
=== LaserJock_ is now known as LaserJock
LaserJockhi jerome03:09
jsgotangcohey LaserJock how's things03:16
LaserJockdoing OK03:16
LaserJockjsgotangco: how's it going over your way?03:17
jsgotangcoLaserJock: not bad, business has been pretty busy and its eating up a lot of my time, I mostly do stuff for Sugarlabs now03:18
LaserJockoh really?03:18
jsgotangcoyes we're doing something in my community that involves sugar03:19
jsgotangcosort of an experiment03:19
jsgotangcoyeah we're doing it after school ends this month03:20
jsgotangcothen results are sent back to sugarlabs03:20
Ahmuckhi.  i've got a situtation where one parent wants restriction for certian things on the inet, whereas the ohter doesnt'14:10
Ahmuckany suggestions?14:10
sbalneavMorning all14:48
LaserJockmorning Edubuntu land15:56
=== ogra_ is now known as ogra

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