy, first link18:52
dustinwireless, yea18:52
ubottupronoy, first link: GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto18:52
exodus_mshunt577, you have several options. If you wish to keep windoze you will need the install disk for it, then you can setup a dual boot configuration. You can also use the live cd to reinstall Ubuntu as your primary OS18:52
IndyGunFreakhunt577: have you considered calling Acer Monday morning, and asking them to send you a restore CD.. will probably cost you 15-20 bucsk.18:53
hunt577exodus_ms yes I installed Ubuntu and its my primary OS at this point18:53
hunt577IndyGunFreak, I may do that thanks18:53
exodus_mshunt577, do you have a working system?18:53
hunt577IndyGunFreak, or I may take the computer back18:53
exodus_mshunt577, other than the wifi18:54
cornballerhow do I uninstall aol?18:54
IndyGunFreakhunt577: lol, i guess you could do that to.18:54
william_martin_henry is that kind of the same thing18:54
dustinjust did a speedtest on both ubuntu and windows, same machine, same wireless.  have the png results.. 1.5mb/s on ubuntu vs 9.5mb/s on windows, any ubuntu is only downloading at 150kb/s max whereas xp 1.3mb18:54
maksonicoChecking for package config tool... not found, some idea?18:54
martin_henrywilliam_: same as what? it will install kde and any applications that come with kubuntu18:55
hunt577IndyGunFreak, but if I take it back I need to take off ubuntu.....I know they probably would give me my money back if they see a foreign OS load up because they will know I did something then18:55
IndyGunFreakhunt577: i'd say thats likely18:55
maksonicoi will update xfce 4.618:55
cornballerI NEED HELP!18:55
maksonicobut i can't18:55
william_I access it at the login menu?18:55
user_cornballer: what is aol?18:56
martin_henrywilliam_ yes, you would change "Session" to KDE18:56
IndyGunFreakhunt577: i'd use gparted on the ubuntu live CD, format the whole drive, and just make it "unallocated".. when theyt urn it on at the PC shop, it will give a boot disk failure18:56
exodus_msIndyGunFreak, that is sooo shady :P18:56
dustinuser_: you know of any solutions with ubuntu wireless choking downloads? :<18:56
IndyGunFreakexodus_ms: its not what i would do, but it'll work18:56
hunt577IndyGunFreak, thats what I will do and I will explain that this morning I cut on my computer and this is what it gave me18:57
user_dustin: there are. question is if you use wireless?18:57
hunt577IndyGunFreak, am gonna try a few more things first, not giving up just yet haha18:57
dustinuser_: yea, said that up a bit :D18:57
ville_suomalainen kanava ?18:57
IndyGunFreakhunt577: yeah, but test it before htey turn it on... and make sure it doesn't show a grub error... if it shows a grub error, you might need to download a super grub disk, and clear the mbr of the drive.18:57
dustinuser_: wlan0 is the port, default ubuntu wifi stuff atm :)18:57
exodus_msIndyGunFreak, yeah, cool. I just hate seeing someone not being able to get Ubuntu to work, or having a bad experience18:57
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IndyGunFreakexodus_ms: well, he's got ubuntu working, he just wasn't paying attention during install.18:58
ville_Can somebody tell me, why my voices doesn't work?18:58
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user_dustin: oh sorry, yeah, it can be problematic, tell us about your wireless hardware. if someones knows something they are going to answer18:58
hunt577exodus_ms yes it was my fault, I was not paying attention18:58
ville_Suomalainen ubuntu kanava ???18:59
hunt577exodus_ms I take that back, I was paying attention, just didn't know what I was doing lol18:59
dustinuser_: ZEW1600 is it, PCI card, few years old lol18:59
win2key<hyppt>: перестань нести ахинею18:59
ville_haluan päästä suomalaiselle19:00
aidan_I enabled something on compiz that my graphics card can't handle. All I see is black. I can't uninstall compiz and I am on an account that can't sudo - HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!19:01
MoLootsomeone kick ville_19:01
jtaji!fi | ville_19:01
ville_What is finnish ubuntu server ????19:01
ubottuville_: Suomenkielinen keskustelu (K)Ubuntusta kanavilla #ubuntu-fi ja #kubuntu-fi19:01
djidisjoin #ubuntu-fr19:02
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sdf2i finally fixed my sound problems in ubuntu19:03
sdf2the only appearing strange thing, is now, that when my ubuntu starts, i don't hear the login sounds19:03
aidan_I enabled something on compiz that my graphics card can't handle. All I see is black. I can't uninstall compiz and I am on an account that can't sudo - HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!19:04
sdf2is this some common problem?19:04
hyppti have a problem19:04
william_you are my problem.   lol      jk19:04
nivalis!ask | hyppt19:04
ubottuhyppt: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)19:05
mustangg!ubottu keymapping19:05
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)19:05
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ubottuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu!19:06
gaurav__hey can anyone tell me a method to enable voice and video chat in xubuntu linux?19:06
mustangghey the chan.  What was the app again, allowing for custom keyboard/keymapping? especially of the super key...19:06
blacky_This is only english chanel?19:06
JuDgEn-Zevenosmustangg, xmodmap?19:07
steve_bakerhi all19:07
ussermustangg, xbindkeys19:07
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hypptMy englis is very bad...19:07
jpds!en | blacky_19:08
ubottublacky_: The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat19:08
mustanggJuDgEn-Zevenos - doesn't sound right.. I remember that it supposedly had direct kernel support for usb as of the latest round.19:08
steve_bakeri'd like to be able to edit my .config file directly and build a new kernel but it is overwritten by the build process19:08
ussersteve_baker, make menuconfig, load kernel config19:08
hypptSo I can not express my problem with english.....19:09
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steve_bakerusser: in menuconfig i tried to change a driver to load as a module instead of statically linking and i couldn't get it to change?19:10
jtajihyppt: french?19:10
mustangghmm.. how about - is there a way to remap objects such as XF86AudioPlay to my own choosing?19:10
ussersteve_baker, did it say something like: "dependencies of this driver are compiled statically, blah blah cannot change to module"?19:10
ussersteve_baker, you probably have to find out what it depends on and change that to module19:11
steve_bakerusser: it didnt say anything, it just wont change19:11
dtchen_mustangg: generally, yes.19:11
steve_bakerusser: i'll look at that thx19:11
ussersteve_baker, what driver was it out of curiosity?19:11
ussersteve_baker, hm i wouldnt know about ssb sorry19:11
gaurav__hey can anyone tell me a method to enable voice and video chat in xubuntu linux?19:12
steve_bakerwhat does -*- mean in menuconfig19:12
dr_Willisinstall some chat client...19:12
mustanggdtchen_:  specifically though? since X86xxx mappings don ' t seem customizable via the panel.19:12
dr_Willisgaurav__,  such as skype, or  some of the other chat clients out that support voice and video19:12
steve_bakerssb is marked with it19:12
Zykoticgaurav__, skype has video and chat???19:12
dtchen_mustangg: what are you attempting to remap them to?19:13
dr_WillisSkype can do voice chat and video last i played with it..19:13
svendbentwhat antivirus is good for linux system?19:13
gaurav__but dude via skype u cannot log on to ur yahoo chat for video19:13
nivalissvendbent, what is antivirus?19:13
jtaji!cn | hyppt19:13
ubottuhyppt: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk19:13
dr_Willissvendbent,  depends on what you want to do. :) most all of them scan windows files for windows viruses...19:13
hypptjtaji: Chinese19:13
akazawahey guys, what's the best way to migrate a currently working site froma  debian server to an ubuntu machine?19:14
dr_Willisgaurav__,  you never mentioned a specific  chat client you wanted. :)19:14
JuDgEn-Zevenoscool i didnt know that chinese characters was included by deafault on zevenos...19:14
mustanggdtchen_:  I'm looking to have my funny keys remapped to the actuall apps I use. Instead of evolution I want - etc..19:14
hypptToday is my first time to use uBuntu19:14
steve_bakerusser: it looks like this: -*- Sonics Silicon Backplane support19:14
dr_WillisI dont know what clients are Yahoo Compatiable withj video. So cant help19:14
steve_bakerusser: seems anything marked that way can't be changed19:14
=== mike is now known as mykz-
gaurav__i just want to go for voice and video chat with my frnds on yahoo and gtalk19:14
gaurav__now can u help me with tht dr.willis19:15
JuDgEn-Zevenosgaurav__, have you tried using pidgin?19:15
mustanggdtchen_: I had previously received a suggestion for a particular app that could map the whole kb as I wish but lost the name when I had to restore from a filesystem crash.19:15
cousteau"configure: error: Cannot find GL library" - which package should I install?19:15
gaurav__yaa I use tht only but it does not support both the required features19:15
JuDgEn-Zevenoscousteau, Mesa and mesa utils, most likely.19:15
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about yahoo19:16
JuDgEn-Zevenosgaurav__, Kopete is very good at video conversations, you might have better luck with that,19:16
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about gyachi19:16
AscavasaionWell, it seems I will be leaving my Ubuntu 8.04 as is, and not upgrading to 8.1.19:16
IndyGunFreak!info gyachi19:16
ubottuPackage gyachi does not exist in intrepid19:16
IndyGunFreakeh, envermind19:16
JuDgEn-ZevenosAscavasaion, Any particular reason?19:17
gaurav__how to get Kopete19:17
dr_Willis!find kopete19:17
ubottuFound: kopete-cryptography, kopete-plugin-desklist, kopete-plugin-thinklight, kopete-silc-plugin, kopete (and 1 others)19:17
gaurav__i mean the command smwht like19:17
dtchen_mustangg: ah, i'm not terribly familiar w/ metacity's handling of it, sorry19:18
mustanggso xmodmap aside, any other choices if I have the need to remap a keyboard  ?19:18
gaurav__sudo apt -get install kopete?19:18
mustanggdtchen_: np thanks.19:18
dr_Willisgaurav__,  fire up the package manager, searchm install.. its part of KDE  - so it will isntall a lot of extras also.19:18
AscavasaionJuDgEn-Zevenos: Spoke to someone on another server that said it would be more stable this way.  And that I would not notice any difference really.19:18
gaurav__search ,m?19:18
gaurav__dnt get u19:18
gaurav__isnt there any command to issue to the terminal19:19
dr_Willisgaurav__,  learn to use the package manager and the SEARCH feature....19:19
Zykoticmustangg, System / Preferences / Keyboard Shortcuts?19:19
JuDgEn-ZevenosAscavasaion, probably. Also if you use kde but dont like kde4. 8.04 is the last to have kde3.19:19
usuario_tem brazuka aki19:19
dr_Willisgaurav__,  yes.. apt also has command line search features also.19:19
dr_Willis!apt-get | gaurav__19:19
ubottugaurav__: APT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome) or !Adept (KDE)19:19
AscavasaionJuDgEn-Zevenos: I am using Gnome.19:19
JuDgEn-ZevenosAscavasaion, ok.19:19
dr_Willisgaurav__,  but the bot allready said the package name was 'kopete'19:19
usuario_kde os brazuka19:19
mustanggZykotic: can't alter what those XF86xxx items point to. I want thunderbird not eevolution for email darnit! ;)19:20
AscavasaionJuDgEn-Zevenos: So you agree with the guy I spoke to's opinion?19:20
boscook i have a acer bl51 and i am on the easycam website with ubuntu will it work for me i cant seen to even load easycam once i installed it19:20
Ex-QuAke[DOD]-M-Hello again19:20
JuDgEn-ZevenosAscavasaion, There is not too much differences to justify upgrading unless you really want to. But in jaunty there is heaps of new stuff (9.04)19:20
AscavasaionJuDgEn-Zevenos: I am nervous to do major upgrades before they are tested.  Call me paranoid. :)19:21
Ex-QuAke[DOD]-M-I tried to order Ubuntu's new version from last October. I haven't received it for long time. When I tried to order again, you don't approve my order now.19:21
ScottG489What is a good package that has a lot of good fonts? I'm mainly looking for picture fonts like pizzadude or OpenLogos19:21
JuDgEn-ZevenosAscavasaion, in jaunty boot time on this system is just a few seconds, and there is alot of polish added.19:21
boscodoesanyone know of a good webcam viewer other than cheese???19:22
dr_WillisMy Grandson loves to play with Cheese.19:22
svendbentwhat antivirus is good for linux system?19:22
dr_Willis!virus | svendbent19:22
ubottusvendbent: A/V software is available, however read this to understand why Linux does not have a virus problem: http://librenix.com/?inode=2119:22
dustinany1 know why my wireless download speed on ubuntu is choking like crazy? upload is fine, but download is messed up19:22
JuDgEn-Zevenossvendbent, there is no viruses for linux. But for wine apps you can use ClamAV19:22
eseven73svendbent: clamav but it's not needed really19:22
dr_Willissvendbent,  theres several in the repos.. it depends on what yiour needs are.19:22
IndyGunFreaksvendbent: unless your serving or filesharing w/ windows users, its not really a problem19:22
mustanggZykotic: for eg. XF86Mail, XF86WWW and others are stored - how? where? why do they point to defaults not present in a default 8.1 install..?19:22
nivalis!virus | svendbent19:23
AscavasaionJuDgEn-Zevenos: Okies.19:24
Coddcan anyone recommend a good emulator / frontend for roms like nes, snes, n64, sega master sys?  I tried kamefu but it is mostly just an organization / frontend since it can't play the games with out the actual emulators command lines19:25
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svendbentbut is there a lot of vira for linux running around?19:27
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sdf2from where should i install wine? package, or the offical site?19:27
user_sdf2: package if you want ""support"" in this channel ;-)19:28
giacoI need the book antiqua font, do you know if there's any ubuntu package that contains such font?19:28
Zykoticsdf2, the wine version in the repos are kept pretty up-to-date, usually the same time that there is a front page story on slashdot about a new wine versions, it is already waiting in the repos19:29
sdf2user_: btw, i installed this pulse sound thing completely and now i can't hear login sounds... any clue?19:29
ronjI've just submitted to the intarwebs my first demo record. THANKS to the ubuntu{|studio} team and _everybody_ on this channel for the fantastic work/support. My work is CC-licensed, downloadable at www.flyingmolehill.com . Pass the word if you like it.19:29
FloodBot3ronj: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.19:29
cousteauok, it was "xorg-dev" what I needed19:29
Familyis the Linux WPA Supplicant a must for wireless to work ?19:30
cousteauaptitude installed 40 new packages with that one (total: 2 MiB downloaded)19:30
Ex-QuAke[DOD]-M-I guess all admins are afk.19:30
ZykoticFamily, only if you are connecting to a WPA protected wireless network19:30
natschilhi, how can I tell apt to ignore dependencies?19:31
user_sdf2: sound on linux is a bit of mystery to me19:31
sdf2i just started winecfg, and i got some erros about my soundcard19:31
Coddsvendbent: its not that linux is somehow impossible for a bad /malicious program to run because anyone can try to trick the user to install something with admin rights its that linux does not allow self-propagating software where it installs with admin rights with out your explicit permission.  Chances of a worm type of virus on linux is pretty much nil19:31
sdf2cannot open device default19:31
=== ACorb is now known as acorb
FamilyZykotic>in Xp the network shows WPA-PSK and data encrytion TKIP19:31
ZykoticFamily, then you'll need the WPA Supplicant...19:33
tea_ovedoseHi, can someone please help me fix the following error? Iptables rules creation: iptables: Invalid argument19:33
tea_ovedose [End iptables rules setting]19:33
sdf2this is what winecfg said19:33
gaurav__it was helpul19:33
FamilyZykotic>Thanks - I will go get it installed19:34
XenThraLhi, I use nvidia's twinview - was wondering how can I reliably set my vertical sync hz ?19:34
grobda24Mysterious. I have reinstalled pulseaudio. Everything seems to think sound is playing ... I get level's and everything. But nothing is coming out of the soundcard.19:34
user_sdf2: line 7, have you installed jack?19:35
kizihey folks :)19:35
sdf2no jack installed19:35
boscohow do i add a program to start up when i start gnome?? like ciaro-clock19:35
Cool_NickI'm runnig dnsmasq and Its not resolving machine names for the server (it is for clients though)19:35
user_sdf2: i dont know if it will help since other messages come first, but you never know..19:35
kizii have a little problem concerning an external HDD that doesnt show up anymore..19:35
Jufiswhere should I extract tarballs? to my home directory or is there some other place for applications?19:36
kiziim running ubuntu 8.0419:36
rippsDoes anybody here know how to make screenlets disable if you turn off compiz? I have this big terminal screenlet in my widget layer that takes up a large chunk of my screen if turn off compiz19:36
cousteaubosco: System > Prefs > Sessions19:36
user_Jufis: tarball =|= application19:36
tom760Shit.  I just did something really stupid.  I overwrote maybe the first 100mb or so of a external USB drive that had a single NTFS partition.  Anyone know what recovery options are possible?  I wonder if the filesystem structure is stored at the start of the disk?19:36
Ascavasaionhow easy is it to install KDE 4.X from CD.  A friend of mine downloaded the files and put them onto a CD for me.19:36
Jufisuser_, yea I know but this application is in a tarball so how should I install it? Where to extract and so on19:37
Ll0th666anyone here familiar with the WINE app???19:37
user_Ascavasaion: are they ubuntu packages?19:37
CarbOonQmail: emails are sending to yahoo INBOX from web mail but from outlook it is goin to spam of yahoo.. any one know ???????19:37
Notch-1hi, since i made a loop/raid root filesystem the hibernation stopped working, any idea on where to put loop/raid information to properly restore the system?19:37
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Ascavasaionuser_: Not sure.... let me fetch the CD and look.19:38
Zykotictom760, you could look into something called "testdisk" it can sometime repair partitions and such19:38
user_Jufis: you can install where you want. f.e. $home/tmp/my-app. if you want it installed it systemwide check back19:38
tom760Zykotic:  ok, i'll look it up.  thanks.19:38
Jufisuser_, thanks19:38
XenThraLdoes anyone know how I can configure my dual monitor's vertical hertz if I'm using nvidia twinview?19:39
tea_ovedosehi, can someone please help me fix the following iptable table issue ? Iptables rules creation: iptables: Invalid argument19:39
cousteauLl0th666: yes, but maybe you want to ask on #winehq19:39
natschilhello, I have a package with a broken uninstall script (phpldapadmin), meaning I cannot uninstall the package. Is there a way to do this manually?19:39
user_natschil: dpkg -L $package-name lists all files, which you could remove manually19:40
CarbOonnatschil: you want to unistall phpldapadmin ?19:40
dustin-laptopanyone know why my wireless download is slow on ubuntu ? upload is not affected, is there a rate i can change of some sort ?19:40
CarbOonnatschil: apt-get remove phpldapadmin19:40
Ascavasaionuser_: Yes, all the file names have ubuntu int he name and have the extension deb.19:40
user_Ascavasaion: to be sure can you pastebin a ls for us? thanks!19:41
slideI am trying to get grub to boot the last loaded os but it just won't work, has anyone else set this up and can help me?19:42
natschilCarbOon: yes, I messed up my apache a little, and so I thought I should maybe do apt-get --purge uninstall apache2.2-common and then reinstall it. The problem is that it has all these dependency issues, and phpldapadmin uninstallation crashes with Errors were encountered while processing: phpldapadmin. The problem is that this is unfixable, and that now I can't use apt anymore :(. Any way to just remove it from the package lists and not care about it19:42
kizisomeone here that can help me with an External HDD that doesnt show up in lsusb and fdisk -l ?19:43
sdf2anybody here runs worldofwarcraft from wine?19:43
kiziit worked fine 2 days ago19:43
sdf2may i get some help?19:43
natschilCarbOon : I know how to remove packages :)19:43
CarbOon$sudo dpkg -e phpldapadmin19:43
natschilCarbOon: doesn't that extract the package archive?19:44
user_kizi: please pastebin your dmesg19:44
Ascavasaionuser_: sure... let me do that...19:44
Ex-QuAke[DOD]-M-Are admins here?19:44
sdf2when i tried to run it failed at pulsecore19:44
jussi01Ex-QuAke[DOD]-M-: of course19:44
CarbOonnatschil: dpkg -L phpldapadmin .. is showing that list of files with path ?19:44
natschilCarbOon: yes. What should I do now?19:45
Ascavasaionuser_: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/124936/19:45
MyrttiEx-QuAke[DOD]-M-: whuzzup19:45
CarbOonnatshicl.. copy/paste that result on pastebin.com19:45
natschilCarbOon: I would, but I just deleted the lot now :)19:46
ubottuAudio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Audacious, Banshee, Beep Media Player, Listen, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, Exaile, XMMS2 (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based).  Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine - See also !codecs19:46
CarbOonnatschil: you wll hav to remove that root folder which is of that package.19:46
user_Ascavasaion: thanks! looks ok, however, these packages are quite old -> chances are you will get hacked19:47
natschilCarbOon : I did that, but apt still seems to be broken19:47
Ascavasaionuser_: oh :(19:47
CarbOonnatschil: apt-get clean19:47
Flare183How can I get Konqueror to work with Dropbox?19:47
Ascavasaionuser_: I am running Gnome now... and to add KDE 4 seems to be a big upgrade on a limited cap Internet account.19:48
natschilCarbOon: why do that, that'll delete all my archives :O19:48
claudiohola soy nuevo en xubuntu y tengo algunos problemas para cambiar la resolucion de pantalla. alguien podria ayudarme19:48
CarbOonnatschil: wat u want to do.. you want to install phpadmin ? or19:48
tazzhaving problem while booting  ubuntu intrepid.. i am stuck for 55 secs at "Configuring network interfaces"19:48
natschilCarbOon: now, I want to delete it :)19:48
juser123just did an update and i get screens full of "/init: line 191: /bin/sleep: not found and dumped into busybox.  any help is apprecaited.  thanks19:48
pronoyhey guys i have hardy and i am getting no sound when i play a file..i have all the required plugins and codecs...and i checked out the pulseaudio trouble shoot....what19:48
Flannel!ar | claudio19:48
Flare183!english | claudio19:48
ubottuclaudio: La comunidad local de Argentina se puede encontrar en #ubuntu-ar y en su canal de offtopic: #ubuntu-ar-cafe19:48
ubottuclaudio: The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat19:48
pronoywhat's the issue here >19:48
ubuntumhi can someone helpme to figure out something about Doplhin file manager please?19:49
user_Ascavasaion: yes, just stay with gnome for now. you can ask your friend or order a very recent cd for just a few bucks.19:49
CarbOontazz...... network interface has set on DHCP.. changed it ..19:49
mlegerpronoy I'm in the channel19:49
Flare183ubuntum: I might be able to19:49
Ascavasaionuser01: Umm... okay.19:49
tazzah ok CarbOon thanks19:49
pronoyhello no sound here guys19:49
anabolixcan anyone tell me what a bind address argument for SSH is exactlY? and if possible a general format of connecting to shell accounts through ssh?19:49
ubuntumIs it possible to disable one click  file opening under Dolphin? I would like standard double clicking19:49
pronoychecked pulseaudio...all issues solved using the guide19:50
pronoybut still no sound19:50
Flare183!enter | pronoy19:50
ubottupronoy: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!19:50
paul_hello i have set up dnsmasq on a seperate machine, when i look at the syslog file it seems to be doing a lot of lookups even to web sites i have already been to, when i dig a website i get about 30ms response then i do it again it is 0ms but when i return about 10mins later the response time is back up to 30ms, what am i doing wrong19:50
Flare183ubuntum: Yes, you can19:50
ubuntumFlare183, I could nto find any option under Dopling config manager, where is that?19:50
pronoyFlare183: thanks man....can you also help me with the audio issue as you have done with the enter key ?19:50
Cassarociaoa  atutti19:50
Cassaroqlc ke può aiutartmi?19:50
anabolixbind address for SSH, can anyone tell me what this is exaclty? is it the host address im trying to connect to or what?19:51
SIM_EUHi ppl19:51
pronoyaudio issue please !!19:51
Coddpronoy: I have the same problem with Jaunty alpha 5, apparently there is a bug in pulseaudio where a tight loop causes it to sit on the cpu and not let anyone else in.  They will be putting out the fix in the next push19:51
SIM_EUWireless issue here19:51
SIM_EUralink rt280019:52
pronoyCodd: solved in intrepid19:52
Ex-QuAke[DOD]-M-/msg chanserv access #ubuntu list19:52
pronoyCodd: funny eh >19:52
Cassaroitalian room four ubuntu?19:52
Flare183!it | Cassaro19:52
ubottuCassaro: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)19:52
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Coddmy problem is that I get audio but every once in a while it locks up the system for a couple of seconds and stutters like mad19:52
kereswhat is the most widely used program that is the most like MSVS?19:52
SIM_EUportuguese chat room ?19:52
Ex-QuAke[DOD]-M-/msg chanserv access #ubuntu list19:52
usserkeres, kdevelop19:52
MyrttiEx-QuAke[DOD]-M-: what are you trying?19:52
MyrttiEx-QuAke[DOD]-M-: you've got an extra space there19:53
Flare183Myrtti: don't Try anything stupid19:53
pronoymleger: same problem as Codd ?19:53
usserkeres, also netbeans, eclipse19:53
Ben348Hello can anyone link me to a tutorial on how to setup wifi or tell me how. Iv been searching the internet and ubuntu forums and iv found tutorails and ways how but it requires me downloading stuff and the links are out of date so i can't do it. Thanks19:53
mlegerpronoy: no no sound at all19:53
mlegersince I installed19:53
keresusser: are those used with eachother or seperate programs?19:53
usserkeres, separate programs19:53
mlegersorry dont know how to send private messages here19:53
pronoymleger: even when ubuntu boots ?19:53
usserkeres, try netbeans19:53
mlegerpronoy: yea even when ubuntu boots19:54
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mlegersounds works in windows though19:54
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pronoyso it isn't pulseaudio19:54
Coddpronoy:  mleger; do either of you happen to have an atheros wifi adapter?  I was looking around for a fix and found that most actually have issues with the new ath5k driver19:54
SIM_EU_Agoraportuguese chat room ?19:55
felixsullaI have a Ubuntu guest, which has a shared folder to my Vista host. Whenever I try to save a .txt file with Gedit it says "Unexpected error: Text file busy", and yet GVIM can save fine. Any ideas?19:55
pronoymleger: your hardware specs ?19:55
sdf2bah i got wow running but no sound :S19:55
eseven73how do I copy a file in CLI to another computer that's on my network?19:55
redvamp128!pt | SIM_EU_Agora19:55
ubottuSIM_EU_Agora: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado.19:55
mlegerhow do I check that pronoy?19:55
=== lowman is now known as plowman
Coddmleger:  'lspci | grep Atheros'19:56
pronoymleger: well what kinda laptop are you using ?19:56
CarbOonfelixsulla: r u using vmwareworkstation?19:56
Flare183ubuntum: ok open dolphin and click the settings menu then click configure dolphin19:56
kizisomeone here that can help me??19:56
felixsullaCarbOon, Vbox19:56
Coddmleger:  actually try 'lsmod | grep Ath5k' thats a bit more to the point19:56
kizisomeone here that can help me with an External HDD that doesnt show up in lsusb and fdisk -l ?19:56
Coddpronoy: how about you?  are u using wifi too?19:57
CarbOonfelixsulla: it dont giv error when save a whole file to host(vista) ?19:57
pronoyCodd: was using it...went back to good ol Rj4519:57
SIM_EU_Agoraralink rt2800 problem19:57
pronoymleger: dude you with me ?19:57
mlegerpronoy: asus x83vm-x2 4gb ram nvidia 960019:57
ubottuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution19:58
felixsullaCarbOon:  I can save a file with GVIM, but not Gedit.19:58
CarbOonkizi.. which distro r u suing ?19:58
Coddpronoy: did you have an atheros card in your system at all?19:58
pronoyCodd: hey can you assist with this sound issue...we can't get sound even at boot time19:58
kiziubuntu 8.0419:58
pronoyCodd: i die19:58
pronoyCodd: * i did19:58
Ben348Hello can anyone link me to a tutorial on how to setup wifi or tell me how. Iv been searching the internet and ubuntu forums and iv found tutorails and ways how but it requires me downloading stuff and the links are out of date so i can't do it. Thanks19:59
eseven73nevermind i got it working19:59
mlegerpronoy: any other info?19:59
pronoymleger: hang on...19:59
Coddpronoy: im not sure trading your problems for mine will make your day any better, I can't get more then 60 seconds of sound with out a nasty studder19:59
redvamp128Codd:  from what I understand -- just from reading-- and what people say works - is by going back to the original kernel intrepid installed with and using the drivers at the wireless help page. (that is just from observing what others said)19:59
kiziCarbOon, im using 8.0419:59
CarbOonkizi.. when you plug hdd.. it giv any error ?20:00
pronoymleger: you say you have sound on windows but not on ubuntu is it ?20:00
mlegerpronoy: yea exactly20:00
kiziCarbOon, no it doesnt give any error what so ever20:01
pronoycan anyone help with this issue please...20:01
kiziand the drive works.. have tried it on another box20:01
pronoynot getting sound even at boot up20:01
CarbOonkizi plug the drive ..which filesystem in on external hdd ?20:01
pronoyis it pulseaudio or something else20:01
Auramus1Greetings. Ubutnu/Linux novice here. Just install 8.10 on a HP Pavilion laptop. Anyone know the solution to getting the nvidia drivers installed and working? All I have is 800x600 resolution. Not really useable.20:02
milligan_pronoy, depends on the error20:02
Coddpronoy: unfortunately I didn't really do any magic to get it where I am now, it basically installed like this, I tried making myself a member of the pulse* groups but there hasn't been any notable improvements20:02
TarasHello guys, could please help me, I am experiencing difficulties in deleting a file20:02
pronoymleger: any errors ?20:02
mlegerpronoy: no error at all when trying to play mp3, dvd, etc just no sound20:02
CarbOonTaras: which files ?20:02
epswinginstalled ubuntu 8.10, installed windows xp, followed instructions at http://users.bigpond.net.au/hermanzone/p9.html when i choose Start Grub from the boot menu i get http://bruno.mirror.waffleimages.com/files/02/0243d601502343f00277263d69ac9489ea63f599.jpg20:02
redvamp128Codd:  this is the page that most people say they can get it working  but with an earlier kernel (not the latest one that it will autoupdate) WifiDocs/Driver/Atheros - Community Ubuntu Documentation <https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/Atheros>20:02
pronoymleger: any errors at boot time ?20:02
Tarashome files they dont get deleted20:02
epswingmy partitions look like http://bruno.mirror.waffleimages.com/files/10/107f236922b64090541aeeb592a5c5ce3182a240.png20:02
kiziCarbOon, it has ntfs on it.. and yes i have ntfs-3g installed20:02
mlegerpronoy: none that I see20:03
kiziit worked fine 2 days agp20:03
SIM_EU_Agoraralink rt2800 problem here20:03
pronoymleger: usually a small notification like HDA intel ALSA failed to initialize...falling to so-an-so driver20:03
tom760Anyone know a good way do a binary diff on two files and output the first byte offset they differ?  I have 2 that should be the same for the first 100mb or so, but I want to find out exactly where they differ.20:03
mlegerpronoy: I'm going to reset and let you know ok? brb20:04
NAdoes anyone here know how to setup a bind dns server20:04
TarasI have an error saying that an application is in use while trying to delete a file, I have switching the programs off though20:04
BobzillaDoes anyone in here have any experience using AT&T's U-Verse with Ubuntu?20:04
feldpauschmkranyone know how to increase the screen resolution in 8.10?  screen resolution app stops at 1024 x 76820:04
mlegerpronoy: no erros20:05
GaRRuI increased the resulotions20:05
Coddredvamp128: im not that worried about it right now, like I said earlier I went to the ubuntu-dev room and they told me they know the issue and a patch will be included in the next push, I really came by to see if any one knows of a good mame/n64/snes emulator combo / app just to kill time on a sunday :)20:05
GaRRuto 1280x102420:05
weirdotelnetting to any closed loopback port doesn't give the desired RST response20:05
svendbentokay allright....im gonna switch to linux on my server...but i am unsure of which distro to choose....i have played a bit around with ubuntu on my laptop....i think its a bit to bloated for server purposes....I will need to run my server as TV-out for DVD/AVI etc., music box, web/ftp/SVN/mail server, and as databackup. What do you think would be a good choice?20:05
Auramus1Hey feld, you have more res than I do.20:05
Ghazilionehi few20:05
CarbOonTaras : which distro r u using ?20:05
weirdoleaving programs to time out20:05
TarasUbuntu 8 .1020:05
pronoymilligan_: no errors20:06
Coddredvamp128: the wifi issue was really a curiosity since I have an atheros card as well20:06
pronoymilligan_: none at boot .......just no sound20:06
redvamp128feldpauschmkr:  I think if you install the proprietary  driver (intel, Nvidia , Ati) it will allow higher than that resolutions - that and also identify the monitor (install its drivers)20:06
TarasIt the Decibel Audio player, but i have it turned off and it still says its in use by that application20:06
user_svendbent: ubuntu-server is worth a try20:06
feldpauschmkrwhere would I find a driver for SiS 76020:06
redvamp128Codd:  I only know that one because a lot of people ask about that one and there were 2 people that said that was how they got it fixed.20:06
milligan_pronoy, is the soundcard even detected?20:07
=== acorb is now known as ACorb
Auramus1Later, folks.20:07
J-_I once had a umask program that let me select boxes to show me the umask permission. It only did that. Does anyone know the name of the program? I installed it from the repos of course.20:07
user_feldpauschmkr: which kind of device is it?20:07
TarasHow do you bring up that screen which shows all the running applications ?20:07
redvamp128Codd:  seems as if there is a major change in the newer kernels -- that just breaks it.20:07
mlegerpronoy: you here?20:07
Coddpronoy: I don't think this issue really provides any errors, I've tried running rythembox / amarok from the cli to see if anything gets printed and havent seen anything in /var/log/messages or dmesg20:07
pronoymleger: check with milligan_20:07
feldpauschmkrvideo card20:07
CarbOonTaras: reboot to machien then first remove that files which you want to delete.. dont open this player.. : will see if its still not removing20:07
TarasOkay, i will give it a try, thank you20:08
pronoyCodd: then how to detect what's the problem ?20:08
mlegermilligan_: Can you help me with some audio issues? I have all updates on hardy done and pulseaudio configured20:08
CarbOonpronoy which prob u hav ?20:08
milligan_J-_, umask is very easy as soon as you understand the different levels. Read - Write - Execute. Remember that order. The values are 4 - 2 - 1 . Read = 5 , Write = 2, and Execute = 1. The three "classes" you need to provide acces for, are "owner", "group", "others".20:08
mlegermilligan_: but no sound whatsoever. No errors just no sound playing on my laptop. Can you help me?20:09
milligan_J-_, so if you want the owner to have read,write,execute, and others just read, you would do chmod 744 file.20:09
Coddpronoy: apparently the devs know the issue, I guess enough people have complained or it is easy to reproduce20:09
CarbOonmilligan: READ = 4 :) not 520:09
milligan_Sorry, typo. Read = 4, yes.20:09
BobzillaCould someone please help me establish an internet connection with ATT U-Verse using a wired ethernet connection?  Windows connects automatically but Ubuntu does not.  I have been searching the net all day for solutions and I haven't found anything.20:10
milligan_mleger, hard to say mate. Did you check alsamixer that the card isn't muted?20:10
pronoymilligan_: i guess there would have been an error if the card wasn't detected right ?20:10
mlegermilligan_: yes I did nothing is muted. I would really appreciate any help you can lend me20:10
Coddmleger: pronoy; what type of sound cards do you have ?  mine is an audigy220:11
mlegercodd: HDA Intel20:11
CarbOonbobzilla.. Eth0 modules is isntalled.. i meant the driver of NIC is installed checkout $sudo lspci20:11
milligan_mleger, pronoy , if you type sudo lspci .. what type of card does it report ?20:11
carpiidoes wubi run within windows? I dont really understand how it lets you boot into ubuntu without altering the partition table20:12
pronoymleger: what's the output ?20:13
dr_Williscarpii,  it boots a special kernel that can access the 'installed system' in a single file..  like a loopback device20:13
mlegermilligan_: HD Audio Controller?20:13
milligan_mleger, yeah, probably.20:13
dr_Williscarpii,  its installed in windows.. but does not run at the same time windows does20:13
J-_milligan_: So what if I wanted to have a directory that only has read right and execute for just root, and another user? I don't want others to read, write, execute.20:13
carpiiso when im running a wubi based ubuntu, im not in windows at all?20:13
carpiiok thanks20:13
dr_Williscarpii,  geexbox can do a similer trick also. :)20:14
mlegermilligan_: I tried just about every how-to and troubleshooting guide I could find20:14
milligan_J-_, well, if root was the owner of the file, you would do 700 for just root to have access. If you wanted a user to have access to the file as well, you would do 770, and a chown root:groupthatuserisin file20:14
BobzillaCould someone please help me establish an internet connection with ATT U-Verse using a wired ethernet connection?  Windows connects automatically but Ubuntu does not.  I have been searching the net all day for solutions and I haven't found anything.20:14
carpiican wubi just keep consuming drive space till its full ? or do you have to allocate it a certain amount?20:14
DizzleIs there anyone who can help me set up my wireless card?  I have NDISWRAPPER installed and I can see wireless networks, but I can't connect to it.  I have another laptop w Ubuntu connected to it, so I know the configuration.20:14
milligan_mleger, do this, and paste me the output: lspci | grep -i "audio device"20:15
rubberduckycould someone have a look please: http://pastebin.com/m3052ca9220:15
J-_milligan_: Cool, thanks. :)20:15
mlegermilligan_: 00:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation 82801I (ICH9 Family) HD Audio Controller (rev 03)20:15
milligan_J-_, no probs. Did you understand WHY you would do it that way ?20:15
J-_Much appreciated.20:15
milligan_mleger, hm, strange. Should work by default. Um.. you see the volume controller up by the clock ?20:16
J-_milligan_: So others don't read/write/execute the directory.20:16
mlegermiligan_: Yes it is set to max20:16
milligan_mleger, double click it.20:16
=== ACorb is now known as acorb
milligan_mleger, are any of the devices muted or lowered in volume ?20:17
user_rubberducky: maybe you need to have the configure-file created first. what does the docu say?20:17
mlegermilligan_: no both are on maximum20:17
rubberduckyuser_, docu says copy linux.mak to port.mak if you us elinux and run make20:17
rubberduckyand make install20:17
mlegermilligan_: they are both locked, does that mean anything? (sorry noob)20:17
milligan_mleger, both? Under "Device" in that window .. what does it say? HDA Intel (Alsa mixer) ?20:18
user_rubberducky: does linux.mak fit your setup?20:18
Ex-QuAke[DOD]-M-thank you guys again20:18
rubberduckyi use linux:D20:18
mlegermilligan_: yes that's exactly what it says20:19
rubberduckyuser_, so yes probably20:19
BobzillaPlease someone help me with connecting to the internet using Ubuntu.  I don't know how to do it because Windows just automatically connects.20:19
DizzleCan anyone help with a wireless issue?20:19
pronoyBobzilla: just open firefox and role away20:19
user_rubberducky: linux is like 'Car'. there a tons of different models ;-)  why you want to compile by yourself btw?20:19
Bobzillapronoy:  I'm not THAT big of a noob20:19
DizzleNetwork manager just hangs when it says 'attempting to join the wireless network 'xxxxxx''20:20
[biabia]Configuration Editor shows my default windows manager:  /usr/bin/metacity20:20
rubberduckycross compile20:20
win2keyhi everybody! i've got a problem - blinking overlay while watching video20:20
milligan_mleger, ok, try this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=94068920:20
sancasI don't have sound20:20
[biabia]is there an xfce window manager20:20
Bobzillapronoy:  Its not working, I just switched providers from comcast to ATT and its not working the same as it always has.20:20
ohzie[biabia], xfwm420:21
sancasmy lspci exit say 00:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation 82801JI (ICH10 Family) HD Audio Controller20:21
[biabia]ohzie: ok thanks20:21
GaRRuI've got a problem, Kalarm doesn't work in Ubuntu anymore problem:20:21
win2keydoes anybody know how to fix it?20:21
win2keycompiz enabled, videocard is ati20:21
micro-`hey, i made a sudo crontab command, i want to check if that works, how can i make crontab execute the command i made to check if it works?20:21
user_rubberducky: ps. please quote nicks when replying20:21
GaRRu  p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }  Linux: can't open /dev/dsp20:21
DizzleDoes anyone know where I can at least find the logs for network manager?20:21
sancasbut when I try to play something,20:21
sancasALSA lib pcm_dmix.c:1008:(snd_pcm_dmix_open) unable to open slave20:21
sancasaplay: main:583: error al abrir audio: Dispositivo ó recurso ocupado20:21
pronoyBobzilla: ohk you weren't "that" clear earlier :)20:21
rubberduckyuser_, cause i want to cross compile it20:22
user_rubberducky: ah crosscompile good luck then. you're sure the task wasnt already solved by someone else? like a patch f.e.?20:22
[biabia]ohzie: I have it installed already but its not set to be the one used. do you know how I would set it20:22
dthEvening. Im running 8.04 with kernel 2.6.24-23-generic and have a reproducable kernel panic everytime i "use" my bluetooth usb stick. since the kernel isnt syncing i only got a few last lines on paper of output.20:22
Bobzillapronoy: sorry I wasn't, I have successfully used comcast with ubuntu for about 2 years, I switched to ATTs U-Verse and now my Ubuntu pc will not connect.20:23
mlegermilligan_: I can't edit the /boot/grub/menu.lst I get an error message20:23
redvamp128Dizzle:  system logs and then daemon.log shoudl give you network things20:23
dr_Willismleger,  system type files need to be edited with root permissions.20:23
=== sebyoga is now known as Goaould
GoaouldHello all20:23
rubberduckyuser_, but first i want to try to compile it nromally20:23
rubberduckyjust make20:23
mlegerdr_willis: so type sudo before the command?20:23
GaRRu  p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }  Linux: can't open /dev/dsp (that's what linux say about kalarm anyone any ideas?)20:23
Goaouldi have a question, when a test if my ubuntu serveur is 64 bit or no...20:24
ohzie[biabia], You want to use the xfce window manager with gnome?20:24
user_rubberducky: have you checked the ubuntu source package. does it contain patches?20:24
dr_Willis!sudo | mleger20:24
ubottumleger: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome, XFCE), or !kdesudo (KDE)20:24
rubberduckyuser_, but its precompile20:24
dr_Willismleger,  or kdesudo, or gnomes equilivent20:24
[biabia]ohzie: I use the xfce desktop, but I dont have xfwm4 set as the default wm. it shows /usr/bin/metacity as the current wm20:25
pronoymleger: be careful with sudo...it gives you lot of power......with great power comes great responsibility :)20:25
Goaouldi have a question, when a test if my ubuntu serveur is 64 bit or no...20:25
ohzie[biabia], That's strange and I don't understand why it would do that.20:25
user_rubberducky: (almost) every ubuntu package also has a source package, just check in the package manager20:25
[biabia]i probably changed a setting that i shouldnt have?20:25
mlegerdr_WIllis still cant do it. I'm sorry I'm totally a noob learning here20:26
user_!source | rubberducky20:26
ubotturubberducky: You can easily fetch a package's source with apt-get. See: http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/apt-howto/ch-sourcehandling.en.html20:26
rubberduckyuser_, how do i get the source from apackage?20:26
user_!source | rubberducky20:26
[biabia]ohzie: where is the usual place people set which wm to use20:26
dr_Willismleger,  sudo nano /path/to/file20:26
DizzleIn the logs, it says 'Activation (wlan0/wireless): association took too long, failing activation' 'Activation (wlan0) failed for access point (XXXXX)20:26
GoaouldNobody can respond to my question ?20:27
dr_WillisGoaould,  your question was rather - vague...20:27
ohzie[biabia], To be honest, I'm not sure where this setting would be. I know that on gnome you can change the default wm to something other than metacity with a few changes20:27
ohziebut I'm not sure how one does that with xfce.20:27
rubberduckyuser_, thanks20:27
GoaouldI have a Ubuntu serveur 8.10. This version is 64bit ? or 32bit ? When a test this ?20:27
=== Juje is now known as Juje007
ohzieGoaould, It would have said so on the iso when you were downloading it20:28
ohziein the filename before you burned it20:28
farhansportablesI just switched to ubuntu from windows, I disabled pulseaudio and have switched to alsa but if I plug my usb headset in it doesn't get autodetected20:28
redvamp128Dizzle:  if you are having connection issues with the network manager you could try using the sudo ifdown eth# (whichever the card number is) then the sudo ifup eht# sometimes that will get it on when network manager can't20:28
sofaknghow do I run sudo and specify a password on the command line?  (for use in a script)20:28
ZykoticGoaould, "uname -a" if it show x86_64 then you have a 64 bit OS20:28
DizzleGoaould: type 'uname -a' in a terminal20:28
ohzie[biabia], I'll look around a bit. I know it's probably in ~/.config/xfce4/20:29
dr_WillisGoaould,  if you mean 'how' to see if its 64bit of 32bit.   use uname -a20:29
Dizzleredvanp128: what does that do?20:29
GoaouldLinux serveur 2.6.27-7-server #1 SMP Fri Oct 24 07:37:55 UTC 2008 i686 GNU/Linux20:29
zambai need a capture card (tv card) that is "guaranteed" to work flawlessly under ubuntu.. anyone?20:29
ohzie[biabia], but I don't know where, in there, it is.20:29
=== acorb is now known as acorb\
dr_Willis32bit --> Linux black 2.6.27-11-generic #1 SMP Thu Jan 29 19:24:39 UTC 2009 i686 GNU/Linux20:29
redvamp128Dizzle:  it is like windows --  ipconfig /release then ipconfig /renew20:29
ZykoticGoaould, that 32 bit then20:29
DizzleRedvamp: gotcha ... replace eth# with wlan0?20:29
GoaouldWhat is the memory limit ? 3GO ?20:29
farhansportablesmy problem is that if I accidentially unplug my usb soundcard, I lose sound20:29
[biabia]ohzie ok thanks20:29
=== acorb\ is now known as ACorb
redvamp128Dizzle:  basically the ifdown forces it off -- then the ifup makes it come back20:30
Goaouldi Can't install 8Go of memory ?20:30
tommyhow do i start cod5 in ubuntu20:30
milligan_mleger, you need to do "sudo nano /etc ..."20:30
Dizzleok.... sudo ifdown wlan020:30
milligan_mleger, normal users don't have write access to the bootmenu20:30
Dizzlesays 'interface wlan0 not configured'20:30
ZykoticGoaould, you can install it, but the OS won't be able to use it...20:30
user_tommy: what is cod520:30
redvamp128dizzle: should be eth20:31
Goaouldi can update 32bit to 64 bit ?20:31
FlannelGoaould: no.  The server kernel as PAE support, so it can support a higher amount of RAM20:31
tommyit installed ok via wine20:31
DizzleRedvamp: same output20:31
Banjo_Hello I found this on how to get Wifi working on my laptop http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=5320298&postcount=5 but the link doesn't work, does anyone have a link to a tutorial that is updated? Thanks20:31
tommybut now it wont start, some error with dx textures20:31
dthIm running 8.04 with kernel 2.6.24-23-generic and have a reproducable kernel panic everytime i "use" my bluetooth usb stick. since the kernel isnt syncing i only got a few last lines on paper of output.20:31
user_tommy: #wine-hq20:31
GoaouldFlannel: It's ok for 8GO of Ram ?20:31
redvamp128Dizzle:  try lshw -short  and also ifconfig should tell you what wireless is20:31
tommyIs this os really that hard?20:32
win2keysofakng: run visudo, find your user name and replace last parameter ALL with NOPASSWD:ALL20:32
dr_Willistommy,  i dont find it hard at all.20:32
farhansportablesthis isn't hard for me20:32
dr_Willistommy,  trouibleshooting the problems i have in windwos.. thats hard.20:32
FlannelGoaould: Yeah, i think up to 64G of RAM.  But really, PAE is a bit of a hack.  If you're interested in bigger RAM sizes, you might want to consider moving to 64bit.20:32
BobzillaHello please someone help me get connected to the internet on ATT, I had my computer working fine with Comcast but switched and now I can't connect.  Is it possible to connect using Ubuntu on ATTs service?20:32
user_tommy: wine is causing trouble, not ubuntu ;-)20:32
tommyim havin hell, granted its my first time20:32
osamalooking for an easy way to solve my audio problem in Ubuntu, I need to have audio working everywhere at the same time (flash in firefox, vlc, others??) ... many times I get errors "cannot open /dev/dsp" and similar errors...20:32
Flannelwin2key, sofakng: No.  That's not a good idea.20:32
redvamp128dizzle sometimes you may have to use sudo ifdown force eth#20:32
farhansportables switched to alsa20:32
yancyim having real trouble getting my display drivers working, any ideas anyone?20:33
Flannel!wine | tommy20:33
ubottutommy: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help20:33
tommyi have it up now,20:33
GoaouldFlannel: Ok, think you, can i update to 64 bit my distrib 32bit ?20:33
farhansportablesI switched to alsa, It seemed to fix all of my audio problems20:33
sofakngwin2key, thanks.  my username isn't in there so do I just add:   <user> ALL=NOPASSWD:ALL   ?20:33
Goaouldor i must reinstall all ?20:33
Flanneltommy: That page will get you up to speed on wine stuff.  For specific help on particulra applications, you may want to try #winehq, they know all about wine.20:33
DizzleRedvamp: i have eth0, wlan0, and pan0 .. running ifdown on any of them reports the same message20:33
tommyit wants me to enter a registery key, however, I have no idea how to do that20:33
dr_Willistommy,  'wine' can be problematic. thats not ubuntus' fault :)20:34
s_spiffguys..i'm on hardy heron ..would like to know what to install when it comes to nvidia drivers? i see two in synaptic... nvidia - glx and nvidia-glx-new20:34
Flannelsofakng: No, you really don't want to do that.20:34
user_tommy: a windows registry key or a software-licence key?20:34
farhansportablesprobably windows registry key20:34
micro-`hey, i made a sudo crontab command, i want to check if that works, how can i make crontab execute the command i made to check if it works?20:34
pronoymleger: still troubles ?20:34
RediXeWhere can I download restricted drivers to burn to a CD? (Ethernet port on the laptop appears to be bad)20:34
sofakngFlannel:  well, what I'm trying to do is restart tty2 from a script as a non-root user  (eg. initctl tty2 stop, start, etc)20:34
Zykotictommy, "wine regedit" opens wine's registry editor20:35
redvamp128s_spiff:  it all comes down to what version number is recommended by nvidia for your card (I can if you give me the model look up the correct number)20:35
s_spiff9500 GT20:35
redvamp128Dizzle:  give me a second to find this out for him20:35
s_spiffredvamp128: : 9500 GT20:35
DizzleCan anyone else help me debug a wireless card issue (thanks redvamp).20:35
Dizzlered: no problem20:35
GoaouldCan i update to 64 bit, but i must have a CPU 64BIT ?20:36
win2keysofakng: user    ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:ALL20:36
DizzleGoaould: You must have a 64 bit CPU.20:36
Banjo_Can anyone help me?20:36
farhansportablescan nyone help me figure out my soundcard wos?20:36
kane77how do I set deluge to be the default application for .torrent files?20:36
FlannelGoaould: Yes, your CPU must support it.  And no, you can't upgrade, you have to reinstall.20:36
Flannelwin2key: *stop* that20:36
=== muellisoft is now known as Muelli
redvamp128s_spiff:  Nvidia says 180 is the drivers so it would be once you enable the restricted and the multiverse for software sources -- sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx-18020:37
Flannelsofakng: So you have to stop it as root, but then you want to start it again as a regular user?20:37
kpuljekdoes anyone know what could make my router restart every half an hour to an hour, if it works properly in windows?20:37
GoaouldIntel® Core™ 2 Duo E6550 is 64Bit ?20:37
FlannelGoaould: Yes20:37
s_spiffredvamp128: thanks a ton. will do :)20:37
sofakngFlannel: I'm going to be running a script as a non-root user and I need that script to stop and restart tty...20:37
sofakngerr tty220:37
GoaouldGood !!20:37
redvamp128s_spiff:  just remember to when you want to change the setings use sudo nvidia-settings20:38
GoaouldI can update my distrib, or i must reinstall the distrib ?20:38
farhansportablesI switched to alsa and want alsa to autodetect my usb soundcard20:38
=== ACorb is now known as RoShell
Flannelsofakng: Er.. Just sudo the whole script.  And then in the script you'll need to switch back to a regular user to restart tty20:38
redvamp128s_spiff:  that is after you install the nvidia drivers20:38
farhansportablesyou have to reinstall for 64 bit20:38
s_spiffredvamp128: yes, i'll remember that :)20:38
=== RoShell is now known as ACorb
DizzleGoaould: If your hardware supports it you must reinstall, not upgrade to 64 bit.20:38
RediXeWhere can I download restricted drivers to burn to a CD? (Ethernet port on the laptop appears to be bad)20:38
Dizzlekane77: http://ubuntuswitch.blogspot.com/2007/10/ubuntu-file-association-if-you-want-to.html20:38
redvamp128s_spiff:  if you don't it will just change it for that user and go back to default upon reboot20:38
sofakngFlannel:  the problem is that the script is executed from a daemon (lirc - a remote control daemon)20:39
kane77Dizzle, thaks a lot20:39
s_spiffredvamp128: ok20:39
Dizzleno problem20:39
redvamp128Dizzle:  even with the force it still gives you that error20:39
sofakngthe daemon is running as a non-root user, which I suppose I could change...20:39
Dizzlered: it says interface XXX not configured20:39
piccacan ufw be used with MAC addresses or will i have to drill down to iptables for that20:39
GoaouldOK, thank you very much for your reponses. I would re-install(re-settle) in the week, there is you he of the things attention of which it is necessary to pay in 64 bit?20:39
valberodrigues@search <chiclete com banana>20:40
Dizzlered: but if i look at me daemon.log it is doing a bunch of stuff with wlan020:40
win2keyFlannel: in my case in works! do you know any other workaround?20:40
redvamp128Dizzle:  try this one sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart  then try the sudo ifup eth020:40
win2keysofakng: my suggestion - workaround! not official way!20:40
DizzlereD: eth0 is not connected20:40
Flannelsofakng: Nah, generally best to keep stuff running as low as possible.  you *can* make it so certain programs (scripts) don't need a sudo password.20:41
ubuntu4lifewhat is snmp?20:41
Flannelwin2key: Its a horrible idea because it means you don't need a password to sudo anything.  We generally try not to break people's systems in Ubuntu channels.20:41
mlegerpronoy: yes still no luck20:41
kpuljekcan anyone help me with my router constantly restarting under linux, while it works okay in windows?20:41
farhansportableshow do you know your router restarts?20:41
sofakngFlannel, ok, I understand... what do you suggest?20:41
mlegermilligan_: Hi, still no luck20:42
whodevilcan someone tell me where windows shares are mounted in the filesystem. I can get to the files through Nautilus but I want to get at them in my shell20:42
redvamp128Dizzle:  try this  sudo lshw -C network20:42
RediXeWhere can I download restricted drivers to burn to a CD? (Ethernet port on the laptop appears to be bad) Broadcom STA wireless driver is all it's saying to install20:43
Dizzleredvamp: what do you want to see from the output?20:43
redvamp128Dizzle:  is the card listed there20:43
Flannelsofakng: I suppose you'll have to modify sudoers to allow that particular script to be sudoed without needing a password (the daemon would run sudo /path/to/script)20:43
Dizzleredvamp: yes it is... ACX 111 54mbps Wireless Interface20:43
Dizzledescription: Wireless interface20:43
amonkeyi am trying to add a menu item that starts a shell that requires login. i was triyng xterm -ls but that doesn't seem to work. any suggests?20:44
Dizzleand my card WPC54C uses the TI ACX 111 Chipset20:44
sofakngok, thanks for the help!20:44
mlegermilligan_: followed the site, still no luck any other suggestions you have?20:44
JufisI installed one application from tarball and now I can't get rid of it.20:45
GoaouldI have only for amd ?20:45
Goaouldor is good for Intel® Core™ 2 Duo E6550 ?20:45
=== Dr_willis_ is now known as Dr_willis
JufisGoaould, I think that's good for any 64bit processors20:45
redvamp128Dizzle:  I am looking at the help file and it should be working  --  usually the sudo ifdown force eth(0,1) then the sudo ifup eth(0,1) and it usually gets online when network manger fails20:45
redvamp128Dizzle:  silly suggestion -- any way to reboot the access point?20:46
Dizzleredvamp: tried that already20:46
Dizzleredvamp: i have another ubuntu machine connecting to it fine20:46
redvamp128Dizzle:  At my work I have to reboot one ap at least once every 2 weeks.20:46
redvamp128Dizzle:  hold on going to look up the flush dns for ubuntu20:47
baldarishey can any one tell me how to delete a file, create a new file20:47
baldarisusing command prompt20:47
Jufishow to find the place where application is installed?20:47
Dizzleredvamp: it seems like it is trying to connect but never gets an ip address.. daemon.log says the connection took to long20:47
ch0deHello. I would like to know how I can filter a terminal output20:47
redvamp128Dizzle:  try this one sudo /etc/init.d/dns-clean start20:48
phloatToday I got a new router and now my computer won't connect to my network despite being wired. Even when I connect directly to the modem and forgo the router, I can't get online. Can anyone help?20:48
baldarisrm -r can be used for directory..20:48
Myrttibaldaris: rm <file>, touch <file>20:48
s_spiffredvamp128: no sign of version 180 in the repos20:48
baldarisand editing a file.20:48
baldarisi mean change the contents of a file..20:48
redvamp128s_spiff:  you have to enable multiverse and restricted in your software sources20:48
ch0deif I have a huge output, how can i limit it to a specific query?20:48
baldarisis vi corrrect20:48
Familycan anyone point me to a good ubuntu wireless tutorial ?20:48
s_spiffredvamp128: i have.. which is why i'm getting version 1.96 smething and 1.69 something..20:49
Dr_willisbaldaris:  vi is a text editor..20:49
kevin_zhongHI GUYS!20:49
phloatToday I got a new router and now my computer won't connect to my network despite being wired. Even when I connect directly to the modem and forgo the router, I can't get online. Can anyone help?20:49
keetwhere would I report a bug in dlopen()?20:49
Myrtti!bugs | keet20:49
ubottukeet: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu  -  Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots20:49
kevin_zhongis there any software I can use to defrag files with Ubuntu?20:49
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto20:49
H3D1what is the best way to install linux onto a G4 PowerBook (Ma)20:49
ch0deguys did you see my question?20:50
ubottuPowerPC.  Formerly used by Apple for the Macintosh line of computers. Variants are now used in popular gaming consoles. PPC was a fully supported Ubuntu architecture up to and including edgy. It is now a community port, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PowerPCFAQ20:50
phloatToday I got a new router and now my computer won't connect to my network despite being wired. Even when I connect directly to the modem and forgo the router, I can't get online. Can anyone help?20:50
Dizzleredvamp: ran that command... still doesn't work20:50
Dr_willisG4 is PPC? i forget.20:50
win2keyFlannel: could you please help me with my issue? blink screen while I watch movie.20:50
kevin_zhongany defrag software for Ubuntu?20:50
win2keybaldaris: vi <file>20:50
user_kevin_zhong: not need in Ubuntu20:51
user_kevin_zhong: not needed in Ubuntu20:51
vegawhat's with this flashplugin-nonfree md5sum mismatch nonsense again?20:51
Dr_williskevin_zhong:  there exist ext2.3 defrag tools.. but they are rarely ever needed.20:51
phloatToday I got a new router and now my computer won't connect to my network despite being wired. Even when I connect directly to the modem and forgo the router, I can't get online. Can anyone help?20:51
kevin_zhongoh, so I don't need defrag20:51
vegaanybody else get this: md5sum mismatch install_flash_player_10_linux.tar.gz and The Flash plugin is NOT installed.20:51
DizzleFamily: here is some NDISWRAPPER help: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=88584720:51
redvamp128s_spiff:  then I would go with the -new20:51
kevin_zhonghuh, another reason to love Ubuntu20:51
Dr_williskevin_zhong:  you are thinking in 'windows' terms. :)20:51
perlmonkeyhi can anyone help, got no audio, on a new system20:51
s_spiffredvamp128: ok20:51
Familydmesg says ndiswrapper setting encrytion mode to 6 failed - is this critical ??20:51
kevin_zhongvery much so Dr. Willis20:51
perlmonkeyno sound at all20:51
kevin_zhongvery much so20:51
FamilyDizzle, thanks20:52
perlmonkeyalsa is installed20:52
DizzleFamily: are you using WPA?20:52
kevin_zhongI love both Windows and Ubuntu, I see Ubuntu as the best, but I like the challenges of Windows :P20:52
phloatToday I got a new router and now my computer won't connect to my network despite being wired. Even when I connect directly to the modem and forgo the router, I can't get online. Can anyone help?20:52
s_spiffis there a terminal command to install the updates that ubuntu has proposed?20:52
kevin_zhongif only you could use most software from WIndows onto Ubuntu, but that will never happen20:53
Familyyes Dizzle20:53
perlmonkeyno sound at all on my system, can anyone fix?20:53
SuspectZerohey there20:53
Dr_williss_spiff:  sudo apt-get update, sudo apt-get upgrade20:53
quibbler!repeat | phloat20:53
ubottuphloat: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience20:53
DizzleFamily: you're probably in for some work20:53
SuspectZeroif i format is there a way i can save my setttings?20:53
redvamp128s_spiff:  for the nvidia you can just type sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx-new20:53
DizzleFamily: did you install wpa-supplicant?20:53
Dr_willisSuspectZero:  copy them somewhere else first.20:53
kevin_zhongguys, where can I learn all the terminal commands and what they mean? Any links?20:53
FamilyDizzle, working for 2 weeks now20:53
s_spiffDr_willis: the upgrade is for upgrading from heron to ibex right?20:53
SuspectZerowhere are they :S20:53
JufisHello! how to find the place where application is installed? I got this one application I want to uninstall but apt-get or synaptic wont find it.20:53
thecyberpreacheri get the following error when i try to access subproject under localhost "You don't have permission to access /mytesting/ on this server." where mytesting is just one of many projects under localhost20:53
Dr_williss_spiff:  not always.20:53
SuspectZerosrry my question was which files should i copy somewhere else if i want to save them?20:54
b1n42ykevin_zhong, u like bsod, paying for s/w, virus,malware,trojans,worms,rootkits,bloated s/w etc?20:54
Dr_willis!apt-get | s_spiff20:54
ubottus_spiff: APT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome) or !Adept (KDE)20:54
perlmonkeyHi, i got no sound on my system (new install) can anyone help20:54
s_spiffredvamp128: almost installed.. waiting for it to ocmplete20:54
FamilyDizzle, it was installed when i loaded the OS20:54
user_!sound | perlmonkey20:54
ubottuperlmonkey: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP320:54
s_spiffDr_willis: thanks..will manage :)20:54
kevin_zhongbln42y, no, but I like playing games and using interactive software20:54
kevin_zhongwhich is hard to find, because Corporate Greed doesn't believe in Freeware20:54
perlmonkeyuser:thank you20:54
ubottuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash (a recent version for !Dapper is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash20:55
_demoniKanyone know why my ubuntu wireless download is choked , my upload is fine but download sux, and in windows with same wireless/hardware i get my normal speeds?20:55
=== ACorb is now known as acorb
s_spiffguys i have a sata hdd... which has 4 partitions on it.. out of whic one has windows XP sp3 on it.. type of partitions is ntfs ..right now ubuntu is showing only 2 of the partitions..the first ( C drive) and last (F Drive) are missing..what must be the issue?20:55
tamidohell o20:55
BlueEagle_demonik: Which protocol are we talking?20:55
_demoniKBlueEagle: as in wlan0?20:56
_demoniKnot to sure what your talkin about , kinda newb :<20:56
DizzleFamily: I can't help any more :).. i don't cant even get my networking card to work20:56
s_spiffok i can see even the windows partition..can't see the last partition :(20:56
tamido"will python be easy to pick after knowing java?20:56
BlueEagle_demonik: No, above that. FTP? HTTP? Bittorrent? scp?20:56
mlegerhey quick questions. Are the sound issues alot of user experience in 8.04 fixed in 8.10?20:56
mlegerdoes anyone know if I should upgrade?20:56
user_tamido: yes20:57
_demoniKanything i do, slow/lagged for download only20:57
tamidohow easy?20:57
_demoniKonly on this ubuntu though, trying to figure out what settings i have messed up or something lol20:57
user_tamido: maybe easier than java?20:57
kevin_zhongguys, where can I learn more about the Terminal commands and the terminology, any tuts online for this kind of stuff?20:57
H4RDW4RE I love Ubuntu20:57
zxmHow can I make Alt+TAB work in OpenArena?20:58
user_!terminal | kevin_zhong have fun! :-)20:58
ubottukevin_zhong have fun! :-): The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal20:58
zigglesok guys time for a stupid question...  what do icons with a lock on them mean? (in gnome)20:58
Dr_williskevin_zhong:  theres 100000000000000's of shell tutorials online. google for some :)20:58
Familydmesg says ndiswrapper setting encrytion mode to 6 failed - is this critical ???20:58
BlueEagle_demonik: Are you using encrytion on the wireless link?20:58
kevin_zhonghehe, ok thanks20:58
_demoniKBlueEagle: it is encrypted yes20:58
Newbie23hi guys, one question20:59
Newbie23When you download an icon package and install it, what's the exact location the icons get extracted to???20:59
magnetron!sv | Exploit20:59
ubottuExploit: Svensk Ubuntu- och Kubuntusupport hittar du pa #ubuntu-se resp. #kubuntu-se20:59
BlueEagle_demonik: Which cipher are you using? WEP or WPA?20:59
amonkeyfor the record peeps, check it: xterm -e su -l -s /bin/bash jukebox, with jukebox being your user name20:59
Exploitcan some one please help me with EHCP + suPHP/FastCGI20:59
mkanhello, can anyone please send me (or tell me where I can get) the initrd.img-2.6.27-11-generic from an amd64 machine? i messed up with 32-bit and otherwise have to reinstall...20:59
_demoniKBlueEagle: WPA20:59
DeranderHi, I'm trying to completely uninstall a package (mysql)  When I run apt-get remove mysql, it gets rid of the binaries but keeps the configurations (which are the borked part.)  Is there a way to get the install completely fresh?20:59
Newbie23I've found usr/shr/icons .... but that's like the default icons, not the ones I installed21:00
JufisHello! how to find the place where application is installed? I want to uninstall this one application but apt-get or synaptic wont find it.21:00
Dr_willisDerander:  the purge option.21:00
user_Derander: apt-get purge21:00
mkan--purge, i think21:00
ExploitPlease help with EHCP and suPHP + FastCGI !!!21:00
sdf2i have a question: after i installed the updates, my áéõúûí letters stopped working in the terminal21:01
sdf2emm the non graphical interface21:01
Dr_willisJufis:  how did you install it?21:01
sdf2like ctrl+alt+f121:01
Dr_willissdf2:  thats called the 'console'21:01
s_spiffredvamp128: install nvidia glx new didn't work.. no differnce :(21:01
sdf2Dr_willis: ty, and do you know how can i fix this?21:01
_demoniKBlueEagle: know any solutions possibly? :<21:01
JufisDr_willis, ./config, make, checkinstall if I remember right... could have been make install too21:02
Dr_willissdf2:  not a clue.21:02
=== dost is now known as Dost
Dr_willisJufis:  then the package managers will NEVER be able to Uninstall it.21:02
DeranderThanks, it worked perfectly :-)21:02
mkanan initrd.img-2.6.27-11-generic from an amd64 machine, anyone?21:02
GreenDeltahey, does anybody know a site where i can download all ttf standard fonts like impact, verdana etc.?21:02
Dr_willisJufis:  thats the problem with using 'source'21:02
anatashinuHi, can somebody help me with accessing another computer?21:02
JufisDr_willis, uh oh.... so how do I get to remove it from my system?21:02
AneurysmDoes anyone know a command to reinstall the rt2500usb wireless drivers that come with Ubuntu?21:02
FlannelJufis, Dr_willis: If he used checkinstall, there's a package for it.  But if he didn't use checkinstall, there won't be.21:02
mnemonic76I am looking for help with my Netgear WG511v1... I have ndiswrapper installed and I think it is working.21:02
redvamp128s_spiff:  did it install?21:03
Dr_willisJufis:  if you are lucky  it has a 'sudo make uninstall' feature.. if not..  and you dident use 'checkinstall' - You gotta do it by hand.21:03
BlueEagle_demonik: Well I am thinking that you may be using an inappropriate driver. Which wireless NIC do you have?21:03
RoyallAnyone know where I can find Marcio Luis Teixeira?21:03
JufisDr_willis, so how do I find it? where the application and its files are?21:03
s_spiffredvamp128: yes21:03
ElNerdoDeGeekWhenever I try to update my package list, it delivers an error message about Malformed release files on the primary Ubuntu mirrors.21:03
Dr_willisJufis:  locate command, or rerun the installer and watch teh output and see wher it puts things21:03
_demoniKBlueEagle: NIC? im using the default/stock driver thing off a fresh ubuntu 8.10 (64bit if that matters)21:04
mnemonic76I can't actually get it to connect to the internet. I think I can ping the gateway address of the WAP/router21:04
JufisDr_willis, how to use locate?21:04
BlueEagle_demonik: Network Interface Card21:04
FlannelJufis: *hopefully* they're in /usr/local/*21:04
_demoniKBlueEagle: ZEW1600 PCI card21:04
redvamp128s_spiff:  here is the link to the .deb http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/restricted/l/linux-restricted-modules-2.6.24/nvidia-glx-new_169.12+
JufisFlannel, I'll check it. thanks21:04
Dr_willisJufis:  locate filename21:04
ilovebrowniesCan I get some help resizing an extended partition using gparted?21:04
JufisDr_willis, of course. silly me :P21:04
s_spiffredvamp128: okies21:05
DizzleIs there any way to connect to a wireless network without using network-manager?21:05
ElNerdoDeGeekThereby, I cannot update to Ubuntu 9.04; it dies in the process because of the malform issue.21:05
redvamp128once it installs -- then you can use the sudo nvidia-settings to change things21:05
=== randy is now known as Guest62186
GreenDeltadoesnt anybody know where i can get a package with standard microsoft fonts?21:05
zxmWhat about my question. I want Alt+Tab combination to work in all programms even in fullscreen games. How can i get it?21:05
RoyallElNerdoDeGeek: mine did too, then nautilus began infinitely spawning21:06
s_spiffredvamp128: ok21:06
RoyallI had to downgrade nautilus21:06
Dr_willisGreenDelta:  theres on in the repos. msstcorefonts - of similer.. install 'ubuntu-restricted-extras' to get them21:06
ElNerdoDeGeekRoyall: ... What the heck? That's weird. So you didn't upgrade then?21:06
BlueEagle_demonik: That should be the rt2500 driver.. I think there have been some issues with that.21:06
RoyallElNerdoDeGeek: Oh no I upgraded21:06
rootu r name21:07
=== root is now known as Guest74467
mkanan initrd.img-2.6.27-11-generic from an amd64 machine, anyone?21:07
RoyallElNerdoDeGeek: After I upgraded, nautilus flipped out21:07
ilovebrowniesCan I get some help resizing an extended partition using gparted?21:07
ElNerdoDeGeekH/O one sec21:07
ziggles what do icons with a lock on them mean? (in gnome)21:07
Dr_willisziggles:  write protected.. logical eh?21:07
_demoniKBlueEagle: Hmm, is there an external driver compatible in Ubuntu that would work?  I mean i get connection, its just 8 times slower than what i normally get and it sucks, trying to peel out of windows xD21:07
ElNerdoDeGeekSo how'd you stop the errors then?21:08
zigglesDr_willis, write protected for any reason, or is it just when another user owns the file?21:08
=== hartwig is now known as Pianeur
Dr_willisziggles:  could be :) could be one, or both reasons21:08
rdw200169_demoniK, when you run iwconfig, what rate does it show your wireless card running at?21:08
zigglesDr_willis, so answer is basically, if for any reason i'm not allowed to write to that file then it will show a lock?21:09
wizard23anyone here built as custom kernel for an IBM thinkpad?21:09
ElNerdoDeGeekSee, every time I try to refresh my package lists it says "Failed to fetch http://mirrors.ccs.neu.edu/archive.ubuntu.com/dists/intrepid/Release  Unable to find expected entry  partner/source/Sources in Meta-index file (malformed Release file?)"21:09
KanjaHey, I'm having some trouble getting a startup script to run as root - I added an entry in my sudoers file, can anyone tell me why it's not working?21:09
Kanjabbeecher   ALL = NOPASSWD: /home/bbeecher/start.sh21:09
NumbersHey guys, running Jaunty.. got a problem with nvidia-glx.. it's wiped out my display, any ideas?21:09
wizard23and if so was it worth it?21:09
_demoniKrdw200169: already changed that to 54M, it was set to 1M previously which capped my download at 13.3kb/s21:09
=== eric is now known as Guest92285
ElNerdoDeGeekI change mirrors and it still does that21:09
rdw200169_demoniK, and its still slow?21:09
Dr_willisziggles:  A+ man. :)21:09
Numbersnvidia-glx-180-dev conflicts with nvidia-glx-180 (>= 180.30)21:10
BlueEagle_demonik: http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/hardy/man4/ral.4.html but that might be out-dated21:10
zigglesDr_willis, thx for helping me out man21:10
_demoniKrdw200169: it sped up to 150kb/s and my signal went from 10-40% to 80-100% as it normally should be, but i am capable of 1.2-1.3mb/s21:10
Mic__haelhello everyone - what happens to my existing old /home/myname/ data when I mount a new USB stick to /home/myname/?21:10
horndog!IBM Thinkpad21:11
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about IBM Thinkpad21:11
Dr_willisMic__hael:  it gets 'hidden' and unaccessable till the other thing gets unmounted..21:11
ElNerdoDeGeek... HALP21:11
_demoniKrdw200169: i get 1.2mb/s easy with any other computer on the connection and when i boot the other HD which is XP that im trying to format when im stable here in ubuntu xD21:11
sdf2my ubuntu consol does not show accentuated letters, is there a way to fix this?21:11
mkani need an initrd.img-2.6.27-11-generic from an amd64 machine... anyone?21:12
Numbersrename involves overwriting `/usr/lib/libGL.so' is part of the other error which is breaking it21:12
enrrik_ubuntuoi pessoal quem aqui usa linux?21:13
Pici!br | enrrik_ubuntu21:13
ubottuenrrik_ubuntu: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado.21:13
anouarhi every body i have a problem and i wanna really find here some answers21:14
anouarcan i ask ?21:14
BlueEagle!ask | anouar21:14
ubottuanouar: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)21:14
Dr_willisanouar:  youve gottan !ask'd twice now.. heh heh :)21:14
anouari have a problem with the 3D desktop21:14
BlueEagle!enter | anouar21:14
ubottuanouar: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!21:14
anouarit's not funny Dr_willis21:15
anouarany way we will see if really ur an doctor21:15
rdw200169_demoniK, there are some interesting tips in here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=610854421:15
Dr_willisanouar:  yes it is.     ask your question and  be done with it..  no need to  he-haw around.21:15
mkancan anyone send me the /boot/initrd.img-2.6.27-11-generic from 64-bit machine, pleaseeee21:15
ElNerdoDeGeekAnd also! Every time I turn on advanced desktop effects, I lose my window decoration (GNOME+Compiz-fusion w/ an old nvidia card)21:16
anouari can't make 3D desktop work, but the other fonctionnalities of compiz work great21:16
ubottuCompiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion21:16
djPluralhas anyone tried installing ubuntu using wubi on windows 7 and gotten it to work?21:16
Dr_willisanouar:  by '3d desktop' you mean the CUBE spinning around effect?21:17
NumbersHi guys, my jaunty broke on the latest update with nvidia drivers, anybody else have a fix/any idea how to fix?21:17
anouaryes it's that21:17
ubottuCompiz-Fusion (and the older Compiz and Beryl) are window managers that employ the "composite" extension of X to draw windows using graphics cards' 3D hardware. They can additionally provide "desktop special effects" (such as the "cube") by means of plug-ins. Join #compiz-fusion for help and support with advanced features. See also « /msg ubotu compiz » and « /msg ubotu effects »21:17
cwilluanyone know a place where "focus prevention level" is actually documented?  The option is rather opaque in what the various levels actually do.21:17
billybigriggerNumbers, #ubuntu+121:17
anouaryes only the 3D cude who don't work21:17
Numbersbillybigrigger, cheers21:17
billybigriggeranouar, have you enabled it in compiz-settings-manager?21:17
Dr_willisanouar:   you need to set the # of desktops to be 4, in the ccsm control panel general tab. then  enable the cube features.21:17
_demoniKrdw200169: think i should try to turn off OpenDNS? some here say it sped theirs up but then one it went down again lol21:17
Dr_willis!ccsm | anouar21:17
ubottuanouar: To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu: install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' or 'simple-ccsm'. If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz-fusion21:17
mkancan anyone send me the /boot/initrd.img-2.6.27-11-generic (or ANY initrd) from their 64-bit machine?21:19
Deputydawg09Can anyone help? with connecting to a server through nx client or ssh, server pings however after install firestarter seems to be blocking access. thanks21:19
s_spiffredvamp128: if i want my pc to execute a series of commands in the terminal (mainly installation of various softwares) while i'm away, how do i write the script?21:19
melikwhere can i find the bootup log file?21:20
mkannoone uses ubuntu64? or is there some other room i should be asking?21:20
* G69 Boa Noite / Good Night21:20
cwillumkan, why do you need that file?21:20
mkanbecause i messed up and lost it21:20
mkanand i can't recreate it from 32bit21:20
tony__Has anyone setup a checkpoint vpn client on ubuntu?deb?21:20
anouari have all the option in the compiz manager but when i try to enable it, nothing happen21:20
mkan(and can't boot on 64bit to update-intramfs)21:20
Dr_willismkan:  search the ubuntu ftp package sites..  is one way to find it.. or rerun the package manager and reinstall the packqage21:20
anouarand i can't set the number of desktop21:20
Dr_willismkan:  you can boot live cd and chroot in.21:20
cwillumkan, just remove and reinstall the 64-bit kernel21:20
eseven73Is it possible to copy directories using scp? so far I can only copy files else I get an "/home/eseven73/.opera : not a regular file" error.21:21
cwillueseven73, -r21:21
mkani can't boot21:21
eseven73ah i did -R , thanks ill try that :)21:21
=== kane77 is now known as kane_travian
=== ectospasm is now known as ectodozing
mkani'll try the livecd though21:21
Dr_williseseven73:  scp is suppose to work almost exactly how 'cp' does..21:22
eseven73gotcha thanks guys :)21:22
eseven73it worked21:22
axisysi have a doc dir with all xml files.. what is a good xml reader?21:22
anouarDr_Willis why i can set the number of desktop ??21:22
=== ectodozing is now known as ectospasm
Dr_willisanouar:  no idea. I rareluy mess with compiz.. and i  hate that lame cube effect.21:22
anouarok dr_willis21:22
Dr_willisanouar:  i always disable the cube effect. :)21:23
anouarthank's any way21:23
=== ectospasm is now known as ectodozing
=== ectodozing is now known as ectospasm
ElNerdoDeGeekanouar: I believe that for multiple monitors. I THINK.21:23
satansaunttrying to connect to wireless in cli, can't connect- last message tells me that it will renew in 41281 seconds..21:23
satansauntwhat am i doing wrong?21:23
liamhey all21:23
ubottuCompiz-Fusion (and the older Compiz and Beryl) are window managers that employ the "composite" extension of X to draw windows using graphics cards' 3D hardware. They can additionally provide "desktop special effects" (such as the "cube") by means of plug-ins. Join #compiz-fusion for help and support with advanced features. See also « /msg ubotu compiz » and « /msg ubotu effects »21:23
GladiatusHelperДля того чтобы включить куб/цилиндр/другие эффекты, установите пакет compizconfig-settings-manager. Все настройки проводятся в нем21:23
Dr_willisi saw some wiki page on getting cube going.. but i forget where.21:24
GladiatusHelperУчи язык! Или используй http://translate.google.com21:24
ubottuThe #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat21:24
liami gotta say i love ubuntu21:24
ElNerdoDeGeekAnd again... Whenever I turn on desktop effects I lose my window decoration. What's going on?21:24
Dr_willisElNerdoDeGeek:  compiz is crashing sounds like. :)21:25
Deputydawg09Can anyone help? with connecting to a server through nx client or ssh, server pings however after install firestarter seems to be blocking access. thanks21:25
charliehorse55i am dissassembling an IDE hard disk case, I can't seem to separate the power cord from the hard drive. Is there some trick i need to do?21:25
tony__Has anyone setup a checkpoint vpn client on ubuntu/debian?21:25
ElNerdoDeGeekDr_willis: But all the other effects work perfectly. Just my window decoration vanishes.21:25
Dr_willischarliehorse55:  you mean the white molex plug?21:25
tony__charliehorse55: pull harder21:26
satansaunttrying to connect to wireless in cli, can't connect- last message tells me that it will renew in 41281 seconds..21:26
guntbert!ot | charliehorse5521:26
ubottucharliehorse55: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!21:26
GladiatusHelpercharliehorse55: #ubuntu-ru это канал для поддержки пользователей Ubuntu. Пожалуйста пройдите на #ubuntu-ru-offtopic для разговоров на другие темы. Спасибо.21:26
charliehorse55tony_ i tried that21:26
charliehorse55i like pulled fully strength21:26
Dr_willisElNerdoDeGeek:  try  tjhe 'fusion-icon' tool - it helps you set the thing.. and restarts them when they crash21:26
satansaunttrying to connect to wireless in cli, can't connect- last message tells me that it will renew in 41281 seconds..21:26
sd32If i put netbook remix  on a 4 gig drive will there be room for updating?21:26
tony__charliehorse55: enrol into your local gym ;)21:26
charliehorse55and yes, white molex plug21:26
charliehorse55its from 2003, maybe glued in?21:26
CycomAnyone else using the wl driver in 8.10 notice that, while the signal strength shows up in the network selection menu, it doesn't show the strength on the bar graph?21:26
tony__otherwise, i suggest using some form of vise grips21:26
Dr_willissd32:  yes.     but it may get tight ifyou add more stuff.21:26
Cycomthis is a regression from 8.04...21:26
sd32Dr_willis, thanks21:27
tarfaxhi, are there keyboard shortcuts to move the cursor around on the command line?  e.g. skip cursor to the next work, or next instance of a string?21:27
ElNerdoDeGeekDr_willis: Already have that, I'll tool with that for a sec21:27
Dr_willistarfax:  yes.. google for 'bash command line editing'21:27
Lerxst/MSG lerxst hello21:28
charliehorse55any suggestions, do i just need to pull, really, really hard21:28
Dr_willischarliehorse55:  wiggle it a little.21:29
guntbertcharliehorse55: please take it elsewhere21:29
sdf2my ubuntu consol does not show accentuated letters, is there a way to fix this?21:29
Dr_willischarliehorse55:  could be stuck.. they just push in and pull off..21:29
ElNerdoDeGeekDr_willis: Ya, that stuff vanishes when I use compiz as window manager, and all the other effects get turn on, but it loses the window dec21:29
rizvan_hi, problem with nvidia drivers, had working drivers, but tried to install 177 from nvidia site, so messed up the drivers, now X is not starting with "nvidia"21:29
krielcan somebody tell me what's wrong with this command? ~$ gksudo "nice -n -1 wine \"c:\\path\\to\\file.exe\""21:29
Dr_willisElNerdoDeGeek:  theres other window decorators you can use.. but i rarely mess with ciompiz any more.21:29
eshatHi all,... I hope there is a bluetooth specialist here,...21:29
Deputydawg09Can anyone help? with connecting to a server through nx client or ssh, server pings however after install firestarter seems to be blocking access. any ideas???21:29
eshatI want to use my PC's speakers while playing music on my phone,... on windows I can connect through bluetooth as headphones, is this also possible with bluez ?21:29
spasticteapotI have a PowerShot A350 camera. How do I get images off of it?21:30
Dr_williskriel:  you can use the linux path instead.. wine  /home/bubba/whatever.exe21:30
charliehorse55k thx21:30
ElNerdoDeGeekDr_willis I don't REQUIRE it, but I do like the effects and custom window decor... is it an issue with emerald maybe?21:30
krielDr_willis: ooh, I didn't know that. Thanks.21:30
JufisIs there a way to trace location of an application?21:30
Dr_willisElNerdoDeGeek:  could be. emerald is one of the decorators.. try the gnome/gtk decorator21:30
ElNerdoDeGeekgtk-window-decorator --replace21:31
ElNerdoDeGeekDr_willis: Doesn't help21:31
Dr_willisElNerdoDeGeek:   Now ya know why i rareluy mess with compiz any more.21:31
Dr_willisElNerdoDeGeek:  try metacity --replace  and start fresh. :)21:32
Davedan2what is ppa and is it safe to use? for example: https://launchpad.net/~onestone/+archive/ppa21:32
Dr_willisElNerdoDeGeek:  and look for error messagesin the terminals.21:32
redvamp128ElNerdoDeGeek:  Nvidia? because there is an easy fix to add them back sudo nvidia-xconfig --add-argb-glx-visuals -d 24  (then reboot)21:32
ElNerdoDeGeekReconfigged, Rebooting....21:33
DarkPassengeris anyone having problems with transmission (1.34) in ubuntu 8.10?21:34
satansaunthttp://pastebin.com/f16734656- wireless connection won't connect21:34
tony__anyone here able to help me with a vpn issue?21:34
tarfaxthanks Dr_willis21:35
guntbert!anyone | tony__21:36
GladiatusHelperFactoid 'anyone' not found21:36
ubottutony__: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?21:36
nellmathewhey guys, if i replace totem-gstreamer w/ totem-xine, do i still need all the gstreamer codecs to remain installed?21:37
Deputydawg09Can anyone help? with connecting to a server through nx client or ssh, server pings however after install firestarter seems to be blocking access. any ideas???21:38
satansaunthttp://pastebin.com/f16734656 help!21:38
mattgyver83Anyone familiar with connecting to an Ad-HOC network??  I have some questions and could use assistance.21:38
schylarhay hows it going21:38
Oniakis it possible to install some form of ubuntu or linux on a 20gb Creative zen portable media player?21:38
schylarso i'm a new user21:39
redvamp128!welcome | schylar21:39
ubottuschylar: Welcome to #ubuntu - the Ubuntu support channel.21:39
Flannel!rockbox | Oniak21:39
ubottuOniak: rockbox is an open source firmware replacement for audio players from Archos, iRiver, Apple (iPod), and iAudio. See http://www.rockbox.org/ to get started!21:39
DPNPHey guys, some of you may know me at this stage, but yeah, I'm having some issues with sound again, I'm running ubuntu.  I can get sound on some things but not others, and what's really annoying is I'm not gettin' sound on flash, any ideas?21:40
SiDimattgyver83: may  you describe your network and explain what you're trying to do with it ? maybe we can help you then21:40
krielWell, here's an interesting one. Trying to run WoW in wine. It runs decently (though abit slow on the framerate) at a niceness of 0. If I try and run it at a niceness of 1; it won't draw anything. Renicing apparently seems to work, though.21:40
Oniaktheres nothing on rockbox about my zen media center thing21:40
krielrun it at a niceness of -1*21:40
SiDiDPNP: ubuntu 8.04 ? Flash 9, i suppose ?21:40
FlannelOniak: Try #ubuntu-offtopic21:40
AneurysmWhat are the commands to unload my rt2500usb drivers and load up my rt2570?  >.<21:40
DPNP8.10, flash 9.21:40
schylari'm board21:40
satansaunthttp://pastebin.com/f16734656 goddamnit21:40
FloodBot3schylar: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.21:41
Flannel!attitude | satansaunt21:41
ubottusatansaunt: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines21:41
mattgyver83I am tethering a cell phone internet connection.  In windows, the connection is found, established and works correctly... but windows sucks.  In ubuntu, i can see the Connection, it shows signal strength however when i connect to the network I get no actual connection.21:41
SiDiDPNP: you should try Flash 10 then :) remove your current flash/gnash installs and install it, Flash 10 supports Pulseaudio (while Flash 9 doesnt)21:41
satansauntcrappy wireless connection over here...http://pastebin.com/f1673465621:41
redvamp128kriel:  turn off compiz (desktop effects ) also change the run command to include ( -opengl) and frame rates should improve (also ask in #winehq)21:41
DPNPSiDi: brb, ty.21:41
Flannel!repeat | satansaunt21:41
ubottusatansaunt: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience21:41
SiDiDPNP: be sure to remove packages such as flashplugin-nonfree-pulse or -extras or whatever, and then just install flashplugin-nonfree, it worked for me21:41
sdf2my ubuntu consol does not show accentuated letters, is there any way to fix this?21:41
krielredvamp128: compiz is off; I believe I set WoW to use opengl using the configuration file.21:42
stephanhi, im getting in my syslog: --> md: syncing RAID array md21:42
sDanielIs there a way to know to get symlinks pointing to specific a folder?21:42
FlannelsDaniel: What?21:42
stephandoes this mean there is a problem with the softraid?21:42
phloatMy Intrepid box will not connect to a wired internet connection. I've searched around, but can't seem to find a reliable step-by-step. Can anyone help?21:42
mattgyver83phloat, how are you connected right now?21:43
mattgyver83Is it wifi, or a different computer21:43
phloatI'm on a different computer21:43
sDanielFlannel: Let's say I am in folder /var/www/x - I know that symlinks are pointing to this folder but I don't know where from and I want to find out where on the machine symlinks are pointing to /var/www/x21:44
SiDiphloat: you should say what wifi chipset you have, its likely to be a driver problem.21:44
tony__Has anyone setup a checkpoint vpn client on ubuntu?deb?21:44
phloatIt was working fine for the longest time, but I got a new router today and now suddenly the computer won't see anything even when I connect directly to the modem.21:44
FlannelsDaniel: Ah.  Um, No, I don't believe so (at least, not right away, you could just ls -l your whole computer and check for symlinks pointing there)21:45
phloatSiDi, It's a wired connection, not wifi.21:45
MidgetSpyHey all I'm running Ubunte 8.04 server. When I installed I used an onboard NIC (which was eth0 obviously). I just added a PCI NIC and disabled the onboard NIC in the BIOS, but the new PCI NIC is coming up as eth1 and eth0 isn't working (obviously since I disabled it). Is there a way to get the new NIC as eth0 and ignore the onboard one?21:45
chris-psDaniel: I don't think you can easily, because in effect symlinks are just small files, the linked file isn't aware of them21:45
chris-phard links are easier to detect21:45
Q-42having trouble with ltps in intrepid. grafik is slightly flickery (wasnt on hardy) and mouse clock is always double click. any ideas21:45
sDanielFlannel: chris-p: Thanks21:45
nellmathewdoes xine need the gstreamer plugins inorder to work properly?21:46
SiDiphloat: oh sorry. Via a router or directly via PPPOE ?21:46
chris-psDaniel: no problem, though, as Flannel said, you should be able to with grep and ls -l21:46
FlannelsDaniel: ls -alR / | grep /var/www/x21:46
phloatSiDi: PPOE? What does that mean? I've tried to connect through a router and also directly to the modem with no router. Neither is working.21:47
SiDiphloat: you should try via a router, its easier. Do you know the IP address of your router? are you using DHCP on it ?21:48
sDanielFlannel: chris-p: All right I'll give that a try. (I am setting up a drupal multisite and wand to track down an error...)21:48
Oniakis it possible to install some form of ubuntu or linux on a 20gb Creative zen portable media player?21:48
Notch-1hi, since i made a loop/raid root filesystem the hibernation stopped working, any idea on where to put loop/raid information to properly restore the system?21:48
phloatYeah, I'm using DHCP.21:49
phloatI have it connected to the router now.21:49
SiDiand you're connecting via ethernet, phloat ?21:49
phloatI'm trying to, yes. I'm talking to you through a seperate computer though.21:50
storbeckOniak: Why would you want to?21:51
BenEssApt-get crashed the kernel, I had to reboot and then it says  "dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem."21:51
BenEssIf I do that it proceeds to crash the kernel again21:51
guntbertNotch-1: you must adapt the resume=... expression in /boot/grub/menu.lst. it must point to your swap partition21:51
SiDiphloat: add this to /etc/network/interfaces : http://paste.ubuntu.com/125010/21:52
chris-pBenEss: what were you installing?21:52
SiDiphloat: then type "sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart", and tell me what's the output21:52
BenEssand it's not even what I needed I think21:52
chris-panything in syslog?21:52
stephanfound it:21:53
stephan In short: it's a bug. checkarray is actually not a resync, but the kernel21:53
stephan  does not distinguish between them.21:53
phloatWhere exactly do I add that? Just at the bottom of the page? I apologize... I'm still kind of learning my way around this kind of stuff.21:53
BenEssTheres a whole lot in syslog21:53
SiDiphloat: yes :)21:53
Notch-1guntbert: i know, i can resume in normal mode, but now i'm with loop root filesystem, and now does not work... anyway it hangs on the hibernation process, not at boot time21:53
SiDiphloat: with this, the system will automatically try to connect you via DHCP on ethernet (unless i made a type in the file, it can happen :p)21:54
storbecktypo* :P21:54
SiDiphloat: either, you can use the networkmanager's applet, if you right click it there is a way to configure eth0 connections21:54
chris-pBenEss: can you pastebin it?21:54
Oniakstorbeck : Because all it can do is watch movies and play music21:54
SiDistorbeck: see what i mean ? :p i slept a lot but am still tired :(21:54
chris-pBenEss: http://paste.ubuntu.com/21:55
storbeckOniak: You might have to write your own drivers.21:55
=== dook is now known as unclebeer
DPNPI can't seem to get flash player to install..damn it anyhow, I'll get a friend to do it, thanks! (: later.21:55
OniakWell first is it even possilble to install anything on it?21:56
BenEssThat's after the reboot I think21:56
sdf2my ubuntu consol does not show accentuated letters, is there any way to fix this?21:56
BenEssbut the reboot didn't go that well21:56
OniakIve heard it has DRM on it?21:56
guntbertNotch-1: thats a bit above my actual knowledge :), but your system must know where to store its data during hibernation - is your swap working?21:56
phloatsidi: how do I get to that file? What do I type in the terminal?21:56
SiDisdf2: check in your console's preferences that the default charset is UTF-821:56
SiDiphloat: gksudo gedit /etc/network/interfaces21:56
SiDiphloat: gedit is the default text editor, and gksudo allows you to start a program with the superuser's rights (which are needed to modify this file)21:57
sdf2SiDi: how can i check it actually? when i type in setupcon it fixes it but after i go to console again later, its bad again21:57
guntbertSiDi: thats gksu, not gksudo (IIRC) :-)21:57
SiDisdf2: well, i don't know :$21:57
Notch-1guntbert: yes the swap is ok, i think i have to tell somewere how to unmont and remount the loop devices (like i did in the initrd), but i don't know where and what is needed to restore21:57
BenEssIs there a way to reset apt-get so that I can remove the partially installed package?21:57
SiDiguntbert: gksudo works here :P21:58
BenEssI wanted sun java was that it?21:58
erUSUL!java | BenEss21:58
ubottuBenEss: To install a Java runtime/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java6-jre from the !Multiverse repository21:58
guntbertNotch-1: sorry, thats as far as I can go with you :-(21:58
chris-perUSUL: he can't use apt at the moment21:58
GoaouldIn the DDR2 (memories), more the timing is high better it is? 4-4-4-15 is better 5-5-5-18 ?21:58
BenEssok yeah that is what I wanted.21:58
chris-perUSUL as it causes a KP21:59
BenEssSo how do I fix apt-get?21:59
Notch-1guntbert: thanks anyway :D do you know who to ask?21:59
erUSULBenEss: have you tried "sudo dpkg --remove --force-all package"21:59
phloatsidi: Alright, I edited the file and all. Do you want me to put the output in pastebin?22:00
SiDiphloat: yes, but someone will have to continue instead of me, i need to go. Good luck.22:00
guntbertSiDi: right you are, didn't want to interrupt22:00
BenEss"dpkg - warning: ignoring request to remove java6-sdk which isn't installed."22:00
chris-pBenEss: try apt-get install <something> again22:01
BenEsswait I redid apt-get remove and it works now22:01
phloatCan anyone help me where sidi left off? I'm trying to get my intrepid box to see my wired connection.22:01
claygI can't find the device manager in gnome, I have checked both admin and prefs but do not see hardware or device manager, what is the actual name of it so I can call it from command line or how can i fix this in gui?22:01
BenEssWhew thanks22:01
guntbertNotch-1: no, sorry - btw whats the purpose of a loop/raid root filesystem ?22:01
ScottG489Is it possible to have any sort of video as your dekstop?22:02
magnetronclayg→ did you install it?22:02
claygmagnet, no what is it's name?22:02
BenEssoh No! i tried to complete the install and crashed the kernel again!22:02
nootHello world!22:02
claygmagnetron, , no what is it's name?22:02
ucitlivedestructoid, launch.22:02
magnetronclayg→ go to Applications > Add/remove , then select "device manager" and check the box22:02
ucitlivemagnetic shielding should never, ever be defeated.22:02
Oniakis it possible to install some form of ubuntu or linux on a 20gb Creative zen portable media player?22:02
Notch-1guntbert: stability, scalability and cryptography :DD22:03
claygmagnetron, thanks i dont know why i thought that was installed by default22:03
guntbertNotch-1: ok, some day I'm gonna read a bit about that, thx22:03
BenEsssorry I did try, it tried22:03
BenEsswhen I did remove it tried to fishish the previous install22:04
unicumhow can i exclude a device (sdb) from the automounting routine?22:04
ucitliveoniak, email creative and ask22:04
storbeckEdit the fstab, unicum22:04
magnetronclayg→ in linux, it's up to the operating system to manage the hardware (not you!) :D22:04
ucitliveno, don't22:04
Notch-1guntbert: tell me when you understand that :D22:04
unicumnah.. i did that22:04
storbeckYou didn't do it right then22:04
unicumbut the automounting routine is still active for this device22:04
claygmagnetron, i dont see it after installing it22:04
unicumwe're pretty sure we did22:05
Dr_willisunicum:  if the device has a entry in fstab..  automounting normally ignrores it from what ive seen22:05
claygdoes it have a name i can just type in the terminal to get to it quickly22:05
storbeckYou didn't22:05
BenEssIs it possible to tell apt-get not to try to finish an install in cannot do?22:05
ucitlivenow ashy, was that real necry22:05
Oniaklol ucitlive22:05
Deputydawg09Can anyone help? with connecting to a server through nx client or ssh, server pings however after install firestarter seems to be blocking access. any ideas???22:05
Red-HatI need help Red-Hat22:05
Dr_willisunicum:  or make a entry for it. and use the 'noauto' option22:05
storbeckRed-Hat: join #redhat22:05
magnetronRed-Hat→ this is the ubuntu channel22:05
Dr_willisunicum:  but it depends on  the device i guess.. :) and what you are doing witjh it22:05
unicumnoauto tells the fstab to not jount automatically.. that's not what i want22:05
guntbertucitlive: whats the matter? do you have a support question?22:05
ucitlivet-ball heads?22:05
Oniakim actually serious, I hate the windows mobile thats on it and it can only play media22:05
Oniakcant use apps or anything22:06
ucitliveredhat is symbolic for blood-line spill...22:06
guntbert!ot | ucitlive22:06
ubottuucitlive: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!22:06
storbeckNo bashing ucitlive22:06
ucitliveubottu, deshtroy, troys22:06
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about deshtroy, troys22:06
someth1hey guys, I have my primary and secondary DNS entries for my domain pointed to my server.  On that server I setup bind with a master zone to represent that host.   On the local machine where it's setup, when I do ping xx.com it works, and when I do GET xx.com I get the correct content.  However, when I do that from the outside it does not work.  I lowered the expire and TTL on the domain to 1M, and yet I still cannot ping or access it v22:07
stealth17I installed Jaunty 9.04 and I've noticed that a lot of programs crash on a daily basis. It's not one specific app, it's like there is a memory leak and the entire system is unstable. I mean I know it's alpha but should I report this major instability?22:07
storbecksometh1: Did you setup your router correctly?22:07
chowderI'm on the Ubuntu live CD at the moment and I want to install Ubuntu. However, I don't want it to erase my /home partition. What do I do?22:07
someth1storbeck, yea my other domains work22:07
_VIM_stealth ask in #ubuntu+122:07
Dr_willisunicum:  that tells the system to not mount it at boot.. not quite the same as mounting 'on the fly' in the gui..  HAL handles that..     last i looked HAL ignored a device if it had a entry in the fstab.   but ive not tested/tried that lately22:07
Red-HatExcuseme I need to now information about software free OPEN ADUIT22:07
ucitliveI caint even run it, what's your secret, with jackaloop22:07
Red-HatExcuseme I need to now information about software free OPEN AUDIT22:08
guntbert!jaunty | stealth1722:08
ubottustealth17: Jaunty Jackalope is the code for Ubuntu 9.04, due April 2009 - Lots of breakage between now and April - Please join #ubuntu+1 for discussion and support.22:08
Oniakis it possible to install some form of ubuntu or linux on a 20gb Creative zen portable media player?22:08
Dr_willisOniak:  you have looked on google for answers to that?22:08
ucitliveubotto, fix22:08
OniakTheres noting22:08
Dr_willisOniak:   that looke like it may be a no then...22:08
unicumDr_willis there's another problem.. it's an ubuntu eee22:08
storbeckOniak: Just try it22:08
Dr_willisunicum:  i got an aceraspire one :)22:08
OniakHow can I try it22:09
unicumwhich actually does behave kinda strange22:09
unicumDr_willis that's cool22:09
unicumwe do too22:09
OniakIve got know idea how to install ubuntu on it22:09
dmzanyone here do any customization w/ubiquity & casper?22:09
Oniakor any linux22:09
storbeckOniak: If you don't know how to install linux on a media player, then don't. If you do, then try it.22:09
ucitliveoh, nooo!22:09
OniakHow would I get it to boot to a linux install22:09
storbeckThat's up to you22:09
Dr_willisOniak:   theres making the device RUN linux.. then theres making it work as a usb thumbdrive to BOOT linux in a pc...22:09
weatherkidcan someone help me with a Ubuntu ICS Connnection?22:10
Dr_willisOniak:  I would have to say - back to google.. for both answers..22:10
GoaouldPetite question, quand on parle de timing sur les barretes de memoires, plus le timing est petit mieux c'est ?22:10
ucitliveISYS, or your system, hahaha22:10
chowderI'm on the Ubuntu live CD at the moment and I want to install Ubuntu. However, I don't want it to erase my /home partition. What do I do?22:10
OniakDr_willis : what do you mean, I want it to RUN linux22:10
_VIM_!fr | Goaould22:10
ubottuGoaould: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr22:10
Dr_willischowder:  you have 2 parittions then a / and a /home eh?22:10
GoaouldIn the DDR2 (memories), more the timing is high better it is? 4-4-4-15 is better 5-5-5-18 ?22:11
Dr_willisOniak:  there are replacement os's for some of those devices.. but you dont just install a generic linux on them.22:11
chowderDr_willis: yes, I actually have a /, /home, /boot and swap22:11
OniakWell how would I get said replacement OS22:11
gletobHow do you add a folder to your places menu in GNOME?22:11
guntbertGoaould: thats a question for ##hardware, I think22:11
chowderI'm using archlinux at the moment and I just prefer Ubuntu's simplicity22:11
Dr_willischowder:  you use the installer and be carfull. :) and tell it where to mount /home to.. and be sure you dont format /home22:11
Dr_willisgletob:  drag/drop to the left side sidebar :)22:11
ucitliveMost linux operating systems are designed for the hardware by developers.  IPAQ's got you covered, go get it?22:12
chowderdoes Ubuntu support ext4?22:12
_VIM_left sidebar?22:12
Dr_willischowder:  the next release does.22:12
weatherkidCan someone help me with an Ubuntu ICS connection?22:12
gletobDr_willis, Thank you!22:12
chowderI see22:12
ubottuIf you want to share the internet connection of your ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetConnectionSharing - You may also use !firestarter: http://www.fs-security.com/docs/connection-sharing.php22:12
Dr_willisleft sidebar in the nautilus file manager. :) its so obvious people over look it.22:12
ucitliveI.C.S. defined how?22:12
chowderok, I'm off to install Ubuntu22:12
mlopezqcchowder: but you can always download the latest kernel source and compile it yourself22:12
ucitlivemany, many incoming satellite systems22:12
_VIM_ah I thought you meant left sidebar as in left panel22:13
OniakDr_willis : Well how would I get said replacement OS22:13
zambai want to run an older version of php on my ubuntu server (php4).. how can i do this?22:13
zamba.. using apt22:13
Dr_willisOniak:  google  would be step one. I imagine. i dont use those devices.22:13
Dr_willisOniak:  someone mentioned rockbox earlier22:13
weatherkiducitlive: Internet>Computer 1 with Ubuntu LTS.2>Computer 2 with Ubuntu LTS.222:13
satansauntrockbox works well on older ipods..22:14
=== kane_travian is now known as kane77
ucitliveOK, try null_ethernet port dev. and don't shunt it...22:14
OniakYes but rockbox doesnt say it supports it on there site22:14
ucitliveradia shak got em for about $422:14
ucitliveit will require a connect, my baddd22:15
storbeckOniak: Would you perform open heart surgery if you couldn't apply a bandaid?22:15
ucitliveyes, and HE DIDD22:15
Dr_willisOniak:  its possible.. that its not possible.22:15
ucitlivejoke, don't doo it, bad headPHDUH. jokester22:15
storbeckOniak: the point is, don't try to install linux on some weird media player if you don't know how to22:15
PilouHello, Is there french forum ?,22:16
storbeck!fr | Pilou22:16
ubottuPilou: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr22:16
marine1new message printer may not be connected22:16
ucitlivenow, let us not get pushy22:16
Pilouok sorry22:16
marine1i have installed the hplip and still nothing (can't print)22:16
Oniakwell I want something other than the default OS which sucks22:16
bertolowich package should i install for nvidia 7300 gt drivers ?22:16
weatherkidCan some please help me with a ICS issue, please...:-D22:16
Oniakand theres not much else but linux that I could probably get on it22:17
ucitliveweatherkid, go outside an playyy.22:17
storbeck!ics | weatherkid22:17
ubottuweatherkid: If you want to share the internet connection of your ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetConnectionSharing - You may also use !firestarter: http://www.fs-security.com/docs/connection-sharing.php22:17
marine1any one??? new message printer may not be connected22:17
ucitlivesecurity, security, security.22:17
weatherkidI went there already22:17
ucitliveI don't kno man.  Sorry.22:17
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ucitlivepost for very ICS sys.22:19
Flannelucitlive: Did you have an Ubuntu question we could help you with today?22:19
Dr_willisweatherkid:  you may want to tell the channel the actual 'issue' if you have a specific problem theres also the old-skool 'ip-masquerading' howtos that have a lot of info.22:19
ucitliveYes, why do pupils hack.22:19
marine1 any one??? new message printer may not be connected22:19
Dr_willismarine1:  is a printer connected?22:20
marine1yes hp 3845 inkjet22:20
bertolohow can i install nvidia drirvers for my 7300gt in my ubuntu 8.10 ?22:20
marine1Dr_willis, yes hp injet22:20
bmk789can anyone recommend something like webmin thats more suitable for home servers22:20
Dr_willismarine1:  some of those hp printeres  need the HPOJ server installed I recall22:21
chazcoHi... are there any alternate drivers for the intel 3945ABG? Currently iwl3945 has some major bugs that are either marked as wont-fix or just not progressing...22:21
Dr_willis!find hpoj22:21
ubottuFound: hpoj, hpoj-xojpanel22:21
bertolohow can i install nvidia drirvers for my 7300gt in my ubuntu 8.10 ? plz22:21
Dr_willis!info  hpoj22:21
ubottuhpoj (source: hpoj): HP OfficeJet Linux driver (hpoj). In component universe, is optional. Version 0.91-14 (intrepid), package size 446 kB, installed size 1368 kB22:21
amigamiai was wondering if it is normal for swap file activation to hang? i have to alt-ctrl-del to get past it to load ubuntu. is this typical?22:21
marine1Dr_willis, where is that info at22:21
amigamiathis just started happening.22:21
Dr_willismarine1:  what info?  you dident notice what the bot said? :) right below the !info line i typed.22:22
marine1Dr_willis, everything was fine until i installed updates now i can't print22:22
Dr_willismarine1:  No idea on that then. its possible somthing dident get updated right.22:22
JufisHello, I manually installed and uninstalled gnome-do but when I type gnome-do, it doesn't give "command not found". Instead it says "Cannot open assembly /usr/local/lib/gnome-do/Do.exe." How to remove the command gnome-do for good?22:22
lymecaI need a new version of ALSA for my sound card to work properly.  I will compile 1.0.19 from source, but do I need to uninstall 8.10's existing ALSA first via aptitude?22:23
BCM43how do i figure out which SCSI device my usb stick is?22:23
lymecaOr can I just compile/install ALSA over the installed packages?22:23
Gjoko_mkcan anyone help me with password recovery i'm runing into some trouble22:23
Dr_willisJufis:  try  logging out/bnack in.. or try the 'rehash' command perhaps?22:23
FlannelGjoko_mk: What sort of password recovery?22:23
Gjoko_mkuser pass22:23
Dr_willisJufis:  or your manual uninstall.. missed somtjhing.. what do you mean by 'manual22:24
JufisDr_willis, rehash: command not found22:24
FlannelGjoko_mk: You can't recover it, but you can set it to something known: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LostPassword22:24
JufisDr_willis, I installed it from tarball and then decided to remove it. so I had to do it manually22:24
bmk789can someone recommend a web administration software suitable for home servers?22:24
Gjoko_mki've run edit on the kernel and on kernel line inserted rw -int/bin/bash22:24
amigamiasure bmk789 ebpx22:24
FlannelGjoko_mk: You don't need to do anything that complicated.  Just choose the recovery console (this is all outlined on that page)22:24
ScottG489Is it possible to have any sort of video as your dekstop?22:24
Gjoko_mkthen reboot and passwd user [--mds]passwd[new-config-file]22:25
Dr_willisJufis:  looks like it missed somtjhing somewhere. try 'which gnome-do'22:25
JufisDr_willis, will do22:25
lucaxhey guys, i wanted to use awn only on gnome i dont want it to start on kde... how can i do that? is it possible?22:25
Gjoko_mkthen it won't accept -S or -a command22:25
silidanHi, here is my Problem:  the "1" key doesnt work (the one below esc), but shift+"1" does work, im 100% shure it is ubuntu thing, cause on other pc and on this pc on win it works normal, any ideas?22:25
JufisDr_willis, it gives /usr/local/bin/gnome-do22:25
amigamia i was wondering if it is normal for swap file activation to hang? i have to alt-ctrl-del to get past it to load ubuntu. is this typical?22:25
Dr_willissilidan:  go to the console and see if it works there..22:25
FlannelGjoko_mk: Follow the instructions on that page22:25
JufisDr_willis, should I delete that?22:25
bmk789amigamia, thanks ill look at it22:25
silidannope it doesnt wokr system wide22:26
Dr_willisJufis:  logically... yes..22:26
orbif somebody can using ventrilo(2.1.4) on ubuntu pls pm me22:26
Gjoko_mkok i'l try22:26
amigamiayou can visit them @ #ebox22:26
Dr_willisJufis:  your manual removal dident seem to remove much :)22:26
=== Kernel is now known as Wicked
silidani mean in the terminal it doesnt work22:26
JufisDr_willis, well, yeah. I deleted all other files ( I hope so ) but that :P22:26
silidanbut on the normal console it works22:26
chazcoHi... are there any alternate drivers for the Intel 3945ABG?22:27
Gjoko_mkbtw i'm duall booting and i never see the grub goes straight to loading what do i do?22:27
silidanDr_willis: it works in console but not in terminal22:27
boscook i sound like a noob here but i had a panel up top origianal to gnome and it displayed my wireless networks i accendlty deleted that and the other one that i can put on there doesnt do that i need to know how to get the thing back???22:27
boscothe butten22:27
bosco the button22:27
JufisDr_willis, now I get this when trying "gnome-do": bash: /usr/local/bin/gnome-do: No such file or directory22:27
lucaxchazco: i have the same hardware whats the issue?22:27
Dr_willissilidan:  could be your keymap/keyboard local is wrong..22:27
Dr_willisJufis:  and its telling the truth isent it. :)22:28
JufisDr_willis, is there something that points to that location when I type gnome-do?22:28
redvamp128Gjoko_mk:  sudo edit /boot/grub/menu.lst   (then comment out the hidemenu with #hidemenu) then where you see the timeout 5 change that to like 10.. save the file and reboot.22:28
JufisDr_willis, or is that just normal error? :o22:28
Dr_willisJufis:  it rembers it was there22:28
chazcolucax - WPA Enterprise networks are unstable (works fine under Vista or with WPA home) is the main one22:28
silidanhow can i change the keymap?22:28
zROFLzhow can anybody claim that linux is more stable than windows? i'm running a FRESH install of ubuntu on this laptop and it locks up every 20-30 minutes, windows never did that.22:28
JufisDr_willis, ahh. okay22:28
Dr_willisJufis: logout/reboot/gosmoke a cig.. dont worry about it..22:28
JufisDr_willis, so what was this command rehash you told me about?22:28
FlannelzROFLz: Non-support discussions belong in #ubuntu-offtopic, thanks.22:28
marine1Dr_willis, where is component universal22:29
zROFLzwhat a load of shit ubuntu is, i hope you all die choking on cocks22:29
zROFLzfucking faggots22:29
FloodBot3zROFLz: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.22:29
boscoiwconfig tells me that i am using ath0 to connect wirelessly but what is the command in terminal to connect22:29
lucaxchazco: u could install .inf files and check it out theres a tool for that22:29
redvamp128!ops | zROFLz22:29
ubottuzROFLz: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu,  imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, Madpilot, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso,  PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!22:29
Gjoko_mkwill try that now22:29
Dr_willisGee. my wifes new iwndows machine locks up every 10 min.. so...22:29
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about rehash22:29
chazcolucax - Ndiswrapper... im considering it but not sure its a good idea... other iwl3945 bug is the killswitch bug22:30
ojcmeCan someone suggest to me the best system for building C++ Programs for linux?22:30
silidanwhat package to i need to reinstall to fix my keymap problem?22:30
Dr_willis!info geany | ojcme22:30
ubottugeany (source: geany): A fast and lightweight IDE. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.14-1ubuntu1 (intrepid), package size 2047 kB, installed size 6064 kB22:30
redvamp128Gjoko_mk:  What I told it to do= just for your reference - the #hidemenu (makes the menu visible and the timeout value just gives you more time to choose22:30
ojcmeI'm used to using visual studio22:31
lucaxchazco: http://guia-ubuntu.org/index.php?title=Instalar_driver_de_tarjetas_WIFI_con_Ndiswrapper there u can find some info, its in spanish but is easy to understand... and im not sure if there are other drivers......22:31
chazcolucax - Ok, thanks for the help :)22:31
grndslmwhat's the easiest way to edit PDF files in linux?22:31
silidanto have an open office dokument of the pdf file :)22:32
lucaxno one know how to make apps start ONLY on gnome desktop and not in kde??22:32
Dr_willislucax:  you can edi the sessions in kde/gnome desktops.. or i think you can tewek their .desktop files22:32
turtle_yeah man, get hip or quit22:33
MoonMakerHi! I have a "language (UTF-8)" problem with gnucash. I installed it but the menu's are not in german language. I'm using Intrepit on AMD64. Have anyone a tip for me to using it in german?22:33
lucaxDr_willis: k thanks.......22:33
ojcmeThanks guise22:33
Mox`Hi, how do I add a user which shall only have access to run a program?22:34
Dr_willisMox`:   You mean ONE and only one program?22:34
Mox`well only one program in a directory?22:35
Dr_willisMox`:  thats not very clear..    if you wantd you could set their path to only be that one directroy22:35
marine1Dr_willis, where is component universe22:35
Mox`Dr_willis I want to run ventrilo as something else than root22:36
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Dr_willisMox`:  thats not what you asked then. :) .. a normal user should be able to run that..22:36
Dr_willisMox`:  the 'sudo' command can run stuff as other users..22:36
grndslmwhat's the easiest way to install open office 3 on hardy??22:36
Dr_willis!repos | marine122:36
ubottumarine1: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories22:36
redvamp128!sudo | Mox`22:38
ubottuMox`: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome, XFCE), or !kdesudo (KDE)22:38
turtle_how do you make that line before grep22:38
turtle_you   know like l grep22:38
Mox`redvamp128 I know sudo.. I just wan't a user with not home dir who can run the program..22:39
tanishturtle: thats called 'pipe' |22:39
Dr_willisturtle_:  check teh grep options perhaps they have a line numbering feature?  ive never noticed it doing that.22:39
sglasserturtle_: grep -B1 ?22:39
turtle_maybe its | grep22:39
robertzaccouri installed ubuntu on my dell mini 9 and on some pages i cant scroll all the way down because of the short screen, one being my site editor22:39
schnauzerWhen I try to launch Half-Life 2 in Wine, the video is slow and it will not load to the menu.22:39
Dr_willisturtle_:  you mean the PIPE symbol?    ||| ||| ||| || :)22:39
robertzaccouron the installation i had to blindly hit the tab button22:39
robertzaccouris there a way to fix this?22:40
schnauzerAre there any options I should be launching it with?22:40
turtle_it looks diff on the keyboard22:40
Dr_willis!appdb |  | schnauzer22:40
ubottu| schnauzer: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help22:40
turtle_KDE looks better than GNOME22:41
redvamp128Mox`:  in windows -- though I would not know how to do it in linux- you would create a group then associate that group with the program -- then add that to the guest /user/super user /admin accounts22:41
robertzaccouri installed ubuntu on my dell mini 9 and on some pages i cant scroll all the way down because of the short screen, one being my site editor. how do i fix this?22:41
Dr_willisturtle_:  some would not agree with that.22:41
robertzaccouroh and turtle, kde looks more like windows22:41
=== KiiMuRa is now known as KiiMuRa_Away
schnauzerturtle_: are you trying to start a flame war? :P22:42
Dr_willisrobertzaccour:   i use  the alt-click to drag windows around at times to reach all of them.. theres some tricks to make it easier also.22:42
m4rkturtle_: u should try xfce then22:42
m4rkit is the business22:43
redvamp128robertzaccour:  you could try the package of fennec (which is a mozilla based browser) it has the grab and drag function enabled ... Fennec M9 (user experience alpha) for Maemo release notes <http://www.mozilla.org/projects/fennec/1.0a1/releasenotes/>22:43
redvamp128robertzaccour:  the alpha is very stable-- and an expected release is later this year -- it is actually used on phones but works well on ubuntu22:44
turtle_xfce is uglier22:44
robertzaccourhow would drag and drop fix my screen that is too short?22:44
turtle_flame war fllame      on22:44
tonsofpcshow cna I figure out my firefox plugin directoy?22:44
qwerkushello: i'm looking for an application able to render a general picture out of small batches of tiles, just like google maps does22:45
robertzaccoursome tabs on the left dont scroll down and are longer than my screen is22:45
redvamp128robertzaccour:  you click on the browser and it will grab the page to act as a scroll22:45
robertzaccourwhats the name of the app again?22:45
Dr_willisrobertzaccour:  check the aao tips/wteaks at  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AspireOne22:45
redvamp128robertzaccour:  Fennec M9 (user experience alpha) for Maemo release notes <http://www.mozilla.org/projects/fennec/1.0a1/releasenotes/>22:45
mib_es7ao5where do i type in /boot/grub/menu.lst #hidemenu?22:46
Dr_willisrobertzaccour:  or you just drag./miove the whole window UP so you can get to the bottom22:46
redvamp128robertzaccour:  about 1/2 way down there is a link to download the gz file --22:46
sglasserquestion about networkManager "feature"22:46
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robertzaccouri tried that22:46
Dr_willismib_es7ao5:  read the file.. its allready in there..  most likely near the top22:46
redvamp128robertzaccour:  also you may look at firefox addons for drag and grab22:46
sglasser networkManager > wlan0 seems to make dhcp request every 60 seconds...22:46
sdf2actually anybody having gnome problem like, my sound controls in gnome are really buggy22:46
sdf2i can't pull them to higher lvl22:47
Dr_willisrobertzaccour:  gnome dont like to let things go past the top see that url the  topic called --->  Screen Tweaks22:47
qwerkussglasser: out of wifi rang, perhaps ?22:47
robertzaccourok on this one im plugged on, on the mini im on wireless22:48
robertzaccourif i have questions ill be right back, thanks22:48
zertyuioby doing this  sudo openvpn server.conf22:48
zertyuioI'm trying to parse "server.conf" as an --option parameter but I don't see a leading '--'22:48
zertyuioUse --help for more information.22:49
zertyuioi got this error22:49
zertyuiozhqt that it mean22:49
tangentcollisionhelp me with this crap:    root@invizions-server:/home/tangentcollision# apt-get update22:49
tangentcollisionE: Archive directory /var/cache/apt/archives/partial is missing.root@invizions-server:/home/tangentcollision# apt-get update22:49
tangentcollisionmeant to paste bin22:49
Dr_willistangentcollision:  make the directory.22:49
Dr_willistangentcollision:  you cleaned out /var/cache/apt/archives some how and deleted it by mistake22:50
robertzaccouron the mini, on the site editor the tabs go down further than the browser will allow me to scroll down22:50
sglasserqwerkus: it's a pretty good signal...Quality=71/100  Signal level:-63 dBm  Noise level=-62 dBm22:50
erUSULtangentcollision: sudo mkdir /var/cache/apt/archives/partial22:50
tangentcollisionDr_willis: wow, that was rediculous22:50
zertyuioi got this error http://paste.ubuntu.com/125032/22:50
tangentcollisionI never thought that it was that small of a problem that would KILL my process :P22:51
Dr_willistangentcollision:  i did that once  by mistake also22:51
Dr_willistangentcollision:  thers some command that properly 'cleans' out that cache.. dont just rm it22:51
FlannelGjoko_mk: Which line to work?22:51
tangentcollisionI never did any of that, Dr_willis22:51
qwerkussglasser: trust me, signal strength doesn t always mean something. Try lowering rate manually with "sudo iwconfig wlan0 rate 1Mb" and check if dhclient operates normally22:51
Dr_willistangentcollision:  somthing deleted that directory...22:51
robertzaccouron the mini, on the site editor the tabs go down further than the browser will allow me to scroll down22:51
tangentcollisionI don't remember deleting anything22:51
sglasserqwerkus: on it22:52
Dr_willisrobertzaccour:  this is in a web browser?22:52
perlsyntaxI got a question i reload my package mantger and i can find or install any package for why that?22:52
erUSULtangentcollision: maybe a hard crash? did you pass and fsck  recently?22:52
tangentcollisionerUSUL: nope22:53
robertzaccourboth firefox and epiphany22:53
tangentcollisionI probably should22:53
perlsyntaxany idea22:53
robertzaccouris there a mini friendly browser?22:53
Dr_willisrobertzaccour:  i noticed a similer issue in  some web sites like that also.. they got scroll bars in scrolling windows.. and confuse things...22:53
ubottuA quick FAQ on Memory Management: http://gentoo-wiki.com/FAQ_Linux_Memory_Management For Lubos Lunak's desktop memory usage comparison, see: http://ktown.kde.org/~seli/memory/desktop_benchmark.html22:53
toddoonI am running 2.6.27-12-server but i am using my computer like a desktop do i have to come back to kernel desktop?22:53
m4rkrobertzaccour: have u tried agave?22:53
robertzaccourwhats agave?22:53
Dr_willisrobertzaccour:  try opera perhaps. I was able to drag the browser 'UP' to get to the bottom 'ok' button i needed.22:53
perlsyntaxi not sure why my guipackag is not working for.22:54
perlsyntaxbut the apt-get wor on the command line.22:54
Dr_willisrobertzaccour:  of course if we go back to the old days.. you could have a auto-scrolling larger then the physical display virtual desktop :)22:54
perlsyntaxcan anyone help me22:54
robertzaccourwhats agave? a browser?22:54
tangentcollisionDr_willis: do you know how I could repair all of my directories for apt?22:55
perlsyntaxi can only find the package i have installed22:55
perlsyntaxthat odd22:55
lvlefistoi have installed skype, and with firestarted i detected it opens 11747 port. There are some unidentified ip-addresses trying to connect to that port. What is that port for?22:56
robertzaccouri have to fix this so i can edit my site and sell my old thinkpad, or else i will have to sell the mini instead22:56
perlsyntaxi must be talking to the wall22:56
spiongrazis there any way to boot the ubuntu alternate install cd from an usbstick?22:56
zashspiongraz: yes22:57
spiongrazi always fail when installer trys to detect cdrom22:57
spiongrazzash: how?22:57
perlsyntaxis someone going to help me for the last time.22:57
=== ubuntu_ is now known as Dezine
zashspiongraz: there is a "usb startup disk creator" in ubuntu ..22:57
tangentcollisionperlsyntax: what is it you need?22:57
magnetron!ask | perlsyntax22:57
ubottuperlsyntax: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)22:57
robertzaccourdo yall think changing my browser will help?22:57
sglasserqwerkus -- no change22:57
spiongrazzash: can i use this creator with jaunty alternate iso?22:58
perlsyntaxi did ask the question like 4 or 5 time22:58
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tangentcollisionperlsyntax: ask now22:58
tangentcollisionwe took the magic filter off22:58
qwerkussglasser: than it might be dchlient. Check out the log file, especially the part mentionning lease duration22:58
phixxorso it turns out BIOS doesn't recognize my hard drive any more... how can I fix it22:58
zashspiongraz: cant see why not22:58
sglasserqwerkus: -- no change22:58
tangentcollisionphixxor: take it to someone else that knows your bios22:58
spiongrazzash: ill try (ive used unetbootin till now)22:58
perlsyntaxwell i reload the package mangter and i try to install package but it come up with the only the install package why is that.22:59
DezineI'm looking to install a web server on a spare computer. I have an Ubuntu live cd, what's the best way to do this? Install the ubuntu desktop and then install lamp and remove what I don't need?22:59
^Uccio^ciao a tutti22:59
qwerkushey all: where is the dhclient log stored ? And where are the leases ?22:59
^Uccio^salve a tutti22:59
FlannelDezine: the easiest way would be with an alternate or server CD instead of a Desktop CD22:59
tangentcollisionperlsyntax: no wonder you didn't get an answer, what are you asking???22:59
FlannelDezine: but, if all you have is a desktop, then yes, that would be.22:59
phixxortangentcollision: no I mean it used to work but it stopped22:59
^Uccio^vorrei sapere se c'è qualcuno in linea22:59
Flannel!it | ^Uccio^22:59
ubottu^Uccio^: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)22:59
perlsyntaxi say that i reload my package manger and it will not install any package i want or need.22:59
DezineFlannel ok, don't really have a way to get an alternative. Could I change the desktop version over to just server?23:00
FlannelDezine: yeah.  They're all the same except for what packages are installed by default.23:00
tangentcollisionphixxor: again, it wouldn't be ubuntu's issue if your BIOS is the problem23:00
Taylorhey emma23:00
magnetronperlsyntax→ do you have several package managers running? close them all but one23:00
perlsyntaxi just have one open23:00
DezineOk thanks, Once I get it installed I'll just ssh in or whatever23:00
perlsyntaxjust the synaptic23:01
tangentcollisionspiongraz: did someone give you the name "unetbootin" to google?23:01
phixxortangentcollision: no it wouldn't -- perhaps I should check in ##hardware?23:01
perlsyntaxi still have the prob23:01
tangentcollisionperlsyntax: what problem are you having?23:01
magnetronperlsyntax→ please give us the full error message you get.23:01
perlsyntaxi said only the package i have come up23:02
tangentcollisioncount me out of this game, I'm going to go make coffee then get stoned to forget about it23:02
perlsyntaxif i want to install something i have to use apt-get only23:02
magnetronperlsyntax→ you are giving a very short description of the problem, please elaborate23:02
perlsyntaxi tell you the prob23:03
^Uccio^GraZie delle informaciono sei milto gentile flanel23:03
magnetronperlsyntax→ yes, but you didn't elaborate on "the prob"23:03
spiongraztangentcollision: huh what do you mean?23:03
rww!it | ^Uccio^23:03
ubottu^Uccio^: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)23:03
perlsyntaxlord help me lol23:03
magnetron!helpme | perlsyntax23:04
ubottuperlsyntax: Avoid your questions being followed by a trail of "Please, help me", "Can nobody help me?", "I really need this!", and so on. This just contributes to making the channel unreadable. If you are not answered, ask again later; but see also !repeat and !patience23:04
turtle_whats up Gmoney23:04
lvlefisto!hi| turtle_23:05
ubottuturtle_: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!23:05
perlsyntaxlol whatever23:05
cdennyim using vista right now on a custom built computer.  I hate vista.  I want to use ubuntu, but have questions.  I am a student of multimedia design so I have all adobe apps as well as 3ds max; which I understand are not available in ubuntu.23:06
cdennywhy should I use ubuntu?23:06
turtle_maybe u shouldnt23:06
cdennyvista is just wrong sometimes.23:06
tangentcollisionwow, this perlsyntax just wasn't very helpful23:07
tangentcollisionphixxor: one second23:07
rwwcdenny: If you require specific applications that do not work on Ubuntu, and don't want to use a VM or dualboot, then you shouldn't use Ubuntu :/23:07
ussercdenny, adobe cs2 works fine on ubuntu, 3ds max is really hard to replace, blender is as good as it gets in terms of 3d graphics on ubuntu23:07
sglassercdenny: have you considered a mac?23:07
robertzaccourfennec is a tar.bz2 file how do i install it?23:07
cdennyfor example, a few minutes ago, i came out of sleep mode, and my screen went black but my mouse was still visible.  I could barely move it though23:07
magnetroncdenny→ ubuntu is easy to install and use, and has a large catalogue of software that can be installed with just a pair of clicks23:07
mgolischbut everything newer than cs2 fails horribly in wine23:07
tangentcollisionphixxor: http://lubi.sourceforge.net/unetbootin.html use that and a download of one of the CD versions of ubuntu23:07
cdennysglasser: I have a macbook23:07
virtxsomeone knows how to change the button/form/radiobutton/etc style in firefox?23:07
robertzaccourfennec is a tar.bz2 file how do i install it?23:08
LjLgrndslm: PDF documents aren't really intended to be edited, so there's no easy way. there are programs that let you annotate PDF documents, though. "pdfedit" would probably be your best bet anyway.23:08
magnetronvirtx→ yes, change the theme.23:08
cdennyI had to do a hard restart23:08
spiongrazcdenny: errors like this freezing when coming out of sleep happen with ubuntu too. i would only switch if you dont like the vista handling23:08
sglassercdenny: cant your mac run all the apps you need?  plus it is Unix after all :)23:08
virtxmagnetron, i'vfe changed the theme, but the button/radio etc in the html page are not changed23:08
magnetronvirtx→ did you change the GNOME theme?23:09
virtxmagnetron, i use kde423:09
robertzaccouris there a mini friendly browser?23:09
cdennysglasser: macbook is too slow. I use it for mundane tasks, but most of the work is with my custom desktop23:09
tangentcollisionrobertzaccour: opera works fine23:09
magnetronvirtx→ ok, did you change the GTK theme?23:09
virtxmagnetron, where?23:09
sglassercdenny: how bout a refurbished macbook pro?23:10
robertzaccourtangentcollision, it didnt for me i cant scroll all the way down the page23:10
robertzaccouron my site editor23:10
magnetronvirtx→ there's a tool for GTK settings in KDE too. i don't remember the name.23:10
cdennysglasser im a poor college student23:10
robertzaccourthe tabs on the left go down further than my browser will allow me to scroll23:10
virtxmagnetron, ok let me search23:11
LjLrobertzaccour: so the site is broken...?23:11
cdennymaybe i should try to fix vista, it seems kinda slow for being quad core with 8gb of ram23:11
robertzaccourthe site is fine on my regular size thinkpad23:11
tswicegood_I just moved /lib to /usr/lib2 with the intent of symlinking it (was running out of room on my / partition), but now all of my standard commands (mv, ls, ln, etc., etc.) are coming back with "-bash: <command>: No such file or directory".  What are my options?23:11
robertzaccourbut on the mini the icons on the left go down further than i can scroll23:12
sglassercdenny: microsoft is trying to fix vista--maybe you should grab win 7 beta23:12
virtxmagnetron, kcm-gtk-kde4 ?23:12
=== alesidea is now known as Alesidea
earthlingHello, How long does it take to install Ubuntu using Wubi for a 2 ghz 1.93 mb ram system?23:12
cdennysglasser, i have thought about23:12
erUSULtswicegood_: simlink from a livecd and cross your fingers23:12
cdennycan i do an upgrade?23:12
sglassercdenny: have you tried gimp + ufraw?23:12
tswicegood_erUSUL: it's a remote machine so that's not an option :-(23:12
Alesideawhat is better, gtk or beryl?23:12
cdennybecause I really dont want to have to reinstall all of my apps23:12
cdennysglasser: I tried gimp but its lacking a lot compared to cs423:13
_chunWould there be any issues using 32bit Vista in Virtualbox in 64bit Ubuntu?23:13
LjLrobertzaccour: site's still broken in my opinion. probably any regular browser would exhibit that behavior, so what you'd be looking for is a "reflowing" browser that changes the appareance of pages to make them suit a small display. i'm not aware of one in the repositories, though23:13
m4rk_chun: no23:13
tswicegood_erUSUL: the files are still there, I just can't execute mv or ln -s to get them back in place23:13
robertzaccourwhere can i get a reflowing browser?23:13
m4rkrobertzaccour: have u tried agave?23:13
robertzaccourno where can i find it?23:14
evantandersenmy webcam does not work, apple macbook revision 2,1. Followed directions at help.ubuntu.com, it worked, like about week later, went to use it; does not work. Did not update computer in that time interval. The isigh.fw file is in lib/firmware/ what do i do?23:14
Dr_willisrobertzaccour:  You could also tweak the xorg.conf to give you a 'virtual desktop' of somthing  larger then the visible desktop and scroll around23:14
erUSULtswicegood_: well seems logical when the exe trys to load the shared libs it needs that fails... you have to find a way to get a static compiled mv or ln...23:14
LjLrobertzaccour: the only one that occurs to me right now is Opera Mini, but that's not available on Linux as far as i'm aware (although it's Java so should somehow be runnable)23:14
Dr_willisrobertzaccour:  this was common practice ages ago  when i was in college. :) (i am old)23:14
=== evantandersen is now known as charliehorse55
Scunizihow do I get the total spaced used by the files in a specific directory and its subdirectories?23:14
robertzaccourit runs, still the same problem23:14
LjLScunizi: "man du"23:15
Dr_willisrobertzaccour:  you tried the same site in Opera perhaps it renders it better?23:15
robertzaccouragave is a color scheme thing23:15
ScuniziLjL: thanks23:15
robertzaccouri tried opera, firefox, and epiphany23:15
erUSULtswicegood_: but given that the system is remote ... i can not think how to do that23:15
Alesideacan anyone help me to install gtk 2.0 (aurora?23:15
robertzaccourbut on my thinkpad i can see everything no problem23:15
sglassertswicegood_: that's much more creative than rm -rf *23:16
robertzaccourmaybe a different distro would help?23:16
tswicegood_random rant: why oh why does Ubuntu think it needs to put stuff in /????  </end rant>23:16
cdennyto use windows 7 do i have to do clean install?23:16
perlsyntaxi reload my package manager and for some reason it will not let me installed anything form it23:16
matamouHello, anyone have an ide why my usb hdd doesnt show in my desktop or anywhere? and yes, it is on :)23:17
perlsyntaxthat odd23:17
carboniwHello, new to ubuntu, having problems with graphics...after i install graphics from the admin menu and reboot i get:  Fatal Server Error No Screens Found23:17
sglassertswicegood_: I think you need physical access to fix the system--you need to boot off a live cd23:17
ActionParsnipyo yo yo23:18
LjLrobertzaccour: have you tried to simply remove toolbars and things to gain some vertical space? it's small things but - have only one panel, drop the browser's status bar, move the menubar to the panel (using gnome-globalmenu), use only one toolbar for URL and everything else...23:18
earthlingHow long does it take to install Ubuntu using Wubi for a 2 ghz 1.93 mb ram system?23:19
exodus_msI used the following command to back up my system    tar cvpzf backup.tgz --exclude=/proc --exclude=/lost+found --exclude=/backup.tgz --exclude=/mnt --exclude=/sys /   at the end of the backup I get this is   /vmlinuz tar: /: file changed as we read it tar: Error exit delayed from previous errors, can anyone help23:19
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sglassertswicegood_: for the answer to your question, see man ldconfig23:19
LjLrobertzaccour: eventually obtaining something like in the screenshot here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MobileAndEmbedded/Browser - or even smaller23:19
ActionParsniprobertzaccour: if you are talking about screen space in firefox, try the liquifox theme23:19
robertzaccourhow do i remove toolbars?23:19
tswicegood_sglasser: that assumes that man works ;-)23:19
LjLrobertzaccour: depends on the browser23:19
LjLrobertzaccour: i don't know about Opera - haven't used it for a long time23:20
LjLrobertzaccour: mostly it would involve right clicking on the toolbar anyway23:20
redhawkopera is good but i like flock better23:20
perlsyntaxlol i talking to myself23:20
robertzaccourthanks ill try that23:20
LjLrobertzaccour: or using the "View" menu23:20
sglassertswicegood_: ok, on another system see man ldconfig... ;-)23:20
ActionParsnipopera is sweeeet23:20
MIH1406first time in the irc world!23:20
storbeck!ot | MIH140623:21
ubottuMIH1406: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!23:21
ActionParsnipMIH1406: welcome23:21
robertzaccourill try that brb23:21
MIH1406how to use ubuntu-offtopic??23:21
LjLMIH1406: /join #ubuntu-offtopic23:21
erUSULMIH1406: just join the channel23:21
robertzaccourstill the same problem23:22
ActionParsnipMIH1406: /j #ubuntu-offtopic23:22
ActionParsniperUSUL: its his first time on irc23:22
storbeckMIH1406: with your keyboard23:22
LjLMIH1406: TYPE that23:22
MIH1406I am using XCHAT23:22
ActionParsnipMIH1406: paste the comand i gave earlier23:22
storbeck/join #ubuntu-offtopic23:22
robertzaccourLjL, still the same problem23:22
exodus_msCan I assume my backup is complete even though I recieved the following   /vmlinuz tar: /: file changed as we read it tar: Error exit delayed from previous errors23:22
eugmanDoes anyone know about ubuntu, tomcat and servlets? I've got tomcat installed but even when I include /usr/share/tomcat6/ in the classpath, I can't compile my servlet.23:23
redhawkdoes anyone know why cinepaint is no longer included in ubuntu23:23
ActionParsnipexodus_ms: open the file with file-roller and make sure the data is ok23:23
robertzaccourbut on the mini the icons on the left go down further than i can scroll23:23
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about cinepaint23:23
ActionParsnip!info cinepaint23:23
ubottuPackage cinepaint does not exist in intrepid23:23
LjLrobertzaccour: could always just try to zoom out (Opera has real zooming, while on most other browsers it just changes the character size)23:23
giovaniredhawk: google turned up this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=80601023:23
carboniwhaving problems with graphics...after i install graphics from the admin menu and reboot i get:  Fatal Server Error No Screens Found i have 2 video cards both the same23:23
exodus_msActionParsnip, ty23:24
redhawkthanks giovani23:24
robertzaccourill try that thanks23:24
rdw200169carboniw, lemme guess, Nvidia?23:24
c_kornhello, how can I force the unmount of /var/lib/schroot/mount/blablub/dev ? I get umount: /dev: device is busy.23:24
giovaniredhawk: "GTK1 is no longer supported by Debian and has been removed along with all programs that depend on it hence no Cinepaint in Ubuntu."23:24
carboniwyea nvidia23:24
giovanifrom that link23:24
ActionParsniprobertzaccour: http://my.opera.com/community/customize/skins/minimalist/23:25
LjLredhawk: the reason is basically that it depends on the very old GTK1, but GTK1 support has been completely dropped from Debian23:25
redhawkthanks i just upgraded and it is a great program will need to find another lol23:25
redhawkthanks to LjL also23:25
sglasserc_korn: that means a file in that dir is open -- see man lsof23:25
ActionParsnipc_korn: lsof | grep schroot23:25
rdw200169carboniw, you may have to specify the PCI Id in an xorg.conf file.  you're x server is likely unsure which card to use.23:25
robertzaccourhow do i zoom out in opera?23:25
rdw200169carboniw, this is a common problem i've seen w/multiple nvidia cards not running sli23:26
carboniwrdw200169: yeah im trying to find a good tutorial on that or something but that was my guess23:26
ActionParsnipc_korn: make sure you try to unmount it when your terminal pwd is ~/23:26
unkojust a random question but can i use sli in ubuntu???23:26
rdw200169carboniw, have you set up a xorg.conf file?23:26
ActionParsnipunko: i dont think its supported yet23:26
carboniwrdw200169:  no i have not its defualt23:26
unkoActionParsnip, hmm...oh well i was just wondering...23:27
ActionParsnipunko: i think its in the pipeline23:27
rdw200169carboniw, you can use the nvidia tools to create a shell xorg.conf file (nvidia-xconfig)23:27
carboniwrdw200169: sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf right ?23:27
exodus_ms!info vmlinuz23:27
ubottuPackage vmlinuz does not exist in intrepid23:27
robertzaccouri fixed it with right click full screen23:27
adantehow can i remove a package without removing it's dependencies?23:27
robertzaccourthanks yall23:27
ActionParsnipunko: http://digg.com/linux_unix/NVIDIA_SLi_Now_Available_For_Linux_23:27
rdw200169carboniw, first, see if you can use nvidia-xconfig to automatically create a xorg.conf file23:27
unkoActionParsnip, ohhh23:27
LjLunko, ActionParsnip: it seems possible according to google, see for instance http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=60738523:27
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ActionParsnipLjL: yeah i found a few with ask.com too ;)23:28
c_kornActionParsnip: http://pastebin.com/d51ba458223:28
carboniwrdw200169: gona try that now23:28
ActionParsnipLjL: its not something i use but looks like it is. last i looked it wasnt available23:28
c_kornthere is no entry for the /dev mount in lsof23:29
ActionParsnipc_korn: are you trying to unmount your / partition?23:29
carboniwrdw200169: do i have to install nvidia tools ?23:29
c_kornActionParsnip: I did that to have sound in a schroot "sudo mount --bind /var/lib/schroot/mount/intrepid.amd64-be63dd3d-18b0-45f4-89bc-be971ec4a434/dev /dev"23:30
c_kornnow I want to unmount it again, but it is busy23:30
rdw200169carboniw, nvidia-xconfig should be a package all by itself23:30
ActionParsnipc_korn: smething is open on that partition or an ap on that partition is running23:31
ActionParsnipc_korn: ps -ef | less    may give some answers23:32
c_kornActionParsnip: inside the schroot? or on my system?23:32
mikeshollenCan anyone help me to get a pair of terminal commands to run automatically at startup?23:32
ActionParsnipc_korn: inside the chroot23:32
mikeshollenI'm running Ubuntu 8.0423:32
LjLrdw200169, carboniw: there is an "nvidia-xconfig" package, but (at least on Hardy) it conflicts with "nvidia-glx" (which is the very driver), since "nvidia-glx" already provides the same nvidia-xconfig program23:32
rdw200169carboniw, here's a sample of how the file should look, sort of.  pay attention to the duality of the Devices, Monitors, and screens.  Also, note that the ServerLayout is where they come together.  You need to specify in the Devices Section the Bus ID's for your video cards.  the Bus ID can be found in /var/log/Xorg.0.log23:32
erUSULmikeshollen: add them to /etc/rc.local23:32
erUSUL!boot | mikeshollen23:33
ubottumikeshollen: Boot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto23:33
ActionParsnipmikeshollen: create a script then add it to your startup23:33
rdw200169LjL, ah, didn't know that... i just did a quick apt-cache search... i didn't know if i had it installed though ;)23:33
earthlingHow long does it take to install Ubuntu using Wubi for a 2 ghz 1.93 mb ram system?23:33
rdw200169carboniw, in that log file, there should be a couple lines where it detects your video cards, and those lines contain the Bus ID's23:34
carboniwrdw200169: ok looking now23:34
ActionParsnipearthling: what sped hard drive and how much cache and what interface?23:35
LjLearthling: depends on your CD drive speed, on what processor is actually providing the 2GHz (Hz figures mostly mean nothing at all), on NTFS fragmentation, and on a ton other factors.23:35
rdw200169carboniw, the line should name, specifically, the model/make of the video cards23:35
c_kornActionParsnip: http://pastebin.com/d4d8f57123:35
mikesholleni tried to edit /etc/rc.local but it always gives me this error23:35
gomliwhy isn't /etc/init.d/ssh restart disconnecting me from ssh?23:35
mikeshollen** (nautilus:9390): WARNING **: Unable to add monitor: Operation not supported23:35
mikeshollenwine: /home/michael/.wine is not owned by you23:35
earthlingActionParsnip, 200 GB SATA, 7200 rpm23:36
Bruceehow do i go to gui mode? i am in a terminal23:36
Em3raldMcSquizzyIn grub, can I use a UUID when specifying my Windows partition when dual-booting?  Or do I have to stick with the original root (hd1,0) stuff?23:36
Dr_willisgomli:  becuase the service just starts the connections23:36
earthlingActionParsnip, http://h10025.www1.hp.com/ewfrf/wc/document?docname=c00749157&dlc=en&lc=en&cc=us23:36
gomliDr_willis: I changed the port in ssh_conf but it's still using the old port23:36
rwwEm3raldMcSquizzy: I haven't tried it personally, but I don't see why you couldn't.23:36
ActionParsnipearthling: doesnt say the cache but it shouldnt be too lond23:37
Dr_willisgomli:  interesting.. i cant say that vie tried that.23:37
peter2i once ran over a video tutorial of how to create an ubuntu package23:37
peter2does somebody have a link?23:37
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Em3raldMcSquizzyrww: Hmm.  Well, I guess I can try, eh?  I just kinda hoped no one was going to say, "No you can't".  ;)23:37
ActionParsnipc_korn: i'd just cut losses and just reboot23:37
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peterm2 23:37
usserpeterm2, google for checkinstall23:37
earthlingActionParsnip, maybe a few hours?23:37
* Em3raldMcSquizzy is about to try using a UUID for his windows partition.23:37
c_kornActionParsnip: if I end the schroot session /dev will be removed23:37
Bruceehow do i switch back to gui , if i am in terminal?23:38
ActionParsnipearthling: ive nt used wubi. i think it is the worst idea since the live gentoo cd.23:38
ActionParsnipearthling: a regular ubuntu install takes about 20 mins23:38
peterm2usser, thx but that wasn't it :-/23:38
rwwEm3raldMcSquizzy: let me know how it goes; i might do it too :)23:38
LjLearthling: i doubt it will take more than *one* hour.23:38
earthlingI see23:38
_chunAny major drawbacks with 64bit ubuntu these days for a fairly novice user? Will WINE work as normal?23:39
peterm2usser, it was video.ubuntu.com :-D23:39
ActionParsnip_chun: works fine23:39
usser_chun, yea everything was pretty much fixed23:39
rww_chun: Answer to both questions: Works fine for me.23:39
_chuncool, cheers :D23:39
ActionParsnip_chun: you can run 32bit apps on 64bit23:39
Fredhglalgum brasileiro?23:40
Bruceecan anyone help me pls? how do i go back to gui , i hit control+alt+f123:40
usserBrucee, ctrl+alt+f723:40
rww!br | Fredhgl23:40
ubottuFredhgl: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado.23:40
Bruceethank you very much usser ;-)23:40
usserBrucee, no problem23:40
Em3raldMcSquizzyrww: hmm, editing my grub.  Not sure where to put it, because the Linux Kernels put the root=uuid=blablabla on the same line as Kernel.  The root (hd1,0) is still there on the Linux boot entries as well, although I have tried removing the root (hd1,0) and it does work for booting Ubuntu.  I think it might have something to do with the chainloader thing for windows.23:41
bertolohow can i get a better refresh rate in ubuntu 8.10 ? i have installed 177 nvidia drivers version23:41
trece8hi... is there some log of the official updates?23:41
earthlingActionParsnip, why don't you like wubi? I heard the only main difference is its a little slower and it can't hibernate23:42
trece8last update made it to not sound at all23:42
rwwEm3raldMcSquizzy: I think you replace the "root (hdX,Y)" line with a "uuid " line.23:42
trece8i mean, the last update made my ubuntu to output no sound (just that, every program "works fine")23:42
ActionParsnipearthling: ii just dont like the idea of how its installed under windows, its not a proper install but its not quite a vm, just a whole load of bad idea if you ask me23:42
LjL!info apt-listchanges | trece823:42
ubottuapt-listchanges (source: apt-listchanges): package change history notification tool. In component main, is optional. Version 2.82 (intrepid), package size 57 kB, installed size 460 kB23:42
mikeshollenhow do I edit the etc/rc.local file?23:42
LjLmikeshollen: with any text editor, and root privileges.23:43
bertolohow can i get a better refresh rate in ubuntu 8.10 ? i have installed 177 nvidia drivers version23:43
ActionParsnipearthling: plus you find folks wanting to move to a proper install and it gets a whole bunch of messy23:43
rwwmikeshollen: sudo nano /etc/rc.local23:43
MooqyI've got a new laptop, should I install Jaunty alpha 5 or intrepid ibex?23:43
LjLMooqy: oh, Jaunty is released already?23:43
=== kadeg is now known as monra
rwwMooqy: Intrepid Ibex. Jaunty is a pre-release developer version that's not ready for day-to-day use.23:43
rwwLjL: no23:43
ActionParsnipearthling: if you wanna try ubuntu without disturbing windows, use a usb stick23:43
LjLrww: (i knew ;)23:43
rwwLjL: (I thought it was weird that you didn't ;))23:43
ActionParsnipearthling: all that coubled with I have 1 windows system and its used for work and i dont want to disturb anything on that23:43
Mooqywell im dual booting anyway. will i be able to upgrade from alpha 5 to the full version23:44
trece8thanks LjL23:44
mikeshollenmy rc.local says it won't run unless I enable it by changing the bits, what does that mean?23:44
monraHello. When I write in my bash "man strpy" or "man strlen" I get a message saying "No manual entry for str***" ... What packages should I install in order to be able to have these manuals?23:44
LjLMooqy: who knows, it may just fry your computer from all i know. it's not a release.23:44
Em3raldMcSquizzyrww: maybe, but not sure of the syntax becuase the root line has no equals-signs, whereas the kernel line goes like this: root=UUID=blabla   ...... but the root line goes like this:  root        (hd1,0)23:44
rwwMooqy: Yes, but again, Jaunty is currently not stable and may break randomly and repeatedly. If you're not comfortable with that, you shouldn't use it.23:44
bertolohow can i get a better refresh rate in ubuntu 8.10 ? i have installed 177 nvidia drivers version23:44
b3nwcan anyone recommend a bluetooth dongle (usb) that works with ubuntu?23:44
ActionParsnipmonra: those are C++ commands afaik23:45
loafersHow do i add remove folders from "Places" on the panel?23:45
LjLb3nw: i have a, uh... let me look, Cygnet DLBT2 BT-04. very cheap, it works.23:45
Em3raldMcSquizzybertolo: have you tried checking the nvidia control manager thingie in your System menu?23:45
monraActionParsnip: afaik?23:45
rwwEm3raldMcSquizzy: I think the root= stuff in the kernel line is Linux specific and not the same thing as the root thing that's on its own line. Kinda like how "quiet" means different things to GRUB and the Linux kernel.23:45
LjLb3nw: i'll give you the chipset name in a moment23:45
duduboa noite a todos23:45
LjL!br | dudu23:45
ubottududu: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado.23:45
ActionParsnipmonra: ah my bad: check this: http://www.linuxforums.org/forum/debian-linux-help/92909-bash-scripting.html   afaik == as far as i know23:45
b3nwLjL - thanks because the usb one I have now doesn't work at all it seems23:45
LjLb3nw: 0a12:0001 Cambridge Silicon Radio, Ltd Bluetooth Dongle23:45
bertoloEm3raldMcSquizzy: how do i do that ? i only know how to use nvidia-settings23:45
monraActionParsnip: ok, thanks23:46
Em3raldMcSquizzyrww: hmm, perhaps.  So you are proposing this for my WIndows entry?  root UUID=blabla23:46
LjLb3nw: what does "lsusb" say about it?23:46
Em3raldMcSquizzybertolo: oh, sorry dude, that's what I meant.23:46
Mooqyit's gotta be somewhat stable23:46
trece8LjL, i installed apt-listchanges, i just don't know what file to apply it to23:46
Mooqyi might go for it23:46
b3nwBus 003 Device 011: ID 0a5c:4503 Broadcom Corp.23:46
b3nwBus 003 Device 010: ID 0a5c:4502 Broadcom Corp.23:46
b3nwBus 003 Device 009: ID 0a5c:4500 Broadcom Corp.23:46
c_kornActionParsnip: sudo umount -l did it. thanks23:46
ActionParsnipc_korn: awesome dude, nice one23:46
b3nwbeen through the forums but no one seems to have a clear answer on what to do23:46
duducomo faço para passar para ubuntu-br????23:46
LjLtrece8: it will just automatically give you changelogs each time you update packages. i'm not sure how to see *past* changelogs in it, though.23:46
trece8ohh damn23:46
LjLdudu: /join #ubuntu-br23:46
trece8isn't there of the official updates? i mean23:47
trece8it's like "basic" things, i assume23:47
Zopiacanyone know how to designate a specific command to a file in gnome-do (like make a file always Run, not Open)?23:47
rwwEm3raldMcSquizzy: Lemmie put it this way... if I were to do it on my computer (which I can't, because I'm in the middle of a long download, so no restarting for me), I'd do http://paste.ubuntu.com/125059/23:47
rwwEm3raldMcSquizzy: (where the 1482... stuff is from blkid)23:47
benc1is there a benfit of creating a package locally when building something from source?23:48
Daft_Punkim looking for an http server for linux, like an ftp server but with a website interface and connectable through http protocol23:48
loafersHow do i configure what folders "Places" show on the panel?  I tried right-clicking and "edit panel" but "places" isn't listed for editing.23:48
ActionParsnipZopiac: gnome-do acts as if youd double clicked the file in a file browser, so change the default app for the file type and it will be ok23:48
Em3raldMcSquizzyrww: I see.  Yeah, maybe that could work.  I will give it a shot and if it doesn't work, I'll be back.  I will also try:  root    UUID=blabla   if your suggestion is a no-go.23:48
Em3raldMcSquizzyif it does work, I won't be back for a bit.23:49
rwwloafers: open a Nautilus/File Browser window and drag the folders you don't want off the Places side pane.23:49
ActionParsniploafers: open the containing folder and drag it into the places bar23:49
ZopiacActionParsnip: but I don't think that gnome-do's Run command is an 'app' that I could set that to...23:49
LjLtrece8: go to http://packages.ubuntu.com, select "intrepid-updates" (or "intrepid-security" if the package came from security), type in the package name, search, then click on the package found, and on the right, there is "Ubuntu changelog"23:50
ASUSBlueI have a question my burn option is not working for compiz it was working yesterday now i it does not work at all23:50
loafersrww, Thanks23:50
rwwbenc1: it theoretically allows you to more easily remove the program23:50
bertolohow can i get a better refresh rate in ubuntu 8.10 ? i have installed 177 nvidia drivers version23:50
ActionParsnipZopiac: it just opens the file with the docs default app, i didnt know it had a 'run command'23:50
trece8thanks LjL23:50
benc1 rww: which way do you recommend to package?23:50
C-S-Bloafers, it's 'edit bookmarks' in nautilus23:51
loafersC-S-B, Thanks, I got it to work.23:51
rwwbenc1: If you're just packaging to make local administration easier, and not planning to distribute packages you create, checkinstall should work.23:51
rww!checkinstall > benc123:51
ubottubenc1, please see my private message23:51
benc1rww: reading. thanks23:52
ZopiacActionParsnip: well when I go to this certain program in gnome-do, it gives me an 'open' in the right pane. when I tab to it I can change that to 'run' 'opening' won't run the program :\ and it kinda sucks that I have to do that every time I want to open the program23:52
trece8LjL, the problem is I don't know what package messed up23:53
trece8but i want to restore things before the last update23:53
=== Kissaki is now known as Kissaki^0ff
PyropheliaI've got a pc that needs the broadcom B43 wireless driver.  the PC wants to download the driver but of course it can't because it doens't have access to the internet yet.  So how do I download the .deb from the package repo online?23:53
Pyropheliaalso what is the command to find the exact distro version?23:54
rwwPyrophelia: lsb_release -a23:54
ActionParsnipZopiac: its not something i'm knowledgable, maybe theres some advice in the man pages23:54
trece8LjL, i just need them by order of appearance... and my problem seems to me very probable to be frequent... is there other way around?23:54
chupyit pass me an strange thing when in the vnavigation bar hay search something normally redirects to google but know ti do this: Firefox no puede encontrar el archivo en jar:file:///usr/lib/firefox-3.0.6/extensions/langpack-es-AR@firefox-3.0.ubuntu.com/chrome/es-AR.jar!/locale/browser-region/region.propertiescom+whatever23:54
rwwPyrophelia: what's the name of the package you need?23:54
trece8anyone knows a list of package updates by date of release?23:54
rudyestHi there, i tried to install hardy et intrepid on a desktop (Amd Athlon 2600+) with both the live and alternate cds, all four attemps resulting with a hang at copyong files, i have installed linux distros manytimes before, including ubuntu, but not on this machine. can anyone help me out with this?23:55
iMatterDoes anyone know the fix for this error: http://clububuntu.pastebin.com/f50e869b423:55
LjLb3nw: uhm, have a look here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LaptopTestingTeam/Dell/DellInspiron1720 - there's something about your device. it says weird things about using a virtualized Vista install to make it work. this is strange but seems consistent with other things i've found that hint it might need a firmware upload to work.23:55
LjLb3nw: anyway, the bt key i have cost me €7 so if you can find it, i guess it would do...23:55
Pyropheliarww, I'm not sure.  I have a window called "hardware drivers" that says it wants to download the "Broadcom B43 wireless driver" I don't know how to find out what the name of the package is23:55
b3nwLjL - ug at that rate might be worth just getting a new one23:55
chupy*it pass me an strange thing when in the navigation bar hay search something normally redirects to google but know  do this: Firefox cant finf  jar:file:///usr/lib/firefox-3.0.6/extensions/langpack-es-AR@firefox-3.0.ubuntu.com/chrome/es-AR.jar!/locale/browser-region/region.propertiescom+whatever23:55
NeoDragonI am trying to install hardy on my  hp compag presario laptop (amd x2, 2 gb ram, 256 mb nvida card, 250 gb hd) it won't boot the cd into the live session(Hardy x86_64) help?23:55
mikejetis there some way to make FireFox always use bigger fonts? My eyes can't read the default tiny fonts. Thanks.23:56
LjLb3nw: well, i was thinking that maybe one doesn't really need a full-blown Windows install, but could just run that .exe in WINE instead. i don't know.23:56
rwwmikejet: Firefox Edit > Preferences > Content > Fonts & Colors > Advanced... > Minimum font size:23:56
Daft_Punkim looking for an http server for linux, like an ftp server but with a website interface and connectable through http protocol23:56
mikejetrww: great, thanks.23:56
b3nwLjL - I have a windows install, so i'll try to reboot and try that, thanks.23:57
redvamp128!alternate | NeoDragon23:57
ubottuNeoDragon: The Alternate CD is a classic text-mode install CD. It supports a wider range of hardware than the !LiveCD, and can also be used as an upgrade CD.  Look for the alternate link on the Ubuntu download page - See also !minimal - Torrent at http://releases.ubuntu.com/8.10/ubuntu-8.10-alternate-i386.iso.torrent23:57
trece8mikejet, edit -> preferences -> content -> font & colors , try that23:57
newbie12"sudo aptitude install apache2 php5-mysql libapache2-mod-php5 mysql-server"23:58
newbie12since localhost runs the index.php file in var/www23:58
redvamp128NeoDragon:  and if you just goto releases.ubuntu.com you can get the other alternate cd's like hardy23:58
rwwPyrophelia: if you try to enable the drivers, I think there's a terminal window that'll tell you which files failed to download; you should be able to get it from there.23:58
newbie12but i got the error as follow23:58
newbie12You don't have permission to access /webserver/index.php on this server.23:58
nbeebois it possible to disable shadow from compiz on gnome panel?23:58
Brack101how can you adjust individual screensaver preferences?  I can't find a preferences button in the screensaver applet23:58
nellmathewdoes linuxmint have any real "advancements" from the intrepid/hardy releases, or is it just strictly a re-design? i don't care for the integrated drivers and such.. i just want to know if it's any more stable or faster than ubuntu?23:58
NeoDragon so do you recommend I go with 8.10 instead of 8.04 also. I have 8.04 on my other pc and I like that one.23:58
LjL!mint | nellmathew23:58
ubottunellmathew: There are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mintsupport), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce)23:58
redvamp128nbeebo:  yes but you need the cssm to get to those options23:59
arthushow can I set the Samba hostname via command line?23:59
ubottuLinux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu, please seek support in #linuxmint on irc.spotchat.org23:59
tomvolek_what virtualization software folks recommend here for 8.1023:59
nbeeboredvamp128,  oh ok, u know how to do later on?23:59
newbie12since localhost runs the index.php file in var/www23:59
redvamp128NeoDragon:  I ran into that issue installing to a dell -- had to use the alternate cd ..23:59
rwwtomvolek_: Virtualbox23:59
arthusif I try to connect via IP to my samba, it works fine23:59
newbie12but i got the error as follow23:59
tomvolek_from Sun  rww ?23:59
arthusbut when I try to use domain name, it fails23:59
trece8how do you work around the issue that some package update (that you don't know which is) crashed something and you want to UN-update that?23:59
john__does anyone know the name of the A drive cable ???23:59
rwwtomvolek_: no, from the Ubuntu repositories. sudo apt-get install virtualbox-ose23:59

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