[00:09] fbc, use a pipe. [00:10] fbc: something like this ls > filename.txt [00:11] Or simply see http://www.linux.com/articles/45679 [00:14] anyone got a min ? [00:15] sure [00:15] !anyone [00:15] A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? [00:15] ah [00:15] :-) [00:16] well, i've installed xubuntu onto an ibook, and i'm supposed to edit yaboot.conf and add append="video=ofonly" but i don't have permissions [00:16] another thing [00:17] after i rebooted the machine with linux video=ofonly i dosn't load the top menubar, so can't search for the file [00:18] oh, and this is my first time ever linux experience [00:18] well I'm not a mac-geek but why not trying to edit the file with something like "sudo nano "? [00:18] you need to use sudo/gksu to start an editor that can edit files try gksu mousepad [00:18] You have always a shell available to rearch everything. [00:19] i have the desktop, 4 icons, can't doubleclick any of them, they'll show for 1 sec and go away again [00:19] See http://www.linux.com/articles/45679 for an intor on pipes and build a search term with that. ;-) [00:19] can i do the edit from the yaboot screen? before booting anything. [00:20] not so easy to do it that way. You could boot into run S and mount the volume then access whatever you need. [00:21] charlie-tca: wooots, it's installing [00:21] Modern bootmanagers support edition of the kernel boo line though. [00:21] standarshy: :-) [00:21] Using the alternative install disk totally brings be back to 2004 when I was installing linux distro's for the first time [00:22] *lol* What kinda feeling was that? [00:22] But it works! [00:22] well i'm not a mac geek either, so all the terminal commands is a little over my head [00:23] btw i installed xubuntu as the only system on the machine [00:23] hm... I think that is a problem, fuskern. [00:24] It does work, and as primitive as it looks, it's kinda better. It's precise and right to the point, you know? [00:24] well didn't really need it, so just deleted it. [00:25] Try this, fuskern: http://www.google.com/search?hl=de&client=opera&rls=de&hs=xCf&q=%2Bedit+%22yaboot.conf%22+%2Bxubuntu+%2Bmac&btnG=Suche&lr= [00:26] okay [00:29] :-) [00:29] is there a shortcut to terminal if the top menubar isn't available ? [00:30] press alt-f2 and type xfce4-terminal or xterm [00:31] cool, i'll give that a try. [00:32] the weird thing tho, first time i booted it up with Linux video=ofonly, everything was running fine, just didn't know how to edit yaboot, and now that i think i know, it dosn't work [00:35] what does sudo ybin do ? [00:36] it runs the command ybin with root privileges... no idea what ybin does though [00:36] okay [00:40] well, that didn't work, i'll get loading, and then the screen goes white, and fades to black [00:43] What exactly did you do? [00:46] i ran alt+f2 typed xterm, then gksudo mousepad /etc/yaboot.conf then added line append="video=ofonly" then saved and typed sudo ybin and rebooted [00:47] no idear what that means, but it sounded fine in my ears. :) === Aquina is now known as Aquina_ === Aquina_ is now known as Aquina [00:53] whats the default super user password? [00:53] by default there is no password, the account is not active [00:53] Jan|, use sudo and type YOUR OWN password. :-) [00:53] if you need super-user privileges use sudo/gksu [00:55] fuskern, so you could edit the file - great. Problem is I don't have a clue about yaboot.conf since it does seem to be an alternative thing I don't have on my System. It must be a different bootloader. I'll look it up. [00:55] Aquina: it is a ppc bootloader [00:56] Yeah. A bootloader I have no clue about it. Whis it was grub. [00:56] :-) [00:57] thanks Aquina [00:58] you might trying asking on #ubuntu-ppc [00:58] Ah I see it's a kernel parm as I thought... [00:59] And I further guess it affects your X11 start so you dont see the bootsplash and login screen, right? [01:00] Ok everyone listen so some music meanwhile :-) http://relay.slayradio.org:8000/relay.slayradio.org:8000 [01:01] if i do normal boot ? [01:01] yes [01:01] aehm no [01:01] then it get to loading, screen turns white and then fades to black [01:01] A ormal boot works except the gui has no bar right? [01:02] i did Linux video=ofonly and there is no menubar, neither the buttom one [01:03] Well... this seems to be an X problem to me not a bootloader specific one. [01:04] Can't you execure "xfce-panel" somewhere? [01:04] open a shell and enter it to see if it worxx [01:04] through alt+f2 ? [01:04] yeah [01:04] fuskern: it would be better to start xterm, and then run it. so when/if it crashes you'll see an error message [01:05] oh yes [01:05] He's right!! [01:05] i've got xterm open [01:05] ok enter "xfce-panel" without the quotations [01:05] can't write xfce-panel command not found [01:05] try xfce4-panel [01:05] 2 n? [01:05] ah yeah [01:06] booya [01:06] always the 4 [01:06] :-))))) [01:06] worked [01:06] Awesome! [01:06] yeah [01:06] :-) [01:06] my icons on the desktop disappeared tho [01:06] I had that problem months ago on a system but forgot about it in the meantime. What!? [01:06] try running 'xfdesktop' [01:07] No icons? Then try to logout (session end) + SAVE SESSION! [01:07] Then login again and see if it works [01:07] ah it says alsa: mixer attach default error no such file or directory, did it 4 times, guess that's my 4 icons [01:07] (savn' the session will also make sure xfce4panel will be ok next time) [01:08] oh [01:08] xfdesktop did nothing [01:09] But other icons work like trash or creating new ones? Are the panels still there after new login? does the Applications-menu work properly? [01:10] how do i save ? is that the "sudo ybin" [01:10] There's an instance of xfdesktop that maybe why. You can refresh the desktop after adding stuff via F5 [01:10] save what? [01:10] no there is no icons on the desktop [01:10] oh sure... [01:10] Applications-->Settings-->Xfce4Settings [01:11] Then configure the desktop behaviour. GNU/Linux+Xfce4 is not like windoze .-) [01:11] zoredache , Aquina said save the session [01:11] hehe [01:11] when you log out, there is a check box to save or not to save [01:12] yes :-) [01:12] ah [01:12] that one [01:14] 1) Is there now for .e.g. a trash icon? 2)Are the panels still there after re-login? 3) Does the Applications-menu work properly? [01:17] tryed a normal boot, didn't work, booting with video=ofonly again [01:20] 1) no actualy icons on the desktop, but trash is also in the buttom panel, "failed to connect to trash" 2)panel is still there 3)appleication menu seems to work [01:23] hmm, so xubuntu is really slow with only 128 mbs ram [01:23] I'm having trouble enabling certain compiz effects, mainly the Scale effect. Enable is checked but it doesn't work. How to fix? [01:24] Is the the very first boot of xubuntu slower than the others? or is it always the same? [01:26] standarshy then try without Xfce *rofl* [01:27] !lowmem [01:27] For installing on low memory systems, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/LowMemorySystems. See also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SystemRequirements. [01:28] standarshy I regularlsy have a 35 sec. boot (based on bootchart) but sometimes it takes ~60 about once a month. [01:29] standarshy: the system resquirements of xubuntu is basically 192mb. You can run in less, but it will take some work removing things, and it still won't be great [01:29] fuskern so try a bot of google/metager/cuil research about the icon issue. ;-) [01:29] I just logged on to xubuntu and it is taking forever to load. [01:29] Good luck! [01:30] Well it tries to optimize data in RAM. [01:30] toredache why do you try it with 128Mib [01:30] That link says minimum requrements with 32 mb [01:30] I currently have 128 in [01:31] In case you run an old box but wanna have a GUI try either fluxbox or maybe an alternative distro like slitaz [01:31] 32 for Xfce? [01:31] standarshy: you need to read a bit closer. scroll down to the 'xubuntu' section. [01:32] you can boot the linux kernel in 32, and some very basic functions, but can run a current desktop enviroment with the bells and whistles [01:33] hmm [01:33] I see [01:34] I just found this computer, lol. So I was just looking for an easy way to get it to run decently. It was pretty slow with xp [01:34] I was hoping xubuntu would be ok [01:35] hm... It can work with 128 though. [01:36] ram is pretty cheap... if you go dumpster diving you could probably even find some free [01:36] Yea, this is true. Although, I was hoping to resolve this more quickly. [01:38] I think https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/LowMemorySystems already provides you a good portion of "quick" things you can do. [01:38] I might be able to tolerate it the way it is now === FlareFlare is now known as Flare183 [03:48] thanks Aquina [03:49] [19:53:47] Jan|, use sudo and type YOUR OWN password. :-) [03:52] no problem. ;-) [04:02] is there a set of xfce 4.6 packages built for intrepid? [05:19] !nixternal [05:19] Oh no! The pointy-clicky Windows7 lover has arrived! He's rumoured to be giving out free money, and help on the MIRC client too! I LOVE MIRC!!! [05:36] I want to try out XFCE... I was going to install the xubuntu-desktop package but it says it's v2.75... but XFCE is up to v4.6 now... [05:37] how come the version 3 still hasn't made it to official xubuntu release? [05:40] i have a baracuda sound card from razer and i cannot figure out how to get it running [05:40] XPS_M1330: Try PC/OS, it's using XFCE 4. [05:42] I don't want to install another distro... I'll install the xfce4 metapackage see how it goes [05:45] 30MB download, that's funny! compared to 1GB KDE === rocko is now known as gnuguy === gnuguy is now known as rocko === rubix is now known as Guest98985 === Guest98985 is now known as magic_ninja1 [08:46] is there a way to show the linux startup messages instead of the splash screen? [08:46] remove 'quiet' from the boot options [08:47] and 'splash' if you want text mode [08:47] cool thx [08:47] <_Pete_> Hello, I have locale problem: I used to have iso8859-15 as locale and now tried switch it to utf8 but without luck so far [08:47] you can do it one-time by pressing 'e' in grub, or permanently by editing /boot/grub/menu.lst [08:48] _Pete_: system->language support [08:48] <_Pete_> I changed /etc/environment back which it was orignally [08:49] <_Pete_> TheSheep: ok right, locale is utf8 if I ssh to machine but not in the X [08:50] _Pete_: you can choose locale in login screen [08:50] _Pete_: and it will remember that [08:50] <_Pete_> ok.. didn't notice that :) [09:00] is Listen broken in xubuntu? [09:04] i think i'm blind... is there a GUI somewhere to configure networking? i didn't change anything -- ethernet wasn't connected during installation, though -- but it doesn't seem to get the ip through dhcp [09:04] or if you can point me to the config file i'm fine as well :) [09:05] eldenz: right-click on the network icon next to the clock [09:06] i *am* blind, thank you [09:12] is there a way to get log/debug output from this process [09:13] it attempts to do something then says disconnected... does it run dhclient? [09:14] right. looks like i'm not getting any dhcpoffers... on the same ethernet cable and my laptop (winxp) i get them, though [09:14] eldenz: yes, I suppose it's all in /var/log somewhere [09:14] eldenz: you can run dhclient by hand, I think [09:14] with debug options [09:14] i just did and it fails after some time with 'No DHCPOFFERS received.' [09:15] eldenz: well, see the logs on your dhcp server, I guess [09:16] it's not mine :) from my school.. mh [10:23] and how do i get into the Networkmanager if the icon is no longer there in the tray? [10:26] aye, nm-connection-editor [11:15] how do you manipulate gdm to make Xfce Session default instead of Gnome Session for a new user? [11:18] <_Pete_> gdm should automatically remmeber last session choosen [11:22] for a new user there is no last session [12:02] hi everybody [12:05] what's the preferred way to set up xinerama? [12:05] is there some gui that i should use or is xorg.conf fine? [12:20] Is there a CD boot param that will give me the old text-mode installer? [12:21] balor: no, you'll need to use the alternate cd [12:21] pleia2: thanks [13:49] my external monitor goes black for no apparent reason. need help troubleshooting. thanks a lot. [13:49] try opening the laptop lid [13:51] tried that. black also until i restart x.org with ctrl+alt+backspace. then laptop screen fine, but external monitor still black. [13:52] the login screen comes up fine, but when i log in it goes black (the light on the monitor is green so i don't think it's on standby or anything) [14:18] hello, need help please, xubuntu 8.10 and applet network manager 0.7.0 not working [14:19] I can't use it to change the eth0 settings (ip, mask, gateway) [14:19] and if I change them via command line, the changes are not displayed in the applet (the applet still shows the old values) [14:21] if I try to change the eth0 properties from the applet, it says "connection update not supported - read only" [14:21] then I suppose there is another GUI in xubuntu to change the ethernet properties... where? [14:22] and in all cases, why doesn't the applet reflect the changes I make via command line? [14:35] Got any ps3 users here? I need to know if you have to install 'ps3-utils' after Xubuntu installed? [14:40] hello, anyone to help me please? can't change network address [15:09] how do I change gslideshow settings? [15:44] hello-.-.-please help urgent [15:44] network manager applet not working---tried to remove it---the icon is still in the taskbar and complains network manager not running [15:44] help thanks [15:46] nobody here??? [15:48] MaxFrames: maybe try #ubuntu, it will be almost the same [15:49] hello, how do i change the name of the home icon on the desktop to my username? [15:55] it's confusing the blazes out of my old man, who doesn't understand why it says his username when he opens up "home" [15:55] dmizer, does the rename utility from terminal work? (just guessing here) [15:56] so there *is* someone [15:56] this network manager is driving me nuts [15:56] brandonban6: i am unsure how to use rename from the cli on a folder that doesn't actually exist. [15:57] dmizer: it is not the same to Xubuntu. Home is different than home. Home designates it as his. [15:57] Note the capital "H" [15:57] hi charlie-tca [15:57] charlie-tca: yes, i understand this. my father does not. [15:58] charlie-tca: i just want the "Home" icon link on the desktop to say his username instead of "Home" [15:58] Explain that "home" is all users, "Home" is just for him [15:58] let's try with an easier approach: can you suggest an alternative to the default network manager applet, to get a network icon on the taskbar? [15:59] MaxFrames: you could remove Network Manager and use wicd [15:59] charlie-tca: sorry, that's just not going to work. [15:59] wicd, OK [15:59] hello, brandonban6 [15:59] does that work for cabled connections as well? [15:59] not to my knowledge [15:59] wicd is wirelesscd [16:00] charlie-tca: while that may seem like a reasonable solution to you, your memory is fine, and you can make the connection between "Home" and "username", my father constantly forgets and gets confused and angry. [16:00] I have no wireless connection. I have a wired connection for which I'd like to have an icon on the taskbar [16:01] the network manager comes with an icon, but is full of bugs and I have had to remove it and replaced it with Ubuntu's standard "Network" module [16:01] but it has no icon [16:03] brandonban6: can you explain in more detail what you meant earlier about the rename utility? [16:04] MaxFrames: if you just want an icon that shows network activity, just right click on the system tray, click "add item" and select "Network Monitor" [16:05] MaxFrames: that will not (as far as i remember) give you the ability to manipulate the network settings though. [16:05] dmizer, I don't know that would work either...I'm at work now, and not next to my xubuntu box to try it out. What you can do is long list your dad's desktop (ls -l /home/username/Desktop/) and see if the home file show up........if so you can use rename oldname newname to change the name. [16:06] dmizer, if the file does not show up, this means it is mounted, you need to find the "mount point" possibly in fstab or there is another location I forget off the top of my head. [16:07] brandonban6 it doesn't show up from the CLI with ls -a [16:07] dmizer: never mind, I'll use other methods to change settings, I just need an icon [16:07] MaxFrames: then all you need to do is open synaptic, search for networkmanager and uninstall it. [16:08] brandonban6: it's also not mounted. this is something that's created by thunar. [16:13] dmizer, perhaps you can remove the home icon all together from the the desktop settings menu, and create a short link to your dad's home folder naming it whatever you want to. [16:13] brandonban6: that may be a viable solution. [16:18] brandonban6: thank you for your suggestion, that's going to work perfectly. [16:19] brandonban6: not sure why i didn't think of that myself ... heh. [16:19] no problemo :) [16:20] brandonban6: my poor dad, he gets easily confused ... sometimes to the point where it makes me confused. [16:20] sheesh. [16:20] ttyl [16:21] thanks again. [16:34] brandonban6: when you dmizer again, offer this suggestion, if I don't remember to [16:35] turn off the Home icon, create a shortcut direct to the user name [16:42] charlie-tca, already did :) dmizer, perhaps you can remove the home icon all together from the the desktop settings menu, and create a short link to your dad's home folder naming it whatever you want to. [16:42] * zoredache has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) [16:42] brandonban6: that may be a viable solution. [16:42] brandonban6: thank you for your suggestion, that's going to work perfectly. [16:44] so, I might be a little behind? [16:45] its okay, you have 18 channels to watch :D [16:45] got a meeting, too [17:30] hi [17:30] !hi | danopia [17:30] danopia: Hi! Welcome to #xubuntu! [17:31] sorry for my /amsg [17:31] * danopia wonders if he can set up channel exceptions [17:32] What ?? [17:40] i installed ub 8.10 on my friends emachines T3646, and seem to be getting lots of misbehaviors i wonder if anyone can help me troubleshoot. they apparently play a lot of board games online at pogo.com, so if anyone has any experience using that site maybe you will relate. to enable the games we had to install a java 6 alternative, which i think i did correctly yesterday from community doc... [17:40] ...instructions. the games did work yesterday as they were supposed to, but today when she booted up she had several problems... the games wouldn't work, her gnome panel (with applications, places, and system) would not appear persistently (it dissappears), and she says the browser freezes up. also the window bars do not appear on her windows so cannot move , resize or 'X' out .... any ideas? [17:41] If it is Ubuntu, ask in #ubuntu, they will know more about it. [17:41] also she says many things on her aol mail interface would not function, various buttons [17:48] i was hoping someone here could help, theres so many people in ubuntu you can't hear yourself think [17:50] :-) [17:50] What's the matter, imfluxible? [17:54] if anyone can help me troubleshoot. they apparently play a lot of board games online at pogo.com, so if anyone has any experience using that site maybe you will relate. to enable the games we had to install a java 6 alternative, which i think i did correctly yesterday from community doc... [17:54] ...instructions. the games did work yesterday as they were supposed to, but today when she booted up she had several problems... the games wouldn't work, her gnome panel (with applications, places, and system) would not appear persistently (it dissappears), and she says the browser freezes up. also the window bars do not appear on her windows so cannot move , resize or 'X' out .... any ideas? [17:54] All of that, Aquina [17:54] i installed ub 8.10 on my friends emachines T3646, and seem to be getting lots of misbehaviors i wonder if anyone can help me troubleshoot. they apparently play a lot of board games online at pogo.com, so if anyone has any experience using that site maybe you will relate. to enable the games we had to install a java 6 alternative, which i think i did correctly yesterday from community doc... [17:54] missed the first lines [18:31] Huh? [18:32] Is that a #xubuntu related question, imfluxible? [18:32] am i still in the room? [18:32] yes [18:32] hmmmm... guess so [18:32] I do not understand what the question is. [18:33] Your friend installed Hardy and had misbehaviours. [18:33] *lol* [18:34] Your friend installed Hardy and had misbehaviours with java using a website applet, right? [18:35] So I recommend you to either file a bug report or check with the devs of that Java runtime. [18:39] Anybody want to try 4.6 on intrepid and hardy? Get it here: https://launchpad.net/~jerome-guelfucci/+archive/ppa . File the bugs against it and subcribe me to them, please [18:46] Got any ps3 users here? I need to know if you have to install 'ps3-utils' after Xubuntu installed? [18:46] * wormsxulla_ is on gutsy [18:47] charlie-tca, ps3 as playstation 3? ;) [19:00] yeah, knome [19:01] We have a port for ppc/ps3 [19:01] i know. unfortunately i don't own ps3 nor any other gaming console. [19:01] me neither, but I want to clear a bug about it [19:02] yeah. maybe bug submitter? [19:03] hello everyone :) [19:03] hi === titan-ark is now known as titan_ark [19:09] knome: I am hoping to get a test on Jaunty [19:10] charlie-tca, hey :) how u doing? [19:10] still around, I guess [19:11] charlie-tca, test on jaunty on ps3? [19:11] Why not? we have the port available [19:13] yeah. i was just making sure. i think you will have hard time finding anybody running jaunty on ps3 :) [19:13] people are reluctant to upgrade even with their pcs [19:15] knome i heard that only about 190 MB or so is is available to Linux on PS3 [19:16] might be true. it will be a hard time running jaunty with a ps3, if it is. [19:19] We got somebody doing it already, though [19:19] I just can't remember his name [19:32] oh [19:55] <_Pete_> !vnc [19:55] VNC is a protocol for remote desktop. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNCOverSSH describes how to use it securely. It works best over fast connections, otherwise look at !FreeNX [20:01] is XFCE 4.6 in the updates? Or do you have manually update it? [20:04] brandonban6, what is so new in 4.6? [20:07] nikolam, http://www.xfce.org/about/tour ... [20:10] brandonban6: Xfce 4.6 is in jaunty [20:10] Also, Anybody want to try 4.6 on intrepid and hardy? Get it here: https://launchpad.net/~jerome-guelfucci/+archive/ppa . File the bugs against it and subcribe me to them, please [20:10] thanks charlie-tca [20:11] me, being charlie-tca [20:36] hey, probably a common question but is there a repository for xfce 4.6 for intrepid? [20:36] I found one from the beta-times but it wasn't updated to 4.6final it seems [20:37] Also, Anybody want to try 4.6 on intrepid and hardy? Get it here: https://launchpad.net/~jerome-guelfucci/+archive/ppa . File the bugs against it and subcribe me to them, please [20:38] thx [20:38] You are welcome [20:43] how do i change from GNOME to XFCE?? [20:44] sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop [20:44] also how do i uninstall recently added updates my machine is acting funny [20:44] much, much harder [20:44] shoot [20:44] !downgrade [20:44] Attempting to downgrade to an older Ubuntu version is explicitly not supported, and may break your system. [20:45] well a bunch of stuff in the built in update maneger is really messing wiht my system [20:45] Try picking the next line when you are at the grub menu. not recovery, but one below it [20:46] did you today's updates? [20:46] ?? noob here lol??? [20:46] i did a update yesterday [20:46] run it again today. It should fix it [20:46] turned my system off and booted up again only today and its like all different [20:46] k [20:46] are you running 8.10 (intrepid)? [20:47] or Juanty? [20:47] think so but with my update "about ubuntu isnt opening [20:47] interpid i think ya [20:48] Try updating again. [20:48] well now gnome is looking like XFCE icons and stuff so i was like wth is going on [20:49] restart brb [20:52] THAT fixed it WOW u are amazing [20:52] not me, Xubuntu developers [20:54] charlie since i got ubuntu on my system youve helped me 9/10 times lol [20:54] I just happened to be around [20:55] ya beats the hell out of calling M$ support just to be tranfered to a call center in india [20:59] Oh, yeah. I hate those call centers, for more than one reason. === sfffd is now known as joeburns [21:38] noob here, trying to get wireless usb network adapter working on this ancient dell latitude through ndiswrapper and ndisgtk. everytime i try to install ndisgtk i get 'error: dependency is not satisfiable: ndiswrapper -utils [21:38] anyone willing to help? [21:43] Many are willing. Many are not able to help, unfortunately [21:43] for what reason? [21:43] We don't know how to make it work [21:44] Knowledge is lacking, at times [21:44] If you don't get some help here, you can try #ubuntu. It is pretty close to the same. [21:44] !wireless [21:44] Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs [21:44] !ndiswrapper [21:45] !info ndiswrapper [21:45] Package ndiswrapper does not exist in intrepid [21:45] do you know if it will work using ndiswrapper command line? i've tried everything i could find online relating to ndisgtk [21:45] oookay [21:45] I don't know [21:45] okay, i'll check around.. thanks though [21:46] good luck [21:48] i'll need it.. i really have no idea what i'm getting myself into [21:48] :/ [21:57] it might be easier in the long run to find a wireless adapter that is acutally supported out of the box [21:59] joeburns: in search engines, your error message give a few hits [21:59] gives* [22:11] if I install xubuntu-desktop, does it install a new login manager? [22:11] like gdm/kdm [22:12] gdm [22:12] ok [22:12] is there a xfce login manager? [22:14] JPohlmann: Is there an Xfce login manager? [22:14] charlie-tca: Nope [22:14] Thanks [22:14] tekteen: get that ? [22:15] ok [22:15] thanks [22:15] You are welcome [22:45] so... being new to this whole linux thing... can anyone help me connect to a wireless wpa? [22:45] !wireless [22:45] Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs [22:47] has anybody downloaded pyscrabble from synaptic? i am having trouble understanding the configuration process. you have to enter some sort of hostname:port number ... and i don't know what to put there. it offers you a couple of public servers, and says it will save the info, but doesn't seem to work. [22:49] should i use fwcutter or ndiswrapper to connect to wpa? [22:51] everytime i try to connect to my wireless network... it says "authentication required by wireless network"... but i've already put in the password [23:02] has anybody downloaded pyscrabble from synaptic? i am having trouble understanding the configuration process. you have to enter some sort of hostname:port number ... and i don't know what to put there. it offers you a couple of public servers, and says it will save the info, but doesn't seem to work. === spowers_ is now known as spowers [23:47] Got any ps3 users here? I need to know if you have to install 'ps3-utils' after Xubuntu installed? [23:47] has anybody downloaded pyscrabble from synaptic? i am having trouble understanding the configuration process. you have to enter some sort of hostname:port number ... and i don't know what to put there. it offers you a couple of public servers, and says it will save the info, but doesn't seem to work. [23:52] imfluxible: I just installed it. It asks for username, password, hostname? [23:52] imfluxible: do you understand what hostname:portnumber means? [23:53] Looks like it should be the name in Server Listing [23:53] imfluxible: also installing it. love scabble. [23:53] scrabble* [23:53] durt, and charlie, no i don't understand [23:54] hostname means name of the computer or IP address of computer. [23:54] it shows the two public servers, bacasoft and pyscrabble, so i don't know if i'm sposed to decipher the numeric of that address? [23:54] you mean MY ip? [23:55] Just type the public server name in [23:55] and then what for port? [23:55] port number means what port number the program is running on, eg web servers run on 80, mail servers on 53 etc. [23:55] I don't see port [23:55] says input hostname:port [23:56] but shows hostname as a numeric address [23:56] durt: dns is 53, mail is 25... [23:56] I see now. Used to connect manually, it wants the hostname and port on your computer [23:56] if you click on their online help page, it shows an example of port as 9999 [23:56] possibly in docs. zoredache: oops [23:57] don't know if/how to do automagically, it wouldn't do it for me [23:59] well, for goodness sake [23:59] thats what i said [23:59] Forget using the server given