
CompuHackerLadies and gentlemen.02:14
CompuHackerWell usually I say "Gentlemen" when I join a channel. Sometimes they kick me :/02:15
AquinaSomeone knows where bott msgs are generated?02:41
Aquinacan't find them in init.d scripts.02:41
jekkyzAny one online?04:04
jekkyzHello room04:04
jekkyzguys I can get my UMPC to work with ubuntu 8.10, and I was wondering if it would work with Xubuntu too?04:12
forceswhy not?04:13
jekkyzIs there any difference with installing drivers?04:14
forcesis the same04:22
=== wormsxulla_ is now known as wormsxulla
bobJRim having a problem ive got a 200gb usb external it was in ntfs and i tryed writing to it etc and couldnt i tryed everything everyone told me to do and it wouldnt work so i formatted it to ext3 and i cant right to it now im running xubuntu can anyone help me please04:59
bobJRits usually on /dev/sdf105:00
bobJRand it mounts here /media/disk05:01
zoredachebobJR: you reformated it?05:15
zoredacheso it was ext3?05:15
bobJRits ext3 now05:16
bobJRi cant write to it05:16
bobJRi used gparted to format it05:16
zoredacheHave you created a folder on the drive and given yourself permisions there?05:16
bobJRnope let me do that now if it will let me05:16
zoredachedo a sudo mkdir /media/disk/data05:16
zoredachethen do a sudo chown 1000:1000 /media/disk/data05:17
zoredacheyou should then be able to write in the folder named data05:17
bobJRthanks lets see if it works05:18
bobJRworks like a charm thank you very much05:19
=== thunderstruck is now known as gnomefreak
=== cmrn is now known as cmrn|away
=== cmrn|away is now known as cmrn
=== cmrn is now known as cmrn|away
gaurav__hello everybody07:53
gaurav__can anyone tell me how to open fstab file in write mode?07:53
pingvinashello everyone08:06
pingvinasi got a problem with resolution in xubuntu. once my laptop goes on suspend, then after turning it on/bringing back, the resolution suddenly goes very very large. anyone knows what's the problem?08:06
zoredachegaurav__: open it with root privileges... this usually measn using sudo/gksu08:17
Myrttigaurav__: gksu mousepad /etc/fstab08:33
Myrttigaurav__: be CAREFUL though08:33
=== cmrn|away is now known as cmrn
pingvinasi got a problem with resolution in xubuntu. once my laptop goes on suspend, then after turning it on/bringing back, the resolution suddenly goes very very large. anyone knows what's the problem?09:00
PKodonAnyone around?10:05
knomeno, we're inside.10:05
PKodonOh, okay.10:06
PKodonUmm, I have a question abount mountpoints and partitions.10:06
knome!ask | PKodon10:06
ubottuPKodon: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)10:06
PKodonSorry, I'm used to lots of people talking and no one paying attention most of the time.10:07
knomethat's the way it is sometimes :(10:08
PKodonAnyway. I partitioned the drive with an 8GB mounted as / , a 2GB swap, and the rest (about 29GB) as /home . Now that I've installed some things, I've run out of space on / , is there a way to move /usr (where most of the installed stuff goes) to the same partition as /home ?10:09
PKodonDon't all tallk at once :)10:11
knomePKodon, if you need to resize /, you'll have to boot with a live cd to be able to do that.10:11
PKodonI can't move /usr to the same partition as /home?10:11
knomei don't think that's possible.10:11
knomeit might be. :)10:12
PKodonSee, I was under the impression, at first, that most of the stuff you installed went in /home/.usr , but now that seems not to be the case.10:12
PKodonI'm still rather new to Linux, and as I hate the way Windows puts everything on C:, I was hoping it would be different in Linux (keep the root partition for stuff necessary for the O/S, not for apps.10:13
knomewell you could symlink /usr to /home/.usr but...10:14
PKodonBut, there might be some conflicts, especially if some programs expect to have different copies of the same files in /usr and ~/home/.usr?10:15
knomeyes, that's not a recommended solution at all.10:16
knomeand that might lead to any unexpected results also10:16
PKodonWell, okay, my Linux HD is only 40GB. I also have an NTFS HD which is about 350GB, which I use for downloading and portable Windows programs I can run from Wine without installing.10:17
knomeyour best bet would be enlarging /...10:17
PKodonI'm wondering how best to divide up the 40GB so that stuff that gets installed in Linux has enough space, and stuff installed with Wine has enough space (I probably also have to configure things like Transmission to put their downloads on the NTFS drive.).10:19
wormsxullahello. i'm having a problem with ntpdate. i have to do sudo ntpdate ntp.thing.stuff to update my computer time, but it doesn't get saved between boots10:19
PKodonwormsxulla: Hmm, does it save the time between boots if you enter it manually?10:21
wormsxullaPKodon: i haven't tried that (i don't even know the command). i thought the ntpdate command was good, as it was properly synchronizing time10:22
PKodonwormsxulla: I had to enter the time manually myself, I was using the configuration tool for time and date, and ntp didn't work.10:22
wormsxullaPKodon: oh10:22
PKodonOr at least it didn't seem to.10:22
wormsxullaPKodon: which version?10:22
PKodonIt was rather strange.10:22
PKodonWhich version of what?10:23
wormsxullame, gutsy (7.10). of xubuntu?10:23
knomewormsxulla, you should have 'ntp' in your (system ->) services10:23
knomewormsxulla, enabling it would work, and you would not need ntpdate.10:23
PKodonOh, well, I guess that would be Xubuntu 8.04 Hardy Heron (though it's extended by the people at PC/OS to include multimedia stuff and other things that Xubuntu doesn't include).10:24
wormsxullaknome: i did try that before using ntpdate, "the synchronize now" button, but it did nothing10:24
PKodonLet me look in the settings and see what it was exactly that I tried.10:26
wormsxullawhat is funny is that it's almost always exactly the same time difference (about 4 minutes)10:26
PKodonOkay, first off, I guess it was Time and Date in the System menu.10:27
PKodonHmm, okay, this time it worked. I set it to keep synchronized with servers, and it seems to have worked.10:29
wormsxullaPKodon: that's what i used (time and date)10:29
PKodonDid you pick a server?10:29
wormsxullaerrr... where can i do that?10:30
wormsxullaconfiguration in "time and date settings" is set to "manual"10:31
PKodonIn Time and Date, the next "button" below where you pick Manual or Synchronize (unless they changed the interface).10:31
wormsxullai don't have a "next" button in that dialog (on 7.10)10:31
wormsxullagive me back my Next button!10:32
PKodonThe button doesn't say "next".10:32
PKodonIt was a blank button in mine.10:32
wormsxullano button at all here after configuration10:32
wormsxullaTime: blah blah blah, then Date10:33
PKodonOkay, I have Time Zone, Configuration, and Time Servers.10:33
PKodonAnd across the bottom are Help, Unlock, and Close.10:34
wormsxullathe Time Servers one is missing here10:34
wormsxullayes, for the bottom one10:34
wormsxullaHelp, Synchronize now, Close, here10:34
PKodonHmm, then yours must have some kind of list of servers it is supposed to check.10:35
wormsxullai'll look for it10:35
PKodonAnyway, the other possibility is that your CMOS battery is getting weak.10:35
knomewormsxulla, And for ntpd edit /etc/ntp.conf  to include additional server lines:10:36
knomeserver ntp.ubuntu.com10:36
knomeserver pool.ntp.org10:36
knomewormsxulla, this is from https://help.ubuntu.com/7.10/server/C/NTP.html10:36
PKodonOkay, there you go. Once you've checked that, if it still doesn't keep the time after reboot, I'd check the battery for the CMOS.10:37
wormsxullaknome: my /etc/ntp.conf is empty10:37
knomewormsxulla, maybe that's why ntp doesn't check for time? :P10:38
wormsxullaok, i'll include the two servers :)10:38
wormsxullahow can it be empty?10:38
knomei don't know.10:39
knomethe page suggests you need to install package ntp.simple10:39
wormsxullaah, let me see10:39
wormsxulla:) by the way, thanks both for the help10:40
PKodonGood question. I installed the newest version (now 2 days old) of PC/OS  and tried to install Kopete. It didn't check to see if all the KDE support Kopete needed was installed, and I had to figgure out what to install to get the list of services to be something other than blank.10:41
PKodonAnd, you're welcome.10:41
PKodonSo much for "dependency checking".10:41
* wormsxulla recognizes the windows user comment10:42
PKodonWhich windows user comment was that?10:43
wormsxullathe quotes around "dependency checking" (but i was just kidding)10:44
knomewormsxulla, and i see the little meeple inside you which wanted to agree with that comment ;)10:44
PKodonWell, using .deb files and either Synaptic or Adept is supposed to check for dependencies and mark the extra stuff you need for something to work.10:45
wormsxullaah, so ntp-simple is not listed in synaptic ô_ö10:45
wormsxullaknome: i'm pwned ;)10:45
wormsxullasudo apt-get it is then!10:46
PKodonwormsxulla: I keep seeing that, what does "pwned" mean?10:46
knomePKodon, s/p/o10:47
wormsxullaPKodon: it's a geeky transformation of "owned"10:47
PKodonOh. Okay, one of those LAMER SPEAK things, eh?10:47
knomeheh ;)10:47
wormsxullaPKodon: check on bash.org, you'll find funny quotes with "pwned", and an explanation of the origin in wikipedia, i think10:47
* knome goes.10:48
wormsxullapwned is to owned what knome is to gnome :p10:48
knomesee you later guys10:48
knomewormsxulla, lol ;)10:48
PKodonBye knome10:48
wormsxullabye, s/g/knome!10:48
knomewormsxulla, that would be knome -> g !10:48
* wormsxulla is not a g33k!10:49
PKodonOkay, I got that one.10:49
PKodonWell, I've seen that one b4.10:49
PKodonStill, I'd rather speak proper English, as long as I can.10:50
PKodondegrit: Hi.10:50
wormsxullaPKodon: me too. err... so do i10:50
degritI finally installed xubuntu on an old laptop, 1.3ghz w/256Mb ram, and it completely hangs every few seconds to a few minutes. any idea where to look to try figure out what the problem is ?10:51
PKodonwormsxulla: Anyway, I didn't have to go through all that to install Kopete in the first release of PC/OS, so I'm thinking they broke something in the process of making the new distribution release, so I suppose I'm going to send in a report of some kind.10:51
degritI am this far from cracking it over my knee and throw it in the yard10:51
TheSheepdegrit: check dmesg | tail in terminal10:52
degritwhat am I looking for, TheSheep  ?10:52
PKodondegrit: I'd guess it's doing a lot of swapping.10:52
TheSheepdegrit: possibly some pci trouble, adding boot parametersto the kernel might work10:52
TheSheepPKodon: it usually doesn't hang when swapping10:52
TheSheepdegrit: also check the command 'free'10:53
degritwith hanging I mean of course I have to turn it off and on again10:53
PKodonTheSheep: Oh. I guess that's Windows that does that.10:53
TheSheepdegrit: ah, then check the old dmesgs in /var/log10:53
degritI had managed to run damn small linux on it, but even that got stuck now and then10:53
TheSheepdegrit: ones witn .1, .2, etc.10:53
TheSheepdegrit: possibly some memory, disk or other hardware problem10:54
degritwhile I must admit the xp installation that came with it was slow as hell but didn't crash10:54
PKodondegrit: I'm just thinking 256M is not enough RAM.10:54
PKodonBut TheSheep is right, there may be something else wrong.10:54
degritI am tempted to give up and accept some laptops just might not like linux, what do you think ?10:55
degritthis one has always been clunky and slow anyway10:55
PKodondegrit: You might try OpenGEU, not sure, but I think that needs less RAM.10:55
degritwhat kind of desktop does it use ? I was putting xubuntu/ubuntu on it because the wife is used to it10:56
PKodonIt's a combination of stuff from Gnome and Enlightenment.10:56
PKodonOn an Xubuntu base.10:56
degritright, Gnome-Enlightenment-Ubuntu10:57
PKodondegrit: BTW, how did you partition the drive?10:58
PKodonThat is, what partitions did you give it?10:59
PKodonHmm, just looked in my Ubuntu 8.04 magazine and it said I only neede 512M to 1G of swap partition, and here I gave it 2G.11:03
PKodonAnd according to the little monitor program running in the panel, I've barely ever used the swap since I put it on this machine.11:04
PKodon512M of RAM doesn't seem like a whole lot more than 380M (what the other computer I had PC/OS, and before that, Kubuntu, on), but I hardly ever see the processor maxed out doing memory swapping.11:06
PKodonHmm, well, I think I'd better wrap this up, now that I have Kopete working, and get some sleep.11:07
magic_ninjaany overclockers in here11:20
degritsorry for disappearing guys I have a baby emergency going on ;P be there asap11:40
magic_ninja CPU  AMD Athlon(tm) 64 X2 Dual Core Processor 5200+ (3216 MHz11:41
magic_ninja Client  X-Chat 2.8.7c11:42
magic_ninja OS  Microsoft Windows XP Professional Service Pack 3 (Build 2600)11:42
magic_ninja Uptime  0 days 04:39:1511:42
magic_ninja CPU  AMD Athlon(tm) 64 X2 Dual Core Processor 5200+ (3214 MHz)11:42
magic_ninja NVIDIA GeForce 8800 GT   1440x900, 32Bit 59Hz (Plug and Play Monitor)11:42
magic_ninja Physical Memory  Size: 2.00 gb | Used: 0.00 b (0%) | Free: 2.00 gb ||||||||||11:42
magic_ninja Page File  Size: 4.00 gb | Used: 0.00 b (0%) | Free: 4.00 gb ||||||||||11:42
magic_ninja Virtual Memory  Size: 2.00 gb | Used: 2.00 gb (100%) | Free: 1.97 gb ||||||||||11:42
magic_ninja c:\  (NTFS) | Size: 74.50 gb | Used: 22.51 gb (30%) | Free: 51.99 gb ||||||||||11:42
magic_ninja f:\  (Ext2) | Size: 391.55 gb | Used: 109.63 gb (27%) | Free: 281.91 gb ||||||||||11:43
magic_ninja failed [6]  (Ext2) | Size: 0.00 b | Used: 0.00 b (27%) | Free: 0.00 b ||||||||||11:43
magic_ninja Complete  Size: 466.05 gb | Used: 132.14 gb (28%) | Free: 333.91 gb ||||||||||11:43
magic_ninjawow sorry lol11:43
TaTohi all12:59
R2D21HP computer will not run with xubuntu. No network, sound and usb support :-(13:14
=== BrunoX1ambert is now known as BrunoXLambert
arfabHi, I was just wondering if xfce 4.6 is available in the ubuntu repositories?14:06
BrunoXLambertnot in intrepid14:07
BrunoXLambertarfab, try http://packages.ubuntu.com/ and search for xfce14:07
BrunoXLambertor any other package14:07
arfabI'll probably just get a tarball then...14:07
BrunoXLambertor wait for jaunty14:07
BrunoXLambertthe work is on the way for jaunty14:08
arfabyeah fair enough. I just wanted to have a play14:09
BrunoXLambertI can understand that :)14:09
=== arfab is now known as arfab_afk
enoztlanei have a problem with changing language15:04
enoztlanecan anyone help me?15:04
degrittry asking15:04
degritit's easier15:04
enoztlanei want to change language with keyboard and not with mousepad.how can i do that?15:06
degritI got an old laptop that hangs completely as soon as I log on, any advice to figure out what's wrong ? I seem to be able to run a terminal session15:13
degritalso funnily enough for some reason it won't boot any other cds than linux cds now P:15:13
degritI tried the laptop's restore cds and a xp cd I am sure was bootable15:14
=== thunderstruck is now known as gnomefreak
inntegragood morning 2 u all guys i like to get some help pls, i am so new on this system GNU/LINUX, just install it this morning and i at my office i got this multifunctional CANON imageCLASS D340 and connetec and this system download some drivers from another "recomended model!" but of course it didnt work and i cant find anything about this multifunctional, can somebody help me pls??15:44
inntegrai dont know what happen with the first part but good morning 2 u all guys i did just install xubuntu intrepid on my office laptop15:46
inntegraand ... well i need to use the multifunctional i got at the office, imageCLASS D34015:46
inntegrapls help15:46
cody-somervilleinntegra, hi15:47
inntegrahi cody15:47
inntegrais it possible to install this multifunctional?? cause i cant find any g‎ui about it15:48
* cody-somerville is looking.15:50
inntegraok txs15:50
cody-somervilleinntegra, I don't see any support for that printer.15:51
inntegramm so this means  i wont be able to use it right?15:51
cody-somervilleinntegra, My recommendation would be to try using the ppd file pulled from Win2k driver15:51
inntegrasad then i cant use this os15:51
inntegranice lenguage sad to say i didnt understood anything pls explain would you??15:52
cody-somervilleinntegra, You need to download the Windows 2000 driver for this printer, extract it, and take the file from it ending with ppd.15:53
cody-somervilleinntegra, Then when you go to setup the printer, select the file you extracted as the driver.15:53
inntegraok let me do it and let u know how is it going is that ok with u cody?15:53
cody-somervilleinntegra, Sure. If I don't respond, it means I've gone to eat breakfast and will be back later.15:54
inntegrabut theres no option to extract i did download it and is like a blue diamond15:58
drguildoare there any xfce 4.6 packages available for intrepid?15:58
inntegrait says on it PrtDriver_V300wIN2k_Vista_EN.exe15:59
inntegraand i assure i downloaded the one for win 2k15:59
durtdrguildo: no, not sure if 4.6 is available for jaunty yet.16:00
drguildodurt: ok, thanks.16:01
inntegraok i did open that diamond win driver but none of the folders has a ppd file16:03
=== BrunoX1ambert is now known as BrunoXLambert
ajrionhello i have just istalled xubuntu 8.04.1 and let it update its critical security updates and now when i restart it justs stays on the "GRUB loading please wait" and only after 2 minutes there is the boot menu, and when i select something it starts booting reeeealy slow. please help me :)16:44
charlie-tcaajrion: how much ram do you have?16:45
ajrion1.5 GB16:46
ajrionxubuntu and xp both loaded just fine and the GRUB worked fine when i just installed it16:46
ajrionthen i isntaled the drivers for the nvidia16:46
ajrionrestarted - ok16:47
ajrionthen updated the security updates and then the problem16:47
ajrioni have a 2GB swap partition ...16:47
charlie-tcarun the updates again; tehn you may have to reinstall nvidia16:47
ajrionit worked fine when installed nvidia16:47
ajrionbut the problem now is that i am not shure if it will boot to xubuntu at all ... it just takes so long to get to the GRUB screen16:48
ajrioncharlie-tca why do you suspect the graphics drivers? could it be connected with booting ?16:48
charlie-tcaI suspect the updates, maybe they did not complete. But they also can be incompatible with the nvidia driver16:49
charlie-tcaand it won't show up until you restart16:50
ajrioni think they completed fine, it said that it was ok and i should now restart the computer, so i did16:50
charlie-tcaYou could try removing splash and quiet at the grub menu, and it will show you what it is doing from there.16:51
ajrionso i should let xubuntu tru to boot even it it takes such a long time?16:51
ajrionwell the prolems begin even before GRUB menu.. it takes as much as a couple of minutes just to show GRUB16:51
ajrionhello! I have just installed xubuntu and it was fine, then i updated my nvidia drivers, rebooted and everything was fine (so was the dual boot to xp) and then i updated the ubuntu critical security updates, and it said it was fine and to reboot the computer, so i did, but after that when i get "GRUB loading please wait" it stands there for 2 minutes! and when i finaly choose to boot...17:06
ajrion...something it takes a long while to start booting.. please help!17:07
ajrionubuntu 8.04.1 is the case17:07
ajrionhello anyone?17:07
inntegrahow can i install a CANON imageCLASS D340 on a laptop????17:24
nikolaminntegra, http://www.sane-project.org/17:27
spasticteapotDo I have any player options beyond Amarok, Listen, Rhythmbox, and Exaile!17:27
inntegrathxs so much nkolam ill check that out, thank u very much for answering harxd to find someone to help i really appreciate ur help17:28
nikolamspasticteapot, audacious?17:29
nikolamspasticteapot, banshee?17:29
spasticteapotI need more features. :(17:30
spasticteapotI kinda miss iTunes in that respect.17:30
nikolamspasticteapot, what you need?17:30
TheSheepquod libet :017:31
spasticteapotThe ability to sort by genre, date, and other things not included in Rhythmbox.17:31
nikolamspasticteapot, try those other progs. exile,17:32
inntegraok thxs NIKOLAM just check that out and is not supported17:32
inntegrathat means i wont be able to use it right?17:33
nikolaminntegra, why you think you can`t use it? what program you are reffering to?17:34
nikolamAmarok is kind of.. ok, bansheee also17:34
inntegrai have a multifunctional CANON imageCLASS D340 and i cant install it on xubuntu so far, couldnt find any gui about drivers installation for it17:36
spasticteapotnikolam: Exaile runs on slow machines better (or at least it used to), and aside from that is a headache.17:36
inntegrai also try wine but it wont work17:37
inntegraso i think theres must be a way but i cant find to17:37
TheSheepinntegra: settings->printing17:37
inntegrayes i did that and it does detect the printer but when to drivers comes is not working17:38
inntegrait has a list of manufacturers and canon of course is in there but not the model i need not even the imageCLASS series17:39
inntegrathe wierd think is that it does detect it as an imageCLASS D300 but thats it17:40
inntegrathere not even does drivers available at the list of options and try with other models but it doesnt work17:40
inntegraoops soemthings wrong with power i17:42
evilbuntuso how do i get flash working17:59
evilbuntutried deb pack for ubuntu17:59
evilbuntutried tar.gz installer17:59
knomeevilbuntu, you should find flash in the repositories17:59
evilbuntutried copiing it to various 7usr/lib places17:59
evilbuntutried the repo flash too18:00
evilbuntumaybe i used the wrong one18:00
ubottuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash (a recent version for !Dapper is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash18:00
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats18:01
evilbuntubtw inst the a better cmd to searhing apt than apt-cache search18:01
knomeevilbuntu, if you don't mind a gui, use synaptic18:01
evilbuntui preferr cmd lines18:02
evilbuntuexcept apt still sucks18:02
knomethen i suppose there is not.18:02
evilbuntuseems like i have the correct package18:02
evilbuntuadobe-flashplugin <- in the newest version18:02
knomeah, oh, you're running intrepid?18:02
evilbuntuyea i guess18:03
knomei think somebody reported that the package is broken18:03
evilbuntuxubuntu 8.1018:03
evilbuntuaghhhh dammit18:03
knomeMyrtti, ?18:03
Myrttiadobe have in their great wisdom decided to pull the flashplugin v. 9 off18:03
evilbuntubreaking flash is like breaking half of the interweb18:03
Myrttiwhich makes the package uninstallable.18:04
evilbuntuand the 10 thingie18:04
Myrttiyou can, however, install the flashplugin from Adobes site.18:04
evilbuntuusually it works when you trow it all over the filesystem18:04
evilbuntunope i cant18:04
evilbuntutried that18:04
evilbuntutried both the .deb (which does nothing in xubuntu)18:04
evilbuntuand the tar.gz installer (which adobe made even worse)18:05
evilbuntugod dammit18:08
evilbuntuhmmm so it isnt firefox thats broken ?18:11
evilbuntuso noone here uses 8.10 and flash ?18:14
dtchen_evilbuntu: well, i use 8.04.2 and Flash18:14
* TheSheep does, but I installed flash long time ago18:14
forcesos[Linux 2.6.24-23-generic i686] distro[Debian lenny/sid] cpu[2 x Genuine Intel(R) CPU           T2400  @ 1.83GHz (GenuineIntel) @ 1000MHz] mem[Physical: 2.0GB, 67.7% free] disk[Total: 228.8GB, 61.0% free] video[Intel Corporation Mobile 945GM/GMS, 943/940GML Express Integrated Graphics Controller] sound[HDA-Intel - HDA Intel]18:14
evilbuntuthis is rather annoying18:15
dtchen_evilbuntu: please purge *all* instances of the flashplugin-nonfree and adobe-flashplugin packages18:15
dtchen_evilbuntu: also, remove ~/.mozilla/plugins/libflashplayer.so18:15
evilbuntuand the modules i left in usr/lib ?18:16
dtchen_evilbuntu: if they're Flash-related, yes18:17
evilbuntuoki all gone18:18
nikolamHm, Is it normal that USB does not recognize USB disk more then once, if it is pulled out before umount/safe device removal ?18:20
dtchen_nikolam: that would be reasonable, yes18:20
evilbuntudtchen_: so .., whats the magic trick18:21
dtchen_nikolam: you probably need to fsck the *unmounted* partition(s) on the usb disk18:21
dtchen_evilbuntu: now, which version of Flash do you want to install?18:21
evilbuntuthe newest and best i guess18:22
dtchen_on intrepid? ok.18:24
dtchen_which $arch?18:24
evilbuntuon xubuntu 8.10 x8618:24
evilbuntudunno why ubuntu is 386 and not 686 today18:25
dtchen_well, what does `dpkg --print-architecture` return?18:25
evilbuntuas expected18:26
dtchen_sec, let me extract the deb to verify something.18:27
dtchen_evilbuntu: did you use http://fpdownload.macromedia.com/get/flashplayer/current/install_flash_player_10_linux.deb ?18:28
evilbuntuuhmm well yea with dpkg -i as i recall18:28
evilbuntutried the tar.gz bin installer afterwards18:29
dtchen_ok, and did you receive any errors while running dpkg -i ?18:29
evilbuntuwell libcurl3 was complaining18:29
evilbuntui forced it through18:29
evilbuntudid the same on debian 5.0 2 days ago with success18:30
dtchen_uh oh18:30
evilbuntuwhat did i do hehe18:30
dtchen_ok, please reinstall that deb18:31
dtchen_you don't need to use the tar.gz installer afterward18:31
evilbuntuthe falsh one ?18:31
dtchen_yes, http://fpdownload.macromedia.com/get/flashplayer/current/install_flash_player_10_linux.deb18:31
dtchen_we need to check `ldd /usr/lib/adobe-flashplugin/libflashplayer.so`18:32
evilbuntuwhere should that link end ?18:32
evilbuntuapparently its set up now18:32
dtchen_...except it's not linked the way it needs to.18:32
evilbuntuprolly why nss3 complains a lot18:33
dtchen_ok, if you restart Firefox, what does about:plugins show?18:33
evilbuntugot java , demo print and thats it18:34
dtchen_ok, i presume you're 100% current with intrepid-security and intrepid-updates?18:35
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evilbuntudtchen_: pretty much18:36
dtchen_evilbuntu: ok, let's at least try the partner repo18:36
dtchen_please dpkg -P adobe-flashplugin18:36
evilbuntuokey i wasnt exactly up to date18:37
evilbuntuok purged18:38
evilbuntupartner repo ?18:38
=== ZeRo_FeniX_ is now known as ZeRo_FeniX
dtchen_evilbuntu: right, that would be in your /etc/apt/sources.list18:39
dtchen_evilbuntu: look for the 'partner' repository, and uncomment it: deb http://archive.canonical.com/ubuntu intrepid partner18:39
evilbuntuoki maybe i screwed up here18:40
evilbuntumaybe i run a hardy18:40
evilbuntuall my mirrors a hardy heron18:40
dtchen_you told me intrepid...18:40
dtchen_ok, what does `lsb_release -r` return?18:41
evilbuntusorry , i recall downloading a interprid18:41
dtchen_yeah, that's hardy :)18:42
evilbuntui know :(18:42
dtchen_you need to uncomment deb http://archive.canonical.com/ubuntu hardy partner18:42
dtchen_good thing i'm sitting in front of a hardy machine18:42
evilbuntugot partner and updated18:44
evilbuntupackage is called what ?18:45
evilbuntuhow do i know which repo it takes it from18:45
dtchen_check the output from `apt-cache policy adobe-flashplugin`18:46
evilbuntu500 http://archive.canonical.com hardy/partner Packages18:46
dtchen_the Candidate line reflects the version, at least18:46
evilbuntulokk oki , im installing18:46
evilbuntuok ,, lets try firefox18:47
evilbuntuLoadPlugin: failed to initialize shared library /usr/lib/adobe-flashplugin/libflashplayer.so [libnss3.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory]18:48
evilbuntuLoadPlugin: failed to initialize shared library /usr/lib/adobe-flashplugin/libflashplayer.so [libnss3.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory]18:48
evilbuntuslighty less noisy than last time18:49
dtchen_ok, sanity check: sha256sum /usr/lib/libnss3.so18:49
evilbuntuthis time the dir doesnt exist18:49
evilbuntuand /usr/lib/libnss3.so doesnt exist either18:50
dtchen_well, that's the source of your trouble18:50
evilbuntui got /usr/lib/libnss3.so.ld18:50
dtchen_yes, that should exist18:50
evilbuntuwould seem so18:51
evilbuntuwhat package is libnss3 part of18:51
evilbuntumozilla-plugins or something ?18:51
dtchen_however, libnss3-1d still ships /usr/lib/libnss3.so, which is a symlink to libnss3.so.1d18:51
dtchen_libnss3-1d is the name of the package that ships both /usr/lib/libnss3.so and /usr/lib/libnss3.so.1d18:51
evilbuntuso i could make the symlink myself ?18:52
dtchen_i would try sudo apt-get --reinstall install libnss3-1d18:52
evilbuntuim on it18:52
dtchen_(but yes, you could also create the symlink, and then ldconfig)18:52
evilbuntuok now its there libnss3.so18:53
dtchen_restarting Firefox should get things running18:53
evilbuntuLoadPlugin: failed to initialize shared library /usr/lib/adobe-flashplugin/libflashplayer.so [libplds4.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory]18:53
evilbuntunot my day18:53
dtchen_apt-get --reinstall install libnspr4-0d18:54
dtchen_same symlink issue, probably18:54
evilbuntudtchen_: hugs18:55
evilbuntuit works like a charm now18:56
evilbuntudunno why i got the symlink issues, its a brand new install18:56
dtchen_evilbuntu: note that you can purge the adobe-flashplugin-nonfree from the partner repository and install the deb from Adobe's web site for Flash 1018:56
dtchen_err, adobe-flashplugin*18:56
evilbuntubut the partner repo had the newest i think18:57
evilbuntu10.x.x.x something18:57
dtchen_oh, right, x8618:57
dtchen_sorry, on amd64, so it can't be distributed in partner18:57
dtchen_anyhoo, you should be good to go18:57
evilbuntuwell as soon as gnash does youtube perfectly im changing18:58
dtchen_Gnash handles Youtube quite well in Jaunty, at least18:58
gaurav__hey every one18:58
evilbuntui fucking tired of screwing around with such a simple thing18:58
dtchen_having trouble getting the correct characters from the keyboard today18:59
evilbuntuwhen gnash is good enough they should bundle it with firefox18:59
dtchen_Swfdec tends to perform better than Gnash for Youtube IME18:59
evilbuntunever heard of swfdec18:59
gaurav__hey can any1 tell me how to go for voice and video chat in Xubutnu linux19:00
evilbuntudtchen_: we need something that performs better than abobes flash also19:01
evilbuntumy 1600 mhz pentium can barely play a fullscreen normal def movie in flash19:02
dtchen_evilbuntu: well, could be your graphics driver, too19:05
dtchen_newer versions of the graphics driver that I use hog the CPU much less19:05
evilbuntuahh yea19:08
evilbuntui should prolly just have used ubuntu and not xubuntu19:08
dtchen_well, the problem you ran into affects Ubuntu and Xubuntu equally19:08
evilbuntui need the opensource radeon driver for my r25019:08
dtchen_i reinstalled from 8.04.1 alternate, so i didn't experience that issue19:09
evilbuntui used alternate too19:09
dtchen_8.04, 8.04.1, or 8.04.2?19:09
evilbuntumeh dunno19:09
evilbuntudownloaded it some days ago19:10
evilbuntudtchen_: is there a cute lille gui gizmo to choose gfx driver on xubuntu ?19:14
TheSheepevilbuntu: system->drivers19:15
evilbuntuthats just the propritory drivers thingie19:16
evilbuntua cmd line utilty would also be fine19:17
evilbuntui just dont want to fumble with xorg.conf myself19:17
TheSheepevilbuntu: it's empty anyways in recent versions19:28
ZeeronAnyone have a recommendation for mounting a CD image?  Since it appears to be a CloneCD image (.cue/.img) I don't know how to mount it.20:43
ubottuTo mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.20:52
TheSheepZeeron: just mount the img20:52
rockowhy is it that you need a special distro to install on an xbox?20:52
TheSheeprocko: different cpu architecture20:52
rockoI thought it is a x86 processor20:53
rockonot the xbox 36020:53
ZeeronIt's not an iso, so trying to "mount -t iso9660 -o loop foo.img /home/bar/destination doesn't work.20:53
rockothe older one20:53
rockoxbox 360 is powerpc I know20:53
ZeeronYeah, it says "Unable to identify CD-ROM format."20:55
ZeeronAnd I've tried using ccd2iso, but I get error: "Unrecognized sector mode (6e) at sector 57945!"20:57
ZeeronThus it dies less than half-way through conversion.20:58
mnemonic76Can anyone help me set up wireless under xubuntu20:59
mnemonic76I have an old dell inspiron 2500 and a Netgear WG511v1. I have installed ndiswrapper, and the Netgear driver, and the card seems to be recognised.21:00
mnemonic76Cant seem to figure out how to connect to my network thoughj21:01
rockoI am talking about this xbox TheSheep21:02
rockothat uses an x86 processor21:02
rockoit shouldn't need a special linux distro to install it on the xbox21:02
qwerkusHi: I'm here again looking for some software advice22:55
qwerkusThis time I need an application able to render part of a general picture out of small batches of tiles on request, just like google maps does22:55
qwerkusany idea ?22:55
viddcan anyon recommend a decent WYSIWYG html editor for *buntu?23:29
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trece8Is there somewhere the list of updates by day posted? (by the way, hi all)23:49
kalevaneed some support23:54
viddask away23:54
trece8vidd... do you know if there is a list of package updates ordered by date of release?23:55
kalevaI want connect permanetly to FTP, I mean I want to copy and past the file of my ftp as it would be a folder of my pc23:56
kalevai can do that in ubuntu, but i have some problems in xubuntu, I dunno exactly what i should look for23:57
TheSheepkaleva: it's not that easy on xubuntu23:57
TheSheepkaleva: you could probably use fuse to mount the ftp as a folder23:58
ubottuFUSE (Filesystem in Userspace) is a !kernel driver that allows non-root users to create their own filesystems. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Filesystem_in_Userspace for more on FUSE.  Some examples of filesystems that use FUSE are !ntfs-3g, sshfs and isofs. A full list of Filesystems that use FUSE is here:  http://fuse.sourceforge.net/wiki/index.php/FileSystems23:58
kalevathank thank thank, i gotta learn^^23:58
trece8how do you work around the issue that some package update (that you don't know which is) crashed something and you want to UN-update that?23:58

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