
* dandel pulls ppa of latest 2.6.29 kernel.01:27
dandel><; fun... regression from irq changes from acpi persists.01:27
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
dandel0o fun... should i report the bug pertaining to acpi_irq to the ubuntu launchpad or the bugzilla of the linux kernel?01:58
dandeldoes anyone know where i can get the 2.6.25 and 2.6.26 kernels as ubuntu packages?02:04
dtchendandel: if the bug is in an Ubuntu kernel, use LP02:05
dandeldtchan it affects the kernel-ppa also02:06
dandel2.6.29 gives a different function error string when compared to 2.6.27 lol02:06
dandeland i can't use lp for this, my bug i had for it, which is not solved got labeled as duplicate ( although the bug evolved as i found more issues between the 2.6.24 and 2.6.27 kernels )02:07
dtchenit looks like 2.6.2[56] aren't in /mainline; they're not the base of any supported Ubuntu kernel releases02:07
dtchen(discounting -ports)02:07
dandelbug # 294323 is when i first found issue02:08
dandeli kept it updated as best i could, in hope that it would be unflagged and fixed.02:08
dandelhmm... actually it's faster than 2.6.27 on responding to change, however it still is not as fast to notice the change in the power plug as 2.6.2402:11
dandelhowever, it still has issue of automatically kicking out of suspend when plugged in for some reason02:12
dandelfirst suspend attempt always fails, then second one works02:13
amitkdandel: if the problem is upstream, you could update the LP bug saying so, so that the triager might link it to bugzilla.kernel.org. Or, you could directly report it there.06:53
dandelamitk, the issue is mainstream and i believe it appeared somewhere in 2.6.25 or 2.6.2610:54
amitkdandel: I suggest updating the bug with this info _and_ if possible ping ogasawara who is the kernel QA11:03
dandelamitk, i'll just make a new bug and make sure it refers to the old one on the lp tracker.11:12
dandelwow... this is a new one 0o11:15
dandelwhich lead to corrupted low memory ><;11:15
amitkapw: is there way to revert things in a git index?11:30
amitkIOW, revert the results of a 'git add .'11:30
apwyou can update the index as often as you like11:31
apwif what was in the index was whats in a commit you can get that back11:31
apwif its was an uncommpitted previous add, then no11:31
amitkapw: it was uncommitted11:32
apwso i believe that intermediat there is no longer linked11:32
apwin theory it will still be in your object store11:32
apwin a loose object ... so if there is something distinctive in it you might be able to find it11:33
apwie. its likely high effort, but it might be important enough11:33
amitkI did "git am <mbox>; git reset --soft HEAD^;" But this leaves everything cached in the index. I want it to go back to the uncommitted state and allow me to add files interactively11:33
amitkapw: probably not worth it trying to recover the object11:34
apwhmm so i think you are saying you want the index to be HEAD^11:35
amitk'git add --interactive' allows this, but it is quite cumbersome to do it manually11:35
amitkapw: yes11:35
apwso i think you want git reset --mixed11:35
dandelamitk, reported new bug as bug #33870111:36
ubot3Malone bug 338701 in linux-meta "acpi_irq is not set properly." [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33870111:36
apwif you are already done the --soft11:36
amitkdandel: thanks11:36
apwi think a git reset --mixed HEAD might do the trick ... as you have already moved your HEAD back one11:36
dandelit didn't add the mesg log tho.11:36
apw       --mixed11:37
apw           Resets the index but not the working tree (i.e., the changed files11:37
apw           are preserved but not marked for commit) and reports what has not11:37
apw           been updated. This is the default action.11:37
apwso if a git show HEAD shows the commit against which you are trying to work11:37
apw(now) then i think a git reset --mixed HEAD would reset the index only11:38
amitkapw: --mixed for the win!11:38
apwi always wondered why you might want that, now i know11:38
amitkuseful split out a patch :)11:38
amitk*useful to11:39
apwindeed :)11:39
amitkapw: apparently it is the default action... Only I wasn't trying to be so smart11:39
apwheh so it is, i think i use --hard almost exclusivly11:40
apwi've used --soft rarely, and the default never11:40
Keybukapw: we did talk about an intrepid backport of the floppy patch, right?15:05
apwKeybuk, yep, i am on the case15:05
Keybukok, I'll update the bug15:05
apwits building in my build far right now15:05
apwi'll be doing it in a sec anyhow15:05
Keybuksure, just to track it for SRU purposes15:05
apwKeybuk, i'll handle it .. .i am pushing some test kernels for intrepid now15:06
apwwhen we have some test acks i'll push it through the SRU process15:06
apw(of course it cannot fail as its an obvious patch but hey)15:06
apwcking, battery discharge when suspended ... is there a sensible value we can make as the boundary from failure to success?15:10
ckingapw, not sure.. let me think for a minute about this.15:13
apwa test isn't much of a test if it doesn't tell you if it was good or bad15:13
ckingprobably not. in suspend you are keeping memory alive, and that's dependant on how much memory you have and so forth15:14
apwyeah i guessed as much15:14
ckingthe issue which is important is how much current is being drawn when in hibernation. One expects that to be zero - if it's not then something is not good15:14
apwvery true, so perhaps this test will become more useful once we start doing hib stuff ...15:15
ckingapw, yep. I think it should be on the agenda for hibernation testing. I wonder what horrors one will find...15:17
apwa whole heap15:18
ckingthe tricky part will be to factor out which part of the system is doing the current stealing15:20
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
=== pgraner_ is now known as pgraner
rtgapw: you have positive results on https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/193970. please push the patch17:07
ubot3Malone bug 193970 in linux "iwl3945 | iwl4965: Wireless can't be activated after disabling kill switch" [Medium,Confirmed] 17:07
apwrtg thanks for the heads up.  i believe one of the testers was a Jaunty user, the other I am unsure.  so i propose pushing the jaunty one and holding intrepid until i have some solid results on there?  ok?17:15
rtgapw: wfm. Jaunty is the only thing I'm intereted in right now.17:16
apwfair enough... will get it in shortly17:16
=== TimStarling is now known as Tim-away
tx2650Hi. I can`t build promise tx2650 driver for the 8.10 kernel. Has anybody done that?18:48
wmattx2650: did you see this -> http://www.colinmackenzie.net/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=12:promise-satasas-driver-update-tx4650tx2650&catid=8:rotator&Itemid=718:51
tx2650yes. Tryed to build with warious patches, somebody said the .28 kernel supports it so I build that kernel and it didnt detect it, so baiscally I`m running out of optiones.18:53
tx2650from colins site I get  Error 2 on compilation18:54
tx2650I noticed another one complaining about failed build on .27 kernel, so, it`s not my clumsiness18:56
wmatI see success reports using 2.6.24-1618:57
wmatbut that doesn't help you much18:57
tx2650I had to upgrade to 8.10....ž18:58
tx2650is there a way to downgrade to 8.04 or could I just build a .24 kernel?18:59
wmattx2650: just download the old kernel via synaptic or apt-get and install it. Then pick the old kernel at boot.19:01
tx2650I tried that already but it says the package has no available version. I suppose I must set sth in sourcelist19:03
tx2650how can I tell Intrepid to look for packages in Hardy repositories?19:07
wmattx2650: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DowngradeHowto19:11
=== fddfoo is now known as fdd
ion_What does SAUCE mean in the changelog?20:40
rtgion_: its a patch that is not currently upstream.20:40
ion_What’s the etymology? :-)20:40
rtgas in 'special sauce'. I use it too keep track of patches that diverge from upstream20:41
ion_Alright, thanks.20:41
=== pgraner_ is now known as pgraner
=== fdd is now known as pricolici
* bradF is back21:20
NCommanderAre kernel mainline builds available for 2.6.29 kernels?22:44
* NCommander is having issues finding them.22:45
dtchenNCommander: http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/22:45
NCommanderthank you!22:47
dandeldtchan, on the 2.6.29 kernel should i report bugs pertaining to that to the linux mainline?23:21
dandelconsidering i am using the ppa kernel sources.23:22
=== Tim-away is now known as TimStarling
dtchendandel: yes; please be sure to note the pedigree clearly in the bug report  (also, it's dtchEn)23:24
dandelshows as all lower case here.23:25
dtchenyes, it is lowercase, but it's an 'e' not an 'a'. Anyhow, no big deal. My nick-highlight just doesn't trigger if you misspell it.23:25
dandeli did note the issue on 2.6.27 kernel, however i can't confirm the 2.6.26 and 2.6.25 kernel between long term.23:25
dandelso it's tougher to track the originating kernel.23:26
dtchendid you try the mainline .24 base?23:26
dandel2.6.24 worked fine23:26
dandelso i haft to find 2.6.25 and 2.6.26 which are both not on the mainline package list.23:26
dtchenwell, only three kernel versions, then. Not too shabby ;-)23:26
dandeli posted latest 2.6.29 dmesg but that changed when compared to
* dandel combs the changelogs as best i can to figure out where the possible change happened.23:28
dandel!bug 33870123:28
ubot3Factoid bug 338701 not found23:28
ubot3Malone bug 338701 in linux "acpi_irq is not set properly." [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33870123:28

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