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rdh | hell | 04:50 |
rdh | hl;g | 04:50 |
davmor2 | Guys in Jaunty Netbook remix I have a few questions and suggestions and some graphical bugs I'll add later. Questions why are there so many dupes in apps? You have 2 dictionaries and 2 email clients. Why are there a whole bunch of touch screen stufff when I don't know of a touch screen netbook (there may be one, just never heard of it)? Why is it not LPIA and i386 instead? Suggestions Put the installer in favourit | 08:51 |
lool | davmor2: You might want to discuss this with StevenK or njpatel | 09:08 |
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lool | davmor2: LPIA isn't that useful currently and it causes some compat issues; for instance some users complaiend they can't easily install the skype i386 .debs | 09:09 |
davmor2 | lool: Thanks for the feedback :) | 09:10 |
davmor2 | lool: Seems strange not to use the atoms power saving features though I thought that was the whole difference? But then I also suppose that powersaving has moved on and battery life might be extended in that manner too :) | 09:12 |
lool | davmor2: Which power savings features did you have in mind exactly? | 09:12 |
davmor2 | lool: No I'm saying I thought that was the main difference between i386 and lpia | 09:13 |
lool | davmor2: It's not the case; lpia is just tuned slightly differently at the toolchain level: it's targetting i686 instead of i486 (what i386 targets) | 09:13 |
lool | davmor2: We plan to go further with kermit | 09:14 |
davmor2 | lool: ah okay cool | 09:14 |
crevette | hello there | 09:14 |
crevette | can someone test latest bluez version pushed on my ppa (https://edge.launchpad.net/~bmillemathias/+archive/ppa) | 09:17 |
crevette | the previous was crashy | 09:18 |
davmor2 | Guys graphical icon bug is here https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/336633 | 11:18 |
ubottu | Ubuntu bug 336633 in mobile-meta "Jaunty: Netbook-Remix Poorly displayed icons" [Undecided,New] | 11:18 |
ian_brasil_ | what is kermit? | 11:33 |
tomodachi | its a frog | 11:34 |
tomodachi | a puppy from a famous tv-series | 11:35 |
ian_brasil_ | maybe lool meant koala? | 11:36 |
davmor2 | tomodachi: try a Muppet or Puppet rather than puppy :) | 11:40 |
tomodachi | :) | 11:40 |
tomodachi | i wish i could spell | 11:40 |
tomodachi | :) | 11:40 |
tomodachi | that's what i ment | 11:40 |
tomodachi | both puppet | 11:40 |
tomodachi | and muppet | 11:40 |
tomodachi | :) | 11:40 |
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lool | ian_brasil: jaunty jackalope => we upload to jaunty, intrepid ibex => we upload to intrepid, kermit koala => we upload to kermit | 13:08 |
lool | ian_brasil: Which is why I say "kermit", not "koala" | 13:08 |
NCommander | I thought it was karmic. | 13:09 |
lool | Right, sorry just checked | 13:09 |
lool | It's *karmic* | 13:09 |
lool | Which is why I confused people here :-) | 13:09 |
lool | This is what happen when you joke about the name of the next ubuntu, and forget which one is the right one :) | 13:09 |
* NCommander hopes when we get to P the animal will be a Phoenix | 13:10 | |
lool | Wow speculation for 2.5 years ahead | 13:11 |
lool | You have time I think | 13:11 |
ian_brasil | well i like kermit a lot more than karmic anyway | 13:14 |
StevenK | But kermit isn't a description | 13:34 |
StevenK | ... it's a protocol | 13:34 |
* ogra thought it was a frog | 13:35 | |
StevenK | It's both | 13:35 |
davmor2 | StevenK: ping | 14:51 |
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juliux | ogra: are you comeing to cebit? | 20:22 |
juliux | ogra: we need you there;) | 20:22 |
juliux | and playya wants to hack with you;) | 20:22 |
ogra | juliux, if you arrange the next ubucon at c-base i'm willing to make a deal ;) | 20:49 |
juliux | ogra: forgot c-base;9 | 21:01 |
juliux | ogra: it will be in goettingen again | 21:01 |
ogra | :((( | 21:03 |
ogra | we were there with the whole dev team, they all were thrilled incl. mark | 21:03 |
ogra | we really should do one there, if not this one, next one then :) | 21:04 |
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