
ubottuping yourself ;-) really the diodes all down my left side are sore00:52
* Myrtti facepalms00:52
MyrttiI just learned how to use basename, after I had written three lines of sed to do what "baseline $dir" can do00:52
nickrudbut sed is so cool00:53
Myrttibut it's so utterly useless in this00:53
* Pici waits00:54
* Pici taps foot00:54
nickrudoh, were're talking useful. doh00:55
ubottuping yourself ;-) really the diodes all down my left side are sore00:55
PiciI could request a bot reset, but I'm not sure thats going to help00:55
LjLPici: it might if it's the server's fault...00:56
PiciLjL: The bt isnt really responding00:56
LjLPici: what domain was the bot on again?00:57
PiciLjL: ubottu.com00:58
ubottuping yourself ;-) really the diodes all down my left side are sore00:58
LjLPici: i think i have access to that machine... except err, i seem to have forgot my password.00:58
PiciThat was me.00:58
LjLi guessed00:59
LjLwhat's that darn password01:05
LjLPici: if it's actually the same machine that i have in mine, it seems to be responding ok aside from bot and bt01:08
PiciLjL: hmm01:09
PiciThink I should issue another restart?01:09
LjLPici: it's not yet back, i don't know, it should be back by now01:09
LjLwon't hurt i guess01:09
PiciLjL: It said it couldnt find the bot process :/01:10
Myrttiuh oh01:10
PiciRestarting it thoughj01:10
LjLi'm john-the-ripping some of my password hashes, perhaps i'll find the one01:10
LjLnot that i'll able to do much even if i can get in, but at least see if something's hogging the cpu01:11
Myrttibloody bot01:13
LjLi think it'll time out again shortly01:17
ubottuping yourself ;-) really the diodes all down my left side are sore01:17
LjLweird, it answered this one fast - not mine01:18
ubottuping yourself ;-) really the diodes all down my left side are sore01:18
MyrttiI think that jussi01_'s postgres might have not been a good idea01:19
LjLah wait it's silent in here01:22
LjLworks in #ubuntu01:22
ubottusigh... again? I'm busy here, I already told you it failed.01:22
LjLjust updating database to newest from ubottu.com01:25
LjLby the way Myrtti, i think it would have been a good idea to @mark the conversation with turtle here - he's being random again now and it should be nice (especially for ikonia) to be able to refer to what happened here01:30
MyrttiLjL: tbh, I really couldn't care less. I'm trying to work so I can go to bed and sleep.01:31
LjLMyrtti: ok, i know you weren't intending to deal with that unban to begin with, but after all it's just a "@mark turtle_"01:32
Myrttiok, I'm going to go to the bantracker, if it responds, and mark the conversation with the link to the irclogs.ubuntu.com.01:33
Myrttiafter that I'm going to commit this damned script to the svn, and go to bed, and sleep, and hopefully have no dreams01:34
LjLMyrtti: doing it now is much more complicated, with the linking to irclogs and all01:34
LjLi'm sure someone else can just explain what happened instead01:34
LjLbut if we just make it a habit of doing a @mark after dealing with bans in here, it'll be easy and useful01:35
MyrttiI have nothing positive to say in this state of mind, so I'll just shut up.01:38
Myrtti@mark Myrtti01:38
ubottuThe operation succeeded.01:38
Myrttigood night01:38
LjLubottu seems to be responsive right now01:45
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)01:45
LjLi guess i'll try again in a little while though before removing ubotwo01:46
LjLPici: are you sticking around in the following hours?01:47
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
Grant-AI accidentally joined #ubuntuforums and noticed that I was able to enter02:23
Grant-AIt's probably an issue with my hostmask accidentally making the ban invalid02:23
Grant-AI just wanted to inform you guys of the mistake02:24
Grant-AI figured that honesty would be the best idea here ;)02:26
LjLGrant-A: yes it is, we appreciate that02:41
LjLlet me check02:41
LjLGrant-A: i do believe your ban is still valid02:42
jdongGrant-A: just to clarify the last time we spoke in here we agreed to re-evaluate your ban in two weeks.02:43
Grant-Awell, seeing as that was cleared up, I guess I'm done in here02:44
jdongnow I've been an extremely busy person during this time02:44
jdongbut from what I've understood from glances at channel  logs and the comments of other ops, I believe the reasons for the ban remain valid at this time, sorry.02:44
Grant-Athat's fine I guess02:45
Grant-Aperhaps it will be lifted in time?02:46
Grant-Awith good behavior, of course ;)02:47
LjLGrant-A: it will be re-evaluated in two weeks, which means there's certainly a possibility of it being lifted.02:48
Grant-Athank you for your time02:49
Grant-Aadiaŭ, ĝis revido. :)02:49
jdongGrant-A: I really appreciate the change of attitude :)02:49
jdongI think we are on the right track now.02:49
LjLperhaps if you could just drop the esperanto as well...02:50
LjLit turns my stomach02:50
LjLon the topic of which, given you're still being an extremely busy person, i wonder just what can be left in your nose to pick at this stage02:50
* Myrtti has coffee, feels better07:23
Mezmmm, coffee07:32
elkymmm coffee07:34
elky*licks lips*07:34
Garymeh, needsmoarcoffeez07:36
MyrttiMez: charming07:48
GaryI read that so wrong...  Mez mmm, coffee, Mez *barfs, Mez mmm coffee, Mez *licks lips* <--- eeew07:50
Garydamn you and your shorter nick elky 07:53
MyrttiGary: you could have read "licks lips" wrong as well07:53
Myrtti"kicks hips"07:53
GaryMyrtti: well I did that too07:53
Flanneldips chips07:53
Garyoh, no I read it rudely07:53
Myrttiso did I07:53
* Myrtti slaps herself, goes to work07:53
elkywheeeeeee, i finally ordered a new laptop07:54
elkytaaaaaaaaaaasty specs07:54
Garyhave a good day at work Myrtti 07:54
Garyelky: ooow, what make/model?07:54
MyrttiI'll try to have a fun day07:54
MyrttiI know I'll slip and IRC every once in a while07:54
elkyGary, dell vostro 131007:55
GaryI put on a tight top today, blimey I feel so gay07:55
* Myrtti started her day watching Bee Gees Staying Alive07:55
Garyooow leather back07:55
Garyelky: they look good07:57
elkyGary, i got a good deal too http://pastebin.ca/135423008:02
elkyit's full of typical dell gibberish, but i took out all their token/code/reference numbers08:03
Garyshame the wifi is not draft n08:05
elkyyeah, but i can remedy that another time i think08:06
Gary4gb waaaam, nice08:06
MyrttiGary: a wifi is a wifi, imo as long as it has endurable fast wifi, it's good08:06
Myrttiwhat ticks me off is that so few mobile phones/laptops have bt2.008:07
GaryMyrtti: yeah, I was just saying, as at home, when I tested my wifi being locked to n only, it was so much faster than B,G+N mixed mode08:08
Garybut it's a ruddy good laptop, cpu might be classed as a little slow, but it's a smallish machine08:09
Garyand a lot better priced than my macbook 13" unibody08:09
MyrttiI guess I'm a boring person08:09
Myrttijust as with packed music, after a certain treshold I can't see the difference in quality of the music / speed of the internets08:10
Myrttianything packed with better quality than 128kbit is a waste on me08:10
elkyGary, i dont mind the cpu being a little slow, since there's 2 of them, and they're both faster than this one which nearly never scales up when needed08:10
Garyoh, it's not internet speed I was interested in, it was backing up to my NAS box :p08:10
MyrttiGary: internets != Internet ;-)08:11
GaryI'm a bit ocd about backups08:11
Myrttimy backups are incremental rsyncs, so their fast enough already08:11
Myrttiwhich reminds me that I should do my backups08:12
elkyactually, they're both equally fast as this one, but there is 2 of them08:12
elkyGary, do scroll down to the battery section though08:12
Myrttibut in comparison to any wifi bluetooth1.0 is slow as a mule on morphine08:12
Garyelky: 13" is inho a great size for a laptop, I hate the 17"+ ones, get a desktop!08:12
elkyGary, 17" ones are not laptops. they're lap crushers.08:13
Myrttiand since I do like to use my laptop in my lap at places with no wifi and using mobile tethering, I'd *REALLY* want a fast bluetooth08:13
Garyelky: 9 cell, is that big? (/me knows nothing)08:13
Myrttimost laptops are 6, I've seen el cheapos with 308:14
elkyGary, default batteries are usually 3 or 4 cell for cheap laptops08:14
Garywhat do you guess the runtime will be on it?08:14
elkysince i dont game, and i'll probably turn compositing off.08:14
Garywoo, I got 5.5 hours on my old macbook pro once, that was fantastic08:14
Garyshame you paid the windows tax on it :'(08:15
elkyi might even get more, i really wont know until i've cycled the battery a few times08:15
elkyGary, a. dont have a choice. b. i have to lose my vista virginity eventually, it might as well be in the safety of my own home08:15
* quassel251 is getting a touchbook :)08:15
quassel251oh crap again08:15
=== quassel251 is now known as jussi01
* jussi01 is getting a touchbook :)08:16
topylijussi01: is quassel251 your trolling nick? :)08:16
Garyelky: good luck with it, I have vista at home, but it has not been booted (by me) for a year odd08:16
jussi01topyli: no, its the default nick while I wait for my db to get fixed...08:17
Garyjussi01: I use chipmonk for trollings :p08:17
jussi01Gary: you are a chipmunk...08:17
jpdsWhat's Sam2 doing in #u?08:17
MyrttiI don't know, but I'm kicking him soon08:18
elkyGary, considering this craptop i type into now is 512mb ram, an almost-never-scaling 1.8mhz sempron, requires an external wifi adaptor, has a battery life of half an hour and input 'peripherals' that are starting to require belting around....08:18
Garygreat reason there Myrtti 08:18
jussi01caps lock abuse!!08:19
MyrttiGary: it's my new default. nicked it from someone08:19
Garyelky: how old is this current machine?08:19
elkyi forget. i got it about 6 months before i went to UDS mt view in 2006 iirc.08:19
elkyprobably a bit later than 6mths before08:20
elkybut it's 2.5 years and it was the cheapest non-acer laptop i could find.08:20
Garywow, I think I am just a bit stupid on hardware then, my oldest machine is a mac mini, which sits under the telly as a media centre, bought in early 200708:20
elkycompaq v2627AU08:21
Myrttiooh, compaq08:21
Myrttiso it's not shitty by default08:21
Myrttiprobably quite good one for a laptop of it's age08:21
GaryI just sold my old july 2007 macbook pro to a work mate08:22
elkyyeah, it wasnt crap, but it was the baseline cheapest model around at the time08:22
elkyonly cost me like AUD$80008:22
Garythe damn maniac paid in cash, so I think I am going to get mugged on the way home, as I cannot get to a bank here08:22
Garyit was nice to pass the machine onto someone who looks like they are turning into a well groomed macwhore (he also just bought a iphone)08:25
Garyalso he is really interested in open source stuffs :-)08:25
elkydo banks pike early in the UK too? many close like 4pm here, it's really annoying08:26
Myrttiewwww macwhores...08:26
GaryI work in the middle of nowhere08:27
elkyyeah, i'd only take a mac if it were given to me.08:27
Garymeh, I love my macs08:27
elkyoh, i dont begrudge you. i just wouldn't pay that much for so little.08:27
Garyimho the build quality & design is super (yes it also costs waaay too much)08:27
elkyi just cannot justify spending what they ask for, even if they have superior build quality. i'm quite happy to settle for the middle ground, which i've done.08:28
elkyhad i infinate money, i'd probably think differently, but i dont.08:30
Garyelky: well yeah, the money was not an issue (thank goodness) and when I was looking for a laptop I wanted "the best" (within reason, hence no sony)08:31
elkyoh, and the benefit of buying from Dell SMB... "#Security Software       No Security Trialware"08:31
Garyyeah, woot, I'd still format their build and re-install though (hate OEM builds)08:31
elkyhehe, the reinstall would probably have the trialware stuck on it somewhere anyway08:32
GaryI've seen some right messed up installs from OEM's (I am a IT support guy, and deal with probably thousands of installs a year)08:32
elkythat's how hp/compaq do it08:32
elkyhp/compaq only do recovery partitions :(08:32
elkydell include OEM discs at least iirc08:33
Garyhp include a standard windows install media, and a add-on dvd for the other rubbish08:33
Garyelky: the HP's we buy include DVD media08:33
elkyGary, not my two compaqs they didn't08:33
Garymaybe it's a option?08:33
elkythis is also 2.5-4 years ago too08:33
Garyrecovery partitions suck08:33
elkynot an option for off-the-shelf in .au in my experience08:35
elkythe UK/EU might differ there08:35
Garyit might be as we are classed as a large business/enterprise08:36
elkyyeah, possibly08:36
elky'you will include install media, or we will not buy those thousand desktops, kthxbai'08:37
Garyyeah, it does go like that sometimes08:37
Garywe had fun buying servers last year, "sell them to me at this price or i'll go elsewhere"08:38
Garymind you, due to the stupid location, BT managed to rip us off for a £60K install for the data fibre08:39
Garyand took 8 months to install the ISDN3008:39
elkythat's how telecommunications changes happen in australia. my boss knew the guy who initiated 'company bundles' here. walked into the biggest provider and said 'i want 1000 handsets, and one bill' .. they said no. walked into next biggest provider and said 'i want 1000 handsets and one bill, and $biggest_provider has already lost their chance' and so, company billing was born.08:40
elkyor something like that anyway08:40
Myrtti[10:47] ~~~OnGaVeZyrKe 08:49
Myrtti          [i=5062b254@gateway/web/ajax/mibbit.com/x-006415eb1af2a78d] has 08:49
Myrtti          joined #xubuntu08:49
Myrtti[10:47] < OnGaVeZyrKe> IWe can provide tha war against the all of 08:49
Myrtti                       penguinfuckers irc channels and servers too08:49
Myrtti[10:48] ~~~mode/#xubuntu [+o Myrtti] by ChanServ08:49
Myrtti[10:48] ~~~OnGaVeZyrKe 08:49
Myrtti          [i=5062b254@gateway/web/ajax/mibbit.com/x-006415eb1af2a78d] has 08:49
Myrtti          left #xubuntu [requested by Myrtti: "Please see 08:49
Myrtti          https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcTeam/AppealProcess if you feel 08:49
Myrtti          mistreated"]08:49
Myrtti[10:48] ~~~mode/#xubuntu [-o Myrtti] by ChanServ08:49
Myrttidear god, I hate irssi sometimes08:49
Myrttinormally it formats those pastes so nicely08:50
Garyanother hungarian user!08:50
* bazhang floods ikonia 10:55
bazhangsounds like a 5th amendment plea: never to the best of my knowledge11:17
ikoniaI don't understand why when you say "please do this" people come back with pointless bits of info "I have 2gig"11:18
ikoniaor "I am using kubuntu"11:18
ikoniaif she's not ead the instructions for a 3rd time after asking - I'll be frustrated11:20
bazhangamazing the patience you have shown thusfar11:24
bazhangtony403> it's very important to be able to use one hand11:39
ikoniasee what happens11:48
ubottu(mark [<channel>] <nick|hostmask> [<comment>]) -- Creates an entry in the Bantracker as if <nick|hostmask> was kicked from <channel> with the comment <comment>, if <comment> is given it will be uses as the comment on the Bantracker, <channel> is only needed when send in /msg12:22
ikonia@mark #ubuntu tony403 placed on mute has he refuses to ackowledge any request to clam his langauge and attitude12:22
ubottuThe operation succeeded.12:22
ikoniathats better, put a mute on properly12:25
bazhangpretty shocking how he escalated there12:25
ikoniabit out of the blue12:26
bazhangsorry was away having dinner12:26
ikoniano biggy12:26
Myrttisome day, probably not so far away, I'll lose my grip and kick every smartass/nosy ...12:52
Myrttiit's a pity the logs are sanitised so well13:27
Myrttihttp://mg.pov.lt/maemo-irclog/%23maemo.2009-03-06.log.html#t2009-03-06T02:41:00 no way to do something like this... (sorry, might be nsfw, and not suitable for weakminded)13:28
PiciI dont know what a basename is,.13:29
MyrttiI do, now.13:30
Myrttibasename pwd AND basename `/bin/bash`13:30
Myrttior whatever...13:30
Myrttidoing basename pwd with plain sed is painful13:30
bazhang<ash_gfm> common solutions for 500  <--jeopardy?13:46
LjLis anyone here normally using clients that are not xchat, xchat-gnome, quassel or irssi?15:04
MyrttiI sometimes use mirggi15:04
Myrttiit has been months though15:04
Myrttimy irc addiction has relieved to a state I don't need to IRC from my phone15:05
LjLMyrtti: my irc addiction has relieved to a state I don't need to bring my eeepc with me when i'm relieving myself15:06
LjLor is that !tmi15:08
MyrttiI hope nobody uses pidgin...15:08
PiciNobody should use pidgin ever.15:08
PiciEr, for IRC.15:09
MyrttiI've been thinking of trying ERC though15:22
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
myrtti-ercit's cute with pink_bliss.el, too!15:33
Myrtti[17:33] [freenode] CTCP VERSION reply from myrtti-erc: ERC Version 5.3 - an  IRC client for emacs (http://emacswiki.org/cgi-bin/wiki/ERC  (mailing list: erc-discuss@gnu.org))15:33
LjLi might switch to emacs15:34
LjLi'm not fond of kde 4, and gnome just doesn't like me15:34
myrtti-ercthis looks really nice to use, but I wouldn't switch from irssi15:36
myrtti-ercI don't know if I have patience to learn it15:36
ZOMGALLCAPSplease unban me from Ubuntu off topic16:01
ZOMGALLCAPSi will be good16:02
ZOMGALLCAPSi promise i shall not "troll os x" again16:02
ikoniawhat a wate of time troll16:02
ikoniaurgreat: how can we help16:09
ikoniaor should I say rohan16:09
LjLbad quit message16:09
Myrttiurgreat: how about you change your quit message...16:09
ikoniarohan is a known pain16:09
quassel251__ikonia: ping16:26
=== quassel251__ is now known as jussi01
LjLjussi01, ubottu might be gone (or at least seriously lagging) again16:40
LjLalso jussi01, could you err, reset my password for the APT site account?16:41
LjLoh, nevermind the bot thing then i guess16:44
LjLstrangely, i didn't see this one coming16:44
=== ubott2 is now known as ubottu
LjLhubbard just nick collided me16:49
LjL-Hubbardfor the third time - damn server - jussi01, i was saying, could you reset my password on the apt site account? i think i've been smart and picked one that isn't one of my common passwords16:50
stdinLjL-Hubbard: for ssh?16:56
LjLstdin: yeah. i think you changed the fingerprint too?16:56
stdinthe fingerprint changed when the server changed16:57
LjLwell anyway i just don't remember the password. i'm ashamed to say it, but that's how it is.16:57
stdinsee /msg :)16:58
ubottuAPTonCD is a tool with a graphical interface which allows you to create one or more CDs or DVDs with all of the packages you've downloaded via apt-get or aptitude, creating a removable repository that you can use on other computers17:09
ubottuIf you need to download Ubuntu packages using another machine or OS, check the desired packages in Synaptic and select File > Generate package download script. Alternatively, try http://apt.alturl.com/ (now with Intrepid support)17:09
LjL!no offline is <reply> If you need to download Ubuntu packages using another machine or OS, check the desired packages in Synaptic and select File > Generate package download script. Alternatively, try http://apt.alturl.com/ - See also !APTonCD17:09
ubottuI'll remember that LjL17:09
LjL!no aptoncd is <reply> APTonCD is a tool with a graphical interface which allows you to create one or more CDs or DVDs with all of the packages you've downloaded via apt-get or aptitude, creating a removable repository that you can use on other computers - See also !offline17:09
Myrtti how to keep an idiot occupied17:10
LjL¡recursion is <reply> See !recursion17:11
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about recursion17:11
MyrttiI was sure there was one already17:11
ubottusee: !recursion17:11
LjLyou beat me17:12
ubottusee !recursive17:12
LjLmaybe *that* one could be done away with17:12
Myrttithose need to be linked together17:17
Myrttiso !recursion would point to !recursive and vice versa17:17
Myrttithen it would be a proper one17:18
jdong(map (reduce .... 17:18
jussi01Seeker`: ping17:23
shadeslayeruh hi i cant get into #ubuntu17:30
shadeslayeri havent done something wrong have i??17:30
Picishadeslayer: one moment17:32
shadeslayerthank you17:32
jussi01stdin: ping17:32
stdinjussi01: pong17:32
Picibansearch is failing17:32
shadeslayer:) you guys playing ping pong??17:32
stdinhmm "Connection is closed"...17:33
shadeslayermaybe because i have a dynamic IP17:33
jussi01stdin: see Pici's comment17:33
stdin@reload Bantracker17:33
ubottuThe operation succeeded.17:33
PiciLjL: Ping17:33
stdinit'll take a few mins for bansearch to come back17:33
stdinbut the tracker should be up17:33
Picistdin: it worked immediately for me17:33
MyrttiI just used the old login17:34
stdinPici: that's because I get the warnings :)17:34
shadeslayeri have no idea why i was banned tho :)17:34
stdin<ubottu> Warning: still syncing (41)17:34
Picishadeslayer: I've asked the operator that banned you to address the issue.17:34
LjLshadeslayer: you shouldn't be banned at this time17:42
shadeslayerill try17:42
PiciLjL: *!*@
shadeslayerah i have that IP right now i think17:42
LjLPici: oh... was using another nick17:43
shadeslayerairtel my ISP changed my IP today17:43
shadeslayernew username and pass as i was experiencing problems17:43
shadeslayerstill cant get in17:44
LjLshadeslayer: yes, there is a ban indeed17:44
LjLshadeslayer: i don't currently believe you're not the same person who was banned17:45
LjLshadeslayer: it would be an extremely unlikely coincidence.17:45
shadeslayerwell you see my ISP changed my IP and username and pass today17:45
shadeslayeri was experiencing problems yesterday17:45
LjLi've set that ban today.17:46
shadeslayeryeah so they changed it today17:46
shadeslayeri only connected to the net about 2 hours ago17:46
LjLi set that ban today, 1:30 hours ago17:46
shadeslayerso what should i do??17:47
shadeslayercoz i didnt do anything17:47
shadeslayerone sec17:47
LjLshadeslayer: i believe you should refrain from using freenode unaffiliated cloaks in order to evade bans. i believe freenode staff doesn't approve of that practice.17:47
shadeslayerwell i have a cloak since what a month17:48
shadeslayeri dont ever use it evade bans17:48
LjLshadeslayer: you weren't using a cloak when you were urgreat.17:48
LjLshadeslayer: you know who.17:48
shadeslayeruh no17:48
LjLuh yes17:48
shadeslayercome on17:49
shadeslayeri was shadeslayer and was talking to ikonia i think17:49
shadeslayersomeone had problems updating their kernel17:49
shadeslayerOMG does this mean smeone hacked my Wifi??17:50
LjLit means you think you're fooling me but you are not.17:50
shadeslayerone sec call17:51
shadeslayeryeah so what should i do now?? even when i have done nothing??17:54
shadeslayergo away??17:55
LjLshadeslayer: yes, i think you should just go away, because i really think you won't convince me you have done nothing. i have more than enough evidence it's you.17:55
shadeslayerbut it wasnt me !17:56
shadeslayerok ill go away17:56
shadeslayerany idea if i can ever enter again??17:56
LjLshadeslayer: ok, it wasn't you - then you still have *three* complaints logged against "you" ("you" as in "shadeslayer").17:56
LjLthat's more than enough for a ban anyway.17:56
LjLbans will be reviewed.17:56
shadeslayerby whom??17:56
shadeslayerwho complained against me??17:57
shadeslayeri know i was banned from #freenode17:57
LjLby us, and that information is not for disclosure17:57
shadeslayerbut thats it17:57
shadeslayeroh ok17:57
shadeslayerill go17:57
shadeslayerthank you anyways17:57
LjLthere's a mark about him in the bt.17:58
PiciBanned from #freenode... hrm18:02
Garyhe isn't18:02
Garyoh, might have been18:02
LjLGary: note i actually just banforwarded "him" because he had "fuck you" as quit message18:03
LjLif he had just come in with the nickname and IP he used and asked... i'd have unbanned18:04
LjLtalk about self-screwing18:04
=== jussio1 is now known as jussi01
Seeker`jussi01: pong18:39
Picijrib: you banned the wrong person methinks18:43
jribPici: DCEmu_user01 ?18:49
Picijrib: yeah18:49
LjLi'm not sure... as he was just k-lined18:50
* genii sips and dances joyfully18:55
ubottuThe Ubuntu Developer Summit is being held May 25th-29th in Barcelona, Spain. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UDS for more information.19:10
* jussi01 wonders if he will get sponsored...19:12
* Myrtti had an idea about uds, wondering if I should blog19:12
Davieypink ponies?19:14
jussi01pink netbooks for everyone?19:16
Myrttiit's probably a stupid idea19:16
jussi01Myrtti: meh, tell us19:16
Myrttiand I don't know a thing about uds, so it might be impossible to make true19:16
Myrttijussi01, Daviey: http://paste.ubuntu.com/127370/19:17
jussi01Myrtti: kerro minulle!19:17
* Myrtti goes to upload pictures of her dinner19:18
=== Mez_ is now known as Mez
Davieycrikey, not heard of that before19:19
MyrttiMez: no, not really. The only dinnerblog I make is my flickr stream19:29
Myrttiand today has been a day of adventurous cooking. http://www.flickr.com/photos/myrtti/archives/date-posted/2009/03/06/19:29
Myrttiugh. Ubuntu member that hangs out at you know where19:37
nickrudInclusiveness. Priceless19:38
MyrttiI want to see the meeting logs19:39
nickrudlogs? Logs are evil, the inhibit the free flow of insu^wideas19:40
MyrttiI find it a bit rude that he's all "I want my cloak now"19:54
jussi01yeah... bit pushy19:58
jpdsMyrtti: You don't have to look far: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2009/03/06/%23ubuntu-meeting.html20:18
Myrttiyeah I did20:18
Myrttiwaaaay ahead of you20:19
LjLMyrtti: and what's wrong with hanging out you know where? we've all been encouraged to in the ubuntu newsletter!20:36
MyrttiLjL: nothing wrong, his a bit pushy attitude just caught my eye20:37
* Myrtti hides and shuts up20:38
* genii hides and sips20:54
ubottuPor favor, use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado.20:59
jpdsWe need to add a note about English only to that.21:00
LjLjpds: if they don't want to understand they should go to the relevant channel, they just won't21:03
LjLanyway, you can ask jrib21:03
LjLMyrtti: so why aren't you in there? it is doing a bang up job acting as a bridge for people outside of our Ubuntu community. be sure to drop in and say hello. You'll be glad you did.21:05
PiciWhich channel aren't we talking about?21:06
LjLPici: ooooh... it's...21:06
LjLPici: the name escapes me21:06
MyrttiLjL: I've got plenty of IRC channels to ignore as of now already, thanks.21:08
Amaranthjannis needs to push more often21:26
Amaranthwhoops, wrong channel21:26
LjLMyrtti: but it has grown to over 100 members! and they were the #1 team, among all teams, that participated in Global Bug Jam 200821:28
MyrttiLjL: as I also suspect that ASUS-tek and couple of other creepy people are there, I'd rather chew my arm off than join21:43
LjLMyrtti: chewing your arm actually helps the community!21:45
MyrttiLjL: I'm *NOT* going to join a channel full of (potential) cyberstalkers.21:45
MyrttiI've got enough of them already21:46
Garycool, me too21:47
GaryI <3 my stalkers21:47
pleia2Myrtti: wise choice, I left after a particularly frustrating and very sexist incident21:47
Garywhat channel is sexist?21:47
pleia2I wouldn't say "they are sexist" but I'm referring to ##club-ubuntu21:48
pleia2they just don't adhere very closely to the CoC21:49
Myrttiif at all21:49
Garyoh dear, I ain't joining21:49
* pleia2 was trying to be generous :)21:50
pleia2it's run by a woman, but she's the thick-skinned type who doesn't care if people are offensive21:50
* pleia2 shrugs21:50
pleia2some people like that :) I just avoid it21:51
Garycan I "no comment" ?21:52
LjLGary: no, you're bound to comment now. you were the one triggering an explicit mention in the channel name to begin with.21:55
Garyyeah, sorry, wish I had not, it gave me a headache last year21:55
MyrttiI wish I had been quiet as well21:59
LjLMyrtti: but being quiet doesn't help the community! you must SPREAD THE WORD!22:00
LjLMyrtti: also, you can mute me if you like22:01
Myrttiwhy would I mute you, you run/code the floodbots and actually do something useful and contribute to the community, while I make poor decisions and my logic in channel management has been questioned with my capability of handling stress and difficult discussions...22:03
* Myrtti goes to knit22:04
LjLit's the coffee, i'm sure22:04
pleia2oh, my bad :)22:05
* Gary hugs Myrtti 22:05
* nickrud sends deep dark chocolate and high grade coffee and premier liquors in Myrtii's direction, along with a few choice obscenities for later application in appropriate situations22:41
nickrudoh, it fell out of the package: a sharpener for that furry/fuzzy pencil of doom thing23:03
bazhangwondering about shadeslayer; there is sometimes a user in #debian named sh4d3s1ay3R (or quite similar) who has often discussed trolling #ubuntu channels, how bad Ubuntu is, etc. still need to find the IP address and exact nick23:21
jussi01he seems ok'ish in #k most of the time...23:22
jussi01Gary: you around?23:22
LjLbazhang: you see the stuff about shadeslayer ealier here i guess?23:22
bazhangLjL, yes, and held back at earlier behaviour in #ubuntu (when he was simply shadeslayer) as it was borderline seeking help, but a bit dodgy23:23
LjLbazhang: quite borderline yes, just about what a troll who knows his stuff should be23:24
bazhangstuff like how do I make my LED lights act as a signal for email received or something similar, how do I completely underclock my video card automatically via software controls in ubuntu, and the like23:25
bazhangLjL, good point23:25
LjLmy logs from #debian have a big gap, but i'll check them too anyway23:25
bazhangreminded me of psufan wanting to install ubuntu to replace car management system via midi port in bmw23:26
bazhangpretended not to speak English well, be not bright, then was banned in #ubuntu and u-ot; saw him doing exact same in #debian and when called on it he had perfect syntax in cussing me out23:27
LjLbazhang: it's probably him, ip subnet mostly matches23:28
LjLsh4d3sl4y3r (with or without a trailing underscore) is the nick23:29
bazhangLjL, okay; got the info from a long-time ubuntu user who is very well trusted/helpful, then checked myself and saw the same user there23:29
LjL@mark sh4d3sl4y3r shadeslayer23:30
ubottuThe operation succeeded.23:30

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