
BigAl50What would you do with this? Bug #336466 doesn't look like a bug to me00:15
ubottuLaunchpad bug 336466 in lordsawar "[Jaunty FFe] lordsawar-0.1.5" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33646600:15
AmpelbeinBigAl50: I would guide the reporter to request a freeze exception (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FreezeExceptionProcess)00:18
BigAl50Okay thanks00:19
AmpelbeinBigAl50: And seeing the author already mentionen FFe in the description, i guess he knows about it.00:19
AmpelbeinThe report seems ok as a freeze exception to me, someone from the releaseteam will surely look over the report.00:20
hggdhyes, it's bddebian00:22
bddebianWas it not correct?00:23
dtchen_yeah, i would thinks the debian devel knows what he's doing ;)00:23
dtchen_(misspelling intentional!)00:23
hggdhit would help if one of the devs with bugcontrol accepted it00:25
* hggdh thought to have written the nick in question mispelled, but dyslexia got through00:26
BigAl50Should I leave the status as new or should it be marked invalid or something else?00:27
Ryan52bdmurray: did you get my message from like a week or two ago?00:27
greg-gBigAl50: don't do anything to it, please. It is a workflow bug.00:28
bdmurrayRyan52: I'm not seeing anything atm00:29
BigAl50Okay, I'll leave as is, thanks for all the help this is all new to me00:29
Ryan52bdmurray: oh, well I was asking if you could renew my bugcontrol thingy.00:29
greg-gBigAl50: you're welcome, thanks for helping00:30
Ryan52s/thingy/membership/ (couldn't find the right word)00:30
bdmurrayRyan52: okay, you're all set now.  Thanks for helping out!00:33
Ryan52w00t! thanks! :)00:33
BigAl50Been looking for dupes so the more experienced could do the triaging00:36
bddebianNah, I don't know anything anymore :)00:39
Ryan52bddebian: that was...random.00:41
bddebianSomeone explain wtf is different about the FeatureFreeze that's on the wiki??00:42
bddebianAre we not supposed to file a freeze exception bug before uploading or synching anymore???00:52
greg-gbddebian: no, you are fine, there was no need for the comment on your FFe00:53
hggdhyes we are00:53
hggdhmeaning, bddebian you are all set and correct00:53
bddebianThough I realize I didn't add the pbuilder log00:53
greg-g(erm, I guess my "no" was supposed to be "yes, you are supposed to")00:54
hggdhthis was a fun and confusing dialog ;-)01:00
bddebianOK, thanks folks01:04
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CarlFKis this a bug: sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg-input-evtouch ....   $ ev_calibrate; XLoadQueryFont: failed loading font '*freemono*'01:49
CarlFKneeds ttf-freefont dep02:00
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Hewwhat's involved with making a package work with python 2.6? Is it a fairly simple task, or does it involve some programmer effort? bug 33585411:13
ubottuLaunchpad bug 335854 in revelation "Broken package : revelation depends: python (< 2.6) but 2.6.1-0ubuntu1 is to be installed" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33585411:13
zirodayHew: I know there was another package that needed fixing as well11:16
geserHew: depends on the packaging but it's rather easy (see the mail on ubuntu-devel-announce)11:19
Hewziroday: There are lots of packages in this situation, but revelation in particular has a history of being ignored, which is why I want to get it triaged asap11:21
zirodayHew: right :)11:22
Hewgeser: I've re-read that u-d-a email a few times now and it doesn't seem to have any useful info, other than "stuff is going to break"11:22
seb128Hew: ask to doko11:22
geserHew: then the mail was on ubuntu-devel11:24
geserHew: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel/2009-February/027528.html11:24
Hewgeser: Thanks, that one is helpful :D11:28
BUGabundoguud morning11:53
thekornpedro_: hi, since you triaged bug 336067, is the issue described in bug 336039 the same one or related?12:00
ubottuLaunchpad bug 336067 in python-httplib2 "python-httplib2 needs a patch for Python2.6 support" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33606712:00
ubottuLaunchpad bug 336039 in python-httplib2 "get_request_token throws a TypeError" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33603912:00
pedro_thekorn: hey, seems to be the same, i was having that traceback as well after patching my python-httplib2 with the upstream change so yeap12:02
thekornok, thanks, marking the TypeError one as duplicate now12:04
pedro_thekorn: ok, thanks you12:04
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sianisbdmurray: ping14:55
danasac, ayt?15:26
asacdan: yes15:48
danasac, just wondering if you got my emails RE: v0.6 NM bug fix15:49
mvobdmurray: hey, could you please make sianis member of ubuntu bug control? he is doing great work on triage of bugs in my package, notable gdebi (but others as well)16:40
bdmurraymvo: Is he familiar with the process for apport crashes?16:41
mvobdmurray: I don't know, he is in the channel, so I hope he replies soon16:43
sianisbdmurray: I think I am16:43
bdmurraysianis: basically, don't make them public unless you are certain they contain no private data16:45
sianisbdmurray: yep, I know it and read on the wiki16:45
bdmurraysianis: is this your launchpad username?16:48
sianisbdmurray: yes it is16:48
asacdan: yes  :)16:50
bdmurraysianis: you'll be all set in a moment, thanks for helping out!16:50
IntuitiveNipplebdmurray: Whilst you're at it, could you approve my renewal request that is in the queue from a couple weeks ago please? (previous membership expired a few months ago) ?16:51
danasac, ok, what's the next step?  Are you still mulling it over?16:51
sianisbdmurray: thank you!16:51
greg-gbdmurray: welcome to ubuntu-cyclists, btw :)16:59
bdmurraygreg-g: I just saw that sianis was a member and thought I'd join!  Thats some neat artwork16:59
greg-gyeah, I can't take credit for it, unfortunately17:00
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thomasdelbekeHi there, anyone there?18:00
szczymhi where is that totem / rythmbox event?18:01
thomasdelbekeI have a sick process, but cannot find pid (with pidof nor ps -A)18:02
ubottuUbuntu bug 312364 in update-manager "update-manager crashed with SIGSEGV in PyErr_SetFromErrnoWithFilenameObject()" [Undecided,Incomplete]18:02
thomasdelbekehoe to backtrace18:02
MrKanisterthomasdelbeke: Try using "ps -e" and then search through the list18:03
mrooneyWhat is the correct way to triage a regression bug in Jaunty, other than tag it regression-potential? Should regression be put in the title?18:22
charlie-tcaif it is a true regression, you can put [regression] at the end of the title18:24
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mnemoI just ran into this really weird bug that locks up my whole machine (and it repros using the live CD as well)... can anyone confirm this bug? --> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/33677119:13
ubottuUbuntu bug 336771 in linux "system locks up when running "strace gdmsetup"" [Undecided,New]19:13
mnemoi would like someone to test those repro steps19:13
mnemoand confirm if they see the bug as well19:13
vbgunzfailed to resume: error 26214419:53
vbgunzam googling it19:53
vbgunzmaybe a kernel parameter solves it?19:53
IntuitiveNipplevbgunz: Now you've managed to capture the activity log I've got something to investigate :019:53
vbgunzI need to find my bug to attach too on lp19:53
vbgunzIntuitiveNipple: ok, I attached it19:56
IntuitiveNipplethank you. It looks like the disk on ata1 doesn't respond to the START command.19:56
vbgunzIntuitiveNipple: everything starts up just fine. how can I go around that or force it to start. it obviously works just not from resume by default :(19:57
vbgunzI found a few google hits that say this -> need pci=nomsi or ahci fails to resume ... I am not using AHCI though (I think) just IDE. I can replace IDE with AHCI. I did but noticed no differences *except* the system would sometimes fail to start all together19:59
IntuitiveNippleAHCI is being used.20:02
IntuitiveNippleCan you add to the bug the result of: ls -l /dev/disk/by-path/*20:03
vbgunzIntuitiveNipple: ok, attached20:05
vbgunzIntuitiveNipple: if AHCI is being used, how then do I say to use ACPI?20:05
IntuitiveNipplenotice these bits:20:06
IntuitiveNipplepci-0000:00:09.0-scsi-0:0:0:0 -> sda20:06
vbgunzIntuitiveNipple: I am really glad this is going somewhere :)20:07
amrlimaJust a question to clear a doubt: is having log files and core dumps, as it says in debugging procedures, enought to confirm a bug?20:07
IntuitiveNipple00:09.0 IDE interface [0101]: nVidia Corporation MCP78S [GeForce 8200] SATA Controller (non-AHCI mode) [10de:0ad0] (rev a2)20:07
vbgunzfrigging awesome, what do I need to do, I will do it!20:07
IntuitiveNippleSo, sda is on the controller at 09.0 (notice it says non-AHCI mode)20:07
IntuitiveNipple[    1.356522] ahci 0000:00:09.0: version 3.020:08
vbgunznot sure IntuitiveNipple, I see that but have no idea how to fix it. I have acpi enabled in bios otherwise I cannot boot. I saw 2 options for AHCI in bios but they both instead say IDE. not sure how to tell Kubuntu to suspend using only acpi :/ am I way off here?20:09
vbgunzI never really changed anything in Kubuntu about suspend. the only thing I can think up is the /etc/defaults/acpi-support file *but* thats been default pretty much forever :(20:10
vbgunzoh, I once played with systemsettings > powerdemon is it?20:11
IntuitiveNippleYou're getting way ahead, and confusing yourself with talk of ACPI at the same time20:11
vbgunzno, just power options, sorry20:11
vbgunzIntuitiveNipple: holy cow. first time ever. suspend the first time to ram worked... I just added the pci=nomsi kernel parameter20:36
vbgunzIntuitiveNipple: is this good or no? should I be aiming for the cause here? is there a better solution?20:37
IntuitiveNipplevbgunz: See my recent comment to the bug, and please report your finding that pci=nomsi works. I think we'll push the bug report upstream to the kernel bugzilla20:40
IntuitiveNipplevbgunz: See my recent comment to the bug, and please report your finding that pci=nomsi works. I think we'll push the bug report upstream to the kernel bugzilla20:41
vbgunzIntuitiveNipple: ok. doing that now20:42
IntuitiveNipplevbgunz: There was talk about this issue on the linux-ide mailing list but at that time the person interested in it couldn't find a decent report about it.20:43
IntuitiveNippleI'll email them to look at your report20:43
vbgunzI would do anything I can to help. I just need someone smarter than me to walk me through what needs to be done20:43
IntuitiveNippleIt looks like there may be a bug/quirk that the driver needs to address.20:46
vbgunzok, will try suspend one more time... do you think this would actually work with suspend to disk? I always had problems there too20:46
IntuitiveNippleIt may well.20:47
vbgunzupdated grub to make it permanent20:47
vbgunzhey IntuitiveNipple, seriously if there is anything I can do. I'll do it20:48
IntuitiveNippleKeep the bug report updated with anything you discover, progress made, etc.20:48
vbgunzI mean everything is great now. wow. I am so happy. I just hope it keeps working. I heard suspend/resume is so flaky it just fails at some point... will try again now, then finally a suspend to disk...20:49
mrooneybdmurray: does Julien's bugcontrol app need anything else to be approved?20:51
bdmurraymrooney: a couple of days to get everyone sufficient time to comment20:53
vbgunzok, going to try suspending to disk... I hope this works20:54
mrooneybdmurray: ahh okay, sounds good20:57
vbgunzIntuitiveNipple: 3 suspend to rams, 3 successful resumes. 1 suspend to disk. 1 misrerable failure :P21:03
BUGabundostill at it?21:03
vbgunzI think it just turned off... heh, the last thing I saw was my ralink 2500 failed to enter state 1 of 16 or so... phy0 -> ralink2500... I forgot exactly21:03
IntuitiveNipplevbgunz: take a break whilst you're ahead... try again later.21:04
vbgunzBUGabundo: yeah. the pci=nomsi kernel parameter works for me just fine. awesome actually... the other day in Windows Server 2008 trial, I suspended to an IDE disk *but* was envious when it just came back up in perfect order :P21:04
vbgunzIntuitiveNipple: haha, yeah21:05
vbgunzI'm happy :)21:05
IntuitiveNippleI've linked to the upstream bug report, so you might get some requests for information21:05
vbgunzIntuitiveNipple: yeah sure. seriously, I'll help where I can21:05
BUGabundogreat you manage to work aroung21:06
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maxbRecently I've discovered in a regression in the population of /dev/disk/by-uuid/, what bit of code is responsible for actually obtaining the disk uuids to stick in there?21:06
vbgunzIntuitiveNipple: oh. just one more question. actually I'd appreciate if anyone could help out. when I resume. I'd like to resume into a locked screen. is this possible?21:08
IntuitiveNippleThat is usually configured by the screensaver preferences21:08
keesmaxb: udev calls vol_id to get uuids21:08
BUGabundoin gconf you have an option for that21:09
vbgunzIntuitiveNipple: thanks. my screensaver actually says start in 15 minutes. with a grace of 60 for a password to stop21:13
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BUGabundovbgunz: in gconf you have an option for that21:15
maxbWell, this is quite special, jaunty vol_id says 5028D20428D1E8CC, schroot -c intrepid vol_id says 4df368f2-3879-41c8-b379-478151aac025, for the same fs!21:20
vbgunzBUGabundo: sorry. I am on Kubuntu21:21
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maxbDelightful. Apparently the preinstalled Linux on my Aspire One shipped with an NTFS boot record on the ext2 partition21:46
maxbLeading to further delight when the vol_id ntfs prober starts writing to the output buffer before it has made the final decision on detecting NTFS or not.21:47
tuxmaniacheya gang22:22
tuxmaniacanyone on jaunty who can test bug 291075 ?22:22
ubottuLaunchpad bug 291075 in freehdl "Digital simulation in qucs don't work" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/29107522:22
tuxmaniacI believe it is a libtool issue and there has been updates to libtool in Jaunty22:22
bcurtiswxseb128: ping22:26
seb128bcurtiswx: contextless ping gives no replies22:26
bcurtiswxseb128: oh, i was just seeing if you were there.. apologies.. my main question, for bug  #335696 you mentioned using apport instead of going through the tedious data gather that i did.  Just for future reference to myself, is there a page that shows how to use apport (or how to instruct the user to use it for their bug) ?22:28
ubottuLaunchpad bug 335696 in nautilus "nautilus crashes when opening ftp in new tab from bookmark" [Medium,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33569622:28
tuxmaniacbcurtiswx: i think it is an automated script. http://err.no/src/contentless_ping.pl22:29
seb128bcurtiswx: apport should trigger automatically on unstable ubuntu version when you get a crash, just click on "send the bug" button22:29
tuxmaniacoops I was wrong :)22:29
seb128tuxmaniac: no it's not but I do the same because it's annoying to reply when you don't know what people want and if that's going to take you an hour of discussion or 30 seconds22:29
seb128bcurtiswx: on stable you can enable apport by tweaking /etc/default/apport22:30
bcurtiswxseb128: ok, thats what i was wondering. Thanks!22:31
bcurtiswxseb128: i believe apport allows the user to append the information to a current bug.. but im not 100%.. is this correct?22:34
seb128bcurtiswx: only in jaunty22:34
bcurtiswxseb128: so how should a stable release report be added to an open bug report?22:35
seb128usually we just mark the non apport bug as duplicate22:35
bcurtiswxok, thanks a lot for your help22:37
seb128you're welcome22:37
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mrooneybdmurray: do you think in the future those hooks can eliminate a lot of the stock responses like "please attach xxx and yyy"?23:29
mrooneyIt would be cool if when you clicked the "this bug affects me too" it attempted to collect that23:29
bdmurraymrooney: yes, so you'd ask a reporter to run 'apport-collect bugnumber' and it'd grab the information the package hook looks for.  This makes things much easier for the reporter23:30
bcurtiswxwhen will this be backported to 8.10/8.04? (i know im being anxious, but that really helps triagers too).23:32
bdmurrayI talked to pitti about this and apport-collect should be able to be run on 8.10 / 8.0423:33
bdmurraypeople could just get it from http://people.ubuntu.com/~pitti/scripts/apport-collect23:33
bdmurrayHowever, the package hook for cups doesn't exist in those releases23:34
bdmurrayapport-collect would only be useful on previous releases with some packages23:34
bcurtiswxis there a list of which somewhere?23:34
bdmurrayif you are running 8.10 you could look in /usr/share/apport/package-hooks/23:34
bdmurraybut there is no list in the wiki but that'd be a great thing to have!23:35
bdmurraymrooney: it's pretty easy to write the package hooks too23:38
mrooneybdmurray: ah so I looked in that dir, does apport just look for a literal package name match hook?23:41
bdmurraymrooney: or for binary packages produced by a source package23:42
mrooneyah awesome there is already an xorg one23:44
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bdmurrayyeah, basically there are hooks for usplash, apport, jockey, xorg-*, network-manager23:45
bdmurraywe could use a lot more!23:45
andresmujicabdmurray which one is the wiki page?23:48
bdmurrayandresmujica: I'm not understanding23:48
andresmujica(18:35:13) bdmurray:  but there is no list in the wiki but that'd be a great thing to have!23:50
bdmurrayandresmujica: right so there is no wiki page documenting the apport package hooks23:51
andresmujicais wiki page about that apport hooks?23:51
bdmurrayI'd be happy to help someone write one though23:51
andresmujicai would do it :) but i would need a base to start...23:52
bdmurrayI think just having the packagename and the release the hook appeared in would be helpful23:52

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