
goshawki was looking at the armel support00:21
goshawkwhat are the differencies between ixp4xx and versatile images?00:22
ELgoshawk: I think you can check their config file in kernel.01:00
ELFor original kernel source, they are in arch/arm/configs01:02
ELFor debian packed source, they are in debian/config/armel01:04
ELQuestion: Is there any way to compile one kernel but all kinds of them by debuild with ubuntu's kerenl source pack?01:09
goshawkyou don't have any config file here01:10
goshawkthere are just netinst01:10
goshawkand you don't know which one to get01:11
ELI means you need a kernel source code to check what's difference bewteen them.01:17
goshawkno sources in this case :)01:19
ELgit clone git://zinc.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ubuntu-jaunty.git01:19
ELQ2: How to get source code by git but .git dir ? like cvs release01:21
goshawki don't know, i don't like git, i use hg :) i'm installing it right now01:23
goshawkwhat? 990000 objects?01:25
goshawkwhat am i downloading?01:25
goshawki've to go01:28
goshawkEL: thanks for you help :)01:28
ELQ3: Is ubuntu 0904 support EXT4 when installing?02:51
amitkEL: yes, it support ext4 as an _option_, not default06:59
ELsee, thanks :)07:00
ELI got problem when I change QEMU's -m option to more ram size07:01
ELQEMU will show nothing.07:01
ELa workable ram size setting is 256M07:02
ELIt's too small to run ubuntu-desktop image.07:02
ELAny suggection?07:03
amitk256M should be enough, seems to work for me for versatile images07:04
EL384M, 512M fail. I also added kernel parameter "mem=MYRAM_SIZE".07:04
ELI can see the login screen.07:05
ELbut I can't login successfully07:05
ELBy the way, I ran my ubuntu on VMWare on WinXP. :p07:06
ELBasically, I think it should be ok, when I changed ram-size. What's wrong????07:07
amitkcan't say07:08
ELok :)07:09
amitkI use this cmdline: qemu-system-arm \ -M versatilepb \ -kernel $KERNEL \ -hda jaunty-armel.img \ -append "root=/dev/sda rw console=ttyAMA0,115200n8" \ -m 256M -smb /share \ -serial  mon:telnet::4446,server,nowait07:09
ELAnother question, How to use git to get source but .git like CVS release?07:10
ELmy cmdline: qemu-system-arm -k en-us -M versatilepb -kernel ./vmlinuz-2.6.28-versatile -hda ud.img -m 256M -append "root=/dev/sda rw"07:13
amitkEL: I don't follow the question. you can use 'git clone <git repo>'07:13
ELI see07:14
EL"git clone" will get source + git's control data.07:14
ELbut I just want source.07:15
ELMaybe git didn't implement the function I want. :p07:16
amitki guess. Just clone and then delete .git07:16
ELBaically, I want to download the source quickly.07:17
ELanyway, thank you.07:17
ELamitk: Do you know how to build single kernel image by debuild with ubuntu's source pack07:22
amitkEL: debian/rules binary-versatile inside Qemu07:23
amitkreplace versatile by the flavour you want07:24
ELIs it possible to build but pack them to deb?07:25
amitkEL: above commaned will do that07:25
suihkulokkivnc4 -dep-wait appears to be incorrect in ubuntu/armel08:19
ELI can login ubuntu-desktop with my 256M ram, when I wait more time with bigger patience. :)08:23
ELIt's slow~08:23
loolsuihkulokki: Thanks, gave it back09:02
loolsuihkulokki: Hmm it failed to build in the same way and has the dep wait again09:35
loolI can't find mesa-swx11-source in my packages, it seems it was dropped a while ago09:35
loolIt's not in intrepid and jaunty09:35
suihkulokkiI didn't say giving back is the proper fix :P09:39
suihkulokkilool: as you noticed, dep-wait is incorrect as there is no mesa-swx11-source09:39
loolsuihkulokki: Well there's a bdep on it09:40
loolFor some reason it was dropped from mesa09:40
loolRight, it was dropped in experimental which we pulled09:43
ELARM's versatile don't support more than 256mb memory.10:04
ELSomeone had make a patch: http://qemu-forum.ipi.fi/viewtopic.php?f=20&t=4818&sid=f4a881881e7a1f5ef9f64a50188a24da10:05
ELIs there any other arm kernel that can support more RAM?10:06
ELqemu-0.10.0 is released today!10:29
loolsuihkulokki: Needs a merge from Debian; vnc4 doesn't bdep on this -source in Debian10:34
loolsuihkulokki: bug #33814810:34
* lool slaps bugbot10:34
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