
=== warriorf1rgod is now known as warriorforgod
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
calcdoko: do you know if it there would be any sort of problem with downgrading libxalan2-java to 2.7.0, I don't know how java libraries work wrt needing recompiling apps using them etc?02:32
=== asac_ is now known as asac
calcanyone here that can do a sync request?04:50
calci need lp-solve and suitesparse synced from debian unstable04:51
StevenKAre they new upstream versions?04:51
calcthe hacks i did for them in january have been accepted and integrated properly04:51
calcno, just new debian updates04:51
james_wgiven that I couldn't be sure what day it is or what country I am in, I will have to say no :-)04:51
calcthe ubuntu patches are no longer needed04:51
StevenKIf they have Ubuntu changes, file bugs04:52
calcok will do04:52
slangasekjames_w: Katilsday in Uruguay04:58
james_wcould be05:00
james_woh, just been told I've got to change countries again05:00
calchttps://edge.launchpad.net/bugs/338571 https://edge.launchpad.net/bugs/33857205:03
ubottuUbuntu bug 338571 in suitesparse "Sync suitesparse 1:3.2.0-4 (main) from Debian unstable (main)." [Wishlist,Confirmed]05:04
slangasekjames_w: have fun in Mauritania!05:04
calcStevenK: ^05:04
james_wslangasek: thanks :-)05:04
calcStevenK: will you be able to get to sync those two packages?05:14
* calc needs them for his OOo build in the morning05:15
* calc installed the debian version for his local build and will upload in the morning once its tested05:22
StevenKcalc: I guess suitesparse needs to be published before lp-solve is synced?05:25
calcStevenK: let me see, if it build depends on the right version it can be synced at the same time05:27
calcStevenK: it build depends on suitesparse 1:3.2.0-2 which isn't in ubuntu yet so it can be synced at the same time or later either way will work fine05:29
StevenKcalc: Both done.05:33
calcthanks :-)05:33
calcnow hopefully my build doesn't mysteriously blow up while i am asleep and i can upload in the morning :)05:34
calcthen back to beating on OOo gvfs support to see i can fix it in time for release05:34
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dholbachgood morning06:23
highvoltagegood mornign dholbach06:26
dholbachhiya highvoltage06:26
brycehi dholbach06:45
dholbachhiya bryce, hi ara, hi iulian!06:54
arahey dholbach :) welcome back :)06:55
iulianHello dholbach.06:55
Hobbseeevening dholbach06:56
dholbachhey Hobbsee06:57
bryceheya Hobbsee06:58
dholbachmorning doko - what do you think about bug 330613?07:08
ubottuLaunchpad bug 330613 in python3-defaults "python3-minimal should not have 'Essential' set to yes" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33061307:08
dokodholbach: yes, on my list ...07:21
dholbachdoko: super, danke!07:21
pittiGood morning07:43
persiajdstrand, When you get a chance, could you look at accepting syslinux into hardy-proposed?07:44
persiajdstrand, OOps.  Ignore that.  It's been too long since I did an SRU.07:45
persiaGood morning pitti07:47
pittihey persia, how are you?07:47
persiaReasonably well, although it's a dark and rainy day.  You?07:47
* StevenK kicks his clock applet for no longer updating the weather07:48
pittiStevenK: no, it's indeed as bad as it says!07:48
StevenKpitti: It doesn't show the weather for any of the cites I have set as locations ...07:49
primes2hStevenK: There are also other problems relating to libgweather... bug 33437707:55
ubottuLaunchpad bug 334377 in libmbca "Lots of country names are missing, showing "missing from libgweather" in mobile broadband connection wizard." [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33437707:55
StevenKMy machine has been logged in for 11 days, I guess libgweather got freaked out about ... 3 days ago?07:56
=== fargiola` is now known as fargiolas
savvasMirv: the patch for bug 102773 is already merged :)08:15
ubottuLaunchpad bug 102773 in software-properties "l10n broken in the KDE frontend" [Medium,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/10277308:15
Mirvsavvas: oh, right, I visited the bzr page very quickly but apparently missed it :) great, anyway08:16
dholbachKeybuk: it seems that using libdb-dev (db4.7) in cyrus-sasl2 makes it crash all over the place - bug 323409 requests changing it back to db4.6 - WDYT?08:50
ubottuLaunchpad bug 323409 in cyrus-sasl2 "sasl2-bin broken, segfaulting during install" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/32340908:50
* Mirv is starting to see hope at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TranslatingUbuntu/JauntyTranslationIssues08:53
dholbachKeybuk: just confirmed that it fixes things for me again09:11
seb128does anybody has an idea about the build error on http://launchpadlibrarian.net/23540712/buildlog_ubuntu-jaunty-i386.gnome-control-center_1%3A2.25.92-0ubuntu2_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz?09:17
seb128"shift: 2353: can't shift that many"09:17
seb128it does that in the po directory on the buildds but built fine locally09:18
directhexi hate site-specific issues like that09:18
cjwatsonbdmurray: how often does http://qa.ubuntu.com/reports/bug-fixing/jaunty-fixes-report.html update? seems to have been static since I first looked at it yesterday09:20
pittiKeybuk: hm, I'm pulling out my hair in bug 333903; it seems that even if you blacklist a module in modprobe.d/, it still gets autoloaded; any idea what that could be? I checked the udev rules, and all its modprobe calls use -b09:23
ubottuLaunchpad bug 333903 in jockey "jockey fails to enable broadcom STA driver" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33390309:23
loolpitti: Hey, not sure why you moved the apport traceback to germinate09:39
loolpitti: Usually apport doesn't report anything when another program generates an exception09:39
pittidoko: should ubuntu-restricted-extras really still pull in sun-java6-plugin, and thus the sun-java6 JDK? Or should we drop that and replace with icedtea6-plugin ?09:39
loolpitti: I don't see why I should get an exception on the console from apport in any case09:39
pittilool: well, it's an exception from germinate, which should appear on the console?09:39
cjwatsonseb128: hmm, complete mystery to me too, I can't even find what *might* be generating it by 'grep -r shift. .'09:40
loolIn fact we should not ever see exceptions on console, unless it's a report of an internal error which has to be fixde09:40
loolpitti: It's not, there's an exception from germinate and then an exception from apport09:40
loolIn handling that exception09:40
loolAt least that's my understanding09:40
pittilool: if you want apport to suppress its exception about the file already existing, I can do that09:40
loolpitti: I think you should; it shouldn't be an exception in apport in any case09:40
lool(I mean it shouldn't reach the console)09:40
pittilool: okay; what was the bug# again?09:41
loolI don't mind if you print a message, albeit I would do exactly the same thing as for the first exception (nothing)09:41
dokopitti: hmm, difficult question; now with sun-java 6u12, there are features again, which are not found in the icedtea plugin. but maybe we should just drop it for now09:41
cjwatsonthe exception from germinate is basically "debootstrap failed" and has been dealt with separately (by printing its stderr too)09:41
loolpitti: bug #32371409:41
ubottuLaunchpad bug 323714 in germinate "OSError: [Errno 17] File exists: '/var/crash/_usr_lib_germinate_update-metapackage.py.1000.crash' " [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/32371409:41
pittilool: okay, thanks; I'll add an apport task09:41
cjwatsonmaybe it should print an error and sys.exit(1) rather than raising an exception though09:41
loolpitti: the exception in germinate is fixed09:41
loolcjwatson: ah right, that might be nice too09:42
loolpitti: Ok let's keep the germiante task09:42
pittidoko: do you think that by and large, the icedtea6-plugin will work?09:43
loolthanks folks09:43
pittiasac: if a user visits a webpage with a java applet, is there some magic to auto-install icedtea6-plugin, like for flash?09:43
dokopitti: 6u12 was released half a year ago. Now applets appear using these new features. I really don't know ...09:45
seb128cjwatson: ok, thanks for having a look anyway09:45
seb128lool: any idea about http://launchpadlibrarian.net/23540712/buildlog_ubuntu-jaunty-i386.gnome-control-center_1%3A2.25.92-0ubuntu2_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz maybe? you usually have good idea about weird toolchain issues ;-)09:45
pittidoko: ok, thanks; I'll check with asac whether we have a working plugin installer in firefox09:45
cjwatsonseb128: is it possible that it varies with /bin/sh -> bash vs. dash?09:45
seb128cjwatson: sh is dash here, do we use bash on buildds?09:46
pittiseb128: I fixed the amd64 retracer, FYI (or, rather, the bug which it stumbled upon09:46
seb128pitti: ok, thanks, I pinged you about that on #ubuntu-desktop when I joined but you probably didn't notice09:47
pittiseb128: whoops09:47
seb128pitti: your IRC client clearly needs to be ported to the message indicator system so you know about unread pings ;-)09:47
cjwatsonseb128: I think it has been known to be bash on buildds, so while I don't know for sure, it's worth checking09:48
seb128cjwatson: ok thanks, I will give it a try now09:48
loolseb128: That's probably the same bug09:50
loolseb128: config.status being run by /bin/sh instead of @SHELL@09:50
seb128lool: the one you fixed for glib and gtk?09:50
loolseb128: Yes, and it's fixed upstream in intltool and gettext too09:50
seb128lool: ok, I knew that was ringing a bell somewhere ;-) how did you fix it?09:50
pittiasac: nevermind, figured it out; discussing on the bug09:50
loolseb128: Try changing the $(SHELL) before config.status in Makefile.in.in to @SHELL@09:51
loolseb128: Or rather, add SHELL = @SHELL@ to po/Makefile.in.in, that's what the GNOME guys preferred09:51
loolseb128: it will be fixed when the tarball is rerolled with a new intltool/glib-gettext09:51
seb128$ grep SHELL po/*09:52
seb128po/Makefile.in.in:SHELL = /bin/sh09:52
seb128po/Makefile.in.in:       $(SHELL) ./config.status09:52
seb128lool: thanks!09:52
loolYeah, you want @SHELL@ instead09:52
seb128we should ask dobey to roll a new intool tarball09:52
loolPlease do09:53
seb128so that get fixed in 2.2609:53
loolcjwatson: Yes, but not released yet; I patched our package09:53
cjwatsonright, I just figured I'd gone and looked for that so might as well give the URL :)09:54
cjwatsonthanks for backporting it09:54
loolcjwatson: thanks, it's linked from the bug report too already09:55
seb128bug #33284009:55
ubottuLaunchpad bug 332840 in gnulib "$(SHELL) config.status broken" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33284009:55
loolI don't intend to fix gnulib, I don't think it's used that much for Makefile.in.in09:55
loolIt will be fixed upstream by the same guy09:56
persiadoko, I've uploaded the last change required to not have anything not otherwise scheduled for removal depend on sun-java5-jre or build-depend(-indep) on sun-java5-jdk.  Do you have any concerns about final removal?10:20
seb128lool: http://launchpadlibrarian.net/23542187/buildlog_ubuntu-jaunty-i386.gnome-control-center_1%3A2.25.92-0ubuntu3_FULLYBUILT.txt.gz10:20
seb128lool: thanks ;-)10:20
dokopersia: yes, make first sure, that the current package is available in dapper, hardy and intrepid10:21
persiadoko, So you want 1.5.0-17 backported into -proposed for everything first?10:23
dokopersia: well, sru's require to have the new version in the development version10:24
persiaThat makes it complicated.  We don't want to include it because Sun stops offering support before even intrepid expires, but what if Sun releases a new version between now and their end-of-support?10:25
cjwatsonif the package doesn't exist any more in jaunty, I would regard that as justification for an exception from the "must be in jaunty first" SRU rule, personally10:26
cjwatsonit's there so that we get the maximum testing possible before inflicting on stable users10:27
quadrisprohi pitti, gegl FTBFS cause of libopenraw-dev is in universe and there are 2 ways to solve that10:27
persiaOK.  I'll proceed with the plan to drop it from jaunty on that basis, in case there is a future 1.5.0-18, but not request removal until the current updates are complete.10:27
quadrispro1) file a MIR 2) build the package without libopenraw-dev build-dep (which is unnecessary)10:28
pitticjwatson: I wonder what to do with bug 328486; a beta-blocking milestoned wishlist bug, without an assignee..10:28
ubottuLaunchpad bug 328486 in apturl "automatically add keys when whitelisted for apturl" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/32848610:28
pitticjwatson: From my POV I'd just un-milestone/un-target for jaunty; or did you discuss this with someone who wants to work on this soon?10:29
quadrispropitti, what do you think about it? what solution could be better?10:29
cjwatsonpitti: I discussed it with mvo before filing it10:29
cjwatson11:55 <cjwatson> just thinking about jaunty-apturl-add-repo in the context of some previous discussions, and an e-mail thread with Mark today10:30
cjwatson11:56 <cjwatson> would it make sense for the keys that are whitelisted according to the partner-repositories specification also to be available if you add repositories in Software Sources?10:30
cjwatson11:57 <cjwatson> i.e. if apturl is willing to add the signing key automatically, then it seems to make sense for it to be added automatically if you add the corresponding repository by hand, too10:30
cjwatson11:58 <mvo> sounds sensible indeed10:30
cjwatson12:01 <cjwatson> should I file a bug?10:30
cjwatsonfrom 12 Feb10:30
cjwatson12:03 <mvo> I can do that too, no problem (and milestone it)10:30
cjwatsonI'll just assign it to mvo now10:30
pitticjwatson: ok, assigning to mvo then10:30
loolseb128: cool10:38
pittiquadrispro: if libopenraw-dev isn't really needed, then dropping the b-dep is always better10:38
pittiquadrispro: if libopenraw-dev provides features which were previously in gimp as well, or are otherwise important, then a MIR sounds better (but keep in mind that we are in feature freeze)10:39
=== ogra_ is now known as ogra
Mirvseb128: do you think the gnome.mk cdbs could be used also for libmbca? but thanks for that one fix, it could be solving some other problem(s) as well10:40
seb128Mirv: dunno about libmbca, gnome.mk is for desktop packages usually and the pidgin-libnotify was already using cdbs10:41
Mirvseb128: dunno either, but libmbca is also using cdbs and having the same problem, so I wonder if there is any other besides gnome.mk that could fix the similar problem there10:42
seb128Mirv: well the issue is simple something needs to call intltool-update, cdbs gnome.mk does that for us but it can also be called manually in the rules10:43
quadrisprothank you pitti, I'm going to do some tests10:44
Mirvseb128: ok.10:44
loolWow valgrind is 45 MB10:46
lool47M     /usr/lib/valgrind/x86-linux10:47
pittijames_w: do you still have enough context of bug 275432 in your head to be able to work on this? Or would you rather not? (then I'll see to make some time to look into it)10:59
ubottuLaunchpad bug 275432 in policykit "libpolkit requires files from policykit for polkit_context_init to work" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/27543211:00
pittijames_w: it's a jaunty-targetted bug, so it should have an assignee11:00
cjwatsonoh, this is going to be unpleasant. Apparently at one point openssl had an rpath pointing to /usr/lib11:00
cjwatsonI think I'm going to have to leave symlinks behind11:00
loolcjwatson: On a TI EVM board running jaunty armel and otherwise idle: # time /etc/init.d/console-setup start => real    0m27.171s, user    0m26.281s11:05
loolcjwatson: That sounds terribly long11:05
cjwatsondid it have a saved keymap previously?11:05
loolIt's subsecond on my desktop11:05
loolcjwatson: It's the second run11:05
cjwatsonwas the first run in the boot sequence?11:06
loolcjwatson: No11:06
loolcjwatson: I noticed slowness during upgrade, then reproduced manually on the running system11:06
cjwatsonwould be useful to know which bit of setupcon is taking lots of time11:06
loolcjwatson: On a FSL Babbage, also jaunty armel but might be a different keymap, it's real    0m5.121s11:07
loolcjwatson: Could it be using lots of rAM?11:07
loolI only have 128M on the EVM11:07
cjwatsonwell, if it has the keymap files cached, the particular keymap in use should make no difference11:07
cjwatsonlool: I don't want to speculate too much without knowing which bit of setupcon is taking ages11:07
cjwatsonlool: it's a shell script - you could sh -x it11:07
loolI'm doing that11:08
loolsetupcon --force --save11:08
loolThat's what hangs for long11:08
cjwatsonnow sh -x *that*11:08
cjwatsonsetupcon does quite a few different things11:08
lool+ ckbcomp -model pc105 us11:08
lool+ gzip -911:08
cjwatsoncan I have the bit before that with the tests?11:09
cjwatsonfrom just after setting rules_option11:10
loolcjwatson: http://paste.ubuntu.com/127152/11:10
cjwatsonyou have a /root/.console-setup file11:11
cjwatsonany particular reason?11:11
looltime (ckbcomp -model pc105 us | gzip -9 >/dev/null) => 0m25.938s11:11
loolcjwatson: I don't11:11
cjwatsonwhen you have that file, it assumes that you're using a per-user (well, root, but still not the one in /etc) configuration and therefore that it shouldn't use the cached keymap11:11
loolcjwatson: http://paste.ubuntu.com/11:12
cjwatsonthis was in response to bug 33272811:12
loolcjwatson: kernel is hand built though11:12
ubottuLaunchpad bug 332728 in console-setup "uses cached keymap even when reading a user configuration file" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33272811:12
cjwatsonlool: ... I think you forgot the last bit in that URL ;-)11:12
loolcjwatson: sorry didn't understand11:13
loolcjwatson: Note: no initramfs11:14
loolProbably what causes the difference11:14
loolwithout -9 doesn't change anything11:14
loolcjwatson: ooohhh sorry11:16
loolcjwatson: http://paste.ubuntu.com/127156/11:16
=== cjwatson_ is now known as cjwatson
cjwatsonlool: sorry, the last I have is:11:17
cjwatson11:12 <lool> cjwatson: http://paste.ubuntu.com/11:17
lool12:16 < lool> cjwatson: ooohhh sorry11:17
cjwatson11:12 <cjwatson> this was in response to bug 33272811:17
lool12:16 < lool> cjwatson: http://paste.ubuntu.com/127156/11:17
ubottuLaunchpad bug 332728 in console-setup "uses cached keymap even when reading a user configuration file" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33272811:17
cjwatson11:12 <cjwatson> lool: ... I think you forgot the last bit in that URL ;-)11:17
loolcjwatson: I don't have the /root/.console-setup11:18
loolcjwatson: And I don't have an initramfs11:18
looland without -9 makes no difference11:18
cjwatsonapparently I can't read11:18
cjwatsonlool: ok, can you please file a bug and assign it to me? --save probably shouldn't bother updating the cached keymap when it's already up-to-date11:20
cjwatsonlool: this shouldn't affect the boot sequence, though11:20
cjwatsonlool: when running in the boot sequence, --save isn't used11:20
cjwatsonlool: assuming, that is, that the run_by_init function in /etc/init.d/console-setup still works11:20
cjwatsonlool: oh, actually, maybe don't file a bug11:21
cjwatsonlool: your issue is during upgrade, yes?11:21
cjwatsonlool: in that case, it's perfectly conceivable that stuff may have changed such that the keymap *does* need to be regenerated11:21
loolcjwatson: It was during upgrade yes11:22
loolcjwatson: Will it affect first boot?11:22
cjwatsonno, it won't11:22
cjwatsonit's interesting that it's so slow though11:23
loolcjwatson: Ok, so it's normal that it takes so long on console-setup upgrades?11:23
loolRight, I find that really slow11:23
cjwatsonckbcomp only uses maybe 5MB of memory tops11:23
cjwatson$ time ckbcomp -model pc105 us '' '' >/dev/null11:23
cjwatsonreal    0m0.618s11:23
looltime (ckbcomp -model pc105 us >/dev/null) => 0m26.826s11:24
cjwatsonlool: is it possible that 'use integer;' near the top of ckbcomp would speed it up?11:24
loolI don't see any faults in /proc/cpu/alignment11:24
cjwatsonI don't think it needs FP math11:25
loolThat's likely, trying11:25
cjwatsonmight be worth trying it with -v 10 and seeing what's taking time11:26
cjwatsonoh, hmm, -v 10 actually not that informative11:27
cjwatsonverbose perl debugging will probably slow the whole thing down to the point of making it hard to tell11:28
cjwatsonmaybe just print debugging at appropriate points?11:28
cjwatsonI don't have any other obvious bright ideas :-(11:33
loolcjwatson: time is spent on iterations of this loop foreach my $key (sort {$a <=> $b} (keys %symbols_table)) {11:36
cjwatsonlool: would be useful to know how many elements %symbols_table has, and the same recursively for its elements11:44
cjwatsonthe actual work done in the inner loop is trivial11:44
cjwatsonif the hash lookups are taking ages then we could arrange to do that just once11:45
loolcjwatson: flatten() is the one taking most time11:46
cjwatsonlool: flatten() isn't in the loop you mentioned ...11:47
cjwatsonoh, you're talking about a different loop than I'm looking at11:48
* cjwatson starts again11:48
cjwatsonlool: the Devel::DProf module might help here11:50
cjwatson'perl -d:DProf /usr/bin/ckbcomp -model pc105 us >/dev/null' will produce tmon.out and dprofpp can analyse that11:51
persiapitti, When you get a chance, could you look at bug #309396?  There's some interest in getting it into -proposed before the Alpha Freeze.11:52
ubottuLaunchpad bug 309396 in syslinux "Ubuntu UMPC boot menu is truncated" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/30939611:52
pittipersia: okay, will have a look today11:53
persiapitti, Thanks.11:53
pittipersia: did you upload it already?11:54
persiavia sponsorship, yes.11:54
StevenKpitti: I uploaded it, which is why I'm not looking at it11:56
persiaStevenK, I thought you weren't looking at it because you weren't ubuntu-sru11:59
pittiah, good12:00
StevenKpersia: Shhh12:00
directhexta seb12812:11
seb128directhex: you're welcome12:15
seb128directhex: there was a sync where I asked if there was something other than cosmetic change the other day, did you close it after that?12:15
directhexseb128, no, i replied & said the exisiting archive version would ftbfs due to transition12:16
directhexseb128, so it's that or ubuntu112:16
seb128didrocks: you didn't reopen when replying because it's not on the sponsoring list12:17
directhexdamn. incomplete12:18
directhexi suck12:18
directhexNew again?12:18
seb128bug number?12:19
directhexbug 33763412:19
ubottuLaunchpad bug 337634 in gnome-keyring-sharp "Please sync gnome-keyring-sharp 1.0.0~svn.r87622-2 (main) from Debian unstable (main)." [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33763412:19
seb128directhex: synced, don't forget to reopen next time12:20
directhexyeah, my mistake.12:20
directhexi wonder what time i replied...12:20
directhex20 past 10, can't even blame tiredness. bah12:21
Keybukdholbach: probably correct12:21
Keybukpitti: blacklist only prevents then named modules from appearing in alias expansion12:22
Keybukpitti: it doesn't actually stop anyone doing "modprobe foo"12:22
pittiDktrKranz, ScottK, sistpoty|work, Hobbsee: with your motu-release hat on, any objection against me updating devicekit-power to the latest upstream version? it has zero reverse dependencies, but I'd like to package the new g-p-m into a PPA for playing; it adds two small new features12:23
KeybukThere must be something wrong with the /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist-bcm43.12:23
Keybukpitti: that should be blacklist-bcm43.conf btw ;)12:23
pittiKeybuk: right, but the udev rules all use -b, which should respect the blacklist?12:23
pittiKeybuk: oh, you mean it only considers files ending in .conf now?12:23
pittiKeybuk: that might be the very bug I'm looking for then12:24
Keybuk# load wl before b44 so that both work12:24
Keybukinstall wl modprobe -r b43 b44 b43legacy ssb; modprobe --ignore-install wl $CMDLINE_OPTS; modprobe -Qba b4412:24
Keybukthe comment is exactly the opposite of what you're actually doing ;)12:24
Keybukyou probably want an && in there too12:24
Keybukand -Q has gone, so you don't want that12:24
Keybuk(and you don't want -a either)12:24
pittiKeybuk: is .conf required now, or just "best practice"?12:25
Keybukpitti: required12:25
Keybukit's not fully deprecated yet, but EVERY SINGLE modprobe invocation will bitch about it12:25
Keybukthat's not your bug though12:25
KeybukI'm just going down the list :p12:25
pittiKeybuk: almost all files in modprobe.d/ violate that then12:25
Keybukpitti: actually, if you look at -changes, I fixed almost all of them yesterday12:26
Keybukthe only ones left are those that come with module-init-tools itself12:26
cjwatsonthis is breakage for the sake of breakage from m-i-t upstream, right? :)12:26
Keybukand those created by programs12:26
cjwatsonthe only justification I can think of is things like .dpkg-tmp12:26
cjwatsonwhich would be addressed by just saying that your filename can't contain a dot12:26
Keybukcjwatson: no, there's enormous numbers of bugs of people's swap files being treated as module aliases, etc.12:26
pittilike .dpkg-old or so?12:26
Keybukthat doesn't help with /etc/modprobe.d/4913 which vi likes to create <g>12:27
cjwatsonthe run-parts rules deal with that perfectly well, and much less intrusively12:27
Keybukcjwatson: I don't think I agree anymore12:27
Keybukafter having tried to maintain the same thing with Upstart12:27
Keybukthat's shifting to .conf too12:27
Keybukthere's just too many damned stupid file rules to ignore nowadays12:28
cjwatsonand so the world gets gradually worse :-/12:28
Keybukwhy worse?12:28
cjwatsonupgrade pain on a stick; I expect lots of people to have local modprobe.d files12:29
Keybukit'll pass12:29
cjwatsonjust because it was too hard to DTRT12:29
cjwatsonupgrade pain is cumulative, and everybody keeps adding their own little bit to the pile12:29
cjwatsonupgrade problems are something we get hammered about by users12:29
Keybukbitching aside12:30
Keybukback to the bug12:30
Keybukpitti: I can't quite see what's going in the description12:31
cjwatsonI'm sorry that you feel that raising a design concern is bitching :P12:31
pittiKeybuk: my main headache is that modules get auto-loaded despite being blacklisted12:31
Keybukcjwatson: it's bitching because you're doing it to me, and not upstream12:31
pittiKeybuk: this obviously worked in intrepid, so I wonder what changed12:31
cjwatsonas usual, we raise bug reports through distro maintainers12:31
cjwatsonI can do it as a bug report if you'd rather, but from this conversation it sounds like you'd just close it12:32
Keybukcjwatson: I happen to agree with the upstream in this case ;)12:32
Keybukhaving tried to maintain a "filter out known filename patterns" list, it's just too damned hard12:32
Keybukespecially if you're doing it in a piece of software that can run at any time12:32
Keybukso you need to deal with transient things like vi's silly "can I write to this directory?" files12:32
cjwatsonupstart doesn't really worry me much because it's new and not many people are going to have written jobs files for it12:33
Keybukpitti: hmm12:34
Keybukpitti: bug the bug seems to say that a driver *isn't* being loaded12:34
Keybukor am I reading this all wrong?12:35
pittiKeybuk: sec, doorbell12:35
sistpoty|workpitti: no objections from me in regards to devicekit-power12:35
pittiKeybuk: no, the bug is that wl isn't being loaded because ssb is auto-loaded12:35
pittiKeybuk: in intrepid this blacklisted ssb, b43, and b4412:36
Keybukwl is failing to load?12:36
Keybukie. it tries, and throws it out?12:36
pittiKeybuk: thus the modaliases for wl got "unshadowed"12:36
Keybukwhat do you mean by "unshadowed"?12:36
pittithus wl then got auto-loaded through the udev rules, and the rule made sure that b44 got, too12:36
pittiKeybuk: ssb and wl have the same modaliases12:36
pittiand apparently ssb won12:36
Keybukso both will be loaded12:36
Keybukwhichever is first in depmod.conf/modules.order will win12:36
Keybukif wl is in ubuntu/ it should win12:37
Keybukas long as ssb isn't12:37
pittibut if ssb and b43 already grabbed the device, wl didn't find anything to drive12:37
pittiso someone came up with that idea of blacklisting ssb/b43/b44 and let wl install b44 alongside12:37
pittiwhich worked fine in intrepid12:37
pittibut now, the blacklist seems to get ignored entirely12:37
pittiKeybuk: changing the probing order sounds interesting; where is that configured?12:38
DktrKranzpitti: is bug 318775 addressed?12:38
ubottuLaunchpad bug 318775 in devicekit-power "D-Bus Policy needs checking" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/31877512:38
Keybukpitti: two places12:38
Keybukpitti: /etc/depmod.d/depmod.conf configures the search order of directories12:38
Keybukso it will search updates, then ubuntu, then kernel12:38
Keybuk/lib/modules/$(uname -r)/modules.order specifies the load order in general12:39
pittiDktrKranz: it's fixed in devicekit; not sure whether it's needed in devkit-power, I'll look12:39
DktrKranzpitti: thanks. Anyway, it looks fine to me12:39
Keybukpitti: is b43legacy being loaded?12:39
DktrKranz(and it's not probably motu-release stuff, btw)12:40
Keybukor is b43 itself being loaded?12:40
pittiKeybuk: b43 in that case12:40
Keybukb43 deps on ssb12:40
pittiDktrKranz: thanks12:40
pittiKeybuk: right, that's why all three get blacklisted right now12:40
asacpitti: yes. there should be a "missing plugin .." button12:40
loolcjwatson: Hmpf dprof isn't packaged, this is getting a bit far for me; if you don't mind I'll document that in a low priority bug report and people who want to do the research are welcome to12:40
Keybukpitti: you don't want the "_" in b43_legacy :p12:40
Keybukb44 would also load ssb12:41
cjwatsonlool: uh - it's in the perl package12:41
cjwatsonperl: /usr/lib/perl/5.10.0/Devel/DProf.pm12:41
pittiKeybuk: no, I don't think so :) it's called b43legacy12:41
pittiKeybuk: hm, /etc/depmod.d/ubuntu.conf doesn't look like something I should modify in apport12:42
Keybukrandom thought12:42
KeybukWHEN are they being autloaded?12:42
Keybukare these modules being copied into the initramfs?12:42
pittiKeybuk: haven't pinpointed that yet with the reporter12:42
Keybukpitti: yes12:42
Keybukssb is in my initramfs12:42
pittiKeybuk: ah, you think that the blacklist needs to be copied to initramfs?12:42
Keybukpitti: probably12:43
KeybukI'd guess that's the regression - more modules have been copied into the initramfs, but the blacklist isn't being12:43
pittiKeybuk: good point, I'll try that12:43
Keybukyou prob. just need an update-initramfs12:43
Keybukas I'm pretty sure all files in /etc/modprobe.d are copied across12:43
pittiKeybuk: so, the jockey handler does call update-initramfs12:44
pittiKeybuk: but i didn't ask the bug reporter to do so after changing it12:44
loolcjwatson: Oh ok12:44
pittiKeybuk: so it's not the entire explanation, but it might explain the failures in debugging it12:45
loolcjwatson: I didn't imagine that for a second12:45
Keybukpitti: to help debug, /var/log/udev would tell us the modaliases on his system12:46
Keybukand get him to try modprobe -n -v on each of the aliases he finds there12:46
loolbryce: When you have a sec, please look at #33471112:52
ScottKpitti: If you're confortable with it, I'm good.12:59
pittiScottK: ok, thanks12:59
pittiKeybuk: you can run modprobe for a modalias?13:04
pittiKeybuk: i. e. "sudo modprobe ssb:v4243id0812rev09"?13:04
pittiindeed, nice13:05
loolcjwatson: http://paste.ubuntu.com/127211/13:09
cjwatsonlool: could I get the full tmon.out?13:12
loolcjwatson: http://people.ubuntu.com/~lool/tmon.out13:13
loolcjwatson: That's a really interesting tool BTW13:13
cjwatsonthanks, got it13:13
cjwatsonit's not going to be straightforward though :-/13:16
cjwatsonthe biggest user is simply 100000 calls to one subroutine that takes a tiny fraction of a second per call, but it mounts up13:17
cjwatsonit could be that sub calls are just really slow on arm13:17
cjwatsonor it could be that the whole algorithm needs to be improved13:17
loolcjwatson: Perhaps we could avoid ::approximate?13:17
lool100000 calls seems bad indeed13:18
cjwatsonnytprof (http://blog.timbunce.org/tag/perl/) looks really amazing but I think I'll work with this first :)13:19
cjwatsonlool: err. I don't think we can just throw out bits of the algorithm, no. :)13:20
loolcjwatson: Sorry, I first thought approximate was some perl function, but I saw it in the source later on13:20
cjwatsonah, no, it's part of the xkb symbol resolution stuff13:21
cjwatsonI admit that I don't actually understand its purpose yet myself13:21
loolcjwatson: The next idea I thought of was to convince perl it needs more optimization, perhaps there's some inlining concept in perl?13:21
cjwatsonbut I would start by doing so13:21
cjwatsonnot really, no13:21
cjwatsonI would rather start by analysing and understanding the problem13:22
loolcjwatson: It looks like a many hours job from my side; I hope you don't mind I leave it here13:27
loolcjwatson: Happy to assist in testing or benchmarks though13:27
cjwatsonlool: yep, that should be fine, thanks13:29
Keybukpitti: yes, that's _kinda_ the whole point <g>13:29
dholbachKeybuk: are you going to sponsor it? :)13:45
Keybukdholbach: what's sponsoring?13:45
dholbachKeybuk: right13:45
Keybukdholbach: assign the bug to me13:47
Keybukand I'll do it in my sponsoring hour next week13:47
dholbachKeybuk: I think it's more urgent than that - so I'll do it now13:49
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BUGabundopitti: ping14:11
BUGabundoapport Suggest python-launchpadlib14:12
pittibryce: some speculations for i845: could we resurrect -i810 on those? could we start vesa on those by default14:12
pittiBUGabundo: yes?14:12
BUGabundobut to use apport-collect its required14:12
BUGabundoshouldn't it be recommends?14:12
BUGabundoor depends?14:12
pittibryce: just thinking about a fallback strategy if we won't find a proper solution by the release, so that upgrades won't break completely14:12
pittiBUGabundo: I'll switch apport over to launchpadlib soon anyway14:13
pittiBUGabundo: for now, apport-collect tells you that the package is missing14:13
pittiseb128: ah, seems bug 277309 is fixed now; confirm?14:17
ubottuLaunchpad bug 277309 in gnome-session "[Jaunty] Missing suspend icon" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/27730914:17
pittiseb128: (WFM)14:17
seb128pitti: no it's not14:20
seb128pitti: again that bug is the "suspend icon is only in the human theme"14:20
seb128the jaunty issue (no theming) has been fixed14:20
seb128pitti: switch to clearlooks, press the power button, notice the "no icon"14:21
pittiseb128: ah, but that remaining issue isn't a regression, is it?14:21
seb128no it's not14:21
seb128it's there since intrepid14:21
seb128since we use the new dialog14:21
pittiI wonder why it should be a release blocker then14:22
seb128it should not?14:22
pittiseb128: there's no good counterpart in clearlooks and other themes for the icon?14:22
seb128that's you guys who have confused the jaunty issue with this one and have dups and tweaked settings the wrong way14:22
seb128pitti: there is no suspend icon, I don't know if one other icon could be a good workaround, should be a question for icon guys ;-)14:23
seb128pitti: see bug #274889 for a discussion about the icons used14:24
ubottuLaunchpad bug 274889 in gnome-session "the new session dialog should use other icon names (dup-of: 277309)" [Low,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/27488914:24
ubottuLaunchpad bug 277309 in gnome-session "[Jaunty] Missing suspend icon" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/27730914:24
pittiseb128: ok, thanks for the heads-up14:24
seb128pitti: your marked duplicated the wrong way around imho, you closed the bug which had a technical discussion about the issue for a newer one with less details14:24
pittiuh, was that me?14:25
pittisorry then14:25
pittiplease feel free to swap them14:25
seb128according to the launchpad activity log14:25
seb128ok, will do14:25
* BUGabundo1 wonders if ADSL is going to be up for a while14:27
pittiasac: bug 323109 is on track for jaunty release, or rather not? (it's not a regression)14:27
ubottuLaunchpad bug 323109 in firefox-3.0 "network-manager integration: firefox downloads do not honour network-manager online/offline state" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/32310914:27
BUGabundo1pitti: asac told me once that upstream doesn't want us using the integration with NM14:28
AmaranthBUGabundo1: we already do though, if NM is not connected firefox goes into offline mode14:38
BUGabundo1that should not be like that, according to asac14:40
BUGabundo1upstream doesn't seem to want that!14:41
Keybukseb128: randomly14:53
Keybukwhich is the right package to assign "my USB stick doesn't auto-mount" bugs to?14:53
KeybukI've utterly lost track with which bit of the GNOME stack is responsible14:53
Keybukgvfs or nautilus now?14:53
asacpitti: upstream has networkmanager support disabled by default on trunk. so unless we can convince them they wont put much resources in it. it could be an easy fix though. just requires some debugging to find out, what breaks this existing feature when you use NM for offline state. (it works if you dont use NM, but manually iirc)15:00
asacso we cannot really say if its on track for jaunty or not as we dont know the cause for the brokenness yet.15:01
pittiasac: right, I meant if it *should* be on the jaunty radar, i. e. if you consider it a release blocker15:01
asacpitti: its an important bug for the spec, but i dont think its a blocker15:02
pittiasac: I agree15:03
asaci think the spec is medium itself15:03
asacbut dont remember exactly15:03
asacpitti: but why are not-milestoned targetted bugs bad?15:03
asacpitti: i thought it means its an "oppertunity"15:03
pittiasac: well, every bug is an opportunity15:04
pittiasac: if a bug is targeted at jaunty, it means that it's on the release team's radar and should be fixed ASAP15:04
pittiit's basically the set of bugs which we consider "release critical" for jaunty15:04
asacpitti: so what would you suggest me to use for "my" jaunty radar?15:06
pittiasac: personally I assign bugs to me and set them to "in progress"; that's the set of bugs I"m currently working on15:07
pittiasac: you can also milestone it for ubuntu-9.04 without targetting it at jaunty15:07
pittiif you like that better15:07
asacpitti: thats true. but i like to have a in progress list for jaunty15:07
asacbut well.15:07
pittiasac: use the ubuntu-9.04 milestone then15:07
asaci wiill misuse importance than to tweak my personal priority15:07
pittimilestones on the floating task are for personal use15:07
asacok. i will think abit about it, now that i know that any targetted task are RM15:09
BUGabundo1asac: I've changed my FF to use NM, and it fails to set Offline 50% of the times!15:13
asacBUGabundo1: well. disable your 70 extensions first ;) ... can you still reproduce then=15:14
BUGabundo1asac: I'll try latter with 3.215:15
BUGabundo1can't take the net off now! connected to server ss15:15
asaci mean, afaik you run firefox 3.1 dailies with disableextensioncheck and 70 extensions installed out of which 60 claim maxVersion=3.0 :)15:15
asacBUGabundo1: try without extensions and not with 3.2 ;)15:15
BUGabundo1that would require a new 3.1 profile!15:16
BUGabundo1I don't close my FF all that much15:16
asacBUGabundo1: no you can use safe-mode15:16
BUGabundo1that too15:18
BUGabundo1forgot about that15:19
BUGabundo1still requires to close FF15:19
BUGabundo1asac: will try when I get home15:19
BUGabundo1asac: FYI its only 53 addons.... lol15:25
seb128Keybuk: not easy to say without debug info, you can reassign to gvfs, it's often hal which is buggy though15:28
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Keybukseb128: indeed, just never sure which bit of the stack to assign it to so that debugging can begin that's not something ridiculous like util-linux15:29
seb128Keybuk: gvfs15:29
seb128it's likely wrong but I will read those and I know what to ask15:30
Keybukit'd be interesting to see if we can move that stuff to CoreDisksKitStar sooner rather than later ;)15:30
Keybukie. karmic15:30
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superm1seb128, reg bug 331818, did I not properly push the upload to bzr, or was it something on your end that didn't get pushed right?  If it was me, i'd just like to make sure i'm aware of it so I dont make a mistake again.15:39
ubottuLaunchpad bug 331818 in gnome-control-center "Notification window is not translatable " [Low,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33181815:39
seb128superm1: we moved the bzr to the ubuntu-desktop team I think you pushed to the "old" location15:40
superm1seb128, ah yeah this i didn't realize.  i did push to the core-dev branches15:41
superm1seb128, did you update the Vcs-Bzr in the debian/control to reflect it too now then?15:41
seb128superm1: yes15:42
seb128I think that was just a race between change and your upload15:42
seb128nothing to worry about really15:42
superm1seb128, okay thanks15:42
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thbishopnow that Dell and others are shipping Ubuntu pre-installs and the whole Netbook linux thing is taking off, are these companies dedicating resources to Ubuntu development upstream?15:49
* directhex hands dholbach a slice of cake15:59
dholbachdirecthex: gracias!16:00
* directhex really does attempt to show appreciation when people process his crap, he's just not very good at it16:00
slangasekdoko: I see jflex 1.4.2-1 is unstable now; is that the version we need to sync, or are we waiting for yet another upload?16:20
pittislangasek: the latter16:30
pittislangasek: jaunty and sid have by and large the same version, modulo changelog16:30
pittislangasek: I updated the bug this morning and linked to the debian svn fix16:30
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bdmurraycjwatson: I've updated and I'm setting up a daily cronjob for it16:33
cjwatsonbdmurray: cool, thanks16:33
slangasekKeybuk: ah, the binary-index modprobe isn't in yet?16:45
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Keybukslangasek: not yet16:46
slangasekok. is that the same upstream version that breaks compatibility with /etc/modprobe.d?16:47
Keybukit doesn't break any compatibility16:47
Keybukit does warn if the filenames don't end in ".conf"16:47
slangasekah, right16:48
slangasekbut we hide that by default at boot so it's ok :)16:48
cjwatsondendrobates: should have trimmed off a little under 4MB of your amd64 server CD size now17:05
dendrobatescjwatson: great, thanks.17:05
cjwatsonyou have about 11 to go ...17:06
alex-weejwith notify-osd is it intended that i can only show one bubble per app?17:06
keesdoko: my local machine can't compile openjdk-6; it eventually dies with:17:12
keesCould not reserve enough space for object heap17:13
keesbut that's because I use a 1G vmem rlimit.17:13
kees[pid  1187] mmap(NULL, 2225078272, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE|PROT_EXEC, MAP_PRIVATE|MAP_ANONYMOUS|MAP_NORESERVE, -1, 0) = -1 ENOMEM (Cannot allocate memory)17:14
kees(this is from "bootstrap/jdk1.6.0/bin/java -version")17:15
cody-somervilleseb128, search in gedit seems broken. The find button stays deactivated even if you type stuff in.17:16
ScottKalex-weej: Try #dx.17:21
alex-weejscottK: no topic. what is it?17:23
ScottKalex-weej: That's where the Canonical Desktop Experience people who do notify-osd are.17:23
jdongdoes anyone know how crack-ish the freenx stack is these days?17:48
jdongI have to look into some low-bandwidth remote desktopping solutions and remember from the ol' days that FreeNX was one of the best in terms of usability17:48
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slangasekawesome, right-clicking on an event in evolution crashes it18:36
Simiraa new feature?18:38
slangasekthe backtrace on the console is very pretty, so I assume so18:39
slangasekbut maybe I'll file a bug report just in case18:39
seb128slangasek: it's fixed in svn18:39
slangasekoh, ok :)18:39
slangasekthe 'BADARG: Bad argument to function' one?18:39
seb128slangasek: that's because libical is built to abort on error, I'm pondering unsetting that before jaunty18:39
seb128slangasek: bug #331428?18:40
ubottuLaunchpad bug 331428 in evolution "crash when right clicking on a calendar entry" [Medium,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33142818:40
seb128slangasek: I might backport that now in fact because we will not get new tarball before alpha6 and that's an annoying one18:41
slangasekseb128: yep, that's the one :)18:41
tx2650Hi. How can I tell Intrepid to download the old (2.6.24) Hardy kernel?19:08
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mrooneytx2650: good question, if you don't get an answer here you could also try #ubuntu-bugs19:10
siretart  19:12
andresmujicatx2650:  clean your apt-cache, backup your source.list, then change intrepid with hardy, then update your cache then install the hardy kernel, then recover your original source.list, clean your cache, and update again.  CAREFULLY19:12
maxbandresmujica, tx2650: No, don't clean your apt-cache. That is not useful and would just waste download time in the future, potentially19:18
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tx2650internet connection is not an issue19:18
maxbStill needless19:18
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maxbI'd be tempted to just download the .debs manually rather than messing with apt, if it's just for a kernel19:19
tx2650it seems that that would cause many problems. I`m going to backup and reinstall.19:21
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stgraberseb128: what could cause whatever monitors /media/ not to send a dbus signal ?20:18
tx2650just a question: what`s with cpufreq on em64t? No support in Hardy or Intrepid?20:24
seb128stgraber: directory are filesystem entries they don't talk dbus20:34
seb128stgraber: not sure a dbus signal should be sent there20:34
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stgraberseb128: dbus-monitor shows a few entry from a vfs service when a mountpoint appears in /media but for some reasons on some of my systems (intrepid/jaunty) nothing happens ...20:48
seb128stgraber: no idea about that it's friday evening now and over work hour, will have a look next week20:53
joinADhow do we go about adding ubuntu to a active directory domain?   was trying Likewise20:57
slangaseklikewise does it.20:58
joinADmy syntax must be wrong then, or Server08 is not playing nice20:59
joinADsudo domainjoin-cli join syrtime-local ACCOUNT PASS20:59
LaneyCan someone help debug an FTBFS in miro? Seems to be boost-python related: http://orangesquash.org.uk/~laney/miro_ftbfs.txt21:00
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slangasekjoinAD: I don't recall the syntax off the top of my head, but I've tested it successfully in the past; if #ubuntu holds no answers for you, you might ask on #ubuntu-server21:01
sistpotyLaney: /usr/include/boost/python/detail/wrap_python.hpp (failed) would be the first point to look for, I guess21:03
sistpotyLaney: so question is, why boost doesn't find it (it's from there) and if boosts deps are right (in regards to -dev packages)21:04
Laneyyeah, it seemed fine to me21:04
sistpotyLaney: I can't find a failed buildlog in lp... where does it actually fail?21:13
Laneysistpoty: It didn't fail when it was uploaded21:18
LaneyIt needs updating for py 2.6, which is when I came across this21:18
Laneydownload the source and try to build and you'll see21:18
sistpotyLaney: ok, will try later ;)21:18
Laneyhmm, this might be because of 2.5/2.6 skew21:23
Laneybut miro does not work with py 2.621:23
sistpotyLaney: complete guess right now (I'm just going through FFe's and found it): libtorrent-rasterbar has this in changelog: "--with-boost-python=boost_python-mt-py26 flag."21:25
sistpotyLaney: so maybe it might be worth a look what libtorrent-rasterbar makes with this flag21:25
sistpotyLaney: cf. bug #33574121:26
ubottuLaunchpad bug 335741 in libtorrent-rasterbar "[jaunty]python(<2.6)-based apps cannot meet dependencies" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33574121:26
LaneyI see problems with Boost.Python and forcing 2.5 though21:26
Laneythat title sounds workable21:26
superm1slangasek, i think i may have encountered a bug on cdimage when creating alternate disks.  what project is the appropriate place to file such bugs?21:45
superm1(unless you can confirm that it's the right behavior; it appears that udeb dependencies are not getting resolved when the cd is built)21:46
superm1slangasek, i'll put it on germinate for now, if you've got some better ideas i'll  be all ears22:02
sistpotyRiddell: may I bug you to look at FFe bug #334121 again? ;)22:04
ubottuLaunchpad bug 334121 in plasma-widget-translatoid "Update to 0.6" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33412122:04
sistpotythanks jdstrand for letting faumachine through new (3rd time indeed was a charm) *g* :)22:49
BUGabundoasac: pitti I tested FF 3.1 with a clean profile: Without NM integration it will not change to off line. with flag to FALSE if NM is off, FF will go Offline too23:04
slangaseksuperm1: I was going to suggest the ubuntu-cdimage project; I guess udeb deps are supposed to get resolved, or else lib deps would be a headache - what udeb are you seeing that problem with?23:09
avb1hello all23:49
avb1guys, why everything is linked with libselinux?23:49
avb1ubuntu doesnt use it23:49
avb1or its in use by apparmor?23:49
avb1i thought its not23:49
slangasekvarious core utilities have to be linked with libselinux in order for them to correctly handle SELinux when it is enabled23:54
slangasekso we link against the lib even though it's not enabled by default.23:54
avb1i see, so, ubuntu dont use it by default, but its still "supported"23:58
superm1slangasek, i've filed bug 338967, so maybe follow up on that23:58
ubottuLaunchpad bug 338967 in germinate "alternate and server CDs are not pulling in udeb dependencies" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33896723:58

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