
rockstarjelmer, ping00:06
lifelessspiv: 78->2500:15
bignoselifeless: if you have the bandwitch available, your input on the above questions for loom and quilt would be appreciated00:15
lifelessbignose: hmm, thought there was a bug open; filing one00:16
lifelessI want bzr send to generate a patch series00:17
ubottuUbuntu bug 336470 in bzr-loom "bzr send should output a patch series (by default, overridable) when used with a loom" [Undecided,New]00:19
poolielifeless: do you have any ideas about bug 336267?00:19
ubottuLaunchpad bug 336267 in bzr "bzrlib.errors.KnitCorrupt during branching" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33626700:19
lifelesspoolie: something has mangled the actual error, but from its phrasing I'd guess at zlib00:21
lifelesspoolie: (phrasing and being in the header parsing stage)00:21
poolieit seems like a very low-level error to be caused by us00:21
lifelessI don't think its a bzr bug, though it might be. I'd instead be expecting bad data00:21
pooliei thought so too00:21
lifelessits on the client side00:22
lifelessand its in the pack repo code00:22
lifelessso its using regular vfs methods; and spiv and I haven't done anything nasty to those00:22
bignoselifeless: thanks for the response, and the bug report00:22
lifelessbignose: the send -r thread:..-1 loop is missing a 'bzr switch next-thread' in it, if you want to reproduce by hand00:23
bignosewhy would I choose ‘send’ over ‘diff’ in this case?00:25
lifelessI realise its at my end, but please use plain ascii for this conversation, otherwise I can't read what you are typing.00:33
lifelessI saw "why would I choose a over a in this case?"00:33
fbondDoes anyone here use trac-bzr?  Can anyone tell me if it is capable of working with multiple branches?00:38
fbondI get the feeling that it is supposed, to, but I'm only able to successfully browse the branch containing the most recent revision.00:41
bignoselifeless: why would I choose 'send' over 'diff' in this case?00:43
lifelessbignose: if you're submitting to bzr users, use send. If you're submitting to non-bzr users, you can use send or diff00:43
lifelessbignose: send includes the revision metadata and any dependent history to allow a normal merge to be done at the far end00:44
bignoseokay. since in this instance I'm only generating the patch for use with quilt, I'll just use diff.00:47
greg-gWhat is the correct workflow for maintaining two branches of a project with a "dev" and a release branch (eg: 1.0)?  Do I commit to dev, then pull that commit from dev to the 1.0 branch somehow? or just commit to both separately (which would have the possibility of non-mergeable branches later, right? I might be wrong with this)01:01
pooliegreg-g: definitely don't make unrelated commits to both01:13
pooliei'd consider having actually a branch per individual release on 1.001:13
poolielike 1.1, 1.2, etc01:13
poolieotherwise, either merge in to 1.0 and then do bzr ci -m "release 1.0.1"01:14
poolieor just pull01:14
poolieeither would work01:14
greg-gour 1.0 is the branch that we are going to release as 1.0 when we feel it is ready. basically a "stable" branch01:14
pooliethe first will be better if you ever need to do little fixes directly in 1.0 to fix packaging bugs for examlpe01:14
poolieoh i see01:14
poolieso the other thing is, it's generally easier to merge from a more-stable branch into a less-stable01:14
pooliethan vice versa01:15
poolieso i'd consider, for any work that will land in 1.001:15
pooliedoing it in a branch based off 1.001:15
pooliethen merging to 1.0, and then either merging all of that back to trunk, or merging the individual bits01:15
pooliethis is not so much for technical reasons as just that as the software changes01:15
poolieit tends to be easier to update your 1.0 changes to fit other stuff than to backport your fixes01:16
greg-gso for things that are more or less self-contained commits, put in 1.0, then merge to dev from there. but what about things that are partially implemented but we want to test with dev?01:16
pooliehow do you mean partially implemented?01:16
greg-gthen later, when completed, merge only that feature into 1.001:16
poolieigc, btw thanks for fixing the status html; what was wrong?01:17
poolieigc, also, maybe i should change it to order bzr-dev first?01:17
pooliegreg-g: ok i think i understand01:17
pooliei would: make a branch off 1.0, implement it there01:17
poolieand primarily test there01:17
poolieif, before you're finished, you also want to check how well it will mesh with dev01:17
pooliemake *another* branch coming dev, merge your new features in to that01:17
pooliethen when you're done, you merge those two work branches in to 1.0 and dev respectively01:18
greg-gwould cherrypicking also be an acceptable way to handle that (cherrypick it from dev to 1.0)?01:19
greg-gI saw there was something about bzr not tracking cherrypicked revisions.  I'm too knew to understand where that will have an adverse effect in the future.01:21
igcpoolie: status html? you mean the colouring?01:23
igcpoolie: I think the first tool ought to be bzr-current, i.e. the currently released version01:24
igcbzr.dev ought to be compared to that01:24
igcpoolie: I'm not sure looking at earlier versions (before bzr-current) buys much01:24
igcpoolie: the 3 interesting versions IMO are bzr-current bzr-dev bzr-brisbane01:25
igclifeless: bzr selftest groupcompress is failing because ...01:26
igc1. I haven't compiled the groupcompress_c stuff using pyrex01:27
igc2. some other issue01:27
igclifeless: it looks like the tests are *meant* to skip ...01:27
igcthe compiled tests if the compiled stuff isn't there?01:27
igcI wonder if setUp() happens before tests_needs_feature?01:28
spiv(^ that was <lifeless>)01:28
* spiv & lifeless -> food01:28
lifelessigc: possibly; for now, just build them :)01:48
poolieigc, i was thinking bzr-dev first because that's what we're more likely to change for good or ill01:52
pooliealso i should check current is in fact current now :)01:52
lifelessas we have a current now, that should be easier to maintain :)01:54
lifelessgreg-g: the adverse effect is fairly small and isolated. Its two things:01:54
lifeless - you can't use bzr to report 'what has been cherrypicked'01:54
lifeless - you may get spurious conflicts on subsequent merges if you change the line of code further01:55
pooliegreg-g: what robert says is correct, but it's not so much about bzr capabilities01:55
pooliemore that it's actually easier for you to write it in 90% of cases if you do not cherrypick01:55
pooliebut keep it separate to start with01:55
greg-glifeless / poolie thanks! I think I've got it figured out now.01:58
lifelessgreg-g: anytime01:59
mwhudsonpoolie, spiv: could one of you make the tweaks you ask for for my "LockableFiles.__del__ must die" as you land it?02:11
poolieno promises but i'll try02:11
lifelessjam: ping02:21
poolieabentley: BB is down02:32
abentleypoolie: restarted02:34
* igc food02:55
=== abentley1 is now known as abentley
pooliegar too much mail04:21
fullermdI have some ideas on how to handle that.  I'll send you an email about it...04:22
contingencyplanHave a question for you guy, if anybody's around:04:26
contingencyplanI'm currently using mercurial, but I've hit a brick wall, so seeing if bazaar can handle this better.04:26
contingencyplanI have a repository with a subdirectory in it with code. When I started making the repository, I was the only one using it, so that was fine, but now I'm in another project that also needs that code.04:27
contingencyplanHow easy is it to have 2 bazaar repositories that share a common code-base? Ideally, I want that common code-base to be transparent to each repository - for my private repository, it looks and acts just like it always has, for the new repository there's no apparent difference whether it's in that repository or stored elsewhere.04:28
contingencyplan(sorry for the lengthy msg there)04:28
lifelesscontingencyplan: there is a merge-into plugin that can join the two brances04:29
lmillerAnyone know how to get the bzrbuildbot plugin working with a central bzr repository?04:39
lmillerFrom what I can tell, each user needs to put it in their own plugins dir04:39
* igc bbiab04:42
lifelesslmiller: what hook does it use?04:46
lmilleron change04:47
lmillerpost_change_branch_tip I believe04:48
lifelesslmiller: that will run on the server04:50
lifelesslmiller: as long as you're pushing with bzr 1.6 or so, and over bzr+ssh, not sftp or webdav.04:51
lmillerlifeless: It requires a location.conf file, but I don't seem to have anywhere to place it on the server04:51
lmillerwhere the server will find it I mean04:51
lifelesslmiller: you can configure the same settings in branch.conf04:52
lifelessin the branch you want to test04:52
lmillerSo, if I wanted to trigger the main branch, I would edit branch.conf inside the repos (eg /repos/main/proj/.bzr/branch/ )?04:53
lmillerI'm coming from svn, so excuse me if I ask nervously about editing files inside the repository ... heh heh04:54
lifelessyah, repos/main/proj/.bzr/branch/branch.conf, if your branch is bzr+ssh://host/repos/main/proj04:54
lifelessits not ideal, we want a better answer here, but it will work :)04:54
lmillerexceptions.NameError: global name 'failure' is not defined05:36
lmillerAh, I love programming05:36
=== chx is now known as chx_sleeping
mwhudsonflymake-mode ftw05:48
jmlso, it looks like bzr-svn really really really wants more than 360MB of RAM05:52
lmillerlifeless: Thanks for that ... all working now05:57
lifelesslmiller: cool06:25
vilaHi all ! :-)07:33
fullermdWow, that's way too chipper.  You obviously have coffee you need to share...07:35
vilafullermd: hehe, no, same coffee as usual, but some days are better than others, just from the start (the opposite is also true...)07:40
poolievila: hello, welcome!08:09
* igc dinner08:16
vilapoolie: thanks :)08:18
poolievila, want to talk?08:23
vilapoolie: with pleasure08:23
pooliecould you call me here then?08:24
lifelessok, stream branching collection of patches all landed09:07
lifelesstomorrow, streaming from stacked09:07
poolieway to go09:12
poolievila, does bug 336582 look familar to you at all?09:22
ubottuLaunchpad bug 336582 in bzr "test hang in TestStackingConnections.test_open_stacked" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33658209:22
vilapoolie: didn't Andrew mention that on the list today ?09:23
poolieit sounded familiar somehow09:24
vilapoolie: hmm, he mentioned hpss not sftp though09:24
spivvila: yeah, my patch wouldn't affect sftp09:29
poolietired -> good night all09:30
spivWeird that the traceback involves SFTP, but the test doesn't run at all if FTPServer is missing.09:31
spivI suspect the test is not granular enough...09:32
lifelessgnight poolie09:33
lifelessigc: ping10:43
igchi lifeless10:44
lifelessso I've replied to your mail10:45
lifelessshort story though is that you need to be digging deeper, and I'd like to help you do that10:45
* igc reads email10:47
igclifeless: thanks. I've got to run right now - might be back later10:49
lifelessigc: ok, well I may be up; if I am, skype will know :P10:49
lifelessigc: and if so, chat/call me on skype, I doubt I'll have irc in front of me10:52
=== montywi|poker is now known as montywi
igclifeless: still there?10:57
igcso no fast path is running10:57
igcin log -v currently10:57
lifelesswell then :P10:58
igcwhat routine are you thinking of?10:58
lifelessline 1709 in my copy of inventory.py10:58
lifelessif you're not hitting that, then you're not seeing CHK delta generation, and it will blow chunks.10:59
lifelessif you are seeing that, you're at least getting some of the work done by the CHK core10:59
* igc pulls up profiling data11:00
lifelessbut unless you have an lsprof run, its going to be very hard to tell whats going on :)11:00
igclifeless: 77% of time in iter_changes() - inventory.py line 165511:01
igcno calls to make_delta11:02
lifelessthats the CHKInventory fast path11:02
lifelessso, I'd look at what its doing11:02
lifeless(or it should be - is it CHKInventory.iter_changes?)11:03
igclifeless: oh, I know what's its doing ...11:03
igcreo.get_delta_for_revisions() builds trees and calls tree.changes_from() -> delta._compare_trees -> iter_changes11:03
igclifeless: yes, CHKInventory.iter_changes()11:04
lifelessok, that all seems normal11:05
lifelessso we're looking at the right code path11:05
lifelessnow, it may be doing duplicate work11:06
lifelessit may be discarding one side of the trees, or things may not be getting kept in ram once loaded11:06
lifelessI'd be inclined to instrument11:06
lifelessfinding duplicate CHK page reads, for instance11:06
lifelessa cheap way of detecting this11:06
lifelessis too look in the call graph11:06
lifelessif you're doing (say) a 100 revision range11:06
lifelessand you see 1M get_record_stream calls11:07
lifelessthen something suspect is going on11:07
lifelessremember that there is nearly _no_ optimisation in here at the moment11:07
lifelessassume that the core data structures are decent - John is tuning them, and they have passed all our design checks along the way11:07
igclifeless: ok, so 1000 revisions -> 15830 get_record_streams calls in groupcompress11:08
lifeless15 pages per revision11:08
lifelesswhat project?11:08
igcfirst 1k revisions of wordpress11:09
lifelesshow big is wordpress, files in the tree11:09
igclifeless: small, 142 files11:11
lifelesswe expect11:12
lifeless1 read to get the inventory, 1 to get the root of the dir map, 1 to get the root of the inventory entry map11:12
lifelessso we can explain 3K reads11:12
lifelessthat leaves 12K reads to calculate the differences, but 142 entries isn't many11:13
lifelessto get 15 reads per diff, I'd expect more files or many very large changes11:14
lifelessso - I suggest using my patch for VersionedFileDecorator to whip up a little LoggingVersionedFile11:14
lifelessand decorate the chk versioned file object on the repository11:14
lifelessthen dump the log to disk after the operation, and we can look for repeated requests11:15
igclifeless: interesting11:15
lifelessyou only need to care about get_record_stream, and the keys parameter11:15
lifelessan interesting test would be diffing one revision11:16
lifelesslog -v 1..211:16
lifelessfor instance11:16
igclifeless:I'll start digging deeper - thanks for your help11:16
lifelessmy pleasure11:17
lifelessI'm oing to play computer games for a bit11:17
lifelessI'll check back in a while11:17
djrIs there anyone around who understands how to install from source (bzr-*.tar.gz) on linux, please?12:12
_MMA_Ok. So it's 8hrs later and a upload to a branch I was working on is still locked. "bzr break-lock" does nothing and the recommended command to use when it tells me the branch is locked tells me: "bzr: ERROR: Unsupported protocol for url "lp-45955728:///~ubuntustudio-dev/ubuntustudio-icon-theme/UbuntuStudio/.bzr/repository/lock"12:15
djrInstalling bzr from source is supposed to require only Python, right? So why does it fail trying to run gcc?12:18
lifeless_MMA_: "bzr break-lock lp:~ubuntustudio-dev/ubuntustudio-icon-theme/UbuntuStudio"12:18
lifelessdjr: it tries to build the C accelerators, if you don't have them then you can still just run from source12:18
lifelessdjr: but we recommend building them, it makes a big performance difference12:19
=== UdontKnow is now known as root
_MMA_lifeless: Thanx man. I don't know whether I should file a bug. The suggestion it gives seems wrong.12:20
lifeless_MMA_: there is one about the url it gives being bad,and another that we should auto-break in some situations12:21
_MMA_Ok. I'll just hope it resolves itself. ;)12:22
_MMA_lifeless: Maybe you can tell about one more. I have a bunch of older branches. So I'll get the "please use 'bzr upgrade' to get better performance" warning from time to time. So, I do. But then when going to upload after that, after upgrading, I get the warning again. Am I missing something?12:25
lifeless_MMA_: you need to upgrade each instance - so you need to upgrade where you are pushing to12:26
lifelessthere is a bug/limitation in upgrade at the moment with launchpad; you need to use 'bzr upgrade sftp://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntustudio-dev/ubuntustudio-icon-theme/UbuntuStudio' rather than 'bzr upgrade lp:~ubuntustudio-dev/ubuntustudio-icon-theme/UbuntuStudio'12:27
_MMA_lifeless: Oh sure sure. Each branch. I didn't mean to imply that I wanted to do it once and it would be fixed for all.12:28
_MMA_I will upgrade a branch. Then on same branch, get the warning again.12:29
lifeless_MMA_: do you have a shared repo?12:29
_MMA_~ubuntustudio-dev's yeah.12:30
lifelesson your laptop/workstation I mean12:30
lifelesslaunchpad doesn't have shared repos12:30
_MMA_Oh Oh. ie: 2 machines that work on network shared folder?12:31
_MMA_Both have access to some BZR work Im doing?12:32
lifeless_MMA_: no, its a specific term in bzr, a 'shared repository', created by 'bzr init-repo'12:32
_MMA_Ok. I remember now. No.12:32
lifeless_MMA_: please run 'bzr info -v' on a branch where you are having this happen12:32
lifelessif you pastebin the output the next time it warns, I'd be delighted to help you12:35
_MMA_lifeless: I'll be doing some more work later so Ill be sure to if it happens again.12:36
lifelessdjr: its possible we have a setup.py regression with installing without the extensions; if thats the case, please file a bug12:36
lifelessdjr:  you can run bzr from source without installing it, as a work around - just symlink 'bzr' into your path, or add the source dir to your path12:37
_MMA_lifeless: So when I run "bzr upgrade" it makes a "backup.bzr" folder.  After doing "bzr add" it added that folder and now I look to be uploading that content. Can I either *not* create that backup or delete "backup.bzr" later?12:37
lifelessyou can't avoid the backup; just rm -rf backup.bzr once you've done the upgrade in a given branch12:37
_MMA_lifeless: After or before a push to LP?12:38
_MMA_Oh I see.12:38
lifelessbefore you next commit ;)12:38
lifelessif you've committed it, just uncommit12:39
_MMA_Well I did. :( So now I've been sitting at: "[\      ] Transferring:Walking content. 1/1" since I broke the lock.12:40
lifelessigc: deeper still :)12:44
igclifeless: in the morning, when I'm awake :-)12:45
lifelessigc: sure12:45
lifelessigc: are you starting to see the shape of the intent ?12:45
LarstiQbeuno: do you know if loggerhead is supposed to generate relative links, instead of hardcoding the hostname in the href?12:46
igclifeless: I think so. just saw your reply ...12:46
igcthe root would change for a read-centric operation like log though12:47
lifelessigc: Nodes are immutable, so they will never change after being written;12:47
lifelessigc: however the root will be different for  every inventory unless the inventories are identical12:47
lifelessigc: so for log, we should be reusing the tree - first as child then as parent12:48
igclifeless: we do reuse the trees at the repo level *but* the code for iter_changes (tree.py line 928) always calls through to CHKInventory.iter_changes()12:54
lifelessigc: right, that should be fine12:55
lifelessoh, the variables you asked about, I was looking in inventory.py12:55
lifelessI'll reply again tomorrow after I page this in12:56
lifelessigc: _get_node would seem to be buggy, as it notes: does not update12:56
lifelessigc: fixing that to actually update the items dict may be useful :)12:57
lifelessigc: all the same12:57
lifelessit kindof assumes that the differences from treeA to treeB will be similar to treeB to treeC12:58
lifelessfor that to matter12:58
lifelessCHKMap is the code to own though12:58
lifelessits the driving abstraction12:58
igcnight (and thanks)12:58
LarstiQbeuno: it seems loggerhead.apps.branch.url: request.construct_url(...) includes the hostname, so that is one piece were it is already broken12:59
LarstiQbeuno: (for my use case at least, maybe there is a reason for this?)12:59
_MMA_lifeless: http://paste.ubuntu.com/12525612:59
beunoLarstiQ, old versions of paste/patedeploy?13:01
LarstiQbeuno: python-paste 1.6, python-pastedeploy 1.3.113:01
beunohrm, that seems correct13:02
LarstiQlet me make sure I'm using loggerhead trunk13:03
LarstiQbeuno: yeah, lp:loggerhead 28813:04
beunoLarstiQ, it does use absolute URLs, but it should be generating them properly13:05
beunoyou've got apache setup properly, etc?13:05
LarstiQbeuno: well, how does it generate them?13:06
beunoLarstiQ, based on what apache tells it through pastedeploy13:06
beunothere's some stuff in the README about it13:06
beunodid you follow that?13:06
LarstiQbeuno: my situation is (outerhost:4443 -> innerhost:80 -> localhost:8080)13:07
* LarstiQ needs to look at how pastedeploy works then13:07
LarstiQbeuno: the README.txt is very thin, but yeah I've got a ProxyPass setup like that.13:09
beunoLarstiQ, hrm...  I don't really know. It's all mwhudson's magic13:09
LarstiQbeuno: k, I'll go bother him then (and in fact already have a thread at bugs.launchpad.net)13:10
LarstiQbeuno: thanks :)13:10
igcnight all13:11
LarstiQnight igc13:11
djrabout installing bzr on linux, again. In the absence of gcc, once I have unpacked the tar.gz, what do I do? the InstallationFaq says link to ~bzr/bzr.dev/bzr, but I don't have that file/directory.13:18
djrIs the bzr executable in the archive all I need?13:19
james_wdjr: if you just run ./bzr from the unpacked source it should work13:20
djrIndeed it does. I wasn't sure if maybe it was an illusion and wasn't working properly. Could someone who understands these things refresh InstallationFaq on the wiki?13:22
LarstiQbeuno: fwiw, I stuck in: relative_url = urlparse.urlunparse(('', '') + urlparse.urlparse(absolute_url)[2:])13:27
LarstiQbeuno: and now it works, I'll followup with mwhudson13:28
beunoLarstiQ, ah, cool. Thanks   :)13:28
LarstiQbeuno: that does destroy the 'To get this branch, use bzr branch /loggerhead' bla, but ah well13:31
beunoLarstiQ, right. We're very bad with URLs in LH13:31
=== barry-away is now known as barry
_MMA_lifeless: Man. "bzr upgrade" has never worked for me. :( I puled the branch new. (gave me the upgrade warning) Did "bzr upgrade" and removed "backup.bzr". Made a minor edit then committed/pushed to LP. Gave me the "bzr upgrade" warning again. :(14:08
awilkinsdjr: It will work out of the archive, but there are some parts that can be compiled to give more performance14:09
Kinnison_MMA_: It may be warning about the branch on LP14:09
djrawilkins: following the wiki seems to violate Principle of Least Surprise. It says 'all you need is Python', but by default tries to invoke gcc, and gives no guidance on how to proceed once it has failed.14:13
_MMA_lifeless: Current output of "bzr info -v ": http://paste.ubuntu.com/12528114:13
LarstiQ_MMA_: that sounds like the _remote_ branch needs to be upgraded14:20
_MMA_LarstiQ: Ahh.. Maybe that's what I'm hitting with alot of my branches. Is that something *I* can do?14:21
=== chx_sleeping is now known as chx
LarstiQ_MMA_: ie, `bzr upgrade sftp://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntustudio-dev/ubuntustudio-icon-theme/UbuntuStudio`14:22
LarstiQ_MMA_: yes14:22
* _MMA_ tries.14:22
jamlifeless: pong (if you are still awake)14:26
_MMA_LarstiQ: That looks like it. Thanx man.14:27
* _MMA_ goes to upgrade all his branches.14:28
LarstiQ_MMA_: glad I could help14:30
jamdjr: doesn't it tell you that you can use "build_ext --allow-python-fallback" ?14:32
Lo-lan-doHi all14:35
Lo-lan-doI'm having a strange error with bzr-rebase... http://pastebin.com/df38d43c14:37
Lo-lan-doIt tells me my tree is out of date although it isn't.14:38
djrjam: no it doesn't. there is a long an noisy traceback that concludes "log.warn('\n Cannot build extensions.\n' TypeError: not all arguments converted during string formatting14:59
jamdjr: ok, our warning code has a typo in it. :(14:59
djrto (mis)quote Etienne "I tried bzr once. It failed to install!"15:00
jamLooking closer, it is the code trying to tell you '--allow-python-fallback', but it falls over at that time.15:01
jamI'll make sure that is fixed for the next release15:01
djris that an additional option to 'setup.py install' ?15:01
djrA: no, it's not an option that INSTALL recognises15:04
jamdjr: it is 'python setup.py install build_ext --allow-python-fallback'15:04
asabilhi all15:11
asabilit seems like bzr doesn't display a progress bar anymore when ran from inside a script15:12
asabil(for example from inside jhbuild)15:12
asabilis this a known issue ?15:12
jamasabil: there have been some reports of the progress bar disappearing on win32, but I haven't heard anything about scripts15:13
jamit may be the same root cause, though15:13
asabilhmm ok15:14
jamit is possible that the code figuring out the 'terminal width' is somehow getting a width of 015:15
jamor some other strang ebit15:15
jelmerjam, it may be related to that15:16
jelmerprogress bars aren't resized for me anymore15:16
jelmerthey always stay small15:16
jamjelmer: well we don't continually poll15:16
jamwe used to check on every update, I think15:16
jamwhich isn't great either15:16
jamthe code has a comment about SIGWINCH15:16
djrjam: thanks John, that's done the trick. I think that's a documentation fix as well as a code fix required? Or why not enable fallback by default, so that the first-time would-be user gets a working install even if not an optimum one?15:16
jambut I don't see anything that uses a null progress bar anywhere15:16
jelmerjam, well, they even stay small if I resize my terminal window *before* starting bzr15:17
jamdjr: because first-time users should know that they aren't getting an optimum one15:17
jelmerjam, that used to work ok with the previous progress bars15:17
djrjam: if you've triggered the fallback path you could tell them15:18
jamjelmer: we never resize the progress bar itself15:18
jamwhich is intentional15:18
jamwe *do* write more text off to the right15:18
jelmerah, ok15:18
jamvila: are you around?15:20
jam(bbiab, changing network connections)15:20
jamok, back15:22
LarstiQjelmer: you want me to file a new bug, and then you can mark it as dupe if that happens to be the case, right?15:22
jelmerLarstiQ, please15:23
vilajam: yup15:23
LarstiQjelmer: done15:30
oubiwannspiv (or anyone else): got a question for you15:47
oubiwannis there any way to move/copy/import code from a completely separate branch into a subdirectory of a different codebase and preserve the revision history of the original?15:47
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radixoubiwann: yes15:54
radixwith a plugin I think15:54
radixThe word "join" is floating through my head15:54
oubiwannradix: awesome -- I'll google-dig and see what I can find, thanks :-)15:54
jamoubiwann: lp:bzr-merge-into15:56
jamshould get you going15:56
jamor https://edge.launchpad.net/bzr-merge-into if you want a bit more info15:56
oubiwannjam: thanks!15:57
radixokay I guess I was wrong about join :)15:57
jamradix: join works, but only in rich-root trees, etc, etc.15:57
jamwe're getting there :)15:57
radixah :)15:57
jamjelmer: quick question about samba16:06
jamI have a fairly old samba server running, and for some reason when I mount it, I can see the directories just fine16:06
jambut if I try to read any *file* it aborts with a READ ERROR16:06
jamErrno 13, Permission Denied  (it would seem)16:06
jelmerjam, how old is fairly old?16:06
jamjelmer: 3.0.23a-1.fc4.116:07
jamwhat is weird16:07
jamis that it mounts just fine on my Vista machine16:07
jelmerjam, doesn't sound familiar16:07
jelmerjam, and on the client side?16:07
jam$ smbclient --version16:08
jamVersion 3.0.28a16:08
jelmerjam, The kernel version I mean16:09
jelmerjam, (since the kernel module is not actually part of Samba)16:09
jamclient is Hardy, server is FC416:09
jelmerhmm, that should work quite well16:10
jelmerjam: are you using smbfs or cifsfs?16:10
jelmerif you're not using cifsfs yet, you may want to give that a try16:10
jami'm guessing my FC4 server won't have cifsfs16:10
jambut my client *is* using cifs16:11
jelmerjam: It's the client for which it should matter16:11
jam// on /home/jameinel/juju type cifs (rw,mand,nosuid,nodev,user=jameinel)16:11
jam// on /home/jameinel/juju type cifs (rw,mand)16:11
jamaccording to mount16:11
jamwhy would there be 2 entries?16:11
jelmeras the server doesn't need any kernel stuff16:11
jelmerthere shouldn't be two entries16:11
jelmerjam, that may be the source of the problems16:12
jamjelmer: well, after 1 umount, I have a single entry, but then it does:16:12
jam$ sudo umount /home/jameinel/juju16:12
jamThis utility only unmounts cifs filesystems.16:12
jamThis utility only unmounts cifs filesystems.16:12
loffeHow can I "bzr upload" with some uncommited changes?16:12
loffeTo be clear: I want to upload the last commited revision, w/o working changes...16:13
jamloffe: 'bzr shelve; bzr upload; bzr unshelve' ?16:13
james_w"bzr upload -r -1"?16:13
jamjelmer: any idea of how to get it to unmount via something other than 'umount'?16:14
jelmerjam: Well, umount.cifs but I think that's also what umount is invoking under the hood16:14
jamjelmer: yeah, that gives the same error16:14
jamas does 'smbumount'16:15
jamthough those only give the error 1 time16:15
jamwhile 'umount' gives it twice16:15
vilaloffe: both suggestion by james_w and jam should work, file a bug if it doesn't16:15
loffejam, james_w thanks, -r did it. However shelve loks like a nice command16:15
jamumount -f doesn't work either16:15
jelmerjam: no idea then, sorry :-/16:16
jelmerjam, The duplicate mount doesn't seem right to me though16:16
jam-f, -n, -l, all der-br0ken16:16
jamall say that they can only unmount a cifs filesystem16:16
jamand mount certainly thinks that is what I have16:16
jamnote that there are *no files* if I do "ls mounted/path"16:17
jamso there isn't a real mount there16:17
jamjust something claiming that there is... :(16:17
jamjelmer: could there be a UID mapping issue?16:18
jamthat 'jameinel' on the local machine versus the remote machine is causing problems?16:19
jelmerjam: all files will be accessed as the user with which you did the mount16:19
jam(I ended up manually removing the line from mtab, and things are a bit nicer now)16:19
jelmerand it will also do local access checking16:19
jelmerif you have unix extensions enabled in the server, it should just use the same uids the server has16:19
jamso the uids *are* different16:20
jam502 == jameinel on the server, 1000 == jameinel locally16:20
jamthough ls seems to say everything is 'jameinel.jameinel'16:21
jamoh well, I guess I'll try repacking over sftp then16:25
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jamah, but that fails because it tries to read approx 2GB in one pass...16:30
jelmerjam: so if you're the only one using the remote server over smb from unix, you can disable the unix extensions16:31
jelmerjam: and you should be able to specify a uid= option to mount to indicate what user should appear to own all remote files16:32
jamjelmer: I'd be happy to do so, if I knew how to turn them on/off in the first place16:32
jamjelmer: I tried uid= and it still failed16:32
jelmerjam, "unix extensions = no" in smb.conf on the server side16:32
jelmerjam, uid= is ignored if the server has unix extensions enabled16:32
jamhmm.. I guess I'll try that16:32
jamjelmer: so setting 'unix extensions = no' changed the default file/dir permissions, which seems correct16:39
jamsetting them manually via the -ofile_mode=XXX sets them as I would expect16:39
jambut I still can't read anything16:39
jelmerjam, did you override the uid=?16:41
jamjelmer: yep16:41
jelmerhmm, no idea then - sorry :-(16:41
jelmerIt's probably a cifsfs bug, but no idea what specifically16:42
jamjelmer: I see this in the client's /var/log/message: Mar  2 10:39:45 liliana kernel: [1105324.900870] Status code returned 0xc0000022 NT_STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED16:43
jelmerjam, that would suggest the server refusing the operation16:44
jelmerjam, can you read these files with a windows machine?16:44
jamjelmer: yep16:45
jamfrom Vista16:45
jam(I'll note that when I started accessing this share from Vista, it seemed to break mounting via Linux)16:45
jamI don't know if that is relevant at all16:46
jelmerjam, the vista machine may have a lock open at the moment?16:48
jelmerjam, samba will enforce windows-like locks across clients, which are mandatory not advisory16:49
jamjelmer: different files16:49
jambut on the same fs16:49
jamI can't read *any* files via linux16:49
jamI can see the directory listing, etc16:49
jambut when I go to 'cat foo' it gives me a perm error16:49
jelmerhmm, still no idea then16:49
jamdoes 'mount' list the options that you supply when doing 'smbmount', because I'm supplying a lot that I don't see16:51
jelmerjam, no, it doesn't list them16:51
jelmerjam, man mount.cifs should16:51
jamno luck17:00
jamand certainly I can supply what are obviously wrong parameters17:00
jamand nothing complains17:00
jamat least not right away17:00
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LarstiQjelmer: hmm, I get the impression my bug mail is slower than your bugmail17:23
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lifelessjam: hi19:59
jamhi lifeless, you're up early :)19:59
lifeless7am, not so early :P19:59
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lifelessjam: igc: was having trouble with gc20:03
lifelessjam: did you see the bug20:03
jamI saw one which has an obvious fix20:03
jamsomething about None not being sortable20:03
lifelessNone is not indexable?20:03
lifelessjam: is that fixed?20:08
jamlifeless: fix just committed, thanks for the reminder20:08
lifelessjam: jinx :) thanks20:08
lifelessjam: so, I'd like to have a copy of python in gcrchk25520:09
jamwell, gcr is undergoing a lot of flux right now20:17
jambut I'm willing to kick of a conversion to have a data point to talk about20:17
lifelessjam: not to give them so much as to say, look, this is what we're polishing at the moment20:17
jamI suppose the other thing is that I haven't been making the -rich-root variants yet, as I already have too many variants20:18
jambut that, again, is easy to fix20:18
jamultimately, I'd certainly rather have rich-root as the default variant20:20
lifelessjam: does https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~bzr/bzr-groupcompress/trunk have gcr? or just whats still suitable for bbc ?20:20
jamlifeless: trunk does not have gcr20:20
jamI'll push up a branch, though20:20
lifelessjam: I can't promise to look at it :P.20:21
jamlifeless: what is your feeling about disk compatibility20:21
jamthat's fine20:21
jamI'm just trying to decide whether I should leave all-new format strings20:21
jamor whether we should somehow support both for a hile20:21
lifelessits easy to twiddle them20:22
lifelessI do not care about backwards compatibility for repo formats in bbc/gc20:22
lifelessthey are both entirely experimental20:22
lifelessas opposed to beta like devX formats in trunk20:22
jamlifeless: lp:~bzr/bzr-groupcompress/rabin  for now20:24
lifelessjam: so the rabin index extension20:29
lifelessjam: you're having some trouble with that?20:30
jamI have it working for now.20:30
jamJust by using multiple indexes20:30
jamI know how to combine them20:30
jambut this ended up easier to implement20:30
lifelessthats how gc started20:30
lifelessI see, nice20:30
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dleeAny chance there's a bzr<-->MediaWiki versioning solution, much like we have for Bzr<-->Subversion?20:47
pooliehello all,21:02
pooliehello jam21:02
jammorning poolie21:02
pooliejam, want to talk in 5m?21:02
jampoolie: sure, you can call my cell phone, I have to go pick up my wife at the train station21:03
lifelessjam: btw, streaming pull is landed to now, at least the first cut thereof21:06
kees/home/kees/.bazaar/plugins/hooks/__init__.py:20: DeprecationWarning: bzrlib.branch.BranchHooks.install_hook was deprecated in version 1.5.21:06
keeswhat should I be using instead?21:07
mwhudsonkees: install_named_hook21:08
keesmwhudson: so, if I had this:   Branch.hooks.install_hook('pre_commit', run_tests)21:09
keesI want Branch.install_named_hook now?21:09
LarstiQhey mwhudson21:09
mwhudsonkees: yes, and you need to pass a name too21:09
lifelesskees: Branch.hooks.install_named_hook('pre_commit', run_tests, 'Run my tests')21:09
lifelessmwhudson: ITYM "no, keep the hooks component in the object path" :)21:10
mwhudsonLarstiQ: hello21:10
keesmwhudson: cool, great.  is there a way to install hooks only in a given bzr tree?21:10
keesmwhudson: right now, I have this as a global hook, and it does:21:10
LarstiQmwhudson: I suspect I need to file a new bug re my ssl/proxy troubles.21:10
keesdef run_tests(local, master, old_revno, old_revid, new_revno, new_revid, seven, eight):21:10
kees    if 'ubuntu-cve-tracker' in master.base:21:11
keesas a way to only run it for the ubuntu-cve-tracker tree21:11
mwhudsonkees: you can put21:11
mwhudsonmy_magic_config = value21:11
lifelesskees: use a config variable21:11
mwhudsonin ~/.bazaar/locations.conf21:11
lifelesskees: if not master.get_config().get_user_option('cvs_enabled'): return21:12
keesmwhudson, lifeless: ah, interesting, okay, thanks.21:12
lifelesskees: then you can enable per branch using branch.conf, or url prefix via locations.conf21:12
lifelessjelmer: we're getting a bad pattern on that bug :)21:17
mwhudsonLarstiQ: probably sane21:27
LarstiQmwhudson: will do tomorrow, to tired to think now21:28
Glenjaminhey guys, are there any docs around on using bzr's functions programatically?21:45
Glenjamini was going to just write a shell script, but i thought error handling would be much neater just using normal python21:45
beunoGlenjamin, maybe something like: http://bazaar-vcs.org/Integrating_with_Bazaar21:47
Glenjaminah perfect21:47
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mxpxpodjelmer: are there docs for subvertpy?21:52
jamlifeless: i noticed, it breaks brisbane-core when you merge the new streaming code ... :)22:06
lifelessjam: :P ><22:07
* igc breakfast22:19
james_wthanks Aaron22:32
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abentleyjames_w: np22:57
james_wabentley: my reviews won't be counted as votes, correct?22:58
abentleyjames_w: They will.22:58
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james_woh, ok22:59
lifelessyay netsplits23:03
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kenichifeeling blind, are there any sort of instructions for loggerhead setup anywhere?23:03
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kenichioh hee, nm.23:04
lifelessabentley: I intend to move cloning_metadir down to the format, with a signature like Format.cloning_format(self, a_dir)23:04
lifelessabentley: this is to allow avoiding more VFS calls23:05
lifelessabentley: alternatively, I could do a network version of cloning_metadir; do you have a preference/haven't thought about it ?23:05
abentleylifeless: I think it's okay to move it down, but you've got to make sure that format is accurate, then.23:07
lifelessabentley: well the goal is to have RemoteBzrDirFormat.cloning_format(a_dir) call self._real_format.cloning_format(a_dir), where a_dir is a RemoteBzrDir23:08
lifelessabentley: I think I'll do a network version, for now23:08
abentleylifeless: works for me.23:09
lifelessabentley: because its not an api change, and thats easier in some ways23:09
pooliejam, regarding weave merge23:13
pooliei thought i remembered that we would conflict on delete vs change23:13
pooliei might be wrong23:13
abentleypoolie: I think it's not interpreted as a change because the line is moved.23:14
pooliereally, does weave know about that kind of merge?23:16
mwhudsonjelmer: are you here?23:21
thumperlooks like not23:24
mwhudsonlazy students23:38
jelmermwhudson, hey23:45
thumperjelmer: why are you awake!23:46
mwhudsonjelmer: does bzr-git support branching from non-master branches in a repo?23:46
mwhudson(please excuse any lack of understanding of git from me...)23:47
jelmermwhudson: not yet, as bzr has no way to address those branche syet23:47
mwhudsonok, that issue23:47
jelmermwhudson, bzr git-import will import them though23:47
mwhudsongit-import will import all branches in a repo23:48
mwhudsonjelmer: also, is lp:bzr-git, lp:dulwich the way to get the latest, most fun, bzr-git?23:48
jelmermwhudson, yes, git-import imports all branches23:48
jelmermwhudson, the latest is lp:dulwich and lp:~jelmer/bzr-git/trunk23:50
mwhudsonjelmer: ok thanks23:50
jfroyHey people.23:51
jfroyAre there specific setup instructions for running the bazaar test suite?23:51
jfroyI naively tried to run bzr selftest, only to have it immediately die on me with bzr: ERROR: No module named blackbox.test_diff23:51
lifelessjfroy: generally you should be running from the source, not from a binary23:52
jfroythat is what I did23:53
jfroyI went into the source distribution and ran the ./bzr23:54
jfroyperhaps I need to force that path on the sys.path first23:54
lifelessjfroy: no, shouldn't need to23:59
lifelessjfroy: uhm that was from a tarball?23:59

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