
=== penguim is now known as BA_Alexandro
Thirtysixwayhow long can I extend a usb cable?00:03
Vog-workareay: LDAP00:06
areayVog-work, i've messed around with openldap a little, but it seemed way overcomplicated for what i want... is that the only way to do it?00:07
Vog-workDepends on what you want to do and what your clients on the network will be.00:08
Vog-workIf they are all windows clients then SAMBA is fine.00:08
areayVog-work, they're all ubuntu clients00:08
Vog-workIf you have windows and samba servers and you want single sign on then LDAP is basically the only way to go.00:09
Vog-workareay:.... all ubuntu clients...00:09
techsupporthow can i archive a directory and it's contents with tar ?00:09
areayVog-work, sorry i don't get what you're saying... do i have to use LDAP if i'm only authenticating ubuntu clients? i would have thought it would be easier to authenticate clients using the same o/s as the server...00:11
Vog-workAreay I was assuming that you r clients were windows not ubuntu00:11
areayVog-work, ahh fair enough... after switching to ubuntu on my personal pc, i started to hate using windows for business.. it was weird00:12
areayVog-work, so Samba is cool, right? if so that makes things a lot easier (i think)00:12
Vog-workSamba is great if you are using windows style shares and AD00:13
Vog-work(Active directory)00:13
Vog-workBut for an all out ubuntu netowrk I'm considering some other things.00:13
areayVog-work, it's annoying that it's been made so difficult to do... it should be an included feature of ubuntu00:15
Vog-worktechsupport: GO here for some help with tar. http://www.linfo.org/tar.html00:15
Vog-workareay: It isn;t difficiult to do.... most of the time you would just ssh into the ubunti server from the client for your work. I'm just trying to get a better idea of what you want to accomplish00:16
Vog-workareay: Nfs is probably the way to go.00:17
giovaniareay: what's so difficult?00:18
areayVog-work, i need file sharing and centralized logins too... i've used XDMCP before but it's buggy and it uses all my network bandwidth00:18
Vog-workareay: is that simple enough :)00:18
areayVog-work, the file sharing part is easy, it's just the logins00:18
Vog-workThat just soulds like a server with users and groups set up00:19
giovaniwhy is it that every company in the world manages then?00:19
areayVog-work, because they all pay for windows server 200300:19
giovaniwhat?, no00:19
areayi meant giovani00:19
giovanicentralized linux logins are not hard, and are incredibly common00:19
giovanimany solutions available00:20
Vog-workI don't own any win 2k3 servers and do just fine... but that won't help you with your problem00:20
areayokay well i've followed like 5 or 6 different guides on openldap and none of them work00:20
areayeach one took at least an hour00:20
giovaniwell there's you problem00:21
giovani"following guides" probably means doing things you don't understand ... not a good idea00:21
Vog-workWhat I think you want is just a single server with the ability to set permissions on directories00:21
areaygiovani, you're right, i don't really understand LDAP or Active Directory... the closest i've come is working on a windows server00:21
giovaniareay: well ... either hire someone to do it, or learn00:22
giovaniplenty of books on the topic00:22
Vog-workSamba is the closest thing there is to widows sharing.00:22
giovanicopying stuff blindly from guides and then claiming that it's ubuntu's fault ...00:22
giovaniis not accurate00:22
areayi shouldn't have to follow guides00:22
giovaniyou're right ... you should know how to do it by learning00:23
areayi'm talking about centralized logins of *ubuntu* systems00:23
areayit should be integrated00:23
giovaniI don't know what "integrated" emans ... ubuntu provides the packages00:23
giovanijust like with any other application00:23
areaythe packages are provided, but configuration is a nightmare00:24
Vog-workareay: So you want ubuntu clients to be able to log into a ubuntu server. Each with their own username and password.00:24
giovanino, it's not00:24
giovaniyou simply haven't made a serious effort to learn00:24
areaygiovani, i shouldn't have to, it's a simple task00:24
giovaniit's not in windows00:24
areaysure it is00:24
areaythere's a gui00:25
giovaniActive Directory has multiple 1000+ page books dedicated to the topic00:25
giovaniareay: if you want a gui to manage your server, you don't belong here00:25
areayyou just add groups, users, and computers, and they all login00:25
areayi don't want a gui to manage my server00:25
giovanithen there's no problem00:25
giovanievery company in the world manages to do it -- you're the one having the problem, yet you think it's ubuntu's fault?00:25
areayevery company in the world?00:26
areayVog-work, yea thats pretty much what i need00:26
giovanievery one of size, sure00:26
areayi have 12 employees and a very limited budget00:26
areayso we're not of size00:26
giovani12 employees? I've worked in companies of one :)00:27
giovaniit's just about education00:27
giovanidon't get mad because you have to learn00:27
giovaniif you're not interested in learning how -- then linux is not for you00:27
areayi'm not mad... please don't get me wrong... i'm not mad, and i'm not blaming ubuntu or the developers of openldap... i'm just surprised there isn't an easy-to-use tool for setting it up00:27
Vog-workgiovani: Instead of pointing out what areay dosen't know perpahps pointing him towards some good literature somewhere would be better.00:28
giovanibecause other people don't see the need?00:28
giovaniit's easy00:28
giovaniVog-work: I would be happy to recommend some books -- he's made it clear he doesn't want to have to learn00:28
giovaniso, I won't be providing them00:28
areaythere's like 20 config files you have to edit, and if you improperly configure the clients you can't login00:28
giovanigoing to make dinner00:28
malakhiit is *not* "easy." Of course, neither is Windows.00:28
twbareay: there is a turn-key solution for Ubuntu as an ldap auth *client*00:29
twbareay: unfortunately setting up the server is still rather confusing, especially if you are not already familiar with LDAP.00:29
areaytwb, thats kind of the impression i've got...00:29
Vog-workActually I see the areay is frustrated with the results he's been getting so far and he came to a channel where all he's heard is rtfm with a side helping of eliteism00:29
malakhiareay: I haven't tried it, but ebox has a module that provides a web-based gui for configuring ldap00:29
areaymalakhi, thanks i'll check that out00:30
twbCurrently we still run NIS internally because LDAP is such a pain :-P00:30
areayVog-work, lol00:30
areaythis really isn't the first place i come when i need help00:30
areayi scour the net for like a week before i come here00:30
Vog-workAreay: Now yeah I agree with giovani in regards to taking the time to learn. It is time consuming but rewarding.00:31
Vog-workHave you gone to the ubuntu fourms adn looked at what other people have done in your situation?00:31
areayVog-work, that's how i've solved most of my linux problems... i've got a pretty good setup here and i've only had to ask here three times00:32
Vog-workBecause it is a pretty common scenario00:32
Vog-workOk sometimes it's just knowing the proper search terms to look for.00:32
areayi've been searching "ldap samba 8.10" in google00:32
Vog-workLet me dig around a bit and see what I can find.00:32
areaythanks for ur help00:33
Vog-workareay: Are you comfortable in the command line or do you want to work in gui only?00:34
areaycommand line's cool00:34
areayit makes me feel important :)00:34
Vog-workOk, but if things get fscked up can you fix things from there.00:35
areayit depends on how bad they get... i'm usually okay; i haven't had to completely reinstall ubuntu for like 5 months (i've been using it for 6 months now)00:36
Vog-workOk no offence but it sounds like you are pretty new to the command line.00:37
Vog-workYou need to work in it daily to really learn linux (Ubuntu) server administration00:37
areayi've been using linux command lines on and off for like 8 years... i think the key there is on and off tho... i've never really used it intensively00:38
areayjust basic stuff... compiling and such00:38
Vog-workOk, so can you set up directories and user permissions?00:39
areaymkdir, chmod, chown, and chgrp00:39
Vog-workOK cool.00:40
Vog-workDo you have the ability to get / send private messages in IRC?00:40
Vog-workBest to take this part off channel00:40
areayyeah sorry i just wasnt paying attention before00:41
ubottudocumentation is to be found at http://help.ubuntu.com and http://wiki.ubuntu.com - General linux documentation: http://www.tldp.org - http://rute.2038bug.com00:45
twbI highly recommend that textbook for those who want to learn to do things "the unixy way", including CLI.00:46
JanCtwb: if you mean the "rute" site, what license does that book use?00:52
twbJanC: I don't remember, sorry.00:53
JanCit's also a bit outdated  ツ00:53
twbIt is.00:53
JanCbut might be useful still00:53
Vog-workOh and this is my favorite site for ubuntu guides... http://howtoforge.com/howtos/linux/ubuntu00:57
Vog-workNow guides are nice to get started, but you need to get you hands dirty and get into real system administration.00:58
Vog-workOnce you figure out that shell scriptiong can automate lot's of tasks and you start making your own or chenging others then you'll really start having "fun"00:59
Vog-workSometime ver frustrationg fun but it feels great once you conquer a problem.00:59
JanCtwb: Machtelt Garrels has some (possibly) useful books too: http://tille.garrels.be/training/00:59
Vog-workAnd you learn a lot too.00:59
JanCVog-work: indeed01:00
=== Vog-work is now known as vog-work
J-_I'm trying to setup my /etc/network/interfaces file with dhcp. In the file, what would the broadcast IP be?02:14
J-_Would the broadcast IP be the IP address on the WAN side? And, if it is, do I really need to set it up since my IP address is dynamic.02:16
JanCJ-_: if an IP on your LAN is like and the network mask is something like, then the broadcast address is
JanC(if that was your question)02:27
J-_I think I figured it out :) I put it as
JanCso your network mask is  ツ02:31
J-_Now I'm trying to configure DNS. Do I create a file: /etc/resolv.conf and put the DNS servers in there?02:31
twbYou shouldn't need to specify a broadcast address in /etc/network/interfaces.02:31
JanCtwb is right, DHCP should set that02:32
twbJanC: even for static allocation02:32
J-_okay, I'll remove it02:32
twbAt least, that's what I *remember*.02:32
J-_Should network, and gateway be the same IP?02:32
giovaniyep, not required with DHCP02:32
giovaniJ-_: DHCP sets all of that02:33
twbI may be confusing it with the obsolete "network" declaration.02:33
twbgiovani: DHCP *can* set all that, it doesn't have to :-)02:33
J-_So, I just need to put 'auto eth0' 'iface eth0 dhcp' below the loopback network interface?02:34
giovanitwb: no need to be pedantic -- in the real world, unless he has a highly specialized setup, it will be providing his subnet mask, his gateway, and his dns02:34
giovanifrom which, his broadcast address will be calculated locally02:34
JanCgiovani: and his IP address02:34
giovaniit this a pissing contest?02:35
giovaniclearly, we know dhcp provides his ip02:35
J-_I'm also using dynamic IP02:35
JanCgiovani: well, DHCP doesn't have to  ;-)02:35
J-_wish I had static02:35
giovaniJ-_: is this your ISP providing DHCP?02:35
twbgiovani: I don't *have* to be pedantic; I enjoy it :-)02:36
J-_I guess so. I'm not totally sure, it's not cable internet.02:36
giovanitwb: which is fine ... I think, when appropriate02:36
JanCJ-_: many DHCP server implementations have an option to link an IP address to a MAC addres and/or a hostname02:36
giovanibut, when troubleshooting an average user, it simply adds to confusion02:36
giovaniJanC: except we just established his ISP is running it :) -- so, they'll be making that decision02:37
J-_Yeah I'm pretty much confused now. :)02:37
giovaniJ-_: you don't need to set anything that you're trying to set02:37
giovanisimply use dhcp02:37
giovaniit'll handle everything02:37
JanCJ-_: do you have a router between you and your ISP ?02:37
giovanithen your router is providing the dhcp to your computer, not the ISP02:38
J-_modem, and router.02:38
JanC(I already suspected this, as no ISP I know uses 192.168.1.*)02:38
J-_it's setup as dhcp on this laptop, I setup my server as a static LAN IP. My WAN is dynamic02:38
giovaniJ-_: alright, well, since the internal network is yours -- you don't have to use DHCP -- that's your option, however, if you choose to set a static ip, make sure it's not in the range that your router assigns via DHCP02:39
giovanii.e. your router may assign via DHCP -- don't use IPs in that range for static settings02:39
JanCgiovani: some routers support "static DHCP" though02:40
twbJanC: the good ones02:40
giovaniJanC: yes, a few, however, I'm guessing that's a tad over his skill level to be investigating at the moment02:40
twbThe ones that run Linux instead of IOS :P02:41
giovaniIOS does static DHCP02:41
twbApparently the one that got deployed in my next remand center doesn't :-/02:41
J-_In hardy should /etc/resolv.conf already be there? I just opened a new file. I want to add my DNS server to it.02:42
twbgiovani: admittedly it might just be that their contractors are stupid idiots02:42
giovaniJ-_: once again ... if you use DHCP ... you don't need to set it manually02:42
giovaniJ-_: if you don't use DHCP, then you can set that manually, however, it'll be overwritten by DHCP and/or your interfaces file settings02:42
J-_When I had my server going I used afraid.org DNS servers.02:43
JanCsome routers require you to use "static DHCP" if you want to set up forwarding & DMZ & such02:43
giovaniJanC: really? which ones? NEVER seen such a requirement -- albeit it would be intelligent02:43
JanCgiovani: at least my router makes it difficult if I don't use static DHCP  ;)02:44
giovaniwhat do you mean makes it difficult?02:44
JanCgiovani: but I just filed a GPL violation complaint about it, so maybe it's not really a good example  ;)02:45
giovaniwhich manuf?02:45
giovaninever heard of them02:46
twbVendor OSes are stinky02:46
twbYay for OpenWRT02:46
twbecho $MAC $IP >>/etc/ethers && killall -USR1 dnsmasq02:47
giovaniopenwrt has come in handy, yes02:47
twb...you now have fixed DHCP02:47
JanCthis thing has only 6.3 MiB of RAM according to /proc/meminfo02:47
giovaninot abnormal02:47
giovanisome of the linksys get by on 2MiB02:48
J-_What defines eth0? Does eth0 also define my WAN address, or is it strictly internal?02:48
twbMy expensive Asus WL-500g Premium has 32MB of RAM and something like 8MB of non-volatile storage.02:48
giovaniJ-_: whichever network interface is brought up first :)02:48
twbI think current OpenWRT wants about half that.02:48
JanCit's a Texas Instrument AR7 based ADSL modem/router02:48
giovaniJ-_: that's how windows works too02:48
giovaniand virtually every other OS02:49
=== BA_Alexandro is now known as penguim
twbJanC: well, you're hosed then.  You can't drive an ADSL modem using Free software, because the only drivers for them are priorietary.02:49
JanCtwb: my Asus WL-500gP got fried by a lightning strike at my neighbours  :-(02:49
twbJanC: bummer02:50
J-_Here's another question. I think I'm thinking of dhcp wrong in regards to interal IP. I'm using a static internal ip, would eth0 see the internal IP I gave it in my router?02:50
giovanitwb: there are some adsl modems with open drivers02:50
* J-_ palms a little02:50
JanCmy neighbours roof got a serious hole in it, but I lost my router, LCD, display & an USB disk02:50
giovaniJ-_: I don't understand your question02:50
twbgiovani: I stand corrected.02:51
giovanitwb: not that there are a lot -- but here's one: http://speedtouch.sourceforge.net/02:51
giovaniADSL is on its way out anyway02:51
JanCgiovani: heh?02:52
JanCnot in .be02:52
JanCADSL2+ is the only way out of the cable monopoly here...02:52
giovanihardly a world sampling :)02:52
twbIn .au most areas still use satellite02:53
giovaniyeah, we've got a sprinkling of ADSL2+ here as well02:53
giovanibut cable has a clear cost advantage per speed02:53
giovaniand fios/ftth is expanding, and is super-cheap per speed02:53
twbOf course, in the city centers there is now ADSL2+, but most suburbs are ADSL102:53
giovaniI think in NYC only Covad offers ADSL2+02:53
giovaniand it's pricey02:53
J-_My WAN ip is dynamic, while my internal IP for my server is static. Should I be using, 'auto eth0' 'iface eth0 static'?02:53
giovani3-4x what I'm paying for cable of the same speed02:54
* ScottK is a big fan of the FIOS.02:54
giovaniJ-_: no02:54
giovanisorry, yes02:54
giovaniit should be static then02:54
JanCgiovani: if the cable monopolist restricts you to 20 GiB / month for 43 euro / month...02:54
J-_Okay, whew.02:54
giovaniScottK: yeah, too bad verizon sucks ass02:54
twbgiovani: cable requires laying new cables.  That's kind of expensive for most of .au's geography.02:54
giovanitwb: I wasn't suggesting cable for australia?02:54
ScottKgiovani: My alternative is Comcast which is MUCH worse IME.02:54
giovaniaustralia is probably going to see more WISPs02:54
giovaniScottK: agreed02:55
giovanionce wimax pricing comes down a bit02:55
giovaniwe'll see more regular wisps adopting it02:55
ScottKI've actually had little trouble with Verizon.  The biggest service outage I've had is when Comcast cut the fiber running cable to the neighbors.02:55
giovanithey'll see speed gains over their old proprietary wireless systems02:56
giovaniScottK: support is a nightmare, but, yeah, we have a 50/20Mbps link at work02:56
JanCWimax has the same problem as WiFi: it's shared02:56
giovanicheap as hell02:56
giovaniJanC: "shared" is not accurate02:56
giovanithere will be no wireless protocols in this world that have dedicated frequencies per customer, that's not a flaw of a protocol02:57
giovanibut they are not "shared"02:57
giovanibecause of the way frequency hopping is implemeneted in newer protocols02:57
giovaniwifi is not really used in the WISP world much02:58
giovanimost WISP equipment is proprietary, built on the 802.11a polling spec02:58
JanCwell, looking at what Wimax providers provide here, they do have a bandwidth problem...02:59
giovaniyeah, that's not a limitation of the protocol really02:59
giovanithat's a limitation of how much money they want to spend, and how they're going to engineer their sector antennas02:59
JanCADSL is the only technology here where you can get (almost) unlimited  trafic02:59
giovaniwimax equipment is still extremely expensive compared to the proprietary alternatives, so it's hard to justify the switch03:00
JanCso, that's why I changed from cable to ADSL...03:00
giovaniyeah, US cable companies have started to implement a soft cap of 300GB/mo03:00
giovanibut it's not explicitly advertised, nor enforced as a hard cap03:00
giovaninot heard of DSL companies doing anything -- but their slower speeds would prevent much over 300GB/mo even at 24/7 usage03:01
JanCif the local cable company would have provided a hard cap at 100 GiB, I wouldn't have changed  :P03:01
giovaniI abuse work's 50/20 fios03:01
giovanipeg about 30/10 of it 24/7/36503:01
giovanino complaints from verizon :)03:02
JanCbut 20 GiB / month was jus t too limiting03:02
giovaniyeah, that would suck03:02
JanCjust updating jaunty every day would get you there I think...03:03
giovaniyeah, I push around 100-250GB/mo regularly on my home cable03:04
giovaniwhich is 10Mbps, and costs about $5003:04
JanCright, I think I will do about 100 GiB this month03:05
JanCand maybe less next month03:05
JanCand my ADSL2+ link is tuned at 15 Mbit/s03:05
JanCand costs me about 35 euro / month03:06
=== techsupport is now known as orudie
orudiehow do you uncompress a .tar file ?03:06
giovanithat's good pricing03:06
JanCa 15 Mbit/s cable connection would cost me 43 euro / month and after 20 GiB they would cap me at 3 KiB/s03:07
giovaniorudie: tar -xf file.tar03:07
giovanior tar -xvvf file.tar if you want to see the progress03:07
JanCand the 20 GiB / month cap is what really drove me away03:08
giovanidefinitely understandable03:09
JanCI'd happily pay 43 euro for cable if it had a reasonable transfer limit03:10
JanCas cable is much more stable03:10
tsrkAre there any packages upgrades that require a system reboot to take effect?  If so, how do I know if I need to reboot?03:46
JanCtsrk: kernel upgrades are the most obvious example...03:47
tsrkyeah, but what about ones that I don't recognize as such?03:47
tsrkespecially security updates that get installed automatically/03:48
JanCtsrk: and in the next Ubuntu release there is an optional screen profile that includes a "you must reboot" indicator03:48
tsrkwhere is that indicator?03:49
tsrkon login?03:49
JanCalso, I hope you don't install updates automaticly on servers03:49
JanCtsrk: not on login, but in a status line at the bottom03:49
tsrki do... (the "important security updates"), is that bad?03:49
JanCthere is a way to get this at login too (using MOTD)03:49
tsrkah ok03:50
JanCtsrk: all this is about the next release though03:50
JanCand I think installing security updates automaticly is bad on a server03:50
tsrkwell, most packages that are installed on my server are also installed on my desktop so at this point I just reboot my servers if one of my desktop updates that's also on my server requires me to reboot03:51
tsrkwhy is that?03:51
JanCI prefer reviewing the changes and think about what effects they could have on my server system03:51
tsrkthat's what i do with other updates03:53
JanCif they don't impact the security of my server, but break functionality, I don't install them right away  ;)03:53
tsrkso far i guess i've been lucky on the breaking functionality bit (or lack thereof)03:54
JanCof course that means you must understand the real impact & dangers03:54
tsrkhmm, yeah, sometimes i don't really know what all the updates are, i have to admit03:54
tsrkwell, that's actually more true on my desktop where i don't worry about it as much03:55
JanCoften I have to investigate too  ;)03:55
tsrkah ok03:55
ScottKSubscribe to the security announcements.03:55
tsrkis there a way to "de-upgrade"?03:55
tsrki am03:55
ScottKThose will tell you if you need to reboot.03:55
tsrkah ok03:55
tsrkthat's ubuntu-security-announce@lists.ubuntu.com?03:56
JanCScottK: and most of the time they tell you what part of the software is impacted too03:56
tsrk(that's the one i'm subscribed too)03:56
JanCtsrk: right03:56
ScottKtsrk: I think so.  I read them on RSS.03:56
JanCtsrk: but subscribing to a general security announcement list is useful too03:57
JanCthat way you can sometimes read about security issues before Ubuntu has a security release03:58
JanC(even if Ubuntu is generally quite fast about security releases)03:59
JanCand subscribing to upstream security/announce lists is good too04:01
JanCe.g. if you use web apps04:01
tsrkok, will do04:02
JanC"subscribing" can be using mail or RSS (like ScottK prefers apparently) or whatever means, as long as you read it very regularly04:07
ScottKYes.  ubuntu-nl has an RSS feed for it.04:07
JanCprotocol isn't important, the information is04:08
=== CaTeYe is now known as cateye
=== cateye is now known as CaTeYe
oh_noesanyone know how to update /etc/apt/sources.list inside vmbuilder's "--exec script.sh"?04:57
oh_noesIs it possible to install a package, but to tell apt-get which repo to use?  apt-get -mirror "http:/local/url" install my_package_name ?05:15
p_quarlesoh_noes: yes; iirc, the option is -t $repo_name05:15
oh_noesDoes that include the type? I mean main | universal etc05:19
oh_noesI want my_package_name to come from $MIRROR and inside $REPO, or equivalent to  "deb http://local/rep nightly"05:20
p_quarlesoh_noes: in the repo name you gave, the release name would be "nightly"05:26
p_quarlesthat's what apt-get -t would specify05:26
oh_noeshrmm, my problem is my /etc/apt/sources.list is "deb http://local/ubuntu main"05:29
oh_noesbut I want to install a package, that reside its the equivalent of "deb http://local/repo nightly"05:29
oh_noesI can't update sources.list .. so im hoping I can just pass it on the command line  to apt-get?05:30
p_quarlesoh_noes: well first of all, those aren't valid urls05:30
hadswget the package and dpkg -i05:30
p_quarlesoh_noes: second of all, I already answered your question: apt-get  -t nightly $package-name05:30
p_quarleshads: and if a package in an available repository overrides that for some reason, your solution fails05:31
hadsOkay, I'll go back to what I was doing.05:31
p_quarleshads: :P ; don't be that way; I was just adding a point that could potentially be a problem; it's a decent solution05:32
hadsIt's the only solution if "I can't update sources.list"05:33
oh_noesp_quarles: yes I know they arent 100% valid, I just shortened them for IRC.05:33
oh_noesp_quarles: how does $(apt-get  -t nightly $package-name) know to use http::/local/repo/05:33
oh_noesI need it to use 'repo', not 'ubuntu' for the URL location05:34
p_quarlesoh_noes: google apt-pinning05:35
p_quarlesweb sources will be far better than an irc explanation, hence my telling you to google it05:36
p_quarlesit's complex and not always perfect, but if your needs go beyond what -t can do, that's what you want :D05:36
^law^does anybody know how to get list of services?05:54
giovaniwhat do you mean a list of services from where?06:45
=== tjaalton_ is now known as tjaalton
maxagazhow to ckeck the free space on a hard drive in order to extend the size of a partition ?07:43
didrockskirkland: I really like your idea on /var/lib/ecryptfs/$USER as a symlink on a removable media. You should blog something on it "Security in Ubuntu, what to do?" ;) (I didn't find anything similar, even in the Debian Security Guide)07:44
leonardohello guys09:08
leonardoI need test my page from outside of my net09:08
leonardoplease type this09:09
leonardoopensim.servehttp.com (serve ..no server)09:09
leonardocan you see the page?09:10
cemcleonardo: connecting to...09:17
cemcnot working09:17
leonardogrrr , thanks cemc09:18
cemcfirewall ?09:18
leonardoI can't find the problem ..let me test...off the fire09:18
cemcsee if apache is listening on port 8009:19
cemcnetstat -nlp |grep apache09:19
leonardoyep, it is ... I am running this server on a virtaul machine...in xp09:19
leonardoand..in my net...I can see just perfect09:20
leonardobut ...from outside nothiing09:20
|HSO|SadiQI try to ssh into a server and I can't get color into the ls command...can anyone help me?09:20
leonardothe ports ar open09:21
cemcleonardo: virtual machine?09:21
cemclike which one ?09:21
cemcand what kind of networking did you set up for the guest ?09:21
leonardotest it now cemc please09:21
leonardointerface host09:22
cemcnope, not working09:22
cemcconnection refused now09:22
cemcyou're getting closer :-)09:22
leonardoI think...the virtual box is the problem09:22
cemc|HSO|SadiQ: try ls --color=auto09:23
leonardobecause the no-ip works fine09:23
|HSO|SadiQthat works...but not if I put it in .bashrc09:23
cemcleonardo: the host is winxp, and guest is ubuntu?09:23
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leonardoI am on XP and I am runnig ubuntu in virtaulbox09:24
cemc|HSO|SadiQ: what release is that you're ssh into? on my hardy there's an alias ls='ls --color=auto' when i log in09:25
cemcleonardo: and you have that IP address on the virtualbox? and if you ping it from outside, it gets to the guest ?09:26
|HSO|SadiQ8.04 (I didn't install it)...and it has root user enabled(the guy that installed it is a debian user)09:26
|HSO|SadiQthat alias works for root user...but not the normal one09:26
cemc|HSO|SadiQ: what shell does the normal user have?09:27
leonardothe no-ip account and soft are installed on ubuntu (virtaulbox)09:27
|HSO|SadiQecho $SHELL09:27
cemcleonardo: no-ip account ?09:28
leonardowhen I type the address (noip) opens my router setup09:28
leonardobecause i have dynamic ip09:28
|HSO|SadiQcemc, this is the user's .bashrc(for now): http://paste.ubuntu.com/125659/09:29
leonardocemc, can you test it one more time please09:31
cemcleonardo: not working09:31
leonardook, thanks anyway cemc ;)09:32
cemc|HSO|SadiQ: I have the same thing in my .bashrc. can you check the file's permissions and owner?09:34
cemcleonardo: if you try a ping from outside, does it reach your ubuntu guest? do you see it with tcpdump on eth0 ?09:35
|HSO|SadiQcemc, -rw-r--r--  1 hso  hso   499 2009-03-03 08:41 .bashrc09:36
leonardocemc: the ping are perfect...this is very strange09:37
cemc|HSO|SadiQ: and what does echo $TERM say ?09:37
cemcit sould work, hm09:38
cemcleonardo: and you really sure that apache is listening on ?09:38
leonardoyep, are listening on 80 port ... is there another file to set up?09:40
leonardowich .conf because apache2 ...tells me..he is listening on 8009:41
cemcleonardo: don't look at the conf, look at netstat output09:42
drbobbhey, it's been a while since i built kernels on my own.. how com are the *.ko files produced by building with make-kpkg a whole LOT larger than those that come with a binary linux-image package?09:42
drbobband i do mean a LOT, like 6x or so09:43
mufasis1can anyone help me real quick im trying to install ubuntu server on a proliant dl320 with raid109:44
mufasis1im at the partitioning part09:44
mufasis1anyone here09:44
cemcmufasis1: what do you want to know?09:45
mufasis1how i should partition and if i should use lvm09:46
mufasis1in the bios of the server its setup as raid109:46
mufasis1it has two identical 80gb HD09:46
mufasis1im kinda confused how i need to do the partitions though09:47
mufasis1if i let ubuntu decide it will just do / and a swap09:47
mufasis1is it better to manually do individual partitons for /var /home /usr etc?09:47
cemcmufasis1: well, that's up to you, what do you use that server for, what are your preferences, etc09:49
_rubenthere's no general best way of partitioning a machine09:49
drbobbi'd say that kind of depends on what you'll be using that machine for09:49
ubottuUsually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.09:49
mufasis1well i got this server for free and its kinda of a project to learn so i want a basis for web hosting and file hosting on my network09:49
cemcmufasis1: I usually just have a / (20gb), and a /store, without lvm09:49
mufasis1i want some secure09:49
mufasis1im still kinda confused is LVM using for raid or how does that work09:50
* _ruben doesnt have a single box without lvm :p09:50
ubottuTips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RaidConfigurationHowto and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO09:50
_rubenlvm really doesnt have anything to do with raid (other than that lvm has some support for raid0 (which isnt raid))09:51
drbobbif you plan to serve filesystems on the LAN via nfs, it definitely is better to make the exported tree a separate partition09:52
mufasis1that raid link is broken09:53
cemcit's working for me, maybe you did a wrong copy-paste ;)09:54
_rubensearching for raid configuration on help.ubuntu.com yields quite some articles10:03
simplexiomufasis1: something secure ? 2*hd, then use raid1 + dmcrypt10:06
amel_enisHELP:i have a problem in mysql :ubuntu server8.10.10:10
amel_eniscan I explain my prb?10:10
amel_enisI instaled ubuntu server 8.10 so the lamp too10:11
simplexioamel_enis: usually its only way to get help. in future you can start converstaion. hey, i have problem, my mysql wont start. it gives me error X .. all in same line10:12
amel_enisbut when i configure the database ,i have this message:Starting MySQL database server mysqld                                                                                                             [fail]10:13
amel_enis I try to reconfigure mysql server but the prb persist10:14
amel_enisi try to remove mysql server in synaptics (remove all) and to reinstall, but the prb persist10:15
amel_enisi can send the log10:15
simplexioamel_enis: i dont use mysql , but if i recall right you need to do some pre-start stuff like create db, and users10:16
simplexioamel_enis: throw log into pastebin10:16
amel_enis /etc/init.d/mysql start10:16
amel_enis * Starting MySQL database server mysqld                                                                                                             [fail]10:16
amel_enisamel@ubuntu:~$ tail /var/log/syslog10:16
amel_enisMar  3 10:41:48 ubuntu mysqld[18100]: InnoDB: The error means mysqld does not have the access rights to10:16
amel_enisMar  3 10:41:48 ubuntu mysqld[18100]: InnoDB: the directory.10:16
amel_enisMar  3 10:41:48 ubuntu mysqld[18100]: InnoDB: File name ./ibdata110:16
amel_enisMar  3 10:41:48 ubuntu mysqld[18100]: InnoDB: File operation call: 'create'.10:16
amel_enisMar  3 10:41:48 ubuntu mysqld[18100]: InnoDB: Cannot continue operation.10:16
amel_enisMar  3 10:41:48 ubuntu mysqld_safe[18106]: ended10:16
amel_enisMar  3 10:42:01 ubuntu /etc/init.d/mysql[18259]: 0 processes alive and '/usr/bin/mysqladmin --defaults-file=/etc/mysql/debian.cnf ping' resulted in10:16
amel_enisMar  3 10:42:02 ubuntu /etc/init.d/mysql[18259]: Could not open required defaults file: /etc/mysql/debian.cnf10:16
amel_enisMar  3 10:42:02 ubuntu /etc/init.d/mysql[18259]: Fatal error in defaults handling. Program aborted10:16
amel_enisMar  3 10:42:02 ubuntu /etc/init.d/mysql[18259]:10:16
* simplexio slaps amel_enis 10:16
HellsheepWould have been better to pastebin it10:16
simplexioamel_enis: not that way10:16
simplexioamel_enis: usually you paste those long log files into pastebin.com, then paste link to content10:17
HellsheepRandom question, is here a good place to ask how to use a Linux Server as a "router" so to speak.10:17
simplexioamel_enis: and problem is that you dont have permission to execute it, try sudo /etc/init.d/mysqld start ? oor similiat10:18
simplexioHellsheep: dont know about good places, but you can try iy here10:18
HellsheepWell, basically i am planning on setting up my Ubuntu server to be more than just a standard server on the network10:19
HellsheepI was planning on routing the net through it to abuse IP tables or something similar to that to record bandwidth or download usage on my network10:19
amel_enisok i try this: the result: sudo /etc/init.d/mysqld start10:19
amel_enis[sudo] password for amel:10:19
amel_enissudo: /etc/init.d/mysqld: command not found10:19
HellsheepBut the problem i have is that i have never done anything like that, and i don't know if it's as simple as plugging the modem into the server, then plugging a ethernet cable into a router from the server and then using a router to route the connections through that.10:20
domasamel_enis: 'mysql'10:20
simplexioamel_enis: look for mysql something file in /etc/init.d/10:20
HellsheepI know it'd take a bit of configuring, but where do i start?10:20
simplexioHellsheep: i havent done that kind router systems before, i use transparent bridge my self. but it should be easy. attleast that connection sharing10:20
amel_enisthe same result10:20
amel_enisamel@ubuntu:~$ sudo /etc/init.d/mysql start10:21
amel_enis * Starting MySQL database server mysqld                                                                                                             [fail]10:21
_rubenamel_enis: do you have the file /etc/mysql/debian.cnf?10:21
HellsheepAlso, what kind of Network card would i need?10:21
HellsheepBecause i'm sure a single 1 port ethernet wont work10:22
_rubenHellsheep: any card would do really10:22
HellsheepI need a network card that would allow information to be passed into the server from the modem, then route the internet out into the router to the other computers10:22
simplexioHellsheep: something that works :), you need just 2 ethernet card on computer , im assuming that adsl box has ether connection10:22
HellsheepDo you know of anything that would be helpful?10:22
HellsheepSure does10:23
simplexioHellsheep: modem ?10:23
HellsheepIConnect Access 62110:23
HellsheepAnd they both use ethernet to connect to each other atm10:23
HellsheepSo would i be able to use the onboard ethernet then a PCI ethernet10:23
Hellsheepor would i need 2x PCI10:23
HellsheepBecause i know sometimes it conflicts and PCI overrides the on board10:24
Hellsheepso sometimes on board doesnt work if there is a PCI installed10:24
amel_enisyes i have etc/mysql/debian.cnf10:24
simplexioHellsheep: cant help with bad hardware, but in theory its easy. some interface which has internet , then N interfaces which have connection which you want (ethernet usually), add iptables NAT and it should work10:25
_rubenamel_enis: it appears to be a rights issue .. purge mysql-server (not just remove, purge removes configs as well), then reinstall10:26
amel_enismy be i try this but I try this again10:27
Hellsheepsimplexio, i take it you're referring to the shitty OpenNetworks modem? ;P10:27
HellsheepOh, i have to ask this10:28
HellsheepIs it possible to shutdown my ubuntu sever and save a image so when it next boots, it reloads all the processes that were running etc10:28
simplexioHellsheep: i think suspend to disk does that10:29
HellsheepThat would save me starting up the processes one by one each time, because my rc.local doesnt seem to work10:29
simplexiobut i dont use that stuff at all on my computers so cant help with that.10:30
Hellsheepand is it normal10:30
Hellsheepif i start up a process in console10:30
Hellsheepfor when i close console, the process closes also10:31
simplexioHellsheep: for normal programs, yes10:32
simplexioHellsheep: if you start programs in daemonixed mode then they dont die10:33
HellsheepI see10:33
simplexioi dont recall right words it. but it has somehting to do with parents,child, forking, threads and job control10:34
simplexioHellsheep: but if you want run some program that dosent have option to daemonize it all times, you can start console , then screen and then under screen start for an example top, or iptraf etc...10:35
simplexioHellsheep: and when you kill console, screen and stuff under it keep on runnign10:36
amel_enisi try and this is the result:amel@ubuntu:~$ sudo apt-get --purge remove mysql-serverLecture des listes de paquets... Fait10:36
amel_enisConstruction de l'arbre des dépendances10:36
amel_enisLecture des informations d'état... Fait10:36
amel_enisLes paquets suivants ont été installés automatiquement et ne sont plus nécessaires :10:36
amel_enis  libstrigiqtdbusclient0 libclucene0ldbl mesa-utils libwildmidi0 libqca210:36
simplexioamel_enis: use that pastebin when you paste more that one line10:38
amel_enissorry it s my first use ,then i dont know how use pastebin10:39
_rubennor do i know enough french to understand a word of that output10:39
simplexioand i recommend using english as default language on system. there is much more ppl whoi can help you10:40
amel_enisthen any idea???10:41
amel_enisto resolve my problem10:41
simplexiodid you try to reisntall stuff?, dpkg-reconfigure mysql could help10:42
simplexioor not10:42
amel_enisi try this but the same result10:42
simplexioim familiar only with postgresql10:42
amel_enisnot prb ,ths10:43
simplexioi think there is some howto setup mysql for ubuntu in net. my best quess is that you havent done something that you should have10:43
HellsheepDo you know if my system will work if i use onboard ethernet for one and PCI ethernet card for the other10:48
HellsheepBecause it will register two network interfaces right?10:49
Hellsheepeth0 and eth110:49
HellsheepIs anyone familiar here on how to set up a system that the modem sends the internet information into the server computer via ethernet, the server then sends it out to a router via another ethernet card and then the router transmits the data and routes it to all the computers on the network10:57
HellsheepIf you are, i could really use some help on setting up the network cards.10:57
oCean_Hellsheep: forums seem to be down (I get database error) I think that searching for "bridge" should give some helpful info11:00
HellsheepI'll have to search tomorrow i guess.11:02
HellsheepSeems the forums are down for the long run. =P11:02
HellsheepThanks though.11:02
oCean_When searching through google, links might be available by clicking on 'in cache'11:05
oCean_well, partially available anyway.11:05
HellsheepYeah, i noticed. :D11:06
HellsheepThanks guys11:06
simplexiohenkjan: da11:25
incorrectI am trying to find what package might have socketbits.h11:55
_rubenincorrect: apparently none: http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?searchon=contents&keywords=socketbits.h&mode=exactfilename&suite=intrepid&arch=any12:03
incorrectthanks,  I did that too, i just thought i must have done something wrong12:04
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kirklanddidrocks: ;-)  sure, I'll do that12:17
calincan anyone help me with a postfix problem: I send email form PHP scripts which are suexeced and i want to add the Sender header to the email with the user which is sending the email13:47
ScottKcalin: Sender is part of the body of the message.  Not postfix's problem.13:56
calinScottK: in DomainKeys sepcification it says that A conforming email MAY contain a single RFC2822 "Sender:" header from which an email address with a domain name can be extracted.14:01
ScottKcalin: This is true, but postfix doesn't mess with the RFC2822 body.14:02
ScottKThat doesn't mean the MTA should insert the header, but that it may be present.14:02
calinScottK: aham, but do you know how can i set this header before sending the email? because if i only set the From: header the mail ends up in the spam folder14:03
ScottKcalin: Also you should probably be spending your effort currently on DKIM, since even Yahoo! is switching.14:03
ScottKYou need to do it in your PHP script.14:04
calinI already installed DKIM (and it's working good for gmail)14:04
ScottKIt's also very unlikely to change the result, but that's a separate issue.14:04
pitihi. I'd like to install debugging symbols for php5 on hardy, but there isn't any package for it. I show there was one for intrepid. Have I a way to retreive symbols when I have a crash ?14:29
JanCpiti: do you have the repositories listed here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingProgramCrash ?14:32
pitihum, I guess no. ddebs are for debugging ?14:35
pitithanks. I didn't know that debug syms were on separate repos14:43
uvirtbot`New bug: #337255 in apache2 (main) "apache2 mod_proxy race condition" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33725515:10
domashi! how do I find out how loaded my I/O subsystem is? (another tricky question)15:11
_rubeniostat, as part of the sysstat package15:12
incorrectvmstat is your friend15:14
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dmaranAnyone point me to a good explanation of "compat" in the NIS nsswitch.conf15:35
dsmith-workdmaran: http://www.daemon-systems.org/man/nsswitch.conf.5.html15:40
JanCdmaran: did you read the manpage?15:40
JanCespecially the "Interaction with +/- syntax (compat mode)" topic15:40
dmaranYes, I read the man page.15:40
dmaranI am trying to grasp what it means though, so it is saying that it uses NIS first but just adds the options associated with +/- ?15:43
dmaranas +::::: is everything from NIS so compat just says ok you can block JoeUser?15:43
dsmith-work(my understanding) compat means files but also using +- syntax in files.15:44
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ubottuScreen is a window manager for terminal sessions, also useful over SSH. The 'screen-profiles' package provides very useful additional utilities. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Screen17:01
Jeeves_Hi all!17:03
Jeeves_Anyone here ever used the iscsi-function in the installer?17:03
Jeeves_(Hardy, that is)17:03
dsmith-workNice.  Didn't know there was an info bot in here.17:11
=== vog-work is now known as Vog-work
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maDChoPRwhat is the recommended DNS server for Ubuntu server?  Bind or OpenDNS ?17:42
LMJI used to pick dnsmasq maDChoPR17:44
Vog-workmaDChoPR: I recommend avoiding the PITA that is admining you own DNS server and let zoneedit.com do it for you for free. Well free as long as you have less than 5 tld..17:45
domasVog-work: I find that most of those services don't support LOC records! :(17:46
Vog-workdomas: For me zoneedit handles everything I need it to, it's capable of more htan what more DNS services can do.17:47
Vog-workdomas: Yeah I don't see an immeadiate setting for loc records but apparently loc records are available from them on a pay basis. No details on how to follow up on that though.17:50
nealmcbkirkland: note that ljl didn't want to put "screen-profiles" in the main version of the screen factoid partly since it isn't in an active release yet.  but it is noted in the factoid when the request comes from #ubuntu-server17:58
maDChoPRso let me explain a predicament i'm in.. Our ISP supplied a router that they control and won't let us access.  It offers DHCP addresses to everyone.  If i have a static address on the network it can't get passed the router.  I would like to be able to use Bacula to backup the hosts on our network... but the hosts receive a DHCP address.  I was told i could use hostnames but that I need a DNS for the hostname resolution on our ne18:00
maDChoPRi was actually planning on running my own DHCP server and DNS in house18:01
maDChoPRand natting that through a firewall that i also build... into the router supplied through our ISP18:01
giovanidouble NAT18:04
giovani= messy messy18:04
giovaniwhat type of connection is this? and in what country?18:06
maDChoPRi'm in ohio18:09
maDChoPRunited states18:09
maDChoPRand it's just a crappy dsl line18:09
maDChoPRyea, it would be a double nat, your right.18:09
maDChoPRone nat i have no control over, and my firewall would be hooked into it -- the second nat would be on the firewall itself serving the rest of my computers18:09
maDChoPRplease note that connectino from our ISP is free.. it's for promotional purposes for the ISP18:10
maDChoPRwe've had the connection for more than 6 years now.18:10
maDChoPRgiovani: any advice would be helpful, any clarification you need please ask.18:15
maDChoPRit wouldn't be NAT'd in parrellel though... if that's what you mean, the NAT from the router to the firewall, then the firewall will supply NAT to the rest of the network ... it should work from what i am thinking.18:20
maDChoPRthis is only until we get a real service provider where we can controll the router18:21
maDChoPRthat could take a year or two though18:21
giovaniis the router and modem one item? or are they separate?18:32
Vog-workdouble NAT is messy but it would be the most simple solution if the bacula system is on the same network.18:57
Vog-workthe moden could then be treated as a dumb modem.18:58
giovaniwell, if the router is a separate device ... the most simple solution is to replace it and forge its MAC address :)18:58
JanCgiovani: what's the problem with double NAT ?18:59
Vog-workThat's true, if the bacula system is on the other side of the router dyn DNS would have to be setup to account for the IP address changing.18:59
giovaniJanC: sigh, it's horribly messy, NAT alone is messy18:59
giovaniI don't want another pedantic argument though, so I'm leaving it at that18:59
Vog-workgiovani: It's nescesarry with Todays limited IP space.19:00
giovaniVog-work: yes, but double-nat isn't19:00
giovanithe bottom line is -- there's probably a way around this, so, settling for the easy, yet bad route, is not one I would advise19:00
Vog-workIn this situation it is. I know of other people who use double NAT as a form of network obfuscation when used in vonjunction with the MAC spoofing you suggested.19:01
drbobbaaghhh i'm getting a machine check exception panic on my desktop workstation19:01
Deepsneeds moar ipv619:01
giovaniVog-work: what is "network obfuscation"?19:01
* Vog-work Hopes drbobb keeps good backups19:01
drbobbthe message says it's a hardware failure, but two hours of googling have failed to answer what actually might be failing19:02
Vog-workgiovani: Basically a practice where you use NAT to hide services that are running on you network from external hosts. A poor mans firewall.19:02
Deepsvery poor man19:03
giovaniVog-work: I don't know how that relates to double-nat, but ok19:03
giovanimost NAT implementations ARE firewalls also19:04
Vog-workDeeps: Agreed, At the time I asked why and ther was a logical answer I don't remember.19:04
giovanidefault ingress deny, egress allow, with connection state tracking19:04
giovanithat's how 99.9% of nats are ... and that's a firewall19:04
DeepsVog-work: "dont know how to setup a stateful firewall, default inbound deny, default outbound accept" is the only logical answer i can think of, heh19:05
drbobbVog-work: the machine passes fsck ok, but panics soon after19:05
Vog-workgiovani: I'm not promoting use of the idea, just mentioning what I have seen out in the wild.19:05
giovaniVog-work: but double-nat doesn't accomplish that, single-nat will just fine -- so I'm unclear how that relates to this particular situation19:05
Vog-workgiovani: It dosen't it was a point of conversation.19:06
giovaniok ...19:06
giovaniwell back to maDChoPR's problem -- I'd like to know if the modem and router are separate devices, if so -- there is a much easier solution19:06
Vog-workgiovani: Double nat might be necessary if the router and modem are the same device. Wait's for maDChoPR 's response.19:07
giovaniVog-work: well, technically not -- ADSL is a standard, he can always replace the modem and router together, but, that's more trouble, because it requires buying hardware19:08
giovanior *gasp* switch ISPs19:09
Vog-workIt would also require the ISP to provide account information to allow the modem to connect.19:09
giovanionly if they're using PPP19:09
giovanithey may not be ... it'd probably be faster to just brute force the router's password19:09
Deepscan usually dump the current modemrouter's config and pull it out19:09
giovaniDeeps: except that he doesn't have access19:10
Vog-workYeah, I don't htink that's something the general user really knows how to do.19:10
giovaniyeah ... this isn't a general-user situation19:10
giovania general user wouldn't need to run their own dhcp19:10
Vog-workBull crap, general users do that every day to allow internet connection sharing.19:11
giovaniuh ... regular users wouldn't have a problem using the built-in dhcp in the router19:11
giovani100% of them do19:11
giovania regular user has no clue what dhcp is19:11
giovanimuch less a desire to run their own server19:11
Vog-workAnd neither would maDChoPR if he had access to it.19:12
giovanibut he's not a general user, obviously19:12
Deepsso how does his adsl router relate to ubuntu server exactly? ;)19:13
Deeps(getting back on topic ;)19:13
Vog-workYeah but having the knowledge to setup a dchp server and the knowledge to dump a config from *any* modem router is fairly different.19:13
J-_I'm trying to setup my interfaces file once again. Is the 'network xxx.xxx.x.x setting my router's IP?19:13
giovaniJ-_: no19:14
giovaniread the manpage -- we went over this for over an hour yesterday19:14
J-_No, you argued about it with 2 or 3 other people about it yesterday.19:14
giovanino? we didn't19:15
giovaniyou clearly weren't listening ... do we need to paste logs? just read the documentation provided for the file19:15
cemcdon't waste your breath :)19:15
Vog-workgiovani: Why don't you just paste RTFM every time soneone asks for help it would be a lot simpler and a lot less antagonistic.19:16
giovaniVog-work: were you here yesterday when we walked him through it? if not ... then you're not in a position to be lecturing19:16
giovaniit's one thing to explain it, in great detail once19:17
Vog-workI'm just going off of personal experience. The last few days. Personally I like it when people adopt ubuntu as a platform and try not to scare them away when they ask for help.19:17
drbobbheh, seems quite a few ppl have experienced the same MCE panic, with the exact same code19:17
ewookmorning all.19:18
drbobbbut google finds only questions and no answers:(19:18
giovaniVog-work: likewise, as long as the help is reasonable -- I've had no less than 5 people in here yell and scream anytime someone talks about an ubuntu package that relates to a gui, because this is #ubuntu-server -- if I help someone do something non-ubuntu related once, and they come back for the same information again, they're not going to get another personal explanation19:18
Vog-workgiovani: Agreed, let someone else help them. I'm not disputing the fact people need to look stuff up, I'm pressing for no response instead of calling someone out for not learning fast enough.19:21
maDChoPRgiovani: the router and modem are seperate items19:22
maDChoPRgiovani: sorry - running around19:22
giovanimaDChoPR: great, then chances are (no guarantees), that you can simply forge the MAC address of the router, and take it out19:22
giovaniyou may not even have to do that ... but it's probable that you will19:22
giovaniVog-work: well, we differ on that -- I think that just ends up in a constant cycle where they find someone new who wasn't here the past X times they asked for extremely basic help that was given19:23
maDChoPRgiovani: well, i don't want to get on my ISP's bad side... when you say 'take it out' do you mean the current router?  that might cause alarm on my ISP's end.19:23
giovaniyes, I do mean that19:23
giovaniI would advise against any solution involving double NAT19:23
giovaniyou're clearly free to go that route ... but I think it's a horribly bad solution where a simple one exists19:24
ewookgiovani: yes and no. first NAT with a DMZ, second nat with 'ppl' behind :)19:24
giovaniewook: nope19:24
maDChoPRgiovani: understood regarding double nat; what exactly is the simple solution?  taking out the router that my ISP put into place isn't a choice.19:24
Vog-workgiovani: Yeah I've watched that happen, but over the years as an OSS and linux advocate I've found that if you press too hard on self help you can make anti linux zealots.19:24
giovanimaDChoPR: that's the simple solution -- I've done it dozens of times19:25
maDChoPRewook: that is what i plan on doing19:25
giovaniVog-work: I don't believe one has that much control over an individual, anyone who turns out that way was doomed to begin with, imo19:25
Vog-workgiovani: people eventually learn how to help themselves, not everyone is a self starter, it's a common problem for managers.19:25
ewookmaDChoPR: could work, but adds trouble - and that's prolly what giovani speaks of.19:25
Vog-workmaDChoPR: Your ISP shouldn't even know about it it sounds like they just don't want to have to support your network.19:26
J-_How do I determine my 'iface eth0 inet static' interfaces entry?19:26
J-_ifconfig doesn't show it.19:26
maDChoPRalright, thank you, what if my ISP tries to log into the router?19:27
maDChoPRi'm not trying to create bad ground between my business and the router19:27
maDChoPRer i mean the ISP19:27
Vog-workmaDChoPR: Just fake that your having netowrk issues your self and swap the router back in... :)19:28
giovaniyour isp is violating your consumer rights19:28
giovanivirtually no isps do this except the ones that cater to shit-stupid client companies19:28
Vog-workgiovani: not sure about that it is a free service....19:28
maDChoPRgiovani: it's free internet, we aren't a consumer.. they give us internet to market to the wireless community in this area.19:28
giovaniVog-work: what?? an ISP is NOT a free service19:28
giovanifree internet?19:28
giovanioh no19:28
Vog-workgiovani: see maDChoPR 's explanation above19:28
giovaniplease don't run your business on free wireless19:29
maDChoPRwe have a partnership.. they give us free internet and they market to our patrons in house.19:29
ScottKgiovani: Also 'consumer rights' varies widely in different legal jurisdictions, so the odds of you knowing if someone else's rights are being violated are probably pretty low.19:29
maDChoPR giovani well it's not wireless we're using.. it's the wired part of the wrtg that we use.19:29
giovaniScottK: I didn't mean legally, consumer rights is a term used to discuss fair practices, as established by consumer advocates19:29
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about interfaces19:30
ScottKThat's also a term that has different meanings in different palces.19:30
giovaniJ-_: man interfaces19:30
maDChoPRgiovani: thanks for the talk though.. makes me want to push my business into getting it's own internet connection for once and for all.19:30
J-_I have19:30
giovanimaDChoPR: I recommend it -- it's not a good thing to not have control like that19:30
giovaniif you need cheap business-friendly dsl19:30
giovanilook at speakeasy19:30
giovanithey're far more liberal than most ISPs19:30
maDChoPRi don't think speakeasy serves in my area :(19:30
maDChoPRi used speakeasy on the west coast19:31
maDChoPRi will look into newedge19:31
giovanispeakeasy delivers whever covad is -- so just worth looking it up19:31
maDChoPRyea, i think i tried just recently our zip code on speakeasy's site.. i'll try again19:31
giovaniah ok19:31
giovanithey usually want a phone number, not a zip19:31
maDChoPRah can't remmber the details...19:32
maDChoPRwill re-look19:32
giovanibecause the CLEC is based per CO, rather than for a whole area19:32
giovanimaDChoPR: have you considered explaining the predicament to your isp?19:32
giovaniand trying to negotiate the use of your own router19:32
leonelscottK  Being registered in alitoh for clamav  what can I do there ??19:32
ScottKIIRC it gives you access to the Git repo for the packaging.19:33
ScottKWhich I desparately need to update for Ubuntu stuff.19:33
leonelso just get the git   or  update too ?19:33
maDChoPRgiovani: i have tried to open a dialogue with the ISP.... my understanding is that the backend are all on crack and i don't want to deal with them anyway.19:34
maDChoPRthe frontend guys seem nice though.19:34
giovanisounds like a company you'd want to do business with :)19:35
ScottKleonel: If you can update the Ubuntu branch that'd be reat.19:35
maDChoPRi know their backend guys are fueled not by caffiene but with meth19:35
giovaniJ-_: this is the example in /etc/network/interfaces by default -- can you figure things out from here? http://www.pastebin.ca/135213819:35
maDChoPRspeakeasy can't locate me!19:36
giovanilocate you?19:36
giovaniyou put in a valid landline phone number19:36
maDChoPRyea, still nothing19:36
maDChoPRwe got different numbers, let me try those19:36
leonelscottK because I've been told that I can  update the  cherokee  branch19:36
giovanior try http://www.covad.com/19:36
leonelso let me see what I can do ..19:37
leonelworst thing can happen is to get banned :-P19:37
ScottKleonel: The branch should be updated to have each Jaunty upload as a separate commit.19:38
leonelscottK ol19:38
maDChoPRgiovani: covad found it and doesn't offer it in my area.. newedge check happenign now19:41
giovanimaDChoPR: ah ok19:41
Vog-workJ-_: Pretty good document covering a lot of command line net config under ubuntu https://help.ubuntu.com/7.10/server/C/network-configuration.html19:42
maDChoPRgiovani: newedge covers our area though19:42
giovanimaDChoPR: alright, well those were just two I have worked with -- there are others, I'm sure, I'd also look into any fiber services like fios or uverse19:44
drbobbok so i presume nobody has any help to offer on diagnosing MCEs19:44
giovanithose are really cheap given the speeds they deliver19:44
giovanidrbobb: MCEs?19:44
drbobbmachine check exceptions19:44
giovaniah, nah, sorry19:45
giovaniother than to know that they're usually failing hardware19:45
maDChoPRyea, newedge seems a little weird at first look!  earthlink email addresses??19:45
giovanicpu/memory usually19:45
giovanimaDChoPR: earthlink owns them19:45
drbobbit's pretty clear i must replace some h/w but i have no idea which piece19:45
giovanimaDChoPR: I'm not recommending them or anything -- definitely evaluate your options19:45
giovanidrbobb: yeah ... I think you just have to do testing19:45
giovanidrbobb: there are cpu and memory testing apps19:46
drbobbactually my guess would be the mo-bo19:46
maDChoPRgiovani: ahh rad thanks for that statement.19:46
Vog-workdrbobb: Have you run  a memtest86+ on the system yet?19:46
drbobbbut that's just as good as dumping the whole pc19:46
drbobbVog-work: sure i did, for an hour or so19:46
drbobbno errors were reported19:46
Vog-workHOw old is the motherboard?19:47
drbobb(on a regular boot it takes 2or 3 minutes to panic)19:47
drbobbuh, about 3 or 4 ys.19:47
Vog-workI was getting MCE's on another machine that was getting blown capicitors19:47
drbobbthe capacitors look fine at first glance19:48
drbobbi tried moving the ram chips around, and removing 1 or 2 of them19:48
drbobbbut it made no difference19:48
Vog-workCheck for bulging on the tops of them check under good light sometimes it is hard to see.19:48
drbobb(sigh) i'll probably have to dump the whole deal19:49
Vog-workIf it's ram cpu or mobo problems it is very difficiult to diagnose. ONly other thing I can thing of is if the hard drive is failing and swap space might me corrupted.19:49
Vog-workAll in all it's a lot of work to figure out.19:50
ScottKdrbobb: If it's 3-4 years old it's already used up most of it's design service life and you may be better off just to get a new motherboard.19:50
drbobbwell i ran smart tests not too long ago and the drive was reported as ok19:50
drbobbScottK: yeah but that basically amounts to buying a whole new system19:51
Vog-workSMART is crap, hd manufacturers cripple it so that they don't have to warranty drives as often.19:51
ScottKCould be.  I don't know what the business cost of spending a lot of time sorting it out is.19:51
Vog-workdrbobb: hardware is really cheap nowadays, depending on your needs.19:52
drbobbcheap as in bang for buck - yes. cheap as in low-reliability: even more true19:53
J-_What's a good program, or script to use with afraid.org DNS entries and Hardy?19:57
Vog-workJ-_: I'm not sure what you are asking for.19:58
maDChoPRwhere would i go for recommendation for ISP's .. my first choice is speakeasy.net20:05
maDChoPRi realize thi smay not be the right channel for this question20:05
axisysjust install a server with software raid .. but dmesg is complaining about md20:18
axisysmdstat is not showing any activity http://pastebin.com/f5061dcac20:18
axisyssda1 is showing faulty http://pastebin.com/f5d6d5af720:21
docta_vare there any utilities that will allow you to audit /proc on two similar systems and list any relevant differences?20:23
amel_enishi:help:i install ubuntu server 8.10 and i have this prb:**http://paste.ubuntu.com/125950/ ***and the log is:http://paste.ubuntu.com/125984/20:28
amel_enisanyone to help me20:29
giovanieverything is in french20:29
giovanican't really read it20:29
amel_enisi haven t a solution20:30
amel_enisnot prb20:31
drbobbit's not hard to read, the key lines are in English20:34
drbobbbut i haven't seen this error before20:34
giovanidrbobb: I was taking into consideration the eventual language gap in troubleshooting20:35
drbobbCan't create test file /home/mysql/ubuntu.lower-test20:37
drbobblooks a little suspect20:37
drbobbthat's a nonstandard location, perhaps /home/mysql doesn't exist at all?20:37
drbobbamel_enis: what does `getent passwd mysql' return?20:38
=== maxb is now known as Guest27135
amel_enisthis the result:http://paste.ubuntu.com/125997/20:47
jimmygoonAny major show stoppers that would make anyone strongly recommend against intrepid for a server... (its just a personal tickering playground, nothing "mission critical")20:48
giovanijimmygoon: none at all -- everyone I know does20:49
amel_enisdrbobb:i send the result any idea20:49
drbobbamel_enis: i don't think you read me correctly20:50
blue-frogamel_enis: getent passwd mysql  not passwd mysql20:50
amel_enisblue-frog: any idea please20:53
amel_enisdrbobb:I send the result20:54
ScottKjimmygoon: The only warning I would give is try it in the Live CD first.  I've had kernel problems on some hardware.20:55
jimmygoonScottK, too late. its already made :P20:56
jimmygoonScottK, plus they offer as a standard config so I'm not worried about that. thanks for the heads up though20:56
drbobbhmm then i don't know why InnoDB was looking for /home/ysql20:56
ScottKIf it's hosted, then yes, I wouldn't worry.20:56
drbobbrather /home/mysql20:56
drbobbamel_enis: i understand you have no data under mysql at the moment, yet?20:57
drbobbi would suggest purging mysql-server-5.0 and installing it again20:58
amel_enisi try this solution but the problem persist20:58
drbobbie. apt-get --purge remove mysql-server-5.020:59
amel_enisyes i try this command20:59
drbobbyou sure you included --purge?20:59
amel_enisi sure20:59
amel_enisand i reconfigure mysql but the problem persist21:00
amel_enisi try many method to remove mysql and begin21:00
amel_enisbut the problem persist21:01
amel_enisNOTE :/home in another partition21:04
drbobbamel: what is in /var/log/syslog just above the lines you put in the pastebin?21:04
amel_enis1 min21:04
amel_enisthe /home in alone partition21:06
=== photon_ is now known as photon
jimmygoonhum, now for apache2 vs lighttpd vs nginx21:08
JanCvs. cherokee vs. ...  ;)21:08
jimmygoonlol I think I'll probably just go with apache2 for now21:09
amel_enis drbobb:any idea21:10
drbobbamel_enis: those are the same lines as before, i asked about what comes before them in the logfile21:11
amel_enis1 min21:11
drbobb(sigh) that's a later piece not an earlier one, you do realize that the file is growing often21:14
drbobbI was wondering what came before the line that says "InnoDB: the directory."21:14
amel_enisdrbobb:the /home in a alone partition21:18
drbobbok, that doesn't matter21:18
drbobbthe point is, mysql has no business to be looking for /home/mysql, which probably doesn't even exist21:19
drbobbor does it?21:19
drbobbtry `ls -ld /home/mysql'21:19
amel_enis ls -ld /home/mysql21:20
amel_enisdrwxr-xr-x 3 mysql root 4096 2009-03-02 22:05 /home/mysql21:20
drbobboh, where did that come from?21:21
drbobbwas there a mysql previously installed on that machine?21:21
amel_enisbut i desinstall mysql21:22
amel_enisand reinstall21:22
amel_enisif i anderstand your question21:23
drbobbyes, right21:23
amel_enisand the problem persist21:23
amel_enisdrbobb, any idea????????21:29
drbobbmysql's install script are pretty hairy, i don't think i can figure out what's wrong21:32
drbobbamel_enis: the bug that hit you seems to have been reported already21:43
drbobbalthough it's not quite the same, as it doesn't seem you were trying to change the defaults in mysql in any way21:47
drbobbamel_enis: is /var/lib/mysql a symlink, by any chance?21:51
DragonLord-How do I check when I installed Ubuntu Server?21:52
amel_enisif i aderstand :root@ubuntu:/var/lib/mysql# ls21:53
amel_enisdebian-5.0.flag  mysql21:53
amel_enisand mysql is a symlink21:54
drbobbwhat about /var/lib/mysql itself?21:56
amel_enisamel@ubuntu:~$ /var/lib/mysql21:57
amel_enisbash: /var/lib/mysql: is a directory21:57
drbobbls -ld /var/lib/mysql21:57
amel_enisdrwxr-xr-x 3 mysql mysql 4096 2009-03-03 20:07 /var/lib/mysql21:58
drbobboh so you meant /var/lib/mysql/mysql is a symlink21:58
amel_enisand var/lib/mysql is a symlink21:58
drbobbbecause /var/lib/mysql is not a symlink, as shown by the line above21:59
amel_enisyes  /var/lib/mysql/mysql  is a symlink22:00
drbobbok in any case i think the solution would be22:00
drbobbpurge mysql-server-5.022:00
drbobbdelete /var/lib/mysql22:00
drbobbinstall mysql-server-5.022:01
amel_enisok i try this solution22:01
drbobbmy guess being that /var/lib/mysql/mysql points to /home/mysql22:01
drbobbfor whatever reason22:01
drbobbsomeone must have set it so at some point, it wouldn't happen by itself22:02
drbobband that runs afoul of apparmor:22:03
amel_enisdrbobb: but the problem persist22:14
axisysi am still wondering why the md0 (/) and md1 (swap) showing degraded mode and pointing to /dev/block/254:1 and 254:2 intead of /dev/sda1 and sda522:15
drbobbamel_enis: ls -ld /var/lib/mysql/mysql22:20
axisysi am having the exact same problem http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=103477222:20
axisysdont see any fix22:20
amel_enis1 min22:22
amel_enisdrwxr-xr-x 2 mysql root 4096 2009-03-03 23:23 /var/lib/mysql/mysql22:24
amel_enisthe same22:24
drbobbuh no, it no longer is a symlink22:25
Vog-workI'm trying to find out what the package linux-headers-2.6.22-14 is used for. I was going to uninstall a package and dpkg was going to remove it. It looks like somethign needed for gui interface but I am not sure.22:25
amel_enisyes var/lib/mysql/mysql is a symlink22:25
=== Guest27135 is now known as maxb
drbobbwell you just demonstrated that it is not22:26
drbobbhint: the first char is 'd', not 'l'22:26
amel_enissorry i dont anderstand22:27
drbobbthen i'm sorry, you need a crash course in unix22:28
drbobband i need some sleep22:28
axisyslooks like I am facing the same bug22:28
uvirtbot`Launchpad bug 126499 in mdadm ""No devices listed in conf file were found" due to mdadm RAID1 array UUID different from actual UUID reported by vol_id" [Undecided,Confirmed]22:28
uvirtbot`New bug: #337094 in samba (main) "FFe request: samba 3.3.1" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33709422:30
deplanearmy lighttpd's (apt-got in 8.04.1) init script starts but doesn't stop; can anyone tell me (i'm a newb) the best way to see more output from that init script to see where it's having the problem?23:00
Faust-Cdeplanear, /var/log/daemon.log23:07
Faust-Cdeplanear, /var/log/messages23:08
Faust-Cdeplanear, /var/log/debug23:08
deplanearFaust-C: thanks (unfortunately no mention of anything related to it there..)23:22
Faust-Ccheck the other logs as well23:22

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