
Ngis it possible to copy a file from one place in a branch to another and retain its history? not move, copy00:11
james_wNg: not currently00:32
Ngjames_w: ok, ta00:32
james_wNg: history of a file means tracking a file id across versions00:32
james_wduplicate file id in a singled revision => ARRGHH!00:33
* Ng nods00:33
james_wthere are some suggestions for how to extend the model to allow splitting and joining file ids though00:33
james_wso maybe one day00:33
fbondHm, bzr branch --no-tree would be useful.01:50
fbondAm I missing something obvious?01:51
mwhudsonit would be useful01:54
spivfbond, mwhudson: that's probably why it exists in bzr.dev...01:58
mwhudsonspiv: hooray time machines02:00
* spiv -> food02:01
fbondspiv: Ah, neat.02:05
lifelessigc: ping02:10
lifelesspoolie: you're dreaming, but I want to write one02:10
igchi lifeless02:15
lifelessigc: I have 356 seconds of internet left02:17
igclifeless: fyi, I went digging into what log -v was doing yesterday afternoon02:20
igcthe chk_map.iter_changes() code was loading some nodes twice - about 20% in my test02:20
lifelessigc: 180sec left :P we may need a phone call or something. I'maround until 1345 sydney time02:21
igcI put a simpe cache in to stop that but it made next to no difference in overall time02:21
lifelessigc: ok02:21
lifelessigc: I think a useful thing to do would be to calculate/report in a brute force way the actual common/left-only/right-only node for two trees02:21
lifelessigc: we could use that to say 'we should be doing X work'02:21
lifelessigc: and it would also be useful to jam in evaluating the flavours02:22
lifelessI don't think he's got such a tool yet [I may be wrong]. repositorydetails would be a good place to put it02:22
igcok, I'll download repodetails and see what's it doing now02:22
igcI'm still digesting chk_map's code fwiw02:23
poolielifeless: do you still want your .../rob directory on orcadas?02:49
pooliei'm going to tar it up02:49
pooliethat machine's almost out of disk02:49
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igcpoolie: lifeless is offline for 2 hours - flying03:09
* igc lunch03:09
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thumperspiv: is http://bazaar-vcs.org/SmartPushAnalysis1.13 up to date?03:18
spivthumper: no, the current numbers are a bit better03:23
spivlifeless and I have been improving things too rapidly to make keeping the page up to date worthwhile :)03:24
poolieigc, thanks, np03:28
bignosejelmer: upgraded ‘bzr-loom’ on Debian squeeze03:43
bignosenow I get: Unable to load plugin 'loom' from '/usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/bzrlib/plugins'03:44
bignosethe plugin is still there (a ‘/usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/bzrlib/plugins/loom/’ directory with Python modules)03:44
mwhudsonbignose: if you run bzr -Derror rocks you should get a better error message03:45
bignose$ bzr -Derror rocks03:47
bignoseUnable to load plugin 'loom' from '/usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/bzrlib/plugins'03:47
bignoseIt sure does!03:47
mwhudsonbignose: what version of bzr?03:48
bignose$ bzr --version03:49
bignoseBazaar (bzr) 1.503:49
bignoseall as per Debian ‘squeeze’03:50
mwhudsonoh, that's fairly old03:55
mwhudson~/.bzr.log might have something about loom's failure to load03:55
bignosenevertheless, both it and ‘bzr-loom’ are as in Debian ‘squeeze’, with no dependency issues.03:56
bignoseyes, the log does have something03:57
bignosewarning: paste bomb03:57
bignose[19317] 2009-03-04 14:53:47.719 WARNING: Unable to load plugin 'loom' from '/usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/bzrlib/plugins'03:57
bignose0.239  Traceback (most recent call last):03:57
bignose  File "/usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/bzrlib/plugin.py", line 208, in load_from_dir03:57
bignose    exec "import bzrlib.plugins.%s" % name in {}03:57
bignose  File "<string>", line 1, in <module>03:57
bignose  File "/usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/bzrlib/plugins/loom/__init__.py", line 61, in <module>03:57
bignose    import branch03:57
bignose  File "/usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/bzrlib/plugins/loom/branch.py", line 767, in <module>03:57
bignose    class LoomBranch7(LoomSupport, bzrlib.branch.BzrBranch7):03:57
bignoseAttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'BzrBranch7'03:57
mwhudsonyeah, the bzr is too old for the bzr-loom03:58
bignoseam I right in thinking that means this version of ‘bzr-loom’ should depend on a newer version of ‘bzr’?03:58
mwhudsonsounds like a packaging bug03:58
bignoseokay. I'll file a Debian bug for this.03:58
mwhudsongood idea :)03:58
mwhudsonbzr 1.6 will make that error at least go away03:58
bignosemwhudson: thanks for the troubleshooting03:59
bob2isn't pycurl still optional?05:14
bob2(for accessing http:// urls)05:15
bignoseaccessing them fails entirely for me, unless I install it.05:15
bignosebob2: I presume we're talking about Debian bug#518098 ?05:16
bob2bignose: yeah05:16
poolievila: are you up? see  ^^ about pycurl06:31
vilapoolie: not yet but soon :)06:33
vilabob2: pycurl is optional but is/was the default for http and is still the default for https, what bzr version/os are you using ?06:36
bob2vila: bigtone was having problems on debian with http with bzr 1.506:38
vilahmm, debian bug#518098 seems to refer to bzr-1.506:39
vila:-) I'm pretty sure many (or at least several :)  bugs have been fixed in that area06:39
vilabob2: do you have an url to access that bug, google only gives mailing lists hits06:40
vilabignose == ben finney ?06:40
bob2bugs.debian.org/518098, yes06:40
vilaHe's right about the recommends (at least today, don't clearly remember for 1.5) also, one should not take DependencyNotPresent regarding pycurl too seriously since we may as well not show it, the other http implementation being selected in that case anyway06:42
vilabob2: thanks for the url06:43
bob2so it has nothing to do with pycurl, and something else is going on?06:43
vilabob2: ok, so after reading the bug report, I think ben is wrong about pycurl being mandatory, I may need to check what has changed since 1.5 but I don't have cases where pycurl works and urllib doesn't (except for https certificate verification, but that doesn't apply here)06:45
vilabob2: I may also need the relevant pycurl version too...06:46
bob2vila: the version of pycurl he doesn't have installed? ;p06:46
vilabob2: oh well, in the end, if it works with pycurl and until bzr is upgraded to a more recent version, the simplest is certainly to just install pycurl06:47
vilabob2: :-)06:47
vilabob2: Sorry, I'm not yet fully awake, so, one last try at explaining it clearly:06:48
vilabob2: there are two http client implementations for bzr: one is pycurl based the other is urllib2 based06:49
vilabob2: they are roughly equivalent these days except for the https certificate verification that only pycurl implements06:50
vilabob2: no https involved here, so it should be a bug in urllib that has been fixed *after* bzr-1.506:50
vilabob2:  installing pycurl (which makes it the default http client used) fixes the problem06:51
vilabob2: ergo, for bzr-.15, install and use pycurl is the way to go06:51
vilabob2: ergo, for bzr-1.5, install and use pycurl is the way to go06:51
pooliegood night all07:07
* igc dinner08:04
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vilabob2, bignose: sorry for the delay, but I'm pretty sure debian bug #518098 has been fixed as bug #230223 on lp (fix released in 1.6)10:18
ubottuDebian bug 518098 in bzr-loom "bzr-loom: can't use Bazaar =?utf-8?Q?with_?=" [Normal,Open] http://bugs.debian.org/51809810:18
ubottuLaunchpad bug 230223 in bzr "smart server probing in 1.4 breaks check outs of short bus http repositories [regression]" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/23022310:18
vilasorry, ubottu, that was a debian bug I was talking about, not a bzr-loom one at all :)10:18
james_wvila: it has, but that package is just in experimental currently10:45
ROza27has anyone used trac with bazaar?10:47
vilajames_w: ? You mean bzr is packaged in experimental with a more recent version ? Which one ?11:01
james_w       bzr |    1.5-1.1 |      unstable | source, alpha, amd64, arm, armel, hppa, hurd-i386, i386, ia64, mips, mipsel, powerpc, s390, sparc11:02
james_w       bzr |     1.12-1 |  experimental | source, alpha, amd64, armel, hppa, i386, ia64, mips, mipsel, powerpc, s390, sparc11:02
vilajames_w: ok, great11:02
james_wit can get moved to unstable now, I just don't have the poert11:03
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james_wrockstar: awesome news, thanks11:53
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vilagood morning jam14:34
jammorning vila, sorry about the delayed response :)14:55
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bachi.  i'm trying to help someone who needs to break a lock on a repo on LP.  do i remember correctly that using sftp instead of bzr+ssh is helpful in breaking stubborn locks?17:09
beunobac, stubborn in what way?17:09
bacbeuno: in the way that it won't break...17:10
beunobac, error message?17:10
* beuno looks17:11
bacbeuno: shouldn't you be sprinting or something?17:12
beunobac, shhhhhhhh17:12
beunobac, I'd suggest deleting the branch and pushing again17:13
beunoconsidering it's empty17:13
bacah, ok.  i just seem to recall when i was in asia trying to push to devpad i used to get a bunch of held locks and spiv suggested breaking the lock using sftp.  i could be on crack, though.17:15
beunoyeah, although I think it's different in LP17:15
bacbeuno:  in rockstar's suggestion he mentions ":push" -- what exactly is that?17:16
beunobac, that's the push location17:17
bacbeuno:  so can you use :pull and :parent, etc anywhere a location is needed?17:18
beunobac, yeap17:18
bacis that documented anywhere?17:18
beunoI expect that 'bzr help revisionspec' would17:19
* bac notes "bzr revno :parent" doesn't work as expected17:19
bacnope, they aren't really revisionspecs17:19
beunowell, you know parents...17:20
LarstiQthey're not revisionspecs17:21
LarstiQbac: hmm, I can't find it in the bzr topics atm17:22
LarstiQbac: but yes, :submit etc is very useful17:22
bacLarstiQ: no, me neither.  i'm looking in directory_service.py.17:22
bacthey really are handy and should be documented somewhere17:23
RainCTbzr isn't working here on Jaunty.. It says that I need dulwich, but there is no "python-dulwich" package nor anything like that17:23
RainCTah wait, seems like it's a plugin that gives the error, nevermind17:23
LarstiQRainCT: dulwich would be bzr-git17:24
LarstiQ(requiring it)17:24
LarstiQbac: oh, I didn't know about :this17:25
RainCTLarstiQ: right, just figured that out.. I'm too fast to complain :)17:25
=== cprov-lunch is now known as cprov
phinzeis there any way to get bzr to spit out the location of its parent branch?18:34
phinzelooking for shorthand way of doing bzr up $PARENT_BRANCH; bzr merge $PARENT_BRANCH .18:34
phinzewhere "its" is "the current branch's"18:35
phinzejames_w: perfect, thanks18:36
phinzewhere would i have found that in bzr help?18:37
phinze(just curious)18:37
james_wnowhere :-)18:37
james_wsomeone *just* opened a bug saying that it should be documented18:38
phinzeah ha, well that makes me feel better :)18:38
Mezand the conversion is complete. Work now uses bzr. I wonder how that happened <evil-laugh />18:40
LarstiQMez: that still needs work here, hmm18:42
MezLarstiQ: poor you :d18:42
jelmerjfroy, ping18:54
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jfroyjelmer: ping?19:24
jelmerjfroy, pong19:26
jfroyeh, I was just wondering why you pinged me and then went silent :p19:27
jelmerjfroy, I was wondering if you could still reproduce bug 33236419:27
ubottuLaunchpad bug 332364 in bzr-svn "NoSuchRevision error while branching remote repository" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33236419:27
jfroyI'll give it a go19:27
jfroyI didn't since the bug status didn't change19:27
jfroy(test it again, that is)19:27
jelmerjfroy, thanks19:32
jfroyit failed again19:34
sabdfljelmer: ping19:41
jelmersabdfl, pong19:41
jelmerjfroy, thanks, can you pastebin the exact traceback?19:41
jelmerjfroy: Since the error has hopefully changed :-)19:42
sabdfljelmer: i submitted a branch for merging on bzr-gtk, do you review those?19:42
jfroyit has not19:42
jfroyat least not much19:42
sabdflthe branch removes the actions from the notifications bzr-notify emits19:42
sabdflactions turn notifications into alerts (i.e, dialogs with cancel buttons that stick around forever) on jaunty19:43
beunosabdfl, I reviewed and merged it a few days ago19:43
sabdflah, thanks beuno19:43
sabdflwould it be possible to put an updated package together?19:43
sabdflfor 9.04?19:43
beunojelmer, you do the packaging for Ubuntu, right?19:44
sabdflalso, beuno, do you know the status of bzr and loggerhead packages in jaunty?19:44
jelmersabdfl: I think a tweaked version of it has been merged based on your patch, which only disables it if the notify daemon (is that the right name) doesn't support actions19:44
jelmerbeuno, Yeah, for Debian/Ubuntu19:44
sabdfljelmer: that's better than my patch, i just used a hacksaw :-)19:44
jelmersabdfl, I uploaded a fixed package to experimental, james_w was going to request a sync for that for jaunty19:44
beunosabdfl, loggerhead is in 1.10, which is the latest release. bzr is in 1.12, which the latest release as well.19:45
beunowe could do a release of LH, trunk has advanced quite a bit since then19:46
beunoI'll talk to mwhudson about it19:46
sabdflbeuno: that would be a good idea, yes19:46
sabdflwhen is bzr 1.13 due?19:47
jelmersabdfl: IIRC According to the original schedule a RC1 would be due in a couple of days19:47
beunosabdfl, I think after the brisbane sprint next week19:47
* jfroy pasted http://pastie.textmate.org/private/fpkj1uc5yvyqrehvopq8ow19:47
beunojelmer, hasn't that been pushed back due to the sprint?19:48
sabdfli believe 1.13 adds good work on the network performance front, so would encourage a plan to release it *and* get packages into 9.0419:48
jelmerbeuno: Ah, I wasn't aware of that19:48
beunojelmer, if I do a release of LH, can you do an upload to debian so we can sync?19:48
jelmerbeuno, My information dates back a month19:48
jelmerbeuno, yeah, np19:48
jelmerbeuno, just ping me when it's out :-)19:48
jelmerjfroy, thanks19:48
beunojelmer, awesome, thanks. I'll work on it today/tomorrow evening19:49
beunosabdfl, I'll email the list about it. When's the jaunty deadline?19:50
sabdflbeuno: we're already into UI freeze exception territory: https://wiki.canonical.com/DesktopExperienceTeam/JauntyUIFExceptions19:51
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beunosabdfl, ah, so it's pretty urgent to get these out then  :)    I'll poke people about this19:53
sabdflthanks beuno19:54
=== beuno_ is now known as beuno
jpdsHow can I resolve a conflicting tag?20:54
rockstarkfogel, so, it looks like your discussion about PQM is a little different than what PQM really is.20:54
kfogelrockstar: oh?20:56
kfogelwhere did we go off track?20:56
rockstarBasically, it's similar to Tarmac, only that it gets it's merge requests from email.20:56
rockstarIt's still "client side" in the same way Tarmac is.20:56
kfogelrockstar: so should they be merged?20:56
rockstarkfogel, absolutely not.20:56
rockstarPQM is pretty terrible in general, and is heavy, and a pain to install.20:57
kfogelrockstar: might be good to write a section on how they differ, since they're similar...20:57
kfogelrockstar: well, don't write that :-)20:57
kfogelrockstar: is Tarmac meant to eventually replace PQM?20:57
rockstarSo I wanted something lightweight, and something that was closely connected to Launchpad.20:57
jfroyvila: ping21:00
kfogelrockstar: *nod*21:03
kfogelrockstar: is the lightweight-ness or heavyweight-ness noticeable to the user anyway, though?21:03
rockstarkfogel, yes.  I tried setting up PQM for another project three times.  Each time, I got nominally closer than the previous time, but eventually gave up because of difficulties.21:05
rockstarkfogel, ask thumper what he thinks of PQM's codebase.  :)21:05
kfogelrockstar: heh.  Okay, so it's not  that it's heavy in terms of code size or internal complexity, it's that it's heavy in terms of user setup.21:06
rockstarkfogel, all of the above.21:07
kfogelrockstar: PQM is not Canonical code?21:08
kfogelrockstar: (I haven't interacted with it much, mostly what I know is hearsay)21:08
rockstarkfogel, I believe it is now, but it's pretty old and crufty, and I wouldn't say there is active development going on.21:09
LarstiQkfogel: it's a pre-bzr codebase21:10
kfogelLarstiQ: ah21:10
jseutterquestion: anyone know how I can get the bzr sources to build bzr on my system?  I need something that can talk branch format 7 to check out bzr.21:11
jseutter(and yes, all I have done is go to the bzr homepage and try to follow the instructions there.)21:12
jelmerrockstar, are there any plans to have tarmac work for non-lp?21:12
LarstiQjseutter: I'd try the latest release.21:13
rockstarjelmer, not currently.  I mean, it figures out which branches to merge through the Launchpad API.21:13
rockstarI guess it could grow that though.  Patches welcome.21:13
jelmerrockstar, Cool, I might look into that then21:14
rockstarjelmer, it would be much appreciated.21:14
rockstarjelmer, I thought it might be good to grow some email features.21:15
jelmerrockstar, yeah, that's the bit I'm interested in21:15
rockstarjelmer, also, we've talked about a pluggable branch landing system, so it may be that tarmac could become that, with a LP plugin, and an email plugin.21:17
jseutterLarstiQ, sorry, I could have been more clear.  To check out bzr it is telling me that I need bzr 1.6 or newer.  The binaries listed on the bzr homepage are all older than that.21:36
jseutterI can't get the source to build a new version of bzr to get the source.21:36
jseutterugh.  My brain is fried.  At any rate, I have a chicken and egg problem.21:36
jseutterI checked the Ubuntu packages and the Epel repo, and they're both older than 1.6.21:37
jseutteroh wait, there's a slackware link on the homepage that is 1.6.1.  I'll try building that21:38
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jseutteroh fark.  1.12 > 1.521:45
jseuttersorry about that.21:46
lifelesspoolie: hi22:02
lifelessI've gatecrashed Tim's22:02
pooliehi lifeless22:02
bob2vila: thanks!22:15
=== Spaz is now known as Kittens
spivlifeless: d'oh, my less test skips patch failed because of your bzrdir network name changes...22:27
jfroyvila: when you get around, I need to discuss a few items concerning credential providers22:31
lifelessspiv: sorry :)22:32
pooliejfroy: he's probably not back for 8h now22:42
jfroypoolie: nothing urgent22:42
jfroy*it's nothing urgent22:42
jelmerjfroy, see privmsg22:47
poolielifeless: progress messages are less important than making sure there are no showstoppers in the version in jaunty22:51
lifelesspoolie: right. So let me cap the high features for you22:51
lifelessspiv: please add any I miss ;)22:51
lifelesspoolie: we do network streaming push to stacked and non-stacked branches22:52
lifelesspoolie: we do network streaming pull from non-stacked branches, and for stacked ones now use the generic versioned-files based fetch rather than pack-optimised [a slight regression for that specific case]22:52
lifelesspoolie: the streaming requires both client and server to have the format for both source and target in common; that is pushing from a svn checkout to a bzr branch requires the server to have bzr-svn installed22:53
lifelesswe have a bunch of new verbs for creating objects over the wire and getting more data about them when we open them22:53
lifelesswe may find glitches during the beta cycle, but we'll fix them without more wire changes I expect22:54
lifelesswe're happy with the general structure of the data on the wire, so I don't expect we'll need to drop the new verbs at all, or at least not for a long time22:54
lifelessso we can support the jaunty versions happily22:55
pooliehave you tested all these cases manually, as well as in selftest?22:55
lifelessnot explicitly, and I don't think thats a particularly good use of time until rc1 is out.22:55
lifelessI'm dogfooding though, and so is spiv22:55
lifelessso are the folk using bzr nightlies, though they will be nearly universally dogfooding the backwards compatibility behaviour not the new code22:56
spivSo far I've had no nasty surprises from dogfooding.22:56
jelmerfwiw I'm dogfooding too22:56
igcmorning lifeless, spiv, jelmer22:56
jelmerhi Ian22:56
poolieso, regardless, i'd like you to please test those cases manually today22:57
pooliehistorically this is the kind of change that has caused knock on effects and i'd ilke to reduce the chance in this release22:58
lifelesspoolie: thats going to be basically the whole day22:58
lifelesspoolie: there are a _lot_ of permutations22:58
poolieis it better to spend that day next week during the sprint?  i think that's even worse.23:00
poolieand if the other alternative is to do this release in to jaunty without integration testing, i like that even less.23:00
lifelesspoolie: whats the due date for jaunty? Can we not do a days full-permutation testing after the sprint?23:00
lifelesspoolie: and do a point release if we find any issues?23:01
poolieso that would give us more networking improvements in 1.13, but more chance that there are bugs in the ones we do have?23:03
pooliewiki.u.c is down and i don't have the dates written down here23:04
poolieui freeze is today, beta freeze is march 1923:04
lifelessthursday after the sprint23:05
lifelessIf we're going to do this sort of manual testing, I'd much rather do it monday the 16th23:05
pooliebecause why?23:06
lifelesswell, we have two days left. We might be able to get to streaming-from-stacked, or vfs-free branch-from-non-stacked if we keep the momentum up23:07
lifelessas soon as we stop, the protocol is frozen for those verbs until the release in the absence of serious issues.23:08
spivlifeless: I'm a bit unsure what the right fix for the less-skips + network_name failure is.  The server-side is failing on control_format.get_branch_format().network_name() in sprout_bzrdir_branch_ref tests.23:13
lifelessspiv: is there a network name for BranchReferenceFormat?23:14
spivNo, there isn't.  The error is AttributeError: 'RemoteBranchFormat' object has no attribute '_network_name', btw.23:15
pooliespiv, what do you think?23:16
spivpoolie: as lifeless says, we are tantalisingly close to some milestones.23:17
pooliei will hold you two responsible if there are showstoppers in this release23:18
spivSo it's even harder than normal to be enthusiastic about manually testing ;)23:18
pooliebut i wish you luck23:19
pooliesure, i can sympathize with that23:19
lifelessspiv: *serverside* is using a RemoteBranchFormat?23:22
spivlifeless: right!23:22
spivlifeless: it's a RemoteBzrDirFormat test.23:22
lifelessspiv: those two nouns should never be in a single sentence unless it is '*serverside does not use RemoteBranchFormat objects*'23:22
spivOr rather, a bzrdir_implementations test.23:22
spivlifeless: ok, I can tweak bzrdir_implementations/test_bzrdir to explicitly use get_vfs_only_url or something.23:25
lifelessspiv: there may betwo issues; the test asking the server to do something bong; the server not preventing third-party-requests.23:28
lifelessspiv: we know the second exists23:28
spivWell, the test was creating a branch reference (on a server), and then sprouting it (to a new url on the same server)23:29
spivAll three failing tests were following that pattern.23:30
* igc breakfast - bbl23:31
spivIf I change it to create the branch reference locally, then sprout to a server, it works.23:31
spivIf I change it to create a remote branch reference, and sprout it to local, it still fails.23:32
lifelessspiv: so its reasonable to say to the server 'create a branch reference to url XXX'23:32
lifelessspiv: its not reasonable for the server to assume it can read it23:32
Jerubwhat's the best way to transition from svn to bzr? I tried using bzr-svn but it didn't work for me.23:40
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lifelessJerub: in what way didn't it work23:42
spivJerub: bzr-svn 0.5 has been working very well on the couple of projects I've tried it on.23:42
Jerubit was a few weeks ago i did it, I don't actually remember what the failure was.23:44
lifelesspoolie: so qa wise I'm much more concerned that we're going to DOS the lp smart server23:44
lifelessthan tat we'll have the client fail to work as desired23:44
lifelesspoolie: theres plenty of adhoc testing that occurs as we just use the client, as we test stuff for the python guys and so on23:45
* Jerub runs it again23:46

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