
aim1159anybody ruling locobot here?00:22
aim1159need to ask if it is possible to turn on the timestamps on some channel (particularly #ubuntu-ru)00:23
LjLaim1159: better luck asking in #ubuntu-eu methinks00:24
LjLthey were the ones running them, last i checked00:24
aim1159LjL: thank you00:24
* aim1159 just don't understand why privacy overleads the conflict managmenet comfotness...00:25
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=== dantalizing is now known as zz_dantalizing
=== dantalizing is now known as zz_dantalizing
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Garfeildany irc ops here?09:36
Myrttido you mean network staff?09:37
Myrttiprobably yes, but if you could tell your issue, we could figure out if non-staff people could help you?09:38
Garfeildmay i use your private?09:39
MTecknology"These people have requested an Ubuntu cloak on freenode and have gotten one."14:14
MTecknologyThat's pretty bad english14:14
MyrttiMTecknology: hum?14:14
MTecknology"These people have requested an Ubuntu cloak on freenode and have been given one."14:15
Myrttiurl or it didn't happen14:15
=== thunderstruck is now known as gnomefreak
=== m4v is now known as Guest30056
=== Guest30056 is now known as m4v
=== dantalizing is now known as zz_dantalizing
=== zz_dantalizing is now known as dantalizing
ubot2In #ubuntu-se, larsemil said: !sågmyra is <reply> En fantastiskt fin liten ort i falu kommun, Dalarna, Sverige21:24
=== jester1- is now known as jester-
=== dantalizing is now known as zz_dantalizing
=== zz_dantalizing is now known as dantalizing
=== jester__ is now known as jester-
=== jester1- is now known as jester-

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