
jmedinahi there00:09
jmedinaany one here with experience with trendnet external modems00:10
roy_hobbsIs there anywhere I can lookup what the different options specifically do during the server install on the screen to select various servers.  Like LAMP, DNS, Virtual Host, etc.00:23
roy_hobbsI'm most uncertain as to what the "Basic Ubuntu Server" option does.00:23
jmedinaroy_hobbs: install one machine for each option, run dpkg -l on each machine and compare the output (diff)00:27
twbroy_hobbs: the source code will tell you.  The only difference those check-boxes do is the list of packages installed by default.00:27
roy_hobbstwb: thanks, do you know offhand what "basic ubuntu server" does?00:28
twbroy_hobbs: I don't remember ever seeing that checkbox.00:28
twbroy_hobbs: so, no.00:28
twbroy_hobbs: it's quite safe to leave nothing checked, and then manually install anything you want with aptitude.00:29
jmedinaroy_hobbs: a linux with network nothing else :D00:29
twbIf I had to guess, I would say "basic ubuntu server" probably corresponds to the "ubuntu-standard" or "ubuntu-minimal" metapackages.  You can see what they depend on by examining them (e.g. aptitude show ubuntu-minimal) on an installed system.00:30
uvirtbot`New bug: #338043 in mysql-dfsg-5.0 (main) "mysql 5 installation crashes if no new root password supplied" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33804301:05
Shanixhi all, has anyone tried install the redhat-cluster-suite on hardy 8.04.2 ?01:13
sommerShanix: I know some people have, but haven01:18
sommer't myself01:18
ShanixI tried to setup the environment, but seem to getting some error, wondering if I was setup the wrong way or a bug?01:20
Shanixit's https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/redhat-cluster/+bug/33804701:20
uvirtbot`Launchpad bug 338047 in redhat-cluster "soft lockup - CPU#0 stuck for 11s! [clurgmgrd:4587]" [Undecided,New]01:20
thewrathanyone there that can help me with irc services02:22
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twbI want to encrypt syslog traffic (which basically means I need TCP).  I lean towards rsyslog since that's the new Debian default.  Anyone want to weigh in with opinions for/against rsyslog?02:38
fbondHi.  Where is the appropriate place to set LANG: /etc/environment, or /etc/default/locale?03:13
fbond(To set a system default, that is.)03:13
fbondOr is it best to set both ... ?03:13
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twbfbond: it should already be set somewhere by default.03:18
axisysanyone here can help me with my question?03:19
twbHmm, apparently not on Ubuntu.03:19
twbOh wow, 8.04 still defaults to ignoring the Recommends field.03:28
ScottKtwb: What do you mean "still"?  Why would you expect it to change?03:33
twbIt changed in Debian a while back03:34
twbObviously Ubuntu hadn't caught up by 8.04 :P03:34
* ScottK doesn't remember which turned it on first.03:37
ScottKBut since the first Debian release with is on was just released last month and 8.04 was released almost a year ago, I think caught up is an odd way to put it.03:37
twbHence the ":P"03:38
xiambaxhow do i update package list and sources for ubuntu server?05:11
ScottKxiambax: What are you trying to do?05:18
xiambaxdownload ubuntu-xen-server05:23
xiambaxim updating list now05:23
xiambaxso maybe something will come of this05:23
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tsrkI have two machines.  When I try to SSH from one to the other, the login is incredibly slow (takes about 5 seconds for the password prompt to appear).  When I SSH to any other machine it works fine.  When I ssh to the server from any other machine it works fine.  This problem only occurs with this combination of client and server.  What on earth could be causing this?07:42
sbeattietsrk: dns lookup problems of the ip address of the client machine by the server is the likely culprit. Otherwise use 'ssh -vvv ' to see where things are stalling.07:46
* hads agrees07:47
tsrkwell, it works on other machines on the same network07:47
tsrk(and it shouldn't be able to look up any of these ips, all internal)07:47
tsrk1 sec, i'll grab the ssh -vvv log thing07:47
tsrkthis is where it gets stuck:07:48
tsrkdebug2: key: /home/tsrk/.ssh/id_dsa ((nil))07:48
tsrknext line is debug1: Authentications that can continue: publickey,password07:49
hadsAdd 'UseDNS no' to your sshd_config07:56
tsrkyeah it was the dns (i added it to my hosts file) but why does it work on some but not others (all with default config)?08:00
Doblecan anyone give me a hand with pure-ftp ?10:55
_rubenDoble: might wanna ask a more precise question in order to get (useful) answers11:02
Doblethanks ruben, im talking to someone now, will see how it goes and will ask again if we can't work it out :)11:05
Dobledoes anyone know how to stop pureftp? I want to start it with the -l switch and point it at a database file for virtual users, but I can't start it because it's already running! (I get the error: Unable to start a standalone server: Address is already in use)11:09
Doblealso - complete ubuntu newbie here :)11:10
simplexioDoble:  /etc/init.d/pureftpd stop11:10
_rubenunless its handled by (x)inetd11:10
simplexioDoble: or killall -9 pureftpd (or what ever that program executable is called )11:11
simplexiokillall -9 is last option11:11
Doble@ simplexio I get the same error when trying to tell it to "stop" as when I just try to run it11:11
Doble@ ruben what do you mean handled by inetd ?11:11
simplexioDoble: and normalway to address someone is start line with username: <inert your message here>11:12
simplexioDoble: you can allways use killall -9 programname11:12
Doblesiplexio: sure, will try that11:13
Doblesimplexio: haha ! sweet, it worked, I was able to start the service with the -l switch and it read from the database like it's supposed to, and i can login as my virtual user, great!11:14
simplexiosure.. when someone dosnt bahve, just try ti kill it, and it it wont work then use kill -911:15
simplexioand that may cause some problem if used in real life11:16
Doblecan someone explain to me the difference between init.d and ... i don't know, system services? I know there's a difference but basically I want to run pureftp as a service when the server boots, and im guessing since it's currently running as init.d that is linked to my user account ...11:20
Doble...that it is linked *11:21
Dobleor i should say - is being run AS my user account, and not as the 'system'11:22
Doblefor example, when I run "sudo pure-ftpd -l puredb:/etc/pure-ftpd/pureftpd.pdb" in one of my screens, the screen 'freezes' - im guessing because it is busy doing what I told it to - if I open a new screen, I can access the FTP, but as soon as I CTRL-Z the screen which I ran the command in, I can't FTP to it anymore - therefore the pureftp server is being run as my user account and not as a service11:26
simplexioDoble: ctrl-z freezes program, you can do bg after thatto allow it run backround11:35
simplexioDoble: init.d scripts are systems services which are started when system is on defined runlevel, and does screen mean one terminal window or screen the program11:36
Doblesimplexio: screen the program11:37
simplexioDoble: in screen ctrl-a n open new windows11:38
Doblesimplexio: yeah, screen is working fine i think, i just need to work out how to run pureftpd as a daemon11:39
simplexioctrl+a n, next screen, ctrl+a p previous, in all terminal program ctrl+z suspend bg, allow suspended program to run and fg brings backround job to foreground. right way to detach screen is ctrl+a d, and you get it back using screen -rd coomnd11:39
simplexioDoble: probably you need to edit /etc/pureftpd or similiar file to change defaults11:40
Doblesimplexio: what does the & command do? for example: /usr/sbin/pure-ftpd &11:47
simplexioDoble: it starts program in backround11:48
simplexioDoble: read and learn http://www.abrillant.com/doc/linux/index.html , that one look nice, it explain what &, && do11:50
Doblesimplexio: thanks for the help !! I seem to have gotten it running in the background, and using the database, so the virtual users are working - fantastic! I did the following: sudo pure-ftpd -l puredb:/etc/pure-ftpd/pureftpd.pdb &11:52
Doblesimplexio: now i just need to work out how to get it to run every time the system starts11:53
simplexioDoble: or you could have done : pureftpd , then hit ctrl z, and give command bg11:54
Doblesimplexio: ahh i just tried that- now i think i understand how ctrl-z works, cheers11:54
oCean_Doble: is there no /etc/init.d/pure-ftpd script? That one should launch the daemon at every startup11:55
DobleoCean_: ah yes, i'm looking at that now - sorry I'm totally new to linux so really fumbling around here, I'll see if I can work this out11:58
oCean_Doble: actually, you can run "sudo /etc/init.d/pure-ftpd start" (or stop) by hand, every time you want to start/stop. During machine startup, the script will be executed using 'start'11:59
DobleoCean_: I see - how do I get the script to run pure-ftpd with the -l switch which tells it to acess the database for virtual user information? do I have to edit the init.d script ?12:00
cemcDoble: you should have an /etc/pure-ftpd directory12:01
oCean_Doble: all config files are probably in .... yes, like cemc says :)12:02
Dobleahhh ...12:02
cemcDoble: check if you have in there a conf/PureDB12:02
Doblecemc: yes i just found that - it points at the right puredb file12:02
cemcok, now you go to /etc/pure-ftpd/auth12:03
cemcand make a link to that file12:03
cemcsomething like: ln -s ../conf/PureDB 60puredb12:03
cemcyou take a look in the auth directory where other methods are enabled probably12:03
cemcunix, pam12:04
Doblecemc: okay, this is where the guide I was following lost me as well - why do I have to make a link? I don't understand what that does, sorry12:04
Doblecemc: I understand what a link does, but why does the daemon need it ?12:04
cemcyou make a link to enable that particular auth method12:04
Doblecemc: hmm okay ..12:04
cemcso when pureftpd starts, it looks at that directory and enables that auth method12:05
cemcactually it's a bit more weird, you have that conf directory and from parsing that a command line parameter list is generated12:06
cemcand pureftpd is called with those parameters12:06
cemcbecause pureftpd doesnt have config file support, all options have to be given as command line parameters12:07
Doblecemc: so it parses the files that are in the auth directory, and processes whatever has the lowest number?12:07
cemcit processes them all12:08
cemcand when you try to login with a user it tries with every auth method,12:08
cemcuntil one works12:08
Dobleokay, now I understand how this works12:08
Doblegreat, going to try this12:08
cemcso if you want only virtual users, you can delete the unix and pam ones12:08
cemcand leave only the PureDB link there12:09
cemcbetter scratch that :)12:09
Dobleso for example, if I delete the unix link - I won't be able to log in using my user account (which isn't in the database file) ?12:09
cemcyou don't remove the files, you edit them,12:09
cemcand put 'no' in them instead of 'yes'12:09
cemcyeah, it should work as you said12:10
cemcbecause then you will have only puredb authentication12:10
cemcand only users in puredb can log in12:10
Dobleokay, one more question - what is pam ?12:11
cemchttp://www.kernel.org/pub/linux/libs/pam/FAQ - read this :)12:12
Dobleheh, okay, cheers12:12
Dobleokay, im in /etc/init.d and im trying to stop the pure-ftpd daemon, but when i type "sudo pure-ftpd stop" i just get "Unable to start a standalone server: Address already in use"12:13
DobleI can just kill the process but I'd like to know why I can't stop it12:13
cemctry sudo ./pure-ftpd stop12:14
cemcbetter yet get used to sudo /etc/init.d/pure-ftpd stop12:14
Doblecemc: ah that worked12:14
Doblecemc: so what was i doing wrong? I don't really follow .. sorry12:15
Doblealso - it worked! Thanks very much simplexio, oCean_ and cemc :)12:16
cemcDoble: it's not enough to be in that directory, you have to specify explicitly to run that script frm that directory12:17
oCean_Doble: great! The thing that you were 'doing wrong' is that, calling an executable (pure-ftpd in this case) without the path specified (e.g. /etc/init.d) it will *not* call the script in your current directory, rather than the pure-ftpd daemon itself12:18
cemcwhat you did there was actually running the pure-ftpd daemon from /usr/sbin or so12:18
oCean_unix is sweet :)12:18
Dobleahhh I understand12:18
Doblethanks both12:18
Dobleokay ... i can connect to the server but I can't upload anything - I get a permissions error12:38
cemcvirtual user ?12:39
Doblecemc: yes12:39
DobleI can download files however12:39
cemcyou have to check the owner of the directory you want to upload to12:40
cemcit has to be the same as the uid/gid you gave the virtual user12:40
cemcis it ?12:40
Doblehow do i check ?12:40
cemcwell, how did you add the user to puredb ?12:41
Doblei used pure-pw12:41
simplexioDoble: ls -l , then chown user:group filenami , changes owned:group, chmod changes file permissions12:41
cemcok, and there you had to specify userid and groupid12:41
Dobleyep, I made it's userid "ftpusers"12:42
DobleI just don't know how to check/change the owner of the folder I made under /home/ftpusers for the virtual user12:43
cemcDoble: try what simplexio said12:45
Doblehaha briliant12:49
Doblei chmod'd the user and group to ftpuser:ftpgroup and now it's working perfectly12:49
Doblesimplexio: cemc: THANKS VERY MUCH ! huge help for this newbie hehe12:50
cemcyou mean you chown'd the directory to ftpuser:ftpgroup12:50
Dobleyes, sorry that's what i meant12:51
Dobleonce again thanks very much12:53
BlinkizHi there. I want to know what packages is installed when doing a installation of Ubuntu 8.04 JeOS. Does it exst such list on the web somewhere?13:01
incorrectI am using the network install system,  I've been trying to set passwords however the md5 hash i put in doesn't seem to work13:34
incorrectdoes anyone know how to generate the hash the right way?13:34
ivokskikstart adds hashed strings into the file13:36
incorrectkickstart isn't that redhat?13:42
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rgreeningScottK: ping14:25
ScottKrgreening: pong14:25
rgreeningheya ScottK, I saw an announcement on a new email stack.14:26
rgreeningI was wondering if similar exists for security,..14:26
rgreeninglike proper ufw, tcp wrappers, log chacking, rkhunter, etc...14:26
rgreeningif not, it would be a great project for next UDS14:27
ScottKufw is in the default install.14:27
ScottKA lot of the tools for that are in Universe too.14:27
ScottKIt might though.14:27
rgreeningI know for myself, I had to manually setup these tools.14:28
ScottKNothing says there can't be community maintained meta- stuff in Universe.14:28
rgreeningI was thinking a meta package with some same default settings would be nice14:28
rgreeningwould you be interested in helping me spec something?14:28
ScottKMuch of the trick though is that by policy one package can't modify another's setting directly.14:28
ScottKSo the packages you want to modify need to provide a mechanism to externally control configuration.14:29
rgreeningScottK: maybe a script to setup these...14:29
ScottKFor the mail server stuff I had to add a couple of helper scripts to postfix for the purpose..14:29
rgreeningScottK: have you applied to go to UDS?14:29
ScottKI have.14:30
rgreeningok, if I get to go, we can spec it out there.14:30
zul<ScottK> I have.14:30
rgreeningIMO, an easy "lockdown" setup tool would be extremely beneficial14:30
salsaHello. I installed ubuntuserver and need java version > 1.6.0_04 but in repos there is only java version "1.6.0_0". Am I wrong ? I'm installing tomcat6 and this java automaticaly is installed.14:47
^law^it just a little bit lower version i guess it is ok :)14:49
salsait is not for my app14:49
^law^salsa,then how you install ur tomcat? via apt-get?14:50
salsait requires this 1.6.0._04 version14:50
salsa^law^: I use aptitude14:59
uvirtbot`salsa: Error: "law^:" is not a valid command.14:59
axisyshow do I check the raid1 sync status ?15:51
axisysi posted a question on dm-devel as well15:51
cemcaxisys: cat /proc/mdstat15:52
axisyscemc: i am using hardware raid controller .. ubuntu picked up the raid controller actually during install15:57
axisyscemc: check the url to see how is my setup https://www.redhat.com/archives/dm-devel/2009-March/msg00012.html15:57
olyI have been testing postfix, can anyone tell me if i can setup a system or use postfix to forward mail to two servers16:14
olythe aim being to keep the current server running, and test on the second16:14
giovaniforward mail to two servers?16:14
olyso both machines would recieve all mail,16:15
giovaniask in #postfix16:15
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axisysis there a ubuntu development channel where I can ask about the mdadm bug ?16:37
axisysi already posted a question here16:37
axisysbut so far no soln16:37
ScottKaxisys: Here isn't a bad place.  There's also https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/mdadm/+filebug16:44
Chipzzaxisys: yes there is an ubuntu development channel and no you can't ask your question there (explicitely against channel rules)16:48
incorrectcan you put public ssh keys into ldap?16:50
axisysScottK: i am aware of the bug channel.. i actually referenced that bug in my email thread link above16:52
axisysScottK: hoping there is a fix16:53
ScottKaxisys: OK.16:53
axisysScottK: thnc16:53
axisysScottK: thnx16:53
axisysChipzz: hmm.. it is already in the bug database .. so i guess i wait until they have a fix16:54
axisysChipzz: thnx16:54
ScottKaxisys: If it's not already marked confirmed, adding a comment that you have the bug too and making it confirmed would be useful.16:56
axisysScottK: ok .. i will do that right away.. thnx16:56
axisysScottK: updated w/ comments16:58
BUGabundo1guys need a few tips: gonna setup a virtualbox with ubuntu server over winServer 2k8. anything I should know before hand?16:59
axisysi need to setup a well lockdown anon ftp server.. anyone can point me to a link?17:00
viezerdBUGabundo1: I am not sure if it will work for virtualbox, but ubuntu jeos is optimized for use in virtualization17:12
BUGabundo1but why not Ubuntu-Server?17:12
BUGabundo1or is jeos similar ?17:12
viezerdactually, it is server but with a somewhat tuned kernel17:12
BUGabundo1ah ok17:14
BUGabundo1will download it then17:14
viezerdhttp://www.ubuntu.com/products/whatisubuntu/serveredition/jeos , I use it on vmware esxi product , but I am not sure if it will work well in virtualbox17:15
BUGabundo1the last one is hardy17:15
BUGabundo1no ibex17:15
BUGabundo1there's also no ibex server image17:17
JanCyou're looking in the wrong place  ;)17:17
BUGabundo1link please!17:18
BUGabundo1can't see it in releases or cdimage17:18
viezerdBUGabundo1: http://www.ubuntu.com/products/whatisubuntu/serveredition/jeos17:18
BUGabundo1found it17:19
giovanijeos is now part of the server install17:24
giovaniso no need for a seprarate ISO anymore17:24
BUGabundo1oh ok17:24
incorrectjeos is just fancy talk for not installing extra cruft17:24
BUGabundo1I know that17:24
incorrecti remember when i install debian no a 32mb usb stick17:25
giovaniincorrect: and for installing a different kernel17:25
incorrectgiovani, i don't know, I always build my own custom kernel, stock kernels aren't great for servers17:25
giovaniincorrect: great or not -- it's part of the differentiator for JeOS install17:25
BUGabundo1so do I have to check some box on install?17:26
incorrectmy opterons have weird behaviour if i don't compile the kernel specifically for them17:26
giovaniBUGabundo1: you want JeOS specifically? you're running in a virtualized environment? if so -- in the server installer, there'll be an option for JeOS17:26
giovaniwhen you get to package selection17:26
BUGabundo1giovani: running on VirtualBox over Win Server 2k817:28
BUGabundo132 bits17:28
BUGabundo1gonna run an internal linux server: LAMP, dovecote,postfix, jabber17:29
Deeps'# Download the server ISO image, boot from it, press F4 on the first screen and select "Install a minimal virtual machine"'17:29
Deepsoh, he's gone17:30
BUGabundoIM crashed17:30
ryanpriorIf I start up a new Ubuntu Server instance with KVM, how do I ssh into it?17:31
BUGabundoso do I choose F417:40
BUGabundoand them minimal virtual machine?17:40
BUGabundogiovani: ^^^^^17:40
giovaniBUGabundo: yep, I guess that works17:46
BUGabundodoing so17:47
BUGabundofilipe_xD: b17:51
akincer1I'm trying to enable remote MySQL access and I have 1) commented out bind local host IP  and 2) GRANT ALL ON dbname.* TO dbuser@'client_ip_address' IDENTIFIED BY 'PASSWORD';18:01
akincer1Still doesn't work18:01
akincer1any ideas?18:01
BUGabundojust a quick question18:05
BUGabundoI choose PT language18:05
BUGabundobut ended up with ENG keyboard18:05
BUGabundohow can I change it?18:05
giovaniit should've asked you during the keyboard setup18:20
BUGabundoit did18:20
BUGabundoon the beginning18:20
giovaniright, and you didn't set it properly?18:21
BUGabundoI did18:21
BUGabundobut it is not correct18:21
giovanisounds like a bug18:21
giovaniwell ... heh18:21
BUGabundonobody else uses server on other languageS?18:21
giovaniof course people do ...18:22
giovanibut I don't18:22
BUGabundoand its not fixed?18:22
* BUGabundo looks at LP18:22
giovaniand it may be a problem with your specific language18:22
giovaniin the installer18:22
BUGabundoI'll try to reconfigure console-setup18:22
BUGabundobut without auto complete and the '-' anywhere to be found18:22
BUGabundoits HARD18:22
giovaniyou can just find an image of a Us keymap18:23
giovaniand then find the key you need there18:23
BUGabundofor a laptop over RDP, over Virtual Box?18:25
BUGabundothat place is just echoing 'º' for me18:26
giovanirdp? why would you be using that?18:27
BUGabundoits a win server 2k8 hosting18:28
BUGabundoeven worse18:28
BUGabundoit would seem that my password is not what I thought it was18:28
BUGabundocause it did not use the same key layout18:28
BUGabundoso I can't ssh18:28
BUGabundowordaround it18:29
BUGabundotyped on the cli the password to see what char it was18:29
giovaniclearly starting fresh would be a better idea18:30
giovaniI bet what happened was, the virtual machine is not emulating your keyboard layout18:30
BUGabundoif it isn't it's a bug18:31
BUGabundoon VB18:31
giovaniso your virtual machine is probably emulating a US layout18:31
BUGabundobut that is SUN BTS18:31
BUGabundoI can do what I want over ssh now18:31
BUGabundoand I'll add a pgp key latter18:31
BUGabundoso no more pass18:31
BUGabundonow to setup dovecot18:33
BUGabundodoes it use PAM by default?18:33
giovaniit uses whatever you tell it to use18:33
giovaniI don't know which is default -- just look at the config18:33
BUGabundonano is not installed?18:34
giovaniyes it is18:34
* BUGabundo warns: this is first ubuntu server install18:35
BUGabundoGet:1 http://pt.archive.ubuntu.com intrepid/main nano 2.0.7-4 [298kB]18:35
BUGabundoit is not18:35
giovaniI guess the ultra-minimal jeos install doesn't include it18:35
giovaniI don't use it ... so18:35
BUGabundoat least with the minimal jeos it is not18:35
BUGabundogona try install some metapage18:35
BUGabundoubuntu-minimal already in18:36
BUGabundoout of ideas18:36
akincer1mysql remote access, anybody here able to help?18:37
giovaniBUGabundo: ubuntu-standard18:37
ikoniaakincer1: mysql -h is your friend18:37
BUGabundogiovani: yeah was going to try that nex18:37
BUGabundois it too much overkill??18:37
akincer1I'm not starting from scratch18:37
BUGabundo  Installed: (none)18:37
akincer1everything is as it should be for it work.18:38
akincer1but it doesn't18:38
giovaniBUGabundo: it includes nano -- but you already installed that18:38
giovaniso you may have everything18:38
BUGabundodoing so now18:38
akincer1ikonia: Still getting an access denied18:44
akincer1as I was before18:44
BUGabundowork done for today! going to the gym. thanks for the help giovani18:45
akincer1nevermind, I figured it out18:48
axisysi see two ftp server setup on howtoforge18:50
axisysanyone has tried anyone of them?18:50
AtomicSparkI want to mount a users home from a server. SSHFS seems to be all the rage (people hate NFS apparently), but what is the difference between using SSHFS and SFTP? SFTP is what Ubuntu desktops use when you choose connect to server... ssh.19:12
Deepssshfs isn't supported in ubuntu19:14
AtomicSparkNot by default or not at all? The package is there, optional.19:14
Deepspackages in 'universe' are not supported, and are available for you to use at your own risk19:15
Deepsyou'd be better served using nfs or samba19:15
ScottKNot Supported as in not by default and if you have a support contract with Canonical it's out of scope.19:15
AtomicSparkGood points.19:16
ScottKDeeps: Not supported by Canoncial != Not Supported19:16
Deeps## N.B. software from this repository is ENTIRELY UNSUPPORTED by the Ubuntu19:16
Deeps## team, and may not be under a free licence. Please satisfy yourself as to19:16
Deeps## your rights to use the software. Also, please note that software in19:16
Deeps## universe WILL NOT receive any review or updates from the Ubuntu security19:16
Deeps## team.19:16
Deeps'this repository' == universe, as seen in the apt sources.list19:16
ScottKYes.  The "Ubuntu Security Team" is Canonical.19:17
ScottKFor example there is zero difference in how much support clamav gets in the releases it's in Universe versus in Main.  I pretty much deal with it either way.19:17
ScottKThere are packages in Universe that are well supported and ones that have zero support.19:18
ScottKThis is also true in Main, but the ratios are different.19:18
AtomicSparkDeeps: I get my support from the community. But when you said unsupported, I thought you ment didn't work at all. :P19:18
AtomicSparkScottK: It's true that a lot of things are moving into main, especially for server apps.19:18
DeepsAtomicSpark: that isn't what i meant at all, sorry19:18
AtomicSparkclamav of course for mail servers19:18
jdstrandwhat in main gets zero support? Some things are absolutely a lower priority than others, but that is different than no support19:22
jdstrandScottK: ^19:24
ScottKjdstrand: I don't have an example handy, but I have run across packages that see very little love that are in Main.19:25
ScottKjdstrand: One sort of example is that the Python transition was declared done in Main days ago and I just uploaded a rebuild for tdb today because it wasn't done.19:26
jdstrandScottK: I can assure you that if there is a CVE assigned to it, we are aware of it and working towards getting it fixed (keeping prioritizing in mind)19:26
jdstrandoh, well I was speaking of security support19:27
ScottKjdstrand: Absolutely.  My comment wasn't really about security support (sorry for not being clear), but general package maintenance and support contract coverage.19:27
jdstrandScottK: oh ok :) I may have missed part of the conversation. sorry :)19:27
ScottKI was certainly less than clear.19:27
ScottKThe "ENTIRELY UNSUPPORTED" bit about Universe really bothers me.19:28
jdstrandyeah. I saw that and didn't like it. I should probably be rephrased. Is there a bug on it?19:29
ScottKGood question.  What package would that be?19:31
jdstrandthat's a good question. I bet mvo would know19:31
ScottKWould you ask him please?  I really need to get some $WORK done, but keep getting distracted by IRC.19:32
mmrnhrmnis this the right place for questions about server features?19:50
mmrnhrmnOkay, I read the topic ;)..does ubuntu have any packages to implement an RFC-3161 time stamp authority?19:51
AtomicSparkDo you use adduser or useradd, and why?19:53
ivoksi really don't know the answer on that question19:53
ivoksadduser - it's pluggable19:53
ivoksand, by default, it uses useradd in the end19:53
AtomicSparkAnd it creates the group and home. :P19:53
AtomicSparkBy default of course.19:54
mmrnhrmnivoks, thats okay...it seems like its a very hard question to answer.  i havn't had a lot of luck in my research19:54
ivoksAtomicSpark: /etc/adduser.conf19:54
ivoksAtomicSpark: tweak it to your liking19:54
ivoksAtomicSpark: adduser --help is also useful19:55
ivoksmmrnhrmn: that's about syncing time?19:55
AtomicSparkivoks: commands without a userful --help are annoying.19:55
ScottKAtomicSpark: Looking at man pages is often going to be more rewarding.19:56
jdstrandScottK: fyi, I'm told it's apt-setup-udeb19:56
ScottKjdstrand: Thanks.19:57
AtomicSparkScottK: Of course. :) But some --help just tell you what the flags are without even saying what they *are*.19:57
AtomicSparkScottK: But that's just lazy developers ;)19:57
mmrnhrmnivoks, its involved in digital signing..as part of signing a file, a time stamp is added to verify when it was actually signed19:57
ivoksah... i see19:58
mmrnhrmnivoks, used with a Certificate Authority its supposed to take care of the 'when', while the CA does the 'who'19:58
ivoksso, it could be necessary for some high trust systems19:58
mmrnhrmnivoks, its part of OpenSSL, but I can't see how to implement it...i've learned a lot, but not enough19:58
AtomicSparkSo, I have a small network and I want to set up SSO. However, manually entering all the LDAP entries would be a pain (and learning it in a live run isn't a good thing). Is there anyway that OpenLDAP can just pull unix accounts? For example, I just create everyone I want to be in the directory on the server using the adduser command and everything else is automagic!20:00
ivoksmigrationtools - Migration scripts for LDAP20:01
ivoksbut, true, ldap lacks good (like, easy to use) manager20:03
ivokswith it, it would take over world in a storm20:04
AtomicSparkIt's "in discussion" for jaunty. It looks like they want a better default setup.20:05
ivoksthat's something else20:05
ivoksthat's what's our supported tree structure20:05
ivoksnot how to manage it20:05
ivokswell, python ldap library is quite good, so, someone just have to dig in :)20:06
AtomicSparkI see. Well we still need some decent cl or gui tools. Fedora is rockin' that.20:06
ivoksthere was nice tool20:06
AtomicSparkUsing a text file is confusing for me because I don't know waht "defaults" to put in there and how it will look in the Personal Information GUI client thing.20:07
AtomicSparkAnd heh, eBox apparently keeps breaking. But yeah, I'll look into the migrationtool thing. I'm pretty sure I've seen a way to sync unix users -> ldap.20:08
cemcyeah, I would like some nice ldap tutorial, crash course myself ;)20:11
AtomicSparkThe problem is, there is not a decent one that explains both client and server, and they all are different from eachother. :P20:11
cemcanybody, any tips ?20:11
ivoksdirectoryassistant looks quite good for very basic account management20:12
cemcif ldap is that useful and good and whatnot, why isn't there a decent manual for it? :)20:12
ivokscemc: good = complicated to explain20:12
cemcI was thinking to have an address book for thunderbird:)20:12
ivoksbacula is the best backup software in the world, but to hard to learn20:12
ivokscause it's so flexibile20:12
cemcpsotfix's good and has good doc too ;)20:12
ivokssame goes for openldap20:12
ivokscemc: but postfix isn't that powerfull as sendmail :D20:13
cemcit's powerful enough :-P20:13
giovaniivoks: hahaha, what?20:14
cemcthe powerful/configurable ratio is higher as for sendmail :-P20:14
ivoksgiovani: ?20:14
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giovaniivoks: did you really just say that sendmail is more powerful than postfix?20:17
ivoksgiovani: hehehe20:17
ivoksah, that...20:17
ivokstriwial-rewrite EOD :D20:17
giovaniI might want to get ahold of whatever you're smoking20:17
ivoksthat was the name20:19
ivoksgq is also quite good20:21
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davmor2Hi Guys on first boot after installing mail on Jaunty is see a piece of text that sends alarm bells ringing.  It reads Info: If you have trouble with authentication failures, enable auth_debug setting. See http://wiki.dovecot.org/WhyDoesItNotWork  is this deliberate or can it be turned off?20:30
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ivoksright, i've seen that too20:32
ivoksmaybe we should remove it20:32
ivoksdid you install dovecot-postfix package?20:32
ivoksor mail task in installer?20:33
ewookwindow new hide20:33
davmor2ivoks: from a standard install I did tasks for ssh, lamp, mail20:33
ivoksirssi! :)20:34
ivoksdavmor2: ok20:34
ivoksmathiaz: i didn't check; does mail task installs dovecot-postfix now?20:34
ewooksry *_* not my keyb right now.20:34
mathiazivoks: no20:34
mathiazivoks: to do that - a MIR has to be written for dovecot-postfix20:35
mathiazivoks: we should not really be hard20:35
mathiazivoks: and then the mail-server preseed can be modified20:35
ivoksdavmor2: if you are interested in testing some new mail features, you could install dovecot-postfix package20:36
davmor2ivoks: My plan is to test it :)20:36
ivoksmathiaz: i see... i think we should do that20:36
ewookivoks: oh? there's a pre-bundled pack of those two?20:36
ivoksewook: just configuration... detalis here: http://blog.init.hr/?p=320:36
ivoksyay... early testers :)20:37
ewookI love you!20:37
ewookweehoo. that was a nice feat :)20:37
cemcwhere do I get the latest jaunty image?20:38
ivokscemc: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily/current/20:39
ivoksnote that it might be broken :)20:39
ivoksmaybe you should get alpha release20:40
cemcwhichever is better to test dovecot-postfix on20:40
ScottKmathiaz: Since dovecot-postfix is a new binary in an existing Main package a full MIR isn't needed.20:40
davmor2ivoks: Now that makes more sense I just got the same message after installing dovecot-postfix but at least now it is at an appropriate place and time :)20:41
mathiazScottK: hm - right. We could just ask a archive admin to move the package from universe to main.20:41
ivoksdavmor2: the message is well... stupid, if you ask me20:41
ivokswe should remove it20:42
ivokson start, program shouldn't say that it might be broken :)20:42
ScottKmathiaz: Generally.  Or even just seed it and wait for them to catch it in component mismatches.20:42
ivoks.......if it isn't :)20:42
ewookivoks: now, when is the nice-figured SA/clam pack comming? ;)20:42
davmor2ivoks: I agree :)20:42
ScottKivoks: No.  Since all programs might be broken, all programs should have such warnings.20:42
ivoksScottK: on start? :)20:43
ScottKewook: Probably next release.20:43
ScottKivoks: I'm being sarcastic.20:43
ivoksyes, probably next release...20:43
ScottKewook: Next as in the one after Jaunty (Karmic)20:43
cemcthat's the plan :)20:43
ScottKivoks: Are you coming to UDS?20:43
ivoksScottK: i hope :)20:44
* ScottK too20:44
ewook2h for a complete server setup then.. 1h install - add some stuff - 45min tweaking - done.20:44
cemcewook: then do an image of it, and you're all set, right? :)20:44
ScottKewook: I've gone from a stack of parts sitting on a table to a server in production in less than 4 hours.20:44
ewookneato.. we need to start implementing ubuntu into our VPS-system for sure now.20:44
ewookScottK: well, heh.. I'm not that fast :)20:45
ivoksScottK: we should expand postfix interface to master.cf20:45
ewookcemc: lol.20:45
ScottKivoks: The script I did could certainly use more flexibility.20:45
ivoksScottK: it's amavis centric, right :)20:46
ScottKewook: It started as a one hour maintenance window to replace some old hard drives and then went badly wrong, so I didn't have extra time.20:46
ScottKivoks: Yes.20:46
ScottKivoks: I had the amavis docs in hand when I wrote it.20:46
ewookScottK: that's nice working indeed. Think it took me 5h for a Centos-install up and connected.20:47
ewookhad help setting up the cables tho :P20:47
ScottKCables weren't an issue here since there had been an existing box that went sour.20:47
ScottKMy wife wasn't happy to find out her new computer was delayed though.20:48
ewookthank god this was at work - and I am not married.. If I did marry - it would be a tech I'd marry...20:48
ivoksubuntu-server; makes your wifes lives easier20:49
ScottKewook: I'm a consultant and for some of my stuff I have a small data center (4 servers) in the basement.20:50
ewookScottK: I eny you.. I don't have a basement since I live in an apartment :P20:51
ivoksdavmor2: if you find any errors or have suggestions, let us know20:51
ewookenvy even20:51
davmor2ivoks: will do20:51
ewookivoks: hrm, do you have the conf-files on the web somewhere (open, so I don't have to crack open a .deb :P )20:53
Shanixhi all, has anyone tried setup the RHCS on 8.04.2?20:53
JanCcemc: there is a free book about LDAP from IBM20:54
ivoksewook: eh...20:54
ivoksShanix: yes20:54
ivoksewook: grab the source :p20:55
JanCsearch on http://www.redbooks.ibm.com/20:55
cemcJanC: thx, will do20:55
ivoksShanix: any problems?20:55
ewookivoks: I'm not used to grabbing the source.. this be the second time I get that reply and, I don't feel less stupid :P20:55
ivoksewook: the package containes one configuration file for dovecot and after installation runs postconf20:56
JanCit refers to IBM's own LDAP server, but there are some chapters that explain LDAP too20:56
ivoksewook: so, you should really get postinst file from it20:57
ewookivoks: true. boy, I need to get home and try it out :)20:57
ivoksmathiaz: evolution crashes on me when i try connecting on exchange20:58
ivoksmathiaz: but i found that it's not evos problem, but openchange lib20:59
ivoksmathiaz: or, misconfigured exchange...20:59
ivoksi have to found another exchange enironment...20:59
ewookthat's an un-holy marrige.20:59
ivokswell, it's not21:00
ivoksthat's a very important milestone21:00
ewookyes - that's why it's a unholy marrige :)21:00
ewookGargoyle: hmm... kix?21:00
ivoksif openchange gets cosy with exchange... we would have open source replacement for it21:00
ivokswihtout additional plugins21:01
ivoksfor outlook21:01
ewookthat would be nice, really nice..21:01
ivoksa drop in replacement21:01
ewookbut if I hadn't changed employee, you would have taken me out of work :)21:01
Gargoyleewook: kix?21:01
ivoksnot me; i'm not doing anything on it :)21:01
ewookGargoyle: kixtart?21:02
ewookGargoyle: or you just have the same nick as someone on the forum over there :)21:02
GargoyleAhh, no - not clue about kix21:02
ewookGargoyle: my bad then :)21:03
Gargoylenp. :)21:03
GargoyleBUt I am the original! :-)21:04
ewookThat's what everyone says :P21:04
GargoyleI have the email address to prove it!21:04
ewooklol :)21:06
GargoyleHow are all the ubuntu server peeps? Not been talking in here much lately.21:09
Shanixivoks, yes, I have create a bug yesterday, if you don't mind take a look and tell me if it's reproducable on your side as well21:09
Shanixivoks, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/redhat-cluster/+bug/33804721:09
uvirtbot`Launchpad bug 338047 in redhat-cluster "soft lockup - CPU#0 stuck for 11s! [clurgmgrd:4587]" [Undecided,New]21:09
ivoksi've seen that21:10
ivoksnot in production21:10
ivokshm... 'dlm: Can't create listening comms socket'21:12
Shanixivoks, also, everytime when the system boot up, it always said, waiting for fenced to join the fence group until it times out, is there anyway to prevent that?21:12
ivoksShanix: when both are up it still says that?21:13
Shanixivoks, yes21:13
ivoksShanix: don't ever use .local domains21:14
ivoksif they don't connect to each other when both are up, there is some name resolving issue21:14
ivoksusing .local could do that21:15
ivokssince .local in ubuntu is like on mac, reserved for zeroconf/bonjour21:15
ScottKivoks: Except doesn't that use 5353?21:15
Shanixivoks, um... even if I defined the IP in the /etc/hosts ?21:15
ivoksShanix: yes21:16
ScottKBut the advice not to use .local is good.21:16
Shanixivoks, ok, I see. let me try again21:16
ivoksScottK: err...? :)21:18
ivoksScottK: mdns is used for name resolving, and that's part of avahi/bonjour/zeroconf/whatever21:19
davmor2Out of curiosity does Ubuntu not include the mail option in ebox?21:47
ScottKI don't think it ever got packaged.22:13
ScottKI remember looking at a package early in the Intrepid cycle, asking lots of questions, and then I don't know what happened after that.22:14
cemcwhen installing dovecot-postfix, it changes main.cf ?22:19
ivoksit adds custom configuration22:20
ivoksif you didn't have configured home_mailbox, it will add it22:20
cemcshouldn't that be commented a bit in main.cf ? maybe a warning or something?22:20
ivoksif you had it, it will change it22:20
cemclike in the dovecot-postfix.conf in /etc/dovecot22:20
ivokscemc: man postconf22:21
ivokspostconf can't write comments22:21
ivoksit's not like we are editing main.cf22:21
cemcoh, got it22:21
cemcmakes sense :)22:21
* cemc would've edited main.cf ...22:22
JanCScottK: applications use something like nsswitch, they don't know if a name was resolved through /etc/hosts, mDNS or DNS22:22
JanC(nsswitch being part of glibc)22:22
ScottKGo look at the amount of .local traffic on the root DNS servers.  It's pretty broken architecturally somewhere.22:22
* ScottK has forgotten the details.22:23
ivoksit's apple vs. microsoft :)22:23
ivoksbut, hm, yes... we could backup main.cf before running postconf22:24
ivoksor something...22:25
cemcso one would be able to do a quick diff or something to see what exactly changed22:25
ivoksfwiw on removal, we clean up dovecot specific stuff from postfix22:26
ivokswe don't leave postfix in non-working situation22:26
ivoksanyway, feedback is welcome22:27
ivokson mailing list, as a comment on blog post or here on irc22:27
ivoksbugs on lp (source: dovecot)22:28
ivoksi'm going to close the lid now... it's too late here22:28
cemcnite nite22:28
cemcis there any faster and lighter wiki than mediawiki?22:32
cemcI kinda have a slow machine and mediawiki moves very slow at times22:33
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SuperQkirkland: ping22:43
AtomicSparkSo I've followed the ubuntu server guide to the t and I can resolve hostname, but not hostname.example.com nor example.com . I have my search and domain (resolv.conf) to example.com and my bind files match the ones in the guide. What could be wrong?23:09
AtomicSparkfigured it out, apparently bind6 doesn't like the .local domain. Silly Windows Server habbits. :P23:20
giovani.local is currently a non-advised technique by Microsoft, btw23:23
AtomicSparkI figured as such.23:38
AtomicSparkTo get dhcp to add the least hostnames to my dns master, do I use ddns? Maybe, ddns-update-style?23:51
* AtomicSpark man's23:51
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