
thorwilkwwii: so your background deadline was yesterday, and the decision must be made until thursday?13:14
swalkothorwil: today i started work on "new version" of calculator13:19
kwwiithorwil: yeah, well...julian is on vacation this week so I am guessing it will be extended another week13:19
kwwiithorwil: and the information I wrote up is being reviewed13:19
swalkothorwil: it will be more perfect than real - same as brethe idea13:20
thorwilkwwii: lol. it almost sound like you would be working in a company like IBM ;)13:20
* _MMA_ waves13:20
thorwilswalko: cool13:21
swalkothorwil: here you ma see actual progress http://picasaweb.google.com/milan.krivda/Breathe#530858106271008896213:26
swalkothorwil: in next step i want to redefine buttons13:26
thorwilswalko: it's hard to judge how that will look at 128 px and below, but the shading of the body surface is really good.13:27
thorwilswalko: i think you shouldn't emphasize the bad aspects of lc-displays so much. ghost segments and strong reflection ...13:29
swalkothorwil: in smaller sizes difference is visible too13:29
thorwilswalko: oh, and the number should read 666 ;)13:29
swalkothorwil: :)13:29
swalkothorwil: now i must go ... after some progress i ping you13:30
zniavre1im trying jaunty and the new notify-osd . some body know how to modify the font color?  (with dark theme it looks dark on dark )14:51
_MMA_Wow. jimmac just unsubbed himself from the art list.15:07
thorwilwasn't aware of him being subscribed15:08
thorwildo we close it now?15:08
_MMA_Yeah. Just a lurker I guess.15:08
thorwilswalko__, _MMA_ what do you think about trying a minimalistic "i" on help about? just a single stroke with rounded corners plus the dot16:57
_MMA_thorwil: I'm open to whatever. I'd have to see it. I'm havin' a bit of a mental block taday so it's hard to imaging. :P17:01
thorwilswalko__, _MMA_ http://www.piccdrop.com/images/1236013731.png17:09
thorwilvs https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/BreatheIconSet/Submissions?action=AttachFile&do=get&target=help-about.png17:09
_MMA_thorwil: Ahh...17:11
_MMA_thorwil: Actually, this was something was also gonna address. A consistent font to use throughout the set where needed.17:11
thorwil_MMA_: well, this is more or less a no-font, but it's similar to the ubuntu font. i'm all for adjusting the i to this specific icon17:13
thorwilhowever, swalko__: i don't want to take this icon out of your hands17:15
* thorwil works on coutdown banners17:21
swalko__thorwil: hi19:01
thorwilhi swalko__19:01
swalko__thorwil: help-about is not true my icon19:01
swalko__thorwil: i only added that i19:01
thorwilswalko__: where does the rest come from?19:02
swalko__thorwil: from breathe icon set i mean :)19:04
swalko__thorwil: help icon19:04
swalko__thorwil: for me ... font what you used on that icon isnt styled like that icon19:06
swalko__thorwil: but may be used on all icon sizes19:06
swalko__thorwil: my font isnt usable in all iszes because in smaller sizes it isnt clearly redable19:06
thorwilswalko__: i would work with rectangles exactly on the pixel grid for the smallest 2 sizes19:07
swalko__thorwil: yes yes i know, but your font is looking very close to original used font in bigger sizes19:08
swalko__thorwil: with my font that isnt possible19:08
swalko__i like that icon19:09
swalko__long but interresting reading19:12
thorwilno, i will not bother with kde politics/technicalities ;)19:14
swalko__thorwil: :) did you founded that help icon?19:18
thorwilswalko__: no, but i didn't look19:18
swalko__thorwil: you may do/polish that icon19:19
thorwilguess i will. after work on countdown banners19:20
swalko__thorwil: i seened help icon, like that and visioned my19:20
swalko__thorwil: on irc is sebastianporta who?19:21
thorwilswalko__: he's never here. at least not when i'm on19:22
swalko__thorwil: and communication?19:22
thorwilswalko__: the list, email19:23
swalko__thorwil: ah19:25
swalko__thorwil: mailing list is very live19:26
swalko__thorwil: i readed mail about font used in my icon19:34
swalko__thorwil: i future may we choose one or more fonts that will be used in all icons?19:34
swalko__in future19:34
thorwilswalko__: that would be the idea, yes19:37
swalko__thorwil: ok thank i will reply in this way to that mail19:37
_MMA_kwwii: Where's Julian? :)20:00
kwwii_MMA_: vacation20:02
_MMA_Oh yeah. You did say. :P20:02
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swalko__thorwil: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/BreatheIconSet/Discussion where may i find svgs from Generic/empty Concepts21:23
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* _MMA_ smiles as thorwil has become my Liaison. :P21:43
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