
=== rickspencer3-afk is now known as rickspencer3
rickspencer3mrooney: what kind of hints are you looking for?00:31
mrooneyrickspencer3: well, if it is a valid bug or not, basically. Is that a standard for the desktop, or do we want to say it is fine for some things in System -> Preferences to not dismiss via escape?00:33
rickspencer3I believe it is a valid bug, and should be fixed, however ....00:33
rickspencer3I would check with mpt, our UI guru and all around smart Ux guy00:34
mptI'm not awake. Fortunately, this is the sort of question I can answer in my sleep00:34
mptThere should be a standard key combo for closing dialogs, and there should be a standard key combo for closing windows.00:35
mptCurrently, there is neither.00:35
rickspencer3mpt: thanks. Didn't mean to wake you00:35
rickspencer3mrooney: I think if most of the preference dialogs dismiss on escape, we should pick that as the standard, and have all of them do so00:35
rickspencer3my $.0200:35
mptIn dialogs, Esc means Cancel, so it would be/is confusing for that to close instant-apply windows (as most of the Preferences windows are) without reverting whatever changes you'd made.00:36
mptThat's one of the things that flummoxes a standard. The other is the Emacs etc users who don't like Ctrl W being used to close windows. :-)00:38
rickspencer3I thought alt-f4 was the standard way to close all windows00:38
mptThat is a standard, but not usably so -- on some keyboards it's very difficult to reach with one hand, and on others it requires three keypresses rather than two (Alt Fn F4).00:39
rickspencer3perhaps a uds topic on keyboard standardization?00:40
rickspencer3in the meantime, what should mrooney do?00:40
mptBasically I think it needs someone to have the audacity to devise a keyboard combo that can be consistent and easy to reach, and to get it implemented in the window manager so that applications have to go to extraordinary lengths for it not to work.00:44
rickspencer3like alt-f00:45
mpt(Audacity because any keyboard combo meeting those requirements will conflict with something important. Like Cmd M and Cmd H did when they were introduced in Mac OS X, for example.)00:45
rickspencer3it seems like just replacing that would be a good approach00:45
rickspencer3I'll put in on the list for consideration as a UDS topic00:46
rickspencer3in the meantime, sounds like mrooney doesn't really have a "standard" to appeal to. The hig does not cover this?00:47
mptAnd if you thought the complaints about update-manager were bad, just wait until you see what the complaints would look like about changing a keyboard combo like that :-)00:47
mpthttp://library.gnome.org/devel/hig-book/stable/input-keyboard.html.en#standard-shortcuts defines Ctrl W and Alt F400:48
mrooneyalright so it sounds like if all the other ones in that menu do it, to file bugs against the very few that don't conform?00:52
mrooneyoh hey mpt I think we had breakfast together one morning at UDS Jaunty? that sounds vaguely familiar00:54
mptmrooney, sure, if you like00:54
james_wmpt: I'm confused by the changes in https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-user-share/+bug/337352 , the statement from the NotifyOSD page about the package also confuses me00:55
ubottuLaunchpad bug 337352 in gnome-user-share "gnome-user-share notification changes" [Undecided,New]00:55
james_wmpt: would you comment tomorrow if I subscribe you?00:55
mptjames_w, the statement on the NotifyOSD page about gnome-user-share is not "the desired operation", it's a description of the behavior with notification-daemon.00:57
james_wthat's what I thought00:57
james_wI wondered why it was cited as a description of the change when the patch implements something completely different00:57
mptI'm not sure what the patch does. It looks like it auto-opens the file??00:58
james_wassuming close is still sent by nofify-osd it seems to show then notification then auto-open the file at the end of the notification00:59
mpthm, that's not good00:59
james_wit's certainly not a simple "query for action support" patch01:00
mptjames_w, have you seen this notification in action? If so, could you possibly provide a screencast or screenshot? I tried with several people's Bluetooth phones to send a file like that but could not.01:04
james_wI haven't01:04
mptAnd it's hard to redesign what I can't see. :-)01:04
james_wand I don't have bluetooth, sorry01:04
james_wcrevette is hot on bluetooth I think01:04
james_wbut he's in our sort of timezone, so probably being sensible and sleeping01:05
mptoh, why did I think gnome-user-share was Bluetooth? According to Synaptic it's WebDAV or ObexFTP.01:07
james_wobex is bluetooth isn't it?01:08
dobeyobex is a protocol, doesn't really /have/ to be over bluetooth, but lots of bt devices support it01:11
mptjames_w, commented01:19
james_wthanks mpt01:19
=== asac_ is now known as asac
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pittiGood morning07:52
didrockshello pitti08:26
didrockshey seb128 o/08:30
seb128hello didrocks08:30
seb128_restarting dbus nowadays not a good idea it bring you back to gdm with no keyboard or mouse working08:38
crevetteyep :)08:38
* crevette already experienced that08:38
crevette(hello everybody)08:38
didrocksthanks for the info, I will avoid to do this :)08:39
didrockslut crevette08:39
seb128_lut crevette08:43
seb128_hey mvo MacSlow08:43
MacSlowsalut seb128_, mvo, pitti08:44
MacSlowseb128_, this time your tail is showing ;)08:44
MacSlowseb128_, ISP problems?08:44
seb128_MacSlow: yeah, don't try to restart dbus or you could get the same ;-)08:45
seb128_it closed my session and sent me back to gdm with no mouse or keyboard08:45
mvohey seb128_, MacSlow08:45
MacSlowseb128_, outch08:46
davmor2crevette: Bluetooth didn't work with my dongle I'm afraid :(  I might try it out on my laptop latter today.  bug 268502 is the one for bt not working.  Which is strange because it worked fine with intrepid till beta which is when bluez4 went in08:55
ubottuLaunchpad bug 268502 in linux "Bluetooth doesn't work (hci_cmd_task: hci0 command tx timeout)" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/26850208:55
crevettedavmor2, bluez 4 has some border effect, but I wanted to know if there is no regression between 4.30 and 4.32 ?08:58
crevettesalut seb128_ , and davmor208:59
davmor2crevette: Like I say I'll try it out on my laptop latter which has bluetooth working in intrepid09:00
* mvo takes the cheese sponsoring09:03
* crevette wins 600 points of karma in 1 day09:12
crevettedavmor2, when yoy says your dongle didn't work, could you ellaborate? or open a bug09:13
davmor2crevette: 268502 is the bug I wrote one and it got tied into that one :)09:20
davmor2It's a big bug too lots of people adding themselves to it09:21
=== seb128_ is now known as seb128
mvoseb128: what should I do with something like bug #333422 ? it looks like a gtk theme engine issue to me10:02
ubottuLaunchpad bug 333422 in update-manager "update-manager crashed with SIGSEGV in gtk_widget_class_install_style_property_parser()" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33342210:02
seb128mvo: I've no real clues about those10:09
seb128I tend to either send those upstream or ask a valgrind log10:09
seb128what make you think that's a theme issue?10:09
mvoseb128: nothing really, just gut feeling10:16
seb128mvo: we have gtk hackers now in the dx team, maybe try asking brasch when he's around?10:16
mvoseb128: sounds good, will do10:16
seb128I'm interested to know how to read those crashes too10:17
huatsmorning everyone10:17
seb128lut huats10:19
huatshey seb12810:20
seb128huats: comment ca va ?10:20
huatsseb128: bof10:20
huatsseb128: I think I am on the good way to be better... but for the moment I just "think" that.... I hope I ill feel it too sooon :)10:21
seb128oh :-(10:21
huatshow are you ?10:21
seb128good thank you10:21
huatsand I have dozens of things to do and it is hard tostay a bit focussed...10:22
huatsbut I will !10:22
seb128good luck ;-)10:23
seb128ArneGoetje: hi, do you know why indicator-applet is not translatable on launchpad?11:08
seb128ArneGoetje: is the template waiting for moderation or something?11:09
asacsoren: i would think so. the other reason might be that rosetta seems to have issues - e.g. i got like 200 mails over night for network-manager translation imports (and also a bunch of failed ones), which i never got before11:25
asacsoren: that was for seb ;)11:25
eeejaybug 32924511:39
ubottuLaunchpad bug 329245 in gnome-settings-daemon "gnome-settings-daemon could use the new notification service" [Wishlist,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/32924511:39
eeejaybug 32929611:41
ubottuLaunchpad bug 329296 in gnome-power-manager "Improve notifications" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/32929611:41
seb128eeejay: what about those?11:45
eeejayseb128: just getting the URL :) not used lp URL formats11:46
seb128please don't abuse the channel for that11:46
eeejayseb128: sorry11:47
seb128that's ok, just don't do it again ;-)11:47
asac12:25 < asac> soren: i would think so. the other reason might be that rosetta seems to have issues -  e.g. i got like 200 mails over night for network-manager translation imports (and also a  bunch of failed ones), which i never got before11:51
asacseb128: ^^11:51
asacthat was for you, when you were away11:51
asactopic: moderation11:52
seb128asac: yes, there is some bugs open about that, that's a wanted change (the emails one)11:52
seb128asac: they will stop sending success import emails11:53
seb128asac: do you know where we can see a filtered import queue?11:53
seb128the current one has almost 50000 entries11:53
asacseb128: heh :) ... no sorry. i always looked after uploading11:55
asacso they were still on top11:55
Ngmvo: thanks for applying the patch from bug 328164 :)12:03
ubottuLaunchpad bug 328164 in update-manager "[jaunty] Launchpad changelog URLs with epochs are not correctly linked" [Low,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/32816412:03
asacpitti irc proxy down?12:19
asacseb128: for translation errors. i would really prefer that launchpad batches the failed imports and sends a digested mail every 24 hours or so12:29
seb128asac: talk to danilo ;-)12:30
asaci will tell that jtv when he is back12:30
asacah ok12:30
asacor him12:30
seb128asac: they plan to do a summary on launchpad too apparently12:30
asacseb128: yeah. so a reminder mail like: "you have translation import issues pending" would be great12:30
didrocksseing as I get spammed with no many packages, I can't imagine what it can be for you12:31
seb128didrocks: I got over 6000 emails from rosetta since monday12:31
didrocksseb128: not bad ^^ I only got 600 ;)12:35
fta2seb128, my desktop is broken after the last upgrade + reboot. gdm is fine then, just a black screen, nothing on it. it seems gnome-session is not starting anything, or even, is not there12:49
seb128fta2: you are the first to have a such issue, log into a non-GNOME session and run gnome-session by hand and see what's going on?12:50
fta2ok, thanks. will try that after a meeting.12:51
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ArneGoetjeseb128: indicator-applet is still in the import queue and hasn't been approved yet. I'm waiting for a fix to land in Rosetta.13:20
seb128ArneGoetje: ok, can you make sure it will be approved?13:20
ArneGoetjeseb128: yes13:21
* kenvandine_wk wonders why pidgin wants to use 100% of my cpu today13:32
pittihey tedg14:06
tedgpitti: Good morning14:06
kenvandinehey tedg14:09
seb128hello tedg kenvandine14:10
kenvandinetedg: fusa isn't happy with me14:10
kenvandinehey seb12814:10
tedgGood morning kenvandine and seb12814:10
pittihey kenvandine14:10
tedgkenvandine, oh, no!  What's unhappy?14:10
kenvandinetedg: testing fusa from your ppa14:10
kenvandinewell 2 things14:10
kenvandinei am not getting the policykit dialog on restart with 2 users logged in14:10
kenvandineuser switching is only working sometimes...14:10
kenvandineseems to be X related14:11
tedgkenvandine, I'm sure those are PolicyKit and GDM bugs ;)14:11
kenvandinei do get the logout/restart/shutdown confirmation dialogs though14:11
kenvandineeven the restart required one14:11
tedgOkay, so that means that when we query, we're not seeing that you need to authenticate.14:11
kenvandinejust not prompted to authorize restart with more than one user logged in14:12
tedgAnd, if you're not getting the dialogs, it seems you don't.14:12
kenvandineright :)14:12
tedgOkay, I know nothing about PolicyKit, that's a pitti question :)14:12
kenvandineright now i am stuck waiting for user switching to fail14:12
tedgBut, it's good to know that it works when PolicyKit is configured differently ;)14:12
kenvandineafter a few minutes it fails and lets me back in as me :)14:12
seb128tedg: are you the indicator-applet maintainer? ;-)14:13
tedgseb128: Upstream ;)14:13
tedgseb128: What's up?14:13
seb128tedg: sometime the icon vanish and it doesn't list either evolution nor pidgin, I need to restart the app to get those there14:13
seb128tedg: I didn't figure what trigger that yet, but what debug info would be useful?14:13
seb128ie the indicator is still there but doesn't see evolution or pidgin running14:14
tedgseb128: Yeah, if you can figure something out there.  I'll look at it some more.14:14
seb128any debug hint?14:14
tedgseb128: I've had a case where the indicator (ping) doesn't go away in some cases... I'm looking at tracking that down today.14:14
tedgseb128: If you compile it from source, there's a "test/listen-and-print" program, which acts like a listener on the bus.14:15
tedgI was thinking about putting that as an example or something.  But, it's compiled code.14:15
tedgShould that be a separate package?14:15
seb128tedg: if that's useful for debugging just pust it as an example in the indicator-applet binary14:16
kenvandine_wkpitti: how much do you know about the user  switching stuff?14:16
seb128tedg: we have some softwares already for that, ie /usr/lib/nautilus-cd-burner/list_cddrives14:16
tedgseb128: Okay, in like $(libexec)?14:16
seb128already *doing* that14:17
seb128tedg: yes14:17
kenvandine_wkpitti: http://pastebin.com/m2ce92b5114:17
kenvandine_wkConsoleKit thinks i am logged in twice... i guess i probably am :)14:17
kenvandine_wki logged in as ken, then switched to test, then switched back to ken14:17
tedgseb128: Okay, will do, I think that'd be helpful.  Maybe I'll figure out an apport hook too :)14:17
kenvandine_wklooks like switching back to ken actually gave me a new login session14:17
seb128kenvandine_wk: one of those is a ssh session14:18
kenvandine_wkoh... duh!14:18
tedgkenvandine, oh, that's the problem.  We only support logging in as "ken-thinks-ubuntu-is-better-than-forsight" ;)14:18
kenvandine_wki didn't think you got that from ssh14:18
pittikenvandine_wk: the other session is ssh14:18
seb128        remote-host-name = 'dhcp248.home.vandine.org'"14:18
kenvandine_wki didn't read close enough14:18
kenvandine_wktedg: yeah... and on foresight that session isn't listed in CK14:19
kenvandine_wkok, good14:19
pittikenvandine_wk: by default, CK allows local users to shut down if there's just a single session, and asks for auth if there are multiple14:19
kenvandine_wkwell i can't switch again to test :/14:19
pittiit's debatable if that's a feature or a bug14:19
kenvandine_wkpitti: well... i had the test user and the ken user logged into gnome at the same time14:19
kenvandine_wkand it didn't give me the PK dialog14:19
pittikenvandine_wk: new login sesssion when switching back> sounds like X.org crashed, can you look at /var/log/Xorg.0.log.old?14:20
kenvandine_wkwell, i used fusa to switch back and forth14:20
kenvandine_wknow i can't switch again14:20
kenvandine_wkpitti: doesn't look like a failure14:21
pittikenvandine_wk: hm; is your session still on another VT then?14:21
pitticheck "who"14:21
kenvandine_wkno, i actually did logout14:21
pittiah, ok14:22
kenvandine_wknow i can't get both users logged in again :)14:22
pittiI thought you logged in as ken, then as test, and switched back to "ken", and found a new login screen instead of your existign session14:22
kenvandine_wkwell... i did actually14:22
kenvandine_wknot sure how that works in ubuntu14:22
kenvandine_wkshould i get a unlock dialog or gdm screen on switching back?14:23
kenvandine_wkin foresight i get the unlock dialog, but we use the newer gdm14:23
kenvandine_wkin this case i got the gdm login screen... so maybe switching users actually logged me out of the other session14:23
* kenvandine_wk should have opened some apps to verify the session was the same :)14:24
kenvandine[    1.769235] (EE) intel(0): Failed to initialize kernel memory manager14:26
kenvandinein Xorg.20.log14:26
kenvandinewhile switching...  i wonder if that is the failure14:26
* kenvandine tests with vesa to rule out drivers14:26
kenvandinehey rickspencer314:28
kenvandinegood morning14:28
rickspencer3morning kenvandine14:28
pittihey rickspencer314:28
rickspencer3hey hey14:29
pittikenvandine: yes, on switching back you should get gnome-screensaver lock dialog14:29
seb128hey rickspencer314:29
pittikenvandine: seems like it; as I said, this sounds like an X.org crash14:29
kenvandinepitti: ok... working much better with vesa :)14:30
kenvandinetedg: now i am getting the PolicyKit dialog too14:30
kenvandineso looks great14:30
rickspencer3seb128: hope your doing well today. Been a lot of change mails with your name associated this week!14:30
pittikenvandine: ah, so you didn't really have two sessions any more, because the first one crashed :)14:31
seb128rickspencer3: yes, a bit tired, new GNOME weeks are always a bit of a rush until wednesday then it's cool14:31
pittikenvandine: so it seems to come together14:31
seb128I'm doing some bug triage today ;-)14:31
pittiseb128: heh, me too14:31
* seb128 hugs pitti14:31
kenvandinepitti: yup... damn xorg drivers!14:31
pittiafter-UIF brings some time for turning to bugs14:31
seb128pitti: gnome-mount question for you14:31
pittiseb128: got about 70 apport bugs triaged today14:32
pittiseb128: shoot14:32
tedgkenvandine: Woot!  Cool.14:32
seb128pitti: if you put a data CD in your drive, unmount it (don't eject but unmount) then run gnome-mount -e -v -b -d <device>14:32
kenvandinetedg: so kick ass work on the fusa stuff... looks really nice14:32
seb128pitti: do you get an ugly error dialog too?14:32
* kenvandine loves the transparency in the confirmation dialogs :)14:32
* pitti finds a CD14:32
tedgkenvandine: Heh, just followed mpt's spec ;)14:32
pitti$ gnome-eject -vbd /dev/sr014:33
pittignome-mount 0.814:33
pitti** (gnome-eject:12970): DEBUG: Ejecting /org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/volume_label_ctsw090214:33
pittiLaufwerk /dev/sr0 befindet sich in /etc/fstab mit Einhängepunkt »/media/cdrom0«14:33
pitti/dev/sr0 wurde ausgeworfen (durch /etc/fstab)14:33
pittiseb128: ^14:33
pittiseb128: no error message14:34
pittiseb128: shall I remove it from fstab?14:34
seb128pitti: you unmount it first right?14:34
pittignome-umount -vbd /dev/sr014:34
seb128$ gnome-eject -vbd /dev/sr014:34
seb128gnome-mount 0.814:34
seb128** (gnome-eject:20823): DEBUG: Ejecting /org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/volume_label_Ubuntu_8_10_i38614:34
seb128Device /dev/sr0 is in /etc/fstab with mount point "/media/cdrom"14:34
seb128** Message: eject said error 256, stdout='', stderr='eject: tried to use `/media/cdrom0' as device name but it is no block device14:34
seb128eject: tried to use `/media/cdrom0' as device name but it is no block device14:34
seb128eject: unable to find or open device for: `/media/cdrom'14:35
seb128 14:35
seb128I get that14:35
seb128on my d63014:35
seb128and the CD doesn't get ejected14:35
pittilrwxrwxrwx 1 root root    6 2009-02-08 21:22 cdrom -> cdrom014:35
pittidrwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 2009-02-08 21:22 cdrom014:35
seb128if it's mounted eject works fine14:35
pitti^ /media/14:35
seb128$ ls -ld /media/cdrom*14:35
seb128lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root    6 Oct 20  2007 /media/cdrom -> cdrom014:35
seb128drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Jun 21  2008 /media/cdrom014:35
davidbarthkenvandine: hey ken! are you testing ted's console kit patches?14:35
pittiseb128: looks fine14:35
pittiseb128: how does it call eject for you?14:36
kenvandinedavidbarth: not consolekit, but fusa14:36
kenvandineyeah... works well :)14:36
kenvandinedavidbarth: once i got past xorg crashing on user switching14:36
seb128pitti: [pid 20917] execve("/usr/bin/eject", ["eject", "/media/cdrom"], [/* 43 vars */] <unfinished ...>14:37
pittipid 13136] execve("/usr/bin/eject", ["eject", "/media/cdrom0"], [/* 48 vars */]) = 014:37
seb128$ eject /media/cdrom14:37
seb128eject: tried to use `/media/cdrom0' as device name but it is no block device14:37
seb128eject: unable to find or open device for: `/media/cdrom'14:37
pittiseb128: heh, nice timing14:37
seb128iz eject bog14:37
pitti$ grep cdrom /etc/fstab14:37
=== Amaranth_ is now known as Amaranth
pitti/dev/scd0       /media/cdrom0   udf,iso9660 user,noauto,exec,utf8 0       014:37
seb128$ grep cdrom /etc/fstab14:37
seb128/dev/scd0       /media/cdrom   udf,iso9660 user,noauto,exec 0       014:37
pittieject not resolving symlinks14:37
seb128bad eject! no cookie!14:38
pittibad idea to have cd-rom in fstab in the first place14:38
pittieven scd0 is obsolete14:38
pittiit should be /dev/cdrom at least14:38
seb128I don't think I did that14:39
seb128I just installed $ubuntu-version and upgraded since14:39
seb128anyway thanks for the help debugging, I will fix my fstab14:39
pittiseb128: see #u-devel14:40
pittiit's not your bug, but reminded me of that hardcoded device name again14:40
asacrickspencer3: you being here meaning you are awake already?14:51
asacor should i rather come back in 1h ;)14:51
rickspencer3asac: this is not too early for me14:53
asacrickspencer3: good morning then.14:53
asacrickspencer3: take a coffee and  look at your inbox :) ... mozillaaaaa14:53
rickspencer3asac: I saw14:53
asacrickspencer3: ah cool. i replied too14:53
rickspencer3I haven't replied yet14:54
asacwith technical hat on ;)14:54
asacthe change is not trivial ;)14:55
rickspencer3asac: I'm not sure what I think yet14:55
rickspencer3maybe my coffee hasn't soaked in yet14:55
rickspencer3I agree with your recommendation14:55
asacrickspencer3: yeah. take your time ;). i guess nobody expects you to answer at 5:30 ;)14:55
asacor was it 4:55 even?14:56
rickspencer3it's 6:5614:56
rickspencer3pitti: SteveA says that he has a camera which cheese doesn't see on Jaunty14:57
rickspencer3shall he log a bug?14:57
* seb128 looks at the gnome-mount bug lists, over 80 bugs there, *shrug*14:58
pittiseb128: yeah, triaging that is on my todo list...15:00
pittirickspencer3: erm, sure15:00
seb128pitti: I'm looking at some of those bugs now15:00
pittirickspencer3: I just don't know whether I could help, I don't have a webcam, nor any experience with them15:00
rickspencer3pitti: I thought you were the guy who got all the cameras working15:00
rickspencer3not true?15:00
pittirickspencer3: webcams? no15:01
pittiwell, digicams I can deal with15:01
pittibut in the "photo" sense15:01
rickspencer3so if an internal usb web cam doesn't work, this is a kernel issue, right? The kernel doesn't have drivers for it?15:03
kenvandine_wkrickspencer3: most likely15:06
rickspencer3kenvandine_wk: that's what I thought. I took care of it :) thanks15:06
* kenvandine_wk just got is first webcam ever... this week :)15:07
* pochu rofls at Keybuk's mail15:15
kenvandine_wktedg: i am trying out pidgin again for irc... maybe the message indicator is enough to push me over the top :)15:16
tedgkenvandine_wk: That or the notifications.  ;)15:16
kenvandinekenvandine_wk: test15:16
tedgMaybe we shouldn't port xchat, then as everyone moves to Pidgin the transition to Jabber will be easier :)15:16
pochurickspencer3: libv4l and gstreamer are between cheese and the kernel too15:17
rickspencer3pochu: thanks15:18
pochurickspencer3: bug 260918 must be the bug with more comments after #1 :)15:19
kenvandine_wktedg: it is pretty damn nice to be able to close the window and stay in the channel :)15:19
ubottuLaunchpad bug 260918 in amsn "needed: libv4l and associated application patches (or "gspca stopped working in 2.6.27")" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/26091815:19
kenvandine_wki don't remember that before15:19
kenvandine_wkpochu: i got a libv4l error in the console when i ran cheese yesterday, with my gspca camera... but it still worked fine15:20
kenvandine_wkthat's a long thread :)15:21
pochuin the end it was the kernel and libv4l's fault IIRC15:23
rickspencer3kenvandine_wk: pochu: what package is right for such a bug? It is, in fact, a missing module which is available15:35
huatsseb128: I wanted to upload a fixed version of anjuta in my ppa (2.25.902-0ubuntu2) to test build it there before putting it in the archives, but I get rejected by the ppa saying that there is already a version like that in jaunty. The thing is that https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/anjuta does not list that version (the latest is the one that FTBFS 2.25.902-0ubuntu1). Any idea ?15:36
seb128huats: did you have this version in your ppa already?15:36
rickspencer3kenvandine_wk: pochu: referring to web cam ^15:36
kenvandine_wkrickspencer3: you mean he doesn't have the module installed?15:36
huatsseb128: nope15:36
kenvandine_wkbut it is availble?15:36
rickspencer3kenvandine_wk: I meant that the module is not in the Jaunty kernel15:37
kenvandine_wkright, but is it available as another package?15:37
kenvandine_wkor not packaged at all?15:37
rickspencer3it's not packages afaik15:38
kenvandine_wkso either against 'linux' requesting it get built as a module in the kernel by default or as a new package request15:38
kenvandine_wkis there a package request mechanism in LP?15:38
kenvandine_wki guess against 'linux' for now... let them decide if it should be mainline :)15:39
rickspencer3thanks kenvandine_wk15:40
seb128huats: so I don't know15:44
huatsseb128: ok thanks anyway15:45
seb128huats: ask on #launchpad, usually that's because the version you try using has been published somewhere, your ppa or ubuntu15:46
huatsseb128: ok15:46
huatsI have started something else, but I will right after...15:47
huatsthanks seb12815:47
seb128huats: https://edge.launchpad.net/~christophe.sauthier/+archive/ppa/+build/89184715:47
seb128huats: you did upload a such version yesterday apparently15:47
huatsseb128: but I have removed it...15:47
huatsso it shouldn't be a problem I guess...15:47
seb128huats: yes, but it has been published you can't re-use it15:47
seb128huats: that's why I asked if you did use it already15:48
seb128you said "no"15:48
huatshonnnestly I don't remember all the things I did yesterday (thanks to fever and my brain which sometimes forget stuffs...)15:48
huatsseb128: from my understanding since it was removed from the ppa, it was free to be used...15:49
seb128wrong understanding15:49
huatsit is indeed...15:49
seb128it would mean you could reupload a version people already have installed and they would not get the changes15:50
huatsseb128: I see the idea...15:50
huatsI was not looking at my ppa to distribute stuffs, but as a building mechanism...15:50
davmor2Guys I seem to be having an issue using with Hardware Drivers today.  It's recognised the Nvidia gfx card and 180 version is selected.  Policykit (I'm guessing) requests password the bar scans left and right a couple of times and then stops and nothing else happens15:53
seb128huats: use buildn versions then ;-)15:53
didrocksseb128: I created a branch for gtkmm2.4 but apparently, it wasn't published in ~ubuntu-desktop because we don't derivate too much. Is this still valid?15:56
seb128didrocks: yes15:56
seb128didrocks: we will sync when they package the new version15:56
didrocksseb128: oki15:57
didrocksso, let's try to build :)15:57
didrocksseb128: do I have to take some particular actions: "Added interfaces, but we can't use them yet without breaking ABI: Activatable, Orientation."?16:00
seb128didrocks: I don't think so16:01
didrocksseb128: like libeel2, let's say they don't assure ABI stability? :)16:01
seb128they said they didn't change because they don't want to break abi no?16:02
didrocksseb128: yeah, from what I understand is that they added interfaces which can't be use because it will break ABI. I didn't build it still and have to check this myself16:03
didrocks(what I will do in a minute, didn't have the time before, I worked today :))16:03
seb128no hurry ;-)16:03
seb128pedro_: why did you reopen bug #338211?16:16
ubottuLaunchpad bug 338211 in nautilus-sendto "[Wishlist] Send to desktop " [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33821116:16
fta2seb128, i'm back. i think my gnome-session issue is wider than just gnome. even in a console, everything is slow or unresponsive16:47
seb128fta2: ok16:47
pedro_seb128: grgr thought i was marked it as wishlist , didn't see you closed it before, I've closed it, thanks you16:50
seb128pedro_: ok, you probably set it as wishlist while I was marking wishlist and closing it, which explain why the only change I got was the status change to new16:50
pedro_seb128: yep, didn't bugzilla show you a warning for such things?16:51
pedro_thought i've seen something like that16:51
* pedro_ starts to search in malone bugs16:52
seb128pedro_: yes, it display a "the page changed" warning and ask if you want to submit anyway16:52
fta2seb128, found the culprit: sysklogd. I just stopped it, X died, gdm came back and now it's all fine.16:56
fta2strangest thing ever :P16:57
crevetteseb128, the real message is "MID-AIR COLLISION" on bgo :)16:58
seb128crevette: yeah16:58
* crevette is used to that message16:58
seb128fta2: indeed quite strange16:58
* seb128 is not, he's usually faster that other people to comment ;-)16:58
seb128just joking ;-)16:58
pedro_is already reported: bug 2845916:59
ubottuLaunchpad bug 28459 in malone "Handle mid-air collisions in bug reports" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/2845916:59
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fta2huats, are you still working python-webkitgtk?17:09
huatsfta2: I am17:09
huatsI am about to put it tonight17:09
huatsfta2 why ?17:09
fta2huats, ok, great :)17:09
huatsfta2: I just need a final test and I will upload it17:10
fta2huats, because we need it for gwibber17:10
huatsI have read that17:10
huatsyou can count on it tonight I think17:10
fta2excellent, thanks17:10
huatssorry for the LONG delay...17:10
fta2the flow of dents on identi.ca decreased, i assume most were using gwibber on jaunty ;)17:12
davmor2tseliot: 20090305.1 iso image is playing up with Jockey17:21
tseliotdavmor2: did you file a bug report about it?17:22
davmor2tseliot: I'm still trying to track down the issue a bit more before I do.  Does jockey have a log at all?17:23
tseliotdavmor2: yes, if you launch its backend in debugging mode17:23
tseliotpitti: ^^17:23
davmor2tseliot: what the command for debugging mode please17:27
fta2seb128, the issue with sysklokg blocking the desktop was caused by libnss-mdns. This was added as a dep of google-earth 5.17:30
* asac hugs huats for fixing webkit python ;)17:30
huatsasac: thanks :)17:31
huatsasac: on the otherside it is my fault if it is not yet here :)17:31
seb128fta2: NOTUBUNTU17:32
seb128or at least google earth is not ;-)17:32
fta2seb128, the installer is17:32
fta2seb128, it's even my fault, iirc17:32
tseliotdavmor2: try with:17:35
tseliotsudo killall jockey-backend17:35
tseliotsudo /usr/share/jockey/jockey-backend --debug -l /tmp/jockey.log &17:35
davmor2tseliot: I'll try it now17:35
tseliotdavmor2: then run jockey-gtk or jockey-kde , reproduce the problem, and get the log17:35
asachuats: do you have an identi.ca acount? or is that someone else?17:37
davmor2tseliot: okay that's weird with the debuging on it's working I'll have a quick look at the log anyway17:38
huatsasac: I think I have one, but I don't think I have ever used it...17:39
huats(I might have created it during last UDS)17:40
asachuats: yeah. its huats17:40
asacand its empty ;)17:40
asachuats: good idea to try gwibber ;)17:40
huatsI will then :)17:40
asachuats: when it works just push a dent and include !gwibber in your line so the gwibber fangroup will know ;)17:40
huatsok, I will and you enjoy the fresh air :)17:41
asaclol ;)17:41
asacright. out for few17:41
fta2asac, is bzr bd still broken /w python 2.6?17:48
davmor2tseliot: It crashed at 80%  the log is on bug 33834017:49
ubottuLaunchpad bug 338340 in jockey "Jaunty: Jockey doesn't download driver" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33834017:49
tseliotdavmor2: ok, thanks for reporting I'll add it to my todo list17:51
seb128pitti: ok, some hours later the gnome-mount list is down to 63 bugs and 19 new ;-)17:52
* pitti hugs seb128, you rock17:52
seb128pitti: you are still welcome to look through the NEW bugs if you want, I let some of the lukfs or encrypted device issues since I've no clue about those17:53
* seb128 hugs pitti17:53
pittiI killed almost all untriaged hal-info and apport bugs17:53
pittiseb128: yeah, I'll still go through them17:53
seb128policykit has some bugs untriaged too, but not so much, would perhaps deserve a look too since getting credential to do actions is important17:53
pittiyeah, and consolekit17:54
asacfta2: yesterday it was broken, yes.18:07
asacjames_w: ^^ ?18:07
seb128asac, fta2: bzr-buildpackage you mean? the fixed version has been synced today18:10
asacseb128: yeah. bzr builddeb (i guess its used by bzr.-buildpacakge)18:12
asacjames_w: does this version also reintroduce my precious --export-upstream?18:13
asac(i had to downgrage to intrepid version again to do the latest NM round)18:13
asachmm not in changelog18:13
* asac stays on hold ;)18:13
asacjames_w: i know that you agreed to reintroduce it soon, but in general i would like to ask you to not just drop parameters, but rather keep them with a deprecatd warning at least for a cycle18:14
asacjames_w: if there is a senseful change its ok, but i just want some time to reorganize branches to fit the new approach ;)18:15
asacand deprecation is the right way to do that imo18:15
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* mpt DoSes himself with notification-daemon19:42
mptnotify-send "foo" "bar" -i some-image-larger-than-your-screen.png19:43
kenvandine_wkhuats: have you done anything with the python-webkitgtk update?19:47
kenvandine_wkbug 32857619:47
ubottuLaunchpad bug 328576 in pywebkitgtk "Please sync python-webkit 1.0.2-1 from Debian unstable" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/32857619:47
huatskenvandine_wk: I am doing right now19:48
kenvandine_wkhuats: awesome19:48
* kenvandine_wk misses gwibber19:48
asackenvandine_wk: on identi.ca your small icon is still broken.19:51
asacyou are the last on my list ;)19:51
asackenvandine_wk: use png not jpeg is the fix i think (if i didnt tell you yet)19:51
kenvandine_wkasac: yeah... been meaning to fix that19:52
asackenvandine_wk: no problem. i actually forgot if i told you ;)19:53
kenvandine_wkasac: the actual problem was i messed with it the week their image crap was hosed :)19:53
kenvandine_wkso it got mangled or something19:53
kenvandine_wkand i never went back :)19:53
huatskenvandine I am doing a last test (of an upgrade) and then I upload the python-webkitgtk update20:07
kenvandine_wkhuats: awesome20:18
tedgCould someone please sponsor bug 283095 ?  It's gotten an ack from chrisccoulson and kenvandine saying it works for them.20:41
ubottuLaunchpad bug 283095 in fast-user-switch-applet "logout needs confirmation" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/28309520:41
kenvandine_wkyes... someone please :)20:45
kenvandine_wkhey seb12820:50
seb128good evening kenvandine_wk20:50
tedgUhm, gnome-session has written 2 GB of logs to /var/log/daemon.log on my system.  Anyone else seeing that?21:13
chrisccoulsoni'm seeing a lot of messages, but not on that scale21:14
* kenvandine_wk looks21:15
tedgI'm getting about 1 MB/minute21:15
chrisccoulsontedg - i just looked at the code, and it's configured for debug by default21:15
chrisccoulsonprobably should build without really21:15
kenvandine_wkchrisccoulson: it does that by default for odd numbered versions21:16
kenvandine_wkmine is 1.7M21:16
chrisccoulsonyeah, i think i remember that last cycle21:16
chrisccoulsonso that will disappear once 2.26 lands;)21:16
kenvandine_wki think i have a patch for that buried from years ago21:16
kenvandine_wkyeah :)21:16
chrisccoulson2GB is excessive though21:18
chrisccoulsonwhat is being logged tedg?21:18
tedgIt's constantly restarting vino-server.  Like I can't kill it fast enough.21:18
* kenvandine_wk lives on the edge and enables vino21:19
seb128ah ah21:20
tedgHmm, I think that one vino-server went AWOL, and then the others all detected it and exited immediately.  But, gnome-session saw that as it dying, and restarted it.21:21
seb128that's similar to the nautilus no background issue21:21
seb128nautilus starts, has nothing to do and exit21:21
seb128gnome-session goes, hum nautilus exited it should be restarted21:21
seb128nautilus starts, has nothing to do and exit21:21
tedgHmm, gnome-session is broken... where have I heard that before :)21:22
seb128I blame vuntz for that ;-)21:22
kenvandine_wktedg: yeah, fine here... enabling it doesn't create much noise21:22
kenvandine_wktedg: lies!21:22
seb128vuntz: it's getting late but I'm wondering if that should be a blocker issue for 2.2621:22
kenvandine_wkseb128: is it too late for you to sponsor tedg's fusa patches?21:23
kenvandine_wkbug 28309521:23
ubottuLaunchpad bug 283095 in fast-user-switch-applet "logout needs confirmation" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/28309521:23
seb128kenvandine_wk: no, let me have a look21:28
seb128tedg: the photos ratio in the notify-osd bubble when people go online is wrong, is that a known issue?21:33
kenvandine_wktedg: that dropped messages bug is more noticable now that i have moved to using pidgin for irc... but when it works i LOVE getting my messages with the indicator21:36
huatsasac: python-webkitgtk uploaded21:42
huatsbut I cannot get gwibber work (problem related to gnome_keyring I think on my vm....)21:43
huatsI have to go21:43
huatstalk to you tomorrow21:43
tedgseb128: Yes, design teams likes square.  I find it annoying too.21:45
tedgkenvandine_wk: Hmm, have too look at that more.21:46
seb128tedg: well it's clearly buggy the ratio is not good21:46
seb128tedg: is that pidgin-notify or notify-osd buggy?21:46
asacseb128: iirc i saw comments in notify-osd saying "XXX: images should have a better ratio" ... or something21:47
asacseb128: bubble.c:/* TODO: improve scaling for non-square pixmaps */21:47
seb128ok, notify-osd then21:48
seb128brb trying fusa update21:50
seb128tedg: good work ;-)21:54
kenvandine_wkseb128: mind if itake bug 86796?21:55
ubottuLaunchpad bug 86796 in seahorse "Ubuntu Key Server not in Seahorse default config" [Wishlist,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/8679621:55
kenvandine_wkuses quilt... which i know nothing about yet :)21:55
chrisccoulsonquilt is easy ;)21:55
seb128kenvandine_wk: oh feel free21:55
kenvandine_wkchrisccoulson: good :)21:55
seb128there is a wiki page about patch systems which is great21:55
seb128an ubuntu openweek class by pitti21:55
kenvandine_wkjust haven't had a chance to use it yet :)21:56
seb128quilt is the most sucking patch system we have imho21:56
seb128it's powerful but just so annoying to use for little win in 99% of the cases21:56
chrisccoulsoni'm doing a patch with quilt at the moment, and i just forgot the "quilt refresh"21:57
tedgseb128: Thanks, I just got the status change message (trying to catch up on e-mail after the UI Freeze sprint :) )21:58
seb128tedg: I triaged the indicator-applet ubuntu bugs this morning, you should subscribe to those btw ;-)22:00
tedgYeah, focusing on real bugs now that UI ones are done.  (hopefully)22:01
* tedg is guessing he'll have some UIEs to write after meeting with Mark next week :-/22:01
seb128tedg: bug #33848322:04
ubottuLaunchpad bug 338483 in notify-osd "images are displayed with an incorrect ratio" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33848322:04
kenvandine_wkseb128: done... that was a very simple use case for quilt22:06
tedgseb128: commented :)22:06
seb128tedg: thanks, not sure if I should set the settings since that's an upstream bug on notify-osd, I will let mirco do that22:07
didrocksseb128: bugs #338416 and #338481 :)22:07
ubottuLaunchpad bug 338416 in gtkmm2.4 "Please, sponsor gtkmm2.4 2.15.5 for jaunty" [Undecided,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33841622:07
ubottuLaunchpad bug 338481 in glibmm2.4 "Please, sponsor 2.19.8 to jaunty" [Undecided,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33848122:07
seb128kenvandine_wk: good ;-)22:07
seb128didrocks: hello, thanks!22:07
didrocksseb128: hello, been very busy today :)22:07
seb128me too22:07
seb128like every day ... ;-)22:07
seb128didrocks: your tasks for tomorrow or this weekend are to sponsor the universe desktopish updates waiting22:08
seb128let's use your uploads right a bit ;-)22:08
didrocksseb128: yep: #337914 and #337911 only?22:08
seb128didrocks: well, for desktop yes but feel free to clean other things if you want or help them on the python2.6 transition if you are bored or to enjoy the nice weather or something ;-)22:09
didrocksseb128: I will see. I have also my book to prepare for jaunty. Will see what inspire me on the moment :)22:10
didrockshave a good night and see you tomorrow!22:10
seb128doh you didn't use bzr22:10
seb128I got used to it for reviews ;-)22:10
didrocksseb128: no, you told me to not use bzr?22:10
seb128I've to download the tarball myself now ;-)22:11
didrocksseb128: oh I can promote it22:11
didrocksI have done it in bzr22:11
didrocksbut didn't push into my branch22:11
didrockslet me a second22:11
seb128didrocks: well we don't publish in bzr, you can still use a temporary bzr for review and upload though ;-)22:11
didrocksseb128: done, have fun with bzr :)22:13
seb128good night22:13
didrocksthanks, you too22:13
dobeywho's updating packages?22:29
seb128everybody there?22:30
dobeyseb128: i'm just wondering if someone can update icon-naming-utils and tango-icon-theme to 0.8.90 :)22:31
seb128I just mailed the debian maintainer about i-n-u this afternoon since we are on sync on debian22:32
seb128he will update on monday and we will sync then22:32
seb128we can probably find somebody to update t-i-t ;-)22:32
seb128kenvandine_wk: ^ interesting to have a look to this one?22:32
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dobeyseb128: cool. i'm going to try and get jimmac to fix one small thing and then make another gnome-icon-theme release, but g-i-t and t-i-t need to be built against the new i-n-u also, to fix some other bugs that are on lp, since it adds some more symlinks and such :)22:41
seb128dobey: right, I will make sure that happens before jaunty22:41
seb128if you roll a tarball for GNOME 2.26 that should be alright22:41
seb128we will get the new i-n-u next week22:42
seb128which is before 2.2622:42
dobeyseb128: yeah, there will definitely be a 2.26.0 for gnome22:43
dobeyi just haven't done a .92 yet22:43
waltershey, does anyone have access to debian's arm/m68k builders who could test something for me?23:17
waltersbasically i want to close http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=56368123:18
ubottuGnome bug 563681 in introspection "sizeof(*) is expected to be X but is Y." [Normal,Assigned]23:18
lajjrwalters do you have a patch??23:25
walterslajjr: basically git clone http://git.gnome.org/gobject-introspection and toss the tarball at the build system23:26
waltersor hmmm23:27
* walters goes to look up the working public git url23:27
lajjroh ok..23:34
lajjrif you have a patch put it up on gnome bug they like it when they get fixed.23:36

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