
AtomicSparkIf I had a suggestion on a change in the official documentation, where would I direct that? Somewhere on launchpad? Also, should I suggest this for the current release or the "wip" doc section?07:34
mdkeAtomicSpark: if it's a simple suggestion, normally a bug report would be the best way. If a large one that merits discussion, then maybe on the mailing list08:08
mdkeAtomicSpark: we'll only fix it in the current release if it is a serious issue, otherwise we will tend to fix it in the development release08:09
AtomicSparkmdke: It would be a non-serious issue.08:10
AtomicSparkSo here? https://bugs.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-doc08:10
ubot4Factoid 'wastrel' not found08:12
* AtomicSpark mubbles wrong channel08:12
mdkeAtomicSpark: if you could file it here, it would be appreciated: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntu-docs08:21
AtomicSparkIs there actually a package that installs all the documentation?08:29
AtomicSparkSo there is. Interesting. I'll bookmark the page.08:29
mdkeAtomicSpark: not quite all, but most. Other documents exist in other packages08:38
AtomicSparkmdke: Yeah I figured out that it was the gnome help thing the whole time. One of those "well, this makes sense" moments.08:40
mdkeAtomicSpark: gnome help is in the gnome-user-docs package, so you can also file bugs there if you have a suggestion on one of those documents08:44
AtomicSparkWell I was just seeing if they were offline. I normally just visit help.ubuntu.com. But yeah, I found them.08:45
DougieRichardsonAnyone fancy cheering for me on ubuntu-meeting  - going for membership?20:15
DougieRichardson /msg nickserv info DougieRichardson21:27
DougieRichardson /msg nickserv info DougieRichardson21:27
charlie-tcacongratulations, DougieRichardson21:32
DougieRichardsoncharlie-tca: thanks!21:32
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