
* calc thinks he found the problem with OOo, whee :)00:08
calcnow just to be able to patch it and compile it (several more hours of work :(00:09
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didrockshey crevette07:18
crevettehey didrocks07:18
crevetteanyone here, if you have possibility to test bluez 4.32 which is in my ppa I'd be delighted, it fixes some crash that occur in 4.3007:19
didrockscrevette: you are bluez upstream?07:19
crevettesomeone opened a bug a https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/33744307:19
crevettedidrocks: not at all, I'm hardly understanding bluetooth :/07:19
didrockshow do you with the crashes, so? ;)07:20
crevettebut I updated once because no one did it07:20
crevettedidrocks: sorry ? i guess you forgot a word07:20
crevettebug url is https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/bugs/337443 rather07:20
ubottuLaunchpad bug 337443 in bluez "[jaunty] Please update bluez to 4.32 version" [Undecided,New]07:20
didrockscrevette: sorry, how do you fix the crashes, so ? :)07:23
didrockshey mvo07:23
crevetteI don't fixe my self, I reported to upstream by IRC07:23
didrockscrevette: oki ^^07:23
mvohey didrocks07:24
crevettehey mvo07:24
mvohey crevette07:32
* pitti hugs back didrocks07:57
pittididrocks: I'll review the page and make some corrections if adequate07:58
pittididrocks: that won't happen until Friday, though (post-UIF)07:58
didrockspitti: no pb, take your time. There is no emergency :)08:05
pittididrocks: btw, I actually think that unless you can/will upload, you shouldn't even do dch -r/debcommit -r08:10
pittididrocks: that's something the uploader can do easily enough, and it will avoid reverting history if someone else wants to change something, too08:11
pittiI'll mention this on the wiki page08:11
didrockspitti: I think we should talk with seb128 and mvo about that before, as they are the people who makes most of sponsoring for desktop team, if they want to do that or not. I see personnally no problem, it avoid uncommit and then --overwrite use08:12
pittididrocks: and that needs to become the standard workflow anyway once you'll be able to commit directly to ~ubuntu-desktop08:17
didrockspitti: non core-dev will be able to commit there (only MOTU or everyone?) and then, when someone will sponsor the package, he will dch-r/debcommit -r, build source package and dput it. That makes sense :)08:20
pittididrocks: ~ubuntu-desktop == ubuntu-core-dev plus some extra contributors08:20
didrockspitti: oki :)08:20
didrocksmorning seb12808:21
pittibonjour seb12808:21
seb128lut didrocks08:21
seb128hey pitti08:21
pittiseb128: is ~u-core-dev already a member of ~u-desktop?08:21
seb128pitti: dunno?08:22
seb128you can probably see that on launchpad08:22
pittiseems not08:22
* seb128 just woke up and is making coffee08:22
pittiseb128: I think it should be08:22
seb128will start work in a few minutes08:22
mvohey seb128, keen to test a compiz change for me ;) ?08:22
* didrocks will grab some coffee too :)08:22
mvo(after you had coffee of course)08:22
seb128mvo: hello, sure08:22
* mvo makes some tea08:22
* mvo hugs seb12808:22
seb128pitti: you are team admin too now feel free to do any change you want ;-)08:23
* seb128 hugs mvo08:23
pittiseb128: oh, you just made me?08:23
seb128pitti: yes08:23
* pitti feels the new supah-powahs08:24
seb128you're welcome ;-)08:24
seb128mvo: so where is this change to try?08:37
mvoseb128: please add the compiz ppa (deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/compiz/ppa/ubuntu jaunty main) and  upgrade to it08:38
mvoseb128: http://paste.ubuntu.com/126174 are the packges08:40
mvoseb128: then please run in the terminal and put the output into a pastebin, then run it a second time please and paste the output again08:41
mvoseb128: hopefully the second time is faster than the first08:41
mvoseb128: it should also pull in libprotobuf308:42
mvo(it does some caching now)08:42
seb128it does grab libprotobuf3 indeed, downloading08:43
seb128is that start optimization work?08:43
mvoseb128: yes, I want to push it to jaunty but I want some internal testing first08:44
mvoworks fine for my machines08:44
seb128mvo: http://paste.ubuntu.com/12618208:45
seb128profile point: first idle 1020000 (1.020000) - delta: 10000 (0.010000)08:47
seb128profile point: first idle 610000 (0.610000) - delta: 0 (0.000000)08:47
seb128that's the win?08:47
mvoyour machine is *fast*08:48
mvoits 3s for mine :)08:48
mvoand goes down to ~2s08:49
mvoseb128: could you please keep using it for a bit and let me know if anything acts funny for you (if you updated python-compizconfig as well, you could test ccsm and see if that works as expected)08:51
* mvo hugs seb128 for the testing08:52
* seb128 hugs mvo, it's running now I will not downgrade08:52
seb128mvo: and don't worry I will complain if thing breaks, you know me ;-)08:52
eeejaydid auto-dpi detection get reverted to a set 96 in recent updates?08:53
seb128eeejay: no, but if you used the xrandr capplet it forces 96 dpi apparently when loading a config08:54
eeejayseb128: ah, thanks :)08:55
seb128vuntz: hello?09:04
crevettehello gents09:10
seb128lut crevette09:11
crevettesalut seb12809:12
crevetteI'm looking for brave people to test latest bluetooth update, it is working for me, but I'd like to double check09:12
seb128I don't have bluetooth devices09:18
seb128mvo: could you make the "the change have been applied" synaptic dialog show in the tasks list?09:19
seb128mvo: I often start an install, switch workspace and this one goes in background one the current workspace09:19
mvoseb128: that would violate the HIG iirc09:19
mvobut I never quite agreed with this requirement09:19
seb128mvo: which means synaptic ssems to be stucked for ever without any clue of why until I close everything and notice it09:19
seb128ssems -> seems09:19
seb128ok, so get it to be displayed on top of synaptic on the same workspace?09:20
seb128and not under everything else on an another workspace and not in alt-tab09:20
seb128nor in the task lists09:20
mvoseb128: does that happen with synaptic itself? or when its run from update-manager?09:20
seb128synaptic itself09:20
seb128run synaptic09:20
seb128select "package to update"09:21
seb128double click on something which takes 30s to download09:21
seb128switch to an another workspace where you do IRC09:21
seb128and notice that the "installation is done" dialog show there09:21
seb128if you type on IRC or something the focus prevention send it to background09:21
seb128but not glowing in the task list since it's not there09:21
seb128and you have synaptic "stucked" until you figure what's going on09:22
seb128there must be a better way ;-)09:23
mvodoes this happen with both compiz and metacity?09:24
seb128dunno, I'm using compiz09:24
* mvo nods09:24
seb128I will try later, I don't want to mess all my workspaces now09:25
mvosure, thanks09:25
seb128it does happen with compiz though09:25
seb128so it's your land anyway ;-)09:25
seb128mvo: can you confirm you get the issue?09:25
mvoI will problably not do something about it today :/ need to work on software-propoerties UI changes09:25
* mvo tries it09:26
mvoyes, I can confirm it09:26
seb128oh, no hurry, it's there since the dawn of time I think, I just notice now because I use synaptic more often since I don't have the update-notifier icon ;-)09:26
seb128and I know where to look09:27
seb128but the first time I though synaptic was stucked or something09:27
mvoseb128: heh :) it looks like with metacity it does not allow to move the transient window without the parent09:28
seb128didrocks: your yelp update switched the start page back to the upstream version09:28
mvoseb128: so when I try to move it to a different workspace, the main synaptic window moves with it09:28
seb128mvo: that makes sense to me, I often wonder why compiz doesn't do that09:28
seb128sometime I open evolution on the wrong workspace so I dnd it back where it should be09:29
seb128and the send&receive dialog stay in the middle of the screen, I've to do it again for it09:29
mvoseb128: indeed, sounds like a bug worth reporting, also the compiz guys are busy working on the compiz++ branch, so we may not get it if we don't do it ourself09:29
seb128what is compiz++?09:30
seb128compiz rewritten in C++? ;-)09:30
davmor2crevette: is it in Jaunty now?09:36
crevetteno, in my ppa09:36
seb128_grrr at jaunty crashing on xorg session switches09:45
seb128_the guest session is so nice to try changes but if that's to crash the box09:46
=== seb128_ is now known as seb128
tseliotseb128: can you try this patch? http://albertomilone.com/ubuntu/gnome/jaunty/gcc-patches/04032009/109_screen_resolution_extra.patch09:52
tseliotit should work09:52
seb128tseliot: thanks!09:52
tseliotseb128: I haven't tested it yet but the changes were trivial and the patch applies correctly now09:52
tseliotseb128: should you have any problems, just let me know09:53
seb128ok, will try now and let you know09:53
didrocksseb128: yeah, I saw you discussed that this night. I took a quick look this morning and the changes are quite minimal on this page (context change). I will take a deeper look at it tonight.10:25
asacArneGoetje: there?10:26
seb128didrocks: ok thanks, I can confirm the issue but I've no real clue what change broke it10:26
didrocksseb128: I compared the 2 revisions and it's not obvious :/10:27
didrocksseb128: it's just that it's an .in file and autotools patch is runned before patching this .in file10:27
didrocksbut it worked in the previous version with the same patch order, so...10:27
seb128weird build error10:29
seb128"config.status: executing depfiles commands10:29
seb128shift: 2353: can't shift that many10:29
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=== Hybrig is now known as bothorsen
crevetteis there a way to not received mail from lp on a bug modification when I'm the originator of the change10:44
seb128what sort of modifications?10:45
crevettelike answers, status modification, any10:48
davmor2MacSlow: is bug 337274 better now :)10:48
ubottuLaunchpad bug 337274 in indicator-applet "Wishlist Bug: Minimise Evolution/Other mail clients into the new notify-osd comms applet" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33727410:48
seb128crevette: specific example?10:48
seb128slomo_: any reason gst-plugins-good0.10 current is in experimental?10:49
MacSlowdavmor2, yeah thanks10:49
crevetteseb128, in bugzilla when I do a modification on a bug I'm already CCed, I've chose not to received mail (this is in preference of the account), in LP fopr any modification I do, I receive a mail10:49
seb128crevette: ah right, there is a bug open about that for a while, no way right now no10:50
crevetteseb128, ah okay, sad :/10:50
seb128crevette: do email filtering? ;-)10:50
slomo_seb128: yes, pulseaudio 0.9.13 is required and only in experimental and NEW10:51
Laneyseb128, crevette: n-s-u was rejected10:55
seb128Laney: yes, I just did, I was going to fix the issues and reupload but your version is not on the bug10:56
seb128Laney: basically some details if you want to fix and reupload10:56
Laneycouldn't you get it from the upload*10:56
seb128- crevette added himself to the copyright as upstream author10:56
Laneyseb128: I can't do it until tomorrow at the earliest10:56
seb128which is wrong10:57
seb128and there is autotools noise10:57
seb128ok, let me try to get a fixed version10:57
crevetteI though I corrected that10:59
seb128crevette: no you didn't10:59
Laneysoz for missing it too!11:00
seb128that's ok11:00
Laneybut maybe this makes a case for having two reviewers11:00
seb128Laney: I did scp your control and changelog and I'm fixing those issues and reuploading11:00
didrocksseb128: you didn't comment on evolution-mapi bug for FFe (I uploaded it last week after reviewing it)11:01
seb128didrocks: I commented on IRC and it got accepted yesterday11:01
didrocksseb128: great, didn't notice that :)11:01
* crevette is doing cleaning in bluez & bluez-gnome bugs11:03
crevettesuch shame I do that at work11:04
huatshello everyone11:04
seb128hey huats, good to see the new anjuta uploaded ;-)11:05
seb128hey pedro_11:05
seb128crevette: good ;-)11:05
pedro_bonjour seb12811:05
crevetteseb128, I think we'll need to discuss about bluez-gnome/gnome-bluetooth problem11:05
huatsseb128: don't be so sure... it fails to build...11:05
huatsI have to correct that :( but the thing is that it builds fine in my place :(11:06
seb128huats: using pbuilder? seems a lack of build-depends11:06
seb128crevette: sure11:06
seb128crevette: which ones?11:06
huatsseb128: yes using pdebuild11:06
seb128crevette: oh, switching? not for this cycle11:06
crevetteseb128, bluez-gnome is stalled, and bastien forked the code and did a bunch of fixes11:07
seb128crevette: right, and he says he's not sure the new code will be ready this cycle, that's a bit hasted11:07
crevetteI hope he's gonna release soon a version, and we'll have to see if we want to replace bluez-gnome with gnome-bluetooth11:07
seb128let's see when the new version is available11:07
crevetteseb128, at least for me, the code didn't change that much, and is working fine11:08
crevetteand it fixes some bugs we have downstream11:09
seb128Laney, crevette: nautilus-sendto-universe accepted11:10
huatsseb128: any idea how I can avoid that kind of build issue ?11:18
seb128huats: use pbuilder?11:19
huatsin that case I have used pdebuild and pbuilder ... (and it builds on both)11:19
seb128huats: I don't understand the question then11:25
huatsseb128:I have build the anjuta package with pdebuild and a 2nd time with pbuilder... it went grea both times. And once I have uploaded it it fails to build :(11:26
huatsI was wondering what would be your advice to avoid that11:27
seb128huats: none11:28
huatsok :)11:28
seb128huats: get a buildd running all the time to catch a such every every year?11:29
Laneyhuats: did you try sbuild?11:29
huatsLaney: nope11:29
seb128lol, see, people have crazy ideas now ;-)11:29
huatsI'll try again11:30
LaneyI had a weird failure before where it worked in pbuilder and not in sbuild11:30
maxbhuats: Why build with pdebuild and pbuilder? pdebuild is just a convenience wrapper for pbuilder! :-)11:34
huatsmaxb: I have built it with both just to be sure :) and because I sometime use both, depends on my state of mind11:35
pochuhuats: the buildd triggered an autotools rebuild11:41
pochuthat's likely the cause of the failure11:41
huatspochu: ok11:41
huatspochu: so what can I do to fix that ?11:42
pochuhuats: are you patching configure.ac or some Makefiles?11:42
pochu+DEB_CONFIGURE_SCRIPT := ./autogen.sh11:45
pochuin debian/rules11:45
pochuthat causes this in the build:11:45
pochucd . && CC="cc" CXX="g++" CFLAGS="-g -O2 -g -Wall -O2" CXXFLAGS="-g -O2 -g -Wall -O2" CPPFLAGS="" LDFLAGS="-Wl,-Bsymbolic-functions" ./autogen.sh --build=i486-linux-gnu --prefix=/usr --includedir="\${prefix}/include" --mandir="\${prefix}/share/man" --infodir="\${prefix}/share/info" --sysconfdir=/etc --localstatedir=/var --libexecdir="\${prefix}/lib/anjuta" --disable-maintainer-mode --disable-dependency-tracking --srcdir=.   --disable-scrollkeepe11:45
pochuand ./autogen.sh runs autoconf, automake, intltoolize, etc11:46
pochuhuats: I'd suggest changing that to ./configure, or simply removing DEB_CONFIGURE_SCRIPT11:46
pochuhuats: not sure if that will have any implications... check debian/changelog to see why it was added :)11:46
huatspochu: ok I'll have a look11:47
huatsthanks pochu11:47
pochunp ;)11:47
pochuhuats: you can also ask robster, he may know why it's there11:47
pochuhuats: seems to be there from before 2003, I guess it's ok to remove it :)11:49
crevetteI would like help for bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/317831, is the problem with bluez or gnome-do? (I'm not using linux right now)11:50
ubottuLaunchpad bug 317831 in bluez "applications look alsa blueooth libraries in in 32 bit folder on x64 system" [Undecided,New]11:50
huatspochu: ok :)11:51
huatsI'll test build it rigth now without it to check11:51
seb128crevette: ask if he gets the same issue running the command on a command line11:53
asacany idea how i can do something like --force-overwrite-modified-configs?12:04
asaci messed up some /etc/... stuff and feel like i want to go through that manually :(12:04
asacmvo: ?12:04
asacis there a switch that tells dpkg to disable the "be smart about modified conffiles" feature?12:05
seb128asac: man dpkg?12:06
asacseb128: there is --force-confnew12:06
asacbut that i have the feeling that doesnt do what i want12:06
seb128asac: rm file and --force-confmiss?12:06
seb128but --force-confnew should do that12:07
mvoasac: what seb128 said, confmiss should do the trick12:08
vuntzseb128: hello?12:08
seb128vuntz: hey, new gnome-session still close the session in a brutal way, I tried running oowrite and firefox with tab opened and closed the session and it just closed everything12:09
vuntzseb128: closing everything is fine. The way it's closing it is not12:11
vuntzseb128: (apps get killed because there's no more X, I think)12:12
seb128vuntz: well, it used to ask if you want to save work before the new gnome-session12:12
seb128I though you said that was fixed in svn12:12
vuntzseb128: firefox would cause this?12:12
seb128but 2.25.92 still has the bug12:12
seb128cause what?12:12
vuntzseb128: gnome-session to ask?12:12
seb128firefox probably not but openoffice did apparently12:12
vuntzcan you try with gedit?12:12
asacsudo rm -r /etc/fonts/; followed by --force-confnew worked. ... still unsure why this needs to be so hard :)12:13
asacthx seb128 and mvo12:13
seb128vuntz: not right now but gedit worked in intrepid already, they are GNOME friendly12:13
seb128vuntz: gedit has the opposite issue in fact see gnome bug #55316812:16
ubottuGnome bug 553168 in gnome-session "Gedit blocks logout every time, even if nothing is unsaved" [Normal,Unconfirmed] http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=55316812:16
seb128oh and bug #553166 too12:16
ubottuError: Launchpad bug 553166 could not be found12:16
* asac logs out of gnome and goes for pure openbox to get a clue12:16
seb128ok, let me try12:17
seb128vuntz: gedit bugged the same way12:18
seb128vuntz: you get the "this application doesn't reply" dialog but not "do you want to save your work"12:18
* vuntz was confused12:19
seb128pochu: hello12:20
pochuhi seb128 :)12:20
seb128pochu: would you be interested in getting the python-gtk-dbg changes in debian?12:20
seb128pochu: there is no reason that shouldn't go there and so we could sync12:21
pochuseb128: yeah, I'll have a look12:21
pochuI think I already looked at them, not sure what happened though12:21
pochuseb128: btw I was looking in getting libsoup2.2 rdepends migrated to 2.4, so that we can remove the package12:21
seb128pochu: in fact seems to be in experimental12:21
seb128so ignore the comment ;-)12:21
pochuah :-)12:22
seb128gnome-python doesn't though12:22
pochuseb128: but azeem told me he wasn't sure libsyncml wasn't quite ready to migrate from experimental to unstable12:22
pochuso not sure if removing libsoup2.2 from Jaunty will be possible/a good idea12:22
pochudefinetely for Karmic12:23
seb128it's in universe so that's ok12:23
seb128vuntz: do you need extra details on the session doesn't saving work issue?12:24
vuntzseb128: no :-)12:25
vuntzseb128: was just confused by the dialogs12:25
seb128vuntz: you still plan to work on that? ;-)12:25
vuntzseb128: will try, at least. I'm doing the release today12:26
vuntzbut I might have time12:26
seb128vuntz: ok, on the good side we have packaged almost everything and noticed no real issue ;-)12:26
asacvuntz: what is firefox supposed to listen for to become "gnome friendly" on session shutdown?12:26
pittibwah, new gnome-settings-daemon breaks xrandr again12:27
* pitti reopens bug 32941012:27
ubottuError: Could not parse data returned by Launchpad: timed out (https://launchpad.net/bugs/329410/+text)12:27
pittiseb128: on that note I can confirm that gnome-panel now auto-adapts to resolution changes12:27
seb128pitti: good ;-)12:27
pittibut this thing drives me crazy12:27
vuntzasac: well. It could well just be a gnome-session bug12:28
pittiseb128: evalutaion of ~/.config/monitors.xml12:28
asacvuntz: whats the theory?12:28
pittiseb128: see above bug12:28
vuntzasac: everything is broken? :-)12:28
seb128pitti: I don't find my camera right now could you try if the gphoto issue is still there?12:28
pittiseb128: sure12:28
seb128pitti: the "too many icons are displayed"12:28
asacvuntz: hehe. well. i think firefox never really played nicely on session shutdown12:29
asacvuntz: is that a dbus call nowadays?12:29
vuntzasac: at the moment, it seems gnome-session doesn't really plays nicely with apps12:29
vuntzasac: we still support xsmp. There's a dbus API, but it's not stable, etc.12:29
pittiseb128: still happens, I get two icons and two "what to do" dialogs12:29
vuntzasac: but I believe I read somewhere that firefox xsmp support was improved at some point12:29
pittigvfs-mount -l shows it twice12:29
seb128pitti: ok, I will ping davidz later12:30
seb128I think it's a bit early for him now12:30
asacvuntz: ok, i will check that. it causes lots of follow up bugs that firefox gets killed by X ;)12:30
asacso should be worth a look ;)12:30
crevetterhaaa, bugzilla is so sloooooow12:31
asacerr ... is it just me or is http://www.xfree86.org/current/xsmp.html completely broken? (like a 100 line link)12:32
seb128asac: not just you12:33
seb128mvo, james_w: around?12:47
james_whey seb12812:47
seb128did bzr-buildpackage changed behaviour recently?12:47
seb128bzr get lp:~andreas-moog/totem/totem-2259212:47
seb128gives me ton of "can't diff binary files" error12:47
mvoseb128: problem with the python2.6 update12:48
pittiseb128: known bug, change in python2.6; james_w has a fix already, but not uploaded yet12:48
seb128how come that doesn't get uploaded?12:48
james_wI'm going to sync from Debian if it is uploaded there today12:48
james_wif not I'll upload in a couple of hours12:49
crevettewhere is stored the bootchart file ?12:49
seb128can't we get it fixed in jaunty now and sync later when debian update?12:49
crevette/var/something I guess12:49
seb128crevette: /var/log/bootchart12:49
james_wwe certainly could12:49
crevettethanks seb12812:49
seb128james_w: would be nice, I'm stucked for sponsoring right now12:49
seb128waiting for debian has some value but should not stop ubuntu work imho12:49
pittiseb128: I did bzr-based sponsoring without bzr bd so far12:50
james_w"python2.5 /usr/bin/bzr builddeb whatever" as a workaround12:50
pittior use tar xzf ../foo_orig.tar.gz --str=112:50
pittito unpack source tarballs manually12:50
pittibzr clean-tree before is also helpful12:50
seb128ok, /me tar xzvf .orig.tar.gz and cp the debian dir over12:51
seb128just when I started getting used to bzr12:51
pittiseb128: no, just unpack it in the bzr source with --str=112:51
pittior use james_w's workaround :)12:52
seb128I don't want the .bzr in my upload12:52
seb128copying the debian dir over is fine, I've been working without bzr for years I will manage I think ;-)12:52
pittiDEBUILD_DPKG_BUILDPACKAGE_OPTS="-i -I.bzr -I.svn -I.shelf"12:52
james_w"bzr export ../wherever/debian" rather than copying will remove the .bzr12:52
seb128it's building right now12:52
seb128james_w: there is no .bzr in debian, just in ubuntu12:53
seb128thanks for the hint12:53
james_w../wherever/debian is the target you realise?12:53
seb128that still strucked me as something which should not wait on debian to wake up to get fixed in ubuntu but *shrug*12:53
james_wit exports the branch you are currently in12:54
seb128I do bzr get lp:~team/package/ubuntu12:54
seb128cp -R ubuntu/debian source12:54
seb128cd source12:54
seb128that works12:54
seb128and has no .bzr12:54
james_wyeah should work fine12:55
crevetteis it me, or the tools that should update uptream bug in lp doesn't work13:05
james_wyeah, it's currently broken13:06
* crevette did mass bug triaging, and upstream report this morning13:07
crevetteyou can thanks my boss13:07
seb128huats: you didn't update the maintainer for gdl13:09
seb128james_w: watches not updating is a known issue?13:09
seb128james_w: ie the launchpad team knows about it? I asked on #launchpad yesterday and got no reply13:10
james_wI have you the bug number when you asked on #launchpad! :-)13:10
ubottuLaunchpad bug 300634 in malone "Bug watches aren't getting updated in an ordered fashion" [High,In progress]13:10
seb128james_w: doh, it probably didn't highlight and I didn't read it, thanks13:10
james_wno problem13:11
crevettewhat should I do to have more power in launchpad? I can't change some status13:12
james_wcrevette: you should apply to become part of the bugcontrol team13:13
crevetteokay thanks13:13
seb128james_w: bzr get lp:~chrisccoulson/gnome-media/ubuntu13:15
seb128james_w: bzr-buildpackage13:15
seb128bzr: ERROR: bzrlib.util.configobj.configobj.ParseError: Invalid line at line "1".13:15
seb128james_w: that's the same bug?13:15
james_wthat's a new one13:16
seb128ok, do you want me to open a bug?13:16
james_wmerge = True13:16
kenvandine_wkbryce: ping13:16
james_wshould be "[BUILDDEB]"13:16
kenvandine_wkmorning folks!13:16
james_wseb128: please do, that's one ugly error13:16
seb128james_w: thanks for the quick debugging ;-)13:16
seb128it's not obvious from the error13:16
james_wyeah, I always like to improve the error where possible, so I will investigate this case13:17
seb128james_w: where do you want to bug? bzr-builddeb ubuntu package?13:17
seb128or upstream product?13:17
james_wseb128: either works for me13:17
seb128james_w: bug #33772913:20
ubottuLaunchpad bug 337729 in bzr-builddeb "non obvious warning on configuration formatting issue" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33772913:20
huatsseb128: fixed.... sorry13:22
seb128huats: it's weird that you didn't get the build error13:22
huatsI didn't...13:23
MacSlowdavidbarth, what's up?13:23
MacSlowdavidbarth, flaky ISP-connection?13:24
davidbarthMacSlow: fiddling with nm...13:24
seb128huats: still working on the gcalctool update btw?13:24
MacSlowdavidbarth, I still need some info otherwise I cannot do the PPA13:24
huatsseb128: I did a few correctioins on anjuta, and I am building it on my ppa to avoid the build error...13:24
huatsseb128: yep13:24
davidbarthMacSlow: yes, ok13:24
davidbarthMacSlow: so branch the packaging branch13:24
seb128huats: what did you change?13:24
davidbarthMacSlow: then merge in the trunk of notify-osd13:25
huatsseb128: what pochu suggested.13:25
davidbarthMacSlow: then dch -i and follow the rest of the proc13:25
seb128huats: which was?13:25
huatsremove the DEB_CONFIGURE_SCRIPT call in the rules files13:25
seb128huats: why?13:26
huatsbecause it calls autogen.sh and that according pochu that was the cause of the error13:26
huatsseb128: I am testing it right now13:27
huatsseb128: pochu same error13:27
seb128not a surprise13:28
huatsseb128: I will investigate13:28
seb128it seems to be a build-dep lack13:29
huatsit is weird that I don't face that on my pbuilder...13:29
huats(I have rebuilt it twice already)13:29
seb128sbuild and pbuilder have different logic on build depends which use | for example I think13:30
seb128and you might get recommends installed and not on the buildds or something13:30
seb128look at the installed list of packages in the build log and to what is required for the line which breaks13:31
seb128and see if a build-depends is lacking that you get locally13:31
seb128let me have a look for you13:31
james_wseb128: fixed, thanks for the report13:32
seb128james_w: waouh, that was some quick fixing, thanks ;-)13:32
seb128huats: do you get liblocale-gettext-perl installed in your pbuilder?13:32
mptdobey, yes, for a CD Nautilus offers me both "Unmount" and "Eject", and if I choose "Unmount" by mistake then the only way of ejecting the CD is to restart the computer. That's lots of fun.13:32
james_wit was an easy one ;-)13:32
seb128mpt: you can select eject later no?13:33
seb128mpt: or double click on the CD to mount it again and then select eject13:33
huatsseb128: let me check13:33
seb128mpt: did you read what I just said?13:34
seb128or wrote rather13:34
mptseb128, no I can't select Eject or double-click later, because it's unmounted so there's nothing to click on any more13:34
seb128mpt: CD drives are listed in the computer location when unmounted too13:35
* mpt tries13:35
mptoh, so it is!13:36
mptseb128, I hadn't had "Computer" open at all, so I never noticed13:36
seb128mpt: I see13:37
mptWhat's the point of unmounting a CD without ejecting it anyway?13:37
seb128listing empty drive on the desktop wouldn't be a good idea13:37
seb128not sure13:37
seb128it makes sense for a rw when you want to record on it next13:37
seb128but the cd recording software does that for you anyway13:37
mptnot for a closed CD13:38
seb128mpt: alex says that's a bug, it should list only one option and that used to work13:41
seb128mpt: http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=57406713:49
ubottuGnome bug 574067 in GIO "context menu lists eject and unmount option" [Normal,Unconfirmed]13:49
mptah good, thanks seb12813:51
seb128mpt: you're welcome13:51
mptTomorrow I'll complain about how not one but two alerts appear when you insert an Ubuntu CD :-)13:52
* mpt should just report the bug instead13:52
huatsseb128: yes liblocale-gettext-perl is getting  installed in the pbuilder13:52
seb128huats: that's why it doesn't fail to build13:52
huatsseb128: but it is installed on demand right ?13:52
seb128mpt: that's here for several cycle, you can argue on whether that's an update-manager or nautilus bug ;-)13:52
seb128huats: in the soyuz log it's listed as suggest and not installed, not sure why it's in your pbuilder13:53
seb128huats: ask  on #ubuntu-devel maybe somebody knows there13:53
huatsseb128: thanks13:53
mvoseb128: is there a (not too intrusive) way to add the required functinatliy into nautilus? then I'm happy to drop it from u-n13:56
mvoalternatively we shoudl teach nautilus to ignore certain CDs13:57
seb128mvo: what is the required fonctionnality? nautilus does autorun13:57
seb128mvo: I'm not sure what this dialog do exactly13:58
mvoseb128: its a) detecting a CD with packages and offer to add it so that its available via synaptic/apt b) detect upgradable volumes and offer to run a upgrade from it c) detect addon CDs (like the edubuntu one) and show a custrom GUI13:59
mvoseb128: is autorun not too generic?13:59
mvoseb128: I mean, it only shows "there is something you can auto-run, do you want to do it"?13:59
mvono indication what options the user has13:59
mvo(and it does not work with xubuntu etc, but thats probably a lesser point)13:59
seb128mvo: right, the nautilus is autorun support, it tries to use the autorun.inf on the CD14:00
seb128mvo: the autorun.inf would have a valid binary it would run that14:00
seb128mvo: the thing is that this autorun if for windows and not linux right now14:00
mvohm, we could switch to it, but it would IMO require that we teach it at least some additional text to display14:01
seb128so we could either make the autorun linux friendly or teach nautilus to ignore it14:01
mvo(and to not display this prompt every time I insert a windows CD ;)14:01
mvoisn't autorun.inf mostly windows anyway?14:01
mvoI mean, why not just disable it if no wine is installed?14:02
seb128there is a bug open about that I think14:02
* seb128 adds that to his pet bugs list for jaunty14:02
mvothnaks seb128!14:04
seb128mvo: you're welcome!14:07
james_wthere's also the thing nautilus can do if you plug in a memory card full of images14:08
james_wit offers to run f-spot in a bar across the top14:09
james_wI can't remember the name to look up the mechanism now though :-/14:09
kenvandine_wkmorning rickspencer314:12
asacseb128: so after some rumbling and screaming i found that gtk is the culprit14:13
asacseb128: e.g. the origin of the problem: "gtk apps dont honor fontconfig"14:13
seb128asac: it's always gtk bog14:13
rickspencer3good mornig kenvandine_wk14:13
asacseb128: i found the place and i made a hack and now it works. i will do that proper after i have finished the security round14:13
seb128ok, good14:14
seb128you rock!14:14
asacseb128: you led me in the wrong direction when telling me that its gnome-settings-deamon doing that ;)14:14
seb128I said g-s-d set the xsettings14:14
asacseb128: the way font works is really splattered around all places :)14:14
seb128and that gtk cairo pango whatever does pick it then14:14
asacseb128: yeah. i asked "who overwrites the fontconfig settings" ;)14:14
seb128I though you were asking "who set the xsettings which is used then"14:15
asacseb128: yeah. its gtk enforcing it, and cairo executing it14:15
seb128ie, "where do we change to rgba"14:15
asaci had to read pango before finding ti ;)14:15
asacseb128: yeah. well. gnome-settings-daemon needs to be touched too ;)14:15
seb128hey rickspencer314:15
asacseb128: its just that we probably will use Xft/Fontconfig Xsetting now to propagate that down to cairo14:16
seb128rickspencer3: that font change is not a one liner, asac is touching code all over the place for it now14:16
asacerr, down to gtk14:16
rickspencer3hold on14:16
asacseb128: well. the perfect thing is ;)14:16
* rickspencer3 goes to #dx room14:16
* rickspencer3 back14:16
asacthe quick fix is a just flipping to LCD by default14:17
seb128ie rgba in the gconf key?14:17
asacseb128: yes14:17
asacuse that for antialiasing14:17
rickspencer3"quiick fix" doesn't sound so great, but isn't that what is being asked for?14:17
asacrickspencer3: it has been asked for ages that gtk can honour fontconfig :)14:18
asacrickspencer3: dx team might think its good to flip to LCD, but that doesnt fix the root cause14:18
rickspencer3how far down the path of fixing this are you? How much work is left?14:19
asacrickspencer3: i think i have all pieces now. have to clean things up and do a few things i hacked, properly14:20
asacrickspencer3: but that will happen after security updates are out14:20
kenvandine_wkasac: really fixing it?14:21
rickspencer3I think this is important to do, but I feel that in terms of priority, we should plan to ask for a feature freeze exception14:21
rickspencer3(in other words, ack on doing it after serurity updates, and I meant UI Freeze Exception)14:22
rickspencer3seb128: asac: thanks for investigating and tracking this down. It certainly will be an improvement if it gets fixed for Jaunty.14:22
asacrickspencer3: i dont care if it ends up in jaunty or not (i hope we can have it there). as long as it goes upstream. its just that i was touching fontconfig with arne and then looked further14:22
rickspencer3asac: I care, but not enough to risk other commitments14:23
rickspencer3also, ack on patching upstream, but it sounds like something they would want14:23
asacrickspencer3: in case we dont put it into jaunty (e.g. as usual there might be issues left i dont see), we can always use the "stupid approach"14:23
asace.g. just flip to LCD for everyone14:23
rickspencer3asac: I think that would be acceptable, for sure14:24
* asac now talking to kev from mozilla14:24
rickspencer3again, you guys rock!14:24
* kenvandine_wk hopes his box does crash again... this build is nearly done :)14:25
james_wmvo, seb128: ./src/nautilus-x-content-bar.c <- if you can get CDs to get recognised as x-content/something then you can change nautilus to get it to not try and autorun them, but to offer to launch something else to handle them instead.14:26
seb128james_w: right, we would need a special mimetype for those disks then? similar to audio cds etc14:26
james_wI haven't worked out what detects x-content/* yet14:27
Laneycrevette: Could you update nautilus-sendto-universe to 1.1.2?14:27
james_wI assume it can be fairly clever14:27
seb128james_w: yes, shared-mime-info I would say using the disk content14:27
crevetteLaney, I'll try to remember to do that tonight14:27
crevetteI package nemiver 0.6.5 also14:28
Laney(it will be uninstallable until this is done)14:28
pittihey rickspencer314:35
rickspencer3good afternoon pitti14:35
james_wseb128: thanks for the pointer. Seems like it wouldn't be too hard to extend the spec to handle that. Presumably there is already an app that could be launched?14:37
seb128james_w: adding mimetypes is easy yes and should not an issue upstream either, for the app mvo might be a better person to ask14:38
james_wsure :-)14:38
seb128brb, I just need to restart GNOME to try an update14:39
james_wshall I write a mail to the list while this is all in my head?14:39
james_wseb128: shall I write a mail to the list while this is all in my head?14:41
seb128james_w: good idea yes14:41
mvomight be a bit late for jaunty though, lets see how it works out14:47
james_wyeah, I suggested Karmic14:53
mvook, cool14:54
dobeyjames_w: too bad you didn't suggest Kameleon14:58
james_wheh :-)14:59
calcyipee i got the gvfs OOo issue tracked down and upstream fixed the problem for me already :-)15:11
* calc wonders if it fixes the issue well enough he can get away with leaving gvfs enabled in OOo (without just using fuse)15:11
kenvandine_wkdavidbarth: doesn't look like your patch covers the messages like low ink, paper, etc?15:12
calcoh full OOo gvfs support doesn't work yet, but i have a better shot at tracking down why now that gvfs fuse fully works :)15:13
davidbarthkenvandine_wk: couldn't find the place where it was sending the notifications; do you know where this happens?15:17
kenvandine_wki am looking15:17
kenvandine_wkstatereason.py sets the messages15:17
pitticalc: ah, so that recent glib/gvfs fix works well now? great15:25
calcpitti: OOo can write to a gvfs fuse mount without failing now, but still has some sort of issue when attempting to write using the api, so i'll have to see if i can determine why15:26
mvoseb128: do you want me to do the totem sponsoring stuff?15:26
calcpitti: in the past it couldn't even write to the fuse mount due to gvfs issue so i got that part fixed first15:26
seb128mvo: would be nice thanks, I tried totem but it doesn't build there but my box is not really uptodate, maybe give it a try? totem-pl-parser would be nice too15:27
seb128mvo: in clear, I tried totem which fails to build here and totem-pl-parser is all yours ;-)15:27
calcis there a way to compile java code with default-jdk with compatibility mode for older api?15:34
thewrathdoes anyone know the bug report number ofr hte issue with conecting to wireless networks that are using wpa2 enterprise encryption15:34
calci'm moving java code from gcj to openjdk and it fails due to:15:34
calc   [javac] Note: Some input files use or override a deprecated API.15:34
calc    [javac] Note: Recompile with -Xlint:deprecation for details.15:34
calcand i don't particularly want to rewrite the code15:34
seb128good, xrandr changes work now with compiz and gnome-panel15:36
seb128everything adjust correctly and back on intel15:37
pittiseb128: compiz, too? rock! wasn't working for me earlier today15:40
seb128pitti: running gtk 2.15.5?15:41
asackenvandine: fwiw, your icon is broken on identi.ca  ... fta had the same issue and had to replace it with a png (jpeg seems to have issues with scaling)15:41
pittiseb128: y3es15:42
seb128pitti: dunno then15:43
seb128works for me on my laptop since the gtk update15:43
pittiseb128: I use compiz --replace15:43
mvoseb128: totem is not in sync with the archive15:43
pittiat least the panel auto-adapts now, with today's updates15:43
seb128mvo: gar15:43
mvoseb128: I was about to make a joke aobut it - that it must be doko15:43
seb128mvo: go doko go15:43
asacArneGoetje: can you spin a gtk locally with this patch http://paste.ubuntu.com/126310/ ... this will make gtk honour your fontconfig (in a hacky way for now) so you can tune the rules for different font sizes et al15:43
pittiseb128: and I reopened the g-s-d bug, you dropped the patch :)15:43
seb128mvo: drop his revision, that's a no change one15:44
mvobut when I was about to make the joke it turned out it was doko *sigh*15:44
seb128pitti: I though that has been fixed upstream15:44
mvoyeah, that is what I'm going to do15:44
seb128pitti: let me fix it now15:44
mvoI really hope we get better tools soon, this problem becomes anoying15:44
pittiseb128: no, still being discussed15:44
calcso it looks like i need to somehow tell ant to set the java version to an older version, on the command line this appears to be done with javac -source VER  but this uses ant to build so i have no idea15:44
calcany ideas anyone?15:44
pittiseb128: no hurry, I can do that as well15:44
seb128pitti: I broke it I fix it now ;-)15:44
pitticalc: doko?15:44
* pitti hugs seb12815:45
pittiseb128: merci15:45
* seb128 hugs pitti15:45
seb128de rien15:45
pittiit's one of those bugs that drive me crazy, with an external TFT15:45
asacArneGoetje: for instance, we ship hintmedium by default which should be slight according to policy. also we should look into dropping the antialiasing thing imo15:45
asaccalc: i would think that its JAVA_HOME15:47
calcasac: i think JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/default-jdk  (just the path)15:47
asaccalc: yes. just export that and ant should take that iirc15:48
asaccalc: or put it in your ~/.antrc15:48
calcasac: yea but i want to specify the specific java source compatibility revision15:49
calcasac: eg compile with source compat set to 1.5 instead of 615:49
asaccalc: ah. ok. you can do that in the build.xml15:49
calcsince this code uses deprecated functions and causes the build to fail, so i can't port to openjdk15:50
calcasac: yes... do you know what the option i need is? :)15:50
asaccalc: which you can probably pass through a -D ...15:50
asaclet me look15:50
calci looked around on the ant website but didn't see an example for that15:50
asaccalc: a god start is to look at the task API for ant ... in this case the javac task15:51
asaccalc: its "target="1.4"15:51
asaci would think at least15:51
asaccalc: you can also pass that from outside using -Dant.build.javac.target=1.415:51
asac(if you want 1.4)15:51
xhakerhello everyone. asac the firefox langpacks bug with -pt is still not fixed15:51
calcasac: ok thanks15:52
asacxhaker: i think the update is just happening today15:52
asacxhaker: or did you get a new langpack from today yet?15:52
* xhaker restarts browser15:52
asacxhaker: err. that wont help ;)15:52
asacxhaker: check the version of the langpack-* packages you have installed15:53
xhakerasac: aswesome.. the firefox restart did indeed help, i had installed the updates with firefox open15:53
asacxhaker: oh. so the packages already were pushed to mirrors. nice.15:53
asacthanks for confirming15:53
asacthat its fixed15:53
xhakerasac: thank you so much :)15:54
asacwelcome. thanks for reporting it ;)15:54
pittiTimo Jyrinki also closed the bug today15:54
ArneGoetjeasac: will do15:54
asacArneGoetje: great.15:55
asacArneGoetje: its just that it seems likely we get the "automatic" feature in jaunty ;)15:55
asacso we should be prepared from the fontconfig side15:55
seb128pitti: perhaps you could add the requested infos on http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=572876 since you get the issue?15:56
ubottuGnome bug 572876 in plugins "gnome-settings-daemon does not load the saved RandR configuration" [Normal,Unconfirmed]15:56
pittiseb128: opening, will do15:56
seb128pitti: it's waiting for over week now and hard code freeze is next week for GNOME15:56
seb128pitti: thanks15:56
pittiseb128: (have a call with rickspencer3 in 3 mins)15:56
asaccalc: oh. maybe obvious, but if you really want to use -source, there is also "source"; just look at the build.xml. but imo target is what you really want15:57
seb128pitti: see the current comment, no need to read everything15:57
calcasac: i thought it was source, since i am getting this type of error:16:05
calc   [javac] Note: Some input files use or override a deprecated API.16:05
calc    [javac] Note: Recompile with -Xlint:deprecation for details.16:05
calcsetting: <property name="ant.build.javac.source" value="1.3"/> (or 1.4 etc) doesn't seem to make any difference16:06
calcis that the proper way to set it?16:06
asaccalc: yeah. thats deprecation.16:06
calcisn't that what the source setting is supposed to work around?16:07
asaccalc: try. i would think its for the compiler syntax ... and not the jre used. but i havent used java since ages ;)16:08
* kenvandine_wk can't seem to make system-config-printer not just do the right thing... 16:08
kenvandine_wkprinter config has never been this good :)16:08
asaccalc: do you fail on deprecations?16:08
asaci mean those are warnings usually16:08
calcah hmm, let me see if i can determine that :)16:09
* calc is working on java stuff since he needs it for bug 30579016:09
ubottuLaunchpad bug 305790 in suitesparse "MIR - move to main for openoffice.org 3 build-depends" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/30579016:09
calcapparently everything in main has to be ported to default-jdk :\16:09
asaccalc: yeah. actually i dont know about a flag that would make warnings errors in javac ... but again its been a long time16:10
asaci think the default is to ignore depreactions16:10
asacyou could also do that16:10
asaccalc: that would be deprecation="off" in the javac task16:10
calcafaict there is no javac task16:10
calcwhich seems to be throwing me a bit, heh16:10
calcoh there are multiple xml files in here16:11
calchmm it already specifies 1.3 in the javac16:15
calcso it appears its openjdk that is being annoying about it16:16
asaccalc: are you sure those are actually the problem?16:16
asaccalc: if so, just disable deprecation like above16:16
calcok i'll see if that works now that i found the javac bits16:17
seb128mvo: good that you uploaded that totem alternative fix, I was not sure about it ;-)16:32
mvoseb128: why not?16:32
seb128I would have changed the command called rather I think16:32
mvoseb128: hm16:32
seb128I don't like alternative much, got too many issues due to those16:32
mvoyeah, I don't like them either16:33
mvoI was thinking that because they are already in use, one more would not hurt ;)16:33
mvoI take the blame if that was too simple of a reaosnsing ;)16:33
seb128mvo: well probably better this way so we have a command matching the upstream naming, other software might call it16:33
calchmm my son is at the hospital now :-\ at least the doctor finally got a clue and realized he was too low weight16:37
calc< 9kg and ~ 81cm16:38
seb128pitti: can you get davidz (cf #gnome-hacker) a gvfs-mount -li log when plugging your camera?16:46
seb128pitti: don't bother16:49
thewrathhey all is anyone in here17:01
pittiseb128: okay, I won't bother :) (just back from call)17:02
calcdoh i should have read through the bug report again, its failing not due to deprecation but due to conflicting function in the new version of java17:02
seb128pitti: ok, discussing it right now with him17:02
seb128pitti: I found where I put my camera so I can debug it now17:02
calcat least xom isn't my fault, its a bug in the either the buildd or openjdk-617:11
hggdhseb128, libpst is still pending17:24
seb128hggdh: I know, I just have too much to do and that is low priority17:25
hggdhseb128, OK, np17:25
seb128hggdh: does anybody care about import pst? I don't even know what those are ;-)17:25
hggdhseb128, PSTs are Outlook mail files17:25
hggdhthis is low-importance, since it can be done manually by running readpst outside of Evo17:26
hggdhso this would be important for people crossing over to Evo from Outlook17:27
seb128I will still try to get it done17:27
seb128I was relying on MOTU to review it so I would not have to do it17:27
seb128but that doesn't seem to work17:28
crevetteseb128, gnome-bluetooth 2.27.0 is released, I'll try to do it tonight17:31
seb1282.27 = next cycle17:32
seb128not GNOME 2.2617:32
crevettebah it is just a release name17:32
crevettethis is because hadess plan to propose it for inclusion17:33
* calc thinks he fixed the jaxme ftbfs on openjdk-6 :)17:33
seb128crevette: I think he picked 2.27 for a reason ;-)17:34
seb128crevette: he said that's still early code and can be buggy17:34
seb128and 2.26 is in 2 weeks17:35
hggdhseb128, chatted with srag, and he says the plugin will only compile if the library is there; so... not sure it is worth the hassle that late in the game17:41
seb128yeah, I know that, we have 2.25 in jaunty ;-)17:41
seb128would still be something nice to have17:41
seb128I've to go now17:42
seb128but I will try to ping dholbach about it tomorrow17:42
seb128or to get some MOTU to review it17:42
seb128maybe didrocks or huats or Laney can look at it17:42
seb128do you have the bug number handy for reference?17:42
seb128I've to run now, bbl17:44
Laneylook at what? libpst?17:50
hggdhLaney, yes17:51
crevetteyeah gnome-bluetooth 2.27.117:51
Laneyhe shouldn't hope for people to stumble across these things17:53
Laneyit's a sad thing about REVU that pinging people is usually required to get reviews in a finite amount of time17:54
hggdhanyway, I just uplaoded libpst with a change in the version (added the ubuntu extension)17:56
* calc hopes he doesn't blow up jaxme18:05
=== rickspencer3 is now known as rickspencer3-afk
* calc screams at jaxme18:50
calcjaxme in ubuntu can't compile against new java, jaxme in svn uses maven... maven is in universe and depends on lots of stuff in universe18:51
calcergo i die18:51
calcI HATE JAVA18:53
* calc tries to wrap his head about maven-ant-helper18:53
* calc 's head explodes instead18:54
* pitti hugs calc19:00
pitticalc: so it only ever built against gcj?19:00
calcpitti: yes19:02
calcxom works on my system, jaxme has only ever been built against gcj afaict19:02
calcjaxme is missing lots of methods in its Marshaller implementation afaict, but it is properly overridden in the subversion repo19:03
calchowever they also redid the build system since then, gar19:03
calcwhich is where i am stuck now, not knowing much at all about java packaging19:03
calcthe one example i saw of using maven-ant-helper showed they had to write their own build.xml files for debian (yuck)19:04
mvothanks rosetta for sending me another batch of ~100 mails!20:06
mvoits great that you imported the translations from my package upload20:07
didrocksmvo: +120:08
didrocksmvo: I am striking in the yelp regression and reading upstream diff as I think it's not an ubuntu regression :/20:09
jpdsmvo: bug #33606320:12
ubottuLaunchpad bug 336063 in soyuz "translation import acknowledgements spam me every hour" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33606320:12
* didrocks set up a filter, already :)20:21
seb128chrisccoulson: what is this nautilus bug about?20:25
seb128chrisccoulson: now is not the time to do merges on debian, we do that early in the cycle ...20:26
chrisccoulsonit's the problem where it spawns indefinately20:26
chrisccoulsonit's not a merge with debian. i just sync'd the bzr branch with the current jaunty release20:26
seb128the debdiff launchpad sent is a zillion line long20:26
chrisccoulsonthe ubuntu-desktop bzr branch was quite out of date (from gutsy)20:27
seb128 36 files changed, 1115 insertions(+), 1007 deletions(-)20:27
seb128oh, there was one? we didn't use it for a while indeed20:27
seb128sorry got confused20:27
chrisccoulsonmost of that diff is just bringing it in sync with the current jaunty version20:27
chrisccoulsonthe actual change i made is here: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~chrisccoulson/nautilus/bug325973/revision/520:27
chrisccoulsonit just adds a AutostartCondition to the desktop file, to stop it autostarting it if isn't drawing the desktop20:28
chrisccoulsonthere shouldn't be any need to autostart it if it isn't drawing the desktop reallyt20:28
seb128that's correct but not a proper fix20:29
seb128it will still do the same if you open a nautilus dialog and close it20:29
seb128or does gnome-session look at the condition to respawn something?20:30
chrisccoulsoni think so. let me try that again actually just to make sure20:30
chrisccoulsonyou're right, it doesn't look at the condition when respawning something. only when initially starting it20:31
chrisccoulsonthat's a shame!20:31
chrisccoulsongnome-session needs a AutorestartCondition ;)20:32
seb128chrisccoulson: your bzr doesn't build either, it doesn't like the changelog having no name or email20:32
chrisccoulsoni ommitted the name and e-mail deliberately in case someone else wanted to merge anything in to it too20:33
chrisccoulsonshould i not do that?20:33
chrisccoulsonah, ok20:33
seb128if somebody wants to do change he,she runs dch -r20:33
seb128which changes the name20:33
chrisccoulsonah, i didn't realise that20:34
seb128and add your name under brackets to list the changes you did20:34
seb128* upload20:34
seb128[ other_name ]20:34
seb128* fix depends20:34
kenvandine_wkseb128: can i have another gnome package to bump?20:35
seb128kenvandine_wk: http://download.gnome.org/sources/cheese/2.25/cheese-2.25.92.tar.gz if you want20:37
pittikenvandine_wk: oh, updating gnome packages?20:37
kenvandine_wksounds good20:37
kenvandine_wkpitti: yes20:37
pittiseb128: soon you can drink cocktails half of your day :-)20:38
kenvandine_wkhaha.... not moving super fast here yet :)20:38
seb128pitti: isn't that great? ;-)20:38
pittikenvandine_wk: let me know if you want a review of your "learn packaging from scratch" test package, or the OLS one20:38
kenvandine_wkwill do20:38
kenvandine_wkbeen working on dx stuff, haven't been able to focus on that20:39
kenvandine_wkfigure i can bump gnome packages while doing other things :)20:39
seb128mvo: stopping desktop work?20:40
seb128mvo: I think you did quite some bug un-assignement?20:41
didrocksseb128: I am fighting against this yelp regression. I reverted a lot of upstream changes without getting something relevant (and toc.xml is correct)20:43
seb128didrocks: there is not so many commit between versions, that's weird ...20:43
didrocksWhat is interesting is that removing "xmlNodeSetLang (node, BAD_CAST g_get_language_names ()[0]);" in yelp-toc.c gave me again French translation (not the right one, but French one)20:43
seb128didrocks: did you try rebuilding 2.24 just to see if it gets the issue too after a rebuild?20:43
didrocksI just suspect toc2html.xsl and toc2html.xsl.in to be guilty20:43
didrocksseb128: hum, no. trying it20:44
seb128didrocks: just a random idea to make sure it comes from the source and not the toolchain20:44
mvoseb128: no, but we got a list of bugs assigned to us that should be fixed for jaunty. this list is insane for me so I decided to unassugn myself for everything that I will not realistically fix for jaunty20:45
didrocksseb128: oki. Trying it now. I just checked the content of po files and xml and they are correct20:45
seb128mvo: ah ok20:45
* seb128 hugs mvo20:45
seb128mvo: you might want to have a look to the new libgksu* in debian maybe, I see that kov uploaded new versions, not sure if you still care about those20:46
mvoseb128: I nocited that he did one - was it today?20:47
seb128mvo: yes, just read the changes email20:47
seb128mvo: there is a gksu 2.0.1 too (we have 2.0.0)20:48
seb128pochu: there?20:49
mvoseb128: cool, I check it out tomorrow20:49
seb128mvo: thanks20:49
didrocksseb128: previous version is working. It's either because of toc2html.xsl changes or intltool-*.in removal I guess20:51
seb128didrocks: I doubt it's intltool* that's an intltool new version change and should not create an issue20:52
didrocksseb128: ok, I try to work on toc2html so20:52
pochuseb128: hi20:56
seb128pochu: you are on debian right now?20:56
pochuseb128: yup20:57
seb128pochu: can you ls /usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/GMenuSimpleEditor -l and tell me if the symlinks are broken or not?20:57
pochuafter I install python-gmenu :)20:58
pochuerr, actually it's installed20:59
pochuseb128: no such file or directory20:59
seb128pochu: and 2.4 as version?20:59
seb128not sure what is current on debian21:00
seb128pochu: you use the python-support from experimental?21:00
pochuseb128: ah, no21:01
pochuI have the unstable one21:01
seb128ok, so that's ok21:01
pochubut I can update it if you want21:01
seb128we have an old one too21:01
seb128no that's ok21:01
pochuah ok21:01
pochuok, let me know if you need anything else :)21:01
seb128pochu: that's ok thanks, that directory seems to be a leftover, it installs to /usr/share/python-support/python-gmenu/GMenuSimpleEditor now21:02
seb128the postinst has a case to clean that21:03
seb128but I guess the version was not correct for ubuntu21:03
* pochu notes there are 3 hours left to apply for UDS sponsorship21:17
* pochu wonders whether to apply21:17
pochunot sure if I'll be busy with uni, and I haven't done enough work this cycle to feel comfortable when applying... :(21:17
seb128pochu: you can always apply and still how it goes, it's in barcelona so not far for you21:19
seb128ie not expensive to travel there21:19
pochuabout one hour by plane :)21:20
asacfetchmail was borked ... thats why i had such a light mail load half of the day ... now there is a huge backlog21:23
didrocksseb128: got it \o/21:24
didrocksseb128: it's this toc2html.xsl.in new file which generates toc2html.xsl file specially processed for GNOME21:24
LaserJockasac: bummer, I've had that happen occasionally21:25
asaci never had that21:25
asacand didnt change anything on that host for ages21:25
asacits an old debian lenny install and fetchmail always worked21:25
asacreally odd21:25
asacerr debian etch21:25
didrocksseb128: but translation only appear if I removed the new line "xmlNodeSetLang (node, BAD_CAST g_get_language_names ()[0]);" in yelp-toc.c. Strange :/21:25
seb128didrocks: strange indeed21:26
kenvandine_wkseb128: can i have another please21:28
seb128kenvandine_wk: http://download.gnome.org/sources/libgtop/2.26/libgtop-2.26.0.tar.gz good opportunity to learn about libraries21:31
didrockskenvandine_wk: don't forget to use bzr :)21:31
kenvandine_wkdidrocks: for what?21:32
seb128kenvandine_wk: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam/Bzr21:32
* kenvandine_wk is starting to use bzr :)21:32
seb128kenvandine_wk: the package is in bzr for this one21:32
kenvandine_wkoh exciting!21:32
didrockskenvandine_wk: libgtop is there: https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-desktop21:32
seb128that's easy, just read this webpage, didrocks wrote it21:32
didrocksseb128: pitti slightly change the end. For him, the sponsor have to dch -r /debcommit -r21:33
seb128kenvandine_wk: and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide/Recipes/CheckingLibrarySymbols21:33
didrocksseb128: hum no, he didn't change it, but wanted to do so :)21:33
seb128kenvandine_wk: that's how to check abi changes basically21:33
seb128kenvandine_wk: dunno if you learnt about libraries packaging yet21:33
seb128when the abi change we update the shblis21:34
seb128which is the version number corresponding at the current full abi21:34
seb128kenvandine_wk: about the seahorse-plugins one, don't forget to reopen the bug when you do the changes21:38
seb128or it's not listed21:38
seb128that's ok, I figured you fixed this one since you were asking for new updates ;-)21:40
kenvandine_wkseb128: :-D21:40
seb128kenvandine_wk: we are running out of tarballs to update right now but the lib and bzr should be enough to learn for the rest of the day I think ;-)21:41
kenvandine_wki got one more UIF related one to do first :)21:41
kenvandine_wkjust getting my queue lined up21:41
seb128didrocks, Laney: 337914 and 337911 have freeze exception granted if you want to review those and maybe upload21:55
didrocksseb128: not tonight, tomorrow it will be ok (I just prepare a proper patch for yelp and test it extensively)21:55
didrocksseb128: I will tackle the 2 updates tomorrow as well21:56
kenvandine_wkpitti: 32860421:56
seb128didrocks: yeah and you still have glibmm and gtkmm to update which is higher priority too ;-)21:56
seb128bug #32860421:56
ubottuLaunchpad bug 328604 in system-config-printer "system-config-printer shouldn't use notifications with actions" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/32860421:56
didrocksseb128: as I proposed, is it ok for tomorrow? (yelp have delayed my schedule ;))21:57
seb128didrocks: yeah sure, no hurry, friday is fine too21:57
didrocksI will prefer to do them tomorrow, if I don't encounter major issues :)21:58
pittikenvandine_wk: replied22:07
didrocksseb128: bug #33798322:15
ubottuLaunchpad bug 337983 in yelp "Fix wrong start page to yelp 2.25.1" [Undecided,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33798322:15
seb128didrocks: good work!22:16
didrocksseb128: thanks :-)22:16
seb128didrocks:  you deserver some sleep now ;-)22:16
didrocksseb128: you grant that to me? :-)22:17
* didrocks runs to his bed ;)22:17
seb128don't stay there too long I could change my mind soon ;-)22:17
seb128'night didrocks22:18
didrocksseb128: ^^ have a good night!22:18
didrocks(and don't stay to late too :-))22:19
* didrocks is already away22:19
kenvandine_wkpitti: updated it22:27
mrooneyHello all, regarding bug #337964, I am wondering if it is a standard anywhere that System -> Preference dialogs should dismiss via escape?22:52
ubottuLaunchpad bug 337964 in gnome-power-manager "Power Manager is the only System->Preferences.. tool that can't be dismissed with ESC" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33796422:52
mrooneyrickspencer3-afk, pitti: do either of you have any hints on the above bug?23:15
chrisccoulsonmrooney - it seems to be all the g-c-c capplets that can be dismissed with the escape key23:19
chrisccoulsonall the other non g-c-c capplets (like Power Management, Bluetooth etc) that can't23:20
mrooneyah, interesting23:20
chrisccoulsonand gnome-system-tools apps too23:20
mrooneydo you think we want to say that anything that adds itself to Preferences should be dismiss-able by escape?23:20
chrisccoulsonnot sure really, thats probably something for the dxteam23:21
mrooneyis this the right channel for that?23:21
chrisccoulson#dx i think23:21
mrooneyHow interesting, thanks!23:23
mrooneyThat's a hidden little channel23:25
chrisccoulsonnot many people on it?23:25
mrooney8 people besides myself, and no topic23:26
dobeyany dialog should take the cancel or close action when Esc is pushed23:48

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