
Skiess1my laptop graphics doesn't work right01:01
Skiess1it says it has S3 Savage401:02
Skiess1but it works only with the 'vesa' driver01:02
bryce<bryce> tjaalton_: hmm, on fdo #19574 it is said that our patch 156 should be upstream, however the change doesn't appear to be present in our xserver git tree.  This is lp bug #31125407:04
ubottuLaunchpad bug 311254 in xorg-server "Xorg crashed with SIGSEGV in CopyKeyClass()" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/31125407:04
tjaalton_bryce: I'll check in a minute07:13
tjaalton_(merged 1.6.0 in git btw, finally)07:13
bryceyep, I see07:15
tjaalton_so, tseliot joined the big C :)07:15
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tjaaltongood news07:16
bryceyep :-)  today's his first day07:17
brycemaybe yesterday your time07:17
tjaaltonbryce: confirmed, that patch is not in 1.6-branch07:18
bryceI've not seen him so far today to congratulate him, so guess he's buried under the usual canonical newhire paperwork stuff.07:18
brycepushed up another patch07:20
tjaaltonwe put our flat up for sale on Sunday, and will receive the first offer today, so it's been quite hectic here.. now if the bank would let us know how much they are willing to lend us extra ;)07:20
bryceoh I bet!  where you moving?07:21
tjaaltonthat's a good question, but we'll stay in the city (Espoo, next to the capital)07:22
tjaaltonmeaning that we haven't made any decisions yet07:22
bryceah, will you be moving to a house, or another flat?07:22
tjaaltonit also means that I'll have to skip Barcelona, because we'll likely be moving at that time07:22
tjaaltona house probably07:23
superm1bryce, nah, i'm fairly sure i already saw a bug or two assigned to him in oem projects ;)07:24
brycesuperm1: heh07:24
brycetjaalton: cool, hope the bank gives you much love07:24
brycetjaalton: sorry to hear you won't be in barcelona, but yeah moving can be quite an ordeal07:26
brycetjaalton: on bug https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=18321 - do you think the busid could just be forced to the highest busid?07:26
tjaaltonyou can see my current office here in the pics, so I'm in desperate need for more space :) http://www.oikotie.fi/myytavat+asunnot/kerrostalo/ymmersta/espoo/175409207:26
ubottuFreedesktop bug 18321 in Server/general "xserver 1.5.2 fails to start with more than one display card" [Normal,New]07:26
superm1bryce, it sure can.  I just bought my first house this last week and i couldn't believe home much random stuff i'd gathered to move between my old apartment and new house07:27
tjaaltonbryce: it's something to try.. no idea what the proper fix should involve07:27
brycetjaalton: I like the sun room, that's where I'd put my office!  :-)07:29
tjaaltonbryce: heh, just that its quite cold when there's no sun, and a bit too hot in the summer ;)07:30
bryceproper fix : probably something DRI2-ish07:30
tjaaltonyou mean it would use them both instead of just one?07:32
brycespeak of the devil :-)07:49
brycetseliot: we were just wondering where you were so we could give you congrats on your first day :-)07:50
brycetjaalton: if I understand the code, this might work - http://people.ubuntu.com/~bryce/default_bustype.patch07:50
tseliotbryce: thanks :-)07:50
tjaaltontseliot: cheers, noticed it on facebook ;)07:51
tseliotright. Thanks tjaalton ;)07:51
tjaaltonbryce: I don't know the code much, but maybe it could work :)07:52
bryceI'll give it a test tomorrow.  if I understand what the code is doing, that may be all that's needed07:56
brycetjaalton: what are your thoughts on 334711?09:04
ubottuLaunchpad bug 334711 in mobile-meta "Ubuntu MID misses several X input drivers" [High,Confirmed]09:04
tjaaltonbryce: maybe having it in the seed would be cleaner in the sense that it's specific to that use case09:20
tjaaltonthen they can drop it once (and if) evdev replaces evtouch09:21
seb128does anybody there knows about XListInputDevices()?09:39
seb128I'm looking at bug #20485009:39
ubottuLaunchpad bug 204850 in gnome-settings-daemon "gnome-settings-daemon crashed with SIGSEGV in gsd_mouse_manager_start()" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20485009:39
seb128the code does that basically09:39
seb128        XDeviceInfo *devicelist = XListInputDevices (GDK_DISPLAY(), &numdevices);09:39
seb128for (i = 0; i < numdevices; i++) {09:39
seb128if ((device = device_is_touchpad(devicelist[i]))) {09:39
seb128the stacktrace shows that09:40
seb128(gdb) print devicelist09:40
seb128$1 = (XDeviceInfo *) 0x009:40
seb128(gdb) print numdevices09:40
seb128$2 = 3253709:40
seb128is there something wrong with the way this function is used there?09:41
jcristauyes. check that devicelist isn't NULL before using it.09:42
jcristauXListInputDevices doesn't set *ndevices if it fails09:43
seb128ok, I was wondering why the number was not 0, thanks!09:43
tseliotseb128: yes, that's a function from Xinput10:13
tseliotoops, I didn't read the last comments here10:14
seb128tseliot: that's ok I got the reply I was looking for, it doesn't set the value to 0 when there is nothing to list which explains the bug10:14
jcristauseb128: otoh it shouldn't fail :)10:14
jcristauunless xinput is disabled, but..10:15
seb128one of the bug submitter says he's using a vnc server which doesn't support xinput10:15
jcristauok, that makes sense10:16
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tjaaltonbryce: the intel crashes might be due to changes in the kernel for vblank, assuming that the code path is hit on non-vblank configuration18:37
tjaaltonsince it was all very stable for me not too long ago18:37
tjaaltonand now I can crash it just by closing the lid N times18:37
mahfiaztjaalton, I think I have similar problems on my T61 with nvidia18:42
tjaaltonmahfiaz: same with my desktop, but AIUI nvidia doesn't use drm.ko, so either my diagnose is wrong or it's something different18:43
tjaaltonhmm, there should be a way to check that out18:45
tjaaltonright, it can't because it would violate GPL even more18:46
mahfiazI get blank screens once in awhile, X server may even start fine again, but nothing shows up on X, console is fine, resetting helps18:47
jcristautjaalton: the drm code is bsd licensed :)18:48
tjaaltonoh :)18:49
jcristau(it's shared with the BSDs)18:49
tjaaltonanyway, modules.dep shows no dependencies, so it shouldn't use it I guess18:50
jcristauyeah nvidia has their own thing, they don't use the drm/dri18:52
brycetjaalton: what's the plan for fixing the intel crashes?18:56
tjaaltonbryce: well, rtg pulled a couple of patches from .29 that were meant for vblank, but since we aren't going to use it those should probably be dropped19:05
tjaaltonI should probably check what was pulled and ask them to be removed19:06
tjaaltonI'm not sure if it's helpful to debug something that's based on backports19:07
tjaaltonhelpful for upstream19:07
tjaaltonit might even be fixed already19:12
jcristauwow. psb people on dri-devel.19:22
tjaaltonabout time ;)19:23
mnemotjaalton, bryce: i did some work to find an upstream mesa patch that fixes 965 rendering glitches currently seen on intrepid and jaunty... i've ported the upstream patch to ubuntu's mesa and added it to the mesa quilt in intrepid and jaunty ( two debdiffs are attached to this bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-video-intel/+bug/330476 )19:49
ubottuLaunchpad bug 330476 in xserver-xorg-video-intel "[965] render defects in google earth / atunnel screensaver (intrepid and jaunty-as-of-feb-3rd)" [Unknown,Fix released]19:49
tjaaltonmnemo: thanks, refiled against mesa20:22
brycemnemo: thanks for doing that20:58
mnemonp =) happy to help out21:03

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