
nothingmanhi, all04:44
nothingmanI installed the alternate disk as an ltsp server, but when I log in on the server (haven't installed the addon disc yet) I get a black screen with the arrow cursor04:45
=== ogra_ is now known as ogra
anom1just wondering if I'm missing any Edubuntu downloads, because after installing the whole 8.10 Addon CDROM (I believe), I only see about 10+ new programs, mostly in the Education menu (gnome).12:45
* anom1 dreams of seeing Mark Shuttleworth in person one day...12:47
itsteggwill the edubuntu addon install over xubuntu ?14:02
* anom1 wishes there are many apps for various subjects - Physics, Chemistry, Geography, History (general), Biology, etc...16:09
Ahmuck-JrNubae is there a place on the apps site where one can create a section called "wanted apps"16:40
Ahmuck-Jrsomething a person could describe the educational app they are looking for and describe how it should perform?16:40
anom1Ahmuck-Jr: Thank you. Will take a look.16:48
Ahmuck-Jranom1: i don't think there is a place yet16:49
anom1but what do you guys think about edubuntu?  or are you guys in here just to chat or something?16:57
* anom1 just wants to start a conversation and listen to people talk.16:58
gfarbal2Hi! Anybody can help me setting up local devices support in a LTSP server? I'm using 2.6.24-23 kernel, I've fuse module insmoded, my user is in fuse group, and my thin device recognizes my USB stick but... Gnome icon's... doesn't appear :-( Any idea? Thank you!17:05
Ahmuck-JrLaserJock: could we get a place on the website for applications ideas?19:22
ograAhmuck-Jr, https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/edubuntu-application-review feel free to implement the spec :)19:24
LaserJockactually, we have Brainstorm19:27
LaserJockI sent out an email about it19:27
* LaserJock wonders if people ever read his emails sometimes :-)19:27
ograwell, brainstorm isnt really a replacement for an app overview DB19:28
LaserJockbut I sent out an email saying we can use it as an interim solution19:28
LaserJocksince I'm guessing the full app review DB is gonna take somet time to implement19:28
Ahmuck-Jrneed to put it in the topic me thinks19:29
Ahmuck-Jrafter the question came up here, i envisoined a place where someone could fill out the title, the app idea, and the details needed to make the app function19:30
Ahmuck-Jrthen it would be a wait and see to find out if there was someone that would implement the app19:30
LaserJockthe spec that ogra linked to has a lot of great ideas19:31
Ahmuck-Jris that brainstorm ?19:31
LaserJocknot so much19:31
Ahmuck-Jrcoders do well at coding, but not so well at what apps teachers need to teach19:31
LaserJockBrainstorm let's you create an idea and talk about it19:31
ograits the spec we worked out at the seville UDS for presenting and voting for apps19:32
Ahmuck-Jrso let them specify what apps they are looking for and then if a dev want's to try it, let them try it19:32
ograbut nobody ever implemented it19:32
Ahmuck-Jror someone wants to pay for a gpled development19:32
LaserJockI still say though that the problem is not primarily finding things to work on, but rather finding resources to do so19:33
ogranot enough devs in edubuntu land was always the prob19:33
LaserJockhowever, if we can be more efficient at doing that, then that's a good idea19:33
Ahmuck-Jrit doesn't need to be edubuntu devs19:33
Ahmuck-Jrbut the seed could be planted at edubuntu19:34
* ogra didnt say edubuntu devs 19:34
ograi said in edubuntu land :)19:34
Ahmuck-Jrso if dev a is looking for something to polish thier resume, they could pick up an edu app at edubuntu19:34
ogra(which includes ubuntu devs or anyone else who is willing)19:34
ograthere are millions of demanding users and teachers but only a handfull of devs at all19:35
ograin the three years i did edubuntu the best i could get were people willing to help but only with documentation19:36
ograand i doubt that changed much19:36
LaserJockmostly the best is to get people who are alread devs interested in Education from what I've seen19:37
ograits the only way19:37
LaserJockthat's how ogra and I got into it19:37
Ahmuck-Jror pay for dev19:39
ograthat doesnt generate more devs magically19:40
ograbut feel free to try it and put up a bounty :)19:43
alkisgLns: man sqlite => .sqliterc may be a way to automatically insert group "places" entries in firefox, I think you were looking for something like that...19:45
Lnsalkisg: wow, thanks, i'll look into that!19:46
Lnsalkisg: do you have any docs on .sqliterc syntax/usage?20:05
alkisgLns, they're standard .commands20:05
alkisgE.g. put this in .sqliterc:20:05
alkisg.output /tmp/sqlite.out20:06
alkisg.output stdout20:06
alkisgThen if you run sqlite and just .quit, you'll see a /tmp/sqlite.out file with your databases20:06
alkisgYou may also include a file with sql statements (like, select * from moz_places)20:06
* Lns isn't familiar with .commands - is that all standard sql syntax?20:07
alkisgLns, run sqlite and then type .help20:07
Lnswow this could provide some pretty useful functionality20:07
alkisgLns, ah, sorry: .sqliterc isn't executed when firefox starts, I thought it would be... :(20:08
alkisgSo I guess triggers would be an alternative...20:09
highvoltagehey Lns20:12
Lnshey highvoltage, what's the good word20:13
highvoltagesorry Lns I only know bad words :p20:14
* Lns is probably going to toss ArchLinux on his eeepc 701.. heard it can boot in 14sec.20:22
Ahmuck-Jrk, i'm back20:37
=== jussio1 is now known as jussi01
SvenstaroDoes anybody here have experience with a network of about 50 thin clients and what kind of server to use in order to cope with the loadß23:52
LaserJockthat seems like quite a lot on a single server23:52
SvenstaroThat's why I'm asking :/23:52
LaserJockstgraber or Lns might have an idea though23:53
SvenstaroI'm considering fat clients at this point.23:53
SvenstaroI have 8 cores which I believe can handle at most 20 multimedia clients.23:54
SvenstaroWould you even use LTSP/Edubuntu when using fat clients? From my understanding for fat clients I simply have to serve a bootable kernel on a TFTPd.23:55
LaserJockyeah, you can do LTSP with fat clients23:59

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