
pavsfirefox 3.1 is still beta and they won't "officially" be release a new version in  a couple of month. I tried the latest minefield it fast as hell.00:02
BUGabundoalex_mayorga1: already is00:03
BUGabundoandersk: minefield is 3.2 and its alpha00:04
BUGabundoshireoko is 3.1 and its beta300:04
alex_mayorga1I'll add the daily here00:04
BUGabundoalex_mayorga1: behare! daily ppa is ONLY to track regressions00:04
alex_mayorga1I use the shiretoko nightlies on win00:04
BUGabundoand as the name states00:04
BUGabundoevery day there's a new!00:04
BUGabundonot sure you need it, or want the BW00:05
BUGabundoanyone else can use the mozila team PPA00:05
alex_mayorga1I don't really mind updating daily, but is there any place to report stuff? I usually hang in mozillazine forums00:06
BUGabundofor ubuntu related prob #ubuntu-mozilateam or ML00:07
alex_mayorga1but what's the "official" nightly build?00:07
Mooqyso is jaunty really that unstable? i just put a fresh install of windows and id rather not have to format again in two mos00:25
Mooqyhave to dual boot for work00:26
Mooqythat old excuse!00:27
BUGabundoMooqy: sure its unstable00:29
BUGabundobut it should not break completely00:29
BUGabundoso you should be safe...00:29
BUGabundoif anything breaks, most of the time is fixabla00:29
theholyduckMooqy, why would you have to format again in 2 months?00:31
theholyduckcant you just upgrade like everyone else does?00:32
joshjtlhi, my touchpads scroll bar isnt working... should i copy xorg.conf from intrepid over?00:32
DanaGnope, instead, stick it in a HAL fdi file.00:33
DanaGexample: www.csc.calpoly.edu/~dgoyette/19-synaptics.fdi00:33
DanaGput it in /etc/hal/fdi/policy00:33
DanaGand edit to suit your taste.00:33
joshjtlDanaG: not me right?00:33
DanaGjoshjtl: yes you.  hal fdi file replaces touchpad config in xorg.conf.00:34
joshjtloh oh ok thanks00:34
joshjtlhmm anyone know if DanaG meant take the /etc/hal/fdi/policy from Intrepid, and copy it over to Jaunty, or if DanaG meant copy xorg.conf from Intrepid and rename to policy, in /etc/hal/fdi/ ?00:36
BUGabundodon't copy nothing from ibex to jaunty00:38
BUGabundoxorg is NEW00:39
joshjtlBUGabundo: i need to fix the touchpad so that my scroll bar works00:40
crdlbjoshjtl: he meant to use a file like the example he posted00:40
joshjtloh duh crdlb.. i didnt read up00:40
crdlbjoshjtl: is it enabled in mouse preferences?00:40
crdlbalso, jaunty should allow you to do two-finger scroll, which is pretty cool00:41
joshjtlcrdlb: yeah00:41
BUGabundojoshjtl: try multi touth00:41
joshjtlBUGabundo: what?00:41
BUGabundouse two fingers00:41
BUGabundoon the middle of the touthpad00:41
joshjtlBUGabundo: to scroll ?00:42
bruce89but pointless for me00:42
joshjtlBUGabundo: by just holding one finger down while moving the other? that doesnt work00:42
BUGabundono no00:43
crdlbjoshjtl: by moving both00:43
BUGabundodidn't you ever eard of multitoutch devices?00:43
joshjtlyes but i've never used it to scroll, only to zoom things00:43
bruce89I haven't00:43
BUGabundobruce89: but can you ?00:49
bruce89I can scroll with the right-hand edge anyway00:49
BUGabundoI can with both00:49
bruce89as can I, is there anything else that can be done with multiple fingers?00:50
BUGabundoAFAIK firefox can do a few other things00:51
bruce89on the touchpad that is00:51
BUGabundobut I haven't manage to discover how00:51
usserbruce89, right click is three-finger tap00:51
* DanaG wishes Synaptics hadn't started cripping their damned touchpads IN FIRMWARE.00:52
DanaGNow my Synaptics is no better than an Alps -- my new laptop can't do any sort of multi-touch!00:52
DanaG... yet, even 5-year-old laptops CAN.00:52
* bruce89 discovers tapping to right-bottom corner is button 301:00
bruce89button 2, and right-top is 301:01
CarlFK xserver-xorg-input-evtouch somehow depends on aspell?01:04
rwwCarlFK: not that I can see. What's the output of "aptitude why aspell"?01:08
BUGabundobed time01:12
BUGabundosee you guys tomorrow01:12
CarlFKrww: i   xserver-xorg-input-evt Recommend zenity | kdebase-bin | xidalog              ouch01:12
* bruce89 directs people to http://cgit.freedesktop.org/xorg/driver/xf86-input-synaptics/tree/src/synaptics.c?id=8ee8aa5ec764c9c816fc95e0bfc5f4e2aee3ba0f#n40601:13
bruce89CarlFK: that's only a recommends01:14
crdlbCarlFK: O_o01:14
CarlFKapt-get install xserver-xorg-input-evtouch ... The following extra packages will be installed:   aspell  http://dpaste.com/4353/01:16
bruce89apt installs recommends by default now01:16
rwwCarlFK: Pass the --without-recommends switch to apt-get01:18
bruce89looking at the changelog, they used to be depends01:18
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CarlFKev_calibrate say XLoadQueryFont: failed loading font '*freemono*'01:37
CarlFKguessing there is some package that is spozed to have that font in it?01:37
CarlFKbruce89: thanks - I was wondering why  "installs recommends" was a surprise01:39
bruce89I think those packages should be suggests, the Debian Policy manual says that recommends shouldn't be installed in only special cases01:40
linkinx64_any news with pulseaudio?01:44
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macono new pulse yet01:46
* billybigrigger is sick of looking at video cards01:52
billybigriggerhow are ati's drivers as of late?01:52
humboltnetwork manager is picking up my vmnet devices. how to prevent it from doing that?01:52
linkinx64_just me or not many updates lately01:52
humboltI don't want network manager to manage my vmware vmnet network interfaces!01:53
billybigriggercan't decide on a gfx card, might go with a ~$100 8800 or 9600 but am tempted to try out an ati card...01:53
bruce89linkinx64_: it's a weekend01:56
billybigriggercan anyone comment on the ati's driver status as of late?01:57
billybigriggeror should i stick with the tried and true nvidia cards?01:57
linkinx64_that\s what i thought bruce8902:00
cwillu!info openoffice.org02:02
ubottuopenoffice.org (source: openoffice.org): OpenOffice.org Office suite. In component main, is optional. Version 1:3.0.1-1ubuntu4 (jaunty), package size 4 kB, installed size 44 kB02:02
CarlFKhow do I enable a serial mouse?02:54
joshjtlhi folks, I'm trying to fine tune the scroll area on my touchpad... the verticle scroll area is too big... how can I edit (i'm guession i would edit the file in /etc/hal/fdi/policy/synaptics.fdi03:03
CarlFKjoshjtl: man evdev (i think)03:11
joshjtlhmm don't see anything in there03:15
CarlFKrats -03:18
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linkinx64_yay!! pulseaudio updates03:29
linkinx64_lets see :D03:29
linkinx64nothing :(03:33
musikgoattroubleshooting jaunty on eee, only getting desktop background, tried restarting gdm, tried purging ubuntu-netbook-remix, any other suggestions?03:53
musikgoati've got all updates, and dist-upgrade'ed (currently applying the upgrades, but its mostly ooo)03:58
ryanpriorI think the "Preferred Applications" UI seriously needs to be changed. Does anybody feel like helping me draft a blueprint?03:58
joshjtlgtk2 theme and icon theme wont apply to shutdown/logout etc window03:58
joshjtlwell more importantly04:03
joshjtlWhen I try to restart, after splash screen stops on an indefinite black screen.04:04
musikgoatany suggestions for clearing all user preferences for gnome, and "purging" it with clean user configs?04:06
musikgoatmy issue happened when installing netbook remix, and purging that did not help04:06
joshjtlwhen I have to reboot manually04:06
macomusikgoat: delete your ~/.gnome2 ~/.gconf*04:33
macomusikgoat: possibly ~/.config as well...04:33
macobut some apps may store data in those so...04:33
macobe careful04:33
CarlFKthis worth reporting: Mar  2 03:23:07 in-target:   python-xml: Depends: python (< 2.6) but 2.6.1-0ubuntu1 is to be installed04:35
musikgoatmaco: thanks, i had come across that troubleshooting, it worked04:38
macoCarlFK: no04:39
macopython 2.6 transition is half-there04:39
CarlFKmaco: figured.04:39
macobut ya know, i think python2.5 is still available04:39
macowell hrm...ok maybe report that that package should say Depends: python2.504:39
rwwThe half that was blocking ubuntu-desktop got done :D04:39
crdlbmaco: won't really accomplish anything if it's sitting all alone in /usr/lib/python2.504:40
crdlbwith every other python package in python2.604:40
crdlbit just needs a rebuild04:40
macocrdlb: well the .py's probably need to be all updated to say /usr/bin/python2.5 all over the place04:41
macowould need to change to #!/usr/bin/python2.504:41
macofor the ones that *need* to be using 2.504:41
crdlbnothing needs to use 2.504:41
macooh really?04:41
crdlba simple rebuild will allow anything that works with 2.5 to work with 2.604:42
crdlbat least ideally04:42
macooh. i thought 2.6 had some of py3k's changes04:42
CarlFK2.6 will support 3.0 stuff04:42
CarlFK2.6 will support some 3.0 stuff04:43
CarlFKbut is still backwards compatible04:43
CarlFK3.0 breaks backwards compat...04:43
joshjtlWhen I try to restart, after splash screen I get an indefinite black screen, where I have to ctrl+alt+delete to reboot04:46
joshjtlgoing to try shutting down instead of rebooting to see what happens04:48
sparrwhat version of kde will [probably] be in jaunty?05:23
sparri hope 4.x catches up to 3.x in functionality soon...  the single biggest thing that could force me back to debian05:25
les4.2 is supposed to be ready to go05:25
linkinx64Got Sound!!!!!!!!!05:36
linkinx64how to increase the size of the new notifications??05:53
lamalexHi, my computer crashed while installing a package, and now apt is totally bruced. Can anyone help me with this? http://paste2.org/p/15667906:09
Hobbseelamalex: remove the postinst file, and run dpkg --configure -a, perhaps.  Looks like python-central is no longer installed?06:13
lamalexHobbsee: aptitude says python-central is installed, where does the postinst live?06:16
lamalex/var/lib/dpkg/info/ ?06:17
rwwlamalex: yes06:17
lamalexjust the postinst? nothing else?06:17
lamalexrad, I think that fixed it. moved everything but the .list file06:20
lamalexthanks guys06:21
teethdoodpython is still broken for us all still?06:40
alteregoamr. meowagi06:57
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Alexia_Deathpulseaudio is busted.07:06
Alexia_Deathalsa plug makes pulseaudio eat 100% cpu07:06
coz_is there any way to get the jaunty wallpaper tray fade for intrepid?07:38
crdlbcoz_: tray?07:41
coz_crdlb,  yeah I thought I read that the wallpaper fade is a tray applet  I may be wrong07:42
crdlbif you just mean the way nautilus fades between wallpaper icons, upgrading isn't really a fantastic idea07:42
coz_I have tried every script and application to fade desktop wallpaper one to the other  with absolutely no success07:43
crdlbthere's no way to do it without nautilus doing it07:43
crdlbunless you don't let nautilus manage the desktop (but I don't actually know of another desktop manager that does it)07:44
coz_crdlb,   ok definitly understood :)07:44
SlartibartfastSeems there is a fade in effect between splash and desktop view in Kubuntu ... But this does not work here. Anybody know how to get this working again?07:57
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humboltis there any place, where one can vote on ubuntu design? the new GDM theme must go. It is embarrassing!09:56
dns53try the art team, you could comment on the wiki aswell09:56
humboltblack backgrounds are soooo outdated09:59
zirodayhumbolt: there is brainstorm as well, that idea is already up there.09:59
humboltwho are we, a motercycle gang?09:59
humboltYes, I know the voting on art idea is up there. But not implemented as it seems.10:00
zirodayhumbolt: well you are more then welcome to come up with a better login screen10:00
dns53it is an open group with a mailing list10:00
humboltI have seen such beautiful design studies, but they were never picked.10:00
zirodayhumbolt: then put them up as solutions to the brainstorm idea10:01
humbolthope this is not released like that10:01
zirodayhumbolt: and so far it is extremely likely that will be the final gdm screen10:01
humboltoh god, oh god, NO10:03
humboltthe media will laugh about ubuntu!10:03
humboltwho favoured this screen?10:03
zirodayhumbolt: its not like you are forced to use it, if you prefer an alternative then use it10:03
humboltI sense influence from the top here10:03
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humboltziroday: Yes I am not forced to use it .... but think about Ubuntu's reputation.10:04
humboltThe Distro has always been cutting edge but the design always sucked!!!10:04
humboltAnd now it is getting even worse!10:04
dns53so are you going to fix it by suggesting ideas or submitting artwork?10:05
zirodayhumbolt: you are more then welcome to contribute something to the art team if you don't like the current direction. You can vote on brainstorm ideas, but just because you don't like it doesn't mean its going to change10:05
zirodayits not humbuntu10:05
humboltsure sure10:05
zirodayand if by top you mean canonical then yes, they do decide the final artwork in ubuntu10:06
humboltjust trying to make you aware, that a perfect technical job can be totally blown by bad industrial design of a product.10:06
humboltwith top I mean mark shuttelworth10:07
humboltto name it10:07
humboltas the notification thingy is equally ugly10:07
zirodayhumbolt: thankfully you are not forced to use that design, this being linux/ubuntu you can change what you want. Its your computer10:07
humboltand that seems to come from him10:07
humboltziroday: don't tell me, what is not up for discussion here10:07
humboltziroday: I am talking about the impact on public opinion, not mine10:08
zirodayhumbolt: as I said before, there is brainstorm and the ubuntu art team where you can submit alternatives :)10:09
humboltI want to vote on alternatives10:09
humboltNot submit one10:09
zirodayhumbolt: well amazingly you can do that too on brainstorm10:10
Infectosome one is familiar with jaunty and browser problem, mean that any want to start :)10:10
Infectoand i dont se anything in logs10:11
Infectojust hanging and dont start10:11
Infectofirefox and opera10:11
Infectoand konqueror tooo10:12
Infectoand i have strange filing since 6.04 or earlier, cluser to release and more thinks dont work10:14
Infecto /tmp/.ICE-unix10:16
Infectoall browsers have problem with write to this directory10:16
Infectothere was 2 files i remove them  and ... all goes ok10:16
humboltziroday: amazingly there are not designs to vote on to be found on brainstorm. just ideas about voting on designs.10:22
zirodayhumbolt: then submit a design, or a design idea.10:22
humboltdesign idea: not black10:22
humboltWhy is CFS so freaking slow?10:33
urkkiIs USB-startup disc functioning normally for everyone? I'm not able to make a USB-stick, it gives me errror in the end, always11:07
lemonadeI have the same issue and if I remember correct there is already bug report too11:09
urkkiAh, good to know I'm not alone11:09
pavsis it possible to "upgrade" a ibex install to the latest jaunty alpha release?11:14
geserpavs: yes, use "update-manager -d"11:16
pavsthanks :)11:17
maxbWhy would debconf want to talk to gconf? I just got a couple of debconf GUI popups, accompanied by a "Failed to contact configuration server" error box11:40
BUGabundowhere did the gconf entry for Update Notifier go???11:53
BUGabundoI don't see it!11:53
BUGabundoI'm getting worried11:53
BUGabundobtw guud morning11:53
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* BUGabundo sets the alarm clock to HIGH: WAKE UPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP12:01
Moulthey folks, i've just installed Jaunty, how do i 1) get into root (i don't know the password apparently) and 2) get a gui?12:23
Moultok, apparently it just wants me to use sudo, fine.12:35
Moulthow do i install a GUI on jaunty?12:35
spiongrazmy soundcard has several outputs and pulseaudio always uses the wrong output, how can i tell pulseaudio which output it should use?12:36
thehookIntuitiveNipple: hi, are you here?12:37
Moultdoes jaunty come with a GUI when installed?12:38
IntuitiveNipple'afternoon thehook... did you make progress?12:40
thehookIntuitiveNipple: yes, i filed a bugreport as we spoke of yesterday, but i did not manage to subscribe you, the is no IntuitiveNipple on launchpad..12:41
IntuitiveNippleMoult: Well, that'd depend on how it was installed and from what source.12:41
IntuitiveNipplethehook: "intuitivenipple"12:41
MoultIntuitiveNipple: i installed as a vm12:42
thehooki tried.. and search for both intuitive and nipple but no matches12:42
thehookbut heres the link :) https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntu-meta/+bug/33646012:42
ubottuUbuntu bug 336460 in ubuntu-meta "Keyboard layout selection not saved while CLI" [Undecided,New]12:42
NgMoult: do you have the "ubuntu-desktop" package installed?12:43
MoultNg: no idea, i'm new to ubuntu and apt-get12:43
NgMoult: that pulls in all of the default GUI stuff12:43
NgMoult: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop12:43
IntuitiveNipplethehook: https://edge.launchpad.net/~intuitivenipple :)12:43
thehookhow do I change keyboard layout in minimal install btw? im a bit spoiled and only used to setxkbmap..12:44
thehookok I'll try again12:44
IntuitiveNipplethehook: change it for the terminals?12:44
MoultNg: error12:44
MoultNg: some packages could not be installed, could be because...12:44
thehookIntuitiveNipple: aah, there it worked.. but yes for the terminal12:44
MoultNg: depends on gnome-app-install12:45
thehook+ and everything else12:45
NgMoult: g-a-i should be installable fine at the moment12:45
IntuitiveNippleMoult: Jaunty is in development currently; it isn't really suitable for novices yet.12:45
MoultNg: Depends: gnome-app-install but it is not going to be installed12:45
MoultIntuitiveNipple: i'm not a linux novice, if that's what you're asking, i'm just new to ubuntu. The main reason i'm using it is to test the latest kernel to see if it has support for a driver, because i can't get it working on my distro.12:46
IntuitiveNippleMoult: Did you install from the -server or -alternate disk images?12:46
MoultIntuitiveNipple: alternate disk images12:46
IntuitiveNippleMoult: that explains it :)12:46
MoultIntuitiveNipple: right. should i have chosen server?12:46
IntuitiveNippleMoult: What's the driver you're chasing?12:47
MoultIntuitiveNipple: what's the difference between them? (I didn't read in detail :P)12:47
IntuitiveNippleMoult: No, I was just trying to figure out which installer source you'd used since the live-CD installs the GUI :)12:47
MoultIntuitiveNipple: for webcam, should be inbuilt for USV support, but apparently though it now recognises the webcam it..."doesn't work", a bit hard to go into detail here :)12:48
IntuitiveNippleMoult: Alternate is for avoiding problems with a GUI install or making more customisations12:48
MoultIntuitiveNipple: right. where'd I find the ISO i'm looking for?12:48
IntuitiveNippleMoult: Server is for, well, servers - no GUI component, kernel tuned for ... servers :)12:48
MoultIntuitiveNipple: right. what am I looking for?12:48
IntuitiveNippleMoult: Which camera is it? Do you have the PCI Vendor:Device ID?12:48
MoultIntuitiveNipple: Bus 003 Device 002: ID 064e:a103 Suyin Corp.12:49
IntuitiveNipplehang on, I'll search now12:49
IntuitiveNippleI can't find that ID in the modules maps; But if it is a UVC device it may match on other characteristics12:51
* Moult cannot find the link to the Jaunty ISO download again12:52
IntuitiveNippleThe cdimage servers are so slow I can't find it yet either12:52
IntuitiveNipplefinally: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/12:52
MoultIntuitiveNipple: out of curiosity, is there actually a way to find that link via the front page?12:53
IntuitiveNippleMoult: I don't think so since it's for developers12:55
thehookwhere is the keymap files located in ubuntu?12:56
IntuitiveNipple"man loadkeys"12:58
MoultIntuitiveNipple: right. downloading the desktop cd now12:58
MoultIntuitiveNipple: that should fix things up :)12:58
IntuitiveNippleMoult: Is the camera supposed to be UVC compliant?13:01
thehookIntuitiveNipple: i have, but i cant find the path, tried searching with locate as well, and google but all google say is that slackware has it in /usr/share/kbd/keymaps/i386/qwerty/ but that does not exist in ubuntu13:01
MoultIntuitiveNipple: yes13:02
MoultIntuitiveNipple: (built in btw)13:02
MoultIntuitiveNipple: at least that's what my google searches and lsusb -v messages show :)13:02
IntuitiveNipplethehook: Hmm, bug in documentation there then. Please report the bug :) (in package kbd)13:03
IntuitiveNipplethehook: "dpkg-query -L kbd" suggests /etc/kbd/13:03
* Moult brbs to do a math question :)13:04
thehookIntuitiveNipple: i can not remember what the exact name of my layout is either.. only config and remap in /etc/kbd/13:08
thehookIntuitiveNipple: there must be more character maps than just us right? or is there another package maybe?13:09
IntuitiveNipplethehook: Did you solve the keyboard issue? I was just looking at "/etc/default/console-setup" which is generated, I think, from the console-setup package13:37
thehookIntuitiveNipple: nope, still no progress..13:38
IntuitiveNipplethehook: Try "sudo dpkg-reconfigure console-setup"13:47
thehookIntuitiveNipple: everything seems right there, and after just clicking through it now works :)13:50
thehookI just used the defaulted values13:51
thehookIntuitiveNipple: now that i remember, the cli was changed a bit also graphically.. i remember the defaulted value when asked "detect keyboard map" was no, i remember this because i never understood why it's preferred to type 50 characters instead of selecting the keyboard from a list..14:00
thehookits always been yes before14:00
RomDis it normal that jaunty's multi monitor support is completely broken at this point?14:02
IntuitiveNippleMulti-monitor is working fine (for me). Try being a bit more specific about your particular configuration14:08
RomDwell, if I start an app from the menu or click a 2#14:09
RomD"places" shortcut the app/nautilus always opens on the main monitor14:09
RomDhardy worked fine, but intrepid already had the problems with the places shortcuts opening on the wrong screen14:10
RomDI'm using separated x screens14:10
IntuitiveNippleAre you using twinview or multiple X screens?14:11
RomDand when I move the mouse cursor from the side monitors to the main one, there is a copy of the cursor left on the edge of the screen14:11
IntuitiveNippleok... same here, and I noticed that too... Thought it was just me imagining it though :)14:11
RomDseparated x screens14:11
IntuitiveNippleRomD: Yes, I reported that too... are you using nvidia video driver?14:11
RomDused the 18014:11
IntuitiveNipplethe duplicate mouse cursor is a problem with the nvidia driver so far as I can determine.14:12
RomDwell it works fine in hardy14:12
IntuitiveNippleLooks like Nvidia have major issues with the 180.xx series so far.14:12
RomDexcept having a weird bug in the menu on my third screen14:12
IntuitiveNippleMaybe; but Hardy has a different X server14:12
RomDbut otherwise the 180 driver works fine in hardy14:12
RomDyou don't have the application starting on wrong monitor problem?14:13
RomDof course I could use DISPLAY=:0.1 in the terminal everytime14:14
RomDbut it's annoying14:14
IntuitiveNippleYes, I have been getting that. What is strange is *some* will start on the correct X screen and others won't unless the shortcut is prefixed with the DISPLAY=14:16
RomDI really hope they take care of that. multi montitor is really poor in linux compared to windows14:19
theholyduckit was way better in the days of xinerama14:19
theholyducksure you had to hard conf your xorg14:19
theholyduckbut it WORKED14:19
RomDI tried twinview and xinerama, but both caused problems14:19
RomDxinerama causes those ugly redraws and doesn't work with compiz14:20
RomDare you using intrepid IntuitiveNipple ?14:21
RomDdid you have problems with the places shortcuts in intrepid?14:22
RomDwith them opening on the main screen14:22
RomDinstead of the one you clicked the menu entry on14:22
theholyduckRomD, compiz is annoying though :P14:23
theholyduckand yeah xinerama doesnt have direct rendering14:23
theholyduckby design14:23
theholyduckbut i dont need it so i dont mind14:23
RomDtheholyduck, wobbly windows :P14:23
RomDand other things14:23
IntuitiveNippleI haven't used Intrepid.14:23
RomDwhenever I work on systems without wobbly windows, everything seems so rigid and undynamic14:24
RomDyou really get used to it14:25
RomDit may be unnecessary eyecandy, but it's just more fun to work with14:25
theholyduckRomD, :P14:26
theholyducki always use some minimalistic wm anyway14:26
theholyduckwithout desktop envs14:26
theholyduckwobbly make me sick14:26
theholyducki like mey rigid windows with thin bars14:26
ubuntu_hi,I have a question...14:37
ubuntu_my jaunty boot error!14:37
ubuntu_maybe the fstab is incorrected...14:38
ubuntu_or because of my ext4 file system?...14:38
ubuntu_or my bad apt source?14:38
ubuntu_Is there someone can help me?14:39
ubuntu_nick laputa14:40
=== ubuntu_ is now known as laputa
billybigriggerwell whats the problem/error?14:40
laputaas you know ,in fstab there is relatime,error=ro14:41
laputaand my system is readonly14:41
laputaso it must be error!14:41
billybigriggerwell change it14:41
billybigriggerthis is on your / partition?14:41
laputaI have five partitions.14:42
billybigriggerhaha, i just woke up, havent even gotten my first cup of coffee14:42
billybigriggeryour drive is being mounted readonly, leading you to believe there's an error14:42
laputabut I will sleep later,hahaha...14:42
laputamy boot is ext2.14:43
laputamy root is ext414:43
billybigriggerwhich drive has the ro flag?14:43
laputathe root partition14:43
laputaand the other partition is not mounted as expected.14:43
billybigriggercheck out /var/log/fsck/checkroot14:44
billybigriggerany errors there?14:44
laputalet me see...14:44
drostieIs there a reason why the default Kubuntu Network management in jaunty doesn't do 802.1x?14:44
billybigriggerim just going out on a limb trying to help you, i've never had this before14:44
billybigriggerbut that looks to be about the best place to start looking14:44
billybigriggerlaputa, my checkroot says the last check was clean so i imagine it would through you an error to that log14:45
laputait say:/dev/sda5:clean, 12131/655360 files, 202264/2620595 blocks14:48
laputait seems like ok....en?14:49
billybigriggerbut is sda5 your /?14:49
IntuitiveNippleRomD: you might want to add your confirmation to this bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bug/33672114:49
laputamy sda1 is /boot14:49
laputaand sda2 is extended partition14:49
laputasda5 is root14:49
laputasda6 is /usr14:50
RomDLost something?14:50
RomDThere’s no page with this address in Launchpad.14:50
IntuitiveNippleRomD: oh me and my manual editing of URLs114:50
IntuitiveNippleRomD: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/33672114:50
ubottuUbuntu bug 336721 in xorg-server "Multiple X screens launch apps on screen 0" [Undecided,New]14:50
|max|Hello, I have a problem where vista overrode my MBR. Genetally, I deal with this by using super grub disc to restore grub on the mbr, but it is not working this time, as it cannot find /boot/grub/stage1 nor /boot/grub/menu.lst | I have 3 partitions, 1st is ext2/unutu, 2nd is vista 3rd is swap for linux14:51
=== |max| is now known as Starcraftmazter
laputasda7 is /home, sda8 is swap and sda9 is /var. so, billybigrigger, are you use jaunty?14:51
billybigriggerlaputa, yes im on jaunty14:52
StarcraftmazterI checked whether those files are there or not using a livecd, and they are14:52
RomDI have an account, but haven't really worked with launchpad. do I just post a comment to confirm?14:52
billybigriggerlaputa, how much space is left on your disk?14:52
drostie|max|: in the grub prompt, type "find /boot/grub/menu.lst" to figure out what partition grub is looking for.14:52
Starcraftmazterdrostie: the result is "File not found"14:53
drostieDo you have a separate boot partition? o_O14:54
laputaroot used 7%,home used 96%, /usr used 38%14:54
StarcraftmazterI do not14:54
StarcraftmazterI use my main linux partition as a boot partition14:54
laputaspace is enough...14:54
billybigriggerlaputa, and your / is ext4, did you do a fresh ext4 install?14:55
RomDIntuitiveNipple, do I just have to post a comment or is there something else to do?14:56
drostieSo, find /grub/menu.lst also doesn't work?14:56
IntuitiveNippleRomD: A comment would be good, then I can mark the bug Confirmed14:56
laputayes. I installed with alpah4.14:56
Starcraftmazterdrostie: It does not14:56
RieshMmm Seems aMsn is also not working anymore ...... ...can't connect14:56
drostieStarcraftmazter: that's weird, dude. It suggests that grub can't see your ext2 partition in the first place, if you know that the file exists. Could you try putting a file directly in the root folder of that drive, and trying to find it from the grub prompt?14:57
laputabillybigrigger,I want to know what's relatime.14:57
drostieAlso, are you sure that the grub prompt is running as root?14:58
laputaare your fstab has relatime setting,too?14:58
Starcraftmazterdrostie: I already have some files there, let me check. I am sure it detects the drive though, if i go to manual boot, it lists it as an ext2 partition14:58
drostielaputa: access times get updated relatively.14:58
RomDdone IntuitiveNipple14:58
billybigriggerlaputa, yes, both my machines have the relatime option set14:59
Starcraftmazterdrostie: i checked to see if it can "find /file", and it cant. But is it supposed to be able to find files in 'any random ext2 partition' ?14:59
Starcraftmazterwhere file exists15:00
billybigriggerlaputa, so your root gets mounted read only, but are you able to boot into it?15:00
billybigriggerlaputa, or what errors are you getting?15:00
Starcraftmazterdrostie: as for it running as root, im not aware of super grub disc having such setting15:00
Starcraftmazterso i assume yes, i guess15:00
drostieStarcraftmazter: oh; I was thinking of running grub in a Linux console. I have no idea what super grub disk acts like.15:01
=== Riesh is now known as Slartibartfast
Starcraftmazterdrostie: is it possible to restore the grub on mbr from a livecd?15:02
drostiesure, in principle.15:02
Starcraftmazteris it...easy? :P15:02
drostiefind /boot/grub/menu.lst tells you a partition name, e.g. (hd1,2) or so. Then you need to find a partition on the drive you want to install to: e.g. (hd2,3). Then the command [setup --prefix=/boot/grub (hd2) (hd1,2)] will install into the MBR of hd2.15:04
Starcraftmazterok, thanks drostie, i will try that15:05
laputabillybigrigger: I can boot half.15:05
laputaonly root mode.15:05
laputaand the other partitions are not mounted. why?15:06
laputabillybigrigger:wait for my reboot...15:06
billybigriggeryes sir15:07
Starcraftmazterhey thanks drostie, that worked 8)15:10
amoblinbillybigrigger:hello,I come back now!15:12
amoblinbillybigrigger:my last error is: Clocksource tsc unstable(delta=-456155318ns)15:13
amoblinbillybigrigger:I'm ubuntu_, the one who has a boot problem...15:13
amoblinbash: groups: command not found15:14
amoblinbash: dircolors: command not found15:14
amoblinroot@(none):~# [ 4.688081] Clocksource tsc unstable (delta = -456155318 ns)15:15
amoblinhelp me!15:15
billybigriggerwell did this just happen out of the blue?15:16
billybigriggerafter recent updates?15:16
billybigriggerwhere you playing around with a new kernel?15:16
amoblinmy kernel is 2.6.28-715:16
billybigriggermaybe update to 2.6.28-815:17
billybigriggeror pastebin your dmesg15:17
amoblinI want to ,but I cannot boot to the system... pastebin dmesg? what's mean?15:18
billybigriggerso everyone can give you a hand...if never seen an error like that, and i am by no means a linux/kernel guru15:18
billybigriggeryour /var/log/dmesg15:18
billybigriggercopy it to pastebin.com15:18
billybigriggeror pastebin.ubuntu.com15:19
billybigriggerk, you cant boot the system, did you run fsck?15:19
amoblinjust finished!15:20
amoblinand so?15:20
billybigriggereverything checked out ok?15:20
amoblinthere is only a warning,besides, a cofirm to continue.15:22
billybigriggeramoblin, ok, after your clocksource tsc unstable error, what is the next line?15:22
amoblinthat is the last line.15:22
amoblinthat's all under single mode.and when under normal mode, it says:15:24
amoblininit: Unable to execute "/usr/sbin/kernel-helper" for last-good-boot:No such file or directory.15:24
amoblininit: last-good-boot main proces(1323) terminated with status 25515:25
amoblinthe end15:25
billybigriggertype this cat /sys/devices/system/clocksource/clocksource0/available_clocksource15:27
billybigriggersee what others are available15:27
billybigriggerthen add this parameter to your kernel when booting....clocksource=whateverclocksource15:28
billybigriggershould be something like hpet or acpi_pm15:29
billybigriggerso try booting with clocksource=hpet15:29
amoblinacpi_pm jiffies tsc15:30
amoblinthat is it15:30
billybigriggergive that a try15:30
amoblinit seems not works.15:33
billybigriggerdid you pass that parameter to your kernel at boot?15:33
amoblinpass? I added ...15:34
Infectoi need some aplication to recovery data from ext3, some one is familiar with any tool?15:40
deepthoughtany news on the restricted nvidia driver in jaunty ?   it freakz me out not to be able to use my dual screen... or is there a workaround for now ?15:40
amoblinbillybigrigger:ext4-fs:delayed allocation enabled?15:42
amoblinkjournald2 starting. Commit interval 5 seconds...15:42
IntuitiveNipplewho made the update-manager notification pop-up go transparent when the mouse hovers over it?15:43
mvoIntuitiveNipple: that is notify-osd (the replacement for notification-daemon)15:45
IntuitiveNipplemvo: yeah ... it was playing hide-n-seek with me :)15:45
NumbersHey guys, suffering with 130.35 (nvidia).. how do I downgrade back to 130.2915:48
s0u][ightppa works?16:00
IntuitiveNippleNumbers: I might be able to tell you shortly; That update is just being applied here and I may have to back it out :)16:02
NumbersIntuitiveNipple, heh.. 180.35 crippled me last night16:02
Numberscould be because I did a straight upgrade though rather than removing the old nvidia packages?16:03
IntuitiveNippleuh-oh... I've found enough problems with .28 or whatever version16:03
Numbers.29 seems to be what most are going back to16:03
tretleis anyone else having issues trying to install updates?16:04
IntuitiveNipplewhich ones?16:05
maxbtretle: Your question is too vague, be more specific.16:05
tretleany ones16:05
Numbersmine installed, most have been partial upgrades16:05
Numbersmine also broke ;)16:05
IntuitiveNippleAcid-test time... restarting... might see you next week :)16:05
Numberssuch is the life of being on edge16:06
tretleit keeps saying some packages could not be retrieved from the server(s). Do you want to continue, ignoring these packages?16:06
IntuitiveNippleIs that edge-triggered interrupts :p16:06
tretleI have tried switching from the main repo to the irish one but the same problem16:06
IntuitiveNippletretle: That sounds like a mirror-server not caught up issue16:06
IntuitiveNippletretle: manually check the main archive.ubuntu.com server using a web browser for the package-versions that are reporting the issue16:07
BUGabundohi everyone16:24
charlie-tcahey, BUGabundo16:25
CarlFKhttp://dpaste.com/4653/  why doesn't this match?  <match key="info.udi" contains="20E33823_if0_logicaldev_input">16:25
CarlFK  info.udi = '/org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/usb_device_4e7_20_20E33823_if0_logicaldev_input'  (string)16:25
CarlFKi cut/pasted from lshal to 50-touchscreen.fdi  - so it isn't like there is a typo16:25
BUGabundohey CarlFK16:25
BUGabundocharlie-tca: hey16:26
CarlFKhey billybigrigger16:26
billybigriggerCarlFK, hey16:26
CarlFKno no no... you need to pick somenoe else16:26
CarlFKthe chian is broken - bad luck for everyone!16:26
billybigriggeris everyone's tab being fussy today?16:26
Numbersnope, just the nvidia update :p16:27
IntuitiveNippleNumbers: Seem's okay here so far16:27
NumbersIntuitiveNipple, did you remove the cruft before you upgraded?16:27
NumbersNvidia hates me.16:28
IntuitiveNippleI just let update-manager get on with it16:28
* BUGabundo just wants python mess to be fixed!16:28
Numberswill run update manager again when i get home, might have fixed itself since yesterday16:28
BUGabundodon't even care about all the fuss about notifications or UM16:28
* IntuitiveNipple wants the notification mess fixed!16:28
NumbersBUGabundo, indeed.. I did wonder why sabnzbd got removed16:28
BUGabundoIntuitiveNipple: give a button and working links! that's all16:28
IntuitiveNippleEvolution throwing up dialogs for notification now, despite the plug-in settings to use notification icon and a popup16:29
BUGabundoIntuitiveNipple: wasn't that fixed??16:30
IntuitiveNippleDunno... I'll tell you shortly once Evo starts up16:31
BUGabundothe wiki had a link to a bug, and it was FIXED16:31
IntuitiveNippleI avoided any updates over the weekend so just applied over 20016:31
BUGabundogreat news! just got hired! start tomorrow16:31
BUGabundoso I won't have all this time to be with you guys!16:32
BUGabundowill miss all of you16:32
Numbershow rude ;)16:32
Numbersonly kidding, congrats16:32
joaopintoBUGabundo, congrtulations :)16:33
IntuitiveNippleBUGabundo: what've you been hired to do?16:33
BUGabundoSys Admin16:35
BUGabundomy are of work16:35
IntuitiveNippleMore bug huntung then :)16:35
IntuitiveNippleNice to see upstream have just fixed the gnome log-viewer trying to open non-existent files16:36
tgpraveenguys from a few days even b4 the python related upgrade my EOG eye of gnome is extremely unstable16:37
tgpraveenand when it crashes it takes down the whole system with it.16:37
tgpraveenany one else have this prob?16:37
BUGabundoIntuitiveNipple: AHHHHHHHHHHHhh great! that was stupid16:38
Bert_2say, has anything changed in how dhcp is handled between hardy, intrepid and jaunty ?16:38
CarlFKBert_2: maybe - I notice they keep flipping between sending the hostname or not16:41
Bert_2CarlFK: but basically the configuration files are exchangeable ?16:42
CarlFK /etc/dhcp3/dhclient.conf; send host-name "<hostname>";16:42
CarlFKBert_2: yep16:42
Bert_2CarlFK: okey16:47
thehookany news on the intel 84516:54
thehookanyone using the kde 4.2 version here?16:56
BUGabundoa bit16:56
BUGabundoI'm more of a gnome guy16:56
BUGabundobut have both installed16:56
BUGabundodtchen_: OSS works fine! no other audio service does :(16:56
thehookdo you have the problem that when opening a dolphin window with 12 elements it can not decide if it wants 2 or 3 columns and are bouncing between them?16:57
thehookBUGabundo: im a gnome person myself but i installed kubuntu-desktop as well cause the kde 4.2 seems nice16:58
thehookBUGabundo: the problem is fixed by resizing the dolphin window.16:59
BUGabundodon't use much dolphin17:01
BUGabundomore konqueror17:01
MaGicKanGaRooin relation to https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/fglrx-installer/+bug/30880517:04
ubottuUbuntu bug 308805 in fglrx-installer "[Jaunty] Loading GLX module fails due to undefined symbol miInitVisualsProc (dup-of: 313027)" [Undecided,Confirmed]17:04
ubottuUbuntu bug 313027 in fglrx-installer "MASTER: fglrx does not support xserver 1.6" [Wishlist,Triaged]17:04
BUGabundohow can I know what gtk theme engine am I using?17:04
MaGicKanGaRoowould it be advisable to install a previous versions xorg-server to get around that problem?17:05
ronnywhat the heck is up with recent updates17:05
ronnypython apps randomly segfault17:05
MaGicKanGaRoois that not to do with http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=108210217:06
ronnyah i see17:07
BUGabundoronny: python migration17:07
BUGabundowhy don't all you guys subscribe to the devel announce ML?17:08
BUGabundoand why do you FORCE partial upgrades without checking the know probs?17:08
ronny"force"? all i did was upgrade/dist-upgrade17:09
ronnythats what usually just works17:10
ronnyhmm, the pythoneers ppa didnt help17:21
ronnybut not it segfails reliable at least17:21
=== roe__ is now known as roe_
FFForeverany idea on why when i login i am greeted with a black screen17:47
FFForever(if i go to tty1 then back to tty7 everything is fine =)17:48
vbgunzhow do you continue the libc6 upgrade later?17:49
vbgunzwell, I need to try something17:50
woody86has anyone had problems getting wicd to stay connected in Jaunty?17:55
vbgunzanybody have an idea on how to solve or troubleshoot the reason why resuming from a suspend to ram always yields a dead sata disk?18:01
BUGabundoneed a bit of help here18:37
BUGabundoneed a small text to announce an Ubuntu install and promotion session18:37
* charlie-tca thinks Oh-oh, this is serious when BUGabundo needs help18:37
BUGabundoand im out of ideas18:37
FFForeverany idea on why when i login i am greeted with a black screen?18:37
FFForever(if i go to tty1 then back to tty7 everything is fine =)18:37
charlie-tcaBUGabundo: http://paste.ubuntu.com/125413/ ?18:42
NumbersAre compiz effects broken with latest updates?18:44
Numbers'Desktop effects could not be enabled'18:44
BUGabundoNumbers: been getting that for weeks18:44
charlie-tcaFFForever: perhaps you aren't waiting enough for it to draw the desktop?18:44
BUGabundoonly with Fusion-icon I could enable mine18:44
NumbersBUGabundo, ah.. mine was fine until yesterday18:44
BUGabundocharlie-tca: http://paste.ubuntu.com/125414/18:44
FFForevercharlie-tca, i waited 5mins....18:45
NumbersI guess i'll have to live without Docky for a while, heh18:45
charlie-tcaBUGabundo: looks good. I was going to do that, but didn't want to slur anything18:45
charlie-tcaFFForever: should be long enough, then18:45
FFForevercharlie-tca, that is what i said....18:46
FFForevercharlie-tca, =(, if i disable compiz i have no problem....18:46
charlie-tcaSo, did you find that compiz bug about it?18:46
BUGabundodraft http://paste.ubuntu.com/125416/18:46
FFForevercharlie-tca, no i just disabled it to test18:47
FFForeverhow can i disable the crash manager?18:47
charlie-tcaI remember seeing one, but I don't know if it has been fixed18:47
charlie-tcacrash manager = apport?18:47
FFForeveralso i tried dontzap --disable and i still cant use ctrl+alt+bkspace18:48
charlie-tcaBUGabundo: http://paste.ubuntu.com/125420/18:52
charlie-tcaIt is new to anyone not using it, right?18:53
vbgunzanyone have a clue on why the sata drive from resume?18:53
BUGabundoI think I should have attached a Compiz Cube effect18:54
BUGabundothat alone "sells" ubuntu to new users18:54
BUGabundovbgunz: still having trouble with the disk?18:54
charlie-tcaFFForever: disable crash manager: /etc/default/apport ; set 'enabled=1' to 'enabled=0'18:54
vbgunzBUGabundo: yeah. I swear I tried everything. I am absolutely convinced everything and its mother comes back except for my sata drive18:54
BUGabundobug with hw or kernel18:55
BUGabundovbgunz: maybe trying to turn off some ACPI options?18:55
BUGabundothat was the only way I got a SiS based laptop to run18:55
vbgunzthe resolution comes back. apps come back. I can plug stuff in *but* of course it will crash *because* I cannot *read* or *write* to the sata drive18:55
vbgunzhow can I say *please* dont put the sata disk to sleep? is this possible?18:56
vbgunzOR is there a way to put nothing to sleep and then test by adding devices 1 at a time to sleep to pinpoint exactly where the problem is?18:56
vbgunzunfortunately becuase I cannot read/write to a dead sata disk, I can never complete the bugreport :(18:56
BUGabundohere is not the best place18:57
BUGabundosure there are great guys here18:57
BUGabundothat know much about kernel18:57
BUGabundobut you may be better to get some one from the kernel team18:58
BUGabundousually ogassama is pretty helpful18:58
BUGabundoand can always point you to the "right" person18:58
BUGabundotry apw too18:58
BUGabundovbgunz: join me on #ubuntu-devel please18:58
vbgunzdoes my kernel have sata power management built in? 2.6.28?18:58
vbgunzBUGabundo: ok18:59
BUGabundomost modules are no complied in, to be faster18:59
charlie-tcaTime for lunch, bbl18:59
BUGabundolets see if vbgunz gets something going!19:02
BUGabundosome times its just a question of WHO you talk too19:02
Numberseh, how come the log out, reboot and shut down menu options have gone from the 'System' dropdown19:08
BUGabundoold news too19:10
BUGabundoyou have to keep up with the updates19:10
Numbersi've only been on the alpha for a couple of days ;)19:11
BUGabundoneed to come on sooner next time19:14
BUGabundoeven before alpha1 like i did19:14
Numbers:P will do19:14
Numberswhat's the ETA of alpha6?19:14
BUGabundo !schedule19:15
ubottuA schedule of Jaunty Jackalope (9.04) release milestones can be found here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JauntyReleaseSchedule19:15
NumbersOk, signed up to the jaunty changed mailing list19:17
BUGabundodude you are crazier then I am19:18
BUGabundogood luck with that19:18
BUGabundoeven the RSS feed is too much for me19:18
BUGabundobe ready for a few hunders per day19:18
NumbersI wimped it and signed up for digests only ;)19:18
BUGabundonot so crazy after all19:19
BUGabundodevel, devel-discuss, devel-announce also help19:19
BUGabundoand should be MANDATORY to those who try alpha/trunk19:19
BUGabundosubscribing to the wiki pages of technical notes and alpha release notes also helps19:20
BUGabundoand there's also the blueprints changes19:20
BUGabundoand of course the IRC and identica19:20
Numbersexcellent cheers. Fortunately, only nvidia and python have given me jipp so far and ive sorted nvidia, so we're doing ok so far :)19:20
BUGabundo#u-devel, #u+1, #u-meettings, etc19:20
CarlFKdid I hear there is a PPA that has the python stuff?19:29
BUGabundopythoneers or something19:30
BUGabundowon't help much19:30
BUGabundomy fonts just changed19:31
BUGabundostupid kdelibs19:31
dtchen_BUGabundo: what about oss? you haven't provided enough information...19:33
BUGabundohave to go19:33
BUGabundodtchen_: right on mark19:33
BUGabundodtchen_: welll19:33
BUGabundosince I have no audio via PA or ALSE19:33
BUGabundoI went to try all other options19:33
BUGabundochoosing OSS outputs OK19:33
BUGabundovlc, mplayer, sound testing19:34
BUGabundobut PA or ALSA NO19:34
Numberspoo, mythtv is borked19:34
BUGabundodtchen_: on another note: could the alsa script be package and put on a PPA/archive?19:34
dtchen_BUGabundo: i thought you tested with ogg123/paplay/speaker-test yesterday19:34
BUGabundothat way we would always have the most recent version installed19:34
BUGabundoaplay worked before your PPA, after upgrade didn't19:35
BUGabundoogg123 didn't work19:35
dtchen_BUGabundo: no, it has not been audited yet, so it needs to remain a user choice to download from an upstream web site19:35
BUGabundoglad someone else thought about that too19:36
BUGabundoand the audio?19:36
BUGabundowhat do you think I can do to have PA or ALSA working?19:36
Numbersknow anything about myth not working BUGabundo?19:36
dtchen_BUGabundo: did you do: 1? sudo /etc/init.d/alsa-utils reset 2? rm ~/.pulse*19:36
BUGabundonot 1)19:37
BUGabundobut 2) yes19:37
BUGabundoInvalid card number.19:37
BUGabundodtchen_: http://www.alsa-project.org/db/?f=ede25d873045df12c938b10478d25612e27a05f419:41
skyjumperhas pulseaudio been weird for anyone else lately?19:42
dtchen_BUGabundo: what's the output from: groups |grep audio>/dev/null 2>&1;echo $?19:42
skyjumperit's been randomly crashing and maxing out cpu regardless of the 'tsched' setting19:42
billybigriggerPA is junk in my books, i've never been able to use it, always ALSA for me19:42
dtchen_skyjumper: yes, we're working on it.19:42
skyjumperheh it's a great idea, just lacks quality control19:42
BUGabundodtchen_: empty?19:42
dtchen_BUGabundo: err, it should return 0 or 119:43
billybigriggergroups |grep audio>/dev/null 2>&1;echo $   <----returns $ for me19:43
dtchen_skyjumper: that's why we're working on it. what details can you give me19:43
BUGabundo$ groups | pastebinit -i -19:43
skyjumperdtchen_: what details do you need?19:44
dtchen_BUGabundo: the trailing '?' is vital19:44
BUGabundobillybigrigger: yeah $19:44
BUGabundodtchen_:  get into a shell19:44
dtchen_BUGabundo: huh? groups |grep audio>/dev/null 2>&1;echo $?   <-- this entire string19:44
dtchen_right, you'lle get 1 because your user is not in the audio group19:45
BUGabundonews around (maco, pitti) all say we don't need to19:45
dtchen_but, that's *only* for pulseaudio, which uses policykit19:45
BUGabundodo you think that since I have BOTH gnome and kde it messs the system?19:46
dtchen_if you intend to use alsa solely, your user must be in the audio group19:46
BUGabundosince KDE uses phono and not PA?19:46
BUGabundodtchen_: I want PA19:46
BUGabundoI want to go as Ubuntu guidelines go...19:46
BUGabundobut no audio19:46
dtchen_Phonon will choose ALSA as a higher priority than a fallback to PulseAudio19:46
dtchen_so if you intend to switch between GNOME and KDE, you need to add your user to the audio group, log out, and back in19:47
BUGabundoany more tips and tricks?19:47
BUGabundoI don't do it that offten19:47
BUGabundoand I use Gnome as primary19:47
BUGabundosound on one WM is better then no sound at all19:47
BUGabundo(unless using OSS)19:47
BUGabundogood old OSS, still works19:48
dtchen_BUGabundo: alsa-info.sh, without autospawn enabled, will use alsa-lib directly, which requires your user to be in @audio19:48
BUGabundowant me to test that now?19:49
dtchen_BUGabundo: yes19:49
BUGabundoI'm late for dinner19:49
BUGabundobut ok19:49
BUGabundoyou now have some free time19:49
BUGabundodon't know when I am going to get you again19:50
BUGabundodo you need to logout/login after adding to group?19:50
dtchen_BUGabundo: yes19:50
BUGabundomnemo: what's up?19:50
BUGabundouser in group19:50
BUGabundonow, where do I kill autospawn?19:51
BUGabundodtchen_: ^^^19:51
BUGabundoanybody else knows????????19:54
BUGabundoI'm kinda in an hurry here19:54
dtchen_skyjumper: run alsa-info.sh. i also need pulseaudio -vvv. i also need grep -E 'module-alsa-sink.c(.)*increasing' /var/log/messages19:54
dtchen_BUGabundo: my connection is extremely lagged19:54
BUGabundoit would seem19:54
dtchen_BUGabundo: edit /etc/pulse/client.conf and comment out the autospawn line19:54
dtchen_(or change it to autospawn = no)19:55
BUGabundodtchen_: http://www.alsa-project.org/db/?f=51695aede3a696cdd620355db1be9e959ad14c4619:57
dtchen_BUGabundo: killall pulseaudio ; speaker-test -c219:59
dtchen_skyjumper: let me know when you've got that info pastebinned19:59
BUGabundodtchen_: ^^^^^20:00
BUGabundonow it works?20:01
BUGabundomaybe I was to fast for it20:01
dtchen_BUGabundo: is that *after* you killed pulseaudio?20:01
BUGabundobut running again works20:01
dtchen_no, the pastebin20:01
BUGabundoI hear silence! (background noise)20:01
dtchen_does speaker-test -c2 give you inaudible or audible sound?20:02
skyjumperdtchen_: http://pastebin.com/m1e45a8c020:02
BUGabundodtchen_: I just here "noise"20:03
dtchen_BUGabundo: does it switch between your left and right speakers?20:03
BUGabundoswichting from left to right20:03
BUGabundoactaully increment20:03
skyjumperdtchen_: also worth noting that PA usually works. the crashes and 100% cpu are random20:03
dtchen_yes, that's intentional20:03
BUGabundothis is, left never stops20:03
dtchen_BUGabundo: right, you can interrupt it (ctrl+c)20:04
dtchen_so alsa works just fine for you20:04
thehookdtchen_: mine is switching from front left to front left :P20:04
dtchen_thehook: with or without pulseaudio running?20:04
BUGabundodtchen_: let me try mplayer -ao ALSA20:05
BUGabundoAO: [alsa] 48000Hz 2ch s16le (2 bytes per sample)20:06
dtchen_skyjumper: apt-cache policy pulseaudio|grep Installed20:06
BUGabundogot audio working20:06
BUGabundonow, PA?20:06
skyjumperdtchen_: Installed: 0.9.14-0ubuntu920:06
dtchen_skyjumper: that's outdated20:06
dtchen_skyjumper: please reproduce the symptoms with -0ubuntu1020:07
skyjumperi may have installed intrepid's pulseaudio to try and fix it20:07
BUGabundo  Installed: 0.9.14-0ubuntu1020:07
dtchen_skyjumper: i'm not fixing intrepid's pulseaudio, and no development occurs on intrepid's version20:07
thehookdtchen_: sorry, it works now :) but my headphone jack is not working..i know this was a issue on this kind of laptop (acer aspire 5930g) in intrepid20:07
dtchen_thehook: provide your alsa-info.sh if you haven't already20:08
BUGabundodtchen_: anything else?20:08
BUGabundoor am I free to go?20:08
dtchen_BUGabundo: find me when you have time20:08
dtchen_we can continue the PA saga20:08
BUGabundomaybe tomorrow you get PA working20:08
BUGabundothanks for the time and pacience20:08
BUGabundodo you have PA working on your system?20:09
dtchen_aside from the initial buffer glitches with GNOME login, yes20:09
BUGabundobye everyone20:09
BUGabundolate for dinner20:09
dtchen_skyjumper: the grep -E command i gave you won't be helpful to me unless you dist-upgrade and run pa 0.9.14-0ubuntu1020:10
bardyrbug: 133720:10
dtchen_skyjumper: i've tuned the delay routines in that current version, which is why that version, and not others, is useful20:11
skyjumperdtchen_: running 0.9.14-0ubuntu10 now, seeing brief choppiness when starting playback20:15
skyjumperor hearing it rather20:15
|Alexia_Death|Is pulseaudio stutter known problem?20:16
skyjumperdtchen_: Mar  2 15:14:46 blackpearl pulseaudio[8251]: module-alsa-sink.c: Increasing wakeup watermark to 5.99 ms20:16
starcannonIs there a gui for toggling don't zap in jaunty? or is it going to require hand editing the xorg.conf file?20:17
|Alexia_Death|dtchen_: whats your relation to the bugs in pulseaudio? Can I help debug.20:20
|Alexia_Death|dtchen_: at first the playback started chopy, now its choppy al over tho getting  les If I let it play longer.20:21
=== |Alexia_Death| is now known as Alexia_Death
dtchen_skyjumper: yes, the initial audio aberrations is a known issue.20:25
dtchen_^ Alexia_Death20:25
dtchen_what's happening is that the watermark and buffer sizes have to be adjusted from their initial values, which are set very, very small/low20:25
dtchen_PulseAudio makes certain assumptions regarding the system HZ setting20:26
dtchen_Ubuntu's kernel config also does not have PREEMPT enabled. Both of these things (though the latter is the more important) adversely affect audio performance using PulseAudio.20:27
skyjumperwhy did these problems appear recently?20:28
dtchen_starcannon: AFAIK, Kubuntu has a GUI option20:28
Alexia_Deathdtchen_: any way I could configure it to use decent buffers?20:28
dtchen_skyjumper: they appeared several revisions ago; i've been tuning them while glitch-free is disabled20:28
dtchen_skyjumper: we're now at the point where the most important issue should be resolved, namely the daemon crashing nondeterministically due to snd_pcm_avail_update() not handling bogus data from -kernel and -lib correctly20:29
dtchen_skyjumper: thus, my next item for PulseAudio is addressing the audio aberrations20:29
starcannondtchen thanks for the info, I'm a bit baffeled as to how one would accidentally press ctrl-alt-backspace, but am gratified to know that there will be a gui method of restoring it if the need arises(I use gnome and hope it will have a gui for this as well)20:30
dtchen_(yes, the latest upload this morning reenabled glitch-free, which is why you hear the anomalies during login)20:30
dtchen_starcannon: AFAIK, there's only going to be the command-line option using the dontzap program20:30
dtchen_[for Ubuntu]20:30
dtchen_Alexia_Death: depends which approach you wish to take20:31
dtchen_Alexia_Death: the best method is to convince the rest of the kernel team to reenable PREEMPT20:31
Alexia_Deathdtchen_: I can do anything execept rebuilding my kernel. cant be aased eith that.20:31
Alexia_DeathWhy was it disabled anyway?20:32
starcannonughh, I have a few home users I take care of, guess I'm gonna have to make my rounds and be sure to turn it back on for those rare instances when it is needed20:32
dtchen_Alexia_Death: i suppose it was thought that it was not a standard desktop configuration20:32
Alexia_Deathdtchen_: O_o20:33
dtchen_Alexia_Death: you can also adjust tsched_buffer_size and tsched_buffer_watermark for module-alsa-* in /etc/pulse/default.pa20:33
Alexia_Deathwhat are reasonable sizes?20:33
dtchen_Alexia_Death: you can also edit src/modules/modules-alsa-s{ink,ource}.c and recompile PA20:34
dtchen_Alexia_Death: there are no globally reasonable sizes20:34
Alexia_Deathwhats a sensible formula?20:34
dtchen_Alexia_Death: it's *extremely* hardware- and usage-dependent20:34
Alexia_DeathI have plenty of ram.20:34
dtchen_Alexia_Death: it's your sound card, not your RAM20:34
dtchen_Alexia_Death: you need to look at: grep -E 'module-alsa-sink.c(.)*increasing' /var/log/messages20:35
Alexia_Deathdtchen_: nothing20:36
dtchen_Alexia_Death: are you using the latest pulseaudio upload (0.9.14-0ubuntu10)?20:38
Alexia_Deathjust did dist-upgrade20:38
Alexia_DeathIll check tho20:38
Alexia_Deathlocal mirors are behind sometimes20:38
|Alexia_Death|dtchen_: ii  pulseaudio                                   0.9.14-0ubuntu10                             PulseAudio sound server20:45
thehookdtchen_: where do i find the alsa-info.sh?20:48
ubottuJaunty Jackalope is the code for Ubuntu 9.04, due April 2009 - Lots of breakage between now and April - Please join #ubuntu+1 for discussion and support.20:54
ubottuIf you installed a Alpha/Beta/RC version of Ubuntu 9.04 (Jaunty Jackalope) and have been keeping it up to date, then you are already running the latest version of Jaunty. To make sure, type « sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade » in a console.20:54
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about 84520:55
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about intel84520:55
dtchen_|Alexia_Death|: have you modified /etc/pulse/default.pa?20:56
|Alexia_Death|dtchen_: Yes. Ive enabled bt detection20:57
ubottuPlease read the channel topic whenever you enter, as it contains important information. To view it at any time after joining, simply type /topic20:57
|Alexia_Death|Ive also modified default conf to not make pulseaudio die..20:58
|Alexia_Death|dtchen_: I should do reconfigure?20:58
|Alexia_Death|to make pulseaudio not die*20:58
skyjumperdoes anyone with restricted nvidia driver get a blank screen when toggling from X to a text console?21:02
BUGabundodtchen_: around?21:03
BUGabundoback for deserts21:03
dtchen_BUGabundo: yes, but i'm adjusting my TODO based on kernel-team feedback21:03
dtchen_apparently, PREEMPT will *not* be enabled for jaunty -generic21:04
dtchen_which means glitch-free needs to be disabled for PA21:04
dtchen_which means i need to fix PA to not segfault when glitch-free is not used21:04
dtchen_uwhat a life.21:05
thehookskyjumper: using ctrl+alt+f1-6 you mean? no problem here..21:06
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skyjumperthehook: right, i get no text21:07
skyjumperthere's an unresolved bug in launchpad about it21:07
thehookthe screen flashed a couple of time and got back to gui the first time i did it, but i think i hit a wrong key :P cause when i hit ctrl+alt+f1 i get console with text )21:08
|Alexia_Death|thehook: I have to do it twice too21:08
|Alexia_Death|thehook: theres a bug somewhere21:09
IntuitiveNipplethehook: There is a known issue with console-kit and the first Alt+F1/F6 flicking back to X21:09
|Alexia_Death|dtchen_: generic does not have preempt, but some other kernel does?21:09
skyjumperso nobody's heard of the blank console issue?21:09
IntuitiveNippleskyjumper: As you your earlier question, yes, I've been meaning to dig into that. It only started relatively recently21:09
thehookskyjumper: does it work on the second / third try? or is it always blank?21:09
BUGabundoskyjumper: yes I heard! some bugs aboyut it21:10
skyjumperthehook: always21:10
BUGabundoon intel mainly21:10
BUGabundoand some nvidias21:10
BUGabundonot me, luckly21:10
skyjumperactually, the problem started during intrepid, i think21:10
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about i84521:11
dtchen_|Alexia_Death|: none do.21:11
thehookany news about the intel i845 it's a pain in the ass :P everytime i load X i get the picture (sometimes for a coupe of seconds)21:12
thehookand then the whole computer freeze21:12
|Alexia_Death|dtchen_: damn. Id have installed server image if that had...21:12
thehookwhat is preempt?21:13
=== savvas_ is now known as savvas
FFForeverdtchen_, u still around?21:24
dtchen_yes, but busy.21:24
BUGabundojust lost the volume indicator / notification21:25
BUGabundoI'm seeing the old one!21:25
BUGabundoanybody else?21:25
FFForeverdtchen_, quick question, did u get the patch in for the kernel yet (for the 00:07.0 Audio device: nVidia Corporation MCP67 High Definition Audio (rev a1)) so i can use the internal mic21:25
dtchen_FFForever: no, i've been busy with pulseaudio fixes21:27
dtchen_i don't have much time these days to do audio work; i basically sacrifice sleep21:27
FFForeverahhh =(, do u at least know if u will have time to have a fix in before the final release21:28
FFForeverdtchen_, thanks for all your hard work on pa btw ur awesome =D21:28
dtchen_i don't know. $dayjob has higher priority ATM.21:28
FFForeveri understand =)21:28
FFForevermore like anything that gives u $ has an higher priority lol =P21:28
thehookcan anyone please verify this? using dontzap --disable in commandline and trying to press ctrl+alt+backspace still dont work21:34
BUGabundothehook: you need to end the session at least ONCE before it works21:37
dtchen_thehook: you have to log in again after making that change21:37
thehookok :)21:37
thehookBUGabundo: dtchen_ : ok, i noticed :) its working now21:40
thehookbut if any of you are running kde 4.2 please try the following: insert a usb-pen, open dolphin to make sure it is mounted, close dolphin again, sudo mount /dev/sdXn /mnt and then try to unomunt it using the "Last plugged in devices" widget..21:42
thehookthis caused the whole kde 4.2 to freeze on my machine.. all the applications worked but none of the menus, panels or something..21:42
thehookanyone experienced something similar?21:44
thehookwhere should I start to look for for a solution to my headphone jack not working? and my microphone as well, plus the sd card reader.. i have an acer aspire 5930g22:11
|Alexia_Death|thehook: headphone/mic are most likely hardware muted If you have sound from speakers22:21
|Alexia_Death|sd reader is a different issue22:21
thehook|Alexia_Death|: so i should check bios then?22:22
|Alexia_Death|thehook: no. alsamixer -Dhw22:24
thehook|Alexia_Death|: i am checking there now, but shouldn't it cut the speakers when I plug in the headphone anyway?22:27
|Alexia_Death|some drivers are abit buggy about that.22:28
|Alexia_Death|Mine screws it up on mute22:28
tuxmaniacanyone on jaunty who can test bug 291075 ?22:31
ubottuLaunchpad bug 291075 in freehdl "Digital simulation in qucs don't work" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/29107522:31
thehook|Alexia_Death|: in alsamixer -Dhw (Capture) there is "front mic" that makes this really high pitch tone, and there is "mic boost" that is just noise, both was 0% default22:33
thehook+ so its impossible then?22:34
|Alexia_Death|thehook: i cant think of anything else. its either a bug in the drver or they are physically da22:38
thehookwhat drivers is it then? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LaptopTestingTeam/AcerAspire5930G22:39
|Alexia_Death|im yet to see a bios that controlls the sound22:39
|Alexia_Death|thehook: lsmod | grep snd22:40
thehookit seems that bug 258446 is about the sd card reader22:40
ubottuLaunchpad bug 258446 in ubuntu "JMicron internal card reader recognizes SD only when inserted at startup" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/25844622:40
thehook|Alexia_Death|: http://paste.ubuntu.com/125502/22:41
|Alexia_Death|i have the same sound22:42
|Alexia_Death|havent ued speakers in a while but wen i have it has always worked22:43
|Alexia_Death|mine is a compal clone22:43
vbgunzI had a big problem trying to suspend to ram. I pretty much got it solved with some greatly appreciated help from the devs over in jaunty channels. Anyone know how to associate a tap of the power button to suspend to ram *and* how when resuming guarentee the screen is locked?23:03
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vbgunzanyone know how to associate the computers power button with "suspend to ram"?23:44
vbgunzI am trying to do it through powerdevil *but* I honestly don't think powerdevil works at all :/23:44
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vbgunzI mean, is it a placeholder for future functionality perhaps?23:44
vbgunzwhere in KDE do I get to mess with the *real* power options and shortcuts etc?23:47
vbgunzanyone know what I have to do to launch "pm-suspend" without me actually having to say sudo?23:50
bruce89I assume pulseaudio blah-ubuntu10 is a backwards step23:51
crdlbthat's what the power manager is for :)23:51
vbgunzcrdlb: what power manager?23:51
crdlbpowerdevil, I guess?23:51
vbgunzcrdlb: that thing doesn't work at all. not at all intuitive and doesn't do a dime of what I ask for... it has to be broken 100% and I am convinced it is only for systems with *batteries* else it dies. point being no matter what I try with powerdevil. its for nothing :(23:52
vbgunzdo I need to be in a group in order to say pm-suspend without being sudo?23:53
crdlbgnome-power-manager works well here23:53
vbgunzwhat group?23:53
crdlbthough admittedly I haven't really played with it without a battery23:53
DanaGodd.. just noticed the PA "null" output.23:56
vbgunzI went through hell to get suspend to ram working. now, I'd simply like to associate my box powerbutton with it and when it resumes, it resumes locked. this is going to be another week in hell huh?23:56
* DanaG wonders what's new in ALSA whatever.1923:57
DanaG(I don't remember the exact naming scheme._23:57

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