
anakronhi all00:06
anakronsomeone can look this bug? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/pwman3/+bug/29913000:08
ubottuLaunchpad bug 299130 in pwman3 "spelling mistake in synaptics-description" [Undecided,Confirmed]00:08
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savvasdpkg: error processing /var/cache/apt/archives/python-wxgtk2.8_2.8.9.1-0ubuntu4_amd64.deb (--unpack): trying to overwrite `/usr/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/wx/__version__.py', which is also in package python-wxgtk2.600:50
savvasdpkg-deb: subprocess paste killed by signal (Broken pipe)00:50
savvaspython-wxgtk2.8 breaks when python-wxgtk2.6 is already installed00:51
* savvas files a bug :P00:51
anakron:O your first bug00:53
savvasanakron: for today? yeah hehe00:56
anakronim a little bit angry with some packagers00:57
anakroni like to fix some bugs with desktop file problems, but some of them have like 9 errors if you look it with desktop-file-validate00:58
anakronsome entries duplicated ... i could go00:59
JontheEchidnaAren't upstreams generally responsible for .desktop files?00:59
JontheEchidnaAlthough I suppose the packagers should report the problems upstream in the first place...01:00
anakronin one desktop file an icon  path sets an xml file01:00
anakronyes i think too01:00
anakronbut, trying to fix a bug, i found some others01:00
Amaranthan icon path sets an xml file?01:01
savvasanakron: there are more serious problems with .desktop files: http://groups.google.com/group/linux.debian.devel/browse_thread/thread/6f38b567c5684a60?pli=101:02
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ScottKAlso some .desktop files predate the FDO spec.02:02
fabrice_spHi. How can I see why a package in Debian does not exist in Ubuntu? It's mig (http://packages.debian.org/lenny/mig)02:31
fabrice_spweird: it's in Ubuntu, but it does not appear through packages.ubuntu.com02:32
ajmitchthat generally happens if it failed to build02:33
fabrice_spajmitch, that's what I was looking for ;-) Thanks02:33
* ajmitch can't recall where build logs are on LP now02:34
fabrice_spyou're right: there is a cyclic dependency between mig and  gnumach02:35
ajmitchthat doesn't surprise me, given the intent of mig02:35
ubottuLaunchpad bug 174851 in mig "mig and gnumach need a manual boot-strapping on the buildds" [Undecided,New]02:35
fabrice_sp(mig build depends on gnumach, but gnumach depends on mig?!)02:35
ajmitchwhy do you want it?02:35
fabrice_spwas just looking for all FTBFS to try to fix them02:35
ajmitchignore that one then :)02:36
fabrice_spyep :-)02:36
ajmitchunless you really feel inspired to port ubuntu to the hurd02:36
fabrice_sp(already ignore some of them :-) )02:36
fabrice_sphmmm, not really! :-)02:36
Amaranthshouldn't those packages be removed from ubuntu then?02:41
pschulz01anyone have a package which is a good example of 'debconf' settings?03:17
pschulz01s/have/know of/03:17
dtchen_pschulz01: just about any of the output from `apt-cache rdepends debconf|grep -v debconf-` should be a starting point03:21
pschulz01dtchen_: Ta.. 'adduser' seems to be a good (simple) one, and postfix gets a little more complicated.03:25
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ScottKThe postfix package combines a number of complex advanced packaging techniques and has accumulated some cruft over the course of the decade it's existed.  Probably not the best sample.04:04
dtchen_ScottK: hi, do you mind sponsoring both debdiffs for bug 336100, please?04:12
ubottuLaunchpad bug 336100 in chkconfig "package sysvinit-utils 2.86.ds1-61ubuntu5 failed to install/upgrade: trying to overwrite `/usr/share/man/man8/service.8.gz', which is also in package chkconfig" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33610004:12
* ScottK looks04:13
ScottKdtchen_: Is the man page the only thing that conflicts between the two packages?04:18
dtchen_ScottK: yes, but it doesn't make much sense to only remove the conflicting man page04:20
dtchen_kirkland made a similar fix for sysvconfig04:21
ScottKIt seems odd that we patch service into sysvinit04:21
ScottKAnd then don't use the other one.04:22
ScottKdtchen_: From reading the man pages it looks like the chkconfig supports a status-all command that the sysvinit-utils one does not.04:24
dtchen_ScottK: unless i'm misreading sysvinit's debian/patches/94_service.dpatch, it does04:30
ScottKdtchen_: I thought it provided service, but not service-all.  I'm kind of tired though, so I might be misreading it.04:31
dtchen_there's no mention of service-all in either, but status-all is properly supported/compatible04:33
ScottKSorry , status-all was what I meant.04:33
ScottKDid I mention I was tired ....04:33
rgreeningo/ ScottK04:34
ScottKHeya rgreening.04:35
rgreeningyour not the only tired one. I think 4 hrs sleep in 2 nights04:35
ScottKdtchen_: Uploaded.  Thank you for your contribution to Ubuntu.04:37
rgreeningScottK: got any small jobs that need done. emphasis small... :)04:37
ScottKPlenty of Python bugs yet to squash.04:38
rgreeningthrow one at me04:38
ScottKrgreening: Are you on Jaunty?04:38
ScottKThen apt-cache rdepends python2.4 and pick anything not related to zope.04:39
rgreeningok. i'll look04:39
ScottKThe only ones I've specifically looked and and not done already don't qualify as small.04:39
dtchen_ScottK: thanks04:40
rgreeningScottK: ok, I'll take a look at balder2d04:51
rgreeningno p0romises :)04:56
rgreeningScottK: though, if I have luck like I did for the last python fix, who knows.04:57
* ScottK is off to bed. 04:57
ScottKI can look at it tomorrow if no one else does.04:57
superm1dtchen_, is there a particular reason you're holding off requesting sponsorship to get bug 336965 resolved since you have a solution ready?05:33
ubottuLaunchpad bug 336965 in pulseaudio "[Jaunty Regression] Severe Audio Distortion" [Undecided,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33696505:33
superm1(like trying to convince kernel team to upload with a PREEMPT enabled kernel to solve the problem etc)05:34
dtchen_superm1: i already raised the possibility of enabling PREEMPT for -generic in jaunty with members of the kernel team05:47
dtchen_superm1: the proposal was disapproved05:47
dtchen_superm1: (it was deemed too late in the devel cycle to enable such a kernel config option)05:48
dtchen_(...nevermind that it used to be enabled many releases ago...)05:48
TheMusoWell if its any ocmfort, we are not the only ones who don't have it enabled.05:49
dtchen_superm1: so - the only other option is to disable glitch-free again05:49
dtchen_TheMuso: right05:49
dtchen_i'm not interested in laying blame anywhere. i've been given operating parameters by the kernel team, so i'll work within them.05:50
dtchen_if i wanted politics, i would have chosen another project ;)05:50
dtchen_disabling glitch-free isn't really a bad option. i'll continue hacking away at PA to not eat so many resources, but i'm not going to drastically alter its behaviour. lennart would have my skull.05:51
dtchen_anyhoo, it's Z time05:52
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Laibschrgreening: can you upload packages?06:07
rgreeningnot yet.06:28
rgreeningask me after March 13th MOTU meeting :)06:28
TheMusoLaibsch: WHat would you like looked at?06:29
LaibschTheMuso: thanks06:36
Laibschbug 335891, for example06:36
ubottuLaunchpad bug 335891 in audacious "[jaunty] audacious crashes immediately" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33589106:36
Laibschshould be ready to upload06:37
Laibschfurthermore, python-4suite-xml and python-kaa-metadata need to be made compatible with python 2.6, they depend on python < 2.606:38
LaibschIt could be that unlike many other packages, it is not a simple recompile job06:39
LaibschI tried simply recompiling python-4suite-xml yesterday and it failed: https://launchpad.net/~r0lf/+archive/ppa/+build/89021206:40
LaibschIt is lacking one of the new python options, but I did not get around to retrying, yet06:41
TheMusoLaibsch: uploaded the audacious debdiff, don't  have time for the others sorry.06:46
LaibschTheMuso: great, thanks06:49
LaibschOne more to cross off06:49
didrockshello there06:56
slytherinhi all. anybody here with acer laptop with atheros wireless card?06:57
rgreeningScottK: I have a working balder2d. Seems to behave just fine with python2.6 build dep.07:07
rgreeningScottK: I'll submit a bug report for sponsoring later.07:07
AnAntsuperm1: dkms is in Debian's NEW & BYHAND since 2 weeks !07:11
superm1AnAnt, ah wonderful!07:12
superm1i'm not sure what BYHAND is07:12
superm1but NEW is good news07:12
AnAntsuperm1: something like Ubuntu's queue (the stage after REVU)07:12
superm1AnAnt, great.  i'm hoping the packaging is very similar (or identical) to the Ubuntu packaging, but if not i'll have to work with those guys to come to a consensus07:13
AnAntsuperm1: http://ftp-master.debian.org/new/dkms_2.0.21.0-1.html07:15
AnAntsuperm1: although I dunno how to get the diff.gz !07:15
superm1AnAnt, i can already tell there is some delta there07:15
AnAntsuperm1: it's not on debian mentors07:15
superm1i'll try to get ahold of the pieces and examine tomorrow07:15
AnAntbtw, someone is making a package for cnetworkmanager (controlling NetworkManager under console)07:17
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Toadstoolgood morning!08:07
Hobbseemorning Toadstool!08:08
Toadstoolhey Hobbsee!08:08
maxbBYHAND is an unusual process where a package build submits arbitrary files as part of the upload for manual attention of the Debian ftp-masters, e.g. http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=40592508:49
ubottuDebian bug 405925 in doc-debian "doc-debian: Please ship BYHAND versions (for ftp.debian.org/debian/doc) of" [Wishlist,Open]08:49
savvasshould we remove bmpx package as well?09:31
savvas"The bmpx package has been removed from Debian so we are closing the bugs that were still opened against it."09:31
savvaspochu: here? should I file a bug report for bmpx removal? http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=51758809:39
ubottuDebian bug 517588 in bmpx "Please port bmpx to libsoup2.4" [Important,Closed]09:39
savvas"RM: bmpx -- RoM; unmaintained upstream, uses outdated libraries"09:40
pochusavvas: I guess so, unless somebody objects09:40
savvasok :)09:40
eMerzhHi all, if a motu want to review my package at http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/p/sqliteman i'll be glad to correct if there is errors :)10:08
ubottuLaunchpad bug 337659 in bmpx "RM: bmpx -- RoM; unmaintained upstream, uses outdated libraries" [Undecided,New]10:09
_rubenany hints on how to prevent stuff like this from happening: dpkg-shlibdeps: warning: dependency on libcairo.so.2 could be avoided if "debian/open-vm-tools/usr/lib/open-vm-tools/plugins/vmusr/libresolutionSet.so" were not uselessly linked against it (they use none of its symbols).10:40
_rubenim guessing its the fault of the software itself which does unnecesary linking?10:40
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directhex_ruben, it typically means the app is using "pkg-config --libs foo" and that's pulling in things it doesn't strictly needf11:01
directhexe.g. "pkg-config --libs libavcodec" will link against libvorbisenc, even if not needed by the app11:02
_rubendirecthex: ic .. im guessing it might have something to do that the package has both cli and gui parts (seperate packages), and that the deps might be set too "global" ..11:03
_rubenchecking for gtk+-2.0 >= 2.4.0 (via pkg-config)... yes11:03
_rubengonna be a bitch to hunt this down (im merging an upstream release of open-vm-tools, for personal use)11:04
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* _ruben kicks pkg-config around a bit11:35
_rubeni give up .. pkg-config seems to pull stuff out of its ass (or perhaps something else all together)12:14
pochu_ruben: I think that's because some library is using Libs: when it wants Libs.private:12:18
_rubenpochu: which would be something that's far beyond my current packaging skills :)12:19
pochu_ruben: well, that's an upstream issue, although upstreams usually don't care about that12:20
pochu_ruben: you can ignore the warning if you want12:20
_rubenpochu: upstream of the affected libs?12:20
siretartpochu: pkg-config is clearly underdocumented, so many upstreams write broken or at least suboptimal .pc files12:21
_rubenpochu: well, unless im seeing things wrong, it results in unneeded dependencies12:21
siretartthe best we can do is to send fixes for broken .pc files upstream12:21
pochusiretart: agreed12:23
pochusiretart: there are some bugs/patches for pkg-config to document *.private12:23
pochubut not merged yet though12:23
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goshawkRainCT: setting up pbulder-intrepid as you said..13:14
AnAntRegarding debian bug #411851 , I tried the pm-utils hook script but it didn't work, does Ubuntu something else other than pm-utils for suspend/resume ?13:15
ubottuDebian bug 411851 in sl-modem-daemon "slmodemd not restarted on resume" [Normal,Open] http://bugs.debian.org/41185113:15
goshawkis it possible to install a package in a pbuilder environment for testing purposes? if yes, how?13:20
RainCTgoshawk: Yes, pbuilder --login13:21
goshawk<goshawk> but my package is outside the chroot13:22
goshawk<goshawk> i can't see it from there13:22
goshawk<goshawk> i mean inside the chroot13:22
RainCTgoshawk: you can use --bindmounts to share a directory between the host and the chroot, but be warned that this will delete everything inside the directory that you tell it (at least cowbuilder does)13:22
directhexor or or13:22
directhexcp foopkg /var/cache/pbuilder/build/*/tmp/13:22
geserafter pbuilder login13:23
goshawkso i inject the package into the chroot environment13:23
RainCTgoshawk: so you can do something like:  mkdir /tmp/test; pbuilder --login --bindmounts /tmp/test; cp <files> /tmp/test13:23
RainCTdirecthex: uhm, right :)13:23
goshawki used your wrapper scripts pbuilder-intrepid for it, does it accept --login? it seems no Error: «--login» is not a recognized argument.13:23
directhexgoshawk, or use OTHERMIRROR and a PPA13:23
* RainCT remembers that13:23
RainCTgoshawk: then just   pbuilder-intrepid login13:24
goshawki copied the package into the chroot like directhex said :)13:25
goshawkno auto completition for pbuilder-dist login, isn't it?13:27
RainCTit's a minimal environment, so it hasn't much :)13:28
goshawki had to install the package with dpkg -i and then apt-get install -f for depends13:28
RainCT(you can install additional stuff doing   pbuilder-jaunty login --safe-after-login   installing it, and logging out, but don't put much place into it or it may interfere with builds)13:29
RainCTgoshawk: That's right. You can also use "gdebi <file>.deb", which installs dependencies, but I'm not sure if that in the chroot13:30
slytherinquadrispro: geser: Thanks for working on the libdvdread transitions. :-)13:32
elmargolI have 2 git branches... and i like to import some changed lines... is there an easy way to do it?13:36
rgreeningmorning ScottK13:59
rgreeningI seem to have balder2d python fixed13:59
rgreeningjust need to file proper bug13:59
ScottKOK.  Let me know and I'll take a look.14:00
ScottKrgreening: Or just pastebin me the debdiff14:00
rgreening1 sec14:01
rgreeningScottK: try this http://paste.ubuntu.com/126280/14:03
* ScottK looks14:04
ScottKrgreening: Did you test it works with 2.6?14:05
rgreeningyeah. got it insalled here. ran and played the game. tried a bunch of options. went to fullscreen14:05
rgreeningall seemed fine to me.14:05
rgreeninggot killed a lot14:05
ScottKWhy did you use just patch and not dpatch (dpatch is a lot less effort to integrate)?14:06
rgreeningnever played with dpatch14:08
ScottKrgreening: ^^^14:08
rgreeningpatch was copy/paste from the cookbook.14:09
ScottKOK.  Interesting.  I've never actually seen someone do it that way before.14:09
rgreeningI had tried quilt, but got some errors. I went to lowest common denominator...14:09
ScottKThere is some argument in a case like this for just inline the changes and let MoM handle it.14:10
rgreeningold school from a new guy14:10
ScottKAlso since it's not a K* program I wouldn't have put kubuntu in the patch name.14:10
geserScottK: as you touched bmpx in the last days: any reason to keep it in Ubuntu? there is a removal request for it (bug #337659) I tend to confirm it14:12
ubottuLaunchpad bug 337659 in bmpx "RM: bmpx -- RoM; unmaintained upstream, uses outdated libraries" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33765914:12
rgreeningScottK: force of habit14:12
rgreeningwhich I am trying to break by coming here :)14:12
ScottKgeser: I just touched it for transition reasons.  I know of no reason not to remove it.14:12
ScottKrgreening: Fair enough.14:13
directhexi'm sleepy. falling asleep at my desk! zzzzzzzzzz14:13
rgreeningwell, I remembered the maintainer field ScottK heh14:13
ScottKrgreening: Also we don't put the maintainer change in debian/changelog.  It's actually Ubuntu Policy done to all packages, so no need to mention it.14:13
ScottKYes, excessively.14:14
rgreeningoh... new command for me14:14
directhexthere we go, my sole reason for contributing to debian & syncing is becaise i suck at running update-maintainer so this way causes less admonishment from sponsors14:14
* Laney fluffles directhex 14:15
Laneylots of lib syncs I see14:15
ScottKrgreening: Also ~ppa1 in the revision ...14:15
rgreeningof course, I was testing it local.14:15
directhexLaney, yes, slomo went nuts this morning, and meebey did a few last night14:15
rgreeningwas going to change in the bug14:15
directhexLaney, one or two more i can file once the mirror push is done14:15
rgreeningtoo quick sending debdiff14:16
rgreeningScottK: let me redo the deb dif...14:16
ScottKrgreening: No need.  I've been editing as I go along and all this stuff is minor.14:16
rgreeningpatch is missing something14:16
rgreening1 sec14:17
rgreeningIm still asleep14:17
rgreeningits all good14:18
rgreeningScottK: i'm still sending a proper diff... to ensure I got it corrected. Call it lerning by doing it over.14:21
ScottKrgreening: OK.  I'll look at it, but I'm already test building.14:21
rgreeningScottK: http://paste.ubuntu.com/126284/14:22
rgreeningthink I got it all this time14:22
ScottKI think so.14:24
ScottKrgreening: Next question: Does this go back to Debian?14:24
rgreeningI think it's fairly innocous14:24
rgreeningso it surely can14:24
ScottKDoes Debian have Python 2.6 yet?14:26
rgreeningthat, I do not know.14:26
ScottKrgreening: Uploaded:  Thank you for your contribution to Ubuntu.14:26
rgreeningone less python package to worry about14:26
ScottKrgreening: rmadison -u debian python2.6 is an easy way to find out.14:27
goshawkRainCT: done14:27
rgreeningI'll try another one in a bit. I assume there are sill some available to work on.14:27
rgreeningty ScottK14:27
rgreeninghmm... rmadison doesn't appear to be reporting anything here ScottK. silently returns nothing.14:28
goshawkRainCT: and gdebi is not good in pbuilder, it carries on a lot of libgtk stuff and can make the pbuilder image dirty...14:28
ScottKrgreening: Great.  What I'd do with this is file it as a wishlist bug in Debian BTS and caveat the bug as ... when you get 2.6.....14:28
ScottKrgreening: I'd just send the patch, not the patch system stuff.14:29
rgreeninggood enough14:29
rgreeningrmadison doesnt seem to work14:29
rgreening4 me14:29
ScottKIt looks like they Debian maintainer is also upstream, so I expect they'll just do a new release or something14:29
ScottKrmadison for Ubuntu is extremely slow.14:29
rgreeningit just returns immediately with nothing14:29
ScottKIn the case of Debian for python2.6 that's correct as they don't have it.14:31
ScottKTry it with 2.514:31
maxbWhy is Ubuntu's rmadison so slow? Is it just that people.ubuntu.com is overloaded?14:31
rgreeningScottK: ah14:31
ScottKmaxb: Because it integrates with Launchpad I believe.14:31
rgreeningScottK: that works better14:32
jpdsScottK: It uses a mirror of the archive at people.u.c14:32
ScottKjpds: OK.  Then maybe maxb is right.14:32
ScottKIt is painful, so if someone could figure a faster way ....14:32
* maxb wonders how easy it would be to set up an external rmadison driven off the Packages/Sources files14:32
POX_ScottK: FYI: python2.6 has the same maintainer in Ubuntu and Debian14:34
ScottKPOX_: Yes, I'm aware.  I'm guessing he's just waiting for some transition to clear or something for Debian.14:35
* POX_ wonders why the python2.6 transition is not made by Debian guys as clearly they have more manpower14:36
* ScottK doesn't wonder. 14:37
* ScottK just fixes ....14:37
geserPOX_: more manpower doesn't imply that Debian moves faster than Ubuntu14:37
POX_isn't syncing easier?14:37
POX_geser: yeah, python2.5 transition was made faster than in Ubuntu (no, packages with broken memory allocation doesn't count :P)14:38
geserPOX_: usually syncing is easier, but due to FF we might need to patch them anyway14:38
bddebianHeya gang14:47
sistpoty|workhi bddebian14:47
bddebianHi sistpoty|work14:47
mok0POX_: Debian guys are busy fighting over python-central14:51
POX_mok0: no, we're not. python-support will be used, I'll make sure of it14:55
POX_read debian-python logs, nobody else wants python-central, even doko isn't complaining14:56
geserHi bddebian14:56
dokoPOX_: ?14:56
mok0POX_: kk14:56
mok0POX_: ah :-)14:56
POX_doko: you didn't reply on debian-python@l.d.o14:56
dokoPOX_: be assured, I will. to your posting as well14:57
POX_it's too late :-(14:57
ScottKDepends on for what.  If he's got more good issues, then either you need to make Joss fix them or go back and reconsider.14:58
POX_it's always ok to report bugs, of course14:59
bddebianHeya geser15:02
quadrisprofabrice_sp__: i'm working on the tellico merge15:19
quadrisprofabrice_sp__: I think it couldn't be a good idea drop khelpcenter from Recommends field, I would prefer replace it with khelpcenter415:21
quadrisprowhat do you think about this?15:21
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quadrisprofabrice_sp__: package builds fine, let me know what you think about the point above, going away for some minutes15:39
rgreeningScottk: submitted bug to debian for balder2d15:44
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cristihey again! so, i registered in launchpad, i read the packaging guide and tried the hello example. what should i do next in order to be able to contribute to ubuntu with packages?16:00
savvaser... I think the translations /usr/share/locale are missing from gdebi-core16:05
DktrKranzScottK, sistpoty|work, nhandler: MC asked for motu-release charter to be published. Preliminary draft was here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/MotuReleaseCharter, could we arrange to make a final version soon?16:05
ScottKWithout actually admitting that MC has such authority to demand it, I don't see why not.16:05
aracristi: you could have a look to the bugs listed as bitesize (https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bugs?field.tag=bitesize). These are sometime easy to fix16:06
savvascristi: try providing debdiff patches to bitesize (easy) bugs: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bugs?field.tag=bitesize16:06
savvasdarn :P16:06
sistpoty|workDktrKranz: looks good to me16:06
cristiara, savvas thank you, i'll give it a look16:07
savvasIs the default locale dir /usr/share/locale or /usr/share/locale-langpack ?16:15
savvasScottK: do you happen to know? ^16:17
huatsgeser: hey16:19
huatsI am taking care finally of the python-webkit update16:19
huatsand thus I will deal with the 2.6 transition needed16:19
ScottKsavvas: No.16:20
savvasok, thanks16:21
savvasI guess I should figure out a way to provide it for both in the program16:22
savvasprobably /usr/share/locale is for the application and /usr/share/locale-langpack for the language packs16:23
jdonggroan why do USB optical mice need to go into power saving mode and dim the optical circuitry?16:34
jdongit's not like that 5V/100mA LED is an atrocious waste of power and worthy of mouse lag on idle...16:34
cristiuhm, is this ok in the packaging guide? cp hello-2.1.1.tar.gz hello_2.1.1.orig.tar.gz  there is no hello-2.1.1.tar.gz, but only the .orig16:35
cristiwhat should i do copy the .orig ? is this what was meant?16:35
jdongif you already have the orig then you are okay16:36
jdongall that step says is that your orig should be named like hello_2.1.1.orig.tar.gz16:36
jdongthe underscore before the version, .orig. before the tar.gz16:36
cristijdong ah ok, thanks16:36
cristihow deep should my c++ knowledge be in order to fix bugs or make packages?16:52
ScottKcristi: None is sufficient.16:53
ScottKFrom a programming perspective if you have a bit of shell, that's enough.16:53
ScottKIt's often useful if you do have more, but there's plenty to do if you don't.16:53
cristiScottK can you give an example of such a bug that doesn't require cpp ?16:54
ScottKCurrently we're going through a Python transition.  So we need to update a bunch of packages.16:55
ScottKVirtually none of those (and it's a lot of packages) need any programming.16:55
ScottKI did 4 today that just needed a recompile test and a no-change upload to build in the new environment.16:56
cristiScottK i see16:56
ScottKSome of them need changes in their debian/rules or in postinsts scripts.16:56
RainCTniiice, geany now has highlighting for debian/rules :)17:27
mok0RainCT: emacs has highlighting for debian/control :-P17:38
* RainCT will write a patch for that :P17:39
=== erhesrhsrtb54vyh is now known as Elbrus
hggdhcould a MOTU please tell me what is wrong on http://revu.ubuntuwire.org/p/libpst (lintian warning)?17:45
mok0hggdh: it doesn't look like anything's wrong17:46
hggdhmok0, why the warning, then?17:46
mok0hggdh: what warning?17:46
mok0hggdh: pastebin it17:46
hggdhmok0, http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/revu1-incoming/libpst-0902260309/lintian17:47
mok0hggdh: that's ok, original-maintainer is an ubuntu-specific field that lintian doesn't know about17:49
hggdhmok0, thanks17:49
geserbut the version is wrong17:50
eMerzhif some motu want to review my package at http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?package=sqliteman17:50
hggdhgeser, ?17:50
geserhggdh: it should be 0.6.27-0ubuntu1 instead of only -1 (that's reserved for Debian)17:51
hggdhgeser, thanks, will correct17:52
hggdhah, if I add an Ubuntu extension to the version, lintian does not complain anymore about original-maintainer in .dsc17:54
=== cprov-lunch is now known as cprov
RainCTIs someone around who hasn't debootstrap intalled?18:03
maxbI'm sitting at a usb-creator intrepid installation upgraded to jaunty, if that helps18:05
RainCTmaxb: Does dpkg -l | grep debootstrap return something?18:06
maxbuhm, I'm quite likely to have installed it manually18:07
geserRainCT: checked in a jaunty chroot: no output and the return value is 118:09
RainCTgeser: OK. Can you please check if directory /usr/share/debootstrap/scripts/ exists?18:10
RainCTI guess no, but just to be sure :)18:10
geserRainCT: ls: cannot access /usr/share/debootstrap/scripts/: No such file or directory18:11
RainCTgeser: great, thanks18:11
RainCTok, bug #334848 is fixed now :)18:13
ubottuLaunchpad bug 334848 in ubuntu-dev-tools "[Jaunty] pbuilder-dist does not recognize any distributions at all" [Low,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33484818:13
BrucevdkQuestion, I'm trying to upload a package to a PPA. I've already sent the orig.tar.gz and now it's complaining that I'm trying to send a new orig.tar.gz that is different from the one already uploaded (which was associated with a failed build). That's the point though, I don't actually want to change the version number or anything. Is it possible to delete the orig.tar.gz or work around this?18:33
BrucevdkMaybe this belongs in #launchpad18:34
RainCTBrucevdk: delete the package, wait some days and try uploading it again18:35
BrucevdkRainCT: days :'(18:35
RainCTBrucevdk: not sure if you have to wait that much or it'll work right away18:36
BrucevdkRainCT: well, I'll do this, but if there are any other options I wouldn't mind hearing about them ;-)18:36
=== fabrice_sp__ is now known as fabrice_sp
LaibschRainCT: Thanks a lot!18:51
RainCTLaibsch: no problem :)18:52
LaibschScottK: Do you know of a simple way to find packages still depending on python < 2.6?18:54
LaibschI'm sure, there is some dpkg or apt magic to get such a list18:54
james_wLaibsch: take a look at grep-dctrl18:55
ScottKIt's not simple, but grep-dctrl is the tool you want to weild.18:55
james_wdctrl-tools is the package18:55
Laibschalright, I think I used it once or twice in the past18:55
LaibschI'll see about that python-4suite-xml package first18:56
james_w"grep-dctrl -FDepends -sPackage "python (<< 2.6" < /var/lib/apt/lists/*source*" might do it18:56
LaibschIt's the last one that is actually still bothering me18:56
ScottKpython-xml needs doing.18:56
LaibschThe package I'm trying to fix calls setup.py twice in debian/rules19:05
LaibschOnce for config19:05
LaibschOnce for build19:05
LaibschDo I need to add "--install-layout=deb" to both calls?19:06
LaibschI assume it should be sufficient for "build" only19:06
LaibschActually, setup.py is called much more often, when do I need to add the install-layout thing?19:08
LaibschScottK: I assume, I should add it for install_html, too, though, right?19:10
ScottKProbably not.   You just want it when it's installing the python bits, but I'd build it and then check the resutls.19:10
=== mrooney1 is now known as mrooney
Laibschthe only problem is, the package took three hours to fail the build yesterday ;-)19:17
BrucevdkI feel for you, Estimated build start: in 3 hours :'(19:18
Laibschthat would be the results in only after 6 hours!19:19
Laibschactually, it says the build is only estimated to start in 4 hours here!19:20
quadrisprofabrice_sp: I'm sponsoring your application, keep up the good work ;)19:32
bobbois there a list of packages that still need to be fixed for the Python 2.6 transition?19:32
quadrisprobobbo: hi!19:32
bobbohey quadrispro :)19:33
quadrisprobobbo: I remember you was coming in Italy some week ago19:34
Laibschbobbo: python-xml was mentioned here19:35
LaibschI'm also working to get such a list from dpkg-ctrl19:35
superm1Laibsch, i'm looking at it right now19:35
LaibschI failed so far19:35
superm1Laibsch, i think i might have it under control19:35
Laibschsuperm1: cool, thanks19:35
superm1Laibsch, actually it looks like i was beat19:38
superm1RainCT, got it19:38
superm1thanks RainCT :)19:38
ScottKThat should unblock quite a number of things.19:39
superm1ScottK, not fully - only in terms of apt letting them through.  see my mail to ubuntu-devel ML.  all packages using python-xml are still going to be broke.19:40
ScottKRight.  Forgot about that.19:40
ScottKsuperm1: I suspect doko would advise switching to a different/not deprecated XML library.19:41
superm1ScottK, well can't force upstreams to do that necessarily19:42
Laibschif anybody with a bit of RAM in their build machine feels like trying to build https://launchpad.net/%7Er0lf/+archive/ppa/+files/python-4suite_1.0.2-7ubuntu1.dsc I'd appreciate it19:42
ScottKTrue, but in many cases we can patch our way around it.19:42
Laibschthe PPA will take another couple of hours to start19:42
superm1ScottK, is there anything that's close to API compatible with PyXML in the first place?19:43
ScottKsuperm1: It depends on what part of pyxml you're using.  Some bits are in Python itself, others can be found in other packages, some bits are unique to pyxml19:44
ScottKWe tried, and failed once to push it all the way out of the archive.19:44
fabrice_spquadrispro, thanks ;-)19:44
superm1ScottK, looks like xml.dom, xpath, htmllib19:44
ScottKIt was a while ago I looked at these, so I don't recall....19:45
superm1and there's some comments that "The Python SGML based HTML parser is unusable (it finds tag starts/ends in the worst way possible" in the code, so not too reassuring19:45
ZarelHi, everyone. The warzone2100 package in the intrepid repositories is very out of date - it's 2.1.0-beta4, and 2.1.1 has already been released. Since this is beta -> stable, nearly all the changes have been [important] bugfixes, so is there any chance someone could go and update it?19:59
Zarel-> http://packages.ubuntu.com/intrepid/warzone210019:59
fabrice_spZarel, before being able to have it in Intrepid, we need to have it in Jaunty. Actual version for Jaunty is 2.1.0-1...20:11
Zarelfabrice_sp: Can we at least get 2.1.0-1 into Intrepid, then?20:12
fabrice_spwe are in Feature Freeze, so we need a good reason to upgrade it :-)20:13
Zarelfabrice_sp: It's a bugfix release, no new features?20:13
ZarelIs that a good enough reason?20:13
ZarelAlso, it's stable rather than beta.20:13
fabrice_spZarel, yeah, but in this case, you have to compare the version that we will have in Jaunty and the latest one, so its stable with stable20:14
fabrice_spI also have to check if no new features are there20:14
ZarelWhat do you mean by "compare the version"?20:15
fabrice_spit seems to be a fix only release, you're right20:15
fabrice_spso I'll try to compile the version in Debian, and if it works, I'll fill a sync request20:16
fabrice_spZarel, do you volunteer to test it?20:17
ZarelDefine "test"20:17
fabrice_spinstall the version I will put in my ppa, and check it's working fine20:18
* fabrice_sp builds warzone2100 2.1.1-120:19
ZarelI only have three installs of Ubuntu - one of them I don't have package installation permissions, and the other two are VMs which aren't fast enough to run Warzone. Sorry. :/20:19
ZarelI can verify that sound apparently doesn't work on a default install of Warzone in Ubuntu. We've gotten lots of bug reports about that. :P20:20
fabrice_spYou're upstream?20:21
ZarelDepends on your definition of "upstream". For most definitions, I'd say yes.20:21
fabrice_spk. Nice game by the way!20:22
fabrice_spit builds fine. I'll fill the sync request20:24
directhexisn't warzone an old strategy game from the 90s? or am i misremembering20:25
Zareldirecthex: 1999, to be exact.20:25
ZarelIt was open-sourced in 2004.20:25
directhexoh, neato20:26
fabrice_spdirecthex, if you're interested in sponsoring the sync, I'll give you the bug number as soon as it appears ;-)20:30
directhexfabrice_sp, i'm not a motu20:30
fabrice_spjust in case some MOTU or U-C-D is interested in warzone2100: bug #33791520:32
ubottuLaunchpad bug 337915 in warzone2100 "Sync warzone2100 2.1.1-1 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)." [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33791520:32
ZarelEheh, 2.1.1 isn't that big of a deal - it only had one bugfix from 2.1.0, and that was only for Macs.20:35
fabrice_spZarel, yes. It seems to be quite stable ;-)20:36
* fabrice_sp installing version 2.1.120:36
fabrice_spworking fine, even with sounds ;-)20:41
ZarelGood sign.20:42
fabrice_spyep :-)20:42
fabrice_sphello _16aR_20:45
_16aR_When we compile for amd64, does the CFLAGS enables old i686 function like MMX, etc ?20:45
_16aR_or we must enable them into the debian/rules ?20:45
RainCTfabrice_sp: sync request ack'd20:46
_16aR_by the way, how can we help for package stabilisation in jaunty ?20:46
fabrice_spthanks RainCT ;-)20:46
RainCTNo problem. I'm off now, see you tomorrow :)20:47
fabrice_spCU! bye20:47
fabrice_sp_16aR_, you can check http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/20:47
fabrice_spand check rcbugs, for example20:48
_16aR_ok fabrice_sp, thanks20:49
fabrice_spyou're welcome ;-)20:50
quentusrexAnyone here use kvm?21:25
quentusrexor libvirt?21:26
directhexa little21:30
jpdsquentusrex: Might want to try #ubuntu-virt too. :)21:44
quentusrexjpds: I'm in there too :)21:44
quentusrexdirecthex: would you be interested in helping to backport libvirt 6.1 to intrepid?21:45
quentusrexor even to hardy?21:45
directhexquentusrex, i can test on intrepid, but not hardy. and i have too much on my plate to help do it21:45
quentusrexyeah, I can test on intrepid as well21:46
quentusrexI'm not too skilled on how to package for ubuntu yet...21:46
Amaranthcody-somerville: how does one get to talk in #xfce-dev?21:47
khashayarHey folks, does anyone here have a couple of minutes to review pencil (http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?package=pencil)? We really need it for ubuntu studio (we're going to file exceptions).22:04
cody-somervilleAmaranth, like that22:09
rippsIs it possible to modify functions in a debian/rules file that's been inherited from a include?22:45
rippsI'm trying to add dpatch support, but the file is practically only includes from cdbs.22:46
ScottKThere's a cdbs rule for dpatch you can use.22:46
ScottKDon't try and add it by hand.22:47
rippsokay, thanks22:47
POX_doko: make sure you don't have "/local" somewhere in distutils.cfg (another user complained about it)23:08
orcihi all, sorry again if wrong place but wiki.ubuntu.com is having problems23:08
ScottKPOX_: I had that once and it just needed the layout-deb magic added.23:13
ScottKorci: This is the wrong place.  I suspect #canonical-sysadmin.23:13
POX_/usr/local or /local?23:13
POX_maybe I misunderstood him, though23:14
* POX_ goes to bed23:14
orciScottK-desktop, OK thanks23:14
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mrooneyhello motu friends, what are we doing with bugs resulting from the python 2.6 upgrade such as bug #338004, where python < 2.6 is required23:47
ubottuLaunchpad bug 338004 in soya "soya requires python < 2.6" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33800423:47
james_wmrooney: ah, that's where we just haven't got to it yet23:52
james_wthere are people tracking those down and fixing them23:52
james_wI thought you were referring to a bug about a package now working when run under python2.623:52
mrooneyjames_w: ah so a package which explicitly requires << python 2.6 will be noticed, ones that don't declare that are the ones to announce?23:53
james_wmrooney: yeah, in general23:54
james_wwe can search for the former23:54
james_wthe latter might be very subtle23:54
mrooneyjames_w: right you couldn't automatically detect that except by running some tool to find common upgrade issues on all the python packages23:54
ajmitchespecially when the failures end up being in things like wxpython23:56
mrooneyajmitch: oh, has that happened23:56
mrooneyI have a wxPython app in Jaunty23:56
ajmitchthings like that have happened, wxpython was just an example of a complicated steaming mess :)23:57

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