
indrohi all00:00
copproanyone, please?00:00
jgoodZykoticK9, the disk makes the noise it should when it starts spinning, but then it dies down and nothing happens, and i can't press up or down anymore00:00
Schwagim trying to use pppconfig for a phone as a modem, using lsusb reads my iden motorola modem, but i cant select it to use with pppconfig00:00
indroanyone got QUAKE LIVE working??00:00
ActionParsnipindro: yuo mean the game quake?00:00
ZykoticK9jgood, i second watch what happens here00:00
Schwagi want a quake live invite ;p00:00
austinCan anyone help me with my serve?00:00
indrono, www.quakelive.com00:00
jimisolainstalling ant or tomcat6 (using apt-get install) without installing gcj* (have sun's jre and jdk installed)00:01
indroSchwag: its open beta now00:01
sweetgum1Dr_willis: you there?00:01
indrobut windows only. "*à%ç£"çé"+00:01
Dr_willissweetgum1,  the name of the command.. bash basics.. & launches the command to the background00:01
Dr_willisxterm &00:01
Schwagi tried joining like 25 times and never get my confirmation email00:01
puffHm, brasero appears to have crashed, I restarted brasero and now it's saying that it says "Error while burning:  the drive can't be locked (ongoing burning process)"00:01
puffWhere do I find the lock file?00:01
nightrid3r!anyone | austin00:01
ubottuaustin: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?00:01
indroSchwag: yoou can register without invite....00:01
jimisolarephrasing as a question: how do I install ant and tomcat6 without installing gcj* (I have Sun's jre and jdk installed)?00:01
sweetgum1Dr_willis: thanks alot: worked :)00:01
Schwagim trying to use pppconfig for a phone as a modem, using lsusb reads my iden motorola modem, but i cant select it to use with pppconfig00:02
ZykoticK9jgood, so you don't see Ubuntu with an orange line moving back and forth after you press ENter on Install?  can you use the arrows up and down?  what happens if you select Try Ubuntu instead of install?00:02
ActionParsnipindro: theres a linux client on the way. ID are good like that00:02
dust_anynoe help me with bluetooth00:02
jgoodZykoticK9, nope no line moving, no it beeps when i use the arrows, let me try real fast00:02
RPSHello Guys, I have a file I need to open and amend, but it will have to be opened in a terminal window. Can someone help me get it open? the path to the file is /etc/init.d/mountdevsubfs.sh00:03
indroActionParsnip: yeah but that can take long00:03
indrolook at ut3 still no linux client00:03
jgoodZykoticK9, same thing, nothing...00:03
RPSI need to be at root to get it open ...so sudo -s ...is that right?00:03
ZykoticK9RPS, CAREFUL!!!  "sudo nano /etc/init.d/mountdevsubfs.sh"00:03
austinI have a ubuntu server hooked up to my network with apache2 installed and runnign, and some files on my machine, in my user/name/ and woud liek to get these files to display in a browser from my server00:03
indrowould be nice if someone can get it work under wine00:03
BrixSathow can i play  youtube on firefox using ubuntu 8.10?00:04
Schwagi got ut3 to work under wine00:04
mezyglitsj16: hey thanks, but i just found it, but now im disappointed at its capabilities. i thought i would be able to add in packages to it making it a 'customized' cd, but i can only change the language and some other small stuff00:04
ActionParsnipindro: it shouldnt be too long. i'd imagine they will use a linux installer like doom300:04
rwwBrixSat: install the flashplugin-nonfree package00:04
nightrid3rRPS gksudo gedit /etc/init.d/mountdevsubfs.sh00:04
indroBrixSat: install flashplayer00:04
ZykoticK9jgood, sorry man, I got nothing!00:04
jwaldoFor some reason, I can't get the installer to use my free space: http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3547/3326358951_de20690052_b.jpg00:04
Schwaghorribly but yeah00:04
fosco_!flash | BrixSat00:04
ubottuBrixSat: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash (a recent version for !Dapper is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash00:04
BrixSatapt-get install flashplayer00:04
jgoodZykoticK9, when i reformattted the windows to make room for linux i had to change my BIOS settings to disable my SATA drive before windows would work... would this be anything?00:04
indroActionParsnip: they just need to port the dll to linux.00:04
ActionParsnipjwaldo: use manual then :)00:04
jgoodit is still disabled, the same way i was able to install windows as00:05
indrothe installer just unpacks the ddl00:05
ZykoticK9jgood, i don't think so...00:05
Schwagim trying to use pppconfig for a phone as a modem, using lsusb reads my iden motorola modem, but i cant select it to use with pppconfig00:05
BrixSatfirefox warns me of a missing plugin i have instaled it and still nothing00:05
indrothe whole game is packaged in a ddl00:05
RolcolWill Jaunty have the latest kernel?00:05
jgoodk, just throwing it out there, i doubted it had anything but i don't know so better safe then stupid00:05
ActionParsnipBrixSat: are you 64bit or 32bit ubuntu?00:05
doumoI'm trying to get a new X running so I can run wine on it.  But I get a weird error message when opening a new X.  Any clues on how to fix this?  http://pastebin.com/d311f15d00:05
indroi can get into the game with wine + firefox but when the game starts it crashes. :/00:05
ActionParsnipRolcol: yes00:05
jwaldoActionParsnip: I hadn't tried manual yet. Much of what I've read suggested not to00:05
austincan anyone help me at all with my problem, that i just stated above00:05
RolcolActionParsnip: Sweet.  Thanks.00:06
austin>I have a ubuntu server hooked up to my network with apache2 installed and runnign, and some files on my machine, in my user/name/ and woud liek to get these files to display in a browser from my server00:06
fosco_Rolcol: jaunty will go with 2.6.28 (not the very last one)00:06
BrixSatActionParsnip: im 32 bits ubuntu 8.100:06
nightrid3raustin put the files in /home/$username/public_html00:06
indrohumm i try now wine + ie7 maybe that works...00:06
ActionParsnipBrixSat: sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree00:06
ActionParsnipindro: its a bit weird ive heard, check the appdb00:07
sebsebsebindro: IE7 in Wine what why?00:07
ZykoticK9indro, i don't think anyone has figured out a working Linux Quake Live yet - hopefully you will.00:07
ActionParsnipindro: you could run virtualbox in seamless mode00:07
Rolcolfosco_: what is the latest stable?  I don't pay much attention because I don't have to compile my kernel =\00:07
hmwindro: check out "winetricks"00:07
jgoodZykoticK9, playing around with the other options, nothing works for any of the options, i can select language, i can hit my F keys, i can arrow up and down, but it doesn't select an option00:07
BrixSatit had installed nothing00:07
mib_5b5go4i need some help with getting my ethernet/wireless card working i posted on the fourms here http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1085389 but didnt receve much help any one have any ideas00:07
ActionParsnipBrixSat: close all firefoxes and then rerun it00:07
BrixSatActionParsnip: it installed nothing :S00:07
ZykoticK9jgood, have a different keyboard you could try???00:07
austinnightrid3r: ok i have it all in there already00:07
fosco_Rolcol: now 2.6.28 is the last, but mostly sure there will be a 2.6.29 version when jaunty comes00:08
melikwhat would you guys recommend banshee or rhythmbox?00:08
Schwagim trying to use pppconfig for a phone as a modem, using lsusb reads my iden motorola modem, but i cant select it to use with pppconfig00:08
silversurferIs Ubuntu 8.10 Desktop Edition CD a good Live CD method to recover a crashed system?00:08
Rolcolfosco_: but due to feature freeze... too late.  Alright.  Thanks for your answer.00:08
BrixSatfirefox breaks downs when i click on a youtube movie00:08
hmwsilversurfer: sure.00:08
indrohmw: okay, will do. ;)00:08
nightrid3raustin enable mod_userdir in apache and restart apache00:08
indrocan i install ie with that?00:08
jgoodZykoticK9, yea, but i doubt thats it because it lets me select my language, and every key works in windows, and all the ones i hit in there (enter, arrows, f keys, ect)00:08
indro@ hmw00:09
BrixSatActionParsnip:  if i click on a youtube.com movie firefox closes down00:09
nightrid3raustin then http://localhost/~$username will show the files00:09
ActionParsnipBrixSat: whats the output of: file /usr/lib/firefox/plugins/libflashplayer.so00:09
kopolee11hello. i reinstalled my computer, and was wondering how i could make my home partition become my home directory. because now i simply have a new home directory, which has none of my original settings or files. thanks00:09
indrohmw: winetricks done. what now?00:09
austinnightrid3r: hwo do i enable and restart? i'm sort of a newbie at all this command line stuff00:09
hmwindro: i remember seing a similar option in winetricks, but I am not completly certain about IE. It installs certain apps, that wouldnt install in wine.00:09
ZykoticK9jgood, have you tried BOTH Enter keys?  you not trying to use the one on the numpad are you00:09
BrixSatActionParsnip:  what should i do with that?00:09
ubottuYour home folder is where all of your personal files are usually kept. For moving your home folder to a separate partition, please see: http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/separatehome00:09
ActionParsnipBrixSat: its a terminal command00:09
jgoodZykoticK9, laptop, no numpad00:09
mp3guyhi,after fsck ran last I got a load of inode errors, and now some of my files are missing and I've a load of numbered files in the lost+found folder of the partition (ext3) how do I find out what their original filenames were and restore them to their original locations?00:09
puffCrap, still can't find the brasero lock file. Hm.00:09
indrohmw: i installed it, how i can use it now?00:10
ZykoticK9jgood, what model?00:10
doumoI'm trying to get a new X running so I can run wine on it.  But I get a weird error message when opening a new X.  Any clues on how to fix this?  http://pastebin.com/d311f15d00:10
hmwindro: run it from the terminal00:10
BrixSatActionParsnip:  bla bla bla bla (No such file or directory)00:10
indroi did wsh winetricks corefonts vcrun600:10
nightrid3raustin not sure, ubuntu apache conf is different from the centos conf i use, maybe google for it00:10
ActionParsnipBrixSat: ok00:10
jgoodZykoticK9, hp pavillion 5000 series more specifically 5218nr00:10
ActionParsnipBrixSat: ok we need to find the .so file00:10
BrixSathow? updatedb?00:11
ActionParsnipBrixSat: we'll go full force00:11
ActionParsnipBrixSat: sudo find / -name *.so | grep libflasplayer00:11
BrixSatwhat do you mean full force?00:11
ActionParsnipBrixSat: that command will scan the whole / partition00:11
jwaldoActionParsnip: Selecting "Manual" gets me a chart exactly like this one: http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3614/3327188278_4c537a4d9f_b.jpg Does the option to adjust that happen after I click Next, or am I still stuck with wiping the drive?00:11
austinnightrid3r: alright got it,00:11
nickrud_austin, sudo a2enmod userdir , then sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart00:12
ActionParsnipjwaldo: no, use full manual00:12
BrixSatActionParsnip:  finished and nothing came up!00:12
carbineCan someone help me out installing a webcam?00:12
kopolee11thanks ubottu, but i already had a home partition set up when i did the reinstallation. it seems that the guide you gave was for if you didn't have a home partition already set up. is there anyway, i can make my home partition become my home directory.00:12
ActionParsnipBrixSat: oh, ok weird00:12
ZykoticK9jgood, did a quick seach, didn't find anything - it seems like the Enter key isn't working for whatever reason, you might try plugging in a usb keyboard if you got one -- other then that I have NO idea... sorry man00:12
nickrud_austin, perty sure it's userdir, /etc/apache2/mods-available list all the mods you can check there for it00:12
ActionParsnipBrixSat: sudo apt-get clean; sudo apt-get --reinstall install flashplugin-nonfree00:13
jgoodZykoticK9, well it works, because i hit enter to select my language, thanks for the help, i'll try playing with it some more see if i can't find anything out00:13
ActionParsnipjwaldo: use manual partitioning and you can use the unallocated space to make (at least) / and /swap00:13
mp3guyhi,after fsck ran last I got a load of inode errors, and now some of my files are missing and I've a load of numbered files in the lost+found folder of the partition (ext3) how do I find out what their original filenames were and restore them to their original locations?00:13
BrixSatActionParsnip:  instaling :D00:13
mezyglitsj16: nevermind about the capabilities, i just didn't finish using it all the way. the reason was because it think it wouldn't because i am using a live cd.00:13
nickrud_kopolee11, set up the partition you were using as home in /etc/fstab as mounted on /home00:13
carbineI tried using http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=3706711&postcount=9 and I ended up getting this while trying to run make: http://pastie.org/40662700:13
austinnightrid3r: alright its all done, but still wont' display...keeps givign me a NOT FOUND00:13
jwaldoActionParsnip: I did check the Manual bubble, but the result was the same as the "Guided- use largest free space"00:14
marine1new message printer may not be connected already did the hplip update and message stays the same need help after google search.00:14
sebsebseb!webcam | carbine00:14
ubottucarbine: Instructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras00:14
ActionParsnipBrixSat: ok then close all firefoxes and try: http://www.rathergood.com/blode200:14
jwaldoUnless there's another sort of 'manual' I'm missing00:14
ActionParsnipjwaldo: thats fine if the unpartitioned space is what you wish to use00:14
carbineI went through that already. Checked the sony section for the eyetoy and it takes me through the same process.00:14
BrixSatActionParsnip:  still closing down firefox00:14
nightrid3raustin do you "own" the files00:14
ActionParsnipjwaldo: if you want full control use manual again and you can create partitions as you like00:14
kopolee11ok, thank you nickrud_00:15
austinnightrid3r: I'm the only use, and the admin, so yes00:15
ActionParsnipBrixSat: make sure they are all dead with: ps -ef | grep firef00:15
jgoodZykoticK9, at least now i know that it isn't me just being stupid... i always fear that00:15
nickrud_kopolee11, if that doesn't make clear sense, just say so00:15
DowopDiDoIs there a way to resize my ubuntu partition and then install another os on the space thats freed without deleating everything on my ubuntu?00:15
ActionParsnipBrixSat: you should only see the grep command output00:15
ZykoticK9jgood, :)00:15
sebsebsebcarbine: got  a program  such as AMSN to test your web cam in?  so yeah any program where webcams should work00:15
marine1 new message:  printer may not be connected already did the hplip update and message stays the same need help after google search.00:15
yubuntucould anyone tell me how to terminate a full-screen application00:15
carbineTried Skype, doesn't detect it.00:15
nightrid3raustin chmod -R 755 /home/$username/public_html00:15
carbineBut I can't even install it.00:15
sebsebsebyubuntu: full screen the whole screen?00:15
BrixSatActionParsnip:  only this root      9173  8591  0 00:15 pts/0    00:00:00 grep firef00:15
carbineI get an error while trying to install00:15
mezyis there and way to make a custom ubuntu with a live cd?00:15
yubuntusebsebseb, yes00:16
nickrud_yubuntu, alt-f2   xkill , click on screen00:16
ActionParsnipBrixSat: what is the output of: echo $USER00:16
yubuntunickrud, which button is "xkill" ?00:16
darko956can someone help me with getting my wireless card to work?00:16
carbinesebsebsesb: Here's the my problem: http://pastie.org/40662700:16
ActionParsnipBrixSat: are you logged on as root?00:16
sebsebsebmezy: there is I guess, but  with the alternate CD you get more control about what to install.  oh and there's ubuntu minimal00:16
nickrud_yubuntu, you type xkill , it will change the mouse pointer shape00:16
ubottuThe Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD00:16
ActionParsnipBrixSat: why?00:16
austinnightrid3r: still not showing...i ran it00:17
jwaldoActionParsnip: Does the bar only represent the free space, then? I was assuming it showed the whole drive00:17
BrixSatActionParsnip:  im loged in as root in the shell and a regular user in the graphical system00:17
kopolee11nickrud_, i'm checking out my fstab file, and i'll admit, i'm not exactly sure what i need to add. if you could please clarify that would be very helpful.00:17
marine1 new message printer may not be connected already did the hplip update and message stays the same need help after google search.00:17
nightrid3raustin is apache2 user a member of your group?00:17
ubottuPrinting in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows00:17
ActionParsnipBrixSat: good. i hate idiot logging into x as root00:17
ActionParsnipjwaldo: read the screen, the white bit is unallocated00:17
austinnightrid3r: i don't know?00:17
jgoodAnybody else here willing to take up my install problems? short summary: i go to install ubuntu on a new partition of my hard drive, i press enter on install ubuntu, nothing happens... the cd kinda starts to rev up the doesn't do anything, afterwards not able to select anything else, so it selectd it just won't go00:18
doumoI'm trying to get a new X running so I can run wine on it.  But I get a weird error message when opening a new X.  Any clues on how to fix this?  http://pastebin.com/d311f15d00:18
BrixSatActionParsnip:  so now what?00:18
nickrud_!fstab | kopolee11 there's some decent advice here; essentially you'll be adding a line similar to the one that mounts the  /   partition00:18
ActionParsnipBrixSat: ok then run firefox in the gui and it should work00:18
ubottukopolee11 there's some decent advice here; essentially you'll be adding a line similar to the one that mounts the  /   partition: The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions00:18
BrixSatActionParsnip:  no it works not :S00:18
Joker_-_I unplugged a drive, booted it in an other machine to try (didnt worked, saying UUID was invalid), plugged it back in the original machine and it still says the uuid is invalid (wont boot), what the?00:19
sebsebsebjgood: ok bad CD?  did you md5sum check it before burning?   Is the CD scratched?  maybe your CD drive can gone bad even00:19
kopolee11thank you both nickrud_ and ubottu! I'll see if it works00:19
nightrid3raustin man ls, there you can find how to show owner and group00:19
jgoodsebsebseb, did md5 check, nope, and if the CD drive was bad would it still load up the ubuntu screen?00:19
Joker_-_it simply drops me to the basic shell...00:19
jwaldoActionParsnip: There are also a Windows partition and a couple other small ones. I was assuming they were the blue and orange segments00:19
mezysebsebseb: i dont want to waste another cd. im using a usb to run live.00:19
nickrud_austin, not to butt in but I'm pretty familiar with this part of ubuntu's apache config. you have your files in ~/public_html and you're looking at  localhost/~username   with the browser, right?00:19
sebsebsebjgood: if you still got the ISO you could md5sum00:20
ActionParsnipBrixSat: ok try this: sudo apt-get clean; sudo apt-get --purge remove flashplugin-nonfree00:20
ubottuTo verify the integrity of a download, use the md5sum - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM for more00:20
austinnickrud_that is correct00:20
Apolojoin ubuntu-br00:20
ActionParsnipBrixSat: then open firefox as a user and go to: http://www.rathergood.com/blode200:20
nickrud_austin, did you do any steps that modified apache's config that enabled user directories?00:20
jgoodsebsebseb, i just ran an md5 check like 5 minutes ago with zykotick9 helping me, it was what it should be according to him00:20
DowopDiDoHow do I get into a file if it says I dont have the permition to?00:21
sebsebsebjgood: ok00:21
austinnickrud_ well i was abel to go into it previosuly...00:21
ZykoticK9doumo, for starters perhaps trying twinview and gaming is not the best option for right now, but your metamodes needs a comma between them "Option "MetaModes" "1680x1050, 1920,1080"00:21
austinnightrid3r: well what do I do when i get ut of it00:21
BrixSatActionParsnip:  and now what?00:21
austin*in it00:21
indrohmw: hm still not working. :/00:21
sebsebsebjgood: other ways it can be installed00:21
ubottuUbuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation.  Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - see also !automate00:21
ActionParsnipBrixSat: open firefox as a user and go to: http://www.rathergood.com/blode200:21
sofakngCan anybody please help me debug from my X applications freeze after resuming from standby and then go to 100% cpu usage?00:21
nickrud_austin, you mean display them in the browser, when pointed at ~username?00:21
sofakngerr from = why...00:21
ZykoticK9sebsebseb, jgood gave me the md5 24EA1163EA6C9F5DAE77DE8C49EE7C03 for 8.10 desktop i38600:21
BrixSatActionParsnip:  yes im there00:21
JosephLinkousQuestion: During my Ubuntu installation, one of the advanced options was to not install a boot loader. Is there any reason why you wouldn't install it? I thought it was required00:22
hmwindro: there is an app database on the winehq web site. Maybe you find your program there, and if youre lucky, you might even find work arounds.00:22
ActionParsnipBrixSat: is it showing the anim / option to install flash?00:22
jgoodsebsebseb, what do you mean other ways it can be installed? as in...?00:22
sebsebsebZykoticK9: well if it's the one it says on ubuntus site.  releases.ubuntu.com then md5sum00:22
sebsebsebjgood: as in the above00:22
sebsebsebjgood: other media you can install with00:22
austinnickrud_this is what i have in my URL bar :
austinnickrud_, it works with and without the /home/00:23
nickrud_austin, change that to
sebsebsebJosephLinkous:  I think Ubuntu can be booted straight in like Windows, but  then no recovery mode, and can't just change to a later kernel and things,  as a result best to always put the bootloader on00:23
JosephLinkousOh, Question #2: Is there a way to quick switch between the two desktops, like an alt-tab thing?00:23
donkeyI need some HELP HELP...... Im trying to send some of my files to my portable hard drive and it says It cannot mount it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!00:23
nickrud_you should be fed the contents of /home/austin/public_html00:23
doumoZykoticK9: Yea with twinview has broken some of my gamings.  :-/  like starcraft.  Did I input my keyboard,mouse and graphic card correctly for SClayout?00:23
austinnightrid3r, nickrud_ i got it!!!! :D00:23
JosephLinkoussebsebseb: Nice, thanks00:23
ZykoticK9JosephLinkous, if you have compiz ctrl-alt- <left> <right> arrows00:24
donkeyI need some HELP HELP...... Im trying to send some of my files to my portable hard drive and it says It cannot mount it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!00:24
BrixSatno animation :S00:24
austinIts only showing the code, but none the less i can view the files00:24
JosephLinkousZykoticK9: Freakin sweet. Thanks00:24
sebsebsebJosephLinkous: ok no problem00:24
austinnow that i made it this far, how can i go about getting them online?00:24
ZykoticK9doumo, I just had a quick look and noticed the comma thing, not sure about anything else?00:24
ActionParsnipdonkey: does it show up in sudo fdisk -l00:24
ActionParsnipdonkey: and kill the caps00:24
RPSnightrid3r, thanks for the command and thanks to ZykoticK9 for the warning00:24
nickrud_austin, forward your port 80 through your router00:25
BrixSatActionParsnip:  no animation :S00:25
wolter_were can i see kernel panic logs?00:25
sofakngCan anybody please help me debug why my X applications freeze after resuming from standby and then go to 100% cpu usage?00:25
JufisLittle selection help would be appreciated :) Which one to choose? -> http://img291.imageshack.us/img291/1548/screenshotsoundpreferen.png00:25
austinnickrud_how do i do this?  I have a linksys00:25
ActionParsnipBrixSat: the other way is to go to www.adobe.com download the tar.gz and put the .so file in ~/.mozilla/plugins00:25
darko956can anyone help me get my wireless card working?00:25
nickrud_wolter_, if they're enabled, /var/crash or the dir the app was running in00:26
ActionParsnipdarko956: is it usb or pci?00:26
austinnickrud_: I'm in the rouder page....WRT54GL, i have it set up with  a static IP00:26
nickrud_austin, that I can't tell you, but I think portforwarding.org explains00:26
darko956its pci00:26
doumoZykoticK9:  Like this?  the xorg isn't something you want to have a typo on  *Option                      "Meta,Modes"       "1680x1050 1920x1080"*00:26
ActionParsnipdarko956: run lspci   it will identify the device and you can websearch that00:26
servo888Anybody know how to start KDE4 without kdm?00:26
Anacranomdarko956, and what chipset is it?, does it show in lspci or lshw -C network00:27
nickrud_austin, portforward.com00:27
sebsebsebservo888: you can use GDM instead00:27
austinalright, i'll check it out.... nuckrud_ what do i do after i port foward? do i get a seperate address per file, and i get that on a place like godaddy for a domain?00:27
darko956yeah ive tryed that ita an Atherous chipset00:27
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about gdm00:27
ActionParsnipservo888: use gmd / slim and select kde as your session00:27
Anacranomsorry ActionParsnip , didnt see you there in time ;-)00:27
DowopDiDoi have a big problem, I messed up my ubuntu instalation so now it wont boot, it will get past the loading screen then go black.  Anyway, I want to reinstall ubuntu but I cant untill I get my files back.  so here I am on a live cd trying to get my files, the only problem is, I think when I installed jaunty it incripted all my files or something because when I try to get into the home folder it says access denied or something.  So How do00:27
wolter_nickrud_, well, there is nothing at /var/crash , does that mean my system didn't kernel panic?00:27
nightrid3raustin is there a "nat/qos" page00:27
wolter_it froze completely.00:27
sebsebsebActionParsnip: slim?????00:27
ActionParsnipsebsebseb: yes, slim00:28
indroservo888: startkde00:28
ActionParsnip!info slim00:28
ubottuslim (source: slim): desktop-independent graphical login manager for X11. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.3.0-1 (intrepid), package size 449 kB, installed size 792 kB00:28
austinnightrid3r: ???00:28
BrixSatActionParsnip:  should i remove previous flash00:28
hmwwhat is an "invalid swap space"? (came up when installing uswsusp)00:28
sebsebsebActionParsnip: ok I didn't know about slim00:28
ActionParsnipBrixSat: if you want00:28
nickrud_wolter_, not sure where that would end up except there. Not even sure if the ubuntu kernel has kernel panic logging enabled by default00:28
BrixSatActionParsnip:  how?00:28
sebsebsebservo888: I guess you just install gdm, and then choose it as your log in00:28
ZykoticK9doumo, you might also want to change it too "1680x1050, 1920x1080; 1680x1050, NULL" which might help with your gaming - it will turn one monitor off if a game asks for 1680x1050... that helped me get Quake4 working with my Multi-monitor setup00:28
ActionParsnipsebsebseb: there are many login managers, just like there are many desktop environments00:28
servo888indro: ah ha, lol, there it is.00:28
jwaldoThe more I look, the more it seems to be that the installer isn't recognizing the free space00:28
darko956and wehn i do a lspci its an atherous communications inc unknown device00:28
sebsebsebActionParsnip: oh ok  well this is  Linux :D00:28
hmwwhat is an "invalid swap space"? (came up when installing uswsusp) - My swap is active, and the partition is larger than my RAM.00:29
nightrid3raustin lemme check, you still have original firmware in linksys wrt54gl?00:29
ActionParsnipsebsebseb: slim is the manager for low footprint distros00:29
nickrud_austin, you probably have a dynamic ip address from your provider, you might want to use something like dyndns.org00:29
[ifroog]!find svn00:29
ubottuFound: libapache2-svn, libsvn-dev, libsvn-doc, libsvn-java, libsvn-perl (and 37 others)00:29
doumoZykoticK9: thanks for the tip ill see if ti works00:29
nickrud_austin, http://www.portforward.com/english/routers/port_forwarding/Linksys/WRT54GL/Apache.htm00:30
austinnightrid3r: yah, original firmware.00:30
BrixSatActionParsnip:  how can i remove previous flash versions?00:30
ActionParsnipdpkg -l | grep flash00:30
sebsebsebBrixSat: depends how you installed them00:30
nightrid3raustin http://portforward.com/english/routers/port_forwarding/Linksys/WRT54GL/TalkSwitch.htm00:30
BrixSati have installed whar ActionParsnip told me to!00:30
nickrud_ha! faster :)00:30
austinnightrid3r: i went to there static IP address guide, and it didn't give me alnux option00:30
ZykoticK9doumo, just noticed you put the comma between Meta & Modes, that's not right it's suppose to be between the numbers 1680x1050,1920x108000:30
xtmnxI tried to set secondary monitor resolution and position with grandr but it's telling me "User set screen size larger than max screen." Anyone have a clue what should be done?00:31
puffSo, I'm tempted to run a little experiment here.00:31
doumoI think My xorg.conf is missed up.  Can someone look at it and let me know?  the SClayout I think has bad information for the keyboard,mouse and graphic card.  http://pastebin.com/d311f15d00:31
DowopDiDoAgh, I need hel[00:31
nightrid3raustin static ip is ONLY is your isp gives you a static ip00:31
doumoZykoticK9: ahhh, I misunderstood you.00:31
JufisHelp with volume settings. I just uninstalled pulseaudio and now I can't hear anything from my speakers.00:31
Anacranomdarko956, check your chipset compatibility here-->  http://linux-wless.passys.nl/00:31
puffI have this old box, no windows on it.00:31
nightrid3raustin for what you want to do you need to change dhcp server settings00:32
ZykoticK9doumo, i just didn't explain it well...00:32
puffMy friend is a near-complete computer illiterate.00:32
nickrud_doumo, I think line 86 should be 640x48000:32
DowopDiDowheres the jaunty channel?  Does anyone know?00:32
puffI'm tempted to just put ubuntu on it and tell him to have fun :-).00:32
puffHowever, he wants to play video games, dunno how much pain that might be.00:32
nightrid3rDowopDiDo #ubuntu+100:32
BrixSati  still cant play youtube files even after instaling from adobe site the deb fil :S00:32
ActionParsnipBrixSat: www.adobe.com   get the tar.gz  extract to your home folder. create the folder ~/.mozilla/plugins00:32
sebsebsebpuff: depends on the games,  and he could dual boot00:32
ActionParsnipBrixSat: and copy the .so file to the nw folder00:32
jgoodsebsebseb, yea none of the common suggestions did anything00:33
SuperDefenderXAnyone here know how to install Quake 3 on 64bit Ubuntu?00:33
BrixSati can play animations but not the video :S00:33
ZykoticK9puff, gaming in ubuntu is kinda limited compared to Windows.  There are games, but not nearly as many.  if they're a gamer, you experiment probably will fail - or that's my hypothesis00:33
doumonickrud_, I changed it thanks00:33
mezyfrom liveusb, how do i make a folder on my hdd00:33
zlrhello, i have a question. I'm trying to help someone but got stuck : we are trying to mount a local partition, /dev/sda3 but mount returns a " Stale NFS file handle" error o_O Anyone knows what can be going on ?00:33
darko956i do not see my card there00:34
pyrogerhey guys00:34
ZykoticK9zlr "umount -f <whateveryouhadnfsmounted>"00:34
austinnightrid3r: i called them, they told me i have one if i have a router.....00:34
darko956i did post on forums at http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1085389 it might have a little bit more information for you00:34
sebsebsebpyroger: hi00:34
doumoI think My xorg.conf is missed up.  Can someone look at it and let me know?  the SClayout I think has bad information for the keyboard,mouse and graphic card.  http://pastebin.com/d311f15d00:35
pyrogercan anyone help me... my files on my hard drives seem to dissappear when the server is left idol for a while...anyideas... hi sebsebseb!00:35
kopolee11hello again, i was wondering what was a quick way to look at your partition tables without resorting to a live cd00:35
jgoodsebsebseb, so the common install problems page was no help, and what do you mean by other media to install it?00:35
ActionParsnipdarko956: is lspci doesnt show it, make sure the lil switch to enable it is set to on and that its enabled in bios00:35
zlrwill try, ZykoticK9, thanks !00:35
pyrogerkopolee add storage device manager00:35
sebsebsebjgood: media as in things you can install it from00:35
Anacranompuff, for gaming see #winehq and #cedega and i'll talk to you here #seaphor00:35
ActionParsnipdarko956: you can always turn it off then on to see if the system rreacts00:35
sebsebsebpuff:  2d games  with enough RAM would probably be ok in a virtual machine as well00:35
sebsebseb3d games though nope00:35
jgoodsebsebseb, so what would be an alternative? all i have is cd and usb ports00:36
ActionParsnipdarko956: you could also read through: dmesg | less00:36
sebsebsebjgood: you can install from a USB stick yes00:36
pyrogerany ideas?00:36
jgoodsebsebseb, i do have a thumb drive and an external hard drive.... so should i try the thumb drive then?00:36
ubottuUbuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation.  Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - see also !automate00:36
ubottuFor information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent00:36
hogwash i need wireless drivers.00:36
sebsebsebhogwash: hi00:37
hogwashfor my laptops atheros card.00:37
ActionParsniphogwash: usb or pci?00:37
hogwashit's built in to the mobo00:37
kesiwhat's the best way to copy files between two Ubuntu machines over the network?   I have 1 running openssh-server if that helps00:37
sebsebsebhogwash: aheros ok00:37
ActionParsniphogwash: ok what is the output of lspci00:37
ZykoticK9lol !foo give bar -- that's funny00:37
ubottusigh... again? I'm busy here, I already told you it failed.00:37
jwaldoActionParsnip: This is what I get when I select 'manual': http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3318/3327270018_7020c20ca2_b.jpg00:37
jwaldo"/dev/sda1" is my Windows partition, "/dev/sda3" is my Windows recovery partition, and "/dev/sda4" is for some bios-related stuff. It seems to want to wipe them all, and seems to ignore the free space no matter what00:37
sebsebseb!scp | kesi00:37
ubottukesi: SCP is a secure way of copying files across networks using !SSH. Usage: scp filename user@host:filename - WinSCP is a client for Windows, available at http://winscp.net/00:37
BiosElementAnyone know a command to remove .svn folders from a folder and all sub-folders?00:37
austinnightrid3r: ok i got my ports fowarded...now what?00:37
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about sftp00:37
ActionParsnipjwaldo: yes you need to click manual then click next00:37
kesisebsebseb, thanks!  that's what I was trying to remember :)00:37
nightrid3raustin the original interface of linksys is limited, maybe the isp helpdesk can help you configure forwarding00:38
nightrid3raustin thet shoud be it00:38
sebsebsebkesi: yeah and I guess you could use FTP as well00:38
JufisThank you all who helped me with my sound problems! I got it all working now :) this channel rocks and so does ubuntu! <300:38
pyrogerhelp:(  my files on my hard drives seem to dissappear when my server is left idol for a while...anyideas... it works fine when i reboot then if i leave the machine idol for aa while they just dissapear:( hi sebsebseb!00:38
darko956teh butten to turn on of the card is a presure butten that doesnt work while running ubuntu00:38
jgoodwell, i have to go, i'll try playing with this later, i'll probably end up here again.... thanks a lot zykotick9 and sebsebseb for the help...00:38
austinnightrid3r: well....i don't really know what i did.  where would i get my address, and what information do i need if i'm going to attache a domain name to it?00:38
darko956and i am checking bios right now00:38
nightrid3raustin give me your external ip then i can see if i get trough the router00:38
hogwashhttp://rafb.net/p/JStSSZ19.html  lspci output00:38
mezyfrom liveusb, how do i make a folder on my hdd again?00:38
jwaldoActionParsnip: So clicking 'next' won't go straight to wiping the drive, then?00:38
ActionParsnippyroger: wait til it gets dropped and then run dmesg | less to see whats going on00:39
austinnightrid3r: what is my external ip?00:39
sebsebsebmezy: partition editor?00:39
ActionParsnipjwaldo: not if manual is selected00:39
sebsebsebaustin: http://www.whatismyipaddress.com00:39
doumoI think My xorg.conf is missed up.  Can someone look at it and let me know?  the SClayout I think has bad information for the keyboard,mouse and graphic card.  http://pastebin.com/d311f15d00:39
austinnightrid3r: or where do i find it...is i
austinah ok00:39
sebsebsebaustin: 192.168  stuff that's your internal00:39
austinthere u go00:39
nightrid3raustin no thats not the one, i need the ip your isp gave you00:39
nightrid3raustin ok00:40
BrixSatActionParsnip:  it is still now worning :(00:40
jwaldoActionParsnip: Then I shall click "Next", and hold on to my recovery disk in white-knuckled terror00:40
ActionParsniphogwash: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/how-to-get-atheros-ar5007eg-or-ar242x-wireless-cards-may-be-other-models-working-in-ubuntu-810-intrepid-ibex.html00:40
pyrogerwhat am i looking for when i type dmesg | less00:40
austinnightrid3r: what will you be doing with that nubmer?00:40
BrixSatit now shows a button on all flash animations and if i prress it loads the animation00:40
kopolee11thanks pyroger00:40
nightrid3raustin and shanes website :)00:41
sebsebsebaustin: what do you want help with?00:41
ActionParsnipBrixSat: so there is an intelligent output from file ~/.mozilla/plugins/libflashplayer.so00:41
BrixSatActionParsnip: it now shows a button on all flash animations and if i prress it loads the animation, but on youtube it stukcs on the main movie player00:41
darko956i see nowhere in my bios to enable the card00:41
austinnightrid3r: :D00:41
ActionParsnipBrixSat: btw are you running all this in your root console??00:41
nightrid3raustin your router is configured now and your website is reachable00:41
austinnirghtrid3r: sweet, what did you enter in?00:41
austinand did you actually see the website?00:41
BrixSatActionParsnip: /home/cesar/.mozilla/plugins/libflashplayer.so: ELF 32-bit LSB shared object, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, stripped00:42
nightrid3raustin no not yet00:42
austinnightrid3r: oh you saw the directory?00:42
ActionParsnipBrixSat: ok thats cool, just making sure you werent messing with roots home00:42
whitedoorumm hi.. I just installed ubuntu on my PC, but it seems to hang as X starts.... is there any way to figure out what the problem is?00:42
austinnightrid3r: what did you type in?00:42
pyrogerAction Parsnip:] EXT3-fs error (device sdb1): ext3_find_entry: reading directory #2 offset 0 [ 7011.736406] Buffer I/O error on device sdb1, logical block 0 [ 7011.736412] lost page write due to I/O error on sdb100:42
pyrogeractionparsnip: thats one thing its saying for one of the harddrives...00:43
ActionParsnipBrixSat: you could copy ot to /usr/lib/firefox/plugins00:43
jwaldoActionParsnip: I've selected the manual mode, and now have a mess of options00:44
austinnightrid3r: alright nice....few questions i have now: 1) will my ip ever change, and if it does will it be difficult to resettup? 2) how vulnerable am i to hack/crack attacks 3) are otehr comptuers on my entwork safe? 4) what do i do to get a domain hooked onto one of the web pages00:44
nightrid3raustin make sure you rename your files to end with .html00:44
ActionParsnippyroger: i had a drive like that. I ended up replacing it00:44
=== felix-da-catz_zz is now known as felix_da_catz
coreymanHow do I remove games completley from ubuntu with sudo apt-get remove?00:44
armenceHi all00:44
sebsebsebaustin: have a hardware firewall and  keep ports closed unless you need to open them for something00:45
deancoreyman: sudo apt-get remove && sudo apt-get autoremove00:45
ActionParsnipjwaldo: you need to create 2 partitions in that free space, / and /swp. make swp about 1Gb and use the rest for /00:45
sebsebsebcoreyman: sudo apt-get purge remove program00:45
sebsebsebcoreyman: and might be some hidden .folders even so left.  in home00:45
ActionParsnipsebsebseb: its --purge not just purge00:45
pyrogeraction parsnip: :( i have two drives doing it tho... and they are both 1TB :(00:45
sebsebsebcoreyman: view show hidden  files and folders00:45
coreymanI mean, like, the standard games that come with ubuntu00:45
sebsebsebActionParsnip: I think both works00:45
coreymanHow do I remove those.00:45
nightrid3raustin if your ip from isp is static it will never change, you box might be vulnerable if apache or the scripts (php) you use are vulnerable, other computers are protected by the router00:45
coreymanwhat are they called.00:45
deancoreyman: gnome-games00:46
jwaldoActionParsnip: Would I use the "new partition" button for that? Would I check the free space first?00:46
coreymandean: thanks00:46
sebsebsebcoreyman: indeed the standard games that come with Ubuntu are not that good, but they are probably part of ubuntu-desktop00:46
sebsebsebcoreyman: and you don't really want to just remove ubuntu-desktop00:46
armenceI just installed ubuntu, how do I make sure that it starts up with the acpi=off option? Otherwise, it freezes when loading.00:46
pyrogeraction parsnip: when you replaced it did it work? by anychance is there some kind of sleep option that is kicking in after a certain time or sometin?00:46
sebsebsebcoreyman: also  those games will hardly take up any space00:46
BrixSatActionParsnip:  the same thing :S some animations require me to click a play button to start the animation and other like the main video of youtube just shows ok and after a while it stays gray00:46
nightrid3raustin if you get a domain you'll have to reconfigure your apache conf and use a vhost in the domain00:46
deanarmence: update /boot/grub/menu.lst00:46
coreymansebsebseb dean got me :D00:46
sebsebsebcoreyman: this is Ubuntu not Windows,  loads can be done with just 8GB even00:46
austinsebsebseb: as for my fire wall, do i just pull one off of the package manger?00:47
armencedean: I'm running from the live cd though...00:47
coreymanI just wanted to remove them, they were bothering me.00:47
austinnightrid3r: and is this very difficult?00:47
sebsebsebaustin: could  get firestarter, but hardware firewall is the best,  so the one in your router00:47
darko956i still dont know what to do to get my wireless card to work :-/00:47
sebsebsebaustin: and you could find out about iptables if you want as well00:47
ubottuUbuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE).00:47
nightrid3raustin the easy way to do that is use webmin + virtualmin, then you have an easy webinterface to change your settings00:47
ActionParsnipBrixSat: have you got flashblock or adblock installed00:47
nivardusis there a way to easily remove packages that were installed due to dependancies from another package? (such as I installed amarok and now want to delete the hell out of it)00:47
sebsebsebnightrid3r: that sounds interesting, but does it work for all routers?00:48
austinnightrid3r: so sudo apt-get install webmin + virtualmin?00:48
ActionParsnipnivardus: sudo apt-get --purge --autoremove00:48
nivardusthanks, action00:48
ActionParsnip!webmin | austin00:48
ubottuaustin: webmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. It is not compatible with the way that Ubuntu packages handle configuration files, and is likely to cause unexpected issues with your system. See !ebox instead.00:48
ogrehi, how do i save a file in nano? im confused00:48
nightrid3raustin yes, your router doesn't care about domains and stuff, it only knows ip adresses and ports00:48
sebsebsebogre: Nano  I woudn't recommend using it if your new to Linux00:48
deanogre: ^O (Ctrl-O)00:48
Dr_willisog01,  ^X means Ctrl X00:48
Dr_willis^ = ctrl00:48
Anacranomdarko956, /join #seaphor and i'll help you there if not here, see cara, she's real good, i'm about to log00:49
ActionParsnipDr_willis: not in na grep ;)00:49
Dr_willisI hate how nano is the default and confuises people00:49
Dr_willistheres better 'beginner' editors out there. :)00:49
dieselsmokeogre: ctrl+x00:49
BrixSatActionParsnip:  no!00:49
ogreahh thats what had me screwed up thanks dean Dr_willis00:49
BrixSati had a lot of flash in the extras like flash 9 and 10 i had deactivated all00:49
austinnighrid3r: so in ubuntu, how do i get  my web address?00:49
Dr_willisI had to explain to a few 'beginners' at work that they did not want to hit the ^ key then W  :)00:49
nightrid3raustin if you have unlimited bandwith you could even host some friends site with that setup :)00:49
sebsebsebdarko956: hi  ok  uhmmmmm00:50
=== Aquina is now known as Aquina_
deanDr_willis: what editor should be the default00:50
=== Aquina_ is now known as Aquina
austinnightrid3r: i'm likeing this....00:50
keithusing kino, and when I paused the playback... the sound got stuck. Is there any way to stop it and/or fix it without restarting?00:50
sebsebsebdarko956: ahtros wireless yes?   ok  you need madwifi00:50
ActionParsnipaustin: www.ipchicken.com00:50
_VIM_dean vi00:50
Dr_willisdean,  i used mpedit on some disrtos - its very straight forward..  even has pull down menus in the console/terminal00:50
_VIM_vi much easier than *THAT* nano thing00:50
* _VIM_ hides00:51
ActionParsnip_VIM_: i find nano easier00:51
Dr_willisnano is really.. annoying in ways.00:51
zlrZykoticK9: actually we just rebooted on a live CD,  it's not mounted and the mount still gives this STALE NFS error00:51
nightrid3rhttp://whatsmyip.org/ austin00:51
armenceI am updating my /boot/grub/menu.lst file in order to have my system boot with acpi=off what should I do? Should I just add "acpi=off" at the end of the file?00:51
=== UncleD- is now known as UncleD
austinnightrid3r:???? i know my ip address...00:51
ActionParsnipDr_willis: why annoying?00:51
rayluActionParsnip: hard wrapping by default00:51
ActionParsnipaustin: www.ipchicken.com will tell you it00:51
ZykoticK9zlr, your running of the LiveCD... OH... what was your actual problem again?00:52
rayluActionParsnip: and no pretty colors :D00:52
Dr_willisActionParsnip,  compared to mcedit, or otehrs.. its just not good in many ways. :)00:52
austinactionparsni, i know it though00:52
coreymanis it possible to compile ubuntu from the installed version on the hard disk.00:52
Dr_willisespecially as a 'default editor for the total novice'00:52
nightrid3raustin then what did you meen00:52
ActionParsnipraylu: not bothered about colours00:52
rayluarmence: put it in defoptions in that file00:52
keithmy sound is stuck in an loop even though I closed the applications that were using it. How can I fix the problem without restarting? I trying restarting alsa-utils, but that only stopped the sound until it starting it again.00:52
zlr^^ we're trying to mount a local ext3 partition which has the ubuntu install on it00:52
jwaldoActionParsnip: This look right? http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3615/3326468713_89661d36c2_o.jpg00:52
rayluActionParsnip: that's because you don't have them00:52
deanarmence: add it where it says defoptions=00:52
ActionParsnipDr_willis: i guess its what im used to00:52
BrixSatActionParsnip:  :'( after a while youtube makes firefox crash (get grayed)00:52
deanarmence: to the end of that line and then do sudo update-grub00:52
zlrand it gives this NFS STALE FILEHANDLE error00:52
BrixSatbut flash works fine00:52
ActionParsnipjwaldo: looks fine00:53
ZykoticK9zlr, could you pastebin the output of "mount"00:53
joshkosmalaHello! I am trying to get subverstion working on ubuntu server... and am getting this error: [Wed Mar 04 12:36:22 2009] [error] [client] File does not exist: /var/www/html/svn - that is because my svn repo is in /home/svn... Could anyone point me in the right direction to change the location where apache thinks the server root is? If this is what I should be trying to do?00:53
austinnightrid3r: how, in ubuntu, do i get a domain name, even a sub domain for now, for my website?00:53
coreymanAnyone know if I can compile ubuntu for a cd from what is on my hard disk.00:53
deanaustin: no-ip.org00:53
jwaldoActionParsnip: So, next then?00:53
doumodoumo: I think My xorg.conf is missed up.  Can someone look at it and let me know?  the SClayout I think has bad information for the keyboard,mouse and graphic card.  http://pastebin.com/d311f15d00:53
Dr_williscoreyman,  i recall some 'live cd scripts' at some web site.. but never tried them.00:53
raylujwaldo: why is there a tiny ext3 partition at the end?00:53
deancoreyman: yes you can00:53
raylujwaldo: ignore that00:53
sebsebsebcoreyman: hi  seems you got a lot of issues with Ubuntu????????00:53
coreymansebsebseb I just moved from windows00:54
sebsebsebcoreyman: or stuff you want to find out about?00:54
Joker_-_Help: the file /boot/grub/stage2 not read correctly00:54
coreymandean: where can i find info on this.00:54
sebsebsebcoreyman: ok  I see.  is it installed?00:54
enau1289Hey guys, I need to remove any .svn directories inside of a directory tree... is there a quick way to do that?00:54
nightrid3raustin you need a registrar like godaddy or co.cc and register your domain there and have it point to the outside ip00:54
armencedean: will it work even if I am running from the live CD right now?00:54
coreymansebsebseb it is installed00:54
Joker_-_it's a raid (/dev/md0 == /)00:54
jwaldoraylu: The tiny end partition is for Boot Booster, or some such thing. It's one of the stock partitions00:54
KujiUnIs "system restart" different than "session restart"?00:54
deanif you edit the actual /boot/grub/menu.lst on your hard disk then yes00:54
Dr_willisenau1289,  proper use of the 'find' command can do that..  and No i dont know how exactluy00:55
rayluenau1289: find -name ".svn" -exec "rm -rf {} \;"00:55
deanif you edit the one from the livecd than no00:55
ActionParsnipjwaldo: write the partitions to the disk and continue with the install00:55
hogwashso am i supposed to reboot after i install these drivers ?00:55
enau1289raylu: Thanks :D00:55
coreymansebsebseb my xorg.conf still isn't right... Noone has been able to help me on that.00:55
deanmound your linux disk and then  go to the grub benu.lst and edit it00:55
zlrZykoticK9: http://pastebin.ca/135233300:55
ActionParsnipDr_willis: i'll give mcedit a shot00:55
deanmound = mount;00:55
sebsebsebcoreyman: oh right  Xorg ok uhmmm00:55
dittoWireless is enabled and the wifi light is "on" on my laptop, however, I am unable to see wireless networks00:55
ubottuSCP is a secure way of copying files across networks using !SSH. Usage: scp filename user@host:filename - WinSCP is a client for Windows, available at http://winscp.net/00:55
Dr_willisActionParsnip,  mcedit! :) i was thinking mpedit.. lol..00:55
austinnightrid3r: i have a few promo codes for go daddy, so i just type in my direcotry link and its done? i'll try it with co.nr rightnow00:56
Dr_willis!info mcedit00:56
ubottuPackage mcedit does not exist in intrepid00:56
armencedean: The defoptions line is commented out, should I remove the comment?00:56
sebsebsebcoreyman: which version of Ubuntu, and how old is your graphichs card?  which one is it Nidia or ATI?   what kind of problems are you having with that?00:56
Dr_willisActionParsnip,  personally - i use vim :)00:56
ZykoticK9zlr, sorry what is the output of just "mount" nothing extra00:56
ZykoticK9zlr, will show what's currently mounted, so we can see this NFS mount00:56
armencedean: thanks...00:56
Dr_willisActionParsnip,  oh wait.. 'mcedit' is the edior that comes with 'mc' theres yet another one i was thinking of.00:56
nightrid3raustin read up first on how DNS works00:56
jwaldoOh cool, it even imports my Firtefox settings!00:56
armencedean: I don't have the permissions to save the file?00:57
austinnightrid3r: you got a good web refrence for that?00:57
enau1289raylu: Ah, for some reason I get back:00:57
deanarmence: do it with 'sudo'00:57
enau1289find: illegal option -- n00:57
enau1289find: illegal option -- a00:57
enau1289find: illegal option -- m00:57
enau1289find: illegal option -- e00:57
FloodBot3enau1289: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.00:57
nightrid3raustin hold on00:57
coreymansebsebseb It is 8600 GT Nvidia, Ubuntu is latest version. It seems every time I stick my HP monitor above my Samsung in the config, no matter what type of config (xenerama, twinview) X locks up, I've tried downgrading x, using different nvidia drivers the whole nine yards, so im thinking its just an error I have in my config.00:57
BrixSatthanks for all ActionParsnip :D i have animations working better than nothing00:57
deanenau what was the command you used00:57
ActionParsnipBrixSat: cool00:57
ubottusudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome, XFCE), or !kdesudo (KDE)00:57
nightrid3raustin http://www.howstuffworks.com/dns.htm00:57
=== kansan___ is now known as kansan
jwaldoI missed a lot going with Wubi on the desktop00:57
BrixSatActionParsnip:  now i just need the video streaming :S00:58
aresnickHi!  I'm looking for a pointer to Linux utilities to help you to create your own font.  Does anyone have any pointers?00:58
BrixSatActionParsnip:  but not bad at all ;D00:58
zlryes ZykoticK9, i get it :) http://pastebin.ca/135233400:58
coreymansebsebseb I've tried nvidia-settings, I've tried the tutorials on the ubuntu website. I just think im doing something wrong still.00:58
pymikeHi, I need a simple video editing tool to add captions to my video, and edit out a few things. Can anyone recommend anything?00:58
deanaaresnick: 0x3a28213a, 0x339392C, 0x7363682e00:59
jwaldoActionParsnip: Thanks for saving my newb hide again00:59
coreymansebsebseb i can pastebin my conf00:59
ZykoticK9zlr, sorry man I don't see the problem?  does /media/temp currently exist?00:59
coreyman!pastebin coreyman01:00
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)01:00
ActionParsnipcoreyman: lets see if someone else can help eh :)01:00
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)01:00
tekstacyIs it possible to make Ubuntu come out of standby with the mouse01:00
coreymanSup ActionParsnip?01:00
ZykoticK9zlr, try "sudo mount -v -t ext3 /dev/sda3 /mnt"01:00
austinthanks a buch guys01:00
austinyour awsome :D idk how to thank you01:00
armencedean:  OK, this may sound stupid, but I'm not sure how to open that file with sudo. Should I just do "sudo gedit menu.lst" ?01:00
zlrok  ZykoticK901:00
ActionParsnipcoreyman: just waiting to see if anyone else can help. different time, different users01:01
enau1289dean: Just find -n ".svn" -e "rm -rf {} \;"01:01
austinnightrid3r: if i where to take turn off my server, then turn it back on, do i need to relogin for webpages to be accessed?01:01
coreymanActionParsnip ahh yeah.01:01
deanarrmence: that should work01:01
_VIM_gksudo gedit /path/to/file01:01
nightrid3raustin no01:01
deanfind -name "*.svn" -exec rm -rf {} \;01:01
coreymanhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/126082/ XORG.CONF help me with errors? I need DFP Below CRT, and I need DFP to be default monitor, with these settings when I set it to that, X locks up, what am I doing wrong.01:01
nightrid3raustin but the idea of a server is that its always on01:02
deanchange it to01:02
austinnightrid3r: i just have to be logged in? (just saying if i have to unplugg it for some reason)01:02
deanfind . -name '*.svn' -exec rm -rf {} \;01:02
deanyou need to put the directory01:02
UncleDbe careful using rm -rf!01:02
austinnightrid3r: do i need to reconfig. anythign?01:02
nightrid3raustin no the box just has to be on thats all01:02
ActionParsnipdean: i woulnt advise users to run that, it may find stuff you down want to rm01:02
deantry it with echo first01:02
=== |GuS| is now known as [GuS]
austinoh ok cool01:02
coreymanAnyone know if I can remove all packages that nothing depends on?01:02
austinnirhtrid3r: brb gotta go tell meh folks01:02
austinthanks a ton01:03
Dr_willisYou may wan tto TEST that find example with  -exec  echo {}  first :)01:03
hogwashaccording to iwconfig and ifconfig linux sees my atheros wifi card.  but i cant seem to get an ip address on it when i dhclient.01:03
austinkudos to you01:03
nightrid3raustin np01:03
hogwashmy wifi info ^---01:03
kesihi all, I have my own domain name but no static IP for my home server.  What's the best way in dd-wrt to forward an A record like home.domain.com to my router.  Do I have to sign up for a service?  Which would you recommend?01:03
coreymanKesi: depends on if you are behind NAT01:03
usuariohi all. I usually around google and the ubuntu forums... but I don't really know how to search this problem. my localization or languages are a bit messy. (i've instaleld and used spanish, English, Chinese, etc). Some of my menus and apps still are the residual languages (I uninstalled all languages but english). How do I make it so all my apps and menues are back to just English? Thank you01:03
ActionParsniphogwash: sweet your device is installed01:04
nightrid3rkesi #dd-wrt should know01:04
ActionParsniphogwash: just needs the connection configuring01:04
ActionParsniphogwash: are you logged in as root?01:04
MarfiHow do I install the latest version of nmap? 4.68 in the repos, but newest is 4.7801:04
kesinightrid3r, oops thought that's where I was.  Sorry :(.  I go to this channel so often :)01:04
ZykoticK9hogwash, have you tried "sudo dhclient wlan0"01:04
coreymanAnyone know about xorg.conf please help.01:04
Dr_willisMarfi,  compile it from source.01:04
zlrsame  thing  ZykoticK9 ... This machine went thru some repair shop and apparently their action trashed the linux partition something bad01:04
hogwashahh, i'll try that01:04
MarfiDr_willis: is there a .deb for it?01:04
sebsebsebcoreyman: is that one of the latest graphics  cards from Nivida?01:04
MarfiDr_willis: and do I have to remove it first?01:04
Dr_willisMarfi, No idea.  check the program homepage?01:04
ActionParsniphogwash: are you logged in as root?01:05
ZykoticK9zlr, still mentioning the NFS Stale?01:05
sebsebsebcoreyman: Xorg issues are common and a pain in the arse01:05
Dr_willisMarfi,   You could install it from source for a specific user. not system wide.01:05
coreymansebsebseb welcome back01:05
coreymansebsebseb http://paste.ubuntu.com/126082/01:05
zlryes, ZykoticK901:05
coreymansebsebseb i worked on this 9 hours yesterday01:05
MarfiDr_willis: alright, I'll check that out. Ty. =)01:05
coreymansebsebseb I need DFP below CRT01:05
coreymanbut x locks up when i do that.01:05
coreymanthinking .conf error.01:05
coreyman8600 GT is not a recent card.01:06
coreymanI've tried downgrading X, and different nvidia drivers to no avail, so it leads me to think xorg.conf01:06
sebsebsebcoreyman: it's not a really old card either though?01:06
coreymanright sebsebseb01:06
sebsebsebcoreyman: problems after you put on the propritary driver?  before that things were ok?01:07
zlrZykoticK9: at this point, i will advise to use photorec :/01:07
coreymansebsebseb I dont think you can use dual monitors without the driver01:07
ZykoticK9zlr, see http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1060847&highlight=stale+nfs+file+handle for solution :)01:07
coreymansebsebseb i tried it01:07
sebsebsebcoreyman: oh  freaking hell dual monitors as well hummmmm01:07
sebsebsebcoreyman: so you want the computer on two screens at the same time?01:08
coreymansebsebseb http://paste.ubuntu.com/126082/01:08
coreymansebsebseb yes01:08
ZykoticK9zlr, found the fisrt link from http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=106433101:08
sebsebsebcoreyman: ok loasd of people have had issues with that one01:08
sebsebsebcoreyman: and those issues don't just get solved either01:08
pyrohotdogWhy don't repos contain w32codecs? Apt-cache search for w32 only brings up mingw3.01:08
coreymansebsebseb mine isn't the same.01:08
usuarioHi, all. I usually around google and the ubuntu forums but I don't really know how to search this problem. My languages are a bit messy  because some of my menus and apps still still have a mix of English and other languages (however, I uninstalled all languages but English). How can I reconfigure all my menus and applications back to pure English? Thank you.01:08
Dr_willispyrohotdog,  its in the medibuntu repos01:09
zlrhmm, maybe gparted then ZykoticK901:09
tonyyarussopyrohotdog: Because of legal issues.01:09
coreymansebsebseb it is fine until the toolbars load01:09
ZykoticK9pyrohotdog, you need to add the Medibuntu repo first01:09
pyrohotdogDr_willis: how do I add them?01:09
ActionParsnip!locale | usuario01:09
ubottuusuario: To set up and configure your locales, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LocaleConf01:09
coreymansebsebseb at the login screen i can do whatever the heck01:09
Dr_willispyrohotdog,  the medibuntu homepage tells ya01:09
ubottumedibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org01:09
coreymansebsebseb but when i load in, the main toolbar bugs out and keeps jittering up and down.01:09
ActionParsnip!medibuntu | pyrohotdog01:09
usuariothanks a mount actionparsnip!01:09
ubottupyrohotdog: please see above01:09
coreymansebsebseb and i cant do anything01:09
sebsebsebcoreyman: I don't think you can just downgrade Xorg01:09
ZykoticK9zlr, never noticed an option for Partion - > Check but sounds good... good luck man.01:10
ubottuAttempting to downgrade to an older Ubuntu version is explicitly not supported, and may break your system.01:10
coreymanoh i did sebsebseb :D01:10
sebsebsebcoreyman: Intrepid Ibex also uses a much newer and  rather differnet version  from Hardy Heron01:10
coreymanbut i didnt work then either sebsebseb01:10
zlrthks for the advice, we'll try this ... tomorow ! it"s late here ;)01:10
marine1[ 1386.178630] ppdev0: registered pardevice01:10
marine1[ 1386.224334] ppdev0: unregistered pardevice01:10
pyrohotdogDr_willis: Thank you.01:10
sebsebsebcoreyman: Hardy Heron even has supourt for legacy NIvida cards, something  Intrepid Ibex does not have01:10
coreymansebsebseb where do i view my ubuntu version01:10
ubottuTo find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type « lsb_release -a » in a !shell - To know the available version of a package, « apt-cache policy <package> »01:11
ActionParsnipsebsebseb: nvidia-glx-96 is for legacy cards01:11
sebsebsebActionParsnip: right, does he have a legacy card?01:11
ActionParsnipsebsebseb: like tnt cards01:11
marine1need help with printer saying not installed01:11
ZykoticK9zlr, photorec is amazing software, but you loose all your file names01:11
ActionParsnipsebsebseb: i dunno but you said intrepid doesnt have supprt, which it does01:11
sebsebsebActionParsnip: maybe  Hardy is better for his xorg issues I don't know,   just going to look on his pastebin, but I am no xorg config expert01:11
sebsebsebActionParsnip: no they removed the legay Nivida drivers01:12
coreymansebsebseb I have Ubuntu 8.1 intrepid01:12
nightrid3rsebsebseb my gforce mx440 is still suported in intrepid01:12
sebsebsebhey you two guys maybe you can help  corey01:12
ActionParsnipsebsebseb: sorry, its http://packages.ubuntu.com/intrepid/nvidia-glx-7101:13
coreymanyea my xorg.conf http://paste.ubuntu.com/126082/01:13
marine1 1386.224334] ppdev0: unregistered pardevice01:13
coreymani need DFP Below CRT but X locks when i do that.01:13
coreymanthinking xorg.conf error.01:13
coreymanright now i have DFP above CRT01:13
coreymanneed DFP to be default monitor also.01:14
ActionParsnipcoreyman: you could read the xorg.conf.log.001:14
coreymanlet me pastebin that.01:14
coreymannothing is in that log01:14
coreymanwait would it be in the same directory?01:15
marine1need assistance in fixing this:  [ 1386.224334] ppdev0: unregistered pardevice01:15
jwaldoActionParsnip: The installation seems to have worked. Ubiquity still runs when it starts though. Is the install unfinished, or can I kill that in Sessions?01:16
ActionParsnipcoreyman: /var/log/Xorg.0.log01:16
coreymanthanks actionparsnip01:16
ActionParsnipjwaldo: let the install do its thing, it will say when its done01:17
ZykoticK9marine1, what type of printer to you have?  i assume that it's parallel and not use?01:17
_VIM_it's #ubuntu-it01:17
marine1it's a hpdeskjet 3845 us01:17
coreymanactionparsnip what do i look for in that file.01:17
stephenjudkinsi have a brand-new install of hardy on a slicehost server.  when I run `apt-get install apache2` i get "404 Not Found"01:18
ActionParsnipcoreyman: try setting your xorg, if you get issues, read the log01:18
marine1ZykoticK9, it's a hpdeskjet 3845 us port01:18
coreymanok ill clear it now01:18
ActionParsnipstephenjudkins: can you web browse on the system?01:18
coreymansafe to clear it im assuming01:18
ActionParsnipstephenjudkins: have you ran sudo apt-get update01:18
coreymanrestarting x01:18
marine1ZykoticK9, usb port01:19
jwaldoActionParsnip: It said it was through, and when Ubiquity runs on login it seems to want to do everything over (partitioning and whatnot). I'm guessing it's just because it's in the startup items01:19
armenceI just modified "/boot/grub/menu.lst" from the Live CD. When I try "sudo update-grub" it says there is no GRUB directory... What should I do?01:19
stephenjudkinsActionParsnip: haha, that's it, i'm stupid01:19
ActionParsnipstephenjudkins: np man, can't see for looking01:19
Familyrunning 8.04, can see the network at 54%. choose either wpa or wpa2 enter the passphrase but cant connect.01:20
ActionParsnipjwaldo: check the bootup settings01:20
nikuarmence, you need to tell it where to reinstall grub: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-24113.html01:20
zachhas anyone gotten wireless working in easy peasy on the eee pc01:21
yao_ziyuani wonder if ubuntu can employ a mixed development model: update core packages slowly, but app packages quickly01:21
jwaldoActionParsnip: At System -> Preferences -> Sessions?01:21
ott0i just installed adobe air from a .bin file. how can i find out where it installed?01:21
sebsebsebzach: no, but01:21
ActionParsnipjwaldo: whatever makes your pc boot01:21
jwaldozach: I just installed Easy Peasy, and my wireless is fine01:21
ubottuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs01:21
yao_ziyuanby the way, is there a ppa.launchpad.net repository that offers the latest apps (gimp, pidgin, etc.) fast?01:21
sebsebsebjwaldo: what a silly name I think01:21
zachjwaldo: and what version of easy peasy is it?01:22
jwaldosebsebseb: It used to be Ubuntu Eee, until Ubuntu got angry01:22
sebsebsebjwaldo: on  the other hand netbooks  are aimed at noobs as well01:22
zachsebsebseb: it is a bit silly01:22
jwaldozach: 1.0, IIRC. Whatever's the latest stable version01:22
zachjwaldo: ok01:23
sebsebsebzach: yeah and some would say Ubuntu is a silly name, but yet, it is the most used Desktop Linux01:23
jwaldosebsebseb: Funny, I thought they were aimed at folks who wanted a tiny computer01:23
ActionParsnipjwaldo: check the bootup options in bios as well as the options in the bootloader, make sure its not using the ubuntu iso as boot01:23
sebsebsebjwaldo: sure, and ignorant computer users01:23
ActionParsnipjwaldo: or whatever01:23
zachsebsebseb: this is true and i think that ubuntu is a great name for the os01:23
sebsebsebzach: yeah I like the Ubuntu ideologey and all that01:24
jwaldoActionParsnip: It'd be odd if it was, since I pulled out the SD card when prompted to, before restart01:24
=== azrulsham33 is now known as KuSkin
sebsebsebzach: the circle of friends etc, the meaning of the name etc.  and it could work to win some less technical people over01:25
ActionParsnip#/j #ubuntu-offtopic01:25
armenceniku: But I don't want my changes to menu.lst to be lost... I need to boot with the acpi=off option01:25
ActionParsnipjwaldo: strange, could try putting the card in and tell the card to boot from the hard drive01:25
zachjwaldo: is the wireless working 100 percent all the time? Mine is intermittent and disconnects as it pleases and is quite slow01:26
jwaldosebsebseb: It seems every Linux distro I go for has a funny name. I just downloaded Mandriva, too01:26
sebsebsebyeah that used to be called Mandrake  which sounds better?01:26
sebsebsebanyway this is off topic and I am in there again now as well01:26
jwaldozach: Mine's been pretty strong. Are you getting better reception with other OSes>01:26
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!01:26
skylhow do I move the present window to a different workspace with the keyboard?01:27
sebsebsebjwaldo: why you get Mandriva?01:28
nickrudskyl, try alt-escape, you'll see an option01:28
ActionParsnipskyl: you can right click its decorator and click send to desktop X01:28
ckwalsh|awayAnyone able to guess why ubuntu keeps resetting my static IP to a dynamic IP?01:28
jwaldosebsebseb: For the heck of it, mostly.01:28
nickrudskyl, ermg alt-spacebar . Brainfart01:28
* jwaldo heads to offtopic01:28
=== ckwalsh|away is now known as ckwalsh
Jufisskyl, ctrl + alt + shift + left / right (if using compiz)01:29
coreymanOnly error was, failed to load module type101:29
sebsebsebjwaldo: I tried it on Live CD I think,  and  yeah  I will again soon I think,  but I got more advanced OS's to try :)01:29
nightrid3rckwalsh http://codesnippets.joyent.com/posts/show/31901:29
sebsebsebjwaldo: it's weird by now mods would be complaining at us about being off topic, but where are they?01:29
ckwalshRunning 8.10, exactly 24 hours after the machine is boot up it reassigns the IP on my main ethernet port to a dynamic one01:30
nickrudwaiting for real questions.01:30
ckwalshnightrid3r: I have tried the graphical configuraiton as well as editing /etc/network/interfaces01:30
Jufisskyl, does it work?01:30
ckwalshWhen the computer starts up it is fine01:30
nickrudckwalsh, you mean if you set up a wired ethernet in interfaces file, it switches to dynamic?!01:31
coreymanSo my x crashed.01:31
nightrid3rckwalsh never used static on graphical system, maybe it has to do with networkmanager overwriting stuff01:31
ckwalshIf I execute sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart it goes back to static01:31
dreamyhi everyone01:31
nickrudnightrid3r, net manager is supposed to ignore a static address, it does here01:32
Titan8990!hi | dreamy01:32
ubottudreamy: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!01:32
dreamyhi :)01:32
dreamyTitan8990: can u help me with a tiny issue ?01:32
Titan8990! ask | dreamy01:32
ubottudreamy: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)01:32
Titan8990dreamy, shoot01:32
dreamyokey ops01:32
ckwalshOne sec and I'll post my /etc/network/interfaces file01:32
louis`hi how i know the connections via putty01:33
ckwalshauto lo01:33
ckwalshiface lo inet loopback01:33
ckwalshauto eth001:33
louis`is something like ps x01:33
ckwalshiface eth0 inet static01:33
ckwalsh        address
FloodBot3ckwalsh: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.01:33
ckwalsh        netmask
horndogckwalsh, Hi, Is your router set as a DHCP server?01:33
dreamyTitan8990: ive set and tested apache server it says it works.. but it has to go trougth the computer i have here ont he left first its got a vista OS ..so that it can brad cast to the net01:33
dreamyhow do i broad cast ?01:33
dieselsmokelouis`: netstat -tunap should work.01:34
Titan8990dreamy, you mean you are using a vista computer for a router?01:34
horndogIf so your IP changes to dynamic when when your lease expires .01:34
dreamy(got a 2 computer networtk>()01:34
ckwalshAnd it works fine, it assigns IPs -
dreamyTitan8990: yes .. i do i have a reazon to it..01:34
louis``hi how i know the connections via putty01:34
louis``is something like ps x01:35
dieselsmokelouis`: netstat -tunap01:35
Titan8990dreamy, you need to A) find out if your ISP allows you to host web servers (if you live in the U.S. this answer is most likely no)  B) port forward port 80 on your router to the linux box01:35
dreamyTitan8990: it because its wlan is making me get net here01:35
horndogThere is no problem except you have a bynamic IP to start with01:35
coreymanoh well i dont guess my x will ever be how i want it.01:35
TheGamblerHi, in order to run a decent web server, mostly inbound posting of sales leads, what kind of RAM would be required for good performance with a peak load of 5 leads posted per second?01:35
louis``dieselsmoke but i saw something like ps6 and other process ps1 .. ps201:35
louis``soemthing like that01:35
louis``when y put ps x01:35
dieselsmokelouis`: ps aux  ..shows processes01:35
dreamyTitan8990: the router u mean is the vista pc? (because i got another fisical router/modem)01:36
dieselsmokelouis`: netstat -tunap shows connections/ports01:36
louis``dieselsmoke i know but i saw some processes i dont what is i guess putty conections ts601:36
nightrid3rTheGambler depends on what kind of script you use for the site01:37
Joker_-_I'm swiching 2 computers, keeping only the hard drive and a few things. I know that the kernel wont fit the new computer as it's a 64bits and the new computer is only 32bits. How can I get a kernel installed right now before I swap the hard drives so that I can boot the new computer?01:37
coreymananyone know where i can find the gnome brave icon set01:37
TheGamblernightrid3r: let's say PHP 501:37
Joker_-_(my 64bits computer will become a mediacenter)01:37
dreamyTitan8990: i just dont dig well the part of how will info for the port 80 is passing by the VISTA (os) PC01:38
ckwalshSo, any suggestions on what may be randomly reassigning my IP?01:38
nightrid3rTheGambler i guess 1GB should work01:38
dieselsmokelouis``: you mean 'pts/0' ?01:38
TheGambleroh sweet; I'm too used to Windoze where 2 or 4 would be required lol01:38
Titan8990dreamy, I have no idea how vista could possibly route traffic01:38
Titan8990dreamy, I doubt it is possible but I would as #windows01:39
dieselsmokelouis``: normal01:39
=== FlareFlare is now known as Flare-laptop
louis``what mean ?01:39
Alex_21Hi, How do you manually read the partition table from the installer shell?01:39
TheGamblernightrid3r: do you suppose 4GB would be good for a dedicated PostgreSQL box to back-end for 2 such web servers?01:39
Alex_21Depends on the size of the servers01:39
nightrid3rdreamy vista will only route if one of the netcards has a routable (public) ip01:39
Alex_21And how much of a database they need01:39
horndogckwalsh, That is the definition of DHCP, If you with, you can change it01:39
TheGamblerAlex_21: I'd say no more than 300 GB and around 30 transactions per second01:40
nightrid3rTheGambler should be enough01:40
TheGamblernightrid3r: sweet01:40
dreamynightrid3r: yes i discovered that yesterday lol ... i will start making the dhcp aftewareds. yes01:40
Alex_21TheGambler: No idea. Just general advice01:40
dreamyit will i mean01:41
TheGamblerI appreciate it; I just need a rough idea01:41
dieselsmokelouis``: pts = process tracking system, i think.01:41
Alex_21I need help using the partitioner on the install disk from the shell01:41
dreamyits just a wlan and a lan i got here01:41
Alex_21How do you print the partition table?01:41
coreymanAnyone know where I can download the gnome-brave icons01:42
Titan8990dreamy, I really don't understand why the linux server needs to pass through the vista box01:42
KraftI have a quick question.  The main idea is watching the movie "hackers" off a BitTorrent download.  I need mpeg codecs, they are required.  Is there a package available somewhere?01:42
coreymanNevermind I found it if someone wants to know ask.01:42
Titan8990dreamy, why not connect it directly to your router?01:42
Blastwhat is windows vista/longhorn01:42
dieselsmokeAlex_21: sudo fdisk -l |lpr  will send to printer01:42
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats01:42
dreamyTitan8990: im in my room .. so im getting internet without cable.. because i got no cable installed here01:43
KraftOkay, ty.01:43
Alex_21I don't need to send to a printer01:43
dieselsmokeAlex_21: sudo fdisk -l01:43
ubottudhcp is Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol, a protocol for automatic IP assignment from a router. Ubuntu uses dhclient as a DHCP client but other ones (and DHCP servers too) can be obtained from the !repos. More info at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DHCP01:43
g0tchahey guys, anyone here by any chance installed ubuntu 8.10 on VMWARE workstation?01:43
nickrudBlast, longhorn was the pre release code name for a while01:43
Alex_21I have a shell open in the install cd and I want to know how my partitions are set up01:43
Titan8990dreamy, you can't run an ethernet cable into wherever your router is or install a wireless PCI card?01:43
g0tchathe desktop doesnt start up and it gives me permission denied when i try to "startx"01:43
Blastso vista would have been longhorn?01:43
nightrid3rBlast yup01:44
rdw200169g0tcha, 'sudo /etc/init.d/gdm start' if you're running gnome (regular ubuntu)01:44
dreamyTitan8990: well no.. the technician didnt made anything to be pluged here in my room01:44
Titan8990dreamy, it doesn't require a technician to run a wire....01:44
g0tchardw200169, it is, ill test that out01:44
Alex_21How can I use sodu from the install disk?01:44
sebsebsebgotcha: VMware heh01:45
dreamyTitan8990: but i dont want to put a wire from the room to the living room01:45
rdw200169g0tcha, you have to make sure, though, that there isn't already an X server running, or gdm.01:45
sebsebsebgotcha: you got to make a vmx file for workstation as well?01:45
Titan8990dreamy, wireless PCI card....01:45
zgmf-x42shey all.  anyone know of an amazingly supported app for a virtual drive, like daemon tools, except in ubuntu01:45
nightrid3rdreamy then use wireless01:45
g0tchardw200169, how can i make sure of that?01:45
rdw200169g0tcha, also, sometimes a restart works, or a stop/start01:45
ubottuFor help with partitioning a new install see: https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/switching/installing-partitioning.html - For partitioning programs see !GParted or !QtParted - Other partitioning topics include !fstab !home and !swap01:45
ubottuTo mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.01:45
sebsebsebzgmf-x42s: see above01:45
g0tchardw200169, restart didnt work01:45
g0tchasebsebseb, yeah, VMware01:45
gotchasebsebseb ?01:45
Blastwhy dosnt windows vista/longhorn work when i try to use it01:46
rdw200169g0tcha, ah, use the command 'ps -AF | grep X'01:46
gotchaah, pls dont write gotcha ;)01:46
rdw200169g0tcha, it will return 'grep X', you can ignore that, you're looking for something like '/usr/bin/X'01:46
Alex_21A million01:46
nightrid3rBlast cos vista sucks?01:46
sebsebsebgotcha: well it depends on what you want to do exactly, but for a lot of people  Virutualbox is better.   well I haven't used workstation so when I say better I mean better than VMware player and server01:46
kesiCan anyone tell me why I can't connect via Remote Desktop to my ubuntu desktop?  I can ssh to it no prob but I get a "connection closed" error when I use vinagre/Remote Desktop to connect to it.01:46
dreamyexactly  but the linux computer is a bit old and doenst has Wireless  .. how ever the computer with vista has .. afterwards it shares trouhg lan to my linux01:46
rdw200169g0tcha, then, do the same thing w/gdm, i.e. 'ps -AF | grep gdm'01:46
fladdhi there01:46
ConstantineXVIBlast, wrong channel.  try ##windows01:46
g0tchardw200169, ok01:46
KraftMPEG-1 Layer 3 (MP3) decoder01:46
KraftXVID MPEG-4 decoder01:46
sebsebsebgotcha: also for servers  Virtualbox isn't really the right one01:46
louis```what mean  4305 tty4     Ss+    0:00 /sbin/getty 38400 tty401:46
FloodBot3Kraft: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.01:46
fladddid the kernel update two days ago also break ubuntu for you?01:46
g0tchasebsebseb, i do use vbox :s01:46
g0tchabut vbox has a problem with freebsd01:47
rdw200169g0tcha, if either show up, make sure to kill them using the process number in the first column from the ps command output01:47
sebsebsebgotcha: you can use your vmdk  files in Virtualbox01:47
g0tchaso i went with vmware for now01:47
rdw200169g0tcha, i.e. 'kill <process #>01:47
zgmf-x42ssebsebseb: thanks ill check it out.  i need to mount the image, and then install win xp from iso into xVM01:47
Blastno when i chose ubuntu on start up it says ubuntu vista longhorn but that dont work01:47
g0tchardw200169, thanks will do01:47
zgmf-x42shopefully it has a nice  gui01:47
rdw200169g0tcha, and if that won't kill it: 'kill -9 <process #>'01:47
dreamynightrid3r: im using the wireless thats rigth .. but not on linux..01:47
louis```what mean  4305 tty4     Ss+    0:00 /sbin/getty 38400 tty401:47
sebsebsebzgmf-x42s: no you dont need to mount it01:47
sebsebsebzgmf-x42s: well you do in virtualbox01:47
g0tchasebsebseb, vbox virtual harddisk file will load up wit VMware?!01:47
sebsebsebzgmf-x42s: ,but in Ubuntu you don't need to01:47
Kraftblast you could burn knoppix-std on a disc and then it would run when you re-boot.... than when u take the disc out it would go back to vista OS01:47
rdw200169g0tcha, have you *ever* gotten X to start correctly?01:48
sebsebsebgotcha: yes exactly01:48
zgmf-x42ssebsebseb: well, yah, thats why i need something almost equivalent to daemon tools01:48
nightrid3rdreamy plug the linux cable into the router01:48
sebsebsebzgmf-x42s: just tell  Virtualbox to use your XP  ISO or  CD01:48
Kraftdaemon tools is a good program01:48
g0tchardw200169, no, its still the first install in vmware and it didnt X didnt work at all01:48
g0tchasebsebseb, wow! cool01:48
Kraftyou could try installing it with "wine"01:48
sebsebsebzgmf-x42s: and you can use deamontools in your XP VM I think01:48
g0tchai need to try that out01:48
Titan8990nightrid3r, its not use....01:48
dreamynightrid3r: ok.. maybe..01:48
rdw200169g0tcha, ah, you may need to check your x log, /var/log/Xorg.0.log01:48
sebsebsebgotcha: indeed esapilly if you gott to make stupid vmx files for vmware01:49
sebsebsebgotcha: virtualbox don't need some stupid vmx file to run vmdks01:49
gotchasebsebseb still wrong highlight01:49
silversurferhow do you remount a read only NTFS volume booted in a Live CD environment as Read Only (mount & umount return "device busy")?01:50
Alex_21Hello. the link https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/switching/installing-partitioning.html does not help me much with partitioning manually with the shell. Can anyone help me to print an overview of the partitions on my system?01:50
sebsebsebgotcha: what?01:50
gotchayou want to highlight g0tcha and not me01:50
zgmf-x42ssebsebseb: yah you can use daemon tool in virtual box, it works liek a charm.  and yah it has to be from iso, cause this is an eee pc, and as such, no cd drive01:50
sebsebsebAlex_21: ok you want help partitining your hard disk to install Ubuntu?01:50
Kraftso many people are confused01:50
sebsebsebzgmf-x42s: ok so  get the ISO on  Ubuntu,  and then use Virtualbox  and tell it to use the ISO01:51
sebsebsebzgmf-x42s: by the way  Virutalbox binary the PUEL  the non OSE   for USB suppourt01:51
Alex_21I'm using the shell01:51
=== wolter_ is now known as wolter
sebsebsebzgmf-x42s: from their website  http://www.virtualbox.org01:51
sudobashI have a friend running Ubuntu 8.10 which is up to date and it has an ALi m5602 webcam.... I installed m5602 drivers from source and did a sudo modprobe m5602 and it works... in dmesg | tail it shows01:51
sudobash[  789.353274] m5602: BisonCam on /dev/video0 opened01:52
sudobash[  789.355413] m5602: BisonCam on /dev/video0 closed01:52
wolterwhy is jaunty not in the ubuntu.com site?01:52
rdw200169sebsebseb, yeah, that's why i use the svn version of VirtualBox01:52
javahi i want to remove my sql server but it is not able to remove because apt is not able to fetch some packages please help me01:52
crdlb!jaunty | wolter01:52
ubottuwolter: Jaunty Jackalope is the code for Ubuntu 9.04, due April 2009 - Lots of breakage between now and April - Please join #ubuntu+1 for discussion and support.01:52
woltersebsebseb knows nothing about ubuntu...01:52
nightrid3rwolter it will be when its finished01:52
sebsebsebAlex_21: ok you don't need to partition your hard disk using commands to install Ubuntu01:52
sudobashVLC and Camorama don't show anything though.. have I done something wrong?01:52
sebsebsebwolter:  lol hi there again :D01:52
crx686HI, I just installed Ubuntu 8.10 on ASUS laptop, and I'm having trouble getting my linksys wireless to work, it is a PMICA card, my ? is, does ubuntu support PMICA slots? if it does is there a driver for my linksys wireless card thnxs01:52
Alex_21Yes, the Install guide says I must01:52
wolternightrid3r, i guess.. I, though didn't mentioned it, was asking for the countdown01:53
Alex_21But unfortunately I forgot my partition layout01:53
zgmf-x42ssebsebseb: yah i know, i made thhat mistake on my main computer a long time ago now.  but ill see if this works, this is allllllllllll theoretical at this point01:53
sebsebsebAlex_21: you can partition your hard disk graphicalley01:53
wolterhey sebsebseb01:53
nightrid3rcrx686 linksys support in linux is almost non existant01:53
sebsebseb!gparted |  Alex_2101:53
ubottuAlex_21: gparted is a !GTK/!Gnome !GUI partitioning program. Type « sudo apt-get install gparted » in a console to install it - A GParted "live" CD is available at http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php01:53
TheGamblerthanks for the good information01:53
Alex_21I already partitioned. I just need the partition layout for some other commands01:53
silversurferhmw: how do I remount a Read Only NTFS drive booted from a LiveCd to make it Read Write?01:53
Aquinajava, leave the SQL server as is but stop the service from running every boot.01:54
sebsebsebAlex_21: ok you want to see your partitions01:54
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about kdiskfree01:54
nightrid3rcrx686 ndiswrapper and windows drivers should get you going01:54
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about kdf01:54
=== cesar_ is now known as Guest27742
ubottuvimtutor is an excellent tool for learning how to use vim. It can be found in the vim-full package, among others.01:54
javaAquina i want to install  latest version01:54
nanotube_!qtparted | sebsebseb01:54
ubottusebsebseb: qtparted is a !Qt/!KDE !GUI partitioning program. Use !Adept or !Synaptic to install or type « sudo apt-get install qtparted » in a console.01:54
sebsebsebAlex_21: you can install gparted into your install and see the partitions like that, or   something else01:54
javaAquina i want to install  latest version of mysql so i will have to remove it and install new one right01:55
sebsebsebnanotube_: yeah, but I am thinking the  show  us how much free space is left programs01:55
ubp123hi, what's main topics on this screen ? i have missed lol01:55
Alex_21Remember I'm in the Ubuntu install proccess still01:55
nanotube_sebsebseb: ah01:55
nightrid3rubp123 ubuntu support01:55
sebsebsebAlex_21: your trying to install?01:55
dieselsmokeAlex_21: try fdisk -l /dev/sda  provided the drive is /dev/sda01:55
Krafthow do i play movies i stole from the internet01:56
dreamynightrid3r: opening port 80 on vista fire wall whould that be at least a nice try ?01:56
crx686Thanks nightrid3r, do you know a good wireless card for linuxs?01:56
hmwUhm. apt get ntfs-3g maybe. check out http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=671900. Btw, why did you ask me in person?01:56
operahow to use vimtutor to learn vi?01:56
nanotube_Kraft: mplayer or vlc01:56
nightrid3rdreamy yes01:56
rdw200169Kraft, this is not the appropriate place to discuss illegal activities01:56
operawho can help me ?01:56
sebsebsebKraft: install this and you get all the propritary stuff  that most Ubuntu users will want (well maybe not all of it, but it's easier to install all of it like this)  sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras01:56
ubp123hmmm any stolling might be wrong but joinning the joys there lol01:56
nightrid3rcrx686 i use an cheap sweex01:56
Krafti am not captain save a hoe01:57
Alex_21I need to know what drives are mounted to01:57
rdw200169opera, just run vimtutor in the terminal01:57
dieselsmokeAlex_21: type mount01:57
Alex_21Sorry. What drives I have01:57
kesican anyone help me figure out why I can remotely ssh to a box and not vnc to it?   I have both 22 and 5900 forwarded to it, but I get connection refused in vinagre01:57
hmwKraft: check out the web for 10 things to do after ubuntu install01:57
javaAquina i want to install  latest version of mysql so i will have to remove it and install new one right01:57
Kraftthanks my dude01:57
Krafti got 600gb of space and want to download01:57
dreamynightrid3r: the public ip is the same for both computers i think rigth ?01:57
Alex_21Do VNC over ssh01:57
sebsebsebkesi:  vinagre?01:57
Kraftfree movies01:57
nightrid3rdreamy yes01:57
Kraftcause these harddrives are so huge01:57
hmw!coc | Kraft01:57
ubottuKraft: The Ubuntu Code of Conduct to which we ask all Ubuntu users to adhere can be found at http://www.ubuntu.com/community/conduct/01:57
sebsebsebyes  tunnel VNC over SSH :)   like  I will do if I remote connect someone and help them out with Ubuntu01:58
operardw200169.  i run it, and i don't know what i  will do later01:58
rdw200169thanks, hmw01:58
rdw200169opera, what do you mean?01:58
ubp123whats pubic ids ?01:58
=== FlareFlare is now known as Flare-laptop
javai want to install  latest version of mysql so i will have to remove old version  and install new one right or is there any other way to fix it i have mysql 5.0.67 and i want to install 5.1.2201:58
Alex_21Public IDs are ids you can use with more than one service01:58
nanotube_kesi: can you telnet to the vinagre port directly from the localhost? (to make sure the port is open)01:58
sebsebsebwhat's  vinagre?????01:59
Alex_21How can I see what drives are on my computer?01:59
operardw_ i don't know how to  use it to learn vi01:59
nanotube_java: if you can download a .deb of mysql, then you don't need to uninstall first.01:59
rdw200169opera, the tutor is just a big text file, that runs you through basic vim tasks... its pretty snazzy, actually01:59
dreamyTitan8990: i think my isp is block 80 ..yes .. because ive been tryng before to run the server.. how can i broadcast with the isp blockig 80 .. u know :S01:59
dieselsmokesebsebseb: remote desktop viewer01:59
sebsebsebAlex_21: gparted will show the partitions.  and  mnt and media will show them in the file system01:59
Kraftyeah i'm already downloading the restricted extras its goin f'in slow01:59
nightrid3rjava if its in the repo's sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade will do01:59
rdw200169opera, you just read it, and do what it says01:59
ubp123thanks, Alex2101:59
nanotube_sebsebseb: vinagre is the remote desktop software that's default on ubuntu01:59
Krafti went to taco bell and came back and it was still downloading01:59
hmwrdw200169: at least he was honest about what he (or anybody asking for certain codecs) is doing.01:59
KenBW2opera: you can just use nano instead01:59
nightrid3rdreamy you could run the webserver on port 8000 for example02:00
kesinanotube, no02:00
sebsebsebvinagree is for noobs :)    I do  VNC tunneld over SSH properly using commands and that02:00
Alex_21YOu can use one of Dyndns' services for forwarding ports02:00
KenBW2sebsebseb: what ana amzingly worthwhile comment that was02:00
nightrid3rdreamy then use http://your.ip:8000 to reach it02:00
dreamynightrid3r: whould the client automaticly get there just by typing the adress ?02:01
dreamywell then id had to be put :800002:01
Alex_21I need to know howto see the drives without using anything not on the install cd02:01
nanotube_kesi: so telnet to localhost 5900 doesn't work? then either (a) vinagre server isn't running, or (b) it's running on a different port.02:01
SuperDefenderXWhat is LibGL?02:01
Krafti went to this one guys house and he had an S-Video hookup to this 60" TV, it was like computer heaven he must have been a really big tech guy02:01
nightrid3rdreamy with the port number added , yes02:01
maxagazis it possible to access from a terminal a folder mounted using "Connect to Server..." in Gnome ?02:01
rdw200169opera, yeah, vim is rather... confusing... from the outset, if you're not interested in learning some of its... subtleties... nano is a good alternative, especially if you're only doing minor editing of config files (etc...)02:01
SuperDefenderX.loading libGL.so.1: Segmentation fault02:01
nanotube_kesi: assuming tha tyou set your firewall to allow anything from localhost. :)02:01
operardw ,i see.02:01
sebsebsebkesi:  want to know how to do VNC  encrypted and properly over SSH?02:01
dreamynightrid3r: why do they block it ? :S02:01
Kraftthat is where i bought my linux box off of02:01
kesinanotube, I set the port manually to 590002:01
ubp123how many bots could be joined the chat in this room ? i mean, how many the rest humanbeings lol02:02
nightrid3rdreamy to sell you overpriced hosting02:02
kesisebsebseb, no.   But I'm not concerned about it with this comp.02:02
dreamy:S okey02:02
Kraftim human being..................lol.........02:02
nanotube_kesi: well check if it's running, do a "netstat -plantu" to see what  you have sitting on open ports.02:02
Krafti was in the marines for ten years02:02
ubp123okie lol02:02
Titan8990dreamy, we don't support getting around regulations that either your ISP or system administrator have put in place02:02
Titan8990dreamy, or atleast I don't support it02:02
Alex_21I need to know what drives are fically installed in a drive while still in the installer02:02
hmwubp123: type "/join #ubuntu-offtopic" to see a lot of chat-bots ;-)02:02
rdw200169opera, personally, i live in vim, but that doesn't mean you have to.  i admit, i only use vim for my larger projects... for small stuff i'm quite content w/using nano.   long story short, vim has many, many brilliant features, they are just difficult to figure out because it doesn't act like anything you've used before02:03
kesinanotube, hmmm.. can't grep vinagre or 5900 out of there and don't see anything.02:03
dreamyTitan8990: you mean u dont like them ? .. regulations?02:03
coreymanhow do i remove ekiga softphone?02:03
dreamythe isp regulations02:03
Alex_21How do you mount it02:03
sebsebsebKraft: ok, but that does not mean you know  about cyber security,  encryption and such02:03
Kraftekiga is pretty cool, skype is better though02:03
Titan8990dreamy, I hate the regulations but I am saying that I can't help you bypass them02:03
kesinanotube, let me try rebooting.02:03
dieselsmokekesi: vinagre is the client, vino-server is the server02:03
kesidieselsmoke, ahh ok.02:04
Kraftyeah i agree02:04
nanotube_kesi: well, so vinagre server is not running, make sure to start it up.02:04
Kraftim a beginner02:04
ubp123hmmm bots would talk about office biz lol, thankls02:04
kesidieselsmoke, not seeing vino in a pgrep02:04
ubp123thanks lol02:04
rdw200169opera, but it can be a full-fledged programming environment (IDE) if you want it to be, using addons and such; the people that like vim so much (and consequentially emacs), are those that can type *very* well, and don't appreciate using a mouse for doing anything02:04
dreamyTitan8990: but what diferent whould it make if its showing on a search engine? can the user get there..02:04
kesinanotube, how do I start this up?02:04
sebsebsebKraft: ok if you do non encrypted VNC,   people  can pick up on the connection02:04
Kraftthats why i was reading the pdf file i stumbled upon in the forums02:04
sebsebsebKraft: and then gain access to the computer being vnced02:04
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dreamysorry for my bad keyboard02:04
dieselsmokekesi: vino would be on the remote box02:04
Kraftso theyre like wardriving or hacking my comp02:05
Alex_21Sebsebs: How do you view the different drive?02:05
nanotube_kesi: you can either do it from the gui somewhere (i'm not on my ubuntu machine, so can't check, but probably in preferences -> remote desktop), or from the cli start vino-server02:05
Krafttheyre gonna find a bunch of porn than02:05
rdw200169Kraft, i was in the army for 7 years (now im a guardsman)02:05
kesidieselsmoke, I know.. I'm ssh'd into it.02:05
Kraftsounds like fun02:05
archersevenquestion, using an intel quad core, can you use the 64 bit version of Ubuntu, or is there a better way to get it to see all 4 gig of ram?02:05
dieselsmokekesi: you need to enable it.02:05
Krafti was ambushed in afghanistan now i get $2,000 for free the rest of my life02:05
dreamyTitan8990: even in port 8000 its shows on the search engine i hope?02:05
kesinanotube, start: Unknown job: vino-server02:05
=== ohai is now known as Guest46462
nightrid3rdreamy if they catch you they will disconnect your net and other random nasty stuff02:05
MindVirusI'm starting to get sick of this.02:05
MindVirusWhen I right click on something, retarded behavior occurs.02:06
nanotube_kesi: don't type "start" :)02:06
operardw , i am a new ubuntu user . i will consider your advise .02:06
kesidieselsmoke, I did enable it... I went into preferences then remote desktop, enabled it and set a password.02:06
MindVirusI have to hold down the right mouse button.02:06
MindVirusAnd sometimes the computer thinks I let go.02:06
* hogwash has his wireless network working.02:06
sebsebsebhogwash: hi02:06
TheGamblerIs it considered lame to use GUI tools to manage LAMP?02:06
kesinanotube, what do you want me to type02:06
hogwashyou guys rock02:06
rdw200169Kraft, were you hurt? ... ah, wait, we should talk that here, they'll tell us its offtopic (#ubuntu-offtopic)02:06
dieselsmokekesi: look in prefs - sessions, enable it there02:06
Mr_Giraffehey, i'm trying to play warsow (and other FPSes) and for some reason when i click to shoot there's like a 0.5 - 1 second lag every time02:06
kesidieselsmoke, ok02:06
hogwashthe jackoffs in #kubuntu dont know jack squat02:06
ubp123i too a novice in this chatting system. lol02:06
sebsebsebTheGambler: ha maybe, but  I guess use whatever works for you02:06
Mr_Giraffedoes anybody do any gaming in ubuntu>02:06
nightrid3rTheGambler nope02:06
Mr_Giraffeer, ?*02:06
hogwashMr_Giraffe: i do02:06
sebsebsebMr_Giraffe: yes a lot of good games for Linux as well02:07
nanotube_kesi: just "vino-server" might do it.assuming the default config is sane.02:07
TheGamblerokay, is PhpMyAdmin the way to go if you want GUI?02:07
hogwashMr_Giraffe: i play unreal tornament 2004, quake wars, and doom302:07
rdw200169opera, what are you looking for in a text editor?  this is the important question... in linux, there are lots and lots of options for text editors, each with their own subtle features02:07
Mr_Giraffehogwash: my mouse clicks are lagging terribly whenever i play warsow02:07
Mr_Giraffelike half a second at least02:07
Mr_Giraffeit's practically unplayable and i don't get what the issue is02:07
kesinanotube, it doesn't.02:07
nightrid3rTheGambler i'm a fan of webmin, it allows you to configure allot of stuff02:07
TheGamblernightrid3r: thanks. I will take a look02:08
Alex_21Sebsebseb: How do you view the different drive?s02:08
kesidieselsmoke, it's not listed there.  What command needs to be enabled?02:08
JufisHow can I remove the active window title shadowing?02:08
sebsebsebAlex_21: your on LIve CD?02:08
dieselsmokekesi: i'll look.02:08
Alex_21No, Alternate, but I was forced to drop into the shell02:08
rdw200169opera, ah, i forgot to mention.  if you want to use vim, but find it too difficult at the outset, there is a version of it called cream.  that, or you can use gvim... they are both (sort-of) easier to use gui versions of vim02:08
TheGamblernightrid3r: oh wow, it does more than just PHP and MySQL. Nice02:08
sebsebsebAlex_21: oh alternate hummmmmm02:08
sebsebsebAlex_21: why did you go alternte?02:09
nanotube_kesi: sorry not on my *nix machine, so that's all i have for now :)02:09
Alex_21Sebsebseb: But I have no GUI02:09
nightrid3rTheGambler thats why i like it02:09
hogwashMr_Giraffe: tell #xorg02:09
TheGamblernightrid3r: thanks02:09
sebsebsebAlex_21: yes you need the desktop CD for a graphical installer02:09
Mr_Giraffehogwash: kk02:09
nanotube_kesi: maybe dieselsmoke will figure it out :)02:09
devilsF001hi can anyone tell me if my server should have a record for it's self in /proc/net/arp?02:09
sebsebsebAlex_21: and partition program02:09
dreamynightrid3r: damn :S02:09
dreamysorry .. got disconected02:09
kesinanotube, I hope02:09
operathan you rdw.02:09
nightrid3rTheGambler virtualmin is also great for web stuff02:09
TheGamblernightrid3r: that will be especially nice to use via iPhone at 3AM instead of a command prompt02:09
ubp123how most can chage the updated ubutu to the debian machine on purpose ?02:10
Alex_21Sebsebseb: The desktop system is horrible. I memorized the alternate installer, being blind and all.02:10
sebsebsebAlex_21: now that's something I never had a reason to do, partition my hard disk using commands02:10
nightrid3rdreamy your isp just installed a probe :)02:10
rdw200169opera, that, or you can use gedit, even with sudo, instead of a terminal text editor02:10
MindVirusWhen I right click on something, retarded behavior occurs -- if I just right click then it, then the first item menu is automatically selected without me even seeing it. If I hold the right mouse button down then the menu stays but it sometimes lets go when I didn't even let go of the mouse.02:10
MindVirusPlease help.02:10
dreamynightrid3r: lol02:10
sebsebsebAlex_21: blind hummmmmm02:10
hmwMindVirus: are you using some 3D app in compiz, perhaps?02:10
dieselsmokekesi: did you enable remote desktop? try /usr/share/vino02:11
sebsebsebAlex_21: I would help, but  I can't on that one sorry,  I haven't actsaully used the alternate CD yet02:11
SuperDefenderXAnyone know how to install glibc-2.1?02:11
hogwashcan someone guide me to ATI radeon drivers?  http://rafb.net/p/X6udea44.html  <---- lspci02:11
kesidieselsmoke, try what, typing that?02:11
Alex_21Sebsebseb: Yeppers, but I'm comfortable with the shell. I tried the 6.06 instructions, but they didn't work02:11
dreamynightrid3r: but the part of puting the page in a search engine..  may work  you think so ?02:11
hmw!radeon | hogwash02:11
ubottuhogwash: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto02:11
JufisHow can I remove the active window title shadowing?02:12
MindVirushmw, yes.02:12
hogwashthanx pal02:12
MindVirusI just switched to metacity to see if it'll work.02:12
nightrid3rdreamy yes02:12
dieselsmokekesi: on the remote box, yes, it may start the service.02:12
sebsebsebAlex_21: Blind Gentoo user   I know where to find one of those02:12
MellowDudei need help i try to remove flashplayer and it says its not installed but it is02:12
MindVirusYes, it works, hmw. Thanks.02:12
MindVirusI'll talk to the Compiz guys about it.02:12
sebsebsebAlex_21: ,but in general  when it comes to computers,  don't really think about how the blind might also be using Ubuntu or something like this02:12
ubp123is that metacity bring most from the ubuntu to debian machines ???02:13
coreymanI want to create a CD from the UBUNTU installed on my hard disk. Where should I look for information.02:13
TheGamblerI have preferred NXServer so far for remote desktop02:13
nightrid3rsebsebseb in general i don't think at all :)02:13
sebsebsebcoreyman: you  don't make a CD from your installed Ubuntu system02:13
Alex_21Sebsebseb: Thanks02:13
coreymansebsebseb why can't I02:13
sebsebsebcoreyman: maye you can, but you just don't02:13
dieselsmokekesi: starting my other system, one sec02:13
kesidieselsmoke, not sure what you mean, that's a directory..02:13
coreymansebsebseb I want to make an ubuntu install with everything I have here now.02:14
dieselsmokekesi: nod. sec02:14
sebsebsebcoreyman: if you want to be able to use an installed Ubuntu system on differnet computers say,  I would suggest making it into a virtual machine02:14
ubottuIf you want to remove all !KDE packages, type « sudo apt-get remove kdelibs4c2 ; sudo apt-get remove kdelibs5 ; sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop »02:14
TheGamblerwhen you see a package available for Debian, does that mean it will run on Ubuntu Heron?02:14
MellowDudehelp flashplayer will not remove its installed but it says its not02:14
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots02:14
sebsebsebcoreyman: heh waht you got installed there now,  probably not a lot :D02:14
dreamynightrid3r: its has eazy has doing a sort of quick and simple indexing i think..02:14
sebsebsebcoreyman: if I wa helping you install stuff though, oh man you would have a lot :)02:15
sebsebsebcoreyman: a lot of good stuff02:15
balrog__how do i set the default java version to sun java?02:15
coreymansebsebseb yea i only have what i need right now02:15
Alex_21Thanks all for the help02:15
Alex_21Good night02:15
ubp123what's kde..just for school kids or their teachers ? lol02:15
nightrid3rTheGambler don't, youl fsck up your system02:15
TheGamblernightrid3r: which virtualmin works on Heron then? None?02:15
sebsebsebcoreyman: and you got with Synaptic package maanger or add or remove I assume, but ways slow.   terminal much quicker when you know the names of programs to install02:15
nightrid3rTheGambler grab the tar from the site and use that02:16
sebsebsebcoreyman: grahpical program  installers are slow,  terminal is fast02:16
TheGamblernightrid3r: cool thanks02:16
TheGamblernightrid3r: dpkg I guess?02:16
sebsebsebcoreyman: weren't you the one that had xorg problems?????02:16
nightrid3rTheGambler nope02:16
coreymansebsebseb yes, and I am using terminal02:16
* TheGambler is a noob, but an avid learner02:16
sebsebsebcoreyman: your xorg alright now?02:16
coreymansebsebseb no02:16
TheGamblernightrid3r: what to install with, if not dpkg?02:17
ubp123yes i had been puzzed by such xorg display goofys lol02:17
nightrid3rTheGambler tar xzvf webmin.tarfile cd new_dir sudo ./setup.sh /usr/local/webmin02:17
TheGamblernightrid3r: :) thanks02:17
sebsebsebupgrdman: yep Xorg can be a right bitch to set up02:17
coreymansebsebseb the hard part was configured the desktop to look good.02:17
Kraftcan you be on two irc servers at one time.....?02:17
dieselsmokekesi: look for remote desktop in prefs/sessions, after you enable remote desktop. vino-server should start02:17
coreymanKraft: yes02:17
sebsebsebKraft: yes02:17
kesidieselsmoke, it doesn't.02:17
dieselsmokeKraft: yes you can02:17
hmwhow would I make my Ubuntu hibernating from the shell?02:17
Krafti want to see if my buddies are still on my old channel02:17
dreamynightrid3r: are you a web designer ;)02:18
ubp123with one stone, two meats ?02:18
sebsebsebhmw: hibernation is a problem area with the Linux kernel02:18
dieselsmokekesi: not listed in startup programs?02:18
sebsebsebhmw: and so a lot of hibernations won't work02:18
nightrid3rdreamy no02:18
dieselsmokekesi: running gnome?02:18
hmwsebsebseb: nah... i just wanted to know the command line02:18
sebsebsebhmw: or need  some right configuring to get to work, well  as far as I know02:18
ubp123sleeping ?02:18
kesidieselsmoke, not listed under "Sessions" and yes, running gnome02:18
MellowDudecant get no help02:19
louis```how to run ftp?02:19
sebsebsebMellowDude: help with what?02:19
hmwubp123: just a general hint: be careful with making jokes in here. People might actually do, what you say :-)02:19
ubp123hmm no need to use ftp yet lol02:19
MellowDudeflashplay will not uninstall02:19
nightrid3rlouis```ftp server ?02:19
MellowDudeand its installed and it says its not02:19
coreymanMellowDude sudo apt-get remove flashplayer02:20
MellowDudei did that says its not installed02:20
nightrid3rlouis``` sudo apt-get install vsftpd02:20
MellowDudebut it is installed02:20
ubp123whats flashplay doing after saving.. just moved to the still video ?02:20
coreymanMellowDude thats likely not the name.02:20
dieselsmokekesi: try /usr/lib/vino/vino-server on 32 bit systems02:20
Blasthow do i install Debian?02:20
sebsebsebMellowDude: I think it's called:  flashplayer-nonfree02:20
sebsebsebBlast: by installing it :d02:21
louis```thanks nightrid3r02:21
sebsebsebBlast: Debian is not Ubuntu02:21
MellowDudePackage flashplugin-nonfree is not installed, so not removed02:21
MellowDude0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded02:21
ubottuUbuntu and Debian are closely related. Ubuntu builds on the foundations of Debian architecture and infrastructure, with a different community and release process. See http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/relationship - Remember, !repositories meant for Debian should NOT be used on Ubuntu!02:21
louis```what port is?02:21
ubp123i wanted the same info of what we can install debian from ubunts lol02:21
coreymanMellowDude: Then install it again.02:21
dreamynightrid3r: whouldnt you like to broadcast anythign?02:21
dieselsmokekesi: uncheck local only, in remote dektop config02:21
kesidieselsmoke, here's the output: start: Unknown job: vino-server02:21
nightrid3rlouis``` port 2102:21
kesioops try this:02:21
kesi03/03/2009 09:21:21 PM Listening for VNC connections on TCP port 590002:22
kesi03/03/2009 09:21:21 PM ListenOnTCPPort: Address already in use02:22
kesi03/03/2009 09:21:21 PM Advertising security type: 'TLS' (18)02:22
kesi03/03/2009 09:21:21 PM Advertising authentication type: 'VNC Authentication' (2)02:22
kesi03/03/2009 09:21:21 PM Advertising security type: 'VNC Authentication' (2)02:22
FloodBot3kesi: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.02:22
kesi(vino-server:5705): GLib-WARNING **: /build/buildd/glib2.0-2.18.2/glib/giounix.c:400Error while getting flags for FD: Bad file descriptor (9)02:22
nightrid3rdreamy no02:22
Cpudan80Hey all02:22
kesidieselsmoke, local only was unchecked02:22
Cpudan80Anyone having problems with pidgin segfaulting lately?02:22
sebsebsebkesi: using  unencrypted VNC  and talking about it in IRC, well  people can  exploit that02:22
hogwashhmw: that you link you had teh bot give me doesent seem to be up to date with 8.1002:22
ubp123if the installation commands and the maintenace commands were identical.. most fool would thing them as being the same lol02:22
Cpudan80All the latest updates and everything, pidgin starts and dies (AIM and GMail accounts are connected to it)02:23
ubp123woud think02:23
dieselsmokekesi: looks like its running but the port is already bound, try another port or find whats using 590002:23
kesisebsebseb, not worried about it, this computer will only have lan access.02:23
kesidieselsmoke, ok.02:23
dieselsmokekesi: hopefully youre behind a firewall02:24
sebsebsebkesi: 5900  I don't even need that open  in my router :)   all I need is the SSH port open02:24
kesidieselsmoke, obviously.02:24
kesidieselsmoke, how can I tell what's open on 590002:24
_VIM_same here sebsebseb, that's what i do, tunnel ftw02:24
sebsebsebkesi: Kesi you should keep the computer your using secure and that's that.  if not  bad things can happen to your Ubuntu installl as well02:24
hmwhogwash: I dont know, really. But I know, that uncleanly shutting down windows leaves the partition in a state, in which it cant be mounted under Linux.02:24
dieselsmokekesi: netstat -tuap02:24
kesisebsebseb, this is not helpful.  please don't lecture me.02:24
sebsebseb_VIM_: indeed and here I am mentining to  Kesi how he should make it secure, and he does not seem to understand why02:24
TheGamblernightrid3r: did I fsck up my system when I installed NXServer via dpkg ?02:25
kesisebsebseb, I understand, as I have said repeatedly I don't care.02:25
sebsebsebkesi: well not my problem if your computer gets cracked into, because you didn't secure it properly02:25
kesisebsebseb, you're right, it isn't so lets be done with this.02:25
dieselsmokekesi: you might try not using encrytion02:25
nightrid3rTheGambler if it came from ubuntu not, else only the future will tell02:25
kesidieselsmoke, I disabled that.02:25
hogwashhmw: you got the wrong guy, i was asking about ati drivers.02:25
TheGamblernightrid3r: It came from NoMachine :(02:25
hogwashfor 8.102:25
sebsebsebkesi: if you don't care, how about using Windows without proper security,  like most computer users do,  and then get  your computer taken over by criminals, without you having any idea.   oh right yeah  without a firewall and  bad  sudo password  they can do stuff to Ubuntu anyway02:26
kesisebsebseb, get over yourself.02:26
dieselsmokekesi: set remote server to use a different port, whats using 5900? try restarting02:26
nightrid3rTheGambler if i remeber correct they will not give problem02:26
TheGamblernightrid3r: whew :)02:26
rovari have some usb headphones. Kubuntu recognizes them and even responds when i use the sound control.. it plays sounds when starting and exiting kubuntu, however, all other applications don't play sound02:26
sebsebseb_VIM_:  LOL at that guy02:26
kesidieselsmoke, already restarted.  looking through netstat now, the switches you gave me didn't work02:26
rovarmy guess is they're still attempting to access my built in sound card02:26
rovarany idea as to how to debug/override this?02:26
dieselsmokekesi: netstat -tunap  works02:27
sebsebsebkesi: heh maybe you should run Ubuntu as root all the time and run IRC,  that's also  a major security risk,   in fact  people get booted out of channels if they do that, not sure about this one though02:27
kesidieselsmoke, it says vino server on 590002:27
arthusI'm having trouble mounting my SMB share from OSX02:27
ubp123hmmm ,as far as using usb headphones..nothing to do with your other conventional devices i guess lol02:27
hmwhogwash: I gave you the !ati factoid? Shouldnt be outdated... well... you could try help.ubuntu.com or asking a specific question02:27
arthusit's an ubuntu server, osx laptop02:27
kesisebsebseb, why don't you find something better to do with your time then bother me.02:27
dieselsmokekesi: whats the error using the viewer? let the viewer search02:28
hmw!coc | kesi sebsebseb02:28
ubottukesi sebsebseb: The Ubuntu Code of Conduct to which we ask all Ubuntu users to adhere can be found at http://www.ubuntu.com/community/conduct/02:28
kesidieselsmoke, it's working now.. .02:28
dieselsmokekesi: cool.02:28
g0tchardw200169, it says /etc/X11/Xsession: 75: cannot create /dev/null: permission denied .. then it shots down02:28
kesihmw, I just want him to leave me alone..02:28
sebsebsebkesi: most people appreciate security advice I think, but you don't well  as I said already, not my problem if  bad things happen to your computer02:28
kesithanks dieselsmoke02:28
D3RGPS31Is there an equivalent of Rosetta Stone for Ubuntu?02:29
hmwkesi: In that case, do stop talking to him02:29
nightrid3rarthus if ubuntu still supports netatalk you can use that, its the native apple stuff02:29
sebsebsebhmw:  indeed  maybe braking some rule by  carrying on with it02:29
kesihmw, can't you mute him?02:29
sebsebsebkesi:  I am done!02:29
arthusnightrid3r: what's netatalk?02:29
kesithanks dieselsmoke02:29
Hornetheh, 1337 users :)02:29
nightrid3rarthus apple networking, like smb in windows02:29
ubp123hmw..were you a sort of female for correcting ubuntu os ?02:30
sebsebsebkesi: in conclusion: now  unecnrypted VNC    probably nothing would happen, but  something may happen, so that's something to think about02:30
dieselsmokekesi: set security in remote deasktop, ask for confirmation, and a pass02:30
arthusnightrid3r: afp?02:30
=== FlareFlare is now known as Flare-laptop
hmwkesi sebsebseb: be nice *g* and ignoring certain people is something, your IRC clients can do. Try to stay with the pure facts in here, there is so much traffic!02:30
kesididn't he say he was done?02:30
nightrid3rarthus i don't know if ubuntu supports this, maybe google for it02:30
rdw200169g0tcha, you got that when you ran 'sudo /etc/init.d/gdm start'?02:30
kesidieselsmoke, I did thanks.02:30
sebsebsebyep  now  I am that was the last thing  hence a conclusion02:30
=== FlareFlare is now known as Flare183
hmwubp123: what? *confused*02:31
g0tchardw200169, no i get GNOME has started when i run that command, then i get what i showed you when i try to startx02:31
nightrid3rubp123 this channel is only big enough for 1 autistic retard and i aint leaving02:31
D3RGPS31 Is there an equivalent of Rosetta Stone for Ubuntu02:31
ubp123most can separe your roots from your agent user names respectively ?02:31
hmwD3RGPS31: help.ubuntu.com or (german, awesome) ubuntuusers.de02:32
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!02:32
johnihello everybody, any ubuntu contributors around?02:32
rdw200169g0tcha, i've never had luck w/startx, i've *always* used /etc/init.d/gdm02:32
fearfulIs it safe to completely remove perl-base I'm getting E: Error, pkgProblemResolver::Resolve generated breaks, this may be caused by held packages.02:32
Cpudan80fearful: no02:33
_VIM_here come the !OT hammers :)02:33
fa2shello everybody!02:33
fa2sis there a good online course for LPIC-1?02:33
fearfulCpudan80: then how can I fix this problem02:33
Gneafa2s: eh?02:33
Cpudan80I dunno what your problem is ...02:33
D3RGPS31hmw: not funny :/02:33
Cpudan80I just know that it is not safe to remove perl-base (or python-base)02:34
metbsd1console-kit-daemon what is this please? why do i have this in my ubuntu02:34
_VIM_LPIC-1? that doesn't sound Ubunu related02:34
fearfulCpudan80: ok, let me pastebin:p02:34
metbsd1itś using 90% cpu02:34
hmwD3RGPS31: sorry, i thought you were looking for newbie docs. What did you mean?02:34
Gnea_VIM_: Linux Professional Institute Certification... not sure if they cover Ubuntu yet02:34
D3RGPS31hmw: an equivalent of Rosetta Stone for Ubuntu02:34
Mox`how do I see which hardware monitor I have?02:34
ubp123i am a newbie but no interested in such lpic school biz02:35
KraftWhy is the penguin the logo????02:35
D3RGPS31hmw: or some lesser language learning software02:35
fearfulCpudan80: http://paste.ubuntu.com/126111/02:35
dreamynightrid3r: you use linux for a long time ?:)02:35
Kraftwhy is his name Tux?02:35
nightrid3rdreamy since 199602:35
zgmf-x42shey any xvm users here.  installed the newest deb, but it wont start, whats up??02:35
dreamynightrid3r: i only use for 1 or 2 months02:35
hmwD3RGPS31: aah... sorry, i dont know of any.02:35
Pici!ot | Kraft02:35
ubottuKraft: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!02:35
Cpudan80fearful: sudo apt-get reinstall perl-base02:35
ubp123whats tux in norway ?02:36
Cpudan80fearful: make sure you have the right repositories enabled first (sudo apt-get update) after changing repos02:36
dreamynightrid3r: it can be spend alot of time withoun resintalling it... its resistant? .. linux ?02:36
dreamyi wonder02:36
armenceOK, I need ubuntu to boot with the option "acpi=off" how can I do that?02:36
fearfulCpudan80: E: Invalid operation reinstall02:36
hmwD3RGPS31: maybe you can run a windows version with wine?02:36
nightrid3rdreamy i have a linux box thats running for 3 years now02:36
metbsd1do you guys have console-kit-daemon in your ubuntu?02:36
Cpudan80fearful: it might be ... install --reinstall perl-base02:37
dreamynightrid3r: .. okey .. great OS .. i love it02:37
D3RGPS31hmw: I come to ubuntu to escape microsoft, and closed-source applications02:37
hmwD3RGPS31: tell me more about that app, i will see, what I can find on the web.02:37
Cpudan80fearful: just one - (-reinstall)02:37
fearfulCpudan80: won't let me same error02:37
Cpudan80APT get itself uses perl02:38
Cpudan80so this is very odd...02:38
D3RGPS31hmw: it's a language learning software; they claim to be #1, saying the US Govt. uses it :/02:38
D3RGPS31hmw: Rosetta Stone, that is02:38
hmwD3RGPS31: what language do you want to learn, what is your native one?02:39
fearfulCpudan80: yes02:39
rovarso aplay -l  lists my usb audio02:39
metbsd1my console-kit-daemon using 90% CPU, what is it please02:39
Cpudan80fearful: did it work?02:39
rovarbut nothing is using it.. can i ensure that aplay uses this particular device?02:39
fearfulCpudan80: not reinstall perl-base02:39
_VIM_Who had that console-kit-daemon question?.......look at the 2nd page (Last post) http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=556272&page=202:39
D3RGPS31hmw: i want to learn Georgian, my native is English02:39
javahey anybody can help me how to connect to my sql server i dont know the username and password02:40
Cpudan80fearful: hmm02:40
midwestwardit is possible to run .Net applications on Ubuntu?02:40
Cpudan80fearful: is your sources file correct for your distro?02:40
nightrid3rmetbsd1 http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-556272.html02:40
hmwD3RGPS31: nothing found so far, except that thread about using the win version in wine: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=60747002:40
fearfulCpudan80: yes want me to pastebin sources?02:40
_VIM_midwestward: I don't beleive so02:40
D3RGPS31hmw: thanks anyway :/02:40
Cpudan80fearful: open system --> admin --> software sources02:40
dieselsmokejava: try mysqladmin, possibly you haven't set the password02:41
Cpudan80fearful: check top 4, set to main server, remove CD checkbox02:41
ubp123it took for me to rebooting this chat room..perhaps because i am a novice lol02:41
nightrid3rjava username = root no pass02:41
TheGamblerI found a lot of user accounts on my Heron box after I got it set up; are these for daemons? dhcp, nobody, festival, libuuid, dpcp, pulse, saned02:41
Cpudan80fearful: remove all third party things that don't say Intrepid (assuming you're using 8.10)02:41
nightrid3rTheGambler yes02:41
TheGamblernightrid3r: okay, thought it was compromised or something02:42
_VIM_Festival can be removed, if you don need text to speech02:42
horndog!mysql commands02:42
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about mysql commands02:42
TheGambler_VIM_: thank you. I do not need that02:42
TheGambler_VIM_: did that come as part of Gnome or something?02:42
ubottuLAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)02:43
nightrid3rTheGambler are you useing gnome on a server ?02:43
ubp123most ,where are you from ?02:43
TheGamblernightrid3r: no, it was only for playing around to check it out02:43
hmwD3RGPS31: google results indicate, there is no *nix version of the software. Searching for +ubuntu "rosetta stone" brings up several interesting looking results, though. Looks like you need to install it either in wine or in a virtual machine. Didnt find any language learning software so far.02:43
nightrid3rTheGambler oh ok02:43
TheGamblernightrid3r: I want to learn as much CLI as possible02:44
TheGamblerHas Ubuntu gotten any better at extending laptop battery life? I put it on a laptop about a year ago and it killed the battery very quickly02:44
ubp123i could save babyLon for germanenglishfrenchspanich perhaps.. but malfunctioned lol02:45
Kraftwget http://www.getautomatix.com/apt/key.gpg.asc02:45
Kraftthat doesnt work02:45
Kraftcan someone help me get automatix02:45
hmwD3RGPS31: go to http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-335292.html and search the page for "Mango"02:45
ubottuAutomatix is no longer developed or supported by its creators and is not recommended, supported, or needed by Ubuntu. See http://mjg59.livejournal.com/77440.html and « /msg ubottu WorksForMe »02:46
louiscvhI have question where i can sent my files web page i have already installed apache..02:46
Dembroski13Does anyone use Gambas?02:46
fearfulCpudan80: ok give me one second02:46
Cpudan80then run the sudo apt-get update obviously fearful02:46
Cpudan80after you change all those things02:46
warriorforgodI am having an issue with vim where when I start it it just hangs.  When I ill the PID then vim starts.  Any suggestions?02:46
fearfulCpudan80: yea02:47
ubp123why vim and vi working correctly with vi only lol02:47
_VIM_warriorforgod: you didnt do like me and install all 15 VIM's did you? :)02:47
D3RGPS31hmw: never mind, i'll stick to tutoring02:47
warriorforgod_VIM_: Nope, just vim-full02:48
fearfulCpudan80: same error02:48
_VIM_hmmm do you have a .vimrc warriorforgod?02:48
Cpudan80fearful: hrm.... weird02:48
fearfulCpudan80: yea and my synaptic is locked I can't do anything02:48
warriorforgod_VIM_: I do, however I have also tried the vim -u NONE startup with the same results02:48
Cpudan80fearful: well why is it locked?02:49
hmwD3RGPS31: okay. Last info: gniall seems to be a gnome language learning app. Couldn't find out, if Georgian is included.02:49
Cpudan80fearful: ie. what is using it?02:49
fearfulCpudan80: because everytime I try install something else I get the same error02:49
Cpudan80fearful: well that doesnt mean it is locked ...02:49
fearfulCpudan80: well, I just ment unusable not locked by another porcess :p02:49
Cpudan80fearful: try downloading the correct version of perl-base from packages.ubuntu.com02:49
Cpudan80and then installing it with dpkg02:50
Cpudan80or some other thing02:50
leeroycan anyone help with network bridging02:50
ubp123anybody knowing of perl 6 for ubuntu02:50
fearfulCpudan80: I have a .deb of the new perl-base02:50
Cpudan80fearful: well make sure its the one it references ...02:50
fearfulCpudan80: yes 5.1002:50
Cpudan80well install it with dpkg02:51
ubp123perhaps..mine too 5.1002:51
Cpudan80dpkg -i .....02:51
fearfulCpudan80: yea :p one sec let me try02:51
ubp123but some magazine saying perl 602:51
Cpudan80err sorry;; dpkg -i /path/to/pkg02:51
leeroycan anyone help with network bridging02:51
TheGamblerwhat a great support forum. you guys rule02:51
nightrid3r!jp | ubp12302:52
ubottuubp123: 日本語の場合は #ubuntu-jp または #kubuntu-jp を参照して下さい02:52
leeroycan anyone help with network bridging02:52
istvan_is there a way to fix the audio issues such that gtk record my desktop will work?02:52
_VIM_warriorforgod: have you been sending vim to the background?02:52
ubottuText Editors: gedit (GNOME), Kate (KDE), mousepad (Xfce4) - Terminal-based: nano, vi/vim, emacs - For HTML/CSS editors, see !html - For programming editors and IDE, see !code02:53
leeroycan anyone help with network bridging02:53
fearfulCpudan80: Ok it's installed02:53
warriorforgod_VIM_: no02:53
* _VIM_ glare02:53
ubp123thanks lol02:53
_VIM_oops stupid keyboard02:53
nightrid3r!anyone | leeroy02:53
ubottuleeroy: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?02:53
_VIM_warriorforgod: ok02:53
fearfulCpudan80: same error with unmet dependencies02:53
Cpudan80same exact error?02:53
istvan_i'm using ubuntu studio, and none of the audio 'fixes' 'fix' my gtk record my desktop audio recording error02:54
Cpudan80when you do apt-get install -f ?02:54
leeroycan anyone help with network bridging02:54
sebsebsebyoriel: hi02:54
Pici!repeat | leeroy02:54
ubottuleeroy: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience02:54
yorielwhere can i modify the mouse rigth menu02:54
coreymanwhat is a good media player for ubuntu?02:54
coreymansound player*02:54
sebsebsebcoreyman: Banshee02:54
leeroyscripts from gnome look02:54
opera!anyone | opera02:54
ubottuopera, please see my private message02:54
_VIM_!players > coreyman02:55
ubottucoreyman, please see my private message02:55
hmwcoreyman: VLC, mplayer (+ mplayer-gui)02:55
leeroya website02:55
ubp123why xmms gone but finding xmm2 name with ubuntu ?02:55
leeroygoogle it02:55
leeroycan anyone help with network bridging02:55
fearfulCpudan80: ah and I just updated to 8.10 too :(02:55
ubottuxmms is no longer being developed, see http://bugs.debian.org/461309 for more details.  Consider using audacious, bmpx, or xmms2 instead.02:56
leeroycan anyone help with network bridging02:56
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SeanSanAstrailhey, can anyone help with amuled?  runs ok from a terminal, but not /etc/init.d/amule-daemon02:57
nonewmsgswhenever i try to install anything or update anything i get E: Could not get lock /var/cache/apt/archives/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable E: Unable to lock the download director02:57
ubp123if the brand name or the old name would have such time bar..how the ubuntu can survive like xmms2 ? lol02:57
Pici!aptfix | nonewmsgs02:57
ubottunonewmsgs: If an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »02:57
ecretwhen running firefox and when the file manager pops up when saving a site or uploading a file i get this error : /usr/lib/firefox/run-mozilla.sh: line 131: 25507 Segmentation fault       "$prog" ${1+"$@"}        Any ideas?Thanks02:58
ecretfirefox crashes of course02:58
ott0where is `dpkg -l' information kept?02:58
fearfulCpudan80: should I give up?02:58
nonewmsgspici that didn't fix it02:58
yorielwhere can i modify mouse rigth menu?02:58
Picinonewmsgs: Then you have an apt application open02:58
Cpudan80fearful: see if Pici has any ideas02:59
hmwecret: segfaults are a bad omen. Do other apps crash, too? If not, maybe removing and reinstalling FF might help.02:59
Cpudan80Pici: unmet perl-base dependency after upgrade to 8.10 -- even though we manually put it in with dpkg02:59
nonewmsgspici no i dont in fact i just logged out and back in to confirm that02:59
leeroycan anyone help with network bridging02:59
leeroycan anyone help with network bridging02:59
leeroycan anyone help with network bridging02:59
Picinonewmsgs: update-manager may be checking for updates, check ps aux02:59
FloodBot3leeroy: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.02:59
hmwecret: it could be a plugin, maybe.02:59
hmw!repeat | leeroy02:59
ubottuleeroy: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience02:59
nightrid3r!anyone | leeroy02:59
ubottuleeroy: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?02:59
ecrethmw: nothing else crashes to my recollection but i recently installed all sorts of libraries like boost, ffmpeg03:00
armenceHi all03:00
_VIM_yoriel:  you mean this? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=87526203:00
hmwecret: does FF crash on startup or when opening certain web pages?03:00
nonewmsgspici ah yes now that was the upgrade thingy running. it is now working :D03:00
Picinonewmsgs: great :)03:00
nonewmsgspici oh no Failed to lock /var/cache/apt/archives/lock03:00
hmwecret: think of the default page, too!03:00
ubp123leeroy repeating the same notice to roomies..oh.. admin here ?03:00
ecrethmw: only when I go to upload a file or save a website. whenever the file manager is invoked03:00
=== UdontKnow is now known as \0
yorielthe menu03:01
Picinonewmsgs: argh, try the other fix again thenm03:01
yorielwhen u do a rigth click with the mouse03:01
leeroynobody will answer me lol03:01
yorielnew doc03:01
yorielnew file03:01
ubp123okie lol03:01
nightrid3rleeroy just ask what you need to know, the specific problem03:01
leeroyhow do i setup network bridging03:02
ecrethmw: its related to the file manager popping up03:02
hmwecret: do you have download add ons installed in FF?03:02
fearfulPici: any ideas with unmet dependencies perl-base 5.10?03:02
SeanSanAstrailhow can i check what's (not) happening when trying to run amuled as a daemon?03:02
Picifearful: Can you pastebin your sources.list file?03:02
nightrid3rleeroy http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-132515.html03:02
nonewmsgspici no still no love.03:03
hmwecret: ah, when you choos the file name to save to...?03:03
ecrethmw: i got addons03:03
keeviegrr, can anyone help me with my sound in ubuntu? i think it may be related to amarok, but about once every two days it just dies and i have to restart03:03
keeviewhen i click "sound test" i get gconfaudiosrc ! audioconvert ! audioresample ! gconfaudiosink profile=chat: Could not open audio device for playback. Device is being used by another application.03:03
ecrethmw: as soon as the file manager pops up, i see it a split half second then firefox crashes03:03
leeroyshould i be able to open ports in firestarter is my main problem03:04
fearfulPici: http://paste.ubuntu.com/126116/03:04
=== Charitwo is now known as o_O
hmwecret: do other apps crash, when you use "save as"?03:04
ecrethmw: ...damn yes03:05
Cpudan80I need to find the MAC address of my access point that is nearby (cant connect to it)03:05
Cpudan80any ideas how to do that?03:05
hmwecret: I am reading this at the moment: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/firefox-3.0/+bug/28852903:05
ecrethmw: i use emacs so rarely use save as. this stinks03:05
horndogleeroy, What ports do you what open?03:05
crdlbCpudan80: iwlist <interface> scan?03:06
ubp123with ubuntu,,why my opera in japanese shown wrong while the same with fedora in good order ??03:06
=== o_O is now known as charitwo
leeroythere just ports for playing and old game that i have 2300-2400 but i have a dmz to my laptop and the eth of the laptop to the comp is  it to do with nat ???03:07
ecrethmw: every program that has save as it crashes.  Yet I can browse OK using the file manager . just not with save as where it crashes03:07
hmwecret: what is your language setting in ubuntu?03:07
ecrethmw: english03:07
horndogleeroy, Do you have a router set to DHCP?03:08
nightrid3rubp123 try #ubuntu-jp it will be easy03:08
Guest51473is there a program that will allow you to own an aim chatroom for ubuntu?03:08
ubp123perhaps japanese at present originally american lol03:08
operaubp123, why not use firefox?03:08
zerocommhey i have a quick question, my girlfriends ubuntu box froze for the first time in ages and now her resolution is all messed up. if i was there i could fix the xorg.conf but im in a diff state. is there someway to automatically fix the resolution? she can't pick options from the menu in gnome because theres not enough space in the screen03:08
ubp123firefox is a bit slow with ubuntus03:08
keeviei have some more userful error messages:E: alsa-util.c: Error opening PCM device hw:0: Device or resource busy03:08
keevieE: module.c: Failed to load  module "module-alsa-sink" (argument: "device_id=0 sink_name=alsa_output.pci_10de_59_sound_card_0_alsa_playback_0"): initialization failed.03:08
holyguyverI was in firefox watching a youtube video & then firefox froze this horrible 'etetetetetetetetetet" sound is stuck playing, I killed off firefox, but the sound remains & when I try to open a terminal the terminal freezes at startup &thus I cannot type anything into it. What happened & how can I fix it?03:09
leeroyyep on the wireless side but manual on the eth side i could connect to xbox live using the same method ???03:09
ecretzerocomm tell her to hold shift and drag the window03:09
keeviefrom trying to restart pulseaudio in /etc/init.d03:09
dieselsmokeCpudan80: read the router's label it will show the hardware address03:09
hmwecret: More details, please: CPU type, Ubuntu version, RAM size, unusual changes to the Gnome UI, maybe you remember, what you isntalled, before the bug appeared?03:09
storbeckzerocomm: SSH to her box and run the xorg reconfigure03:09
zerocommthanks ecret03:09
leeroywith my 360 obv lol03:09
horndogleeroy, do you have your ports forwarded in the router?03:09
zerocommecret: where should she drag the window from?03:10
zerocommwhat do you mean03:10
fearfulPici: any ideas?03:10
storbeckzerocomm: just run: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xorg03:10
armenceSo, question for everyone. I want to ensure that only people with the root password will be able to perform administrative tasks. (It's just me for now, but I foresee adding an anonymous account soon) How can I do that?03:10
Cpudan80dieselsmoke: yeah I got it - thanks03:10
leeroyi have DMZ on the router (demilitarized zone)03:10
Picifearful: What does apt-cache policy perl-base say?03:10
ecrethmw i have used ubuntu for a year now , got hardy heron, 64bit, 4gigs ram.  Kde.  I recently installed a kde svn ide plugin similar to tortoise.03:10
dieselsmokezerocomm: dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg03:10
leeroyto the wireless of the laptop03:11
keeviearmence, type sudo visudo, that file specifies who has root03:11
ubp123with ubunts anybody can have sudo root password automatically..03:11
horndogleeroy,  are using your computer as a server?03:11
ecretzerocomm: err yeah sorry their right.  incidentally i was thinking of alt, not shift.03:11
keevieubottu, well, not exactly automatically03:11
fearfulPici: http://paste.ubuntu.com/126117/03:11
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)03:11
leeroyno just a typical xp install03:11
hmwecret: Hmm. I don't know KDE nor Gnome internals. If youre lucky, you find hints in the log files and you could also run a program with strace to see, where the crash happenes.03:12
ubp123i cannot tell the boundary between servers and desktop or the master or the slave lol03:12
dieselsmokearmence: adduser username admin  or run visudo03:12
keevieerg, can anyone help me with my seemingly messed up sound stuff?03:12
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=== smoke_ is now known as hogwash
ecrethmw: I will go on a uninstalling rampage03:12
zerocommecret - any way to do it without alt? shes running an apple keyboard and alt is a little bit sketchy lol03:12
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hogwashi just installed my wireless atheros drivers, they were working great,  now after i rebooted, the signal strenth is half as it was previously03:12
hogwashwhats the big idea.03:13
[Tequila]Just intalled 8.10 server edition and created a locked directory... Please inform me on how to mount/unlock it03:13
armencedieselsmoke: I just ran visudo. How should I modify it?03:13
hmwecret: A svn version sounds suspicious, naturally. Uninstalling might help. You might consider reinstalling Ubuntu. Try strace <program> in a shell and look at the output.03:13
hogwashmy laptop didnt change location03:13
horndogleeroy, No. I mean is  your game setup as a server or just a single player?03:13
ecrethmw: i am not familair with reinstalling ubuntu.  Will I lose my user settings or programs if I upgrades say to 8.10?03:13
keeviearmence, to give a user root, root    ALL=(ALL) ALL03:14
Comrade-Sergeihow do i set DNS manually with ubuntu server?03:14
leeroyo sorry im useing gamespy to connect to others serving and me serving doesnt work either03:14
keeviearmence, replace root with the username03:14
horndogleeroy, You don't need ports open to play as a single player03:14
Picifearful: Where did you get -19?03:14
hmwecret: I was talking about a complete wipe of the system. You could keep the home dirs, but that might be unwise, since there are configuration data in there, too. You could try to create a new user and test, if the bug appears in the new context.03:14
narothepharohhow do I burn a true mp3 cd in k3b or other?03:14
casinowarrenhey ya'll i have a question03:14
leeroyi know its online play i want to do03:14
ubp123why i cannot peep the newest version 8.10 with my old version ubuntu web browser ?03:14
armencekeevie: Isn't there a way for me to just set a password for root and then be required to enter the root password no matter what the current account is?03:15
dieselsmokearmence: under user priveleges add this line- root ALL=(ALL) ALL03:15
keeviedieselsmoke, youre a bit late, lol03:15
[Tequila]Just intalled 8.10 server edition and created a locked directory... Please inform me on how to mount/unlock it03:15
keeviearmence, not really, there isnt a root user in ubuntu03:15
dieselsmokekeevie: k, thx03:15
casinowarreni'm not able to transfer fonts that I downloaded to my root folder03:15
AquinaI' running Linux for months now and always have some noise/hiss when listening to something. It's especially when reducing the volume. Doesn't amtter wether I use ALSA or OSS.03:15
deankeevie: yes there is it is just locked03:15
casinowarrenkeeps syaing something about permissions03:15
AquinaAny ideas?03:15
horndogleeroy,  Still, you don't need ports open to play online. Only so serve03:15
fearfulPici: from the perl website03:15
keeviedean, what do you mean, locked?03:16
ubp123yess the old ubuntus admin recognition program might have a dobut in a bug ??? lol03:16
fearfulPici: or the debian package website, don't remember03:16
Comrade-SergeiI just installed ubuntu server and for whatever reason it didnt grab the dns from DHCP , how do i set it manually?03:16
Nytrixis there a way to start ubuntu under "safe mode" like windows?03:16
narothepharohhow do I burn a true mp3 cd in k3b or other?03:16
leeroyye but i cant connect to others ???03:16
deankeevie: there is no password set, but you can enable it by doing sudo passwd root03:16
horndogleeroy,  I do it all the time with UT200403:16
tritiumkeevie: but it is not recommended03:16
keeviedean, thanks, thats helpful03:16
Picifearful: I don't know if you're using external packages, sorry.03:16
nightrid3rComrade-Sergei /etc/resolve.conf03:16
[Tequila]Just intalled 8.10 server edition and created a locked directory... Please inform me on how to mount/unlock it03:17
leeroyand firestarter ???03:17
keeviei've always thought it was a bit strange that there was no root user, i guess for noobish people its not good to give them root for everything03:17
Comrade-Sergeinightrid3r, thats what i thought, but there isnt one03:17
zerocommdoes anybody know how to resize the resolution automatically ???03:17
fearfulPici: any fixable way of just removing without a re-install03:17
Comrade-Sergeinightrid3r, i tried to make one and it didnt help03:17
Nytrixis there a way to start ubuntu under "safe mode" like windows?03:18
dieselsmokekeevie: adduser name admin is faster/safer03:18
armencedean: I did unlock the root account and set a password for it. How do I basically allow anyone to temporarily be root? Logging out and then back in is too much of a pain...03:18
[Tequila]Just intalled 8.10 server edition and created a locked directory... Please inform me on how to mount/unlock it .. whats the proper command <<<<<<<<03:18
hmwecret: start some gui app from the terminal with strace <appname> and make it crash. You should see, what subprogram crashes. You can pastebin the last pages of the strace output, so I can examine it.03:18
armencedean: Anyone with the root password that is03:18
deanNytrix: there is recovery mode which drops you to a root shell03:18
deanarmence: su03:18
horndogleeroy, That is the front end to IPtables and you can open ports with firestarter03:18
sprinkmeierNytrix, ubuntu is always safe:-) do you mean single user mode?03:18
hmwecret: dont try this with firefox, use som smaller app03:18
ubp123that's rude if all newbies were looked down as bad as not adequate root holders lol03:18
ecrethmw: was inthe process of doing that :> tho i used firefox. il try a smaller app03:18
narothepharohhow do I burn a true mp3 cd in k3b or other?03:18
Nytrixi dont know03:18
horndog!firestarter | leeroy03:19
ubottuleeroy: Ubuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE).03:19
dieselsmokearmence: add the user to the admin group gives them sudo power, dont enable root account.03:19
hmwecret: my pc is about to crash, i did it with FF. LOL03:19
whitedoorany idea as to why ubuntu might crash 5 seconds after the 'boot' if finished?03:19
fearfulCpudan80: I think I'm just going to remove it, if I install it again will it install the programs itll remove?03:19
sprinkmeier!burn | narothepharoh03:19
ubottunarothepharoh: CD/DVD Burning software: K3b (KDE), gnomebaker, brasero, serpentine, graveman, Nautilus-CD-Burner, GToaster, xcdroast (GNOME), wodim (terminal-based). Burning .iso files: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto03:19
whitedoor*is finished03:19
leeroyi have taken all the nessary steps in my eyes but it keeps sayin connection refused in the log03:19
deanUsually it is better to do it using sudo though and the admin group03:19
Nytrixnarothepharoh, be more specific03:19
nightrid3rComrade-Sergei nameserver <-- put in /etc/resolv.conf (addjust ip)03:19
deanwhy is it called admin instead of wheel03:19
Cpudan80fearful: i suppose ... might not be able to remove it though03:19
armencedieselsmoke: Why is that better?03:20
warriorforgod_VIM_: Figured out my vim problem03:20
_VIM_what was it?03:20
sprinkmeierwhitedoor, recent changes? bad HW?03:20
Comrade-Sergeinightrid3r, i did it didnt help, however there is a folder in there called resolvconf03:20
ubp123white door,, i got the same rebooting with my another machine lol03:20
horndogleeroy, What game are you playing?03:20
[Tequila]How do i mount a eCryptfs locked dir ?03:20
dieselsmokearmence: its easier than editting sudoers03:20
leeroycommandos 2 with gamespy03:20
warriorforgod_VIM_: If I run it with vim -X it starts up fine.  It has something to do with the $DISPLAY setting03:20
dieselsmokearmence: make sure sudoers is chmod'd 440 too.03:20
fearfulCpudan80: this is going to remove pretty  much my whole gnome03:20
fearfulCpudan80: :(03:21
nightrid3rComrade-Sergei weird, that was the contents of my resolv.conf and it works for me03:21
whitedoorsprinkmeier: if I do a rescue boot and type startx ... X works.. but if I boot normally the system locks after gdm starts03:21
horndogleeroy,  Is there a master server for that game?03:21
tritiumhorndog, leeroy: please stay on topic (ubuntu support)03:21
armencedieselsmoke: I already activated the root account though...03:21
Dr_SneeseI'm trying to compile wine cvs, but i keep getting this error 'configure: error: FreeType development files not found. Fonts will not be built. Use the --without-freetype option if you really want this.' I'm noob, and have no idea how to get around this. Any help please?03:21
RickXcan someone point me to some help with samba? When I try to mount homes through Nautilus, I get an error syaing Nautilus can't mount the share.03:21
leeroynoits way to old for that it uses direct play03:21
storbecktritium: Are you an OP?03:21
dieselsmokearmence: it can be deactivated.03:21
whitedoorso next I disabled gdm and it still locks after the text login appears.03:21
keres_how do you change the enviroment editor from vim to something else?03:21
MSabino-ubuntuwhitedoor, what's your display resolution on the rescue boot?03:21
keres_in a shell03:21
hmwwhitedoor: sounds like you see the desktop for 5 seconds? looks like some panel app or other auto-start things. Check out the autostarts (cant tell where you need to click, i just killed my ubuntu)03:21
sprinkmeierwhitedoor, do you start X as root? is gdm configured for network logon?03:22
RickXI can get thre through smb:/server/username03:22
MSabino-ubuntuwhitedoor, are you using supported modes?03:22
tritiumstorbeck: why?03:22
onatshi, on the network connections screen, how do i add a vpn connection? I am unable to as the add button is greyed out03:22
whitedooryeah if I start X as root it will boot fine03:22
storbecktritium: I was curious about how I could become an op03:22
ubottuFrom more information on vpn please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Gaming_VPN_Using_PPTPD03:22
armencedieselsmoke: how?03:22
casinowarrendoes the gksu nautilus feature work on kubuntu?03:22
dieselsmokekeres_: change environment variable03:22
sprinkmeierwhitedoor, some service that only runs in multi-user mode?03:22
ecrethmw : gedit=http://pastebin.com/d48ce2728          firefox=http://pastebin.com/m17a5403003:22
Comrade-Sergeinightrid3r, it will not go to the internet...03:22
fearfulPici: if I reinstall libperl5.10 will it reinstall all the programs it will automatically remove?03:22
whitedoorbut even when I disable gdm and it boots to the text login screen... it locks about 5 seconds after the login appears03:23
whitedooryeah dunno03:23
Comrade-Sergeinightrid3r, but it will go to the router03:23
sprinkmeierwhitedoor, RAM use? maybe boot live CD and run memory check03:23
leeroythis is ubuntu support03:23
tritiumstorbeck: you would be asked after a long period of continual contirbutions to the channel.  You don't ask.03:23
horndogleeroy,  Apparently firestarter is no on topic on this channel03:23
keres_dieselsmoke: yeah, from vim to gedit or something03:23
whitedoorI did that03:23
whitedoorram was fine03:23
horndogleeroy, not03:23
storbecktritium: Sounds good03:23
ubp123to me..what's the black list computers for my ubuntu os.. because at my initial loading my ubuntu advising me of such black list availability to my compuer althoug icould not peep it lol03:23
ecretleeroy another way is just to change the iptables , add the ports you need.03:23
narothepharohNytrix: I want to make a cd with more than the usual 80 minutes worth of music03:24
dieselsmokearmence: passwd -l root03:24
MSabino-ubuntuwhitedoor, do you have a ~/.Xsession(s) file?03:24
levarnuAnyone have much luck using ubuntu for streaming DV from a camcorder? I'm losing a bet because Windows, so far, is doing a better job.03:24
leeroyok thanks anyway and that can be an awkward task no ???03:24
sprinkmeierwhitedoor, restricted graphics drivers? (sorry, getting deperate here...)03:24
whitedooras I said... X works.03:24
ubp123nope,, Whitedoor, i checked my Xsession file..nothing written by me lol03:24
horndogleeroy, Good luck03:25
Comrade-Sergeinightrid3r, should i restart the interface?03:25
nightrid3rComrade-Sergei could help yes03:25
dieselsmokekeres_: try this its easiest, sudo update-alternatives –config editor03:25
sprinkmeierwhitedoor, log messages? does REISUB work?03:25
Nytrixnarothepharoh, well u do know how to burn mp3s?03:25
MSabino-ubuntubut do you ahve the Xsession file?03:25
casinowarrencan someone help me with my fairly miniscule problem03:25
storbeck!ask | casinowarren03:25
sprinkmeier!ask | casinowarren03:25
ubottucasinowarren: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)03:25
MSabino-ubuntuwhitedoor, what ver of ubuntu is this?03:25
storbecksprinkmeier: I won :P03:26
whitedoorI just installed it clean03:26
MSabino-ubuntuwhitedoor, is this a fresh install?03:26
johnjohn101is there a package for beneath a steel sky for ubuntu?03:26
sprinkmeierstorbeck, not on my screen! (network latency?)03:26
Comrade-Sergeinightrid3r, how do i restart it, i cant just go up down as im connected via ssh03:26
dieselsmokekeres_: you don't want gedit in a terminal, use vi, emacs, nano curses based editors03:26
casinowarreni'm trying to install my fonts on kubuntu...but don't have permissions03:26
storbeckcasinowarren: Use sudo03:26
whitedooryeah fresh install of ubuntu 8.1003:26
Nytrixnarothepharoh, u want an mp3 only cd?03:26
ubp123aint point single is the finale goal i thought lol03:26
* _VIM_ stands behind dieselsmoke in that vote03:27
narothepharohNytrix: I know how to burn a cd with the typical 80 minutes but yes all files are mp3 k3b just goes by time or something and i cant find any option to make mp3 cd only data03:27
casinowarrenok let me see if that works03:27
planetbeingSorry if I'm butting in, but has anyone installed Ubuntu on MacBookAir,12?03:27
whitedooras you can tell I'm in X and its working but I'm currently logged in as root from the rescue mode03:27
dieselsmokeNytrix: brasero does mp3 burns well.03:27
whitedoorif I do the standard boot it locks03:27
planetbeingerr, MacBookAir1,2*03:27
sprinkmeiernarothepharoh, if you tell k3b you're burning an audoi CD it automatically 'extracts' the MP3s. Burn a data CD.03:27
hmwecret: Hmm. there is some "Resource temporarily unavailable" - might indicate file system problems, but that's just a guess. Checking the file system shouldnt do any harm. Can you give me more of the output?03:27
casinowarrenwhat is the right code? because i used nautilus03:27
casinowarrenor is that the same one03:27
nightrid3rComrade-Sergei you'll lose connection anyway but sudo ifdown eth0 && sudo ifup eth0 & should do it03:28
MSabino-ubuntuwhitedoor, can you check the xorg log file? it's probably in /var/log03:28
Nytrixjust open cd and drag and drop mp3 files in there03:28
ubp123 using UPull computer with Ubuntu ?03:28
ohzieIs there any reason that locate wouldn't search certain places?03:28
ohzieI know I have these files but I cannot find them. :[03:28
storbeckcasinowarren: What do you mean?03:28
_VIM_ohzie: sudo updatedb first and use sudo03:28
ohzie_VIM_, tride that03:28
ohzietried* wow03:28
ohzieI'm just blown away03:28
storbeckohzie: What are you looking for?03:29
sprinkmeierwhitedoor, live CD? fresh 8.10 not working (except when X is running as root) is a new one for me.03:29
ohzieA movie03:29
_VIM_hmm that should work03:29
ubp123why most referring only vim ?03:29
spillanyone have a good sugestion for a 3d laucher?03:29
storbeckohzie: find / -type -f -name yourmovie03:29
narothepharohsprinkmeier: I tried to do to do that but it wont play in my car stereo and i have an mp3 cd i made from windows way back with like 200 songs on it and it works fine???03:29
casinowarrenin ubuntu i used alt+f2 and typed in gksu nautilus03:29
ubp123to vim lol03:29
planetbeingFor some reason, when I try to boot Ubuntu on MacBookAir1,2, the kernel doesn't quite get started. Things seem to crash after it tries to change video modes. The screen is black and the MacBook Air starts making scary beeping noises.03:29
whitedoorlive CD wouldn't work at all03:29
MSabino-ubuntuwhitedoor, there should be a single file in /var/log called Xorg.0.log03:29
sprinkmeiernightrid3r, Comrade-Sergei use ; not &!!03:29
whitedoorso I installed it03:29
casinowarrenand that opend my root permissions03:29
casinowarrennot working on kubuntu03:29
fearfulPici: If I download perl-base5.10-11 and install that instead of -19 will it fix?03:29
Comrade-Sergeisprinkmeier, too late03:29
whitedooryeah I found the log03:29
MSabino-ubuntuscroll to the bottom of the logfile, whiteboor03:30
Picifearful: I don't know03:30
FloodBot3MSabino-ubuntu: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.03:30
ecrethmw: ok i will get the entire log03:30
sprinkmeiernightrid3r, Comrade-Sergei & means 'start these at the same time", you get a race condition. ; means "start one after another03:30
Comrade-Sergeinightrid3r, nope still says "connect: network is unreachable"03:30
whitedooryeah at the bottom of the log03:30
spillanyone have a good sugestion for a 3d laucher for gnome?03:30
whitedoorno errors or anything03:30
Comrade-Sergeisprinkmeier, duly noted03:30
whitedoorbut I am in X atm so ...03:30
ubp123i thought anytime the file of xorg.0.log should be erased by myself lol03:30
sprinkmeierwhitedoor, live CD not working == HW does not like Ubuntu, no wonder it's acting up......03:30
hmwecret: wait a sec03:31
MSabino-ubuntuwhitedoor, look above it a couple times, and see if you see any failed attempts03:31
fearfulPici: will it be bad if I completely remove it?03:31
MSabino-ubuntuwhitedoor, there should be certain string's that repeat over and over, like your display driver version string03:31
nightrid3rComrade-Sergei sounds like a routing problem, is the gateway ip the one of your modem03:31
Comrade-Sergeinightrid3r, however i can still obviously ssh in locally03:31
narothepharohsprinkmeier: I tried to do to do that but it wont play in my car stereo and i have an mp3 cd i made from windows way back with like 200 songs on it and it works fine???03:31
MSabino-ubuntuwhitedoor, once per startx attempt03:31
spillanyone have a good sugestion for a 3d laucher for gnome?03:31
storbeckspill: What do you mean by 3d launcher?03:32
Comrade-Sergeinightrid3r, well theres a wireless router between them that acts as a wired switch as well03:32
sprinkmeierwhitedoor, you're running X as root, not as user.03:32
_VIM_!repeat > spill03:32
ubottuspill, please see my private message03:32
whitedoorI'm running X as root03:32
ubp123and perhaps you can edit your xorg.conf with vim lol03:32
ohzie_VIM_, I found it, it was on a usb hard drive03:32
ohzieapparently updatedb doesn't look at those03:32
lasivianwhat is a good portable MP3 player that is ubuntu "happy"?03:32
sprinkmeiernarothepharoh, examine the mp3 CD, does it need a special format? heck, if windows works for you, use that :-)03:32
hmwecret: i guess, youre getting the output by selecting the stuff in the terminal? if so, just type "-------------------" to mark the location, before using "ave as".03:32
_VIM_udb123 haha03:32
storbeckohzie: Please do not confuse locate with find03:32
ohziestorbeck, What's the difference?03:32
_VIM_ohzie: glad you found it03:33
ecrethmw ok and yes i am copy pasting03:33
lasivianstorbeck: I hate that, I do it constantly, heh03:33
ubp123ohh hi, i didnt know of your name being _VIM...sorry and hi03:33
_VIM_hehe hiya :)03:33
spillstorbeck: I'm looking for an alternative to awn.03:33
sprinkmeierwhitedoor, no error logs.. works as root but not user... sorry, I'm out if ideas/suggestions (other than change HW to something the live-CD likes)03:33
_VIM_spill cairo-dock03:34
_VIM_needs compiz though03:34
storbeckohzie: http://www.westwind.com/reference/OS-X/commandline/misc.html#locate03:34
narothepharohsprinkmeier: Dude I havent used windows in years just using it as an example in hopes that you would understand my question and have an answer so there is no need to be rude just tell me you dont know how to do that... Thanks anyway03:34
_VIM_or some other compositing window manager03:34
spill_VIM_: cool, I'll check it out, I'm runing compiz now anyways.03:34
_VIM_spill you'll love it03:34
whitedoor"ACPI: failed to connect to the ACPI event daemon"03:34
jeeveshas anyone found a way of getting Kismet to work with an Intel 3945ABG card?03:34
planetbeingOne more try: No one has a comment about my MacBookAir1,2 issue? Any idea where I can get help with my issue?03:34
narothepharohso does anybody know a way to burn a mp3 cd with more than the typical 80 minutes of songs?03:35
cdm10narothepharoh: an mp3 CD should have way more than 80 minutes on it...03:35
cdm1080 minutes is like a standard audio CD.03:35
_VIM_spill make sure you get the cairo themes though, the one by default is kinda plain03:35
nightrid3rnarothepharoh burn it as a data cd not as audio03:35
cdm10narothepharoh: how are you burning?03:35
Titan8990Comrade-Sergei, working03:36
sprinkmeiernarothepharoh, yes, burn it as a data cd. the problem seems to be that your car player cannot read/understand them, so maybe the question is "how do I format a data CD which happens to hold MP3's so that my car player can read it?"03:36
spill_VIM_: k, thanks, screenshots look sweet.03:36
narothepharohcdm10: I am using k3b and yes i understand that03:36
Titan8990Comrade-Sergei, in the future, you can use !test03:36
ecrethmw : http://pastebin.com/m4f3a06a203:36
Titan8990!test | Comrade-Sergei03:36
MSabino-ubuntunarothepharoh, burn as a data cd... just burn the files to disc as you would any other group of files... the mp3 player will find the files in the root of the cd, and play them03:36
ubottuComrade-Sergei: sigh... again? I'm busy here, I already told you it failed.03:36
fearfulTitan8990: hey03:36
Titan8990fearful, hiya03:36
jeeveshas anyone found a way of getting Kismet to work with an Intel 3945ABG card?03:36
narothepharohok sprinkmeier how do i do that??03:37
Titan8990fearful, was helping you before I went to work, right?03:37
sprinkmeiernarothepharoh, look at the MP3 CD you burns in windows and try to duplicate the format.03:37
ubp123most car player using another os of like tron..while your ubuntu imitatind debian ? lol03:37
javahi i have mysqld is running but i am not able to run mysql it says: java@rewati-laptop:~$ mysql ERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user 'java'@'localhost' (using password: NO)03:37
dittoHey, Is there a test I can run to see why my wireless networks arent showing up in network manager?03:37
Brando753anyone know why i cant get my mic on my hp laptop to work with ubuntu ;(03:37
zelrikriandoubp123, ?03:37
storbeckjava: mysql -u java -p     then type in your password when it prompts you for it03:38
nightrid3rjava did you create a mysqluser 'java'03:38
ubp123skip it..oops zelrikriando03:38
MagicDuckhi, I need to install the nvidia 173.14.16 from jaunty (it contains a fix that makes KDE4 work better from what I hear). How would I go about that. I am currently running interpid.03:38
hmwecret: please pastebin the file /usr/lib/firefox/run-mozilla.sh  (you can install pastebinit)03:38
_VIM_MagicDuck: bad idea03:38
dieselsmokejava: use the -p flag03:38
kitcheMagicDuck: have to install the driver by hand use envy-ng if you must03:39
MagicDuckenvy-ng does not have it03:39
kitcheMagicDuck: then go to the nvidia site download the driver and compile with the kernel header sources03:40
javanightrid3r no i didnt03:40
ecrethmw : http://pastebin.com/m7e4d09c103:40
MagicDuckI just thought there was an easier way using the binaries from jaunty03:41
nightrid3rjava create the user like storbeck said03:41
kitcheMagicDuck: different kernel versions03:41
casinowarrenwhat sudo text do i use to access my root permissions in kubuntu?03:41
storbeckcasinowarren: sudo -i03:41
Brando753anyone know why i cant get my mic on my hp laptop to work with ubuntu ;(03:42
storbeckBrando753: Maybe it's not plugged in03:42
Brando753its built in the laptop03:42
casinowarrenand that allows me to access the root folder and make changes to my shared files, like gimp and fonts03:42
Brando753and works fine with windows03:42
storbeckMaybe you have the wrong drivers03:42
Brando753maby, were would a get a driver for my kaptops mike03:43
maxagazshould "aptitude full-upgrade" replace "aptitude upgrade" and "aptitude dist-upgrade" ?03:43
storbeckBrando753: If you continue asking generic questions, I'm not going to be able to help you03:43
javanightrid3r java@rewati-laptop:~$  mysql -u java -p03:43
javaEnter password:03:43
javaERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user 'java'@'localhost' (using password: YES)03:43
dieselsmokeBrando753: right click volume, preferences, options, choose mic input, may work.03:43
storbeckBrando753: What kind of driver is it? Have you configured it? What distro are you on? etc etc03:44
javanightrid3r i didnt made any user03:44
storbeckErr, version* I'd hope you're on ubuntu :P03:44
nikumaxagaz, there's a do-release-upgrade that's the newish way to do it. iirc03:44
javastorbeck yeah its ubuntu03:45
gaintsurahow do I mark a package for install/delete/update/upgrade in aptitude textmode?03:45
Brando753alright, i have a pavilion entertainment dv5 pc, i am running ubuntu 8.10. i have not manually installed any drivers. this mike is intergrated as part of a camera built into the laptop, the camera works but the mike dosent :P03:45
storbeckjava: That is not really an ubuntu specific question. You might want to try #mysql03:45
nightrid3rjava lemme check03:45
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)03:45
javanightrid3r ok thanks03:45
kitchejava: you do not have a mysql user named java03:45
javakitche no03:46
javakitche how to make that03:46
nightrid3rjava http://crunchbang.org/archives/2008/04/17/create-mysql-user-accounts-from-the-command-line/03:46
storbeckBrando753: open up alsa and make sure input or capture doesn't say 'MM'03:46
qcjngot a update error http://qcjn.pastebin.ca/135243603:46
hmwecret: sorry, I can't see anything in the log. You probably messed up your system with the mentioned installs, you did recently. Maybe uninstalling helps.03:47
storbeckBrando753: Yes, alsa03:47
RPSHello guys, I've been working to get Virtual Box up and running, but I had to make some changes and I was getting some help over at #vbox, but the guy who was helping me had to skip out and I've not had any luck finding anyone else to help me. It's a pretty simple question or two that I need answered ...does anyone have a moment to talk with me about it? ...and Yes I always just ask my question,  but in this case I thought it better to a03:47
RPSsk about it 1st03:47
Brando753how do i open it >:)03:47
storbeckBrando753: In a terminal, with your keyboard03:47
dieselsmokejava: http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/mysql-user-creation/03:47
gaintsuraRPS: I've done a bit with virtualbox, whats up?03:48
hmwRPS: give us an outline, please.03:48
Brando753Usage: /sbin/alsa {unload|reload|force-unload|force-reload|suspend|resume}03:48
kitchejava read the mysql docs it tells you03:48
storbeckBrando753: Sorry, that was my mistake. Use alsamixer03:48
Brando753<---- new to ubuntu, still learning03:48
mezquitalecan someone recommend me a linux phone that can enable me to import my contacts from outlook?03:48
Brando753l im in it03:49
ecrethmw: thanks for your help, i appreciate it.  I will try the uninstall rampage you mentioned. its a nasty error as I have to use wine firefox to save as stuff :>03:49
ecrethmw: worst case its reinstall. thanks again03:49
storbeckmezquitale: You want a linux phone... that imports contacts from microsoft...?03:49
nightrid3rmezquitale openmoko03:49
mezquitalestorbeck, yes03:49
storbeckmezquitale: And how does that have to do with Ubuntu?03:49
Brando753┌──────────────────[AlsaMixer v1.0.17 (Press Escape to quit)]──────────────────┐03:49
Brando753│ Card: PulseAudio                                                             │03:49
Brando753│ Chip: PulseAudio                                                             │03:49
Brando753│ View: [Playback] Capture  All                                                │03:50
Brando753│ Item: Master                                                                 │03:50
FloodBot3Brando753: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.03:50
Brando753│                                     ┌──┐                                     │03:50
storbeckAnd.. he's kicked03:50
hmwecret: I feel your pain *g* I hope, you can do it by simply removing stuff. Good luck!03:50
mezquitalestorbeck, ok let me rephrase that question, can someone recommmend a phone that is supported by ***ubuntu***03:50
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about floo03:50
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)03:50
mezquitalenightrid3r, thanks, ill look it up and see if it meets my specs03:50
RPSgaintsura, hmw  well I followed a link that I was given https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualBox#USB and I knocked out some of the stuff it asked me to do, but I have a question about some other parts of it. I'll work it up and post it in a minute.03:51
storbeckmezquitale: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/EmbeddedUbuntu03:51
gaintsuraok, RPS what are you trying to accomplish first03:51
casinowarrenstill can't access my root folder to import new fonts and scripts03:52
RPSmake the USB work when I run XP in vb03:52
RPSI want to know if I need to finish with the part that follows ...In order to give users in the vboxusers group write permissions to the devices in /proc/bus/usb, you'll need to edit some rules in /etc/udev/rules.d.03:52
Brando753any help03:52
RPSvboxusers group ...what are they talking about? I'm new to virtual machines03:52
casinowarrenwhat's up coreyman?03:52
coreymansudo ~/.fonts03:52
gaintsuraRPS: that was pretty easy for me.. I didn't have any isses03:53
mezquitalestorbeck, that's nice, now can i just get a phone model or name that i can buy, i dont have to spend all my time reading all that stuff, all i want is a phone that will work on ubuntu. PERIOD.03:53
gaintsuraRPS make a new group called vboxusers03:53
=== Haki is now known as Eddwhite
RPSgaintsura, I'm all new to virtual machines03:53
gaintsuraRPS: then assign that group read/write/exec access to the folder where your vb location is03:53
sophiaMesa DRI Intel(R) 965GM 20061102 x86/MMX/SSE2    is that i have software rendering?03:53
RPSopen vb I assume?03:53
casinowarreni type that into a konsole right?03:53
Brando753alright, i have a pavilion entertainment dv5 pc, i am running ubuntu 8.10. i have not manually installed any drivers. this mike is intergrated as part of a camera built into the laptop, the camera works but the mike dosent :P anyone know what to do?03:53
sophiaanyone can help me?  if opengl renderer string is:  Mesa DRI Intel(R) 965GM 20061102 x86/MMX/SSE2    is that i have software rendering?03:54
RPSdid you visit the link I posted?03:54
storbeckmezquitale: If you would have actually read it, you would have seen this link http://www.muru.com/linux/omap/devices/03:54
gaintsuraRPS: yes03:54
RPSit makes more sense in the correct context03:54
Absolute0Does synaptics use aptitude or apt-get?03:54
gaintsuraRPS: indeed, so the vboxusers group is a group of users who will have access to the virtualboxes03:55
crdlbAbsolute0: it uses libapt03:55
mezquitalestorbeck, sorry, i didnt have the patience for that, my phone just died today, i could never get it to work with ubuntu anyway, this time i am getting a phone that works with ubuntu so i never have to boot up to redmond ever again03:55
gaintsuraRPS: you can either make that group its own group or use an existing group as specified by cat /etc/group from the terminal03:55
Absolute0crdlb: I've been told not to mix the two together03:55
crdlbAbsolute0: which two?03:55
Absolute0So I am curious what to use in the console to undo what synaptics did03:56
Absolute0crdlb:  apt-get and aptitude03:56
RPSgaintsura, I'm lost bud03:56
storbeckAll three use libapt, apt-get, aptitude, synaptic03:56
crdlbI would guess synaptic is closer to apt-get in behavior03:56
crdlbbut that's just a guess03:57
storbeckAbsolute0: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=770803:57
Unirgyhi, how do i fix alsa permissions?03:58
operawho can talk with me about life?03:58
gaintsuraRPS: pm?03:58
storbeck!ot | opera03:58
ubottuopera: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!03:58
dash84lol life03:59
operasorry ,some one cheat me .03:59
storbeckopera: join #ubuntu-offtopic for that discussion03:59
dash84are you a girl?03:59
dash84lol im banned from offtopic03:59
Brando753can anyone here me or am i still musted <:D04:00
lvlefistomy WiFi network connection is only available during user session. I want it to be available during system load. How can i do this?04:00
Titan8990!test | Brando75304:00
ubottuBrando753: sigh... again? I'm busy here, I already told you it failed.04:00
dash84i could talk to him04:00
hmwBrando: The flood bot just mutes you for some seconds.04:00
Brando753o sweet :P04:00
storbecklvlefisto: Add the script to rc04:01
Comrade-Sergeino matter what i apt-get it says it cant find the package , what could be wrong?04:03
Brando753but anyone able to help me with my mic problom?04:03
storbeckComrade-Sergei: Did you delete the sources.list file?04:04
Newsmanhello guys04:04
jerry1963Hi newsman04:04
Newsmancan u see me ?04:04
Newsmanhi jerry196304:04
Comrade-Sergeistorbeck, i dont think so, this install is only about 6 hrs old04:04
jerry1963Yeah newsman, I can see you04:05
storbeckComrade-Sergei: sudo apt-get install irssi04:05
=== william is now known as Guest83588
Comrade-Sergeistorbeck, cant find it? wtf right?04:06
Newsmanjerry1963 can u see ur /query ?04:06
storbeckComrade-Sergei: pastebin your /etc/apt/sources.list04:06
jerry1963Im not sure newsman04:07
Newsmanjerry1963 ur private window04:07
tlchack5i have a computer running linux that doesnt have internet... i know the sudo command to download the idle for python but i dont know how to download the program on windows and transfer it to a medium to carry to the linux platform04:07
jerry1963I dont think so newsman04:07
Comrade-Sergeistorbeck, http://pastebin.ca/135244604:08
Newsmanohh u r using irc for linux04:08
Comrade-Sergeistorbeck, is that sources.list genetator still around?04:08
corinthIs there a way for me to change my default file manager?04:09
jerry1963Im using uuntu04:09
narothepharohany ideas how to burn a cd in the mp3 format?04:09
jerry1963Hey Newsman, Ill be back in a little bit04:10
Newsmanok dude04:10
jerry1963Nice meeting you buddy04:10
tlchack5narothepharoh - burn it as a data cd instead of a audio cde04:10
Newsmanthank u man04:10
piecesMy bar at the top of my screen that lets me get to all of my programs disappeared... can someone help me?04:10
dieselsmokeComrade-Sergei: open system/admin/software sources, check all repo's and choose a fast mirror. then update and upgrade04:11
narothepharohtlchack: ive tried that and it doesnt read as an mp3 cd04:11
Comrade-Sergeidieselsmoke, no GUI04:11
storbeckComrade-Sergei: try: sudo apt-get install drac04:11
tlchack5narothepharoh - what are u trying to play it on?04:11
Nick_Meisterhey guys i am having major issues with broken kde packages04:11
Nick_Meisterplease help04:11
=== david_ is now known as davidstri
narothepharohtlchack5: My car stereo it supports mp304:12
Comrade-Sergeistorbeck, nope04:12
storbeckComrade-Sergei: pastebin what you typed and the output04:12
tlchack5narothepharoh - i too have a stereo that plays mp3, wma, etc. and if you burn it as a data cd and ur stereo truely is mp3 compatible it should work. i think you are in the wrong channel btw04:13
storbeckComrade-Sergei: Also try: sudo apt-get update04:13
Comrade-Sergeistorbeck, http://pastebin.ca/135244904:13
Comrade-Sergeistorbeck, no luck there either04:14
narothepharohtlchack5: why would i be on the wrong channel i use ubuntu and i have a question04:14
storbeckComrade-Sergei: You can't run an update?04:14
Comrade-Sergeistorbeck, anything thats apt-get04:14
storbeckComrade-Sergei: You said this is a new install, right?04:14
tlchack5narothepharoh - your question is in regard to stereo equipment and audio and we are in an OS troubleshooting forum04:15
dieselsmokeComrade-Sergei: create a new file, http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu:Intrepid#Manually_add_repositories04:15
Comrade-Sergeistorbeck, yes04:15
narothepharohtlchack5: whatever dude i ve been getting help here for years on all sorts of different issues04:15
piecesMy taskbar/startbar  I don't really know what it is called, but it disappeared so I can't get to my programs anymore, can someone please tell me how to bring this back?04:16
dieselsmokeNick_Meister: do you have synaptic? use the fix broken packages feature, cli is available also.04:16
Comrade-Sergeistorbeck, can you pastebin your sources.list?04:17
Nick_Meisterdieselsmoke, hi, yes i removed them but i cannot install them04:17
tlchack5narothepharoh - didnt mean to offend, just saying you might be able to get a more straitforward and correct answer in a more topic orriented channel04:17
Nick_Meisterdieselsmoke, i cant seem to be able to install them they keep erroring out04:17
storbeckComrade-Sergei: I'm not on Ubuntu. See the link that dieselsmoke posted to you. It should help04:18
dieselsmokeNick_Meister: can you run update and upgrade ok?04:18
Nick_Meisterdieselsmoke, yes04:18
armenceHi all, how can I enable a user to use sudo from the command line?04:19
storbeckarmence: Add them to the sudoers list04:19
tlchack5I need to install IDLE on a linux platform that does not have internet, how do I go about doing this?04:19
armencestorbeck: How?04:19
yow|5570anyone having issues with jaunty and grub error 24?04:19
Nick_Meisterdieselsmoke, one day my kde just went and removed itself for some reason when i tried to install koffice, and then it errors out every attempt i make at installing it04:19
storbeckarmence: sudo vi /etc/sudoers04:19
indroarmence: visudo or edit /etc/sudoers with your fav editor04:19
armencedieselsmoke: Feel free to say: "I told you so"04:19
piecesMy taskbar/startbar  I don't really know what it is called, but it disappeared so I can't get to my programs anymore, can someone please tell me how to bring this back?04:19
yow|5570pieces - using gnome?04:20
Comrade-Sergeistorbeck, i can update now04:20
piecesyow|5570, yeah04:20
storbeckw00t Comrade-Sergei04:20
yow|5570pieces - do you have panels at the bottom or top or not at all anymore?04:20
Comrade-Sergeistorbeck, still cant apt-get irssi04:20
armencestorbeck: OK, I have the file open, what lines should I modify?04:21
piecesyow|5570, none, I am lucky enough to have awn running though, and I can get to a terminal from that.04:21
Brando753anyone know why i cant get my mic on my hp laptop to work with ubuntu ;( its a pavilion dv5 entertainment pc04:21
yow|5570pieces - try Alt-F2 and type gnome-panel04:21
storbeckarmence: You might want to read the man page for sudoers :)04:22
piecesyow|5570, says a panel already running...04:23
tlchack5anybody know how to install a program on a Linux platform without being connected to the internet? i need to be able to copy the install file to a flash drive then install from that. Any ideas?04:23
piecesyow|5570, says one is already running04:23
storbeckpieces: killall -9 gnome-panel; gnome-panel04:23
yow|5570pieces - can you open a terminal? if so, type killall -9 gnome-panel04:23
piecesyeah i got a terminal open04:23
yow|5570bah thanks for stealing my thunder storbeck ;)04:23
sudobashhow do you open a terminal on X server from a ssh session?04:23
storbeckHehe yow|557004:24
Unirgyhttp://paste2.org/p/157928 - anyone has any idea?04:24
armencestorbeck: OK, here is me admitting to complete stupidity: I had the brilliant idea of making only "root" be able to "administer" the system. I did not realize the full implications of this at the time... I find myself unable to edit sudoers...04:24
piecesyow|5570, still says a panel is already running04:24
storbeckarmence: I don't follow. Root by default is the only administrator04:25
Brando753any ideas anyone?04:25
yow|5570pieces - it might be counting awn as your panel, open a terminal and try killing awn also and then type killall -9 gnome-panel04:25
storbeckYou got your thunder back, yow|5570 :P04:25
yow|5570storbeck - we'll see ;)04:25
piecesyow|5570 -  still says a panel is already running04:26
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scrotegoogle sucks, how do you set up firefox to use tor ?04:26
dieselsmokesudobash: open a 'screen'04:26
dieselsmokesudobash: just type screen from your ssh session04:27
tlchack5alright, imma try a dif approach... i have a windows vista laptop bridging its wifi connection to a crossover cable that i have plugged into a hub. I then have my Compaq running Ubuntu hooked up to the hub via a LAN cable but for some reason Ubuntu will not connect to the internet. what do i do?04:27
yow|5570pieces pieces - try switching to the default theme if you already arent using it04:28
dieselsmokesudobash: ctrl+d to detach it, screen -r to re-attach04:28
storbecktlchack5: That sounds like a mess already04:28
piecesyow|5570, human?04:28
yow|5570sure pieces04:28
piecesyow|5570, nothing04:28
Wraythbrando753: open your volume control and double click on the volume icon on the panel.Then Edit>Preferences.Then make sure you have selected Microphone,Mic boost,Capture.Once you do this you can find new capture tab in the volume control panel.Here, make sure nothing is muted(no red x on microphone icon).In options tab make sure you selected Microphone as input source.04:28
tlchack5storbeck: it is a mess lol04:29
yow|5570pieces im gonna pm you with some links04:29
tlchack5storbeck:vista's networking is shit lol04:29
piecesyow|5570, ok04:29
storbecktlchack5: Lets try to keep the language kid friendly ;) You never know who's in here04:29
tlchack5storbeck: sorry, let it slip04:29
tlchack5strebeck: i let*04:30
sudobashi dont want to be able to write to this terminal.... screen is for interfacing with the same terminal correct? I would just like to open a terminal and leave it up....04:30
sudobashwithout being about to bind to it04:30
storbecksudobash: screen will leave it up04:31
storbeckJust run it in screen, then detach and exit04:31
dieselsmokesudobash: what storbeck said04:31
tlchack5ok, so i think this has become a vista problem... anybody know how to bridge a connection properly?04:32
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yow|5570upgraded to jaunty, seemed to go fine for a few days and updates and now grub gets error 24 (using converted ext3 to ext4 which worked fine after upgrade) any ideas?04:33
ploomsudobash, have you tried putting things in background inside terminal with ctrl+z (job control) ??04:33
marshanyone knows how to make a touchscreen POS work using ubuntu04:33
ploomsudobash, actually appending ampersand to a command will run it on background just fine04:34
marshi just installed ubuntu and it doesn't repond04:34
ploomsudobash, all that while using bash at least04:34
n2diymarsh, POS, point of sale?04:34
marshyup POS hardware04:34
storbecklol a POS with Ubuntu, that's new04:34
ploommarsh, you need to set up touch screen. Hopefully you at least know the hardware04:34
n2diymarsh,  ok, I thought you meant something else. :)04:35
marshn2diy: yes i know the model04:35
ploomstorbeck, not new at all - i have ran regular debian on touch screened computer just fine.04:35
n2diymarsh,  ")04:35
sudobashwhat i am trying to do is connect to my brothers linux via ssh and pop up a terminal on his x server to i can write to that terminal04:35
marshi just got the ubuntu installed and since no mouse, and no touchscreen i can't do anything04:35
Brando753Wrayth: there is no edit button, the mic keeps muting itself, there is no option tab ;(04:36
n2diymarsh, no mouse port to plug one into?04:36
dieselsmokemarsh: apt-cache search touchpad  tpconfig looks promising, but googling or keep asking might be wise04:37
ploomsudobash, you can use talk or ytalk program, but your brother has to fire up the terminal by itself04:37
ploomitself = himself04:37
marshyes only keyboard, trying to find usb mous now04:37
SchighSchaghI am experiencing a very peculiar phenomenon when using OpenGL to help render and display movies: all the colors are shifted around the color wheel (eg, red becomes blue, but white stays white). does anyone have any idea what might be wrong? my only workaround right now is to force VLC to not use OpenGL acceleration04:37
n2diydieselsmoke, do you play wit wvo?04:37
sudobashwell i have done this before I just forgot how to do it... I know has to be a way to start a terminal up on x so that you can send a message to it...04:37
marshdieselsmoke: thanks, doing right now.04:38
ploommarsh, touchscreen drivers are downloadable from manufacturers sites most likely04:38
dieselsmoken2diy: wvo? never heard of it04:38
marshploom: yes but not on ubuntu04:38
n2diydieselsmoke, waste vegetable oil04:38
ploommarsh, even in ubuntu. good drivers have debian packages ready for downloading there04:38
marshdoes windows drivers work on ubuntu?04:38
dieselsmoken2diy: i wouldnt put that stuff in a 50,000 engine myself04:39
marshmy model..   Obvious Glaive RT-56004:39
ploommarsh, usually there is no use from windows drivers on ubuntu (except certain parts of wireless drivers for example)04:39
marshno where to find in my initial search04:39
balrog__how do i ssh into a computer running off of the ubuntu livecd?04:39
ploomehm - google?04:39
IdentifyTargetI have ubuntu 8.04 LiveCD. I need to make a RAID0 using a LiveCD. Would there be any point to downloading 8.10?04:39
n2diydieselsmoke, 50,000 what? Dollars or miles? Haven't played with it myself, yet, but I'm looking at it.04:40
balrog__IdentifyTarget: i know this is not answering your question, but in my opinion, raid0 is dangerous.04:40
dieselsmoken2diy: $50,000 us dollar engine04:40
IdentifyTargetyea yea04:40
SchighSchaghbalrog__: you probably need to install openssh (sudo apt-get install openssh) on the compy running off the live CD.04:40
n2diydieselsmoke, Wow, think I could get half that for my VW Jetta? :)04:41
IdentifyTargetwhat kind of Jetta?04:41
n2diyIdentifyTarget, 86 diesel04:42
balrog__SchighSchagh: agreed, and ive already done that.  but when i try to ssh to the ip address of that comp (effectively as root), i am prompted for a password.  anybody know what the livecd username is and its password?04:42
IdentifyTargethow much do you want for it?04:42
IdentifyTarget$50k US?04:42
tritiumStay on topic, please.04:43
ploommarsh, fanless touch-screen systems in general are like lego. lsusb is result is generally more usful, when you know that the touchscreen is connected to usb. otherwise it has dedicated com serial port04:43
n2diyIdentifyTarget, 20,00004:43
IdentifyTargetyou must not be in the US. Here a diesel that old would be < $5k US04:43
dieselsmokeIdentifyTarget: big trucks /end ot04:43
SchighSchaghbalrog__: ah, right the password. try things such as "root" "toor" "ubuntu" "password", etc...04:43
SchighSchaghalso,  maybe you can use passwd to set the password to whatever you want?04:43
tlchack5got the internet to work by skipping the hub. what is the sudo command for installing the IDLE for python?04:43
egaudetIs there any working alternative to watch move player streamed videos in Linux?04:44
tlchack5becuase im using <sudo apt-get install IDLE> and it doesnt seem to work04:44
SchighSchaghegaudet: alternative to what?04:45
yvaHi I've tried to unzip a huge file and it failed (not enough disk space) but now my disk is full and I don't know how to fix that04:45
egaudetSchighSchagh, sorry not alternative but workaround or something04:45
ploommarsh, windows driver might help when you have operated the pos under windows and then remembered to look for the touch screen connection method (usb or serial) and/or model. hope it helps.04:45
yva(the disk is so full that I cannot even open thunderbird)04:45
egaudetI would love to be able to watch some shows online and I do not have access to windows nor mac04:45
dieselsmoketlchack5: apt-cache search idle or correct package name search python maybe04:45
egaudetI've tried wine firefox but can't get the video working04:46
tlchack5yva: this might be a long way around but you could back up your files onto a flasdrive or other medium then reinstal linux wich should re-partition your drive and erase the incomplete data04:46
dieselsmokeegaudet: i watch hulu etc w/firefox04:46
SchighSchaghI am experiencing a very peculiar phenomenon when using OpenGL to help render and display movies: all the colors are shifted around the color wheel (eg, red becomes blue, but white stays white). does anyone have any idea what might be wrong? my only workaround right now is to force VLC to not use OpenGL acceleration04:46
tlchack5dieselsmoke: thank you, will try04:46
computer_This is a great place to go: www.ubuntuguide.org04:46
egaudetdieselsmoke, cwtv?04:46
dieselsmokeegaudet: never tried cwtv, one sec04:47
yvatlchack5: it should have another way to do, I really do not want to reinstall linux now04:47
marshploom: where do you think can i find debian drivers for touchscreen?04:47
computer_This is a great place to go: www.ubuntuguide.org04:47
dieselsmokeegaudet: cwtv.com works fine04:48
tlchack5yva: im sure there is another way.. but if you cant find one its a failsafe backup plan =P04:48
gaintsuracould someone possibly help walk RPS along, he's in the right direction, but doesn't understand virtualbox for crap =)04:48
egaudetdieselsmoke, are you running firefox under wine?04:48
dieselsmokeegaudet: firefox/hardy/ x86_6404:48
yvain fact if I got to / and try to see the size of all my dir I've got 7Gig while the disk is 14Gig and say it's full with df04:48
dieselsmokeegaudet: no wine04:49
ploommarsh, look for touch screen manufacturer. usually you will find drivers from their site. Otherwise you could contac the provider of the POS itself too04:49
yvahow is it possible that I do not see them?04:49
computer_rps, ok04:49
sudobashany idea on open tty on Xserver?04:49
egaudetdieselsmoke, that doesn't make sense their movie player is only for windows/mac04:49
computer_RPS, ?04:49
SchighSchaghI am experiencing a very peculiar phenomenon when using OpenGL to help render and display movies: all the colors are shifted around the color wheel (eg, red becomes blue, but white stays white). does anyone have any idea what might be wrong? my only workaround right now is to force VLC to not use OpenGL acceleration04:49
RPSI'm here04:49
tlchack5dieselsmoke: it doesnt respond to <sudo apt-cache search IDLE> it acts like i didnt type anything04:49
computer_VirtualBox help go here: http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu:Intrepid#VirtualBox04:49
dieselsmokeegaudet: i'm watching it, want a screenshot?04:50
n2diy subobash, what do you mean by open?04:50
egaudetdieselsmoke, you are watching an episode?04:50
marshploom: they say they don't support linux they create for custom with a charge, i keep finding other solutions04:50
dieselsmoketlchack5: try lowercase04:50
egaudetor the ads/previews04:50
tlchack5dieselsmoke: nope, same thing04:50
n2diymarsh, call tech support, there maybe some linux dudes there, that will help out?04:51
MTecknologywhat package is gnome keyring manager in?04:51
dieselsmokeegaudet: nope, guess it want ms windows for episodes04:51
ploommarsh, you just have to ask nice enough. in Taiwan for example they do not want to tell you the parts of their "lego" either, because once known anyone could make the same configuration on his/her own04:52
miyakohello. I found a bug where trying to generate a thumbnail for an SVG causes nautilus to crash (hardy, 32bit) and I was wondering if someone could tell me where I should report the bug, the gnome project, libsvg, and ubuntu bug reports all seem like good possible candidates04:52
n2diy! bug | miyako04:52
ubottumiyako: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu  -  Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots04:52
TironHere's a great one...never used any sort of Linux before, installed Ubuntu Ibex 8.10 yesterday as much as anything just to play around with it...worked for three hours or so.  Right up until I made the apparently horrible mistake of trying to install the recommended 177 drivers for my GeForce 6800GTs... been getting nothing but command prompt on boot since.  As I don't know the commands yet, I'm reduced to rebooting, looking up a few to try, t04:53
dieselsmoketlchack5:  apt-cache search python |grep idle04:53
miyakothanks n2diy04:53
egaudetHas anyone got Full episodes to stream on fox or cwtv?  Stupid move networks, can't believe it's been over a year with no linux support04:53
yvanobody have an idea?04:53
n2diymiyako, thank you, for the bug report.04:53
indroTiron: hold on04:54
indroTiron: nevermind04:54
MK13i am having trouble with program installations, anytime I try to install anything it causes an error that says the package (.deb) is not accessible; any help you guess can give?04:54
tlchack5dieselsmoke: nope.. and if i just do <apt-cache search python> i get an insanely long list and none of wich are they IDLE04:55
MTecknologyI can't get vpn working......04:55
meebohi all04:55
RPSI'm 600 miles away from home for the winter and I want to install XP in virtual box ...which version do guys think I should DL? there are plenty of options to choose from and I figure there may be a better choice. I can't remember what version I already have installed on the other partition (if that makes any difference) since I have never used it.04:55
ploommarsh, the alternative for asking is just to "reverse engineer" the pos. So that you open it and see from inside (as the last resort). Usually windows drivers are enough to reveal driver manufacturer, ang there you can find linux versions too (at least in  binary form, compiled against a certain version of kernel)04:55
ubottuTo find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type « lsb_release -a » in a !shell - To know the available version of a package, « apt-cache policy <package> »04:55
rdw200169RPS, what version of VirtualBox or what version of windows?04:56
meebohow do i automatically put a n/w up on startup..?04:56
meebo** n/w interface04:56
dieselsmoketlchack5: i get three idle hits, check your repo's04:56
rdw200169RPS, well, I know that SP2 works alright, i dunno about sp3, but i don't see why it, too, wouldn't work04:56
marshploom: i get you man, that gave me an idea, thanks a lot04:57
Tirondarn.  I'm lost as heck at this point, 'cause I'm frankly not sure what the problem even is...or how to find out, for that matter... I do know fiddling with the xorg.conf doesn't seem to affect it...04:57
IdentifyTargetwhen I'm using command line, and I pipe   user% foobar | pipetext.txt        does that capture stderr also?04:57
tlchack5dieselsmoke: sorry im a noob to linux... how do i check repos?04:57
RPSI bought this laptop to run ubuntu only and it came with XP on it and I can;t remember if it is home or pro, but that should make a difference then?04:57
marshploom: i'll see if can still find a driver and then try you're idea which for sure will work04:57
Titan8990IdentifyTarget, no04:57
dieselsmoketlchack5: admin menu, software sources04:58
RPSI'll get it started ....the DL that is04:58
sophiawhat is the difference between "BENCHMARKs and BENCHMARK%"?04:58
Titan8990IdentifyTarget, have to do something like 2&>1 for stderr04:58
IdentifyTargetTitan8990: would this capture stderr? foobr 2>&1 | text.txt04:58
sophiaanyone knows?04:58
Titan8990IdentifyTarget, that looks right but I don't recall the exact syntax04:58
TironI'd just up and reinstall except I'm learning tons trying to fix the thing, heh...04:59
Titan8990IdentifyTarget, I actually had to do that a few days ago to pipe my stderr from a python script through less too.....04:59
tlchack5dieselsmoke: ok a window popped up. what am i looking for here?04:59
n2diysophia, it is obvious, what is the real question?04:59
sudobashso when screen is talking about session what is that exactly?04:59
sudobashin man screen and screen --?04:59
coreymancan i install kde3 on ubuntu intrepid?05:00
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about sessions05:00
armenceHello everyone. I did something silly. I just made the stupid mistake of disallowing myself access to system configuration. How do I solve that. I can use su, but I'm not sure what commands I need to enter to solve that problem...05:00
ubottuTo add programs to start up when you log into your Gnome session go to System>Preferences>Sessions and use the Startup Programs tab. For more information, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddingProgramToSessionStartup - See !boot for starting non-interactive programs at boot05:00
yvahow to see the size taken by each directory?05:00
dieselsmoketlchack5: check all the repos, i also added medibuntu manually. then update upgrade05:00
Brando753my mic is still not working ;(05:00
dieselsmokeBrando753: got a volume icon?05:01
Brando753i do :P05:01
tlchack5dieselsmoke:im sorry... i have no idea where repos are in this menue =( i feel really stupid right now05:01
Brando753and i double ckicked it :P05:01
Titan8990armence, you should never be able to use su in ubuntu....05:01
dieselsmokeBrando753: right click it, open controls, look in 'options' insure input is 'mic'05:01
ploommarsh, I am speaking from my own experience with devices from somewhere from Taiwan05:01
dbboltonhow many primary partitions can i put on an sda device ?05:01
Titan8990armence, try: sudo adduser USER admin05:02
n2diydbbolton, two05:02
dieselsmokedbbolton: 4 i believe05:02
Brando753there is only prefrences no option :D05:02
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dbboltonn2diy, i have 4 right now...05:02
dieselsmokeBrando753: right click it, open volume 'control', look in 'options' insure input is 'mic'05:02
Tironif I recall right 4 partitions period is the limit of the MBR...05:02
armenceTitan8990: "The user 'USER' does not exist"05:03
dbboltondieselsmoke can you put more if some are inside a logical partition?05:03
n2diydbbolton, on two IDE buses?05:03
Brando753there is no "options"05:03
tlchack5dieselsmoke: i have 5 tabs {ubuntu software, third-party software, updates, authentication, statistics} and i cant find where repos is... and what are repos?05:03
Titan8990armence, user is a variable, thats why I made it all caps05:03
ploomdbbolton, four? One of them can be extended partition05:03
dieselsmokedbbolton: yes i believe so, logical or extended05:03
sophian2diy: one is time taken and another one is Cpu usage..?05:03
Titan8990armence, replace USER with your username05:03
Tironyou could create an extended partition and put logicals inside that...but then you can only have three primaries...05:03
yvaI try du -hs but it only give me the complete size while I want to have it by directory05:03
yvahow to do that?05:04
dieselsmoketlchack5: repo's = repositories05:04
corinthAnyone know how to switch the default GNOME file manager from nautilus to pcman?05:04
sudobashis there no way to open a terminal on X?05:04
armenceTitan8990: Do I have to restart or at least log out and then back in?05:04
tlchack5dieselsmoke: ohh, so its third-party software? i checked the two websites that were listed and now its updating package information05:04
sudobashwith ssh05:04
n2diySophia, ok, I don't know the answer, but now your question is more specific, and hopefully someone knows the ansewer?05:05
Titan8990yva, try: ls -alR / | less05:05
Titan8990armence, yes, you have to relog05:05
Brando753guys i dont have an "options" in my volume control ;(05:05
armenceThough honestly, given how silly that originally was of me, perhaps it was better that I could not touch system configuration05:05
ubottuGRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto05:06
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dieselsmoketlchack5: in synaptic, settings, there are repo's also, but probably the same thing, but you can choose a mirror also, i prefer mit.edu05:06
opera!block device05:06
TironI lost my GUI after installing the stupid nvidia drivers >P05:06
yvaTitan8990: It give me all dir of the computer while I want to see just the directory of /05:07
tlchack5dieselsmoke: ok, thank you very much sir =] it all seems to be working now05:07
n8tuserfTiron if you just installed, may as well re-install, thats only 30 mins or less eh?05:07
operawhat is block device?05:07
Titan8990yva, if you want to see how much space / takes up:  df -h05:07
dieselsmoketlchack5: cool05:07
Tironyeah, but it's fun and educational trying to fix it ;)05:08
yvaTitan8990: Yes but I want to see it by dir (only the firsts dir)05:08
Titan8990yva, looks at the one that is displayed as being mounted at /05:08
opera!block device05:08
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about block device05:08
n8tuserfopera devices that can be read in blocks as oppose to one char at a time05:08
crypticcan i rsync remoteley05:08
jA_cOpWhere can I find a header file defining the ELF File Format headers?05:08
Titan8990yva, I don't understand....05:08
n8tuserf!patience | opera05:08
ubottuopera: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines05:08
Titan8990yva, you want to see how much space is used by the directory / correct?05:08
dieselsmokeTiron: run nvidia-settings or something like that before you dump the nvidia attempt.05:08
n2diycryptic, yes, look at sbackup.05:09
Tiron...think I saw something about an nvidia-xconfig or somesuch poking around...I haven't figured out how to get into it yet05:09
crypticn2diy, the server im connecting to is ftp05:10
Brando753guys i dont have an "options" in my volume control ;( what should i do to use my mic???05:10
n2diycryptic, well, we can't do much about that, unless you have access to it?05:11
cryptici co05:11
cryptici do*05:11
n2diycryptic, via what?05:11
dieselsmokeopera: block devices are a unix term to wit the system moves data from devices in 'blocks'05:11
Tironalright I'ma reboot over and try to get into that again...05:11
SineDeviancehey guys where can i get a CC / open source ubuntu logo?05:11
SineDevianceSVG format would be preferable05:12
n2diySineDeviance, google Ubuntu and Marketing.05:12
crypticTirn2 its a ftp server05:12
n2diy! Marketing05:12
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about Marketing05:12
n2diywhy not?05:12
NytrixSineDeviance, what is CC?05:13
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about cc05:13
SineDevianceNytrix, creative commons05:13
FlannelSineDeviance: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/Official05:14
opera thank you05:14
NytrixSineDeviance, have u tried http://images.google.com ?05:14
jA_cOpWhere can I find a header file defining the ELF File Format headers?05:15
SineDevianceNytrix, i need one with no copyrights etc05:15
SineDevianceso i cant just do a google image search05:15
FlannelSineDeviance: Lets move this to #ubuntu-offtopic, I'll help you there.05:16
JackDethI've got an ubuntu box with an so virtual machine. trying to get the VM to recognize a MS Sidewinder Joystick that used to work automatically when run in native so. any ideas how to get it to recognize?05:16
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ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about mic05:18
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP305:18
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about microphone05:18
woonixJackDeth: what kind of VM?05:20
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about HUD05:21
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about HID05:21
Brando753anyone know how to get my mike to work?05:21
woonixwhat kind of mic?05:21
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about whitehat05:22
Nytrix!white hat05:22
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about white hat05:22
ubottuPlease investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots.  Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid".05:22
ASUSBluehow do i make windows in ubuntu open in the center of my screen paticularly firefox05:23
ASUSBlueit always opens in the left05:23
ASUSBluethen i have to manually move it in the center plz some help on this05:23
No1hi Ahab05:24
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JackDethsorry I got disconnected. if you replied I lost it all05:24
Ahabso what happens in this channel?05:24
FlannelAhab: This channel is for Ubuntu support.05:25
woonixJackDeth: I wondered what kind of VM you were referring to.05:25
JackDethwoonix.  virtualbox. win so05:26
JackDethwin so.05:26
JackDethaargh. win xp05:26
lvlefistostorbeck: thanks, just fyi, i found the solution here05:26
woonixI've only used vmware so I don't know about that.05:26
lvlefistostorbeck: i mean, here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1204505:27
JackDethI'm doing irc from my itouch and the autocomplete was changing my words. :)05:27
dieselsmokeBrando753: have you tried installing alsamixer and running in a terminal, find the mic and un-mute it. might be worth a try.05:27
woonixASUSBlue: I think I just found out how to do it on my system. I'm using Linux Mint which is derived from Ubuntu, so I need to check with you to see if you have the same options as I do.05:27
wigglesglxinfo says direct rendering is on,  i "think" my ati drivers are installed correctly.  i installed the restricted drivers, and rebooted after all this.  why does video media flicker ?05:27
dieselsmokeBrando753: HP has no linux drivers, da bumz05:27
woonixASUSBlue: Do you have a Control Center icon in your menu?05:27
wigglesyeah i ran apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras as root, why does the quality suck?05:28
ASUSBluewhat is that woonix05:28
phannguyenhungI'm having problem with automount, I've select unmount button from dropdown of the pendrive when it's running. After I plug it back, ubuntu doesn't auto mount like before, what i've to do ? Please answer me use PM as I'm going out now. thanks05:29
ASUSBluewiggles what is a control center icon05:31
woonixwiggles: This might help: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI05:31
wigglesi already installed binary drivers.  i think it's re refresh ratse05:32
n8tuserfcan someone verify for me if there exist on their system   a  /dev/ramdisk  ?05:33
woonixn8tuserf: The ramdisk devices on my system are /dev/ram0 /dev/ram1 and so on up to 1505:34
n8tuserfwoonix -> okay thanks..05:34
dieselsmoken8tuserf: /dev/ram0 through ram15, no ramdisk05:34
Brando753so your saying i cant use my mike?05:34
n8tuserfthanks too dieselsmoke05:35
Brando753mic ;P05:35
k1hi, i want to take a DVD movie and cut parts out - which prgramme should i use ? i just need to cut it - no effects or fancy editing ? (using the latest version of ubuntu)05:35
=== Detech is now known as Geston
ScottG489i just deleted a snapshot of my XP VBOX machine state that had a very important file on it. what can i do to try to get it back?05:37
mib_i7xo71fcis it easy to install gnome on kubuntu alongside with kde?05:39
dieselsmokeBrando753: http://ubuntu.wordpress.com/2005/12/05/fixing-the-errant-microphone/   alsamixer dude05:40
dieselsmokemib_i7xo71fc: yes it is05:40
mib_i7xo71fcok, any hints?05:40
mib_i7xo71fcI know how to run it once its installed, but how do i install? sudo apt-get install ubuntu?05:41
jtajimib_i7xo71fc: ubuntu-desktop05:41
mib_i7xo71fcoh kk05:42
dieselsmokemib_i7xo71fc: install kubuntu-desktop05:42
mib_i7xo71fcnah i've got kde05:42
mib_i7xo71fci need gnome05:42
mib_i7xo71fcor xfce05:42
dieselsmokemib_i7xo71fc: then choose from options at the login screen in options05:42
mib_i7xo71fc1 sec05:42
dieselsmokemib_i7xo71fc: install them all, i did05:42
David_EAccessed a website that needs to run a java program to do file uploads.  Firefox hangs when it tries to run the app.  Any suggestions on how to troubleshoot this issue?  I'm trying to upload some files to a ning social network I created.05:42
LogicFanDavid_E, do you have the java runtime installed?05:43
David_Ei think so05:43
LogicFanand the firefox plugin?05:44
dieselsmokemib_i7xo71fc: gnome-desktop-environment05:44
David_Ehow do i check for the firefox plugin?05:44
LogicFanDavid_E, you can be sure by installing it: sudo apt-get install sun-java6-plugin sun-java6-jre05:45
LogicFanthat will install both for you05:45
palomerI have a frame in an event box in a  scroll_window, and I change the border colour of the frame, should this trigger an expose event in the event_box?05:45
operawhy i can't use the command "chmod -aw" ?05:45
dieselsmokeDavid_E: in addons in FF05:45
David_Eokay I'll do that now05:45
palomersometimes it does, sometimes it doesn't05:45
jtajiopera: that would be chmod a-w05:45
operajtaji, thank you .05:46
b1n42yDavid_E, about:plugins05:46
dieselsmokeopera: octal format is better05:46
David_Emy machine says the latest java is installed05:46
b1n42yDavid_E, in address bar05:46
Until_It_SleepsHow do I access Telnet from the Terminal?05:46
dieselsmokeUntil_It_Sleeps: telnet hostname05:47
jtajidieselsmoke: there are some complex changes you can make using that notation which octal does not help with05:47
Until_It_SleepsAh, so the same as Microsoft's command prompt?05:47
dieselsmokejtaji: duley noted, thanks!05:47
dieselsmokeUntil_It_Sleeps: yup05:47
David_Eit says i have java plugin 1.6.0_10 installed05:47
dieselsmokejtaji: duly noted05:48
Until_It_Sleeps:D Thanks!05:48
atrandomhey guys05:48
palomerif the event box is wider than the scroll_window, then expose isn't called05:48
atrandomim new to ubuntu05:48
phannguyenhungI'm having problem with automount, I've select unmount button from dropdown of the pendrive when it's running. After I plug it back, ubuntu doesn't auto mount like before, what i've to do ? Please answer me use PM as I'm going out now. thanks05:48
atrandomand i have a baracuda sound card i cant get to work05:48
mib_i7xo71fcdeiselsmoke, is it the same to install xfce? xfce-desktop-environment05:48
phannguyenhungI'm having problem with automount, I've select unmount button from dropdown of the pendrive when it's running. After I plug it back, ubuntu doesn't auto mount like before, what i've to do ?05:48
jtajimib_i7xo71fc: xubuntu-desktop05:48
mib_i7xo71fcok thankyou05:49
dieselsmokemib_i7xo71fc: i'd have to check, one sec05:49
mib_i7xo71fchow are you talking at me like that?05:49
mib_i7xo71fcwhats the command?05:49
dieselsmokemib_i7xo71fc: there you go05:49
halyconHey everyone! For some reason whenever I start Ubuntu, my bluetooth devices are never detected and I always have to type sudo hciconfig hci0 reset before it starts detecting bluetooth stuff? Does anyone know what would cause this and how to fix it?05:49
jtajimib_i7xo71fc: just typing the name, or actually the first few letters then pressing tab to auto-complete05:49
mib_i7xo71fcjtaji: oh you put the name then the dot-dot thingy thanks05:49
mib_i7xo71fcsee yas05:50
dieselsmokehalycon: bluetooth deamon isn't running perhaps?05:50
halycondieselsmoke, The bluetooth applet is running in the tray05:51
dieselsmokehalycon: system/sessions/bluetooth manager05:52
dieselsmokehalycon: that might be missing05:52
David_Ei checked the plugin for firefox and I'm still having issues.  Any suggestions?05:53
dieselsmokehalycon: running gnome? try bluez-utils bluez-gnome packages05:54
halycondieselsmoke, it is still set to run on startup05:55
ubottuSamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.05:55
k1risking breaking cxhanel rules -i'll ask again, can anyone suggest a simple video editing programme for ubuntu that will allow me to cut scenes out of a dvd movie (it can be any formet), thanks05:56
halycondieselsmoke, yeah all the bluez stuff is installed05:56
dieselsmokehalycon: no idea, odd05:57
riddleris any one here'05:59
Flannelk1: Try cinelerra, kino, or avidemux (try the penultimate first, I believe)05:59
st_thomasriddler: yes, I'm here05:59
dieselsmokek1: apt-cache search video editting  i get three hits05:59
pteaguehow do you pad a string in shell scripting ?  i.e. i have 2 columns i want spaced apart05:59
provoi need some advice.  i want to securely surf the net from an open wifi connection for example school, what should I look into ?05:59
riddlerthis is my first time st.thomas05:59
riddlercan you help me05:59
LogicFank1, http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu:Intrepid#Graphics_and_Video_Applications05:59
st_thomasriddler: I'll try it06:00
=== acorb is now known as ACorb
riddlerwell i boot it says its trying to find cman can you help me06:00
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st_thomascman?? riddler06:00
LogicFanpropagandhi, can you be a little more specific?06:01
k1Flannel, dieselsmoke , LogicFan  thank you ! which one is the simplest ?06:01
halyconDoes anyone know what to do about the following error message: http://pastebin.com/m478fa4ec06:01
wiggleshi https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI  doesent mention ubuntu 8.10,06:01
wigglesis 8.10 hardy?06:01
Flannelk1: Cinelerra certainly isn't.  I believe Kino is, but I don't know much about avidemux06:01
wigglesor is the methods for 8.4 the same for 8.10 ?06:01
riddleryeh its looking fo cman and it takes a while to boot up06:01
k1Flannel, thanks , i'll give cinelerra a miss then  :-)06:02
st_thomasriddler: I don't understand about cman? can u tell what it for?06:02
dieselsmokewiggles: 8.10 is intrepid06:02
wiggleswell i need ati drivers for interpid, and that link is no help06:02
riddleridk when im booting up ubuntu it says its looking for cman06:02
riddlerit takes like 5 to 10 minutes to boot06:02
DStrevinasHello, I have a cgi script leading to a problem and the solution I was asked to try is to set environmental variable MALLOC_CHECK_="2". How this can be done?06:02
st_thomasanyone can help riddler? sorry, I can't help u06:03
ddubsmaxdoes anybody know an easy to use java compiler for ubuntu06:03
ddubsmaxi tried eclipse and it doesn't compile for some reason06:03
palomerif I call queue_draw, what signal will be emitted after the widget has finished redrawing?06:04
riddlerits ok do u kno the messenger program in ubuntu06:04
riddlerand can you teach me any cool things about ubuntu06:04
=== ACorb is now known as acorb
k1riddler, amsn06:05
k1riddler, amsn is similer to msn messenger, there is also pidgin06:05
k1but i dont know anything about cool stuff in ubuntu cause i'm uncool....:-)06:06
dieselsmokehalycon: you need the keys, https://help.launchpad.net/Packaging/PPA06:06
Sertsequick q. how do I force installation of something?06:07
opera-rwsr-xr-x 1 root root 29104 Nov 6 19:16 /usr/bin/passwd---what is the permission of the  octal format06:08
nanotubeSertse: depends on what you are using to install... apt-get ?06:08
TruthTacoi need a program that can extract an incomplete zip file06:08
=== russ is now known as Russ
operawho can tell me06:10
nanotubeopera: 1755, iirc06:11
st_thomasriddler: pidgin is the best06:11
dieselsmokeopera: chmod 475506:11
SertseI'm probably trying to break my system. heh. Taking an app from jaunty, the app's own page page says the lib found in intrepid should be enough. But the package in jaunty requires the lib from jaunty as deps...06:12
hipzenst_thomas: I think that depends on what you want :)06:12
dieselsmokenanotube: 1 is sticky bit06:12
nanotubeDStrevinas: in shell type "export MALLOC_CHECK=2". this will last for the duration of that shell.06:12
nanotubedieselsmoke: ah heh, well, hence the "iirc" - apparently not "c" :)06:12
st_thomashipzen: in KDE is kopete the best06:13
DStrevinasnanotube: The script is run as cgi. Called though the web browser. Can I manually set it somewhere to be included after a restart or something?06:13
operawhy not three ?06:13
nanotubeDStrevinas: set it from within the script, then.06:13
nanotubeDStrevinas: (it's a shell script, right?)06:14
hipzenst_thomas: personally I prefer aMSN as it has webcam support :) And I use the GNOME desktop06:14
DStrevinasnanotube: hmm ok nice idea :) . I am a fool.06:14
nanotubeDStrevinas: :)06:14
riddlertyhanks st. thomas06:14
tengulrehow to known which apps usnig swaps when that running?06:15
nanotubeopera: "man chmod"06:15
dieselsmokeDStrevinas: put that in your ~/.bashrc06:16
DStrevinasdieselsmoke: This is cleaner i think. I will try both. Thanx all06:17
riddlerdoes anyone here kno how to tweak ubuntu os06:17
insaneNproudanybody have expierence with unetbootin?06:17
insaneNproudi need urgent help asap06:17
dieselsmokeDStrevinas: /etc/environment and /etc/profile for system-wide vars06:17
Brando753my mic still fails to work :P06:17
DStrevinasaah ok06:18
insaneNproudi ran it in vista and now i cant get into my vista install how do i bypass it?06:18
dieselsmokenight ppl06:19
riddlerdstrevinas do you know anything cool about ubuntu06:20
quibbler!ot | riddler06:20
ubotturiddler: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!06:20
nanotuberiddler: do you have any specific thing you want to accomplish?06:20
riddlernanotube: idk were to start im new to ubuntu i just want to learn how to use terminal06:21
riddleri want to be ble to tweak ubuntu to my personal taste06:22
nanotuberiddler: ah, well, i suggest trying "linuxcommand.org", it's a good tutorial on using the commandline06:22
Dryicewhat do you mean tweak it? aesthetically?06:22
riddlertyhank u nano tube06:25
nanotuberiddler: enjoy :)06:26
jimmygoon_Change username06:26
jimmygoon_er, this is not google, sorry.06:26
nanotubejimmygoon_: heh06:26
nanotube!change username06:26
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about change username06:26
ectospasmhmmm... Vuze keeps asking to update.  I download the update, restart Vuze.  And this process repeats ad nauseum...06:26
AnRkeywhat command is used to bring up the run application box that I get when I push alt+f2?06:27
bohemian_on the terminal after i change to root access using "su" command, how can i change directory?06:27
bohemian_say /home/user/desktop06:27
bohemian_what command to use?06:27
Dryicecd Desktop06:27
nanotubebohemian_: cd06:27
ectospasmbohemian_: cd (change directory)06:27
Dryiceif youre at ~$06:27
AnRkeycd /home/user/Desktop06:27
Dryicecd takes you back to your user06:27
Dryicecd alone rather06:27
AnRkeycase sensitive, the D in desktop is a cap06:27
quibbler!nick | jimmygoon_06:28
ubottujimmygoon_: Information about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname . Registration help available in #freenode06:28
bohemian_i get cd /home/user/Desktop06:28
=== jimmygoon_ is now known as jimmygoon
jimmygoonquibbler: yeah sorry06:28
ectospasmbohemian_: cd ~user/Desktop would also work06:28
quibblerjimmygoon: nothing to be sorry about06:29
jimmygoonI've got a bunch of stuff like postfix and mysql and ssh keys setup, is changing my username going to mess a lot of things up?06:29
AnRkeyno ectospasm: it's cd ~/Destkop bud06:29
nanotubeAnRkey: good question - i'd like to know that too :)06:29
bohemian_ectospasm: still No Such directory06:29
AnRkeynanotube, it's driving me nuts06:29
ectospasmbohemian_: does "user" exist?06:29
Dryicemake sure you're back to ~$06:29
AnRkeynanotube, i am building a custom installer for a client and they want a friggen start run thingy06:29
ectospasmAnRkey: try again, he's root, dolt.06:29
Dryiceand not in another directory06:29
ectospasmcd ~/ goes to the current user's home directory06:30
ectospasmwhich would be /root/, not /home/user/06:30
bohemian_ectospasm: ok i misspelled the user.. :D thanks06:30
Flannelectospasm: Please remember where you are and keep the code of conduct in mind.  Thanks.06:30
* AnRkey slaps himself for being a twit06:30
miladI have problems with firefox06:30
nanotubeAnRkey: mighty curious.... :)06:30
AnRkeynanotube, google isn't finding much06:31
nanotubeyea, i tried too, after you asked :)06:31
AnRkeynanotube, gonna ask some devs, brb06:31
nanotubeAnRkey: cool, lemme know what you find!06:31
AnRkeynanotube, will do06:32
=== jimmygoon_ is now known as jimmygoon
bohemian_anyone able to install touchkit driver here? driver used for POS touchscreen06:33
jimmygoonis it even possible to change my username?06:33
Comrade-Sergeiwhenever I try to SSH into my ubuntu box i get "Connection closed by <my IP address)"06:33
Flanneljimmygoon: Of course06:33
jimmygoonFlannel, any tips? Googling keeps leading to articles saying its not possible06:34
nanotubejimmygoon: "man usermod"06:34
nanotubejimmygoon: usermod --login <newlogin>06:34
ectospasmComrade-Sergei: have you examined the output of "ssh -vvv -l <user> <IP address>"06:34
Flanneljimmygoon: Do you care if your home folder is under the old username?  If not, it's trivial.  If so, it requires you to rename that folder (either from another user, or recovery console)06:35
nanotubejimmygoon: but have to change homedir name manually after that....06:35
ectospasmso no one has any experience with Vuze?06:35
Comrade-Sergeiectospasm, what should it be?06:35
ximalanyone here know why I wouldn't be given priveleges under phpmyadmin ? i'm trying to change my admin password yet it is telling me No Privileges to create alter or delete user info06:35
jimmygoonFlannel, nanotube, I've got root so I can do that06:35
Flanneljimmygoon: that'd be usermod -l (or --login)06:35
ectospasmComrade-Sergei: that verbose output should give you more information as to why it's closing the connection.06:35
nanotubeFlannel: too late :)06:36
ximalalso I am not loading an MCRYPT extension which I am clueless about06:36
jimmygoonit just tells me that the new username doesn't exist?06:36
jimmygoondo I have to create that user first?06:36
Flanneljimmygoon: and then you move the homedir (as far as the user stuff is concerned) with -d (with -m)06:36
Flanneljimmygoon: What syntax are you using?06:36
jimmygoonlogged in with user: "mickens"06:37
jimmygoonusermod -l cole06:37
Comrade-Sergeiectospasm, its strange though, I can SSH in locally but not with my DDNS06:37
balrog__how do i archive a folder across multiple DVDs?06:37
Comrade-Sergeiectospasm, and im 99% sure i did the port forwarding right06:37
ectospasmComrade-Sergei: what interface is sshd listening on?06:37
Comrade-Sergeiectospasm, eth106:38
ectospasmit's not limiting connections to your LAN, is it?06:38
ectospasmmeaning it closes the connection for stuff outside the LAN.06:38
Dryicebah why can't I access my rkhunter.log ?06:38
Comrade-Sergeiectospasm, id assume it is, it will work on the LAN06:38
jimmygoon~: usermod -l cole -d cole06:39
jimmygoonusermod: user cole does not exist06:39
Flanneljimmygoon: usermod -l newlogin oldlogin06:39
nanotubebalrog__: tar might have an option to break it up into multiple chunks.... "man tar" for details... maybe "--multi-volume" is what you're looking for....06:39
ectospasmComrade-Sergei: I'd examine your sshd_config, but beyond that I don't know.06:39
Flanneljimmygoon: then usermod -d /home/newlogin -m newlogin06:39
=== omshanti is now known as omshanti-
omshanti-How do I play .pls playlist files?06:39
Comrade-Sergeiectospasm, where is that id assume /etc/ssh_config right?06:39
jimmygoonFlannel, "usermod: unable to lock password file" thank you very much, btw06:39
ectospasmComrade-Sergei: /etc/ssh/sshd_config06:39
nanotubeomshanti-: audacious or xmms should be able to play those.06:40
ectospasmomshanti-: also amarok will play those files.06:40
quibblerDryice: you can with gksudo gedit  /path/to/rkhunter.log06:40
jimmygoonFlannel, duh, reran it as root06:40
Dryiceyah I got it06:40
Comrade-Sergeiectospasm, what should i be looking for in here06:40
ximal hey guys... anyone here using phpmyadmin ? i'm trying to mess with the password yet I cannot get phpmyadmin to accept my password and it will only accept the "nopassword" when using ubuntu programs such as the mysql query stuff ?   ( rephrazed for better question understanding ??? )06:40
omshanti-hehe thanks :)06:41
ectospasmComrade-Sergei: this is where you need to consult "man sshd_config"06:41
jimmygoonFlannel, how does the second command know to affect the oldlogin home folder?06:41
Flanneljimmygoon: -m means move, so it should move.  (well, it'll likely just rename the old foldername to the new one)06:41
jimmygoonFlannel, okay, so I should re-visudo to make the username change in there as well?06:42
Comrade-Sergeiectospasm, but id be shooting blind, i havent the faintest idea of what im looking for here06:42
Flanneljimmygoon: sudo doesn't use usernames.  So, no you don't need to do that.06:42
ectospasmComrade-Sergei: I can't help you if you're not willing to read the manual.06:42
Flanneljimmygoon: At least, not by default.  If you've made changes to sudoers, that's something you'll need to do, yes.06:42
jimmygoonFlannel, but for granting a regular user access to sudo... I thought you had to add to it06:42
Comrade-Sergeiectospasm, words of an IT man06:42
DryiceHas anyone experienced '/dev/shm/pulse-shm-2588455770' rkhunter gave me a warning on it06:42
jimmygoonFlannel, yeah its a server install that came with a root account06:42
Flanneljimmygoon: No, you add them to the admin group.06:42
Comrade-Sergeiectospasm, tr RTFM06:43
SJrXWhat packages do I need to install for C++ development06:43
nanotubeSJrX: build-essential should do it.06:43
ubottuCompiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)06:43
ximal hey guys... anyone here using phpmyadmin ? i'm trying to mess with the password yet I cannot get phpmyadmin to accept my password and it will only accept the "nopassword" when using ubuntu programs such as the mysql query stuff ?06:44
Flannelectospasm: For the record, that sort of view is not welcome here.  If you don't know the answer, either look it up, or let somene else handle the issue.  RTFM (and others like it) are not welcome, period.06:44
joejchow does a website know what version of flash im using?06:44
jimmygoonjoejc the plugin reports it06:44
SJrXI'm trying to execute java, and I'm getting this error: error while loading shared libraries: libstdc++-libc6.1-1.so.2 how can I fix it?06:44
nanotubejoejc: flash tells it what version it is.06:44
joejccan i spoof what it reports?06:44
illbeatuhow do i completely remove something from ubuntu?06:45
illbeatu--purge doesn't seem to work.06:45
nanotubejoejc: not afaik... but you can google around and see if you find anything....06:45
ubottuGNOME is the default !desktop environment on Ubuntu. To install it from Kubuntu or Xubuntu, type « sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop » in a !terminal.06:45
nanotubeillbeatu: rm06:45
jimmygoonyay my mail sends from the correct account now. thanks a bunch Flannel.06:45
illbeatui installed some ruby package that is too old from the repository and then i sudo apt-get remove --purge it06:45
illbeatubut for some reason it still exists when i type "gem"06:45
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illbeatugiving me nameErrors and what not.06:46
ectospasmhmmm, so this is the handholding channel.  I see...  Well, time for bed.  cy'all l8r...06:46
bitfishillbeatu, sudo aptitude purge rubygems06:46
Flannel!coc > ectospasm06:47
ubottuectospasm, please see my private message06:47
nanotubeectospasm: we all need some handholding now and then. :)06:47
bitfishillbeatu, also: sudo dpkg --purge rubygems06:47
illbeatuok. it's gone now06:47
joejcis there a way i can see what info my browser is sending06:48
cactusfroghow do i burn a copy of windows xp06:49
coreymanthis is an ubuntu channel cactusfrog06:49
joejcthat sounds illeagal06:49
cactusfrogits not06:50
coreymanjoejc to your question, what info do you want to see06:50
illbeatuok. what does it mean when xterm is not seeing the files I put on my desktop and not letting me auto finish (use tab button to finish) the name?06:50
Sa[i]nTTo back it up, it's not.06:50
cactusfrogi downloaded it of the dell website06:50
DryiceHas anyone experienced '/dev/shm/pulse-shm-2588455770' rkhunter gave me a warning on it06:50
cactusfrogits kinda ubatuisk06:50
cactusfrogbecuase that is what i am going to run on my old hadrdrive06:50
cactusfrogOMG DOS ATTACK!!!!!!!!06:51
joejccoreyman: im trying to get netflix to work but i need it to see moonlight as silverlight06:51
cactusfrogi use06:51
cactusfrog vuze06:52
cactusfrogmuch better them netflics06:52
CosmiChaosMy firefox startpage is loaded without images and scripts but ONLY when i start firefox, after reload everything is fine, any ideas06:52
cactusfrogtype sudo install opera06:52
cactusfrogin terminal06:53
CosmiChaoscactusfrog: its installed but i asked for firefox06:53
ANTRatsudo apt-get install06:53
CosmiChaosis there no way to fix firefox06:53
cactusfrogclose enough06:53
cactusfrogbut before you mess with it06:53
cactusfrogi mean get anothe webbrouser06:53
jtaji!enter | cactusfrog06:53
ubottucactusfrog: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!06:53
cactusfrogi wont06:54
nanotubecactusfrog: hah :)06:54
CosmiChaosi love my plugins i have opera for other purposes but... i asked for firefox fix not for alternatives06:54
cactusfrog oh try disabling all plug ins06:54
cactusfrogi love speedial06:54
nanotubeCosmiChaos: if disabling all plugins doesn't work, try starting a fresh profile...06:55
CosmiChaoscactusfrog: thats a good idea, ill start with noscript and restart firefox06:55
joejchow do i see what info my browser is sending?06:55
CosmiChaosnanotube: thanks06:55
cactusfrogi have downloaded ubatu many times06:55
cactusfrogevery time i fail06:55
Flannelcactusfrog: Please stop using the enter key as punctuation.06:55
cactusfrogits a really bad habbet i am working on it06:55
arooni-mobilehey folks;  i cant get my s9 headphones to output any audio from any applicaiton on ibex..... ideas?06:56
prince_j1mmysjoejc: there's a firefox plugin for that (don't remember the name). also programs like wireshark(gui), ettercap, ngrep ...06:56
nanotubejoejc: try firebug06:56
cactusfrogwill they ever releace crome for linux?06:56
nanotubejoejc: it's a plugin for firefox...06:56
Flannelcactusfrog: they will.  Also, non-support (How do I get foo to work?) questions should really be asked in #ubuntu-offtopic, not here.  Thanks.06:57
ximal hey guys... anyone here using phpmyadmin ? i'm trying to mess with the password yet I cannot get phpmyadmin to accept my password and it will only accept the "nopassword" when using ubuntu programs such as the mysql query stuff ?06:57
shamscan anyone find any information of me like computer name, if i publish a pdf file or an image that exported from my computer to the internet?06:57
joejchow does firebug do what i want?06:57
nanotubejoejc: it can show you all the details of the requests that the browser sends out.06:58
nanotubeshams: depends on what software you use to make pdf...06:58
joejcwould it be possible to spoof what it sends?06:59
nanotubeshams: and what settings you have as far as embedding info about yourself in it.06:59
cactusfrogwhat happens if you type killserver in terminal06:59
Flanneljoejc: Probably.  This isn't really the best channel to be asking that in.06:59
nanotubejoejc: don't know, try it. haven't used it myself, but i understand it is pretty powerful.06:59
joejcim determined to get netflix working07:00
slytherinanybody here with a laptop with atheros wireless card?07:00
cactusfrogreally try vuze07:00
joejcat last to the point where i fail at drm07:00
crdlbslytherin: I have three; why not ask your real question? :)07:00
nanotubejoejc: might be less effort-intensive to try bittorrent instead :)07:00
cactusfrogwhy does ever os hate me07:01
cactusfrogubatu firefox stops working07:01
joejci want legal07:01
cactusfrogit is07:01
cactusfrog(just pretend your in astrea07:01
joejceven if i need to do something illegal to do it07:01
nanotubejoejc: so what's teh deal with netflix? does it require a newer version of flash or something?07:02
cactusfrogok are you paying for netfliks07:02
cactusfrogor is it your freind07:02
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joejcit uses silverlight (MS flash)07:02
cactusfrog /callvote poll07:02
Flannelcactusfrog: Please stay on topic.  And don't use the enter key as punctuation07:02
nanotubejoejc: isn't there something like "moonlight" to do silverlight for linux?07:02
=== rubix is now known as Guest98985
hippiestrange network I'm on... I can connect to this irc-server but not others...07:03
joejcyes but that didnt work07:03
nanotubehippie: this is the best irc server ever - you don't need any other irc servers. :)07:03
joejci think it says im moonlight and netflix doesnt like it07:03
nanotubejoejc: ah i see... hence your desire to change headers the browser sends. well, try firebug. if anything can do it, firebug can.07:04
slytherincrdlb: I installed intrepid yesterday on a laptop and then it failed to boot (kernel panic). Turns out that modules ath_pci and ath_hal needed to be blacklisted. I am wondering why they were not blacklisted by default.07:05
crdlbslytherin: because madwifi supports some chipsets that ath5k doesn't yet, I think07:06
crdlbnever heard of it causing a kernel panic though07:06
joejcwhats DOM?07:07
Flanneljoejc: This is really offtopic for this channel.  You might try #javascript?  maybe something on irc.mozilla.org?  I'm not really sure.07:08
nanotubejoejc: document object model07:08
nanotubejoejc: you could also try in #firefox07:08
DextlSo I'm trying to figure out about these public and private key things... but I'm just not getting it.  Does anyone have a few minutes to explain how they work to me?07:08
nanotubeDextl: tried googling?07:09
Dextlnanotube: yes, but everything is assuming I know something that I evidently dont07:09
nanotubeDextl: heh. ic. so can you distill your point of misunderstanding somewhat? so that i know what to address?07:10
illbeatuwhat does -y option for sudo apt-get do?07:10
ActionParsnipillbeatu: says yes yo any questions07:10
nanotubeillbeatu: "man apt-get"07:10
marshanyone able to install touchkit successfully?07:10
hippienanotube, I need the undernet server, as it is there all my friends are ;)07:10
ActionParsnipillbeatu: it willalso uninstall packages if they get in the way of the package being installed07:11
Dextlnanotube:  all I really know about keys is that they are used for security/encryption reasons and that I need one so I can set up a vpn with my friend.  I don't really get how to make them and how they work exactly07:11
nanotubehippie: heh well... sorry? :)07:11
Dextlnanotube:  I made a private key, but I dont know how I get a public key out of it07:11
hippienanotube, yeah - guess I have to wait till I come home ;)07:11
slytherincrdlb: are backport-modules package installed by default?07:11
nanotubeDextl: openpgp?07:12
Dextlnanotube: I do not know what that is07:12
crdlbslytherin: no, but it's on the CD07:12
nanotubeDextl: what did you use to create the key?07:12
TheMoopIs there something that would compare to K9copy for GNOME ?07:13
Dextlnanotube: ssh07:13
hippiedoesn't sshd generate the keypair?07:13
nanotubeDextl: ah ok, so you created the key, and saved it where? in ~/.ssh, ?07:13
nanotubehippie: yea, it generates both07:13
CosmiChaosnanotube: hey deactivating all plugins and reactivating as well as uninstalling no more needed and not upgradable (3.0.6) ;) that fixed it07:13
TheMoopI'm trying the xDVDShrink program07:14
=== aa is now known as Guest62770
TheMoopDoesn't seem too promising07:14
jimmygoonFlannel, is it possible that moving my home dir messed up my ssh keys07:14
Dextlnanotube: I saved it wherever it saved it by default.  I think that is it07:14
slytherinTheMoop: what does k9copy do?07:14
TheMoopslytherin, backs up DVDs07:14
nanotubeTheMoop: why not just use k9copy? it works on gnome too, you know.07:14
TheMoopnanotube, Yes, but it runs slow07:14
nanotubeTheMoop: hrm, slow comp? i don't notice kde apps being slow on my gnome de...07:15
TheMoopnanotube, 1.8 GHz dual core07:15
TheMoop2 GBs of RAM07:15
nanotubeDextl: well, ssh generates both keys, public and private, at the same time. so wherever you saved the private key, the public key should be sitting right next to it there.07:15
TheMoop500 GB HD , 128 video card (don't play many games)07:15
slytherinTheMoop: have you tried dvd95?07:15
TheMoopslytherin, No, never heard of it07:16
Dextlnanotube: ah, I see.  so if I go open the document it will be there.  That is neat.  Thank you.07:16
=== Guest98985 is now known as magic_ninja1
nanotubeDextl: so look in your ~/.ssh directory, you'll see something like "id_rsa", and "id_rsa.pub". the second one is the public key07:16
slytherinTheMoop: I have only heard of it. never used. It's in repos07:16
nanotubeslytherin: sounds like windows95....  :)07:17
nanotubeDextl: so you found it? :)07:17
DigitalKiwi<3 k9copy07:17
Kartagis!info mencoder07:18
ubottumencoder (source: mplayer): MPlayer's Movie Encoder. In component multiverse, is extra. Version 2:1.0~rc2-0ubuntu17 (intrepid), package size 3681 kB, installed size 8544 kB07:18
balrog__how can you exit fullscreen in okular?07:18
TheMoopslytherin, It seems like it would work07:18
Dextlnanotube: well, I found a file that is called id_rsa.pub07:18
Dextlnanotube: but I cant open it07:18
burcyril10anyone interesting in helping me get a wired network connection working?07:18
=== need is now known as parkourlist
DykamI can't run a executable from terminal, whilst double-clicking it from nautilus does work.07:19
nanotubeDextl: what are you trying to open it /with/? it's a plain text file... so you can just look at it with "more" from the cli, or "gedit" if you like gui...07:19
nanotubeDykam: how are you trying to run it, and where is it located?07:19
DykamI have set the chmod like:07:19
Dykam-rwxr-xr-x 107:19
nanotubeDykam: so what happens when you run "/opt/flexsdk" from the cli?07:20
Dextlnanotube:  snap.  I got it open.  but now its just a bunch of gibberish... how do I tell what part is the public key?07:20
ronin_whats a good size for the boot partition07:20
Dykamwait, it is in a sub-subfolder in /flexsdk07:20
ubottuPlease watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.07:20
nanotubeDextl: the whole thing is the key. and it's /supposed/ to look like a bunch of gibberish :)07:21
Dykamif I run it, it says it doesn't find the command, also no autocompletion using tab07:21
MrGoodkati have a problem using SCIM, i can just enter chinese characters in office and firefox but not in other programs like anki (which is a flashcard prog). I have to write the characters using office and then copy&paste them into other programs07:21
parkourlisthai guyz. . . .07:21
nanotubeDykam: you must be mistyping the dirnames...07:21
|Azzco|Hi, I'm trying to set Alt+Right click to rezise windows in compiz. but it just defaults to showing the menu. How do I get rid of this behavior?07:21
nanotubeDykam: otherwise there would be autocompletion :)07:21
DykamI'm in the dir07:21
Dextlnanotube:  well then.  I feel like I now know a little bit more then I did before.  I dont suppose you could tell me a bit about this signing thing?07:21
Dykamand typing flashplayer07:21
Dykamcan't be the problem07:21
Dykam./flashplayer does work07:22
DigitalKiwiuse ./name07:22
nanotubeDykam: are you typing "./flashplayer" maybe? :)07:22
parkourlistwhere's the girls????07:22
Dykamwhy doesn't it work without..07:22
nanotubeDykam: ah there it is :)07:22
nanotubebecause that dir is not in your default search path07:22
nanotubeDykam: so the shell doesn't look for executables there by default.07:22
=== |Azzco| is now known as Azzco
Dykambut I'm right in that dir... must be a difference with windows07:22
nanotubeDykam: if you add "." to your PATH it will. but that's generally not a great idea.07:22
nanotubeDykam: so that's not in there by default.07:23
=== CaTeYe is now known as cateye
nanotubeDykam: and the shell only does exactly what you tell it to. so "." isn't there, so it won't look there. :)07:23
Dykamand why does this not work: "flashplayer=/opt/flexsdk/runtimes/player/10/lnx/flashplayer"07:23
Kartagiscoughcoughchmod +x coughcough07:23
DykamKartagis, not?07:23
Dykamalready done '¬¬07:24
nanotubeDextl: well, encryption works as follows: you encrypt with someone's public key, send it to them, and only they can decrypt it because only they have the private key07:24
Dykamexport flashplayer=/opt/flexsdk/runtimes/player/10/lnx/flashplayer -> doesn't allow me to use flashplayer as a command07:24
TheMoopslytherin, It seems to be working okie dokey, I'll let it go and see what happens07:25
nanotubeDextl: signing works in reverse. person encrypts something with their /private/ key, which can only be decrypted with a public key. so, then if you can decrypt something with that person's public key, than means that whoever sent it had access to the private key - and therefore, is the person in question. so it's a form of identity checking.07:25
marshanyone able to install touchkit successfully?07:25
marshi need to install one on a POS device07:25
bindaasDykam: export is not for that purpose ,specify in *path*07:26
Dykambindaas, but is only for one executable07:26
DykamIf that's the only way, I'll do it07:26
Dextlnanotube:  allright... allright.. that all makes sense.  but what about this thing I always hear about with people signing each other's keys and whatnot?07:26
=== anii is now known as aniiena
balrog__how do you archive a folder and split it into 700MB-size chunks?07:27
Dykamthanks bindaas and nanotube, it does work now07:27
abhi__my ubuntu has become too slow from yesterday, all windows and programs open too slowly also firefox opens pages slow?how to restore?07:28
bindaasDykam: cheers :)07:28
marshbig favor07:28
nanotubeDykam: if you want an alias, use "alias flashplayer=/opt/blablabla".07:28
Dykamnanotube, ah, alias, thanks07:28
nanotubeDykam: but really the standard thing is to just append that dir to your PATH07:28
abhi__i cleaned temp and removed wine, then too no effect in performance and speed07:28
marshcan someone make a binary installer for me of this driver...  http://www.touchkit.com/Drivers.htm07:28
nanotubeDextl: that's about the web of trust :)07:28
marshclick on ubuntu / debian07:28
beanniemanwhats easier to setup on a dedicated server Debain or Ubuntun?07:29
SpinachHeadshould libflashsupport cause firefox to crash?  Flash sites almost always make it crash, now but without it, I get no sound in flash.07:29
b1n42yhow do i restart my sound server its stuck in a loop after playing chronium07:29
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP307:30
nanotubeDextl: say you have a public key which claims to be from john doe? how do you know it really is him, and not bob? well, if there's a chain of trust from you to johndoes key, then you can know. say, you know mike, who knows kevin, who knows john. so kevin signs john's key to certify that he knows john and that this is really his key. then mike signs kevins key, and mike you know personally. so thus, a chain of trust is established from yo07:30
nanotubeu to john.07:30
burcyril10can't establish a network connection, hardware seems fine, it just can07:30
burcyril10t get ip from dhcp07:30
SpinachHeador, If I was going to reinstall flash and have sound supports, what should I uninstall and then install?07:30
abhi__my ubuntu has become too slow from yesterday, all windows and programs open too slowly also firefox opens pages slow?how to restore?any one please help07:31
Dextlnanotube: that is just about the coolest thing ever.  I like ubuntu.  it makes me like computers again.07:31
dj_ubuntu is awesome07:32
nanotubeDextl: glad to brighten your day :)07:32
Dextlnanotube: thank you.  and thank you again for answering my questions07:32
nanotubeDextl: even cooler: there are such things as "key signing parties", where people get together, hang out, and sign each other's public keys. :)07:32
nanotubeDextl: no prob. :)07:32
SpinachHeadDoes anyone get sound in flash without libflashsupport?07:33
dj_I was having issues for about a month cause i had no clue what i was doing tryin to mount a phone ,I reinstalled and gave it another shot did nothing and now it works halfway07:33
rwwSpinachHead: I do. It works out of the box for me :/07:33
Dextlnanotube:  I read xkcd, so I knew about those... but I never understood that concept until right now07:33
SpinachHeadwhich packaget rww?07:33
rwwSpinachHead: flashplugin-nonfree. I think I'm just lucky with it.07:33
nanotubeDextl: yea, xkcd rocks! :) (for the most part... it's kind of a letdown when he just does something randomly weird and not really geeky... )07:34
SpinachHeadit used to work, but then the sound stopped working so I installed libflashsupport which I guess fixes the pulseaudio sound problems, but now it crashes firefox like every other flash movie07:34
beanniemanif there is anyone with a spare moment could they pm please, i have a few questions about a dedicated server, and getting it setup correctly07:34
dj_can anyone suggest the term to search for or give me a link so I can set permissions on a usb flash drive to make it read/write07:35
Dextlnanotube:  true.  I know certain parties wern't exactly a fan of Monday's comic... but for the most part its pretty much the best strip on the net.07:35
SpinachHeadso adobe-flashplugin is the same as flash-plugin nonfree?07:35
nanotubeDextl: speaking of which... i'll go check out what's new on xkcd. :)07:35
Dextlnanotube: well snap, it is technically wendsday today07:36
rwwdj_: sudo chown -R yourusername /path/to/mountpoint07:36
SpacinAnyone know how to add scripts to here?07:37
burcyril10any one who can help me establish a connection to dhcp to get assigned and ip (on private network)07:37
rwwSpacin: What do you mean?07:37
XPS_M1330I installed XFCE to try it out. Then I came back to KDE, and now my OpenOffice is all ugly, seems like it uses XFCE's graphical renderer! The icons have been changed too, for those from XFCE (circle with bird)07:37
XPS_M1330now I have removed all the XFCE packages (checked all packages in history), but openoffice didn't come back to normal...07:37
wartalkerburcyril10: dhclient07:37
SpacinI've tried many times to add a script to another server in xchat. And I can't figure it out07:37
SpacinIt just will not load a script07:37
dj_thanks rww07:37
kc8pxywhere can i get an iso of 8.04, pre-8.04.1 ?07:37
nanotubeDextl: indeed it is. :)07:38
rwwkc8pxy: umm. 8.04.1 is just 8.04 with updates that you'd get through apt-get anyway, you know. Any particular reason you need one?07:38
burcyril10wartalker: please explain to me process a little - switch between the two computers is slow07:38
sa125hi - anyone knows which ports are typically used by pidgin (for msn, gtalk, aim)?07:38
lbcan someone point me in the direction of a howto setup a swap file on my sd card on the eeepc running ubuntu 8.10 thx07:39
SpacinAny ideas..?07:40
quentusrexWhat would cause munin to suddenly not allow telnet into the port 4949?07:40
quentusrexAll other ports work fine.07:40
quentusrexand munin allows telnet from localhost...07:40
quentusrexbut not from any remote host.07:40
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nanotubeSpacin: hrm,,, try in #xchat, maybe?07:40
Spacinok.. thank you07:40
kc8pxyrww:  I'm trying to setup an approx server, with as many updates to 8.04 as possible. if i install an 8.04 pre-update, approx will cache them all,  am i right? in that right, older is better :)07:41
DieselCan some one tell me what is the safe way to partition my hard drive On Unbuntu with out any error's07:42
Spacin....Oh well. Seems no one's in there that's talking07:42
kc8pxyDiesel:  do you have another os on the drive?07:42
Dieselkc8pxy,  no07:42
crdlbkc8pxy: I don't understand what you're doing, but: http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/releases/8.04.0/07:43
Dieselkc8pxy,  Im gong to in stalll Bt and Ubuntu Ubuntu is running07:43
kc8pxyDiesel:  then my pick would be to let the installer use guided,  use entire disk :)07:43
natschilhello, does anybody know howto mount a ext3 virtualbox expanding image?07:44
lacquihi.  i'm having a crash with evince on intrepid07:44
Dieselkc8pxy, Ubuntu is running now , Backtrack is what Im working to make room for07:44
DieselJust dont want to make a mistake on partitioning07:45
lacquii get "evince: /build/buildd/cairo-1.8.0/src/cairo-xlib-surface.c:934: _draw_image_surface: Assersion `ret != 0' failed."07:45
croppaHas ther been a good sulition for the problem of pairing a bluetooth device which has a fixed code in intreped?07:46
bigtwix2anyone had a problem with updating nvidia drivers, and the xserver wont boot?07:47
croppaI have been trying to pair a gps tracker with a code of 00007:47
ActionParsnipcroppa: sure, when you pair it, use that code07:47
croppaActionParsnip: I wish it was that simple :-)07:48
rwwlacqui: Looks like it's reported already but doesn't have a resolution yet: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libcairo/+bug/29670107:48
croppaIn Intrepid you dont get the oppertunity to use a fixed code07:49
ActionParsnipcroppa: theres a conf file where you can specify a code to always use but it willbe used for other stuff to so itsnot secure unless you set that you have to manually accept all data sent07:49
ActionParsnipcroppa: or just change it while you pair that one device, then switch back07:49
croppaActionParsnip: where is that config file07:50
ActionParsnipcroppa: try: gksudo gedit  /etc/bluetooth/hcid.conf07:51
ActionParsnipcroppa: you may need to restart a bluetooth daemon to apply the setting07:52
croppaActionParsnip: ther is no /ect/bluetooth/hcid.conf file there to start with07:53
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ActionParsnipcroppa: fine: sudo find -name *.conf | grep ^hc07:54
Spacinv.v  anyone willing to help me with loading a script?07:54
ActionParsnipSpacin: ask the room your question, it will respond07:55
SpacinI have asked07:56
* hippie greets Zta07:56
ActionParsnipSpacin: can you give some more information then07:56
ZtaThe ubuntu 7.04 (feisty) archive seems to have disappeared.  Where can I find it.07:57
SpacinI'm trying to load a script and I can't figure out how07:57
ActionParsnipSpacin: loading a script - not exactly detail07:57
SpacinA colour script07:57
crdlbZta: feisty is no longer supported07:57
ActionParsnipSpacin: you can RUN a script, you dont load a script07:57
croppaActionParsnip: That didnt find any files :-(07:57
Ztacrdlb, so they just remove it for the planet's surface??07:57
SpacinSame thing07:57
ActionParsnipcroppa: then its handled by some other file in /etc07:57
ActionParsnipSpacin: then chmod +x <script file> to make it executanle07:58
ZtaThere's a difference between "not supporting" and "sabotaging".  I need some 7.04 packages.07:58
ActionParsnipSpacin: if the script is in your current pwd, use ./<script name>07:58
iGmailHow to convert wma to mp3 ? any idea for this with mplayer?07:58
ActionParsnipSpacin: r use /path/to/<script name>07:58
croppaYes there plenty of mensions of the problem about when googled :-(07:58
ActionParsnipcroppa: bluetooth is a PITA07:59
hippiePain In The A..07:59
Daft_PunkP o S07:59
ZtaAnyone know where I can find a 7.04 repo?07:59
Daft_PunkZta, a mirror perhaps?07:59
ubottuUbuntu 7.04 (Feisty Fawn) was the sixth release of Ubuntu. End Of Life: October 19th, 2008. See !eol and !upgrade for more details.07:59
ubottuEnd-Of-Life is the time when security updates for an Ubuntu release stop. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases08:00
ZtaDaft_Punk, I was actually hoping the official archive.ubuntu.com would keep them =\08:00
croppaIt seem that it worked ok in hardy08:00
ZtaThis really sucks.08:00
crdlbZta: you can change your sources to old-releases.ubuntu.com08:00
croppaThanks anyway ActionParsnip08:00
croppaI will have to keep looking08:00
Ztacrdlb, thanks!!! =)08:01
SpacinDamn it.. I'm confused even more...  v.v08:01
ActionParsnipSpacin: a script is just a text file with fancy syntax08:02
croppaIt seems that changes were made in bluez-gnome08:02
Daft_PunkZta, no, they wouldnt keep them, its like microsoft not selling obsolete software anymore, ubuntu wont keep obsolete software either, you can check a torrent or mirror site if you want an older version that is no longer supported08:02
ActionParsnipSpacin: if you chmod +x the scriptfile it will make it executable08:02
SpacinHow do I do the chmod?08:02
Daft_PunkSpacin, use terminal (CLI)08:03
ActionParsnipSpacin: if the script is in the same folder as your terminal is sat in you have to execute it with ./ to make the shell look in the local folder08:03
ubottuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal08:03
ZtaDaft_Punk, That's a crappy policy.  So Ubuntu basically forces people upgrade their computers.  This takes time and costs money, and is unnecessary if the server runs fine.  Who's going to pay for this?  Ubuntu?08:03
ActionParsnipSpacin: 3rd time now....  chmod +x <whatever the script is called type it here>08:03
Daft_PunkZta, ubuntu is free08:03
wlsdnrwodnr다 미국 사람인가?08:04
hippieDaft_Punk, time is money :)08:04
Daft_Punkhippie, well i wish I was being paid to be here :p08:04
ActionParsnipSpacin: if your terminal is not in the same folder as the script you will have to specify the path to it08:04
ZtaDaft_Punk, you don't get my point08:04
iGmailwlsdnrwodnr: only English here.08:04
hippieDaft_Punk, look at it this way: it costs money in lost productivity :)08:05
ActionParsnipZta: it doesnt force them to upgrade at all, you can run fluxbuntu or xubuntuon some very old hardware08:05
wlsdnrwodnr영어는 어려워08:05
bindaasDraft_Punk:ubuntu is free but unnecessary upgrades costs time/money08:05
ZtaActionParsnip, I'm running a server.08:05
Daft_PunkZta, hippie if you want ubuntu 7.04 you can download it off a mirror or torrent08:05
_rubenrunning a server on deprecated software is, well, stupid08:05
ActionParsnipZta: even better, no x server08:05
hippie_ruben, tell that to the debian guys ;)08:06
Daft_PunkZta, http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/releases/feisty/08:06
ZtaDaft_Punk, I got that.08:06
Riyawhat is the use of wifiradar08:06
_rubenhippie: atleast that'd be supported deprecated software :)08:06
Daft_PunkZta, ok so what is the problem?08:06
ZtaDaft_Punk, I'm just trying to get my point though to you =)08:06
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Riyafi5e what is wifi radar pkg08:07
Daft_PunkZta, as far as I understand, you asked a question, you got the resolution you required, and you are trying to banter because of principle?08:07
ActionParsnipZta: its fOSS which has zero warranty and zero SLA, they could turn off all the repos and theres nothing youo can do08:07
rwwZta: Your server is running an unsupported operating system that is not getting security updates. Ubuntu can't provide security and other updates for every single release it does, way back into the past, they don't have resources for it.08:07
rwwZta: unless you think it'll be awesome when one of those security holes that your server didn't get patched is used to exploit it, it'd probably be wise for you to upgrade.08:08
Ztarww, I'm not asking for any of that.  I just want access to the latest packages for that release.  I need some extra packages.08:08
ActionParsnipZta: they choose to stop supporting the old versions as if it runs say 50 years then there will be aboout 100 old versions of ubuntu to make packages for the first couple incase some guy is still running it08:08
Ztarww, I do understand why it's smart to upgrade.08:08
Daft_PunkZta, there are no latest patches/upgrades for that OS, it is dead.08:08
ActionParsnipZta: you can freely compile stuff08:09
ZtaDaft_Punk, There's *always* a latest packages.08:09
ZtaActionParsnip, oh please, don't sabotage the discussion with this crap.08:09
Daft_PunkZta, not in the repos or synaptic, you would have to compile it yourself08:09
SpacinNo such file or directory08:09
ActionParsnipZta: why, its a fact08:09
crdlbthis is not a discussion channel ...08:09
Daft_PunkActionParsnip, perhaps, create a factoid :P08:09
ZtaDaft_Punk, I'm not talking about the software developers latest version -- I'm talking about the latest version Ubuntu released.08:10
crdlbas long as Zta is fully aware that his machine should never be connected to the Internet, I think we can move one08:10
ActionParsnip!compile | Daft_Punk08:10
ubottuDaft_Punk: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)08:10
rwwDaft_Punk: replace "latest" with "last" in Zta's messages. Woohoo, problem solved.08:10
Daft_PunkActionParsnip, i meant a factoid for Zta's concern of using an old os with no support08:10
Ztarww, yeah whatever08:10
rwwZta: That was pointing out Daft_Punk's pickiness, not a criticism of you.08:11
Ztarww, ok =)08:11
DinkyDogghi there08:12
DinkyDoggcan someone help me out? I'm trying to mount a floppy disk from my ubuntu server install08:12
DinkyDoggit's formatted to vfat08:12
DinkyDoggi see the file /dev/fd0 but i can't seem to mount it08:13
ActionParsnipDinkyDogg: sudo mkdir /media/floppy; sudo mount /dev/fd0 /media/floppy08:13
Ztabesides, I *am* trying to build the newest version of a pacakge, namely ffmpeg.  But I just needed the deps.08:13
joerackplease help me , dragon player isn't working08:13
Ztaie. -dev package dependencies08:13
slytherinDinkyDogg: what command are you using for mounting?08:13
DinkyDogguh, ok, this is embarassing, the floppy was not actually in the drive08:14
Riyahow can config pppd08:14
ActionParsnipDinkyDogg: D'oh ;)08:14
DinkyDoggindeed :)08:14
DinkyDoggnow it's in08:14
DinkyDoggbut when i run "file /dev/fd0"08:14
DinkyDogg/dev/fd0: ERROR: cannot open `/dev/fd0' (No such file or directory)08:14
rwwDinkyDogg: The floppy module isn't loaded by default any more. "sudo modprobe floppy" should fix it.08:15
ActionParsnipDinkyDogg: do you have the floppy module loaded?08:15
ActionParsnipDinkyDogg: sudo modprobe floppy08:16
DinkyDoggjust did the modprobe command08:16
DinkyDoggthat did it08:16
ActionParsnipDinkyDogg: edit /etc/modules and put the word floppy at the bottom, it will load in at bootup08:16
DinkyDoggthank guys08:16
FloodBot1DinkyDogg: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.08:16
DinkyDogggood to know08:16
rwwDinkyDogg: No problem. You reminded me to go do that myself :)08:16
ActionParsnipnp bro08:16
ronin_Anyone had the ubuntu install fail on installing vimo?08:18
ActionParsnip!info vimo08:19
ubottuPackage vimo does not exist in intrepid08:19
DinkyDoggokay, next problem08:19
DinkyDoggmy floppy drive is mounted upside down08:19
ActionParsnipronin_: did you md5 check your iso as wellas verify the burned cd was ok on the first boot screen?08:19
ActionParsnipDinkyDogg: do you mean pysically?08:19
DinkyDogg(i'm not expecting anyone to help me fix that one)08:20
ActionParsnipDinkyDogg: doesnt mater08:20
DinkyDoggtrue, but if people notice i'll be embarassed08:20
ronin_yeah just going though resuce to see if i can continue the install08:20
ActionParsnipDinkyDogg: then you gotta open the case and flip it08:20
DigitalKiwiturn your computer upside down to counteract the floppy being mounted wrong08:21
ActionParsnipDinkyDogg: i do mine upside down so the button is on top, saves leaning08:21
ActionParsnipDinkyDogg: or go for a sideways afair :)08:21
abbajoin #ubuntu.ru08:22
* Spacin is still having issues... v.v08:22
ActionParsnipSpacin: can you please quit wit the v.v thing08:23
DigitalKiwiwhy? :/08:23
rwwSpacin: How about this. Explain what your problem is, using descriptive words to explain what you mean by words like "script", and we'll go from there.08:23
defryskDigitalKiwi, its annoiing08:24
ActionParsnipcos its annoying and achieves nothing08:24
DigitalKiwiall emoticons or just v.v ?08:24
DinkyDoggO.o and >:[ are okay08:24
rwwfunny, i find the complaining more annoying than the emoticons v.v08:24
ActionParsnipSpacin: where is your script on your system?08:24
Spacinits in my home folder08:24
Doblehi folks, anyone here from australia08:25
ActionParsnipSpacin: in the root of your home folder?08:25
defrysksome have spent too much time in aolworld08:25
ActionParsnipSpacin: ok and what is the name of the script, include the correct case08:25
abbaау народ помогите решить задачу08:25
ubottuПожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke08:25
DinkyDoggok, thanks again for the help, ActionParsnip and company, gonna reboot and see if my dos floppy adventure fixed my monitor. The plug and play values got corrupted and the only tutorial i found to fix them involved a dos floppy. Anyway, brb.08:26
Spacinits called 'nice colour script'08:26
rwwDoble: try #ubuntu-au, the Australia local community team channel.08:26
ActionParsnipSpacin: ok np08:26
Dobleokay, cheers08:26
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ActionParsnipSpacin: run this interminal: chmod +x ~/nice\ colour\ script; sh ~/nice\ colour\ script08:27
k1anyone has any experience with kino? i'm trying to trim a DVD to a 5 minutes scene, kino does it but will only save it a .kino file which i cannot do anything with08:27
DinkyDoggexcellent, it worked08:27
rwwActionParsnip: it's an xchat script, as far as I can tell. I don't think it's supposed to be run on the shell :/08:28
SpacinCan't open it08:28
ActionParsniprww: interesting, can you advise through that. i dont use xchat08:28
rwwSpacin: it's an XChat script, right?08:29
SpacinIts not specified for xchat08:29
DinkyDoggActionParsnip, you're using pidgin?08:29
DinkyDoggor something else that uses lib purple?08:29
PepelargoHi all08:30
rwwSpacin: do you happen to have a link to where you got it from, or something?08:30
SpacinMy friend sent it to me by email08:30
ActionParsnipDinkyDogg: yep08:30
PepelargoAnyone uses PDFEDIT? I installed it but I can't insert text on pdfs..the tool comes up, I can write text, but when I click on intro it dissapears08:31
ActionParsnipDinkyDogg: why do you ask?08:31
rwwSpacin: Okay. Can you open it up and copy its contents into http://paste.ubuntu.com/, please?08:31
PepelargoAnyway, I am just trying to edit a PDF in ubuntu, any other tool? thanks08:31
DinkyDoggjust curious. I'm also looking for a good cli client to replace bitchx, since ubuntu doesn't support it anymore for security reasons, ActionParsnip08:31
rwwDinkyDogg: irssi works pretty well and a lot of people use it. there's also weechat-curses, which is kinda nice08:32
ActionParsnip!irc | DinkyDogg08:32
ubottuDinkyDogg: A list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat - For a general list of !freenode channels, see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#channellist - See also !Guidelines08:32
DinkyDoggrww and ActionParsnip, thanks, good to know08:32
SpacinIts pasted08:33
rwwSpacin: okay, I see it ( http://paste.ubuntu.com/126168/ ). Give me a minute to check some stuff.08:33
rwwSpacin: That's a script for a Windows-only IRC client called mIRC. I don't you're going to be able to use that in Ubuntu :/08:34
SpacinAwhh.. crappy08:34
Pepelargoanything to edit a PDF file in ubuntu?08:34
joaopintoPepelargo, pdfedit08:35
rwwSpacin: many IRC servers, channels, and clients block colors in IRC messages anyway, and many people find them annoying, so you're not missing much.08:35
SpacinI have 2 other scripts that I found on hawkee08:35
Pepelargojoaopinto, yeah but it is not working for me, I have a PDF file that I cant edit because it is LINEALIZED08:35
rwwSpacin: (they wouldn't work at all in this channel, for example)08:36
Pepelargojoaopinto, I am trying to add new text and PDFEDIT doesnt allow me08:36
SpacinIs there anywhere to find ones compatible with ubuntu?08:36
ActionParsnip!info pdfedit08:36
ubottupdfedit (source: pdfedit): Editor for manipulating PDF documents. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.4.1-2 (intrepid), package size 2481 kB, installed size 7564 kB08:36
rwwSpacin: http://digdilem.org/irc/ seems to be the most popular one for XChat.08:37
adantan_alexis there a possible way to install ubuntu inside windows on another drive and add it to the boot loader?08:37
PepelargoI repeat, I don't have anyproblem installing PDFEDIT, in fact it is already working in my machine, the problem is that the linealized files are not supported08:37
zirodayadantan_alex: inside windows?08:37
adantan_alexas a windows application..08:37
ActionParsnipadantan_alex: you can install ubuntu on the other drive then windows will be added to grubs config08:37
rwwSpacin: by the way, if you add scripts to XChat that talk in-channel or message other people automatically, please diasable them in this and other Ubuntu channels (they're against the !guidelines)08:38
adantan_alexnever mind..08:38
ActionParsnipadantan_alex: if you install ubuntu within linux you will be running a virtual system08:38
PepelargoIt is a fact: PDFEdit won't "edit" linearized pdfs08:38
SpacinOhh ok08:38
ActionParsnipadantan_alex: or theres wubi08:38
Mark^^hi, i was trying to get vncserver working-then suddenly it seems my xserver crashed/died? i cant load anything just get 'cannot connect to display errors#08:39
Mark^^what would have caused this?08:39
ActionParsnipMark^^: ssh over and read the system logs08:40
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PepelargoDoes OpenOffice open PDFs in some way I ignore?08:40
Mark^^ahh good idea ActionParsnip08:40
Mark^^what log specifically ? sorry if its obvious08:40
ActionParsnipdmesg | less is a good start08:40
zirodayMark^^: /var/log/xorg.0.log08:40
Mark^^thanks ziroday  & ActionParsnip ;)08:41
ActionParsnipMark^^: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LinuxLogFiles08:41
rurouni27:o i cant get ubuntu to boot up, it keeps on comming up with ata1.00 error messages08:42
ActionParsniprurouni27: did you md5 check the iso you downloaded as well as verify the burned disk was correct on the first bootup screen?08:43
rurouni27i can still boot into a windows partition so i know that my hd hasnt crashed08:43
rurouni27iv already installed it, and this just happened out of nowhere08:43
rurouni27iv tried fsck but the results are strange08:44
Seperorurouni27: Are the errors "IO" errors?08:44
corinthAnyone know the command that the show desktop applet uses?08:45
rurouni27probly, "[...] ata1.00: status: {drdy err} /n [...] ata1.00: error: {unc} \n ... : exception emask 0x.... \n ...bdma stat ... \n ...cmd ..."08:47
Seperorurouni27: It is a sign of a harddrive failure if you get errors that say "IO" or "short read"08:47
rurouni27it doesnt say that08:47
Seperorurouni27: good08:47
rurouni27i dont mind starting again but i want to get like a few files that i havnt got recent copies of08:48
* Spacin can't find any colour scripts.. oh well. Thanks for the help though!08:48
Seperocorinth: I have no idea. Any special reason?08:49
rurouni27its a kernel error,  and i cant find it anywhere08:49
FireBadIs DVD95 and DVDShrink in WINE the only options besides KDE's k9copy?08:49
rurouni27when i tried fsck on gentoo min cd it also came up with the same kernel errors08:50
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corinthSupero: None of your business!08:51
Seperorurouni27: I'm not saying it's not a harddrive error. Just that it isn't one I'm used to seeing. I'm only used to working with ide drives.08:51
corinthJ/k :-P08:51
rurouni27it cant be a physical problem though because i can boot up in windows08:52
Seperorurouni27: So I wouldn't rule it out 100%, but I think your odds of a bad install have increased08:52
PepelargoAfter 9 months using exclusively Ubuntu in for my work (even the rest of the people in the office is using XP and laughing at me)...I have to say that I could do everything I used to do before and much more, but only one bad point: So far I haven't found an email tool that works 100% corerct with exchange, Evoultion has lacks of options and get stuck, Thunderbird only thourhgt IMAP and no calendar, and very slow...nothing more.08:52
Ficthehi. I plan to be installing ubuntu on an imac g5. I believe it's got the intel chip now, so the regular iso (that's also used for installation on PC's) should work on the imac g5, correct?08:52
corinthSepero: I want to create a custom applet for show desktop. I don't like the box around the icon for the panel applet. I want to set a custom icon for it, too.08:52
rurouni27it was running fine for like a week08:52
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about dvdcopy08:52
rurouni27actualy this has been running for quite a few months08:52
FicthePepelargo, if nothing settles it - you can perhaps try outlook (or whatever the alternative was, that was working for you on windows) with Wine08:53
Seperorurouni27: Most harddrives don't start having errors everywhere on the disk at once. Often the errors start in a localized area.08:53
rwwFicthe: iMac G5s use the G5 CPU, which is PowerPC, not Intel. The latest iMac (which is not a G5) uses an Intel processor.08:53
rurouni27Sepero: is there any way i can get anything off it08:53
PepelargoFicthe, yes, I am using codeblokers with Outlook 2003, but it is a pity to still need sticking on a Microsoft tool08:54
Seperorurouni27: Use a LiveCD?08:54
Fictherww, oh really, hrm. so I would have to use the powerpc disc then, eh... just out of curioisity, are there any other linux distros that provide images for the powepc?08:54
PepelargoBut I just have to say that I am very happy with my UBuntu, and I wouldn't go back to Xp again08:54
rwwFicthe: I'm not sure. Back when the iMac G5 first came out, if was very poorly supported by Linux. I sold mine a while ago, and am not sure of its status now.08:55
holyguyverHow do I fix this Bash:alsa reload lsof: WARNING: can't stat() fuse.gvfs-fuse-daemon file system /home/jack/.gvfs Output information may be incomplete.08:55
Seperocorinth: Nice idea. Unfortunately, all I can do right now is suggest google. If you find out, I'd be interested in knowing though. :)08:55
rurouni27Sepero: i tried gentoo but it was getting the same problems08:55
sylisdoes Rhythmbox sync with ipods well?08:56
Seperorurouni27: What do you mean by "get anything off it"? You want to backup the data?08:56
Fictherww, to be honest, I'm not completely sure if it's the iMac G5's that I'll be installing on (my school teacher just said I could install on a bunch.. they may possibly be the newers ones, with the intel processor.. I hope they are :)) in any case, thanks -- I'll gogle up as well to see what other alternatives exist08:56
FireBadOh yes, while I am here.  I been having a problem with VLC turning "Blue" on me.  I log out and in , and it corrects the problem until it happens again.  What is the issue /08:57
rurouni27Sepero: yeh08:57
holyguyver pulseaudio W: pid.c: Stale PID file, overwriting. ALSA lib control.c:909:(snd_ctl_open_noupdate) Invalid E: socket-server.c: socket(PF_INET6): Address family not supported by protocol08:58
FireBadThis is also true for mplayer08:58
cooldduuuddeFireBad: go to system >preferences> qt 4 settings. it might help. what do you mean by turning blue?08:58
FireBad(They turn blue together)08:58
Seperorurouni27: Can you access the device/files with a LiveCD? If so, that is the way I would make a backup.08:58
sylisDoes Rhythm Box sync well with an ipod08:58
FireBadcooldduuudde: I mean it's like an old crappy TV , where blue is turned up 293403294024903240230493204320%08:59
FireBadand 0 red08:59
LinuxMint-Cholo_hey im running linux mint and was wondering since the 'advanced desktop settings' option to opacify windows is not available there is another way?08:59
Seperorurouni27: If you suspect that your harddrive is indeed dieing, you do not want to touch it until it is time to make backup.08:59
FireBadcooldduuudde: I don't see any "q" 's09:00
joaopintoLinuxMint-Cholo_, we don't support Linux Mint here, please find the appropriate channel :(09:00
FireBadcooldduuudde: in system -> preferences09:00
LinuxMint-Cholo_i CANT09:00
sylisYes or No to Rhythmbox syncing well with ipods?09:00
sylisYes or No to Rhythmbox syncing well with ipods?09:01
DinkyDoggsylis, it should work (if that's what you want to do), but try amarok instead, it's a better program09:01
cooldduuuddeFireBad: its qt 4 settings in preferences09:02
james296hey does anyone here use Crunchbang Linux?09:03
corinthSepero: I'll let you know if I find anything out.09:03
SeperoLinuxMint-Cholo_: gnome-appearance-properties09:03
FireBadcooldduuudde: I just said I don't see a Q listed09:03
Seperocorinth: okie :)09:03
joaopintojames296, better ask on #Linux09:03
ActionParsnip!ot | james29609:03
Moodis Listen Music Player supposed to work out-of-the-box on a fresh install? or are there settings i need to play with?09:03
ubottujames296: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!09:03
james296but its Ubuntu based lol09:04
FireBadcooldduuudde: Preferred Applications, then there is RemoteDesktop09:04
corinthSepero: Happen to know how I can switch my default file manager from nautilus to PCman?09:04
joaopintojames296, is not ubuntu, this channel is not for derivates support :)09:04
cooldduuuddeFireBad: no....w809:04
FireBadcooldduuudde: ??09:04
james296join #linux09:05
slytherinMood: Considering that Listen uses gstreamer, I suppose you will need to install appropriate gstreamer plugins (if not already done).09:05
Seperocorinth: How do you normally start your FM?09:05
Moodslytherin: ah, i didn't realize there were dependencies that may not be installed on standard install. thanks for the heads up. going to google09:05
error404notfoundwhen I try to upgrade my machine, I get: http://pastebin.com/m2f3664fd09:05
corinthEither the Places menu, my home launcher on the desktop, or through gnome-do09:05
ActionParsniperror404notfound: sudo apt-get dist-upgrade09:06
slytherinMood: they are not dependencies. depending on the songs you are trying to play, you may need to install codecs09:06
error404notfoundActionParsnip: just did that :D09:06
slytherin!restricted > Mood09:06
ubottuMood, please see my private message09:06
slytherin!restricted | Mood09:06
ubottuMood: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats09:06
Seperocorinth: Well, I guess nautilus comes up when you insert new media. I'm not really sure how to change that.09:06
Moodslytherin: ah ok. thanks for the pointers09:07
rurouni27why do i have a partition of type "linux plaintext", does anyone else have one?09:07
rww!mintsupport | LinuxMint-Cholo_ (for future reference)09:07
ubottuLinuxMint-Cholo_ (for future reference): Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu, please seek support in #linuxmint on irc.spotchat.org09:07
* ActionParsnip does the VMware dance :D09:08
Seperorurouni27: I've never heard of that.09:08
Moodslytherin: heh heh, i didn't realize mp3 was a restricted format :-P09:08
rurouni27run fdisk -l09:08
slytherinMood: not many people even know what a restricted format is. :-)09:08
rurouni27its only a label though09:08
ActionParsniprurouni27: that will need sudo09:08
rurouni27lol im admin09:09
rurouni27anyway it came with a default ubuntu install :o09:10
Moodslytherin: and i didn't realize the restricted format packet was 164 MB :-s09:10
rc10Squid you in here?09:10
q0_0pi have a question in gparted in the manage flags section what is lba?09:10
FireBadIt appears that the blue problem is part of nVidia09:10
ActionParsniprurouni27: you shouldnt be09:11
slytherinMood: what all packages are you installing?09:11
ActionParsniprurouni27: logging in as root significantly cripples security09:11
Seperorurouni27: It says "linux plaintext" on your fdisk -l output?09:11
rwwq0_0p: Logical Block Addressing. Most modern partitions are large enough to need it.09:11
Moodslytherin: ubuntu-restricted-extras... it's > 160 MB :-{09:11
slytherinMood: nah, you don't need all that.09:11
rurouni27ActionParsnip: im in a gentoo live cd and i know what im doing ..09:11
q0_0pdo i need it if i'm making a ubuntu usb boot?09:12
rurouni27Sepero: yeh09:12
slytherinMood: it is also installing sun jre09:12
Moodslytherin: ack09:12
Seperorurouni27: I've never seen that before09:12
ActionParsniprurouni27: yeah, running x and web apps as root, real secure09:12
Moodslytherin: too late... i'm in the midst of installing... i'll have to wait until it finishes before i uninstall it09:12
Moodmessy... :-s09:13
slytherinMood: is it installing or downloading only?09:13
rurouni27ActionParsnip: gentoo doesnt have x default and im not connected to the net on that computer09:13
rwwq0_0p: Use LBA. If it doesn't work (it almost always does), go back and turn it off.09:13
slytherinMood: if it is still downloading, you can cancel it.09:13
Seperorurouni27: Does cfdisk also show "linux plaintext"?09:13
Moodslytherin: i've got the ncurses sun-java6-jre config page :-(09:13
ActionParsniprurouni27: thats fine then, in ubuntu root logons are disuaded09:13
slytherinMood: ok, finish that then09:14
rurouni27Sepero: yeh, its 213 mb :o09:14
rurouni27ActionParsnip: can you get su in ubuntu now?09:14
ActionParsniprurouni27: yes but it doesnt setup the environment correctly, sudo -i  is prefferred09:15
Seperorurouni27: Ah, I see it09:15
Seperorurouni27: cfdisk shows "linux plaintext" as type 8809:15
cooldduuuddeFireBad: type this in terminal and hit enter qtconfig-qt409:15
rurouni27Sepero: :o lol yeh, wat is it for ?09:16
SeperoI have no idea09:16
FireBadcooldduuudde not installed09:16
FireBadit's not installed*09:16
Seperorurouni27: But perhaps it's the reason you're not booting up?09:16
Moodslytherin: ok, i force failed it since i didn't agree with sun's agreement... now i can just sudo apt-uninstall, right?09:16
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rurouni27Sepero: no, i dont think so09:17
FireBadcooldduuudde: shall I install it09:17
Seperorurouni27: Linux partitions are supposed to be #8309:17
slytherinMood: yes, apt-get remove09:18
cooldduuuddeFireBad: yeah.09:18
rurouni27Sepero: :D i can mount / under gentoo09:18
Moodslytherin: here goes09:18
rurouni27Sepero: i think i might take what i need and start again09:18
Surlent777quick random question: I'm trying to batch download Ozy and Millie as a test of wget's power, and I'm getting a 403 forbidden error. Is there anything I can do, or anything I'm likely doing wrong? wget -nd -r -l1 --no-parent -A.gif -A.jpg http://www.ozyandmillie.org/comics/09:18
Seperorurouni27: Ok. Also, you can easily change it to #83 under cfdisk by simply changing the "type" of partition.09:19
mchelenwhat is the best way to resize partition from command line?09:19
ActionParsnipSurlent777: if you clikc that hyperlink you get a 403 as well09:19
Ficthemchelen, fdisk, or cfdisk09:19
Surlent777ActionParsnip: Yeah, I noticed that09:20
rurouni27Sepero: im just gonna delete it and start again09:20
Moodwhat should i do if i try removing a package and it fails? http://paste.ubuntu.com/126194/09:20
Seperorurouni27: ok, best of luck. :)09:20
Surlent777ActionParsnip: The comics reside in /comics/amxxxxxxxx.gif etc09:20
rwwMood: what's the output of sudo apt-get -f install?09:20
Seperorurouni27: Remember, separate partition for /home. ;)09:20
Moodrww: i was scared to try... i'm trying it now09:21
ActionParsnipSurlent777: guess you gotta see if you can work around it09:21
mchelenFicthe, how do you resize with cfdisk?09:21
Moodrww: it's trying to install sun java jre again09:21
Moodshould i let a package complete the install before trying to remove it?09:22
sophiaAnyone knows a good performance testing tool for mediaplayers?09:22
Ficthemchelen, it's actually quite a long-winded and complex process, you best google up to find a resource that offers detailed instructions. and oh, don't forget to back up ;). good luck.09:22
slytherinMood: do one thing, sudo apt-get --purge autoremove sun-java6-plugin sun-java6-jre09:22
Surlent777ActionParsnip: That's kind of what I was thinking. As far as I understand "*.gif" doesn't do much at all using wget, yet google assures me that the -A.gif thing should be the same as /comics/*.gif...I am greatly confused.09:22
Moodslytherin: should i purge it before i apt-get -f install?09:23
Seperosophia: May I inquire why?09:23
mchelenFicthe, is there any alternative besides running gparted?09:23
ActionParsnipSurlent777: try man wget if nobody can advise09:23
slytherinMood: yes09:23
Moodslytherin: ok, here goes09:23
ActionParsnipSurlent777: its not something ive looked into09:23
Ficthemchelen, yes. fdisk and cfdisk are two.09:23
Surlent777ActionParsnip: I tried the man page but so far have been unable to decypher anything useful09:23
Surlent777ActionParsnip: I guess I'll go to bed and then make this my life's mission tomorrow morning until I get bored09:24
mchelenFicthe, okay so no middle ground09:24
Surlent777ActionParsnip: But thanks anyway09:25
sophiaSepero: Its my project, i have to check performance of video rendering process w.r.t graphics library09:25
Moodslytherin: strange... it seems to be installing some microsoft fonts...09:25
slytherinMood: looks like ubuntu-restricted-extras pulls loads of packages. For you just installing gstreamer plugins would have been sufficient.09:26
Moodslytherin: should i try removing the package ubuntu-restricted-extras again?09:26
sophiaSepero: I have to check which library gives better performance09:26
hmwi want data for the "molecule" screen saver, but I remember, getting proteine data base stuff wasnt too easy (i only found one source where you could download one molecule at a time, and they were named after some catalogue, so I couldnt pick the "nice" ones) - can anyone of you feed my screen saver?09:26
slytherinMood: nah, let it continue.09:26
Seperosophia: Ah, sounds complicated. Personally, I would use only Mplayer, and set it to run at full speed over the multiple libraries with the audio off.09:28
Moodslytherin: phew! although i removed ubuntu-restricted-extras, i have a nagging feeling in the back of my mind that there's some garbage lying around somewhere, perhaps some runaway daemons... not sure...09:28
Seperosophia: And time the results.09:28
Seperosophia: Making sure dropping frames was turned off.09:28
slytherinMood: no, nothing of that sort09:28
savvashmw: you want more molecules for your screensaver? file a feature request at http://bugs.gnome.org09:29
sophiaSepero: I wanted to go through gnome-mplayer09:29
hmwsavvas: one can put more data into the screen saver, but i tried getting stuff, wasnt very successful.09:29
=== edgex-__ is now known as Zedge
sophiaSepero: And problem is there is no benchmark option in gnome-mplayer09:30
Seperosophia: ok. I'm very doubtful any benchmarking software exists for that purpose.09:30
Moodthanks slytherin!09:30
savvashmw: if you figure it out, let me know, I'm interested :)09:31
hmwsavvas: youre here under this nick often?09:32
Seperosophia: What you're asking is very weird, because a library may be able to run fast, but what good is that if the media is very lightly compressed? There appears to be too many factors.09:32
savvashmw: yep, it's registered :)09:32
sophiaSepero: can you please tell me why we turn off dropping frames?09:32
savvashmw: if you can't find me, /msg memoserv savvas yourmessage and I'll read it - thanks by the way!09:32
Seperosophia: Because dropping frames causes certain parts of the video to be completely skipped.09:33
hmwsavvas: i noted your name and will tell you, if i get something. I can start trying to find that horrible download page again and figure out, how to put the data into the screen saver. (docs say, its possible)09:33
hmwMy nickname seems to be registered already. How do I find out, if the registrar is still using the nick name?09:33
sophiaSepero: ok09:34
savvashmw: /msg nickserv info hmw09:34
=== Doctor-Steve__ is now known as Mavis
Seperosophia: For example, I have the same media in two formats. Same video, but first format is 10MB, second format is 100MB. Which would you guess is going to run faster?09:34
Seperosophia: Even if they are both 10MB, one could be lower quality than the other, making a huge difference.09:35
hmwokay, last seen dec'07... i wont get the ops to unlock it for me :((09:35
Seperosophia: I'm not saying it isn't a noble thing to try and benchmark though. I just think that you may be in over your head with this project.09:37
sylisIs Rhythmbox good at syncing with an ipod09:38
Moodslytherin: i only installed "gstreamer0.10-fluendo-mp3" and now Listen works like a charm! thanks!09:38
max82frHi everyone09:38
max82frhow are u doing?09:38
zirodaysylis: yes, rhythmbox can sync ipods09:38
suzaogreetz. can anyone please help me with simple solution for getting higher resolution with settings for nvidia driver 177 on card 7600gs09:39
max82frCan anyone tell me if it is possible to install itunes with wine and if it will work with ipod touch??09:39
zirodaysuzao: are you running the nvidia driver?09:39
sophiaSepero: ok i am bit confused regarding my project.. but any how i have to report performance of different libraries.09:39
DinkyDoggsuzao, what resolutions does it offer?09:39
kr00ldoes anyone know of a program that will auto backup files to an external HDD?09:39
syliswell? Or it just does, I've done a little research and seen a few alternatives, but can't really find a review of sorts for them09:39
zirodaymax82fr: the old versions of itunes work with wine, but why?09:39
zirodaysylis: well what exactly are you looking for?09:40
max82fr<ziroday>well im trying to setup my ipod touch to work with ubuntu but there s no way09:40
zirodaymax82fr: what version of ubuntu?09:40
Seperosophia: No offense, but I would select another project. I do not think you are going to get results of any value from gnome-mplayer.09:40
max82fr<ziroday> 8.10 i think09:40
sylismainly a utility that will allow me to create playlists and will sync with my ipod.  Rhythmbox looks good, but, I haven't been using it for long enought o know if it's better, and I'd rather try and figure that out now before I go and put all the time and energy into it creating playlists etc and then get told there's a better app out there09:41
max82fr<ziroday> sorry got cut off09:41
Seperosophia: Acknowledging that you don't know what frame-dropping is, I personally think your experience in this area is much too low.09:41
zirodaymax82fr: right, well wine+itunes won't work09:41
max82frwhat should i d09:42
DinkyDoggsylis, try amarok09:42
max82fr<ziroday>what should i do?09:42
syliswill do09:42
zirodaymax82fr: one sec09:42
suzaocan anyone please help me with simple solution for getting higher resolution with settings for nvidia driver 177 on card 7600gs09:42
zirodaysuzao: are you running the nvidia driver?09:42
DinkyDoggsuzao, i already responded to your question. What resolutions is it offering you?09:42
ubp123why the Rhythmbox being unable to presetting the shoutcast radio at this Unbuntu version.. and why only the ice radio might work well with the streamripper here..i mean the ice radio only but the shoutcast no working in order at ubuntu setting ?09:44
zirodaymax82fr: right, basically unless your touch is jailbroken you can't sync it in ubuntu as the apple has changed the database encryption09:44
sophiaSepero:  yes i am new to this area since i am a student i need to learn a lot09:44
DinkyDoggwow, they're encryption the database, ziroday ?09:44
DinkyDoggthat really sucks09:44
DinkyDogghow completely lame09:45
FloodBot1DinkyDogg: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.09:45
DinkyDogganother reason never to buy another ipod09:45
zirodayDinkyDogg: not really, its more of a checksum type thingy. But basically ipod touch = no workie09:45
sophiaSepero:  Anyways thanks for your suggestions..09:45
NazmiI'm from turkey09:45
SeperoDinkyDogg: Thank you!09:45
brundysomebody in french ? Thanks09:45
jimmysparkHey can anyone help me - my sound on this desktop has been playing up since i upgraded, i've tried everything, I wanna nuke everything to do with sound and start again. Can anyone help me do that?09:45
DinkyDoggSepero, no problem, though i'm not sure how i helped you09:46
Cyclistdoes anyone knows of a tabbed dual-paned file manager for Ubuntu 8.10 [even through emulators like Wine {I have tried ''xplorer2'' under Wine but it does not work...}]?09:46
ziroday!fr | brundy09:46
ubottubrundy: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr09:46
Seperosophia: Yeah, I'm sorry I couldn't give you better news. :\09:46
ubp123in turkey..most loving the birds like penguins lots lol09:46
zirodayCyclist: dolphin works09:46
SeperoDinkyDogg: ipod = lame09:46
DinkyDogglame indeed09:46
SeperoSomebody had to say it09:46
sophiaSepero:  :-)09:47
Cyclistziroday: is Dolphin the emulator of is it the file manager?09:47
zirodayCyclist: err dolphin is a dual paned file manager, whats the emulator for?09:47
jimmysparkhow do I remove alsa, pulse audio and OSS off my system entirely so i can reinstall them all?09:47
Nazmiyou will pardon question09:47
ubp123hmmm, with your aptitude or apt get remove command doing nothhing ???09:48
Cyclistziroday: I mentioned the emulator because it is possible that no such applications currently exist for Ubuntu 8.10 in the repository09:48
jimmysparkubp123: i remove them that way but then they are still listed in my sound preferences09:48
zirodayCyclist: well there is, dolphin works and I know there is others :)09:49
ubp123if you can or ,as far as you could watch the file..you can remove with the rm command with your hands or manually i suppose ?09:49
Seperojimmyspark: try synaptic. And remember to use the "purge" to wipe the config files too09:51
Cyclistziroday: another question: is Dolphin also offering tabs? because I know Nautilus works on a dual pane mode [with tabs], but I would rather not use it09:51
Seperojimmyspark: "purge" option, i mean09:51
jimmysparkcheers Sepero -ill try the purge option09:51
mejobloggsi've put a floppy in the floppy drive but can't see it anywhere. how do i access it?09:51
zirodayCyclist: not sure if dolphin offers tabs sorry, install it and try it out :)09:51
Cyclistziroday: thank you09:52
ubp123using the ubuntu system,,mejobloggs ?09:52
jimmysparkwhen i try to remove alsa-utils it also removes gdm?!09:52
zirodaymejobloggs: take a look in /media and /dev/floopy or /dev/fd009:53
mejobloggsyeah ubuntu09:53
slytherinmejobloggs: floppy module is not loaded by default. try this command - sudo modprobe floppy09:53
* Lazeur_ brb09:53
slytherinjimmyspark: must be some recursive dependency09:53
jimmysparkSepero: any idea why when i remove also-utils it says it will remove gdm too?!09:53
jimmysparkshall i do it?09:53
jimmysparkand then reinstall gdm?09:54
Seperojimmyspark: dependacies09:54
jimmysparkhere goes nothing09:54
Seperojimmyspark: dependencies09:54
rwwmejobloggs: "sudo modprobe floppy" to activate the floppy module. "sudo nano /etc/modules" and add "floppy" at the end to keep it activated.09:54
mivokwhen you remove a program with synaptic it shows you the programs are going to be deleted09:54
Seperojimmyspark: gdm depends on it for some reason09:54
ubp123since you would agree to remove gdm..perhaps you can use another kde or alternative session system ???09:54
mejobloggsok thanks i can see the floppy now09:54
IdentifyTargetcan someone help me install lirc 0.8.4a using apt-get? I compiled it and installed on my own but it's not working quite right09:55
jimmysparkubp123: i don't wanna use kde09:55
ubp123neither.. i am a novice and originally liking gnome lol09:56
zirodayjimmyspark: alsa-utils in an important part of the system, removing it will probably remove a whole bunch of stuff. Why are you removing it anyway?09:56
jimmysparki've done it now09:56
jimmysparkdoing pulse audio too09:56
jimmysparkmy sound is totally messed up on this desktop (my work computer)09:56
zirodayjimmyspark: so you decided to randomly delete important sound parts09:57
jimmysparkevery morning i come in and i cant play sound, so i have to mess around /sbin/alsa --force-reload etc to get it working09:57
jimmysparkyeah i wanted to nuke the sound and reinstall it from scratch09:57
jimmysparki've tried everything else09:57
zirodayjimmyspark: I strongly doubt reinstalling the sound system(s) is going to fix your problem.09:57
max82fr<ziroday> sorry got badly cut off09:57
max82fr<ziroday> my XChat Gnome doesn t want to work anymore09:58
jimmysparkreinstalling it all now09:58
Seperojimmyspark: I have the same thing09:58
slytherinjimmyspark: have you tried changing the sound preferences in System -> Preferences -> Sound?09:58
jimmysparkim sure it's since upgrading to the latest ubuntu...09:58
Seperojimmyspark: But I always leave my pc running09:58
zirodaymax82fr: right, basically unless your touch is jailbroken you can't sync it in ubuntu as apple have changed the database encryption09:58
jimmysparki don't have these issues with computers running ibex09:58
jimmysparkjust jaunty09:58
max82fr<ziroday>it is already jailbroken09:58
zirodayjimmyspark: jaunty is #ubuntu+109:59
ubp123basically.. you have installed the actual sound cards with your new systems lol09:59
max82fr<ziroday>would you please help me going through09:59
Seperojimmyspark: I have the problem on Intrepid09:59
slytherinjimmyspark: are your packages fully updated?09:59
jimmysparkslytherin: yeah i've tried that, i've tried setting up to use oss, alsa & pulseaudio - this morning the sound control pannel was hanning every time i open it so i just decided enough was enough!09:59
rwwjimmyspark: Jaunty is an unsupported developer release. You should be asking about it in #ubuntu+1, not here.09:59
zirodaymax82fr: there is some great documentation for already jail broken devices at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/iPhone09:59
max82fr<ziroday>worked that out believe me, but nothing worked09:59
jimmysparkoops - i mean the problem is on ibex!09:59
max82fr<ziroday>looking for some real help10:00
slytherinjimmyspark: you may want to check if glitch-free is turned off in /etc/pulse/default.pa10:00
slytherinjimmyspark: check the thread on ubuntu-devel-discuss mailing list in last month.10:00
zirodaymax82fr: right, have you installed the ipod-convenience package?10:00
zirodaymax82fr: okay, how about gtkpod?10:01
max82fr<ziroday>have it too, along with amarok10:01
Seperojimmyspark: If it only happens whenever you boot. You could just put a startup script in that reloads alsa for you.10:01
jimmysparkother guys at work are having sound issues too since upgrading - not as severe as mine but they keep loosing sound playback randomly10:01
zirodaymax82fr: okay, connect it via usb and then open a terminal and run ipod-touch-mount10:01
jimmysparkflash seems to cripple the sound too10:01
rwwjimmyspark: what's the output of "uname -a"?10:01
ubp123why the famous amarok needs the ugly stream plugins ? teach me ???10:02
jimmysparkSepero: it happens randomly 20 times per day10:02
jimmysparkLinux jimmywork 2.6.27-11-generic #1 SMP Thu Jan 29 19:24:39 UTC 2009 i686 GNU/Linux10:02
Seperojimmyspark: Then I'd make a shortcut to a reload script on my desktop. :)10:02
hph_guyhow can I redirect the output of a program like wget to a file and make it run in the background?10:02
Seperojimmyspark: but yeah, that sucks10:02
slytherinhph_guy: wget url > output.txt &10:03
rwwubp123: certain audio formats, including mp3, are restricted by patents and other problematic stuff. the "ugly" plugins package contains files to help media players play those formats.10:03
max82frziroday> it s trying to mount it via wifi as someone tried to help me doing10:03
max82frziroday> don t want that. i want USB10:03
hph_guyslytherin: that still prints output to stdout as well as to the file10:04
jimmysparklol just totally reinstalled still not working....10:04
zirodaymax82fr: err okay, well disable wifi on the ipod then10:04
ubp123thanks for info, rww, but most geeks.. any formats could be converted to legal acceptable ones without notices ???10:04
max82frziroday> done, do u know what to do to make it work via USB?10:04
zirodaymax82fr: well did you try itunnel?10:05
zirodaymax82fr: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/iPhone#Syncing%20via%20Cable10:05
rwwubp123: no, some can't. Continuing the mp3 example, *all* implementations of mp3 decoding (playing) are covered by various patents, and thus require notice.10:05
max82frziroday> nope. I should maybe say that when i plug it, it puts a camera icon on desktop and starts amarok10:05
Asyedhello guys , i've installed ubuntu wubui on my pc with windows vista , the installation done on Drive D10:05
max82frziroday> but amarok cant connect to it10:06
rwwubp123: I think one has the patent fee paid for by some organization, but the point still stands. It's a legal thing, not something we can code around.10:06
koshar2ubp123 true they can be converted but cannot be supplied on the distro disc as it would infringe with laws in some countries10:06
Asyedwhen i pick ubtuntu during booting i got error msg10:06
zirodaymax82fr: take a look at itunnel10:06
Asyedand cant access it , if the installation done on C  partion its work other partions not10:06
Asyedany clue ?10:06
ubp123okie..but to me without notices all mp3 files have been converted to any other mpeg files lol..who accepting instead of me lol10:06
max82frziroday>  don t understand all that honestly. had ubuntu for 3 days10:07
max82frziroday> please help10:07
rwwubp123: do you speak another language as your main language? I could redirect you to a foreign-language support channel that might be able to explain this a little easier...10:07
zirodaymax82fr: well I can't help you much, don't have an ipod touch sorry.10:07
max82frno one has an ipod touch on here??10:08
max82frziroday> on itunnel it explain how to connect it via wifi, not USB10:08
ubp123no thank you,, because i dont touch any other' s copyrights and not doingwrong at all. lol10:08
SeperoAsyed: It might be a restriction by the bios. I once had a problem like that on a laptop.10:08
rwwubp123: okay. Do you still have a question we can help you with, then?10:08
AsyedSepero im using laptop too , and how dd you fix it?10:09
=== someone is now known as Guest56980
Guest56980how do you find out what kernal you are using?10:09
SeperoAsyed: Sell the laptop10:09
slytherinGuest56980: uname -r10:09
ubp123thanks.. upon going on chatting. if can get addtional questions.. let me ask more to you.. thanks10:09
AsyedSepero lol no other options ?10:09
ubp123i mean, nope lol10:10
SeperoAsyed: Unfortunately not. You could stick to running Ubuntu in emulation perhaps.10:10
ubottuAPTonCD is a tool with a graphical interface which allows you to create one or more CDs or DVDs with all of the packages you've downloaded via apt-get or aptitude, creating a removable repository that you can use on other computers10:10
Guest56980is there a way to downgrade the kernal?10:10
SeperoAsyed: virtualbox or something10:10
AsyedSepero  or install it on driver C ,10:10
SeperoAsyed: yea10:10
panesar_sandeepis there way to create .iso or some other cd/dvd images of the packages...10:11
SeperoAsyed: I assumed you wanted it to be dual boot10:11
slytherinGuest56980: You can install two versions of kernel if that is what you are looking for.10:11
Guest56980now how can i do that? this is for testing valve server since the latest error10:11
AsyedSepero true ,  wana test all before move to ubuntu ,10:11
panesar_sandeepmy dvd-rw is broke at the moment10:11
panesar_sandeepis there way to create .iso or some other cd/dvd images of the packages...my dvd-rw is broke at the moment10:11
SeperoAsyed: ok10:11
slytherinpanesar_sandeep: what does dvd-rw being broken has to do with creating an iso10:12
koshar2panesar_sandeep personal repository10:12
Seperopanesar_sandeep: say what?10:13
panesar_sandeepslytherin, so that i can create an iso img of the packages and give to my friend via usb pn drv10:13
max82frcan anyone help me with Ipod Touch? Please10:13
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about mkiso10:13
Sepero!info mkiso10:13
ubottuPackage mkiso does not exist in intrepid10:13
koshar2panesar_sandeep https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Personal10:13
Guest56980how can i install a different kernal?10:13
koshar2panesar_sandeep it need not be an image, just a dir on the usb device is sufficient10:13
Seperopanesar_sandeep: You want an iso making program?10:13
Guest56980what was the kernal version before 2.6.27?10:14
remoteCTRLanyone got experience with setfacl on nfs volumes?10:14
koshar2Guest56980 upgrade, compile , wait for new release.10:14
Guest569802.6.18 right?10:14
ubp123dont you know of the best burn tool or writing tool for the ubuntu machines ? while somebody saying K3B or KB3 is one of best tools ????10:14
rhythmsoupubp123: Brasero is good10:14
Guest56980no.. how can i downgrade to 2.6.18?10:14
koshar2Guest56980 before was 2.6.2610:14
centralplease can you help on that... from the last update was yesterday my touch pad mouse of my laptop a acer aspire 4720 stop to work... how to fix that please..?10:14
Guest56980well.. i need to get 2.6.1810:15
ubp123thanks rhythmsoup10:15
panesar_sandeepkoshar2, thank you.10:15
max82frI m really losing patience with that stupid ipod touch that doesn t work on Ubuntu10:15
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about Brasero10:15
rhythmsoupmax82fr: what are you trying to do with the iPod?10:16
salaxhello, how to register my nick name? newbe here in irc10:16
ubp123is that correct name of the writing tool.. BrasSero ???10:16
koshar2ubp123 i like k3b10:16
Guest56980how can i downgrade the kernal to 2.6.18?10:16
max82fr<rhythmsoup> i simply wnat to be able to use it via USB just like i was on windows10:16
ubp123okie.. thanks for info koshar210:16
suzaoziroday: yes10:16
koshar2Guest56980 you may still have the option of booting a previous kernel from grub10:16
Sepero!info brasero10:17
ubottubrasero (source: brasero): CD/DVD burning application for GNOME. In component main, is optional. Version 0.8.2-0ubuntu1 (intrepid), package size 1481 kB, installed size 7708 kB10:17
max82fr<rhythmsoup>do u have one?10:17
suzaoDinkyDogg: it offers higher resolutions but not 1280x1024 (offers higher than that though)10:17
corinthAnyone know how to enable notification sounds in Empathy?10:17
Guest56980im running ubuntu from inside windows.. you know the option when you install?10:17
rhythmsoupmax82fr: i can transfer files to an iPod using Rhythm box, it works with my wife little ipod10:17
ubp123thanks ubottu..i will try to use it later10:17
koshar2Guest56980 vm or wubi?10:17
max82fr<rhythmsoup>doesn t work with the ipod touch10:17
mejobloggsDoes this mean my floppy is dead or something?10:18
mejobloggsmejobloggs@fatso:~$ sudo fdformat /dev/fd010:18
mejobloggsDouble-sided, 80 tracks, 18 sec/track. Total capacity 1440 kB.10:18
mejobloggsFormatting ... done10:18
FloodBot1mejobloggs: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.10:18
mejobloggsVerifying ... Read: : Input/output error10:18
mejobloggsProblem reading cylinder 0, expected 18432, read -110:18
max82fri can t believe no one has an ipod touch apart from me10:18
koshar2Guest56980 may i ask why you beleive you need an earlier kernel10:18
rhythmsoupmax82fr: when you plug in your iPod does it show up on the desktop as mounted?10:18
max82fr<rhythmsoup>it shows as a camera10:18
Seperomejobloggs: Yes, "IO" error = dead10:18
rhythmsoupmax82fr: and you want to transfer pictures to / from it? sorry i assumed it was music10:19
max82fr<rhythmsoup>everything just like in windows, videos too10:19
Seperomejobloggs: I wish I could give you my old ones. I just threw away like 30 yesterday.10:19
Guest56980so does any one know how i can down grade the kernal?10:20
Seperomejobloggs: Most of them never used10:20
Guest56980using wubi?10:20
mejobloggsSepero hah yeah. this was like... the only one in the whole house i could find10:20
max82fr<rhythmsoup> im lost and annoyed really. can t get it to work10:21
rhythmsoupmax82fr: have you tried asking on the ubuntu forums? or searching on there?10:21
koshar2Guest56980 i dont know what the default kernel version was for the first version of ubuntu that featured wubi but its possable you may not be able to, why do you want an earlier kernel?10:21
max82fr<rhythmsoup>i tried everything. it s crazy no one's able to help10:21
ubp123speaking of down grade.. some of here can down grade to the not xor display..free86 display lol ???10:22
rhythmsoupmax82fr: im not sure how recent the iPod touch is, im not 100% au fait with all of apples products10:22
Guest56980i installed ubuntu inside windows but i dont know how to downgrade the kernal..10:22
rhythmsoupmax82fr: if its an old device then chance are the is a driver available10:22
max82frrhythmsoup> a year old or so10:22
oCean_Guest56980: Ubuntu works very well with iPods, except the iPod Touch, iPhone, and any other future generation10:23
rhythmsoupmax82fr: if its more recent then usually windows drivers appear first (im speaking very generally here)10:23
oCean_Guest56980: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/iPod?action=show&redirect=IPodHowto10:23
max82frDoes anyone have an IPOD TOUCH in here? Please?10:23
Guest56980what? i didnt ask about ipods10:23
oCean_Guest56980: sorry max82fr ^^10:23
Guest56980i asked about how to downgrade the kernal10:23
rhythmsoupmax82fr: see oCean_ reply ^10:23
Guest56980np haha10:23
ubp123originally, what's ipod..i didnt know of it for linux usage..is it free of charge to use ipod ?10:23
max82frubp123> if u get it to work, let me know10:24
mihcups anyone ?!10:24
mihcups + kerberos10:24
max82frim really desperate with this issue10:25
ubp123max82fr.. not using the said ipod at home ? lol10:25
max82fr<ubp123> what>?10:25
Seperomax82fr: I'd help if I could. sry10:25
max82fr<Sepero> thanks10:25
max82frI can t believe no one has one here!10:26
ubp123in short, i would do with my unknow usb memory for my linux machine at home10:26
SeperoGuest56980: Downgrading the kernel is easy10:26
oCean_max82fr: did you read the article i send -> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/iPod?action=show&redirect=IPodHowto10:26
max82fr<oCean_> yes about 10 000 times10:26
oCean_max82fr: it's not gonna work10:26
SeperoGuest56980: Just install the kernel you want, then uninstall all others.10:27
max82fr<oCean_> i don t know what to do10:27
SeperoGuest56980: and reboot10:27
max82frgotta get rid of Ubuntu and go back to windows if nothing works like that10:27
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mihproblem with cups + kerberos, anyone pls ?10:28
max82frhelp me please people10:28
arvind_khadri!ask | mih10:28
ubottumih: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)10:28
ubp123it sounds my unknow cheap usb device is enough anytime at my home use lol10:28
rww!helpme | max82fr10:28
ubottumax82fr: Avoid your questions being followed by a trail of "Please, help me", "Can nobody help me?", "I really need this!", and so on. This just contributes to making the channel unreadable. If you are not answered, ask again later; but see also !repeat and !patience10:28
rhythmsoupmax82fr: thing is though its not really ubuntu's "fault" that iPod touch isnt supported, the vendors should ring-fence in their hardware to certain OSes, but I understand your fustration10:29
rhythmsoupshould = shouldnt10:29
ubp123but this slow repeated silly questions are precious to go on chatting as a actual communications lol10:29
arvind_khadri!ipod | max82fr10:30
ubottumax82fr: For information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto - See !RockBox for information on liberating your iPod10:30
rhythmsoupmax82fr: you can run a windows VM on ubuntu, to be honest i still have a couple of windows knocking around the home10:30
rhythmsouprunning a whole VM just for one device seems a bit mad though I grant you10:31
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ipodtouch10:31
max82fr<ubottu>done that but still doesn t work10:31
rhythmsoupwhere i work we have to use a cisco IP phone and web conferencing software which only runs on windows10:31
mihok, I have ubuntu intrepid, with cups 1.3.8, kerberos joined the AD domain, and an xp mahine from which I want to print to the linux box, where I want to have a release point : domain user from windows should enter the password again, for releasing the job on ubuntu.10:31
arvind_khadri!samba| mih10:32
ubottumih: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.10:32
Guest56980i have installed ubuntu inside windows but i want to downgrade the kernal.. how do i do that?10:32
arvind_khadriGuest56980, while you get the grub menu boot into the older kernel10:32
Guest56980wait! i understand!10:32
Guest56980haha im silly10:32
CTShadowhow do i block all web sites (except some) for certain users10:33
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ufw10:34
ubp123older kernel were wrong and weak to this years chatting use ? oops.. somebody disconnecting the ports or the users from he or her computer ??? lol10:34
Sepero!whatsup > Sepero10:35
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about whatsup10:35
Sepero!firefox > Sepero10:35
ubottuSepero, please see my private message10:35
Guest56980!dualboot > guest5698010:36
ubottuGuest56980, please see my private message10:36
max82frwhen i plug my ipod, amarok says: Media Device: No mounted iPod found10:36
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience10:36
ubp123i love sreamripper with streamtuner lol10:37
Seperomax82fr: That wasn't for you. I was just checking what ubottu would say10:37
hottegood morning @ all ;)10:38
NiDo_Hi all. Guys any idea where to get some information about "Installation Design Document builder" ?  ty. :)10:38
rhythmsoupmorning hotte10:38
ubp123gm, hotte10:38
max82frand Gtkpod says: Error initialising iPod: Couldn't find the iPod firewire ID10:38
SeperoNiDo_: websearch?10:39
hottei have a problem with dcc pending on xchat, but at pidgin everything works with dcc. any one knows this pproblem?10:39
ubp123can we watch the appletv with ubuntu os ?, i mean for nothing ?10:39
NiDo_Sepero: nothing usefull there so far. Looks like its not something popular. No information to find.10:39
rhythmsoupi didnt think anything apple was free :D10:40
max82fr<ubp123> yep what else. LOL10:40
Guest56980how do i download kernal 2.6.18?10:40
trokepHi, I'm looking for help on importing address books into Evolution. There does not seem to be any way of mapping from a file format such as .csv into Evolution. Can anyone help me?10:41
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about Evolution10:41
ubp123as far as kernel itself.. all linux have been listed at the linux office for download regradless of any distribuers like ubuntu or debian i suppose10:41
Riyawhat is the use of aircrack10:42
ActionParsnipyo yo yo10:42
rhythmsouptrokep: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Evolution10:42
CTShadowhow do i block all web sites (except some) for certain users10:43
rhythmsoupRiya: i think aircrack is for testing the security of your own wireless networks its a "hacking tool"10:43
ubp123peeping the system like those at icq or yahoo messengers lol10:43
rhythmsoupCTShadow: is this on one single machine?10:43
arvind_khadrihttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=321879 trokep10:44
CTShadowrhythmsoup: yes, it's an ltsp-server10:44
SeperoCTShadow: OpenDNS.com10:44
rhythmsoupCTShadow: oh sorry I was going to suggest a browser plugin I dont know of any server tools10:44
BobSappHow do i determine the number of bytes on a  dvdrom?10:45
ActionParsnipCTShadow: sounds like you want a netnanny style app10:45
ubottuThe core of the Ubuntu Operating System is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, but if you're convinced you do, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile - See also: /msg ubottu stages10:46
Lokeshcan you plz tell me how to join a new room...what to type here....i want to go to wine room....10:46
SeperoLokesh: /join #roomname10:46
vfrctype /join #winehq10:46
ActionParsnip!info dansguardian10:46
ubottudansguardian (source: dansguardian): Web content filtering. In component universe, is optional. Version (intrepid), package size 462 kB, installed size 2368 kB10:46
CTShadowActionParsnip: i've never herard about netnanny10:46
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=== AltoBurgo is now known as Muffie
ActionParsnipCTShadow: its a windows app but im searching for it in conjuction with ubuntu to see of there is an equiv10:47
CTShadowActionParsnip: but it looks cool10:47
Lokeshthanks i m there10:47
ubp123in the wine room..any other linux distributing systems ? lol10:47
ActionParsnipCTShadow: you can block them on the system with hosts file redirecting the ip to but thats for all users10:47
max82frpeople, how do i get the list of chat rooms available please????10:48
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about netnanny10:48
SeperoCTShadow: www.opendns.com10:48
=== yacc_ is now known as yacc
=== gnu is now known as Guest33872
oCean_max82fr: using xchat? Server > List of channels10:49
max82fr<oCean_> yep, how do u do that?10:49
ActionParsnip!channels | max82fr10:49
ubottumax82fr: A list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat - For a general list of !freenode channels, see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#channellist - See also !Guidelines10:49
oCean_max82fr: go to menu Server, choose option List of channels10:49
BobSappah i  found it10:49
BobSappcdrecord -toc10:49
max82fr<oCean_> there is no option in my Server menu10:50
savvasCTShadow: looking for child attendance software?10:50
max82froki found it sorry10:50
max82fr<oCean_> found it10:50
salaxhello, how to register my nick name? newbe here in irc10:50
ubp123what's that child attandance.. the application for taking care of kids ?10:51
disappearedngHey what's the command to extract pls-ap10dvd.r0010:51
oCean_ubp123: :)10:51
ubp123lol oops10:51
ActionParsnip!nick | salax10:51
ubottusalax: Information about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname . Registration help available in #freenode10:51
ActionParsnip!rar | disappearedng10:51
ubottudisappearedng: rar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free10:51
disappearedng!info unrar-free10:51
ubottuunrar-free (source: unrar-free): Unarchiver for .rar files. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:0.0.1+cvs20071127-1 (intrepid), package size 21 kB, installed size 108 kB10:51
salaxActionParsnip, tq10:51
nijanHello, this might be a common problem: I ve installed alsa and everything, but I still have silent speakers despite the fact I get no error message, I made louder anything on alsamix and everything start working well if I use headphones or external speakers. Any clue?10:51
savvasCTShadow: take a look at https://www.opendns.com/start/ - you can add opendns nameservers (free) that you can use to block your network from "bad" websites10:51
ZachFlemwhats a good pdf viewer?10:52
oCean_ubp123: software/filters to prevent children to access certain websites, certain content10:52
ActionParsnip!pdf | ZachFlem10:52
ubottuZachFlem: pdf is the Portable Document Format created by Adobe; viewable in GNU/Linux with xpdf/kpdf/okular/evince, and also adobe reader (free download, but closed source)10:52
savvasZachFlem: evince10:52
ZachFlemthanks =)10:52
ronin_wow ubuntu 8.04.2 install kept stoping at 85 in vimo installed I kept trying gave up went to cook dinner came back finished dinner was about to turn the pc off and it started going again... about 45 minutes after stopping... wth!10:52
ActionParsnipZachFlem: i use acroread myself10:52
savvasZachFlem: ZachFlem pdf reader (evince) is pre-installed, just double click on it :)10:53
ActionParsnipronin_: is it installing or downloading?10:53
disappearedngso I just do a unrar e file.r00 and it will automatically unrar all of it ?10:53
ActionParsnipdisappearedng: yes10:53
disappearedngok cause I think one of them is corrupted10:53
ronin_it was installing... network was disconected after the first tie it failed10:53
SeperoZachFlem: gpdf is the default for gnome10:53
ubp123what's the file for ajusding such inconvinices..for the sake of choice of the right sound card ?10:53
savvasdisappearedng: did you install rar or unrar first?10:53
disappearedngit's unraring I am just watining10:53
savvasah ok10:54
ActionParsnipronin_: ah, if its only downloading you can stop it, the net break may have caused a bad package10:54
CTShadowsavvas: that looks cool, bu can i also block the sites only for certain users?10:54
SeperoZachFlem: Or at least I thought it was??10:54
ronin_i reformated all the partitions on each try must be something weird with the drive or the cd i thinks10:54
[[thufir]]how do you install sockstat?10:54
oCean_Sepero: evince is (default reader)10:54
savvasCTShadow: er.. I think you need dansguardian or squid for that10:54
ZachFlemnp, got it sorted, thanks all =)10:55
SeperoZachFlem: kk, evince10:55
joerackis there a Swfobject for ubuntu?10:55
ActionParsnip!find swf10:55
ubottuFound: librfxswf-dev, libswf-perl, libswfdec-0.6-90, libswfdec-0.6-90-dbg, libswfdec-0.6-dev (and 13 others)10:55
sprinkmeier_ronin_, did you run mediacheck?10:55
OrangeKyohi, when i start up ubuntu, it does routine check of drive sdb1 and hangs. i have to press esc to make it skip.  there might be something wrong with my filesystem, and i think i should do fsck. but i have to unmount the drive first? how do i do fsck on my linux drive?10:55
ActionParsnip!info swfobject10:55
ubottuPackage swfobject does not exist in intrepid10:55
ubp123that dangurdian..is it proxy ?10:55
joerack!info swfobject10:55
ubottuPackage swfobject does not exist in intrepid10:55
ActionParsnipOrangeKyo: boot to root recovery partition or run it from live cd10:55
savvasubp123: apt-cache show dansguardian10:56
OrangeKyook got it10:56
OrangeKyothank you10:56
ubp123thanks for info, savvas10:56
CTShadowsavvas: is there a good tutorial, how to configure those programs. i have already tried a bit with those, but never acchieved the wished result10:56
apadoxwhen you live boot ubuntu is it posible to copy some files to ramdisk then to free your cd cdrive so you can  burn cd10:56
ubp123while the squid was a famous proxy lol10:56
jurofrom the command line, how can I find out which process is taking how much memory, sorted by memory usage?10:56
ActionParsnipubp123: and snort10:57
ActionParsnipjuro: top10:57
balrog__is there an easy way to downgrade from ubuntu-desktop to ubuntu-server?10:57
mihcups + kerberos problem10:57
ubp123hmmm you are an admin who is using such managiment cute pig software ?? great, ActionParsnip10:58
juroActionParsnip, top tells me that over 3GB/4GB of memory is used but the percentages are too low to add up to that10:58
Seperobalrog__: install ubuntu-server package?10:58
ActionParsnipubp123: i dont use it, i just know of it10:58
Guest56980where can i download kernal 2.6.18?10:58
balrog__Sepero: does that get rid of ubuntu-desktop?10:58
ubp123okie ???10:58
ActionParsnipbalrog__: desktop to server isnt really an upgrade or downgrade10:58
vfrc@ juro: use top or htop in cli to see process mem/cpu use10:58
Seperobalrog__: uninstall ubuntu-desktop package?10:58
savvasubp123, CTShadow: there is also a simple firewall program, check ApplicationS > Add/Remove > search for "Firewall configuration" or simply "firewall" and see what your options are for a nice graphical user interface (GUI) :)10:59
ActionParsnip!find 2.6.1810:59
ubottuFile 2.6.18 found in aircrack-ng, kernel-patch-atopacct, kernel-patch-atopcnt, kernel-patch-viewos, linux-patch-lustre (and 2 others)10:59
ActionParsnipGuest56980: do you mean 2.6.28?11:00
jurovfrc, htop looks good - thanx11:00
balrog__ActionParsnip: well, true, but i wanted to say that i wanted to remove ubuntu-desktop and all graphical utilities11:00
Guest56980i want to test out the valve bug on server using the kernal 2.6.1811:00
ubp123you know.. before fixing my policy on how to use my ubuntu machine.. i cannot touch any my firewall setting.. because it may cause any addtional pandora ouches lol11:00
ubottuPlease don't use "LOL" and "OMG" and so forth on a regular basis. This is IRC, not IM, and using those lines on their own is not required, and it is rather annoying to the rest of the people in the channel; thanks.11:01
balrog__Sepero: i did that and when i try to autoclean with synaptic, it warns me that i might my system unusable.  does that warning just mean im going to lose the GUI?  i think it tries to remove stuff like acpi...11:01
ActionParsnipGuest56980: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=21765711:01
kyledrvideo output to TV plugs and plays fine except when i play a video with mplayer it doesn't show up. any idea why? it's a radeon x700 mobile card11:01
ActionParsnip!purekde | balrog__11:01
ubottubalrog__: If you want to remove all !Gnome packages and have a default !Kubuntu system follow the instructions here « https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PureKDE »11:01
ubottuJaunty Jackalope is the code for Ubuntu 9.04, due April 2009 - Lots of breakage between now and April - Please join #ubuntu+1 for discussion and support.11:01
ubp123thnks ubottu.. we are or myself is one of humanbeing in chatting not using any bots at my compueter..then we cannot stop our emotions anyway11:02
ActionParsnipbalrog__: use that to remove all the grphical stuff which will leave you with a commnd line based system11:02
Seperobalrog__: do not allow your syste to become unusable11:02
BobSappwtf jaunty jackalope?11:02
joerack!info swfobject11:02
ubottuPackage swfobject does not exist in intrepid11:02
BobSappman that doesnt sound stable as ibex11:02
ActionParsnip!jaunty | BobSapp11:02
ubottuBobSapp: Jaunty Jackalope is the code for Ubuntu 9.04, due April 2009 - Lots of breakage between now and April - Please join #ubuntu+1 for discussion and support.11:02
=== elad is now known as elad`
monkey_d_luffyI plugged in an USB flash drive and my kde autorun popup didn't show up. I'm using KDE 3.5.      dmseg shows the device is detected. Is the problem with udev? hal? pmount?  I've restarted udev and hal, no change!    Any ideas on what's the problem?11:02
Seperobalrog__: I suggest startin with simple stuff like uninstall xserver11:02
joerackis there anything "like" swfobject for ubuntu?11:02
ActionParsnipjoerack: whats it do11:03
apadoxwhen you live boot ubuntu is it posible to copy some files to ramdisk then to free your cd cdrive so you can  burn cd11:03
vfrcdoes anyone know of a good *batch* mkv to avi converter similar to windows alltoavi?11:03
joerackActionParsnip: it embeds swf in blogs like wordpress11:03
ActionParsnipvfrc: make a script11:03
StevethepirateGood program to record whats happening on the screen into a video?11:03
BobSappapadox: I dont think so, since alot of the programs would probably run from the cdrom11:03
StevethepirateI recall a program called screencast a while back.11:04
StevethepirateBut i'd prefer something in the repos11:04
kyledrhow do i get video output to work with mplayer to a projector or tv? normal stuff works but not mplayer or vlc or stuff like that11:04
Seperovfrc: linux users take a single commands and turn them into scripts11:04
oCean_Stevethepirate: recordmydesktop11:05
BobSappapadox: try something like puppy linux, that boots from the cd and exists only in ram, so you can then burn cds or do whatever you like11:05
apadoxthx BobSapp11:05
nijanExcuse me, how to auto-login using xfce Dm (gdm I suppose)11:05
StevethepirateoCean_: LOL, ta.11:05
ubp123could you install mplayer at ubuntu without touching other audio systems, Kyledr ?11:05
Seperovfrc: Microsoft users need special programs for many things that linux users normally create a simple script for.11:05
oCean_Stevethepirate: what's in a name, right? :p11:05
StevethepirateHell yeah.11:05
ActionParsnipvfrc: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=101109111:05
kyledrubp123: what?11:06
balrog__Sepero: but, xserver-input-kbd is important, right?11:06
ActionParsnipvfrc: use one of those lines in conjunction with find -exec, hugely powerful11:06
Seperobalrog__: Not if your not going to be using xwindows11:06
ubp123i has asked you if you can finish your installing mplayer at ubuntu machine without any problem11:06
Seperobalrog__: You only need that package for a gui11:06
jurovfrc, thanks - htop does the trick11:07
vfrcAction & sepero: i have tried making a script but keep hitting walls. i cannot get mencoder to recognise mkv's. when trying a script for ffmpeg i cant get it to select subtitles in the mkv11:07
ubp123am asking Kyledr..11:07
kyledrubp123: i successfully installed mplayer. it works fine, but not to a projector11:07
vfrcjuro: np11:07
balrog__Sepero: okay, thanks!11:07
britmapapadox: or http://insert.cd is another small linux - use the "toram" boot option to free up the cd drive (or make a USB boot stick!)11:07
balrog__ActionParsnip: thanks for your help and the link11:07
vfrcAction: thanks ill give some of those a go11:08
ubp123thanks for info, and on the projector...unable to guess any regardign ubuntu matter11:08
Seperovfrc: Converting videos can be a challenge, it is true.11:08
=== dtcrshr is now known as datacrusher
Seperovfrc: Lemme have a look at the manpage real quick. I'm pretty familiar with mplayer11:09
ActionParsnipvfrc: you'll want something like: fin . -name "*.mkv" -exec <stuff> \;11:09
ActionParsnipvfrc: use {} to signify the found file11:09
ActionParsnipvfrc: fin == find (typo)11:09
Guest84547how do i change the kernal version using windows boot loader? im using windows vista boot loader11:11
apadoxmy notebook doesnt allow to boot from usb so is it possible to install ubuntu on usb but use live cd to mount usb than boot from it11:11
Chousukevfrc: remember to wrap the {} in quotes so it won't break if it has spaces11:11
histoGuest84547: does the windows boot loader point to grub?11:11
Guest84547no no i installed ubuntu inside windows11:11
iceman_How can I play 'gnome-chess' online?11:12
Guest84547using windows xp boot loader i could get to the option but i cant now11:12
histoGuest84547: so how do you boot linux then?11:12
Seperovfrc: What command did you use with mencoder?11:12
Guest84547it appears in windows boot loader..11:12
ActionParsnipGuest84547: i'd use grub instead as its waaaaay more flexible than ntldr11:12
histoGuest84547: well after its selected it should say something along the lines of hit esc for grub menu11:12
vfrcAction: thanks for the help. im still somewhat new to bash scripting so ill have a read around and find how to implement ur solution11:12
iceman_When I click "Network Game" it says "Profile: Disconnected" and has no option to connect11:12
Guest84547hmmmm 1 sec while i see if that works11:12
ActionParsnip!usb | apadox11:13
ubottuapadox: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent11:13
BrixSathello my friends! im a stupid programer addicted to mycrosoft products :( blame me for that ! i program in visual basic in visual studio and i would like to know something equal to linux!11:13
ubp123regarding wireless lan availablity..dont you have any free wirells lan spots for ubuntu users ?11:14
ubp123wireless lan spots11:14
Seperovfrc: This looks about right: mencoder -of avi -o file.avi file.mkv11:14
vfrcSepero: thanks. im just looking for the script i have been using11:15
apadoxActionParsnip: i know that, i was asking if I can boot from cd just to mount that usb and continue booting from there without need for usb because my notebook doesn-t support booting from usb11:15
BobSappBrixSat: Did you forget to add the "h" to your nick?11:16
ActionParsnipapadox:  dont believe so, what netbook / laptop is it?11:16
Seperovfrc: Scripting is the easy part, I can do that for you. Do you have the code to convert 1 video from mkv to avi?11:16
ActionParsnipSepero: the link i gave has some tasty goodness in that area11:16
SeperoActionParsnip: ok11:16
BrixSatBobSapp: H to my nick? BrixShet? :p11:16
=== MyMind is now known as Guest3728
vfrcSepero: do u mean the code i have been using? im just looking for that now11:17
apadoxActionParsnip: toshiba satellite11:17
monkey_d_luffyI plugged in an USB flash drive and my kde autorun popup didn't show up. I'm using KDE 3.5.      dmseg shows the device is detected!  cat /proc/bus/usb shows the device!    I've also restarted udev and hal, no change!  lshal --monitor also shows the device!  I've also updated pmount to 0.9.19!   What is the problem?     What is the "glue" with kde that is now broken??? Any ideas?11:17
BobSappBrixSat: but i think there is a unix port of the .net framework its called mono http://www.monodevelop.com/MonoDevelop_1.0_Released11:17
apadoxActionParsnip: i was thinkig boot from cd just to start menu than edit boot options to continue booting from cd files ect. . can it be done11:18
BrixSati dont need the frame work, i  need something i can use to program and easy as vb.net11:18
ghm33someone pls help me my ubuntu 8.10 on my msi wind u100x completely does not connect to anything, incldg wifi. what should i check?11:18
ubottuA list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat - For a general list of !freenode channels, see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#channellist - See also !Guidelines11:18
Azzcopulseaudio does not recognize my usb headset as a output device (it did yesterday) is there something I can do? (alsamixer recognizes the headset properly)11:19
BobSappBrixSat: then try eclipse, ive never used vb.net sorry.11:19
BobSappwhat you need is an ide11:19
BrixSatvb.net is like drag and drop11:19
mogul218i installed ubuntu using wubi and allocated 10gb in the same partition as windows.......how can i make the allocation bigger?11:19
sleepy_catnick /c_nick11:20
SeperoAzzco: You could uninstall all pulseaudio packages. But I would recommend you record which ones you remove, just in case.11:20
ghm33what do i check if my ubuntu 8.10 laptop networking not connecting to any network incldg wifi?11:20
ghm33i have tried starting / stopping / restarting networking11:20
ubp123when your using some other audio like Rhythmnboix (?) your pulseaudio file might created at /tmp ????11:20
AzzcoSepero, is there some way to duplicate output between devices with alsa then? (Would like to hear amarok for example in both headset and normal device and that was possible with PA yesterday when headset was recognized.)11:21
BrixSatanother question! i have to make sudo modprobe ath5k  && sudo athload ath5k every time i need wifi can i automate it?11:21
ActionParsnipapadox: apparently, as soon as you turn the device on hold down f12 and you may be able to choose usb to boot11:21
maxagazdoes someone know something about touch screen and ubuntu, does it work well together ? does it need special video card and drivers ?11:21
SeperoAzzco: I have no idea11:21
ActionParsnipapadox: you may be able to use the alternate cd to get  a prompt then fire up grub from there11:21
ActionParsnipapadox: i get what you mean though, its a weird one11:22
ghm33pls help networking does not work incldg wifi what do i check am using 8.1011:22
vfrcSepero: found the ffmpeg command. it converts the video and audio fine but doesnt grab subtitles11:22
AzzcoSepero, why did you recomend removing pulse audio?11:22
vfrcSepero: -r 29.97 -vcodec libxvid -vtag XVID -s 320x240 -aspect 4:3 -maxrate 1800k -b 1500k -qmin 3 -qmax 5 -bufsize 4096 -mbd 2 -bf 2 -flags +4mv+trell -aic 2 -cmp 2 -subcmp 2 -g 300 -acodec libmp3lame -ar 48000 -ab 128k -ac 211:22
SeperoAzzco: Because alsa can work fine without pulseaudio11:22
ActionParsnipapadox: http://www.pendrivelinux.com/2008/11/15/usb-boot-cd-for-ubuntu-810/#more-68011:23
ghm33pls help networking does not work incldg wifi what do i check am using 8.1011:23
arvind_khadriAzzco, pulseaudio is yuck :)11:23
ActionParsnipghm33: is it usb or internal?11:23
=== sleepy_cat is now known as c_nick
vfrcSepero: those are the options i have been using in conjunction with the preceding ffmpeg infile.mkv outfile.avi11:24
ghm33ActionParsnip, internal11:24
Seperovfrc: I assume you tried the option "-scodec copy"?11:24
BrixSatghm33:  what do you want is to put your wifi card to work?11:24
Seperovfrc: To copy the subtitles?11:24
ActionParsnipghm33: lspci will identify it for oyu11:24
ghm33BrixSat, wifi and lan not working11:24
Azzcoarvind_khadri, yeah I know. But I can't find any other way to start my games with my headset as output11:24
arvind_khadriAzzco, 8.10 ?11:25
ActionParsnipghm33: if you get a result from: sudo iwlist scan then its installed ok. if no devices support scanning you will need to find out how to driver it up11:25
BrixSatghm33:  do youy have enabled restricted drivers?11:25
vfrcSepero: yeah but from my understanding, scodec is asking for a subtitle file as opposed to grabbing a subtitle stream from the mkv11:25
Azzcoarvind_khadri, yupp11:25
ghm33ActionParsnip, my laptop is msi wind u100x, used to connect fine lan and wifi, just stopped for no apparent reason11:25
arvind_khadriAzzco, my headset didnt work with pulse i shifted to alsa.... if you want you can try my blog on how to setup alsa...11:25
ActionParsnipghm33: then read through: dmesg | less11:25
ghm33ActionParsnip, done, what am i looking for11:26
Seperovfrc: If the mkv has the subtitles in it, then they should be copied with the option "-scodec copy".11:26
ActionParsnipghm33: its a big read but will identify our hardware coming up and getting installed, if you recently did a kernel upgrade then this could be the cause11:26
ActionParsnipghm33: just any errors or warnings11:26
Azzcoarvind_khadri, itech7?11:26
BrixSati have to run sudo modprobe ath5k  && sudo athload ath5k to get wifi every time, can i automate it?11:26
ActionParsnipBrixSat: sure, whack it i a script11:27
ubp123as far as using Linux.. alsa sound system is best subject to disavailable the soundcard manufacturers's original dirvers ??11:27
arvind_khadriAzzco, whats that?11:27
ActionParsnipBrixSat: top line should be: #!/bin/sh11:27
ActionParsnipBrixSat: second line is your command you just gave11:27
BrixSatActionParsnip:  and what about the sudo comands? will it accetp?11:27
CTShadowhow can i block all web sites except a few on a per-user base? the server is an ltsp-server11:28
Azzcoarvind_khadri, just googled arvind blog ubuntu. Guess that was not it, can you link me to the blog you mentioned?11:28
Seperovfrc: The -scodec argument takes a codec name, not a file.11:28
ActionParsnipBrixSat: save the file and chmod +x it11:28
vfrcSepero: do you think a subtitle stream can be specified in the case where there are multiple streams or the default is 0?11:28
ActionParsnipBrixSat: if you run sudo <script name> it will authorise the rest11:28
BobSappif you call sudo for the script it should be ok shouldnt it?11:28
ghm33ActionParsnip, am reading thru it but youre right about being a long read11:28
BrixSatActionParsnip:  but i wanted it automated :D11:28
ghm33ActionParsnip, cant really see anything peculiar11:28
ActionParsnipghm33: it will be, just skim11:28
Daft_Punkif i want to block a file type from ever coming to my system via IM, irc, website or whatever, (say .exe file) how could I do that?11:28
arvind_khadriAzzco, http://techietipsandtricks.blogspot.com/2009/02/reverting-to-alsa-in-ubuntu-810.html11:28
ghm33ActionParsnip, ok11:28
BrixSatActionParsnip:  like pc start and script automaticaly run11:28
ActionParsnipBrixSat: when should it automatically happen?11:28
ubottuBoot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto11:29
ubottuTo add programs to start up when you log into your Gnome session go to System>Preferences>Sessions and use the Startup Programs tab. For more information, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddingProgramToSessionStartup - See !boot for starting non-interactive programs at boot11:29
oCean_BrixSat: put the command in /etc/rc.local11:29
Seperovfrc: I would try your normal command, and just add "-scodec copy" into it.11:29
ActionParsnipBrixSat: if they are in the /etc/rc.local they will be ran as root11:29
Seperovfrc: trial and error11:29
BrixSatnice ;D11:29
arvind_khadrioCean_, no thats a lazy hack BrixSat11:29
BrixSatarvind_khadri:  why?11:30
vfrcSepero: true true. ill give scodec copy a try and if it works post a working script in the ubuntu forums. thanks for the help11:30
ActionParsniparvind_khadri: life is a sequence of hacks11:30
Seperovfrc: ok11:31
arvind_khadriBrixSat, as rc.local is run as root and for modules you have /etc/modules11:31
BrixSatso where should i put it?11:31
ActionParsniparvind_khadri: it needs removing then reinstalling11:31
RusHhthis channel only english discussion ?11:31
ActionParsniparvind_khadri: not ust installing11:31
BrixSati have in rc.local i hope it runs :+11:31
arvind_khadriActionParsnip, one can be blacklisted...11:31
quibblerRusHh: yes11:31
RusHhemm how I can disable AWN..11:32
BrixSatreboot to try ;D11:32
RusHhand return old pannel11:32
CTShadowhow can i block all web sites except a few on a per-user base? the server is an ltsp-server11:32
Daft_Punkif i want to block a file type from ever coming to my system via IM, irc, website or whatever, (say .exe file) how could I do that?11:32
ubottuThe people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines11:32
Tracer-# Appears as KEVIN11:32
BrixSatCTShadow:  use on firefox a plugin for that11:32
ActionParsniparvind_khadri: sudo modprobe ath5k  && sudo athload ath5k11:32
* adiktd Listens To - .:::{ Don Goliath: The Refixes Bootleg - Come Around Refix (Feat. Collie Budz) -[04:12m/153kbps/44kHz] }:::.11:32
RusHhask me please.11:32
ActionParsniparvind_khadri: those are the commands11:32
ActionParsnip!ask | RusHh11:33
ubottuRusHh: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)11:33
talto1anyone knows whats worng here? tar -zcf --exclude=/var/www/other/pub /home/server/backups/local_backups/04-03-09__13_32/www/var_www_04-03-09__13_32.tar.gz /var/www/11:33
arvind_khadriActionParsnip, ok got it...11:33
RusHhsorry :D11:33
RusHhTell me please11:33
talto1tar: --exclude=/var/www/other/pub: Cannot open: No such file or directory11:33
talto1tar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now11:33
ActionParsnipRusHh: to disable awn, remove it from wherever you added it to make it run11:33
talto1but its exits11:33
ghm33ActionParsnip, cant really see anything peculiar re my dmesg | less11:33
ghm33ActionParsnip, or at least anything to do with networking11:34
ActionParsnipRusHh: if you ant it to go away for now just close it or kill its process11:34
Azzcoarvind_khadri, that helped a bit. now I've got my headset set as default device. but I guess I can allways just switch back default, reload alsa and start when I want to use my other device. :)11:34
futurama140I want to switch back to windows but my bios no longer detects my CD drives, can someone help me fix that?11:34
SeperoCTShadow: If the users have any intelligence, they will just circumvent it anyway.11:34
ActionParsnipghm33: ok then try: sudo lshw -C network11:34
CTShadowBrixSat: my boss said he would like to have a solution like iptables or someting like that. i have already suggested that plugin11:34
C-S-Bfuturama140, switch back to what?11:34
ActionParsnipCTShadow: i dont think iptables will look at the user accessing11:35
arvind_khadriAzzco, cool ... i never tried switching back.. i hate pulseaudio11:35
ghm33ActionParsnip, done, what is this?11:35
C-S-Bi heard you but why?11:35
C-S-Bfuturama140, check your boot order in the bios11:35
ActionParsnipfuturama140: its not an ubuntu problem then is it11:35
simplexiofuturama140: if bios dosent detect cdrom drive, chech your cables (and bios if cdrom is disabled)11:35
CTShadowSepero: right, that would be the next point11:35
oCean_talto1: put the --exclude= at end of command11:35
ActionParsnip!ot | futurama14011:35
ubottufuturama140: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!11:35
CTShadowActionParsnip: i think there is: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/disable-internet-access-for-particular-user-in-ubuntu.html11:36
vakhi all11:36
futurama140ubuntu screwed up my MBR from what ive heard and i dont know how to fix it11:36
arvind_khadriAzzco, please comment on the blog if you dont mind :)11:36
adiktdne1 in here love dirty dirty dnb?11:36
adiktdof so pm me11:36
ghm33ActionParsnip, I get a network unclaimed and network disabled, followed by a description of my network controller and devices..11:36
vakwhat DNS client is likely to be used in Ubuntu 8.04.2?11:36
CTShadowActionParsnip: but this just bocks all traffic11:37
ActionParsnipCTShadow: yeah just noticed, nice guide though11:37
oCean_vak: dhclient11:37
ActionParsnipCTShadow: maybe you can add some more defined stuff to the command11:37
Seperovak: dhcp3?11:37
ghm33ActionParsnip, I get a network unclaimed and network disabled, followed by a description of my network controller and devices..11:38
lyhana8hi, how can i define the name of a wget file using a pattenr ? like $i_filename.jpg11:38
ActionParsnipghm33: ok what does lspci say about one of your adapters, what make / model is the chip controlling it11:38
CTShadowActionParsnip: could you recommend a good iptables tutorial? im not very good there11:38
ubottuUbuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE).11:38
ActionParsnipCTShadow: or man iptables if you want to go insane11:38
ghm33ActionParsnip, the ethernet / networking controller? its a realtek semiconductor rtl8101e11:39
vakoCean_: Sepero would it be the right entry: "/usr/sbin/dhcdbd --system" in process list?11:39
ghm33ActionParsnip, wifi controller is rtl8187se11:39
ActionParsnipghm33: http://ph.ubuntuforums.com/showthread.php?t=782267&page=211:39
ghm33ActionParsnip, opening, thank11:39
futurama140Ubuntu recognizes my cd drive, but neither windows nor my BIOS detects the drives, it all worked perfectly fine before i installed ubuntu, my cords and cables are all firmly connected and i've tried several different disk drives, none of which work with anything but ubuntu now, can someone PLEASE help me?11:40
Seperovak: I can't say anything about what should be done because I don't know what the goal is.11:40
oCean_vak: I have dhclient11:40
CTShadowActionParsnip: thanks! have you already tried the gui applications?11:40
simplexiofuturama140: ? probably bios sees it because it works in linux,check boot order etc..11:40
ActionParsnipCTShadow: i dont use iptables with custm rules11:41
ActionParsnipghm33: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/32291611:41
vakoCean_: Sepero OK. My issue: from today i get "connection timed out; no servers could be reached" from dig and nslookup. ALthough DNS server is pingable11:41
futurama140simplexio: bios says cd drives are not connected or not present11:41
H3l1c0pt3rhas anyone used irssi before11:41
CTShadowActionParsnip: Okay, thanks for your help11:41
ActionParsnipghm33: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=53844811:41
rww!anyone | H3l1c0pt3r11:41
ubottuH3l1c0pt3r: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?11:41
RusHhawn was disabled, but standart panel not found ^_^11:42
Seperovak: You want to change your DNS servers?11:42
RusHhIt`s magic..11:42
oCean_vak: dhcdbd provides a D-Bus interface to dhclient, the DHCP client from ISC, so applications such as NetworkManager can query and control dhclient.11:42
RusHhwhere is standart pannel (((11:42
H3l1c0pt3rok im using irssi for my irc client and i was wondering if there is an option (i couldnt find it in man) to align the names in a column so the typed text doesnt go under peoples nick names in chat, as well as everything starting at the same tabbed line (so its not so confusing to read)11:42
oCean_vak: dhclient should be running though.11:43
arvind_khadriAzzco, ???11:43
quibblerRusHh: you have a panel on top of your screen?11:43
Azzcoarvind_khadri, I will, just tried out something :)11:43
arvind_khadriAzzco, ok thanks :)11:44
oCean_vak: maybe you need to release current lease, and renew11:44
RusHhI deisable AWN, and panel not load.11:44
futurama140simplexio: i have four different cd drives and several sets of cables ive tried, yet my bios says that there is no cd drive connected, but ubuntu sees and uses the drives just fine, ive tried the drives in various combinations too11:44
ActionParsnipfuturama140: have you changed the master / slave jumpers on any of them11:45
vakSepero: No. I just would like to figure out where the problem is. First I'd like to figure out which DNS-resolving basis has my Ubuntu-box ;)11:45
vakoCean_: so, would it be right to say it does the bind9's job? (bind9 doesnt seem to be running on my box, although dnsutils are installed)11:45
futurama140actionparsnip: no i havent11:45
simplexiofuturama140: strange problem...11:45
ActionParsnipfuturama140: if they are PATA you will need one master and one slave on each controller11:45
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ghm33ActionParsnip, how do i boot using recovery mode? it suggest i do that11:46
ActionParsnipfuturama140: make sure each has power11:46
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adantan_alexhey can i use a centOS kernal for ubuntu?11:46
vakoCean_: how to do it? could I just restart some service?11:46
ActionParsnipghm33: reboot pc, start pressing ESC, grub menu will show up and you can select recovery mode for your kerne11:46
quibblerRusHh: alt+F2  gnome-panel11:46
* vak is fearing that daemon restart will kill next remote access even...11:46
futurama140actionparsnip: they dont have jumpers actually11:46
ActionParsnipfuturama140: try just having one CD drive for now, then add the others in slowly11:47
Seperovak: I think he means disconnect/reconnect to the internet11:47
adantan_alexhey can i use a centOS kernal for ubuntu?11:47
ActionParsnipfuturama140: are they PATA?11:47
ghm33ActionParsnip, thanks11:47
oCean_vak: you do have remote access? So the box has a valid ip?11:47
vakoCean_: yes11:47
ActionParsnipadantan_alex: no as the centos kernel is compiled for centos11:47
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futurama140no, SATA11:47
rwwadantan_alex: No. If you somehow manage to do it anyway, it'll probably break, cause problems, and not be supported by us or centos anyway.11:47
futurama140erm, wait, yes they are PATA11:47
ActionParsnipfuturama140: then i garuntee they will have a jumper on the back11:48
ActionParsnipfuturama140: to set master or slave11:48
oCean_vak: hmmm. I was about to suggest restart networking, but that is not an option since you have remote access... Indeed you *may* loose access completely11:48
adantan_alexis there a 2.6.18 for ubuntu?11:48
futurama140ok currently i have one drive in, i can see the jumper clearly and it is in the master position11:48
vakoCean_, Sepero: may restarting of  /etc/init.d/dhcdbd help?11:49
ActionParsnipfuturama140: on one ribbon you have a master and a slave, if you have 2 masters or 2 slaves on a ribbon they will conflict and you wont see either11:49
vakoCean_, Sepero: or it is also could kill remote access?11:49
rwwadantan_alex: not in any supported releases of Ubuntu, no. That kernel's pretty dang old.11:49
ActionParsnipfuturama140: come to #ubuntu-offtopic11:49
Seperovak: Just about anything you do will kill remote access.11:49
oCean_vak: I could not say. Is the /etc/resolv.conf may out of date?11:50
glandonok does anyone know how to configure a mic on ubuntu, i can here it through my speakers but its not capturing the sound when i use pidgion, or amsn, or skype, or sound recorder11:50
Seperovak: I would just restart the system.11:50
glandonim running 8.0411:50
vakoCean_: hm, I can't believe ISP could just change things without letting me know... also just called them. they say their lovely "we have changed *nothing* !"11:51
H3l1c0pt3rI have an icon on my tray (vuze icon) and it has white on the top/bottomof the icon but not the sides, how can i fix this? screenshot: http://i44.tinypic.com/345on4j.png11:52
oCean_vak: there is no dhclient process running? I *think* it should be running.11:52
rwwH3l1c0pt3r: (going back to your irssi thing) I don't see a way to do it in irssi's /set config stuff, but it looks like it might be possible with themeing... but that's a little complicated. Maybe ask in #irssi?11:52
glandoncan anyone help me configure my mic11:52
H3l1c0pt3rrww: ok ill try that11:53
RusHhwho enable standart taskbar in ubuntu (11:53
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vladuz976my sound suddenly stopped working. anybody else have the same issue?11:54
disappearednghey what should I do when my unrar complains that Write error in the file pls-ap10dvd.iso  Program aborted  File too large11:54
vakoCean_: hm i don't think any process/dsaemon with this name ("dhclient") has been running since last year...11:54
ActionParsnipRusHh: http://www.computing.net/answers/linux/gnome-task-bar-missing-/28664.html11:55
quibblerRusHh: do you now have a panel?11:55
ghm33ActionParsnip, hi still no network for me11:55
oCean_vak: you could try /etc/init.d/network (or networking, whatever it's called) with start option (not stop) and see if that *maybe* renews the dhcp lease. But still a bit tricky if your only access is remote11:56
Riyaones install my windows cant boot .what i will do ?11:56
H3l1c0pt3rI have an icon on my tray (vuze icon) and it has white on the top/bottomof the icon but not the sides, how can i fix this? screenshot: http://i44.tinypic.com/345on4j.png11:56
ghm33ActionParsnip, i notice when i use network tools and check network device eth0, that it only lists ipv611:56
ActionParsnip!grub | riya11:56
ghm33ActionParsnip, shouldnt it also list ipv4 ?11:56
ubotturiya: GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto11:56
ActionParsnipghm33: that may be why, it should list ip411:56
SeperooCean_: restart11:57
oCean_Sepero: no, that would stop it first11:57
ghm33ActionParsnip, any idea how to get that to happen ?11:57
oCean_Sepero: vak you just want to try 'start' to see if (any) (not) running dhcp client process renews the lease11:57
SeperooCean_: I still say just reboot. Seems like a fluke to me.11:58
Myrtti!screen H3l1c0pt3r11:58
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)11:58
RusHhActionParsnip: Thank you11:58
Riyain grub window  is not loading ,i getting "insert boot floppy or cd " msg11:58
Myrtti!screen | H3l1c0pt3r11:58
ubottuH3l1c0pt3r: Screen is a window manager for terminal sessions, also useful over SSH. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Screen11:58
max82frIPOD TOUCH Help please??11:59
glandonDoes anyone know how to configure a mic so that ubuntu will capture the sound not just play it over the speakers? please help me on this i have been trying for two days and havnt gotten it11:59
disappearednghey what should I do when my unrar complains that Write error in the file pls-ap10dvd.iso  Program aborted  File too large11:59
ActionParsnipRiya: then reinstall grub from the live cd11:59
vakoCean_, Sepero:  "sudo /etc/init.d/networking start" gave its "OK" but the problem remains...11:59
ActionParsnipRiya: if windows isnt loading you need to add an entry to /boot/grub/menu.list12:00
ActionParsnipdisappearedng: what file system is the partition you are writing the iso to?12:00
saurabhhow to install vmware in ubuntu 8.1012:00
ActionParsnip!vmware | saurabh12:00
ubottusaurabh: VMWare is not available in the Ubuntu repositories. Consider using !QEmu or !VirtualBox as alternatives. Instructions for installing VMWare manually are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VMware12:00
uruviel_Hey I'd like to downgrade bluetooth from 8.10 to 8.04 since I can't get serial connection PAN to work with a no-passkey Gumstix computer12:01
H3l1c0pt3rI have an icon on my tray (vuze icon) and it has white on the top/bottomof the icon but not the sides, how can i fix this? screenshot: http://i44.tinypic.com/345on4j.png12:01
oCean_max82fr: not sure whether you've seen this one, but I think it is really your only option. Since everything else points in the direction that touch/ubuntu combination won't work. The howto (with jailbreak stuff) is here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/iPhone12:01
uruviel_Been sitting at it for hours and even the hcid.conf is gone so how does one downgrade the entire bt support ?12:01
disappearedngActionParsnip: ext212:01
max82fr<oCean yeah it s the same one that i read so many times12:02
glandonok can anyone direct me to where i can get help configuring my mic12:02
oCean_max82fr: ok. Then I really think there are no other options.12:02
max82frsomeone out there must know12:02
Psykushi, trying to use the livecd portion of the latest ubuntu version to recover files off of a computer, the boot shows on the cd, I hit 'try ubuntu without any change' blah etc, says loading, and then goes to a black screen, no cd drive activity. computer is a dell optiplex320. any ideas?12:03
ghm33ActionParsnip, any more ideas?12:03
Psykusboot screen*12:03
Riya_i install windows in c drive . but now i cant getting it in boot . bocz menu.list have some error how can i overcome this error .how will i get my windows as default boot loader12:03
rwwmax82fr: You realize that Apple doesn't want the iPod Touch to work with Linux, right? That it used to work and now does not? That it's not due to laziness on our part or something? As a factoid I sent you earlier says, "Answers are not always available."12:03
Psykusi have tried multiple burns so i've ruled out some sort of media error, even past ubuntu versions I have do the same thing on this system12:03
Seperovak: Screwing around with any of that stuff risks you permanently losing your connection. Unless you're not worried about that, I would just reboot the box.12:04
max82frrww> so shall i just bin it? is that ur answer?12:04
vakoCean_, Sepero:  i have a KVM though...12:04
ActionParsnipghm33: keep websearching dude, you know te chip so you can research good12:04
dziuliahi there12:04
oCean_vak: oooooh :)12:04
ubottukvm is the preferred virtualization approach in Ubuntu. For more information see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/KVM12:05
vaknot this one12:05
glitsj16glandon: have you checked your mixer settings for mic capture ?12:05
Riya_plz help meeeee !!!      i install windows in c drive . but now i cant getting it in boot . bocz menu.list have some error how can i overcome this error .how will i get my windows as default boot loader12:05
oCean_max82fr: ask Apply why your precious product won't work with your favorite OS12:06
Seperovak: If you have a remote system that you can't reboot, you were screwed long before this problem came up.12:06
rwwmax82fr: Go find some operating system that your $200 shiny is allowed to work on, and use that. It's really not our fault that your bought a locked-down product.12:06
Psykusno ideas on my problem? dell optiplex systems don't like ubuntu?12:07
vakSepero:  I am not sure if understand your point...12:07
vakSepero: I just have no needs to reboot he machine since year...12:07
glandondoes anyone care about using a microphone on linux12:07
glitsj16glandon: did you configure your mixer settings correctly ?12:08
vakSepero: the DNS trouble came just today. I think your an oCean_'s idea about leases could be right.12:08
Psykusi've reset the bios settings to factory defaults, same deal12:08
Seperovak: Well, now you do have need. Apparently you've had a year to setup reboot capabilities in the system, and you didn't. You screwed yourself.12:08
Seperovak: No system runs infinitely without problems.12:09
glandonno clue all i know is that i can hear my mic on my speakers but it doesnt capture anything, i have tried playing with the mixer settings for the past two days with no luck12:09
glitsj16glandon: do you have gnome-volume-control installed ?12:09
vakSepero: you mis-understood me. Reboot capabilities ARE available. I just do not want to get into situation when after reboot I have even more majour trouble then "DNS doesn't respond"12:10
vakI just would like to figure out before restart what s going on...12:12
Seperovak: The DNS thing will likely resolve itself upon reboot. If you have other problems arise, it doesn't make sense to delay addressing them anyway.12:12
vakyou have convinced me. im rebooting12:13
oCean_vak: renewing the lease will get you at a point, same as networking restart, that for a very short period there is no network at all. If you can connect the box trhough kvm or other means.. then you're in a better shape12:13
Seperovak: good luck12:13
* vak looks for a big gun and to big silver bullets just for a case if server doesn't get up :)12:14
glandoni have the default mixer that came with ubuntu 8.0412:14
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suzaoHi, Im still trying to figure out how to change xserver resolution can anyone help?12:18
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Seperosuzao: System -> Preferences -> Screen Resolution doesn't work?12:19
suzaoSepero: no, the resolution I want is not available even though there are higher resolutions.12:20
oCean_!res | suzao12:20
ubottusuzao: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution12:20
LegendaryDarkKniWhat packages that don't come with Ubuntu i need to install the network-manager-openvpn and network-manager-pptp12:20
suzaooCean: im not sure what Im doing wrong, the lines i changed .. used to give higher resolution12:21
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about mame12:21
sdf2anybody knows where does apt-get install install mame?12:21
Seperosuzao: xrandr might help. dunno12:22
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about randr12:22
Sepero!info randr12:22
ubottuPackage randr does not exist in intrepid12:22
ubottuXRandR 1.2 is the new method of running dual screens in !X.  Information/HowTo here: http://wiki.debian.org/XStrikeForce/HowToRandR1212:22
suzaoxrandr: any ideas?12:22
LegendaryDarkKnisdf2 try searchin packages.ubuntu.com12:22
Sepero!info xrandr12:22
ubottuPackage xrandr does not exist in intrepid12:22
sayhellocan anyone help me troubleshoot my ar928x wireless card?12:22
SeperoLies ubottu! Lies!12:22
suzaoSepero: whats xrander?12:22
vakoCean_, Sepero:  restart was OK, but it didnt help. provider gave me another DNS and now things are working again12:23
Sepero!find xrandr12:23
ubottuFound: libxrandr-dev, libxrandr2, libxrandr2-dbg, lxrandr12:23
LegendaryDarkKniWhat packages that don't come with Ubuntu i need to install the network-manager-openvpn and network-manager-pptp? Hey. Please help...12:23
oCean_vak: Aha! Thx for the update :)12:23
Seperovak: Might be a temp problem with your service then.12:23
quibblersdf2: look here: http://ubuntu-utah.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=54506612:24
Seperosuzao: man xrandr12:24
oCean_LegendaryDarkKni: what is the question? You can install those packeges through aptitude or synaptic??12:24
LegendaryDarkKnioCean_, i can not configure internet without VPN, since they provide me the net via that thing12:25
LegendaryDarkKniI'm on windows now12:25
Riyain grub i can't load windows . it shows insert boot media .What i do ?12:25
Riya in grub i can't load windows . it shows insert boot media .What i do ?12:26
SeperoLegendaryDarkKni: http://packages.ubuntu.com/intrepid/network-manager-openvpn Download at bottom of page12:26
Riyahey savvas !!!! I in grub i can't load windows . it shows insert boot media .What i do ?12:27
oCean_LegendaryDarkKni: ah ok. Well, that's kinda rough, since you might end up in a dependencies thing.12:27
suzaoSepero: my modes on xrandr only go up to 1024x76812:27
leandropazbom dia12:27
linduxedis there a logfile from which i can tell whether the computer was shut down forcefully? (like the reset button for instance)12:27
sayhellocan anyone help me troubleshoot my ar928x wireless card? my bum is getting sore from sitting by the router, someone please help, i've tried everything i could find using the forums and google12:27
oCean_!br | leandropaz12:27
ubottuleandropaz: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado.12:27
Seperosuzao: Sorry, I guess you'll have to stick to the guide then. :\12:27
ubottuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution12:27
MenZaAR being atheros, sayhello?12:27
sayhellosorry, yeah that's right12:28
MenZaHave you tried the ath5k driver?12:28
suzaosepero: ok thanks.12:28
linduxedsayhello: do you have the latest kernel?12:28
suzao:-) ;-)12:28
sayhellomanZa: i thought it was the ath9k driver12:28
sayhelloi have kernel 2.6.27 -1112:28
MenZasayhello: http://madwifi-project.org/wiki/About/ath5k12:28
MenZasayhello: I'm not sure if it's what you want, but check it out12:28
sayhellothanks, i'll try that12:28
elad`How do I permanently export AL_DIR="somedir"?12:28
sayhellookay, thanks12:29
savvasRiya: have  you tried with super grub disk?12:29
MenZasayhello: it works excellently on my ar242x12:29
oCean_elad`: put in in your ~/.profile12:29
elad`(And if that can work from anywhere, not just from within the bash shell, that would just be super.)12:29
suzaodoes anyone know what i edit to get 1280x1024 (offhand)12:29
elad`oCean_, exactly what should the line look like? The other lines in that file are odd.12:30
savvasRiya: download the cdrom version of super grub disk and boot using the cd. it will attempt to help you fix it :) http://www.supergrubdisk.org/index.php?pid=512:31
MenZaelad`: exactly like what you typed.12:32
elad`Just that line? Can't I remove the word "export"?12:32
sayhellomenZa: http://wireless.kernel.org/en/users/Drivers/ath5k#Enablingath5k is this something to do with the terminal? I can't figure out how I would implement the instructions12:33
sayhellosorry, i'm a newbie12:33
MenZaecho "export AL_DIR=\"somedir\" | tee -a ~/.profile12:33
MenZaerr, add a " to that after the \"12:33
=== jupiter is now known as Guest95546
elad`So I do need the word "export". OK. Now, when is that file loaded?12:34
MenZaelad`: Every time you login, iirc.12:34
Leonhearta question not about ubuntu, but maybe i can find some clue here :P12:34
elad`How do I reload it without logging out and in again?12:35
Leonheart@ someone can help about JPEG spatial sampling12:35
MenZaLeonheart: If it's not about Ubuntu, try #ubuntu-offtopic - this channel is for support only, due to the massive quantity of support requests.12:35
MenZaelad`: You can't12:35
LeonheartIm trying making lib for ubuntu right now...12:35
elad`Never mind. Thanks.12:35
Guest95546Hello all. After installing miro it got assosiated with .torrent files. Now when i try to open a torrent file I get the choices of either miro or firefox. How can I get torrents assosiated with transmissionbt again?12:35
Leonheartfree image type...12:35
MenZaLeonheart: Try -offtopic ; you'll most likely have more luck there12:35
Leonheart wht the room ? #ubuntu-off....???12:37
Blank`laptopbleh... xubuntu + wine + utorrent seems to be a bad idea12:39
scunizi_why bother with utorrent in wine while there are lots of native clients?12:40
Psykusi liked rtorrent when I used ubuntu12:40
mneptokscunizi_: amen12:40
mneptokscunizi_: i'd even go so far as to say "better"12:40
scunizi_I agree mneptok12:41
Psykusutorrent is :D though12:41
Blank`laptopscunizi_: private torrent sites12:41
MenZaI like deluge. It's a lot like µTorrent.12:41
mneptokMenZa: *hardly*12:41
mneptokMenZa: (which is why i use it) ;)12:41
MenZaSame basic layout, a lot of the same options...12:41
rhsanbor1Can anyone recommend the best filesystem to get the most performance out of Samba? I currently have an external hard drive to hold music shares for the house and my laptop backups and it's so slow as to be unusable for that purpose (4.4Mb/s)12:42
mneptokMenZa: a headless torrent daemon process connected to a local GTK UI is something uTorrent only dreams about. ;)12:42
zirodayBlank`laptop: you can use vuze, that should support everything and an awful lot more then you need.12:42
rhsanbor1It's going over wireless, but good signals all around, theoretical 54Mb/s, should get at least 20-40Mb/s12:42
MenZaWell yes, mneptok. I mean from a usability point-of-view.12:42
BernieMadoffGuys I have a Question12:42
BernieMadoffQuestion: how can i copy paste from ubuntu to windows12:43
mneptokrhsanbor1: have you tested with an actual cable?12:43
zirodayrhsanbor1: so the server is connected via wireless to the router to the wireless computer?12:43
MenZaBernieMadoff: What do you mean?12:43
zirodaymneptok: bet me to it :(12:43
BernieMadoffQuestion: how can i copy paste from ubuntu to windows, i got irc on ubuntu, i want to copy and paste into windows12:43
rhsanbor1Wireless on both ends, no, I haven't done it over the wire... <-- dreading the idea.12:43
zirodayrhsanbor1: try wire, it will probably be an awful lot faster :)12:44
rhsanbor1I suppose I can take them off the main network to test it. Router is at the other end of the house.12:44
MenZaBernieMadoff: Windows where? A different computer? Another partition?12:44
scunizi_mneptok: ziroday also for rhsanbor1 's benefit.. isn't samba running sambafs most of the time?12:44
BernieMadoffMenZa, yes, windows on different pc12:44
zirodayScunizi: no, smbfs is what you mount on your computer to access the samba share (well its one of the ways)12:44
C-S-Btry rdesktop12:44
C-S-Band remote to the PC12:44
MyrttiBernieMadoff: use pastebin12:45
rhsanbor1I'm currently running it as ext3, I don't like ntfs-3g because it doesn't handle failures well.12:45
mneptokrhsanbor1: i doubt the local fs is the cause of the performance problem.12:45
Riyawhat is airmom-ng12:46
zirodayRiya: it is a tool to put your wireless card into monitor mode12:46
C-S-Bits part of the aircrack suite12:46
Riyawhat is airmon-ng ?12:46
rhsanbor1mneptok: good deal. I'll try it over the wire. thanks for the help.12:46
mneptokRiya: a question so nice you asked it twice.12:46
zirodayRiya: also see http://tinyurl.com/ckkx7712:48
zirodaywerdnum: hey!12:48
elad`sftp from the shell - how do I delete a directory that has files in it? I keep getting "Failure".12:48
BernieMadoffrephrasing my Question: is there any software I can use to control both ubuntu and windows from one mouse?12:48
zirodayelad`: rm -r <dir>12:48
elad`"Couldn't delete file: Failure"12:48
elad`Couldn't stat remote file: No such file or directory12:49
elad`Removing /home/root/-r12:49
elad`Couldn't delete file: No such file or directory12:49
elad`(It thinks -r is a dir)12:49
werdnumI have an NVidia nForce2 sound card, which is a RealTek ALC650E chipset. I know I've had it working with sound before (on dapper, years ago), but I can't seem to get it working properly. I get the following messages on the terminal from VLC: http://p.defau.lt/?K9MB3G3XyTaubTTj0JZMwg12:49
zirodayelad`: what folder are you trying to remove?12:49
elad`(That's the name of the folder.)12:51
scunizi_BernieMadoff: are you running one of them in a vm?12:51
C-S-BBernieMadoff, you can either remote to the windows pc and paste between them or use a kde switch12:51
scunizi_ktm switch?12:51
BernieMadoffkvm software based?12:51
glitsj16BernieMadoff: have you tried using synergy yet ?12:51
scunizi_I knew it was something like that12:52
BernieMadoffnothing yet12:52
ActionParsniphey all12:52
glitsj16BernieMadoff: http://www.pagkaon.com/kaon/blog/2008/05/05/synergy-share-your-keyboard-and-mouse-on-a-windows-machine-in-ubuntu/12:52
ActionParsnipis there a java ssh server I can run so users do not have to download putty etcand can ssh via a web page?12:53
scunizi_werdnum: what version of ubuntu?12:53
elad`What's the command for deleting a given dir, and all its contents, from an SFTP server?12:53
elad`Say the server is username:password@
BernieMadoffglitsj16 thanks!12:54
mneptokelad`: if you have SFTP you probably have ssh. just use the shell.12:54
suzaoany simple solution to get resolution?12:54
scunizi_elad`: why use sftp to do it.. log in with ssh12:54
elad`I'm writing a script to update the files on a robot.12:54
glitsj16BernieMadoff: you're welcome, synergy works just fine .. goodluck with it12:54
BernieMadoffi will try it now12:54
Riyaones i reinstall windows how can i install grub12:54
BernieMadoffappreciate your help12:55
elad`I want the script to delete all of the files currently on a certain dir, and replace them with the new ones.12:55
elad`So, help?12:55
mneptokelad`: run a cron job on the local host to move things.12:55
ActionParsnip!grub | riya12:55
ubotturiya: GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto12:55
scunizi_mneptok: maybe he's looking for the correct syntax to put in the script12:55
elad`Scunizi, I am.12:56
scunizi_It's all in how the question is phrased :)12:56
mneptokelad`: the SFTP syntax is the same as FTP12:56
elad`sftp "rm -r /home/root/zzz/" -P username:password@
elad`Or something?12:56
ActionParsnipelad`: rmdir12:57
mneptokelad`: rm -r is shell.12:57
dust_"This theme will not look as intender because the required GTK+ theme engine "is not installled""12:57
Myrttimind your language, dust_12:57
elad`All those commands are for an interactive shell.12:58
ActionParsnipdust_: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=97688512:58
mneptokelad`: ActionParsnip told you the syntax12:58
ActionParsnipelad`: you can put them in a script12:58
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots12:58
ActionParsnipelad`: rmdir <fodlername>12:58
ActionParsnipdust_: http://art.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=103501812:58
* mneptok points and laughs at xyz-xp 12:58
credohow do i get to know DVD disc title? command line preferred12:59
savvaselad`: you need to issue a command for ftp directly while connecting?  I think lftp supports that12:59
Daniel_Martinazzjoin #ubuntu12:59
Matr|Xhello :)12:59
Riyaabhilash@abhilash-laptop:~$ setup (hd0)12:59
Riyabash: syntax error near unexpected token `hd0'12:59
Riya Why i getting this error12:59
PiciDaniel_Martinazz: You're already here12:59
Daniel_Martinazzhello :)12:59
dust_what is the latest "testing" "stable" version of gnome12:59
Daniel_Martinazzsou do brasil12:59
dust_where can i get it's repo12:59
savvaselad`: lftp -c "yourcommand" user@site12:59
Pici!br | Daniel_Martinazz12:59
ubottuDaniel_Martinazz: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado.12:59
Daniel_Martinazztem algum brasileiro akji12:59
Matr|Xther eny program in ubuntu to give english words and read it on speaker:O13:00
ActionParsnipcredo: i'd imagine mplayer can tell you13:00
credoActionParsnip: data DVD13:00
ActionParsnipcredo: not sure but its my educated guess13:00
ActionParsnipcredo: ah13:00
ActionParsnipcredo: so you want a data dvd's label outoutting to command line13:01
mneptokcredo: ls -l /media13:01
engemecEvolutio don't recieve all messages fron gmail.13:01
elad`Can I use scp to delete a file on a remote system, without just overwriting it?13:01
ubottuTo rename the labels of your partitions, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RenameUSBDrive.13:01
ActionParsnipcredo: sudo mlabel -i /dev/scd0 -s ::13:02
glitsj16Matr|X: don't know of any native packages, but if you use firefox there's an addon called 'pronounce' that does that, search for it on addons.mozilla.org13:02
ActionParsnipcredo: any good to you?13:02
Matr|Xthx glitsj1613:03
credoActionParsnip: im on slackware actually, lets see if /dev/cdrom can tell me13:03
ActionParsnipcredo: you get the idea ;)13:03
ActionParsnipcredo: this is ubuntu support too13:03
ActionParsnipdoes anyone know of a http based ssh server app??13:05
ActionParsnipso users dont have to install putty et al13:05
vladuz976i am on ubuntu 8.10, monodevelop should be at version 1.9.2 how come via synaptic or  apt-cache i only see 1.0 available in the repos?13:06
ActionParsnip!mono | vladuz97613:06
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about mono13:06
vladuz976that was helpful13:06
mneptokActionParsnip: errr ... you want something where the actual ssh libraries that ensure security are provided to you from a website? that, IMO, is like asking "does anyone know a place at the amusement park that i could hang my car keys?" ;)13:07
vladuz976could someone do a quick apt-cache search monodevelop and confim the version?13:07
scunizi_ActionParsnip: anyterm & ajaxterm according to wikipedia13:07
ActionParsnipvladuz976: its in jaunty13:07
mneptokvladuz976: why "should" it be at 1.9.2?13:08
vladuz976ActionParsnip: that should have 2.o13:08
DJonesActionParsnip: Is this the type of think you're looking for, its a pay service with a short free trial http://www.browsershell.com/13:08
ActionParsnip!info monodevelop-database jaunty13:08
ubottumonodevelop-database (source: monodevelop-database): Database plugin for MonoDevelop. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.9.2+dfsg-1 (jaunty), package size 237 kB, installed size 1076 kB13:08
vladuz976ActionParsnip: mneptok: http://www.mono-project.com/Other_Downloads13:08
mneptokvladuz976: do the monodevelop packages on LP say that 1.9.2 is released for Intrepid?13:08
clifuhi. I installed ubuntu 8.10 and everything worked perfectly, then I installed the 'important security updates' and now x is hosed. It won't start.13:08
clifuwhat do I do?13:08
mneptokvladuz976: the latest packages on the developer site will not tell you what to expect in Ubuntu's repos.13:09
ActionParsnipclifu: boot to root recovery console and run: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg13:09
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about latst13:09
vladuz976mneptok: oh wait, that was mono1.9 not monodevelop13:09
vladuz976how risky is jaunty at this time?13:09
ActionParsnipvladuz976: i only know what ubottu knows in this case13:09
ActionParsnipvladuz976: go ask in #ubuntu+113:09
mneptokvladuz976: what do you *need* in this newer package?13:10
vladuz976good idea ActionParsnip13:10
vladuz976mneptok: well, it has code completion for one thing13:10
clifuActionParsnip: won't work; it hangs.13:10
mneptokvladuz976: "This new feature is so imprtant to my workflow I am willing to risk the stability and usability of my system." true?13:10
ActionParsnipclifu: reboot, press esc to get the grub menu and select recovery mode13:10
vladuz976mneptok: no, that's why I asked13:10
mneptokvladuz976: so stick with Intrepid :)13:11
mneptokvladuz976: and check backports13:11
vladuz976mneptok: probably will13:11
vladuz976mneptok: oh ok13:11
ActionParsnipclifu: you can then select root console13:11
scunizi_ActionParsnip: Ajaxterm looks to be written in Python on the server side and Javascript o nthe client.  Runs as a daemon w/ mod_proxy and is gpl'd I think13:11
vladuz976sorry, just recently switched to ubuntu mneptok13:11
vladuz976mneptok: didn't know about that13:11
mneptokvladuz976: and you're apologizing for that?13:11
vladuz976mneptok: will google now13:11
vladuz976mneptok: no, for probably asking obvious questiosn13:12
mneptokvladuz976: uncomment backport repos in /etc/apt/sources.list13:12
Matr|Xglitsj16 sorry its just with firefox , andits one word at the time ,13:12
ActionParsnipscunizii'll check it out duder, thanks :)13:12
mneptokvladuz976: sudo apt-get update && apt-cache show monodevelop13:12
dmahi all13:13
scunizi_!hi | dma13:13
ubottudma: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!13:13
dmai have a problem with the system monitor13:14
sleepy_cat!me |talk13:14
ubottutalk: Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots13:14
vladuz976mneptok: yeah looks like only 1.0 is available13:14
glitsj16Matr|X: yes, that's a limitation i realized that too late .. there might be native ubuntu options with espeak and stardict, read the description of those packages in Synaptic and check if they have the features you want (don't use it myself so i can't say for sure)13:14
dmawhen i try to kill or finish any process it exits and doesn't do anything13:14
Matr|Xthx bor13:15
Matr|Xbro ***13:15
clifuActionParsnip: I should've thought of that. Fixed it. thanks13:15
glitsj16Matr|X: no problem :)13:15
dmai have to use KDE system monitor, but I want to use the gome system monitor13:15
Matr|Xim speaking english but i have problem i forgit how to say words :O13:16
Matr|Xhow to read13:16
sleepy_cat!me |talk13:16
scunizi_dma: have you tried htop from terminal?  might be worth the effort13:16
sleepy_cat!Matr|x |talk13:16
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about Matr13:16
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!13:17
sleepy_cat!talk |Matr|x13:17
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about talk13:17
scunizi_sleepy_cat: play with the bot in #ubuntu-bots13:17
dmaok! it's now working13:17
dmathanks and sry for my english13:18
gerryxiaohow to setup module not autoload at startup?13:18
ihate88hey. i played around with xorg.conf. i managed to add a custom mode line! and using one screen that contains two monitors! now metacity thinks i have one BIG screen attached. how would i have to play around with Viewport numbers in xorg.conf?13:19
fastaWhen I go to System -> Sound and click on the test button I get: audiotestsrc wave=sine freq=512 ! audioconvert ! audioresample ! gconfaudiosink: Failed to connect: Connection refused13:19
fastaWhen I run alsamixer as root I get alsamixer: function snd_ctl_open failed for default: No such file or directory13:20
caiquehail my friend13:20
caiquei need more informations of ubuntu13:20
fastaCan someone please tell me how to get sound working on 8.10?13:20
scunizi_!sound | fasta13:20
ubottufasta: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP313:20
fastascunizi_: ALSA doesn't work to begin with.13:21
caiquewhat is your device?13:21
sergey_hi. what is means that text in13:21
scunizi_fasta: there's a toubleshooting link there..13:21
fastacaique: 03:06.0 Multimedia audio controller: Creative Labs SB Audigy LS13:21
fastascunizi_: yes, I and I tried a million things already, including that.13:22
caiqueaudio dont work?13:22
fastacaique: do you want someone to ban you?13:22
caiquemy english is very bad13:23
scunizi_!enter | caique13:23
ubottucaique: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!13:23
caiqueLOL... how i can send message !enter13:24
mneptokthat's not the way, but i like it.13:24
suzaohow to get x resolution higher ?13:25
suzaodoes anyone know how to do it in 8.10?13:25
elad`If a shell script is using %1, and then is launched without a parameter, it sort of gets stuck. Can I use if-s in a script? Can I see how many parameters were provided?13:25
scunizi_suzao: have you looked in System->Admin->Hardware drivers to see if there is a video driver that needs activating?13:26
scunizi_elad`: if you're trying to automate the replacement of certain files on a remote system.. have you looked at rsync?13:27
elad`How do I reload .bashrc?13:27
sergey_hi. how can i clean apt-get cache?13:27
elad`Scunizi, I'm done with that part. Now I'm just trying to call it with the IP address.13:27
elad`So, how do I make sure that if the IP isn't provided, the script just quits?13:28
scunizi_elad`: not sure.. I know little about scripting .. however if you don't get an answer here you might try ##linux13:29
unr3a1is there a way for me to tell what driver name I am using with my wireless card?13:30
Boohbahsergey_: apt-get autoclean13:31
skald9lost all the icons on my desktop but can see everything in the toolbar13:31
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots13:32
CalabroneSalve a tutti ... c'è qualcuno che suona ? vorrei avere notizie di indingo I/O ... grazie !!!13:33
Pici!it | Calabrone13:33
ubottuCalabrone: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)13:33
CalabroneThank !!13:33
sergey_<Boohbah> it dosen't work. packages is not delete. sorry  for my english13:33
Roland123hi... does anyone know how to hide a titlebar of a specific window. ubuntu 8.04 / gnome13:34
scunizi_for the irssi guru's on ubuntu.. windows are default to "sticky".  How do I change the default to "sticky off"?13:34
Boohbahsergey_: maybe just 'apt-get clean'13:35
unr3a1does no one know how to tell the name of my wi-fi driver?13:35
skald9dont see any drives anymore on my desktop13:35
suzaoscunizi_: the driver is activatede13:35
s44who can i install libcurl13:35
max82frhi guys13:35
sergey_i've tried this command. dont work13:36
max82frdoes anyone know how to restore the original panel on top of the desktop????13:36
cwaltonIs anyone here?13:36
skald9does anyone know why my drives dont show on desktop anymore13:37
skald9i still have them in toolbar13:37
scunizi_suzao: did you just activate it?13:37
elad`How do I do AND in bash scripting?13:37
suzaoscunizi_: activated for a while now13:37
scunizi_suzao: is it an Nvidia card?13:38
elad`And the []. Got it.13:38
cwaltonI tried to install ubuntu on my mac using an external drive, now when I try to boot into Windows I get a "Grub Hard Drive Error"13:38
suzaoscunizi_: yes 760013:38
scunizi_suzao: have you installed nvidia-settings?13:38
sergey_i want to install quake3-data, but i not correctly entered path to cdrom. and now it doest ask path again and uses old path13:38
max82frmax82fr> does anyone know how to restore the original panel on top of the desktop????13:39
max82frmax82fr> does anyone know how to restore the original panel on top of the desktop????13:39
max82frmax82fr> does anyone know how to restore the original panel on top of the desktop????13:39
FloodBot1max82fr: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.13:39
max82frwrong button sorry13:39
twitter1Hi guys13:40
=== arvind_ is now known as arvind_kadri
scunizi_suzao: and are you able to change the resolution in that at all?13:40
skald9who Can help me ?13:40
=== KiiMuRa is now known as KiiMuRa_Away
scunizi_max82fr: ctrl+alt+backspace13:40
twitter1In my taskbar, applications that minimize to an icon are no longer doing so. For example, Pidgin, which should minimize to an icon, is no longer doing so. Same with some other applications. What could be the problem?13:41
suzaoscunizi_:it says unable to create xorg.conf backup when trying to apply/change settings13:41
scunizi_suzao: ah.. you need to run nvidia-settings as root.. so open terminal and sudo nvidia-settings.. then make your changes and save..13:42
max82frdidn t work13:42
twitter1Hello all. My system tray icons are not showing. What to do?13:42
max82frdoes anyone know how to restore original Ubuntu settings??13:43
suzaoscunizi_: thanks for the good tip.. another issue though.. the resolution i need is not displayed in the nvidia settings?13:43
scunizi_suzao: are you using a flat panel or crt monitor?13:43
=== felix_da_catz is now known as felix-da-catz_zz
max82fr<scunizi_>do you  know how to restore original Ubuntu settings??13:44
scunizi_max82fr: no..13:44
suzaoscunizi: no wiat.. flat ;-)13:44
max82frdoes anyone know how to restore original Ubuntu settings??13:44
suzaoscunizi_: I meant.. LCD ;-)13:45
scunizi_suzao: is it hooked up with a vga connector or dvi?13:45
HuufartedQuick mounting question for everybody.  Does Ubuntu have the ability native to mount an ftp server locally or do I need something like curlftpfs?13:46
aatadoes anyone know where i can get help with some vnc issues. i need to know how to vnc to a computer thats connected to my router from outside the local network. #vnc seems to be dead it would be good someone could point me in the right direction13:46
ubottuVNC is a protocol for remote desktop. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNCOverSSH describes how to use it securely.  It works best over fast connections, otherwise look at !FreeNX13:46
treenester1anyone know why vid will temporarily freeze a few seconds in linux mint 6 64bit?13:46
=== arvind_kadri is now known as arvind_khadri
aata!FreeNX > aata13:46
Huufartedaata, you need to forward port 5900 (default) to the appropriate internal PC13:46
ubottuaata, please see my private message13:46
max82frhow to restore Ubuntu to original settings please???13:46
weechat_userAny idea how i can throttle a particular network interface? I want to throttle "lo" in particular.13:47
ubottuFrom more information on vpn please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Gaming_VPN_Using_PPTPD13:47
Huufartedaata, then simply connect to your public IP and you're done13:47
Huufartedaata, a more secure method is by opening an SSH tunnel.13:47
scunizi_suzao: I could be that the monitor isn't telling the computer what it's capable of.. xrandr controls the video for the most part and there is a command for it that will add the resolution to the list of "available" options.  You might also need to add the verticle refresh freqs. to xorg.13:47
Huufarted!ssh | aata13:47
ubottuaata: SSH is the Secure SHell protocol. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSHHowto for usage. Putty is a nice SSH client for Windows; it can be found at http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/13:47
aataHuufarted so like vnc://xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:5900?13:47
scunizi_suzao: I'll send you a link via ubottu13:47
aataor just vnc://xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx13:47
Huufartedaata, yes.  BUt forward the port on your router, first13:47
scunizi_!resolution > suzao13:47
ubottusuzao, please see my private message13:47
aatayes of course13:48
=== weechat_user is now known as sinan
werdnumhi, I want a shell script to run at startup, is adding an init.d entry the best way to do this?13:48
Huufartedaata, port forwarding just tells any connections on your outside port to go to computer 192.168.x.x internally when an attempt is made.13:48
=== pekalongan is now known as yolanda
max82frdoes anyone know how to restore original Ubuntu settings??13:48
Huufartedmax82fr, which settings?13:48
yolandahow are you13:48
skald9my desktop icons are gone including drivers but i still have them in the top Bar13:49
max82frPanel bar especially13:49
Roland123twitter1: maybe you removed the system tray from the panel?13:49
piecesMy panel bar w/ all my launchers and stuff disappeared can anyone tell me know to bring it back?13:50
max82fr<Huufarted> panel bar especially13:50
skald9my desktop icons are gone including drivers but i still have them in the panel Bar13:50
Huufartedmax82fr, I have a link for you.  Stand by.13:50
=== yolanda is now known as micchael
Roland123twitter1: try to add "notification area" to the panel13:51
=== Ciantic_ is now known as Ciantic
scunizi_max82fr: did they disappear when you activated compiz or effects?13:51
histoUghhh just go done wasting 20+ hours trying to use linux as a viable solution for a my mamecabinet13:51
max82fr<scunizi_> not done that13:51
Huufartedmax82fr, I used this a few weeks back.  do this:  http://linuxfud.wordpress.com/2007/02/14/how-to-reset-ubuntugnome-settings-to-defaults-without-re-installing/13:51
max82frthanks a lot13:51
scunizi_histo: what's a mamecabinet?13:51
histoNot going to happen with ubuntu and advancemame though. To many issues iwth framebuffer and svgalib13:52
skald9my desktop icons are gone including drivers but i still have them in the panel Bar ...13:52
max82frHuufarted> did it work fine?13:52
venuI am not able install display drivers. can some 1 help me....graphics card is intel's13:52
Huufartedmax82fr, it really does remove the settings.  All of them.  It does replace them with defaults, but make sure you really do want to reset the entire Gnome desktop13:52
histoscunizi_: mame is a multiple arcade machine emulator it  allows you to run all the arcade gaes on your PC. I built an arcade cabinet with arcade parts joysticks buttons etc.. with a pc inside of it. Basically allt he arcade games running on it.13:52
suzaoscunizi_: VGA13:53
Huufartedvenu:  http://intellinuxgraphics.org13:53
scunizi_histo: cool.13:53
minchehelp help13:53
scunizi_suzao: got that a while ago.. did you see the private message I sent you from ubottu?13:53
minchehow to fix this new flash update13:53
max82frdo i need to restart after, cos it s doing nothing??13:54
Huufartedmax82fr, yes restart.13:54
max82frhow do i restart with no bar???13:54
Huufartedmax82fr, from terminal:  shutdown -r now13:55
Huufartedwell, use sudo13:55
aataHuufarted works perfectly thanks a million :)13:55
skald9my desktop icons are gone including drivers but i still have them in the panelbar13:55
max82frit says need to be root13:55
scunizi_max82fr: sudo shutdown -r now13:55
Huufartedaata, no problem.13:56
Huufartedaata, glad it worked well for you13:56
minchenow me13:56
Huufartedminche, use please.  And promise us your first born.13:56
skald9can somebody please help me with this ; my desktop icons are gone including driver-icons,  but i still have them in the panel Bar13:57
=== Lummoxx is now known as Lummy
SeveasHuufarted, you've eaten enough babies already :)13:57
Huufartedskald9, desktop icons are merely saved in ~/Desktop13:58
twitter1Roland123: Its very probable. And sorry for late response, I was googling13:58
arvind_khadrihi how do i make the bot forget a factoid and make it learn a new one?13:58
skald9they are gone their too13:58
twitter1Roland123: Actually, I was trying to remove Network connections icon from taskbar, but System tray must have also got removed.13:58
Seveasubottu, please tell arvind_khadri about yourself13:58
ubottuarvind_khadri, please see my private message13:59
Roland123twitter1: i was working.. so no harm done :P13:59
twitter1Roland123: But in add to panel dialog, there is no system tray option13:59
suzaoscunizi_: it says cannot find mode VGA-013:59
suzaoscunizi_:how do i know what mode to set.. i want to add 1280x102413:59
suzaoscunizi: correction... cannot find 'output' VGA-013:59
minchei googled it before13:59
minchebut nothing worked =()13:59
Roland123twitter1: it's called notification area...14:00
Roland123twitter1: i have looked for it too :p14:00
scunizi_suzao: what can't find it? xrandr? or nvidia-settings?14:00
max82fr<Huufarted> wicked!! thanks a lot14:00
twitter1Roland123: Thanks for your help. The icons are back :D14:00
Huufartedmax82fr, no problem.  It's a good link, bookmark it.14:01
max82fr<Huufarted> i have a problem with Xchat Gnome. it won t work. i have to use the other one. cn u help?14:01
Huufarted!ask | max82fr14:02
ubottumax82fr: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)14:02
zorglu_q. i got IM spam from my hotmail account, aka msg from people i dont know, is there an option to make it stop ? like 'dont gimme msg from people not in my contact list"14:02
max82fr<Huufarted> do u know?14:02
Huufartedmax82fr, you have to ask the question.  I don't even know what the problem is.14:03
Boohbahzorglu_: hotmail is not ubuntu14:03
skald9my desktop icons are gone including drivericons,  but i still have them in the panel Bar14:03
zorglu_Boohbah: glad you made the difference14:03
scunizi_zorglu_: are you using something like aMSN ?14:03
NOTEBOOKhi man14:03
max82frMy XChat Gnome won t start. It stays in the bottom bar and then disappear14:03
zorglu_scunizi_: im using pidgin14:03
max82frhow to fix that?14:03
Boohbah!hi | NOTEBOOK14:03
ubottuNOTEBOOK: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!14:03
scunizi_zorglu_: if you're using pidgin to connect to messenger then I would switch to aMSN.  That should give you the option of ignoring people outside your contact list14:04
NOTEBOOKi'm late14:04
NOTEBOOKbye bye14:05
skald9how can i restore the icons including the driver-icons on my desktop14:05
zorglu_scunizi: ok noted. somebody on #pidgin just told me the answer it is in the 'privacy' setting14:05
scunizi_zorglu_: ok..14:06
zorglu_scunizi_: thanks for your help14:06
knutwinhi, i have restored my startup-manager configuration to default, and now i get the annoying "error 15: File not found" when i reboot. i cant access my ubuntu anymore. every grub list entry i select does not work and gives out the same "error 15"14:06
arvind_khadriSeveas, thanks...14:06
Huufartedskald9, what made them disappear?14:06
suzaoscunizi_: commandline to xandr14:06
Huufartedskald9, and do you mean on the main desktop portion or did they disappear from the panels on top/bottom?14:06
max82frMy XChat Gnome won t start. It stays in the bottom bar and then disappear14:06
max82fr<max82fr> how to fix that?14:06
arvind_khadriknutwin, you the entries in your menu.lst would be screwed14:06
skald9I dont know, it was suddely gone when i started up today14:06
knutwinarvind_khadri: how can i solve that?14:07
Huufartedmax82fr, I haven't seen that.  I don't know where the settings are kept.  You can try this:  sudo apt-get purge xchat-gnome14:07
arvind_khadriknutwin, are you on live-cd now?14:07
scunizi_suzao: you might be able to add it just by xrandr -s <resolution> .. but I haven't really played with xrandr enough to know how to use it.14:08
knutwinarvind_khadri: no, on another machine with ubuntu14:08
Huufartedmax82fr, but that will WIPE xchat-gnome entirely14:08
skald9directory desktop is empty14:08
suzaoscunizi_: xrander cant find it14:08
scunizi_max82fr: you should be using xchat instead of xchat-gnome anyway..14:08
BLTnoTomatowhen doing commands in the shell, how can I get all the info into one output file? like "ll > crap" and then "who > crap". I want them all to be in one file though, like appending14:09
Huufartedskald9, you'll have to redownload it.14:09
max82frwhat will that do?14:09
scunizi_suzao: not xrander but xrandr14:09
Huufartedmax82fr, it will get rid of xchat-gnome entirely, settings and all. I'd recommend xchat as well, though.14:09
skald9where do i do that ?14:09
Huufartedxchat-gnome is limited and looks like garbage IMO14:09
skald9and how ?µ14:09
Huufartedskald9, however you got them to begin with14:09
max82frU prefer the Gnome one or this one?14:09
arvind_khadriknutwin, ok on the machine with the problem, go the command line from grub , press 'c' and then do find /boot/grub/stage1 , note down the value now and then go the menu back and press 'e' and check for the line 'root' , see if the value is correct or not14:09
Huufartedmax82fr, the regular xchat, not xchat-gnome14:09
scunizi_Huufarted: the ~.xchat config file might still be left after a purge ..14:10
HuufartedScunizi_, I don't doubt it14:10
Huufartedmax82fr, yeah.  Why do you prefer the xchat-gnome?14:10
max82frlooks better, easier to read14:10
skald9what do you mean  Huufarted?14:10
scunizi_max82fr: you can change whatever you want in xchat..14:11
Huufartedskald9, your desktop is just a storage directory, just like everything else.  Either it's gone or on another user's desktop.14:11
skald9only one user here14:11
max82fr<scunizi dunno that yet14:11
knutwinarvind_khadri: im in thze command line, now how can i search?14:11
suzaoscunizi_: yes xrandr14:11
scunizi_max82fr: no matter .. I use irssi14:11
arvind_khadriknutwin, of the machine which has the problem? type 'find /boot/grub/stage1'14:11
Huufartedknutwin:  find . -name "filename" -print14:12
skald9but how come the drives dont show but when i put in a usb-stick i can see it on desktop ?14:12
Huufartedknutwin:  ignore my statement14:12
max82frdoes anyone knows how to set up evolution mail to work with hotmail?14:12
scunizi_suzao: sorry but I'm stuck at this point.. I'll leave it to those with more insight to the problem14:12
scunizi_max82fr: you can't unless you're paying for the hotmail service.. you can however, with gmail14:12
max82fr<scunizi u joking?14:13
skald9no max82fr its true14:13
max82fr<scunizi it s crap14:13
suzaoscunizi_:thanks for your help14:14
max82frdoes anyone use pidgin here??14:14
scunizi_max82fr: no.. as far as I know hotmail is accessable via pop only if you're paying for the service.. gmail has imap and pop access..14:14
scunizi_suzao: sorry I couldn't do more.14:14
max82frscunizi> ok. do u use pidgin?14:14
suzaoscunizi_: np thanks ;-)14:15
scunizi_max82fr: yep. and some others.14:15
max82frscunizi> ok  i got rid of it because there s always an error message about user at start up14:15
DuHastpidgin i used to use :P14:15
max82frscunizi> do u know how to fix this?14:15
knutwinarvind_khadri: my usb keyboard doesnt work14:16
scunizi_max82fr: kind of an undefined error.. can you be more specific?14:16
knutwinarvind_khadri: i have one nomral keyboard, but the letter "b" is broken14:16
max82frscunizi> could not add user or something like that. does it ring a bell?14:16
arvind_khadriknutwin, no other keyboard? do one thing boot into a live-cd14:16
knutwinok one moment14:16
DJonesscunizi_: Thats pretty much true about hotmail, the only exception is if the hotmail account is an old one, from before 2004 when they started charging, also it seems like there are reports the hotmail is allowing free pop3/smtp access in certain countries now http://www.instantfundas.com/2009/01/hotmail-enables-free-pop3-and-smtp.html14:17
scunizi_max82fr: probably something in the syntax of what you were trying to do. I haven't had any issues with pidgin at all.. I've also used ekiga, wengophone, aMSN and finch14:18
max82froki let me reinstall it and i ll tell u the exact thing, ok?14:18
shadeslayerhi, i dont know how it happened,but every time i open a folder it opens in VLC14:18
knutwinarvind_khadri: its booting :-)14:18
scunizi_DJones: I guess that's good news for those that use it.. I use it as my online junk email account.. :)14:18
scunizi_max82fr: k14:18
arvind_khadriknutwin, :)14:19
=== pekalongan is now known as dolop
knutwinarvind_khadri: ...into live cd version14:19
DJonesscunizi_: :) same as me then, may as well let MS cope with my junk mail14:19
shadeslayerhow do i set it back to open with nautilus14:19
scunizi_DJones: I figure it's my effort to keep there servers as busy as possible.. kinda interesting if you turn off all the junk mail filters.14:20
max82fr<scunizi_> found it14:20
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dolopkontolmu jembute wis panjang14:20
=== apple is now known as orangekid
max82fr<scunizi_> Unable to add user / Unknown error (241)14:20
shadeslayernow even the mounts open with VLC14:20
shadeslayerdolop: stop that14:21
max82fr<scunizi_> heard of that?14:21
scunizi_max82fr: would the user be the one you use for messenger?14:21
knutwinarvind_khadri: reday14:21
max82fr<scunizi_> well it s everytime i start pidgin14:21
carlsurenalUn saludo a todo de este novato en el mundo linux14:21
knutwinarvind_khadri: ready14:22
arvind_khadriknutwin, open the terminal and then do sudo grub14:22
carlsurenalSoy de la Rep. Dominicana14:22
=== dolop is now known as xiy
knutwinarvind_khadri: ok14:22
shadeslayerthis is happening ever since i auto run my pendrive14:22
knutwinarvind_khadri: done14:22
scunizi_max82fr: and does it "unload" or is the account setup section available?14:22
arvind_khadriknutwin, now do find /boot/grub/stage114:23
knutwinarvind_khadri: (hd1,6)14:23
max82fr<scunizi apart from that it works fine, but the only thing i know is, when it starts it gives me this shit everytime14:23
FloodBot1toan: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.14:24
shadeslayerwatch it14:24
toanhow to config compiz?14:24
toanhelp me?14:24
max82fr<scunizi_> any idea?14:24
shadeslayer!compiz | toan14:25
ubottutoan: Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion14:25
shadeslayertoan: do you have ccsm??14:25
max82fr<scunizi_> ?14:25
shadeslayeruse it then14:25
knutwinarvind_khadri: (hd1,6) done14:25
knutwinarvind_khadri: what now?14:25
toanthanks you !14:26
max82fr<scunizi_>  still here?14:26
shadeslayernow only if i could know how to solve me problem14:26
scunizi_max82fr: it's related to your msn account I think.. I just googled it and you're not the only one with the problem.. you might google and see what comes up for solutions.. I'm on terminal and using a terminal based browser to look. Kinda hard cutting and pasting from one screen window to the next14:27
arvind_knutwin, sorry had a disconnection14:27
knutwinarvind_: ok14:27
max82froki forget it14:27
knutwinarvind_: (hd1,6)14:27
arvind_knutwin, so what does it return?14:27
max82fr<scunizi_>  what s the best alternative to MSN messenger?14:27
paradoxgoeshereokay I accidentally pressed WIN+R and everything is all zoomed in14:27
paradoxgoesherehow do I fix14:27
arvind_knutwin, now mount your linux drive onto /mnt and change your menu.lst14:27
shadeslayeri unlocked root14:28
scunizi_max82fr: aMSN.. it's in the repos.. there's also emesen or something like that..14:28
knutwinarvind_: /mnt hd1,6???14:28
max82fr<scunizi_> repos?!14:28
knutwinarvind_: dont really know how to do it14:28
max82fr<scunizi_> I use Kmess so far14:29
max82fr<scunizi_> is that good?14:29
scunizi_max82fr: that's where all the programs for ubuntu are located for download.. Check System>Admin>Synaptic Package manager.  That's where you'll find the program14:29
shadeslayermaybe ill just restart14:29
scunizi_max82fr: I don't know what Kmess is..14:29
max82fr<scunizi_> last question, do u have an ipd touch?14:29
orangekidwhat's the difference between suspend and hibernate?14:29
max82fr<orangekid> suspend is the equivalent of Stand by in Windows14:30
arvind_knutwin, nope.... hit Ctrl+Shift+T and type sudo fdisk -l14:30
scunizi_max82fr: my son does.. the only way to make it work is if you're running windows in a vm.. otherwise I think there might be a "jailbreak" way of making it work but it's risky14:30
max82fr<scunizi> I jailbroke it but Im screwed now. it doesn t work in ubuntu14:31
max82fr<scunizi> cannot mount it14:31
orangekidmax82fr:  you just need to restore it14:31
orangekidby dling the firmware from itunes14:31
orangekidthere's also sites with firmware14:31
orangekidcheck out www.ipodtouchfans.com14:31
max82fr<orangekid> do u know how to make it work in Ubuntu???14:31
orangekidthe forums14:31
orangekidi dont know if there's a native linux app that works with the itouch14:32
orangekidi dual boot14:32
max82fr<orangekid> can u help me please14:32
orangekidbecause im a realist =P14:32
max82fr<orangekid>  i ve been looking for help on that for a week14:32
knutwinarvind_: http://pastebin.com/m3c98ebbc14:32
orangekidcheck the ipodtouchfans.com forums14:33
orangekidi gotta run14:33
akhtarAny One from Pakistan14:33
twitter1max82fr: that was too quick14:33
max82fr<twitter1> lol14:33
knutwinarvind__: http://pastebin.com/m3c98ebbc14:34
=== arvind__ is now known as arvind_k
max82fr<twitter1> I think I said what every one else thought, LOL14:34
arvind_kknutwin, cool :) sudo mount -t ext3 /dev/sdb7 /mnt14:34
twitter1max82fr: I don't think so.14:35
max82fryeah right14:35
knutwinarvind_k: did that14:36
scunizi_max82fr: you're being a bit short sighted.. there are people in here from ALL over the world.. just because it's an english channel doesn't mean it's U.S. centric ..14:36
knutwinarvind_k: now?14:36
max82fr<scunizi> I know. still made me laugh, sorry LOL14:36
twitter1max82fr: exactly, I didn't really like that quick NO of yours. But you misunderstood my comment14:36
arvind_kknutwin, gksu gedit /mnt/boot/grub/menu.lst14:37
max82frtwitter1> hark at her!14:37
Dreamglideri just bought a new 2,5' 320Gb 7k2 sata hd, i have it hooked up via a  usb to sata/pata controller but i cant see it in gparted.14:37
knutwinarvind_k: and where root is: replace with hd1,6??14:38
Dreamglideri did a refresh devices but it's still not showing up, lsusb lists the controller.14:38
knutwinarvind_k: you want a pastebin?14:38
arvind_kknutwin, ya i would like to take a look at it :)14:39
knutwinarvind_k: http://pastebin.com/m45d1a95a14:40
shadeslayerstill opens with vlc14:41
arvind_kknutwin, you changed all the instances?14:41
knutwinarvind_k: i dint change anything yet14:41
knutwinarvind_k: what may i do'??14:41
oCean_shadeslayer: if you right-click a folder (in nautilus) and go to >properties and >open with tab. What does it say?14:42
shadeslayerso guys any idea??14:42
shadeslayerone sec14:42
shadeslayeroCean_: thanks14:42
oCean_shadeslayer: :)14:43
shadeslayerdidnt realise it was so simple14:43
oCean_shadeslayer: sometimes things are ..14:43
fastaIs the point of a distribution that users do not need to compile everything and in particular not the kernel? If so, Ubuntu is pointless for me. Since, only after I compiled a kernel, all my hardware magically worked, while the "packages" all failed with mysterious error messages.14:43
fastakernel.org has never let me down, I think.14:43
knutwinarvind_k: still there?14:44
shadeslayeroCean_: true14:44
raphafasta: Then you seem to be an exception.14:44
shadeslayerping him  :P14:44
hari1i am not able to apply advanced visual effects.. i am usin ubuntu 8.04..can some one help me over this...14:44
arvind__knutwin, ok reinstall grub14:44
arvind__hari1, using a graphics card?14:44
knutwinarvind__: how do i do that :-)14:44
hari1 arvind__:no...14:45
arvind__knutwin, go to the terminal where you had done sudo grub14:45
arvind__!help | Guest5472814:45
ubottuGuest54728: Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots14:45
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)14:45
arvind__!ask | Guest5472814:45
ubottuGuest54728: please see above14:45
knutwinarvind__:  im there14:45
arvind__knutwin, root  (hd1,6)14:45
knutwinarvind__:  done14:46
hwildeHello.   I am booted into the livecd and I want to copy /dev/sdb to /dev/sda.  What is the best way?  sda is unformatted.14:46
arvind__knutwin, setup (hd0)14:46
arvind__hari1, i guess you need to have some kind of acceleration for it14:47
hari1 arvind__: i can use inbuilt graphics... i need to install grapics driver i think ... how to do that...?14:47
MaxFrameshello. I am using xubuntu 8.10 and have a problem with the network manager GUI. can someone help me please?14:47
knutwinarvind__: pastebin? ... it says suceeded14:47
hwilde!ask | MaxFrames14:48
ubottuMaxFrames: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)14:48
arvind__knutwin, no need... quit and reboot14:48
knutwinarvind__: ok ill try :)14:48
arvind__knutwin, restricted drivers...14:48
MaxFramesI can't change the network settings with Network Manager. When I try to commit the changes, it says it cannot save them because the connection properties (for eth0) are read-only14:48
MaxFramesin addition, if I change the connection properties with ifconfig the Network Manager does not reflect the changes (it still shows the old values)14:49
knutwinarvind__:  error still there14:49
arvind__knutwin, what error? error 15 ?14:50
arvind__knutwin, ok press 'e' now14:50
arvind__knutwin, what does the line root say?14:50
knutwinroot (hd1,6)14:50
=== arvind__ is now known as arvind_khadri
shadeslayeroh one more thing14:51
Guest54728I have a LAMP-server(Ubuntu server 8.04.xx) all set up with Wordpress. Its behind a home router and its portforwared. It works great if you surf to it from another internet connection of throu a proxy. How can i access the page from my home LAN?14:51
unr3a1hey all14:51
sinanhow can i use "tc" to throttle the localhost?14:51
knutwinarvind__: root (hd1,6)14:51
rohani am using the alpha 5 CD and i find that the brightness notification is not proper - the limits are out of bounds. where do i report a bug?14:51
shadeslayerwhen i want to access files in /home/shadeslayer i cannot see them in startupmanager14:51
arvind_khadriknutwin, press 'c' and do the find thing if they match14:51
unr3a1how can I check to see what wireless driver I need to use in my kismet configuration file?14:51
DrDigitali have burned several ubuntu disk and the live section works but when i install it tells me my cd maybe dirty or bad or i have a bad hard drive, fedora was installed on the system without any problems and its a newer hard drive, how can i from terminal scan the hard drive14:52
shadeslayerbut startup manager opens /home/root by default14:52
knutwinarvind_khadri: my keboard.... you know14:52
ActionParsniphey gus14:52
e3coDrDigital:  could it be the cd drive?14:52
shadeslayerok i think resetting GNOME did the job14:52
arvind_khadriknutwin, hmm no idea what to do now...14:52
arvind_khadriknutwin, can you hang on for a while?14:53
DrDigitalhow could it be the cd drive if the live cds working?14:53
knutwinarvind_khadri: yes.. how long?14:53
ActionParsnipive lost bash completion past the first command (e.g. I can tab complete sudo but apt-get cannot be completed) does anyone have a magic fix?14:53
arvind_khadriknutwin, few mins.. :)14:53
knutwinarvind_khadri: 15 min?14:53
DrDigitali think i keep download bad isos14:53
DrDigitaleven another systems now telling me the same junk14:53
slerderHey guys, for some reason my mic does not work in ubuntu 8.10. Is there anyway i can see if there is an app that is using it or how i could maybe fix it. When i try to make voip calls or use the sound recorder, the computer detects no sound input. yes, it is properly plugged in. Thanks14:54
ActionParsnipDrDigital: do you not check them before you burn them?14:54
hwildeHello.   I am booted into the livecd and I want to copy /dev/sdb to /dev/sda.  What is the best way?  sda is unformatted.14:54
hwildeI want to copy the partition table and everything exactly14:54
ActionParsniphwilde: dd if=/dev/sdb /of=/dev/sda14:54
hwildeActionParsnip, works for unformatted sda ?14:55
ActionParsniphwilde: i dont think grub will transfer14:55
ActionParsniphwilde: definately14:55
hwildeI know how to fixgrub thnx14:55
sayhello1hello, can anyone tell me how to delete all instances of a certain file? I have a few "thumbs.db" from when I copied my windows folders in, and they are annoying, and I would like to delete them all with some sort of sudo rm command14:55
hwildeCan I just say the fact that gparted displays partition size in GiB but allows resizing in GB is a pita14:55
hwilde/dev/sdb1 displays size 71.45 GiB... try resizing /dev/sda1 to match good luck :/14:56
DrDigitalActionParsnip, i dont see a md5 to be able to check against14:56
hwildeActionParsnip,   typo before the of ?    dd if=/dev/sdb /of=/dev/sda14:56
David-offsorry for that14:56
DrDigitalhttp://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/download  can you point me to one?14:56
ActionParsnipDrDigital: what iso did you download. The MD5s are next to the iso files14:56
ubottuTo verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/VerifyIsoHowto or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows14:57
unr3a1does no one know?14:57
hwildeDrDigital,  ^14:57
ActionParsniphwilde: if == input file of == output file14:57
hwildeActionParsnip, right so no /of just of   right14:57
hwildeActionParsnip,   dd if=/dev/sdb /of=/dev/sda      OR    dd if=/dev/sdb of=/dev/sda14:57
hari1can some one guide me to install graphic driver to enable visual effects...?14:57
ActionParsnipsayhello1: find . -name thubs.db -exec rm {} \;14:57
hwilde!nvidia | hari114:58
ubottuhari1: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto14:58
hwilde!compiz | hari114:58
ubottuhari1: Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion14:58
DrDigitalhwilde, dont see how a 8.04 checksum would work for a 8.10 image14:58
ActionParsniphwilde: to copy all of sdb to sda its: sudo dd if=/dev/sdb of=/dev/sda14:58
DarkKnighthey my sound isn't working in my vbox14:58
Kriss3dAnyone know how to have networkingmanager start by itself ?14:58
DarkKnighthey my sound isn't working in my vbox can anyone help me with that14:58
sayhello1thanks actionparsnip14:58
arvind_khadriknutwin, ya . so error 15 is it?14:58
ActionParsnipDrDigital: what version of 8.1014:58
sayhello1thanks actionparsnip14:59
ActionParsnipDrDigital: 64bit, 32bit, desktop, server, minimal?14:59
knutwinarvind_khadri: yes14:59
DrDigitalActionParsnip, the one that united states giggnet gives when you select it from the pop up list14:59
DrDigital64 bit14:59
knutwinarvind_khadri: every grub entry i select is error 1514:59
gnrhi can i have a little help setting up my partitions? :) i have a 320gb hd, would like to know how much to leave for the os and swap etc. but would also like to put windows 7 on a small partition14:59
ActionParsnipDrDigital: is it ubuntu, kubuntus, xubitu?14:59
hwildeDrDigital, f9cdb7e9ad85263dde17f8fc81a6305b *ubuntu-8.10-desktop-amd64.iso15:00
knutwinarvind_khadri: the problem started with resetting startup-manager to default15:00
hwildegnr, my rule of thumb is swap = 2x ram15:00
gnr4gb then. but isn't that a little much hwilde?15:00
arvind_khadriknutwin, your menu.lst seems to be fine... cant you use any other keyboard here? what did you do with network-manager?15:01
DrDigitalits good15:01
gnrand hwilde how would i go about setting up the partitions for windows15:01
arvind_khadrihwilde, thats only for ram less than a gb gnr15:01
DrDigitalguess ill go back to fedora15:01
ActionParsnipDrDigital: http://ftp.sh.cvut.cz/MIRRORS/ubuntu-releases/8.10/MD5SUMS15:01
arvind_khadri!swap | hwilde ,15:01
ubottuhwilde ,: swap is used to move unused programs and data out of main memory to make your system faster. It can also be used as extra memory if you don't have enough. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwapFaq for more info15:01
hwildegnr, how much space do you want for windows?15:01
knutwinarvind_khadri: nothing with network manager.. i just resetted the program "startup-manager" (installable from ubuntu repos) to the default. after doing that he prompted me to reboot. after that the error came15:02
gnraround 20gb hwilde perhaps 3015:02
ActionParsniphwilde: only have a good swap if its needed15:02
arvind_khadriknutwin, oh ok, what did you change?15:02
DrDigitalmd5s match up15:02
fr00dI've an apacheproblem with xen. [ 1196.922123] apache2[4170] general protection eip:b7a908ab esp:bf9579c4 error:0 What do I need to do that apache starts normally?15:02
DrDigitaland ive burned 11 cds15:02
DrDigitaleach one same issue15:02
DrDigitalfedora worked15:03
ActionParsnipDrDigital: you should check those as well as verify the burned cd is ok15:03
fr00dAnother Xen DomU is running apache pretty well.15:03
ActionParsnipDrDigital: also burn the iso as slow as you physically can15:03
Ko_deZHi. I would like to run "blockdev --setra 4096 /dev/sdb" at startup. I was wondering if there is a init.d script that does this? hdparm has its config file, does blockdev also have the same?15:03
DrDigitalyeah i did15:03
DrDigitalslowest the disk allowed15:03
ActionParsnipDrDigital: all awesome so far15:03
ActionParsnip!bootoptions | DrDigital15:03
ubottuDrDigital: For a list and explanation on some of the boot options, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions15:03
hwildeActionParsnip, dd has no progress bar or nothing?    I dunno if this is working or just sitting there.15:03
knutwinarvind_khadri: i dont really know.. there was a button that said reset to default and i pressed it :x ... before that i was trying to install a usplash theme15:03
ActionParsnipDrDigital: try some bootoptions like acpi off nodma etc15:04
DrDigitali just plan to use the system to run virtualizations of other linux system15:04
loopuxi have a problem with grub...15:04
ActionParsniphwilde: depending on the partition sizes will dictate how long it takes, dd unfortunately has no progress bar15:04
yowwwwim getting an error 24 on my jaunty install (the file system is clean), anyone have any ideas? ive already reinstalled grub.15:04
ActionParsniphwilde: but it will do a bit by bit copy15:04
hwildeActionParsnip, and they are solid state so I can't even hear them doing anything...15:05
knutwinarvind_khadri: i have an adapter from usb to ps2? does that help me?15:05
DarkKnighthey my sound isn't working in my vbox15:05
DarkKnighthey my sound isn't working in my vbox can anyone help me wih that15:05
hwildeActionParsnip, fdisk shows the partition table created so I guess it's doing something.15:05
hwilde!vbox | DarkKnight15:05
arvind_khadriknutwin, aah, dont try to play with usplash it most of the times doesnt work :) .. i have no idea about that adapter , you can try anyways15:05
ubottuDarkKnight: virtualbox is a x86 !virtualizer. A !free edition is available from !Gutsy as 'virtualbox-ose'. A non-free edition is available at http://virtualbox.org for most Ubuntu releases (help in #vbox) - Setup details at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualBox15:05
hari1can some one guide me Installing  Intel Corporation 82845G/GL[Brookdale-G]/GE Chipset Integrated Graphics  controller drivers on Ubuntu ....?15:05
ActionParsniphwilde: shoud be smooth then, solid state is less bursty that platter based15:05
Guest28677Hi I started Xnest like so "Xnest :10". How do I run gdm in it now?15:06
hwildeActionParsnip, how does it handle blank space?  disk is 74G but only 4G used.  will it write all those zeros too15:06
fr00dWhat's the matter when I can't even start /usr/sbin/apache2 --help?15:06
Eressolarfr00d: exactly what error do you receive?15:07
hechuhari1, can you use X environment now ?15:08
ActionParsniphwilde: i believe they will be unallocated space but i think you can add them to the other partitions of make a new on e and mount it some place15:09
hechufr00d, you may use "sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 start" to start you http server.15:09
arvind_khadriknutwin, ???15:09
fr00dEressolar: [   70.658298] apache2[3908] general protection eip:b7b158ab esp:bff32c04 error:015:09
fr00dThis is the exact error.15:09
knutwinarvind_khadri: i have to get it from a friend.. give me 5 min15:10
fr00dhechu: The init-script doesn't work asswell.15:10
hari1hechu: i am not able to enable visual effects .. .15:10
arvind_khadriknutwin, sure :)15:10
jcis there an off-topic channel15:10
DJones!offtopic | jc15:10
ubottujc: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!15:10
gnranyone have a little time to help me set up some partitions, little new to it..15:11
kestrelmy friend, for whom I set up Ubuntu, is having an issue.  The applications menu has stopped working!  Places and System still work, but Applications will not react to button press.  Any ideas?15:11
marca311gnr sure15:11
hechuhari1, did you installed compiz ?15:12
yangyanli_Hi all, could someone give me a guide on how to set the CATALINA_HOME?15:12
virtaavafr00d, that souns like kernels Segmentation fault error message?15:12
gnrthanks marca311, does pm work on this server? bit busy in here..15:12
fr00dvirtaava: Not the Kernel segfaults but the apache.15:13
hechuhari1, usually 845G chipset use i810 driver. and I remember my old computer(which has a 845G chipset) can run 3D effect.15:13
marca311gnr. i don't know15:13
fr00dGoogle says I should run memcheck, but I don't think that really helps in an Xen DomU.15:14
gnrmarca311:  join #marca311    :D15:14
virtaavatry rebuilding your ldap15:14
hari1hechu:but in hardware drivers, no driver is being displayed to be activated...15:14
hechuhari1, the 'hardware drivers' is used to provide restricted drivers such as ATI/Nvidia graphics driver or WLAN wifi driver.15:16
eldenzhow is the package named that give me manpages for C/systemcalls ?15:17
eldenzlike lstat etc15:17
arvind_khadri!hi | king15:17
ubottuking: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!15:17
hari1hechu:then how can i config my onboard graphics to support visual effects of ccsm...?15:18
DrDigitalbizzare, CentOS just burned and installed no issues15:18
RizRhello. Is there a way to open a new tab in an already opened gnome-terminal using command line?15:18
RizRIt's like doing gnome-terminal --tab but attach it with an existing window rather than opening a new one15:18
arvind_khadriRizR, ctrl+shift+t15:19
RizRarvind_khadri: that opens in current gnome-terminal window. I need in "any" open gnome-terminal window15:20
scunizi_RizR: yes.. it's called screen.. check it out15:20
scunizi_RizR: but... you have to start screen before you get wrapped up in doing something at terminal.. if you can send what you have going to the background then you can initiate screen15:21
admin_masu3701hello i have a question... i dont know what happen but i am not root user anymore..i try to sudo apt-get update and get a message user is not in the sudoers15:21
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admin_masu3701how can i become root again?15:22
RizRscrunizi_: I know screen but I think that's not what I need.15:22
hechuhari1, I am reading some document about 845. it seems some bad news.15:22
erUSUL!root | admin_masu370115:22
ubottuadmin_masu3701: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo15:22
scunizi_RizR: screen will "split" so you can have something going in each window15:22
erUSUL!sudo > admin_masu370115:22
ubottuadmin_masu3701, please see my private message15:22
=== jan_ is now known as netlynx
RizRscunizi_: screen deals with the outout of terminals and the terminal itself. I need something to talk to the gnome-terminal thing.15:22
hechuhari1, refer to the release note of 8.10: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/810#Hangs%20with%20desktop%20effects%20on%20Intel%20830MG%20and%20845G%20video%20cards15:23
arvind_khadriadmin_masu3701, check out /etc/sudoers15:23
hechuhari1, There is a bug in the Intel video driver for the older intel 830 and 845 integrated video cards that are used on laptops like the IBM R30. Desktop effects with compiz will not work on those chips and will freeze the system. For new installations, please install using the safe graphics mode (press F4 in the startup screen) on these systems and disable desktop effects via System -> Preferences -> Appearance, clicking on "Visual effects" and choosing "No15:24
scunizi_RizR: maybe I misunderstood .. you wanted a new tab in terminal, the gui windowed terminal ?15:24
AlexMaxHi there, is it possible to enable cyrilic characters in gnome-terminal?15:24
RizRscunizi: yes.15:24
RizRscunizi_: if one has more than one gnome-terminals open and one wants to open a new tab in gnome-terminal window of his choice. how it's done.15:25
AlexMaxMy locale is utf-8 but when i look at cyrilic text in irssi for example it shows up as a bunch of weird letters15:25
scunizi_RizR: so you're just looking for the command to make that happen but not because you neccessarily need another tab..?15:25
magnetronAlexMax→ your IRC friends probably doesn't use UTF-815:25
hechuhari1, bad news. I don't know if it fixed now.15:25
tuxorzhello everyone and good moring15:26
jcAlexMax: unicode terminal?15:26
magnetrontuxorz→ welcome and good afternoon15:26
RizRscunizi_: well I need another tab :-) that's why I'm looking for it.15:26
hechuhari1, but I do remember I've use 3D effect in my old computer.15:26
tuxorzty magnetron15:26
AlexMaxjc: yeah i'm using gnome-terminal in utf-8 mode15:26
hari1hechu:then how to go about........?15:26
l3dplated_Linuxhow many accounts should I make on a fresh install?15:26
magnetronAlexMax→ your terminal already accepts cyrillic letters, but maybe your font doesn't?15:27
scunizi_RizR: File/New Tab .. since you're in the gui use the menu15:27
admin_masu3701arvind_khadri: when i try to access /etc/sudoers it says that i dont have permission15:27
devilsF00dhi how can you determine what your broadcast address should be when setting an interface for a static IP?15:27
AlexMaxmagnetron: I'm using normal font15:27
magnetronl3dplated_Linux→ are you talking about user accounts? one account per user i guess.15:27
RizRscunizi_: this is straight forward but not what I asked. no worries mate. I think it can't be done using gnome-terminal.15:27
RizRscunizi_: thanks anyway.15:27
tuxorzis anyone avalible to help with some issues i'm having with opengl support for my ATI 3100 mobile radeon graphic card for my laptop?15:27
knutwinarvind_khadri: the adapter doesnt work15:28
AlexMaxmagnetron: However I added the cyrlic iso encodings and switch to that. then i started to see cyrlic letters15:28
admin_masu3701ubottu: i was able to do updates and install before15:28
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)15:28
admin_masu3701now i just cant15:28
hechuhari1, my old computer runs 3D very fine. about 2 years ago.15:28
arvind_khadriadmin_masu3701, do cat /etc/sudoers and see if your name is there?15:28
magnetronAlexMax→ that means that your friends doesn't use UTF-8.15:28
knutwinarvind_khadri: maybe i backup my files and reinstall ubuntu... or is there another way?15:28
arvind_khadriknutwin, aah bad luck.... backup whatever is there in your home... and re-install and remember not to mess with usplash :P :)15:29
l3dplated_LinuxMagnetron  so I should see me and root in the user list if no one else is going to use the pc15:29
tuxorzim running compiz fusion just fine but i am unable to get any viewable game play in the opengl type of games15:29
hari1hechu:ok... i will catch u later..........15:29
hechuhari1, a  celeron 1.7G CPU and integrated 845G graphics card. it's not a laptop, just a desktop computer.15:29
arvind_khadriknutwin, home folder i meant :)15:29
S7UMPYanyone know how to get a gigaware webcam working on ubuntu 8.10?15:29
magnetronl3dplated_Linux→ no, there will be some more accounts for technical reasons. no one will be able to log into those, though15:30
maxagaz_can i use any touch screen with ubuntu ?15:30
arvind_khadri!cam | S7UMPY15:30
ubottuS7UMPY: Instructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras15:30
perlsyntaxi got a pdf file i want to print how do i do that in ubuntu?15:30
hari1hechu: tx anyway........15:30
tuxorzcan someone direct me to a channel that i can get support for my ubuntu distro?15:30
hechuhari1, you are welcome.15:30
erUSULperlsyntax: double click on it. File>Print15:30
magnetronperlsyntax→double click on it, choose File menu > print15:30
magnetronerUSUL→ plol15:30
S7UMPYubottu: iv tried both of those sites, and nothing worked15:30
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)15:30
perlsyntaxi did that15:30
perlsyntaxdidn't work15:30
magnetronperlsyntax→ some PDF:s disable printing15:30
ubottuXubuntu is Ubuntu with Xfce instead of !GNOME. More info at http://www.xubuntu.org and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/ - To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop » - Join #xubuntu for support - See also: !Ubuntu and !Xubuntu-Channels15:31
admin_masu3701cant cat /etc/sudoers15:31
erUSULperlsyntax: any error msg? did the printer icon appear on the notification area? did you choose the correct printer?15:31
hechu!xubuntu | tuxorz15:31
admin_masu3701its says permission denied15:31
ubottutuxorz: please see above15:31
FloodBot1raytus: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.15:32
erUSUL!es | raytus15:32
ubotturaytus: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.15:32
ubottufluxbox is a lightweight and responsive window manager for GNU/Linux. For how to set it up and more information see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fluxbox15:32
arvind_khadriadmin_masu3701, sudo 0i15:32
arvind_khadriadmin_masu3701, sudo -i15:32
raytustoy downloading linux mint, a ver si anda x q lo stros linux no15:32
perlsyntaxi say to many failed to print15:33
devilsF00dare there any services other then mysql that you have to modify if you change your static IP?15:33
mostafahow to install /media/Multi 2/Programs/flashp7/FP7_archive/r25/install_flash_player_7_linux.tar.gz15:34
funkyHatI've created a root Certification Authority, Is there a place where I can put a copy of the certificate on my machines so it will be accepted by my applications?15:34
perlsyntaxerUSUL, did you get my error message15:34
mostafahow to install  install_flash_player_7_linux.tar.gz15:34
arvind_khadri!flash | mostafa15:34
ubottumostafa: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash (a recent version for !Dapper is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash15:34
erUSULperlsyntax: i say to many failed to print <<< this?15:34
perlsyntaxi not sure what i doing wroung15:35
erUSULperlsyntax: well that doesn't say top much... do other apps fail to print too?15:35
perlsyntaxnope just that15:35
bradFanyone successfully using the "Provider for Google Calendar" for Thunderbird?15:35
perlsyntaxi did install cups-pdf15:36
tuxorzCan some one work with me on my graphics challengen?15:36
ubottuswap is used to move unused programs and data out of main memory to make your system faster. It can also be used as extra memory if you don't have enough. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwapFaq for more info15:36
Phantom-Xare there any easy way to make ipset work ?15:36
Phantom-Xi mean i ahve done apt-get ipset , but it seems that the kernel and iptables module has no support for ipset... ????15:37
tuxorzDoes one really need swap when they have 2 Gib of mem alrdy15:37
raytussomeone know how to install amarok 2?15:38
erUSULperlsyntax: try to print it from comman line... "lpr file.pdf"15:38
Dreamglideri want to clone a 80gb disk to a 320gb disk, do i just type  "dd if=/dev/source if=/dev/destination" and wait ?15:38
lianimatortuxorz: if you use more than 2 GB of ram, yes15:38
arvind_khadriraytus, sudo apt-get install amarok15:38
tuxorzi havne't as of yet but i did make a 2 Gib swap just in case...is that over kill?15:39
=== xtr-II is now known as xtr
kane77when using alsa (in various programs such as hydrogen, virtualbox etc) it gives slight crackling noise when playing.. what could cause this? how can I fix it?15:40
funkyHatDreamglider: yes that will work, you'll have to increase the partition and then the filesystem size afterwards though probably15:40
Droopsta915I need to help a friend fix his computer. Is there a windows chat in here?15:40
PiciDroopsta915: ##windows15:40
erUSULDroopsta915: ##windows15:40
perlsyntaxi try that nopt anything worked15:40
raytusit doesnt work, but ill try later15:40
Droopsta915I tell him to switch to ubuntu, maybe this blue screen will change his mind:)15:40
anton_how 2 kill app in ubuntu?15:40
erUSULanton_: kill $PID or killall appname15:41
tuxorzanyhow, can some one explain why my graphics work for compiz fusion on my desktop GREAT but my display goes crazy running games15:41
Phantom-Xdo i need to patch or retrieve another kernel to get ipset to work in ubunti intrepid ?15:41
arvind_khadrituxorz, as compiz uses all of the grpahics :) simple15:42
funkyHattuxorz: possibly because Compiz is using OpenGL already, so the game can't15:42
tuxorzreally wow that may be it15:42
perlsyntaxerUSUL not anytjhing happon15:42
anton_erUSUL: killall doesnt work15:42
erUSULperlsyntax: :| dunno what may be the problem sorry15:42
tuxorzso should i get fluxbox or something for gaming?15:42
ubottuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal15:42
funkyHatanton_: try pkill15:42
DreamgliderfunkyHat: is it easy to do ?15:43
tuxorzor just turn of compiz-fusion15:43
anton_funkyHat thx15:43
lianimatorhow can I play H.264/AVC Video files? The thumbnail shows, what player should I use to play it?15:43
perlsyntaxcan anyone help me15:43
storbeckanton_: What's the PID?15:43
tuxorzill go test this idea bbl peace15:43
anton_how 2 restore screen size?15:43
funkyHatDreamglider: I think that gparted can do it all for you (don't know for certain, never tried it)15:43
huhn23Hello. I've got the mp3 unfree package installed, still however, playing mp3/ogg&whatever music file will only work occasionally.sometimes when I press play just nothing happens. this happens in all (rhythmbox, exaile,banshee) players. what could it be?15:44
DreamgliderfunkyHat: does the destination need to be partitioned at all? (it's a brand new disk)15:44
anton_how 2 restore screen size?15:44
DreamgliderfunkyHat: and the source has 3 partitions, one ntfs one ext3 and a swap area15:44
funkyHatDreamglider: no, dd will copy everything, including the partition table if you use the device names for if and of15:44
cristihy! i am having a sound problem. when i plug in my headset the sound outputs through headset AND speakers, instead of just headset. What should i do?15:45
storbeckcristi: mute Front15:45
funkyHatDreamglider: right... which partition are you planning to expand?15:45
DreamgliderfunkyHat: i need to clone the whole drive15:45
dmizeron the xfce desktop, how do i change the name of the "home" folder to my username?15:45
crististorbeck: if i do so the sound won't output through headset15:46
funkyHatDreamglider: ok, dd will do that, but after you've done that, which partition do you want to expand to fill the extra space you'll have?15:46
storbeckcristi: It should15:46
cristibut it's not15:46
crististorbeck: but it's not15:47
storbeckcristi: Try muting PCM then15:47
DreamgliderfunkyHat: ahh, well first ill expand the ext3(Ubuntu) partition, and if posible id like the ntfs a bit bigger allso, but primary the ext3 partition.15:47
crististorbeck: same15:47
arvind_khadri!resolution | anton_15:47
funkyHatDreamglider: I'm guessing your ntfs partition is first on the disc, in which case expanding your ext3 partition will be quite easy, but the nfts one not so much15:47
ubottuanton_: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution15:47
=== corey is now known as ferocious
storbeckcristi: Try opening up alsamixer and playing around with mute. On mine I just mute Front and headphones still work15:48
dmizerin xfce, how do i change the name of the home icon on the desktop to my user name?15:48
crististorbeck: blah ok15:48
erUSULdmizer: try #xubuntu15:48
dmizererUSUL thanks.15:48
crististorbeck: i did, and didn't reach any results15:49
erUSULdmizer: no problem15:49
tuxorzhello everyone15:49
DreamgliderfunkyHat: yes the ntfs is first then comes the ext3, i have tried to expand the ext3 with gparted, it's quite easy.15:50
tmpnamHi, does this ":(){ :|:& };:" echo "Bill Gates sucks" on your ubuntu box?15:50
=== izibi_ is now known as izib
SEVILLAtuxorz: Hello15:50
DreamgliderfunkyHat: what you mean with if and of ?15:50
tmpnamWhen executed with BASH?15:50
erUSUL!ops | tmpnam Fork Bomb15:50
ubottutmpnam Fork Bomb: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu,  imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, Madpilot, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso,  PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!15:50
funkyHatDreamglider: the arguments to the dd command15:50
JubezHi, is there a channel on freenode that deals with the ubuntu-server OS in particular?15:50
ubottuDO NOT RUN THAT COMMAND That particular command is DANGEROUS and shouldn't be uttered here. REST OF YOU: DANGER, WILL ROBINSON, DANGER! Do not use the command or utter it here thank you!15:50
* erUSUL do not do what the looser tmpnam says15:50
DreamgliderfunkyHat:  is   "dd if=/dev/source if=/dev/destination" wrong ? (here both are "if")15:50
funkyHatDreamglider: yes it should be dd if=/dev/source of=/dev/destination15:51
arvind_khadrierUSUL, i always thought you were a op :)15:51
ariqsok, say I compile something with qmake -recursive and then make, and I want to throw in cpu optimization for my cpu in the compile, how do I go about that? I can't even find a makefile in this thing15:51
tuxorzhello SEVILLA15:51
tuxorzwell its not my compiz fusion thats the problem, i turned it off and tried planet penguin racer but i still get a bunch of horizontal lines ruining the display15:51
DreamgliderfunkyHat: ok thank you. Ill initiate the command now and pray.15:51
erUSULarvind_khadri: i do not have that responsability XD15:51
funkyHatDreamglider: sorry I didn't notice you'd put if twice in your question15:52
arvind_khadrierUSUL, its ok :)15:52
oxygenhow can i set ubuntu15:52
oxygensudo root ?15:52
erUSUL!root | oxygen15:52
ubottuoxygen: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo15:52
tuxorzi can hear sound and all and see the colors but i am unable to get it to display correctly?15:52
erUSUL!rootpass | oxygen15:52
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about rootpass15:52
nemerahi there15:52
erUSULoxygen: we do not support ubuntu with enabled root account here. thank you15:53
Jeruvyoxyen: passwd and addpasswd, see man passwd for details15:53
storbeckoxygen: If you're just setting the reg. user password, just use: passwd15:53
tuxorzim on a laptop,...humm maybe its my resolution setting for my desktop 1200 x 80015:53
crististorbeck: hm something interesting. i started alsamixer in terminal and at headphone i can't adjust volume or manipulate.15:53
funkyHatDreamglider: if you're happy with just resizing your ext3 partition then that's fine, if you want to resize your ntfs too I would suggest partitioning the new drive with 1 partition the same size (or a bit bigger) than your current ntfs, then taking out your old disc, using the windows installer disc to 'repair' the installation and repartitioning ntfs from windows15:53
nemerado someone know a program that is a wysiwyg for web creation ? like drag and drop feature ( a bit like Iweb on apple os 10 )15:53
OmaticHi guys, how can I delete a file or directory refuses to delete with the command rm -rf <filename> claiming that it's Read-only, It's also not accepting permission or ownership changes, the files are in a flash disk. Thanks15:54
arvind_khadri!nvu | nemera15:54
ubottunemera: kompozer is a WYSIWYG HTML editor for easily creating web pages, and the continuation of the dead Nvu project. It is available in !Universe on !Gutsy and later releases.15:54
erUSULnemera: kompozer ?15:54
funkyHatDreamglider: then after that creating a new partition using gparted, then use dd to copy just your / partition, then resize that using gparted15:54
itempart & 215:54
storbeckOmatic: chmod 644 file15:54
nemerathanks a lot friends :) ill take a look at it15:54
erUSULOmatic: the filesystem is mounted as read only. you have to remount it rw15:54
storbeckOr rather, sudo chmod 644 file15:54
nemerai m so happy with my ubuntu ( no other system on computer anymore appart ubuntu intrepid ;p )15:54
nemerakomposer and nvu :)t will check tha15:55
erUSULOmatic: maybe the flash disk has a hardware switch to "lock" it15:55
OmaticerUSUL, how do I remount and mount15:55
admin_masu3701can someone tell me how to make a user be root15:55
erUSULOmatic: try this "sudo mount -o remount,rw /mount/point"15:55
erUSULadmin_masu3701: the first user created on a ubuntu system can use sudo15:56
tuxorzno its not the resolution thats stopping me from playing planet penguin racer15:56
erUSULadmin_masu3701: if you want some other user to have the same powers just add him to the admin group15:56
tuxorzMay I get some help on this graphic challenge here?15:56
storbeckadmin_masu3701: sudo -i15:57
coreyI am looking for  a desktop manager that is eye candy15:57
funkyHattuxorz: try running `metacity --replace' before you start your game and see if it makes any difference15:57
monrealCan someone help me with a kernel/module/boot problem? Looks like ubuntu generates broken initrds for me now which don't boot. All I see at boot is ""udevadm trigger is not permitted while udev is unconfigured."15:57
skald9can someone help me ? No icons anymore on my desktop and can't mount external harddisk (even after re-installing!)15:57
funkyHattuxorz: you can run compiz --replace to turn compiz back on afterwards15:57
tuxorzfunnyHat ok ty15:58
ghostcubecompiz --replace & disown15:58
coreyI am looking for  a desktop manager that is eye candy15:58
mostafawht is compiz15:58
ghostcubede is not eyecandy the WM will be the eyecandy15:58
storbeckcorey: That's a generic question. For me, eye candy is fluxbox. For others, it's gentoo with all the compiz features15:58
ghostcubeso compiz or kde4 effects will do this15:58
scunizi_corey: e17 is popular15:59
arvind_khadri!compiz | mostafa15:59
ubottumostafa: Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion15:59
storbeckerr, not gentoo, ubuntu*15:59
coreyThank guys! I am looking for one that is pretty like vista and has the search bar for files15:59
storbeckOh my15:59
bribagzwhats Vista?16:00
scunizi_corey: the searchbar is called deskbar and you can put that on gnome if you want16:00
arvind_khadri!vista | bribagz16:00
ubottubribagz: vista is a recent version of Microsoft Windows. Discussion on Windows related topics is available in ##windows. General issues on moving from Windows to Ubuntu is convered in the wiki guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwitchingToUbuntu/FromWindows16:00
tuxorzno funnyHat that didn't work16:00
coreyscunizi_ : deskbar? Thank I will look into that16:00
Jan|how do I change gslideshow settings?16:00
sammylets say I deleted a functions file that an init.d script needs. trying to remove, install, force remove or force install that package using apt-get or dpkg tries to stop the daemon using the init script first, which can't find the function file, and dies.16:00
ubottuUbuntu Server Edition is a release of Ubuntu designed especially for server environments, including a server-specific !kernel and no !GUI. The install CD contains many server applications. Current !LTS version is 8.04. For more info see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ServerFaq/ and https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/serverguide/C/index.html - Use the #ubuntu-server channel for support16:01
funkyHattuxorz: no difference? or the command didn't work?16:01
sammyI should be able to restore the function file from the .deb or set the daemon state to stopped somehow, but I'm  not sure how to do either.16:01
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about sabayon16:01
tuxorzi still can her the sound, see the basic color scheme but its still all horozontal lines16:01
scunizi_corey: just right mouse click one of your bars and "add" then look for Deskbar in the list16:01
MarkH88Hi, im currently running ubuntu and i want to nuke my VISTA partition and install XP on it, i was just hoping for some advice before i do this16:01
tuxorzi used the compiz icon to switch to metacity16:01
scunizi_MarkH88: you can do that but after reinstalling xp you'll have to fix grub.. I'll send you a link16:02
scunizi_!grub > MarkH8816:02
ubottuMarkH88, please see my private message16:02
funkyHatMarkH88: my advice is be very careful when choosing your partition in the windows XP installer, it can be tricksy. Also after you've done that you'll have to use the ubuntu live CD to reinstall Grub16:02
tuxorzand it does it not only for games but for just about anything that runs advancded graphics16:02
tuxorzits like some horizontal sync is messing up....i dropped my display to 1024 by 768 too16:03
ariqsI don't know what I'm doing, I ran qmake -recursive -makefile, and now I don't know how to make with the makefile make -f Makefile doesn't work16:04
Akkernight_Hello. How do I see if my Ubuntu is 64bit16:04
profanephobiaCan i change the color of the selection box the mouse makes?16:04
funkyHatAkkernight_: uname -a16:05
natsukashiHm, I managed to fail with my dualboot installation. Ubuntu is the only one that boots now. ):16:05
Akkernight_where do I type uname -a16:05
natsukashiAnd the wiki didn't help me either. ):16:05
funkyHatAkkernight_: in a terminal window16:06
erUSUL!cli | Akkernight_16:06
ubottuAkkernight_: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal16:06
cristinatsukashi: what happened?16:06
Gestonhello item16:06
OmaticerUSUL, why do I get this error mount: special device remount,rw does not exist16:06
Akkernight_why is my keyboard symbols not at same place as on Windows_ I havn\t installed Ubuntu yet, im running it on the DVD16:07
natsukashicristi: Well, I followed the normal installation procedure and when I rebooted my computer it just booted Ubuntu. Then I checked the boot thingy in BIOS and there were only Ubuntu to be chosen from. :/16:07
erUSULOmatic: is with the -o "sudo mount -o remount,rw /mount/point"16:07
ubottuswap is used to move unused programs and data out of main memory to make your system faster. It can also be used as extra memory if you don't have enough. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwapFaq for more info16:07
erUSULAkkernight_: System<Preferences>keyboard choose the correct layout16:08
perlsyntaxnyone know how to print a pdf file off your printer???????16:08
tuxorzanyone know a good place to go get graphic support?16:08
cristinatsukashi: if you installed windows, and then ubuntu you should be able to see both with grub at startup16:08
funkyHatAkkernight_: possibly because you have a UK keyboard (or some other layout) and the CD defaults to US16:08
OmaticerUSUL, oh I see16:08
Akkernight_I have Scandinavian, and thanks!16:08
pktwhat would be needed in order to get the support for hotplugging wacom tablets to ubuntu?16:08
pktIt is working in Fedora rawhide16:08
coreyA friend of mine has his desktop go through a slide show. How do I do that?16:08
perlsyntax'i try lpr file.pdf and didn't workl16:08
natsukashicristi: Exactly, but I can't. ):16:09
tuxorzwell ty all for the help16:09
pktjust file a bug and attach the relevant files ?16:09
natsukashiShould I format the partition and install Ubuntu again?16:09
perlsyntaxis anyone going to help ,me16:10
coreyA friend of mine has his desktop go through a slide show. How do I do that?16:10
pktcorey: gnome or kde?16:10
cristinatsukashi: i don't know then, i've done this before, but it never happened not to be able to see windows ... usually problems are when trying to install windows after ubuntu16:10
coreypkt: gnome16:10
pktyou probably need compiz then (don't ask more, I don't use gnome :)16:10
perlsyntaxi still have prob with my printer16:10
pktperlsyntax: what printer?16:11
storbeckcorey: apt-cache search slideshow16:11
perlsyntaxhp C428016:12
coreystorbeck: thanks i will try that16:12
perlsyntaxi try to print a pdf file16:12
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Besogonnatsukashi, You will can try to modify /boot/grub/menu.lst16:12
ubottuPlease try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!16:12
perlsyntaxcan you help me pkt?16:13
c0p3rn1cI installed the ubuntu mythtvfrontend, now everytime I boot my pc the mythtvfrontend starts before I login, how can I remove this?16:13
* last-ottom4n is away (Gule Gule (Cevrim Disi) | Bye Bye (Offline))16:14
hareldvdlooking for a document about how to add language support using scim16:14
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perlsyntaxyou there pkt?16:14
natsukashiBesogon: I'm quite new to this, should I just write /boot/grub/menu.st in the terminal?16:16
perlsyntaxam i talking to the wall or something?16:16
raimy friend is using ubuntu 8.10. But now when he log in a totally black screen appears. icannot change any of the settings now. This problem appeared after some changing some setting in compiz config. Please help me to solve this.16:17
perlsyntaxi am out of here none helping16:18
* coskund is away (Gule Gule (Cevrim Disi) | Bye Bye (Offline))16:18
Pici!away > coskund16:18
ubottucoskund, please see my private message16:18
c0p3rn1crai: press CTRL-ALT-F1 and login trough the terminal and change your config there16:18
natsukashiI don't like the looks of this. One of my HDD's isn't showing up16:19
Besogonnatsukashi, No. This file like boot.ini in Windows and more. Sorry. I cant tell you enough about it, but in the internet have many information.16:19
yharrownatsukashi, what issue were you having?16:19
arvind_khadrirai, ask #compiz-fusion16:20
natsukashiyharrow: The one with Windows not showing up in the boot menu or about a HDD that suddenly disappeared?16:20
yharrownatsukashi, boot entries are listed in /boot/grub/menu.lst. You can either manually edit that file or use a tool called Start Up Manager to graphically eidtt aht file16:21
yharrownatsukashi, one moment, I will try to give you some more specific instructions16:22
natsukashiyharrow: Thanks. :)16:22
zoidfarbDoes anyone know how to assign a custom unicode character to a shortcut key?16:23
zoidfarbTo type foreign letters, for instance16:23
raicop3rn1c:now terminal opened what to do there?16:24
hwilde!keytouch | zoidfarb16:24
ubottuzoidfarb: Keyboard shortcuts can be set in System -> Preferences -> Keyboard Shortcuts. If your multimedia keys don't work with that, try the 'keytouch' package, explained at http://keytouch.sourceforge.net - See !Keyboard for changing layouts16:24
zoidfarbhwilde, thanks, but that's not what I'm asking16:25
zoidfarbthat's for keyboard shortcuts to launch apps16:25
funkyHatzoidfarb: it might be that the character you want can be typed using a deadkey... what is it?16:25
zoidfarbnot to type special characters16:25
zoidfarbI want to type the interrobang (! and ? together)16:25
yharrownatsukashi, go to accessories > terminal16:25
zoidfarbit's unicode character 203D16:25
c0p3rn1crai: ehm ask at #compiz-fusion16:25
natsukashiyharrow: Done, what should I write?16:26
Picizoidfarb: See System>Preferences>Keyboard, iirc theres a setting in there for dead keys.16:26
yharrownatsukashi, sudo aptitude install startupmanager16:26
zoidfarbPici, thanks16:26
zoidfarblemme see16:26
yharrowthen enter yoru password16:27
c0p3rn1cI just removed the package ubuntu-mythtv-frontend but the mythtv user account still tries to login, any idea's ?16:27
=== FurryNemesis is now known as Fuzzy
zoidfarbPici, nothing under layouts seems to let me actually manually choose a unicode character16:28
=== Fuzzy is now known as FurryNemesis
zoidfarbPici, it lets me choose pre-existing layouts, but that's all16:28
zoidfarbnot create/customize my own layout16:28
zoidfarbPici, do you know if the keyboard layouts are specified in a config file somewhere?16:28
yharrownatsukashi, installed?16:29
natsukashiyharrow: yes, and I opened it up. But windows doesn't show up in the list. ;_;16:29
yharrowok, so we probably need to add it. :s16:29
dopxminxhow can i enable the root account?16:30
OmaticHi guys, what does the error "input/output" mean when I try to save into a flash disk16:30
storbeckzoidfarb: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2703916:30
hanasakihow can I play the stream from http://www.989therock.com/    in a rythm box instead of that html popup?16:31
=== felix-da-catz_zz is now known as felix_da_catz
funkyHatdopxminx: if you want to use a root terminal you can type sudo -i16:31
SEVILLAhanasaki: right click and select play in16:32
yharrownatsukashi, ok apparently we are going to need to edit your menu.lst file.16:32
yharrownatsukashi, close SUM16:32
SEVILLAhanasaki: when it starts playing16:32
yharrownatsukashi, close (start up manage)16:32
natsukashiyharrow: already closed. :)16:33
yharrownatsukashi, open terminal and type "sudo gedit /etc/grub/menu.lst"16:33
storbeckYou should use gksudo16:33
SEVILLAhanasaki: if that doesn't work not sure than?16:34
hanasakiSEVILLA:  check the "listen" link... looks like it plays through the flash plugin in firefox....16:34
storbeckhanasaki: It'16:34
natsukashiyharrow: Done, it's empty16:34
storbeckIt's embedded into flash, I don't think you can16:34
hanasakistorbeck: ?16:34
yharrownatsukashi, maybe we have the wrong file then16:34
zoidfarbstorbeck, thanks for the link16:34
storbecknp zoidfarb16:34
yharrownatsukashi, hold on a sec16:34
SEVILLAhanasaki: k16:35
MadAGui want to add to nautilus right click the option "minimize to tray". Is there any way to do it?16:35
yharrownatsukashi, my bad >_> its "/boot/grub/menu.lst"16:35
natsukashiyharrow: There we go. :D16:36
yharrownatsukashi, :)16:36
yharrownatsukashi, ok what entries do you see?16:36
raimy friend is using ubuntu 8.10. But now when he log in a totally black screen appears. icannot change any of the settings now. This problem appeared after some changing some setting in compiz config. Please help me to solve this.16:36
funkyHatrai: after logging in and waiting a while, press Alt+F2 and type 'metacity --replace' then press enter16:37
yharrownatsukashi, go to this site http://pastebin.com/16:37
natsukashiyharrow: Done. o:16:38
yharrownatsukashi, select your entire menu.lst file, right click > copy, then go to the web page, and right click paste16:38
yharrownatsukashi, into the big text area16:38
funkyHatrai: then you can edit the compiz settings and maybe disable whichever plugin stopped it from working properly16:39
natsukashiyharrow: http://pastebin.com/m3538525616:39
raifunkyHat:its giving "window manager error:unable to open  x display'16:39
funkyHatrai: I don't mean from a terminal, I mean when you're looking at the blank screen16:40
spionlalarai got 2 working solutions in the compiz chan already :)16:41
NevisSome of the windows in Gnome grey out and freeze from time to time (firefox, minefield, deluge, natuilus). I'm using intrepid, nvidia 180.35 drivers, and compiz-fusion. Anybody knows why?16:42
=== deniz is now known as Guest9582
yuri_hey guys im having serious problems booting any linux. i try livecd, liveusb, 8.04, 8.10 and a few others. The error I get at bootup looks like "ata1.00: status: { DRDY ERR } ata1.00: error: {UNC}16:42
salviahello, i'm trying to build route between vlan interface that is on eth interface (eth is, the vlan is to the network that is on the eth interface.16:42
scunizi_Nevis: the 180.35 drivers have issues.. back down the version16:42
funkyHatNevis: they would be doing that anyway, compiz just lets you know it's happening by greying out the window16:43
magnetronyuri_→ do you have "fake raid"/"soft raid" enabled in your BIOS?16:43
daftykinsdoes anyone follow a properly reliable method of getting Sun's java working with 64-bit firefox on the amd64 8.10 install?16:43
magnetron!java64 | daftykins16:43
ubottudaftykins: You can run Flash, Real, and Java plugins in AMD64 bit computers with Firefox. see the steps to follow at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxAMD64FlashJava16:43
yuri_magnetron: its a new system. it might be enabled by default. should it be disabled?16:43
daftykinsthanks magnetron16:43
magnetronyuri_→ it should be disabled.16:43
yuri_magnetron: ill give it a try16:44
fliceis there a good x264 encoding frontend for Linux?16:44
max82frhi guys16:44
max82frPlease. Is there an equivalent of task manager in Ubuntu????16:44
scunizi_flice: handbreak16:44
raifunkyHat:now i got the normal window16:44
magnetronflice→ excuse me, what do you mean by "frontend"? there are a lot of tools for encoding x264.16:45
daftykinsmax82fr, click System -> Administration -> System Monitor16:45
yharrownatsukashi,  what version of windows do you have?16:45
max82frPlease. Is there an equivalent of task manager in Ubuntu????16:45
flicemagnetron: I mean gui16:45
natsukashiyharrow: Windows XP Home Serive Pack 2.016:45
magnetron!repeat | max82fr16:45
ubottumax82fr: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience16:45
daftykinsFYI "x264" *is* an open source H.264 frontend, it is not an encoder in and of itself16:45
flicemagnetron: tried avidemux, it's too buggy16:45
yharrownatsukashi, ok open a new terminal and type "mount"16:45
raifunkyHat:but once again facing the same problem16:45
max82fr<ubottu> Fuck Off16:45
arvind_khadrimax82fr, System->administration->system monitor16:46
fliceDaft_Punk: what is the back-end, then?16:46
SEVILLAflice: did you try the disk usage manager?16:46
fliceSEVILLA: umm? are you talking to me?16:46
yharrownatsukashi,  copy from the terminal paste the results in pastebin16:46
daftykinscustom coders and decoders *shrug*16:46
daftykinsare you trying to encode to H.264 video under ubuntu?16:46
SEVILLAflice: yes16:46
flicedaftykins: yes, from dvd16:46
daftykinsdownload "handbrake"16:47
daftykinsthere are .deb packages on the official website16:47
flicedaftykins: ok, I'll check it out, thanks16:47
scunizi_flice: handbrake.fr16:47
magnetronflice: oh, from DVD? try ogmrip16:47
salviaany idea how to build those routes between interfaces?16:47
yharrownatsukashi, got it?16:47
flicemagnetron: it doesn't matter, I already ripped dvd into mpeg216:47
natsukashiyharrow: http://pastebin.com/m19924c4816:47
flicemagnetron: what I need is a good gui with all the x264 configuration options16:48
daftykinshehe i get a funky checkerboard pattern on my mplayer video when i scroll up and down in firefox, this is with desktop effects on16:48
jelly12genmax82ft: type top in the command line16:48
saurabhi have ubuntu 8.10 and vista as guest on virtual box: how to use the sharde folder:16:48
magnetronflice→ if you literally want ALL options, then you need a command line converter. ffmpeg is excellent.16:48
fliceSEVILLA: what has "disk usage manager" to do with my question?16:48
daftykinsjelly12gen, he's long since gone16:48
Comrade-Sergeihow do you setuop FTP to let only my user get in?16:48
saurabhi have ubuntu 8.10 and vista as guest on virtual box: how to use the sharde folder:16:49
daftykinsFTP is insecure, you really don't want to use that16:49
scunizi_saurabh: check in #vbox.. there's some setup to do16:49
daftykinsuse SCP instead16:49
flicemagnetron: I guess the options available in avidemux are good enough for me16:49
SEVILLAflice: yeah i just noticed your talking about something different my bad16:49
lupine_85Hiya. I've got a system running intrepid and it's not including /dev/md* in the initramfs16:49
lupine_85any suggestions?16:49
SEVILLAflice: just trying to help16:50
saurabh<scunizii: have made a shared folder but wat is its adderss on vista16:50
flicemagnetron: I have already picked up all the options I need and would like the rest to be set to meaningful defaults. avidemux is great in this, but it's too buggy16:50
scunizi_saurabh: see previous post16:50
yharrownatsukashi, type "sudo mkdir /media/windows"16:51
OmaticHi, how can you format a drive like a flash disk16:51
w00keeomatic : use gparted16:52
yharrownatsukashi, ok?16:52
daftykinsOmatic, as in *actually* format one?16:52
funkyHatOmatic: use gparted (when installed it is in Applications > System Tools > Partition Editor)16:52
natsukashiYeah, I think I mistyped the password16:52
natsukashitrying again~16:52
yharrownatsukashi, kk16:52
funkyHatWait no it's not16:53
daftykinssystem -> administration16:53
bl4kdev1lmiekina acabo de entrar y ya veo un host de codetel16:53
natsukashiyharrow: mkdir: cannot create directory `/media/windows': File exists16:53
salviaI'm trying to build route between vlan interface that is on eth interface (eth is, the vlan is to the network that is on the eth interface.16:53
funkyHatOmatic: actually it turns out it's in System > Administration > Partition Editor16:53
hunt577Hey everyone16:53
Omaticok a read-only filesystem, I tried gparted to no avail16:53
OmaticfunkyHat, ^^16:54
mysticdarkhackhello all16:54
funkyHatOmatic: is there a switch on the drive?16:54
daftykinsOmatic,  what do you mean read only file system? the USB key is mounted read only?16:54
flicedaftykins: is this repository good? https://launchpad.net/~handbrake-ubuntu/+archive/ppa16:55
Omaticdaftykins, exactly16:55
mysticdarkhackAnyone know is there a way to install kde separetely from gnome with different settings16:55
scunizi_Omatic: you have to unmount to use gparted and format16:55
daftykinsflice if you are having trouble installing the .deb just ask and i can tell you how to do it16:55
OmaticfunkyHat, how do I tell whether there's a swictch16:55
Picimysticdarkhack: What do you mean by different settings?16:55
daftykinsthere's no need to use a repo16:55
saurabhhow to use pen drive in virtual box16:55
flicedaftykins: no problem with that, I just like to have everything in repositories, so that I receive updates16:56
funkyHatOmatic: I mean an actual switch, like you get on an SD card (although that's not an actual switch, but anyway...)16:56
scunizi_saurabh: if you used the repo to install vbox then you have no usb support.  you need to install the version from their websire16:56
daftykinsflice i really don't think it's a program worth updating16:56
daftykinsbut i'm afraid i've no idea on that repo's integrity16:56
saurabhhow to use pen drive in virtual box16:57
daftykinsit's up to you16:57
flicedaftykins: hmm, why? every program has bugs and gets feature updates (if it's maintained)16:57
yharrownatsukashi, type "ls -d /media/windwos"16:57
yharrownatsukashi, type "ls -d /media/windows"16:57
yharrownatsukashi, sorry first had a typo16:57
daftykinssaurabh, i don't think it's easy, if it even supports it properly yet16:57
daftykinseither google a guide or get vmware :P16:57
mysticdarkhackPici, what I meant is I'm on gnome desktop right now, so hoping to install kde desktop on the same drive but with different setting16:58
natsukashiyharrow: Done16:58
scunizi_daftykins: it's supported only in the version directly from vbox16:58
daftykinsflice just in my experience apps such as that are quite sensitive to upgrading and can be broken easily16:58
=== marko-_-- is now known as marko-_-
mysticdarkhackPici, sorry if that doesn't make any since16:58
yharrownatsukashi, ok what was the feedback?16:58
daftykinsvirtualbox rather than virtualbox_ose? ah yes i remember now16:58
maxagaz_can soomeone suggest me a good touchscreen with good linux support ?16:58
natsukashiyharrow: /media/windows in bold blue text16:58
Picimysticdarkhack: Just install the kubuntu-desktop package16:58
DreamgliderfunkyHat: what will dd print when it's done cloning ?16:58
saurabhhow to use pen drive in virtual box16:58
flicedaftykins: I can agree with that. I wish it was maintained in Ubuntu16:58
venaimluví tady někdo česky16:59
scunizi_saurabh: stop.. why are you asking virtual box questions here.. you've been told to /join #vbox16:59
hunt577I had ubuntu running through virtualbox through Windows Vista on my new HP laptop, but my microphone would not work on it at all.  Tried going in to change settings but none of them worked.  Mic works fine on Windows Vista.  Any suggestions?16:59
daftykinsto be honest not a lot of stuff works as it should in Ubuntu16:59
ADCHello everyone. I have ubuntu 8.10 installed. I am using gnome with it. I am currently using xrdp so that I can access the ubuntu server from my vista machine using rdp. Sometimes when i click on something the session crashes. I think its X crashing. Anyone know where I could look to figure out why the session is crashing.16:59
funkyHatDreamglider: it will print a line or two about how many MB per seconds it was transferring at and some other stuff, I can't remember exactly what it prints16:59
yubuntuhow do you kill a full screen application16:59
daftykinshunt577,  why would you want to use a microphone in a virtual machine?16:59
yuri_magnetron: im not having any luck. i have disconnected my ide devices and tried switching from SATA to AHCI and still get the same error.17:00
DreamgliderfunkyHat: Ok thanks17:00
scunizi_yubuntu: game?17:00
hunt577daftykins, I wanted to make sure it would work17:00
yharrownatsukashi,  "sudo mount -t ntfs /dev/sda0 /media/sda0"17:00
daftykinsyubuntu, in terminal, "ps -ef | grep appname" followed by "kill -9 $processID17:00
hunt577daftykins, I plan to actually do a dual boot of vista and ubuntu eventually, but virtualbox allows me to test out ubuntu17:00
daftykinshunt577, virtualisation inserts a *LAYER* between the real hardware and the operating system, there is no way you can test ubuntu works on your PC *natively* by running it under virtualbox17:00
daftykinsit simply doesn't work that way17:01
magnetronyuri_→ i'm out of ideas. direct your answer to the channel for any further help.17:01
smilesy would u need to dual boot with windows unless u going to play video games17:01
yubuntuthere was an easier way, someone told me: press alt + F2 and type kill something17:01
daftykinsthat's the same thing yubuntu , but you must know the process ID of the app first17:01
yuri_magnetron: ok. ty for the help17:01
flicedaftykins: I guess that's the price we have to pay for frequent releases17:01
funkyHathunt577: run the live CD, if the live CD works it will work installed (also it might work installed if the live CD doesn't work)17:01
hunt577daftykins, so do you think it would work then if I had the real OS installed?17:01
daftykinsor you can run System -> administration -> system monitor17:01
mysticdarkhackI wonder if compiz can be enable in virtual desk from vista or xp running ubuntu in vmware or virtualbox17:01
natsukashiyharrow: ntfs-3g: Failed to access volume '/dev/sda0': No such file or directory17:01
natsukashiPlease type '/sbin/mount.ntfs --help' for more information.17:01
yubuntuno all i had to do was click on it17:01
hunt577thanks funkyHat17:01
hunt577I will do that17:02
daftykinshunt577, the benefit of ubuntu and Linux in general is the ability to boot the LiveCD and test a lot of stuff - just boot the CD and try it out17:02
yubuntuthe cursor turned into an X17:02
daftykinsmysticdarkhack, no, it requires hardware support for graphics17:02
yharrownatsukashi,  "sudo mount -t ntfs /dev/sda1 /media/sda1"17:02
daftykinsvirtualisation programs do not allow graphics acceleration17:02
hunt577I tried the livecd before, didn't test the mic, but I know it doesn't recognize my wireless card so I have to figure a way to get the driver for it....and since I am so new to linux, the tutorials I was reading looked greek to me as far as how to download the driver17:02
daftykinswell, other than maybe vmware fusion on OS X17:02
smokinjoeCan anybody tell me how to enable 3D Accelleration?17:02
mysticdarkhackDaft_Punk, I figure that but would be nice if there a way17:03
ADCHello everyone. I have ubuntu 8.10 installed. I am using gnome with it. I am currently using xrdp so that I can access the ubuntu server from my vista machine using rdp. Sometimes when i click on something the session crashes. I think its X crashing. Anyone know where I could look to figure out why the session is crashing.17:03
daftykinshunt577, what is your wireless device?17:03
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about 3d17:03
sznurek_plADC: try /var/log/Xorg.log.017:03
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about playonlinux17:03
hunt577daftykins, its an Atheras AR25217:04
daftykinsah not familiar with atheros hardware i'm afraid17:04
yharrownatsukashi, failed right?17:04
daftykinswireless is a tough one even when hardware support works!17:04
hunt577daftykins, neither is ubuntu lol17:04
yharrownatsukashi, the second command i gave u17:04
raicompiz config not working17:04
monrealhow can make dpkg overwrite existing files from a package when re-installing?17:04
natsukashiyharrow: yes17:04
daftykinsmonreal, "man dpkg"17:05
yharrownatsukashi,  "sudo mount -t ntfs /dev/sda2 /media/sda2"17:05
Dreamglidersmokinjoe: have a look in System -> Administration > Hardware drivers, could be you can activate the 3d drivers from there17:05
yharrownatsukashi, how many hard drives doyou have17:05
mysticdarkhackubuntuguide probably have a setting for atheros17:05
dkerschneranyone know how to set default file permissions for sftp/scp users? I'm not sure where to stick the umask like17:05
natsukashibut that's because I added an extra space I believe, I just tried the first one and removed the space between /dev/sda0 /media/sda017:05
natsukashiyharrow: I have 2 of them, but only one shows up. And the one that shows up isn't the one with windows17:06
coreyhow do i emtpy the temp folder?17:06
yharrownatsukashi, the second hard drive has windows?17:06
daftykinscorey,  /tmp ? "rm -rf /tmp/* "17:06
natsukashiyharrow: Yes. My C:/ has windows. But only D:/ is showing up17:06
yuri_would an IDE cable that is plugged into the mobo but not any devices still try to read something?17:07
yharrownatsukashi,  "sudo mount -t ntfs /dev/sdb0 /media/sda0" try this. don't remove the space between sdb0 and /media17:07
daftykinsyuri_,  no17:07
hunt577What version of ubuntu would you guys recommend me download?17:07
Dreamgliderhunt577:  8.10 :)17:07
hunt577the 32 bit version dreamglider?17:07
yharrowhunt577,  the latest stable version is 8.1017:07
daftykinsthere's no such thing as "sda0"17:07
daftykinsyou can't have a partition 0 afaik17:08
Dreamgliderhunt577: yes if your system is 32bit17:08
hunt577thanks yharrow17:08
yharrowdaftykins, thanks for that tip17:08
coreyis it bad to type in terminal "sudo rm -rf /tmp/*17:08
ADCHello everyone. I have ubuntu 8.10 installed. I am using gnome with it. I am currently using xrdp so that I can access the ubuntu server from my vista machine using rdp. Sometimes when i click on something the session crashes. I think its X crashing. Anyone know where I could look to figure out why the session is crashing. I have tried looking at /var/log/xorg.0.log but do not really know what I am looking for17:08
daftykinsnatsukashi, type "sudo fdisk -l" for a list of devices and partitions17:08
yharrowdaftykins, that was the command i was looknig for >>17:08
coreyis it bad to type in terminal "sudo rm -rf /tmp/*17:08
hunt577thanks dreamglider17:08
hunt577and yharrow17:08
yharrownatsukashi, daftykins  can probably help you better than i can.17:09
daftykinsit's funny, i come here and i feel like i know stuff about Linux again, yet when i try to make it work for me i still get no end of trouble :D17:09
Dreamgliderhunt577: Np17:09
AkkernightWhat channel should I join to talk about Game Development and Ubuntu ?17:09
daftykinsanyone ever feel that way?17:09
scunizi_ corey that will remove everything in the /tmp directory17:09
yharrowdaftykins, all i know is that i thought i knew linux, but i know until i can modify the kernel, i relay dont.17:09
Dreamgliderdaftykins: i do :P17:09
daftykinsvery true yharrow  :)17:09
daftykinsas soon as i started using genkernel under Gentoo, i knew i wasn't good enough to use Gentoo17:10
natsukashidaftykins: only one Hard Drive shows up. o:17:10
hunt577Dreamglider, just sick and tired of Vista using up all my free memory...I literally only have about 10 MB of free memory on a 3 GB RAM computer because Vista caches it all17:10
daftykinsnatsukashi, sorry i missed the start, what's the problem?17:10
coreyis it bad to type in terminal "sudo rm -rf /tmp/*17:10
daftykinslol corey  checks that i'm a good person17:10
LjLcorey: it can be, if programs are holding stuff there.17:10
LjLcorey: why would you do that anyway? it's done automatically on reboot17:11
altrortlahello... i got a trouble with a GUI ... this form show message form text with lower resolution... I can read what it said... I have also tryied to zoom this form .... and to reduce resolution of the screen... (but no way)17:11
scunizi_hunt577: linux had good memory management but you may find it also "looks" like it's eating a lot of it17:11
Dreamgliderhunt577: i have never tried Vista, just XP and Ubuntu dualbooting :)17:11
coreydaftykins: you are a stranger after all17:11
altrortlai have also an image of this problem17:11
yharrowdaftykins, he can't boot into windows. windows was not listed in menu.lst, so i started trying to find out what the location of his windows partition is so that we can create the entry.17:11
hunt577oh ok scunizi_17:11
daftykinsyeah no problem, i'd probably do the same corey17:11
natsukashidaftykins: I installed Ubuntu, and was thinking that it should dual boot. But it doesn't Only Ubuntu boots. And now one of my Hard Drives doesn't show up. o:17:11
altrortlathis is what i've got .... http://picfront.de/uploaded.php?images=dARGbvmS0sn17:11
levanderDid KVM every get any kind of feature whereby Windows can directly access the video card for hardware accelerated DirectX and OpenGL?17:11
UncleDI heard a guy had a mac system with windows in a virtual window. Can I lead ubuntu inside a virtual window?17:11
hunt577I just hope everything works this time and I don't run into wireless problems or problems with my mic not working17:11
daftykinsouch, failed multi-boot installs - painful17:11
altrortlaon the right i have zoomed with kmag ... but the result is the same .... what should i do?17:12
coreydaftykins: after all you could be  a 12yr old girl who wants to rape me17:12
daftykinsdouble the age and you're close17:12
yharrowdaftykins, here is his menu.lst. http://pastebin.com/m35385256 and here is his mtab http://pastebin.com/m19924c4817:12
LjLcorey, daftykins gave you the correct answer to your question on how to empty /tmp. whether doing that can be a bad thing is an entirely different matter17:12
Dreamgliderhunt577: ubuntu is using 300Mb of my 2gb so i'd say it's better than vista ;)17:12
natsukashiI would love to be raped by a 12 year old whom runs knows Linux, it would be pretty awesome.17:12
lupine_85OK, to be more precise - /dev/md* isn't created by default (despite udev being installed). If I mdadm --assemble manually in the initramfs then exit, it boots fine17:12
daftykinsbit older maybe and i'd agree17:12
lupine_85what am I missing?17:12
hunt577lol Dramglider17:12
ubottuNOTICE - Please stop this discussion NOW. See !offtopic for things that are inappropriate to discuss in this channel. Continuing will result in action being taken.17:12
AkkernightHow hard would it be to get a OpenGL Game Engine my team is working on, on the Ubuntu Add/Remove 'system' ?17:13
hunt577thats awesome17:13
yharrowubottu, you're a whore ;)17:13
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)17:13
levanderAkkernight: see the PPA repositories17:13
* Pimp bows before the mighty Pici17:13
coreyi did ubottu last night and it only cost me $1017:13
daftykinsPM please natsukashi17:14
andreajahow do I rerun DKMS? I've got a module that failed on kernel upgrade that I need to rerun17:14
levanderGood lord, they're dropping like flies.17:14
hunt577downloading 8.10 now and good some fresh DVD+R's to burn them on17:14
* yharrow ducsk17:14
altrortlahello... i got a trouble with a GUI ... this form show message form text with lower resolution... I can't read what it said... I have also tryied to zoom this form .... and to reduce resolution of the screen... (but no way)....i have also an image of this problem....this is what i've got .... http://picfront.de/uploaded.php?images=dARGbvmS0sn....on the right i have zoomed with kmag ... but the result is the same .... what should i do?17:14
Pici!etiquette > corey17:14
ubottucorey, please see my private message17:14
flicedaftykins: handbrake has much less options than avidemux, unfortunately17:14
levanderThis must be the easiest channel to get banned off of on the entire internet!17:14
yharrownatsukashi, nice chatting with you, hope daftykins can help you solve the problem :)17:15
ariqswhat is the keystroke to kill a process in terminal?17:15
yharrowlevander, agreed17:15
reyalpIn 8.10, I use the Darklooks theme & it looks/works great, but when i reboot the theme seems to reset to a very plain theme. I have to select another theme, then Darklooks again. Any thoughts on this?17:15
daftykinscheers yharrow17:15
natsukashiyharrow: Yeah, thanks for trying to help me! :D17:15
yharrownatsukashi, np man :)17:15
lupine_85this points to a problem with mdadm / udev somewhere, right?17:15
levanderyharrow: Was helping people and he still got banned?17:15
yharrowlevander, I called the channel's bot a w*hore17:16
Pimplevander: just semi banned17:16
ariqswhat is the keystroke to kill a process in terminal?17:16
Wayderwhats the current stable release =s17:16
Pimplol now he's banned17:16
levanderyharrow: Oh, much more important than helping people.17:16
PiciThis is a support channel, please try to treat it as such.17:16
ubottuUnsure how you should behave on this channel? See (in a private message with the bot, /msg ubottu <keyword>): !AskTheBot, !CoC, !Guidelines, !Offtopic, !Language, !Attitude, !Repeat, !Enter, !Paste, !Caps, !NickSpam, !PM, !English - And most importantly, use common sense...17:16
computer_you sound like an old fashion kind of gentleman.17:16
Piciariqs: ctrl-c generally17:16
Wayderif the process is running and hangs, ctrl+c17:17
PiciWayder: 8.10, Intrepid Ibex17:17
buckethedcan i remote control a box that booted with the ubuntu live cd from windows?17:17
ariqsI thought it was z for some reason, but that wasn't working17:17
ariqsx pauses, z ends and c kills?17:17
Wayderbuckethed, you can do that using a vnc if you can configure it17:17
Piciariqs: ctrl-z sends it to the background17:17
andreajahow do I rerun DKMS config? I've got a module that failed on kernel upgrade that I need to rerun17:17
dinc62ciaooo a tutti17:18
buckethedWayder, ok thank you.17:18
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots17:18
Pici!it | dinc6217:18
ubottudinc62: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)17:18
Wayderthere is also the kill command, forgot how to use it =s17:18
computer_does not comput, does not comput17:18
AkkernightDoes anyone know I license I can use that is free for non-commercial use?17:19
Wayderkill pid if you can =)17:19
Akkernightif anyone was talking to me, please use my name so that I see that you mean me xP I hate this IRC stuff xD17:21
wczimmermanIs there still an ongoing issue with slow printing from Intrepid using cups?17:21
daftykinsbuckethed> can i remote control a box that booted with the ubuntu live cd from windows?17:21
Xanax09hi there17:21
uniq_stitch1458 holy poop17:21
daftykinsbuckethed, yes, you can install a VNC viewer and connect to the IP address of the ubuntu machine17:21
digitalninjaI'm trying to recover data from an SD card. dmesg shows IO errors and the card never gets mounted. Is there a way I can access the card using "dd"?17:21
daftykinsafter enabling "remote desktop"17:21
uniq_stitch[mpd] Playing: Megalomaniac - KMFDM17:22
buckethedthanks daftykins17:22
archmanAnyone using Skype on intrepid? Any reps?17:22
Wayderare you attempting to automount the SD card? =S17:23
n2diyis there a way to edit hidden files with gedit17:23
daftykinsbuckethed, once you turn on remote desktop, you'll need to connect using IP address:0 to say port number zero17:23
daftykinsgedit should be able to edit hidden files fine17:23
uniq_stitchn2diy, yes17:23
uniq_stitchgedit /home/name/filename17:23
Wayderdaftykins, that will depend on if the computer in question is not behind a firewall, if it is behind a firewall were vnc is actively being blocked you will have to configure a reverse ssh tunnel17:24
uniq_stitchn2diy, nano is cooler :D17:24
n2diyuniq_stitch, ok, thanks.17:24
Waydernano ftw!17:24
uniq_stitchftw ?17:24
n2diyuniq_stitch, an a PITA :)17:24
Wayderftw = for the win!17:24
uniq_stitchoh lol17:24
AkkernightDoes Ubuntu support SLI ?17:25
uniq_stitch[mpd] Playing: The Wicket Shit - ICP & Twiztid17:25
GuiriHey I'm having some NIC problems. Our server reverts the settings to auto and 100half. I did a sudo ethtool -s eth0 duplex full. Any way to get that at boot??17:25
GuiriOr stop it from reverting?17:25
Piciuniq_stitch: Please disable that in this channel.17:25
=== edsfwsd is now known as yubuntu
uniq_stitchPici, can you disable it for me I'm lazy17:25
yubuntucould anyone tell me how to kill a fullscreen game with your mouse?17:26
Wayderguiri, have you tried throwing that into the interface config file?17:26
bubaI-m on ArtistX17:26
GuiriWayder: where is that? /etc/interfaces?17:26
smilesyubuntu i dont think u can kill a full screen game with just ur mouse unless u mod it17:27
yubuntuthere's a command smiles17:27
saxinGuiri: /etc/network/interfaces ?17:27
yubuntualt + F217:27
AkkernightAgain. Does Ubuntu 64bit support SLI ?17:27
gldtnhello #ubuntu17:27
altrortlahello... i got a trouble with a Graphical User Interface  ... this form show message form text with lower resolution... I can't read what it said... I have also tryied to zoom this form .... and to reduce resolution of the screen... (but no way)....i have also an image of this problem....this is what i've got .... http://picfront.de/uploaded.php?images=dARGbvmS0sn....on the right i have zoomed with kmag ... but the result is the same ....17:27
altrortlawhat should i do?17:27
uniq_stitchhello gldtn17:27
daftykinsAkkernight, check the nvidia driver information on nvidia's website17:28
Wayderguiri, you can do a few things. =)17:28
daftykinsthen you'll know what it supports17:28
Wayderlet me check my config for a second17:28
daftykinsUbuntu 64-bit (amd64) will no doubt not support SLI with the default driver17:28
yubuntucould anyone tell me how to kill a fullscreen game with your mouse?17:28
yubuntuthere's something stopping my mouse from getting into the Nexuiz game, could anyone help?17:29
yubuntumy cursor rather17:30
uniq_stitch[mpd] Playing: Penitentiary Chances (Feat. Hell Rell) - Jim Jones17:30
gldtnhey I ran into something on the internet and it's kind of funny to me because I did not get it what it has to do with Linux.. it's a router : http://linksysbycisco.com/US/en/products/WRT54GL have anyone seen this?17:30
Wayderguiri, /etc/network/interfaces check that out, and there is an associated manual for the configuration of the file.17:30
AkkernightI'm on the nvidia homepage, I can't see anything that has anything to do with Linux or Ubuntu17:30
Dark_FireHello guys17:31
Dark_Firehey Wayder, wats up?17:31
gldtnAkkernight, what are you trying to do?17:31
AkkernightSee if Ubuntu supports SLI17:31
QaDeSgldtn: i think they're just being stupid17:32
Wayderworkin lol. or hardly workin =)17:32
daftykinsAkkernight,  you have to browse websites yourself, they can't read our minds yet fortunately ;)17:32
QaDeSnever herad of an operating system specific router (i.e. piece of network hardware)17:32
daftykins</marilyn manson on family guy> ;)17:32
AkkernightLinux AMD64/EM64T how do I see if I use AMD64 xP17:32
WayderI have never heard of a OS spec router17:33
misblayi'm having ntrld is missing error from my xp after grub installation17:33
misblaywhy is this?17:33
gldtnQaDeS, yeah I didn't expect that from cisco lol.. plus they don't even describe why its called a linux router17:33
daftykins64-bit XP would say so in the system properties17:33
daftykinsntldr misblay , sounds like your windows bootloader has broken17:33
AkkernightI think I installed Ubuntu for AMD64, but I have Pentium if I remember right, is it possible to download Ubuntu for specific processors?17:33
yubuntucould anyone please help me with getting NEXUIZ to work with ubuntu17:33
QaDeSweöö, the router's software is based on linux17:33
GuiriWayder: seems to be a MODE setting. Maybe I'll try MODE full and see if ti boots :-)17:33
misblaydaftykins, but i havent done anything17:33
QaDeSlike on about all serious routers17:33
daftykinsAkkernight,  AMD64 means 64-bit, not AMD only17:33
namaihelp me :(17:33
misblayjust installed xp and then setup grub on ubuntu17:33
misblaywhat should i do?17:33
daftykinsmisblay, did you install ubuntu, ubuntu works but that's what you get told if you try and boot Windows?17:33
JPohlmannHey guys. I'm installing Jaunty on my brother's laptop right now. Does anyone know how I can reconfigure X to use the fglrx driver?17:33
Akkernightahh.. I see ÐÐ17:33
namaiwery wery help17:33
Wayderlol. linux router? it is most likely that the software it runs off is based OFF linux =)17:33
rdw200169yah, the only reason they call it amd64 is b/c amd came out w/it first17:34
Wayderguiri, make the changes in the config file and restart the daemon (:17:34
daftykinsJPohlmann, i have read that jaunty uses a new X.Org which doesn't support nvidia or fglrx drivers right now17:34
namaiI have 1 bug with mouse17:34
JPohlmanndaftykins: Seriously?17:34
gldtnWayder, they should've specified more in their page17:34
buckethedi ran "sudo chroot /mnt"  how do i get to another users home directory?  ex. /home/ubuntu17:34
AkkernightPidgin is horrible, how do I connect to MSN?17:34
JPohlmannUh. So, can I get GLX working with the open source drivers for ATI?17:34
SonhadorPRgreeting from Puerto Rico, to all Ubunteros!!17:35
daftykinsi could have old information though, google to check17:35
misblaydaftykins, i've installed windows on my pc "after" ubuntu.. then as you know i have to setup GRUB again, so i did.. now i cant boot xp, it says "ntrld is missing" ok?17:35
daftykinsAkkernight,  i use "emesene"17:35
daftykinsmisblay, pastebin.com your /boot/grub/menu.lst file17:35
namaimouse is strange17:35
urnumdeiI'm having problems accessing a device through usb on 8.10.  Can anyone help?17:35
Akkernightcan't find emesene on Add/Remove17:35
blistov1how do i install a 2.6.28 kernel in ubuntu... the ubuntu way?17:35
gldtndaftykins, do you have a link for that jaunty article? I would like to follow that closely since I have nvidia17:35
SEVILLASonhadorPR: capasa17:35
nadohi there17:35
yubuntucould someone PLEASE tell me how to kill a full screen game with your mouse?17:36
urnumdeiI'm having problems accessing a device through usb on 8.10.  Can anyone help?17:36
daftykinsthe article saying jaunty doesn't support fglrx and nvidia something or other?17:36
Wayder... throw the mouse at your motherboard?17:36
misblaydaftykins, http://pastebin.com/m48f07ce717:36
misblaybtw, as i set up grub, it didnt recognize that installed xp, and i've added the xp lines manually..17:36
Akkernightok, found aMSN and Emesene, which one is better?17:36
SonhadorPRQuick question: which app does anyone recomend for ripping Music CDs in different formats? For some reason Kaffeine is only ripping in OGG, I have an Cell phone/MP3 player that wont play OGG17:36
misblaydaftykins, and my xp is installed on sda417:36
nadoi'd like to use some of my favorite kde apps under gnome. will loading the qt libs cause any serious performance issues?17:36
Picinado: Nope, it will be fine.17:37
gldtndaftykins, yes.. also I just seen on their page that there lastest version is 1.80, I use 1.77 how can I get 1.80 to install?17:37
daftykinsunder ubuntu you don't install nvidia's own drivers from their website really, gldtn17:37
scunizi_SonhadorPR: try ripperx.. it's in the repos17:37
nadoPici: great, thanks17:37
daftykinsmisblay, that config looks ok, it must be correct to say (hd0,3) otherwise you probably wouldn't get as far as the ntldr error17:38
daftykinsbut i'm really not sure what's making it fail17:38
yubuntucould someone PLEASE tell me how to kill a full screen game with your mouse?17:38
misblayok then, thanks..17:38
gldtndaftykins, oh i see17:38
misblayi'll reinstall xp17:38
daftykinsmisblay,  did you disconnect your ubuntu disk when you installed XP?17:38
urnumdeiI'm having problems accessing a device through usb on 8.10.  Can anyone help?17:38
Flipperi have a ubuntu 64 bit and i find no flash player do you have an answer17:38
scunizi_daftykins: sda3.. isn't that (hd0,2) since grub starts counting at 0?17:39
magnetron!flash64 | Flipper17:39
ubottuFlipper: You can run Flash, Real, and Java plugins in AMD64 bit computers with Firefox. see the steps to follow at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxAMD64FlashJava17:39
SonhadorPRscunizi_: Thank you...I shall try that one.17:39
buckethedhow do i get to another users home directory after doing chroot?  ex. /home/ubuntu17:39
AkkernightNvidia Geforce 9800GT is supported by Ubuntu, right?17:39
vineethi upgraded my linux kernol now both version shows in boot how can i delete older version from boot loader17:39
daftykinsScunizi, i've no idea about GRUB to be honest17:39
daftykinsfeel free to suggest that to him17:39
Flipperis thath for ubuntu 8.10 64 bit17:39
n2diymy roommate is trying to duel boot his XP box, and he is at the import settings page, and regardless of what he selects, or doesn't select, he can't access the forward button, his only option is to cancel, what gives?17:39
scunizi_daftykins: too late.. looks like he's gone17:40
Flipperthx for the support iam gonne try it17:40
andre_plHi, I'm wondering if anyone has any experience tying into ubuntu's new notification system (as of jaunty) is the api the same as before? I used to be abelt o use a python script to pop up messages.17:40
Piciandre_pl: Please join #ubuntu+1 for Jaunty/9.04 support/discussion.17:42
vineethpls help me to delete older version from grub17:42
SisqdaveHi all, I am wondering if anybody has come across boot issues and the folder /dev/by-uuid missing completely?17:42
Sisqdavesure vineeth17:42
daftykinsvineeth,  older version of ubuntu?17:42
vineethno older version of linux kernol17:43
daftykinsisn't /dev a dynamic directory created by udev? so it's not really data?17:43
scunizi_Sisqdave: might be that there is a listing in fstab that either doesn't have a uuid number or the wrong one.. you can get the right numbers with sudo blkid and compare them to what's in fstab17:43
daftykinsah ok sure vineeth, what is the contents of your /boot directory?17:43
dkerschnerbrandon: /part17:43
n2diymy roommate is trying to duel boot his XP box, and he is at the migrate settings page, and regardless of what he selects, or doesn't select, he can't access the forward button, his only option is to cancel, what gives?17:45
daftykinsah i think i've heard of that as being a bug17:45
Akkernightwhat application should I use to open .run files? I downloaded this file from nvidia.com17:45
=== quassel251_ is now known as jussi01
daftykinsAkkernight, did it say it supports SLI or no?17:46
AkkernightI dunno, didn't read it xP17:46
daftykinstbh even if ubuntu does support SLI, what are you going to try and run? :D17:46
=== jussi01 is now known as Guest7076
Akkernightif it doesn't there ain't anything I can do17:46
evantandersenis there a list of ubottu commands for IRC?17:46
AkkernightAnd I don't really need SLI, since I won't be running games on Ubuntu xP17:46
daftykinsi would suggest you don't try and install the driver, it's not likely worth your time trying to get SLI working17:47
scunizi_Akkernight: are you trying to install a nvidia driver?17:47
daftykinsyeah exactly17:47
=== Guest7076 is now known as jussio1
daftykinsi don't think it's worth him bothering Scunizi17:47
daftykins* scunizi_17:47
AkkernightUbuntu doesn't find it on the hardware manager or whatever it was17:47
ubottuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal17:48
SisqdaveHi all, I am wondering if anybody has come across boot issues and the folder /dev/by-uuid missing completely? I have had to change my disk UUID to /dev/sda4 in my menu.lst file17:48
scunizi_Akkernight: you mean there's nothing listed in hardware manager or you don't like what's presented there?17:48
genis3llCan someone recommend me a good ubuntu irc client? Thanks17:48
daftykinsgenis3ll, tried xchat ?17:48
imfluxiblei installed ub 8.10 on my friends emachines T3646, and seem to be getting lots of misbehaviors i wonder if anyone can help me troubleshoot.  they apparently play a lot of board games online at pogo.com, so if anyone has any experience using that site maybe you will relate.  to enable the games we had to install a java 6 alternative, which i think i did correctly yesterday from community doc...17:49
scunizi_genis3ll: xchat, irssi17:49
daftykinsugly but does the job17:49
Sisqdavethis works but it gives me errors at boot17:49
imfluxible...instructions.  the games did work yesterday as they were supposed to, but today when she booted up she had several problems... the games wouldn't work, her gnome panel (with applications, places, and system) would not appear persistently (it dissappears), and she says the browser freezes up.  also the window bars do not appear on her windows so cannot move , resize or 'X' out .... any ideas?17:49
imfluxiblealso she says many things on her aol mail interface would not function, various buttons17:49
Keleni installed a theme packages, but couldn't find it in theme's list. any one could help me?17:49
genis3llscunizi_: No, thanks17:49
ironfoot_495Hello I need to know how to start all over and install localhost and apache mysql  all over.17:49
Akkernightscumizi_ the newest version of the Nvidia driver ain't shown in the Hardware Drivers thing17:49
daftykinssounds like you enabled desktop effects imfluxible  ?17:49
Flippermaybe its a stupid question but i want to set the file for flash in the folder ande ubuntu sai iam not the owner of the computer do you know a way to give ma all the rights17:50
ironfoot_495what is the easiest way?17:50
scunizi_Akkernight: of course not.. it's not stable.. and there are issues with 180.35 so I wouldn't go there.. have you tried the ones in hardware manager and do they work for you?  if so stick with them.17:50
daftykinsFlipper, what do you mean "flash in a folder" ?17:50
AkkernightI think the ones in Hardware Drivers worked, dunno really, but I'm going AFK now!17:51
daftykinsi'm running the nvidia 177 drivers from the "Hardware Drivers" section on an nvidia 8800GT with 2 x 1920x1200 LCD's over DVI @ once17:51
daftykinsworks ok17:51
Flipperthe plugin for flash player i want to copy to usr/mozilla/plugins i donth have the right he sais iam not the owner17:51
daftykins*strokes compiz* ;)17:51
Flippersorry my english is not so good iam from belguim17:51
Xanax09 try it in the terminal with the sudo command ?17:52
daftykins"sudo ln -s /flash/plugin /destination/folder"17:52
scunizi_daftykins: you're lucky.. my 8200 card and chipset work acceptable only on 180.29 so far. 177 was like walking through molassis17:52
daftykins(symbolic link, you don't need to copy the file)17:52
gotchawhat's the difference between ln -s and cp?17:52
daftykinsgotcha,  "ln -s" creates a sort of shortcut17:52
daftykinsit's called a symbolic link17:52
daftykinsit's kind of link shortcuts in Windows, but not really17:52
gotchaso u dont really copy it there?17:52
nibblergotcha: one makes a symbolic link, this need so space on disk. other makes a copy17:52
daftykinsnope, you just let it 'appear' in the destination folder17:53
gotchaah kay, and when the file gets deletet17:53
gotchathe original17:53
gotchathe symbolic link doesnt work anymore?17:53
nibblerthe link gets dead17:53
daftykinsFlipper, are you running 32-bit? you really shouldn't have needed to do the plugin manually, if this is for firefox17:53
gotchaah, kay, thx17:53
ActionParsnipgotcha: if you delete the file, you will have a broken symlink17:53
Flipperis thath in the archiver or in the terminal window17:54
daftykinsthere's a third one too isn't there? hard links or something17:54
daftykinswhich makes a copy, and if ever you update one, it updates the other?17:54
daftykinsno idea how to make one though ^_^17:54
AkkernightHow do I download GCC? I remember using something else than Add/Remove when I did it back in the day...17:54
Sisqdavethis works but it gives me errors at boot17:55
SisqdaveHi all, I am wondering if anybody has come across boot issues and the folder /dev/by-uuid missing completely? I have had to change my disk UUID to /dev/sda4 in my menu.lst file17:55
nadocan somebody tell me if there's a default shortcut for windows+c? i want to bind it to amarok, but it does not respond17:55
daftykinsAkkernight, seriously, i recommend you stop trying to install that nvidia driver17:55
ActionParsnipdaftykins: yes hard links but if you delete the file i think the link gets removed but they take up equal space to that which is linked17:55
AkkernightI'm not trying to install the driver o.O I'm trying to start programming xP17:55
daftykinsthere's no need to lie?17:55
daftykinsi just don't know why you're bothering17:55
daftykinsi won't help someone that ignores my advice and wastes their time and mine17:56
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daftykinsSisqdave, i don't really see any problem in referring to a disk by that instead of UUID, just carry on as-is ?17:56
ActionParsnipAkkernight: if you want to compile, install build-essential17:57
AkkernightWhere did I get it? Some download manager?17:57
daftykinsopen terminal17:58
daftykins"sudo apt-get install build-essential" :P17:58
ActionParsnipAkkernight: what daftykins said17:58
ActionParsnipAkkernight: you will then be ready to code in C and C++17:59
daftykinsif he were doing that ;)17:59
yuri_i think im dealing with a damaged sata drive.17:59
Akkernightok, awsome ^^18:00
daftykinsactually mind you, step #1 of nvidia driver install = stop X, so maybe he really is learning C :D18:00
andreajaYou must run a dkms build for kernel 2.6.28-8-server (i686) first. <- how do I do that?18:00
Kriss3dhmm anyone know why wow with wine in ubuntu isnt nearly as good graphics as when i run in windows ?18:00
jorge__Hi guys,  anyone around knows or use virtual DJ software?18:00
Akkernightdaftykins you talking about me?18:00
daftykinsKriss3d,  because WINE doesn't support the latest DirectX version18:00
* Python1320 Now playing: 10d03.mp3 (2:17 - 5271 frames) [44100 hz,96 kbps,stereo]18:00
daftykinsso it doesn't have all the latest graphical features18:00
ActionParsnipjorge__: like frooty loops?18:00
daftykinsnah nobody Akkernight  ^_^18:00
jelly12gendaftykins: wine is just running after windows18:01
jorge__something like that bro, but this one is dj virtual pro.18:01
AkkernightWell, I'm used to coding C++ xP Now imma make a OpenGL Game Engine with my team ;)18:01
ActionParsnipKriss3d: make sure you have the latest drivers and wine from the wine repos18:01
yuri_i think im dealing with a damaged sata drive. it will not let me boot up any nix unless I disconect it. it registers in bios but tells me its too slow to respond when i boot up. what do you guys think it is, the drive, sata cable, power cable, mobo(unlikely, i have an identical hdd that works fine)18:01
ActionParsnipKriss3d: you need to patch wine to get it really nice18:01
admin_masu3701dont know what happen but i cant run sudo apt-get update or install or anything that required root password18:01
daftykinsjelly12gen, i'm not sure what you're trying to tell me?18:01
jorge__I would like to know how to install it on my laptop who got ubuntu?18:01
admin_masu3701it tells me that my username is not in the sudoers file18:01
ActionParsnipjorge__: theres lmms18:02
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tenebhi there, i need some help configuring eth0 with an ip and samba sharing for a cnc linux machine18:02
jelly12gendaftykins: wine developpers just need to implement much code of windows and it isnt well documented so it takes time. Therefore WoW doesnt play that fine as in windows18:02
altrortlahello... i got a trouble with a Graphical User Interface  ... this form show message form text with lower resolution... I can't read what it said... I have also tryied to zoom this form .... and to reduce resolution of the screen... (but no way)....i have also an image of this problem....this is what i've got .... http://picfront.de/uploaded.php?images=dARGbvmS0sn....on the right i have zoomed with kmag ... but the result is the same ....18:02
altrortlawhat should i do?18:02
jorge__esplain Acparis?18:02
tenebcan anyone point me to a setup script or the proper config files18:02
ActionParsnip!samba | teneb18:02
ubottuteneb: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.18:02
admin_masu3701before i had access to everything, now i just dont18:02
LegendaryDarkKniExcuse me, uh, how do you switch to a different keyboard layout in Ubuntu? And where do i get the Russian layout?18:02
ActionParsnipteneb: i can give you mine18:02
jelly12gendaftykins: but it's getting better18:02
tenebi set ips in a config file but cant ping the lan18:02
tenebnot enough experience to find out why eth0 doesnt ping out18:03
tenebdoesnt seem to like my config i think18:03
ActionParsnipteneb: do you have lights on the interface flashing18:03
Flippersudo mv libflashplayer.so /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins and where do i have to unpack the file18:03
yamal85someboy speaks my language¿¿ (spanish)18:03
Flipperhe sais he cant find it18:03
tenebill check, not onsite, but i assume that tells us if the nic drivers is loading at boot18:04
jorge__do you know how to install it?18:04
tenebi assume it is as this system came from another site where it was workign18:04
hey`yamal85 #ubuntu-es18:04
n2diymy roommate is trying to duel boot his XP box, and he is at the migrate settings page, and regardless of what he selects, or doesn't select, he can't access the forward button, his only option is to cancel, what gives?18:04
ActionParsnipteneb: check lshw -C network18:04
yamal85ok hey18:05
Flipperiam gonne eat a snack18:05
ActionParsnipteneb: and ifconfig will show the device recieving some data18:05
=== LegendaryDarkKni is now known as Slayer
jorge__ Hi guys,  anyone around knows or use virtual DJ software and how to install it? Please?18:05
dkerschnerI'm trying to set a umask for sftp users on a per user basis, not globally. Can I use libpam-umask to do that?18:06
Fannyk tl__18:06
admin_masu3701how to i make my username root18:06
SonhadorPRhola Fanny, hola hey`18:06
SlayerWHY don't you want to help me? I don't wanna keep windows on my computer forever...18:06
daftykins"sudo su" in terminal18:06
daftykinsbut you'd have to be in sudoers for that ;)18:06
patholioSlayer, lol18:06
hey`hola SonhadorPr18:06
daftykinsso you're basically knackered18:06
daftykinshave you recently tried to change your hostname admin_masu3701  ?18:07
jorge__ Hi guys,  anyone around knows or use virtual DJ software and how to install it? Please?18:07
andreajaYou must run a dkms build for kernel 2.6.28-8-server (i686) first. <- anyone know how I do that?18:07
admin_masu3701daftykins: not that i remember....but before i was able to use sudo to update and install now i just cant18:07
digitalninjaIs there a way to force a block device to connect to a drive/SD card? I want to use "dd" to pull the bits off a bad SD card but the system won't create /dev/sdb. It tries too18:08
admin_masu3701no permission18:08
RainCTHi. Is someone who hasn't package "debootstrap" installed around? I'd like to know if in such a setup the directory /usr/share/debootstrap/scripts/ doesn't exist at all or if it's just empty18:08
allenis there any way i can use the "log out screen/buttons" from hardy in intrepid ? the buttons where so much better in hardy.18:08
imfluxibledaftykins:  yes, yes, i DID enable desktop effects!  issat the problem?  how do i UNenable?  why does it cause problems?18:09
dkerschnerAnyone know how to set a per user umask for sftp and scp logins?18:09
daftykinsimfluxible,  basically laptop graphics drivers can be sketchy as18:09
dkerschneri've tried .profile and .bashrc and .bash_profile and .ssh/evironment...18:09
daftykins(tell me if you're not english speaking now, or don't understand me :D)18:09
Kriss3duhmm ive tried to install the latest ati drivers for my HD 2600 ATI.. so far ive gotten my hands on a install file with the name .run18:10
Kriss3dhow to i actually run it ?18:10
=== kushal_12_27_200 is now known as kushalone
daftykinsKriss3d, that's not how you install ATI drivers under ubuntu18:10
daftykinsgoogle a guide please18:10
n2diyI'm helping my friend install Ubuntu on his XP box, and it stall at page 6, the migrate data page?18:10
Kriss3ddaftykins,  please do enlighten me.. note that its not the standard ubuntu but that should be ok18:11
Kriss3dit IS however based on ubuntu18:11
H3l1c0pt3r!ati | Kriss3d18:12
ubottuKriss3d: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto18:12
daftykinsKriss3d,  not sure what the 'based on ubuntu' line is for?18:12
Kriss3dwell.. its ubuntu i guess. its just pretty costumized..18:12
n2diykw0lf, qsl?18:13
patholiocheers H3l1c0pt3r, i was after some ATI advice too18:13
daftykinsno, what i'm trying to say is that most Linux distributions use package management18:13
daftykinsso you should just let the autodetecting parts of Ubuntu install a proper ATI driver18:13
daftykinsrather than going straight down the manual route18:13
daftykinswhat are you running at the moment? fglrx ?18:13
kw0lfn2diy: ?18:14
Kriss3ddaftykins,  well that require the distro to have that included.. but those drivers linked by H3l1c0pt3r  seems to work18:14
n2diykw0lf, your nick looks like a ham radio call sign18:14
imfluxibledaftykins:  yes, yes, i DID enable desktop effects!  issat the problem?  how do i UNenable?  why does it cause problems?18:15
imfluxiblesorry i was bumped off don't know if you answered me yet18:15
daftykinsimfluxible,  PM plz18:15
mistryniteshi am not able to access the memory card by attaching my Motorola A1200 to my computer18:15
kw0lfI have some troubles undocking my Thinkpad T61 from the docking station. I'm using Ubuntu 8.10..18:15
kw0lfHitting the eject button ends with freezing18:16
kw0lfDoes anyone know how to eject the thinkpad manually from the station (I mean the shell command)?18:16
admin_masu3701i dont have access to alot files...how do i become root? am the only one that use this computer18:16
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mistrynitesha little clarification, memory card is in the motorola a1200 phone18:17
joaopinto!root | admin_masu370118:17
ubottuadmin_masu3701: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo18:17
ironfoot_495Hello can someone Instruct me on how to start over installing the localhost?18:17
Pirate_Hunterhi i am wondering is there any application that allows voice chat/call through the msn protocol?18:17
admin_masu3701ubottu: i did try sudo <command> but dont get permission18:17
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)18:17
ironfoot_495Can some tell me how to get help?18:18
admin_masu3701joapinto: i was able to run sudo <command> now i just cant18:19
ironfoot_495removing localhost and starting over?18:19
LjLironfoot_495: i don't understand your question18:19
admin_masu3701always get permission denied error18:19
LjLadmin_masu3701: if you type "groups", does it show "admin"?18:19
ironfoot_495LjL:I'm trying to remove my localhost and all that involvles it because it does'nt work18:20
admin_masu3701LjL: it shows username www-data18:20
LjLironfoot_495: i have no idea what "removing your localhost" would mean18:20
elvedinOr car([seats])?18:20
LjLadmin_masu3701: and nothing else? that's very wrong. is that the first user that was created when you installed the system?18:21
admin_masu3701nothin else18:21
ironfoot_495Well removing mtsql,phpmyadmin apache everything is there away???18:21
Supersaiyan_IVelvedin, car[seats]18:21
admin_masu3701the user yes18:21
ironfoot_495to make a clean sweep??18:21
LjLironfoot_495: sudo apt-get --purge remove mysql-server phpmyadmin18:21
admin_masu3701dont know what the www-data is18:21
ironfoot_495thanx that's what I need.]18:22
SEVILLA? If i dont want to set my $HISTFILESIZE and $HISTSIZE varible value to 1000 every time i log in can i just set this varible in either the .bashrc or .profile ?18:22
LjLadmin_masu3701: is it user number 1000? (grep 1000 /etc/passwd will tell you)18:22
illbeatuCan't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' (2)  <------ what does that mean?18:22
daftykinsyes SEVILLA18:22
AkkernightHow do I get Skype for Ubuntu?18:22
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daftykinsadd the lines "EXPORT $blah = x"18:22
LjL!skype | Akkernight18:22
ubottuAkkernight: To install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype - To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto18:22
AkkernightLjL Skype is awsome xP18:23
SEVILLAdaftykins: ok thanks18:23
martin__!ID 17a1:0128 | martin__18:23
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ID 17a1:012818:23
Akkernightand thanks18:23
Pirate_Hunterhi i am wondering is there any application that allows voice chat/call through the msn protocol?18:23
LjLAkkernight: i beg to differ, but whatever suits you18:23
Xanax09is there any media software equal to windows media center ?18:23
admin_masu3701LjL: here is wat i get: mchris:x:1000:1000:mchris,,,:/home/mchris:/bin/bash18:23
LjLPirate_Hunter: amsn possibly, but i'm not sure18:23
LjLXanax09: i have no idea what windows media center is like, can you describe it?18:23
LjLadmin_masu3701: and mchris is your normal username?18:23
Pirate_HunterLjL, i ahve amsn but can't get voice chat, just find it too hard18:23
martin__admin_masu3701,  i need help with camera ID 17a1:0128 kolke18:24
Lakeso I was wondering, I got public/private ssh auth working, anyway I could add password server-side challenge to that ?18:24
Xanax09its a app in windows where you can browse in you music / video files in a nice gui18:24
AkkernightAdd the Skype repository*: deb http://download.skype.com/linux/repos/debian/ stable non-free   What's that supposed to mean?18:24
Fictheyeah Xanax09 -- Entertainer -- http://www.entertainer-project.com/18:24
LjLadmin_masu3701: ok, i have no idea how this happened, but i know how to fix it. you'll have to reboot in recovery mode. that will give you root access. then you can add yourself to the needed groups - admin, for starters - by doing "adduser mchris admin"18:24
Pirate_HunterLjL, do you know of anyother apps that could do the job18:24
Xanax09Fitcthe thanks !18:24
LjLadmin_masu3701: i recommand also adding yourself to the following other groups: adm disk dialout cdrom floppy audio dip video plugdev lpadmin scanner admin fuse sambashare18:25
FictheXanax09, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UhWbNj0ndN8 for a video18:25
WayderLjL, can he sudo bash?18:25
Xanax09Thanks it really looks awesome !18:25
LjLadmin_masu3701: although once you've added yourself to the "admin" group, you can, if you prefer, just reboot and add yourself to those groups later using sudo18:25
martin__LjL,  I need help with this cam >>>>> ID 17a1:012818:25
LjLWayder: no18:25
DroopstaHow do I find out what I have? x86 or amd 64?18:25
SlayerHelps me plz................ :(. I want to have a russian keyboard layout, and want to know how to switch them.18:26
daftykinsare you in Windows right now Droopsta  ?18:26
joaopintoDroopsta, uname -m18:26
martin__any one help with this cam >>>>>> ID 17a1:012818:26
Wayderadmin_masu, pretty much best solution is to login as the sudoer and sudo bash, if you don't have access to that on the localhost, your best bet is for a reinstall unless you are comfortable with safemode18:26
daftykinsDroopsta, go to www.cpuid.org and download the program "CPU-Z" run it and look for 64-bit info in the instruction support field on the main tab it opens on18:27
SlayerThere are 1455 people here! HELP ME18:27
Lakethat looks like a cool interface18:27
_VIM_!helpme | Slayer18:27
ubottuSlayer: Avoid your questions being followed by a trail of "Please, help me", "Can nobody help me?", "I really need this!", and so on. This just contributes to making the channel unreadable. If you are not answered, ask again later; but see also !repeat and !patience18:27
daftykinsLake, Ficthe  that just looks like an XBMC clone18:27
LjLmartin__: in 2007, that webcam wasn't supported, though a driver was being developed. i don't know about now.18:27
Lakedaftykins: never saw XBMC interface, you may be right18:28
admin_masu3701wayder: i am really not good at safe mode18:28
Slayerallright, ubottu, thanks. I just really need the help18:28
LakeSlayer: have you explored the Settings - Administrations - Keyboard ?18:28
daftykinsi watched some TV on my xbox1 just earlier ^_^18:28
Ficthedaftykins, I'm not familiar with it -- but the interface of such media applications is bound to be related one way or another18:28
_VIM_Slayer: if someone knows the answer they will respond :)18:28
martin__LjL,  Tnx18:28
daftykinsi was thinking more "looks" as in the backend, not the skin/theme18:28
daftykinsbut yeah i know what you mean18:28
admin_masu3701LjL: so how to i reboot in recovery or safe mode?18:28
SlayerLake - settings - ADMININSTRATORS? Dont have that. I'm on Ubuntu Desktop 8.10... Maybe it was badly translated with me18:29
Tpghey lads, this may sound like a stupid question but which version of the Linux kernel does Ubuntu use exactly?18:29
LjLadmin_masu3701: do you see a boot menu when you power on your computer, just after the BIOS hands off control, and just before the Ubuntu logo shows up?18:29
LakeSlayer: yeah sorry, dont use the GUI alot, but basically, you have Applications, Places and Settings as drop-down menus right?18:29
defryskTpg, depending on version , try uname -r18:29
Pirate_Hunterhi i am wondering is there any application that allows voice chat/call through the msn protocol?18:30
Tpgdefrysk, alright, cheers!18:30
admin_masu3701LjL: yes18:30
Lakeand in the third tab, Settings, there are two sub-categories, Preferences and another one I forgot the name of18:30
joaopintoPirate_Hunter, amsn ?18:30
Tpgdefrysk, why didnt I think of that before oO18:30
FFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUis facebook being a slow cunt for anyone else? i cant load shit18:30
LakeSlayer: in one of those two sub-categories, there is something like Keyboard, or Language, some setting like that18:30
LjL!offtopic | FFFFFFFFUUUUUUUU18:30
ubottuFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUU: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!18:30
LjL!language | FFFFFFFFUUUUUUUU18:30
ubottuFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUU: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.18:30
WayderFor (if(safemode=1) && (comfortlevel<1) (reinstall));18:30
FFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUjesus, calm down18:30
Lakehe aint around18:31
Tpgdefrysk, version 24 I see :D18:31
Tpgdefrysk, un-updated that is, 8.04. No clue if there is something intresting in the updates18:31
ADCHello everyone. I have ubuntu 8.10 installed. I am using gnome with it. I am currently using xrdp so that I can access the ubuntu server from my vista machine using rdp. Sometimes when i click on something the session crashes. I think its X crashing. Anyone know where I could look to figure out why the session is crashing. I have tried looking at /var/log/xorg.0.log but do not really know what I am looking for18:31
Pirate_Hunterjoaopinto, amsn does not allow me to make voice clal even knowing I have the option, there seems to be a bug in it, so i am wondering if there are anyother apps i could use18:31
LjLadmin_masu3701: ok, on that menu you should see a recovery mode option. select it (quickly, before it just boots normally). now i think in recent ubuntu versions, you will get another menu instead of a plain shell, i'm not sure, haven't used recovery mode in a long time... anyway, if you do get a menu, just select the option to open a root shell (or terminal or console or what it calls it)18:31
LjLadmin_masu3701: when you're there, "adduser mchris admin"18:32
LjLadmin_masu3701: it if gives you no error, reboot with "reboot"18:32
admin_masu3701LjL: thanks18:32
admin_masu3701let me try18:32
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admin_masu3701so that is safe mode right18:32
LjLadmin_masu3701: it's always been called recovery mode, i don't know if they've changed the name or there's something else called a safe mode18:33
SlayerKeyboard or language... huh. I will try that out. Also i need help with another thing - What packages do i need for network-manager-pptp and network-manager-openvpn to be installed properly? I have no internet connection in Ubuntu, because i need these two to connect18:34
LjLadmin_masu3701: according to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecoveryMode , it will just give you a root shell without any menu18:34
LjLadmin_masu3701: so if that's actually the case, just type "adduser mchris admin" in it and you're done18:34
daftykinsSlayer, "apt-cache search blah" may help18:35
daftykinswhere "blah" is a search term18:35
admin_masu3701LjL: i will try it now...thank you18:35
SlayerI have no internet connection!... I need it to run apt-things right?18:35
daftykinsgood point18:36
daftykinsclearly i'm more tired than i thought18:36
daftykinsi would've thought it comes with the necessary out of the box?18:36
daftykinsdoes it really not?18:36
LjLSlayer: yes, unless you have an alternate cd avaialble. what do you need to do? you might use another computer to achieve it18:36
SlayerI have no idea... Alternate CD?18:36
melrockzThough I have samba, smbfs installed, I can't connect to a windows share. Why so?18:36
LjL!alternate | Slayer18:37
ubottuSlayer: The Alternate CD is a classic text-mode install CD. It supports a wider range of hardware than the !LiveCD, and can also be used as an upgrade CD.  Look for the alternate link on the Ubuntu download page - See also !minimal - Torrent at http://releases.ubuntu.com/8.10/ubuntu-8.10-alternate-i386.iso.torrent18:37
daftykinsmelrockz, "smbfs" and "smbclient" installed yeah?18:37
Slayererrr i installed Ubuntu via Wubi...18:37
SlayerBecause i do not want that partitioning, formatting18:37
ubottuThe Ubuntu Desktop CD is a "LiveCD" which can be run without altering existing files on your harddrive. Especially useful for testing your hardware's compatibility, it also includes an install option.18:38
LjLSlayer: well anyway even if you do have the alternate cd, it'll only let you install a very restricted selection of packages. so again, just what exactly do you need to do?18:38
SlayerLjL, i need to install these two - network-manager-openvpn and network-manager-pptp18:39
Akkernight"gdebi-gtk: Fatal IO error 9 (Bad file descriptor) on x server :0.0." I get that error when I try to install Skype for AMD6418:39
DreamgliderfunkyHat: any idea as to how long it would take to clone the drive )18:39
LjL!offline | Slayer18:39
ubottuSlayer: If you need to download Ubuntu packages using another machine or OS, check the desired packages in Synaptic and select File > Generate package download script. Alternatively, try http://apt.alturl.com/ (now with Intrepid support)18:39
DreamgliderIt has about 65/70Gb of data18:39
melrockzthere is an error 'smb// no application is registered for handling this type of file.'18:40
SlayerSynaptic... how do i check it?18:40
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dbboltonhow can i scp a file with a space in its path?18:40
LjL!synaptic | Slayer18:40
ubottuSlayer: synaptic is Ubuntu's Graphical Package Manager. For a good howto see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticHowto18:40
_VIM_dbbolton: i think you have to put quote marks around it or press TAB18:41
melrockzdbbolton: cp My\ Docz18:41
Wayderhere, cp Pending\ Domain.png18:41
Akkernight"gdebi-gtk: Fatal IO error 9 (Bad file descriptor) on x server :0.0." I get that error when I try to install Skype for AMD6418:41
LjLdbbolton: but the it in "quotes"18:41
dbbolton_VIM i tried using single and double quotes18:41
LjLdbbolton: eh... i meant put it in "quotes".18:41
LjLdbbolton: that should normally work as well as the "\ " method, but i suppose you can give the latter a try too18:42
Wayderi love ubuntu =)18:42
melrockzI can't connect to my Xp network share...18:42
dbboltonLjL this is what happened with quotes http://pastebin.com/d110a6c8118:42
Waydermelrockz, do you have smb installed?18:42
zooboxcan some share some knowledge on how to do tunneling?18:43
_VIM_zoobox: that's kind of offtopic have you tried ##networking though?18:43
zooboxI want to listen/send multicast udp messages on the network at school, even when I am at home18:44
LjLdbbolton: try it like this: scp daniel@"/home/daniel/Music/Daniel\\ Bolton/bones.mp3"18:44
zooboxaha ok... I ask there then18:44
melrockzI have smbfs and smbclient installed.18:44
melrockzfrom the repos18:44
masu3701LjL: i cant even go into recovery mode because i commanded how those ligns in the mune list file18:44
daftykinsso how are you trying to access your windows box melrockz ?18:44
LjLmasu3701: that was a terrible idea18:44
LjLmasu3701: anyway, you can still do it18:44
masu3701LjL: i can still edit the file?18:45
melrockzby the 'connect to server' in the places menu.18:45
dbboltonLjL i tried using \ too http://pastebin.com/m2bd95e3318:45
LjLmasu3701: when in the boot menu, just hit "e". you'll see a list of lines, hit "e" again, that'll let you edit the first line. to the end of it, add: init=/bin/sh18:45
LjLmasu3701: the press Enter, then press "b" to boot. you should be taken to a root shell.18:45
Dreamglideris there any way to check the progress of "dd if=/dev/source of=/dev/destination"  ?18:46
daftykinsyes Dreamglider18:46
daftykinsopen another terminal window18:46
daftykinsand type "ps -ef | grep dd"18:46
dbboltonok, i had to put it in double quotes AND use \. thanks18:46
daftykinsit should tell you process ID for dd, yes?18:46
daftykinsthen type "kill -USR1 $PID"18:46
daftykinse.g. your PID could be 1234 so you'd type "kill -USR1 1234"18:47
masu3701LjL: i have windown and ubuntu...so boot into ubuntu then hit e?18:47
JDogHermanCan someone help me to setup an MTA?18:47
kakazzaHi, I am trying to use UNetbootin to install Ubuntu on a partition. However it only detects the C: drive, however in USB Mode with "show all drives" I can see the partition I created. How do I make the 20GB partition I created visible in HD Mode in UNetbootin?18:47
LjLmasu3701: no18:48
LjLmasu3701: in the *menu* -- the very same menu that should have had a recovery mode option, but didn't -- hit "e"18:48
AkkernightI'm having some problems with my sound, how do I check my sound drivers?18:48
Dreamgliderdaftykins: can i paste the output in a PM ?18:49
LjLmasu3701: after having selected the Ubuntu line, but that's normally the default18:49
TwistedGhosti am trying to move my old videos file from my old partition to my new videos file in my new partition can someone please help me it just keeps filling my hd18:49
daftykinsif it's short Dreamglider  yeah sure18:49
flicecan I restrict certain apt .list file to only bring necessary updates, as opposed to all updates?18:49
masu3701LjL : wait..in that menu i only have windows and ubuntu18:49
melrockzby the 'connect to server' in the places menu.18:49
hunt577Hi everyone, I am running ubuntu through the livecd and wireless is not working18:49
masu3701suppose to have the recovery mode but its out18:49
LjLmasu3701: yes, so select ubuntu (unless it's already selected by default), then hit "e"18:50
flicee.g. I have a program that I'd like to stay up-to-date from certain repository, but I don't want random libraries to get updated from there, unless this program requires them18:50
LjLmasu3701: then hit "e" again, then type " init=/bin/sh" without the quotes, then hit Enter, then hit "b"18:50
masu3701so hit e after select ubuntu18:50
daftykinsflice yes18:50
TwistedGhosti am trying to move my old videos file from my old partition to my new videos file in my new partition can someone please help me it just keeps filling my hd18:50
JDogHermanCan someone help me to setup an MTA?18:50
flicedaftykins: how?18:50
_VIM_!repeat | TwistedGhost18:50
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ubottuTwistedGhost: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience18:50
daftykinsflice if you put # in front of the lines in your sources.list, all the lines except the ones that have "security" in them18:51
daftykinsthen it'll only get security updates and not software updates18:51
* G69 Boa tarde.18:51
zooboxis it possible to force Nautilus that the files in the sftp-server I connect to is actually Latin1 and not UTF8 ?18:51
LjL!pt | g6918:51
ubottug69: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado.18:51
masu3701LjL: so reboot after the entering "b"18:51
Dreamgliderdaftykins: http://pastebin.com/d3f32383718:51
axisysis there a acroread ubuntu pkg available?18:51
axisyssudo apt-get install acroread does not work18:51
G69LjL, i'm already there, i'm just trying to be polite.18:51
axisysPackage acroread is not available, but is referred to by another package18:51
Dreamglideri gont booted when i pasted the output18:51
zooboxor, if it isn't possible to run something that corrects all filenames after I have copied them?18:51
LjLmasu3701: no, after "b", you should wait for it to *boot*, then when you get a shell, you type "adduser mchris admin". THEN you reboot.18:52
masu3701let me try18:52
defryskaxisys, i think medibuntu has it available18:52
flicedaftykins: I have this repository in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/mmedia.list:      deb http://mirror.home-dn.net/debian-multimedia stable main18:52
devilsF001has anyone ever successfully connected to Cox Communications with a Static IP? If so is there a trick?18:52
sheepleim running intrepid, with an ati radeon X2100 series.  after attempting to install fglrx, i get just a black screen when i boot.18:52
LjL!postfix | JDogHerman, no but fwiw i can give you a link18:52
ubottuJDogHerman, no but fwiw i can give you a link: postfix is the default !MTA and !MDA on Ubuntu. For help, read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Postfix and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PostfixBasicSetupHowto - See also !MailServer18:52
axisysdefrysk: thnx18:52
flicedaftykins: now, what can I do, if I don't want the packages in this repo to get automatically updated?18:52
LjLflice: how about just commenting it out?18:53
flicedaftykins: but I do want this repo to be enabled, so that I can manually update the packages, if I want to18:53
Wayderwhat is the command to figure out a domains dns records? =)18:53
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ubottupostfix is the default !MTA and !MDA on Ubuntu. For help, read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Postfix and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PostfixBasicSetupHowto - See also !MailServer18:53
fliceLjL: ...18:53
LjLflice: eh, i said that before you said that.18:53
daftykinsput a hash before the line to comment it out too, flice18:53
erosswhat's the gui tools that allows you to look at the pie chart of your harddrive/space/usage/partitions?18:53
daftykinsthen you'll need to "apt-get update" to refresh the repos that you *do* want18:53
flicedaftykins: I don't want to comment it out18:54
ihate88what sort of dual head archtecture does intrepid ibex use with a intel 945gm? just two x screens? xinerama? sth else?18:54
flicedaftykins: as I said, I want it to be online, just not autoupdate18:54
daftykinswell either you want updates from there or you don't flice! :)18:54
Andry_Workhow do I setup the mouse speed on ubuntu?  I only got acceleration...18:54
flicedaftykins: I want manual updates, as opposed to automatic ones18:54
daftykinsah ok then i don't know then18:54
guest__what is the most portable way to get effective uid of script?18:54
daftykinsi only ever upgrade manually via terminal18:54
LjLflice: how about holding the relevant packages? though obviously you'll have to do it for each package in the repository18:55
fliceLjL: yep, not applicable in this case, the repo is large18:55
TwistedGhosti need hepl before i end up loicking my hard drive space18:55
erossthe answer is gparted18:55
LjLflice: well but it works if you don't have too many packages installed from it18:56
pedro__ubuntu only works in vesa mode. When I try radeon driver all I get is orange screen. Sound works and I can login, but nothing shows on screen. I can hear the login sound and all, but nothing on screen. (Same in live session). Any ideas why? I'm on a laptop, asus f8v with radeon hd 3650.18:56
fliceLjL: 34 currently18:56
fliceLjL: these are different versions of the packages that I have from other repos (mainly from medibuntu)18:57
fliceLjL: actually, these are updated versions only. there might be additional ones that have the same version that I don't see18:58
spaceninja1I can't maximize inkscape18:58
spaceninja1is anyone else experiencing this problem?18:58
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TwistedGhostdoes anyone know how to transfer files from old partition to new partition18:58
n2diymy roommate is trying to duel boot his XP box, and he is at the migrate settings page, and regardless of what he selects, or doesn't select, he can't access the forward button, his only option is to cancel, what gives?18:59
Guest44783what program i can make xp bootable usb stick? i need because my laptop doesn have cd-device18:59
daftykinsTwistedGhost, why do you have old and new?18:59
fliceLjL: this is a big problem for me. I have a lot of unstable repos enabled, each for the sake of one or two programs, and many of them push unrelated packages to updates18:59
daftykinsand what are they, two different hard disks inside an ubuntu PC?18:59
mudvayne852can you create an xbox live server/18:59
_VIM_Guest44783: that sounds like a ##windows issue try there18:59
daftykinsonly MS run xbox live19:00
TwistedGhostdaftykins, no its 2 partitions on the same hd both with ubuntu instaled19:00
Guest44783no its not windows guestin, cos i use ubuntu19:00
daftykinswhy do you want to copy it TwistedGhost  ?19:00
eichii want to mount a udf dvd19:00
LjLflice: ah but that's different, you should be able to tell apt that ubuntu repositories have a higher priority over those19:00
Guest44783and i dont know what program to use make it19:00
eichibut it doenst work. i get allways a UDF-fs: No partition found in dmesg19:01
fliceLjL: and if I do, it won't update to the packages in other repos, even if they have newer versions?19:01
mudvayne852daftykins: XLSP19:01
TwistedGhostdaftykins, well my old copy of ubuntu i broke it so i reinstalled but i still want all of my files so i made a second partition now i want to transfer my videos file and music file to my new partition19:01
admin_masu3701LjL: so i added init= /bin/sh to the first option that i had which was root19:01
TwistedGhostbut i dont know how19:01
sheeplesomeone in here gave me a link to install fglrx, and all it did was make everything worse, i was better off not to read it.19:01
LjLflice: i'm a bit confused as to how that's done exactly, but i know it can be done (i even think it's done by default for the security repo)19:01
admin_masu3701then b19:01
mudvayne852daftykins: xbox live server platform?19:01
ubottuEnabling extra mouse buttons: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ManyButtonsMouseHowto  - Enabling serial mouse: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SerialMouseHowto19:01
admin_masu3701and rebooted19:01
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about mouse_speed19:01
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)19:02
daftykinsmudvayne852, i was thinking you meant the 'actual' xbox live19:02
daftykinsif you're saying you can download some kind of version of it to run yourself then that's news to me :D19:02
taz_what i should download with new openoffice.org 3.0   ... right now i have already 2.4   ..so how i can upgrade ??19:02
admin_masu3701so now i enter adduser mchris admin in terminal and get: only root can add user....19:02
axisyshow do I install opera ?19:02
norbert79axisys: apt-get install opera for example19:03
_VIM_axisys: get the .deb from Opera's site19:03
Pimpadmin_masu3701: sudo adduser19:03
axisys sudo apt-get install opera gives me19:03
axisysPackage opera is not available, but is referred to by another package19:03
norbert79axisys: Are all the repositories selected?19:03
LjLflice: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports#Use pinning to limit the backports repository19:03
spreeI just bought one of those cheap Targus USB bluetooth adapters, and to my amazement it worked flawlessly. What applications should I look into as far as syncing my organizer on my phone?19:03
axisysnorbert79: let me check .. one sec19:03
TwistedGhostdaftykins, i broke first copy of ubuntu so i installed again and want to move my personal files from old copy to new copy but its like 100gb and i only have 28gb left on hd19:03
admin_masu3701pimp: it says that mchris is not in the sudoers file19:03
norbert79spree: vammu19:03
norbert79spree: Wammu, sorry19:04
LjLadmin_masu3701: NO, you should have done the adduser thing WHILE you were in the rootshell, not AFTER rebooting back!19:04
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about wammu19:04
sheeple someone in here gave me a link to install fglrx, and all it did was make everything worse, i was better off not to read it.19:04
* Pimp loads up his virtual env19:04
sheeplethis is what i was told.  http://wiki.cchtml.com/index.php/Ubuntu_Intrepid_Installation_Guide#Installing_the_restricted_drivers_manually19:04
fliceLjL: eh, cool, gonna check it out19:04
homecablewhat hardin packages does a shell server use to hardin the userland19:04
TwistedGhostsheeple, its hard to get help with that thats why i reinstalled ubuntu into a 2nd partition19:04
axisysnorbert79: third party partners are not selected19:04
admin_masu3701LjL: so i enterd init=/bin/sh19:05
sheeplewhat to apt-get to get my desktop back19:05
LjLflice: there are other guides about pinning, but i believe at least the one on help.ubuntu.com is updated and inaccurate, while that example in the backports page should work. otherwise, check the generic debian guide at http://jaqque.sbih.org/kplug/apt-pinning.html19:05
rootardI have a package whose version is the same as the version in a repository. If I install the package by hand, aptitude want to "upgrade" to the repository version. Any idea on where this may be coming from?19:05
norbert79axisys: Well, go on, make all repositores selected19:05
admin_masu3701then i shuld do the add user on the same line19:05
norbert79axisys: or download the Ubuntu package or the deb package from Opera's website :)19:05
TwistedGhostdaftykins, pm me please when you get the chance to help me out thanxs19:05
LjLadmin_masu3701: sigh. no19:05
LjLadmin_masu3701: how's about to write this down somewhere19:05
_VIM_sheeple: in the future don't install things from NON official Ubuntu websites/forums/wiki's, else you run the risk of hosing your system19:05
spaceninja1Why can't I find inkscape-devel?19:05
admin_masu3701i did19:05
fliceLjL: thanks!19:05
LjLadmin_masu3701: 1) power on your machine. wait for the boot menu to show up19:05
LjLadmin_masu3701: 2) select Ubuntu, unless it's already selected by default, and hit "e"19:06
Pimpadmin_masu3701: sudo adduser <user> should work19:06
LjLadmin_masu3701: 3) select the line that says something like "/boot/vmlinuz-2.6.24-22-generic root=UUID=c50ae320-b4fd-434e-b81d-3088ae67e6fc ro noapic quiet splash", unless it's already selected19:06
axisysnorbert79: added the third parties .. still not finding it19:06
LjLadmin_masu3701: 4) hit "e" and move to the end of the line, unless you're already at the end of the line19:06
norbert79axisys: Well, download it from opera.com then19:07
LjLadmin_masu3701: type a space, and then type init=/bin/sh19:07
axisysnorbert79: http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu:Intrepid says just apt-get it19:07
axisysnorbert79: i know that is one way19:07
LjLadmin_masu3701: 6) hit Enter, and then hit "b"19:07
axisysnorbert79: i wanted to depend on apt if possible19:07
LjLadmin_masu3701: 7) wait for a shell to load up, then type "adduser mchris admin"19:07
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LjLadmin_masu3701: 8) type "reboot"19:07
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norbert79axisys: I guess thats the same... :) Besides, I always tend to use the latest19:07
_VIM_Opera is not in the repos for 8.10 , that's why i told you to go to Opera's site and get the .deb, before everyone here started telling you to "Enable extra repos" and whatnot ;)19:07
axisysnorbert79: :-)19:08
archmanIs there a Skype deb for intrepid?19:08
axisysnorbert79: since u mention latest.. how do I get the latest ff? 3.1.x ?19:08
ubottuTo install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype - To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto19:08
norbert79axisys: Well, download it, and place it to a different directory. Btw, http://www.medibuntu.org19:08
spaceninja1FIX INKSCAPE!19:09
spaceninja1please :)19:09
axisysnorbert79: i added medibuntu repo..19:09
FloodBot1spaceninja1: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.19:09
norbert79axisys: Guess that has no opera by now.. Eh, just go to opera.com already, and download it from there19:10
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admin_masu3701LjL: ok19:10
admin_masu3701trying again19:10
axisysnorbert79: k.. hwo about ff latest beta :-) ?19:10
Pici!latest | axisys19:10
ubottuaxisys: Packages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are: fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports.19:10
norbert79axisys: Well, download it, and place it to a different directory19:11
axisysnorbert79: ok19:11
axisysnorbert79: i dont seem to find the ff beta19:11
axisysnorbert79: even in there site19:11
mudvayne852what games for ubuntu are mmorpg and free19:11
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axisysnorbert79: there is no download option https://developer.mozilla.org/En19:12
_VIM_spaceninja1: have you checked yet to see if there is a bug with inkscape with not being able to maximise the screeN? https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bugs19:12
n2diyI'm helping my friend install Ubuntu on his XP box, and it stalls at page 6, the migrate data page?19:12
spaceninja1_VIM_: there is a known bug, that has been fixed with inkscape-devel19:12
spaceninja1_VIM_: but I can't find that package19:12
norbert79axisys: There is the way, sorry, I am not dealing with beta stuff, but only with Ubuntu related problems directly...19:12
_VIM_spaceninja1: try the PPA's19:13
_VIM_!ppa | spaceninja119:13
ubottuspaceninja1: With Launchpad's Personal Package Archives (PPA), you can build and publish binary Ubuntu packages for multiple architectures simply by uploading an Ubuntu source package to Launchpad. See https://help.launchpad.net/PPAQuickStart.19:13
_VIM_or !backports19:13
norbert79axisys: Ehm, I mean I can't help you with that. I would just download the tar.gz, and place it to HOME19:13
spaceninja1sounds like hassle19:13
_VIM_na it's easy19:13
_VIM_one click install19:13
axisysnorbert79: ff beta is pretty stable.. comes with opensolaris 2009.06 .. and using it.. love it19:13
deanyfirefox in ubuntu hangs while uploading files to sites like megaupload/rapidshare/mediafire, where as in xp it does not..  it comes back responsive after the upload has finished...?19:13
axisysnorbert79: i will check with ff community.. thnx19:14
norbert79axisys: Thats nice, but sorry, as it is not default in Ubuntu, I am not dealing with it.19:14
spreedeany how much ram do you have?19:14
norbert79axisys: Good luck then! :)19:14
deanywell, the xp one is in a vm :)   my hardware isnt an issue19:14
axisysnorbert79: :-)19:14
arash__where does mysql store its query log in ubuntu?19:15
spreedeany: I'll tell you what, since you don't know what the issue is, and i don't know what the issue is, would you mind humoring me and telling me how much ram and what your processor is? Thanks.19:15
Pimpdeany: check firefox/mozilla support19:15
deanyp4 3gig, 2gig of ram...(192meg supplied to the virtual xp)....19:16
Dondavidis it allowed to speak german ?19:16
LjL!de | Dondavid19:16
ubottuDondavid: In den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.19:16
Unirgyhi, is there anything special i need to do for file browser to recognize ssh private key when connecting to sftp:// ?19:16
Palermohello @ all19:17
spreedeany what happens when you close the virtual XP box and try uploading to these places? Does firefox still hang?19:17
Dondavidok i try it in english19:17
deanyive tried a lot of stuff.. i only put xp in vm to test if it would do it there.19:17
deanyff doesnt do it during any other task19:17
Dondavidhow can i change my themes ?19:18
Palermois here a people19:18
_VIM_!themes | Dondavid19:18
spreedeany #firefox19:18
ubottuDondavid: Find your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy19:18
spreePalermo What is your native language?19:18
Dondaviditalian :D19:18
Dondavidi think19:19
LjLdandel: although he's .de... :)19:19
LjLDondavid i meant19:19
Dondavidwith which prog i have to install the themes ?19:19
deanyi bet they`ll send me back here :)  ill try there anyway19:19
n2diyI'm helping my friend install Ubuntu on his XP box, and it stalls at page 6, the migrate data page?19:19
Dondavidi use kde19:19
LjLDondavid: then see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CustomizeKubuntu19:20
_VIM_Dondavid: , no prog....OH KDE? hmmm not sure. I was just about to bust out the directions for gnome... ask in #Kubuntu then19:20
spree!de | Palermo19:20
ubottuPalermo: In den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.19:20
Palermothank you19:20
mikebeechamhi guys...are there any decent id3 tag editors?19:21
hunt577Hi guys, I have a Atheros AR242 Wireless PCI card built into my laptop and wireless won't work with ubuntu, any recommendations?19:22
tw1tchrhythm box can change ide3 data cant it19:23
mikebeechamtw1tch: possbily, but I'm not using rhytmnbox :D19:23
spreehunt577 check this out http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=75631819:23
admin_masu3701LjL: ok i did everything like you said but the option b reboot the system19:24
_VIM_mikebeecham: not certain, but you could try WinAMP in WINE... (Use this as a LAST result if you don't find a better solution)19:24
tw1tchmikebeecham: have you tried easytag19:24
hunt577thank you spree19:24
admin_masu3701there is other option such as c for command-line, O for open new line and d for remove selected line19:24
admin_masu3701b just reboot the system19:25
mikebeechamtw1tch: I'm trying to use easytag, but it dont like editing tags in folders accessed through gvfs19:25
admin_masu3701i tryed c, it takes me to the grub:19:25
admin_masu3701command line19:25
mikebeechamits locks up and greys out tw1tch19:25
admin_masu3701thn i entered adduser mchris admin but get Unrecognized command error19:26
tw1tchmikebeecham: unfortunately i don't use easy tag enough to know about your problem : ( someone else may know19:27
rayne_Is there a linux equivalent to I-Tunes? such as getting music, major and small bands?19:28
rayne_I thought I-Tunes did not work in Linux?19:28
ubottupostfix is the default !MTA and !MDA on Ubuntu. For help, read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Postfix and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PostfixBasicSetupHowto - See also !MailServer19:29
ubottuitunes is not available on Linux, but there are many audio player alternatives (see !players). For Daap clients (sharing music with other iTunes clients on the network), install banshee19:29
ubottuUbuntu supports the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) and provides mail server software of many kinds. You can install a basic email handling configuration with the "Mail server" task during installation, or with the "tasksel" command. See also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MailServer and https://help.ubuntu.com/7.10/server/C/email-services.html19:29
ubottuAudio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Audacious, Banshee, Beep Media Player, Listen, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, Exaile, XMMS2 (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based).  Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine - See also !codecs19:29
rayne_I have media players, I am looking for a digital store like I-Tunes19:29
Pimprayne: Amazon Mp319:29
Pimp!google amazon mp319:30
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)19:30
spionlalaubotto > humans19:31
rayne_Pimp, thanks.19:31
mudvayne852hello intelligent bot19:31
mudvayne852i spoke to a bloke who monitored the bots19:31
mudvayne852and fits in for them19:31
quikhey, where can I get automatix2?19:31
ubottuAutomatix is no longer developed or supported by its creators and is not recommended, supported, or needed by Ubuntu. See http://mjg59.livejournal.com/77440.html and « /msg ubottu WorksForMe »19:32
quikthanks bot19:32
AkkernightCan I get my Documents folder from Vista, even tho I said no to it under the installation ?19:32
quikAkkernight, yeah, mount the partition. unless it's encrypted or something around it :P19:33
deany(the ff uploading hanging issue).  using the fireftp plugin im uploading to my ftp space and its fine, so looks like its only a flash thing.. flash is latest, installed manually by me..19:34
Pimpquik: my documents folder may have security restrictions19:34
pumpkin0do the non-free w32codecs work on a 64Bit install ?19:34
deanyyoutube is fine....full screen does use the cpu a lot lot more tho...19:34
Akkernighthow do I mount it?19:34
manuel__weiss jemand wie ich icq bekomme19:36
Dondavidmanuel ersatz laden ?19:36
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quikAkkernight, blkid and identify your partition, either have it labeled, know its size or guess by file system type, sudo mkdir /windoze; sudo mount /dev/sda3 !$; cd !$; and dunno where it is from there.19:37
homyhi, on the command line, how can I find out the charset of a plain text file?19:37
Dondavidnimm den packetmanager und gib icq ein19:37
geirhaAkkernight: open a nautilus window (Places -> Homefolder for example), and in the left margin you should see all filesystems listed by LABEL, or size for the filesystems that does not have labels. Click on them till you find your windows's C:19:37
Dondavidnow talking in english19:37
Wayderthat was english =s19:38
tw1tchmikebeecham: have you tried Audacity19:39
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Wayderwho likes short shorts? =)19:41
rayne_Does Rythmbox work with Ipod Classic 160g now?19:41
Wayderi have never had any great success with my ipod on my linux box..19:41
bertrandI'm looking for a way to lock my own computer... for me, seriously. I mean, I spend too much time on it while I am supposed to prepare exams. The first thing I would like to do is to allow the access to the computer only for something like one hour a day. The second think I would like (but I can do without) is to be able to use amarok anyway (and only amarok)... Any, idea ?19:42
rayne_Last time I tried to hook my Ipod to linux, it destroyed it... supposedly it was fixed, was looking to confirm that.19:42
nanotubebertrand: sudo apt-get install willpower :)19:43
bertrandnanotube, with is it ?19:43
nanotubebertrand: it was a joke :)19:43
ZarelSo how would I go about telling package maintainers to update their version of http://packages.ubuntu.com/intrepid/warzone210019:43
bertrandnanotube, I guessed19:44
nanotubebertrand: easiest thing to do is just turn off the comp after an hour. other than that... have someone else you trust change the user password, then lock screen.19:44
homydoes somebody know how to find out the charset of a plain text file on the command line?19:44
daftykinsyou could try "file file.blah" ?19:45
nanotubebertrand: there's no tool out there that will actually prevent you from using the computer - it may lock screen, it may suggest a break, etc - but at the end of they day they all allow an override.19:45
daftykinsusually gives a bit of info19:45
nanotubebertrand: another easy thing to do: pull the network cable. once there's no internet, the computer becomes a lot less fun. :)19:46
WayderIf he wants a locking device..19:46
bertrandnanotube, I'm alone in the apartment... Maybe I should change the password with the eyes closed, or destroy the computer...19:46
Wayderyou can always get a wife/gf or S/O19:47
nanotubebertrand: or turn it off. another good option.19:47
bertrandnanotube, already tried, but it is too easy to put the connection back19:47
Wayderapt-get install wife19:47
homydaftykins: no, it doesnt work.19:47
h00kman wife19:47
nanotubebertrand: turn it off, then put in a sleep script to make the boot time really long (well, like 15 minutes), so that turning it back on is not too "easy" :)19:47
PimpWayder: are you sure you want to do that?19:47
Wayderno =) but it will keep your computer time in check, which is what bertrand is dooin =)19:48
Pimph00k: man wife | less19:48
bertrandnanotube, Wayder : so, what is for you the best way to make the computer very annoying to use ?19:49
Wayder... to make a computer very annoying to use..19:49
Pimp"E: Couldn't find package wife"19:49
Waydersit infront of it for 12 hours a day answering support tickets19:49
Pimphmm maybe its a drive or mount point19:49
Pimpmount wife19:49
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about wife19:49
Dreamglideror just install Windows Vista on it.19:49
bertrandWayder,  lol19:50
Waydermount -t vfat /dev/sda1 /wife19:50
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!19:50
Waydershe might now like the vfat  =s19:50
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about otot19:50
nanotubebertrand: well, to be honest, i try to make my computer /least/ annoying to use. :)19:51
saurabhthis is the strangest problem i ever had:i m able to open www.google.com in my brouser19:51
nanotubebertrand: but Wayder's way of "sitting in front of it for 12 hours" tends to work :)19:51
ZarelNo one knows? How do I contact the Ubuntu package maintainers and tell them a certain package is _very_ out of date?19:52
nanotubesaurabh: indeed, that's a strange problem. usually people like being able to open www.google.com in the browser :)19:52
bertrandnanotube, yeah, but I am supposed to work19:52
saurabhnanotube:but i m not able tyo open that page19:52
saurabhthough my inter net is working properly19:52
funkyHatDreamglider: depends on a few things, the speed of the drives, whether they are on the same IDE channel (that would slow it down) whether DMA is being used on both. A very vague estimate would be a couple of hours19:52
nanotubeZarel: try in #ubuntu-motu19:52
tw1tchsaurabh: do u get a 404 error?19:52
saurabhno i get a login page of my isp19:53
oCean_!latest | Zarel19:53
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ubottuZarel: Packages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are: fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports.19:53
nanotubebertrand: just buck up and grow a pair - if you need to work, turn off the screen and/or the comp, and work. :)19:53
nanotubebertrand: the old-fashioned method.19:53
saurabh<tw1tch:i get the login page of my service provider19:53
saurabhthough i ahve already logged in19:54
ZareloCean_: I'm talking about packages in Ubuntu still being a random nightly build when stable versions have been released since then.19:54
nanotubesaurabh: if your isp throws up a login page, that's your isp's problem, you should contact them about it.19:54
nanotubesaurabh: also, it's possible that their login requires cookies - did you enable cookies?19:54
saurabhwats cookies19:55
ubottuCookies are delicious delicacies.19:55
* Pimp slaps ubottu19:55
nanotubesaurabh: cookies are little pieces of info that a browser can store, they are frequently used for authentication purposes.19:55
oCean_Zarel: well, the policy is as explained above. The suggestion to ask in ubuntu-motu seems correct if you want to address the issue19:56
saurabh<nanotube:how to disable taht19:56
nanotubeZarel: ask in ubuntu-motu and point out the package... they'll tell you what's up.19:56
abhello all19:56
abi had a query19:57
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)19:57
nanotubesaurabh: no guarantee that it /is/ the cookie problem... but if you're using firefox, go to edit->preferences->privacy and check "accept cookies", and "accept third-party cookies" and set them to "keep until i close firefox"19:57
kristian1!mp3 tag editor19:57
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about mp3 tag editor19:57
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about mp3tag19:57
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about cake19:57
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about suck19:57
nanotubeyea, thought so.19:57
ubottuPlease investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots.  Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid".19:57
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about anything!!!19:57
abif some one dont have internet connection is there is any way to download package withh all dependencies on a system with net19:58
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about pi19:58
mchelenab, yup check out aptoncd19:59
funkyHatSomeone blogged about that on planet ubuntu really recently... can't remember who or what it was called though19:59
guestsay caffinated asd19:59
nanotubeab: yes, you can get stuff from packages.ubuntu.com19:59
guestcaffinated you are ridiculous19:59
nanotubeab: but aptoncd may be more convenient,as mchelen suggests...20:00
Unirgycan gnome file browser use ssh private keys when browsing sftp?20:00
nanotubeWayder: got kicked for bot abuse eh :)20:00
nanotubeWayder: yea, i know, harsh...20:00
abnanotube: but in that case we have to download all manually i am basically searching for an automated process20:00
nanotubeab: is your /other/ system an ubuntu as well?20:01
PiciPlease try to keep it on topic here, this is a busy support channel.  If you want to chat, please join #ubuntu-offtopic20:01
CarlFKwhat app will dump the metadata of a .jpg?  (like camera type, or whaterver is stored in it)20:01
abnanotube : i will check20:01
JDogHermanCan someone help me to setup of postfix I keep getting an error message20:01
nanotubeab: if it is, you can just install the package you want, which will pull all deps, and then grab all the .debs from /var/cache/apt/archives20:01
nanotubeab: if it is not, then... no such luck :)20:02
topojoin / #Mandriva20:02
MetalmaniaHi =]20:03
JDogHermanCan someone help me to setup of postfix I keep getting an error message20:03
MetalmaniaI would like some help setting up IRC20:03
oCean_CarlFK: jhead from package "jhead" will display jpg metadata20:04
austinI need some help accessing a server on my network....can anyone help me?20:04
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CarlFKoCean_: thanks20:05
tw1tchaustin: what is your issue?20:06
austintw1tch: I wan't to access a folder on my server..its on my network, what do i type into nautalis?20:07
CarlFKoCean_: "Exif section in Motorola order" - Mot has their own order? :)20:07
threepwoodhow do I stop my system from beeping ?20:07
danieliuhaszHello. Can anyone help me with the installation of a modem Icon 225 on Orange Romania? I mention that i have linux for about 2 days as a second OS20:07
Wayderlolcats are great =)20:08
kandjarhey there20:08
Wayderwtb ubuntu hax4iphone, pst with info!!20:08
kandjarI was wondering, did anyone succeed to install ubuntu on a eee?20:08
Wayderi have an old 901 that I managed to doubleboot20:09
Zarelnanotube, oCean_: I've asked in #ubuntu-motu and no one's responded yet. Should I just continue waiting?20:09
austintw1tch, you get what im saying, i did it last night, i had to type in ssh or somethign like taht, but i forgot the exact comand20:09
oCean_!eeepc | kandjar20:09
tw1tchaustin: let me double check mine20:09
ubottukandjar: Information about installing Ubuntu on an Asus EeePC can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EeePC20:10
silvernestawhere do i get help with sound issues, i have no sound atm20:10
Wayderjust to brush myself up, you want to access something from nautilus?20:10
megamauquantos brasileiros tem aki?20:10
megamaualguém fala portugues??20:10
lvlefisto!pt| megamau20:10
ubottumegamau: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado.20:11
tw1tchaustin: you were doing this through nautilis or terminal, if your wanting to update webfile like html you could also use ftp.20:11
lvlefistomegamau: /join #ubuntu-pt20:11
ubottuTo mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.20:12
austinnautilis...i like doing it that way20:12
Unirgyso annoying.. dozen times tried to switch  to linux from winxp... never works out, have to go back...20:12
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rrplaysilvernesta, what type of sound issues ??20:14
Sebby_Chello, i`m trying to run a direct connect hub on a Ubuntu, i have internet from comcast the external ip is 24.xx.xx.xx20:14
Wayder"thanks for calling webhost technical support"20:14
=== fader|lunch is now known as fader
Sebby_Chow can i make the hub run on the external ip not localhost20:15
tw1tchaustin: ok sorry so have you gone to place > connect to server?20:15
silvernestarrplay: i don't have any sound at all20:15
rrplaysilvernesta, : 8.10 look here  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=78957820:16
Waydersebby, have you modified your interfaces config?20:17
Wayderlocate interface | grep etc , try that in your cline20:17
rrplaysilvernesta:: 8.10 Part C on page20:17
Sebby_Ccline ?20:17
Waydercommand line20:17
silvernestaok thanks20:17
rrplaysilvernesta ok let us know20:18
Wayder/etc/network/interfaces is what you should be looking for20:18
Free0neWhy is firefox's font size so small on like every page I visit? Default ubuntu installation 8.1020:18
Wayderthen sudo nano /etc/network/interfaces20:18
Wayderfreeone, hit control and mousewheelup20:18
Free0neI can barely read the pages without zooming in on pretty much all of them20:18
Wayderor, ctrl and + on your kb20:18
danieliuhaszcan anyone help me with that modem problem?20:19
Free0neWayder, I've been doing that with every page. I just remember on my windows the size on 100% was readable, now I have to zoom in like %150 to read the text :(20:19
Sebby_CWayder # The loopback network interface20:19
Sebby_Cauto lo20:19
Sebby_Ciface lo inet loopback20:19
Sebby_C# The primary network interface20:19
Sebby_Cauto eth020:19
Sebby_Ciface eth0 inet dhcp20:19
Wayderastes to http://paste.ubuntu.com20:20
Wayderpastes to http://paste.ubuntu.com20:20
Sebby_Cso ..20:20
nanotubeZarel: yea, be patient... not every channel is as active as this one :)20:20
shamshow can i edit a pdf file properties like producer and author and...?20:20
Wayderso you have the default setup on that file...20:21
Wayderbasically, you are getting your IP from the dhcp and everything is automagic =)20:21
rrplayshams: open and edit and save open office20:21
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Wayderyou now want to access a daemon like ssh from your external ip?20:22
austintw1tch: whoops, musta clicked on your name ba, well what do you mean?20:22
Sebby_Cnot ssh a direct connect hub20:22
=== NDPTAL86 is now known as NDPTAL85
funkycat90210i'm on 8.10 and when i do apt-get install lynx I get Package lynx has no installation candidate, anyone know why?20:22
Slart!info lynx20:22
ubottulynx (source: lynx): Text-mode WWW Browser. In component main, is optional. Version 2.8.6-2.1ubuntu3 (intrepid), package size 1150 kB, installed size 4916 kB20:23
Wayderdc++ is for windows... =s20:23
Sebby_Ci meen a direct connect daemon20:23
ubottuPeer-to-peer filesharing clients are available for several networks/protocols, including !BitTorrent, !Gnutella, !eDonkey, !DirectConnect, !SoulSeek - Multi-protocol engines include !MLDonkey and !giFT - See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/P2PFileSharing for general information20:23
Sebby_Clike dbhub or dchub20:23
Slart!directConnect | Sebby_C20:23
ubottuSebby_C: Direct Connect clients: linuxdcpp, dcgui (GTK), Valknut, dc-qt (Qt), rccp (terminal-based) - See also !P2P20:23
Slarthmm.. no server there.. my bad20:23
Sebby_Ci don`t neet a client20:23
Zarelnanotube: No worries, somebody's talking to me now.20:24
yoyit2does anyone know of a good avi to mp4 converter?20:25
Sebby_Ci have dbhub and i need it to listen for connections on the external ip20:25
Slartyoyit2: mencoder?20:25
funkycat90210my /etc/apt/sources.list contains deb http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu intrepid main restricted universe multiverse yet it doesn't find lynx20:25
rrplayfunkycat90210, :: look here   try lynx2  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=103047620:25
Wayderhttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=42084  ?20:25
shamsrrplay: when i save with open office, file properties changes to open office and other. i want to clear properties. can i do that with open office?20:25
Slartfunkycat90210: I just tried installing it on my computer and it worked alright.. odd20:26
rrplayshams, :: open edit and save as pdf in Open office20:26
Slartfunkycat90210: you are running regular ubuntu? 32 or 64 bit?20:26
yoyit2slart i RAELLY need an easy one to use that is gui... im used to using one on windows called videora20:26
Wayderanyone ever have a problem with server load when running ajaxterm?20:26
danieliuhaszhelp with orange inthernet modem icon 225. pm if wanting to help pls20:27
Slartyoyit2: hmm..video transcoders with nice easy guis are not that common on linux.. perhaps there is a gui for mencoder you can use?20:27
HoNgOuRuhow do I find my router's ip ???20:27
DraggorI'm using a Radeon HD 4650, using the latest proprietary driver.  I get 1080p resolution, but it doesn't fit my screen.  How do I fix that?20:27
Wayderif you want a gui, roll with apple :P20:27
PimpHoNgOuRu: home router?20:28
Wayderif you want substance, roll linux..20:28
funkycat90210Slart: apt-get install links2 gives me the same error, I'm thinking this amazon 8.10 ec2 isntance is fubared but I'm not sure how20:28
HoNgOuRuneed to configurate it20:28
Wayderif you want fancy splash screens and bad load times, roll windows20:28
Slartfunkycat90210: amazon ec2?20:28
HoNgOuRupimp, its a home router20:29
Sebby_Chow do i make a dchub daemon to listen on eternal ip 24.xx.xx.xx ?20:29
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DraggorAnyone have experience with the radeon hd 4650?20:29
funkycat90210Slart: yes, with amazon ec2 you can pay $72/month for a machine, you choose the distro and it sets i up in minutes. I chose a 8.10 install and I think it's messed up20:29
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Wayderhow to listen, dchub must have a daemon option to bind it to a specific port20:29
Sebby_Ci made i right settings on daemon side but i think i misss something20:29
funkycat90210Slart: i just did an apt-get update and everything now works20:29
Slartfunkycat90210: sounds nice.. what architecture is it?20:29
Slartfunkycat90210: oh.. ok20:29
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funkycat90210Slart: Linux domU-12-31-39-03-BC-D6 #1 SMP Fri Feb 15 12:39:36 EST 2008 i686 GNU/Linux20:30
Sebby_Ci set the port to 2009 because i wont to run as normal user (not root(20:30
Wayderif you made the settings on the computer and you can access it from the network, you may just have to open the port on the router..20:30
Waydermake sure you Isp doesn't block the port20:30
lo127In vsftpd, if I use jail-user (chroot), can I somehow link do external devices, like a disk mounted in /media/hdd1?20:31
Sebby_Ci can access it from localhost20:31
Sebby_Cbut from external ip i can`t20:31
Waydercan you get it from another computer on the network?20:31
Sebby_Ci don`t have access to other PC from the network20:32
ubottuUbuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com20:32
guntbertlo127: there is a channel #vsftpd20:32
Wayderlol27 if you make a symlink inside the users locked directory it should in theory dance the macarena =)20:32
Sebby_Ci have sshd wich works on external ip ..but dchub ..20:32
lo127Wayder: worth trying, not sure tho20:33
hunt577Can anyone assist with using ndiswrapper to get the correct driver to download on ubuntu to get wireless working?20:33
dreamygood nigth nightrid3r !20:34
spasticteapotNicho is not present?20:34
spasticteapotOops. Wrong chatroom.20:35
dreamyand good nigth to the rest of the room to20:35
Xanax09how can i detect my disk drives ? i have got a disk running in a hotswap bridge but ubuntu dosn't detect it, its running on ide ( bios does detect it )20:35
Wayderso long and thanks for all the fish! </sing>20:38
corinthIs there a way to bypass getting errors when I don't have a key for a repo?20:38
Wayderget the key?20:38
Xanax09how can i detect my disk drives ? i have got a disk running in a hotswap bridge but ubuntu dosn't detect it, its running on ide ( bios does detect it )20:38
Wayderxanax09: can you mount it?20:39
Xanax09what is the command for mounting ?20:39
hunt577Does anyone having any information on ndiswrapper?  New to Linux and Ubuntu, and not sure how to get it running to download my wireless driver for ubuntu20:39
ubottuFor help with partitioning a new install see: https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/switching/installing-partitioning.html - For partitioning programs see !GParted or !QtParted - Other partitioning topics include !fstab !home and !swap20:39
danbhfiveanyone know much about eee distros, like whats the difference between easy peasy, and eeebuntu?20:39
ubottuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs20:39
ubottuInformation about installing Ubuntu on an Asus EeePC can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EeePC20:39
anom01yhow do I get sound from two or more apps in xfce to mix ? in KDE this would work, but in xfce it doesnt..20:39
ubottuXubuntu is Ubuntu with Xfce instead of !GNOME. More info at http://www.xubuntu.org and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/ - To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop » - Join #xubuntu for support - See also: !Ubuntu and !Xubuntu-Channels20:40
danbhfive!askthebot > Wayder20:40
ubottuWayder, please see my private message20:40
ubottuFor help with partitioning a new install see: https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/switching/installing-partitioning.html - For partitioning programs see !GParted or !QtParted - Other partitioning topics include !fstab !home and !swap20:40
ubottuPlease investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots.  Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid".20:40
Wayder!search dchub20:41
ubottuWow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!20:41
danbhfiveWayder: please stop20:41
xukunis it possible that my tv is receiving a audio signal from the dvi-hdmi cabel? I,m using a toslink cabel connected to my audio system. and sound is working . but I get a message saying "Unsupported audio signal check your output device"20:43
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dreamynightrid3r: you there ? hows it going ;)20:44
Slartxukun: I don't think a dvi cable transfers audio20:44
Wayderdvi or hdmi?  hdmi is dvi cable with 2 extra leads..20:45
Wayderyou can convert dvi to hdmi w/o sound and you can convert hdmi to dvi with sound =)20:45
LinuxKid54has anyone been sucessful in mounting a gpt partition in ubuntu in rw mode20:45
TwistedGhostdoes anyone know about moving files from a old partition to a new partition on the same hard drive both with ubuntu installed i need to move my videos and music files from my old partition to my new partition and get rid of the old one20:47
tekteenanyone know how to use touch and give it a date in secs since the epoch?20:47
TwistedGhostget rid of the old partition20:47
zhurai-tsukiTwisted: for  my anime and stuff, I just moved them to my group's ftp20:47
sharperguyHow does one get a USB drive to automount from the shell? Or is there an easy way to mount it otherwise?20:48
zhurai-tsukioh wait20:48
tekteenTwistedGhost: if you mount both drives, you can just copy them20:48
zhurai-tsukiright, you can just mount those nfts drives @_~20:48
xukunSlart, some how the tv get a signal or is expecting one. It is dvi-hdmi cabel20:48
ZykoticK9TwistedGhost, just have both partitions mounted and then you could use "mv" at the terminal or "nautilus" in the gui?!?20:48
tekteensharperguy: sudo mount /dev/sda1 /a/mount/point20:48
TwistedGhosttekteen, when i try to copy them it just fills my hard drive even more i have a whole 28gb left and need to transfer 120gb of media20:49
zhurai-tsukimm... ok, I'm using Ubuntu 8.10.  I have Compaq Presario C771US Notebook PC... well Battery isn't showing status atm (fixed Atheros to get wireless work though)20:49
tekteenTwistedGhost: you could have mentioned that20:49
tekteenTwistedGhost: you need to find a place to put it20:49
TwistedGhostlol sorry20:49
tekteenwe can not help with that20:49
LinuxKid54i have an external usb hdd that was formated in OSX and when i connect it to my ubuntu machine i can see the files but not copy them to another drive. Can someone please help me with this i dont know how much time this drive has its bad20:49
Slartxukun: well.. if the hdmi plug goes into the tv it might be expecting an audio signal from that.. but since you have a dvi plug in the other end I don't really see how you can do that20:49
TwistedGhosttekteen, why can you not help with that?20:50
sharperguytekteen, yeah I was just wondering if there was an easier way because ubuntu does have an automount system which creates a temporary mount point and detects what device it is etc20:50
tekteenTwistedGhost: How would any of us know where to put your files? We can tell you how, but not where20:50
bradlySo I installed some nvidia drivers on my new machine and my machine has been acting up. Should I be installing the driver from NVidia's web site?20:50
zhurai-tsukimm... ok, I'm using Ubuntu 8.10.  I have Compaq Presario C771US Notebook PC... well Battery isn't showing status atm (fixed Atheros to get wireless work though)   <-- note: somehow now it's thinking its on battery when right now its actually on AC20:50
tekteensharperguy: I do not use the gui much :-)20:51
TwistedGhostthats what i am wanting to know is how to get all my files from the old partition onto the new partition and delete the old partition20:51
tekteenTwistedGhost: you need to put everything on the old partition somewhere first20:51
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TwistedGhosttekteen, what do you mean by put it somewhere?20:52
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tekteenTwistedGhost: what you need to do is first move the files off the partition you want to delete20:52
zhurai-tsukiupload it, put it onto a USB, etc20:52
tekteenzhurai-tsuki: he is not uploading 128GB ;-)20:53
tekteenmy 20Mbit pipe would have issues :-P20:53
yoyit2does anyone know of a good dvd ripping program?? (rip to mp4)??20:53
TwistedGhostok so does anyone know the easiest way to save 120gb of media or where to store it?20:53
zhurai-tsukiI did >_>> *hides*20:53
tekteenTwistedGhost: big usb hard disk20:53
TwistedGhosti am broke lol20:53
tekteenTwistedGhost: apparently you have no way to delete the partition20:54
xukunSlart, its really crazy but I have this new lcd tv and When I watch movie using a pc with ubuntu os I get this message every 5 second on the screen20:54
TwistedGhosttekteen, is there a site or something that would allow me to just store 120gb of files so i can reinstall and then get them20:55
tekteeneven if such a site existed...20:55
ubottuFreeNX is advanced remote desktop technology. For more information and install instructions, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeNX20:55
TwistedGhostim really not kidding i have been working on my media database for 3 months and am not trying to lose it all20:55
tekteenTwistedGhost: Uploading it would take years20:56
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tekteenTwistedGhost: if one exited ;-)20:56
TwistedGhostso basically im screwed?20:56
tekteenTwistedGhost: you need to have a place to store it20:56
zhurai-tsukiquestion:  ok, I'm using Ubuntu 8.10.  I have Compaq Presario C771US Notebook PC... well Battery isn't showing status atm (fixed Atheros to get wireless work though)   <-- note: somehow now it's thinking its on battery when right now its actually on AC  (also at weird times, on opera I can't type and only can if I close an application AND/OR minimize and open the app again)20:56
NefastoHi all!20:56
TwistedGhostunless i can get a external hard drive?20:56
tekteenwhy are you deleting this partition?20:56
tommy1_I am looking for a slide scanner recommendation20:56
tekteenNefasto: Hi!20:56
tekteenTwistedGhost: yeah20:56
TwistedGhosttekteen, can you pm me its to clutered in here20:57
hwildethe instructions for freenx are not working!20:57
zhurai-tsuki:( I'm totally ignored.20:57
NefastoGrub has been corrupted for some reason on my system... it issues an "Error 17" while loading, and stops there.20:57
hwildeW: Failed to fetch http://ppa.launchpad.net/freenx-team/ubuntu/dists/VERSION/main/source/Sources.gz  404 Not Found20:57
NefastoI´ve checked online for help, and I got innumerous copies of a link which teaches how to "reset" grub from the grub menu...20:57
zhurai-tsukiquestion:  ok, I'm using Ubuntu 8.10.  I have Compaq Presario C771US Notebook PC... well Battery isn't showing status atm (fixed Atheros to get wireless work though)   <-- note: somehow now it's thinking its on battery when right now its actually on AC  (also at weird times, on opera I can't type and only can if I close an application AND/OR minimize and open the app again)    how can I fix these problems?20:58
Nefastobut I don´t get past the find /boot/grub/stage1 line... it issues an "Error 15: File no found", which is as obvious as useless!20:58
lasivianI think I broken the mtp filesystem on my mp3 player by mounting it20:58
NefastoI guess it means grub files are missing or corrupted...20:58
ZykoticK9hwilde, in that link VERSION is a variable for "dapper", "gutsy", "intrepid" etc....20:59
lasivianit doesn;t seek right anymore no matter what mp3 I use, even ones that worked fine previously20:59
Nefastocan anyone give me a clue?20:59
hwildeZykoticK9, wow... long day....20:59
ZykoticK9hwilde, try going to http://ppa.launchpad.net/freenx-team/ubuntu/dists/ in a browser20:59
zhurai-tsukiz.z can someone help me?20:59
ASULutzy1Quick question, I have a podcast downloaded as several mp3's, 1.mp3, 2.mp3, etc... I want to combine all of these into a single file, and I was able to do that simply by doing cat 1.mp3 2.mp3 > combined.mp3, but the only problem is that the length info is then wrong. Is there a smarter way to do this? Maybe we mencoder or something?21:01
Guest84697Anybody else experience this? When running compiz in KDE4.2 you can't do Alt F1 anymore...21:01
=== Guest84697 is now known as mbazdell
BZH!kubuntu | mbazdell21:02
ubottumbazdell: Kubuntu is Ubuntu with KDE, the K Desktop Environment, instead of Gnome. See http://kubuntu.org for more information - For support: #kubuntu - See also !KDE21:02
S7UMPYhas anyone tried the ubuntu 9.04 alpha 5 download yet?21:02
joaopinto!jaunty | S7UMPY21:02
ubottuS7UMPY: Jaunty Jackalope is the code for Ubuntu 9.04, due April 2009 - Lots of breakage between now and April - Please join #ubuntu+1 for discussion and support.21:02
mbazdellmy apologies21:03
zhurai-tsukiquestion:  ok, I'm using Ubuntu 8.10.  I have Compaq Presario C771US Notebook PC... well Battery isn't showing status atm (fixed Atheros to get wireless work though)   <-- note: somehow now it's thinking its on battery when right now its actually on AC  (also at weird times, on opera I can't type and only can if I close an application AND/OR minimize and open the app again)    how can I fix these problems?21:03
Nefastocan one get any help here?21:04
zhurai-tsukino idea >_>21:04
zhurai-tsukii'm not getting any support myself21:04
ubottuThe people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines21:05
nux_explorerASULutzy1: use sox21:05
ubottuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu!21:05
ademHow can i use color shell?21:05
ubuntnoobhello all21:05
zhurai-tsukiadem: which one are you using21:05
zhurai-tsukiregular terminal?21:06
Nefastozhurai-tsuki: what do u need help on?21:06
Slartadem: you mean coloured output from ls?21:06
ademi am using bash21:06
Dr_willisadem,  shell programs can use color. What do you mean to say?21:06
nigtvsuppose that i wanted to get rid of any file or dir with red in the name in the terminal, would i type $grep 'red' * > redrm.txt |rm < redrm.txt, because that isnt working21:06
Dr_willisls --color21:06
Akkernight_how do I compile C++ projects using Code::Blocks and GCC ?21:06
zhurai-tsukiNefasto: ok, I'm using Ubuntu 8.10.  I have Compaq Presario C771US Notebook PC... well Battery isn't showing status atm (fixed Atheros to get wireless work though)   <-- note: somehow now it's thinking its on battery when right now its actually on AC  (also at weird times, on opera I can't type and only can if I close an application AND/OR minimize and open the app again)    how can I fix these problems?21:06
ZykoticK9ASULutzy1, if you  have a gui you might want to try Audacity?21:06
Slartadem: I think the shell itself uses colours by default.. to make ls use colours there is a line or two in... ~/.bashrc or something like that21:06
ASULutzy1ZykoticK9, nux_explorer: I prefer terminal, but thanks, I'll look into both!21:07
nux_explorerASULutzy1> for example, you can do that : sox file1.mp3 file2.mp3 ... file10.mp3 "$FIFO" & lame --quiet -m s -h --vbr-new -V3 -b 128 "$FIFO" final.mp321:07
nigtvzhurai-tsuki: have you tried reinstalling the power manage ap?21:07
zhurai-tsukino x.X21:07
ASULutzy1nux_explorer: Beautiful, thanks :)21:07
giacodo you know how can I force software rendering for any opengl accelerated application?21:07
zhurai-tsukihow do I do that?21:07
ZykoticK9ASULutzy1, you might just use lame to re-encode the incorrectly timed mp3 file you've already made???21:07
Dr_willisnigtv,  the shell supports regular expressions to such a degree that you proberly dont need to use grep to do that.21:07
nux_explorerASULutzy1> very simple, and it works with wma, ogg...21:07
BZHzhurai-tsuki open add/remove and search for it21:08
nigtvDr_willis: you may have to tell me what command i am supposed to be typing, because i feel like i should know this21:08
ademoki tnx guy21:08
ASULutzy1ZykoticK9: Hmmm, is that easy to do? I'm just looking for the simplest way to make 10 mp3's a single mp3 with correct tags :)21:08
Slartadem: there is a line you have to uncomment, for me it's line 74  "alias ls=ls --color=auto" or something like that21:08
ubottuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs21:08
Dr_willisnigtv,  when in doubt TEST paterns with echo.. it looks like 'rm *red*' works here21:09
ASULutzy1nigtv: I may have missed what exactly you said, but if you wanted to delete all files or directories in your current directory that contained "red" in their name, you could do rm -rf *red*21:09
Nefastozhurai-tsuki: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-power-manager/+bug/27194421:09
nigtvhmm lemme try it really quick, it was returning an error before, no such file or dir21:09
ASULutzy1nigtv: Be careful when you're globbing with rm...21:09
Dr_willisnigtv,  if you have SPACES in filenames - that can really mess things up21:09
zhurai-tsukiadem+Slart: since I'm using the default terminal editor, I personally edited the profiles to change the colors21:10
ubuntnoobhow do you deal with spaces in filenames?21:10
ubuntnoobi always get an error of file not found-21:10
Dr_willisubuntnoob,  excape them. or quote them, or use the find command instead21:10
ASULutzy1ubuntnoob: escape them with a backslash. So some file.mp3 would be some\ file.mp321:10
ubuntnoobexcellent, ty21:11
Dr_williscp 'foo spacey file' 'other spacey file'21:11
cdavisI need php mailparse for an app but apt-cache doesn't find it on hardy?21:11
Dr_willisits best to NOT use spaces in filenames :)21:11
nigtvzhurai-tsuki: it looks like the power managing package is acpid and acpi-support, dont do any apt stuff until you can verify that with someone who is more knowing though21:11
ubuntnoobyea, i've been slowly converting all that i can21:11
Dr_willistheres dozens of 'convert spaces to _' scripts out. :)21:11
nigtvyou should be able to go into synaptic and select mark for reinstallation on those two, but again verify21:12
cdavisI thought that I had installed it before via a apt but cannot remember the name21:12
moriI was trying to install ubuntu with unetbootui (or so) it did a netinstall, but failed at some point when downloading ubuntu desktop. I rebooted after it was stuck for an hours and now I get a "DISK BOOT FAILURE, INSERT SYSTEM DISK" error21:13
moriAnd neither the broken ubuntu, nor my WinXP would boot anymore ;_;21:13
wadHi folks. I'm running Ubnutu now! Compiz is working, but I'm still figuring out a few things though... right now I can use ALT-TAB to switch between apps, and it shows a little thumbnail of the app when switching, but the problem is that they all look similar, and I can't tell which is which. I think I'd like to try just showing the icon for the app, instead of the mini-screenshot.21:13
guntbertcdavis: does that help ? http://www.cerb4.com/forums/showthread.php?t=24421:13
moriany suggestions how I at least get my winxp working again?21:13
Dondavidcan someone tell me a prog which show me the temperatur of my hdd and cpu ?21:14
wadI've looked in several places, but I have yet to find a way to make this change. Ideas?21:14
Dr_willismori,  boot a xp cd and use its recovery mode to reinstsall the boot loader. with the fixmbr/fixboot command21:14
Dr_willismori,  assuming the xp parittion is still there.21:14
nigtvASULutzy1: okay, suppose i wanted to delete in more than my current dir?21:14
moriwill try, second...21:14
BZHmori put the cd od windows and see if some dll files are missing try repair windows21:14
dcnoyewhere do i change the display settings21:14
zashdoes a simple utility to PXE-boot ubuntu exist?21:15
BZHdcnoye what do ya want to change21:15
gldtnhey guys.. when I try to play a dvd on totem it says GStreamer installation is missing plugins.. how can I fix this?21:15
dcnoyethe resolution21:15
dcnoyeBZH:  the resolution21:15
gldtnany othe player I should try that is perhaps better then totem?21:15
nigtvgldtn: make sure that you have all repositories enabled, and then try again, that should bring up a window to install them21:15
BZHdcnoye preferences resolution :D21:15
funkyHatwad: in the options for the Application Switcher plugin you can tick the box that says 'icon' to get an icon as well as the thumbnail... don't know if you can have just the icon though...21:16
hatter243gldtn, have you installed the package ubuntu-restricted-extras ?21:16
morifixmbr /fixboot didn't work :(21:16
dcnoyeBZH:  doh21:16
funkyHatwad: you could also try increasing the zoom level21:16
moriIs that error a BIOS Error, a windows error or a grub error?21:16
mehumanI just built a digital photo frame running ubuntu and am looking for a way to display pictures, weather, and news. Any suggestions?21:16
cdavisguntbert: lol, that is the app I am trying to install, I was hoping for a deb :( Have done a very good job of not installing anything that wasn't a deb21:16
nigtvmehuman: maybe use an rss feed? if you can build one that should work...21:16
* wad checks it out21:16
gldtnhateball, I thought I did.. or maybe not... where can I get info on this.. lol I reinstalled ubuntu like 5 times this past month21:17
nigtvgldtn: go into synaptic, and then go to...shoot21:17
hunt577can ndiswrapper be set up on the livecd?21:17
nigtvi havent used the gui in a long time21:17
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about dhcpd21:17
gldtnnigtv: I have all checked at the software sources21:18
ubottudhcp is Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol, a protocol for automatic IP assignment from a router. Ubuntu uses dhclient as a DHCP client but other ones (and DHCP servers too) can be obtained from the !repos. More info at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DHCP21:18
nigtvunder one of the menus is an option to edit the repos21:18
mehumannigtv: I was looking at using screenlets but would like it full screen. I was seeing if there was already a script that did it. Maybe using gd?21:18
mori<BZH> mori put the cd od windows and see if some dll files are missing try repair windows <== I kinda doubt that, unless the ubuntu netinstall removes DLLs.21:18
hatter243gldtn, ubuntu-restricted-extras?21:18
guntbertcdavis: sorry then, I asked google for "php mailparse ubuntu", read the first lines and sent the link to you - didn't see that you have to compile it yourself :(21:18
moriI just wonder what causes that error, is it the bios itself?21:18
nigtvmehuman: no clue, never done something like that, i use snownews, but im only in console not x, so im not sure21:18
tytais xubuntu really use a SIGNIFIGANT amount LESS resources than ubuntu?21:18
gldtnhatter243, yes21:18
Wayderthe repo menu? its under System > Admin > Software sources21:18
Dr_willismori,  boot loader dident install proerly perhaps.. its hard to tell21:18
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BZHmori if its not vista its not bios21:19
moriwell, fixmbr didn't work at least.21:19
moriIt's WinXP 3221:19
stefgtyta: in terms of ram: yes21:19
nigtvtyta: define significant21:19
BZHmori i have one thing to say for ya21:19
Dr_willismori,  try fixboot21:19
gldtnhatter243, oh how can I checked to see if they are installed?21:19
Waydertyta: lets put it this way... I cannot install ubuntu on a machine were I can install xubuntu21:19
tytai've got an old win2000 machine with about 200 mb ram.  i want to build for a friend's kid21:19
moriDr_willis - Tried that before. Can try again of course.21:20
tytathings like tux math, paint, educational software21:20
BZHmori first is there any date you need from that partitin if not remove the XP and try to make a virtual mashine or just use wine21:20
tytait has edubuntu on it now21:20
Dr_willismori,  theres 2 commands that ive used fixboot, and fixmbr both do seperate things21:20
nigtvgldtn: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras21:20
hatter243gldtn, it's a meta package ubuntu-restricted-extras is a pointer to a bunch of totem plugins for dvds, flash, java, some fonts, blahblah.21:20
tytait just runs kinda slow, and before I install xubuntu i want to know if it's worth my time21:20
Dr_willismori, other then that.. I suggest going to #windows21:20
Waydertyta: my employer asked me to turn a library of 15 computers into a computer resource for students of the school.. the computers are >500mghz procs, with >128mb ram. I was unable to install ubuntu.. xubuntu worked without a hitch21:20
nigtvgldtn: type that in the terminal, if they are installed it will say so, if not it will show a list of any not installed21:20
tytaWayder, thanks!21:21
stefgtyta: xubuntu.... and consider epiphany instead of firefox (which is a ram pig because of the xul toolkit)21:21
tytaWayder, the only prob is that this thing has no cd rom21:21
Waydertyta: sorry, that was < not >21:21
moriok, thx21:21
stefg!install | tyta21:22
ubottutyta: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation.  Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - see also !automate21:22
tytaWayder, i misunderstood21:22
Waydertyta: basicaly, if you have a computer with more then 256 ram, you can install ubuntu21:22
gldtnthanks guys.. none was installed.. I think I had it installed before I started formating my computer to test other linux distros21:22
Wayderram is the failpoint with the ubuntu install..21:22
lexvegasmori, try supergrubdisc. http://stmaarten.globat.com/~supergrubdisk.org/21:23
=== Haibane is now known as Elda
Wayderwhats the minimum install req for the graphical ubuntu install?21:23
nigtvgldtn: come back if you still have trouble, you may want to check the repo thing too21:23
EldaBleh... someone was using my name again -_-21:23
nigtvWayder: what version?21:23
BZHtyta mine is with 512 and i aha compiz running like hell :D except water effercts21:23
Wayderubuntu 8.10 with educational package21:23
Wayder192mb i think?21:24
JufisIs there any other system process/resource viewers than htop?21:24
EldaI am curious, what is the command to run a program from the terminal?  I want to execute a program21:24
Wayderelda, depends on the program21:24
stefgWayder: ubuntu-desktop install needs around 300 MB... but on anything with less than 512 MB i wouldn't run gnome21:24
EldaIt is writing to a /home/mp3/ and its a script like little program so I need to do so through gedit21:24
Dr_willisThere are several 'run dialog' programs out there.  some are built in to the various window managers also21:24
EldaIt is a "shell script"21:24
gldtnnigtv, thanks.. I checked the repo.. went to software sources and checked all the third party stuff and the software restricted or copyrighted line21:25
Wayderstefg, yeh, xfce is better if <25621:25
EldaTrying to run yt2mp321:25
Wayderelda, simply chmod +x <filename>21:25
nigtvWayder: that info is on the main page, just google21:25
Eldaty :)21:25
ZykoticK9Wayder, according to http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/810 the only real requirement seems to be 256MB ram21:25
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Wayderand ./<filename>21:25
Wayderi was just asking out of curiosity lol21:25
QwellIs there a better channel for the SPARC port of Ubuntu?  Having issues on a sun4v21:25
stefgZykoticK9: that's theory...21:25
olivieri've ubuntu on my old pc too21:26
Wayderbut thanks for being all gungho ! :)21:26
BZHstefg if you dont use compiz you can run ubuntu on 256 believe me21:26
nigtvoh lol sorry ;)21:26
ubp123why xmm2-tray is not be available for listtenning free internet radio while rhythmbox could listen with the said radio ?21:26
oliviervideo card with only 16mo21:26
stefgBZH: not run ... just walk :-)21:26
ZykoticK9stefg, TRUE!!!  but 8.10 does run fine on my EEE which is pretty low powered system, does have more then 256MB ram though?!?21:26
TwistedGhosttekteen, you there?21:26
tytacan anyone help me understand this command?  sudo chmod 'whoami':'whoami'21:26
tytafrom the page http://www.instantfundas.com/2007/08/install-any-linux-distro-directly-from.html21:26
BZHstefg lol nooooooooooooooo believe me i had 256 ;) and it was running the same like 512 but no compiz then21:27
Qwelltyta: That isn't what the command is.21:27
Waydertyta: check the man pages for chmod21:27
Qwellit would be sudo chmod `whoami`:`whoami`21:27
fouadim having a problem with apt21:27
fouadim using Ubuntu 8.1021:27
Qwellwhich will set the user and group to be the user you're running as (which is dumb, but whatever..)21:27
Wayderfouad: you having problems with aptitude as well?21:27
nigtvfouad: youll get better responses if you type it all in one line :)21:28
fouadim using apt-get21:28
tyta'whoami' = tyta21:28
Waydertry aptitude in your cline21:28
Qwelltyta: ` is not the same as '21:28
ZykoticK9tyta, that will change the user & group ownership to your user but i'm not sure it's 'whoami', think it might be `whoami`???21:28
ubp123whoami command is not correct ,after all ?21:28
tyta`' oh i see21:28
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots21:29
guntberttyta: was it chown or chmod?21:29
tytabut "who am i" is the user right?21:29
nigtvokay im still wondering i know the command "$rm -rf *red*" will get rid of anything with red in the name in my current dir, but how do i make this rm in any dir?21:29
tytaI am going to attempt to install this way:  http://www.instantfundas.com/2007/08/install-any-linux-distro-directly-from.html21:29
tekteentyta: or "whoami" or "echo $USER"21:29
billyHello folks (8.10), Got a problem with apps filling the screen, hiding the desktop tool bar! Where about's do I change the setting so the desktop tool bar  is still visible? Thanks21:29
nigtvbilly: what is the desktop tool bar?21:30
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nigtvare you talking about the menu bar?21:30
billynigtv: yes21:31
airbagfacehello boys21:31
funkyHatbilly: does this happen all the time, or is it just since the last time you logged in?21:31
Wayderah, thats a compiz issue.. its happened to me before21:31
xukunHi all. I,m still getting this message on my new sony lcd tv every 5 second "Unsupported audio signal check your ouput device" I,m using dvd-hdmi cabel. Ubuntu starts just fine21:31
nigtvwow thats wierd, do you have them on autohide or do they stay there all the time21:31
ZykoticK9tyta, i think thouse instructions are incorrect "sudo chmod `whoami`:`whoami`" does not make any sense at all...21:31
billyfunkyHat: all the time21:31
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fouadOk. Here goes. I was trying to install smplayer like I normally do on Ubuntu with apt-get install smplayer and I got 404 not founds on every file that apt-get tried to fetch. Then I did an apt-get update and got some GPG Key errors. Someone suggested that I use No-cache=true and that solved one of the GPG Errors. And finally this is the output: http://pastebin.com/d2eaf1ca021:32
airbagfacei just installed ubuntu, is there a keyboard command to switch the screens?21:32
CentHOGGhi would anybody know the fs for initrd.img? trying to mount it21:32
nigtvairbagface: check system>preferences>keyboard shortcuts ;)21:32
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ubp123regarding toolbar of shoutcastradio for the firefox..it was an exe extension file for my ubuntu linux.. and in fact it didnt work for my current firefox..unable to add that tool bar .....21:32
guntbertairbagface: <ctrl><alt> arrows21:32
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DrHalanis there a software on ubuntu for organizing events like a party or so?21:33
Dr_willisCentHOGG,  try the command 'file whatever.img' and see what it says21:33
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CentHOGGmount -o loop initrd.img-2.6 /mnt/initrd21:34
CentHOGGtried that but asked for filesystem type21:34
nigtvfouad: it installs fine on mine, thats a very wierd problem21:34
SimplySethhos does one verify if one is running a realtime kernel ?21:34
nigtvhave you tried installing from a third party instead?21:34
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guntbertfouad: try a different server21:34
funkyHatDrHalan: I would probably use vim-outliner for that, but that may not be to your taste at all (It's an extension of the Vim text editor, which isn't exactly intuitive!)21:34
nigtvfouad: im assuming you have mplayer installed, correct?21:35
Dr_willisCentHOGG,  im pretty sure its compressed, may be compressed ext221:35
DrHalanfunkyHat: at the moment i just use GEdit to write a guest-/foodlist etc but i guessed there would be a nice app for it.21:35
guntbert!who | fouad21:35
ubottufouad: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)21:35
CentHOGGDr_willis: kewl, I took it out of the wrapper. Would you know the fs?21:36
fouadubottu: sorry :) New to IRC, newer to large help channels21:36
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)21:36
nigtvi really wish i knew how to select and copy in w3m fouad21:36
QwellCentHOGG: he did suggest that it might be ext221:36
ubp1231. unknown name and soon to be erased upon inputting some here.. very nice lol21:36
fouadnigtv: whats w3m?21:36
nigtvif you google "smplayer", then go to the first page in the results, then click on download and go down to linux, its the first one21:37
CentHOGGQwell: kewl, so how would I modify mount -o loop initrd.img-2.6 /mnt/initrd properly? thx21:37
nigtvits a text based browser for the terminal21:37
Qwellif it's ext2, just add -t ext221:37
funkyHatDrHalan: there's not one that I can think of, vim-outliner is basically just a way of manipulating a plain text list/outline (it can do check boxes and tell you what % of a particular section is checked, but that's as advanced as it gets. It is very fast though, after learning all the keys to use it!21:37
ubp123oops sorry i could not type in lol due to this is irc chat i had been noticed once21:37
HAN67431anyone here that has worked on postfix dovecot?21:37
Dr_willisCentHOGG,  try the file command like i said earlier..21:37
funkyHatDrHalan: but I certainly wouldn't describe it as a 'nice app'21:37
QwellCentHOGG: file <filename> can generally tell you what it is though21:37
SimplySethhos does one verify if one is running a realtime kernel ?21:38
erUSULSimplySeth: they usually have -rt on the name21:38
erUSULSimplySeth: uname -a21:38
SimplySetherUSUL: and hence the reason I ask .. not the case this time :)21:38
azlonwhat can i use to manage my bluetooth devices?21:39
guntbertfouad: do you know how you can select another download server? maybe yours is broken...21:39
erUSULSimplySeth: then it is not realtime21:39
nigtvfouad: if you get that archive, extract it, then follow install.txt, it will tell you exactly how to do it21:39
ubottuFor instructions on how to set up bluetooth, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BluetoothSetup21:39
SimplySetherUSUL: but I did run the uname command and I do see " PREEMPT "21:39
HAN67431is there a ubuntu server channel21:39
erUSULSimplySeth: PREEMT != realtime21:39
ubuntnoobyea #ubuntu-server21:39
SimplySetherUSUL: DOH21:40
fouadim using the default download servers. Doesnt everything come from archive.ubuntu.com?21:40
bradlyIs there anything like OS X's growl for Ubuntu?21:40
fouadi'll install smplayer using the debs21:40
fouadbut I really need to fix this GPG key error21:40
erUSULbradly: if you trell as what growl does...21:40
guntbertfouad: in the end yes, but there are many mirrors, chose one near your location21:40
ubp123every body using the same ubuntu server for the channel ubuntu ???21:40
bradlyerUSUL: system wide popup messages21:40
fouadany idea/theory about how the GPG Keys for my system got garbled?21:41
nigtvfouad: what exactly is the error again?21:41
guntbertubp123: ???21:41
DefunctProcessAnyone tried playing Quake3 in browser? It says I'm missing a plugin but I have swf and flash installed....21:41
JufisDefunctProcess, I believe it has it's own plugin21:41
SimplySetherUSUL: hmmm I mght have to re-compile21:41
fouadnigtv: http://pastebin.com/d2eaf1ca021:42
SimplySetherUSUL:  thanks again21:42
erUSULSimplySeth: i think that ubuntu studio has rt kernels21:42
ubp123guntbert, i am a novice about this chatsystem because i have installed the gnome irc server at my ubuntu21:42
DefunctProcessjufis so its a windoze only thing?21:42
ZykoticK9DefunctProcess, are you trying to play QuakeLive?  I don't think anyone has a good linux solution yet - but I'd love to hear one???21:42
guntbertubp123: this is the ubuntu-21:42
erUSUL!info linux-image-rt | SimplySeth21:42
ubottulinux-image-rt (source: linux-meta-rt): Rt Linux kernel image. In component universe, is optional. Version (intrepid), package size 2 kB, installed size 32 kB (Only available for i386 amd64)21:42
SimplySetherUSUL: just not RT kernels that see both cores :-/21:43
ubp123ok, thanks for info guntbert21:43
guntbertubp123: this is the ubuntu-support channel, for just chatting please visit #ubuntu-offtopic :)21:43
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DefunctProcesszykotick9 yes I figured it was a windoze only thing, perhaps in wine but its not such a novelty that way21:43
JufisDefunctProcess, at this moment, yes. Linux version is in development21:43
BZHwhat is ubuntu dvd??21:43
fouadi even tried this....  gpg --keyserver hkp://subkeys.pgp.net --recv-keys 40976EAF437D05B521:43
funkyHatDrHalan: here you go http://webpages.charter.net/edreamleo/front.html doesn't look like there's a package for it in Ubuntu at the moment though21:43
guntbertubp123: sorry, touched my <enter> to soon :)21:43
nigtvfouad: which one is it on pastebin21:43
fouadthe top one21:43
ZykoticK9DefunctProcess, i don't think even wine is running it with any success YET - but I hear they are going to release a Linux version, hopefully soon.21:43
GneaBZH: a dvd with ubuntu on it21:44
fouadnigtv: line 53 onwards21:44
BZHlol @ Gnea:D21:44
DefunctProcesszykotick9 ugh I've heard that line before21:44
GneaBZH: hey, you asked ;)21:44
ZykoticK9DefunctProcess, ID is pretty good with linux clients, compared to other game makers anyways...21:44
guntbert!ot | ZykoticK921:45
ubottuZykoticK9: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!21:45
SimplySetherUSUL: then again .. I think its workin' ! .. I got Jack Runnin' with the RT option :)21:45
nigtvgar now im really starting to miss xwindowsys lol21:45
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nigtvfouad: due to limitation with cli, i cannot view any of that21:45
BZHGnea, the dvd comes with more programs thats all you can always install them by add/remove21:45
ttwhatisanyone know when jackalope comes out?21:45
fouadlemme paste on paste.ubuntu21:45
guntbert!jaunty | ttwhatis21:46
ubottuttwhatis: Jaunty Jackalope is the code for Ubuntu 9.04, due April 2009 - Lots of breakage between now and April - Please join #ubuntu+1 for discussion and support.21:46
nigtvif you have it in a txt you can dcc it to me21:46
GneaBZH: so what's the problem?21:46
GneaBZH: if you have an internet connection, you can install more from the internet21:47
erUSUL!yay | SimplySeth21:47
ubottuSimplySeth: Glad you made it! :-)21:47
Edwin_I have a LG e500 and ive installed ubuntu on with with wooby. The thing is when i boot it with ubuntu it loads as normal but then its just says loadng please wait for ages then the screen just goes black21:47
Edwin_didnt get any help by google21:47
gizmo_the_greatdoes any1 exactly where the Ubuntu distribution ID value is stored? Example, Ubuntu 8.10 - where is the value '8.10' actually stored? I have loo9ked at the lsb_release function but having read the code I can't work out exactly where the program is pulling the value from21:48
Gneagizmo_the_great: /etc/lsb-release21:48
gizmo_the_greatGnea: thats the python script - I don't think the actual value is stored in it, is it?21:49
fouadnigtv: done.21:49
dlmartigizmo_the_great,  /etc/issue21:49
gizmo_the_greatdlmarti: many thanks!!21:49
LinuxKid54i have an external usb hdd that was formated in OSX and when i connect it to my ubuntu machine i can see the files but not copy them to another drive. Can someone please help me with this i dont know how much time this drive has its bad21:49
Gneagizmo_the_great: no, it's not a script, it's a configuration file.  all configuration files are stored, in /etc, since that is the purpose of /etc.  a script that performs any function would not reside in /etc.21:49
liminalim here to beg for help21:49
dlmartigizmo_the_great, it was a guess  :)21:49
ZykoticK9gizmo_the_great, it's not actually stored in /etc/issue!21:50
nigtvfouad: whats the filename21:50
QwellAnybody feel like debugging an awesome SPARC install issue?  http://pastebin.com/m6542305721:50
liminalmy sound has gone.21:50
liminalit was working yesturday21:50
QwellTried both hardy and intrepid netinst CDs21:50
liminaland today, poof no sound21:50
Gneadlmarti, gizmo_the_great: negative, /etc/issue is the file that's shown to you when you login to the shell either from a tty or remotely21:50
guntbert!enter | liminal21:50
ubottuliminal: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!21:50
gizmo_the_greatZykoticK9: The value is in /etc/issue - is that just reading it from somewhere else then? If so, do you know where?21:50
liminalanyone got any ideas?21:51
sinelawcan someone help me debug a problem?21:51
ZykoticK9gizmo_the_great, I have NO idea - i'm not a programmer at all21:51
sinelawor is there a channel for bug reporting?21:51
guntbertgizmo_the_great: believe Gnea ; the config file is /etc/lsb-release21:51
_VIM_!bugs | sinelaw21:51
sinelawok, going to #ubuntu-bugs21:51
ubottusinelaw: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu  -  Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots21:52
Gneagizmo_the_great: /etc/issue and /etc/issue.net do not do what you think they do.21:52
gizmo_the_greatguntbert: I have read through lsb_release and used one of it's defined functions, and it generates '8.10' as part of the outptu, but I cannot see where it gets that value from21:52
liminalcan someone try to help me get my sound back :(21:52
nigtvfouad: im no good with this, im afraid im inclined to cease and desist any implied offer of advice due to my ineptitude with regards to not booting up x :(21:52
Gneagizmo_the_great: as I have told you, it gets the value from the /etc/lsb-release file21:53
guntbertgizmo_the_great: /etc/lsb-release *not* lsb_release!!!21:53
nigtvliminal: youre going to have to give them more information than that :)21:53
gizmo_the_greatGnea: if you open that file and read through it, can you tell me where you see the version number?21:53
liminalnigtv thats all i really have, yesturday my sound was working - today it isnt21:53
gizmo_the_greatguntbert: you're splitting hairs :-)21:53
Gneagizmo_the_great: it's self-explanatory. if you try editing the release id, save it, then run lsb_release -a, you will see that it changes. good luck.21:54
fouadnigtv: no problem mate. thanx anyway21:54
liminali thinjk somthing must have updated21:54
guntbertgizmo_the_great: no, those are two different files21:54
gizmo_the_greatguntbert: I only have lsb-release on my system.21:54
liminalif you have any ideas how to debug a no sound issue ill try them  all21:54
guntbertgizmo_the_great:  cat /etc/lsb-release ... DISTRIB_RELEASE=8.1021:55
joeburnshey people, everytime i try to install ndisgtk i get 'error: dependency is not satisfiable: ndiswrapper -utils.  anyone have any ideas concerning this problem?21:55
ZykoticK9gizmo_the_great, i too have no lsb_release (8.10)21:55
nigtvliminal: what have you done since then?21:55
ZykoticK9joeburns, have you installed ndiswrapper (ndisgtk is a frontend i'd imagine)21:56
nigtvliminal: i mean have you installed anything, new hardware or software21:56
Gnea!tutorial | gizmo_the_great21:56
ubottugizmo_the_great: documentation is to be found at http://help.ubuntu.com and http://wiki.ubuntu.com - General linux documentation: http://www.tldp.org - http://rute.2038bug.com21:56
oshua86hello guys, where can I can find really good ubuntu themes?, Ive googled some but I was wondering if you had some other sites21:56
guntbert!themes | oshua8621:56
ubottuoshua86: Find your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy21:56
joeburnsyes, i installed ndiswrapper and ndiswrapper utils 1.9, i can see them in the synaptic package manager, i thought that would solve the problem but nothing has changed21:56
nigtvoshua86: if you got the big pack of them then youre good to go21:56
nigtvsee ubottu link^21:57
ZykoticK9oshua86, also check out http://compiz-themes.org/ if you've got compiz running21:57
Droopsta915Can I install linux from an iso on my flashdrive? Just boot from the flash, or do I need to burn the iso first?21:57
Wayderlol? I think that when you buy a computer there should be a skill testing question...21:57
nigtvDroopsta915: how big is the flash drive21:58
ZykoticK9anyway to add http://compiz-themes.org/ to the output of !themes ???21:58
gizmo_the_greatGnea: ZykoticK9 guntbert - OK. As I understand it, lsb-release is a script/program that, when executed, outputs the distribution data about the operating system. The values themselves are not hardcoded in that file - if you open it and look for the release ID of your OS, it is not in there. It calculates the value by running various functions.21:58
Dr_willisDroopsta915,  use unetbootin tomake a bootable intaller-thumbdrive -is the easy way21:58
Wayderthat is not directed to anyone here.. sorry, the woes or working techsupport =)21:58
nigtvyea thats what i was gonna say, just install to it then copy the files21:58
gizmo_the_greatIf you can tell me what line of that file says "Ubuntu version 8.10" please tell me21:58
nigtvgizmo_the_great: what file? because you can just use grep...that will tell you exactly that21:59
liminalthe only thing of note ive installed isa  pcsc0lite demon21:59
liminalbut that wouldnt have effected the sound21:59
liminal=there was an automatic update also21:59
Gneagizmo_the_great: no, it does not calculate it. you've read it completely wrong.21:59
haytham-medhi all i installed ubuntu restricted extras then i removed them but the firefox font didnot change21:59
liminalim not sure what that installed21:59
myfhi anyone configured shell-fm and got it to work?21:59
Droopsta915Dr_willis:is that on linux21:59
nigtvhaytham-med: that package does not have fonts as far as i know22:00
gizmo_the_greatGnea: OK, so assuming you know where I am wrong, hopefully you can tell me where it is getting that value from?22:00
haytham-medit has microsoft fonts22:00
Dr_willisDroopsta915,  its avail for windows and linux.. UBUNTU has its own usb-disk tool thats better. :)22:00
nigtvwell you could just restore defaults in firefox, or reinstall it22:00
ubottuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading22:01
gizmo_the_greatGnea: it's not massively apparent is it.22:01
Gneagizmo_the_great: I have already told you where it gets the value from. You have failed to follow those steps. But, I'll point it out to you again:  in the /etc/lsb-release file (which you can look at by opening a Terminal, and then typing the following command:  cat /etc/lsb-release) you can see the variables that are clearly defined (I'm not pasting them here, since pasting is against channel guidelines, plus you can read them for yourself, and everyone els22:02
nigtvi believe that if you go into the firefov directory, there is a .fonts folder, just get rid of all the ones that dont have the same modify date as the original install if you really want them gone, but you can just change it in firefox, might be easier22:02
CentHOGGhi, help with RAID0/initrd.img pleez... getting mdadm: no devices found for conf22:02
Dube2Random Q for someone who might know, Where could I find the source code for the "du" command?22:02
CentHOGGbut have checked out my initrd.img and only found something strange about my scsi-id file22:03
liminalnigtv is there a way to see what the update manager has ibstalled recenty?22:03
Gneagizmo_the_great: and, again, you can simple change a variable in the /etc/lsb-release file to something else, saving the file, then running this command again:  lsb_release -a  (please note the difference between the - and the _ ) and you will see that there is no calculation taking place.22:03
CentHOGGno scsi devices listed22:03
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nigtvliminal: i believe so, but im not sure what it is22:03
gizmo_the_greatGnea: I'm obviously not explaining what I am trying to do properly. I will keep looking. But what I am trying to say is that  cat /etc/lsb-release does not output something that is contained in lsb-release - it outputs something that it works out frm the OS.22:04
nigtvinfo synaptic ;)22:04
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=== Guest50788 is now known as Dube2
Gneagizmo_the_great: oh really?  please pastebin the output of your /etc/lsb-release file and a separate pastebin of the lsb_release -a command.22:04
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about pasetbin22:04
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)22:04
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Waydercheers every body work is done for the day =)22:05
CentHOGGany RAID0 out there?22:05
Dube2How would you go about to modify a command in ubuntu?22:06
nigtvDube2: use the options22:07
nigtvman command, info command, command --help22:07
Dube2nigtv: i mean edit the source code22:07
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ZykoticK9Dube2, you probably don't want to actually modify the "du" command, i image a number of other programs may rely on it? just a thought.22:07
nigtvoh, well you have to know the language and have the code i guess, never done it22:07
nigtvyou shouldnt have to change it22:08
nigtvwhat do you want to change it to do22:08
nigtvthere are alot of other commands you can use instead22:08
Dube2ZykoticK9: yeah i dont really want to modify it lol i just want to see the code so i can see how they made it work22:08
liminalnigtv how to i use symantic to see what was last instaklled?22:08
Nefastocan someone help me fix grub?? I´m unable to load any of my OSs22:09
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gizmo_the_greatGnea: It would seem someone here has to eat some humble pie. Sorry - you are totally right. I got muddle up between the lsb_release and lsb-release!22:09
nigtvliminal: im really not sure, give me a sec and ill check22:09
gizmo_the_greatGnea: So I can now recode my app to look at /etc/lsb-release directly instead of lsb_release22:09
plsdI have several podcast feeds in Rhythmbox and I want to export them to gPodder but apparently Rhythmbox can't export. Is there config file or anything where I can at least get the list of feeds?22:09
Dube2I cant find any info about "du" online because its not the easiest thing to search for :P22:09
Gneagizmo_the_great: excellent :)22:09
=== Vantrax|Work is now known as Vantrax
nigtvliminal: go to synaptic, then to file, then to history22:10
ZykoticK9Dube2, you might try a google like "du.c debian"?22:11
Dube2ZykoticK9: Thank you!! good idea :)22:11
CentHOGGany RAID0 out there?22:12
nigtvrww: nice nickname22:12
rrplayNefasto, : what happened to you grub ?? file /boot/grub/menu.lst ??22:12
lexvegasZykoticK9, in chmod whoami : whoami the first whoami is the username and the second one is the group which the file belongs to22:12
lexvegasthat is, the username that you want the file to be owned by22:13
ZykoticK9lexvegas, actually i think the command you're looking for is chown, chmod is different22:13
nigtvNefasto: i feel your pain, took me about 3 days just to get a dualboot with xp and 7.10 running22:13
ZykoticK9lexvegas, chmod is used like "chmod ugo+rwx file" vs "chown user:group file"???22:14
Nefastonigtv: no no.. everything was fine untill today! install windows, then install ubuntu, and it´s dualbooting seamlessly...22:14
nigtvso then whats the problem?22:14
Nefastonigtv: the machine was booted into windows, then I installed QuickTime, and it asked to restart... then grub is now showing the Error 17.22:15
nigtvdid you check to see if menu.lst was changed?22:15
liminalnigtv history isnt showing me anything22:16
liminalits empty22:16
Guest2472I've been wondering - why does dd require both a block size and a block count?  Why not just specify the copy size as a single number (the number of bytes to copy)?22:16
nigtvliminal: if you hold down backspace and you have nothing to delete does your computer make a beep noise, like from the system speaker?22:16
nigtvinside the computer22:17
Nefastonigtv: where would that file be?22:17
DaniilKI'm on Ubuntu 8.10, and I cannot standby (suspend) properly. My fan does not shut off, and I cannot bring my computer back from its state, so I have to restart it. How can I fix this?22:17
nigtvif its beeping from the system speaker inside the computer, then ubuntu doesnt recognize that you have speakers22:17
nigtvNefasto: /boot/grub/menu.lst, BUT22:18
nigtvbefore you do anything, cd /boot/grub and then cp menu.lst menu.lst.backup22:18
nigtvso you can make sure if you do something wierd you can get it back22:18
DaniilKnigtv: that is not true. ubuntu uses my speakers fine, but it beeps the system beep, not the speakers22:18
ZykoticK9DaniilK, what system you using?  laptop i assume?22:18
DaniilKZykoticK9: surprisingly, no. i'm on a custom desktop PC22:19
nigtvDaniilK: im talking about if the speakers dont work, like the sound doesnt work22:19
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nigtvif you cant get sound from ubuntu, and you have everything set up what should be the right way, and its not making output to the speakers and making a system beep22:20
Nefastonigtv: can u pastebin a copy of a valid menu.lst? so I nkow what it´s supposed to look like?22:20
nigtvNefasto: yea, how do i do that lol22:20
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)22:20
Nefastodo what?22:21
Nefastojust copy your menu.lst into a file and show me... take away whatever u find sensitive in there....22:22
nigtvNefasto: thats going to be a problem, because i cannot copy and paste22:22
Nefastohow sad!22:22
sofi1Does any1 know a calibration tool to calibrate a touch screen22:22
nigtvim not booting into x, only using the console so22:22
nigtvNefasto: give me a sec ill dcc it to you22:23
liminalnigtv: no beeping22:24
nigtvliminal: you sure that the speakers work, you have the driver, the soundcard works, etc.?22:24
liminalwell the speakers worked yesturday22:24
liminali never installed a driver22:25
liminalit worked out of the box22:25
nigtvtry like plugging them into the tv or something22:25
sofi1Need help badly...I have a Samsung Ultra ...I put a hardy image on it and I lost my touchscreen...I mean the calibration is off..Just wanted to know if any1 knows how to calibrate the Q1 ultra?22:25
ZykoticK9liminal, FYI the internal speaker has NOTHING to do with your sound card...22:25
admin_masu3701cant use the sudo command..its says that i am not in the sudoers file22:25
admin_masu3701how can i fix that22:25
nigtvNefasto: now i cant figure out how to dcc, one second22:26
ZykoticK9admin_masu3701, the user you are using is not an admin account22:26
_VIM_!es | porfirio22:26
Nefastonigtv: hehehe... take your time22:26
ubottuporfirio: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.22:26
admin_masu3701Zykotica: but i was able to use it before...dont know what happen22:26
nigtvdid you get anything there?22:26
mycroesquick question... I have a RAID 5 array with LVM on top, if I install using the alternate install cd will I have no issues with this configuration at all?22:27
ZykoticK9admin_masu3701, System / Admin / Users & Groups - double click your user, User Privileges tab, check "Administer the system"22:27
mycroesI don't want to recreate my array or my volumegroup of course22:27
geurti have a question... today i installed Debian Lenny on a Dell 2950 server... i had to manually load the non-free bnx2 firmware... does Ubuntu has this firmware included by the install cd?22:27
Dr_willisgeurt,  if its non-free - i doubt it.22:28
liminalim getting no sound from extneral spoeakers plugged in22:28
mycroesoh and I use ext4 for my homedir, does 9.04 support it out of the box?22:28
admin_masu3701Zykotick9: it says: The configuration could not be loaded..you are not allowed to access the system configuration22:28
ZykoticK9admin_masu3701, have any other account on this system?22:29
mycroesadmin_masu3701, use su <admin_user>22:29
rww!jaunty | mycroes22:29
admin_masu3701no..its my laptop, so am the only one use it22:29
ubottumycroes: Jaunty Jackalope is the code for Ubuntu 9.04, due April 2009 - Lots of breakage between now and April - Please join #ubuntu+1 for discussion and support.22:29
mycroesadmin_masu3701, then enter the admin users passwd22:29
geurtwell it was no problem... i loaded it from an usb drive.... but when i want to install via DRAC interface... things are e little bit nasty22:29
mycroesrww, should I ask concerning the other stuff there too? It's more ubuntu generic than jaunty specific22:30
mycroesadmin_masu3701, how did you create your user account?22:30
evilbugwhat is the command to add an openoffice shortcut to one of my panels?22:30
admin_masu3701when i installed the system22:30
mycroesadmin_masu3701, what's the output of "groups"22:31
ZykoticK9evilbug, drag'n drop the icon from the "start" menu22:31
rwwmycroes: if you're going to be installing jaunty, ask questions in #ubuntu+1. If you're going to be installing intrepid or below (which don't support ext4), ask here.22:31
admin_masu3701mycroes: mchris www-data22:31
nigtv /DCCSEND22:31
mycroesadmin_masu3701, did you add yourself to the www-data group?22:31
admin_masu3701no i never played with adding user to group22:32
evilbugZykoticK9: i'm in xubuntu and it won't let me do that.22:32
PazyCan someone help me get flash working please. I just installed from a 8.04 disk and installed flash (flashpluginnonfree I think) and it didnt work in the preinstalled firefox. I tried getting the .deb and then the .tar.gz manual installation but I still cant get it to work.22:32
mycroesadmin_masu3701, normally the output of groups should list stuff like 'admin', 'dialout' and more for the default user created by the installer22:32
ZykoticK9mycroes, admin_masu3701 this seems like a bit of a catch22 situation, how can a non-admin users add themselves to the admin group???22:32
nigtvPazy: you can get it from the flash site, and its free22:33
mycroesadmin_masu3701, I think you need to boot in safe mode22:33
ZykoticK9evilbug, sorry i assumed you where using gnome - i don't use XFCE so I got nothing sorry.22:33
mycroesadmin_masu3701, that should drop you to a root (superuser) shell22:33
Pazynigtv: I did, I download the .deb and the .tar.gz version but neither is working.22:33
evilbugZykoticK9: no worries.22:33
mycroesadmin_masu3701, there you can add yourself to the correct groups again22:33
admin_masu3701mycroes: i did that and added myself to admin22:33
nigtvdid you build and install it?22:33
ZykoticK9Pazy, did you restart firefox after flash install?22:33
admin_masu3701but no change22:34
mycroesadmin_masu3701, as long as "groups" doesn't list admin, you're not in the admin group22:34
PazyYes I restarted firefox. And I didnt have to build it the .deb I double click the and the synaptic thing took care of it and the .tar.gz unzipped to an install I ran from the command line.22:34
ZykoticK9admin_masu3701, you're not in the admin group now, you might want to try again.22:34
mycroesadmin_masu3701, how did you add yourself to the admin group in safe mode?22:34
QubeHi all,22:35
nigtvalso, i had problems with that too because i got the most recent flash player, but only had the firefox that was in the repos, which is an old version22:35
nigtvdo you have the latest firefox installed?22:35
PazyI only have the one in the repo I think. Ill update and see what happens.22:35
nigtvyou will have to reinstall flash after that as well Pazy, the new install will overwrite it22:36
yoyit2how safe is it to be downloading torrent movies??22:36
blafasel_Anyone in here using 8.04 and already using an unstable version of tomboy? Or available for a test? ;)22:36
admin_masu3701mycroes: another thing is that i commanded the recovery mode in boot menu so it doesnt give me the option to choose recovery mode22:36
PazyOk dookie :) Fingers crossed22:36
mycroesadmin_masu3701, yes you can, press e when highlighting the default entry22:36
ZykoticK9yoyit2, wrong channel for that question, this is an Ubuntu channel -- and only you can really answer that question anyways22:36
QubeI've been using the following zsh prompt in bsd/solaris for a while: http://aperiodic.net/phil/prompt/ - however, un ubuntu (JeOS) it just doesn't work... I suspect the default terminfo/termcap doesn't support extended character set, even though it is en_GB.UTF-8 - anyone have any idea whats going on? this is ubuntu specific... other linuxes in work seem to work fine22:36
admin_masu3701and i cant edit menu list cause i dnt have permission22:36
andashhi, how would i ignore this line? http://pb.lericson.se/pblbYg/text/ it's a line from the output of the command 'blist' in bitlbee, and it goes to my hilightwin which i don't wan't... i've tried various /ignore reg expressions but can't get it quite right. the channel is &bitlbee btw, thanks.22:36
mycroesadmin_masu3701, ok22:36
nigtvandash: comment it out in a text editor, add # before the line22:37
mycroesadmin_masu3701, well then I think you need to boot from a livecd, mount your install, chroot into your install, add yourself to the admin group, exit chroot, unmount, reboot22:37
andashnigtv: sorry, wrong channel...22:37
emmaSay guys I keep losing my audio lately in intrepid, it almost seems random, after a lot of inactivity. Anyone else have this, or any insights?22:37
yoyit2ZykoticK9: it is relevent to ubuntu as i am asking if there are any viruses in them that can effect linux22:38
admin_masu3701mycroes: i have a 8.10 live cd here...but how to i do that?22:38
reescottAnyone know of a good tutorial for setting up NFS for filesharing between Ubuntu and Mac os x?22:38
nigtvemma: on laptops that happens often, it has to do with acpi22:38
ZykoticK9yoyit2, http://librenix.com/?inode=2122:38
mycroesadmin_masu3701, heh, now you're getting to stuff that's not as easy to explain22:38
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emmaim not on a laptop, im on a dekstop. I'm using intrepid gnome edition.22:38
rww!viruses | yoyit222:38
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about viruses22:38
rww!virus | yoyit222:38
ubottuyoyit2: A/V software is available, however read this to understand why Linux does not have a virus problem: http://librenix.com/?inode=2122:38
nigtvcould happen on a desktop as well22:38
zirodayemma: I've had that a couple of times, error messages when trying to play audio in totem etc?22:38
nigtvyou can try turning acpi off, that might help, for me when that happend i just logged out and back in emma22:39
sistohi! can a extended partition be used as swap?22:39
rwwsisto: yes22:39
nigtvsisto: yea, should be that way22:39
Moodhow do i update/upgrade 1 app instead of everything?22:40
rwwsisto: in fact, Ubuntu's default partitioning scheme does it that way :)22:40
reescottCan someone point me to a good tutorial for setting up NFS?22:40
ZykoticK9reescott, i had some trouble with NFS and OSX until i found the "insecure" option, good luck.22:40
nigtvMood: sudo apt-get update _________22:40
nigtv_____ = the program22:40
admin_masu3701mycroers: lol..yea i understand..this stuff can be complicated22:40
Moodnigtv: thank you kind sir22:40
nigtvMood: wait actually22:40
nigtvjust sudo apt-get install _____, that will check the version22:41
sistorww: thx! I want to install mac os, windows and ubuntu and have a 4th "storage" partition... so I want to put the storage partition and the swap as logical volumes on a extended partition22:41
Moodnigtv: ahh ok22:41
mycroesadmin_masu3701, do you know what device is your root device?22:41
reescottok, I'll check into that one22:41
m-1can any one help me make a bootable USB with UBUNTU?22:41
mycroesm-1, just livecd from usb?22:41
emmaziroday: no real error message, just randomly no audio. I just had some luck by killing X when the gdm starts up again the audio is back...22:41
Moodhow do i check versions in repository? if i do a sudo apt-cache search X, it doesn't show version22:41
emmanigtv: yeah i just killed X, when the gdm started again, audio was back..22:41
admin_masu3701mycroes: i dont think i know...22:41
zirodayemma: right, you tried restarting pulseaudio?22:41
rwwsisto: You can put all of Ubuntu's partitions in an extended partition, actually, not just swap.22:42
m-1no want to make a bootable Ubuntu USB drive22:42
mycroesadmin_masu3701, how experienced are you (on the command line)22:42
zirodayemma: what's printed in the terminal when trying to play audio through totem?22:42
emmaziroday:  that's what I was trying to do. I did ps aux | grep pulse  to see what processes i might kill, but the first one i killed (unknowingly) was X.22:42
fouadarchive.ubuntu.com can be described as a loadbalancing http server right?22:42
emmaziroday: it seems to be acting like normal only no sound.22:42
admin_masu3701mycroes: i know the basics22:42
rwwsisto: My fdisk -l looks like http://paste.ubuntu.com/126462/ , in fact. That might make things easier :)22:42
sistorww: ok that sounds like a good idea22:42
SchmittyDoesItall night long22:42
nigtvMood: sudo apt-get --simulate install ____22:42
jonathonhey, is there a way to install ubuntu with disk encryption?22:43
sridwhat is the {a} in the output of aptitude?22:43
nigtvthats what i do, there are better ways though, like just open aptitude and search it22:43
mycroesadmin_masu3701, ok, well I'll try to explain it...22:43
rwwsrid: automatically installed, I think22:43
zirodayemma: ah :P, well normally when I get this issue I kill pulseaudio and then restart it, its usually good as gold. If it happens again try to capture the error message from totme.22:43
Moodnigtv: thank you again kind sir22:43
admin_masu3701mycroes: ok thank you22:43
DasEIjonathon: sure, use the alternate installer or do manual cryptsetup22:43
jonathonhm, ok, thanks!22:43
sistorww: I'm done with mac os now I'm installing windows through bootcamp22:43
emmaziroday: you mean in some log? I get no gui error from totem.22:43
sistorww: thanks for your help!!22:44
emmaziroday: you mean like start totem from command line and see any error messages in terminal?22:44
zirodayemma: no, from starting totem from the terminal and then trying to play some audio22:44
DasEIjonathon: google has lots of tuts, and truecrypt also works on ubu22:44
magciusIs Firefox 3.2 alpha broken in Jaunty?22:44
zirodayemma: yeah :)22:44
emmaziroday: gotchya :)22:44
killerhi .. can i rsync over ftp22:44
DasEI!jaunty | magcius22:44
ubottumagcius: Jaunty Jackalope is the code for Ubuntu 9.04, due April 2009 - Lots of breakage between now and April - Please join #ubuntu+1 for discussion and support.22:44
emmaziroday: seems likely it's a pulseaudio problem to me. killing X probably restarted pulse.22:44
nigtvoh wow im hungry bbl22:44
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)22:44
mycroesadmin_masu3701, start up the livecd, open a terminal, type "sudo -s", type "mount /dev/<root-device> /mnt", type "chroot /mnt /bin/bash", type "gpasswd -a mchris admin", type "exit", type "umount /mnt", reboot22:44
zirodayemma: yeah, there was a bug filed somewhere, lemme try dig it up22:44
ZykoticK9magcius, probably a better question for #ubuntu+1?22:45
emmaziroday: cool if you do i will add to the confirmation of it.22:45
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mycroesadmin_masu3701, I don't know if /mnt is empty on the livecd by default, that might otherwise make the mount fail22:45
mycroesadmin_masu3701, also, you can find out what your root device is by typing "mount" in your current install22:45
jonathonDasEI, any idea if encryption support is better under 8.10?22:45
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RoastedTiresXWhen using Samba with Ubuntu, is it about average to get 8.8MB/second from 1 wired device to another wired device on a 10/100 switch?22:46
mycroesadmin_masu3701, also I assumed your username is mchris (got that from the groups output)22:46
DasEIjonathon: it's same in 8.04 and 8.1022:46
nigtvokay, one more, i know that if i $rm -rf *red*, i will delete everything with red in the name in my current dir, but how do i make this do all dirs?22:46
epictetu1RoastedTiresX: Yeah...22:46
mycroesadmin_masu3701, and last but not least this should work, but if any of the steps fail it won't work (except for unmounting perhaps :P)22:46
oshua86so, when I try to install some engines it tells me that "GTK+2.8" needs to be installed, how do I do this?22:46
DasEIjonathon: in general there's always the fact to have an unencrypted /boot22:46
jonathonright, with you there22:46
epictetu1RoastedTiresX: Theoretical maximum assuming there were no overhead should be 12.5 megs/second (100 megabits = 12.5 megabytes)22:47
RoastedTiresXepictetul - is that about what windows XP to windows XP gets too on a 10/100 switch? Like the fact I'm using Ubuntu/Samba, would that hinder speeds?22:47
epictetu1but usually there's a significant amount of overhead (packet headers, other packets, etc etc)22:47
gldtnwhere in the file system dows the trash files go to? I need to delete something from trash bin, but it was sent with the user root.. so I can't delete as the regular user22:47
epictetu18 is maybe a little on the slow side, I think 10 is probably more typical22:48
ubottuThe location of Trash has changed since 8.04, it is now located in ~/.local/share/Trash | Looking for the trash in previous versions: ~/.Trash22:48
gldtnthanks DasEI22:48
vosqueklatuu ubottu nikto22:48
epictetu1RoastedTiresX: but you're definitely in the ballpark22:48
admin_masu3701mycroers: to find out the mount device do i type mount in the terminal?22:48
mycroesadmin_masu3701, yes, right now22:49
mycroesadmin_masu3701, not after rebooting22:49
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ilovebrowniesCan I get some help with dual booting Ubuntu and Arch please?22:49
RoastedTiresXepictetul - Well, I have a feeling I might be more in the 10 range.  The last 6-7 minutes of the transfer went by in a matter of seconds. When I run the calculation thrugh @ 29/30 minutes to transfer 18.0 gigabytes, it comes out at around 10 to 10.2 MB/second.22:49
mycroesadmin_masu3701, for example on line in my "mount" output lists the following: /dev/mapper/vg-root on / type ext4 (rw,noatime,barrier=1,data=ordered)22:49
ortsvorsteher!dualboot | ilovebrownies22:49
admin_masu3701mycroes: the output is very long22:49
ubottuilovebrownies: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo - MACs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot22:49
epictetu1RoastedTiresX: Yeah that's about right then.22:49
jonathonwow, a legitimate use of bittorrent!22:49
nigtvokay, one more, i know that if i $rm -rf *red*, i will delete everything with red in the name in my current dir, but how do i make this do all dirs?22:50
admin_masu3701i get /dev/sda3 on /typ ext322:50
RoastedTiresXepictetul - XP told me it would take 34 minutes the second I started transferring. Then I look over and it was 7 minutes. A minute or two went by and it was done. I was just basing my observation off of the 34 minutes XP originally told me.22:50
mycroesadmin_masu3701, find the line that lists a device on the left site and / on the right side22:50
ilovebrowniesI think I need a little more human help22:50
mycroesadmin_masu3701, then it's /dev/sda322:50
mycroesRoastedTiresX, then you need another 11 hours for drivers and dropping cruft22:51
mycroesilovebrownies, yes22:51
RoastedTiresXmycroes - excuse me??22:51
epictetu18 port gigabit switches are typically $60 now22:51
nigtvilovebrownies: what exactly are you have trouble with22:51
imfluxiblehas anybody downloaded pyscrabble from synaptic?  i am having trouble understanding the configuration process.  you have to enter some sort of hostname:port number ... and i don't know what to put there.  it offers you a couple of public servers, and says it will save the info, but doesn't seem to work.22:51
epictetu1or so22:51
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epictetu15 port even cheaper22:51
mycroesRoastedTiresX, after 34 (or 7) minutes of XP setup you need another 11 hours before it's somewhat usable22:51
oshua86anybody can tell me how to install/upgrade to GTK+2.8?22:51
mycroesilovebrownies, you should have 2 grub configs by now22:51
admin_masu3701so replace sda3 for root device right22:52
mycroesilovebrownies, one from ubuntu, one from arch22:52
RoastedTiresXmycroes - xp SETUP? like installing XP?? I'm confused. :(22:52
mycroes"<RoastedTiresX> epictetul - XP told me it would take 34 minutes the second I started transferring. Then I look over and it was 7 minutes. A minute or two went by and it was done. I was just basing my observation off of the 34 minutes XP originally told me."22:52
ilovebrowniesBut where do I install GRUB for Arch?22:52
mycroesilovebrownies, you don't22:52
RoastedTiresXepictetul - Question. I have a router... off of the router I have the switch... When I'm trasnferring data between 2 computesr on the switch, does the data bounce up to the router? Or does it just go to the switch and sling it over to the other computer without making a hop to the router?22:52
mycroesilovebrownies, you add your arch entries to the ubuntu grub by hand22:53
mycroesilovebrownies, only makes upgrading kernels on arch a bit harder22:53
mrwesilovebrownies, just make sure you put them below the magic Ubuntu entry line22:53
mycroesilovebrownies, another possibility is to install the arch grub on a partition instead of the mbr, and then chainload that partition from the ubuntu grub22:53
mycroesilovebrownies, but chainloading a second grub sounds kinda useless to me, it's just less work maintaining in the end perhaps22:54
DasEIRoastedTiresX: just the switch, it does the adressing-thing22:54
mycroesadmin_masu3701, sorry, didn't see your question yet, yes, the line will become "mount /dev/sda3 /mnt"22:55
admin_masu3701mycroes: so let me double check the commands and instruction to see if i got it right before i boot the cd22:55
ZykoticK9RoastedTiresX, that is assuming that it really is a "switch" and not a "hub"22:55
ilovebrowniesmycroes, I didn't know how to do this, because I got confused thinking about /boot22:55
admin_masu3701mycroes: sudo -s22:55
RoastedTiresXZykotick9 - It's a netgear 5 port Fast ethernet switch 10/10022:55
admin_masu3701mount /dev/sda3/mnt22:55
nigtvokay, one more, i know that if i $rm -rf *red*, i will delete everything with red in the name in my current dir, but how do i make this do all dirs?22:55
mycroesilovebrownies, got it figured out now, or still need more help?22:55
admin_masu3701chroot /mnt/bin/bash22:56
ZykoticK9RoastedTiresX, yes, then DasEI answer is correct22:56
admin_masu3701gpasswd -a mchris admin22:56
admin_masu3701unmount /mnt22:56
mycroesadmin_masu3701, "chroot /mnt /bin/bash" <<< there's a space between '/mnt' and '/bin/bash'22:56
RoastedTiresXsweet deal. I always wnated to get a gigabit network going, but if that meant my 10/100 ports on my router would bottleneck everything, I didn't want to even bother with upgrading the switch only22:56
mycroesand it's "umount /mnt", without the N22:56
ilovebrowniesmycroes, what do I add exactly?22:56
mycroesilovebrownies, ubuntu grub is currently installed to your mbr, right?22:57
DasEInigtv:the -are does this already, see man rm22:57
ilovebrowniesmycroes, yes22:57
dotblankIf I break my grub install how can I re-install it from an ubuntu-live cd22:57
admin_masu3701mycroes: so i will boot up the cd and try...thanks alot for your help22:58
ubottuGRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto22:58
admin_masu3701will let you know how it goes22:58
mycroesadmin_masu3701, good luck22:58
mycroesadmin_masu3701, great22:58
ZykoticK9DasEI, ilovebrownies actually it doesn't, it tested "-r" does mean recursive, but it doesn't work in the way that ilovebrownies wants :(22:58
dotblankService Temporarily Unavailable :(22:58
mycroesilovebrownies, do you know what device is /boot for your arch install?22:58
dotblankhelp.ubuntu.com seems to be down22:59
ilovebrowniesmycroes, you mean which HDD?22:59
DasEIZykoticK9: try -R ?22:59
mycroesilovebrownies, no, I mean which linux block device22:59
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mycroesilovebrownies, or grub device identifier will do22:59
ZykoticK9DasEI, no change22:59
ubottuGRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto22:59
dotblank^^ would do that but link is broken22:59
ilovebrowniesmycroes, I know that it's sda6 if that helps?22:59
mycroesilovebrownies, yes that does help23:00
mycroesilovebrownies, the grub identifier for that will be (hd0,5)23:00
mycroesilovebrownies, now you just need to do 2 things23:00
mycroesilovebrownies, first, start grub (from a terminal), type "root (hd0,5)", type "setup (hd0,5)", type "exit"23:01
DasEIdotblank: looks like, let's meet in #grub, k ?23:01
mycroesilovebrownies, this should give some output saying it found some stuff (stage1, stage2 or something like that)23:01
mycroesilovebrownies, when that's done, edit /boot/grub/menu.lst and add a chainload entry for (hd0,5)23:02
RoastedTiresXepictetul - I just did a transfer test with a 1gb file. It took me 2 minutes and 10 seconds to transfer, which comes out to about 8.5MB/second. So I guess I'm still hanging around the low end of things.23:02
tytatekteen is wayyyy too good at *nix23:02
ilovebrowniesmycroes, to run grub in a terminal I just type grub?23:02
ZykoticK9FYI it does appear that help.ubuntu.com is currently down...23:02
mycroesilovebrownies, yes, maybe "sudo grub" :P23:03
mycroesilovebrownies, I guess you need to be root, and grub might be in /sbin too, so try "sudo grub"23:03
imfluxiblehas anybody downloaded pyscrabble from synaptic?  i am having trouble understanding the configuration process.  you have to enter some sort of hostname:port number ... and i don't know what to put there.  it offers you a couple of public servers, and says it will save the info, but doesn't seem to work.23:03
liminalcrashed out23:03
mycroesilovebrownies, any luck yet?23:05
ilovebrowniesmycroes, I'm not getting a new prompt after typing setup (hd0.5), does it take a while?23:05
tekteenmycroes: I love grub ;-). Can you tell me what the problem is, I missed it23:05
getBoahi y'all... How lightweight is XFCE in relation to Gnome ?23:06
tekteengetBoa: according to a friend of mine. rock (gnome) and feather (xfce)23:06
vladdYhi, i'm sorry, i'm mentally retarded, how can i start monodevelop in ubuntu linux23:07
austinMy server mesed up, and when i run ifconfig it only shows lo....can anyone help me?23:07
vladdYi think i installed it properly23:07
tekteengetBoa: he just installed xfce to replace gnome on a really slow machine and it sped up23:07
liminalim looking for a driver for Realtek ALC66223:07
GeorgeAScotthello again.  my soundblaster is no longer capturing sound.  i can hear mic input, but the computer can not23:07
liminali thought ubuntu ran it as standard tho23:07
rascal999 I'm trying to distribute a livecd image through pxe, i have done this before successfully and atm can get as far as the dhcp request been granted.23:07
rascal999 but then pxe reports a boot filename not received, is this indicative of no tftp in place or?23:07
tekteenliminal: chances are it either comes with ubuntu or you are not going to get it23:08
mycroestekteen, I love grub too23:08
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about drivers23:08
mycroesilovebrownies, no, shouldn't take long23:08
austinI think i messed up my server23:08
liminalmy sound was working yesturday, but not todahy23:08
austini need help....23:08
liminaland ive no idea why23:08
mycroestekteen, ilovebrownies wants to have access to his arch install too23:08
hunt577_Can I install ndiswrapper on the the livecd to make sure I can get it to work with my wireless card before I install ubuntu?23:08
austini ran control alt delte by accedent, can anyone help me reset my settigns23:08
GeorgeAScottand patchage no longer shows a capture device.23:08
vladdYanyone able to help with me with monodevelop?23:08
tekteenmycroes: what are you doing the setup cmd for?23:09
ilovebrowniesmycroes, I think I installed grub from the Arch installer, but didn't configure it.23:09
getBoatekteen: got it... well so it might be worth the installation... my machine is not that slow but i wanna speed up as much as possible23:09
tekteenliminal: that is not a "I need a driver problem". Next time, just say what is going on23:09
ZykoticK9austin, do you get any cards with "dmesg | grep eth"?23:09
tekteengetBoa: I would not do it if it is not unbarably slow23:10
soreauIs there a log of updates performed by update-manager or if you do apt-get update/upgrade?23:10
GeorgeAScottive been to every device in volume control and made sure nothing is muted... several times now.  i still can't get any sound to capture.23:10
liminalah well the problem is my sound has disappeared and ive no idea why23:10
tekteenmycroes: is ubuntu's grub installed? or arch23:10
getBoatekteen: it's a AMD Turion X2-64 2gig ram 250hd...23:11
ZykoticK9austin, something with "addr 00:xx:xx..."23:11
AdamDVHOw do II do an OEM install of ubuntu 8.10?23:11
ilovebrowniestekteen, Ubuntus23:11
tekteengetBoa: stick to gnome :-)23:11
Gartral1slitly noobish Q: how do i tell what fs im running from in the console?23:11
austinZykoticK9, wate, eth0 came up again.i just did Cntl alt delet again...what is this for?23:11
getBoatekteen: :-)23:11
tekteenilovebrownies: so what you need to do is add an entry to ubuntu's menu.list to start arch23:11
ZykoticK9austin, if it's working again, it's all good23:11
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mycroestekteen, and I was explaining him how to chainload the arch grub so he doesn't have to change his ubuntu menu'lst everytime arch updates23:12
ilovebrowniestekteen, yes, but I don't know how exactly23:12
austinZyoticK9, my server won't display anything htough23:12
austinthats a bit of a problem23:12
Gartral1sometimes you just have to accept that it's working without understanding why23:13
tekteenmycroes, is grub installed on arch?23:13
ZykoticK9austin, sorry i thought you where the one without a network card????23:13
tekteenmycroes: I have never done chain loading before23:13
austinZykoticK9, i was...i thought that was the problem.. Now my server won't show anything23:13
Gartral1slitly noobish Q: how do i tell what filesystem im running from in the console?23:13
liminalso anyone got any ideas on how to get mys sound back?23:13
tekteenmycroes: is grub on arch?23:14
Matirdoes anyone know where I can download the iso or image to install the dell custom version of ubuntu for the mini 9?  I got one from Sam's club and they only had windows available :(23:14
ZykoticK9austin, have you tried restarting it?  power button if necessary?23:14
austinZykoticK9, lemmi see...23:14
=== Pooky is now known as PKnull
tekteenGartral1: probably ext3, I believe if you type mount that would tell you every place and format partitions are mounted23:15
austinit was wokring fine, untill i did cntl alt del23:15
=== PKnull is now known as Pooky
tekteen!sound > liminal23:15
ubottuliminal, please see my private message23:15
nv1my computer doesn't shutdown or suspend. I red the faq already23:15
tekteenmycroes: you there?23:15
ZykoticK9Matir, http://mydellmini.com/forum/dell-mini-9-ubuntu-restore-iso-image-t287.html gives a demonoid or piratebay link23:15
mycroestekteen, sorry23:15
MatirZykoticK9, thanks23:15
mycroestekteen, was here23:16
mycroestekteen, I gave him instructions how to install grub to his arch /boot partition23:16
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tekteenshouldn't there be a package from arch to do it?23:16
|chiz|Gartral1: cat /etc/mtab23:16
mycroestekteen, from ilovebrownies' comments I assume he has an arch install that uses grub23:16
mycroestekteen, to do what?23:16
ilovebrowniestekteen, I installed grub on Arch, but probably not correctly23:16
austin ZykoticK9, still doing it23:16
mycroestekteen, normally you isntall grub to the mbr23:17
ZykoticK9AdamDV, what do you mean by OEM install are you an Origion Equipment Manufactuer?23:17
mycroestekteen, but you can't use two different configs with just one grub install23:17
liminali was using OSS mixer for my sound card offical driver23:17
|chiz|Gartral1: mount does pretty much the same too23:17
austinas in it wont work23:17
tekteenmycroes: I know, but if you are chainloading, you need to install it to /boot on arch23:17
lexvegasAdamDV you should be able to select the option when you inseret the cd, before you select "try Ubuntu"23:17
tekteenmycroes: I know23:17
ZykoticK9austin, still doing what?  restarting?23:17
mycroestekteen, yes, so I explained him how to install grub to his arch /boot :P23:17
dotblankWhy would anyone want to install grub to the mbr? its crazy cause the mbr isn't in the partition and making backups are more difficult23:17
austinZykoticK9, it won't display anything when itype in my ip address and my name23:17
mycroestekteen, and that's where he is now23:18
AdamDVlexvegas: In intrepid?23:18
mycroesilovebrownies, what was the output of root (hd0,5)23:18
tekteenmycroes: isn't there an easy package to install grub in arch?23:18
Mox`hi, i'm having troubles with bind on my gateway? if I use my gatewas as dns server nothing works, If I use the dns the gateway resolves, it works just fine? how to fix this? :S23:18
mycroestekteen, he has grub installed in arch23:18
mycroestekteen, he just needs to install it to the arch /boot partition, because normally it gets installed to the mbr so you can use it...23:18
ilovebrowniesmycroes, No output23:19
Rodrigo_Lopesgood night for everbody23:19
liminaltekteen ive changed my sound device to alsa pcm via dam23:19
liminalvia dma23:19
Rodrigo_LopesHow to install sdlmame23:19
AakashPatelany one know of any alternatives to microsoft photosynth?23:19
mycroesilovebrownies, did you get a prompt after setup (hd0,5) yet?23:19
tekteenliminal: try something. open a terminal and type alsamixer. Make sure master is not 023:20
ilovebrowniesmycroes, No, I exited the terminal window after a couple of minutes23:20
mycroesilovebrownies, you have justthat one disk?23:20
mycroesilovebrownies, ok23:20
tekteenliminal: I do not know much about audio23:20
ilovebrowniesmycroes, Just one disk yes23:20
Rodrigo_LopesI want play street fighter im mame...How to install mame??23:20
lexvegas!patience | Rodrigo_Lopes23:21
ubottuRodrigo_Lopes: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines23:21
DasEIRodrigo_Lopes: sure you don't mean wine ?23:21
mycroesilovebrownies, example output from my grub root command23:21
austinI got ti!23:21
mycroesilovebrownies, grub> root (hd4,0)23:21
mycroes Filesystem type is fat, partition type 0xb23:21
azlonhow can i update my GPG key so i dont get this error message when i apt-get update? W: GPG error: http://security.ubuntu.com intrepid-security Release: The following signatures were invalid: BADSIG 40976EAF437D05B5 Ubuntu Archive Automatic Signing Key <ftpmaster@ubuntu.com>23:21
Rodrigo_Lopes....wine..dont is a better.. because, mame is opensource and work in linux23:22
WeakyWaahellloooooooooooo buntu-ppl23:22
ilovebrowniesmycroes, I just remembered I formatted to ext423:22
backenfutterI need to figure out how to install the app »vncpasswd« can't find it in apt-cache... could somebody help please?23:22
dotblanksdlmame Is vastly better then xmame btw23:22
ilovebrowniesmycroes,  my arch partitions23:22
DasEIRodrigo_Lopes: there's xmame for arcade games23:22
mycroesilovebrownies, /boot too?23:22
tekteenliminal: try something. open a terminal and type alsamixer. Make sure master is not 023:22
Dr_willisbackenfutter,  i thought it was part of several of the vncserver packages.. try installing vnc4server23:22
Dr_willis!info vnc4server23:22
ubottuvnc4server (source: vnc4): Virtual network computing server software. In component universe, is optional. Version 4.1.1+xorg1.0.2-0ubuntu7 (intrepid), package size 1063 kB, installed size 2484 kB23:22
ilovebrowniesmycroes, didn't make a /boot partition23:23
Dr_willis!find vncpasswd23:23
ubottuFile vncpasswd found in tightvncserver23:23
madhatter1hey everyone.. quick question.. I've got some sata hot-swap bays so drive mounting is getting confusing with different ones being on/off... any way to add drives to fstab by their serial number, or any other unique identifier?23:23
hunt577how do I join this chat through Pidgin23:23
mycroesilovebrownies, heh23:23
Dr_willisHmm looks like its in there also. :)23:23
ilovebrowniesmycroes, just realised how stupid that is23:23
mycroesilovebrownies, well then there's only one solution23:23
backenfutterDr_willis: I use vncviewer - it's man page tells me to create password file with vncpasswd, however that app is not onmy hdd23:23
DasEImadhatter1: man blkid23:23
dotblankmadhatter: yes, by uuid23:23
coreymanWhy can i not browse the web with konqueror, and kde network manager?23:23
mycroesilovebrownies, copy your arch kernel over to your ubuntu /boot23:23
mycroesilovebrownies, also copy the initrd if you have one23:23
coreyman I can access my router23:23
madhatter1DasEI: thanks23:24
Dr_willisbackenfutter,  thas because the appis in the vncserver packages.. i imagine..23:24
mycroesilovebrownies, then add the entry for the kernel23:24
tekteencoreyman: go to #kubuntu23:24
mycroesilovebrownies, that should work too23:24
coreymanok tekteen23:24
hunt577How do I access this room through Pidgin Messanger?23:24
DasEIhunt577: new account > irc>irc.ubuntu.com>#ubuntu23:24
ilovebrowniesmycroes, If I were to reinstall Arch instead, would it be as easy as creating a /boot for arch?23:24
liminaligive up for the night23:24
mycroesilovebrownies, I'm gone for a bit now, if you need any help with what I just told you I'm positive tekteen can help you23:24
mycroesilovebrownies, yes23:25
mycroesilovebrownies, almost23:25
liminalthanks for tryig tek23:25
mycroesilovebrownies, you still need to do the steps I explained23:25
kriss3danyone know what the program kdm does ?23:25
ilovebrowniesmycroes,  Ok I'll try that thanks! :)23:25
mycroesilovebrownies, but it would be somewhat easier, especially in the case of kernel upgrades in arch23:25
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mycroesilovebrownies, good luck23:25
hunt577I have created the irc account DasEl but I am not sure how to actually get in this room23:25
Rodrigo_LopesHow to install mame in slackware???23:25
hunt577it just gives me a messanger window where I can add people to my list23:26
coreymantekteen i went to kubuntu and noone is answering any questions23:26
kriss3dhunt577 well irc isnt like aim or msn..23:26
admin_masu3701mycroes: thank you very much23:26
admin_masu3701it did work23:26
tekteencoreyman: they are the people who tend to know kde23:26
admin_masu3701you're the hero23:26
coreymantekteen i spoke to soon, someone is talking now23:26
hunt577kriss3d I know but you can get into this room through there because I was in it through there the other night but can't remember23:26
kriss3dhunt577 do you mean using a real irc program instead of via a website or somthing ?23:27
DasEIhunt577: have you got buddy list on ubuntu.com ?23:27
ilovebrowniestekteen: since mycroes left, can you help me?23:28
hunt577I am using Pidgin messanger and have set up my irc account on it, I am hunt577_  on it23:28
tekteenilovebrownies: I need to go soon XD, what do you need help with?23:29
hunt577right kriss3d23:29
H3l1c0pt3rhunt577: you add a new account IRC and put irc.ubuntu.com as the server, when you get to the blank window you go to buddies and "enter chat" then enter #ubuntu as the channel and it will come up23:29
TheKoenigseggAnyone using xchat? Is it impossible to autojoin password protected channels on startup with it?23:29
hunt577ahh worked that time thanks23:29
ilovebrowniestekteen: in the arch beginners guide, it doesn't tell me to create a /boot partition, isn't it 'under' /?23:29
tekteenilovebrownies: what do you need help with?23:29
* chalcedony smiles23:29
ilovebrowniestekteen: do I make a whole new partition?23:30
chalcedonyTheKoenigsegg: i'd ask in #xchat i don't think it's impossible23:30
hunt577_ok cool I am here under Pidgin messanger now23:30
chalcedonyhunt577_: good for you23:30
tekteenilovebrownies: where is this guide?23:30
chalcedonyi never figured out irc on it23:30
hunt577_ok I am within the livecd of ubuntu23:30
TheKoenigseggchalcedony: k, thx23:30
ilovebrowniestekteen: http://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Beginners_Guide23:31
chalcedonydoes anyone know a command to minimize all your windows, so you can see the desktop and then put them back?23:31
KhisanthTheKoenigsegg: it's in the xchat FAQ :)23:31
ubottuCe canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr23:31
hunt577_I have  a laptop trying to get wireless through ubuntu but since it doesn't work I have my ethernet cable plugged into the side of the laptop and gonna try installing ndiswrapper to get the correct driver for my wireless card23:31
H3l1c0pt3rchalcedony: its ctrl+d i believe23:31
chalcedonyKhisanth: good to see you :)23:31
H3l1c0pt3rchalcedony: its ctrl+alt+d23:31
chalcedonyah ty much H3l1c0pt3r :)23:32
tony_Anyone here managed to setup checkpoint vpn client within ubuntu/debian?23:32
TheKoenigseggkhissanth: Guess it should be, but not where I looked :-] Can you show me where?23:32
H3l1c0pt3r!wireless | hunt577_23:32
ubottuhunt577_: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs23:32
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about breton23:32
tekteenilovebrownies: why do you need to create a new partition?23:32
ilovebrowniestekteen: mycroes told me I needed to23:33
AdamDV!find openssh23:33
ubottuFound: openssh-blacklist, openssh-blacklist-extra, openssh-client, openssh-server23:33
AdamDV!find sshfs23:34
ubottuFound: sshfs23:34
H3l1c0pt3rAdamDV: you can do that in pvt with ubottu23:34
AdamDVHeh. Sorry.23:34
ilovebrowniestekteen: I tried installing grub to the / partition I created for arch23:34
mattfredwhat is a good channel to go to ask questions?23:34
AdamDVhs one..23:34
Khisanththat depends on the kind of questions you want to ask23:34
tekteenilovebrownies: and what happened?23:35
isteali need help pairing bluetooth headphones and today is my first day with ubuntu... anyone help?23:35
DasEI!ot > mattfred23:35
ilovebrowniestekteen: nothing, I installed grub from the arch installer first, then I tried what mycroes suggested23:35
ubottumattfred, please see my private message23:35
zooboxgood evening23:36
H3l1c0pt3r!bluetooth | isteal23:36
ubottuisteal: For instructions on how to set up bluetooth, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BluetoothSetup23:36
mattfredIs there a way to disable the default key ring so I don't have to type my password every time i use evolution and/or my wireless connection?23:36
tekteenilovebrownies: I really have no idea where you are in the process lol23:37
zooboxthe pager for man is less I think, are there any other key than q to quit the manpage without removing the part of the manpage you read?23:37
tekteenilovebrownies: I am really sorry23:37
zooboxq removes the man-text from the screen, I want to have still there while I write my command23:38
WebuIf I start a background command by using &, how can I access it?23:38
H3l1c0pt3rzoobox: q quits manpage, if you want open another terminal (CLI) and do commands in there23:38
=== JustinRyan_ is now known as JustinRyan
tekteenilovebrownies: I need to go now. sorry23:38
H3l1c0pt3rzoobox: you can also open another TAB on the terminal23:38
ilovebrowniestekteen: I did a new arch insall, including grub on the / partition for arch, then I rebooted, and only ubuntu showed up in grub23:38
ilovebrowniestekteen: Ok23:39
zooboxH3l1c0pt3r:  Tab?23:39
tekteenI can stay a little longer I guess23:39
mattfredIs there a way to disable the default key ring so I don't have to type my password every time i use evolution and/or my wireless connection?23:39
H3l1c0pt3rzoobox: you have two options. keep one terminal open for the man page, and another open for the commands, or you can use one terminal and go to FILE > open tab (to have multiple tabs like in firefox)23:39
mattfredalso, can i disable the beep everytime i make an invalid keystroke or get new mail in evolution?23:39
ilovebrowniestekteen: Ok, thanks :)23:40
zooboxH3l1c0pt3r: yeah an alternative whould be to create an alias man=gnome-terminal -x man  but often I got too many windows allready23:40
ilovebrowniestekteen: then I tried running grub in a terminal from ubuntu, to install grub on arch23:40
tekteenilovebrownies: so we need to setup ubuntu grub to call arch grub?23:40
chalcedonyH3l1c0pt3r: is there a way to get it to put everything back, after ctrl +alt +d ?23:40
zooboxH3l1c0pt3r: aha you mean tabs like that23:40
H3l1c0pt3rzoobox: than just use tabs in terminal to use only the 1 terminal window (ctrl+alt+t)23:40
H3l1c0pt3rchalcedony: yeah ctrl+alt+d again23:40
chalcedonyH3l1c0pt3r: didn't work23:41
H3l1c0pt3rchalcedony: it should...23:41
chalcedonyworked for rmoving .. not putting them back23:41
zooboxI whould prefer to have the part of the man-text I have scrolled to, right above the commmand prompt where I am writing my command23:41
ilovebrowniestekteen: i dunno, can't I just boot arch from ubuntu grub, do I really need two grubs? :P23:41
chalcedonymaybe i just had too much?23:41
H3l1c0pt3rchalcedony: try it with a few windows open, do ctrl+alt+d and then do it again right away, it should work23:41
Joker_-_My tv-out screen is larger than the screen itself. As a result, I can<t see any edge of the screen (about an inche each sides)... any idea?23:41
DasEItekteen: ilovebrownies:google super-grub-disk23:41
mikewuzoobox: zoobox try running export LESS="-X", then just scroll to the part that you want and just use q to exit23:41
tekteenilovebrownies: ilovebrownies, arch needs to update its grub23:42
Khisanthzoobox: or man -P "less -X" foo23:42
zooboxmikewu: perfect! thanks23:43
chalcedonyH3l1c0pt3r: yes it did, with a few23:43
hunt577_I am not understanding section 3.3 for NDISWrapper on the wireless site23:43
=== rashire2 is now known as rashire
H3l1c0pt3rchalcedony: could be too many windows to restore, not sure, sorry23:43
mattfredIs there a way to disable the default key ring so I don't have to type my password every time i use evolution and/or my wireless connection?23:43
chalcedonyok ty :))23:43
mattfredalso, can i disable the beep everytime i make an invalid keystroke or get new mail in evolution?23:43
ilovebrowniestekteen: so what's the standard procedure for dual booting two Linux distros?23:43
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tekteenilovebrownies: chain loading23:44
tekteenI have never done it XD23:44
ilovebrowniestekteen: :P23:44
IanFHoodmy 'sound preferences' window is frozen open... is there some way to force it to shut down?23:45
Joker_-_My tv-out screen is larger than the screen itself. As a result, I can<t see any edge of the screen (about an inche each sides)... any idea? I have seen lots of posts of people having the same issue, but none fixing it...23:45
hunt577_I don't understand this part - Retrieve the Windows driver corresponding to your chipset: Use the ID information you have just found and the ndiswrapper list to find and download the correct windows driver files for your wireless adapter, or one which is very similar (same chipset ID).23:45
tekteenilovebrownies: now I need to go, I need to be somewhere at 723:46
tekteenshit, I need to go23:46
ilovebrowniestekteen: ok, sorry for keeping you23:46
Joker_-_TV Output screen size too large to fit the actual screen... any help? any way to scale it?23:46
ubottuPlease watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.23:46
* G69 Até amanhã!23:46
hunt577_Can anyone help?23:46
hunt577_with this ndiswrapper...newb to linux here23:47
ubottuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs23:47
hunt577_I am there already Daft_Punk, thanks though....I have questions about the content that its asking me23:48
EressolarPROTIP: then ask23:48
davemcnamaraHowdy, is there any way to make Linux identify as windows to a server?  My university's network won't allow "unsupported operating systems".23:48
hunt577_I've done a couple times already...here it goes again23:48
zenohello, when i boot up after logging in i get an error: "~/.drmc file is being ignored", how can i fix this?23:49
hunt577_3.3. Downloading Windows Drivers Retrieve the Windows driver corresponding to your chipset: Use the ID information you have just found and the ndiswrapper list to find and download the correct windows driver files for your wireless adapter, or one which is very similar (same chipset ID).23:49
admin_masu3701do anyone try ubuntu 9.04?23:49
hunt577_Not sure how to do this23:49
rww!jaunty | admin_masu370123:49
ubottuadmin_masu3701: Jaunty Jackalope is the code for Ubuntu 9.04, due April 2009 - Lots of breakage between now and April - Please join #ubuntu+1 for discussion and support.23:49
Daft_Punkhunt577_, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/Ndiswrapper23:49
mib_cp4xujohey anyone know of agood laptop that works with ubuntu out of the box? Something around 15" and 600 or so dollars23:49
tony_Anyone here managed to setup checkpoint vpn client within ubuntu/debian?23:50
hunt577_Daft_Punk, thanks again, but thats the exact page I am on.  Section 3.3 of that page is what I am stuck on23:50
rww!hcl | mib_cp4xujo23:50
ubottumib_cp4xujo: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection23:50
taz_can some one tell me what the command is to exute a file23:50
LjLtaz_: "execute a file"? you mean a program? or you mean open a document?23:51
dotblanktaz_: usually ./nameofprogram23:51
rwwtaz_: cd /path/to/file's/folder, chmod +x filename to make it executable, then ./filename23:51
dotblanktaz_: or that23:51
taz_to open a .sh file in termenal23:51
LjLtaz_: what they said23:52
taz_Its to tweak a program to install on a USB23:52
Daft_Punkhunt577_, lol sorry that looks too complicated for me :(23:52
dotblanktaz_: or sh nameoffile23:52
Daft_Punkhunt577_, what is your computer model23:52
DasEItaz_: ./blahblah.sh23:52
hunt577_lol, its too complicated for me too Daft_Punk lol23:52
taz_Ok thanks23:52
taz_ bootinst.sh23:52
DasEItaz_: maybe sudo it, or chown it before23:52
taz_Im installing Bt4 on a usb stick23:52
unr3a1hey all, I was curious as to what was the best hard drive encryption application for linux?23:53
LjLmaybe DON'T sudo unless you know exactly what you're doing it23:53
taz_had a brain fart for got what it was23:53
hunt577_Daft_Punk its an HP G60-249WM23:53
hunt577_trying to get wireless working on it Daft_Punk23:53
grkblood13does any1 know why i get htis message when using pigdin? Unable to send message: Refused by client23:53
LjLunr3a1: truecrypt is a possibility, whether it's "best", i have no idea and i guess nobody does23:54
LjL!truecrypt > unr3a1    (unr3a1, see the private message from ubottu)23:54
hunt577_Daft_Punk, I am having to follow this NDISWrapper because ubuntu doesn't have a driver for my wireless card23:54
wolvany1 tried run TeamSpeak on ubuntu 8.10??23:54
tony_anyone dealed with checkpoint before? need help setting up the client23:54
rwwgrkblood13: ask in #pidgin23:54
tony_dotblank: was that to my question?23:54
wolvor mine xD23:55
dotblanktony_: yours23:55
tony_fantastic, wolv, i have setup ts on nix before23:55
tony_but couldnt figure out my mic properly23:55
dotblanktony_: wait no sorry23:55
wolvdamn TeamSpeak dont like ubuntu :(((23:55
Daft_Punkhunt577_, did you install ubuntu, or are you using just the livecd23:55
tony_dotblank:  :( seriously?23:55
dotblankwolv: I ment you I run teamspeak23:55
giacohow can I use the debug symbols I've downloaded from the mesa-swx11-dbg package now located in /usr/lib/debug/usr/lib/libGL.so.1.5.07020023:56
hunt577_Daft_Punk, I am using the livecd right now, want to make sure I can get wireless working before I install it23:56
wolvif I play some music before TS then TS doesnt work23:56
LjLdavemcnamara: uhm, identify in what context? SMB filesharing, what?23:56
wolvand if I run TS 1st then I cant play music23:56
=== quassel251_ is now known as jussi01
Daft_Punkhunt577_, i am not 100% sure that the wireless would always work in livecd and not the actual os23:56
dotblankwolv: It is because TS doesn't work well with pulseaudio23:56
Daft_Punkhunt577_, do u know which card it is23:56
hunt577_Daft_Punk, I'm pretty sure its my wireless card cause others who have it had to use ndiswrapper to get there wireless to work.  Daft_Punk its an Atheros AR24223:57
wolvthx anyway ;<23:57
wolvcya :P23:58
dotblankwolv: but you could try padsp teamspeak23:58
unr3a1LjL: will this allow me to encrypt the entire hard disk?23:58
=== KiiMuRa is now known as KiiMuRa_Away
Daft_Punkhunt577_, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=854059 scroll down and read the posts near the end23:59
hunt577_thanks Daft_Punk23:59

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