[00:02] how do I rebuild kwin [00:04] someone knows where can i find a deb of stasks for intrepid ?? [00:05] aptitude search tasks [00:12] cjae: you can download the source and compile or use apt-build [00:12] where can i install qt 4.5 and/or kde 4.3 (trunk) on kubuntu 8.10? [00:12] !info stasks [00:12] Package stasks does not exist in intrepid [00:13] !find tasks [00:13] Found: startup-tasks, tasks, tasks-dbg, tasksel, tasksel-data (and 5 others) [00:13] yao_ziyuan: sure it's been released, i'm not sure there are debs yet but theres nothing stopping you compiling it [00:13] Szadek: did you mean startup-tasks? [00:15] no , stasks , is a plasmoid [00:34] Szadek: http://www.kde-look.org/CONTENT/content-files/99739-stasks-0.3.2.tar.gz [00:34] Szadek: compile that [00:38] im burnt. anyone know the dead easy fool proof rocket science for layman method of using cmake to build konsole for KDE4.2? === ubuntu_ is now known as Dawndeath [00:39] KDe 4 honestly took building to a whole new level. prerequisites are through the roofs roof and I am shot tired trying to unencrypt the spaghetti. anyone know how how to build a KDE 4 app? [00:40] excuse me [00:40] how can i connect to irc hispano [00:41] where can i find the place where kde stores the icons ? [00:43] hello [00:45] hillo [00:46] helo... Im runnung kubuntu 8.1 and somehow I deleted the plasmoid on the desktop. Can someone please help me to bring it back? [00:48] wesley_: should be /usr/share/pixmaps [00:48] dmmainou: right click desktop -> add widget is my guess [00:50] aha.... thank you so much [00:52] is kde 4.2 available without the experimental ppa. respository now? [00:52] on intrepid [00:52] cjae, nope^^ === miguel is now known as Guest83282 [00:53] hello [00:53] Elone: saw there was a bunch of updates to plasma and such the weren't coming from ppa today so was just wondering [00:53] i need some help please: [00:54] Kerry_Ki810: is the i810 part of your name stand for something? [00:54] i'm running KDE4 on Intrepid, I just uninstalled the KDE3 ver. of dolphin and installed the KDE4 version, now when i try to run dolphin the icon hangs in the taskbar for a while as if it's loading, then it just disappears [00:55] launch it from a terminal and see the output [00:55] cjae - that just means i'm running intrepid, (8.10) - was stuck for a username :) [00:56] ActionParsnip and where are the oxyen? those icons in pixmaps arent the oxyen [00:56] .... and if i try to run dolphin from konsole it says it's not installed. lies. [00:56] Kerry_Ki810, reinstall it then ^^ [00:57] wesley_: sudo find / -name *.png > ~/found.txt; kate ~/found.txt [00:57] wesley_: might give some help [00:57] it is installed, according to synaptic package man. [00:57] Kerry_Ki810: force a reinstall === miguel_ is now known as Guest35523 [00:57] ok, i'll try that... === drostie_ is now known as drostie [00:58] ActionParsnip i founded them :) [00:58] wesley_: nice [00:58] Kerry_Ki810, I hope for you to know the difference between d3lphin and dolphin [00:58] /usr/share/icons/ so i going copy them to opensuse [00:58] what is d3lphin? [00:59] i'm trying to run the file manager [00:59] d3lphin is the KDE3 version of Dolphin [00:59] but in Kuubntunn, d3lphin is also called Dolphi [00:59] oh i think that's what i just uninstalled... but it was called dolphin in synaptic [00:59] yep i'me using kubuntu [00:59] ive herad dolphin called a LOT worse. :) [01:00] yes, but they are really two different applications [01:00] look at the description and see if it says anything about 4.2 [01:00] install dolphin version 4.xx [01:01] it's dolphin 1.2 for kde 4.2 on my machine [01:01] i just tried reinstalling dolphin-kde4. still not working, don't tell me i have to reboot again.... [01:01] wesley_: does it not have the theme? [01:01] what did you get when you run it from a konsole, Kerry_Ki810 [01:01] ActionParsnip yes it does, but its edited [01:01] wesley_: i see [01:02] purge dolphin and install it again [01:02] The Menu of opensuse i Dont like, its only thing i like in kubuntu, thats its just plain kde [01:02] 'not installed' [01:02] Kerry_Ki810: are you using kde 4.2? [01:02] you shouldnt have dolphin-kde4 in 8.10 [01:02] from the ppa repository? [01:02] wait, i just looked at the version info - the dolphin-kde4 version comes from the hardy repo... [01:03] i just realised that... my mistake [01:03] ok so i uninstall and reinstall the original version [01:03] you musnt mix hardy and intrepid repos [01:04] you have to install dolphin according to your KDE version [01:04] my bad then.... :) [01:04] KDE 4.0.4 -> dolphin 4.0.4; KDE 4.2.1 -> dolphin 4.2.1 [01:05] but the reason i tried to 'upgrade' dolphin in the first place was because it was crashing when i right-clicked a file [01:05] dolphin is not all bad [01:05] you can mix repos if you know how to do it without breaking the system lol [01:06] Kerry_Ki810 but which Kubuntu version do you have? [01:06] what are the worst things about dolphin besides it gives you a bunch of useless info on the right side by default [01:06] yep, the reason i had that hardy repo there was to get some software that wasn't available in intrepid, don't remember what it was...... [01:07] Kerry_Ki810 I think the best choice is to upgrade to 8.10, and upgrade to KDE 4.2.1 from launchpad PPA [01:07] would that be 'kubuntu-desktop'? 1.101 [01:08] that is intrepid version [01:08] what is launchpad ppa? (please excuse my ignorance...) [01:08] a repo with KDE 4.2 [01:08] how do ya make a package install even if a dependancy is broken? [01:08] I Hope Kubuntu 9.04 is stable when its released, because it isnt now :( [01:09] Wazmyn you cannot do it, the package won't run [01:09] wesley_ it is in Alpha state [01:10] this one?? http://ppa.launchpad.net/mozillateam/ubuntu intrepid main [01:10] not [01:10] EagleScreen: well, i'm wanting ot try, 'cause it says its dependant on and i've got installed [01:10] wesley_: yeah ive had issues with it too but its not released so what did you expect :) [01:10] deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/kubuntu-experimental/ubuntu/ intrepid main [01:11] ActionParsnip do you have had freezes ? [01:11] ooh i don't like that experimental word lol [01:11] but i'll add that to my repo list, thanks [01:11] wesley_: no boot due to it checking power stuffs, disabled acpi and it crawled along [01:11] Wazmyn which package? [01:12] Ive ActionParsnip so no freezes ? I have had freezes most time when running firefox with java, [01:14] Can it be that freezing is caused by the ext4 system ? [01:14] ext4 causes a lor of problems [01:14] including data loss [01:14] wesley_: java is a pain, specially in 64bit [01:15] mya be in 2.6.30 ext4 to be ready [01:16] ok i'm back: with my original problem [01:16] i got dolphin running now, but when i right-click a file/folder it crashes [01:16] Wazmyn which package did you say? [01:16] yeah i run 64 bit, but i havent see any problems on opensuse from freezing [01:16] this is the error that comes up in konsole: [01:16] symbol lookup error: dolphin: undefined symbol: _ZN14KonqCopyToMenuC1EP7QWidget [01:16] damn, why can I not stay connected [01:16] Kerry_Ki810 what version of dolphin and KDE? [01:17] wesley_: then opensuse suits you better [01:17] But what i am wonder should i reinstall the kubuntu 9.04 dev system ( i use seperate hard drives for kubuntu and opensuse ) [01:18] EagleScreen: I want to install kdeplasma-addons, it's dependent on kdeplasma-addons-data [01:18] EagleScreen: first one is dependent on version, but i've got [01:19] are you trying to install kdeplasma-addons 4.2.0? [01:19] EagleScreen: yes [01:19] how do i make so that after 10 minutes my screen turn of and not the screensaver turn on [01:19] install 4.2.1 [01:20] i mean i know how to disable the screensaver but i want the screen to turn off instead [01:20] aha! dolphin 4.2.1, kde-base 4.2.0 [01:20] EagleScreen: s'not in the repo [01:20] yes it is, reload the sources [01:20] so i need to upgrade kde [01:20] No Kubuntu is kind of my favorite system, but i felt like i needed to give opensuse a try, because its has a high reputation as kde distro ( Apt still feels better ) [01:21] OpenSuse is a good distribution [01:21] ok, why the heck dind't it reload when i opened synaptic? [01:21] EagleScreen: thankya [01:21] but where a Debian based is.. [01:21] oh dear..... so much needs to be upgraded here........ [01:22] whats the difference between ubuntu and debian [01:22] thanks for the help people, i'll upgrade this lot and be back if i have any problems [01:22] you have to reload the package list by clicking reload button, synaptic never reloads the list of packages automatically [01:22] But he opensuse got more men then Kubuntu, but i still think Kubuntu is a great distro [01:23] Debian is a huge distro, ubuntu is based on it focusing on being a desktop distro, tom [01:24] ok [01:25] tom, debian also has a relegious zeal about being totally free and opensource. Ubuntu will incorperate propriatary packages to make life easier [01:25] Wazmyn: ok thanks for explaining :) [01:26] sure [01:26] guys a ssd does that speed up your desktop experience ? [01:27] good morning [01:28] wesley_: depends on much stuff [01:28] for example if you got a fast cpu [01:28] and if your old hdd was alredy pretty fast you wont see much difference [01:28] wesley_: depends what its used for [01:29] and as ActionParsnip says [01:29] internet, porn, video, being the fake nerd, dating, uh gaming ( wesnoth ) [01:29] i have a hd with 16 mb cache [01:30] no a ssd wont improve :P [01:30] wesley_: no i mean what will the disk be used for, if its for data storage, no. if its for the OS itself, probably not [01:30] or well in theory it will but you wont see any difference [01:30] os and data storage on home [01:31] but i read storys about faster bootup [01:31] wesley_: i'll be less bursty which may make it faster as platter based hdd is sloooow === Flare183 is now known as Drayton [01:32] but does that help when my home is a normal hd ( ssd are kind of expensive ) === Drayton is now known as Flare183 [01:33] go for a normal hdd [01:33] what time now? [01:35] i have a 7200 rpm hd on of 500 gb and another of 1 Tb but both have only 16 mb cache [01:35] wesley_: for your needs, you can get away with a 5gb / and use the rest for /swap and /home [01:36] wesley_: get a raid card (or use crappy fake raid) and use raid, lots faster [01:36] raid is combining of 2 hds ( i dont have place for 2x 3.5 hds, its a mini itx case [01:37] ah tha'll do it [01:38] wesley_: technically raid0 isnt raid ;) [01:38] I have now my system lying open, hd on table and if i wanna change i plug out and plugin the other [01:39] wesley_: if you wanna swap OS easily then yeah usb / sd card is awesome [01:41] i do that to with a external hd, but on suse that wont work, it will get confused, and says, cant find hd blablab [01:42] ive just taken my external hd apart, so i cant put other sata drives on it to [01:43] wesley_: you could have a boot partition on the internal drive then tell that to boo the sd cards [01:44] i know :) [01:47] when you go to add a widget, whats the hour glass mean? [01:49] time [01:52] * Wazmyn wishes he could stay connected to the friggin' internet === Wazmyn is now known as Walzmyn_ [01:59] Is there any server Ip list === co-worker is now known as lol === lol is now known as Guest18955 [02:00] Guest18955: server list in what sense? [02:01] Guest18955: what sort of server [02:01] other channel [02:01] !channel === Guest18955 is now known as GoodMoring [02:02] http://searchirc.com/search.php?SCHANS=1&SSORT=SIZE&N=freenode [02:02] list [02:02] THakns === root is now known as Guest12054 [02:30] is akonadi mysql? [02:31] I thought I worked out all of the kinks from my desktop, but it is still freezing. [02:32] I'm not sure what else to try as this only happens on my Kubuntu HDD. I have XP on another HDD, but it doesn't happen there. [02:32] This is the 2nd HDD with the same issue. [02:33] freezing? [02:33] where does it freeze how often , etc [02:33] kinda need some more info :P [02:33] It freezes every time at different intervals [02:33] right clicking konsole does not give me any copy dialogue how do i enable this [02:34] Like now, it froze after I entered my password. I see the image of the HDD, but the 2 following images are blurry [02:34] draik_ what kind of graphic card you got [02:34] nVidia GeForce FX 5700LE [02:35] wich driver [02:35] version [02:35] 96 [02:36] ok then i dont know because i had similiar problems on my nvidia card but it was with the 180.35 driver so i had to downgrade [02:36] 96.43.09 to be exact. [02:37] Now it froze once I actually got within KDE [02:37] Slt quelqu'un parle francais ??? [02:37] !fr | luan [02:37] luan: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr [02:38] hola === cesar_ is now known as Guest80846 [02:39] There used to be a way of seeing what services start at boot. Is that still around? [02:40] #winehq [02:40] Hmm, that was supposed to be a join. [02:41] Begin with /j [02:42] does kubuntu use mysql? or is it just preinstalled [02:42] is it safe to remove [02:43] Seems pre-installed and I don't see an issue with removing it [02:43] how can I create a bootable USB from a kubuntu CD image? [02:43] !unetbootin [02:43] Sorry, I don't know anything about unetbootin [02:43] hmm fungos google unetbootin [02:43] hola [02:44] :) googling already [02:45] failers: look it is what I need! thank you [02:45] np [02:45] im using it daily [02:45] :P [02:45] works pretty good [02:45] !usb [02:45] For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent [02:46] Second link might also be useful [02:47] thanks! my problem is that I'm currently out of burners and out of CD to burn :D just a usb stick to save the day (..night) [02:48] How do you reconfigure the phigh settings again? [02:48] sudo dpkg-reconfigure _____?_____ [02:51] draik_: sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg (iirc) [02:52] tuxi: Thanks. That seemed to do it [02:52] np [02:52] I always have to search for it [02:55] What is the best method for automounting? [02:55] I have a total of 4 HDDs and would like the other 3 there in /media === sheeple is now known as jerware === solid_li` is now known as solid_liq [03:18] how can I make xmodmap changes permanent in kubuntu? .Xmodmap file doesn't seem to have any effect [03:21] i have a notebook with a modified kubuntu wiith kde 3.5... but knetworkmanager wont appear wireless options. where can I check or enable it? wi-fi led is on [03:21] I just added a few things within /etc/fstab. I hope it all works out. [03:21] tuxi: I did the command and now I'm left without OpenGL [03:21] I'm rebooting now and seeing what happens. [03:23] !log [03:23] Official channel logs can be found at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ - For LoCo channels, http://logs.ubuntu-eu.org/freenode/ [03:23] !logs [03:24] How do I set up a mailserver so I can use PHP's mail() function and similar, from localhost? [03:28] will qt 4.5 be available in ppa.launchpad.net soon? [03:31] EtFb: I am not really sure what the php mail() function does, but if it sends out mail you'll need an SMTP server .. [03:31] Like exim4 [03:31] !mailserver [03:31] Ubuntu supports the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) and provides mail server software of many kinds. You can install a basic email handling configuration with the "Mail server" task during installation, or with the "tasksel" command. See also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MailServer and https://help.ubuntu.com/7.10/server/C/email-services.html [03:35] Slartibartfast: Thanks. (Oh, and well done on those fjords. Excellent work.) [03:35] EtFb: Thank you :-) [03:45] hola a todos [03:45] !es|jishi [03:45] jishi: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es. [03:45] gracias === failer_ is now known as failers [03:57] heyy [03:57] anyone here good with Ardour? [04:05] cerrie, im not [04:28] hello [04:28] hola [04:28] I'm quite new to linux, but I just switched from mandriva to kubuntu [04:29] and I dont know if I clicked something wrong durring installation or something but I have barely any software. [04:29] I used the dvd [04:29] you can install the softwares seperately [04:30] right [04:30] are you using kubuntu or ubuntu? [04:30] kubuntu [04:30] the package manager has way less than I expected [04:30] but I may just be searching for the wrong things [04:30] oh.... you can use synaptic packagee manager [04:31] I'm using Adept [04:31] is that the different? [04:31] zaibach333: or kpackage install :-) [04:31] i am not sure about the difference... may be all the repos are not added or configured properly [04:32] there's an add sources area in it [04:33] no wait there doesnt seem to be [04:33] there is i think some where [04:33] i am also not too old in kubuntu :P but i had the same confusion you have [04:34] then used synaptic manager and most of the time i use sudo apt-get install packagename [04:34] I just sortof want all the software that I enjoyed in mandriva, this is kde4 so I dont think that should be a problem [04:34] am I gonna need to use the terminal more? [04:34] for kde there is adept manager [04:34] with gui [04:34] do I have to download it? [04:35] oh [04:35] no I have adept [04:35] people were talking about another one [04:35] u have it :) maybe u need to add some repos [04:36] hows that? [04:36] kpackage? [04:36] run it and click Adept > manage repositories in the menu of adept [04:37] tanjir: yes, i find kpackage a nice gui for all the software i would need ... [04:37] Just a quick question: Does anybody have a good, free partition manager that they highly recommend? [04:37] Adept only has fetch package list, and apply changes kanon-mat [04:37] i use systemrescuecd [04:38] ah [04:38] zaibach333: it there no source section ? [04:38] edit sources [04:38] theres that, under a world icon [04:38] isnt that is the adept-notifier, zaibach333? [04:38] Use that [04:39] Slartibartfast, maybe knows better :) [04:39] kanon-mat: I was also wondering what parts of partitioning actions are dangerous? Like, resizing, deleting, creating, or what? [04:39] you should always back up [04:39] ah, should I add my install dvd to the third-party. I'd think the dvd has more [04:40] or should I just add third-party [04:40] Ah, I'm just wondering, because I'm using wubi and never tried partitioning :'( [04:40] u will have fresher packages from the internet, zaibach333 [04:40] zaibach333: everything what is on DVD and even much more is also online [04:40] ok [04:41] see for a manual in theis URL https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu [04:41] this* [04:41] if you are going to do partitioning, you better read up, mason_ [04:42] under the kubuntu tab I have everything but source code checked off. I assume source code wouldnt be in package form [04:42] server for united states [04:42] zaibach333: you'll probably indeed not need the source code [04:43] If you are located in the USA that wiould be good [04:43] maybe there are more than one us server? [04:43] would* [04:43] well if everythings running normally am I just looking for software I can't use [04:44] what software you want? [04:44] starting off I just wanted to download firefox, and update amarok to their new version [04:44] amarok2 is part of kde 4.2 [04:45] I found something that game me a bunch of nonopen stuff like flash, java, mp3 [04:45] I had a newer amarok on mandriva [04:45] not sure if it is wise to run amarok2 in kde 4.1 [04:45] that was on 4.1.3 [04:46] could I update to 4.2? [04:46] you can ... it is in the backports [04:47] pre-released updates [04:48] how do I update that (backports) [04:48] I mean, how do I update with that [04:48] it is also under sources in adept manager [04:49] after selected that you need to update your package list [04:49] select backports? where [04:50] in Adept manager [04:50] sources [04:50] yes [04:50] right, but where in there [04:50] updates [04:50] tab [04:50] it is not called backports anymore [04:50] pre-released updates? [04:51] yeah [04:51] maybe you could also add "unsupported updates" :-) [04:52] okay... that doesnt sound too good though [04:52] :-) i know ... but i think they won't put things in there which will break your system [04:53] okay so let me start finding apps I want [04:54] I dont like konqueror and I can't find firefox [04:54] there's addons and plugins for firefox [04:54] *extentions [04:55] for java, mp3 and flash there is a meta package [04:55] !restricted [04:55] For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats [04:55] kubuntu-restricted-extras [04:56] i think you should be able to find firefox ... [04:56] so in windows, i have bunches of different file views for a folder, like icon, thumbnail, list.... with the default kde file viewer, how can i set this option for a particular folder [04:56] try sudo apt-get update before trying to install a package [04:57] and then just use sudo apt-get install firefox [04:57] you dont even have to look for the name in an annoying manager, all done from the cmd line. [04:58] zaibach333: if you can not find some packages you always can try to install those from the commandline ... open a console and type "sudo apt-get install firefox" [04:58] But indeed you might want to update the package list first with "sudo apt-get update" [04:58] coreyman: it just locked up saying sudo [04:59] after sudo you ned to put in your password [04:59] zaibach333 "sudo apt-get update" locked up? [04:59] how do i get more widgets [04:59] nm your right password === taylor__ is now known as Tsquad [05:01] http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=519310 @ user1015148 [05:01] why do I need a password, I just wanted a root password [05:02] you need to put in a password because you will install software [05:02] right [05:02] ok thank you [05:02] a normal user has no write rights in /usr [05:02] yeah, so you type su right? [05:02] no [05:03] root is by default disabled in (k)ubuntu [05:03] oh dear [05:03] to become root .... do sudo -i [05:03] no that's fine [05:04] but you'll just use your normal password [05:04] I still can't get firefox [05:04] you all have firefox I assume [05:04] yea i do [05:04] why can't you type in the password [05:04] what for sudo apt-get install firefox [05:04] all you have to do is "sudo apt-get update" put in pass, then "sudo apt-get install firefox" [05:05] the password is your usernames password [05:05] yeah its not that hard god [05:05] infact its easier [05:05] oh I had to close my package manager [05:06] yes you should have posted the error [05:06] it would have said cannot get lock [05:06] and i would've told you to close your package manager [05:06] sorry [05:06] its cool [05:07] I've never used sudo apt-get. I used some unpronouncable urpmi or something like that [05:07] hmm >.> lol.. never heard of it. [05:07] i use apt-get to install everything [05:08] zaibach333: Yeah and fedora has yum :-) ... and opensuse has zypper [05:08] im sure you could install more management systems, but apt-get is the most commonly used. [05:08] no it's working fine [05:08] and i've only been using kubuntu for 3 days now .. so >.> [05:09] you're not new to linux I assume [05:09] zaibach333: if you want to search for software you can use "apt-cache search package" [05:09] yes i am [05:10] see i didn't know that ^^^^ [05:10] well i am not that new to linux :-) ... [05:10] does apt stand for aptitude [05:11] No [05:11] aptitude is another console package manager [05:11] yea i figured it used that. [05:11] but i find it not very intuitive [05:12] i find apt-get the best way to install/uninstall [05:12] now that i know you can apt-cache search i will be unstoppable [05:12] i rather like apt and dpkg .... it always gives me a console prompt back :-) [05:12] lol. [05:12] i've used both, what's the difference [05:13] I write little text files containing these things. but I couldnt find kwrite with alt-f2. grr. I used some random one that opend another text file [05:13] aptitude is just another program as apt .... [05:13] zaibach333 sudo kwrite [05:14] zaibach333: sudo apt-get install kwrite ... [05:14] :-) [05:14] i guess they want you to use kate instead [05:14] slartibarfast i mean, i've used apt and dpkg whats the difference [05:14] yeah yeah yeah [05:14] can you configure kate to highlight brackets when you put the blinky line next to it. [05:14] * zaibach333 super dance [05:14] like notepadd++ does [05:15] dpkg is something like rpm ... apt is more do handle dependencies between packages [05:15] slartibartfast so apt in a sense is better [05:15] apt- is still using dpkg to install things [05:16] yea, but it handles dependencies whereas dpkg doesnt [05:16] apt is like a layer over dpkg to satisfy dependencies [05:17] yea. [05:17] i understand that, so it makes apt better. [05:17] to use than dpkg [05:17] how do I get the trashcan on the desktop as a widget [05:18] yes ... better to use apt ... because you can not download the packages with dpkg .... i guess [05:18] nmm [05:19] zaibach333: there is no option when you right click on the desktop to add widgets ? [05:19] slartibartfast have you ever used notepad++? [05:19] I mean... just widgets [05:19] not on that silly desktop widget [05:19] I dont understand why they chose do do it that way anyway [05:20] coreyman: long time ago ... although i am not a programmer and not really need that highlighting [05:20] oh ok slartibartfast [05:20] zaibach333 you can create a link on your desktop to the trash folder. [05:20] instead of a widget [05:20] but i think kwrite can do a lot of handy things for programmers [05:20] kwrite let me look :D [05:20] haven't used it yet [05:21] i've been configuring my OS [05:21] just imported all my files from windows a min ago [05:21] I'm dragging apps on the screen and it makes widgets of em [05:22] lol slartibartfast, i uninstalled kwrite since i installed kate... reinstalling.. [05:22] Hehehe .. just opened some source code file with it and it looks pretty cool :-) with all the colors and so [05:22] oh shiz, kwrite does highlight the braces [05:23] i need to change some of the colors tho [05:23] and uninstall kate [05:23] zaibach333: Yeah ... welcome to the new KDE world :-) [05:23] woo [05:23] slartibartfast you know what i love about the kde menu [05:23] the first tab is /favorites [05:24] just boom boom theres my ap [05:24] :-) yeah ... can add anything you like there ... [05:24] yea :D [05:24] i also have folder view on my desktop and added some application starters there [05:24] jsut one click and start that [05:25] just* [05:25] i have a folder view of my home [05:26] i have the home dir as icon on the desktop in folderview [05:27] Hello. My weather plasmoid has been broken since 4.2. Any suggestions how I can rectify that? [05:28] I dont remember everything I had with mandriva so I'm gonna make a virtual box of it. yay apt-get [05:28] yay apt-get :P [05:28] well im going to go boot into windows and see what colors notepad++ uses (i am so used to those colors) so i can config my kwrite [05:29] :-) [05:30] zaibach333: IF you want the latest virtualbox software you can add another line in your /etc/apt/sources.list [05:30] deb http://download.virtualbox.org/virtualbox/debian intrepid non-free [05:31] see http://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Linux_Downloads [05:34] hi === Cueball is now known as Cueball_ === rgreening_ is now known as rgreening === cthompson_ is now known as tyler_d === thor_ is now known as ThorEros === ThorEros is now known as Kidder23 === jamie is now known as Guest20640 [06:27] How can I check if my video driver has been installed? Since Ive instealled KDE4, the screen is flashing off and on every three seconds or so. === Guest20640 is now known as Philo === Philo is now known as Philo06 [06:48] did any of you guys check out the Droid fonts on your Desktop - very cool... [06:52] anyone know how i turn off (or reset) my laptop screen? when it went to sleep the screen got scrambled (my secondary monitor is fine) [06:52] is there an easy way to upgrade to qt 4.5 without upgrading to jaunty alpha? [06:53] yao_ziyuan: there is a PPA repo for Qt 4.5 [06:54] but I don't recomend it, it seems to be quite buggy in Intrepid [06:54] Mamarok: tell me anyway === eclix is now known as eclix_ [06:54] Mamarok: i'm so interested in qt 4.5's fix of the tray drawing [06:55] yao_ziyuan: https://launchpad.net/~andreas-wenning/+archive/ppa [06:56] great [06:56] Mamarok: buggy, for example? [06:56] yao_ziyuan: there are issues with konsole, you should use another setting, wait [06:57] use "konsole --graphicssystem raster" instead of the basic setting [06:57] and there are strange transparency glitches [06:57] ... [06:57] like with kmenu [06:57] I don't know if it's a good idea to switch over yet, at least not with Intrepid [06:58] works fine in Jaunty though [06:58] uh [06:58] my boyfriend switched to it yesterday on Intrepid, and he is pondering going back to 4.4.3... [06:59] Mamarok: you a geek girl? === jamie is now known as Guest92476 [06:59] :P [06:59] yao_ziyuan: yes, so what? === Guest92476 is now known as Philo06 [07:00] wonderful. [07:00] there are lots of women here [07:00] hello women! [07:02] Ive just installed kde on Ubuntu and the screen keeps turning off and on every three seconds or so. [07:02] Any idea how to fix it> === xxx is now known as Guest47215 [07:03] is there a way to make X print out its current xorg.conf? i think the nvidia settings app just made changes to it [07:04] nvm, checked file date [07:05] Philo06: more information please (versions, graphic card, etc.) [07:05] Intel 945 GM, Ubuntu 8.10 [07:08] Philo06: it should work... [07:08] which KDE? [07:08] KDE4 [07:09] 4.1? [07:09] Good question. Im not quite sure. [07:09] will the new QT4.5 get incorporated in kubuntu anytime soon? I dont want to get experimental repositories [07:11] Philo06: make sure you didn't miss packages [07:11] Yea, that seems like a real possibility. [07:11] SandGorgon: it's in Jaunty [07:11] what do i put in xorg.conf to disable a specific display? [07:13] and how come i went to bed last night with ubuntu 7.10 and awoke today with 8.04 :S [07:13] DarkriftX: we,, you did a dist-upgrade I guess [07:13] it doesn't change itself [07:14] well* [07:14] well, in this case id say it did. dist upgrades arent someting you accidentally do [07:14] ive done em :S [07:15] DarkriftX: FYI, Kubuntu 8.04 is *not* LTS, only the underlying packages (kernel, etc.) [07:15] the KDE part is not [07:23] how to map a remote network drive in Kubuntu [07:24] like in windows we right click Network and then MAP NETWORK DRIVE [07:24] how to do in Kubuntu [07:25] husayn: you need smbfs [07:26] Hmm... I had to disable RANDR [07:26] Not real sure what it is, but it worked. [07:26] forgive me if I give the wrong information..... under file manager - network - add network folder? [07:26] !samba [07:26] Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT. [07:27] rex_: only if it's a Linux drive, remote Windows drives you need samba [07:27] oh sorry ^^ [07:28] rex_: don't be sorry, your answer is partly correct :) [07:28] ok, afk for breakfast === Patrick is now known as Guest6625 [07:34] I can't open up konqueror. Can anybody help me please? [07:39] I can't run konqueror from menu. When I run "sudo konqueror" in terminal I get this message: http://pastebin.com/d6ceaa37 Can anybody help me please? [07:43] DaddyLonglegs: sorry, but the info in pastebin is not usefull, as you don't have the -dbg packages installed [07:43] DaddyLonglegs, does just running konqueror from the terminal work? (no sudo) [07:43] DaddyLonglegs: try the following: [07:44] killall konqueror [07:44] then just run it from konsole as devilsadvocate said [07:44] devilsadvocate: Nope. It says "A fatal error occured..." [07:45] DaddyLonglegs, thats all it says ? :| hmm [07:45] DaddyLonglegs: also, your Kubuntu version would be helpful [07:45] Mamarok: I tried killall konqueror, no process killed though. [07:45] devilsadvocate: No. Thare is a bit more information on the fatal error window. Do you need them? [07:46] Mamarok: I'm running kubuntu 8.10 [07:46] which KDE? [07:46] KDE 4.2 [07:47] DaddyLonglegs, so when you run from the terminal, it comes to the point where a window pops up and says fatal error? do you see any seemingly useful output on the terminal? [07:48] devilsadvocate: It says: http://pastebin.com/d765d8bf5 I'm not sure if it's useful. [07:54] DaddyLonglegs, not very useful. im not sure what could be wrong [07:55] devilsadvocate: Everything was fine yesterday. I don't know what could have happened to it :( [07:55] devilsadvocate: Thanks anyways. [07:55] how do I get compiz or compiz fusion to run on kubuntu. I typed sudo apt-get install compiz already [07:57] zaibach333: Why would you want to use compiz if kwin already can do a lot of the things compiz can [07:57] kwin? [07:57] the window manager of kde [07:58] zaibach333: You already installed kde 4.2 ? [07:58] how do I do that [07:58] can I with apt-get [07:59] Hmmm you already did an "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade" ? [07:59] I dont know about the upgrade [07:59] I'll try that [08:00] zaibach333: apt-get update just updates the available package list .... upgrade really installs the newer versions [08:01] it ran but I think since I'm running a virtualbox it didnt update that [08:01] seems to be the message [08:02] does that mean I'm on 4.2? [08:02] maybe I should check that somewhere [08:02] you are running the program virtualbox in Kubuntu? ..... [08:02] yeah [08:02] That does not stop upgrading other software [08:03] its got a list of things it did [08:03] how do I know if I'm on 4.2? [08:03] do I need my install disk in when I upgrade? [08:04] zaibach333: No ... from now on you don't ned to use the install disk anymore [08:04] everything is downloaded from the net [08:05] k, on mandriva it would ask for the medium on every other rpm I installed [08:05] but if you upgraded to KDE 4.2 you should have seen those packages been instaleld [08:06] zaibach333: if you have that in your package manager configured that it also looks on the CD/DVD yes it will ask to also use those when installing things ... [08:07] But normally a (k)ubuntu install will disable those after having been installed [08:07] ok [08:07] can someone tell me what package provides mysqld ? I need to install it to compile amarok from svn [08:07] so where do I look to find my kde version [08:07] twilightnocturne: mysql-server [08:08] thanks :) [08:08] Mmm ... open Dolphin and choose help and then about KDE [08:09] Slartibartfast: 4.2.0 looks like I did install.... and what he's talking about the mysql thing. that installed when I rebooted. why do I need a database server? [08:09] :-) ... because some programs need to use this to store info ... i guess [08:10] :) [08:10] so back to compiz [08:10] Like my amarok version ... 2:2.0.2mysql5.1.30-0ubuntu1 [08:11] what was that kapp that you mentioned [08:11] OK ... [08:11] You already installed a 3D driver for you graphics card ? [08:12] That kapp is "kpackage" [08:14] I should have [08:14] zaibach333: What graphics card you have ? .... [08:14] eh..... like a radeon 9200 [08:14] I have my good one on a windows pc [08:15] If you open Konsole and type "glxinfo | grep direct" ... Is direct rendering on ? [08:15] Error: unable to open display === quassel251 is now known as jussi01 [08:16] woah, I can't use glxinfo [08:16] huh [08:16] and my sound isnt working [08:17] "glxinfo" without the grep also gives an error about not being able to open display? .... You don't need to use sudo [08:17] just as normal user [08:17] ah, fixed it. they added a mixer channel called "digital/analog" defaulted wrong [08:17] sry [08:17] I dont need sudo [08:17] I dont quite know what you mean [08:18] I mean ... don't use glxinfo as root user [08:18] I typed it again [08:18] direct rendering: Yes [08:18] OK :-) [08:18] Thats good [08:19] zaibach333: Go now to System Settings [08:19] in your Kmenu [08:19] k [08:19] Choose "Desktop" [08:20] Check on "Enable Desktop Effects" [08:21] oh neat. is the cube in here? [08:21] Yeah [08:21] and sphere [08:21] and cylinder :-) [08:21] and wobbly windows [08:22] hmmm [08:22] this isnt as easy though [08:23] I want any of my desktop managers to be ctrl+alt+click [08:23] zaibach333: You can configure a lot of those effects [08:23] Like i have now the cube effect configure when i move the mouse in the upper right corner [08:24] the Grid effect when in the bottom right corner [08:25] and show all windows in the upper left corner ... itis no compiz so it behaves a little different [08:25] Hey I'm new to IRC, can someone help me register my name? [08:25] show all windows is working nicely [08:26] whenever I go to register it tells me that I have an invalid e-mail, can I not use my hotmail e-mail? [08:26] Marikawn: Check out #freenode [08:26] This is about Kubuntu [08:26] Thanks === jimmy_ is now known as Marikawn [08:32] how do I get my windows to stick to things when I hold shift and drag them around [08:33] zaibach333: Not sure if that effect is available ... would like to know also :-) [08:34] aww [08:34] these wobly windows are nice, very different than the compiz ones [08:34] maybe later [08:34] i like the snow effect too :-) [08:36] aww, I can't get the alt-tab effects to sort through all desktops [08:36] But still can have cover flow [08:37] hmm [08:37] or flip switch [08:38] and in the general tab you can choose what effect you wawnt to use when using that pager applet in your taskbar [08:42] how exactly do you use the desktop grid cylinder sphere ect? [08:42] I'll set up a corner and it doesn nothing [08:43] Well as i know it is you use the cube, the sphere or the cylinder effect [08:46] here i use right upper corner for cube effect, left upper corner for show all windows effect and right bottom corner for grid effect //// any of the effects will happen when i put the mouse pointer in that corner [08:47] how can I make xmodmap changes permanent in kubuntu? .Xmodmap file doesn't seem to have any effect [08:52] naught101: shoulld that not be ~/.xmodmaprc ? ... i am not really familiar with this though [08:52] Slartibartfast: possibly - it isn't usually.. [08:53] naught101: and if you make the changes in /etc/X11/Xmodmap ? [08:53] Slartibartfast: I would prefer to do it in my user account, since I frequently re-install [08:54] naught101: you could make a shell script which you then can put in ~/.kde/Autostart [08:57] Slartibartfast: yes, I'm a pedant though - I want to know why this isn't working. I'll try .xmodmaprc first [08:59] naught101: as i said i am not really familiar with this ... some systems seems to use .Xmodmap ... other .xmodmaprc [08:59] yeah - I'll link them, then it'll alwasy work :) [08:59] always [08:59] Yes .. can do [09:10] uptime[13h 39m 29s] [09:10] os[Linux 2.6.27-11-generic i686] distro[Ubuntu "intrepid" 8.10] cpu[2 x AMD Athlon(tm) 64 X2 Dual Core Processor 5600+ (AuthenticAMD) @ 2.90GHz] mem[Physical: 2.0GB, 39.2% free] disk[Total: 1.1TB, 23.3% free] video[nVidia Corporation GeForce 8400 GS] sound[HDA-Intel - HDA NVidia1: SAA7134 - SAA7134] [09:13] oobe: why do we need to see that? [09:13] omg [09:13] this kubuntu is fantastic [09:14] i like it [09:14] i just installed a fresh copy on intrepid 8.10 [09:15] very nice === ahmad_ is now known as linnuxxy [09:17] i am on 9.04 [09:17] that's great [09:17] hello, after recent upgrate konqueror doesn't start (I using ppa KDE 4.2), the message from terminal is: [09:17] KCrash: Application 'konqueror' crashing... [09:18] sock_file=/home/igor/.kde/socket-igor-laptop/kdeinit4__0 [09:18] igor_: you shouldn't use ppa [09:18] but KDE 4.2.. [09:18] igor_: is in backports [09:19] ok, I'll check [09:19] thx [09:19] igor_: np, see kubuntu.org [09:21] igor_: I've seen lots of people saying konqueror is crashing [09:22] for me it was a problem with the webbrowsing profile [09:22] I recreated that profile and it worked [09:22] barnoid: with ppa packages? [09:22] Tm_T: yeah [09:23] barnoid: as said, don't use them [09:23] Tm_T: is 4.2.1 in backports? [09:23] barnoid: no its not yet [09:23] barnoid: nor is made to proper shape for intrepid [09:23] unless you're willing to be tester, don't use ppa (;) [09:24] I looked again, and its possible that only part of packages was recompiled for 4.2.1 [09:24] yes [09:24] kubuntu-experimental is not for "normal user" [09:24] Tm_T: I wanted to see if it fixed some crashes [09:25] )) [09:25] barnoid: heh, when you try something untested, you might end up having issues, so... [09:25] Tm_T: but I might go back to 4.2.0 for peace of mind :) [09:27] Tm_T: You know if the wobbly window effect later on will have sticky window edges ? [09:28] Slartibartfast: no, I don't know, sorry (: [09:28] Tm_T: OK ... maybe will ask in #kde then [09:28] Slartibartfast: i thought it already had it [09:29] : for it renaming prifle also helped [09:29] Slartibartfast: well, in compiz i remember it having it [09:29] Yes ... but i am not going to --replace kde-window-manager anymore :-) [09:30] hehe [09:30] * ActionParsnip2 replaces it with fluxbox ;) [09:30] barnoid: thx [09:31] * Slartibartfast likes kde 4.2.1 a lot and would welcome the sticky/magnetic window edges ;-) [09:32] the i would ask in #kde [09:32] ActionParsnip2: will do .... but seems the people there are a sleep :-) [09:32] try a little later [09:33] yes, will do [09:40] what is the default pdf reader in ubuntu called? [09:43] sigma_za: Here (on Jaunty (9.04) ) Okular opens a pdf file [09:45] Hello, I have an interesting problem. I hear the startup/shutdown sounds, but I get no sounds from the rest of my applications (amarok, flash videos, etc.) [09:47] sound_fx: You have installed kubuntu-restricted-extras [09:47] ? [09:47] !sound [09:47] If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ARTS is running, by going to K Menu -> System Settings -> Sound System and making sure "Enable the sound system" is checked. If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP3 [09:49] Today i also found out that i did not have kubuntu-restricted-extras installed. Did have sound from flac files and did here the start-up sound, but not from mp3's and video files [09:51] But ... that last thign could also have been caused by the development-status of Jaunty :-) [09:52] Ah, I don't see a check mark option for "Enable Sound System" [09:52] Just a device preference and backend tabs === ubuntu__ is now known as spgpd__ === spgpd__ is now known as sogod === darksmoke is now known as DarkSmoke [10:02] when I do a "groups" I don't see audio listed, could that be the issue? [10:05] sound_fx: i'm not a memeber eiter and sound is fine here [10:05] sound_fx: andy adm dialout cdrom plugdev lpadmin admin sambashare [10:06] Ok, mine looks the same. === KennethP_ is now known as KennethP === ubuntu_ is now known as koperton === milian_ is now known as milian === root is now known as Guest51089 [10:24] #ubuntu-cn [10:25] #ubuntu-cn === root is now known as Guest76063 [10:27] Guest76063: are you loggin in as root? === root is now known as Guest53401 [10:32] anyone have two entries for apps in the kickoff application launcher kde 4.2, one with the icon and one with just a gear [10:33] cjae: thats normal [10:33] ActionParsnip2: really did nt see it on last install [10:33] cjae: the icon one is a gues at what you want to run, the gear will execute the command as it stands [10:34] ok [10:34] ActionParsnip2: so you're running kde 4.2 [10:34] cjae: indeed [10:35] ActionParsnip2: um do you have smplayer installed? [10:35] or do you cli it [10:37] hey [10:37] ActionParsnip2: I am wondering because mplayer in my opinion is very good and smplayer is supposed to be the best gui for it [10:37] cjae: there is no best [10:37] hehe [10:37] !best [10:37] Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots. [10:37] cjae: best doesnt exist outside of your own head [10:37] hello [10:37] ActionParsnip2: right [10:37] * ActionParsnip2 hates the word "best" [10:38] * cjae hates when trivial words are aruged :p [10:38] lol [10:38] How can I set my name?????????? [10:38] cjae: so dont listen to people telling you what they think, try a few gui's to see what you think [10:38] !nick | Guest53401 [10:38] Guest53401: Information about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick » to select your nickname . Registration help available in #freenode [10:38] Guest53401: /nick [10:38] ActionParsnip2: I have if lu let me tell you I am not doing a poll [10:38] cjae: i didnt trigger ubottu, shadeslayer did [10:39] :O [10:39] Lies [10:39] haha [10:39] :P [10:39] 5-10 in the pen for you [10:39] ;) [10:40] btw so many upgrades today [10:40] cjae: millions swear by vlc but if you prefer mplayer then thats cool too. I use it myself but without a gui so its lighter [10:40] kde icons and plasma [10:40] ActionParsnip2: nox [10:40] ActionParsnip2: the gui is nice for other ppl using box and for g/f, anyway saying that about mplayer I have dled smplayer and kmplayer [10:40] :) [10:40] shadeslayer: yeah there was a few, shame i wont see half the stuff its downloading [10:40] why?? [10:40] smplayer seems to be extremley messed up [10:40] work?? [10:41] shadeslayer: i dont use kde as my desktop only kde apps in fluxbox [10:41] starts like ten min into movie and such and crashes [10:41] oh yeah remembered [10:41] cjae: vlc :-? [10:41] vlc rocks [10:41] :) [10:41] was seeing if this is happening with otherppl [10:42] vlc-nox if you gotta use vlc [10:42] btw today was arguing with my friend that at least 20 pc of the people using PC's use linux [10:42] am using vlc right now h.p. 4 goblet [10:42] cjae: run mplayer from konsole, when it does you will have some intelligent info [10:42] not far fetched right?? [10:43] smplayer you mean [10:43] shadeslayer: depends on the demograpic of the sample, you can prove anything with stats [10:43] kmplayer works fine though [10:43] cjae: whatever, just launc it in konsole [10:43] :) [10:43] :$ [10:43] ActionParsnip2: i dont think 20 pc is far fetched [10:43] cool [10:44] cjae: mabe smplayer is buggy [10:44] is there no #smplayer?? [10:44] >< [10:44] cjae: try uninstalling it and wiping its settings out in your home folder, then reinstall [10:44] shadeslayer: #mplayer will help you [10:45] i dont use mplayer [10:45] i use VLC with GUI [10:47] ActionParsnip2: konsole doesn't say shot [10:47] shit [10:47] keep it clean [10:47] opps [10:47] yeah [10:47] so theres no output to the konsole when it falls over? [10:47] sorry usually hands do swear [10:47] you just get control back [10:48] cjae: did you run it with a & on the end of the command? [10:48] just tells you its launching smplayer [10:48] smplayer /where my media was/ [10:50] cjae: i think on getdeb is an newer smplayer but iam not sure [10:51] ActionParsnip2: ?? [10:51] cjae: ok as long as yu didnt use & thats cool [10:51] mplayer from cli is good too [10:51] anyone running into any problems with kde.4.2 and konq? it crashes on launch :( seems like this chap has the same problem http://www.nabble.com/Konqueror-crashing-at-launch-with-KDE-4.2.1-on-Kubuntu-Intrepid-td22364770.html [10:51] cjae: is there a verbose output for smplayer? [10:52] cjae: so you can see whats going on? [10:52] what does & do [10:52] & == put to back ground [10:52] cjae: do yuo use compiz? [10:52] right forgot [10:52] kwin [10:52] ok i dont have to give the example [10:52] how do I enable previews in Konqeror with kde4.2, I want to see a pop up with a preview when I mouse over a png [10:53] ActionParsnip2: you mean smplayer -v /mymediawhereever/ or something similar? [10:53] victim: view -> thumbnals I believe [10:54] cjae: ou'll have to read the man page to find the exact syntax but yeah something like that [10:54] right will [10:54] can you give that exapmle you were talking about? [10:55] cjae: man smplayer [10:55] you want verbose outputs and it will tell you exactly what its doing and when [10:55] hearing things from other peoples perspectives sometimes make other things click [10:55] I mean with & [10:56] ok i dont have to give the example [10:57] cjae: i was gonna use compiz as an exmple of what & does but you said you already understood it [10:58] ActionParsnip2: could you give the example anyway [10:58] * cjae makes puppy dog eyes [10:58] I found view / preview and ticked it :) [10:59] which changed turned the icons into previews [11:00] cjae: ok well if you run compiz --replace to enable compiz [11:00] man smplayer doesn't say to much I thought konsole autmatically verbosed things [11:01] cjae: it will lock that terminal for the life of compiz, untill you prss ctrl+c or kill compilz [11:01] right like with emerald and metacity [11:01] cjae: if you use compiz --replace & it will be sent to the background and you will be able to use the same konsole [11:01] sure [11:01] the & will make the konsole active so yuo can spawn multiple processes with the same konsole [11:02] however if you close that konsole, all the processes it spawned will die too [11:03] ? [11:03] nice to meet you [11:03] I'm a comer here [11:04] ActionParsnip2: right ok thank you beause that answered an unanswered question in my head from back when I was using beryl [11:04] Hello everybody, i was wondering if i could get some help. [11:04] * cjae tips hat to AP [11:04] I'm having some mouse problems and i'm very new to Linux [11:04] hi. i am trying to run opendx but it is telling me it failed to load libWand.so.10. i believe this library comes with imagemagick (which is installed). what is the problem? :\ [11:04] haha beryl was pretty slick [11:05] liked it alot [11:05] i wrote some of beryl :) [11:05] quassel30: try apt-file [11:05] quassel30: it will tell you what packages a file is in [11:06] hated it with more the one desktop environment === mark_ is now known as Wolskie [11:06] cool [11:06] i knew it wouldnt work :P [11:06] like the idea of kwin but is not nearly as nice as beryl [11:06] i ditched both [11:07] ok im using arch, not kubuntu. im just here cause there's more support :P unfortunately no apt-file [11:07] it's saying "logitech mouse connected and libusb was found at compile time... possibly caused by a permissions problem... check manual..." [11:07] So i check the manual... which says... [11:08] I need to create a script for it inside /ect/hotplug/usb/ [11:08] ActionParsnip2: thanks again gotta get somethings to eat [11:08] Except... that directory does not exist... [11:08] quassel30: do you have the file anywhere on your system? [11:09] ActionParsnip2: thanks for the view / preview tip [11:09] ActionParsnip2: no [11:10] quassel30: whats the output of: file /usr/local/lib/libWand.so.10 [11:11] no such file or directory [11:11] i already did a recursive search, it doesnt exist on my system [11:11] I also checked the ubuntu forums, and there was only information pertaining to 6.8, not 6.10 which I'm on... === bob_ is now known as bob_asus-A3L [11:13] ActionParsnip2: can you use the amazing kubuntu's apt-file and tell me what package it's on? :( im new to arch lol [11:13] don't think there is an equivalent on arch [11:13] !info apt-file [11:14] apt-file (source: apt-file): APT package searching utility -- command-line interface. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.1.4 (intrepid), package size 18 kB, installed size 140 kB [11:14] quassel30, you are using arch or kubuntu [11:14] arch [11:14] ok gimme a sec [11:14] bit offtopic for here [11:15] Nobody? [11:15] there is the channel #archlinux for that [11:15] ahh thanks, i tried #arch and there's 4 users lol [11:16] heh [11:19] quassel30: andy@fileserver:~$ apt-file search libWand.so.10 [11:19] libmagick10: /usr/lib/libWand.so.10 [11:19] libmagick10: /usr/lib/libWand.so.10.0.9 [11:19] it would be real nice to be able to adjust my mouse resolution to 800 dpi [11:19] thanks ActionParsnip2 [11:19] !mouse [11:19] :) [11:19] Enabling extra mouse buttons: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ManyButtonsMouseHowto - Enabling serial mouse: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SerialMouseHowto [11:20] DeVilDeMonde: are you using kubuntu 6.8? I can't help with your mouse issue, sorry [11:21] Yes I am [11:21] I meant 6.10 [11:21] How do you get the user's name to pop up in front of your text? [11:21] Yes I am [11:22] I just typed the first few letters then pressed tab for auto completion [11:22] victim: Thank you [11:22] ActionParsnip2: that had no help on the logitech problem :( [11:23] logitech hate linux [11:23] they flat refuse to support it [11:24] hi all [11:24] ActionParsnip2: I see that... I just want to adjust the DPI of it... and the manual led me to create a script in a directory that does not exist... [11:24] DeVilDeMonde: try in #ubuntu there's more than 1300 nicks, somebody there might be able to help [11:24] I just upgraded to kde4.2.1 in intrepid....now konqueror doesn't load....any ideas? [11:24] DeVilDeMonde: maybe theres some option you can put in xorg.conf to get the dpi [11:24] victim: Thank you I just might... [11:25] DeVilDeMonde: did you try to create to create the folders and file? [11:26] ActionParsnip2: well it wants me to put a couple of scripts inside /etc/hotplug/usb/ which seems easy enough, but there's no /hotswap inside /ect there are a few hotswaps elsewhere though... [11:26] DeVilDeMonde: try logitech-applet or lomoco. [11:26] !info logitech-applet [11:26] logitech-applet (source: logitech-applet): Logitech mouse tweaking utility. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.4~test1-0ubuntu2 (intrepid), package size 15 kB, installed size 80 kB [11:26] !info lomoco [11:26] lomoco (source: lomoco): Logitech Mouse Control for USB mice. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0beta1+1.0-5 (intrepid), package size 15 kB, installed size 124 kB [11:27] my advice is to buy more supprted hardware rather that dodgeytech who refuse to support linux [11:27] ActionParsnip2: Already got the logitech-applet [11:28] thats all i can suggest myself, try #ubuntu or try later, different users [11:29] ActionParsnip2: Victim: thank you both heading to #ubuntu now === DarkSmoke is now known as darksmoke [11:33] hey cant kpackage edit upgrade my installation like adept?? [11:34] as of ntow i run ap [11:34] as of now i run apt [11:34] mention me and ill reply [11:36] shadeslayer: just edit /etc/apt/sources.lst with your favourite text editor [11:37] ive always used that and apt-get [11:37] uh no i mean like adept used to notify me if upgrades were available [11:37] isnt that available?? [11:37] sudo apt-get install adept-notifier [11:38] might wanna check my sp [11:38] CLI can be intimidating to first time users [11:38] :P apt is busy right now [11:39] shadeslayer: well all the guides use it in the official ducumentation [11:39] well ive been avoiding adept since it removed kubuntu-desktop [11:39] >< [11:40] i got only CLI for 2 days,and i couldnt figure why [11:40] =) === k is now known as Guest76010 [11:53] Hi .. === irfan is now known as Guest49504 === pegasus is now known as pegasus__ === darksmoke is now known as DarkSmoke [12:01] hi there. Is somebody else getting plasma crashes at startup? (kde 4.2.1; intrepid) [12:02] (packages from launchpad) [12:04] I could use some help sharing sound output between my onboard sound and usb headset. Anyone got some knowledge of the alsa configuration/plugins? [12:07] @Azzco: I've done this with pulseaudio+alsa. Without pulseaudio: no idea [12:08] maggo79, pulseaudio does not recognize my headset, else I'd do that. =( [12:09] @Azzco: strange. have you activated the pulseaudio-alsa plugin? [12:10] Huh? Where'd I do that? :s first time I hear about it [12:12] @Azzco: /etc/pulse/default.pa [12:13] @Azzco: or per user: ~/.pulse/default.pa [12:14] what is it with usb headsets? [12:14] do no companys use the standard 3.5mm jack anymore [12:14] ActionParsnip2, why one should use one or why they're so bothersome? [12:15] i just see so many issues with them. i can attatch standard headphones to my soundcard output and it works [12:15] lol, Actually I kind of like this headset. I just find it weird that PA recognizes them as input but not output.. [12:15] or even into my speaker [12:16] maggo79, module-alsa-sink can be used to specify output? [12:17] Azzco: why are they so bothersome, and why dont people just use the interface thats worked for soo long [12:18] @Azzco: sorry, it's too long ago that I configured pulseaudio.... [12:20] maggo79, thanks anyway I think this got me on the right track. :) [12:23] has anybody else had the following error with the show desktop and lancelot launcher widget: "unable to load the widget could not find requested component", i've gotten it after the latest update and can no longer use those two (for me important) widgets === root is now known as Guest78592 [12:25] i've tried removing and adding them but with no success and other widgets do work [12:35] hi [12:38] it seems the last update broke a few things in relation to kde 3 apps [12:38] can anybody still run digikam? [12:38] in wich way? [12:40] /exit [12:41] kaffeine cannot find xine any more, and digicam starts and works, but it cannot find showfoto and the kipi-plugins [12:48] hello. can sb pls tell whether digikam works for them? [12:49] a very good day to the room.........i am using a hp pavilion dv6000 laptop i am using a wireless connection to connect to my home server(WHS) but i keep losing the signal to the server can i be help???? [12:50] the wireless signal is good but can't connect to my server [12:51] Kbeville: if you run lspci you will see what your wireless device is, you can websearc using that info [12:52] Kbeville: i'd suggest using a wired connection to get fully updated if it is a fresh install [12:52] thanks [12:53] Any ideas when the 2..6.28 kernel will be in repos? [12:53] .28 has been in the 9.04 repos for a while [12:54] Im not using 9.04, using intrepid === pete_ is now known as Guest90976 [12:54] 9.04 is still beta, right? [12:54] alpha5 [12:55] !jaunty [12:55] Jaunty Jackalope is the code for Ubuntu 9.04, due April 2009 - Lots of breakage between now and April - Please join #ubuntu+1 for discussion and support. [12:55] Thats what I thought. Im not experienced enough for beta let alone alpha... [13:03] 安装KDE后老是崩溃是怎么回事亚 [13:03] 有知道的么? [13:04] !cn [13:04] For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw 或者 #ubuntu-hk [13:04] so nobody uses digikam here? [13:05] with 4.2 chris-rc1 ? [13:07] bazhang: yes, 4.2 [13:08] chris-rc1, thought there was something in the install notes about a conflict with digikam [13:19] bazhang: it just doesn't find the kipi-plugins and showfoto, but doesn't complain or anything === DarkSmoke420 is now known as darksmoke [13:23] Anyone here use a Dell Studio XPS 1640 w/ kubuntu? [13:23] (pretty random question) [13:23] or the Studio XPS 16 [13:23] as it's sometimes called === _schiste is now known as schiste [13:26] Pretty nice machine right there. [13:26] 2.4GHz, 1066MHz FSB, 3MB Cache (probably L2), 512MB ATI, 4GB DDR3 [13:26] Wonder how well it will play w/ kubuntu [13:27] kind of hesitant to get a machine that *may* work w/ linux [13:27] if I want to stop knetworkmanager from auto-starting for all users, which of the following files should I move (an explination of the difference between these two would be nice as well)? [13:28] /usr/share/autostart/knetworkmanager.desktop [13:28] /etc/xdg/autostart/knetworkmanager-autostart.desktop [13:28] rmrfslash: Only question I would have is the ATI support with linux. I have not had great luck with ATI and Linux. [13:28] btw, kubuntu 4.2 fade in fade out boot screen is kind of cool [13:29] This is what I've heard too [13:29] :-\ [13:29] what about envy? [13:29] or is it right down to the driver [13:29] linux is a nvidia fan? [13:29] I have older ATI 9600 and used envy to install drivers. Worked pretty well, but I use dual head setup and always PITA to get set up and even then never exactly as I want it. [13:29] Yes nVidia works better. [13:30] *typically* [13:30] Check specific GPU and compat with linux. [13:30] yeah... ive had dual display problems on every linux machine i've had regardless of nvidia [13:31] ATI Mobility Raedon HD 3670 [13:31] I just bought ASUS G71G-A2 ( dual 2.53 , 6M L2, 6G RAM, nVidia 9800M GS). [13:31] ::: googling ::: === jeffrey_ is now known as JS88 [13:32] 6M L2? [13:32] damn [13:32] 9800M GS not supported in 177 driver only starts with 180, but 180 not avail for kernel 2.6.27 [13:32] Yea, nice machine. 17" [13:33] Apparently, according to "opendrivers.com" Raedon 1.2 Linux supports this chipset [13:33] RaedonHD 1.2 that is [13:34] Nothing about the "Mobility" [13:34] not sure if this matters [13:34] or if the API is the same [13:35] or whatever is used to communicate w/ the graphics card [13:36] According to some dude on nabble.com, "According to my xorg.log, the raedon driver supports the following cards" [13:37] including the ATI Mobility 3670 [13:37] HD [13:37] Looks like I should be in business w/ this laptop [13:38] IS this the typical sequence of events for buying a laptop? [13:38] Checking every component for compatibility? [13:39] rmrfslash, just wireless and graphics card mostly [13:40] rmrfslash, most every thing works very very well ootb [13:40] "oobt" [13:40] out of the box [13:40] ? [13:41] oh ook [13:41] "Order Submitted" [13:41] :) [13:41] ie upon first install, no config [13:42] hello, I run KDE 4.2 on Kubuntu 8.10, I have a problem with my DVD-RW drive, it is not reading any CDs or DVDs or rarely does so, I didn't find much on the problem searching online but it seems it is some problem with KDE or Kubuntu, can anyone help? [13:42] I am not a proud owner of a Dell XPS 1640 [13:42] and I will be installing kubuntu [13:42] as soon as it arrives [13:43] First time I've owned a PC in like 5-6 years [13:43] been using a Mac [13:44] * RurouniJones hisses [13:44] Hey now. [13:44] OS X is cool [13:44] Well, not really, as long as you were using it for the right reasons :p [13:44] you have to admit [13:44] osx is bsd [13:44] when will there be KDE 4.2.1 packages for kubuntu? [13:44] with chains [13:44] Well, just cuz my old supervisor was a Mac freak [13:44] so I got a PowerBook G4 [13:44] Served me well [13:45] too much $$ tho [13:45] My new place of employment is all linux [13:47] does anybody have digikam for kde4 running in intrepid? [13:51] chris-rc1: are you compiling it yourself? [13:56] tuxi: no, i just cannot use digikam for kde3 in intrepid any more, so i thought i could install the rc for digikam 0.10 [13:58] hiyas [13:58] I'm not a digikam user, so I haven't worked on trying to sort it out -- the version in the repos I'm using appears to conflict with some of the libraries I'm using [13:58] hey BluesKaj [14:06] tuxi . recommend reinstalling digikam with synaptic or attitude ..they bring the dependencies along with the app in a much more comprehensive and complete manner [14:07] err aptitude , tuxi === drostie_ is now known as drostie [14:08] is there any way to get media:/ back in kde4 ? [14:10] Exilant , look in dolphin for volume (ntfs) , or look for the devices plugged in icon [14:11] the device manager seems to dislike encrypted partitions [14:11] or internal partitions not mounted [14:13] Exilant , yeah i remember some complaining about hidden encrypted drives ..makes sense tho :) [14:14] dolphin is a bit better, shows external encrypted partions, no internal ones though [14:14] but fails to moun(that might be jauntys alphaness) [14:15] mount -t iso9660 myimage.iso /mnt/device -o loop [14:15] oh jauny , then goto #kubuntu+1 [14:16] juanty === dstar_ is now known as dstar [14:44] anybody home? [14:45] anybody know how to get really verbose messages on suspend/resume? I am currently looking at pretty much black screens suspending or resuming :/ === n is now known as Guest14651 === giarc111 is now known as giarca [14:51] How do i get the fire effect to work in compiz when i close a window? [14:53] vbgunz: Not sure there's a way to increase verbosity of the shell scripts ... you may want to look at http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=3066404 for tips on suspend/resume/hibernation debugging in other ways though [14:55] Nevermind i got it [14:56] hi [14:56] can't get strigi to start as a service for using it with nepomuk [14:56] someone can help? [14:58] someone listening? [14:58] fabio_: I don't know that much about linux or ubuntu yet, sorry i can't help you [14:59] Thankyou Devil [14:59] i'm still trying to figure out how to use compiz themes LOL [14:59] are you using kubuntu? [15:00] yes i am [15:00] Devil... [15:00] 8.10 [15:00] wich version? [15:00] ok... [15:00] I knew that was coming ;) [15:00] tried kwin compositing? [15:00] No idea what that is [15:01] system setting-> Desktop, and check enable desktop effects [15:01] how do i get onto irc.efnet.org im not familiar with konversation or IRC protocol [15:01] did you find it? [15:01] no such entry in system [15:02] however when right clicking on desktop under visual effects i have extra checked [15:02] have yu kde4? [15:03] od kde 3.5 [15:03] 4:4.1.4 it seems [15:03] ok... [15:04] had to look at synaptic to tell you that [15:04] LOL [15:04] in the k-menu should be an icon: system settings [15:04] find it [15:05] found it! [15:05] ok: in Look&feel you should have Desktop [15:05] ok clicked [15:05] click on it [15:06] * DeVilDeMonde nods and is looking at that now [15:06] Enable desktop effects [15:06] checked already [15:07] try ALT+TAB what happens? [15:07] in fact under that improved windows management it goes through open applications [15:07] soory typed one thing and stopped when you asked a question [15:07] it cycles through open applications. [15:07] ok...seems that compositing works...wich effect do you desider? [15:08] cube shere, snow falling..magic lamp wobbling windows? [15:08] I have this emerald theme called fire dragon. I'd like that theme enabled [15:08] But no idea how to enable it [15:08] ah ok... [15:08] well hardware and drivers works well... [15:09] so i think ou have to google a bit [15:09] yeah got the burn effect enabled on window close, this theme would go well with it. [15:09] never used compiz and such 3rd-party things. [15:09] Already got the theme installed even... just have to figure out how to enable it [15:10] it there no emerald-theme-manager anymore? [15:10] it's up, but i see no way to apply the theme [15:10] double clicking does nothing [15:10] try : http://www.kde-forum.org/artikel/18451/kde4-compiz-fusion.html [15:10] Emerald themer 0.7.2 [15:11] can't help you more than this. [15:11] Enjoy your Kubuntu weekend! Bye! [15:11] hmm it might require a log-out/in eh? NP brb [15:12] well..i was asking: someone got strigi with nepomuk working? [15:13] Doh, no dice [15:13] :-( [15:13] Yeah :( [15:14] well [15:14] I am leaving now [15:14] bye [15:14] fabio_: ok good luck with your problem, thanks for trying to help [15:16] Hi ! [15:17] Since few days (maybe recent updates), plasma hang randomly, and i need to wait around 10 seconds before any action on the taskbar really occurs [15:17] kubuntu 8.10 64 bits, kde 4.2 from backport [15:18] any idea ? Is there some log file for plasma action ? [15:18] because it isn't a process eating the cpu nor than a disk access [15:19] it just wait for something tahtis not happening [15:22] ok, nevermind, just hop jaunty won't have this kind of behavior [15:22] hope [15:24] Somehow I borked konqueror and now it won't start; I tried reinstalling, any ideas? findServiceByDesktopPath: searchproviders/.desktop not found [15:26] kvh: Try removing it's rc file in ~/.kde/share/config [15:29] genii-around: nope, didn't work [15:29] Hello everybody! [15:29] I've removed the entire .kde and rebooted... no luck [15:30] kvh: You could try remove with purge then reinstall (of konq) [15:35] Anyone in here? [15:35] jimdb_: Lots. How many are awake is another matter [15:36] I'm awake :) [15:36] Hello drostie! [15:37] hi [15:37] how to disable all Kwin effect in kde 4.1 :) ? [15:37] genii-around: nope... I wonder what I did... most other KDE apps work [15:38] hn8456: Do you mean the Desktop Effects? [15:38] draik_: yes [15:39] hn8456: K Menu > System Settings > Desktop > Desktop Effects [15:39] In kde 4.2, something happens while copying files or downloading files just about anything having to do with writing file. What happens is there is a big ring that flashes in the center of the screen. This ting is made up of smaller white circles. I would like to turn it off. Is there a way to turn it off? [15:39] oi [15:39] jimdb_: That's the loading image. [15:40] edinhoo3231@hotmail.com [15:40] draik_: thank you very much ! :) [15:40] It flashes all the time. It is annoying [15:40] hn8456: No problem. [15:40] jimdb_: Then you can use CLI [15:40] oi galera [15:41] jimdb_: do you have folderview as desktop-containment? [15:41] oi [15:41] hi all [15:41] how do i edit /etc/network/interfaces to use custom DNS server? [15:41] LOL no way. It isn't going to happen that way. There has to be a way to turn it off. It also happens when downloading with firefox [15:42] I have folder view [15:42] como uszar webcam nesse chat [15:43] hi all === kyoshinn is now known as kyoshinn_ === kyoshinn_ is now known as kyoshinn [15:46] lovre: I was looking online for your inquiry and I came across a site that someone says they did it on Ubuntu and are trying to do it on RedHat. Too bad they didn't mention anything on how they did it exactly. [15:47] Have you had any luck with http://www.google.com/linux ? [15:48] driver para webcam [15:48] noteship [15:48] 5 led [15:48] zoom [15:48] usb [15:48] edinho: maybe you have noticed it, but people here talk english .... [15:49] !br | edinho [15:49] edinho: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado. [15:49] 1.1ok [15:49] ok [15:49] draik_: thank you for looking, i tried but its all still messed up in my head, so i cant figure it all out [15:50] lovre: I know I've seen something once in the past and that's how I stumbled across OpenDNS, but I'm not sure about where I saw it. [15:50] Best of luck though. [15:51] draik_: thanks. .im gonna need it lol :D [15:53] help [15:53] hello [15:53] is there a repository for ubuntu that offers to install koffice 2.0 beta 7 ? [15:54] i just rmoed kde from my ubuntu installation and i cannot get back into gdm [15:56] ubuntu_: reinstall ubuntu-desktop?? [15:56] and loose all my files? [15:57] ubuntu_: why would you loose all your files, its just a desktop manager library... [15:57] a package if you will [15:58] ubuntu_: i dont mean reinstall ubuntu (OS), i just mean ubuntu-desktop package [15:59] how do i do that bcos i can't get into the graphic interface only command line [16:00] ubuntu_: do you have internet access? [16:00] do it in commandline >.> ~$ sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop [16:01] i am using a wireless lan , can i do that? [16:02] you should be able.. [16:03] then he need to put wireless up in commandline, i don't think ubuntu boot with wlan up [16:03] ok thanks. i will have to try that. [16:04] sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop [16:04] about getting wireless up [16:04] how do i do thwt [16:04] !iwconfig [16:04] Sorry, I don't know anything about iwconfig [16:04] blah ~ [16:05] you need to use iwconfig [16:05] try iwconfig --help you will see the options [16:05] then connect to my wireless network? [16:06] ya [16:06] ubuntu_, http://www.newlinuxuser.com/howto-use-iwconfig/ check that out [16:07] ok thanks. [16:09] I'm running foremost right now from the img I created from the 500GB HDD. Is there a better method than this? [16:10] i have compiled digikam 0.10 from the svn repo but i cannot find an executable in /opt/kde4. where is it? [16:12] thanks to all who responded to my queries. see u soon [16:13] ubuntu_: good luck [16:14] hmmm is there any termial based irc client ? [16:14] Elone: Quite a few. irssi comes to mind first however [16:15] so irssi ^^ thanks ~ goo to know might be hardy someday ;p [16:16] Elone: Quite a few people use irssi with screen so they can keep connecting to the same session by ssh wherever they are [16:19] This is slightly off-topic and I apologize, but I want to know... Can someone recommend a book on PHP, Ruby on Rails and MySQL? [16:19] genii-around, i see [16:20] draik_, book for dummy? or O'Relly? ;p idk [16:21] I really like O'Reilly's work. [16:21] draik_, i think that they have everything XD [16:21] OK. I just want something that will give me the ins and outs of the aforementioned topics [16:21] Thanks Elone [16:22] Any boks by Oreilly or Wrox are usually good [16:22] *books [16:25] I have a few O'Reilly books, but didn't know if there was something more with more details and such. Not that O'Reilly doesn't provide it, just want to know my options. === quassel251__ is now known as jussi01 === raptor is now known as Guest70208 === draik__ is now known as draik_ === shaman is now known as Guest20369 [16:45] erm, what the hell, just upgraded xulrunner and firefox, now firefox and konq won't boot up [16:45] great [16:45] anyone know how to revert back an upgrade? === ubott2 is now known as ubottu [16:46] you may have the old packade in /var/apt/cache/ [16:46] try installing it out of there [16:46] J_A_X: are you using KDE 4.2 from ppa ? [16:48] hi what should i do to installa kde4.2.1 ? [16:48] pawleeq: wait until it's announced in kubuntu.org [16:48] pawleeq: and then read announcement carefully [16:49] tm_t: ya [16:49] it runs in safe-mode [16:49] J_A_X: ppa is not for "normal users" [16:49] but when i try to run it normally, it quits right of the bat [16:50] J_A_X: kubuntu-experimental is for developers testing and so on, so it's known to get breakages [16:50] good point, but there was a reason why I went with it... [16:50] anywho, I'll remove it from the list, but is there a way to revert back the last upgrade? [16:50] J_A_X: was, though, still it was and is unstable [16:51] J_A_X: no reasonable way, nor reason in firefox case [16:51] J_A_X: anyway, KDE 4.2 is in backports [16:51] Tm_T: well, I switched to kde on my work computer, where I normally use gnome and 4.2.1 was there, so I thought it has been osfficily released [16:51] pawleeq: jaunty? [16:51] well, I could remove xulrunner, remove ppa then reinstall right? [16:51] Tm_T: intrp [16:51] J_A_X: xulrunner is not from ppa (: [16:52] when what came from ppa that might crash firefox and konq [16:52] pawleeq: so you have some source providing 4.2.1, did you check kubuntu.org announcements? [16:52] then* [16:52] J_A_X: firefox crash is prolly not from ppa [16:52] J_A_X: but Konqueror was in crashy state earlier today [16:53] hum... [16:53] so, any suggestions then? [16:54] J_A_X: for firefox, no idea, for Konqueror yes, upgrade from ppa or remove ppa and packages installed from there and then reinstall them from backports [16:54] Tm_T: I checked them, the strange thing is, the sources are the same on both machines [16:55] Hey all, just a quick question: How do I set up IRC in Kopete? (I'm using Pidgin right now) I don't see IRC in the account types? [16:56] Tm_T: and how would I do that?> [16:56] J_A_X: sorry, you have to ask from someone else [16:56] Itacious: it's still unstable in Kopete, so doesn't exist in Kubuntu [16:56] http://dpaste.com/8003/ , is there something wrong with my repository list? because i updated with the notification icon in the system tray and now my plasmoids aren't working [16:56] :( [16:57] Thanks anyway. [16:57] well... the notes plasmoid and the show desktop [16:58] i tryed apt-get install kdeplasmoids and of course have unmet dependencies: kdeplasmoids: Depends: kdeplasma-addons but it is not going to be installed [16:59] ibuffy: are you in intrepid with kde 4.2? [16:59] chris-rc1: yes [17:05] ibuffy: the package name for plasmoids has changed since 4.1, i believe [17:05] ibuffy: the package name for plasmoids has changed since 4.1, i believe [17:05] ibuffy: it's now kdeplasma-addons [17:05] do i need: deb http://gb.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ intrepid-proposed restricted main multiverse universe [17:06] ibuffy: proposed ones are "under testing" I believe, so if you don't like to be tester... [17:07] not right now [17:07] i just think some of these repos contradict each other, of course i don't know enough about apt [17:09] ibuffy: no, you don't [17:10] chris-rc1: lol, that is vague. what are you saying? i don't know much about apt or what? [17:12] ibuffy: what you need is the ppa repos for kde 4.2. i wouldn't recommend proposed. these packages will be in backports later, i think (not sure though) [17:12] ibuffy: the 'no, you don't' comment referred to 'do i need this archive' [17:13] okay, just making sure :) [17:13] do sudo apt-get install kdeplasma-addons [17:13] or use adept/synaptic === fysaen_ is now known as fysaen [17:14] http://dpaste.com/8021/ [17:17] i did install kdeplasma-addons earlier though right after mentioning the problem [17:17] and the plasmoids are back [17:17] What is a good data recovery tool within Linux? I had a 500GB HDD that had 350GB for Linux. I did a quick format to NTFS and I want to know how to get it back. [17:17] so why won't kdeplasmoids install? [17:17] ibuffy: so everything okay now? [17:18] ibuffy: why do you want kdeplasmoids? [17:18] it's listed, why not [17:18] more plasmoids can't hurt [17:19] ibuffy: are you on kde 4.2? as kdeplasmoids is 4.1.x :) === nicolas_ is now known as Guest11320 === Guest11320 is now known as Bou [17:19] this is really disturbing. i've just installed digikam and kipi-plugins from the svn repos and digikam cannot find kipi-plugins. just like when i use the kde3 version of digikam [17:19] this is what i'm saying. kdeplasma-addons replaces kdeplasmoids [17:19] gorgonizer: i am indeed on 4.2 ...i've suspected that one of the repositories is wrong. [17:20] this is just a leftover from 4.1. don't worry [17:20] ibuffy: as chris-rc1 states, kdeplasmoids is the name of the package for 4.1.x, kdeplasma-addons replaces it in 4.2.x [17:20] why is it still there? [17:21] not a technical question, so too hard too handle :-) [17:21] to [17:21] as 4.1.x is still in the main kubuntu repos.. for people who didn't want to upgrade to 4.2 :) [17:21] who wouldn't want to upgrade [17:21] it was mostly unstable for me and missing a lot [17:21] anywho [17:22] ibuffy: that is a question I cannot answer [17:22] hehe [17:22] it was rhetorical [17:22] can anybody tell me if digikam-kde4 works for them on intrepid? [17:22] oh.. apologies :) [17:22] np :) [17:23] okay then, chris-rc1, Tm_T, gorgonizer, thank you all [17:23] Hello Guys, I'm DL'ing the KDE desktop and installing it for the 1st time and ...well I'm not sure wherew to start to tell the truth. [17:24] RPS: kde 4 is a mess, yes [17:24] I'm a Ubuntu 8.10 user [17:24] RPS: not your fault [17:24] oh boy ...are you trying to scare me? ;) [17:24] in version 4.2 (jaunty) it's almost usable [17:24] Exilant, kde? [17:25] yes [17:25] I find it useable (4.2.1) on Intrepid :) [17:25] me too [17:25] So I take it that it's a bit messy then [17:25] RPS: no [17:25] RPS: but different from KDE3 for sure [17:25] * RPS wonders what he is getting into [17:26] RPS: that's why KDE 4.2 is "The Answer" ;p [17:26] well, for me it's really almost usable, some things are really cool, some things are just arghh [17:26] RPS: it is not as organised as KDE 3.5, but after some investigation it becomes easier :) [17:26] I'm a complete newbie to kde ...I'm getting nervous [17:26] why? [17:27] rps, just go with the flow, kde doesn't bite [17:27] you should be excited, not nervous :-) [17:27] I have the configure KDM blue screen looming in my terminal as we speak [17:27] no need to feel nervous.. there are always people willing to help.. get stuck in ;) [17:29] so its asking me to choose between gdm and kdm [17:30] If I choose kdm will it put me in the kde environment immediately? [17:31] well it does say default, so this is where I'm deciding what will be the default then? [17:31] sounds like yes [17:32] but anyway you can always switch at login step between gdm or kdm [17:32] I chose gdm [17:32] then at login step you will have to choose kdm if you want to see KDE [17:32] I'm sure I'm worried about next to nothing ....this is only a gui after all [17:33] RPS: it's just the login screen [17:33] ciao [17:33] !list [17:33] Hi! I'm #kubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots [17:33] you can choose to start a kde or gnome session in both kdm and gdm [17:33] (or xdm) [17:34] well my terminal window is in a calm state again ...do I just log out and back in to get into the kde eniv.? [17:35] you log out, in gdm you search for some session type dropdown or so, and choose kde [17:36] or kwin --replace, if you just want to get a look at kde-like windows :) [17:36] I do see a lot of new programs listed in my applications area [17:36] kwin? [17:36] so I can get a look without logging out then? [17:36] kde's window manager [17:37] well, won't give you much of kde [17:37] and might crash [17:37] I'll just log out and give it a whirl [17:37] to get it full, you'll have to log out [17:38] hello [17:38] im using konversation client [17:38] I'll be back shortly with my impressions [17:38] and when im trying to connect to quakenet [17:38] the server says i have trojan [17:39] is it because of the client?\ [17:45] well, I logged out and I saw no option to log back in under kde, so I then I rebooted the pc and it showed the kubuntu splash screen, but booted right back into ubuntu [17:46] I somehow nuked my xorg.conf. is there a tool to help me probe my hardware and regenerate the file? [17:46] RPS: on the gdm/kdm screen, there should be an option called Menu, within which there will be a Session option, from which you can select which environment to boot into (I think) [17:46] gdm/kdm ...where do I find that? [17:47] I've been digging around looking for the clues [17:47] RPS /etc/init.d/kdm [17:47] if thats the one you meant [17:48] oh sorry didnt read previus texts [17:48] RPS forget what i said [17:48] I thought I would have an option at login [17:48] ^^ [17:48] rps, in gdm, you should be able to start kde [17:49] otherwise, if you want to change to using kdm, try dpkg-reconfigure kdm/gdm [17:49] so I hear, but I've not unlocked the secret yet. .lol [17:49] :) [17:50] Ok the computer in question had an onboard ati graphics installed and I don't believe that the ati fglrx driver was installed. Now the computer has a nvidia 7400 geforce card pci-e in it but kde window manager freezes upon login, here are the steps ive done so far [17:50] I thought it was as simple as making a choice at boot up [17:51] recovery mode xfix, I think this issues the sudo dpkg --reconfigure -xserver-xorg? [17:51] then I took it to the console and stopped kdm [17:52] cjae: you got an extra hyphen in there [17:52] trappist: used recovery mode [17:52] sudo dpkg --configure -a [17:53] sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade [17:53] sudo apt-get --reinstall install kde-window-manager [17:53] i have no write access on my linux partition when booting. is there a way to fix this? [17:53] sudo apt-get -f install [17:54] and kwin still freezes after login [17:54] so does mean that the ati driver could be loading and causing issue [17:55] or that the onboard is not shut offf in the bios properly [17:58] this is kubuntu 8.10 btw [18:02] gorgonizer, where do I find the gdm/kdm screen? [18:03] the login screen.. [18:04] on kdm the menu is in the bottom right hand corner.. I have no idea where it would be on gdm.. [18:04] where you type in your password and such [18:04] anyone know the default root password? [18:04] tony403: there is none [18:04] like the screen to dual boot ...where I can chose ubuntu or XP? [18:05] i can't write to my linux partition so it's prompting for a root password. wtfsck? [18:05] gorgonizer: its in the left corner in GDM [18:05] I glanced over it and I didn't see kubuntu listed, but I may have missed it [18:05] tony403: ubuntu uses sudo. try your own password [18:05] press F10 [18:05] and then change session [18:06] shadeslayer: cheers for the info :) [18:06] :) [18:06] np [18:06] dang no luck with f10 [18:07] RPS: for w?? [18:07] *what?? [18:07] sorry I thought you were speaking to me [18:07] RPS: and ypu want to do what?? [18:07] *o [18:07] boot into kde [18:07] and you have GDM?? [18:08] it showed kubuntu while the pc was booting, but went straight into ubuntu [18:08] oh [18:08] you havent set kubuntu to default [18:08] >< [18:08] yes I chose gdm when I was installing the kde desktop envir [18:08] ok logout [18:08] rps, do you have autologin or so enabled? [18:08] I thought I could chose at login [18:09] yes you can [18:09] XD [18:09] well this pc dual boots XP [18:09] that sounds familiar [18:09] " yes you can " [18:09] so it brings up a window to chose xp or ubuntu [18:09] How can I turn off knetworkmanager for all users? [18:09] RPS: and then you reach the login screen if you choose ubuntu [18:09] right?? [18:10] Nope ...it just boots right into ubuntu if I chose it at the dual boot screen [18:10] rps, that with xp/buntu is grub. kdm/gdm is the program that starts the x server (graphical ui) [18:10] oh auto login is enabled [18:10] Exilant: yeah its auto login [18:10] I am clay ...mold me [18:11] lol [18:11] ok open the login prefrences window [18:11] sys>admn>login [18:12] done?? [18:12] yeah [18:12] go to the security tab [18:12] disable automatic login [18:13] that was too simple ...I swear I'm not an idiot ...I just play one on irc [18:13] then logout press F10 and select your session i.e KDE or GNOME [18:13] lol [18:13] try it [18:13] linux is not hard [18:14] hi [18:14] !hi | nacer [18:14] nacer: Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu! [18:14] RPS: success?? [18:15] .lmao ...ubuntu just doesn;t want to go away [18:15] haha [18:15] I tried hiting F10 multiple times [18:15] well did you get to the login screen?? [18:15] it just ignored me [18:15] :O [18:15] well how about switching to KDM?? [18:15] where it asked for my user name? [18:15] yeah [18:16] I'll try it one more time [18:16] hang tight [18:19] Houston, this isn't Kansas anymore [18:19] RPS: any luck?? [18:19] :P [18:19] .LOL I was lost [18:19] yes [18:19] what happened?? [18:19] I was like ...okkkkk where do I get started [18:19] last time [18:19] I'm in kde [18:19] yayy [18:19] i mean where did you get lost?? [18:19] I'm just saying I was L O S T lost [18:20] dam kde4.2 crash from today update i think [18:20] plasma crash [18:20] me too [18:20] well nothing looked familiar [18:20] once only tho [18:20] mhmm [18:20] well I'm here ....now what? .lol [18:20] haha [18:20] :P [18:20] KDE runs a bit hot on my notebook [18:21] is there any tricks to try out [18:21] i use XFCE and GNOME more often [18:21] to try out what?? [18:22] well where is the minimize button on windows? [18:22] how can i remove plasmoid from kde init ? [18:22] it's like being on mars [18:22] nacer, take a look on the ~/.kde/autostart folder [18:22] fosco_: nothing here [18:22] RPS: oh youre comparing linux to win XD [18:23] whats the difference between the DVD and the CD images? whats extra on the DVD? [18:23] .omg its a little like Vista ....DANGER DANGER [18:23] no its not [18:23] XD [18:23] enable desktop effects [18:23] :P [18:24] * shadeslayer twirls the cube [18:24] :) [18:24] laradji@PtiPanda:~/.kde/share/config$ rm plasmarc [18:24] laradji@PtiPanda:~/.kde/share/config$ rm plasma-appletsrc [18:24] resolv my pb [18:24] that window that popped up from clicking on the bottom left tab looks a lot like vista [18:24] oh that [18:24] yeah [18:25] press Ctrl+F11 and twirl your cube [18:25] system settings>general>appearance? [18:25] >< [18:25] i think [18:25] theres a checkbox [18:25] [] Enable desktop effects [18:27] 4 desktops I assume [18:29] is there a channel that deals with these effects? [18:29] RPS: #compiz-fusion [18:30] huh, so they handle this too then? [18:30] I'm idling in there as we speak [18:30] #kde [18:30] all about kde [18:30] :P [18:31] twirl the cube twirl the cube [18:31] shadeslayer: stop. [18:31] ok [18:31] is there an easy way to get away from this hideous sky blue nightmare that is the default? [18:31] * shadeslayer sulks [18:31] RPS: kde-look.org [18:32] * RPS just figured out he may have offended someone else's favorite theme [18:33] sorry === jussio1 is now known as jussi01 === hannascott_NA is now known as ghost === ghost is now known as Guest93409 [18:41] heey === Guest93409 is now known as hannascott_NA [18:42] hey guys just switched to kde (kubuntu) after a 2 yrs affair with gnome. things aren't where they used to be in kde 3.5 :-) [18:42] :) [18:42] lol [18:42] firstly, in current version the default setup of panel is sorta floating. Meaning there is no empty space on the panel. [18:43] If I put less stuff things like tray get resized to occupy empty space [18:44] do I make sense? if yes then how to get rid of this setting and switch to the usual panel behaviour that leaves empty space if there are less items than the space [18:44] let me know if I dont :) [18:45] RizR i dont quite get what you mean but this is how my desktop looks like http://bayimg.com/jaNPoaABo [18:45] ok [18:46] failers: I'm not able to get the "empty space" you've between firefox icon and tray [18:46] oh [18:46] failers: my tray and clock resize to occupy all available space [18:46] ah ok [18:46] <[kabotage]> cant alt tab after typing compiz on konsole. :( [18:46] test add the activity handler [18:46] or what the widget is called in english [18:47] is anybody familiar with jaunty system not booting up after attempting to suspend to disk? [18:47] i got my kubuntu in swedish but its something with activity handler :P right click on the panel and panel options -> add widget [18:48] when it boots up, a couple lines scroll by and it goes to a blank screen with flashing cursor. further attempts to reboot result in same thing. is there any way i can clean up what was done with suspend to disk so the system boots normally? [18:49] hm [18:50] activity bar? [18:50] might be yes [18:50] is that a widget? activity handler? [18:50] activity bar might be the one [18:50] what does it do? [18:51] if its the one it should be it is that space you want and it shows all windows you got up and running [18:51] ah [18:51] thats the thing :) I've got dual-head and i usually list all windows on panel on one monitor and icons and tray on the other one [18:53] the thing you mean is task manager [18:53] ye ok [18:54] is there any free space widget available? [18:55] I see that system tray is the main culprit. if I add it on an empty panel it occupies it without any option to resize it [18:57] Hi everyone , is the Alt button same as Meta button in Kubuntu ? [18:58] AlexZion: No, Alt is Alt and Meta is the "Windows" key [18:59] experiencing an annoyance. |Previously running programs start up automatically after a reboot. I'm probably a little dense, but is there a system setting that will control this feature?s [18:59] ok , should I restart after change between Alt and Meta on the setting panel of windows bheavoir ? [19:00] because otherwise , doesn't look to works .... [19:07] I change in system settings/windows bhevoir /window action , the Alt option , with Meta option , but it's still the same [19:08] I mean I get the sameasbefore by pushing Alt , and nothingusing Meta ... [19:12] Guys it turns out that when i installed KDE a little while ago I got the old version. What command line should use to get 4.2? === fernando is now known as Guest34213 [19:13] can anyone of you guys help me with my audio? I'm going with alsa and it's freaking killing me. It keeps not working between audacious and \flash player [19:13] like if the whole card locks up [19:14] I got it , it was a compiz settings ... === Mez_ is now known as Mez [19:21] I guess everyone is at breakfast lunch or dinner ...depends on the part of the globe you might be on [19:25] !jbod [19:25] Sorry, I don't know anything about jbod [19:25] hmm. can i setup a jbod under install? [19:26] !lvm [19:26] Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RaidConfigurationHowto and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO [19:27] RPS: you'd have to use some backport [19:27] or jaunty :) [19:34] pardon me I was away [19:34] Hmmm and the plot thickens [19:35] if flash has no sound where to look for it? [19:35] Exilant, is it worth the hassle or should I just wait? [19:36] dunno, gave up on 4.1 pretty quick, and used 3.5 in the meantime [19:37] but after hearing aarons speech at the release party of 4.2, i'm giving it a try [19:37] man it kills me when something DL's and it doesn't give you an option on where it puts it [19:37] I DL'ed a new theme for KDE and it never gave me a chance to pick where it went [19:39] they are hidden somewhere in .kde [19:39] It's still like walking on Mars [19:40] i guess it's ok as long as kde knows where they are, without kde you can't really use them anyway [19:40] I was getting help earlier and almost panicked when I I went to click on the terminal and it wasn;t there [19:40] It was funny [19:42] is there a divide between ubuntu and kubuntu to the point where someone over on the ubuntu channel would get bent out of shape if I asked for help getting 4.2? [19:42] RPS [19:42] its more about the correct command than the actual information itself [19:42] yes? [19:42] wait just checking name fast [19:42] :P [19:43] bah cant remember but on kubuntu.org is a guide for 4.2 [19:43] wait il give you it [19:43] http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kde-4.2 [19:43] there is guide how to get it [19:44] ah ha [19:44] It isn't a great guide. [19:44] why not === hfsdo_ is now known as hfsdo [19:46] it seems odd to me that kde has its own web browser [19:46] it does Oo [19:47] failers: because people who install from the experimental ppa sometimes have to run a dpkg reconfigure, or don't understand exactly what "uninstalling plasmoids" entails, etc. [19:47] yes but 4.2 arent meant to be installed for those users :P [19:47] that part was making me tilt my head a little ...I'll admit it [19:47] I've seen a lot of people in #kubuntu who've borked their setups via the experimental ppa. It's not the most common thing, but it happens often enough. === fernando is now known as Guest79587 [19:48] beginners that doesnt know what they are doing should keep to the safe ppa's :P and not the experimentals [19:50] I have a couple of experimental things installed, but I had help doing it since I knew I could create havoc [19:55] so there is no sound in flashplugin unless I manually start "pulseaudio". Why so? [19:56] this kde 4.2 [19:59] works for me in jaunty [19:59] and was working just fine in intrepid with kde 4.2 when I used it [19:59] I'm on 64bit though [20:04] Hi, I'm running kde4 (kdebase-bin version is 4:4.2.0-0ubuntu1~intrepid1) on kubuntu. [20:04] It's got a horrible dependency issue with several of kde packages [20:05] is this a known thing? [20:06] please see an example here: http://paste.ubuntu.com/127409/ [20:06] ciao [20:07] when i start with downgrades it just messes the whole thing up (never finishes) [20:07] RizR: I understood plasmoind are yet not compatible with libplasma3, uninstall them, or aptitude dist-upgrade [20:07] *plasmoids [20:08] RizR: I think that's mainly due to incompatibility between libplasma2 and libplasma3...they don't seem to live both in the same system [20:08] is qt4.5 part of the upgrade to KDE 4.2.1 [20:08] amgarchIn9: its just one example :-) I tried compiz-kde as well. [20:09] m_tadeu: I didn't chose any by selection :-) How to make sure one stays? basically when I install kde they both install automatically with something or other [20:10] whats the way out of it with having a working system? [20:10] Any name of packages that I install and remove everything else? [20:10] RizR: since you're on kde4.2, try to get rid of everything that uses libplasma2 [20:12] RizR: the only way to be sure right now is to jump to jaunty, I gues....since intrepid with kde4.2.x is quite a misc between 2 kde versions [20:12] m_tadeu: My hands are already getting itchy about the dist-upgrade :-) Only thing holding back is that it's still in alpha stage. [20:13] m_tadeu: I'm using nvidia 7800 gtx with nvidia driver and dual head. u reckon it's gonna be ok with alpha? [20:13] RizR: I know...I'm willing to try it on the weekend(on a friends pc, of course :P) [20:13] RizR: i guess the drivers will be the same....not sure dough [20:15] RizR: but understand that some plasmoids won't work since you installed kde4.2 due to libplasma [20:16] m_tadeu: ok and how's it going to work in the final jaunty [20:16] m_tadeu: Is this resolution on the list I mean? [20:17] RizR: that won't be a problem in jaunty, since it only uses kde4.2.x [20:18] m_tadeu: I've never really paid attention to how dist-upgrade works but I magine it's going to wipe out old packages (minus user settings) and install new ones for them. IS it that simple? [20:20] RizR: dist-upgrade deleted all broken libplasma2 dependecies for me after I gave up to resolve the coflicts manually [20:20] RizR: dist-upgrade is quite the same as upgrade, but allows you to upgrade system stuff(not only apps)...aldough I think the kernel is an exception [20:21] ok thanks guys. I'll be back in few mins. [20:21] how do i update from 8.10 to jaunty [20:21] do i have to reinstall= [20:21] I'll spend some time on investigation and see if I convince to do dist-upgrade [20:22] RizR: but I wasnt upgrading to Jaunty, only to intrepid-backports [20:27] Is there a known issue with Firefox crashing frequently under the latest Kubuntu? [20:30] I have some files with filenames in some strange encoding. Is there a program that can "guess" which encoding it is? I want to convmv them to utf8. [20:30] hi guys - i need some help with installing a new driver [20:34] i'm running kubuntu 8.10 in virtualbox and i'm trying to get compiz scale plugin working. It shows as activated but the key bindings dont work, any sugestions? [20:36] Previously running programs start up automatically after a reboot. Is there a system setting that will turn this feature off? [20:37] who is the keyboard layout in Kubuntu? [20:37] sille: yes, on system settings....then on session manager [20:38] idon't found somthing about keyboard layout switching!! [20:39] DeSian: System Settings -> Regional & Language [20:39] DeSian: what is the problem? === fernando is now known as commoodre === commoodre is now known as commode64 === darksmoke is now known as DarkSmoke [20:43] can someone help me to install a new driver? it's already compiled to *.ko file. [20:44] eli_: install it somewhere into /lib/module/KERNELVERSION, depmod -ae, modprobe DRIVERNAME === sancas_ is now known as sancas [20:45] amgarchIn9: i want to test kde, but really is no good coise :D [20:45] the keyboard layout switching in total Bugy [20:46] ððđŋŋŋ [20:46] jðđ®đĸ [20:46] srry [20:46] DeSian: работает! [20:46] amgarchIn9: the keyboard layout dont worked for me [20:47] ku_ara [20:47] if i type with ku_ara in terminal worked, but not in kate or her [20:47] amgarchin9: can we make it step by step? It's my first time [20:47] đjđ [20:49] eli_: first, find if there is a way to avoid doing it, kernel module installation is not a piece of cake [20:50] what driver is it? [20:50] amgarchin9: it's a driver for lenovo sl500 series [20:51] it appaears that usual thinkpad acpi doesn't support well hotkeys and brightness control [20:51] eli_: lsmod | grep video ? that module controls brightness [20:52] is there a repo with koffice 2 beta 7 ? [20:52] I have beta 5 for now [20:52] I'd like to test the last one [20:53] amgarchIn9: I already upgraded to intrepid-backports. And I think that introduced this issue. [20:53] video 29460 0 [20:53] amgarchIn9: could you tell me what repos you've ( or haven't) [20:53] output 11776 1 video [20:54] amgarchin9: i've posted the output of lsmod [20:54] my /etc/apt/sources.list looks like this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/127444/ [20:56] RizR: intrepid-backports and medibuntu in addition to default ones. Medibuntu is irrelevant for your case [20:57] ok. thanks. [20:57] eli_: start "acpi_listen" and try pressing special keys [21:00] amgarchin9: ok, the brigtness control keys show video LCDD 00000086 or 87 [21:00] amgarchin9: sound controls are dead [21:03] eli_: and both have no intended effect? [21:05] eli_: get kubuntu Jaunty alfa *.iso, burn with usb-create to a LiveUSB and see if things get better with kernel 2.6.28 [21:06] thanks, i'll try this [21:14] Evening all has anyone seen Riddell? [21:15] !seen riddell [21:15] I have no seen command [21:15] :() [21:15] not me. [21:16] píse tu niekto aj po slovensky? [21:16] ír itt valaki magyarul is? [21:17] laci: maybe #ubuntu-hu ? [21:17] hello, how can i configure transmission to only deal with encrypted traffic? [21:17] <_kw> is there any info about when kubuntu will have kde 4.2? [21:18] Speaking of that, how can you check your KDE ver? [21:19] <_kw> hm, just check the about box of the control center I'd guess? [21:19] i finally realised, that my konqueror is also crashing. is there a workaround? (other than simply enter a location that konqueror should open, to avoid the startscreen) [21:19] or the menu items in any app.. if it a kde 4 app that is. [21:19] :) [21:20] hello [21:20] It says 3.5.10, but the interface is KDE4 [21:20] Philo06: Help -> About KDE [21:20] !hi |joel [21:20] joel: Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu! [21:21] speak french please [21:21] !fr |joel [21:21] joel: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr [21:21] welcome [21:21] <_kw> so any idea when 4.2 will be a part of a non-alpha kubuntu? [21:21] Philo06: some older apps use older kde [21:21] _kw: April. [21:21] ok merci [21:21] bonne soirée [21:21] <_kw> ok [21:21] Possibly a little sooner. [21:21] Well, that doesnt help me then. [21:21] (with a jaunty beta) [21:21] Obviously just checking an application isn't enough. [21:22] <_kw> ok, so it's coming with jaunty basically [21:22] bonne soirée ;) [21:22] <_kw> which is going from alpha->beta in april (roughly), any ideas when it's out of beta as well? [21:22] <_kw> or is there no timeline for that yet? [21:22] Jaunty is 9.04, which means it gets released 04.2009. It's out of beta in april. [21:23] It transitions from alpha to beta somewhere in between. [21:23] Possibly next month or so. [21:23] <_kw> ah oki [21:23] er, this month rather. [21:23] * drostie still thinks it's February :-/ [21:23] <_kw> ;-) [21:23] Ah, it's 4.1.4 [21:23] <_kw> it's been a week already ;) [21:24] _kw: The TU Delft has eaten my brain :-P [21:25] <_kw> I see :-) [21:34] I usually log into my Kubuntu 8.10 through NX. But I do have a console. I logged in on that recently, then when I logged out, expecting to se the login menu again (all the user names), it crashed to text. Yet my system is still running fine otherwise. How do I restore the kde (4.1) on the console? [21:35] restart the kdm servife perhaps? [21:36] There isn't even a prompt on the console. I can log in and get a fien KDE session remotely. [21:36] ^fine [21:37] How woudl I restart kde? Can I do it just on that display? === laci is now known as laci_ === laci_ is now known as laci__ [21:42] BentFranklin: ssh, ps x, and kill all your pids [21:43] BentFranklin: sudo /etc/init.d/kdm restart on the terminal [21:43] that one sounds better! [21:43] hello I am trying to find out if msn/wlm is working in kopete 0.70.0 [21:44] DaSkreech: I have to type that on the tty? Because there is no prompt. [21:44] BentFranklin: You said you can get a remote connection ? [21:44] yes [21:45] BentFranklin: On the remote connection pull up a konsole and type that === crow is now known as crowbgd [21:46] hi there ... I just found a few issues on kubuntu jaunty and wonder if they are already known / whether I should report them ... [21:46] DaSkreech: Nice magic! Why didn't that affect my remote X/KDE display also? [21:46] magic :) [21:46] I have looked in all the obvious places, and cant find wheter it should be working or not. [21:46] giles: What version is your libmsn? [21:47] corvix: #ubuntu+1 [21:47] BentFranklin: Your X session from the remote display never goes through KDM [21:47] DaSkreech: thanks [21:47] Restarting doesn't harm any X server that's doing a remote connection [21:48] DaSkreech: 0.1 i think. [21:48] giles: Should work [21:49] hmm [21:49] BentFranklin: you should have listened to me [21:50] amgarchIn9: I did run ps aux, to try to figure which process to kill, but it's confusing because it only displays the first 15 chars of each command that started the process. === DarkSmoke is now known as darksmoke [21:51] If I had killed kdm woudl that have restarted it also? [21:52] I just do killall kdm [21:53] Where can I read more about the relationship between displays, X, kdm, and KDE? [21:53] DaSkreech: do you know how to get kopete to display msn debug info per chance? [21:54] BentFranklin: Yes [21:54] giles: #kopete [21:54] BentFranklin: ps x | grep startkde [21:54] I tried there they are ignoring me :( [21:55] giles: Doubtful. Probably just sleeping :) [21:55] BentFranklin: KDE is a desktop Environment [21:55] * giles knows they are not really ignoring him and are probably sleeping [21:55] ;) [21:56] KDM is the long lived script that manages the X session as well as takes special Non-X related commands like ACPI shutdown and reboot commands [21:56] X is the window server [21:56] BentFranklin: or ps x | less and then left arrow [21:56] KDM is a script? [21:56] DaSkreech: I'm reading that kdm can spawn KDE or Gnome. I assumed every application that started with k was related to KDE. That's where the confusion was. [21:56] giles: Process is a better word [21:57] indeed the K in KDM stands for KDE [21:57] BentFranklin: All it does is start a script on the other end That can be kdeinit startgnome e-init.sh or just xterm [21:57] i.e KDE Display Manager (is that right?) [21:57] BentFranklin: The K comes in when someone in KDE clicks Shut down or restart (hibernate etc) KDM knows how to deal with it [21:57] GDM probably doesn't [21:57] BentFranklin: *right arrow, that is [21:58] So if you log into Gnome from KDM you may not be able to shut down from inside Gnome and you must logout first [21:58] Is the a gdm then? [21:58] Yes [21:58] and a XDM [21:59] kdm is the kde-related script that has the same functionality s Gnome related gdm and X related xdm. It let's one start a session, e.g. KDE or GNOME session. Basically it's just a X-window script with a theme. [21:59] !kdm [21:59] Sorry, I don't know anything about kdm [21:59] And when I come in remotely it doesn't go through the login screen so I never touch kdm I go straight into KDE [21:59] !xdm [21:59] Sorry, I don't know anything about xdm [21:59] OutoLumo: Your use of the word script is very confusing [21:59] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/KDE_Display_Manager [22:00] BentFranklin: Right [22:00] OK, I'll read for a while, but I'll be back! [22:02] AmyRose: !! hi! [22:02] giles, sorry, I though it runs on bash 8^X [22:02] OutoLumo: no There is nothing stopping it from doing that but it actually doesn't [22:03] ok, sorry... my misunderstanding (new day, new idea) [22:03] OutoLumo: Its a program [22:04] writtern in C no doubt [22:04] c++ [22:06] [|-ppc-w-|]-xdcc-002 [22:06] pippo_: say again? [22:09] hi coreyman === Philo06 is now known as Philo-away [22:10] pippo_: did you just paste a password to the wrong window? [22:12] DaSkreech: Hey :D [22:13] How are you? [22:13] wb pippo_ [22:13] giles: Shhhhhhh [22:13] let the password slide :) [22:13] heh [22:13] AmyRose: I've been missing you [22:13] I should aim better eh? [22:13] lol [22:14] I am gonna use that one on my gf next time she says she misses me. [22:15] DaSkreech: I've been busy [22:16] And I didn't really care for KDE 4.0 and 4.1... [22:16] 4.2 is a different story altogether though [22:17] hi daskreech [22:18] giles: X-D [22:19] AmyRose: Ha ha Wait till KDE 4.3 envy kicks in [22:21] how goes it coreyman? [22:23] daskreech good, munchin on puffs cheetos [22:23] can i upgrade cleanly from 8.04.2 in-place to 8.10? [22:23] Fieldy: In general yes [22:24] worth a shot i suppose (i keep full backups) [22:24] Fieldy: I don't expect data loss [22:24] how to get information, if a package is installed or not?.. with apt-get? [22:24] You may want to back ~/.* [22:24] i had installed kde4 quite a while ago through some info that used to be in the topic here, do i need to manually remove that first? [22:24] i back up / :) [22:24] Fieldy: Likely [22:24] noaXess: [aptitude search packagename]. [22:24] Fieldy: Not that it harms anything it just makes things cleaner [22:25] i'm hoping that's as easy as using adept to uninstall the kde4-meta or whatever [22:25] Fieldy: it is [22:25] phew [22:25] erm. [22:25] noaXess: [aptitude show packagename]. [22:25] Fieldy: And as it stands 4.2.0 is in main 4.2.1 is in the repo in the topic [22:25] Fieldy that is why i put my ~/ in a different partition [22:26] So if you like you can have no extra repos and get 4.1.4 turn on backports and get 4.2.0 or turn on the repo in the topic and get 4.2.1 [22:26] yep me too i'm very familiar with partition layouts and backups :) [22:26] Who complained about too much choice with KDE? :) [22:26] Fieldy: So what would you like to upgrade to? :) [22:27] hrm. i see many kde4 items in adept that are installed but none of them sound like the main one thing to tell it to uninstall (and take the rest of that kde4 with it) [22:27] fieldy oh ok :D [22:27] 8.10 [22:27] i think its kde-desktop [22:27] or something like that [22:27] Fieldy: kdelibs5 [22:27] yeah it's kubuntu-kde4-desktop it looks like [22:28] time to push a backup first... [22:28] yea that fieldy. [22:28] Fieldy: It's kdelibs5 [22:28] DaSkreech: it's not 5 here [22:28] Fieldy, removing kubuntu-kde4-desktop wont remove kde 4 [22:28] oh mabye im wrong then [22:28] DaSkreech: did you just say 4.2.1 is available in some repo? [22:28] Fieldy: what do ou have for kdelibs? [22:28] i don't have anything close to kdelibs5 [22:29] amgarchIn9: Topic [22:29] a sudo apt-get autoremove kubuntu-kde4-desktop wont? [22:29] coreyman: No that installs but it's a fake package [22:29] c ou pour les français? [22:29] !fr [22:29] Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr [22:29] wait i see it now, i was filtering on "kde4" so now i see kdelibs5 ... 5? where did they get that # from? === ubuntu_ is now known as jebus_ [22:29] kdelibs is always +1 to KDE version [22:29] curious [22:29] DaSkreech: Why is that? [22:29] so to get rid of all of KDE 3 you remove kdelibs4c2a [22:30] okay so if i remove that in adept, it'll take the rest of kde4 with it? [22:30] merci [22:30] Fieldy: Pretty much [22:30] ok [22:30] once i'm ready, what do I do to upgrade the whole install to 8.10? [22:30] coreyman: You understand dependencies ? [22:30] Fieldy: What would you like to upgrade to? 4.1.4 4.2.0 or 4.2.1 ? [22:31] DaSkreech: topic what? sorry I dont get it [22:31] 4.2.1 i guess, but again i'm not interested in just kde but the whole install [22:31] i'm removing 4 here to clean it up first [22:31] amgarchIn9: type /topic and look at the last link That repo has 4.2.1 [22:31] yes daskreech [22:31] Fieldy: I know [22:31] !upgrade | Fieldy [22:31] Fieldy: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading [22:31] ok [22:31] cool, i'll have a read [22:32] * Fieldy is looking forward to support for my video card too (geforce 9600) [22:32] coreyman: Right so kubuntu-desktop depends upon a whole slew of packages even though it's empty just so they get installed [22:32] full support that is [22:32] But nothing really depends on it [22:32] :-) [22:32] coreyman: What you want to remove is the packages that all of KDE depends on [22:33] which for the most part in this case is one package [22:33] coreyman, the virtual thing is kind of one-way, basically. top of the tree - you can chop it off without bringing down the whole thing, but you need the whole thing to put it up in the first place [22:33] You have strigi and akonadi and stuff that isn't KDE [22:33] i understand dependencies [22:33] i just thought kde4-desktop was the main one. [22:33] but it's mostly done :) [22:33] * DaSkreech shudders at the removal of Gnome [22:33] i thought so too but it sounds like experience shows wrong :) [22:34] brb [22:34] coreyman: It depends on a lot of things. Nothing depends on it [22:34] You remove it and no one cares [22:34] how do i controll what items in /etc/init.d start up at boot? I'm interested in stopping a few things from starting [22:34] It's the guy in the corner at the party who needs to be there but if he walks out no one knows [22:35] Fieldy: update-rc.d [22:35] How do I find out what chipset my wifi is using? [22:36] Can't connect to my router with new laptop. [22:36] DaSkreech: okay, thanks [22:37] update-rc.d: /etc/init.d/vmware exists during rc.d purge (use -f to force) is that a problem? [22:37] uh n/m i'm using it wrong [22:38] actually i'm confused. i just want to stop vmware from starting, not remove the script. [22:38] JuJuBee: lspci -v [22:39] Atheros - AR928x [22:39] DaSkreech: 4.2.1 is not in my intrepid-backports yet [22:40] * AmyRose can't wait for KOffice 2.0 to be final [22:41] JuJuBee: it may lie though lspci -n gives raw product numbers [22:41] And are there any plans for OpenOffice.org to support KDE 4? I haven't found any info on this after days of Googling this. [22:44] how do I span one wallpaper across both monitors in dual-head setup in kde? [22:46] rizr twin view? [22:46] rizr what version of kde [22:46] rizr kde4 has better support for dual-head [22:48] ok ask and dont look for a response [22:50] sorry mate [22:50] coreyman: I was away for a sec. kde4.2.x got compiz on [22:51] coreyman: http://paste.ubuntu.com/127481/ my xorg.conf [22:51] alt+F2 doesnt seem to work in kde4? [22:52] rizr ill take a look in a sec [22:52] coreyman: thanks [22:54] amgarchIn9: I know I just said it's not in backports [22:56] AmyRose: Dont get hopes up for Kofice 2.0 [22:56] AmyRose: OpenOffice.org actualyl just droped KDE support from the build scripts [22:56] nasty [22:57] RizR: run krunner [22:57] rizr let me guess the top area is black [22:57] Option "metamodes" "CRT: 1280x1024, DFP: 1680x1050" [22:57] Option "TwinViewOrientation" "DFP Below CRT" [22:57] ack! [22:57] replace the resolutions with your resolutions [22:57] coreman: hmmm [22:57] no black areas [22:57] i mean your other monitor [22:58] rizr. [22:58] or whatever you have your bg color set to [22:58] do what i gave you. [22:58] change your orientation [22:58] to what yours is, your crt may be to the right [22:58] if it is, put Rightof where Below is. [22:58] DaSkreech: Why? Are they GNOME-only now? [22:59] Gtk [22:59] OpenOffice isn't Gnome [22:59] I think they may be dropping some scripts for the changes coming [22:59] coreyman: ok next. [23:00] rizr you replace Option "metamodes" "CRT: nvidia-auto-select +1280+0, DFP: nvidia-auto-select +0+0" with that? [23:00] and all OO.o support is KDE3 in anycase [23:00] DaSkreech: I hope they don't only focus on GTK now... [23:00] So they may when the dust settles introduce new KDE4 support scripts :) [23:00] AmyRose: With Koffice coming up as competition? [23:00] yes [23:00] They better play nice :) [23:01] i did but dont get it :) why different resolution? [23:01] Rizr also take the -1 off TwinViewXineramaInfoOrder [23:01] DaSkreech: But you said don't count on KOffice 2.0! =P [23:01] rizr replace the resolutions with your resolutions [23:01] AmyRose: Koffice 2.0 == Amarok 2.0 == KDE 4.0 [23:01] coreyman: aha. ok. 1 sec [23:01] I said Koffice is coming up as competition [23:02] Koffice 2.0 is not comeptition [23:02] rizr leave the -1 on there for now, and if it doesn't work we'll take that off. [23:02] Koffice 2.4? [23:02] Could be veeeeery nice [23:02] Ah === Philo-away is now known as Philo === Philo is now known as Philo06 [23:03] is there a fix for the fact that after i updated to 4.2.1 the screen saver cant be set to not lock? [23:03] coreyman: ok. done [23:03] rightof/RightOf. case sensitive? [23:04] rizr probably [23:04] once done, ctrl-alt-backspace to restart x [23:04] Anybody help me get my wifi connected? Atheros ath9k kernel module [23:04] coreyman: OK, my problem is not dual-head. my dual-head is fine. I just need my wallpaper to span on both monitors rather than two separate wallpapers [23:05] rizr i know. [23:05] everything else works fine. I don't have cloned displays [23:05] rizr i had to do this to get it to span [23:05] coreyman: ok. [23:05] rizr oh wait [23:05] rizr you mean the wallpaper is being displayed twice? and you don't want that? [23:06] may be if mood takes :-) [23:06] but right now i would really like to have one image span across both [23:06] hmph.... i misunderstood what you said then. [23:06] but your xorg should be fine still. [23:06] RizR: Probably a bug/wishlist on that in bugs.kde.org already find it and vote [23:06] no worries [23:06] with that config [23:07] ok [23:07] DaSKreech: thanks :) [23:07] ok one more thing. where do I setup keyboard shortcuts for any apps? [23:08] see when i used nvidia it wasn't displaying the wallpaper twice, and i had to do those options to get it to do that... it just wasn't displaying anything at all on my other monitor [23:08] when i used nvidia-settings* [23:08] icc [23:08] in my case gnome just doesnt do it. understandable cuz gnome doesnt have that option. when i logged into kde however, it just did by default. [23:08] rizr i know a technique you could use to have the same image on both monitors. [23:08] for gnome to work like this i've to use compiz's plugin [23:09] coreyman, what's that? [23:09] cut the image in half with the gimp right click desktop2 put part 2 on it, right click desktop one and put part 1 on it [23:09] :) [23:10] hack [23:10] i like the default kde background :d [23:11] :) [23:11] where do I setup keyboard shortcuts for any apps? [23:13] rizr i know that one.. one sec [23:13] system settings, keyboard and mouse [23:13] RizR: ^ [23:13] computer>systemsettings>keyboard and mouse [23:13] jussi01 yes there [23:14] the one i'm looking for is alt+f2 for krunner [23:14] RizR: Most apps have it on settings -> Configure shortcuts as well [23:14] but it's already there [23:14] !tab | coreyman [23:14] coreyman: You can use for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line. [23:14] RizR: you have to start krunner once [23:14] after that alt+F2 works fine [23:14] hi to the room i am using a hp pavilion dv6000 that the one with the remote (rc remote for windows media cente) i am now using xbmc can it work with xbmc??? [23:14] tab isn't working [23:14] DaSkreech, doesn't [23:14] If you logout of a KDE session kruner will restart next time you login [23:14] DaSkreech, I started krunner from konsole [23:15] afk a while. [23:15] DaSkreech, oh. alright. Where do auto start programs go? [23:15] RizR: Did krunner pop up? [23:16] DaSkreech, yes [23:16] then what did you do? [23:16] DaSkreech, sorry, it pops up when I started manually. Will logout-login in a min. [23:16] RizR: Wait [23:16] press alt+F2 now [23:16] i miss that [23:16] It should pop up that [23:16] DaSkreech, nop. [23:17] >_> [23:17] RizR: What KDE are you running? [23:17] Kbeville: Hmm? [23:17] is there a fix for the fact that after i updated to 4.2.1 the screen saver cant be set to not lock? [23:17] DaSkreech, 4.2.x [23:17] something [23:17] >_> [23:17] Kovert: Not sure haven't heard of that yet. check in #kde [23:18] i got cut off [23:18] RizR: kquitapp krunner && krunner === sancas__ is now known as sancas [23:19] RizR: Wait. What WM are you using ? [23:19] DaSkreech, compiz [23:19] trying the second apt-update of the day [23:19] DaSkreech, I see krunner is running in the background [23:20] RizR: That would be the problem then [23:20] I don't know that compiz sends the right dcop to trigger krunner [23:20] RizR: run kwin --replace [23:20] DaSkreech, can always use compiz for this. but that's not the ideal solution. let me switch compiz off and see [23:21] then try alt+F2 [23:21] nop [23:21] doesnt work [23:21] run the kquitapp command again [23:21] I think that it will then reregister with kwin [23:22] DaSkreech, works now [23:22] RizR: ok [23:22] What did you need in compiz? [23:22] DaSkreech, so it's compiz. what do you reckon should be the solution then? [23:22] DaSkreech, in compiz? compiz :-) [23:23] DaSkreech, I just like it :-) [23:23] :-) What about it? [23:23] DaSkreech, ok funny. now it work with compiz. I just started it when kwin was the active WM [23:23] Whoot :) [23:23] ok [23:23] that wrks [23:23] emm few things. wobbly windows [23:24] kwin has wobbly windows [23:24] does it? [23:24] wobbly windows heh [23:24] where are the settings? [23:24] i guess i need to explore :) [23:24] restart kwin with --replace [23:24] you have to enable desktop effects [23:24] and then press alt+F3 -> Window Settings [23:24] Should be pretty easy to figure out after that [23:26] RizR: also try ctrl+F9 [23:26] neat :-) [23:26] DaSkreech, prefer compiz though :p [23:26] RizR: Cool just letting you know there are options [23:27] it's pretty nice though. thanks for this :) [23:27] I've been using gnome for a while now. last experience with kde was with opensuse a while back. and i see why i used to use kde :) [23:28] thanks for the help man. take care [23:28] Cool I'm off === juan is now known as kaste [23:34] nas [23:35] amgarchin9: i'm trying the 9.04 but it's not working better [23:47] ho aggiunto il repo launchpad kubuntu-experimental/ubuntu per installare kde4.2 nella mia intrepid... ora però non funziona piu niente... se lancio il demone kdm mi dice stat /usr/bin/kdm: No such file or directory [23:52] can anyone tell me how can i install matlab? [23:54] Hi @ all. Any suggestions on this one? A Fax-Solution Kabc <-> capisuitefax. http://rafb.net/p/nkvNYp12.html [23:54] tanjir: sry, dont know matlab. [23:55] tanjir: This one? http://www.mathworks.de/products/matlab/index.html [23:56] hello, i just updated from hardy heron to 8.10. i have an nvidia gt 9600 video card. my display is flickering about 5 - 10 times a minute, it's very irritating. anyone know about this issue? [23:57] Fieldy: Not really, but maybe u should setup ur xorg.conf again... [23:58] hm. i've never set it up in the first place, how do I trigger this? [23:58] Fieldy: one way is to delete /etc/X11/xorg.conf Or better move to xorg.conf.backup [23:59] restart X then and then rerun jockey [23:59] Fanfare: okay then it'll just get regenerated? [23:59] where can I find jockey? [23:59] actually... this is kde4 that search bar in the menu may help [23:59] default is to generate with the opensource driver (IIRC) [23:59] oh okay. got it.