
=== salgado is now known as salgado-afk
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MootBotMeeting started at 09:00. The chair is barry.15:00
MootBotCommands Available: [TOPIC], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE]15:00
barryhello everyone and welcome to this week's ameu reviewers meeting.  who's here today?15:00
flacosteme (at sprint - so half here)15:01
noodles775and me15:01
barrywelcome noodles775 !15:01
* noodles775 grins15:01
barrybac: ping15:02
barrydanilos: ping15:02
barryEdwinGrubbs: ping15:03
barrymars: ping15:03
barryrockstar: ping15:03
barrysalgado: ping15:03
barry[TOPIC] agenda15:03
MootBotNew Topic:  agenda15:03
barrypretty light day today!15:03
barry* Roll call15:04
barry * Peanut gallery (anything not on the agenda)15:04
barry * Mentoring update15:04
barry   * al-maisan graduates15:04
barry   * noodles to start js reviews this cycle, official mentat status next cycle15:04
barry * Action items15:04
barry[TOPIC] peanut gallery15:04
MootBotNew Topic:  peanut gallery15:04
barrylet's start off with this: does anyone have anything reviewish that they'd like to bring up?15:04
barrywow, nothing?15:05
sinzuijs reviews15:06
sinzuican be difficult to organise when all the reviewers are sprinting15:06
barrymars: do we have a plan for mentoring more js reviewers?15:07
sinzuiDo we want to consider a plan to train up js reviewers?15:07
marsbarry, anyone can pick up a JS review, if they are comfortable doing so15:07
intellectronicaideally everyone should be able to review js15:07
barrysure, i'm just wondering if we need a mentoring program for those (like me) who feel less comfortable reviewing js.15:08
adeuringfrankly, I think i need much more experience writing JS code before I would feel able to review JS code15:08
marssinzui can't review his own JS code, but he can ask the OCR if they are comfortable doing so15:08
marsthe OCR/reviewer thing is the best we have for now - it spreads the knowledge pretty wide15:09
marswithout having formal JS-Review training for all the other reviewers15:09
barrymars: i guess we just need backups then for stuff we're less experienced with?15:10
sinzuimars: Do we have updated standards and cheatsheet of common JS problems?15:10
marsbarry, well, we do have 8 people who can review JS code15:10
marssinzui, that's on my list to write today15:10
* sinzui is thinking of the rule that zope3 does not make css3 valid ids, so Y.get() fails.15:11
intellectronicabarry: in a way, reviewing is a great way to build confidence, because you _have_ to understand what the code does and why it's written the way it is, and you _should_ ask if you don't :)15:11
barrymars: i actually like the idea of throwing people into the deep end, getting the ocr to review the js, but with an experienced js'er reviewing the review15:11
marssinzui, :)15:11
barryintellectronica: yep :)15:11
marsbarry, if you were at the sprint, you may have rethought that...15:12
marsthe deep end for browser scripting is... deep15:12
marswith sharks15:12
barrymars: foundations will make it all better, right?15:13
marsthat's why I feel it's best suited to a "volunteer" program15:13
barrymars: or are you fitting laser helmets right now?15:13
marsbarry, we're working on it - tools should help15:13
marsbarry, yes, tools will help15:13
marsin a few cycles we should be to the point where the reviewer can just trust the tests15:14
marsbut we're not there yet15:14
barrymars: i think coding guidelines will help a lot, even if they're incomplete15:14
barrymars: something a reviewer can read and point to15:14
barrymars: that we fill up as questions arise15:14
barrymars: so i guess the recommendation is: ocr should try to review, and ask if you're not sure15:15
marsbarry, true - the JS review then becomes more of a style and conformance review, but it still has value15:15
marsalso agreed15:15
barrymars: i think that's the best way to start, since those are easier to get a handle on15:16
barryoh, i also want to point out that mars updated https://dev.launchpad.net/ReviewerSchedule15:16
barrythis now includes a "specialties" column so you have a better idea of who can help out with js15:16
barrysinzui: thanks.  did you have anything else on this topic?15:16
marss/specialties/mentoring offered/ ?15:17
barrycool, anybody have anything else on any topic not on the agenda?15:17
barrymars: sup to the reviewer i guess15:17
barry[TOPIC] mentoring update15:18
MootBotNew Topic:  mentoring update15:18
barry   * al-maisan graduates15:18
barrybut he's not here :)15:18
adeuringcongart al-maisan!15:18
barry   * noodles to start js reviews this cycle, official mentat status next cycle15:19
barrynoodles775: we'll figure out a mentor/ocr for you next cycle.  welcome aboard!15:19
barry[TOPIC] action items15:20
MootBotNew Topic:  action items15:20
barry * gary to add `getStore()` as an alias for `_get_store()`15:20
barrygary's not here though.  does anybody know if this happened?15:20
barry * flacoste to look into storm/sqlobject result set compatibility15:21
flacostebarry: gary still needs to do this, he's on a sprint so has an excuse15:21
barrycool :)15:21
flacostebarry: i replied with a possible solution to gavin yesterday15:21
flacostebarry: he can tell if it works or not :-)15:21
barryexcellent, thanks!15:22
allenapflacoste: I'll be putting that in my branch later today.15:22
allenapThank you :)15:22
barryallenap: great, let us know how it works15:22
flacosteallenap: if it works, i'd suggest you add it to storm itself15:22
allenapWill do.15:22
barrywell, *if* it works :)15:22
allenapflacoste: Good idea!15:22
barry * gary will check to see if there's a bug open for adding a hook to `bzr send`, and submit one if there isn't15:23
barrygary's sprinting so we won't worry about this one15:23
barry * bigjools to take crack at helper functions for backpatching schemas to avoid circular imports15:23
barryand bigjools isn't here (sprinting?)15:23
barry * abentley to experiment on storm base class15:23
barrynor is abentley, but does anybody know what the status of his sugarstorm branch is?15:23
barryi have not done my three action items, but now i have access to to the old wiki again, so i'm going to try to find some time to migrate/update15:24
barry * flacoste to work on API reviewer cheat sheet15:25
* flacoste hides15:25
barryno worries hoover :)  keep it on the list?15:25
cprovbarry: bigjools is off (vacations) this week15:26
barrycprov: cool, thanks15:26
barrywell.  that's everything that i have.  if there's nothing more we can break early15:26
MootBotMeeting finished at 09:27.15:27
barrythanks everyone!  record time15:27
marsthanks barry15:27
allenapWoo, thanks.15:27
intellectronicathanks, barry15:28
noodles775taa barry15:28
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