ActionParsnip | arthus: gksudo gedit /etc/samba/smb.conf | 00:00 |
arthus | ActionParsnip: yea, I've gotten that far | 00:00 |
NeoDragon | ok I will use the alternate cd, but should I go with 8.04 or 8.10 | 00:00 |
nbeebo | !cssm | 00:00 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about cssm | 00:00 |
arthus | but I don't know the config setting | 00:00 |
nbeebo | !compiz | 00:00 |
ubottu | Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at - help in #compiz-fusion | 00:00 |
LjL | newbie12: your question makes no sense. try to give it a subject, for a start, and put it in one line. | 00:00 |
rww | !ccsm > nbeebo | 00:00 |
ubottu | nbeebo, please see my private message | 00:00 |
LjL | john__: A drive cable...? | 00:00 |
trece8 | LjL, A: drive cable, floppy disks i assume | 00:01 |
rww | john__: twisted ribbon cable? | 00:01 |
redvamp128 | nbeebo: do you have firefox (copy this link and it should auto install it) apt://compizconfig-settings-manager | 00:01 |
ActionParsnip | arthus: the servername should be the name in /etc/hostname | 00:01 |
LjL | rww: but it's not twisted is it | 00:01 |
nbeebo | redvamp128, oh ok, cool, thanks! | 00:01 |
redvamp128 | nbeebo: or you can type sudo apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager | 00:01 |
john__ | LjL you know like the ide cable, would it be the same for the Adrive | 00:01 |
rww | LjL: the one for floppy drives is, I think. | 00:01 |
LjL | john__: it's called a floppy drive. | 00:01 |
usser | ActionParsnip, if he doesnt have dns server setup it aint going to help | 00:01 |
iniciante | ubuntu-br | 00:01 |
LjL | john__: and no, it's not the same cable | 00:01 |
DGMurdockIII | can anyone help me fix my screen ressalotun when i cant get to the app to do it i want to have it auto detect this is on 8.10 | 00:01 |
ActionParsnip | usser: was getting to that ;) | 00:02 |
trece8 | john_ : floppy cable | 00:02 |
NeoDragon | ok I will use the alternate cd, but should I go with 8.04 or 8.10? | 00:02 |
redvamp128 | nbeebo: it can set things for compiz that you would not be able to do without a lot of updating config files... (makes it easier) | 00:02 |
LjL | rww: nope, at least not the ones for the floppy drives i always had. it's just like an IDE cable, just with fewer pins | 00:02 |
arthus | the hostname isn't listed anywhere in the samba config | 00:02 |
usser | ActionParsnip, i find it easier to just install winbind and use wins for name resolution | 00:02 |
trece8 | i have ubuntu 8.04 : How do you undo the last software update? | 00:02 |
iniciante | ajuda em portugues | 00:02 |
arthus | but it's correctly set in /etc/hostname | 00:02 |
LjL | !br | iniciante | 00:02 |
ubottu | iniciante: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado. | 00:02 |
ianm_ | how should I be using a wacom pad with this xorg.conf? | 00:02 |
nbeebo | redvamp128, oh ok i see, i also tried download simple-ccsm, maybe its even easier to do what i want with it... anyway, thanks ill be mixing with it now!... | 00:02 |
ActionParsnip | arthus: you could add an entry to the system connecting to the samba to resolve the name to an ip using hosts file | 00:02 |
rww | LjL: Heh. Pretty sure mine has a twist in it. Looking online, it seems like there should be one on wires 10-16. | 00:02 |
john__ | LjL so it is a twisted ribbon cable | 00:03 |
bertolo | anyone know how can i edit xorg conf safely ? | 00:03 |
DGMurdockIII | can anyone help me fix my screen ressalotun when i cant get to the app to do it i want to have it auto detect this is on 8.10? | 00:03 |
arthus | ActionParsnip: hmm, ok | 00:03 |
arthus | I know how to do that | 00:03 |
usser | arthus, try using wins | 00:03 |
redvamp128 | NeoDragon: I tried booting the dell laptop with the live cd and it would start but then blank screen-- once I used the alternate cd and used the cli (to install) it then worked perfect (though you have to be connected to the web) because the alternate grabs the latest from the web. | 00:03 |
usser | arthus, sudo apt-get install winbind | 00:03 |
nightrid3r | arthus global section , netbios name | 00:03 |
LjL | rww: ah yes, that's true. i was thinking "twisted pair", which it clearly is not | 00:03 |
usser | arthus, edit /etc/nsswitch.conf | 00:03 |
* rww nods | 00:03 | |
ActionParsnip | arthus: thus making the name resolve to the ip on the local machine | 00:03 |
redvamp128 | NeoDragon: that and I had to hit the f12 key to get to the alternate boot functions | 00:04 |
arthus | ActionParsnip: that seems easiest | 00:04 |
ActionParsnip | arthus: you could even have it as a different name in the hosts file if you so wish | 00:04 |
trece8 | john_ : just ask for floppy disk cable... i assume it's easier | 00:04 |
usser | arthus, modify hosts and networks lines so they read something like this hosts: files wins mdns4_minimal dns mdns4 | 00:04 |
LjL | john__: if you're looking to buy one - just ask for a 34-pin floppy cable. | 00:04 |
usser | arthus, just add wins basically after files | 00:04 |
arthus | usser: ok, got it | 00:04 |
jacekowski | john__: or buy usb floppy | 00:04 |
NeoDragon | Ok great thanks | 00:05 |
usser | arthus, after its done sudo /etc/init.d/winbind restart | 00:05 |
LjL | john__: it may well be a "twisted ribbon cable", but if you ask for that... you might be given a thousand different things | 00:05 |
usser | arthus, now try pinging your machine from a windows machine by name | 00:05 |
arthus | sweet! it gets the right IP | 00:05 |
usser | arthus, cool | 00:05 |
arthus | ...and it connects :) | 00:05 |
ActionParsnip | arthus: sweet | 00:05 |
arthus | thanks! | 00:05 |
usser | arthus, no problem | 00:05 |
* john__ I know this was a strange question but I was working on some material to teach a class on the ComTIA a free class on the Essential | 00:05 | |
ActionParsnip | arthus: hosts can be fun to prank your mates | 00:06 |
arthus | ActionParsnip: haha, ya | 00:06 |
LjL | john__: i just don't think it has a *name* as such. | 00:06 |
ActionParsnip | arthus: go into their hosts and add a porn site ip for ;) | 00:06 |
grobda24 | Hello. I'm trying to get pulseaudio working. Should default audio device be set to "alsamixer:hw:0" in gconf ? | 00:06 |
LjL | john__: it's a PC floppy cable. it probably was (almost) the same cable on the original IBM PC. | 00:06 |
ActionParsnip | arthus: it can also be used for good, like resolvin known bad names to so if anything trys to calll home or access bad sites it resolves to local host and fails | 00:07 |
john__ | ok I was hoping it was a twisted cable, Thank you guys and you to LjL | 00:07 |
joanki123 | anyone have problems with usb devices? | 00:07 |
trece8 | all kinds of usb devices? | 00:08 |
ASUSBlue | burn option in compiz does not work all others work | 00:09 |
ASUSBlue | any suggestions | 00:09 |
DGMurdockIII | can anyone help me fix my screen ressalotun when i cant get to the app to do it i want to have it auto detect this is on 8.10?? | 00:10 |
=== ubuntu__ is now known as Taylor | ||
ActionParsnip | ASUSBlue: headinto #compi | 00:11 |
ActionParsnip | DGMurdockIII: what video card? run lspci | grep -i vga | 00:11 |
sarae | hi | 00:11 |
sarae | i need to mount a 2gb sd card it wont allo me | 00:12 |
ASUSBlue | what is compi | 00:12 |
Guest13541 | i want to make it so that scrolling will not change workspaces, any suggestions? | 00:12 |
sarae | says i gotta be a super user to mount an sd card | 00:12 |
ActionParsnip | compiz... ithought you'd work it out so didnt correct myself | 00:12 |
ActionParsnip | sarae: use the same command, just start it with the word 'sudo' | 00:13 |
ActionParsnip | sarae: only root can mount anything at all, as well as umount | 00:13 |
sarae | ActionParsnip: i know i read | 00:15 |
bertolo | someon knows how to change xorg.conf | 00:15 |
bertolo | ? | 00:15 |
rww | bertolo: "sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf" or "gksudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf" | 00:16 |
ActionParsnip | sarae: all better now? | 00:16 |
bertolo | rww: lol........ | 00:17 |
sarae | | 00:17 |
sarae | no ActionParsnip | 00:17 |
sarae | ActionParsnip: it simply will not allow me to mount it | 00:17 |
=== richard is now known as Guest38134 | ||
=== NCommander is now known as Guest49220 | ||
_VIM_ | rww: wha? no vi? nano is just as hard as vi is. :) | 00:17 |
=== Guest38134 is now known as yeti1 | ||
sarae | the sd card is formated automatically by my kodak camera | 00:17 |
=== Guest49220 is now known as NCommander | ||
sarae | ActionParsnip: | 00:18 |
ActionParsnip | sarae: sudo mkdir /media/2gb; sudo mount /dev/sdb1 /media/2gb -o uid=1000 | 00:18 |
yeti1 | how do i turn off the scroll wheel changing workspaces? | 00:18 |
ActionParsnip | _VIM_: hard is apersonal gauge | 00:18 |
_VIM_ | ActionParsnip: I suppose. | 00:19 |
sarae | ActionParsnip: i'll try rebooting with the volume in | 00:19 |
ActionParsnip | sarae: its formatted fat16 so is supported by the kernel itself | 00:19 |
TecR0c | when i write a program in c then i compile it with gcc i also get the file a.out which i then run ./a.out what am i doing wrong? | 00:20 |
ActionParsnip | TecR0c: sounds perfect to me | 00:20 |
TecR0c | ActionParsnip shouldn't i get the programs name not a.out ? | 00:21 |
_VIM_ | to the average noob they cannot save a nano file or a vi file, both require one command to save, so both are equally difficult.. | 00:21 |
ActionParsnip | TecR0c: make sure its marked as executable which chmod +x ./a.oth | 00:21 |
maco | TecR0c: no. you didnt tell it to name it anything different. | 00:21 |
dtchen_ | TecR0c: you need to pass -o foo | 00:21 |
maco | ActionParsnip: a.out gets automatically marked executable | 00:21 |
ActionParsnip | TecR0c: nope, a.out is normal. youu can specify the name at compile time if you wish | 00:21 |
ActionParsnip | TecR0c: gcc hello.cpp -o hello | 00:22 |
Mooqy | should i dl the 64 bit version or the 32 | 00:22 |
TecR0c | how do i specify a name at output | 00:22 |
TecR0c | ohh | 00:22 |
TecR0c | ok, let me try that :) | 00:22 |
Mooqy | i have a 64 bit processor but arent there problems with it | 00:22 |
rww | Mooqy: Not really, these days. It works fine for me. | 00:23 |
Mooqy | k | 00:23 |
ActionParsnip | Mooqy: none at all, java can be a pain otherwise its fine | 00:23 |
jonaskoelker | Hi all. Whenever I play sound in mplayer (with ao=alsa), I get Assertion `pcm->stream' failed. How do I troubleshoot and fix this, so that I can play sound with mplayer? | 00:23 |
yeti1 | Anybody know how to turn off the scroll wheel changing workspaces???? | 00:23 |
jonaskoelker | it seems that all alsa programs have this problem; certainly brainworkshop does too | 00:23 |
maco | ActionParsnip: when is java *not* a pain? /me goes back to trying to make java GUIs | 00:23 |
Daft_Punk | how can i find out what port 80 is being used by? i enter my IP into a web browser and some sort of http server comes up but i dont know whats using it!!! | 00:23 |
ActionParsnip | maco: true. i hate java | 00:23 |
rww | Mooqy: has a pretty good pros/cons list | 00:23 |
maco | Daft_Punk: did you install apache, maybe? | 00:23 |
ActionParsnip | Daft_Punk: netstat -a | grep 80 | 00:23 |
Guest1201 | ? | 00:24 |
redvamp128 | Mooqy: you may want to use the #ubuntu-offtopic room -- but there are not as many problems with 64bit other than most things are just coded for 32bit but drivers are getting better. | 00:24 |
Guest1201 | ello? | 00:24 |
=== Guest1201 is now known as mezy | ||
Daft_Punk | maco, no | 00:24 |
Daft_Punk | ActionParsnip, thx ill try that | 00:24 |
rww | !hi | mezy | 00:24 |
ubottu | mezy: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! | 00:24 |
redvamp128 | Mooqy: that and 64bit with the right libraries can run all 32bit programs | 00:24 |
maco | Mooqy: 64bit's not a problem for much. just about everyting is compiled for both. running 32bit windows apps in wine might be difficult though | 00:24 |
mezy | can somone help me? | 00:24 |
phloat | I'm having a lot of problems with getting intrepid to see my wired network and could use some help. I'm also trying to reinstall it and I just keep getting the message "Buffer I/O error on device sr0" among other things scrolling across the screen. It won't even boot from the CD | 00:24 |
ActionParsnip | Daft_Punk: netstat -a will show all stuffs running | 00:24 |
maco | !ask | mezy | 00:24 |
ubottu | mezy: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) | 00:24 |
C-S-B | what kind of usb devices? | 00:24 |
C-S-B | storage? Bluetooth? | 00:24 |
maco | phloat: bad CD | 00:25 |
Daft_Punk | ActionParsnip, nothing seems to be on port 80 specifically, i have this HTTP file server i want to run on port 80 but it says something else is using it so idk | 00:25 |
mezy | cool | 00:25 |
maco | phloat: /dev/sr0 is the cd drive | 00:25 |
maco | phloat: at least, thats what it sounds like is wrong... | 00:25 |
yeti1 | anybody know how to change the scroll wheel changing desktops? | 00:25 |
aperson | does anyone have a preferred cd rip/encode (to mp3) solution? grip/soundjuicer just isn't doing it for me | 00:26 |
ActionParsnip | Daft_Punk: sudo netstat -lpn | grep :80 | 00:26 |
yeti1 | aperson: perhaps grip | 00:26 |
ActionParsnip | !ripping | 00:26 |
ubottu | For information about the Sound Juicer ripping application see: To rip an Audio CD in KDE, put it in and then put audiocd:// in the Konqueror URL bar | 00:26 |
yeti1 | aperson: i'm not sure if it will rip to mp3 but take a look | 00:26 |
aperson | yetil: grip doesn't work, it endlessly rips cds | 00:26 |
SirBe | WHAT | 00:26 |
SirBe | how | 00:27 |
SirBe | why | 00:27 |
maco | yeti1: note the "grip just isnt doing it for me" :P | 00:27 |
SirBe | am i here | 00:27 |
SirBe | :( | 00:27 |
ActionParsnip | SirBe: yes | 00:27 |
maco | SirBe: no. you're on the moon. | 00:27 |
SirBe | oh | 00:27 |
* maco nods emphatically | 00:27 | |
SirBe | *why am i here | 00:27 |
yeti1 | aperson: oops, missed that line... and i have had limited experience with it, my bad :) | 00:27 |
SirBe | ;) | 00:27 |
Daft_Punk | tcp 0 0* LISTEN 13298/wineserver tcp6 0 0 :::8008 :::* LISTEN 7508/java | 00:27 |
aperson | ActionParsnip, I'd use sound-juicer if it worked and if I would be more 'automatic' | 00:27 |
rww | SirBe: #ubuntu on is the default channel and server for several IRC clients distributed with Ubuntu. To change channel, type /join #channelname. To change server, type /server address.of.server | 00:27 |
phloat | Thanks maco. | 00:27 |
aperson | yetil: no worries | 00:27 |
ActionParsnip | aperson: you could do it at command line | 00:28 |
mezy | its a weird problem. i installed ubuntu ibex on a micro sd, and can access it via usb. my problem is that i cant update linux-image-generic kernel, or whatever it is, on this installation. im wondering if it is because i have it on a micro sd, usb, or something that i may have down inadvertently | 00:28 |
mezy | hope someone can help | 00:28 |
yeti1 | aperson: i'm getting no luck from anyone else... do u know how to change the scroll wheel so that it doesn't change desktops? | 00:28 |
phloat | Maco, do you know anything about intrepid not seeing a wired connection? | 00:28 |
ActionParsnip | !info abcde | aperson | 00:28 |
ubottu | abcde (source: abcde): A Better CD Encoder. In component universe, is optional. Version (intrepid), package size 108 kB, installed size 308 kB | 00:28 |
ActionParsnip | aperson: | 00:28 |
Daft_Punk | ActionParsnip, nothing is running on port 80, its either 8080 or 8008, but my http server says i cant use port 80, something else is using it, so it defaults to 8080 which is http alt | 00:29 |
aperson | I looked into abcde, I couldn't find any way to change encoding options | 00:29 |
aperson | yetil: do you have ccsm? | 00:30 |
ActionParsnip | aperson: maybe in /etc/abcde.conf | 00:30 |
ActionParsnip | aperson: man abcde | 00:30 |
Caesi | Hi all, how can I deactivate OSS and activate ALSA again? it doesn't work under System -> Preferences -> Sound | 00:30 |
joshjtl | hi, how can i uninstall something like gtk2-engine-murrine without having to remove packages: ubuntu-artwork, ubuntu-desktop ... ? | 00:30 |
rww | !ubuntu-desktop | joshjtl: you can't, but it's safe to remove ubuntu-desktop and ubuntu-artwork | 00:31 |
ubottu | joshjtl: you can't, but it's safe to remove ubuntu-desktop and ubuntu-artwork: k/ed/x/ubuntu-desktop is a metapackage. It depends upon other packages and brings them in; you can safely remove it, but it is recommended that you re-install it when upgrading. | 00:31 |
yeti1 | aperson: no | 00:31 |
ActionParsnip | joshjtl: sure, just apt-get remove it and dont run apt-get autoremove if they are the dependancies of that app | 00:31 |
aperson | yetil: I'm pretty positive you can change it there | 00:31 |
maco | phloat: nope. i pretty much skipped intrepid | 00:32 |
joshjtl | rww: why does it recommend to reinstall when upgrading? (does it mean updating or upgrading...) | 00:32 |
rww | joshjtl: It means upgrading to a new version of Ubuntu (i.e., from Intrepid to Jaunty). It recommends that because if new packages are added to the default Ubuntu distribution, you won't get them installed during upgrade if ubuntu-desktop isn't installed. | 00:33 |
joshjtl | ah ok | 00:33 |
joshjtl | thanks | 00:33 |
Juninho | ajuda em portugues | 00:33 |
LjL | !pt | Juninho | 00:33 |
ubottu | Juninho: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado. | 00:33 |
TruthTac1 | how do i make it so music wont play when i hover over an mp3 with the mouse | 00:34 |
IdentifyTarget | shouldn't this work in command line? ls / | more | 00:34 |
IdentifyTarget | I'm trying to send the output from ls / to more | 00:34 |
yeti1 | aperson: what is this ccsm? also, my nick is yeti(one) | 00:34 |
usser | IdentifyTarget, yes it should | 00:34 |
ActionParsnip | TruthTac1: disable audio preview / audio thumbnails | 00:34 |
rww | !ccsm | yeti1 | 00:34 |
ubottu | yeti1: To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu: install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' or 'simple-ccsm'. If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz-fusion | 00:34 |
aperson | thanks rww | 00:35 |
IdentifyTarget | usser: it doesn't, instead like 500 lines goto my screen and I can't read what's on the top | 00:35 |
ActionParsnip | TruthTac1: | 00:35 |
TruthTac1 | thanks | 00:35 |
aperson | yeti1: under ccsm: Viewport Switcher -> Actions" -> Desktop-based Viewport Switching | 00:35 |
rww | IdentifyTarget: Try "less" instead of "more". It tends to work a little better. | 00:35 |
ActionParsnip | IdentifyTarget: are you sure you dont mean less? | 00:36 |
mezy | is it a good idea to have ubuntu installed on a usb? | 00:37 |
grobda24 | I have pulseaudio setup. Amarok can see pulseaudio. The Amarok stream can be seen by pulseaudio. The system can see the sound card. Modules are loaded. But I get nothing out the back of the soundcard. | 00:37 |
ActionParsnip | mezy: why not :D | 00:37 |
ActionParsnip | !usb | mezy | 00:37 |
ubottu | mezy: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see - For a persistent live USB install, see: | 00:37 |
aperson | yeti1: you want to change 'move next' and 'move prev' | 00:37 |
ketzu | I'm having some trouble getting a dhcp server running.. It's saying "Not configured to listen on any interfaces!".. /etc/default/dhcp3-server has the following line though: INTERFACES="eth0" | 00:37 |
ActionParsnip | mezy: they do have limited read / write cycles but they will last a fair while | 00:37 |
bobbob1016 | I have a drive that seems to be failing, it says "Buffer I/O error" on boot, and gparted repair disk (which calls e2fsck), says "zero length partition" or something, but sfdisk -l -V /dev/sdb sees it fine, from what I can tell, any ideas on how to get this drive mounted/working? | 00:38 |
yeti1 | aperson: ok, i'm workin on her now, i'll let u know | 00:38 |
mezy | ActionParsnip: really? i have wondered if there were any limitations. found this out with the linux-image-generic kernel thing. | 00:39 |
froosch | hello! what is the simplest option to get a newer version of bzr running than is in my gutsy now? | 00:40 |
yeti1 | : viewport switcher does not exist!! | 00:42 |
yeti1 | aperson: viewport switcher doesn't exist there | 00:42 |
aperson | yeti1: it should | 00:42 |
yeti1 | aperson: i went to the wrong thing i now realize... where is it under ccsm? | 00:43 |
aperson | yeti1: under desktop | 00:43 |
yeti1 | aperson: figured it out | 00:44 |
=== adam is now known as Guest87196 | ||
mezy | is it recommended to make a bootable usb from ibex? | 00:45 |
Guest87196 | hm | 00:45 |
mightymouse | hello all | 00:47 |
=== k is now known as Guest4171 | ||
ari_stress | morning all :) | 00:52 |
ari_stress | hi, is there anyway i can know the ipaddress of host from network if i know the macaddress? | 00:53 |
d_rugs420 | I upgraded from 8.04 to 8.10 and now flash videos like from youtube are making firefox freeze up. any ideas what would cause this? its 64bit ubuntu | 00:53 |
n2diy | I was playing around on my test box, and deleted my user. I have restored all my files and apps, but I no longer have sudo, or gksudo privledges. I checked /etc/sudoers, and it looks ok, compared to this box. I thinks something is amiss in /home/me, ideas? | 00:53 |
presshere | ari_stress: a host from you network? | 00:53 |
presshere | ari_stress: try nbtscan | 00:54 |
cd_ | hi who can tell does it enough for install system with the debian's first dvd iso ? | 00:54 |
rww | n2diy: is your user in the admin group? | 00:55 |
presshere | !debian | cd_ | 00:55 |
ubottu | cd_: Ubuntu and Debian are closely related. Ubuntu builds on the foundations of Debian architecture and infrastructure, with a different community and release process. See - Remember, !repositories meant for Debian should NOT be used on Ubuntu! | 00:55 |
cd_ | ok thank you | 00:55 |
n2diy | rwm, I'm not sure, let me ssh into the box and have a look. | 00:56 |
presshere | cd_: try an debian chan for help | 00:56 |
cd_ | yeah i get | 00:56 |
n2diy | rwm, I'm not sure I can ssh into it, but here goes. | 00:56 |
rww | cd_: Yes, you can install Debian using only the first DVD. | 00:56 |
ari_stress | presshere: yes | 00:56 |
presshere | ari_stress: sudo apt-get install nbtscan | 00:57 |
cd_ | ok thanks everyone | 00:57 |
Odium1 | Doesn't it get annoying that ppl only come here for help? | 00:57 |
=== Odium1 is now known as onca | ||
_VIM_ | that's what #Ubuntu's for onca | 00:57 |
onca | or to help.. | 00:57 |
tanish2k | presshere:isn't nbtscan the other wy round ? | 00:58 |
onca | Well, I really like Ubuntu. | 00:58 |
froosch | oki. found it. | 00:58 |
fallore | how do i get out of a manual page that i opened through an SSH client and back to the terminal? | 00:58 |
zamba | is php4 available in the ubuntu repositories? | 00:58 |
ghone | I have a bit of a problem. Since installing a D-Link 804.11n adapter card | 00:58 |
rww | fallore: by pressing 'q', generally. | 00:58 |
presshere | tanish2k: what do you mean "wy"? | 00:58 |
ghone | on my home desktop PC (running Ubuntu 8.10) I have had some stability problems. | 00:58 |
bobbob1016 | onca, It is the help channel, #ubuntu-offtopic is the "chat" channel | 00:59 |
ghone | At present, I am unable to boot. During the boot sequence, fsck fails complaining of inodes that were part of a corrupted orphan linked list are found. | 00:59 |
Dr_Sneese | I'm having trouble installing a new usplash theme. I've followed the instructions in the read-me, with no luck. Any help? | 00:59 |
tanish2k | presshere: "other way" -> ip to mac. but he needs to find ip from mac | 00:59 |
fallore | thanks rww :D | 00:59 |
ghone | fsck then dies with an exit status of 4. The system demands that I give the root password and then run fsck in maintenance mode. I do not remember my root | 00:59 |
_VIM_ | !usplash | Dr_Sneese | 00:59 |
ubottu | Dr_Sneese: To select the usplash artwork you want, use "sudo update-alternatives --config && sudo update-initramfs -u" - See for adding your custom artwork | 00:59 |
nellmathew | onca: i idle here, mainly because folks help me out when i need it, so if i happen to randomly see something i can help someone with, i try to help them out.. i think it's a great idea, a community that helps each other out - i see a lot of people that in come here for help, and see a question they know the answer to and end up being the support.. | 00:59 |
rww | zamba: which version of Ubuntu? | 00:59 |
ghone | password. Is there any way I can use my normal login acct and reset the root password to continue or to bypass the fsck and continue the boot? | 01:00 |
presshere | tanish2k: nbtscan scans the network and print ip and macaddres | 01:00 |
caimlas_ | I'm trying to enable remote desktop on my ubuntu 8.10 box, and I've run into a snag. the box is remote to me, and I had someone (competent) set up 'remote desktop' within the ubuntu desktop. gdm is running, however nmap indicates there's nothing listening on :5900. does the uesr have to be actually logged on to connect via vnc? if so is there any way around it, or a better alternative? remote X? | 01:00 |
yeti2 | How do I find out what kernal i'm running including the architacture? | 01:00 |
rww | yeti2: uname -a | 01:00 |
usser | ghone, your root password is your user password | 01:00 |
yeti2 | rww: ah yes, thx | 01:00 |
onca | nellmathew that's very altruistic. | 01:00 |
zamba | rww: intrepid | 01:00 |
usser | tanish2k, also wireshark | 01:01 |
ghone | usser my user password isnot accepted as the root password | 01:01 |
weternal | what's the package name for avant window navagator? | 01:01 |
nellmathew | onca: that's what ubuntu's all about :) | 01:01 |
usser | ghone, thats weird | 01:01 |
usser | ghone, it should | 01:01 |
ghone | yes | 01:01 |
aperson | weternal: avant-window-navigator | 01:01 |
usser | ghone, you can boot from livecd, and run fsck from there | 01:01 |
weternal | thanks aperson | 01:01 |
rww | zamba: no. It was removed from the repos during the feisty release cycle. | 01:01 |
_VIM_ | weternal: cairo-dock is way better if you ask me | 01:02 |
_VIM_ | especially with cairo themes | 01:02 |
ghone | Aha! Sounds like a plan. | 01:02 |
yeti2 | rww: so next question... i feel that this comp may be confused about its kernel (mid-life crisis), it claims to be generic but when i go to install skype, it says that the i386 skype is not compatible with the amd64 kernel... this is a core-2 duo processor | 01:02 |
weternal | _VIM_ I'm purging awn | 01:02 |
rww | zamba: "Deleted on 2007-03-13 by Martin Pitt: obsoleted by php5, outstanding vulnerabilities, unsupported upstream" | 01:02 |
zamba | rww: so to get php4 on intrepid i have to add the repos for feisty? | 01:02 |
rww | zamba: no. You shouldn't be using php4 because it has security vulnerabilities, and you *definitely* shouldn't mix repository versions. | 01:02 |
rww | yeti2: there's an amd64 version of the generic kernel. If the output of uname -a has "x86_64" in it, you're using it. | 01:03 |
zamba | rww: what should i do then? | 01:03 |
yeti2 | rww: yea, that's there... then any idea how to get skpye or any other program that will run on the amd64 architecture or how to make the i386 work? | 01:04 |
caimlas_ | does anyone know if the ubuntu 'remote desktop' feature requires a user to be logged in in order to connect? | 01:04 |
rww | zamba: Use php5... | 01:04 |
_VIM_ | weternal: here's my desktop with cairo-dock with cairo theme | 01:04 |
caimlas_ | (logged in, as in an X session running) | 01:04 |
Dr_Willis_Arch | caimlas_: thers ways around that. :) | 01:05 |
caimlas_ | Dr_Willis_Arch, any chance you giving me an idea of how to do so? :P | 01:05 |
rww | yeti2: there's an amd64 skype package, isn't there? | 01:05 |
Brack101 | where's the gnomescreensaver config file? | 01:05 |
Dr_Willis_Arch | caimlas_: you could set gdm to auto-log them in..or you could set up VNC to get a remote desktop without the user ever logging in. | 01:05 |
n2diy | rwm, I can't get into the box remotely, I'm going to have to drop down to a root shell. Do you recall the syntax to add "me" to the admin group, with, I think, the chgrp command? | 01:05 |
Dr_Willis_Arch | caimlas_: i normally 'ssh in' and run vncserver manually. then connect.. the remote box dosent even need a monitor, :) | 01:05 |
yeti2 | rww: the page only has a link for ubuntu 7.something +, no options for architecture, and all the sites i've seen link to the same place but i'll go have an other google for it | 01:06 |
rww | yeti2: there's one linked at , anyway | 01:06 |
presshere | _VIM_: cairo-dock needs a reboot after installing? | 01:06 |
_VIM_ | nope | 01:06 |
_VIM_ | it needs compiz though | 01:06 |
presshere | i`v just instaled using synaptic and cant find it | 01:06 |
rww | n2diy: (my nick is rww) sudo useradd -G admin me, should do it. | 01:06 |
caimlas_ | Dr_Willis_Arch, is vncserver the server run by ubuntu's desktop sharing feature? | 01:07 |
_VIM_ | presshere: you have to get it on the site, one sec | 01:07 |
caimlas_ | Dr_Willis_Arch, oddly, it appears as if vncserver isn't in $PATH on that box. :-/ | 01:07 |
n2diy | rww, sorry, my eyes are old, thanks. | 01:07 |
caimlas_ | Dr_Willis_Arch, or does it link to X, in some fashion, and just use vncserver libs? | 01:07 |
Dr_Willis_Arch | caimlas_: i normally install it with sudo apt-get install vnc4server | 01:08 |
Dr_Willis_Arch | caimlas_: gnomd has its own vncserver feature builtin | 01:08 |
Dr_Willis_Arch | gnomes vncserver is called.. err.. i forget. :) | 01:08 |
_VIM_ | presshere: | 01:08 |
caimlas_ | Dr_willis, huh. is it inferior? | 01:08 |
caimlas_ | (to vncserver) | 01:08 |
Dr_Willis_Arch | vnc is a VERY flexiable tool. theres more to it then jus shareing the 'current desktop' | 01:08 |
presshere | _VIM_: thx | 01:09 |
Dr_Willis_Arch | depends on your needs. | 01:09 |
rww | Dr_Willis_Arch, caimlas_: GNOME's VNC thing is called "vino", I think. | 01:09 |
_VIM_ | np | 01:09 |
Brack101 | c'mon there has to be a way to configure screensaver settings without having to switch to xscreensaver | 01:09 |
Dr_Willis_Arch | rww sounds right. :) i was thinking wino :) heh | 01:09 |
rww | Brack101: | 01:09 |
rww | Brack101: I disagree with that reasoning, but there you go. | 01:09 |
eseven73 | when i tunnel vnc in ssh, i see like 10 desktops stacked on top of one another, some sort of glitch or something | 01:12 |
storbeck | eseven73: Did you ever get the script to work? | 01:12 |
ari_stre1s | my goodness!!! installing arping REMOVES network-manager!!! | 01:12 |
n2diy | rww, useradd -G admin me returned me exsists, and a prompt, how can I check if it worked? | 01:12 |
eseven73 | no | 01:12 |
storbeck | Dang | 01:13 |
=== Dr_Willis_Arch is now known as Dr_Willis_AAO | ||
eseven73 | storbeck: i found a program, sbackup it's pretty sweet | 01:13 |
storbeck | Good :) I'm glad you got things working | 01:13 |
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eseven73 | yeah it's not half bad, it tars the backup, and puts it on a schedule of your choosing, you can even exclude directories you dont want like /tmp :) | 01:14 |
rww | n2diy: hmm. I think I might have given you the wrong command. Try usermod -aG admin me | 01:14 |
dmz | anyone here familiar with casper? | 01:15 |
storbeck | dmz: The friendly ghost? | 01:15 |
dmz | heh funny | 01:15 |
dmz | live cd tool | 01:15 |
Dr_Willis_AAO | !info casper | 01:15 |
smokinjoe | The ghost? I know he's really friendly contrary to popular belief | 01:15 |
ubottu | casper (source: casper): Run a "live" preinstalled system from read-only media. In component main, is extra. Version 1.152 (intrepid), package size 60 kB, installed size 360 kB | 01:15 |
D3RGPS31 | anyone know of an image viewer that can be ontop of all windows, allow me to interact with the windows under it, and be transluscent :D | 01:16 |
n2diy | rww, roger roger. | 01:16 |
n2diy | 43 | 01:16 |
n2diy | - | 01:16 |
n2diy | vwmbx | 01:16 |
eseven73 | storbeck: I appreciate the help yesterday too, everything worked great like the tarring and moving and deleting the tars, it's just that darn dvdrecord, I think it's my drive being lame :) | 01:17 |
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=== Herbal_Online is now known as Panji_HItam | ||
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cole | hi all, im trying to compile ekiga-3.0.2 from source, its asking for a dependency xv package, im running ubuntu any ideas what this package is? | 01:18 |
rww | !info xv | 01:18 |
ubottu | Package xv does not exist in intrepid | 01:18 |
rww | !info libxv-dev | 01:18 |
ubottu | libxv-dev (source: libxv): X11 Video extension library (development headers). In component main, is optional. Version 2:1.0.4-1 (intrepid), package size 33 kB, installed size 180 kB | 01:18 |
Dr_Willis_AAO | xv was the tool.. ages ago... | 01:18 |
bosco | i am using ubuntu server i am loged in via ssh how do i upload something to my server from my laptop via terminal | 01:18 |
cole | im on 7.10 gutsy | 01:18 |
storbeck | eseven73: Maybe, it could also be that I've never used dvdrecord either :P | 01:19 |
bosco | ?? | 01:19 |
Dr_Willis_AAO | xv was never GPL if i recall... | 01:19 |
labeau | i have something in my trash can that i cant get rid of anyone know how remove stuff from trash can in a differant way? | 01:19 |
eseven73 | :) | 01:19 |
rww | cole: try libxv-dev. It's in gutsy. | 01:19 |
storbeck | I tried though | 01:19 |
Dr_Willis_AAO | labeau: sudo rm /path/to/the/right/trash dont work eh? | 01:19 |
Dr_Willis_AAO | !trash | 01:19 |
ubottu | The location of Trash has changed since 8.04, it is now located in ~/.local/share/Trash | Looking for the trash in previous versions: ~/.Trash | 01:19 |
rww | labeau: sudo rm -rf ~/.local/share/Trash | 01:19 |
bosco | labeau, remove completely trash from installed things | 01:19 |
cole | kool thanx for that rww | 01:19 |
Dr_Willis_AAO | I always link .Trash to .local/share/Trash :) | 01:19 |
ari_stre1s | hi, why both my wifi and cable networking are active in network-manager? | 01:19 |
storbeck | Do not run that command rww | 01:19 |
storbeck | That will delete the Trash folder itself | 01:20 |
tijucas | yep. | 01:20 |
storbeck | You want .../Trash/* | 01:20 |
crdlb | which is harmless | 01:20 |
rww | storbeck: it gets recreated the next time something gets moved to trash. It's fine. | 01:20 |
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storbeck | It does? | 01:20 |
tijucas | hum.. | 01:20 |
bosco | ari_stre1s, they both use ath0 i am guessing | 01:20 |
crdlb | using rm with * is rather dangerous | 01:20 |
storbeck | Well then nevermind :) I don't use gnome | 01:20 |
crdlb | particularly with sudo | 01:20 |
eseven73 | bosco try scp /home/bosco/file <remote user name here@ | 01:20 |
zamba | when upgrading from gutsy to intrepid, do i have to go by hardy or can i go directly up to intrepid? | 01:20 |
eseven73 | oops leave off that < | 01:21 |
crdlb | zamba: you can't skip releases, except LTS to LTS | 01:21 |
zamba | crdlb: so i have to go through hardy? | 01:21 |
crdlb | so you have to go through hardy | 01:21 |
zamba | ok | 01:21 |
rww | zamba: 7.10 > 8.04 > 8.10 should work, yes. | 01:21 |
zamba | but it's just a matter of changing all instances in /etc/apt/sources.list and then do update / dist-upgrade? | 01:21 |
eseven73 | thats a lot of skipping, better to just reinstall clean | 01:21 |
rww | zamba: no. Read the upgrade instructions. | 01:22 |
zamba | eseven73: it's a server | 01:22 |
rww | !upgrade | zamba | 01:22 |
ubottu | zamba: For upgrading, see the instructions at - see also | 01:22 |
eseven73 | so? | 01:22 |
eseven73 | its a lot of skipping | 01:22 |
crdlb | zamba: if it's a server, you might consider stopping at hardy | 01:22 |
zamba | crdlb: yeah | 01:22 |
nellmathew | hey guys, i'm trying to install ubuntu on an old laptop - i have issues with the internal cdrom, so i'm trying to use the netinstall cd.. seems to get stuck trying to retrieve files and eventually skips it, how do i change the sources.list to or is there another solution? | 01:23 |
n2diy | +ha92910 | 01:23 |
eseven73 | Anyways im on vnc so this is getting laggy, switching back to _VIM_ :) | 01:23 |
_VIM_ | hehe | 01:23 |
labeau | well i have tryed all that and still it in there! | 01:23 |
Slart | clear | 01:24 |
LjL | nellmathew: uhm, i thought it ask you during the installation process which mirror you wanted to use | 01:24 |
RHorse | hey | 01:24 |
labeau | well i tryed all that and its still in there! | 01:24 |
cole | yup that worked, now its asking for a "ptlib" package | 01:24 |
nellmathew | LjL, it does but i don't know how to edit it... i can READ it, is there a key to edit? hold on lemme try "e" | 01:24 |
ari_stre1s | bosco: what is ath0? i only see eth0 and eth1 | 01:25 |
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LjL | nellmathew: err, you mean the actual file sources.list, or the list that the installer gives you? you probably can't edit the list it gives you - you just select from the choices | 01:25 |
storbeck | ath0 is usually a wifi interface | 01:25 |
LjL | nellmathew: as for sources.list, you'd need sudo to edit it, of course, but i'm not even sure that would really work with the installer | 01:25 |
ari_stre1s | storbeck: ubuntu says my wifi as eth1 | 01:25 |
crdlb | ath0 is madwifi-only | 01:25 |
nellmathew | LjL alright thanks, i'll see what i can do | 01:25 |
storbeck | ari_stre1s: That's okay | 01:26 |
bosco | ari_stre1s never mind srry i use ath0 with my laptop srry i thought that you might be using it for mine it installed by default using ath0 for wireless and ethernet srry | 01:26 |
n2diy | rww, It worked, thanks. | 01:26 |
rww | n2diy: glad I could help :) | 01:27 |
bosco | eseven73, one prob me not thinking i dont use port 22 for ssh is there a way to specify port like (ssh -p) | 01:27 |
john | hi | 01:27 |
CodyT07 | hello, has anyone managed to get nvidia drivers to work with a real time kernel on ubuntu? | 01:27 |
ari_stre1s | storbeck: the problem is now both eth0 (cable) and eth1 (wifi) are on and getting ip from dhcp, it should be like this, right? i connect the cable, so wifi shouldn't be active, right? | 01:28 |
cole | rww: any idea what ptlib package is? | 01:28 |
tijucas | CodyT07: try to install nvidia site driver? | 01:29 |
bosco | eseven73, the -p command is not working for me | 01:29 |
usser | ari_stre1s, ever since hardy network manager supports simultaneous connections. | 01:29 |
storbeck | ari_stre1s: Use ifconfig | 01:29 |
_VIM_ | bosco i think its -P | 01:29 |
CodyT07 | i have, but it has failed every time when i try to install. Stats my kernel isn't supported | 01:30 |
kitche | CodyT07: they do not support real time kernel last time I checked | 01:30 |
storbeck | ari_stre1s: sudo ifconfig eth0 down | 01:30 |
beinghuman | I gotta ask... What happened to the legacy nvidia hardware device? | 01:30 |
john | hi all | 01:30 |
ari_stre1s | usser: so it's not a bug? | 01:30 |
usser | ari_stre1s, definetely not | 01:31 |
ari_stre1s | hmm | 01:31 |
onca | I had audio earlier today and 12 hours later my system only gets the audible alert | 01:31 |
onca | I haven't rebooted. | 01:31 |
bosco | _VIM_, no i am "scp" to upload from my laptop to my serve both linux of course lol i did a man scp and it said -p same thing for ssh works but it doesnt really change the port when i do that ???? | 01:31 |
_VIM_ | bosco you're correct it's -p not -P, maybe you can pastebin your exact command so peopel in here can help you | 01:31 |
_VIM_ | people* | 01:31 |
storbeck | onca: Something is probably using your sound | 01:31 |
Extreme_b | Hi guys, will like to ask if anyone have tried plucking in an external thumb drive on ubuntu server ? | 01:31 |
n2diy | I want to draw a flow chart of my network, and I'm not fond of gimp, suggestions? | 01:31 |
storbeck | look through ps and kill whatever is using it | 01:32 |
rww | cole: libpt-1.11.2-dev, I think | 01:32 |
_VIM_ | bosco is port 22 forwarded in your router? | 01:32 |
Dr_Willis_AAO | Extreme_b: You can plug thm in.. and mount them if you want... | 01:32 |
Nubbie | n2diy: dia | 01:32 |
cole | rww: thanx i'll try it :) | 01:32 |
rww | cole: oh, wait, were you the person on gutsy? | 01:32 |
cole | yu | 01:33 |
rww | cole: Try libpt-dev instead, then | 01:33 |
cole | rww: yup i dont have that package in synaptic | 01:33 |
Extreme_b | <Dr_Willis_AAO> i have tried ... the problem that i am facing is that i went to /media directory and type in "dir " but it was not there. the only things that surface are cdrom cdrom0 | 01:33 |
jonaskoelker | when I mplayer -ao pulse *, mplayer repeatedly says "Connection died: connection terminated" and doesn't play any sound. How do I fix this? | 01:34 |
onca | thank you storbeck, I'll look for whatever it is | 01:34 |
Extreme_b | <Dr_Willis_AAO> tried on my IBM system x3650 and also my virtual machine | 01:34 |
rww | cole: do you have libpt-dev? | 01:34 |
doodle77 | how do i disable write caching on gvfs mounted filesystems? | 01:35 |
cole | rww: thats doing it, thanx muchly, your a star :) | 01:35 |
jeremie | go there>>> #cool | 01:36 |
Extreme_b | <Dr_Willis_AAO> i have tried ... the problem that i am facing is that i went to /media directory and type in "dir " but it was not there. the only things that surface are cdrom cdrom0 | 01:36 |
mfdavid | hi all. Im trying to run phpmysql. But when I try to access localhost/phpmyadmin, it tries to SAVE the file (.phtml.part)... weird... any tips? | 01:36 |
mib_xxa83s | _bernz_ , are you at the keyboard? | 01:36 |
=== rww_ is now known as rww | ||
spiongraz | how can i change the default output that pulseaudio uses to output audio? | 01:38 |
storbeck | Anybody know how to set mocp to use a specific theme all the time? | 01:38 |
Extreme_b | hi. would like to ask if ubuntu have a list of what file is dependancy on what file ? | 01:38 |
dougl | I just upgraded my xbmc on my ubuntu 8.04 system now when I try to start xbmc on my second display (1080p tv) with the -fs option it complains my color depth is not 24 - but nvidia-setting says it is - any suggestions? | 01:38 |
Cool_Nick | No rule to make target `/usr/src/linux-'. Stop. | 01:38 |
Cool_Nick | ^problem I cant get past for the last 3 days | 01:39 |
Mal3ko | " | 01:39 |
Mal3ko | In other words, to find your correct MTU, you would first start with a small packet size, and then gradually increase it until you see fragmentation | 01:39 |
Mal3ko | opss | 01:39 |
Extreme_b | hi. would like to ask if ubuntu have a list of what file is dependancy on what file ? | 01:40 |
Mal3ko | "In other words, to find your correct MTU, you would first start with a small packet size, and then gradually increase it until you see fragmentation" <- what does fragmentation mean here? | 01:40 |
Mal3ko | | 01:40 |
Cool_Nick | I keep being told people make there kernels...I know they do....but why cant I find the answer to this stupid little problem | 01:41 |
phloat | I'm having trouble getting intrepid to see my wired network. Can anyone help? | 01:41 |
storbeck | If anyone is still pondering my question - nevermind. I figured it out | 01:41 |
_VIM_ | Cool_Nick: i DONT think the average Ubuntu users compiles their own Kernels, where did you hear this? | 01:41 |
CodyT07 | so i cannot use a nvidia driver with a real time kernel? | 01:42 |
storbeck | Cool_Nick: What is the command you're using? | 01:42 |
Cool_Nick | _VIM_ The half dozen times ive been asking about my kernel issues for the last few days | 01:42 |
spiongraz | Cool_Nick, nvidia driver works with real time kernel | 01:42 |
spiongraz | why shouldnt it | 01:42 |
_VIM_ | Cool_Nick: i know who you're talking bout and they use gentoo and arch for their main OS, not Ubuntu :) | 01:43 |
storbeck | Cool_Nick: sudo make menuconfig | 01:43 |
Cool_Nick | storbeck...thats using: make-kpkg clean | 01:43 |
sweettuxy | hi ^^ | 01:43 |
storbeck | Then, make && make modules_install | 01:43 |
Cool_Nick | storbeck, past that stage | 01:43 |
spiongraz | Cool_Nick, then check the config again, somethings not working, btw you need the xen stuff? | 01:44 |
doc`` | hmm having some problems with the volume control, cant get the channels to stick together and cant get the right volume to be shown. | 01:44 |
Cool_Nick | storbeck, already done that...I then get issues with the initrd not booting past 'waiting for filesystem' | 01:44 |
Cool_Nick | spiongraz, is that another apt-get I have to do? | 01:44 |
storbeck | Cool_Nick: If you've already done make && make modules_install - then that's all you need to do | 01:44 |
storbeck | Then just add the new bzImage into your boot loader | 01:44 |
Cool_Nick | storbeck, that doesnt make an initrd | 01:44 |
storbeck | pfft, You don't need an initrd | 01:45 |
Cool_Nick | storbeck, so I use the mkinitramfs... | 01:45 |
spiongraz | Cool_Nick, apt-get? just delete the xen stuff from the kernel config, and try again... | 01:45 |
Cool_Nick | spiongraz, Thats using make oldconfig | 01:45 |
spiongraz | Cool_Nick, use make xconfig | 01:45 |
Cool_Nick | spiongraz, I tried putting no to all the xen options in the kernel and still get the xen error | 01:45 |
storbeck | I have never once needed an initrd | 01:45 |
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crdlb | you need an initrd unless you made sure to compile everything needed to read the root fs into the kernel | 01:45 |
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jonaskoelker | no one cares to try to answer my question? | 01:46 |
C-S-B | i use a couple of drivers, b43 and sta for my broadcom wireless, the sta always stays in the hardware drivers menu but b43 will disapear and I have to modprobe it again and restart to get it show | 01:46 |
jonaskoelker | when I mplayer -ao pulse *, mplayer repeatedly says "Connection died: connection terminated" and doesn't play any sound. How do I fix this? | 01:46 |
kitche | jonaskoelker: don't use a * | 01:46 |
jeremie | kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk | 01:46 |
jeremie | k | 01:46 |
jeremie | k | 01:46 |
Cool_Nick | storbeck, what do I put in the menu.list instead of the initrd option? | 01:46 |
jeremie | k | 01:46 |
FloodBot3 | jeremie: Please don't flood, use to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 01:46 |
jonaskoelker | kitche: okay. The same thing happens when I play just a single file | 01:46 |
jonaskoelker | kitche: and also, why not use a *? | 01:47 |
storbeck | Cool_Nick: I can't help you with Grub. I'm an old school lilo-er :P | 01:47 |
CarlFK | holla@dhcp246:~$ DISPLAY=:0 ev_calibrate; XLoadQueryFont: failed loading font '*freemono*' | 01:47 |
jonaskoelker | kitche: assuming it only matches *mp3... | 01:47 |
spiongraz | Cool_Nick, jesus how are you building the kernel? i hope you build a debian package? | 01:47 |
CarlFK | where can I find that font? | 01:47 |
storbeck | I think you can use the old initrd though | 01:47 |
Cool_Nick | storbeck, you bypass initrd with ubuntu? | 01:47 |
storbeck | Yes | 01:47 |
Cool_Nick | spiongraz, I try ubuntu way and keep getting stuck with that XEN. non ubuntu way gets me stuck at initrd | 01:48 |
josephlegarreta | g | 01:48 |
huwenfeng | i got a laptop, and i got a 19 inches display, how can i tell Ubuntu to use the two screen the same time ? | 01:48 |
maxagaz | why the MTU of a server shouldn't be too high ? | 01:48 |
phloat | I'm having some trouble getting intrepid to see a wired network. Can anyone help? | 01:48 |
huwenfeng | i mean, i can got two screen showing different infomation! | 01:48 |
storbeck | !ask | phloat | 01:48 |
ubottu | phloat: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) | 01:48 |
crdlb | huwenfeng: what video card? | 01:49 |
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huwenfeng | crdlb: GMA 4500 | 01:49 |
Cool_Nick | spiongraz, I think my problem is the fact that the kernel does NOT come with that something ubuntu adds to the kernel? if so where do I get it? | 01:49 |
spiongraz | Cool_Nick, only use ubuntu way on ubuntu pls. and just kick the xen stuff out of your config, with make menuconfig, for example, but make xconfig is more convenient, altho youll need some libqt package, dont know the right name, google can help you, in make xconfig you can search your config for xen stuff. its nice | 01:49 |
crdlb | huwenfeng: you want them to show the same thing or not? | 01:49 |
spiongraz | Cool_Nick, no thats not your problem | 01:49 |
huwenfeng | crdlb: not the same thing, i want one to show , for example, firefox, the other show the x-terminal or play movies | 01:50 |
phloat | storbeck: I didn't ask to ask a question. I said i'm having trouble with my network. I'm running Intrepid, and though I'm on a wired network, the computer won't connect. | 01:50 |
Cool_Nick | spiongraz, will mcedit the .config and remove all lines with xen be good enough? | 01:50 |
crdlb | huwenfeng: have you looked in Screen Resolution and made sure Mirror Screens isn't enabled? | 01:50 |
storbeck | phloat: You're asking a generic question. You will get more help if you say exactly what is not working. Error messages are a big plus. | 01:50 |
spiongraz | Cool_Nick, i wouldnt do that for several reasons, why dont you just use a tool especially made for that. | 01:51 |
Cool_Nick | I don't know where to find it in make menuconfig | 01:51 |
ari_stre1s | hi, can we change the modified time of a file? | 01:51 |
storbeck | Cool_Nick: use / | 01:51 |
Cool_Nick | My kernel does NOT have a xen Im thinking the options might not be showing up | 01:52 |
crdlb | ari_stre1s: touch it? | 01:52 |
huwenfeng | crdlb: what ? my resolution is 1280 800, and in the Screen Resolution, i have not see "Mirror screen" , i saw "Clone Screens" . Is that what you mean? | 01:52 |
crdlb | huwenfeng: yes, it says mirror here, but that might be a change in jaunty | 01:52 |
crdlb | same thing though | 01:52 |
storbeck | aitd: touch -t 200808150000.00 filename | 01:53 |
huwenfeng | crdlb: oh, i enabled it , now , they show the same thing! | 01:54 |
ari_stre1s | thanks storbeck | 01:54 |
crdlb | huwenfeng: err, what exactly happens when it's not enabled? | 01:54 |
huwenfeng | crdlb: it does not detect the Screen, the Screen is black. | 01:55 |
huwenfeng | crdlb: i mean, i did not use the independent screen ever, and now i want to use it to show more things. i mean show different things on the two screen, | 01:56 |
storbeck | huwenfeng: Did you reconfigure X? | 01:56 |
storbeck | It's no surprise that it doesn't work if all you did was plug it in | 01:57 |
crdlb | storbeck: that's not true | 01:57 |
axisys | dpkg --get-selections provides complete list of all pkgs intsalled on a system ? | 01:58 |
crdlb | XRandR 1.2 should make it work automagically | 01:58 |
storbeck | crdlb: Sometimes it does auto-detect it, and sometimes not | 01:58 |
crdlb | huwenfeng: pastebin the output of 'xrandr' | 01:58 |
huwenfeng | storbeck: no, i did not. | 01:58 |
storbeck | huwenfeng: pastebin your dmesg | 01:58 |
storbeck | Also pastebin lspci | 01:59 |
huwenfeng | | 01:59 |
huwenfeng | | 02:00 |
storbeck | Is LVDS your 2nd monitor? | 02:00 |
crdlb | LVDS is the laptop panel | 02:00 |
huwenfeng | oh, now , the two screen just shows the same thing. | 02:00 |
felixsulla | What character designates a comment in defaults.list? | 02:01 |
storbeck | 20.752170] ata1.00: ATA-8: FUJITSU MHZ2160BH G2, 8909, max UDMA/100 | 02:01 |
storbeck | Which monitor is that? | 02:01 |
J-_ | Partition permissions, I need some help. | 02:01 |
perlsyntax | Is there a link to install python 2.6 on ubuntu 8.10? | 02:02 |
crdlb | storbeck: that's a HDD | 02:02 |
huwenfeng | VGA is the independent screnn | 02:02 |
huwenfeng | and LVDS is the screen of my laptop | 02:02 |
felixsulla | What character designates a comment in defaults.list? | 02:03 |
storbeck | Ahah, yep. you're right crdlb. It's been a long day :P | 02:03 |
huwenfeng | hehe | 02:03 |
perlsyntax | Has anyone install python 2.6 in the software source? | 02:03 |
syncping | is this all real user ? | 02:03 |
fosco__ | felixsulla, # | 02:03 |
syncping | or fake bot ? | 02:03 |
huwenfeng | so how can i set them to use the two | 02:03 |
crdlb | huwenfeng: it should be as simple as clicking on both monitors and clicking Enable | 02:04 |
crdlb | I don't have a monitor nearby to try it myself | 02:04 |
storbeck | huwenfeng: Try this: xrandr --output VGA --preferred --right-of LVDS | 02:05 |
mezy | hi | 02:05 |
huwenfeng | storbeck: xrandr: screen cannot be larger than 1280x1280 (desired size 2560x1024) | 02:05 |
huwenfeng | storbeck: this is the output | 02:06 |
crdlb | :/ | 02:06 |
storbeck | Wow, that's a large resolution | 02:06 |
storbeck | Change it to 1280x1280 | 02:06 |
crdlb | huwenfeng: pastebin your /var/log/Xorg.0.log | 02:06 |
crdlb | that's the total combined it's talking about | 02:06 |
crdlb | even the old 945 can do 2048x2048, so something is wrong | 02:07 |
junglecrazd1 | hello. i have a .tar.gz which i decompressed. and am having h*ll installing the driver which is located inside the file. | 02:07 |
junglecrazd1 | any help? | 02:07 |
huwenfeng | | 02:07 |
felixsulla | Is there a defaults.list that is user specific, rather than system wide? | 02:08 |
mezy | can someone tell me why i cant use usb creater to make a bootable usb for 8.04? | 02:08 |
Louis | This might be a bit of an esoteric question, but I'm running an FTP server that is serving data for a research project. The data is currently stored in the proprietary format for SPSS, but can also be saved as an excel document, xml, or a number of other formats. My question is this: Since as many as 3 other people will be manipulating this data, is there a way to ensure that one person's changes don't get overwritten? Ideall | 02:09 |
Louis | y, I'd like for there to be a master copy to which all changes get merged. Is this possible? | 02:09 |
doodle77 | felixsulla: ~/.local/share/applications/defaults.list | 02:09 |
crdlb | huwenfeng: wc -l /etc/X11/xorg.conf | 02:10 |
storbeck | Louis: You could write a script for it | 02:10 |
rvn | i am trying to connect a serial console to a linux box | 02:10 |
rvn | i run "getty 9600 /dev/ttyS00 nodetach" | 02:10 |
rvn | and after a few seconds it dumps me back to a prompt | 02:10 |
rvn | adn the terminal isnt connecting at all | 02:10 |
junglecrazd1 | got the pixma mp190. went to the europe canon website and downloaded the debian drivers. decompressed the .tar.gz file but don't know how to install the files after they are decompreseed. | 02:10 |
rvn | comp only has one serial port, and its detected | 02:10 |
Louis | storbeck: lol, I'm not sure i'd know how to | 02:10 |
Chaorain | I am installing an updated ubuntu. Since I want to tes it first I made a seperate partition for the main install but they will be using the same /var directory for my MythTV media. Both builds are based on 8.10. I will probably only boot to the old ubuntu once or twice. The installer says "The file System on /dev/sdc3 assigned to /var has not been marked for formatting. Directories containing sytems files that already exist under any defined mountpo | 02:11 |
yoyoned1 | doodle77: use version control like bzr or git | 02:11 |
remi | anyone with an intel x4500hd card with ubuntu? | 02:11 |
felixsulla | doodle77: Do I need to copy everything from the /usr version or can i just add to my local one and have it "overwrite" the /usr defaults? | 02:11 |
Louis | storbeck: i was hoping for some sort of revision control | 02:11 |
taylor_ | Ubuntu rocks! All I wish was that Wine supported Adobe Photoshop :) | 02:11 |
kitche | Chaorain: you can't share a /var | 02:11 |
Louis | but i've never had to do anything like this | 02:11 |
doodle77 | felixsulla: only add your local one | 02:11 |
Louis | taylor_: i think it does | 02:11 |
yoyoned1 | Louis: bzr or git | 02:12 |
storbeck | Louis: check out subversion | 02:12 |
doodle77 | taylor_: try virtualbox in seamless mode, if you have a windows disk | 02:12 |
Louis | yoyoned1: do those have to be aware of the filetype? | 02:12 |
Chaorain | kitche, but will my media be deleted? | 02:12 |
yoyoned1 | no | 02:12 |
Louis | storbeck: thanks. i will | 02:12 |
huwenfeng | | 02:12 |
doodle77 | yoyoned1: wrong person? | 02:12 |
huwenfeng | storbeck: | 02:13 |
huwenfeng | crdlb: | 02:13 |
yoyoned1 | doodle77: yeah, sorry\ | 02:13 |
NCommander | O_o; | 02:13 |
crdlb | huwenfeng: that works too :) | 02:13 |
huwenfeng | this is my /etc/X11/xorg.conf file | 02:13 |
NCommander | WTF is -J? | 02:13 |
Louis | yoyoned1: how do those compare to subversion? | 02:13 |
taylor_ | nah; CS3 just doesn't want to run well :) | 02:13 |
doodle77 | yoyoned1: unless you're trying to tell me to make a patch, which i might do if i actually have time at some point | 02:13 |
kitche | NCommander: -J can be anything ask your real question instead of a generic one | 02:13 |
huwenfeng | now , the system detect two screen, but they show the same thing. | 02:13 |
crdlb | huwenfeng: just a guess, but maybe hardy doesn't fully support the 4500 | 02:13 |
NCommander | kitche, w.r.t to IRC | 02:13 |
NCommander | I've never seen +J/-J on freenode before. | 02:14 |
crdlb | huwenfeng: try asking #intel-gfx about the error you got | 02:14 |
kitche | NCommander: a limit | 02:14 |
crdlb | NCommander: it throttles the join rate | 02:14 |
kitche | NCommander: if you never seen it on Freenode then you have not been on freenode very often | 02:14 |
Chaorain | What just happened? all those people just left and came back | 02:14 |
crdlb | but it doesn't handle netsplits well, so the bots unset it | 02:14 |
NCommander | kitche, I don't op on this server. | 02:14 |
storbeck | kitche: He's referring to 21:13 :: ServerMode/#ubuntu [+o FloodBot3] by | 02:15 |
storbeck | err | 02:15 |
storbeck | the one above that | 02:15 |
kitche | storbeck: I know what he means | 02:15 |
kitche | NCommander: you don't haev to op to see that but thena gain your off-topic | 02:15 |
rvn | i am trying to connect a serial console to a linux box | 02:15 |
rvn | i run "getty 9600 /dev/ttyS00 nodetach" | 02:15 |
rvn | and after a few seconds it dumps me back to a prompt | 02:16 |
rvn | and after a few seconds it dumps me back to a prompt | 02:16 |
rvn | adn the terminal isnt connecting at all | 02:16 |
rvn | comp only has one serial port, and its detected | 02:16 |
storbeck | !enter | rvn | 02:16 |
ubottu | rvn: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! | 02:16 |
crdlb | huwenfeng: I mean the "screen cannot be larger than 1280x1280" error, btw | 02:16 |
Flannel | rvn: Please stop using the enter key as punctuation | 02:16 |
rvn | i am trying to connect a serial console to a linux box, i run "getty 9600 /dev/ttyS00 nodetach", and after a few seconds it dumps me back to a prompt, the terminal isnt connecting at all, comp only has one serial port, and its detected | 02:17 |
Chaorain | kitche, will my media be deleted when I upgrade? | 02:17 |
linny1 | Chaorain upgrade what | 02:18 |
Louis | has anybody ever used Unison File Synchronizer? | 02:19 |
kitche | Chaorain: like I said you can not share a /var between distros unless you want the logs to be overwritten among other things | 02:19 |
Loganhoup | Does anyone know about getting program added into the repos? | 02:20 |
Out_Cold | what command lists my drivers and hardware? | 02:20 |
cdavis | Out_Cold: lspci I think is one way | 02:20 |
Jufis | do I need KDE to run PokerTH? | 02:20 |
Out_Cold | that was the one.. | 02:20 |
Out_Cold | soo many commands hard to remember which is which | 02:21 |
cdavis | Out_Cold: dmesg is another good way to try to see what drivers have been loaded | 02:21 |
Jufis | ops, wrong channel | 02:21 |
linny1 | Jufis: no | 02:21 |
Out_Cold | dmesg is better with grep though right? | 02:21 |
remi | does anyone here run Ubuntu with an Intel X4500HD graphic card? | 02:21 |
innociv | What VPS do you guys use? | 02:21 |
Jufis | linny1, you sure? I thought that K-sign next to it's name in Add/Remove Applications meant that it needs KDE | 02:22 |
storbeck | innociv: virtuozzo | 02:22 |
Chaorain | kitche, Ok I understand I can't swap back and forth but if I just ipdate will it delete everything or leave my videos alone? | 02:22 |
crdlb | remi: huwenfeng is running hardy with a 4500 apparently; why do you ask? | 02:22 |
innociv | i'm using linode. Found an incrediably cheap one, cometvps, but don't know WHY it's so cheap | 02:22 |
linny1 | Jufis:it may install som libs but it will still work fine i use kde and gnome apps and i use openbox | 02:22 |
innociv | i mean the actual host o_O | 02:23 |
Ed54 | I'm having trouble getting my agere modem working in ubuntu. It's not recognized, and i can't get martian to work | 02:23 |
kitche | innociv: your off topic go to #ubuntu-offtopic to ask your question but really if you don't know why they are cheap then you don't use VPS very much then | 02:23 |
remi | crdlb: i've been looking to buy this dell laptop, but it only comes with this specific card. and I've been reading a lot of negative things about it (and the intel xorg driver) so I wanted to make sure it would work correctly with Ubuntu. | 02:24 |
innociv | Kitche? Eh? I mean why is it half the price of my current one, not why are vps cheaper than dedicated. But alright | 02:24 |
Ed54 | any help on getting martian to work? i've followed the instructions and i still get an error with modprobe | 02:24 |
kitche | innociv: like I said you must not use VPS very much or know hte differences between different VPS's | 02:25 |
storbeck | 21:13 :: ServerMode/#ubuntu [+o FloodBot3] by | 02:25 |
storbeck | whoops, sorry. | 02:25 |
huwenfeng | #intel-glx | 02:25 |
innociv | Well that's what I meant. I tmustbe cheap because it's gimped.. | 02:25 |
storbeck | innociv: Just call the hosting provider for more info. </off topic> | 02:26 |
crdlb | remi: you'd have to ask him, but it seems to be working except for multihead (it looks like the intel driver may still max out at 2048 by default even though the H/W is capable of more) | 02:26 |
fearful | anyone know why I'm getting distorted sound with ubuntu 8.10 and Rhythm box | 02:26 |
storbeck | distorted sound? | 02:26 |
fearful | storbeck, yes when I put my volume all the way up theres a slight distortion | 02:27 |
storbeck | Probably because your volume is all the way up... | 02:27 |
RHorse | fearful: I've had that on a Toshiba lappie | 02:27 |
Mox` | how do I give a computer a static ip when it connects to my dhcp server? | 02:28 |
fearful | RHorse, any fix? | 02:28 |
=== caplink811-log is now known as caplink811_log | ||
RHorse | I never could fix it | 02:28 |
zhjawe | Does anyone know how can i open .sit file in ubuntu? | 02:28 |
Zopiac | I had no problem with my Toshiba | 02:28 |
storbeck | zhjawe: What kind of file is it? | 02:28 |
zhjawe | storbeck:it is a compress file in MAC. | 02:29 |
C-S-B | Mox`, either by setting a fixed ip on the router for that pc's mac address or by setting the ip on your pc with the correct dns and gateway addresses | 02:29 |
Mox` | C-S-B the first solution, fixed ip on my router, how? | 02:30 |
linny1 | zhjawe: any help ? | 02:30 |
doodle77 | Mox`: if your dhcp server runs linux, | 02:30 |
Mox` | doodle77, thanks | 02:30 |
storbeck | zhjawe: | 02:31 |
RHorse | fearful: it would seem the output of the soundcard is too powerful for the amp | 02:31 |
Chaorain | I was told that if I make a seperate partition and move the contents of /home to the new partition and after a new install set the partition to /home all my settings will be preserved but I would need to reinstall the programs. is this correct? | 02:31 |
Out_Cold | so how do i find what driver is installed for my ethernet? | 02:31 |
fearful | RHorse, never happend before tho | 02:31 |
zhjawe | linny1: storbeck:OH,Thank you very much. | 02:32 |
C-S-B | most dhcp servers on routers or servers allow you to state that a certain mac will only get an allocated ip | 02:32 |
storbeck | np | 02:32 |
mar | anyone know how to figure out which application is using the soundcard (artsd)? | 02:32 |
werdnum | hi! | 02:32 |
RHorse | fearful: does it sound like clipping? | 02:32 |
werdnum | If I add a 1 TB drive to a computer and want to turn it into a media player, what's my best option? | 02:32 |
fearful | RHorse, yes kind of | 02:32 |
Out_Cold | the ubuntu media distro? | 02:33 |
Ed54 | I'm having trouble getting my agere modem working in ubuntu. It's not recognized, and i can't get martian to work | 02:33 |
Ed54 | I'm having trouble getting my agere modem working in ubuntu. It's not recognized, and i can't get martian to work | 02:33 |
linny1 | werdnum: tou mean like a media centre ? myth tv | 02:33 |
Ed54 | sorry about flood | 02:33 |
werdnum | Ideally, I'd like to boot it up and be able to control it from a laptop or iPhone | 02:33 |
Ed54 | any help on getting martian to work? i've followed the instructions and i still get an error with modprobe | 02:33 |
RHorse | fearful: I was able to get it to sound ok, when I turned down the pcm control, but it was lower than I'd have liked | 02:33 |
werdnum | (web-browser based?) | 02:33 |
maxagaz | mysql 5.1 isn't compiled for ubuntu ? | 02:33 |
crdlb | werdnum: mpd + a web client like phpmp | 02:34 |
fearful | RHorse, yes, I'm testing that gotta drop it almost half way to sound ok, but now the sound ain't as good in volume :s | 02:34 |
linny1 | werdnum: i dont know much about myth tv but its likely to have those features try there irc or google you could also lookinto xbmc | 02:34 |
* werdnum googles mpd | 02:34 | |
crdlb | werdnum: that's music-only though | 02:35 |
bmk789 | do i have to do something special to install libapache-authcookie-perl? | 02:35 |
werdnum | crdlb: ah | 02:35 |
werdnum | that's a deal-breaker | 02:35 |
slerder | Hey guys Im going to upgrade to 4gb of ram and am going to install ubuntu 64 bit edition (currently have 2gb). I just wanted to know hos big my swap partition should be. (I think I read somewhere it should be 3x my ram size) Thanks | 02:35 |
werdnum | I specifically want it for video | 02:35 |
nicklas_ | yo | 02:35 |
linny1 | werdnum: you could set up vlc to easyly stream stuff | 02:35 |
RHorse | fearful: what kind of box are you running? | 02:35 |
=== Guest50731 is now known as Bruceee | ||
fearful | RHorse, ubuntu 8.10 on a HP Pavillion dv6000 | 02:36 |
kitche | slerder: umm maybe half of your ram if you really don't do suspend or something | 02:36 |
fearful | RHorse, but its only on certaint notes or peaks of songs | 02:37 |
nicklas_ | anyone using enlightenment? | 02:37 |
werdnum | linny1: Not after streaming. I'll sync all my video files to a 1 TB hard disk attached to it | 02:37 |
kitche | nicklas_: what about it since you didn't really ask a question | 02:37 |
werdnum | linny1: but yeah, VLC would be nice it already has the web interface | 02:37 |
b1n42y | slerder, you can have no swap !! | 02:38 |
b1n42y | slerder, unless you know of a specific app which specifically rewuires it | 02:38 |
linny1 | werdnum: look at xbmc im certian that has a web interface | 02:38 |
linny1 | werdnum:myth tv prolly had too but im not sure | 02:39 |
jepitan | tanggerang_boy | 02:39 |
linny1 | *hads | 02:39 |
jmadero | anyone around that can help with USB sound card? | 02:39 |
linny1 | lol *has | 02:39 |
b1n42y | slerder, i have 2gb on my laptop, multiple applications open, amarok heaps of tabs in firefox, gimp etc etc and still had spare ram | 02:39 |
slerder | b1n42y rignt now i see that 127 MB of my 6 gb are being used... | 02:39 |
nicklas_ | kitche: im using moonOS, ubuntu based but with lxde+enlightenment instead of gnome+metacity/compiz .... i have tried eee-applet, a couple of scripts, but still cant get hotkeys to work, any ideas? | 02:39 |
slerder | dont know what app is using it though... | 02:39 |
mikeman1 | Anyone use an aircard here? Im looking to buy one that works well with ubuntu, googling gave me some mix results with older version of ubuntu. | 02:39 |
werdnum | linny1: thanks for the pointers :) | 02:40 |
b1n42y | slerder, im sure theres a command to find out, not sure what it is | 02:40 |
RHorse | fearful: This link looks interesting: | 02:40 |
b1n42y | you can always format that partition to something else and see if everything runs, but theres no way id even have a swap enabled if i had 4 gb , i odnt have a swap for 2gb ram | 02:41 |
b1n42y | slerder, the old 2.5 * ram is back in the day when ram was expensive | 02:41 |
nicklas_ | anyone else?: im using moonOS, ubuntu based but with lxde+enlightenment instead of gnome+metacity/compiz .... i have tried eee-applet, a couple of scripts, but still cant get hotkeys to work, any ideas? | 02:42 |
b1n42y | slerder, but yeah if you want to hibernate then you will need equal swap of your memory | 02:42 |
slerder | b1n42y thanks for all youre help... ill look into it some more.. I never hibernate though. thanks | 02:43 |
b1n42y | slerder, suspend works great without swap ;p | 02:43 |
Loganhoup | Does anyone know about getting a program of mine added into the repos? If this is toff topic please direct me to a more suitable channel. Thank You. | 02:43 |
b1n42y | !developers | 02:44 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about developers | 02:44 |
_VIM_ | Loganhoup: maybe #Ubuntu-devs or is it -dev | 02:44 |
_VIM_ | one of those | 02:44 |
b1n42y | !development | 02:44 |
ubottu | Interested in becoming an Ubuntu Developer? Get started here: | 02:44 |
Loganhoup | THank you | 02:44 |
b1n42y | np | 02:44 |
Loganhoup | Thank you* | 02:44 |
fearful | RHorse, oh joy I did something awful now I can't mute with my quickplay buttons | 02:44 |
jmadero | anyone know anything about USB sound cards? | 02:44 |
Loganhoup | VIM its #ubuntu-devel | 02:45 |
_VIM_ | doh | 02:45 |
RHorse | fearful: you had those working? Cool! | 02:45 |
JKcomputer | Running Intreped Ibex i386, and I'm trying to install updates, but when I click on "Install Updates", it doesn't seem to start. Any ideas? | 02:46 |
fearful | RHorse, my buttons can't control sound any more:S | 02:46 |
RHorse | fearful: what did you change? | 02:47 |
fearful | RHorse, from pulseaudio to ALSA then did killall alsa, I reverted by selecting them to autodetect and restarted pulseaudio and nothing | 02:47 |
linny1 | JKcomputer: what happens if you do sudo apt-get update;sudo apt-get upgrade | 02:47 |
RHorse | Did alsa improve things? | 02:48 |
fearful | RHorse, kinda, but it will be annoying not to have my buttons working! | 02:48 |
Githlar | Woah! Hello everybody! | 02:48 |
linny1 | Githlar: hello | 02:48 |
jmadero | no one here can help with my 5.1 USB sound card :( | 02:48 |
jmadero | ? | 02:48 |
kitche | nicklas_: not really since I do not use any applets with my enlightenment | 02:49 |
RHorse | The buttons are a luxury - the sound is the thing. ;) | 02:49 |
fearful | RHorse, on the system > preferences > sound changed them to alsa mixer and then sudo killall pulseaudio | 02:49 |
mlbarnes | I am using Ubuntu 8.10 and have setup an email server using amavis with clamd. I am getting this error in my mail.log. amavis[5459]: (05459-08) (!!)ClamAV-clamd av-scanner FAILED : CODE(0xa33b088) unexpected , output="/var/lib/amavis/tmp/amavis-20090301T183709-05459/parts: lstat() failed. ERROR\n" at (eval 98) line 527. How do I correct this? | 02:49 |
fearful | RHorse, to be honest it wasn't much help | 02:49 |
bonobo | hello there, i have a russian srt file, but it seems that my computer can't read cyrilllic stuff, how do i mend it? | 02:50 |
RHorse | No distortion with alsa? | 02:50 |
linny1 | JKcomputer: did you manage to update from terminal ? | 02:50 |
fearful | RHorse, yes distortion, and the buttons try and lower/mute volume but nothing happens the bar won't move | 02:50 |
jmadero | system-> administration -> language support | 02:50 |
nicklas_ | ok | 02:50 |
jmadero | fearful, did you check your configs in system-> preferences ->keyboard shortcuts? | 02:50 |
mikeman1 | Anyone use an aircard here? Im looking to buy one that works well with ubuntu, googling gave me some mix results with older version of ubuntu. | 02:51 |
n2diy | bonobo, at the login screen there is an options button, you can change your lang. there. | 02:51 |
RHorse | Yes, I suspect hardware incompatibility in this case. IMO | 02:51 |
fearful | jmadero, ... they try and work I see the window with the volume pop up | 02:51 |
fearful | RHorse, how can I check if I'm using ALSA or PulseAudio | 02:51 |
=== root is now known as Guest79973 | ||
sug1 | how do i browser files over the network in Xubuntu? | 02:52 |
fearful | RHorse, I can live with the sound problem lowering the PCM but the buttons are a must :O | 02:52 |
jmadero | fearful, run alsamixer and see if something comes up | 02:53 |
jmadero | if it does | 02:53 |
jmadero | you're using alsa | 02:53 |
mlbarnes | I am using Ubuntu 8.10 and have setup an email server using amavis with clamd. I am getting this error in my mail.log. amavis[5459]: (05459-08) (!!)ClamAV-clamd av-scanner FAILED : CODE(0xa33b088) unexpected , output="/var/lib/amavis/tmp/amavis-20090301T183709-05459/parts: lstat() failed. ERROR\n" at (eval 98) line 527. How do I correct this? | 02:53 |
Guest79973 | hi | 02:53 |
fearful | jmadero, well it always came up before too | 02:53 |
RHorse | fearful: I dunno. Try aplay and look at the output | 02:53 |
jmadero | well I was almost positive alsa uses pulse | 02:53 |
jmadero | because you can't install alsa without pulse stuff also | 02:53 |
fearful | RHorse, pastebin? the result | 02:54 |
tritium | jmadero: sure you can | 02:54 |
jmadero | oh, that's news to me | 02:54 |
njero | hey all, is there a preference between apache2-threaded-dev and apache2-prefork-dev | 02:54 |
tritium | jmadero: a default ubuntu install has alsa, with the pulse audio server | 02:54 |
jmadero | every time I install I get pulse also | 02:54 |
jmadero | ohh | 02:54 |
jmadero | gotcha | 02:54 |
fearful | RHorse, nothing happens with aplay | 02:54 |
jmadero | tritium, do you know anything about USB sound cards? | 02:54 |
RHorse | the output might tell you what hwi you're using | 02:54 |
jmadero | I'm getting a tad bit frustrated | 02:54 |
tritium | jmadero: nope, sorry | 02:54 |
jmadero | damn | 02:54 |
jmadero | thanks | 02:54 |
FloodBot3 | jmadero: Please don't flood, use to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 02:54 |
mlbarnes | Here is a post of my error and what I need help with. | 02:55 |
fearful | RHorse, there is no output | 02:55 |
archer | ok, IRC is a new thing for me, but i'm trying to find help getting a tv tuner card to work, anyone knowledgeable on the topic? | 02:56 |
tonsofpcs | archer: #v4l | 02:56 |
jmadero | archer, what card? | 02:56 |
storbeck | !tv | 02:56 |
ubottu | has extensive information about using TV cards under Linux. Available viewers for analog cards: Zapping, tvtime (GTK/GNOME), kdetv (KDE), xawtv, motv. For digital cards: Me-TV (GNOME), Klear (KDE), dvb-utils. For both analog and digital cards, !MythTV is a powerful framework. Your card may work the !IVTV drivers. See also !TV-Out | 02:56 |
RHorse | you tried playing a .wav file? | 02:56 |
archer | it's a hauppauge HVR-1600 | 02:56 |
kb3ien | not having much love from kde or gnome on the g4/800 laptop. Any recomened distro for that hardware? | 02:56 |
fearful | RHorse, yes, well as I said I'll live with the sound distortion just the buttons I need them back | 02:56 |
fearful | RHorse, they are trying to work when I press the mute button it tries to mute I see the window with the sound muted but theres still sound | 02:57 |
jmadero | kb3ien, what's the problem? | 02:57 |
tritium | archer: check both the page, and the mythtv wiki page, both specific to your card | 02:57 |
fearful | RHorse, same for up/down volume | 02:57 |
Githlar | I have a bit of a predicament here. I'm trying to set up my home folder inside some kind of encrypted container (probably using TrueCrypt), however I want to have some kind of growing container (instead of a fixed-size container). Does anybody know of any way to pull this off? | 02:57 |
kb3ien | many of the apps dont load, neither Firefox nor .piphany work out the box. | 02:57 |
Githlar | Or if I could encrypt my entire FS that would be cool too =) | 02:58 |
linny1 | Githlar: wouldnt it be easyer to encrypt tthe whole partition ? | 02:58 |
RHorse | fearful: if you're brave, reinstall alsa and pulseaudio | 02:58 |
archer | tritium: i've checked them pretty thoroughly, and i've been on a few other forums and sites, nothing that can help me | 02:58 |
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fearful | RHorse, what do you mean brave? | 02:58 |
detrate | is there a way to reset my mouse from terminal? I've misaligned my axis when I tried to drag and drop an opengl window when a game was loading | 02:58 |
kb3ien | kde failed completely, but gnome at least starts most of the environment ok. | 02:58 |
linny1 | Githlar: you can encrypt the whole computer apart from /boot | 02:58 |
fearful | RHorse, something might break? | 02:58 |
tritium | archer: did you see the pages *specific* to your card? | 02:58 |
Aqui1a | Hello. I have a simple question: does WoW work well on Ubuntu? | 02:58 |
mattgyver83 | What does dpkg --configure -a do?? | 02:58 |
RHorse | yea! | 02:59 |
Githlar | linny1: Hm... So just move /boot to another partition and encrypt the whole thing? | 02:59 |
jmadero | Aqui1a, I don't like that game but supposedly it works better in ubuntu than in Windows | 02:59 |
tritium | mattgyver83: configure all pending packages that need it | 02:59 |
archer | tritium: yes, as much as possible, a lot of them were broken links though, and i couldn't find the new pages, if they exist | 02:59 |
detrate | haha, restarting the game fixed it :) | 02:59 |
linny1 | Githlar: /boot is allready a separate partition | 02:59 |
mattgyver83 | tritium thanks | 02:59 |
Githlar | linny1: Why would I even need /boot as I'd probably be using the TrueCrypt MBR. | 02:59 |
kitche | Aqui1a: look at winehq appDb it tells you it works | 02:59 |
Githlar | linny: /boot is not separate on my setup. | 02:59 |
Aqui1a | It doesn't seem to be working | 02:59 |
fearful | RHorse, how to re-install them? | 03:00 |
kb3ien | kde (metapkg) has 6 broken depenencies in 8.10 dist-upgrade didnt help. | 03:00 |
jmadero | I've seen tests between Windows and Ubuntu where Windows shows 65-80 frames per second, Ubuntu 90-100 | 03:00 |
linny1 | Githlar: why use truecrypt the encyption software is built into ubuntu | 03:00 |
linny1 | linny1: just use the alt install cd | 03:00 |
RHorse | apt-get reinstall alsa-base | 03:01 |
fearful | RHorse, reinstall invalid operatio | 03:01 |
fearful | n | 03:01 |
storbeck | apt-get --reinstall alsa-base | 03:03 |
kb3ien | what repository is kdeedu >] 4.1.1 in? | 03:04 |
kb3ien | i'd benefit from something like for ubuntu. | 03:04 |
RHorse | apt-get --reinstall install ... | 03:04 |
zch | any idea why mail() function from php would suddenly stop working after upgrade? everything is configured normally (running plesk) but mail() acts like it sends mail whilst actualy nothing happens | 03:04 |
zch | hAlp | 03:05 |
jhonnyboy | Hello does anyone know how to use Wine? I am having trouble installing software... | 03:05 |
mosfet_wow | i just installed it for the first time last night | 03:05 |
cipherSimian | jhonnyboy: what are you trying to do exactly? | 03:05 |
archer | jhonnyboy: i've used wine to some level, what are you trying to do? | 03:05 |
jhonnyboy | I am trying to install Visual Basic Express. | 03:06 |
cipherSimian | jhonnyboy: okay, so you have an installer .exe | 03:06 |
cipherSimian | ? | 03:06 |
jhonnyboy | when i click on the .exe and ask to open with Wine. It gives me the error: Unable to find a volume for extration. Please verify that you have proper permissions. | 03:06 |
storbeck | zch: Have you checked the mail logs/queue? | 03:06 |
Dr_Sneese | I have this really annoying pointer that I don't know how to get rid of. It only shows up when loading, but no matter what theme I pick it's still there, and I can't delete the pointer theme from customize appearances. | 03:07 |
Dr_Sneese | Assistance? | 03:07 |
zeta33 | hmm alsaconf tells me no supported PnP or PCI card found even though I clearly built in Intel_HDA_INTEl in the kernel | 03:07 |
jhonnyboy | cipherSimian: and i can't even mount any of my local disks now, this is weird. | 03:07 |
aaahhh | anyone use the ati fglrx 9.2 proprietary driver | 03:08 |
werdnum | Hi, how do I drop back to a terminal from my login prompt? ctrl-alt-f1 doesn't seem to work, but ctrl-alt-escape does seem to restart X | 03:08 |
Mox` | if I have 2 netcard and are rangeing 2 different ip's, can I just use host name { hardware ethernet mac; fixed-address blabla; } and then i work on both eth1 and eth2 where i'm running dhcpd? | 03:08 |
werdnum | s/login prompt/window manager login prompt/ | 03:08 |
mosfet_wow | jhonnyboy do you need to run the wine cfg still? | 03:08 |
jhonnyboy | mosfet_wow: i have never ran it. What am i suppose to do there? | 03:09 |
jhonnyboy | Everything in the configuration has the default settings. | 03:09 |
mosfet_wow | umm let me check the command, it creates the C: drive that wine uses once you run it | 03:09 |
archer | jhonnyboy: do you know what version of Wine you are using? | 03:09 |
kitche | werdnum: ctrl+alt+f1 then login you might need to go to f2 | 03:10 |
french | can someone point me in the direction for setting up wireless, have a broadcom card i think | 03:10 |
jhonnyboy | archer: I am using Wine 1.0.1 | 03:10 |
mosfet_wow | lol just type winecfg into the terminal | 03:10 |
storbeck | !wifi | french | 03:10 |
ubottu | french: Wireless documentation can be found at | 03:10 |
mgolisch | wineprefixcreate ? | 03:11 |
mosfet_wow | just winecfg should do it | 03:11 |
jhonnyboy | I know how to get inside the configuration. | 03:11 |
archer | jhonnyboy: using the same version i've never had any issues running .exe files of any sort. also, the default settings of wine should be pretty much all you need | 03:11 |
jhonnyboy | archer: Thanks archer. | 03:11 |
jhonnyboy | archer: Why do you think i am getting that error message? | 03:11 |
jhonnyboy | archer: It can't find a volume for extraction, and Ubuntu isn't letting me mount any of my disks all of the sudden. | 03:12 |
Alex_21 | Hey, all. I need desperate help. I'm nearly at Step 9 of "" but I have no idea how to mount another hard disk I don't know the name of | 03:12 |
Alex_21 | Please | 03:12 |
zch | why oh why oh why would mail() from php stop working and therefore make zillion contact forms on sites not working and therefore making my boss gonna hang me upside down | 03:12 |
mosfet_wow | jhonnyboy do you have the .wine directory in your home directory? | 03:13 |
jhonnyboy | mosfet_wow: Yes. | 03:13 |
storbeck | zch: /join #php | 03:13 |
mib_ykaad3 | the ubuntu mainline kernel builds can be used on any release of ubuntu? even 8.04? | 03:13 |
mib_ykaad3 | i'm talking about these - | 03:13 |
Dr_Sneese | I have this really annoying pointer that I don't know how to get rid of. It only shows up when loading, but no matter what theme I pick it's still there, and I can't delete the pointer theme from customize appearances. | 03:14 |
archer | jhonnyboy: that's pretty strange, least i've never had that problem. treating the two problems as seperate, i'd make sure the .exe file is in a directory all users have read and write privlages too | 03:14 |
mosfet_wow | jhonnyboy do you have drive_c too? | 03:14 |
mosfet_wow | inside that .wine directory? | 03:14 |
jhonnyboy | mosfet_wow: Yes i do. | 03:14 |
archer | jhonnyboy: as far as the mounting issue, i've never heard of that, first thing i'd do though is restart. | 03:14 |
mosfet_wow | are you running the install exe off the CD? | 03:15 |
jhonnyboy | archer: Should i mount them before i try to install anything? | 03:15 |
Dr_Sneese | :/ | 03:15 |
jhonnyboy | archer: Also for some odd reason, when i do a warm boot from Ubuntu, my computer freezes at the BIOS/POST. This doesn't happen when i warm boot from XP though. | 03:15 |
jhonnyboy | archer: could that be Grub? | 03:16 |
archer | jhonnyboy: i wouldn't think so, grub should treat everything equally. | 03:16 |
Keith_M_ | I have the same problem | 03:17 |
jhonnyboy | Keith_M_: the warm boot problem? | 03:17 |
Keith_M_ | yes | 03:17 |
jhonnyboy | Keith_M_: It's very weird. | 03:17 |
Keith_M_ | it just sits there while the cursor flickers | 03:18 |
jhonnyboy | I have to shut down my machine in order to restart from Ubuntu | 03:18 |
opera | who can give me a sample about 'whereis command" and''whatis command" | 03:18 |
Keith_M_ | exactly | 03:18 |
Nicark | 03:18 | |
Keith_M_ | opera: you mean "which"? | 03:18 |
jhonnyboy | We'll im going to reboot, mount the drives, and then try the install. | 03:18 |
jhonnyboy | If not i don't know what else to try | 03:18 |
jhonnyboy | Thanks for all your help everyone. I should be back on to give you guys an update in a few. | 03:19 |
GeffIsLegend | anyone mind telling me why steam wont startup on my Ubuntu? | 03:19 |
kitche | GeffIsLegend: are you using wine? | 03:19 |
opera | Keith_ whereis command—Returns the location of the command and its man page. | 03:19 |
GeffIsLegend | yes im currently using wine, when i doubleclick my steam icon on the desktop it saying starting up but nothing ever happens | 03:20 |
Alex_21 | How are drives listed in the installer. I forgot to check which was drive A and which was Drive B, and now I need to know | 03:20 |
Alex_21 | Please | 03:20 |
kitche | GeffIsLegend: I suggest looking at the winehq appdb to make sure you have it configured all correctly including the fonts that need to be installed among other things | 03:21 |
GeffIsLegend | okay thanks ill look at it | 03:21 |
opera | !whereis | 03:21 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about whereis | 03:21 |
french | i am new to ubuntu, (used fedora) anyways trying to get my wifi card working, from this page i loaded those lines it said in teh source.list, but now what do i do to install it? | 03:21 |
opera | GNU | 03:21 |
opera | !GNU | 03:21 |
ubottu | G(NU's) N(ot) U(nix). A project that aimed to develop a complete operating system of Free Software, which Ubuntu is based on. See | 03:21 |
runey | I'm trying to run freenx and enlightenment on Ubuntu 8.10 | 03:22 |
GeffIsLegend | winehq appdb isnt working for me for some reason :-/ | 03:22 |
runey | no matter what settings i try in the client, the most i can get is an xterm | 03:22 |
kitche | GeffIsLegend: yeah seems down the mysql server must have broke | 03:23 |
GeffIsLegend | ooo lame :p | 03:23 |
kitche | GeffIsLegend: seems like to many people are trying to use it right now | 03:23 |
GeffIsLegend | hah makes since | 03:23 |
storbeck | GeffIsLegend: use WineDoors | 03:23 |
GeffIsLegend | what is that if i might ask? | 03:23 |
Dr_Sneese | well darn | 03:24 |
runey | Anyone here had any experience with freenx + enlightenment, or freenx in general? | 03:24 |
storbeck | It's a program for wine that installs a lot of 'common' apps. It will automatically install Steam for you | 03:24 |
storbeck | And it will install correctly ;) | 03:24 |
GeffIsLegend | oh okay thanks ^^ ill try it out now hah, should i uninstall the steam i have now ? | 03:24 |
Alex_21 | Thanks for the help | 03:24 |
Alex_21 | Good night | 03:25 |
linny1 | runey: i use freenx with openbox but it just works never had problems | 03:25 |
mgolisch | storbeck: there is winedoors and especialy for games there is playonlinux | 03:25 |
Aquahallic | evenin' folks | 03:25 |
mgolisch | storbeck: maybe one of them can install steam | 03:25 |
fearful | RHorse, didn't work | 03:26 |
Zykotic | GeffIsLegend, actually Winedoor will install steam to a different local (but uninstalling would free up the disk space) | 03:26 |
runey | linny1: which client | 03:26 |
Aquahallic | did something get screwed with firefox watching Youtube with a recent update? | 03:26 |
=== Andre_Gondim is now known as Andre_Gondim-afk | ||
GeffIsLegend | oh okay thanks Zykotic im going to do that now | 03:26 |
storbeck | mgolisch: I wasn't the one with the problem ;) | 03:26 |
tritium | !away | Andre_Gondim-afk | 03:26 |
ubottu | Andre_Gondim-afk: You should avoid noisy away messages in a busy channel like #ubuntu, or other Ubuntu channels; it causes excessive scrolling which is unfair to new users. Use the command "/away <reason>" to set your client away silently. See also «/msg ubottu Guidelines» | 03:26 |
mgolisch | storbeck: yeah just noticed that | 03:26 |
mgolisch | :) | 03:26 |
mattgyver83 | when you use nano, how do you press 'enter'? | 03:27 |
linny1 | runey: what do you mean ? i use nxserver with nx client | 03:27 |
n2diy | mattgyver83, as usual, but many of the commands don't use enter, but ctrl+X | 03:28 |
exodus_ms | I'm using gnome with no visual effects, I used devilspie to configure my terminal to be borderless with no window decorations etc... Is there a way I can use develspie to create the same effect with xchat? | 03:31 |
runey | linny1: the nomachine client? | 03:31 |
linny1 | runey:yes | 03:31 |
RHorse | fearful: same as before? | 03:32 |
fearful | RHorse, the buttons sound I don't care | 03:32 |
mgolisch | exodus_ms: why not? | 03:32 |
mgolisch | exodus_ms: should work with all windows managed by the windowmanager | 03:32 |
RHorse | fearful: there may be a driver for those things that is not loaded. do some Googling | 03:33 |
runey | linny1: what settings did you use? + what version of client | 03:33 |
fearful | RHorse, but they are working fine just not controling the sound I see the window come up | 03:33 |
RHorse | fearful: yes, the driver may need to be reconfigured | 03:34 |
exodus_ms | mgolisch, I tried to create a xchat.ds in ~/.devilspie I basically used the same configuration I used on the terminal.ds file, but after I logged off and back on, it did not work | 03:34 |
mgolisch | exodus_ms: check xchat using xprop and see if the used windowclass or whatever identifier you used is realy right | 03:34 |
fearful | RHorse, how can I check which driver? I've never had any problems with drivers everything worked fine | 03:35 |
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RHorse | fearful: google ubuntu hp laptop audio buttons or something | 03:36 |
exodus_ms | mgolisch, I need to check the (is (application_name) "xchat") and (is (window_name) "xchat") ? ok will give it a try, thanks | 03:36 |
=== Royall_ is now known as Royall | ||
=== TLM22__ is now known as The_Laughing_Man | ||
The_Laughing_Man | hello all | 03:38 |
Wildburn | hello | 03:38 |
mgolisch | exodus_ms: check using xprop if the properties used as an identifier in the devilspie script are realy right, it might not be xchat but something else | 03:38 |
ASUSBlue | hello room looking for some help with compiz the burn effect wont work it worked a few times then all of sudden stoped working need some advice | 03:38 |
exodus_ms | mgolisch, ok | 03:39 |
Wildburn | Is there anyone that could help me out with setting up xorg.conf with the whole Nvidia 96.43.xx drivers? | 03:39 |
corinth | I'm trying to copy all of my settings files and folders from my home directory to a backup drive I have. Will cp -r ~/.* do the trick? | 03:39 |
werdnum | hey | 03:39 |
werdnum | so I'm running Ubuntu with a screen through S-Video as its display | 03:39 |
keithclark | Boy, the participation level in this irc is just so good. kudos to all who help! I think it must be unprecedented, no? | 03:40 |
mgolisch | exodus_ms: like open a terminal type xprop, then click on the xchat window, it should display all the properties in the terminal | 03:40 |
werdnum | command-line stuff works fine, but when I start X, I get the display tiled in black and white across the screen 4 1/2 times | 03:40 |
crdlb | Wildburn: what do you need to set? | 03:40 |
Zykotic | ASUSBlue, what vs of ubuntu are you running? i love the burn effect, but it doesn't seem to be in 8.10? | 03:40 |
werdnum | It's an Australian TV set to NTSC-M in BIOS (which it *should* be compatible with, PAL gives a similar thing except flickering) | 03:40 |
abc123 | = | 03:40 |
Dr_Sneese | I have this really annoying pointer that I don't know how to get rid of. It only shows up when loading, but no matter what theme I pick it's still there, and I can't delete the pointer theme from customize appearances. | 03:41 |
crdlb | Zykotic: to get the burn effect, you have to enable Animation Addons now | 03:41 |
werdnum | I improved the situation by setting refresh rate to 50 Hz | 03:41 |
Wildburn | crdlb, not sure, im installing the glx from synaptic along with kernel source, and I get a glx cant initialize error in xorg.0.log and a black screen, reboot in recovery, run xfix, and get normal xorg.conf, so not sure what needs to go in to fix it, tried alot of stuff around the web but still black screen on it all | 03:41 |
exodus_ms | mgolisch, thank you was just reading the man page for xprop, got lost somewhere between "A window may be selected in one of four ways. First, if the desired window is the root window...." | 03:41 |
mezy | i need help | 03:41 |
crdlb | Wildburn: what GPU model? | 03:41 |
raevol | hey guys, if i am using slim as a login manager, and i want to start a program when it starts on boot, where should i put the commands for that? is there a place to start programs when x starts? | 03:41 |
Wildburn | geforce 2 go | 03:42 |
jmpsoftware | hi to everybody | 03:42 |
crdlb | Wildburn: heh, I have one of those | 03:42 |
mezy | hi jmpsoftware | 03:42 |
crdlb | Wildburn: ended up just using 'nv' though | 03:42 |
Wildburn | yeah its a tc-1000, figured it switch from winblows to xubuntu finally, and got everything working but nvidia | 03:42 |
Wildburn | crdlb, so no 3d accel? | 03:43 |
Tulga | someone know live tv streaming to DSS solution on ubuntu? | 03:43 |
=== fallore_ is now known as fallore | ||
Intrepid | I can't drag and drop files from file roller to nautilus. How can I fix this? | 03:43 |
Zykotic | crdlb, thanks so much :) that's awsome. been looking for that switch somewhere. ccsm is great, but there are almost too many options. | 03:43 |
exodus_ms | mgolisch, ok I have WM_CLASS(STRING) = "xchat", "Xchat" In the script I was using "xchat" | 03:43 |
crdlb | Wildburn: correct; nvidia-glx-96 worked last I tried, but it had some weird issues; like on the first X start after reboot, you'd get a screwed up screen and had to hit ctrl-alt-bksp to make it work | 03:44 |
rwparris2 | is there a way to get my startup apps to start in the 'right' workspace? | 03:44 |
rwparris2 | so I don't have to 'move to workspace right' everytime I boot up? | 03:44 |
fallore | can anyone either direct me towards a guide for or help me set up samba (making files and folders accessible to windows comps on the network) through SSH? | 03:44 |
The_Laughing_Man | does anyone here have gdoomsday? | 03:44 |
crdlb | Zykotic: not just almost :) | 03:44 |
Wildburn | crdlb, I never even get a wierd screen, just black screen, no mouse pointer or anything | 03:44 |
omg911 | so just got the new release setup and import my old files over but i notice it no longer use my desktop... my home dir is the desktop. is this normal now? | 03:45 |
crdlb | Wildburn: make sure that the linux-generic package is installed (if you're using the generic kernel) | 03:45 |
Zykotic | crdlb, i'm actually letting compiz draw my backgrounds right now, so i can have 4 different backgrounds (but i gotta say giving up the desktop is hard) | 03:45 |
The_Laughing_Man | because when i go to pick armor up it wont show up in the hud | 03:45 |
jhonnyboy | Hello everyone. | 03:46 |
jhonnyboy | Got the drives to mount, but still no Wine progress :( | 03:47 |
The_Laughing_Man | wine? | 03:47 |
The_Laughing_Man | did you install it via synaptics package manager? | 03:47 |
jhonnyboy | Yes. | 03:47 |
archer | jhonnyboy: what exactly are you trying to run/install? | 03:47 |
mezy | is there a way to replace the lock file located in var\lib\dpkg? there is something wrong with the one i have and have problems using synaptics package manager. | 03:48 |
jhonnyboy | archer: Microsoft Visual Basic Express Edition | 03:48 |
The_Laughing_Man | ohh | 03:48 |
jhonnyboy | archer: I am trying to install it. | 03:48 |
Wildburn | crldb out of curiousity, what other kernel would be installed besides generic? it looks like linux-generic is installed, same with linux-generic-headers, but linux complete generic kernel isnt installed | 03:48 |
jhonnyboy | archer: i have the vbsetup.exe on my desktop/ | 03:48 |
Wildburn | mezy have you tried apt-get | 03:48 |
The_Laughing_Man | Jhonyboy: you should use the browse C drive, then find the cd and run the install.exe or whatever | 03:48 |
wolfwalker | I have no idea what room to ask this in, so I'll ask it here | 03:49 |
crdlb | Wildburn: -server, -rt, -386. -generic is the right one though -- you can check which one you're using with 'uname -r' | 03:49 |
wolfwalker | What's a good CAD program for Ubuntu? | 03:49 |
wolfwalker | Or what room would I go to to ask said question? | 03:49 |
archer | jhonnyboy: i'm not familiar with it, but just an idea, everything i've run so far i've run off of a cd. wine might for some reason like it more if it is on a cd, just for kicks, i'd try putting the exe file on a cd and installing from that. | 03:49 |
mezy | Wildburn: not yet. im new to ubuntu, and im just starting to understand someone this | 03:49 |
eseven73 | Where do I put bash aliases? Do i have to reboot or something because I put them in /home/eseven73/.bashrc and they don;t work | 03:49 |
n2diy | wolfwalker, what flavor of CAD, for electronics go with gEDA | 03:49 |
EtFb | jhonnyboy: I'm coming in mid-conversation, and maybe you're just installing VB for laughs and to see how WINE is going... but if you're planning to do some visual programming on Linux, I recommend Gambas, which isn't quite VB compatible but is very good... | 03:50 |
porter1 | wolfwalker, there are a bunch of 2d ones for drafting | 03:50 |
The_Laughing_Man | actually archer, i have installed alot of stuff through just placing .exe inside the windows folder | 03:50 |
mgolisch | The_Laughing_Man: you a hacker? | 03:50 |
Wildburn | mezy, try sudo apt-get update from terminal | 03:50 |
porter1 | Otherwise, there aren't any 3d ones that I know of | 03:50 |
jhonnyboy | EtFb: Thanks, i actually need to VB not because i like it much, but because of school. | 03:50 |
archer | ya, i imagine that should work, but i'm just brainstorming at this point. | 03:50 |
Zykotic | eseven73, did you restart bash with a new command "$ bash"? | 03:50 |
The_Laughing_Man | mgolisch: Yes and No | 03:50 |
wolfwalker | n2diy porter1 not sure. I'm asking for someone else, and he hasn't told me yet. | 03:50 |
ASUSBlue | need help burn effect in compiz is not working all other effects work fine | 03:50 |
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eseven73 | Zykotic: nope | 03:51 |
wolfwalker | n2diy porter1 mechanical | 03:51 |
fallore | can anyone either direct me towards a guide for or help me set up samba (making files and folders accessible to windows comps on the network) through SSH? | 03:51 |
mgolisch | you like gis or is your nick not related to that? | 03:51 |
The_Laughing_Man | mgolisch: I do a fair amount of programming | 03:51 |
The_Laughing_Man | yeah i like gits | 03:51 |
EtFb | jhonnyboy: Ah well, good luck getting it to run then. I'd always just go with VMWare Server and a virtual machine running Windoze, personally. Windows 2000 is quite usable on even an older machine. | 03:51 |
Wildburn | crldb: yeah, uname -r returns 2.6.27-12-generic so I guess thats right | 03:51 |
mgolisch | still didnt see that compilatory movie of the first tv series | 03:51 |
mgolisch | :) | 03:51 |
mgolisch | i wonder if itzs worth watzching | 03:52 |
mezy | Wildburnm whoa, what happened? | 03:52 |
eseven73 | Zykotic: ty that worked :) | 03:52 |
The_Laughing_Man | You mean Solid State Society? | 03:52 |
jhonnyboy | EtFb: so you recommend i just run a Virtual Machine? Sounds resonable. | 03:52 |
kitche | !offtopic | mgolisch The_Laughing_Man | 03:52 |
ubottu | mgolisch The_Laughing_Man: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks! | 03:52 |
The_Laughing_Man | i haven't seen the new movie | 03:52 |
Mox` | hmm i get this error when I start my computer: kernel panic not syncing vfs...? how to fix? | 03:52 |
calvinyong | Hi, can anyone teach me on how do i do a network restart | 03:52 |
Othor | Jhonnyboy: i think your best bet would be to install Windows XP in a VM and run VS.Net from that | 03:52 |
Wildburn | mezy? in terminal you typed 'sudo apt-get update' without quotes? | 03:52 |
jhonnyboy | Othor: Yes i concur. | 03:52 |
mgolisch | kitche: srry, ill behave now | 03:52 |
mgolisch | :) | 03:52 |
wolfwalker | Anyone know what would be a good mechanical CAD program for Ubuntu? | 03:53 |
jhonnyboy | Is VMware a good choice to run Windows games from it? or would Wine be better in that case? | 03:53 |
kitche | calvinyong: well there is a few ways to do it either using the script or doing it by hand | 03:53 |
mgolisch | The_Laughing_Man: yeah, i guess ill just watch it | 03:53 |
mgolisch | :) | 03:53 |
Wildburn | mezy: it should refresh synaptic so its not locking files | 03:53 |
wolfwalker | Got a friend who just went all-Linux and is looking for one. | 03:53 |
Othor | Jhonnyboy: i like VirtualBox | 03:53 |
EtFb | jhonnyboy: Hell, yeah. You don't want to trust WINE to run development software like VB (or Delphi, or Visual Studio). It's not there yet. May never be. | 03:53 |
Wildburn | wolfwalker: I believe autocad has a linux version | 03:53 |
calvinyong | kitche: is there any commands to run a network restart ? | 03:53 |
jhonnyboy | Othor: I have Windows 7 Beta on VBox right now. | 03:53 |
mgolisch | Othor: yeah virtualbox isnt bad, only thing that drives me crazy is its horrible network configration stuff | 03:53 |
mezy | Wildburn: hmm.... thanks. i'll see if my problem was solved by updating a few things | 03:54 |
tritium | wolfwalker: qcad, but it's only 2D | 03:54 |
mgolisch | its a pain to setup hostinterface based networking | 03:54 |
jhonnyboy | EtFb: So what is Wine good for? I'll just run it off Vbox | 03:54 |
EtFb | jhonnyboy: VMWare Server is free (as in beer, not as in speech) and very good. | 03:54 |
The_Laughing_Man | wolfwalker: did you try Qcad? | 03:54 |
Othor | mgolisch: the new virsion of VBox has fixed most of that imo | 03:54 |
_VIM_ | Zykotic: errr I thought it worked, but now if i try to edit ~/.bashrc it just goes back to how it was before i edited it | 03:54 |
jhonnyboy | loll | 03:54 |
EtFb | jhonnyboy: WINE is fine for most stuff, but compilers and debuggers really stress any OS. | 03:54 |
rwparris2 | is there a way to get my startup apps to start in the 'right' workspace? so I don't have to 'move to workspace right' everytime I boot up? | 03:54 |
doodle77 | mgolisch: get the newer closed source version | 03:54 |
archer | EtFb: just curious, why do you say not to trust Wine with development software? | 03:54 |
tritium | The_Laughing_Man: that's what I recommended to him, if he only need 2D. | 03:54 |
Wildburn | wolfwalker: google cad linux click first link, theres about 50 programs there, give a few a try and find one that works for you | 03:54 |
Zykotic | jhonnyboy, you can't really run games in VMWare (to my knowledge) Virtualbox 2.1 does have limited 3D support, but it's nowhere near able to play 3D games - it can play Pinball pretty decently (which wine doesn't really do) but your best bet on running MS games in Linux is Wine for sure :) good luck. | 03:55 |
mgolisch | doodle77: i use vmware workstation now | 03:55 |
fallore | can anyone either direct me towards a guide for or help me set up samba (making files and folders accessible to windows comps on the network) through SSH? | 03:55 |
kitche | calvinyong: yes ifconfig down && ifconfig up && dhclient <device> that is if you use dhcp | 03:55 |
calvinyong | kitche: thanks alot | 03:55 |
jhonnyboy | Zykotic: Thanks :) | 03:55 |
EtFb | archer: Development software generally = programming language compilers and debuggers. They push a system much more than word processors, games, etc. WINE isn't a 100% perfect emulation of Windows, and 100% is generally what you need. | 03:55 |
jhonnyboy | Thank you everyone for your outstanding support :) | 03:55 |
jhonnyboy | Goodnight everyone. | 03:56 |
The_Laughing_Man | Does anyone know if you can create a first person shooter in pygame? | 03:56 |
wolfwalker | Thankee all who gave suggestions. My friend has tried qcad, and it seems he has gone down the google path. Oh well, I tried......... | 03:56 |
EtFb | jhonnyboy: I agree with Zykotic - VMWare is not so good for games, mainly cos the video drivers are very vanilla. | 03:56 |
The_Laughing_Man | or with pygame rather | 03:56 |
archer | EtFb: I would agree on that, but wouldn't you be adding stress just running an emulation? I admit i'm not really knowledgeable on the topic. | 03:56 |
Zykotic | _VIM_, are you saving the changes? | 03:56 |
eseven73 | yeah | 03:57 |
Wildburn | wolfwalker: there are versions of autocad and similar that are not free for linux but are just like windows versions | 03:57 |
EtFb | archer: Different kind of stress. You're stressing the emulation, ie demanding that it do things exactly right. The stress on your system (ie CPU, memory) is a secondary consideration. | 03:57 |
eseven73 | Zykotic: nevermind i got it :) | 03:58 |
archer | EtFb: ok, thanks, just curious. | 03:58 |
EtFb | archer: Of the four options (run in a VM; dual boot; run in an emulator; use native Linux software) I find the VM solution works best for Delphi, my Windows-only language of choice. | 03:59 |
mezy | Wildburn: i have a new problem. i couldn't install something called ''linux-image-2.6.27-7-generic'' and an error about sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg received a segmetation fault. | 04:00 |
Zykotic | archer, if your cpu supports the virtualization extensions, VMs can come close to running at native speeds | 04:00 |
Zykotic | archer, both kvm and virtualbox support that, vmware i'm not sure | 04:01 |
Wildburn | mezy, try sudo dpkg --clear-avail , then try sudo apt-get update | 04:01 |
The_Laughing_Man | Is anyone here knowledgeable with Python and Pygame? | 04:01 |
archer | I don't know virtual machines, all i've ever run is wine, if i were to use a virtual machine, would i be able to use Windows drivers for in this case my tvcard? | 04:01 |
mezy | Wildburn: sure | 04:02 |
archer | even if i had to then use a windows program to view the tv video | 04:02 |
Wildburn | archer: yes you basically install windows from a windows cd into the vm, and then run that install with all windows drivers | 04:02 |
Zykotic | archer, i doubt any virtualization could support a tvcard at all :( what kinda tvcard is it? there is good linux support for several tv cards | 04:02 |
archer | wildburn: thanks. is there a way for me to use my dual-boot XP partition in a VM? | 04:03 |
sprinkmeier_ | Wildburn, archer , not sure that'll work with a card. it might work with a USB dongle | 04:03 |
Wildburn | Zykotic:Ive run tvcards in VMware before, it just depends on what level of hardware access you allow it | 04:03 |
sprinkmeier_ | archer, not really. The 'hadware' between the two is too different, XP will keep wanting to be reactvated. | 04:03 |
archer | Zykotic, it's a hauppauge hvr-1600. i've had some weird issues with it and i've spent HOURS trying to get it to work on this computer | 04:04 |
Zykotic | Wildburn, really, wow Virtualbox does NOT support that! USB stuff works OK in VB thought | 04:04 |
Wildburn | archer: no in a virtualization you are basically using a giant swap file as the drive, and in the swap file you have windows installed | 04:04 |
fallore_ | what command can i enter through ssh to see if the computer i am connected to has samba installed? | 04:04 |
Wildburn | Zykotic: well the flip side is VMware costs a hell of a lot more | 04:04 |
archer | Wildburn: ok, thanks. | 04:05 |
n2diy | fallore, samba -v? | 04:05 |
EtFb | Wildburn: VMWare Server is zero-cost (ie free of charge, though not free/open source ) | 04:05 |
Zykotic | archer, i've got one of those working on an 8.04 htpc box for my mom. i have to manually install the driver after every kernel update, PITA, but support is scheduled for a future time :) | 04:05 |
darkhelmetlive | has anybody tried to compile ruby-1.9.1-p0 on 8.10? it's giving me nothing but headaches and the #ruby-lang folks don't have any ideas | 04:05 |
fallore_ | n2diy: command not found, that means no right? | 04:05 |
archer | if anyone could help me with the tv card i'd be much obliged. Zykotic, i can't FIND the driver, all i can find are broken links. | 04:05 |
sprinkmeier_ | Zykotic, AFAIK USB is 'passed through' to the guest OS, so the guest can load 'drivers'. (PCI) Cards need to be vritualised and presented to the guest (e.g. whatever NIC you actually have, the guest sees a virtual NIC) so unless the host supports the card the guest is SOL. | 04:05 |
Wildburn | EtFb: really? used to cost money, havent used it in a while | 04:06 |
fallore_ | n2diy: i tried sudo apt-get install samba and it told me it was already the newest version, so i guess it's installed. | 04:06 |
n2diy | fallore, thath would be my guess, I'm not real familiar with Samba | 04:06 |
The_Laughing_Man | Does anyone know if theres a flash substitute on ubuntu? | 04:06 |
Zykotic | archer, lol - i had the same problem, gimmie a second will take a look | 04:06 |
n2diy | fallore, maybe it isn't running, I'd check the man page. | 04:06 |
|kush| | anyone install ubuntu inside windows? | 04:06 |
archer | thanks | 04:06 |
mezy | man, i thought ubuntu would 'just work'. | 04:06 |
EtFb | Wildburn: They made quite a splash with VMWare Player, which is kind of like Acrobate Reader but with VMs instead of PDFs. Then they made VMWare Server free, without much fanfare. | 04:06 |
The_Laughing_Man | mezy: ubuntu does just work, unlike many other distros | 04:07 |
EtFb | The_Laughing_Man: Have you enabled Medibuntu? You can just install the standard Flash. | 04:07 |
Wildburn | EtFb: ahh yeah thats right, I recall now | 04:07 |
AlexMax | Hi there, I"m having trouble with running Ubuntu 8.10 inside virtualbox. After I update ubuntu, anytime i reboot thereafter, I can't get themes to work. | 04:07 |
AlexMax | It uses the default ugly as sin "raleigh" theme | 04:07 |
Wildburn | I feel you mezy, cant get this damn geforce 2 go to actually initialize 3d accel | 04:07 |
The_Laughing_Man | etfb: im talking about development not playback | 04:07 |
AlexMax | unless I load the theme manager | 04:07 |
Zykotic | sprinkmeier_, that's why i was amazed that vmware could do it, it would need a driver for tvcards! VB 2.1 supports 64bit guests on 32bit hosts - that boggles my mind as well. | 04:07 |
AlexMax | Then it goes back to human | 04:07 |
EtFb | The_Laughing_Man: Most of the time it does, and more often than others... but it's not perfect yet. | 04:08 |
pHreaksYcle | AlexMan: reinstall | 04:08 |
AlexMax | Why does this happen? I've been able to replicate the bug twice now | 04:08 |
AlexMax | pHreaksYcle: Done so, it's done the theme bug both times | 04:08 |
The_Laughing_Man | etfb: Medibuntu you say? | 04:08 |
pHreaksYcle | AlexMan: that's odd as all hell. | 04:08 |
mezy | The_Laughing_Man: im just frustrated with this | 04:08 |
Wildburn | Zykotic: Vmware is a bit different though in that it can actually take full control of hardware from the host OS | 04:08 |
EtFb | The_Laughing_Man: How do you mean? With Player you couldn't make new VMs, but you could use them (ie "play" them). | 04:08 |
pHreaksYcle | AlexMax: whenever ive had problems with themes being wonkey, it's because of graphics issues, every time | 04:09 |
EtFb | The_Laughing_Man: Yep, google it. Follow the repository instructions to add keys and entries and all that stuff, then use aptitude or apt-get or whatever. | 04:09 |
pHreaksYcle | AlexMax: may want to check that sector | 04:09 |
The_Laughing_Man | etfb: Its more like adobe flash 5 or the newer cs4 | 04:09 |
mezy | The_Laughing_Man: im just frustrated with this 'unpacking replacement linux-image-2.6.27-7-generic' thing/ sorry, cant type in the dark | 04:09 |
Wildburn | mezy: what are you trying to install that you need to unpack the linux iamge? | 04:10 |
EtFb | The_Laughing_Man: Exactly. If you already have a VMWare VM made by someone else, you use Player and you effectively have yourself a brand new computer inside a box. If you want to make your own, you use Server and it's pretty full-features. Gorgeous piece of software. (I'm a fan; can you tell?) | 04:10 |
fallore_ | i need help configuring samba through SSH, is anyone experienced with it? | 04:10 |
The_Laughing_Man | mezy: How can you not type in the dark? i KNOW where all my keys are | 04:10 |
The_Laughing_Man | etfb: alright ill check it out, thanks. | 04:11 |
sprinkmeier_ | fallore, ssh -X, the nuse GUI tools (if you're familiar with them) | 04:11 |
Wildburn | mezy: that image is unpacking the actual linux kernel, you shouldnt need to be doing that | 04:11 |
fallore_ | i am not, sprinkmeier_, what are they? | 04:11 |
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mezy | The_Laughing_Man: im trying as hard as i can. my dog is messing with me also | 04:11 |
sprinkmeier_ | fallore, neither am I, I use the files :-) | 04:11 |
The_Laughing_Man | mezy: uhh yeah hes right dont do that | 04:11 |
EtFb | mezy: On the internet, nobody knows your dog is a dog... | 04:11 |
sug1 | how can i change the premission of a dir to my user??? it's currently set to "nobody" | 04:11 |
sprinkmeier_ | fallore, but I haven't some much samba in ages... a bit rusty. What do you need to set up? | 04:11 |
Zykotic | archer, it's the v4l driver that you need to manually download / compile / install that will get the 1600 working :) good luck. | 04:12 |
Wildburn | lol EtFb | 04:12 |
The_Laughing_Man | sugl: edit your fstab file | 04:12 |
mezy | Wildburn: its a process that the update manager is doing. | 04:12 |
Tully | DCC SEND hugeniggersluts 0 0 0 | 04:12 |
fallore_ | sprinkmeier_: i just need to create a folder that is shared throughout the network/domain that the pc is already on that is as low into root as possible (so that there isn't a long address path). | 04:12 |
mezy | Wildburn: im just looking at the details | 04:12 |
archer | Zykotic, thanks, maybe i'll have more success now | 04:12 |
Wildburn | mezy: really? try rebooting and then just running jockey for updates | 04:12 |
The_Laughing_Man | sugl: it should be in /etc/ | 04:12 |
fallore_ | sprinkmeier_: knowing how to edit the smb.conf through ssh would be helpful as well | 04:13 |
Wildburn | mezy: is the update manager failing and halting? | 04:13 |
sug1 | The_Laughing_Man: why would it be in the fstab, it's just one dir i need the change the premission of | 04:13 |
AlexMax | pHreaksYcle: Graphics issues? | 04:14 |
sprinkmeier_ | fallore, fire up your favourite editor (vi, pico) and have a look at the conf file. towards the end there are examples of shared drives, one of those should be suitable to copy/munge/paste | 04:14 |
AlexMax | I'm installing this on a virtual machine | 04:14 |
mezy | Wildburn: frozen i guess, what is jockey anyway? | 04:14 |
fallore_ | sprinkmeier_: can't fire up an editor, i'm connected through SSH | 04:14 |
sprinkmeier_ | sugi, if the directory is a mounted filesystem (i.e. USB drive) then fstab sets the permissions/ownership. If the directory is 'normal' then use chown | 04:14 |
pHreaksYcle | AlexMan: yeah, like bad settings, you know. things borked in ur x config w/e | 04:14 |
Wildburn | mezy:jockey is the automatic update thing that tells you when new updates are available | 04:14 |
sprinkmeier_ | fallore, vi is a commans-line editor, so is pico, nano etc... (I believe nano is farly easy to use) | 04:15 |
_VIM_ | fallore that's why he said vi or pico | 04:15 |
fallore_ | i didn't understand what he meant but i do now, thanks _VIM_ and sprinkmeier_. i'm looking at it in nano now | 04:15 |
mezy | Wildburn do updates work on a live cd? | 04:16 |
AlexMax | pHreaksYcle: then why would my theme come back when i bring up the theme menu | 04:16 |
AlexMax | and this is from a CLEAN install | 04:16 |
AlexMax | i just update | 04:16 |
_VIM_ | nano :pppppt! | 04:16 |
AlexMax | then install the vbox guest addons | 04:16 |
AlexMax | and that's it | 04:16 |
Wildburn | mezy:is it an actual cd? | 04:16 |
FloodBot1 | AlexMax: Please don't flood, use to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 04:16 |
The_Laughing_Man | sugl: whoops, i misread thought you type drv not dir | 04:16 |
pHreaksYcle | AlexMax: not sure my man, just telling you my experiences. no need to get hostile | 04:16 |
sprinkmeier_ | fallore, the other way to do it is to use X tunneling, run "ssh -X username@hostname" and rhen you can start X programs on "hostname" (like gedit etc) | 04:16 |
Wildburn | mezy: since you cant write to a cd, things like unpacking the kernel and updating wont work because it cant write the updated kernel to drive | 04:17 |
panfist | how can i see what kernel version i have running | 04:17 |
AlexMax | pHreaksYcle: Not hostile :) | 04:17 |
sug1 | The_Laughing_Man: im sorry what did you say. my pidgin crashed on me | 04:17 |
mezy | Wildburn: not really, its on a usb. i only asked that because i still see the 'install' on the desktop | 04:17 |
Wildburn | mezy: for that matter not sure if live cd from something like external hard drive would allow updates either | 04:17 |
sprinkmeier_ | panfist, uname -a | 04:17 |
n2diy | panfist, uname | 04:17 |
The_Laughing_Man | sugl: whoops, i misread thought you type drv not dir | 04:17 |
panfist | what if i want to upgrade my kernel from .26 to .28 | 04:18 |
Wildburn | mezy:ok usb I know, thats how I usually install mine, it wont write to the drive on a live cd, youd need to actually go ahead and install, either to the flash drive, another flash drive or a hard drive | 04:18 |
sug1 | The_Laughing_Man: :p | 04:18 |
sprinkmeier_ | panfist, use your package manager. | 04:18 |
rww | panfist: What version of Ubuntu are you using? | 04:19 |
archer | Zykotic: i'm feeling like a bit of an idiot here, but i'm still not able to find it, and all of these links are for me failing... | 04:19 |
pHreaksYcle | AlexMax: what theme did you say it defaults to? | 04:19 |
maxagaz | how to list all the symbolic links of a directory recursively ? | 04:19 |
The_Laughing_Man | sugl: have you tried right clicking the dir then going to properties then permissions? | 04:19 |
sug1 | The_Laughing_Man: do you know how ot change premission of a dir and all the files within i? | 04:19 |
mezy | Wildburn: i wanted to use ubuntu on a usb so i wouldn't have to install it on the hdd. | 04:19 |
panfist | i'm actually running lenny... but i'm thinking of going back to ubuntu server. the last two versions of ubuntu gave me problems with raid | 04:20 |
Wildburn | mezy: ah then youd actually need to install it to the flash drive, not just run the iso with syslinux or what have you | 04:20 |
sprinkmeier_ | maxagaz, to do a recursive directory listing use "ls -R" or "find" | 04:20 |
Zykotic | archer, tisk tisk first hit of google "v4l download" = | 04:20 |
maxagaz | sprinkmeier_ and to get symbolic links ? | 04:21 |
Wildburn | mezy:how big is the flash, and do you have another? you could always use the smaller to run the livecd, then install across to the other flash drive | 04:21 |
rww | panfist: We don't support Debian here; you'd want to ask in the #debian channel (here or on OFTC) for help with that. As far as Ubuntu goes, the current stable version, Intrepid, has 2.6.27. Jaunty, which comes out in April, will have 2.6.28. | 04:21 |
_VIM_ | fallore you'll have to enable X forwarding in sshd_config, I don't beleive it's enabled by default...look for X11Forwarding and make it say X11Forwarding yes then restart ssh server | 04:21 |
ssastre | hi there, Q: I'm in ubuntu 8.04 which libary is suposed to be the glibc in ubuntu? (I mean the binary) | 04:21 |
sug1 | The_Laughing_Man: yes, but this way i would have to manually change every file int he dir | 04:21 |
archer | Zykotic: thanks, i found it, actually, just took me a bit to weave through the link maze | 04:21 |
fallore_ | _VIM_: is that something you do if you're on windows? | 04:21 |
sprinkmeier_ | maxagaz, if the directory _contains_ links then they should show up. use "ls -l" or "find -ls" to highlight them. To find all symbolic links that "point to" the directory is another matter, you pretty much have to grovel your whole filesystem to find them. | 04:22 |
mezy | Wildburn: i still have the live cd, if that could be used. and the size is about 2gigs | 04:22 |
The_Laughing_Man | sugl: what exactly are you trying to do? | 04:22 |
_VIM_ | fallor I'm not sure, I was refering to a Linux SSH server | 04:22 |
Wildburn | sure, boot off livecd itself, then run that install on desktop and when you get to the partition manager select the flash drive as thbe install location. then boot from flash drive after install is complete | 04:22 |
sprinkmeier_ | sug1, chown --recursive | 04:22 |
fallore_ | _VIM_: is that the equivalent of like, VNC? | 04:23 |
mlbarnes | I am trying to fix an error that is showing in my mail.log. The error is FAILED - unexpected , output="/var/lib/amavis/tmp/amavis-20090301T221847-03504/parts: lstat() failed. ERROR\n". The setup is clamd with amavis. The sites I see show that I need to add the group. This is what I added to /etc/group amavis:x:118:clamav Does anyone have any suggestions | 04:23 |
_VIM_ | fallore_: I'd imagine the openssh-server for windows probably is set up the same way, with X forwarding not enabled | 04:23 |
sug1 | im tryign to change the premission of this directory from nobody to my user name. i can't access it from my user, i have to be in root to access this. but that is no good | 04:23 |
_VIM_ | fallore_: no it's kind of like TELNET but safer | 04:23 |
_VIM_ | !ssh | fallore_ | 04:23 |
ubottu | fallore_: SSH is the Secure SHell protocol. See for usage. Putty is a nice SSH client for Windows; it can be found at | 04:23 |
The_Laughing_Man | sprinkmeier: i forgot all about ch >.> | 04:23 |
avian | question: I have a machine with two network interfaces, a lan and a wifi. The lan connection has internet access, but it insists on using the wifi to try and connect to the internet. Is there a way for force it to use the lan interface for internet access? | 04:23 |
sug1 | sprinkmeier_: how would i apply this to my directory and tell it to chagne premission to my user not root | 04:24 |
mezy | Wildburn: thanks, i seen something like this before, but i didn't trust it because it was for an older version. | 04:24 |
sprinkmeier_ | fallore_, graphics in unix/linux are based on the X protocol. This can be sent through a socket, even a network socket, so the computer that runs the program does not have to do the graphical display. SSH offers a way to securely tunnel this X traffic (ssh -X) | 04:24 |
avian | Anyone have any ideas? | 04:24 |
rww | avian: I usually right-click the network manager applet icon in the notification area and uncheck "Enable wireless" when I'm in that situation. | 04:24 |
Wildburn | mezy: no problem, and have fun with it | 04:24 |
Wildburn | afk | 04:24 |
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sprinkmeier_ | sug1, sudo chown --recursive USER /home/USER | 04:25 |
avian | rww: I basically want the box to act as a proxy for computers on the wifi. | 04:25 |
sprinkmeier_ | sug1, this command is kind of unforgiving, experiment with a sub-tree first (/home/USER/foo or somesuch) | 04:25 |
mlbarnes | Can anyone help me with my error with amavis? | 04:25 |
Zykotic | avian, would it be possible to disable the wireless? | 04:25 |
mezy | Wildburn: wish me luck, please, seriously, i have messed a computer while using ubuntu for the first time | 04:25 |
_VIM_ | speaking of ssh and vnc and all that, where can i get freenx? im not seeing it in the repos, and google is failing me... | 04:25 |
Caplain | sprinkmeier_: wouldn't "chown user.user dir -R" be better? | 04:25 |
avian | rww: laptop connects to server over wireless, server connects to internet and replies with the data. So wireless is requied | 04:25 |
mezy | peace out | 04:26 |
avian | required. | 04:26 |
sug1 | sprinkmeier_: ill give it a try thanks | 04:26 |
avian | Zykotic, I need the wifi to be active too. | 04:26 |
rww | avian: Ah. No idea, then. | 04:26 |
avian | rww: thanks anyway | 04:26 |
Zykotic | avian, just checking the easy answer. i have no idea man... | 04:26 |
=== miguel is now known as Guest62527 | ||
sprinkmeier_ | Caplain,, not user.user (though most distros create a group for each user with the same name). --recursive (long option) is 'better' than -R (short option) IMHO because a typo will cause an error rather than potentially nuking things | 04:27 |
Barridus | hmm, newbie question. :) is there supposed to be an "etc" directory in /opt? i think the rsync guide i just followed was in error and i think it cluttered up some stuff | 04:27 |
avian | Does anyone know how to force a wifi interface to use a lan interface for internet access? | 04:27 |
avian | Or how to set which interface is used for net access? | 04:27 |
mlbarnes | Can anyone help me with my error with amavis? | 04:28 |
mlbarnes | I am trying to fix an error that is showing in my mail.log. The error is FAILED - unexpected , output="/var/lib/amavis/tmp/amavis-20090301T221847-03504/parts: lstat() failed. ERROR\n". The setup is clamd with amavis. The sites I see show that I need to add the group. This is what I added to /etc/group amavis:x:118:clamav Does anyone have any suggestions | 04:28 |
Wildburn | Avian: why not just disable your wireless? | 04:28 |
sprinkmeier_ | Barridus, sometimes.... /opt is supposed to be for 'optional' software, and sometimes they whack in a etc there as well. Depends on distro, softrware installed, POM..... | 04:28 |
Zykotic | Barridus, no default /opt/etc (in 8.10) | 04:28 |
avian | Wildburn: I need to have both wifi and lan. | 04:28 |
Wildburn | hang on reading back | 04:28 |
Wildburn | avian:what system? | 04:29 |
sug1 | sprinkmeier_: thank you it worked | 04:29 |
avian | wildburn: cli ubuntu 7.04 | 04:29 |
fallore_ | i'd like to create a folder (\\htpc\xbmc\media) and share it throughout the windows network that the pc is connected to using SSH. can anyone help me? | 04:29 |
Wildburn | avian: lol I meant hardware actually | 04:29 |
avian | Wildburn: It's a toshiba 1410 laptop, sans screen. | 04:29 |
rww | avian: You're aware that 7.04 doesn't get security updates any more? | 04:30 |
avian | rww: yeah, but I'm not overly concerned with that. | 04:30 |
Wildburn | avian:I would seriously consider moving to a newer distro 8.04 or 8.10 on either on my tc1000 it will use whichever can get an IP address between wireless and ethernet | 04:30 |
Wildburn | avian: or see if you can get the deb of the newer network manager to run | 04:30 |
Barridus | ok sprinkmeier_ thank you, i'll be careful | 04:31 |
avian | Wildburn: It's a cli system, and for me to upgrade it would take... | 04:31 |
avian | wildburn: around six days of constant downloading. | 04:31 |
RHorse | avian: have you tried wlconfig? | 04:31 |
avian | RHorse: wlconfig - command not found. It's a command line system. | 04:32 |
Zykotic | fallore_, some steps for smb.conf editing | 04:32 |
lvlefisto | How to set the keyboard layout to Malaysian? I can't find it in keyboard preferences / layout. | 04:32 |
RHorse | avian: sri! iwconfig | 04:32 |
avian | RHorse: Yes, I have tried iwconfig. Is there anything specific I should be trying? | 04:33 |
RHorse | avian is it encrypted connection? | 04:33 |
avian | RHorse: No, I have no problems with the wifi *connection*, I want the machine to use the LAN connection for internet access. | 04:33 |
ssastre | can someone tell me where in ubuntu the libc binary is stored? | 04:33 |
ssastre | glicb | 04:34 |
Wildburn | avian: ah I see your not running a GUI at all? going to be difficult to do much with that, I assume you only need the lan connection in certain locations where you dont have wireless available? | 04:34 |
RHorse | avian: I see. | 04:34 |
RHorse | avian: ifconfig is what you want. | 04:34 |
smpi__ | love hardcore | 04:34 |
rww | ssastre: what version of Ubuntu? | 04:34 |
ssastre | 8.04 | 04:35 |
sug1 | how can i access network files on xubuntu? | 04:35 |
avian | RHorse: Could you be more specific? I have no problems with any connections at all, it just insists on using the wrong interface for net access. | 04:35 |
darkniteusa | where can I update drivers for my video card? | 04:35 |
ssastre | rww: 8.04 the most recent | 04:35 |
Wildburn | avian: why is it the wrong interface? | 04:35 |
darkniteusa | and how? | 04:35 |
RHorse | avian: could you paste the results of ifconfig | 04:35 |
=== smpi__ is now known as cayouth_crew | ||
sparr | currently installing 8.10 on a classic imac G3 | 04:35 |
RHorse | !pastebin | avian | 04:35 |
ubottu | avian: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic) | 04:35 |
cayouth_crew | woyow..... | 04:35 |
nadira | charly | 04:35 |
rww | ssastre: 8.04 isn't the most recent. Anyway, it looks like they'd be in one of the libc6 packages: | 04:36 |
avian | RHorse: | 04:36 |
subhramalya | hey nebdy there | 04:36 |
cayouth_crew | kontoy | 04:36 |
avian | Wildburn: The LAN connection and the wireless go to different routers. | 04:36 |
Scunizi | Anyone running mythtv on cox communications? Care to join me in ubuntu-offtopic for some Q & A? | 04:36 |
fallore_ | no, subhramalya, we're all gone | 04:36 |
=== nadira is now known as okky | ||
subhramalya | how can i install theme | 04:36 |
avian | Wildburn: The lan one has internet access, because the wireless one won't work with my desktop. | 04:37 |
Wildburn | avian: ok, so your using the wifi to connect for something besides web access? | 04:37 |
RHorse | avian: which of these do you want to connect to eth0 or eth1? | 04:37 |
Barridus | where do files sent by a gksudo'ed nautilus's move to trash go? nothing appeared in the trash | 04:37 |
okky | indo ja coy | 04:37 |
avian | RHorse: eth0 is the lan - it has net access. eth1 is wireless. | 04:37 |
RHorse | OK | 04:37 |
Zykotic | Barridus, you've used su so it's the "root" account and not your user that is executing the command | 04:38 |
avian | Wildburn: The wifi is to connect the other computers I have on the wifi to the internet. The computers on the wifi would use the server as a proxy, giving them net access. | 04:38 |
^paradox^ | i need a textual list of the files in a certain folder with full file names including extensions and in alphabetical order. is there a terminal command that will do this for me? | 04:38 |
n2diy | Barridus, there maybe a hidden folder called .trash | 04:38 |
okky | alooo | 04:38 |
=== cayouth_crew is now known as buntet_boil | ||
avian | Wildburn: It works fine for local stuff, but the server tries to access the net through the wifi interface, not the lan interface. | 04:39 |
Barridus | Zykotic, right but if i'm still in that gksudo'ed nautilus...? | 04:39 |
RHorse | avian: is it dhcp connex? | 04:39 |
okky | apaan tu | 04:39 |
rww | ssastre: There's a "list files" link on That might tell you, maybe? I'm not sure of what exactly you need. | 04:39 |
avian | RHorse: I believe so. | 04:39 |
Zykotic | paradigm, "ls | sort" | 04:39 |
=== max_ is now known as archer | ||
RHorse | avian: ok, sudo ifconfig eth0 | 04:39 |
Wildburn | Avian: I see, | 04:39 |
okky | yesterday | 04:39 |
avian | RHorse: | 04:40 |
Zykotic | Barridus, it is close to insanity to be running nautilus as root.... i'm really not to worried about where the trash is going... | 04:40 |
^paradox^ | anyone know? | 04:40 |
^Einstein | What special manual configuration would a 64-bit Intrepid user need after purging and reinstalling alsa and pulseaudio? | 04:40 |
Wildburn | Avian: can you paste results for sudo route | 04:40 |
RHorse | avian: ok, now sudo dhclient eth0 | 04:40 |
archer | Zykotic: i'm still having the problem that some programs see, but cannot tune, the tuner card, and programs like "w_scan" do not even see the card | 04:40 |
ssastre | rww: ok I'm taking a look there. I just need to know what binary library has the lockf function (I'm making a wrapper) | 04:40 |
Barridus | Zykotic, it was suggested here to me a while back to do that | 04:40 |
mikewu | ^paradox^: find `pwd` | sort | 04:41 |
okky | yessssssss | 04:41 |
avian | RHorse: eth0 is the lan interface. | 04:41 |
okky | no | 04:41 |
RHorse | avian: type sudo dhclient eth0 | 04:41 |
avian | | 04:41 |
mikewu | ^paradox^: if you don't want it to be recursive change it to find `pwd` -maxdepth 1 | sort | 04:41 |
Zykotic | Barridus, generally it is a horrible idea, perhaps special circumstances i don't know require it though??? | 04:41 |
RHorse | avian: I think your connected. Try pinging | 04:42 |
rww | ssastre: Looks like unistd.h: | 04:42 |
^paradox^ | thanks | 04:42 |
Wildburn | avian: according to your routing table it should be setup properly | 04:42 |
avian | RHorse: Genius. | 04:42 |
fallore_ | i'd like to create a folder (\\htpc\xbmc\media) and share it throughout the windows network that the pc is connected to using SSH. can anyone help me? | 04:42 |
=== okky is now known as izul | ||
RHorse | avian: thank you I accept paypal | 04:42 |
Barridus | Zykotic, oh well what's done is done. still gotta figure out where these files went, it's several gb | 04:42 |
izul | my strong | 04:42 |
rww | ssastre: if you need that .h file, it's in /usr/include/bits/unistd.h, provided by package libc6-dev. | 04:43 |
Zykotic | archer, i don't know what to tell you other then after i do the manual install stuff it works??? sorry i can't be of further assistance, the box with that card isn't here... | 04:43 |
izul | gehhhhhh | 04:43 |
fallore_ | Zykotic: i'm afraid i didn't understand the instructions in the pastebin, would you have time to go a little more indepth? | 04:43 |
archer | Zykotic, alright, thanks for your help | 04:43 |
izul | uc | 04:43 |
izul | fuck you | 04:43 |
fallore_ | Zykotic: specifically, do i just paste that [writable] section in there somewhere and tweak it? | 04:44 |
bazhang | izul, stop that | 04:44 |
ssastre | rww: ok but I dont want the header I need to know which one is the binary with that function compliled in it | 04:44 |
Zykotic | fallore_, it was a real rough blueprint of what you need to edit... where you get stuck? | 04:44 |
nickrud | !language | izul | 04:44 |
ubottu | izul: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly. | 04:44 |
Barridus | where is ./trash | 04:44 |
Zykotic | fallore_, exactly customize to suite! | 04:44 |
Barridus | err .trash | 04:44 |
fallore_ | Zykotic: does it not matter where i paste that section? | 04:44 |
_VIM_ | Barridus: it's hidden | 04:44 |
_VIM_ | ctrl + h key in nautilus | 04:45 |
nickrud | Barridus, ~/.local/share/Trash , or ~/.Trash (case matters) and ~ stands for your home dir | 04:45 |
Zykotic | fallore_, there is a section 3/4 the way down i think, look for the printer share... | 04:45 |
ssastre | rww: I imagine is some .so file I need to know which one | 04:45 |
ccccc | hey,guys.i have met a question about vbox .my host os and guest os cannot connect to the internet at the same time.see the | 04:45 |
fallore_ | Zykotic: do i put it with the printer stuff? | 04:45 |
izul | pareng nakal...... | 04:45 |
nickrud | izul, indonesian? | 04:45 |
qcjn | i,m trying to watch a long video on the web, youku (chinese youtube i think) but it alway s stops. can i play with some buffer for that | 04:46 |
Zykotic | fallore_, ya, just after, it really doesn't matter where you put it, it's just convention | 04:46 |
izul | yes indonesian | 04:46 |
Barridus | nickrud, ok found the files. is there an easy way to recursively delete folders and contents? | 04:46 |
bazhang | !id | 04:46 |
ubottu | join ke #ubuntu-id untuk membahas ubuntu dalam bahasa Indonesia | 04:46 |
fallore_ | Zykotic: is there an easy way to back up this file so that if i break something i can revert? | 04:46 |
ssastre | could be lib/ | 04:46 |
bazhang | izul, /join #ubuntu-id | 04:46 |
Wildburn | qcjn: no, thats just youko that sucks because its transmission is so slow | 04:46 |
Zykotic | fallore_, did you notice the separte user=share section? that's kinda important. | 04:46 |
Zykotic | fallore_, sudo cp smb.conf smb.conf.origional | 04:47 |
nickrud | Barridus, yes; you can just delete the folder with nautilus (file manager) or use rm -r <topleveldir> . Be cautious with -r | 04:47 |
Dr_Sneese | I'm trying to find a theme, to get rid of a mouse cursor that I don't like that won't go away, but the theme isn't listed in the themes filder, or the icons folder. | 04:47 |
fallore_ | Zykotic: the part below the writable section in the pastebin? i didn't understand what it was. | 04:47 |
Dr_Sneese | How do I get rid of it? | 04:47 |
Dr_Sneese | I can't just go to appearance>themes>delete either. | 04:47 |
Dr_Sneese | it won't let me. | 04:47 |
nickrud | izul, #ubuntu-id is indonesian language | 04:47 |
Barridus | nickrud, nautilus sends things to trash. hence what got me in this mess | 04:47 |
shervin | hi all | 04:47 |
Zykotic | fallore_, look for a line that says "security = user" and change it to "security = share" | 04:48 |
Barridus | nickrud, essentially i have trash that can't be emptied | 04:48 |
nickrud | Barridus, ah, did you use nautilus as sudo ? | 04:48 |
shervin | how can i install nvidia | 04:48 |
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Barridus | nickrud, yes | 04:48 |
shervin | my X does not start | 04:48 |
rww | ssastre: I imagine it'd be in /lib/ (or, if that's a symlink, wherever it points to)... | 04:48 |
qcjn | Wildburn: ok, that suks, if i have knew, wouldn't have start to look at it. Now i wanna know the end | 04:48 |
shervin | with no errors | 04:48 |
nickrud | Barridus, that'll teach you :) sudo rm -r ~/.local/share/Trash/* should empty your trash | 04:48 |
shervin | any one can help me | 04:48 |
=== ReLieC_93_ is now known as boyo | ||
ssastre | yes I think that too, I guess I'll try and see | 04:49 |
Zykotic | fallore_, i'm creating something that every version of Windows I know (or samba) can connect too without having to map user account or anything -- there is NO security | 04:49 |
shervin | 2.6.24-23-rt | 04:49 |
ssastre | thanks for the tips | 04:49 |
shervin | no one? | 04:49 |
boyo | oooo | 04:49 |
Wildburn | Shervin: what version? | 04:49 |
Barridus | nickrud, thanks. i'll be trying this once my backup completes :D | 04:49 |
boyo | gbgjhbhgvgjhb | 04:49 |
fallore_ | Zykotic: i'm not sure if this is relevant, but it might help. there is already a folder accessible on the network (\\htpc\xbmc (xbmc is the user) that we can connect to. what we want is to have another file, \\htpc\media that is similarly shared. does this change anything? | 04:49 |
nickrud | Barridus, next time use gksu nautilus, gksu is intended for graphical program privilege escalation | 04:49 |
bazhang | boyo, english here | 04:49 |
boyo | ghgyghubmdfjhghftggtftyf | 04:50 |
shervin | Wildburn: what version of ubunut? | 04:50 |
Wildburn | yeah | 04:50 |
rww | boyo: Do you have an Ubuntu support question? | 04:50 |
shervin | Wildburn: how can i check | 04:50 |
Barridus | nickrud, yeah. hindsight 50/50 and all that XD | 04:50 |
shervin | Linux shervin-desktop 2.6.24-23-rt #1 SMP PREEMPT RT Mon Jan 26 02:29:24 UTC 2009 i686 GNU/Linux | 04:50 |
Zykotic | fallore_, ya it kinda changes things... i sec | 04:50 |
Barridus | err 20/20 LOL | 04:50 |
boyo | boyo from java iscrocodile | 04:50 |
shervin | Wildburn: how can i check? | 04:51 |
=== fallore_ is now known as fallore | ||
nickrud | Barridus, hey, this is a trivial way to learn. I've seen some real doozies. And you can tell people about not using sudo nautilus from personal experience | 04:51 |
zer0o | hi guys, is there an open source software as an alternative to skype? that of course works with skype contacts etc (like pidgin with msn messenger for example) | 04:51 |
Wildburn | Shervin: think that is 8.04 | 04:51 |
jf13 | hello could someone tell me of a program that will let me add files to a ISO? | 04:51 |
Zykotic | fallore_, that means you already have a working share on this samba box called xbmc?! so just copy that section again in your smb.conf file and change the name and the path and your golden | 04:51 |
fallore | i don't see that section :/ | 04:52 |
shervin | Wildburn: so how can i install nvidia drivers? | 04:52 |
=== Roy_Muzz is now known as Roy_M | ||
Wildburn | Shervin: what video card? | 04:52 |
smpi | woyow | 04:52 |
rww | zer0o: No. The skype communication protocol is convoluted and proprietary. There isn't an open-source version of it. | 04:52 |
shervin | Wildburn: nvida | 04:52 |
=== smpi is now known as i | ||
Barridus | nickrud, sudo rm -r ~/.local/share/Trash/* did not empty root's trash. i assume i should use sudo rm -r /home/root/ insteaad of "~"? | 04:53 |
i | nfhf | 04:53 |
Nytrix | join #Ubuntu-Games | 04:53 |
nickrud | Barridus, sounds reasonable | 04:53 |
jf13 | shervin: he means model I think | 04:53 |
Wildburn | Shervin:right, what I mean is, what model, like 7600gt? and so on, is it telling you to install the 99.43.xx drivers ? | 04:53 |
^Einstein | I just reinstalled alsa-base and I want to try to avoid pulseaudio on Intrepid 64. What alsa configuration do I have to manually do, because the default setup (with dkpg-reconfigure) does not output any sound although it thinks it's playing? | 04:53 |
=== i is now known as cayouth_crew | ||
zer0o | rww: i dont think so, even kopete does skype... | 04:53 |
nickrud | Barridus, take a look in the trash there, see if that's where it is | 04:53 |
boyo | omah sampean neng endi?????????????????????????????? | 04:53 |
shervin | gefore fx 5200 | 04:53 |
Wildburn | Shervin: after you install the drivers its a black screen? then you reboot in recovery and run xfix? | 04:53 |
rww | !id | boyo | 04:53 |
cayouth_crew | yes, i know.... | 04:53 |
ubottu | boyo: join ke #ubuntu-id untuk membahas ubuntu dalam bahasa Indonesia | 04:53 |
nickrud | boyo, language? | 04:53 |
telestrial | Hello | 04:53 |
mezy | how can install ubuntu onto a usb drive? i dont see the option to do so | 04:53 |
rww | !usb | mezy | 04:54 |
cayouth_crew | hello.... | 04:54 |
ubottu | mezy: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see - For a persistent live USB install, see: | 04:54 |
nickrud | !usb | 04:54 |
Wildburn | lol | 04:54 |
shervin | Wildburn: i dont know which driver i have to install | 04:54 |
rww | zer0o: Not according to kopete's webpage, it doesn't. | 04:54 |
cayouth_crew | i love U full | 04:54 |
cayouth_crew | i love U full | 04:54 |
cayouth_crew | jibfsdbgsg | 04:54 |
cayouth_crew | jgfjw | 04:54 |
FloodBot1 | cayouth_crew: Please don't flood, use to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 04:54 |
shervin | Wildburn: gefore fx 5200 | 04:54 |
c-ron | mezy: | 04:54 |
b1n42y | !bot | 04:54 |
ubottu | Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at - Usage info: | 04:54 |
Wildburn | shervin: you need the 99.43.05 drivers I believe in synaptic, you also need nvidia-settings, nvidia-glx, and nvidia-kernel-source | 04:55 |
bazhang | pUntEL_ndUd, #ubuntu-id | 04:55 |
mezy | rww: c-ron thanks | 04:55 |
telestrial | I own a Sony Vaio VGN-FW139E and I'm very new to ubuntu...I am trying to get my FN keys to work so I can dim my should work with FN+F6 for brighter and FN+F5 for dimmer....but they don't function at all. | 04:55 |
zer0o | rww: oh yeah? che this out (not longer being developed for now but it will in kde 4.3) | 04:55 |
telestrial | it's draining my laptop battery | 04:55 |
Wildburn | shervin:the glx will be for 99.43.xx as well | 04:55 |
default | exit | 04:55 |
default | exit | 04:55 |
Wildburn | shervin:good luck though, im having the same problem with my laptop trying to get nvidia drivers going | 04:55 |
shervin | Wildburn: so i look for synpatic? | 04:55 |
Wildburn | shervin: click applications->system->synaptic package manager | 04:56 |
rww | zer0o: I don't see anything about that working in 4.3. Do you have a source? | 04:56 |
rww | zer0o: anyway, if it does, I guess the answer to your question is "kopete" :/ | 04:56 |
shervin | Wildburn: my X does not come | 04:56 |
zer0o | rww: corridor's voices | 04:56 |
Barridus | nickrud, i can see the contents of /home/root in nautilus but not in root terminal | 04:56 |
nickrud | Barridus, ls -a lists hidden files/directories in the terminal (ones with a preceeding period) | 04:57 |
zer0o | rww: i dont like kopete, its too buggy thatz why i was asking for something else, i no wengophone, but dunno if it works with the skype contacts... | 04:57 |
Tired_ | Hi. I'm considering a switch to Ubuntu from Windows XP, but I'm concerned about my iPhone. Your Wiki says I can't sync to the native iPhone music player with Amarok...will iTunes run ok in the Wine version Ubuntu supports? | 04:57 |
Zykotic | Barridus, there shouldn't be a /home/root directory, root's home directory is /root??? | 04:57 |
fallore | Zykotic: if you're busy i understand, but in case you just missed my last message i still need a tiny bit of help, but i feel like i'm really close to resolving this | 04:57 |
Wildburn | shervin: open a terminal and type sudo mousepad /etc/X11/xorg.conf then paste whats in there to | 04:57 |
c-ron | Tired_ | 04:57 |
nickrud | Zykotic, ah, a good catch. Perfect example of my reading what I expected to read ;) | 04:58 |
rww | Tired_: I hear that iTunes doesn't run well in WINE. | 04:58 |
weternal | hey I need help with an external display | 04:58 |
afasaf | hi all. i am helping my friend install grub but i just realized right now/he told me, that he did an ubuntu install in "windows"?? | 04:59 |
shervin | Wildburn: damn i have no graphic | 04:59 |
Tired_ | That sucks. Switching to a buggy, non-optimized third party media player on my iphone isn't really a good solution. | 04:59 |
afasaf | can i install grub for such environments? | 04:59 |
Zykotic | fallore, sorry man... you have your working smb.conf backed up and your editing it now right? and you don't see the section with the printers? | 04:59 |
telestrial | Hi. I was wondering if anyone noticed my question earlier.... | 04:59 |
c-ron | afasaf probably WUBI | 04:59 |
tripps | how do I get my version number of ubuntu? | 04:59 |
c-ron | tripps uname -r | 04:59 |
shervin | Wildburn: can we join #flood? | 04:59 |
tritium | tripps: lsb_release -a | 04:59 |
fallore | Zykotic: i see the printer section | 04:59 |
Wildburn | sure | 04:59 |
^paradox^ | ok i have another quick question | 04:59 |
c-ron | no u | 04:59 |
afasaf | c-ron: WUBI is a bootloader? | 04:59 |
tritium | c-ron: that's for the kernel version | 04:59 |
Tired_ | c-ron: now, apparently :) | 04:59 |
c-ron | afasaf wubi uses NTLOADER | 05:00 |
tripps | k thanks - would be a good idea to put version number in "about ubuntu" dialog where it is in every other software on the planet ;) | 05:00 |
telestrial | does anyone know how to get the FN brightness keys to work? | 05:00 |
afasaf | c-ron: actually, i don't want to use NTLOADER.. that's why we are trying to isntall grub.. | 05:00 |
c-ron | afasaf so install grub :) | 05:00 |
tripps | c-ron, that gives me kernel number - tritium gave me what I was looking for thanks | 05:01 |
Nytrix | what is a good team speak client for ubuntu? | 05:01 |
Barridus | nickrud, Zykotic- i see the files now. "sudo rm -r /root/.local/share/Trash/*" is the syntax to clear root's trash, not "/home/root/etcetera"? | 05:01 |
^paradox^ | every time i tried to cd into the folder NES roms it kept saying no such file or directory until finally added an underscore between NES and roms | 05:01 |
afasaf | c-ron: and it'll work for such environment? (as in, i've never written a config file for that) | 05:01 |
b1n42y | telestrial, you have to add modules to kernel, i need to do the same, dont know how | 05:01 |
afasaf | c-ron: as in, i can't easily do (hd0, 0) or something, right? | 05:01 |
^paradox^ | how do i cd into other such folders that have no underscores? | 05:01 |
telestrial | I just recently switched from vista and my battery life is like...HALF! | 05:01 |
jtaji | ^paradox^: cd like\ this or cd "like this" | 05:01 |
nickrud | Barridus, yes, root has it's home directly under the / because many people have /home on a separate partition which may not be mounted when trying to do maintenance. | 05:02 |
Barridus | i suppose the worst will be a path not found | 05:02 |
c-ron | afasaf grub config lets you remap those | 05:02 |
Nytrix | !battery | 05:02 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about battery | 05:02 |
afasaf | ^paradox^: or it is usually easier to rename the folder | 05:02 |
telestrial | I mean as it applies to my screen brightness | 05:02 |
afasaf | c-ron: awesome, thanks! | 05:02 |
afasaf | c-ron: i'll look it up.. | 05:02 |
ReLieC_93 | h | 05:02 |
mezy | c-ron: the link you have gave i have already tried, it left me with a usb version of the live cd | 05:02 |
b1n42y | ^paradox^, cd NES and tab for it to auto complete | 05:02 |
nickrud | Barridus, mea culpa about /home/root, I just read what I wanted when I saw that ;) | 05:02 |
^paradox^ | hmmm interesting | 05:02 |
Barridus | nickrud, no it's cool you've been helpful | 05:03 |
Barridus | what happens if you are root via "sudo su" and then sudo a command? | 05:04 |
Zykotic | fallore, do you see your currently shared folder somewhere? cause you need to find that! then copy it but change some of the details | 05:04 |
c-ron | mezy, thats what you want | 05:04 |
Barridus | is it the end of all things? | 05:04 |
=== smpi is now known as cayouth_crew | ||
mezy | c-ron: i want an updatable, bootable usb version of ubuntu. is that possible? | 05:04 |
^paradox^ | aha ! lol i have it now | 05:04 |
doodle77 | how do i disable write caching on an sd card? it is opened with gvfs, and hdparm -W 0 /dev/mmcblk0 doesn't work | 05:04 |
b1n42y | !usb | 05:04 |
ubottu | For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see - For a persistent live USB install, see: | 05:04 |
c-ron | nice | 05:04 |
Wildburn | mezy: you want the second link | 05:04 |
jtaji | Barridus: you should use sudo -i instead of sudo su, but either way if you then sudo a command it's fine because root is listed in sudoers | 05:04 |
=== Akuma0n3 is now known as Akuma | ||
mezy | ? | 05:05 |
jtaji | Barridus: fine, but pointless ;) | 05:05 |
Barridus | jtaji, :) | 05:05 |
nickrud | Barridus, no. you can do sudo env | sort , gksu env | sort , sudo su then run env | sort, sudo su - and compare the environments you get | 05:05 |
Wildburn | mezy: the second link in the sentence ubottu just posted, is about how to create a persistent install | 05:05 |
^paradox^ | the tab thing works if i use it before the space | 05:06 |
Barridus | nickrud, ok i blew root's trash out with your commands. just because i'm paranoid i'm gonna try rebooting in case i destroyed everything in my previous attempts :) | 05:06 |
* Barridus crosses fingers | 05:06 | |
weternal | I'm having trouble getting s-video to work as an external display | 05:06 |
Dr_Sneese | For some reason, there's one mouse cursor that only shows up while I'm using firefox, but I really don't like it, and I don't know how to get rid of it. I'm using ubuntu 8.10. | 05:06 |
fallore | Zykotic: how do i copy a section of a file i'm looking at in nano? | 05:07 |
mezy | Wildburn: and use which method? the last time i used this link, i chose the one that was easier for me to do. and a left me with a usb version of the live cd | 05:07 |
^paradox^ | lmao im obviously terrible with a command line | 05:07 |
^paradox^ | i was never any good at the dos prompt either | 05:07 |
shervin | hi Wildburn | 05:07 |
Zykotic | fallore, paper and pen if you have too, don't know the clipboard command in nano that's for sure; could do it in vi ;) | 05:07 |
mezy | Wildburn: oh no, wait. actually, i messed it up | 05:08 |
Wildburn | mezy: you want method 1 on that list | 05:08 |
shervin | Wildburn, X starts but no nvidia no sound | 05:08 |
fallore | Zykotic: how do i do it in vi? i'll try that instead | 05:08 |
^Einstein | !sound | 05:08 |
ubottu | If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see - - - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP3 | 05:08 |
Zykotic | fallore, nope vi is WAY too hard to explain accross irc | 05:08 |
Wildburn | shervin: yeah try this link read through comments it goes through lots of methods to attempt | 05:08 |
fallore | it's okay, the cursor works :P | 05:08 |
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Wildburn | shervin: im in the same boat, cant get nvidia to run on my laptop, so best I can offer is trying some of the listed methods in the bug report | 05:09 |
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Dr_Sneese | D: | 05:09 |
fallore | Zykotic: is this what is creating those shared directories? | 05:09 |
Barridus | nickrud, Zykotic - i think things are back to normal. thanks a ton! | 05:10 |
Zykotic | fallore, nope, not related at all | 05:10 |
calvinyong | have anyone here encountered that the static network kept dropping using ubuntu server 8.04 | 05:10 |
calvinyong | ? | 05:10 |
shervin | whatthanks | 05:10 |
^paradox^ | thanks for the help everyone. i think im gonna pick up one of those online training courses ive seen at the ubuntu site. i could use some hands on training | 05:10 |
ReLieC_93_ | trthr | 05:10 |
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fallore | Zykotic: that's the only thing that looks remotely related to actual shared directories. would it be helpful to just pastebin the whole file? | 05:10 |
=== ReLieC_93_ is now known as cds | ||
Zykotic | fallore, but you should already have a share working don't you??? | 05:11 |
fallore | Zykotic: yes | 05:11 |
calvinyong | i have set the static ip address for ubuntu server 8.04 .. and it will work for a few minutes.. after a while it will automatically drop | 05:11 |
cds | cikem | 05:11 |
cds | 6ytj | 05:11 |
Zykotic | fallore, so that share MUST be in your current config file??? | 05:11 |
weternal | I need some help figuring out how to get an external display working, I've checked the documentation, and most of it has to do with editing the file | 05:11 |
Barridus | in the future, is it permissable to post a link that contains advice if i suspect it's faulty and have someone smarter than i look over it | 05:11 |
fallore | Zykotic: or at least, if i go into "my network places" on windows i can go into folders on the computer and see the contents. | 05:11 |
nickrud | Barridus, absolutely yes | 05:12 |
weternal | which apparently isn't as much in use in 8.10 | 05:12 |
cds | what your name | 05:12 |
Barridus | nickrud, good to know, thanks again. | 05:12 |
bazhang | cds this is ubuntu support, do you have a support question? | 05:12 |
zer0o | skype is spying on us | 05:12 |
mezy | Wildburn: cool, im getting excited from just reading the tutorial | 05:12 |
cds | my home in new york | 05:12 |
Zykotic | fallore, i don't understand??? but i don't think you should follow ANY of the pastebin directions as it will mess with your current working setup... | 05:13 |
bazhang | cds please chat in #ubuntu-offtopic | 05:13 |
Wildburn | mezy: yeah thats definitly the best method to learn ubuntu without trashing a drive | 05:13 |
cds | i zubaidah | 05:13 |
WXYZ-2 | !search cccc | 05:13 |
ubottu | Found: | 05:13 |
sparr | I have been dist-upgrade'ing since breezy, cruft is starting to become a problem, and I know I am missing out on some of the newest features. I think I am going to reinstall for jaunty | 05:13 |
cds | your home | 05:14 |
Zykotic | fallore, the section under [writable] could be adapted to whatever samba share you could need... but you really should see the share that's currently working in your smb.conf file??? | 05:14 |
cds | cek | 05:14 |
cds | fxdxjf | 05:14 |
bazhang | !id | cds | 05:14 |
ubottu | cds: join ke #ubuntu-id untuk membahas ubuntu dalam bahasa Indonesia | 05:14 |
fallore | Zykotic: i'm pretty sure the first bit of what i pastebin'd to shares the user's home directory, so the \\htpc\xbmc share that i am seeing if a result of it | 05:15 |
bazhang | cds please stop | 05:15 |
bazhang | cds /join #ubuntu-id | 05:15 |
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Zykotic | there should be a section entitled [xbmc] in your current smb.conf - but you don't see it? | 05:15 |
Droopsta915 | I have a file that I dont know how to install it says Nero Linux-, but it has two more tar.gz files in that? so what do I install and how? | 05:16 |
=== Winst0on is now known as Winston | ||
pogz | hello every1. how do i make a new admin account on my ubuntu comp using only CLI? | 05:16 |
=== Winston is now known as Guest38306 | ||
n2diy | pogz, check out the man page for useradd | 05:18 |
nanotube | pogz: useradd | 05:18 |
pogz | ok ty | 05:18 |
nanotube | !useradd | 05:18 |
pogz | brb | 05:18 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about useradd | 05:18 |
pogz | adduser maybe?xD | 05:18 |
fallore | Zykotic: how do i get out of the vi client without saving any changes? | 05:19 |
Zykotic | :q! (didn't i suggest NOT going into that?) | 05:19 |
buzzomatic | Hey | 05:19 |
fallore | Zykotic: you just told me you couldn't explain it :P what does :q! mean | 05:20 |
pogz | <fallore> try nano or pico text editors. they're user-friendly :P | 05:20 |
fallore | pogz: i'm leaving vi to use nano, i just don't want to save whatever i just did :p | 05:20 |
pogz | :q means quit | 05:20 |
Zykotic | fallore, sorry you may need to press ESC once, then the : key, then q, then !, then press enter (LOL) | 05:20 |
redvamp128 | fallore: that in vim means quit no changes | 05:20 |
fallore | it just looked like an emoticon so i wasn't sure :/ | 05:21 |
olovram | hello n__n | 05:21 |
redvamp128 | fallore: Vim Commands Cheat Sheet <> | 05:21 |
fallore | thanks, redvamp128 | 05:22 |
Wildburn | out of curiousity, video drivers installed via synaptic should modify xorg.conf right? do they modify at install or boot? | 05:22 |
olovram | UBUNTU SUCKS! | 05:22 |
fallore | olovram: no | 05:22 |
olovram | Arch Linux is THE DISTRIBUCION | 05:22 |
CheesyBeef | lol | 05:22 |
olovram | !!! | 05:22 |
waseidel | hi people i have an trouble with ubuntu | 05:22 |
olovram | THIS | 05:22 |
redvamp128 | fallore: also this one has a better explanation The Vim commands cheat sheet <> | 05:22 |
olovram | IS | 05:22 |
olovram | SPARTA! | 05:22 |
Zykotic | redvamp128, great vi link ;) | 05:22 |
rww | olovram: Thank you so much for showing us how mature Arch users are. | 05:22 |
olovram | jiji | 05:23 |
waseidel | 8.10 i install tvtime and it let me without sound my ubuntu | 05:23 |
olovram | just made a bet | 05:23 |
factotum | Acer Aspire 6530 laptop. Anyone know of success with wireless, and card reader? Looks like everything else will work. Just haven't seen any confirmations on the wifi and card reader. | 05:23 |
olovram | how mucho to get myself banned from here | 05:23 |
olovram | n__n | 05:23 |
kane77 | olovram, no one is interested.. take your stuff elsewhere | 05:23 |
factotum | Also I tried the live cd and all that was found was the onboard modem | 05:23 |
Wildburn | factotum, try using ndiswrapper with windows drivers for the wireless, probably need to use fwcutter as well | 05:23 |
olovram | aww | 05:23 |
Droopsta915 | I have a file that I dont know how to install it says Nero Linux-, but it has two more tar.gz files in that? so what do I install and how? | 05:23 |
olovram | thats cruel u.u | 05:23 |
rww | olovram: Go ask the rest of #archlinux. Half of them could tell you. | 05:23 |
olovram | anyway, I do like ubuntu, just prefer pacman and rolling releases ;) | 05:24 |
bazhang | !ot | olovram | 05:24 |
ubottu | olovram: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks! | 05:24 |
olovram | oo | 05:24 |
olovram | sorry | 05:24 |
=== ACorb is now known as acorb | ||
olovram | bau | 05:24 |
olovram | bai* | 05:24 |
pogz | so. how can i add an admin account in my computer using only CLI? | 05:24 |
mezy | its hard to fine help these days | 05:25 |
CheesyBeef | please don't let him influence your view of arch users... | 05:25 |
factotum | Wildburn: you know if that will work with atheros wireless? evidently that's what it has | 05:25 |
sglasser | I used to work with other Arch users -- same | 05:25 |
n2diy | pogz, useradd | 05:26 |
Wildburn | factotem, ndiswrapper works with a ton of wireless cards, id say google ndiswrapper atheros and see what you find | 05:26 |
factotum | i was looking around for madwifi notes but it was claimed as buggy at best | 05:27 |
Wildburn | hmm looks like atheros should have a built in driver, try getting it off synaptic package manager | 05:27 |
Barridus | factotum, i use madwifi on my acer (aspire one netbook) | 05:27 |
buzzomatic | Installing Ubuntu 8.04 Server, it fails when installing grub, seems the configuration is broken, is there a way to get a detailed error report other than "This is a fatal error."? | 05:27 |
Barridus | factotum, what ubuntu ver you running | 05:28 |
Chaorain2 | I am trying to install StackSwitch for compiz but it seems I need to use git but I can't figure out how to. Any help with or around git? | 05:28 |
factotum | 8.10 64bit | 05:28 |
dibblego | one of my machines is uploading an enormous amount of traffic -- how can I find out what type of traffic and where it is going? | 05:29 |
||dude | hi how can i start a liveUSB from a floppy syslinux | 05:30 |
||dude | (my cd drive is out and my bios won't boot my usd pen drive) | 05:30 |
Barridus | factotum, well the aspire one is x86 32-bit, but you may still find this a relevant place to start with madwifi on acer atheros there may also be a seperate article on other acer | 05:30 |
Barridus | ||dude, google unetbootin | 05:32 |
=== Chris__ is now known as Hix-Nix | ||
Wildburn | ok wth, anyone have any ideas why xorg.0.log would give no problems with a grep for NVIDIA but I still wind up with a black screen | 05:36 |
IRAN_MIKE_TYSON | are there any issues with installing solr into intrepid? | 05:38 |
IRAN_MIKE_TYSON | will the latest solr work? | 05:38 |
Zykotic | Wildburn, when i "cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log | grep NVIDIA" i get lots, notic the capital X on Xorg | 05:38 |
michalski-bj | hello, synaptic is marking "mbr" as auto-removable, is it really, or is my computer going to do something nasty if I remove it...? | 05:39 |
Wildburn | Zykotic, lol yeah I did capitalize correctly, but all the stuff from grep comes back positive, loaded properly initialized properly | 05:39 |
||dude | thx, i can create a setup with a usb drive distro and booting from a floppy from this app? | 05:39 |
Wildburn | no errors whatsoever | 05:39 |
Wildburn | but black screen on boot | 05:39 |
stolworthy | hello | 05:39 |
michalski-bj | !hi | 05:39 |
ubottu | Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! | 05:39 |
stolworthy | thanks everyone! | 05:40 |
fallore | is there anything wrong with creating a folder in my "home" folder? | 05:40 |
b1n42y | my network manager for wireless has just stopped working, why ? and how do i restart it | 05:40 |
stolworthy | is there any way to set up a chat between ypur local nwtwork | 05:40 |
Barridus | wildburn is it a laptop? | 05:40 |
Wildburn | yes Barridus | 05:40 |
b1n42y | fallore, no | 05:40 |
michalski-bj | fallore: | 05:40 |
Myst | Hello all, does anyone know the command line i would use to write a folder to a DVD? I am using a non GUI version of ubuntu | 05:40 |
Wildburn | im wondering if its trying to activate the external crt connection | 05:40 |
fallore | thanks | 05:40 |
Barridus | Wildburn, it's defaulting to the vga port not the flatpanel | 05:41 |
Wildburn | lol ,figured | 05:41 |
Wildburn | know the command for xorg.conf to change that? | 05:41 |
Barridus | i had that problem with my old inspiron 8200 with geforce 440 | 05:41 |
michalski-bj | ok so I can remove the package "mbr" | 05:41 |
Wildburn | hm im surprised grep didnt show me a default device for the driver | 05:42 |
Barridus | Wildburn, look at the part about "DFP-0". it might be relevant to you. | 05:42 |
mezy | how can i tell which device file is corresponding to a usb drive? | 05:43 |
Barridus | it's for feisty but that fixed intrepid on my old laptop | 05:43 |
mezy | great, i dont even know what im talking about | 05:43 |
Wildburn | Barridus: thanks ill give it a whack | 05:43 |
Wildburn | mezy:mostly guess by size tbh, if you mean in the partition manager | 05:43 |
||dude | mezy : look in fstab | 05:43 |
Wildburn | right or look in fstab | 05:43 |
aaronvox | does anybody know how to install eclipse + cdt + pdt all together, so i may code in java, c++ and php? | 05:44 |
tyler_d | need to change my dns to resolve my hostname to --- right now it resolves it using "nsloolup" to the correct ip with a #53 at the end | 05:45 |
mezy | i wish i knew where the fstab is, and what it is. im still struggling with most of this stuff, and hit a road block on that tutorial | 05:45 |
Wildburn | mezy: opent terminal type sudo fstab | 05:46 |
methods | does ati fglrx drivers support s-video or the yellow cable ? | 05:46 |
Wildburn | hmmm ive just realized my xorg.conf seems really short on items that should be in it | 05:47 |
mezy | uhm. command not found? | 05:47 |
djmortal | hola | 05:47 |
Zykotic | mezy, the command was wrong there is not fstab command it's a file in /etc/fstab... | 05:48 |
Cow_Bekenzzz | #makassar | 05:48 |
mezy | found it | 05:48 |
Barridus | Wildburn, yeah i ran into that too (but i was too newb to remedy that). i did learn from the experience that xorg settings are best done in nano not by some gtk settings manager :/ | 05:49 |
b1n42y | where would i find info on why frontend to network manager stopped? | 05:49 |
mezy | hmm. so much for that, now im stuck on the tutorial | 05:49 |
Wildburn | ok, so is it just me or is this xorg.conf missing a bit | 05:50 |
redvamp128 | b1n42y: are you sure you didn't just accidentally remove the notification area from your taskpanel? | 05:50 |
b1n42y | mezy, fstab is a file in /etc which controls how your partitions are mounted and used | 05:50 |
Myst | !dvdburning | 05:51 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about dvdburning | 05:51 |
Myst | !burning | 05:51 |
ubottu | CD/DVD Burning software: K3b (KDE), gnomebaker, brasero, serpentine, graveman, Nautilus-CD-Burner, GToaster, xcdroast (GNOME), wodim (terminal-based). Burning .iso files: see | 05:51 |
Barridus | Wildburn, looks short to me | 05:51 |
redvamp128 | b1n42y: actually the reason I asked that is because -- about 3 people this last week complained of same only to find out they removed that. | 05:51 |
Barridus | Wildburn, yeah i ran into that too (but i was too newb to remedy that). i did learn from the experience that xorg settings are best done in nano not by some gtk settings manager :/ | 05:51 |
mezy | hmm | 05:51 |
nanotube | mezy: run command "sudo fdisk -l" (that's a lower case L), that will list all the partitions. | 05:51 |
b1n42y | redvamp128, i just ran sudo service NetworkManager start to restart it i want to know why it stopped, internet didnt break | 05:51 |
mezy | thanks | 05:51 |
Wildburn | Barridus:yeah, wonder where the rest of the content goes, also wonder if the video problems im having is the seperation of screen and device | 05:52 |
redvamp128 | b1n42y: you possibly could try looking in the system logs (under system administration) then look at the daemon.log | 05:52 |
nanotube | mezy: you could also try command "mount", which will list all mounted partitions (but will include some non-disk virtual partitions as well) | 05:52 |
nanotube | mezy: and will not include anything that's not mounted (while fdisk will) | 05:52 |
Barridus | Wildburn, did you back up xorg.conf before you changed anything? adding dfp-0 as in the context of that link to the original .conf might fix you right up | 05:53 |
b1n42y | redvamp128, mmmm, i thought there might be something more specific, thanks | 05:53 |
Wildburn | Barridus: the backup only has driver "nvidia" under the device. the rest of that conf is from running the dpkg command, so its vanilla | 05:53 |
b1n42y | mezy, dont mess with fstab if you dont know what your are doing or back it up and make sure you know how to restore it in case you break your mounts | 05:53 |
redvamp128 | b1n42y: I would start there-- could be something as simple as your Ip lease ran out if you have a dynamic Ip (like cable internet or DSL) | 05:54 |
Wildburn | Barridus | 05:54 |
mezy | nanotube: thanks. so as for a usb, fdisk is telling me that /dev/sdb is the corresponding file for my usb drive, right? | 05:54 |
b1n42y | redvamp128, nah i was still connected to xchat whilst networkmanager was down | 05:54 |
Wildburn | Barridus: going to put the driver nvidia in and try the dfp-1 thing | 05:54 |
Barridus | wildburn ok good luck | 05:54 |
Wildburn | well ill still be here lol irc on the desktop[ while I diddle with the laptop | 05:55 |
redvamp128 | b1n42y: though the system logs would be the place to look if it just stopped | 05:55 |
b1n42y | redvamp128, but possibly you might still be right as i have no security to my router and just accepts my mac address on my laptop | 05:55 |
nanotube | mezy: well, i don't know what it is telling you, because i don't see the output... :) but that sounds reasonable | 05:55 |
mezy | lol | 05:55 |
b1n42y | redvamp128, will look there ta | 05:55 |
mezy | nanotube: it looks good on my side. i think, lol | 05:56 |
nanotube | mezy: ok good. :) | 05:56 |
Datz | Hi, I want to add an icon to a text file that I made executable, I've done it before, but don't remember how. Does anyone know? | 05:57 |
Datz | I basically mean I made a shortcut for a program.. | 05:57 |
rsteckler | hiya. I have a server with 3 IPs. Right now I have my dns settings for my two domains pointing to .94 and .95 respectively. How do I go about configuring apache to know which IP a request is coming in on and directing it accordingly to the correct home folder? | 05:57 |
mezy | nanotube: just to let you know, im following a tutorial. right now, im at the part where im about to 'repartition my usb drive' | 05:58 |
rsteckler | or is there a term for what I'm trying to do so I can have better luck on google? | 05:58 |
Datz | rsteckler: Have you tried #apache? | 05:58 |
redvamp128 | rsteckler: or #ubuntu-server | 05:58 |
rsteckler | thanks. I'll hit those up. | 05:58 |
Dr_Sneese | I fix my problem. | 05:59 |
Dr_Sneese | i did I did! | 05:59 |
Dr_Sneese | lol | 05:59 |
Anon8454 | Hi everyone! | 05:59 |
Barridus | Wildburn, i know your pain. believe it or not, blackscreen xorg was day 1 in linux for me. :) talk about rude awakening | 05:59 |
nanotube | mezy: ah, i see. :) well, i would suggest you mount it first, and make sure that its contents are what you think they are, before you do any actual repartitioning. :) | 06:00 |
Wildburn | lol Barridus, well I guess im lucky I run linux on the desktop where everything was easier, so going to laptop only thing that is killing me is this video setup | 06:00 |
Wildburn | ah bugger still black screen | 06:00 |
mezy | now im scared on continuing the tutorial | 06:00 |
Anon8454 | I have a problem... how can I organize files and folders on my system in an eficient way?? | 06:00 |
Anon8454 | any good software? | 06:01 |
Barridus | Wildburn, shoot. just curious what laptop/gpu are you working on? | 06:01 |
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Zykotic | Anon8454, i hope your just talking about the file in your HOME holder and not the stuff like /etc, /usr, etc. etc. etc. | 06:01 |
=== webkit_s is now known as dell | ||
Wildburn | Barridus:compaq tc1000 with Geforce2 Go | 06:02 |
Dezine | I currently have a computer setup with Ubuntu and only use it as a webserver. I have everything set up and now want to know the best way to get rid of everything I don't need. For example, I just want the webserver, ssh and sql, etc. I don't need ubuntu-desktop and everything. Could I safely apt-get remove everything I don't want? | 06:02 |
hunt577 | Hi everyone | 06:02 |
linux | hi | 06:02 |
mezy | im getting a scaring fatal error | 06:02 |
b1n42y | whats is supplicant connection state change | 06:02 |
hunt577 | Wireless is not working on ubuntu through the live cd, any suggestions? | 06:02 |
Wildburn | Mezy: your installing from livecd to usb right? not from a boot off the usb? | 06:03 |
b1n42y | hunt577, is it recognising your hardware? | 06:03 |
Barridus | Wildburn, well i guess there's two options now if DFP-0 failed. one is that it's sending video to the VGA port but the syntax is different for your machine and not DFP-0, or you might just be missing critical things in your .conf | 06:03 |
linux | yes is working in live cd | 06:03 |
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Anon8454 | I have a problem... how can I organize files and folders on my system in an eficient way ?? | 06:03 |
Wildburn | Barridus:yeah question is how to find out what the identifier is for my flat panel | 06:03 |
redvamp128 | b1n42y: I did find you a bug report on it Bug #277634 in linux-meta (Ubuntu): “Intel Pro/Wireless 4965 AG stops transferring data within a few minutes” <> | 06:04 |
mezy | no, im not Wildburn. im using the live cd right now and trying to follow the tutorial you suggested | 06:04 |
hunt577 | b1n42y, I don't think it is cause when I click on the 2 little computer monitor icons in the upper right corner it doesn't say anything about wireless connections | 06:04 |
Anon8454 | Im looking for a software/method that will be usefull whether it is for ubuntu or windows | 06:04 |
b1n42y | Anon8454, thats probably not a question for here | 06:04 |
b1n42y | redvamp128, nah dif bug my networkmanager simply died connection was up | 06:05 |
b1n42y | hunt577, look for eth0 eth1 | 06:05 |
redvamp128 | Anon8454: big hint -- don't save files to desktop-- and for me I create a folder dated for each download date and clean the trash | 06:05 |
Wildburn | Mezy: are you in linux? | 06:05 |
hunt577 | b1n42y where do I look for that at? | 06:05 |
Barridus | Wildburn, heh. it took me hours to figure out what mine was with searching (although you have an advantage i didn't months ago as i had never used linux). i am surprised your .conf does not contain mouse/touchpad settings. that's worrisome in and of itself i think, even though it's not the culprit here. | 06:05 |
mezy | Wildburn: i guess, if you mean ubuntu | 06:06 |
redvamp128 | !ot | Anon8454 | 06:06 |
ubottu | Anon8454: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks! | 06:06 |
Datz | I made a shortcut from a text file to execute a program. I want to add an ICON, how can I do this? | 06:06 |
b1n42y | hunt577, left click on networkmanager | 06:06 |
linux | the device wirelees wlan0 or wlan1 | 06:06 |
Wildburn | Barridus: actually I know why it doesnt contain that, because the tc1000 is a tablet with a usb key and mouse, so its all handled by USB not ps2 or serial connections | 06:06 |
linux | never eth1 or eth0 | 06:07 |
hunt577 | b1n42y, is that also known as Network Tools under System and Administration? | 06:07 |
Wildburn | mezy: try going to desktop and right clicking your flash drive and seeing what it says about mount point | 06:07 |
b1n42y | nope | 06:07 |
b1n42y | in terminal type sudo service NetworkManager start | 06:07 |
mezy | sure | 06:07 |
Barridus | Wildburn, ah i see. i'm not familiar with tablets really, i assumed it was a laptop | 06:08 |
b1n42y | hunt577, it should already be in your sys tray | 06:08 |
linux | run networkmanager it is ok | 06:08 |
Wildburn | Barridus: what concerns me is that complte lack of resolution and other settings for the screen and video, looks like new xserver handles it on the fly so its not hard coded | 06:08 |
hunt577 | it says "You must be root to run NetworkManager!" | 06:08 |
Wildburn | Barridus: yeah basically a laptop, but bit more complex lol | 06:08 |
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linux | type in console networkmanager | 06:09 |
tripps | anyone know on here when the dell mini10 will ship with ubuntu? | 06:09 |
linux | sudo su // root | 06:09 |
b1n42y | hunt577, b4 you run that command, look through all your icons in your panels | 06:09 |
b1n42y | before* | 06:09 |
mezy | Wildburn: mount point: /media/disk | 06:09 |
Datz | I made a shortcut from a text file to execute a program. I want to add an ICON, how can I do │aaahhh ▒│ | 06:10 |
hunt577 | it says "The program "console" is not installed. You can install it by typing: sudo apt-get install conserver-client | 06:10 |
hunt577 | ok b1n42y | 06:10 |
b1n42y | linux, its a service i dont believe that will work | 06:10 |
linux | ah ok | 06:10 |
PUfelix85 | Hello I am looking for help in the audio department... I have skype installed and when I try to use it skype does not recognize my default audio device. This may be due to my own stupidity ( I may have changed/moved/deleted/etc an important file) can anyone help me fix this problem? *Note: I am a n00b so please speak slowly Thanks | 06:10 |
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hunt577 | ok I am under Network right now b1n42y, it shows Windows Network at the moment | 06:11 |
Zykotic | PUfelix85, has skype audio ever worked for you? | 06:11 |
PUfelix85 | yes | 06:11 |
Zykotic | PUfelix85, what changed? | 06:11 |
b1n42y | hunt577, is this via a panel icon | 06:12 |
PUfelix85 | Zykotic, I was trying different methods of making my bluetooth headphones work and I think this may have caused me some problems | 06:13 |
Wildburn | mezy: in terminal sudo mount -l | 06:13 |
hunt577 | yes b1n42y | 06:13 |
Datz | I made a shortcut from a text file to execute a program. I want to add an ICON, how can I do this? | 06:13 |
linux | i am probe suse it is nice ,but is better ubuntu | 06:13 |
b1n42y | hunt577, ok right click and choose about, just to make sure it network manager | 06:13 |
hunt577 | my driver for my wireless connection is listed and its activated so that driver is there b1n42y | 06:13 |
Zykotic | PUfelix85, i have had close to no success in getting bluetooth headset to work on ubuntu :( all your sound is working EXCEPT for skypes? | 06:13 |
PUfelix85 | yes | 06:14 |
mezy | hmmm | 06:14 |
Alog_W | my fcitx can't start at system start. | 06:14 |
PUfelix85 | and it worked earlier when I set it to the NVidia something or other as it's output option | 06:14 |
b1n42y | hunt577, sounds like all you need to do is setup a new wireless connection, 3 things you need to know, which you can read usually off a sticker , ID of roter SSID , encryption method and passkey or phrase | 06:15 |
hunt577 | I don't see an about option b1n42y, I just see Properties | 06:15 |
lucky_wang | howResolution ratio | 06:15 |
b1n42y | hunt577, right clicking on icon before you get to any windwos | 06:15 |
marcham89 | Hello I am a new linux user and I just installed and set up ubuntu 8.10 32bit. Should I install 64bit instead? Is it worth it? | 06:15 |
fallore | this is my samba share excerpt (from smb.conf), i can't put files into the folder/share that have appeared (from a windows comp on the network). what do i need to change to do so? | 06:15 |
Barridus | Wildburn, i see a ton of google results for compaq tc1000 and xorg problems. seems a bit problematic. some of the results are ubuntu-specific and may contain the syntax you are missing | 06:15 |
rww | marcham89: if you already have 8.10 32-bit set up? no, not really. | 06:16 |
marcham89 | ok so not a bit performance boost? | 06:16 |
marcham89 | big* | 06:16 |
lucky_wang | how to change the Resolution ratio | 06:16 |
lucky_wang | ? | 06:16 |
rww | marcham89: Not in the vast majority of applications. If you were doing something that's boosted by 64-bit, odds are you'd know about it. | 06:16 |
hunt577 | b1n42y how do I go about setting up the wireless connection? | 06:16 |
Wildburn | yeah, trying some of them, think I put the dfp thing in the wrong spot though, my xorg.conf doesnt seem to be setup the same as the ones I am finding around | 06:16 |
marcham89 | rww: thanks | 06:17 |
linux | nvidia settings change ratio resolution | 06:17 |
Zykotic | PUfelix85, so in skype / Options / Sound Devices / what do you have for sound in & sound out? how many options do you have, have you tried them all (perhaps restarting skype inbetween??) | 06:17 |
Wildburn | Barridus: actually found someone's posted xorg.conf from a tc1000 so gonna try some of the settings in it | 06:18 |
Datz | Ok, figured it out for all who would want to know. right click->properties->click on blank icon to change it. :) | 06:18 |
Datz | well I had some help actually :) | 06:18 |
linux | depend have xorg driver | 06:19 |
marcham89 | I just installed wine, but can not uninstall anything. As uninstall is not a downloaded so it tells me to run: sudo apt-get install wine | 06:20 |
marcham89 | which I do and it does not work. Any ideas? Thanks. | 06:20 |
PUfelix85 | Zykotic, the options are Default device (default),HDA NVidia (hw:NVidia,0),HDA NVidia (plughw:NVidia,0),HDA NVidia (hw:NVidia,1),HDA NVidia (plughw:NVidia,1),hdmi,headset,bluetooth,pulse | 06:20 |
PUfelix85 | Zykotic, and yes I have tried them all and atm none work but they have in the past | 06:20 |
Zykotic | PUfelix85, have you tried pulse? | 06:20 |
PUfelix85 | just did and it worked | 06:21 |
b1n42y | hunt577, one sec family issues > new wireless connection | 06:21 |
b1n42y | !wireless | 06:21 |
ubottu | Wireless documentation can be found at | 06:21 |
Myst | !burning | 06:21 |
ubottu | CD/DVD Burning software: K3b (KDE), gnomebaker, brasero, serpentine, graveman, Nautilus-CD-Burner, GToaster, xcdroast (GNOME), wodim (terminal-based). Burning .iso files: see | 06:21 |
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marcham89 | !wine | 06:21 |
redvamp128 | marcham89: is it a program that you installed in wine or just wine itself that you want removed? | 06:21 |
b1n42y | hunt577, left click on icon and new wireless connection | 06:21 |
ubottu | WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help | 06:21 |
sirbondness | !quakewars | 06:21 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about quakewars | 06:21 |
sirbondness | :( | 06:22 |
Myst | !wodim | 06:22 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about wodim | 06:22 |
PUfelix85 | Zykotic, do I just have to use that specific device or is there someway to make it default? | 06:22 |
marcham89 | a compatible program installed with wine | 06:22 |
mezy | i cant go on with this tutorial | 06:22 |
hunt577 | ok I just restarted the livecd its loading now b1n42y | 06:22 |
marcham89 | redvamp128 , installed program with wine. | 06:22 |
linux | wine is easy installed | 06:22 |
redvamp128 | marcham89: was the program listed in the applications -- wine -- uninstall wine software? | 06:22 |
b1n42y | hunt577, ? | 06:22 |
Zykotic | PUfelix85, not sure, but i'd check in the options somewhere, or perhaps it will stick after restarting Skype, don't know mine's set to default. | 06:23 |
hunt577 | b1n42y, while you were away thought restarting might help | 06:23 |
marcham89 | it was listed in the installed wine applications but i want to uninstall it and uninstall does not work redvamp128 | 06:23 |
sirbondness | someone here with quakewars installed on linux ? | 06:23 |
Zykotic | sirbondness, i had the demo installed? | 06:23 |
redvamp128 | marcham89: pm? I can talk you through it there if it is ok. | 06:23 |
hunt577 | b1n42y, its almost back up | 06:23 |
mezy | !cfdisk | 06:23 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about cfdisk | 06:23 |
sirbondness | mhhh...i installed the native linux version...but always when i try to load a map it goes back to desktop | 06:24 |
sirbondness | game starts menu works but connecting on server or starting a lan game...iut crashes | 06:24 |
Zykotic | sirbondness, no idea man... | 06:24 |
sirbondness | :) hehe ok thx | 06:25 |
hunt577 | b1n42y, it doesn't give the option to create a new wireless connection when I left click, just says Wired Network, Auto eth0, and VPN Connections | 06:25 |
^paradox^ | im having some problems the ls | 06:26 |
PUfelix85 | Zykotic, I tried the test call and pulse does not work as the input device any advice there? | 06:26 |
doctor | hi ppl - ubuntu 8.04 stacks after exit from games - like UrT... no sound, no new app to launch... wtc? | 06:26 |
b1n42y | hunt577, right click edit then | 06:26 |
Zykotic | PUfelix85, is the mic muted? check all the volume levels/mutes... other then that, no idea | 06:26 |
tripps | how do I switch to alsa sound system and eliminate pulseaudio in 8.10? | 06:27 |
PUfelix85 | nope mic is on | 06:27 |
hunt577 | SSID, is that just the name of the network? | 06:27 |
hunt577 | b1n42y | 06:27 |
^paradox^ | i cd into my NES roms directory which has 800 files and i use ls. theyre in alphabetical order, but i cant see anything that comes before g | 06:27 |
b1n42y | hunt577, its the name given to wireless network in router | 06:28 |
sirbondness | PUfelix85, yeah check setttings had the same problem with mumble...just try different settings ... i use the alsa driver | 06:28 |
Zykotic | ^paradox^, ls | more | 06:28 |
b1n42y | hunt577, mine is set to optus987987 or something equivalent | 06:28 |
hunt577 | b1n42y, mode should be infastructure? | 06:28 |
hunt577 | oh ok | 06:28 |
b1n42y | hunt577, yep | 06:29 |
hunt577 | b1n42y, what would the BSSID be? | 06:29 |
andy74 | #python | 06:29 |
b1n42y | hunt577, mines blank' | 06:29 |
hunt577 | ok and I will enter the MAC address now | 06:29 |
b1n42y | hunt577, leave everything deafult on first tab apart from ssid | 06:29 |
hunt577 | oh ok done | 06:30 |
b1n42y | hunt577, mac would be the routers mac address | 06:30 |
b1n42y | mines blank | 06:30 |
hunt577 | b1n42y my router has a security key, so on the second tab what option would I select? | 06:30 |
b1n42y | hunt577, probably wap | 06:31 |
b1n42y | hunt577, wep is older encryption | 06:31 |
hunt577 | I don't see an option for WAP, just different options for WEP | 06:31 |
b1n42y | wpa* | 06:31 |
hunt577 | oh ok | 06:31 |
linux | wap is passfrase wep hexadecimal key | 06:32 |
hunt577 | b1n42y, what should I do next? | 06:33 |
b1n42y | hunt577, add your passphrase tick connect automatically up top if you wish this to be the case save and connect | 06:33 |
hunt577 | b1n42y, how do I connect? | 06:34 |
hunt577 | I don't see anything different happening | 06:34 |
^paradox^ | Zykotic: thanks thats a big help | 06:34 |
b1n42y | try left click on icon | 06:35 |
hunt577 | b1n42y, done but still no options for wireless | 06:35 |
b1n42y | hunt577, your wireless name not showing | 06:36 |
hunt577 | b1n42y, no its not | 06:36 |
hmw | Argh, my /etc/motd has been reset to the original "Ubuntu is free and has no guarantee" text. I am uncertain, but I might have gotten a new kernel meanwhile. Which program rewrote that file and how could I prevent that from happening? | 06:36 |
Dezine | I have a second computer set up as a web server.. What's the easiest way to remove all but the lamp server to gain some disk space? | 06:37 |
b1n42y | hunt577, hmm is your router set to broadcast ? | 06:37 |
hunt577 | just has grayed out, wired connection, Auto eth0, and VPN connections | 06:37 |
hunt577 | b1n42y, what is that? | 06:37 |
linux | hehe wlan impossible | 06:38 |
b1n42y | hunt577, you mentioned earlier that it sees your wireless, wireless is usually eth1 if its not even there than the hardware is not recognised | 06:38 |
Jeremy93283 | Hi | 06:39 |
hunt577 | b1n42y, oh ok well not sure why its not working, it works just fine in Windows Vista, not sure why Ubuntu can't recognize it | 06:39 |
kkb110 | where is the ubuntu off-topic channel? | 06:39 |
hmw | !ot | 06:39 |
ubottu | #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks! | 06:39 |
kkb110 | thank you | 06:39 |
b1n42y | hunt577, driver issue , what wireless card have you git | 06:39 |
b1n42y | got | 06:39 |
Jeremy93283 | For people that use the Opera browser. I use the space bar to scroll down web pages, but when you press the space bar too much and it gets to the bottom of the page then Opera jumps to another link. How do you stop Opera from jumping to a link when you press the space bar at the end of a web page? | 06:40 |
b1n42y | kkb110, #ubuntu-offtopic | 06:40 |
Myst | hey all how do i take the output of one command and use it in the next command? | 06:41 |
hunt577 | b1n42y, maybe try lscpi to get that info? | 06:41 |
rww | Myst: command1 | command2 | 06:41 |
b1n42y | hunt577, yep | 06:41 |
hunt577 | b1n42y, not getting anything when I hit lscpi, command not found, am I typing it in wrong? | 06:42 |
b1n42y | hunt577, i thought thats what the command was not working for me | 06:42 |
b1n42y | must be | 06:42 |
Myst | rww: that wont work... i need to take a number from the output of one command and use that variable in another command | 06:43 |
b1n42y | lspci | 06:43 |
Red4lpha | can someone tell how do I mount a network storage drive? | 06:43 |
b1n42y | hunt577, lspci | 06:43 |
hunt577 | thanks b1n42y | 06:43 |
sparr | Is there an installer for ubuntu that will install a smaller selection of packages than the alternate installer? | 06:44 |
b1n42y | hunt577, if you type first couple of letters and tab gives you all possible commands | 06:44 |
hunt577 | b1n42y, its a Atheros Communications Inc. AR242x 802.11abg Wireless PCI Express Adapter | 06:44 |
b1n42y | hunt577, sometimes its not helpful as 300 come up | 06:44 |
b1n42y | hunt577, google AR242 and ubuntu, you might need to download whats called firmware aka drivers | 06:45 |
hmw | My motd has been replaced with the original text. I am trying to figure out, which program did it. Someone got an idea, where to look? | 06:45 |
hunt577 | b1n42y, how do I get that onto ubuntu if its not connecting to the internet? | 06:46 |
Myst | hmw, sometimes a newly installed program will overwrite files, but it generally asks you | 06:47 |
b1n42y | hunt577, usbstick, wired connection, cd | 06:47 |
b1n42y | hunt577, vodoo? | 06:47 |
hmw | Myst: thanks. I suspect the normal updates to be the bad guy. Google is not a big help, or I am searching with the wrong terms. I am going to grep my whole file system now. *annoyed* | 06:47 |
hunt577 | ahh ok b142y | 06:47 |
hunt577 | got it | 06:48 |
^paradox^ | ok ls | more does help, but after i scroll down so far i cant get back to the very top of the list. how do i do that? | 06:48 |
b1n42y | hunt577, link or tranfer method ? | 06:48 |
hmw | Myst: They took away my wonderful colored ASCII art *g* | 06:48 |
crdlb | ^paradox^: use less instead of more :) | 06:48 |
b1n42y | hunt577, transfer* | 06:48 |
Myst | hmw, if you redo a good one i wouldnt mind seeing it... | 06:48 |
hunt577 | b1n42y, I can hook it up via ethernet cable and go that route | 06:48 |
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^paradox^ | lol ok | 06:49 |
b1n42y | hunt577, too easy | 06:49 |
hmw | Myst: No, I am not that good *G* It's just a 'figlet <hostname>' in rainbow colors | 06:49 |
hunt577 | lol | 06:49 |
Myst | hehe | 06:49 |
crdlb | hunt577: you just need to install linux-backports-modules-intrepid and switch drivers in Hardware Drivers | 06:49 |
crdlb | it's on the CD | 06:49 |
IRAN_MIKE_TYSON | hi guys, how do I change my JRE_HOME setting | 06:49 |
hmw | Myst: If you don't know already, check out mplayer's ASCII video out filter. | 06:50 |
tyler_d | why is it when I do nslookup I get Address: -- this is the internal address of my server... but whats with the #53? | 06:50 |
b1n42y | hunt577, msg me if you get stuck im off for a smoke and break | 06:50 |
hunt577 | thanks b1n42y I appreciate it | 06:51 |
b1n42y | hunt577, /msg username or something along those lines | 06:51 |
hunt577 | ok will do | 06:51 |
b1n42y | hunt577, no | 06:51 |
b1n42y | hunt577, no = no probs | 06:51 |
b1n42y | hunt577, np* | 06:51 |
hunt577 | :) | 06:51 |
ari_stress | Nautilus cannot be used now, due to an unexpected error from Bonobo when attempting to locate the factory. Killing bonobo-activation-server and restarting Nautilus may help fix the problem. | 06:52 |
ari_stress | :D | 06:52 |
Myst | hmw, i havent seen it... ill take a look... one thing you could do is write protect the /etc/motd file so it can't be overwritten... | 06:52 |
MoStaff | anyone knows the answer to adobe problem with "document right enabled"? | 06:53 |
tripps | is there a shortcut way to save the current session without having to go through the prefs->sessions dialog? e.g., hotkey shortcut, etc.? | 06:53 |
hmw | Myst: I thought of write protection already, but feared some problems might occur. I might just have found the script. (/etc/{init.d/,rcS.d/} | 06:53 |
hmw | Myst: If I only would remember grep and find syntax. Always gotta read the man pages | 06:54 |
MoStaff | Adobe Reader Problem Ubuntu!!!!!! | 06:54 |
aqUarIuZ_giRLZ | hiy......... | 06:54 |
MoStaff | I need typewriter | 06:55 |
=== Alog_W is now known as bic | ||
Myst | hmw, HAHA same here... you could always copy the motd you make into your home directory and then add a cron job to restore it once a day... | 06:55 |
buzzomatic | How can I disable australian package mirrors from the terminal? They're all slow as hell | 06:56 |
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hmw | Myst: No way LOL. I want to resolve this once and for all at the root of the evil. The scripts I found, do a cat >> /var/run/motd, so I keep looking | 06:56 |
=== bic is now known as Alog_W | ||
^paradox^ | awesome! thats what i needed. i am planning on learning about the command line. its just been very busy month | 06:56 |
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^paradox^ | thanks | 06:56 |
Red4lpha | can someone tell how do I mount a network storage drive? | 06:56 |
hmw | Myst: I guess, the least people use Ubuntu at the console reguraily? | 06:57 |
MoStaff | Does anyone know the answer to Adobe "document right enabled" problem? | 06:58 |
hmw | Myst: How sure are you about making motd read only causing no harm later? (The updater might crash or whatever?) | 06:59 |
Myst | hmw, yeah most people are gui nowadays... it just doesnt seem like linux with a gui... | 06:59 |
hmw | Myst: But it would be a cheap solution... | 06:59 |
Myst | hmw, the updater *should* write an error to the log file about overwriting that file... | 06:59 |
Myst | hmw, and then just continue | 07:00 |
error404notfound | I had ubuntu 8.10 Instlled on my notebook, I installed mac over it, and now ubuntu is gone, can't see it anywhere. Do I need to reinstall grub and add mac's entry? | 07:00 |
Myst | error404notfound, i believe you will have to install an MBR utility like grub and re-specify the bootable operating systems... its just been a long time since i have had to do that... | 07:02 |
linux | supergrub disc boot | 07:02 |
quibbler | buzzomatic: does it have to be par se from the terminal? | 07:02 |
error404notfound | linux: supergrub boot disc? was that for me? | 07:02 |
buzzomatic | yep, using Ubuntu Server :) | 07:02 |
buzzomatic | I just changed all the URLs from au. to us. that did the trick | 07:03 |
quibbler | buzzomatic: OK, then i can't help sorry. | 07:03 |
leandroal | I have a SIS audio board. The kernel loaded snd-trident module for it, but I can't control the volumes from alsamixer or any other similar software. Any clue? | 07:03 |
buzzomatic | Although things are still as slow | 07:03 |
rww | buzzomatic: try one of the mirrors at | 07:03 |
buzzomatic | ok | 07:04 |
celeritas | leandroal: well, does the audio work? | 07:04 |
linux | supergrub disc is utility for repair boot grub | 07:04 |
rww | buzzomatic: the ones can get bogged down sometimes | 07:04 |
buzzomatic | yeah, thanks | 07:04 |
hmw | When doing a grep -r, my notebook's HD led is lit, but my system monitor does sometimes show zero disk activity. How comes that? | 07:04 |
linux | other solution is livecd ubuntu | 07:04 |
error404notfound | linux: I have ubuntu live cd still | 07:05 |
leandroal | celeritas, I can listen to the audio, but very low... then I try to increase the volume level with no luck | 07:05 |
hmw | Myst: dpkg could be it, right? | 07:05 |
linux | is more easy with supergrub boot disc | 07:06 |
[[thufir]] | CLOSE_WAIT seems to be a problem. how can I free that port? (tomcat is giving problems) | 07:06 |
leandroal | celeritas, I tried to increase all available options that alsamixer provided, but with no effect, even if I try to change the master volume | 07:06 |
linux | are you noob in linux_ | 07:06 |
leandroal | celeritas, any suggestion? | 07:06 |
njero | hi all, I have a log file that is not writable by my user (-rw-r--r-- 1 root root), I want to change this (I have sudo)... but I don't want it to be world writable... any pointers on how to do this (or where to learn more about it) | 07:07 |
linux | is better option a | 07:07 |
celeritas | leandroal: oh, so the volume control appears, but doesn't work? | 07:07 |
Myst | hmw, you know its possible... but i cant seem to recall anything that updates those files... | 07:08 |
leandroal | celeritas, yes | 07:08 |
celeritas | leandroal: you need to make sure alsamixer is controlling the device and not pulseaudio | 07:08 |
Out_Cold | how do i set a swap flag on a partition? | 07:08 |
leandroal | celeritas, I already checked this | 07:08 |
rww | Out_Cold: mkswap | 07:08 |
rww | Out_Cold: then swapon to start using it | 07:08 |
=== Nickname_ is now known as spass | ||
celeritas | leandroal: won't work even without pulseaudio? | 07:09 |
IRAN_MIKE_TYSON | when i startup tomcat it is giving me /usr/ as my JRE_HOME instead of the dir that i set in my .bashrc ... how do i fix it? | 07:09 |
hmw | Myst: grep "motd" /var/lib/dpkg/info/base-files.postinst | 07:09 |
celeritas | leandroal: I know a lot of onboard cards have very crude output, and there's just no way to increase the volume | 07:09 |
Out_Cold | rww, i get "swapon: /dev/hda2: Device or resource busy | 07:09 |
leandroal | celeritas, maybe this is my case... | 07:10 |
leandroal | celeritas, do you know where can I find information to check whether my card is one of these? | 07:10 |
Myst | hmw, looks like that is the culprit and it looks like it overwrote my motd file as well... time to turn off updates | 07:10 |
rww | Out_Cold: try swapoff then swapon | 07:10 |
linux | for two or theree boot is for experts users | 07:11 |
celeritas | leandroal: well, process of elimination. try a bunch of sound systems, if it is the same with all, it's the hardware | 07:11 |
tin_nqn | hello | 07:11 |
Myst | hmw, mine was moved to /etc/motd.old | 07:11 |
tin_nqn | I'm trying to use Subtitle Editor for first time | 07:11 |
Out_Cold | rww, now is there a list option for swaps? | 07:11 |
Out_Cold | *activated ones | 07:11 |
leandroal | celeritas, that's ok. Thank you. | 07:11 |
tin_nqn | to synchronize a transcript with a video | 07:11 |
tin_nqn | but the help and tutotorials sucks really much | 07:12 |
rww | Out_Cold: cat /proc/swaps | 07:12 |
hmw | Myst: i have no .old ... odd. I turned off autoupdates, but I should keep updating, i guess. Changed the template motd and will wait, so I will known, when it happens again. | 07:12 |
Out_Cold | cool thanks | 07:12 |
tin_nqn | everywhere say: "Use your mouse to edit the time-selection for the actual subtitle-line. " | 07:12 |
buzzomatic | thanks for the help rww, got it sorted | 07:12 |
tin_nqn | but I really can't | 07:12 |
tin_nqn | I don't know how to select a range in the waveform | 07:13 |
tin_nqn | here's the official tutorial | 07:13 |
tin_nqn | | 07:13 |
Red4lpha | whats the command to have root privileges? | 07:13 |
Red4lpha | been a while =/ | 07:13 |
tin_nqn | could somebody give me a hand? | 07:13 |
Myst | tin_nqn, ask your question and people will answer if they can help | 07:14 |
Myst | red4lpha, sudo | 07:14 |
hmw | when i do a "grep -r TEXT /*", the search will eventually stop causing disk activity (without grep terminating). I suspect certain dirs like /proc. How would I search all my files for a contained string properly? | 07:14 |
Red4lpha | errr sorry let me reask my question i mean to stay as a root user | 07:14 |
tin_nqn | Myst: of course: How I must do to select a range of time in the waveform of Subtitle Editor, to assign it to my subtitle line? | 07:14 |
IRAN_MIKE_TYSON | anyone know about that JRE_HOME thing or is the question too noob | 07:15 |
tin_nqn | if I press shift + left click, it selects from the begin until that point... | 07:16 |
quibbler | !sudo | Red4lpha | 07:16 |
ubottu | Red4lpha: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome, XFCE), or !kdesudo (KDE) | 07:16 |
tin_nqn | I really don't understand it | 07:16 |
tin_nqn | but looks like the best option to do this task (an every forum say that) | 07:16 |
b1n42y | any idea on where or how i can fix this its wireless related > supplicant connection state change < logs that over and over | 07:16 |
sd32 | is there a vmware version of netbook remix? | 07:19 |
moijk | hi. I connected a second monitor to my thinkpad x61s. it has 1200x1024 -resolution, but I don't get that as a choice. how do I fix that? | 07:19 |
rww | hmw: try adding the "grep -D skip" switch | 07:19 |
hmw | rww: First I tried excluding /dev then i grepped only /var/*, is something in /var, that could cause grep to hang? | 07:20 |
tin_nqn | where I could ask about my problem? | 07:21 |
sd32 | !ask | 07:21 |
ubottu | Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) | 07:21 |
tin_nqn | sd32: I need to know how to select a range of time in the waveform in Subtitle Editor | 07:21 |
rww | hmw: not that I can think of =/ | 07:21 |
hmw | sd32: in this case, the question of tin_nqn was approproate, as it looks. | 07:22 |
hmw | rww: extra weird. | 07:22 |
sd32 | tin_nqn, , sorry not that advanced | 07:22 |
rww | hmw: I'd try that -D thing if I were you. It'll skip block devices, pipes, and other weirdness like that. | 07:22 |
tin_nqn | ok thanks anyway | 07:23 |
hmw | rww: I could only thing of the kernel file systems. That's what you mean, right? | 07:23 |
hmw | s/thing/think | 07:23 |
rww | hmw: according to man grep, it skips "devices, FIFO or sockets". I guess there might be some sockets in /var. | 07:23 |
tin_nqn | It's look like a recurrent case of great free software with a really sad documentation | 07:23 |
tin_nqn | so, it's no so great | 07:24 |
hmw | oops... -D is not --exclude-dir. Thanks. | 07:24 |
slava | what packages do I apt-get if I want the kernel sources and gnu toolchain? | 07:24 |
mlbarnes | I am trying to fix an error that is showing in my mail.log. The error is FAILED - unexpected , output="/var/lib/amavis/tmp/amavis-20090301T221847-03504/parts: lstat() failed. ERROR\n". The setup is clamd with amavis. The sites I see show that I need to add the group. This is what I added to /etc/group amavis:x:118:clamav Does anyone have any suggestions | 07:25 |
AncientOfDays | slava: Try "apt-get build-dep linux-image-2.6.27-7-generic" | 07:26 |
slava | thanks | 07:26 |
snlemons | does anyone know if there's a package for Python 2.6 for Intrepid? I see packages for 3.0, but not 2.6 | 07:29 |
hmw | rww: yeah, that almost was it. A "grep -r -D skip TEXT /*" searches my while file system for files containing "TEXT", but it still goes to /dev and displays errors. At least, it works. Thanks! | 07:30 |
hmw | mlbarnes: I don't know what's happening there, but maybe its the permissions of some parent dir? Maybe the user needs to be put in another group, too? | 07:32 |
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victoria | hello i just want to make sure.. if i want to try xubuntu.. i should do.. sudo apt-get xubuntu-desktiop? | 07:39 |
fosco_ | yes | 07:39 |
fosco_ | -desktop | 07:39 |
snlemons | does anyone know if there's a package for Python 2.6 for Intrepid? I see packages for 3.0, but not 2.6 | 07:40 |
victoria | fosco_: thank you | 07:40 |
victoria | fosco_: one question.. i will still have the option to use ubuntu? i want the option to select both | 07:40 |
fosco_ | yes | 07:41 |
fosco_ | in the login screen select options - session | 07:41 |
rhythmsoup | morning folks :) | 07:41 |
fosco_ | there will be at least one for gnome and one for xfce | 07:41 |
hunt577 | Hello again b1n42y | 07:41 |
degrit | hallo | 07:42 |
hunt577 | I tried to find the driver but I really didn't understand any of it, I am new to ubuntu so it all looked chinese to me | 07:42 |
degrit | is there a way on ubuntu to get control of the gpu fan ? | 07:42 |
fosco_ | degrit: fancontrol | 07:42 |
victoria | fosco_: thank you.. one last question.. if i install xubuntu.. ubuntu will run slower because now is more heavy? | 07:42 |
degrit | fosco_, that an app ? command ? | 07:42 |
fosco_ | victoria: no, i've got kde + gnome + xfce with no slowdown at all | 07:43 |
fosco_ | degrit: command | 07:43 |
lasdlasdlasda | victoria, it should not run slower because of the new window manager | 07:43 |
victoria | fosco_: good to know, thank you | 07:43 |
victoria | ok | 07:43 |
victoria | thanks for the information | 07:43 |
degrit | fosco_, thanks, reading the howto | 07:43 |
victoria | good to know | 07:43 |
hunt577 | until I can get wireless internet successfully I'll hold off doing a full install of ubuntu | 07:43 |
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rhythmsoup | folks seeing as you are talking about desktop managers | 07:44 |
rhythmsoup | if i have a PC running kubuntu, can i install xfc? | 07:44 |
pablish_arg | rhythmsoup, yeap? | 07:44 |
rhythmsoup | xfe* | 07:44 |
fosco_ | rhythmsoup: of course | 07:44 |
pablish_arg | rhythmsoup, sure... | 07:44 |
b1n42y | !wireless hunt577 | 07:45 |
ubottu | Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 07:45 |
b1n42y | arg | 07:45 |
rhythmsoup | and then if i boot into xfe will it use less memory? | 07:45 |
pablish_arg | rhythmsoup, you can have as many window manager as you like | 07:45 |
b1n42y | tell hunt577 about wireless | 07:45 |
fosco_ | rhythmsoup: yes, xfce4 is lighter than kde or gnome | 07:45 |
giovani | rhythmsoup: yes, xfce is far more lightweight than a full desktop environment like kde | 07:45 |
degrit | fosco_, what about nvclock ? | 07:45 |
rww | b1n42y: try !wireless | hunt577 | 07:45 |
hunt577 | yeah it mentioned stuff about madwifi, tried some of it but ended up getting errors and it didn't work | 07:45 |
werdnum | My X seems to boot okay, but no keyboard or mouse | 07:45 |
werdnum | any suggestions? | 07:45 |
hunt577 | !wireless | 07:45 |
ubottu | Wireless documentation can be found at | 07:45 |
fosco_ | degrit: this is for nvidia overclocking only | 07:45 |
rhythmsoup | yes i have an old compaq PC at home here running Xubuntu and its very happy :) | 07:45 |
moijk | hi. I connected a second monitor to my thinkpad x61s. it has 1280x1024 -resolution, but I don't get that as a choice. how do I fix that? | 07:46 |
mlbarnes | I am trying to fix an error that is showing in my mail.log. The error is FAILED - unexpected , output="/var/lib/amavis/tmp/amavis-20090301T221847-03504/parts: lstat() failed. ERROR\n". The setup is clamd with amavis. The sites I see show that I need to add the group. This is what I added to /etc/group amavis:x:118:clamav Does anyone have any suggestions | 07:46 |
hunt577 | yeah I've been there a good bit | 07:46 |
b1n42y | !wireless | hunt577 | 07:46 |
ubottu | hunt577: please see above | 07:46 |
hmw | rww: it is still grepping... | 07:46 |
rhythmsoup | and if i add xfe will i still have all the settings say for firefox (book marks etc) available? | 07:46 |
rww | rhythmsoup: yes | 07:46 |
b1n42y | hunt577, dont give up whats wrong where are you stuck | 07:46 |
degrit | fosco_, the card is nvidia all right, what I am trying to solve is that it starts going BRRZRZRRRZRZ, thus slowing down and making the temperature rise - if I touch it while it spins (slowing it down a bit ?) the noise will cease and temp will go down | 07:47 |
rhythmsoup | many thanks everyone :) | 07:47 |
hunt577 | b12n42y, can't figure out how to install the driver | 07:47 |
pablish_arg | rhythmsoup, don't worry you'll get the same aplications than kde o gnome | 07:47 |
rhythmsoup | pablish_arg: thanks | 07:47 |
degrit | in fact I have never dabbled in such things before and don't even know if this is the actual problem | 07:48 |
pablish_arg | what do you think about songbird? | 07:48 |
b1n42y | have you tried running synaptic and typing in package name | 07:48 |
b1n42y | mine was ipw200firmware or something | 07:48 |
b1n42y | hunt577, sorry dinner time lol , be back soon | 07:48 |
fosco_ | degrit: try with nvclock -F "speed", but i've never done it | 07:48 |
quibbler | degrit: maybe the card is not seated properly | 07:49 |
hunt577 | headed to bed, will pick this up tomorrow | 07:50 |
hunt577 | thanks for all your help b1n42y, have a good one | 07:50 |
degrit | quibbler, in the agp slot ? I wish, then it would be a very easy problem to solve | 07:50 |
sparr | booting ubuntu on a classic imac for the first time... wish me luck | 07:51 |
sparr | damn | 07:52 |
sparr | it powers down :( | 07:52 |
werdnum | /usr/lib/policykit/polkit-read-auth-helper: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/policykit/polkit-read-auth-helper: undefined symbol: kit_getpwnam | 07:53 |
werdnum | polkit-auth: NotAuthorizedToReadAuthorizationsForOtherUsers: uid 0 is not authorized to read authorizations for uid 111 (requires | 07:53 |
werdnum | bah | 07:54 |
pablish_arg | what program do you recommend me ... for downloading mp3's? ... i've tried amule, frostwire... and no one helps me :S | 07:54 |
FloodBot1 | werdnum: Please don't flood, use to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 07:54 |
werdnum | after dpkg-reconfigure hal | 07:54 |
dotblank | GUYS! great success with encryption and unison | 07:56 |
sparr | I am trying to boot ubuntu 8.10 on a G3 imac. I see it pause at two prompts (one for stage 1, one for yaboot) for a couple of seconds each, continue to a screen with some text ending with "returning from prom_init..." then a screen with "XXXXing, please wait" (the XXXX is lost off the edge of the screen), then the computer powers down. Any ideas? | 07:57 |
dotblank | Nope, havn't used a mac in like forever | 07:58 |
zetrac | ghdf | 07:59 |
dotblank | Who thinks Deluge should replace transmission as the default BT client? | 08:01 |
wxjeacen | hello | 08:02 |
wxjeacen | is some here? | 08:02 |
dotblank | hi? | 08:02 |
fosco_ | !hi | 08:02 |
ubottu | Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! | 08:02 |
c0mp13371331337 | dotblank: huzzuh! | 08:03 |
wxjeacen | yeh | 08:03 |
dotblank | Wow deluge just downloaded a 700mb torrent in about 10 mins. While transmission is at 30% | 08:04 |
Kyo | Indeed should replace, but I thought that the Azureus is better some | 08:06 |
alexshenoy | hello | 08:07 |
Kyo | 700mb 10mins? The speed is very quick | 08:09 |
Kyo | Some people speak Chinese? | 08:11 |
rww | !cn | Kyo | 08:12 |
kbrosnan | !cn | Kyo | 08:12 |
ubottu | Kyo: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw 或者 #ubuntu-hk | 08:12 |
innociv | why can't i google to find install guides for mta? | 08:13 |
Kyo | thank you | 08:14 |
torkel_ | anybody know how i can get my ubuntu available as a bluetooth headset? so that i can use my laptop as a headset for my cellphone and get conversations with speakers and microphone | 08:14 |
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AncientOfDays | /etc/X11/xorg.conf is empty, and startx (mistakenly) thinks my LCD can only run at 00x600 - what's the ubuntu-way to teach it better? | 08:17 |
rww | AncientOfDays: if you know the xorg.conf settings you'd usually use, you can just put them in there. Xorg uses autodetection in Ubuntu, but will respect manual configuration stuff put in xorg.conf. | 08:19 |
hmw | how do I stop the whole graphical UI? /etc/init.d/gdm stop says "OK" but X is not shut down and the login screen still appears, when i log out of the X session. I want to use the framebuffer from console. | 08:20 |
fosco_ | hmw: after that close your session | 08:20 |
hmw | fosco_ i just did!? | 08:20 |
hmw | killing X just shows the login screen | 08:21 |
rww | hmw: do the gdm stop thing, then ps -AH and look for xorg processes and kill them. | 08:21 |
fosco_ | it should take you to a text console | 08:21 |
rww | hmw: (in that order) | 08:21 |
hmw | rww: gah. another new annoyance. usually gdm stop did the thing. | 08:21 |
AncientOfDays | rww: I just thought that there might be a way to prod the auto-detection in the right direction | 08:25 |
fosco_ | AncientOfDays: yes, force it manually :) | 08:26 |
innociv | how do i install mta? :\ | 08:26 |
bamhm182 | does anyone in here use Bot Sentry with Pidgin? | 08:26 |
bamhm182 | Also, would that belong in to off topic IRC? It has something to do with Ubuntu because Pidgin came pre-installed. | 08:27 |
bamhm182 | Wow, nevermind, it's too late to be worrying about Bot Sentry, later. | 08:27 |
hmw | rww: because gdm stop answered with "OK", i didnt notice, that I called it as a user. Calling with sudo worked as usual. thx. | 08:28 |
hmw | rww: player does show videos on the console, when X is up and i use svga output. | 08:29 |
AncientOfDays | fosco_: :) | 08:29 |
innociv | sudo aptitude install postfix is all i do?.. | 08:29 |
chalcedony | innociv: maybe sudo apt-get install filename ? | 08:30 |
innociv | ? o_O | 08:31 |
innociv | I'm trying to install mta just so i can send confirmation emails on registration | 08:31 |
rww | !postfix | innociv | 08:31 |
ubottu | innociv: postfix is the default !MTA and !MDA on Ubuntu. For help, read and - See also !MailServer | 08:31 |
Etherael | what's the deal with 8.10 PPTP connections ? | 08:31 |
innociv | yeah that's what i'm reading. wasn't sure its' the right hing | 08:31 |
victoria | hi i have a quick question. themes for xfce.. which are the the correct ones? gtk 1.x or gtk 2.x? | 08:32 |
fosco_ | gtk2 | 08:32 |
rww | victoria: 2 | 08:32 |
victoria | thank you | 08:33 |
wildbat | what is the commanline to install .deb file? | 08:36 |
examancer | I wrote a script that generates a PNG file which shows a history graph of system resources (specifically, CPU temp and fan usage for my laptop) ... any suggestions on how I could have that PNG embedded into my desktop? | 08:36 |
examancer | I was thinking gdesklets or something could do that, but i can't find any desklets that will refresh an image | 08:36 |
examancer | i just want it to refresh every 5 minutes or so | 08:37 |
GrayMagiker | @wildbat dkpg -i <filename> | 08:37 |
GrayMagiker | I think, anyway | 08:38 |
Breetai | I want to have a passwordless samba share, how do I do that. | 08:38 |
wildbat | ^^ thnx ~ good know ~ better then just double click ^^ | 08:38 |
Breetai | I changed security=user and my share has guest ok = yes, but I get a NT_STATUS_BAD_NETWORK_NAME | 08:39 |
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victoria | rww: hello again, i just download a them that i like.. i extract it on "desktop" i guess i have to copy to other place? because is not working for me | 08:42 |
fosco_ | victoria: gnome or xfce? | 08:43 |
victoria | xfce | 08:43 |
fosco_ | not sure if xfce can handle themes with "drag and drog" | 08:43 |
rww | victoria: you might want to ask in #xubuntu. More Xfce users there ;) | 08:43 |
fosco_ | open preferences - appearance and drag and drop the theme file over it | 08:43 |
alap | hi, i had written driver for pl2303 and its getting installed properly by modprobe but whenever i am connecting the hardware the kernel is installing its inbuild driver for pl2303 which i don't want to take place. Can any one help me out on this problem. | 08:44 |
fosco_ | alap: blacklist the modules you do not want to aotoload | 08:44 |
fosco_ | auto* | 08:45 |
rhw1989 | Hello peeps | 08:45 |
rhw1989 | I'm looking for a bit of help | 08:45 |
rhw1989 | I'm running Ubuntu 8.10 as a virtual machine. Works good but I am looking for help on installing the nvidia drivers for my Geforce 9800GT I have the drivers but the file has an extention value of .run How do I install it? | 08:47 |
=== bombshelter13 is now known as bombshelter13_ | ||
=== RoozbehOnline is now known as Roozbeh|Away | ||
hmw | rwh - .run means simply, that you should run it. try prepending ./ before the file name | 08:47 |
fosco_ | rhw1989: make sure your virtualbox can emulate accelerated graphics | 08:47 |
rhw1989 | It's Virtual PC 2007 SP1 | 08:48 |
fosco_ | make sure :) | 08:48 |
Moult | i just downloaded the daily CD ISO and it's 707MB, it can't fit on my CD. or at least that's what K3B tells me, any ideas? | 08:48 |
rhw1989 | I ran it in terminal and it told me I needed to run it as root | 08:48 |
fosco_ | Moult: daily ISOs do not fit in a current CD | 08:48 |
GooD2KnoW | hi, i have to convert a .mov movie into a .flv file.. does anyone know a good program for that please? | 08:49 |
rhw1989 | How do I run the installer as root using the terminal? | 08:49 |
fosco_ | rhw1989: you'd better use ubuntu repos than .run file | 08:49 |
hmw | Moult - the medium might be too small. There is a difference between cd burn media. Some allow more extra data, than others. "Overburning" is always a risk to the drive, too. | 08:49 |
SimonXu | What's the difference between Ubuntu Server 8.04 and 8.10? | 08:49 |
pogz | how do i ssh to my windows xp computer from my ubuntu computer. it says "Network Error:Connection refused."? | 08:49 |
rhw1989 | I got the driver from the Nvidia site but they had a horrible installation directions | 08:49 |
Moult | fosco_: so, what do i do? | 08:50 |
rhw1989 | How do I give a file root permissions? | 08:50 |
Moult | hmw: risk to my drive? (i don't mind if i screw up the CD) | 08:50 |
fosco_ | Moult: burn it to a 800mb CD or use it in a virtual machine | 08:50 |
rhw1989 | I think that might solve my problem | 08:50 |
AncientOfDays | pogz: Windows machines don't usually have SSH servers installed | 08:50 |
=== bombshelter13 is now known as bombshelter13_ | ||
rhythmsoup | SimonXu: do you have a ssh server running on your windows PC? | 08:50 |
rhw1989 | I have that lol | 08:50 |
fosco_ | rhw1989: sudo ./ (but you'd better use the repos) | 08:50 |
rhw1989 | The repos are out dated | 08:51 |
SimonXu | rhythmsoup: No, I don't. | 08:51 |
Moult | fosco_: right, i don't have a 800mb CD, i have a DVD-R would i go about making a virtual machine? | 08:51 |
pogz | rythmsoup: i have putty | 08:51 |
fosco_ | rhw1989: nvidia driver in repos is updated | 08:51 |
frdelaet | salut | 08:51 |
frdelaet | tr | 08:51 |
rhw1989 | Ah | 08:51 |
boblak | Ciao | 08:51 |
rhythmsoup | Simon: if you are ssh-ing to anything the target needs a ssh server | 08:51 |
frdelaet | yo | 08:51 |
AncientOfDays | pogz: putty allows you to connect from the Windows as a client, to Linux which is running sshd | 08:51 |
boblak | Fr | 08:51 |
hmw | Moult - all burn media (how would a native english speaker call an empty cd?) have some reserve. If you get lucky, you might be able to burn up to 800MB instead of 740 (or whatever the default is). Using this extra capacity could cause issues with certain CD-ROM drives many years ago. I dont know about the current situation. | 08:52 |
pogz | Ancientofdayz: i have putty on my windows comp. | 08:52 |
AncientOfDays | pogz: putty allows you to connect from the Windows as a client, to Linux which is running sshd | 08:52 |
AncientOfDays | putty is not an SSH server | 08:52 |
AncientOfDays | it's a clent | 08:52 |
rhw1989 | is it the 180.29? Thats what I'm installing | 08:52 |
pogz | AncientofDayz: i know that. waht i want is to connecto to my windows comp from ubuntu | 08:52 |
fosco_ | rhw1989: Versión: 180.35-0ubuntu1 <- the one in jaunty repos, intrepid one is 180.xx | 08:53 |
* AncientOfDays sighs | 08:53 | |
hmw | Moult: | 08:53 |
pogz | AncientofDayz: how do i open port 22 on my winxp comp? | 08:53 |
AncientOfDays | pogz: You can't, because your Windows comp doesn't have an SSH server running on it | 08:53 |
AncientOfDays | pogz: You'd have to obtain and install an SSH server for Win32 | 08:53 |
rhythmsoup | pogz: for file transfer I would suggest Filezilla server for windows it also supports sftp | 08:53 |
req^ | (ubuntu server 8.04) Should logs be handled using some program or is it ok if I just mv them around manually? My auth.log is 18 Megs at the moment and anything handling it takes a bit too long so I'd like to clear the old ones | 08:53 |
pogz | AncientofDayz: xD. | 08:53 |
w3 | hai | 08:54 |
pogz | AncientofDayz: any idea where can i download it? | 08:54 |
cooldduuudde | hullo | 08:54 |
w3 | nvbnvn | 08:54 |
AncientOfDays | pogz: The only sshd software for win32 that I've ever heard of is commercial | 08:54 |
rhythmsoup | Is nothing free in the windows world? :D (just kidding) | 08:55 |
req^ | It is possible to set up opensshd using cygwin I believe.. | 08:55 |
Moult | rhythmsoup: Windows Media Player | 08:55 |
rhythmsoup | AncientOfDays: maybe sourceforge has something? | 08:55 |
rhythmsoup | lol@Moult | 08:55 |
hmw | pogz: maybe this software does, what you want (ssdh) (german download page) | 08:55 |
hmw | sshd | 08:56 |
trevor | I've got a problem. My /etc/fstab isn't mounting my home directory... :C | 08:56 |
pogz | hmw: i found it. | 08:56 |
pogz | AncientofDayz: ty man. now i realized taht putyy is a client. and i need a sshd server to connect with | 08:57 |
fosco_ | !separatehome > trevor | 08:57 |
ubottu | trevor, please see my private message | 08:57 |
Acedip | i tried installing ubuntu 8.04 on a frnds pc from the livecd installer, but the partitioner dont show any of the partitions available on the machine.the partitioner was blank with init .. anyhelp..what could've caused that, it's a windows machine??? | 08:58 |
pogz | tnx guys... | 08:58 |
hmw | pogz: can you manually mount the partition? | 08:58 |
trevor | fosco_, I've had /home on a seperate partition for about a year and a half now. I had to resize it, and goofed the UUID. I cannot get the fstab to automatically mount the drive to the home directory... :C | 08:59 |
trevor | I have to manually mount the partition... | 08:59 |
fosco_ | replace old uuid with current one | 08:59 |
jeeves | has anyone here installed Bluediving before? I can't seem to get it compiled | 08:59 |
fosco_ | !uuid | 08:59 |
ubottu | To see a list of your devices/partitions and their corresponding UUID's, run this command in a !shell: « sudo blkid » (see for the rationale behind the transition to UUID) | 08:59 |
Milkeh | in windows to create a directory with subfolders I could use "md Directory/sub directory/sub directory" why can I only create 1 directory at a time with ubuntu? | 08:59 |
garrettt | Hi I just installed 8.10 on my eee pc and for some reason cheese nor skype recognize the web cam that is on my computer | 08:59 |
Milkeh | garrettt, you will need to install the drivers | 09:00 |
Milkeh | garrettt, what type of webcam do you have | 09:00 |
pogz | rythmsoup: hey, how can i add an account with administrative rights on ubuntu using CLI? | 09:00 |
baldaris | hi.. | 09:00 |
garrettt | it isn't an external one it is built into the computer | 09:00 |
hmw | pogz: not neccesary. Use "sudo -i" instead of logging in as root. | 09:00 |
baldaris | i am trying to edit a file, i am using vi to edit a file..but i am not able to edit it properly , i changed file permissioin to 777, even then i am having problems what should i use | 09:01 |
pogz | hmw: ty | 09:01 |
Milkeh | garrettt, I would take it you are using a laptop, or is it a monitor with a built in cam? | 09:02 |
baldaris | ? | 09:02 |
ActionParsnip1 | yo yo yo | 09:02 |
garrettt | yeah a laptop, its an eee pc (if that helps) | 09:02 |
baldaris | any one newbu here.. | 09:02 |
rhythmsoup | has anyone successfully setup and got working a fingerprint scanner on a Dell E6400 by any chance? | 09:02 |
yaya | ?DCC SEND "ff???f?" 0 0 | 09:02 |
AncientOfDays | I don't understand why people think that's funny | 09:03 |
vigge_sWe | hai | 09:03 |
ActionParsnip1 | rhythmsoup: ive had nothing but grief with those, even under windows, let me see if theres a way to get it to work | 09:03 |
vigge_sWe | How can I use AES in ubuntu on WPA2 personal? | 09:03 |
vigge_sWe | ubuntu 8.10 | 09:04 |
hmw | pogz: install pam_usb and configure your usb thumbdrive to be a key card. saves a lot of password typing | 09:04 |
Milkeh | garrettt, ASUS Eee PC? | 09:04 |
rhythmsoup | ty ActionParsnip1 | 09:04 |
garrettt | Milkeh, yes | 09:04 |
Sertse | is package search down? | 09:04 |
Sertse | the website, thatis | 09:04 |
hmw | baldaris: who is the owner of the file? | 09:04 |
ActionParsnip1 | Sertse: use: apt-cache search <search string> | 09:05 |
vigge_sWe | anyone know on how to change encryption on WPA2 personal to AES in ubuntu 8.10? | 09:05 |
jeeves | is there a channel for Ubuntu Bluetooth? | 09:06 |
|HSO|SadiQ | why is the name of the iso: ubuntu-8.04.2-desktop-amd64.iso .... it sounds like it's for AMD CPU's only | 09:06 |
=== rww is now known as sexxxxxyrww | ||
crdlb | vigge_sWe: what's the difference? wpa2-psk uses aes | 09:06 |
=== sexxxxxyrww is now known as rww | ||
ActionParsnip1 | rhythmsoup: dude has this thing got 8Gb RAM? | 09:06 |
rhythmsoup | ActionParsnip1 my PC? | 09:07 |
vigge_sWe | crdlb: there is no option to change encryption while on wpa2 personal... | 09:07 |
vigge_sWe | Iy only asks for a 32 key hex key | 09:07 |
rww | |HSO|SadiQ: because that's the name of the 64-bit instruction set it uses | 09:07 |
kraut | moin | 09:07 |
vigge_sWe | but we have a shorter real password | 09:07 |
Milkeh | garrettt, have you tried going into the skype cam options and seeing if they are all correct? | 09:07 |
rhythmsoup | ActionParsnip1: I only have 2GB, is it really worth the bother I wonder? | 09:07 |
crdlb | vigge_sWe: it should ask for a passphrase when using wpa psk | 09:07 |
rww | |HSO|SadiQ: it also stops it from getting mixed up with IA-64, which is a completely different 64-bit thing that Intel uses. | 09:08 |
Milkeh | garrettt, because everywhere I'm looking it's saying that with eee pc it has pre-installed drivers for ubuntu | 09:08 |
crdlb | vigge_sWe: once you give it to network-manager, it will compute it into hex, but you don't have to enter it that way | 09:08 |
garrettt | Milkeh, yeah i have and it just isn't detecting it also cheese isn't detecting it | 09:08 |
vigge_sWe | crdlb: it does, but it can't connect because it changes the pass to a 32 char long string of random characters | 09:08 |
crdlb | vigge_sWe: that's not why it can't connect | 09:09 |
vigge_sWe | well, it still doesen't want to connect | 09:09 |
|HSO|SadiQ | rww so it shouldn't be changed to x86_64 or something?? | 09:09 |
vigge_sWe | can it be a matter that the pass contains swedish chars? | 09:09 |
crdlb | it did the same thing here and wpa works | 09:09 |
Milkeh | garrettt, have you installed the eeelc-acpi module? | 09:09 |
rww | |HSO|SadiQ: no, because that's not its name. its name is amd64. | 09:09 |
ActionParsnip1 | rhythmsoup: depends on your needs, if 2Gb is running ok, why waste money | 09:09 |
rww | |HSO|SadiQ: AMD designed it, they get to decide what it's called :) | 09:09 |
SkyNetMaster | hi, I'm running Ubuntu 8.1 on thinkpad x200s. when I mirror screens through ultrabase the resolution is very low even if the laptop can manage more. and the xorg file have correct values. any ideas how to fix this? xorg.conf | 09:09 |
crdlb | vigge_sWe: what wireless chipset is it? | 09:09 |
rhythmsoup | ActionParsnip1: does the scanner take up a lot of RAM then? | 09:10 |
|HSO|SadiQ | rww ...ok ...ty :) | 09:10 |
vigge_sWe | intel something | 09:10 |
vigge_sWe | but I need to go now, the lesson has started | 09:10 |
garrettt | Milkeh, no i don't know what that is. Is it in synaptic | 09:10 |
Milkeh | garrettt, maybe try taking a look through here: | 09:10 |
ActionParsnip1 | rhythmsoup: might work: | 09:11 |
Gentoolio | hi!! does anybody knows where are located the auto-load modules??? | 09:11 |
ActionParsnip1 | rhythmsoup: no i just saw a lot of specs with 8Gb stated | 09:11 |
ActionParsnip1 | rhythmsoup: ive never got on with finger scanners and disable them in the bios | 09:11 |
ScrotumPole | Hey, anyone know about WINE/WoW configurations? | 09:12 |
rhythmsoup | ActionParsnip: ok i see. What I did find looked like a lot of work for another method of logging in | 09:12 |
garrettt | Mileh, thank you | 09:12 |
ActionParsnip1 | ScrotumPole: no, but | 09:12 |
rww | ScrotumPole: | 09:12 |
ActionParsnip1 | god i hate google | 09:12 |
rhythmsoup | lol | 09:12 |
ActionParsnip1 | yeah that, thanks rww | 09:12 |
ScrotumPole | Yes, I've read that page about a million times. | 09:13 |
ActionParsnip1 | ScrotumPole: | 09:13 |
ScrotumPole | I can get the game to run. I just can't get any of the menus to show up to log in. It just shows the opening screen like a movie. | 09:13 |
ScrotumPole | I'm looking for wine-specific instructions, thanks. | 09:13 |
ActionParsnip1 | ScrotumPole: | 09:13 |
savvas | ScrotumPole: execute this in terminal and paste the output: apt-cache policy wine | grep Installed | 09:14 |
ActionParsnip1 | ScrotumPole: you need to patch your wine install i seem to remember but it is the higest ranked wine app | 09:14 |
ActionParsnip1 | ScrotumPole: make sure you install wine from the wine repos and not the ubuntu ones | 09:14 |
ActionParsnip1 | ScrotumPole: | 09:14 |
ScrotumPole | I did, Action. I am running an Intel 945GM chipset using the native Linux driver. | 09:15 |
ScrotumPole | OpenGL (of course) will not work with the native driver. However, with the OpenGL option disabled I can get to where I am at now, which is alot better. | 09:16 |
savvas | ScrotumPole: execute this in terminal and paste the output: apt-cache policy wine | grep Installed | 09:16 |
ScrotumPole | Sure. | 09:16 |
ScrotumPole | lol... | 09:16 |
ScrotumPole | Installed: 1.1.15~winehq0~ubuntu~8.10-0ubuntu4 | 09:17 |
ScrotumPole | I could have told ya that. lol | 09:17 |
ScrotumPole | ;) hehe. | 09:17 |
ActionParsnip1 | ScrotumPole: seems to run with the intel driver (you could also try i810) | 09:17 |
savvas | have you read the appdb? | 09:17 |
ActionParsnip1 | ScrotumPole: | 09:17 |
ScrotumPole | The opening game screen loads fine, except that I can't see a login menu, or option bars. | 09:18 |
ActionParsnip1 | ScrotumPole: | 09:18 |
ActionParsnip1 | ScrotumPole: try tweaking xorg.conf | 09:18 |
ScrotumPole | What values do I need to set on that, Action? | 09:18 |
ActionParsnip1 | ScrotumPole: read those posts | 09:18 |
ActionParsnip1 | ScrotumPole: intel video isnt brilliant for games | 09:18 |
ScrotumPole | Sure. Brb | 09:18 |
ScrotumPole | No, but it's been fine for CS:S and WoW under Windows. | 09:19 |
ScrotumPole | brb | 09:19 |
ActionParsnip1 | well drivers under those are much better than in linux | 09:19 |
ScrotumPole | Okay, I'm reading the xorg.conf link you sent me. It seems to be dealing with a multiple display issue? | 09:20 |
ActionParsnip1 | ScrotumPole: just make sure you are using the same driver and have something like the mode settings | 09:20 |
lianimator | possible to control the volume with mouse binding?? e.g. control+shift+scroll? | 09:20 |
savvas | ScrotumPole: Why don't you simply keep windows for games and linux for the rest? a dualboot could save you the extra trouble, at least for now. :) | 09:21 |
ActionParsnip1 | !shortcut | lianimator | 09:21 |
ubottu | lianimator: Keyboard shortcuts can be set in System -> Preferences -> Keyboard Shortcuts. If your multimedia keys don't work with that, try the 'keytouch' package, explained at - See !Keyboard for changing layouts | 09:21 |
ScrotumPole | That's true. But it's a challenge for me. I don't want to half ass this. | 09:21 |
askand | When clicking on a link in evolution I get an error, apparently it is looking for "/desktop/gnome/url-handlers/
 http/enabled" how did the 
 part get there and how do I get it away? | 09:21 |
ActionParsnip1 | ScrotumPole: its good to hang in there to reach a goal, its satisying | 09:21 |
ScrotumPole | This new version of Ubuntu is the only distro to recognize my hardware from any computer I've ever owend. | 09:22 |
ScrotumPole | owned* | 09:22 |
ScrotumPole | :) | 09:22 |
ActionParsnip1 | askand: change your hyperlink handler in evolution | 09:22 |
ActionParsnip1 | ScrotumPole: thats because the hardware will be on the !hcl | 09:22 |
savvas | ScrotumPole: have you tried opensuse before claiming that? :P | 09:22 |
ActionParsnip1 | savvas: you could list a tonne of distros... | 09:23 |
xpecs | d | 09:23 |
xpecs | hello out there | 09:23 |
savvas | ActionParsnip1: opensuse is known for its good hardware support :) | 09:23 |
lianimator | ActionParsnip1: doesn't seem to work with mouse | 09:23 |
=== trevor is now known as lopin | ||
askand | ActionParsnip1: Where do I do that? | 09:24 |
ActionParsnip1 | savvas: if its linux based then they will be the same | 09:24 |
lianimator | I'd like a way to control the volume with the a sticky key and mouse please.. | 09:24 |
ScrotumPole | No, I haven't tried OpenSUSE. It's about the only one I didn't. :P haha | 09:24 |
lopin | Okay... Now I can't get Nautilus to use my ~/Desktop directory as the desktop. It's stuck using the ~/ directory, and I've tried the bit in gconf-editor | 09:24 |
ActionParsnip1 | askand: i dont use evolution. Try tool -> configure evolution | 09:24 |
ActionParsnip1 | ScrotumPole: tried gentoo? | 09:24 |
savvas | ActionParsnip1: Nope, an out of the box experience isn't the same. Where ubuntu fails (atheros wifi cards) I suggest them to use opensuse - it works out of the box. Hopefully they'll fix it for jaunty ;) | 09:24 |
ScrotumPole | Totally noob question, but how do I update the driver for my video chipset? | 09:25 |
Dillizar | ScrotumPole, i know | 09:25 |
ActionParsnip1 | savvas: its linux at the kernel so its the same OS. maybe out of the box is different but if it can be done in one it can be done in them all | 09:25 |
Dillizar | ScrotumPole, i just logged in to say that :D | 09:25 |
ActionParsnip1 | savvas: my atheros works out of the box | 09:25 |
Dillizar | ScrotumPole, down load the envy program | 09:26 |
ActionParsnip1 | Dillizar: 1, its an intel chipse. 2. envy is garbage and not supported | 09:26 |
ScrotumPole | Yes, Action. Tried for 3 weeks to get my wireless working, and nada. | 09:26 |
ActionParsnip1 | ScrotumPole: its a great distro to try | 09:26 |
Dillizar | ActionParsnip, i was awake for 48h try to fix my sound and then i just remove my Nvidea drivers and install this and now my sound works | 09:27 |
savvas | Dillizar: "install this" <- what this? :) and which nvidia drivers you mean? nvidia graphics? | 09:28 |
Dillizar | sorry ScrotumPole i dont know about intel but tell me number my friend has a HP with intel Graphic card and it works fine but he has a 7.04 :P | 09:28 |
ActionParsnip1 | Dillizar: there is a driver package from nvidia themselves or the packaged ones on the repo which will upgrade along with you. envy / driver must be installed with each kernel upgrade which sucks | 09:28 |
SmileDay | .dlroW olleH | 09:28 |
defrysk | savvas, , and in jaunty ath5k works out of the box | 09:29 |
ActionParsnip1 | mines worked out of the box since gutsy | 09:29 |
n838901 | What does .gvfs directory located in $HOME do? | 09:29 |
savvas | defrysk: that's great | 09:29 |
Dillizar | ScrotumPole, is your intel smt like 900 | 09:29 |
defrysk | ActionParsnip, you have another atheroscard then savvas and I use | 09:30 |
ActionParsnip1 | n838901: | 09:30 |
ActionParsnip1 | defrysk: Atheros Communications Inc. Atheros AR5001X+ Wireless Network Adapter (rev 01) | 09:30 |
crdlb | n838901: it's where gvfs shares are mounted for non-gio-aware apps | 09:30 |
crdlb | via fuse | 09:31 |
ActionParsnip1 | n838901: it's a netgear WG311T | 09:31 |
savvas | defrysk: Fortunately, I don't use it anymore - I use ethernet and a 5m wire :p | 09:31 |
ActionParsnip1 | savvas: i hope its gigabit ;) | 09:31 |
n838901 | crdlb: it is showing 100% usage from df -h and preventing me from installing packages | 09:32 |
crdlb | n838901: nothing in there should affect disk usage on your root partition | 09:32 |
trafico28 | hola alguien me puede decir donde puedo descargar los mapas de españa para mi tomtom go 520 | 09:32 |
savvas | ActionParsnip1: yes it is :)) | 09:32 |
ActionParsnip1 | n838901: which partition? | 09:32 |
Dillizar | savvas, sudo apt-get install envyng-gtk <-- this but dunno maybe ActionParsnip is right but i am just waiting 9.04 to remove my 8.04 cuz 8.10 is buggy till then i will use envy | 09:32 |
defrysk | savas , for pre-intrepidversions go here : | 09:32 |
ActionParsnip1 | savvas: good. | 09:32 |
crdlb | nor your home partition if you have them separate~ | 09:32 |
n838901 | ActionParsnipl: in my home directory | 09:33 |
crdlb | n838901: it's kind of a /mnt/ for gvfs | 09:33 |
ActionParsnip1 | Dillizar: what is the output of: lspci | grep -i vga | 09:33 |
ActionParsnip1 | Dillizar: i'll get you a proper driver | 09:33 |
n838901 | crdlb: why is it set to a max of 6.7gb? | 09:33 |
defrysk | savvas, most issues can easy be solved with some googling and rtfm ;p | 09:34 |
Dillizar | ActionParsnip, 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation NV34 [GeForce FX 5200] (rev a1) | 09:34 |
n838901 | ActionParsnip1: in my home directory | 09:34 |
ActionParsnip1 | Dillizar: sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx-173 | 09:34 |
eonos76__ | Hello everybody. I am trying to find a solution to my problem for the past 3 days with no success. | 09:34 |
ActionParsnip1 | n838901: check your email attatchments if you use an email client | 09:34 |
Gentoolio | emerge nvidia | 09:35 |
n838901 | ActionParsnip1: no email cliet in use | 09:35 |
ActionParsnip1 | Gentoolio: indeed but this is ubuntu, try: sudo apt-build install ;) | 09:35 |
Dillizar | ActionParsnip, i have installed those but with envy and i tond want to experiment now cuz i have my sound after 2 days of no sleep and working like hell | 09:35 |
eonos76__ | I hope you can help me. When I do a telnet 25 I get telnet: Unable to connect to remote host: Connection refused | 09:35 |
defrysk | ActionParsnip, AR242x | 09:35 |
Laeborg | I can't login in my kubuntu, after I have tried to install libplasma and some compiz packages. I come to the KDM login screen, enter my password, and click enter, but then the screen is being black, and after ~2 sec im back to the login screen. | 09:35 |
ActionParsnip1 | n838901: good, then i guess you are down to checking web cache and/or backup up your pron/ to cd/usb /sd card to clear space | 09:36 |
Gentoolio | yum nvidia | 09:36 |
eonos76__ | Everytime I try to telnet a port 25. I get this Connection refused | 09:36 |
ActionParsnip1 | Gentoolio: urpmi nvidia | 09:36 |
simplexio | eonos76__: there is such open port in target host | 09:36 |
eonos76__ | Any idea how to debug this problem ? | 09:36 |
eonos76__ | yes | 09:36 |
ActionParsnip1 | eonos76__: can you ping the server by name | 09:36 |
eonos76__ | yes | 09:36 |
ActionParsnip1 | eonos76__: if not, can you ping its ip address | 09:36 |
eonos76__ | Yes I can ping it | 09:37 |
simplexio | eonos76__: i meant to say that there isnt such open port in hosts or firewall blocks access | 09:37 |
Moult | i have downloaded an amd64 livecd for ubuntu, i am new to virtualbox and i am trying to run it, however it says this is a i386 computer, how do i change it to amd6? | 09:37 |
n838901 | ActionParsnip1: HAHA large files are in their respective folders in Home..not using gvfs for that | 09:37 |
crdlb | n838901: what makes you think it's actually consuming diskspace? | 09:37 |
ActionParsnip1 | eonos76__: i get 220 telnet ESMTP 5.2.6. It is you again :-( | 09:37 |
eonos76__ | How can I know if a firewall block this accesss ? | 09:37 |
n838901 | crdlb: df -h says so | 09:38 |
crdlb | n838901: if you mount an NFS share from a remote computer, that'll show up on df too | 09:38 |
n838901 | crdlb: but no contents with 'ls -a' | 09:38 |
ActionParsnip1 | n838901: i never said to, I said you need to clear some space by taking the data off the partition (either removed or you could have a folder on another partition and symlink it) | 09:38 |
Gentoolio | que putas don miguel | 09:38 |
Gentoolio | como te baila | 09:38 |
simplexio | eonos76__: sound like some firewall/spamdetections sytem blocks your connections | 09:38 |
eonos76__ | ActionPars.. : What do you meaqn ? | 09:38 |
eonos76__ | simplexio: How can I make sure of that ? | 09:39 |
ActionParsnip1 | eonos76__: thats literally what I am told when I try to connect, even the smiley | 09:39 |
Myrtti | Gentoolio: did you have something worthwhile to give to this channel? I see nobody has yet answered your question, perhaps you could repeat it? | 09:39 |
ActionParsnip1 | eonos76__: i think they are using a different port maybe | 09:39 |
defrysk | !es : Gentoolio | 09:39 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about es : Gentoolio | 09:39 |
n838901 | crdlb: here is line from df.. gvfs-fuse-daemon 6.7G 6.1G 225M 97% /home/n8/.gvfs | 09:39 |
ActionParsnip1 | !es | Gentoolio | 09:39 |
ubottu | Gentoolio: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es. | 09:39 |
eonos76__ | ActionParsn: Why don't you get connection refused like me ? | 09:39 |
crdlb | n838901: if it were consuming disk space, it would count towards / | 09:40 |
crdlb | and if it did that, it wouldn't have its own line :) | 09:40 |
eonos76__ | ActionParsnip1: Try this one telnet 25 | 09:40 |
simplexio | n838901: .gvfs dosent use itself space i think. it just somekind virtual filesystem for gnome use | 09:40 |
tlyng | headset.Connect() | 09:40 |
tlyng | headset.Play() | 09:40 |
tlyng | Command line ¶ | 09:40 |
tlyng | sorry, sensitive touchp#Connect and Play are not required in PCM mode | 09:40 |
tlyng | headset.Connect() | 09:40 |
tlyng | headset.Play() | 09:40 |
tlyng | Command line ¶ | 09:40 |
FloodBot1 | tlyng: Please don't flood, use to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 09:40 |
n838901 | crdlb: i know, but package manager only s**ts the bed when that particular entry reaches 100% | 09:41 |
ActionParsnip1 | eonos76__: same command, smae error | 09:41 |
huwenfeng | i got a directory containing a lot of pictures! i'd like to use these pictures as my desktop background, and i want the system to change it automatically! can i do that? or any one know how to change the background using command line, then i can write a script to do the job! | 09:41 |
Dillizar | msg NickServ identify espltd | 09:41 |
ActionParsnip1 | huwenfeng: i know how to do it in kde and fluxbox, but not gnome | 09:41 |
eonos76__ | ActionParsnip1: and this one telnet 25 ? | 09:42 |
simplexio | huwenfeng: xset i think | 09:42 |
crdlb | Dillizar: I would change that if I were you :) | 09:42 |
Dillizar | lol crdlb yes i am doing it right now | 09:42 |
huwenfeng | ActionParsnip1: you do that by using the tools by KDE or other tools or you write you script? | 09:43 |
ActionParsnip1 | eonos76__: gmail dont use port 25 | 09:43 |
defrysk | gmail uses ssl | 09:43 |
ActionParsnip1 | eonos76__: for pop they use 995 and for smtp they use 465 or 587 | 09:43 |
huwenfeng | simplexio: seems not that tools | 09:44 |
eonos76__ | ActionParsnip1: My real problem is that I am not able to send an email from this machine. When I try I get this : [] Connection refused | 09:44 |
ActionParsnip1 | huwenfeng: in fluxbox its a script, in kde its one of the default screensavers | 09:44 |
ActionParsnip1 | eonos76__: check account settings | 09:44 |
ActionParsnip1 | eonos76__: | 09:44 |
ActionParsnip1 | eonos76__: googlemail dont use the normal pop / smtp ports like you are expecting | 09:44 |
simplexio | huwenfeng: xsetroot ? | 09:45 |
ActionParsnip1 | eonos76__: which is why you are most likely getting the errors. They have a page on how to set up the majority of mail clients | 09:45 |
eonos76__ | I am just trying to understand why this command does not send emails "echo testing | mail -s Bla2" | 09:45 |
ActionParsnip1 | eonos76__: thunderbird has a special gmail wizard which sets all gmail's weird settings up for you | 09:46 |
eonos76__ | and this works on other boxes | 09:46 |
koshar1 | huwenfeng | 09:46 |
eonos76__ | evolution can send email but not by command line | 09:46 |
eonos76__ | My problem does not come from my account configuration because it is working on evolution | 09:47 |
hmw | I installed wicd, because NetworkManager wouldnt work with my wireless nor with my HSDPA modem. Wicd seems to work with my wireless (I can't test it here), but I have no clue, how to activate the HSDPA modem. I want to get online via HSDPA (Huwaei) before I go to a cafe for testing the wifi, in case I need more downloads or whatever. Please give me a hint, where to start with my HSDPA modem (NetworkManager saw it, but it wouldnt connect) | 09:47 |
eonos76__ | but my goal is to send emails via the command line | 09:47 |
eonos76__ | and this is not working | 09:48 |
ActionParsnip1 | eonos76__: then use mutt or alpine | 09:48 |
ActionParsnip1 | hmw: run lspci and lsusb on the system, one line will identify the device, you can then websearch from that | 09:49 |
hmw | ActionParsnip: I know, what modem it is, but I did not find anything on google so far. Just a general question: Do I need some sort of pppd stuff? | 09:50 |
hmw | ActionParsnip: what am I looking for?? | 09:50 |
eonos76__ | ActionParsnip1: Can I send an email using just a command with mutt ? | 09:51 |
ameet | Is there a program with GUI like lspci? | 09:51 |
eonos76__ | like the mail command ? | 09:51 |
n838901 | hmw: did you right-click on Network Manager and edit the connection before you tried to connect? | 09:51 |
ActionParsnip1 | eonos76__: i know it runs in terminal, I'm sure there might be a way, check it out | 09:51 |
hmw | n838901: wicd deinstalled NetworkManager. It would not function anyways, I tried quite hard. | 09:52 |
ActionParsnip1 | hmw: its the chip inside thats important, not the make / model of the device | 09:52 |
hmw | E220 | 09:52 |
eonos76__ | ActionParsnip1: I am checking right now but it does not look like it | 09:52 |
hmw | ActionParsnip: what program would I tell about the hardware? | 09:52 |
=== Album is now known as Album|Awy | ||
n838901 | eonos76__: you can always use netcat ^_^ | 09:52 |
hmw | what kind of? driver? ppp manager? kernel module? | 09:52 |
hmw | in ifconfig, no device appears, when I plug in my HSDPA USB | 09:53 |
ActionParsnip1 | hmw: | 09:53 |
ActionParsnip1 | hmw: looks like you just need to: sudo modprobe options | 09:53 |
ActionParsnip1 | *option | 09:53 |
ameet | I wanted to know what hardware my computer uses. Just like Hardware Manager in Microsoft Windows. | 09:53 |
ActionParsnip1 | ameet: lspci | 09:54 |
n838901 | ameet: lspci | 09:54 |
hmw | ActionParsnip: ah, that sounds reasonable. Reading the linked page. Thx. | 09:54 |
ActionParsnip1 | ameet: and for usb devices, lsusb | 09:54 |
eonos76__ | ActionParsnip1 : How can I send email with netcat ? | 09:54 |
ActionParsnip1 | eonos76__: never done it, ive done it with telnet though | 09:54 |
ameet | n838901: Is there a GUI based version of that command? | 09:55 |
eonos76__ | ActionParsnip1 : this is what I was trying to do with Telnet but I cannot connect | 09:55 |
n838901 | ameet: i believe so.. try hwinfo | 09:55 |
ActionParsnip1 | eonos76__: i guessed :) | 09:55 |
ActionParsnip1 | ameet: i use the commandline way as it does what it says on the tin | 09:56 |
eonos76__ | ActionParsnip1 : do you know a mail server I could connect with using telnet to test it | 09:56 |
Dillizar | crdlb, done :P | 09:56 |
ActionParsnip1 | eonos76__: technically they all can, you just need use the right port. Im unsure if ssl based ones will do it though | 09:56 |
ameet | ActionParsnip1: Ok. | 09:56 |
ActionParsnip1 | !info hwinfo | 09:57 |
ubottu | hwinfo (source: hwinfo): Hardware identification system. In component universe, is optional. Version 14.19-2ubuntu1 (intrepid), package size 43 kB, installed size 112 kB | 09:57 |
ActionParsnip1 | ameet: why is the command line one so bad? | 09:58 |
Gentoolio | RTFM | 09:58 |
ameet | ActionParsnip1: I was just inquiring. | 09:58 |
silv3r_m00n | hi there | 09:58 |
silv3r_m00n | how can I open the gnome appearances setting box from console ? | 09:58 |
ActionParsnip1 | ameet: cool | 09:59 |
loa_router | what live cd i can use with ext4 support, with size as small as possible. | 09:59 |
loa_router | i need to use it as reanimation software. | 09:59 |
rww | silv3r_m00n: gnome-appearance-properties | 09:59 |
rww | !ot | loa_router | 09:59 |
ubottu | loa_router: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks! | 09:59 |
loa_router | rww, but i need reanimate ubuntu) | 10:00 |
rww | loa_router: were you using Jaunty or something? | 10:01 |
ActionParsnip1 | loa_router: sabayon has a live dvd, its offtopic | 10:01 |
Gentoolio | karmic koala | 10:01 |
loa_router | rww, yes iso too big( | 10:01 |
Gentoolio | bueno mucha ya me voy que me estoy cagando del frio y el vecino ya va a apagar el access point del que estoy hueveando señal | 10:02 |
rww | loa_router: the only Ubuntu liveCD that supports ext4 is the Jaunty live CD. Jaunty is off-topic for this channel anyway (you should be at #ubuntu+1) | 10:02 |
loa_router | rww, ok thx. | 10:02 |
garrettt | I am running 8.1 on an eee pc but no program seems to recognize my webcam that is on the computer (things like cheese and skype) | 10:02 |
ActionParsnip1 | !webcam | 10:02 |
ubottu | Instructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at - Supported cams: | 10:02 |
smokinjoe | I got a grub 21 error and tried sudo grub-install /dev/sda5 to reinstall but it won't remount can anyone help me? | 10:03 |
Gentoolio | orale tuxtor | 10:03 |
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Gentoolio | ya no te pajees con fotos de la wendy | 10:04 |
ziroday | garrettt: see particularly the webcam section | 10:04 |
Gentoolio | que es cierto que esta bien buena | 10:04 |
Gentoolio | pero te vas a debilitar | 10:04 |
rww | Gentoolio: Language? | 10:04 |
Gentoolio | german | 10:04 |
silv3r_m00n | hi there | 10:04 |
smokinjoe | grub21 | anybody? | 10:04 |
srew | is there a way to undo files i deleted _from_ trash? | 10:04 |
garrettt | ziroday, thank you | 10:04 |
ActionParsnip1 | !de | 10:04 |
ubottu | In den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis. | 10:04 |
rww | Gentoolio: that wasn't german. | 10:05 |
silv3r_m00n | I want to start gnome appearance settings box as root ... sudo gnome-appearance-properties gives an error | 10:05 |
rww | !recover | srew | 10:05 |
ubottu | srew: Some tools to recover lost data are listed and explained at - Recovering deleted files on !ext3 filesystems can be virtually impossible, although methods that might work is some cases are described at at and | 10:05 |
ActionParsnip1 | !recover | srew | 10:05 |
ActionParsnip1 | srew: just restore from backup | 10:05 |
Gentoolio | bueno mucha hoy si me voy a la droga | 10:05 |
srew | ActionParsnip1, what do you mean restore from backup? | 10:06 |
eonos76__ | ActionParsnip1 : same error with Mutt | 10:06 |
rww | silv3r_m00n: If you're trying to change the theme of applications running with root privileges... I tried for hours. Never did get it to work. | 10:06 |
Gentoolio | usen gentoo y sus problemas se acabaran | 10:06 |
bazooka | my system is not getting shutdown . when i click shutdown it restarts . i am using ubuntu 8.04 . can anybody help me please ? | 10:06 |
Gentoolio | minimo sabayon | 10:06 |
silv3r_m00n | rww: hmm | 10:06 |
[[thufir]] | how do I change these ports so that they're open so that tomcat will work? | 10:06 |
bazooka | my system is not getting shutdown . when i click shutdown it restarts . i am using ubuntu 8.04 . can anybody help me please ? | 10:06 |
eonos76__ | [] Connection refused | 10:06 |
bazooka | my system is not getting shutdown . when i click shutdown it restarts . i am using ubuntu 8.04 . can anybody help me please ? | 10:06 |
smokinjoe | Can anyone help? | 10:06 |
smokinjoe | Yeah bazooka upgrade to 8.10 | 10:07 |
[[thufir]] | what I mean is, how do I change TIME_WAIT to something else? | 10:07 |
hmw | ActionParsnip: sorry for being in "noob" mode, I am in a hurry (should be departing by now) - I read the article, and I have /dev/ttyUSB{0,1}. Which program would create the interface? pppconfig seems to expect a device being up already. | 10:07 |
rww | smokinjoe: that's not helpful. | 10:07 |
bazooka | it was working fine until yesterday . 8.10 is not the solution | 10:07 |
bazooka | my system is not getting shutdown . when i click shutdown it restarts . i am using ubuntu 8.04 . can anybody help me please ? | 10:08 |
hmw | ActionParsnip: With NetworkManager (also under Fedora, where it works perfectly), I always get a ppp0 device. | 10:08 |
ScrotumPole1 | ActionParsnip: Do you know how to check/update a video driver? | 10:08 |
bazooka | my system is not getting shutdown . when i click shutdown it restarts . i am using ubuntu 8.04 . can anybody help me please ? | 10:08 |
ActionParsnip1 | ScrotumPole1: depends how you installed them | 10:09 |
ScrotumPole1 | Automatically picked up by Ubuntu | 10:09 |
eonos76__ | ActionParsnip1 : my main problem is that I cannot telnet the port 25 of any external machine | 10:09 |
ActionParsnip1 | ScrotumPole1: sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get upgrade; sudo apt-get dist-upgrade | 10:09 |
n838901 | bazooka: what did you do prior to the shutdown issue? | 10:09 |
ScrotumPole1 | Okay | 10:10 |
bazooka | i connect the webcam . thats it | 10:10 |
bazooka | connected * | 10:10 |
ActionParsnip1 | eonos76__: the server may not use 25, you should check rather than assume | 10:10 |
eonos76__ | ActionParsnip1 : please try this one telnet 25 | 10:10 |
ActionParsnip1 | hmw: is the option module loaded? | 10:10 |
eonos76__ | I know it uses the port 25 | 10:10 |
hmw | ActionParsnip: yes- | 10:11 |
hmw | . | 10:11 |
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eonos76__ | Where can I find more log about my telnet connection ? | 10:11 |
n838901 | bazooka: have you tried to shutdown from the command 'shutdown -h now' ?? | 10:11 |
ActionParsnip1 | eonos76__: 250 | 10:11 |
ActionParsnip1 | eonos76__: when i said helo | 10:11 |
[[thufir]] | how do you "clear" a port? TIME_WAIT so that it's "free" as shown in netstat? | 10:11 |
bazooka | nope . should i try now ? | 10:11 |
ScrotumPole1 | Did all the sudo apt-get's. Do I now have the latest version of my video card driver? | 10:11 |
eonos76__ | me I get telnet: Unable to connect to remote host: Connection refused | 10:11 |
ActionParsnip1 | eonos76__: on the sites config for how to setup mail clients for its service | 10:11 |
ActionParsnip1 | eonos76__: are you running a firewall? | 10:12 |
n838901 | bazooka: sure | 10:12 |
eonos76__ | no | 10:12 |
Dreamglider | If i bought a new hd for my laptop could i just copy my ubuntu partition to it and boot up the pc and it would work ? | 10:12 |
bazooka | n838901: i will get back to you . if it doesnt work | 10:12 |
ScrotumPole1 | No, you'd need a bootloader, Dream | 10:12 |
n838901 | dreamglider: yes if you DD the drive | 10:12 |
BlackZ | Salve a tutti | 10:12 |
Dreamglider | DD ? | 10:12 |
ActionParsnip1 | eonos76__: try turning off your router for 20 seconds | 10:13 |
BlackZ | salve | 10:13 |
n838901 | !info dd | 10:13 |
ubottu | Package dd does not exist in intrepid | 10:13 |
tuxtor | Hi anybody know if the changes that I do in the kernel with sysctl app are permanent? | 10:13 |
ActionParsnip1 | Dreamglider: it copies a device bit by bit to another device | 10:13 |
rww | eonos76__: It's possible that your ISP blocks traffic over port 25 to mailservers other than theirs. | 10:13 |
n838901 | dreamglider: dd is a commandline tool that will do a bit-for-bit copy | 10:13 |
ActionParsnip1 | Dreamglider: you will need to reinstall gru from live cd | 10:13 |
eonos76__ | Is there a command to trace the telnet connection I am trying to do ? | 10:13 |
n838901 | eonos76__: my isp blocks outgoing mail unless it is relayed through their mailserver | 10:14 |
hyun | ÈÞ | 10:14 |
hyun | ÀÌÁ¦ µÈ´Ù | 10:14 |
Dreamglider | ok so i would boot ubuntu, insert the new hd via usb and use DD, easy as that ? | 10:14 |
eonos76__ | How can I know where the blocking is occurring ? | 10:15 |
n838901 | eonos76__: you can run tcpdump | 10:15 |
rww | eonos76__: Your ISP is Wanadoo, correct? | 10:15 |
ActionParsnip1 | eonos76__: you can traceroute to the server | 10:16 |
n838901 | dreamglider: yes. you *may* have to boot with bootcd and run grub to reinstall bootloader but can't's been a while | 10:16 |
n838901 | ..but that's not difficult | 10:16 |
Dreamglider | ok so it's pretty easy so to say :) | 10:17 |
bazooka | ting shutdown . when i click shutdown it restarts . i am using ubuntu 8.04 . shutdown from terminal also doesnt work . can anybody help me please | 10:17 |
Dreamglider | knock on wood. | 10:17 |
eonos76__ | I am trying traceroute | 10:17 |
bazooka | my system is not getting shutdown . when i click shutdown it restarts . i am using ubuntu 8.04 . shutdown from terminal also doesnt work . can anybody help me please | 10:17 |
ScrotumPole1 | How do I check my video card driver? | 10:17 |
n838901 | dreamglider: yeah, it's not hard at all :) dd is awesome | 10:17 |
rww | eonos76__: if your ISP is Wanadoo (as your hostname indicates), you could try "telnet 25". If that works and other SMTP servers don't, I'd say it's pretty damn likely that your ISP is blocking it. | 10:18 |
n838901 | scrotumpole1: check your xorg.conf file for the driver in use | 10:18 |
bazooka | my system is not getting shutdown . when i click shutdown it restarts . i am using ubuntu 8.04 . shutdown from terminal also doesnt work . can anybody help me please | 10:18 |
eonos76__ | rww : no the connection is still refused | 10:18 |
Dreamglider | im tired of this small 60Gb disk | 10:19 |
[[thufir]] | bazooka: how long has this been happening? what's dmesg say? | 10:19 |
eonos76__ | but I checked with the local domain it is working | 10:19 |
[[thufir]] | bazooka: I have no idea, but I think that info will help others help you | 10:19 |
ActionParsnip1 | Dreamglider: depends on your space needs | 10:19 |
bazooka | [[thufir]]: it all started after i connected my webcam . no message is displayed | 10:19 |
n838901 | bazooka: will it shutdown if you disconnect the webcam? | 10:20 |
Dreamglider | actionparsnip 60 dualboot, win and ubuntu. i need more space :P | 10:20 |
ActionParsnip1 | Dreamglider: ahhh, is it a dualboot with vista? | 10:20 |
[[thufir]] | bazooka: and a pastebin of dmesg? again, I have no idea, I'm a noob. but I know dmesg helps diagnose these things. | 10:20 |
bazooka | n838901: did not try . thought it to be foolish to be a reason | 10:20 |
n838901 | bazooka: me too...but you never know :) | 10:21 |
ScrotumPole1 | ActionParsnip: All I see is "Configured Video Device", etc. | 10:21 |
Dreamglider | actionparsnip no way, xp | 10:21 |
ScrotumPole1 | lspci shows me more info than this lol | 10:21 |
rww | ScrotumPole1: scroll through /var/log/Xorg.0.log. It'll be in there. | 10:21 |
bazooka | n838901: let me try then | 10:21 |
ScrotumPole1 | Okay | 10:21 |
bazooka | BRB | 10:21 |
n838901 | scrotumpole1: you can also run 'lsmod' and see what video module is loaded | 10:22 |
ActionParsnip1 | Dreamglider: both are pretty naff | 10:22 |
maxagaz | quelle est la commande pour obtenir la taille d'un dossier et de tous ses sous-dossiers ? | 10:22 |
maxagaz | sorry... | 10:22 |
n838901 | anyone have a problem with Intrepid server randomly refusing connections? | 10:24 |
rww | maxagaz: du -chs | 10:24 |
ScrotumPole1 | ActionParsnip: It recognizes my chipset, and says I'm using an "Xorg Driver". | 10:24 |
n3rd4i | anybody here please i need some help with my Cannon Pixmai1700 | 10:25 |
n3rd4i | Cannon iP1700 driver | 10:25 |
Dreamglider | can i use DD to transfeer the ntfs (windows) partion to the new drive aswell ? | 10:25 |
sh4d3sl4y3r_ | fuck ubuntu | 10:25 |
sh4d3sl4y3r_ | debian sucks | 10:25 |
FloodBot1 | sh4d3sl4y3r_: Please don't flood, use to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 10:25 |
sh4d3sl4y3r_ | red hat rocks | 10:25 |
n838901 | dreamglider: yes | 10:25 |
rww | sh4d3sl4y3r_: Do you have an Ubuntu technical support question? | 10:25 |
bazooka | my system is not getting shutdown . when i click shutdown it restarts . if i unplug my usb webcam ...then everything works fine . please help | 10:26 |
n3rd4i | can anyone help me? | 10:26 |
bazooka | my system is not getting shutdown . when i click shutdown it restarts . if i unplug my usb webcam ...then everything works fine . please help | 10:26 |
n838901 | n3rd4i: what is the problem? | 10:26 |
ActionParsnip1 | n3rd4i: ask and find out | 10:26 |
ScrotumPole1 | ActionParsnip, it recognizes my chipset and tells me I am running an "Xorg Driver". What does this mean? | 10:26 |
rww | bazooka: Go into your BIOS and check for an option in its Power Management section about waking on USB input | 10:26 |
n838901 | bazooka: that actually worked???? | 10:26 |
n3rd4i | i need a Driver for my Printer = Cannon Pixma iP1700 | 10:26 |
n3rd4i | or an echivalent | 10:27 |
bazooka | n838901: yes it did | 10:27 |
ActionParsnip1 | ScrotumPole1: you are running a default driver, you need to edit xorg.conf to use the intel driver | 10:27 |
bazooka | rww : please elaborate i am a newbie | 10:27 |
Dreamglider | n3rd4i: have you tried plugging it in and print somthing ? | 10:27 |
ActionParsnip1 | ScrotumPole1: i gave you tonnes of links on this. The driver is part of a standard ubuntu install so all you have to do is tell your system to use it | 10:27 |
n3rd4i | yes My cannon gets connected , its being recocnised but it says that the driver is not found | 10:27 |
maxagaz | rww, thanks | 10:27 |
n838901 | bazooka: do you know how to access your bios? | 10:27 |
n3rd4i | and i need some echivalent | 10:27 |
ScrotumPole1 | Yes, I know. But realize I am new to Linux overall, please. | 10:28 |
hmw | ActionParsnip: I remembered, that my old Ubuntu notebook is configured to manually dial in, but I cant remember, how I started the connection. It was something like: <program> <what chat script> | 10:28 |
Dreamglider | n3rd4i: my printer worked "out of the box" :) | 10:28 |
bazooka | n838901: no dude i dont know | 10:28 |
ActionParsnip1 | ScrotumPole1: true but not new to reading and following instruction i hope :D | 10:28 |
n3rd4i | so what should i do ? | 10:28 |
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n838901 | bazooka: when you turn the computer tells you to press some key to enter that key | 10:28 |
rww | bazooka: When your computer first starts, before any Ubuntu stuff comes up, do you get a prompt to "Press [something] to enter setup" or something like that? | 10:28 |
ScrotumPole1 | Not at all. Understanding the things in it is a different story. | 10:28 |
ScrotumPole1 | Lingo=bullshit. | 10:28 |
rww | !ohmy > ScrotumPole1 | 10:29 |
ubottu | ScrotumPole1, please see my private message | 10:29 |
yellabs | any one that uses ekiga? | 10:29 |
bazooka | n838901: and what after that | 10:29 |
rww | bazooka: Look for a section in there about power management. Look through that section for stuff about waking on USB input. Disable that stuff. | 10:29 |
n838901 | bazooka: look through..yeah what he said | 10:29 |
rww | bazooka: We can't give you more detailed instructions than that without knowing what sort of computer you have. If you got your computer from an OEM and it's still under warranty, ask them. | 10:30 |
bazooka | thanks . i'll try this .. and get back to you two . thanks for the help | 10:30 |
ActionParsnip1 | ScrotumPole1: read the links, you need to populate the xorg.conf file | 10:30 |
hmw | I cant remember, how to start a ppp connection. I have a configured Ubuntu, but I dont know, how to initialize the dialup anymore. What program do I have to call? | 10:30 |
rww | bazooka: You're welcome. Good luck :) | 10:30 |
n838901 | bazooka: any time | 10:30 |
Mr_Bananas | :'( | 10:30 |
n838901 | hmw: gnome-ppp is a good gui | 10:30 |
ActionParsnip1 | !ppp | hmw | 10:30 |
ubottu | hmw: You want to connect via dial-up? Read - Also try disabling/removing KNetworkManager if KDE applications cannot connect using dial-up | 10:30 |
hmw | n838901: thats not the thing, which is already installed. Any other similar programs? | 10:31 |
Mr_Bananas | does my vodafone live work on linux? | 10:31 |
n838901 | hmw: wvdial from command line | 10:31 |
tabla | hi ppl | 10:31 |
hmw | n838901: it should work already, i just forgot how to start the connection. | 10:31 |
tabla | can anyone give me link how to add vhost on ubuntu? | 10:31 |
tabla | all what i have got i dont understand them | 10:31 |
n838901 | hmw: gnome-ppp will start the connection | 10:31 |
rww | tabla: please elaborate on what you mean by "vhost" | 10:32 |
ScrotumPole1 | Be careful admitting that you don't understand.... :P | 10:32 |
hmw | wvdial seems not to be the program, which i configured, it looks for a normal serial conn. I have something configured for my HSDPA | 10:32 |
tabla | like adding host masks to eggdrop | 10:32 |
tabla | to hide my real ip | 10:32 |
rww | tabla: on which network? this one? | 10:32 |
tabla | rww: no like linknet and so one | 10:33 |
sangi | how could i transfer my contacts from system to mobile which is in .backup format | 10:33 |
n838901 | hmw: configure gnome-ppp to use /dev/*** (*** being the modem in question) | 10:33 |
Mr_Bananas | .backup file reader | 10:33 |
hmw | n838901: you misunderstand me. I need to figure out, how to use the existing solution. I need it quickly for the other noteboook. | 10:33 |
Pontif_La_Rouge | does anyone have experience setting up a touch screen in 4.10? | 10:34 |
n838901 | hmw: you would like to use NetworkManager? | 10:34 |
hmw | i find all the scripts, i used. The ones with the dial up parameters, passwords aso. But I cant remember, how I started it. | 10:34 |
ScrotumPole1 | ActionParsnip: Could you send me a link (again) showing me how to populate my xorg.conf, and explaining what "populating" in general is? | 10:34 |
hmw | it was something like ppp drei | 10:34 |
n838901 | hmw: ppp-on? | 10:34 |
hmw | yeah! THANKS!!! | 10:35 |
n838901 | hmw: welcome ^_^ | 10:35 |
hmw | but that command is no longer there...:(( | 10:35 |
n838901 | try pppon | 10:35 |
hmw | n838901 i tryed ppp<TAB> - no. | 10:35 |
tabla | rww: i installed apache already but dont know any how to add vhost to eggdrop and such things | 10:35 |
hmw | but i remember it was some pppon alike | 10:36 |
lstarnes | tabla: apache has nothing to do with the type of vhosts that you are talking about | 10:36 |
ScrotumPole1 | Anyone know what populating a file is? | 10:36 |
rww | ScrotumPole1: putting stuff into it | 10:36 |
n3rd4i | .... ubuntu and ip1700 = incompatible ...damn | 10:36 |
lstarnes | tabla: what you need are multiple public IPs and each one needs to resolve to a different domain | 10:36 |
ScrotumPole1 | Thanks, rww. | 10:36 |
lstarnes | tabla: technically, vhosts all point to a real IP | 10:37 |
tabla | lstarnes thats what im looking im new on linux stuff so any help wil be nice | 10:37 |
Pontif_La_Rouge | does anyone have experience setting up a touch screen in 4.10? | 10:37 |
lstarnes | tabla: if you do not want an IP that your own computer uses being shown, run the bot from someone else's shell account | 10:37 |
tabla | lstarnes but if you do whois on mirc it wount show it | 10:37 |
sangi | how could i transfer my contacts from system to mobile which is in .backup format | 10:37 |
lstarnes | tabla: that's why reverse dns needs to be set up for the IPs and the bot needs to bind to one of those IPs | 10:38 |
tabla | lstarnes its very unstable and i wanna keep my company stuff in there so dont wanto to run it somone other pc | 10:38 |
sangi | how could i transfer my contacts from system to mobile which is in .backup format | 10:39 |
ScrotumPole1 | Anyone know what I would need to populate my xorg.conf with? | 10:39 |
lstarnes | tabla: if those IPs are owned by your ISP, they might not let you set up reverse dns for them | 10:39 |
ScrotumPole1 | I keep getting elitist answers and not enough real world solution :P | 10:39 |
hmw | ActionParsnip, n838901: it was "pon ppp" thanks | 10:39 |
oCean_ | Pontif_La_Rouge: 4.10? as in Warty release? | 10:39 |
lstarnes | tabla: some irc networks do have the ability to scramble or hide IPs | 10:40 |
judstin | I have a question about themes in gnome....its a noobish question, anyone wants to help just PM me :) thanks | 10:40 |
tabla | lstarnes you mean +h flag? | 10:40 |
lstarnes | tabla: usermode +h/+x depending on the ircd | 10:41 |
lstarnes | tabla: some networks have other methods, like changing the host using services | 10:41 |
bazooka | i could not find waking on usb input option or any other relevant option under power management in the BIOS . | 10:41 |
tabla | lstarnes how i set this up on eggdrop if it connects? you know anything about that? | 10:41 |
lstarnes | tabla: it depends on the network | 10:42 |
ScrotumPole1 | I need help populating my xorg.conf. | 10:42 |
bazooka | i could not find waking on usb input option or any other relevant option under power management in the BIOS . | 10:42 |
n838901 | hmw: yeah thats it :) | 10:42 |
tabla | lstarnes linknet allows it i know that | 10:42 |
lstarnes | tabla: which method do they use for that? | 10:42 |
tabla | lstarnes +h flag | 10:42 |
bazooka | n838901: i could not find waking on usb input option or any other relevant option under power management in the BIOS . | 10:42 |
hmw | n838901: now i gotta transfer the config to the other pc. Can you tell me by heart, which files i will have to copy? (i am in a hurry) | 10:42 |
lstarnes | tabla: that's not a flag, that's a usermode | 10:43 |
Pontif_La_Rouge | oCean_: no, intrepid? o.o god I can never remember the I bit | 10:43 |
ScrotumPole1 | I need help populating my xorg.conf | 10:43 |
Pontif_La_Rouge | oCean_: I aplogize for the late reply too | 10:43 |
oCean_ | Pontif_La_Rouge: ok, intrepid = 8.10 (see "lsb_release -a") | 10:43 |
n838901 | bazooka: look for any option in bios about wake-on-xxxxxxx | 10:44 |
ScrotumPole1 | I need help populating my xorg.conf | 10:44 |
bazooka | n838901: i have to disable that thing right | 10:45 |
n838901 | hmw: /etc/ppp /etc/chatscripts | 10:45 |
Very_Cool | I'mm having some wierd crashing errors and have already run memtest multiple times...what linux program is there to test the cpu (smp) | 10:45 |
lstarnes | tabla: I'm not sure how eggdrop sets modes when connecting, but it would need to set +h | 10:46 |
tabla | lstarnes yeah im searching fo that right now | 10:46 |
oCean_ | Pontif_La_Rouge: I think the question might be a little too generic for useful answers. Have you searched the net for tutorials/howto's? I think some might be there. When running into a specific issue, maybe someone here has the answer. | 10:46 |
hmw | HOORAA! Thanks a lot, n838901 and ActionParsnip - you saved my day! bye! | 10:46 |
vladuz976 | how can I change the screen resolution in 8.10 ? | 10:47 |
n838901 | hmw: you're welcome | 10:47 |
oCean_ | Pontif_La_Rouge: something like this might be a startingpoint: | 10:47 |
vladuz976 | on a laptop 1280 by 800 but trying to output to vga at higher resolution | 10:47 |
n838901 | vladuz976: under <System><Preferences><Screen Resolution> | 10:47 |
vladuz976 | yeah but how does it know whether to the lcd or the vga output? | 10:48 |
ScrotumPole1 | Can anyone help me populate my xorg.conf file? | 10:49 |
n838901 | vladuz976: did you 'Detect Displays'? | 10:49 |
vladuz976 | n838901: yes, it doesn't detect anything | 10:49 |
n838901 | vladuz976: did you push the video function key on the laptop to enable the vga output? | 10:50 |
ScrotumPole1 | Wow, no one knows? lol | 10:51 |
ScrotumPole1 | Okay, I'll pop out of my newly taught linuxese: Do any of you know how to force my computer to see my Intel 945GM chipset driver which may or may not be on my computer? | 10:51 |
ScrotumPole1 | :P | 10:51 |
FloodBot1 | ScrotumPole1: Please don't flood, use to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 10:51 |
n838901 | scrotumpole1: set driver from whatever is there to 'intel' | 10:51 |
hmw | n838901 was it "gnome-ppp"? | 10:51 |
vladuz976 | n838901: hmm, actually no | 10:51 |
n838901 | hmw: it is a gui for pppd | 10:52 |
hmw | thx | 10:52 |
COw-NUgeT | makassar | 10:52 |
vladuz976 | n838901: did, but nothing happened | 10:52 |
n838901 | vladuz976: is monitor powered on? | 10:52 |
vladuz976 | n838901: it's my TV | 10:52 |
vladuz976 | n838901: yeaah it's on | 10:52 |
funkyAli | hello | 10:53 |
n838901 | vladuz976: you may have to restart laptop with vga connected for it to work | 10:53 |
vladuz976 | n838901: and definitely connected | 10:53 |
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vladuz976 | n838901: hmm, ok. I'll give that a try. thanks | 10:53 |
Very_Cool | I'm experiencing crashing garrenteed within first 0-2 webpages in firefox or xconfig (the only 2 programs I run) in Xvnc with XFCE4. everything is up to date. memtest went through all teh tests twice without any errors. running burnbx twice (smp) | 10:53 |
funkyAli | hi i need some help getting my wifi working on acer aspire one zg5 | 10:53 |
n838901 | vladuz976: ok | 10:53 |
Very_Cool | ^I have also swapped all hardware including powersupply excluding Hard Drive/Motherboard/CPUs | 10:54 |
funkyAli | hi i need some help getting my wifi working on acer aspire one zg5. I'm running ubuntu 8.10 | 10:54 |
Very_Cool | ^My only thought is, xfce/Xvnc can somehow cause a hard lock-up, or swap file can cause this | 10:55 |
Jahman | hi | 10:55 |
funkyAli | could someone help me with a driver problem | 10:55 |
funkyAli | hi jahman | 10:55 |
funkyAli | ??? | 10:56 |
funkyAli | complete newbie | 10:56 |
Very_Cool | funkyAli, usually the driver comes with instructions | 10:57 |
funkyAli | i've read a few blogs on this problem but still cant get my head around this problem | 10:57 |
funkyAli | very-cool : I'm a newbie when it comes to terminal | 10:58 |
funkyAli | very-cool : i'm from a windows background | 10:58 |
vladuz976 | running ubuntu on a sony vaio laptop, is there any packages to support all the hardware and extra buttons on this laptop? | 10:59 |
ichbinesderelch | vladuz976: what model? | 10:59 |
funkyAli | very-cool: willing to learn linux/ubuntu | 10:59 |
vladuz976 | vgn-c71b | 10:59 |
vladuz976 | it's japanese | 10:59 |
Very_Cool | funkyAli, ubuntu doesn't support your hardware? what hardware are you trying to use? | 11:00 |
vladuz976 | pcg-6t1n is what it says on the backside. i think in japan they just print a different name on the front | 11:00 |
expired99 | help, my outlook expired. my mails are in .pst file. i just want to copy and paste one single email to notepad | 11:01 |
funkyAli | very-cool: I bought a acer aspire one zg5 that comes with another linux disto. I repartitioned and installed ubuntu 8.10 It is running except I cannot get the wifi to work | 11:01 |
vladuz976 | the LDC/VGA key is not working on my laptop | 11:01 |
Very_Cool | funkyAli, I'm not that experienced, but run lspci and see if you can see your wifi car din the list | 11:02 |
ichbinesderelch | vladuz976: for the keys, oben "xev" and press the buttons to see if they are recognized | 11:02 |
ichbinesderelch | vladuz976: if recognized you just have to set the correct actions in .xmodmap or with any other programm | 11:02 |
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sangi | could anyone here tell me how could i transfer addressbook from system to mobile which is in .backup format | 11:03 |
n2diy | what is the equivilant to pgp in ubuntu? | 11:03 |
Tmi | funkyAli, have you checked the forums? Usually a lot of threads about wifi problems | 11:03 |
Abracadabra | Hi | 11:03 |
funkyAli | very-cool: I can see it there its an atheros | 11:04 |
Abracadabra | How do I know which is my primary group, and which other groups I am part of ? | 11:04 |
vladuz976 | ichbinesderelch: actually it's not a separate key, the LCD/VGA thing is tied to a 'shift + F7' combo | 11:04 |
Tmi | Abracadabra, type "id" in a terminal | 11:04 |
Dr_willis | shouldent it be some 'functionkey-7' | 11:04 |
vladuz976 | ichbinesderelch: i actually rememmber this working fine with a much earlier version of ubuntu | 11:04 |
Abracadabra | Tmi: thanks, how do I know which is my primary group though ? | 11:05 |
funkyAli | very-cool: there is a wifi switch on my netbook but it does not light up when on apparently this is a known problem | 11:05 |
Tmi | Abracadabra, isn't that the first group in the listing? Dunno really | 11:05 |
threepwood | FunkyAli do you have a HP Pavilion, lol | 11:06 |
oCean_ | expired99: (mozilla) thunderbird has a plugin to read pst files. I'm not sure though, it might be necessary to 'do something' while exporting to pst. Anyway,start here: other tools (like readpst, which is in the repos) are also mentioned | 11:06 |
Very_Cool | funkyAli, that last time I looked at wifi in was so early it wasn't even really working at the time. Im not to sure what to do at this point, I would probably try to find a wizard for console or gnome/X11/xfce to setup wifi | 11:06 |
Abracadabra | Tmi: ok, cheers | 11:06 |
threepwood | a good wifi solution is that if your internal card doesnt work just get a usb | 11:06 |
funkyAli | threepwood no lol | 11:06 |
expired99 | oCean_, thx | 11:06 |
tabla | lstarnes error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object im getting this error can you tell me what i need to do | 11:07 |
ScrotumPole | I need help getting a video driver to work | 11:07 |
lstarnes | tabla: install tcl8.4 and tcl8.4-dev | 11:07 |
Pontif_La_Rouge | alternative messengers to pidgin....go! | 11:07 |
Tmi | ponimotor, kopete, emesene, amsn ? | 11:08 |
Tmi | woops, wrong person :P | 11:08 |
funkyAli | very-cool: thx I'll try that approach | 11:08 |
ScrotumPole | Can anyone help me get my video driver working? | 11:08 |
Pontif_La_Rouge | does aim support msn and IRC? | 11:08 |
Pontif_La_Rouge | amsn? | 11:08 |
tabla | lstarnes same | 11:08 |
Tmi | ScrotumPole, just write and someone will answer if they know | 11:08 |
Pontif_La_Rouge | and switch msn with aim >.> | 11:08 |
fosco_ | Pontif_La_Rouge: nop, amsn is for msn protocol only | 11:09 |
Tmi | I don't know, I always use pidgin ;) | 11:09 |
Pontif_La_Rouge | :/ ok, an alternate messenger for pidgin in ubuntu that I can use MSN IRC and AIM | 11:09 |
n2diy | what is the equivilant to pgp in ubuntu? | 11:09 |
Pontif_La_Rouge | o.o | 11:09 |
ScrotumPole | Intel945 GM chipset, which is recognized. xorg.conf is using it's own driver. How do I use the "intel" driver, if I even have it? | 11:09 |
fosco_ | Pontif_La_Rouge: kopete | 11:09 |
lstarnes | tabla: the tcl8.4 package does contain that library | 11:10 |
tabla | where i can get those libraryes? | 11:10 |
baldaris | hey hwo can i install lighttpd | 11:10 |
baldaris | ? | 11:10 |
lstarnes | tabla: sudo apt-get nistall tcl8.4 | 11:10 |
baldaris | sudo aptitude lighttpd | 11:10 |
Pontif_La_Rouge | how do I import contacts to kopete | 11:10 |
Pontif_La_Rouge | >.< I installed it but can't figure out how to put contacts in :/ | 11:10 |
lstarnes | tabla: replace nistall with install in that command | 11:11 |
fosco_ | Pontif_La_Rouge: contacts are stored in the server, you do not need to import nothing | 11:11 |
tabla | lstarnes i got that but look pls 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded. | 11:11 |
Pontif_La_Rouge | so I just open kopete and my contcats from aim and msn are instantly imported, that seems unlikely | 11:11 |
ScrotumPole | Need help finding out how to use driver for an Intel 945GM Chipset | 11:11 |
lstarnes | tabla: try starting eggdrop again | 11:11 |
tabla | lstarnes looks like i have that already | 11:11 |
tabla | lstarnes its not running im trying to start it :) | 11:12 |
lstarnes | tabla: you might need to recompile it | 11:12 |
ScrotumPole | 47th Linux install, writing an article for PCWorld... | 11:12 |
ScrotumPole | no solutions? | 11:12 |
BoFFire | Hi everyone | 11:14 |
lstarnes | Pontif_La_Rouge: it should automatically import buddy lists for aim and msn. I just checked using an msn account on kopete | 11:14 |
CaptainMorgan | !skype | 11:16 |
ubottu | To install Skype on Ubuntu, see - To record on Skype, check: | 11:16 |
BoFFire | I have a problem with Nvidia GeForce 6100 in Ubuntu Intrepid Ibex 8.10 | 11:16 |
ScrotumPole | !linux | 11:16 |
ubottu | Linux is the kernel (core) of the Ubuntu operating system. Many operating systems use Linux as kernel. For more information on Linux in general, visit | 11:16 |
BoFFire | Can you give me link to a tutorial to solve this problem please ? | 11:17 |
ScrotumPole | Please, help me install my Intel 945GM Driver | 11:17 |
lstarnes | BoFFire: what is the problem? | 11:17 |
BoFFire | lstarnes, the problem is that I tried the driver 173, 177 and even 96 but I'm alway in low resolution | 11:18 |
ScrotumPole | Or, could someone send me to a more knowledgeable help base? | 11:18 |
ScrotumPole | Wow, really right now? | 11:19 |
lstarnes | BoFFire: maybe | 11:19 |
Tmi | BoFFire, did you check what resolutions are added in xorg.conf ? | 11:19 |
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ScrotumPole | Okay, so you guys know what the f*** xorg.conf is. That's what I need help with. | 11:20 |
ScrotumPole | Hello? | 11:21 |
BoFFire | thanks lstarnes ;) / @Tmi I added manually a subsection Display with modes "1280x1024" but the driver still as if it is not activated | 11:21 |
ScrotumPole | I'm asking elementary questions compared to some of these people trying to get legacy hardwared supported and using IPX......... | 11:21 |
oCean_ | ScrotumPole: Don't do that. Obfuscated swearing is also not allowed here | 11:21 |
ScrotumPole | Whatever. lol | 11:22 |
Tmi | check if your driver is working at all .... run "glxgears" in a terminal and see if you get a good framerate | 11:22 |
tabla | lstarnes thns for your help i found the where to set up this h mode and so one thnks a lot | 11:22 |
BoFFire | ok Tmi | 11:22 |
oCean_ | ScrotumPole: this is a channel of volunteers. If nobody here right now knows your answer, be patient. Meanwhile, search the ubuntu forums (and archives) | 11:23 |
ScrotumPole | Like I said, I am asking an entry-level elementary question. | 11:23 |
BoFFire | I'll make some modifications on the xorg.conf and I'll return back ;) | 11:23 |
Tmi | BoFFire, check glxgears first | 11:23 |
Miesco | How would I make a date for a backup like, tar cvpzf /media/disk/backup`date`.tar.gz /home | 11:23 |
Tmi | just to see if the driver is actually working at all | 11:23 |
ScrotumPole | I'm not asking how to make my legacy hardware support an IPX connection, like what was answered. | 11:23 |
BoFFire | Tmi, GLX is missing in fact | 11:24 |
DragonLord- | ScrotumPole ? | 11:24 |
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ScrotumPole | Thank you so much, DragonLord. However, I am not have resolution problems. I need to know if I have, and how to install my driver. Would you happen to have any more info? | 11:25 |
pavs | Man this sucks. There used to be a time when noobs used to get flamed for asking questions, now everyone is nice. | 11:26 |
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ScrotumPole | There also used to be a time when Linux wasn't desperate. Now it is :) | 11:26 |
ActionParsnip1 | Miesco: | 11:26 |
oCean_ | Miesco: use the options to the date command, like date +%d%b%Y (result: 02Mar2009) see "man date" for more/other options | 11:27 |
ScrotumPole | o.O | 11:28 |
red__ | what's the correct syntax for mounting a remote directory by ip address? | 11:28 |
red__ | I've tried sudo mount -t ext3 // /mnt/srb5/ | 11:29 |
red__ | and various variations | 11:29 |
red__ | but jsut get | 11:29 |
harrisony | red__, is it over nfs or smb or | 11:29 |
red__ | special device // does not exist | 11:29 |
red__ | it is asamba share for several windows machines, but I'm connecting from an ubuntu laptop | 11:30 |
oCean_ | red__: if it's nfs the option would be -t nfs | 11:30 |
Miesco | Whats a good tool for auto backups? | 11:31 |
harrisony | red__, i dont know how youve done things but try | 11:31 |
oCean_ | !backup | Miesco | 11:31 |
ubottu | Miesco: There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: , , , - See also !sbackup and !cloning | 11:31 |
red__ | mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on //, etc. | 11:31 |
harrisony | mount -t smbfs // /mnt/srb5 | 11:31 |
b1n42y | !wicd | 11:32 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about wicd | 11:32 |
anas | hi every body :) | 11:32 |
red__ | harrisony , worong system file type error | 11:33 |
harrisony | ive always gone for nfs on linux boxes, never samba | 11:33 |
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red__ | possibly no samaba support in my ubuntu install? | 11:33 |
harrisony | sudo apt-get install samba smbfs | 11:33 |
harrisony | try that | 11:33 |
harrisony | !package smbfs | 11:33 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about package smbfs | 11:33 |
ScrotumPole | Need to know how to install Intel driver for 945GM chipset using xorg.conf. New to linux. | 11:34 |
b1n42y | !samba | 11:34 |
ubottu | Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: and - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT. | 11:34 |
harrisony | whats the ubottu command that shows details about a package | 11:34 |
b1n42y | !bot | 11:34 |
ubottu | Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at - Usage info: | 11:34 |
defrysk | ScrotumPole, sudo apt-get install linux-backports-modules-intrepid | 11:35 |
ActionParsnip1 | harrisony: try !info <package> | 11:35 |
harrisony | !ohmy | ScrotumPole | 11:35 |
ubottu | ScrotumPole: Please watch your language, attitude, and topic to help keep this channel friendly and helpful. Remember, there are kids here! | 11:35 |
harrisony | ScrotumPole, i would change the name | 11:35 |
harrisony | ActionParsnip, ah thanks, been a while since i did support in here | 11:36 |
PkzRelax82 | Hi, not to interrupt the going conversation, but I'm having LOTS of trouble having ubuntu detect my 802.11 usb wifi adapter | 11:36 |
ScrotumPole | Umm, sorry. Not happening. And secondly, I did not use language. | 11:36 |
PkzRelax82 | Or even getting the internet to work period | 11:36 |
ScrotumPole | I asked a question. | 11:36 |
b1n42y | ActionParsnip, are you on here long enough to get wicd into bots or as part of networkmanager solutions | 11:36 |
vladuz976 | vga output is not working on my laptop. any idea how i can test whether it's the output or the input on the monitor? | 11:36 |
yellabs | who uses ekiga with succes? | 11:36 |
harrisony | yellabs, i do :) | 11:36 |
etfb | Just installed the mplayer plugin for Mozilla, and I get sound but not video. Any idea how I can debug to find what codec I'm missing? | 11:36 |
DIFH-iceroot | how to disable the shells 2-6 (ctrl+alt+2-6)? i only want to have a shell on 1 and x-server on 7 | 11:37 |
elky | ScrotumPole, your nick is the language he is objecting to. | 11:37 |
b1n42y | ScrotumPole, tried synaptic install? xorg only manipulates things you still need appropriate software | 11:37 |
ScrotumPole | !ohmy | harrisony | 11:37 |
ubottu | harrisony: Please watch your language, attitude, and topic to help keep this channel friendly and helpful. Remember, there are kids here! | 11:37 |
ScrotumPole | :P | 11:37 |
elky | ScrotumPole, please change your nick to something less rude. | 11:38 |
ScrotumPole | No, I haven't tried Synaptic. I'm very new to Linux, and don't understand the inner workings quite yet. | 11:38 |
ScrotumPole | elky, I will change my name to something less rude when I am treated less rude. | 11:38 |
ScrotumPole | Thank you. | 11:38 |
elky | harrisony, thankyou for pointing that out. | 11:40 |
puppypusher | hello | 11:41 |
xmy | hello | 11:42 |
puppypusher | i don't think my laptop is using the right driver or smth | 11:43 |
toch | slt | 11:44 |
elky | puppypusher, you'll need to give more information than that. | 11:44 |
oCean_ | !details | puppypusher | 11:44 |
ubottu | puppypusher: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..." | 11:44 |
puppypusher | okay. i am running 8.10, and someone said i am using a default driver for my graphics, but i have no way of knowing what driver i need to use, or what kind of video card i have. | 11:45 |
harrisony | puppypusher, what is your graphics card | 11:45 |
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puppypusher | i don't know, harrisony. how can i check? | 11:45 |
harrisony | hmm | 11:46 |
Aquahallic | Anyone having any problems watching YouTube videos after the latest updates? | 11:46 |
oCean_ | puppypusher: run "lspci | grep -i graph" | 11:46 |
ville_ | no | 11:46 |
puppypusher | okay. brb | 11:46 |
ROOSTER | ich brauche hilfeee | 11:47 |
ville_ | #ubuntu-fi | 11:47 |
puppypusher | 00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Mobile 945GM/GMS, 943/940GML Express Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 03) | 11:47 |
puppypusher | 00:02.1 Display controller: Intel Corporation Mobile 945GM/GMS/GME, 943/940GML Express Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 03) | 11:47 |
puppypusher | is what it said | 11:47 |
ROOSTER | Hello wie kann ich den chat wo nur deutsche betreten ? | 11:47 |
oCean_ | puppypusher: The driver for the Intel 945GM is i810, which Ubuntu should use by default. | 11:48 |
ROOSTER | Hallo | 11:48 |
n2diy | ! de | ROOSTER | 11:48 |
ubottu | ROOSTER: In den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis. | 11:48 |
puppypusher | but someone told me that my x-something driver was using a generic one | 11:48 |
ActionParsnip1 | oCean_: it wont use it by default, its installed by default | 11:48 |
vladuz976 | just checked /etc/X11/xorg.conf, why is it empty? where is the resolution set? | 11:48 |
meganox | puppypusher: what is your problem with the card? | 11:48 |
puppypusher | oh okay. how do I use it, action? | 11:48 |
ActionParsnip1 | oCean_: xorg.conf needs populating | 11:48 |
oCean_ | ActionParsnip1: puppypusher .. ooops. yes | 11:49 |
A_Metal | Aquahallic: Flash runs jerky on every browser.I have a Core Duo and a Nvidia GeForce 8200 card. | 11:49 |
vladuz976 | it just says "configured monitor" | 11:49 |
puppypusher | i don't know linux terms. | 11:49 |
puppypusher | how do i use this xorg.conf to make my computer use the driver? | 11:49 |
ActionParsnip1 | puppypusher: | 11:50 |
Gartral1 | i need help setting me PATH | 11:50 |
ActionParsnip1 | !path | 11:50 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about path | 11:50 |
Aquahallic | A_Metal: it's not really jerky... it starts the first part.. then just stops | 11:50 |
Michael- | Haha, | 11:50 |
ActionParsnip1 | Gartral1: | 11:50 |
travian_geek | how do i stop/start/restart iptables in ubuntu , cant find it in init.d????????? | 11:50 |
Aquahallic | it's like it's not streaming correctly yet my g'friend can see it fine | 11:51 |
oCean_ | Gartral1: to add a directory to your searchpath (PATH) do: "export PATH=$PATH:/path/to/newdir" | 11:51 |
puppypusher | so, i copy and paste this entire script into my xorg.conf? | 11:51 |
ActionParsnip1 | puppypusher: no, you have the same sections defined, just fill them out with the flesh in that post | 11:51 |
guido79 | Hi guys, how can you read the end of a text file with the less command (or similar) ? | 11:51 |
puppypusher | Understood. brb | 11:51 |
travian_geek | guido79, use the tail command | 11:52 |
ActionParsnip1 | guido tail file.txt | 11:52 |
guido79 | travian_geek, tail <file> ? | 11:52 |
ActionParsnip1 | guido or: cat file.txt | tail | 11:52 |
guido79 | Ah, ok, thanks ! | 11:52 |
travian_geek | guido79, yeah that will list the 10 last line in the file | 11:52 |
travian_geek | guido79, *lines | 11:53 |
guido79 | Thank you ! | 11:53 |
Gartral1 | yay! | 11:53 |
travian_geek | how do I start/stop/restart iptables in Ubuntu??? I cant find it in init.d?????? | 11:54 |
travian_geek | guido79, man tail for more information | 11:54 |
puppypusher | action, my xorg.conf is only 5 sections long, whereas this script on that page is way over that. | 11:54 |
puppypusher | do I need to just copy and paste this into my xorg.conf? | 11:54 |
guido79 | travian_geek, ok and... what about editing the last lines from the terminal ? nano, vi, but in which way ? | 11:55 |
travian_geek | guido79, what do you mean? | 11:56 |
guido79 | travian_geek, editing the last lines of a very long file (25 MB) | 11:56 |
puppypusher | Action? | 11:56 |
=== urkki is now known as Finnish | ||
travian_geek | guido79, hmm I don't know. Maybe you have to open the file and go to the end of it | 11:57 |
hmw | travian_geek: iptables is not a daemon, but just the user interface to the kernel module "ipfilter". I can give you 4 lines to clear every rule, whicht is pretty much the same as turning off the firewall | 11:57 |
guido79 | travian_geek, or... copying the first n lines of a file to another ? | 11:57 |
travian_geek | guido79, maybe tail >> | 11:58 |
oCean_ | travian_geek: start/stop firewall is in /etc/init.d/ufw script | 11:58 |
travian_geek | guido79, then you would have to specify lines with tail | 11:59 |
guido79 | travian_geek, the first n lines, not the last ones... | 11:59 |
puppypusher | do i copy the contents on this webpage into my xorg.conf file? | 11:59 |
=== dtcrshr is now known as datacrusher | ||
travian_geek | guido79, read man tail maybe you find something there | 12:01 |
guido79 | Ok, thanks ! | 12:01 |
travian_geek | guido79, maybe you can specfy wherer to start somehow | 12:01 |
ActionParsnip1 | puppypusher: most of them yes, to flesh out your skeleton xorg.conf | 12:01 |
puppypusher | how do I get permission to save xorg.conf? | 12:02 |
ActionParsnip1 | puppypusher: edit it wit: gksudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf | 12:02 |
hmw_pidgin | puppyuser2007041: you got to edit it as the super suser: sudo nano ... | 12:02 |
travian_geek | oCean_, it dosent work: sudo /etc/init.d/ufw stop | 12:03 |
travian_geek | * Skipping firewall: ufw (not enabled)... [ OK ] | 12:03 |
ziroday | !grub | 12:03 |
ubottu | GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See - GRUB how-tos: | 12:03 |
corrector | god day everybody. I have one simple question. Is there a way to pass protect a single folder?? I've googled around and all i can see is how to encrypt folders. Strong security is not convinient for my use at the moment and simple pass protect would do just fine. THe folders contains a lot of data (pron) :) I find the encryption method to complicated because of my daily use of pron.. :D and it's too slow.. Plz hel | 12:03 |
hmw_pidgin | travian_geek: to completely open your firewall, see | 12:03 |
oCean_ | travian_geek: using vi that's "vi +10" to start on 10th line. However guido is gone by now I see. | 12:04 |
travian_geek | oCean_, I see | 12:04 |
hmw_pidgin | travian_geek: you will have to enter the commands probably with sudo before them | 12:04 |
oCean_ | travian_geek: edit /etc/ufw/ufw.conf | 12:04 |
oCean_ | travian_geek: to enable | 12:04 |
shavin | my "no space left on device" error is back! this time i have cleaned trash too as well as run apt-get autoclean but to no joy | 12:04 |
shavin | i am running intrepid on 8gb pen drive! | 12:05 |
hmw_pidgin | shavin: I didn't see your initial question. How do you get the error? | 12:05 |
puppypusher | ActionParsnip: This command line is not working "sudo aptitude install xserver-xorg-video-intel" | 12:05 |
travian_geek | oCean_, what is the utf actuelly? Im supposed to make a script for iptables in school soo I want the script to work on diffrent computers | 12:06 |
shavin | hmw_pidgin: well in short i installed a lot of updates through update manager. now there is an error of no disk space left whereas the fact is i have around 40% of space freeon my usb pen drive(i am running intrepid on pen drive 8gb) | 12:06 |
oCean_ | travian_geek: ufw is the 'naming' of the firewall rules. It actually starts iptables rules, see configs in /etc/default/ufw and of course /etc/ufw/* files | 12:07 |
oCean_ | !firewall | travian_geek | 12:07 |
ubottu | travian_geek: Ubuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see, or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE). | 12:07 |
puppypusher | Any reason this command line isn't working? sudo aptitude install xserver-xorg-video-intel" | 12:07 |
Veselushko | shavin: your live filesystem is not your whole flash drive (i think :) ) | 12:08 |
oCean_ | puppypusher: pls provide error messages (if any) - if > 2 lines, don't paste here, but use pastebin service | 12:08 |
ActionParsnip1 | puppypusher: try tab completing the package name | 12:09 |
puppypusher | it just says "aptitude: command not known" | 12:09 |
shavin | Veselushko: my df -h output is this | 12:09 |
ActionParsnip1 | puppypusher: replace word aptitude with apt-get | 12:09 |
puppypusher | okay. :) brb | 12:09 |
knut | hi, i have 2 gnome user profiles. one of them isnt able to activate compiz. how can i transfer the settings that are responsible for enabling compiz to my first user profile??? | 12:09 |
travian_geek | oCean_, so what i actuelly should do when it says stop iptables services Is that I would flush all rules? | 12:10 |
ActionParsnip1 | knut: can you give use a pastebin of the output of "compiz --replace &" | 12:11 |
oCean_ | travian_geek: if stopped, then all rules are 'flushed' - if that's what you're asking? | 12:11 |
ActionParsnip1 | !paste | knut | 12:11 |
ubottu | knut: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic) | 12:11 |
oCean_ | travian_geek: at any given time you can see the 'active' rules by "sudo iptables -L" | 12:12 |
hmw_pidgin | sorry... cpu load ate my pidgin | 12:12 |
travian_geek | oCean_, yeah but I guess that ubuntu always has IPtables enabled, So if I would have a control in my script thats says "stop iptables service" it would actuelly just flush all rules | 12:12 |
knut | ActionParsnip1: here you go | 12:13 |
travian_geek | oCean_, not stop the service couse there is none | 12:13 |
hmw_pidgin | travian_geek: maybe rmmod ipfilter works, but I fear, that module is compiled into the kernel | 12:13 |
ActionParsnip1 | knut: hmmm, so one user can use it and the other user cant? | 12:14 |
knut | ActionParsnip1: thats how it looks like | 12:14 |
oCean_ | travian_geek: I don't think I understand the question. The /etc/init.d/ufw is the controlscript (or 'service') for iptables firewall | 12:14 |
ActionParsnip1 | knut: is the other user logged out completely or have you switched users? | 12:14 |
knut | ActionParsnip1: logged out | 12:15 |
ActionParsnip1 | knut: ok, then i'd ask in #compiz if no one can advise | 12:15 |
travian_geek | yeah but when I typ sudo /etc/init.d/ufw stop ---what happends with iptables?? | 12:15 |
Miesco | Is it better to backup as a iso or a tgz? | 12:15 |
kizi | can any one help with drivers for GeForce fx5500 AGP on Ubuntu 8.04LTS | 12:15 |
ActionParsnip1 | knut: that pastebin is dead useful though | 12:15 |
knut | ActionParsnip1: why? | 12:15 |
ActionParsnip1 | kizi: sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx | 12:15 |
hmw_pidgin | travian_geek: iptables is not the thing you mean. You mean ipfilter (kernel module), so nothing will happen to iptables at all *g* | 12:16 |
ActionParsnip1 | knut: its theoutput when compiz is enabled and fails | 12:16 |
kizi | not nvidia-glx-new | 12:16 |
kizi | ? | 12:16 |
kizi | i have tried both | 12:16 |
puppypusher | ActionParsnip: I get an error message when download the driver. | 12:16 |
ActionParsnip1 | kizi: its not a new enough card for new | 12:16 |
puppypusher | "/tmp/xserver-xorg-video-intel_2.1.0-1ubuntu1_i386-1.deb could not be opened, because the associated helper application does not exist. Change the association in your preferences." | 12:16 |
ActionParsnip1 | puppypusher: that its already installed? | 12:16 |
oCean_ | travian_geek: the kernel module iptable_filter stays loaded, all rules are flushed, leaving your system unprotected | 12:16 |
puppypusher | No, that it can't read .deb files it seems | 12:16 |
hmw_pidgin | travian_geek: what are you trying to accomplish? | 12:16 |
kizi | i just want to have some desktop effects and stuff | 12:16 |
ActionParsnip1 | puppypusher: weird how its going to /tmp | 12:16 |
puppypusher | That's what it defaulted to | 12:17 |
kizi | cant have that in nvidia-glx or nvidia-glx-new | 12:17 |
puppypusher | Do I even need to download this if unbtu has it already? | 12:17 |
ActionParsnip1 | puppypusher: sudo dpkg -i /tmp/xserver-xorg-video-intel_2.1.0-1ubuntu1_i386-1.deb | 12:17 |
puppypusher | okay | 12:17 |
puppypusher | keep in mind I can't save the file to my harddrive, the option isn't there. | 12:17 |
nuno_ | dedy | 12:17 |
puppypusher | Okay, I ran the command, ActionParsnip. It said it downgraded it | 12:18 |
travian_geek | hmw_pidgin, Well Im supposed to make a script that controls iptables (school project) And one of the things listed that the script shuold support is: Turning on/off packet filtering | 12:18 |
ActionParsnip1 | kizi: it looks like it is the new one | 12:18 |
DIFH-iceroot | !eeepc | 12:18 |
ubottu | Information about installing Ubuntu on an Asus EeePC can be found at | 12:18 |
ActionParsnip1 | kizi: if its no good, uninstall it and use nvidia-glx | 12:18 |
puppypusher | It also says there are conflicts, and error processing | 12:18 |
ActionParsnip1 | kizi: once installed run: sudo nvidia-xconfig | 12:18 |
ActionParsnip1 | kizi: restart x then run: gksudo nvidia-settings | 12:19 |
Miesco | Is a iso file compressed? | 12:19 |
ActionParsnip1 | puppypusher: you are going to be wrestling that file until you get it good | 12:19 |
amigamia | i downloaded google earth and it is a bin file what do i do with it? | 12:19 |
ActionParsnip1 | Miesco: no | 12:19 |
puppypusher | What do you mean, ActionParsnip? | 12:19 |
ActionParsnip1 | amigamia: you dont need that, GE is on the repos | 12:19 |
=== UdontKnow is now known as root | ||
travian_geek | hmw_pidgin, So I thought that means that I shuold stop the service, but now i have realized that there is no such deamon then It would do with just flushing the all rules. At least thats what I think! | 12:20 |
amigamia | oh ok | 12:20 |
amigamia | thanks | 12:20 |
ActionParsnip1 | puppypusher: you are going to be configuring the xorg.onf file til you get a display using the intel driver | 12:20 |
narcot | hello, who speak russia? | 12:20 |
amigamia | what would i do with it otherwise tho? | 12:20 |
Sarkie | russians | 12:20 |
ActionParsnip1 | amigamia: apt-cache search google earth | 12:20 |
amigamia | thanks | 12:20 |
puppypusher | Okay...but...considering I know nothing about Linux, what exactly do I play around with? lol | 12:20 |
kizi | when i restarted after having installed nvidia-glx, the screen resolution was stuck on 640*350 pixels | 12:20 |
Moult | i have just installed Ubuntu Jaunty, it takes me to a TTY, how do i get a GUI? | 12:20 |
ActionParsnip1 | !find googleearth | 12:20 |
ubottu | Found: googleearth-package | 12:20 |
ActionParsnip1 | !info googleearth-package | 12:21 |
ubottu | googleearth-package (source: googleearth-package): utility to automatically build a Debian package of Google Earth. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 0.5.4 (intrepid), package size 9 kB, installed size 64 kB | 12:21 |
hmw | travian_geek: on a server, where ipfilter is not compiled into the kernel, you can unload the module. Usually flushing the tables is enough. If you really want to "stop a service", you might have to check out /etc/init.d/ufw | 12:21 |
oCean_ | travian_geek: indeed. The 'stop' argument to ufw script does actually an flush, a delete (-F, -X) on existing chains and set policy to ACCEPT. | 12:21 |
kizi | i couldnt set the screenresolution.. there just werent any options for it | 12:21 |
ActionParsnip1 | kizi: you will set that with nvidia-settings | 12:21 |
ActionParsnip1 | kizi: but you need to runnvidia-xconfig to load the driver initially | 12:21 |
kizi | i did that | 12:22 |
jesse | how do i mount an ipod via terminal | 12:22 |
metaltux | hello. If I install nagios on ubuntu, how do I access it via the web browser? | 12:22 |
jesse | as sudo | 12:22 |
oCean_ | Moult: for jaunty, join #ubuntu+1 | 12:22 |
ActionParsnip1 | kizi: then restart x server | 12:22 |
Miesco | ActionParsnip: Huh? | 12:23 |
ActionParsnip1 | kizi: then you can configure the graphics with the tool | 12:23 |
ActionParsnip1 | Miesco: ? | 12:23 |
Miesco | okay nvm | 12:23 |
travian_geek | So when the project paper says that my script should support <Turning on/off packet fultering> then it just meas that i shuld flush all rules? But that wouldnt do because then I woulnt be able to turn it back on | 12:23 |
travian_geek | oCean_, So when the project paper says that my script should support <Turning on/off packet fultering> then it just meas that i shuld flush all rules? But that wouldnt do because then I woulnt be able to turn it back on | 12:23 |
travian_geek | hmw, So when the project paper says that my script should support <Turning on/off packet fultering> then it just meas that i shuld flush all rules? But that wouldnt do because then I woulnt be able to turn it back on | 12:23 |
kizi | to restart x server.. what key command is it? | 12:24 |
metaltux | hello. If I install nagios on ubuntu, how do I access it via the web browser? | 12:24 |
hmw | travian_geek: Normally I have a script in /etc/rc.d/rc.iptables, which actually configures my firewall, so I would naturally call that script in case, I want to turn on the f'wall again | 12:25 |
amigamia | that sepository thing works great | 12:25 |
amigamia | thanks | 12:25 |
oCean_ | travian_geek: turning on/off *does* mean the capability of flushing rules. Flushing does *not* mean removing your definitions in the configuration file, but (re)setting the actual state of the active rules/chains | 12:25 |
Miesco | Is there a program to make COMPRESSED auto backups | 12:26 |
metaltux | did anyone use nagios here? | 12:26 |
hmw | travian_geek: I don't know, if it exists, but maybe you can make iptables tou putput all the current rules in a format usable to put in a script | 12:26 |
oCean_ | metaltux: I guess http://localhost/nagios | 12:26 |
amigamia | now that i have installed google earth via that synapsics now how do i execute it? | 12:26 |
kervel | hello, since yesterday on my ubuntu intrepid job control (control-C and control-Z) stopped working | 12:26 |
Moult | i just installed ubuntu, how do i get a gui? | 12:26 |
oCean_ | metaltux: see quickstartguide at nagios site: | 12:26 |
hmw | travian_geek: I would consider asking the teacher, if flushing is, what you ought to do | 12:26 |
kervel | i guess its local configuration problem. anyone knows where to look ? my control still works fine (no keyboard mapping problem) | 12:27 |
oCean_ | Moult: once more: for jaunty, join #ubuntu+1 channel | 12:27 |
Moult | oCean_: it's dead. | 12:27 |
spiongraz | my soundcard has several outputs and pulseaudio always uses the wrong output, how can i tell pulseaudio which output it should use? | 12:27 |
travian_geek | oCean_, so i change ACCEPT On of for a specific rule/chain | 12:27 |
oCean_ | Moult: read our topic, don't ask jaunty questions here | 12:27 |
travian_geek | hmw, Yeah I think I will! | 12:28 |
=== ogra_ is now known as ogra | ||
travian_geek | hmw, thanks for the help | 12:28 |
hmw | travian_geek: yw | 12:28 |
amigamia | how do you start google earth? | 12:28 |
giuseppe_ | azazel | 12:28 |
kiro42 | Hi, I've got a question : what's the point of using a console text editor ? I mean, isn't the graphic text editor enough ? | 12:29 |
huzzer | hello | 12:29 |
metaltux | oCean_: I guessed so too, but no... it tidnt work | 12:29 |
metaltux | didn't | 12:29 |
huzzer | i want to cat apache log file ? | 12:29 |
huzzer | on my box | 12:29 |
amigamia | how do you start google earth? | 12:29 |
shavin | Any guys any input on my problem? | 12:30 |
huzzer | wht is the command ? | 12:30 |
oCean_ | metaltux: is it running? /etc/init.d/nagios start | 12:30 |
kiro42 | Amigamia -> try typing "goo" and press tab twice | 12:30 |
oCean_ | huzzer: "cd /var/log/apache2" - there are 2 logs, error_log access_log | 12:30 |
amigamia | ok kiro42 | 12:30 |
jurismm | Hi friend! Can You tell me please how to fix the problem when ubuntu-desktop not showing transparent color but shows green color where should be transparent color. This is global bug for me- firefox has it and my desktop abckground has it:) | 12:30 |
oCean_ | huzzer: after "cd" command you can do "cat error_log" or "cat access_log" Sometimes only the last couple of lines is all you want to see: "tail error_log" | 12:31 |
amigamia | The program 'goo' is currently not installed. You can install it by typing: | 12:31 |
amigamia | apt-get install goo | 12:31 |
kiro42 | Ok | 12:31 |
kiro42 | Well I don't know then | 12:31 |
huzzer | but i cant see apach2 on my var/log | 12:31 |
amigamia | i need to install goo | 12:31 |
kiro42 | No you don't x) | 12:31 |
huzzer | bash: cd: /var/log/apache2: No such file or directory | 12:31 |
huzzer | i need to install pache ? | 12:32 |
oCean_ | huzzer: is apache installed? | 12:32 |
amigamia | i am installing it right now | 12:32 |
huzzer | nop | 12:32 |
oCean_ | huzzer: well, yes :p | 12:32 |
oCean_ | huzzer: then there is no logfile :-) | 12:32 |
huzzer | yes :( | 12:32 |
huzzer | i want to install apache how ?> | 12:32 |
jurismm | how to fix green color where should be transparent color? thank You! | 12:32 |
oCean_ | huzzer: if you really only need apache: "sudo apt-get install apache2" | 12:33 |
metaltux | yes, oCean_ it said "ok" | 12:33 |
Incarus | jurismm, where is green color? | 12:33 |
Laeborg | Hello. Yesterday i tried to install compiz, but i couldn't see any changes after i restartet X. Today when i tried to login into my Kubuntu, i just get a black screen and then back to the kdm login screen. What can i do? | 12:33 |
metaltux | when I typed restart | 12:33 |
jurismm | google-> how to install apache2 on Ubuntu | 12:33 |
oCean_ | !lamp | huzzer | 12:33 |
ubottu | huzzer: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+) | 12:33 |
jurismm | This is global problem. Everywhere where should be transparent color I have green color instead | 12:33 |
amigamia | how does one start google earth? | 12:34 |
ubuntu_ | hi | 12:34 |
freesign | Ign edgy/restricted Packages hi , why my apt-get update come out so many Ign (Ignore) to the source , I have try many different address, is that and thing wrong ? | 12:34 |
oCean_ | metaltux: have you followed install documentation on nagios site? Maybe your documentroot for nagios is somewhere else. See apache config for your correct DocumentRoot. For example /var/www. Check out that directory for nagios (sub)directory | 12:35 |
huzzer | when i install apache i will find the log here | 12:35 |
amigamia | there must be a command to start google earth? | 12:35 |
huzzer | /var/log/apache2/error.log | 12:35 |
oCean_ | huzzer: yes | 12:35 |
huzzer | thx so much | 12:35 |
amigamia | bah | 12:35 |
oCean_ | amigamia: type 'googl | 12:35 |
oCean_ | amigamia type 'googl' and hit tab | 12:35 |
oCean_ | amigamia: 'cause it's actually "/usr/bin/googleearth" | 12:36 |
amigamia | ok | 12:36 |
amigamia | nothing happens | 12:36 |
Incarus | amigamia, isnt google earth in wine? | 12:37 |
rdw200169 | Incarus, google earth has a linux version | 12:37 |
Incarus | k | 12:37 |
ActionParsnip1 | Incarus: no, its a native app | 12:37 |
amigamia | it is the linux version | 12:37 |
amigamia | i just installed it but i cant find it. | 12:37 |
ikonia | amigamia: the package from the repo ? | 12:37 |
oCean_ | amigamia: try "/usr/bin/googleearth" | 12:37 |
metaltux | oCean_: apt-get install nagios-text | 12:37 |
amigamia | ok | 12:37 |
metaltux | that's what I did | 12:38 |
datacrusher | hi everyone! iv installed virtualbox on my ubuntu 8.04, and it claimed that i didnt got the drivers. so iv ap-get installed the virutualbox-kernel-2.xx.xx that i copyied from my uname -r | 12:38 |
Incarus | amigma "sudo find / -name *earth" | 12:38 |
datacrusher | after reboot, my mouse is stucked, and i got no sound | 12:38 |
oCean_ | metaltux: you *really* should use the documentation. | 12:38 |
datacrusher | is there a way to rollback my last activity on the system? | 12:38 |
amigamia | this is rediculous | 12:38 |
kervel | seems my ubuntu has lots of problems: control-Z/control-C in terminal doesn't work, and my terminal program hangs for 20 sec every time i close a program | 12:38 |
kervel | no matter what terminal program i use (gnome-terminal, konsole, yakuake) | 12:39 |
oCean_ | amigamia: run "dpkg -L googleearth |grep bin" | 12:39 |
amigamia | is seveas here? | 12:39 |
Incarus | kervel, try "sudo apt-get -f install" | 12:39 |
ikonia | amigamia: not at the moment | 12:39 |
amigamia | ok | 12:39 |
Seveas | ikonia, au contraire :) | 12:39 |
ikonia | Seveas: ooh | 12:39 |
ikonia | Seveas: you didn't show up when I typed | 12:40 |
shavin | my progress in my problem is that ubuntu is using only 4gb out of the 8gb for its rootfs. How do i tell ubuntu to use full pendrive as rootfs? | 12:40 |
mneptok | amigamia: did you install GE from a repository? | 12:40 |
oCean_ | amigamia: did you see the dpkg command? | 12:40 |
ikonia | amigamia: I stand corrected | 12:40 |
ActionParsnip1 | amigamia: if you want you can use the .bin installer but you will need the bin file to uninstall it | 12:40 |
Seveas | ikonia, I knew it, you're ignoring me :( | 12:40 |
Seveas | ;) | 12:40 |
puppypusher | ActionParsnip, I've done everything that page you sent me said to do, but I can't run step #3 on that page because it won't run an auto-installer. Any ideas? | 12:40 |
ikonia | ;) | 12:40 |
amigamia | i did the synapse installer | 12:40 |
metaltux | oCean_: I have seen it, but it isn't telling me about apt-get package of nagios | 12:40 |
=== area51 is now known as Guest87136 | ||
amigamia | good day seveas :) | 12:40 |
metaltux | just about compiling | 12:40 |
* mneptok smears Seveas's wriggly bits with moss and fairy tears | 12:40 | |
kervel | Incarus no dpkg errors | 12:41 |
Guest87136 | zach zusammen | 12:41 |
ActionParsnip1 | puppypusher: the driver is part of the install already, you just need to configure the file | 12:41 |
amigamia | seveas whatever happened to bob2? | 12:41 |
Incarus | !de | <Guest87136> | 12:41 |
Incarus | !de | Guest87136 | 12:41 |
ubottu | Guest87136: In den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis. | 12:41 |
kervel | Incarus also i alreayd have this system for months .. | 12:41 |
Seveas | amigamia, no idea, haven't seen him in years | 12:41 |
mneptok | amigamia: there sghould be a GNOME menu entry | 12:41 |
mneptok | -g | 12:41 |
Seveas | mneptok, for bob2? :P | 12:41 |
puppypusher | Gotcha. How do I configure it, other than what that page told me to do? I copied and pasted the entire thing over to my xorg.conf | 12:41 |
Incarus | kervel, hm | 12:41 |
ActionParsnip1 | amigamia: | 12:41 |
Cool_Nick | does anyone have expereince with distcc pump? I have everythign running but pump doesn't seem to be pushing things to the other machines | 12:41 |
mneptok | Seveas: no, but AFAIK, Google Earth has a bob2 filter. | 12:41 |
Incarus | amigma "sudo find / -name *earth" | 12:41 |
ActionParsnip1 | amigamia: are you using hardy or intrepid? | 12:41 |
ActionParsnip1 | amigamia: did you agree to the googleearth EULA? | 12:42 |
mneptok | Seveas: realtime bob2 tracking via NSA close orbit satellite. | 12:42 |
kervel | Incarus it suddenly stopped working for no apparent reason | 12:42 |
amigamia | seveas i no longer run ubuntu v 5.02 i have moved up | 12:42 |
amigamia | 5.04 | 12:42 |
amigamia | i mean | 12:42 |
Incarus | kervel, check YOUR kernel, not the vbox kernel | 12:42 |
ActionParsnip1 | !5.04 | 12:42 |
ubottu | Ubuntu 5.04 (Hoary Hedgehog) was the second release of Ubuntu. End Of Life: October 31, 2006. See !eol for more details. | 12:42 |
amigamia | i give up on google earth for ubuntu | 12:42 |
puppypusher | ActionParsnip: How do I configure it, other than what that page told me to do? I copied and pasted the entire thing over to my xorg.conf | 12:42 |
amigamia | wow that was the 2nd release? | 12:43 |
amigamia | wow | 12:43 |
ActionParsnip1 | amigamia: you can install using the .bin if you mark it s executable, im not sire its gonna like hoary tough | 12:43 |
amigamia | no no | 12:43 |
ActionParsnip1 | amigamia: your release has been dead nearly 3 years | 12:43 |
amigamia | i am not running hoary anymore. | 12:43 |
amigamia | i dont run it i moved up | 12:43 |
ActionParsnip1 | amigamia: lsb_release -c | 12:43 |
ActionParsnip1 | amigamia: will tell you what you have | 12:43 |
amigamia | Codename:intrepid | 12:44 |
puppypusher | Hate to bother you, ActionParsnip, but did ya see what I said to ya up there? :) | 12:44 |
tavi | how i open a .bin file? | 12:44 |
ActionParsnip1 | amigamia: ok thats fine | 12:44 |
ikonia | tavi: mark it as executable and just run it | 12:44 |
amigamia | :D | 12:44 |
ActionParsnip1 | tavi: chmod +x <bin file> | 12:44 |
ikonia | tavi: what is it you want to run ? | 12:44 |
ActionParsnip1 | tavi: ./<bin file> | 12:44 |
tavi | google earth | 12:44 |
amigamia | i give up on google earth | 12:44 |
ikonia | tavi: have you not tried installing it from the repos | 12:44 |
ikonia | tavi: there is a package in the repos that sets it all up for you | 12:45 |
tavi | well in the repos is teh last? | 12:45 |
ikonia | tavi: check the version | 12:45 |
amigamia | well i just ran it but it doesnt show me where it is | 12:45 |
amigamia | it doesnt work tavi | 12:45 |
tavi | well latest is 5-0 | 12:45 |
ikonia | tavi: look in the repo | 12:45 |
ikonia | amigamia: how did you install it | 12:45 |
amigamia | dont bother tavi | 12:45 |
puppypusher | I copied and pasted from the website and put it in my xorg.conf. What further configuring do I need to do? | 12:46 |
amigamia | i did search for google earth in synapopse and then marked it and applied it and then it downloaded and installed it. i looked ta details whole time. | 12:46 |
tavi | no isn't | 12:46 |
puppypusher | *sigh* | 12:46 |
tavi | and i did right click then properties then permission and make him executable | 12:47 |
puppypusher | This just doesn't make sense to me. | 12:47 |
puppypusher | At all. | 12:47 |
Incarus | amigamia, paste output of "compgen -c google" | 12:47 |
ActionParsnip1 | puppypusher: save the file, close the editor and restart x with ctrl+alt+backspace | 12:47 |
TIMME | ive got a problem.. ive installed ubuntu on my USB-Drive if i pull out the usbstick before booting it tells me a Grub Error 17 | 12:47 |
ActionParsnip1 | puppypusher: if you want | 12:47 |
ActionParsnip1 | puppypusher: you can pastebin the file here so we can review | 12:47 |
tavi | and maked him also as write not only as read | 12:47 |
ActionParsnip1 | !paste | 12:47 |
ubottu | pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic) | 12:47 |
puppypusher | Sure | 12:48 |
Incarus | TIMME, without your usb stick, grub cant read the files for boot | 12:48 |
tavi | and i double clicked on him and nothig hapenend | 12:48 |
Laeborg | | 12:48 |
kervel | hmm, and EVERY program i quit ends up as zombie process .. | 12:48 |
nomasteryoda | ActionParsnip, ah did you know... ctrl+alt+backspace will be disabled in Jaunty | 12:48 |
TIMME | Incarus, how can i deaktivate grub | 12:48 |
Incarus | TIMME, reset MBR | 12:48 |
Incarus | !mbr | TIMME | 12:48 |
ubottu | TIMME: GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See - GRUB how-tos: | 12:48 |
amigamia | my stars 251 updates? | 12:48 |
Incarus | amigamia, paste output of "compgen -c google" | 12:49 |
tavi | says that is no aplication that can open | 12:49 |
TIMME | Incarus, Thank you .. i just pull out the batary for 1 min? | 12:49 |
amigamia | ok incarus | 12:49 |
Incarus | TIMME, no | 12:49 |
Incarus | TIMME, mbr is the first sector in your hd | 12:49 |
amigamia | it just comes back a prompt incarus | 12:50 |
TIMME | Incarus, ok :) so i will read the how to | 12:50 |
tavi | so what i do? | 12:50 |
Incarus | amigamia, k, googleearth isnt installed | 12:50 |
amigamia | umm | 12:50 |
amigamia | ok | 12:50 |
Incarus | TIMME, do you want to delete greub? | 12:50 |
amigamia | i have the binary but i will deal with it after my updates finish. | 12:50 |
puppypusher | How do I paste it here, ActionParsnip? | 12:50 |
tavi | hey what i do? | 12:51 |
lanoxx- | Unrecognized option: --version | 12:51 |
lanoxx- | Could not create the Java virtual machine. | 12:51 |
lanoxx- | why do i get this error? | 12:51 |
TIMME | Incarus, yes .. i just wanted to install ubuntu on my usb-stick and now i want to boot windows like normal | 12:51 |
Incarus | TIMME, k, you just have to remove grub | 12:51 |
DIFH-iceroot | lanoxx-: its called java -version | 12:51 |
ActionParsnip1 | puppypusher: copy the file's text, paste to the paste site, type you name, hit paste, give us the address of the new page your browser goes to | 12:51 |
DIFH-iceroot | lanoxx-: not --version | 12:51 |
amigamia | thanks for the help | 12:51 |
Incarus | TIMME, have you got a linux live cd? | 12:51 |
puppypusher | Okay | 12:51 |
TIMME | Incarus, yep got a live cd | 12:51 |
tavi | someone help me? | 12:52 |
puppypusher | | 12:52 |
Incarus | tavi, whats the problem? | 12:52 |
tavi | whit what program i open a .bin? | 12:52 |
amigamia | tavi are you trying to extract googleearth.bin? | 12:52 |
lstarnes | tavi: a .bin runs itself in most cases | 12:52 |
DIFH-iceroot | tavi: open? you dont want to open a binary-file, you want so start it | 12:52 |
TIMME | Incarus, yeah ive got a live cd | 12:52 |
amigamia | how do you start it? | 12:52 |
DIFH-iceroot | tavi: ./your-binary | 12:52 |
tavi | says that has whit not to open | 12:52 |
Incarus | TIMME, yes, wait | 12:52 |
TIMME | Incarus, kk ty very much | 12:52 |
mun | does anyone know how to make ls to use --block-size=K if the file size is between 1kb and 1mb and =M if it's 1mb to 1gb, etc.? | 12:53 |
amigamia | bash: ./GoogleEarthLinux.bin: Permission denied | 12:53 |
Incarus | TIMME, you can boot windows cd and press r for repair mode and in the terminal you can enter "fixmbr" | 12:53 |
lanoxx- | i get a lot of main class not found errors in java, but the source code seems to be right, i think my java installation might be broken, how do i fix it? | 12:53 |
TIMME | amigamia, chmod 777 :) | 12:53 |
Jmz | Brb - time for a smoke | 12:53 |
ActionParsnip1 | puppypusher: if you run that you should have gfx ok, i'm unsure of mouse and keyboard but ou can always use the grub boot option to boot to recovery mode to fix x | 12:53 |
jurismm | command in terminal should I run? Thank You! | 12:53 |
amigamia | timme ok ;) | 12:53 |
Incarus | amigami, sudo | 12:53 |
ActionParsnip1 | TIMME: i wouldnt go that far | 12:53 |
puppypusher | So my driver is now installed, correct ActionParsnip? | 12:54 |
DIFH-iceroot | Incarus: better chmod +x instead of running the installer as root, imo | 12:54 |
jurismm | oops which :) | 12:54 |
tavi | at ls on desktop doesn't apear any google earth | 12:54 |
ActionParsnip1 | amigamia: sudo chown $USER ./GoogleEarthLinux.bin; chmod +x ./GoogleEarthLinux.bin; ./GoogleEarthLinux.bin | 12:54 |
amigamia | its ruinning :) | 12:54 |
amigamia | oh yes the setup came up :D | 12:54 |
amigamia | thanks a bunch! | 12:54 |
tavi | even if i have google erath ond esktop | 12:54 |
zaapiel-mobile | y0 | 12:54 |
Incarus | <DIFH-iceroot>, k, right | 12:54 |
zaapiel-mobile | how big should /boot be ideally? | 12:54 |
lanoxx- | Could not find the main class: Test.class. Program will exit. | 12:54 |
amigamia | wow what a cool installer | 12:54 |
lstarnes | jurismm: sudo gpasswd -a $USER vboxusers | 12:55 |
lanoxx- | zaapiel-mobile, 200mb is quite enough i think | 12:55 |
puppypusher | ActionParsnip, does this mean I am using that driver right now? | 12:55 |
amigamia | it works! | 12:55 |
lanoxx- | mine got 1.5gb though bit its way too big | 12:55 |
zaapiel-mobile | so 512mb is excessive? | 12:55 |
amigamia | awesome | 12:55 |
lanoxx- | its ok i think | 12:55 |
zaapiel-mobile | ill stick with 512 | 12:56 |
tavi | so someone help me? | 12:56 |
Incarus | tavi, whats the problem? | 12:56 |
ActionParsnip1 | puppypusher: no you have to restart x | 12:56 |
jurismm | lstarnes, should I need to restart system after this command? | 12:56 |
tavi | i cant find on console that foldet | 12:56 |
tavi | folder | 12:56 |
ActionParsnip1 | puppypusher: hit ctrl+alt+backspace | 12:56 |
Incarus | tavi, which folder? | 12:56 |
lstarnes | jurismm: no, just log out then log back in | 12:56 |
tavi | i tried ls | 12:56 |
redhawk | anyone have a cinepaint alt. thanks in advance | 12:56 |
bazhang | tavi, did you cd to the Desktop or desktop | 12:56 |
jurismm | OK, thank You very much | 12:56 |
Incarus | tavi, in which folder? | 12:56 |
mun | does anyone know how to make ls to use --block-size=K if the file size is between 1kb and 1mb and =M if it's 1mb to 1gb, etc.? | 12:57 |
krabador | people, after a manul reboot, my reiserfs root is crashed, grub don't run, i run fsck /dev/sda1 --rebuild-tree but nothing, i've some error. how can i access for recover some data? | 12:57 |
lanoxx- | any idea where my java error is coming from: Could not find the main class: Test.class. Program will exit. | 12:57 |
tavi | i tried | 12:57 |
tavi | doesn't show any googleearth | 12:57 |
Michael- | It's very croud here | 12:57 |
tavi | even if the desktop whit nautilus show me | 12:57 |
ikonia | tavi: the menu's don't get updated unless you install through synaptic | 12:57 |
Incarus | tavi, check if you are in the right /home/USER directory | 12:57 |
tavi | isn't installed | 12:58 |
shavin | guys uptil now i understand that in my pendrive ubuntu the rootfs is taking only 4gb space and that is all filled now and hence the no-disk-space-error. I still have space left on my pen drive, how do i tell ubuntu to use the whole space? | 12:58 |
tavi | i tried to find whit console | 12:58 |
tavi | terminal | 12:58 |
ikonia | tavi: install it from the package manager | 12:58 |
suzao | Hi, could anyone help me upgrade from 8.04 to 8.10 using an iso on my pc. ? | 12:58 |
ikonia | !upgrade > suzao | 12:58 |
ubottu | suzao, please see my private message | 12:58 |
tavi | doesn't have it | 12:58 |
suzao | Thanks | 12:58 |
Incarus | tavi, try "sudo find / -name google*" | 12:58 |
puppypusher | ActionParsnip, done. Am I now using the new driver? | 12:58 |
ikonia | !info google-earth | 12:58 |
ubottu | Package google-earth does not exist in intrepid | 12:58 |
Incarus | haha | 12:59 |
bazhang | !googleearth | 12:59 |
ubottu | Google Earth is now available, for free (only as in price), for Linux, too. To download it see - A package for Ubuntu is available in the !Medibuntu repository | 12:59 |
ikonia | bazhang: well done | 12:59 |
suzao | I have mounted the iso but it is not giving me the option to upgrade | 12:59 |
suzao | (where do I look to see if the update is available via the iso?) | 12:59 |
ikonia | suzao: follow the instructions, you don't mount the disk | 12:59 |
suzao | The guide says: A dialog will be displayed offering you the opportunity to upgrade using that CD. | 13:00 |
ActionParsnip1 | !upgrade | 13:00 |
ubottu | For upgrading, see the instructions at - see also | 13:00 |
ikonia | suzao: which guide are you using | 13:00 |
suzao | ikonia: | 13:00 |
tavi | !find pastebin | 13:00 |
ubottu | Found: pastebinit | 13:00 |
puppypusher | ActionParsnip1: After doing ctrl+alt+backspace, am I now using the new driver? If so, how can I check? | 13:00 |
ikonia | suzao: are you using the alternative CD ? | 13:00 |
ActionParsnip1 | puppypusher: glxinfo | grep -i direct | 13:00 |
lyhana8 | hi, does anyone know how to power off the screen using a script ? | 13:00 |
puppypusher | kk | 13:01 |
Incarus | suzao, why not apt-get dist-upgrade? | 13:01 |
suzao | Incarus: bandwidth not available | 13:01 |
Incarus | suzao, k | 13:01 |
puppypusher | Direct Rendering is enabled, as it was before. | 13:01 |
suzao | ikonia: iso name is ubuntu-8.10-desktop-i386.iso | 13:01 |
freshmilk | hey people. ..I have just installed wubi-ubuntu and rebooted. I used all the default options during the install of ubuntu, now the computer won't boot. It says "auto-detecting pri master...not detected". Is there a solution to this or should I throw my gf's computer out the window and hope she doesn't notice that her data has gone? | 13:01 |
ActionParsnip1 | suzao: you need to use the alternative cd iso, mont it and run: gksudo "sh /mount/point/cdromupgrade" | 13:01 |
ikonia | suzao: you need the alternative cd - as the guide says | 13:01 |
ActionParsnip1 | suzao: you cant upgrade using that | 13:01 |
tavi | this is what i have found on sudo / find -name google* | 13:02 |
suzao | ikonia: pity. | 13:02 |
tavi | | 13:02 |
Incarus | freshmilk, hd seems to be broken, you can try to repair it with a live cd | 13:02 |
puppypusher | ActionParsnip1: All it said was Direct Rendering: Yes, as it did with the other driver | 13:02 |
crdlb | puppypusher: direct rendering is always enabled on intrepid; a real test is 'glxinfo | grep -i software' | 13:02 |
ikonia | tavi: install it from the repo | 13:02 |
=== umar is now known as umar|brb | ||
tavi | i do not have it | 13:02 |
ikonia | tavi: then install it | 13:02 |
suzao | Could someone help me with my resolution, it seems the relevant fields are not available in xorg.conf and every time I reboot xserver (ctrl alt del) only 800x600 and lower are available in gnome. | 13:02 |
xnike1912 | kien | 13:02 |
tavi | howwwwwww?????? | 13:03 |
ikonia | tavi: open the package manager and install the googleearth package | 13:03 |
hmw_pidgin | Should a WinXP in virtualbox be able to connect to \\vboxsrv\sharename without Guest Additions? | 13:03 |
tavi | i do not have it in package | 13:03 |
Incarus | <puppypusher>, is GraCa working? | 13:03 |
BuFF | hi, who knows whre to store blender themes? | 13:03 |
ikonia | !info googleearth | 13:03 |
ubottu | Package googleearth does not exist in intrepid | 13:03 |
suzao | hmw_pidgin: It would be recommended to install additions I think. | 13:03 |
Pici | !googleearth | 13:03 |
ubottu | Google Earth is now available, for free (only as in price), for Linux, too. To download it see - A package for Ubuntu is available in the !Medibuntu repository | 13:03 |
freshmilk | Incarus: but the computer was working fine up until I used wubi to install ubuntu | 13:03 |
puppypusher | What is GraCa? | 13:03 |
krabador | people, after a manul reboot, my reiserfs root is crashed, grub don't run, i run fsck /dev/sda1 --rebuild-tree but nothing, i've some error. how can i access for recover some data? | 13:03 |
masood1 | how can I use tinyirc or ircii to connect and use my registered nickname on freenode? | 13:03 |
bazhang | tavi, use the medibuntu repo | 13:03 |
hmw_pidgin | suzao: my xp wont access the shares | 13:03 |
suzao | ikonia: can you help me get my screen resolution correct. | 13:03 |
puppypusher | ActionParsnip1, I ran the glxinfo | grep -i software, but nothing happened | 13:03 |
ikonia | suzao: depends what the problem is ? what video card do you have | 13:04 |
Incarus | freshmilk, try to remove windows bootloader over live cd, it dont like grub | 13:04 |
suzao | hmw_pidgin: what OS are you sharing from? | 13:04 |
xnike1912 | what is it | 13:04 |
bazhang | !medibuntu | tavi | 13:04 |
crdlb | puppypusher: no output means you have real 3d accleration | 13:04 |
ubottu | tavi: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See | 13:04 |
Incarus | <puppypusher>, graphic card | 13:04 |
suzao | ikonia: Nvidia 7600 | 13:04 |
hmw_pidgin | suzao: Intrepid | 13:04 |
tavi | i finded | 13:04 |
Cool_Nick | distcc pump error: distccd[7985] (dcc_readx) ERROR: unexpected eof on fd5 | 13:04 |
Cool_Nick | distccd[7985] (dcc_r_token_int) ERROR: read failed while waiting for token "DIST" | 13:04 |
Cool_Nick | distccd[7985] (dcc_r_request_header) ERROR: client did not provide distcc magic fairy dust | 13:04 |
suzao | hmw_pidgin: perhaps install the additions | 13:04 |
hmw_pidgin | suzao: It usually worked out of the box before | 13:04 |
suzao | hmw_pidgin: not sure. | 13:04 |
tavi | now where i find him? | 13:04 |
hmw_pidgin | suzao: copy the ISO to /usr/share/virtualbox/? I had to download manually. | 13:05 |
puppypusher | Icarus: Intel 945GM Chipset | 13:05 |
freshmilk | incarus: if i burn my live cd with osx is there anything special i need to do, or just download and burn? | 13:05 |
xnike1912 | kien | 13:05 |
xnike1912 | hh | 13:05 |
puppypusher | Driver is installed, just need to verify | 13:05 |
xnike1912 | good | 13:05 |
Incarus | freshmilk, burn iso option, not just bruning | 13:05 |
bazhang | tavi, you have to go to the medibuntu site and follow the instructions | 13:05 |
freshmilk | incarus: thanks | 13:05 |
suzao | hmw_pidgin: the iso for additions should be part of the system and you should be able to mount it from Virtual Box itself using the mount option. | 13:05 |
nuno_ | deddy | 13:05 |
hmw_pidgin | vbox wanted to dowanload it, but it said "timed out" | 13:06 |
Incarus | freshmilk, np | 13:06 |
suzao | ikonia: any idea how i could get my graphics working, it says that it is 'detected' but not 'in use' | 13:06 |
tavi | man i have it trough repos | 13:06 |
hmw_pidgin | suzao: ah, simply mounting. OK | 13:06 |
tavi | and i installed | 13:06 |
tavi | now where is it | 13:06 |
tavi | ? | 13:06 |
puppypusher | Icarus, Intel 945GM Chipset. I have driver installed, just need to verify that it is installed and working. Any ideas on how to do that? | 13:06 |
=== fargiola` is now known as fargiolas | ||
crdlb | puppypusher: you just did that | 13:06 |
suzao | ikonia: nvidia 'enabled' but not 'in use' | 13:06 |
puppypusher | crdlb, I am just following directions. lol I'm not exactly sure what I'm doing. | 13:07 |
suzao | I think I shall try a fresh install. | 13:07 |
crdlb | puppypusher: if glxinfo | grep direct returns yes and glxinfo | grep direct returns nothing, you have 3d acceleration | 13:07 |
suzao | Godbless all ;-) | 13:07 |
puppypusher | Thanks, crdlb. :) | 13:07 |
crdlb | err glxinfo | grep software returns nothing | 13:07 |
crdlb | for the second part | 13:07 |
puppypusher | ActionParsnip1, thank you for ALL of your help. | 13:08 |
puppypusher | Right, it returns nothing. | 13:08 |
Incarus | puppypusher, 1. Incarus, 2. paste "xdriinfo" | 13:08 |
puppypusher | Incarus* sorry. | 13:08 |
puppypusher | Sure. | 13:08 |
korogiannos | How can I boot with a resolution of 1024x768 in intrepid with no monitor connected? | 13:08 |
puppypusher | Screen 0: i915 | 13:08 |
ActionParsnip1 | puppypusher: np man | 13:09 |
Incarus | puppypusher, k, it should work | 13:09 |
StR|Sangreal | hi! pls knowing of a good two panel file manager equivalent with total commander? | 13:09 |
Incarus | puppypusher, paste "glxgears" | 13:09 |
puppypusher | Thank you all :) | 13:09 |
puppypusher | sure | 13:09 |
tavi | someone help me? | 13:09 |
puppypusher | Runs fine, I see gears | 13:09 |
fevel | how can I read two fields from a text file and send them to htpasswd? | 13:09 |
puppypusher | 5064 frames in 5.0 seconds = 1012.705 FPS | 13:10 |
puppypusher | 4987 frames in 5.0 seconds = 997.387 FPS | 13:10 |
puppypusher | 5218 frames in 5.0 seconds = 1043.409 FPS | 13:10 |
puppypusher | XIO: fatal IO error 104 (Connection reset by peer) on X server ":0.0" | 13:10 |
puppypusher | after 58042 requests (57924 known processed) with 0 events remaining. | 13:10 |
FloodBot1 | puppypusher: Please don't flood, use to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 13:10 |
puppypusher | SO sorry. | 13:10 |
Incarus | puppypusher, k, could be more FPS, but it is ok | 13:10 |
Incarus | puppypusher, k, banned | 13:10 |
crdlb | glxgears is not a benchmark :) | 13:11 |
puppypusher | Sorry for not pasting, First time in here. | 13:11 |
Incarus | np | 13:11 |
Incarus | puppypusher, looks good, should working | 13:11 |
puppypusher | Thanks Incarus, ActionParsnip1. I'll quit bothering you guys ;) | 13:12 |
ActionParsnip1 | puppypusher: remember pastebin that you did for xorg.conf, use the same thing for pastes like that too | 13:12 |
Incarus | puppypusher, np | 13:12 |
puppypusher | Seeya later! | 13:12 |
ActionParsnip1 | peace | 13:12 |
krabador | people, after a manul reboot, my reiserfs root is crashed, grub don't run, i run fsck /dev/sda1 --rebuild-tree but nothing, i've some error. how can i access for recover some data? | 13:12 |
puppypusher | Sure thing, ActionParsnip1 | 13:12 |
jatt | I turn up my laptop after hibernate it works fine but I get an error saying that hibernation failed why? | 13:13 |
yellabs | i need to test ekiga, some one has 5 minutes? | 13:13 |
yellabs | see if it works ok | 13:13 |
korogiannos | I'm using intrepid and have Remote desktop enabled. When I boot with no monitor connected I get 640x480 resolution, with the monitor connected it's fine. How can I boot x with a decent resolution and no monitor? | 13:15 |
sasalu | I have to install a bunch of 32 bit debian pakcages on a 64 bit ubuntu , is there a way I can specify the --force-architecture option at a single place , like sources.lst ? | 13:15 |
ActionParsnip1 | korogiannos: try setting the leftmost resolution in xorg.conf to be the res you want to use | 13:15 |
=== umar|brb is now known as umar | ||
xavieran | sasalu: You could alias apt-get or dpkg aptitude &c. to prog --force-arch=blah | 13:16 |
xavieran | sasalu: That would be cool | 13:16 |
ActionParsnip1 | sasalu: i think you can use apt-get install -y --force-yes <package> | 13:16 |
ActionParsnip1 | sasalu: you could download the deb and run: sudo apkg --force-all -i <deb file> | 13:17 |
korogiannos | ActionParsnip1: there is no resolution specified in xorg.conf atm. should I make an entry? if so under what section and with what name? | 13:17 |
korogiannos | ActionParsnip1: using nvidia restricted drivers if that helps | 13:18 |
xavieran | sasalu: Looks like apt doesn't understand --force-arch<...> but dpkg I think does. | 13:18 |
ActionParsnip1 | korogiannos: then use: sudo apt-get install nvidia-settings | 13:18 |
=== josspyker_ is now known as josspyker | ||
ActionParsnip1 | korogiannos: that will let you configure the display | 13:19 |
Dabbu | i am connected to internet using my phone modem but i am not able to browse...any help ? | 13:19 |
korogiannos | ActionParsnip1:: many thanks. I'll give it a go. | 13:19 |
Incarus | Dabbu, "sudo dhclient3" | 13:20 |
kizi | does anyone here know how to open up a external LAcIE BrIcK 250GB HDD drive? | 13:23 |
nicklas_ | howdy | 13:23 |
korogiannos | ActionParsnip1: nvidia-settings is installed but a little cryptic. is there perhaps another option? using a generic driver or physically removing the graphics card from the PC? I only need remote access to this system. | 13:23 |
n2diy | what is scrollkeeper-up? | 13:24 |
Incarus | <korogiannos>, try the vesa drivers | 13:24 |
Pici | kizi: Try asking in ##hardware | 13:24 |
korogiannos | Incarus: /me thanks Incarus and leaves to google vesa | 13:25 |
kizi | thanks | 13:25 |
krabador | people, after a manul reboot, my reiserfs root is crashed, grub don't run, i run fsck /dev/sda1 --rebuild-tree but nothing, i've some error. how can i access for recover some data? | 13:25 |
ActionParsnip1 | korogiannos: in what way cryptic, you set your resolution and refresh rate and it orks | 13:25 |
panesar_sandeep | !aptoncd | 13:26 |
ubottu | APTonCD is a tool with a graphical interface which allows you to create one or more CDs or DVDs with all of the packages you've downloaded via apt-get or aptitude, creating a removable repository that you can use on other computers | 13:26 |
panesar_sandeep | !man | 13:26 |
ubottu | The "man" command brings up the Linux manual pages for the command you're interested in. Try "man intro" at the command line, or see | 13:26 |
Incarus | krabador, linux live cd | 13:26 |
krabador | Incarus: i'm here in livecd session, but i can't mount reiserfs partition ("operation not supported") and reiserfsck --rebuild-tree don't run, i've an error | 13:30 |
Incarus | krabador, you can try to reinstall with ext3 or 4. have you got over 999 gb? | 13:31 |
krabador | Incarus: yes i know, but i must recover some data before | 13:32 |
Incarus | krabador, is your hd bigger then 1tb? | 13:33 |
DarkKnight | Incarus; dont you have any GUI for the qemu | 13:33 |
krabador | Incarus: now i'm trying photorec, but i must recover all the disk, i can't choose what recover and what not | 13:33 |
Incarus | DarkKnight, --no-floppy | 13:34 |
Incarus | krabador, answer the question | 13:34 |
DarkKnight | Incarus; i didnt get you friend | 13:34 |
onats | 13:34 | |
ubottu | pdf is the Portable Document Format created by Adobe; viewable in GNU/Linux with xpdf/kpdf/okular/evince, and also adobe reader (free download, but closed source) | 13:34 |
onats | anyone got suggestions for a pdf /ebook reader? | 13:35 |
Incarus | DarkKnight, use qemu frontend: | 13:35 |
cooldduuudde | onats: i think ubottu knows enough. and document reader is default in ubuntu | 13:36 |
krabador | incarus: not, my disk is a 250gbù | 13:36 |
Incarus | krabador, k | 13:36 |
kallepersson1 | Hi, I'm having trouble with my wireless network card on Ubuntu Inteprid. It is an USB-connected "Realtek RTL8187 Wireless Adapter" | 13:36 |
DarkKnight | Incarus; didnt get the front end version | 13:37 |
kallepersson1 | And while it is able to detect existing networks, I can't connect to them. | 13:37 |
kallepersson1 | NetworkManager only asks for WPA2 while the router is configured to use WEP | 13:37 |
kallepersson1 | and I can't choose WEP | 13:37 |
Incarus | krabador, maybe you need some extra packages, for accessing reiserfs | 13:37 |
Incarus | !reiserfs | 13:37 |
ubottu | reiserfs is a journalling file system, which outperforms many others on I/O operations, but has drawbacks (such as increasing likelihood of data loss, and introducing latency unsuitable for gaming or real-time audio). Using !ext3, the default on Ubuntu, is *highly* recommended. A read-only Windows driver is available at | 13:38 |
Bigshot_ | has anyone installed Eiffel? i am getting this The environment variable ISE_PLATFORM should be set to one of the following values, | 13:38 |
Bigshot_ | depending on your platform: | 13:38 |
hatchetman82 | hi. how can i download the kernel sources my ubuntu uses so i could recompile the kernel + patches ? | 13:38 |
hatchetman82 | (jaunty aphs 5) | 13:38 |
hatchetman82 | alpha* | 13:38 |
Incarus | Bigshot, use set command | 13:38 |
Jeruvy | !kernel | hatchetman82 | 13:38 |
ubottu | hatchetman82: The core of the Ubuntu Operating System is the Linux kernel: see - You shouldn't have to compile your own, but if you're convinced you do, see - See also: /msg ubottu stages | 13:38 |
hatchetman82 | thanks | 13:39 |
Incarus | hatchetman82, | 13:39 |
Bigshot_ | Incarus: how to do that | 13:39 |
DarkKnight | Incarus; only the qemu manager is found...should i download that | 13:39 |
krabador | incarus: i'me here in ubuntu intrepid live, and synaptic have "reiserfsprogs" package already installed | 13:39 |
hatchetman82 | i dont want the vanilla kernel, i want the exact same sources used by ubuntu (i assume theyre not the same) | 13:39 |
Incarus | <krabador>, i dont know | 13:39 |
Incarus | <DarkKnight>, i think where are a lot of guis for qemu, you can try it. google is your friend | 13:40 |
Miesco | How come theres nothing on my removable hdd but there is 50gb used? | 13:40 |
Incarus | <Bigshot_>, "set x=y" | 13:40 |
kallepersson1 | Miesco: showing hidden files? | 13:41 |
kallepersson1 | ctrl+h in Nautilus | 13:41 |
Incarus | <Miesco>, partition table defekt or something, you can try to format it (or free space wiping) | 13:41 |
Incarus | 50gb hidden files? | 13:41 |
cooldduuudde | miesco: view>show hidden files | 13:42 |
Miesco | I did | 13:42 |
kallepersson1 | Incarus: or he just has a lot of files in his .trash | 13:42 |
cooldduuudde | in nautilus | 13:42 |
kallepersson1 | Miesco: is there a .trash folder? | 13:42 |
kallepersson1 | if not, it might be what Incarus suggests | 13:42 |
Miesco | kallepersson1: Yea, but I deleted it | 13:42 |
cooldduuudde | kallepersson: but that would show up among hidden files | 13:42 |
kallepersson1 | What about the space now? | 13:42 |
Miesco | 51 gb missing now | 13:42 |
Incarus | Miesco, are there any files yet? | 13:43 |
Bigshot_ | Incarus: i did that still same messag! | 13:43 |
Miesco | 52 gb missing now | 13:43 |
Miesco | Incarus: A small amount | 13:43 |
Miesco | like 40 kb | 13:43 |
Incarus | Bigshot_, google variable setting ubuntu | 13:43 |
Incarus | <Miesco>, you can try a free space wiper (wouldnt help.), reformat it | 13:44 |
erUSUL | hatchetman82: install linux-source | 13:44 |
erUSUL | !info linux-source | hatchetman82 | 13:44 |
ubottu | linux-source (source: linux-meta): Linux kernel source with Ubuntu patches. In component main, is optional. Version (intrepid), package size 2 kB, installed size 32 kB | 13:44 |
ActionParsnip1 | Miesco: if theres nothing on it then format it | 13:45 |
ActionParsnip1 | Miesco: or get a disk scrubber | 13:45 |
ActionParsnip1 | Miesco: is it reported them same in a different pc? | 13:45 |
Miesco | My disk space is decreasing by the gb on the external hd | 13:46 |
Miesco | Theres nothing on it | 13:46 |
Miesco | root@shawn-laptop:/media/disk# ls -a | 13:47 |
Miesco | . .. | 13:47 |
Incarus | Miesco, did you mount the dev in /media/disk? | 13:47 |
Miesco | Incarus: Yea | 13:47 |
Incarus | k | 13:47 |
ikonia | nicklas_: could you please join #ubuntu-ops channel for a moment ? | 13:47 |
Jufis | Hello! The Sound Preferences -window is frozen and I can't close it. What process I need to kill in order to get it to close? It froze when I tested sound playback and hit the OK in the testing window. | 13:48 |
Incarus | Jufis, paste "ps -u USERNAME" | 13:48 |
Jufis | the whole list? | 13:49 |
Incarus | Jufis, no, unter "xkill" and then press left click on the hanging window | 13:49 |
Incarus | -enter | 13:49 |
tavi | how i uninstall somethign that is installed trough sh? | 13:49 |
Jufis | oh, ok | 13:49 |
Incarus | tavi, send apt-get remove over sh | 13:50 |
Jufis | Incarus, thanks a lot! | 13:50 |
Incarus | Jufis, np | 13:50 |
tavi | apt-get remove name | 13:50 |
Incarus | yes | 13:50 |
Incarus | try it | 13:51 |
eanda | looking for a solution to ibex not mounting nfs shares at boot. | 13:51 |
tavi | oh i understand that googleearth works to install over 5.0 | 13:51 |
tavi | even if is 4.3 | 13:51 |
Incarus | eanda, remove nfs from /etc/mtab (or fstab) | 13:51 |
afa505 | so many people | 13:52 |
Incarus | 1404 | 13:52 |
eanda | Incarus: you mean just the nfs specification for file system type? | 13:52 |
nicklas_ | ikonia: im in #ubuntu-ops now | 13:52 |
Incarus | eanda, the whole nfs line | 13:53 |
eanda | Icarus, why would I want to do that. I need the nfs shares mounted at boot time. | 13:53 |
Incarus | ?# | 13:54 |
Incarus | ... not mounting nfs shares at boot. | 13:54 |
erUSUL | eanda: probably network is not up when the machine tries to mount the shares? | 13:56 |
eanda | erUSUL: thats what I guessed to, so I'm kinda looking for a way to get the network up and running as a high priority on boot. how would I accomplish that | 13:57 |
suci_ANA_riskian | hai | 13:57 |
erUSUL | eanda: you sue /etc/network/interfaces ? | 13:58 |
erUSUL | eanda: you use /etc/network/interfaces ? | 13:58 |
lvlefisto | !jp | suci_ANA_riskian | 13:58 |
ubottu | suci_ANA_riskian: 日本語の場合は #ubuntu-jp または #kubuntu-jp を参照して下さい | 13:58 |
eanda | erUSUL: because if I do mount -a after boot and loging, everything mounts fine | 13:58 |
Incarus | <lvlefisto>, hai=hi | 13:58 |
alex^^ | suci_ANA_riskian: dont fucking private message me | 13:59 |
lvlefisto | oh | 13:59 |
lvlefisto | my mistake | 13:59 |
ikonia | alex^^: control your langauge | 13:59 |
eanda | erUSUL: my problem is I have to mount /ldaphome to get userdesktops and authentication from a server | 13:59 |
erUSUL | eanda: i see . again you use /etc/network/interfaces for ip configuration? | 14:00 |
saurabh_ | can i get an idea about compiz-fusion | 14:00 |
cooldduuudde | !compiz-fusion | 14:01 |
ubottu | Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at - help in #compiz-fusion | 14:01 |
Favorit | hmm | 14:02 |
patchon | quickquestion, is there a way to have a script activated when a laptop is "lifted of" a docking station, and also when "putted on" a docking station ? | 14:03 |
Gaarulf | Hello, long time Xp user here. I hear that Steam and Quake Live is going to get linux support within 2009 and is therefore very willing to test linux seriously. But I just have one question : Do the different distros have the same performance ingame as XP (or atleast very near) or aint it worth the customability of any linux distro? | 14:03 |
caris_mere | I would like to install an older kernel, how do I know which packages to install...I got errors | 14:04 |
lanoxx- | Could not find the main class: Program will exit. | 14:05 |
lanoxx- | where does this error come from? | 14:05 |
ganesh | how to check which version of vlc i have? | 14:06 |
erUSUL | !version | ganesh | 14:06 |
ubottu | ganesh: To find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type « lsb_release -a » in a !shell - To know the available version of a package, « apt-cache policy <package> » | 14:06 |
erUSUL | !details | lanoxx- | 14:07 |
ubottu | lanoxx-: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..." | 14:07 |
saurabh_ | i ahve installed compiz and compiz-gnome but am not getting any visual effects. can anyone tell me how to use compiz | 14:07 |
defrysk | ganesh, apt-cache policy vlc | 14:07 |
erUSUL | saurabh_: System>Preferences>appearance|Effects Tab | 14:07 |
vladuz976 | how do I connect an external monitor via vga output? | 14:07 |
erUSUL | saurabh_: activate them there | 14:07 |
vladuz976 | how do I set the resolution for that properly? Ubuntu won:t recognize it | 14:07 |
lanoxx- | erUSUL, im running 8.10 and i wrote a simple hello word java app that i try to run with "java Test.class" after i compiled it successfully, the program terminates with a stacktrace and the last line says: main class not found, it might be related to the classpath or something, im not sure but the program source is most definitely correct. | 14:08 |
cooldduuudde | saurabh_: right click on desktop>change desktop background>visual effects tab and then select extra | 14:08 |
Incarus | <vladuz976>, first set up the right Gra. Ca. drivers | 14:09 |
lanoxx- | i didnt use java for a few month, so last time i used it, it might have been before the upgrade from 8.04 to 8.10 | 14:09 |
lanoxx- | i already reinstalled sun-java6-jdk and sun-java6-jre to no avail | 14:09 |
vladuz976 | Incarus: nvidia drivers you mean? | 14:09 |
saurabh_ | cooldduuudde:i have already done those settings....but i want to have a three dimensional effects in the form of cube or cylinders to switch betweenn window | 14:09 |
rhythmsoup | lanoxx-: thats a class path error i think | 14:10 |
Incarus | <vladuz976>, i mean nothinf, i dont know your graphic card | 14:10 |
erUSUL | lanoxx-: dunno really ask in a java specific channel | 14:10 |
cooldduuudde | saurabh_: enable desktop cube plugin in compiz-fusion | 14:10 |
rhythmsoup | lanoxx-: does java -version work? | 14:10 |
lanoxx- | yes, that works | 14:10 |
vladuz976 | Incarus: yeah well, I think that one is up to date. it works fine on the notebook, just for the connected monitor it doesn | 14:10 |
lanoxx- | rhythmsoup echo $CLASSPATH says: /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun/lib/ | 14:10 |
lanoxx- | which java gives me /usr/bin/java | 14:11 |
lanoxx- | is that correct? | 14:11 |
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rhythmsoup | lanoxx-: ok so you could try "java -cp . <your class> | 14:11 |
saurabh_ | cooldduuudde:how can i do that | 14:11 |
Incarus | <vladuz976>, yes, we have to check that, enter "xdriinfo" and paste | 14:11 |
rhythmsoup | assuming your class is in your current directory | 14:11 |
saurabh_ | cooldduuudde:how to do that | 14:11 |
rhythmsoup | lanoxx-: using the -cp switch explicitly sets the path at runtime i think (im not a java expert btw :) ) | 14:12 |
vladuz976 | Incarus: | 14:12 |
cooldduuudde | saurabh_: in the desktop category there is desktop cube. tick it | 14:12 |
freshmilk | help! I installed wubi-ubuntu, rebooted, then it wouldn't boot. I unplugged my external hd and now it does.. but now when i boot back into ubuntu it's going into the installer again.. when it get's to step 4; prepare partitions it's just blank, i quit the installer and it goes into a live session. how do i fix this ‽ | 14:12 |
Incarus | <vladuz976>, k, and now "glxinfo | grep direct" | 14:13 |
lanoxx- | | 14:13 |
cooldduuudde | saurabh_: then press and hold left ctrl+alt+mousebutton1 to get a cube view | 14:14 |
saurabh_ | cooldduuudde:where is the desktop category | 14:14 |
saurabh_ | ???????? | 14:14 |
cooldduuudde | saurabh_: in compiz-fusion | 14:14 |
vladuz976 | Incarus: something just really weird is happening with my keyboard | 14:15 |
Bigshot_ | how do i install GTK 2.4 or later on ubuntu 8.10? | 14:15 |
saurabh_ | how to go to compiz -fusion | 14:15 |
vladuz976 | Incarus: i:ll have to log out, disconnect the usb keyboard and log in again | 14:15 |
cooldduuudde | system>preferences>compiz-config settings manager | 14:15 |
vladuz976 | Incarus: this is a big mess, japanese laptop and us usb keyboard | 14:16 |
vladuz976 | Incarus: all the special characters are moved, if i unplug then it:s all messed up | 14:16 |
saurabh_ | cooldduuudde:how to go to compiz-fusion | 14:16 |
lanoxx- | anyone here how can help me fix that java issue? | 14:16 |
cooldduuudde | saurabh_:system>preferences>compiz-config settings manager | 14:16 |
Incarus | <vladuz976>, k | 14:17 |
Incarus | lanoxx- thats no bug, one file is missing | 14:17 |
Incarus | i think | 14:17 |
saurabh_ | cooldduuudde:srry but i dont have such an option in system references | 14:17 |
lanoxx- | i just tried to load a normal java program of which i know it works and a get the same error, so my java vm must be broken for some reason | 14:17 |
Myrtti | !ccsm | saurabh_ | 14:18 |
ubottu | saurabh_: To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu: install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' or 'simple-ccsm'. If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz-fusion | 14:18 |
=== Administrador is now known as rslrdx | ||
lanoxx- | Incarus, is there some general guide to repair the java vm? | 14:18 |
cooldduuudde | saurabh_:then you might not have installed compiz-fusion. go to add/remove programs and tick ccsm and click apply | 14:19 |
saurabh_ | ubottu:let me try | 14:19 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about let me try | 14:19 |
Bigshot_ | can anyone tell me how to install GTK in UBUNTU? | 14:19 |
Incarus | lanoxx., i dont know, im not god | 14:19 |
vladuz976 | Incarus: ok, better. what was that? glxinfo | grep ? | 14:19 |
Myrtti | Bigshot_: please elaborate a bit more | 14:19 |
Incarus | <vladuz976>, "glxinfo | grep direct" | 14:19 |
cooldduuudde | saurabh_: ubottu is a bot | 14:20 |
NativeAngels | hello does anyone here know how to setup binddns via webmin ? | 14:20 |
Myrtti | !webmin | NativeAngels | 14:20 |
ubottu | NativeAngels: webmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. It is not compatible with the way that Ubuntu packages handle configuration files, and is likely to cause unexpected issues with your system. See !ebox instead. | 14:20 |
Bigshot_ | i want to install gtk 2.4+ for EiffelStudio Myrtti | 14:20 |
mozzillo | hi all | 14:20 |
Bigshot_ | hi moziilO | 14:21 |
NativeAngels | whats ebox | 14:21 |
vladuz976 | Incarus: | 14:21 |
mozzillo | i've installed ubuntu by debootstrap | 14:21 |
mozzillo | but i've a problem with grub install | 14:21 |
Bigshot_ | Myrtti: you there? | 14:21 |
mozzillo | i'have not the stages of grub | 14:21 |
defrysk | Bigshot_, sudo apt-get install libgtk2.0-dev | 14:21 |
Incarus | vladuz976, have you got intrepid (8.10)? | 14:22 |
mozzillo | and i've installed grub grub-pc abd grub-common | 14:22 |
vladuz976 | Incarus: yes | 14:22 |
mozzillo | :| | 14:22 |
Incarus | <vladuz976>, k, paste "cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log" | 14:22 |
Bigshot_ | defrysk: this is 2.0 i need 2.4+ | 14:22 |
Huufarted | Trafficking problem, folks. I can view a webpage (port 80) internally on the LAN, but not from work. Router hasn't changed, server WAS windows, converted it to Linux. Same port number. Connection times out, doesn't get flat-out refused. Port is forwarded properly. I'm thinking Apache isn't accepting from specific IPs. How do I check this? | 14:23 |
dmz | morning everyone..anyone know if there is a text only install tool like ubiquity? | 14:23 |
Incarus | Huufarted, check iptables settings of linux-router | 14:24 |
Huufarted | dmz, install for what? Ubuntu or an individual app? | 14:24 |
Incarus | dmz, apt-get, aptitude | 14:24 |
Huufarted | Incarus, the router is a generic Linksys. I'll check it on the linux box, but that should be the default still | 14:24 |
Bigshot_ | you there defrysk | 14:24 |
Bigshot_ | ? | 14:24 |
Incarus | Huufarted, k | 14:24 |
defrysk | Bigshot_, hunt for gtk2.4 in synaptic (search) | 14:25 |
mozzillo | or i must install grub2 ? | 14:25 |
vladuz976 | Incarus: | 14:25 |
dmz | for a live cd - install entire system | 14:25 |
defrysk | Bigshot_, you need the -dev | 14:25 |
saurabh_ | cooldduuudde:i dont have a ccsm option in add remove.........but i m installing it through apt-get.......can u wait for somtime i will be back after i install it | 14:25 |
Huufarted | Incarus, I have no iptables right now. It's all blank | 14:25 |
cooldduuudde | saurabh_: no prob. provided you know what you are doing. you don't seem like an advanced user to me. | 14:25 |
saurabh_ | yes | 14:26 |
saurabh_ | i m new | 14:26 |
saurabh_ | to ubuntu | 14:26 |
cooldduuudde | okay | 14:26 |
Huufarted | dmz, I believe the server install does that, but not the desktop version. But I could be wrong on the desktop one. | 14:26 |
saurabh_ | but i have learnt a lot of it in 3 months | 14:26 |
Incarus | <vladuz976>, line 534, <<(EE) Failed to initialize GLX extension (Compatible NVIDIA X driver not found)>> | 14:26 |
flyingjester | welcome to Ubuntu saurabh | 14:26 |
cooldduuudde | saurabh_: don't forget to close all other package managers before you do that | 14:26 |
vladuz976 | Incarus: interesting | 14:26 |
Incarus | <vladuz976>, if you set up the correct driver your second screen will working | 14:26 |
cooldduuudde | saurabh_: yeah i have also used it for 3 months | 14:26 |
saurabh_ | cooldduuudde:i got an option | 14:26 |
saurabh_ | cooldduuudde:do i need to close evreythiong before i enable it | 14:27 |
vladuz976 | Incarus: hmmm, how do i find the correct one? | 14:27 |
cooldduuudde | saurabh_: enable what? | 14:27 |
cooldduuudde | compiz? no | 14:27 |
saurabh_ | cooldduuudde:desktop cube effects and other effects | 14:27 |
Decepticon | !tk | 14:27 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about tk | 14:27 |
Decepticon | !turke | 14:28 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about turke | 14:28 |
Decepticon | !turkey | 14:28 |
ubottu | Turk ubuntu kullanıcıları, Türkçe yardım ya da geyik için #ubuntu-tr hizmetinizde. | 14:28 |
cooldduuudde | saurabh_: no you don't need to close anything | 14:28 |
Incarus | <vladuz976>, check out this site: | 14:28 |
cooldduuudde | saurabh_: i meant while installing package you must close synaptic or any other package manager | 14:28 |
saurabh_ | cooldduuudde:i know that much | 14:29 |
cooldduuudde | saurabh_: :) | 14:29 |
saurabh_ | cooldduuudde:ya | 14:29 |
vladuz976 | Incarus: very good site, thanks | 14:29 |
Incarus | <vladuz976>, np, <<You want one or more of the following: hardware-accelerated 3D, TV-Out support, dual head support>> | 14:29 |
Incarus | should work then | 14:30 |
vladuz976 | Incarus: yeah, lol. exactly me | 14:30 |
Bigshot_ | defrysk: I don't see gtk 2.4 or later in synaptic | 14:30 |
Moult | if i want to discharge my battery how low % should i let it drop until i plug in the power again? | 14:31 |
defrysk | libwxgtk2.4-dev might be the solution, but not sure | 14:31 |
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defrysk | Bigshot_, otherwise try my first suggestion and see if it works | 14:31 |
Incarus | <vladuz976>, k | 14:31 |
NemesisX11 | I all I was wondering if any body knew a way I could take an ubuntu Machiene that is already built the way I want it and compile it into an ISO to boot from please PM me | 14:32 |
saurabh_ | cooldduuudde:thank you very much | 14:32 |
saurabh_ | cooldduuudde:i got what i wanted | 14:32 |
saurabh_ | cooldduuudde:i say these effects in a seminar of my coollege | 14:32 |
saurabh_ | cooldduuudde:and wanted same in my computer | 14:32 |
defrysk | Bigshot_, if it does not work and cannot get an anwer here you can always try the forum | 14:32 |
saurabh_ | cooldduuudde:i got it | 14:32 |
saurabh_ | cooldduuudde:i got it | 14:32 |
FloodBot1 | saurabh_: Please don't flood, use to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 14:33 |
saurabh_ | srry | 14:33 |
Incarus | lol | 14:33 |
=== Panji_HItam is now known as Herbal_Online | ||
NemesisX11 | I all I was wondering if any body knew a way I could take an ubuntu Machiene that is already built the way I want it and compile it into an ISO to boot from please PM me | 14:33 |
Incarus | that wasnt flood | 14:33 |
Cool_Nick | whats the command under linux while running to cahnge the columns and rows? (google is only replying with kernel args today) | 14:34 |
Incarus | NemesisX11, i would try a fresh installation of ubuntu (with standard iso file) | 14:34 |
shadeslayer | hi is there any desklet which can show my CPU usage,RAM,swap,etc | 14:34 |
Incarus | shadeslayer, take a look at gdesklets | 14:35 |
shadeslayer | yeah | 14:35 |
shadeslayer | i have that | 14:35 |
inntegra | morning all guys is there any of u that knows for sure if theres a way to install a multifunctional CANON imageCLASS D340??? | 14:35 |
defrysk | shadeslayer, gkrellm might be your answer | 14:35 |
shadeslayer | defrysk: not GUI enuf | 14:35 |
defrysk | its not gdesklets but a fun app | 14:35 |
shadeslayer | hehe | 14:35 |
shadeslayer | it is | 14:35 |
shadeslayer | but still not GUI enuf | 14:35 |
=== root__ is now known as vin | ||
Incarus | shadeslayer, u can download extra plugins for gdesklets | 14:36 |
* defrysk is not a gdesklet person | 14:36 | |
shadeslayer | hmm | 14:36 |
shadeslayer | well the thing is i have to show it off | 14:36 |
vin | hi | 14:36 |
shadeslayer | >< | 14:36 |
shadeslayer | im starting a LUG | 14:36 |
patryk_ | hi | 14:36 |
Incarus | hm, gdesklets is from google | 14:36 |
defrysk | awn without plugins is as far as I am willing to go for eyecandy | 14:36 |
Herbal_Online | hiiiiiiiii | 14:36 |
patryk_ | kto z polski ? | 14:37 |
shadeslayer | and will host a install fest | 14:37 |
Incarus | !pl | patryk_ | 14:37 |
ubottu | patryk_: Mozesz uzyskac pomoc w jezyku polskim na #ubuntu-pl | 14:37 |
patryk_ | wiem | 14:37 |
patryk_ | mam z tamtad ubuntu | 14:37 |
Incarus | english | 14:37 |
shadeslayer | i have a superkaramba theme on KDE | 14:37 |
patryk_ | i mam pytanie | 14:37 |
Incarus | !en | patryk_ | 14:37 |
ubottu | patryk_: The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit | 14:37 |
inntegra | ok txs | 14:37 |
inntegra | guess is not possible | 14:37 |
patryk_ | jak pisze coś na forum i popelnie blad ortograficzny to propozycje sa po angielsku. jak to zmieniec ? | 14:38 |
Incarus | inntegra, wait | 14:38 |
mneptok | inntegra: | 14:38 |
patryk_ | zmienic* | 14:38 |
Incarus | partyk_, english | 14:38 |
mneptok | !pl > patryk_ | 14:38 |
ubottu | patryk_, please see my private message | 14:38 |
inntegra | ok | 14:38 |
NemesisX11 | I all I was wondering if any body knew a way I could take an ubuntu Machiene that is already built the way I want it and compile it into an ISO to boot from please PM me | 14:39 |
Incarus | inntegra, you can search your printer in google (with "linux") | 14:39 |
PivotMasterDX | blah | 14:39 |
PivotMasterDX | thisisatest | 14:39 |
inntegra | i did | 14:39 |
PivotMasterDX | Hello? | 14:39 |
PivotMasterDX | ? | 14:39 |
Cool_Nick | yo | 14:39 |
inntegra | theres no supp allort at | 14:39 |
Cool_Nick | thisisaresponse | 14:39 |
PivotMasterDX | Cool. People are on | 14:39 |
shadeslayer | vin: please ask it here | 14:39 |
oshua86 | NemesisX11: if you get some info in reference to that let me know | 14:39 |
inntegra | theres no support at all | 14:40 |
oshua86 | im interesting in knowing | 14:40 |
shadeslayer | and stop PM'in me | 14:40 |
PivotMasterDX | what u doin cool nick? | 14:40 |
mneptok | PivotMasterDX: you can determine that by listening instead of talking. | 14:40 |
Cool_Nick | trying to figure out distcc | 14:40 |
mneptok | ;) | 14:40 |
Incarus | NemesisX11, | 14:40 |
PivotMasterDX | test | 14:40 |
Incarus | <PivotMasterDX>, stop spamming | 14:40 |
* mneptok sighs | 14:40 | |
shadeslayer | any ops here?? | 14:40 |
Incarus | yes | 14:41 |
shadeslayer | vin is troubling me | 14:41 |
shadeslayer | he is repeatedly PM'ing me | 14:41 |
vin | is der any software to do voice chat in yahoo | 14:41 |
shadeslayer | finally | 14:41 |
mneptok | shadeslayer: /ignore vin | 14:41 |
PivotMasterDX | im not spamming | 14:41 |
shadeslayer | well he's a n00b | 14:41 |
Pici | !ot | PivotMasterDX | 14:41 |
ubottu | PivotMasterDX: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks! | 14:41 |
shadeslayer | i dont wanna ignore a n00b | 14:41 |
Incarus | !language | shadeslayer | 14:41 |
ubottu | shadeslayer: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly. | 14:41 |
shadeslayer | ?? | 14:42 |
PivotMasterDX | im playing online games wat u doin? | 14:42 |
panesar_sandeep | !noob | 14:42 |
ubottu | Acronyms or statements like noob, jfgi, stfu, or rtfm are not welcome in this channel. Period. | 14:42 |
panesar_sandeep | wats n++b | 14:42 |
panesar_sandeep | wats n00b | 14:42 |
inntegra | INcarius and mneptok txs for the help | 14:42 |
Incarus | <PivotMasterDX>, thats the ubuntu chat, ask questions for ubuntu, or go | 14:42 |
PivotMasterDX | ok | 14:42 |
Incarus | inntegra, np | 14:42 |
inntegra | mayeb some otehr time | 14:42 |
panesar_sandeep | shadeslayer, wats n00b | 14:42 |
PivotMasterDX | wait go where? | 14:42 |
shadeslayer | panesar_sandeep: use google or such | 14:42 |
NemesisX11 | Thanks Incarius!! | 14:42 |
Incarus | <panesar_sandeep>, a person who dont know anything | 14:43 |
shadeslayer | i will get banned/kicked | 14:43 |
panesar_sandeep | shadeslayer, ok | 14:43 |
Incarus | <NemesisX11>, np | 14:43 |
mneptok | !ot > PivotMasterDX | 14:43 |
ubottu | PivotMasterDX, please see my private message | 14:43 |
panesar_sandeep | ok | 14:43 |
shadeslayer | Incrus : why is that word banned here?? | 14:43 |
Incarus | <shadeslayer>, use ignore function | 14:43 |
shadeslayer | ok ok | 14:43 |
krabador | can i set a samba configuratio from livecd? | 14:43 |
PivotMasterDX | uuuuuuhhhh | 14:43 |
Incarus | <shadeslayer>, it isnt | 14:43 |
PivotMasterDX | what are we talking about? | 14:43 |
shadeslayer | then why language?? | 14:43 |
PivotMasterDX | uh | 14:44 |
mneptok | !ot | 14:44 |
ubottu | #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks! | 14:44 |
Incarus | <shadeslayer>, its not a nice word | 14:44 |
shadeslayer | ok | 14:44 |
shadeslayer | thats all i wanted to ask | 14:44 |
Incarus | <shadeslayer>, im not an op | 14:44 |
* shadeslayer will never use n*** again | 14:44 | |
shadeslayer | lol | 14:44 |
PivotMasterDX | so many people are on but many ar'nt chattin. | 14:44 |
Pici | This is a support channel, please stay on topic. | 14:44 |
PivotMasterDX | what is going on here??? | 14:44 |
Moose | So, when I try to update stuff, it just says that eveverything 404s | 14:44 |
Incarus | <PivotMasterDX>, stop spamming! | 14:45 |
Incarus | thx, Pici | 14:45 |
shadeslayer | Pici: he WAS asking me for support | 14:45 |
defrysk | PivotMasterDX, if all would be chatting we would see 1400 lines a sec flighing by | 14:45 |
oshua86 | Moose: are u behind a proxy? | 14:45 |
Moose | So yeah, I'm stuck with using netcat right now to talk to everyone :P | 14:45 |
Moose | No I am not. | 14:45 |
vladuz976 | Incarus: installed those driver, but now the external display is just black | 14:45 |
NativeAngels | how do i install ebox on ubuntu desktop | 14:45 |
vin | i instaled empathy but it not working | 14:45 |
oshua86 | Moose: how are u tryign to make the update? | 14:46 |
Moose | I'm behind a router, but it's worked before... | 14:46 |
Incarus | <vladuz976>, go into the screen settings and set up the other screen | 14:46 |
cd_ | hi every one it's so cold today and i want to sleep now | 14:46 |
vladuz976 | Incarus: it only detects one | 14:46 |
shadeslayer | bye all | 14:46 |
Incarus | <vladuz976>, hm | 14:46 |
lesshaste | I want to convert a one page pdf to png but I also want to strip all the white space around the image | 14:46 |
Moose | By doing the automatic update thing ubuntu comes with | 14:46 |
vladuz976 | Incarus: any other ideas, by any chance? | 14:47 |
vin | heloooo | 14:47 |
Moose | If my last message did not go through im using automatic update thing. | 14:47 |
Incarus | <vladuz976> try TwinView | 14:47 |
johny | hi | 14:47 |
Incarus | <vladuz976> | 14:47 |
oshua86 | Moose, try and type "sudo apt-get update" | 14:47 |
Moose | I tried that and it just gives me tons of 404s | 14:48 |
vladuz976 | Incarus: i'll check that | 14:48 |
johny | free shell? | 14:48 |
vladuz976 | thanks | 14:48 |
vin | anybody help me to use empathy | 14:48 |
Moose | Im using an older version of ubuntu if that matters | 14:48 |
Pici | Moose: What version of Ubuntu are you using? | 14:48 |
Pici | johny: Not here, this is a support channel. | 14:48 |
Moose | Im using 7.04 | 14:48 |
Incarus | Moose, whats the problem? (in one line) | 14:48 |
johny | Pici and where i can find free shell? | 14:48 |
Pici | Moose: 7.04 is no longer supported, you'll need to upgrade to a newer release | 14:48 |
Pici | !upgrade | Moose | 14:49 |
ubottu | Moose: For upgrading, see the instructions at - see also | 14:49 |
Pici | johny: Not here. | 14:49 |
johny | Pici where? :) | 14:49 |
johny | :-/ | 14:49 |
Incarus | johny, try whois | 14:49 |
suzao | hi im having some problems installing nvidia drivers on 8.10, says not activated.. but it seems to be available.. when clicking on activate it says installing .. but then dialog automatically disappears and it does not do anything else and still says not activated.. ??? | 14:49 |
Decepticon | !romania | 14:49 |
ubottu | Daca doriti ajutor sau doriti sa discutati despre Ubuntu/Kubuntu/Xubuntu, intrati pe #ubuntu-ro | 14:49 |
vladuz976 | Incarus: not sure if that's what i want to do. I'd like to just not use the laptop lcd when connecting via the vga out | 14:49 |
krazed | Anyone experienced with WoW on ubuntu? | 14:49 |
PoloNorte | !ubuntu-br | 14:49 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about ubuntu-br | 14:49 |
Pici | !br | 14:49 |
ubottu | Por favor, use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado. | 14:49 |
vladuz976 | Incarus: basically hook up a usb keyboard and mouse and the monitor and use it as a desktop | 14:50 |
Incarus | <vladuz976> i dont know | 14:50 |
vladuz976 | Incarus: i think the first thing that's weird is that the vga/lcd key combo has no effect | 14:50 |
=== Ph0bic|work is now known as ph0bic | ||
Moose | I do not have the release upgrades option in the software sources panel | 14:51 |
Incarus | <vladuz976> i dont know | 14:51 |
Moose | So how am I supposed to update eh? | 14:51 |
vladuz976 | Incarus: ok, thank you | 14:51 |
Incarus | np | 14:51 |
Decepticon | !balkans | 14:52 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about balkans | 14:52 |
Decepticon | !greek | 14:52 |
ubottu | #ubuntu-gr και #kubuntu-gr για Έλληνες χρηστές / #ubuntu-gr kai #kubuntu-gr gia Ellhnes xrhstes | 14:52 |
Moose | How do I update to the latest version of ubuntu when I dont have the release updates option? | 14:52 |
Pici | Moose: | 14:52 |
Incarus | Moose "update-manager -d" | 14:52 |
zwb | hello | 14:53 |
saurabh_ | cooldudeeeer u there | 14:54 |
saurabh_ | i have installed system-ccsm........and now my mouse is not working | 14:55 |
Incarus | <saurabh_>, he's off | 14:55 |
johny | saurabh_ broke it | 14:55 |
saurabh_ | can u suggest me | 14:55 |
johny | saurabh_ kill it :D | 14:55 |
saurabh_ | i how | 14:55 |
Incarus | sauabh_, the remove | 14:55 |
saurabh_ | how | 14:55 |
saurabh_ | i removed that package still my mouse is not working | 14:56 |
johny | who can get me one noadmin psybnc? pls | 14:56 |
Incarus | saurabh_, is the mouse pluged correctly? | 14:56 |
=== ccchatzilla_ is now known as ccchatzilla | ||
Incarus | johny, | 14:57 |
Moose | It just says i cant save the apt sources list | 14:58 |
Moose | It is apparently read only | 14:58 |
vin | is der any software for do voice chat using yahoo | 14:58 |
cooldduuudde | vin: gyachi | 14:58 |
cooldduuudde | !gyach | vin | 14:58 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about gyach | 14:58 |
NotSure | how to speed up my ubuntu? Online especially seems really slow. I do clear all data after closing browser' | 14:58 |
Incarus | vin, | 14:59 |
Incarus | <NotSure>, try Opera | 14:59 |
Incarus | !opera | NotSure | 14:59 |
ubottu | NotSure: opera is an advanced and free (only as in price) web browser. Install it via Applications->Add/Remove..., making sure that "Show commercial applications" (dapper only) is checked. For more info on opera please see: | 14:59 |
cooldduuudde | !gyachi | 14:59 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about gyachi | 14:59 |
Incarus | !gyache | 15:00 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about gyache | 15:00 |
Tony_K | Hello,I'm new here! | 15:00 |
NotSure | thx | 15:00 |
Incarus | np | 15:00 |
ActionParsnip1 | yo yo yo | 15:00 |
Incarus | vin, Meebo will also work | 15:00 |
fevel | hey guys | 15:01 |
fevel | I need some help | 15:01 |
ActionParsnip1 | !hi | fevel | 15:01 |
ubottu | fevel: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! | 15:01 |
ActionParsnip1 | fevel: ask away | 15:01 |
fevel | im trying to use awk to check all txt files in a directory and if it finds any, check 2 fields for user and pass and add it to htpasswd | 15:02 |
fevel | its pretty simple but I dont seem to be getting it right | 15:02 |
Ongavezir | Hozsanna brotha'z | 15:02 |
Ongavezir | Wilkommt | 15:02 |
fevel | so far im doing | 15:02 |
Incarus | <Ongavezir>, english | 15:03 |
Ongavezir | Incarus my Holyness brotha' have you any problems with DA King of TRoLLz? | 15:04 |
fevel | awk '{system("htpasswd -bp "$1" "$2" passwds")}' users | 15:04 |
Incarus | <Ongavezir>, no, i like FInntroll, XD | 15:04 |
fevel | users is the txt file | 15:04 |
NativeAngels | whats the easiest way to setup a dns server on a ubuntu box | 15:04 |
fevel | and passwd is the password files created by htpasswd | 15:04 |
ArtDenker | I am using 8.10, "ndiswrapper -l" returns "no such file or directory", I have tried downloading and unpacking/installing ndiswrapper, but I still get the same message, any help? | 15:04 |
Incarus | NativeAngels, | 15:05 |
ActionParsnip1 | NativeAngels: i use dnsmasq | 15:05 |
ActionParsnip1 | fevel: i'd ask in #bash | 15:05 |
ActionParsnip1 | fevel: thats way above my scripting ability | 15:05 |
fevel | thans | 15:05 |
NativeAngels | ok | 15:06 |
ActionParsnip1 | NativeAngels: running a local dns server can speed up web browsing mildly | 15:06 |
Incarus | ArtDenker, check if /dev/wlan0 is available. | 15:06 |
NativeAngels | ok | 15:07 |
ActionParsnip1 | !ndiswrapper | ArtDenker | 15:07 |
ubottu | ArtDenker: Wireless documentation can be found at | 15:07 |
ActionParsnip1 | !info ndisgtk | 15:07 |
ubottu | ndisgtk (source: ndisgtk): graphical frontend for ndiswrapper (installation of Windows WiFi drivers). In component main, is optional. Version 0.8.4-1 (intrepid), package size 21 kB, installed size 440 kB (Only available for i386 amd64) | 15:07 |
ActionParsnip1 | ArtDenker: get ndisgtk which is a gui app for ndiswrapper which may help | 15:08 |
catphish | can anybody tell me if it's possible to force kernel updates to place root=/dev/xxx into menu.lst rather than using UUID? | 15:08 |
eternalswd | what replaces xpdyinfo in intrepid? | 15:08 |
ActionParsnip1 | catphish: the UUID is used so that the correct disk is used | 15:08 |
Incarus | !xpdy | 15:09 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about xpdy | 15:09 |
Incarus | !xpdyinfo | 15:09 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about xpdyinfo | 15:09 |
ActionParsnip1 | !find xpdy | 15:09 |
ubottu | Package/file xpdy does not exist in intrepid | 15:09 |
ArtDenker | Thanks, I'll have a look | 15:09 |
catphish | ActionParsnip: i know the theory, unfortunately under xen, the uuid doesn't seem to work, but a static root option does | 15:09 |
Ongavezir | Today I bought my first oroginal Windows Vista from Microsoft | 15:09 |
Ongavezir | I am very happy | 15:09 |
ActionParsnip1 | eternalswd: what does it do? | 15:09 |
ActionParsnip1 | !ot | Ongavezir | 15:10 |
ubottu | Ongavezir: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks! | 15:10 |
Incarus | <Ongavezir>, was the last vista cracked? | 15:10 |
Ongavezir | Yes | 15:10 |
ActionParsnip1 | catphish: not sure then duder, you may have to get your hands dirty | 15:10 |
catphish | ActionParsnip: it works fine if i change the root= in the grub config, but it breaks when the kernel is updated :( | 15:11 |
Incarus | rofl | 15:11 |
ActionParsnip1 | catphish: do you upgrade kernels a lot? | 15:11 |
hopla_konijn | hi, does ntfs-3g normally support hard links? | 15:12 |
Bodsda__ | Hi, im running ubuntu + fluxbox. | 15:12 |
NativeAngels | will the dns work with public ip ? | 15:12 |
Bodsda__ | I have dual monitors set up which work almost flawlessly. The only problem i have is videos in firefox. When i try to maximize them it either just does nothing or it fills both screens for a few seconds then exits fullscreen. | 15:12 |
freshmilk | i have just installed ubuntu, my Netgear WG111v3 54mbps Wireless USB 2.0 Adapter seems to be working, although if i try to load a page in firefox nothing happens. what do i need to do? | 15:12 |
eternalswd | ActionParsnip1, it's supposed to spit out info about the display. Resolution, dpi, etc. | 15:12 |
catphish | ActionParsnip: the machines aren't for me, so things like automatic updates need to work for whoever uses them | 15:12 |
hopla_konijn | cause I can't seem to create them and I wonder if I should file a bug report for it: | 15:12 |
goshawk | freshmilk: are you connected? | 15:13 |
Incarus | <Bodsda__>, x64 or x86? | 15:13 |
goshawk | freshmilk: paste a link with ifconfig, route, iwconfig commands | 15:13 |
Incarus | <freshmilk>, "sudo dhclient3" | 15:13 |
freshmilk | i'm connected to the network, but can't connect to the internet | 15:13 |
Bodsda__ | Incarus: 64bit | 15:13 |
ActionParsnip1 | eternalswd: glxinfo maybe | 15:13 |
Incarus | <freshmilk>, "sudo dhclient3" | 15:13 |
freshmilk | ok. 2secs! | 15:14 |
Incarus | Bodsda__, is this problem only in firefox? | 15:14 |
Bodsda__ | Incarus: il try mplayer, 1 sec | 15:14 |
catphish | ActionParsnip: in answer to my own question: "#kopt=root=/dev/sda1 ro" should fix it | 15:14 |
Incarus | catphish, readonly? is this your linux partition? | 15:15 |
ActionParsnip1 | catphish: so that will use names instead of uuids? | 15:15 |
catphish | ActionParsnip: that line will instruct "update-grub" (the tool that builds the grub config during updates) to override the kernel options line | 15:16 |
freshmilk | goshawk, incarus: ok, obviously i can't paste from the linux box because it's not connected.. what am i looking for here? | 15:16 |
Incarus | <freshmilk>, for nothing, this should give you an ip | 15:16 |
Incarus | <freshmilk>, and connect | 15:16 |
XPS_M1330 | I actually run on ubuntu 8.04. I want to switch to KDE and upgrade to 8.10. I have a kubuntu 8.10 CD. will I be able to upgrade the system while keeping settings and data? | 15:16 |
=== area51 is now known as Guest92487 | ||
freshmilk | incarus: no working leases in persistent database - sleeping | 15:16 |
ActionParsnip1 | catphish: i see, nice one dude | 15:17 |
goshawk | XPS_M1330: it's supposed to | 15:17 |
goshawk | XPS_M1330: if you have an alternate cd | 15:17 |
Ongavezir | Bonzaiii | 15:17 |
Incarus | <XPS_M1330>, install kde packages and make a dist-upgrade | 15:17 |
freshmilk | incarus: what for nothing? | 15:17 |
Ongavezir | I will fucking da TUKS | 15:17 |
Incarus | <freshmilk>, look for nothing | 15:17 |
catphish | ActionParsnip: thanks for taking the time to help anyway :) | 15:17 |
XPS_M1330 | goshawk: what's an alternatve CD% | 15:17 |
Incarus | !language | <Ongavezir> | 15:17 |
freshmilk | incarus: oh | 15:17 |
Incarus | !language | Ongavezir | 15:17 |
ubottu | Ongavezir: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly. | 15:17 |
ActionParsnip1 | catphish: i try | 15:17 |
goshawk | XPS_M1330: alternate, not alternative | 15:17 |
oriez | does any body here using sony vaio built in | 15:18 |
oriez | camera | 15:18 |
Ongavezir | Okay okay, I will Kill da TUKS, the fat linuks penguin | 15:18 |
XPS_M1330 | the DVD that's not a live CD? | 15:18 |
Bodsda__ | Incarus: mplayer sort of fullscreens, fills width but only 2 3rds of the height | 15:18 |
Ongavezir | And I will eat delicous penguin foods | 15:18 |
travian_geek | how do i make an input from read TOUPPER ??? | 15:18 |
freshmilk | incarus: if i right click on the wireless icon and bring up the 'connection info' dialogue it says i have an ip | 15:18 |
Incarus | somebody should ban Ongavezir | 15:18 |
suzao | how can I set my nvidia graphics higher than 1024x768 | 15:18 |
goshawk | XPS_M1330: in this page : there is an "alternate" cd link | 15:18 |
catphish | Incarus: yes, ubuntu mounts the rootfs readonly until its been checked later in the boot process | 15:18 |
oriez | does anyone here using sony vaio built in webcam? | 15:18 |
eternalswd | doh, I just misspelled the command. it should be xdpyinfo for reference | 15:18 |
Incarus | <Bodsda__>, i dont know | 15:18 |
travian_geek | how do i make an input from read TOUPPER ??? In bash script! | 15:19 |
Bodsda__ | Incarus: ok thanks | 15:19 |
Incarus | <catphish>, k | 15:19 |
ConstantineXVI | Is there a standard extension for SQLite database files? | 15:19 |
goshawk | XPS_M1330: yep it's the cd which is not live-cd | 15:19 |
Guest92487 | nabend | 15:19 |
goshawk | oriez: me | 15:19 |
hopla_konijn | could someone test something for me pls? see if you can make a proper hard link on an ntfs partition (and test it by editing one of the files and see if the change show up in the other) | 15:19 |
=== Bodsda__ is now known as Bodsda | ||
Incarus | !de | <Guest92487> | 15:19 |
Incarus | !de | Guest92487 | 15:19 |
ubottu | Guest92487: In den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis. | 15:19 |
goshawk | oriez: it works OOTB | 15:20 |
Incarus | <hopla_konijn>, should work | 15:20 |
oriez | goshawk: can you get it work with Motion | 15:20 |
oriez | goshawk: OOTB? | 15:20 |
Ace2017_- | Has the oxygen theme used in kde4 been ported to gnome? | 15:20 |
oriez | goshawk: Out of the box? | 15:20 |
goshawk | oriez: i use it with skype, it's in /dev/video0 | 15:20 |
goshawk | oriez: yes , out of the box | 15:20 |
oriez | goshawk: yes i got to work but only on skype and cheese, did u got it to work on other softwares? | 15:21 |
goshawk | oriez: lsusb is Bus 004 Device 002: ID 05ca:183e Ricoh Co., Ltd | 15:21 |
goshawk | oriez: sorry i just use skype, it uses video4linux, so it should work in any software that support v4l | 15:22 |
oriez | goshawk: the green light is a little bit annoying | 15:22 |
goshawk | oriez: mine is blue.. and yes | 15:23 |
eross | what's a cli tool i can use to give me available disk usage, free %, etc? | 15:23 |
goshawk | :) | 15:23 |
goshawk | oriez: it's annoying | 15:23 |
Pici | eross: df -h | 15:23 |
eross | oh duh.. thanks Pici, i was too much into GUI mode | 15:23 |
oriez | goshawk: i wish i could disable it... the thing is that it has to be on in order to use it that why i can't use it for motion detection.. | 15:24 |
Incarus | goshawk, filter it? | 15:24 |
suzao | screen resolution, how do i add higher mode? | 15:24 |
Incarus | suzao, editing the xorg.conf file | 15:24 |
goshawk | oriez: Incarus i don't know how to disable it, and it's not a problem for me, it's for oriez | 15:24 |
James296 | is anyone else here noticing that Rhythmbox wont show any CDDB info? | 15:25 |
Incarus | <goshawk>, k | 15:25 |
timing | where do i have to go for powerpc support? | 15:25 |
goshawk | oriez: usually led thing have files under proc | 15:25 |
Incarus | <James296>, rythmbox isnt perfect | 15:25 |
goshawk | oriez: if you send an echo "0" > /proc/blablabla | 15:25 |
_VIM_ | Current weather for : Temperature: , Pressure: , Wind: | 15:25 |
goshawk | oriez: it should close the light | 15:25 |
_VIM_ | oops sorry | 15:25 |
oriez | goshawk: do you know what directory? | 15:25 |
James296 | what would it have to do with the package? It might be the CDDB server | 15:26 |
goshawk | oriez: unfortunately no | 15:26 |
James296 | can anyone find out for me if they recieve CD info in Rhythmbox? | 15:26 |
Incarus | <James296>, you can use another player | 15:26 |
oriez | goshawk: i'll try to find out thanks anyway | 15:26 |
James296 | I prefer not to | 15:26 |
srdgame | hi, I do not want the mysql stuff been started automatically, how could I do? And what should I do to start it later? | 15:26 |
ActionParsnip1 | !bum | 15:27 |
ubottu | Boot options: - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: - Also see | 15:27 |
James296 | I love using Rhythmbox, the rest suck in my opinion | 15:27 |
goshawk | oriez: you are welcome | 15:28 |
ActionParsnip1 | James296: awesome, then stick with it. rhythmnbox is best to you :) | 15:28 |
srdgame | ubottu, there are three: mysql/ mysql-ndb mysql-ndb-mgm | 15:28 |
ubottu | Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 15:28 |
srdgame | ubottu, should I remove them all? | 15:28 |
ubottu | Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 15:28 |
James296 | still havent answered my question though | 15:28 |
ActionParsnip1 | James296: if you right click an album is there an option to get cd artwork etc? | 15:28 |
Incarus | <srdgame>, ubottu is a bot | 15:29 |
Pici | !tab | 15:29 |
ubottu | You can use <tab> for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line. | 15:29 |
Incarus | <srdgame>, he (it) wouldnt answer | 15:29 |
James296 | no, it automatically gets the artwork, usually | 15:29 |
srdgame | Incarus, thanks -_-! | 15:29 |
DarkKnight | Incarus; there? | 15:29 |
ActionParsnip1 | James296: so does amarok but sometimes it doesmt and you have to manually intervene | 15:29 |
srdgame | Incarus, do you have any idea about mysql? | 15:29 |
Incarus | <DarkKnight>, ... | 15:29 |
DarkKnight | i tried this | 15:29 |
Incarus | <srdgame>, whats the problem? | 15:29 |
DarkKnight | Incarus; i tried this | 15:29 |
Adover | hello all | 15:29 |
mykz- | how do you change the Launcher icons? | 15:30 |
mykz- | and hey :) | 15:30 |
James296 | I wouldnt know how to automatically get the info in Rhythmbox, how can you? | 15:30 |
James296 | manually I mean | 15:30 |
hopla_konijn | incarus: could you test if for me pls? cause it doesn't work for me (you can do it quickly with: echo 'file A' > A; ln A B; echo 'file B' > B; cat A B;) | 15:30 |
archerseven | James296: Rhythmbox does not automatically get info for me, i'm looking around to see if i can make it. | 15:31 |
DarkKnight | Incarus; and i got the output of ruuning some commands like this | 15:31 |
Incarus | <hopla_konijn>, no | 15:31 |
James296 | I dont think its possible to manually get info in Rhythmbox | 15:31 |
archerseven | it likes to surprise me sometimes. | 15:32 |
bosco | can anyone help me i was connecting wirelessly throught automatic ath0 and through wired connection as well now i have only (ETHO AND LO) when i do an (iwconfig) no ath0 can someone help me figure out why my wireless went down | 15:32 |
Moose | Ok, now that I have an IRC client | 15:32 |
spaceninja | rhythmbox is leaking memory! | 15:32 |
ActionParsnip1 | James296: if you right click on the album in the right hand pane is there anything intelligent there? | 15:32 |
Moose | I still can't upgrade, I followed the page on how to do it | 15:32 |
srdgame | Incarus, I just find it in ubuntu forum, thanks for your time. :-) Ubuntu is great | 15:32 |
spaceninja | like crazy | 15:32 |
Moose | The upgrade says I don't have the prerequisites | 15:32 |
ActionParsnip1 | bosco: read through dmesg | less | 15:32 |
hopla_konijn | incarus: hmm ok then... anyone else want to do a quikc test of hard links on ntfs for me? | 15:32 |
Incarus | DarkKnight, edit script with editor and change "" to "" | 15:32 |
Ish | for the love of all that is holy, how do i change mysql user/pass? no one wants to help me accomplish this simple task. | 15:32 |
lesshaste | how do you save a selected region to a bitmap file in gimp? | 15:32 |
Incarus | <hopla_konijn>, i dont have a ntfs partition | 15:33 |
James296 | you cant right click where the album art would go if thats what you meant | 15:33 |
Incarus | <srdgame>, k | 15:33 |
panesar_sandeep | moose, then your system must not be updated | 15:33 |
ActionParsnip1 | James296: sure but is there an option to get album info | 15:33 |
hopla_konijn | yeah ok, i understood that :) | 15:33 |
Moose | panesar_sandeep: No, really? | 15:33 |
ActionParsnip1 | hopla_konijn: wassup? | 15:33 |
Moose | panesar_sandeep: I can't update. | 15:33 |
James296 | dont think so | 15:33 |
Moose | panesar_sandeep: It just gives me tons of 404 errors. So I edited the sources list as the page said. | 15:33 |
Moose | It updated, 400 updates or so. | 15:33 |
Moose | Then I had to restart, I then tried doing the upgrade and it hates me still. | 15:34 |
panesar_sandeep | moose, hmmm | 15:34 |
mezy | hi everybody | 15:34 |
Incarus | Moose, whtats the problem? 8.10? | 15:34 |
Moose | Incarus: 7.04 | 15:34 |
bosco | ActionParsnip, i know what i am looking at but what exacly am i looking for?? | 15:34 |
Incarus | Moose, you cant upgrade 7.04 to 8.10 | 15:34 |
Moose | I was upgrading to 7.1 | 15:34 |
grobda24 | Hello. I have had this prob with an external USB drive going on for a few weeks now. It is getting very serious as the drive has my music library on it. Not having it is effecting my work flow. Any help really appreciated. Unplugging the drive (after it did'nt mount) ... gives this ... | 15:34 |
Elda | Hello, quick question.... how do I give myself sudo access when working with the gui? Trying to rename a file with dashes in it, and having a heck of a time trying to do so in the console | 15:34 |
Incarus | Moose, update sources are disabled for 7.04 | 15:34 |
korb | OPA | 15:34 |
korb | VCS SAO DA ONDE? | 15:35 |
Incarus | !en | korb | 15:35 |
ubottu | korb: The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit | 15:35 |
grobda24 | Elda, gksudo | 15:35 |
Moose | Incarus: Right well how exactly do I upgrade? | 15:35 |
Incarus | Moose, with the ubuntu cd | 15:35 |
ActionParsnip1 | !upgrade | 15:35 |
ubottu | For upgrading, see the instructions at - see also | 15:35 |
Moose | Incarus: What CD? | 15:35 |
Incarus | Moose, fresh cd from ubuntu# | 15:35 |
James296 | the CD you make lol | 15:35 |
Moose | Incarus: You mean, download the latest ISO and burn it? | 15:35 |
Elda | gksudo will allow me to work in the gui? | 15:35 |
Incarus | Moose, yes | 15:36 |
panesar_sandeep | elda, rt click>propertis>permissions | 15:36 |
Elda | ty :) | 15:36 |
Moose | Incarus: Silly that you say such things, I tried doing that in the first place | 15:36 |
hopla_konijn | actionparsnip1: do you have a ntfs partition at hand? if so: would you like to do a very quick test for me? | 15:36 |
Incarus | Moose, maybe wheres a better way | 15:36 |
|chiz| | is there a alternative to gnome's standard application menu, perhaps something similar to kde4's menu? | 15:36 |
Moose | I get an initramfs error complaining of bad sectors, Incarus | 15:36 |
hanasaki | what program will play streams from ? | 15:36 |
ActionParsnip1 | hopla_konijn: i dont use ntfs | 15:36 |
ActionParsnip1 | hopla_konijn: sorry | 15:36 |
panesar_sandeep | !gksudo | 15:36 |
ubottu | If you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See to know why) | 15:36 |
James296 | Songbird | 15:36 |
Elda | Still not working for me, /usr/local/share/java is where Im trying to work | 15:36 |
panesar_sandeep | !gksudo|elda | 15:36 |
ubottu | elda: please see above | 15:37 |
DarkKnight | Incarus; i found this in the code${QEMUVERSION}.tar.gz | 15:37 |
Elda | I did that | 15:37 |
Incarus | Moose, | 15:37 |
Elda | still its not allowing me to work in that area | 15:37 |
hopla_konijn | ok, anyone here who does have an ntfs partition at hand? | 15:37 |
Incarus | <DarkKnight>, k wait | 15:37 |
Moose | Incarus: I don't think you understand the problem entirely. | 15:37 |
Incarus | DarkKnight, change it to "" | 15:37 |
mezy | how can i partition ad usb driver using cfdisk. i get a weird error saying that a bad primary partition and some other stuff | 15:37 |
Incarus | Moose, ... | 15:37 |
Moose | Incarus: I can't use anything other than 7.04 to start with, the latest versions do not work for some reason. | 15:37 |
panesar_sandeep | hopla_konjin, i do | 15:38 |
panesar_sandeep | hopla_konijin, i do | 15:38 |
Moose | I get an initramfs error and it will not install. | 15:38 |
Incarus | Moose, k | 15:38 |
Elda | never mind, got it. Thanks! | 15:38 |
Incarus | Moose, you can also try 8.04 | 15:38 |
Incarus | Moose, whats the excat error? | 15:38 |
hopla_konijn | panesar_sandeep: ok, would like to run a few commands on it for me? | 15:38 |
Incarus | -exact | 15:38 |
Moose | Incarus: initramfs 120.1254346267 fd0 stopping I/O error bad sector | 15:38 |
hopla_konijn | panesar_sandeep: these are the commands: echo 'file A' > A; ln A B; echo 'file B' > B; cat A B; | 15:38 |
Incarus | Moose, fd0 | 15:38 |
panesar_sandeep | hopla_konijn, wat type of commands ??? | 15:39 |
Incarus | Moose, thats the floppy drive, shouldn't interrupt your installation, it have to be another error | 15:39 |
hopla_konijn | panesar_sandeep: pls run it on ntfs partition, they create 2 files A and B, after run A and B should containt the same text | 15:39 |
Moose | Incarus: I don't have a floppy drive. | 15:39 |
hopla_konijn | panesar_sandeep: you can delete files afterwards | 15:39 |
Moose | Incarus: That IS THE EXACT error. | 15:39 |
panesar_sandeep | ok wait | 15:39 |
DarkKnight | Incarus; Downloading QEMU... | 15:39 |
DarkKnight | | 15:39 |
DarkKnight | 21:09:18 ERROR 404: Not Found. | 15:39 |
hopla_konijn | panesar_sandeep: it's nothing dangerous :) (else ppl here would have me killed already :p ) | 15:39 |
Incarus | DarkKnight, edit file, it have to be ".tar.gz" | 15:40 |
ActionParsnip1 | Moose: have you disabled the floppy controller in bios? | 15:40 |
Bodsda | DarkKnight: why are you not getting qemu from the repos? | 15:40 |
Moose | ActionParsnip: Nothing regarding a floppy drive is enabled. | 15:40 |
Moose | ActionParsnip: Nothing regarding a floppy drive is installed. | 15:40 |
Moose | I don't have a floppy drive within 30 feet of my computer, so it's not getting any silly ideas from seeing one. | 15:41 |
Incarus | Bodsda, he also want to install kqemu and qemu manager, its a script | 15:41 |
=== qedx_ is now known as qedx | ||
DarkKnight | Bodsda; i have it in repos..but dont have the GUI of it | 15:41 |
Bodsda | Incarus: yeah, but why is he not getting the packages from the repos? | 15:41 |
hopla_konijn | panesar_sandeep: you can just copy paste all the commands at once | 15:41 |
Incarus | Bodsda, i dont know | 15:41 |
Bodsda | DarkKnight: wget | 15:41 |
hopla_konijn | panesar_sandeep: the output should be: | 15:41 |
hopla_konijn | file B | 15:41 |
hopla_konijn | file B | 15:41 |
FloodBot1 | hopla_konijn: Please don't flood, use to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 15:42 |
Incarus | Bodsda, he have to compile kqemu, it isnt installed | 15:42 |
Incarus | Bodsda, and not in repo | 15:42 |
Moose | Is there a way to download the ISO and upgrade, without burning a CD? | 15:42 |
max82fr | hello everyone I need help please | 15:42 |
panesar_sandeep | hopla_konijn, yes | 15:43 |
max82fr | who s got an ipod touch in here??? | 15:43 |
=== fargiol`` is now known as fargiolas | ||
hopla_konijn | panesar_sandeep: you got file B/file B as output? | 15:43 |
mohanohi | hi.. | 15:43 |
panesar_sandeep | hopla_konijn, it is | 15:43 |
Bodsda | Incarus: the source is in the repos so is kqemu-common | 15:43 |
mohanohi | Where can i find deb file for Open Movie editor? | 15:43 |
hopla_konijn | panesar_sandeep: you are sure you ran it in a folder on a ntfs partition? | 15:43 |
DarkKnight | Incarus; i executed the shell, it says downloading QEMU.... but it doesn't do anything messages or anything | 15:43 |
Incarus | Moose, try "update-manager -d" | 15:44 |
=== root__ is now known as anoop | ||
anoop | hi | 15:44 |
Incarus | <Bodsda>, forget it | 15:44 |
Incarus | <DarkKnight>, hm | 15:44 |
Moose | Incarus: I get an option to upgrade to 7.10 | 15:44 |
rhythmsoup | Pardon me guys ... Moose: have you checked your network proxy settings? | 15:44 |
panesar_sandeep | hopla_konijn, i got file A wid output "file A" and file B with output "file B" | 15:44 |
rhythmsoup | this sometimes catches me out when running updates | 15:44 |
Incarus | Moose, i would do that, and then upgrade to 8.10 | 15:44 |
Bodsda | Incarus: k | 15:44 |
Moose | rhythmsoup: It has nothing to do with a network proxy you seem to think I have | 15:44 |
Moose | Incarus: I would as well, aside from the fact that it claims I do not meet the prerequisites | 15:45 |
quibbler | mohanohi: in synaptic | 15:45 |
hopla_konijn | panesar_sandeep: aha! so it doesn't work as it should, after all commands you should get 'file B' as output for both files | 15:45 |
bosco | ActionParsnip, i know what i am looking at but what exacly am i looking for?? | 15:45 |
panesar_sandeep | hopla_konijn, ??? | 15:45 |
Incarus | rythmsoup, his ubuntu is too old, and he cant update, because repo is disabled | 15:45 |
hopla_konijn | panesar_sandeep: yes, with the ln command you hard link file B to file A | 15:45 |
rhythmsoup | Incarus: oh i see, padron me | 15:45 |
panesar_sandeep | hopla_konijn, hmmm, don't knw much about this | 15:46 |
Incarus | k | 15:46 |
rhythmsoup | pardon* :) | 15:46 |
panesar_sandeep | hopla_konijn, hmmm, ohk | 15:46 |
hopla_konijn | panesar_sandeep: thats ok, you can delete the files now, I know what I wanted to know | 15:46 |
Moose | Incarus: Any ideas? :< | 15:46 |
NativeAngels | when createing a reverse dns definition using local network ip do you use the full ip ie or just the 192.168.0 | 15:46 |
* odinsdi blinks | 15:46 | |
mohanohi | but it doesn't run when installed from there.. | 15:46 |
hopla_konijn | panesar_sandeep: (if you want to understand what should happen: run the same commands on a ext3 partition) | 15:47 |
oshua86 | Hey guys, do you know of any remote assistance program that wokrs with ubuntu?, like gotoassist webex etc etc | 15:47 |
panesar_sandeep | hopla_konijn, ok bye, gotta study for 2morows xam... | 15:47 |
Incarus | Moose, i would upgrade to 7.10 via update-manager and maybe 7.10 got a repo, then you can upgrade to 8.10 | 15:47 |
Moose | Incarus: You ignored my last message. | 15:47 |
rhythmsoup | oshua86: i have used webex with success before | 15:47 |
Incarus | Moose, no | 15:47 |
Elda | Wee ty for helping me with gksudo... got it working. I find it amusing how the install of this program didnt work all because it pointed to JBidwatcher_2.0.1.jar instead of JBidWatcher_2.0.1.jar | 15:47 |
Moose | Incarus: I will make it extremely clear. I cannot upgrade to 7.10 because it claims it cannot obtain the upgrade prerequisites | 15:47 |
Incarus | Moose, k | 15:47 |
Incarus | Moose, sry | 15:47 |
IntuitiveNipple | Moose: I'm dealing with the same issue for a user on -server mailing-list. In that instance the problem is that the upgrader checks for the closest local mirror without checking it actually has the *old* release files available. You might be affected by the same issue. | 15:47 |
Incarus | Moose, didnt saw | 15:48 |
Moose | IntuitiveNipple: and have you got a fix? :P | 15:48 |
Moose | Incarus: No problem. | 15:48 |
DarkKnight | Incarus; still its in the same stage | 15:48 |
anoop | how to installa .tar.gz file? | 15:48 |
anoop | how to install one *.tar.gz file? | 15:48 |
Incarus | anoop, compile it | 15:48 |
IntuitiveNipple | Moose: lol... well, so far it involves hard-coding /etc/apt/prerequisites-sources.list and using a special 'fakefile' app I've written to stop the upgrader changing the contents of the sources | 15:49 |
hunt577 | Can anyone help me with getting wireless running on Ubuntu for a computer with an Atheros AR242 built in wireless card...apparently I need the drivers for it. I'm new to Linux and most of the things I've read on it on google don't make sense to me. | 15:49 |
Moose | IntuitiveNipple: In other words, ditch using Ubuntu and go back to Windows XP? :P | 15:49 |
merther | Can I install additional screen savers which can be downloaded in either mac or windows versions? | 15:49 |
Bodsda | anoop: extract the files, cd into the directory, run ./configure make sudo make install | 15:49 |
anoop | i downloade gyachi.tar.gz file how can install that program? | 15:49 |
Moose | The latest version of Ubuntu, directly from the site, does not work on my system. 32 and 64 bit versions both fail with the same error. | 15:49 |
quibbler | anoop: read this: | 15:49 |
IntuitiveNipple | Moose: I don't think MS support an Ubuntu to Windows downgrade :p | 15:50 |
Incarus | anoop, | 15:50 |
Moose | IntuitiveNipple: I'm dual booting. | 15:50 |
Moose | IntuitiveNipple: I was interested in switching to Ubuntu, I guess I shouldn't, seeing as how it's not working. | 15:50 |
IntuitiveNipple | Moose: 'latest version' == Jaunty? | 15:50 |
Moose | IntuitiveNipple: Whatever is after hardy | 15:50 |
exodus_ms | !release | 15:50 |
ubottu | Ubuntu releases a new version every 6 months. Each version is supported for 18 months to 5 years. More info at & | 15:50 |
Incarus | Moose, intrepid then jaunty | 15:50 |
Moose | I can't use hardy because it is buggy to all hell, sound management screws up constantly. | 15:50 |
archerseven | Interprid Ibex | 15:50 |
Moose | Incarus: intrepid is what I tried using earlier today | 15:51 |
Moose | That is the latest on the site, no? | 15:51 |
Incarus | Moose, you can try the unstabel jaunty, in 30 it will released as stable | 15:51 |
IntuitiveNipple | Moose: That'll be Intrepid then. If the old 7.04 is expendable you could just wipe its partition and install a recent, supported, version in there. | 15:51 |
IntuitiveNipple | Moose: Are you trying to install from the Intrepid desktop live-CD? | 15:52 |
Moose | IntuitiveNipple: hehe, that's what I originally tried :D | 15:52 |
Incarus | Moose, and update more often | 15:52 |
Moose | IntuitiveNipple: and before it even boots or gets to something I can do anything with, it gives me an initramfs error | 15:52 |
Incarus | <IntuitiveNipple>, intrepid ibex installation cd raise an error | 15:52 |
Moose | Right after I select my language, boot options, and install. | 15:52 |
Moose | I just get a very long wait and then initramfs errors. | 15:52 |
=== KiiMuRa is now known as KiiMuRa_Away | ||
IntuitiveNipple | Moose: To be clear - that's *after* it has installed, booting from hard disk (not that the live-CD won't boot) ? | 15:52 |
Incarus | <IntuitiveNipple>, ... | 15:53 |
Moose | IntuitiveNipple: During installation | 15:53 |
Incarus | <IntuitiveNipple>, he wants to use intrepid installation cd to upgrade | 15:53 |
IntuitiveNipple | Incarus: I know; I'm trying to make sure I'm not confused :p | 15:53 |
Moose | Incarus: NO I do not. | 15:53 |
Moose | I did not ever want to install 7.04 | 15:53 |
Moose | Ever. | 15:53 |
Moose | I tried using the latest version today, it failed with 32 and 64 bit editions | 15:53 |
Incarus | Moose, what, you did install 7.04 instead? | 15:54 |
Moose | I then used an earlier version (7.04) to try and upgrade from that to see if it worked | 15:54 |
Incarus | Moose, why not 8.04? | 15:54 |
exodus_ms | Moose, did you check the disc for errors before install | 15:54 |
IntuitiveNipple | Things are becoming clearer :) | 15:54 |
Moose | exodus_ms: I did an integrity check on the ISO after download, an integrity check after burning, and then full hard drive and RAM test. | 15:54 |
Incarus | Moose, try it with 8.04 or 89.04 cd again | 15:55 |
Moose | After that error, I made sure it was not on my end. | 15:55 |
max82fr | Hi everyone, Im new at Ubuntu and I need some help please | 15:55 |
Moose | Incarus: I reburnt the ISO 3 times. | 15:55 |
IntuitiveNipple | Moose: what's the make/model of the PC ? | 15:55 |
hunt577 | Can anyone help me with getting wireless running on Ubuntu for a computer with an Atheros AR242 built in wireless card...apparently I need the drivers for it. I'm new to Linux and most of the things I've read on it on google don't make sense to me. | 15:55 |
Moose | IntuitiveNipple: It's a custom built machine. | 15:55 |
IntuitiveNipple | Moose: Desktop not laptop then? | 15:55 |
Incarus | Moose, try 9.04, maybe a bug, could be fixed in jaunty | 15:55 |
Moose | An AMD X2 3800+ 64-bit processor, 2 GB of RAM. It's a desktop. | 15:55 |
max82fr | I would like to mount my ipod touch on Ubuntu | 15:55 |
Incarus | hunt577, install and run "ndiswrapper" | 15:56 |
IntuitiveNipple | Moose: Are you using Windows right now? | 15:56 |
Moose | IntuitiveNipple: Nope. | 15:56 |
max82fr | can anyone help me please | 15:56 |
IntuitiveNipple | Moose: what then? live-CD? wubi? | 15:56 |
Incarus | !ask | max82fr | 15:56 |
Moose | IntuitiveNipple: Installation of 7.04 | 15:56 |
ubottu | max82fr: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) | 15:56 |
Moose | Not a live cd | 15:56 |
Moose | 7.04 installed fine | 15:56 |
max82fr | ok | 15:57 |
Moose | Aside from not being able to upgrade or update anything | 15:57 |
IntuitiveNipple | Moose: ahh okay :) | 15:57 |
exodus_ms | Moose, have you tried the 'alternate' cd | 15:57 |
Incarus | Moose, try 9.04, maybe a bug, could be fixed in jaunty | 15:57 |
max82fr | I want to mount my ipod touch in ubuntu | 15:57 |
Moose | exodus_ms: I did not see anything regarding such a CD | 15:57 |
IntuitiveNipple | Moose: sorry, it's getting a tad confusulated :) | 15:57 |
Matic | Hi. am trying to install clamav-base but it is taking years to setup, why so? | 15:57 |
rich | good morning everyone........ | 15:58 |
Incarus | <max82fr>, terminal, then run "sudo mkdir /media/sdb1" and then "sudo mount /dev/sdb1 /media/sdb1" if the ipod is "sdb1" | 15:58 |
exodus_ms | !alternate | 15:58 |
ubottu | The Alternate CD is a classic text-mode install CD. It supports a wider range of hardware than the !LiveCD, and can also be used as an upgrade CD. Look for the alternate link on the Ubuntu download page - See also !minimal - Torrent at | 15:58 |
rich | hhow ya doin??? | 15:58 |
exodus_ms | Moose, ^^ | 15:58 |
Moose | exodus_ms: and is there a 64-bit edition of that? | 15:58 |
Incarus | Matic, slow internet connection? | 15:58 |
Incarus | Moose, yes | 15:58 |
IntuitiveNipple | Moose: You're in the USA, yes? I ask since the other user I spoke of with the -server upgrade issue is affected because the USA mirror of the archives is missing the 7.04 upgrader packages. | 15:58 |
Matic | Incarus, my internet is quite fast | 15:59 |
rich | has anyone run into the password "woverine" problem?? | 15:59 |
Moose | IntuitiveNipple: I'm using the canadian mirror | 15:59 |
rich | need the correct pass word | 15:59 |
Incarus | <IntuitiveNipple>, hm, he could change ther server mirror to another server | 15:59 |
hunt577 | Anyone have any recommendations in getting wireless to work on ubuntu? | 15:59 |
IntuitiveNipple | Moose: OK... it may also be affected by the missing packages, I've not looked closely. | 15:59 |
max82fr | it says can't find /dev/sbd1 in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab | 15:59 |
Moose | IntuitiveNipple: I'm burning the latest version to CD now, I'll try it with an option a friend suggested | 16:00 |
Incarus | max82fr, first plug in your device | 16:00 |
bosco_ | [ 2735.363323] MadWifi: unable to attach hardware: 'Hardware didn't respond as expected' (HAL status 3) | 16:00 |
almeida | hello everyone | 16:00 |
bosco_ | what does that mean???? | 16:00 |
archerseven | hunt577: what kind of problems are you having with wireless | 16:00 |
Moose | IntuitiveNipple: "all_generic_ide floppy=off irqpol" is what he suggested | 16:00 |
Moose | IntuitiveNipple: for boot options, mhm | 16:00 |
almeida | quickly: does someone knows SIPp in here? | 16:00 |
IntuitiveNipple | Incarus: There's a slight problem there. The upgrader tries to intelligently determine the 'best' mirror to use and will over-write the contents of /etc/apt/prerequisites-sources.list (the mirror is good, but it doesn't contains the files since the upgrader doesn't check the Releases file) | 16:00 |
=== KiiMuRa_Away is now known as KiiMuRa | ||
max82fr | what can i do next? | 16:00 |
=== ohai is now known as Guest76490 | ||
Incarus | <IntuitiveNipple>, k | 16:01 |
IntuitiveNipple | Moose: OK | 16:01 |
neo_schranzer | hi can somebody help me? | 16:01 |
hunt577 | archerseven, I have a Atheros AR242 built in wireless card and apparently I have to get the drivers for ubuntu to be able to recognize it, but I am having problems locating a tutorial to give correct info | 16:01 |
Incarus | max82fr, enter in one line this in terminal: "sudo mount /dev/sdb1 /media/sdb1" | 16:01 |
almeida | getlist | 16:01 |
Incarus | hunt577, try ndiswrapper | 16:01 |
Incarus | !ndiswrapper | 16:02 |
ubottu | Wireless documentation can be found at | 16:02 |
neo_schranzer | I've got problems with an ubuntu server | 16:02 |
Guest76490 | hi | 16:02 |
hunt577 | archerseven, in other words there are tutorials in forums, but it looks it works for some and doesn't for others, I've tried a few of them and the haven't worked | 16:02 |
hunt577 | Incarus, where do I go to download ndiswrapper? | 16:02 |
archerseven | hunt577: ndiswrapper, but i use linux mint, so i'm not sure if it's available by default on Ubuntu or if you have to add it. | 16:02 |
rich | not sure if there is help in here Neo | 16:02 |
neo_schranzer | i see | 16:02 |
rich | i tried and nothing | 16:03 |
Incarus | hunt577, | 16:03 |
neo_schranzer | I only got problems to write letters at the password | 16:03 |
bosco_ | [ 2735.363323] MadWifi: unable to attach hardware: 'Hardware didn't respond as expected' (HAL status 3) | 16:03 |
bosco_ | what does that mean???? | 16:03 |
questionmark | hi, i have an absolutely bizarre question. i have a desktop with ubuntu, and i installed ubuntu-eee on my eeepc about a month or two ago. works great, no problems. the odd thing though is, when it locks the screen due to screensaver, i cant log back in! it keeps saying my password is incorrect, though i am positive it isnt. when i switch user and use the same password (only one username) it works fine. any ideas | 16:03 |
hunt577 | thank you Incarus and archerseven, I will try that and then come back if it works! | 16:03 |
hunt577 | :) | 16:03 |
chris__ | can anyone tell me how to get to the kubuntu room | 16:03 |
IntuitiveNipple | Moose: good luck with your burning attempt. I have to leave now (Jaunty restart testing) | 16:04 |
hunt577 | Newbie to Linux here so you may hear dumb questions when I get back lol | 16:04 |
rich | we moight try another room for help | 16:04 |
Incarus | <questionmark>, maybe a bug, update system | 16:04 |
Incarus | <hunt577>, k | 16:04 |
neo_schranzer | chris: just type /join #kubuntu | 16:04 |
Moose | IntuitiveNipple: haef fun :P | 16:04 |
Moose | and thank you for your help. | 16:04 |
mib_yynf89 | hi | 16:04 |
Incarus | Moose, german? | 16:04 |
=== ccchatzilla_ is now known as ccchatzilla | ||
questionmark | Incarus: fully updated from the repos | 16:05 |
bosco_ | can someone help me my wireless was up and now it is down i dont know what i did to kill it??? | 16:05 |
Moose | Incarus: nar. | 16:05 |
rich | hello mib | 16:05 |
Matic | Hi, anyone who has ever setup clamav | 16:05 |
Incarus | questionmark, we cant help you, you can search in web | 16:06 |
storbeck | bosco_: dhclient wifi0 (or whatever your wifi interface is) | 16:06 |
storbeck | also use sudo | 16:06 |
gzt | org | 16:06 |
Incarus | Matic, yes, its a big package, but it should install normally | 16:06 |
Incarus | Matic, download manually from and install it | 16:07 |
questionmark | Incarus: found it, thanks. weird as hell bug, never had it happen on my desktop. thanks | 16:07 |
Incarus | questionmark, k, np | 16:07 |
Incarus | Moose, Nar? | 16:07 |
Elda | which is the off topic room? :> | 16:07 |
Moose | Incarus: i'm not german | 16:07 |
mezy | im getting errors while using cfdisk on a usb drive | 16:07 |
hondo | If I try to install 8.10 using my the /home partition from the 8.04 the install fails. If I remove the contents of /home, the install succeeds. Any thoughts | 16:07 |
hondo | ? | 16:07 |
Incarus | Moose,k | 16:08 |
bosco_ | storbeck, i was using ath0 look at this | 16:08 |
Krawnik | hi i was wondering if the wifi issues with ubuntu 8.10 had been resolved yet? | 16:08 |
Incarus | Krawnik, which issues? | 16:08 |
Elda | Krawnik, it works for me >.> | 16:09 |
Incarus | hondo, install with apt-get dist-upgrade | 16:09 |
Krawnik | well when i installed it it didnt read my nic card | 16:09 |
hondo | Krawnik, are you having any success with wifi? | 16:09 |
matrix_ | hey i have a big file its xvid-c0pycu1.r00 when i double click it shows wrappers file how do i open this file is it not rar | 16:09 |
Krawnik | yeah 8.04 works fine | 16:09 |
Elda | What is the ubuntu off topic room? :> | 16:10 |
Incarus | matrix_m "sh" | 16:10 |
Pici | Elda: #ubuntu-offtopic | 16:10 |
matrix_ | yes how to open it | 16:10 |
Elda | Thank pici :) | 16:10 |
matrix_ | Incarus : how to open it | 16:11 |
bosco_ | storbeck, are you still there | 16:11 |
Elda | Krawnik, I am using an Inspiron 1501 and it works fine, I had to use ndiswrapper but it was a breeze | 16:11 |
hondo | Incarus, I'm trying to dual boot in order to have one stable and another dev environment. | 16:12 |
storbeck | bosco_: Do you remember what your wifi interface is? | 16:12 |
hondo | Incarus, both using the same /home partition. | 16:12 |
matrix_ | hey i have a big file its xvid-c0pycu1.r00 when i double click it shows wrappers file how do i open this file is it not rar how do i open this file | 16:12 |
magic_ninja | matrix_, sudo apt-get install rar | 16:13 |
Krawnik | ok is there a way to download the ndiswrapper before i do the upgrade so that i can get it working after the upgrade? | 16:13 |
magic_ninja | matrix_, then you will be able to use fileroller | 16:13 |
storbeck | bosco_: sudo ifconfig wifi0 up | 16:13 |
matrix_ | i have rar | 16:14 |
magic_ninja | Krawnik, put it on a partition from a live disk, a windows partition or a pen drive (your install should have a separate partition for /home anyway | 16:14 |
matrix_ | it does not open it | 16:14 |
Doonz | Does someone know of a text based (to be used in an ssh session) web browser that supports javascript | 16:14 |
KIAaze | what output do you get from "file xvid-c0pycu1.r00" in a terminal? | 16:14 |
magic_ninja | matrix_, that rar file is in multiple increments, you need to open the .rar part of the series | 16:14 |
Krawnik | ok ill try that ty magic_ninja | 16:15 |
hondo | Krawnik, what chipset -- Atheros? | 16:15 |
matrix_ | when i click on the first one it shows wrappers found usr/share&wrappers then extension needed program not found ignored | 16:15 |
corey | I cant get my iBook to boot from cd | 16:16 |
matrix_ | it shows /usr/share/xarchive/wrappers/ | 16:16 |
magic_ninja | !pastebin | matrix_ | 16:16 |
ubottu | matrix_: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic) | 16:16 |
bosco_ | storbeck, it was ath0 | 16:16 |
magic_ninja | matrix_, give your terminal output | 16:16 |
storbeck | bosco_: sudo ifconfig ath0 up; sudo dhclient ath0 | 16:16 |
matrix_ | iam not using terminal i am just clickin on the file | 16:16 |
corey | How do you get an iBook to boot from cd | 16:16 |
storbeck | Or rather, iwconfig | 16:16 |
storbeck | !mac | corey | 16:17 |
ubottu | corey: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see - For write access, see !NTFS-3g or !FUSE | 16:17 |
Jean_ | corey: You need to press a key during the boot of the computer (I think it is T or C) | 16:17 |
Elda | iBooks are eeeeevil >.> | 16:17 |
matrix_ | pdtv.xvid-c0pycu1.r00 there are 45 files like this on it | 16:17 |
corey | jean_:thanks I will try that now | 16:17 |
Incarus666 | ? | 16:17 |
Incarus666 | can someone kick me (Incarus) | 16:17 |
Incarus666 | im stucking | 16:18 |
ninom | hello everyone. i am trying to install pspvc for my psp. i am a new ubuntu user. i installed all depedndencies. now it tells me go to the uncompressed directory and begin the installation sudo ./ ? i really dont know how to do this anyone can help? | 16:18 |
bosco_ | storbeck, | 16:18 |
Pici | Incarus666: /part | 16:18 |
matrix_ | magic_ninja: there are 46files like this .r02, r03 | 16:18 |
Incarus666 | Pici, funny, "Incarus" is stucking. Im a ghost | 16:18 |
Pici | Incarus666: Sorry, I think I misunderstood what you were looking to do. | 16:19 |
Incarus666 | yes | 16:19 |
Pici | !ghost | Incarus666 | 16:19 |
ubottu | Incarus666: On IRC, if you own a nick that is currently being used, you can make it quit by typing: /msg nickserv GHOST <username> <password> | 16:19 |
matrix_ | when i click it shows /usr/share/xarchive/wrappers/ | 16:19 |
KIAaze | matrix_, open a terminal and try "unrar x pdtv.xvid-c0pycu1.r00" | 16:19 |
Incarus666 | Pici, thx | 16:19 |
storbeck | bosco: pastebin> sudo iwconfig ath0 up; iwconfig | 16:19 |
=== Incarus666 is now known as Incarus | ||
Incarus | k | 16:20 |
ninom | matrix if you are trying to unrar files, just download wine, and winrar. its free | 16:20 |
storbeck | DO NOT USE WINE TO UNRAR | 16:20 |
Incarus | ninom, bad idea | 16:20 |
Jean_ | corey: Have you a Mac or Intel version of Ubuntu ? And is it a iBook or a MacBook (more recent version with Intel processor) ? | 16:20 |
ninom | i use wine to unrar | 16:20 |
storbeck | Use 'rar' | 16:20 |
storbeck | rar e file.rar | 16:20 |
corey | jean_: i am using a PPC install disk | 16:21 |
daviddolphin | How do I view all the users on the system, and also how do I view their properties (home dir, shell, etc) | 16:21 |
heatmzzr | I have bluetooth on board my laptop and my mouse used to work but now it doesnt... any ideas?? | 16:21 |
corey | Jean_: it is an iBook | 16:21 |
Incarus | daviddolphin, with an user manager | 16:21 |
ninom | i use winrar on wine and everything works fine. | 16:21 |
daviddolphin | Incarus, what is an example | 16:21 |
daviddolphin | i am using text only mode | 16:22 |
Incarus | daviddolphin, kuser under kde, the gonme thing i dont know | 16:22 |
KIAaze | daviddolphin, or with this: cat /etc/passwd | 16:22 |
heatmzzr | mouse still works with dongle but not without like it used to, any suggestions? | 16:22 |
magic_ninja | matrix_, extract it in windows then copy it over if there is no rar file | 16:22 |
dios_mio | daviddolphin, use the commands called 'who' and 'w' | 16:22 |
travian_geek | Is there a command to list how many network intetfaces my system have? | 16:22 |
Bert_2 | Hi, my dhcp stuff stopped working this morning without any good reason, I tried to use reconfigure to fix it but it doesn't seem to help, in the daemon.log file it's complaining about subnets being wrong, how can I get it all to automatically get IPadresses from whatever machine or router I plug it into ? | 16:22 |
matrix_ | KIAaze: yes i did that now its extracting | 16:22 |
matrix_ | why i could not extract from desktop | 16:22 |
KIAaze | I don't know | 16:22 |
Incarus | Bert_2, "sudo dhclient3" | 16:22 |
KIAaze | you could try "file-roller file.r00' in a terminal | 16:23 |
KIAaze | maybe it gives some error output | 16:23 |
Incarus | martix_, try the graphical xarchiver | 16:23 |
bosco_ | storbeck, | 16:23 |
corey | Jean_: is there website or IRC dedicated to running ubuntu on iBook | 16:23 |
Jean_ | corey: Then it must be the 'C' touch that you need to push during the booting of the computer (push a very long time to be sure). | 16:23 |
ilowe | travian_geek: "ifconfig" | 16:23 |
daviddolphin | KIAaze, thank you exactly what i wanted | 16:23 |
Jean_ | corey: I don't know about a IRC | 16:23 |
Bert_2 | Incarus: doesn't seem to help | 16:24 |
corey | Jean_: I tryed pressing C and nothing happend | 16:24 |
storbeck | bosco_: Your madwifi is borked | 16:24 |
Incarus | Bert_2, that was the command | 16:24 |
ArcSighter | hello, i can install ubuntu 8.10 on a pc and use that installation in another with different hardware? | 16:24 |
corey | jean_: when I hold the option button the backlight wont turn on and I see an icon | 16:24 |
Bert_2 | Incarus: it's still not getting me the right IPs | 16:24 |
KIAaze | daviddolphin, the normal users in /etc/passwd are those with a GID>1000 | 16:24 |
bosco_ | ok storbeck how do i fix madwifi | 16:25 |
Bert_2 | Incarus: nma-applet buts everything on | 16:25 |
Incarus | ArcSighter, yes | 16:25 |
corey | Jean_: if i press enter it proceeds to boot from hdd | 16:25 |
daviddolphin | KIAaze, Yes I am seeing that... Thank you very much. | 16:25 |
bosco_ | storbeck, for my atheros driver | 16:25 |
Incarus | Bert_2, check if network card is working correctly | 16:25 |
ArcSighter | Incarus: it will recognize my new hardware then? when I switch the HD? | 16:25 |
Incarus | ArcSighter, yes | 16:25 |
Bert_2 | Incarus: it is working, both my wired and wireless don't want to work because something's wrong with dhcp | 16:25 |
ArcSighter | ok thanks | 16:25 |
Moose | moose@norad:~$ sudo cat /dev/urandom > /dev/mem | 16:26 |
Moose | bash: /dev/mem: Permission denied | 16:26 |
Moose | Why does that not work? | 16:26 |
storbeck | !madwifi | bosco_ | 16:26 |
ubottu | bosco_: Wireless documentation can be found at | 16:26 |
Bert_2 | Incarus: /etc/init.d/dhcp3-server doesn't want to start | 16:26 |
Jean_ | corey: Then there is probably an error with the Ubuntu display because I think that the first line of the boot menu of Ubuntu CD is 'boot from first HDD' | 16:26 |
Jean_ | Is there anybody to confirm this ? | 16:26 |
Incarus | Bert_2 dont know | 16:26 |
Bert_2 | Incarus: okey, thank you anyway | 16:26 |
Incarus | Bert_2 try "sudo apt-get -f install" | 16:26 |
corey | Jean_: it is not booting from cd. I can tell because the disk wont spin up | 16:27 |
Bert_2 | Incarus: no configuration is broken so that won't help | 16:27 |
sam_ | q | 16:27 |
Jean_ | corey: It's a good proof ;-) | 16:28 |
Incarus | Bert_2, exact error message would help | 16:28 |
Incarus | Bert_2, run "/etc/init.d/dhcp3-server start" | 16:28 |
medjr | est ce que c'est possible de faire un dual boot sur une machine virtuelle ??? | 16:28 |
Bert_2 | Incarus: I get FAIL | 16:28 |
Incarus | !fr | medjr | 16:29 |
ubottu | medjr: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr | 16:29 |
Incarus | medjr, oui | 16:29 |
Jean_ | corey: Then I'm sorry but it seems that I'm too limited in my knowledges (that are not exceptional!) to solve your problem. | 16:29 |
Bert_2 | Incarus: and in /var/log/daemon.log it says there is no subnet declaration | 16:29 |
matrix_ | KIAaze: thanks it works | 16:29 |
medjr | Incarus, c vrai ?? | 16:29 |
Incarus | medjr, oui | 16:29 |
medjr | je peux installer grub_là dessus ?? | 16:29 |
Incarus | Bert_2, cant help you, you can google this error | 16:30 |
Bert_2 | Incarus: I'm doing that now | 16:30 |
daviddolphin | Is there such thing as a Ubuntu Server installion for Linux Admin newbies? Maybe with a web interface preinstalled, other things that make it easier? | 16:30 |
Incarus | medjr, je ne sais pas | 16:30 |
Bert_2 | Does anyone know whether there is a difference between the dhcp.conf file of hardy and intrepid ? | 16:31 |
Incarus | Bert_2, try "sudo dpkg-reconfigure dhcp" | 16:31 |
Bert_2 | Incarus: already tried that | 16:31 |
bosco_ | storbeck read this my wireless card is not even being detected by lspci' | 16:31 |
Bert_2 | Incarus: but perhaps I can copy over dhcp.conf from another install | 16:32 |
hunt588 | I'm having some trouble getting ndiswrapper installed | 16:32 |
hunt588 | maybe I am not understanding how to download these files correctly | 16:32 |
Incarus | Bert_2, you can also manually change the network settings | 16:32 |
Bert_2 | Incarus: I tried it but nm-applet seems to not really save them :s | 16:32 |
bosco_ | storbeck, srry dont lok at that my fault it is there | 16:32 |
bosco_ | wow | 16:32 |
bosco_ | dumb | 16:32 |
dougl | I recently updated my xbmc on my ubuntu 8.04 now when I try to start xbmc on my second display (TV upstairs) it complains about needing a display with 24bit color depth - I have the latest nvidia drivers installed for my 6200 card and nvidia-settings says my color depth is set to 24bit - any suggestions? | 16:33 |
Incarus | Bert_2, try to change settings over ifconfig (dont ask me) | 16:33 |
wiijii | Updated some apps this morning, and I'm getting a bug where two Scientific Calculator windows pop up, and then I can't move windows unless I have ctrl+fx into a terminal, and then back to X. anyone else getting this? | 16:33 |
wiijii | Pretty odd... | 16:33 |
Moose | How can I corrupt my system memory? | 16:33 |
corey | try microwaving it | 16:34 |
Moose | corey: I mean through Ubuntu.. | 16:34 |
Incarus | <Moose>, put it out of the window | 16:34 |
Incarus | Moose, hm | 16:34 |
Moose | I can't overwrite /dev/mem | 16:34 |
hunt588 | I keep trying to type this in terminal "sudo dpkg -i ndiswrapper-utils_*.deb" but all I get is "No such file or directory Errors were encountered while processing:" | 16:34 |
KIAaze | why do you want to corrupt it? | 16:34 |
travian_geek | is there a command to list all network interfaces i.e: eth0, eth1, lo and so on? | 16:34 |
wiijii | ifconfig ? | 16:35 |
joaopinto | travian_geek, ifconfig -a | 16:35 |
wiijii | That will show devices that are up anyway | 16:35 |
wiijii | Ah there we are | 16:35 |
Moose | KIAaze: A fun experiment. | 16:35 |
KIAaze | :) | 16:35 |
corey | moose: if you want to destroy it you need to type "sudo rm -rf" keep in mind this will destroy it. Why do you want to do that? | 16:35 |
wiijii | So no one is getting weird SciCalc bugs then? | 16:35 |
Incarus | Moose, overheating, or it is too old | 16:35 |
Moose | corey: Advice like that is stupid. | 16:35 |
travian_geek | joaopinto, I just want to show the names eth0 eth0 and so on | 16:35 |
Moose | corey: I do not want to remove the data from the hard drive, I want to corrupt the RAM | 16:36 |
Incarus | Moose, your question was unclear | 16:36 |
corey | moose: you asked how to destroy it and i told you | 16:36 |
KIAaze | try "fubar RAM" :) | 16:36 |
corey | Moose: why? | 16:36 |
Incarus | Moose, do you want to hide traces or to broke your ram? | 16:36 |
Moose | KIAaze: I wish. | 16:36 |
Moose | Incarus: I want to see what happens. | 16:36 |
Incarus | Moose, you're crazy | 16:36 |
Moose | Why? Heh. | 16:37 |
Moose | Corrupting RAM won't do permanent damage. | 16:37 |
corey | Moose: Try overclocking | 16:37 |
Pici | !ot | 16:37 |
ubottu | #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks! | 16:37 |
Moose | Pici: It is ubuntu related | 16:37 |
Moose | Ubuntu won't let me overwrite /dev/mem | 16:37 |
Moose | It just gives me permission denied, even as root. | 16:37 |
wiijii | As root? | 16:37 |
Incarus | Moose, do you want to broke the data or the ram? | 16:37 |
KIAaze | Moose, catch a crocodile with a magnet on its head and slide it over your RAM | 16:37 |
Pici | Moose: Its not a support question | 16:37 |
Moose | Incarus: The data on the RAM | 16:37 |
brutus_ | I have nvidia-glx installed, still my computer uses the vesa a result I can't change desktop effects, or even resolution. Please help! | 16:38 |
wiijii | I'm sure there are better places to find out how to do that than #ubuntu | 16:38 |
Moose | Pici: Yes it is. I want to know how to override that protection. | 16:38 |
corey | Moose: how old are you? | 16:38 |
Moose | corey: Is that relevant? | 16:38 |
travian_geek | is there a command to list all network interfaces i.e: eth0, eth1, lo and so on? | 16:38 |
magic_ninja | Moose, did you do su, or did you sudo? | 16:38 |
Moose | magic_ninja: sudo :P | 16:38 |
Incarus | Moose, you cant. buy a at&t unix, install it on a computer of the 80. and try it again | 16:38 |
corey | Moose: when i was younger I asked a bunch of silly questions | 16:38 |
freshmilk | what it the most supported wireless usb dongle wifi thingy i can't use with ubuntu, i've given up trying to get my netgear to work and thinking about going out a more supported one. | 16:38 |
freshmilk | ? | 16:38 |
wiijii | freshmilk does it have to be USB? | 16:39 |
Moose | corey: Oh, well, that's your situation. Not mine. | 16:39 |
freshmilk | wiijii: guess not no | 16:39 |
Incarus | freshmilk, you can get your dongle working | 16:39 |
Moose | corey: I simply want to know why Ubuntu won't let me do such things. | 16:39 |
Incarus | freshmlik, use ndiswrapper | 16:39 |
wiijii | freshmilk probs better off getting a non-usb | 16:39 |
corey | Moose: This is a silly request. | 16:39 |
Incarus | Moose, linux is to secure | 16:39 |
Incarus | Moose, lcrack the kernel | 16:39 |
Moose | I think I've figured it out. | 16:39 |
Hoffi1995 | ft | 16:39 |
Moose | If I disconnect, that'll be why. | 16:39 |
corey | Moose: there is no need to corrupt the memory. If something needs hiding just pull the plug | 16:40 |
wiijii | freshmilk I'm using a Belkin expresscard model and it's fine (laptop). | 16:40 |
wiijii | freshmilk depends if you want to do things like packet injection though | 16:40 |
freshmilk | can i transfer files between xp and wubi? | 16:40 |
Incarus | corey, no | 16:40 |
corey | moose: ram is volatile which means it needs power to work | 16:40 |
freshmilk | wiijii: no i just want to go on youtube! | 16:40 |
Incarus | corey, the ram is a short life memory, but you leave traces | 16:40 |
Incarus | corey, you have to use a ram wiper to delete them | 16:40 |
wiijii | freshmilk hah, well there's a lot of info around about linux compatibility. I believe Atheros chipsets are very well supported | 16:41 |
corey | Incarus: could you elaborate? | 16:41 |
Incarus | corey, sure | 16:41 |
corey | incarus: PM? | 16:41 |
wiijii | I wouldn't mind knowing | 16:41 |
freshmilk | wiijii: thing is; the dongle does seem to work but i can't connect to the internet. i.e. it connects to the network, but when i ping the router i get nothing | 16:41 |
wiijii | freshmilk Oh. So that's probably some sort of configuration problem then | 16:42 |
freshmilk | wiijii: right | 16:42 |
Incarus | corey, | 16:42 |
wiijii | freshmilk is your DNS server set as the router IP? | 16:42 |
corey | Incarus: if it does leave traces wouldnt rebooting remove the traces when the OS is reloded into the RAM? | 16:42 |
maestrojed | I am running Ubuntu 6. I have a lot of stuff configured to run such as php5 samba, some ftp server, etc. I also have a second hard drive installed and all kinds of symlinks to it. If I upgrade to the latest version will all that have to be reconfigured? | 16:42 |
freshmilk | wiijii: how do i do that? | 16:42 |
wiijii | Incarus I was under the impression that the only way you can get info of the RAM is if you cool it down a *lot* as it's powered down..? | 16:43 |
Incarus | corey, if you have 4 gb ram, your os wont overwrite alls of them | 16:43 |
wiijii | freshmilk How did you set up your wireless? | 16:43 |
freshmilk | well my housemate set it up and gave me the password | 16:43 |
Jack_Sparrow | !ot > wiijii | 16:44 |
ubottu | wiijii, please see my private message | 16:44 |
freshmilk | i know the router ip though | 16:44 |
wiijii | How is this ot? | 16:44 |
Jack_Sparrow | wiijii the ram discussion | 16:44 |
wiijii | Ah yeah well OK, I'm not talking about that now | 16:44 |
brutus_ | Hi, I have the nvidia-glx driver installed, yet my computer doesn't recognize it...I can't change desktop effects, not even screen resolution! Could somebody please help me out? My xorg.conf is here: | 16:44 |
wiijii | freshmilk so you have the router IP, the network name, encryption key etc? | 16:45 |
freshmilk | yes | 16:45 |
freshmilk | got all that. i'm using that info to connect on the laptop i'm on now | 16:45 |
Incarus | i have to go | 16:45 |
wiijii | freshmilk But what app are you using to connect? NetworkManger or some such? | 16:45 |
Miesco | I did rsync and I got this: rsync error: some files could not be transferred (code 23) at main.c(1058) [sender=3.0.3] | 16:46 |
Miesco | at the end | 16:46 |
freshmilk | wiijii: whatever the default package is im using it | 16:46 |
wiijii | freshmilk The little icon in the system tray? | 16:46 |
wiijii | freshmilk I think that's NetworkManager, not sure though | 16:46 |
freshmilk | wiijii: i'm just booting into ubuntu... | 16:47 |
daviddolphin | How do I change what group owns a file or folder? | 16:47 |
wiijii | freshmilk If you put in the SSID (network name), the Router IP as the DNS server, and the correct encryption key AND encryption type (WPA, WEP, etc) you should be set | 16:47 |
freshmilk | wiijii: fingers crossed | 16:47 |
tariq | hi :) | 16:47 |
tariq | je cherche un peu d'aide :) | 16:48 |
freshmilk | tariq: personne parle le francais ici! | 16:48 |
tariq | ok | 16:48 |
tariq | hi, i'm suching for help some can help me ? :) | 16:49 |
tariq | for ubuntu 5.1 | 16:49 |
corey | when I try to get my iBook to boot from cd the backlight wont turn on | 16:49 |
Seveas | !fr | tariq | 16:49 |
ubottu | tariq: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr | 16:49 |
Seveas | tariq, ubuntu 5.10 is no longer supported | 16:49 |
daviddolphin | If my file is owned by David and in group Normal, but I am logged in as root, how could I change the group to Supernatural for instance? | 16:50 |
tariq | i will have the new in 6 weeks, it's a bit long, i just wanna have flash player on my computer | 16:50 |
freshmilk | wiijii: i have a network connections dialogue that i reached from system>preferences | 16:50 |
hunt588 | I am not understanding how to get the list of drivers from to Linux here, can some please help? | 16:50 |
speaker | I use amixer to increase volume using a multimedia keyboard | 16:50 |
speaker | can a maximum vol be set? | 16:50 |
brutus_ | Could someone please help me out? I have the nvidia-glx driver installed, yet my computer doesn't recognize it...I can't change desktop effects, not even screen resolution! Could somebody please help me out? My xorg.conf is here: | 16:51 |
wiijii | freshmilk and can you create a new wireless config with the relevant details? | 16:51 |
wiijii | freshmilk You might want to try using an app such as networkmanager or wicd to help set up the wireless stuff | 16:52 |
shouge27 | who can tell me how to install mac4lin | 16:52 |
wiijii | davidolphin I think you can use chgrp for that | 16:52 |
tariq | I tryed to install flash player on my comptuer, so i use ls, cd /file, tar zxvf, ls etc, so there is written flash player is now installe on your computer, but it doesn't work :( | 16:52 |
wiijii | daviddolphin I think you can use chgrp for that | 16:53 |
freshmilk | wiijii: ok i have dns servers (i'll put the router ip here), search domains ( ?? ), dhcp client id ( ??) | 16:53 |
wiijii | tariq I think you need to copy some flash files to your mozilla/firefox directory. Could you not use apt to install it? | 16:53 |
wiijii | freshmilk Just put in the DNS, probably don't need the rest | 16:53 |
wiijii | freshmilk You could even put in a static IP so you get the same IP address each time, but don't worry about that unless you know you need it | 16:54 |
hunt588 | can anyone please help with ndiswrapper? Trying to get my wireless working | 16:54 |
tariq | sorry wiijii i'm new on ubuntu i don't understand apt etc | 16:54 |
wiijii | freshmilk I'm in my Sys-Prefs-Network Config and not seeing anything about dhcp ids etc | 16:55 |
nado | hi there | 16:55 |
wiijii | tariq OK well there is a package manager called APT, which you can use to search for and install programmes | 16:55 |
nado | can anybody tell me if there's a gnome program like yakuake for kde? | 16:55 |
wiijii | tariq You can access it by going to System -> Administration -> Synaptic Package Manager. Then do a search for Flash player | 16:56 |
tariq | ok thx wiijii | 16:56 |
biggerfisch | I have a problem: whenever I try to switch users without logging out my screen goes blank and nothing happens. could this be because I use proprietary drivers? | 16:56 |
mohanohi | hi. i have dsl based internet connected to a modem which doesn't need userid and password to login.. But on startup it take a long time to configure network.. How to disable that? | 16:56 |
wiijii | tariq What version of Ubuntu are you using? | 16:56 |
freshmilk | wiijii: from network config i selected 'wireless' tab and then selected the profile for the connection and then clicked 'edit' | 16:56 |
wiijii | freshmilk Oh sorry I do have those options actually | 16:57 |
Pythack | j #servhome | 16:57 |
hunt588 | I guess I won't be doing Linux then if I can't get wireless working. I am trying to get this ndiswrapper thing working, but all these tutorials are greek to me since I am new to Linux | 16:57 |
tariq | i use 5.10 (an old version but the new will arrive in 6 weeks :( | 16:57 |
wiijii | freshmilk Just leave it as 'Automatic (DHCP)' and it should be OK. I don't think you need DHCP id but if it's necessary I'd suggest just making one up... :D | 16:57 |
hunt588 | some of it I just don't understand | 16:57 |
wiijii | tariq What d'you mean 6 weeks...? Can you not download it? Where are you? | 16:58 |
freshmilk | wiijii: well this is what i have started out with and although it's connecting to the network i'm not getting a connection to the internet, i've tried pinging the router and i get nothing. | 16:58 |
tariq | i live in france, i can download but my graver doesn't work | 16:58 |
wiijii | freshmilk How do you know you're connected to the network? I assume you're here on IRC via another machine, right? | 16:58 |
biggerfisch | I have a problem: whenever I try to switch users without logging out my screen goes blank and nothing happens. could this be because I use proprietary drivers? | 16:59 |
wiijii | tariq - graver? | 16:59 |
=== marko-_-- is now known as marko-_- | ||
defrysk | burner | 16:59 |
wiijii | ah | 16:59 |
wiijii | damn | 16:59 |
tariq | hum to put some file or something on a cd :p | 16:59 |
defrysk | teri20 euro's and you have a new one | 17:00 |
Liteshade | Is there a channel for OpenOffice Calc? | 17:00 |
defrysk | tariq, that is | 17:00 |
wiijii | tariq That sucks. Ummm could you not ask someone else to burn it? Or download it to USB stick and ask an internet cafe to do it? 6 weeks seems a long time even to have a CD shipped | 17:00 |
freshmilk | yeah, i'm using my macbook right now. i say that i'm connected because the wireless icon is showing three bars in the signal indicator.. when i right click that and select 'connection information' it has the router ip in there | 17:00 |
AndroidData | hi. I installed a printer driver but had to forcibly install it because it was listed as incompatible. is there a way to force apt not to remove the printer everytime I use apt-get -f install or complain about it whenever I try to install stuff? | 17:00 |
wiijii | freshmilk What do you mean it has the router IP on there? | 17:00 |
Miesco | How do I compare my dir and my backup dir? | 17:00 |
wiijii | freshmlik if you open a console and do 'iwconfig' what do you get | 17:00 |
tariq | how many Go do ubuntu take ? | 17:01 |
KIAaze | one CD=700MB | 17:01 |
freshmilk | wiijii: well i know the router ip is and that is listed as the default route & primary dns under 'connection information'. | 17:01 |
KIAaze | 700Mo ;) | 17:01 |
toddoon | Can someone know how editing a dia file in xml? | 17:01 |
KIAaze | tariq, or did you mean when installed? | 17:02 |
wiijii | freshmilk Are you sure that's the router IP? | 17:02 |
mohanohi | hello pls somebody.. | 17:02 |
Droopsta | I reinstalled windows xp on my first harddrive, and now I dont get the option to boot into my Linux harddrive. Anyone know what I can do to see Ubuntu in my boot screen? | 17:02 |
mohanohi | how to disable startup auto detection of network.. | 17:02 |
wiijii | freshmilk Could you use your settings on your macbook and compare them with the Ubuntu machine? | 17:02 |
freshmilk | wiijii: not sure that is the router ip, but my macbook says it is | 17:02 |
n2diy | A wierd situation here, or I don't understand how this works? This box can play with my test box using vncviewer, but the test box cannot view this one. This box has the vncserver installed on it, and the test box doesn't. What's going on? | 17:02 |
sysdoc | Droopsta, u have to reinstall grub | 17:02 |
tariq | KIAaze, i didn't understand ur sentence (sorry it's a bit difficult for me ^) | 17:03 |
wiijii | freshmilk Do you know how to get ping working on your macbook - via the terminal/console? | 17:03 |
Miesco | How do I find all files that are not in one dir, but not in the other dir? | 17:03 |
freshmilk | wiijii: iwconfig says lo is down, wmaster0 is down, wlan0 is up, and pan0 is down | 17:03 |
Droopsta | sysdoc:I reinstall in my Linux drive? | 17:03 |
wiijii | freshmilk And is there any SSID information in there? | 17:03 |
AndroidData | is there no way to force apt to keep the app installed? | 17:03 |
Ronald | How can I watch my connection? I'd like to see all of the urls for the requests leaving my machine. Is this possible? | 17:03 |
KIAaze | !fr | tariq | 17:04 |
ubottu | tariq: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr | 17:04 |
tariq | thx :p | 17:04 |
sysdoc | Droopsta, see the wiki it has instruction on how to reinstall grub | 17:04 |
Droopsta | thanks | 17:04 |
vigo | mohanohi: Put in the LiveCD and fix grub. or something like that, then again, when you re-installed XP, you may have overwritten the Grub . it could be in BIOS, I think is a fix grub issue. | 17:04 |
Miesco | Do I have to do something crazy like find dir > dir, find dir2 > dir2, diff dir dir2 | 17:04 |
Mean_Admin | hey all, I know firestarter can change iptables to allow only outbound connections to port 80 but can I have firestarter allow outbound connection to port 80 ONLY for a single designated app ? | 17:05 |
freshmilk | wiijii: could you suggest some commands for my mac terminal, i've tried ifconfig but that shows no ssid info | 17:05 |
wiijii | freshmilk Well you should be able to get the details by clicking on the wireless icon in the taskbar. But I was going to suggest trying to ping the router IP from the macbook | 17:06 |
Ronald | Anybody know how to watch all outbound requests? | 17:07 |
wiijii | freshmilk Unless your housemate has deliberately set up the router to be that IP, it's probably something else. It's usually or *.100 or some such | 17:07 |
freshmilk | well the tcp/ip settings on the mac actually specify that the router is | 17:07 |
redhawk | wireshark has that option | 17:07 |
biggerfisch | I have a problem: Whenever I try to switch users without logging out my screen goes blank and nothing happens. How do I fix this? | 17:07 |
Ronald | I'd like to get the URL/ip/query string that it's requesting | 17:07 |
redhawk | Ronald wireshark has that option | 17:07 |
freshmilk | wiijii: i know, i tried every known router ip default and got nothing. do you think this could a router thing, what about rebooting the router? | 17:08 |
Ronald | okay I'll try that. Thanks | 17:08 |
SAP | Is there any one?? | 17:08 |
wiijii | freshmilk And you can presumably ping the router from the macbook? | 17:08 |
Miesco | Whats a program to show the difference of 2 files? | 17:08 |
sebsebseb | 17:08 | |
sebsebseb | 17:08 | |
FloodBot1 | sebsebseb: Please don't flood, use to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 17:08 |
SAP | I need help in Ubuntu. | 17:08 |
freshmilk | wiijii: yes. | 17:08 |
sebsebseb | SAP: ok | 17:08 |
sebsebseb | what kind of help? | 17:08 |
biggerfisch | !ask | SAP | 17:09 |
ubottu | SAP: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) | 17:09 |
wiijii | freshmilk If the laptop is connected to the network but cannot access the internet, that usually suggests a DNS problem (converting address names to IP numbers). But the fact you cannot ping it suggests that there's no connectivity at all | 17:09 |
freshmilk | wiijii: 64 bytes from icmp_seq=0 ttl=64 time=3.164 ms | 17:09 |
freshmilk | 64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=1.493 ms | 17:09 |
SAP | i'm knew in ubuntu. | 17:09 |
klausi | 482973488 | 17:09 |
sebsebseb | SAP: ok what do you want help with? | 17:09 |
sebsebseb | is it installed? | 17:09 |
wiijii | freshmilk OK. What about plugging an ethernet cable into the ubuntu box and pinging the router, just to make sure? Do you have that option? | 17:09 |
klausi | icq | 17:09 |
biggerfisch | I have a problem: Whenever I try to switch users without logging out my screen goes blank and nothing happens. How do I fix this? | 17:09 |
SAP | can any one guide me in ubuntu career. | 17:09 |
wiijii | freshmilk And are you *sure* the encryption keys and type are correct? | 17:09 |
freshmilk | wiijii: added nightmare - ubuntu box has no ethernet card!! | 17:09 |
sebsebseb | SAP: are you trying to troll? | 17:10 |
redhawk | freshmilk can you surf by ip address | 17:10 |
wiijii | freshmilk Haha, nice! OK. So the USB dongle does work though, does it? I mean it's recognised so it should be OK... hmmmmm | 17:10 |
SAP | howz the career oppertunity in ubuntu? | 17:10 |
freshmilk | wiijii: when ubuntu asked me for the network password it only gave me wpa option, my mac says that it is wpa too | 17:10 |
SAP | no i'm from india. | 17:10 |
sebsebseb | SAP: depends on where you are in hte world | 17:10 |
sebsebseb | ah ha India may have Ubuntu jobs in the future there soon | 17:10 |
sebsebseb | if not already | 17:10 |
SAP | student of CS. | 17:10 |
freshmilk | wiijii: dongle does seem to work yes | 17:10 |
freshmilk | redhawk: i will try that | 17:11 |
sebsebseb | ,but rest of the world are very locked into Microsoft. and Linux jobs tend to be for servers if anything, so not Ubuntu | 17:11 |
Myrtti | I think this is better addressed in #ubuntu-offtopic, SAP, sebsebseb | 17:11 |
sebsebseb | Myrtti: I agree it's off topic | 17:11 |
freshmilk | redhawk: what is google's ip? | 17:11 |
SAP | but we don't have any course in ubuntu in here. | 17:11 |
sebsebseb | !ot | 17:11 |
ubottu | #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks! | 17:11 |
redhawk | one sec | 17:11 |
wiijii | | 17:11 |
biggerfisch | I have a problem: Whenever I try to switch users without logging out my screen goes blank and nothing happens. How do I fix this? | 17:11 |
sebsebseb | SAP: so you want to learn Ubuntu properly, so that you can maybe have a job with it? | 17:11 |
freshmilk | thanks | 17:11 |
SAP | yes i want to learn ubuntu. | 17:12 |
redhawk | is the ip i got from pinging | 17:12 |
SAP | infact i've collected a free cd. | 17:12 |
sebsebseb | SAP: ok pm me | 17:12 |
SAP | but i don't have any idea. | 17:13 |
sebsebseb | SAP: ok privte message me | 17:13 |
SAP | from where should i start my career? | 17:13 |
biggerfisch | I have a problem: Whenever I try to switch users without logging out my screen goes blank and nothing happens. How do I fix this? | 17:13 |
wiijii | biggerfisch I don't think anyone has a suggestion at the moment | 17:13 |
sebsebseb | SAP: first you need to get it installed and learn some stuff about it | 17:13 |
biggerfisch | wiijii ok Ill try later | 17:14 |
mustangg | hey the chan. I'm looking for an idea of what type of problem I might have were I to use the x86 package version of an app on my x86-64 box rather than an x86-64 package version. Say for example a disk imaging application such as mondorescue. | 17:14 |
=== root is now known as UdontKnow | ||
lanoxx- | anyone here familiar with gnome development, i was just wondering how to load an applet into the gnome panel that i compiled by my self? | 17:14 |
SAP | i installed it but it's not working. after 2 minutes my computer is hanged. ihave windows too but it works properly. | 17:14 |
biggerfisch | wiijii or my computer could decide to work now lol | 17:15 |
sebsebseb | SAP: ok you are in the right channel for now at least | 17:15 |
wiijii | nice | 17:15 |
sebsebseb | SAP: it hangs? it won't load up properly? | 17:15 |
freshmilk | wiijii: redhawk: can't connect to google ip ( or | 17:15 |
redhawk | what about tracert have you tried that | 17:16 |
wiijii | freshmilk Do you know if there is a MAC filter on your wireless network? I.e. does it discriminate based on the MAC address of the client? | 17:16 |
SAP | yeah may be i did some wrong in the time of dual booting installation. | 17:16 |
sebsebseb | SAP: which version of Ubuntu? and how much RAM does your computer have? | 17:16 |
SAP | can you tell me that where from i can learn ubuntu? | 17:16 |
redhawk | or a rule on the firewall preventing you from connecting | 17:16 |
wiijii | freshmilk And when you do 'iwconfig' does your wlan0 or whatever have 'ESSID: "<yournetnamehere>"'? | 17:17 |
freshmilk | wiijii: i'm not sure how i would determine that... | 17:17 |
sebsebseb | SAP: yeah see my PM | 17:17 |
freshmilk | wiijii: hold on... | 17:17 |
SAP | i have 1024 ram and its version is 8.04.1 | 17:17 |
freshmilk | wiijii: i will have a look! | 17:17 |
wiijii | freshmilk Your mate who set up the net will probably be able to tell you if there's a mac filter | 17:17 |
Matic | SAP, this is one of the places to start learning and ofcourse searching online with tools like google, very few learn linux in school, theres so much wealth of information online! | 17:17 |
freshmilk | wiijii: yes it does | 17:17 |
wiijii | fershmilk However you would't be able to connect at all if that was the case | 17:18 |
nivalis | SAP, are you interested in learning GNU/Linux in general or more the ways ubuntu differ from other distros? | 17:18 |
sebsebseb | SAP: did you put swap space? how big was your / root partition. how did you install Ubuntu? | 17:18 |
wiijii | freshmilk and 'Mode: Managed' and an 'Access Point' bit with some hex numbers after it? 'Access Point: A0:E1:83...' something like that? | 17:18 |
SAP | i put 5gb for swap and 5gb for /root | 17:19 |
freshmilk | wiijii: access point: 00:90:D0:DD:27:2E | 17:19 |
wiijii | freshmilk: Hmmmmm so it does seem that it's connected. Weirder and weirder | 17:19 |
freshmilk | wiijii: mode: managed .. freq:2.462ghz | 17:19 |
eseven73 | Where can I get freenx? I cant seem to find it in the repos and googles failing me at the moment | 17:19 |
freshmilk | wiijii: quite! | 17:20 |
wiijii | freshmilk And yet you can't even ping it... damn | 17:20 |
freshmilk | wiijii: do you think it's worth rebooting the router? | 17:20 |
wiijii | freshmilk I don't suppose you have another wireless card you can use either? That's where we started this issue right? Probably won't make a diff rebooting the router, but hey, it's worth a try | 17:20 |
SAP | i'm so much interested in ubuntu but bad thing is in here there is no way to start with it. | 17:20 |
freshmilk | wiijii: no, but i'm thinking about buying one! | 17:21 |
Miesco | this is bs, whats wrong with my external hd, I had 50 gb free, now its all gone | 17:21 |
wiijii | freshmilk Might be an idea... but then maybe we're just missing something obvious. I don't spose you have dual boot on the ubuntu laptop? | 17:21 |
BuM | re | 17:21 |
=== Kwitschibo_ is now known as Kwitschibo | ||
vigo | SAP: Why not? | 17:21 |
freshmilk | wiijii: it's a wubi installation | 17:21 |
wiijii | freshmilk: wubi? | 17:21 |
redhawk | its like a shortcut install on windows | 17:22 |
freshmilk | wiijii: creates a fake partition inside windows i think | 17:22 |
gui-lover | how can i fix my desktop symbols under gnome? | 17:22 |
LjL | !freenx | eseven73 | 17:22 |
ubottu | eseven73: FreeNX is advanced remote desktop technology. For more information and install instructions, see | 17:22 |
gui-lover | fixate | 17:22 |
freshmilk | | 17:22 |
wiijii | ok - so can you use the usb dongle from windows? | 17:22 |
Miesco | /dev/sdc1 148G 143G 0 100% /media/disk | 17:22 |
freshmilk | wiijii: indeed | 17:22 |
wiijii | freshmilk .... wtf. What is the exact model of the dongle? | 17:23 |
Miesco | Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on | 17:23 |
Miesco | /dev/sdc1 148G 143G 0 100% /media/disk | 17:23 |
SAP | vigo: idon't understand. | 17:23 |
Miesco | Wtf is that shit | 17:23 |
FloodBot1 | Miesco: Please don't flood, use to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 17:23 |
freshmilk | wiijii: i might as well get my housemate to reboot his router before going down another long path... | 17:23 |
Miesco | fuck you flootbot, someone tell me what that shit is | 17:23 |
vigo | SAP: Can you download it? | 17:23 |
freshmilk | wiijii: it's a Netgear WG111v3 54mbps Wireless USB 2.0 Adapter | 17:23 |
SAP | vigo: what should i download? and from where? | 17:24 |
wiijii | Abusing a floodbot... wow | 17:24 |
freshmilk | wiijii: i will be gone for a moment..! i'm am going to try a reboot of the router ... | 17:25 |
wiijii | ok freshmilk have you used ndiswrapper? Ah, ok | 17:25 |
vigo | SAP: one second... | 17:25 |
dar_ | elo | 17:25 |
dar_ | after doing a dist-upgrade from gutsy-->hardy now the reading of wmv with firefox doesn't work | 17:25 |
redhawk | does anyone know of a good alternative to cinepaint | 17:26 |
vigo | SAP: or | 17:26 |
SAP | i already have the OS | 17:27 |
Kottizen | Hi | 17:27 |
Kottizen | Is it someone here? | 17:27 |
Talkradio | hi | 17:27 |
Kottizen | I need some help | 17:27 |
vigo | SAP: You can download it or try the WUBI if you are on windows | 17:27 |
redhawk | what do you need help with | 17:27 |
dtcrshr | dont ask to ask Kottizen just do it | 17:27 |
Hoffi1995 | -de | 17:27 |
vigo | !de | 17:28 |
ubottu | In den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis. | 17:28 |
Kottizen | I have updated from 8.04 to 8.10. But, when I started 8.10, the loading-panel come, and it load to 100%. After that it was black, but the computer still work. Why? :( | 17:28 |
redhawk | what do you mean the computer still worked | 17:29 |
Kottizen | It was o. | 17:29 |
Kottizen | on* | 17:29 |
Kottizen | But the screen was black. | 17:29 |
caimlas__ | Kottizen, kde, gnome? | 17:29 |
Kottizen | GNOME. | 17:29 |
mistrynitesh | hello all, someone please tell me what is the command to see the UUID of a partition? | 17:29 |
caimlas__ | Kottizen, can you switch to a vt? | 17:30 |
caimlas__ | Kottizen, see the mouse, etc? | 17:30 |
caimlas__ | ssh to it? | 17:30 |
Kottizen | caimlas__: How will I do that? | 17:30 |
Kottizen | The mouse lights. | 17:30 |
Jack_Sparrow | !blkid | 17:30 |
ubottu | To see a list of your devices/partitions and their corresponding UUID's, run this command in a !shell: « sudo blkid » (see for the rationale behind the transition to UUID) | 17:30 |
Kottizen | But I don't see a cursor. | 17:30 |
caimlas__ | Kottizen, ctl-alt-F1 (through F6) | 17:30 |
Kottizen | caimlas__: Oh, something happend! :) | 17:30 |
Kottizen | "login" | 17:30 |
vigo | YAY | 17:31 |
caimlas__ | Kottizen, ctl-alt-f7 | 17:31 |
Kottizen | I have login now. | 17:31 |
Pretto | mistrynitesh, vol_id | 17:31 |
caimlas__ | Kottizen, GUI or text? | 17:31 |
Kottizen | text | 17:31 |
caimlas__ | c-a F7 | 17:31 |
caimlas__ | Kottizen, see if X works now | 17:31 |
mrjohns1 | Hi! I'm having some trouble with setting up quota. I have set up group quota with a soft and hard limit. But the user can't exceed the soft limit at all. it acts like an hard limit. Any tips? The partition is ext3 with grpquota mount option. repquota show correct soft and hard limit. | 17:31 |
Kottizen | caimlas__: Ok. | 17:31 |
caimlas__ | Kottizen, which video card? | 17:31 |
Kottizen | No, it does not works. Back to the black screen. | 17:31 |
Kottizen | caimlas__: How will i see that? | 17:31 |
freshmilk_ | wiijii: ok, rebooted the router, nothing's changed! i haven't tried using ndiswrapper yet.. i'll go ahead and try that. thanks for your help!! | 17:31 |
caimlas__ | Kottizen, c-a backspace, see if X restarts for you. | 17:32 |
Kottizen | caimlas__: Ok, thanks | 17:32 |
caimlas__ | Kottizen, you don't know which video card your system has? | 17:32 |
Kottizen | caimlas__: No. | 17:32 |
caimlas__ | Kottizen, c-a = shorthand for ctl-alt | 17:32 |
redhawk | are you sure the firewall isn't locked up freshmilk | 17:32 |
Kottizen | caimlas__: But my graphic card is from ATI. | 17:32 |
caimlas__ | Kottizen, ok. | 17:32 |
caimlas__ | Kottizen, just wanted to make sure it wasn't ancient or some sort of off-brand POS | 17:32 |
Kottizen | Ok. | 17:32 |
wiijii | freshmilk No worries. I did a little search on your card and I think you need to use ndiswrapper to get things working. It's a bit of a pain, but it should be doable. If the problem persists I'm pretty sure you could get an expresscard or even another usb (check it's supported!) for not too much money | 17:32 |
Kottizen | When I pressed ca, backspace it "light" on the screen for a halv secound :S | 17:33 |
caimlas__ | Kottizen, you could try logging into console (back to ctl-alt-F1 or such) and moving your .gnome2 directory to see if a 'fresh start' of X fixes the problem. or logging in as a different user. | 17:34 |
caimlas__ | Kottizen, wait, save that thought | 17:34 |
Kottizen | Ok. | 17:34 |
Kottizen | I wait. :) | 17:34 |
caimlas__ | Kottizen, you are able to get to the graphical login, correct? | 17:34 |
caimlas__ | ie the gnome login screen? | 17:34 |
Kottizen | No | 17:34 |
Kottizen | I can get the command-login. | 17:34 |
Kottizen | But not the graphic. | 17:34 |
caimlas__ | Kottizen, do you see the black X on the checkerboard when X first starts? | 17:35 |
Kottizen | Hmm | 17:35 |
Kottizen | caimlas__: I don't understand you :( | 17:35 |
caimlas__ | Kottizen, then I'm guessing "no" | 17:35 |
Kottizen | I am not so good at English. | 17:35 |
Kottizen | Ok. | 17:35 |
mezy | great | 17:35 |
caimlas__ | Kottizen, oh, I see | 17:35 |
mrjohns1 | Hi! I'm having some trouble with setting up quota. I have set up group quota with a soft and hard limit. But the user can't exceed the soft limit at all. it acts like an hard limit. Any tips? The partition is ext3 with grpquota mount option. repquota show correct soft and hard limit. | 17:35 |
Kottizen | 13 year, Sweden. | 17:35 |
Kottizen | I have also tried to install 8.10 today, but when i choose "install" from the CD I got a black screen :( | 17:36 |
caimlas__ | Kottizen, do you see a black letter "X" on the a dithered grey/checkerboard/chessboard when Xorg first starts up? (Do you know what Xorg is?) | 17:36 |
Kottizen | 8.04 is the only one which works. | 17:36 |
caimlas__ | Kottizen, ah sounds like it might be a video issue. | 17:36 |
caimlas__ | or a driver issue. | 17:36 |
Kottizen | :( | 17:36 |
caimlas__ | Kottizen, how old is the computer? | 17:36 |
Kottizen | Very new | 17:36 |
Kottizen | From may | 17:37 |
Kottizen | Last year | 17:37 |
caimlas__ | that's not very new. :) that's a year old! | 17:37 |
Kottizen | Okey ;) | 17:37 |
Kottizen | It was new when i bought ut xD | 17:37 |
caimlas__ | Kottizen, yeah, and my wife was young and hot when I married her. | 17:37 |
``Tyler`` | im using ubuntu 64 bit 8.10 and i need to install ndiswrapper to use a windows driver for my internet adapter is there a way i can download it in windows? | 17:38 |
LjL | if i have a TV card whose remote control apparently gets recognized in Ubuntu, and a module for it gets loaded, and a /dev/input/eventX device is created, but nothing ever shows up in it... what could be the reason? | 17:38 |
caimlas__ | Kottizen, only thing I can suggest at this point is to log in from the console and look carefully at the end of the Xorg log file in /var/log (should be /var/log/Xorg.0.log) | 17:38 |
Kottizen | caimlas__: Ok. | 17:38 |
Kottizen | caimlas__: *read* | 17:38 |
tiyowan | Tyler....I think you can search for the packages and download them manually. | 17:38 |
marcel1607 | ``Tyler``, you dont have to use ndis | 17:38 |
caimlas__ | Kottizen, I have work to do, sorry I couldn't dig deeper with you. | 17:38 |
marcel1607 | ``Tyler``, are you sure your nic doesnt work? | 17:38 |
Kottizen | caimlas__: Ok, can i check that file in "nano"? | 17:39 |
``Tyler`` | its the wireless that doesnt work | 17:39 |
``Tyler`` | it returns UNCLAIMED | 17:39 |
Kottizen | caimlas__: Thanks :) | 17:39 |
mezy | !usb | 17:39 |
ubottu | For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see - For a persistent live USB install, see: | 17:39 |
marcel1607 | ``Tyler``, what kernel are you running | 17:39 |
tiyowan | ``Tyler``, what card do you have? | 17:39 |
``Tyler`` | netgear WG311 v3 | 17:39 |
``Tyler`` | not sure what kernel | 17:39 |
LjL | ``Tyler``: uname -r will tell you | 17:40 |
marcel1607 | uname -a | 17:40 |
marcel1607 | -r is better | 17:40 |
LjL | -a is more comprehensive | 17:40 |
``Tyler`` | is there a way to install this windows driver then? | 17:40 |
Cool_Guy | can anyone get pump going with ubuntu? (distcc) | 17:40 |
marcel1607 | ``Tyler``, why? | 17:40 |
``Tyler`` | so i can get online | 17:40 |
eternalswd | ``Tyler``, sure, just download the deb from Make sure to get the package for the correct version. | 17:40 |
framlan | Hi . . . this is a really newbie question, but is there any way to get Nautilus to show and sort by file location? I can't even get it to show the file locations when I do a search. Any suggestions? | 17:40 |
tiyowan | ``Tyler``, I think that card has an Atheros chipset. | 17:41 |
Doonz | Does someone know of a text based (to be used in an ssh session) web browser that supports javascript | 17:41 |
eternalswd | ``Tyler``, will a wired connection not work? | 17:41 |
Penguin99 | Hello @ all! Does anybody know a prog like fake webcam to show precaptured Videos as a live webcam stream on ubuntu? | 17:41 |
``Tyler`` | i dont have a long enough cat5 | 17:41 |
LjL | Doonz: there is one, now which one is it... well, edbrowser supports it, but it's not your run-of-the-mill browser | 17:41 |
tiyowan | ``Tyler``, are you sure you need to install ndiswrapper for it? | 17:41 |
``Tyler`` | i was following the help files | 17:42 |
Doonz | ljl and it runs in the shell? | 17:42 |
Mrkrabz | Hello | 17:42 |
``Tyler`` | is that how you use windows drivers? | 17:42 |
gafir | hi, in order to develop / MSSQL applications, I installed mono-xsp 2 package, should I also install mono-xsp, or is it the same? | 17:42 |
tiyowan | ``Tyler``, hang on a moment. | 17:42 |
LjL | Doonz: yes, but it's not graphical. i mean, it can't be graphical since it runs on the shell... but it's actually command-line based, unlike w3m or links | 17:42 |
``Tyler`` | ok | 17:42 |
mrjohns1 | Hi! I'm having some trouble with setting up quota. I have set up group quota with a soft and hard limit. But the user can't exceed the soft limit at all. it acts like an hard limit. Any tips? The partition is ext3 with grpquota mount option. repquota show correct soft and hard limit. | 17:42 |
Doonz | LjL ok thanx | 17:42 |
LjL | Doonz: but there is another that can be compiled with javascript support... possibly w3m, i can't remember | 17:43 |
Doonz | crap | 17:43 |
eternalswd | ``Tyler``, for wg111v3, you will probably need to use ndiswrapper. I'd recommend however, using the WIN98 drivers, not the Win2k/WinXP | 17:43 |
Doonz | edbrowser isnt in the package list | 17:43 |
marcel1607 | ``Tyler``, did you try this link: | 17:43 |
LjL | Doonz: edbrowse, not edbrowser - it is | 17:43 |
Kottizen | Is it someone here who can help me with a graphic epic fail? :) | 17:43 |
Doonz | oh | 17:43 |
Doonz | brb | 17:43 |
``Tyler`` | i have the xp driver i downloaded do you know where i can find the 98? | 17:44 |
``Tyler`` | i dont have the disc i cant find it | 17:44 |
``Tyler`` | lol | 17:44 |
Doonz | i just need it to quickly change a setting on my router than im all good | 17:44 |
eternalswd | ``Tyler``, or maybe I'm thinking of the wg111v2 | 17:44 |
Mrkrabz | Hello, I have installed Ubuntu Server edition but when booting up it says grant@Ubuntuserver:~$ and i can type it, but how do i even get to the desktop? | 17:44 |
tiyowan | ``Tyler`, | 17:44 |
``Tyler`` | where can i find ndiswrapper in this package list | 17:44 |
framlan | Hi. Anyone willing to try to answer a simple newbie Nautilus question? | 17:45 |
LjL | Doonz: elinks is the one with javascript support, but it's disabled by default in the Ubuntu version - you'd have to recompile it | 17:45 |
marcel1607 | framlan, just ask man | 17:45 |
tiyowan | ``Tyler``, that link details the steps needed for you to get it working. You're right, you do need ndiswrapper. Hang on again please, I'll fetch the link to the packages | 17:45 |
framlan | marcell607: Any way to get Nautulis to show/sort by file location in the search output? | 17:45 |
eternalswd | ``Tyler``, are you running intrepid? | 17:45 |
Matic | Markos, that's all it's supposed to display, but you can install desktops such as gnome, kde etc but most preferablly gnome for ubuntu | 17:45 |
Mrkrabz | anyone can help? | 17:45 |
``Tyler`` | yes | 17:45 |
``Tyler`` | 64bit | 17:46 |
LjL | if i have a TV card whose remote control apparently gets recognized in Ubuntu, and a module for it gets loaded, and a /dev/input/eventX device is created, but nothing ever shows up in it... what could be the reason? | 17:46 |
Matic | Markos, sorry that's not yours | 17:46 |
marcel1607 | Mrkrabz, startx | 17:46 |
Mrkrabz | that simpel :p | 17:46 |
Mrkrabz | simple | 17:46 |
=== felix_da_catz is now known as felix-da-catz_zz | ||
marcel1607 | Mrkrabz, did you install something like gnome/kde? | 17:47 |
Mrkrabz | not that i know | 17:47 |
mib_brxvx2 | has anyone install office 07 with wine ? is it possible? | 17:47 |
Mrkrabz | i just installed ubuntu server | 17:47 |
``Tyler`` | mib_brxvx2, i havent tried | 17:47 |
Mrkrabz | oh btw startx dosent do anything | 17:47 |
nivalis | Mrkrabz, why do you need X on a server? | 17:47 |
Mrkrabz | X? | 17:47 |
Matic | Mrkrabz, ubuntu servers and all other linux servers do not have desktops, but you can install one like gnome | 17:47 |
Mrkrabz | How to do that? | 17:48 |
Matic | Mrkrabz, the questions again comes what do you want to do with the server? | 17:48 |
eternalswd | ``Tyler``, looks like you'll need and You'll need to install the ndiswrapper-common first. | 17:48 |
Mrkrabz | i cant burn a disk, Because its not runing an OS. | 17:48 |
nivalis | !X | 17:48 |
ubottu | The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: | 17:48 |
milligan_ | I'm getting Xlib: extension "RANDR" missing on display ":0.0"., in eclipse, which seems to be causing JMenus and stuff not work. The JFrame pops up, with the correct size .. but nothing else displays. Any ideas how I can work around it? Disabling xinerama is not an option. | 17:48 |
Mrkrabz | Well i Was going to run my firewall on it. | 17:48 |
``Tyler`` | i can just stick these on a flash drive right | 17:48 |
Mrkrabz | And/or storage. | 17:48 |
Dabbu | i am using my phone modem to connect to phone get connected but i am not able to browse..any help ?? | 17:48 |
tiyowan | ``Tyler``, - There you go. | 17:48 |
LjL | Dabbu: wrong DNS? is it connected right now? | 17:49 |
imbezol | i tried to install some fonts, one of which is ttf-mathematica4.1. it can't install the package because the download isn't correct and it can't remove it so i get an error about it every time i use a package manager. any ideas on fixing this? | 17:49 |
LjL | imbezol: pastebin the error | 17:49 |
Dabbu | LjL: no ,i am on windows now | 17:49 |
Matic | Mrkrabz, just install desktop ubuntu distros such as Hardy, intrepid or even gutsy | 17:49 |
eternalswd | ``Tyler``, yeah, putting it on a flash drive should work. | 17:49 |
nivalis | Mrkrabz, if you want a graphical environment on your server i would recommend something more lightweight, like openbox or lxde | 17:50 |
Dabbu | LjL: wrong DNS? | 17:50 |
Mrkrabz | how do i install that? | 17:50 |
LjL | Dabbu: what are you using to connect? just network-manager? | 17:50 |
Mrkrabz | i mean, i cant copy disks | 17:50 |
Dabbu | LjL: yes | 17:50 |
Mrkrabz | because the PC i am runing Ubuntu on has got the DVD drives | 17:50 |
Mrkrabz | this computer here they are Messed up | 17:50 |
imbezol | i tried to install some fonts, one of which is ttf-mathematica4.1. it can't install the package because the download isn't correct and it can't remove it so i get an error about it every time i use a package manager. any ideas on fixing this? | 17:50 |
LjL | Dabbu: and i suppose it configures itself by DHCP? | 17:50 |
imbezol | | 17:50 |
gafir | question: is there a way to have a local copy of a MSSQL (Microsoft) database on Ubuntu, I can't find any package for a MSSQL "Server" | 17:50 |
Dabbu | LjL: i tried with wvdial but same problem | 17:50 |
archerseven | ok, does anyone have any idea how to use your computer as a bluetooth headset for your cellphone? | 17:51 |
``Tyler`` | thanks for the help everyone | 17:51 |
jarens | question about cups | 17:51 |
LjL | Dabbu: i'd try typing the "route" command in a shell, and see if there is an entry saying roughly: * your-ISP-IP-address somethingelse | 17:51 |
Matic | Mrkrabz, try to direct your question to a particular user by typing their usernames followed by a comma or you can type the first three characters and press Tab key to autocomplete please | 17:51 |
Dabbu | LjL: on network manager its connect through dialup setup... | 17:51 |
SixThreeOh | Erm completely wrong place to go and off topic but I can't find a general and have no place to go, does anyone know a non expletive containing term for a panty thief? I know there's a prober one but can't remember it. | 17:51 |
jarens | the job name doesn't shows up in the logs | 17:51 |
wal3 | hello. I have a few big tar.gz archive. Is there a way to extract a certain file without reading the whole tarball? | 17:51 |
jarens | how can I solve that problem ? | 17:51 |
Pici | SixThreeOh: This is way offtopic for here. ##linguistics | 17:51 |
LjL | Dabbu: if there isn't, add it, by typing "sudo route add default gw ip.address.of.isp" (you can obtain that address by looking at the "peer" in "ifconfig", i believe) | 17:51 |
Dabbu | LjL: i am not on my laptop now so what i can do | 17:52 |
LjL | imbezol: i'd just go and bypass the post-remove script | 17:52 |
crdlb | wal3: no, tar.gz files are .tar archives which are compressed together | 17:52 |
imbezol | ljl: how is that done? | 17:52 |
mezy_ | i feel like giving up on ubuntu | 17:53 |
imbezol | ljl: sure it's not the pre-removal script? | 17:53 |
dominic_bredoto | wthfck with openVZ on intrepid? | 17:53 |
Matic | mezy_, what's the problem? | 17:53 |
dominic_bredoto | why does i cannt find openvz kernel? | 17:53 |
eternalswd | Mrkrabz, "sudo apt-get install lxde" will install lxde (run without quotes). I would recommend that over plain openbox. | 17:53 |
LjL | imbezol: edit /var/lib/dpkg/info/ttf-mathematica4.1.postrm (might not be the exact name, just look for ones starting with mathematica), and put "exit 0" in the second line (just after the #!/bin/sh) | 17:54 |
Mrkrabz | ok thanks | 17:54 |
LjL | imbezol: and yes, it might be the prerm | 17:54 |
Mrkrabz | ete, thanks | 17:54 |
Mrkrabz | i forgot tab >.> | 17:54 |
axisys | how do I boot from a livecd iso over the network? | 17:54 |
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Dabbu | LjL: i will add the DNS ip or what ? | 17:54 |
LjL | Dabbu: err, if you're not on the computer involved, i guess... nothing? | 17:54 |
eper3z | how can i pull up my network adapters via terminal? | 17:54 |
unop | eper3z, pull up? what do you mean? list them? | 17:54 |
Matic | eper3z, use command ifconfig | 17:55 |
LjL | Dabbu: if you have it set to configure itself by DHCP, then you shouldn't need DNS | 17:55 |
eper3z | yes | 17:55 |
eper3z | list them | 17:55 |
unop | eper3z, ifconfig -a | 17:55 |
maryjorge | hola | 17:55 |
eper3z | ok thanks | 17:55 |
Dabbu | LjL: yes that is configured to use DHCP | 17:55 |
javier02 | hello, i've got a huge problem, yesterday i installed opensuse in another partition of my disk deleteng debian... today when i try to boot into ubuntu, it doesn't find the kernel. i'm using a live cd. i already checked, and the kernel is there. what can i do? | 17:55 |
mezy_ | Matic: i cant seem to install ubuntu on a usb. i've beeing folling a guid since yesterday and hadn't had any help on understanding it and figuring out im doing wrong | 17:55 |
maryjorge | algun español | 17:55 |
LjL | !es | maryjorge | 17:56 |
ubottu | maryjorge: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es. | 17:56 |
dominic_bredoto | why do i can not find openVZ kernel in intrepid?Does anybody know? | 17:56 |
maryjorge | tks | 17:56 |
LjL | javier02: well then the grub config file might be wrong... have a peek in /boot/grub/menu.lst (the one on your *boot* partition, which is probably opensuse now, not ubuntu) | 17:56 |
Mrkrabz | eternalswd, thanks | 17:56 |
javier02 | LjL. i'll check that right away | 17:56 |
tiyowan | Speaking of | 17:57 |
Mrkrabz | eternalswd, is that basicly a desktop which i can have a firewall and storage on? | 17:57 |
archerseven | mezy_: it is just my opinion, but if you're going to run linux off of a thumb drive, i don't recommend using Ubuntu. It's supposed to be possible, but i've personally used thumbdrive linux and i think it's just easier to get a version more made for that. | 17:57 |
hechu | !firewall | 17:57 |
ubottu | Ubuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see, or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE). | 17:57 |
Matic | mezy_, must you use usb? | 17:57 |
eternalswd | javier02, you may need to reconfigure grub. | 17:57 |
tiyowan | er, speaking of wi-fi problems, I'm having trouble getting Realtek chipset card working in Intrepid. The signal strength reported is very low, even when I have my laptop close to my router. | 17:58 |
dominic_bredoto | Please help! OpenVZ in intrepid?!!! | 17:58 |
eternalswd | javier02, | 17:58 |
sparr | any thoughts on a workaround for this bug, where the driver assigns my NIC a random MAC every reboot? | 17:58 |
unitedpotsmokers | hello ubuntu user... i got trouble now, im using ubuntu hardy heron, but at certain program i use ms windows, now i used virtualbox. the problem is how to add drive d & e in virtualbox? it show drive c and dvdrw only. please help... | 17:58 |
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mezy_ | Matic: i dont want to install it on my computer, because of the last time i install ubuntu. couldnt get rib of ubuntu and grub | 17:59 |
sebsebseb | 17:59 | |
imbezol | LjL: it was failing to deregister the font since it was never properly registered. commenting that part out of prerm let it proceed and remove the files. thanks for the help. | 17:59 |
tiyowan |, perhaps you might write a bash script using machanger to set the correct MAC address on startup? A bit of a hack, though. | 17:59 |
mezy_ | archerseven: i really like ubuntu and getting use to using it. | 17:59 |
dominic_bredoto | nothing....... | 18:00 |
rapist | hey guise | 18:00 |
dominic_bredoto | =( | 18:00 |
jarens | does anyone knows why Cups doesn't show up the file name in the | 18:00 |
jarens | queue and in the logs with ubuntu ? | 18:00 |
LjL | imbezol: yeah, doing that is a bit... crude, and may lead to trouble sometimes - but in this case, since as you say the fonts were never registered in the first place, i believe it'll do no harm | 18:00 |
sebsebseb | mezy_: I just joined again, so just read your reply to the other guy. to get rid of Ubuntu just delete it's partitions from the Live CD. as for Grub the last remaning bit in the Master Boot Record (MBR) (first section of hard disk) the WIndows CD will go over | 18:00 |
rapist | I love ubunmtuuuu | 18:00 |
LjL | !ot | rapist | 18:00 |
ubottu | rapist: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks! | 18:00 |
Matic | mezy_, I can promise you that if you follow this guide you will definitely make it through | 18:00 |
eternalswd | Mrkrabz, you don't need a desktop for firewall and storage, though it may be easier to configure things through the graphical interface. For firewall, you'll want to either look into using iptables (without gui) or firestarter (with gui). Storage depends on what you want. smb, sshfs, afp, etc. | 18:00 |
archerseven | mezy_: that I understand, but I, too, have to ask, must you use a flash drive? it seems more effort than it's worth | 18:01 |
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Matic | mezy_, at first it's frustrating but be patient | 18:01 |
Zykotic | unitedpotsmokers, VirtualBox isn't showing your actual C: drive is it? Isn't Windows reinstalled in a Virtual Machine? VirtualBox isn't really intended to be used with partitions on HDs, it's designed to work with images... | 18:01 |
itscodyxx | Hello | 18:01 |
sebsebseb | hi | 18:01 |
javier02 | eternalswd , LjL : here is my grub in opensuse | 18:01 |
Mrkrabz | eternalswd, No idea what they are, i just want storage of files etc, I have a 1MB LAN line so yeah | 18:01 |
Matic | archerseven, you are right but one has a choice | 18:01 |
Mrkrabz | 100MB LAND line | 18:01 |
Mrkrabz | fLAN*# | 18:01 |
sparr | tiyowan: where would i put that script so it runs before any other network stuff? | 18:01 |
Mrkrabz | LAN | 18:02 |
Mrkrabz | god i cant type :P | 18:02 |
sebsebseb | itscodyxx: want help with something? | 18:02 |
sebsebseb | !ask | 18:02 |
ubottu | Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) | 18:02 |
itscodyxx | I am kind of having problems setting up an ICS from my Laptop to my Xbox 360, is there anyone who could help me with doing this? | 18:02 |
sebsebseb | itscodyxx: not sure about that, but there is a way to install Ubuntu on an Xbox, but not sure about how that is done either | 18:02 |
tiyowan | sparr: In one of the directories...init.d, I think. I'm sorry for being vague, but I'm running Windows right now. :) | 18:02 |
LjL | javier02: uhm... you can see that the Ubuntu entry has no kernel info on it at all. i don't think that's right | 18:02 |
Mrkrabz | I did sudo apt-get install lxde and its installed and done evreything i got back to the line with grant@ubuntuserver:~$ | 18:03 |
Mrkrabz | what now? | 18:03 |
archerseven | matic: that i respect, i guess if you love ubuntu enough it's probably worth the effort. like i said, I personally, don't know that it'd be worth the effort (for me) | 18:03 |
gablin | Anyone here knows how to get WiFi working on Ubuntu 8.10? The NIC is an Atheros AR242 (or something like it) and I've JUST finished installing the OS. Haven't updated all packages yet. | 18:03 |
LjL | javier02: in Ubuntu, you'd try to automatically update the config file with "update-grub", but i don't know if that's available in SuSE | 18:03 |
eternalswd | Mrkrabz, are you connecting to it via windows? os x? another linux box? | 18:03 |
LjL | javier02: otherwise, just add a kernel line manually | 18:03 |
sebsebseb | gablin: I think you need Madwifi | 18:03 |
javier02 | ok | 18:03 |
nivalis | Mrkrabz, how about setting up sshd then you can mount disks with sshfs and you dont need any other ports open? also, you can keep a screen with rtorrent and such on the fileserver and ssh into it when needed? | 18:03 |
sebsebseb | !athros | 18:03 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about athros | 18:03 |
Mrkrabz | eternalswd, What do you mean | 18:03 |
sebsebseb | !atheros | 18:03 |
ubottu | Wireless documentation can be found at | 18:03 |
itscodyxx | Yeah, basically, I am having a problem just bridging the connection over to my Xbox, and I really am clueless as to what I should enter Static IP-wise in my 360's connection settings | 18:04 |
unitedpotsmokers | Zykotic, i only see drive c (a new drive where i install windows with virtual box) but i also have extended drive (drive d and drive e). but it not show, | 18:04 |
mezy_ | Matic: doing this, will it let me update the files for ubuntu? | 18:04 |
tiyowan | sparr: And I think you'd need the script to run *after* the network manager finishes loading. Ah yes. You could try sticking by using the GUI tool. It's in System -> Admin. -> Startup I think. Startup-Manager will let you control your startup stuff. That's what I have installed. | 18:04 |
gablin | sebsebseb, I've downloaded that, and just finished "sudo make install" | 18:04 |
Mrkrabz | Is it possible to talk over PM? Kinda confused :P | 18:04 |
Incarus | Mrkrabz, yes | 18:04 |
=== [_rapist_] is now known as [_kind_] | ||
gablin | sebsebseb: How do I know if it should be working? I don't see a "wlan0" when running ifconfig. | 18:04 |
plugin | !fr | 18:05 |
ubottu | Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr | 18:05 |
sebsebseb | gablin: not sure, but I researched getting an atheros to work | 18:05 |
spiongraz | my audigy soundcard has several outputs how can i configure alsa to use the output as default i want it to use? | 18:05 |
sebsebseb | gablin: ,beasue I was going to help someone else | 18:05 |
hechu | !cn | 18:05 |
sebsebseb | gablin: so I got loads of links saved | 18:05 |
ubottu | For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw 或者 #ubuntu-hk | 18:05 |
gablin | sebsebseb: Ok. Care to share any of them? | 18:05 |
sebsebseb | gablin: ok | 18:06 |
Zykotic | unitedpotsmokers, compare the drive C: you see in VirtualBox to your actual drive C: -- I doubt they are the same. As i said Virtualbox was not designed to see actual parititions, it's means to work with it's own internal image files -- I has seen some attempts to use actual partitions, but I've never tried it myself... your trying something that could be quite difficult to accomplish i'm affraid... | 18:06 |
sebsebseb | gablin: pm and i'll copy there, bugger pastebin | 18:06 |
itscodyxx | Essentially, I downloaded Firestarter, but I don't know how to specifically set it up to share my connection over to my 360 | 18:06 |
Gosujii-sama | anyone around? | 18:07 |
sebsebseb | yes | 18:07 |
Gosujii-sama | got a question i cant seem to find answer too | 18:07 |
LjL | if i have a TV card whose remote control apparently gets recognized in Ubuntu, and a module for it gets loaded, and a /dev/input/eventX device is created, but nothing ever shows up in it... what could be the reason? | 18:07 |
fotorebelion2 | hello can somebody help me... i am trying to connect to internet on my other computer.. its an acer travelmate,, runing xubuntu..interpid.. and with the nm-applet it sees this wifi.. and conectes to it, i even get an ip adress, i double check in iwconfig and ifconfig and all works well | 18:07 |
Incarus | !ask | Gosujii-sama | 18:08 |
ubottu | Gosujii-sama: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) | 18:08 |
fotorebelion2 | but i cant navegate | 18:08 |
fotorebelion2 | however this laptop conected to the same essid works perfect | 18:08 |
Incarus | <fotorebelion2>, navigate? in what? | 18:08 |
Zykotic | LjL, do you have LIRC running? "ps aux | grep lirc" like it's lircd but not sure... | 18:08 |
SAngeli | hi, I just finished installing Ubuntu in Italian. I tried to install KMail but got it installed in English. Howcome? 1) where and how to obtain docs for upating the repositories for applications? 2) Why did I get English rather than Italian? How to avoid so? | 18:08 |
Gosujii-sama | ubuntu hardy the package iroffer installed it and got it running opened ports on router (forwarded) and put in ports into ufw 1025-1125 and set the config iroffer to start 1025 (it increases 100 heince 1025-1125) however its still getting blocked | 18:09 |
Gosujii-sama | what else could be blocking it | 18:09 |
hechu | fotorebelion2, did the IP address of acer is the same sub-net as your other computer which connect to the essid? | 18:09 |
LjL | Zykotic: not currently, but i've tried it (both it and "inputlirc"). still, i was under the impression that with or without lirc, /dev/input/eventX should show stuff when pressing buttons | 18:09 |
Scunizi | Is there a way Ubuntu can connect to a citrix server? | 18:09 |
Incarus | <Gosujii-sama>, check iptables | 18:09 |
unitedpotsmokers | Zykotic, ok... i understand now. hmm.. i have document to open in drive D, and i want install a windows software which located in drive e. but im using ubuntu now, i can only use windows with virtualbox. u have any idea Zykotic to solve my problem? | 18:09 |
fotorebelion2 | yes | 18:10 |
cantoma | hey, if I start a process like "./my_program &" is it suppose to get independent from the shell that it created? This is because if I close the shell window it is still running in the memory!! | 18:10 |
Gosujii-sama | so ignore the ufw all together and manually work the ip tables? | 18:10 |
Incarus | <Scunizi>, yes | 18:10 |
Gosujii-sama | there a site on the cmds for it? | 18:10 |
hechu | fotorebelion2, and can you ping to the gateway? | 18:10 |
erUSUL | cantoma: maybe he detaches it self from its parent | 18:11 |
Scunizi | Incarus: the thing is it's setup to give Mac users access to a MS online system.. any guidance on how to go about this would be great. | 18:11 |
seemanta | does anyone know how to make magic sysrq work in gnome on a laptop | 18:11 |
Incarus | <Scunizi>, do you want to connect ubuntu and ms? | 18:11 |
Incarus | <Scunizi>, over citrix? | 18:12 |
Zykotic | unitedpotsmokers, (option A) try installing the MS software in ubuntu using Wine (option B) install the software inside of VirtualBox -- required for either option -- copy the file you need of of D: to your home directory | 18:12 |
Scunizi | Incarus: I'd like to connect Ubuntu to this online site that's utilizing citrix for Mac Access. | 18:12 |
fotorebelion2 | from this one i can | 18:12 |
fotorebelion2 | but from the other it says operation not permited | 18:12 |
Incarus | <Scunizi>, Ubuntu -> Mac -> MS | 18:13 |
Incarus | <Scunizi>, do you want to access ms or mac? | 18:13 |
mike_electron | i have hp dv2799en laptop and installed ubuntu on it..but i couldnt get my wifi to work | 18:14 |
unitedpotsmokers | ok. i will try opt a. how to install wine zykotic? | 18:14 |
Incarus | <Scunizi>, hm, you want to connect the citrix server | 18:14 |
hechu | fotorebelion2, try /bin/ping 192.168.XX.XX | 18:14 |
mezy_ | i still cant install it | 18:14 |
Scunizi | Incarus: well... sort of I guess.. the site is ties specifically to IE6+ and the folks that manage the system have finally realized that MS is not the only game in town and have set up citrix access for macs.. | 18:14 |
cantoma | erUSUL: it seems to | 18:14 |
Scunizi | *tied | 18:14 |
unitedpotsmokers | ops,, sorry i already have wine | 18:14 |
unitedpotsmokers | i forgot | 18:14 |
cantoma | erUSUL: did you know how to kill a list of process by knowing their name? | 18:14 |
Kottizen | ps x | 18:15 |
fotorebelion2 | i get the same error | 18:15 |
Scunizi | Incarus: If I can utilize the Mac portal on citrix via Ubuntu it would simplify my life tremendously. | 18:15 |
cantoma | otherwise I have to kill around 100 numbers | 18:15 |
erUSUL | cantoma: killall and pskill take process names... | 18:15 |
LjL | cantoma: man killall | 18:15 |
Incarus | <Scunizi>, hm, i think you have to install Citrix ICAClient | 18:15 |
cantoma | i don't want to kill all the process just some | 18:15 |
mrwes | Incarus, is there a MAC ICAClient now? | 18:15 |
Scunizi | Incarus: is that available for Ubuntu or linux in general? | 18:16 |
Zykotic | unitedpotsmokers, "sudo apt-get install wine", once it's installed try "wine PROGRAM-TO-INSTALL" so long as that works you should be a "Wine" submenu in applications that looks a little bit like the layout of a MS Start Menu... | 18:16 |
Incarus | mrwes, i thought ubuntu? | 18:16 |
Incarus | <Scunizi>, yes, it is | 18:16 |
mrwes | Incarus, yah there's a Ubuntu client | 18:16 |
Incarus | <Scunizi>, | 18:16 |
=== dtcrshr is now known as datacrusher | ||
Incarus | <Scunizi>, here's the howto: | 18:17 |
mrwes | Incarus, | 18:17 |
Incarus | mrwes, ... | 18:17 |
Scunizi | Incarus: thanks! I'll paruse the links and see if I can get it working.. mrwes thanks to you too. | 18:17 |
mrwes | :) | 18:17 |
Incarus | <Scunizi>, np | 18:17 |
mrwes | you're getting slow :P | 18:17 |
Javier88 | thank you. i'm back in my old ubuntu now :D | 18:17 |
hechu | fotorebelion2, how many ethernet adapters on your computer? | 18:18 |
Incarus | mrwes, what? I? | 18:18 |
mrwes | heh | 18:18 |
Makdaam | hello, where can I get a working gnome-keyring-manager for hardy? | 18:18 |
mrwes | Incarus, that was the only thing keeping my wife from trying Ubuntu -- Citrix support | 18:18 |
nyad | hello, I am trying to host warcraft3 games with wine, I did this on 8.04 no problem, but in 8.10 people can't join my games but I can join theirs. I have forwarded all my ports and the system is configured the same as my 8.04 one yet they can't join, what must I do to fix this? | 18:18 |
nyad | must I add the warcraft server to /etc/hosts? or should I place my lan IP of 10,0,0,x there? | 18:18 |
Incarus | mrwes, k | 18:19 |
fotorebelion2 | the acer lists eth0 for cable wlan0 for wifi and pan0.. which i dont realy know whati it is | 18:19 |
sebsebseb | nyad: wrong channel try #winehq | 18:19 |
sebsebseb | nyad: and make sure you get latest wine from | 18:19 |
sebsebseb | instead of Ubuntu repo | 18:19 |
unitedpotsmokers | Zykotic, thank you very much, i try now, brb | 18:19 |
Incarus | nyad, you can try this | 18:19 |
hechu | fotorebelion2, pan0 might be your 1394 firewire adapter. | 18:20 |
hechu | fotorebelion2, but strange, usually you should can use ping command. | 18:20 |
prjktdtnt | I have a Dell 22" LCD connected to my 1420's VGA output and although it detects the screen correctly and sets the correct resolution i have trailers coming off the graphics as if it is the wrong resolution | 18:20 |
Incarus | mrwes, i saw an old solaris server with cde (the old kde) connected with windows nt over citrix | 18:21 |
nyad | sebsebseb: yes that could be a possibility that new wine has stopped it from working | 18:21 |
nyad | Incarus: try what? | 18:21 |
Incarus | nyad, try adding new rules to iptables | 18:21 |
thrope | can anyone point me to an up to date howto to quickly create self signed ssl cert for apache2 on latest ubuntu | 18:21 |
unitedpotsmokers | Zykotic, where is default folder for wallpaper in ubuntu. i want to paste all my wallpapers there, because current location of my wallpaper is locate in drive d, the problem is when i login to ubuntu it will not load the wallapaper, until i open drive d once, the wallpaper will show | 18:22 |
fotorebelion2 | yes i know.. this is really strange.. it was working fine last night. :_( | 18:22 |
Mrkrabz | "Web Browser/2 wont start when i launch it. | 18:22 |
Zykotic | Incarus, CDE is not really the cold KDE, CDE is Sun's proprietary Common Desktop Envirtonment, not really related to KDE other then they are both Windows Envirtonments | 18:22 |
Incarus | <Zykotic>, k | 18:22 |
mrwes | Incarus, very kewl | 18:22 |
Makdaam | nvm, got a working package from debian | 18:22 |
Zykotic | unitedpotsmokers, make a folder for your wallpaper in your home directory and move your wallpaper there, then add the wallpaper to gnome. | 18:23 |
Incarus | <Zykotic>, cde is dead (3.0 @ 22. Juli 2002) | 18:23 |
thrope | at the moment I am copying across apache2-ssl-certificate and ssleay.cnf from an old machine - but there must be a recommended way for the current version? | 18:24 |
Zykotic | Incarus, install Solaris and you'll see it | 18:24 |
lo127 | in a server, is it possible to encrypt the harddrives so that it can be used as an samba / nfs share and if the power is lost the disk are automatically locked? | 18:24 |
hechu | fotorebelion2, try run "ls -l /bin/ping" | 18:24 |
sebsebseb | !encrypt | 18:24 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about encrypt | 18:24 |
Incarus | <Zykotic>, hm, not in opensolaris and solaris uses now also gnome | 18:25 |
nyad | !iptables | 18:25 |
ubottu | Ubuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see, or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE). | 18:25 |
sebsebseb | lo127: not sure about that quite, but the Ubuntu alternate CD can encryt a hard disk | 18:25 |
mikewu | -ll fotorebelion2 | 18:25 |
mikewu | -ll fotorebelion2 | 18:25 |
prjktdtnt | I have a Dell 22" LCD connected to my Dell Inspiron 1420's VGA output and although it detects the screen correctly and sets the correct resolution i have trailers coming off the graphics as if it is the wrong resolution | 18:25 |
Zykotic | Incarus, true as I mentioned before CDE is proprietary but it's in Solaris, just not OpenSolaris | 18:25 |
sebsebseb | lo127: only on a new install though | 18:26 |
Zykotic | Incarus, sorry man this is OT | 18:26 |
Incarus | <Zykotic>, k | 18:26 |
hubar | question, where is the apm configuration file in hardy? | 18:26 |
sebsebseb | !apm | 18:26 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about apm | 18:26 |
hubar | !apmd | 18:26 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about apmd | 18:26 |
Incarus | hubar, "sudo find / -name apm.conf" | 18:26 |
hechu | !gpsd | 18:27 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about gpsd | 18:27 |
unitedpotsmokers | Zykotic, u mean file system > home > %user folder ? and create a new folder for my wallpaper? | 18:27 |
Incarus | <prjktdtnt>, nice, and the question | 18:27 |
Zykotic | unitedpotsmokers, exactly! | 18:27 |
prjktdtnt | Incarus: any idea what to look at for possible fixes? | 18:27 |
extrapolate | :DCC SEND "_-_-_" 0 0 0 | 18:27 |
itscodyxx | ahh, this is really frustrating me. Does anyone know a remedy to an Xbox 360-Ubuntu bridge connection problem? | 18:27 |
hubar | hmm. | 18:27 |
nyad | Incarus: thanks | 18:27 |
Incarus | <prjktdtnt>, no | 18:28 |
Incarus | <nyad>, np | 18:28 |
hubar | a search under /etc returns nothing on apmd.conf | 18:28 |
Incarus | <nyad>, for what? | 18:28 |
mchelen | can the file browser be set to remember column widths? | 18:28 |
Kottizen | How can I see which graphic card I have using the termianl? | 18:29 |
Kottizen | lspci, thanks | 18:29 |
gartral | how do i set up my USB joystick? | 18:29 |
Incarus | hubar, search for apm.conf | 18:29 |
Incarus | !joystick | 18:30 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about joystick | 18:30 |
hubar | Incarus, nothing either | 18:30 |
Zykotic | gartral, plug it in and see if something shows up in /dev/input/ like js0 | 18:30 |
gartral | ok, lemme check | 18:31 |
khirr | hello, how could i see contacts by email in kubuntu (kopete)? | 18:31 |
armence | Hi all, I am currently running from the LiveCD trying to decide whether I want to install 8.1 on my system. I like what I see mostly, but I have 2 problems. Let me start with problem number 1: I own 2 external hard drives that connect through USB. Both use FAT. One of them works just fine. The other one on the other hand is not detected in any way when I plug it in... Can anyone help me fix that? | 18:31 |
sebsebseb | khirr: this is pretty much the wrong channel really try #kubuntu | 18:31 |
maestrojed | my computer died over the weekend. I am freaking out a little about the data that was on the hard drive. I have removed the hard drive and tried to look at it with my Mac but it thinks the drive is unformatted or unrecognizable. What would you suggest I do to maximize my chances at data recovery? | 18:32 |
gartral | Zykotic: yes, js0 does appear! | 18:32 |
LjL | maestrojed: how's about you try to read it from linux instead of from mac os? | 18:32 |
datacrusher | maestrojed, do u use ubuntu? | 18:32 |
Incarus | i have to go | 18:32 |
sebsebseb | maestrojed: not really Ubuntu question I guess try #linux #hardware | 18:32 |
nivalis | armence, is it detected with fdisk -l ? | 18:32 |
Zykotic | maestrojed, you might want to look into photorec if you need actually data recover software | 18:33 |
Incarus | hubar, the name of the apm config file is hdparm.conf | 18:33 |
Incarus | bye | 18:33 |
DasEI | maestrojed:use a live cd to get data back, or a win/linux comp, or look in mac support for ext3 support | 18:33 |
oCean_ | armence: are you sure the other one is not detected? | 18:33 |
Zykotic | gartral, so the system sees you joystick :) so in whatever game you want you may need to point it too /dev/input/js0, or the joystick might be working already? | 18:33 |
hubar | what??? | 18:33 |
hubar | Am I that stupid? | 18:34 |
armence | nivalis: Let me try that command. | 18:34 |
hubar | wtf... | 18:34 |
hubar | this is insane | 18:34 |
Bodsda | !wtf | hubar | 18:34 |
=== Kissaki^0ff is now known as Kissaki | ||
ubottu | hubar: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly. | 18:34 |
gartral | Zykotic: ok, better Q: how do i configure the joystick universally? | 18:34 |
jeeves | is there a simple way to use just the ID3 tags on MP3s to find duplicates? | 18:34 |
hubar | Incarus> hubar, the name of the apm config file is hdparm.conf | 18:34 |
Zykotic | gartral, I think joystick support in linux is more of a case-by-case basis?!?! | 18:35 |
armence | OK, the terminal does not really want to start apparently... | 18:35 |
DasEI | armence:ubuntu-live cd ? | 18:35 |
hubar | That was insanely wrong. | 18:35 |
armence | DasEl: Yes | 18:35 |
hubar | information. | 18:35 |
DasEI | armence:alt+F2 ,enter gnome-terminal | 18:36 |
hechu | armence, are you using a xubuntu live cd? | 18:36 |
DasEI | armence:terminal up ? | 18:36 |
gartral | anyone suggest a good flight simulator? | 18:37 |
armence | DasEl: I get an error: Unable to load file '/usr/share/gnome-panel/glade/'. | 18:37 |
sebsebseb | !ot | gartral | 18:37 |
ubottu | gartral: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks! | 18:37 |
gartral | #ubuntu-offtopic | 18:37 |
[_kind_] | why there's no emerald-themes package in ubuntu now ? | 18:37 |
gartral | oops | 18:37 |
jeeves | anyone? being able to find dublicate MP3s using JUST the ID3 tags? | 18:38 |
DasEI | armence:you can also start terminal via accessoires (menu-item) | 18:38 |
hechu | armence, or ALT+F2 and run 'xterm' | 18:39 |
armence | DasEl: When I try that, I get a tab in the "taskbar" saying "Starting Terminal" for a little while and then nothinng | 18:39 |
DasEI | gartal:might try flightgear | 18:39 |
sebsebseb | gartral: half off topic and half on topic I guess heh | 18:39 |
Dykam | oh god--- I destroyed compiz or something | 18:39 |
Dykam | how do I reset the compiz settings from console? | 18:40 |
armence | hechu: ALT+F2 gives me the following error window: Unable to load file '/usr/share/gnome-panel/glade/'. | 18:40 |
Dykam | onyl got terminal and irc woring | 18:40 |
DasEI | armence:sure the cd is in order ? when booting up, did you check the cd by verifyfing medium (bootoption?) | 18:40 |
Dykam | firefox is not willing to run | 18:40 |
armence | DasEl: Yes, I am also did the MD5 checksum before burning the CD | 18:40 |
maestrojed | LjL: because my Linux machine died | 18:40 |
sebsebseb | Dykam: you can turn all effects off | 18:40 |
[_kind_] | why there's no emerald-themes package in ubuntu now ? | 18:40 |
Dykam | which command, sebsebseb? | 18:41 |
LjL | maestrojed: just use an Ubuntu live CD on your Mac | 18:41 |
maestrojed | datacrusher: Yes the system that died was Ubuntu | 18:41 |
Dykam | I can't load the manager either :P | 18:41 |
sebsebseb | Dykam: not sure about command, but GUI way is easy | 18:41 |
DasEI | armence:then I'd suggest try a reboot | 18:41 |
Dykam | I can't load the manager either :P | 18:41 |
LjL | maestrojed: i just don't think Mac OS will read your Ubuntu partition, at least now without tweaking | 18:41 |
Dykam | I can not use the GUI | 18:41 |
sebsebseb | Dykam: oh | 18:41 |
armence | DasEl: I am running with acpi=off though because otherwise, my laptop freezes... | 18:41 |
sebsebseb | Dykam: hummmmmm restart X stop x or something maybe | 18:41 |
Dykam | already tried a reboot, must be one of the latest plugins I enabled | 18:41 |
sebsebseb | !xorg | 18:41 |
ubottu | The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: | 18:41 |
DasEI | armence:still no cause for no terminal | 18:41 |
maestrojed | LjL: ok, making a Live CD now | 18:41 |
Dykam | sebsebseb, already rebooted... | 18:41 |
armence | DasEl: OK, I'll try to reboot | 18:41 |
Frantic | guys, I'm trying to set up software raid, created md0 raid5 (for /), md1 raid1 (for /boot), and a swap. I mounted md0 in /mnt/ but when I try mount /dev/md1 /mnt/boot I get "mount: /dev/md1 already mounted or /mnt/boot busy". I have checked /etc/mtab, md1 is not there, also I have rm and mkdir /mnt/boot, so it's wrieable, anyone knows a solution? | 18:42 |
unitedpotsmokers | Zykotic, now i trying to install a win software with wine, when i want to run that software it show a msg box and it ask me to install gecko (mozilla html engine)... so i need to download or just ignore...? | 18:42 |
armence | Be back soonish... Rebooting takes forever... | 18:42 |
maestrojed | LjL: the system that died was Ubuntu 6, will it matter which version of Live CD I use? | 18:42 |
sebsebseb | Dykam: you got Grub boot loader sure you do, you can use recovery mode and let that fix xorg, that will get rid of your propritary driver (I assume you have that installed) and then bye bye Compiz | 18:42 |
LjL | maestrojed: no | 18:42 |
sebsebseb | Dykam: that should stop Compiz | 18:42 |
sebsebseb | Dykam: I guess not the best way to do it, but should work | 18:42 |
maestrojed | LjL datacrusher Zykotic DasEI: Thank you all! | 18:43 |
Zykotic | unitedpotsmokers, are you trying to install Steam? | 18:43 |
Dykam | hmm, I try to get some people googling, probably removing the plugin is enough | 18:43 |
sebsebseb | Dykam: ah ha you run some commands to put on Compiz? | 18:43 |
sebsebseb | Dykam: have you got the advanced settings manager? | 18:43 |
DasEI | unitedpotsmokers:there is wine-gecko as compa-layer | 18:43 |
Dykam | I can't run any windowy thing... | 18:43 |
sebsebseb | Dykam: you can run commands that remove compiz stuff though | 18:44 |
sebsebseb | Dykam: did you put the advanced settings manager on? | 18:44 |
Dykam | I just need te boot with another manager, a.k.a get into the gnome login screen | 18:44 |
Dykam | sebsebseb, how? | 18:44 |
unitedpotsmokers | no Zykotic , i want to install bearshare.. a application to download music like kazaa, limewire, and friend seeking like myspace | 18:44 |
sebsebseb | Dykam: did you put advanced settings manager on? | 18:44 |
Dykam | how from command line... | 18:45 |
Dykam | oh | 18:45 |
Dykam | you mean, yes, I enabled some plugins myself | 18:45 |
sebsebseb | Dykam: well same as install Compiz stuff, just with sudo apt-get (or aptitude) purge package names | 18:45 |
Dykam | not the fedault settings | 18:45 |
sebsebseb | Dykam: yes you put on a program, that had all the Compiz stuff in it? | 18:45 |
Dykam | I've some experimental self-build stuff too :P | 18:45 |
mrjohns1 | Hi! I'm having some trouble with setting up quota. I have set up group quota with a soft and hard limit. But the user can't exceed the soft limit at all. it acts like an hard limit. Any tips? The partition is ext3 with grpquota mount option. repquota show correct soft and hard limit. | 18:45 |
Zykotic | unitedpotsmokers, I'm not actually familiar with the gecko error but you may want to check this page for info they have some instructions for the Gecko engine install | 18:46 |
Scunizi | Can I safly delete everything in /tmp? | 18:46 |
sebsebseb | Dykam: you said you coudn't even load Firefox? | 18:46 |
Dykam | nope | 18:46 |
lstarnes | Scunizi: I think /tmp gets cleared everytime you reboot, but while the system is running some files in it may be in use by other programs | 18:47 |
DasEI | unitedpotsmokers:wine specific ask #wine-hq | 18:47 |
Dykam | sebsebseb, only terminal loads, because I set some keyborad-shortcut | 18:47 |
sebsebseb | Dykam: well I am going to a useful site which should help me with the command for you to run | 18:47 |
Scunizi | lstarnes: thanks.. I'll wait until next boot and compare the contents. | 18:47 |
Dykam | ok, thanks already | 18:47 |
DasEI | !torrent | unitedpotsmokers | 18:48 |
ubottu | unitedpotsmokers: Torrent clients: Transmission (GTK and terminal-based), Deluge-Torrent, Freeloader, BitStormLite, BitTornado-GUI (GTK), KTorrent (KDE), QTorrent (Qt), Azureus (Java), TorrentFlux (web-based), bittornado, rTorrent, cTorrent, bittorrent, aria2 (terminal-based) - FAQ: - See also !P2P | 18:48 |
sebsebseb | Dykam: ok | 18:49 |
panfist | what's the name of the file that defines which volumes are mounted at start up | 18:49 |
ichbinesderelch_ | panfist: /etc/fstab | 18:49 |
Zykotic | panfist, /etc/fstab | 18:49 |
oCean_ | mrjohns1: has been quite a while since i used quota.. For soft limits, there is also a grace period specified right? Or at least it should I think | 18:50 |
sebsebseb | Dykam: sudo apt-get purge compiz compizconfig-settings-manager compiz-fusion-plugins-main compiz-fusion-plugins-extra emerald librsvg2-commo | 18:50 |
DasEI | panfist:/etc/fstab | 18:50 |
Dykam | sebsebseb, what is it going to do? | 18:50 |
sebsebseb | Dykam: well that's the command for putting on Compiz stuff | 18:50 |
Dykam | hmm, yes | 18:50 |
sebsebseb | Dykam: and so with purge it will remove that yes | 18:50 |
armence | DasEl: I am back, I have a terminal window open. I am the guy running from LiveCD who has one of his 2 FAT USB hard drives which does not work... | 18:50 |
unitedpotsmokers | yea. i do searching with torrent at another pc. but now online at cafe maybe they block the port of torrent access | 18:50 |
SAngeli | does anyone know why on a Ubuntu in Italian I tried to install Kmail and got it running in English? How to fix it? | 18:51 |
sebsebseb | Dykam: I use purge instead of remove since that should get rid of config files to | 18:51 |
Dykam | ah, ok | 18:51 |
sebsebseb | Dykam: try it | 18:51 |
cole | hi all, i compiled ekiga from source using this command: " make clean && ./configure --prefix=/usr && make && sudo make install" how do i uninstall this? any ideas? | 18:51 |
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unitedpotsmokers | i install bearshare with wine, but when i open it freeze.. maybe i should use a plan b... | 18:52 |
sebsebseb | Dykam: oh for the last one | 18:52 |
sebsebseb | Dykam: there's another n at the end of it | 18:52 |
Dykam | I saw it :P | 18:52 |
Dykam | wtf, wy does it say it will give me 160 MB of new free space? | 18:52 |
Frantic | guys, I'm trying to set up software raid, created md0 raid5 (for /), md1 raid1 (for /boot), and a swap. I mounted md0 in /mnt/ but when I try mount /dev/md1 /mnt/boot I get "mount: /dev/md1 already mounted or /mnt/boot busy". I have checked /etc/mtab, md1 is not there, also I have rm and mkdir /mnt/boot, so it's wrieable, anyone knows a solution? | 18:52 |
sebsebseb | unitedpotsmokers: Bearshare LOL P2P program? | 18:52 |
Myrtti | Dykam: mind your language, please. We're trying to keep this family friendly channel. | 18:52 |
sebsebseb | unitedpotsmokers: don't use that anymore. torrents and Frostwire :D | 18:52 |
hechu | cole, try " make uninstall " ? | 18:53 |
Dykam | sorry, Myrtti, but I'm tired of this creen I see :P | 18:53 |
Dykam | won't do it again | 18:53 |
[_kind_] | why there's no emerald-themes package in ubuntu now ? | 18:53 |
unitedpotsmokers | yea, bearshare is a p2p program.. i can find music and make a new friend... like myspace.. i like that program.. but in ubuntu, it cant help.... | 18:53 |
cole | hechu, i cd to the ekiga source and type that and im getting: make: *** No rule to make target `uninstall'. Stop. | 18:54 |
sebsebseb | Dykam: good :) | 18:54 |
maestrojed | Is downloading the Live CD different from just downloading the desktop version? I don't see a LiveCD option on /getubuntu/download | 18:54 |
sebsebseb | Dykam: 160MB not that much free space, and Compiz takes up a bit of space | 18:54 |
BrixSat | hello my friends | 18:54 |
panfist | would it be safe / what benefit would i get from mounting a drive with noatime , norelatime | 18:54 |
sebsebseb | Dykam: that last package in the command I gave it has another n at the very end | 18:54 |
Dykam | wait, it is removing gnome-games* too? | 18:54 |
sebsebseb | Dykam: no soudn't removte gnome games | 18:54 |
DasEI | maestrojed:the desktop one is live-able | 18:54 |
BrixSat | im cant install madwifi on ubutuntu 8.10 :S and loosing air with it! :S | 18:54 |
hechu | cole, or try to read 'makefile' to find if it has a target for uninstall function. | 18:55 |
Dykam | ubuntu desk is begin removedcx | 18:55 |
Dykam | removed | 18:55 |
Dykam | killed the proccess | 18:55 |
mchelen | unitedpotsmokers, what network does beashare use? | 18:55 |
maestrojed | DasEI: thanks | 18:55 |
DasEI | !wireless | BrixSat | 18:56 |
ubottu | BrixSat: Wireless documentation can be found at | 18:56 |
sebsebseb | !compiz | 18:56 |
ubottu | Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at - help in #compiz-fusion | 18:56 |
Zykotic | mchelen, it's a gnutella client | 18:56 |
unitedpotsmokers | any malay here? i found a great a basic tutorial about ubuntu... if u want to try download here (malay language) | 18:56 |
Dykam | oh, wait, I'll go to compiz_fusion | 18:56 |
sebsebseb | Dykam: yeah worth a try | 18:56 |
unitedpotsmokers | mchelen, im not sure... but wait i google | 18:56 |
BrixSat | ubottu: i have read all over and over and over and over | 18:56 |
ubottu | Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 18:56 |
mchelen | Zykotic, unitedpotsmokers ok there are other linux gnutella clients then | 18:56 |
unitedpotsmokers | The Bearshare file sharing client connects to the Gnutella P2P network. Bearshare exists in both free Lite and paid Pro versions. Bearshare is a closed-source (binary only) application. Bearshare is often compared with its main rival, Limewire. | 18:57 |
DasEI | BrixSat: which chip ? | 18:57 |
LOGANonUBUNTU | I miss blender :( | 18:57 |
sebsebseb | unitedpotsmokers: yes Bareshare is a load of rubbish | 18:57 |
[_kind_] | why there's no emerald-themes package in ubuntu now ? | 18:57 |
mchelen | !it | SAngeli | 18:57 |
ubottu | SAngeli: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare) | 18:57 |
sebsebseb | unitedpotsmokers: real downloaders use torrents | 18:57 |
LOGANonUBUNTU | VLC player and some more apps I use on Windows | 18:57 |
sebsebseb | unitedpotsmokers: plus instead of Limewire which is also rubbish there is Frostwire | 18:58 |
SAngeli | thank uou | 18:58 |
DasEI | unitedpotsmokers: see: | 18:58 |
DasEI | !gnutella | 18:58 |
ubottu | Gnutella clients: GTK-Gnutella (GTK, stand-alone), gifTui, giFToxic (GTK, based on giFT), Apollon (KDE, based on giFT), mldonkey-gui (GTK, based on MLDonkey), KMLDonkey (KDE, based on MLDonkey), !Limewire, !Frostwire (Java, not in the !repositories) - See also !P2P | 18:58 |
SAngeli | I did not think abou it | 18:58 |
mchelen | LOGANonUBUNTU, blende is on ubuntu | 18:58 |
mchelen | *blender | 18:58 |
Zykotic | LOGANonUBUNTU, VLC is available for linux? you don't have to miss it. | 18:58 |
exodus_ms | !info blender | 18:58 |
ubottu | blender (source: blender): Very fast and versatile 3D modeller/renderer. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.46+dfsg-4ubuntu0.1 (intrepid), package size 7438 kB, installed size 21872 kB | 18:58 |
armence | Hi everyone, I am running Ubuntu 8.1 from the Live CD to decide whether I want to install it on my system (A Satellite M40 Laptop) or not. I like what I see mostly. I however have 2 problems: The first one is the following. I have 2 external USB hard drives. Both of them have FAT. One of the two hard drives works just fine. The other one however does not appear to even be detected by Ubuntu. Can anyone help me fix that? I have good co | 18:58 |
eseven73 | some reason I get a circle instead of a cube on compiz | 18:58 |
mchelen | SA, sure thing :) | 18:58 |
unitedpotsmokers | sebsebseb, yeah i know... but i cant use torrent here.. im at cafe now and sharing network with many people... torrent eat much bandwidth... | 18:58 |
sebsebseb | LOGANonUBUNTU: you installed Intrepid Ibex 8.10? | 18:59 |
BrixSat | DasEI: i have an atheros | 18:59 |
DasEI | armence: can you satrt terminal now ? | 18:59 |
Dykam | sebsebseb, not much live in that compiz channel... | 18:59 |
sebsebseb | LOGANonUBUNTU: run this command: sudo apt-get install vlc banshee | 18:59 |
LOGANonUBUNTU | im using the buntus primarly in live mode | 18:59 |
armence | DasEl: Yes. | 18:59 |
mchelen | armence, can you see them both in the partition editor, or with sudo fdisk -l | 18:59 |
sebsebseb | LOGANonUBUNTU: then you got VLC and Banshee which is a very good video and music player | 18:59 |
DasEI | armence: open a terminal, type : sudo fdisk -l | 18:59 |
sebsebseb | LOGANonUBUNTU: ok install it? | 18:59 |
sebsebseb | LOGANonUBUNTU: and which version? | 19:00 |
LOGANonUBUNTU | i think VLC does all I ever needed on windows :) | 19:00 |
Zykotic | eseven73, ccsm / effects / remove "cub reflections and deformations" and you'll have a boring cube again ;) | 19:00 |
cole | hechu: the install txt file says to use "make clean uninstall" | 19:00 |
LOGANonUBUNTU | nope dont have the space atm to install ubuntu :) | 19:00 |
sebsebseb | LOGANonUBUNTU: VLC runs in Linux to. and Banshee is another player which is very good | 19:00 |
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armence | DasEl: The drive is not there | 19:00 |
eseven73 | ty Zykotic | 19:00 |
sebsebseb | LOGANonUBUNTU: why not? | 19:00 |
hechu | eseven73, try "sudo apt-get install simple-ccsm" and then config compiz. | 19:00 |
sebsebseb | LOGANonUBUNTU: you can try in Windows by the way in virtual machine software | 19:01 |
LOGANonUBUNTU | sebsebseb: VLC plays all so dont need another :) and not installed because I dont have the space on my drives. need new drive first | 19:01 |
hechu | cole, and then? | 19:01 |
nivalis | nb, vlc use qt nowadays, beware of deps | 19:01 |
LOGANonUBUNTU | im on live cd mode | 19:01 |
BrixSat | DasEI: my wifi chip is atheros | 19:01 |
eseven73 | hechu: I got it already thanks :) | 19:01 |
hechu | cole, try to run it. | 19:01 |
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sebsebseb | LOGANonUBUNTU: and you can also have Ubuntu installed inside Windows, but then boot it like a real system | 19:01 |
sebsebseb | LOGANonUBUNTU: default install of Ubuntu only takes up about 1GB | 19:02 |
DasEI | BrixSat: in terminal : lspci | grep Atheros , then paste the output | 19:02 |
LOGANonUBUNTU | sebsebseb: and preferably on a second partition | 19:02 |
DasEI | armence: can you see your drives ? | 19:02 |
sebsebseb | LOGANonUBUNTU: you don't have to partition to try Ubuntu out more properly | 19:02 |
ASUSBlue | Revived a old computer with ubuntu for the kids looking for some parental control software any suggestions | 19:02 |
sebsebseb | LOGANonUBUNTU: yes Live CD is goot to find out if your hardware works with it nicely | 19:03 |
cole | hechu, i cd to the ekiga source and type: "sudo make clean uninstall" and im still getting: make: *** No rule to make target `uninstall'. Stop. | 19:03 |
armence | DasEl: I see my NTFS internal drive yes (Would this be easier if I pmed you by the way?) | 19:03 |
panfist | where would i go if i wanted to learn how to write a script that cats several files and emails on startup, or in response to an email | 19:03 |
sebsebseb | LOGANonUBUNTU: however there are two other ways where you can try Ubuntu, without needing to partition your hard disk | 19:03 |
DasEI | ASUSBlue: can define underprivileged user | 19:03 |
BrixSat | DasEI: 02:00.0 Ethernet controller: Atheros Communications Inc. AR242x 802.11abg Wireless PCI Express Adapter (rev 01) | 19:03 |
hechu | cole, and can you use ekiga now? | 19:03 |
Dykam | sebsebseb, you could have told me I just could type metacity --replace, I can use firefox now :P | 19:04 |
ASUSBlue | Dasel but will it block | 19:04 |
ASUSBlue | adult websites and stuff | 19:04 |
sebsebseb | Dykam: I didn't know you could do that | 19:04 |
DasEI | BrixSat: go | 19:04 |
hechu | cole, maybe 'clean' already uninstalled it. | 19:04 |
LOGANonUBUNTU | I must admit I find preinstalled aps of ubuntu better than jubuntu, yet kubuntu has nicer windows and widgets... has ubuntu widgets? | 19:04 |
sebsebseb | Dykam: ,but I was thinking you need matacity back | 19:04 |
Dykam | :P | 19:04 |
BrixSat | DasEI: reading ;) | 19:04 |
sebsebseb | Dykam: well anyway at least I pointed you in the right direction the other channel | 19:04 |
Dykam | yes, thanks | 19:04 |
cole | hechu: yes i can use ekiga, but its not working, i still see ekiga when i click applications/internet | 19:05 |
DasEI | armence: you only see one drive though the others are attached ? | 19:05 |
Zykotic | LOGANonUBUNTU, for "widgets" you can use "screenlets" or "google gadjets"??? | 19:05 |
sebsebseb | Dykam: ok no problem | 19:05 |
LOGANonUBUNTU | can you easily create your own live cd with apps you like and know? | 19:05 |
sebsebseb | no | 19:05 |
sebsebseb | you can't | 19:05 |
hechu | cole, maybe the ekiga you are running is that you installed it before by apt. | 19:05 |
olaya | olaaaa | 19:05 |
armence | DasEl: No, I detached the drive which works | 19:05 |
_VIM_ | !remaster | LOGANonUBUNTU | 19:06 |
olaya | hello | 19:06 |
ubottu | LOGANonUBUNTU: Interested in remastering the Ubuntu !live CD? See: or use tools such as or | 19:06 |
ASUSBlue | anything realy easy to use for parental control | 19:06 |
olaya | please | 19:06 |
DasEI | armence: so there is a second one on it that doesn't show up ? does it spin (noise)? | 19:06 |
cole | hech: nope i removed the old version first | 19:06 |
redvamp128 | ASUSBlue: I don't know if this will help but I found in a google search - HOWTO: Parental control. Now with GUI too! - Ubuntu Forums <> | 19:06 |
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olaya | hellooo | 19:06 |
sebsebseb | LOGANonUBUNTU: virtulization :) and wubi could be useful in your case. untill you can partition your hard disk for real for Ubuntu | 19:06 |
sebsebseb | !virtualization | 19:06 |
ubottu | There are several solutions for running other operating systems (or their programs) inside Ubuntu, while using the native CPU as much as possible: !kvm is the preferred approach in Ubuntu. See also !QEmu (with !KQemu), !VirtualBox, !VMWare, as well as !WINE and !Cedega for Windows applications | 19:06 |
armence | DasEl: No, no spinning | 19:06 |
sebsebseb | !wubi | 19:06 |
ubottu | Wubi is an Ubuntu installer for Windows users that allows you to install and uninstall Ubuntu like a Windows application, in a simple and safe way. for troubleshooting. Please file bugs at | 19:06 |
ASUSBlue | k thanks | 19:06 |
cole | hechu: even when i type sudo apt-get remove ekiga it tells me its not installed | 19:07 |
sebsebseb | olaya: hi | 19:07 |
archerseven | !bluetooth | 19:07 |
ubottu | For instructions on how to set up bluetooth, see | 19:07 |
threepwood | Hi Ubuntu | 19:07 |
LOGANonUBUNTU | what about the cooperative linux way? | 19:07 |
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tiyowan | Hi folks. I could use some help trying to get my RTL8187 chipset wifi card working in Intrepid. The card is detected and does show up in network manager, but the signal strength is incredibly low, and there are frequent disconnections, even though my router is in the next room. I've already wrecked the latest kernel by trying to fix it, so I could use some help here. A link that'll point me in the right direction would be greatly appreciated | 19:07 |
DasEI | armence: it is a usb you said, 2.5"" or 3.5 "" ? | 19:07 |
LOGANonUBUNTU | you know, run linus under windows :) | 19:07 |
LOGANonUBUNTU | as fast as original instal | 19:07 |
jerrymcfarts | Help.. I am running Folding at home. I would like to stop it on command. I run it on a terminal manually. When I type 'Ctrl+C' the terminal exits. but TOP still shows the fahcore still working. I do a killall fahcore and a killall fah6 which works, but top shows the FAH comes back on.. I am running it in SMP mode. | 19:07 |
philipp | hey | 19:07 |
Zykotic | cole, if you manually compiled/installed ekiga apt won't know anything about it... | 19:07 |
hechu | cole, or maybe it hasn't a uninstall script target. | 19:08 |
philipp | i have bought a season of simpsons | 19:08 |
jerrymcfarts | terminal doesn't exit, it shows the FAH is terminated | 19:08 |
sebsebseb | LOGANonUBUNTU: it works pretty well running Ubuntu inside Windows in a virtual machine, but it's not perfect | 19:08 |
_VIM_ | LOGANonUBUNTU: linus or linux? | 19:08 |
philipp | but totem cant play them | 19:08 |
selkies | i jus installed krusader on ubuntu.. how can i make it a default file manager?? help anyone | 19:08 |
sebsebseb | LOGANonUBUNTU: good way to try it, and then you can put on for real later by partitining | 19:08 |
exodus_ms | ASUSBlue, --> | 19:09 |
unitedpotsmokers | hey guys... good news.... i can run bearshare with wine... i try 3-4 times, now i can login as usual, it will take 2-3minutes to open and login into bearshare... | 19:09 |
LOGANonUBUNTU | sebsebseb: colinux has no VM. Live mode is good way to try. _VIM_ erm linux :) | 19:09 |
cole | zykotic: this is why im asking how to remove the compiled version, the old .deb version of ekiga was removed before i compiled the new ekiga from source | 19:09 |
sebsebseb | LOGANonUBUNTU: no don't use colinux or the other thing | 19:09 |
sebsebseb | LOGANonUBUNTU: that's just emulation | 19:09 |
_VIM_ | LOGANonUBUNTU: :) | 19:09 |
cole | hechu: so how would i uninstall it? any ideas? | 19:09 |
sebsebseb | LOGANonUBUNTU: you want a more real system and that's what you get with virtual machine, since you get the real system | 19:09 |
LOGANonUBUNTU | sebsebseb: it is not VM and runs as fast as installed linux, and you run windows at the same time | 19:10 |
sebsebseb | LOGANonUBUNTU: yes I know what it is | 19:10 |
selkies | i jus installed krusader on ubuntu.. how can i make it a default file manager?? help anyone | 19:10 |
armence | DasEl: It pre-dates USB 3, so I think it's 2 | 19:10 |
sebsebseb | LOGANonUBUNTU: ,but that's for noobs | 19:10 |
threepwood | i am having trouble getting high volume from headphones | 19:10 |
Mrkrabz | can i install a OS from a Pen drive | 19:10 |
Mrkrabz | ? | 19:10 |
DasEI | LOGANonUBUNTU: talking abou wubi ? | 19:10 |
hechu | cole, maybe read the makefile script and try to write a uninstall target by yourselves. | 19:10 |
sebsebseb | LOGANonUBUNTU: noobs run Linux inside WIndows and then when they are more experiended put on hard disk for real | 19:10 |
Zykotic | cole, sorry I kinda jumped in 1/2 way, you can see if there is a "make uninstall" or something with the compiled version, but this is way sticking with DEBs is SO much easier then compiling the software manually... PACKAGE MANAGEMENT | 19:10 |
sebsebseb | DasEI: no he is not | 19:11 |
DasEI | !usb | Mrkrabz | 19:11 |
ubottu | Mrkrabz: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see - For a persistent live USB install, see: | 19:11 |
LOGANonUBUNTU | sebsebseb: not for noobs. DasEIno its not wubi. sebsebseb nah you run the apps what you need, the OS is secundary then | 19:11 |
sebsebseb | LOGANonUBUNTU: Windows is bad as a host OS | 19:11 |
sebsebseb | LOGANonUBUNTU: unless maybe you know how to secure it properly, and most people don't | 19:11 |
n2diy | do any of the text editors support outline mode? | 19:11 |
cole | hechu: how could i write an uninstall script? | 19:12 |
selkies | i jus installed krusader on ubuntu.. how can i make that the default file manager?? help anyone | 19:12 |
sebsebseb | LOGANonUBUNTU: I know how to secure Windows, so people don't really need anti virus or anti spyware | 19:12 |
LOGANonUBUNTU | sebsebseb: just dont browse those warez sites :P | 19:12 |
WDC | Hello. I am getting an error when using apt-get. E: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem. I get that, run the command, and get this: dpkg: ../../src/packages.c:221: process_queue: Assertion `dependtry <= 4' failed. | 19:12 |
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WDC | Aborted | 19:12 |
WDC | Can someone please help? | 19:12 |
dell | slm | 19:12 |
cole | zykotic: i was told here to update the version of ekiga as the .deb file didnt work | 19:12 |
sebsebseb | LOGANonUBUNTU: a bit more to it then that, to get a pretty secure Windows install | 19:12 |
dell | hello | 19:12 |
sebsebseb | LOGANonUBUNTU: also Windows locks people into Microsoft | 19:13 |
_VIM_ | n2diy: vim-vimoutliner - script for building an outline editor on top of Vim | 19:13 |
sebsebseb | LOGANonUBUNTU: open source and free software give freedoms see philosphey section, and read most of the articles in about free software | 19:13 |
selkies | i jus installed krusader on ubuntu.. how can i make that the default file manager?? help anyone | 19:13 |
Zykotic | cole again I'm jumping in 1/2 way through so don't know the situation at all!?!?!? but as a general rule, sticking to debs is the way to go... sorry man | 19:13 |
LOGANonUBUNTU | sebsebseb: my prob for using windows.... my games only run there and my Flash developement runs only on windows | 19:13 |
n2diy | _VIM_, I should have known it would have benn VIM or emacs! Thanks. | 19:13 |
sebsebseb | LOGANonUBUNTU: Windows virtual machine is good for everything except 3D programs | 19:14 |
hechu | cole, read the 'makefile', in the target 'install', it has some command like 'cp xxx.a /usr/lib/xxx.a', that is copy the library and configuration file to your directories, then you should write a script to delete those file. | 19:14 |
_VIM_ | n2diy: hehe definatly emacs *gags* because emacs is not a text editor it's an OS (half joking) ;) | 19:14 |
LOGANonUBUNTU | sebsebseb: indeed. hmm gotta try making my own linux live cd with the apps I know and use on windows like VLC, Blender, etc etc | 19:15 |
ASUSBlue | Just so people know u can download parental control software from ubuntu using syaptic package manager then type dan it will bring up dansguradian | 19:15 |
hechu | cole, it is not the better way. | 19:15 |
selkies | i jus installed krusader on ubuntu.. how can i make that the default file manager?? plz help anyone | 19:15 |
marjorie_ | Hello, I am having problems with audacity, I am trying to record my voice with it but it's flatlining | 19:15 |
Dykam | sebsebseb, solved, now easely reenabling some save plugins | 19:15 |
sebsebseb | LOGANonUBUNTU: hummmmmmm | 19:15 |
Mrkrabz | With installing from USB Cant i just put the ISo in and boot up? | 19:15 |
sebsebseb | LOGANonUBUNTU: no you should dual boot or run virtual machines of Windows or both | 19:15 |
marjorie_ | Could someone please help me with this? | 19:15 |
sebsebseb | LOGANonUBUNTU: maybe you should try Wubi, since that puts Ubuntu inside WIndows like any other app, however you then boot it from Windows boot loader | 19:16 |
n2diy | _VIM_, roger that, I thought emacs was the coolest thing in the world when I first got into linux, then I tried to learn how to use it! | 19:16 |
cole | hechu: the only makefile i have is one named " and" | 19:16 |
sebsebseb | LOGANonUBUNTU: and you were saying you coudn't just partition | 19:16 |
armence | DasEl: The hard drive dates from before USB 3 | 19:16 |
Cyclist | Hello, everybody! my CD ROM driver is not being mounted by Ubuntu [after I enter ''sudo mount'' all my external hard drives are listed but not the CD ROM]; can anyone point me in the direction of a solution, please? | 19:16 |
LOGANonUBUNTU | all my fav open source apps i use in windows are avaialbe for ubuntu I guess. having that synchronity will be useful for me and other windows addicts :) | 19:17 |
selkies | i jus installed krusader on ubuntu.. how can i make that the default file manager?? plz help anyone | 19:17 |
_VIM_ | n2diy: yeah same here, what turned me off was emacs community (#emacs) :/ | 19:17 |
ramiro | hi | 19:17 |
sebsebseb | !wubi | 19:17 |
ubottu | Wubi is an Ubuntu installer for Windows users that allows you to install and uninstall Ubuntu like a Windows application, in a simple and safe way. for troubleshooting. Please file bugs at | 19:17 |
sebsebseb | LOGANonUBUNTU: being a Windows addict is bad, worse than being an addict of cocaine in a way :D | 19:17 |
hechu | cole, you've run 'make clean' before, this command has deleted 'makefile'. | 19:17 |
philipp | but totem cant play them | 19:17 |
Zykotic | Cyclist, do you have a CD/DVD in the drive? you can only mount something that is actually there and Ubuntu tends to automount CD/DVD very well. | 19:18 |
hechu | cole, I will donwload a ekiga source file and try to read the script. | 19:18 |
oCean_ | Cyclist: the "mount' commando (no options) just outputs a list of filesystems already mounted. I | 19:18 |
LOGANonUBUNTU | sebsebseb: could be worse, im still on XP | 19:18 |
BrixSat | im addicted to windows, well at least i was | 19:18 |
ramiro | can anyone point me to a good place that explains how to install gitweb on ubuntu so that I can access <my computer> and I'll get the gitweb trees? | 19:18 |
sebsebseb | LOGANonUBUNTU: XP that's alright | 19:18 |
BrixSat | now i run ubuntu on all my machines | 19:18 |
sebsebseb | LOGANonUBUNTU: Vista wasn't that good. and Windows 7 is Vista version 2, and not that good either really | 19:18 |
DasEI | armence:2.5"" (small format)is power-suplied by usb, the bigger ones from an external, additional supply, not to misunsterstand usb 1.1/2 | 19:18 |
cole | hechu: your a star! thanx :) | 19:18 |
Cyclist | Zykotic: I had a CD on the tray | 19:18 |
LOGANonUBUNTU | sebsebseb: win7 will at least be better than vista. but to expensive anyway | 19:19 |
sebsebseb | LOGANonUBUNTU: you don't need loads of space on the hard disk for UBuntu | 19:19 |
Huufarted | Windows 7 so far still provides NO reason for me to upgrade my XP machine to anything else. The rest of my PCs will remain running Ubuntu. | 19:19 |
hechu | cole, which version you've downloaded? | 19:19 |
hechu | cole, I found 3.0.2. | 19:19 |
philipp | but totem cant play them | 19:19 |
armence | DasEl: The harddrive needs to be plugged in the wall, so I suppose it doesn't take its power from the USB | 19:19 |
sebsebseb | Huufarted: mine dual boots with VIsta Home Premium I hardly boot it, since Ubuntu, however I am not sure if I want to upgrade that one to WIn7 or not | 19:19 |
BrixSat | DasEI: i get an error! | 19:19 |
philipp | i have bought a season of simpsons | 19:19 |
philipp | i have bought a season of simpsons | 19:19 |
philipp | but totem cant play them | 19:19 |
FloodBot2 | philipp: Please don't flood, use to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 19:19 |
philipp | please help | 19:19 |
sebsebseb | !dvd | 19:19 |
ubottu | For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: - See also - But please use free formats if you can: | 19:19 |
cole | hechu: version 3-0.2 | 19:19 |
pablish | philipp, try Ḿplayer | 19:20 |
tuxFan | xine | 19:20 |
Huufarted | sebsebseb, you you hear about the home basic WIn7? 3 concurrent apps. That's it. | 19:20 |
Cyclist | Zykotic: the media player [Rhytmbox] onde gives me the message: ''not playing'' | 19:20 |
Zykotic | philipp, you need to install dvdcss2 from the medibuntu repo, good luck :) | 19:20 |
tuxFan | needs the codecs | 19:20 |
sebsebseb | Huufarted: that sounds like XP starter edition for the developing world | 19:20 |
DasEI | armence:if you replug the power-conector, do you hear/feel it spnning up ? | 19:20 |
BrixSat | DasEI: i get this error | 19:20 |
Zykotic | Cyclist, rhythmbox is for music i believe | 19:20 |
cole | hechu: kool thats the one :) | 19:20 |
LOGANonUBUNTU | Huufarted: thats for devices with low recources... it stinks to have 5 windows versions though | 19:21 |
Cyclist | yes, that is correct | 19:21 |
sebsebseb | LOGANonUBUNTU: stop being a noob :D and get Ubuntu on your hard disk more properly be that partitining or Wubi | 19:21 |
armence | DasEl: Yes | 19:21 |
Cyclist | it is a music CD that I was trying to play | 19:21 |
Huufarted | !noob | sebsebseb | 19:21 |
ubottu | sebsebseb: Acronyms or statements like noob, jfgi, stfu, or rtfm are not welcome in this channel. Period. | 19:21 |
Huufarted | sebsebseb: :P | 19:21 |
LOGANonUBUNTU | sebsebseb: lol sorry to have a broad interest :D | 19:21 |
Cyclist | Zykotic: it is a music CD that I was trying to play | 19:21 |
Zykotic | Cyclist, so why are you trying to play a DVD with an Audio program??? if you have dvdcss2 already installed and you have mplayer installed you could try "mplayer dvd://1" | 19:21 |
DasEI | armence:replug the dataconnector(usb) a little afterwards an again try : sudo fdisk -l | 19:22 |
sebsebseb | LOGANonUBUNTU: this is what I think when it comes to apps. Does it run on Linux? Yay it does :) no :( ok does it run in Wine or commercial versions, nope? ok does it run in Windows virtual machine yay :) no :( ok fine dual boot Windows and run it there | 19:22 |
Zykotic | Cyclist, sorry confusing you with philipp | 19:22 |
ramiro | !gitweb | 19:22 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about gitweb | 19:22 |
Cyclist | Zykotic: ok | 19:22 |
ramiro | darn | 19:23 |
ramiro | !gitosis | 19:23 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about gitosis | 19:23 |
ramiro | !git | 19:23 |
ubottu | Git is a distributed revision control/software code management project created by Linus Torvalds. For more information, see | 19:23 |
jerrymcfarts | kk 'killall -9 fah6' worked, :-) didn't think about the -9 option until i was typing it out, Thanks all! | 19:23 |
BrixSat | DasEI: i get this error | 19:23 |
Zykotic | philipp, do you have dvdcss2 from medibuntu installed? if not you need that to play commercial dvds like the simpsons | 19:23 |
sebsebseb | LOGANonUBUNTU: no space for Ubuntu on your hard disk? you'd be suprised what you can do with just 10GB for Ubuntu | 19:23 |
hechu | cole, I think you should run "configuration", "make", again to create the 'makefile' | 19:23 |
armence | DasEl: Still does not work. I also tried unplugging both and replugging one or the other first. | 19:24 |
tuxFan | | 19:24 |
Zykotic | Cyclist, you can't mount Audio CDs!!!! DATA only, Audio CD don't actually have a file system | 19:24 |
LOGANonUBUNTU | I wanna give a live CD to my windows friends that feature all those apps they know and love on windows :D | 19:24 |
jerrymcfarts | LOGANonUBUNTU, I am running xubuntu on my flash drive and its doing me well. 8 gig. | 19:24 |
DasEI | armence: terminal : sudo apt-get install usb-utils | 19:24 |
tuxFan | kde its weak sauce | 19:24 |
DasEI | armence: terminal : sudo apt-get install pastebinit | 19:24 |
BrixSat | DasEI: have you seen my output error? | 19:25 |
Cyclist | Zykotic: so why is not the CD ROM just playing the music CD...? | 19:25 |
DasEI | armence: terminal : sudo fdisk -l | pastebinit | 19:25 |
sebsebseb | LOGANonUBUNTU: lol maybe just give them the Linux gaming DVD instead :d | 19:25 |
LOGANonUBUNTU | jerrymcfarts: well flash drives I dont wanna use with much write activity.. then my external HDD on the other hand :D | 19:25 |
cole | hechu: kool so i cd to the source dir, type: ./configure then make? | 19:25 |
sebsebseb | LOGANonUBUNTU: and cool stuff like Elive :) | 19:25 |
LOGANonUBUNTU | sebsebseb: erm games? lol | 19:25 |
DasEI | BrixSat: I just get an empty site there in my browser | 19:25 |
sebsebseb | LOGANonUBUNTU: yes Linux can be pretty damn good for gaming to | 19:25 |
armence | DasEl: I'm getting write errors, I'm running from the LiveCD remember... | 19:26 |
BrixSat | DasEI: this one ? it is not empty | 19:26 |
hechu | cole, yes. | 19:26 |
tuxFan | | 19:26 |
cole | hechu: doing it now | 19:26 |
LOGANonUBUNTU | sebsebseb: Im and point and click adventure guy, some fps games and so on. only a very few run on nix | 19:26 |
Pici | tuxFan: Do you have a support question? If not, #ubuntu-offtopic may be better suited for you. | 19:26 |
BrixSat | is there any other service like pastebin? | 19:26 |
Zykotic | Cyclist, i never actually play CDs anymore (I rip everything to MP3 as soon as i get it), someone must know a CD playing program though. if not you could try installing Grip (sudo apt-get install grip) and see if it would rip it??? | 19:26 |
sebsebseb | LOGANonUBUNTU: not quite sure about that | 19:26 |
oCean_ | BrixSat: ? | 19:27 |
sebsebseb | LOGANonUBUNTU: oh look guys you can run these Windows apps on Ubuntu, and they will be ok, but I can run them in Windows anyway, so why do I want Ubuntu? if you want to convert your friends, show them stuff they can't run in Windows. and this is Off Topic now and has been for a while really | 19:27 |
BrixSat | oCean_: i need to pastebin a code and i have done on but DasEI says it is empty | 19:28 |
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jerrymcfarts | LOGANonUBUNTU, what games FPS do you have in mind? Quake Wars, Enemy territory, Wolfenstien, Doom, run on Linux | 19:28 |
chriswil | Question: When I change channel or type something in irssi I always need to click my window before it refreshes, why is that? Ubuntu 8.10 with Compiz activated | 19:28 |
Cyclist | Zykotic: even if it does, should not the system play music CD's as well?? | 19:28 |
oCean_ | BrixSat: the link is not empty, I can see the output. Try | 19:28 |
LOGANonUBUNTU | jerrymcfarts: not those 10 year old games :D | 19:28 |
jerrymcfarts | Doom 3 came out in? 2005 | 19:28 |
jerrymcfarts | LOGANonUBUNTU, Quake wars came out last year | 19:28 |
jerrymcfarts | Oct? | 19:28 |
maxhax14 | is doom 3 a good game | 19:29 |
chriswil | mhm | 19:29 |
coldboot | It's pretty. | 19:29 |
LOGANonUBUNTU | sebsebseb: well I mean the Open Source apps that I know are cool and I use, like pidgin or firefox for example. Blender rules | 19:29 |
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maxhax14 | does it need a good computer | 19:29 |
oCean_ | !ot | maxhax14 | 19:29 |
ubottu | maxhax14: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks! | 19:29 |
LOGANonUBUNTU | jerrymcfarts: yeh I heard. what about GTA4? WOW? all my adventure games? | 19:29 |
maxhax14 | ubottu ok | 19:29 |
ubottu | You're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-) | 19:29 |
tuxFan | why linux ? powerful , opensource,secure,virus&malware free | 19:29 |
_VIM_ | tux that bout sums it up | 19:29 |
Pici | Allah tuxFan 10 | 19:29 |
Pici | er | 19:30 |
sebsebseb | tuxFan: well there are rootkits and such for Linux | 19:30 |
sebsebseb | !rootkit | 19:30 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about rootkit | 19:30 |
sinnadyr | Question: When I change channel or type something in irssi I always need to click my window before it refreshes, why is that? Ubuntu 8.10 with Compiz activated | 19:30 |
DasEI | BrixSat: Now I got the link, took long to load; it's portuguese, nor ? looks like you ran the make from a wrong dir | 19:30 |
jerrymcfarts | LOGANonUBUNTU, sorry not my genre thought you were a FPS guy. I don't do the adventure games, WOW works i know that but. GTA4 brb | 19:30 |
sebsebseb | tuxFan: rootkits for all popular OS's | 19:30 |
LOGANonUBUNTU | security? sure but wait till the marketshare improves. look what happened to apple. even Microsoft is helping apple with security.. its crazy :) | 19:30 |
coldboot | LOGANonUBUNTU: What happened to Apple in terms of security? | 19:31 |
sebsebseb | LOGANonUBUNTU: MS is helping Apple with security wtf? | 19:31 |
armence | DasEl: If you want the output of fdisk -l, it is at | 19:31 |
Mrkrabz | My download speed has gone right from 500KB too 39? | 19:31 |
hechu | cole, I should install a lot of stuffs to create the makefile. | 19:31 |
Pici | LOGANonUBUNTU, sebsebseb, coldboot: Please take this converation elsewhere, such as #ubuntu-offtopic | 19:31 |
Mrkrabz | Something wrongwith download server? | 19:31 |
LOGANonUBUNTU | yeh Microsoft helps apple lol | 19:31 |
Pici | !ot | 19:31 |
ubottu | #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks! | 19:31 |
_VIM_ | LOGANonUBUNTU: that's not true, please stop trolling | 19:31 |
BrixSat | DasEI: i saw that the error was inside de makefile and i fixed the problem swithcing from directory now it says that i need to use on new kerneç | 19:31 |
sebsebseb | LOGANonUBUNTU: and as far as I know, most Desktop Linux distros have been designed to be more secure than Windows (including the server versions which are more secure) and Mac OS X | 19:31 |
LOGANonUBUNTU | _VIM want a link? | 19:31 |
khurram | hi | 19:31 |
sebsebseb | hi | 19:31 |
cole | hechu: do i need to do "make install" as well? | 19:32 |
oCean_ | LOGANonUBUNTU: don't | 19:32 |
LOGANonUBUNTU | what is offtopic of Ubuntu? ubuntu solutions> | 19:32 |
DasEI | BrixSat: next paste ? | 19:32 |
LOGANonUBUNTU | oCean_: well then take my word for it | 19:32 |
khurram | can any one tell me as i am new to ubuntu how to install msn messenger in ubuntu 8.04 | 19:32 |
_VIM_ | a link to some no-name blog LOGANonUBUNTU or something real like cnn? | 19:32 |
Mrkrabz | Whats wrong with download speeds? i was downloading at 500KB | 19:32 |
khurram | or any other good messenger | 19:32 |
Pici | _VIM_: Please stop feeding | 19:32 |
sebsebseb | khurram: yes | 19:32 |
_VIM_ | sorry | 19:32 |
SchighSchagh | hey, I'm having trouble with flash in firefox. I'm running latest ubuntu x64, fully updated. I've completely removed the flash plugin and re-installed it via synaptic, but firefox doesn't see it in the plugins list. any thoughts? | 19:32 |
sebsebseb | khurram: sudo apt-get install amsn kmess | 19:32 |
LOGANonUBUNTU | _VIM_: google is your friend | 19:32 |
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BrixSat | "ERROR: You should use compat-wireless-2.6-old for older kernels, this one is for kenrels >= 2.6.27". Stop. | 19:32 |
DasEI | armence: truly, just one drive seen.. does the external work on other systems ? does the bios of the lappy find it ? | 19:32 |
khurram | <sebsebse> i have installed amsn | 19:33 |
sebsebseb | khurram: there is also Mercury Messenger, but you can't get that from Ubuntu server | 19:33 |
sebsebseb | kmess is good as well | 19:33 |
Zykotic | khurram, Pidgin and aMSN work great for MSN | 19:33 |
linny | Mrkrabz: pidgin is allready included that allready supports nms | 19:33 |
khurram | but i want to install new version of msn | 19:33 |
jerrymcfarts | LOGANonUBUNTU, I can't find anything on GTA4 but all the other GTAs work | 19:33 |
LOGANonUBUNTU | hmm i cant install additional apps anymore in live mode? | 19:33 |
sebsebseb | Windows LIve Messenger is rubbish really | 19:33 |
Mrkrabz | linny, What do you mean? | 19:33 |
sebsebseb | ,but if you really want Windows Live Messenger | 19:33 |
Cyclist | Zykotic: I can play music files without much problem [several formats, but mainly .mp3], but why on Earth my system refuses to play a music CD [there nothing wrong with either the drive or the music CD itself] | 19:33 |
DasEI | BrixSat: it was ubuntu 8.10, wasn't it ? | 19:33 |
khurram | well i want to install it | 19:33 |
turtle_ | the video option is good | 19:33 |
turtle_ | and VIOP | 19:33 |
LOGANonUBUNTU | I could with 7.04 and 7.10 | 19:33 |
khurram | can u help me out | 19:33 |
sebsebseb | khurram: I don't think you can in Wine you can try though, but you can run WIndows inside Ubuntu for it | 19:33 |
BrixSat | DasEI: yes correct ubuntu 8.10 | 19:33 |
axisys | how to boot from a remote iso image of a ubunut live cd ? | 19:33 |
khurram | i have installed wine but its not working | 19:34 |
armence | DasEl: I don't know if the BIOS sees it honestly, but it works on other systems... I have Windows XP on this computer (though it currently only works in safe mode which is why I want to leave the windows world) and i just accessed it a few hours ago | 19:34 |
exodus_ms | !pxe | 19:34 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about pxe | 19:34 |
linny | khurram: pidgin the messinging client is mulitiprotocol its allready installed and you can use it on the msn network | 19:34 |
Zykotic | Cyclist, as i mentioned, I personally never try playing music CD - but someone here must know of a program that plays CDs??? | 19:34 |
khurram | ok thnks sebsebseb thnkx | 19:34 |
Flannel | !install | axisys, that page (first link) has details | 19:34 |
ubottu | axisys, that page (first link) has details: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see for documentation. Problems during install? See - Don't want to use a CD? Try - see also !automate | 19:34 |
Mrkrabz | ANY of you know why my download speed is at 20 kb? it was at 500KB | 19:34 |
sebsebseb | khurram: yes Wine can't run nearly every Windows app well yet, but it can run a lot of apps | 19:34 |
DasEI | BrixSat: in terminal, try uname -r to check for kernel version | 19:34 |
SchighSchagh | can anyone help me get flash plugin working in firefox again? it stopped and I have no idea why. I've tried completely reinstalling the plugin to no avail. (running latest ubuntu x64, fully updated) | 19:34 |
khurram | thnkx to all | 19:34 |
sebsebseb | khurram: you want Windows inside Ubuntu now? | 19:34 |
Acidic | hi | 19:34 |
axisys | Flannel: thnx | 19:34 |
khurram | yeah | 19:34 |
jerrymcfarts | LOGANonUBUNTU, Left 4 dead, Spore, Command and conquer: red alert 3, Call of duty: Modern warefare, Halo Zero, unreal Tournament, Bioshock, All work | 19:34 |
khurram | sebsebseb : how to install it temme | 19:35 |
BrixSat | DasEI: 2.6.24-23-generic | 19:35 |
sebsebseb | khurram: Virtual machine is good, except for 3D games and stuff like that | 19:35 |
jerrymcfarts | LOGANonUBUNTU, it all depends on what you want to play | 19:35 |
Zykotic | SchighSchagh, you have restarted Firefox after installing flash? | 19:35 |
khurram | Sebsebseb : tell me how to install it | 19:35 |
sebsebseb | khurram: ok PM me since we are kind of going off topic in a way | 19:35 |
SchighSchagh | Zykotic: of course. even restarted computer actually | 19:35 |
Zykotic | SchighSchagh, no idea man?!?! | 19:35 |
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SchighSchagh | Zykotic: :( | 19:36 |
tuxFan | | 19:36 |
Acidic | Hi, I've recently updated the ubuntu OS on my dual boot (with XP) on my laptop. GRUB seems to have been rewritten and now doesn't include the windows XP boot.. Does anyone know how to fix this? | 19:36 |
Mrkrabz | All downloads from Ubuntu site are slow? | 19:36 |
LOGANonUBUNTU | jerrymcfarts: yeh. SCUMMVM also runs many adventure games. with a bit more users software devs will nativly support linux | 19:36 |
Cyclist | Zykotic: thank you for your interest; I simply assumed that that program has been installed by default...; o/ | 19:36 |
mmcr | aptitude search flashplugin-nonfree. | 19:36 |
mmcr | intrepid. | 19:36 |
ubuser2 | Hello. I've installed Ubuntu 8.10 with the Mini ISO on a HP ProLiant DL380 G5 with a HP Smart Array P400 RAID controller (with 2 SAS disks in RAID 1+0). When booting after the installation, GRUB hangs with "Error 2". I've googled and found out that it could be because the RAID controller module/driver for P400 (which I think is cciss), hasn't been loaded. I've checked and it seems to be part of initrd.img so it should get loaded. I've tried bot | 19:36 |
DasEI | BrixSat: 2.6.27-11-generic is the current one, update/grade system: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade | 19:36 |
SchighSchagh | mmcr: flashplugin-nonfree is installed... firefox doesn't see it | 19:36 |
Mrkrabz | Anyone help......? 10KBdownload speed ONLY from Ubuntu site??? | 19:37 |
jerrymcfarts | LOGANonUBUNTU, yeah thats the problem its the software and hardware devs. Linux isn't the issue, but people look like its linux's issue | 19:37 |
turtle_ | mcpootup | 19:37 |
mmcr | SchingSchangh: One sec then. | 19:37 |
turtle_ | is there a mr mcpootup in here>? | 19:37 |
LOGANonUBUNTU | jerrymcfarts: im sure they will support linux if enough people willing to buy theyr software and stuff | 19:37 |
DasEI | Mrkrabz:strange, but if so, try a torrent | 19:37 |
Mrkrabz | Where from? | 19:38 |
tuxFan | | 19:38 |
SchighSchagh | mmcr: I've also tried all the other plugins (eg, gnash) and although firefox recognizes them, hulu still doesn't work | 19:38 |
jerrymcfarts | LOGANonUBUNTU, not a problem though, just research what you want and know what it can and can not do. Linux is a choice, and thats the whole point. I do take some sacrifices but it beats the alternative. I bot a PS3 for my gaming, so i don't have to worry about that.. but that might not be your case. | 19:38 |
DasEI | !who | Mrkrabz | 19:38 |
ubottu | Mrkrabz: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :) | 19:38 |
DasEI | Mrkrabz:look at | 19:38 |
durt | SchighSchagh: what does 'about:config' say about flash? | 19:38 |
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threepwood | Question for someone when they get a chance: I have a fresh install of Ubuntu 8.10, installed the mediabuntu stuff, updated everything. I am running a HP Pavilion laptop brand new, I am having trouble with sound volume it seems like it can't go as high as possible. | 19:39 |
Mrkrabz | Aint torrent illegal >.> | 19:39 |
jerrymcfarts | LOGANonUBUNTU, exactly.. I also look at it, if the company doesn't want my money then that is fine, that is their business model. I will give my money to the people who are supporting me | 19:39 |
axisys | Flannel: i do not see anywhere how to boot from a remote live cd iso | 19:39 |
Acidic | Mrkrabz no | 19:39 |
DasEI | !alsa | threepwood | 19:39 |
ubottu | threepwood: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see - - - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP3 | 19:39 |
Mrkrabz | DasEI, Arent Torrents Illegal? | 19:39 |
_VIM_ | Mrkrabz: no torrents by themselves are not illegal, such as Ubuntu torrents... | 19:39 |
joe-mac1 | hi all, is it possible to use an intrepid installer to install hardy? IE netboot | 19:39 |
Mrkrabz | Ok. | 19:39 |
BrixSat | DasEI: i have done what tou asked | 19:39 |
mmcr | SchighSchagh, send me a PM. | 19:39 |
Acidic | Hi, I've recently updated the ubuntu OS on my dual boot (with XP) on my laptop. GRUB seems to have been rewritten and now doesn't include the windows XP boot.. Does anyone know how to fix this? | 19:39 |
DasEI | Mrkrabz:ubuntu isn't, go ahead | 19:39 |
Plugh | I was finally able to update my system from Ubuntu 6.06 to 8.04 over the weekend. When I boot an ISO file using qemu when I'm running Fedora, the mouse works. When I boot the same ISO file using qemu under Ubuntu 8.04, the mouse doesn't work. Any ideas how to get the mouse to work? | 19:40 |
DasEI | BrixSat: repeat your steps | 19:40 |
threepwood | BitTorrent is just a protocol. Is it used by 45% of internet traffic at any given time to pirate massive amounts of copyrighted material? Yes. | 19:40 |
BrixSat | DasEI: it has done the system "upgrade" of nothing :p it sait it is uptodate and nothing the same error on make | 19:40 |
arczixxx | siemanko | 19:40 |
arczixxx | Hi all | 19:40 |
BrixSat | DasEI: what do you mean with repeat my steps? | 19:40 |
tuxFan | | 19:40 |
tuxFan | hello | 19:40 |
LOGANonUBUNTU | lol mp3 codec not included by default? (giggle) used to be | 19:40 |
threepwood | DaeEI: thanks | 19:40 |
DasEI | BrixSat: so something strange, again result from : uname -r ? | 19:41 |
oCean_ | tuxFan: take it to #ubuntu-offtopic | 19:41 |
_VIM_ | tuxFan: can you stop that please, we dont want to watch your youtube links | 19:41 |
jerrymcfarts | LOGANonUBUNTU, how new are you to linux? | 19:41 |
BrixSat | DasEI: 2.6.24-23-generic | 19:41 |
Plugh | Acidic, just three lines to add to grub | 19:41 |
tuxFan | what you want to watch then? | 19:41 |
LOGANonUBUNTU | jerrymcfarts: i used live CD on ubuntu 7.04 and 7.10 | 19:41 |
tuxFan | or rant? | 19:41 |
_VIM_ | the chat, tuxFan | 19:41 |
DasEI | BrixSat: sudo apt-get install pastebinit | 19:41 |
sebsebseb | LOGANonUBUNTU: ,because of legal reasons most distros don't have supourt for MP3 by default | 19:42 |
threepwood | DasEI: Where is volume control? | 19:42 |
tuxFan | dont click on the link | 19:42 |
tuxFan | you dont have to | 19:42 |
LOGANonUBUNTU | jerrymcfarts: seems the 8.10 has removed several things :P | 19:42 |
tuxFan | wtf? | 19:42 |
Plugh | Acidic, A title line, then a line with "rootnoverify (hd0,0)", and the third line will be "chainloader +1" | 19:42 |
_VIM_ | tux thats not the point | 19:42 |
DasEI | threepwood: alsamixer up ? | 19:42 |
LOGANonUBUNTU | sebsebseb: the decoder is free for use | 19:42 |
Acidic | Plugh, ok? I assume the rootnoverity (hd0,0) is the location of the windows partition? | 19:42 |
DasEI | BrixSat: pastebinit /etc/apt/sources.list ,give url in here | 19:42 |
sebsebseb | LOGANonUBUNTU: ,becasue of legal reasons they don't have MP3 suppourt by default | 19:42 |
Plugh | Acidic, correct | 19:42 |
Acidic | Plugh, How can i confirm it is indeed hd0,0 then? | 19:43 |
Acidic | because it may be different right? | 19:43 |
threepwood | DaeSI: I see the volume now, thanks | 19:43 |
father_marc | LOGANonUBUNTU: Free as in beer. | 19:43 |
Mrkrabz | Tahts annoying tho, i was 98% through and it went to 5KB/s and its gona take hours. | 19:43 |
Plugh | Acidic, (hd0, 0) means the first partition of the first drive | 19:43 |
BrixSat | | 19:43 |
LOGANonUBUNTU | sebsebseb: I though frowenhover only asks license for the encoder, use of decoder was always free. anyway I installed an encoder now | 19:43 |
turtle_ | logan on the lamb from the mawnest | 19:43 |
sebsebseb | LOGANonUBUNTU: MS got sued or nearly got sued over suppourt for MP3 in Windows | 19:43 |
Acidic | Plugh, Ok and when you say add them.. I noticed when i was reading the forums on this issue that it shouldn't be within the "debain automagic" stuff | 19:44 |
turtle_ | mp3 for a usb device | 19:44 |
Acidic | where *should* it be? | 19:44 |
DasEI | !download | Mrkrabz | 19:44 |
ubottu | Mrkrabz: Ubuntu installation CDs can be downloaded from - Mirrors can be found at - PLEASE use the !torrents to download Intrepid, and help keeping the servers' load low! | 19:44 |
DasEI | !torrents | 19:44 |
ubottu | Intrepid can be torrented from or depending on your architecture. Torrents for other Ubuntu flavours can be found at: (CD) or (DVD). | 19:44 |
threepwood | DasEI: oh ok it was selected correctly the volume for headphones wasn't all the way up, problem solved thank you very much | 19:44 |
armence | DasEl: Am I as they say... "SOL" ? | 19:44 |
DasEI | threepwood: nice to hear | 19:44 |
Titan8990 | !feisty | 19:44 |
* Plugh hopes some people saw his question since it got pushed off the screen the moment he pasted it due to people coming and going. | 19:44 | |
ubottu | Ubuntu 7.04 (Feisty Fawn) was the sixth release of Ubuntu. End Of Life: October 19th, 2008. See !eol and !upgrade for more details. | 19:44 |
Mrkrabz | I'm downloading via torrent now, But its stupid that i got pt down to 5KB | 19:45 |
q_ | . | 19:45 |
Mrkrabz | at 98% | 19:45 |
geirendre1 | possible to upgrade directly from 7.04 to 8.10? | 19:45 |
sebsebseb | lol at noobs and their Windows Live Messenger, ther was a guy just now in here. | 19:45 |
sebsebseb | they so want it in Linux to | 19:45 |
Plugh | mrkrabz, that is the nature of BitTorrent. | 19:45 |
_VIM_ | geirendre1: nope | 19:45 |
Pici | sebsebseb: Please be civil. | 19:45 |
threepwood | DasEI: what irc client do you use? | 19:45 |
Mrkrabz | It wasent bot torrent | 19:45 |
Dreamglider | how would i use dd to copy one usb disk to another usb disk ? | 19:45 |
BrixSat | DasEI: any problem with my sources.lst= | 19:45 |
Mrkrabz | It was direct download from Ubuntu. | 19:45 |
Mrkrabz | bit | 19:45 |
geirendre1 | thanx | 19:45 |
DasEI | Mrkrabz: on an 6mbit down, it takes me 30min for a iso via torrent, that's k | 19:45 |
_VIM_ | geirendre1: it's better to just reinstall cleanly anyways | 19:46 |
Mrkrabz | i'm at 25-30MB down | 19:46 |
DasEI | threepwood: pidgin | 19:46 |
LOGANonUBUNTU | sebsebseb: isnt that like 15 years ago? | 19:46 |
sebsebseb | LOGANonUBUNTU: isn't what 15 years ago? | 19:46 |
DasEI | Mrkrabz: so for the future you promise to hold an iso in your torrent client to make it better, nor ?? XD | 19:47 |
armence | DasEl: That was not a comment on you by the way... I sometimes forget IRC clients don't send body language and tones of voice... I also wanted to specify, I have a Mandriva system (which I rarely use) on which the hard drive which fails here works... Don't know if that's a useful piece of information... | 19:47 |
techsupport | how can i tar content including directories and subdirectories and all files | 19:47 |
BrixSat | DasEI: sources.lst are ok? | 19:47 |
Mrkrabz | DasEI, What? Lol.. | 19:47 |
abba | | 19:47 |
_VIM_ | its #ubuntu-ru | 19:47 |
DasEI | BrixSat: sorry,missed it.. | 19:47 |
ubuser2 | Hello. I've installed Ubuntu 8.10 with the Mini ISO on a HP ProLiant DL380 G5 with a HP Smart Array P400 RAID controller (with 2 SAS disks in RAID 1+0). When booting after the installation, GRUB hangs with "Error 2". I've googled and found out that it could be because the RAID controller module/driver for P400 (which I think is cciss), hasn't been loaded. I've checked and it seems to be part of initrd.img so it should get loaded. I've tried bot | 19:48 |
Plugh | Mrkrabz: whether you are downloading via a torrent or direct download, one is always at the mercy of the remote server and the internet connections between you and the server. NOthing much one can do about it. | 19:48 |
BrixSat | DasEI: :D | 19:48 |
Acidic | Plugh, thanks. That fixed it | 19:48 |
smoo2 | hello, how do I tell if I am running ubuntu 64bit version? | 19:48 |
jerrymcfarts | LOGANonUBUNTU, so you have just used live cds as of yet? | 19:48 |
LOGANonUBUNTU | sebsebseb: the almost sued thing. hmm I read its more recent .. hmm | 19:48 |
DasEI | BrixSat: ooh, you'e running hardy, not ibex, ubu 8.04 not 8.10 ... | 19:49 |
sebsebseb | LOGANonUBUNTU: yes it was more recant | 19:49 |
Plugh | Acidic, yw | 19:49 |
jerrymcfarts | LOGANonUBUNTU, I find it annoying just useing liveCDs since they don't keep my information | 19:49 |
Zykotic | techsupport, "tar cvf ouput.tar path/" | 19:49 |
BrixSat | :S are you sure? | 19:49 |
Corax | . | 19:49 |
* ACorb is away (Bye) | 19:49 | |
LOGANonUBUNTU | jerrymcfarts: used 7.04 and 7.10 | 19:49 |
=== abba is now known as runta | ||
sebsebseb | jerrymcfarts: well you can save data to a Flash stick, but indeed better to use a real install | 19:49 |
Pici | !away > ACorb | 19:49 |
ubottu | ACorb, please see my private message | 19:49 |
DasEI | !version | BrixSat | 19:49 |
ubottu | BrixSat: To find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type « lsb_release -a » in a !shell - To know the available version of a package, « apt-cache policy <package> » | 19:49 |
BrixSat | how can i upgrade? | 19:50 |
sebsebseb | !upgrade | 19:50 |
hosler | apt-get upgrade | 19:50 |
ubottu | For upgrading, see the instructions at - see also | 19:50 |
DasEI | BrixSat: you could, but .. | 19:50 |
runta | как перейти на ubuntu ru | 19:51 |
DasEI | BrixSat: hardy is nice, too | 19:51 |
smoo2 | I know i have an amd64 processor, but not sure if I am using 64bit kernel - how do I check? | 19:51 |
cole | hechu: i have the makefile | 19:51 |
DasEI | !details | BrixSat | 19:51 |
ubottu | BrixSat: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..." | 19:51 |
hosler | I just downloaded Ubuntu 8.10 64-bit version for my laptop. Are the default apt repositories for 64bit binaries or for 32bit binaries? | 19:51 |
Zykotic | hosler, 64bit | 19:51 |
hosler | Zykotic, hellz yeahz | 19:51 |
BrixSat | why details? | 19:51 |
hechu | cole, hehe, can you send it to me ? It need too many things to download and install it. | 19:52 |
DasEI | BrixSat: hardy is lts and better on some older machines, and I always prefer a fresh install instead of an dist-upgrade, which often causes trouble | 19:52 |
tiberius_ | anyone know why a debootstrap'd amd64 intrepid ibex xen domU would be getting segfaults with any of the tools installed by wine_1.0.1-0ubuntu2_amd64.deb (e.g. wine doesn't run :-P) ? | 19:52 |
DasEI | BrixSat: because I asked you for you distro and gave you a link for ibex, that won't fit hardy | 19:52 |
LOGANonUBUNTU | haha the music doesnt finish a song, maybe because of live mode | 19:52 |
saxin | Is iPod Nano (4gen) working great with Ubuntu 8.10 ? | 19:53 |
BrixSat | DasEI: thanks friend ill download the cd and install :;D | 19:53 |
raji | i'm using winXP. I want to run linux from my second partition and keep XP running. I want to check a program in linux . Any good utilities ? | 19:53 |
BrixSat | DasEI: thanks for your pacience ;) | 19:53 |
BrixSat | thanks to everyone :;D | 19:53 |
DasEI | BrixSat: np, your machines specs ? | 19:53 |
sebsebseb | LOGANonUBUNTU: Virtual machine Wubi whatever, running from a Live CD all the time sucks | 19:53 |
DasEI | BrixSat: still got 5 minutes ? | 19:53 |
BrixSat | DasEI: yes | 19:53 |
sebsebseb | raji: you want to dual boot? | 19:53 |
DasEI | BrixSat: sudo apt-get install hwinfo | 19:53 |
DasEI | BrixSat: sudo hwinfo | pastebinit | 19:54 |
raji | sebsebseb, i already have dual boot. i want to run linux inside winXP for 10-15 mins to check a program | 19:54 |
hechu | cole, I can not receive the file. | 19:54 |
sebsebseb | why inside XP? | 19:54 |
cole | hechu: so shall i use a pastebin? | 19:55 |
sebsebseb | raji: you can do it yes, but you should be on Ubuntu most of the time now really :) and virtual machining XP not Ubuntu | 19:55 |
raji | sebsebseb, there is this download happening in IE. what to do | 19:55 |
sebsebseb | raji: a download in IE??????? | 19:55 |
hesse | servus all | 19:55 |
Acidic | sebsebseb, heh.. What if you want to play games that don't work in ubuntu :P | 19:55 |
christian1981 | sind hier auch welche aus germany | 19:56 |
sebsebseb | raji: why are you even using IE? Firefox? | 19:56 |
hechu | cole, or send it to me half69 AT | 19:56 |
mmcr | raji: Is it better not to run a virtual machine with ubuntu because your hardware won't work properly. | 19:56 |
DasEI | BrixSat: url from last cmd ? | 19:56 |
saxin | Is iPod Nano (4gen) working great with Ubuntu 8.10 ? | 19:56 |
_VIM_ | Acidic: that's what Xbox/PS3 is for :P | 19:56 |
mmcr | You can use a live cd. | 19:56 |
sebsebseb | Acidic: use wine or commercial ones or virtual machine. and should be alright unless 3D | 19:56 |
jerrymcfarts | sebastien, how easy is it to install programs on a USB stick when running it on a LiveCD | 19:56 |
BrixSat | DasEI: one minute | 19:56 |
oCean_ | !de | christian1981 | 19:56 |
ubottu | christian1981: In den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis. | 19:56 |
hesse | germann? | 19:56 |
sebsebseb | !usb | 19:56 |
ubottu | For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see - For a persistent live USB install, see: | 19:56 |
threepwood | just dualboot a partition of XP for games what's the use in toiling with wine | 19:56 |
_VIM_ | !de | hesse | 19:56 |
ubottu | hesse: In den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis. | 19:56 |
DasEI | !de | hesse | 19:56 |
Acidic | sebsebseb, unfortunately that's why i still run windows.. a lot of my stuff doesn't work in wine/cedega nor a VM | 19:56 |
_VIM_ | DasEI: :P | 19:57 |
HappySmileMan | Is there a way to get up to date Ruby packages | 19:57 |
kvieto | can anyone help getting Ex Falso to work with Chinese characters? | 19:57 |
_VIM_ | !ppa | HappySmileMan | 19:57 |
ubottu | HappySmileMan: With Launchpad's Personal Package Archives (PPA), you can build and publish binary Ubuntu packages for multiple architectures simply by uploading an Ubuntu source package to Launchpad. See | 19:57 |
HappySmileMan | I have ruby 1.8.7 but 1.9.1 is almost a month old | 19:57 |
sebsebseb | Acidic: ok you dual boot? | 19:57 |
jerrymcfarts | LOGANonUBUNTU, if you are into liveCDs you should check out Knoppix and BackTrack | 19:57 |
m4rk | where is turtle_ | 19:57 |
threepwood | it's cool that there are hardcore linux people who only run native linux apps and there are a lot of cool freeware games but if one is a gamer just dual boot for games wine is a headache =P | 19:57 |
daddy242 | who is daddy242 | 19:58 |
threepwood | not to take away from wine, it is amazing what theyve accomplished with such few developers compared to giants like microsoft | 19:58 |
m4rk | daddy242: it is you | 19:58 |
_VIM_ | HappySmileMan: sorry ubottu's !PPA description is not what i wanted,,, Um anyway's go to that link, and you can maybe find what you're wanting on the PPA site... | 19:58 |
xpecs | hello out there | 19:58 |
sebsebseb | raji: well running Ubuntu inside Windows in a virtual machine, is better than no Ubuntu at all I think and so: | 19:58 |
cole | hechu: i sent it to your email :) | 19:58 |
HappySmileMan | Yeha looking now, I'll see if I can find one | 19:58 |
raji | sebsebseb, is it better than vmware ? | 19:58 |
_VIM_ | HappySmileMan: or if that don't work you could try !backports | 19:59 |
xpecs | In my eyes you should run Ubuntu as main OS :P | 19:59 |
sebsebseb | raji: yeah pretty much | 19:59 |
threepwood | If the guy wants to run Ubuntu in VM, who cares =P. Baby steps! | 19:59 |
sebsebseb | raji: altough VMware workstation and fusion I think as well, have experimental 3D directx suppourt, where as Virtualbox does not | 19:59 |
mmcr | Depends what kind of program he wants to try. Having a virtual machine has hardware limitations. | 19:59 |
sebsebseb | yes I was talkking games | 19:59 |
hechu | cole, I've readed the Makefile, can you run "make uninstall-recursive" | 19:59 |
Dreamglider | is there an alternative to dd with a gui ? | 19:59 |
BrixSat | DasEI: is taking to long to react | 20:00 |
threepwood | just install windows first then ubuntu, perfect dual boot setup | 20:00 |
Zykotic | sebsebseb, VirtualBox 2.1 does have a little 3D infact | 20:00 |
cole | hechu: oh, lol so what would be the command? | 20:00 |
mrwes | Dreamglider, why? | 20:00 |
m4rk | I need to know | 20:00 |
sebsebseb | Zykotic: yeah for OpenGL not Directx | 20:00 |
raji | sebsebseb, i only need for console . | 20:00 |
DasEI | BrixSat: sudo hwinfo > hwi.txt | 20:00 |
_VIM_ | Dreamglider: yes there is check out clonezilla's live CD | 20:00 |
BrixSat | DasEI: thanks anyway i will install the new one anyway, thanks in advance ;) | 20:01 |
Zykotic | sebsebseb, yes that's true! | 20:01 |
Dreamglider | mrwes: i dont know how to use dd and im not so good with cli | 20:01 |
DasEI | BrixSat: ok | 20:01 |
threepwood | and i need windows for games and certain proprietary apps that i need to be familiar with | 20:01 |
LOGANonUBUNTU | jerrymcfarts: you know Dyne"Bolic? thats cool too | 20:01 |
sebsebseb | raji: the terminal? | 20:01 |
_VIM_ | !clonezilla | Dreamglider | 20:01 |
raji | sebsebseb, yes | 20:01 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about clonezilla | 20:01 |
_VIM_ | ... | 20:01 |
sebsebseb | raji: virtual machine will be fine for that | 20:01 |
Dreamglider | _VIM_: i dont know how to cloen a usb disk to another usb disk with clonezilla | 20:01 |
raji | sebsebseb, thanks | 20:01 |
threepwood | you cant really hide from windows, i mean you need to use it at work etc gotta be familiar with gates' crap =P | 20:01 |
_VIM_ | Dreamglider: sorry ubottu doesn't have a link,,, youll have too google for it :( | 20:01 |
sebsebseb | raji: out of curiosity though you want the terminal why? inside Ubuntu virtualmachine inside Windows? | 20:01 |
tiberius_ | any thoughts on a xen-create-image debootstrap'd 2.6.27-11-server amd64 intrepid ibex xen domU segfaulting immediately on any wine command with multiple versions of wine? | 20:02 |
_VIM_ | Dreamglider: hmmmm how bout Fog? | 20:02 |
hechu | cole, can you run "make uninstall-recursive" | 20:02 |
mrwes | Dreamglider, what are you trying to accomplish with dd ? | 20:02 |
=== Hoffi1995_ is now known as Nils_28 | ||
raji | sebsebseb, my cygwin doesn't have make and i'm lazy to install. i don't have gnome-genius cli | 20:02 |
sebsebseb | raji: oh you got Cygwin :) | 20:02 |
Dreamglider | mrwes: i want to clone a external disk to another external disk | 20:02 |
sebsebseb | raji: do you have Ubuntu on dual boot though? | 20:02 |
armence | DasEl: I really appreciate the help that you gave me, but if you don't think there is anything else you can do, please let me know so I can start hunting down someone who can help me. | 20:03 |
raji | sebsebseb, yes | 20:03 |
oasis4me | salve | 20:03 |
oasis4me | a tutti | 20:03 |
sebsebseb | raji: ,but for some reason are mainly booted into Windows at the moment? | 20:03 |
oasis4me | c'è qualcuno | 20:03 |
oasis4me | ke mi aiuta? | 20:03 |
oCean_ | !it | oasis4me | 20:03 |
ubottu | oasis4me: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare) | 20:03 |
cole | hechu: yup, that command ran but when i click applications/internet i still see ekiga | 20:03 |
raji | sebsebseb, yes the download was started in IE , not everyone is that friendly with FF /opera | 20:03 |
IdentifyTarget | how is bluetooth support in ubuuntu? | 20:05 |
_VIM_ | am i lagging? all i see are joins/parts | 20:05 |
Dreamglider | same here | 20:05 |
datacrusher | no _VIM_ | 20:05 |
_VIM_ | ok | 20:05 |
datacrusher | few people chatting | 20:06 |
mmcr | it's call net-split. | 20:06 |
_VIM_ | very unusual for #ubuntu | 20:06 |
datacrusher | yep | 20:06 |
sebsebseb | !bluetooth | 20:06 |
mrwes | Dreamglider, try this: | 20:06 |
ubottu | For instructions on how to set up bluetooth, see | 20:06 |
Zykotic | IdentifyTarget, if your thinking bluetooth headset, not too goo unfortunatly, haven't played with anything else bluetooth | 20:06 |
datacrusher | !atheros | 20:06 |
ubottu | Wireless documentation can be found at | 20:06 |
IdentifyTarget | just KB and mouse | 20:06 |
hechu | cole, I've no idea about it. | 20:06 |
hechu | cole, the source code should create a install/uninstall script for it. | 20:07 |
Droopsta | Im trying to reinstall the grub bootloader because windows wiped it out. I load the live cd and it asks for a user name and password. When I hit enter it opens the ubuntu desktop, but when I click the mouse, Ubuntu restarts. Anyone know how I can get in the live cd? | 20:07 |
sebsebseb | !grub | 20:07 |
ubottu | GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See - GRUB how-tos: | 20:07 |
cole | hechu: your a star thanx for your help anyways :) | 20:07 |
sebsebseb | Droopsta: the password for the live cd is ubuntu I think, and just boot it up agian | 20:08 |
sebsebseb | !livecd | 20:08 |
ubottu | The Ubuntu Desktop CD is a "LiveCD" which can be run without altering existing files on your harddrive. Especially useful for testing your hardware's compatibility, it also includes an install option. | 20:08 |
sebsebseb | !password | 20:08 |
ubottu | Forgot your password? See What's the root password? See !sudo. Don't see *** in password prompts? That's normal. Sudo doesn't ask for your password? It remembers you for several minutes. Please use strong passwords, see | 20:08 |
Droopsta | sebsebseb: What about the username? | 20:08 |
sebsebseb | ubuntu_ I think | 20:08 |
sebsebseb | open a termianl and that will tell you | 20:09 |
Droopsta | sebsebseb:I dont have a terminal. Im trying to get into the live cd | 20:09 |
eivindgl | My girlfriend is traveling and she's unable to connect to a WEP ap, I know the laptop has working wifi (tested with WPA). I also tried to instruct her over the phone, but she's still unable to connect. are there any know problems with WEP? Her friend is able to connect, so the key is right. any help would be appreciated. | 20:09 |
sebsebseb | Droopsta: re boot it should automatically go into the live session | 20:09 |
hechu | cole, you are welcome. | 20:09 |
sebsebseb | !wireless | 20:10 |
ubottu | Wireless documentation can be found at | 20:10 |
Dreamglider | mrwes: do i have to use a live cd, cant i do it from installed ubuntu ? | 20:10 |
nectar | hey is there a way to changing the amarok fonts? | 20:11 |
sebsebseb | !fonts | 20:11 |
ubottu | Font installation basics here: - No fonts in Flash? Install "msttcorefonts" (from !Multiverse), "gsfonts", and "gsfonts-x11". No fonts in MPlayer? see !MPlayer | 20:11 |
eivindgl | ubottu: I've read those and I've also done some other searches. I really cant ask her to start typing in the terminal over the phone. It's no big deal, just wanted to know if it could be something like an old router problem | 20:11 |
ubottu | Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 20:11 |
eseven73 | how do i force a .deb package to install? from the command line | 20:11 |
sebsebseb | eseven73: easy | 20:11 |
sebsebseb | eseven73: make sure your in the folder where the deb is | 20:12 |
sebsebseb | eseven73: if it's in home you will be by default | 20:12 |
m4rk | eivindgl: where is your girlfriend? | 20:12 |
sebsebseb | eseven73: if not cd into it and then sudo dpkg -i namegoeshere.deb | 20:12 |
raji | sebsebseb, in the harddisk section i only see new harddisk , when i click existing ones it doesn't show my IDE seagate harddisk | 20:13 |
DasEI | eseven73: why force it ? dpkg -I *.deb; see man dpkg | 20:13 |
Zykotic | eseven73, is this a 64bit vs 32bit problem? if so you need the -force-architecture switch | 20:13 |
sebsebseb | raji: ok and? | 20:13 |
sebsebseb | raji: you mean in virtualbox? | 20:14 |
raji | sebsebseb, i can't boot linux | 20:14 |
raji | sebsebseb, yes | 20:14 |
eseven73 | DasEI: was getting "Unmet dependencies" something or another errors when i was doing it graphically | 20:14 |
sebsebseb | raji: yes you need to make a virtual hard disk for it | 20:14 |
sebsebseb | raji: a new virtual hard disk, make that expanding and put whatever size you want | 20:14 |
raji | sebsebseb, but i want to boot from /dev/hda2 | 20:14 |
sebsebseb | raji: the size is how big the Ubuntu vm thinks it has | 20:14 |
Zykotic | eseven73, you need to record what the "dependencies" are and install them first... | 20:14 |
DasEI | eseven73: so you'd risk a unstable system by overriding it, which paket ? | 20:14 |
raji | sebsebseb, isn't that new vhd for new installs ? | 20:15 |
sebsebseb | raji: virtual machine is seperate from your actsaul computer partitions, unless... | 20:15 |
mrwes | Dreamglider, these are external drives we're talking about? | 20:15 |
sebsebseb | raji: yes you make a new vdi | 20:15 |
sebsebseb | raji: and tell it to use that vdi | 20:15 |
sebsebseb | raji: and tell it to boot from Ubuntu ISO or CD drive with Ubuntu CD in | 20:16 |
sebsebseb | raji: Virtualbox manual very good | 20:16 |
raji | sebsebseb, i wanted to use my existing installation on harddisk | 20:16 |
Acidic | I'm having a problem getting my PCMCIA wireless ethernet adapter to be recognized | 20:16 |
axelpaxel | If I want to reinstall Ubuntu, can I mount the Ubuntu.iso from within Ubuntu, and install it just as normal? | 20:17 |
sebsebseb | raji: that is usually not a good idea, to use a real OS install in virtual machine software, and needs some right setting up to do | 20:17 |
saurabh | hoe to install vmware on ubutnu 8.10 | 20:17 |
sebsebseb | axelpaxel: no you need to be on Live CD | 20:17 |
sdf2 | hi | 20:17 |
sebsebseb | saurabh: don't bother get Virtualbox instead | 20:17 |
sdf2 | anybody can actually tell me how to run firefox, flash with pulseaudio? | 20:17 |
sebsebseb | saurabh: the one from repo does not have USB suppourt the one from there site does. | 20:18 |
axelpaxel | sebsebseb: Okay, thanks, appreciate it :) | 20:18 |
sebsebseb | axelpaxel: so yeah the binary the PUEL. not OSE edition | 20:18 |
saurabh | i have worked on vmware and virtual box in windows .......i find vmware better than virtual box | 20:18 |
rww | !vmware | saurabh | 20:18 |
ubottu | saurabh: VMWare is not available in the Ubuntu repositories. Consider using !QEmu or !VirtualBox as alternatives. Instructions for installing VMWare manually are at | 20:18 |
sebsebseb | raji: you should read the manual from the site, and also you can get help in #vbox | 20:18 |
saurabh | sebsebseb:i would prefer vmware | 20:18 |
sebsebseb | I find Virtualbox better than VMware | 20:19 |
sebsebseb | that is better than VMware player and server | 20:19 |
sdf2 | how to get flash sound working in firefox? | 20:19 |
Algorithmiccontr | Howdy | 20:19 |
DasEI | !best | sebsebseb | 20:19 |
ubottu | sebsebseb: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots. | 20:19 |
sdf2 | !pulseaudio | 20:19 |
ubottu | PulseAudio is a sound server intended as a drop-in replacement for !ESD - See for information and installation instructions | 20:19 |
racerx | anyone know why I'm sending my hostname instead of my vpn username when doing a vpn connection to my workplace? | 20:20 |
sebsebseb | DasEI: blah de blah I know, and I seen that before | 20:20 |
DasEI | sebsebseb: vmwareplayer is free, an preconfigured images for less geeks are easy to be found | 20:20 |
sdf2 | i installed the needed package, for firefox pulseaudio flash sound but it still not working | 20:20 |
sdf2 | :S | 20:20 |
sebsebseb | Virtualbox can run those preconfigured images as well :) | 20:20 |
heatmzzr | i downloaded ........ how do I install it correctly????? | 20:20 |
sebsebseb | !sh | 20:21 |
ubottu | The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE). Guide: | 20:21 |
DasEI | sebsebseb: nice info, never tried that | 20:21 |
sebsebseb | yep works really well | 20:21 |
sebsebseb | no need to mess around with stupid vmx files then | 20:21 |
Zykotic | heatmzzr, "sudo ./" | 20:21 |
blizzle | heatmzzr, chmod +x the file and then run. | 20:21 |
DasEI | !compile | heatmzzr | 20:21 |
ubottu | heatmzzr: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first) | 20:21 |
jschall | switching from kubuntu to ubuntu should just involve installing ubuntu-desktop and then removing kubuntu-desktop, right? | 20:21 |
rww | !puregnome | 20:22 |
ubottu | If you want to remove all !KDE packages, type « sudo apt-get remove kdelibs4c2 ; sudo apt-get remove kdelibs5 ; sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop » | 20:22 |
racerx | Can some help with vpn connection? I'm sending my hostname instead of my vpn username when doing a vpn connection to my workplace? | 20:22 |
Acidic | I'm having a problem getting my PCMCIA wireless ethernet adapter to be recognized. It's a D-link and I'm trying to use the madwifi-ng driver for it (it's Atheros chipset). But if i 'dmesg' when i plug it in all it says is "pccard: CardBus card inserted into slot 0" and nothing else. Also it seems that nothing gets added to /dev when it gets plugged in. Can someone help? | 20:22 |
sebsebseb | jschall: not quite | 20:22 |
sebsebseb | !puregnome | 20:22 |
sebsebseb | !pure | 20:22 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about pure | 20:22 |
jschall | sebsebseb: already got it | 20:22 |
jschall | sebsebseb: someone beat you to it | 20:22 |
rww | jschall: that's if you also want to remove KDE. If you want both, then yeah, just install ubuntu-desktop | 20:22 |
jschall | sebsebseb: thanks, that helps | 20:22 |
nickrud_ | gotta be that repeating nick, makes ya slow | 20:23 |
sebsebseb | jschall: you might want to run some KDE apps in Gnome/Ubuntu though, but you can install those later anyway | 20:23 |
sdf2 | how can make flash sound work in firefox under ubuntu 8.10? | 20:23 |
sebsebseb | jschall: and I assume you don't like KDE4 then I don't either, KDE3 was nice | 20:23 |
jschall | yeah kde is awesome, but things just keep crashing | 20:23 |
DasEI | !flash | sdf2 | 20:23 |
ubottu | sdf2: To install Flash see (a recent version for !Dapper is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash | 20:23 |
sebsebseb | jschall: that is as a GUI. KDE4 has apps that improved though | 20:23 |
sebsebseb | jschall: oh right yeah KDE4 is still buggy here and there | 20:24 |
jschall | sebsebseb: and flash in konqueror just doesn't seem to happen | 20:24 |
sebsebseb | jschall: KDE3 is nice and mature been around for years, but you won't get it from the Intrepid Ibex repo, but if you got Hardy Heron you can get it from that | 20:24 |
sebsebseb | jschall: I prefer Gnome over KDE3 and 4, but KDE3 is nice | 20:24 |
jschall | sebsebseb: i'd rather just keep my 2 boxes the same, i'm going to go with gnome | 20:24 |
agreenmac | hey im considering installing ubuntu on my macbook pro 5,1 and wondering the best way to go about this | 20:25 |
sebsebseb | jschall: well as long as you got enough RAM, woudn't hurt giving Kubuntu KDE3 a try in a virtual machine | 20:25 |
jschall | sebsebseb: kde4 is definitely more advanced, and if it gets a bunch of fixes i'll probably switch to it. | 20:25 |
jschall | sebsebseb: i'd rather just stick to gnome | 20:26 |
oCean_ | agreenmac: start here | 20:26 |
sebsebseb | jschall: ok, but trust me KDE3 is so worth trying | 20:26 |
* film42 looking fro help :( | 20:26 | |
sdf2 | firefox flash does not show up in my pulseaudio volume controller as playback | 20:26 |
agreenmac | oCean_: do you know if compiz is confirmed working? | 20:26 |
sebsebseb | jschall: also if you like Gnome may as well give xubuntu a try as well, like Gnome more light waight | 20:26 |
diego_ | hello guys, i have installed madwifi drivers in my laptop with atheros wifi and it works almost properly, the only thing is that it doesnt refresh the wifi connections ,anybody knows what can i do? | 20:26 |
jschall | sebsebseb: nah | 20:27 |
film42 | anyone available? | 20:27 |
sebsebseb | yes | 20:27 |
sebsebseb | help with what? | 20:27 |
sebsebseb | !ask | 20:27 |
ubottu | Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) | 20:27 |
film42 | hai :) | 20:27 |
=== spoo is now known as SpookY | ||
jschall | sdf2: it should be under "ALSA plug-in [firefox]: ALSA Playback" | 20:27 |
oCean_ | agreenmac: I think so. | 20:27 |
jschall | sdf2: at least, it is for me | 20:27 |
=== SpookY is now known as Spook2009 | ||
agreenmac | oCean_: ok thanks | 20:28 |
DasEI | !chmod > heatmzzr | 20:28 |
film42 | Well.. I have a mac mini running Intrepid, I want to route the sound out of my macbook running leopard, and into my mac mini, then out to my speakers. I enabled the switch for input as output. And it didnt work. So I then check hardware, and it failed "HDA Intel". Any ideas? | 20:28 |
sebsebseb | !mac | 20:29 |
ubottu | To view your Windows/Mac partitions see - For write access, see !NTFS-3g or !FUSE | 20:29 |
sebsebseb | nope | 20:29 |
sebsebseb | no ideas | 20:29 |
film42 | I've checked the forums and everything | 20:29 |
film42 | There's one kinda similar | 20:29 |
jschall | film42: you want to plug your macbook into line-in? | 20:29 |
film42 | but it was never answered | 20:30 |
=== zul_ is now known as zul | ||
Acidic | I'm having a problem getting my PCMCIA wireless ethernet adapter to be recognized. It's a D-link and I'm trying to use the madwifi-ng driver for it (it's Atheros chipset). But if i 'dmesg' when i plug it in all it says is "pccard: CardBus card inserted into slot 0" and nothing else. Also it seems that nothing gets added to /dev when it gets plugged in. Can someone help? | 20:30 |
jschall | film42: or you want it to be done wirelessly? | 20:30 |
film42 | MacBok goes to line-in to Mac Mini, then out to my speakers. | 20:30 |
jschall | film42: mini is running ubuntu? | 20:30 |
film42 | yes | 20:30 |
film42 | worked in leopard | 20:30 |
film42 | but not in ubuntu :( | 20:31 |
jschall | film42: should be a volume control | 20:31 |
jschall | film42: for line-in | 20:31 |
jschall | film42: do you have one in your mixer? | 20:31 |
stevetarot | hi I have a D-link wireless connected to the usb, i installed the win drivers and ndiswrapper says the driver is present but when i type iwconfig i get no wireless extentions | 20:31 |
film42 | I do | 20:31 |
jschall | film42: is it turned up and unmuted? | 20:31 |
film42 | It get a weird error when testing the capture | 20:32 |
film42 | | 20:32 |
film42 | ^^ screenshot | 20:32 |
jschall | film42: you shouldn't need it capturing if you just want to play it | 20:32 |
gajop | any way to disable numpad acting as mouse? not sure how it got enabled in the first place... | 20:32 |
Mooq | why does ubuntu prefer this evolution mail thing over thunderbird | 20:32 |
DasEI | Mooq:you can configure it | 20:33 |
film42 | jschall, I thought so too.. but i think it has to capture then send | 20:33 |
sdf2 | any souliton to make firefox flash sound to work with pulseaudio? | 20:33 |
sebsebseb | Mooq: I guess, because Ubuntu is based on Gnome, and that's the one for Gnome | 20:33 |
Mooq | thunderbird is easier syncing though no? | 20:33 |
sebsebseb | Mooq: and I guess they thought evolution was good enough, but yes Thunderbird :) | 20:33 |
jschall | film42: hmm, do you have your macbook plugged in to line-in and playing audio? is the macbook unmuted/turned up? | 20:33 |
Mooq | i use mozbackup | 20:34 |
jschall | film42: i had no trouble playing audio from my iphone through line-in | 20:34 |
Spook2009 | ubuntu desktop is in fact gnome, i never try kde or something, but curiously about kde | 20:34 |
film42 | yeah, everything is conected right, and im blasting cold war kids into the Mac Mini at full volume on my MacBook :P | 20:34 |
stevetarot | can someone help me troubleshoot my wifi device | 20:34 |
sebsebseb | Ubuntu is based on Gnome, hence why Firefox is the default browser for example | 20:34 |
sebsebseb | instead of the Gnome one | 20:34 |
stevetarot | driver is already loaded | 20:34 |
Spook2009 | can i install that kde, to look how it looks, whit not help my system crash? | 20:34 |
nivalis | sebsebseb, that does not make any sense | 20:35 |
sdf2 | anybody know a solution for fixing nosound flash in firefox 3 ubuntu 8.10? | 20:35 |
defrysk | Mooq, system > prefs >preferred applications | 20:35 |
DasEI | stevetarot: does ifconfig find it ? | 20:35 |
sebsebseb | if you want to try KDE then you should try KDE3 and 4 | 20:35 |
gajop | is there a way to disable numpad as mouse? | 20:35 |
Mooq | nivalis: I think he was being sarcastic | 20:35 |
sebsebseb | Ubuntu is not real Gnome | 20:35 |
jschall | film42: adjusting capture doesn't change anything for me | 20:35 |
sebsebseb | it is very similar to real Gnome though | 20:35 |
nivalis | oh | 20:35 |
vlavale54 | ah | 20:35 |
Spook2009 | the ubuntu desktop is ok, i can also pimp it nice, but curiousley about kde | 20:35 |
nivalis | just a little bit? | 20:35 |
film42 | jschall, it just isnt working, i dont know why :( | 20:36 |
DasEI | gajob:num-switch ?! | 20:36 |
Mooq | defrysk: ah cool tip thanks | 20:36 |
sebsebseb | ubuntu desktop is that apps that Ubuntu think most people should have | 20:36 |
jschall | film42: can you screenshot your volume control? | 20:36 |
sebsebseb | and so there are apps as part of that, that aren't part of real Gnome such as Firefox for example | 20:36 |
armence | Everyone, I need help: I have a satellite M40. I am operating from the LiveCD version 8.1. I have one of my external FAT USB hard drive which is not recognized by Ubuntu. It does not appear when I try to fdisk -l. Can anyone help? | 20:36 |
film42 | yeah | 20:36 |
DasEI | gajob:also in pefrences > keyboard settings | 20:36 |
film42 | jschall, wanna move to pms? | 20:36 |
galahad | does anyone know what ports do i have to forward at my router to get xchat-gnome dcc to work properly? | 20:36 |
NativeAngels | when doing a revserse dns do you have to use the full local ip or part of it | 20:36 |
film42 | so it's not so busy :P | 20:36 |
DasEI | armence: does the bios of you lappy find the drive ? | 20:36 |
armence | DasEl: How can I check that? | 20:37 |
Mooq | galahad: ? | 20:37 |
DasEI | armence: watch the screen at bootup for found drives, or press F2, del or whatever to get into your bios-setup > harddrives/ usb support | 20:38 |
armence | DasEl: OK, I'll give that a shot | 20:38 |
Mooq | dunno if x-chat is the same as mirc, prob not try the google | 20:38 |
=== Flare183 is now known as Flare-laptop | ||
sdf2 | any solotion to make firefox flash sound work in ubuntu 8.10 with pulseaudio? | 20:38 |
Droopsta | Why wont my live cd work? I boot from disk, i los in and when i click on the examples folder, Ubuntu resarts. | 20:39 |
Spook2009 | i has xchat and xchat gnome, lol, by ubuntu, i prefer xchat | 20:39 |
chuy | don't mount automatically usb devices in ubuntu | 20:39 |
dreasty | ку | 20:39 |
dtchen_ | sdf2: should work just fine if you use Flash 10 via adobe-flashplugin (on i386, via the Canonical partner repo) or flashplugin-nonfree (from multiverse) | 20:39 |
dreasty | re | 20:39 |
dreasty | hi from Ukraine | 20:39 |
sdf2 | dtchen: Canonical partner repo? | 20:40 |
Trijntje | sdf2: libflashsupport helped for me, but you should read about it. It caused problems with me later on | 20:40 |
Spook2009 | hi dreasy from holland | 20:40 |
Fertech1 | hi linux users | 20:40 |
dtchen_ | sdf2: yes | 20:40 |
Spook2009 | hi Fertech1 | 20:40 |
nivalis | !hi | 20:40 |
ubottu | Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! | 20:40 |
sdf2 | dtchen: i don't really get whats it :S | 20:40 |
Fertech1 | how can i make a software | 20:40 |
[_kind_] | hey Fertech1 | 20:40 |
sdf2 | i installed flash-nonfree | 20:40 |
Spook2009 | xchat works same as mirc i see, lol almost same, iam newby on it | 20:40 |
sdf2 | and my flash has no sound | 20:40 |
[_kind_] | Fertech1, learn to code | 20:40 |
Fertech1 | im trying to make a simple software | 20:40 |
joe-mac1 | to make a software you take one egg yolk and crack it over your keyboard | 20:40 |
axisys | how do I change this line so that I can see the OS from console ? | 20:40 |
axisys | /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.27-11-generic root=/dev/md0 ro quiet splash quiet | 20:40 |
joe-mac1 | proceed to beat it gently | 20:40 |
sdf2 | and i don't see firefox, or flash in pulseaudio volume control | 20:41 |
Spook2009 | my flash everything works on ubu | 20:41 |
joe-mac1 | next, our some beer all over the keyboard | 20:41 |
Fertech1 | yes | 20:41 |
corey | How do I kill all programs except for one | 20:41 |
sdf2 | any tips? | 20:41 |
BULLE | corey: now thats not a smart idea | 20:41 |
sdf2 | flash works fine, but no sound at all | 20:41 |
Droopsta | Im trying to use the live cd, but everytime i click on the examples folder the cd restarts, anyone know whats going on? | 20:41 |
Spook2009 | system monitor | 20:41 |
Fertech1 | but is there a tool | 20:41 |
axisys | !grub | 20:41 |
ubottu | GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See - GRUB how-tos: | 20:41 |
sztyft | ... Omg. I qet in wrong server : p can enyone tell me how can i get to Polish Irc? "#ubuntu-pl" ? | 20:42 |
Fertech1 | i know a lil java and c++ | 20:42 |
corey | bulle: I wasnt asking for smart. I need to count to 1000000 Digits of pi fast | 20:42 |
chuy | Ubuntu no longer mounts automatically devices usb | 20:42 |
Spook2009 | whit system monitor u see programs running and you can kill if of give a "nice option | 20:42 |
Fertech1 | but its just from the terminal | 20:42 |
Plugh | I was finally able to update my system from Ubuntu 6.06 to 8.04 over the weekend. When I boot an ISO file using qemu when I'm running Fedora, the mouse works. When I boot the same ISO file using qemu under Ubuntu 8.04, the mouse doesn't work. Any ideas how to get the mouse to work? | 20:42 |
BULLE | corey: ? | 20:42 |
corey | bulle: sudo apt-get install pi | 20:43 |
chuy | use xkill comanda | 20:43 |
Fertech1 | or where can i find the open souce codes | 20:43 |
=== heroin is now known as Guest80828 | ||
chuy | comad for kill aplication in the terminal | 20:43 |
Fertech1 | like in my machine | 20:43 |
BULLE | just use killall | 20:43 |
bert_ | Hi, I'm at the computer club and one of the new ubuntu users is having problems with his wifi, in lshw the radio signal is reported as off "wireless=radio off", normally you should press the wifi-enable button to get it working, but the button does not do anything, does anyone know how to fake the button press or something similar to get it working ? | 20:43 |
hardo- | You'll find that skill is nicer than kill otherwise | 20:44 |
Fertech1 | i was using qt4 but had some errors | 20:44 |
marko-_- | are ubuntu drivers compatible with debian ? | 20:44 |
Guest80828 | I cant seem to upload any large files (800mb) at with FF3 anyone else have that problem? | 20:44 |
Guest80828 | marko-_-: they can be.. | 20:44 |
Spook2009 | system monitor not always work, some time my computer slow and i wanna give the music player not a "nice level" he not accept it | 20:44 |
Fertech1 | in the qt4 i can make the software but dont know how ot save it and where to put it at | 20:44 |
Spook2009 | when i do in termninal mode, it works | 20:45 |
Fertech1 | anyone know how to make software | 20:45 |
Spook2009 | programming Fertech1 ? | 20:45 |
Fertech1 | yes im trying to program spook | 20:46 |
=== Urge is now known as JDubs | ||
Spook2009 | i use c++ | 20:46 |
=== JDubs is now known as Splargh | ||
defrysk | bert_, just wondering, is it an atheros card ? | 20:46 |
Fertech1 | Spook2009 where can i go to learn more about to program | 20:46 |
DPNP | Anyone be able to help with an issue with a msn? | 20:47 |
Spook2009 | or for linux u can use python, i dont know how python works | 20:47 |
DPNP | amsn* | 20:47 |
Spook2009 | you can download many program book via bit torrents | 20:47 |
bert_ | defrysk: nope, intel card, should work | 20:47 |
Spook2009 | ebooks | 20:47 |
tuxtox | does anyone know a terminal command to mount an .iso? | 20:47 |
Fertech1 | ok Spook2009 | 20:47 |
defrysk | bert_, hmm | 20:47 |
Fertech1 | thanks Spook2009 | 20:48 |
Spook2009 | c++ is bit difficult to learn | 20:48 |
Spook2009 | but a good program language | 20:48 |
Fertech1 | which one is easy Spook2009 | 20:48 |
Splargh | Hey guys, I'm having a problem logging into a user/pw protected smb share from my NAS. I get the following error: The file or folder smb://Jon@datastore/Private does not exist. Any suggestions? I can access the non-protected share just fine. | 20:48 |
bert_ | defrysk: yeah, it's odd but according to the wiki this could happen, I think it needs a button press to start working but the button does not work | 20:48 |
Fertech1 | i know a lil c++ and java | 20:48 |
Spook2009 | c++ for dummies, that book is good to start for example | 20:49 |
Fertech1 | i know perl too | 20:49 |
Spook2009 | do u know php to? | 20:49 |
juha_ | tuxtox: mount -o loop image.iso /mnt/xxx | 20:49 |
sdf2 | my flash still don't have sound | 20:49 |
Fertech1 | yes i do | 20:49 |
NativeAngels | when settin up zone for reverse dns do you use full local ip or part in reverse | 20:49 |
tuxtox | juha_ thanks | 20:49 |
Fertech1 | i know html css and php | 20:49 |
the_dark_warrio | I'm trying to install libsvn-dev but ubuntu says it is not possible to do it. Any hints? | 20:49 |
Spook2009 | me to, php is also nice for databaseses | 20:49 |
mrwes | tuxtox, sudo mount myfile.iso /media/isoimage/ -t iso9660 -o loop of course you need to do a mkdir /media/isoimage first | 20:50 |
nivalis | Fertech1, do you know lolcode too? | 20:50 |
defrysk | bert_, I have a similar issue, my laptop does not show wireless as on when its turned on | 20:50 |
Fertech1 | yes but u need mysql right | 20:50 |
mrwes | tuxtox, or for a GUI use gisomount | 20:50 |
Spook2009 | but for c++ look on google, tutorials or something about c++ | 20:50 |
Fertech1 | im not to good with databases | 20:50 |
sdf2 | i even installed this flashplugin-nonfree-extrasound package for flash sound in firefox with pulse audio but its still not working | 20:50 |
tuxtox | mrwes thanks | 20:50 |
Splargh | Can anyone help me with a smb access problem? | 20:50 |
Spook2009 | for the torrents, and u can download free ebooks | 20:50 |
sebsebseb | !samba | 20:50 |
ubottu | Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: and - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT. | 20:50 |
bert_ | defrysk: aaah okey, well, did you already find a way to solve it ? | 20:50 |
Fertech1 | no i dont know lolcode | 20:50 |
Fertech1 | whats that | 20:51 |
Spook2009 | and i read last time something about python, funny | 20:51 |
Splargh | sebsebseb, i know all that, this is a unique problem | 20:51 |
defrysk | bert_, yes, i check if my networkmanager can see other networks | 20:51 |
Spook2009 | u can start it up in terminal, just type python | 20:51 |
Spook2009 | and the language looks a bit like the good old Basic | 20:51 |
defrysk | and if i cannot connect i press the button and try again | 20:51 |
Fertech1 | ok | 20:52 |
mrwes | Spook2009, I'm teaching myself python -- pretty kewl language | 20:52 |
guntbert | !ot | Spook2009 , Fertech1 | 20:52 |
ubottu | Spook2009 , Fertech1: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks! | 20:52 |
likuid_silence | Plone is a good way to learn python | 20:52 |
Spook2009 | and when python start up in terminal try, 33+78 | 20:52 |
Spook2009 | then u see he calculate it | 20:52 |
guntbert | !ot > Spook2009 | 20:53 |
ubottu | Spook2009, please see my private message | 20:53 |
Spook2009 | u can try print "hello world" | 20:53 |
Fertech1 | ok cool keep iin touch | 20:53 |
HenZo | Does anyone know how to specific the default network interface in NetworkManager? I added a NIC to my machine and now it's using that as the "default", but that's no good for me. No luck on Google. | 20:53 |
mrwes | | 20:53 |
Fertech1 | my email is | 20:53 |
tgr | hi how do i get a folder in mswindows 2000 vm in virtualbox to show in my nautilus in ubuntu? | 20:53 |
guntbert | tgr: ask in #vbox | 20:54 |
Splargh | Can anyone help me with a smb user/password protected share access problem? | 20:54 |
Fertech1 | ok im out of here later | 20:55 |
Plugh | Splargh: State your problem, then you can see if someone will be able to help you. | 20:55 |
Splargh | Hey guys, I'm having a problem logging into a user/pw protected smb share from my NAS. I get the following error: The file or folder smb://Jon@datastore/Private does not exist. Any suggestions? I can access the non-protected share just fine. | 20:55 |
Spook2009 | mrwes, for my python is new, what can you do whit python? | 20:55 |
Acidic | I'm having a problem getting my PCMCIA wireless ethernet adapter to be recognized. It's a D-link and I'm trying to use the madwifi-ng driver for it (it's Atheros chipset). But if i 'dmesg' when i plug it in all it says is "pccard: CardBus card inserted into slot 0" and nothing else. Also it seems that nothing gets added to /dev when it gets plugged in. Can someone help? | 20:56 |
guntbert | Spook2009: please keep to the topic of this channel | 20:56 |
mrwes | Spook2009, I'm not allowed to comment :) | 20:56 |
Spook2009 | ok gunsch excuses | 20:56 |
jschall | when i switched from kubuntu-desktop to ubuntu-desktop, the cursor theme stayed the same. how can i change it to the ubuntu one? | 20:56 |
Spook2009 | sorry, guntbert | 20:56 |
Mozillero | hi | 20:57 |
guntbert | Splargh: silly question: are you sure that this directory does exist? | 20:57 |
guntbert | Spook2009: :) | 20:57 |
Splargh | Yes. | 20:57 |
defrysk | jschall, system >preferences > appearance | 20:57 |
Splargh | i believe it to be an issue with the jon@datastore? part, guntbert | 20:57 |
Spook2009 | ok i have to go, i say to everybody a good evening, and bye bye :-) | 20:58 |
jschall | defrysk: didn't seem to be in there. i just removed oxygen-cursor-theme and it fixed it | 20:58 |
Splargh | guntbert, does the username have to equal my linux username? | 20:59 |
defrysk | jschall, in apearance you have to select cosumize, then pointer | 20:59 |
guntbert | Splargh: on my NAS I have to use user@nas/user/... | 20:59 |
[BTF]Jehar | Heya, have a quick problem to trouble shoot with GiMP\Keyring | 20:59 |
guntbert | Splargh: no, you set the username on the nas | 20:59 |
Splargh | guntbert, same result using the following: smb://Jon@datastore/Jon/Private | 20:59 |
nellmathew | hey with intrepid are you guys using flash_player_10 from or flashplugin-nonfree still?.. | 21:00 |
giveth | how do i swtich between channels in irssi ? | 21:00 |
DIFH-iceroot | giveth: alt + numbre | 21:00 |
[BTF]Jehar | I'll browse to the ftp dir, mounted on nautilus, and attempt to save the file. It will bring up the overwrite prompt, but after affirming that, it gives me a "file already exists" error. | 21:00 |
DIFH-iceroot | nellmathew: of course the stuff from the repo | 21:00 |
ACorb | aa | 21:00 |
[BTF]Jehar | Is there a way I can view keyring overwrite permissions? | 21:00 |
guntbert | Splargh: my last idea try smb://Jon@datastore/Jon/Private/ (mind the last / ) | 21:00 |
sdf2 | anybody can make pulseaudio and flash in firefox to have sound? | 21:01 |
giveth | thanks | 21:01 |
nellmathew | figured, thanks DIFH-iceroot | 21:01 |
unko | is there anyprogram on ubuntu that can convert X to DVD formats? im using convertxtodvd but im using it in wine and it's not that great looking and has a bug | 21:01 |
nellmathew | sdf2, try flashplugin-nonfree-extrasound | 21:01 |
DIFH-iceroot | giveth: if there is something in the repos (same major-version) always use the repo-stuff instead of installing stuff by hand | 21:01 |
sdf2 | i tried | 21:01 |
sdf2 | still no sound | 21:01 |
ricardo | brasillllllllll | 21:01 |
ricardo | alguem | 21:01 |
dtchen_ | sdf2: is pulseaudio running? | 21:01 |
Splargh | guntbert, no change, it drops the trailing / anyway. | 21:01 |
sdf2 | dtchen_: yes | 21:02 |
guntbert | !br | ricardo | 21:02 |
giveth | zorry? | 21:02 |
ubottu | ricardo: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado. | 21:02 |
Splargh | i'll try mounting it in fstab and see if i can get it to work that way. | 21:02 |
dtchen_ | sdf2: is libflashsupport installed? | 21:02 |
defrysk | sdf2, sudo apt-get install libflashsupport | 21:02 |
sdf2 | dtchen_: nop its not | 21:02 |
unko | is there anyprogram on ubuntu that can convert X to DVD formats? im using convertxtodvd but im using it in wine and it's not that great looking and has a bug | 21:02 |
defrysk | oops thats for hardy, ignore me please | 21:02 |
phoenixz | Okay, Im about to go crazy on gnome here.. Giving phone support to my dad, he needs to open up a terminal, but he has dutch gnome and I cant find the menu option... Is there a dutch person here who could tell me under what menus I could find a terminal in gnome?? | 21:02 |
giveth | DIFH-icreoot? | 21:02 |
guntbert | Splargh: did you try with places/connect to server? | 21:02 |
dtchen_ | defrysk: no, it's also applicable to 8.10 | 21:02 |
sdf2 | defrysk: i have 8.10 | 21:02 |
sdf2 | so what should i may try? | 21:03 |
dtchen_ | sdf2: the package i suggested (libflashsupport) | 21:03 |
defrysk | sdf2, dtchen_ just said it also works on 8.10 | 21:03 |
giveth | anyone here knows how to adjust the speed of the mouse when using mouse-keys? | 21:03 |
Splargh | guntbert, no, where is that? | 21:04 |
sdf2 | dtchen: it says, its not available, and i should use flashplugin-nonfree-extrasound | 21:04 |
guntbert | Splargh: I#m on itrepid and I have it in the places menu | 21:04 |
defrysk | sdf2, also nex time do a search in to check if thre is a howto | 21:04 |
sdf2 | i checked already | 21:04 |
* Splargh is running kubuntu, btw. | 21:04 | |
sdf2 | and i couldn't make it working | 21:04 |
=== reyalp is now known as reyalpAK47 | ||
defrysk | sdf2, ok | 21:05 |
sdf2 | i don't ask here if i can find a soulution somewhere, with google | 21:05 |
SimplySeth | okay .. I created a usrlv I rsync'd the data over to the new lv I added the LV in to /etc/fstab .. am I missing something ? | 21:05 |
dtchen_ | sdf2: is multiverse available? | 21:05 |
guntbert | Splargh: then I'm really at the end of my knowledge, sorry :( | 21:05 |
sdf2 | dtchen_: multiverse? | 21:05 |
Splargh | guntbert, i got it to mount np using fstab, so that'll work! | 21:05 |
=== datacrusher is now known as dataFORA | ||
Planteur | hi all, i cant see vids on youtube with firefox. Any idea what to check in synaptic and/or firefox plugins? | 21:05 |
sdf2 | dtchen_: whats that actually? | 21:06 |
guntbert | Splargh: thats better anyway :-) | 21:06 |
Splargh | quite right | 21:06 |
=== savvas_ is now known as savvas | ||
SimplySeth | Planteur: flashplugin-nonfree ? | 21:06 |
Planteur | installed | 21:06 |
dtchen_ | sdf2: nevermind. have you used asoundconf, or are you using default configuration for alsa-lib? | 21:07 |
SimplySeth | Planteur: and you restarted firefox after restarting ? | 21:07 |
SimplySeth | Planteur: errr after installing | 21:07 |
Planteur | yup | 21:07 |
sdf2 | dtchen_: i used asoundconf | 21:07 |
dtchen_ | sdf2: mv ~/.asoundrc ~/.asoundrc.backup | 21:07 |
dtchen_ | sdf2: then log out of GNOME and back in | 21:08 |
SimplySeth | Planteur: there is one more package that needs to be installed .. but I cant think it of it now .. and I'm stuck in rescue mode on my box .. wish I coulda helped more | 21:08 |
Mrkrabz | Hi, my WebBrowser wont load up in Ubuntu Server edition | 21:08 |
guntbert | phoenixz: tell him to <ALT> F2, and type gnome-terminal | 21:08 |
gaintsura | any recommendations for a multi client chat app? pidgin is pissing me off | 21:08 |
NativeAngels | can anyone tell me with this file "/etc/bind/zones/"; would i user my full local ip ie or 192.168.0 in reverse | 21:08 |
phoenixz | guntbert: thanks already! :) | 21:08 |
sdf2 | i relog then | 21:08 |
guntbert | !language | gaintsura | 21:08 |
ubottu | gaintsura: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly. | 21:08 |
Planteur | thx anyway SimplySeth | 21:08 |
guntbert | phoenixz: glad to help :) | 21:08 |
=== techsupport is now known as orudie | ||
* SimplySeth seems to be stuck with a lv that doesn't wanna mount .. hmm | 21:09 | |
orudie | how can i make a file executable ? | 21:09 |
sdf2 | re | 21:09 |
guntbert | NativeAngels: ##networking will be a better place for this | 21:09 |
mediadragon | @bos | 21:09 |
NativeAngels | ok | 21:09 |
NativeAngels | thanks | 21:10 |
Mrkrabz | Hi, my WebBrowser wont load up in Ubuntu Server edition | 21:10 |
SimplySeth | Mrkrabz: why not ? | 21:10 |
sdf2 | dtchen_: its working now | 21:10 |
DIFH-iceroot | orudie: chmod +x filename | 21:10 |
Mrkrabz | I click web browser and it does nnothing at all | 21:10 |
sdf2 | dtchen_: thank you, what was the problem actually? | 21:10 |
saxin | Will iPod Nano (4gen) working with Ubuntu? | 21:10 |
orudie | DIFH-iceroot, thnx | 21:10 |
SimplySeth | Mrkrabz: if you open a terminal and type firefox and press enter .. you might get a better clue of what is going on | 21:11 |
gaintsura | guntbert: my bad, but tis the truth. any recommendation? | 21:11 |
Mrkrabz | terminal? | 21:11 |
Mrkrabz | SimplySeth, Terminal? | 21:11 |
SimplySeth | Mrkrabz: yeah .. terminal .. umm command line thingie | 21:11 |
Mrkrabz | SimplySeth, that dosent help :/ | 21:11 |
SimplySeth | Mrkrabz: usually an icon that looks like a tv screen | 21:12 |
sdf2 | dtchen_: can u write me this command again plz? | 21:12 |
guntbert | gaintsura: sorry, no. I don't need "multi client", so I'm using xchat | 21:12 |
nellmathew | in intrepid is flashplugin-nonfree in repos is flash v9 right? | 21:12 |
Mrkrabz | SimplySeth, dosent load | 21:12 |
sdf2 | flash10 | 21:12 |
SimplySeth | Mrkrabz: is this a fresh install ? | 21:12 |
Mrkrabz | yep | 21:13 |
ktebit | DHCP: device eth0 state changed normal exit -> preinit | 21:13 |
degrit | is there on linux an IRC client akin to the good old mIRC ? | 21:13 |
ktebit | WOW ITS WORKING NOW :) | 21:13 |
Mrkrabz | Ubuntu Server | 21:13 |
dtchen_ | sdf2: what command? | 21:13 |
=== savvas_ is now known as savvas | ||
SimplySeth | Mrkrabz: what desktop environment are you using ? | 21:13 |
Mrkrabz | I cant remember D: | 21:13 |
sdf2 | dtchen_: that mv *command | 21:13 |
Mrkrabz | Desktop backround says LADE | 21:13 |
sdf2 | dtchen_: move some backup file or wat is looked like | 21:13 |
SimplySeth | Mrkrabz: is firefox installed ? is Xorg installed ? | 21:13 |
dtchen_ | sdf2: mv ~/.asoundrc ~/.asoundrc.backup | 21:14 |
Mrkrabz | SimplySeth, not that i know of | 21:14 |
SimplySeth | Mrkrabz: is xterm installed ? | 21:14 |
beautifulsnow | Grrr anyone know how to disable space+right_click=window menu??? It keeps making me quit my game!!! | 21:14 |
Mrkrabz | lxterm? | 21:14 |
=== reyalp is now known as reyalpAK47 | ||
SimplySeth | Mrkrabz: yeah .. xterm .. its what people who run servers use to control servers via command line | 21:14 |
sdf2 | dtchen_: i save it i may need this laterz, what it does actually? | 21:14 |
Mrkrabz | SimplySeth, how to do that? | 21:14 |
dtchen_ | sdf2: it moved the problematic file out of the way | 21:15 |
SimplySeth | Mrkrabz: lemme look | 21:15 |
RPS | Hello Guys, I'm running Ubuntu 8.10 and I'd like to try out VLC 0.9.8a which will be included in the Jaunty release. Could someone help me get it set up? I know that I need to add some stuff to my source.list file, but I'm not sure exactly what I need to do. | 21:15 |
sdf2 | dtchen_: so i shouldn't use asoundconf? | 21:15 |
dtchen_ | sdf2: not in 8.10 | 21:15 |
nellmathew | sdf2, did you also try : flashplugin-nonfree-pulse ? | 21:16 |
SimplySeth | Mrkrabz: from a command line .. sudo apt-get install xterm firefox | 21:16 |
Mrkrabz | ok | 21:16 |
sdf2 | dtchen_: ahammmm, for the sound to work i got soo many forum posts, and etc.... while did not really know what will work... at least i got my pulseaudio working it was a little buggy, like i lost ubuntu login sounds, but this fixed. Thank you again! | 21:17 |
UncleD- | how do I fix this error: Err feisty/main Packages | 21:17 |
UncleD- | 404 Not Found [IP: 80] | 21:17 |
philipp | i have bought a season of simpsons | 21:17 |
dtchen_ | UncleD-: feisty is no longer available | 21:17 |
philipp | please help | 21:17 |
nellmathew | sdf2 : flashplugin-nonfree-pulse - uses pulseaudio with flashplugin | 21:17 |
UncleD- | dtchen_: should i upgrade? | 21:17 |
philipp | i have bought a season of simpsons | 21:17 |
UncleD- | dtchen_: how do i update my kernel from the command prompt | 21:17 |
dtchen_ | UncleD-: yto gutsy at least, yes. | 21:17 |
Mrkrabz | sudo apt-get install xterm firefox it went through but did mnothing | 21:17 |
philipp | but totem cant play them | 21:17 |
guntbert | !please | philipp | 21:17 |
karab44 | Hi I have a sound problem, I have no sound in Ubuntu64 9.04/ there is in w32 XP | 21:17 |
ubottu | philipp: Avoid your questions being followed by a trail of "Please, help me", "Can nobody help me?", "I really need this!", and so on. This just contributes to making the channel unreadable. If you are not answered, ask again later; but see also !repeat and !patience | 21:17 |
philipp | but totem cant play them | 21:17 |
philipp | please help | 21:17 |
UncleD- | dtchen_: whats the command to update from fiesty to gutsy? | 21:18 |
Mrkrabz | SimplySeth, went through but nothing happend | 21:18 |
TwistedGhost | philipp, do you want all the season of the simpsons? | 21:18 |
erUSUL | !upgrade | UncleD- | 21:18 |
ubottu | UncleD-: For upgrading, see the instructions at - see also | 21:18 |
TwistedGhost | also i can help you get them playing | 21:18 |
UncleD- | apt-get upgrade ? | 21:18 |
philipp | yes | 21:18 |
TwistedGhost | philipp, pm me | 21:18 |
SimplySeth | Mrkrabz: how about apt-get install xserver-xorg\* | 21:18 |
philipp | how can i pm you? | 21:19 |
erUSUL | UncleD-: see the page ubottu told you | 21:19 |
TwistedGhost | philipp, look on the left colum | 21:19 |
jmadero | can anyone in here help with USB sound card? | 21:19 |
guntbert | !pm | philipp | 21:20 |
pjsturgeon | cant get WOL working. mobo supports "pumbg" and i have a start/stop script setting the wol setting to g on eth0 (my mobo ethernet port) | 21:20 |
ubottu | philipp: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first. | 21:20 |
=== automatix is now known as ortsvorsteher | ||
guntbert | philipp: I don't critizize, just a warning about possible dangers | 21:21 |
philipp | dangerous? | 21:21 |
pjsturgeon | i am using sudo halt -p to bring my ubuntu server down, and i am using a mac leopard client that i know works | 21:21 |
* SimplySeth goes away | 21:21 | |
pjsturgeon | philipp: go with the advice, it is good advice | 21:21 |
Mrkrabz | SimplySeth, again does nothing | 21:21 |
nkat | please how can i make a file readable RW with chmod command ? | 21:22 |
Guest80828 | I cant seem to upload any large files (800mb) at with FF3 anyone else have that problem? | 21:22 |
UncleD- | erUSUL: I got this QGetting upgrade prerequisites failedQ | 21:22 |
UncleD- | when attempting to upgrade | 21:22 |
TwistedGhost | what is the easest way to send a folder to someone? | 21:23 |
Dr_willis | nkat, --> chmod tutorial --> | 21:23 |
guntbert | philipp: here in the channel "everbody" sees the talks, in PM its just you and your partner, and he *might* give you bad advice (nothing against TwistedGhost :-)), so be careful | 21:23 |
TwistedGhost | i wont dont worry | 21:23 |
Dr_willis | TwistedGhost, someone over the internet? local lan? archive it and email.. would be a easy way | 21:24 |
TwistedGhost | i know how to play movies | 21:24 |
guntbert | TwistedGhost: please not here | 21:24 |
UncleD- | I'm trying to upgrade from 7.04 to 7.10 and I got this error: | 21:24 |
UncleD- | please help | 21:24 |
TwistedGhost | Dr_willis, over the internet | 21:24 |
TwistedGhost | guntbert, what are you talking about? | 21:24 |
Dr_willis | TwistedGhost, email, or irc's dcc feature.. or upload it somewhere and tell thjem where to look... | 21:24 |
eightyeight | i need to append a domain after a Host declaration in my ~/.ssh/config for a group of servers: HostName doesn't support this, unless there's some variable i'm not aware of. EG: Host set-of-servers-a-* HostName ${Host} Host set-of-servers-b-* HostName ${Host} any ideas? | 21:24 |
Dr_willis | TwistedGhost, or the various im clients can normallys end files also | 21:25 |
TwistedGhost | ok thanxs | 21:25 |
mrwes | Doc is in da house! | 21:25 |
guntbert | TwistedGhost: may I PM you? | 21:25 |
TwistedGhost | guntbert, yes | 21:25 |
mrwes | heh | 21:25 |
HenZo | Does anyone know how to specify the default network interface in NetworkManager? I added a NIC to my machine and now it's using that as the "default", but that's no good for me. No luck on Google. | 21:25 |
* SimplySeth is relieved to have fixed his issue but puzzled as to why it didn't work with UUID | 21:25 | |
pjsturgeon | HenZo: run ifconfig -a and see what ethX you have | 21:26 |
Caesi | Hello everyone, could anyone help me deactivate OSS and reactivate ALSA via commandlines? thanx!! | 21:26 |
* SimplySeth wishes network manager would be replaced with wicd | 21:26 | |
pjsturgeon | then run /etc/init.d/networking and see which is set to auto ethX | 21:26 |
Guest80828 | I cant seem to upload any large files (800mb) at with FF3 anyone else have that problem? | 21:26 |
mistergibson | anyone found a cure for "xine cannot play mp3 after update" ? | 21:27 |
pjsturgeon | henzo: then just change auto ethX to match your network card or connection you wish to use | 21:27 |
Dr_willis | Guest80828, try some other file-shareing site perhaps? | 21:27 |
UncleD- | I'm having problems upgrading from 7.04 to 7.10 - anyone able to help? is my error. | 21:27 |
=== savvas_ is now known as savvas | ||
Guest80828 | ? | 21:28 |
IntuitiveNipple | UncleD-: Known problem I'm afraid, with some mirrors not containing the older upgrade packages | 21:29 |
beinghuman | Anyone know what happened to the nvidia legacy driver? | 21:29 |
Dr_willis | !info nvidia-glx-legacy | 21:29 |
ubottu | Package nvidia-glx-legacy does not exist in intrepid | 21:29 |
Dr_willis | Hmm.. | 21:29 |
KenBW2 | <-- why is compiz doing this | 21:29 |
Dr_willis | !find nvidia | 21:29 |
ubottu | Found: nvidia-71-modaliases, nvidia-common, nvidia-71-kernel-source, nvidia-glx-71, nvidia-glx-71-dev (and 20 others) | 21:29 |
pjsturgeon | HenZo: Any help? | 21:29 |
HenZo | pjsturgeon: Not sure I follow. 'ifconfig -a' shows my interfaces as expected (eth0 and the newly added eth1). /etc/init.d/networking is just the network script for stopping/starting, etc. | 21:30 |
beinghuman | Dr_willis: so what does that mean? | 21:30 |
Dr_willis | isent nvidia-glx-96 the legacy driver? | 21:30 |
Dr_willis | the version #'s | 21:30 |
Zykotic | KenBW2, getting 404 from your link??? | 21:30 |
Dr_willis | !find nvidia-glx | 21:30 |
ubottu | Found: nvidia-glx-71, nvidia-glx-71-dev, nvidia-glx-173, nvidia-glx-173-dev, nvidia-glx-177 (and 5 others) | 21:30 |
KenBW2 | Zykotic: yea i know... | 21:30 |
nkat | Dr_willis: thank you... | 21:30 |
pjsturgeon | HenZo I thought thats what you meant by default, but i see what you mean. you want both working but for it to use one as the default for connections | 21:30 |
pjsturgeon | HenZo: Ignore me ;-) | 21:30 |
UncleD- | IntuitiveNipple: what do you suggest? | 21:31 |
ney | hi fellas, my mouse just stopped moving. its working, bcause im using it right now on the other pc, i got a kvm | 21:31 |
karab44 | Hi I have a sound problem, I have no sound in Ubuntu64 9.04/ there is in w32 XP | 21:31 |
beinghuman | Dr_willis: I need whatever driver will work best for nvidia riva TNT2 | 21:31 |
ney | iv tested the cables and stuff | 21:31 |
Dr_willis | I had problems yesterday.. m y other machine needed the older nviddia drivers.. and i dident realize it. :) | 21:31 |
laron | I'm having issues with kismet, maybe someone can help? | 21:31 |
HenZo | pjsturgeon: Bah, got me all excited thinking someone knew the answer! | 21:31 |
Mood | hello. i tried to get my ethernet connection started, but "/etc/init.d/networking restart" and "ifconfig down/up" both failed. it only connected after using the GUI of NetworkManager -- is there something CLI i missed? | 21:31 |
Dr_willis | beinghuman, egads... that may not eve be supported by any of them. | 21:31 |
ney | its on ubuntu itself.. what can i do to get the mouse back moving? | 21:31 |
pjsturgeon | sorry! | 21:31 |
laron | kismet will detect networks when I am connected to my ap but will not when Im not connected | 21:31 |
laron | any advice | 21:31 |
philipp | he want that i install something | 21:31 |
n8tuserf | Mood-> post your /etc/network/interfaces file contents | 21:31 |
Dr_willis | beinghuman, i would have to suggest checking the forums and google and the !nvidia guide/ nvidia driver docs. | 21:31 |
IntuitiveNipple | UncleD-: Currently I'm not aware of a solution | 21:32 |
HenZo | Nobody knows how NetworkManager chooses the "default" connection? :( | 21:32 |
cpk1 | Mood: dhclient? | 21:32 |
UncleD- | IntuitiveNipple: all the failes are happening on Failed feisty-backports Release | 21:32 |
Mood | cpk1: what about dhclient? restarting it? | 21:32 |
laron | auto lo | 21:32 |
laron | iface lo inet loopback | 21:32 |
n8tuserf | Mood-> post your /etc/network/interfaces file contents | 21:33 |
KenBW2 | Zambezi: | 21:33 |
UncleD- | IntuitiveNipple: is there a way i can manually install the latest kernel on my server? | 21:33 |
philipp | TwistedGhost trys to push me to install something | 21:33 |
TwistedGhost | wtf? | 21:33 |
TwistedGhost | dude i said install vuze | 21:33 |
laron | auto lo | 21:33 |
laron | iface lo inet loopback | 21:33 |
IntuitiveNipple | UncleD-: bug #334961 | 21:33 |
cpk1 | Mood: after the interface is up run "sudo dhclient ethX" | 21:33 |
TwistedGhost | that the last time i try to help you | 21:33 |
pjsturgeon | philipp: haha! talk on main talk so we can all see. im sure its harmless | 21:33 |
IntuitiveNipple | UncleD-: | 21:33 |
cpk1 | Mood: providing your network uses dhcp | 21:33 |
pjsturgeon | you will make us other philips have a bad name! | 21:34 |
Mood | cpk1: ahh, ok. i missed that one. | 21:34 |
TwistedGhost | pjsturgeon, all i said is that i would like him to install vuze | 21:34 |
philipp | where can i paste it? | 21:34 |
Mood | n8tuserf: sorry, your nick-> doesn't do context highlighting in xchat so i missed it | 21:34 |
Dr_willis | I thought vuze was azurus with more ad-ware included. :) | 21:34 |
pjsturgeon | TwistedGhost: yea no doubt. this is why i was trying to explain to him to talk in main window so it wont cause confusion like this | 21:34 |
=== ney is now known as dtcrshr | ||
TwistedGhost | <TwistedGhost> ok so what i would like to do is have you install vuze which is a torrent program | 21:35 |
TwistedGhost | <philipp> no | 21:35 |
TwistedGhost | <TwistedGhost> please | 21:35 |
TwistedGhost | <TwistedGhost> its what i use and its way better than transmission client | 21:35 |
TwistedGhost | <TwistedGhost> it would be easyier to send you the file | 21:35 |
FloodBot2 | TwistedGhost: Please don't flood, use to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 21:35 |
TwistedGhost | <TwistedGhost> but if you dont want to its ok | 21:35 |
laron | here are my results for sudo dhclient eth0 | 21:35 |
laron | | 21:35 |
dtcrshr | is there anyway to get my mouse working again? it just stopped. | 21:35 |
TwistedGhost | opps lol | 21:35 |
n8tuserf | laron what are you trying to do? | 21:35 |
dtcrshr | its on a kvm, and im using it now, so the mouse and cables are ok | 21:35 |
mue | hi | 21:35 |
Dr_willis | vuze appears to be in the Medibuntu repos.. or download the latest.. and install it on a per-user basis | 21:36 |
yok3r | join/ #ubuntu-es | 21:36 |
yok3r | up | 21:36 |
laron | kismet will discover networks when im connected to my AP however it will not work when I'm not connected | 21:36 |
laron | useless | 21:36 |
IntuitiveNipple | dtcrshr: Does the KVM have keyboard focus (Ctrl+Alt) ? | 21:36 |
TwistedGhost | vuze is azures | 21:36 |
MaPkO | i still has problem with my wireless damn :( | 21:36 |
philipp | | 21:37 |
UncleD- | IntuitiveNipple: can i somehow manually upgrade? | 21:37 |
mue | does anyone know how i can find out which ntfs driver i am using? (ubuntu 8.10) | 21:37 |
threepwood | is there any reason not to update open office in 8.10 | 21:37 |
picca- | what is a recommended ipod application for ubuntu - gtkpod? | 21:37 |
Cool_Nick | how do you find out what version are you using? | 21:38 |
TwistedGhost | pjsturgeon, now you see | 21:38 |
philipp | | 21:38 |
TwistedGhost | pjsturgeon, nothing harmfull | 21:38 |
cpk1 | ever since azureus started turning into vuze it went downhill | 21:38 |
TwistedGhost | cpkl not for me | 21:38 |
pjsturgeon | ANYWAY, anyone know what could be causing WoL to be failing as I have a supported card and g being set using ethtool on boot and halt | 21:38 |
pjsturgeon | got correct mac address and the ubuntu server im trying to boot is wired using motherboard ethernet socket not pci | 21:38 |
pjsturgeon | TwistedGhost: Never said it was man, have no fear | 21:38 |
Mood | cpk1: i tried disabling wired using NetworkManager GUI to see if i can restart the connection via CLI ifconfig/network restart/dhclient, but it failed... would you know what else NetworkManager execs to get connected? or is it because i disabled network on NetworkManager that it didn't work? | 21:39 |
laron | I have installed the madwifi-hal drivers for my wireless | 21:39 |
TwistedGhost | pjsturgeon, oh i know i was just saying lol | 21:39 |
tony403 | can someone tell me why it's so hard for linux to mount windows drives? | 21:39 |
guntbert | !openoffice | threepwood (see the link to OO3) | 21:39 |
ubottu | threepwood (see the link to OO3): a free and open source office suite that includes word processor, spreadsheet, presentation, vector drawing and database components. To install: "sudo apt-get install". For (unofficial) repositories containing 3, see User help available in | 21:39 |
Dreamglider | why is it i can mount/unmount a disk but i can not see it with duso fdisk -l ? | 21:39 |
laron | any ideas? | 21:40 |
n8tuserf | Dreamglider-> was that a typo? duso ? | 21:40 |
Zykotic | Dreamglider, do you mean "sudo fdisk -l"??? | 21:40 |
Mood | is there a way i can control NetworkManager's functions via CLI? i only know ifconfig, iwconfig, init.d/networking, dhclient... any others i'm missing? | 21:41 |
Dreamglider | yup a typo | 21:41 |
* ACorb is away (Bye) | 21:41 | |
Dreamglider | sudo* | 21:41 |
n8tuserf | Mood-> post your /etc/network/interfaces file contents <-- one last time | 21:41 |
bosco | hello everyone sudo iwconfig = ath0 wifi0 eth0 pan0 and lo i cannot connect to my wireless router i have before i can see the name i know it is not my router becase the other laptop in the house is on linei am wired right nw/? | 21:41 |
bosco | can someone help?? | 21:42 |
mue | is NTFS-3G the default ntfs driver in ubuntu? | 21:42 |
pjsturgeon | Mood ethtool. get it from apt-get | 21:42 |
tony403 | anyone know an audio player that has good quality like foobar? | 21:42 |
Mood | n8tuserf: your "->" is difficult to see since it's not highlighting btw. just fyi. | 21:42 |
cpk1 | Mood: I'm not sure, after disabling in networkmanager you ran ifconfig ethX up and then dhclient ethX? | 21:42 |
n8tuserf | Mood-> i dont know what you need to do toyour xchat client, | 21:42 |
Zykotic | mue, i don't think it's default | 21:42 |
n8tuserf | Mood-> you seem to mis-understood.. | 21:43 |
Mood | cpk1: yup, after disabling networkmanager, i ran ifconfig down/up, dhclient, and init.d/networking restart | 21:43 |
mue | Zykotic, do you know how i can find out which is the default one? | 21:43 |
quibbler | mue: yes | 21:43 |
n8tuserf | Mood-> post your /etc/network/interfaces file contents <---- | 21:43 |
cpk1 | Mood: also instead of "/etc/init.d/networking restart" i find "invoke-rc.d networking restart" less typing | 21:43 |
TwistedGhost | wow i am in the middle of helping philipp and he logs off lol | 21:43 |
fino | rotfl | 21:43 |
TwistedGhost | k peace all have to go to lunch | 21:43 |
Mood | n8tuserf: fyi: i use xchat, so i'm just suggesting it since people with default xchat client won't be able to see you say their name highlighted. just a suggestion | 21:44 |
cpk1 | Mood: well you shouldnt need to do the restart after that, does dhclient get an ip? | 21:44 |
Zykotic | mue, might help? | 21:44 |
Mood | cpk1: yup, i got an ip | 21:44 |
bosco | anyone?? | 21:44 |
n8tuserf | Mood-> it is not my chore to do highlight, you config your settings per your liking | 21:44 |
mue | Zykotic, thx a lot | 21:44 |
Mood | cpk1: it just seems like disabling "wired" on networkmanager somehow prevents the connection... not sure what switch it's turned off... i'm going to try ethtool like pjsturgeon suggested to see if that works | 21:45 |
Mr-Woof | I've got a folder stuck in my trash, what's the best way of getting rid? | 21:45 |
quibbler | !ask | bosco | 21:45 |
istvan_ | I use GTK-record my desktop for screen capture, and audacity to record my audio because of the audio issues with ubuntu right now. The problem is that when I use ffmpeg to combine the two the audio gets out of sync! How do I fix this? is it worth trying to find a audio fix that works? (I have tried a few that didn't work, and had to restore to a backup) or what am I doing wrong? is the sample rate wrong? | 21:45 |
ubottu | bosco: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) | 21:45 |
pjsturgeon | seriously, WoL is driving me insane. anyone here got WoL running with DHCP? is it possible? | 21:45 |
Tralce | Mr-Woof: open a terminal and "rm -r ~/.local/share/Trash/* | 21:46 |
Tralce | Mr-Woof: if that fails, type "sudo (the same command)" | 21:46 |
jamesturnbull | hi all - just wondering if anyone knew the current state of Kickstart support for Ubuntu 8.04 was - I found - but it's not clear if this is historical or current - any pointers? thanks | 21:46 |
[T]ank | I am looking for a good program that will do what Visio can do. I have used Kivio, but I want to see what else is out there and what others recommend. | 21:46 |
[T]ank | Any input? | 21:47 |
Dr_willis | !info visio | 21:47 |
ubottu | Package visio does not exist in intrepid | 21:47 |
* Dr_willis has no idea what visio does | 21:47 | |
Tralce | [T]ank: Dia? | 21:47 |
laron | Anyone know how to fix this? | 21:47 |
* istvan_ thinks we could use some more info.. what is visio? | 21:47 | |
Mood | thanks cpk1 and pjsturgeon | 21:47 |
laron | wifi0: unknown hardware address type 801 | 21:47 |
mezy | hey everyone | 21:47 |
laron | | 21:47 |
[T]ank | istvan: its like kivio | 21:48 |
mezy | i am giving up on ubuntu | 21:48 |
Tralce | mezy: why? | 21:48 |
jamesturnbull | [T]ank: I use Inkscape for a lot of that sort of thing | 21:48 |
Dr_willis | mezy, so? you want us to convince you or somthing? this is 'linux' the 'do what you want' os :) | 21:48 |
guntbert | [T]ank: maybe you better ask in #ubuntu-offtopic :), and no I don't know anything better | 21:48 |
mezy | Tralce: its not worth it anymore, at least what i tried to do with it | 21:48 |
Mood | jamesturnbull: are you an illustrator/freehand user turned inkscape user? | 21:49 |
|HSO|SadiQ | what command lists all the users I have in my system?? | 21:49 |
presshere | can someone recommend a book for intermediate level linux knowledge? | 21:49 |
Tralce | mezy: how so? what did you try to do, and why didn't it work? | 21:49 |
mezy | Dr_willis: dont waste your breath, im going to try slax | 21:49 |
jamesturnbull | Mood: might be :) | 21:49 |
Mood | jamesturnbull: i'm an illustrator user myself, not sure inkscape has all functionalities i need | 21:49 |
Dr_willis | mezy, so? thers dozens of disrtos out. :) im using archlinux right now. | 21:49 |
Zykotic | |HSO|SadiQ, "cat /etc/passwd" | 21:49 |
DIFH-iceroot | |HSO|SadiQ: ALL users = cat /etc/passwd | 21:49 |
Dr_willis | mezy, and i use puppylinux in a lot of situations. | 21:50 |
jamesturnbull | Mood: I find it does 90% of what I wantr and the devs are highly responsive - give it a try you'll be impressed I think - and of course doesn't cost a bundle :) | 21:50 |
laron | ..? | 21:50 |
[T]ank | jamesturnbull: Is inkscape really that much better than gimp? | 21:50 |
mezy | Tralce: i was going to try to install it on a 2g usb, but ran into a lot of problems, and couldn't get help | 21:50 |
DVA5912 | I guess im going to have to type a long report to get any feed back. I have reltek sound card on my pc, built into the mb. I have all the volume controls up but my speakers are only producing a faint sound when they are all up. This has never happened before, and has only happened since after i put in an obsolinte USB sound device, which has hence been removed. I can plug head phones into the front ports and get audio just fine but when tryi | 21:50 |
mezy | Dr_willis: why are there some many? | 21:50 |
Mood | jamesturnbull: good to know you're happy with it. i may take it out for a test drive soon | 21:51 |
Tralce | mezy: oh I see. not sure how to go about that myself... do you want a livecd-like installation or a full installation? | 21:51 |
|HSO|SadiQ | Zykotic, DIFH-iceroot is there a command to list only the users I created?? | 21:51 |
thebloggu | does anybody knows how can i set desktop margins with compiz/gnome ? like the margin awn creates or openbox dock ? | 21:51 |
Dr_willis | mezy, why not.. theres some reason there can only be a few? Linux is like a 'wood shop' filled with tools.. Your wood shop needs are diffrent then mine. | 21:51 |
mezy | Tralce: full, because the live cd version didn't like me update stuff | 21:51 |
wodkja | Is there an easy way to play .wma files? :[ | 21:51 |
danopia | hi | 21:52 |
[T]ank | mezy: there is a tool in ubuntu to create exactly what you are looking for | 21:52 |
mezy | Dr_willis: what does archlinux and puppylinux do? | 21:52 |
DVA5912 | wodkja: Search add and remove programs for .wma | 21:52 |
DIFH-iceroot | |HSO|SadiQ: look into /home/ with ls :) | 21:52 |
Dr_willis | Mezy ask MS why theres so many variants of windows.. that basicially seem to be more $$ for more tools that no one know what to do with. | 21:52 |
koshar1 | mezy all distros pretty much do the same thing | 21:52 |
mezy | [T]ank: thanks, but i just dont fell like going through hell again | 21:53 |
Tralce | mezy: might help though I think you'd have to trim the install quite a bit. | 21:53 |
Dr_willis | mezy, puppy linux = small disrto for older hardware focused. Archlinux = focus on doing things the way YOU want them to do.. | 21:53 |
[T]ank | mezy: sorry to hear... was super easy to do | 21:53 |
Dr_willis | mezy, state your needs.. and theres problery a disrto out to fit them | 21:53 |
Mood | koshar1: i heard puppy linux is a pita to install on HD (vs running live CD) fyi | 21:53 |
erUSUL | Dr_willis: Economic 101 --> Segmented Market == More Revenue XXDD | 21:53 |
Dr_willis | mezy, you may want to ask in #puppylinux | 21:53 |
Dr_willis | Mood, PuppyLinux is a 4 min install to hd. :) | 21:53 |
treboko | quick question - where to place an executable file to run it simply by typing it name? | 21:54 |
mezy | Dr_willis: arch reminds me of vista ult | 21:54 |
Mood | mezy: you may want to explore damnsmalllinux since it's relatively easy to 'transform' it into debian | 21:54 |
koshar1 | Mood i installed puppy on a hdd on a VM easy as, | 21:54 |
guntbert | !ot | 21:54 |
Dr_willis | mezy, You are confused about archlinux - if you think its like VistaUltiamte. | 21:54 |
ubottu | #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks! | 21:54 |
DIFH-iceroot | !path | treboko | 21:54 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about path | 21:54 |
mezy | Dr_willis: oh? | 21:54 |
mezy | [T]ank: how easy is it? | 21:54 |
wodkja | There we go. | 21:54 |
[T]ank | very | 21:55 |
Mood | Dr_willis: does puppylinux offer advantages over dsl? | 21:55 |
ARCKEDA | Wow, 1.502k idling. | 21:55 |
guntbert | !ot | mezy , Mood , Dr_willis | 21:55 |
ubottu | mezy , Mood , Dr_willis: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks! | 21:55 |
Mood | ok, off topic :-P | 21:55 |
Dr_willis | Mood, you may want to take this to #puppylinux like i suggewted :) | 21:55 |
Mr-Woof | thanks tralce, what does the RM stand for? I'm still new to the linux command line | 21:55 |
Dr_willis | See you got us in trowuble! :) | 21:55 |
mezy | Tralce: hey, thanks, funny, i never came across this before | 21:55 |
koshar1 | Mr-Woof remove, or same as del in dos | 21:55 |
ARCKEDA | ubottu: Do you think that maybe we should have a few ops around here? | 21:55 |
ubottu | Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 21:56 |
ARCKEDA | Oh. | 21:56 |
Dr_willis | ARCKEDA, ops are hidden | 21:56 |
Dr_willis | they are 'under cover' :) | 21:56 |
ARCKEDA | Are you serious? | 21:56 |
Tralce | mezy: I hope it comes across as helpful. I actually only found that on stumbleupon a while back and kept it incase someone needed it. | 21:56 |
DVA5912 | I guess im going to have to type a long report to get any feed back. I have reltek sound card on my pc, built into the mb. I have all the volume controls up but my speakers are only producing a faint sound when they are all up. This has never happened before, and has only happened since after i put in an obsolinte USB sound device, which has hence been rem.oved. I can plug head phones into the front ports and get audio just fine but when try | 21:56 |
gverig | Hello. I just installed updates this morning (didn't check what it was but my guess would be - nvidia drivers). And... I couldn't boot up my box and I only was able to use default config | 21:56 |
=== [1]panfist is now known as panfist | ||
Dr_willis | ARCKEDA, yes.. they are here.. but not opped.. | 21:56 |
treboko | anyone? place for files run by entering name? | 21:56 |
Mr-Woof | cheers :) I've got it now | 21:56 |
gverig | Actually, maybe I updated X | 21:56 |
ARCKEDA | I see. | 21:56 |
guntbert | Dr_willis: no troubles :-) | 21:56 |
gverig | Any idea WTF and how to fix it? | 21:56 |
=== Slartibartfast is now known as Guest95220 | ||
thebloggu | does anybody knows how can i set desktop margins with compiz/gnome ? like the margin awn creates or openbox dock ? | 21:57 |
|HSO|SadiQ | to remove a user I just have to use userdel <username> ??? | 21:57 |
BrixSat | hello | 21:57 |
ARCKEDA | Hey. | 21:57 |
koshar1 | Mr-Woof if your ever in doubt use man (manual) to tell you a command, usage is, "man filename" | 21:58 |
guntbert | |HSO|SadiQ: with sudo, yes | 21:58 |
guntbert | ARCKEDA: do you have a support question? | 21:58 |
DVA5912 | Please dont make me have to go crazy to get an answer | 21:58 |
BrixSat | how can i install an atheros wifi card on ubuntu 8.10? | 21:58 |
ARCKEDA | guntbert: I do not, just coming back from idle. | 21:58 |
DVA5912 | And yes | 21:58 |
DVA5912 | i know your all volunteers | 21:58 |
Dr_willis | !wireless | BrixSat | 21:59 |
ubottu | BrixSat: Wireless documentation can be found at | 21:59 |
matrix_ | hey guys where can i ask about pictures | 21:59 |
guntbert | !patience | DVA5912, still | 21:59 |
ubottu | DVA5912, still: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See | 21:59 |
ARCKEDA | Pictures, matrix_? | 21:59 |
ARCKEDA | Ugh, autocomplete is annoying when there are so many people in the room. | 22:00 |
guntbert | ARCKEDA: ok :) | 22:00 |
matrix_ | i have a picture it has metal finding on the messenger bag I can not read the words on it, any help how to do it to read the words | 22:00 |
HenZo | Does anyone know how to specify the default network interface in NetworkManager? I added a NIC to my machine and now it's using that as the "default", but that's no good for me. | 22:00 |
DVA5912 | gunbert if it wasnt the volunteer thing it would be that one hih | 22:00 |
DVA5912 | huh* | 22:00 |
DVA5912 | Freak it im going to go set up my sirius radio | 22:01 |
guntbert | DVA5912: ;-) | 22:01 |
=== deniz is now known as Guest45549 | ||
BrixSat | ? | 22:02 |
matrix_ | i have a picture it has metal finding on the messenger bag I can not read the words on it, any help how to do it to read the words any help guys | 22:02 |
=== nAtic is now known as nAtic86 | ||
Zykotic | matrix_, is this picture online somewhere? | 22:03 |
matrix_ | yes here its the link | 22:03 |
Dreamglider | when using dd to clone a disk is it normal for the client window to print a whole lot of "gibberish" ? | 22:03 |
nAtic86 | hello folks | 22:03 |
=== PKnull is now known as Pooky | ||
guntbert | matrix_: do you regard that as "ubuntu support related" ? | 22:04 |
Zykotic | matrix_, i tried opening the file with gqview and zooming in (same could be done with gimp), the words are still very hard to make out??? good luck man. | 22:04 |
guntbert | !welcome | nAtic86 | 22:04 |
ubottu | nAtic86: Welcome to #ubuntu - the Ubuntu support channel. | 22:04 |
nAtic86 | hey bot | 22:05 |
nAtic86 | :] | 22:05 |
nAtic86 | new here... sorry | 22:05 |
guntbert | !ask | nAtic86 | 22:05 |
ubottu | nAtic86: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) | 22:05 |
nAtic86 | so you just want me to start crying about ubuntu? | 22:05 |
Mr-Woof | lol :) | 22:06 |
mezy | thats what i did | 22:06 |
nAtic86 | allright | 22:06 |
n8tuserf | Dreamglider-> i dont know what you consider gibberish, unreadable or you dont understand the wordings? | 22:06 |
nAtic86 | sitting here at a friends. he has some ubuntu | 22:06 |
nAtic86 | i am used to suse though i am not a linux pro... | 22:06 |
nAtic86 | and i experience some small wlan problems ^^ | 22:07 |
nAtic86 | the drivers is up and running, need to connect to an adhoc | 22:07 |
guntbert | !enter | nAtic86 | 22:07 |
ubottu | nAtic86: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! | 22:07 |
n8tuserf | HenZo-> 1st one that gets activated and gets an ip address | 22:07 |
HenZo | n8tuserf: and how do I choose which one that is? | 22:07 |
Dreamglider | n8tuserf: Gibberish as in unreadable/no meaning it's like a lot of random stuff im upploading an image to imgshack | 22:07 |
n8tuserf | HenZo-> typically it would use eth0 | 22:08 |
HenZo | n8tuserf: that would be great... unfortunately, it's picking eth1 | 22:08 |
n8tuserf | Dreamglider-> okay post it, thats odd that it non printable chars.. | 22:08 |
HenZo | 'route -n' shows is being routed through eth1 | 22:08 |
nAtic86 | my problem is: if i try to set up the connection manually - wep passphrase is not an option | 22:08 |
nAtic86 | how can i set up a wlan connection manually and choose the passphrase? NOT the web ASCII or hex key | 22:09 |
Zykotic | nAtic86, i don't think WEP has a passphrase option | 22:09 |
nAtic86 | no? | 22:09 |
nAtic86 | am i wrong... if i choose WEP 128 ASCII, i need to enter some 26 digit long password? | 22:10 |
=== spass is now known as spass_ | ||
ConstantineXVI | nAtic86, I believe ASCII is passphrase, but I havent touched WEP in years | 22:11 |
=== spass_ is now known as spass | ||
Dreamglider | damn it got resized. ill uppload it again | 22:11 |
nAtic86 | okay... | 22:12 |
fredooo | hello i have a problem with audacity -> bt_audio_service_open: connect() failed: Connexion refusée (111) <- help me please | 22:12 |
BrixSat | freedo have you googled? | 22:12 |
Zykotic | fredooo, do you want to be using bluetooth with audacity? bt_audio is bluetooth | 22:13 |
fredooo | non result in google BrixSat | 22:13 |
fredooo | yes but it's an error in audacity Zykotic | 22:13 |
Zykotic | fredooo, all i have to say is "good luck" i have gotten bluetooth audio only working once, and can't get it working at all now??? | 22:14 |
maple | how can i launch the networkmanager from something other than gnome? | 22:14 |
vladi | hi, anyone know if ubuntu 8.10 has the fix for not bricking the intel nic on thinkpad x301's? | 22:16 |
BrixSat | what is the lattest kernel? | 22:17 |
=== gaintsura__ is now known as gaintsura | ||
framlan | Can anyone answer a simple newbie question on Nautulis? How do I get Nautilus to show file location in the search results? | 22:17 |
laron | does anyone know how to remove VAPs in kismet? | 22:17 |
BrixSat | what is the lattest kernel in ubuntu? | 22:18 |
malakhi | BrixSat: in which release? | 22:18 |
laron | does anyone know how to remove VAPs in kismet? | 22:18 |
gverig | O_O there seems to be a conflict between latest kernel (released) and nvidia drivers. Is this a common issue or do I just have screwed up config? | 22:18 |
Dreamglider | n8tuserf: | 22:19 |
=== prince_j1mmys is now known as prince_jammys | ||
BrixSat | makakhi ubuntu 8.10 | 22:20 |
laron | does anyone know how to remove VAPs in kismet? | 22:20 |
BrixSat | malakhi ubuntu 8.01 | 22:20 |
Gosujii-sama | anyone know about configuring iptables? | 22:20 |
BrixSat | *makakhi ubuntu 8.10 | 22:20 |
Dr_willis | !iptables | 22:20 |
ubottu | Ubuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see, or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE). | 22:20 |
malakhi | BrixSat: | 22:21 |
framlan | Does anyone know how to get Nautilus to show file locations in the search results? | 22:21 |
Zykotic | laron, this post seems to suggest they get removed after each restart, but I've never used Kismet and have no further suggestions | 22:21 |
malakhi | BrixSat: well, 2.6.27-9, but that was the package version | 22:21 |
Gosujii-sama | i need more info than that already read it ^_^ | 22:21 |
BrixSat | i cant install an atheros card on ubuntu and i have read the manual on the wiki as a friend here toldme to | 22:21 |
BrixSat | ^^ | 22:22 |
wassili | hrhr | 22:24 |
=== strangesthings|a is now known as strangesthings | ||
n8tuserf | Dreamglider-> you get that after you fdisk -l ? do you even see the command fdisk -l ? | 22:26 |
Dreamglider | n8tuserf: no after -> dd if=/dev/source if=/dev/destination | 22:26 |
n8tuserf | Dreamglider-> that is strange, and anything else you display after that command is okay? | 22:27 |
stracqua | ciao | 22:27 |
Dreamglider | it's still scrolling i think it's the individual bit's being copied or something like that. | 22:27 |
Dreamglider | n8tuserf: it's just the terminal window in wich i issued the command | 22:28 |
n8tuserf | Dreamglider-> again, you type a command like ls -la afterwards, is the display still messed up? | 22:28 |
philipp | where do i get libdvdcss2 | 22:28 |
n8tuserf | philipp-> umm do you ever use google to find these? | 22:29 |
Dreamglider | n8tuserf: i just did the dd command to clone a disk, i have not done anything else in terminal | 22:29 |
n8tuserf | Dreamglider-> then do it, and lets see | 22:29 |
Zykotic | philipp, medibuntu | 22:29 |
kratomy | so, when i try to download somthing via linuc dc++ i get the error msg "could not open target file: could not open file". what does this mean? is it a permissions-problem maybe? what permissions are needed where? i just changed the permissons of my home folder so that only i can view it, could that be a problem? | 22:29 |
Dreamglider | n8tuserf: i tried some commands in a second terminal window, all is ok there | 22:30 |
n8tuserf | Dreamglider-> you are not listening .. same window... | 22:30 |
BrixSat | how can i install header files of the kernel so i can install the madiwifi? | 22:30 |
Dreamglider | n8tuserf: i cant, its still "working" scrolling | 22:30 |
theRealBallchalk | got question does it mean anything written to run on linux is subject to adhering to GPL? | 22:30 |
Chousuke | no. | 22:30 |
Dr_willis | theRealBallchalk, no. | 22:30 |
Dreamglider | if it's working its gona take some time to move 200Gb | 22:31 |
n8tuserf | Dreamglider-> then its buggered up.. i doubt it you'll get a good disk image | 22:31 |
theRealBallchalk | i thot anything written on linux is required to be opensourced? | 22:31 |
Chousuke | no. | 22:31 |
theRealBallchalk | what's the diff between gpl and bsd ? | 22:31 |
avin2 | hey everyone | 22:31 |
Chousuke | theRealBallchalk: there are many differences. | 22:31 |
theRealBallchalk | ppl write for bsd to cover their code no? | 22:31 |
Dr_willis | theRealBallchalk, No its not. there are web sites that discuss the various 'licenses' and stuff | 22:31 |
Chousuke | theRealBallchalk: the main one is that GPL is viral. | 22:31 |
theRealBallchalk | how's gpl bad? | 22:32 |
Dr_willis | viral in a good way :) | 22:32 |
theRealBallchalk | ohhh | 22:32 |
Chousuke | theRealBallchalk: it's not. | 22:32 |
[ifroog] | !inetd | 22:32 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about inetd | 22:32 |
[ifroog] | How do i restart inetd? | 22:32 |
HenZo | Alright, I give up. Die in a fire, NetworkManager. Hello wicd. | 22:32 |
supertanker | Out of curiosity, is the next release of Ubuntu going to be released in the next few months? I'm planning on starting a-fresh with a brand-new Ubuntu release, formatted HD, etc. | 22:32 |
Chousuke | theRealBallchalk: you can use GPL development tools like GCC and Anjuta without fear of having to use GPL yourself. | 22:32 |
Dr_willis | HenZo, :) i find wicd very good. | 22:32 |
malakhi | supertanker: april | 22:33 |
fredooo | audacity is a cheat | 22:33 |
HenZo | Dr_willis: I hope I will too. | 22:33 |
supertanker | malakhi, thanks, that's perfect | 22:33 |
Chousuke | theRealBallchalk: the only time you need to worry is when you use a library or a piece of code written by someone else. | 22:33 |
Mefached | I have a multiboot question. I'm going to install Slackware on another partition, and I want to update GRUB afterwards so that I can boot into Slackware. How? | 22:33 |
avin2 | I have a question: I have a Dell m1330 on Ubuntu's Intrepid. My audio isn't working as well as on Windows | 22:33 |
Chousuke | theRealBallchalk: if it's GPL, then your code must also be GPL. | 22:33 |
fredooo | what's a best software for mao please????????? | 22:33 |
Chousuke | theRealBallchalk: but there are other licences too, like LGPL, that have looser requirements. | 22:33 |
theRealBallchalk | ohhhhh | 22:33 |
[ifroog] | How do i restart inetd? | 22:33 |
fredooo | what's a best software for mao please????????? | 22:33 |
Dr_willis | fredooo, i dont think anyone has a clue what you are asking. | 22:34 |
sebsebseb | !best | 22:34 |
ubottu | Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots. | 22:34 |
theRealBallchalk | so like if i write a gps app that uses a gpl'ed lib then my written program has to also be opensourced? | 22:34 |
Chousuke | theRealBallchalk: yes. | 22:34 |
theRealBallchalk | hmmmmm | 22:34 |
usser | Mao the chairman of the communist party, obviously needs software | 22:34 |
Chousuke | theRealBallchalk: so if you're using external libraries, pay attention to what its licence is. | 22:34 |
theRealBallchalk | in theory many companies that use their stuff on linux gets checked then? | 22:35 |
fredooo | what's a best software for mao please????????? | 22:35 |
theRealBallchalk | like cisco's iphone and some routers | 22:35 |
n2diy | fredooo, what is mao | 22:35 |
n2diy | ? | 22:35 |
theRealBallchalk | mao was the leader of china in the revolution | 22:35 |
theRealBallchalk | duh | 22:35 |
fredooo | music assistance computer | 22:35 |
malakhi | theRealBallchalk: yes. those companies have to publish the source of any open-source software they use, along with any modifications made to it. | 22:35 |
Chousuke | theRealBallchalk: if they use GPL code but do not distribute their own code when they distribute the binaries, they are breaking the licence. | 22:36 |
Chousuke | theRealBallchalk: please note though that if you do not distribute the binaries, you can do anything you want. | 22:36 |
n2diy | theRealBallchalk, machine language, naturally. | 22:36 |
LjL | if i have a TV card whose remote control apparently gets recognized in Ubuntu, and a module for it gets loaded, and a /dev/input/eventX device is created, but nothing ever shows up in it... what could be the reason? | 22:37 |
theRealBallchalk | it seems theres more linux users than BSD usrs | 22:37 |
Chousuke | theRealBallchalk: the GPL requirements only apply when you distribute your software in binary form to someone else; the GPL requires that in such a case the source is made available as well. | 22:37 |
Rafael_ | ebox vs webmin: i am a newby...eveybody says that ebox is supported and webmin no..i have play with the 2 and it seems that webmin is easier to use and more fucnctions ebox..can somebody explain Why should i go with ebox? | 22:37 |
Dr_willis | Rafael_, best would be to learn to configure things manually and not use either one. | 22:37 |
Mefached | I have a multiboot question. I'm going to install Slackware on another partition, and I want to update GRUB afterwards so that I can boot into Slackware. How? | 22:37 |
theRealBallchalk | if that's the case, then companies can modify and write thier own libs then? | 22:37 |
theRealBallchalk | it's still easy for them then | 22:38 |
Chousuke | theRealBallchalk: you can write proprietary software on Linux just fine; GTK is LGPL for example, which allows linking with non-GPL modules. | 22:38 |
sebsebseb | theRealBallchalk: yes since Linux is better on the desktop apparantly, and BSD is more for servers | 22:38 |
nAtic86 | i want to connect to an not password protected ad-hoc and i need a static ip. may there be a problem with hardy? | 22:38 |
oliver_g_1 | hi | 22:38 |
Rafael_ | i understand that but if i would like ot use any of them why should i use ebox? | 22:38 |
sebsebseb | theRealBallchalk: also to do with the lisesnes | 22:38 |
sebsebseb | oliver_g_1: hi | 22:38 |
dotblank | Whys is there no webmin package in the official repository? is it cause it competes with landscape? | 22:38 |
Chousuke | theRealBallchalk: of course, being a good community member and adhering to free software principles will make software development for Linux much easier :) | 22:39 |
LjL | dotblank: putting things in the repositories isn't done on a rationale of non-competition | 22:39 |
LjL | dotblank: i believe it's not there because it's little maintained and has some serious issues | 22:39 |
oliver_g_1 | I have installed the madwifi module from (under Hardy), but the system still loads the ath_pci.ko module that came with the original kernel (and which is too old) | 22:39 |
Chousuke | theRealBallchalk: but you can still have proprietary offerings based on Linux. For an example, look at oracle. | 22:39 |
kantlivelong | hey all.. im on 8.10, is it possible to get firefox2 instead of 3? ive tried to apt-get install firefox-2 but it doesnt work... firefox 3 crashes alot | 22:39 |
dotblank | What alt is there? | 22:39 |
theRealBallchalk | ahh ok | 22:39 |
sebsebseb | kantlivelong: ok yes you could get Firefox 2, but that's not being suppourted anymore as far as I know | 22:40 |
oliver_g_1 | is there a way to automatically have the dksm-built module "supersede" the older module? | 22:40 |
sebsebseb | kantlivelong: and Linux has other good browsers | 22:40 |
theRealBallchalk | i misunderstood the binary distribution port of gpl | 22:40 |
theRealBallchalk | part* | 22:40 |
kantlivelong | sebsebseb: im aware of other browsers.. but how can i get 2 to install? it in the unsupported repo? | 22:40 |
George2 | how do i force a quit of a wine program? | 22:40 |
theRealBallchalk | Chosuke thanks | 22:40 |
sebsebseb | kantlivelong: why do you want 2? | 22:40 |
kantlivelong | sebsebseb: 3 crashes alot | 22:41 |
Chousuke | theRealBallchalk: you're welcome. | 22:41 |
Dr_willis | George2, you could use 'xkill' and click on the window of the app.. BE CAREFULL with xkill | 22:41 |
sebsebseb | kantlivelong: sure, but why FIrefox 2 instead of a good browser that is still being suppourted by it's makers | 22:41 |
Chousuke | theRealBallchalk: though I am not a lawyer. If you really are worried about licencing, you should consult one :) | 22:41 |
sebsebseb | kantlivelong: using Firefox 2 is stupid | 22:41 |
kantlivelong | sebsebseb: im sure ff will be fixed but i just wanna stick to it but on the older saver version | 22:41 |
kantlivelong | sebsebseb: no its not.. | 22:42 |
Dr_willis | older is not always 'safer' | 22:42 |
kantlivelong | sebsebseb: ff3 is a POS and idk why ubuntu supports it | 22:42 |
sebsebseb | kantlivelong: if you want something that is like Firefox, and still suppourted etc, I know exactly what to recommend | 22:42 |
George2 | Dr_willis: i've just tried xkill but no joy :/ | 22:42 |
sebsebseb | kantlivelong: and if you want stuff that isn't like Firefox, but good browsers, again I know what to recommend | 22:42 |
calc | flashblock seems to help a lot of with resource usage on FF3 | 22:42 |
George2 | the program has frozen :( | 22:42 |
kantlivelong | opera,seamonkey, etc... | 22:42 |
kantlivelong | i know | 22:42 |
sebsebseb | kantlivelong: how much RAM you got? | 22:42 |
=== kane77 is now known as kane77_em0 | ||
calc | it seems FF3 isn't what is eating ram but flash | 22:43 |
kantlivelong | enough | 22:43 |
sebsebseb | kantlivelong: Galeon and Epiphany :) | 22:43 |
kantlivelong | ram is fine | 22:43 |
kantlivelong | it crashes when dealing with bookmarsk alot | 22:43 |
sebsebseb | kantlivelong: have you tried Galeon and Epiphany? | 22:43 |
kantlivelong | not a fan | 22:43 |
tiberius_ | any thoughts on a xen-create-image debootstrap'd 2.6.27-11-server amd64 intrepid ibex xen domU segfaulting immediately on any wine command with multiple versions of wine? | 22:43 |
sebsebseb | kantlivelong: Opera? Seamonkey? Konqueror? | 22:44 |
=== PKnull is now known as Pooky | ||
George2 | at this rate, i think i'm gonna ditch ubuntu and go with debian :( | 22:44 |
sebsebseb | hummmmmmm at noobs that want to use Firefox 2, which I think is no longer suppourted by Mozilla | 22:44 |
clustermagnet | gents, having a problem running the showmount command | 22:44 |
clustermagnet | showmount | 22:45 |
clustermagnet | mount clntudp_create: RPC: Program not registered | 22:45 |
nAtic86 | woah, i am going insane! how do i set up a STATIC ip for my wlan adapter and connect to an ad-hoc without _any_ protection?! | 22:45 |
clustermagnet | rpcinfo -p yields portmapper and status are runing, thats it | 22:45 |
clustermagnet | please help :) | 22:45 |
=== gnea is now known as Gnea | ||
sebsebseb | George2: hi what's your problem? | 22:47 |
sebsebseb | oh wine | 22:47 |
cousin_luigi | hello | 22:47 |
cousin_luigi | I'm trying to get rid of pulseaudio: any hints? | 22:47 |
sebsebseb | George2: good idea to get the version of Wine from the website instead of Ubuntu repo | 22:48 |
sebsebseb | cousin_luigi: sudo apt-get purge pulseaudio | 22:48 |
arbitrary_tag | cousing_luigig: yeah, here is my hint: don't :) | 22:48 |
evantandersen | k so does ubuntu have .bash_login files? | 22:49 |
Massasauga | i have an external drive with all my music on it, does anyone know how I can play the music and which program to use in ubuntu 8.10? | 22:49 |
mediadragon | I need to pick the right nvidia-glx-dev for my system, it's giving me a few choices. | 22:49 |
=== evantandersen is now known as charliehorse55 | ||
=== me is now known as Guest84638 | ||
charliehorse55 | does ubuntu have .bash_login files??? | 22:50 |
PaulSterio | trying to install reportlab for django on ubuntu 10.5 and it's saying that gcc needs to be installed - I've tried everything - does anyone have a clue how to get this to work? | 22:50 |
gotcha | Massasauga Rythmbox? | 22:50 |
Dr_willis | charliehorse55, theres is .bashrc and .bash_profile, cant say that ive ever seen a .bash_login befor | 22:50 |
arbitrary_tag | cousin_l: did you try this: | 22:50 |
=== Guest84638 is now known as randomwalker | ||
arbitrary_tag | there is a section there on removing pulseaudio... | 22:50 |
Massasauga | i tried rythmbox gotcha but it won't play them | 22:50 |
oliver_g_1 | hm... so I now ran "dkms install" with --force parameter, and that worked; but I doubt it's supposed to be that way :-) | 22:50 |
charliehorse55 | Dr_Willis what if i want to run something everytime i login, How do i do that? | 22:51 |
sjad9 | Can anyone help an SNMP noob? I've been googling for an hour but know just enough about Linux/Ubuntu to be dangerous. I have snmpd running, and can snmpwalk to get basic info. But there is no dskTable, interfaces, etc, etc -- just basic info. How do I get the rest of the SNMP objects to show up? | 22:51 |
Massasauga | do i need codecs? | 22:51 |
sebsebseb | yes you do | 22:51 |
sebsebseb | and I would recommend Banshee as the player | 22:51 |
charliehorse55 | *Dr_willis | 22:51 |
Dr_willis | charliehorse55, deopends on what it is you are running.. | 22:51 |
gotcha | hm, not afaik, but you can try amarok aswell Massasauga | 22:51 |
sebsebseb | !sound | 22:51 |
Dr_willis | !autostart | charliehorse55 | 22:51 |
ubottu | If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see - - - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP3 | 22:51 |
ubottu | charliehorse55: To add programs to start up when you log into your Gnome session go to System>Preferences>Sessions and use the Startup Programs tab. For more information, see - See !boot for starting non-interactive programs at boot | 22:51 |
PaulSterio | trying to install reportlab for django on ubuntu 10.5 and it's saying that gcc needs to be installed - I've tried everything - does anyone have a clue how to get this to work? | 22:51 |
sebsebseb | !mp3 | 22:51 |
ubottu | For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: - See also - But please use free formats if you can: | 22:51 |
charliehorse55 | Dr_willis ubuntu 8.10 amd 64 latest release build | 22:51 |
benxx | how do update vuze software | 22:52 |
jeremie | #cool | 22:52 |
charliehorse55 | nvm | 22:52 |
sebsebseb | Massasauga: the above stuff will help | 22:52 |
alpha7 | Anyone know if Make USB startup Disk will able to install ubuntu to hard drive? | 22:53 |
Joacker | can someone go to and see if it is working? I want to check my router passthrough config. | 22:53 |
Dr_willis | alpha7, yes it can - if the system can boot from usb | 22:53 |
sebsebseb | benxx: you can't just update it I think | 22:53 |
Dr_willis | alpha7, or use 'unetbootin' and the iso file you perfer. to do a similer task. | 22:53 |
sebsebseb | benxx: since not suppourted by Ubuntu as far as I know | 22:53 |
stroyan | Joacker: No. It cannot connect. | 22:54 |
Joacker | ok darn | 22:54 |
hanasaki | what gnome menu has nautilus in it? | 22:54 |
sjad9 | an anyone help an SNMP noob? I've been googling for an hour but know just enough about Linux/Ubuntu to be dangerous. I have snmpd running, and can snmpwalk to get basic info. But there is no dskTable, interfaces, etc, etc -- just basic info. How do I get the rest of the SNMP objects to show up? | 22:54 |
alpha7 | Dr_willis: how many gb for a live usb | 22:54 |
Dr_willis | alpha7, fits on a 2gb thumbdrive here.. perhaps smaller. | 22:55 |
[T]ank | Got mezy set up on his usb ubuntu install. He's really excited now :-D | 22:57 |
user_ | geia sas | 22:57 |
FlareFlare | !netsplit | 22:57 |
=== evantandersen is now known as evantandersen1 | ||
gotcha` | hm | 22:58 |
Daps | hey can anyone direct me to the weather server that Desklets use | 22:59 |
dn5a-b | hi guys, i normally would have asked people on ##gnome but there's like 50 people and they never answer any questions. Is there any way to restore lost files from gedit that were unsaved? | 23:00 |
=== FlareFlare is now known as Flare183 | ||
Rabbi | Does anyone know why images on webpages take longer to load in ubuntu vs windows? And if there's a way to offset this difference? | 23:00 |
[T]ank | he actually had not tried it yet | 23:01 |
gotcha | Any IRC Client suggestions? Need a client that is highly customizable and using Konversation so far but it's quite laggy... | 23:01 |
[T]ank | pidgin | 23:01 |
cousin_luigi | arbitrary_tag: why? | 23:02 |
schnootop | anyone had any trouble with ubuntu picking up a secondary monitor on a laptop ? | 23:02 |
cousin_luigi | arbitrary_tag: it's a piece of junk | 23:02 |
gotcha | [T]ank pidgin can be used with 3 server (1BNC) and many many chans? | 23:02 |
mediadragon | I need to pick the right nvidia-glx-dev for my system, it's giving me a few choices. Can anyone help? | 23:02 |
alpha7 | Dr_willis: how long does the installing takes? | 23:02 |
[T]ank | schnootop: what video card | 23:02 |
Dr_willis | alpha7, to the thumbdrive? or from thumvbdruive to hd? its faster to install via TD> then is is to use a cd from what ive see | 23:03 |
[T]ank | gotcha: I havent got a clue. Just throwing it out there. | 23:03 |
mediadragon | gotcha; Yes. | 23:03 |
schnootop | [T]ank, radeon x2300 mobility | 23:03 |
cousin_luigi | sebsebseb: ubuntu-desktop depends on it... | 23:03 |
cousin_luigi | I only want to disable it anyway | 23:03 |
[T]ank | yes | 23:03 |
cousin_luigi | where is that dbus thing started from? | 23:03 |
sebsebseb | cousin_luigi: ubuntu-desktop might depend on it, but you can still remove it | 23:03 |
sebsebseb | cousin_luigi: ubuntu-desktop is just a meta package | 23:03 |
[T]ank | schnootop: you need to enable the non free drivers for the ati driver. | 23:03 |
charliehorse55 | Dr_willis in the command field can i just type any terminal command and do i have to write sudo in front of it? | 23:03 |
sebsebseb | cousin_luigi: once you have the stuff installed from it, it does not really matter if you remove it | 23:03 |
cousin_luigi | sebsebseb: I see | 23:03 |
cousin_luigi | still, I'd like to understand how the thing works | 23:03 |
[T]ank | schnootop: then it will work | 23:03 |
[T]ank | alpha7: alpha7: yes | 23:03 |
sebsebseb | cousin_luigi: how what works? | 23:03 |
charliehorse55 | Dr_willis in the command field can i just type any terminal command and do i have to write sudo in front of it? | 23:03 |
BacTalan | I'm in the middle of a partition move with GParted and everything's frozen except the mouse. The drive is still active and sounds like it's still working on the move. Should I just leave it, or try to restart X, or something else? | 23:03 |
sebsebseb | cousin_luigi: and to tempory kill pulseaudio. killall pulseaudio | 23:03 |
sebsebseb | cousin_luigi: and you can change the sound thing to alsa or wahtever | 23:03 |
sebsebseb | !sound | 23:03 |
cousin_luigi | sebsebseb: that's what I'm doing | 23:03 |
cousin_luigi | sebsebseb: how do I avoid pulseaudio to start? | 23:03 |
schnootop | [T]ank, 5 have the non free drivers enabled | 23:03 |
cousin_luigi | daemon is not enough apparently | 23:03 |
sebsebseb | cousin_luigi: remove it | 23:03 |
sebsebseb | cousin_luigi: it might want to remove ubuntu-desktop, but so what | 23:03 |
cousin_luigi | ok | 23:03 |
patrick | hello ppl | 23:03 |
sebsebseb | or maybe just disable it properly | 23:03 |
=== patrick is now known as Guest1131 | ||
sebsebseb | !pulseaudio | 23:03 |
sebsebseb | !pulse | 23:03 |
Guest1131 | can any one tell me how i can get msn messenger here ? | 23:03 |
cousin_luigi | sebsebseb: how do I do that? | 23:03 |
schnootop | actually im using the propietry ones does that really matter ? | 23:03 |
cousin_luigi | well just removed it anyway | 23:03 |
cousin_luigi | Guest1131: pidgin? | 23:03 |
sebsebseb | Guest1131: Windows Live Messenger probably wont' work in Wine, but there are pretty good MSN alternatives here | 23:03 |
masque7 | Guest1131: aMSN is the closest thing to msn messenger | 23:03 |
Zykotic | schnootop, Radieon is an ATI card not Nvidia???!!! | 23:03 |
paul_Sterio | trying to install reportlab but it keeps telling me I need to install gcc. I've tried apt-get install gcc and it updates but I still get this problem | 23:03 |
paul_Sterio | trying to install reportlab but it keeps telling me I need to install gcc. I've tried apt-get install gcc and it updates but I still get this problem. can anyone help? | 23:03 |
cousin_luigi | masque7: I disagree...mercury is | 23:03 |
sebsebseb | cousin_luigi: yeah if you upgrade to later versions of ubuntu, you may want ubuntu-desktop installed | 23:03 |
masque7 | Zykotic: radeon is of the ATI series | 23:03 |
schnootop | Zykotic, yes | 23:03 |
Guest1131 | brb | 23:03 |
sebsebseb | cousin_luigi: ,but it's just a meta package, that tells ubuntu to install loads of stuff | 23:03 |
=== mneptok_ is now known as mneptok | ||
masque7 | cousin_luigi: never heard of it :) | 23:03 |
cousin_luigi | sebsebseb: yes, but how do I stop pulseaudio from being loaded at startup time? | 23:03 |
cousin_luigi | masque7: it's a lousy java app, but it does video pretty well | 23:03 |
sebsebseb | !startup | 23:03 |
sebsebseb | why is the bot not working? | 23:03 |
malakhi | sebsebseb: netsplit | 23:03 |
schnootop | Zykotic, does it matter if its ATI and im using propietry drivers ? | 23:03 |
masque7 | the bot isn't in here :S | 23:03 |
Zykotic | schnootop, sorry though you where the one asking to install the nvidia driver, my mistake | 23:03 |
sebsebseb | cousin_luigi: there's a startup thingey some where | 23:03 |
mediadragon | cousin_luigi: System -> Adminstration -> Session | 23:03 |
schnootop | my monitor actually picks up the signal but then the monitor power button just flashes :\ | 23:03 |
cousin_luigi | mediadragon: it's not enough | 23:03 |
cousin_luigi | I can only disable a part of uit | 23:03 |
cousin_luigi | it* | 23:03 |
cousin_luigi | not the dbus app | 23:03 |
mediadragon | Then I have no idea, sorry :/ | 23:03 |
cousin_luigi | k bbl | 23:03 |
paul_Sterio | trying to install reportlab but it keeps telling me I need to install gcc. I've tried apt-get install gcc and it updates but I still get this problem. can anyone help? | 23:03 |
Zykotic | Joacker, "Failed to Connect" | 23:03 |
mediadragon | Anyone know what nvidia-glx-dev I should grab? | 23:03 |
mediadragon | There's five different ones. | 23:03 |
BacTalan | I'm in the middle of a partition move with GParted and everything's frozen except the mouse. The drive is still active and sounds like it's still working on the move. Should I just leave it, or try to restart X, or something else? | 23:04 |
mxiao | my media player automatically exits when i play an .avi file | 23:04 |
arbitrary_tag1 | cousin_luigi: heh. fair enough. did you check out that link? | 23:04 |
masque7 | mxiao: get any codecs? | 23:04 |
alpha7 | what the hell | 23:05 |
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paul_Sterio | trying to install reportlab but it keeps telling me I need to install gcc. I've tried apt-get install gcc and it updates but I still get this problem. can anyone help? | 23:07 |
supertanker | Ooooh my goddess. | 23:07 |
supertanker | *That* is a netsplit~! | 23:07 |
mxiao | my media player automatically exits when I play an .avi file | 23:07 |
Freeb0rn_ | Hey could someone tell me if there is a way to get a package description using apt-get? | 23:07 |
Spectre | hi, how can I switch language to english? | 23:07 |
sebsebseb | mxiao: ok which player? and have you got the AVI codec? | 23:07 |
philipp | libdvdcss dont work | 23:07 |
sebsebseb | !language | 23:07 |
BacTalan | I'm in the middle of a partition move with GParted and everything's frozen except the mouse. The drive was working for a while after it started but now it's not going anything. Should I just leave it, or try to restart X, or something else? | 23:08 |
Spectre | I don't mean keyboard, I mean whole language of system | 23:08 |
sdf2 | anybody having some issues with the game called. Urban Terror with the linux version, like if i go into 1440 x 900 screen res, then my mouse stops working, or if i play in 1024x768 everything is fine, until after some time, my game turns into window mode, and my mouse disappers, and stops working...? | 23:08 |
mxiao | where can I check to see if I have it? | 23:08 |
arbitrary_tag1 | mediadragon: try firing up 'package manager', then searching for 'nvidia' there will be a list of 'nvidia-glx-XXX' followed by 'nvidia-glx-XXX-dev' The first one has a list of supported cards... | 23:08 |
mewshi | can someone help me? | 23:08 |
philipp | libdvdcss cant read the dvd correctly | 23:08 |
biouser | so, I suppose there is no way to get ubuntu installed completely with the net only from a windows machine... | 23:08 |
n8tuserf | biouser-> you've looked into unetbootin? | 23:09 |
philipp | libdvdcss cant read the dvd correctly | 23:09 |
Freeb0rn_ | Is there a way to get package description using apt-get? For example, apt-get install git-core and I want to see what git-core is exactly through apt-get | 23:09 |
Dr_willis | biouser, unetbootin + thumbdrive is handy. if youy have no blank cd's or even if you do. :) | 23:09 |
Dr_willis | !install | biouser | 23:09 |
keres | !blkid | 23:10 |
AETE_KRAOUD | hi | 23:10 |
keres | !fstab | 23:10 |
keres | what happened to the bot? | 23:10 |
keres | !d | 23:10 |
usr_local | Hello | 23:10 |
AETE_KRAOUD | does ubuntu live cd access automatically the ntfs partitions ? | 23:10 |
usr_local | Yes the live CD does. | 23:11 |
AETE_KRAOUD | usr_local, : Thanks but does it need any command line | 23:11 |
fearful | Anyone know why when I try to install Pidgin 2.5.5 on ubuntu 8.04 I get a dependency on libgtk2.0-0? | 23:11 |
BacTalan | I'm in the middle of a partition move with GParted and everything's frozen except the mouse. The drive was working for a while after it started but now it's not going anything. Should I just leave it, or try to restart X, or something else? | 23:11 |
hey` | ...I need help I've lost any sound in my ubuntu. | 23:11 |
sebsebseb | fearful: yeah Pidgin uses GTK | 23:11 |
philipp | libdvdcss cant read the dvd correctly | 23:11 |
usr_local | No you do not need to know any command line (terminal) information | 23:11 |
philipp | libdvdcss cant read the dvd correctly | 23:11 |
hey` | ...I don't know what I did. | 23:11 |
sebsebseb | !sound | 23:12 |
fearful | sebsebseb: yea but I have it | 23:12 |
usr_local | +1 | 23:12 |
sebsebseb | damn yeah no bot right now | 23:12 |
sdf2 | anybody having some issues with the game called. Urban Terror with the linux version, like if i go into 1440 x 900 screen res, then my mouse stops working, or if i play in 1024x768 everything is fine, until after some time, my game turns into window mode, and my mouse disappers, and stops working...? | 23:12 |
AETE_KRAOUD | usr_local, : hmmm you mean it has ntfs3g installed and it is all configured e? | 23:12 |
sebsebseb | stupid net split | 23:12 |
fearful | sebsebseb: sorry I dropped | 23:12 |
n8tuserf | BacTalan-> id leave it for a long while, who knows, it may recover | 23:12 |
Zykotic | philipp, you need to give more info then "libdvdcss can't read the dvd correctly"??? | 23:12 |
=== ComradeH1z is now known as ComradeHaz | ||
hey` | I was listening music this morning, I don't know what have I done wrong! | 23:12 |
XPS_M1330 | I just upgraded to 8.10, now my wireless doesn't work! | 23:12 |
UncleD- | - solved my ubuntu 7.04 to 7.10 upgrade problem!!! | 23:12 |
AETE_KRAOUD | usr_local, : i just need your lights | 23:13 |
fearful | sebsebseb: so any ideas why I have it, and still does this? | 23:13 |
XPS_M1330 | it actually worked for 5 seconds then when I chose the network, the icon disapeared from the panel | 23:13 |
=== UncleD- is now known as UncleD | ||
sebsebseb | fearful: no | 23:13 |
usr_local | blam | 23:13 |
BacTalan | How long would a long while be? It's been like this for about half an hour now.. | 23:13 |
fearful | sebsebseb: :( no fix then | 23:13 |
AETE_KRAOUD | usr_local, : becaus i want to give a friend a live cd to save his data and he does not know anythong about linux | 23:13 |
Gosujii-sama | can someone give me a hand with iptables really quick? | 23:13 |
philipp | zykotic i have installed all packetches from the codecs tutorial and libdvdcss but if i try to play a dvd there a lot of mistakes in the picture | 23:14 |
usr_local | It will not save his data on the CD | 23:14 |
AETE_KRAOUD | usr_local, : yes i know he needs an external place like a usb | 23:14 |
BacTalan | I was also logged on to IRC in Mibbit webchat, and it disconnected a couple minutes after it started (according to the other people in the channel) | 23:14 |
wolter | hi | 23:14 |
Zykotic | philipp, did you install libdvdcss2? or did you try 3? | 23:14 |
AETE_KRAOUD | usr_local, : i just wanted to know if it is easy as a click of a button that's all | 23:14 |
sebsebseb | wolter: yes? | 23:15 |
BacTalan | The LiveCD reads and writes NTFS just fine, but he'll probably have to mount the drive from the Places menu first | 23:15 |
n8tuserf | BacTalan-> you can try to ssh in from another computer into it | 23:15 |
wolter | how can i get the certificate from a public key so i get no more errors while aptitude updating? | 23:15 |
wolter | hey sebsebseb haha | 23:15 |
usr_local | Not really | 23:15 |
usr_local | I gotta go | 23:15 |
philipp | zykotic i have installed both | 23:15 |
AETE_KRAOUD | BacTalan, : hmmmm ok to mount it through the Places menu doesn't need any extra work than a single click e? | 23:16 |
Zykotic | philipp, i'd try getting rid of libdvdcss3 and just try with 2 - works for me | 23:16 |
BacTalan | AETE_KRAOUD: You click on Places and then click on the drive, it's really easy | 23:16 |
BacTalan | Would killing and restarting X kill GParted? | 23:16 |
AETE_KRAOUD | BacTalan, : hmm ok | 23:16 |
AETE_KRAOUD | BacTalan, : thanks !!! :-) | 23:16 |
=== drewbert is now known as Guest42331 | ||
Guest42331 | Is it possible to install ubuntu from one hard disk to another? | 23:17 |
biouser | how much space do you need on usb drive to use netbootin is it? | 23:17 |
n8tuserf | BacTalan-> are you on livecd? | 23:17 |
=== MatBoy_ is now known as MatBoy | ||
n8tuserf | Guest42331-> yes its possible | 23:18 |
fearful | I need to know why I'm getting the dependency error for libgtk2.0-0 installing pidgin 2.5.5 if I already have libgtk installed | 23:18 |
BacTalan | n8tuserf: Yeah | 23:18 |
Guest42331 | n8tuserf: thank you. is there any documentation and / or programs you would suggest to me | 23:18 |
n8tuserf | BacTalan-> yeah you can kill it ,but whatever it was doing will be terminated | 23:18 |
n8tuserf | Guest42331-> can you change your nick to something easier to type? | 23:19 |
BacTalan | n8tuserf: So killing X will kill GParted too? | 23:19 |
=== Guest42331 is now known as drewby | ||
n8tuserf | BacTalan-> yes | 23:19 |
BacTalan | -.- | 23:19 |
AETE_KRAOUD | n8tuserf,: thats probably the reason his nickname is like this :-) | 23:19 |
Zykotic | fearful, are you certain that you have libgtk2 installed? or just libgtk1? | 23:19 |
drewby | n8tuserf: are there any documentation and / or programs you would suggest? | 23:19 |
n8tuserf | drewby there are plenty out there, i dont have link i can give you directly | 23:19 |
drewby | alright thanks | 23:19 |
LjL | if i have a TV card whose remote control apparently gets recognized in Ubuntu, and a module for it gets loaded, and a /dev/input/eventX device is created, but nothing ever shows up in it... what could be the reason? | 23:19 |
biouser | is there anyway that I can get a bare install on a 64 meg usb... enough to have apt ... | 23:20 |
fearful | Zykotic: certaint, I checked and re-installed it to be sure too | 23:20 |
drewby | It's not possible to just install the ubuntu installer from the repository and use it to install from one disk to another? | 23:20 |
Zykotic | fearful, no idea then man, good luck. | 23:20 |
Dillizar | i just update my wine to 1.1.15 and when i go to wine configuration, cant find my drivers | 23:20 |
arcsky | Is there any tool for slipstream ubuntu? | 23:21 |
n8tuserf | drewby here's what you need to do, do you have another spare partition or can create another partition on your /dev/sda1 (1st disk) ? | 23:21 |
drewby | n8tuserf: indeed I do | 23:21 |
BrixSat | grrr im stuck on compiling madwifi so i can get wifi on my laptop :; | 23:22 |
n8tuserf | drewby-> make sure its ext2, then mount your iso file, mount that spare partition and copy over the expanded iso ; | 23:22 |
bosco | can anyone help me fix madwifi on ath0 ??? | 23:22 |
bosco | ls | 23:22 |
bosco | ?? | 23:22 |
sebsebseb | ahtros wireless? | 23:22 |
drewby | n8tuserf: aight | 23:22 |
n8tuserf | drewby then modify your existing /boot/grub/menu.lst to have an entry for this spare partition (where you copied the expanded iso) to boot from it | 23:23 |
philipp | cant find gst-plugins-ugly | 23:23 |
sebsebseb | bosco: you got athros? | 23:23 |
BrixSat | bosco i need help to | 23:23 |
drewby | my weakness would be in configuring grub | 23:23 |
IdentifyTarget | oif I just picked up an 8GB usb thmbdrive, can I do anything cool with it like quick resume? | 23:23 |
n8tuserf | drewby and once you boot from the spare partition, its like booting to livecd, then just click install and select the 2nd disk to install it permanently | 23:23 |
bosco | sebsebseb, yes i do it worked at one time now i can scan but i just cannot connect to the network | 23:23 |
BacTalan | If I interrupt GParted in the middle of moving a partition, will the partition be dead? | 23:23 |
n8tuserf | BacTalan-> most likely yes | 23:24 |
sebsebseb | bosco: ok pm me and i'll copy something over, that can probably help | 23:24 |
drewby | n8tuserf: can you help me configure my menu.lst | 23:24 |
n8tuserf | BacTalan-> thats why it usually suggest you make backup beforehand .. | 23:24 |
BacTalan | This is my backup partition | 23:24 |
drewby | or do I need to install grub on partition that has the iso files? | 23:24 |
BrixSat | im stuck on compiling madwifi :S | 23:24 |
BacTalan | Luckily | 23:24 |
sebsebseb | BrixSat: athros wireless? | 23:24 |
n8tuserf | drewby-> sure..which partition you want to expand the iso on? | 23:25 |
fearful | Why is there a update (openoffice-core3) is grayed out on the update manager | 23:25 |
BrixSat | sebsebseb yes | 23:25 |
drewby | Ummm, does it need to be a primary partition? | 23:25 |
nemera | hi all | 23:25 |
n8tuserf | drewby and you already have downloaded the iso right? | 23:25 |
sebsebseb | BrixSat: ok PM me and i'll copy something that can probably help | 23:25 |
indro | hi all | 23:25 |
indro | anyone got quake live working? | 23:26 |
n8tuserf | !who | drewby | 23:26 |
ubottu | drewby: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :) | 23:26 |
nemera | hello indro | 23:26 |
prohna | im having issues with xorg.conf, if i do a dpkg-reconfigure of xserver it never gets to setting resolution, and if i manually set it up the way i think its supposed to be it will ignore 1024x768 and default to 800x600, but with a puppy livecd it works right off no problem | 23:26 |
biouser | any hope of installing from 64 meg pen drive? | 23:26 |
philipp | have installed libdvdcss 2 but it dont worke | 23:26 |
indro | hi nemera | 23:26 |
``Tyler`` | i was in here earlier about my netgear wireless adapter in ubuntun 8.10 its still not working and i installed the driver | 23:26 |
n8tuserf | drewby be right back, need to take care of stuff | 23:26 |
Zykotic | indro, I haven't seen any working "Quake Live" examples under linux yet | 23:26 |
indro | humm damn.. | 23:26 |
nemera | what about the netgear wireless adapter ? it ever worked with out any install for me | 23:26 |
indro | want play that game.;> | 23:26 |
=== an is now known as jam3s2001 | ||
nemera | lots of ppl talking indro :) | 23:27 |
``Tyler`` | it wont work at all | 23:27 |
fearful | My update is grayed out openoffice 3 core, and it says I can only partial upgrade why? | 23:27 |
``Tyler`` | it returns UNCLAIMED | 23:27 |
thedarkone | hey all i am having a tough time with xconf | 23:27 |
Dreamglider | how do i use fog to clone a USB disk to another usb disk ? | 23:27 |
drewby | n8tuserf: okay I made an ext2 partition | 23:27 |
thedarkone | can someone help me out | 23:27 |
drewby | it's a primary partition on my first hard disk. it's /dev/sda2 | 23:28 |
BrixSat | thedarkone: just ask, dont ask for help! | 23:28 |
drewby | n8tuserf: I'm copying over the iso files now | 23:28 |
thedarkone | well i am tring to get xconf to do 1366x768 i keep getting 640x400 | 23:29 |
nemera | i 'll seek a program that do like daemon tool on windows anybody got an idea ? | 23:29 |
mezy | [T]ank: hey, i have another question. is it ok to sit see the 'install' icon on the desktop? | 23:29 |
``Tyler`` | does anyone know anything about the error where 8.10 wont boot it says cannot enumerate usb device? | 23:29 |
[T]ank | mezy: When you are logged in as the live cd user it will always be there. | 23:30 |
=== Pretto is now known as Pretto_AL | ||
[T]ank | just create a new user and log in as that | 23:30 |
philipp | come on | 23:30 |
mezy | nemera: alcohol? | 23:30 |
philipp | it is not funny | 23:30 |
mezy | [T]ank: ok | 23:30 |
nemera | Mezy will take a look at it , thx :p | 23:30 |
philipp | why is it soooooo impossible to play a damn dvd on ubuntu | 23:30 |
[T]ank | mezy: did it work how you wanted? | 23:30 |
fearful | grayed out openoffice update trying to upgrade to openoffice 3.0 any ideas? | 23:30 |
bosco | that guy was lol | 23:30 |
mezy | [T]ank: so far | 23:31 |
philipp | why is it soooooo impossible to play a damn dvd on ubuntu | 23:31 |
[T]ank | good | 23:31 |
BrixSat | philipp: you can play dvd's on linux! | 23:31 |
[T]ank | glad | 23:31 |
philipp | no | 23:31 |
[Tequila] | Can anyone help me with installing ubuntu server 8.10 on a PPC .. | 23:31 |
philipp | not simpson | 23:31 |
bosco | ls | 23:31 |
philipp | i cant | 23:31 |
philipp | i installed libdvdcss and it dont work | 23:31 |
Zykotic | philipp, do other DVDs work? | 23:31 |
philipp | some | 23:31 |
b1n42y | fearful, partial upgrades are usually due to reliance on other software to be installed before the upgrade, i think | 23:31 |
philipp | but noone bugfree | 23:31 |
Aquina | philipp install "libdvdcss2" and "Kaffeine" via apt-get. | 23:32 |
drewby | n8tuserf: the copy should be done soon. | 23:32 |
philipp | kaffeine??? | 23:32 |
fearful | b1n42y: yes but I have everything I need it worked fine last time I installed it. | 23:32 |
[Tequila] | Can anyone help me with installing ubuntu server 8.10 on a PPC .. i dont know mac commands | 23:32 |
Aquina | Then read the DVD via Kaffeine. I promise it'll work. | 23:32 |
fearful | b1n42y: well I'll look into it thanks anyway | 23:32 |
[Tequila] | rather how to boot off the cd | 23:32 |
mxiao | update manager can't install b/c it doesn't have exclusive lock, but I don't see any other applications running | 23:33 |
zash | mxiao: apt-something clean | 23:33 |
Aquina | What is b/c, micao? | 23:33 |
philipp | kaffeine is a player | 23:33 |
Aquina | yes | 23:33 |
b1n42y | Aquina, i think he meant because | 23:33 |
philipp | he needs kde and i use gnome | 23:33 |
mxiao | b/c= because | 23:33 |
Aquina | I see. There must be an instance of either apt-get (commandline), Synaptic or the "Add/Remove"-util running. | 23:34 |
Aquina | Please double check this. | 23:34 |
armence | Hi all, I have the following problem: I am running the Ubuntu 8.1 Live CD on my Toshiba Satellite M40 Laptop. I also have another USB FAT hard drive which works correctly. I have an external USB FAT hard drive which is not recognized by Ubuntu. Can anyone help me get it working? I have tried fdisk -l and the hard drive does not show up on that... | 23:35 |
philipp | kaffeine dont works too | 23:35 |
BrixSat | philipp: what is in the root of the dvd? | 23:36 |
Zykotic | armence, when you plug the drive in and turn it own do you get any messages in dmesg? | 23:36 |
Aquina | Dis you also install the package "libdvdcss2", philipp? | 23:36 |
Siegfried | i'm trying to untar some files from a huge tar.gz file this way: tar -xvf feb09bkp-var.tar.gz --no-anchored --wildcards 'var/xx/var/xxxxx/images/*' -C /root/bkp/ | 23:36 |
BrixSat | some of them are speacly designed for windows having software and lot's of crap | 23:36 |
Aquina | It must be listed extra in Synaptic | 23:36 |
drewby | n8tuserf: alright i'm going to restart and try to boot that cd partition thing | 23:36 |
Siegfried | however i'm getting many "cannot mkdir: no such file or directory" and others "No such file or directory" | 23:36 |
philipp | Aquaina yes... but it seems to have lots of bugs | 23:37 |
philipp | it isnt realy able to play a dvd | 23:37 |
armence | Zykotic: Sorry, I am new to Linux in general, how would I check that? (I can use the command line as long as someone tells me what to type) | 23:37 |
Aquina | What do you mean by bugs? Also installed the nonfree stuff. Codecs, etc.? | 23:37 |
drewby | @all okay if I've copied the iso files from the ubuntu install cd onto a partition, what do I put in grub to boot that partition? | 23:38 |
Flare183 | !bugs | Aquina | 23:38 |
ubottu | Aquina: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: - Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at | 23:38 |
b1n42y | does anyone know if i should install preload, or is there something in ubuntu which already takes care of thatg | 23:38 |
Zykotic | armence, type dmesg (which will show you the kernel log messages), then turn the drive on and type dmesg again - you should get some sort of messages regarding the drive | 23:38 |
llllll | is there a way to umm just clone my screen? | 23:38 |
Flare183 | llllll: What do you mean? | 23:38 |
b1n42y | !preload | 23:38 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about preload | 23:38 |
Siegfried | nobody can help me with my tar problem? | 23:38 |
Flare183 | !ask | Siegfried | 23:39 |
ubottu | Siegfried: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) | 23:39 |
llllll | i have my tv hooked up but i cant get the two displays to show the same thing | 23:39 |
Siegfried | Flannel, i asked one screen before :( | 23:39 |
philipp | Aquaina yes... but it seems to have lots of bugs | 23:39 |
Flare183 | !info preload | b1n42y | 23:39 |
ubottu | preload (source: preload): adaptive readahead daemon. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.4-5 (intrepid), package size 31 kB, installed size 180 kB | 23:39 |
=== Pretto_AL is now known as AL_Pretto | ||
Siegfried | ops i meant Flare183 | 23:39 |
Flare183 | lol its ok | 23:40 |
arbitrary | siegfried: have you tried the graphical archive manager? Just a workaround :) | 23:40 |
mezy | [T]ank: now, how do i disable auto login> | 23:40 |
armence | Zykotic: The output is really long, what should I look for? | 23:40 |
Siegfried | it's on a server arbitrary :/ | 23:40 |
philipp | Aquaina yes... but it seems to have lots of bugs | 23:40 |
llllll | sorry total noob man no idea | 23:40 |
Aquina | philip I recommend you to exec "sudo aptitude install ubuntu-restricted-extras" this is required too. | 23:40 |
Siegfried | it finds the files in the images/ folder of the tar | 23:40 |
Zykotic | armence, probably something to do with /dev/sd? | 23:40 |
LjL | b1n42y: there's nothing in Ubuntu that takes care of that (except at boot time), though you'll find that the kernel ends up doing a lot of pseudo-preloading itself by advance caching | 23:40 |
enduser0001 | heeyy ubuntuers! | 23:41 |
Siegfried | but i just get cannot mkdir, and cannot open errors, no such file or directory | 23:41 |
Siegfried | for each file matching | 23:41 |
Zykotic | armence, the most recent stuff is at the bottom | 23:41 |
arbitrary | hmmm that is a tough one... And I suppose the size of the tar prohibits you from making a local copy... | 23:41 |
philipp | Playback failure: | 23:41 |
philipp | DVDRead could not open the disk "/dev/scd0". | 23:41 |
philipp | Your input can't be opened: | 23:41 |
philipp | VLC is unable to open the MRL 'dvd:///dev/scd0'. Check the log for details. | 23:41 |
philipp | Playback failure: | 23:41 |
FloodBot1 | philipp: Please don't flood, use to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 23:41 |
philipp | DVDRead could not open the disk "/dev/scd0". | 23:41 |
UncleD | philipp: 25% done upgrading fiesty to gutsy ubuntu | 23:42 |
[T]ank | mezy: System > Administration > Login Window | 23:42 |
arbitrary | [ | 23:42 |
armence | Zykotic: Here it is: | 23:43 |
philipp | uncled what? | 23:43 |
arbitrary | [T]ank, on that topic, how do i turn autologin ON. Clicking the thingy there has no effect... | 23:43 |
thedarkone | anyone have a 720 p config for xorg threw vga | 23:43 |
[T]ank | arbitrary: Not sure which thingy...... | 23:43 |
Zykotic | armence, dmesg again that "waiting for device to settle before scanning" says it's beginning to see the drive but the drive isn't ready yet | 23:44 |
[T]ank | Im leaving for the day, so... cant be of any further assistance. | 23:44 |
Dr_willis | arbitrary, i edit the gdm config files to enable auto logging in.. i forget what one to edit.. | 23:44 |
mezy | [T]ank: it doesn't show up in system>admin | 23:44 |
=== jussio1 is now known as jussi01 | ||
arbitrary | [T]: the checkbox that says 'enable autologin' is checked, and the username is selected, but when I restart, it doesn't autologin - just goes to the normal prompt. | 23:44 |
UncleD | philipp: i'm upgrading from fiesty to gutsy right now | 23:44 |
zash | * Automated backport upload; no source changes. | 23:45 |
zash | but why | 23:45 |
llllll | i have no clue what to do to get this to work | 23:45 |
armence | Zykotic: Here is what I now get: | 23:45 |
Dr_willis | arbitrary, you did restart the gdm service? and i THINK it autologins once at boot.. thats it.. theres also a 'delayed login' feature that may be what you want | 23:46 |
LjL | if i have a TV card whose remote control apparently gets recognized in Ubuntu, and a module for it gets loaded, and a /dev/input/eventX device is created, but nothing ever shows up in it... what could be the reason? | 23:46 |
arbitrary | Dr_willis: I did a 'restart' of the machine, would that do it? I am currently using timed login as a workaround, but its not ideal having to wait ten seconds for it to start :) | 23:47 |
RiRa_Digi_ | how can i change on ubuntu 8.04 + plesk 9 the langauge from a user. i have done it for root. but the user stays in the wrong language | 23:47 |
Dr_willis | arbitrary, restart the GDM service | 23:47 |
armence | Zykotic: To be more precise, I get those two lines obviously repeating a LOT. If I unplug the hard drive, they stop. | 23:47 |
r4hu7 | hi guys my head phone socket does'nt seems to work, is it a hardware or a software problem, i am using Ubuntu 8.10 | 23:47 |
Dr_willis | arbitrary, you can enable both. but it can get annoying at times to have the stuff autologging in | 23:47 |
Zykotic | armence, so a quick google for " usb unbuntu "no sense" " shows several bug reports and people with the same problem, didn't see a solution though - but it's certainly beyond my expertise, ANY ELSE??? | 23:48 |
shepherd | anyone know of a program to add effects to a webcam while I'm using it with amsn or something | 23:50 |
arbitrary | Dr_willis: did 'sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart'. Is that correct? It doesn't seem to be coming back up - just stuck on Reloading system log daemon... | 23:50 |
Frijolie | where are the custom icons located? | 23:50 |
Frijolie | i'm specifically looking for the "iPod" icon | 23:50 |
Dr_willis | arbitrary, that sould of killed X off and gotten back to the GDM login screen | 23:50 |
Zykotic | shear_clone, cheese has effects, but no tie in with MSN?!?! | 23:50 |
=== erik_ is now known as Guest62328 | ||
degrit | I am trying to install using the netinst - do I have to check "Ubuntu Studio desktop (must install)" in the software selection menu or just Ubuntu desktop ? | 23:51 |
shepherd | Zykotic: I'ma guess that was to me. | 23:51 |
arbitrary | Dr, well, it did kill of X, but I don't think its coming back :) I'll do a reboot. | 23:51 |
Wildburn | sigh, im beginning to think ubuntu hates my comp | 23:52 |
thomasp | hello | 23:52 |
sebsebseb | Wildburn: why | 23:52 |
sebsebseb | thomasp: hello | 23:52 |
Wildburn | seb: between hardy and intrepid and every version of nvidia drivers I can find, never get anything but blank screen till I reboot in recovery and xfix | 23:52 |
armence | Zykotic: Thanks for the help | 23:53 |
sebsebseb | Wildburn: I see | 23:53 |
sebsebseb | Wildburn: yeah and Intrepid Ibex lacks suppourt for old NIvida graphics cards | 23:53 |
areay | how can i setup centralized logins for my network, so that home folders and usernames/passwords are kept on a server? | 23:53 |
Wildburn | seb: yeah its frustrating because even ctrl alt f1, f7 whatever wont do anything, but Xorg.0.log shows no problems | 23:54 |
uncategorized | i made a bad decision and added the jaunty servers to my sources.list...did an update and then installed one program | 23:54 |
uncategorized | everything seems to work | 23:54 |
uncategorized | but after reboot, no gtk programs load propertly | 23:54 |
sebsebseb | remove the juanty program | 23:54 |
sebsebseb | and never do that again! | 23:54 |
uncategorized | i have | 23:54 |
sebsebseb | or anything similar | 23:54 |
uncategorized | but that didn't fix it...and i reverted my sources list | 23:54 |
sebsebseb | uncategorized: ok you probably buggered up your system a bit now, so maybe just upgrade to jaunty alpha 6 hummmmmmm | 23:55 |
uncategorized | i think the issue is that it did something to libc6 and glib | 23:55 |
sebsebseb | uncategorized: the beta is soon | 23:55 |
uncategorized | this is what it installed: | 23:55 |
uncategorized | | 23:55 |
sebsebseb | uncategorized: upgrading early on the beta is ok | 23:55 |
shepherd | fdisk -l | 23:55 |
shepherd | oops | 23:55 |
uncategorized | so i think all i need to do is revert those changes | 23:55 |
sebsebseb | Wildburn: how old is the card? | 23:55 |
sebsebseb | Wildburn: and the propritary drivers installed? | 23:56 |
Wildburn | geforce2 go | 23:56 |
arbitrary | Dr_willis: Rebooted, everything is back online, autologin still doesn't work, but I'll just stick with timed login for now. Thanks for the help. | 23:56 |
Wildburn | old | 23:56 |
sebsebseb | Wildburn: ok which Ubuntu you on now? | 23:56 |
blip- | hi, I have a dual boot system with windows + ubuntu. I just reinstalled windows so it wrote to the mbr and thus I have grub no more. I booted ubuntu liveCD now... when I try to run sudo grub-install /dev/sda I get the message "Could not find device for /boot: Not found or not a block device." ... any idea what's going on ? thanks | 23:56 |
Wildburn | Seb: Ive tried proprietary, and then removed them | 23:56 |
Wildburn | 8.04 at the moment | 23:56 |
sebsebseb | !grub | 23:56 |
ubottu | GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See - GRUB how-tos: | 23:56 |
sebsebseb | Wildburn: ok Ibex probably lacks suppourt for your card | 23:57 |
Wildburn | Seb: it seems like the second I change the xorg.conf it boots black screen, when I enable Driver "nvidia" | 23:57 |
sebsebseb | Wildburn: and not much difference there | 23:57 |
sebsebseb | Wildburn: and Hardy is not perfect with Nivida graphids cards either | 23:57 |
sebsebseb | ,but that's nto Ubuntu's fault | 23:57 |
Wildburn | seb: apparently ibex should work now, found a huge bug thing on it but none of the options seemed to work | 23:57 |
Wildburn | true Seb, wondering if any distro will load this bugger | 23:57 |
Wildburn | Seb: just wish it would give me an error in log to find the problem but everything loads fine, just no display | 23:58 |
uncategorized | is there no way to have it reinstall the core packages for intrepid | 23:58 |
sebsebseb | Wildburn: Ibex lacks suppourt for old cards, as for hardy I remember when I tried to help a guy get his Nivda card working (by remote connecting) on an old lap top, and we could never get the one from repo or nividas site to work | 23:58 |
Wildburn | Seb: also I think because mouse and keyboard are usb it wont let me ctrl alt anywhere | 23:58 |
uncategorized | i just want it to make sure the versions match whatever is in the intrepid repo rather than the jaunty | 23:58 |
``Tyler`` | does anyone know anything about the error where 8.10 wont boot it says cannot enumerate usb device? | 23:58 |
sebsebseb | Wildburn: in the end he put Windows back on that lap top, plus he wanted to run loads of Windows rubbish anyway | 23:58 |
arbitrary | Wildburn: Sorry, I think I missed where you said what card specifically you are using... What is it? | 23:58 |
Wildburn | Arbitrary:gefroce2 go | 23:59 |
powergoal | When will the lincity-ng update be added to the repository? The release was Jan 25 '09 | 23:59 |
uplinked | anyone know a good alternative to dvtm? i'd like four logs outputted in a single console window, and dvtm isn't scriptable | 23:59 |
Wildburn | Seb: yeah thats the killer I dont want winblows again on here, want it to be linux like my desktop, which of course runs ubuntu fine | 23:59 |
kpuljek | my router keeps restarting every half an hour to a hour, any ideas? | 23:59 |
cremmora | get a new 1 | 23:59 |
Wildburn | Kpuljek:sounds like a router failure, get a new one | 23:59 |
sebsebseb | Wildburn: well other good user friendly distros, I assume you want user friendly | 23:59 |
ellanceo | Does anyone know how to display the output before GDM is started to an external? My monitor on my laptop is broken, and I can't read fsck errors to get it to boot. | 23:59 |
cremmora | or stop serving hi spped porn | 23:59 |
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