
seeleargh, this review on kblogger is going to take a while. i needs some work :-/00:11
* seele thinks about going to bed early00:17
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neversfeldeseele: gn8 :). But are you using kblogger successful?00:51
seeleneversfelde: just reviewing it, so far what i try seems to work ok, it's just not as intuitive and easy as you would hope it would be00:55
neversfeldeseele: tested it some days ago and it did not work with sy9, so I was interested. I am currenty wainting for bilbo blogger. http://www.ohloh.net/p/bilbo00:57
neversfeldemtux the author of choqoK takes part in it, so it will probably be a success :)00:58
etankis there an eta for a kubuntu jaunty beta?02:32
vorianetank: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JauntyReleaseSchedule02:32
etankstraight from alpha 6 to RC huh02:34
vorianetank: march 26th is beta02:34
etankvorian: im still on the first part of "Hooked On Phonics"02:35
etankgive me some time and i will get this reading thing down02:35
vorianYou must be from Kentucky02:35
etankbetter than Ohio :P02:35
etankexcept you guys get the awesome OLF02:36
vorianetank: the important thing is each phase02:36
vorianRight now we are in a feature freeze02:36
ScottKYou can probably both laugh at West Virginia.02:36
voriannot really, I was raised in Arkansas02:37
ScottKSheesh.  That's tough.02:37
ScottKDunno though.  I've live near both and it's arguable.02:37
etankvorian: if im going to try to get on the MOTU ship (i know it takes a while) is it better to start at the beginning of a release?02:41
etankie. start with the Jaunty release02:41
vorianetank: it's easier to get your work sponsored02:42
vorianthere are exceptions during the freeze, but it requires a bit of paperwork and patience02:42
ScottKAlternatively if you can work on bug fixes, those can be easier to get started with and are prime for getting sponsored in this part of the cycle.02:43
etankso what is the best first step to take?02:43
etanki am not running kubuntu at this point however02:44
etankthat is one reason i asked about the releases02:44
ScottKCan you at least set up a VM for testing?02:44
etankScottK: sure02:44
etankif alpha 5 is stable enough i would be willing to reinstall with it02:44
etankor wait to alpha6 or beta if they would be more stable02:45
ScottKWith that you could look at open bugs in Launchpad and patches from other distros in harvest and see if you can package a fix.02:45
ScottKI'd recommend install Intrepid and start with that.02:45
etankin on intrepid (w/Gnome) now02:45
ScottKI generally run the stable release and do my dev work in chroots.02:46
voriani usually run the devel release, and get yelled at by my wife02:46
etankvorian: doesn't she yell at you anyway?02:46
voriannot really, only about messing around with the computers02:47
ScottKhttp://daniel.holba.ch/harvest/ btw has a lot of potential fixes that can be looked into.02:48
vorianetank: did you work through the recipies yet?02:49
etankvorian: the first two02:49
etankthe first one was a little like working with foresight packaging02:49
etankwhen it came to pbuilder at least02:50
etankall the {control|rules|etc} files are kinda new for me02:51
voriancontrol and rules are the hardest to get down02:52
vorianthen, move on the the finer points of fancy changelogs02:53
etankvorian: conrol and rules were the things that threw me off last time i tried to go down the deb packaging path02:54
etankthat and the pristine tarball part02:55
etankdidn't ever have to worry about that with conary packages02:55
vorianrules would be like foresight recipie02:58
etankwell i know a little about foresight recipes :)03:00
a|wen'morning everyone03:13
vorianhi a|wen03:13
etankgug a|wen03:14
etankmaco: you hang out in here?03:26
macoetank:  since im using kubuntu jaunty, yeah, that way i can ask about bugs since #ubuntu+1 is mostly gnome people03:28
etankmaco: is it pretty stable so far?03:29
etanki only have it in a vm that i set up on friday at work03:29
macokmail's not :(03:40
ScottKmaco: You're using IMAP, right?03:40
ScottKI think nixternal said something about looking into IMAP problems recently.03:41
JontheEchidnaKMail is pretty stable as long as you use POP and not IMAP03:41
ScottKAlso we know what nixternal has been doing instead of Kubuntu now: http://www.jonobacon.org/2009/03/02/loco-directory-moves-forward/03:41
nixternalya, i gave up on it because it was horrible...kept crashing03:41
JontheEchidnaI've only have had one crash with KMail + POP since I started using it back in the Intrepid dev cycle03:42
nixternalwhat works better with kmail is using offlineimap to grab take care of the imap stuff03:42
nixternalfor some reason it was way to bad for me to even work with03:42
* nixternal cannot wait for kdevelop4 to be completed03:43
macoim ScottK yes i am03:43
macohaha that didnt wor03:43
ScottKI recall more than one "This is the release that will make IMAP not suck on Kmail" release.03:43
macojeez i cant type!03:44
macowell deleting mail over IMAP, usually when doing >1 mail at a time...that often crashes it03:44
nixternalwell kmail works great with a real imap server, but it blows with gmail and 14 million emails03:44
macoand i cant set my encryption key, so for "send encrypted and keep an encrypted-to-me copy" i need to use evolution03:44
maco(read "cant" as "kmail crashes when i try")03:45
macoand NO im not using seahorse agent03:45
macoso you can stop right there, ScottK03:46
ScottKWell I think it's haunting your system or something.03:46
macoi uninstalled it03:46
macoso :P03:46
a|wenScottK: is there a big difference between imap in jaunty and intrepid?03:47
* ScottK doesn't use IMAP.03:47
a|wenintrepid + kde4.2 that is03:47
ScottKDunno even03:47
ScottKI'd imagine not.03:47
a|wenmy experience is that IMAP sucks ... but changing to disconnected IMAP does not03:48
macowhat does disconnected IMAP mean?03:48
a|wenmaco: when it doesn't do anything it will disconnect from the server03:49
a|wenit is meant for laptops etc. with non-permanent connection03:49
macowill it store the messages locally like pop but then push changes to the server?03:49
macoor does it act like normal imap but doesnt freak out when the network drops?03:50
ScottKvorian: It looks like somewhere along the lines we lost the kmail recommending gpgsm (needed for S/MIME signing/verifying mail).03:50
a|wenit seems to store more locally ... but i'm not sure if it stores all of it03:50
etanknixternal: are you using kmail will offlineimap then?03:50
vorianScottK: I'll fix that right now03:51
etanki have only used offlineimap with mutt03:51
ScottKvorian: Thanks.03:51
nixternalI did, but I am to use to Mutt again...I dont' want to move away from the best email client in the world :)03:51
* ScottK suspect's nixternal secret love is Outlook Express on Vista.03:51
etankmutt runs on my server in my bedroom. i just use gmail / thunderbird for when there is an attachement03:52
etankdownloading then scp'ing the file is just one step too many03:52
nixternalScottK: Windows 7!!!03:52
nixternalI gave up on Vista months ago03:52
ScottKRight.  Forgot you'd moved one.03:52
etankwindows 7 really isnt too bad03:52
nixternalI don't even use gmail for attachments03:52
etanknot in my tests at least03:52
etankstill dont want to use it though03:53
vorianScottK: gpgsm is in universe, so it will have to be a suggests03:53
nixternalI run a script that will ssh to my server and also setup an sshfs link to my downloads dir on the server, so I can still work normally03:53
a|wenkmail is actually an amazingly good email agent ... as long as you stay out of protocol trouble03:54
a|wenupcoming class... back later03:55
ScottKKmail has been my primary mail client since 2005.03:57
ScottKmaco: What option is it you need for encrypted mail you don't have?03:57
macoScottK: oh not a missing option. a crashing option.03:57
macoin order to store an encrypted-to-self mail when sending encrypted mail, you need to set your gpg key03:58
macokmail crashes when i try03:58
* vorian has no trouble with either IMAP or gpg03:58
maconot crash on send04:05
macocrash on trying to set what key to use04:05
macoit hits an assert and aborts04:05
* nixternal beds04:06
ScottKOdd.  No trouble setting it here.04:07
* maco grumbles04:07
maconope, still cant do it04:09
macodo you have to click "start certificate manager" before you click OK?04:09
ScottKI'm unsetting it and trying again.04:12
ScottKThere's an option for start certificate manager, but I don't click on it.04:13
ScottKI just click OK.04:13
macoand it doesnt crash?04:13
macobefore you choose your key from the "list" (which in my case has only one key), does it have a yellow "?" on top of the key icon?04:14
macoand then after you choose it the yellow "?" becomes a green checkmark?04:14
macohrm...so that yellow question mark maybe has something to do with it04:15
macooh..the "reread keys" button crashes it too04:15
ScottKI was 'nope' in the it doesn't crash.04:17
ScottKI'm a little laggy at times tonight.04:17
* ScottK checks 04:17
ScottKYellow question mark until I click on it.04:19
ScottKThe yellow question mark mean it hasn't checked to see if GPG trusts the key.04:19
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=== DeadNight is now known as DreadKnight
a|wenmoin danimo10:33
danimoRiddell: ping?10:33
Riddellhi danimo10:45
danimoRiddell: hi, got anyone (or yourself) interested in doing Creator packages?10:46
Riddelldanimo: yes we would, but I saw dirk's comments when he tried to package it and now I'm scared10:48
danimoRiddell: ok, that's why I am here10:48
danimoRiddell: we tried or best to make creator to conform to standards. if we messed up (and I know we did at least a bit for 64 bit targets, but not too bad), please tell us10:49
danimoRiddell: where did he make these comments?10:50
Riddelldanimo: where's the source code?  http://www.qtsoftware.com/developer/qt-creator/qt-creator#qt-creator-open-source has only repository, binaries and snapshots10:53
Riddelldanimo: he made them in an irc channel10:53
danimoRiddell: the idea is to get it from git10:53
danimoRiddell: we have a 1.0.0 branch there10:54
danimoRiddell: http://labs.trolltech.com/gitweb?p=qt-creator;a=summary10:54
Riddellbut no stable tar, this isn't a good start to being packager friendly10:54
danimoRiddell: if it helps, I can arrange that. I was under the impression that it doesn't matter, but I can get you a tar package10:55
RiddellI'm afraid I've no idea how to checkout from git10:55
danimoRiddell: try http://labs.trolltech.com/gitweb?p=qt-creator;a=snapshot;h=c0f2f81c6817a6a1639d27d15b8b58f64b848e5e;sf=tgz10:59
smarterRiddell: git clone $nameofthebranch iirc10:59
danimoRiddell: this is 99.9% what we are going to release and it get be caught with wget10:59
danimoRiddell: 99.% because we are still testing11:00
danimoRiddell: this is also why we did not consider doing packages manually11:00
danimosource packages anyway. git makes it very very convinient11:00
Riddellqt-creator-c0f2f81c6817a6a1639d27d15b8b58f64b848e5e  and I thought our version numbers were long11:01
danimoRiddell: git uses sha-1 sums to identify commits11:01
danimoRiddell: this one means "state of the branch after commit <shasum>"11:01
* smarter don't get why it doesn't use an incrementing number for revision11:02
danimosmarter: because as I said, it's not a revision, but a commit11:03
danimosmarter: it takes a while to free oneself from svn/p4 thinking, but it's worth it11:03
danimosmarter: the sha1 sum is created from diff+comment11:03
danimosmarter: so you can always tell if two commits are the same11:04
Riddelluseful, but not as useful has having version numbers.  bzr win11:04
Riddellgoodness I sound grumpy today11:04
danimoRiddell: indeed :)11:04
smarterRiddell: hehe :p11:04
danimoRiddell: probably you can also fetch it with a branch name, I don't know if getweb supports that, though11:05
smarteris there any good doc somewhere on how to use git with kde svn without screwing it up? :p11:05
danimosmarter: plus if you fetch from a version number (e.g. branch or tag), you never know which version you actually have, because upstream might have sneaked in some patches11:06
danimoto be fair, I don't know bzr well enough to tell if they have an even better concept11:07
smarterIs git faster than svn to retrieve the commit log? (especially on big repos like kde)11:07
smarterif yes, I'm sold :]11:07
Riddellsmarter: it's distributed revision control so you have the history on your machine so it'll be faster due to no network connection11:14
danimosmarter: it is11:17
Riddellstill compiling..11:17
danimosmarter: someone even maintains a git import of kde using git-svn11:17
danimoRiddell: what? Creator?11:17
danimoRiddell: mind that it needs to compile against 4.511:17
smarterdanimo: it's publicly available?11:17
danimosmarter: I would think so11:18
smarterif not, [12:05:22] <smarter> is there any good doc somewhere on how to use git with kde svn without screwing it up? :p11:18
danimosmarter: otherwise, have a look at http://repo.or.cz/w/svn-all-fast-export.git11:18
smartercan it exports a part only a part of the svn?11:19
danimosmarter: no idea11:19
smarterI'll look into it, hopefully I won't DoS svn.kde.org :}11:20
danimosmarter: http://techbase.kde.org/Development/Tutorials/Git11:20
smarteroh, cool, missed that11:20
Riddelljings this thing takes ages to compile11:37
Riddelldanimo: it install to /lib/qtcreator/11:43
Riddelldanimo: so, fancy changing qt to use cmake?11:44
danimoRiddell: make INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr install11:44
danimoRiddell: not gonna happen any time soon11:44
danimoRiddell: mostly because we do not support cmake properly in 1.011:44
danimoRiddell: should be better for 1.1, and maybe we can introduce it by then or with 1.211:45
danimoRiddell: but cmake isn't 100% golden either11:45
RiddellQTDIR=/usr  sudo make INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr install11:48
Riddellstill installs to /lib11:48
Riddellah, INSTALL_ROOT11:49
danimoRiddell: right, sorry11:54
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danimoRiddell: does it work now?12:02
* danimo heads out for lunch12:03
Riddelldanimo: seems to yes12:03
seeleRiddell: did you talk to Artemis_Fowl?12:32
Riddellseele: no sorry, still on my todo list12:34
seelergreening: pong12:40
Riddelldanimo: there's no .desktop file13:14
danimoRiddell: damn, we forgot to move it over to the package dir I'm afraid :(13:15
Riddelldanimo: got a copy of it?13:17
danimoRiddell: sure, sec13:18
danimoriddell http://qtcreator.pastebin.com/m38c6df9c13:20
Riddelldanimo: and are there files to register those mimetypes?13:24
danimoRiddell: http://qtcreator.pastebin.com/m7371db5013:25
Riddelldanimo: what should that file be called, and where should it go?13:26
RiddellJontheEchidna: ha?13:27
JontheEchidnaApparently gtk-qt-engine and QGtkStyle wrestle for control until the program crashes13:27
danimoRamblurr: Nokia-QtCreator.xml, and we use xdg-mime install $MODE Nokia-QtCreator.xml13:27
danimowhere $MODE is  defined as (13:28
danimoMODE='--mode user'13:28
danimo[ "$USER" = 'root' ] && MODE='--mode system'13:28
danimo) in a shell script13:28
danimoerr, Riddell13:28
danimoJontheEchidna: yepp, what did you expect? :)13:29
JontheEchidnaThe Qt Software dudes said it probably wouldn't be a problem ;P13:29
rgreeningseele: hey13:30
RiddellJontheEchidna: humbug13:31
rgreeningRiddell: want to provide some feedback to my motu app?13:31
seaLneany thoughts on what related to lockd would not creating locks on an nfs server would survive the nfs server being rebooted?13:32
seelergreening: pong13:41
Riddellrgreening: yes I do, poke me until I get round to it13:46
rgreeningRiddell: lol13:49
rgreeningseele: same for you... poke poke... some comments  :)13:50
rgreeningand I know JontheEchidnawants to as well13:50
rgreeningbtw, thanks ScottK for commenting13:51
Riddelldanimo: make clean rule is woefully inadequate, as usual for qmake13:53
danimoRiddell: how so?13:53
seelergreening: i dont know anything about your packaging activity though13:54
Riddelldanimo: leaves lots of files in <src>/bin/ and <src>/lib/13:54
rgreeningseele: there's a comments section for general comments :)13:54
rgreeningI need you seele of approval13:55
danimoRiddell: well, I have to admit that I didn't really take care all that much13:55
seelehas everyone who needs to applied to UDS? applications are due wednesday.14:04
JontheEchidnargreening: feedback'd14:10
Riddellseele: erk, really?14:11
seeleRiddell: really that the applications are due in two days? yes14:13
seeleyou probably should poke ScottK and Nightrose to be sure they applied :P14:18
* Nightrose didn't apply14:19
seeleNightrose: by accident or on purpose?14:20
Nightroseso far on purpose ;-)  think there are other people who are more worth sponsoring14:21
Nightroseand i havn't checked the date yet14:22
seelehum, ScottK is the only one who intended to apply14:23
seelemaybe nixternal too but he's been afk lately14:23
rgreeningty JontheEchidna14:24
rgreeningseele: im applied14:24
seelergreening: ok good, we got two then14:24
rgreeningwell considering it's barcelona, and I actually know some spanish and portuguese, Im really pumped to go :)14:26
rgreeningand JontheEchidna: yep. Ive learned my lesson haha :P14:29
rgreening6 mo really flies.14:29
JontheEchidnalol, yeah it does14:29
rgreeningand it's not even 6 mo to dev14:30
rgreeningso, naivetiy gave way to fot-in-mouth disease14:30
Riddellhttp://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?upid=5318  revu needed14:30
seeleScottK: ping14:37
seaLneanyone here using a nfs homedir running jaunty?14:47
seelergreening: was there something regarding kpackagekit you were waiting for from me?15:10
a|wenRiddell: want to give some feedback on my motu app.? just when you have the time: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/AndreasWenning/DeveloperApplicationTemplate15:16
seelea|wen: did you apply to uds?15:18
a|wenseele: it's just in the end of may, right?15:19
seelebut applications are due wednesday15:19
* a|wen is relocating from thailand to denmark on the first of june ... so suspects to be a bit too much hung up15:21
seaLneRiddell: i got a ripped empty envelope from merchandise mania :(15:21
RiddellseaLne: for your stickers?  how annoying15:22
RiddellseaLne: take a photo and we can complain to marketing15:22
seaLnethe address was also a mixture of yours and mine15:22
a|wenseele: but i'll make up for it at the next UDS instead...15:27
rgreeningseele: I dont think so. I have re-written the bulk of my original patch against kpackagekit 0.4. Now I need to finish it. xdg-menu stuff, etc...15:28
seeleJontheEchidna: ping15:28
seelergreening: what did the kpackagekit maintainer think of your patch, or has he not seen it yet15:29
seaLneRiddell: your 38 (1F2)... line of address was in between my name and my address15:29
rgreeningno one outside kubuntu has seen anything yet.15:30
rgreeningseele: ^15:30
rgreeningit's a work in progress., so... and will need lots of love in order to be properly integrated in the upstream package (i.e to make sure it's distro agnostic).15:31
ScottKI did intend to apply.  I'll do so today.15:32
ScottKThis entire notifications discussions has me torn between throwing up my hands and giving up (no point in going) or wanting to go even more.15:32
seeleScottK: even the better reason to be sure you go.15:34
seelergreening: is tonio's ppa the latest?15:35
ScottKseele: Some of what they are proposing is just so obviously wrong and yet they don't listen to any outside voice.  Is there a point?15:35
seeleif no one goes to UDS then it's hard to counter their points15:36
rgreeningScottK: hopefully I'll get my sponsorship approved and be there to help you out :) heheh15:36
NightroseScottK: worst case no-one at uds speaks up and they think it is ok the way it is :/15:36
rgreeningseele: yes, unless you mean does it have my unfinished patch... then no.15:36
seelergreening: ok15:37
ScottKNightrose: I've yet to see any evidence telling them it's not OK would cause them to believe they have a problem.15:37
a|wenScottK and rgreening: be there and raise the voice... you no that you have a lot of people/developers behind you15:37
rgreeningScottK: face to face meetings tend to go better.15:37
seeleif no one goes then there isn't anyone there to discuss these things15:38
* Nightrose ponders15:38
rgreeningseele: you going?15:38
Nightrosewhen is it again?15:38
seeleNightrose: last week in may15:38
rgreeninglast week may Nightrose15:38
* Nightrose looks15:38
seelergreening: it's complicated, that's why i'm trying to make sure that other people are going15:38
rgreeningoh... ok. well, as long as I get approved, im there. in a heatbeat.15:39
Nightrosei could probably go but june is hell already for me15:40
rgreeningplus I get to meet ScottK :P15:40
Nightroselinuxtag and akademy and my brothers' prom night15:40
rickspencer3Riddell: ping15:40
seeleNightrose: are you going to the amarok spring at the beginning of may too?15:40
NightroseI'd rarely be at home for 2 months :P15:41
Riddellhi rickspencer315:41
seaLneRiddell: http://selkie.duffus.org/~kd/envelope/ my empty sticker envelope15:41
seaLneNightrose: did you get stickers? just wondering what was in the envelope15:47
NightroseseaLne: jep - there were 50 sticker papers inside15:48
Nightroseeach with 8 or so different kubuntu stickers15:48
Nightrose13 on each paper15:49
seaLnea4 sheets?15:49
Nightrose12cm x 12cm15:50
seaLneah ok that could possibly have come out the rip15:50
seaLnea5 or folded a4 wouldn't have which was why i was wondering15:51
rickspencer3Riddell: yeah, turning off desktop effects did the job15:57
seaLneNightrose: btw akademy isn't june its july re your earlier comment15:59
NightroseseaLne: ye i know - but right after linuxtag at the end of june16:01
Nightroseand before that i have to travel home for my brothers' prom night16:01
Nightrosebusy busy ;-)16:01
Nightroseand the amarok dev sprint at the beginning of may16:02
seaLnek, just wanted to check you ment lots of things around that time and not that you had the date wrong16:02
Nightrose;-) thx16:02
Nightroseso: if you need more KDE support at UDS poke me but if it is not really needed I think I should give the spot to someone else16:03
seeleanyone know if Tonio applied?16:03
seeleor if his company will send him again?16:03
seeleyuriy: ping16:04
seeleNightrose: my concern is that i dont know if enough of the right people have applied and will be there16:04
Nightrose2 more days to find out right?16:04
Quintasananyone using PackageKit from ppa?16:05
Nightroseseele: http://webapps.ubuntu.com/employment/canonical_DED btw16:06
JontheEchidnaDaSkreech: ong16:07
seeleNightrose: interesting, but i don't want to move to london.16:07
Nightrosehehe ok16:08
DaSkreechJontheEchidna: Was just letting you know that you may have incoming on the GG support for 4.216:08
JontheEchidnaOh, yeah...16:08
* JontheEchidna sigheth16:08
DaSkreechThat's why the heads up ;-)16:09
DaSkreechWhat needs to be done for that?16:09
JontheEchidnavicously separate the google gears plugin into its own tarball and make a new package16:10
JontheEchidnaand still not be able to install it by default I'm afraid16:10
DaSkreechWell a) I don't think that many people know or care about it16:11
DaSkreechb) If someone wants it they can get it16:11
DaSkreechI think is the arguement16:11
seaLneanyone able to get kde to stop responding in jaunty by pressing alt+f2?16:16
seaLneits happened since i installed updates from over the weekend16:17
seaLnenot convinced its the actual key presses that cause it tho16:17
Riddellkded4 died?16:18
seaLneit happens everytime since this morning16:22
markeyanyone know where to get the latest choqoK from? I hear 0.5 has landed in a PPA16:23
markeymine is crashing a lot16:24
etankseaLne: just by hitting alt+f2 you lock up?16:24
seaLneyep :(16:25
DaSkreechmarkey: seen the new laconica stuff? :)16:26
markeyDaSkreech: nope, what is it?16:27
etankseaLne: i just tried it on a jaunty kubuntu box that i updated this morning16:28
etankit didnt lock up for me16:28
DaSkreechmarkey: Direct messages and nudging16:28
markeyI still want that new ShowCock :p16:28
seaLneetank: yeah i think it is a symptom of something else16:29
ScottKRiddell: I just applied for UDS.16:29
markeysome "neversfelde" dented: "testing !choqoK 0.5+svn. Btw new packages are available in my PPA"16:30
seeleRiddell: do you know if yuriy or Tonio applied?16:30
markeyah, that guy happens to be here :)16:30
markeyneversfelde: ping16:30
DaSkreechmarkey: Looks like his is going to start being like Wine and Windows :)16:30
markeythe ShowCock?16:31
DaSkreechYeah They start implementing the new stuff laconica puts out almost get it owrking new stuff comes out they start working on that almost get it working hey look! new stuff!16:33
markeytbh I like my micro-blogging KISS style16:34
markeyno tags, nu nudges, no hugs16:34
markey<- hardcore :p16:34
* DaSkreech hugs markey16:34
markeyyou kids can do all the fancy new stuff :p16:34
markeyso here is that PPA, if anyone is interested:16:35
markey17:34 < Mamarok> markey: deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/neversfelde/ppa/ubuntu main16:35
markeytrying it now16:35
Riddellseele: I do not16:37
DaSkreechis jackalope expected to ship with Qt 4.516:37
=== Riddell changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: Kubuntu Development | Alpha-5 released! | 8.04.2 released! - http://www.kubuntu.org/node/69 | Feature Freeze in effect - Fix bugs | https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Todo | Apply for UDS http://www.jonobacon.org/2009/02/19/announcing-the-karmic-koala-ubuntu-developer-summit/
RiddellDaSkreech: yes16:37
seaLneetank: do you use konqueror as your browser?16:39
markeyyay, got the new choqoK16:43
markeydon't bother with that PPA16:43
markeylink: https://edge.launchpad.net/%7Eneversfelde/+archive/ppa/+files/choqok_0.5+svn933956-0ubuntu1~intrepid1~ppa1_i386.deb16:43
etankseaLne: nah i normally use FF16:47
cumulus007Why are you using KPakcgeKit as the default package manager in Jaunty? What's wrong with Adept?16:55
DaSkreechcumulus007: Unmaintained16:57
cumulus007Ah, but I thought Adept is made by the Kubuntu devs?16:58
seelewhat kubuntu devs16:58
cumulus007KPackagekit is uncomplete and sloooow16:58
JontheEchidnaAdept was completely written by mornfall16:58
DaSkreechcumulus007: Even if it was that's a good reason to use kpackageKit17:00
DaSkreechhaving more people than just Kubuntu working on it is good for the long term17:00
Quintasan\o mpt17:31
mpthello hello17:36
yuriyseele: applied for what?18:18
yuriygood morning, snow day style18:19
ScottKGoing to UDS I think.18:20
yuriyI didn't see any announcement for applications (but I haven't looked at my rss in a couple days..)18:21
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ScottKyuriy: http://www.jonobacon.org/2009/02/19/announcing-the-karmic-koala-ubuntu-developer-summit/18:25
DaSkreechseele: I found a way to test Notification flood for usabilty testing :)18:26
seeleyuriy: it was announced two weeks ago and applications are due wednesday18:34
seeleyuriy: please apply if you plan on going. link is in the topic18:34
seeleDaSkreech: huh? why would you test a flood? there should never be a flood18:34
yuriyuhoh gotta hurry then18:35
DaSkreechseele: Join three or four groups on identi.ca and then wait like  a week inbetween logins with choqok18:35
seeleDaSkreech: still.. the application should be smart enough to not flood you to start with18:36
seeleand find an alternative way of providing you backlog if you want it18:36
DaSkreechWell honestly I told it to spit up notifications but I just got like 100 notifies spread out over a minute and a half18:36
DaSkreechWell the only purpose of the app is it give you backlog and to add to the backlog of others :-D18:37
cumulus007anyone having sound problems on Jaunty? My pulseaudio eats lots of CPU usage all over the time18:37
* JontheEchidna doesn't use pulseaudio18:38
seeleso you fix the problem instead of gimping a design that wasn't meant to solve the problem in the first place?18:38
ScottKcumulus007: Kubuntu doesn't have pulseaudio18:39
cumulus007why is it in my device list, then?18:39
ScottKIt's a known issue with Pulse that's being worked on for Ubuntu though18:40
ScottKcumulus007: Do you have Ubuntu installed too?18:40
cumulus007erhm, yes18:40
ScottKThat's why then.18:40
cumulus007on a single boot18:40
ScottKUbuntu Desktop pulls that in.18:40
DaSkreechseele: Good point :)18:44
QuintasanDaSkreech: It lags like hell18:58
QuintasanDaSkreech: I mean when you recive a lots of notifications :P18:58
DaSkreechQuintasan: Hmm?18:58
DaSkreechQuintasan: I think it's not lagged I think it's metered18:58
QuintasanDaSkreech: I recive like 80+ messages on jabber form twitter like service and I waited for ~2 minutes for all of them to disappear18:59
DaSkreechThat's kopete18:59
QuintasanDaSkreech: yeah, same for identi.ca with choqok19:00
DaSkreechWell Kopete floods19:00
QuintasanI wonder why they didnt made messages from one contact to stack19:00
Quintasanlike "38 unread messages from Blip"19:00
DaSkreechAt least I can't say if it's a flood since the notifications stay till they go away19:00
DaSkreechThey did in KDE319:01
QuintasanBut not in KDE4 :319:01
DaSkreechYeah I noticed :)19:02
QuintasanI filed a wish on kde bug tracker but it went unnoticed :P19:02
DaSkreechQuintasan: Kopete needs help. Best way to get stuff done is to trump up devs for kopete19:08
DaSkreechThey few who are there focus on protocol stuff19:08
jefferaican anyone tell me if the python upgrade breakage is all fixed?19:10
ScottKIt's not.19:11
jefferaiso, still best to add the pythoneers PPA then?19:12
ScottKI think Main is done, so that won't help.19:13
jefferaioh, ok19:13
jefferaiSo, the upgrade to alpha 5 should be ok19:13
jefferaibut I might experience python breakage after that19:13
jefferaiLife of a developer, I can deal with it19:16
QuintasanDaSkreech: too bad my coding skills are almost useless :<19:17
DaSkreechI never said anything about you coding19:17
QuintasanDaSkreech: I know :P I could help them if I could code, but I've just started C++ so it's almost useless :P19:19
DaSkreechWhy do more and more apps think that they should launch Firefox when I click on a URL?19:20
JontheEchidnaWhy isn't konqueror asking me if I want to restore the session or not?21:07
JontheEchidnaI don't want to restore the session, because Konqeror crashed21:08
JontheEchidnanow it is always crashing21:08
seeleTonio_: did you apply to UDS?21:12
seeleJontheEchidna: did you apply to UDS too?21:12
JontheEchidnaI will not have time to attend this time :(21:12
Tonio_seele: not yet.... is that opened already ?21:13
ScottKseele: JontheEchidna was earlier whining about highschool.21:13
seeleScottK: ooh21:13
ScottKTonio_: Wed is the deadline.21:13
seeleTonio_: http://www.jonobacon.org/2009/02/19/announcing-the-karmic-koala-ubuntu-developer-summit/21:13
Tonio_ScottK, seele: WOW, thanks for the ping....21:14
JontheEchidnawas bug 319245 acted upon? It really shouldn't have been if it was...21:15
ubottuLaunchpad bug 319245 in kdebase "konqueror resume dialogue unclear" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/31924521:15
JontheEchidnaRiddell: ^21:15
NightroseTonio_: you have less than two days21:16
Tonio_Nightrose: doing this right now...21:19
Nightrosegreat :)21:19
seeleso that's three people who have applied? ScottK rgreening and Tonio?21:19
Nightroseyuriy: ?21:20
seelehe did or you are asking?21:20
seelei wonder if nixternal has time to go too21:20
seelebecause right now i dont think anyone from the council has signed up21:20
Nightroselooks like it yea21:21
seele(except for Riddell)21:21
ScottKGiven the lack of a desktop indicator, I think it might make sense to have kubuntu-desktop conflict notify-osd.21:25
ScottKWell maco was saying the Pidgin with notify-osd on Kubuntu was painful, but that it was fine with libnotify21:27
ScottKBecause notify-osd is assuming MI is around and running and we don't have it.21:27
seelewouldnt that make people who have ubuntu installed unable to install kubuntu-desktop?21:27
ScottKNo, I think we could work it so they end up with libnotify instead.21:28
seeleinstead? as in remove notify-osd?21:29
seeleor just when kubuntu is running, use libnotify instead21:29
ScottKYou'd have to remove it I'm pretty sure.21:32
seelethat doesn't seem like a happy solution for people who want both desktops21:33
seeleNightrose: nixternal is a no21:35
ScottKWell libnotify works find in Ubuntu, just doesn't provide the new 'Desktop Experience"21:35
seeleyes, so i can't imagine it being a happy solution with the desktop team21:35
* seele grrs21:35
seeleneed more tea21:36
Nightroseseele: ok - and you can't go either?21:36
seeleNightrose: erm.. it's complicated and i definitely wont know by wednesday21:36
ScottKseele: I see the choices as Kubuntu broken and Ubuntu good or Kubuntu good and Ubuntu OK.21:37
seeleScottK: right. now think which one will happen21:37
ScottKWell it's up to us what we want in Kubuntu Desktop.21:38
seeleScottK: sure, but i hardly believe that we will be able to break the ubuntu desktop in the process21:39
Quintasannight guys21:40
ScottKI don't think this qualifies as breaking.21:40
Tonio_Would you be willing to participate as member of the crew?21:42
Tonio_hum that sounds stupid, but what does this mean ? ;)21:42
* ScottK said no.21:42
Tonio_really I don't get it...21:42
ScottKseele could tell you better since she did it, but it's basically you do one day of working on behind the scenes stuff putting on the conference.21:42
seeleTonio_: you just go around to the rooms and say "time's up get out!" all day21:43
seeleand run errands for claire21:43
Tonio_seele: did you add anything into "further information" ? I think the first desc is enough right ?21:45
* Tonio_ is very bad at describing himself and his motivations....21:45
Tonio_ScottK: any inspiration ? :)21:46
ScottKI don't think you need to say much more than Kubuntu core-dev and want to work on making the plan for Kubntu Karmic.21:47
Tonio_that's just what I said yes :)21:47
Tonio_my motivations are the same for 4 years now...21:48
Tonio_it's been sent... we'll see :)21:48
ScottKIt'd probably help if you spelled it better than me.21:48
seeleTonio_: uhm.. i dont know if the form has changed since last time. i just wrote a few lines about what i do for kubuntu and why i should be there21:49
Tonio_seele: yeah, but I wrote all that in the first part of the form... there is an "extra informations", that doesn't make sense to me :)21:50
Tonio_seele: well it's done now, but as I'm late I just hope they won't get the sponsorship in FIFO mode :)21:51
seeleTonio_: ah, then i dont know what that part is for :)21:51
seeleso now we will hopefully have one more council member there!21:51
* Tonio_ is wondering if qt4.5 was a good choice....21:51
Tonio_I have a lot more crashes and graphical artefacts with it than with 4.4...21:52
Nightroseseele: who?21:54
seeleNightrose: Tonio_? lol21:55
Nightroseseele: ah - I had taken him for granted already ;-)21:56
Tonio_seele: I may not be part of the council anymore...21:56
Nightroserepresenting kubuntu either way ;-)21:57
Tonio_seele: maybe I should consider leaving the council for a year...21:57
seeleTonio_: what? why?21:58
Tonio_seele: bah.... to rotate the positions :)21:59
Tonio_seele: here is the deal..21:59
Tonio_the day I get a girlfriend (I mean a regular one...), I'm leaving the council for a year.21:59
Tonio_so that the day it happens, everyone of you knows :)21:59
* Nightrose wonders how hard Tonio_ is trying to get a gf21:59
Tonio_the thing that I don't know if I have a girlfriend or not.... that's a bit strange, but that's true :)22:00
Tonio_Nightrose: not that hard... it's not when searching for something that you find it :)22:00
Tonio_Nightrose: if I was searching hard, I wouldn't be here talking with you :)22:00
Tonio_I mean I'd be as far as possible from my computer :)22:01
Tonio_computing isn't the very best way to meet girls or boys :)22:01
seeleTonio_: is she dating anyone else besides you?22:01
Nightrosewell it worked for me ;-)22:01
Tonio_seele: who "she" ?22:01
Tonio_seele: my "if don't know if" gf ?22:02
seeleoh, i thought you said you weren't sure as in you know of a girl but aren't sure of what state youre in22:02
Tonio_hum.... well she leaves in tunisia... and she is in love, but won't come to france22:02
Tonio_and I won't go in tunisia :)22:02
seeleoooh, *that* girl22:02
Tonio_seele: yeah !22:02
Nightroseyou know her seele? ;-)22:03
Tonio_seele: I thought it was clear for her on that point, but it changed a bit recently22:03
Tonio_no news for 3 month, and then a love letter....22:03
Tonio_Nightrose: seele knows a lot about my personal life :)22:03
seeleoh my.. women are so confusing22:03
seelei dont see how more men arent just gay22:03
seelemen are so much better22:03
Tonio_seele: especially since we didn't see each other for 7 month...22:03
Tonio_seele: but as I said, the only reason we're not together is because of the distance22:04
Tonio_the thing is :22:04
Nightroseseele: is that related to a lot of men comming out around me?22:04
Tonio_she is SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO beautifull22:04
Tonio_she uses ubuntu22:04
* Nightrose wonderes if something is wrong with her22:04
Sputseele: I would agree with you on so many levels on that, but there are certain biological imperatives :)22:04
Tonio_she can read an LDIFF ldap export22:04
seeleSput: lol22:04
Tonio_and she can patch C code22:04
seeleNightrose: as long as your current bf doesnt switch sides, then i think you're ok :)22:04
Tonio_WTF else should I need ? :)22:04
Nightroseseele: *g* good22:04
Nightrosei think i am save then22:04
Tonio_BUT !!!!!!!!!! she's using gnome....22:04
seeleTonio_: oh wow.. are you sure youre in love?22:05
Tonio_seele: well I don't know myself.... I know I would fall in love in 3 seconds if I was conviced we have a chance together...22:05
Tonio_seele: but as this is unlikelly to happen....22:05
seeleTonio_: you know once you form your resolve, she will come to france and then you will a pickle22:06
ScottKMaybe you should both move.22:06
seeleer.. in a pickle22:06
seelehmm.. thats a common saying and it still sounds weird22:06
Tonio_seele: she come in france in a few weeks for vacations (let's say to see me...)22:07
Tonio_seele: we'll see then...22:07
seeleTonio_: so in a few weeks we will know if you are going to UDS or not?22:07
Tonio_seele: but the thing is I have to convince her to come leave in france :)22:07
seeleor if you have a good story to tell at dinner?22:08
Tonio_seele: haha :) whatever happens I'll be there22:08
Tonio_seele: the Prague UDS almost saved my life last time... I won't miss it if I'm sponsored :)22:08
Tonio_seele: but I'll have god stories to tell about for sure :)22:08
seeleTonio_: i'm glad we managed to pull you out of your hotel room22:08
Tonio_seele: yeah...that's seems far away now, but I remember how bad I felt...22:09
Tonio_seele: some people do react with a lot more dignity...22:09
Tonio_seele: that's not my case, in such moments, I must say... I'm egotistic sometimes...22:10
Tonio_seele: I was very egotistic there, thinking about it now...22:11
seeleTonio_: like you said, you were going through a rough time.22:12
seeleTonio_: what happened to you doesn't happen every day :)22:12
Tonio_seele: yup... I recently heard from a friend of her that she is full of regrets now.... since it didn't go well with the "new guy"22:13
Tonio_and that she wondered if she hadn't do the biggest mistake of her life...22:13
seeleah yes, it always seems to go that way, doesnt it22:13
Tonio_seele: I only thought "too bad, little girl !"22:13
seelegood for you, she showed you the kind of person she really is22:13
Tonio_then I know I was fine :)22:13
yuriyphew, got worried commencement was during UDS for a minute22:14
Tonio_yuriy: you mean ?22:14
yuriyI'm applying, I just thought commencement might be that week, but it's the 17th so no conflict22:15
Tonio_yuriy: ah oki ;)22:15
Riddellone up on Ubuntu Cola http://www.kubuntu.org/~jriddell/tmp/pretty-photos/wee/dscn2841.jpg22:36
jpdsHaha, nice.22:37
NightroseScottK: are you subscribed to the amarok packagers list btw?22:37
JontheEchidnait even has a blue cap22:38
Nightroseie: did you get my last email about the tarball?22:38
Nightrosehaha awesome Riddell22:39
ScottKI'm not.22:39
* ScottK just saw the tagged commit go by on IRC.22:39
Nightrosehmm ok i just checked and you seem to not have ack'd your invitation22:40
JontheEchidnaWow, the kde4libs bugpage is looking nice... https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kde4libs22:42
* JontheEchidna brags a little :P22:42
JontheEchidnaOf course a lot of that was also apachelogger's work22:43
JontheEchidnaif only it was all triaged...22:43
sebasDoes anybody know if this includes the latest kernels, or only the version shipped anyway?22:44
sebasI'm looking for a way to upgrade my kernel without a compiler ...22:44
RiddellJontheEchidna: must admit I hadn't considered the continuous crash cycle with konqueror22:46
JontheEchidnaI fixed it by closing the tab when it restored really, really quick22:46
Riddellbut that weird restore dialogue was really annoying me22:47
JontheEchidnaIt really should only be popping up as long as Konq crashed last time... maybe the bug is that it sometimes presents itself when konq doesn't crash?22:48
RiddellJontheEchidna: it also pops up on session restore22:49
JontheEchidnaHum, it really shouldn't do that22:49
Riddelltasty http://www.kubuntu.org/~jriddell/tmp/pretty-photos/wee/dscn2854.jpg22:49
JontheEchidnaKubuntu choco!22:50
Tonio_Riddell: hi !22:53
Tonio_Riddell: I'm giving a talk at the french event "solutions linux" in paris next month about kubuntu/kde422:53
Riddellooh la la22:53
Tonio_Riddell: do you have some presentations I may use on that point or should I start from sratch ?22:53
RiddellI'm supposed to be giving a talk in Nigeria this weekend, but no visa yet :(22:53
RiddellTonio_: I don't have anything I'm afraid22:54
Tonio_Riddell:  :'(22:54
Tonio_Riddell: oki, then I'll translate mine and send it to you :)22:54
Tonio_Riddell: also, I have 2 packages pending in NEW, knemo and kblogger22:54
Tonio_Riddell: both were droped and very popular kde3 apps...22:55
Tonio_Riddell: should I write an FFE for those or can you approve them directly ?22:55
Tonio_Riddell: I seem to remember you said if was okay for droped apps...22:55
RiddellTonio_: no FF needed, I can look at them22:55
Tonio_Riddell: great ;)22:55
Tonio_there is also skrooge... but that needs an FFE since this is a new app... replaces kmymoney that just disapeared22:56
Tonio_Riddell: I'll write an FFE for that one, since I think we need a kde4 financial app in the repos...22:56
RiddellTonio_: then it's not a new app22:56
Tonio_Riddell: hum It's not a port :) this is a feature equivalent app, but completly different codebase22:57
Tonio_Riddell: but well if you can approve that one too.... it was approved on revu, btw :)22:57
Tonio_Riddell: also k3b still in the pipe, but I have to buy RW dvds to make tests and patches.... I'll get it in time...22:58
Tonio_Riddell: and I got a dev to start coding a "net usershare" thing for folder share :) which is good22:59
Tonio_too late for jaunty but we'll have a spec for karmi22:59
Tonio_Riddell: is that an Iron Bru bottle ? I seem to recognize the tipical color ;)23:01
RiddellIt's Kubuntu Bru!23:02
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yuriyok, applied23:07
Tonio_Riddell: let's say kubrutu then ;)23:08
RiddellTonio_: ha ha23:10
* seele gets heartburn just thinking of it23:10
seeleso gross23:10
Riddellwhat's gross?!23:13
* seele hides23:13
Riddellseele: is this more to your taste? http://www.kubuntu.org/~jriddell/tmp/pretty-photos/wee/dscn2847.jpg23:14
Riddellyuriy: to UDS?23:14
seeleRiddell: is that whisky?23:15
Riddelltxwikinger: you applying to UDS?  jcastro will cry if you don't23:15
Riddellseele: it's 10 years distilled Kubuntu23:15
* Tonio_ wonders if ktorrent with search engines like thepiratebay or mininova is sane in the default install....23:15
Tonio_Riddell: shouldn't we patch to remove those ones ?23:15
Tonio_Riddell: we did in the past...23:15
* seele admits to being pretty ignorant about whisky..23:16
seelei would probably do something silly like mix it, and then you would hate me23:16
txwikingerRiddell I will23:16
txwikingerHave the sebpage already open23:16
RiddellTonio_: that would remove half the point surely23:16
txwikingerRiddell: Thanks for the package btw.23:17
seeleRiddell: that might not be leagal in some countries23:17
Tonio_seele: you know how Pierre Desproges (one of the best french humorists), called whisky ? (I love that one !!)23:17
Tonio_seele: it called it "le cognac du con"23:17
seeleTonio_: what does that mean?23:18
txwikingerseele: What is not legal?23:18
Tonio_seele: lemme find the words to translate that... :)23:18
seeletxwikinger: including piratebay as a search source might not be legal in some countries23:18
* seele knows 0 french23:18
seelei see "the cognac of with"23:18
txwikingersearch source for free software ?23:19
seeletxwikinger: it doesnt matter if it is free software or not23:19
Tonio_seele: whisky is goddamn's cognac23:19
Tonio_seele: :)23:19
Tonio_seele: by the way I love whisky, scotch one of course23:20
txwikingerWell.. I would be surprised if it would be not allowed to use piratebay for things that are not copyright-infringements23:20
Tonio_I love that man23:21
Tonio_seele: another good one : "Everything in life is a matter of choice. It starts with "pacifier or nipple?", it ends with "Oak or pine ?"23:21
seeleTonio_: haha that is a good one too23:21
Tonio_seele: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pierre_Desproges23:21
Tonio_seele: you should read the page I guess, you may appreciate :)23:21
Tonio_seele: and the best ever : Bigamy is when you have two wives, monotony is when you only have one.23:23
seeleRiddell: the chocolate bar looks tastey except it is upsidedown!23:23
seele"Every morning, I bring my wife coffee in bed. All she has to do is grind it."23:24
* txwikinger disappears to the LUG meeting23:24
Riddellglatzor: coming to come to UDS?23:25
Tonio_glatzor: hey !23:25
Tonio_glatzor: thanks for insisting with kpackagekit, works like a charm :) we should consider uploading I think :)23:26
glatzorTonio_, Riddell, hello guys. nice to hear23:26
Tonio_glatzor: I've been testing it as much as I could, didn't find any bug in it... (not even a crash which is rare for kde4 apps... ^^)23:28
glatzorTonio_, have you ever seen a "backend is too slow error"?23:29
Tonio_glatzor: yeah I got it I think once...23:29
Tonio_glatzor: but I got it with the current version aswell23:30
glatzorTonio_, packagekit daemon makes a synchronous call to the backend to start the transaction23:30
Tonio_hum oki...23:31
glatzorTonio_, it seems that under some circumstances it takes more than 500 miliseconds for the backend to respond - which is the default timeout23:31
Tonio_glatzor: would 1 sec be too much ?23:31
glatzorTonio_, I suspect a delay in dbus on high i/o load23:32
glatzorTonio_, I am thinking about raising the timeout. right.23:32
Tonio_yeah, probably, but that sounds hard to fix... maybe the default timeout could be increased at least for a first workarround...23:32
Tonio_1 sec doesn't sound shocking to me...23:33
glatzorthe packagekit daemon is blocked for this time23:33
Tonio_hum yeah, if that requires patching the sources, then that's bad...23:34
Tonio_glatzor: how often do you get the issue ? I must say I have a pretty light config, not that many processes started, so it won't affect me much, but that could be annoying for most people23:35
Tonio_glatzor: anyway, do you have plans to upload the ppa packagekit or will you wait to eventually find out a fix for the issue ?23:37
yuriyRiddell: yeah23:37
glatzorTonio_, I only get it in one of my virtual machines once or twice a week23:38
* jussio1 waves at peoples! :)23:38
Tonio_glatzor: oki :) well compared to adept, that'll always be better, whatever happens :)23:39
DaSkreechWhat about me and ubottu ?23:39
Tonio_glatzor: as I said, I maybe got it twice during the all dev cycle, not more23:39
* Tonio_ admits not using kpackagekit all day long, using apt instead, or pkcon...23:39
Tonio_I'll have to force myself to use it I guess... :)23:40
JontheEchidnaI get a timeout on almost anything I try to do23:41
=== jussio1 is now known as jussi01
ScottKWell if you read the Ubuntu ML it turns out upates aren't very important anyway.23:44
JontheEchidnaI must not read that ML23:45
JontheEchidnawhich one?23:45
ScottKIf it's OK to hide updates for a week because users don't want them.23:46
ScottKThat discussion.23:46
JontheEchidnaI meant, which mailing list?23:47
JontheEchidnaUgh, now kpackagekit still has a dpkg lock even after I closed the window23:48
Tonio_Riddell: bug 327146 Feel free to approve or not...23:48
ubottuLaunchpad bug 327146 in ubuntu "[needs-packaging] Skrooge" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/32714623:48
glatzorRidell, Tonio_, I have uploaded a new version to the ppa. It includes a patch to raise the timeout and a small fix in the rules file23:56
glatzorRiddell, Tonio_ Feel free to upload this version if you don't encounter any bugs23:56
Tonio_glatzor: oki I'll test and upload then.... I didn't want to upload packagekit on my without being undubbed by you...23:58

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