
ubottuLaunchpad bug 338034 in launchpad "Problem with PPA authentication" [Undecided,New]00:29
wgrantWhy do bugs with linked branches in listings have an icon with title="Branch exists"? That's pretty useless - I want it to say something like "<Y> lp:~path/to/branch".00:35
wgrantThat way I can see at a glance some actual useful information and go to the relevant branches.00:35
pooliewgrant, sounds like a bug to me00:44
intellectronicawgrant: please file a bug, that's a very good idea00:48
wgrantpoolie, intellectronica: I actually had a similar suggestion about the blueprint icon get rejected, but maybe it's worth another try.00:58
poolieoh really, for what reason?00:58
pooliebranches are being much more actively developed than blueprints00:59
wgrantpoolie: Because there could be multiple linked, or something like that.01:01
wgrantIt was rejected for more than just Blueprint being abandoned for >4 years.01:01
poolieoh i see01:01
pooliePedantical, fuck yeah01:01
intellectronicawgrant: that's the pretty much the same for bugs and blueprint, it's just that we hardly ever schedule work on blueprint these days01:02
intellectronicawgrant: i don't think that there being more than one branch is a reason not to do this01:02
poolieseems to me you should have either "bug 1234" (which is surely the common case) or "multiple bugs"01:02
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1234 in launchpad-foundations "Gina is an unmaintainable mess of command line options, environment variables and shell scripts" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/123401:02
poolieor "bug 1234,1235, 1236"01:02
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1235 in launchpad-foundations "When batch_start is >= the number of bugs shown, an error is raised" [Critical,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/123501:02
pooliehello bot :)01:02
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1236 in malone "Malone column headings are all wrong" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/123601:02
wgrantpoolie: That's what I thought.01:02
wgrantpoolie: Pedantical?01:03
* wgrant biles a fug.01:03
wgrantMalone, I presume? Or lp-bzr?01:03
poolieif you're talking about links to branches, i'd say lp-bzr01:04
intellectronicawgrant: file it on malone, please01:04
* wgrant 's head explodes.01:04
* wgrant files it on malone.01:04
rockstarwgrant, you were asking about commit hooks for Tarmac.  I just landed it courtesy of statik01:47
thumperwgrant: the title on the branch links for the listings used to be there01:59
thumperwgrant: however it got vetoed by someone big01:59
thumperwgrant: sorry01:59
thumperwgrant: generally because there can be multiple links, and multiple badges was also vetoed02:00
spivthumper: it sucks a bit that the rare case causes the common case to suck02:01
thumperspiv: excrement happens02:02
wgrantthumper: Then someone big can veto mine again with a good reason, and I can contest it like the bastard I am,.02:29
* wgrant attracts $BIG_PERSON to bug #33807002:33
ubottuLaunchpad bug 338070 in malone "Show name of linked branch in bug listings" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33807002:33
=== salgado is now known as salgado-afk
wgrantrockstar: Is tarmac landing tarmac branches as you, hence the odd commit messages?02:34
rockstarwgrant, what odd commit messages?02:35
rockstarThere should only be one odd commit message, and that bug is fixed.02:35
wgrantrockstar: A commit by you saying "Fantastic project!", which I presume was in fact statik's specified commit message.02:35
rockstarwgrant, yeah.02:35
wgrantBut all the commits show up with you as the commiter.02:36
rockstarwgrant, yeah, because that's the user that tarmac runs as.  I *could* create a user just for my tarmac instance, but it doesn't make a lot of sense.02:36
wgrantrockstar: Can't you just override whoami?02:37
wgrantThe LP user doesn't matter.02:37
rockstarwgrant, I could, but that wouldn't make much sense, methinks.  I'd like Launchpad to be able to tell people who to abuse for a specific revision.02:37
rockstarThe "Contact this user" button makes the LP user matter.02:38
rockstarI assume responsibility for my instance of Tarmac.02:38
wgrantThe person to contact is the person who authored the branch.02:38
wgrantAh, I see.02:38
rockstarI authored the branch that the revision is present in by setting a small script to do it.02:39
wgrantI don't see it that way.02:39
wgrantIn a way it should be whoever set the bmp status.02:39
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rockstarwgrant, there will be a commit message modification that will state who the reviewers were that approved it, but the person who actually did the merging is more responsible for it.02:40
rockstarSetting the branch to approved requires permissions.02:40
wgrantrockstar: But the person who did the merging is perfect (because it is a robot), and the only person who writes to the branch, so even its identity is uninteresting. The owner is even less interesting.02:41
rockstarwgrant, I don't completely disagree with you.  I'll have to think about it.02:55
wgrantrockstar: I'm not sure of the ideal solution, but I think neither the PQM nor Tarmac solutions are good.02:56
rockstarwgrant, which solution are you talking about.02:59
rockstarAre you talking about the robotic landing of branches?03:00
wgrantrockstar: No, the attribution of the commit.03:01
wgrantIt is certainly nitpicking, but it is slightly important.03:01
wgrantParticularly in the tarmac case, as it shows it's you doing everything.03:01
rockstarwgrant, technically, it is me doing the landing.  I'm saying "Tarmac, do what I'm too lazy to do" and it says "In your name master."03:37
AnAntspm: Hello08:33
davmor2Guys just a quick heads up I keep getting time out errors on lp trying to report a bug it's been happening since last evening about 5-7 ish09:27
wgrantdavmor2: edge.launchpad.net, or plain launchpad.net?09:27
davmor2wgrant: http://paste.ubuntu.com/126608/ is what I'm getting09:29
davmor2daft thing is I can access other bugs I just can't write this new one :(09:30
wgrantdavmor2: At what stage does it die?09:32
davmor2wgrant: I type in the summary and hit continue then get that page everytime since last night09:34
wgrantdavmor2: What is the search term?09:34
wgrantAlso, try https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+filebug instead. It might work.09:34
davmor2wgrant: same thing09:35
wgrantWhat is the search string?09:36
davmor2it's not going to be something daft like the summary is too long is it?09:36
davmor2Jaunty: Codecs used in totem youtube plugin conflict with those in ubuntu-restricted-extras09:37
thekornconfirmed, same here with this subsect09:38
wgrantMe too.09:38
davmor2that was as short but as discriptive as I could get the title aswell09:39
davmor2wgrant: So is it just the search timing out then?  If so I can try and alter the subject and see if I can report09:47
wgrantdavmor2: It is just the search, yes. Maybe the advanced reporting page would be better.09:51
davmor2So l changed the summary and it gone through now :)09:52
davmor2thanks for the help :)09:52
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=== barry changed the topic of #launchpad to: https://launchpad.net/ | Help contact: barry | Join https://launchpad.net/~launchpad-users | Channel logs: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com
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mptbarry, staging.launchpad.net seems to have fallen over15:43
mptIf it was being resynced, it would show an offline page rather than an Oops page, right?15:44
barrympt: ouch, yes.  there was an email this morning about an update problem.  let me ping folks15:44
barrympt: stub & losas are looking into it15:52
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barrympt: staging is back online16:03
mptthanks barry16:06
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Nghttps://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux - 15 months of publishing history maybe a little too much?16:43
barryNg: yeah, that pages takes a while to render, eh?16:46
Ngjust a bit16:46
barryand what does "see full publishing history..." give you that this page doesn't?16:47
barrya nice little summary i guess16:47
Ngpossibly the other 40 odd months of history. I'm too scared to find out ;)16:47
barryNg: it actually renders MUCH faster :)16:47
barryNg: what do you think? maybe the comments for supercededs should be suppressed?16:48
Ngbarry: my initial reaction was just that it should be paginated, with a page size that's reasonable for a small project and for things that are uploaded very frequently16:50
Ng<!-- at least 805 queries issued in 10.03 seconds -->16:50
Ngand the page souce is 2.64Mb16:50
barryNg: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/launchpad/+bug/33831816:53
ubottuLaunchpad bug 338318 in launchpad "linux source package page is way too big" [Undecided,New]16:53
Ngbarry: thanks, that popped up as a suggestion for the bug I was starting to file :)16:54
barryfor some reason, i'm running 3 seconds ahead of everybody today :)16:55
* barry -> lunch16:55
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jamhey guys, is there something wrong with the launchpad ssh server?17:16
jamI'm getting: SSHException: Error reading SSH protocol banner17:17
yann2hello :)17:17
yann2I got a time problem to report17:18
yann2can a commit be done in the future? https://code.launchpad.net/~digisite-dev/digisite/head17:18
jamhmm... seems to be working again17:18
jamyann2: timestamps are based on the time given by your machine17:18
jamand certainly your clock may be different from other people's17:19
yann2not mine :)17:19
jamwell, benni's17:19
yann2alright then17:19
yann2just looked weird :)17:19
yann2hope it wont make problems17:19
jamyann2: it won't matter in an hour :)17:19
yann2bzr: ERROR: These branches have diverged.  Try using "merge" and then "push".17:37
yann2i merged 5 minutes ago17:37
beunoyann2, they diverged again!17:42
beunoactive project17:42
beunodid you commit?17:42
yann2bah, am discovering bazaar17:43
yann2I think the learning curve is just not that easy :)17:43
beunoyann2, it depends against what you compare it to  ;)17:44
savvasyann2: http://doc.bazaar-vcs.org/bzr.dev/en/mini-tutorial/index.html17:46
savvasah wait, you're past that :P17:46
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yann2I think I managed my first merge \o/ ;) works pretty well17:56
beunocongrats yann217:57
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AnAntHello, question #62612 got marked as answered by mistake, how do I fix that ?18:55
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icebrian_hello any web admin here? need to close a project20:05
SamBicebrian_: what for ?20:05
icebrian_SamB, I opened a project mostly because I wanted to test-run launchpad, I soon realised it was overkill for the size of my project20:06
icebrian_SamB, it is now showing-up in search results and people are getting confused20:06
barryicebrian_: which project?20:07
barryicebrian_: do you know about our staging server?20:08
icebrian_barry, nope20:08
barryicebrian_: staging.launchpad.net20:08
SamBbarry: a lot of good that does him *now*20:09
barryicebrian_: you can do anything you want on that server.  it has a copy of the production database, but it gets reset every night (or thereabouts) so your changes get deleted20:09
barrySamB: yeah, this is for next time :)20:09
icebrian_barry, site isn't opening20:09
icebrian_barry, ah ok but I see the point... yeah didn't know about it before20:09
barryicebrian_: i know there was some planned maintenance on it, it'll be back up soon20:09
icebrian_barry, sorry for the inconvinience20:09
barryicebrian_: no, no problem at all.  let me see if i can get an admin to disable that project20:10
barryicebrian_: just to verify: https://launchpad.net/domus.link20:10
icebrian_barry, thanks. account however should remain active :)20:10
barryicebrian_: yep!20:10
icebrian_barry, that's it.20:10
barrycool, hang on a sec...20:10
barrythumper: hi!20:10
thumperhey barry20:11
dereinehow do i unlock a location20:13
barryicebrian_: we request that you open a question so that the admins can look at your request.20:13
dereinebzr break-lock lp-45955728:///~dereine/+junk/configfiles/.bzr/branch/lock itself does not work20:13
barryicebrian_: https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad-project/+addquestion20:13
barryicebrian_: use "Launchpad itself" as the project20:13
icebrian_barry, will do20:14
barryicebrian_: be sure to include the url to your project and paste the question url here when you've submitted it20:14
barryand i'll make sure it gets properly assigned20:14
=== Nicke_ is now known as Nicke
icebrian_barry, ok thanks20:15
barrydereine: that looks like a weird bzr branch url20:15
barrydereine: i just branched lp:~dereine/+junk/configfiles just fine.  where do you see the lock problem?20:16
barrydereine: i.e. is that on a local branch?20:16
icebrian_barry, question: https://answers.edge.launchpad.net/launchpad/+question/6320720:16
* barry wonders why irc hates him so much20:18
barryicebrian_: assigned to the losas20:18
icebrian_barry, thanks :)20:19
icebrian_btw the new site looks great! congrats on that20:19
barryicebrian_: thanks!  we're excited about 3.0 also.  it's gonna rock20:28
jmlbarry: I see you are the help contact! Is staging down?20:29
barryjml: staging's been up and down all day.  it was oopsing earlier, but now that's fixed.  it was up for a while but right now it's not20:30
jmlbarry: that sucks.20:30
jameshjml: when you proposed my testresources branch for review, were you planning on reviewing it?20:57
jamesh(I'd be happy if you were)20:57
jmljamesh: I am!20:57
jmljamesh: but I haven't had the chance yet.20:58
jmljamesh: (and I wanted to generate a diff easily so I could just review it without fiddling about when the right confluence of time & energy arises)20:58
LaneyIs support for syncing straight from LP (for people with upload rights) targetted for any release?21:00
barryLaney: i'm not quite sure what your question is asking.  do you mean branch sync'ing, translation sync'ing?21:23
Laneypackage syncing21:23
Laneyi.e. from debian21:23
LaneyI heard that LP was getting a UI for this21:24
* Mez yawns21:25
wgrantrockstar: If the BMP diff isn't meant to update, what is the point of it?21:25
Mezam surprised that this channel is so active nowadays21:25
Mezhey wgrant and jamesh :D surprised to see you in here :D21:25
jameshMez: I'm not in my normal time zone21:26
rockstarwgrant, for the original review.  If you want moving diffs, you need something like https://edge.launchpad.net/mad21:26
rockstarwgrant, Launchpad already requires a large amount of resources without having to update diffs on every single BMP.21:27
wgrantrockstar: Right, I discovered that from the bug. Maybe that should be advertised.21:27
wgrantHi Mez.21:27
rockstarwgrant, thumper's going to publicize it, but it's relatively new.21:27
barryLaney: other than PPAs i'm not aware of anything21:28
thumperwgrant: it isn't a bug that the review diff doesn't change21:28
thumperwgrant: it is a feature21:28
jameshrockstar: even if you are running mad, the diff shown on the BMP page gets out of date.21:29
wgrantthumper: It is not a feature. It is an unfortunate result of it being a heavy operation, isn't it?21:29
wgrantIt also *needs* to show when it is out of date.21:29
thumperjamesh: the confusion here is that the nice diff shown isn't the preview diff21:29
Mezjamesh: no, I mean I didnt know you knew about SO :D21:30
thumperjamesh: I have a plan to work with beuno to make the page nicer21:30
* Mez wonders what your karmas are :D21:30
Mezoh, wait21:30
* Mez is an idiot21:30
* Mez thought this was another channel :D21:30
Mezwgrant: stackoverflow - http://www.stackoverflow.com/ and #stackoverflow21:30
jameshthumper: it is confusing that that diff gets out of date when the developer fixes bugs during the review21:30
wgrantI do know of it, but I don't live in that channel.21:30
thumperjamesh: well...21:31
thumperjamesh: there are several problems here21:31
thumperjamesh: all kinda related21:32
jameshor if they make the proposal, notice a typo and fix it just after21:33
wgrantthumper: Why is generating a BMP diff so much more expensive than viewing a revision diff in Loggerhead?21:34
rockstarwgrant, you do know the state of Loggerhead right?21:35
wgrantrockstar: I was about to say that, yes...21:35
wgrantBut until it dies, it works fine.21:35
Laneybarry: Thanks, filing a bug then21:36
rockstarwgrant, ask the losas how often it dies, and then ask yourself whether you'd like something similar from Launchpad.21:38
rockstarwgrant, in fairness to Loggerhead, we've made large strides recently.21:38
wgrantrockstar: I am aware of how often it dies.21:38
spmrockstar: * * * * * /etc/init.d/loggerhead restart <== is *very very* tempting21:38
rockstarspm, !21:38
wgrantBut I don't imagine that the short-lived branch puller would have such a problem. My main point was that Loggerhead can, when it is not broken, generate a diff quickly.21:39
rockstarwgrant, not a diff between two branches, just a diff between two revisions.21:39
wgrantrockstar: Hmm, true...21:41
=== Andre_Gondim is now known as Andre_Gondim-afk
ryanakcaErmm... I just got an email from a Cuban librarian (who wants to try Ubuntu/Kubuntu in the library), but can't download the ISOs due to crappy cuban connections, and can't register for shipit because of some form of web filtering by the government. Who should I forward him to / etc?22:14
cjMez: for a moment there, I thought you were a different Mez (http://mezziah.org/)22:18
Mezcj :(22:22
cjMez: huh?  Why the long face?22:23
Mezcause I *was* unique. then the fake ones started coming along22:25
barryryanakca: let me see if i can dig something up22:33
ryanakcabarry: Thanks22:33
salgadoryanakca, please ask him to write to info@shipit.ubuntu.com explaining the situation and their address so that we can send them some CDs22:36
ryanakcasalgado: thanks22:37
=== dereine is now known as dereine[OFF]
vadi2How can I make a new announcement for my project? I don't see the button.22:44
barryvadi2: which project?  for one you own it should be right under the "report a bug" button22:48
vadi2I'm in the driver ream, but the maintainer is another person22:49
barryvadi2: that may be why you don't see it.  off hand i don't know if the driver can make announcements22:49
vadi2yes, I see it now, need to be maintaner / par of maintainer team22:50
vadi2sorry 'bout that22:50
=== dereine[OFF] is now known as dereine
=== barry changed the topic of #launchpad to: https://launchpad.net/ | Help contact: - | Join https://launchpad.net/~launchpad-users | Channel logs: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com
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=== stub1 is now known as stub

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