[12:02] hello [12:02] is there a testing pack of breathe icon theme ? [12:03] sorry just found it [12:03] :o) [12:28] kwwii, I am receiving bugreports about the murrine version ubuntu is shipping... could you please update? :) [12:28] ubuntu is shipping and old, slow, and bugged version [12:34] Cimi: not sure, I am busy working on stuff now and leave for south africa tomorrow for a week [12:35] kwwii, when you will come back then [12:35] the important thing is that it should be ok for jaunty, I'm so tired of answering people "please update your engine" [12:36] kwwii, I've introduced dummy support, the upgrade process won't make themes ugly [12:40] kwwii, oh, sounds warm and nice. Vacation? [12:41] Cimi: is there a package ready but waiting for sponsoring? [12:41] kwwii, ? [12:41] I can see that something gets in but I really don't have time to package anything until much later and I am afraid that it will be too late [12:41] no [12:41] andreasn: nope, work :( [12:42] kwwii, ah. But still, nicer weather than Europe [12:42] andreasn, I'm going for a 3 day trip to the Alps this weekend [12:42] vacation for me ) [12:42] :) [12:42] Cimi, cool. Hope you'll have a good time [12:43] <_MMA_> kwwii: I can't promise anything, but I'll try to get it done. My hold up will be getting the freeze exception. [12:43] _MMA_: I can probably take care of that by talking to pitti directly [12:43] that's why I'm pinging benzea, he thinks I'm going to fix the progressbars inside gtkentry but I don't think I will take my laptop with me just for him :-P [12:43] <_MMA_> kwwii: Ok. I'll see what I can do. [12:45] * kwwii tests yet another usplash [12:45] _MMA_, before monday clearlooks will support the progressbar inside gtkentry, murrine will follow soon. So please ask for the freeze exception and wait me until I will tell you that you can update [12:47] <_MMA_> Cimi: Just ping me then. Make sure the release is on your site. That will make it easier. And don't wait too long. There's really no time left. [12:48] <_MMA_> Cimi: My guys are burnt out and looking forward to relaxing. (no more packaging) === ubott2 is now known as ubottu