
=== asac_ is now known as asac
didrocksmorning mvo & tseliot07:58
tseliotmorning didrocks :-)07:58
mvohey didrocks and tseliot07:59
mvodidrocks: the sponsoring for naitulis-sendto is still open?07:59
tseliothey mvo08:00
didrocksmvo: yes, seb128 told me you will love sponsor it :)08:01
mvodidrocks: heh :) sure08:02
pittiGood morning08:12
didrocksGuten Tag pitti08:26
pittihey didrocks08:26
pittihey tseliot08:43
tseliothey pitti :-)08:43
seb128hello pitti tseliot08:44
tseliothi seb12808:44
mvodidrocks: I will do the sponsoring once I sorted some issues with the new python, I got some errors during this mornings update and it seems like all my packages (well, all python packages) needs updates in how setup.py is used.08:47
davidbarthpitti: guten morgen08:52
pittihey davidbarth08:52
davidbarthpitti: there is a new release notify-osd ready for jaunty08:52
crevetteif someone was kind enough to test the latest bluez release (4.32) in my ppa, the previous one was crashy08:53
pittidavidbarth: nice; do you think it has time until this afternoon? I'd like to teach kenvandine_wk how to handle this08:53
davidbarthpitti: sure, i still have a few gsd/gpm patches to update, this afternoon will be perfect08:54
davidbarthcrevette: bluez or also the bluez-gnome part?08:55
crevettemy ppa is https://edge.launchpad.net/~bmillemathias/+archive/ppa, I 'd like to have some feedback before asking FFE, I tested on my side, but I think it worth some test08:55
crevettedavidbarth, only bluez08:55
crevettebluez-gnome is dead08:55
crevetteit is going to be replace by gnome-bluetooth08:55
crevetteheay kind of tricky08:56
davidbarthcrevette: what about the thing in the panel that uses libnotify notifications? is it also in the new bluez?08:56
crevettedavidbarth, bluez-gnome08:56
davidbarthbut that's not going to be shipped in Jaunty?08:56
crevetteI don't know08:58
crevetteI need to see that with hadess08:58
crevettedavidbarth, you're the guy working on new notification system right?09:00
davidbarthcrevette: yes, one of them that is09:00
davidbarthand so if we provide patches for bluez-gnome, i'd like to be sure that we're patching the right package... ;)09:01
crevettedavidbarth, the code is almost the same I guess09:01
davidbarthcrevette: what would be the alternative package to check then? packages in your PPA?09:01
crevettedavidbarth, I guess we can continue with bluez-gnome for jaunty if there is no release before09:02
crevettedavidbarth, there is no alternative package (I guess you're talking about gnome-bluetooth), hmm09:03
crevetteactually gnome-bluetooth already existbut it does another purpose, it does Obex file sharing09:03
crevettebut now it is deprecated in favoor of gnome-user-shaer09:03
crevette(bluetooth on GNOME is kind of difficult to track)09:04
davidbarthcrevette: dunno; between seb128, bastien and you, when will you be selecting what goes into jaunty?09:04
crevettebastien is from RH so I guess I won't take decision for ubuntu :)09:04
crevetteand I'm not a core developer so but I think someone needs to see that with Bastien09:05
davidbarthcrevette: ok, i'll ask cody (bratsche) to take a look at gnome-bluetooth too; but for the moment we're staying with bluez-gnome for our patches09:07
davidbarthcrevette: thanks for warning me of the possible shift09:07
crevettehey no problem :)09:07
crevettedavidbarth, about our patch you'd be interested with gnome-user-share also wich use actions in notification09:07
crevetteI know that because I did the patch upstream :)09:07
davidbarthcrevette: ;) good to know; it's one of the tricky interaction cases that mpt is on09:10
crevettewhy ? honnestly I don't know the details of the new notification implementation09:10
davidbarthcrevette: because it both makes sense to request user feedback when accepting a file upload for security reasons, but at the same time it's a bit like receiving a mail: you may want to defer the time when you actually want to read it09:15
crevettethe notification is displayed once the file is received actually09:16
crevetteand you have 2 action, display the file or reveal it in the file manager09:16
davidbarthcrevette: interesting, we'll probably get back to you on that then; but we're not there yet. thanks09:21
mptcrevette, for that I suggest having a "Received Files" or similar window that lists the files you've received so you can open/reveal them at your leisure09:21
mptThat would also work better for the case where you receive half a dozen files in quick succession09:21
didrocksmvo: ok, no problem :)09:22
mptinstead of having a cascade of bubbles09:22
mptthey would just be items in the window.09:22
didrocksmvo: I didn't have to change anything in setup.py for my previous upload (gnome-python) to make it builds with the new python version. Just change some paths in *.install files for {dist,site}packages09:23
crevettejust my opinion, the notification bubble is not large enough09:23
mptcrevette, there's a similar example here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NotificationDesignGuidelines#Normal%20window09:24
mvodidrocks: its using autotools (configure) instead of distutils it seems, I think thats the explaination09:30
crevettemvo, hello, would you mind merging https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~bmillemathias/utils/ubuntu-bluez-4.x/+merge/3982 ? I don't know if I did the right values (like the reviewer)09:35
didrocksmvo: yeah, that's right. distutils have been patched. Can you write somewhere in the wiki what you do so that we can use it again for other packages in the same configuration, please?09:38
mvodidrocks: I try to talk to doko about it, I think its something that should go to ubuntu-devel-announce09:43
mvocrevette: give me a sec, I have a look09:44
mvocrevette: https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-dev/utils/bluez-4.x <- says "this branch has not been pushed yet"09:44
mvocrevette: what did you base your merge on? I need to know what to checkout :)09:45
didrockswhere can I push nautilus-sento-universe package? in some kind of ~ubuntu-deskop-universe? :/09:48
crevettemvo, perhaps I didn't understand the process of merging, I just wanted you to push the latest commit of https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~bmillemathias/utils/ubuntu-bluez-4.x to lp:~ubuntu-dev/utils/bluez-4.x09:50
crevettemvo, but actually you can wait as 4.31 won't be packaged, as it is too crashy09:50
mvocrevette: oh, I think the confusion is that there is a "bluez-4.x" and "ubuntu-bluez-4.x" branch09:52
mvocrevette: and one of them is not pushed09:53
mvosuperm1: could you remove https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-dev/utils/bluez-4.x ? LP says the branch is not pushed yet and it looks like https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-dev/utils/ubuntu-bluez-4.x is the right one?09:53
crevettedavidbarth, apparently we will have a release of gnome-bluetooth soon, so I think it can replace bluez-gnome10:28
didrocksmvo: thanks for the sponsoring :)10:52
didrocksmvo & seb128_ (hi seb!): an idea on that: where can I push nautilus-sento-universe package? in some kind of ~ubuntu-deskop-universe? :/10:53
seb128_didrocks: because there is no corresponding product on launchpad?10:54
didrocksseb128_: didn't check yet, but I was just wondering about *where* to push. MOTU will not be available to push in ~ubuntu-desktop bzr repository and will ping you for that10:55
seb128_didrocks: don't use bzr?10:55
didrocksseb128_: so, let's say we only use bzr for desktop team for packages in main ?10:56
seb128_or talk to mvo he's the one promoting bzr for everything ;-)10:56
didrocksseb128_: ok :)10:56
* mvo leaves for lunch and lets seb128_ sort out the porblme ,)10:57
didrocksseb128_: FYI, I updated eel, but I have a question. There are some library changes (dropping symbols), but no soname changes (only minor version change). What to do? cf http://paste.ubuntu.com/125208/10:58
james_wdidrocks: you could put it under ~ubuntu-dev10:58
didrocksjames_w: I just didn't understand if it was still experimental or if we have commit rights on it? (and it's updated automagically if someone is not using bzr?)10:59
seb128_didrocks: nothing, they don't assure abi stability for this library10:59
seb128_didrocks: it's deprecated anyway nautilus stopped using, etc, it's just for applications not updated yet10:59
davidbarthcrevette: ok, so i'll be watching closely11:00
didrocksseb128_: ok, but the "normal" process is to bump soname in this case, right? (if they don't say "we don't bother" ;))11:00
seb128_hey pedro_!11:00
james_wdidrocks: nothing is changing there11:00
james_wdidrocks: it works the same way as pushing under ~ubuntu-desktop11:00
didrocksseb128_: so, I will open the sponsoring request in the afternoon11:00
pedro_hello seb128_!11:00
seb128_didrocks: ok good11:01
seb128_pedro_: you were on holidays? I was starting to wonder what happened to you, good to see you back ;-)11:01
didrocksjames_w: ok, so, it's not updated if someone don't use bzr, for the moment, right?11:01
* didrocks is sure that james_w has an hilight on bzr ;)11:01
pedro_seb128_: yeah even the bots need to take those :-P. thanks you, it's nice to be back11:02
james_wdidrocks: correct11:02
* pedro_ feels like new11:02
james_wthe fist one :-)11:02
didrocksjames_w: :-)11:02
didrocksjames_w: ok, thanks :)11:02
seb128_pedro_: enjoyed your holidays?11:02
* seb128_ hugs pedro_11:02
pedro_seb128_: yup, went to the south with my parents, haven't taken holidays with them since mm 4 years or so, so it was amazing :-)11:03
* pedro_ hugs seb128_ back11:03
seb128_pedro_: sounds excellent!11:04
seb128_pedro_: mark all bug emails as read or you will spend the week catching up with that backlog11:05
pedro_seb128_: ok! will do it11:06
pittihey pedro_, welcome back11:08
pedro_hello pitti!, thanks you :-)11:08
pittiseb128_: I think we need to sponsor those netbook screen size fixes by Thursday (UIF)11:08
pittiseb128_: I'm grabbing the pidgin one now, FYI (just to avoid clashes)11:08
seb128_pitti: ok thanks, I'm busy with the new GNOME, tarballs due today11:09
pittiseb128_: ok; if I touch something GNOMEish, I'll ask you before then11:09
seb128_pitti: thanks11:09
=== seb128_ is now known as seb128
pittiseb128_: just uploaded policykit-gnome (but I don't think that's affected by your updates)11:09
seb128no it's not11:10
=== davidbarth is now known as davidb4
=== davidb4 is now known as davidbarth
didrocksseb128: bug #336657 when you will have some time :)12:09
ubottuLaunchpad bug 336657 in eel2 "Please, sponsor eel2 2.25.91 to jaunty" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33665712:09
seb128didrocks: ok, want other updates?12:26
didrocksseb128: with pleasure :)12:36
didrocksseb128: btw, I can't remember if you found a workaround for gnome-python-extras and the doc, or if we wait for usptream to respond about the html doc?12:37
seb128didrocks: workaround is to not install those files for now12:38
seb128didrocks: http://download.gnome.org/sources/yelp/2.25/yelp-2.25.1.tar.gz12:38
seb128didrocks: http://download.gnome.org/sources/glibmm/2.19/glibmm-2.19.3.tar.gz12:38
didrocksseb128: ok, begin some work on them. For gnome-python-extras, do you want that I propose a new version excluding the html doc for the right .install file?12:40
seb128didrocks: open the bug upstream first, I'm not sure if we should wait for a new version or not12:40
didrocksseb128: oki12:40
* didrocks is fidding its "Contribution page" for UDS sponsoring first :)12:41
seb128mvo: do you think you could review bug #327465 this week? it's a sponsoring request waiting for a while and it would be nice to have it reviewed before the interface freeze this week12:47
ubottuLaunchpad bug 327465 in gnome-control-center "HIG problem with my previous fix" [Low,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/32746512:47
Ngseb128: so am I the only person with weird ssh-agent borkages in jaunty? :)12:50
seb128Ng: yes12:50
seb128we didn't get ssh agent complains since the distro sprint some weeks ago12:51
seb128and it's working fine on all my boxes12:51
Ngseb128: does $SSH_AGENT_PID point at seahorse-agent or ssh-agent?12:52
Ngmine is pointing at ssh-agent, but even with use-ssh-agent disabled in Xsession.options it still didn't seem to all work properly12:52
seb128"/usr/bin/ssh-agent /usr/bin/dbus-launch --exit-with-session /usr/bin/pulse-session /usr/bin/seahorse-agent --execute x-session-manager"12:52
seb128in fact12:52
NgI'm convinced I shouldn't have both running12:52
seb128$ echo $SSH_AUTH_SOCK12:52
Ngyeah I have that process to12:53
Ngaccording to lsof, no process has my socket.ssh open12:54
mvoseb128: I have a look now12:57
seb128mvo: thanks12:57
seb128Ng: gnome-keyring has mine open, maybe yours crashed or something?12:58
NgI just rebooted with use-ssh-agent disabled and it's generally still all not working12:59
seb128I would blame something in your user config12:59
Ngas soon as I log in and fire up ssh I get asked to unlock a keyring (should have happened when I log in), ssh says it failed to read the auth details from the socket, and asks for my password12:59
seb128but dunno what ;-)12:59
NgI would be blaming the software for breaking on what was previously a working config ;)13:00
seb128but you might have something which trigger the issue13:00
seb128no clue what that is though13:00
Ngit must be unlocking the keyring to some extent because NM doesn't prompt for wifi passwords13:00
seb128open a bug on bugzilla.gnome.org if you want they are pretty responsive usually13:00
Ngseb128: k, ta13:03
Ngseb128: huh, do you have two seahorse-agents running?13:08
seb128Ng: not sure, I've some dbus... lines and one seahorse-agent line, doesn't matter for ssh since seahorse doesn't do ssh anyway13:10
* kenvandine_wk waves13:11
mvojames_w: with jauntys bzr-buildpackage, I'M unable to build lp:~ubuntu-desktop/gnome-control-center/ubuntu - it seems like the tarball is unpacked to the wrong level, do you have any idea?13:12
james_wmvo: python2.6 hates me13:12
mvojames_w: heh :) not just you ;)13:13
james_wI can't get python2.6 installed to debug either13:13
mvoI spend my morning updating all the setup.py, debian/rules for my stuff13:13
james_wI'm going to switch to a chroot to to that in a minute, once I've finished my current task13:13
mvojames_w: what errors do you get? have you talked to doko about them yet?13:13
james_wmvo: no errors13:14
mvojames_w: no rush :)13:14
james_wsilent breakage13:14
mvoeven better :(13:14
james_wasac: was debugging it earlier in #ubuntu-devel13:14
james_wusing "python2.5 /usr/bin/bzr" apparently works13:14
asacmvo: i repointed my link to python2.5 for now13:14
asacworks well again13:15
asacbut since you need to work on python2.6 not sure if its an option for you13:15
* asac feels scared about libc update arriving ;)13:16
asacwish me luck13:16
mvoasac: thanks! not a good option, but good to know13:17
mvojames_w: thanks, I just checked the backlog and found it13:17
asacmvo: command-not-found and gnome-app-install failed to upgrade13:18
Ngseb128: yeah gnome-keyring-daemon is segfaulting13:18
mvoasac: could you please give me details13:18
asaci think thats because of the link ;)13:18
asacmvo: ValueError: /usr/bin/python does not match the python default version. It must be reset to point to python2.613:18
seb128Ng: good, use apport to report the crash ;-)13:18
mvoasac: the joy of the python world13:18
mvoasac: *no comment*13:19
asaci always felt that using python everywhere reduces the overall quality of desktop ;)13:19
* Ng wonders why apport isn't whining at him these days13:19
* asac hides13:19
NgI'm also not really sure if I want to upload the guts of my keyring daemon to launchpad :/13:21
seb128Ng: use sudo apport-retrace .crash locally and open a bug attaching the clean stacktrace13:22
Ngah nice13:22
seb128Ng: you can try to use gdb and give the first function there so we can look if that's a duplicate quickly13:23
Ngunhelpfully the first function is in a -dbg package I don't have installed13:24
Ng(I assume, it's showing up as ???)13:24
Ngthe second is egg_secure_realloc ()13:24
seb128Ng: could be bug #33234213:26
ubottuLaunchpad bug 332342 in gnome-keyring "gnome-keyring-daemon crashed with SIGSEGV" [Medium,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33234213:26
Nghmm, it looks a bit different13:28
seb128Ng: open a new bug then13:28
Ngwill do :)13:28
pittidavidbarth: hm, is there a new LP project page for notify-osd now? it's apparenlty not "notify-osd" :)13:28
mvoseb128: I replied to the sponsoring bug, patches does not apply cleanly anymore and bzr-builddeb does not like me anymore ,)13:28
pittikenvandine_wk: davidbarth has a new notify-osd upstream version; this is a bzr-maintained package, and would be an excellent exercise/mentoring matter13:29
seb128mvo: ok thanks and sorry for the nag about this one13:29
davidbarthpitti: it is: https://launchpad.net/notify-osd13:29
pittikenvandine_wk: I need some lunch first, can we do that in an hour or two?13:29
kenvandine_wkpitti: great!13:29
mvoseb128: np, thanks for the reminder13:29
mvo(and sorry for my lack o fattention)13:30
pittidavidbarth: ah, apparently I mistyped then13:30
seb128pitti: bug #33664013:31
ubottuLaunchpad bug 336640 in deskbar-applet "deskbar-applet crashed with SIGSEGV in PyType_IsSubtype()" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33664013:31
seb128pitti: shouldn't the retracer clean the coredump.gz in such cases?13:32
pittiseb128: I guess it should, yes13:33
pittiseb128: in other news, launchpadlib just started to work on ronne \o/13:34
pittithus we can move from p-lp-bugs to launchpadlib13:34
pittibut I need some lunch first, 14:30 already...13:34
seb128pitti: enjoy your lunch13:34
huatshello everyone !13:34
seb128lut huats13:38
seb128huats: how are you?13:39
huatsseb128: better13:39
james_whuats: salut!13:39
huatsnot completly healer13:39
huatsbut better :)13:39
huatsthanks seb12813:39
huatswhat about you ?13:39
huatshey james_w !13:39
seb128I'm good thanks13:39
huatsseb128: don't bother to speak in english with james_w, he speaks a perfect french...13:40
james_whuats: would you be able to take a look at pywebkitgtk today?13:40
huatsjames_w: it is on my todo list13:40
james_whuats: excellent13:40
james_whuats: http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=573753 might be of interest to you13:40
huatsjames_w: I am trying to tackle it today or tomorrow..13:40
ubottuGnome bug 573753 in codegen "DeprecationWarning under python 2.6" [Normal,Unconfirmed]13:41
huatsjames_w: I have a look too13:41
crevettedavidbarth, bratsche is working for canonical ?13:45
bratschecrevette: Hi.  Yes.13:45
crevetteah okay13:45
crevettehello bratsche13:45
bratschecrevette: Hey13:46
bratscheI can't seem to get my phone and laptop to work with bluetooth, so I'm not sure if I can test any patch I can come up with here. :/13:47
crevettebratsche, you're assigned to test bluetooth ?13:47
bratscheI'm assigned to patch bluez-gnome for the notify stuff.13:47
bratscheSo unless someone else has some bluetooth hardware to test with, I think I'm just going to have to take a shot in the dark on this one and hope it works right. :/13:48
crevettebratsche, what is the brand of you phone ?13:51
asacmvo: you are the kvm expert. how can i quickly get a hardy kvm image that just works?14:04
mvoasac: ubuntu-vm-builder kvm hardy --rootsize=2000014:07
mvoasac: but I think there are also pre-build ones around, give me a sec14:07
asacmvo: good. and how do i get X setup? is all ready for use?14:12
mvoasac: oh, that is a minimal one14:12
mvoasac: hm, I could upload you one of mines with X setup etc14:12
asacmvo: are those private?14:12
asacmvo: how hard is it?14:12
asaccan i just go there and say: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop?14:13
asacmvo: do you know how well that works on amd64?14:13
* asac trashes a fedora VM to get some space14:14
mvoasac: with the latest updates it works fwell for me14:15
mvoasac: with the ubuntu-vm-builder ones you can just do apt-get install ubuntu-desktop?14:16
mvo(no ? at the end :)14:16
asaci will try that asap14:16
* Ng being stupid, where is it pitti's pool of debsyms packages lives?14:17
asacNg: its ddebs.ubuntu.com14:17
pittiNg: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingProgramCrash has some documentation14:19
Ngerk, it exploded a little over libc614:20
Ngdo those ddebs lag a little?14:20
pittiNg: yes, they do, a couple of hours14:20
Ngok. I sucked in a new libc6 just before lunch, so I'll check back on this later :)14:21
pittiNg: ddebs.u.c. is a horrible hack, but the best we can get without proper soyuz support :/14:21
Nghack or not, it's a truly fantastic idea14:21
superm1mvo, sure. trashed.14:36
mvosuperm1: thanks14:37
superm1mvo, i seem to think the last few uploads might not have been put into bzr when sponsored to the normal tree.  they were uploaded as a diff rather than a merge request, but they should have been fairly minimal14:39
mvosuperm1: thanks, I will remember that when doing a merge14:43
pittiseb128: ok if I sponsor bug 336518?14:44
ubottuLaunchpad bug 336518 in brasero "Please sponsor brasero 2.25.92 (main) into Jaunty" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33651814:44
seb128pitti: yes, thank you14:44
pittiseb128: ok if I sponsor bug 336657 ?14:48
ubottuLaunchpad bug 336657 in eel2 "Please, sponsor eel2 2.25.91 to jaunty" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33665714:48
seb128pitti: yes, thank you ;-)14:48
didrockspitti: hope you will like it :)14:54
pittididrocks: at some point we should move the bzr to ~ubuntu-desktop, but I won't worry about this for now14:55
didrockspitti: ? if you accept the sponsoring, you can then bzr push to ~ubuntu-desktop, that's the goal :) When the branch is created, I generally ask for merge as I can't write into it14:56
pittididrocks: ok, will do14:56
pittididrocks: do you know the "UNRELEASED"/dch -r/debcommit -r schema?14:59
didrockspitti: sincerely, no. I only debcommit the change at the end14:59
pittididrocks: so:15:00
pitti- only commit one change at a time, not an entire heap15:00
pittihowever, the change should be consistent15:00
pittiso, in your case, it was correct (since changing build-deps goes along with updating upstream version)15:01
pittididrocks: while you are working on a new upload, keep the changelog target as UNRELEASED, not jaunty15:01
pittionce you think that you did enough work and it should be uploaded, do15:01
pittidch -r15:01
pitti-> changes UNRELEASED to jaunty15:01
pittidebcommit -r15:01
pitti-> commits the UNRELEASED->jaunty change to bzr, and adds a version number tag15:02
pittididrocks: that makes it easy to reconstruct previous uploaded versions from the bzr history15:02
didrockshum, I don't get it, there will be 2 log revision for each upload?15:02
pittididrocks: also, if you check out a branch, you immediately see whether there are commited changes which aren't uploaded yet (UNRELEASED) or whether you have to use dch -i to start a new changelog version (jaunty)15:02
pittididrocks: no, there will be one commit for each change to the package, and one commit per upload15:03
didrockspitti: for each "consistent change", I have to tell it in the changelog, no?15:04
pittididrocks: right15:05
pittididrocks: and "debcommit" will grab the changelog entry from debian/changelog, and use it as bzr changelog15:05
pittididrocks: look at  http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-core-dev/jockey/ubuntu/15:05
pittididrocks: there you see individual changes, and which revisions got uploaded as which package version15:05
didrockspitti: let me check this (slow ;))15:06
pittididrocks: bzr get lp:~ubuntu-desktop/eel/ubuntu/15:06
pittididrocks: and check bzr log15:06
didrockspitti: that's what I am currently doing :)15:06
pittiand look at15:06
pittibzr diff -c 515:06
pittiI messed up15:07
didrocksyeah, I corrected it myself ^^15:07
pittithere was a vcs-bzr already15:07
pittibut a wrong one15:08
didrocksreally? I put it :/15:08
pittiupstream project is called eel, not eel215:08
didrocksoh, crap, I did it offline and didn't check atm on launchpad15:09
pittididrocks: please rm -r above checkout15:09
pittididrocks: fixed, please bzr get it again15:10
pittiI HATE HATE HATE control.in15:10
didrockspitti: normal, when you aren't get used to them :)15:11
pittididrocks: ok, please get it again (or use bzr pull --overwrite)15:12
didrockspitti: how can you fix this? bzr uncommit and then --force_overwrite ?15:12
pittiit should finally be good now15:12
pittididrocks: right15:13
pittididrocks: ok, uploaded; thanks!15:14
didrockspitti: thanks a lot for the explantion. I understood from the jockey's example15:14
didrockspitti: just one question15:14
pittididrocks: please go into your branch and do bzr pull lp:~ubuntu-desktop/eel/ubuntu/, so that your branch becomes consistent with the ubuntu-desktop one15:14
pittididrocks: from now on, sponsoring from your brnach will be very easy15:15
didrockspitti: is there an option for dch to put UNRELEASED when dch -v... or dch -a... ?15:15
pittididrocks: usually you just need it with -i15:15
pittiI use dch -iDUNRELEASED15:15
pittididrocks: yes, -D15:15
didrockspitti: thanks. I push it now :)15:16
didrockspitti: so, I will change https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam/Bzr. The "one feature = one commit" is great for cherrypicking15:17
pittididrocks: oh, didn't know about that page; thanks15:17
pittididrocks: yes, it is indeed15:17
pittididrocks: I'll look at that page, too, since I haven't used bzr-builddeb so far15:18
didrockspitti: if there is any other mistake I put in this page, you can ping me :)15:19
calcseb128: i saw a comment from a gvfs developer that claims that touching files on smb should work now as of gvfs 1.1.1 but still doesn't seem to work on Ubuntu15:39
seb128calc: where did you read that comment?15:39
calcseb128: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=479199#c2815:39
ubottubugzilla.redhat.com bug 479199 in gvfs "posix apis unreliable on files mounted over gvfs, e.g. truncate, open, causes OpenOffice.org to fail to save." [Medium,Modified]15:39
calcseb128: it came up during the discussion of the truncate bug in gvfs15:40
seb128ok, dunno about that15:40
seb128did you try over fuse or over smb?15:40
calcyea it still gives operation not supported as of our current 1.1.615:42
pittiseb128: ok if I sponsor bug 327933 ?15:42
ubottuLaunchpad bug 327933 in gnome-python "Please, sponsor gnome-python 2.25.90 to jaunty" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/32793315:42
seb128pitti: yes ;-)15:42
seb128pitti: thanks for all the sponsoring ;-)15:43
* seb128 hugs pitti15:43
pittiI'm just in the mood15:43
pittiseb128: I was actually trying to sponsor all the netbook screen size fixes, but I did one, left evo for you, and the rest already seems to have been done..15:43
seb128pitti: right, I did some previous week15:44
pittiseb128: just for the record, eel2 is in bzr now (from didrocks' branch)15:44
pittiseb128: are you okay with having more packages in bzr officially?15:44
seb128pitti: right15:44
pittiseb128: gnome-python is same situation (about to push didrocks' branch to ~ubuntu-desktop)15:44
pittior shall we not have an official branch, and just leave didrocks to use his for his own purposes?15:45
seb128pitti: as said didrocks is adding each package he's working on to bzr following mvo recommendation so I try using it too now15:45
seb128pitti: add those to the ubuntu-desktop team15:45
seb128that's handy for review and sponsoring ;-)15:45
pittiseb128: ok, so we agree :)15:45
* pitti hugs seb12815:45
seb128the thing I don't like is having to update patches, etc15:45
seb128and it makes harder to diff the configure.ac between version15:46
seb128but those are minor details, I need to update my workflow15:46
pittiwhat does that have to do with bzr?15:46
* seb128 hugs pitti15:46
pittiseb128: configure.ac diff -> isn't that just debdiff old.dsc new.dsc | filterdiff -i configure.ac ?15:46
seb128pitti: well, you have the debian directory in bzr only so you can't run diff or cdbs-edit-patch directly, you have to unpack the new version somewhere15:47
pittiyes, I usually unpack it in the source directory, just as a non-bzr'ed source15:47
seb128pitti: right, I'm used to diff before starting the update to know what build-depends I need to update15:47
mvobzr bd-do 'cdbs-edit-patch' is quite nice15:47
mvo(bzr bd-do 'cdbs-edit-patch 01_my_new_patch')15:47
* pitti really ought to learn bzr bd soon15:47
seb128mvo: indeed15:47
pittididrocks: seems you didn't import 2.22.3-0ubuntu3 into your branch15:48
seb128I also like bzr-buildpackage downloading the orig etc directly ;-)15:48
pittididrocks: can you please do so and tell me when you are done?15:48
pittiseb128: it can do that? nice15:48
* pitti defers gnome-python sponsoring until didrocks updated his branch15:48
seb128pitti: it does that by default, sponsoring is: bzr get url; cd ubuntu; bzr-buildpackage15:49
seb128it does download and start the build, nothing to do ;-)15:49
phomesAny reason mobile-broadband-provider-info is not being updated? Current version (20081015) lacks one of the major danish providers and support questions for this are frequently popping up15:51
didrockspitti, seb128 : about the diff of configure.{ac,in}, I give some clue with bzr in the bzr desktop team branch15:52
didrocks(sorry, I am backlogging)15:53
seb128phomes: wrong channel to ask about mobile15:53
phomesseb128: sorry. Thought this would be desktop :(15:53
pittiseb128: wow, that's cool; it automatically gets/renames the orig.tar.gz from upstream, etc.15:53
seb128pitti: indeed!15:53
mvobzr-buildpackage == love15:54
* mvo hugs james_w15:54
james_wwhen it doesn't hate you :-)15:54
pittibah, and I still spent time finding and downloading/renaming new tarballs15:54
* pitti hugs james_w15:54
mvogroup hug!15:54
* didrocks hugs james_w too for bzr-buildpackage :)15:55
pittijames_w, didrocks: I don't quite understand the "building a source package" section on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam/Bzr15:55
pittiwhy would bd-do give me a subshell which I have to exit with 1?15:55
james_w"bzr bd -S"15:56
didrockspitti: it's not uptodate, I need to change it with bzr bd -S15:56
* james_w edits the page15:56
james_win Jaunty you can now do15:56
james_wbzr bd -- --any --debuild --option15:56
james_wthe "--" denotes where bzr should stop parsing options, anything after that is passed directly to debuild15:56
pittijames_w: with bd -S or bd -- -S I get a ton of "ignoring deletion..." warnings and an error15:57
calcseb128: bug 336761 :)15:57
ubottuLaunchpad bug 336761 in gvfs "gvfs-fuse: not able to set smb timestamp using touch" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33676115:57
pittijames_w: I didn't unpack the orig.tar.gz, I just have debian/15:57
pittijames_w: do I need to?15:57
james_wpitti: try "bzr bd --merge -S"15:58
seb128calc: you know you could open your bugs directly to the upstream bug tracker for efficiency15:58
didrockspitti: oh, didn't see this version :/ someone didn't gave a look at this bug (or me, probably :/). Doing that now15:58
mvoI think the page should contain info how to add .bzr-builddeb/default.conf and what it should look like too15:58
didrockspitti: do you want me to uncommit until the change and then import the new changes to, or just integrate the change with a new commit?15:59
pittididrocks: just new commit, that's fine15:59
pittididrocks: grab the diff from launchpad (you know that feature?)15:59
pittiand apply it (you'll need to fix the changelog conflict, though)15:59
pittijames_w: same problem16:00
pittijames_w: it says16:00
james_wpitti: odd, which branch are you building?16:00
pittiPurging the build dir: ../build-area/gnome-python-2.25.9016:00
pittiExporting to ../build-area/gnome-python-2.25.90 in merge mode16:00
didrockspitti: hum, I usually only go to https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-python and dowload the diff.gz, is there some black magic? :)16:00
pittibut it doesn't actually seem to build the source from there, perhaps?16:00
kenvandine_wkseb128: i proposed patches for  328596 and 33157116:00
seb128bug #32859616:01
ubottuLaunchpad bug 328596 in evolution "evolution shouldn't use notifications with actions" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/32859616:01
kenvandine_wkseb128: both evo, please review when you can16:01
seb128bug #33157116:01
ubottuLaunchpad bug 331571 in evolution "disable Mail Notification eplugin by default" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33157116:01
pittididrocks: yes, http://launchpadlibrarian.net/23159955/gnome-python_2.22.3-0ubuntu2_2.22.3-0ubuntu3.diff.gz16:01
didrockspitti: the changes is already integrated16:01
pittididrocks: that's what I mean16:01
* kenvandine_wk dials into meeting16:01
pittididrocks: then your bzr is missing the changelog16:01
pittiseb128: I'll comment on kenvandine_wk's patches, too16:01
didrockspitti: that's because I have done myself :)16:01
didrockspitti: but the change is the same16:01
didrockspitti: I just copy the changelog and remove this on my changelog16:01
pittididrocks: ok; please make sure that your branch reflects the exact reality of the archive, though (I'll check with debdiff! :-) )16:02
pittijames_w: lp:~didrocks/gnome-python/ubuntu/16:02
james_wpitti: ah, are you on an up-to-date jaunty? i.e. python --version == 2.6?16:02
pittijames_w: I think I see the problem:16:03
pitti$ ls ../build-area/gnome-python-2.25.90/16:03
calcseb128: there is one open more or less, but they claim to already have fixed the bug so i thought it might be something you broke? :)16:03
pittidebian  gnome-python-2.25.9016:03
pittijames_w: when I do this manually, I use tar xzf ../foo_orig.tar.gz --strip-components=116:03
pittijames_w: yes, jaunty du jour, with python 2.616:03
calcseb128: tomas in the redhat bug tracker is apparently the guy who worked on the smb support from what the gnome bug would indicate16:03
james_wpitti: bug 33668616:04
didrockspitti: it's about the change on "Modify debian/*.install to support both python 2.5 (site-packages dir) and 2.6 (dist-packages dir) python packages". I have done this, but apparently, doko has done the same thing concurrently, I change removed it from the changelog and put the new one between16:04
ubottuLaunchpad bug 336686 in bzr-builddeb "merge mode doesn't work under python2.6" [Critical,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33668616:04
calcseb128: i added the meta bug to the ubuntu bug but not as the official upstream bug link since it seems to not really be specifically about that issue16:04
pittijames_w: ah, I see16:04
seb128calc: thomas works for redhat and on gvfs yes, still GNOME bugs should go to bugzilla.gnome.org16:04
seb128kenvandine_wk: commented on #32859616:05
calcseb128: do you know if tomas is on irc somewhere (eg gnome irc, etc)?16:05
seb128calc: irc.gnome.org #nautilus, upstream are there, alex is the main upstream hacker, thomas is tbzatek16:05
seb128hpj is the guy working on the fuse code usually16:06
calcok, i'll go there and see if they have any tests they want me to run, he mentioned he had heard there was an issue before but didn't have enough details to track it down16:06
james_wpitti: sorry about that, should be fixed very soon16:06
pittijames_w: no problem; if it's known, all is well :)16:06
* pitti hugs james_w16:06
mnemoI just ran into this really weird bug that locks up my whole machine (and it repros using the live CD as well)... can anyone confirm this bug? --> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/33677116:07
ubottuUbuntu bug 336771 in linux "system locks up when running "strace gdmsetup"" [Undecided,New]16:08
seb128kenvandine_wk: commented on the other bug too, the "return enable" on the first function line is weird16:08
didrockspitti: you can now bzr pull --overwrite (to avoid tag conflicts)16:09
didrockspitti: I told doko to be careful next time with sponsorship before uploading a new version (I opened the bug a long long time ago, then, had to make some modification later as it was not sponsored and had python 2.6 transition in the meantime)16:10
pittididrocks: thanks16:10
pittididrocks: I guess with such large transitions things like that will always happen; I think we just need to get along with those16:10
pittididrocks: with LP's automatically produced diffs, it's reasonably easy to fix16:11
didrockspitti: yes, the bad thing is that we both fixed exactly the same thing :)16:11
didrockspitti: you may have a debian/control.in difference has doko used one more time than I a debian/rules clean (and gnome.mk removes "uploaders < ... days")16:14
pittididrocks: that's fine16:15
didrocksI am just worrying about the workflow of people don't using bzr to populate the bzr corresponding branch, that can be extra work...16:15
didrockspitti: when there is only "one change" (like in last eel version), do you still prefer to have 2 commits? one with UNRELEASED and the new one for releasing it to jaunty with debcommit?16:22
pittidavidbarth: hm, seems that the packaging branch and notify-osd_0.9.orig.tar.gz have a different version of icons/avatar.png ? that breaks source package building (binary diff)16:22
pittididrocks: yes16:22
pittididrocks: because you (1) always start with UNRELEASED when committing something new16:22
pittiand you might decide to do another fix after that one16:22
pittiand (2) you always want the uploads to stand out from bzr log and get tagged, etc.16:23
pittidavidbarth: ah, it's not in the orig.tar.gz at all16:23
didrockspitti: and when there is no change, just use new upstream tarball, bump version for a rebuild due to new library dependency change? :)16:23
pittididrocks: you always need a changelog16:24
didrockspitti: yes, but you only change this file. So, one commit with UNRELEASED and another one, with no change but UNRELEASED -> jaunty16:25
pittidavidbarth: can I safely remove it from the upload, or do I need to repack the orig.tar.gz to include it?16:25
seb128brb trying updates16:26
davidbarthpitti: on a call, brb16:26
seb128Ng: your gnome-keyring issue might be fixed with the new 2.25.92 version just uploaded if you want to give it a try later16:31
Ngseb128: yeah I was just reading a comment somewhere about that fixing some crashers :)16:31
davidbarthpitti: you can, i removed it following your advice16:33
davidbarthpitti: sorry if there are some consistency issues between the two16:34
pittidavidbarth: ok, thanks; then it apparently needs to be removed from bzr as well16:34
kenvandine_wkseb128: i updated that patch, i missed a line when i was deleting that stuff16:39
emberthanks for the sponsor pitti16:44
pittiember: you're welcome16:45
emberseb128 should brasero conflict with n-c-b? jaunty have this bug #33616416:45
ubottuLaunchpad bug 336164 in brasero "2 entries in Nautilus context menu for burning an ISO file" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33616416:45
seb128ember: would make sense16:46
seb128kenvandine_wk: ok16:46
emberok i will add that on the next upload16:46
pittikenvandine_wk: replied to bug 331571, thanks!16:49
ubottuLaunchpad bug 331571 in evolution "disable Mail Notification eplugin by default" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33157116:49
pittitedg: is it planned to hide the pidgin tray icon if indicator-applet is running?16:51
pittitedg: since the applet already has "Pidgin" in the menu, and toggles the pidgin window16:51
kenvandine_wkpitti: i am on the fence on that... because you can do many other things from that icon16:51
kenvandine_wkit isn't just for status16:51
tedgpitti: I don't know that we can make them dependent.16:51
tedgpitti: But I've hidden mine and am happy with it.16:51
pittiwell, asked the other way round then16:51
pittiwhy does it need to show up in indicator-applet then, when it has its own?16:52
kenvandine_wktedg: i patched evo to hide for only non-stracciatella sessions16:52
seb128I still don't get the point of this indicator16:52
seb128it's sitting there and not listing any of the messages I get16:52
tedgThere's also the issue of it being hidden means that on KDE folks can't see it at all (as there's no indicator-applet yet)16:52
pittiat the moment it doesn't really do anything useful indeed16:52
* kenvandine_wk finds it useful16:52
tedgIt has most of the messages I get in it.16:53
kenvandine_wktedg: question though... should the applet show me  messages in evo, or just something to take me to evo?16:53
kenvandine_wktedg: i would assume it would work more like pidgin16:53
pittitedg: right, for me too (ICQ), but since the ICQ window always pops up automatically anyway, it's easier to focus that than to go through the applet16:53
tedgkenvandine_wk: It needs to show a count for Evo, which it isn't reliable at yet.  I need to do another release.16:53
kenvandine_wkinstead it is like a shortcut16:53
kenvandine_wktedg: reliable... i have never seen it :)16:53
kenvandine_wka count would be good16:53
tedgkenvandine_wk: It won't show each message, that's likely to be too many for most people.16:53
kenvandine_wkyeah... would kill me... but i thought some sort of status16:54
kenvandine_wkso  count is great16:54
tedgI haven't pushed the ICQ patch for Pidgin-libnotify because it still shows notifications when the conversation is focused.16:54
tedgWhich is annoying.  But it does show pings, etc.16:55
mvompt: most of the stuff we discussed in the call are in bzr now, did you have any opinion on a new first-run text in u-m ? it was mentioned in the call IIRC that we might want to think about explaining why it was auto-opening17:01
mptmvo, I just managed to install Jaunty and saw it. :-) nicely done17:03
asacseb128: do you know where the gnome font config is applied codewise? is that in pango or higher (gtk, gnome)?17:04
mptmvo, I don't think the text can really do any more without getting too wordy. The only things I think could be improved are the missing full stops, version number, and apostrophe17:05
seb128asac: gnome-settings-daemon read the gconf config and set an xsettings for that17:06
seb128asac: not sure where the xsettings get applied between gtk, pango, cairo, fontconfig, etc17:07
asacseb128: thanks ... will see if i can find something from there17:07
mvompt: ok, fair enough. about the missing full stops etc, what exactly do you mean? I can see full stops in my text here17:09
mptmvo, I mean full stops at the end of "Welcome to Ubuntu." and "Software updates are available for this computer.", "don’t" instead of "don't", and 'choose “Update Manager”' instead of 'choose "Update Manager"'17:12
mptthe fiddly stuff :-)17:12
mvoheh :)17:13
mvoI see17:13
mptmvo, also "since Ubuntu Jaunty alpha 5 was released" instead of "since Ubuntu was released"17:13
mptI don't know how easy that is to do17:13
mvompt: that may have to wait for the next release, especially if you want milestone information :/17:13
* kenvandine_wk -> lunch17:13
mvompt: I will attack the full stops and correct char stuff tomorrow morning and then I see what I can do regarding the "since version" info17:15
mptmvo, thank you very much17:15
mptmvo, to clarify, that should be "since Ubuntu 9.04 was released" at the final release17:21
mptmvo, it seems to me that string should be somewhere system-ish so that it can be used by things like an About window in future too17:21
asacmvo: gehtse zum call?17:28
asacoops /msg forgotten ;)17:28
didrocksseb128: hum, quilt is too smart for me. It can apply a patch in yelp even if the context has changed: http://paste.ubuntu.com/125388/18:01
didrocksit shouldn't seeing "gnome-doc-utils" version changes18:01
seb128didrocks: dunno18:03
didrocksseb128: ok, you will tell me "why bother? it's work and that's what you want"18:04
pittiseb128: shall I apply/upload bug 336679, or do you want to grab it while updating for new gnome?18:04
ubottuLaunchpad bug 336679 in nautilus "Nautilus won't allow changing the icon of a launcher" [Medium,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33667918:04
didrocksI will back home and cry, so :)18:04
seb128pitti: I just uploaded a new version some minutes ago18:04
seb128pitti: feel free to upload, I just tend to wait for next tarballs for such details18:04
pittiseb128: ok, then I'll assign it to me and do it after UIF18:05
pitti(more pressing things to do until then)18:05
seb128enough to do to not play backport patch drop changes every few days18:05
pittiah, no, I'll just sub u-main-sponsors18:05
seb128I would advice just waiting for the next tarball18:05
pittithen it doesn't get lost18:05
pittiseb128: okay, understood18:05
seb128well feel free to sponsor but I don't think the bug is worth spending sponsoring efforts18:05
seb128that will be fixed in GNOME 2.2618:06
seb128didrocks: I will be away for sport and dinner soon but if you want to do some extra updates feel free to do vino and vinagre18:08
didrocksseb128: ok, I take them, have a good sport time/dinner :)18:09
seb128good evening there21:14
seb128asomething: hey, want to do the evolution* updates?21:14
didrocksre seb12821:15
seb128didrocks: I will look at your vino sponsoring request21:15
didrocksseb128: ok, do I keep the 07_rosetta_translations_update.patch in yelp?21:15
seb128didrocks: if you are done with your updates and want some others let me know21:15
seb128didrocks: you can drop it it doesn't apply, we will update it before beta as usual21:16
didrocksseb128: hum, I applied new translations21:16
asomethingseb128: sure thing, but I will not be able to get to it today21:16
seb128didrocks: that works too, you asked a new export?21:16
didrocksseb128: why this package don't use LP integrated translation?21:16
seb128didrocks: because translated xml are built during the build and not at runtime21:16
seb128didrocks: it doesn't fetch the translations at runtime but load localized xml version which are generated during the build21:17
seb128not sure if I'm clear ...21:17
didrocksseb128: no no, understood :) you are clear21:18
seb128good ;-)21:18
seb128you are welcome to work on changes to use gettext if you want21:18
didrocksseb128: FYI, yelp need gnome-doc-utils 0.15.2, Can I update it?21:18
didrocksseb128: why not, (not tonight but tomorrow, I will have a look at it)21:18
seb128didrocks: sure21:19
seb128didrocks: work on updates first, you can keep the "use gettext at runtime" for later, that might be non-trivial21:19
didrocksseb128: ok, I just note it somewhere to keep that in minde21:20
didrocksvinagre is on the way21:20
seb128ok good21:20
seb128asomething: ok, I might do it since I've some other evolution changes to try and sponsor, look to the current version before starting ;-)21:21
asomethingseb128: i'll check in tomorrow and see if it's still needed21:22
Ampelbeinseb128: hi, could you have a look at bug #336938 ?21:56
ubottuLaunchpad bug 336938 in seahorse "Please sponsor seahorse version 2.25.92" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33693821:56
seb128Ampelbein: hey, sorry I just uploaded the new version ...21:56
seb128Ampelbein: better to ask on the channel before doing updates21:56
seb128or to open a bug before saying you work on it21:56
Ampelbeinyeah, i looked at open bugs and did not find it, so i opened it and started. but no problem.21:57
seb128Ampelbein: you were not around for a while, I will ping you for the next seahorse* updates if you are interested to work on those again21:58
Ampelbeinyeah, i had some personal issues to deal with but now i'm back again ready to help.21:58
seb128Ampelbein: speaking about bugs there is 3 seahorse bugs which have an upstream task closed if you want to look at those ;-)21:58
Ampelbeinlooking. (i assume you don't mean those already set to fix commited?22:00
seb128no, in the advanced search you can filter on bugs which are closed upstream it's in the bottom of page options22:01
seb128there is 3 bugs which have been closed as NOTABUG or NOTGNOME there22:01
Ampelbeinseb128: ok, looked through the bugs. bug #289516 is fixed with .92, #235663 would be "won't fix" or "invalid" (which i tend to set it), same with #238954. as for #302451 i would tend to discuss with upstream the idea you had of changing the displayed text.22:13
ubottuLaunchpad bug 289516 in seahorse "'Password and Encryption Settings' labelled as 'Encryption and Keyrings'" [Low,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/28951622:13
seb128Ampelbein: ok good22:13
seb128thanks for triaging those ;-)22:13
seb128Ampelbein: do you want an another update to work on?22:13
Ampelbeinwould be nice, yes.22:14
seb128Ampelbein: http://download.gnome.org/sources/gnome-system-monitor/2.26/gnome-system-monitor-2.26.0.tar.gz22:14
Ampelbeinseb128: bug #336946 ready for review. (please excuse errors i made, haven't done updates awhile now ;-)22:30
ubottuLaunchpad bug 336946 in gnome-system-monitor "Please update to 2.26.0" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33694622:30
seb128Ampelbein: looking22:30
seb128Ampelbein: the update is good I'm sponsoring it now22:36
calcyipee new gvfs :)22:39
* calc hugs seb128 22:39
calcthat makes my life much easier for testing the new truncate fix :)22:39
didrocksseb128: I reverted the changes to LP translation and removed the patch (it FTBFS, even if the new one is present during the build itself, not patch apply… this is strange for translations. It seems to be related to stylesheets ^^)22:45
seb128didrocks: how did you update the patch exactly?22:46
didrocksseb128: I followed huats advice: go to https://translations.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/jaunty/+source/yelp/+pots/yelp/+export, download translations22:46
didrocksselect everything in po format22:46
didrocksthen, quilt push ... rm po/ ...   cp translation to po/22:47
didrocksand quilt refresh :)22:47
didrockssaying that, I am wondering if some files are removed in po/ which are not in the template22:47
seb128the rm po is not a good idea there22:47
seb128why did you do that?22:48
didrockswritting it is better to realize :)22:48
seb128and does translation uses the same naming?22:48
didrocksbecause huats told me everything was in the "download translations" package :)22:48
seb128when I did that previously I did rename all the files I think22:48
seb128and just copied *.po po22:48
seb128which overwritte the upstream version22:48
didrocksok, I will try this just now22:48
seb128without removing anything else there22:49
Ampelbeinseb128: is there another update to do?22:49
didrocksseb128: there are some kind of "translation makefile", right?22:49
seb128didrocks: there is a makefile it's not really translation specific22:50
seb128Ampelbein: not right now22:50
seb128didrocks: did you do the glibmm update yet?22:51
didrocksseb128: yes bug #33694022:51
seb128didrocks: you did, I just looked to launchpad ;-)22:51
ubottuLaunchpad bug 336940 in glibmm2.4 "Please, sponsor glibmm2.4 2.19.3 to jaunty" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33694022:51
didrocksseb128: and gnome-doc-utils too ;)22:51
didrocksbug #33694722:51
ubottuLaunchpad bug 336947 in gnome-doc-utils "Please sponsor gnome-doc-utils 0.15.2 to jaunty" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33694722:51
didrocksseb128: do you think I am a slacker? :p22:52
seb128didrocks: yeah, I was wrong ;-)22:52
seb128didrocks: I was trying to find a reminder update for Ampelbein22:53
calcseb128: i think the new gvfs-fuse sftp/truncate fixes may have helped fix issue with OOo :)22:59
calcseb128: of course there also appears to be issue with OOo so I may end up disabling gvfs support in OOo native and relying on fuse support23:01
calcseb128: i saved from OOo to ~/.gvfs/long/path/to/sftp/location/ and it worked though which is really good news :)23:02
didrocksseb128: :p23:02
seb128didrocks: dpkg-source: erreur: Version number suggests Ubuntu changes, but Maintainer: does not have Ubuntu address23:02
didrocksseb128: oh, ok, sorry to have done them :)23:03
didrocksnow, let's see if yelp is more friendly23:03
calchmm no luck its still broken, apparently i was just lucky somehow23:03
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didrocksseb128: I must admit I am used to have ubuntu only package :/ fixed, can you bzr pull --overwrite please?23:09
seb128didrocks: what do you mean?23:09
didrocksseb128: I didn't checked the maintainer field as I am used to encounter with the desktop team many "already modified in ubuntu" packages23:10
seb128ah ok23:10
didrocksseb128: I put core-dev for this one, do I have to put desktop team?23:10
seb128no that's ok23:10
didrocksok, so, juste bzr pull --overwrite23:11
seb128didrocks: you forgot to update the SHVER in the rules23:11
seb128the abi changed23:11
seb128they wrapped new gio functions in this version so the shlibs needs to be updated23:11
didrocksseb128: the abi changed, but there are only added symbols…23:11
seb128right, which is what the shlibs is about23:11
seb128the shlibs is the version of the current abi23:12
didrocksseb128: I don't get when there is an SHVER or when there is no SHVER. Some lib packages have and others don't have it?23:12
seb128the soname change when you break compatibility23:12
seb128didrocks: libraries have a shlibs23:12
seb128SHVER is an implementation details23:12
seb128you can also have a .shlibs23:12
seb128or modify the dh_makeshlibs argument in rules23:13
seb128the shlibs is the current version of the abi23:13
seb128ie every time a function is added the shlibs is added23:13
didrocksok, I write that down somewhere. Each time, there is something to change either, the SHVER, .shlibs, and dh_makeshlibs argument, seing what is presented in the package23:13
seb128if no function has been added since the first version packaged you might have no shlibs since there is no version restriction23:13
seb128and some packages use .symbols now which have a better granularity23:14
seb128in which case you need to update the .symbols and have no shlibs23:14
didrocksseb128: ok. I will try to not forget next time. I must admit packaging library is still quite obscure to me, but I will get used to it :)23:15
didrocksseb128: the SHVER/other ways can be found where when objdump or nm to library?23:18
didrocksseb128: new version pushed23:21
seb128didrocks: there is a wiki page about libraries updates which explain that23:21
didrocksseb128: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/School/LibraryPackaging? I didn't find SHVER in it23:22
didrocksseb128: but yes, I will try to find it where the corresponding value is put in the lib. I think it should be writtent somewhere in the session :)23:23
seb128didrocks: no https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide/Recipes/CheckingLibrarySymbols23:23
didrocksseb128: ok, I see at the end of the page23:24
didrocksseb128: yelp done too, cf bug #33698123:27
ubottuLaunchpad bug 336981 in yelp "Please, sponsor yelp 2.25.1 to jaunty" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33698123:27
didrocksI think/hope everything's you gave me is ok now :)23:28
seb128should be23:29
didrockstime to go to bed, good night seb128 :-)23:37
seb128didrocks: 'night23:38
calcactually it seems that something weird keeps OOo from saving properly the first time and only the lock file is created but the second time it is attempted to save it works23:40

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