
coreyman1i thought it would work.00:00
coreyman1mabye i dont have the repositories00:00
coreyman1where do i edit those00:00
codecyphixjust use adept00:00
coreyman1can i use adept from cmd line00:00
coreyman1or "terminal"00:00
mefisto__coreyman1: apt-cache search pidgin00:00
coreyman1thx mefisto00:01
coreyman1ill try that00:01
mefisto__coreyman1: may sudo apt-get update  first00:01
coreyman1update worked00:02
DaSkreechcoreyman1: sudo apt-get update first00:04
DaSkreechah right00:04
coreyman1DaSkreech little late.00:04
DaSkreechSorry just came back00:05
vbgunzDr_willis: a great way to do a fsck check on the next boot is to tune2fs -C 21 if max-mount-counts is 20, correct?00:05
vbgunzon next boot, fsck should run?00:05
vbgunzyeah, thats got to be it00:05
mefisto__vbgunz: sudo touch /forcefsck   will force a check on next boot00:06
Dr_willisTheres some other way to force a fsck on the next reboot.00:06
Dr_willisI think theres a command that does what mefisto__  just said also. :)00:06
Dr_willisI normally boot a live cd and fsck the disks that way00:06
vbgunzmefisto__: ok, if I say that will that check *all* disk?00:06
DaSkreechforce fsck must set off so many FBI alarms00:06
mefisto__Dr_willis: there's an option for the shutdown command that does it too00:06
DaSkreechcoreyman2: What are you Multiplicity 2?00:07
vbgunznever seen the shutdown option that offers that00:07
coreyman2DaSkreech different machines00:07
mefisto__vbgunz: I think it's sudo shutdown -r -F now00:08
wallshothello.  is there a way to update all packages that need updating without wasting the whole afternoon with this adept ui?00:09
DaSkreechwallshot: There is a upgrade button in adept00:09
vbgunzI just went through man shutdown and don't see the -F option00:09
DasEI1vbgunz: want to shutdown via trml ?00:09
wallshotthere are like 200+ packages needing upgrade, and every time i click checkbox for 'upgrade this package' it goes unresponsive for 5-15 secs considering dependencies before i can move on to chekc box next to the next upgradable package00:10
jamesjedimasterwallshot: apt-get update && apt-get upgrade00:10
mefisto__wallshot: sudo apt-get update & sudo apt-get upgrade00:10
jamesjedimasterfrom a konsole00:10
DaSkreechwallshot: click on Changes and click upgrade00:10
DaSkreechwallshot: Does a full upgrade of your system00:10
vbgunzwhat does it mean to halt the system?00:10
DaSkreechvbgunz: What does it sound like?00:10
wallshotooooh i thought i had to add all the packages to the list of packages to be upgraded first00:10
DaSkreechwallshot: nope00:11
vbgunzI mean, does it have anything to do with standby, suspend to ram, suspend to disk?00:11
DaSkreechvbgunz: Nope :) it just stops00:11
wallshotoooh "upgrade" vs "apply changes"00:11
devilsadvocatevbgunz, no00:11
DaSkreechwallshot: uh huh00:11
wallshotawesome thanks!00:11
XPS_M1330I have kubuntu intrepid kde4.2, do I have qt4 or qt3 ?00:11
vbgunzDaSkreech: not sure, I ask because I never done it. never even heard of it but see it in man shutdown00:11
mefisto__XPS_M1330: probably both00:11
devilsadvocateXPS_M1330, both00:12
devilsadvocateXPS_M1330, ideally most of the stuff is using qt400:12
vbgunzDaSkreech: stops... does that mean, I can shutdown completely, unplug, plug, boot up and start where I left off? thats something I been looking for lately.... settled on suspend to ram though00:12
vbgunzso I cannot unplug, plug, etc heh00:12
devilsadvocatevbgunz, for that ou need to suspend to disk00:12
devilsadvocatewindows calls that hibernation00:12
DaSkreechvbgunz: no it means it kils everything you are doing inclluding init00:13
vbgunzdevilsadvocate: damn, it took me a week to get suspend to ram working... suspend to disk is still an utter nightmare :(00:13
mefisto__devilsadvocate: doesn't kde call it hibernation too?00:13
DaSkreechwhen it's done everything on the computer has stopped. Essentially it's power down00:13
devilsadvocatemefisto__, my menu calls it suspend to disk00:13
devilsadvocatemefisto__, no idea what it officially is00:13
joshjtlis kde 4.2 considered unstable still?00:13
vbgunzI frigging wish I could suspend to disk. I dual boot sometimes and then restart having to put everything back in place :/00:14
devilsadvocatevbgunz, what be the problem with suspend?00:14
mefisto__devilsadvocate: "suspend to disk" is less confusing anyway. more descriptive00:14
vbgunzjoshjtl: KDE 4.2.1 is considered stable I think00:14
devilsadvocatemefisto__, yeah00:14
coreyman2joshjtl i dont think its unstable, im running it now, i just downloaded kubuntu and it was default.00:14
devilsadvocateassuming people know the difference between types of memory :)00:14
vbgunzdevilsadvocate: I could neither suspend to ram or disk. to get suspend to ram working for me I had to provide the kernel parameter pci=nomsi (took me ages to find it) ... suspend to disk is simply still a nightmare. I cannot resume from it and suspending pretty much shuts down00:15
joshjtlin general though kde 4 is still very immature right?00:15
devilsadvocatevbgunz, ftr, kde4 will try to restore your session post logout if you shutdown. basically it will open all the windows that were initially open and try to open the right files. it works for kde applications, some non-kde ones too00:15
vbgunzI love suspend to ram. effectively a very low powerstate in seconds and resume takes about 3 seconds and you're back00:15
devilsadvocatevbgunz, yeah. thats basically what windows used to call sleep00:16
devilsadvocateactually a little better than sleep, but the same principle00:16
vbgunzdevilsadvocate: last I tried it, it just sort of didn't do what I wanted. I think everything ended back up on desktop 1 and nothing resumed where I left it though I mostly play with screen and some terminal apps00:16
devilsadvocatevbgunz, ah. then that wont be of much use to you :)00:17
Dr_willisterminal apps are not going to get rembered I imagine00:17
devilsadvocatevbgunz, you dual boot to windows or some other linux?00:17
joshjtldoes updating kde to 4.2 update the whole system to jaunty?00:17
devilsadvocateDr_willis, nope00:17
Szadekis there a deb of stasks for kubuntu intrepid ?? =)00:17
vbgunzthe suspend to ram but if possible disk would be the killer deal. unfortunately it took me so long to get the ram suspension working and suspend to disk is pretty much back at square 1. borked to hell :/00:17
devilsadvocatejoshjtl, no.00:18
DaSkreechjoshjtl: Depends on what you mean by immature00:18
vbgunzdevilsadvocate: windows00:18
Dr_williserr,, thats sort of a main feature of screen.. You 'reconnect' to the detatched screen.. and your stuff is still there00:18
devilsadvocateDr_willis, not if the terminal and all its child processes are killed ..00:18
DaSkreechjoshjtl: no you can get KDE 4.2 in Ibex00:18
devilsadvocatescreens dont survive a reboot00:18
vbgunzDr_willis: yeah, I love it *but* unfortunately nothing will save your ass from a complete powerdown00:19
DaSkreech!info stasks00:19
Dr_willishe suspended tho..  of course I dont boher with those either00:19
wallshotbwahaha hurray for the Upgrade button!  I had been clicking checkboxes for like 20 mins when i said "this is rediculous, not even crazy gui-lovers would accept it being this tedious to upgrade all upgradable packages"00:19
ubottuPackage stasks does not exist in intrepid00:19
DaSkreechwallshot: There is a better way00:19
codecyphixanyone get vmware working in jaunty?00:19
Elonedo kubuntu have any speech recognition function?00:20
devilsadvocatevbgunz, when you hibernate and restart, disable the splash screen on grub and watch what it says. there might be a more useful error message to figure out what is wrong. one of the first thing you would see (with quiet still on, i think) would be it trying to search for a resume image00:20
joshjtlok i'm going to give 4.2 one more shot... if i find it unstable again i'm going back to gnome00:20
devilsadvocatevbgunz, also, is your swap > ram ?00:20
devilsadvocatejoshjtl, unstable as in?00:20
vbgunzdevilsadvocate: I always pretty much turn off splash and quiet. my kernel def option in grub is vga=795 pci=nomsi00:20
codecyphixi think my computer understand when i curse at it. is that speech recognition?00:20
jimdb_When kde 4.2 writes to my he'd there is a big white circle made up of a bunch of smaller white circles. How do tell kde to not draw this?00:21
vbgunzdevilsadvocate: but on every bootup I really dont see anything that sticks out :/00:21
joshjtldevilsadvocate: just crashing apps, and apps locking up00:21
devilsadvocatevbgunz, hmm.00:21
devilsadvocatejoshjtl, that still happens on some occasions00:21
vbgunzI can try suspending to disk now. maybe an update fixed it. I haven't tried in several days on Jaunty00:22
devilsadvocatevbgunz, i usually see a few lines, about searching disk-by-uuid blah blah for resume image, and then resume image not found, and then resuming normal boot00:22
DaSkreechWrites to your what? Circles?00:22
mefisto__jimdb_: where do you see the circles? wish I had that. sounds cool :)00:23
vbgunzdevilsadvocate: will try now *but* if I am not back in about 5 minutes it is because I set all my disk to fsck and the system shut down :/00:23
jimdb_Kde draws on the screen a large circle made up of smaller whit circle on the screen00:23
cjaeDoes anyone here use kaffeine?00:23
devilsadvocatevbgunz, :)00:23
jamesjedimasteri use kaffeine for video playing00:24
devilsadvocatevbgunz, and suspend to disk uses your swap to store the image, so swap size should be > ram size00:24
vbgunzdevilsadvocate: before I go down. I have 6GB ram and 12GB swap00:24
devilsadvocateand nothing else should mount and fiddle with the swap or the resume image will get damaged00:24
jimdb_The large white circle slows down the screen redraw and having it flash is annoying00:24
devilsadvocatevbgunz, sweet00:24
mefisto__12GB swap? wow00:24
vbgunzI did the swap size thing just for suspending. would do anything for suspending but suspending to disk hates me :(00:25
vbgunzok, will try00:25
joshjtlto update to kde 4.2 from cli, do I need to run apt-get dist-upgrade? or will apt-get upgrade be enough?00:26
mefisto__joshjtl: you'll probably see some packages "held back" so you'll need to dist-upgrade to get those00:27
joshjtlyeah I do, ok thx00:27
cjaejamesjedimaster: what version and such app and distro?00:27
jamesjedimastercjae: kaffeine 0.8.6 on kubuntu 8.1000:28
cjaejamesjedimaster: I ask because I am using kde 4.2 and kaffeine .8.600:28
jamesjedimastercjae: what is your problem with it?00:29
cjaejamesjedimaster: can you see your slider bar very well00:29
cjaethe skin is so light I barely see it and the problem get worse with tv out00:29
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cjae99% of ppl that use it at my house think it does not have a search bar until I point it out00:31
jamesjedimastercjae: maybe your settings were changed00:32
cjaejamesjedimaster: you can see yours well? It is the default cause it was the same when I installed to another box00:34
jamesjedimastercjae: yes, i can see it00:35
coreyman1ok on kubuntu kde 4.2 it loads the disk, the tools, the globe, and then hangs... how to fix? said something about privlages.00:35
coreyman1i just installed nvidia drivers and rebooted00:35
coreyman1and now its not loading.00:35
mefisto__can you alt-F2 ? alt-ctrl-F1-F6 ?00:36
coreyman1what is alt f2 and altctrl f1 f600:36
mefisto__coreyman1: alt-F2 is krunner, a dialog where you can type commands etc00:37
coreyman1my bad, it's kde 4.100:37
coreyman1k mefisto00:37
coreyman1no i cannot00:37
coreyman1i think im going to go into recovery mode and try installing the nvidia drivers again00:37
mefisto__alt-ctrl-F1 to F6 switches to a text console. alt-ctrl-F7 to switch back to X00:37
cjaeanyone know where how to change the themes in kaffeine00:41
White_Pelicanwhen will kde 4.2.1 be made avaialble to users of jaunty Alpha 5?00:42
coreyman1The following isntallation problem was detected while tryin to start KDE00:43
coreyman1No write access to '/home/coreyman/.ICEautority'00:43
coreyman1KDE is unable to start00:44
mefisto__White_Pelican: I'm running it now00:44
White_Pelicanty mefisto__ I was relying on the kubuntu web site for my info ;)00:44
mefisto__coreyman1: have you been doing things as root in kde maybe?00:48
coreyman1im going to try what is here.00:49
coreyman1weird it could not find my failsafe terminal....00:50
mefisto__coreyman1: I think they mean booting in recovery mode maybe?00:53
coreyman1no they didnt, but i did anyway00:53
coreyman1and i changed directory to my home directory00:54
coreyman1and * " rm .Xauthority "00:54
coreyman1* " rm .ICEauthority "00:54
coreyman1so let's see what happens now.00:54
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coreymanwow it loaded :P00:55
coreymanonly thing i don't like now... is that i dont have a failsafe terminal00:55
coreymanhow do i install that00:55
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DaSkreechno failsafe?01:00
mefisto__DaSkreech: probably xterm is not installed01:01
leohola comunidad01:01
DaSkreechcoreymon77: ping01:02
DaSkreechleo: hola01:02
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.01:02
patriziahey guys, all or most of my icons (shortcuts in the menu) have a big ? as the icon, how can I fix these? not doing it manually for each one...all the card games are like this and I know it wasnt like this before01:04
coreyman1so, i just moved a widget up to my second monitor and it dissapeared >.>01:04
patriziaalso these same icons in the folder view have the filename instead of the game title01:05
patrizialike sol.desktop01:05
coreyman1no clue patrizia01:06
patrizia=( this is kde 4.2 btw01:06
patriziaon 8.1001:06
coreyman1having a little trouble with my desktop myself here :D01:07
vbgunzheh, suspend to disk is still a nightmare. I think my ralink2500 wireless card could be borking it? how do I properly blacklist it if necessary?01:07
vbgunzhow can I troubleshoot it?01:07
mefisto__patrizia: I had my menu icons disappear and turn into ? and also no text describing the ? icons. this was after an update. after a logout/restart X/login it was back to normal01:07
vbgunzI would love to get suspend to disk working. anyone know what I can try?01:07
patriziamefisto__: I tried restarting didnt change anything01:08
DaSkreechcoreyman1: install xterm to get failsafe I think01:08
mefisto__patrizia: update/ugrade maybe?01:08
coreyman1thanks daskreech01:08
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about suspend01:08
devilsadvocatevbgunz, why do you think your wireless card could be causing the issue (just curious)01:10
GWildDaSkreech: Are you running Intrepid w/ KDE 4.2?01:10
DaSkreechGWild: Yes01:11
vbgunzdevilsadvocate: its the only thing I see on a blackscreen before actually turning off. something along the lines of phy0 -> ralink unable to enter state 1 ? maybe that has something to do with it? am looking through dmesg now01:11
patriziamefisto__: all is latest01:11
GWildany major issues?01:11
DaSkreechGWild: Nothing I'd call major01:11
GWildthinking of following the upgrade instructs in the topic01:11
coreyman1DaSkreech do you run nvidia dual monitor?01:11
DaSkreechcoreyman1: No to both01:11
coreyman1ok :D01:12
DaSkreechGWild: Well do you know how to use irssi ?01:12
GWildDaSkreech: haven't used it (irc client?)01:12
vbgunzcoreyman1: I run nvidia dual screen. twinview01:13
devilsadvocatevbgunz, hm.01:13
DaSkreechGWild: Yes01:13
DaSkreechfrom the command line01:13
DaSkreechJust in case the rare thing happens and you break your desktop01:13
GWildDaSkreech: I was going to install from a terminal window, will that work as well IYO?01:14
DaSkreechInstall what?01:14
DaSkreechKDE 4.2?01:14
GWildDaSkreech: Yes01:14
ActionParsnipyo yo yo01:14
DaSkreechYes that works but I've seen a few people have some X issues01:14
DaSkreechSo I advocate being able to get here to get help ifsomehting goes wrong01:14
DaSkreechCan't think of one that I haven't seen solved eventually01:15
DaSkreechThough that did take 2 days :)01:15
GWildDaSkreech: understood - I can always fire up my other box and jump on IRc01:15
DaSkreechGWild: sure then go ahead01:15
GWildDaSkreech: Thanks for the input - think I'll tackle it tomorrow01:15
vbgunzI also see this WARNING: synaptics was reset on resume, see synaptics_resume_reset if you have trouble on resume ... but have no idea what see synaptics_resume_reset means and google told me to gfm :/01:16
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Tomassohow do I know my graphics driver ?01:16
GWildDaSkreech: Out of curiosity - you ever get the BusyBox initramfs boot error?01:16
Tomassothe graphics dont work pretty well on my laptop01:16
Tomassoits an LGE5001:16
devilsadvocatevbgunz, i think then perhaps it suspended fine but died on resume for some reason. the startup log might be of some use01:17
GWildDaSkreech: I googled an tried the work arounds, but to no avail.  The system boots, but I don't like it being so squirrely.01:17
vbgunzdevilsadvocate: where is it? I am going through dmesg for clues atm. not finding much that makes sense to me :(01:17
DaSkreechGWild: yea I used to01:18
ActionParsnipTomasso: the make / model doesnt mean much, the vga chip is whats important01:18
vbgunzdevilsadvocate: so about 1 minute to shutdown sounds OK? I don't see anything on screen *except* for the rt2500 could not enter state 101:18
devilsadvocatevbgunz, im not sure :| i know its somewhere in /var/logs .. im not sure if the startup procedure from such initial stages is logged though01:18
devilsadvocatevbgunz, yeah. it sounds ok to me. the rt2500 error doesnt sound like a potential showstopper to me01:19
ActionParsnipTomasso: lspci | grep -i vga will tell you what chip it uses01:19
devilsadvocatevbgunz, if you are bored you can remove quiet as well and see if something clicked. i figured out that my laptop fan was stucked causing me anguish only after i did that :P01:19
mefisto__Tomasso: and lshw -C display will give you more info, including the driver in use01:20
vbgunzdevilsadvocate: thanks but I dont have quiet on boot01:20
devilsadvocatecpu clock was destabilizing and core temp was 80 something :P01:20
devilsadvocatevbgunz, sorry i cant be of more help01:21
vbgunzdevilsadvocate: its cool. ideas are better than nothing :)01:21
mefisto__vbgunz: are you running jaunty?01:28
vbgunzmefisto__: yeah01:28
mefisto__vbgunz: I just found this (about synaptics_resume_reset) https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kerneloops/+bug/33060601:29
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vbgunzmefisto__: looking it over01:38
coreymon77DaSkreech: you called?01:39
vbgunzmight be a flase positive indeed. not sure I dont even have or shouldn't have a synaptic tracking device if thats what the whole warning is referring too. very vague "see this" and no clue as to how :P01:39
DaSkreechcoreymon77: Solved thanks Return to your slumber oh mighty one01:40
bartskde2kde 4.2 is having a huge problem with mp4 files. trying to get to properties so I can change the default player for it and it locks dolphin and konqueror until I force them to terminate. any ideas?01:42
coreymon77DaSkreech: slumber? i wish! i would love noting better than to sleep right now, unfortunately, thats not happening01:44
DaSkreechbartskde2: huh?01:44
mefisto__bartskde2: it locks as soon as you see the properties sheet? or when you change default player?01:45
DaSkreechbartskde2: set them in Konqueror's file associations01:45
bartskde2I am trying to right click on the file and it locks up01:45
ActionParsnipbartskde2: right click file -> open with -> choose app. Select app and check tickbox for remember this preference01:45
bartskde2I can't right click the file it locks up01:45
bartskde2is it a problem with kde 4.2 and mp4 files? don't have the problem in GNOME01:46
DaSkreechI have an mp4 let me check01:46
mefisto__bartskde2: you can't right-click anything in dolphin/konqueror?01:47
bartskde2everything except mp4 files01:47
DaSkreechHow many mp4 files do you have ?01:48
mefisto__bartskde2: try looking in file associations as DaSkreech said01:48
bartskde2That worked but that is something the developers should probably look at. I will fill out a bug report01:49
Squidyhello guys.. I'm using Intrepid + kde-4.2... I'm trying to install kdelibs5-dev (requisite to compile stasks).. but it conflits with kdelibs5 actually installed in the system... Is there a way to install that and compile stasks properly??01:51
mefisto__bartskde2: I'm running jaunty and it works fine here, so maybe it's been noted and fixed?01:51
DaSkreechI'm in Ibex and I don't see it01:51
joshjtlwhy occasionally (or often) does opening a menu or a window even show up briefly as staticy lines?01:55
mefisto__graphics driver? compositing?01:56
DaSkreechjoshjtl: It's bug that ubuntu and fedora introduced with X patches it will be gone in Jackalope01:57
joshjtlhmm using intel mobile, and compositing01:57
DaSkreechyou can patch it now if you like as well01:57
joshjtlhow can i patch it now DaSkreech?01:57
DaSkreechtamasrepus: Patiently waiting for the latest ! KDE 4.2.1 packages to filter into ! Ubuntu # Jaunty01:58
DaSkreechjoshjtl: ^^01:59
joshjtlthx DaSkreech01:59
joshjtlanyone know how to remove opera taskbar icon?02:00
DaSkreechhmm ?02:01
mefisto__the systray icon?02:02
joshjtlmefisto__: yeah02:02
mefisto__joshjtl: opera --help says the option -notrayicon starts without it02:03
mefisto__joshjtl: starting opera like this: opera - notrayicon    should start opera without the tray icon02:05
joshjtlahh thanks02:05
joshjtlhmm now i have to figure out how to edit the menu entry02:05
joshjtlah got it02:05
mefisto__joshjtl: that should be -notrayicon (without a space after the hyphen)02:06
joshjtlyeah got it thx mefisto__ lemme logout to see if it works brb02:06
mefisto__do you need to log out to make menu changes stick??02:07
joshjtlah yes it worked, thanks mefisto__02:07
gundam_rx78nt1hello. I have installed kubuntu 8.10. It is using kernel 2.6.27, how can I get kernel 2.6.24 installed?02:10
DaSkreechgundam_rx78nt1: pull a deb from an old distro02:11
gundam_rx78nt1DaSkreech, can I do that by changing my repositories or would I have to get it from a 8.04 dvd?02:13
DaSkreechgundam_rx78nt1: packages.ubuntu.com would be the least intrusive way02:13
DaSkreechgundam_rx78nt1: a DVd would work as well02:13
DaSkreechAny reason you require that particular release?02:15
brhad56Should Dragon Player be able to play DVD movies?02:16
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats02:17
DaSkreechBut honestly I dunno :)02:17
mefisto__brhad56: it's never worked for me02:17
brhad56I already installed the restricted formats.. I think. maybe I did it wrong.. but both Dragon Player and MPlayer don't seem to want to play them... It acts like it wants to, but just kind of hangs there02:18
mefisto__is there a kde4 version of kaffeine in the works? or is dragon meant to replace kaffeine?02:19
joshjtlI am going to try to learn and port a theme based on this mockup: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=60334802:24
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Guest77428french here ?02:24
Guest77428i need help plz :s02:24
=== Guest77428 is now known as ErcUn
ErcUnje cherche de l'aide svp ...02:25
mefisto__!fr | ErcUn02:25
ubottuErcUn: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr02:25
brhad56I i figured it out.  I had to run the install-css.sh script02:25
ErcUny a t il des francais ici ?02:25
brhad56and ps, it does work with Dragon Player02:25
macoErcUn: #ubuntu-fr02:26
DaSkreechbrhad56: Ok I wouldn't have suggested you use it anyway02:26
ErcUnmaco thx ;)02:26
DaSkreechErcUn: type /join #ubuntu-fr02:26
brhad56DaSkreech: You would recomend a different player?02:26
DaSkreechbrhad56: The thing that makes Dragon compelling is that it doesn't allow you to do anything but watch a video. The thing that makes dragon suck is that it doens't allow you to do >anything< except just watch the video02:27
DaSkreechmplayer should work nicely02:27
Slartibartfastor smplayer02:27
brhad56I installed mplayer..the UI seemed.. bleh02:27
Slartibartfastsmplayer has a nicer gui02:28
gundam_rx78nt1DaSkreech, so I just have to install the linux-header-2.6.24-23-generic package?02:28
brhad56i'll check it out. Thanks.02:28
gundam_rx78nt1that will install the kernel?02:28
DaSkreechgundam_rx78nt1: minus header02:29
Slartibartfastgundam_rx78nt1: linux-image-2.6.24-23-generic should be a betetr choice02:32
Slartibartfast:-) s/should/would/ ... sorry english is not my first language02:33
gundam_rx78nt1Slartibartfast, thanks. I am starting to download it.02:34
DaSkreechSlartibartfast: Either works in this instance02:34
SlartibartfastOK ... thanks02:34
gundam_rx78nt1the things I do to get my Alfa wireless working...02:34
mefisto__DaSkreech: either works? what do you mean?02:35
DaSkreechmefisto__: should be a better choice vs would be a better choice02:36
gundam_rx78nt1mefisto: gundam_rx78nt1: linux-image-2.6.24-23-generic should be a betetr choice } he could have used would also.02:36
mefisto__DaSkreech: oh, I thought you meant either headers or image package :)02:36
DaSkreechmefisto__: no Already said headers was not a good idea02:37
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fungoscan I install xen on kubuntu?02:45
ubottuXEN is a virtual machine monitor for x86 that supports execution of multiple guest operating systems with unprecedented levels of performance and resource isolation. Information on installing it for Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Xen02:46
joshjtlhey, applied the patch according to: http://blog.martin-graesslin.com/blog/?p=211  logged out, still happening though02:48
joshjtldo i need to reboot for some reason?02:48
UlaUlaUlais it possible to install kde 4.2 on ubuntu ia64 hardy?02:48
DaSkreechSHouldn't need to02:48
mefisto__joshjtl: did you restart X ?02:50
UlaUlaUlais it possible to install kde 4.2 on ubuntu ia64 hardy?02:50
joshjtlmefisto__: logging out restarts x doesnt it?02:51
joshjtloh ok i always thought it di02:51
mefisto__joshjtl: log out, then ctrl-E (I think)02:51
joshjtlsuhweet worked02:53
joshjtlthx thx02:53
joshjtli thought it was a kde glich, i'm normally a gnome user, but try out kde every release... i want a good enough reason to keep it02:54
joshjtland performance is key02:54
Elonehow do you make adept-upgrade automatic?02:56
joshjtlhi, trying to do two things have tabs open relative (next to the current tab, and hide the "File Edit..." menu bar... can anyone help?02:57
coreyman1if i put computer in suspend, processor and video card are not used, correct, so they wont be getting hot, correct?02:59
devilsadvocatecoreyman1, they are generally scaled down heavily, at times turned off03:01
devilsadvocatethey should not get overly heated03:01
devilsadvocateUlaUlaUla, ia64 as in itanium?03:01
Elonehow do you make adept-upgrade automatic?03:07
mefisto__Elone: you can automatically install security updates, but I don't know if you can automatically install all updates03:07
Eloneoh ~03:07
mefisto__Elone: kdesudo software-properties-kde    then look in the updates tab03:07
Eloneso i have to write a crontab for that ?03:07
SquidyI'm using Intrepid + kde-4.2... I'm trying to install kdelibs5-dev (requisite to compile stasks).. but it conflits with kdelibs5 actually installed in the system... Is there a way to install that and compile stasks properly??03:14
joshjtlanyone... opera?03:16
joshjtlok i can hide menu, but still trying to have tabs open next to current03:20
tanjirwhat is the short cut for moving between desktops?03:25
coreyman1what is the command to install failsafe terminal?03:25
coreyman1tanjir, i move into empty space and scroll my mouse03:25
coreyman1oh nvm that's gnome.03:26
joshjtlcoreyman1: works in kde too03:26
coreyman1oh ok joshjtl03:26
tanjircoreyman1: thanks... but i wanted something on the keyboard... can't remember :(03:26
coreyman1tanjir sorry.03:27
coreyman1anyone know what the failsafe terminal's technical name is03:27
DaSkreechtanjir: ctrl+Fn03:28
coreyman1what if you dont have Fn key.03:28
tanjircoreyman1: is it what u want? ctrl+alt+f1 to go and to come back ctrl+alt+f703:28
coreyman1tanjir no, but i just did that and i didnt know i could to that... lol03:29
coreyman1i need the failsafe terminal..03:29
coreyman1when i choose session from login03:29
coreyman1failsafe terminal isn't installed.03:29
joshjtlanyone know hot to have opera use google suggest in the search bar?03:29
coreyman1why are you using opera >.>03:30
joshjtlcoreyman1: because its qt03:30
tanjircoreyman1: no clue... i have always seen failsafe in session choser03:30
joshjtland better than konqueror03:30
coreyman1tanjir it's in session chooser, just not installed.03:31
DaSkreechcoreyman1: install xterm03:31
coreyman1im sorry, linux n00b, what is qt joshjtl03:31
tanjirDaSkreech: thanks... but nothing happens whn i press ctrl+Fn03:31
DaSkreechtanjir: Ctrl+F1 = Desktop 1 Ctrl+F2 = Desktop 203:31
coreyman1thax daskreech03:32
coreyman1daskreech is there any way i can change the shortcuts to switch between desktops03:32
DaSkreechjoshjtl: ironically you should probably google it03:32
tanjirDaSkreech: thanks :D03:32
sound_fxhello everyone, I just installed kubuntu on my laptop, and I'm trying to figure out how to get the wireless working, any tips?03:32
DaSkreechcoreyman1: possibly look in kwin settings though I think that it's like that for the first 8 and you can customize the other 6403:33
tanjirsound_fx: can u see wlan0?03:33
ubottuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs03:33
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about kwin03:33
coreyman1DaSkreech: Kwin?03:33
joshjtlcoreymon77: DaSkreech i have to no avail... which is the reason i ask in here03:34
DaSkreechcoreyman1: alt+F3 -> Configure Window Behaviour03:34
sound_fxiwconfig, right? I don't see a wlan003:34
sound_fxI have eth0 and eth103:34
DaSkreechifconfig -a03:35
joshjtlcoreyman1: qt is an application development framework, basically what kde and its applications is built on... gnome on the other hand (and others like xfce) is built using gtk03:35
DaSkreechsudo it03:35
coreyman1joshjtl oh ok.03:36
coreyman1daskreech: i can't find shortcuts there.03:36
sound_fxOk, no wlan0, eth0, eth1, lo, and pan003:36
sound_fxoops, I meant only eth0, eth1, lo, and pan003:36
vbgunzI finally got suspend to disk working too. well, somewhat. the second resume killed my networking. sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart|stop|start didn't do a thing about it :(03:38
vbgunzanyone know a way to really reboot the network?03:38
DaSkreechcoreyman1: System Settings -> keyboard -> global shortcuts Try that03:39
DaSkreechvbgunz: sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart ?03:39
vbgunzDaSkreech, I got the suspend to disk working with another kernel parameter -> resume=/path/to/swap03:39
vbgunzDaSkreech: no matter what I do with /etc/init.s/networking, the network didn't start the second time *but* networking was fine on the first resume03:40
DaSkreechok I'm gonna reboot03:41
coreyman1dascreech worked, thx03:41
joshjtlodd this really should be easier (adding google suggest to opera search bar) I still cant find a thing03:43
vbgunzhmm, am going to try pm-hibernate directly03:44
jimdb_Vbguns:  turn the power to the building off03:47
sound_fxoh, wireless magically worked03:48
vbgunzhmm. pm-hibernate works directly *but* differently than selecting it from kickoff03:49
vbgunzleys see what happens if I try it again?03:50
vbgunzdoes anyone know what "no_console_suspend" is supposed to do? I actually provided it hoping for some info on suspend/resume *but* I don't notice any difference at all. does it take an argument?03:51
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joshjtlstupid opera04:04
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coreymon77DaSkreech: you called again?04:08
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spowersall of my qt apps are showing a black background, even if I delete .config/Trolltech.conf and let it get re-created.  i installed ubuntu studio, could that be the culprit?04:22
vbgunzman. two suspends. two good resumes. 1 thing. I lost some shortcuts like Alt+F2, ^ESC, ^ALT+DEL ... what do I need to do to restart that ?04:22
vbgunzanybody know what could be wrong with my shortcuts ^ESC?04:29
lukeAnyone home?04:31
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=== luke__ is now known as PookyDooky
PookyDookyAnyone here?04:35
PookyDookyI said, is anyone here?04:35
goofeyubottu: !question04:42
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)04:42
goofeyno worries!04:44
andres_someone speaks Spanish?04:44
PookyDookyAlright, so I got Kubuntu right?  Well, I try to download the restricted extras but when its done installing and everything, it said, "There was an error commiting changes. Possibly there was a problem downloading some packages or the commit would break packages. "04:44
PookyDookyNow everytime I try to download anything using add/remove, it wont let me because that message comes up04:45
PookyDookyandres_:  hola04:45
andres_hey hola!04:45
andres_que bueno que encontre a alguien!04:46
PookyDookyandres_:   Yo hablar muy poquito espanol04:46
goofeyubottu: !sp | andres04:47
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about sp04:47
goofeyubottu: !spanish | andres04:47
ubottuandres: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.04:47
goofeyandres_: no problem04:52
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Hexenque rollo04:53
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obuntuI'm using gnome atm,downloaded updates (i was installed ubuntu from a live cd 6) and try to use kde now05:36
obuntuand i've another one question. This ubuntu installation is in a hd (secondary slave) and i've a windows os installed in my _unlinked_ primary hd. to use both and choice which os use,need i just to recable the primary hd and then edit grub from secondary hd?05:36
DasEIobuntu: still active ?05:52
cjaeanyone know a command to see the amount of memory a certain app is using at a time, I need to see if something has a memory leak06:02
DasEItry htop06:04
DasEItop also06:04
DasEIcjae ^06:04
cjaesorry had to make quick sandwich06:06
cjaeDasEI: so if I launch the app and come back in 8 hours I should be able to see the number change and notice mem leak?06:11
DasEIcjae : just launch the app and watch htop in trml06:12
obuntuapt-get install amsn - why it isn't found?06:12
DasEIountu:check /etc/apt/sources.list ?06:13
bazhangobuntu, what version of kubuntu06:13
obuntueh dunno.06:13
obuntuhow to check it?06:14
ubottuTo find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type « lsb_release -a » in a !shell - To know the available version of a package, « apt-cache policy <package> »06:14
bazhanglsb_release -a06:14
obuntuUbuntu 6.06.2 LTS06:14
obuntummm thought i've update it06:14
bazhang!info amsn dapper06:14
ubottuamsn (source: amsn): An MSN messenger written in tcl. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.95-1ubuntu0.1 (dapper), package size 2233 kB, installed size 7852 kB06:14
obuntui would to use 8 not 606:14
cjaeDasEI: what if it leaks slowly06:14
cjaewhat about psaux06:15
obuntuand i would to use kde too. and i would to link a primary hd with win and choice which hd to use06:15
DasEI/var/log/syslog and /var/log/messages are to be checked for probs , too, and leave htop open , too, so you can see06:16
obuntui'm freezed at prev point06:17
obuntuthis prev point: <ubottu> amsn (source: amsn): An MSN messenger written in tcl. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.95-1ubuntu0.1 (dapper), package size 2233 kB, installed size 7852 kB06:18
DasEIobuntu:I'm tireed now, so a quick shot: you can either set it in bios (which hd to boot from) or ad the win-hd to menu.lst of ubu-hd, which you then want to boot standard from06:18
obuntuisn't it about grub?06:18
obuntuoh yup menu.lst06:19
DasEImenu.lst is part of grub, yes, can also ask in #grub06:19
obuntuso, 1.recable the primary hd, and boot from second one and then edit the grub06:19
obuntumaybe. need more more practice06:20
obuntuthanks for now06:21
DasEIno, choose in bios to boot from the ubu hd and edit menu.lst (/boot/grub/menu.lst)06:21
obuntuok. last question: how to update to kubuntu 8?06:21
DasEIcjae : conky is another way to have min/max consumption06:22
ubottuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading06:22
matthi! does anyone use gnash with konqudorer?  I cant seem to get it working!!06:22
DasEIobuntu: I'd recommend a fresh install, especially if not to familiar with linux06:22
obuntuheh the point was that i haven't empty cd to burn os there06:23
* DasEI is off now06:23
obuntusay thanks to dasei from myself06:26
chronicobuntu, r u British?06:26
Tm_Tchronic: please use whole words06:26
obuntui'm an engrishman06:26
chronicTm_T, fu?06:27
bazhang!attitude | chronic06:27
ubottuchronic: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines06:27
obuntubah..irc fight06:27
obuntustarting to hate these things06:28
Tm_Tobuntu: no fights (:06:28
ibuffycan someone please help me with the asian fonts? http://bayimg.com/IanjOAabo , they never display correctly in web pages until i highlight them.. even then it doesn't last long06:28
Tm_Tobuntu: we try to keep these channels friendly to all people06:28
obuntuno all people are friendly,especially on ir06:29
Tm_TI know, there's the try (:06:29
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obuntuanyway i didn't understood the amsn solution06:30
obuntuif i don't find it via adept and apt-get install...it shouldn't be avaible.06:31
Slartibartfastibuffy: Do you have installed the ttf-arphic*  fonts?06:32
obuntusigh! 4h to finish the upgrade06:32
obuntuthen how can i work? sigh.06:32
ibuffySlartibartfast: was afk. like your username :) fonts are installing right now06:33
chroniccause i like BIG BuTTs and i can not lie06:33
Slartibartfastibuffy: OK :-)06:33
obuntuwell at least i've time to chat06:34
bazhangchronic, stop that06:34
ibuffychronic: i sing that song regularly to a different rthym in an opera voice, no lie.06:34
chronicbazhang, i like how your nick sounds06:35
bazhang!coc > chronic06:35
ubottuchronic, please see my private message06:35
bazhangchronic, this is kubuntu support; do you have a support question?06:35
obuntui just learn what means 'ubuntu'06:36
bazhangplease take chat to #kubuntu-offtopic thanks06:36
obuntuoh nice. heh thanks06:37
chronicibuffy, how can you preserve the rhythm of the song with opera voice?06:37
ibuffyack, can i answer chronic's question? please! :)06:37
obuntu(but mine was just a one-line-joke: 'ubuntu means 'i don't know how to install debian')06:37
obuntu(tsk..none is laughing or smiling)06:39
ibuffyack, slartibartfast!!!06:39
ibuffyam i supposed to specify them somewhere?06:40
Slartibartfastibuffy: what ? :-)06:40
ibuffyi restarted firefox after installing them and still have the same results06:40
Slartibartfastno ... maybe need to restart X ? ... don't know06:40
obuntuto try to enable wifi,and get 'no device are avaible - wifi assistance will be now closed' means that i must startup the laptop (that is the machine where i would to get wifi on) and recheck that app?06:40
=== darksmoke is now known as DarkSmoke
obuntuuff i never won this match,under windows too.06:42
obuntumy hope was that ubuntu could be a solution06:42
bazhangobuntu, what nic06:42
bazhangwifi card06:43
bazhangobuntu, lspci in konsole -->paste.ubuntu.com06:43
obuntuehmm card?? i just have a wifi router (alice gate 2+ wifi - if i spelled it as well)06:43
obuntuh right06:43
ibuffySlartibartfast: i betcha i need to fc-cache06:43
DarkriftXhow do i turn off the pc speaker again/06:43
ibuffyDarkriftX: mute?06:44
Slartibartfastibuffy: thought the installation scripts took care of that06:44
DarkriftXerm.... no/06:44
chronicTm_T, if u want people to behave, u should probably learn how to spell it, dog06:44
DarkriftXif that worked do you think i would be asking?06:44
obuntuhow to select all the result? ctrl+a?06:44
bazhangchronic, take chat elsewhere06:44
ibuffyi did too but i didn't see it take place in the output ( Slartibartfast )06:44
DaSkreech!ot | chronic06:44
ubottuchronic: #kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!06:44
obuntuchronic stop trollin06:44
ibuffySlartibartfast: well that didn't work06:45
Slartibartfastibuffy: you can try anyway i think ... :-)06:45
obuntuhttp://rafb.net/p/9t9qpt76.html not sure i've pasted all06:46
ibuffyoh i did, see above o.O06:46
ibuffyi've had this problem since installing kubuntu.. nobody has found the solution yet06:46
Slartibartfastibuffy: i have installed ttf-arphic-bsmi00lp ttf-arphic-gbsn00lp ttf-arphic-ukai ttf-arphic-uming .... you too?06:46
bazhangobuntu, there seems to only be the ethernet controller06:47
obuntuwifi led is red06:47
ibuffySlartibartfast: yes. i just figured it's a firefox problem. konqueror doesn't have this problem06:47
Tm_Tchronic: please, behave, really06:47
chronicobuntu, wtf?06:47
bazhangobuntu, how many entries for ifconfig in konsole06:47
Slartibartfastibuffy: Thats strange, because here FF doesn't have that problem either06:47
Tm_Tchronic: and don't use that abreviation06:48
obuntueth0 and lo06:48
neptunepinkHow do you use k3b to burn, like, non-mp3 CD's? Like, stuff that will play in my car?06:48
chronicTm_T, no seriously dude, u misspelled behave on your kick ass kick message06:49
bazhangobuntu, then there seems to be no recognition of your wifi card (assuming you want to use wifi from that computer)06:49
obuntummm what a weird thing: a linux user bought this router for me,to enable wifi.06:49
Tm_Tchronic: I know, still, behave06:49
bazhangchronic, please stop that06:49
obuntunot from here,this is a desktop,i want to use it in a laptop06:49
chronicok, im not doing anything06:50
bazhangobuntu, you want to use ethernet? ie internet connections sharing?06:50
obuntui think i'm using it now06:50
obuntui want to get wifi in my home:)06:50
obuntuto use laptop downstairs heh06:51
bazhangobuntu, what does sudo dhclient eth0 return in konsole --> paste.ubuntu.com06:51
obuntui dunno how to explain it06:51
bazhangobuntu, assuming you want ethernet connection on that desktop06:51
bazhangobuntu, if that is not the case then please explain more clearly06:51
obuntuwell,now i'm chatting so i'm sure eth0 is working :)06:52
DarkriftXhow do i disable laptop sleeping on lid close?06:52
bazhangobuntu, you have a lease; can you visit a website?06:52
bazhangobuntu, then no idea what you are trying to accomplish; internet connection sharing?06:53
obuntuthe case is: i'm chatting here from a desktop using this wifi router. now i've got a laptop,so i want to enable wifi to use laptop06:53
obuntuand we tried a lot to enabled it from windows,never won that match06:54
bazhangobuntu, so why not boot the laptop and troubleshoot from the actual computer in question?06:54
obuntuyou mean i must startup the laptop and retry with that wifi assistance app?06:54
bazhangobuntu, the laptop has kubuntu/ubuntu on it?06:54
obuntui remember that the beauvier from windows was that i got this message while i'm trying to run wifi: 'acquiring network address' and that should means that router password is wrong,but i quintuple checked it06:55
obuntujust win06:55
obuntubut i've a live ubuntu 6 cd06:56
bazhangobuntu, then how is this appropriate for #kubuntu ?06:56
bazhangobuntu, do you plan on installing ubuntu or kubuntu to it?06:56
obuntui've installed ubuntu here to try to win this match via linux:)06:56
obuntunah, i can't install os there. i think it's a general network question06:56
obuntuthat is could be solved under linux too06:57
obuntuand yes,maybe i'm off topic now06:57
bazhangobuntu, so the upshot is that you want help to get wifi on a windows laptop?06:57
obuntumm maybe. didn't thought about os atm,just about wifi,then sorry:)06:57
bazhang##windows for windows support obuntu06:58
obuntunot sure it's related to os,sincerely. i think it's more related to the router / network. though06:59
obuntuanyway i'm starting to be rush. so better to stop chatting for a while06:59
bazhangnothing to do with #kubuntu06:59
obuntuyup,but i thought that issue could be easier fixed using a live cd in that laptop07:00
bazhangyou could also try ##networking07:00
obuntuinfact. maybe i'm off-topic for real here07:00
bazhangobuntu, it might well be, but since you dont have a livecd booted there, no way to know07:00
obuntubut my linux friend use to say 'use linux to fix issues then use windows when you got fixed it' hehe07:01
bazhangobuntu, and should you decide to do that, then get a more recent version of kubuntu or ubuntu07:01
obuntui've a ubuntu 6 live cd07:01
bazhangand the latest version is 8.1007:02
Slartibartfastobuntu: and i am running on the 9.04 developers branch ...07:02
obuntuyup 6.0607:02
Slartibartfast6.06 is   from June 200607:02
obuntui'm upgrading now as i wrote above07:02
bazhangobuntu, a newer version has a more recent kernel, and loads of improvements; come back for help once you get it booted on that laptop07:03
cjaewhat does apt use to get files ftp?07:03
obuntusure,thanks for now07:03
obuntufirst time i got everything working:)07:03
Slartibartfastcjae: http ...07:03
obuntuat least here. and done it all alone:) eth0 setup too07:04
obuntu_celebration time_07:04
Slartibartfastsee /etc/apt/sources.list07:04
chronicobuntu, congrats, and how many years have you been using pc?07:05
bazhangchronic, please take chat to #kubuntu-offtopic07:06
macochronic: did you recently switch from Windows?07:07
chronici haven't switched07:07
macochronic: i talked to a friend and he said WDM is a Windows acronym07:07
macobut that it's like a DE07:07
macoActionParsnip: hello07:08
chronicwell see so you had to ask, better if u just kept your mouth shut in the first place, right?07:08
macoActionParsnip: just telling chronic that one of my friends says WDM is the Windows name for a DE07:08
macochronic: i *did* ask and you didnt give any description of what it does...07:09
macochronic: i only said no such acronym exists in linux ;)07:09
bazhangchronic, this is a support channel for kubuntu07:09
macobazhang: he was asking for a WDM like compiz without requiring 3d last night. none of us linux geeks could parse it.07:09
ActionParsnipmaco: sorry dude07:09
bazhangheh dude07:10
macobazhang: i think youre the only one that enforces "this is a support channel!" in here by the way07:10
bazhangmaco, he is trolling and using bad language07:10
bazhangie please dont feed :)07:11
obuntuyou got patience:)07:11
Tm_Tchronic: please, behave07:12
cjaecan you bookmark a stream with amarok07:12
chronicTm_T, im just being a little funny, relax07:12
Tm_Tchronic: no, you're not funny, so stop07:12
cjaecan you bookmark a stream with amarok07:14
chronicTm_T, i am funny, u just don't understand what i said07:14
cjaeopps sorry for repost07:14
bazhangchronic, please take it elsewhere07:14
Tm_Tcjae: no, I think you cannot, as stream is, well, stream07:14
cjaeTm_T: amarok - playlists - radio streams - right click add stream07:18
cjaejust figured it out07:18
Tm_Tcjae: aye, that's not bookmark though (:07:27
cjaeTm_T: what would you call it then07:31
Tm_Tcjae: it's just collection item to me07:32
Tm_Tcjae: there's bookmarks in Amarok so you can get back to same place of that track07:33
cjaeah didn't know that07:33
cjaewhos using konversation07:36
cjaehow do I make the background black and my writing white07:36
JoshuaRLhello, ive got a problem with decoupling the dashboard from the desktop07:41
JoshuaRLim following this here:07:41
JoshuaRLand i cant find how to do the first step07:42
JoshuaRL"First, zoom out on the desktop and select Add A New Activity from the toolbox. We will use this Activity for the dashboard. Now open a konsole window and do "kquitapp plasma"."07:42
JoshuaRLi cant find the toolbox, or where that option is07:43
JoshuaRLim on intrepid 64 with KDE4.207:43
login_i need help.........07:53
login_i    would like to know how i install the java applet i just downloaded07:53
=== ROSHA is now known as RoozbehOnline
tueHey, i just upgraded to kde 4.2.1 from 4.2.0, but now plasma dies on login. any other have this problem?08:26
obuntuif i try su it'll say that i'm typing the wrong password. is it normal?08:28
lup0obuntu: shouldn't you use sudo su?08:29
Slartibartfastobuntu: just use sudo08:30
obuntusudo su works, sudo requires an action08:31
Slartibartfastobuntu: sudo -i to become root08:31
obuntutryin to install java08:32
obuntumm to come back as user?:)08:32
SlartibartfastCTRL D08:32
lup0obuntu: or exit08:33
lup0obuntu: isn't the openjdk enough? or the sun-jdk package?08:33
obuntuthis is my first day with kubuntu08:34
lup0obuntu: for java, you could just run sudo aptitude install openjdk-6-jdk08:34
obuntuyou mean apt-get install08:34
lup0obuntu: do you need the compiler or is the runtime enough?08:34
Slartibartfastobuntu: :-) aptitude is another program which also can install things08:35
obuntumaybe just the reader08:35
lup0obuntu: sudo aptitude install openjdk-6-jre08:35
obuntuat least i'm just trying while i'm waiting to finish the upgrade08:35
lup0obuntu: aptitude also installs the recommended packages by default08:35
obuntuand maybe i should don't do nothing while it is finished08:35
obuntu(upgrade of os)08:36
obuntuE: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?08:36
obuntumaybe there's a fight between it and the upgrade tool08:36
lup0obuntu: you should wait for the upgrade to finish08:36
obuntueh yup i SHOULD :)08:37
obuntuarf arf08:37
obuntuluckily it is an empty hd,i can destroy it:)08:37
obuntui'm excited: this is a secondary hd. the primary one got windows, so i'm going to go to install kubuntu here,then recable the primary hd,then edit grub to boot from one of them08:38
obuntuand maybe got a dual boot at startup to choice which hd i'll use08:39
obuntui feel like Stallman08:39
obuntuif the menu is in the top side of monitor,means that i'm using gnome,right?08:40
obuntuhttp://itpencil.files.wordpress.com/2008/02/kde2.jpg seems08:42
obuntuok.I have another question now. Think i'm a windows user. Now,to copy and paste strings I usually do 'select -> middle mouse button' BUT the bad thing is that if i just middle clicking, it'll no replace the string with the pasted one,it just add it to the prev string,how do you do to use middle button in the right way?08:44
obuntujust right click copy->select all -> paste?08:44
obuntufor instance when i want surf web08:45
obuntuam i explaining well?08:45
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obuntumaybe i'm not:)08:49
=== Elone_taru is now known as Elone
amikhi, does anyone know what to do when the kubuntu installer fails at grub-install?09:11
ActionParsnipamik: you coul dmanually install grub and hope the install was completed09:11
ActionParsnipamik: did you md5 check the iso you downloaded as well as verify the burned cd was ok on the first screen?09:12
amikI'm running the live cd from a usb (no cd drive on this machine), and I did verify it and everything is ok09:12
amiktried running "grub-install /dev/sda" manually (that's the command the installer shows as failed), and it still fails09:13
ActionParsnip!grub | amik09:13
ubottuamik: GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto09:13
ActionParsnipamik: that will guide you through reinstalling the boot loader09:13
ActionParsnipamik: if it doesnt work then i'd rerun the install process09:14
amikI reran the install process many times, using hardy amd64, hardy i386, jaunty alpha 5 i38609:14
amikalways get the same error09:14
ActionParsnipamik: maybe your disk is bad, or your ram is bad, or the usb is bad09:15
ActionParsnipamik: you could also try some bootoptions09:15
ubottuFor a list and explanation on some of the boot options, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions09:15
ActionParsnipamik: to make the installer run nicer09:15
amikI ran memtest which showed no errors, the disk is from another windows box which works ok (it mounts and I see everything and chkdsk on windows showed no errors)09:15
amikusb stick I don't know how to verify, but it always worked, and seems to still...09:16
amikbtw thanks for u replies :-)09:16
amikI just got a new pc and decided that this is my year of linux on the desktop09:16
amikbut kubuntu seems to disagree :-/09:17
amikwhat are bootoptions? how and which do I use?09:17
ActionParsnipamik: fsck it like anything else09:18
larsaamHi! How do I get the panel in kde4 to be blocked out? Seems like I can only center or left right align it?09:18
ActionParsnipamik: read the factoid09:18
ActionParsnip!bootoptions | amik09:18
ubottuamik: For a list and explanation on some of the boot options, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions09:18
amikoh sorry, missed that09:18
ActionParsnipamik: i'd suggest acpi off and no dma09:18
ActionParsnipamik: as a good start09:18
amikI'll read up some more (spending hours on this) - thanks09:18
ActionParsnipamik: gl man09:20
Andry_WorkZcould someone repost me some link to the known bug which doesnt allow you to have ethernet interfaces to work properly?09:20
amikthanks again!09:20
wartalkerhow to get my internet address09:31
ActionParsnipwartalker: www.ipchicken.com for wan ip, ifconfig for lan09:32
ActionParsnipAndry_WorkZ: thats a hugely wide statement09:32
ActionParsnipAndry_WorkZ: does the device have a driver installed for it?09:33
ActionParsnipAndry_WorkZ: do you have an ip address for the interface09:33
ActionParsnipAndry_WorkZ: is it wired or wireless09:33
ActionParsnipAndry_WorkZ: "ethernet interfaces not working" means next to nothing09:33
=== kage is now known as talla
=== talla is now known as kagalous
kagalouscan someone assist me with something?09:36
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)09:39
kagalousim having issues installing wine.. im new to linux09:42
kagalouscan someone assist me in installing it09:42
ActionParsnipkagalous: http://www.winehq.org/download/deb09:43
ActionParsnipkagalous: use the official wine repo09:43
kagalousdidnt help09:47
ActionParsnipkagalous: ok, i'll guide you09:49
ActionParsnipwhat is the output of: lsb_release -c09:49
ActionParsnipkagalous: its a konsole command09:50
ActionParsnipok cool09:52
ActionParsnipok run this command: cd ~;wget -q http://wine.budgetdedicated.com/apt/387EE263.gpg -O- | sudo apt-key add -09:53
Andry_WorkZActionParsnip: I was told that until kde 3.5 it was fine, but after that you had a problem with ethernet interfaces09:53
Andry_WorkZand it was a well known bug09:53
ActionParsnipAndry_WorkZ: ive heard some folks say this but its just a case of drivers, if you run lspci it will show you your hardware and you can websearch on how to setup your particular device using that info09:54
ActionParsnipAndry_WorkZ: if its a laptop, it can help to websearch that but the chip itself is most important09:54
ActionParsnipkagalous: ok so far?09:54
kagalousit tells me no valid pgp dada found09:54
ActionParsnipkagalous: that command i just gave you gives you the gpg key09:55
kagalousIT SAYS OK09:55
ActionParsnipthats good, lose the caps09:56
kagalousi did09:56
ActionParsnipkagalous: ok now run this command: sudo wget http://wine.budgetdedicated.com/apt/sources.list.d/intrepid.list -O /etc/apt/sources.list.d/winehq.list09:56
ActionParsnipthat wont say anything once its run09:56
kagalousit says its at 100% and now allowing me to do things09:56
ActionParsnipnow run: sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get  install wine09:56
ActionParsnipkagalous: what is at 100%?09:57
kagalous Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?09:57
kagalousis what i got when i did the install command09:57
ActionParsnipkagalous: do you have synaptic open?09:57
kagalousnot that i know of09:57
ActionParsnipkagalous: or adept or running updates09:57
kagalouslol defently adept09:57
ActionParsnipthen close adept, you can only have 1 application interfacing with the packages at one time09:58
kagalouswould pausing the updates work?09:58
kagalousnvm i closed it09:58
ActionParsnipkagalous: ok, thats your call09:59
ActionParsnipkagalous: press the up cursor in terminal to get the install wine command again and press enter09:59
kagalousredo the install command?09:59
ActionParsnipkagalous: yes redo it but use the cursor instead of retyping / repasting if you want09:59
kagalousis installing i think10:00
ActionParsnipkagalous: that will then get all the packages on the repo in your systems knowledge and install wine drom the wine repo10:00
ActionParsnipyou always need to run sudo apt-get update so that the new repositorys packages are known by your system10:01
ActionParsnipkagalous: its just n fyi10:01
ActionParsnipkagalous: is wine installing now?10:02
kagalousi think so10:02
ActionParsnipkagalous: well read the terminal, its output will tell you whats going on10:02
ActionParsnip61% of what?10:03
kagalousthats all it says10:03
ActionParsnipthe line above will state the file name10:03
kagaloussmbc client10:03
ActionParsnip!find smbc10:03
ubottuFound: libfilesys-smbclient-perl, smbc, libsmbclient, libsmbclient-dev, smbclient10:04
ActionParsnip!info smbclient10:04
ubottusmbclient (source: samba): a LanManager-like simple client for Unix. In component main, is optional. Version 2:3.2.3-1ubuntu3.4 (intrepid), package size 6252 kB, installed size 18556 kB10:04
ActionParsnipkagalous: thats your system update10:04
ActionParsnipkagalous: we'll make it easy, let all your updates finish so they dont bother you any more10:05
ActionParsnipkagalous: then reboot and then install wine10:05
kagalousthe updates are just program updates that i will never use10:05
ActionParsnipkagalous: some will be libraries for apps, if you dont use the apps, uninstall them10:05
ActionParsnipkagalous: the downside of ubuntu is it installs a tonne of apps and yuo probably wont use most10:06
ActionParsnipso you gotta sit and carve them out and it sucks10:06
kagalousim just trying to get wine so i can use my windows programs cuz there easier to use10:06
ActionParsnipkagalous: what apps are you going to run?10:07
kagalousitunes, worms armagedan and a couple others10:07
ActionParsnipkagalous: have you checked they will run with wine?10:07
kagalousi know itues does10:08
ActionParsnipoh god not itunes10:08
kagalousim just unsure about the games i want, i know i need crossover for eve10:08
ActionParsnipit may have a loki installer, or the developers may have released a linux installer10:09
ActionParsnipcrossover is too rich for my blood10:09
kagalousmy friend has it, he likes it a fair bit10:10
ActionParsnipits 40 USD10:10
ActionParsnipclosed source10:10
kagalouswhat is ttf-liberation10:11
ActionParsnipsounds like a font10:11
kagalousoh lol10:11
ActionParsnipkagalous: its a really bad idea to give people who help you for free attitude you know10:12
ActionParsnipits ok10:12
ActionParsnipjust chillax10:12
kagalousi am calm :)10:13
kagalousit is done now i think10:15
ActionParsnipkagalous: ok then rerun the wine install command10:18
ActionParsnipif it says its already installed, you have it10:18
kagalousam i able to take a windows file off a partitioned drive and run it through wine10:20
ActionParsnipkagalous: if its a very portable exe then yes, apps will need to be installed under wine10:21
ActionParsnipkagalous: just keep checking the appdb to se if what you want to install will fly10:22
ubottuThe Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help10:22
ActionParsnipkagalous: some apps dont work10:23
ActionParsniplike MSN live messenger10:23
ActionParsnipsome people even run virtual box in seamless mode to get some win apps running10:24
ActionParsnipbugt its a hugely bloated way to get it to go10:24
kagalousso once ive installed a program in wine i should be able to open it straight through linux?10:24
ActionParsnipkagalous: sure, theres a wine entry in kmenu for all your windows gumf10:25
kagaloushow would i set this upo10:25
ActionParsnipor you can move it wherever you want if you want it more integrated10:25
ActionParsnipkagalous: its done for you10:25
kagalousso this should work with 90% of the baic program i need/????10:28
ActionParsnipdepends on what apps you are running10:29
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kagalousis it suppost to be epicly slow?10:29
=== tweak is now known as tweak66
norenhi all10:30
norencan any one here help me out with the installation of opera 9.6 in kde4.4 i m using kubuntu10:30
norenoops kde4.210:30
tweak66anyone tried installing gnomenu in ubuntu 8.1?10:30
ubottuopera is an advanced and free (only as in price) web browser.  Install it via Applications->Add/Remove..., making sure that "Show commercial applications" (dapper only) is checked. For more info on opera please see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OperaBrowser10:31
ActionParsnipkagalous: again, depends on the app, some run awesome (doom3) some run badly, some run weird but have tweaks, some wont even install10:31
ActionParsnipkagalous: so your questions have no definate answers as it depends on the app10:31
co-workerhi all10:31
ActionParsnip!jaunty | tweak6610:31
ubottutweak66: Jaunty Jackalope is the code for Ubuntu 9.04, due April 2009 - Lots of breakage between now and April - Please join #ubuntu+1 for discussion and support.10:31
ActionParsnipsorry tweak10:31
* ActionParsnip facepalms10:32
* kagalous giggles10:32
ActionParsnip!info gnomemenu10:32
ubottuPackage gnomemenu does not exist in intrepid10:32
ActionParsnip!info gnomenu10:32
ubottuPackage gnomenu does not exist in intrepid10:32
ActionParsniptweak66: do you have it currently installed?10:33
tweak66yes i do, and i just figured it out lol10:33
kagalousty for the help :P10:34
ActionParsniptweak66: making your system look like vista.eeeeew10:34
* ActionParsnip vomits10:34
norenActionParsnip: can u help me with installing opera in   kde4.2 ??10:35
norenwill check out therre10:37
ActionParsnipco-worker: noren was talking to me10:38
co-workerfkn all10:44
Elonelol look at the time10:44
ActionParsnip10:48am GMT10:46
ActionParsnipco-worker: good metallica song10:46
co-workerHi guy10:47
ActionParsnip!hi | nhnFreespirit10:47
ubottunhnFreespirit: Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu!10:47
nhnFreespiritLet me be the thousanth person to ask this (most likely) but is there a Qt 4.5 package availalbe?10:48
nhnFreespiritI need it to debug some Amarok bugs, but I would rather not build it myself on this machine.10:48
ActionParsnipnhnFreespirit: keep an eye on www.kubuntu.org   i'm unsure myself10:48
co-worker KDE include Qt10:49
nhnFreespiritco-worker: yeah, but I need the newly released 4.5 version as apparently it causes some unique issues.10:50
nhnFreespiritthat people seem to expect me to fix!  :-P10:50
ActionParsnipnhnFreespirit: could just code for every possibility ;)10:50
co-workerGood bye10:51
ubottuAu revoir!10:51
nhnFreespiritActionParsnip: well... its sort of hard to fix a distinct bug if I cannot reproduce it. and it never happens with Qt 4.4.x ;-)10:52
ActionParsnipwell if you have a spare millenia you could code for all possibilitys, one has to work, but by then we'll be on QT510:53
ActionParsnipQt 4.5, released on March 3, 2009. Major included features are QtCreator, improved graphical engine, improved integration with WebKit and OpenDocument Format read support. Mac OS X Cocoa Framwork support.10:54
norenActionParsnip: thanks got that10:54
ActionParsnipnoren: got opera now?10:55
norenActionParsnip: ya but its not conecting to net ??? still have to configure it or what ??10:56
ActionParsnipnoren: is it working offline?10:56
noreni am still trying to figure out10:57
ActionParsnipnoren: check in the file meu10:57
ActionParsnipnoren: do you need to use a proxy to get internet access?10:58
norenno i dont ; it not even opening google.com10:58
norenbut it opened http://widgets.opera.com/search/?order=name&q=skins10:59
ActionParsnipnoren: can you browse ok in other browsers?11:01
ActionParsnipnoren: can you ping
norenyes i am able to do so in konqueror11:01
ActionParsnipnoren: ok11:01
ActionParsnipnoren: try clocing opera (as well as the thing in the system tray), then run: rm -rf ~/.opera; opera &11:04
ActionParsnipnoren: http://my.opera.com/community/forums/topic.dml?id=256797  How to disable IPv6 https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WebBrowsingSlowIPv6IPv411:04
norenwhat do u mean by clocing11:04
ActionParsnipnoren: closing* (sp)11:05
norenso u want me to restart it11:06
ActionParsnipnoren: after removing ~/.opera  yes11:06
norenrm -rf ~/.opera; opera & after i typed this it restarted11:08
ActionParsnipnoren: thats great, is it ok now?11:08
norenno its same as before !!! do i have to disable the ipv6 mannually somehow !!11:09
ActionParsnipnoren: read the links11:09
noreni have tried the first option leme reboot and then come back here again11:14
norenActionParsnip: oh thanks it works now..... :)11:20
norenActionParsnip: can i trouble u for one more small prombel ??11:21
ActionParsnipnoren: sweet, welcome to opera. it rocks hard11:22
ActionParsnipnoren: wassup11:22
norenevery time i login my scree resolution fall backs to 840 X 600 and i have to reconfigure to 1024 X 728 ,,, is there some way i ca n make it default11:23
Eloney opera ? firefox bad?11:25
ActionParsnipnoren: edit xorg.conf and make the left most resolution in the list be the option that gives 1024x76811:25
norenok.. i had been using ff3 for a long time now some wanted to investigate the opera11:26
ActionParsnipnoren: its a snazzy browser, if the page you want to view insnt opera nice, press F12 and you can make opera appear as a different browser for that site11:26
ActionParsnipnoren: but i think opera is a better browser than firefox but thats my 2p worth11:27
norenok thanks guys !bye11:34
AndrewMohawkhey guys..11:41
AndrewMohawkim running into the 2038 year problem within python on 8.04, is there anychance i can just upgrade something and fix this?11:42
ActionParsnipAndrewMohawk: i'd ask in #python11:44
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jk-hi all11:47
jk-I seem to have a non-working plasma11:48
jk-(jaunty, recently did an apt-get upgrade)11:48
bazhang!jaunty | jk-11:49
ubottujk-: Jaunty Jackalope is the code for Ubuntu 9.04, due April 2009 - Lots of breakage between now and April - Please join #ubuntu+1 for discussion and support.11:49
jk-bazhang: ah, cheers.11:50
AndrewMohawkActionParsnip: of course they told me to come here, but ive figured out the bug11:50
AndrewMohawklets just hope none of us are running 32bit in 2038 :)11:50
ActionParsnipAndrewMohawk: i hope not, i'd hope we were on 2048 bit11:51
ActionParsnipor something high like that (boyles law)11:51
jk-AndrewMohawk: 64 bit machines still use 32 bit integers11:51
AndrewMohawkjk-: oh, so the bug affects 64bit as well11:51
AndrewMohawkits an interesting one at that11:52
ActionParsnipjk-: integer is a 32bit value, so an x bit cpu (x > 32) will use 32bit integers11:52
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ActionParsnipactually scratch that11:52
ActionParsnipmy bad11:52
ActionParsnipneed coffe11:52
AndrewMohawkneed more bits!11:52
khurramhow to install Mozilla firefox in kubuntu...11:52
ActionParsnipkhurram: sudo apt-get update; sudoapt-get install firefox11:53
ActionParsnipsudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get install firefox11:53
* ActionParsnip needs to chill11:53
khurramin english..11:53
ActionParsnipkhurram: sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get install firefox11:55
ActionParsnipkhurram: run that command in a terminal11:55
ActionParsnipwell, konsole for kde11:56
ubottuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal11:56
ActionParsnipkhurram: english enough?11:56
ActionParsnipnp bro11:57
ActionParsnipkhurram: when its installed run: sudo apt-get upgrade; sudo apt-get dist-upgrade11:57
ActionParsnipkhurram: then you will be fully updated11:57
ubuntu_es careva pe aici?\12:05
=== Cueball_ is now known as Cueball
ubottuCe canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr12:09
JuJuBeeI just got a new laptop (ASUS G71G-A2) and when I try to boot kubuntu live CD (64Bit) the screen resolution is wacked... Think 1280x720...  Cant do an install cause I cannot see the bottom of the window for the install questions.  Any suggestions?12:14
JuJuBeeLaptop has 17" (1900x1280) WUXGA screen and nVidia 9800M GS card12:16
vasily122try to move mouse  to bottom?12:16
JuJuBeeI did... screen does not scroll12:16
vasily122while booting choice try to select low resolution?12:17
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JuJuBeeOnce kubuntu starts to boot?12:21
ActionParsnipJuJuBee: try adding boot options to set the resolution, or rest the resolution in the live cd manually12:22
JuJuBeeAh, F4 Modes (Safe Graphics Mode)...12:22
ActionParsnipJuJuBee: did you md5 check the iso you downloaded as well as check the cd for defects once booted to12:22
JuJuBeeDisk is fine.12:23
vasily122imean the level of problem- x.org-kdm-kde etc12:23
JuJuBeevasily122: changing modes seems to be working.12:26
JuJuBeethnx for the suggestion.12:26
ActionParsnipJuJuBee: try some boot options12:26
ActionParsnip!bootoptions | JuJuBee12:26
ubottuJuJuBee: For a list and explanation on some of the boot options, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions12:26
ActionParsnipJuJuBee: it giving you a high res is a good sign you wont have to mess with drivers once installed (well for vga anyhoo)12:26
JuJuBeeHmmm system settings says res 1280x720 (0.0Hz)12:29
LeeJunFanno 4.2.1 packages yet? That's late for the kubuntu devs.12:30
alex71in Network connections I have this problem....Could not parse XML...how to solve ?12:31
tueHello. anyone else is having the problem that plasma crashes on kde 4.2.1 on 8.10?12:32
alex71any idea?12:33
jk-tue: yep12:36
tuejk-: do you know of a fix?12:36
jk-nup, just poking around now..12:37
tuejk-: i have tried adding a new user but the problem persists. the output from the crash seems to indicate binary incompatible packages...12:37
ActionParsniptue: are the crashes random or do they appen with certain activitties / program combinations12:37
jk-not sure it's an incompatibility12:37
jk-ActionParsnip: plasma just doesn't start for me.12:38
vasily122JuJuBee: did You visit ASUS site and search if any drivers for Your notebook?12:38
ActionParsnipah, i gave up on plasma months ago. i'm a fluxbox kinda guy12:38
tueActionParsnip: plasma cannot start at all. crashes when i run plasma from the console.12:39
=== volodya_ is now known as volodya
volodyaanybody knows what program is supposed to handle audio (mute,volume) buttons in kubuntu 8.04?12:39
tuevolodya: kmix ?12:40
ActionParsniptue: have you tried renaming plasmarc in your profile?12:40
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volodyatue: strange, I did restart kmix, but the buttons don't work yet.12:40
volodyaused to work an hour ago, then something happened :-(12:40
jk-tue: just filed https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdebase/+bug/33820512:40
tueActionParsnip: i tried to create a completely new user, but it dsont change anything.12:40
jk-volodya: you may need to setup shortcuts12:41
ActionParsniptue: ok, good test12:41
ActionParsniptue: as its a completely new ~/.kde folder as well12:41
volodyajk-: well, everything did worked eariler today. Is there some kde service that is involved in routing shortcuts to right applications?12:41
ActionParsniptue: put that bug in your favoruites and keep an eye on it12:41
volodyagee, somehow kmix reset all the shotcuts12:42
ActionParsniptue: you may need to use a different WM if it interferes with productivity12:44
jk-ActionParsnip: the WM is working fine12:44
jk-just no panel, background or desktop widgets12:45
tuejk-: you can run plasmoidviewer systemtray , then the computer is sort-off useable :-)12:46
jk-tue: heh, neat :D12:46
ActionParsnipjk-: not so bad then12:47
jk-tue: on the upside, qt4.5 and kde4.2.1 seem to be working better with general window rendering12:47
tuejk-: last thing i did yesterday was to do apt-get upgrade, first thing i did this morning in school was to start up the computer, on which i have both my textbook and maple, for a test in math and then see the thing didnt work :-) . NICE!12:47
tuejk-: your using jaunty? im still using qt
jk-tue: yeah, plain jaunty12:50
jk-tue: might be good to add that fact to the bug, if you could.12:50
chetanHello ! I'm new to kubuntu. i just installed qt and am having some issues. can someone please help me out ?12:50
jk-(and see if you get the same valgrind backtrace)12:51
ActionParsnipchetan: wassup?12:52
chetanActionParsnip: i have a problem saying -- XShape support cannot be enabled due to functionality tests!12:53
chetani.e. while installing qt 412:54
ActionParsnipwow...er...no idea man12:56
chetanthanks :)12:56
ActionParsnipmaybe that can help12:56
chetanchecking it out. thanks ActionParsnip12:57
jk-tue: i miss my clock :(12:58
tuejk-: no luck at all?13:01
=== koperton is now known as kdesco
Exilantis marble supposed to work with gpsd?13:02
Tm_TExilant: if it has plugin, yes13:03
Exilanti have gpsd running, but marble cannot read the current position13:03
Exilantah, plugin13:03
Exilantis that in the repos?13:03
Tm_TExilant: sorry, no idea13:04
rmrfslashHey, does anyone have experiences to share w/ kubuntu on a Dell XPS?13:15
rmrfslashI want to know a few things.13:15
rmrfslash1) Is the Wifi adapter supported immediately? 2) Does Kubuntu hibernate and resume successfully? 3) Any other glitchiness?13:16
ubottuLaptop support information can be found on http://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportMachinesLaptops - http://www.linux-laptop.net/ - http://wiki.ubuntu.com/LaptopTestingTeam - http://tuxmobil.org13:16
Tm_Trmrfslash: see if those pages has the information13:16
rmrfslashI saw the TestingTeam one13:17
Tm_Tsee the others too13:17
rmrfslashchecking now13:17
Tm_Trmrfslash: no problems13:17
rmrfslashI'm not excited about the "Suspend to RAM fails most of the time"13:18
rmrfslashWhy is suspend to RAM such a hassle ?13:20
rmrfslashLooks like many latops suffer from this.13:20
ActionParsniprmrfslash: all that sort of thing is13:20
ActionParsniprmrfslash: hibernat, standby13:20
ActionParsniprmrfslash: i think its not worth it at all13:21
rmrfslashI have a Dell Latitude D820, I can testify that suspend works tempermentally13:21
Tm_TI believe it's mostly about HW manufacturers trying to protect something "unique" everybody has13:21
rmrfslashIt most def is when you're on-the-go a lot13:21
rmrfslashI use suspend to RAM at least twice per day13:22
Tm_Trmrfslash: indeed, so use your right to vote with your money (;)13:22
rmrfslashone when my train gets into the station13:22
rmrfslashonce when I leave the office13:22
ActionParsniprmrfslash: i use laptops and can boot faster than most can "wake up" most need a coffee and some toast13:22
ActionParsnipand with less issues13:22
rmrfslashI understand that linux can boot fast13:22
Tm_TActionParsnip: well, I usually have laptops waking up in second or two13:23
rmrfslashthat's not my point13:23
rmrfslashI like to leave things open and "resume" working on them later13:23
ActionParsniprmrfslash: you have a recent docs tap and console has ~/.bash_history13:23
Tm_Trmrfslash: ActionParsnip: I would like to get you two to join us in #kubuntu-offtopic too13:23
rmrfslashnot take the last several minutes of a train ride  (which is used polishing an email or something) to power off any VMs, save all my documents, shut them down, and then poweroff the machine13:23
ActionParsnipTm_T: i have a meettng in 15 mins but i'll head in later13:24
Tm_TActionParsnip: thanks (:13:24
rmrfslashTm_T: What is the topic of conversation here?13:25
Tm_Trmrfslash: Kubuntu support, as topic says (:13:25
Tm_Trmrfslash: I wasn't saying you were offtopic yet, just that we can discuss more freely there13:25
rmrfslashTm_T: Ok, how do I get resume working reliably on a Dell XPS ;)13:25
Tm_T1522.04 < Tm_T> rmrfslash: indeed, so use your right to vote with your money (;)13:26
* Tm_T likes to repeat (;13:26
rmrfslashwhat does that even mean?13:26
rmrfslashvote with my money13:26
rmrfslashPay Kubuntu team to fix suspend to RAM?13:27
Tm_Trmrfslash: buy stuff that has Linux support (:13:27
ActionParsnipbest way13:27
rmrfslashSee, in my humble opinion...... well I'll save it for offtopic13:27
ActionParsnipshop smart, not what is cheapest or fastest13:28
rmrfslashActionParsnip: when it comes to a laptop, it's always about what's thinnest, lightest and fastest, and reasonable cost13:28
ActionParsniprmrfslash: get a netbook, those are kill er for ubuntu13:29
rmrfslashThe Dell XPS, from my limited research is probably one of the better laptops you can buy.13:29
rmrfslashless than 1'' thick, HD display, light, and 2.1 Ghz Core 2 800MHz 3MB and 4GB memory w/ a 320GB 7200rpm for like $100013:30
rmrfslashAnd they preinstall (and support) Ubuntu13:31
rmrfslash8.04 of course.13:31
ActionParsnipdepends on your needs, no point buying a ferrari if its just gonna drive to the shops and back13:31
ActionParsnipsave some cash and use the surplus to go on holiday or visit the theatre13:31
rmrfslashAgreed. But when you need a ferarri, why settle for a pinto w/ suspend to ram support13:32
ActionParsnipdepends which is more essential13:32
rmrfslashyou're right13:33
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Takahaniaptitude system is again completly broken because of the transition 4.2.0 to 4.2.113:35
Tm_TTakahani: aptitude system?13:35
Tm_Tbroken how? and what release?13:36
Takahanihe wants 4.2.1 version of some, and can't get them13:36
ActionParsnipuse apt-get its glorious13:36
Takahanikubuntu intrepid13:36
Takahanii prefere patitude, but i'll get the same pb13:36
Tm_TTakahani: hmm, what repositories you have?13:36
Takahanicause the package aren't ready13:36
Takahaniso i get a system half updated half bleeding13:36
Tm_TTakahani: yes, see, from what repository you get that 4.2.1 ?13:37
ActionParsnipTakahani: use apt-build if yu want awesomness13:37
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Takahanii can't pastebin he say list of repositories is a spam !13:38
Tm_TGuest21617: are we rooted now?13:39
Takahanihere is the list13:39
ActionParsnipTakahani: use the pastebinit app13:39
Tm_TTakahani: ok, you're using experimental ppa repositories13:39
Takahaniso this is not good ?13:39
Tm_TTakahani: issues like this are well expected13:40
Tm_TTakahani: no, unless you know what you're doing ofcourse13:40
Takahaniok, i might remove it, but will i get 4.2.0 also ?13:40
Tm_TTakahani: from backports13:40
ActionParsnipKDE 4.2 out http://kubuntu.org/news/kde-4.213:40
Takahaniah ok, they are in intrepid backport13:40
Takahanithat's why i get this mess13:41
drostie:-D !! I just managed a working install of kubuntu to an encrypted drive! From the LiveCD!13:41
Takahanihmm, seem's better, but now i've got half of my package who coms from experiment package and are in 4.2.1, how can i downgrade them to 4.2.0 from intrepid backport ?13:43
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Tm_TTakahani: I believe in aptitude too, but in synaptic atleast you can search by source and/or version number and then reinstall with forced version number13:45
TakahaniTm_T: yep, thaht was what i was looking for .. but it says he is going to uninstall kdebas, kdepim, etc ...13:45
TakahaniTm_T: which is not so much fun13:46
Tm_TTakahani: there's something else too still having wrong version then13:47
TakahaniTm_T: yeah maybe, cause when i say update and upgrade, i won't retrograde the version, but it should ...13:48
TakahaniTm_T: it's ok i'm gowngrading one by one from synaptic, i think it will work. Thanks for your help13:49
zmayhello, haveing some pc problems, when i turn on my pc, screen doesent wake up, and system shuts down automaticly after about 5s, then automaticaly turns on again after 5sec and shuts down etc... anybody know what it could be13:50
obuntuupgrade successsssssss!!!!!13:52
obuntuthe only problem i got it was about nvidia13:53
obuntubut solved it rmmod it13:53
obuntucelebration time now!|13:53
* ActionParsnip cracks open a keg13:57
ActionParsnipzmay: can you boot a livecd ok?13:58
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assilvaActionParsnip, ola13:59
obuntui don't understand why can't i get skype+amsn13:59
ActionParsnipassilva: werd13:59
assilvaActionParsnip, ??13:59
ActionParsnipobuntu: sudo apt-get install amsn13:59
ActionParsnipassilva: just saying hi back13:59
ActionParsnipobuntu: what is the output of the command?14:00
assilvaActionParsnip, conieces m4v?14:00
assilvaActionParsnip, ele espulsa personas por nada14:00
obuntuit's in italian. it says that it no find anything labeled amsn or skype14:00
ActionParsnip!es | assilva14:00
ubottuassilva: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.14:00
ActionParsnipobuntu: ok, hmm14:00
ActionParsnip!info amsn14:00
ubottuamsn (source: amsn): An MSN messenger written in Tcl. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.97.2~debian-0ubuntu3 (intrepid), package size 264 kB, installed size 876 kB14:00
obuntukubuntu here14:00
assilvahere ok14:01
zmayActionParsnip: i cant even get to there, system shuts down before14:01
assilvam4v, look i here14:01
ActionParsnipzmay: then its a hardware issue, I'd suggest powering off, unplug power, open pc, remove cmos batter and leave it about an hour14:01
obuntuUbuntu 8.04.214:01
assilvam4v, and now?14:01
ActionParsnipzmay: you can also look at your capacitors to make sure they havent blown14:02
ActionParsnipassilva: http://www.amsn-project.net/linux-downloads.php14:02
assilvaActionParsnip, i already get14:02
zmayActionParsnip: i will read motherboard manual for errors.. crap, and its new PC14:02
assilvaActionParsnip, it is better?14:02
obuntuuhm weird,other times it worked well using apt-get install14:03
ActionParsnipzmay: http://images112.fotki.com/v597/photos/8/897265/3471067/itorsonaP4Motherboard1600x1200-vi.jpg?117352146814:03
assilvaActionParsnip, amsn dont accept my web cam14:03
ActionParsnipassilva: thats the amsn website which will give you amsn14:03
ActionParsnip!webcam | assilva14:03
ubottuassilva: Instructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras14:03
assilvaActionParsnip, i use msn of windows14:03
ActionParsnipassilva: you could use the older msn client (not live) via wine but i dont know about cam14:04
assilvaActionParsnip, i use ubuntu14:04
ActionParsnipassilva: its not something i use, i think they are creepy14:04
assilvaActionParsnip, ok by14:04
obuntuno matters if i use gnome right?14:04
obuntucould be that the upgrade is gone bad?14:04
assilvaobuntu, penis14:05
obuntudoubt it14:05
ActionParsnipobuntu: you will need to satisy dependancies manually, you need to have the standard repos in your sources.lst file14:05
assilvaobuntu, hi14:05
obuntui really dunno what you're trying to tell me14:06
JuJuBeeI thought the nvidia restricted drivers was up to 180.x?  My system only shows 17714:08
ActionParsnipobuntu: if you dont have standard ubuntu repos you will not find half the apps available as they are on the repos14:08
ActionParsnipJuJuBee: not all cards run on the 180 driver14:08
obuntuhow to fix it then14:08
obuntuthis is my first day with linux14:08
JuJuBeeActionParsnip: how do I know if mine will?  It is 9800M GS14:09
ActionParsnipobuntu: here are my intrepid sources: http://pastebin.com/f7657447514:09
ActionParsnipJuJuBee: websearch: ubuntu nvidia-glx 9800M GS14:10
ActionParsnipJuJuBee: you will see in the package repos what drivers support it14:10
ActionParsnipJuJuBee: and if it is supported, the performance may not be as good in some drivers as others14:10
obuntusorry but i'm starting to be more confused. what steps need i to follow using your pastebin file? and be patience please14:11
c0nfuserhey guys, i never tried kubuntu cause i am afraid that has high requirements14:11
c0nfuserwhich are the requirements of 8.10?14:11
ActionParsnipobuntu: what is the output of: lsb_release -c14:11
ubottuHardware requirements to install, boot and comfortably use Ubuntu are listed at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SystemRequirements - For a !flavor with lower requirements, see !Xubuntu14:12
obuntuCodename:       hardy14:12
ActionParsnipobuntu: ahh ok14:12
bazhanghttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SystemRequirements c0nfuser14:12
ActionParsnip!info amsn hardy14:12
ubottuamsn (source: amsn): An MSN messenger written in Tcl. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.97+final-0ubuntu5.1 (hardy), package size 3426 kB, installed size 11308 kB14:12
ActionParsnipobuntu: can you pastebin me your /etc/apt/sources.list file please14:13
ActionParsnip!paste | obuntu14:14
ubottuobuntu: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)14:14
obuntuopen it using nano for instance?14:14
ActionParsnipobuntu: we''ll do it the easy way14:14
ActionParsnipobuntu: sudo apt-get install pastebinit && pastebinit /etc/apt/sources.lst14:14
ActionParsnipobuntu: copy the link it gives in terminal to the room14:15
obuntuhehe i know pastebin usage,luckily14:15
obuntua thing well known:)14:15
obuntunick Stallman14:16
JuJuBeeActionParsnip: I read that the 180.22 brings support for the 9800M GS in 2.6.28 kernel....14:16
JuJuBeeLatest update brought me to 2.6.27-1114:17
ActionParsnipobuntu: ok run: gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list14:18
obuntudum da dum14:18
crackdownWürd gern ein KDM 3 Thema verwenden, was muss man in der XML für KDE4 ändern ?14:18
ActionParsnipobuntu: find the line that reads: # deb http://it.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ dapper universe14:18
ubottuIn den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.14:18
ActionParsnipobuntu: ok chnage the word dapper to hardy and delete the # at the start of the line14:18
obuntuuncoment it?14:18
ActionParsnipobuntu: yes uncomment and change the word dapper for hardy, do the same on the line below14:19
ActionParsnipobuntu: pastebin the file again if you wish14:19
ActionParsnipobuntu: so i can check it14:19
jbwivguys, is "deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/kubuntu-experimental/ubuntu intrepid main" still the proper place to get 4.2 on Ibex?14:20
obuntuyou're my salvation ActionParsnip14:21
obuntuin 5 min i must go out14:21
ActionParsnipobuntu: ok, looks good14:22
ActionParsnipsave and exit gedit14:22
ActionParsnipback in terminal14:22
obuntunow i retry to apt-getting?14:22
ActionParsnipsudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get install amsn14:22
obuntunaturally in two lines14:23
ActionParsnipno you can use a single line, the ; character runs them one after another14:23
obuntuGet:2 http://it.archive.ubuntu.com hardy/universe Packages [4293kB]14:24
ActionParsnipyou can have huge commands all on one line if you wish14:24
ActionParsnipyep thats it getting the package names and versions14:24
obuntulike in php ; delimit end of string14:24
untiledhi all, i wanna install "ipod-convenience" but when i try with "sudo apt-get install ipod-convenience" it return me with "python-gpod: Depend: python (< 2.6) but 2.6.1-0ubuntu2 is installed". How can I fix this issue?14:24
obuntu90% arf arf14:24
obuntuok it installing amsn, now for skype i'll don't need update,right?14:25
ActionParsnipobuntu: you had universe repo disabled with that line so you never got to use the main ubuntu apps, you may find you have a few updates to get14:25
obuntui need to save this log14:25
ubottuTo install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype - To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto - Please use open protocols instead if you can, see !Ekiga14:25
ActionParsnipuntiled: what is the ouptut of: dpkg -l | grep python14:25
ActionParsnipuntiled: use pastebin14:26
obuntumany thanks14:26
ActionParsnipobuntu: np man14:27
obuntuSkype is not available in any Ubuntu software repository, and therefore cannot be installed with Ubuntu's package management software such as Synaptic or apt-get without adding a repository containing Skype. There are two options - the Skype repository, or the Medibuntu repository.14:27
alarmhello, somewthing was wrong with the todays update. after updating the packages , i got 2 problems. konqueror wont start, and plasma-addons is being removed .i cannot install kdeplasma-addons as it depends on kdeplasma-addons-libs414:27
alarmwhat went wrong with that update ?14:27
untiledActionParsnip: http://paste.ubuntu.com:80/126725/14:27
obuntulast thing: how to save this log (konversation)14:27
obuntuheheh ctrl+a ctrl+v in a plain text file?:)14:28
obuntusorry but i'm a bit excited to get ubuntu running14:29
alarmwhen trying run konqueror after the update i get this error: KCrash: Application 'konqueror' crashing... sock_file=/home/alarm/.kde/socket-rockpc/kdeinit4__014:29
ActionParsnipuntiled: well you have python                                     2.6.1-0ubuntu214:29
ActionParsnipuntiled: you could force install the app14:30
untiledActionParsnip: how?14:30
ActionParsnipuntiled: as its a very meanial app its fine andyou can uninstall it easily14:30
alarmanyone had problems with the updates today ?14:31
untiledActionParsnip: how can i force the installation of ipod-convenience?14:32
ActionParsnipuntiled: sudo apt-get clean; sudo apt-get --download-only install ipod-convenience; sudo dpkg --forcec-all -i /var/cache/apt/archives/*.deb14:33
ActionParsnipuntiled: thats one way14:33
ActionParsnipuntiled: downloads the debs to your system then you go in and force them in14:34
ActionParsnipuntiled: or: sudo apt-get --ignore-missing --install ipod-convenience14:35
ActionParsnipmight work14:35
untiledActionParsnip: they don't work, if i try with ipod-convenience it tell me that depend on python-gopd but python-gpod depend on python < 2.614:36
bejoshi friend14:37
bejosdoes anyone have sis 672 vga driver for ubuntu 8.10?14:38
jbwivguys, is "deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/kubuntu-experimental/ubuntu intrepid main" still the proper place to get 4.2 on Ibex?14:38
ActionParsnipjbwiv: afaik, yes14:40
jbwivActionParsnip: ok, thanks. I'm just wondering because I've been running 4.2 for around 3 weeks now. I  love it, but it crashes at least twice a day14:41
jbwivare you guys having these problems?14:41
ActionParsnipuntiled: try: sudo apt-get install --yes --force-yes ipod-convenience14:41
ActionParsnipjbwiv: log a bug, when does it crash, is it random? are there alwatys certain apps than make it crash? have you read the system logs to se whats going on?14:42
jbwivActionParsnip: no, I haven't...but I should. It happens regularly with my default apps (xchat, firefox, pidgin, and netbeans) running. Would a crash log to /var/log/syslog?14:43
untiledActionParsnip: it return me with python-gpod package integrity14:43
ActionParsnipjbwiv: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LinuxLogFiles14:44
jbwivit typically starts with the panel...apps that are running no longer show up in it. The, I can click the panel and the app crashes14:45
ActionParsnipuntiled: you could manually download the deb from the repo, then install it nicely, satisfy deps til it moans about python then force install the last package14:45
dvheumenHi everyone. I have an annoying little bug and I'd like to find out if it's fixable. When I choose 'Leave' in KDE 4.2 ... it takes about > 60 seconds before the shutdown dialog actually shows. Does anyone know anything about this?14:45
jbwivActionParsnip: ok, I'll take a look. Thanks14:45
alarmthe problem that i have is that konqueror gives me an error KCrash: Application 'konqueror' crashing...sock_file=/home/alarm/.kde/socket-rockpc/kdeinit4__0 after the update , and wont run14:45
untiledActionParsnip: ok, i'll try14:45
ActionParsnipalarm: does renaming that file help, if it makes things bad, rename it back14:46
alarmActionParsnip,  i completely removed it, didnt change anything14:46
ActionParsnipalarm: renaming is better, you dont have a rollback method now if the file is neeed14:47
alarmand i see that today it was upgrated (from my dpkg.log) 2009-03-05 11:18:38 upgrade konqueror 4:4.2.0-0ubuntu1~intrepid1~ppa2 4:4.2.1-0ubuntu1~intrepid114:47
ActionParsnipalarm: i would go deleting random files unless you know exactly what they are, you will break your system less14:47
alarmthe point is on the log file i see also lines like 2009-03-05 11:18:38 status half-installed konqueror 4:4.2.0-0ubuntu1~intrepid1~ppa2 (what is half-installed? )14:47
alarmActionParsnip,  i kept a back up, and place it back again , didnt change anything14:47
ActionParsnipalarm: try: sudo apt-get --reinstall install konqueror14:48
alarmActionParsnip, i did allready , and all of its packages14:48
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ActionParsnipalarm: then try: sudo apt-get --purge remove konqueror; sudo apt-get --purge autoremove; sudo apt-get clean; rm -rf ~/.kde/share/config/konquerorrc; sudo apt-get install konqueror14:50
alarmok, i will do that14:50
=== fideas is now known as Arthrun
ActionParsnipalarm: that will remove all of konqueror + deps + config in system and home dir and the reinstall it14:50
untiledActionParsnip: it still have dependences issues14:51
ActionParsnipuntiled: what do you have now?14:51
untiledActionParsnip: libgpod0, and there isn't a canditate to installation on my repo14:52
alarmActionParsnip, still the same error14:52
ActionParsnipuntiled: sudo apt-get install  libgpod-common14:53
ActionParsnipalarm: then its a bug of some kind, you have a completely fresh install14:53
ubottuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu  -  Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots14:53
alarmit is strange. can i roll back in the version  konqueror 4:4.2.0-0ubuntu1~intrepid1~ppa2 that was running ? i dont know why to upgrade if its not running at all :)14:54
untiledActionParsnip: it's just installed and at latest version14:54
giarcais that normale I couldn't install kde-plasma-addon because the 4.2.1 package is not yet in repo?14:55
ActionParsnipuntiled: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=665327614:55
alarmgiarca, i  got the same shit after the update14:55
alarmand "show desktop" widget just doesnt run either14:55
alarmthat update was a mess14:55
ActionParsnipalarm: if you dont use konqueror, uninstall it14:56
alarmActionParsnip,  i use it , i need flash runing , and firefox with flash is buggy14:56
giarcaalarm: ok, I just want to know if was "normal" :)14:56
alarmgiarca,  things that dont work are NOT normal :)14:56
giarcaActionParsnip: good hint... gonna remove it :)14:56
giarcaalarm: yeah, I know...14:56
ActionParsnipgiarca: if you read through: dpkg -l | less you'll probably see a tonne of fluff you can remove14:58
alarmActionParsnip,  if you can help me with the problem that firefox and flash compatibility has, then i remove konqueror :)14:58
BluesKajkonq can't be removed without remove kubuntu-desktop14:59
giarcaActionParsnip: put the dump in a file so I can read it lately and purge my sistem :)14:59
ActionParsnipalarm: easy, ok are you 32bit or 64bit in ubuntu?14:59
jbwivguys, is there a way to take a system that was configured and installed as a regular ubuntu system and completely convert it to Kubuntu, removing file associations and programs that were there in the original system but are no longer necessary? For example, if I download a pdf in firefox, it still opens in Evince...not Okular...14:59
ActionParsnipgiarca: that too14:59
jussi01_!purekde | jbwiv15:00
ubottujbwiv: If you want to remove all !Gnome packages and have a default !Kubuntu system follow the instructions here « https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PureKDE »15:00
BluesKaj!pure kde | jbwiv15:00
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about pure kde15:00
alarmwhat happens with flash plugin (non-free), is that sometimes , instead of the flash applications i see just a gray thing. and i need to close the browser and try again and again15:00
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BluesKajjbwiv , google pure kde or pure kubuntu , you'll find a page with instructions15:01
ActionParsnipalarm: cd ~/; wget http://download.macromedia.com/pub/labs/flashplayer10/libflashplayer-; tar zxvf ./libflashplayer-; mkdir ~/.mozilla/plugins15:01
ActionParsnipalarm: thats step one15:01
alarmshall i frist remove the non-free that i got ?15:01
giarcaalarm: check with ps xa if any istance of npviewer.bin is crashed and kill it15:01
ActionParsnipalarm: keep it on15:02
alarmgiarca, thats not a solution dude, it happens many times15:02
alarmok let me do that then15:02
giarcamany times because you can have a crashed nsplunginwrapper15:02
giarcait happened sometimes to me too15:02
alarmi will try first what ActionParsnip  , i know i can restore it by killing npviewer, but thats not a solution as like 60-80% flash applications just crash15:03
alarmActionParsnip,  did the first steps15:03
alarmcreated also the plugin dir15:04
ActionParsnipalarm: if you are using nspluginwrapper, remove that15:04
alarmActionParsnip,  by removing nspluginwrapper it wants to remove also flashplugin-nonfree15:05
alarmis that ok ?15:05
ActionParsnipalarm: sure15:05
ActionParsnipjust get it all out15:05
alarmok , removed both15:05
ActionParsnipalarm: ok in the folder that came out of the archive you downloaded you will se a .so file15:06
ActionParsnipalarm: you need to copy that file to ~/.mozilla/plugins15:06
alarmcopy that in the plugin ?15:06
alarmrestart firefox ? thats it ?15:06
ActionParsnipdone and done15:07
DaSkreechalarm: hi15:07
alarmok let me try it15:07
ActionParsnipalarm: try: www.rathergood.com/blode215:07
alarmActionParsnip,  sometimes it works sometimes not, youtube is the best site to test it. when it crash all i see in the part where the application is, is just a grey panel15:08
alarmseems to work :)15:08
ActionParsnipalarm: ok, try this: killall firefox; sudo find / -name nsplu*15:08
ActionParsnipdont worry then15:08
ActionParsnipif it works dont fix it15:09
alarmwhat is npviewerplugin all about ?15:09
ActionParsnipyou can delete the folder and archive from your home folder to tidy up15:09
alarmDaSkreech,  hey15:09
ActionParsnipthere didnt used to be 64bit flash, infact its quite new15:09
untiledActionParsnip: it still don't work, now i got to go, thank you a lot15:09
ActionParsnipalarm: so 64bit linux ran the 32bit flash through a wrapper15:09
bejosdoes anyone have sis 672 vga driver for ubuntu 8.10?15:09
alarmah ok i see, thats why15:10
alarmhope they will be soon also some deb pagkage for java plugin without needing a work around15:10
ActionParsnipalarm: you may find there are stil the nsplugin files in your system which will need removing15:10
alarmActionParsnip,  thank you a lot for your help15:10
ActionParsnipbejos: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=684115715:11
alarmone more quick question if you dont mind. i looked in the shortcut keys but i could not find it. can i add a short cut key to show me the dekstop ? minimize all windows ?15:11
ActionParsnipbejos: seems to use the sis driver which is part of a stock ubuntu install15:11
ActionParsnipalarm: sure, run xev in terminal and press they keys, you will see it react if they are seen. make a note of the codes they generate15:12
ActionParsnipalarm: you can map stuff to those codes15:12
ActionParsnip!shortcut | alarm15:12
ubottualarm: keyboard shortcuts can be set in K -> System Settings -> Keyboard & Mouse. Try also "Input Actions" in KControl. If your multimedia keys don't work with that, try the 'keytouch' package, explained at https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KDEMultimediaKeys - See !Keyboard for changing layouts15:12
roamthe latest kde4.2 upgrade breaks kdeplasma-addons15:23
roamon intreprid15:24
tueroam: plasma wont start for you either?15:24
BluesKajI need some advice on some bashrc commands ..Ive been trying to make these commands work in /etc/bash.bashrc : http://www.peterbe.com/Disable-Caps-Lock-in-Linux , but they aren't working ...any ideas ?15:24
roamtue: it starts, afaict, but some plasmoids stop working15:25
roamlike notes plasmoid15:25
roamthis is from removing kdeplasma-addons packacke15:25
tueroam: okay, not the same problem that i have then... sorry. there seems to be some problems with plasma and this upgrade.15:26
roamand installing the new one wants to remove other packages like kate, kdebase-workspace-bin15:26
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roamand downgrade others15:26
roamwhich I don't dare to do.15:26
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ewjrwerweI have a question, if pingin to use yahoo messenger and talk to that how can you know what IP has to know how netstat or any port or what runs?15:27
DaSkreechewjrwerwe: You want to know what port yahoo uses?15:28
ewjrwerwein windows is 5101, but in ubuntu i dont know15:29
ewjrwerweunderstand what I mean?15:30
ewjrwerweif somebody knows what port users running on yahoo messenger when using pingin15:31
PiciUse netstat -tanp for active connections or use something like tcpdump or wireshark to sniff traffic15:31
ewjrwerweand what use? iptraf or netstat-p15:31
Piciewjrwerwe: Whatever you want15:31
DaSkreechewjrwerwe: 5050 I think15:32
ewjrwerweI want to know what ip address has useru that when using pingin talk on yahoo messenger, how am ip and port that runs15:32
thor_5050 and 5051 for file transfer15:32
ewjrwerwethis is file trasnfer ? tcp        0      0     ESTABLISHED 13750/pidgin15:33
thor_5050 is for chat15:33
ewjrwerwethanks very much15:34
venikCan anyone tell me how to configure Krusader so that I could use it in root mode by typing alt-k?15:49
venikI am getting an error message telling me that some path is not set properly, but I do not kow how to set the path15:49
venikit says that krusader or kdesu are missing from the path15:53
Wellarkdoes kubuntu have it's own channel dedicated to jaunty development?15:54
martijn81Wellark: do a /list15:59
Wellarkmartijn81: first of all using /list is concidered being bad behaviour and secondly I asked a simple question and I hoped to get a simple answer. thanks!16:02
martijn81Wellark: well, there is  #kubuntu-devel16:03
Wellarkmartijn81: sorry, I'm in a bad mood.16:06
Wellarkmartijn81: thanks!16:06
Cliff`Hi everyone. Wondering if anyone may be able to help me install Kubuntu. I downloaded & burned the ISO to a CD (actually did this twice from 2 different download locations). When I boot with the CD, the computer goes to the instllation menu, but when I select Install and hit Enter, nothing happens. This has happened on both my desktop computer and my laptop computer.16:14
Cliff`Also, on my desktop computer I have tried changing hard drives to see if it was the drive that was causing the problem and have used both SATA and IDE hard drives. The problem remains the same.16:16
fcodiazsometimes, when seomething like that happens to me I added "noapic noacpi" to the boot command and then works16:16
Cliff`Where in the boot command do I add that?16:17
obuntucan i edit menu.lst to use win in the primary hd as default os? i'm in hd0,0 now,i think it is that, that i should add16:18
fcodiazwhem you start with the CD16:18
fcodiazdon't remember, but it's one of the F4, F5 or F6 key you have to press16:18
fcodiazat the menu you will see these options at the bottom16:19
Cliff`Ok, I believe it is F4 and it shows a long line in the boot command. Do I add that to the end or somewhere in the middle of it?16:20
fcodiazat the end will be fine16:20
Cliff`I will try. thanks.16:20
obuntui mean = (hd0,0) it is the actual hd?16:20
torakoah how handy16:22
torakoi somewhat have a problem with kubuntu at the moment16:23
obuntu(hd0,1) is what?16:23
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torakothe problem is16:23
torakoafter i have restarted after updating16:24
torakoi cannot move my mouse at all16:24
torakoat the login screen16:24
torakoive ran recovery mode but that doesnt work16:24
torako(im using a clean Kubuntu installation right now)16:25
torakoalso, is it possible to upgrade to KDE 4.2?16:26
torakoin 8.10?16:26
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larsaamCuhsion: scitzo?16:29
Cuhsionlarsaam: what does that mean?16:30
larsaamCuhsion: 4.2 is available from kde.org not in Kubuntu yet16:30
Cuhsionthank you16:30
Slartibartfastobuntu: (hd0,1) is the second partition on the first HD16:30
Cuhsionlarsaam: ill download it directly16:31
Cuhsionisnt the topic at the top of the window (below the "file" toolbar) a bit old?16:32
Cuhsionsince 8.10 is out now16:33
rvvs89Hello, does KDE4 have an equivalent to the media:/ kio slave from KDE3?16:33
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Cuhsionrvvs89: I havent used KDE3 but 4 will very probably have a equivalent to the media:/ kio slave16:37
stdinCuhsion: we put recent releases in the topic, 8.04.2 came out after 8.1016:37
stdinKDE 4.2 is available in intrepid-backports16:37
Cuhsionstdin: ah. I didnt know. Sorry16:38
Cuhsionstdin: I thought that .04.2 was released BEFORE .1016:38
stdinalso, some people (who are insane IMO) don't like KDE 4, so 8.04.2 is the latest with KDE 316:38
Cuhsionthat makes sense16:38
stdinCueball: the .2 means it's the 2nd point release, as Ubuntu 8.04 is LTS and has a lot of updates16:39
stdineven though Kubuntu 8.04 is not LTS, we get special permission to also release a .216:39
Cuhsioncan I download KDE 4.2 via Konsole?16:39
stdinyeah, you just need to make sure intrepid-backports is enabled in your sources.list16:40
stdinthen do a normal "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade"16:40
rvvs89Cuhsion: Perhaps, but if so then it does not have the same name16:41
Cuhsionif i do "dist-upgrade" wont that upgrade to 9.04?16:41
stdinno, the name is a bit misleading. it will just upgrade the packages16:41
Cuhsionok then :)16:42
Cuhsionrvvs89: how do I edit the sources.list?16:42
Cuhsionis it similar to the way you edit it on ubuntu?16:43
rvvs89Cuhsion: With your favorite text editor16:43
rvvs89Cuhsion: As root16:43
thor_cuhsion: sudo pico <path to sources.list>16:43
Cuhsionwhat is the normal path to sources.list?16:44
Cuhsion*Kubuntu n00b*16:44
Cuhsionthanks guys16:44
Exilantalso, try locate sources.list or so, if you want to know where sth. is16:45
rvvs89Alternatively, why does the New Device Notifier panel widget always open devices in Dolphin, regardless of what the file associations are for directories?16:45
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Cuhsionthe "intrepid-backports" isnt in the sources list16:47
Cuhsionhow would i add it?16:47
stdinadd the line: deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ intrepid-backports main restricted universe multiverse16:47
Cuhsionand which part would i put it in?16:47
stdinjust add it to the bottom of the file16:47
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stdinthen Ctrl-O to save and Ctrl-X to close. then run "sudo apt-get update" to refresh the package cache16:48
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rvvs89I have to say, I'm very tempted to reinstall 8.04 because Konqueror is less functional in 8.1016:49
Cuhsioncan a text editor open "sources.list"?16:50
Cuhsionim having a bit of trouble with Konsole16:50
stdinyou can use Kate16:50
rvvs89Cuhsion: Yes, any text editor16:50
stdinkdesudo kate /etc/apt/sources.list16:50
Cuhsionah it seems the backports are there16:53
Cuhsionall that for nothing....16:53
Cuhsionoh well16:53
Cuhsionjust got to wait for Adept to finish16:54
Cuhsionso after i do "sudo apt-get update" then ill get KDE 4.2?16:55
Cuhsionor do I do "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade"?16:56
Cuhsionwhich one goes first?16:56
Exilantfirst update (fetches package lists) then upgrade (fetches packages)16:56
Cuhsionor doesnt it matter?16:56
Cuhsionoh right16:56
thor_can anyone tell me if amarok can update my music library from ipod ?16:57
Cuhsionooh, id like to know as well16:58
Cuhsionit would be easier16:58
Cuhsioni thought wrong16:58
thor_i mean on ipod16:59
Cuhsionupdate the music library on Amarok from your ipod?17:00
Cuhsionlike, add songs from your ipod onto amarok17:00
thor_no...adding songs from amaron ON ipod17:01
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Cuhsionthats actually what i was thinking.17:01
Cuhsioni suck.17:01
Cuhsioni really do.17:01
thor_my mistake :D17:01
Cuhsionthor_: are you sure?17:02
stdinbest place to ask is #amarok17:02
somethingcleveris htere a way to get rid of plasma and just have a desktop?17:03
Cuhsionstdin: woah. a amarok irc channel? would of never thought17:03
somethingcleverlike Mepis?17:03
Cuhsionsomethingclever: another thing i want to know.....17:03
stdinCueball: many projects have their own channel17:03
stdinsomethingclever: you can not get rid of plasma, but you can have a "classic" style desktop (with KDE 4.2)17:04
Cuhsionsomethingclever: like having a desktop without that gray window?17:04
somethingcleverpretty much Cuhsion17:04
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CuhsionIt would be nice to have a desktop without the gray window17:04
cuzntgrey wondow/17:05
somethingcleveri really like mepis8 though, its the first OS that makes me wanna switch from ubuntu17:05
cuzntwhat grey window17:05
stdinwhat grey window?17:05
Cuhsionive not looked at it yet17:05
Cuhsionill check it out17:05
stdindo you mean the folder view widget?17:05
Cuhsionstdin: i think so, yes17:05
stdinlike I said, you can do that in 4.217:06
somethingcleverstdin: how?17:06
stdinright click the desktop -> Appearance Settings, change Type to Folder View17:06
Cuhsionthanks stdin17:07
SlartibartfastNow that kde 4.2.1 is out and already rolled into Jaunty, does somebody know  if this also will be soon available for 8.10 ?17:07
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stdinit should be, 4.2.1 is in the kubuntu-experimental PPA now17:08
Cuhsionthis is a bit off topic but does anyone know if theres a Berry Linux IRC channel?17:09
Cuhsionit would be handy to know17:09
stdin/msg alis help list17:10
stdinit'll let you search all the channels on Freenode17:10
Cuhsionthank you again stdin17:10
stdinso "/msg alis list *berry*" for instance17:10
Cuhsionill search around on google17:11
stdinthey have a forum17:12
Cuhsion*jaw drops*17:13
Cuhsionive been there17:13
CuhsionNO-ONE. REPLIED.17:13
tue__Slartibartfast: Just a word of warning, i upgraded from 4.2.0 to 4.2.1 on kubuntu 8.10 and now plasma cannot start.. seems like there may be problems with the packages.17:13
Slartibartfasttue__: aha, thanks a lot for the warning17:14
stdintue__: report it in #kubuntu-devel17:14
Cuhsionsomeone. REPLIED.17:14
tue__stdin: There is allready a bug posted.17:15
Slartibartfasttue__: i have been upgrading Jaunty today and had no problems .... so this must be 8.10 specific17:16
SlartibartfastDon't know if the packages in the PPA repostories  are much different as what is officialy used in Jaunty17:17
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* Cuhsion thinks, does this work17:19
* Cuhsion thinks, yes, it does17:19
husaynHI guys17:19
husaynI have installed Kubuntu 8.1017:19
husaynwith KDE 4.117:19
husaynthe problem is that ,........ that i cant see the Documents thing17:19
husaynhow to accessss the documents folder , earlier it was easy in kubuntu 8.04 with KDE 317:19
* Cuhsion is thinking whether or not he wants to upgrade to Jaunty17:20
husaynbut in KDE 4 i cant see anywhere documents , Home, root these kinds of things17:20
Cuhsionhusayn: have you looked in Dolphin?17:21
Cuhsionhusayn: it would be at the side17:21
husaynhow to open dolphin17:21
husaynfrom add widget ?17:21
husaynI open trash cane and then can access documentnts etc17:22
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Cuhsionhusayn: Click on the app. launcher17:22
husaynbut first in KDE 3 i was having simple Documents , Home , Storage etc to click and check it out17:22
Cuhsionhusayn: Dolphin is in the "Favourites" section17:22
husaynDolphine file manager17:22
husaynI seee17:23
husaynthanks dude .........17:23
husaynsecondly i want to know......17:23
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husaynthat i want to download widgets from internet17:23
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husayni want a CPU meter on the desktop17:23
husaynwhen i click Add widget , and click more widgets from internet , several wigets come but how to download them17:23
husaynI want a CPU widget on the desktop...... also showing my ram etc.17:24
Cuhsionhusayn: Just click "install" to the right of the widger17:24
JuJuBeeHow do I change the size of the icons in the panel?  System Settings -> Appearance -> Icons -> Panel is set to 32 and grayed out.17:25
husaynyes ...... on all widgets i have clicked install17:25
husaynand then there is one button below ..... i.e. Close17:25
husayni then close it ..... again i open widget window but cant see those widgets17:25
Cuhsionhusayn: hmm17:26
Cuhsionhusayn: k. does the little icon by the widget say "Uninstall"?17:27
husaynwhen i double click it becomes uninstall17:27
Cuhsionhusayn: then its installed. click Close and then close the Add Widgets window17:27
Cuhsionhusayn: then open it again17:28
husaynokey let me check again17:28
Cuhsionhusayn: search <insert widget name here>17:28
Cuhsionhusayn: then add it.17:28
husayni went to add widgets .. and the all widgets.........17:29
husaynnothing is coming........ all blank widgets17:29
Cuhsionhusayn: it hasnt worked with me either.17:29
Cuhsionhusayn: i downloaded "RamMeter"17:29
husaynlet me check again17:29
Cuhsionhusayn: It hasnt come up17:29
Cuhsionsorry husayn, but I dont know....17:30
Cuhsionstdin, do you know?17:30
husaynno problem17:31
stdinit looks like it's a superkaramba widget17:34
Cuhsioncan someone convince me to upgrade to the latest Alpha of Jaunty?17:34
LjLCuhsion: i could convince you not to17:35
husaynI want to access Shares on my Windows machine17:36
husaynearlier in KDE 3 i used to type \\ and the share came..17:36
husaynhow to do in KDE 417:36
* Cuhsion is a n00b in all this lot, so don't ask him17:37
makdaknifehusayn: maybe try smb://
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husaynThanks makdaknife17:39
makdaknifehusayn: did that work?17:39
husaynyou people great17:39
makdaknifegood :-)17:39
CuhsionSomeone please convince me to upgrade to Jaunty. Please. ._.17:42
makdaknifeCuhsion: why do you want to be convinced?17:42
husaynhey can you people tell me the difference b/w these hardy jaunty things17:43
husayni dont understand...... all i know is Kubuntu 8.04 and 8.10 these kinds of things17:43
makdaknifeCuhsion: either do it or don't... its up to you17:43
makdaknifehusayn: `the 8.04 and 8.10 are release numbers... they map onto the different codenames for each release17:44
makdaknifehusayn: so hardy=8.04; intrepid=8.10 and jaunty is currently in development and will be the next major release17:45
BentFranklinupgrades are for masochists17:45
nizzai just upgraded kde to 4.2.1 and got this17:45
nizzakonqueror(22052) KServiceFactory::findServiceByDesktopPath: "findServiceByDesktopPath: searchproviders/.desktop not found"17:45
nizzaKCrash: Application 'konqueror' crashing...17:45
nizzawhen i load konqueror17:45
CuhsionBentFranklin: You somewhat have a point17:45
nizzawhat is going on?17:45
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vishesh_Hey I have this Intel G35 onboard graphic card. And I don't think the drivers are installed cause whenever I run an openGL application, it runs really sluggishly plus there is nothing about a graphic card in xorg. I have the xorg-intel ... package installed. Any suggestions ?17:47
Slartibartfasthusayn every new release follow the alphabet ... Once there was Feisty, then cam Gutsy, Then Hardy ,,, now there is Intrepid, and the next will be Jaunty17:48
White_Pelicanin kde 3, as you all remember, the "K" button was on the taskbar, in kde 4, what is it now called?17:48
husaynohhhhhh I cee17:48
husaynactually i am a windows and cisco guy....... i have no idea about linux operating systems17:49
SlartibartfastAfter Jaunty Jackalope will come Karmic Koala :-D17:49
SlartibartfastYou see :-)17:49
SlartibartfastIt are just names ...17:49
husayni cee like Windows xp and windows vista and windows 717:50
SlartibartfastYeah ... but with a little more consistency17:50
Slartibartfasti mean .. 95 me xp vista 7 doesn't have nothing in common ......17:51
husaynhummm i cee....17:51
husaynhey i wana ask a question17:51
ubottuUbuntu 7.04 installs multimedia codecs automatically. For older versions of Ubuntu, or if you can't use the automatic installer, see https://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - For multimedia applications, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MultimediaApplications17:51
husaynIn my office... we have got Dell Optiplex computer with 1.8Ghz and 1GB ram , when i am running Kubuntu there , live cd , it gets stuck during the load process of KDE17:52
vishesh_You think any of you would be able to help me out ?17:52
husaynbut in home my IBM t42 , 1.7Ghz with 1GB ram , its working fine17:52
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husaynbut in office ,....... i have tried the same on 2 different PCs both Dell optiplex... but i receive the same problem17:52
martijn81anyone else having problems with konqueror under kde 4.2.1?17:53
makdaknifehusayn: yeah... except that microsoft has codenames as well... so think of Windows XP as something like Kubuntu 8.04 and 'Whistler' as something like 'Hardy Heron'17:53
CuhsionSlartibartfast: KARMIC KOALA?!17:53
CuhsionSlartibartfast: Thats just a little cool.17:53
jbwivguys, is there a way to get Firefox to use dolphin when attaching/uploading files?17:53
CuhsionSlartibartfast: Im giving Kudos to the person who made that name17:54
BentFranklinvishesh_: Don't ask to ask, just ask17:54
SlartibartfastCuhsion: Yeah , as far as i know that will come after Jaunty jackalope :-)17:54
CuhsionSlartibartfast: I thank you for telling me. Now, I must find the person who made that name17:55
SlartibartfastGoogle it and you'll see: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel-announce/2009-February/000536.html17:55
* makdaknife is holding out for the 'Zimmerframe Zebra' release17:56
ubottuKarmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 2009 - For more info see https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel-announce/2009-February/000536.html17:56
Slartibartfasthehehe .. cool17:56
CuhsionZimmerframe Zebra.....17:58
macoCuhsion: what?17:58
macoCuhsion: releases are usually in april and october...17:58
Cuhsion"[17:56] * makdaknife is holding out for the 'Zimmerframe Zebra' release"17:58
makdaknife:-) by that stage kde4 will kick-ass17:59
maco...already does18:00
makdaknifemaco: sure... still a bit buggy though18:00
macomakdaknife: just about all software has bugs18:00
makdaknifemaco: sure... some software more than other18:00
makdaknifemaco: I'm really enjoying kde4 btw... just think that it still needs a lot of work18:01
* Cuhsion is wondering if 9.04 is any different than 8.10 except from a few bugs fixed, faster boot time and new versions of programs18:01
macoCuhsion: not really18:01
SlartibartfastCuhsion: new versions of programs bring new features18:02
ubunturospossibly, it ends up being that.18:02
macoubuntu has that new notification thing that makes pidgin-on-kubuntu annoying. but kubuntu...pretty much just version updates i think. oh and kpackagekit replacing adept.18:02
Slartibartfasti noticed today kpackagekit installed complete automatically new software :-) ... really did not have to do anything18:04
tue__anyone knows about the current stability of jaunty alpha 5?18:04
CuhsionI, too, would like to know about the stabillity.18:06
Slartibartfasttue__: well alpha 5 is already old and needds a lot of updates ... still a lot of problems.18:06
SlartibartfastLike i can not normally shutdown ... need to crash X with ctrl alt bksp to shutdown ..... nvidia problems18:08
Slartibartfastfirefox seem to crash when shutting down ....18:08
Slartibartfastsome applets crash18:08
Cuhsionill wait.18:09
Cuhsionhow stable would the Beta be?18:10
Cuhsionoh wait18:10
Cuhsionignore me18:10
Cuhsionnext month is april18:10
Cuhsionill just wait until then18:10
SlartibartfastCuhsion: good choice :-)18:11
Slartibartfaston my laptop i also wait ... but on my desktop where i can choose from 4 operating systems to boot it is nice to test things out18:12
ZmAYi would like to format /dev/sda8 with reiserFS, what is the command.. sudo mkfs.reiserfs /dev/sda8  ?18:16
makdaknifeZmAY: pretty much...18:18
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ZmAYis anything missing18:18
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makdaknifeZmAY: not unless you want something specific18:19
makdaknifeZmAY: you could man mkfs.reiserfs18:20
ZmAYnot realy, but if i run that command nothing happens18:20
makdaknifeZmAY: unfortunately I don't have anything that I can test that on18:21
ZmAYok, tnx anywhy18:22
JuJuBeeHow do I install kde 4.2 for intrepid?18:22
JuJuBeeJust select intrepid-backports under sources?18:23
Shaman666intrepid-backports to your sources18:24
JuJuBeeK, that was easy.  Thanks Shaman66618:24
ubuntu__ :)18:25
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anahatahi :)18:25
anahatai'm talking to you from kubuntu livecd18:27
anahatasoon i shall install the whole thing, dual booting with xp, so i'll probably be in here for help later on18:27
makdaknifeZmAY: i just created a small img using dd and tried mkfs.reiserfs and definitely got a load of clear output... something must be wrong on your side18:28
makdaknifecool see you later anahata18:29
sheeplehello friends.18:31
anahatano i'm not leaving yet :P18:31
anahatabut i will soon here18:31
ubunturosI have Kubuntu 6.06.2; support ends June 2009 if I'm not wrong. I haven't upgraded my hardware, so I'll continue to use it after June 2009; Is that too risky?18:33
Piciubunturos: No support means no new security patches will be published, nor will bugs be fixed for things that you may have issues with.18:34
makdaknifeubunturos: it depends on what you're using the machine for... if you're worried about security and connected to the net... you may want to upgrade18:34
JuJuBeeShaman666: I installed the updates after enabling backports now kdm does not load, gdm does though.  dpkg-reconfigure kdm states kdm is broken or not fully installed.  What do I do to correct this?18:34
ubunturosPici: hmm18:35
JuJuBeenm, apt-get install kdm18:35
ubunturosmakdaknife: hmm18:35
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BluesKajuse adept or synaptic , Shaman66618:36
makdaknifeubunturos: is there any particular reason you don't want to upgrade?18:36
ubunturosmakdaknife: do not want to spend on new hardware, perhaps cannot18:37
Exilantubunturos: doesn't seem too risky, unless it's a highly visible server18:38
JuJuBeeShaman666: I installed kdm, now when I restart, KDE is not a session option?  only gnome18:39
ubunturosExilant: yes, it is just my desktop server torrents of Kubuntu, Zeitgeist18:39
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makdaknifeubunturos: Exilant speaks wisely... although you don't have to go for all the bells and whistles with an upgrade.... and your hardware is unlikely to become incompatible18:39
makdaknifeubunturos: you will probably be okay for many months to come :-)18:40
ubunturoserrr. desktop serving*18:40
ubunturosmakdaknife: I hope so.18:40
Shaman666you need to install the full kde meta package18:40
Shaman666and that includes kwin+kdm18:40
JuJuBeeCould not mark all packages for installation or upgrade...18:41
JuJuBeeWhen I run apt-get update, I get a GPG error about ppa.launchpad.net intrepid Release... couldn't be verified...18:43
Pici!ppagpg | JuJuBee18:43
ubottuJuJuBee: Getting an error about a PPA's GPG key? see https://help.launchpad.net/Packaging/PPA#Adding%20a%20PPA%27s%20keys%20to%20your%20system18:43
Shaman666not a big deal18:43
Shaman666I use dselect for that tool, myself18:43
untiledi am on kubuntu jaunty, thare is a channel where i have to join in?18:48
fosco__untiled, try #ubuntu+118:48
JuJuBeeWhen generating the gpg key, do I select DSA and Elgamal or DSA only or RSA only?18:49
sheeplekde 4.1 has a network tool in the tray.  how is it that i can connect to my wifi router via that, and not via --->  iwconfig wlan0 essid myRouter18:51
nightwatchhi there, Im using kubuntu intrepid and my videocard is intel 945, I find out that the 3d proccessing is too slow, the 3d effects perform very bad and google earth almost cant run.. any tips or help?18:52
sheeplenightwatch: sounds like you need intel drivers18:52
anahataare you named after the movie night watch in russian?18:52
anahata(i need a new monitor soon b/c i can't increase the refresh rate of my old uvga monitor.... or do i just need new drivers? )18:53
nightwatchI tried to reinstall intel driver from the site but the performance is the same18:53
nightwatchworks better in last version I used [hardy]18:54
nightwatchanahata: yes18:54
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anahatanightwatch: cool :)18:54
nightwatchsheeple: I have the new drivers installed but xorg are very different from the old version[hardy]18:54
nightwatchanahata: why? do you  know them?18:55
sheeplenightwatch: have you hollered "Linux Garbage"  at the top of your lungs ?18:55
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anahatanightwatch: the movies i have indeed seen, if that's what you mean... btw did you know the next one Twilight Watch is being made by Americans in English :(18:56
nightwatchsheeple: no, never!18:56
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JuJuBeeIm trying to create my key using gpg... what is the key-id?  how do I find it?18:57
nightwatchanahata: :( no I didn't no the same actors?18:57
anahatanightwatch: i imagine the same actors, though i'm not sure. i'm sure there is much talk of this on fan forums and maybe imdb.com.18:58
anahataok i have to run. bye all!18:59
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JuJuBeeCan someone help me with my OpenPGP key?  I created it, but to upload to keyserver I need to know the key-id, but I dont know where to find it.19:01
sheeplewhy is it when i open a program, i.e. Konsole, it loads in workspace/pager 219:02
sheeplerather than the workspace im in19:03
sheepleoh sorry, i am in 219:03
BluesKajJuJuBee , you get the keyserver# from the repos page , depending on which repository deb you got it from19:03
sheeplehmmm no kcontrol in kde 4.119:03
ExilantJuJuBee: in kgpg it's simple19:04
Exilantotherwise --list-keys or so19:05
JuJuBeeBluesKaj:  I don't know.  Im tryingt o install kde 4.2, was getting pgp errors, so looks like I need to create a key.  Followed links to launchpad and directions are not very clear..19:05
Exilantand remember to create a revoke cert before uploading it19:05
JuJuBeeI did list-keys, but what is the key-id and syntax to upload it.19:05
JuJuBeeI am un new territory.19:05
JuJuBeefor me19:05
BluesKajJuJuBee , you can't "create" a key , the repos supplies the correct key19:06
Exilantafaik it's pretty tolerant with what it accepts as an id19:06
JuJuBeeoriginally list-keys showed no key19:06
JuJuBeeDirections sauid to --gen-key, so I did...19:07
JuJuBeenow list-keys shows19:07
BluesKajJuJuBee , are you able to download upgrades with the experimental ppa used for kde4.2 ?19:07
JuJuBeeI tried to apt-get install kde and it gave me the error19:07
BluesKajJuJuBee , post your sources.list on pastebin19:07
tanerci installed kubuntu 8.10 with kde 4.1 but it is not stable, pc freez (i think by amarok.. )19:08
tanercis that a bug..19:09
BluesKajJuJuBee , this the place to upgrade to 4.2 ..read the instructiions : http://kubuntu.org/news/kde-4.219:09
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JuJuBeeThat is where I started19:10
JuJuBeeBluesKaj: http://paste.ubuntu.com/12687519:10
fosco__jaunty already has kde 4.2.119:10
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fosco__Version: 4:4.2.1a-0ubuntu119:11
giarcafosco__: intrepid too :)19:14
fosco__oficial repos? don't think so ;)19:14
BluesKajJuJuBee, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu19:17
giarcafosco__: intrepid-backports I think...19:17
fosco__maybe, just updating here right now ...19:18
JuJuBeeBluesKaj: I saw that page.  But what do I add?  What source am I missing...19:18
giarcano, intrepid repo19:18
failershow do i check wich version of kde i got19:18
fosco__failers, dpkg -l | grep kdelibs19:19
failers4.2 ok19:20
failersthanx fophillips19:20
peaches__so how you guys doing using nvidia and 3d desktop for latest kde.. good bad ugly?19:20
BluesKaj4.2 isn't officially supported in intrepid according to this page: https://launchpad.net/~kubuntu-experimental/+archive/ppa  , just be sure to choose "intrepid" in the drop down dialog box, unless you want the juanty repos19:22
BluesKajJuJuBee , https://launchpad.net/~kubuntu-experimental/+archive/ppa19:23
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JuJuBeeBluesKaj: thanks.  Still getting an error when I reload the package manager about GPG NO_PUBKEY 60487016493B306519:27
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JuJuBeeSo do I copy the content sof the key from launchpad? from that page?19:28
Mamarokpedro: behave!19:28
DarthfrogDoes Kopete do IRC?  I don't see it in the protocols.19:28
Exilantafaik in kde4 no more19:29
Exilanta pity, no decent irc for kde419:29
Exilantwell, not that konversation was great19:29
drostieQuassel is nice. Not brilliant, but nice.19:30
drostieI especially like the fact that it automatically logs me in to NickServ.19:30
giarcadrostie: konversation too19:31
drostiegiarca: well, yeah, but konversation isn't kde4, which is what Exilant was saying.19:31
Exilanti'm using screen/irssi in konsole, with clickable links almost integrated :)19:31
giarcakonversation kde4 porting is on the way to arrive19:32
giarcakonversation svn is kde419:32
drostiegood to hear.19:32
drostieNow if only the Network Management plasmoid that comes with kubuntu worked properly, I could be happy with kde4. ^_^19:33
Exilantyeah, and some media:/ replacement19:33
sebbea LOT of people19:34
drostieAnd maybe right-click a drive to determine where it mounts to.19:34
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Exilantwell, hopefully with 4.3 :)19:35
Exilantmy hardy is beginning to get stale :/19:36
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drostieI had to use Jaunty because the Intrepid upgrade path broke my computer :-(19:37
drostie(the upgrade path to kde4.2, I mean.)19:37
drostie!hi | mathieu_19:37
mathieu_anyone here experiences problems (plasma crashing) after upgrade to 4.2.119:37
ubottumathieu_: Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu!19:37
drostieI really believe that the web site should say, underneath the half-tutorial explaining how to upgrade, "The experimental ppa upgrade to kde 4.2 may or may not break your computer. Just sayin'."19:39
mathieu_but its weird because I have 2 similar setup (virtualbox)19:39
martijn81anyone else having problems with konqueror under kde 4.2.1?19:39
mathieu_1 works, the other doesnt19:39
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drostieThat would be the "may or may not" statement in the disclaimer. ^_^19:40
peaches__martijn81: like what19:40
surgyhow do i make my desktop into a terminal? anyone know of any tutorials?19:40
drostieAs far as I can tell, the experimental ppa chooses 10-30% of people at random and breaks their computer.19:40
drostiesurgy: press Ctrl-Alt-F1 to access a teletype, Ctrl-Alt-F7 to return.19:41
mathieu_lets just say that I didnt impress my work colleague with a crash-on-startup :P19:41
drostie:-D oh well. ^_^19:42
drostieWait until april, then Jaunty will be stable, and then you can show your work colleagues via a Live CD.19:42
surgyno i mean to make a completely transparent console over my desktop image that doesnt move like a window and starts at boot19:42
BluesKajJuJuBee , ignore the error as long as you can install kde 4.219:43
JuJuBeeBluesKaj: I cannot install kde 4.2, that is the point here.19:44
JuJuBeesudo apt-get install kde tells me there are unmet dependencies19:45
drostiesurgy: I don't think there's a terminal plasmoid yet, if that's what you're looking for. Possibly there's one on kde-look.org?19:46
drostieJuJuBee: what's the problem, exactly? I joined when you were in mid-dialogue, it looks like.19:48
drostie!hi | kebstein19:49
ubottukebstein: Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu!19:49
JuJuBeeI am trying to install kde 4.2 for intrepid.19:49
kebsteinthnx this is my first time anyways. i install kubuntu yesterday19:49
JuJuBeeI addes the 2 sources to my list.19:49
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BluesKajJuJuBee , did you do, sudo apt-get update , after adding the repository ?19:51
gusssome body speak spanish or not19:52
JuJuBeeYes, get an error about the GPG key...19:52
BluesKajJuJuBee , https://help.launchpad.net/Packaging/PPA#Adding%20a%20PPA%20to%20your%20Ubuntu%20repositories19:55
kaddi!es |guss19:57
ubottuguss: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.19:57
martijn81anyone else having problems with konqueror under kde 4.2.1?19:57
martijn81i just upgraded kde to 4.2.1 and got this19:57
martijn81konqueror(22052) KServiceFactory::findServiceByDesktopPath: "findServiceByDesktopPath: searchproviders/.desktop not found"19:57
martijn81KCrash: Application 'konqueror' crashing...19:57
martijn81when i load konqueror19:57
barnoid_martijn81: me, I do :)19:58
barnoid_though I just found I can start konqueror if I click on a link in kmail19:59
peaches__martijn81: if you run at command prompt "kbuildsycoca4" check if it still happens19:59
barnoid_just not through the menu or from the commandline19:59
kaddiwhat release is kde 4.2.1 alpha beta or final?19:59
martijn81peaches__: it still happens20:00
barnoid_and for me20:00
peaches__martijn81: so youre running konqueror from shell otherwise to see the error right?20:01
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martijn81peaches__: correct20:01
peaches__martijn81: and from a konqueror menu item or icon ?20:03
barnoidfor me konqueror doesn't start from the menu or from a desktop icon20:05
martijn81peaches__: if i do this noting happens20:06
Tm_Tkaddi: final, there's no alpha or beta in maintenance releases20:07
barnoidjust tried the konqueror profiles widget, in this case I get the segfault error box20:07
barnoidno error box from the menu/icon20:07
barnoidok, I tried the "tabbed browsing" profile and it worked20:08
barnoidoops, plasma dies, I guess that's not been fixed then :)20:08
kaddigood to know :)20:09
peaches__martijn81 and barnoid, how did you both upgrade kde?20:09
martijn81peaches__: by the ppa repo, doing an apt-get upgrade20:10
barnoidpeaches__: same, but I used adept20:11
al3xHi. I used to start Krunner (KDE4) with Alt+F2, but yesterday I upgraded to KDE 4.2.1 and it is'nt working anymore (typing krunner in console will start it, but the Alt+F2 comb wont work). The same thing happend with Yakuake (F12 wont open the console) but starting it from konsole will open yakuake. Whats the problem? How can I fix it?20:12
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peaches__hmm looks like kubuntu's packages are broken..wonder if others have the problem..20:13
BluesKajpeaches__, barnoid , check this out : http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/ubuntu-linux-install-kde-42/20:13
al3xtrying to install kdesdk says that there are broken packages...so...¿when are all packages going to be uploaded to repositories?20:13
BluesKajpeaches__, barnoid , or this http://www.kubuntu.org/node/5820:15
JuJuBeeBluesKaj: Finally got to import the key to launchpad.20:15
BluesKajJuJuBee , did you see the above ?20:16
JuJuBeeThe link you sent earlier?20:16
BluesKajthese are alternatives20:16
BluesKajJuJuBee http://www.kubuntu.org/node/58 and http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/ubuntu-linux-install-kde-42/20:17
barnoidI may have fixed it20:18
JuJuBeeBluesKaj: no, I didn't see these links.  Was reading...20:18
JuJuBeeLooking now20:18
barnoidIn the settings menu I clicked "Save View Profile "Web Browsing"..."20:19
barnoidrecreated that profile20:19
barnoidnow it starts from the menu20:19
barnoidand from commandline20:20
lovrehow do you say if something is "more quality"?20:20
lovrelike big -> bigger20:20
lovrequality --> ??20:21
martijn81BluesKaj: that is for an older release20:21
rizvankde 4.2.1 on intrepid?20:21
JuJuBeeThats what I am trying to install20:22
Shaman666I finished compiling on my gentoo box earlier20:22
Shaman666yay for qx9650 chips20:22
Shaman666and i720:22
BluesKajmartijn81, just sub the name of your version20:28
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MArcoVisitaciao a tutti20:29
Tm_Ttutti suuhun ja menoksi20:29
BluesKaj!it | MArcoVisita20:29
ubottuMArcoVisita: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)20:30
ZmAYis it possible to transfer whole directory over ssh?20:35
barnoidZmAY: scp -r20:36
martijn81BluesKaj: but you cannot mean that konqueror does not work anymore! all my passwords are in that20:40
barnoidmartijn81: tried my fix? ^^20:40
barnoidmartijn81: can you make konq start from other profiles?20:41
martijn81barnoid: i have no clue, what do i need to change and where?20:42
barnoidmartijn81: you could try 'konqueror --profile tabbedbrowsing' from commandline20:42
barnoidor add the Konqueror Profiles widget to your panel20:43
martijn81barnoid: this worked for me too20:44
martijn81how can i change this?20:44
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barnoidmartijn81: in the konq settings menu, select "Save View Profile "Web Browsing"..." or whichever20:45
barnoidselect the Web Browsing profile in the box to overwrite the old one20:46
martijn81barnoid: i see20:47
lovreis there a calendar / planner kde plasmoid?20:52
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ibuffycan someone please help me! quite often apps do not respond to my keyboard input.20:56
ibuffylovre: not that i'm aware of, have you checked kde-look.org?20:57
lovreibuffy: i have downloaded google-desktop-linux and a gadget for desktop, but i dont know how to install it20:57
* devilsadvocate seems to remember talk about plasma being compatible with google widgets20:58
lovredevilsadvocate: ah, ill try that, didnt think of it...20:59
devilsadvocatelovre, im _not sure_ .. i heard that a while ago, and it was a then a planned feature21:00
lovredevilsadvocate: hmm, doesnt seem to work atm21:00
devilsadvocatelovre, sorry then :(21:01
lovredevilsadvocate: there _are_ some information about this online.. so you were not so wrong :D21:01
lovredevilsadvocate: but i dont think it has been implemented YET21:02
lovredevilsadvocate: hmm, i should be able to select google widget from the list when i click add widgets... but there is no such option21:03
devilsadvocatelovre, it might be a new feature, as in, not yet in kubuntu packagea21:03
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devilsadvocateare you running 4.2?21:03
ibuffydevilsadvocate: it is a recent kde commit, not sure if it's in kubuntu yet21:04
devilsadvocatelovre, there you go ^ :)21:04
lovredevilsadvocate: :)21:04
lovredevilsadvocate: looking forward to it21:04
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joinADquestion..   i am testing ubuntu on some of our lower end boxes.   I would like to join this one to AD21:05
martijn81are there any user here using ktorrent trunk?21:05
joinADi have tried: http://bobbyallen.wordpress.com/2008/05/23/how-to-join-ubuntu-804-to-windows-active-directory-domain/21:05
joinADanybody familiar with the process?21:06
devilsadvocatejoinAD, as in user login takes auth from AD?21:07
joinADthe farthest i have gotten is terminal telling me some ports should be opened.21:07
joinADsays "some  required ports on the DC could not be contacted21:08
joinADplease update your firewall settings to ensure these ports are open21:08
joinADthen it lists some.21:08
devilsadvocatejoinAD, are you running a firewall on kubuntu? did you manually set something up ?21:09
joinADperhaps my syntax was wrong ... ?21:09
joinADsudo domainjoin-cli join syrtime-local ACCOUNT PASS21:10
devilsadvocatejoinAD, not sure21:11
joinADif i change the - to a .  ... syrtime.local21:11
joinADi get a diff message.21:11
joinADresolving failed, check that the cdomain name is correct..21:11
joinADso i figure the first is correct21:12
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weedarAfter the latest update in Intrepid I consistently see Plasma crashing after I login - any known fixes for this?21:20
weedarOr if someone would be so nice as to let me know how I can downgrade to KDE 4.2.021:23
weedarnevermind, found a .deb  from a thread on ubuntuforums :)21:25
coolianAnyone compiling kde trunk in here?21:29
mend_Hey, could anyone help me please? For some reason all my desktop effects don't work anymore21:30
peaches__coolian: yep21:31
coolianpeaches__: I have been following it for years, but with the jump to qt 4.5, I cannot for the life of me get kdesupport to compile. Gives a "Cannot compile a simple test program" error21:32
coolianI've redownloaded, rebuilt...to no avail.21:32
peaches__doesnt it create a config.log file or whatever so you can check what  test it's trying to compile21:33
coolianYes, let me double-check it.21:33
alissonalgum brasileiro?21:33
ubottuPor favor, use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado.21:34
coolian//Result of TRY_COMPILE_compile_result:INTERNAL=FALSE21:34
peaches__coolian: im going to look at mine. in the meantime if you dont already have an updated svn qt-copy youre going to need it to compile kdelibs21:36
coolianJust updated today21:37
coolianIt's something so fundamental that I don't see it21:38
peaches__coolian: hm can you pastbin your whole log21:39
coolianWhich filename?21:40
coolianI have a few21:40
peaches__start with CMakeError.log and CMakeOutput.log21:40
coolianK, hang21:40
peaches__i dont have that variable21:40
coolianSorry, I just meant "Hang on"21:42
peaches__ok it's not finding qt right21:43
peaches__set your QTDIR ?21:43
coolianYep. echo $QTDIR: /home/kde-devel/qt-copy21:44
peaches__see if qonfig.h is somewhhere in $QTDIR21:44
coolianwhich qmake21:44
coolian./src/corelib/global/qconfig.h  ./include/QtCore/qconfig.h  /include/Qt/qconfig.h21:45
coolianfrom  /home/kde-devel/qt-copy21:45
coolianAnd, mind you, I have blown away my kdesupport build and source dir and redownloaded from svn21:46
peaches__ok.. qt-copy svn is what im compiling right now.. taking a look21:46
coolianIt compiles fine for me.21:46
coolianJust not kdesupprt21:46
peaches__wonder if i'll run into the same thing21:46
coolianHope so21:47
peaches__i would too21:47
coolianWell, I won't feel like a dumba$$21:47
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peaches__coolian: ill let you know as it completes unless i see something from your output first. be a while21:52
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jcohi, what is the better way to install (and maintain) a 3.5 kde installation on 8.10?22:03
peaches__coolian hey still there, pastebin the output of the the first cmake configure piped to a file, after removing the build dir first22:08
coolianhang on22:08
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amgarchIn9hi, when I tar/untar a root partition to a new disk, how do I fix all those UIDs in grub/menu.lst and fstab?22:15
Szadekamarok 2.0.2 packages are going to be released when ?22:15
coolianamgarchIn9: dpkg -l |grep -i uuid22:16
coolianshould tell you the package name22:16
coolianI think it's blkid22:16
coolianIt is22:17
amgarchIn9coolian: I am already on a LiveUSB (Jaunty Alfa), I find only "uuid-runtime", it offer "uuidgen" "uuidd". Are these of any use?22:20
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coolianNope, as root, try blkid22:23
coolianIt should spit out every disk it sees22:23
coolianlike an fdisk22:23
coolianMine outputs this:22:23
coolian/dev/sda1: UUID="9A886E0F886DE9E9" TYPE="ntfs"22:23
amgarchIn9coolian: ok, I see them all. So you think If I replace UUID in fstab by that of the new disk it may work?22:26
coolianIf you replace the old UUID with the new one? Yes, it'll work.22:26
amgarchIn9Is there a dedicated script to fix grub on a new disk? Did anybody ever call Ubuntu-specific "update-grub" directly?22:31
coolianNo idea. Doubtful22:31
coolianI usually go through the terrible grub-setup process to install in the mbr of the new disk22:32
amgarchIn9there is a lot of logic in /usr/sbin/update-grub, hard to get through. BTW: "tar cf - . | tar xf -" should deal fine with /dev/* and such when I move a root partition (all those22:36
WorldBFreeanybody have any knowledge of loading the alternate .iso straight from the hd?22:36
WorldBFreeim trying to boot, it, i have extracted the initrd and vmlinuz, changed grub.  but no matter what it asks me for the cd image in the cdrom22:37
amgarchIn9WorldBFree: you may tell usb-creator to choose an *.iso to create a custom installation USB stick22:37
WorldBFreei dont want to do it from a usb stick.  i want to do it from a partition on my hd22:38
amgarchIn9I guess you can point usb-creator to a (spinning) disk partition22:39
amgarchIn9but then you will not be able to install there though22:40
WorldBFreeyeah i know22:40
WorldBFreeits on a vfat partition anyways22:41
jimdb_In kde 4.2, why is samba system settings grayed out22:43
jimdb_Anyone home here?22:44
coolianpeaches__: got to run. If you figure anything out, I'll be back, just pm me22:45
peaches__coolian: k22:50
matt___hi! can anyone recall the command line program for installing softare stacks on a server?22:55
rickestmatt___: apt-get, aptitude?23:00
matt___rickest, thank you my friend, but not apt-get, i think it was called tasksel or something23:01
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rickestmaybe taskset then?23:01
matt___no my friend - ill ask in server irc, thanks23:03
brehmcHi, I've been using fvwm and gnome in former times and thus I'm new to KDE.23:08
brehmcI'm trying to get rid of window decorations for xterm23:08
brehmchow can I do that?23:08
enderusafHello everyone!  New user here, and I'm bored here in Iraq so I thought I'd say hi.23:10
cjaehey my friend has kde 4.1 and everytime he does anything in the with the mouse or keyboard it freezes23:14
Walzmyn_OK, I just updated a whole bunch of KDE packages and now a bunch of stuff is broken23:15
cjaeI am going to get him to do sudo apt-get -f install and sudo dpkg --configure -a but what is the one that rebuilds kde window decorator? not sudo dpkg --reconfigure -xorg-server23:16
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cjaeWalzmyn_: try the first two commands in a terminal or console23:16
cjaeWalzmyn_: that I just typed above23:17
Walzmyn_cjae: what two commands?23:17
Walzmyn_cjae: what does apt-get -f install do?23:17
Dr_willis_AAO-f  = 'fix'23:17
Walzmyn_ah - ah, thank you Dr_willis23:18
ubottuAPT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome) or !Adept (KDE)23:18
ubottuThe "man" command brings up the Linux manual pages for the command you're interested in. Try "man intro" at the command line, or type man:/ in Konqueror's location bar. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal23:18
Walzmyn_err, Dr_willis_AAO - that was covered up23:18
cjaeDr_willis_AAO: -force23:19
Dr_willis_AAOI dident think -f ment force.. but 'fix' but i rarely need it :)23:19
Walzmyn_either way, it did nothing, cjae Dr_willis_AAO23:20
Dr_willis_AAOI dont even know what the origial problem is/was.23:20
cjaeand the dpkg one too23:20
tom_my computer hangs when im doing certain things for example closing a plasma widget thats on the desktop is there somehow i can check why it does that23:20
Walzmyn_konquorer will not open and several plasmoids are unavailable - I am running 4.223:20
tom_kubuntu 8,10 kde 4,223:20
cjaemy 4.2 runs flwalessly23:20
ghostcubetom_: grafic card ?23:21
Walzmyn_cjae: the dpkg command returned nothing23:21
tom_geforce 9600m gt23:21
tom_i also got the nvidia 180.35 pkg1 driver23:22
enderusafI specifically bought a laptop with an Nvidia card to be more linux friendly, cause trying to get my ati drivers on my desktop working right where a pain.23:22
cjaeWalzmyn_: does the computer work now23:22
ghostcubetom_: self instaleld ?23:22
tom_the nvidia drivers yes23:22
Walzmyn_cjae: computer works, just several apps not working - konqurorer and several plasmoids23:22
ghostcubetom_: is this intrepid ?23:22
cjaekde 4.1 or 4.223:23
tom_but it doesnt always hang only some times23:23
enderusafhave you tried downloading firefox and seeing if it does the same as konq?23:23
matt___does anyone know the irc for the server channel?23:23
alexeihi, after moving the root partition to a new bigger disk I dont see the graphical Kubuntu boot progress bar anymore. Any idea why?23:23
Walzmyn_cjae 8.10, 4.223:23
ghostcubetom_: tried an xorg-server version without ubuntu patch23:24
tom_no :o23:24
cjaeWalzmyn_: konq sucks right now anyway, not that is a good answered but I justed it for two months with 4.2 and I do not use it anymore23:24
Dr_willis_AAOalexei,  grub menu,lst is looking for the file on the old location perhaps23:24
enderusafYeah, I've never really liked konq, and always install firefox w/ kubunut.23:24
tom_ghostcube:  what do you mean with witout ubuntu patch23:24
Walzmyn_cjae:  it's just nice to have a second browser so my wife and I aren't logging each other out of gmail et al23:25
cjaeWalzmyn_: have you configured kde much like special settings (color and background)23:25
Walzmyn_cjae: just a little23:25
enderusafmy wife does all her gmail on her G1 phone.... lol23:25
* ghostcube hates the big brother phone23:25
Walzmyn_cjae: thanks for the help. Wife is saying supper's ready23:26
Dr_willis_AAOG1 - that the google phone?23:26
cjaeWalzmyn_: in terminal you could delete the kde settings to default (takes longer to log back in first time)23:26
enderusafit's the linux based phone23:26
enderusafthe google phone23:26
enderusafuses android as it's os'23:26
cjaeWalzmyn_: rm -rf ~/.kde23:26
Dr_willis_AAOthats what i asked.. :) lol...23:26
enderusafwhich if I remember right T-mobile claims is an free os23:27
Dr_willis_AAOdident even realize they were out to the public.23:27
enderusafit's late and I'm tired... lol23:27
cjaeWalzmyn_: then rebuild kde    sudo dpkg-reconfigure kwin23:27
Dr_willis_AAOIm on AT&T - just got a phone 2 months ago.. wanted to wait for that one.. but  wife had to get a new one...23:27
enderusafswapping from a day shift to a night shift23:27
cjaeWalzmyn_: after that must be your graphics card23:27
alexeiDr_willis_AAO: unlikely, I replaced all UUIDs there, nothing points to the old location anymore23:28
enderusafin all honesty I think the iphones are more fancy, and have better games on it.23:28
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enderusafthe qwerty keyboard on the G1 is real nice though.23:29
Dr_willis_AAOi got a Video-touch-screen phone. that does ok :) no games.. like i need games...23:29
enderusafyeah, the wife doesn't use any games either really....  However for people like me that travel alot, and sit in remote locations alot things like that are nice.23:30
enderusafalthough I'd really love to get one of those internet media tablets.23:30
enderusafunlie my wife I just have a cheapy music-express nokia phone23:33
enderusafwhich for some reason won't even turn on here in Iraq23:33
kagewhy doebut when i try it tells me i already has its my mp3support not work it tells me i need to reinstall a package23:35
tom_does kwin leave a error log23:43
kagei think so23:43
tom_any thoughts on where23:44
jimdb__In kde 4.2 , samba system settings are frayed out. Anyone know why or how to enable it?23:44
kageit tells me that mp3 is not supported and to install mp3 support but when i try to install it it says i already have it23:44
jimdb__Anyone in here?23:47
Dr_willis_AAONo :)23:47
Dr_willis_AAOInsttall the samba server package perhaps?23:48
ActionParsnipjimdb_no one here but us chickens23:57

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