
ForgeAusI think I know how to *fix* disk1 now, its just the other consequences of that I'm not comfortable with yet...00:00
copproAnyone have any clue why DRI is turned off on my computer?00:02
copproit gives an error00:03
copproabout a version mismatch of the radeon driver00:03
copproApparently 8.54.3 does not satisfy 1.17.000:03
Dr_willisyou perhaps need to reinstall the ati drivers..?00:03
coppropurged+reinstalled xorg00:03
copprono change00:03
copproI can't really help more00:05
copprosince I'm running from irssi00:05
copproso can't paste data or anything00:05
copproand I /really/ don't want to have to install fglrx00:05
Dr_willisYou can install gpm, and select/paste stuff that way00:05
mefisto__coppro: ever manually installed ati drivers?00:05
ForgeAusyeah ati drivers can be a pain00:06
ForgeAusdri, fglxr (sp?) etc...00:06
copprothis is not a proprietary driver00:07
ForgeAuscoppro thats a good thing00:07
copprofglrx is still installed?00:08
* coppro reboots00:08
mefisto__coppro: so you've only ever installed ati drivers from repos00:08
copproyes, but the module's still running00:09
copproI'll reboot and report00:09
ForgeAusmefisto, ati drivers are massively confusing I still havn't got it right myself yet!...00:09
ForgeAusone of the reasons I'm thinking of u/ging00:09
ForgeAushopefully it will fix some of that stuff...00:09
ForgeAusironically the ppl that helped me the most with that were the compiz-fusion people!00:10
ForgeAusnot that you need it with kde400:10
ForgeAusI don't think I ever had compiz (actually I think it was beryl at the time) working on this PC with ati drivers...00:11
* hogwash just installed kubuntu with kde 4.1 :)00:15
ForgeAushey hogwash...00:15
* hogwash needs guidance for his atheros wifi card & imbeded in toshiba satalite laptop00:16
* ForgeAus shrugs00:16
lean2501hi! best partition scheme for a fresh 8.10 installation in an 8gb SD card?00:16
ForgeAuspartition scheme?00:16
ForgeAusas in how many of what size? or just what type?00:16
hogwashhow can i tell if my wifi card is compatable with linux00:17
ForgeAusnormally SD cards/USB etc are FAT (not sure which one 32 or 16 I guess)... but for 8.10 your better to have ext3 afaik00:17
ForgeAushowever booting from an SD card is something I have absolutely no experience with00:18
lean2501mmm i mean how any and how much size :P00:18
lean2501i read i need ext200:18
hogwashi recently saw a window detecting my card, but after i rebooted i dont see that window anymore00:19
XPS_M1330what does this mean: GPG error: http://ppa.launchpad.net hardy Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 8B9FBE5158B3AFA900:19
ForgeAusok then how many and what size, I'm assuming you need 1 partition of the whole drive, but I could be wrong there... I don't know whats optimal00:19
ForgeAushogwash, I think its the knetworkmanager that handles that stuff...00:20
ForgeAusbut I'm using wired not wifii so I'm not sure how/if its different00:20
ForgeAushogwash do you have a grey icon in your system tray?00:20
hogwashdoes this grey icon look like a gear with a green arrow ?00:22
mefisto__lean2501: how much RAM do you have? and do you want a separate home partition?00:22
ForgeAusuh dunno what the gear with the green arrow one is00:22
ForgeAusthe wired network icon looks grey like a diagonal box with a darker grey lead coming out of the front of it00:22
ForgeAusif its wifi I don't know if its a different icon or not (like say some arcs instead of the lead?)00:23
ForgeAusanyway system-settings should have a network section to help you there...00:23
hogwashyeah i see the wired network icon00:24
hogwashit only mentions my eth0 card00:24
GWildhow can I determine if/which linux headers are installed?00:24
ForgeAusuh eth0 built in lan card?... ok well then I think thats where your network connection needs to go (be added to?) ...00:24
ForgeAusas to how to get it there, probably network settings in system-settings may help, I havn't tried using wifi with kubuntu yet...00:25
mefisto__hogwash: lshw -C network    should list your network interfaces00:26
lean2501mefisto__: i use 1gb of ram and i want a separate /home partition00:28
ForgeAusGWild adept should tell you that...00:28
ForgeAus(assuming you installed them as packages)00:29
hogwashhttp://rafb.net/p/Rnx8Kp20.html  lshw output00:29
GWildForgeAus: Thank you.00:30
GWildtrying to install nvidia drivers for a new vid card and heard I must upgrade the headers first00:30
ForgeAusGWild normally you only need the headers if oyur going to (re)compile something...00:31
hogwashi plugged my router in. i dont see it under wireless connections00:31
ForgeAusbut then I havn't got nvidia hardware so I can't really say...00:31
GWildForgeAus: right - I'm just installing the headers, then I'll install the nvidia drivers00:31
ForgeAusGWild not that I think your silly or anything but just make sure the headers match the same version number as the kernel(s) you have installed...00:32
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mefisto__hogwash: 1GB swap, and the size of / and /home depends on how many programs you want to install and how much space for your data you're going to need/want00:32
GWildForgeAus: ;-)  I'm a hammerhead half the time so I take not offence (but, yes I did check)00:32
hogwashwhat does that have to do with wireless00:33
hogwashi just want wireless to work.00:33
ForgeAushogwash what happens if you open up a browser and browse to your routers IP address?00:34
hogwashiwconfig says no wireless extensions00:34
mefisto__lean2501: 1GB swap, and the size of / and /home depends on how many programs you want to install and how much space for your data you're going to need/want00:35
* ForgeAus shrugs00:35
hogwashim looking for drivers. and im currently pluged in via ethernet.00:35
* hogwash shrugs00:35
mefisto__sorry hogwash, that was for lean2501, not you00:35
ForgeAushogwash I'm probably not the person to ask to help you with it...00:35
mefisto__lean2501: 5GB for the / partition is probably enough unless you want to install lots of stuff00:37
lean2501ha tnks!00:38
ForgeAuswhich leaves 2GB for /home ... (since 1 gb is for swap)00:38
Dr_willisGee.. i got 10+gb in just wallpaper and icon collections in my homedir. :)00:38
ForgeAus3x partitions... hmmm...00:38
ForgeAusDr willis yeah I know how it can get!00:38
ForgeAusand if you d/l stuff like say mldonkey your /home can get exponentially bigger!00:39
mefisto__lean2501: if you want more for /home, you could make / smaller than 5GB. maybe 4GB. does anyone know what a new install of intrepid takes up?00:39
Dr_willisForgeAus,  at least we are not windows users.. with a ever expanding /windows/winsxs directory...00:40
mefisto__Dr_willis: some of us ARE windows users :(00:40
Dr_willisIm in windows7 right now.. and using Xchat via XMING and XDMCP :)00:41
mefisto__ok, good luck with the grub thing ForgeAus. I'm gonna reboot00:43
joshjtlhi, upgraded to 4.2 on intrepid, not get transluncency00:44
Dr_willisI never use that feature.. sorry.. of course stuff like that can be hard to trobuleshoot anyway00:45
Dr_willisCheck the forums yet? it may be some xorg setting for your specific video card/driver00:46
joshjtlyeah nothing :(00:46
joshjtlok nevermind... transparency works, but so far not for the panel00:49
ForgeAusDrWillis I have to say I too am a Windows user ... also a MacOSX user...00:50
Dr_willisMy Mac works very well.. as a doorstop00:54
tekstacyIs it possible to make Kubuntu come out of standby from the mouse?00:59
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SlartibartfastSeems a quiet time for Helpdesk #Kubuntu. Looks like "it just works" :-)01:18
joshjtlhi, is ksynaptic available anymore?01:22
XPS_M1330actually I'm trying to figure out how come choosing an icon theme only affects the menu01:23
ott0how can i find out what files a process has modified?01:23
joshjtlmaybe by going to settings>advanced tab, desktop (something)01:23
Flare183Drayton: I'm over here01:24
ott0basically i just executed a .bin installer and i want to know where the files are01:24
XPS_M1330Didn't see that "desktop theme details" part01:24
XPS_M1330thanks joshjtl01:24
joshjtlXPS_M1330: yeah just found it today myself01:24
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joshjtlany way to get Adept to use synaptic as a backend?01:25
joshjtli hate adept01:25
XPS_M1330you can run synaptic from KDE01:26
joshjtlXPS_M1330: i want a qt app though01:26
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Dr_willisboth are frontends to the apt-get system01:28
Dr_willis adept with synaptic as a backend.. dosent make much sence01:28
joshjtlDr_willis: what does synaptic use as a backend, does adept use the same?01:29
Dr_willis<Dr_willis> both are frontends to the apt-get system01:29
ubottuAPT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome) or !Adept (KDE)01:29
SlartibartfastThere is kpackage01:30
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about kpackage01:30
joshjtlDr_willis: sorry didnt read that for some reason... tired01:30
Slartibartfastkpackage is ordered like synaptics or aptitude01:31
joshjtla better question, is there an app that manages uninstall dependencies that are not required any longer if the original package is uninstalled? an app that also installs packages?01:31
Slartibartfastthere is apt-get autoremove01:32
joshjtlnot like deborphan...01:32
joshjtlgonna give kpackage a try for a while01:33
Slartibartfastapt will know when there are packages not needed anymore and then notify you that you then can autoremove them01:33
joshjtlSlartibartfast: oh thats right, i wish that would extend to the gui app01:34
joshjtlperhaps i'll continue to use only the cli for that01:34
Dr_willisI just never uninstall anythimng01:35
joshjtlyeah I guess i will since you cant edit repos using kpackage01:35
joshjtlmy ocd wont allow clutter01:35
Dr_willisone mans clutter - is anotehrs must have eyecandy01:35
Dr_willis!info hotbabe01:35
ubottuPackage hotbabe does not exist in intrepid01:35
Dr_willisOh - its in medibuntu :) if roget01:36
joshjtlwhats that01:36
ForgeAusjosh I think it was kynaptic01:36
Dr_willisa 'ssytem load meter' that is a anime-chick that gets naked as load goes up01:36
joshjtlwell let me try uninstalling kpackage and all its deps now01:36
ForgeAusand I don't know if its around anymore01:36
ForgeAuskpackage is kewl...01:36
joshjtlForgeAus: can i edit repos in kpackage?01:37
ForgeAusI doubt it, not directly... that I'm aware of anywaya01:37
ForgeAuskpackage isn't so much designd around dpkg/apt-get as adept is...01:38
joshjtlapparently hotbabe is an app to view resources01:38
joshjtlreally i find adept to be really featureless01:38
ForgeAuskpackage is more a general package manager for slackware/redhat/debian/gentoo... its got most styles of package management built in01:38
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joshjtlhmm theres smart isnt there? but thats totally diff than apt-get isnt it01:40
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about kpackagekit01:42
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about kpackage01:42
joshjtlis kpackagekit different than kpackage?01:42
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Slartibartfastjoshjtl, yes01:45
ForgeAussmart is a more basic package manager, it is very similar to kpackage, just not made with KDE in mind01:45
ForgeAusthey both do most of the same stuff01:46
ForgeAusnote: the underlying package management for both is the same, it uses dpkg/apt-get the same way that kpackage or adept would anyhow01:46
joshjtlok, apparently kpackagekit is different than kpackage, and also related to packagekit... but how do I install it?01:47
joshjtl(using intrpepid btw)01:47
ForgeAus(note: more advanced package management would use apt-get instead of dpkg anyway, to keep the apt database up to date01:47
Slartibartfastjoshjtl i think it is already installed01:47
ForgeAusI dont know kpackagekit01:47
Slartibartfastapt-cache show kpackagekit01:47
joshjtlSlartibartfast: "apt-cache show kpackagekit doesnt show it for me... is it shown in apt-get search kpackagekit?01:49
Slartibartfastapt-cache show shows the status ... like "Status: install ok installed"01:49
Slartibartfastapt-get search kpackagekit gives E: Invalid operation search01:50
BlueAidanwhat package includes the kcontrol binary?01:51
Slartibartfastapt-cache search give: kpackagekit - KDE package management tool using PackageKit01:51
BlueAidanI'm trying to start up the kde control center from within xfce and can't figure out how.01:51
joshjtlSlartibartfast: what?? I cant find it... are u running intrepid?01:51
SlartibartfastMmmm ... ok ok ... sorry. No i am not.01:52
Slartibartfasti am running Jaunty ... excuse me :-)01:52
joshjtlahh yes its the new package manager for jaunty... there must be a way to install it for intrepid01:53
joshjtlSlartibartfast: have you found jaunty stable enough to use right now?01:53
joshjtlyeah i didnt either01:53
Slartibartfastwell there are many little programs crashing01:53
joshjtlyeah for me too01:53
Slartibartfastlike apport-cli to report a pproblem just crashed itself01:54
joshjtlthink i can add the repo and install kpackagekit real quick then remove it?01:54
SlartibartfastI won't advice it01:55
SlartibartfastThen you mess things up ...01:55
joshjtlah nevermind I found it packaged for intrepid01:55
SlartibartfastJust learn to use dpk commands and apt-cache, apt-get ... etc.01:56
joshjtli use it Slartibartfast i like to use gui every now and then for simple stuff01:57
SlartibartfastOK :-)01:57
ott0_how can i tell where a .bin installed files to?01:58
SlartibartfastStill thinking also for simple stuff the cli is faster01:58
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Slartibartfastdpkg -L <packagename>01:58
joshjtlSlartibartfast: yeah plus i dont have to bother with finding installing kpackagekit forget it... i'll use it in jaunty everntually01:59
Slartibartfastott0_: dpkg -L <packagename>02:00
SlartibartfastSorry :-) missunderstood02:00
ott0_hmm... it was just a .bin executable. i don't know the package name02:01
Slartibartfastott0_ did you execute the installation as normal user or by using sudo ?02:01
joshjtlSlartibartfast: whats the easiest way to add a repo via cli?02:03
joshjtledit file?02:03
ott0_as a normal user02:03
ott0_it poped up a superuser password request during installation though02:04
Slartibartfastyeah, i think so ...02:04
Slartibartfastott0_ : what kind of program ? ... and what you try to kind from it ?02:04
Slartibartfasttry to find*02:05
ott0_it is the adobe air installer02:06
ott0_i want to know where the installed files are02:06
Slartibartfasti guess it installed some stuff under the /usr/ if it is a good installer it installed things probably under /usr/local/02:07
Slartibartfastfind /usr/local/ -name *searchwords*02:08
ForgeAusjosh easiest would be to use mc!02:09
ForgeAus(midnight commander .. it has text editor built in)02:09
ForgeAusessentially a nice app that buils on oldskool dos norton commander but for linux02:10
Slartibartfastott0_ ... Did you see this page? http://labs.adobe.com/wiki/index.php/AIR_for_Linux:Release_Notes02:10
Slartibartfastott0_: from Tip and tricks: To install an application, you may use the command “/opt/Adobe AIR/Versions/1.0/airappinstaller <full path to the air file here>”02:12
hogwashdoes the bot know about ati ?02:17
hogwashfor kubuntu 8.1002:17
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto02:19
wartalkerwhen i log out, then log in, the knetworkmanager doen not dock in tray, it like a normal widget, someone help02:20
hogwashdoes the bot know about ati ?02:21
hogwashati drivers02:21
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto02:23
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats02:26
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto02:26
ubottuA list of common questions and answers about Ubuntu: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CommonQuestions - Official documentation: http://help.ubuntu.com - IRC FAQ: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRCResourcePage02:27
hogwashim under the advanced tab of system settings. i dont see anythign about hardware02:27
GWildhogwash: run jockey02:28
GWildhogwash: that will tell you what is installed (propietary drivers)02:28
Slartibartfasthogwash: i think you should be at kmenu > system > harware drivers02:28
hogwashahh found it02:28
GWildspeaking of which02:29
GWildtime to reboot after installing my nvidia drivers02:29
GWildsee if I get the busybox boot error02:29
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hogwashwhy does apt-cache search show amule, but no frost wire ?02:33
hogwashahh there's a download02:40
GWildanyone experience the 'BusyBox' boot error where the system can't find root?  If so, how did you get rid of the problem?02:40
ForgeAusuh BusyBox is essentially a kind of recovery console...02:42
ForgeAusgenerally somethings majorly wrong for it to boot into that02:42
ForgeAustry running recovery mode ubuntu02:42
GWildForgeAus: Sorry - I'm a (K)ub newcomer02:43
GWildForgeAus: would that be from a live cd or a recovery kernel, or...?02:43
* hogwash likes kubuntu02:44
GWildI do as well, but I'm quite new to it02:44
* hogwash thinks the slogan should be changed from "Linux for human beings" to "Linux for people with lives"02:44
hogwashkubuntu > slackware && suse02:44
GWildran Gentoo for several years and made the change.02:44
hogwashGWild: yea i was running gentoo for 5 months.  it's allright,but since my hard drive crashes i said screwit02:45
hogwashi aint going through that again02:45
hogwashit was nice while it lasted02:45
GWildit can take some real tweaking02:45
hogwashbut it's old, and is outa date02:45
hogwashit doesent even have monodevelop. HA so if you wanna code C# you're screwed02:46
GWildI can code C# in Kub?02:47
GWildunder Mono sounds like02:47
mbazdellGWild:  no.. it's against the EULA02:47
GWildmbazdell: Ah02:48
ForgeAusmbazdell? are you serious?02:48
GWildoh sure, ask a question then leave02:49
mbazdelllol. No I'm not serious02:49
mbazdellthat's the best way to get answers02:49
mbazdellso in case anybody tries, downgrading X from Jaunty to Intrepid to make FGLRX work...02:50
mbazdelldoesn't work..02:51
mbazdellIt's easier to reinstall Intrepid, lock X, and then upgrade everything else02:51
GWildI never could get fglrx to run on my Intrepid02:53
mbazdelldid you try using envy-ng?02:53
GWildI didn't try that02:54
mbazdellthat's probably the easiest way to get it to work02:54
mbazdellI find it is a much faster driver than the open source version02:54
GWildlol - after I just put in an nvidia card02:54
ott0_do dpkg and apt-get use the same config files?02:54
mbazdellott0_:  no02:55
ott0_or, in general, how is package information stored?02:55
JontheEchidnaapt-get uses dpkg to install the packages after it downloads them all, though02:55
mbazdellott0_:  you mean like where is `dpkg -l' information kept?02:55
mbazdellott0_:  interesting.. I've never actually wondered that myself02:56
=== ott0_ is now known as ott0
mbazdellott0:  /var/lib/dpkg/02:59
hpladdsThe number of desktops represented in my pager reverts from 4 to 1 on reboot. Then spinning the desktop cube causes Plasma to crash, then four desktops appear in the pager02:59
hpladdsany help?02:59
mbazdellhpladds:  it's a glitch with the pager and compiz02:59
mbazdellare you running intrepid?02:59
hpladdsmbazdell: yup02:59
mbazdellon kde-look.org there's a patched version of pager that will fix the pager03:00
mbazdellhowever plasma crashing is new to me03:00
hpladdsI;ve seen this exact thing on a different computer, then it went away. How I'm not sure03:01
ott0mbazdell: so i guess since dpkg is called by most other package managers, that information can be updated when I use, e.g. apt?03:01
mbazdellbasically to install any .deb, dpkg is used03:02
mbazdellhpladds:  I had the issue on my desktop. I fixed it by deleting ~/.copmiz and installing the patched pager deb.. But that may have been fixed in an update from the repository... not too sure03:03
mbazdelland sadly I'm running XP on my lappy at the moment because FGLRX is broked in Jaunty and I refuse to reinstall03:03
hpladdsmbazdell: that is sad -- in so many ways03:05
mbazdellit's really because I'm just lazy03:06
hpladdsmbazdell: do you know of any name or description that this problem goes by? It's hard to research03:07
mbazdellI need to reformat all my systems.. they're a mess... I'm just too lazy to actually do it03:07
mbazdellhpladds:  which problem exactly? You have 203:07
ott0is there any way to watch a process to see what files it modifies?03:08
hpladdsmbazdell: once you start on the update path, you never know where it will end -- the four to one on reboot03:08
ott0basically i want to see what files a .bin installed03:08
mbazdellhpladds:  hmmm.. gimme a minute to see if I can find it03:10
ott0oh cool, it's listed as a package03:11
mbazdellhpladds:  seems like a new way to do it..03:12
mbazdellhpladds:  http://forum.compiz-fusion.org/showpost.php?p=70565&postcount=203:12
mbazdellas I recall now, I did something similar to this on my last setup03:13
hpladdsmbazdell: I think that did it, but need to restart KDE. Thanks much!03:16
mbazdellno problem03:17
mbazdellott0:  well if it's a .deb you can do `dpkg -c'03:18
mbazdellif it's something you got from apt-get it'd be in '/var/cache/apt/archive/'03:19
dangaioOk, now I have a question/complaint... what happened with the rtl8187 drivers?  In 8.04 they worked perfectly. In 8.10 they suck. How can I fix this?03:22
mbazdellby suck, what do you mean?03:23
GWildwell, it's like a vacuum, ....03:24
mbazdellwell then isn't that an improvement?03:24
dangaiombazdell, I can boot into 8.04 and it can see all the networks around my area with excellent signal quality.03:25
dangaioIn 8.10, I can barely connect to the router in the same room.03:25
mbazdelltry booting with an older kernel?03:27
dangaioI have done that. That is why I am asking.03:28
mbazdellokay when you use an older kernel it works? Is that correct?03:29
dangaiothat is correct.03:29
mbazdellthen why not just use the older kernel?03:29
dangaioBecause it is in 8.04 not 8.1003:29
mbazdellyou'd still be using 8.10 since the repos are all on that level03:29
Atom330gues old kernels dont support everthing03:30
mbazdelldangaio:  other than the wireless issue, does the new kernel provide you with any noticable improvement?03:30
dangaiocan you explain? I am a newbie.03:30
mbazdellKernel is like the engine03:30
mbazdellfor your drivers03:31
Atom330what can cause a kernel panic? i get those on my atom machi03:31
dangaioyes, it does.03:31
mbazdellusing an older kernel isn't using 8.04. What makes 8.10 is all the packages really03:31
mbazdellit's your repositories03:32
mbazdellif you run kde4.2, using kernel 2.6.17 instead of 2.6.18 wont stop you from running kde4.203:32
mbazdellAtom330:  many things.. what does it do right before it panics?03:32
michaelkubuntu hardy firefox 3.0  will not remember window size even after deleting/moving localstore.rdf any help appriciated03:32
mbazdellmichael:  easiest thing to try would be to apt-get upgrade to intrepid03:33
mbazdellother than that, right click on the title bar and select advanced options.03:33
mbazdellthen tell it to stay a specific size to see if that works03:34
mbazdellif that works, then remove the specific setting, and see if it will remember03:34
michaelmbazdell: ok will try thanks03:34
mbazdellin hardy, it's kwin that keeps the size settings03:34
mbazdellso there'd be some setting in there that could be the culprit03:35
GWildmbazdell: have you installed kde 4.2?  I'm still running 4.103:36
mbazdellGWild:  yup03:36
mbazdellit's pretty03:36
GWildwork well, buggy?03:36
mbazdellactually quite usable at the moment03:36
mbazdellfew glitches but nothing really major03:36
GWildunder Gentoo I ran 3.5 and it's very different and less squirrely03:36
GWildmaybe I'll upgrade to 4.2 then03:37
mbazdellI actually prefer 3.5 more03:37
GWildso far I do as well03:37
GWildis it possible to revert to 3.5.x under Intrepid?03:37
GWildor is the major release tied to the kde version03:37
mbazdellthere's a how to out there03:37
mbazdellgimme a sec to find it03:37
GWildi'll rtfm it03:37
GWildexcuse me, I mean google it03:38
GWildthank you03:39
GWildnow I'll have to think about it.....03:39
mbazdellI was happy with 4.2 enough to not bother03:40
GWildI think I'll do 4.2 before I decide03:40
mbazdellBut then I broke it with Jaunty03:40
mbazdellso don't do Jaunty03:40
GWildwell, think I'll hit Adept and check into 4.203:40
mbazdellI think tomorrow if it's slow at work I'll be reinstalling intrepid03:40
GWildI really like Kub compared to Gen203:41
mbazdellI just find it to be easier03:41
GWildbut every distro has it's version of a learning curve03:41
mbazdellGen2 was fun, but too much work.. Debian was too slow with updates... Mandrake was pretty decent but .deb systems just has a much larger repository... RedHat... If you don't mind spending 10 hours downloading deps... Fedora... Meh...03:42
mbazdellI don't like gnome03:42
=== Guest85600 is now known as FOrgeAus
FOrgeAushey all :)03:48
=== FOrgeAus is now known as ForgeAus
mbazdelltoo late03:49
ForgeAusomg 1809 packages!!!!03:49
mbazdelldid you just do an apt-get update?03:49
mackenhas anyone had any problems with firefox when using compiz. In both gnome and kde I had firefox doing off the wall stuff. Opera seems to not be bothered by compiz03:50
mbazdellmacken:  I did in kde3.503:50
mbazdellbut that was just after Hardy was release03:50
mbazdellfew updates to compiz later everything cleaned up03:51
ForgeAusmbaz apt-get dist-uprade...03:51
ForgeAusmacken, no idea, try reinstalling ff?03:51
ForgeAusafaik it shouldn't do anything off the wall...03:51
mackenim not sure its compiz but when I turned it off, most of the problems went away.03:51
dangaiombazdell, would I have to change the initrd.img file also?03:52
mackenI have not used firefox now for about 6  months. maybe I should check again.03:53
Tomas---Hi why is two KDE open?03:53
ForgeAusnote macken with kde4.x you no longer require compiz03:55
mackenIm using 4.1 now and have stopped using compiz. but, how do you get the cubed desktops without compiz?03:56
ForgeAus(although I guess you might need to use its effects/desktopcube, etc with Gnome if you use that... )03:56
ForgeAusmacken uh, I think kde4 has desktop cube or are working on it, you may just need to wait a little?03:57
mbazdellForgeAus:  doesn't kwin4 actually use compiz?03:57
mbazdellyou can edit it with ccsm aswell03:57
mackenI have heard that 4.2 is supposed to have a 3d cube function but have not heard for sure.03:57
ForgeAusuh mbazdell I don't think so03:59
ForgeAuskwin4 has its own built in 3dfx... entirely separate from compiz03:59
ForgeAushowever I do think kde4 is more compiz-aware than kde3 was?...04:00
Tomas---i need help with http://i43.tinypic.com/206jtih.png04:00
ForgeAusie I don't think you need an entirely separate desktop pager with kde4 it works with compiz and kwin equally, (from memory, I know I did this stuff but I'm not entirely sure how anymore...)04:01
ForgeAuswith KDE3 you need to remove your desktop pager and use a compiz replacement one (looks the same... )04:01
mbazdellahh.. I wasn't sure04:01
mbazdellgood to know04:02
mbazdellTomas---:  that's the plasma dashboard button04:02
mackencompiz intergrated with kde 4 fine. once in a while it would revert back to kwin  but no major problems04:02
Tomas---mbazdell: ye end there is 2...04:02
ForgeAuswith compiz and kde3 theres also kde integration...04:02
ForgeAusyou need some extra package(s?) ...04:03
ForgeAus(used to be aquamarine I think, mostly for the kde decorators to work)04:03
casinowarrenwho here is pretty good with kubuntu?04:05
mbazdellcasinowarren:  lots of people04:05
mbazdellTomas---:  are you sure?04:06
mbazdellyou should have one in the taskbar04:06
mbazdelland one on the desktop04:06
mbazdellif that's what you mean by 204:06
Tomas---there is to up there and 2 in taskbar04:06
mbazdelldid it just start happening or was it there all along?04:07
casinowarrenok, i'm still stuck on stupid when trying to install my fonts on kubuntu 8.1 with kde 4.2 desktop04:08
Tomas---mbazdell: i only restart :P04:08
mbazdellcasinowarren:  can't get your fonts to install?04:09
ForgeAuscasino, not sure that makes you stupid, fonts can be tough to work with... kubuntu can work with several types of them too...04:09
mbazdellTomas---:  what do you mean?04:09
ForgeAusI doubt its as simple as dragging and dropping, sometimes fonts install into the x-server04:10
Tomas---mbazdell: /etc/init.d/kdm restart04:10
Tomas---and it started two :s04:10
casinowarrenno i can't04:11
casinowarrenand i can't access my root permissions to install directly04:11
mbazdellTomas---:  and if you reboot completely does it come back?04:11
casinowarrenwhen i was using ubuntu i could just drag an drop to the root folder and it would be available in all programs04:12
casinowarreni thought the same script...gksu nautilus would work on kubuntu but it goes nowhere04:12
mbazdellTomas---:  so it just started happening after you did a `/etc/init.d/kdm restart' and now when you reboot it still happens?04:12
ForgeAusgksi isn't in kubuntu nor is nautilus04:13
mbazdellcasinowarren:  try `kdesu dolphin'04:13
casinowarrenwell that explains alot04:13
ForgeAusthe equivalents of them two are kdesudo and konqueror (or dolphin)04:13
mbazdellI like dolphin a lot and wish konqueror would just go awa04:14
casinowarrenAH HA!!!!!!!!!!!!!04:14
ForgeAusgksu (is just what puts the password dialog in) kdesu/kdesudo or in commandline sudo so that also... gksu is based on the gtk toolkit...04:14
casinowarrenyou guys are fantastic04:14
Tomas---mbazdell: i installed driver for geforce 9800GT04:14
ForgeAusI don't like Dolphin! I'd rather krusader and/or Konqueror by far!04:14
casinowarrenbrb let me see if this works04:14
ForgeAusKonqueror is a 2-in-one browser and file manger04:15
ForgeAuskrusader is an addon filemanager not built into KDE but if you know midnight commander and are looking for a GUI version, its a nice option (dunno about kde4 and krusader tho)...04:16
ForgeAusdolphin was to replace Konqueror as the default file manager in kde4 but I still havn't warmed up to it yet personally...04:16
casinowarrenit's working..YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!04:16
mbazdellI have never liked konqueror as a web browser.. it was good for a file manager, but I find dolphin to be much better04:16
ForgeAuscasino, of course its working :)04:17
ForgeAusmbazdell: each to their own I guess...04:17
ForgeAuskonqueror is ok as a basic web browser, sure its no firefox, but its not bad...04:17
XPS_M1330how to disable spellchecker in kmail?04:18
ForgeAusand its getting better....04:18
ForgeAusgood question XPS I dunno04:18
Coddive been googling around and I must be slow today, I know Ubuntu uses pulseaudio but what does Kubuntu use?04:19
XPS_M1330does anyone use kmail?04:19
XPS_M1330can you live with all your writings underlined in red?04:20
mbazdellCodd:  for what?04:20
mbazdellXPS_M1330:  kmail has gotten a lot better... still no support for Exchange really...04:20
mbazdellbut yes, there is a way to disable the spell check.. I can't remember right now and i"m stuck in XP04:21
Codda sound server i guess. want to look into having my audio resampled / converted to ac3, apparently pulse can do it, wanted to see if it was the same w/ Kubuntu04:21
ForgeAushehe mbazdell get andlinux! :)04:22
mbazdellCodd:  KDE uses arts04:22
ForgeAuskubuntu has pulseaduio or at least can have it... not sure what it uses by default04:22
ForgeAustheres arts alsa oss and about 4 others... they all confuse me :) lol04:22
CoddI have an audigy2 with a coax SPDIF out connected to a 5.1 reciever when I came across the pulseaudio thread it got me going04:23
mbazdellForgeAus:  alsa and oss are kernel level drivers04:23
mbazdellwhere as arts and the gnome one sit on top04:24
Coddpulse is still kinda new though ...04:24
ForgeAusesd uses to be the one that pulseaudo replaced wasn't it?04:24
Nick_Meisterhello i would like some help installing kubuntu onto a normal ubuntu04:24
mbazdellwhich is nice because with alsa and oss, only one application can use it at a time04:24
Nick_Meisteri had it before, but i used the 4.2 beta and i dunno why but it erased itself from my pc04:24
mbazdellesd and arts allows a bunch of them because they sit on alsa04:25
Nick_Meisternow every time i try to reinstall it it keeps erroring out04:25
ForgeAusuh am I going to have enough space on my hdd to load and install these 1809 packages?04:26
casinowarrenanyone know how to skin kubuntu?04:26
casinowarrenlike you can ubuntu?04:26
mbazdellskin it?04:26
mbazdellyou mean apply themes to kwin?04:26
ForgeAusuh casino with kde4 there isn't much skinning yet... you can get some probably but kde3 had styles04:27
mbazdellI don't mean to sound technical04:27
ForgeAusis there a crystal for kde4 yet? the default is oxygen I know that much :)04:27
casinowarreni didn't think it was possible yet04:28
ForgeAusuh I think it is possible, brb, checking something04:28
ForgeAusin system settings  the appearance tab...04:30
SlartibartfastForgeAus apt-cache search crystal shows me on Jaunty : kwin-style-crystal04:30
ForgeAusgo to windows and decoration... (also colours and icons and fonts ) for styling/theming of kde404:30
ForgeAusapparently I have a few installed, ozone is the one I use04:31
mbazdellSlartibartfast:  how are you finding Jaunty?04:31
ForgeAusozygen quartz sculpture and a few others are around04:31
Slartibartfastmmm i can work with it, and live with the bugs ...04:32
Slartibartfastat start up i get right away 4 crash files in /var/crash/ :-)04:33
SlartibartfastSeems they are now in a transition to a new version of Python04:33
Slartibartfastmakes thigns depending on that kind of buggy04:33
SlartibartfastLittle annoying is that i can not normally close the computer ... then some plasma thing will crash .. and freezes my desktop :-) ...... So i need to use CTRL ALT BKSP for that04:35
mbazdellthat could be a display driver thing04:35
SlartibartfastYes .. using nvidia ...04:35
mbazdellI was just oging to say04:36
Slartibartfastseems the latest nvidia driver causes problems04:36
mbazdellprobably something to do with X.org at 7.404:36
Slartibartfastbut ... i can live with it :-) ... i can test very new software and help with reporting problems to make a betetr system04:37
khalidmianSlartibartfast: go built the fjords 1st LOL04:37
SlartibartfastAnd btw, i have a quadrupal booting computer ... so if things really get messed up i will boot in one of the other OS'es04:38
khalidmianor better still wear jojantas peril sensitive supercroamtic sunglasses04:38
SlartibartfastHheheheeh ... khalidmian, you know your classics :-P04:39
PKodonsupercroamtic? Do you mean superchromatic?04:39
khalidmianSlartibartfast: here i am brain the size of the planet and you ask me such boring questions04:39
braiamHello guys04:40
ubottubraiam: Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu!04:40
mbazdellalrighty.. I'm off to bed04:41
mbazdellthanks for the entertainment tonight guys/gals!04:41
PKodonAhh, that's what they are: Joo Janta 200 Super-Chromatic Peril Sensitive Sunglasses04:41
Slartibartfast:-) Cya04:41
PKodonThanks to Google.04:42
khalidmianthey make you avoid seeing anything you didnt want to in the 1st place04:42
PKodonI could have used those a number of times.04:42
PKodonJust today.04:42
khalidmianrofl i mean04:42
PKodonAnd I certainly could have used them about a year and a half ago - oof, what I saw when I opened that door!04:43
* Slartibartfast puts on his Joo Janta 200 Super-Chromatic Peril Sensitive Sunglasses04:44
PKodonWell, anyway. That's another story, for another day.04:44
Slartibartfastthanks :-)04:45
=== forge_ is now known as ForgeAus
ForgeAusyay back.. again...04:45
* PKodon wonders if it's worth it to install kde4 in PC/OS.04:46
XPS_M1330what's the difference between kickoff and KBFX04:47
PKodonI had a bit of an adventure last night and today with PC/OS. I found out that my Ubuntu 8.04 magazine's suggestion that we give / a 5GB partition is way too small - especially if you want to install any large 3-D games.04:48
PKodonAnd I also discovered that it doesn't seem to work too well to give /usr it's own partition.04:48
XPS_M1330having to resize root partition... sounds like fun!04:49
braiamGuys, I want to establish a not so common network set up. Can you help me?04:49
XPS_M1330I wish I could handle my own common network setup04:50
Slartibartfastbraiam: what kind of "not so common network setup" ?04:51
PKodonXPS_M1330: Well, I ended up just reinstalling. Then I had fun with the NTFS drive (pulled out of a USB external case that used to be hooked up to an XP laptop, and too full of important stuff to lose) that somehow was marked as in use.04:51
PKodonI was told to either force the mount (and take whatever consequences I might get) or have Windows (which I no longer have) reboot twice to fix it.04:52
braiamWell, I want that my Kubuntu PC (connected to inet), make a dial up call to another computer (running xubuntu). The computer running xubuntu must be able to answer the call and use the inet connection from the Kubuntu computer04:53
* XPS_M1330 is discovering plasma is one crashy app!04:53
braiamLets think I can set up both modems. Do you know what should I do next? or what words should I google next?04:53
SlartibartfastThat sound like a ppp connection ... xubuntu should have a ppp connection listening04:55
Slartibartfasthttp://www.ubuntugeek.com/setting-up-dial-up-connection-in-ubuntu.html maybe can help a little04:55
PKodonbraiam: I know nothing about modems under Linux, just learning Linux myself, but, let me ask you (for the sake of possible help): are these two computers in the same room, or are you actually calling the other computer via landline?04:55
Apple_CatAre there working propriety nvidia drivers working with 8.10 yet ?04:56
braiamactually landline. And the xubuntu computer has no internet access. only landline04:56
Slartibartfastbraiam should this be done automatically or do you make the connection manual ?04:56
braiammanual is ok04:56
braiamCLI is also OK in both sides04:56
PKodonbraiam: So, in essence, you want the other computer to work as a router.04:57
braiamPKodon: Yes!, that is04:58
braiamthe "router" is the one that initiates the call04:58
wartalkerthe knetworkmanager does not dock in tray, but as a normal widget, how to repair04:59
Slartibartfastbraiam on the xubuntu you at least should have pppd listening ... on the landline ... and ircc that goes with some getty setting05:01
braiamgive me a minute, googling for the unknown "ircc" term ;)05:03
Slartibartfasthehehe No05:03
coreymanhow  to install  kde3  into  ubuntu intrepid ibex?05:03
Slartibartfastbraiam :-) my fault ... i mean iirc05:04
Slartibartfastif i recall correctly05:05
SandGorgonguys.. which IDE (qtdevelop 4.5 or KDevelop 4.0) is more stable and faster to respond? I need it for plain vanilla C++ and Python programming05:07
braiamoh, iirc, that acronym did not exist back in '95 LOL. well, I will read for the pppd, thank you. And do you know how can I initiate the call? what can I use? Its my first time with dial up stuff05:09
braiamfirst time with dial up using linux05:09
Slartibartfastbraiam, maybe this howto will help http://www.linux.org/docs/ldp/howto/Modem-HOWTO-12.html05:11
braiamSlartibartfast:thank you, reading it :)05:18
SlartibartfastOK... In the Linux Documentation Project are many more useful HOWTO's05:19
Slartibartfastsome a little old though :-) ... but it's about the basics05:20
Slartibartfastwartalker: i don't know how to solve the detaching knetworkmanagers icon ...... you'll just have to live with it. it seems05:21
wigglesglxinfo says direct rendering is on,  i "think" my ati drivers are installed correctly.  i installed the restricted drivers, and rebooted after all this.  why does video media flicker ?05:22
ForgeAusSandGorgon, I'd recommend using Kdevelop, but its more likely that the with the two criteria you gave, fastest and more stable, that qtdevelop would be...05:25
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats05:25
ForgeAus(my reasoning being theres much more to KDE than QT alone... )05:25
braiamthanks for your help. now is bed time. see yo05:26
ForgeAusdoes KDE4 have Konversation yet?05:27
wigglesyeah i ran apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras as root, why does the quality suck?05:27
SandGorgonForgeAus: but I'm not looking for UI programming - mostly vanilla C++ and python. Do you still recommend kdevelop ?05:27
braiam ForgeAus: Im using Konversation on KDE405:28
Slartibartfastwiggles: from this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=82368 i read "sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg" might set the right sync rates for you05:28
ForgeAusSandGorgon you seem to be looking for QTdevelop...05:28
ForgeAusbraiam yeah me too but I'm using kde3's konversation under kde4 lol05:29
SlartibartfastForgeAus: they develop a new kde4 irc client ...... quassel05:29
braiamForgeAus: yes! youre right!, 3.50.10 Seems the same setup than yours05:30
ForgeAusKdevelop is a nice IDE with stuff that QTdevelop doesn't have... but I doubt you'll need the extras for cli programming so QT looks like the one your after...05:30
wigglesSlartibartfast: i already ran that05:30
ForgeAusquassel hmm interesting, also interesting is that KVirc didn't turn out to be the one05:31
Slartibartfastmaybe look in the video output settings of your program, and see if you can change that ?05:31
SlartibartfastForgeAus: last time i used quassel they still had issues with wordswrap :-)05:32
wigglesactually i ran dpkg-reconfigure -phigh linux-restricted-modules-`uname -r`05:32
wiggleshopeuflly this works05:32
Slartibartfastbut quaseel looks promising05:32
Slartibartfast:-D in my language quassel sounds like kweezel :-) which means somebody who talks bulls**t :-)05:33
ForgeAusthats probably why they chose that name!05:35
Slartibartfast:-) who knows05:35
brad_why does the second hd of my lvm say it's empty ? no part table ?05:44
ForgeAusactually quassel does look interesting from what I'veseen sofar05:49
XPS_M1330anyone uses xubuntu?05:49
ForgeAusXPS its like a cut-down Gnome, why would I?05:49
XPS_M1330I used to run XFCE when I had an older laptop, I liked it better than gnome05:51
XPS_M1330I like KDE better than gnome too05:51
SlartibartfastXPS_M1330: probably in #xubuntu are more people who use xubuntu05:51
XPS_M1330yes, but noone's awake! ;)05:53
ForgeAusQwit? twitter for KDE? lol05:53
Slartibartfastto bad :-) ...05:53
pteaguehow do you pad a string in shell scripting ?  i.e. i have 2 columns i want spaced apart05:54
=== JohnFlux is now known as Popple
=== Popple is now known as JohnFlux
wigglesdoes anyone know about ati drivers?06:03
wiggleshttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI  does not mention ubuntu 8.1006:03
DaSkreechwiggles: Does it need to?06:10
DaSkreech!hi | Elone06:11
ubottuElone: Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu!06:11
wigglesDaSkreech: well yea, how else should i know what to do.06:11
DaSkreechpteague: col06:11
wiggleswhat if i break something06:11
DaSkreechwiggles: install irssi06:11
wigglesbad enuff linux has to make stuff harder than it has to.06:11
DaSkreechStuff isn't that much harder :)06:12
wigglesdoes anyone know about ati drivers?06:12
wiggleshttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI  does not mention ubuntu 8.1006:12
Slartibartfastwiggles: Linux doesn't make it harder ... itf the hardware manufacturers just release detailed specs / or even develop good fuctioning drivers there would be no problem06:13
macojust the specs really06:14
DaSkreechwiggles: where are you having a problem?06:14
Slartibartfastlittle help would be nice too06:14
macoim told by a kernely person that given a data sheet he could easily write a driver for whatever hardware he's bought that doesn't work06:14
wigglesim just looking for the method to install drivres.06:14
macoit shouldnt be any different than 804...06:15
DaSkreechmaco: Yeah but then the company would collapse and the fields would burn and the world would starve06:15
sparrmaco: let us assume, for a moment, that I am only asking because it does not.  likely yet another problem with upgrading06:15
DaSkreechwiggles: Which card btw ?06:16
sparrmaco: as I am reading a long web page, scrolling with the mouse or keyboard, the screensaver comes on.  If I move the mouse a little while I am reading, the screensaver does not come on.06:16
DaSkreechwiggles: Well hopefully :) Which model06:16
wiggleswhere do i find that out ?06:17
DaSkreechprobably sudo lshw -C Video06:18
wiggles       product: RS690M [Radeon X1200 Series]06:18
DaSkreechAh yeah you need fglrx then06:18
macosparr: AFAIK, that's not a setting...more like a bug06:24
DaSkreechwiggles: I'd still advocate you install irssi06:25
wiggleswhy ?06:26
wigglesi dont like extra clicking06:26
wigglesand irssi make me look 133706:26
wigglesi already ran, dpkg-reconfigure -phigh linux-restricted-modules-`uname -r`   will this conflict with fglrx ?06:29
=== blizzzek is now known as blizzz
wigglesif so, how do i undo that ?06:30
DaSkreechwiggles: no shouldn't06:31
lucas_hi. is there an equivalent for emerge --depclean in (k)ubuntu ?06:32
ForgeAusdepclean? whats that do?06:32
lucas_gntoo command to remove all the packages that weren't explicitly installed excluding these packages's dependencies06:33
ForgeAusok well then not as far as I know lucas, there may be but I'm not aware of it06:34
ForgeAusman apt-get should tell you if there is one06:34
lucas_ok thanks06:34
DaSkreechlucas_: try autoclean06:35
ForgeAusuh, man -k apt-get I forgot the exact command... I think you can use the konquerer browsers kio-slave for reading man pages, a little easier typing man:apt-get in the browser lol06:35
lucas_i will ty06:35
wiggleswhen running 32bit kubuntu on a 64bit machine, i of course still follow 32bit instructions. correct ?06:37
macolucas_: you can use deborphan to find dependency packages that no longer have a use06:37
macolucas_: if you always install using aptitude, aptitude remove will always remove these packages06:37
macolucas_: and apt-get nowadays will prompt you to "apt-get autoremove" such packages06:38
macoapt-get autoclean is *not* for this. it simply empties the contents of /var/cache/apt/archives06:38
DaSkreechwiggles: Yes06:38
DaSkreechoh Thought that was what wasasked for. I'm really suppoesd to be sleeping06:39
lucas_macro: what about a program that was pulled by another package (not a library dependency) ? will this remove it?06:40
* wiggles reboots06:41
* lucas_ is getting disk space paranoid06:41
macolucas_: yes, anything that was automatically installed (meaning as a dependency) as opposed to manually installed (what you put after "apt-get install")06:45
silver_swordsi've been trying to connect to channel #synce, but #kubuntu is the only one that i get. any help please.06:45
macosilver_swords: what irc client?06:46
lucas_maco: cool. do you know if there is an editable list of those manually installed packages?06:46
macojust run "sudo aptitude"06:46
macosilver_swords: no, what client? quassel? xchat?06:46
macolucas_: you can toggle manual/automatic install purpose inside that TUI06:46
silver_swordsaah, konversation.06:47
macosilver_swords: ok ive never used that, but there should be something in the menu to join, or maybe you can type "/join #synce"?06:47
silver_swordstype here?06:48
piromaniacboyhola gente06:48
silver_swordsok ok.. i got it.. silly me.   =06:48
silver_swordsthnx and bye.06:49
lucas_n00b :p06:49
piromaniacboyall of you speak english?06:49
lucas_i speak spanish06:49
piromaniacboyhola lucas06:49
piromaniacboyestoy probando linux en mi laptop06:50
chronicdoes any of you know of the name of the WDM that can do stuff like compiz but without 3d acceleration???06:50
piromaniacboyno, i don't know =/06:51
chronici think some Polish guys code it06:51
piromaniacboyi can't install compiz because i'm updating my system06:54
DaSkreechchronic: like what?06:56
chronicDaSkreech, what u mean?06:56
DaSkreechyou saidit can do things like compiz. Things like what?06:56
macochronic: kwi can do it06:57
macochronic: kwin06:57
XPS_M1330can we install openoffice 3 on intrepid?06:57
macoer oh06:57
macowait no 3d? O_o06:57
piromaniacboyyou can use compiz without 3d aceletaror06:58
macooh reading other channel06:58
macochronic doesnt want a window manager...06:58
chronicDaSkreech, special effects, i don't know exactly which, i'm sure not all of them06:58
macoer wait06:58
macoah so confused06:59
lucas_XPS_M1330: yes, you have to add a repo on your sources.list06:59
maconevermind. that was someone else saying wdm should be wm06:59
macochronic: kwin can do the effects, but i thought it still needed 3d06:59
lucas_deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/openoffice-pkgs/ubuntu intrepid main06:59
piromaniacboyi have in my desktop computer compiz running only with the sis integrated07:00
=== pajosephs is now known as pajosephs_
chronicits a WDM, like gonome or KDE07:01
macoive never heard those called WDM. what does that stand for?  they're always DEs (Desktop Environments) when i hear them referenced07:03
DaSkreechpiromaniacboy: You mean Mettise ?07:03
DaSkreechchronic: you mean mettise ?07:03
macoDaSkreech: is that the one with the folding corners?07:04
piromaniacboymean = conocer?07:04
piromaniacboyno, mettise no07:04
chronicDaSkreech, let me check07:04
DaSkreechpiromaniacboy: sorry Wrong person07:04
DaSkreech!es | piromaniacboy07:04
ubottupiromaniacboy: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.07:04
macoer.... いめ...thats the only language into which i can translate "mean"07:05
DaSkreech!jp | maco07:05
ubottumaco: 日本語の場合は #ubuntu-jp または #kubuntu-jp を参照して下さい07:05
piromaniacboythe other efect, i don't remember the name07:05
macoDaSkreech: P07:05
piromaniacboyi use it in mandriva07:05
pajosephs_can not get 1366 x768 res on 40 inch sony lcd. with kubuntu 8.04, only 1440 x 90007:06
piromaniacboyand now i'm updating my sistem and i can't instal compiz07:06
chronicDaSkreech, no, not mettise07:06
piromaniacboywe are confused all xD07:07
chronicdoes anyone know of a list of all wdms that exist? like a wiki or something?07:07
macopajosephs_: is 1440 not the native resolution?07:07
macochronic: what is a WDM?07:07
macochronic: this is a mystery acronym07:07
DaSkreechWeapon of Dumb Mastication07:07
macoDaSkreech: i tried to /nick to a japanese nick but irssi's not happy07:08
DaSkreechWindow Desktop Manager07:08
piromaniacboythat can be one07:08
pajosephs_no, 1366 x768 is the native. got a black border at top and bottom07:08
macoum, so does that mean "DE + WM combo"?07:08
DaSkreechIt's just lazy Doesn't want to have to draw it every time you speak07:08
piromaniacboywindows wtf07:08
macook wtf agrees that WDM is an unknown acronym :P07:09
chronicdude, mAYBE IT'S UNKNOWN TO YOU07:09
maco(wtf is an executable in the bsdgames package. it defines acronyms)07:09
macochronic: so does it mean a combo of a DE and a WM?07:10
macoor...hmm Desktop Manager...thatd be like gdm or kdm07:10
chronicno, it's a combo of wdm07:10
macoi dont understand what it entails07:10
piromaniacboymay be is something like kwin, but kubuntu use kwin o.O07:11
macoso is it DE+DM+WM?07:11
macopiromaniacboy: that'd be a WM07:11
macowithout a D07:11
macoand chronic said something about full GNOME and KDE07:11
macobut those are DEs07:11
chronicmaco, first letter of each word put together, whats so hard to understand?07:11
macoand it says "desktop manager" in there, so thatd mean like kdm or gdm07:11
macochronic: they dont make sense together!07:11
macowhat on earth is a "window desktop"?07:12
macoand how does one manage one?07:12
piromaniacboychronic, you try to find it on google?07:12
chronicmaco, stop being childish07:13
macoapt-cache says "wdm" is the windowmaker version of gdm07:13
piromaniacboymay be in a forum is easier to understand07:13
macochronic: im not. ive never in the last 2.5 years heard anyone talk about what you're talking about.  i dont know how to parse it.07:13
chronicpiromaniacboy, don't know the name07:13
macoif you explain what you're talking about, maybe i can answer, but as it is you just keep repeating some acronym that doesnt mean anything to me07:13
chronicmaco, ok so u tell me what it is and what it is "properly" called07:14
ActionParsnipmaco: read this http://www.ghacks.net/2008/12/09/get-to-know-linux-desktop-environment-vs-window-manager/07:14
piromaniacboyi'm sorry, but is the first time that i use irc, what is the meaning of somethings for me in red font?07:15
ActionParsnipmaco: it explains what a desktop environment is (gnome, kde, xfce) and what a window decorator is (metacity, kwin)07:15
ActionParsnippiromaniacboy: depends on the client07:15
DaSkreechpiromaniacboy: Someone is using your name to talk to you07:15
DaSkreechIt makes it easier to see someone talking to you07:16
piromaniacboythanks =)07:16
macochronic: well you have to describe it first07:16
macoActionParsnip: i know what those are. i wrote articles on those before07:16
macoActionParsnip: i know what WM, window decorator, DM, and DE mean. i dont know what WDM means.07:16
chronicno, u think u know better and it's your time to describe it07:17
ActionParsnipwindow display manager, i think thats a graphical logon system07:17
SlartibartfastDescription: WINGs Display Manager07:17
ActionParsnippossibly, look into kdm, gdm and slim07:18
Slartibartfastlike xdm ..... or gdm07:18
DaSkreechActionParsnip: Taht does Compiz effects?07:18
macoActionParsnip: so regular display manager?07:18
macogdm and kdm are the only "DM" type thing i can come up with, and those are nothing like compiz07:19
ActionParsnipmaco: sounds right to me. i wouldnt worry about it dude. bigger fish to fry07:19
XPS_M1330speaking of window decorator...07:19
macoActionParsnip: here's my WM v. Window Decorator explanation. http://ubuntulinuxtipstricks.blogspot.com/2008/12/compiz-emerald-metacity-what.html07:19
ActionParsnipmaco: compiz is a window manager, which is why you can replace the current on with it, and to flip back you run metacity --replace07:19
macoActionParsnip: i know!07:20
XPS_M1330I installed XFCE to try it out. Then I came back to KDE, and now my OpenOffice is all ugly, seems like it uses XFCE's graphical renderer07:20
macoActionParsnip: but he's asking for a dm that replaces compiz and has compiz's effects07:20
XPS_M1330I removed XFCE but it didn't fix OpenOffice07:20
ActionParsnipkwin has some07:20
macoActionParsnip: does gdm with compiz effects make any sense to you at all?07:20
macoActionParsnip: i know!07:20
piromaniacboysomeone know how connect my laptop to wifi like in windows?07:20
ActionParsnipmaco: i dont know and *dm wit compiz effects07:20
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macoActionParsnip: thats why it makes no sense at all to me what is being asked07:21
ActionParsnippiromaniacboy: usb or pci wifi?07:21
ActionParsnipmaco: it doesnt really, the dm is just giving a loon, if someone made one itd be ridiculous07:21
macoActionParsnip: asking for WM with compiz effects makes sense. asking for a dm with compiz effects does not. that's why there must be some other meaning for wdm, but he want explain what he's looking for and says "no no, not a wm" so what's that leave?07:21
maco"makes no sense"07:22
macoActionParsnip: that's what im saying07:22
ActionParsnipi gotcha07:22
macowe're completely talking past each other07:22
ActionParsnippiromaniacboy: then run lspci and it will identify the chip07:22
ActionParsnippiromaniacboy: you can then websearch, atheros is usually pretty supported07:23
piromaniacboyyes, is supported07:23
macoActionParsnip: oooh yeah...i forgot about the comments that blog post got on digg. "blah blah blah i dont like the writing style of any girls blah blah blah"07:24
piromaniacboyi dont know how connect07:24
ActionParsnippiromaniacboy: then install the package or driver and you are golden, you can use network manager toconnect to wifi hotspots, if you se wpa ou will need the wpa supplicant and configure it07:24
macoActionParsnip: is plasmoid-network-manager in intrepid or only jaunty/intepid-backports?07:25
ActionParsnippiromaniacboy: if you run: sudo iwlist scan07:25
ActionParsnippiromaniacboy: and it finds APs your job is a doddlt07:25
ActionParsnipmaco: i dont use kwin so i wouldnt know07:25
piromaniacboythe driver is installed, but i dont know use konsole07:26
macoActionParsnip: er....thats naught to do with kwin...07:26
piromaniacboyi'm new in linux07:26
ubottuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal07:26
ActionParsnipmaco: plasmoids run in kwin07:26
ActionParsnipmaco: i dont use kwin. i use fluxbox07:26
macoActionParsnip: so you dont have a panel?07:26
ActionParsnipmaco: so i have no idea07:26
macowait, fluxbox inside KDE?07:26
macoor fluxbox alone?07:27
ActionParsnipmaco: fluxbox but  have qt libs installed for amarok and ktorrent07:27
DaSkreechpiromaniacboy: Welcome to Kubuntu and Linux07:27
wartalkerssh in kconsole, chinese display is error, help07:27
piromaniacboythanks =P07:27
macoah ok. i dont think kwin is needed, just the plasma process.07:27
ActionParsnipmaco: i dont have plasma07:28
macowartalker: LC_ALL=C ssh .... maybe?07:28
macoActionParsnip: oh07:28
ActionParsnipmaco: i have fluxbox + some kde stuffs07:28
* maco looks at the kde channel, at the fluxbox user, and back to kde07:28
wartalkermaco: change in .bashrc?07:28
macowartalker: you can just type "LC_ALL ssh user@server" and itll spit errors in english07:29
ActionParsnipmaco: i like kde apps but hate the clutter07:29
SandGorgonActionParsnip: I agree..07:29
macoActionParsnip: see i like gnome apps but think kde is pretty07:29
ActionParsnipmaco: and i can easily install kde apps as the deps will be pulled in07:29
piromaniacboyis hard to me undestand, i'm a new student of english xD07:29
DaSkreechmaco: be nice07:29
ActionParsnipkwin is horrid, all that rubbish getting in the way07:29
macoin the way?07:29
p_quarlesActionParsnip: plasmoids run in plasma, not kwin; they are separate things07:30
ActionParsnipmaco: and stupid effects etc etc07:30
macop_quarles: thanks. thats what i thought.07:30
macoActionParsnip: which you can turn off07:30
noaXessgood morning07:30
SandGorgonActionParsnip: kwin is just a compositing desktop... as i understand it, everything else are plugins.07:30
piromaniacboygood morning07:30
macoSandGorgon: its just the window manager07:30
DaSkreechSandGorgon: no the compoisiting is plugins as well07:30
macofluxbox doesnt have any special pull IMO.  now...xmonad is nice for tiling07:30
SandGorgonmaco: true07:30
ActionParsnipmaco: then why not run something thats lighter if im not using the prettys07:30
piromaniacboygood bye =)07:31
DaSkreechmaco: Stop giving him a hard time07:31
noaXessdoesn anybody know, why i cant print in landscape format from firefox?07:31
DaSkreechbye piromaniacboy07:31
ActionParsnipmaco: i find fluxbox has awesome keyboard shortcut capabilities07:31
SandGorgonthe configuration of desktop-effects plugins is usability hell07:31
macoActionParsnip: i never did figure out how to set those up...07:31
DaSkreechSandGorgon: It has a filter07:31
noaXessi can't change it anywhere, no landcape, orientation option07:31
macoActionParsnip: i used to use fluxbox but i used fbrun all the time because i couldnt figure out keyboard shortcuts07:31
ActionParsnipmaco: look in ~/.fluxbox/keys07:32
macoActionParsnip: what is Mod1?07:32
p_quarlesnoaXess: File > Page Setup?07:32
SandGorgonDaSkreech: no no.. what i meant is take one plugin - say the plugin for the desktop cube - and give it to your grandmother to switch it on, configure keybindings...07:32
ActionParsnipmaco: left alt07:32
noaXessp_quarles: no option07:33
macoActionParsnip: same as xmonad's default then. any way to remap it to super, like in xmonad?07:33
ActionParsnipmaco: e.g.   Mod1 F1 :exec firefox07:33
DaSkreechWhy would your grandmother be setting up her own keybindings?07:33
ActionParsnipmaco: would set Alt+F1 to run firefox07:33
macoi cant imagine my grandmother touching a computer, let alone configuring one07:33
DaSkreechand in anycase it uses the same KDe shortcut keys as any other KDE app If you can set up Ctrl+S in kate you can setup a Kwin plugin07:34
macoi mean, she's smart not to touch her son's computer because....ewwww....lysol that thing first07:34
noaXessis there any site to paste screenshots?07:34
DaSkreechYour dad still eats the keyboard? :)07:34
AzzcoIs there any way to disable the change of colours on gtk apps? I've got a dark colour scheme, and when I start gtk apps I can hardly read anything..07:34
ActionParsnipmaco: my grandad disconnects ALL external cables if his stuff doesnt work, its genius07:34
DaSkreechnoaXess: Use the pastebin plasmoid it will do it automatically for you07:35
macoDaSkreech: my uncle fills his compuer with all sorts of nasty things that make me wonder what's on the kbd07:35
AzzconoaXess: imagebin.ca07:35
SandGorgonDaSkreech: come on... u know what i'm getting it.. the plugins configuration is not very usable for .. say.. a first time user of kde07:35
p_quarlesAzzco: I think there's a problem with KDE force-overwriting your gtk settings07:35
macoActionParsnip: it actually makes sense. fi you cant figure out how to get back to TV from Nintendo, just unplug the Nintendo from the TV07:35
p_quarlesAzzco: I solved it by chmodding the .gtkrc file so that it couldn't write to it07:35
DaSkreechSandGorgon: Which is why the defaults are sensible07:35
ActionParsnipmaco: but my dad always has to go down and plugs it together and it all works so the cales are fine.07:36
Azzcop_quarles. yeah I can't find any option to disable it. I even went as far as installing gnome just top configure a application..07:36
ActionParsnipmaco: my grandad is a bitmental07:36
p_quarlesAzzco: or rather, I think it creates it's own file that overrides .gtkrc; that's what I chmodded07:36
ActionParsnipmaco: its quite funny07:36
noaXesshere is my firefox print "page setup" http://imagebin.ca/view/xafgM4.html07:36
Azzcothanks p_quarles I'll look into it.07:36
p_quarlesAzzco: to change the theme, all you need is gtk-chtheme; but that won't stop kde from overriding your settings07:36
SandGorgonDaSkreech: that is a position that every developer will take - remember the pidgin default window size issue? giving more power to the user is what KDE is about.. as opposed to gnome07:37
DaSkreechSandGorgon: But expecting the first time user of any new desktop paradigm to "get it" the first time they are using it is ridiculous07:37
SandGorgonDaSkreech: no it is not.. check out mac07:37
p_quarlesAzzco: the file is ~/.gtkrc-2.0-kde407:37
noaXessany idea, why i can't print in landscape format?07:37
DaSkreechIf I take someone and drop them in front of a mac and tell them to find me the proxy  for the web browser they will be lost07:37
macoSandGorgon: right. kde gives more power. which is why i can put groups in pidgin in whatever order i want while kopete forces them to be alphabetically ordered.07:37
p_quarlesAzzco: I did sudo chmod 400 .gtkrc-2.0-kde4 && sudo chown root:root .gtkrc-2.0-kde407:38
p_quarlesAzzco: kind of a hack, but it works07:38
macoDaSkreech: im not a first time to mac, but id be lost too07:38
ActionParsnipmaco: i order them by account07:38
macoActionParsnip: youve found a way to reorganize?07:38
SandGorgonmaco: great usage of one app does not equate unusability in another - I think KDE is great : usability definitely needs polish07:38
ActionParsnipmaco: buddies -> sort07:39
DaSkreechSandGorgon: Point still remains that you are talking about app usage for someone new to a desktop paradigm07:39
DaSkreechIn anycase It's not hard to learn or figure out07:39
DaSkreechand lucky in the case of kwin fluff they can't break anything beyond a driver lockup07:40
DaSkreechSandGorgon: Glad to see the interest though :)07:40
DaSkreech#kde-usabilty is a neat place to hang out07:40
Azzcop_quarles, when is that file change? I tried changing to a bright colour scheme but no change to the gtk app colour yet.07:40
macoActionParsnip: i dont see a buddies menu in kopete07:40
DaSkreechOk have to wake up in two hours07:41
DaSkreech 4 hours07:41
ActionParsnipmaco:  i use pidgin07:41
p_quarlesAzzco: no, getting ahead of yourself07:42
SandGorgonDaSkreech: yes.. and I stand by it.. there are numerous examples - for e.g. look at this bug (KDE bug 182269). lower the threshold for configurability - it is easy to do that07:42
macoActionParsnip: oh. ok. i thoguht you were saying it was possible to make kopete do what i want instead of what it wants.07:42
DaSkreechSandGorgon: jump in and help SVN accounts aren't hard to get07:42
p_quarlesAzzco: the file I'm talking about is how kde overrides the settings in .gtkrc-2.007:42
ActionParsnipmaco: i dont use it so i cant advise really07:42
p_quarlesyou can change .gtkrc-2.0 manually or with gtk-chtheme, but first you need to disable kde from overriding your settings07:43
p_quarlesif you delete that file, kde (for some reason) will create it again07:43
AzzcoAhh sorry. thought it wouldn't change the file just make gtk apps look on the kde override.07:43
Azzcop_quarles, sorry if I'm a bother. I'm just not used to working with gtk apps at all. and this is probably the first time in several months that I've launched a gtk app.07:45
noaXesshave found a anser on my firefox print landscape function.. but not a really solution.. https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/12569107:46
p_quarlesAzzco: no bother, I'm just telling you my solution; disable the file that kde uses to override gtk settings, and then you'll be able to use other applications to change those settings as normal07:50
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D4ywalk3rguten tag07:50
Azzcop_quarles, it seems that the application I'm trying to use is not a gtk-2.0 application (teamspeak), probably a gtk-1.2 or something and I can't find any configurations for that. :S07:51
p_quarlesno, I  don't believe it is07:54
p_quarlesit doesn't have any gtk dependeencies, , at least07:54
Azzcop_quarles, well thanks for the help so far. gtk apps have a default bright colour scheme now. :)07:56
p_quarlesAzzco: yeah, just as I thought, teamspeak 2 for Linux just uses the X widgets for the UI; and yes, it's ugly as sin07:57
p_quarlesAzzco: the place to change colors and so on would be in .Xdefaults, though I'm afraid I can't be much help with that07:58
Azzcop_quarles, at least I know where to look now. :D great thanks for the help07:59
ExilantHi, I'm trying to write a python plasmoid in jaunty(kde 4.2), however, with the examples from the kde tech-base i always get errors, namely the "from PyKDE4 import plasmascript" fails. (python-plasma is installed), any ideas?08:01
MamarokExilant: I'd ask that in #kubuntu-devel as it goes beyond user support08:02
ExilantMamarok: ok, will do08:02
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duffydhi, my new 8.10 kubuntu install never brings up the logon prompt08:19
duffydI get the wallpaper but that's it08:19
duffydmy graphics card is a mobility radeon hd 340008:19
duffydI've installed the latest driver from the ati site08:19
duffydbut still nothing08:19
duffydXorg.log and syslog don't reveal too much08:20
duffydjust some messages re. glx that possibly are related08:20
duffydanyone got any tips?08:20
duffydI'm getting fairly desperate here :(08:21
ActionParsnipduffyd: if you crate a new user in recovery root console does that user log in ok?08:22
Exilanti guess my problem earlier on is, too many pythons installed08:22
duffydActionParsnip: I'll try that thanks08:23
Exilantis that due to a weird update-path, or does any jaunty contain 2.5,2.6 and 3.0?08:23
ForgeAusjaunty is the codename of intrepids successor?...08:24
ForgeAus what is a jackalope?08:25
duffydActionParsnip: actually I just realised it doesn't even get to the logon prompt so can't do anything08:25
duffydActionParsnip: just sits on the wallpaper08:25
ForgeAuseek! a fictional rabbit?...08:26
CQhello, I have a kubuntu installation where teh KDE bar at the bottom isn't showing up any more...any ideas? Interpid, latest updates...08:26
ActionParsnipduffyd: is this a fresh install?08:26
ExilantForgeAus: in keeping with ubuntus tradition, a rather obscure animal08:27
ActionParsnipduffyd: via the web or via cd?08:27
ActionParsnipduffyd: ok, do you have autologin enabled?08:28
CQis there any way to get the window bar back?08:29
ActionParsnipCQ: do you mean at the bottom of the screen or the top of ap windows?08:29
ActionParsnipduffyd: strange08:29
CQActionParsnip: at teh bottom of the screen, with teh K symbol etc.08:29
CQwindow manager works fine08:29
duffydActionParsnip: yeah :(08:30
ActionParsnipCQ: press alt+f2 and type plasma and hit enter08:30
duffydActionParsnip: i think its related to my graphics card08:30
duffydActionParsnip: I've tried disabling the glx module but still no go08:30
ActionParsnipduffyd: does the login screen work ok if you run: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg  from recovery mode root console08:30
duffydActionParsnip: I did try that earlier and it didn't fix it but I'll try again08:31
CQActionParsnip: it's running... it's showing the desktop widget, just no bar at the bottom... no clue...08:31
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ActionParsnipCQ: if you run: killall plasma; mv ~/kde4/share/config/plasmarc ~/kde4/share/config/plasmarc_old; plasma &08:33
ActionParsnipCQ: you will get a fresh default config08:33
CQActionParsnip: ok08:33
ActionParsnipCQ: if you still get nothing you can rename back08:33
derekCan I just say that pfsense rocks? :)08:34
derekvery happy with this firewall.08:34
CQActionParsnip: I'm still on kde 3 ...08:35
CQtwo rc files here08:35
ActionParsnipCQ: ahh, kde 3 its called kicker08:36
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ForgeAusapparently Jaunty makes for a pretty good stable Alpha so I've been seeing from browsing the few entries I found about it...08:41
CQActionParsnip: ok, it's back...08:42
CQForgeAus: it's bumpy but usable, I've hat it on my laptop for a month08:43
duffydugh the laptop is crawling08:43
duffydseems to be something that sucks up all the memory after it boots08:43
ActionParsnipCQ: i'd reboot now, just to make sure it come back up after a cold boot08:43
* duffyd wishes i didn't upgrade to intrepid :(08:43
ActionParsnipduffyd: you fixed something that wasnt broken08:44
duffydActionParsnip: exactly08:44
duffydI'd held off on the upgrade for ages and thought I'd given it enough time08:44
duffydboy was I wrong08:44
duffyds'pose I've still got the downgrade option08:44
ActionParsnipjaunty is out soon. you could just hang tough a while and do a clean install08:44
ubottuAttempting to downgrade to an older Ubuntu version is explicitly not supported, and may break your system.08:45
duffydfunny thing is, according to this vaioubuntu.wordpress.com, it should work08:45
duffydI've got exactly the same modeled laptop08:45
ActionParsnipduffyd: well after youo boot, run top08:46
duffydseems to be the kdm-greeter08:47
ActionParsnipduffyd: you will need to resetup video drivers as you now have a new kernel08:47
duffydjust sits there around 100%08:47
ActionParsnipkill it dead08:47
duffydActionParsnip: really but don't I need it?08:47
wartalkerknetworkmanager not dock in tray, just like a normal widget, why08:47
ActionParsnipduffyd: you arent uninstalling it, just making it not run right now08:47
duffydisn't that what controls logging on?08:48
duffydor at least presents the dialog08:48
ActionParsnipduffyd: the worst that will happen is you need to reboot08:48
duffydcan't be any worse than the crud I've got currently08:48
duffydI thought using the ati supplied driver would help things08:49
duffydas its the latest driver08:49
ActionParsnipyou may need to reinstall for the new kernel08:50
duffydI have08:51
duffydin fact I only installed for this kernel08:51
duffydwow now I'm getting some funky graphics08:51
duffydall distorted08:51
duffydthat's new08:51
duffydreally messed up08:51
duffydthat was after I did the dpkg-reconfigure08:52
duffydlooks like it didn't like that08:52
macodpkg-reconfigure on...what?08:52
macothat doesnt do anything08:52
macojust configures the keyboard08:53
duffydwell it removes the driver doesn't it?08:53
duffydI mean i had a fglrx driver in there before08:53
macoi think feisty was the last release where it could configure your graphics08:53
duffydnow I don't08:53
duffydso its done something08:53
ActionParsnipduffyd: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg08:53
macoit usually says its going to backup your xorg.conf08:53
duffydyup that's what I did08:53
duffydit did08:53
duffydand I backed it up anyway08:53
duffydobviously ;)08:53
mavokasAlgum brasileiro?08:53
ActionParsnipduffyd: that will set xorg.cof to failsafe and backup your old file, the drier will still be on the system08:53
macoseriously, that hasnt edited xorg.conf since feisty. it backs it up and then exits without changing it.08:53
macoit used to let you pick drivers and stuff08:54
macois the xorg.conf really needed for graphics still?08:54
ActionParsnipduffyd: good man, seems backup is a rare thing here and folks come in moaning they were resizing a partition and lost their data08:54
ActionParsnipmaco: it can be used for all the original stuff08:54
duffydActionParsnip: well I'm a developer by trade so got into the habit08:54
ActionParsnipmaco: if yo populate it it willoverride hal08:54
macoActionParsnip: it *can* but it doesn't *need* to be does it?08:55
duffydwhich is what it has been used for08:55
macomine was blank...completely blank08:55
duffydgot a fglrx device defined in there08:55
ActionParsnipduffyd: tell that to nub user who lost his mp3s :D08:55
duffydwhich is what was setting the driver before08:55
ActionParsnipmaco: strange08:55
duffydActionParsnip: :)08:55
ActionParsnipduffyd: i just give them the recover factoid and say "no backup, then your data is disposable"08:55
macoActionParsnip: deleting the xorg.conf should have no effect whatsoever on your system if autodetect is working correctly. if its not working correctly...that sounds like a bug to me08:55
duffydok back to normal graphics now08:55
duffydafter copying back the xorg.conf08:56
ActionParsnipmaco: sounds like hal is handling the whole show08:56
macoActionParsnip: exactly08:56
duffydmaco: tell that to the ati driver installer08:56
ActionParsnipmaco: no bad thing08:56
macoduffyd: apparently ati is stupid then08:56
duffydmaco: which updated xorg.conf08:56
duffydmaco: maybe :)08:56
macowell then i think we've known that ati was stupid as regards linux for a few years08:56
maconvidia too08:56
duffydActionParsnip: killing kdm-greet08:57
ActionParsnipnvidia has always rocked imho08:57
duffydActionParsnip: just comes back08:57
duffydat 100%08:57
ActionParsnipduffyd: then maybe it needs reinstalling or there is a bug, have a web browse see hat you can dig up08:58
duffydI'll try. i did do some searching prior but didn't reveal anything08:58
duffydmaybe search was too specific08:59
* duffyd goes to google08:59
ActionParsnipduffyd: try: sudo kill -9 `pidof kdm-greet`08:59
duffydk, I was using -708:59
* ActionParsnip hands duffyd the bigest hammer08:59
duffydwill try that08:59
ActionParsnipif the command fails and my syntax suck get the pid of the process and do the rest09:00
ActionParsnipwhen i nod my head, you hit it09:00
duffydjust comes back09:01
duffydit likes punishment09:01
duffydlatest messages in /var/log/messages are related to fglrx09:03
duffyd'reserved FB block' or something09:03
ActionParsnipduffyd: try: sudo dpkg-reconfigure kdm09:03
ActionParsnipduffyd: then reboot09:03
duffydfortunately I've got 2 laptops so can stay in here between boots :)09:03
ActionParsnipis the process kdmgreet or kdm-greet?09:04
ActionParsnipor kdm_greet09:04
duffydlast message in kdm.log: fglrx(0): Unknown EDID version 009:07
duffydin Xorg.0.log: AIGLX; Suspending AIGLX clients for VT switch09:07
X9nLinuxLHow do I get Kmail to show up in the menu.  Installed hardy on a mac a couple days ago and kmail is now running... but won't show up in the menu09:08
X9nLinuxLcorrect me if I'm wrong, but it would seem it should show up in the 'Internet' list09:08
ActionParsnipX9nLinuxL: do you mean the k menu (like windows start menu)09:09
CQ_if I want to make regular database backups (daily, every secord day, or so) I woudl probably use anacron, where shoudl those backups be stored? The anacron runs as root, should I make a /var/backup dir or something liek that, or where shoudl it go inthe FS logic?09:09
ActionParsnipX9nLinuxL: launch kmenuedit and add it wherever you like09:09
ActionParsnip!backup | CQ_09:10
ubottuCQ_: There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning09:10
X9nLinuxLActionParsnip: Ok, will give that a try. (Heathen / rookie here on most of this stuff)09:10
ActionParsnipCQ_: backing up to a different physical disk to the one the databases are on is preferable09:10
ActionParsnipX9nLinuxL: np man, you'll get there09:10
CQ_ActionParsnip: this is not a HOW question, it's a WHERE question... I will back it up to teh same disk, which is then mirrored externally.09:11
ActionParsnipCQ_: then do it wherever you choose09:12
CQ_i.e. do you dump it into a user die and chown it, do you dump it in /usr/local/backup, or in say /var/backup... whis is why I asked about the Fielsystem logic09:12
CQ_user dir09:12
ActionParsnipCQ_: as long as it sings with your mirroring process it doesnt matter, just wherever you have space09:13
duffydI give09:15
duffydActionParsnip: thanks gotta hit the hay09:15
X9nLinuxLActionParsnip: Are you ready for this: The info shows that kmenuedit has been installed, but it doesn't show up either.  I'm not up to speed on using the console to do this stuff either.09:17
ActionParsnipX9nLinuxL: launch kmenuedit from alt+f209:17
ActionParsnipX9nLinuxL: you can then organise your kmenu as you like09:18
ActionParsnipX9nLinuxL: you can also add an entry for kmail09:18
X9nLinuxLActionParsnip: The different stuff shows commands to be entered.  How is that supposed to be done?09:23
ForgeAusstill 200 packages left!09:23
ForgeAusbefore the big u/g... lets hope theres enough space on the drive to install it all!... lol09:23
ForgeAus(its actually supposed to end out less data afterwards according to adept!...09:24
ActionParsnipX9nLinuxL: add a new entry where you wish then fill in the fields, the important on is the command which will no doubt be /usr/bin/kmail09:24
ActionParsnipX9nLinuxL: the rest can say whatever you like09:26
X9nLinuxLActionParsnip: ok I'm stupid in front of god and everybody... didn't realize the icons could be clicked for all kinds of info09:27
X9nLinuxL* tucking tail between legs and going off to hide a few minutes09:28
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ActionParsnipX9nLinuxL: every day is a school day09:31
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X9nLinuxLActionParsnip    Is kmenuedit considered more a utility?  (As opposed to perhaps a system software)09:40
amine27Hello, can I install Qt 4.5 on intrepid ?09:42
mathieu_bonjour, j'ai un souci avec keep voici le message d'erreur: http://pastebin.com/m494fa07909:43
X9nLinuxLActionParsnip: Completed doing that now.  Thank you, that worked.09:44
ActionParsnipX9nLinuxL: np man09:44
ActionParsnipX9nLinuxL: its a program for editig your own k menu, read that as you will09:45
ActionParsnip!fr | mathieu_09:45
ubottumathieu_: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr09:45
X9nLinuxLActionParsnip: Ok thanks.  I guess that part isn't really rocket science  :P09:45
mathieu_ActionParsnip: il n'y a pas de canal kubuntu en français !09:45
ActionParsnipmathieu_: /j #ubuntu-fr09:46
mathieu_KUBUNTU !09:46
ActionParsnipmathieu_: kubuntu = ubuntu + kde09:46
ForgeAusyay only 40 or so packages to go!09:47
ForgeAusactually Kubuntu = Ubuntu - gnome + kde09:47
Andry_WorkZKubuntu 8.04.2 released! --> wtf?09:47
ActionParsnipForgeAus: what are you installing?09:47
ForgeAus(unless you mean ubuntu minimal)09:47
ForgeAusAP, Intrepid diskt-upgrade09:47
ForgeAusgrr dist... no k09:47
amine27can any one tell how to install Qt 4.5 on intrepid ?09:48
Tm_Tamine27: no user friendly way yet, wait for announcements in www.kubuntu.org09:49
hw_How/Where can I increase the mouse wheel speed?09:49
ForgeAusuh amine you may need to add a repostiory like backports, either that or it may not be available for intrepid...09:49
ActionParsnipamine27: isnt qt 4.3 /4.4 not working for you?09:50
amine27thank you Tm_T09:50
amine27no it work fine, just i like to upgrade09:50
ActionParsnipamine27: you are fixing something thats not broken09:51
Tm_TActionParsnip: untrue09:51
ForgeAusAP I think you misunderstood he's not fixing anything, he just wants to stay, "on the ball" so to speak09:51
ForgeAusyou know keeping up with the Jonses?09:51
Tm_TActionParsnip: Qt 4.5 has much of improvements, especially with network(webkit) and performance (atleast here)09:52
ActionParsnipTm_T: if what is installed works, why install something thats even slightly potentially not going to work?09:52
harolddongyeah I really want the webkit improvements09:52
harolddongalso its supposed to be gobs faster09:52
amine27is there prorblems with plasma on qt4.5 ?09:53
ActionParsnipits fun to install stuff like that but installing it just because its newer i find a bad mindset09:53
ForgeAusamine I'm not sure plasma is all that stable pre qt4.5 lol!09:54
Tm_TActionParsnip: there's should be no any reason why it shouldn't work09:56
ActionParsnipTm_T: is it released now?09:56
amine27but see that http://vizzzion.org/?blogentry=90609:56
Tm_TActionParsnip: is09:56
Tm_Tamine27: not with development version of plasma09:56
ActionParsnipTm_T: i dont use plasma :)09:57
Tm_TActionParsnip: doesn't mean you wouldn't benefit using Qt 4.5 though09:57
ActionParsniptru as i use kde apps09:57
ActionParsnipTm_T: is there a repo you know of or a bunch of debs i can pull down??09:59
Tm_TActionParsnip: not that I know, I build all that jazz myself here10:00
ActionParsnipmakes sense10:00
Tm_TActionParsnip: and I kinda doubt there will be one in Intrepid soon anyway10:00
ActionParsnipwell jaunty is looming10:00
ubottuJaunty Jackalope is the code for Ubuntu 9.04, due April 2009 - Lots of breakage between now and April - Please join #ubuntu+1 for discussion and support.10:01
ActionParsnipnext month,  i'll hang10:01
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about mousewheel10:01
ActionParsnipi've pubs and gigs to go to :)10:01
ForgeAuswhile its alpha don't bother...10:01
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about wheelmouse10:01
ubottuEnabling extra mouse buttons: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ManyButtonsMouseHowto  - Enabling serial mouse: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SerialMouseHowto10:02
ActionParsnip!find mouse10:02
ubottuFound: mouseemu, mousetweaks, xserver-xorg-input-mouse, hama-slide-mouse-control, mousepad (and 3 others)10:02
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Tm_TActionParsnip: Qt4.5 && webkit == 100 % ACID310:07
amine27note that q4.5 is available for jaunty10:08
ActionParsnip!info webkit10:08
ubottuPackage webkit does not exist in intrepid10:08
ActionParsnip!info webkit10:08
ubottuPackage webkit does not exist in intrepid10:08
amine27no it exist10:08
ActionParsnipamine27: i'll wait till a month after release for it then10:08
ActionParsnipi'm in no hurry10:09
ForgeAusAP apparently some ppl are tho10:09
amine27the problem that I develot with it :)10:09
ActionParsnipForgeAus: indeed, thats their call10:09
ForgeAusis firefox QT-friendly yet?10:09
ForgeAus(I heard there was a QT-firefox project...10:09
ActionParsnipis firefox not bundled with all that gnome rubbish yet?10:10
ForgeAusI don't know, firefox probably assumes gnome... I gather10:10
ActionParsnipyeah it does ant it pulls in a whole tonne of guff10:10
ActionParsniphugely annoying10:11
ForgeAusGentoo pplz have for a long time bound Firefox to QT instead of GTK10:11
ForgeAusits harder to do with a binary dist like ubuntu...10:11
ActionParsnipnot used ffox on gentoo, ive always used gentoo if the system is to be headless10:12
ForgeAusyou need to either separate stuff into smaller packages, and theres little OR dependancies being used... or you plonk both gnome and KDE support in the same (or base) package so ppl have bloat they don't need10:12
Tm_TActionParsnip: webkit is web rendering engine based on Khtml and used in Apple, Nokia and so on products10:12
Apple_Cat Hi, has has there been an update to add hiding in the taskbar ?10:12
Tm_TApple_Cat: what KDE version you're at?10:13
ActionParsnipTm_T: well whatever i got now is nice. shows pages and everything10:13
Apple_Cat4.01 I think10:13
ActionParsnipTm_T: no idea what it is like10:13
ForgeAusactually Apple worked alot on webkit along with konqui devels, etc... but looks like Apple are calling their engine something else nowerdays (turbo or sometihng?.. I forgot)10:13
ForgeAusNitro.. maybe thats it, sounds more likely from memory... I wonder what its relationship with webkit is tho...10:13
Tm_TApple_Cat: in Hardy?10:14
Apple_Catno, 8.1010:14
ForgeAusheeh intrepid is goina remove all my *-kde4's and replace my kde3 with kde4... oh well10:15
ForgeAusbye bye kde3 :(10:15
Apple_CatI'm about to reinstall and I'm not sure if I want to keep 8.1010:16
ForgeAusI knew it would happen...10:16
Apple_CatI think I'll stick with 8.04, I'm still peeved that I thought upgrading would fix all my non existing problems10:17
Tm_TApple_Cat: hmm, see http://www.kubuntu.org/10:18
Apple_CatI was just looking through there, but couldn't find anything on hiding options for the taskbar10:19
Tm_TApple_Cat: well, it's in newer KDE releases anyway10:20
mniHi all10:26
mnijust mail to all and say thanks for making KUBUNTU great10:26
ForgeAusmni heres hoping it gets Greater :)10:26
mniWe have received 500 KUBUNTU CDS from kubuntu10:26
mnito distribute during or FOSS conference in Nigeria10:27
mnifrom 6th - 9th march 0910:27
ActionParsnipmni: you could burn some copies too to make more10:27
mniyes we have done so10:28
ActionParsnipgood :)10:28
TakahaniHi all, for somewhat reason, kopete notification keep buggin me with the same message "Notification from messager Kopete" "Régis says "balabalab" how can I flush this  notification qeuue message ?  On Kubuntu 8.10, kde 4.2 package, kopete 0.70 and the account is on msn10:33
ActionParsnipTakahani: have you tried closing kopete completely down then rerunning it10:34
TakahaniActionParsnip: trying right now, but the message is still here10:37
TakahaniActionParnsip: usually i reboot ...10:37
TakahaniActionParnsip: which is kind of stupid10:37
ActionParsnipTakahani: http://mail.kde.org/pipermail/kopete-bugs/2009-February/004293.html10:38
TakahaniActionParsnip: Thxs10:38
TakahaniAgree with the guy :D10:39
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Guest93236how can I deactivate the fullscreen on dolphin?? I can see any shortcut o menu to do that10:42
Guest93236* I cann't see10:43
Exilanttry f1110:44
Guest93236doesn't work10:45
Apple_CatAnd if that doesn't work, Alt+F3 will bring up a menu where you can close it, move it or resize it10:45
Guest93236that the bigest problem.. I cann't move it, or resize it or anything because is in fullscreen mode10:46
Apple_CatYou could try to just close it and then open another -- Alt + F410:47
Apple_Catmake sure it's selected though10:47
Guest93236I try that already.... but the program start full screen automatically..10:48
Guest93236I hate this problems in linux10:48
Guest93236also, in the help, is any indication how to activate or deactivate this full screen mode10:49
Apple_CatOk, press Alt+F3 on this window, then click on the configure window behaviour button10:49
Apple_CatGo to the Window-Specific Tab10:50
Apple_CatAnd deleate the settings for Dolphin10:50
Apple_CatOr alternatively modify them if you think you know what to look for10:51
Guest93236I got it.. right click upon the program in the task manager, advances and there is "Fullscreen mode"10:52
Guest93236any way thanks  Apple_Cat10:53
Apple_CatNo problem, sorry I couldn't be of more use ^___^10:54
Apple_CatAlt+F3 will bring that same menu up10:54
ActionParsnipisnt F11 to toggle fullscreen?10:54
Exilantin konqui, yes10:55
Guest93236I know.. the problem is doesn't work when is in full screen.. if I press ALT-F3 upon other programas the menu shows up..10:55
Exilantin dolphin, it hides some panel10:55
Guest93236any way.. every day a bit more of linux :)10:56
ActionParsnipevry day is a school day10:56
Guest93236considering you attention right now.. any of you use pdflatex? with kile perphaps10:57
Guest93236specifically with inverse/forward search10:57
ActionParsnipno, sorry10:57
Guest93236right now I can only do that for latex/dvi but not for pdflatex/pdf10:58
ForgeAushmmm why's it d/ling nvidia-cg-toolkit when I don't have an nvidia card?10:59
Apple_CatNvidia hackers11:06
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StR|Sangrealpls i need an urgent attendance11:45
StR|Sangreali have been using gnome for a while11:45
StR|Sangrealon kubuntu intrepid11:45
StR|Sangrealnow when i start kde, plasma crashes11:45
StR|Sangrealwhat shall i do?11:46
jojotohola copmo11:46
jojotocomo me les va==+ç11:46
jojotobuenos dias11:46
StR|Sangrealbuenos dias11:47
jojotoarepa con mantequilla11:47
Elonetaru<< newbie11:47
StR|Sangreal!es | jojoto11:47
ubottujojoto: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.11:47
Elonetarureinstall plasma maybe?11:47
Tm_TStR|Sangreal: hmmm, what KDE version?11:47
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Tm_TStR|Sangreal: can you install related -dbg packages and save the trace?11:48
StR|Sangreali dont understand what you mean11:48
StR|Sangrealcould explain in detail11:48
StR|Sangreali have been using kde with no problems... then i installed gnome, no problems too11:49
StR|Sangrealthen have been using gnome for a while and now plasma reports crashes11:49
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StR|Sangrealand folder view doesnt display folder content11:49
Tm_TStR|Sangreal: please install these packages: kdebase-workspace-dbg kdebase-dbg kdelibs-dbg11:50
StR|Sangrealand maybe many other problems i dont see yet11:50
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Tm_TStR|Sangreal: then restart your KDE session and when crash happens, save and pastebin the results from crash dialog11:51
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StR|SangrealNasledovné balíky majú nesplnené závislosti:11:52
StR|Sangreal  kdebase-dbg: Závisí na: kdebase-runtime-dbg ale sa nebude inštalovať11:52
StR|Sangreal  kdebase-workspace-dbg:11:52
StR|Sangreal(= invalid dependancies)11:52
Tm_TStR|Sangreal: erm, can you pastebin your /etc/apt/sources.list file?11:53
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ForgeAushmmm different11:54
StR|Sangreali will reboot and pray to do well11:58
StR|Sangrealseems quite stable right now11:58
Tm_TStR|Sangreal: erm, can you pastebin your /etc/apt/sources.list file?11:59
Tm_TStR|Sangreal: please enable backports and disable kubuntu-experimental unless you're willing to suffer from incoming bugs.12:02
StR|Sangrealthanks for attendance, i ak ok now...12:07
Tm_T1402.17 < Tm_T> StR|Sangreal: please enable backports and disable kubuntu-experimental unless you're willing to suffer from incoming bugs.12:09
StR|Sangrealhmm what sort of backports?12:10
StR|Sangreali dont understand this term12:10
Tm_TStR|Sangreal: in your /etc/apt/sources.list file, there is line(s) containing "intrepid-backports"12:12
StR|Sangrealis there a frontend solution to this?12:12
Tm_TStR|Sangreal: is, see kubuntu.org announcements12:12
StR|Sangrealnvm i can edit in console as well12:13
StR|Sangrealso what shall i do with the line or what?12:13
Tm_TStR|Sangreal: you need to remove # from beginning of those lines and add # to kubuntu-experimental lines12:14
StR|Sangrealok i have uncommented that12:14
StR|Sangrealhow will it verse?12:14
StR|Sangrealhmm i mean what effect will it have?12:15
Tm_TStR|Sangreal: you will get updates for KDE 4.2 (and more)12:15
StR|Sangrealok, thanks :)12:16
gorgonzolahello, i can't configure samba shares with system settings. googling, i found this bugreport in launchpad (https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/samba/+bug/276715) that points to this other bug report in samba-bugs (https://bugzilla.samba.org/show_bug.cgi?id=5928), but i woudn't know how to implement the fix in my kubuntu box without messing with my upgrade path. any help would be appreciated...12:28
gorgonzolain other words: does anyone here have a working samba module in system settings under intrepid?12:28
gorgonzolaand if so, how did you do it?12:28
s007someone speak french?!12:44
s007hi everybody12:44
ubottuCe canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr12:45
s007thk u12:45
ubottuCe canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr12:46
vbgunzis there a way, to *freeze* what I am doing, reboot into a dual boot installation, do some work, return and *unfreeze* short of sessions? as if I suspended it?13:09
vbgunzunfortunately I cannot suspend to disk :(13:09
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afeijoanyone can help me to create a shell file?13:30
afeijoI need to set a loop to create N new folders13:32
Piciafeijo: The folks in #bash can probably help better than we can :)13:32
afeijothanks pici !13:32
vishesh_How do I configure Kate so that there is only one instance ... For Example : If I open a file A.cpp it opens and then if I open B.cpp it gets added to the list of open files and new Kate Window is not created.13:40
afeijoI have a folder with 400 subfolders all numerated (1,2,3,...) how can I find the last one?13:46
anouarsalut a tous13:48
anouarsvp je veux un logiciel pour convertir les videos vers MP413:49
ubottuCe canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr13:51
BluesKajanouar, ffmpeg13:52
XPS_M1330how can I make openoffice use qt4 instead of gtk ?13:54
anouar_hey everybody13:56
siegieXPS_M1330: you can only make it use qt3, gtk, or openoffice default13:56
anouar_please i need a program to convert videos to MP413:57
XPS_M1330siegie: how can I change that?13:57
canenhello. i have a strage issue. when ever i restart kubunt X crash13:57
siegiefor integration in kde4, I use gtk with a oxygen like gtk theme13:57
canenthe logs don't provide any useful information13:57
siegieXPS_M1330:  install openoffice.org-kde13:58
XPS_M1330it's already installed...13:58
caneni am using an ATI card. anyone familiar with this issue?13:58
siegieXPS_M1330: remove the gtk package13:58
siegieXPS_M1330: openoffice.org-gtk13:58
BluesKajsiegie, XPS_M1330, what about open-office.org-kde ?13:59
XPS_M1330right! I should have thought of that13:59
anouar_please somebody help me13:59
anouar_please i need a program to convert videos to MP413:59
* BluesKaj was searching , hence the duplication :)13:59
siegieBluesKaj: ?13:59
XPS_M1330anouar_: there's gotta be an mencoder frontend...14:00
BluesKajanouar_, try ffmpeg14:00
anouar_ok thanks14:00
canenanouar_: have u looked at handbrake?14:01
siegieXPS_M1330: command line is always beter :)14:01
anouar_ok i appreciate14:01
XPS_M1330can't adept tell how much size all the changes will use...14:01
canenanyone on that X11 error?14:02
BluesKajcanen, I could never get handbrake to launch ...weanted to try it but it's always broken on my setup ...dunno why14:02
vishesh_How do I configure Kate so that there is only one instance ... For Example : If I open a file A.cpp it opens and then if I open B.cpp it gets added to the list of open files and new Kate Window is not created. Is there any way I can do this ?14:02
canennever used it myself. just know of it14:02
canenvishesh_: i think you can call kate with kate -s and it will use the existing session14:03
chris-rc1i get the following message when i start kaffeine: "xine_part.desktop not found in search path"14:04
canenvishesh_: make that kate -s14:04
canen*kate -u14:04
chris-rc1can anybody tell where/how to set the search path??14:04
canenvishesh_: there is a way to make kate -u the defualt but i don't remember how at the moment14:05
COm_BOYany body working on SNAF exam of CCSP14:05
vishesh_canem : -s doesn't work but -u works perfectly ... Thanks ... I'll find a way to make it the default.14:08
canenvishesh_: no problem14:08
Elonevishesh_: tell me if you find that ~ i would like to set that too ^^14:09
canentry using kmenuedit and changing the command for kate to kate -u %U14:11
chris1234sb using kaffeine??14:16
Elonecanen:  wow that will be many extensions to edit for Kate.... and easiler way14:24
canenElone: what?14:24
canenit's just one14:24
canenusing kmenuedit sets the default command that is called14:25
canendo you mean setting it per filetype?14:25
chris1234nobody using kaffeine?14:25
Elonenvm ^^14:26
Elonei work except there is always an error box popped then the file opened14:27
Exilantchris1234: just ask your question14:27
EloneKDEInit could not launch '/usr/bin/kate'14:28
canenElone: yeah, i noticed that14:28
canenthe file still opens though14:28
canenmaybe need to file a bug report14:28
chris1234kaffeine cannot find 'xine_part.desktop' since the last update. does anybody know why this is or how the set the path?14:28
vishesh_Elone, canen : I found a way, but it's not perfect. Right click on the file and choose properties ... then click on the edit file type button. There select kate and choose edit ... then under the application tab change the command from "kate " to "kate -u ". This method works but it gives an error everytime you open a file ... it say "Could not open /usr/dev/kate", but the file gets added to the already existing kate session.14:29
canenvishesh_: see backlog :)14:29
Elonevishesh_:  ^^14:29
vishesh_Whats a backlog ?14:29
canenchannel backlog, previous messages14:30
canenElone and I were just discussing the same thing14:30
canenbasically, use kmenuedit. it's easier. doesn't get rid of the error though14:31
vishesh_canen : I don't get what you mean. Backlog ? Channel ? ... Oh okie I'll try it out ...14:31
dangaiojust out of curiosity: Kubuntu 8.10 started with the 2.6.27 kernel, correct?14:33
JontheEchidnadangaio: That is correct14:35
Exilantchris1234: noe clue, it works here (8.04)14:35
kuaeraJontheEchidna: Did you notice that Qt 4.5.0 has been released on the Jaunty repos?14:35
JontheEchidnakuaera: Yeah, too bad it didn't fix the artifacts :(14:36
chris1234Exilant: do you know how to set the search path or the env variable?14:36
fernando_is on linux any translator software??14:36
dangaioOk, so how can I get the 2.6.24 kernel to work with it?  The rtl8187 drivers really don't work much in 2.6.27.  I can barely connect to my network with a link quality of < 20 while with 2.6.24 I connect with a link quality of 98.14:37
kuaeraAye... I should restart my KDE session at least once to know for sure, but I'm getting the same thing here.14:37
vbgunzI once found a good article about per4ceived responsiveness in ubuntu. anyone know what I am talking about?14:37
vbgunzI lost the link, am googling but cannot find it :/14:37
canenvishesh_: Elone: http://forum.kde.org/forcing-kate-open-all-files-same-instance-t-7039.html14:40
Exilantchris1234: no clue14:41
dangaiovbgunz was it an article of ideas to make ubuntu perform better?14:41
vbgunzdangaio: not really. it was geared more towards linux but spoke about perceived responsiveness. had I think 2 tweaks. good article. I think I may have found it14:42
dangaiothat is a good one also.14:42
vbgunzdangaio: I think this is it -> http://rudd-o.com/en/linux-and-free-software/tales-from-responsivenessland-why-linux-feels-slow-and-how-to-fix-that14:43
Elonecanen: same error that we have14:43
chris1234i use kde4 (intrepid) and there is no kbuildsycoca any more. can i get it back?14:50
Tm_Tchris1234: add letter "4" at the end of the command?14:51
chris1234Tm_T: that's for kde4, right? i need to set up kde314:52
Tm_Tchris1234: there is no KDE3 in Intrepid14:53
White_Pelicanunfortunately :D14:53
Tm_TWhite_Pelican: or fortunately, depends14:53
chris1234Tm_T: actually, there is in ppa. but i do use kde4, i just wanna use kaffeine. and somehow it gets the path wrong14:53
White_Pelicandepends on your opinion :)14:53
slerderHey guys, for some reason my mic does not work in ubuntu 8.10. Is there anyway i can see if there is an app that is using it or how i could maybe fix it. When i try to make voip calls or use the sound recorder, the computer detects no sound input. yes, it is properly plugged in. Thanks14:54
Tm_Tchris1234: then ask from the ppa author, it's not Kubuntu stuff14:54
chris1234Tm_T: well, it actually is the intrepid version of kaffeine, not the ppa version14:55
gundam_rx78nt1Is there a way for me to "down grade" the kernel for 8.10?14:55
Tm_Tchris1234: then the ksycoca call we have in intrepid works14:55
Tm_Tchris1234: or atleast should work14:56
Eloneslerder: try others captures in Kmixer?14:57
slerderelone, im sorry, what?14:58
vbgunzwhats the shortcut key to toggle *all* effects?14:58
Tm_Tvbgunz: for me it's Alt-Shift-F1214:59
chris1234Tm_T: has there been a change in the env variables?14:59
vbgunzTm_T: yeah, that works, where is it set?14:59
Eloneslerder: in Kmix ~ show all the channel and check different Capture box and see~14:59
TakahaniAnyone knows a workaround for the bug (http://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=182481) aka How to flush knotify message queue ?15:00
Tm_Tvbgunz: I don't remember and I don't have desktop running atm15:00
Tm_Tchris1234: no idea15:00
vbgunzTm_T: thats cool, that'll work :)15:00
vbgunzmy klwin is at 20% cpu usage, not sure if this is a good thing :/15:01
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Guest28677hi all... How would I start gdm on display :10? I'm trying export DISPLAY=:10; /etc/init.d/gdm start15:04
Guest28677that's not working15:04
vbgunzhmmm. turning off the shofps effect drop kwins cpu usage from 20% to nothing15:05
Tm_Tvbgunz: indeed, that's cpu intensive "effect" in some cases15:05
syi want to know if we can install cd ubuntu15:06
vbgunzchanging from vysnc enabled/direct rendering disabled to vice-versa (same speed gains), xorg dropped from 15% to nothing15:06
vbgunzI also enabled "texture from pixmap" Vs "shared memory"15:06
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vbgunzso, kwin and xorg are no longer on the chart. sweet :)15:06
Tm_Tvbgunz: direct rendering means: use GPU instead of CPU15:07
syje savoir si on peut install le cd live d'unbuntu sur windows vista15:07
Tm_Tvbgunz: kinda15:07
Tm_T!fr | sy15:07
ubottusy: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr15:07
vbgunzTm_T: I know its better but remember getting different fps rates messing with those settings. I think I fouind the perfect setting that keeps the fps above 100 and xorg and kwin cpu down below 1% on idle...15:08
syi have a problem with my compter15:08
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fernando_somebody here use ktranslator?? because I cann't add a dictionary..15:32
stefan__german people ??15:36
ubottustefan__: In den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.15:40
shadeslayerquiet here15:40
J_A_Xalright, if anyone can please try to help me with my ALSA config so that I can have audacious and firefox playing at the same time, I will praise you as my lord and saviour15:41
chris1234does sb know how i can set /usr/share/services as a kde standard dir?15:50
mbazdellanybody use Konversation?16:05
mbazdellI'm trying it out and I don't like the time stamp and nickname function.. I prefer how xchat does it16:05
canenwhy does apt-get run update-initramfs on a kernel i am trying to remove?16:07
ubsafderi know i have ekiga install as i can lunch it from a comand line but I can't any lunch icon under my K menu  ! where is it put ?16:14
ubsafderhow can i find if there is any lunch button installed somewhere ?16:14
mbazdellare you running intrepid?16:15
ubsafder=8.10 with all lastest updates16:16
mbazdellhave you tried the search box at the top of the kmenu?16:17
ubsafderyes nothing shows up16:17
mbazdellyou can do a `dpkg -c' on the package and see if it includes a menu item16:18
mbazdellotherwise you can make one yourself16:18
mbazdellthat would be my recommendation16:20
ubsafderok i am making one by hand16:22
ubsafderdoes anyone has a good ide for setting up the sound system the correct kmix setting so the sound can be recorded ......16:28
ubsafderthe try/error is not working for me16:29
mbazdellhave you tried opening the mixer, settings, configure channels16:30
mbazdelland then selecting "capture" and "input source"?16:30
ubsafderyes i did try but my systeme show plenty16:31
c0p3rn1cis there any way to get kdehelp for kmymoney working ? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdelibs/+bug/11846616:31
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mbazdellubsafder: You'll have to explain your problem better16:33
ubsafderis there a tool that could help my do the select between the 4 or 5 devices kubuntu is showing me16:34
mbazdellwhere is it showing you?16:35
ubsafderkmix is showing me 18 chanel16:35
mbazdellc0p3rn1c: From just a quick look at that link, I don't think it's been resolved. I could be wrong because I haven't really looked into it though. You may be out of luck. Most linux applications have a copy of their help file on their website. Have you tried looking there?16:36
mbazdellubsafder: and you don't know which one is your system's input?16:36
ubsafderno i did build this hard hardware16:37
c0p3rn1cmbazdell: yeah but my dad doesnt want to use a seperate pdf, he wants to use the internal help16:37
mbazdellc0p3rn1c: He may not have the option16:37
mbazdellbe right back, need to reboot.16:37
ubsafderi am looking if there is any autodetect tool that could "listen" on these 18 device and detect if any hear sound16:38
ubsafderi am unsure of the difference between capture and capture 216:39
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ubsafderlike i have digital input source and digital input source 2 that's what kmix shows16:42
ubsafderI as just looking if someone wrote tools to simplify that mess . my hardware is just a dell laptop with according to windows one sound card16:44
ubsafderanyway looks that my probleme has not been dealt with yet16:46
salviahello, i'm trying to build route between vlan interface that is on eth interface (eth is, the vlan is to the network that is on the eth interface.16:52
OleAhowdy! I'm using the latest Kubuntu, and I have some problems using projector together with tha laptop. (Lenovo 3000V100). I'm able to get picture om the projector avter restaring X, but the image on the external screen/projector i blinking evry 5 sec16:56
OleAanybody tha have some hints on this problem?16:57
mbazdellOleA: what kind of video card does it have?16:58
OleAmbazdell:  intel mobile 94516:58
mbazdellHave you tried other kernels version?17:00
ExilantOleA: maybe if you disable compositing?17:01
OleAmbazdell: no, I haven't17:01
OleAExilant: how do I do that?17:02
altrortlahello... i got a trouble with a GUI ... this form show message form text with lower resolution... I can read what it said... I have also tryied to zoom this form .... and to reduce resolution of the screen... (but no way)17:06
OleAExilant: do you mean changing form OpenGL to XRender?17:06
Exilanttoggle-compositing plasmoid17:06
altrortlai have also an image of this problem17:06
ExilantOleA: maybe so17:06
altrortlathis is what i've got .... http://picfront.de/uploaded.php?images=dARGbvmS0sn17:07
OleAIt didn't help to turn of the desktop effects...17:09
altrortlaon the right i have zoomed with kmag ... but the result is the same .... what sould i do?17:10
altrortlano tips?17:15
Tm_Tprivate: no spamming17:16
altrortlahello... i got a trouble with a GUI ... this form show message form text with lower resolution... I can't read what it said... I have also tryied to zoom this form .... and to reduce resolution of the screen... (but no way)....i have also an image of this problem....this is what i've got .... http://picfront.de/uploaded.php?images=dARGbvmS0sn....on the right i have zoomed with kmag ... but the result is the same .... what should i do?17:16
whitedreamje suis nouveau sour kubuntu, il y as t'il un site que vous me consayeriez pour un peu aprendre a men servir17:29
Tm_T!fr | whitedream17:29
ubottuwhitedream: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr17:29
whitedreamsorry and thank you17:29
Tm_Twhitedream: np17:30
gorgonzolahello, i can't configure samba shares with system settings. googling, i found this bugreport in launchpad (https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/samba/+bug/276715) that points to this other bug report in samba-bugs (https://bugzilla.samba.org/show_bug.cgi?id=5928), but i woudn't know how to implement the fix in my kubuntu box without messing with my upgrade path. any help would be appreciated...17:38
gorgonzolain other words: does anyone here have a working samba module in system settings under intrepid?17:38
gorgonzolaand if so, how did you do it?17:38
chris__can sb tell me whether kaffeine in intrepid works for them, pls?17:44
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goofeychris__: you think it's possible kaffeine doesn't work and nobody's done anything about it?17:46
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chris__goofey: well, it doesn't work for me. and i just updated. and since it's not part of kde4, maybe...17:48
goofeychris__: not a chance - this is a problem on your system - not global - what's not working?17:51
ToreadorVampireHey all - Kubuntu Hardy - I am not 100% sure whether this is a Kubuntu question or a firefox question but:  I would like to register the irc:// proctocol with the installed xchat application, so that I can click on irc:// links (previously I have been manually opening an xchat tab and /server etc)17:51
Tm_TToreadorVampire: totally firefox issue17:52
ToreadorVampireTm_T> Ah, thanks :)17:53
ToreadorVampireWill go ask there :)17:53
chris__goofey: kaffeine cannot find xine_part.desktop and for the love of god i don't know how to tell where to look for it. googling did bring quite some results, but no solution17:53
chris__goofey: ehm, i mean i know where the file is, just that i don't know how to set the path in kaffeine. it worked fine just a few days ago17:55
mcicheickbonsoir je suis un nouveau utilisateur de linux je veux faire java avec netbeans mais j'ai debuté avec bluej donc j'ai du mal à comprendre s'il ya quelqu'un pour m'aider17:57
ubottuCe canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr17:58
goofeychris__: looks like this might have an answer: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-275365.html (see Dexterp37's post)17:59
altrortlahello... i got a trouble with a GUI ... this form show message form text with lower resolution... I can't read what it said... I have also tryied to zoom this form .... and to reduce resolution of the screen... (but no way)....i have also an image of this problem....this is what i've got .... http://picfront.de/uploaded.php?images=dARGbvmS0sn....on the right i have zoomed with kmag ... but the result is the same .... what should i do?18:00
chris__goofey: tried that, didn't work. the files are actually in the right dir, so i copied them to the one where they shouldn't be. to no avail18:01
ubottuHi! Welcome to #kubuntu!18:01
reforim first time18:01
bilelhow can i keep a screen resolution on myoc18:01
bilelevery boot i must chage the resolution18:01
goofeychris__: sorry, I don't know - but my suggestion is to restate your question being specific about the xine_part.desktop issue - someone here will know - you could also try #kde18:02
XPS_M1330does someone know how I can control the increment when changing system volume using the keboard multimedia buttons?18:05
chris__goofey: thanks anyway18:05
chris__kaffeine cannot find xine_part.desktop - it is not in the 'search path'. how can i set the search path or reset the kde env variables?18:08
mehrabhey guys18:12
mehrabwhen hover my curser on a pdf file in dolphin it will take a very long time to respond and perform, about 30 seconds. whats the problem?18:14
Tm_Tmehrab: is this with every pdf?18:14
mehrabTm_T: yes18:15
Tm_Tmehrab: even with ones that are smaller 3 pages and 1 MiB ?18:15
nightwlkri have a vga problem, can any1 help me out?18:16
mehrabTm_T : I have this problem with 7-8 MiB files. I'll test it now and tell you18:16
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mehrabTm_T : no problem with small pdf files18:19
nightwlkrdoes any1 here have an ATI radeon vga?18:19
Tm_Tmehrab: so its up to pdf file18:19
mehrabTm_T : you mean every pdf file with 7-8 MiB may have such problem?18:21
Tm_Tmehrab: no, perhaps something is in those files18:21
nightwlkri'm having problems with my ATI Radeon x1650 vga that i recently got..i can't activate the driver, can some1 help me out?18:25
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roby70ciao, scusate ho sbagliato18:39
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cuzntmy installer keeps fezzing up @ 5%18:45
cuzntthen it crashed18:45
Tm_Tcuznt: have you checked your install media?18:45
cuzntit is such a drama story as such i have18:46
vlastikhallo, have anybody an idea, why my KDE does not remember monitor power saver settings? if i set 'no power save' and restart my pc, it is on default... (KDE 3.5, kubuntu 8.04.2)18:46
cuznti am on the live cd trying to install 4.2fresh on my 160g it sits unable to connect to the interweb on my other 500g18:46
vlastikof course i set this in settings manager;)18:47
vbgunzI keep getting this -> Unknown CMake command "KDE4_NO_ENABLE_FINAL". ... google cant help. how to fix?18:49
sheepleim running intrepid, with an ati radeon X2100 series.  after attempting to install fglrx, i get just a black screen when i boot.18:50
mefisto__vlastik: may be a file permissions problem with the files in ~/.kde so that the changes can't be saved. try creating a new user and log in with that. see if the problem is still there18:50
sheeplei had to use xorg.conf.failsafe18:51
mefisto__sheeple: might find an answer here: http://wiki.cchtml.com/index.php/Ubuntu_Intrepid_Installation_Guide  and  http://wiki.cchtml.com/index.php/Troubleshooting18:55
vlastikthanks for tip, mefisto, but do you thing, that it can solve simply chmod?18:55
jose__alguien me puede ayudar18:55
vlastikbut i try it, thanks;)18:55
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jose__soy nuevo y no se hacer nada18:56
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.18:56
jose__alguien me puede ayudar18:56
isayo tambien jose18:56
solifugusIs there a way to disable my laptop's scratchpad?18:57
mefisto__vlastik: chmod or chown. if that is the problem. or it could be something else. maybe a bad config file that you can delete to reset to defaults. trying with a new user will give you an idea of whether it's something in your home dir18:57
vlastiksure, i see, but it seems probably;)18:58
mefisto__vlastik: you can chmod and chown everything in .kde to see if that fixes it. best to do that when not logged in to kde too. log out and log in text mode console19:00
sheeplesomeone in here gave me a link to install fglrx, and all it did was make everything worse, i was better off not to read it.19:00
sheeplemy screen i blank.19:00
sheeplei just want my desktop back19:01
mefisto__sheeple: you probably just need to edit your xorg.conf a little to get it working19:01
sheeplei did ALL of that19:01
sheeplethis is what i was told.  http://wiki.cchtml.com/index.php/Ubuntu_Intrepid_Installation_Guide#Installing_the_restricted_drivers_manually19:01
vlastikmefisto, thanks19:02
mefisto__sheeple: did the other install methods not work?19:02
sheeplewhat other install methods19:03
sheeplethere is only on method on that site19:03
sheepleerr one19:03
mefisto__sheeple: there are three on that page :)19:04
mefisto__sheeple: 1. open source drivers. 2. the "ubuntu way" 3. manual install19:04
sheeplewhat to apt-get to just get my desktop back19:04
sheeplemefisto__  got a link?19:05
sheeplei was doing it the manual way19:05
Exilantsheeple: dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg19:06
cuznton my other hard drive my knetwork will not detect the eth0 or else it just does not hook up19:06
sheepleExilant will that "over ride" what i did when doing it the manual way ?19:07
sheepleand when i run that one liner. what to put in xorg?19:07
Exilantwell, if you installed weird packages, no undoing that for sure19:07
sheeplewell how am i supposed to know whats wierd?19:07
Exilantbut that will just regenerate an xorg.conf19:07
sheepleis the manual installation wierd ?19:08
Exilanteverything manual is weird19:08
sheepleso i should uninstall the manual stuff.19:08
genii-aroundcuznt: If you had eth adapter in a box, then pull it out, next one will still be for instance eth1 now even if eth0 no longer exists. The system reserves eth0 name for mac address of the adapter which it first saw19:08
Exilantnot neccessarily19:08
Exilantsheeple: what did you do?19:08
Exilantfglrx is in the official repos since well, a lot of ubuntu releases19:09
cuzntthere is nothing wrong with my ethernet... knetwork on the hd will not connect19:09
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cuznteth0 came with the mobo19:10
genii-aroundcuznt: You said "knetwork will not detect the eth0"    ... is the hd from another box?19:10
cuzntbut it is the same eth19:10
mefisto__sheeple: you should try getting your xorg.conf to work, at least something better than a black screen. if you can't or want to just give up, you should uninstall everything installed in step 3 from that page, then try installing the easy way (described on that same page)19:10
cuzntanother box?19:10
cuzntthis pc different hd19:10
cuzntk4.2 32 bit19:11
cuznti made a new connecttion and there they are, but they will not connect. no interweb19:11
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sheepleExilant thanx pal.  i got my desktop back.19:12
Exilantsheeple: you're welcome19:12
* genii-around sips a coffee and contemplates the issue19:12
sheepleso i'll run that one liner, when i screw up getting ati instlaled19:13
mefisto__sheeple: so it's working now? dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg worked?19:13
Exilantdpkg-reconfigure resets the config files for a package19:14
Exilant-phigh tells it to just ask the most pressing questions19:14
sheepleso whats the ubuntu way to get ati's fglrx installed19:14
cuznti can think of no reason it stopped. worked fine for a long while, the last thing i was messing with was flash and the like19:14
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Exilantthere was restricted-manager19:15
Guest94351do you know a tag editor for mp3 files in kubuntu?19:15
mefisto__sheeple: uninstall the manually installed drivers first, then follow the instructions on that page you were following: http://wiki.cchtml.com/index.php/Ubuntu_Intrepid_Installation_Guide19:15
Exilantdunno about kde4, afaik theres no fglrx for jaunty yet19:16
Guest94351tag editor to install with apt-get ?19:16
ExilantGuest94351: amarok can do it, of course19:16
Exilantbut that's probably too much19:17
Guest94351i did not know that19:17
Guest94351then , i will see19:17
mefisto__sheeple: in the menu, system > hardware drivers  (but uninstall the drivers you have now first! or it probably won't work)19:17
Guest94351thanks, bye19:18
sheepz_hi folks  it's me sheeple on the recovered desktop19:18
sheepz_i'll show you the xorg.conf i was using that gave me the black screen19:19
Dondavidi have a prob with themes19:21
Dondavidhow can i change it ?19:21
Dondavidi found smileys icons and etc but no themes19:21
mbazdell1you want to change your theme for what?19:21
cuzntright click on desktop19:21
mbazdell1KDE as a whole or this specific program?19:21
mbazdell1are you running intrepid?19:22
mbazdell1have you gone to Kmenu, System Settings, Appearance yet?19:22
mefisto__Dondavid: tell us exactly what the problem is and what you want to change19:23
chris__i get 'cannot find xine_part.desktop in search path' when i start kaffeine. does anybody know, why this could be?19:24
mefisto__chris__: a few people have been getting that lately. probably a new bug that came with an upgrade19:24
Dondavidi want to change the theme of the menu bar19:25
mefisto__chris__: does it still happen after a restart or logout/login ?19:25
chris__mefisto__: do you know if anybody has reported this, yet?19:25
chris__mefisto__: yes, it does19:25
chris__even with root19:25
mbazdell1Dondavid: which menu bar?19:25
mefisto__chris__: I don't know, sorry.19:25
chris__mefisto__: maybe i should have a look and make an entry if necessary19:26
Dondavidon the ground where for example is the kde button19:26
mbazdell1now I get you19:26
Dondavidor the windows of xchat and something like that19:26
cuzntis there another way to connect to the interweb on kde4.2 besides using knetwork manager?19:26
Dondavidin germany we called it taskleisten but i do not know how it is called in english19:26
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mefisto__Dondavid: taskbar?19:27
mbazdell1Dondavid: unfortunately there's no easy way of doing it at the moment19:27
mefisto__Dondavid: did you upgrade to kde 4.2?19:27
mbazdell14.2 is much prettier I think19:27
mefisto__Dondavid: ok, it's easy then19:27
mbazdell1than 4.119:27
Dondavidi think how can i see this ?19:28
mefisto__Dondavid: right-click on the desktop, appearance settings19:28
* mbazdell1 just downloaded and installed kde-nightly but it doesn't work19:28
Dondavidah i found it19:29
mefisto__Dondavid: then choose a different theme. or install new ones if you want. I think the default is "elegance" or "oxygen" (I can't remember)19:29
mbazdell1Here's an interesting question.. Is there a simple way to have my default sound device change when I plug in my USB headset?19:29
mefisto__mbazdell1: there's a command you can use to do that. is that simple enough?19:31
mefisto__mbazdell1: to get a list of your soundcards:   asoundconf list19:32
mbazdell1if there's a command that can change it, then yes. I could have a script execute when I plug it in19:32
mefisto__mbazdell1: to set the default: asoundconf set-default-card <soundcard-name>19:32
mbazdell1just saw that19:33
Exilantcuznt: well, there's always the command line19:33
mbazdell1mefisto__: and that will change any new application (in KDE I'm aiming) to use that (if they're smart enough to check)?19:33
cuzntto connect?19:34
=== mbazdell1 is now known as mbazdell
Exilantcuznt: yes19:34
cuzntwill you reveal its secrets?19:34
mefisto__mbazdell1: yes, for most apps that will work. if you're using jack audio then maybe not always19:34
Exilantdhclient eth0 and such stuff19:34
Dondavidi have got one question how i can use this theme ? http://www.kde-look.org/content/show.php/Azenis?content=7715019:34
Exilantcuznt: what do you need?19:34
cuzntknetwork on my working kde wont connect to the interweb19:35
cuzntdeleted my connection19:35
cuzntmade a new one etc19:35
Exilantwhat kind of connection?19:36
mefisto__Dondavid: that theme won't work for kde 4. it says it's for kde 3.2+19:36
Exilanthm, you connect to a router?19:36
cuzntit was working19:36
Exilanttry (sudo) dhclient eth019:36
cuzntit just stopped after a reboot19:36
cuzntright on thanks19:37
mbazdellcuznt: is it wireless?19:37
cuzntno wifi19:37
Dondavidlol :D19:37
Exilantmaybe you need to restart, network-manager is sometimes weird19:37
mbazdellI've found that if `dhclient eth0' doesn't work, do `/etc/init.d/NetworkManager stop' first19:37
mbazdelljust to see if it will work or not19:38
cuzntwifi reflects off the titanium plates in my head19:38
mbazdellthat way you can eliminate the problem19:38
Exilantmbazdell: i don't have such a script, have wondered at times where it's started (8.04)19:39
cuznti may or may not be back on the live cd.19:39
mefisto__mbazdell: you mean stop it first, then dhclient, then start it again?19:39
* cuznt puts on the brakes19:39
mbazdellmefisto__: I've never tried starting it again19:39
Dondavidcan i use themes for 4.0 no or ?19:40
mefisto__Dondavid: yes. you can install them from the same place you change them. there is a button "new theme..."19:41
Dondavidyes but there are online 20 themes19:41
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mefisto__Dondavid: you can also install a few, then mix them up by using different themes for different objects. go to systemsettings > advanced > desktop theme details19:45
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falckoni haven't been able to connect my bluetooth headset after trying a dozen different guides, anyone know of how to get your device paired after adding it to asoundrc?19:50
chris__it's really annyoing. there is hardly anything more comfortable to watch videos19:54
kopertonwhat chris__19:55
mefisto__chris__: try smplayer. it uses mplayer but has a better interface with similar controls to kaffeine19:56
=== francesco is now known as Guest34929
quassel208kde4.2.1 is released20:12
peaches__how do you set the default boot kernel?20:13
ubuntu_hi guys im new here i just have a quesion... i am using kubuntu 8.10 and i need help installing the drivers for my card it a :ati raedon 320 igp a.k.a. mobility ui20:13
fosco_peaches__: in /boot/grub/menu.lst20:13
peaches__i dont have a grub not even installed20:14
peaches__oh wait20:14
peaches__ya id o20:15
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)20:24
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Guest71717\join #ubuntu-it20:24
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Noizehello. i got some problems executing the 'make# command for krecipe. i get the error "./../importers/kreimporter.h:49: error: multiple parameters named 'amount'". Can somebody help me?20:30
genii-aroundWhy are you trying to copile it when you can more easily: sudo apt-get install krecipes20:33
Noizegenii-around: ohh... didn't find it. ok, installation worked. but now i'm getting the error:20:34
NoizeKCrash: Application 'krecipes' crashing...20:34
NoizeKCrash cannot reach kdeinit, launching directly.20:34
Noizewhole execution log can be seen on pastebin: http://pastebin.com/d4940349920:36
genii-aroundLooks like https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/krecipes/+bug/27841520:37
Noizegenii-around: yes exactly, but there isn't a solution20:38
genii-aroundNoize: Yes, not yet, unfortunately20:41
Noizegenii-around: ok thanks anyway. i'll try to find another programm20:42
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FuriousGeorgehey all20:46
mefisto__!hi | FuriousGeorge20:47
ubottuFuriousGeorge: Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu!20:47
FuriousGeorgehow do i change the screen resolution?  in gentoo i would edit xorg.conf but i get the impression im not supposed to do that20:47
mefisto__FuriousGeorge: try krandrtray20:48
White_PelicanI just noticed that kde 4.2.1 was released by the kde team. When will it be available?20:48
mefisto__FuriousGeorge: if the resolution you want isn't available, you'll need to edit xorg.conf20:48
FuriousGeorgemefisto__: thanks.  im trying to relay this to a client.  should i just tell them to run krandtray, or is there something in control center20:49
mefisto__FuriousGeorge: should be in systemsettings > display. what version kde?20:50
FuriousGeorgemefisto__: i dont have a computer running kubuntu around, so i cant just try it for myself.  its version 3.5.?20:51
mefisto__FuriousGeorge: krandrtray is a systemtray icon that lets you easily change resolutions20:51
FuriousGeorgemefisto__: its not running by default though, is it?20:52
mefisto__FuriousGeorge: I don't think so, no. but it's installed by default and should be in kmenu somewhere20:52
FuriousGeorgemefisto__: thanks20:53
mefisto__FuriousGeorge: actually, I'm not sure if it's installed by default. it's part of the kcontrol package20:54
White_PelicanI just noticed that kde 4.2.1 was released by the kde team. When will it be available in Jaunty?20:54
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JontheEchidnaWhite_Pelican: It's building now. It should be done in a few hours if not sooner20:56
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prasadhi all20:59
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prasadanybody working on Glassfish these days ??21:00
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ubottuHi! Welcome to #kubuntu!21:03
Poweranybody working on Glassfish these days ?21:03
mbazdellAnybody else experience this? When running compiz in KDE4.2 you can't do Alt F1 anymore...21:03
JontheEchidnambazdell: I think I recall compiz wanting to use that shortcut for something itself21:04
JontheEchidnaI've not run compiz since gutsy though so I don't remember what it was. I've just heard of other people having that problem21:04
mbazdellyeah.. I just disabled it though and it's still not working21:04
mefisto__what was alt-F1 mapped to in compiz?21:08
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mbazdellShow Main Window21:09
mbazdellin General21:09
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Dondavidcan someone tell me a prog which show me the temperatur of my hdd and cpu ?21:17
Dr_willis!info lm-sensors21:17
ubottulm-sensors (source: lm-sensors-3): utilities to read temperature/voltage/fan sensors. In component main, is extra. Version 1:3.0.2-1ubuntu2 (intrepid), package size 121 kB, installed size 564 kB21:17
fosco_Dondavid: hddtemp and lnsensors21:17
mefisto__Dondavid: there are widgets that can do that21:17
Dondavidi want a gui prog21:18
Dondavidnot in the terminal21:18
Dr_willisall the gui programs normally USE lm-sensors..21:19
Dr_willisso fire up the package manager and search for  sensors, or termoarture, or monitor, perhaps21:19
Dondavidmelt is a other thing or ?21:19
=== splash is now known as Gorkie
Dr_willis!info melt21:20
ubottuPackage melt does not exist in intrepid21:20
mefisto__Dondavid: add widgets, in the search field typ "system"21:20
ibuffy"You first need to enable both the search and Nepomuk in the Desktop Search page of KDE's System Settings application. A new icon will appear in your taskbar, and Strigi will start creating its database in the background. Click on the icon to check the status of the index building, and when it's finished you can perform a search from Krunner. This is the tool that pops up when you press Alt and F2. Try searching for something within an ODT office document21:21
ibuffy– it should be listed in the results alongside any filenames that include the same search."     ....no icon has appeared21:21
ibuffyheeelllpp!!! o.O21:21
ibuffysrsly tho21:21
Dr_willisperhaps the docs are for the old kde 3.X or perhaps you need to add some widgit to the panel now.21:24
Dr_willisive never used that tool.. so no other ideas21:24
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gletobIn the Kubuntu installer is it the same as the ubuntu installer where it let's you select where to install grub to?21:29
Dr_willisShould be from what i recall.21:30
Dr_willisbut i thought the alternative installer asked where.. not the 'desktop' installer.21:30
ibuffy"strigi.daemon: Daemon cannot run: the file /home/ibuffy/.strigi/lock is locked."21:31
Dr_willisa locked lock!21:32
lucas_does anyone know where are arora bookmarks stored?21:33
ibuffydo i need to change permissions to the file?...21:35
ibuffyi dunno what to do21:35
Dr_willisYou could just delete the file.. or log out/back in perhaps21:35
NoughmadIf anyone's interested, kdelibs 4.2.1 is in Jaunty now21:38
yoritomohello everybody21:38
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yoritomoi have a problem to use my hotmail.com adress on thunderbird, looks like port 995 is bloacked, i don't know how to check it21:39
yoritomoUFW and firestarter are stopped, and it has been forwarded in the router21:39
DarkriftXI just got a monitor for my laptop. im trying to do video out but not sure if im missing something21:40
DarkriftXare there special drivers needed to make the video output work on a laptop?21:40
Dr_willisdepends on th chipset DarkriftX21:42
Dr_willisand the laptop i imagine21:42
DarkriftXnvidia mobile, ill try to find model21:42
Dr_willisinstall the nvidia drivers yet?21:43
DarkriftXi thought i had the svideo out working, never tried vga21:43
DarkriftXi have nv drivers, will those not work?21:43
Dr_willisinstall the NVIDIA drivers. :) i know those will work21:43
Dr_willisnv may or may not..21:43
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto21:44
DarkriftXwhere do i go to enable the restricted drivers again?21:45
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats21:45
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ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about glx21:47
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about nvidia-glx21:47
DarkriftXthere was a trigger for this21:47
DarkriftXi just cant remember it21:47
mefisto__DarkriftX: in system > hardware drivers21:49
DarkriftXi would have not checked there21:50
DarkriftXso after install just restart x?21:51
DarkriftXhere goes nuffin21:51
khashayarHey folks. I'm having a small love affair with KDE that I'm hoping to turn into a long lasting relationship. I've installed most of the kubuntu-desktop packages (on jaunty). The problem is konqueror crashes immediately on launch (generic error). Anybody else experiencing anything similar?21:52
ubuntu_hey guys i need som help21:52
=== ubuntu_ is now known as unko
unkook so i installed kubuntu onto my 4gb usb stick but when i put it in to boot it messed up grub. i fixed grub but it own't boot from the stick for some reason. it says no bootable partion in table...any ideas?21:54
Dr_willisinstalled 'how' exactly unko ?21:54
unkoDr_willis: huh?21:54
Dr_willisI can think of at least 3 ways to 'install' to a usb stick21:55
Dr_willisUnebootin,  the ubuntu -usb-disk tool , or booting a cd and doing a normal install to a usb stick21:55
unkofrom the live cd. when it showed me my disks and i selected it to take up the whole 4gb stick21:55
Dr_willisdoing a 'regular' install to a usb stick. can have issues.21:55
unkoi wanna install the system to the stick so i can bring my OS with me21:55
Dr_willisI would test with unetbootin, or the ubuntu-usb-drive tool first.21:56
mefisto__unko: google around for some guides. there are quite a few21:56
Dr_willis the ubuntu-tool can do a persistant save. and  is proberly best if you plan on using the thing on different hardware machines21:56
unkohmm...well first how can i install kubuntu on my usb stick and have it work?21:56
unkowhere do i get this tool?21:56
=== DarkSmoke is now known as darksmoke
Dr_willisunko,  use unetbootin, (no persistant save) or that gnome-usb-disk tool is one way21:56
Dr_willisgoogle for unetbootin or search the package manager for the name of theubuntu tool.  I forget wht its called21:57
Dr_willisalso see pendrivelinux.com21:57
unkook how can i install these im new to kubuntu i've been using ubuntu (gnome)21:57
Dr_willisdo you have ubuntu installed now? it came with that usb-disk tool21:57
untiledHi, i wanna install ipod-convenience but it's unable because require python < 2.6...but i have installed python 2.6!21:57
unkoDr_willis: where do i get thee programs your talking about?21:59
Dr_willisunetbootin -> google for its homepage and download it.21:59
Powerhow do we know its x86 or x86_64 architecture or linux ?22:00
Poweranybody can answer...22:00
=== papito is now known as Tomasso
Dr_willisubuntu-usb-disk -> if you have ubuntu installed its there.. if not - check the package manager/search feture to find it.. I dont know its name22:00
mefisto__I think it's called usb-creator22:00
unkoso.. i have to go back onto my main drive hold on..ill be back22:00
Tomassoany way to improve kde's performance? the graphics show a bit slow22:00
Dr_willis!info usb-creator22:00
ubottuusb-creator (source: usb-creator): Ubuntu USB desktop image creator. In component main, is optional. Version 0.1.10 (intrepid), package size 23 kB, installed size 200 kB22:00
Dr_willisThere ya go. :)22:01
Dr_willisinstall that and try it out. It made a very handy live-usb-thumdrive for me.22:01
Dr_willisI did have to 'tweak'it a bit22:01
Dr_willisassuming youf machine CAN boot a thumbdrive..22:01
unkoyes it can...fast lappy22:01
PowerDr_willis: how do we know its x86 or x86_64 architecture or linux ?22:01
Dr_willisPower,  huh?22:01
Powersorry tu jump in..22:02
Poweri just wanted to know what linux architecture it is22:02
Powerwhether x86 ? or x86_6422:02
Dr_williswhat  arch. WHAT is?22:02
Powerlol.u look to b as confused as i am still. :)22:03
Dr_willis the tools ive mentioned work with 64 and 32bit ubuntu, and can make 64 or 32bit usb-thumbdrives22:03
unkokubuntu is very confusing to me...22:03
Dr_willisif thats what you are asking about22:03
unkothis is my first time using it22:03
Dr_willisunko,   it pays to read guides.. and  docs.. and  'learn to learn'22:03
Powerso i don't knw whether it is a 32bit or 64bit ubuntu22:03
Powerhow to find that out ?22:03
Dr_willisPower,  wether WHAT is 32or 64bit?22:04
unkonah...i like to get to know it on my own it's like a adventure....i started using kubuntu because it's very differnt from gnome and gnome got kinda boring..22:04
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Powerwhat processor ?22:04
Dr_willisunko,  you do know you caninstall kde and gnome both onthe same machine? you just pick what desktop to use at the gdm or kdm login :)22:04
Dr_willisunko,  yes.. the 2 as just different desktpps22:05
Dr_willistheres NO need to install both to 2 seperate 'installs'22:05
Powerunko: kubuntu is fun. They say. :) i haven't started enjoying yet22:05
Dr_williscat /proc/cpuinfo --> model name: AMD Athlon(tm) 64 Processor 3200+22:05
Dr_willisI got a 64bit CPU22:05
unkohmm...never knew that...and im not doing two sep installs kubuntu is gonna be on my usb stcik i wanna use it at school22:05
Dr_willisunko,  use the ubuntu usb-creator tool and point it to the kubuntu iso file.. and it will make a kubuntu thumbdrive.22:06
unkouh...problem how can i format my stcik it's not showing up...NOTE: im using kubuntu live cd22:06
Dr_willisunko,  you DONT format it befor hand.22:07
Dr_willisler the installer handle it22:07
Powerand mine is a Core2Duo22:07
Powerbut still not able to know whether its a 64bit or 32bit processor22:07
unkowell it's not showing up Dr_willis22:07
unkopower, look it up (google)22:07
Dr_willisunko,  not showing up where?22:08
unkolook up your proccessor22:08
Dr_willisPower,  google for the cpu specs perhaps.22:08
Dr_willisI though all core2 were 64bit22:08
unkoDr_willis hold on22:08
Powerthat was a gud peace of info.22:08
Poweri forgot that wiki is my brain and google are my eyes.22:08
Dr_willisIm not sure if  intel makes many non-64bit cpus any more :)22:09
Dr_willisi wonder if that 'atom' cpu is 64 or 32 bit22:09
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mefisto__Power: you could try   lshw -C processor      that will probably tell you it's 64bit22:10
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Powerultimate..that was the best command i cud ever get22:12
Powerthanks Dr_willis..u prescrivbed the rite medicine.22:12
DarkriftXok, got nvidia drivers working, but my resolutions are all messed up now22:13
Dr_willisnormally my resolutions are messed up..UNTILL iuse the nvidia drivers22:13
Dr_willisrun the nvidia-settings tool and tweak the xorg.conf perhaps.22:13
=== darksmoke is now known as DarkSmoke
unkook im back im on my regular desktop22:14
=== jay is now known as jay--
jay--bonsoir tout le monde22:16
DarkriftXis there a tool to help you configure your xorg.conf video modes?22:16
DarkriftXi dont like editing that file by hand :(22:17
jay--but i dont know one22:17
Dr_willisDarkriftX, run the nvidia-settings tool and tweak the xorg.conf perhaps.22:18
DarkriftXinstalling that and ill try it22:18
=== ubuntu_ is now known as unko
unkoDr_willis: ok i made the start up disk im on it now..but it's like live cd?22:20
unkoDr_willis: i thought it was suposed to be like the OS on the stick...22:20
Dr_willisits both22:20
Dr_willisits a live cd + persistant save.. If you toldit to use a persistant save/home22:20
Dr_willisits NOT the same as installing the os to the stick22:21
unkoawe...is it possible to do that?22:21
Dr_willisits as if you made a LIVE-CD on the stick + extra features22:21
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Dr_willisit asked you in the wizard..   you overlooked it perhaps?22:21
Dr_willisits BETtER then a 'install to the stick'22:21
unkoUH...idk... it said somthing about saving and i put it as 300mb22:22
Dr_willisif you boot to different machines.22:22
Dr_willis You have a 300mb 'save' file then for your changes22:22
unkois that enough?22:22
Dr_willishow do i know..:) its your machine and  your tool..  is my 16 oz hammer enough? Depends on the job. :)22:23
unkowell...im gonna use it as a portable os..maybe some music...on it too22:24
Dr_willis'linux - Your OS your way!' :)22:24
Dr_willisYou can always store data files ON the thumbdrive..it is fat16 filesystem I recall..  if you have more space22:24
unkohow can i remove like the install thing on the desktop.. and can i make another user?22:25
Dr_willistry making another user and see?22:25
Dr_willistry just deleting the icon?22:25
unkoDr_willis:  -,-22:25
Dr_willisim pretty sure both work22:26
Dr_willisactually when i boot off my thumbdrive..i cant tell the diff between it and a normal HD install22:26
Dr_willisi got mine with a 6gb save file. :)22:26
unkoi don't think i can delete it..22:26
unkowhat do you have like a 16gb thumb drive?22:26
mefisto__Dr_willis: it's slower though, right?22:26
Dr_willisI een installed the nvidia drivers on mine. and other stuff22:26
Dr_willismefisto__,  i really cant tell the differance.22:27
Dr_willisits my 'emergancy' disk however.  so i dont use it a lot22:27
unkoha im gonna use mine in school22:27
unkoto download and seed torrents22:27
unkocuz my connection is super slow and my schools is super fast22:28
mefisto__unko: so you can use the "linux ate my homework" excuse?22:28
unkomefisto__: yea22:28
peachesunko: have you thought about turning your computer lab into a zombie hoard22:28
unkopeaches: haha WHAT22:28
unkobe right back im gonna make my stick have more space22:29
peachesjust something to ponder is all22:29
Dr_willisbootable thumb drive  - that lets other machines net boot from it. :) are fun22:29
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unkoso if i put the slider to use all the 3.6gb it will use that for the system?22:32
Tomas---can some one help me with http://pastebin.com/m64bdefb622:34
unkodr_willis, look ...  http://www.lookpic.com/files/Screenshot27.png22:34
unkoif i want more space to be used with kubuntu ill slide it to the left right>22:34
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ubottuXRandR 1.2 is the new method of running dual screens in !X.  Information/HowTo here: http://wiki.debian.org/XStrikeForce/HowToRandR1222:37
peachesunko: cool what program is that22:37
unkopeaches, ... uh what distro do you have?22:37
unkopeaches, use your package manager22:38
peachesfor the usb disk thing?22:38
unkojust type in usb start up disk i guess22:38
peachesoh i see22:38
peachespackage manager sucks22:38
=== DarkSmoke is now known as darksmoke
unkokubuntu's dose22:38
mefisto__peaches: install usb-creator22:38
peachesi have so much trouble with it22:38
unkoubuntu's synaptics is awsome!22:38
peachesyea probably22:39
unkoi love my ubuntu set-up it's perfected22:39
Exilantpackage manager at least finds stuff, unlike adept22:39
DarkriftXok, i instaled nvidia-settings but its still not giving me the right resolutions. and it wont let me make changes on the fly because it says XRandR is not installed, but it is. any ideas?22:39
unkoadept dose too22:39
peachesdoes gnome still have super crappy file dialogs?22:39
Exilantbut synaptic <322:39
peachesadept_manager was powerness22:40
unkoExilant, kubuntu's package manager has a search thiny too22:40
Exilanti know22:40
unkowell whats the problem22:40
mefisto__adept has MORE search features22:40
peachesadept_manager should be backported or forwardported or whatever22:41
Exilantin package manager, well, lots of stuff, not the search22:41
peachesare you talking about adept installer?22:41
unkooh yeah..22:41
Exilantnever could get adept to find me linux-image22:41
unkosynaptic is clean and easy to use22:41
unkowell the whole distro is22:41
peachesive got two adept intstaller and adept manager they both make my eyes roll22:41
ubottuHi! I'm #kubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots22:42
unkoi wonder what disro will make it the fursthest like.. kubuntu, or ubuntu, or the xfce desktops..22:42
mbazdellanybody know how to get amarok to have sound in 4.2?22:42
peacheswow installer actualyl found the usb creator22:42
unkopeaches, congrats22:42
unkobe right back guys time to setup my portable OS!22:43
Exilantmbazdell: i had to just find the volume settings in amarok22:43
mbazdellMy volume is up22:43
Exilantsearched for a while, though22:43
peacheswhenever i open a kubuntu adept i feel like im using one of those $100 laptops or something22:43
peachesmbazdell: did it break from your previous kde?22:44
mbazdellpeaches: never worked.. I just reinstalled this morning and upgraded straight to 4.222:44
mbazdellI opened it in 4.1 just so it will build the collection, otherwise it wont open in 4.222:45
mbazdellnever tried it in anything else22:45
pucko-kde from backports crashes Xorg for me when I use the rotate screen feature in intrepid. anyone else got that problem?23:05
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about gv23:07
kaddiis there a support channel for ghostview or anybody who knows his way around latex and ghostview who could help me out with an errormessage?23:07
jimdb_When downloading a file on kde desktop every few seconds there is this big ring madeup of white circles.  How can I get rid of that feature?23:11
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DaSkreechjimdb_: What?23:18
kaddi!info ghostview23:18
ubottuPackage ghostview does not exist in intrepid23:18
mefisto__!info ghostscript23:20
ubottughostscript (source: ghostscript): The GPL Ghostscript PostScript/PDF interpreter. In component main, is optional. Version 8.63.dfsg.1-0ubuntu6.2 (intrepid), package size 776 kB, installed size 3500 kB23:20
mefisto__is that what you were looking for?23:20
DaSkreech!info gv23:20
ubottugv (source: gv): PostScript and PDF viewer for X. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:3.6.4-3 (intrepid), package size 174 kB, installed size 512 kB23:20
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DaSkreechmefisto__: More likely that but seeing as kaddi is asking about an error message seems likely that it's been found already23:22
kaddithe bug is probably in my tex-skript somewhere, i just can't find where :/23:23
DaSkreechkaddi: #latex  ?23:24
kaddithat might be a good idea *d'oh*23:24
coreymanI just installed the new kubuntu, and i can't connect to the web23:24
coreymani can connect to my router.23:24
coreymanwhat am i doing wrong.23:24
mbazdellIs there a way to turn off spell check for wine apps?23:25
DaSkreechcoreyman: how do you know you can connect to the router?23:25
coreymani typed in konquerer and i see the login23:26
DaSkreechcoreyman: open a konsole and try ping google.com23:26
coreymani did and it didnt work23:26
coreymanit said unknown host23:26
DaSkreechcoreyman: ping
coreymannetwork is unreacheable23:27
DaSkreechcoreyman: type route23:27
vbgunzany news on KDE4.2.1 and Kubuntu?23:27
DaSkreechdo you see a line that says default23:27
DaSkreechvbgunz: In staging23:28
yoritomohow to know if my port 995 is open ? can't use hotmail on my thunderbird, it is able to send message but not to get it23:28
coreymandestination link-local gateway *  genmask flags u metric 1000 ref 0 use ifce 0 eth023:28
vbgunzDaSkreech: where can I read about staging?23:28
DaSkreechvbgunz: You can't it's a private repo23:28
coreymanyoritomo, whatsmyip.org should have a tool23:28
vbgunzoh, just wanted to know what that meant in more general terms. googling it23:28
DaSkreechvbgunz: essentially means they need to flip it into public for it to be available it's the last stage before you get it23:29
DaSkreechcoreyman: How did you get your IP address?23:29
vbgunzDaSkreech: very cool :)23:29
coreymani tried dhcp and static23:29
DaSkreechcoreyman: what are you on now?23:29
DaSkreechha ha :)23:30
DaSkreechhow are you getting the route info then?23:30
coreymani am on a different pc23:30
coreymankubuntu is loaded23:30
DaSkreechRight on the one that matters how are you getting your IP ?23:30
coreymani've done it static and dhcp23:31
DaSkreechyou can't be getting it by both23:31
coreymani know this23:31
DaSkreechunless you have two network cards connected23:31
DaSkreechRight so how are you getting it now?23:31
coreymani've done it with static, and i've done it with dhcp23:31
coreymanits dhcp wireless23:31
coreymanim not wired23:31
coreymanmy desktop is wired23:31
coreymani have a static wired pc running i copied the info and it doesnt seem to be working23:33
DaSkreechOk And you can get to the router?23:33
coreymanyes i can get to the router23:33
coreymanidk about now... those gears are turning and they haven't stopped23:33
vbgunzDaSkreech: they're slowly becoming available I guess. I just updated konqueror to 4.2.123:33
DaSkreechcoreyman: Well at least wireles works that's normally the hard part23:34
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vbgunzhow do you delete a file named "/�=#�=exit"  ?23:34
coreymandaskreech... this is wireless on my laptop with windows23:34
vbgunzhow do you delete a file named "!¿½=#�=exit"  ?23:34
coreymani cant get web access on kubuntu23:34
Dr_willisvbgunz,  quote it with ' '  is one way23:34
vbgunzsorry about the first 1, no slash in it23:34
DaSkreechcoreyman: But you can reach the router?23:35
Dr_willisrm '!¿½=#�=exit'23:35
mbazdellSo I have an app that I run under wine. The problem is the spell checker in kde4 is messing it up. Anyway to disable it?23:35
coreymani think network manager just exited itself... how do i open it back up23:35
DaSkreechok hmm23:35
vbgunzDr_willis: no file by that name23:35
coreymanhey dr_willis23:35
DaSkreechknetworkmanager I think23:35
Dr_willisvbgunz,  thats weird.. ive always single quoted things befor..23:35
DaSkreechvbgunz: can you tab complete from ! ?23:36
Dr_willisvbgunz,  install mc, and use mc to delete it. :)23:36
vbgunzDr_willis: no23:36
Dr_willisthat file name looks. very very very weird.. as in it has some charcters not allowed in filenames..23:36
Dr_willismakes me wonder if your filesystem isent currupted.23:36
Dr_willisor my irc fonts are messed up :)23:36
coreymanyea i get teh same thing dr willis23:37
vbgunzDr_willis: this happened after I believe kwin crashed from a screen session :/23:37
coreymanwhen i mouse over network manager, it syas it is not running, how do get it to run23:37
mefisto__vbgunz: and where did you find this file?23:37
vbgunzmefisto__: found it in my ~/23:37
vbgunzmefisto__: kwin went bonkers and boom their it was23:38
mefisto__vbgunz: in dolphin/konqueror? does it display like that with ls ?23:38
yoritomocoreyman, i get a port timeout for 99523:38
yoritomofirewall disabled23:38
vbgunzmefisto__: in ls its ?=#?=exit23:38
coreymanyoritomo what about port 8023:39
coreymanknetworkmanager keeps crashin23:39
mefisto__vbgunz: have you tried to rm that filename?23:39
coreymanwhat can i do.23:39
coreymanurgent :(23:39
coreymanyoritomo i think 995 is open but nothing is running so you get a timeout23:40
DaSkreechcoreyman: sudo dhclient23:40
coreymanwhat did that just do? get my ip?23:41
coreymanits using the wrong gateway23:41
coreymani see23:41
vbgunzman, I forgot how to delete a file with funny characters23:41
yoritomocoreyman on thunderbird, failed to connect to pop3.live.com23:41
unkohey if i download a theme from kde-look how do i install it?23:41
coreymanit's using and not
coreymanyoritomo does your isp block pop3?23:42
Szadekhello everybody , is there stasks .3 in deb for intrepid ??23:42
Szadeki only find to janty23:42
Szadekand i cant install it23:42
yoritomono because i am using other account without problems23:42
mefisto__vbgunz: rm \?\=#\?\=exit23:42
DaSkreechcoreyman: sudo route add default gw
codecyphixMS live changed the name of all their server last monht23:42
DaSkreechmefisto__: have to escape #23:42
yoritomobut on port 11023:42
DaSkreechIt's a comment other wise23:42
mefisto__DaSkreech: are you sure? why?23:43
vbgunzcannot delete it :/23:43
DaSkreechmefisto__: # is a comment in bash Everything after that is ignored23:43
coreymandaskreech it's still using .50.2 :(23:43
vbgunzI tried rm -- '?=#?=exit'    ...  nothing :/23:43
coreymanvbgunz i dont think thats a valid file name23:44
DaSkreechMaybe the file doesn't really exist?23:44
mefisto__DaSkreech: it's only a comment if it comes first, like #name.txt not name#.txt23:44
codecyphixvbgunz: use the tab key to fill in special char23:44
vbgunzcoreyman: yeah, its not but after a kwin crash it ended up in my ~/23:44
coreymanvbgunz odd...23:45
DaSkreechmefisto__: ah right needs a space after23:45
DaSkreechOr before23:45
DaSkreechsomething like that :)23:45
vbgunzprobably a ;23:45
DaSkreechvbgunz: How large is it?23:46
mefisto__vbgunz: does it say anything after you try to rm? or nothing?23:46
vbgunzDaSkreech: 023:46
vbgunzmefisto__: yeah, no such file23:46
vbgunzno such file or directory23:46
Dr_willisYou really might want to fsck the filesystem tobe sure its not the issue23:47
codecyphixanyone figure out how to get kubuntu to take out the trash?23:47
unkohow do install a theme in kubuntu23:47
coreymanwhat command do i use to renew dhcp23:47
codecyphixsudo dhclient23:49
codecyphixwhat about getting another beer?23:50
mefisto__sudo apt-get install --reinstall beer23:51
vbgunzwho said to use mc to delete it?23:51
vbgunzI owe you a beer. mc deleted that funny ass file with no problems23:51
DaSkreechcodecyphix: mv ~/.local/share/Trash/files/* ~/out ?23:51
codecyphixdidnt work. guess i got to get up23:52
mefisto__vbgunz: did mc show the same filename as ls?23:52
vbgunzmefisto__: yes23:52
vbgunzI believe so23:52
Dr_willisdident i say to try mc  - about 10 min ago?23:52
vbgunzDr_willis: someone did, I thought I try it. no problem. done. nice :)23:52
ibuffyare there plans for a sugarcrm .deb anytime soon?23:56
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coreyman1thanks guys i got my pc connected to network23:57
coreyman1it was getting dhcp from the wrong server.23:57
coreyman1now how do i install pidgin on kubuntu?23:57
vbgunzdoesn't midnight commander have color schemes? the default is so bad I had to turn my brightness all the way up23:57
vbgunzahh -b is fine23:58
coreyman1noone knows?23:59
mefisto__coreyman1: sudo apt-get install pidgin ?23:59
coreyman1didnt work23:59

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