
admin_masu3701i want to updgrade from 8.10 to 9.04. do anybody think it a bad idea at this point?00:00
ConstantineXVIadmin_masu3701, as long as you're prepared for breakage00:02
* cwillu hears a 15 minute echo :p00:02
ConstantineXVIadmin_masu3701, it works right now, but you never really know till hits beta00:03
ConstantineXVIadmin_masu3701, er, know for sure00:03
RecoverWChrootanyone know how to recover a system with a livecd and a chroot?  I've done some mounting, and I chrooted, but no net connection within the chroot..00:11
cwillurecover what?00:12
RecoverWChrootcwillu: well, jaunty stopped working for me yesterday.  I'm hoping to update it00:12
cwillustopped working in what way?00:12
cwillugotta be specific :)00:13
cwilludo you still get grub?00:13
RecoverWChrootwell, after I log in, network-manager, as usual, tries to connect to the net00:13
cwillutry booting up with an older kernel (one or two back from the last in grub)00:14
RecoverWChrootthen, harddrive errors start getting thrown, and wifi card errors start getting thrown.  So, I get stuck.  Can't run any commands anymore00:14
cwilluadmin_masu3701, ^^^ the sort of thing you can expect, and should be comfortable dealing with00:14
RecoverWChrootI only have the one00:14
cwilluharddrive errors?  that doesn't sound like a jaunty problem00:15
cwilluis it a fresh install then?00:15
RecoverWChrootno, since like alpha300:15
cwilluand you only have one kernel installed?00:15
cwillu(we offer to uninstall old kernels now, but that will still leave the previous version installed)00:16
chronici'm looking for something with GUI that does what services do in widows.. especially enable/disable at startup00:19
burnerblasted nvidia drivers!?!?!00:19
burnerchronic: like system -> admin -> services ?00:20
chronicon kde00:20
burnerhrm, i'm not too hip to kde unfortunately00:21
chronicsystem monitor does most of the job. but it has no enable/disable options00:24
admin_masu3701if i upgrade from 8.10 to 9.04 will i be able to get a new copy in april when the final one is out?00:24
chronicxorg uses 80MB and 30-70% of my cpu, what up with that?00:26
burneranyone know where to find chatter about hte new evolution-mapi plugin?  It freezes for me when trying to connect to an exchange 2003 server00:27
chronicwhat's nepomuk for?00:30
hggdhburner, try #evolution-mapi or #evolution on gimpnet00:35
burnergracias hggdh00:36
hggdhde nada, burner00:36
FFForeveranyone notice firefox is a cpu hog?01:13
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chronicFFForever, probably it crashed01:20
FFForeverit didn't crash it just uses 40% of my cpu =\01:20
durtFFForever: in a general sense it's a ram hog, cpu hog when visiting poorly designed flash based sites01:21
FFForeveri don't see flash sites thankfully =)01:21
chronicFFForever, yeah im sure it crashed in some way, only uses 1% on my pc01:21
FFForeversome reason when i go 2 a flash site the flash does not exit when i leave and i have 2 kill firefox to get it down from 100%01:21
chronicupdate the flash and firefox , maybe?01:22
chronicFFForever, how much cpu and ram ur xorg uses?01:24
FFForever6% and 1.9%01:25
FFForeverthats the average01:25
durthow does one configure screensavers in xubuntu jaunty?01:25
FFForeverchronic, but it might be higher since i am using the nvidia drivers with ignore ABI01:26
chronicFFForever, my xorg uses up to 70% cpu, 80MB01:26
* DanaG wonders when ATI will put out a new fglrx.01:26
chronicFFForever, using fglrx. lulz01:27
DanaGMy main gripe with the ATI open-source driver: sucks power like crazy.01:27
crdlbDanaG: April 2201:28
chronici guess u r on a laptop01:28
DanaGYup.  Is that 22nd a definitive date?01:28
DanaGOr just a SWAG?01:28
DanaGsillly wild ... guess.01:28
nilson_What is the command to enable CTRL-ALT-BKSP?01:28
nilson_I cant get to a browser right now01:28
nilson_and my X is broken01:28
crdlbDanaG: jaunty release date - 1 :)01:29
DanaGI wish they'd gone with the SuSE solution: reset Xorg is ctrl-alt-backspace-backspace.01:29
Slartibartfastnilson: dontsnap --disable01:29
chronicnilson_, restore the previous xorg.conf, id u changed something, there is a backup01:29
nilson_I didn't change anything; a game crashed.01:29
crdlbdontsnap lol01:29
DanaGfglrx doesn't work for me even on intrepid.  :{01:30
chronicDanaG, what video chipset?01:30
DanaGMobility HD3650.01:30
ubottuLaunchpad bug 314600 in fglrx-installer "fglrx versions newer than 8.543 cause system hang and panic" [Undecided,Confirmed]01:31
chronicDanaG, why don't u try installing from the repos?01:32
DanaGI did, with that.01:32
DanaG8.543... worked.  8.552.. panic.  8.563... panic.  8.570... panic.  8.578 or whatever it was... panic.01:33
crdlb8.765 will be the ticket01:34
chronicDanaG, reinstall it from the repo, then reboot in "safe mode" and select the fix X problems, then continue normal boot, might help01:34
DanaGHmm, I'm just plain on Jaunty now, so I'll just live with it.01:34
quentinhey there, experiencing problems with the gnome application launcher (alt+F2 by default) and compiz01:34
quentinit doesn't launch up01:34
DanaGI just wish the OSS drivers didn't suck so much power.01:35
chronicDanaG, well , i think we are looking at 10 more years before the video drivers become fully functional...01:36
quentinand gnome-menu is weird01:36
quentinitems in it disappear from time to time01:37
DanaGpower management for me is higher priority than 3D support, actually.01:37
chronicDanaG, have u tried different distros?01:38
chronicquentin, no man, linux is full of weird things01:40
rww!bug | quentin01:40
ubottuquentin: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu  -  Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots01:40
chronicot things that just don't work properly01:40
quentinchronic: no, linux is not. It's just in dev01:40
quentinthanks rww01:41
chroniclinux never leaves beta, because something is always broken, haha01:42
rwwchronic: the discussion channel for an unreleased, in-development edition of Ubuntu seems a strange place to assert that, considering that the software in question here is *expected* to be broken.01:43
rwwchronic: but then, trolling in #ubuntu gets you kicked, I guess.01:43
chronicwhat r u talking about?01:44
hansinThis is purely a question of curiosity, no complaining (yes, I know it is alpha software).  I updated my Dell laptop to Jaunty.  It has the Intel 945 chipset for video.  I noticed Compiz no longer works.  This has not been an issue on my desktop PC with nVidia card.  Curious if anyone knew the issue here.  Thanks.02:03
crdlbhansin: pastebin the output of 'compiz --replace'02:04
hansin_that just hosed my window decorations (in Gnome) and locked things up.  I am writing logged in from a text console.  I'll keep trying.02:08
crdlbok, then pastebin your /var/log/Xorg.0.log02:10
hansinhere is my pastebin: http://pastebin.com/m7b849e3f02:16
crdlbmeh freenode, stop lagging02:19
crdlbhansin: looks ok, so I'm not sure what's wrongt02:20
crdlbit's probably a driver/X problem though02:21
hansinI'll just keep updating and see what changes.  I know this is alpha stuff.  I'll try and see if a bug report has been submitted.  Thanks for taking a look.02:21
ian1hmm my panel got big after the last update-- is 35 pixels the new minimum?03:01
ian1hmm removing the window list lets me reduce it to 29px03:08
DanaGrandom: have you ever seen anything quite as ugly as.... this?  http://www.winsupersite.com/alt/safari4.asp03:11
loveissuicidehello, if I am just a regular user, yet a curious one, it is recommendable to uprgrade to 9.04?03:18
cdm10loveissuicide: no! read the topic.03:18
loveissuicidecdm 10: ok03:19
* DanaG wonders if there'll be a ppa for plymouth+kms kernel before jaunty+1.03:19
DanaGI tried the plymouth ppa... did nothing but give blank screen.03:20
CapaHQuestion, I am logged in using vncviewer into my sister's computer who recently tried to upgrade from Intrepid to Jaunty -- and the screen does not update on vncviewer. I can see the screen state when I first connect, but I cannot see any changes. Like if she moves a window, I do not see it move. I just see the frozen screen. However, I CAN see the mouse cursor move.03:34
CapaHI am logged in with vncviewer however the screen does not refresh. Can anyone tell me why this is?03:37
lamalexdoes anyone have jaunty running on an eeepc? is there an lpia port of jaunty?03:42
maxride_....Just had a glitch in the update process....have a way to send a screenshot?03:45
yofel_lamalex: i'm running jaunty right now on a eeePC 1000H - nice :)03:49
maxride_Ok.....this is a bit odd....anyone know how to get the upgrade to complete?03:53
lamalexyofel_: is that atom or celeron03:54
lamalexrunning standard x86, or is there an lpia port03:54
maxride_...i guess I should have picked a faster site to upload that screenshot to.03:55
lamalexyofel_: ^^03:55
yofel_i'm running the standard x86 version03:55
lamalexah ok03:56
lamalexi was hoping for an lpia port for the power savings and minor speed boost03:56
lamalexoh snap03:58
lamalexthere is03:58
maxride_Ok, the upgrade is asking me to click "OK" in terminal.04:01
maxride_....But I cant interact with it.  =/   Am I screwed?04:02
maxride_Also, in the terminal that spawned the upgrade:04:02
maxride_maxride@maxride-laptop:~$ update-manager04:02
maxride_maxride@maxride-laptop:~$ update-manager -d04:02
maxride_extracting 'jaunty.tar.gz'04:02
maxride_authenticate 'jaunty.tar.gz' against 'jaunty.tar.gz.gpg'04:02
maxride_ * Starting automatic crash report generation: apport                    [ OK ]04:02
Hobbseethat screenshot doesn't load?04:02
maxride_Yea...I'm trying to find a site that will accept it,.04:03
Hobbseeimageshack's usually good04:03
maxride_u_u;  Well..I wan't trying to register for anything...I'll just put it up on my site.04:05
maxride_u_u;  Okay, that doesn't work either....04:06
maxride_I'll just install GIMP...BRB04:07
maxride_...Ok yea, I can't since the first install is frozen...04:07
Hobbseemaxride_: hit tab, then hit enter.04:07
Hobbseehum, unless tab doesn't work either04:08
Hobbsee(and file a bug on libc6 about that)04:08
maxride_Ah-hah!  That worked....04:08
maxride_Hobbsee:  Did that screenshot open for you?04:08
Hobbsee(yes, else i wouldn't have known what the problem is ;) )04:09
* Hobbsee heads off to class04:09
maxride_....Odd.  My firefox tried to make me download it an labeled it as a ".BIN" file.04:09
maxride_Anyways, Thanks!04:11
DanaGshowed as octet-stream for me.04:14
DanaGNo file extension.04:14
maxride_>_>;  Oh, I'm doing this on an HP Mini....so....hopefully nothing horrible happens.  x_x;  If it works....then you'll know it works on this hardware (With the exception of installing NDIS for the WLAN)04:20
vbgunzman I am getting happy. I could not suspend to ram or disk last week. now, I pretty much got the ram issued out 100% and the disk at 99%... I say 99 because, once, my network died on resume, now, I lost some shortcuts. anyone know how to restart the shortcut system? I don't believe its khotkeys. its something else04:24
vbgunzkde component run command interface?04:26
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akio1so I was wondering if anyone in here has used hamachi and ssh together?05:04
akio1i can't figure it out05:04
z0d14kAnybody know why my Jaunty system won't connect to any 5 GHz access points (802.11a or 802.11n) with an Intel WiFi Link 5300 (it worked great in Intrepid)?  I have done clean installs of intrepid and jaunty to verify that it works in one and not the other, and also to verify it wasn't a problem with my install.05:26
z0d14kI verified that I can't see the AP's with NetworkManager, kismet and iwlist wlan0 scanning05:28
FirestoneHey, anyone here?05:30
z0d14kFirestone: Yes.05:31
FirestoneI'm looking for help, I'm using the 9.04 alpha, and it won't work with the mouse pad on my laptop. So when I don't have a mouse, the computer is useless. I assume its a driver I have to install, something simple, I just don't know what I need to. Any idea?05:32
macoFirestone: is your touchpad enabled in system -> preferences -> mouse -> touchpad?05:34
FirestoneThere is no option for touch pad in that mouse menu05:36
* crdlb sees one05:38
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FirestoneThe options are: Mouse Orientation, Locate Pointer, Pointer Speed, Drag and Drop, and Double Click Timeout. No touch pad...05:41
crdlblook at the tabs05:42
macoFirestone: touchpad is the last tab05:43
FirestoneThere are only two tabs, General and Accessibility05:44
crdlbweird, perhaps it only shows up when it detects a touchpad05:44
FirestoneThe most likely answer is that it isn't detecting the touch pad for some reason. Fixing that is somewhat more difficult though05:44
crdlbis xserver-xorg-input-synaptics installed?05:44
FirestoneIts installing now, lets hope that works05:46
DanaGmight need to vt-switch to get it working once the package installs.05:46
FirestoneIts installed, no response from the touch pad, and no tab in the mouse menu still05:46
crdlbor an X restart?05:47
FirestoneCan I restart X without restarting the computer?05:48
FirestoneI've never had to before =P05:48
DanaGgo to "log out"05:48
DanaGmight have to alt-f1 to get menus.05:48
nihilistpress alt+f4 to continue05:49
FirestoneWorked perfectly, thanks guys05:50
nihilistis there a GUI except gadmin for ubuntu?05:52
DanaGoh yeah, when my edid says this, what does it mean?06:01
DanaG            Red X:                 0.596            Red Y:                 0.351            Green X:               0.323            Green Y:               0.549            Blue X:                0.158            Blue Y:                0.148            White X:               0.313            White Y:               0.32906:01
mkokotovichDoes anyone here know a lot about modprobe?06:01
mkokotovichespecially the process it uses to select which module to choose if there are two present?06:02
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Q-FUNKany pulseaudio maintainer around?  the last PA upload to Jaunty broke operation with Skype.08:03
Q-FUNKI'm just wondering how to trace the source of the regression.08:04
admin_masu3701have a question about ubuntu 9.0408:13
admin_masu3701will the ext3/ext4 will be authomatic or we will have to manually transfer after the final release?08:14
chronicadmin_masu3701, u must be talking about an upgrade, from what?08:17
admin_masu3701but heard about the ext3/ext4 and didnt want to mess with that08:18
chronicadmin_masu3701, u don't have to convert the file system08:18
admin_masu3701chronic: really? i though i do if i upgrade now08:22
admin_masu3701i though the new one uses ext4 instead08:22
chronicadmin, well, if u have ext3, we would u need to convert it to ext3?08:22
chronicit's optional08:23
admin_masu3701i was reading a tutorial and it was talking about conversting ext3 to ext408:24
admin_masu3701is now a good time to upgrade? i was thinking about doing that now08:26
admin_masu3701is anyone using the current alpha now? how is it?08:27
chronicadmin_masu3701, im using the kde version, it's slow as fuck08:28
admin_masu3701chronic: oh really08:29
chronicadmin_masu3701, omg, it's laglaaaag lag laaaagllagggglaaag la lag08:29
admin_masu3701then i shouldnt upgrade at this time08:30
admin_masu3701am still using 8.10 but was curious about how the new one is08:30
zniavrehttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1072533&highlight=network+manager+jaunty&page=2  if somebody can't modify network08:31
chronicadmin_masu3701, if u have a really fast pc , go for it08:31
chronicadmin_masu3701, and i mean minimum core2 duo08:32
admin_masu3701is there alot problems?08:33
chronicadmin_masu3701, and 2gigs of ddr2 or more/better08:33
admin_masu3701i do08:33
chronicadmin_masu3701, i think it's gonna be a really good os in next few years "kubuntu" , but there are still a lot of broken things on it kde4.xxxx08:37
admin_masu3701how better is the 9.04 alpha to 8.10?08:38
chronicright now, not much,08:39
admin_masu3701so i guess i should wait til april08:40
chronicdude, live on the edge, install that shit08:40
admin_masu3701so you said i dont need to mess with ext3/ext408:42
chronichow much stuff do u have that u need to do an upgrade? upgrades are king of dumb08:44
Alexia_DeathUpgrades dumb?08:45
Alexia_DeathNo way!08:45
chronicyes my friend08:46
zirodaychronic: updates are somewhat important08:50
admin_masu3701so i guess i will just wait for the fixed version08:50
zirodayadmin_masu3701: if you read the topic, jaunty will cause random breakages. Its not advised to upgrade until it is complete08:51
chronicziroday, i'm only talking about upgrading from like 8 to 908:52
zirodaychronic: 8 to 9?08:52
chronicziroday, u want a candy?08:53
zirodaychronic: err no?08:53
chronicziroday, u are so cute08:53
zirodaychronic: sorry, but I have no idea what on earth you are on about08:55
chronicziroday, dude , "upgrade" from like 8.10 aka 8 to 9.10 or whatever aka 908:56
zirodaychronic: you do understand the ubuntu versioning scheme right? its year.month08:57
zirodaychronic: which is why there is no 9 or 8 release08:57
chronicziroday, if u don't know, stfu.. simple08:58
zirodaychronic: and currently 9.10 (aka karmic) isn't even being developed, I find it hard to work out how you can upgrade to it08:58
zirodaychronic: would you like a link to the official documentation explaining how it works?08:59
zirodaychronic: as year.month is how they are versioned. There will always be x.04 or x.10 as ubuntu has a six month release cylce09:00
* Alexia_Death yawns09:03
chronicziroday, u didnt read what i said, did u?09:04
zirodaychronic: I read it, understand it not quite09:04
zirodaychronic: I'm not sure what you're referring to, what don't I know?09:05
chronicziroday, why argue about stupid things? besides i wasnt even talking to u09:06
zirodaychronic: I was merely informing you of the ubuntu versioning scheme09:07
chronicziroday, ok explain it to me09:08
zirodaychronic: I just did....its the release date which is year.month. So for jaunty it will be 9.04 as it will be released on April 200909:09
VolkodavI still can not figure how to reinstall the apps that python update removed09:09
zirodayVolkodav: which apps?09:10
Volkodavthey need to be build against newer version but all request the older one which still present ?09:10
Volkodavdeluge mirage09:10
Volkodavsome others09:10
Volkodavnow I get an error09:10
zirodayVolkodav: yeah, you will have to wait for them to be rebuilt against the new python before you can use them09:10
chronicziroday, if i had a shotgun i would shoot u in the face, oh wait, i do have a shotgun09:11
VolkodavThat's what I figured09:11
zirodaychronic: is that a death threat?09:11
zirodayVolkodav: nothing you can do sorry09:11
chronicziroday, just a joke, don't think im gonna kill you09:11
zirodayVolkodav: I know I'm personally waiting on deluge, I can give you the bug number if you want09:11
zirodaychronic: right...09:12
zirodayVolkodav: here is the bug report for deluge https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libtorrent-rasterbar/+bug/33574109:14
ubottuLaunchpad bug 335741 in libtorrent-rasterbar "[jaunty]python(<2.6)-based apps cannot meet dependencies" [High,New]09:14
Volkodavwell ristreto and trasmission are doing a god job in the interim09:17
VolkodavI wonder why I can not add the hardware sensor plugin in xfce anymore ?09:19
Q-FUNKtransmission never worked here.  deluge is the first and only torrent client that ever worked for me, so far.09:19
VolkodavI had no troubles with transmission09:19
chroniclulz, is transmission like a crippled clone of the worst bittorrent client ever?09:21
Q-FUNKbasically, yes, it is.09:21
Q-FUNKhere, every time I tried it, I saw it stall when trying to fetch files.  and I regularly try again, with the same lack of results.09:22
chroniclulz, what kind of idiot preallocates space for the torrent "by default"?09:23
wgrantchronic: What's wrong with that?09:24
zirodaychronic: most bittorrent clients do that09:24
wgrantI would hope so.09:24
wgrantAs it reduces fragmentation significantly.09:25
chronicwgrant, preallocating a 4gig torrent takes like 5 min on my machine... and during that time the system is basically frozen09:26
wgrantchronic: Your filesystem is dodgy, or you have found a bug in Transmission which you should report.09:26
chronicwgrant, imagine opening a 60gb torrent09:26
wgrantI've never had such problems.09:26
zirodaychronic: it shouldn't take 5 minutes, basically all it does is tell the kernel that this section of the hard drive here is mine. Try to keep stuff off it09:26
* wgrant imagines it.09:26
wgrantI didn't crash while imagining it - what is your point?09:27
zirodaywgrant: and you didn't take 5 minutes either :)09:27
wgrantziroday: If it takes more than a trivial fallocate, then it is doing it wrong.09:27
wgrantAnd that is a bug, which can't be fixed unless somebody, you know, reports it.09:28
zirodaywgrant: which I doubt transmission is doing09:28
zirodaywgrant: I'm not disagreeing with you here :)09:28
wgrantSo. File. A. Damn. Bug.09:28
wgrantIt is *correct behaviour* to preallocate it.09:28
zirodaywgrant: err I never said transmissions preallocation was broken. chronic did09:29
wgrantziroday: Sorry, I appear to be doing too much context switching.09:29
zirodaywgrant: heh09:29
chronicwgrant, dude, it preallocates space for the "entire torrent" before it starts downloading09:30
wgrantchronic: Which is precisely the behaviour I would expect.09:30
chronicwgrant, it should just start downloading and preallocate whatever space it needs based on what it downloads09:30
wgrantAnd precisely the behaviour that Ted T'so recommends.09:31
zirodaychronic: err then you get fragmentation, defeats the whole purpose of preallocation09:31
chronicziroday, dude, fuck the fragmentation, i don't want my computer frozen for half a day because it's preallocating a 60gb torrent09:32
zirodaychronic: please don't swear. Also your computer should not be frozen for half a day during pre allocation09:32
zirodaychronic: either you're filesystem is screwy or your transmission preallocation is borked. File a bug.09:33
zirodaychronic: most bittorrent clients do preallocate09:34
wgrantfallocate should be very cheap.09:34
chronicziroday, i know , they just preallocate a better way09:34
zirodaychronic: err most of them use fallocate AFAIK09:34
zirodaychronic: i.e. they tell the filesystem they want this much and the filesystem works it out]09:35
wgrantTransmission does use fallocate, and never preallocates another way.09:36
chronictransmission and ktorrent should join task force, maybe we would see a decent client09:37
zirodaychronic: if you're not happy with transmission then use something else, also this conversation is better suited to #ubuntu-offtopic09:37
chronicziroday, u know what would make me happy?09:39
zirodayI'm sure you are about to tell me chronic09:39
chronicziroday, only if u want to hear it09:40
zirodaychronic: I really couldn't care either way.09:40
chronicso u want me to tell u or not?09:40
chronicok, sit down09:41
dns53anyone know if you can have 2 wubi installs with different releases?09:41
chronicdns53, with linux u can do anything09:44
dns53i'm more concerned about the windows side, i could probably work out how wubi boots and hack the boot menu09:45
BUGabundoguud morning everyone!09:50
BUGabundohow is our beloved "jumpy jack" threating you today?09:51
chronicok, can someone tell me why tf is kubuntu so freaking slow?09:52
chronicit's a freaking slide show on 1gb ram and 2ghz amd6409:54
zirodaychronic: *sigh* file bugs.09:55
chronicu need to quit being pussies and install vuze as default bittorrent client09:57
zirodaychronic: that conversation is better suited for #ubuntu-offtopic, also why on earth would we want vuze compared to transmission09:58
BUGabundothat will (NOT) kill your machine for SURE09:58
CosmiChaoschronic: i guess transmission is enough for my purpuses ;)09:58
BUGabundotransmission is too BASIC09:59
BUGabundodeluge is a mess and gives me incomplete downloads09:59
chronicvize is a very good client,09:59
CosmiChaosBUGabundo: i basic wrong for basic purpuse?09:59
chronicbest on linux09:59
zirodaytransmission is fine for new users wanting to use bittorrent, deluge is more complicated and vuze is right up thier09:59
SwedeMikewhere does rtorrent fit?09:59
darXbuntuanyone here have problem with nvidia graphic n jaunty?10:07
darXbuntumy comp cant set higer than 800x60010:07
darXbuntuhow to fix it?10:07
chronicdarXbuntu, i think we should ask if there is anyone that doesn't have any video problems10:08
ikoniadarXbuntu: I'd advise you not to release a development release if you want a "quick" turn around or working system10:09
CosmiChaoswhen will the compiz 0.8 be included in ubuntu? will it be in jaunty or first in karmic?10:09
ikoniadarXbuntu: things will be breaking a lot10:09
ikoniaCosmiChaos: not the current version in jaunty10:09
darXbuntui really love if automount is installed in jaunty10:10
BUGabundo1lights went down!10:10
CosmiChaosikonia: hopefully it will be available through ppa as soon as jaunty is released ;)10:11
ikoniaCosmiChaos: that's up to an individual, I see no reason for it at this time10:12
chronicCosmiChaos, they not gonna do it , cause drivers suck10:12
chronicvideo drivers10:13
darXbuntuyeah.mostly new driver10:13
darXbuntui mean new video10:13
CosmiChaoschronic: mine 180.35 runs well10:15
chronicwhats that?10:15
CosmiChaosnvidia driver10:15
darXbuntudriver veresion?10:16
CosmiChaosbut lets wuit that topic10:16
chronicoh, im talking general, i read drivers from ati and nvidia just suck on linux , compared to the windows drivers10:17
CosmiChaoshad anyone seen suspending and/or hibernating in current jaunty working?10:17
BUGabundo1some what!10:17
BUGabundo1it was working more or less10:17
BUGabundo1and sometimes I got tracebacks10:17
CosmiChaoschronic: i dont think that the nvidia driver for linux sucks ;)10:17
ubottuLaunchpad bug 335465 in xorg "resume from hibernation crashed X" [Undecided,Incomplete]10:17
CosmiChaoson both mine computer shuts down :/10:18
Infectosome on have problem with kde 4.2 and network manager? i cant set proper ip on eth0, only dhcp work, this Auto function, and i dont know how to disable it10:20
Infectounder gnome works fine10:20
chronicCosmiChaos, so nvidia driver is great? exactly same performance and functionality as windows driver?10:21
BUGabundo1Infecto: network on kubuntu is broken10:21
Infectobut under kde dont want. I have set it in Network manager (widget) settings, i have 2 connections for eth010:21
BUGabundo1and in need of dire care and attention10:21
InfectoBUGabundo1: ok, thanks.10:21
BUGabundo1chronic: CosmiChaos I would like to know that too!10:21
BUGabundo1ppl keep saying "linux" drivers are as fast!10:21
Infectobut have less functions10:22
Infectolast drivers bring hardware accel but broke other things10:22
Infectohmm, opera dont want to statrtt under kubuntu (uptodata)10:24
Infectoclone(child_stack=0, flags=CLONE_CHILD_CLEARTID|CLONE_CHILD_SETTID|SIGCHLD, child_tidptr=0xb70d59b8) = 538110:24
Infectowtf? :)10:24
Infectoconnect(14, {sa_family=AF_FILE, path="/tmp/.ICE-unix/4735"...}, 21) = 010:27
Infectofcntl64(14, F_SETFD, FD_CLOEXEC)        = 010:27
Infectowrite(14, "\0\1\0\0\0\0\0\0"..., 8)     = 810:27
Infectofirefox have problem like this10:27
chronicInfecto, its crazy i tell u, i run firefox just fine10:29
Infectochronic: but only under kde 4.2.1 dont want to work10:30
Infectounder gnome works just fine10:30
chronicim running 4.2.110:30
ikoniaInfecto: don't flood the channel please, and try not to use phrases like "wtf" we know what it means10:31
* BUGabundo1 wants kdelibs for 4.2.1 to fix KMAIL delete crash10:32
CosmiChaoschronic: BUGabundo1: i cannot say anything about high end, but i have relatively fast performance for my onboard geforce 715010:32
Infectoikonia: i`m sory, will not happend again.10:32
CosmiChaosand all functions that are necessary for my low end profile10:32
ikoniaInfecto: no problem, thanks10:33
chronicCosmiChaos, i have a bad ass x19xx and my desktop performance is horrible, i don't even bother with anything 3d10:34
CosmiChaoschronic: what is x19xx? stone-age?10:34
chronicCosmiChaos, stfu dude, x19xx is a very powerful gpu10:35
CosmiChaoschronic: quote chronic: "i have a bad ass x19xx and my desktop performance is horrible" stfuys10:36
chronicCosmiChaos, thats because of the bad drivers, the whole point, genius10:37
CosmiChaosdo you know the manufacturers name or is it just "x19xx"? :p10:38
chronicwhats the difference? makes no difference at all10:38
CosmiChaosi wanna know what you are talkinjg about10:39
CosmiChaosmigh manufacturer nvidia, ati, s3, 3dfx *g*10:39
CosmiChaoswth is x19xx10:39
chronicdude, most of the cards are reference design, just different name in the bios and maybe some tweaks10:40
CosmiChaoslol which manufacturer?10:40
chronicdoesnt matter10:41
CosmiChaosif you dont know which gpu you are talking about stfu dude10:41
chronicx19xx is obviously ati10:41
chronicCosmiChaos, see u dont know shit10:42
CosmiChaosyou ati-knowing people, i never cared about that sucking company, just less as they were sucked by more suckingamd :D10:43
CosmiChaoswtf should i know x19xx from could be anything, S3 you know10:43
CosmiChaosi dont care of your bs, be spccccccorstf talkinwmmmmmm10:43
bazhangchronic, stop with the bad language10:43
bazhang!coc | chronic10:44
ubottuchronic: The Ubuntu Code of Conduct to which we ask all Ubuntu users to adhere can be found at http://www.ubuntu.com/community/conduct/10:44
chronicCosmiChaos, obviously u don't know anything about video cards10:44
bazhang!ops | chronic10:44
ubottuchronic: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu,  imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, Madpilot, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso,  PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!10:44
CosmiChaoschronic: no obvious you were ntttttsssssppppeeeecccccciiffffffccccc10:44
chronicwhat does that mean?10:45
bazhangit means you are about to be banned10:45
zirodaybazhang: did you see the earlier bit where he said he would shoot me in the face with a shotgun?10:45
zirodaybazhang: just in case some clarity is needed10:45
bazhangchronic, you were asked repeatedly in #kubuntu to stop, then took it here10:46
bazhangziroday, just see it now10:46
chronicbazhang, bazhang my nigga, i like how your name sounds10:46
zirodaybazhang: great :)10:46
bazhangchronic, just go10:46
bazhangChanServ- You are not authorized to perform this operation. :(10:46
CosmiChaosim sry about my keyboard10:47
* CosmiChaos was bad too :D10:48
=== le_bilou1e is now known as le_biloute
ikoniaCosmiChaos: then please don't in future10:49
jk-hey all.11:50
humbolt2has firefox gotten unstable for you in jaunty too? mine is crashing all the time. closing some tabs or windows does trigger that!11:54
cwilluhaven't noticed, but I was a bit behind on updates until a couple hours ago11:56
cwillubeen using mozillateams ppa in intrepid though, haven't had many issues on the last build11:56
humbolt2cwillu: hmm, I have no clue where that might be coming from.11:57
cwilluwell, run it from a terminal, will give at least a slight clue the next time it crashes I guess11:58
PC-Entehi guys12:38
PC-Entei'm wondering why my Touchpad isnt working with jaunty...12:38
PC-Entenever mind...12:39
=== mnem0 is now known as mnemo
Alastair_hi guys... a few days ago after a update my wireless broke - a few seconds, sometimes minutes after i enable it my PC freezes. Has anyone experienced anything like this? It happens only in ad-hoc mode and there are no logs left behind.14:18
BUGabundoAlastair_: there was an error with a recent wifi driver14:19
BUGabundoa new update came today, but I haven't tested it14:19
BUGabundoboot into an older kernel and see if it OK14:19
Alastair_yeah, i read something about it, and now i'm running the latest compat-wireless drivers14:19
Alastair_it is still screwed up :/14:20
BUGabundoif so, the change made on the backports -8 also damage your system14:20
Alastair_it happens with today's updates too14:20
BUGabundothat should be it14:20
BUGabundotry the older kernel14:20
BUGabundoif you still have it14:20
BUGabundoother wise ping apw and he will let you know what to do14:20
BUGabundothanks to let me know!14:21
Alastair_nah, it's not that important, i still have my router, it's just annoying ^^14:21
BUGabundothat way I won't upgrade AGAIN14:21
BUGabundoplease let apw know14:21
BUGabundobut its IMPORTANT14:22
BUGabundoother will be afected14:22
Alastair_i mean it's not important for me, at least not that much, otherwise of course it is a major regression...14:22
Alastair_by the way who's apw (i'm still green around here xD )14:23
cumulus007The messages Usplashs displays, like "Waking up. Please wait...", are they translatable?14:32
thehookis virtualizing removed from kernel in jaunty alpha?14:35
charlie-tcathehook: I use VirtualBox in Jaunty. It works in Xubuntu14:36
theholyduckcharlie-tca, it works even WITHOUT kernel virtualization14:37
theholyducki think :P14:37
theholyduckrather. it works without the special intel/amd accelration options14:37
BUGabundoAlastair_: he is one of the kernel devs14:39
BUGabundoyou can talk to him on #ubuntu-kernel14:40
Alastair_i found a bug on launchpad that is very similar to my problem14:40
Alastair_it seems the troublemaker is the network manager, not the driver...14:40
bazookatoothmost likely... dropping and reconnecting constantly?14:41
thehookcharlie-tca: what does the following command show with you? egrep '(vmx|svm)' --color=always /proc/cpuinfo14:41
Alastair_nope system freezes with encrypted ad-hoc network14:41
thehook+ does it give any output?14:41
Alastair_no output, it freezes without any warning14:42
bazookatoothalastair_: have you tried wicd14:42
charlie-tcathehook: flags: fpu vme de pse tsc msr pae mce cx8 apic sep mtrr pge mca cmov pat pse36 clflush mmx fxsr sse sse2 syscall nx mmxext fxsr_opt rdtscp lm 3dnowext 3dnow up rep_good pni cx16 lahf_lm svm extapic cr8_legacy14:42
charlie-tcawith "svm" in red14:42
thehookcharlie-tca: ok thanks :) then its something here thats gone wrong :P i did also on intrepid, but not in jaunty anymore.. what processor do you have?14:43
charlie-tcaamd64 athlon 2.214:43
charlie-tcasingle core14:44
thehookok, thanks :)14:44
charlie-tcaYou are welcome14:44
Alastair_hm... that wicd thingy wants to remove the network manager...14:47
Alastair_i won't mess around with it since my inet comes through the ethernet and i have a router... the ad-hoc isn't a priority...14:47
thehookanyone knows why my intel p7350 processor does not show the vmx flag in /proc/cpuinfo ?14:47
bazookatoothAlastair_: yes, it replaces the network manager.. but it will work14:57
bazookatoothAlastair_: 'sup to you... only reason i don't like it is it doesn't handle vpn that well... but all my network manager problems went away when i moved to jaunty so i didnt need it14:57
=== marko-_-- is now known as marko-_-
ButterflyOfFireHello :)15:06
BUGabundohi ButterflyOfFire15:07
ButterflyOfFirecvan I ask my question ?15:07
ButterflyOfFireNo you can't :p15:07
ButterflyOfFireI have a problem to setup mode 1280x1024 on Ubuntu 9.04 Jaunty Jackalope (The driver is working fine but cannot get the full mode)15:07
ButterflyOfFireI'm on 64 bits15:08
ButterflyOfFireI tried to modify my xorg.conf but my screen says "Out of area"15:09
ButterflyOfFirehere is my xorg.conf => http://pastebin.com/d7aee876715:09
ButterflyOfFireI have added : ModeLine       "1280x1024@60" blablabla15:10
ButterflyOfFireI knox there is not "blablabla" :p15:10
ButterflyOfFireyo tixxdz welcome15:13
ButterflyOfFireAre you following me ? :p15:13
ButterflyOfFireYou know IRC is not Twitter :D15:13
Q-FUNKHowdy!  I'm on Ubuntu/Jaunty using 0.9.14-0ubuntu10 and it seems that with every PA release, usability with Skype decreases.  It stutters like like a broken record.15:15
Q-FUNKI already visited the PA site and edited the config as suggested there. It used to work fine with that until the previous Ubuntu release, but not anymore.15:15
Q-FUNKIs there anything else I should check for?15:15
danbhfive_jauntyQ-FUNK: thats weird, I've been experience strange audio problems with skype too, though not necessarily with just jaunty15:19
Alexia_DeathQ-FUNK: pulseaudio problems are well known15:19
kazagistarthis is such a wierd error... my compy crashed while installing some updates... after a bit of fixing my only apparently broken package is yelp, except now (1) my desktop is displaying funny little text errors, in random places on the desktop, (2) all my file associations are broken, so every file looks blank and tries to open with the text editor, and (3) I cannot play and sound or movies, as it cannot find the codecs for them (possibly associated w15:20
kazagistarany ideas for a possible fix?15:21
danbhfive_jauntykazagistar: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop^              maybe that will install some missing packages?15:23
kazagistarwell, the good news is I can still open non-media files, as long as I specify the right program15:27
kazagistarso I will just reinstall fresh when Beta comes :P15:29
charlie-tcakazagistar: did you try running the updates again, from the command line?15:41
=== Andre_Gondim is now known as Andre_Gondim-afk
Cotowarcan someone help me revert back to hardy from a partial jaunty upgrade?16:14
BUGabundoCotowar: NO16:16
Cotowari was hoping to avoid an install, but alright16:17
theholyduckCotowar, once you go 1 way. going back is pretty much impossible16:25
Wellarkhas anyone elses bootsplash broken after some recent update?16:25
Cotowarthe thing is, my sound card stopped functioning recently, and i just did the partial upgrade16:26
Cotowarthough i also messed with my fingerprint scanner and that screwed some stuff up too16:26
Cotowarnow, could i just wait it out and hope my computer fixes itself?16:27
theholyduckCotowar, why not just go all the way into jaunty?16:28
Cotowarumm, apt hasn't offered me upgrades, and im kind of linux retarded when it comes to actual know how16:29
Cotowari admit, i was once a windows user :(16:29
Cotowarwhat stage is jaunty in by the way?16:30
unixdawgi think we all where16:30
unixdawgand then tried mac16:30
unixdawgand then come over to the real world16:30
unixdawgbut I started on a honeywell vax system16:30
Cotowarcan't say im old enough to know what that is...16:30
unixdawgthen went to os2 with the win32 builtin16:30
Cotowari remember being like 4 and having a win 3.1 system16:31
unixdawgI miss os2 it was a great os16:31
unixdawg<== turns 40 in 2 months16:31
theholyduckCotowar, i had a dos system when i was 4 :P16:31
unixdawgfrom yesterday16:31
theholyduckthen i used every windows up to 9816:31
theholyduckand since then i've been using linux16:31
theholyduckand its my honest opinion that linux has gotten worse lately16:32
Cotowari did 98, xp, and i use vista at school because they dont have linux labs16:32
unixdawgI am a *BSD guy but need flash wich has not yet ported to bsd so I am stuck with linux for now on a dektop16:32
unixdawgI have a linux desktop and laptop and a bsd desktop and laptop16:32
Cotowarwhich flavor of BSD?16:32
theholyduckinfact, linux getting worse pretty much directly relates to the introduction of ubuntu16:32
theholyduckin my book16:33
theholyduckubuntu made it allright to go for user friendlyness to be the main focus of a package16:33
theholyduckand since then pretty much everything got worse16:33
theholyduckxorg is worse. gnome is worse, kde is worse16:33
theholyduckeven xfce is going to the shitters16:33
* theholyduck remembers a "simpler" time16:34
Cotowarall i know is i can't do anything in gentoo. i would really like to, judging by what ive read its a good OS, but I like the support Ubuntu as16:34
theholyduckCotowar, gentoo is pretty much one of the few distros in the world16:34
theholyduckWORSE than ubuntu16:34
theholyduckwich is quite an archivement really16:34
theholyduckCotowar, the developers are pillocks. the package maintainers are idiots16:35
theholyduckand the packagemanager is a mess16:35
Cotowaroh, well yea that would do it16:35
bazookatoothlol yeah right. that is by far the best package manager in existence16:35
theholyduckbazookatooth, err16:35
theholyduckyou cant do anythign without resulting to overlays16:35
theholyduckit disables everything you want by default16:36
theholyduckand your fellow users are almost all ricers16:36
theholyduckbazookatooth, i've been using linux for years. and i've pretty much used every major packagemanagement system.16:36
admin_masu3701is anyone using 9.04 alpha? is it complicated to upgrade from 8.10?16:36
theholyduckgentoos is one of the worse :P16:36
Cotowarwhich distro would you recommend me looking at as someone who knows very little about where things are in the filesystem, but isnt afraid to get their hands dirty?16:37
theholyduckCotowar, well if you arent afraid of breaking things.p16:37
Cotowarim not16:37
theholyduckdebian unstable is your best bet16:37
theholyduckall the pluss of package management of ubuntu with none of the horribleness16:37
theholyduckbut yeah. things breaks16:38
theholyducksometimes things breaks horribly16:38
theholyduckbazookatooth, am not :P16:38
bazookatooththink so16:38
theholyduckbazookatooth, ubuntus packaging is horrible.16:38
theholyduckits a true story16:38
theholyduckdebian isnt much better, but unstable doesnt stagnate atleast16:39
Alastair_theholyduck, yeah, but for young users like me user-f16:39
Alastair_friendlyness is everything16:39
theholyduckAlastair_, but linux hasnt really gotten more userfriendly.16:39
Cotowarhow might i learn where everything is, as far as OS files and whatnot? Like I've snooped around in /etc, /usr, and /proc, but I dont know where the crap is located16:39
theholyduckinfact i have more problems doing a desktop linux install now16:39
theholyduckthan 3 years ago16:39
Alastair_if it wasn't dumbed down so much i probably would've never had the guts to remove the vista16:40
admin_masu3701do i have to convert ext3 to ext4 after upgrading from 8.10?16:40
danbeckdamn, I was just spending some time doing some sysadmin in gentoo and I had such a fucking unbelievable time, I wanted to come in here and see how you guys were doing.16:40
Alastair_i'd recommend against upgrading from 8.10 tho16:41
Alastair_either dual-boot or clean install16:41
Cotowaryea, im in a hole right now with the upgrade16:41
Cotowarand im being stubborn and waiting until they fix shit instead of re-installing16:42
Alastair_really, the upgrade will take much MUCH more time than clean install16:42
theholyduckCotowar, Alastair_ http://www.pathname.com/fhs/16:42
theholyducki ment16:42
theholyducknot Alastair_16:42
Cotowaralready did it16:42
theholyduckjust Cotowar :P16:42
Cotowarthank you sir. i appreciate that16:42
admin_masu3701alastair: so i dont have to convert ext3 to ext4?16:42
theholyduckthe filesystem hirarchy standard :P16:42
woogensadmin_masu3701: Nope16:42
theholyduckCotowar, where and why everything is16:42
Alastair_nope, it'll work just fine16:43
bazookatoothlol whats the deal16:43
admin_masu3701cool..is there any major problem that i will run into when upgrading ?16:43
Cotowarmy blackberry...16:43
Cotowari just bought a blackberry curve, and the dang thing restarts itself every like 12 hours.16:44
Cotowargot it monday i think...16:44
Cotowarmaybe tuesday16:44
mahfiazhi, what to do with the following: gdesklets: Depends: python (< 2.6) but 2.6.1-0ubuntu3 is to be installed16:44
Alastair_memory problem?16:44
Alastair_my ipaq does the same shit when i use too much ram...16:45
Cotowaridk, i think its my desktop theme on there. i installed a new one, and since then it started freaking out16:45
woogensadmin_masu3701: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JauntyJackalope/TechnicalOverview16:45
Cotowari might delete and see if that makes a difference16:45
Cotowartheholyduck: how hard do you think it would be to configure my own OS based on files already present in an existing distro?16:47
theholyduckCotowar, as in?16:47
theholyduckyou could just take ubuntu and rebrand it if you wanted16:48
theholyduckand modify the installer to install a couple of your custom stuffs16:48
theholyduckim involved in a project based on lunar linux currently16:48
Cotowaryea, that was the idea, but how hard is it? last time i re-compiled a kernel it took me like 14 hours. and looking back on it it was easy stuff16:48
admin_masu3701woogens: cool..am wondering if my wireless card will be working automatically or i have to go through all the installations16:49
theholyduckCotowar, well you have to learn packaging16:49
theholyduckif you're going to make packages16:49
mahfiazlike add cotowar-linux metapackage which is dependant on ubuntu-desktop and thunderbird, a reason big enough to rebrand :)16:49
danbeck14 hours to compile a kernel?16:49
Cotowarim a tard16:49
danbeckI hate to be ugly, but you really are.16:49
bazookatoothi just accidentally my whole filesystem is this bad?16:49
mahfiazdanbeck, on 100MHz machine?16:49
danbeck14 hours is retarded.16:49
danbeckI was thinking you were talking about troubleshooting.16:50
danbeckwhy not cross-compile?16:50
theholyduckbazookatooth, you just accidentally what+16:50
bazookatoothmy whole filesystem16:50
theholyduckbazookatooth, lalz16:50
theholyduckim guessing somebody is a bit 4chan/xkcd inspired?16:51
theholyducki accidentally in your base!16:51
danbeckxkcd is fucking shit16:51
theholyduckdanbeck, is not :P16:51
Pici, Please watch your language in this channel, thank you.16:51
danbeckseriously, 25% of his stuff is funny.  The other 75% is embarrassingly crap.16:51
theholyduckdanbeck, it is?16:52
danbeckTake danbeck's word.16:52
danbeckEveryone around me is like 'omfg, did you see the new xkcd! LOLOLOL'16:52
danbeckand I have to go "yes, haha, very funny"16:52
danbeckevery day16:52
danbeckso f' the xkcd fans.16:52
danbeckI mean, some of it is clever.16:53
danbeckmost of it is not.16:53
bazookatoothtruth is spoken here16:53
bazookatoothusually the funniest part is the alt text16:53
theholyduckdanbeck, i bet you're one of them people who doesnt think this isnt funny16:53
theholyduckOr, is the mentality of an average high school girl nowadays just as irregular as the light curve period of Mira A?16:53
danbeckIt's clever, but not funny.16:53
danbeckDo you see the difference?16:53
danbeckCan you see the difference?16:53
PiciThis is a support channel, please keep it on topic. Chat in #ubuntu-offtopic16:53
theholyduckclever == FUNNY :P16:53
danbeckHumour is clever, but humour isn't all ways funny.16:53
theholyduckPici, its not like anyone is doing anything topical in here anyway16:54
theholyduckwhy not just have seome fun?16:54
mahfiazhi, what to do with the following: gdesklets: Depends: python (< 2.6) but 2.6.1-0ubuntu3 is to be installed16:54
Picitheholyduck: The fact remains that this is still a support and discussion channel for Jaunty16:54
theholyduckmahfiaz, you just HAD to ruin it16:54
theholyduckdidnt you?16:54
mahfiazI had this darn problem16:54
danbeckCan you look at xkcd in using Jaunty?  on topic then!16:54
Cotowaris it practical to try running ubuntu on a cluster?16:54
Cotowarjust wondering16:55
mahfiazCotowar, what purpose?16:55
danbeckWhy would you do that?16:55
theholyduckmahfiaz, well it depends on a python UNDER 2616:55
theholyduckfor some reason :P16:55
theholyduckuninstall gdesklets or hold python16:55
theholyduckor whatever16:55
danbeckI mean, the basic answer is always "of course you can run any linux distro on a cluster"16:55
theholyduckbut ubuntu is bloated16:55
Cotowarthats what i was looking for16:56
danbeckThe real question is 'Why? and Do you have access to the right tools?"16:56
Cotowarwell, at the end of the school year here I'm picking up a crap ton of old computers16:56
theholyduckCotowar, old computers are <316:56
* theholyduck has 17 computers in his house16:56
Cotowari was going to scrap the cases and do something like the humidor cluster16:56
Cotowarif you've seen that16:57
danbeckTo do what with?  Calculate the relative pomposity that each xkcd comic has in relation to it's sibling?16:57
mahfiaztheholyduck, actually am trying to install gdesklets16:57
theholyduckmahfiaz, well then you have too new python :P16:57
theholyducki dunno why the package needs a old one16:57
Cotowarnah, i just wanted it, i dont know what im going to do with it yet16:57
mahfiazbut never mind, thanks for your answers16:57
mahfiaztried to check out the eyecandy, but this is not what computers are *useful* for16:58
Cotowarand wow, i really wish i could listen to sound through my computer... transferring songs to the 'berry so i can play them is ridic...16:58
* theholyduck uses fluxbox anyway16:58
theholyduckeyecandy is more like eyecancer16:58
charlie-tcamahfiaz: you should file a bug against it. Python has been upgraded in Jaunty16:58
mahfiaztheholyduck, not all of gdesklets and compiz if of evil16:58
mahfiaz*is of16:59
nemodanbeck: I run a stripped down gentoo for my itsby bitsy cluster :)16:59
theholyduckmahfiaz, well yes. compiz has 1 good feature16:59
theholyduckbut its not worth having for that16:59
nemodanbeck: my buddy, who is a bit more hardcore, made his own distro for his workplace's embedded server16:59
mahfiazcharlie-tca, ok, thanks16:59
danbecknemo: wait, I thought ubutu people hated gentoo.16:59
theholyduckwell both are distros with bad packaging16:59
nemodanbeck: I have no particular distro loyalties - the major ones all have a purpose16:59
theholyduckand stupid userbases16:59
BUGabundo1guys need a few tips: gonna setup a virtualbox with ubuntu server over winServer 2k8. anything I should know before hand?16:59
danbeckYou know, some old fashioned souther racist type of hatred and bigotry.16:59
theholyduckwhy WOULDNT gentoo and ubuntu be best friends forever?16:59
charlie-tcaBUGabundo: You should use the version on Sun server if you need USB17:00
danbecklol, well, in most tech circles, using gentoo will get you hated.17:00
CotowarBUGabundo1: dont use the OSE version. it sucks, and you can get the closed source version free as well off Virtualbox'es site17:00
nemoyeah. whatever.17:00
theholyduckdanbeck, well yes17:00
mahfiaztheholyduck, what feature? there are several features which would be useful for presenters and lecturers17:00
theholyduckbut so will ubuntu17:00
BUGabundo1thanks charlie-tca Cotowar17:00
theholyduckmahfiaz, im not one though17:00
nemodanbeck: while gentoo lost its way recently, the basic concepts are not unreasonable.17:00
nemoso. I tend to ignore haters :)17:01
theholyduckdanbeck, gentoo users are ricers, ubuntu users are retards, thats basicly how the rest of the world looks at you17:01
theholyducktrue story17:01
nemomost of 'em are pretty clueless, code wise17:01
danbeckWhy are geeks so bigoted towards each other?   Most of the tech people I know are the biggest flaming liberals, but when it comes down to it, they are juas bigoted as anyone else.17:01
theholyducknemo, 1 question though :P17:01
theholyduckwhy wouldnt you run lunar+17:01
theholyduckinstead of gentoo?17:01
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!17:01
theholyduckits packagemangaer is less broken :P17:01
nemotheholyduck: for me, a distro is mostly inertia, userbase, support, etc.17:01
danbecktheholyduck: I smell a troll. =)    Gentoo is the f'ing best server distro out there.17:01
theholyduckdanbeck, you havent tried maintaining it much have you?17:01
nemowill continue on pm though, since Pici is getting all miffed17:01
nemoor #ubuntu-offtopic  why not17:02
danbecktheholyduck, I maintain about 40ish servers.17:02
CotowarBUGabundo1, you can use guest additions for auto mouse capture, usb, and other crap, but you can't install from more than 1 CD in my experience17:02
danbeckAnd I don't use one of those retarded puppet systems.17:02
admin_masu3701is there a good reason why i should upgrade to 9.04 at this time?17:02
Piciadmin_masu3701: No.17:02
nemotheholyduck: or at least I would if you were on there17:02
nemosince you aren't, I assume you don't care for answer17:02
Piciadmin_masu3701: Wait for it to be released, or afterwards.17:02
theholyducknemo, :P17:02
theholyducknemo, join #anime. nothings happening there atm17:02
theholyducki ned more people to talk to anyway17:03
CotowarBUGabundo1, like you can't install an app to the virtual machine that requires more than 1 CD that is17:03
admin_masu3701Pici: ok..are you using it right now?17:03
theholyduck#anime is basicly ##linux anyway17:03
BUGabundo1thank you17:03
danbecktheholyduck: what I get with gentoo is not having to screw with some crap binary package system that FORCES me to install a certain version because that's what it was compiled with.  Gentoo lets me install what version I want, with hints as to what minimums are required.17:03
Cotowarlolz at theholyduck17:03
admin_masu3701Pici: is there any major changes?17:03
danbeckI left the RedHat style of package management a long time ago and I'm not in a hurry to run back to it.17:03
theholyduckCotowar, its true. :P17:03
Cotowari know it is17:04
theholyduckCotowar, #mplayer is #anime and #x264 is #touhou17:04
theholyduckand #anime is ##Linux17:04
Cotowaroh, how about using acidrip, anyone have experience with that?17:04
danbeckSo, instead of being hamstrung and forced into a crap version of something, I can keep my systems updated enough to install what version I want, not what version a distro forces me to install.17:04
bazookatoothsee? ricer.17:04
bazookatoothlol jk17:04
theholyduckdanbeck, i use debian then compile from source :P17:04
nemotheholyduck: oh well. guess you didn't care.  I think I will leave this channel too, to avoid being drawn into the torlling17:04
Piciadmin_masu3701: I am only running jaunty on my laptop, my server is running Intrepid17:05
Cotowaris there a package manager that can support .rpm and .deb? and what extension does portage run on?17:05
danbecktheholyduck, then you are one of those people who use a puppet program and don't give a crap what state their systems are in or how well they run.  That, or you only maintain a few systems.17:05
Cotowari maintain my 400MHz P2 with Windows XP performance edition17:06
CotowarMan I cant wait for windows 7! its going to fix all of windows' problems!17:06
Cotowarwell, after service pack 1 is released...17:06
CotowarPS, how might i use a router to get from my laptop to the login screen of a windows computer?17:07
Cotowarassuming both are my own and i am hard wired on both as well17:07
Cotowartheres gotta be a way to do it, i know there is...17:07
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danbeckwith just a router?17:08
danbeckLike you are mcguiver?17:08
danbeckDon't know how you would do that.17:08
danbeckI mean, unless you were running terminal software.17:08
danbeckI'm assuming you are wanting to troubleshoot, not setup a system for remote login.17:08
Cotowarheres the deal really. i dont have a legal copy of XP to format with, and a friend of mine has a computer he forgot the password to.17:09
PiciCotowar: There are other solutions for that, please join ##windows and ask there17:10
Cotowarcan jaunty do it though?17:10
Cotowari was thinking a live CD of jaunty would allow me to mount the C: drive, and then i could delete the password from the administrator account. is that possible though?17:11
danbeckI think that crap may be stored in the registry.17:12
Cotowari know where it is in XP, i just dont know how to get into the system to delete it.17:12
BUGabundo1Cotowar: it is... you just need to know what file to do it17:13
PiciMount it like you'd mount any other fileysystem.17:13
BUGabundo1and to hack hexadecimal in the regedit!17:13
BUGabundo1Cotowar: but there are already LiveCDs with that17:13
BUGabundo1and sorry everyone else for going OT17:13
Cotowaroh, and for all you linux pros out there, how useful would getting an LPI certification be? Like, I did A+ just for giggles, it was a complete joke, and no businesses take it seriously. is it the same with LPI or RHCE?17:14
PiciCotowar: Please take this to #ubuntu-offtopic17:15
Cotowarokay... i cant think of any sneaky way to get a jaunty reference to that one...17:15
admin_masu3701Pici: so what is your experience with 9.04 so far? is it better then 8.10?17:25
mahfiazadmin_masu3701, it has many up-to-date programs, which is a pretty good reason, FOSS programs tend to get better by development17:27
bazookatoothhey danbeck.. question i had for you the other day17:31
admin_masu3701mahfiaz: cool..would advise me to upgrade now or wait intil april or later?17:32
danbeckthe gentoo guru is in17:32
mahfiazadmin_masu3701, it depends if you can allow some unstability and how painless it is for you to workaround some problems17:33
mahfiazif you were a former gentoo guy, I would suggest to jump in rightaway :)17:34
admin_masu3701mahfiaz: i dont mind problems if there are minors.17:35
mahfiazthen just go for it17:35
mahfiazi use it on my primary laptop which I use for work17:36
mahfiazdanbeck, btw I always keep suggesting using gentoo for half a year or so as a well documented learning tool, the handbooks are superiour17:37
danbeckCool, I use it for server os only.  I have some work mates who used it for about a year or so back around 2004ish as a desktop, but ended up moving OS X.17:38
danbeckI prefer ubutu for desktop.17:38
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mahfiazdanbeck, if funds aren't limited then for non-poweruser osx is just as good as ubuntu and in some measurements better17:40
mahfiazand of course preferred system over the marketshare-dominant OS :)17:41
danbeckoh, I prefer OS X.  I tried it on a whim back around 2003-2004 and ended up wholesale converting.17:41
danbeckIMHO, OS X is far superior than anything windows or any linux distro could produce.17:42
danbeckI hate windows, but I try not to be a bigot about operating systems.  Each has it's place.17:42
mahfiaznot "could produce" but "produces now"17:42
danbeckI disagree.17:42
mahfiazno problem :)17:43
danbeckThe very nature of x11 forbids the sort of tight integration that OS X enjoys.17:43
danbeckI'm not saying that x11 is bad, just different.17:43
danbeckBoth are hammers, but one is small and light and is made for fine nails in hand crafted pieces17:44
mahfiazthe last time I touched a macbook, I found that the finder was quite dumb and powerless17:44
danbeckThe other is rough, solid and does a good job.17:44
crdlbX will eventually get to where it needs to be17:44
mahfiazand did behave different than I was expecting17:44
danbeckit's /Applications/Utilities/Terminal.app17:44
danbeckThe console is where you do powerful filesystem work, not finder.17:45
danbeckFinder is for picking files and doing desktop crap.  It's lacking for a reason.17:45
mahfiazwhat you need osx for then?17:45
danbeckIf you want superduper powa, thigns like Pathfinder for.17:45
danbeckthings like Pathfinder are for when you need a powerful file manager17:46
danbeckmahfiaz: to run gui apps17:46
danbeckof course.17:46
danbeckYour question implies,  "why is osx better than x11?"17:47
mahfiazlet's ask it so17:47
danbeckTight hardware and application integration, beautiful and functional UI, amazing developer and application support.17:48
danbeckAfter doing some development work in Cocoa, I have no desire to putz with GTK, .net or anything else.17:49
* crdlb wonders if danbeck has said a single on-topic thing in this channel17:50
danbeckI haven't.17:50
mahfiazthis tight hardware integration is easy to achieve with statement like "linux is for T40 computers only" and achieve good drivers support for it17:50
danbeckit is what it is17:50
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danbeckI'm not saying linux is crap.  WIthout linux, I wouldn't be able to do the things I do. I love linux.17:50
danbeckBut I'm not some blind bigot who thinks linux is the only tool for every job.17:51
danbeck(not that you do either)17:51
danbeckjust making a generalization.17:51
mahfiazcrdlb, it is educational discussion on linux future in wild market on different operating systems from the point of view of OSX user17:51
crdlbneed I remind you that this isn't really a discussion channel?17:52
danbeckin any case, I'm not so naive to think that "linux desktop" sucks. It is what it is.  It would be an amazing project if a team of people working for free could produce the same level of quality that a focused team of highly paid, highly motivated, intelligent people could produce.17:52
crdlbadmittedly, this channel strays a lot, but this is ridiculous17:52
danbeckBut, success is hard.  That's why there are rows of books about being successful at the bookstore.17:52
danbeckon topic: I'm getting a dell mini 9 in a few weeks.  It's going to have 8.04 on it.17:52
danbeckThink 9 will be ready enough to install and use for real?17:53
danbeckeither way, 8.04 will not stay on that thing17:53
danbeckit's getting upgraded to something, come hell or highwater.17:53
d1g1t9.04 would be more on-topic o.o17:54
danbeckyeah, 9.04 is what I mean.17:54
mahfiazcrdlb, btw have you read the channel topic?17:55
ubottuPlease read the channel topic whenever you enter, as it contains important information. To view it at any time after joining, simply type /topic17:56
danbeckhmm, the topic says it's a "DISCUSSION CHANNEL"17:56
crdlbmahfiaz: ok, it's not discussion in that sense :)17:56
danbeckwhat does that mean?17:56
charlie-tcamahfiaz: pretty much says this channel is for Jaunty Jackalope17:56
charlie-tcanot "whatever I feel like"17:57
charlie-tcadanbeck: all of it17:57
mahfiazisn't Jaunty Jackalope the current future of of Ubuntu and linux in general?17:57
charlie-tcaJaunty Jackalope (alpha) discussion channel17:58
danbeckyes, all distros will merge into Jaunty17:58
charlie-tcaI highly doubt that17:58
ikoniajaunty is ubuntu's next release - nothing more17:59
mahfiazikonia, :)18:00
mahfiazsure this isn't sid, the future forever :)18:01
BUGabundoikonia: actually Koala is the next release!!! LOL18:01
ikoniano, jaunty is the next release18:02
BUGabundonot for me18:02
BUGabundoI'm already using jj18:02
ikoniajaunty is the next ubuntu release.18:02
* BUGabundo ikonia is a broken disk18:02
mahfiazfinally we got on the right track of ubuntu+1 discussion18:02
BUGabundo[OT] installed #ubuntuserver on #VirtualBox but ended up with English Keyboard! need to change it. HOW?18:06
PiciBUGabundo: ask in #ubuntu or #ubuntu-server18:08
BUGabundoI did18:08
BUGabundobut you guys are my buddies!18:09
ikoniaBUGabundo: need to follow the topic please.18:10
BUGabundook ok18:10
BUGabundosorry guys!18:10
* BUGabundo tuff crowd today... xeee18:11
mahfiazikonia, what is wrong in asking about keyboard setup?18:11
BUGabundomahfiaz: its for 8.10 server18:11
BUGabundotoo much offtopic for this #18:11
BUGabundoI would do/kick the same!18:11
BUGabundoif it was somebody else18:12
ikoniaok - so lets not discuss it and return to the topic in hand18:12
mahfiazBUGabundo, see http://www.gentoo.org/doc/en/guide-localization.xml?style=printable18:12
ikoniamahfiaz: !!!!18:13
ikoniamahfiaz: did you not just read what I said ?18:13
BUGabundoikonia: calm down!18:13
BUGabundobad ikonia18:13
ikoniamsg BUGabundo I'm really sorry to have to mute you18:14
mahfiazbut the question and the right answer would have been very same whatever version of ubuntu he used18:15
* mahfiaz is astonished a litte18:15
Alexia_Deathwhats the point of giving the boot to people for sightly related chat even when there is no more on topic chat going on?18:16
ikoniagents - the topic of this channel is jaunty - thats the topic - thats it18:17
ikoniaif you want to ask off topic questions there are more appropriate channels to do so in18:17
PiciBecause people look here for problems and/or activity for Jaunty, not anything else.  We have channels for the other things.18:17
Alexia_DeathIf you wanna be anal about the rules, your right.18:17
ikoniaAlexia_Death: if you want to just respect the rules - he's right18:18
* BUGabundo I'm out!18:19
ikoniaBUGabundo: ok18:20
charlie-tcaSeems like over an hour off topic should have been sufficient for everyone18:22
macoBUGabundo: you could've just lied and said it was 9.04 server18:23
maconot like the answer would've been any different18:23
ikoniamaco: or just respected the rules18:23
macoikonia: it could have been useful info for someone using 9.04 server anyway18:24
* BUGabundo out for good... stupid command18:24
ikoniaBUGabundo: and your still here.......18:24
ikoniamaco: it would be a great disscussion to have on 9.04 - go for it18:24
mahfiazI think he should have rephrased it as "I am using ubuntu server 8.10, but am wondering if upgrading to 9.04 would fix my wrong keymap problem"18:26
macoikonia: whatever. i dont even fit in this channel anyway because i use *gasp* kubuntu+118:27
macofor some reason there's no channel for kde jaunty users though18:27
ikoniamaco: kubuntu is fine18:27
ikoniakubuntu 9.0418:27
ikonia9.04 in general is fine18:27
* Awsoonn agrees with ikonia 18:27
LjLmaco: actually #ubuntu supports Kubuntu too, there's just no particular need to have a Kubuntu-specific +1 channel since it's not all *that* busy18:28
macoLjL: in #ubuntu you're told to go to #kubuntu because nobody there uses kde18:29
ikoniamaco: no no, you're not18:29
LjLmaco: that's not true, i've helped KDE users in several circumstances18:29
ikoniamaco: tons of kubuntu chat in there, it is a bit sproadic though18:30
macowhen did that start happening? O_o18:30
LjLmaco: i do, of course, hint that #kubuntu might more readily have a solution to their problem18:30
LjLmaco: since i've been around. 2005.18:30
maco#kubuntu is very often off topic. unless bazhang shows up. he doesn't allow OT chat.18:30
LjLand rightly so18:30
macoit, like this one, isnt busy18:30
maco#ubuntu is insanely busy, so it makes sense to knuckle down on OT chat18:31
macobut if there aren't any support requests anyway, what's it hurt?18:31
LjLmaco: it's busier than this one, and it used to be busier. you probably do realize that offtopic chatter does eventually make a channel less busy with proper support issues, because people will just see "it's not about support" and leave.18:31
LjLso, for that very reason......18:31
macoi would look and go "oh, good, there are people who aren't AFK"18:32
macosilent channels w/ naught but parts and joins look like ghost towns of AFK people who cant help because they're AFK18:32
PiciI for one look for activity in #u+1 and #k seeking support requests, if theres activity there I expect it to be support related.18:33
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macoex: i used to set my client to auto-join #ubuntu-women. after a couple weeks of seeing no talking whatsoever, i left. a year later, i checked in there and *gasp* people talk now. so now i auto-join again.18:33
DrHalanhey, when e.g. evolution tries to access the keyring i just get a windows "allow access to keyring?" that doesn't explicitly state what app does this...18:37
macothats different...18:39
macothe small explanation text went away?18:39
mahfiazDrHalan, file it as a bug, this is a regression for sure18:41
admin_masu3701how long does it take to upgrade to 9.04 from 8.10??18:42
unixdawg2 weeks18:43
unixdawg20 min if you reinstall with a iso18:43
Piciadmin_masu3701: Depends on how long the download takes and how many packages you have installed18:44
admin_masu3701pici: ok..cause it movin slow..sayin 5 hours18:50
untiledhi all, i have to install "python-gpod" but i return me with error dependenced. it told me that i have to install python 2.6 but it is installed on my system. python-gpod isn't ported to jaunty or there's an inssue wich can I fix?18:51
mahfiazuntiled, report a bug about it18:52
untiledmahfiaz, how?18:52
mahfiazif you desperately need it, then you could try downloading it and forcing dpkg to ignore dependencies (it may work or not)18:54
crdlbit's safe to say that would not work18:56
Alastair_admin_masu3701, you should've gone with the clean install18:57
Alastair_from an usb stick on my system jaunty installs at around 5 minutes18:57
mahfiazAlastair, wow :)18:58
DrHalanis anybody here using evolution-rss? If i want to install it it removes the evolution packages?18:58
Alastair_yeah, i totally threw the dvd on the shelve ...18:59
Alastair_memory sticks are dirt-cheap nowadays, and it's perfect if you reinstall different distros or test daily builds frequently19:00
eternal_pafternoon all...I just noticed I am not getting any notification for any system updates...is that normal?19:07
mahfiazeternal_p, there have been updates today19:09
eternal_pmahfiaz: I've noticed this since day one of my alpha 5 install...update manager doens't notify me of updates19:09
Alastair_me neither, it just pops up after a bunch of updates accumulate19:10
tommi__Hi there all... I upgraded kubuntu jaunty today and the package kdeplasma-addons was removed as its "main" dependancy the kdeplasma-addons-data package was upgraded to version 4:4.2.1-0ubuntu1. Now i have a version mismatch and NO plasmoids (that are not compiled) as the kdeplasma-addons package is version 4:4.2.0-0ubuntu3. Should i report this as a bug? Or has the package upgrade been kept back for a reason? Thanks in advance.19:11
mahfiazeternal_p, check if you have update notifier launching enabled in sessions (now renamed to startup)19:11
mahfiaztommi, either way report it19:11
eternal_pmahfiaz: sure do19:12
tommi__Yeah... no probs. Has anyone else got the same problem?19:12
mahfiazthere are a lot of dependency problems and version mismatchings, and it seems to be appropriate time to figure these out before the end of april19:14
tommi__Agreed ;) I will file a bug report asap.19:15
mahfiazand as always, the more information you can provide, the better19:17
tommi__I have just found the problem. They have "failed to build" an amd64 version https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/jaunty/+source/kdeplasma-addons/4:4.2.1-0ubuntu1.19:18
tommi__should i still file a bug report?19:19
hanasaki1what would cause the gnome system/logout menu item to be removed?  hibernate/suspend are also gone now19:20
mahfiaztommi, not sure. If you are adventurous you could try finding out why the build failed19:21
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mahfiazhanasaki1, this is design change19:22
mahfiazhanasaki1, now we have almighty "switching between users" applet19:23
tommi__On a closer look it looks like it hasn't been built yet. The build eta is 6 hours so hopefully it will be fixed in the morning ;) Thanks for your time anyway!19:24
mahfiaztommi no problem, you are welcome19:25
IenorandOK, definitley loathing update popup windows, can't believe this is actually going through...19:52
macoIenorand: notify-osd is removable19:56
macoIenorand: you should also be able to tell the apps not to send notifications19:56
Ienorandmaco: was referring to update managers unfocused popup...19:57
macoyeah, i think that was a stupid decision19:58
eternal_pdoes anyone know how to correct the password prompt for your keyring if you auto-login (on Jaunty)?20:04
daftykinswhat's that? update manager pops 'under' ?20:05
hanasaki1mahfiaz:  design change?  so in juanty it is removed and on purpse? or moved to where?20:05
hanasaki1mahfiaz:  i liked the button where it was :)20:06
Ienoranddaftykins: Istead of using the notification icon update-manager now opens an unfocused window whenever there are updates, and if you happen to close it there are no further notifications until restart, from what I've gathered20:08
mahfiazhanasaki1, as I said the user switcher panel applet has become more powerful and is preferred choice now for the same task20:09
mahfiazI myself almost never used the logout/shutdown items in this menu, but these did no harm neither20:09
SimonKitchingHi! A Jaunty update has broken wireless for me. I'm running jaunty and yesterday did an update. I am now unable to connect to any wireless network that needs authentication. Updating just now using fixed-line didn't fit it. After rebooting into ubuntu 8.10 wireless works fine. Can someone suggest where best to report this? I've checked launchpad and can't find anything that looks similar..20:10
eternal_pSimonKitching: I've seen a post or two on ubuntuforums, I'd check there20:11
Awsoonnhi all, I just up'ed to Jaunty and while flash-nonfree is installed firefox cannot seem to recognize this fact. Any clues?20:12
daftykinsIenorand, thanks, and ugh that's horrible20:12
mahfiazAwsoonn, I would start by moving .firefox settings to a backup location to see if this is the case20:14
unixdawgwhats up with firefox crashing and locking up the system20:17
unixdawgthis has to be fixed20:18
daftykinsmight not be so for everyone?20:18
Awsoonnfirefox isn't crashing on my end unixdawg20:18
unixdawgis here I m on a brandnew system20:19
unixdawgand its has been crashing forthe last 2 weeks anthen it locks up the system20:19
unixdawgand I have to hard reboot20:19
unixdawgI am on a quadcore20:19
SimonKitchingeternal_p: yep, forum posts exist and point to bug#336915. Thanks (forum search tools seem much better than the launchpad ones...)20:19
unixdawgwith 6 gigs of ram20:20
daftykinsputting an alpha OS on a new computer is not the most intelligent idea20:20
unixdawgi thought it was beta now days20:20
Awsoonnstil alpha20:20
Infectodaftykins: ke? whats the problem? i have core 2 with 4g ram20:20
Infectois it old enaught?20:21
Infectodaftykins: strange thinking.20:21
Infectomaybe i should test it on my old 386?20:21
IenorandAnyone know how to revert update-manager to old behaviour, with icon?20:22
daftykinsnope perfectly logical thinking actually20:23
daftykinsyou'd have to use a reliable OS for a while to be sure a new comp is stable before running alpha kit ;)20:23
daftykins(i'm more thinking of custom builds)20:23
Awsoonnunixdawg: launch firefox from the terminal and see if t igve you any usefull errors when it dies, if it crashes and you can't see teh log out put pipe it to a file with >log.txt20:23
IenorandAnd to get the restart icon back as well?20:23
unixdawgit ran bsd for 2 weeks for burn in with no issues20:24
unixdawgwill do20:24
Ienorand( "restart needed" notification icon that is)20:24
mahfiazIenorand, this restart icon a a little misleading, i think20:25
mahfiazIenorand, the only thing you shouldn't to because of the new kernel installed, is hibernate to disk20:25
unixdawgwill have to do tomorrow this day is over going home.20:28
Awsoonnmahfiaz: Just as an FYI, I had to uninstall flashplugin-nonfree with apt-get and then allow firefox to install the plugin by going to pandora.com and letting magic happen. using synaptic to reinsall teh package did nothing useful :)20:29
Ienorandmahfiaz: huh? you saying "restart needed" doesn't actually mean that you need to reboot?20:29
AwsoonnRestart required tends to mean reboot sugrested.20:30
Awsoonnif you update your kernel, you will continue to run fine, but the new kernel will not be used untill you reboot20:30
AwsoonnI frequently ignore the 'reboot required' notification for weeks with no sideeffects20:31
VeinorAwsoonn: same here20:32
Veinorjust like how I don't quit my antivirus programs when i install windows software.20:32
Veinori live life on the edge >:D20:32
AwsoonnAre there any successes with ext4 in the house?20:32
timboyhow do i upgrade to jaunty from the alpha 5 cd?20:32
IenorandSure, I get your point.  My question is, how do I get the restart notification icon back? Since even though it may not be necessary, I would guess it does change things after a reboot...20:33
Ienorandtimboy: jaunty alpha 5?20:33
Awsoonnget the icon back? what do you mean?20:33
timboyIenorand, I have a 9.04 disk. can I upgrade to it from the disk?20:34
IenorandAwsoonn: They have removed the "restart required/suggested icon" from the notification panel, how do I get it back?20:34
Ienorandtimboy: so you're running ibex at the moment?20:35
Ienorandtimboy: no internet access?20:35
timboygay. I'll figure it out myself20:35
Awsoonnby 'removed' you mean there was a package dedicated to it? I'm really not sure there, It may be built into the new notification dbus deamon...20:36
Awsoonnoh well, he'll figure t out ^^20:36
Awsoonni've never up'ed via cd before...20:36
IenorandAwsoonn: possibly integrated into update-man, since it's u-m that supplies the icon... I guess?20:37
Awsoonnmaybe... I'm trying to find the right person (TM) to poke on this one20:38
Awsoonnwhere did you see it waqs removed?20:38
aboSamoor1I upgraded my system and I noticed that there is a new kernel. How can I know about the change log of this update ?20:40
AwsoonnaboSamoor1: oh boy, you're gonna hava a lot of reading ^_^20:40
AwsoonnaboSamoor1: I'll find you a link here in a sec k?20:41
IenorandAwsoon: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel/2009-February/027489.html20:41
IenorandAwsoonn: Fortunately there is a heated debate on this subject in u-devel20:42
AwsoonnaboSamoor1: http://kernelnewbies.org/LinuxChanges20:43
aboSamoor1Awsoonn: thanks20:43
Awsoonnthat is a highlevel overview, if you want more there is a file in teh linux source itself with more details on every change20:44
Awsoonnyou can also look at the git commit log for the kernel and really blow your mind ^_^20:44
aboSamoor1Awsoonn: I am asking about the ubuntu specific patches I am using 2.6.28-8 and I am still but I updated it today ? so I want to know what is going on in ubuntu kernel20:45
PiciaboSamoor1: Use launchpad or apt-listchanges to look at package changelogs.20:46
Awsoonnaha ha, in that case jump onto launchpad and take apeek at the changelog there fo ubuntu specific changes, I'll toss you a link in a sec if you dont find it20:46
Pici!info apt-listchanges20:46
* Pici pokes ubottu 20:46
Awsoonnubottu is taking a nap apperntly20:47
ubottuapt-listchanges (source: apt-listchanges): package change history notification tool. In component main, is optional. Version 2.83 (jaunty), package size 60 kB, installed size 496 kB20:47
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)20:47
aboSamoor1Pici: can you help me to where I should look in launchpad ?20:48
AwsoonnaboSamoor1: the link i just posted there is all yours20:48
aboSamoor1Awsoonn: yes, I just sent it before I see20:49
PiciaboSamoor1: The apt-listchanges packages will prompt you with the changelogs before you can install the packages when you do your upgrades.20:50
AwsoonnaboSamoor1: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/jaunty/+source/linux/2.6.28-8.2720:51
Awsoonnthe link i gave you before was a meta package, my mistake, this is the accuall kernel source package, sorry20:52
aboSamoor1Awsoonn: Pici: The idea that I have this bug 278648, I upgraded to 9.04 to help in testing. And I want to test any changes regarding my bug.20:57
ubottuLaunchpad bug 278648 in linux-ubuntu-modules-2.6.24 "[regression]snd-hda-intel sound input does not work at all with Conexant CX20549 (Venice) chips " [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/27864820:57
Awsoonnand I assume that it is sitll not workgin for you huh?20:59
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aboSamoor1Awsoonn: yes, it is not working. I am not sure if I have misconfiguration.21:00
aboSamoor1Please, if you have any tools to test audio system Input/Output suggest them21:01
Awsoonnwhile I do not know the specifics, I know know that ther is an unsupported vanilla kernel package that you can try out. It contains no ubuntu sauce and that would be helpfull to know if your problem is in one of the patches made by ubuntu devs or upstream.21:01
aboSamoor1Awsoonn: I think it is general problem and not ubuntu specific. I could not find any solution in the web21:03
Awsoonnonly one way to be sure. :)21:03
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aboSamoor1Awsoonn: I am sorry for disturbance I make, but I am not sure which package the vanilla one in synaptic ?21:08
AwsoonnI will take a look21:08
aboSamoor1Can linux-backports-modules-2.6.28-8-generic package help in audio problems ?21:12
Awsoonnon jaunty?21:12
aboSamoor1Awsoonn: yes, this package is already in synaptic21:13
AwsoonnI think not, but it's worth a shot I suppose21:13
IenorandJust posted idea whining about new update-manager behaviour on brainstorm, let's see what general response is (if moderators let it through that is...)21:14
aboSamoor1Awsoonn: I thought that the backport package is available after the release ! Why it is not integrated directly with the kernel !21:14
Awsoonnthat is why I think it won't make much change.. :) I'm no kernel-guru for sure so i have not the all the anwsers21:16
AwsoonnaboSamoor1: the vanilla kernels are not in synaptec I found out21:17
Awsoonnthey are located in the kernel-ppa21:18
aboSamoor1Awsoonn: The backport package contains only wireless drivers ;)21:18
Awsoonndid it mention what ones?21:18
Awsoonnlink me please, I'm always fighting wireless drivers with ppl ^^21:18
* Awsoonn grabs his battle axe21:19
aboSamoor1Awsoonn: I just looked at the installed files in the package21:22
aboSamoor1Awsoonn: I usually prefer to compile the latest version of wireless drivers21:24
aboSamoor1Awsoonn: I am not sure how can I add the link send it to me to synaptic, usually I add a specific line [apt line] from a special launchpad page21:28
AwsoonnWhat are you having problems with?21:29
AwsoonnI didn't understand your question, sorry21:30
Awsoonnis there a wiki page for converting to ext4?21:31
aboSamoor1I am talking about the apt sources.list entries like these ones here :). https://edge.launchpad.net/~banshee-team/+archive/ppa21:31
aboSamoor1Awsoonn: I don't know what to do with the link you give me21:31
Awsoonnyou could just download the .deb for teh kernel you want to install and install that manually by double clicking it21:32
Awsoonnor, you can indeed ad it as a ppa, jsut a sec, incomming info~21:32
AwsoonnI think i understand how to add it to sources.list but I'm not 100%21:36
Awsoonnthis is a new deal so it probalby hasnt got al the documentation written yet for settign up as a ppa, I recomend just downloading the .db file for the kernel you wish to run and instal that way21:36
aboSamoor1I think just replacing the URL is not enough because PPA has a structure of files dists, pools,21:36
aboSamoor1thought I am not sure21:37
Awsoonnright, and well, that doesn't follow that format at all...21:37
AwsoonnaboSamoor1: sorry to be not much help, I am on my way home now, I hope you have some success! and if you do, please add a wiki page for future referance  :)21:40
aboSamoor1Awsoonn: Thanks for help. I hope I will21:41
=== Andre_Gondim is now known as Andre_Gondim-afk
davismjso i just installed alpha 5 and my network manager does not work at all. it will attempt to connect but give up with a "network disconnected" notification, with both wired and wireless22:35
danbhfiveanyone know how to collect error messages when the harddrive is locked up?22:37
danbhfiveor, when you know when the harddrive is going to lock up?22:37
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DavieyHas anyone tried adding a new printer on a fresh install?22:48
davismjso i just installed alpha 5 and my network manager does not work at all. it will attempt to connect but give up with a "network disconnected" notification, with both wired and wireless22:50
aboSamoor1davismj: can you please use the log file viewer22:56
aboSamoor1davismj: to monitor the process for connecting, this will help to know the reason :)22:57
davismjcan't get on the internet...22:58
davismjhave to get on a different computer22:58
OzFalconHi all23:04
OzFalconAnyone running with hp2133 netbook here?23:05
matt___Hi, anyone getting hight cpu usage on xorg using alpha 5?23:07
OzFalconAnyone getting network instability? ie system crash when connecting, enabling/disabling wired/wireless networking? But only intermitant - But frequent.23:09
OzFalconOr is it possible I have mangled some sort of routing table? ie It first started exhibiting this behaviour when I miss configured a router to a duplicate IP on my network.....23:10
OzFalconJaunty looks good23:17
OzFalconRephrase that..... Jaunty looks slick.23:17
davismjexcept it pwnt my network interface23:17
OzFalconWell. Yeah - Im currently have SERIOUS network stability problems.23:18
davismjthis is my cue to try open solaris again, since i broke my linux23:19
matt___anyone getting coruption on the screen?23:20
davismji mean i acknowledge its my fault, but i can't even use it without network interface, so i'm gunna have to reinstall or something23:20
davismjnot i23:20
OzFalcon1st I'll run force a disk check  and delete/ create all net connetctions/interfaces.(Hard crashes when do network stuff makes me concerned config is corrupted somehow)23:20
OzFalconWhats wrong with your network?23:21
OzFalconHave there been any changes to power management?23:28
OzFalconHow can I check system integrity (os files etc)23:51
OzFalconI want to find out if any of the system files are corrupt. (fsck already done)23:52
heloi can detect this bluetooth mouse withthe bluetooth applet just fine, but the mouse is non-functional...23:59

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