
TheMusomaxb: Not that I know of, but it certainly wouldn't be hard to whip one up, simply by pulling the version with a sed regexp.00:10
apwmaxb, our tree should already carry the tags12:38
apwthere is a script which is used in early release which could be adaped to do it, called retag12:39
apwbut if you are using our git trees the git tags should already be on them12:39
maxbYes, but I'd like to emulate whatever you do when I make myself a private build :-)12:39
apwtagging is manual as we release12:40
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=== VK5FOSS is now known as Kamping_Kaiser
monrealI have a problem with intrepid not booting because the initrd is not generated correctly... is this the right channel?16:28
rtgmonreal: what is incorrect about it?16:32
monrealrtg: ok, well, this morning it did not boot... says "udevadm trigger is not permitted while udev is unconfigured." right at the beginning16:33
monrealI googled for this but the only real match does not help16:34
rtghmm, seems like it might be a Keybuk question.16:34
rtgmonreal: was this after an update?16:34
Keybukthis sounds like you rebooted *mid* update16:34
monrealhard to say, the machine ran for some days16:35
monrealKeybuk: don't think so16:35
Keybukor something called update-initramfs without a dependency on initramfs-tools (!!)16:35
rtgmonreal: can you boot an older kernel?16:35
monrealwell, I can boot the system with an old kernel and the old initrd16:35
BUGabundoapw: here16:36
BUGabundoI lot wifi16:36
BUGabundoand seem not the only one16:36
rtgmonreal: good, do that, then run 'update-initramfs -u'16:36
apwyou lost wifi how?16:36
apwyou mean if you boot with the rfkill on, and then turn it off ?16:36
rtgapw: LBM no doubt16:36
BUGabundolinux-backports-modules-2.6.28 (2.6.28-8.7) jaunty; urgency=low16:37
BUGabundo  [Stefan Bader]16:37
BUGabundo  * scripts: Fix typo in prepare-compat-wireless.sh16:37
BUGabundo    - LP: #33257616:37
BUGabundo  [Tim Gardner]16:37
BUGabundo  * Update to master-2009-03-0316:37
BUGabundo  * Accomodate request_module() calls when munging module names.16:37
BUGabundo --  Tim Gardner <tim.gardner@canonical.com>  Wed, 04 Mar 2009 01:05:15 +000016:37
BUGabundolinux-backports-modules-2.6.28 (2.6.28-8.6) jaunty; urgency=low16:37
BUGabundo  [Tim Gardner]16:37
BUGabundo  * Added LPIA arch support16:37
BUGabundo  * Bump ABI16:37
BUGabundo --  Tim Gardner <tim.gardner@canonical.com>  Tue, 17 Feb 2009 02:44:25 +000016:37
rtgBUGabundo: I'm working on it16:37
ubot3Malone bug 193970 in linux "iwl3945 | iwl4965: Wireless can't be activated after disabling kill switch" [Medium,Confirmed] 16:37
BUGabundook rtg16:37
monrealrtg: Isn't this the same that dpkg-reconfigure udev runs for example?16:37
BUGabundoI had to reboot into -7 just to have wifi16:37
BUGabundoand nvidia is also a mess!16:37
BUGabundoonly noveu works16:37
apwBUGabundo, heh ... yes a bit of a mess there.16:38
rtgmonreal: probably, but your _are_ living on the bleeding edge.16:38
BUGabundoI'll wait for a new kernel bump16:38
apwif you weren't using lbm before you could deinstall that i believe16:38
BUGabundodo guys have a time line? so I boot into -7 until then16:38
monrealrtg: bleeding edge? this is intrepid...16:39
apwBUGabundo, did you have linux-backports-modules before i asked you to install it?16:39
apwif not then i believe just removing it should sort you out16:39
BUGabundolet me check16:39
rtgmonreal: oh, I guess I assumed Jaunty.16:39
BUGabundolinux-backports-modules-2.6.28-8-generic:  Installed: 2.6.28-8.716:40
BUGabundoyea it seem I had it already16:40
BUGabundoI didn't manually installed it TODAY16:40
BUGabundoif it was, it was there a while ago16:40
monrealno... if it happened on some alpha distribution I would not care much... but this was supposed to be my stable system :(16:40
apwBUGabundo, what version did you have before?16:41
BUGabundoapw: no idea!16:42
BUGabundoneed to check aptlog16:42
monrealis there a way to extract the initrds? I have a good and a bad .27-9 initrd, maybe the difference would tell what's wrong?16:42
apwBUGabundo, well the previous version is still in the pool16:42
apwBUGabundo, are you 32 ot 64 bit?16:42
BUGabundoon my cache?16:43
apwi believe that that would be the previous version, you could downgrade to that16:43
BUGabundoERROR:root:NvidiaDetection returned a error: dir modaliases/ not found16:43
BUGabundoMarkUpgrade() called on a non-upgrable pkg: 'ubuntu-desktop'16:43
BUGabundothis explains why NV sucks16:43
smb_tpmonreal, cat initrd|gunzip -c|cpio --extract --make-directories should work16:44
apwBUGabundo, erp.  did you get something else in the upgrade?16:44
apwthat sounds unrelated to the lbm thing16:44
BUGabundo2009-02-18 10:07:43 status installed linux-backports-modules-jaunty
BUGabundothere it is.. the last one before today16:45
BUGabundoapw never mind NV... wrong log16:45
BUGabundoold apt.lg16:45
BUGabundonot dpkg.log.116:45
monrealwtf, /sbin/udevadm is a script in the bad inited and a binary in the good one16:50
BUGabundoapw: rtg does that help?16:52
apwBUGabundo, sorry?16:53
monrealbesides /sbin/udevadm the initrds are totally identical16:53
apw[ ]linux-backports-modules-2.6.28-8-server_2.6.28-8.7_amd64.deb04-Mar-2009 02:04 1.2M 16:54
apw[ ]linux-backports-modules-2.6.28-8-server_2.6.28-8.7_i386.deb04-Mar-2009 02:04 1.2M 16:54
BUGabundo(04:44:54 PM) freenode: 2009-02-18 10:07:43 status installed linux-backports-modules-jaunty
BUGabundo(04:45:21 PM) freenode: there it is.. the last one before today16:54
BUGabundoapw ^^^^^^^16:54
apwthose two appear to be the broken one16:54
BUGabundoI would believe so16:54
apwthe link i posted to you before was a link to the .deb of the version which preceded that16:55
apwwhich would likley fix your issue16:55
apwwget that down and dpkg -i foo.deb on it16:55
ogasawarasbeattie: ok if I add a "linux" task to bug 329489 for the patch you provided16:55
ubot3Malone bug 329489 in apparmor "locks on unlinked files leak memory in apparmor" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/32948916:55
sbeattieogasawara: uh, yeah. Doh.16:55
BUGabundoapw so in the mean time removing it should fix it?16:55
apwBUGabundo, no, if you had it installed before you updated, then you would want the older version i posted above16:56
BUGabundoapw: downgraded16:57
apwBUGabundo, let me know if it works for you :)16:57
BUGabundono time now!16:57
BUGabundoat work.. busy16:57
BUGabundothat's why I needed it working16:58
BUGabundostrange... it was working fine, I upgraded as I do every day... still worked16:58
BUGabundothen when I tried to reconect to wifi... no more!16:58
apwBUGabundo, strange indeed17:01
TheMusoapw: Whats the status of getting the HDMI patches into the kernel for the dell hardware we have/are working with?17:05
apwi thought the stuff kernel side was already in17:07
apwmayhaps i miss remember17:07
TheMusoapw: afaik there were patches that Mario pointed out to you that needed to be applied.17:08
apwthey got applied somewhere i thought17:08
apwperhaps it was just a ppa kernel, hmmm17:09
apwTheMuso, the short answer is i don't know for sure17:09
apwand i need to go find out17:09
TheMusoapw: Just checking, but I don't think so, as I have a separate branch locally that I rebase against mainline with, and the patches always have to be applied.17:09
TheMusoapw: i.e I have to apply the patches every time I want the latest jaunty kernel for the dell I have access to currently.17:10
apwTheMuso, is that branch somewhere i can see it, be good to compare it to anything i find17:10
TheMusoapw: No, once I rebase against latest Jaunty I can push a tree to zinc if thats helpful.17:10
apwTheMuso, that would be perfect17:10
TheMusook will do so shortly.17:10
apwTheMuso, sorry to be vague, i have 71 branches in my jaunty tree alone and some things slip through the cracks17:12
TheMusoapw: np17:12
TheMusoapw: git://kernel.ubuntu.com/themuso/ubuntu-jaunty.git has the hdmi related patches rebased on top of latest jaunty mainline in git./17:22
rtgapw: I'll take care of the Jaunty HDMI stuff.17:26
apwrtg ... ok17:26
rtgapw: how did all of these patches get your SOB without going into Jaunty?17:28
apwi assume they are signed off by me in the branch that i have here17:28
apwTheMuso, where did you get your patch stack from17:28
apwme ?17:28
apwi did the collection of the patches a long time back and we made test kernels17:29
apwi would have signed them as i pulled them into my branch ready for pushing to jaunty17:29
rtgapw: I guess that wuold explain it17:29
apwi assume that part is the bit which was missed17:29
TheMusoapw: I asked Mario about the HDMI patches, and he referred me to a tree of yours if I remember correctly.17:29
apwthen that all fits with my expectation17:29
rtgTheMuso: I assume this stuff is tested to work?17:30
apwi was going to compare the two, but as i assume TheMuso has actually tested this pile, i would tend to use his17:30
TheMusortg: Yes, I've been rolling hdmi enabled kernels every jaunty kernel upload for use on the dell notebook I currently have, and yes HDMI is working.17:30
rtgTheMuso: cool, I'll pull it17:30
=== pgraner is now known as pgraner-afk
Keybukdo we copy modules.order into /lib/modules/blah ?18:21
rtgKeybuk: never seen that file.18:25
Keybukit's in the top-level of the build afterwards18:25
Keybukthe word would me made of more kittens if you could include that in the kernel package in the /lib/modules/blah directory18:25
rtgsomething new with Jaunty that I've not noticed?18:26
Keybukno, turned up about a year ago upstream,18:26
Keybukit's a file containing the order that modules would be linked into the kernel had they been built-ins18:26
Keybukmodprobe will load modules in that order when multiple ones match18:26
Keybukie. the modprobe order for a MODALIAS and the built-in order will match18:26
Keybukrather than being random18:26
rtgKeybuk: there appears to be one in each subdirectory that creates a .ko. Do you want them all?18:28
Keybukjust the top-level one18:29
Keybukthe kernel cats them all together as part of MODPOST18:29
rtgthere it is, couldn't see it for the forest.18:29
tcoleby the way, what is the correct next step for bug #300143?18:31
ubot3Malone bug 300143 in linux "tablet devices show up as non-functional joysticks" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/30014318:31
Keybukapw: you remember how we were looking into the problem of making built-in modules show up somehow to modprobe18:34
Keybukapw: it turns out that the kernel almost but not quite does this already18:34
Keybuke.g. /sys/module/printk :p18:34
Keybukit just looks like certain modules aren't showing up18:34
Keybuk(like ata_piix)18:34
rtgKeybuk: how is modules.order going to be affected by external build like LBM ?18:43
tcolemy question's been answered elsewhere, but thank you18:51
tcoleI'll submit the patch properly18:51
Keybukrtg: doesn't LBM install into updates?18:59
rtgKeybuk: yep, but it also pre-empts module load order when /etc/modprobe.d/conf is set.19:00
rtgKeybuk: depmod.d that is19:01
Keybukhow do you mean?19:11
rtgKeybuk: /etc/depmod.d/ubuntu.conf controls search order, which seems to preempt the order defined in modules.order19:12
Keybukso if you have something in LBM, it'll be in updates, so preferred19:13
rtgKeybuk: yep.19:14
Keybukisn't that desired?19:14
rtgKeybuk: yes, which is why I asked if modules.order would have any affect in that case. If not, then I'm ok with it.19:14
rtgKeybuk: different topic. is it OK to make kexec-tools depend on initramfs-tools ?19:17
KeybukI can't see why not19:17
kristian1is this the kernel?20:22
maxbHow do I ask the latest linux-backports-modules to be in a different wireless regulatory zone?20:31
Wellarkcould someone take alook at this, please: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-meta/+bug/27315220:37
ubot3Malone bug 273152 in linux-meta "New rtl8187b device ID" [Undecided,New] 20:37
Wellarkit's probably filed against wrong package as it's trivial and fix is attached, but it seems that jaunty kernel is missing the ID, too20:38
jbuncherapw:  I just saw your post to Bug #327431, but I'm not sure how to test the version of linux-ubuntu-modules that you uploaded.  The package you want me to test has the 2.6.24-24 kernel numbering, but I don't have that installed.  Will I be able to test that package with the -23 kernel?22:22
ubot3Malone bug 327431 in linux "iwl3945 cannot connect to hidden ssid WPA enterprise with Hardy 2.6.24-23 - Regression" [High,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/32743122:22
apwjbuncher, hrm, i built that against the latest kernel for hardy i guess.  i downloaded the headers to build it from the pool so it must be in there23:05
apwis probabally it23:05
jbuncherapw:  Ok. I'll install that kernel first and test it (just to check if -24 fixed the problem anyway), then I'll try with the new -ubuntu-modules you uploaded.  It might take me a while to do, as I have to get my laptop repaired in the next day or so (dc power jack issues).23:07
apwheh typical ... thanks for testing23:08
macodoes bug 270754 make sense to any of you?  the person says their computer worked fine until installing Intrepid either wiped or corrupted their BIOS.23:41
ubot3Malone bug 270754 in ubuntu "8.10 Killed my motherboard?" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/27075423:41
sorenWhat exactly is it that makes the iptables modules load when I run iptables for the first time?23:44
sorenOh. Hah. Never mind :)23:46

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