
elkyLjL, i rang the hospital, and they said that i should just drink clear fluids and call back if things get worse00:07
LjLelky: did you also hear someone in the background crying "no, we're full"? :)00:09
elkyLjL, are you watcing -ot?00:53
LjLelky: was mostly just ranting about microsoft without looking at what other said00:54
LjLelky: if they're saying something particularly bad, i'm afraid i don't get it00:56
elkyand suicide00:56
LjLelky: anyway you must be feeling better if you can actually read -ot without having the cramps?00:59
elkythe cramps are still happening, but not as often as they were01:00
elkyi guess some of the water is getting through01:00
elkythe throwing up was most likely directly caused by the cramping01:01
ubottuHuufarted called the ops in #ubuntu (thegamez)02:35
ubottuIn #ubuntu, UlaUlaUla said: ubottu: kde4 is already the newest version.02:43
ubottuFloodBot2 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (clone flood)03:38
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (clone flood)03:38
ubottuFloodBot3 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (clone flood)03:38
FlannelLooks like there's a troll in texas tonight.03:41
FlannelMmm, or maybe not.03:43
FlannelWhat do you think, ban on the ident?03:44
ubottucharlie-tca called the ops in #xubuntu ()03:48
nickrudnalioth's on the warpath?04:00
naliothnickrud: which one would that be?04:01
nickrudthe troll in texas04:01
naliothtampa bay isn't in Texas04:02
nickrudand now, the warpath leading to my door ;)04:02
MyrttiI wonder who Zarlan1984 was06:22
bazhang* [Zarlan1984] (n=Zarlan@ Christopher Zehner06:26
Myrttihe reminds me of someone06:27
Myrttiprobably dash84 or someone like06:27
Tm_Tand I typoed, bazhang 06:27
bazhangTm_T, sorry to be late on that !attitude :)06:28
ubottuLaunchpad bug 337957 in debian-installer "[Jaunty] installer doesn't ask where to install GRUB and overwrites MBR which contains TrueCrypt Bootloader" [Undecided,New]06:44
Tm_Tbazhang: he is back, mind to look over it?06:47
bazhangTm_T, have been :)06:48
Myrttiwho, what, where?06:48
Tm_Tin #kubuntu06:48
bazhangchronic in kubuntu channel06:48
Tm_Tnick chronic06:48
* Myrtti relaxes her attention and returns to work06:48
MyrttiI just love these moments when my work is about MediaWiki06:48
Tm_Tbazhang: I'm away now, have fun06:49
bazhanghehe will do06:50
* elky is much better now. just need to find something bland and fibery to eat now07:03
bazhanggood to hear elky 07:03
ubottuIn #ubuntu, Seveas said: !ad is <alias> activedirectory07:04
ubottuYou can learn more about ActiveDirectory intergration at  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ActiveDirectoryWinbindHowto07:05
Myrtti!ad is <alias> activedirectory07:05
ubottuI'll remember that, Myrtti07:05
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about kr08:25
Myrttiis there a korean channel?08:26
ubottuInformation on Ubuntu Local Community Teams is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LoCoTeams08:26
ubottuFor Korean help, /join #ubuntu-ko08:26
Myrttiohmygawd the access list for that channel is SAD08:27
Myrtti[10:27] [freenode] -NickServ(NickServ@services.)- User seen  : May 15  12:41:33 2007 (1 year, 42 weeks, 0 days, 19:45:43 ago)08:27
Myrttiand the population of the channel is whopping...08:29
topyliMyrtti: so your task for to day is: learn korean, join the channel, and yell WORK HARDER!08:30
Myrttithe population of South Korea alone is 49 million08:31
MyrttiI don't get it08:32
topyliafaik it's also one of the most wired nations in the world08:33
MyrttiI guess they could be using some arbitrary irc network instead of Freenode08:33
Myrttikinda like Finns tend to use IRCnet more than freenode08:33
Myrttilike irc.hanirc.org08:34
topylithe finnish ircnet use is historical baggage, can't really attribute it to the technical excellence of the network :(08:34
MyrttiI'm almost tempted to poke my nose into business that isn't mine08:34
Myrttiie. suggest that the -ko ownership would be transferred to that jihui choi feller08:35
Myrttiwho atleast seems to be on irc08:35
Myrttithough I have no idea how that could be done with the current access list being what it is08:35
topyligreat launchpad avatar :)08:35
MyrttiI guess learning korean could be fun08:36
elkyMyrtti, so there's nobody in the access list?08:37
Myrttielky: there's one person in the access list, who has been seen by chanserv 1 year, 42 weeks ago08:37
elkyGary, around hon?08:38
Myrttiso he is active in somewhere else08:39
* Myrtti steps away, not to stir the waters more08:39
topylithis atie person lives on some hanirc network. i wonder if that's the korean default destination08:41
* Myrtti considers sending an email08:42
MyrttiI really should be working and not poking my nose into this08:42
* Myrtti slaps herself08:42
Garyelky: yes08:43
elkyGary, could the UbuntuIrcCouncil account at least get added to the #ubuntu-ko access list please08:43
Garyone mo, I cannot do that but I can pester someone who can08:43
ikoniaelky: I'm going to speak to Christal when she's back on line about panarchy - he's now advertising his distro and requesting people join his channel in other channels08:47
ikoniahe's really starting to get on my nerves, everychannel I'm in is spammed every night08:47
elkyikonia, make sure you complain to the ops of those channels, and have them join the call08:50
elkyis he in ubuntu channels doing it still? if so, which?08:51
ikoniaelky: I've complained in channel a few times, sad thing is AUS very few ops around, mostly guys just saying "kick him"08:51
ikoniaelky: nah, he's out of all ubuntu channels now, I think he's realised that's a dead end08:51
ubottuPlease watch your language, attitude, and topic to help keep this channel friendly and helpful. Remember, there are kids here!08:59
MyrttiI don't like that08:59
ikoniachange it08:59
elkyMyrtti, what do you not like about it?09:00
MyrttiI don't know what I'd change it to09:00
Myrttibut I don't like the implication that kids are the only reason for being polite and minding your manners09:00
elkys/kids/many cultures and ages/09:00
MyrttiPLEASE, THINK OF THE CHILDREN makes me want to puke09:00
Myrttielky: mmm09:01
topylias it happens, it causes nausea in most finns lately :)09:01
ikoniaPlease be caeful of your language and attitude towards people. This channel is aims to provider friendly and helpful support, this means not swearing or abuse in anyway09:01
elkyikonia, it's not just for #ubuntu though, so the support aspect is negated.09:02
Seeker`why not just get rid of the "Remember, there are kids here!" 09:02
MyrttiSeeker`: because the most common ...09:02
elkySeeker`, because they then argue that there's no qualifier09:02
Myrttioh gawd, I'm loosing words again09:02
Myrttiit's the most common false excuse to brush off the !language09:03
Myrtti"we're all adults here, you're such pansies, get a grip and gtfo from complaining about my f-ing language"09:03
ikoniaPlease remember that all ubuntu channels share the same attiude of providing friendly and polite interaction with all users, this means no swearing and no abuse towards people09:04
Myrttiand btw. I thought ohmy was an alias to language...09:05
topyliikonia: that would work for -ot channels. people forget that they're still ubuntu land09:06
elkyPlease remember that all ubuntu channels share the same attitude of providing friendly and polite interaction with all users, this means no foul language and no abuse towards others.09:06
ikoniaelky: better09:07
ubottuohmy has no aliases - added by Spec on 2006-07-28 00:11:42 - last edited by Flannel on 2009-01-20 01:52:2309:07
Myrttis/all users/all users of different ages and cultures/09:07
elky!Please remember that all ubuntu channels share the same attitude of providing friendly and polite interaction with all users of different ages and cultures. Basically, this means no foul language and no abuse towards others.09:08
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)09:08
elky!ohmy is <reply>Please remember that all ubuntu channels share the same attitude of providing friendly and polite interaction with all users of different ages and cultures. Basically, this means no foul language and no abuse towards others.09:08
ubottuBut ohmy already means something else!09:08
elkydid i broked the bot?09:08
Myrtti!no ohmy is <reply>09:09
Myrttioh dear god, no09:09
elkyoh, i'm lagging. yum09:09
ubottuPlease watch your language, attitude, and topic to help keep this channel friendly and helpful. Remember, there are kids here!09:09
ikoniamaybe nice to document ubottu's functions a bit more, I often forget the synatax09:09
Myrtti!no ohmy is <reply>Please remember that all ubuntu channels share the same attitude of providing friendly and polite interaction with all users of different ages and cultures. Basically, this means no foul language and no abuse towards others.09:10
ubottuI'll remember that Myrtti09:10
ubottuPlease remember that all ubuntu channels share the same attitude of providing friendly and polite interaction with all users of different ages and cultures. Basically, this means no foul language and no abuse towards others.09:10
stdinikonia: it's on the wiki, see !bot09:10
Myrtti!ohmy ~= /ubuntu/Ubuntu/09:10
ikoniastdin: has it always been there, and I've just being missing it ?09:10
* Myrtti massages ubottu09:11
stdinthere has been usage instructions since it was ubotu09:11
Myrttiyou can do it09:11
ubottuPlease remember that all Ubuntu channels share the same attitude of providing friendly and polite interaction with all users of different ages and cultures. Basically, this means no foul language and no abuse towards others.09:11
Myrtti!ohmy ~= /Ubuntu/Ubuntu IRC/09:11
ubottuI'll remember that Myrtti09:11
ubottuPlease watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.09:11
ubottulanguage aliases: langauge, wtf, ffs, foad, gtfo, nsfw - added by Seveas on 2006-07-02 10:45:17 - last edited by PriceChild on 2007-11-11 19:30:1309:12
ikoniastdin: clearly I'm blind/moron09:13
ikoniastdin: I see it now09:13
Myrttiikonia: or there's always been people with ubottu-fu so that you haven't had the need to read the documentation09:13
ikoniawhen I make mistakes people normally correct me so , probbly09:15
topyliMyrtti: that's how i've managed to avoid reading man tar all these years09:15
Myrttiikonia: that's why there's many of us instead of one magical $seveas09:16
Myrttiteam effort ♥ 09:16
ikoniayes, always handy to have someone around who knows it off the top of their head09:16
Myrttiand I haven't read the documentation for ubottu, ever.09:17
Garyelky: done09:18
elkyGary, ta09:19
Seeker`ubottu has documentation now?09:19
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)09:19
Seeker`never knew that09:19
jussi01ubottu: has had a wiki for _ages_09:26
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)09:26
jussi01ikonia: ping09:29
elkyMyrtti, heh, they noticed, eh? i wonder if they'll still remember next time they tell us we never do anything they want09:31
jussi01did someone fix that !language yet?09:32
elkyi mean, they conveniently forget that i actually start and join in conversations in the channel when it suits them09:33
ubottuPlease watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.09:33
Myrttijussi01: ohmy is better now, but idk if I cba to do !language to be an alias to !ohmy09:33
ubottuPlease remember that all Ubuntu IRC channels share the same attitude of providing friendly and polite interaction with all users of all ages and cultures. Basically, this means no foul language and no abuse towards others.09:33
elkylanguage should really be pertaining to the language of the channel09:33
Myrttijussi01: I don't know if it's necessary either09:33
jussi01yeah, Im just thinking that !ohmy is starting to impinge on !attitude territory09:34
ubottuThe people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines09:34
elkyjussi01, not really09:34
jussi01hrm, thats not the one I was thinking of. but yeah..09:35
ubottubazhang called the ops in #ubuntu+1 (chronic)10:44
ikoniabazhang: sorry for the slow response10:48
bazhangikonia, thanks; I am watching in other channels as he was doing it in #kubuntu as well10:49
ikoniaI'm waiting for him to start again in #kubuntu10:49
ikoniaI read te backlog10:49
bazhangjust waiting for him to /j #ubuntu 10:49
bazhangincoming in -ot10:55
ikoniawho ?10:56
bazhangchronic, you were warned in #kubuntu to stop with foul language and attitude10:57
bazhangchronic, then you joined #ubuntu+1 and continued there anyways10:57
bazhang!coc | chronic 10:58
ubottuchronic: The Ubuntu Code of Conduct to which we ask all Ubuntu users to adhere can be found at http://www.ubuntu.com/community/conduct/10:58
bazhang!guidelines | chronic 10:58
ubottuchronic: The guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines10:58
chronicwhy should i be constrained by your petty rules?10:58
bazhangchronic, read those10:58
ikoniachronic: thats enough now10:58
bazhangchronic, you neednt be10:58
bazhangchronic, just depart freenode ubuntu channels10:58
ikoniachronic: if you don't want to follow the ubuntu rules, leave the ubuntu channels, 10:58
Myrttichronic: because IRC is not democracy, if you don't follow the rules, you don't need to use the channels.10:58
ikoniachronic: the rules apply to all ubuntu channels10:58
ikoniachronic: do you agree to follow the rules, yes/no ?10:59
chronicfuck no11:00
Garychronic: maybe this network is not for you then11:00
Myrttithen feel free to satisfy your curiosity about Ubuntu in some other venues11:00
ikoniachronic: no problem then leave the ubuntu channels11:00
bazhangchronic, please feel free to exit freenode ubuntu channels then11:00
Myrttipeace and love for all.11:01
bazhangchronic, you are not even using ubuntu11:01
chronicwhat am i using?11:01
bazhangchronic, so why join ubuntu channels11:01
bazhangas you said, you have not switched from windows11:02
chronicnot switched doesn't mean not using linux11:03
ikoniait doesn't matter11:03
ikoniadon't follow the rules - don't join the channels11:03
bazhangchronic, you refuse to follow the rules11:03
Myrttiwhy are we continuing on this discussion?11:03
MyrttiI think it's got no point11:03
bazhangchronic, and you are very abusive to others, even threatening to shoot them in the face with a shotgun11:04
ikoniaMyrtti: remove him from offtopic and lets go about our dday 11:04
Myrttichronic: was there anything else you want help with in regard the Ubuntu IRC channels in Freenode?11:04
chronicdude , i said it was a joke, 11:04
ikoniathis is pointles11:04
bazhangchronic, it is not funny to threaten violence against others11:04
Myrttichronic: ha                      h... erm.11:04
Myrttianyway, boring.11:05
ikoniayes, leave #ubuntu-offtopic and go about your day as your response of "fuck no" to agreeing to the follow the rules does not make you welcome in the ubuntu channels11:05
ikoniayou've proved this in 2 channels already, so just find somewhere else that fits in with your approach to IRC11:06
chronicbazhang, hey it was funny the way i said it,11:06
ikoniathank you11:06
* Myrtti watches -ot11:06
ikoniaMyrtti: just remove him, he said he won't follow the rules11:06
bazhang<chronic> ziroday, if i had a shotgun i would shoot u in the face, oh wait, i do have a shotgun11:06
ikoniaand he's backed that up in other channels11:07
Myrttihow fun11:07
jussi01_I really didnt see any reason to continue the discussion.11:07
ikoniajussi01_: there wasnt one - follow the rules, "fuck no" end of discussion11:07
Garysilly boy11:07
Myrttiikonia: he hasn't done anything worth kickban in there yet11:08
ikoniaMyrtti: he's made it clear he won't comply with the rules11:08
ikoniaMyrtti: and backed it up in other chanels11:08
ikoniawhy let someone who publicly says they won't follow the ubuntu rules for the channels in 11:08
Seeker`There is far too much discussion with clearly uncooperative users11:08
ikonia(just my opinion)11:08
Seeker`when they are asked if they are going to follow the rules and they reply "fuck no", what exactly do you expect to happen by discussion with them11:09
Garybut a attempt at catalysing is always worth a go11:09
ikoniaSeeker`: exaclty, - bye11:09
Myrttiand there we go11:09
Seeker`"oh wait sorry i was wrong, I'll stop being an abusive troll because you asked me 3 times"?11:09
ikoniaSeeker`: more so after you've hit two are channels to prove you're not willing to follow the rules11:09
jussi01someone can remove the ban in here in a while if you like11:10
MyrttiI personally prefer the people actually making the error on the particular channel for them to be kickbanned before doing so pre-emptively11:10
Myrttiso I don't have to explain it to the other users and that they also get a first hand experience on what behaviour is not tolerated11:11
GaryI've catalysed trolls who have turned into valid useful members of the irc network, it can happen11:11
MyrttiGary: +111:11
ikoniaGary: there is room11:11
ikoniaGary: not saying that, but with that attitude of "fuck no" it's not going to happen today11:12
MyrttiI also would like to think that each user has to be given a choice to behave11:12
Myrttieach separate time11:12
ikoniaMyrtti: yes, but also how many in one hour11:12
ikoniaMyrtti: he hit #ubuntu+1 #kubuntu, #ubuntu-ops with abuse/racism/offense 11:12
ikoniaMyrtti: and make a clear statment that he would not change11:12
ikonialet him have a day or so out and negotiate a change11:12
Seeker`i dont think they should be permanently banned for 1 bad day11:13
ikoniaSeeker`: I agree11:13
Seeker`but there reaches a point in the discussion that it is clear that they aren't going to change their mind today11:14
ikoniaSeeker`: exaclty, #11:14
Seeker`typically, discussions in here will last 15 minutes or so longer than that point11:14
ikoniawith a little time out he may realise that he wants to use the channels and has to abide by a few things to re-gain access11:14
bazhanghere was about five seconds11:14
Garyand that makes me headbutt the desk11:14
GaryI have bruises!11:15
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ouch11:15
Seeker`for example, he was here for over 6 minutes after saying there is no way he would follow the rules11:15
bazhangnow in #ubuntu11:16
* Myrtti loads her gun11:16
Seeker`and it just degrades to "dont do that" "i'll do it if i want" "dont do that" "i'll do it if i want" "dont do that" "i'll do it if i want"...11:16
bazhangikonia, too qucik11:17
bazhangalso quick even11:17
ikoniaI hear that all too often :(11:17
jussi01bazhang: quick question,  do you have +i set?11:17
bazhangjussi01, is that invisible mode?11:17
elkyMyrtti, i would have taken the direct-to-the-face shotgun threat as being cause for removal11:17
jussi01bazhang: kinda11:18
bazhangjussi01, not sure how would I set? /mode +i ?11:18
jussi01bazhang: when thye whois you they can only see channels you both share that you are in11:18
Myrttielky: sure, but I didn't see that in -offtopic, now did I?11:18
jussi01/mode bazhang +i11:18
bazhangjussi01, thanks much :)11:19
bazhangelky, it was in +111:19
* Gary pm's chronic11:19
jussi01_Gary: thanks11:19
* elky /wii's chronic and raises an eyebrow at his 'real name'11:20
MyrttiI don't usually kick / kickban people for behaviour I've not personally witnessed on the particular channel11:21
bazhangreminiscent of moocow/holycow11:21
MyrttiI think escalating issues from #ubuntu in #ubuntu-offtopic isn't The Way To Go.11:21
Myrttithe only place where I might kickban person by their behaviour on other channels is here11:22
jussi01I tend to agree with that sentiment.11:23
ikoniaI would agree with that, but if a user says in here "I won't follow the ubuntu rules" and backs it up with behaviour in 2 channels, what's the point of letting him hit antoer $X ?11:26
ikoniahe's actually warning us in advance "I'm going to be a problem for you"11:26
Myrttithat's one way of looking at it. I personally always try to assume good faith. YMMV.11:32
Seeker`I think that may not be the best attitude to have when they say "I'm going to cause you a problem" and then start doing so11:33
Seeker`its no good treating each channel as a seperate entity like that, because they aren't11:33
Seeker`UserX in one channel is the same person as UserX in a different channel11:34
bazhangthough often not for long11:34
MyrttiSeeker`: that's odd, I'm totally different person on #irssi or #terminator than on any of the Ubuntu namespace channels.11:35
MyrttiI'm capable of adjusting my behaviour according to the milieu I'm in11:35
Seeker`Myrtti: We have no control over non-ubuntu channels, so they are (at least partly) irrelevant here11:35
Seeker`yes, but I'm assuming you're not a complete troll on those channels?11:35
Myrttioh boy :-P11:36
MyrttiI can remember being a total troll in #lugradio :-P11:36
Seeker`my point is, if someone joins one ubuntu channels, starts playing up, comes in here and says they wont follow the rules, surely they have waived their right to "good faith"11:37
ikoniaadjusting your atttitude to fit in with the channels is the key, some channels are loser than others but if someone warns you of how to behave in that channel/channels you've got a choice of following or - not11:37
Myrttibut, you ride your horse your way and I use my bike, and if that gets you ahead in life, we're all good.11:37
* Myrtti sods off back to work11:38
bazhangI read that as 'loser'11:41
Myrttibazhang: that's what it says11:41
bazhangkde4 is fine11:41
Garymeh, pm timesink ftl11:41
Myrttiand yes, I wouldn't be surprised if it were holycow...11:42
* bazhang huggles Gary 11:42
jussi01_Gary: bleh11:42
jussi01_Gary: come and visit me!11:42
MyrttiGary: we love you11:42
Garyjussi01_: where?11:42
Seeker`Gary: you still commuting silly distances / times?11:42
jussi01_Gary: in bath, (no, not *in* the bath)11:43
GarySeeker`: I live in nottingham Sunday to Friday, and Colchester Friday night to sunday11:43
Seeker`Gary: "yes" then :P11:43
Seeker`jussi01_: where are you headed after bath?11:43
jussi01_via london11:44
* Myrtti dances a little jig of 11d, 12h, 5m, 40s!11:44
Seeker`jussi01_: how long in london?11:44
jussi01_Seeker`: dunno11:44
Seeker`and whereabouts?11:44
Garywhere is bath/11:44
jussi01_again... not sure11:45
jussi01_Gary: down by Bristol?11:45
Garyeek, miles away11:45
Seeker`jussi01_: you are visiting all the wrong places :P11:47
ikoniavery miles away11:47
ikonia3 hours 50 minutes11:48
ikoniaGary: if you drive now, you'll make it for an early dinner11:48
Garyikonia: lol11:48
GaryI'm at work11:48
Seeker`I reckon its about 2 hours from here to Bath11:48
Seeker`maybe a bit longer11:48
ikoniaSeeker`: yeah, 1:45 says tomtom bath->essex11:49
ikoniatomtom is known to lie11:49
GarySeeker`: where are you?11:49
ikoniaSeeker was asked to leave Bath city for being associated with the white stilleto crew11:49
jussi01_ikonia: pm11:50
Seeker`Gary: just north of london11:50
Seeker`ikonia: I'm not in essex :P11:50
ikoniaSeeker`: ooh, I thought you where11:50
Seeker`never have been11:50
ikoniahence the white shoe push11:50
Seeker`I'm in hertfordshire11:50
ikoniatar'd and feathered you already11:51
ikoniaSeeker`: I just realised that from when you showed me the photos11:52
* ikonia apologies to seeker and removes the chav badge11:52
Garyhey, nothing wrong wiv essex ;'(11:57
ikoniashat uuup11:58
* Gary cries11:58
* Myrtti goes to slop some Voltaren gel on her wrists12:01
bazhang [_sunny_v_666] (n=syedibti@ Syed I T seems familiar12:11
bazhangwait is daemonmdv ryan farmer? the foxconn guy?12:20
elkyi suspect12:20
elkywhat was the nick he was using when we had to kick him out last time?12:21
elkybazhang, i mean back when the spammerificness was happening12:22
bazhangoh ryan farmer12:23
bazhangI'll have to check k-ot logs12:23
elkyalthough, i can check mjg's blog for hostmasks12:23
elky07-08-2008 03:25:56 -!- AlmightyCthulhu!n=Almighty@c-68-57-223-4.hsd1.in.comcast.net has joined #ubuntu-kernel12:25
MyrttiI smell a FISH!!! :-DDD12:26
Myrttibazhang: you cunning sly thing you12:27
* Myrtti bows12:27
ikoniachronic back in #ubuntu12:32
ikoniajust keep an eye on him 12:32
Seeker`ikonia: seen his real name? (dont know if it has changed from earlier)12:33
ikoniaalways been that12:33
ikoniaI'm going to try to talk to him calmly - see if he' calmed down yet12:33
* Myrtti loads her gun just in case12:34
ikoniaahhh good he's responding12:36
ikoniastarted well12:40
ikoniathen again stated he would not follow the rules and he didn't care about them and it was freespeech so he's say/do what he wanted12:41
ikoniaI see no reason in continuing beyond that12:41
ikoniaI think panarchy is in #ubuntu using a different nick12:45
ikoniaban dodging12:45
bazhangpanarchy1 ?12:46
ikoniathats him12:46
ikoniaoh no12:46
ikoniathat's not a nick12:46
ikoniano-one signed in as panarchy112:46
bazhangjust look for the one that does /me says hi upon entrance12:46
ikoniaI don't think he's that dumb12:47
Tm_Tikonia: really?12:47
ikonia12:45 < Panarchy> Cause the number of users within the #ubuntu channel, goes off the list!12:47
ikoniahe's in colloquy askign them to dd filters12:47
ikoniahow can it be causing him a problem if he's not allowed in #ubuntu12:47
ikoniawould it be out of line for me to ask a staff member to check based on his history of ban dodging ?12:48
elkyikonia, christel responds to pm when she's around usually. he made promises to her ;)12:49
ikoniahe may not be to be fair to him, but his comments in the other channels make me suspect he is12:50
jussi01_ikonia: pm12:50
elkyikonia, it's not just freenode he hits either. oftc and gimpnet both get struck with stupid questions about his pathetic distro12:52
Tm_Twhat distro?12:52
elkyhe stole someone else's hacky thing and renamed the iso iirc12:53
bazhangsuper ubuntu to something else12:54
bazhangits super!12:54
ikoniasuper ubuntu to panarchy12:55
ikoniajust renamed the iso12:55
ikoniaalthough that was just his old release, it's much better now12:55
elkyas in, he stole different isos this time?12:55
ikoniahe's been warned about advertising it, yet he hit #debian and #remote-exploit with it, asking people to join #panarchy to work on his distro with him12:55
ikoniaelky: yeah, I'm sure he's just picked something more obscure this time12:55
Tm_TI blame Ubuntu12:56
PiciI blame people who blame things12:56
Tm_TI have noticed that these years when Ubuntu came and made opensource more aknowledged, there has been more and more of these people who exploits and rapes community and whole opensource ideology12:58
Tm_Tor perhaps I just have been in wrong place to notice these things earlier12:58
Seeker`as the number of people using something grows, the number of stupid people grow12:59
Seeker`at first, it is usually reasonably bright people that picked up linux12:59
Tm_TSeeker`: ah, but I don't mind about peoples brightness, but about their arrogance and rudeness13:00
Seeker`but ubuntu has lowered the bar of entry so low and the community is so large that it attracts a larger number of trolls13:00
bazhangthe coc can take care of that13:00
PiciThe CoC doesnt screen them from trying13:00
ikoniano harm in trying13:01
ikoniaits the running before walking that would be handy to get a grip on 13:01
bazhangit seems to have been written with Eastern Philosophy in mind though13:01
ikoniaHi, I've never used linux before, I want to build me own distro, re-write a kernel module, and build a cluster, where do I start13:01
ikoniaI need this for tommorow13:01
bazhangie how to get along in big crowds, harmony etc13:01
ikoniathat sort of enthusiasm is great, and if they stick with it will normally grow to something good13:02
Tm_Tikonia: Myrtti met someone who wanted to build operating system using Python13:02
ikoniabazhang: no, panarchy's tales of what he can do is far biggere than that13:02
ikoniaTm_T: yes, I read that, "good luck"13:02
Tm_Tikonia: indeed13:02
bazhangikonia, true, I was referencing the frenetic style he has :)13:03
elkyMyrtti, did? i have one of those in my loco channel. convinced that the kernel being in C is a waste, and it should be ported to python.13:03
Tm_Telky: how did he explain how that would work?13:04
elkygets all huffy when i point out the python is not fully capable on a non-C plaform, and that it's self-interpreted version is a mere fraction of the original13:04
elkyTm_T, no, just explained how i'm stupid and naieve13:04
elkyTm_T, 'hrmph!'13:04
MyrttiTm_T: it was elky who bumped into him, not me :-P13:05
Tm_TMyrtti: aah, sowwy, my old brains etc13:05
elkyTm_T, Myrtti just laughed about it with me13:05
MyrttiI'm happy that you guys figured out who he was13:17
ikoniaiw uottu.com going super slow for everyone, or just me ?13:44
Piciikonia: Its working fine for me13:46
bazhangfine here13:47
ikoniaPici: just come back for me too13:49
ikoniajust went through a massive lag on that one site ??/13:50
jussi01*ahem* ubottu.com?13:50
* jussi01 apologises for any unresponsiveness there for a few mins... (Im using the cpu...)13:51
PiciI'm using my cpu too!13:51
jussi01I killing it 13:51
Myrttijussi01: compiling mozilla-qt or something else nasty and kde-ish?13:54
jussi01doing a migration from the sqlite to postgres for the quassel db... 3gb worth of DB13:54
Myrttiew. kdeish as I suspected, but congrats on choosing postgresql ♥ 13:54
PiciWhy do people use xampp?14:04
ubottuWe do not support XAMPP installs here. Please use the LAMP stack that is in our repositories, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP for more information.14:05
Tm_TMyrtti: Qt is KDEish now?14:05
Myrttiwhat's xampp anyway?14:05
MyrttiTm_T: -ish14:05
jussi01!info xampp14:05
Tm_TMyrtti: still (:14:05
ubottuPackage xampp does not exist in intrepid14:05
Tm_TMyrtti: there's Qt4-based irc bot (no gui involved) too, is that KDEish? (;)14:06
PiciIts a (l)amp package14:06
ikoniagood xampp should exst14:06
Picim4v: How can we help you today?14:06
Myrttiproftpd ewwww14:06
m4vabout a troll in  #kubuntu14:07
m4vassilva is a troll which I have to ban from kubuntu-es, he's taunting me from there now.14:07
ikoniam4v: is he doing anything in #kubuntu ? 14:07
bazhanghe just quit14:07
Tm_Tm4v: you can also use ops call with nick and explanation so we get alarmed (:14:07
ikoniam4v: is he a regular user - or first time offense ?14:08
m4vyeah, he just left, get was just taunting me, I didnt think in using !ops14:08
m4vyes, he's well know in k-es14:09
ikoniaI guess we can keep an eye out for his behaviour14:09
m4vhe comes and insults in portuguese, since he's from brazil, he's banned un #ubuntu-br as well14:09
m4valright, thanks14:10
ikoniahe didn't look up to much good in #kubuntu with his "obuntu penis" remarks14:10
ikoniawe can keep eye out for his behaviour14:10
ikoniacall the ops next time 14:10
ikoniacan react quicker then14:10
m4vok, thanks. I'm leaving then. cya14:11
=== Amaranth_ is now known as Amaranth
MyrttiI really hate lmgtfy.com links14:56
ubottuIn #ubuntu, danbhfive_jaunty said: !uds > bgupta is this good15:21
jussi01ikonia: prod15:36
jussi01!away > jgoguen|away16:01
ubottuOfficial channel logs can be found at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ - For LoCo channels, http://logs.ubuntu-eu.org/freenode/16:09
=== thunderstruck is now known as gnomefreak
* Pici looks around for the troll repellent 17:09
jussi01ikonia: pm17:25
ubottuFloodBot2 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (flood)17:31
PiciI've had it up to here with offtopicness in #u+118:09
Seeker`Pici: do something about it then?18:10
PiciSeeker`: I will18:10
PiciI'm going to try to keep it more on topic there in the future18:11
ikoniaPici: I try 18:11
ikonia I'llk talk to him in pm - 18:14
ikoniaI've had this discusion with him before about 9.04 in #ubuntu18:14
ikoniahence why he ended up in +118:14
ikoniatime to drive home - 18:20
ikoniafor the record18:20
PiciThanks for the update ;)18:21
ikoniaI'll take it down in a minute18:21
Myrtti*sigh* BUGabundo18:22
ikonialooks like he's making his "I'm out" stand.... but not going18:22
* Myrtti awaits for the rants to pour in to Gwibber18:22
ikoniagwibber ?18:22
ubottu_VIM_ called the ops in #ubuntu (FFFFFFFFUUUUUUUU)18:22
PiciRants for what?18:23
ikonianow people are telling people to lie in +118:24
Seeker`lie about what?18:24
PiciHrm, I'm sort of surprised that maco said that18:24
ikoniaI'm a bit dissapointed18:25
ikoniaI don't think it was meant as it sounds18:25
ikonialooks like he just wanted to feed the channel with a discussion, 9.04 layout would have been good18:25
Myrttiikonia: GO HOME18:26
ikoniawaiting for my boss first18:26
ikoniahe's daudling18:26
ikoniadawdling ?18:27
LjLPici: what did he say?18:27
LjLah the above i guess18:27
ikonianow he's trying to pick a fight for some reason18:27
* Myrtti is almost tempted to ask you to tell him come here18:28
ikoniaI'm sure he's fine, just thinks kicking bugabundo was harsh18:29
Piciwho? maco?18:29
ikoniawhich to an extent it was18:29
ikoniait would be nice to get -ot more "useful" as offtopic chatter, that way you could have a genuine offtopic discussion there18:31
ikoniaI do see his point that if you wanted to have an offtopic discusion a #kubuntu or #+1 was quiet may as well have it as joining -ot is just random18:31
LjLikonia: i don't18:32
LjLlogical fallacy18:32
ikoniaPici: thank you18:32
ikoniaLjL: I don't agree with what he's saying about let it ride, but there isn't a place to have an offtopic conversation18:32
LjLikonia: yes there is, it's #ubuntu-offtopic, and the fact that you might not find the already ongoing conversations in there the "right" sort of offtopic for you doesn't mean anything18:33
ikoniaLjL: no, that's a fair comment18:34
LjLikonia: for starters, as we very well know, there's nickname highlights to help one follow a conversation - #ubuntu only works because of that. #ubuntu-offtopic can work likewise.18:34
ikoniaI should say "I" don't find it a good place to have an offtopic conversation 9 times out of 10, that doesn't mean it doesn't work for others18:34
ikoniait's not hard to follow people, I didn't mean that18:34
ikoniait's just random18:34
ikonia(I know it's meant to be offtopic) 18:35
LjLikonia: it's much, much less random that most channels on this network (and this network tends to be much less random than others). just look, we've been discussing X11 and related stuff for a long while now18:35
LjLand now that we've stopped, they seem to be talking about VirtualBox and VMWare18:35
ikoniaLjL: it can have good topics in - not saying it's not18:36
LjLi'd say it's being as ontopic as an ubuntu-related offtopic channel can be18:36
ikoniaI think it's having a rare day 18:36
ikoniayou can get good days in there, no question18:36
ikoniaI'm not putting it down as it works for more people than me18:36
LjLikonia: have you ever seriously tried? just started a conversation you felt like starting, without regards to what was being discussed previously, and see if it would catch on and obliterate the previous "random" chatter?18:37
ikoniaLjL: tried a few times18:37
ikonianot often as I don't normally have specific topics in mind18:37
LjLPici: yours is a very good point too18:37
ikoniaDrHalan: right I'm done18:39
ikoniawhen I tryped right ir did DrHalen18:40
ikoniaright I'm done18:40
ikoniahow odd ?18:40
ikoniadidn't do it that time18:40
ikoniaI am done though as my boss has finished18:40
LjLthat was an ompaul moment.18:40
* Pici headdesks, repeatedly20:17
Seeker`Pici: ?20:17
PiciSeeker`: Someone asking how to send a message to a windows computer from Linux but doesnt have any clue what would receive the message and wants me to tell them.20:18
Seeker`"a message?"20:18
PiciSeeker`: You're guess is as good as mine20:18
* Myrtti suggests linpopup, runs20:19
Tm_Thow about Kopete? it has netsend-related plugin20:20
PiciMyrtti: Most Windows computers have the messenger service disabled, and 'winpopup' is for computers <= Win9820:20
PiciTm_T: same thing ^20:20
MyrttiPici: yes, I know ;-)20:20
Tm_TPici: it's for NT 4 ->20:20
Myrttiooh, those times of netsend20:21
* Myrtti falls into nostalgy since every other form of entertainment fails tonight20:21
* Pici steals Myrtti's answer 20:21
Tm_TMyrtti: Teppo wasn't verbose about the assembly thing we have coming20:22
Tm_Twe'll see what happens, umpf20:22
PiciTm_T: Fine, < Win2k20:22
MyrttiTm_T: I couldn't care less about Teppo, I think him and all the rest of the lot apart from topyli are at best "limited" in their understanding20:22
MyrttiArto has a clue but uses it quite seldom20:23
Tm_TMyrtti: aye20:23
topylihrm. i don't know much about assemby, never been there and for some reason haven't been very much interested20:25
topyliperhaps i should go once and get mesmerized by the glow of screens20:25
Tm_Ttopyli: you must this year20:25
Tm_Ttopyli: btw make sure we get funding for our happening in Joensuu (;20:26
Myrttitopyli: the glow of the screens is one, the tiredness of the attendants is second, but the demos are Teh Thang 20:26
topyliTm_T: i think the mood is to support anything reasonable. there is money20:28
Myrttitopyli: I still get the darn emails.20:28
Tm_TI know, just saying as I promised to say20:28
Myrttiwhich ticks me off20:28
topyliMyrtti: i thought you were supposed to be removed by now. afaik there's no business that concerns  you anymore20:29
Tm_Ttopyli: supposed =)20:29
MyrttiI'm just tossing the mails to bin20:29
topylii'll bring it up tomorrow20:30
Myrttijussi01_: what are you doing with her?20:46
Myrttimoving the database to mysql?20:46
ubottuping yourself ;-) really the diodes all down my left side are sore20:47
* Pici pings ubottu's left side some more20:47
* Myrtti considers kicking her from some channels to relieve the pressure20:47
* Myrtti is bored, telnets to towel.blinkenlights.nl20:51
ubottusigh... again? I'm busy here, I already told you it failed.21:03
quassel251_oh for petes sake21:03
=== quassel251_ is now known as jussio1
Myrttioh dear god21:18
Myrttihttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation#Installation%20using%20the%20Alternate%20CD still speaks of Feisty21:18
jussio1Myrtti: its a wiki, fix it :D21:21
Myrttijussio1: would you want to do my job while I'm fixing the wiki?21:21
* Myrtti hands jussio1 the source for a 100+ line bash code infested with sed/awk21:22
Myrttino? didn't think so21:28
topyliMyrtti: the wiki is a wiki, your script is not a wiki21:29
Myrttitopyli: my script is for making wiki enties in bulk... so, erm, shuddup.21:31
mtinmantest me21:31
topylioh, so it is in fact even more wiki than a wiki!21:31
Myrttimtinman: you can join #ubuntu already21:32
Myrttimtinman: your exploit quarantine was removed21:32
mtinmanMyrtti: thanks...21:32
Myrttimtinman: anything else we can help you with?21:32
LjLMyrtti: actually it wasn't removed according to my logs22:10
MyrttiI was starting to wonder that myself22:10
MyrttiI have a sneaking suspicion something isn't right about those bots right now22:11
Mez/mode #mylandline +b *!*@barclaysbank22:12
LjLMyrtti: well, 3 was the opped one, and 3 also happens to be the one running on my machine, so at least i *can* investigate22:12
LjL... except i just typed "nano bot1.log".22:12
LjLwhich will now freeze nano for a good half an hour22:12
MezLjL: are you actually using my server at all ?22:13
LjLMez: actually no, the other two are still running on something naliothish22:13
MezLjL: cool, I was just wondering, cause am re-formatting the server soon22:13
LjLwon't be a problem22:14
LjLMyrtti: ok... although i can investigate, even after investigating, i haven't the slighest idea what happened.22:15
LjLonly explanation i can think of is my bot wasn't running when that fellow was exploited22:18
LjLthough the others were22:18
Mezhmm, haxor been poking anyone ?22:24
Pricey(To anyone not in #freenode, sorted)22:27
LjLdoes current ubuntu server *seriously* come with a GUI or is that guy just crazy?22:27
ikonialjl he is crazy22:35
LjLah good22:35
LjLwhat's a webmin alternative that isn't ebox or landscape?22:36
LjLi have this feeling someone mentioned one just a couple of days ago22:36
LjLbut can't remember it or find it in logs22:36
Flannelikonia: read the second half of the first statement22:37
* Myrtti hands ikonia a free facepalm22:37
MezLjL: plesk? cpanel?22:38
ikoniaflannel, which part on a phone and cant figure out how to scroll22:38
FlannelLjL: ssh!22:38
* Flannel ducks.22:38
PriceyMez: i think webmin etc. is monitoring software?22:38
LjLMez: no neither22:38
MezPricey: webmin is management :D22:38
Flannelikonia: "what's a webmin alternative that isn22:38
ikoniacontrol software22:38
Priceyi'm getting confused22:39
Priceywhat am i thinking of22:39
Flannelikonia: "isn't ebox or landscape"22:39
LjLperhaps it was just landscape, though i can't find a match in the logs22:39
* Myrtti gives everyone lollipops22:39
Priceyignore me, i don't knnow anything22:39
ikonialandscape is the managment app22:39
ikoniaubuntu satellite style server22:39
MezLjL: what you want it for?22:40
Mez(what is the purpose of the app you want)22:40
Mez(monitoring, or configuration)22:40
ikoniathis sucks on this phone, back later22:40
LjLMez: no i don't want it for anything, just someone in #u asked about webmin, i gave him the factoid, which points to ebox, but ebox is broken (or at least was last i checked), so i remembered someone had mentioned something else22:40
LjLi mean who cares, but it just gets on my nerves when i think i've heard of something but am not sure what and am not even sure i actually have22:44
=== quassel251_ is now known as jussi01
MezLjL: spacewalk?23:23
Myrttihello turtle_ 23:24
turtle_how are you doing this east coast evening23:24
Myrttihow can we help you tonight?23:24
turtle_i  am formally asking for my ban from #ubuntu to be revoked23:25
turtle_i think it was ikonia who did it23:25
turtle_aer you there, ikonia?23:25
Myrttiturtle_: do you have any explanation on your behaviour on #ubuntu 3rd of March present year?23:27
turtle_i was acting humoursly at a place and time that it was not called for23:28
turtle_i sincerly apologize and love listening and helping others in these IRC Channels23:28
jussi01turtle_: Have you read the CoC?23:29
ubottuThe Ubuntu Code of Conduct to which we ask all Ubuntu users to adhere can be found at http://www.ubuntu.com/community/conduct/23:29
turtle_yes, briefly23:30
jussi01turtle_: do you agree to abide by it and the other IRC rules from now on?23:30
turtle_yes, you have my word!  I agree and promis23:31
Myrttijussi01: *cough*23:31
turtle_yes sir23:37
turtle_I do23:37
Myrttiturtle_: your ban is removed. Please be aware that if your behaviour is a problem again on the Ubuntu IRC channels, the possible bans will not be revoked as quickly23:37
Myrttiturtle_: if you have no further questions or issues, you're free to leave this channel :-)23:41
turtle_thank you23:42
turtle_i do oappreciate it23:42
turtle_one ques23:42
turtle_is this channel restricted to Admins?23:43
Myrttihave fun and thanks for flying with Ubuntu23:43
turtle_thank you23:43
turtle_ will do23:43
LjLMyrtti: he called you "sir" and you unbanned him?!23:44
MyrttiLjL: I think he was referring to jussi0123:46
LjLah ok.23:46
Myrttiwho was kind enough to drop the whole issue into my hands, messed the unban, forgot to deop himself and went to bed.23:47
LjLah ok.23:47
Myrttibut I'm not complaining.23:47
* Myrtti sods back to work23:47

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