
ScottKbddebian: If it's bug fix only, no FFe is needed.00:53
anderskCan someone sponsor the one-line patch in bug 336436?01:21
ubottuLaunchpad bug 336436 in lsb "/usr/bin/lsb_release:81: DeprecationWarning: the sets module is deprecated" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33643601:21
ScottKandersk: lsb in Main, so you need to look in #ubuntu-devel and subscribe ubuntu-main-sponsors.01:27
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theholyduckargh.. i cant for the life of me figure out why this source package wont compile normaly01:41
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swegner1Is there documentation somewhere for the workflow of creating a new package with source files and the debian/ directory in seperate bzr repositories (probably using bzr-builddeb) ?03:32
ScottKI'm sure there is, but it may take some patience as that's not really the standard work flow most people use here.03:39
swegner1ScottK: hmm, gotcha.  Well actually I'm just starting a new project and thought that might be a good organization for it.  Is there a better way?03:40
lidaobinghello, I did not know the python 2.6 transition until today05:26
lidaobingdid I miss some maillist?05:26
Hobbseelidaobing: yes, iirc - about three of them.06:01
lidaobingHobbsee, which one?06:01
Hobbseelidaobing: it got posted to ubuntu-devel-announce, ubuntu-devel, and probably -discuss as well, i think06:01
lidaobingHobbsee, thanks06:01
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directhexjames_w, ta for all your mono lib transition bugs10:27
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c_kornfinally jeuclid made it into jaunty11:06
c_korncan someone push scilab in?11:06
ubottuUbuntu bug 272264 in scilab "FeatureFreezeException: Please sync scilab-5.1 (multiverse) from PPA" [Wishlist,Confirmed]11:06
c_kornall build-dependencies are now in jaunty11:06
c_kornmok0: hello11:26
c_kornjeuclid made it into jaunty11:26
mok0c_korn: hi11:26
c_kornubuntu 33476711:26
ubottuUbuntu bug 334767 in ubuntu "Please sync jeuclid 3.1.4-1 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)." [Wishlist,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33476711:26
mok0c_korn: great. I will upload scilab then11:26
c_kornok, thank you11:26
mok0c_korn: I think all the dependents are there11:27
mok0c_korn: dependencies, rather11:27
c_kornyes, they are11:27
c_kornafter scilab is in there is sivp missing which requires scilab >=5 to compile11:27
mok0c_korn: right11:27
mok0c_korn: we have FFE's for everything so I prefer to upload serially11:28
Handrixwhen i try to build a package11:32
Handrixit ask me for a Maintainer11:32
Handrixi run debuild -S11:33
Handrixcan anyone help me on this11:34
directhexyour debian/control should have a Maintainer line11:35
Handrixand it has to contain an @ubuntu.com11:37
Handrixright ?11:37
directhexubuntu packages should be set to Maintainer: Ubuntu MOTU Developers <ubuntu-motu@lists.ubuntu.com>11:44
ToadstoolHandrix: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel-announce/2007-January/000235.html explains what to do with the Maintainer field11:46
directhexif a lib package has no rdeps, is it worth keeping in the archive?11:51
geserwhich lib is it?11:52
directhexgeser, libtapioca-cil11:52
Handrixsorry libdb-dev11:52
Handrixthanks Toadstool11:53
Handrixcan you tell me where can i report a needs packaing bug11:53
james_wdirecthex: but I just fixed that!11:53
directhexjames_w, i know. i'm casting a critical eye at divergences11:53
directhexjames_w, e.g. autopano-sift being heavily patent-encumbered11:54
directhex(hence not in debian)11:54
james_wbut yeah, if it would have been any harder to fix I might have asked to have it removed instead11:54
geserdirecthex: if it's not needed anymore IMHO it should be removed as we probably won't maintain it much in the future11:56
directhexgeser, seems to be bindings to a lib used only by a dead app11:57
geserthen request a removal, we don't need cruft in the archive (I guess we already have too much)11:58
directhexsorry james_w!11:58
directhexgeser, is there an easy "requestsync" equiv for RM?11:59
directhexcc ubuntu-archive?12:03
EagleScreenI cannot unsuscribe or edot my preferences in motu mail list12:06
EagleScreeni cannot log in and I never receibe the confirmation e-mail12:06
EagleScreenbut my address is in the list, everyday I receibe docens of mails12:10
pochusoren, nixternal ^12:11
pochu(you are listed as administrators in lists.ubuntu.com)12:11
EagleScreenam I an administrator of the list? i cannot understand why12:14
pochuEagleScreen: not you, but soren and nixternal :)12:21
pochuthey may be able to help you12:21
pochuEagleScreen: do you want to be removed from the list or?12:21
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EagleScreenyes becouse I cannot atend that amount of mails12:36
EagleScreenI think I have to be removed and may be create another mail address only for motu usage12:36
savvasYou must specify a valid JAVA_HOME or JAVACMD!12:44
savvasmake: *** [ant-sanity-check] Error 112:44
savvaswhat does this mean?12:44
pschulz01What verion format should I use for 'changelog' in PPA uploads?12:44
sistpoty|worksavvas: do you have build-depends installed?12:44
savvasah wait, found it sistpoty|work, wrong JAVA_HOME in debian/rules :)12:45
sistpoty|workeven better .)12:45
savvasdebian seems to use "JAVA_HOME            := /usr/lib/jvm/java-gcj"12:46
savvashm.. package java-gcj-compat-headless should be in build-depends12:47
savvaslast change: actually debian's source bcel build-depends should use default-jdk :P12:53
savvasmuch better hehe12:53
bddebiansistpoty|work, ScottK: Thanks.  Do I just turn that bug into a sync request or file a seperate bug for the sync and point at that one for approval?13:19
geserbddebian: apply kiss and reuse the bug13:20
bddebianHi geser :)13:21
geserHi bddebian :)13:21
geserhuats: Hi, what's your plan for the sync request of pywebkitgtk?13:43
huatshey geser13:44
huatssorry not not replying yet13:44
huatsI have seen your comment13:44
huatsgeser: I would rather have a sync13:45
huatsso I can make the changes that are applyable for debian (since I am the maintener)13:45
huatsgeser: let me some time (say 1h) so that I can tackle a few stuffs and have a better view ok ?13:46
huatsI was sick for a few days, and away from my computer so I have lots of stuffs to check :)13:47
geserhuats: sure, as I know now that you will take care of it, you can take even more time if you need13:48
huatsthanks for raising the question anyway :)13:48
savvasdoes anyone know how to re-create the folders in /var/spool/postfix/public/ ?13:48
savvasnvm, wrong channel :p13:51
theholyduck;O this is pretty amusing13:53
theholyducki created a post in multimedia&video. 30 minutes ago. and nobody has even VIEWED it :P13:53
theholyduckon the ubuntu forums13:53
directhextheholyduck, try making a post about how great arch linux is, if you want responses13:55
theholyduckdirecthex, but arch sucks even more than ubuntu13:56
theholyduckwich quite frankly is quite an archivement13:56
savvasdamn sendmail-bin, the process wasn't killed14:02
* theholyduck licks directhex http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1084588 gief me a read :P14:03
theholyduckactually i got a couple now. but no replies yet :P14:04
savvastheholyduck: I use debian-multimedia :P14:04
theholyducki wouldnt trust it directly in ubuntu14:05
theholyduckwithout causing alot of breakages14:05
theholyduckpluss its not perfect14:05
theholyduckim just basing it on that currently14:05
theholyduckit still doesnt have good enough mplayer pacakges14:05
theholyduckand good enough variety of them14:05
theholyducki just needed to get my head aroudn packaging that fits in ubuntu.  and a debian dir that works for creating ffmpeg :P14:06
theholyducksince fffmpeg wants to be like 80 bazzillion .debs in ubuntu14:06
directhexwhy not work with siretart instead of against him?14:07
theholyduckbecause you cant do a full ffmpeg up date in the middle of the 6 month cycle :P14:08
theholyduckwhere as my solution will eventually update every other day or so14:08
theholyduckit would cause too much potential breakages in releases. thus it will never be accepted14:08
theholyduckand i went for the. make my own solution14:08
directhexand you don't think siretart would have any insight on uninvasive ways to do things like package naming or automation?14:09
theholyduckwell my current sollution seems to work:P14:10
theholyduckatleast partially :P14:10
theholyduckfiguring it out yourself is half the fun14:10
savvasI'll have to agree on that :)14:10
theholyduckthough admitedtly. if siretart want to make a constantly updated media repo. i'd be the first to join in14:10
theholyduckhe probaly has way more experience than me in packaging14:11
savvasmedibuntu isn't updated anymore?14:13
savvasah wait, there's no ffmpeg in medibuntu14:14
theholyduckamong other things :P14:14
theholyducktheir mplayer doesnt seem to be built from svn aswell14:15
savvascorrection, there's no ffmpeg for jaunty in medibuntu :P14:15
theholyducksavvas, or intrepid14:15
savvastheholyduck: I know, they said that they follow ubuntu14:15
theholyducksavvas, and their 8.04 ffmpeg is from 2007 b:P14:15
theholyduckwich is like dinosaur levels14:15
savvastheholyduck: you could make a team for it, ubuntu-media-edge :)14:17
theholyducksavvas, well i could. but i dont have enough confidence in my packaging to start a actual team :P14:17
theholyducknot to mention the fact that i pretty much refuse to use ubuntu :P14:17
savvas(boo!!! :p)14:17
theholyducksavvas, im just here to fix it to make my life easier14:18
theholyducki dont personally wanna use it14:18
theholyduckthough admitedtly i managed to bork my 2 and a half year old debian sid install. and installed ubuntu 8.10 the other day14:18
siretarttheholyduck: well, there is the motumedia PPA. or you could use your personal ppa14:19
theholyducksiretart, motumedia is still pretty damn outdated :P14:20
theholyduckffmpeg from early 2008. x264 from late 200914:21
theholyducklate 200714:21
siretartupload new packages in your ppa and I can copy them over14:21
mok0theholyduck: oh, I thought you were from teh future14:21
theholyducksiretart, https://launchpad.net/~m-frydenlund/+archive/ppa14:22
theholyduckthese work here :P14:22
theholyduckffmpeg, x264, faac, xvid core :P14:22
savvaswe have a motumedia? cool!14:23
siretartoh, nice. even with these unredistributable amr packages:/14:23
theholyducksiretart, :P14:23
theholyduckwell medibuntu distrebuted them :P and i figured it wouldnt hurt too bad14:24
theholyduckbut making ffmpeg not use them is pretty easy14:24
theholyduckid need to reup it thoguh14:24
theholyduckthough you know that :D14:24
siretartmedibuntu doesn't seem to care too much about licenses and legal problems. last time I looked they even had libdvdcss in their repos14:24
directhexsiretart, if a package is known to violate a protected patent, is that grounds for an RM request?14:25
mok0directhex: you wanna remove mono :-P14:25
theholyduckthough a ubuntu-media-edge team wouldnt be the worst idea ever14:25
brooniedirecthex: Arguably that applies to the kernel now.14:25
directhexmok0, mono has no "known" violations, the package in question even names the owner in LICENSE14:26
siretartanyways, it seems that you updated x264 from marillat. I'll make a note to review your update and upload it to motumeida this night14:26
directhexbroonie, FAT32 4 evar!14:26
siretartdirecthex: only if you have evidence that the patent is actively enforced14:26
savvasso.. what happens if someone sues medibuntu?14:26
siretarttheholyduck: do you have some mechanism to update the packages automatically or do you rely on marillat to update them?14:27
theholyducksiretart, well currently i just got it directly off debian-multimedia and modified some debs :p14:27
mok0directhex: Patent violations are only such if a case is made in court (AFAIK)14:27
directhexsavvas, they die14:27
theholyducksiretart, i will eventually14:27
theholyduckim working on that part :P14:27
siretarttheholyduck: tell me if you have something, I'll happily review it14:27
theholyducksiretart, hehe :)14:27
theholyducksiretart, anyways thats the hope. a relativly automated system that lets me maintain ubuntu media packages14:29
theholyduckwithout having to do much work myself14:30
siretartah, it seems you have found the main problem in maintaining packages..14:30
theholyducksiretart, indeed :P14:31
theholyduckmaintaining them :D14:31
savvasthe "sanity check" problem heh14:31
theholyduckthe problem with ffmpeg is that they have a tendency to change things randomly :P14:31
theholyduckso i need ot make it fairly modular and easy to fix again14:31
siretartdid you have a look at debian/README.upstream-upgrade?14:32
theholyduckdid not :P14:33
siretartcheck out the ffmpeg branch  at git.debian.org14:34
sistpoty|workthanks for the upload, siretart :)14:36
theholyducksiretart, intresting :P14:37
theholyducksiretart, also its "Only" 1 month outdated14:39
theholyduckon sid :P14:39
theholyduckwich quite frankly isnt BAD :P14:39
theholyduckwhen you consider the shit most distros package14:39
theholyduckbut it will have to wait. im pretty damn tired currently. i spent all nite trying to make ppa stop being stupid :P14:41
siretartI'm considering another update in the next days, tbh14:41
theholyduckor rather makinig myself package correctly14:41
mok0What's up with MoM? She ain't working14:42
savvasand DaD was sued and gave the children to MoM :p14:44
mok0DaD simply left the family14:44
savvas(just kidding:))14:44
savvascan someone issue a rebuild on aptoncd?14:46
savvasI think it doesn't require any changes for the python transition14:47
maxbooi, has anyone made a "still needs transition" tracker?14:48
savvasmaxb: find me a name :)14:50
maxbname for what?14:50
savvasI'll start a wiki article14:50
savvaswell, with all the packages: grep-available -F Depends "python (<< 2.6)"|grep ^Package14:51
* maxb notes that grep-dctrl can take an -sPackage flag14:51
* POX points savvas to '-s' option14:53
* maxb also suggests grep-aptavail, lest you be relying on a potential out of date dpkg-available db14:53
POXmaxb: oh, didn't see your msg :)14:53
gesersavvas: looking at aptoncd14:53
maxband I guess a tracker is hardly required, given it's only one command away. Didn't stop to think it would be *quite* that trivial :-)14:53
savvasgeser: thanks :) It was built successfully, but I didn't keep the package unfortunately - let me find the link to the log14:54
savvas21:17:03< savvas> aptoncd builds fine - just needs a rebuild: http://launchpadlibrarian.net/23268539/buildlog_ubuntu-jaunty-i386.aptoncd_0.1.98-0ubuntu4~ppajaunty1_FULLYBUILT.txt.gz14:55
savvasgeser: ^14:55
gesersavvas: no need to search for as I always test build before I sponsor something14:55
savvasoki doki14:55
savvasmaxb: a tracker could be useful, given that some packages wait for approval14:56
gesersavvas: aptoncd isn't a simply rebuild (look at the package contents)14:56
savvasgeser: ok, I'll check it once more :\14:57
gesersavvas: I've done the needed changes already14:58
mok0geser: yeah it doesn't rebuild as-it, you have to add --install-layout=deb14:58
gesermok0: I know14:58
mok0geser: sorry14:59
gesersavvas: the problem are the files in /usr/local mentioned in your PPA build log14:59
mok0geser: is there only 1 supported python version in jaunty?15:00
savvasgeser: they ought to contain python2.5 as well?15:00
mok0only 2.6 modules are built15:01
gesermok0: pyversions -s => python2.5 python2.615:01
mok0geser: hm15:01
geseraptoncd doesn't loop over the supported python versions during build but only uses the default version15:02
mok0geser: yes15:02
mok0geser: the source package has some lintian warnings too15:02
geserit would perhaps be good to use python-(shared|central)15:03
savvasoooh I get it, /usr/lib instead of /usr/local/lib ?15:04
gesersavvas: yes15:04
mok0savvas: the default of setup.py has been changed to install in /usr/local15:04
savvasso that's why you suggested --install-layout=deb above, I see15:05
mok0savvas: yes15:06
savvasmok0: when was this changed?15:06
mok0savvas: with python 2.615:06
savvasgood to know :P15:06
savvasthanks :)15:06
mok0savvas: It's a feature provided by Python authors so distros can install in a separate tree15:07
james_wit's a feature added in the Ubuntu packages15:08
mok0james_w: oh? I thought it was upstream15:08
james_wI don't think so15:08
mok0james_w: ok15:09
mok0james_w: perhaps it's correct to say that it is prompted by upstream then?15:09
james_wI'm not sure15:10
mok0james_w: I think b/c Debian/Ubuntu's way of doing things interferes with theirs15:10
mok0james_w: yeah I read it, but found it hard to understand :-)15:11
mok0james_w: all the talk of /usr/local was confusing15:11
mok0Hi RainCT15:18
mok0RainCT: did you kill off MoM?15:19
lidaobinghello, who can help check bug 335796, thanks15:19
ubottuLaunchpad bug 335796 in qterm "Please sync qterm 1:0.5.4-2 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)." [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33579615:19
RainCTHi mok015:20
RainCTmok0: No, I don't even have access to it.15:20
mok0RainCT: Oh :-P15:20
* RainCT mentions this in #canonical-sysadmin15:21
RainCTmok0: they're on it15:25
mok0RainCT: many thanks!15:26
mok0Jeez, this python build scared the sh*t out of me...15:27
sistpoty|worklidaobing: I'll take a look at qterm (in regards to sponsoring)15:32
lidaobingsistpoty|work, thanks15:32
ScottKbddebian: Editing that one into a sync request is best.15:36
sistpoty|worklidaobing: looks all good, ack'd15:39
lidaobingsistpoty|work, thanks15:39
sistpoty|workthanks for maintaining qterm ;)15:40
* theholyduck likes his urxvt15:41
theholyduckwhy anyone would use a terminal OTHER than urxvt is beyond me15:41
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mok0theholyduck: here's a reason: E: Couldn't find package urxvt15:49
theholyduckmok0, well rxvt-unicode15:50
theholyduckis the package name15:50
theholyduckmok0, basicly urxvt does EVERYTHING:P15:50
savvasthe packages should have python2.5 support as well, right?15:50
theholyduckdiffrent fonts for diffrent kinds of text. extendable via perl scripts15:51
theholyduckbasicly urxvt is one of the fastest most extendable and configurable terminal emulators around15:51
* savvas tries to use python$* ./setup.py install ...15:53
* mok0 is happy with terminator15:53
phomesAny reason mobile-broadband-provider-info is not being updated? Current version (20081015) lacks one of the major danish providers and support questions for this are frequently popping up15:58
mok0phomes: Do you know how to add it?15:59
phomesmok0: it is already added to the newest version (20081124) at http://svn.gnome.org/viewvc/mobile-broadband-provider-info/tags/16:01
RainCTmok0: terminator rocks :)16:01
mok0phomes: so what you want is an update of the package, from upstream?16:01
phomesmok0: yes, if possible16:02
mok0phomes: then please file a bug report on LP16:02
mok0phomes: otherwise we'll forget16:02
phomesmok0: okay. Thanks16:02
bddebianScottK: Yeah I adjusted it, though I probably did it wrong. :)  Thanks!16:03
mok0james_w: you were right, --install-layout is patched on in the package16:07
ScottKRainCT: rgreening, whose upload you sponsored over the weekend, has a MOTU application pending.  You might want to comment: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/rgreening/DeveloperApplicationMOTU16:07
mok0ScottK, any plans of backporting python2.6?16:09
ScottKI think it's too intrusive.16:09
mok0probably, yeah16:09
rgreeningRainCT: btw, the two fauz-pas... thanks for pointing out. Im used to working kdepackages which are already -*ubuntu*'ized, and the maintainer field is there. I;ll keep on my list for new ones. And the lp bug report. honest mistake. *slap* :)16:09
mok0ScottK, it builds fine under intrepid, though16:10
rgreeningI shouldn't work on things at 4AM with no sleep :)16:10
ScottKMy concern isn't will it work, but the impact having a new system Python will have on the rest of the system.16:10
mok0Yes, everything needs rebuilding16:11
gesermok0: only if you backport also python-default else you only need to backport/rebuild the packages which should have a python2.6 module16:13
mok0geser: k16:14
phomesmok0: looks like it already has a bug for updating. Should any special motu address be subscribed to the bug?16:15
mok0phomes, bug number?16:16
phomesmok0: 31786016:16
mok0bug 31786016:16
ubottuLaunchpad bug 317860 in mobile-broadband-provider-info "Request to upgrade to latest SVN" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/31786016:16
dokogeser: thanks for the python updates in universe :-) how many are left? ;)16:18
mok0phomes: hm, that file ought to be dynamically updated16:19
mok0phomes: the package is in main, so you need to get hold of a core-dev16:20
mok0phomes: you should subscribe ubuntu-main-sponsors to the bug16:21
phomesmok0: okay. Thanks. Just subscribe ubuntu-main-sponsors and that is fine? Or should I go hunt for a core-dev as well?16:22
mok0phomes: you can do both :-)16:22
phomesmok0: I'll do that then. Core-devs hang out at #ubuntu-devel?16:22
mok0phomes: yes16:23
mok0phomes: we have some here, but they are hiding16:23
ScottKdoko: Would you please update python-xml?  It looked like more trouble than I wanted to mess with.16:23
mok0phomes: it seems fairly important & a simple fix so I think you can find someone16:24
geserdoko: around 250 binary packages according to 'apt-cache unmet -i | grep "python (< 2.6)" -c' :(16:24
dokoScottK: we did want to remove it post-intrepid ...16:24
phomesmok0: okay. Thanks for your help16:24
ScottKdoko: Yes, but there are still packages that need it IIRC.16:24
savvasshould aptoncd have /usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/ as well? I only get /usr/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/16:25
bddebianAnyone know who Devid Filoni is?16:27
gesersavvas: for that the aptoncd packaging needs a little work as it currently only uses the default python version16:27
JontheEchidnabddebian: devfil on irc16:28
bddebianJontheEchidna: Thanks16:28
geserbddebian: LP knows it :) https://edge.launchpad.net/~d.filoni16:28
savvasgeser: ok, I'll look into it :)16:29
bddebianI've come to despise LP these days :(16:29
bddebianI'm just curious why crystalspace seems to build fine with java in Debian but FTBFS in Ubuntu16:29
geserusing the same JDK in both cases?16:29
bddebianDevid did a lot of work on it though so I was curious if he had a clue16:30
geserbddebian: https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/jaunty/+source/crystalspace shows that it build on amd64 and i386 at least16:34
geserbut I can't see any java in the build-depends16:34
bddebianYeah I couldn't either that's what makes it even weirder16:34
bddebianUnless gcj is getting brought in in Debian with something else..?16:35
bddebianANd of course I forgot to save a build log and this thing take FOREVER to build :)16:36
geserno mentioning of gcj in the Debian build log for amd6416:36
bddebianI'll have to look at it16:37
lajjrhello dholbach16:42
dholbachhi lajjr16:42
lajjrdo you by chance know when the next meeting is for motu??16:43
dholbachisn't it on  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU ?16:44
dholbachlajjr: then I don't know - sorry - I think there was a call for MOTU Meeting organisation on the mailing list16:45
billybigriggerdholbach, is there going to be another open week after jaunty release?16:46
billybigriggeror was that a 1 time thing16:46
dholbachbillybigrigger: there's definitely going to be - we had like 3 of them already16:46
billybigriggeroh ya16:46
dholbachbillybigrigger: I don't have dates yet16:46
dholbachbillybigrigger: jcastro might know16:46
billybigriggerhaha, i missed 'em, loved open week after intrepid release16:46
lajjroh good I was going to package a few things and kill some bugs to add to my application.16:46
lajjrso I have time ...lol16:47
dholbachbillybigrigger: there should be logs of them16:47
dholbachlajjr: rock on!16:47
billybigriggerdholbach, im only seeing the last open week on the wiki, but im not digging too deep16:48
dholbachbillybigrigger: check these out:16:49
billybigriggerdholbach, ahhh there they are :P just have to open the eyes a bit more16:49
lajjrThanks Daniel. My application the way it stands will be weak. I will build it up. I have time to do so..16:49
dholbachlajjr: bring it on! :-)16:50
billybigriggerdholbach, yup just found them thanks :)16:50
* lajjr gotta get to it...16:51
lajjrHave a great day everyone...16:51
=== DktrKranz2 is now known as DktrKranz
* sistpoty|work calls it a day... cya18:06
AdamDHhi, what does dh_strip actually do?18:39
fabrice_sp_AdamDH, get rid of all the debug info in the binaries18:40
fabrice_sp_(for libraries and executables)18:40
AdamDHthanks, so in my case I do not need that, I need to ensure that my packages are not stripped? is there anything else I need to do to stop stirpping of executables and shared libraries?18:42
quadrisprohi fabrice_sp_18:46
fabrice_sp_AdamDH, your packages needs to be stripped, otherwise you will get a warning in lintian (except if you want to do a debug package)18:46
fabrice_sp_hi quadrispro18:46
quadrisprofabrice_sp_: I'm looking at bug 33530018:46
ubottuLaunchpad bug 335300 in libhid "libhid FTBFS because of missing ../libtool " [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33530018:46
quadrisproand I see you listed libtool twice in Build-Depends18:46
fabrice_sp_do you understand how it was possible to build this package before?18:47
fabrice_sp_I'll check18:47
AdamDHfabrice, I am packaging a cross compiler and I have had a few issues with the libc not working, and I can only put that down to it been stripped?18:47
fabrice_sp_you're right: it was already there18:47
fabrice_sp_quadrispro, ^^18:48
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fabrice_sp_I'll update my debdiff18:48
quadrisprofabrice_sp_: I dont know how it  was possible build it before now :/18:48
quadrisprofabrice_sp_: however, i'm test-building it right now18:48
quadrisprofabrice_sp_: ah-ah! -> https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libhid/0.2.15+20060325-2.218:49
quadrisproin fact, it ftbfs18:50
fabrice_sp_but if was building fine before18:50
slytherinAdamDH: AFAIK, striiping should not create functionality problems.18:50
savvasanyone working on decompyle?18:50
AdamDHin my package I keep getting: strip: Unable to recognise the format of the input file18:53
savvasAny motus to review/sponsor a patch? http://paste.ubuntu.com/125421/ http://launchpadlibrarian.net/23309069/buildlog_ubuntu-jaunty-amd64.decompyle_2.3.2-4.1ubuntu1~ppajaunty1_FULLYBUILT.txt.gz18:55
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savvasI'll file a bug :)19:00
fabrice_spAdamDH, are you generating a binary in your package?19:01
RainCTsavvas: please don't mess with DH_COMPAT19:01
savvasRainCT: ok, I'll revert that change - thanks :)19:02
RainCTsavvas: (unnecessary divergence from Debian) Also, does the application work with Python 2.7?  that "<< 2.6" in XS-Python-Versions looks suspicious19:02
RainCTsavvas: well, actually I don't mind about the compat change (anyone doing a merge should know that if it remains as the only divergence we should sync), and I used to do such changes too :P, but it's pretty much useless19:04
quadrisprofabrice_sp: building -> http://home.alessiotreglia.com/jaunty/pool/libhid_0.2.15+20060325-2.2ubuntu1/libhid_0.2.15+20060325-2.2ubuntu1.buildlog19:05
maxbAdamDH: The host system's strip doesn't know how to strip cross-binaries. (I don't know what the proper fix is, though)19:05
savvasRainCT: er.. I don't know if it works with 2.7, but i managed to build it fine in PPA - never tested it though19:06
savvas Note that it cannot yet decompile byte-code from Python 2.4 and 2.5.19:06
savvas Decompyle converts Python byte-code back into equivalent Python source.19:06
savvasRainCT: ^19:06
pkernHi, could somebody on jaunty please confirm that "Secure WebDAV (HTTPS)" is listed in Places, Connect to server on Gnome?19:06
savvas It accepts byte-code from any Python version between 1.5 and 2.3 inclusive.19:06
fabrice_spquadrispro, with my change, right? It's building fine ;-)19:07
jdong_IMO it is not hard to put together a Python decompiler19:07
savvasRainCT: it seems that decompyle is no longer available - only commercially19:08
RainCTUhm.. Is that of any use nowadays? Python 2.3 max...19:08
quadrisprofabrice_sp: I did some little changes (unnecessary libtool on b-d && changelog entry)19:08
savvasRainCT: I don't know.. how do you file a package removal?19:08
quadrisprofabrice_sp: uploaded19:11
* quadrispro going to have dinner19:11
RainCTsavvas: file a bug asking for removal from Jaunty and blacklisting from syncs19:11
fabrice_spquadrispro, thanks.19:11
RainCTDoes anyone thing we should keep decompyler?19:11
jdong_is it official that python 2.3 is obsolete?19:12
pkernAnyone with Gnome on Jaunty up for three clicks?19:12
ScottKjdong: It's not in the repos.19:12
ScottKHasn't been for a long time.19:12
ScottKDapper I or maybe even before.19:12
ScottK... I think ....19:12
jdong_ok then it is pretty pointless of a project for us to keep19:12
jdong_especially since3 upstream has gone commercial19:13
RainCTDebian switched to 2.3 early 200619:13
RainCTerr 2.419:13
savvasI'll file the bug then19:13
savvasshould I subscribe someone?19:13
ScottKsavvas: ubuntu-universe-sponsors19:14
savvasok thanks19:14
RainCTsavvas: tell us the number and someone of us will ack it and subscribe ubuntu-archive19:14
ScottKThen a MOTU will subscribe the archive-admins after they review19:14
savvasok hold a sec19:14
savvasactually, 5 minutes :P19:14
ubottuUbuntu bug 336859 in decompyle "Remove decompyle from jaunty and blacklist it from future syncs" [Undecided,New]19:19
billybigriggerpkern, yes, places/connect "secure webdav (https) is in jaunty19:20
pkernScottK: ^^ I had expected that, but did not check myself, TBH.  Thanks, billybigrigger.19:20
billybigriggerpkern, np19:21
eMerzhHi, i've a lintian warning but i don't know how to fix .... the error is desktop-mimetype-without-update-call....since my debian/rules file is tiny ( http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~emerzh/%2Bjunk/sqliteman/annotate/head%3A/rules ) ...i don't know how to call the "update-desktop-database" ...19:23
eMerzhshould i just add a postinst with this?19:24
savvaseMerzh: try using debhelper (>= 7) in control and 7 in compat19:27
RainCTsavvas: Ack'd, thanks.19:27
savvasRainCT: no, thank you! :P I kept the patch however, it seems good to keep for the rest hehe19:28
RainCTeMerzh: call dh_desktop19:28
eMerzhRainCT, where ? at the end of my rules ?19:28
RainCTBumping to 7 won't do; iirc dh_desktop is only called by gnome.mk and the like (probably also kde.mk, etc.)19:29
* savvas notes19:29
RainCTeMerzh: Yes, in a binary-install target19:29
RainCTeMerzh: So:   binary-install/<pkgname>::\n\tdh_desktop       where \n is "next line" and \t a tab :P19:30
savvasRainCT: what if he had the desktop file in the /debian/ directory?19:30
mrooneyWould anyone mind giving me a hand with bug 333639, I am not sure what to provide to get the ubuntu package updated from upstream19:30
RainCTsavvas: doesn't matter, it will look at debian/<pkgname>/usr/share/applications19:30
ubottuLaunchpad bug 333639 in wxbanker "Please update wxbanker to" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33363919:30
savvasaah ok19:30
eMerzhRainCT, juste at the end of a file like this  too? (http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~emerzh/%2Bjunk/sqliteman/annotate/head%3A/rules)19:32
james_wmrooney: are you going to do an actual "upstream" release of the package?19:33
RainCTeMerzh: http://paste.debian.net/2960019:33
eMerzhRainCT, ok thanks a lot, i'll try this :)19:34
RainCTNo problem. I'm off now, have to learn for an exam :(19:34
savvasgood luck :)19:35
mrooneyjames_w: I did an upstream release, it is linked in the bug report19:35
james_wmrooney: well, with the packaging included in that, it could be just uploaded if you added a .dsc and a .changes19:37
james_wmrooney: but if there are any fixes needed it's not that easy19:37
mrooneyjames_w: what do you mean by "fixes needed", as in if the packaging isn't right?19:37
james_wwell, easy, but perhaps slightly misleading19:37
james_wfor instance the version number is not standard for a native package, which is what you have created19:38
mrooneyjames_w: so how might I go from, the upstream release to having an appropriate .dsc and .changes?19:40
james_wmrooney: well, you can't really do it, it needs to be a MOTU19:40
mrooneyI am looking forward to not being overwhelmed by packaging and updates soon :)19:40
mrooneysoon I will understand it all!19:40
mrooneyI hope19:41
james_wheh :-)19:41
mrooneyjames_w: ahh so, should I update the bug report in some way?19:41
mrooneyI am just worried about time constraints, and want to make sure I am doing everything I should be19:41
james_wa debdiff won't work19:41
james_wso just a pointer to your tarball again19:41
james_wand explain what you explained to me the other day19:42
mrooneyokay, do you have time to add a brief comment? I feel like you might be able to explain an aspect or two that I don't fully grasp19:42
mrooneythanks :)19:42
kirklandpersia: hi, are you around?  question regarding https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kvm/+bug/27751719:43
ubottuUbuntu bug 277517 in kvm "Please enable lpia and ia64 builds" [Wishlist,Incomplete]19:43
fabrice_spHi. Could some archive admin try to rebuild ia32-libs-tools? I've been able to build it successfully in a pbuilder, and I think a rebuild should fix it.20:03
fabrice_sp(ftbfs: http://launchpadlibrarian.net/23239676/buildlog_ubuntu-jaunty-amd64.ia32-libs-tools_11_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz)20:03
eMerzhIf a new version of program that i've packaged and waiting in the revu is released, should i add a line in the changelog?20:12
mrooneyeMerzh: I don't believe since the updated version is still going to be the initial release in Ubuntu20:13
mrooneythat's how I did it anyway20:13
eMerzhok mrooney ...20:14
mrooneyeMerzh: just change the version in the changelog20:15
eMerzhyep :) thanks for the reminder :)20:16
RainCTfabrice_sp: I've scheduled it on two arches (any MOTU can do). If it builds, poke me and I'll do the remaining ones20:16
fabrice_spRainCT, did knew MOTU could do that. Thanks!20:17
savvas/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lz20:22
savvascollect2: ld returned 1 exit status20:22
savvas-lz ?20:22
hyperairis there any freeze on that prevents universe packages from being upgraded?20:23
savvasah zlib1g-dev20:23
pkernhyperair: feature freeze20:23
hyperairpkern: feature freeze includes versions?20:24
hyperairin that case i should put it to karmic then20:24
pkernhyperair: bugfixes only20:24
hyperairpkern: this is a new upstream release20:25
hyperairwell i'll just set it to karmic then20:25
superm1hyperair, well are there new features in the upstream release, or is it a bugfix only release?20:25
hyperairprobably new features as well20:25
superm1if it's bugfix only, it can still be uploaded, otherwise it would need a feature freeze exception, and unless you have a compelling reason, it should generally be deferred then20:26
hyperairi don't have a compelling reason =p20:26
hyperairso how should i go about it? i file the bug now, attach the diff.gz, and then after karmic opens up, subscribe universe-sponsors?20:26
savvas(I think)20:28
savvasah wait, misread :P20:28
savvasignore me :)20:28
pkernhyperair: Get it uploaded to Debian and autosynced to Karmic when it opens up.20:29
hyperairpkern: it's taking ages= \20:29
pkernhyperair: (You don't need to take care of the latter if there are no Ubuntu-specific changes.)20:29
hyperairit isn't in debian at the moment20:29
hyperairi'm trying to get it in, but nobody seems to be interested in sponsoring20:30
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eMerzhMy packgage freshly updated...(after a long wait for licence issue) http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?package=sqliteman ...if someone want to revu it again :) thanks20:32
hyperaireMerzh: what's dh_desktop for in debian/rules?20:36
hyperairhmm isn't cdbs supposed to take care of the dh_* stuff?20:37
eMerzhhyperair, it's to update the .desktop database...RainCT told me to do so :)20:38
hyperaireMerzh: i'd actually look into using /usr/share/cdbs/1/class/{kde4,xfce,gnome}.mk instead =\20:38
hyperairwell i suppose it doesn't really matter20:39
hyperairthough i didn't use it for my packages20:39
savvasthis should be dist-packages right?20:42
hyperaireMerzh: i think you're missing the license text for the bsd license20:43
ScottKsavvas: Yes.  2.6 and site-packages is wrong.20:43
eMerzhhyperair, ok just a copy of http://www.freebsd.org/copyright/freebsd-license.html ?20:44
savvasthanks ScottK - I'm trying out to update capisuite to python 2.6 :)20:44
hyperaireMerzh: yeah i think that should do20:45
hyperaireMerzh: well other than that, it looks good to me. i didn't try building it though =p20:46
hyperaireMerzh: make sure the binaries are lintian clean20:47
hyperairand poke a motu20:47
hyperairi'm not one20:47
eMerzhhyperair, ok thanks ... i'll  update the freebsd and upload :)20:47
hyperaireMerzh: alright20:47
* eMerzh poke a MOTU to review his freshly updated package :) (http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?package=sqliteman)21:02
=== savvas_ is now known as savvas
savvasIs there a python command to get the default python module directory?21:06
maxbdefault in what sense? :-)21:07
savvasmaxb: something like this: python -c "from distutils import sysconfig; print sysconfig.get_python_lib(1,1)"21:07
savvasbut to return the dist-packages directory for 2.6 or site-packages for 2.521:09
james_wsavvas: check /usr/share/python/python.mk21:09
savvas_ok let's hope I stick around this time :P21:11
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RainCTinclude /usr/share/pycentral-data/pycentral.mk          $(call sitedir,$(python_ver))21:13
RainCTthe $(...) gives either site-packages or dist-packages depending on the value of $python_ver, not sure if that's what you want21:14
asomethingare bindings ok in /usr/lib/python-support/*/python2.6/ ?21:18
ScottKthat looks right.21:19
=== savvas_ is now known as savvas
savvashm.. I wonder if I should patch acinclude.m4 and aclocal.m4 or just move the built files from site-packages to dist-packages in debian/rules21:30
savvasor should I patch configure? :\21:30
pkernBah, is there a way with kvm/qemu to switch virtual consoles?21:31
jcfpWith a python app not working with 2.6, should I just restrict python versions to 2.5, and make it point #!/usr/bin/python2.5?21:32
ScottKjcfp: No.  Generally stuff should work.21:33
ScottKsavvas: Better to have the build system put stuff in the right place than shove it around in debian/rules.21:33
ScottKjcfp: Usually there are minor packaging changes are all that's needed to get stuff working with 2.6.21:34
jcfpScottK: but in case it doesn't? Upstream is aware of it and attempting to fix things for a future release, out in the summer somewhere.21:35
ScottKYes.  then do that.21:35
jcfpok thanks21:35
pkernScottK: Hm, the bug also applies to hardy.  Trying the fix now...21:37
ScottKpkern: Thanks for checking.21:37
pkernApart from bloody ubuntu-vm-builder.  Not setting a password for root and gdm not letting root log in and no gdm configuration panel available.21:38
pkernScottK: The fix will be identical, although I don't know if also packaging-wise...21:39
* ScottK nods.21:40
pkernScottK: Same patch applies cleanly \o/21:45
ScottKPlease shove a debdiff in the bug and I'll deal with it from there.21:45
* pkern will attach another debdiff to the bug shortly.21:45
pkernScottK: attached, thanks21:50
* ScottK looks21:50
fabrice_spCan someone unsubscribe U-S-u from Bug #336904? I have to convert it into a sync request, with a FFe... thanks22:00
ubottuLaunchpad bug 336904 in openvas-libnasl "FTBFS because of dependency on inexistent libopenvas1-dev" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33690422:00
ScottKpkern: Uploaded.  Thank you for your contribution to Ubuntu.22:03
pkernScottK: Heh. ;-)22:07
AdamDHwhat happens if you have to ship a binary inside your package? there is no source to compile from. Do I just use install to install the programme and required libarys?22:11
ScottKAdamDH: First, that means it has to go in Multiverse.22:12
AdamDHwhere do I tell my package it has to go in Multiverse? I was going to leave it in my ppa22:12
ScottKIf it's uploaded to Ubuntu, the archive admins will take care of that.22:13
james_wI'm not sure you can upload it to your PPA22:13
ScottKYeah.  That was going to be my next comment.22:14
AdamDHmight be easier for people to just get the binary and libs away from a package for it22:14
ScottKYou need to read the PPA terms of service closely and see if it's allowed in a PPA.22:14
AdamDHI will take a read and ask in launchpad22:15
savvasAdamDH: you could use get-orig-source: in debian/rules for that22:15
ScottKsavvas: I think you're answering a different question than he's asking.22:15
savvasbut still.. the package will probably cause problems with the terms of service22:15
AdamDHits proprietary code so they just ship a binary22:16
savvasScottK: right, sorry :P22:16
ScottKAdamDH: I'm pretty sure that can't go in a PPA.22:16
AdamDHSo if I just place it on my website, whats the best way to create a package for it? its two libarys and a binary22:17
savvasAdamDH: you could add a script and explain them to run the script and include that proprietary program :) or just ask the developers of that program to open up :P22:17
AdamDHsavvas they will not open up the linux version has not been updated in a while to support new devices (its a programme to programme msp430 micros via gdb its a proxy) the windows version is allways up to date22:18
savvasScottK: I managed to patch capisuite, thanks for the suggestion before :)22:18
ScottKYou're welcome.22:19
tuxmaniacanyone on jaunty who can test bug 291075 ?22:21
ubottuLaunchpad bug 291075 in freehdl "Digital simulation in qucs don't work" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/29107522:21
tuxmaniacI believe it is a libtool issue and there has been updates to libtool in Jaunty22:21
tuxmaniacoops may be its not related to #u-motu but more related to #u-bugs22:22
savvasdoko: here? you commented something on bug 336344 - should capisuite build-depend on zlib1g-dev or should I try and remove the -lz library call?22:25
ubottuLaunchpad bug 336344 in capisuite "python2.6-dev should perhaps depend on zlib-dev" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33634422:25
savvastuxmaniac: you could also try #ubuntu+1 :)22:29
tuxmaniacaah yeah forgot. thanks savvas22:30
savvasnp hehe22:32
DktrKranzjames_w, hi. did you have the chance to look at bug 336067? It blocks some applications (such as requestsync), so it could be useful to have it. I tested the upstream patch and seems good.22:33
ubottuLaunchpad bug 336067 in python-httplib2 "python-httplib2 needs a patch for Python2.6 support" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33606722:33
james_wDktrKranz: I'm getting to it22:33
james_wDktrKranz: thanks for testing though22:33
DktrKranzcool, thanks :)22:33
james_wDktrKranz: feel free to upload :-)22:33
DktrKranzok then, I'll have a look22:33
AdamDHwhere would I find the termcap library on ubuntu? I have a dependancy for it but cannot find it on packages.ubuntu etc22:55
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directhexjms@destiny:~$ apt-file search libtermcap23:04
directhexlibncurses5-dev: /usr/lib/libtermcap.a23:04
directhexlibncurses5-dev: /usr/lib/libtermcap.so23:04
tgm4883geez directhex, what button did you push?23:06
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directhextgm4883, just finished installing evil M$ trojans on freenode23:07
tgm4883or is there another MS trojan?23:08
directhexdepends who you believe23:09
LaneyDktrKranz: here?23:27
DktrKranzLaney, for a little while23:27
Laney"Disable PrintSample support, obsolete" in gtksourceview-sharp223:27
LaneyI'm wondering what that's for?23:27
Laney(just looking at it in Debian)23:27
DktrKranzLaney, IIRC, it fixed a FTBFS23:28
Laneyoh, weird23:28
Laneydon't see it in sid23:28
Laneylet me try in Jaunty23:28
savvasgoodnight everyone :)23:38
savvasjames_w: I provided two debdiffs for bug 336344 - I think the one without zlib needs testing (I haven't tested the program of neither of them)23:40
ubottuLaunchpad bug 336344 in capisuite "python2.6-dev should perhaps depend on zlib-dev" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33634423:40
james_wsavvas: thanks, I'll try and get to it soon23:41
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